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USNO Double Star Catalogs: Notes                                                                       
00000-1930 LTT 9831    Hipparcos astrometric solution assumed circular orbit (e = omega = 0)   HIP1997d
00002+0146 WEI  45     HWE 64 is certainly identical with Weisse 45 = ADS 17156. Howe misread  .       
                       the sign of the declination. This was already stated in Cin. Pub v 6,   .       
                       nos 748 and 749, and the mean of the two measures is given in the mean  .       
                       results, assigned to Weisse 45. Nevertheless the pair was given         .       
                       separately in the BDS and 12692 and taken over as ADS 17168. ADS 17156  .       
                       is misidentified. It is BD+00 5079 (9.1), 9.5, G0, with the position    .       
                       for 1900 (1950) as 23 55.1 (57.6) +01 13 (30).                          B__1950c
00003+1642 HJ  318     A component is PPM 116047. In Tycho catalog magnitude of A is 9.46; in  .       
                       Guide Star Catalogue B is GSC 1178 1031 with magnitude 12.77. Spectral  .       
                       types are K for A component, G5-K0 for B component. Annual proper       .       
                       motion for B: AR= -0.013" and DEC=-0.0005"                              FMR1999c
00006-5238 FIN 294     Spectrum: K1/2III+A/F.                                                  .       
00008+0630 GWP   2     XMI 101.                                                                Tob2012b
00011+6935 STTA253     B is BD+68 1417.                                                        .       
00011-2326 LDS2070     B is CD-24 17944.                                                       .       
00012-0005 TOK 359     Long-period SB.                                                         Tok2013b
00012-0312 LDS9082     Old LDS6082.                                                            .       
00013+6021 STTA254     A is the semiregular variable WZ Cas.                                   .       
00013+0742 DU    4     HJL 325.                                                                HJL1986 
00013-7012 GLI 290     B is CPD-70 3035.                                                       .       
00014+3937 HLD  60     See Baize & Petit (1989) catalog of doubles with variable component.    Baz1989d
                       Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and spectroscopic   .       
                       masses of 1.67 +/- 0.29, 1.79, and 1.65 Msun, respectively.             Mlk2012 
00016+6437 MLR  79     Misidentified by Muller as BD +63 2093.                                 .       
00016+3714 ES 2444     Aka ALI 472.                                                            .       
00018-0322 LDS9083     Old LDS6083.                                                            .       
00018-2548 B   630     Measures uncertain, too close.                                          .       
                       G266-029. Not resolved in our images                                    Oso2004 
                       HIP 146. See Allen et al. (2000) for information on metallicity,        AlC2000 
                       age, galactic orbital parameters, etc.                                  .       
00019-0952 LDS5157     NLTT 58812/58813                                                        Chm2004 
00020+4530 J   864     BRT 1164.                                                               .       
                       -22s and +2.4' from BD+44 4541.                                         J__1955 
                       AC: CPM pair.                                                           J__1955 
00022+5958 BU 1337     STI 1256.                                                               .       
00022+2705 BU  733     85 Peg. Spectral types and masses of primary and secondary assigned by  .       
                       ten Brummelaar et al., based on adaptive optics observations.           TtB2000 
                       AB: Additional notes may be found in Baize (1945).                      Baz1945b
                       AB: Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and             .       
                       spectroscopic masses 1.49 +/- 0.81, 1.58, and 1.56 Msun, respectively.  Mlk2012 
                       Soderhjelm notes poor Hipparcos solution.                               Sod1999 
                       A third star has been detected by infrared speckle interferometry.      Mcy1983 
                       HIP 171. See Allen et al. (2000) for information on metallicity,        AlC2000 
                       age, galactic orbital parameters, etc.                                  .       
                       AC and AD: Optical pairs, based on study of relative motion of the      .       
                       components using the method of apparent motion parameters.              Kiy2008 
                       AC and AD: Additional notes may be found in Burnham (1894).             Bu_1894 
                       AD: Rectilinear solution by Friedman et al. (2011).                     USN2011a
00023+1609 BPM   1     [PM2000]    1692 + [PM2000]    1685.                                    Gvr2010 
00023+0732 LDS9084     Old LDS6084.                                                            .       
00023-2943 B   631     zet Scl. The companion is very faint and not accurately measured. A     .       
                       is a spectroscopic binary.                                              .       
00024+1429 GWP   4     XMI 102.                                                                Tob2012b
00024+1047 BGH   1     AB,C: HJL 326.                                                          HJL1986 
                       AB,C: SHY 377. Bayesian analysis by Shaya & Olling (2011) indicates     Shy2011 
                       very high (near 100%) probability pair is physical.                     .       
00025-0826 LDS5255     NLTT 2/3                                                                Chm2004 
00026+6606 STF3053     B is BD+65@1988.                                                        .       
00026+1841 SHY 378     AB: HIP    201 + HIP    206.                                            .       
00028+1647 BPM   2     [PM2000]    2010 + [PM2000]    1993.                                    Gvr2010 
00028+0208 HJ  998     AC: Optical pair, based on study of relative motion of the components   .       
                       using the method of apparent motion parameters.                         Kiy2008 
                       AC: Rectilinear solution by Friedman et al. (2012).                     USN2012a
00031+0816 STF3054     B component is eclipsing binary of Algol-type, period 2.2604 d.         Zas2012 
00032+4508 HJ 1927     Unless the separation has decreased greatly, the measures given in the  .       
                       ADS would seme to refer to the nearby pair ADS 108.                     B__1963b
00032+3315 ES 2400     Pair long unconfirmed due to 1m error in published epoch-1900           .       
                       coordinates (thanks to Rafael Caballero, private communication)         .       
00034+1839 GWP   6     XMI 103.                                                                Tob2012b
00034-2430 LDS2076     NLTT 53/54                                                              Chm2004 
00037+1851 GWP   7     XMI 104.                                                                Tob2012b
00037+1134 BPM   3     [PM2000]    2710 + [PM2000]    2680.                                    Gvr2010 
00037-2824 CRZ   1     BDK   1. G 266-33 + 2MASS J00034227-2822410. Distance 39.5 +1.8/-1.6    .       
                       pc for primary, 26 +/- 3 pc for secondary. Estimated age of system      .       
                       0.9-1.4 Gyr. Mass of secondary estimated at 0.100-0.103 Msun.           Fah2010 
00038-1317 XMI   1     Rectilinear solution by Hurowitz et al. (2013).                         USN2013a
00042+6217 H 5  79     9 Cas.                                                                  .       
00042-1008 LDS3116     NLTT 86/84                                                              Chm2004 
00044+5804 OSO   1     G217-030. No common proper motion pairs, based on comparison with       .       
                       POSS2 red plates                                                        Oso2004 
00045+0045 GWP  10     XMI 106.                                                                Tob2012b
00045+1851 GWP   9     XMI 105.                                                                Tob2012b
00046+4206 CHR 122     B is a spectroscopic binary. Hence the system is quadruple.             .       
00046-4044 GKI   2     Ba,Bb. GJ 1001BC = LHS 102BC. Spectral types L4.5 and L4.5              Red2006b
00046-7745 LDS 832     Aka TVB  18.                                                            .       
00047+3416 STF3056     AB is an orbit pair, and D is an unresolved spectroscopic pair (P=68d)  Tok2019b
                       so this is a 2+2 hierarchical multiple. C is optical.                   .       
00049+5832 STF3057     Called a two-spectrum SB in the Bright Star Catalog Supplement.         .       
                       H 1  39.                                                                MEv2010 
00049-1320 GAL 295     Object #1 in Gallo's original list.                                     Gal1912a
00050+0835 GWP  11     XMI 107.                                                                Tob2012b
00051+6323 HJ 1933     STI 1265.                                                               .       
00052+4514 ES 9001     Previously known as ES 1293a.                                           .       
           BU 9001     Previously known as BU  997a.                                           .       
00053-0542 33 Psc      Hipparcos astrometric solution adopted some elements from the orbit of  HIP1997d
                       Harper (1926).                                                          Hrp1926 
00054+1620 STTA255     B is BD+15@4934.                                                        .       
00054-2559 LDS3119     NLTT 158/159                                                            Chm2004 
00055+3406 HU 1201     A possible close approach about 1980.                                   .       
                       AB: Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and             .       
                       spectroscopic masses 1.09 +/- 0.63, 2.52, and 1.10 Msun, respectively.  Mlk2012 
00056-0141 LDS3012     NLTT 176/175                                                            Chm2004 
00057+4549 STT 547     Premature orbits have been computed. Motion direct.                     .       
                       Both A and B have variable RV (ranges 45 and 25 km/s, respectively).    .       
                       Another star (9.9, 330") has common proper motion.                      .       
                       AB: Bolometric corrections and component masses determined from         .       
                       M-L relation. A family of possible orbits were determined by Kiyaeva    Kiy2001 
                       (2001) for the F component relative to AB pair (Note: only the          .       
                       shortest-period solution is presented in orbit catalog.)                .       
                       AB: NLTT 172/173                                                        Chm2004 
                       AD and AE: Optical pairs, based on study of relative motion of the      .       
                       components using the method of apparent motion parameters.              Kiy2008 
                       AF: HIP    473 + HIP    428.                                            .       
                       AC and AD: Rectilinear solution by Pavlovic et al. (2013).              Pal2013 
00057+4549 POP 217     AP: Rectilinear solution by Cvetkovic (2011).                           Cve2011d
00057+0626 BFR   1     NLTT 182 + 2MASS J00054171+0626300. Baron et al. (2015) estimate        .       
                       spectral types M4.5 +/- 0.5 and L0 +/- 1, distances 62 +38/-23 and      .       
                       69 +5/-22 pc, masses 0.157-0.181 and 0.079-0.085 Msun.                  BFr2015 
00059+1805 STF3060     AC: Optical pair, based on study of relative motion of the components   .       
                       using the method of apparent motion parameters.                         Kiy2008 
                       Aka J  3330.                                                            .       
           HD    108   Hutchings (1975 ApJ 200, 122) presented a preliminary orbit with a      .       
                       period of 4.6d, but subsequent  work has cast doubt on the reality of   .       
                       the orbit (Underhill 1994 ApJ 420, 869).                                Msn1998a
           LEP   1     AD: HJL1001.                                                            HJL1986 
                       AD: SHY 112. Bayesian analysis by Shaya & Olling (2011) indicates very  Shy2011 
                       high (near 100%) probability pair is physical.                          .       
                       AD: the visual binary at 573" is co-moving, same parallax. The D        .       
                       component is ~1.3m below the main sequence in the (K, V-K) color-       .       
                       magnitude diagram.                                                      Tok2012a
00063+5826 STF3062     One component, designated V640                                          .       
                       Cas, is variable, probably due to partial eclipses. P = 1.08 d.         .       
                       See Baize & Petit (1989) catalog of doubles with variable component.    Baz1989d
                       Secondary is SB, P=47.685d                                              Tok2014d
00063-4905 HDO 180     A is a spectroscopic binary.                                            .       
                       Primary is planet host star, P=339d. B comp is LHS 1021. Pair bound.    .       
                       Photometry suggests companion K8.5-M1.5 with mass 0.59 +/- 0.02 Msun.   Egn2007 
00064+4501 UC  320     Aka BVD 170.                                                            Skf2013 
00066+2901 STT 549     AB: Optical pair, based on study of relative motion of the components   .       
                       using the method of apparent motion parameters.                         Kiy2008 
           ENG   1     A,CD: Optical pair, based on study of relative motion of the            .       
                       components using the method of apparent motion parameters.              Kiy2008 
           LAF   1     CHARA Array Limb-darkened diameter of A :                               CIA2013c
                       R =  0.9172 +/- 0.0090 \rsun, L =   0.6078 +/-0.0090 \lsun,             .       
                       Teff = 5327 +/-  39 K, M = 0.889 \msun, Age = 9.6 Gyr.                  .       
           BU 1338     CD: J 866.                                                              .       
00066+1554 GWP  12     XMI 108.                                                                Tob2012b
                       Aka GRV1158 with quadrant flip.                                         .       
00067-0706 JNN  11     Estimated age 1000-10000 Myr; masses 0.35 +/- 0.09 and 0.21 +/- 0.05    .       
                       Msun; a ~5.6 au.                                                        Jnn2014 
00068-2106 RSS  41     CPD-21@1                                                                .       
00068-0853 BUG  15     Burgasser et al. (2012) determine that the pair comprised of LP 704-48  .       
                       and SDSS J000649.16-085246.3 share cpm, at a projected separation of    .       
                       820 +/- 120 au, based on a derived distance 30 +/- 3pc. Spectral type   .       
                       of the primary is M7. From near-IR spectroscopy they determine the      .       
                       secondary is SB, orbital period 147.6 +/- 1.5d, e = 0.10 +/- 0.07;      .       
                       spectral types of Ba and Bb are M8.5 +/- 0.5 and T5 +/- 1. Estimated    .       
                       ages of A and B are >8 and >3-4 Gyr; masses 0.092 Msun for A,           .       
                       0.082-0.083 and 0.049-0.064 Msun for the M8.5 and T5 stars.             Bug2012 
                       NLTT 251 + 2MASS J00064916-0852457. Baron et al. (2015) estimate        .       
                       spectral types M6.0 +/- 0.5 and M9.0 +/- 0.5, distances 25 +7/-11 and   .       
                       37 +5/-11 pc, masses 0.102-0.133 and 0.079-0.085 Msun.                  BFr2015 
00070+0303 GWP  14     XMI 109.                                                                Tob2012b
00071+6309 MLR 105     No significant movement since first resolution.                         Drd2009 
00073+2058 HDS  12     Rectilinear solution by Hartkopf & Mason (2013).                        Hrt2013b
00074-2936 LDS2088     NLTT 296/295                                                            Chm2004 
00076+4009 STF3064     Taken to be the same as H 4  69 (= H IV 69). With error of 1deg in      .       
                       declination it would be the same as STF 3064 rej.                       .       
                       BDS 8.                                                                  .       
                       Optical pair, based on study of relative motion of the components       .       
                       using the method of apparent motion parameters.                         Kiy2008 
                       Rectilinear solution by Hurowitz et al. (2013).                         USN2013a
00076-2718 LDS2089     NLTT 307/308                                                            Chm2004 
00077+6022 JNN 247     G 217-32. Estimated age 35-300 Myr; masses 0.17 +/- 0.07 and 0.12 +/-   .       
                       0.06 Msun; a ~9.8 au.                                                   Jnn2014 
00078+5723 HJ 3241     HJ 1935.                                                                .       
00079+0317 J   301     BAL 1606.                                                               .       
00079-2727 LDS   5     Also known as CHM   1. WDS designation in error, apparently due to      .       
                       confusion between CD-28 11 and CPD-28 11.                               .       
00079-3005 LDS2092     NLTT 319/320                                                            Chm2004 
00080+3123 STTA256     B is BD+30@3.                                                           .       
00081+3240 HJ  610     SEI   2.                                                                Nsn2017a
00082+6217 HJ 1936     Optical pair, since relative motion reflects the proper motion of       .       
                       component A relative to B to high accuracy.                             Kiy2012 
00082+5933 STI   8     AB: 00083+5934SMA   3                                                   .       
00082+0937 LDS9085     Old LDS6085.                                                            .       
00083+1329 GWP  17     XMI 110.                                                                Tob2012b
00084+2905 H 5  32     21 And = alp And = Alpheratz                                            .       
                       AB: H V 32. STFB 15. A is spectroscopic binary, P = 96.7d.              .       
                       AB: Optical pair, based on study of relative motion of the              .       
                       components using the method of apparent motion parameters.              Kiy2008 
           MKT  11     Aa,Ab: Separations and magnitude differences derived by model fitting   .       
                       to calibrated squared visibilities, using measurements with the Mark    .       
                       III interferometer. Spectroscopic and photometric data are combined     .       
                       with astrometry from the Mark III interferometer to derive orbital      .       
                       elements for the SB1 by Pan et al.                                      MkT1992a
                       Pourbaix gives combined solution for this resolved SB2, yielding        .       
                       orbital parallaxes and component masses.                                Pbx2000b
                       Hipparcos astrometric solution adopted some elements from the orbit of  HIP1997d
                       Pan et al. (1992).                                                      MkT1992a
                       Aa,Ab: Orbit determined by fitting revised Hipparcos intermediate       .       
                       astrometric data. Derived component masses are 4.05 +/- 0.50 and        .       
                       1.71 +/- 0.20 Msun.                                                     Ren2010 
                       Aa,Ab: Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and          .       
                       spectroscopic masses 5.19 +/- 0.18, 4.10, and 3.09 Msun, respectively.  Mlk2012 
                       Aa,Ab: Docobo et al. (2014) use the spectroscopic elements of Pourbaix  .       
                       (2000), together with speckle data and the Hipparcos parallax, to       Pbx2000b
                       derive the remaining orbital elements. The resulting masses are         .       
                       3.84 +/- 0.29 and 1.63 +/- 0.26 Msun.                                   Doc2014h
00085+3456 HDS  17     Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and spectroscopic   .       
                       masses of 2.78 +/- 0.89, 2.67, and 1.10 Msun, respectively.             Mlk2012 
                       A(B) Teff = 6100+/-50(5940+/-50) K, R = 1.93+/-0.20(1.83+/-0.20) \rsun, AlW2014b
                       L = 4.63+/-0.80(3.74+/-0.70) \lsun, M = 1.35(1.25) \msun.               .       
                       Sp = F8.5IV(G0IV).                                                      .       
00085-7134 HLN  18     Also known as TDS1309.                                                  .       
00085-0419 GWP  19     AB and BC were originally listed as the triple 00086-0418; now are      .       
                       merged with GWP 18 at the correct WDS designation.                      .       
00087+5006 ES  443     Identical to ES 744.                                                    .       
00088+8647 NLTT 324    Ren & Fu (2013) calculated an astrometric orbit, combining Hipparcos    .       
                       Intermediate Astrometric Data with spectroscopic elements by Latham     .       
                       et al. (2002). They derived component masses 1.06 and 0.59 Msun and an  Lat2002 
                       estimated semimajor axis of 7.00 mas.                                   Ren2013 
00088+0801 HDO   2     Optical pair, based on study of relative motion of the components       .       
                       using the method of apparent motion parameters.                         Kiy2008 
                       Rectilinear solution by Friedman et al. (2012).                         USN2012a
00089+3257 SEI   1     Neither component seen on POSS plate; may be flaws on AC Potsdam plate  .       
00089+2050 BEU   1     GJ 3010. Estimated age 30-300 Myr; masses 0.20 +/- 0.09 and 0.11 +/-    .       
                       0.06 Msun; a ~2.0 au.                                                   Jnn2014 
00090+2738 GIC   1     AB = G130-046/G130-045.                                                 .       
00090-5400 HDO 181     Spectroscopic binary.                                                   .       
                       Quoted errors in P and a are +116/-40y, +0".20/-0".06, respectively.    Ary2002b
00092+5909 AGC  15     bet Cas = 11 Cas = Caph                                                 .       
                       The primary is a Delta Scuti-type variable.                             .       
                       Spectroscopic binary, P = 27 d.                                         .       
                       AB: Optical pair, based on study of relative motion of the components   .       
                       using the method of apparent motion parameters.                         Kiy2008 
                       NPOI Limb-darkened diameter 2.103 +/- 0.015 mas, Sp = F2III,            NOI2018 
                       R = 3.79 +/- 0.04 \rsun, Teff = 6739 +/- 88 K, L = 26.8 +/- 1.4 \lsun,  .       
                       M = 2.02 +/- 0.03 \msun, Age = 1.00 +/- 0.05 Gyr.                       .       
00092-3035 LDS2093     NLTT 410/401                                                            Chm2004 
00093+7943 STF   2     Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and spectroscopic   .       
                       masses of 3.97 +/- 2.24, 3.22, and 2.02 Msun, respectively.             Mlk2012 
00093+5324 FYM   4     The EF pair reported by Fay (2013) is not seen in Aladin; probably an   FyM2013d
                       erroneous identification of their CG pair.                              .       
           BVD  11     CD: Originally listed as separate pair (00096+5325), aka FYM 4CD.       .       
00093+2517 GIC   2     LDS 859 = G130-048/G130-047.                                            .       
                       HIP 754. See Allen et al. (2000) for information on metallicity,        AlC2000 
                       age, galactic orbital parameters, etc.                                  .       
                       A companion is a close astrometric binary.                              HIP1997d
                       AB: Primary is SB2, P=463.250d                                          Tok2014d
                       Spectroscopic orbit P=463.44d and radial velocity of B consistent       Grf2015b
                       with physicality.                                                       .       
00094+6357 BUP   1     V641 Cas, a VV Cep-type system.                                         .       
00094+4819 LDS3128     NLTT 412/405                                                            Chm2004 
00094+1415 CHE   1     Due to poor published coordinates, identification with the coordinates  .       
                       in the WDS is uncertain. Chevalier's measure does not agree well with   Che1910 
                       others for this pair.                                                   Hrt2012b
00094-2759 BU  391     kap 1 Scl                                                               .       
00096+3826 PTT   1     This appears to be the same as ALI 473. PTT position 00 10.0 +38 23.    .       
00096+0148 GWP  22     XMI 113.                                                                Tob2012b
00096+1047 GWP  21     XMI 112.                                                                Tob2012b
00096+1052 GWP  20     XMI 111.                                                                Tob2012b
00097+3107 GIC   3     G130-050/G130-049.                                                      .       
                       NLTT 433/431                                                            Chm2004 
00100+4623 STF   3     A small star in field: 1831.33 133.0@ 4.57"; Possibly an illusion.      Bu_1906 
                       H 2  83.                                                                MEv2010 
                       Primary is V342 And, an Algol-type eclipsing binary, P = 2.63934d.      Zas2012 
00100+1109 STF   5     34 Psc.                                                                 .       
00101+5847 STI1287     SMA.                                                                    .       
                       Daley (Dal2002c) finds a large B-V for the secondary of 1.52.           .       
00101+3825 HDS  23     Da,Db: Cvetkovic et al. (2014) derive spectral types K3 and  K4,        .       
                       masses 0.79 and 0.72 Msun. Dynamical parallax is 11.42 +/- 0.70 mas.    Cve2014 
00103+7231 HJ 1941     See note to 00138+7233BUP   2.                                          .       
00104+5831 BU  253     Ba,Bb: Rectilinear solution by Rica & Zirm (2012).                      FMR2012i
00104+4952 ES 2576     B is BD+49@17.                                                          .       
00105+1716 ALP   1     2MASSI J0010325+171549                                                  .       
                       Physical companionship to this ultracool dwarf ruled out based on I-J   .       
                       color, using I-band photometry taken at WIYN in August 2002.            AlP2007 
00106-7313 I    43     There is a long gap (1931-1977) in the observations.                    .       
00107+5453 WOR  37     SX Cas, an eclipsing and spectroscopic binary, P = 36.6d.               .       
                       Spectral types A6shell and K3III.                                       .       
00108+5846 BU  485     Ca,Cb: Rectilinear solution by Rica & Zirm (2012).                      FMR2012i
00108-5729 HJ 3350     Primary is BL Phe, a Beta Lyr type eclipsing binary, P = 0.81035d.      Zas2012 
00109+4807 LEP   2     NI    1.                                                                .       
00109+1705 GWP  24     XMI 114.                                                                Tob2012b
00110+0058 SKF1821     Initial WDS designation (00110+0913) garbled - dec portion copied from  .       
00111+5755 HJ 1003     STI 1291.                                                               .       
00112+4933 ES 2577     B is BD+48@28.                                                          .       
00113+1435 LDS1072     NLTT 521/522                                                            Chm2004 
00113+0625 GWP  27     XMI 115.                                                                Tob2012b
00113-2045 LDS   1     G266-060. See Allen et al. (2000) for information on metallicity,       AlC2000 
                       age, galactic orbital parameters, etc.                                  .       
                       NLTT 525/526                                                            Chm2004 
00114+5850 SKW   1     Aa,Ab. Primary of the Herbig Ae/Be pair LkHa 198. A family of possible  SKW2005 
                       orbits are calculated, based on various choices for initial parameters  .       
                       (luminosities, component masses, etc.). Neither a" nor T0 was           .       
                       provided. a" was calculated from other published parameters and T0 was  .       
                       determined by trial and error with comparison to their Figure 3.        .       
00116-0305 STF   8     H 2  55.                                                                MEv2010 
00116-2748 LDS2099     kap 2 Scl                                                               .       
00117+0323 FMR  29     aka UC  332.                                                            .       
00121+5337 BU 1026     AB: Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and             .       
                       spectroscopic masses 6.13 +/- 1.26, 3.41, and 3.01 Msun, respectively.  Mlk2012 
           CHR   1     AC: Rapid motion, particularly in separation.                           .       
00121+3327 GII  13     Aka ITF  31.                                                            .       
00122+4647 A   802     Not seen 1950-1976. Possibly a whole revolution.                        .       
00125+1434 LN Peg      Hipparcos astrometric solution assumed circular orbit (e = omega = 0)   HIP1997d
00126+2143 LDS 861     NLTT 589/592                                                            Chm2004 
00126+1118 BPM   4     [PM2000]    8713 + [PM2000]    8668.                                    Gvr2010 
00130+0257 A  2001     Apparent motion in a highly-inclined orbit.                             .       
00132+1511 BUP   3     gam Peg = 88 Peg = Algenib                                              .       
                       Beta CMa variable and spectroscopic binary.                             .       
00132+0536 PLQ   3     Possibly same star as HDO   5 (Doolittle).                              .       
00132-1711 HJ 1944     B is BD-17@16.                                                          .       
00133+6919 KUI   1     AB: Nechville 6.                                                        .       
           JNN 248     BC: GJ 11 B. Estimated age 1000-10000 Myr; masses 0.38 +/- 0.10 and     .       
                       0.26 +/- 0.06 Msun; a ~17.2 au.                                         Jnn2014 
00134+3859 BRT2196     ALI 718, J 2709.                                                        .       
00134+3801 ES 2445     ALI 474.                                                                .       
00134+2659 STT   2     Hipparcos parallax of 0".00808 yields a mass sum of 1.9 Msun,           .       
                       slightly underestimated for a double star of spectral type F8V.         .       
                       Dynamic parallax is 0".0053, considerably different from the            .       
                       measured one.                                                           Sca2000b
                       AB: Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and             .       
                       spectroscopic masses 3.36 +/- 1.29, 4.23, and 1.10 Msun, respectively.  Mlk2012 
                       Star C (mag. 10.37, 18") is physical, according to Le Beau.             LBu1990c
00135-0009 HJ  618     BAL 641 = LDS   4.                                                      .       
00136+1356 LDS1073     LDS6086 = LDS9086.                                                      .       
00137+7702 MLR 283     Aka TDS1350.                                                            .       
00137+4934 STF   9     B is BD+48@42.                                                          .       
00137+1537 BPM   5     [PM2000]    9457 + [PM2000]    9535.                                    Gvr2010 
00138+7233 BUP   2     Misinterpretation of a note in Bu_1913 resulted in these three BUP      .       
                       components being associated with 00103+7231HJ 1941, when all three      .       
                       were actually measured relative to a planetary nebula (NGC 40) about    .       
                       3m following the HJ pair. Since one BUP component was also the primary  .       
                       of the MLR 282 triple system, the BUP component designations were       .       
                       changed to become part of the MLR multiple. The planetary nebula is     .       
                       now the D component in this system.                                     .       
00138+3612 BU 1341     AC: This is a measure of A and BD+35@27.                                .       
00138+0812 TOK 360     Likely triple system.                                                   Tok2013b
                       Primary is unresolved Hipparcos acceleration solution (G-code) binary.  Tok2014d
00138-7442 HJ 3353     Optical pair, based on study of relative motion of the components       .       
                       using the method of apparent motion parameters.                         Kiy2008 
                       Rectilinear solution by Hurowitz et al. (2013).                         USN2013a
00139+6323 BU 1309     AB: The star is 63@703-62@1909 in Vat. Astrog. Cat. (Van Biesbroeck).   VBs1954 
                       AD: D is 63@656-62@1910.                                                .       
00139+1518 LDS1074     NLTT 667/666                                                            Chm2004 
00139-0429 LDS9087     Old LDS6087.                                                            .       
00140+2837 BRT 117     MLB 554.                                                                .       
00140-1815 BFR   2     NLTT 687 + 2MASS J00135882-1816462. Baron et al. (2015) estimate        .       
                       spectral types M3.0 +/- 0.5 and L1.0 +/- 0.5, distances 42 +26/-16 and  .       
                       83 +7/-27 pc, masses 0.389-0.412 and 0.072-0.078 Msun.                  BFr2015 
00141+7601 STTA  1     B is BD+75@5.                                                           .       
00141+3957 ES 2544     ALI 1008.                                                               .       
00142-0712 MSH   1     Meshkat et al (2015) resolved a faint companion to HD 984. They derive  .       
                       a system age in the range 30-200 Myr. Teff for the primary is 6315 +/-  .       
                       89K; temperature for the secondary is 2777 +127/-130K or 2900 +/- 200K, .       
                       depending on adopted scale and synthetic spectra. Spectral types are    .       
                       F7V and M6.0 +/- 0.5. Primary mass is 1.20 +/- 0.06 Msun; secondary     .       
                       mass estimates range from 74 - 90 Mjup, depending on adopted models.    Msh2015 
00143-0535 OSO   2     G031-036. Not a common proper motion pair, based on comparison with     .       
                       POSS2 red plates                                                        Oso2004 
00144+3609 LDS3140     NLTT 703/704                                                            Chm2004 
00144+1643 BPM   6     [PM2000]    9941 + [PM2000]    9955.                                    Gvr2010 
00144-1424 GAL 296     Object #7 in Gallo's original list.                                     Gal1912a
00145-0747 BU  486     Irregular variable, AD Cet.                                             .       
00148-2859 RSS   1     This previously uncataloged double star was a Hipparcos double entry    .       
                       system.  The first measure is determined from the individual positions  .       
                       listed by Rousseau et al.                                               Rss1996 
00150+0849 STF  12     35 Psc. A is an Algol-type system, UU Psc, P = 0.84d. Also known as     .       
                       CHE   2.                                                                .       
                       HJL   2.                                                                HJL1986 
                       H 3  62.                                                                MEv2010 
00150-7251 BRG   1     The AstraLux PSF was strongly asymmetric for this target, hence in      .       
                       addition to the usual PSF fitting, we also performed a customized       .       
                       aperture photometry scheme in order to ensure that the PSF fitting did  .       
                       not provide a biased result (see paper for details). We adopt the       .       
                       aperture photometry values for the differential photometry, and let     .       
                       the errors be represented by the scatter between PSF fitting results    .       
                       and the aperture photometry. Note that the photometry values presented  Brg2010 
                       here should replace those in Bergfors et al. (2010).                    Jnn2012 
00152+5947 FYM 153     Purported AJ pair removed on request of author.                         FyM2014b
00152+3642 LDS3144     pa error = 359 deg.                                                     RAO2020b
00152+2722 J   868     Rectilinear solution by Rica (2014).                                    FMR2014f
                       Due to the very different parallax in Gaia DR2 for the two components   Cve2019b
                       the orbital solution of Novakovic (2007) is no longer plausible and the Nov2007b
                       linear solution is preferred. The orbit solution is retained in ORB6.   .       
00152+2717 KUI   2     A is a spectroscopic binary.                                            .       
00152+2722 J   868     Despite having an orbit, this pair determined to be optical.            FMR2014d
00152+2454 GIC   4     G130-059/G130-060.                                                      .       
00153+5304 GIC   5     G217-041/G217-040.                                                      .       
                       NLTT 739/738                                                            Chm2004 
00153+4412 A  1256     AB: Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and             .       
                       spectroscopic masses 6.79 +/- 3.58, 5.77, and 2.82 Msun, respectively.  Mlk2012 
                       Primary is the Algol-type eclipsing binary V348 And.                    Zas2009 
                       The A component is a close 27.7-d eclipsing pair, so the pair is at     Zas2019b
                       least triple. Based on proper motion C and D are likely optical.        .       
00153+1630 BPM   7     [PM2000]   10539 + [PM2000]   10566.                                    Gvr2010 
00153+0936 GWP  30     XMI 116.                                                                Tob2012b
00153-4006 WG    2     B is CPD-40@14.                                                         .       
00154-1134 GAL 297     00153-1133SLE 251. Object #9 in Gallo's original list.                  Gal1912a
00155-1608 HEI 299     L722-22. Astrometric binary now resolved.                               .       
                       Too poor astrometric orbit (Innes 1998) and too few resolved            Inn1988 
                       observations (cf. Heintz 1990) to give definite orbit. Present          Hei1990a
                       solution at least preferable to `X' HIP solution.                       .       
                       Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and spectroscopic   .       
                       masses of 0.17 +/- 0.02, 0.39, and 0.50 Msun, respectively.             Mlk2012 
00157+3516 ALP   2     2MASSW J0015447+351603                                                  .       
                       Physical companionship to this ultracool dwarf ruled out based on I-J   .       
                       color, using I-band photometry taken at WIYN in August 2002.            AlP2007 
00159-0853 SHY 381     HIP   1266 + HIP    118.                                                .       
00160+0415 NLS   1     Nielsen et al. (2012) discovered two low-mass companions to the young   .       
                       A0V star HD 1160. The B component is thought to be a brown dwarf,       .       
                       mass 33 +12/-9 Mjup. The C component is of spectral type M3.5 +/- 0.5,  .       
                       with estimated mass 0.22 +0.03/-0.04 Msun. The age of the system is     .       
                       roughly 50 +50/-40 Myr.                                                 Nls2012 
00161+0902 GWP  32     XMI 117.                                                                Tob2012b
00162+7657 STF  13     A premature orbit has been calculated.                                  .       
00162+1903 J   217     Measures scattered.                                                     .       
                       Additional notes may be found in Couteau (1952) and                     Cou1952a
                       Van Biesbroeck (1954).                                                  VBs1954 
00162-7951 GJ 3021     Combined solution, based on reduction of Hipparcos intermediate         .       
                       astrometric data together with spectroscopic elements from the Geneva   .       
                       Extrasolar Planet Search Programs home page.                            HaI2001 
           CVN  14     Companion is a probable mid-M dwarf.                                    Cvn2006 
                       Spectral type of B component M4V +/- 1.                                 Cvn2007 
                       A second candidate companion at 39" is noted in UCAC2 as having much    .       
                       different proper motion, so has been ruled out as a companion. The      .       
                       measured proper motion of the companion between the two SofI observing  .       
                       epochs is (+368 +/- 68 mas, -48 +/- 68 mas). IR spectroscopy suggests   .       
                       a spectral type of M4-M5V for the B component.                          Mug2007b
                       Co-moving with HIP 107705 at 3.5pc.                                     Shy2011 
00164+5722 TDS1375     Aa,Ab: formerly 00165+5722, WDS designation changed when merged with    .       
                       HJ 1011 into triple                                                     .       
00164+1950 LDS 863     AB: NLTT 803/804                                                        Chm2004 
00165-2805 LDS2107     NLTT 834/835                                                            Chm2004 
00167+3910 ES 1936     ALI 719.                                                                .       
00167+3638 STF  19     STT   3.                                                                .       
00167+3629 STT   4     Hipparcos parallax of 0".01115 yields a mass sum of 2.75 Msun           .       
                       with an uncertainty of 38% overestimated for a double star of           .       
                       spectral type G0. Dynamic parallax is 0".0108, agreeing well with       .       
                       the measured parallax.                                                  Sca2000b
                       Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and spectroscopic   .       
                       masses of 1.72 +/- 0.59, 2.35, and 1.05 Msun, respectively.             Mlk2012 
00169-5239 GC 333      Hipparcos astrometric solution adopted some elements from the orbit of  HIP1997d
                       Bopp et al. (1970).                                                     Evn1970 
00171+3841 CHR 123     theta And = 24 And                                                      .       
00171-1205 CBL 202     GWP  34.                                                                Tob2012b
00171-1406 GAL 298     Object #12 in Gallo's original list.                                    Gal1912a
00172-1921 LDS   9     B is BD-20@34.                                                          .       
00174+0853 A  1803     Too close 1932, 1946-47, 1965-72. Modern measures show a close          .       
                       approach about 1985. While both 18- and 36-year period orbits           .       
                       have been calculated for this pair, Griffin (Docobo, private            .       
                       communication) determined spectroscopically that the shorter-period     .       
                       high-eccentricity orbit is the correct one.                             .       
                       The measure reported for 1976.622 is spurious and has been deleted      .       
                       from the catalogs.                                                      McA1982b
                       Large and irregular residuals preclude the correction of an orbit.      Tok1985 
                       AB: Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and             .       
                       spectroscopic masses 0.02 +/- 0.02, 1.48, and 1.13 Msun, respectively.  Mlk2012 
           STF  22     AB,C: H 2  50.                                                          MEv2010 
00174+0221 STF  21     HJL   3.                                                                HJL1986 
00176+1300 HJ    3     HJL   4.                                                                HJL1986 
00176-1113 GAL 299     Object #13 in Gallo's original list.                                    Gal1912a
00177+5126 TRN   8     AO Cas.  Classification is from the UV tomographic analysis of          Bgn1991 
                       Bagnuolo & Gies (1991).                                                 Msn1998a
                       The image rotator was in an unknown state, so two possible theta        .       
                       values are listed for the 2001.7341 observation - one for zenith up     .       
                       and one for north up.                                                   Trn2008 
00178+1620 TOK 646     Primary is 39 Psc. B is likely physical, as it moves in the same        .       
                       direction as A in DSS2 image.                                           Tok2014d
00180+2057 LDS 864     NLTT 912/910                                                            Chm2004 
00180+0931 AG    1     HJL   5.                                                                HJL1986 
00182+7257 A   803     Quadrant uncertain.                                                     Wor1967b
00182+1209 GWP  38     XMI 118.                                                                Tob2012b
00183+1646 BPM   8     [PM2000]   12613 + [PM2000]   12602.                                    Gvr2010 
00184+4401 GRB  34     AB: Proper motion of A +2892 +412. Proper motion of B +2863 +336.       .       
                       Premature orbits have been calculated. RV of star A possibly variable.  .       
                       A component is eruptive variable GX And and B component is the          .       
                       eruptive variable GQ And and a SB.                                      .       
                       AB: NLTT 919/923                                                        Chm2004 
                       See Baize & Petit (1989) catalog of doubles with variable component.    Baz1989d
                       PTI Limb-darkened diameter = 1.014 +/- 0.05 mas,                        PTI2001 
                       R = 0.389 +/- 0.021 \rsun.                                              .       
                       VLTI Limb-darkened diameter  1.000 +/- 0.05 mas,                        LTI2003a
                       M = 0.414 +/- 0.021 \msun, R = 0.383 +/- 0.02  \rsun,                   .       
                       T = 3698 +/-  95 K.                                                     .       
                       CHARA Array Limb-darkened diameter of A : 0.988 +/- 0.016 mas           CIA2006 
                       R = 0.379 +/- 0.006 \rsun, Teff = 3730 +/-  49 K.                       .       
                       CHARA Array Limb-darkened diameter of A :                               CIA2012f
                       R =  0.3874 +/- 0.0023 \rsun, L =  0.02173 +/-0.00021 \lsun,            .       
                       Teff = 3563 +/-  11 K, M = 0.423 \msun.                                 .       
                       AC: Optical pair, based on study of relative motion of the components   .       
                       using the method of apparent motion parameters.                         Kiy2008 
00184+0344 HDO  12     AB: Appears to be same pair as HDO 13.                                  .       
00185-2757 HJ 1949     B is CD-28@75.                                                          .       
00187+4347 STT   5     26 And.                                                                 .       
00188+5923 HJ 1012     STI 1320.                                                               .       
00188-1217 GAL  15     Incorrectly entered in WDS as GAL   5.                                  .       
00188-1258 GIC   6     G158-057/G158-054.                                                      .       
00189+5923 HJ 1013     STI 1322.                                                               .       
00189-1135 GAL  16     Originally entered with incorrect RA, so also known as                  .       
                       10187-1239GAL 422                                                       .       
00190+4301 ES 1483     J 1359.                                                                 .       
00192+5942 KR    4     A is an irregular variable, V377 Cas.                                   .       
00192+4330 ES 1484     BRT 67. Djurkovic calls this ES 1484BC.                                 Dju1954c
00192+0827 GWP  39     XMI 119.                                                                Tob2012b
00194-0849 HJ 1953     iot Cet = 8 Cet.  Variable?                                             .       
                       NPOI Limb-darkened diameter  3.310 +/- 0.062 mas, Sp = K1III,           NOI2018 
                       R = 29.95+/- 0.725\rsun, Teff = 4645 +/- 73 K, L =376.8 +/-22.0 \lsun,  .       
                       M = 3.70 +/- 0.10 \msun, Age = 0.23 +/- 0.03 Gyr.                       .       
00196-2808 LDS  12     Proper motion -275 -1292.                                               .       
00197+6046 LDS9088     Old LDS6088.                                                            .       
00197+1951 GWP  40     XMI 120.                                                                Tob2012b
                       2MASS J00193931+1951050 and J00194303+1951117 are separated by only     .       
                       53", have very similar proper motions (e.g. Roser et al. 2010) and      XXX2010 
                       have similar estimated spectroscopic distances (23 and 21 pc,           .       
                       respectively) in Riaz et al. (2006), hence it is highly likely that     Ria2006 
                       they form a physical pair.                                              Jnn2012 
00197+0624 ZUC   5     Primary is white dwarf PG 0017+061 = PHL 790.                           Zuc1992 
00199+2633 CHE   4     Chevalier's measure was correct, but his published (dx,dy) predict      Che1908 
                       different (rho,theta) than published. This was apparently due to a      .       
                       typographic error in dy, which was printed as -0'.0317 rather than      .       
                       -0'.0617. There is also an apparent trigonometric error in his value    .       
                       for position angle. Chevalier gives a value for theta of 154.62 deg,    .       
                       but all later measures in the WDS give values of about 204.0 deg. It    .       
                       appears his value should be 360-154.62 = 205.38 deg instead.            Hrt2012b
00200+3814 S   384     AB: Optical pair, based on study of relative motion of the components   .       
                       using the method of apparent motion parameters.                         Kiy2008 
                       AB: H 5  85.                                                            MEv2010 
00201+4244 OSO   3     G171-050. AB is not a common proper motion pair, based on astrometry    .       
                       and color.                                                              Oso2004 
           LDS3151     AC: NLTT 1038/1036                                                      Chm2004 
00203-3246 B  1025     Considerable motion, but no measures for more than 30 years.            .       
00204+1757 OSO   4     G032-012. Not a common proper motion pair.                              Oso2004 
00206-2356 WSP  20     Planet-host star found to be close visual binary. Evans et al. (2016)   .       
                       find that the transiting hot Jupiter is probably orbiting the primary,  .       
                       and derive the following properties:                                    .       
                       A:      M = 1.089 +/- 0.047 Msun, R = 1.142 +/- 0.085 Rsun              .       
                       planet: M = 0.378 +/- 0.022 Mjup, R = 1.28  +/- 0.15  Rjup              EvD2016 
00206+1219 BU 1015     Hipparcos parallax of 0".00883 yields a mass sum of 2.87 Msun           .       
                       with an uncertainty of 75% slightly in excess for a binary of           .       
                       spectral type F5. The great uncertainty concerning the sum of           .       
                       masses is largely due to the consistent error in the measured           .       
                       parallax. The dynamical parallax is 0".0085, agreeing well with         .       
                       the observed parallax.                                                  Sca2000b
                       Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and spectroscopic   .       
                       masses of 2.44 +/- 1.04, 2.58, and 1.20 Msun, respectively.             Mlk2012 
00207+3159 CCA   1     WSP   1. WASP-1.  Duplicity discovered based on low-amplitude radial    .       
                       velocity variation. Spectral analysis plus transit light curves yields  .       
                       an orbital period of 2.520d. Given a spectral type for the primary of   .       
                       F7V, the planet has mass 0.80-0.98 +/- 0.11 Mjup and radius 1.33-2.53   .       
                       Rjup. Mass of the parent star is 1.06-1.39 Msun.                        CCA2007 
00207+0738 GWP  41     AB: XMI 121AB.                                                          Tob2012b
           GWP  42     AC: XMI 121AC.                                                          Tob2012b
00208+2737 CHE   7     MLB 674.  Also known as ROE 116.                                        .       
00210+6740 HJ 1018     STF 18.                                                                 Mlr1955c
00210+2647 CHE   9     Chevalier's measure was correct, but his published (dx,dy) predict      Che1908 
                       different (rho,theta) than published. This was apparently due to a      .       
                       typographic error in dx, which should be +0'.0708. Chevalier applied    .       
                       his declination offset from the plate center in the wrong direction,    .       
                       leading to an error of over 25' in the coordinates. The image for the   .       
                       pair at the corrected coordinates is elongated on the Aladin image;     .       
                       due to uncertain relative proper motion it's impossible to tell         .       
                       whether his rho and theta values are correct.                           Hrt2012b
00210-3219 BRT1578     A likely plate flaw.                                                    Grv2021b
00210-7429 OGL   1     SMC139.6.72    + SMC139.6.636                                           Pli2012 
00211+6443 TDS  13     According to Milburn this pair was originally "found by Aitken          Mlb1925 
                       (private letter) in looking for MLB 244". This note went unnoticed      A__1925D
                       until long after the Tycho designation had come into usage, however;    .       
                       although the historical measures have been added the original TDS       .       
                       designation has been retained.                                          .       
00212-4246 KO    1     A = LEHPM 494 (spec M6.0 +/0 1.0 V), B = DENIS-P J0021.0-4244 (spec     .       
                       M9.5 +/- 0.5 V). Data sources: UK Schmidt blue survey (1977.6), ESO     .       
                       Schmidt red (1984.8), DENIS I (1996.60), UK Schmidt red (1996.61), UK   .       
                       Schmidt near-IR (1999.6), 2MASS (1999.7). Mean separation (1974-1999)   .       
                       1.296 +/- 0.012 arcmin. The pair moved 5".7 over 22 years, 80 times     .       
                       the uncertainty in mean rho; concludes is CPM pair.                     Cab2007a
                       Additional 2003 measure from Spitzer Space Telescope.                   Cab2007b
00214+6700 STT   6     Orbit is very eccentric and very inclined. Scardia's geometrical        .       
                       elements do not differ much from those of Van Biesbroeck and Muller,    .       
                       but the orbit is more eccentric and has twice the period. An Hipparcos  .       
                       parallax of 0".00491 yields a mass sum of 6.6 Msun, overestimated for   .       
                       a binary system of spectral type B8.5V. The dynamical parallax is       .       
                       0".0054, in reasonable agreement with the measured one.                 Sca2000b
00214+2744 CHE  10     MLB 675.                                                                .       
00214-7355 OGL   2     SMC138.6.56    + SMC138.6.104                                           Pli2012 
00215-6744 HJ 3361     CD-68@10.                                                               .       
00215-7407 OGL   3     SMC138.8.18    + SMC138.6.78                                            Pli2012 
00216-7442 OGL   4     SMC139.8.20    + SMC139.8.81                                            Pli2012 
00217+1301 BPM   9     [PM2000]   14913 + [PM2000]   14833.                                    Gvr2010 
00218+6628 STT   7     CD: Previously listed incorrectly as AB,E, with quadrants flipped to    .       
                       275 deg.                                                                .       
00219+1706 BPM  10     [PM2000]   15011 + [PM2000]   15046.                                    Gvr2010 
00219-2300 HJ 1957     Designated as HJ 3429 in BDS.                                           Bu_1906 
00220+4913 BWL   3     AC and AD: Colors and/or astrometry are inconsistent with a late-type   .       
                       common proper motion companion based on visual inspection of the field  .       
                       from 2MASS, SDSS, DSS1, and/or DSS2. Primary is GJ 3030.                Bwl2015 
00220+4231 RAS  16     Poorly-studied silicon star with weak magnetic field.                   Ras2014 
00221+4822 J  9001     Was a measure of a new pair designated as J  2384.                      .       
00222-7439 OGL   5     SMC139.7.1570  + SMC139.7.1569                                          Pli2012 
00224+1329 STF  27     42 Psc.                                                                 .       
00224+0640 FR    2     V Psc.                                                                  .       
00225+4456 A   648     Measure very doubtful. Not seen double on two later nights.             B__1963b
00226+5033 KU   67     B is BD+49@62.                                                          .       
00226-3111 LDS  14     NLTT 1165/1164                                                          Chm2004 
00229+6214 ES  115     Primary is V745 Cas, a W UMa type eclipsing binary, P = 1.41057d.       Zas2012 
00229+5420 ES   42     ES 154.                                                                 .       
00229-1213 BUP   6     9 Cet.                                                                  .       
00230+6112 STI  43     HJ 1023.                                                                .       
00234+2624 CHE  17     AC: Chevalier's measure was correct, but his published (dx,dy) predict  Che1908 
                       different (rho,theta) than published. This was apparently due to a      .       
                       typographic error in dy, which should be -0'.2783.                      Hrt2012b
00234-0121 HJ 1961     J 1433.                                                                 .       
00235-0343 LDS3160     AB: NLTT 1213/1214                                                      Chm2004 
00236+0947 KUI   3     LDS3162                                                                 .       
00239+2930 STF  28     B is BD+28@55. The variable, double-lined spectroscopic binary          .       
                       BD+28@54 may belong to the system. This was previously reported as      .       
                       BD+28@49, but was corrected by Weis{2002, "F.G.W. Struve's              StF2002 
                       Double Stars (STF2000.0)"}                                              .       
                       SHY 383. Bayesian analysis by Shaya & Olling (2011) indicates very      Shy2011 
                       high (near 100%) probability pair is physical.                          .       
00240+3835 BUP   7     A is a Mira-type variable, R And.                                       .       
00240-0329 BU  488     Due to poor published coordinates, Chevalier's measure of this pair     Che1910 
                       was originally added to the WDS as a new discovery: 00245-0327 CHE 23   Hrt2012b
00240-7300 OGL   6     SMC136.8.38    + SMC136.8.178                                           Pli2012 
00241-7300 OGL   7     SMC136.8.41    + SMC136.8.408                                           Pli2012 
00242+1505 GWP  44     XMI 122.                                                                Tob2012b
00242-1305 VOU  83     Also single in 1958. Star confused with HU 4 (00246).                   VBs9999 
00242-7349 OGL   8     SMC138.6.4018  + SMC138.6.246                                           Pli2012 
00243+5201 HU  506     Aka V746 Cas.                                                           .       
                       A premature orbit has been computed.                                    .       
                       Single 1934, 1953. A is SB, P = 28d:.                                   .       
                       See Baize & Petit (1989) catalog of doubles with variable component.    Baz1989d
                       Additional notes may be found in van den Bos (1963).                    B__1963b
                       Also provide a solution to the usresolved ~25d companion.               Hmn2018 
00244+1322 BPM  11     [PM2000]   16681 + [PM2000]   16731.                                    Gvr2010 
00245-1217 GIC   7     LDS 3163 = G158-073/G158-074.                                           .       
                       NLTT 1262/1265                                                          Chm2004 
00247-2653 LEI   1     Paper includes orbit of BC pair and estimate of mass sum.               Lei2001a
                       HST WFPC2 photometry was also transformed to standard Johnson B and V   .       
                       and Cousins R and I filters, yielding the following magnitudes for the  .       
                       A, B, and C components:                                                 Lei2000 
                          ------ A -----  ------ B -----  ------ C -----  filt                 .       
                          17.17 +/- 0.05  20.57 +/- 0.07  21.48 +/- 0.11   B                   .       
                          15.35     0.04  18.68     0.06  19.07     0.07   V                   .       
                          13.63     0.04  16.30     0.05  16.65     0.05   R                   .       
                          11.66     0.04  14.01     0.05  14.43     0.05   I                   .       
                       Seifahrt et al. (2008) determine mass sum of BC pair to be 0.157 +/-    Sef2008 
                       0.009 Msun; mass of A 0.115 +/- 0.010 Msun. They find no sign of the    .       
                       fourth component reported by Henry et al. (1999).                       Hen1999 
                       Rajpurohit et al. (2012) derive Teff, log g, radius, luminosity, and    Raj2012 
                       spectral type for the components of LHS 1070 using various models.      .       
                       Mean values (assuming distance = 8.8pc) are:                            .       
                               Teff (K)   log g   radius (Rsun)   log(L/Lsun)   spec           .       
                           A:    2950      5.3       0.136           -2.92      M5.5           .       
                           B:    2400      5.5       0.102           -3.44      M9.5           .       
                           C:    2300      5.5       0.099           -3.55      L0             .       
                       Koehler et al. (2012) derive masses for the A, B, and C components of   .       
                       0.172+/-0.010, 0.077+/-0.005, and 0.071+/-0.004 Msun, respectively.     Koh2012 
                       VLTI Limb-darkened diameter  1.149 +/- 0.11 mas,                        LTI2003a
                       M = 0.631 +/- 0.031 \msun, R = 0.702 +/- 0.063 \rsun,                   .       
                       T = 3520 +/- 170 K.                                                     .       
00247-5359 HJ 3364     B is CPD-54@89.                                                         .       
                       Optical pair, based on study of relative motion of the components       .       
                       using the method of apparent motion parameters.                         Kiy2008 
                       Rectilinear solution by Friedman et al. (2012).                         USN2012a
00247-7240 OGL   9     SMC136.6.12    + SMC136.6.115                                           Pli2012 
00248+1925 BRT2296     J 2586.                                                                 .       
00249+1355 GWP  45     XMI 123. SLW  18.                                                       Tob2012b
00250+2726 CHE  24     There was a 1' error in Chevalier's determination of declination.       Che1908 
                       In addition, there was a trigonometric error in deriving theta; the     .       
                       correct value is 180deg - theta.                                        Hrt2012b
00250+0600 GWP  46     XMI 124.                                                                Tob2012b
00250-7244 OGL  10     SMC136.7.2977  + SMC136.7.2975                                          Pli2012 
00251+4803 CRZ   2     BDK   2. G 171-58 + 2MASS J00250365+4759191. Distance 42.2 +2.0/-1.8    .       
                       pc for primary, 31 +/- 6 pc for secondary. Estimated ages of            .       
                       components are discrepant: 1.8-3.5 Gyr for primary, versus 0.1-0.5 Gyr  .       
                       for secondary. The primary is a spectroscopic binary resolved by        Hip1997a
                       Hipparcos, the secondary a close (~10au) L4+L4 pair, resolved by Reid   Red2006b
                       (2006).                                                                 Fah2010 
           HDS  56     Aa,Ab: Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and          .       
                       spectroscopic masses 1.30 +/- 0.21, 1.85, and 1.10 Msun, respectively.  Mlk2012 
           RED  14     Ba,Bb: 2MASS J00250365+4759191. Spectral types L4 and L4                Red2006b
00251+1824 HJ  621     Rectilinear solution by Cvetkovic (2011).                               Cve2011c
00251-3646 BRG   2     Like BRG 1, this stellar binary also had an asymmetric PSF, and we      .       
                       therefore calculated the photometry in the same way as for that case.   .       
                       Note that the photometry values presented here should replace those in  Brg2010 
                       Bergfors et al. (2010).                                                 Jnn2012 
00251-7432 OGL  11     SMC139.2.27    + SMC139.3.744                                           Pli2012 
00253+3230 STF  29     SEI   4.                                                                Nsn2017a
00253-7446 OGL  12     SMC139.1.28    + SMC139.1.120                                           Pli2012 
00254+2036 A  2301     J 219.                                                                  .       
00254+0156 STT   8     44 Psc                                                                  .       
00254-7404 OGL  13     SMC138.2.19    + SMC138.7.4092                                          Pli2012 
00255-7334 OGL  14     SMC135.8.3096  + SMC135.8.3687                                          Pli2012 
00256+1536 LDS9089     Old LDS6089.                                                            .       
00256-1849 HJ 1964     SEE 8.                                                                  .       
00257-5050 HJ 3365     B is CD-51@102.                                                         .       
00259-0748 RIA   1     LHS 1074.                                                               .       
00260+0027 GRV 974     Aka SLW  21.                                                            .       
00260-0542 LDS3168     NLTT 1360/1359                                                          Chm2004 
00261-1037 GIC   8     LDS5273 = G158-077/G158-078.                                            .       
                       NLTT 1370/1374                                                          Chm2004 
00261-7057 OGL  15     SMC137.5.17    + SMC137.5.19                                            Pli2012 
00262-4217 alp Phe     Alden's astrometric solution uses values of P, T, e adopted from the    Ald1938a
                       spectroscopic orbit (Lunt 1924).                                        Lun1924b
00263-4218 CRU9004     alp Phe = Ankaa.                                                        .       
00266-1924 ARA 515     Aka ITF  33.                                                            .       
00267-7220 OGL  16     SMC140.1.3576  + SMC140.1.3730                                          Pli2012 
00268+0722 DOO  23     Doolittle calls this HDO 21, BDS 210. However, this seems to be a       Doo1915b
                       different pair.                                                         .       
00268-3220 LDS2121     LDS5274                                                                 .       
                       NLTT 1416/1412                                                          Chm2004 
00269-0531 SCJ   1     B is BD-06@72.                                                          .       
00269-7123 OGL  17     SMC137.8.790   + SMC137.8.846   + SMC137.8.1090                         Pli2012 
00269-8308 I   177     Spectrum of B is F.                                                     .       
00270+1705 BFR   3     HD 2292 + 2MASS J00265989+1704463. Baron et al. (2015) estimate         .       
                       spectral types G5 and M9 +/- 1, distances 42 +28/-14 and 65 +4/-20 pc,  .       
                       masses 1.05 -1.12 and 0.108-0.118 Msun.                                 BFr2015 
00270-7237 OGL  18     SMC136.3.1     + SMC136.6.2735                                          Pli2012 
00271-0628 LDS3169     NLTT 1426/1425                                                          Chm2004 
00272+4959 STF  30     B is BD+49@89.                                                          .       
00274+3054 HDS  62     Ren & Fu (2013) calculated an astrometric orbit, combining Hipparcos    Ren2013 
                       Intermediate Astrometric Data with spectroscopic elements by            .       
                       Griffin (1979).                                                         Grf1979c
00274+0124 GWP  51     XMI 125.                                                                Tob2012b
00276+5120 COU2252     Transcription error resulted in 10' error in WDS designation.           .       
                       00274+5130TDS1470                                                       .       
00276+1616 GWP  52     XMI 126.                                                                Tob2012b
00276-3157 I   438     BC: Rectilinear solution by Friedman et al. (2011).                     USN2011a
00276-7221 OGL  19     SMC140.1.4858  + SMC140.1.4878                                          Pli2012 
00277+0936 GIC   9     G001-005/G032-021.                                                      .       
00277-1625 YR    1     Ma,Mb = 1.362 +/- 0.033, 1.073 +/- 0.024 \msun.                         GmJ2022 
00277-7228 OGL  20     SMC136.4.4     + SMC136.4.17    + SMC136.4.36                           Pli2012 
00277-7300 OGL  21     SMC136.1.16    + SMC136.1.168                                           Pli2012 
00278+1803 BPM  12     [PM2000]   18879 + [PM2000]   18873.                                    Gvr2010 
00278-7251 OGL  22     SMC136.2.4     + SMC136.2.19    + SMC136.2.207                          Pli2012 
00279+2220 FRV   1     LP 345-25. Assuming a parallactic distance of 13.19 +/- 0.28 pc         .       
                       (Gatewood & Coban 2009), Konopacky et al. (2010) derive a system mass   Gat2009 
                       of 0.121 +/- 0.009 Msun.                                                Kon2010 
                       Dupuy et al. (2010) determine system mass 0.120 +0.008/-0.007 Msun;     .       
                       spectral types are  M7.5 +/- 1.0  and M8.0 +1.5/-1.0.                   LiM2010 
00280-2654 LDS2123     DEA  22.                                                                .       
00281-0001 HJ 1970     Designated as HJ 1972 in BDS.                                           Bu_1906 
00281-2512 B     5     AC = LDS2124                                                            .       
00281-7329 OGL  23     SMC135.1.4464  + SMC138.3.12                                            Pli2012 
00282-1030 GAL 300     Object #18 in Gallo's original list.                                    Gal1912a
00283+6344 HU 1007     A premature orbit has been calculated. Motion direct.                   B__1963b
00283+1131 BPM  13     [PM2000]   19197 + [PM2000]   19238.                                    Gvr2010 
00283-7339 OGL  24     SMC138.4.5573  + SMC138.4.5757                                          Pli2012 
00283-7427 OGL  25     SMC139.3.2443  + SMC139.3.2445                                          Pli2012 
00284-2020 B  1909     Difficult visual system, with two components remaining within 0".2      .       
                       of each other throughout the orbit.                                     .       
                       Two orbit solutions (van den Bos 1956, Soedehjelm 1999). High-          B__1956b
                       eccentricity, half-period solution fits equally well but gives          Sod1999 
                       too high mass-sum (with no third component allowed by q).               .       
                       1982.7657 autocorrelogram remeasured; new results listed in catalog.    McA1987b
                       Martin et al. (1998) derive component masses 1.563 +/- 0.177 and        .       
                       1.238 +/- 0.151 Msun.                                                   Mig1998 
                       Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and spectroscopic   .       
                       masses of 2.14 +/- 0.32, 2.15, and 1.05 Msun, respectively.             Mlk2012 
00287+5801 MLB 107     WDS changed from 00293+5800, BC pair merged with STI1355                .       
00287+1502 ALP   3     2MASSI J0028394+150141                                                  .       
                       Physical companionship to this ultracool dwarf ruled out based on I-J   .       
                       color, using I-band photometry taken at WIYN in August 2002.            AlP2007 
00288+5756 OSO   5     G217-052. No common proper motion pairs, based on comparison with       .       
                       POSS2 red plates.                                                       Oso2004 
00288+0251 HJ  623     C component is galaxy NGC 125.                                          .       
00289+5023 DAE   1     GJ 3036 = G172-001                                                      .       
                       Daemgen et al. derive a distance of 17.4 +/- 4.5 pc, a separation of    Dae2007 
                       7.4 +/- 2.2 au, and a predicted orbital period of 40 +19/-18 yr.        .       
                       Spectral types are M4.0 +/- 0.5 and M4.5 +/- 0.5; masses are 0.24       .       
                       +0.11/-0.07 and 0.19 +0.07/-0.05 Msub.                                  .       
00289+1835 BPM  14     [PM2000]   19589 + [PM2000]   19539.                                    Gvr2010 
00290-0933 GIC  10     G158-086/G158-087.                                                      .       
                       NLTT 1529/1530                                                          Chm2004 
00291+5752 MLB  39     STI 1359.                                                               .       
00291-0742 MLR   2     Speckle measures show rapid motion.                                     .       
00292+7646 HJ 1967     Aka PKO  19.                                                            .       
00293-0555 SHY 384     AB: HIP   2292 + HIP   2350.                                            .       
           RAO   1     BC: Exoplanet host star. Roberts et al. (2015) estimate the spectral    .       
                       types of B and C as G8V and M1V.                                        Rbr2015a
                       BC: The B component is of type G5V, with mass 0.87 +/- 0.03 Msun.       .       
                       Based on isochrone fitting, Wittrock et al. (2016) estimate the mass    .       
                       of the C component at 0.48 +/- 0.03 Msun, and type likely an M dwarf.   Wtt2016 
00293-7244 OGL  26     SMC136.2.2867  + SMC136.2.2890                                          Pli2012 
00295+1413 BPM  15     [PM2000]   20020 + [PM2000]   19943.                                    Gvr2010 
00296-2845 LDS2130     NLTT 1581/1580                                                          Chm2004 
00297+5548 MLB 150     STI1361.                                                                .       
00300-0357 HJ  322     12 Cet.                                                                 .       
00300-1058 GAL 301     Object #19 in Gallo's original list.                                    Gal1912a
00300-1657 CHM   2     NLTT  1595 +  1598.                                                     .       
00300-6023 JSP 855     00301-6027TDS1494                                                       .       
00300-7257 OGL  27     SMC136.1.2934  + SMC136.1.3498                                          Pli2012 
00301+2945 BU 1095     28 And. A is a Delta Scuti-type variable, GN And.                       .       
00301-3740 DAY   1     2MASS J0030-3739 + 2MASS J0030-3740. Dwarf / white dwarf binary.        .       
                       Spectral types M9+/-1 + DA, Teff 2000-2400 + 7600+/-175K, masses        .       
                       0.07-0.08 + 0.48-0.65 Msun. Minimum age of the system > 1.94 Gyr.       Day2008 
00302+5929 STI  79     Historical measures of STI1363 match STI  79 and have been included.    .       
00304-0947 CHE  27     This pair has opened considerably since its discovery (from 9".6 to     Che1910 
                       19"), due to the considerable proper motion of the primary. AC2000      .       
                       coordinates of both components from ~1901 are in good agreement with    .       
                       Chevalier measure, so identification with this pair appears probable.   Hrt2012b
00305-7237 OGL  28     SMC136.3.2481  + SMC136.3.2710                                          Pli2012 
00306+4919 OL   86     Aka TDS1492.                                                            .       
00306+1442 OSO   6     G032-026. Not a common proper motion pair, based on comparison with     .       
                       POSS2 red plates                                                        Oso2004 
00306-7358 OGL  29     SMC133.7.1599  + SMC138.1.5656                                          Pli2012 
00306-7242 OGL  30     SMC136.3.2599  + SMC136.2.3059                                          Pli2012 
00307+3208 STT  11     B is BD+31@66.                                                          .       
00307-1545 HJ 1979     J 1435.                                                                 .       
00310+3817 ALI 480     Also known as ES 2447.                                                  .       
00311+5648 ES    2     BDS 269 same star.                                                      .       
00311-7239 OGL  31     SMC131.6.14    + SMC131.6.859   + SMC136.4.2269                         Pli2012 
00312+0631 GWP  57     XMI 127.                                                                Tob2012b
00312-3041 LDS2132     NLTT 1669/1668                                                          Chm2004 
00312-6102 HJ 3372     CD-61@81.                                                               .       
00313-7311 OGL  32     SMC130.6.354   + SMC130.5.916                                           Pli2012 
00314+3335 HJ 5451     STTA  2. A is a spectroscopic binary. B is BD+32@81.                    .       
                       HJL1004.                                                                HJL1986 
00314+0158 LDS 865     Also known as GWP  59 or XMI 128.                                       Tob2012b
00314-1113 GAL 302     Object #21 in Gallo's original list.                                    Gal1912a
00314-4848 RST  11     lam 1 Phe. A is a spectroscopic binary.                                 .       
00315-6257 B     7     A: bet 1 Tuc. A is a spectroscopic binary.                              .       
           I   260     C: bet 2 Tuc                                                            .       
                       bet 1,2,3 Tuc form a sextuple system with cpm.                          .       
                       bet 3 Tuc (mag. 5.14, A2) is the close binary B     8.                  .       
           SHY 114     AE: HIP   2484 + HIP   2578.                                            .       
           SHY 114     AF: HIP   2484 + HIP   2729.                                            .       
           SHY 114     AG: HIP   2484 + HIP   1481.                                            .       
           SHY 113     FG: HIP   2729 + HIP   1481.                                            .       
           SHY 117     FH: HIP   2729 + HIP   1993.                                            .       
           SHY 117     FI: HIP   2729 + HIP   1910.                                            .       
           SHY 113     GH: HIP   1481 + HIP   1993.                                            .       
00316+1344 LDS9091     Old LDS6091.                                                            .       
00317+5057 LDS3175     Coordinate correction and estimate of secondary's proper motion by      .       
                       Caballero (2013, private comm.)                                         .       
00318+5431 STT  12     lam Cas = 14 Cas. A premature orbit has been computed.                  .       
                       Spectral types of primary and secondary assigned by ten Brummelaar et   .       
                       al., based on adaptive optics observations.                             TtB2000 
                       Corrections to Drummond et al. (2014) orbit: P=245.70 +/- 35.96y,       .       
                       T0=2025.54 +/- 4.65 (Drummond, private comm.)                                   
                       Uniform disk diameter  0.224 +/- 0.017 mas,                             .       
                       Limb darkened diameter 0.230 +/- 0.017 mas,                             .       
                       Teff = 12000+/-500 K based on LD although SED result (12800 +/- 500)    .       
                       thought to be more accurate due to poor binary flux correction.         .       
                       Radius is 2.31 +/- 0.20 \rsun.                                          CIA2019a
00319+3705 BRT2584     ALI 248.                                                                .       
00319-2750 LDS2134     NLTT 1711/1713                                                          Chm2004 
00319-7318 OGL  33     SMC130.6.16    + SMC130.6.13                                            Pli2012 
00320+1426 GRV 975     Aka SLW  29.                                                            .       
00321+6715 MCY   1     Aa,Ab: Discovery designation is per Todd Henry 03/02/98.                .       
                       K-band magnitudes of components 6.42 and 8.44, derived masses are       .       
                       0.377 +/= 0.030 and 0.138 +/- 0.007 Msun.                               Doc2008d
           VYS   2     AB: ADS 433, MLB 377. The primary is an astrometric binary, P=16y.      .       
                       Proper motion +1.723 -0.242. A premature orbit has been computed for    .       
                       the visible pair.                                                       .       
                       Also a flare star, V547 Cas.                                            .       
                       Woitas et al. (2003) give orbital solution and determination of         Woi2003 
                       dynamical masses for this low-mass M dwarf triple.                      .       
                       See Baize & Petit (1989) catalog of doubles with variable component.    Baz1989d
                       Solution includes mass determination.                                   Woi2003 
                       In the orbit catalog figure illustrating the Docobo et al. (2006)       Doc2006g
                       orbital solution, B is plotted relative to the center of mass. These    .       
                       adjusted measures were provided by Docobo (2007, private comm.) See     .       
                       also further analysis by Docobo et al. (2008), who derive a mass for    Doc2008d
                       the B component (K-band mag 7.88) of 0.177 +/- 0.014 Msun (see note to  .       
                       MCY 1 pair above for masses of Aa and Ab components.)                   .       
           GL 22       Ba,Bb: Andrade & Docobo detect a sinusoidal pattern in the motion of    .       
                       the B component, which they attribute to a possible 4th component of    .       
                       the system in a 15y orbit.  Masses under this scenerio are 0.162 +/-    .       
                       0.014 Msun for Ba and 0.0152 +/- 0.0053 Msun (16.0 +/- 5.6 Mjup) for    .       
                       Bb (assuming a circular solution) or 0.0147 +/- 0.0027 Msun (15.4 +/-   Ana2009 
                       2.8 Mjup) for Bb (assuming an elliptical solution). The Bb component    .       
                       may be either a giant planet or a brown dwarf.                          Ana2011 
00321+0155 GWP  60     XMI 129.                                                                Tob2012b
00321-0511 A   111     Elongations and quadrant of AB doubtful.                                B__1963b
                       AB: Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and             .       
                       spectroscopic masses 1.48 +/- 0.34, 1.75, and 0.85 Msun, respectively.  Mlk2012 
00321-1218 HDS  71     Cvetkovic et al. (2014) derive spectral types G2 and  G5, masses 1.11   .       
                       and 1.05 Msun. Dynamical parallax is 14.06 +/- 0.62 mas.                Cve2014 
00322-1050 LDS3176     NLTT 1727/1715                                                          Chm2004 
00322-7515 HJ 3374     B is CPD-75@48.                                                         .       
00323-6304 LDS9092     Old LDS6092.                                                            .       
00324+7335 LDS1509     NLTT 1681/1680.                                                         .       
00324+0657 MCA   1     51 Psc. A is a triple occultation system, and a resolved                .       
                       interferometric pair. B is BD+06@65.                                    .       
                       First detected as an occultation binary by Africano.                    Afr1976 
                       Mason et al. give Aa,Ab,B triple solution (double (Aa)-B in HIP).       Msn1997a
                       Orbit mostly dependent on Hershey pc obs; more IR speckle needed.       Hry1973 
                       The Aa,Ab components of ADS 449 apparently went through periastron      .       
                       some time during 1987-1990.                                             Hrt1992b
                       Aa,Ab: Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and          .       
                       spectroscopic masses 3.08 +/- 0.46, 3.66, and 2.40 Msun, respectively.  Mlk2012 
           STF  36     AB: H 4  70.                                                            MEv2010 
00325+0101 GWP  61     XMI 130. GRV1160.                                                       Tob2012b
00326+5513 RAS  17     SrCrEu star at about 36 pc. Secondary likely close to solar (G2-G5).    Ras2014 
00326+2018 HJ 1982     52 Psc.                                                                 .       
                       Optical pair, based on study of relative motion of the components       .       
                       using the method of apparent motion parameters.                         Kiy2008 
00327+7807 STF  34     HJL   6.                                                                HJL1986 
00327+2312 BU 1310     AC: Rectilinear solution by Friedman et al. (2012).                     USN2012a
00327+0732 GWP  62     XMI 131.                                                                Tob2012b
00327-6302 B     8     Aa,Ab: bet 3 Tuc. CPM with bet 1 and bet 2 Tuc = B     7.               .       
           SHY 116     AB: HIP   2578 + HIP   2729. B component = F component of 00315-6257.   .       
           SHY 116     AC: HIP   2578 + HIP   1993. C component = H component of 00315-6257.   .       
00328+2817 STT  14     A is a spectroscopic binary. Aka H N  76.                               .       
00329-7445 OGL  34     SMC134.1.90    + SMC134.8.2266                                          Pli2012 
00330+4442 LDS9093     Old LDS6093.                                                            .       
                       NLTT 1759/1762                                                          Chm2004 
00330+0850 J  2710     -9s, -5' from BD+08   69.  Declinaison augmentee de 2'.                 J__1955 
00330-7335 OGL  35     SMC130.8.5777  + SMC130.8.5810                                          Pli2012 
00331-7446 OGL  36     SMC134.1.223   + SMC134.1.542                                           Pli2012 
00332+1902 GWP  63     XMI 132.                                                                Tob2012b
00332-7114 OGL  37     SMC132.7.12    + SMC132.7.25                                            Pli2012 
00334+1418 LDS9094     Old LDS6094.                                                            .       
00334-7104 OGL  38     SMC132.6.11    + SMC132.6.191                                           Pli2012 
00334-7407 OGL  39     SMC133.8.4148  + SMC133.1.95                                            Pli2012 
00335+4006 HO    3     A premature orbit has been computed.                                    .       
                       Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and spectroscopic   .       
                       masses of 2.60 +/- 0.55, 2.07, and 1.10 Msun, respectively.             Mlk2012 
00336+1712 GWP  64     XMI 133.                                                                Tob2012b
00336-0811 LDS 5280    B component of 00339-0813 LDS5281 found to be the A component of        .       
                       LDS5280; pairs merged, with LDS5281 made AC pair (with quadrant flip).  .       
00337-3500 HJ 3375     HIP 2663. See Allen et al. (2000) for information on metallicity,       AlC2000 
                       age, galactic orbital parameters, etc.                                  .       
00339+1748 GWP  65     XMI 134.                                                                Tob2012b
00340-7056 OGL  40     SMC132.5.883   + SMC132.5.916                                           Pli2012 
00344-7252 OGL  41     SMC131.7.3527  + SMC131.7.4371                                          Pli2012 
00346+6254 BU  108     AB: B component is SB, P=156.430d                                       Tok2014d
00345-0433 STF  39     AB,C: H 4  76.                                                          MEv2010 
00346-7105 OGL  42     SMC132.6.1065  + SMC132.6.1159                                          Pli2012 
00349+2627 COU 548     Originally entered as AG   4.                                           .       
00350+5636 ES    3     BDS 326 identical.                                                      .       
00351+8337 MLR 481     00356+8338HDS  80                                                       .       
00351+0209 RST5182     J 3281.                                                                 .       
00352-0336 HO  212     13 Cet.                                                                 .       
                       Visual primary is 2.1d SB1 (#27 in Batten et al., 1989) and may be a    Bte1989 
                       Delta Scuti-type variable.                                              .       
                       See Baize & Petit (1989) catalog of doubles with variable component.    Baz1989d
                       1979.5326: This measure was incorrectly attributed to ADS 2200          McA1982d
           BU  490     AB,C: Optical pair, based on study of relative motion of the            .       
                       components using the method of apparent motion parameters.              Kiy2008 
00353-0942 CHE  28     J  1437 = 00358-0942CHE  28                                             .       
00356-7342 OGL  43     SMC133.4.124   + SMC133.4.3322                                          Pli2012 
00357+0233 LAW   7     LSPM J0035+0233 = NLTT 1930. Law et al (2008) derive a distance of      Law2008 
                       14.5 +6.3/-2.4 pc and a projected separation of 6.8 +3.1/-1.0 au.       .       
                       Estimated spectral types are M5 and M6.0.                               .       
00357-7055 OGL  44     SMC132.5.871   + SMC132.5.912   + SMC132.5.1085                         Pli2012 
00358+5241 GIC  11     G172-011/G217-059.                                                      .       
                       NLTT 1920/1921                                                          Chm2004 
00359-7429 OGL  45     SMC134.3.2988  + SMC134.3.3515                                          Pli2012 
00360+2959 STF  42     Hyperbolic orbit by Hopmann.                                            Hop1967 
                       sigma = areal constant in the true orbit = 0.1432 arcsec^2/yr           .       
                       q = periastron distance in the true orbit = 6".123                      .       
                       Hopmann made small but unspecified corrections to the node and          .       
                       inclination before computing residuals and ephemeris.                   Fin1970b
                       All hyperbolic orbits rejected from Fourth Orbit Catalog                Wor1983 
                       A is a spectroscopic binary.                                            .       
                       AC: Optical pair, based on study of relative motion of the components   .       
                       using the method of apparent motion parameters.                         Kiy2008 
00360+0514 GWP  66     XMI 135.                                                                Tob2012b
00360+1040 GWP  67     XMI 136.                                                                Tob2012b
00361+3858 J  2711     ALI 723.                                                                .       
00363-3818 RST5183     A is a close 4.8-d spectroscopic pair.                                  Tok2019a
00364-7313 OGL  46     SMC130.3.8754  + SMC130.3.8886                                          Pli2012 
00365-0639 LDS3183     NLTT 1976/1977                                                          Chm2004 
00365-7246 OGL  47     SMC131.2.1420  + SMC126.6.896                                           Pli2012 
00366-4908 LDS  21     A is a spectroscopic binary, P = 3.74d. B is CD-49@138.                 .       
                       SHY 118. Bayesian analysis by Shaya & Olling (2011) indicates very      Shy2011 
                       high (near 100%) probability pair is physical.                          .       
                       B component is SB, P=22d                                                Tok2006 
00366-7435 OGL  48     SMC134.2.2429  + SMC134.2.2618                                          Pli2012 
00367+1542 GWP  68     XMI 137.                                                                Tob2012b
00368+1605 KU   69     HJL   7.                                                                HJL1986 
00369+3343 H 5  17     pi And = 29 And.  H V 17. STTA  4.  BDS 263, HJ 1030 identical.         .       
                       A is a spectroscopic binary, P = 143.6d. B is BD +32@102.               .       
           MKT   1     Aa,Ab: Hummel et al. (1995) visual orbit is based on astrometry from    MkT1995 
                       the Mark III interferometer. Additional spectroscopic data yield        .       
                       masses, luminosities, radii, effective temperatures, and distance.      .       
                       Hipparcos astrometric solution adopted some elements from the orbit of  HIP1997d
                       Hummel et al. (1995).                                                   MkT1995 
                       Aa,Ab: Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and          .       
                       spectroscopic masses 11.98 +/- 2.06, 11.18, 4.79 Msun, respectively.    Mlk2012 
           RBR   3     Aa,Ac: PA for 2001.7424 observation is measured in zenith mode. If      .       
                       data collected in equatorial mode, PA = 97.6. Confirmation of the pair  .       
                       should establish the proper value for theta.                            Rbr2007 
00372+7149 HDS  86     1997.7289: Large change in separation seen since Hipparcos epoch.       Msn1999b
00373+5801 BU 1097     Spectrum composite; A2+K.                                               .       
00373-2446 BU  395     Pourbaix gives combined solution for this resolved SB2, yielding        .       
                       orbital parallaxes and component masses.                                Pbx2000b
                       HIP 2941. See Allen et al. (2000) for information on metallicity,       AlC2000 
                       age, galactic orbital parameters, etc.                                  .       
                       Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and spectroscopic   .       
                       masses of 1.79 +/- 0.29, 1.92, and 0.91 Msun, respectively.             Mlk2012 
                       YSC 170.                                                                .       
00374-2054 FAR  23     GJ 2010 = NLTT 2019. Primary is white dwarf WD 0034-211.                Far2006 
00374-3717 I   705     Many attempts, but only a few positive observations.                    .       
00374-3904 WHI   1     Other IDs uncertain; based on Simbad search using epoch-1950            .       
                       coordinates 003456-392028 from White et al. (1991).                     Whi1991 
00374-7243 OGL  49     SMC131.3.3943  + SMC131.3.4041                                          Pli2012 
00376+1257 GWP  69     XMI 138.                                                                Tob2012b
00376+1547 GWP  70     XMI 139.                                                                Tob2012b
00378-7246 OGL  50     SMC131.2.5591  + SMC131.2.6860                                          Pli2012 
00378-7413 OGL  51     SMC128.8.65    + SMC128.8.358                                           Pli2012 
00379+1404 GWP  71     XMI 140. GRV1161.                                                       Tob2012b
00379-7256 OGL  52     SMC131.1.6657  + SMC126.7.785                                           Pli2012 
00381-7127 OGL  53     SMC132.1.1336  + SMC132.1.1337                                          Pli2012 
00381-7345 OGL  54     SMC128.5.115   + SMC128.5.276   + SMC128.7.9551                         Pli2012 
00382+0322 J  1042     BAL 1609.                                                               .       
00383-7124 OGL  55     SMC132.1.1263  + SMC132.1.1284                                          Pli2012 
00384+0130 BAL 947     Probably ARG 47, BD+00@93.                                              .       
00385+4300 LDS5176     old LDS6095.                                                            .       
                       NLTT 2053/2057                                                          Chm2004 
00386+4738 OSO   7     G172-016. Common proper motion pair                                     Oso2004 
00386+1420 GWP  72     XMI 141.                                                                Tob2012b
00386-2118 LDS2140     NLTT 2075/2062                                                          Chm2004 
00386-3903 WHI   2     Other IDs uncertain; based on Simbad search using epoch-1950            .       
                       coordinates 003609-391934 from White et al. (1991), where pair is       Whi1991 
                       listed as possibly resolved.                                            .       
00387-7431 OGL  56     SMC129.7.14    + SMC129.7.603                                           Pli2012 
00388+3101 AG  430     B is BD+30@90.                                                          .       
                       Not confirmed using images from the Digitized Sky Surveys               Oso2004 
                       Optical pair, based on study of relative motion of the components       .       
                       using the method of apparent motion parameters.                         Kiy2008 
00388-2506 HJ 1991     B is CD-25@235.                                                         .       
00389-2536 HJ 1992     B is CD-26@195.                                                         .       
00389-7248 OGL  57     SMC126.7.3     + SMC126.7.86                                            Pli2012 
00391-7313 OGL  58     SMC125.6.23680 + SMC125.6.24279                                         Pli2012 
00392+1329 GWP  73     XMI 142.                                                                Tob2012b
00393+3052 BU  491     del And = 31 And                                                        .       
                       A is a long-period spectroscopic binary, P = 15000d (?).                .       
           BTM   1     Aa,Ab: Bottom et al. (2015) resolve the spectroscopic binary del And    .       
                       using the Palomar 5m and Stellar Double Coronograph. The physical       .       
                       separation is 11.55 +/- 0.13 au; the spectral type of the companion is  .       
                       estimated at K4 +/- 2.                                                  Btm2015 
                       Aa,Ab: Gontcharov & Kiyaeva (2002) orbit based on combination of        Gon2002b
                       ground-based catalogs with Hipparcos. They quote masses of 1.3+/-0.4    .       
                       and 1.3 Msun for the two components, and estimate their spectral types  .       
                       as K3III and white dwarf.                                               .       
                       Mk III Limb-darkened diameter  4.12 mas.                                MkT1991 
                       Mk III Limb darkened diameter  4.17  +/- 0.06  mas                      MkT2001 
                       Mk III Limb-darkened diameter  4.136 +/- 0.041 mas                      MkT2003 
                       NPOI Limb-darkened diameter    4.24  +/- 0.06  mas                      NOI2001b
00394+2115 STT 550     AB: Optical pair, based on study of relative motion of the components   .       
                       using the method of apparent motion parameters.                         Kiy2008 
           LUH   3     54 Psc. AC: Common proper motion for both components was determined     .       
                       through comparison of relative location with that obtained by 2MASS.    .       
                       The B component is determined to be a possible T dwarf (T7.5 +/- 0.5)   .       
                       based on mid-IR colors and magnitudes. Age is determined to be 7 +/-    .       
                       3 Gyr and mass of C component 0.051 +/- 0.014 Msun.                     Luh2007 
                       The T dwarf is referred to by Luhman et al. as the "B" component,       .       
                       either because the non-physical STT 550 was not considered, or the WDS  .       
                       was not consulted. In any event, this component referred to in the WDS  .       
                       hierarchy as "C" is sometimes called "B" in the literature.             .       
                       CHARA Array Limb-darkened diameter  0.790 +/- 0.027 mas,                CIA2008c
                       R =  0.947 +/- 0.032 \rsun.                                             .       
00395+6151 STI 110     00394+6158MLB 378                                                       .       
00395+6002 HJ 1042     STI 111.                                                                .       
00395+1454 GIC  12     AB: LDS 868 = G032-037/G032-038.                                        .       
                       NLTT 2126/2125                                                          Chm2004 
           JNN 249     Ba,Bb: G 32-37B. Estimated age 300-1000 Myr; masses 0.33 +/- 0.03 and   .       
                       0.19 +/- 0.01 Msun; a ~4.3 au.                                          Jnn2014 
00396+8445 HJ 1986     STTA  3. B is BD+83@11.                                                 .       
00398+6157 LAM   1     MLB 379. STI 114AC.                                                     .       
                       BDS notes AB measure 357deg, 69".87 - Burnham was unable to find any    .       
                       pair that matched this separation - perhaps typo for 6".98?             .       
           STI 113     BD: Previously 00399+6158STI 113AB.                                     .       
00398-1418 GAL 303     Object #23 in Gallo's original list.                                    Gal1912a
00399+2126 STF  46     55 Psc.                                                                 .       
00400+7652 STTA  5     B is BD+76@16.                                                          .       
00400+1336 BPM  16     [PM2000]   26418 + [PM2000]   26431.                                    Gvr2010 
00400+1016 PLQ   7     The A component has been resolved as a close spectroscopic binary.      Tok2020h
00400+0106 GWP  74     XMI 143.                                                                Tob2012b
00401+5014 V523 Cas    Multiple system including contact binary. Pribulla & Rucinski (2006)    Pbl2006 
                       estimate the mass of the contact pair at 1.130 Msun and the minimum     .       
                       mass of the wider component at 0.31 Msun.                               .       
00403+2403 BU 1348     AC : Carries BU 1348 from ADS (562), despite earlier discovery by STF.  .       
                       BC : AD equated with this component.                                    .       
                       BC: Rectilinear solution by Mason et al. (2012).                        WSI2012 
00403-0855 GAL 304     Object #24 in Gallo's original list.                                    Gal1912a
                       Also known as FAB   3.                                                  .       
00403-7241 OGL  59     SMC126.6.564   + SMC126.6.565                                           Pli2012 
00404+0722 OSO   8     G001-012. Not a common proper motion pair, based on comparison with     .       
                       POSS2 red plates                                                        Oso2004 
00405+5632 BU 1349     alp Cas = 18 Cas = Schedar                                              .       
                       Mk III Limb-darkened diameter  5.4   +/- 0.4   mas.                     MkT1989 
                       Mk III Limb-darkened diameter  5.64 mas.                                MkT1991 
                       Mk III Limb-darkened diameter  5.72  +/- 0.08  mas                              
                       Mk III Limb-darkened diameter  5.608 +/- 0.056 mas.                     MkT2003 
                       NPOI Limb-darkened diameter    5.60  +/- 0.06  mas,                     NOI1999 
                       R = 42.1 +/- 1.7 \rsun.                                                 .       
                       NPOI Limb-darkened diameter    5.65  +/- 0.08  mas.                     NOI2001b
                       NPOI Limb-darkened diameter    5.903 +/- 0.036 mas,                     .       
                       R =   45.03 (+1.57- 1.68)  \rsun,  Teff = 4476 +/-  15 K,               .       
                       L =  734.2 +/- 42.2 \lsun.                                              NOI2023 
           H 5  18     AD: H V 18. Also HJ 1993.                                               .       
                       AD: Optical pair, based on study of relative motion of the components   .       
                       using the method of apparent motion parameters.                         Kiy2008 
                       AD: Rectilinear solution by Hurowitz et al. (2013).                     USN2013a
00405-1631 BU  109     B is BD-17@108.                                                         .       
00405-4829 LDS9096     Old LDS6096.                                                            .       
00405-7321 OGL  60     SMC125.7.29221 + SMC125.7.29234                                         Pli2012 
00406-0023 ARG  48     BAL 646.                                                                .       
00406-1502 GAL 305     Object #26 in Gallo's original list.                                    Gal1912a
00407-0421 HJ  323     B is BD-05@100.                                                         .       
00408+1618 GWP  76     XMI 144.                                                                Tob2012b
00408-7125 OGL  61     SMC127.8.10    + SMC127.8.21                                            Pli2012 
00409+0810 GWP  77     XMI 145.                                                                Tob2012b
00409-7320 OGL  62     SMC125.7.29414 + SMC125.7.30547                                         Pli2012 
00410+3257 SEI   8     Listed in ADS as both #565 and #580 (00420+3304POT   8)                 .       
00414-7124 OGL  63     SMC127.8.1547  + SMC127.8.2057  + SMC127.8.2076                         Pli2012 
00415+5550 GIC  13     G218-007/G218-008 = GJ 1015AB.                                          .       
00416+2438 WRH  28     Hynek 1. Not certainly resolved by Wilson in 1949, but successfully     .       
                       resolved by McAlister in 1980.                                          .       
                       1983.9362: this (and presumably other) negative results may be due      .       
                       to a delta m between 1.5 and 3.                                         Bnu1984 
00416-0934 GRV1162     SLW  36.                                                                .       
00416-5621 RNR   1     2MASS J0041353-562112. Spectral types M6.5 +/- 1 and M9.0 +/- 1.        .       
                       Assuming age of ~10 Myr, component masses are ~30 and ~15 Mjup;         .       
                       distance 50 +21/-10 pc, orbital period 126 +86/-37y.                    Rnr2010 
00417-4729 LDS9097     Old LDS6097.                                                            .       
00417-7102 OGL  64     SMC127.6.1579  + SMC127.6.1681                                          Pli2012 
00418-5630 HJ 3387     xi Phe. Variable.                                                       .       
00419+1751 A  2303     J 585.                                                                  .       
00419+1341 JMS   1     BDK   3. NLTT 2274 + 2MASS J00415453+1341351. Distance 21 +/- 8 pc for  .       
                       the primary, 31 +/- 6 pc for the secondary. Estimated age of system     .       
                       4.5-8 Gyr. Mass of secondary estimated at 0.081-0.083 Msun.             Fah2010 
                       NLTT 2274 + 2MASS J00415453+1341351. Baron et al. (2015) estimate       .       
                       spectral types M4.0 +/- 0.5 and M9.5 +/- 0.5, distances 23 +14/-9 and   .       
                       40 +6/-12 pc, masses 0.207-0.272 and 0.076-0.083 Msun.                  BFr2015 
00420-7306 OGL  65     SMC125.5.32790 + SMC125.5.33233                                         Pli2012 
00422-7435 OGL  66     SMC129.2.448   + SMC129.2.992                                           Pli2012 
00424+1721 BPM  17     [PM2000]   27917 + [PM2000]   27832.                                    Gvr2010 
00424+0410 STT  18     AB: Visual orbit (Grade 4) gives too large mass sum of 52 Msun.         Tok2014d
00426-5407 HJ 3388     B is CPD-54@159.                                                        .       
00427-3828 HDO 182     lam 1 Scl                                                               .       
00427-6537 I   440     Probable rapid motion, as yet undefined by the measures.                .       
                       Derived orbital parallax 0".00685, mass sum 4.91 +/- 2.94 Msun          Lin2004a
00427-7409 OGL  67     SMC128.1.11    + SMC128.1.217                                           Pli2012 
00428+3533 TOK  10     FF And. Primary is 2.2d SB2. Estimated period of visual pair 4400y.     .       
                       G-solution in HIPPARCOS.                                                Tok2006 
                       This system is noted as being triple in Tokovinin et al. (2006),        Tok2006 
                       including a close spectroscopic binary pair with approximately 1.3 mas  .       
                       separation and a likely wider companion at 11" separation. Due to       .       
                       these separations however, it is counted as single for our purposes.    Jnn2012 
00429+2047 A  2205     A premature orbit has been calculated.                                  .       
00431+3913 MLB1054     ALI 727.                                                                .       
00431+0707 OSO   9     G001-013. Not a common proper motion pair, based on comparison with     .       
                       POSS2 red plates                                                        Oso2004 
00432+0128 GWP  80     XMI 146.                                                                Tob2012b
00432-2146 LDS1078     SLW  39.                                                                .       
00432-3759 UC  427     CPM candidate confirmed physical by photometry (2MASS and V mags).      Tok2013c
                       Spectral type of comoving secondary estimated as M0-1, mass 0.56 Msun.  Mug2014 
00434-0054 STF  53     AB: Optical pair, based on study of relative motion of the components   .       
                       using the method of apparent motion parameters.                         Kiy2008 
00434-5728 HJ 3391     eta Phe.                                                                .       
           MRN   1     Aa,Ab: Marion et al. (2014) estimate the companion as K1V, at about     .       
                       6.8au separation from the A0IV primary. They derive a minimum orbital   .       
                       period of ~9.5y, consistent with an astrometric companion reported by   .       
                       Makarov & Kaplan (2005). A followup K-band observation suggests         Mkr2005 
                       spectral type for the secondary of ~G5V.                                Mrn2014 
00435+3351 BUP 241     AB: B is BD+32@120.                                                     .       
           WEI  46     AC: Distances are 1321" and 1310".                                      .       
00436-2354 LDS2147     NLTT 2383/2381                                                          Chm2004 
00437+7211 OSO  10     G242-065. Neither is a common proper motion pair, based on comparison   .       
                       with POSS2 red plates                                                   Oso2004 
00439+0946 J  2712     Not found by Heintz at IDS position.                                    Hei1990b
00441+5655 MLR 625     Also known as TDS1589.                                                  .       
00441-7238 OGL  68     SMC126.3.2852  + SMC126.3.910                                           Pli2012 
00442+3122 GRV  40     Aka HJL1007                                                             .       
00442+4614 STF  52     Primary is eclipsing binary V355 And (period 4.7184 day).               Zas2010 
00443-7439 OGL  69     SMC129.2.3173  + SMC129.1.2349                                          Pli2012 
00444+3332 STF  54     STF  56.                                                                .       
                       SEI   9.                                                                Nsn2017a
00444+1235 HJ    6     AG 7.                                                                   .       
00445-1715 B  2513     Probably BD-18@118.                                                     .       
00445-3607 B   640     Primary is CR Scl, eclipsing binary of W UMa-type, period 0.246537d.    Zas2013 
00446+4341 LDS5177     old LDS6098.                                                            .       
00446+2007 GWP  84     XMI 147.                                                                Tob2012b
00446-1856 LDS3195     AC: NLTT 2439/2437                                                      Chm2004 
00447+4817 BU  231     omi Cas = 22 Cas                                                        .       
                       Primary is a spectroscopic binary, P = 1033:d.                          .       
           NOI   3     Aa,Ab: Hipparcos astrometric solution adopted some elements from the    HIP1997d
                       orbit of Abt & Levy (1978).                                             AbH1978 
                       Koubsky et al. (2010) combined solution uses NPOI astrometric data      NOI2010 
                       together with radial velocities from the Dominion Astrophysical and     .       
                       Ondrejov Observatories. The secondary appears to be of similar mass to  .       
                       the primary, although the magnitude difference is nearly 3 magnitudes.  .       
                       One possible explanation might be that the secondary is comprised of a  .       
                       close pair of similar stars, possible early A dwarfs.                   .       
                       Aa,Ab: Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and          .       
                       spectroscopic masses 6.12 +/- 2.94, 7.39, and 5.62 Msun, respectively.  Mlk2012 
00448+4202 LDS5178     old LDS6099.                                                            .       
00448+3940 ALI1011     MLB 810.                                                                .       
00450-7234 OGL  70     SMC126.4.9807  + SMC126.4.10299 + SMC126.4.10283                        Pli2012 
00451+0533 PLQ   8     BAL2993.                                                                .       
                       HJL   8.                                                                HJL1986 
00451-7310 OGL  71     SMC125.4.14538 + SMC125.4.14830                                         Pli2012 
00452+0015 LDS 836     AB: Primary is SB1, P=11.439d (Griffin 2002 Obs 121, 221).              Tok2014d
00453+1019 STF  58     B is BD+09@85.                                                          .       
00454+1422 LDS1079     G032-046. See Allen et al. (2000) for information on metallicity,       AlC2000 
                       age, galactic orbital parameters, etc.                                  .       
00454-7413 OGL  72     SMC128.1.8607  + SMC128.1.10178                                         Pli2012 
00455+1232 HJ    7     Rectilinear solution by Mason et al. (2012).                            WSI2012 
00455-1253 BUP   8     18 Cet.                                                                 .       
00456+3628 ALI  21     Astrographic Catalogue plate defect.                                    Grv2023b
00456-7115 OGL  73     SMC127.2.1735  + SMC127.1.582                                           Pli2012 
00456-7331 OGL  74     SMC125.1.37411 + SMC125.1.37410                                         Pli2012 
00457+7459 H N 122     A: 21 Cas = YZ Cas                                                      .       
                       A is an Algol-type eclipsing and spectroscopic binary, P = 4.47d.       .       
00457-1625 MLF   1     aka HO  624                                                             .       
00457-3510 LDS3191     LDS5294                                                                 .       
00457-7401 OGL  75     SMC128.2.9138  + SMC128.2.10100                                         Pli2012 
00458+5459 ARG   2     AB: Optical pair, based on study of relative motion of the components   .       
                       using the method of apparent motion parameters.                         Kiy2008 
00458-4733 HDO 183     AB: PMS star, X-ray source, rapid rotation, debris disk.                Tok2014d
00458-7242 OGL  76     SMC126.3.12924 + SMC126.3.13758                                         Pli2012 
00459+3347 LAW   8     LSPM J0045+3347 = NLTT 2511. Law et al (2008) derive a distance of      Law2008 
                       14.9 +7.0/-2.6 pc and a projected separation of 4.0 +2.1/-0.6 au.       .       
                       Estimated spectral types are M4.5 and M5.5.                             .       
00459-7359 OGL  77     SMC128.2.9204  + SMC128.2.11627                                         Pli2012 
00460+3626 HJ  627     ALI 22.                                                                 .       
00460-7108 OGL  78     SMC127.3.1324  + SMC127.2.2113                                          Pli2012 
00461-0539 LDS3199     NLTT 2540/2538                                                          Chm2004 
00462-2214 RST4155     Ma,Mb = 1.043 +/- 0.026, 0.990 +/- 0.024 \msun.                         GmJ2022 
00462-7250 OGL  79     SMC126.2.15522 + SMC126.2.15521                                         Pli2012 
00463+6517 HJ 1052     STI 124.                                                                .       
00463-0634 HDS 101     Cvetkovic et al. (2016) estimate spectral types F2 and F9, masses 1.56  .       
                       and 1.20 Msun. Dynamical parallax is 9.22 +/- 1.22 mas.                 Cve2016b
00464+3057 STFA  1     STTA  6. B is BD+30@114.                                                .       
                       H 5 123.                                                                MEv2010 
00464-7332 OGL  80     SMC103.5.132   + SMC103.5.864                                           Pli2012 
00466-7334 OGL  81     SMC103.5.4     + SMC103.5.25                                            Pli2012 
00467+1335 BPM  18     [PM2000]   30523 + [PM2000]   30577.                                    Gvr2010 
00467-0426 LDS9100     Old LDS6100.                                                            .       
                       NLTT 2582/2586                                                          Chm2004 
00467-7228 OGL  82     SMC101.6.16943 + SMC101.6.16996                                         Pli2012 
00468-5200 HJ 3398     B is CPD-52@91.                                                         .       
00469+0533 GWP  86     XMI 148.                                                                Tob2012b
00470+3848 ES  223     00471+3848ALI 729                                                       .       
00470-1152 CUD   1     AB: Component A is the central star of the planetary nebula NGC 246.    Skf2013 
                       Adam & Mugrauer (2014) estimate spectral type of B component as K2-K5,          
                       mass 0.85 Msun.                                                         Ada2014 
           ADA   1     AC: Adam & Mugrauer (2014) detect an additional companion to the white          
                       dwarf primary. Estimated spectral type is M5-M6, mass 0.1 Msun. All             
                       components share common proper motion.                                  Ada2014 
00471+3800 J  2713     ALI 485.                                                                .       
00471-7304 OGL  83     SMC100.6.7164  + SMC100.6.7261                                          Pli2012 
00473+2416 BUP   9     AB: zet And. A is an eclipsing and spectroscopic binary, P = 17.8d.     .       
                       Mk III Limb-darkened diameter  4.4   +/- 0.5   mas.                     MkT1989 
                       AC is probably optical.                                                 .       
                       Proper motion +758 -1146.                                               .       
00474+5106 H 5  82     H V 82. STTA  7. B is BD+50@142.                                        .       
00474+3314 BOW   1     Not found by Heintz at IDS position.                                    Hei1990b
00474+1730 BPM  20     [PM2000]   30911 + [PM2000]   30961.                                    Gvr2010 
00474+1726 BPM  19     [PM2000]   30878 + [PM2000]   30861.                                    Gvr2010 
00474-7345 OGL  84     SMC103.7.16909 + SMC128.5.14891                                         Pli2012 
00476+5533 TDS1614     WDS designation changed slightly when merged with STI1428 into triple   .       
00476-1812 LDS9101     Old LDS6101.                                                            .       
00477+1253 STTA  8     LDS2796. B is BD+12@90.                                                 .       
                       AB: HJL   9.                                                            HJL1986 
00479-2921 I   261     Rapid, but as yet undefined, motion.                                    .       
                       1989.9437: Having had only one other measure in the last 35 years,      .       
                       this pair needs further observation, especially since we appear to be   .       
                       near periastron at this epoch.                                          .       
00480+5127 STF  59     AB: H 1  40.                                                            MEv2010 
00481-7234 OGL  85     SMC101.7.31055 + SMC101.5.77                                            Pli2012 
00481-7348 OGL  86     SMC103.7.20241 + SMC103.7.6961  + SMC103.7.7536                         Pli2012 
00482+1737 GWP  87     XMI 149.                                                                Tob2012b
00482+1055 DAM 864     CD: GII 108.                                                            .       
00484+0517 HEI 202     The AB pair was seen on two photographic plates by Heintz, but the      .       
                       companion was not visible on 164 other plates, nor was it seen on       .       
                       repeated checks with a micrometer. The parallax plates also yield       .       
                       large residuals, leading Heintz to suspect variability.                 Hei1984i
                       CHARA Array Limb-darkened diameter of A :                               CIA2012f
                       R =  0.6954 +/- 0.0041 \rsun, L =  0.26073 +/-0.00263 \lsun,            .       
                       Teff = 4950 +/-  14 K, M = 0.753 \msun.                                 .       
00486-2357 LDS  27     NLTT 2704/2705                                                          Chm2004 
00487+4619 SMA  10     A 1-deg error in WDS designation, apparently a typo in transcribing     .       
                       coordinates from the original source.                                   .       
00487+1841 BU  495     Hipparcos parallax of 0".01628 yields a mass sum of 2.14 Msun           .       
                       with an uncertainty of 28%, agreeing well for a double star of          .       
                       spectral type G0. The dynamical parallax is 0".0149, in reasonable      .       
                       agreement with the measured one. Semi-major axis erroneously given      .       
                       as 0.317; a = 0.617 matches Scardia's figure, so is assumed to be       .       
                       the intended value.                                                     Sca2000b
                       Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and spectroscopic   .       
                       masses of 3.00 +/- 0.67, 2.30, and 1.05 Msun, respectively.             Mlk2012 
                       Quadruple system. The inner AB pair, BU 495, has an orbit with a 143.6  .       
                       +/- 4.0 yr period (Scardia et al. 2000). The CPM component C at 152"    Sca2000b
                       from AB was found by Tokovinin & Lepine (2012), who estimate the        Tok2012c
                       probability of it being physical as 0.99. The component C was resolved  .       
                       by Riddle et al. (2015) into a 0".67 pair Ca,Cb. The PM is too small    RAO2015 
                       to determine if the Ca and Cb share common PM, but the low density of   .       
                       background stars and the small separation imply that the pair Ca,Cb is  .       
                       physical.                                                               Rbr2015d
00487+0735 BUP  11     del Psc = 63 Psc                                                        .       
00489-7434 OGL  87     SMC104.8.5148  + SMC129.2.824                                           Pli2012 
00490+4435 MCT   2     Initially entered into WDS incorrectly as 00490+5535.                   .       
                       GJ 3058. Estimated age 50-150 Myr; masses 0.22 +/- 0.10 and 0.18 +/-    .       
                       0.08 Msun; a ~19.0 au.                                                  Jnn2014 
00490+1656 BUP  12     64 Psc. A is a spectroscopic binary.                                    .       
           64 Psc      Combined spectroscopic/interferometric solution by Boden et al. (1999)  Bod1999b
                       yields P=13.824621 days, T=JD 2450905.984.                              .       
                       Aa,Ab: Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and          .       
                       spectroscopic masses 2.51 +/- 5.01, 2.80, and 1.10 Msun, respectively.  Mlk2012 
00491+5749 STF  60     eta Cas = 24 Cas = Achird.                                              .       
                       Proper motion of A +1141 -572. PM of B = +1105 -493.                    .       
                       A has been reported to be a                                             Dob1927 
                       spectroscopic binary, but this is not confirmed. Doberck, Pavel, and    Pav1914 
                       Harshaw measure attributed to BC, then later to BE, was actually to     Hsw2004 
                       another faint star; confusion was due to the high proper motion of the  .       
                       B component and the long time span since the previous measurement.      .       
                       Proper Motion of E -003-001, F -010+000, G +009-005, H -006-001         .       
                       System has been discussed by van de Kamp & Flather.                     Kam1955 
                       AB: H 3   3.                                                            MEv2010 
                       AB: Additional notes may be found in Simonov (1937).                    Smw1937 
                       AB: Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and             .       
                       spectroscopic masses 1.58 +/- 0.85, 1.71, and 1.60 Msun, respectively.  Mlk2012 
                       AB: Raghavan et al. (2010) do not accept the astrometric sub-system as  Rag2010 
                       real.                                                                   Tok2014d
                       CHARA Array Limb-darkened diameter  1.623 +/- 0.004 mas,                CIA2012e
                       R =  1.039 +/- 0.004 \rsun, L =  1.252 +/-0.019 \lsun,                  .       
                       Teff = 6003 +/-  24 K, M = 0.972 +/- 0.012 \msun,                       .       
                       Age =  5.4 +/- 0.9 Gyr.                                                 .       
                       AD: Rectilinear solution by Hurowitz et al. (2013).                     USN2013a
00492+5720 A   921     Star C (mag. 14, 4.5") is probably physical.                            .       
00494-2313 PES   1     A : Teff = 5400 +/- 60 K, Age = 2.3 +/- 1.4 GYr, M = 0.856 +/- 0.014    Pes2019 
                           \msun, R = 0.769 +/- 0.016 \rsun.                                   .       
                       B : Teff = 1300 +/- 100K, R = 0.91 +/- 0.16 \rjup, M = 70.2 +/- 1.6     .       
                           \mjup.                                                              .       
00494-7401 OGL  88     SMC103.8.8139  + SMC103.8.8451                                          Pli2012 
00496-5410 HJ 3402     Optical pair, based on study of relative motion of the components       .       
                       using the method of apparent motion parameters.                         Kiy2008 
00497-1841 B  2067     Primary is Hipparcos acceleration solution (G-code) binary. Is the      .       
                       acceleration caused by the companion, or is it a triple?  Companion     .       
                       not measured by HIP, could cause false acceleration? 2MASS: another     .       
                       companion at 6.6", 276.2deg is listed, likely bogus.                    Tok2014d
00497-7336 OGL  89     SMC103.6.31460 + SMC103.6.31513                                         Pli2012 
00498+7027 ENG   2     Optical pair, based on study of relative motion of the components       .       
                       using the method of apparent motion parameters.                         Kiy2008 
00499+3027 STTA  9     B is BD+29@139.                                                         .       
00499+2743 STF  61     65 Psc = i Psc                                                          .       
                       H 2  84.                                                                MEv2010 
00500-0401 RST4158     J 1440.                                                                 J__1941a
00501+1606 GWP  88     XMI 150.                                                                Tob2012b
00502+1604 GWP  89     XMI 151.                                                                Tob2012b
00502-7147 OGL  90     SMC102.4.11    + SMC102.4.92                                            Pli2012 
00503+6235 MRI  32     FMR  35.                                                                .       
00503-7217 OGL  91     SMC101.4.18707 + SMC101.4.18866                                         Pli2012 
00504+5038 BU  232     See Baize & Petit (1989) catalog of doubles with variable component.    Baz1989d
                       AB: Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and             .       
                       spectroscopic masses 3.83 +/- 2.67, 2.70, and 1.20 Msun, respectively.  Mlk2012 
00505+7538 HJ 1997     B is BD+74@31.                                                          .       
00505+5930 LDS9102     Old LDS6102.                                                            .       
00505+2450 LDS3203     NLTT 2805/2804                                                          Chm2004 
00506-7328 RSS   2     This previously uncataloged double star was a Hipparcos double entry    .       
                       system.  The first measure is determined from the individual positions  .       
                       listed by Rousseau et al.                                               Rss1996 
00507+6415 MCA   2     A spectroscopic binary and resolved interferometric pair. Composite     .       
                       spectrum: B9.5V+G0III-IV.                                               .       
                       Combined spectroscopic/visual solution by Mason et al. (1997).          Msn1997b
                       Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and spectroscopic   .       
                       masses of 9.12 +/- 1.74, 8.22, and 2.40 Msun, respectively.             Mlk2012 
00508+5123 OSO  11     G172-024. Not a common proper motion pair, based on comparison with     .       
                       POSS2 red plates.                                                       Oso2004 
00508+3203 A   922     No observations 1932-69. Apparently has completed nearly a revolution.  .       
00509+1215 GWP  91     XMI 152.                                                                Tob2012b
00511+2231 AZC   7     BC measure of 00511+2236LDS3204 now with this pair and decoupled with   .       
                       the former LDS3204AB.                                                   .       
00511-7204 OGL  92     SMC102.2.129   + SMC102.2.1604                                          Pli2012 
00511-7226 DBR 213     DBR 214.                                                                .       
00512+2211 KU   70     motion direct.                                                          .       
00513+5840 GIC  14     G218-015/G218-016.                                                      .       
00513-7413 OGL  93     SMC104.3.46    + SMC104.3.1506                                          Pli2012 
00515+5630 DAL  11     RoboAO: 2 faint companions near B at 16.7" and 15.0", likely optical.   RAO2015 
                       Star in cluster IC 1590 (NGC 281 nebula)                                Tok2014d
                       Significantly different proper motion and parallax for components, so   Jao2017 
                       non physical.                                                                   
00515-7225 OGL  94     SMC101.3.29657 + SMC101.4.5258  + SMC101.3.30856                        Pli2012 
00516+4412 YR   19     Aa,B: These observations were previously presented in Horch et al       Hor2009 
                       (2009, 2010). The data presented here are the result of a reanalysis    Hor2010 
                       using a trinary fit to include the close component YR 123Aa,Ab,         .       
                       although the Aa,Ab component was not always of high enough quality to   .       
                       include. In the course of reanalyzing these observations, it was also   .       
                       noticed that the magnitude differences appearing in Horch et al (2011)  .       
                       for the two filters shown were reversed. The values here correct that   .       
                       error.                                                                  Hor2011b
00516+2237 A  1808     Orbits with periods around 110y and a ~0.13" have been computed.        .       
                       Motion direct.                                                          .       
                       Omega for Docobo (1988) solution corrected from 322.8 to 332.8          Doc1988b
                       degrees.                                                                Ruy1995 
                       Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and spectroscopic   .       
                       masses of 2.31 +/- 1.64, 5.27, and 2.88 Msun, respectively.             Mlk2012 
00516+0735 GWP  93     XMI 153.                                                                Tob2012b
00516-7354 OGL  95     SMC103.1.11891 + SMC103.1.11996                                         Pli2012 
00517-1600 GWP  94     ABL  82.                                                                Tob2012b
00519+3750 GIC  15     G132-035/G132-036.                                                      .       
00519-1553 GWP  95     ABL  83.                                                                Tob2012b
00519-5921 HJ 3404     LDS  28.                                                                .       
00520+3353 HJ  628     Possibly the same a STF  66 with an error of 2 deg in dec.              .       
00520+2035 GIC  16     G069-027/G069-029.                                                      .       
00521-1925 RSS  44     CPD-20@105                                                              .       
00522-2237 STN   3     AC: Optical pair, based on study of relative motion of the components   .       
                       using the method of apparent motion parameters.                         Kiy2008 
                       AC: Rectilinear solution by Hurowitz et al. (2013).                     USN2013a
00522-3534 BRT3373     A likely plate flaw.                                                    Grv2021b
00523-7224 DBR 236     DBR 237.                                                                .       
00523-7252 OGL  96     SMC100.4.53934 + SMC100.4.11604                                         Pli2012 
00523-7350 OGL  97     SMC103.2.6804  + SMC103.2.6864                                          Pli2012 
00524-6930 DUN   2     lam 1 Tuc. B is CPD-70@38.                                              .       
                       SHY 390. Bayesian analysis by Shaya & Olling (2011) indicates very      Shy2011 
                       high (near 100%) probability pair is physical.                          .       
                       Both A and B are above MS by 2 mag! The parallax can't be wrong.        Tok2014d
                       RMK   1. Rectilinear solution by Letchford et al. (2018).               LRR2018a
00527-2400 BU  734     A is a spectroscopic binary.                                            .       
00528+5638 BU    1     This is a trapezium system (Abt 1986) which lies at the center of the   AbH1986 
           ABH   5     cluster IC 1590 at a distance of 2.94 +/- 0.15 kpc (Guetter & Turner    .       
                       1997 AJ 113, 2116).  All four components were observed and appeared to  .       
                       be single.                                                              Msn1998a
           BU    1     AD: HJL  10.                                                            HJL1986 
00528+0111 LDS9104     Old LDS6104.                                                            .       
00528-7308 OGL  98     SMC100.3.19805 + SMC100.3.19803                                         Pli2012 
00529-0038 LDS  29     NLTT 2925/2926                                                          Chm2004 
00529-0856 LDS3208     NLTT 2931/2928                                                          Chm2004 
00531+6107 BU  497     A is a spectroscopic binary.                                            .       
00533+0405 A  2307     Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and spectroscopic   .       
                       masses of 7.12 +/- 2.18, 3.24, and 1.40 Msun, respectively.             Mlk2012 
00534-4114 CPO  24     LDS  30.                                                                .       
00535+2536 BRT 119     00535+2537POU  73                                                       .       
                       Primary an eclipsing binary of W UMa-type, period 0.345575 day.         Zas2013 
00535-0041 TOB 359     Pair found when 00536-0039HDO  38 misidentified.                        Dam2015c
00536-0039 HDO  38     Primary is galaxy LEDA 1137438.                                         .       
00537+1758 GWP  97     XMI 154.                                                                Tob2012b
00537-3722 BRT1581     A likely plate flaw.                                                    Grv2021b
00537-7236 OGL  99     SMC101.2.48111 + SMC105.6.27571                                         Pli2012 
00540-2503 HJ 3407     B is CD-25@344, spectrum F2V.                                           .       
00541+2615 LDS3210     NLTT 2989/2990                                                          Chm2004 
00542+5108 HU 1018     Rectilinear solution by Scardia et al. (2017).                          Sca2017c
00543-7358 OGL 100     SMC107.7.2     + SMC107.7.62                                            Pli2012 
00545+5619 CTT   2     B component is BD+55@196.                                               .       
00545-7230 OGL 101     SMC105.5.24224 + SMC105.5.24308 + SMC105.5.25393                        Pli2012 
00546+3910 STF  72     B is BD+38@139.                                                         .       
00546+1911 STT  20     66 Psc.                                                                 Wor1956b
                       AB: Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and             .       
                       spectroscopic masses 3.70 +/- 1.01, 4.39, and 2.57 Msun, respectively.  Mlk2012 
00547-6558 LDS9105     Old LDS6105.                                                            .       
00547-7129 OGL 102     SMC109.6.11    + SMC109.6.145                                           Pli2012 
00547-7229 OGL 103     SMC105.5.24345 + SMC105.5.160                                           Pli2012 
00548+0857 GWP 100     XMI 155.                                                                Tob2012b
00548-6727 GLI   7     B is CPD-68@33.                                                         .       
00548-7303 OGL 104     SMC106.5.28410 + SMC106.5.28476                                         Pli2012 
00548-7358 OGL 105     SMC107.7.205   + SMC107.7.460                                           Pli2012 
00549-3615 BRT1582     A likely plate flaw.                                                    Grv2021b
00550+5858 BU 1098     ups 1 Cas = 26 Cas                                                      .       
00550+2406 ENG   3     Optical pair, based on study of relative motion of the components       .       
                       using the method of apparent motion parameters.                         Kiy2008 
                       Rectilinear solution by Hurowitz et al. (2013).                         USN2013a
00550+2338 STF  73     36 And.                                     One component is            .       
                       variable. A combined photometric/polarimetric/speckle spectroscopic     .       
                       analysis of this system was made by Tamazian et al.                     Tam2000 
                       See Baize & Petit (1989) catalog of doubles with variable component.    Baz1989d
                       Subgiant stars, spectral types G6 and K6. Calculated mass sum is 1.86   .       
                       +/- 0.15 Msun, in reasonably agreement with these classifications.      Mut2010b
                       AB: Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and             .       
                       spectroscopic masses 1.86 +/- 0.14, 2.29, and 1.35 Msun, respectively.  Mlk2012 
           FOX 115     AB,C: Optical pair, based on study of relative motion of the            .       
                       components using the method of apparent motion parameters.              Kiy2008 
00552-4724 CD-48  216  HD 5388 was known to have a companion thought to be a planet candidate  .       
                       of minimium mass M sin i = 1.96 Mjup. Sahlmann et al. (2011) derive a   .       
                       combined astrometric/spectroscopic orbit, using values of P,e,T, and    .       
                       omega from the spectroscopic orbit of Santos et al. (2010 A&A 512,      .       
                       A47). They determine the orbit is nearly face-on, yielding an           .       
                       estimated mass for the companion of  69 +/- 20 Mjup. Thus it can no     .       
                       longer be considered a planet.                                          SaJ2011b
00552-7401 OGL 106     SMC107.7.14    + SMC107.7.241                                           Pli2012 
00553-7318 OGL 107     SMC106.6.7246  + SMC106.6.7641                                          Pli2012 
00554+4611 ES 1298     The angle for 1914 has been increased 100 degrees.                      .       
                       The 1914 Espin measure is probably in error by 100deg.                  Cou1955c
00554+1545 LDS2801     LDS3212.                                                                .       
00554+1253 GWP 103     XMI 156.                                                                Tob2012b
00556-4316 CBL 115     May be the omitted CPO  25.                                             .       
00557+5748 ES  405     Motion for component B relative to A reflects the proper motion of A    .       
                       to within the errors. Therefore, in spite of the fact the small proper  .       
                       motions of these two components are similar, we consider their          .       
                       physical relationship to be in doubt.                                   Kiy2012 
00557-7145 OGL 108     SMC109.8.11703 + SMC109.8.11918                                         Pli2012 
00558-1832 B   645     Probable rapid motion, but little observed.                             .       
00559+5937 STI 146     Rectilinear solution by Hurowitz et al. (2013).                         USN2013a
00560-7155 OGL 109     SMC108.5.26777 + SMC108.5.26787                                         Pli2012 
00561+5406 A  1259     Rectilinear solution by Rica & Zirm (2012).                             FMR2012i
00561-8237 WHI   3     Possibly resolved                                                       Whi1991 
00564+0548 GWP 105     XMI 157.                                                                Tob2012b
00565+5928 ES 1709     STI 95 is identical                                                     Hei1983a
00566+1040 STF  76     ET Psc, W Uma (EW) type eclipsing binary, P = 0.439298 d.               Zas2011 
00566-1614 HJ 2002     Evidently a mistake in position angle by Herschel (HJ).                 .       
00566-5633 LPO   1     Spectral type G5?                                                       .       
00567+6043 BU 1028     gam Cas = 27 Cas                                                        .       
                       A is nova-like variable. Photocentric motion of (probably) the Aa pair  .       
                       detected by Gontcharov et al.                                           Gon2001 
                       1975.636: Disk unresolved in H alpha emission and H beta.               Bla1977a
                       Very small relative motion of B despite the high proper motion of A     .       
                       reveals this as a common proper motion companion.                       .       
                       AD: The D component is the A component of 00568+6022.                   Mam2017 
00568+6022 BU 1099     Theta for 1979.7703 incorrectly given as 308.6 in McAlister & Hendry    McA1982d
                       (1982). Also, the measure for 1979.7730 was a spurious preliminary      .       
                       measure of the observation on 1979.7703, and has been deleted.          .       
                       The A component is the D component of 00567+6043.                       Mam2017 
           BAG  10     Aa,Ab: The primary is 4.24d SB2 (Young, Pub DAO Victoria 1, 287, 1921;  .       
                       F.C. Fekel, personal comm.). HR  266.                                   .       
                       Astrometric binary (P=4.85yr) discovered in residuals to speckle        .       
                       data for 83-year AB pair (Cole et al. 1992), as well as in residuals    CWA1992 
                       to SB orbit.                                                            .       
                       The Ab component is a 4.2d pair consisting of a B9V and A7V.            Tok2021b
00568+3830 HJ 1057     mu And = 37 And                                                         .       
                       AC: Optical pair, based on study of relative motion of the components   .       
                       using the method of apparent motion parameters.                         Kiy2008 
00568+1525 GWP 106     XMI 158.                                                                Tob2012b
00568-7210 OGL 110     SMC108.7.49889 + SMC108.7.49890                                         Pli2012 
00569+6152 HJ 1056     Aka STI 149.                                                            .       
00570+5729 ES   44     Not the same as 00591+5729STI1500                                       .       
00570-7315 OGL 111     SMC106.6.41340 + SMC106.6.16701 + SMC106.6.15030                        Pli2012 
00572+2325 FOX 116     eta And = 38 And. A is a spectroscopic binary, P = 115.7d.              .       
           MKT   2     Hummel et al. (1993) orbital elements were derived from Mark III        MkT1993b
                       interferometer astrometry. Combined with spectroscopy by Gordon (1946   .       
                       ApJ, 103, 13) to yield masses and distance.                             .       
                       Errors are given as "error ellipses"; these values are tabulated        .       
                       below. Columns include date (BY), major and minor axes of the ellipse   .       
                       (mas), and ellipse orientation (deg):                                   .       
                            1990.5359     0.57     0.04     107.1                              .       
                            1990.5687     0.12     0.02     105.8                              .       
                            1990.5742     0.17     0.02     105.2                              .       
                            1990.6125     0.43     0.05     102.7                              .       
                            1990.6262     0.12     0.03      98.5                              .       
                            1990.6426     0.09     0.02      96.9                              .       
                            1990.6563     0.08     0.02      93.3                              .       
                            1990.6591     0.06     0.01      85.7                              .       
                            1990.6646     0.24     0.02      81.0                              .       
                            1990.6673     0.06     0.02      82.2                              .       
                            1990.6728     0.09     0.03     100.6                              .       
                            1990.6837     0.61     0.09      78.9                              .       
                            1990.7056     0.08     0.02      92.4                              .       
                            1990.8233     0.08     0.02      98.0                              .       
                            1991.6037     0.22     0.04     105.1                              .       
                            1991.6557     0.10     0.02      88.5                              .       
                            1991.6584     0.12     0.03      98.1                              .       
                            1991.7077     0.10     0.03      96.5                              .       
                            1991.7104     0.08     0.02      99.7                              .       
                            1991.7132     0.05     0.01      84.4                              .       
                            1991.7460     0.08     0.02      84.3                              .       
                            1992.6413     0.19     0.03      85.5                              .       
                            1992.6441     0.56     0.05      96.3                              .       
                       Pourbaix gives combined solution for this resolved SB2, yielding        Pbx2000b
                       orbital parallaxes and component masses.                                .       
                       Aa,Ab: Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and          .       
                       spectroscopic masses 3.88 +/- 0.22, 5.02, and 2.63 Msun, respectively.  Mlk2012 
00573+6020 ARG   3     B is BD+59@149.                                                         .       
00573+2518 POU  79     LDS 871.                                                                .       
00573+1100 ITF  49     Aka ITF  94.                                                            .       
00574+2053 J  2587     BRT2300.                                                                .       
00576-7131 OGL 112     SMC109.3.163   + SMC109.3.288                                           Pli2012 
00577+0441 GWP 107     AB: XMI 159AB.                                                          Tob2012b
           GWP 108     AC: XMI 159AC.                                                          Tob2012b
00577-7326 OGL 113     SMC106.7.19223 + SMC106.7.12940                                         Pli2012 
00578-7346 OGL 114     SMC107.5.14324 + SMC107.5.14471                                         Pli2012 
00580-7306 OGL 115     SMC106.5.52673 + SMC106.5.51760                                         Pli2012 
00586+4709 BRT  73     The 1893 observation differs substantially from modern observations.    .       
                       Either the 1893 observation is erroneous (which we consider the most    .       
                       probable), or there exist perturbations in the system. The question of  .       
                       the physical relationship of this system remains open.                  Kiy2012 
00587-7144 OGL 116     SMC109.1.23    + SMC109.1.460                                           Pli2012 
00587-7207 OGL 117     SMC108.3.6583  + SMC108.3.6695                                          Pli2012 
00588+1044 GWP 109     XMI 160.                                                                Tob2012b
00588-7149 OGL 118     SMC109.1.85    + SMC109.1.231                                           Pli2012 
00589+3230 SEI  10     Neither component seen on POSS plate; may be flaws on AC Potsdam plate  .       
00589+0339 GWP 110     XMI 161.                                                                Tob2012b
00591+5824 STI1501     Rectilinear solution by Hurowitz et al. (2013).                         USN2013a
00591+5729 STI1500     Not the same as 00570+5729ES   44.                                      .       
00592-1211 LDS3217     NLTT 3252/3253                                                          Chm2004 
00593+0706 GWP 111     XMI 162.                                                                Tob2012b
00593-0040 A  1902     Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and spectroscopic   .       
                       masses of 3.23 +/- 0.70, 2.54, and 1.20 Msun, respectively.             Mlk2012 
00593-7142 OGL 119     SMC109.2.9765  + SMC109.1.13352                                         Pli2012 
00594+0047 STF  80     B is BD+00@158.                                                         .       
                       AB: Additional notes may be found in Holden (1972).                     Hln1972 
                       A: In addition to the linear solution for the resolved pair,            .       
                       astrometric orbits have been computed for an unseen close companion to  .       
                       A. Dommanget give two orbits calculated from perturbations seen to the  .       
                       rectilinear motion.                                                     Dom1969 
00595+3202 SEI  11     Neither component seen on POSS plate; may be flaws on AC Potsdam plate  .       
00596-0111 A  1903     AB: Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and             .       
                       spectroscopic masses 1.31 +/- 0.60, 2.11, and 0.95 Msun, respectively.  Mlk2012 
00596-7549 GLI   8     B is CPD-76@82, spectrum G0/2V.                                         .       
00598+0629 KUI   4     The primary is variable, WW Psc.                                        .       
00599-7146 OGL 120     SMC109.1.13337 + SMC113.6.34323                                         Pli2012 
00599-7208 OGL 121     SMC108.3.14363 + SMC108.3.15476                                         Pli2012 
00599-7410 OGL 122     SMC107.1.178   + SMC107.1.218                                           Pli2012 
01000+5702 MLR 626     Also known as TDS1710.                                                  .       
01000-7234 OGL 123     SMC105.4.9983  + SMC105.4.11297                                         Pli2012 
01001+4443 STF  79     164 And. Both A and B are spectroscopic binaries.                       .       
                       H N  45.                                                                MEv2010 
                       T0 converted from negative to positive by subtracting from P.           FMR2020c
01001+1246 GWP 113     XMI 164.                                                                Tob2012b
01001-7135 OGL 124     SMC109.2.10029 + SMC109.2.10470                                         Pli2012 
01002+5809 SKF  56BC   Aka MRI  25.                                                            .       
01005-1923 SHY 392     HIP   4702 + HIP   4833.                                                .       
01006+6027 BAG  36     Primary is the alpha2 CVn type variable V551 Cas.                       .       
01006-7343 OGL 125     SMC107.4.12713 + SMC107.3.646                                           Pli2012 
01007-7250 OGL 126     SMC105.2.10999 + SMC105.2.12098                                         Pli2012 
01007-7328 OGL 127     SMC106.2.10337 + SMC106.2.11173                                         Pli2012 
01008-7400 OGL 128     SMC107.2.7090  + SMC107.2.7244                                          Pli2012 
01010-7154 OGL 129     SMC108.4.34907 + SMC108.4.34906                                         Pli2012 
01011-7119 OGL 130     SMC114.5.140   + SMC114.5.363                                           Pli2012 
01012+3704 BRT2585     ALI 254.  Also known as TDS1720.                                        .       
01012-5610 HJ 3412     B is CPD-56@199.                                                        .       
01013+1745 GWP 116     XMI 165.                                                                Tob2012b
01014+3535 COU 854     Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and spectroscopic   .       
                       masses of 2.42 +/- 1.13, 2.60, and 1.10 Msun, respectively.             Mlk2012 
01014+1155 BU  867     Misidentified in BDS and ADS. Corrections by Baize and Couteau.         .       
                       A premature orbit has been calculated.                                  .       
01014-7120 OGL 131     SMC114.5.22    + SMC114.5.226                                           Pli2012 
01014-7210 OGL 132     SMC113.7.22785 + SMC113.7.22807                                         Pli2012 
01015+6922 A  2901     1984.9965: This autocorrelogram was remeasured; the new results are     .       
                       listed in catalog.                                                      .       
01015+1024 GWP 117     XMI 166.                                                                Tob2012b
01016+5339 HJ 2008     01015+5339SMA  11                                                       .       
01016-1630 LDS9107     Old LDS6107.                                                            .       
01017+4635 A   927     BRT  75                                                                 .       
01017+2518 HDS 134     Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and spectroscopic   .       
                       masses of 2.80 +/- 0.47, 2.33, and 2.40 Msun, respectively.             Mlk2012 
                       A: Teff = 5625+/-75 K, log g = 3.75+/-0.25, R = 2.75+/-0.30 \rsun,      AlW2014 
                          Mv = 2.99+/-0.30, M = 1.60+/-0.20 \msun, L = 15.84+/-1.60 \lsun      .       
                       B: Teff = 5575+/-75 K, log g = 3.75+/-0.25, R = 2.65+/-0.30 \rsun,      .       
                          Mv = 3.12+/-0.30, M = 1.46+/-0.20 \msun, L = 15.83+/-1.60 \lsun      .       
01018-0652 LDS  33     NLTT 3377/3378                                                          Chm2004 
01019+1405 GRV 984     Typo in original WDS designation - entered as 01010+1405.               .       
01020+0214 LDS3221     LDS5310.                                                                .       
01020-7201 OGL 133     SMC113.6.22750 + SMC108.3.39755                                         Pli2012 
01020-7304 OGL 134     SMC106.4.40341 + SMC111.5.15843                                         Pli2012 
01021-1516 LDS9108     Old LDS6108.                                                            .       
01023+8153 KNT   1     A is an Algol-type eclipsing binary, U Cep, P =19.3d.  There is         .       
                       circumstellar matter.                                                   .       
01023+1131 PLQ  11     LDS1085.                                                                .       
01023+0552 A  2003     Close, 0.2" or under. Position angles show large changes. A premature   .       
                       orbit has been computed.                                                .       
                       Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and spectroscopic   .       
                       masses of 2.79 +/- 1.16, 2.45, and 1.05 Msun, respectively.             Mlk2012 
01024+0504 HDS 135     Mean motion indicates P ~ 80 yr, rho decreasing.                        Msn1999b
                       AB: Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and             .       
                       spectroscopic masses 1.13 +/- 0.11, 1.39, and 1.35 Msun, respectively.  Mlk2012 
           WNO  50     AC: GJ 3071 + GJ 1027. CPM pair.                                        Mkr2008 
01025+0933 GWP 119     XMI 167.                                                                Tob2012b
01025-7353 OGL 135     SMC107.3.8839  + SMC112.6.180                                           Pli2012 
01026+6221 WNO  51     GJ 49 + GJ 51. CPM pair.                                                Mkr2008 
01027+0908 RAO  39     RoboAO finds 2 companions - Optical?  2MASS: B at 32.4" 145.3d, below   RAO2015 
                       the MS, optical? Tokovinin & Lepine (2012) miss AB but list an optical  Tok2012c
                       companion at 1733".                                                     Tok2014d
                       AB: A is SB2 with P = 26.2 days (Griffin & Suchkov 2003). The tertiary  Grf2003 
                       companion B at 2".8 did not move substantially in a year since its      .       
                       discovery by Riddle et al. (2015), but the PM of the main component A   RAO2015 
                       is small and the astrometry is not conclusive. B is located below the   .       
                       MS on the CMD, although still within the errors of its photometry.      .       
                       Considering the small field crowding, we count B as likely physical.    Rbr2015d
01028+3148 sig Psc     Combined spectroscopic/interferometric solution (Palomar Testbed        Knc2004 
                       Interferometer) by Konacki & Lane (2004), yielding distance = 112.9     .       
                       +/- 0.9 pc, masses 2.65 +/- 0.27 and 2.36 +/- 0.24 Msun, spectral       .       
                       types B9.5V, diameters 0.16 and 0.15 mas.                               .       
                       Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and spectroscopic   .       
                       masses of 8.19 +/- 0.87, 5.71, and 2.40 Msun, respectively.             Mlk2012 
01028+0049 LDS5311     Error in WDS designation - incorrect precession of Luyten coordinates?  Luy1984 
01029+5148 BU 1161     Rectilinear solution by Rica & Zirm (2012).                             FMR2012i
01029+4702 GIC  17     G172-034/G172-035. The A component is the variable star V359 And.       .       
                       NLTT 3437/3438                                                          Chm2004 
01029+4121 HJ 1064     39 And.                                                                 .       
01029+0753 OCC 480     eps Psc                                                                 .       
                       NPOI Limb-darkened diameter 1.74 +/- 0.10 mas,                          NOI1999 
                       R = 10.9 +/- 0.8 \rsun.                                                 .       
01030+4723 STT  21     A may be a spectroscopic binary.                                        .       
                       Measures attributed to this pair are actually of 01006+4719 = MAD   1.  Mad1856 
                       Error identified by Wilfried Knapp.                                     Bu_1883 
01030-0450 BUP  13     25 Cet.                                                                 .       
01031-7358 OGL 136     SMC112.7.5     + SMC112.7.92                                            Pli2012 
01032+7113 JNN 250     LHS 1182. Estimated age 1000-10000 Myr; masses 0.21 +/- 0.04 and 0.13   .       
                       +/- 0.02 Msun; a ~2.7 au.                                               Jnn2014 
01032+6032 MLB  43     This is a physical pair, with relative motion much smaller than the     .       
                       proper motions. Relative motion may be affected by a perturbation in    .       
                       the radial direction with a period of 25y.                              Kiy2012 
01032+2006 LDS 873     NLTT 3462/3463                                                          Chm2004 
01033-6006 HJ 3416     Spectrum F6/8III/IV.                                                    .       
01033-7123 OGL 137     SMC114.5.6465  + SMC114.6.10201                                         Pli2012 
01035+5019 STF  83     Optical pair, based on study of relative motion of the components       .       
                       using the method of apparent motion parameters.                         Kiy2008 
                       Rectilinear solution by Hurowitz et al. (2013).                         USN2013a
01035-0535 RST4162     J 1442.                                                                 .       
01036-5516 DLR   1     AB is a low-mass binary with masses 0.19 +/- 0.02 and 0.17 +/- 0.02     .       
                       Msun. At a distance of 47.2 +/- 3.1 pc the projected distance between   .       
                       the stars is 12au.  They are orbited by an L-type companion at 84au,    .       
                       which shares common proper motion.  The companion is either a 12-13     .       
                       Mjup planet (assuming an age of 20 Myr) or a 14-15 Mjup brown dwarf     .       
                       (for an age of 50 Myr).                                                 Dlr2013 
01036-7138 OGL 138     SMC114.7.13732 + SMC114.8.18665                                         Pli2012 
01037+4051 LDS3225     AB: Also known as GIC  18.                                              .       
                       BC: NLTT 3481/3482                                                      Chm2004 
                       BC: Aside from the companion seen in the AstraLux images, there is an   .       
                       additional possible wide companion at 26" separation, as noted in the   .       
                       WDS. The wide components have very similar proper motions (e.g. Roser   XXX2010 
                       et al. 2010), so actual companionship seems probable.                   Jnn2012 
           BWL   5     AD:  Colors and/or astrometry are inconsistent with a late-type common  .       
                       proper motion companion based on visual inspection of the field from    .       
                       2MASS, SDSS, DSS1, and/or DSS2. Primary is G 132-50.                    Bwl2015 
01037-3024 B   649     CI Scl, Algol-type eclipsing binary, P = 14.7104 d.                     Zas2011 
                       B is a close 14.7-d spectroscopic pair.                                 Tok2019a
01037-7138 OGL 139     SMC114.7.13496 + SMC114.7.13580                                         Pli2012 
01037-7158 OGL 140     SMC113.5.9293  + SMC113.5.9288                                          Pli2012 
01038+2232 J   874     J measures a pair 1912 - 1917: 345@, 3".                                .       
                       Measures and magnitude differences discordant.                          J__1949a
                       Companion has variable magnitude.                                       Cou1952a
01038+0122 STF  84     26 Cet.                                                                 .       
           STF  84     AB: H 4  83.                                                            MEv2010 
           BU 1355     AC: 1909 and 1921 measures disagree. BDS 494 same star.                 .       
01039-7255 SKF1068     OGL 141. SMC110.8.23710 + SMC110.8.23860                                Pli2012 
01040+3528 HO  213     A premature orbit has been calculated.                                  .       
01040-6409 B  1913     Spectrum composite: K0III/IV+A/F.                                       .       
01040-7134 OGL 142     SMC114.7.14379 + SMC114.6.11666                                         Pli2012 
01040-7401 OGL 143     SMC112.7.11    + SMC112.7.755                                           Pli2012 
01041+4408 UC  493     Not a CPM pair. The A component is a close double, leading to a         .       
                       spurious proper motion (Skiff, private comm.).                          .       
01042+2256 GIC  19     G069-044/G069-043.                                                      .       
                       NLTT 3529/3528                                                          Chm2004 
01044-0518 STF  85     Probably the same as STF 211 with a 1 hr error in RA.                   .       
01044-4703 UC  495     AB and BC are probably not CPM pairs. The proper motion of the B        .       
                       component was effected by a nearby bright star (Skiff, private comm.).  .       
01047+0401 GWP 126     XMI 168.                                                                Tob2012b
01047-3929 GJ 9037     Combined solution, based on reduction of Hipparcos intermediate         .       
                       astrometric data together with spectroscopic elements from the Geneva   .       
                       Extrasolar Planet Search Programs home page.                            HaI2001 
01048+0135 A  2310     Position angles vary widely. A premature orbit has been calculated.     .       
01048-0528 STF  86     AB: H 3  73.                                                            MEv2010 
01049+3649 A  1515     Periods from 86 to 419yr have been calculated. Possibly ambiguous case  .       
01050+2119 LDS3228     NLTT 3570.  White dwarf pair = WD 0102+21 = EGGR 462/463                Grn1986 
01050-7132 OGL 144     SMC114.3.186   + SMC114.3.569                                           Pli2012 
01051+3814 J  1804     ALI 488.                                                                .       
01051+1457 HJ 1068     72 Psc. A is a spectroscopic binary.                                    .       
01052+1250 HJ   10     Primary is eclipsing binary of Algol-type, period 1.62785 d.            Zas2012 
01053-7331 OGL 145     SMC111.8.20419 + SMC111.8.20441                                         Pli2012 
01055+8315 MLR 482     Also known as TDS  39.                                                  .       
01055+4928 ES 1206     1deg error in IDS led to similar error in WDS designation.              .       
01055+1523 STF  87     NLTT 3597/3598                                                          Chm2004 
                       The B component may be a spectroscopic pair.                            Tok2019b
01055-7215 OGL 146     SMC113.2.30    + SMC113.2.126                                           Pli2012 
01056+4927 OSO  12     G172-038. Neither is a common proper motion pair, based on color and    .       
                       comparison with POSS2 red plates                                        Oso2004 
01056-7342 OGL 147     SMC112.5.12714 + SMC112.5.12879                                         Pli2012 
01057+3304 MLB 444     Rectilinear solution by Cvetkovic et al. (2017).                        Cve2017 
01057+2128 STF  88     psi 1 Psc                                                               .       
                       AB: HJL  12.                                                            HJL1986 
                       AB: SHY 395. Bayesian analysis by Shaya & Olling (2011) indicates very  Shy2011 
                       high (near 100%) probability pair is physical.                          .       
                       AB: H 4   9.                                                            MEv2010 
           YR    6     Aa,Ab: Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and          .       
                       spectroscopic masses 4.29 +/- 0.78, 4.29, and 2.19 Msun, respectively.  Mlk2012 
01058+0455 STF  90     77 Psc. STTA 10. B is BD+04@176.                                        .       
                       AB: HJL  13.                                                            HJL1986 
                       AB: H 4  68.                                                            MEv2010 
01058-2618 HJ 2014     LDS  34. HIP 5140. See Allen et al. (2000) for information on           AlC2000 
                       metallicity, age, galactic orbital parameters, etc.                     .       
01058-5959 R     5     B is CPD-60@75.                                                         .       
01058-7150 OGL 148     SMC114.1.170   + SMC114.1.1973                                          Pli2012 
01060+6120 LDS3230     Old LDS6109. Due probably to a typo in the epoch-1900 IDS coordinates,  .       
                       LDS3230 was originally listed in the WDS as 00055+6119.                 .       
01060+2456 BRT 122     J 2708.                                                                 J__1955 
01060+1111 BPM  21     [PM2000]   41785 + [PM2000]   41845.                                    Gvr2010 
01061-4643 SLR   1     bet Phe. Variable?                                                      .       
                       Quoted errors in P and a are +/- 5.0y and +/- 0.016", respectively.     Ary2015b
01062+4508 BRT  76     Algol-type eclipsing binary, period 5.613460 d.                         Zas2019 
01062+3211 S   393     sig 2 Psc                                                               .       
                       AB: H 5  16.                                                            MEv2010 
01064+3230 LDS3231     Aka RAO 184.                                                            .       
01065+5325 ES  616     One degree error in WDS designation - should be +5425.                  .       
01065+0154 HDO  42     Doolittle may have measured a different pair (see ADS).                 A__1932a
01065-3055 LDS2167     NLTT 3662/3663                                                          Chm2004 
01065-3441 LDS9110     Old LDS6110.                                                            .       
01066+1353 SHY 396     HIP   5207 + HIP   4387.                                                .       
01069-1408 GAL 306     Object #34 in Gallo's original list.                                    Gal1912a
01071+1740 BPM  22     [PM2000]   42380 + [PM2000]   42414.                                    Gvr2010 
01072+5752 STI1537     Rectilinear solution by Hurowitz et al. (2013).                         USN2013a
01072+5330 H 4  66     H IV 66.                                                                .       
01072+3839 A  1516     AB: Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and             .       
                       spectroscopic masses 2.62 +/- 0.59, 2.89, and 1.10 Msun, respectively.  Mlk2012 
01072-0144 STF  91     B is 2mag above the MS in (K,V-K), on MS in (J,J-K). Wrong 2MASS ptm.   .       
                       The B component is possibly a SB.                                       Tok2014d
01072-7121 OGL 149     SMC114.4.6097  + SMC114.4.6144                                          Pli2012 
01073+0537 GWP 130     XMI 169.                                                                Tob2012b
01073-3452 COO   6     Rectilinear solution by Friedman et al. (2012).                         USN2012a
01073-7201 OGL 150     SMC113.3.21615 + SMC113.3.21614                                         Pli2012 
01074+0101 LDS5315     Error in WDS designation - incorrect precession of Luyten coordinates?  Luy1984 
01075+4116 RAO  40     Primary is SB, P=49.480d. Estim. mass of B 0.26 Msun.                   Tok2014d
                       Triple system with inner 74.1 day spectroscopic pair (Gorynya &         .       
                       Tokovinin 2014 MNRAS 441, 2316) and tertiary from Riddle et al. (2015)  RAO2015 
                       confirmed as physical by our photometry and astrometry. Observations    .       
                       demonstrate that photometry of B given in 2MASS is biased by proximity  .       
                       of bright primary, as in many other similar pairs. Their "unusual"      .       
                       colors derived from the 2MASS photometry are thus wrong.                Rbr2015d
01075+0244 GWP 131     XMI 170.                                                                Tob2012b
01075-4145 LDS9111     Old LDS6111.                                                            .       
01076+2257 LDS9112     AB: Old LDS6112.                                                        .       
                       NLTT 3723/3725                                                          Chm2004 
01078-4129 RST3352     ups Phe. Variable RV suspected. The lines are poor and show a scatter   .       
                       of 40km/s without apparent relation to the visual motion.               .       
                       Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and spectroscopic   .       
                       masses of 3.16 +/- 0.34, 2.78, and 2.09 Msun, respectively.             Mlk2012 
01079-7311 OGL 151     SMC111.3.12611 + SMC111.3.12798                                         Pli2012 
01080+3915 RAO  41     Primary is SB, P=1713d.                                                 Tok2014d
01083+5455 WCK   1     Aa,Ab: mu Cas = 30 Cas. Proper motion of A +3424 -1596 (FK5).           .       
                       Aa,Ab: Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and          .       
                       spectroscopic masses 0.01 +/- 0.01, 1.22, and 0.95 Msun, respectively.  Mlk2012 
                       Aa,Ab : 0.7400 +/- 0.0122, 0.1728 +/- 0.0035 \msun, respectively.       BdH2020 
                       Age estimated as 12.7 +/- 2.7 Gyr.                                              
           mu Cas      Aa,Ab: Astrometric orbit. Spectroscopic elements are somewhat           .       
                       different from those of Lippincott: P = 23.0, T = 1954.0, e = 0.30,     Lip1981 
                       omega = 178.0 (Worek & Beardsley 1977).                                 Bey1977 
                       See Baize & Petit (1989) catalog of doubles with variable component.    Baz1989d
                       The pair has now been resolved by infrared speckle interferometry.      Mcy1983 
                       Pierce & Lavery (1985), Karovska et al. (1986), Haywood et al. (1992),  Pie1985 
                       and McCarthy et al. (1993) all compare their observations with          Kar1986b
                       published orbits and discuss  luminosities and masses of components,    Hay1992 
                       helium abundances, etc.                                                 .       
                       Hipparcos astrometric solution adopts some elements from the orbit      HIP1997d
                       of Heintz & Cantor (1994).                                              Hei1994b
                       CHARA Array Limb-darkened diameter  0.973 +/- 0.009 mas,                CIA2008d
                       R =  0.791 +/- 0.008 \rsun, Teff = 5297 +/- 32,                         .       
                       L =  0.442 +/- 0.014 \lsun.                                             .       
                       CHARA Array Limb-darkened diameter  0.972 +/- 0.009 mas,                CIA2012e
                       R =  0.790 +/- 0.009 \rsun, L =  0.428 +/-0.007 \lsun,                  .       
                       Teff = 5264 +/-  32 K.                                                  .       
           STT 551     AB: Optical pair, based on study of relative motion of the              .       
                       components using the method of apparent motion parameters.              Kiy2008 
01083-3535 FAR   2     SKF 328. Primary is white dwarf WD 0106-358 = GD 683.                   Far2005b
01084+0539 BUP  15     80 Psc. B is BD+04@192.                                                 .       
           STT 552     AC: Optical pair, based on study of relative motion of the components   .       
                       using the method of apparent motion parameters.                         Kiy2008 
01084-5515 RST1205     zet Phe. Also known as Wurren.                                          Mam2017b
                       A is an Algol-type system, spectrum composite, P = 1.67d.               .       
                       Both B and C are probably physical.                                     .       
                       Ling (2004) gives a derived orbital parallax 0".01176 and a mass sum    Lin2004a
                       of 7.41 +/- 5.85 Msun                                                   .       
01085+6331 OSO  13     G243-062. Not a common proper motion pair, based on comparison with     .       
                       POSS2 red plates. PM of A = +1047 -91.                                  Oso2004 
01086+1652 GWP 135     XMI 171.                                                                Tob2012b
01086+1917 GWP 136     XMI 172.                                                                Tob2012b
01086-1011 BUP  16     eta Cet = 31 Cet. B is BD-10@239.                                       .       
01088+6145 ES 1945     Aka OL  113.                                                            .       
01088-7119 OGL 152     SMC119.5.5     + SMC119.6.162                                           Pli2012 
01089+4512 HJ 2018     AB,C : Same as STF  92.                                                 .       
01091-7225 OGL 153     SMC118.8.502   + SMC113.1.14118                                         Pli2012 
01092-7127 OGL 154     SMC119.6.1012  + SMC119.6.1006                                          Pli2012 
01093+6234 LDS5179     old LDS6113.                                                            .       
01094+3543 BUP9005     A component is NGC 404.                                                 Skf2013 
01094+2949 ALP   4     2MASSW J0109216+294925                                                  .       
                       Physical companionship to this ultracool dwarf ruled out based on I-J   .       
                       color, using I-band photometry taken at WIYN in August 2002.            AlP2007 
01094+0457 GWP 138     XMI 173.                                                                Tob2012b
01094-5636 HU 1342     Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and spectroscopic   .       
                       masses of 2.71 +/- 0.86, 2.48, and 1.27 Msun, respectively.             Mlk2012 
01095+4715 STT 515     phi And = 42 And. Measure of 1985.830 made by MAPPIT.                   Han1987 
                       Scardia et al. (2001) orbit considered preliminary.  The real period    Sca2001d
                       is probably long (>400 yr).  The Hipparcos parallax is 0".00443 +/-     .       
                       0.00080, giving a mass sum of 6.9 Msun, slightly in excess for a        .       
                       binary of spectral type B7Ve. The dynamical parallax is 0".0033, in     .       
                       reasonable agreement with the measured one but not acceptable as it     .       
                       leads to an exaggerated mass sum (16.8 Msun).                           .       
                       Calculated mass sum is 6.5  +/- 2.8 Msun, in reasonable agreement with  .       
                       spectral types B6IV and B9V, although mass is not well-constrained.     Mut2010b
01096+4635 ES 1300     Due to a typographical error in the ADS, the AE, AF, AG, AH, and AI     A__1932a
                       components of 01097+3537 were added as additional components to this    .       
                       pair (the AE and AI pairs as BAR  66, the others as ES 1300).           .       
01096+2802 BRT 123     OL  149.                                                                .       
01096-0507 LDS9114     Old LDS6114. LIT   3.                                                   .       
                       NLTT 3847/3849                                                          Chm2004 
01096-0711 HDS 151     This binary displays clear common proper motion, but the residual       .       
                       astrometry does not seem to follow a simple trajectory consistent with  .       
                       only orbital motion of the two visible components. In addition, the     .       
                       brightness difference is larger than the spectral type difference       .       
                       would imply at a common distance. This could indicate that the A        .       
                       component is itself an unresolved binary.                               Jnn2012 
01096-4616 GAA   5     AI Phe.                                                                 .       
                       Ma,Mb = 1.1941 +/- 0.0007, 1.2438 +/- 0.0007 \msun,                     GaA2019 
                       orbital parallax = 5.905 +/- 0.024 mas.                                 .       
01097+3537 BAR   1     bet And = 43 And = Mirach                                               .       
                       Also, see note to 01096+4635.                                           .       
01097+0856 GWP 139     XMI 174.                                                                Tob2012b
01098-2013 HJ 2023     Primary is CT Cet, a W UMa type eclipsing binary, P = 0.25649d.         Zas2012 
01099+1352 BPM  23     [PM2000]   44058 + [PM2000]   44035.                                    Gvr2010 
01100-7327 OGL 155     SMC111.2.5925  + SMC111.2.6033                                          Pli2012 
01101+5145 STT  23     AB: HJL  14.                                                            HJL1986 
01102+2447 POU 107     J 1805.                                                                 .       
01104-7352 OGL 156     SMC112.3.6394  + SMC117.6.1318                                          Pli2012 
01105+1326 BPM  24     [PM2000]   44379 + [PM2000]   44460.                                    Gvr2010 
01105+1019 GWP 143     XMI 175.                                                                Tob2012b
01107+8021 STF  89     B is BD+79@32.                                                          .       
01107-2800 SWR   1     CPM pair                                                                Skf2004 
01108+6747 HDS 155     A spectroscopic double lined orbit has been determined as well.         Grf2012d
                       Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and spectroscopic   .       
                       masses of 2.02 +/- 0.23, 2.18, and 2.52 Msun, respectively.             Mlk2012 
01108+5141 DOO   3     BDS 631.                                                                .       
01109+0934 HJ  634     Optical pair, based on study of relative motion of the components       .       
                       using the method of apparent motion parameters.                         Kiy2008 
01111+5509 STT 553     the Cas = 33 Cas. A is a spectroscopic binary,                          .       
                       Optical pair, based on study of relative motion of the components       .       
                       using the method of apparent motion parameters.                         Kiy2008 
01111+3125 STT  25     82 Psc = g Psc                                                          .       
01111-7228 SKF1069     OGL 157. SMC115.5.12    + SMC115.5.319                                  Pli2012 
01112+4113 A   655     Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and spectroscopic   .       
                       masses of 2.59 +/- 0.83, 2.76, and 0.95 Msun, respectively.             Mlk2012 
01112+3743 HO  215     45 And. Also single 1903, 1906 (Doolittle), 1907 (Aitken).              .       
                       A measure by Schembor (1925.60, 117.8@, 155.5", 6 - 6) belonged to      Sch1927a
                       01107+4256 ENG   4AB instead.                                           .       
                       Duplicity of A is questionable.                                         .       
01112+1634 GWP 144     XMI 176.                                                                Tob2012b
01114+1526 BEU   2     GJ 3076. WDS designation incorrected entered as 01224+1526.             .       
                       Estimated age 10-20 Myr; masses 0.10 +/- 0.03 and 0.04 +/- 0.01 Msun;   .       
                       a ~5.6 au.                                                              Jnn2014 
01114-7225 OGL 158     SMC118.8.10104 + SMC118.8.10016                                         Pli2012 
01114-7323 OGL 159     SMC116.7.144   + SMC116.7.143                                           Pli2012 
01116+0446 GWP 146     XMI 178.                                                                Tob2012b
01116+1404 GWP 145     XMI 177.                                                                Tob2012b
01117+1205 LDS3242     NLTT 3967/3952                                                          Chm2004 
01119+0455 GIC  20     G002-027/G070-044 = GJ 3077A+3078B.                                     .       
01120+0642 GWP 149     XMI 180.                                                                Tob2012b
01120+0955 GWP 148     XMI 179.                                                                Tob2012b
01120-7231 OGL 160     SMC115.5.9132  + SMC115.5.9369                                          Pli2012 
01121+6111 KR   10     AC: Doolittle's published position angle was 91.9deg, which does not    Doo1901 
                       match anything in the field. However, an obvious star is visible at     .       
                       the same separation but 90deg off his theta measure. It is assumed he   .       
                       made an error when rotating his micrometer.                             .       
           SMA9001     AD: Doolittle noted "a 13.5 mag. companion about 7" from A was          Doo1901 
                       suspected on two nights". It is assumed he saw the Smart companion.     Sma1932 
01121+4700 BU  236     Aka HJ 2024.                                                            .       
01121-7400 OGL 161     SMC117.7.58    + SMC117.3.98                                            Pli2012 
01125+0228 STT  27     35 Cet                                                                  .       
01126+1704 NAU   1     The primary is GU Psc, a likely member of the young AB Doradus Moving   .       
                       Group. Spectral types are M3 +/- 0.5 and T3.5 +/- 1. Age of the system  .       
                       is 100 +/- 30 Myr, distance 48 +/- 5 pc.                                Nau2014 
01129+3205 STF  98     B is BD+31@196a. The primary is a double-lined spectroscopic binary,    .       
                       P = 2.21d. B may also be an SB (Hube, PASP 93, 490; 1981).              .       
                       AB: H 4 120.                                                            MEv2010 
                       SEI  13.                                                                Nsn2017a
01130+3004 STT  26     A is a spectroscopic binary.                                            .       
01131+2942 A  1260     Angle increasing, with a probable close approach about 1950.            .       
01131+1141 HD  7275    Hipparcos astrometric solution assumed circular orbit (e = omega = 0)   HIP1997d
01131-7215 OGL 162     SMC118.2.51    + SMC118.2.127                                           Pli2012 
01132-7400 OGL 163     SMC117.7.3315  + SMC117.7.3338                                          Pli2012 
01133-0152 HIP   5697  The SB1 orbit suggests mass ratio q > 0.2 and axis 0".21. The companion .       
                       is probably just a bit too faint or too close to be resolved with NICI. Tok2012a
01134-3932 SHY 397     HIP   5709 + HIP   5490.                                                .       
01134-7251 OGL 164     SMC115.2.45    + SMC115.2.260                                           Pli2012 
01135-3821 BRG   4     The primary star in the system is a known eclipsing binary with a       .       
                       period of 0.4455 days (Parihar et al. 2009 MNRAS 395, 593). Since the   .       
                       angular separation is inside of our inner cut-off, we count the system  .       
                       as a binary here for the purpose of multiplicity statistics, although   .       
                       it is really a triple system. To estimate the mass of the primary for   .       
                       the purpose of deriving the mass ratio to the tertiary component        .       
                       detected in our images, we use the sum of the masses corresponding to   .       
                       individual spectral types M1 and M3 derived for the eclipsing binary.   Jnn2012 
                       ASAS J011328-3821.1, eclipsing binary of Algol-type, period 0.44559d.   Zas2016 
01136+2825 HJ  635     Previously erroneously listed as 01126+2825.  Also known as GRV  73.    .       
01137+2435 STF  99     phi Psc = 85 Psc. A is a spectroscopic binary.                          .       
01137+0735 STF 100     zet Psc = Revati.                                                       .       
                       Both A and B are spectroscopic and occultation binaries, B has P=9.08d. .       
                       AB: HJL  15.                                                            HJL1986 
                       AB: H 4   8.                                                            MEv2010 
           BU 1029     BC: Delta m given in ADS is greatly overestimated.                      Wor1967b
                       BC: Rectilinear solution by Rica & Zirm (2012).                         FMR2012i
01137-5040 HJ 3421     B is CD-51@312.                                                         .       
                       Optical pair, based on study of relative motion of the components       .       
                       using the method of apparent motion parameters.                         Kiy2008 
01139+1004 GWP 154     XMI 181.                                                                Tob2012b
01141+1698 87 Psc      Hipparcos astrometric solution adopted some elements from the orbit of  HIP1997d
                       Stickland & Weatherby (1984).                                           Stc1984 
01141+0634 LDS3248     LDS5323.                                                                .       
01142-4041 B  2554     Hipparcos suspected non-single.                                         .       
01144-0755 STFA  3     37 Cet = LDS3250. B is BD-08@215.                                       .       
                       NLTT 4123/4121                                                          Chm2004 
                       AB: GJ 9045 A+B. CPM pair.                                              Mkr2008 
                       AB: H 5  24.                                                            MEv2010 
01144-7319 OGL 165     SMC116.3.3     + SMC116.3.954   + SMC116.6.11112                        Pli2012 
01145-0503 ROL   1     Primary is exoplanet host, periods 1275d, 4046d.                        Tok2014d
           RGS   1     Aa,Ab: HD 7449 has a close massive planet (P = 1270.5 +5.92/-12.1d,     .       
                       a =  2.33 +0.01/-0.02 au, mass >1.09 +0.52/-0.19 Mjup) as well as a     .       
                       more distant stellar companion. The Ab component is likely an M4-M5     .       
                       dwarf. Rodigas et al. (2016) estimate P = 65.7 +227/-56y, a =  17.9     .       
                       +32/-12.9 au, i = 59.7 +20.1/-25.8 deg, mass = 0.23 +0.22/-0.05 Msun.   Rgs2016 
01146-7402 OGL 166     SMC117.7.3320  + SMC117.7.3907                                          Pli2012 
01148+6056 BU 1100     The quadrant interpretation by Zulevic is less likely.                  Zul1972a
                       Muller corrected an error in his elements (Ephem. Cat. 1964).           Mlr1955b
                       One component is a SB, P = 5.33d.                                       .       
                       Only elements P, T, and a have been amended by Starikova (1977) from    Sta1977a
                       the orbit of Zulevic (1972).                                            Zul1972a
01148+4309 LDS3251     NLTT 4129/4124                                                          Chm2004 
01148-0058 BUP  18     38 Cet.                                                                 .       
                       A is a blue supergiant with multiple pulsation periods.                 IAU2014e
                       AC: C component is galaxy NGC 442.                                      .       
01149+3236 SEI  14     None of the components seen on POSS plate; may be flaws on AC Potsdam   .       
                       plate. The current WDS companion at the position of Scheiner's triple   .       
                       is probably unrelated to anything seen on the plates.                   .       
                       AC: SEI  15.                                                            Nsn2017a
01152-3419 LDS 837     LDS5325.                                                                .       
01153+6040 LDS5180     old LDS6115.                                                            .       
01153+2234 J  3226     BRT2304. Barton lists theta as 226.9; probably typo for 266.9.          Brt1939b
01155+3745 SHY 121     HIP   5881 + HIP   6278.                                                .       
                       A: Ren & Fu (2013) calculated an astrometric orbit, combining           .       
                       Hipparcos Intermediate Astrometric Data with spectroscopic elements by  .       
                       Nidever et al. (2002). They derived component masses 0.95 and 0.28      Nid2002 
                       Msun and an estimated semimajor axis of 30.68 mas.                      Ren2013 
01155+0216 CHR 195     First detected as an occultation binary by Evn1983a.                    .       
01157+0241 GWP 157     XMI 182.                                                                Tob2012b
01157+0032 LDS5326     Error in WDS designation - incorrect precession of Luyten coordinates?  Luy1984 
01158+4702 LAW   9     LSPM J0115+4702S. Law et al (2008) derive a distance of 18.7 +9.3/-3.6  Law2008 
                       pc and a projected separation of 5.2 +2.9/-0.9 au. Estimated spectral   .       
                       types are M4.5 and M5.                                                  .       
                       In addition to the companion detected with AstraLux, it can be noted    .       
                       that 2MASS J01154885+4702259 has a very similar proper motion to the    .       
                       star J01155017+4702023 at just 27" separation (Roser et al. 2010),      XXX2010 
                       which is itself a close binary (Law et al. 2008). Thus, this is a very  Law2008 
                       likely quadruple system.                                                Jnn2012 
01158+0947 A  2102     Quadrant change. Not seen 1948 - 1954.                                  .       
01158-6853 HJ 3423     kap Tuc = LDS  42.                                                      .       
           I    27     HJ 3423 and I 27, separated by 320" are kap Tuc.                        Sca1981a
                       See Baize & Petit (1989) catalog of doubles with variable component.    Baz1989d
                       Mass = 1.35, 0.88, 0.86, 0.80 \msun for A, B, C, D, respectively.       Tok2020d
                       Teff = 6513, 5145, 5062, 4850 K for A, B, C, D, respectively.           .       
                       Physical quintuple the period of A,CD is suggested to be ~270 kyr.      .       
01158-7224 OGL 167     SMC118.1.5565  + SMC118.1.6020                                          Pli2012 
01160+5849 STI1550BC   Aka MRI  29.                                                            .       
01160+1534 GRV 986     SLW  58.                                                                .       
01162-7246 OGL 168     SMC115.2.6083  + SMC115.2.6082                                          Pli2012 
01163+1243 BPM  25     [PM2000]   47807 + [PM2000]   47744.                                    Gvr2010 
01163-2056 LDS  41     NLTT 4238/4239                                                          Chm2004 
01163-3217 LDS1091     LDS5327.                                                                .       
01166+7402 HJ 2028     STTA 13.                                                                .       
01166+1831 HDS 169     A: Ren & Fu (2013) calculated an astrometric orbit, combining           .       
                       Hipparcos Intermediate Astrometric Data with spectroscopic elements by  .       
                       Latham et al. (2002). They derived component masses 1.06 and 0.28 Msun  Lat2002 
                       and an estimated semimajor axis of 14.81 mas.                           Ren2013 
01166+1507 GWP 161     XMI 183.                                                                Tob2012b
01166-0230 BU 1358     39 Cet. A semiregular variable, AY Cet, and spectroscopic binary, P =   .       
                       56.8d. Radio flares and soft X-rays are observed, and a white-dwarf     .       
                       companion is revealed by IUE observations.                              .       
01167-7142 OGL 169     SMC124.7.387   + SMC124.7.163                                           Pli2012 
01168+2643 BRT3257     Originally published as BRT 124.                                        Brt1928 
01170-7311 OGL 170     SMC116.3.7036  + SMC116.3.7122                                          Pli2012 
01171+1739 BPM  26     [PM2000]   48328 + [PM2000]   48320.                                    Gvr2010 
01171-7355 OGL 171     SMC117.3.682   + SMC117.3.1102                                          Pli2012 
01172+0930 GWP 164     XMI 184.                                                                Tob2012b
01172+0201 HDO  45     Rectilinear solution by Mason et al. (2012).                            WSI2012 
01175+0131 GWP 165     XMI 185.                                                                Tob2012b
01176+4018 A  1521     Rapid change, but the measures are inadequate to define the motion.     .       
01177+2647 BRT3258     Originally published as BRT 125.                                        Brt1928 
01177-7150 OGL 172     SMC124.8.4147  + SMC124.8.4560  + SMC124.8.4191                         Pli2012 
01178+4945 HU  520     Quadrant indeterminate.                                                 .       
01178+4901 HJ 2033     Ea : Also known as STF 102 ET.                                          .       
01179-7314 OGL 173     SMC116.3.7181  + SMC116.3.7479                                          Pli2012 
01180+0037 GWP 167     XMI 186.                                                                Tob2012b
01181+4707 A   937     North preceding and slightly brighter of a finder pair. Narrow          .       
                       apparent orbit.                                                         B__1963b
01182+5742 STI1556     Rectilinear solution by Hurowitz et al. (2013).                         USN2013a
01182+1409 BPM  27     [PM2000]   48977 + [PM2000]   49004.                                    Gvr2010 
01182-7136 OGL 174     SMC124.7.4469  + SMC124.7.4898                                          Pli2012 
01184-2332 LDS2182     Appears to be same as SKF1373. Primary is B component of 01183-2330     .       
                       SKF1372; pair moved to become AC pair (with quadrant flip).             .       
01185+7323 A   814     Not separated about 1951 (Van Biesbroeck). Possible quadrant change.    VBs9999 
01186+3855 GIC  21     G132-069/G132-068.                                                      .       
                       NLTT 4342/4337                                                          Chm2004 
01186-2255 FAR  24     Primary is white dwarf WD 0116-231.                                     Far2006 
01187-0052 HJ 5453     LDS  43. HIP 6130. See Allen et al. (2000) for information on           AlC2000 
                       metallicity, age, galactic orbital parameters, etc.                     .       
                       AB: NLTT 4362/4361                                                      Chm2004 
           EGN   1     Aa,Ab pair bound. Colors of Ab component consistent with M2-M5 dwarf,   .       
                       with mass 0.24 +/- 0.01 Msun.  B component is K7 dwarf and shares       .       
                       CPM with A. C component is likely a background star.                    Egn2007 
01187-2249 HDO  47     Probably = HDO 48.                                                      .       
01188+3724 STF 108     The A component is a spectroscopic binary.                              .       
01188-5637 RST  29     Spectral type G5?                                                       .       
01191-7215 OGL 175     SMC123.7.2850  + SMC123.7.2849                                          Pli2012 
01192+5821 STI1560     B is BD+57@248.                                                         FMR9999 
01192-4338 B  1423     Zurlo et al. (2013) estimate the period of this system at ~300y, in an  .       
                       eccentric orbit with a semi-major axis of ~50au. The companion is       .       
                       likely a white dwarf.                                                   Zur2013 
01194+6418 MLB 186     TDS1841.                                                                .       
01194+1158 BPM  28     [PM2000]   49715 + [PM2000]   49656.                                    Gvr2010 
01194-7129 OGL 176     SMC124.3.274   + SMC124.3.22                                            Pli2012 
01194-7246 OGL 177     SMC120.7.5025  + SMC120.8.5604                                          Pli2012 
01194-7359 OGL 178     SMC122.7.221   + SMC122.7.232                                           Pli2012 
01195+5816 ES  408     CD component also known as STI1562                                      .       
01195+1850 GWP 169     XMI 187.                                                                Tob2012b
01195-7205 OGL 179     SMC123.6.2701  + SMC123.6.3359                                          Pli2012 
01196-0520 A   313     Only elements P and T have been amended by Starikova (1977) from the    Sta1977a
                       orbit of Heintz (1968).                                                 Hei1968a
                       Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and spectroscopic   .       
                       masses of 2.39 +/- 1.07, 2.59, and 1.10 Msun, respectively.             Mlk2012 
01197+1209 CHR 196     First detected as an occultation binary by Africano.                    Afr1975 
01197-7203 OGL 180     SMC123.6.2671  + SMC123.6.3140                                          Pli2012 
01198-0031 STF 113     42 Cet.                                                                 .       
                       AB: Absolute quadrant for 1998.657 determined by triple-correlation     .       
                       techniques.                                                             Pru2002b
                       A,BC. 1985.8430: This autocorrelogram was remeasured; the new results   .       
                       are listed in catalog.                                                  .       
                       Star A (mag. 6.3, G8III) is in slow direct motion at 1.6" separation.   .       
                       T incorrectly given as 1992.52 by Baize (1990); should be 1993.02       Baz1990a
                       (erratum noted in Inf. Circ. 111, 1990)                                 .       
           FIN 337     BC: 1982.7629, 1982.7657, 1983.7106: A mistake in reduction resulted in .       
                       90 degree errors for these three measures.                              McA1987b
                       BC: Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and             .       
                       spectroscopic masses 1.79 +/- 0.56, 3.32, and 1.20 Msun, respectively.  Mlk2012 
01198-7157 OGL 181     SMC123.5.2462  + SMC123.5.2499                                          Pli2012 
01199+0350 CHE  29     BAL2084.                                                                Hln1972 
01200+5747 STI1571     Aka LYS   5. Identity not recognized due to large pm affecting pa.      .       
                       Rectilinear solution by Hurowitz et al. (2013).                         USN2013a
01200-1549 HJ 2036     A is an SB. Binary or triple?                                           Tok2014d
01201+5814 H 3  23     H III 23. phi Cas = 34 Cas. A is a spectroscopic binary.                .       
                       A quintuple system. C has spectral type B5/6Ia/be.                      .       
01201+3900 GIC  22     G132-071/G132-072.                                                      .       
                       NLTT 4410/4412                                                          Chm2004 
01203-0933 LDS9116     Old LDS6116.                                                            .       
01203-4841 HJ 3428     B is CD-49@378.                                                         .       
01204+0937 GWP 171     XMI 188. BVD  15.                                                       Tob2012b
01205+0418 J  1807     BAL 2085.                                                               .       
01205-1957 TOK 203     Two astrometric orbits are derived by Goldin & Makarov (2006), the      Gln2006 
                       longest one has P = 8.93 yr, axis 55 mas, and e = 0.84.                 Tok2012a
                       Retrograde motion by 4deg since first resolution in 2011. Goldin &      .       
                       Makarov (2006) propose two orbits with periods ~9yr; semi-major axis    Gln2006 
                       should then be 0".15, so the system is near apastron.                   Tok2013b
01207+0333 GWP 172     XMI 189.                                                                Tob2012b
01207-7145 OGL 182     SMC124.1.101   + SMC124.1.545                                           Pli2012 
01208+1127 AG   17     LDS 878. B is BD+10@167.                                                .       
                       HJL  17.                                                                HJL1986 
01208+1035 PLQ  13     B is BD+09@153.                                                         .       
                       HJL  16.                                                                HJL1986 
01211+6439 S   397     35 Cas. STTA 15 = H 5  81.  B is BD+63@175.                             .       
                       Optical pair, based on study of relative motion of the components       .       
                       using the method of apparent motion parameters.                         Kiy2008 
01211+1540 J   227     B is variable                                                           Cou1952a
01211+0736 SLE 257     The primary is a W UMa system, AQ Psc.                                  .       
01211-0403 LDS3267     G 271-42.                                                               .       
01211-3508 LDS5330     Aka LDS9117 the old LDS6117.                                            .       
01211-7251 OGL 183     SMC120.2.15    + SMC120.2.163                                           Pli2012 
01211-7305 OGL 184     SMC121.5.2620  + SMC121.5.3200                                          Pli2012 
01212+5159 NLTT 4450   Ren & Fu (2013) calculated an astrometric orbit, combining Hipparcos    .       
                       Intermediate Astrometric Data with spectroscopic elements by Latham et  .       
                       al. (2002). They derived component masses 1.21 and 0.26 Msun and an     Lat2002 
                       estimated semimajor axis of 35.17 mas.                                  Ren2013 
01212+4108 LDS3266     NLTT 4468/4469                                                          Chm2004 
01213+1132 BU    4     See Baize & Petit (1989) catalog of doubles with variable component.    Baz1989d
                       The Hipparcos parallax (0".00616 +/- 0.00141) yields a mass sum of      Sca2001d
                       4.7 Msun, in excess for a binary of type F1III.                         .       
                       AB: Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and             .       
                       spectroscopic masses 9.73 +/- 6.50, 3.62, and 1.64 Msun, respectively.  Mlk2012 
01215-2908 RUC   1     BE Scl. Spectral type of resolved companion estimated at G5-8V.         Ruc2007 
01218-2408 SEE  13     Motion direct. A premature orbit has been computed.                     .       
01219-4003 WG    8     BRT 643.                                                                Brt1933 
01220+1848 GWP 175     XMI 190.                                                                Tob2012b
01220-6943 I   263     A premature orbit has been computed. Motion direct.                     .       
01221-2654 LDS2189     NLTT 4564/4566                                                          Chm2004 
01223+0331 DEA  38     NLTT 4558 + 2MASS J01221697+0331235. Baron et al. (2015) estimate       .       
                       spectral types G5 and L2 +/- 1, distances 58 +/-3 and 43 +13/-40 pc,    .       
                       masses 1.05 -1.12 and 0.071-0.076 Msun.                                 BFr2015 
01223-7332 OGL 185     SMC121.1.5     + SMC121.1.187                                           Pli2012 
01226+1200 GWP 178     XMI 191.                                                                Tob2012b
01227+1410 GWP 179     XMI 192.                                                                Tob2012b
01227+0032 LDS3270     Aka WNO  42.  G 70-55.                                                  .       
01227-7258 OGL 186     SMC120.1.13    + SMC120.1.32                                            Pli2012 
01228-2440 BWL  63     Bowler et al (2013) derive the following properties: age 120+/-10 Myr,  .       
                       distance 36+/-4 pc, masses 0.40+/-0.05 Msun and 12-14 or 23-27 Mjup.    Bwl2013 
01230-1258 GAL 307     LDS  46. Object #40 in Gallo's original list.                           Gal1912a
           KUI   6     BC: BC shares CPM with A.                                               B__1963b
01230-3035 LDS2190     According to Richard Jaworski the precise position he determine may be  Jaw2006 
                       correct if Luyten's original separation is off by an order of           .       
                       magnitude (i.e., 11.8" rather than 118").                               .       
01232+4905 KU    8     HU 524.                                                                 .       
01233+0152 LDS5332     CVR  26.                                                                .       
01233-0209 LDS3271     NLTT 4616/4615                                                          Chm2004 
01233-2105 LDS2191     NLTT 4626/4625                                                          Chm2004 
01233-7256 OGL 187     SMC120.1.3850  + SMC120.1.4139                                          Pli2012 
01234+5809 STF 115     First measured by F.W. Struve in 1836 at an angular separation of       Hrt1989 
                       0".68, this system had opened to 1".2 by 1910, then steadily closed     .       
                       to 0".35 at the time of the first speckle measurement in 1978.          .       
                       The pair reached an apparent minimum separation of 0".01 in the         .       
                       spring of 1984.                                                         .       
                       1983.7107  This autocorrelogram was remeasured; the new results are     .       
                       listed in the catalog.                                                  .       
                       AB: Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and             .       
                       spectroscopic masses 2.36 +/- 0.67, 2.80, and 1.20 Msun, respectively.  Mlk2012 
01235-7356 OGL 188     SMC122.3.2     + SMC122.3.173   + SMC122.5.71                           Pli2012 
01236+3415 CRJ   4     NLTT 4619. The A component is SB, P=83.9d. Primary is G8IV. The 0.3"    .       
                       companion is physically associated with primary, based on multi-epoch   .       
                       astrometry. The estimated spectral type of the companion ~M1V, its      .       
                       mass > 0.297 Msun.                                                      CrJ2013 
01236+0753 GWP 180     XMI 193.                                                                Tob2012b
01237+3743 CIA  15     47 And.                                                                 .       
                       Mass = 1.636 +/- 0.050, 1.587 +/- 0.049 \msun for A and B.              CIA2020a
                       Radius = 1.84 +/- 0.05, 1.66 +/- 0.12 \rsun for A and B.                .       
                       Teff = 7280 +/- 110, 7280 +/- 120 deg K for A and B.                    .       
                       Age = 1.0 Gyr, distance = 61.7 +/- 0.7 pc.                              .       
01237-6217 RST  31     Spectral type G0?                                                       .       
01239+0050 GWP 182     XMI 194.                                                                Tob2012b
01239-7228 OGL 189     SMC120.4.3345  + SMC120.4.3627                                          Pli2012 
01240-0800 HJ 1079     44 Cet. A is a Delta Scuti-type variable, AV Cet.                       .       
01240-0811 BU  505     the Cet = 45 Cet.                                                       .       
01240-2933 LDS2192     NLTT 4676/4656                                                          Chm2004 
01241-1244 GAL 308     Object #42 in Gallo's original list.                                    Gal1912a
01242+1254 HJ   13     C component is galaxy NGC 514.                                          .       
01243+0426 GWP 183     XMI 195.                                                                Tob2012b
01243-0655 BU 1163     The system is also detected as a spectroscopic binary.                  B__1951a
                       Only elements P, T, and a have been amended by Starikova (1978) from    Sta1978c
                       the orbit of van den Bos (1961).                                        B__1961e
                       This system underwent periastron in late 1988, an event now covered by  .       
                       speckle observations.                                                   Hrt1992b
                       A combined visual-spectroscopic orbit by Morbey (1975) gives almost     Mrb1975 
                       the same elements, but in the representation of position angles         Sod1999 
                       Soderhjelm's elements are preferable.                                   .       
                       Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and spectroscopic   .       
                       masses of 2.59 +/- 0.41, 2.74, and 1.30 Msun, respectively.             Mlk2012 
01245+3902 STTA 17     B is BD+38@256.                                                         .       
                       D is BD+38@253.                                                         .       
01245+1740 BPM  29     [PM2000]   52622 + [PM2000]   52637.                                    Gvr2010 
01245-2839 LDS2194     NLTT 4694/4695                                                          Chm2004 
01245-3356 JAO   1     Aa,Ab: GJ 2022 = G274-024                                               .       
                       Daemgen et al. derive a distance of 12.6 +/- 2.3 pc, a separation for   .       
                       the AC pair of 26.0 +/- 4.8 au, and a predicted orbital period of 330   .       
                       +95/-93 yr. Spectral types for both components are M5.0 +/- 0.5;        .       
                       masses are 0.14 +0.03/-0.02 and 0.13 +0.03/-0.02 Msun.                  Dae2007 
01246+5311 ES 2583     B is BD+52@332.                                                         .       
01247-7402 OGL 190     SMC122.2.45    + SMC122.2.104                                           Pli2012 
01248-2614 RST1218     LDS 3277.                                                               .       
                       NLTT 4714/4713                                                          Chm2004 
01250+1424 GWP 185     XMI 196.                                                                Tob2012b
01251+4537 A   939     Recent observations seem to rule out Muller's short-period              Mlr1955a
                       alternative.                                                            .       
                       Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and spectroscopic   .       
                       masses of 2.54 +/- 1.99, 3.23, and 1.45 Msun, respectively.             Mlk2012 
01252-0412 HJ  638     01252-0409BU 1361                                                       .       
                       J  1445.                                                                Nsn2016 
01252-7954 HJ 3443     B is CPD-80@23.                                                         .       
01253-5930 HJ 3435     B is CPD-60@111.                                                        .       
01254+0227 GWP 186     XMI 197.                                                                Tob2012b
01256+3133 STT  30     AC: HJL  18. Aka MAD   9.                                               HJL1986 
                       AC: SHY 402. Bayesian analysis by Shaya & Olling (2011) indicates very  Shy2011 
                       high (near 100%) probability pair is physical.                          .       
                       STTA 18.                                                                .       
                       B is above MS (wrong ptm), while A and C are on it. C is SB2,           HJL2012b
                       P=14.908d (Halbwachs et al. 2012)                                       Tok2014d
01256+2331 TOK  11     Primary is 5.4d SB1. Estimated period of visual pair 880y.              Tok2006 
01257+0258 J  1899     BC: Error in coordinates listed in Jonckheere (1941), star is at        J__1941a
                       1h 23.2m, not 0h 23.2m.  Star of mag 7.3 at 131" is BD+02  207.         J__1952 
01257+0107 GWP 188     XMI 199.                                                                Tob2012b
01257+0611 GWP 187     XMI 198.                                                                Tob2012b
01258+6014 BUP  19     del Cas = 37 Cas = Ruchbah. A spectroscopic and (perhaps) eclipsing     .       
                       binary.                                                                 .       
01259+6808 BU 1101     psi Cas = 36 Cas.                                                       .       
           H 5  83     H V 83, SHJ 18, STF 117. C is BD+67@124.                                .       
                       AC: Optical pair, based on study of relative motion of the components   .       
                       using the method of apparent motion parameters.                         Kiy2008 
01260+1450 BPM  30     [PM2000]   53515 + [PM2000]   53480.                                    Gvr2010 
01261+0925 GWP 189     XMI 200.                                                                Tob2012b
01261-2618 SWR   2     CPM pair                                                                Skf2004 
01262+3435 WSI  96     Provisionally designated WSI9101.                                       Tok2010 
                       The initial observations of WSI 96 by Mason et al. (2011) are           Msn2011d
                       considered spurous. The pair resolved by Roberts et al. (2015) using    .       
                       AO is believed to be a different pair, whose magnitude difference       .       
                       would have been beyond the dm limit of speckle. The original WSI 96     .       
                       designation was retained, however. Spectral types of the components     .       
                       are estimated as F7V and M2V, masses as 1.4 and 0.4 Msun.               Rbr2015b
01263+0711 LDS9118     Old LDS6118.                                                            .       
01263-0440 TOK 204     Possible physical companion at 24".4, 227deg in 2MASS.                  Tok2012a
                       Direct motion by 20deg since first resolution in 2011, at constant      .       
                       separation. Estimated period ~10yr. The small RV amplitude suggests an  .       
                       orbit in the plane of the sky.                                          Tok2013b
01264+5929 STI 213     STI1607.                                                                .       
01265+1812 HDS 187     Also a spectroscopic binary with P = 3087d which cannot be the visual   Grf2015b
                       pair.                                                                   .       
01267-7408 OGL 191     SMC122.1.1145  + SMC122.1.1144                                          Pli2012 
01269-5023 ART   1     Low-mass wide double, discovered on 2MASS and Digital Sky Survey        .       
                       frames. Artigau et al. determine sectral types M6.5V +/- 0.5 and M8V    Art2007 
                       +/- 0.5, distances 63 +/- 5 and 61 +/- 6 pc. Based on evolutionary      .       
                       models, the masses are 0.095 +/- 0.005 and 0.092 +/- 0.005 Msun for an  .       
                       age > 1Gyr, or 0.020 +/- 0.003 and 0.019 +/- 0.003 Msun for and age     .       
                       ~30Myr. The projected separation is ~5100 au.                           .       
01270+1500 GWP 190     XMI 201.                                                                Tob2012b
01270+1200 LDS3282     G002-038. See Allen et al. (2000) for information on metallicity,       AlC2000 
                       age, galactic orbital parameters, etc. Also known as LIT   5.           .       
                       NLTT 4817/4814                                                          Chm2004 
01270-0009 STF 125     Optical pair, based on study of relative motion of the components       .       
                       using the method of apparent motion parameters.                         Kiy2008 
01270-3058 RSS   3     This previously uncataloged double star was a Hipparcos double entry    .       
                       system.  The first measure is determined from the individual positions  .       
                       listed by Rousseau et al.                                               Rss1996 
                       SHY 403. Bayesian analysis by Shaya & Olling (2011) indicates very      Shy2011 
                       high (near 100%) probability pair is physical.                          .       
01270-3233 LDS2199     Some unconfirmed early observations. A is the semiregular variable      .       
                       R Scl.                                                                  .       
01270-7405 OGL 192     SMC122.2.1199  + SMC122.2.1250                                          Pli2012 
01271-5158 SHY 404     HIP   6772 + HIP   6804.                                                .       
01274-0204 J  1446     BAL 6.                                                                  .       
01274-2220 RST2261     CD-22@503.                                                              .       
01275+1546 BPM  31     [PM2000]   54366 + [PM2000]   54359.                                    Gvr2010 
01276+6429 TDS1882     CD: Originally 01276+6430 TDS1882; primary found to be C component of   .       
01276+0402 GWP 192     XMI 202.                                                                Tob2012b
01277+6321 STI 215     MLB 382.                                                                .       
01277+4524 BU  999     ome And = 48 And                                                        .       
                       This cannot be the close 254.9-d spectroscopic binary.                  Grf2011b
                       Although the pair has been repeatedly resolved with the CHARA Array     .       
                       with the Separated Fringe Packet technique, a full solution is not      CIA2010 
                       yet complete.                                                           .       
           CIA   4     Aa,Ab: Combined solution by Farrington et al. (2014) yields masses      .       
                       0.993 +/- 0.056 and 0.888 +/- 0.058 Msun, as well as an orbital         .       
                       parallax 39.12 +/- 1.97 mas (compared with the Hipparcos parallax of    .       
                       34.94 +/- 3.1 mas).                                                     CIA2014a
           BU   82     CD: There is a faint star between the AB and CD pairs. The change in    .       
                       AC is due to the proper motion of A. This is common to AB.              Bu_1894 
01277+1620 BPM  32     [PM2000]   54497 + [PM2000]   54549.                                    Gvr2010 
01277+0521 BU 1164     See Baize & Petit (1989) catalog of doubles with variable component.    Baz1989d
                       AB: Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and             .       
                       spectroscopic masses 2.51 +/- 0.76, 2.67, and 1.05 Msun, respectively.  Mlk2012 
01278+5928 STI1618     STI 217.                                                                .       
01281-5238 CVN   2     Both the B and C companions are probably background objects.            Cvn2005a
01282+1244 GWP 193     XMI 203.                                                                Tob2012b
01283+5329 STF 123     AB: Also known as HU 1651, but the 1911 Hussey measure has a quadrant   .       
                       flip and a large sep error.                                             Hu_1911 
01283+1731 GWP 194     XMI 204.                                                                Tob2012b
01283+1429 AG   18     B is BD+13@217.                                                         .       
01283-1615 LDS3284     NLTT 4889/4888                                                          Chm2004 
01284+0758 S   398     STTA 19. B is BD+07@214.                                                .       
                       HJL  19.                                                                HJL1986 
01284+0758             A hierarchical quadruple. AB is a wide binary with an estimated period  Tok2020h
                       of 300k years; the Ba,Bb pair has an estimated  period of about 200     .       
                       years and the close Ba1,2 pair has a spectroscopic orbit of 116d.       .       
01284-4319 gam Phe     Hipparcos astrometric solution adopted some elements from the orbit of  HIP1997d
                       Luyten (1936).                                                          Luy1936 
01287-4710 LDS  48     Aka UC  562.                                                            .       
01289+0633 PLQ  16     LDS3285.                                                                .       
01290+7412 HJ 2045     LDS1529.                                                                .       
                       A is above MS, B on the MS. A component possibly a close double         Mkr2005 
                       (Makarov & Kaplan 2005) but nothing on the close sub-system in SIMBAD.  Tok2014d
01291+2143 HO    9     BC: According to Griffin, the radial velocities of B and C differ by    Grf1987c
                       30km/sec. Either the pair is optical, or one component is a             .       
                       spectroscopic binary.                                                   .       
                       AB and AD: Optical pairs, based on study of relative motion of the      .       
                       components using the method of apparent motion parameters.              Kiy2008 
                       AD: Rectilinear solution by Hurowitz et al. (2013).                     USN2013a
01291+1040 GWP 195     XMI 205.                                                                Tob2012b
01292+4820 BWL   6     AC: Source appears spatially extended; probably a background galaxy.    .       
                       Primary is G 172-56.                                                    Bwl2015 
01295+6319 MLB 330     This pair was purged from an earlier edition of the WDS as it was not   .       
                       found by Heintz. It has apparently been located. It and the nearby      .       
                       MLB 329 are in NGC 559.                                                 Hei1985a
01295+3054 BUP  20     B is BD+30@229.                                                         .       
01296-2138 SEE  14     48 Cet.                                                                 .       
01297+4228 ZUC   6     SKF 314.                                                                .       
                       Primary is white dwarf WD 0126+422 = GD 13.                             Zuc1992 
01297+2250 A  1910     AB: Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and             .       
                       spectroscopic masses 6.11 +/- 1.86, 4.31, and 2.09 Msun, respectively.  Mlk2012 
01298+1014 CHR 197     First detected as an occultation binary by Africano.                    Afr1977b
01299+3100 ENG   6     B is BD+30@232.                                                         .       
01300-2231 I   445     A,BC = LDS  51.                                                         .       
01302+0609 STH   6     A: mu Psc = 98 Psc                                                      .       
01305-4242 I  1609     SY Phe, an Algol-type eclipsing binary, P = 5.27095d.                   Zas2012 
01306-4446 DHI   1     At a distance of 40 +/- 14pc, the projected physical separation is 130  .       
                       +/- 50au. Spectral types are M9.0 +/- 0.5 and L6 +/- 1. Dhital et al.   .       
                       conclude the pair is physical.                                          Dhi2011 
01307-1227 GAL 309     Object #45 in Gallo's original list.                                    Gal1912a
01309+5244 GIC  23     G173-002/G173-003.                                                      .       
                       NLTT 4991/4993                                                          Chm2004 
01312+7016 38 Cas      Hipparcos astrometric solution adopted some elements from the orbit of  HIP1997d
                       Wright & Pugh (1954).                                                   Wri1954 
01315+1521 BU  506     eta Psc = 99 Psc. A is a Beta CMi-type variable.                        Baz1964 
                       NPOI Limb-darkened diameter 2.64 +/- 0.11 mas,                          NOI1999 
                       R = 26. +/- 2. \rsun.                                                   .       
01316-1901 HJ 2052     B is BD-19@263. BDS 796, HJ 3373 same star.                             .       
01317+6103 STF 128     STI 227.                                                                .       
01317+1506 CHR 198     First detected as an occultation binary by Beavers.                     Bvr1977 
01319+1603 BF Psc      Ren & Fu (2013) calculated an astrometric orbit, combining Hipparcos    Ren2013 
                       Intermediate Astrometric Data with spectroscopic elements by            .       
                       Griffin (1975).                                                         Grf1975a
01319+1026 GWP 196     XMI 206.                                                                Tob2012b
01320-1604 GAL 310     Object #46 in Gallo's original list.                                    Gal1912a
01321+1657 STF 132     A is a spectroscopic binary, P = 36.6d.                                 .       
                       A: SB2. Combined orbit including RV data and Hipparcos Intermediate     .       
                       Astrometric data. Semimajor axis derived from photocentric a0 plus      .       
                       stellar evolutionary model. Derived properties for A and B:             .       
                       M/Msun = 1.14 + 1.02, L/Lsun = 5.40 + 1.41, dm = 1.46 mag,              .       
                       log age = 9.86.                                                         WaX2015b
                       Improved SB2 orbit for the unresolved pair.                             Kie2018 
                       A: Teff = 5367 +/- 166 K, B: Teff = 5150 +/- 228.                       .       
                       AB: H 4 130.                                                            MEv2010 
                       AB, AC, and AD: Optical pairs, based on study of relative motion of     .       
                       the components using the method of apparent motion parameters.          Kiy2008 
                       AC: Rectilinear solution by Hurowitz et al. (2013).                     USN2013a
01321+1434 BPM  33     [PM2000]   57016 + [PM2000]   57059.                                    Gvr2010 
01323-2633 ARG   4     B is CD-27@523.                                                         .       
01325+1645 BPMA  1     [PM2000]   57224 + [PM2000]   57397.                                    Gvr2010 
01325+1417 LDS1102     NLTT 5103/5102                                                          Chm2004 
01326-2745 LDS2206     NLTT 5136/5135                                                          Chm2004 
01326-4944 SHY 405     HIP   7189 + HIP   7086.                                                .       
01327+6336 EVS   9     Primary is the Cepheid V636 Cas.                                        Evs2016a
01327-0139 FIL   2     B is BD-02@235.                                                         .       
01328+3551 STF 133     Confusion between C and D in ADS. With quadrant for CD north preceding, .       
                       AC obviously has greater separation than AD.                            B__1962d
                       Identifications of several later AC and AD measures were switched to    .       
                       give motion consistent with earliest measures. Quadrants were flipped   .       
                       for CD measures, which now agree with AC and AD measures. AC has        .       
                       smaller separation than AD, and C is slightly brighter than D.          .       
           A  1911     Ea,Eb: Originally 01238+3553; found to be E component of 01328+3551.    .       
01329+1954 LDS3289     NLTT 5133/5127                                                          Chm2004 
01329+1200 GWP 197     XMI 207.                                                                Tob2012b
01329-3652 GC 1881     Hipparcos astrometric solution assumed circular orbit (e = omega = 0)   HIP1997d
01330+1027 GWP 198     XMI 208.                                                                Tob2012b
01331-0602 LDS3290     NLTT 5155/5154                                                          Chm2004 
01331-1951 LDS1103     NLTT 5163/5169                                                          Chm2004 
01332+6041 STF 131     Spectrum of B: B3IV.                                                    .       
01332+3231 SEI  17     Neither component seen on POSS plate; may be flaws on AC Potsdam plate  .       
01333-0014 UC  582     aka ITF  47.                                                            .       
01333-2411 LDS2209     NLTT 5178/5160                                                          Chm2004 
01335+6039 BUP  22     B is BD+59@273.                                                         .       
01337-1213 HWE   4     The linear formula by Job & Tamburini seems ruled out, as it makes      Job1969b
                       the current quadrant opposite to what is observed.                      .       
01338+0346 RBR  32     Suspected non-single.                                                   Hor2002b
01343-0827 A   314     Derived orbital parallax 0".00978, mass sum 4.14 +/- 2.34 Msun          Lin2004a
                       Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and spectroscopic   .       
                       masses of 2.85 +/- 0.99, 2.60, and 1.20 Msun, respectively.             Mlk2012 
01344+4844 ES 2587     G172-061. Not a common proper motion companion after comparison with    .       
                       POSS2 red plates                                                        Oso2004 
01344-1607 FAR  25     Primary is white dwarf WD 0131-163.                                     Far2006 
01345+1448 LDS9119     Old LDS6119.                                                            .       
01347+0720 GWP 199     XMI 209.                                                                Tob2012b
01348+2935 BRT   5     An Algol-type system, RS Tri.                                           .       
01349+1234 STF 136     AB: H 4 131.                                                            MEv2010 
01349-6909 GLI  12     B is CPD-69@74.                                                         .       
01350-2955 BU 1000     AB,C triple+var solution (AB in HIP).                                   Sod1999 
                       B is 0.47d eclipsing binary (= BB Scl).                                 .       
                       See Baize & Petit (1989) catalog of doubles with variable component.    Baz1989d
01352-1829 RSS  49     CPD-19@169                                                              .       
01354+6305 MLB 280     Also classified K1V.                                                    .       
01354+4123 ES 1494     Probably identical with ADS 1241 ( = ALD).                              .       
01356+6117 STI 237     This and STI 239 are members of the multiple system HJ 1083.            .       
01360+2646 BU  507     Morlet et al. note that this has similar position angle, separation,    .       
                       and delta-m as HDS 212. HDS 212 removed.                                Mor2000 
01360+0739 STF 138     D is BD+06@245.                                                         .       
                       AB: H N  92.                                                            MEv2010 
01361-2954 HJ 3447     tau Scl. Arend orbit rejected from Fourth Orbit Catalog                 Ard1968 
                       ("orbit completely faulty and irreparable")                             Wor1983 
01361-3718 HJ 3448     Spectral type of A may be K. B is CD-37@605.                            .       
01364+7909 STF 127     B is BD+78@50.                                                          .       
01364+3209 SEI  18     Neither component seen on POSS plate; may be flaws on AC Potsdam plate  .       
                       The faint pair now measured for the lost SEI  18 may be this new pair.  Dam2017a
01368+4124 BUP  23     ups And = 50 And = Titawin. A is a spectroscopic binary.                .       
                       AB: exoplanets with P=4.61d, 237.7d, 1302d, 3848d                       Tok2014d
           LWR   1     AD. Determined to be CPM pair from examination of POSS I and II plates  .       
                       (epochs 1953 and 1995), plus 2MASS. Conclude spectral type of           .       
                       companion M4.5V.                                                        Lwr2002 
                       AD: Raghavan et al. (2010) consider D physical, high PM (no PM given).  Rag2010 
                       CHARA Array Limb-darkened diameter  1.114 +/- 0.009 mas,                CIA2008c
                       R =  1.631 +/- 0.014 \rsun.                                             .       
           ups And     A: Combined solution, based on reduction of Hipparcos intermediate      .       
                       astrometric data together with spectroscopic elements from Butler       CPS1999b
                       et al. (1999).                                                          HaI2001 
           BUP  23     AB: Rectilinear solution by Rica et al. (2017).                         FMR2017b
01368+4124 STT 554     AC: Rectilinear solution by Rica et al. (2017).                         FMR2017b
01371+1209 VSC   1     = pi Psc = 102 Psc.                                                     .       
01372+1147 TOB9002     Measured as HJ   16 but actually an anonymous pair added here.          Tob2012b 
01373+1828 GWP 204     XMI 210.                                                                Tob2012b
01374+2510 G034-039    Boden et al. (2006) give combined spectroscopic/interferometric         Bod2006 
                       solution, including PTI observations. Derive distance of 42.23 +/-      .       
                       0.21 pc (pi = 23.68 +/- 0.12 mas), age 9.12 +/- 0.25 Gyr, with          .       
                       abundances near solar. The K0IV primary appears to have evolved off     .       
                       the MS and is traversing the Hertzsprung gap toward red giant phase.    .       
                       Masses are 1.072 +/- 0.014 and 0.8383 +/- 0.0081 Msun, luminosities     .       
                       2.451 +/- 0.041 and 0.424 +/- 0.023 Lsun, radii 2.048 +/- 0.081 and     .       
                       0.887 +/- 0.071 Rsun.                                                   .       
01374-8217 GLI  14     Spectrum G5III:+K1/2.                                                   .       
01375-1135 LDS9120     Old LDS6120.                                                            .       
01376+2233 STTA 20     B is BD+21@218.                                                         .       
                       Pair appears in an appendix list, not part of discoverer's regular      .       
                       numbering sequence.                                                     .       
01376+1727 GWP 205     XMI 211.                                                                Tob2012b
01376+0709 PLQ  19     HJL  21.                                                                HJL1986 
01376-0645 BRG   5     BC: Initially entered as WDS 01369-0648, the primary of BRG 5 was       .       
                       later found to be the B component of 01376-0645 CAB 3.                  .       
01376-0924 KUI   7     1982.7657: This autocorrelogram was remeasured; the new results are     .       
                       listed here.                                                            McA1987b
                       Combined spectroscopic/visual orbit, also yielding orbital parallax     .       
                       and component masses and absolute magnitudes.                           Tok1993 
                       Pourbaix gives combined solution for this resolved SB2, yielding        .       
                       orbital parallaxes and component masses.                                Pbx2000b
                       Martin et al. (1998) derive component masses 1.712 +/- 0.296 and        .       
                       1.140 +/- 0.226 Msun.                                                   Mig1998 
                       Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and spectroscopic   .       
                       masses of 2.51 +/- 0.43, 2.49, and 1.13 Msun, respectively.             Mlk2012 
01377+4825 HDS 215     Rectilinear solution by Hartkopf & Mason (2013).                        Hrt2013b
01377-5714 KRV  54     alp Eri = Achernar                                                      .       
                       Ma = 6.0 +/- 0.6, Mb = 2.0 +/- 0.1 \Msun, Ra = 8.14 +/- 0.26, Rb = 1.70 .       
                       +/- 0.08 \Rsun, Teff_a = 15539 +/- 438, Teff_b = 9064 +/- 624 K, La =   .       
                       3493 +/- 429, Lb = 17.5 +/- 5.1 \Lsun.                                  Krv2022 
01379-8259 TOK 426     HIP 7601 is a nearby (27pc) dwarf also known as GJ 67.1 or HR 512.      .       
                       According to Wichman et al. (2003 A&A, 400, 293), it is a young         .       
                       spectroscopic triple detected in X-rays (1RXS J013755.4-825838). GCS    .       
                       also recognized the star as SB2. Spectroscopic monitoring (Tokovinin,   .       
                       in preparation) shows that all three components are similar stars of    .       
                       approximately one solar mass. Here we resolved the outer subsystem AB   .       
                       and observed its fast motion. In fact it was already resolved at SOAR   .       
                       on 2011.036 at 221.0deg and 0".044, but this low-quality observation    .       
                       has not been published. The available data indicate that the period     .       
                       of AB is 1.35years; the pair completed nearly two revolutions since     .       
                       its first resolution in 2011.                                           Tok2015c
01380+4600 HJ 2063     Aka A   944AB,C.                                                        .       
01385+7302 HJ 2054     40 Cas.                                                                 .       
01386-4113 CPO 110     B is CD-41@445.                                                         .       
01387+0359 GWP 208     XMI 212.                                                                Tob2012b
01387-4515 HJ 3451     LDS  55.                                                                .       
01388-1758 LDS 838     LUY 726-8. L 726-8 = UV Cet. Both components are active flare stars     .       
                       According to Harrington & Behall the mass ratio is 0.487 +/- 0.011 and  .       
                       the individual masses are 0.115 (0.008) 0.109 (0.008) Msun for A & B,   .       
                       respectively.                                                           Hrr1973 
                       See Baize & Petit (1989) catalog of doubles with variable component.    Baz1989d
                       This pm star with flare characteristics is a difficult object.          VBs1954 
                       Magnitude uncertain due to flares.                                      USN1988b
                       AB: Kervella et al. (2016) derive a new orbit for GJ 65 and determine   .       
                       the following physical parameters:                                      .       
                          masses (Msun): A = 0.1225 +- 0.0043   B = 0.1195 +- 0.0043           .       
                          radii (Rsun):      0.165  +- 0.006        0.159  +- 0.006            .       
                          [Fe/H] (dex):     -0.03   +- 0.20        -0.12   +- 0.20             .       
                          log (cgs):         5.092  +- 0.015        5.113  +- 0.015            Krv2016 
                       Using the parallax from Gaia DR3 and the mass ratio from Worley,        Gai2018 
                       individual masses of Ma = 0.1191 +/- 0.0018 \msun and Mb = 0.1144 +/-   Wor1973b
                       0.0017 \msun are determined for these components.                       Msn2023 
01388-5327 DUN   4     While this pair appears to have common proper motion and parallax, a    .       
                       linear solution has been performed and identified therein as optical.   LRR2022c
01393+5257 STF 139     Neither AB, AC or BC are physically associated.                         Kiy2015c
01393+1638 BU    5     103 Psc.                                                                .       
01394-1748 HJ 2067     HJ 3380.                                                                .       
01397+4602 EGB   1     ES 553.                                                                 .       
01397-3728 HJ 3452     B is CD-38@572.                                                         .       
01398+1704 BPM  34     [PM2000]   61379 + [PM2000]   61385.                                    Gvr2010 
01398-5612 DUN   5     Some measures have been corrected by Andrew James (personal             .       
                       correspondance). Note that this is p Eri, not rho Eri                   .       
                       (03027-0741BU   11).                                                    .       
                       Measures of 1947.60 and 1947.84 made by triangulation of multiple       Der9999 
                       measures.                                                               .       
01399+1515 STF 142     B is BD+14@@251.                                                        .       
01400+2702 ALP   5     2MASSW J0140026+270150                                                  .       
                       Companion seen as elongated in I-band image taken at WIYN in August     .       
                       2002. Physical companionship to this ultracool dwarf ruled out.         AlP2007 
01400-1348 GAL 311     Object #48 in Gallo's original list.                                    Gal1912a
01402+7303 HJ 2055     AB: Rectilinear solution by Hurowitz et al. (2013).                     USN2013a
01404+3420 STF 143     AB: Optical pair, based on study of relative motion of the components   .       
                       using the method of apparent motion parameters.                         Kiy2008 
01405-0917 LDS9121     Old LDS6121.                                                            .       
01406+4035 BU 1362     tau And = 53 And. A is a spectroscopic binary. Variable?                .       
01409+6410 RAO  32     AC: C component = A component of WDS 01409+6409 TDS1951.                .       
01409+6409 TDS1951     Primary = C component of WDS 01409+6410.                                .       
01409+1117 A  2320     Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and spectroscopic   .       
                       masses of 1.33 +/- 0.76, 2.02, and 0.95 Msun, respectively.             Mlk2012 
01409+4952 HU  531     AB: Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and             .       
                       spectroscopic masses 1.66 +/- 0.98, 2.11, and 0.79 Msun, respectively.  Mlk2012 
01409+0138 A  2404     Quadrant uncertain.                                                     .       
01410-0524 TOK 228     Primary is EY Cet, variable of BY Dra type, X-ray source                Tok2014d
01412-6741 LDS  56     HIP 7869. See Allen et al. (2000) for information on metallicity,       AlC2000 
                       age, galactic orbital parameters, etc.                                  .       
01413+2545 STF 145     Period of AB estimated at 7300y.                                        Tok2006 
                       Primary is SB2, P=4.435d. Aa,Ab has suspected close tertiary because    .       
                       K1,K2 are var, e>0. B is SB1, P=1.435d.  RoboAO find a companion to B   .       
                       (98deg, 4.80", dI=7.2mag), but it is considered optical.                Tok2014d
01413+1246 GWP 214     XMI 213.                                                                Tob2012b
01413+1007 STF 146     B is BD+09@203.                                                         .       
                       HJL  22.                                                                HJL1986 
01414+3704 LDS3300     NLTT 5619/5621                                                          Chm2004 
01414-7909 HJ 3467     tau 1 Hyi                                                               .       
01417+0712 GWP 215     XMI 214.                                                                Tob2012b
01417-7616 JSP  25     Aka TDS1958.                                                            .       
01418+4237 MCY   2     An astrometric binary now resolved by infrared speckle interferometry.  .       
                       Discovery designation per Todd Henry 03/02/98.                          .       
                       Improved pc (Delta m > 6) orbit combining pg (Lippincott 1983) and      Lip1983 
                       Hipparcos obs. Scaling by the speckle IR (Henry 1993) gives orbit size  Hen1993 
                       and mass ratio.                                                         .       
                       Martin et al. (1998) derive component masses 0.795 +/- 0.159 and        .       
                       0.136 +/- 0.053 Msun.                                                   Mig1998 
                       The estimated magnitude difference in V (~6 mag) is too large for the   .       
                       companion to have been detected.                                        Hrt2009 
                       Mass of A(B) determined to be 0.95+/-0.11(0.254+/-0.019) \msun. Orbital .       
                       parallax 79.08 +/- 0.63 mas.                                            Trr2022 
01419-0907 GRV1170     Aka SLW  81.                                                            .       
01420+4252 ROE  64     HJL  23.                                                                HJL1986 
01423+5134 CUD   2     Component A is the central star of the planetary nebula NGC 650/1       Skf2013 
                       = Messier 76.                                                           .       
01424+2609 BRT3259     Originally published as BRT 126.                                        Brt1928 
01424-0645 A     1     A premature orbit has been computed.                                    .       
                       Omega corrected from 24.0 to 58.9, omega from 58.9 to 24.0              Ruy1995 
01425+5000 B  2550     BD+49 440 (8.5) and 441 (9.0) are together in a high power field. Both  .       
                       are close pairs; brighter star is deep orange, the fainter (ADS 1341,   .       
                       HU 1210) is white. At present the brighter star is the easier pair,     .       
                       but as its duplicity was missed by Hussey, Aitken, and van Biesbroeck,  .       
                       then they measured CD, it must have opened out more recently.           B__1963b
01425+2016 HJ 2071     A: 107 Psc.                                                             .       
                       AC: Optical pair, based on study of relative motion of the components   .       
                       using the method of apparent motion parameters.                         Kiy2008 
           107 Psc     Hipparcos astrometric solution assumed circular orbit (e = omega = 0)   HIP1997d
01426+6033 BU 1363     A 3588-d spectroscopic orbit has been found for the A component.        Grf2012d
                       The primary is the E component of 01426+6033.                           .       
01427+0637 J  1808     HJL  24.                                                                HJL1986 
01430+6402 STI 264     Component A is a pulsating star in the open cluster NGC 637. Since      .       
                       relative motions of all three components are small and in agreement     .       
                       with each other, we believe all three stars are members of the same     .       
                       cluster. It is not currently possible to determine whether of not they  .       
                       form a closed triple system.                                            Kiy2012 
01431+3426 COU 668     Aa,Ab: TDS1964.                                                         .       
01431+2101 JNN 251     Estimated age 300-1000 Myr; masses 0.30 +/- 0.06 and 0.15 +/- 0.03      .       
                       Msun; a ~4.8 au.                                                        Jnn2014 
01432+6056 MLR 106     AC: STI 271.                                                            .       
01433+6033 BU 1103     44 Cas. A is a spectroscopic binary.                                    .       
           FYM 160     AH: Fay (2013) notes an H component in their Figure 1, but does not     FyM2013d
                       include a measurement.                                                  .       
           ARN  32     AE: E component is primary of 01426+6033 BU 1363                        .       
01433-1736 HJ 3455     B is BD-18@292.                                                         .       
01434-0705 STF 150     B is BD-07@283.                                                         .       
01434-1127 GAL 312     Object #50 in Gallo's original list.                                    Gal1912a
01435+5318 HJ 2069     B is BD+52@417.                                                         .       
01435-1038 GAL 313     Object #51 in Gallo's original list.                                    Gal1912a
01436+2802 GIC  24     G072-028/G072-029.                                                      .       
                       NLTT 5738/5740                                                          Chm2004 
01437+5014 CIA   6     Phi Per. Be+sdO binary, resolved by the CHARA Array. The hot subdwarf   .       
                       companion is detected in near-IR; flux contribution 1.5% in H (dH=4.6)  .       
                       and restricted fits indicate flux contribution rises to 3.3% (dV~3.7)   .       
                       in visible.  Combined interferometric/spectroscopic orbital solution    .       
                       yields masses 9.6+/-0.3 and 1.2+/-0.2 Msun for the Be primary and       .       
                       subdwarf secondary, respectvely. The inferred distance (186+/-3pc),     .       
                       kinematical properties, and evolutionary state are consistent with      .       
                       membership of phi Per in the alpha Per cluster.                         CIA2015a
01437+0934 BU  509     Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and spectroscopic   .       
                       masses of 1.69 +/- 0.64, 1.83, and 0.85 Msun, respectively.             Mlk2012 
01438+1954 GWP 216     XMI 215.                                                                Tob2012b
01438+1206 HJ   18     Possibly BD+11@225. BDS 899, HJ 18. HJ position angle in 1820: 220@.    .       
                       Disagrees with 1912 - 1922: 143@.                                       .       
01441-1556 BUP  25     tau Cet = 52 Cet. Optical. Proper motion of A -1718 +856.               .       
01442-0813 LDS9122     Old LDS6122. Primary is QSO, Z=0.239.                                   .       
01443+6652 HAU  10     HJL  25.                                                                HJL1986 
01443+5732 BU  870     A premature orbit has been computed.                                    .       
                       Primary is eclipsing binary V773 Cas (period 2.58734 day).              Zas2010 
                       Light curve and radial velocity combined solution determined.           Zas2017 
           ARN  55     AD: HJL1011.                                                            HJL1986 
01443+0929 KPR   1     AC: Separation may be a factor of 10 too small.                         .       
           STF 155     AB: H 2  49.                                                            MEv2010 
01448+5708 B  2548     Rapid motion.                                                           .       
                       This close pair precedes BD+56 338 (ADS 1371, BU 453) by 12 sec of      .       
                       time and is 0.6' north of it. All measures given in Pub Yerkes O. IX,   .       
                       pt 1 and 2, by van Biesbroeck and myself, assigned to BU 453, are       .       
                       obviously of the new pair. My estimates of the difference in magnitude  .       
                       vary between 0.4 sf and 0.7 np, which seems rather large to be error    .       
                       of estimation, even in so close a pair.                                 B__1963b
01449+2005 109 Psc     Combined solution, based on reduction of Hipparcos intermediate         .       
                       astrometric data together with spectroscopic elements from Vogt et al.  CPS2000c
                       (2000).                                                                 HaI2001 
01449+1951 A  2322     EU Psc, Algol-type eclipsing binary,  per 1.69261 d.                    Zas2011 
                       Observed wrong star? van den Bos has 4 measures in 1962, and I have     B__1963b
                       positive measure in 1964.                                               Wor1967b
01450+6032 STI 281     AB: BKO1073AC.                                                          .       
           MRI  27     AC: BKO1073AB.                                                          .       
01450+5707 BU  453     Premature orbits have been calculated. Motion direct.                   Baz1972 
01450+2703 COU 750     Rapid motion.                                                           .       
01450-0104 LDS9123     Old LDS6123.                                                            .       
                       NLTT 5822/5818                                                          Chm2004 
01452+2317 GIC  25     G034-048/G034-049.                                                      .       
01454+0909 OCC9041     110 omi Psc = Torcular.                                                 .       
01454-3957 BRG   6     2MASS J01452133-3957204 has only been observed in one epoch, but the    .       
                       color and brightness of the detected companion are consistent with      .       
                       expectation, hence we count it as an unconfirmed binary.                Jnn2012 
01455-6035 JSP9001     Previously known as JSP  13a.                                           .       
01456+1148 GWP 217     XMI 216.                                                                Tob2012b
01456-0224 J  1448     BC. Gauchet (1926) measure originally listed as CD pair, with theta     Gau1926a
                       flipped by 180deg.                                                      .       
01456-2503 HJ 3461     eps Scl. A premature orbit has been computed.                           .       
01457+0834 BAG  38     Primary is the alpha2 CVn type variable UZ Psc.                         .       
01458+1200 BPM  35     [PM2000]   64864 + [PM2000]   64876.                                    Gvr2010 
01458+0043 GWP 219     XMI 217.                                                                Tob2012b
01459+7142 HJ 1090     01459+7142FOX 119CD. WDS designation for HJ 1090 changed from           .       
                       01461+7143 due to inclusion in multiple.                                .       
           HJ 1089     AB: Rectilinear solution by Mason et al. (2012).                        WSI2012 
01459-4357 HJ 3463     B is CD-44@509.                                                         .       
01460+8005 GW Cep      Multiple system including contact binary.                               Pbl2006 
01460+6113 STF 151     STF 151rej and Duner 1 are identical.                                   .       
01462+5326 HJ 2079     Confused with nearby 01463+5328 HJ 2080, as pairs are also of similar   .       
                       separation and position angle.                                          .       
01462+3343 HU  804     A premature orbit has been computed.                                    .       
01463+5328 HJ 2080     Confused with nearby 01462+5326 HJ 2079, as pairs are also of similar   .       
                       separation and position angle.                                          .       
01466+1639 GWP 221     XMI 218.                                                                Tob2012b
01467+0214 GWP 222     XMI 219.                                                                Tob2012b
01469+4234 DUP   1     Dupuy et al. (2015) resolved a low-luminosity T9/Y0 binary, using Keck  .       
                       laser guide star imaging. Masses are estimated as 4.6 +1.0/-1.1 and     .       
                       4.3 +1/0/-1.2 Mjup (for age of 1Gyr) or 16.9 +3.8/-4.0 and              .       
                       15.9 +3.5/-4.4 Mjup  (for age of 10Gyr).                                Dup2015 
01474+0355 HJ 2084     Aka STT  36.                                                            .       
01474-2157 GD 1400     Song et al. (2006) confirm common proper motion of this brown dwarf     Son2006 
                       and its planetary mass companion.                                       .       
01475-4955 RED  15     2MASS J01473282-4954478. Spectral types M8: and L2:                     Red2006b
01476+3453 CSW   1     AB: This star has a possible wide brown dwarf companion at 43"          Csw2008 
                       separation, according to Casewell et al. (2008).                        Jnn2012 
           KIR   6     BC: B component is an L0.5V brown dwarf. The spectrum of the secondary  .       
                       shows it to be a background M star.                                     Kir1999 
01477+6351 ENG   7     A is GJ 75 = V987 Cas. B is BD+63@241.                                  .       
                       AB: Rectilinear solution by Friedman et al. (2011).                     USN2011a
01477+1643 BPMA  2     [PM2000]   65958 + [PM2000]   65844.                                    Gvr2010 
01477-4358 I    52     Gomez et al. (2016) derive dynamical parallax and component masses:     .       
                       7.50 +/- 0.33 mas, 1.310 +/- 0.032 Msun, 1.128 +/- 0.027 Msun.          Doc2016i
                       A is a close 5.3-d spectroscopic pair.                                  Tok2019a
01478-8011 HJ 3474     tau 2 Hyi                                                               .       
01479+4440 A   949     BJN  26.                                                                .       
                       This measure was published as BRT 346. Note to BRT 346: This seems to   .       
                       be ADS 1412, although the magnitude difference is discordant.           .       
                       BD+44  369, with which ADS 1412 is identified, was not seen as double.  Brt1939a
01480+4353 ES 1498     BRT 325.                                                                Brt1930 
01481-2533 FAR  26     Primary is white dwarf WD 0145-257.                                     Far2006 
01482+1657 TOK 945     4 Ari.                                                                  .       
01483+1203 LDS1116     LDS3311.                                                                .       
                       NLTT 6012/6013                                                          Chm2004 
01483-4130 RGS   2     GJ 77. Rodigas et al. (2016) detect a companion to the old solar-type   .       
                       star HD 11112, and determine it is likely a gravitationally bound cool  .       
                       white dwarf. SED fits (pure-H and pure-He models) suggest a mass for    .       
                       the companion in the range 0.90-1.08 Msun, Teff 7300-9800K,             .       
                       log (L/Lsun) -3.69 - -3.36, and age 2.43-3.92 Gyr.                      Rgs2016b
01486+1618 BU  510     AC: H 5  92.                                                            MEv2010 
01486-0955 JNN  17     LP 708-465.                                                             .       
01487+7528 HJ 2075     LDS1540.                                                                .       
01487+3306 GIC  26     G072-038/G072-037.                                                      .       
                       NLTT 6030/6027                                                          Chm2004 
01487-2916 HJ 3466     B is CD-29@590.                                                         .       
01488-0125 STF 171     B is BD-02@300.                                                         .       
01489+1411 GWP 223     XMI 220.                                                                Tob2012b
01489-2053 ARA1256     Primary is TW Cet, a W UMa type eclipsing binary, P = 0.31685d.         Zas2012 
01489-3153 LDS3316     NLTT 6087/6088                                                          Chm2004 
01491+2956 2M 0149+29  2MASSW J0149090+295613. Astrometric orbit by Harris et al. (2015)       .       
                       yielded the following properties: spectral types M9.5+L4, absolute J    .       
                       mags 11.74+13.40, masses 0.084 +/- 0.008 and 0.069 +/- 0.010 Msun.      USN2015 
01491+0236 GWP 224     XMI 221.                                                                Tob2012b
01493+4754 CHR   4     Aa,Ab: Although this new component is indicated as Aa,Ab we have not    .       
                       firmly established whether it is associated with the A or B component   .       
                       of the wide pair.                                                       McA1987b
                       B is a spectroscopic binary. The system appears to be quintuple.        .       
           STF 162     AB: Rectilinear solutions by Zirm & Rica (2014)                         Zir2014b
                       and Genet et al. (2015).                                                GnR2015a
                       Despite the linear solution, proper motion and parallax favor a         Grv2020a
                       physical connection. Long period and/or high eccentricity possible.     .       
01493+1808 GWP 225     XMI 222.                                                                Tob2012b
01496+1741 GWP 226     XMI 223.                                                                Tob2012b
01496-1041 ENG   8     53 Cet = chi Cet. LDS2222.                                              .       
                       SHY   8. Bayesian analysis by Shaya & Olling (2011) indicates very      Shy2011 
                       high (near 100%) probability pair is physical.                          .       
01497-1414 HU  422     Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and spectroscopic   .       
                       masses of 1.42 +/- 0.46, 2.45, and 1.20 Msun, respectively.             Mlk2012 
01498-3824 GC 2219     Hipparcos astrometric solution assumed circular orbit (e = omega = 0)   HIP1997d
           HDO 186     Additional notes may be found in Herschel (1847).                       HJ_1847b
01499+8053 STT  34     Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and spectroscopic   .       
                       masses of 14.28 +/- 6.95, 4.72, and 2.24 Msun, respectively.            Mlk2012 
01499+1324 LDS1118     Also known as LDS6124 and LDS9124. Richard Jaworski first               Jaw2006 
                       recognized that these systems were the same.                            .       
01500-0408 A  2602     Gomez et al. (2016) derive dynamical parallax and component masses:     .       
                       15.65 +/- 1.62 mas, 0.748 +/- 0.037 Msun, 0.748 +/- 0.037 Msun.         Doc2016i
01501+3538 ALI  28     No stars seen at AC catalog locations - probably plate flaws.           .       
01501+2217 STF 174     1 Ari. Spectrum composite; K1III+A6V. Spectroscopic binary?             .       
                       H 1  73.                                                                MEv2010 
01502+1600 BPM  36     [PM2000]   67462 + [PM2000]   67449.                                    Gvr2010 
01503+1146 GWP 227     XMI 224.                                                                Tob2012b
01504+2942 MLB1059     Aka MLB 448.                                                            .       
01505-2042 ARA1257     A likely plate flaw.                                                    Grv2021a
01509+1626 BPM  37     [PM2000]   67854 + [PM2000]   67921.                                    Gvr2010 
01509+1031 GWP 228     XMI 225.                                                                Tob2012b
01510+2107 STF 175     AB: H 2  56.                                                            MEv2010 
01511+1135 BPM  38     [PM2000]   68017 + [PM2000]   67969.                                    Gvr2010 
01512+2439 HO  311     Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and spectroscopic   .       
                       masses of 4.19 +/- 1.30, 3.38, and 1.40 Msun, respectively.             Mlk2012 
01513+6451 STF 163     B is BD+64@244.                                                         .       
01513-3800 LDS9125     Old LDS6125.                                                            .       
01514+4329 HJ 2089     B is BD+42@388.                                                         .       
01515+0457 STF 177     Formerly, BD+04@320. Corrected by Weis.                                 StF2002 
01515-0744 HIP   8653  Small acceleration of 2 mas yr-2, possibly single.                      Tok2012a
01515-1020 BNU   1     Aa,Ab: zet Cet = 55 Cet = Baten Kaitos. A is a long-period              .       
                       spectroscopic binary, P = 1652d, and has been resolved by speckle       .       
                       interferometry. B is BD-11@360.                                         .       
01515-1858 LDS9126     Old LDS6126.                                                            .       
01516+1618 BPM  39     [PM2000]   68302 + [PM2000]   68249.                                    Gvr2010 
01518-5458 SHY 128     AC: HIP   8687 + HIP   7387.                                            .       
01519+6426 GIC  27     G244-037/G244-036 = GJ 3117A/3118B.                                     .       
01520+1049 STF 178     H 1  56.                                                                MEv2010 
                       Additional notes may be found in Couteau (1952).                        Cou1952a
01521+5430 SMA  24     Also known as STI1703.                                                  .       
01522+6627 STF 167     Optical pair, based on study of relative motion of the components       .       
                       using the method of apparent motion parameters.                         Kiy2008 
01522-5220 CVN   3     CPM pair. The spectral type of the B component is M9.5 +/- 1,           .       
                       Teff = 2100 +/- 200K; age ~30 Myr, mass 25 +/- 10 Mjup.                 Cvn2005a
01523-0620 LDS9127     Old LDS6127.                                                            .       
01525+1710 GWP 232     XMI 226.                                                                Tob2012b
01526+3127 HJ  645     SEI  20.                                                                Nsn2017a
01528+4016 MLB 999     BRT 2198.                                                               .       
01528+1544 BPM  40     [PM2000]   69032 + [PM2000]   69018.                                    Gvr2010 
01528+0117 GWP 233     XMI 227.                                                                Tob2012b
01530-2805 HJ 3472     SWR   3. CPM pair                                                       Skf2004 
01531+2935 BUP  27     alp Tri = 2 Tri = Mothallah. A is a spectroscopic binary, P = 1.77d.    .       
01532+3719 STF 179     H 1  89.                                                                MEv2010 
01533+4044 HJ 1094     55 And.                                                                 .       
01534+7003 STF 169     Primary is V776 Cas, a W UMa type eclipsing binary, P = 0.44042d.       Zas2012 
01535+1918 STF 180     gam Ari = 5 Ari = Mesarthim. According to R.G. Aitken, Robert Hooke     A__1935f
                       noted this as a double in 1664. Hooke wrote: "I took notice that it     Hoo1665 
                       consisted of two small stars very near together; a like instance to     .       
                       which I have not else met in all the heavens."                          HFC1928 
                       A is a variable of the Alpha CVn type.                                  .       
                       AB: H 3   9.                                                            MEv2010 
                       Uniform disk diameter  0.336 +/- 0.019 mas,                             .       
                       Limb darkened diameter 0.346 +/- 0.019 mas,                             .       
                       Teff = 11000 +/- 1100 K based on LDD.                                   .       
                       Radius is 1.97 +/- 0.12 \rsun.                                          CIA2019a
           BU  512     Primary is C component of STF 180. WDS designation changed from         .       
                       01538+1918 and components labelled CD.                                  .       
01536+6324 PTT   3     OL 114, STI 317 are identical.                                          .       
01536+0311 xi Psc      Hipparcos astrometric solution adopted some elements from the orbit of  HIP1997d
                       Griffin & Herbig (1981).                                                Grf1981b
01539+5611 RBR  33     Suspected non-single.                                                   Hor2002b
01541-7729 JSP  31     Apparent rapid retrograde motion, but measures sparse.                  .       
01543+6542 GIC  28     G244-042/G244-041.                                                      .       
01543-1543 GAL 314     Also known as LDS1120.                                                  .       
                       Object #55 in Gallo's original list.                                    Gal1912a
                       Optical pair, based on study of relative motion of the components       .       
                       using the method of apparent motion parameters.                         Kiy2008 
           CHM   3     AC. NLTT 6398 + 6395.                                                   .       
01544-2250 LDS3322     NLTT 6400/6399                                                          Chm2004 
01544-4230 phi Phe     Hipparcos astrometric solution assumed circular orbit (e = omega = 0)   HIP1997d
                       Chemically peculiar late-B star, initially thought to be a triple,      .       
                       with spectroscopic period 41.4d and astrometric period 878d. Using      .       
                       Coralie spectra from 2000-2010, Korhonen et al. (2013 A&A 553, A27)     .       
                       find a spectroscopic period of 1126d. Spectroscopic data by Pourbaix    .       
                       et al. (2013) exclude the 40d period, but are insufficient to refine    .       
                       the Korhonen solution. Their spectroscopic elements are combined        .       
                       with the Hipparcos astrometry to refine the initial astrometic orbit.   Pbx2013 
01546+2049 MKT   3     bet Ari = Sheratan. Astrometry from Mark III interferometer is combined .       
                       with spectroscopy (Tomkin & Tran 1987) by Pan et al. (1990) to          Tom1987b
                       determine orbital elements, masses, and distance. Masses agree well     MkT1990 
                       with empirical mass-luminosity relation.                                .       
                       Hipparcos astrometric solution adopted some elements from the orbit of  HIP1997d
                       Pan et al. (1990).                                                      MkT1990 
                       Martin et al. (1998) derive component masses 2.067 +/- 0.203 and        .       
                       1.281 +/- 0.178 Msun.                                                   Mig1998 
                       Pourbaix gives combined solution for this resolved SB2, yielding        .       
                       orbital parallaxes and component masses.                                Pbx2000b
                       Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and spectroscopic   .       
                       masses of 3.19 +/- 0.13, 3.51, and 1.82 Msun, respectively.             Mlk2012 
01549+1124 BPM  41     [PM2000]   70299 + [PM2000]   70233.                                    Gvr2010 
01551+2847 STF 183     According to Scardia et al. (2001), orbital elements are well defined;  Sca2001d
                       only the period is still rather uncertain. The Hipparcos parallax       .       
                       (0".00727 +/- 0.00189) gives a mass sum of 3.8 Msun +/- 82%, in excess  .       
                       for a binary of type F2. The dynamical parallax (0".0074) agrees well   .       
                       with the observed one.                                                  .       
                       AB: Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and             .       
                       spectroscopic masses 4.82 +/- 2.85, 3.45, and 1.35 Msun, respectively.  Mlk2012 
01551-1204 LDS9128     Old LDS6128.                                                            .       
01553-2134 DON  26     CD-22@641.                                                              .       
01554+0257 A  2407     A premature orbit has been computed.                                    .       
01555+7637 LDS1545     Aka LOC  67.                                                            .       
01556+0146 BU 1367     A 2408.                                                                 .       
                       Rectilinear solution by Rica & Zirm (2012).                             FMR2012i
01559+0151 STF 186     Spectroscopic binary?  Spectrum composite; F7V+G0V.                     .       
                       See Baize & Petit (1989) catalog of doubles with variable component.    Baz1989d
                       Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and spectroscopic   .       
                       masses of 2.22 +/- 1.22, 2.56, and 1.07 Msun, respectively.             Mlk2012 
01560+5728 STI1717     Apparently the same as MRI  41.                                         .       
01560+0529 GWP 236     XMI 228.                                                                Tob2012b
01560+0046 RST5186     BD+00@311a.                                                             .       
01560-5137 HJ 3473     chi Eri                                                                 .       
01561+6035 AG  301     HJL  26.                                                                HJL1986 
01561+3745 HJ 1097     ALI 494.                                                                .       
01562+3715 BU 1368     Bb: b is BD+36@349.                                                     .       
           STFA  4     56 And. B is BD+36@354.                                                 .       
01563+0829 GWP 237     AB: XMI 229AB.                                                          Tob2012b
           GWP 238     AC: XMI 229AC.                                                          Tob2012b
01564+3650 J  2719     ALI 259.                                                                .       
01568+3931 ALI1022     Not found by Heintz at IDS position.                                    Hei1990b
01568+3802 TOB9001     BC: A measure by Espin incorrectly attributed to this pair led to its   .       
                       earlier designation as 01569+3759ES  228CD.                             .       
01568+2303 BVD  21     RoboAO resolved the B component (201.1deg, 0.199", dI=1.61 mag) but     .       
                       the pair was not accepted as real.                                      Tok2014d
01570+3101 A   819     A premature orbit has been computed.                                    .       
                       AB: Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and             .       
                       spectroscopic masses 1.97 +/- 1.00, 2.49, and 1.20 Msun, respectively.  Mlk2012 
                       AB,C: HJL  27.                                                          HJL1986 
01571+1517 BPM  43     [PM2000]   71640 + [PM2000]   71653.                                    Gvr2010 
01571+1414 BPM  42     [PM2000]   71596 + [PM2000]   71608.                                    Gvr2010 
01572+1644 GWP 241     XMI 230.                                                                Tob2012b
01572-1015 GAL 315     LDS  60. Object #56 in Gallo's original list.                           Gal1912a
                       HIP 9094. See Allen et al. (2000) for information on metallicity,       AlC2000 
                       age, galactic orbital parameters, etc.                                  .       
                       NLTT 6529/6530                                                          Chm2004 
                       CHARA Array Limb-darkened diameter  0.611 +/- 0.081 mas,                CIA2008c
                       R =  2.18  +/- 0.29  \rsun.                                             .       
                       CHARA Array Limb-darkened diameter of A :                               CIA2013c
                       R =  2.1425 +/- 0.0687 \rsun, L =   2.6056 +/-0.1041 \lsun,             .       
                       Teff = 5013 +/-  62 K, M = 1.133 \msun, Age = 7.8 Gyr.                  .       
01575+5558 ES 1811     STI1732.                                                                .       
                       Vatican zone coordinates yield 1911.9, 295.2, 5.61, showing Espin's     .       
                       distance is too small and that there is no change so far.               VBs1954 
01576+4205 YSC 125     There is some evidence of a very faint third component in this system   .       
                       with separation of 0.45 arcsec.                                         Hor2011b
                       Improved SB2 orbit. A: Teff = 5789 +/- 21 K, B: Teff = 4544 +/- 164.    Kie2018 
           NLTT 6522   Orbit determined by fitting revised Hipparcos intermediate astrometric  .       
                       data. Derived component masses 0.99 +/- 0.11 and 0.75 +/- 0.05 Msun.    Ren2010 
01577-3625 LDS  62     LDS5359. TSN  72.                                                       .       
01579+2336 H 5  12     H V 12. STTA 21. 9 Ari = lam Ari. A is a Beta Lyrae-type and            .       
                       spectroscopic binary.  B is BD+22@289.                                  .       
                       AB: HJL  28.                                                            HJL1986 
01579+0924 GWP 243     XMI 231.                                                                Tob2012b
01579-2851 LDS  61     NLTT 6581/6583                                                          Chm2004 
01581+4123 S   404     Same as STF 190 rej, SHJ 404, H IV 104, H 4 104, H IV 128, H 4 128.     .       
                       AB: Optical pair, based on study of relative motion of the components   .       
                       using the method of apparent motion parameters.                         Kiy2008 
01583+0250 GWP 245     XMI 232.                                                                Tob2012b
01583-8218 I   311     Composite spectrum: G8/K0(V)+(G).                                       .       
01584+2547 A  2011     B is strongly above MS, very red in V-K (wrong 2MASS ptm?). Hipparcos   .       
                       does not resolve AB, but has X-solution and suspected non-single.       Tok2014d
01584-2304 LDS3330     NLTT 6605/6606                                                          Chm2004 
01585+3643 J  1809     ALI 262.                                                                .       
01586+3834 LPL   1     La Palombara et al. (2012) detect a companion to the hot subdwarf       .       
                       BD+37 442, using the XMM Newton satellite. The companion is thought to  .       
                       be a white dwarf or neutron star, likely powered by accretion from the  .       
                       wind of the primary.                                                    LPl2012 
01586-5332 HU 1557     Primary is CI Eri, an Algol-type eclipsing binary, P = 1.23819d.        Zas2012 
01588+1702 GWP 247     XMI 233.                                                                Tob2012b
01588-0949 J  1449     BD-10  410. Previously published declination corrected by +4'.          J__1949a
                       GAL 316. Object #57 in Gallo's original list.                           Gal1912a
01588-2212 HJ 2103     B is BD-22@329.                                                         .       
01588-6134 alf Hyi     Hipparcos astrometric solution assumed circular orbit (e = omega = 0)   HIP1997d
01589-5652 LDS  63     LDS6106 = LDS9106 (incorrectly listed in the WDS as 00593-5652).        .       
                       B is CPD-57@385 = CD-57@396.                                            .       
01590-1640 LDS9129     Old LDS6129.                                                            .       
01590-2255 H 2  58     H II 58. A is a W UMa-type system, AA Cet.                              .       
01591+3313 ENG   9     AB: Optical pair, based on study of relative motion of the components   .       
                       using the method of apparent motion parameters.                         Kiy2008 
                       AB: Rectilinear solution by Friedman et al. (2011).                     USN2011a
01591+1523 GWP 248     XMI 234.                                                                Tob2012b
01598+1543 BPM  44     [PM2000]   73241 + [PM2000]   73209.                                    Gvr2010 
02000+1334 LDS5181     old LDS6130.                                                            .       
02003-0138 BAL   9     J  3333.                                                                Nsn2016 
02004-0831 HJ 3476     AB: A is AR Cet, probably a semi-regular variable.                      .       
02005-0240 BRG   8     The companion to 2MASS J02002975-0239579 has yet to be tested for       .       
                       common proper motion, but since its color and brightness are            .       
                       consistent with expectation and its separation is small (~0.32"), it    .       
                       is counted as a physical companion here.                                Jnn2012 
02005-6246 HJ 3479     B is CPD-63@142.                                                        .       
02006+2753 J  3257     A is an Algol-type binary, X Tri, P = 0.97d.                            .       
02011+3518 STF 197     AB: Optical pair, based on study of relative motion of the components   .       
                       using the method of apparent motion parameters.                         Kiy2008 
02011-1741 LDS5362     NLTT 6759/6757                                                          Chm2004 
02012-0729 GWP 250     ABL   1.                                                                Tob2012b
02012-3000 CUS   1     Assuming a primary mass of 1.02 +/- 0.19 Msun, the derived flux ratio   .       
                       (~0.028 in H and K) gives a mass of ~0.5 Msun for the secondary.        Cus2012 
02013+1227 BPM  45     [PM2000]   74159 + [PM2000]   74128.                                    Gvr2010 
02013-0752 GWP 251     ABL   2.                                                                Tob2012b
02015+1830 BPM  46     [PM2000]   74328 + [PM2000]   74271.                                    Gvr2010 
02019+7332 JNN 252     GJ 3125. Estimated age 30-300 Myr; masses 0.12 +/- 0.07 and 0.06 +/-    .       
                       0.04 Msun; a ~5.0 au.                                                   Jnn2014 
02019+2415 POU 157     ID uncertain. Nothing at Pourteau's coordinates.                        Pou1933 
02020+7054 BU  513     48 Cas. A is a spectroscopic binary, same period as the visual pair.    .       
                       Suspected sub-periods of 39 yr (Baize) and 26 yr (Muller) are not       Baz1941b
                       confirmed by later measures.  The radial velocities of the primary may  Mlr1949c
                       show a trace of a period of about 4 yr (Heintz).                        Hei1981e
                       See Baize & Petit catalog of doubles with variable component.           Baz1989d
                       Masses and bolometric magnitudes are derived for the two components     .       
                       based on assumed spectral types and available parallaxes.               .       
                       1980.7205: This measure was incorrectly attributed to ADS 1958 in       .       
                       McAlister et al. (1983).                                                McA1983 
                       AB: Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and             .       
                       spectroscopic masses 2.96 +/- 0.42, 3.07, and 2.00 Msun, respectively.  Mlk2012 
02020+0246 STF 202     alp Psc = Alrescha. Both components are listed as Alpha CVn variables   .       
                       of small amplitude, and both may have variable RV.                      Sca1983f
                       See Baize & Petit catalog of doubles with variable component.           Baz1989d
                       Absolute quadrant for 1998.657 determined by triple-correlation         .       
                       techniques                                                              Pru2002b
                       Chevalier identified this star as alp Psc, but gave an incorrect        Che1911 
                       declination, leading to its initial designation as 02020+0320 CHE 32.   Hrt2012b
           PWL   1     AC: SHY 132. Bayesian analysis by Shaya & Olling (2011) indicates very  Shy2011 
                       high (near 100%) probability pair is physical.                          .       
           STF 202     AB: H 2  12.                                                            MEv2010 
02021+0355 OSV   1     LDS5363.                                                                .       
02021-1321 GAL 317     Object #59 in Gallo's original list.                                    Gal1912b
02022+7530 STF 185     Primary is V779 Cas, an Algol-type eclipsing binary, P = 6.35340d.      Zas2012 
02022-1441 GWP 253     ABL   4.                                                                Tob2012b
02022-1808 GWP 252     ABL   3.                                                                Tob2012b
02022-4550 SHY 410     HIP   9495 + HIP   9672.                                                .       
02022-6236 TOK  70     HIP 9499. A is SB, no orbit, dRV=70.7 (Nordstrom et al. 2004).          Nrd2004 
02023-2634 LDS  65     NLTT 6825/6826                                                          Chm2004 
02025-1410 GWP 254     ABL   5.                                                                Tob2012b
02026+5941 CIA  53     V780 Cas.                                                               .       
02026-1719 GWP 255     ABL   6.                                                                Tob2012b
02027-3019 HJ 3478     B is CD-30@717.                                                         .       
02030+3317 STF 201     eps Tri = 3 Tri                                                         .       
02031-0725 STF 209     B is BD-08@371.                                                         .       
02031-1229 GWP 256     ABL   7.                                                                Tob2012b
02032+5514 BLL   4     A is a semi-regular variable, XX Per. B is BD+54@445.                   .       
02034+3919 MLB  10     AB: Also known as SMA  27.                                              .       
02035+6408 HJ 1101     STI 337 (three Vat1926 measures from STI 337 merged 2008/06/25)         .       
02035+1744 BPM  47     [PM2000]   75525 + [PM2000]   75508.                                    Gvr2010 
02035-0455 TOK 873     also known as VSC   2.                                                  Hor2024 
02037+2556 STF 208     10 Ari. Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and         .       
                       spectroscopic masses 2.94 +/- 0.84, 2.35, and 1.29 Msun, respectively.  Mlk2012 
02038+7013 MLR 375     1983.0663: This autocorrelogram was remeasured; the new results are     .       
                       listed in the catalog.                                                  McA1987b
02038-0020 H 5 102     H V 102. 61 Cet. Spectrum composite; G5II-III+G5V.                      .       
02039+8221 HJ 2090     The measure in BDS by Cogshall belongs to some other pair.              Bu_1906 
                       1904.69, 243.9@, 3.52" (Van Biesbroeck).                                VBs1914 
02039+4220 STF 205     H III 5, SHJ 26. gam And = Almach. A quadruple system.                  .       
                       Star A (mag 2.3, K3II) forms with BC the pair STF 205, separation 10".  .       
                       Star B is SB, P = 2.67 d (Maestre & Wright, ApJ 131, 119, 1960).        .       
                       See discussion by Morgan et al. (1978).                                 BLM1978 
                       A,BC: H 3   5.                                                          MEv2010 
                       Mk III Limb-darkened diameter  7.84 mas.                                MkT1991 
                       Mk III Limb-darkened diameter  7.814 +/- 0.078 mas.                     MkT2003 
           STT  38     BC: See discussion by Morgan et al.                                     BLM1978 
                       BC: Poor agreement between two theta measures.                          Mlr1956d
                       BC: Additional notes may be found in Muller (1954).                     Mlr1954a
02039+1231 BPM  48     [PM2000]   75778 + [PM2000]   75779.                                    Gvr2010 
02039-4525 RST2272     Primary is SB2, P=0.851 y. Aa,Ab UR in speckle. Koen et al. (2002       .       
                       MNRAS 331, 45) find 311d photometric period.                            Tok2014d
02042+5257 HJ 2104     B is BD+52@501.                                                         .       
02042+4641 ADM   1     HTP  32. HAT-P-32. Primary is exoplanet host star.                      Adm2013 
02042-1039 GAL 318     Object #62 in Gallo's original list.                                    Gal1912b
02044+1230 CHE  36     CHE  37.                                                                .       
02046+2525 LTT 17328   Combined solution, based on reduction of Hipparcos intermediate         .       
                       astrometric data together with spectroscopic elements from the Geneva   .       
                       Extrasolar Planet Search Programs home page.                            HaI2001 
02046+1757 GWP 257     XMI 235.                                                                Tob2012b
02051+7717 SHJ  22     47 Cas.                                                                 .       
                       Optical pair, based on study of relative motion of the components       .       
                       using the method of apparent motion parameters.                         Kiy2008 
           47 Cas      Hipparcos astrometric solution assumed circular orbit (e = omega = 0)   HIP1997d
02051-1737 BEU   3     PM = +1318-174.                                                         .       
02053+2906 CHE  38     CD: Originally 02053+2907 CHE  38AB, until C component of 02053+2906    .       
                       found to be prmary of 02053+2907.                                       .       
           WAK  14     CE: Originally 02053+2907 WAK  14AC.                                    .       
02053-2803 LDS  67     NLTT 6979/6980                                                          Chm2004 
02054-5910 HJ 3481     B is CPD-59@185.                                                        .       
02055+7607 BU  785     49 Cas.                                                                 .       
02055+0056 LDS5365     Error in WDS designation - incorrect precession of Luyten coordinates?  Luy1984 
02056+1444 BPM  49     [PM2000]   76857 + [PM2000]   76899.                                    Gvr2010 
02057-2423 I   454     CPD-24@891. C is CPD-24@889.  AB,C = LDS  68.                           .       
                       AB,C: SHY 135. Bayesian analysis by Shaya & Olling (2011) indicates     Shy2011 
                       very high (near 100%) probability pair is physical.                     .       
           WSI   7     Aa,Ab: Tokovinin et al. (2014) derive a combined spectroscopic/         .       
                       interferometric orbit of the Aa,Ab pair, as well as a new orbit of the  .       
                       AB pair. Resulting component masses for Aa, Ab, B, and C are 0.74,      .       
                       0.72, 0.57, and 0.78 Msun, respectively.                                Tok2014b
02058+1241 CHE  42     There are no obvious errors in applying the offset from Chevalier's     Che1910 
                       plate center, but there are no appropriate pairs near his coordinates,  .       
                       nor at coordinates found by reversing the sign of either or both        .       
                       offsets. The pair is likely lost.                                       Hrt2012b
02062-1808 GWP 258     ABL   8.                                                                Tob2012b
02065+5703 BAR  23     J 880.                                                                  .       
02068+2542 HO  312     11 Ari.                                                                 .       
02069-1126 SLW  99     Aka ABL   9.                                                            .       
02070+4512 WOR   1     AB: Rectilinear solution by Hartkopf & Mason (2015).                    WSI2015 
           BKO  12     AC: Rectilinear solution by Hartkopf & Mason (2015).                    WSI2015 
           LMP  27     AD: Rectilinear solution by Hartkopf & Mason (2015).                    WSI2015 
                       There is an unresolved (P=897d) spectroscopic companion to A.           Tok2019b
02070-1017 GAL 319     Object #63 in Gallo's original list.                                    Gal1912b
02070-4406 JNN 149     2MASS J02070176-4406380 and J02070198-4406444 are separated by only 7"  .       
                       and have similar estimated spectroscopic distances (13 and 21 pc,       .       
                       respectively) in Riaz et al. (2006), hence it is likely that they form  Ria2006 
                       a physical pair.                                                        Jnn2012 
02074-5941 HJ 3484     B is CPD-60@183.                                                        .       
02076+1355 ZHN   2     BDK   4. G 73-26 + SDSS J020735.60+135556.3.   Distance 26 +/- 10 pc    .       
                       for primary, 35 +/- 5 pc for secondary. Estimated age of system 3-4     .       
                       Gyr. Mass of secondary estimated at 0.079-0.081 Msun.                   Fah2010 
02076-0037 LDS3346     NLTT 7066/7064                                                          Chm2004 
                       HJL  29.                                                                HJL1986 
02079+1343 GWP 259     XMI 236.                                                                Tob2012b
02080+2814 CHE  55     MLB 452.                                                                .       
02080-0951 GAL 320     Object #64 in Gallo's original list.                                    Gal1912b
                       Rectilinear solution by Hurowitz et al. (2013).                         USN2013a
02081+1336 FAR  27     SKF  23.  Primary is white dwarf WD 0205+133.                           Far2006 
02082+1509 LDS5183     old LDS6131.                                                            .       
02083+2543 ALP   6     2MASSW J0208183+254253                                                  .       
                       Further observations are required to determine the physical/optical     .       
                       nature of this triple.                                                  AlP2007 
02084+2819 KUI 118     G072-058. See Allen et al. (2000) for information on metallicity,       AlC2000 
                       age, galactic orbital parameters, etc.                                  .       
                       NLTT 7087/7088                                                          Chm2004 
02085-0641 HDS 285     Possible sub-diffraction-limited component, but the astrometry is not   .       
                       consistent between the two observations.                                Hor2011b
02087-0026 STF 218     Same as STF 220.                                                        .       
02087-1005 HU   16     HD 13191, W UMa-type eclipsing binary, period 0.31542 d.                Zas2018 
02089+4927 BWL   9     Colors and/or astrometry are inconsistent with a late-type common       .       
                       proper motion companion based on visual inspection of the field from    .       
                       2MASS, SDSS, DSS1, and/or DSS2. Primary is GJ 3136.                     Bwl2015 
02090+5745 STI1791     AB. WDS designation changed from 02099+5744 when it was determined      .       
                       that TDS2135 comprised the primary of this wider pair.                  .       
02091+5104 STF 213     C easily seen 8" north following. Magnitude about 10.5, not 12.5.       B__1963b
02091+4341 LDS3349     NLTT 7117/7118                                                          Chm2004 
02091+4048 STF 215     A is an eclipsing binary, BX And.                                       .       
02091+1511 GWP 260     XMI 237.                                                                Tob2012b
02093-1958 GWP 261     ABL  10.                                                                Tob2012b
02094+2556 H 6  69     H VI 69. 14 Ari. STTA 23.                                               .       
                       AC: HJL1012.                                                            HJL1986 
02094-1011 HJ 2116     Richard Jaworski, in analysis of SuperCOSMOS data, has determined that  Jaw2005 
                       component C is the galaxy NGC 833, D is the galaxy NGC 835, E is the    .       
                       galaxy NGC 838 and F is the galaxy NGC 839. Thus, in the pairing "CD"   .       
                       both components are galaxies and not stars.                             .       
02095+3459 MKT   4     bet Tri.                                                                .       
                       Hummel et al. (1995) visual orbit based on astrometry from Mark III     MkT1995 
                       interferometer. Additional spectroscopic data yield component masses,   .       
                       luminosities, radii, effective temperatures, and distance.              .       
                       Hipparcos astrometric solution adopted some elements from the orbit of  HIP1997d
                       Hummel et al. (1995).                                                   MkT1995 
                       Pourbaix gives combined solution for this resolved SB2, yielding        .       
                       orbital parallaxes and component masses.                                Pbx2000b
                       Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and spectroscopic   .       
                       masses of 4.11 +/- 0.18, 5.26, and 1.82 Msun, respectively.             Mlk2012 
02096+4251 ES   48     Optical pair, based on study of relative motion of the components       .       
                       using the method of apparent motion parameters.                         Kiy2008 
                       AB: Rectilinear solution by Hurowitz et al. (2013).                     USN2013a
02097+2021 STF 221     AB: H 3  68.                                                            MEv2010 
02097+0857 GWP 262     XMI 238.                                                                Tob2012b
02098-4052 TOK 427     HIP 10096 is SB2 according to GCS. The separation corresponds to a      .       
                       period of ~5yr.                                                         Tok2015c
02099+3449 HU 1034     Not seen 1948, 1951. No observations since that time.                   .       
02103+3322 STF 219     SEI  24.                                                                Nsn2017a
02104+3911 HJ 1109     C is a nebula.                                                          .       
02104-5049 ESG   1     Gl 86. Magnitudes are K magnitudes of Lagrange et al. (2006).           .       
                       Lagrange et al. (2006) give two possible orbital solutions, based on    Lgr2006 
                       different assumed masses (70 Mjup and 0.5 Msun) for the secondary.      .       
                       Semi-major axes converted from au (47.58 and 18.42 au, respectively)    .       
                       to arcseconds assuming an Hipparcos-based distance of 10.9 pc.          .       
                       JHK photometry of primary from 2MASS, that of secondary transformed     .       
                       from NACO to 2MASS filters.                                             .       
                       2001.7454: PA is measured in zenith mode. If data collected in          .       
                       equatorial mode, PA = 112.1.                                            Rbr2011d
                       Farihi et al. (2013) derive a mass of 0.59 +/- 0.01 Msun and            .       
                       Teff = 8180 +/- 120K for the white dwarf companion to GJ 86. Monte      .       
                       Carlo simulations yield the following orbital constraints:              .       
                       P = 120-481y, T0 = 1933-2067, e = 0.00-0.61, i = 114.7-122.6deg,        .       
                       a = 2.57-6.47" (27.8-69.8 au) Omega = 63.7-76.1deg, omega=0-358deg.     .       
                       The upper ranges of P and a are considered less likely.                 Far2013 
           GJ 86       A: Combined solution, based on reduction of Hipparcos intermediate      .       
                       astrometric data together with spectroscopic elements from Queloz       Que2000 
                       et al. (2000).                                                          HaI2001 
02106+1027 GWP 263     XMI 239.                                                                Tob2012b
02107-1507 FAR  28     Primary is white dwarf WD 0208-153.                                     Far2006 
02109+3902 STF 222     59 And.                                                                 .       
                       H 4 129.                                                                MEv2010 
02109+1341 STF 224     H N 105; BDS 1146 is identical.                                         .       
02110+0317 GWP 264     XMI 240.                                                                Tob2012b
02112+2604 BRT3260     Originally published as BRT 127.                                        Brt1928 
02113+4407 ES 2590     Rectilinear solution by Hartkopf & Mason (2015).                        WSI2015 
02114+1848 GWP 265     XMI 241.                                                                Tob2012b
02115+5739 BU  874     5 Per.                                                                  .       
02117-0531 GWP 266     ABL  11.                                                                Tob2012b
02117-1927 GWP 267     ABL  12.                                                                Tob2012b
02120+0422 SKF1518     A is also a double-lined binary (5.9d) so this is a physical triple.    Tok2019b
02122+4440 RUC   2     Aa,Ab. GZ And. Spectral type of Ab component estimated at M3-4V.        Ruc2007 
           HJ 2117     A is a W UMa-type binary, GZ And.                                       .       
                       Neither AC, BC or CD are physically associated.                         Kiy2015c
02123-0908 GWP 268     ABL  13.                                                                Tob2012b
02124+3018 STF 227     iot Tri = 6 Tri. A is a spectroscopic binary, P = 14.73d. B is also an  .       
                       SB, P = 2.24d. One component is variable: TZ Tri.                       .       
           TZ Tri      Koresko et al. (1998) PTI solution has period fixed at spectroscopic    Krs1998 
                       value of Kaye et al. (1995).                                            Eat1995b
           STF 227     H 2  34.                                                                MEv2010 
                       T0 converted from negative to positive by subtracting from P.           FMR2020c
02124+1249 LDS1126     NLTT 7300/7301                                                          Chm2004 
02124-0223 HDO  56     Not found. There must be a large error in the Hd place. Burnham         Bu_1909 
                       could not find it anywhere in the vicinity.                             .       
02124-0455 GWP 269     ABL  14.                                                                Tob2012b
02124-7023 R    15     HLN   3.  B is CPD-70@131.                                              .       
02125-0804 BRT 357     Also known as LDS3357.                                                  .       
02127+1614 GWP 270     XMI 242. SLW 100.                                                       Tob2012b
02128+7941 S   405     STTA 22. A is a Delta Scuti-type variable and spectroscopic             .       
                       binary, P = 4.12d. B is BD+78@71.                                       .       
                       AB: H 5  84.                                                            MEv2010 
02128+0309 GWP 271     XMI 243.                                                                Tob2012b
02128-0224 STF 231     66 Cet. B is BD-03@335.                                                 .       
                       Aka SHJ  29 = H 4  25.                                                  .       
                       AB: NLTT 7323/7321                                                      Chm2004 
                       HIP 10305. A is SB2, period 94.788d, resolved by speckle (TOK 39).      .       
                       A is evolved. B = HIP 10303.                                            Tok2011a
02129+5712 STTA 24     AB and AC: Optical pair, based on study of relative motion of the       .       
                       components using the method of apparent motion parameters.              Kiy2008 
                       AC: Rectilinear solution by Hurowitz et al. (2013).                     USN2013a
02129-0349 GWP 272     ABL  15.                                                                Tob2012b
02130+0851 MCA   5     xi 1 Cet = 65 Cet. Also a spectroscopic binary.                         .       
                       A 1985.8375 measure attributed to this pair by Mcalister actually       .       
                       actually belonged to 02157+2503COU  79.                                 McA1987b
                       Hipparcos astrometric solution adopted some elements from the orbit of  HIP1997d
                       Griffin & Herbig (1981).                                                Grf1981b
                 5     1985.8375: A measure at this date, belonging to 02157+2503 = COU  79,   .       
                       was erroneously attributed to MCA 5 in McAlister et al. (1987). This    McA1987b
                       measure has been moved to COU 79 and averaged with a re-reduced         .       
                       measure from these data published by Hartkopf et al. (1996).            Hrt1996a
02131+5805 SHY 145     AC: HIP  10332 + HIP  12685.                                            .       
02132+4414 CHR   5     60 And. A spectroscopic binary.                                         .       
                       The negative results obtained during 1976 - 1980 are apparently due to  .       
                       a large magnitude difference.                                           Hrt1984 
                       Ren & Fu (2013) calculated an astrometric orbit, combining Hipparcos    Ren2013 
                       Intermediate Astrometric Data with spectroscopic elements by            .       
                       Griffin & Herbig (1981).                                                Grf1981b
                       Mk III Limb-darkened diameter  2.907 +/- 0.048 mas.                     MkT2003 
02132+4030 SHY 136     AB: HIP  10339 + HIP  10321. B component is V450 And.                   .       
           HEL   5     Ba,Bb: V450 And. Helminiak et al. (2016) resolve this SB and BY Dra     .       
                       type variable, and derive a combined astrometric/spectroscopic orbit.   .       
                       The secondary is shown to be an M-type star, rather than brown dwarf.   .       
                       Resulting best-fit masses are 1.141 and 0.279 Msun (median values       .       
                       1.113 +/- 0.065 and 0.277 +/- 0.021 Msun), respectively. Best-fit       .       
                       parallax is 37.24 mas (median 37.34 +/- 0.55 mas).                      Hel2016 
02133+3649 JNN  18     Estimated age 30-300 Myr; masses 0.26 +/- 0.06 and 0.09 +/- 0.03 Msun;  .       
                       a ~2.8 au.                                                              Jnn2014 
02135+5926 STI 351     STI1807                                                                 .       
02135-0502 GWP 273     ABL  16.                                                                Tob2012b
02135-2546 HJ 2120     B is CD-26@800.                                                         .       
02136+5104 BAG   1     Aa,Ab: 6 Per. A is a long-period spectroscopic binary, now resolved by  .       
                       speckle interferometry.                                                 .       
                       SB1, P = 4.5 yr. Halbwachs (1981) predicts maximum separation 0".047.   HJL1981 
                       Hipparcos astrometric solution adopted some elements from the orbit of  HIP1997d
                       Christie (1936).                                                        Crs1936 
           STT 555     AB: Optical pair, based on study of relative motion of the              .       
                       components using the method of apparent motion parameters.              Kiy2008 
                       AB: Rectilinear solution by Hurowitz et al. (2013).                     USN2013a
02136-0945 GWP 274     ABL  17.                                                                Tob2012b
02137-0302 H 6 110     H VI 110. B is BD-03@341.                                               .       
02138-1933 RSS  54     CPD-20@248                                                              .       
02140+4729 STF 228     Spectral types and masses of components assigned by ten Brummelaar et   .       
                       al., based on adaptive optics observations.                             TtB2000 
                       Scardia says the quadrant unambiguous for their 2004 theta values of    .       
                       105.8; this does not agree with other determinations of magnitude       .       
                       difference, however.                                                    Sca2005a
                       Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and spectroscopic   .       
                       masses of 2.34 +/- 0.36, 2.52, and 2.47 Msun, respectively.             Mlk2012 
02140+1652 GWP 275     XMI 244.                                                                Tob2012b
02142+0555 GWP 276     XMI 245.                                                                Tob2012b
02142-1811 GWP 277     ABL  18.                                                                Tob2012b
02144+3454 HU  807     Motion in separation, with little angular change. Close 1950-1960.      .       
02144-1441 GWP 278     ABL  19.                                                                Tob2012b
02145+6631 MCA   6     55 Cas. Composite spectrum star: B9V + G0II-III, delta m = 0.2 mag      Bnu1984 
                       (Markowitz 1969)                                                        Mrz1969 
                       Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and spectroscopic   .       
                       masses of 3.70 +/- 1.31, 6.94, and 2.57 Msun, respectively.             Mlk2012 
02145+5912 STI1812     SMA  31.                                                                .       
02145-1103 LDS5373     SLW 102.                                                                .       
02146-0142 GWP 279     ABL  20.                                                                Tob2012b
02147+3024 STF 232     H 2  35.                                                                MEv2010 
02147+1657 GWP 280     XMI 246.                                                                Tob2012b
02149+5829 STF 230     B spectrum B9IV.                                                        .       
02149+1353 GWP 281     XMI 247.                                                                Tob2012b
02150+5903 MLR 447     Also known as TDS2174.                                                  .       
02152-3507 SHY 415     HIP  10483 + HIP  10385.                                                .       
02154+1126 GWP 282     XMI 248.                                                                Tob2012b
02155+5231 GC 2695     Hipparcos astrometric solution adopted some elements from the orbit of  HIP1997d
                       Griffin & Radford (1977).                                               Grf1977c
02155+1220 GWP 283     XMI 249.                                                                Tob2012b
02156+4223 GIC  29     G133-079/G134-019.                                                      .       
                       NLTT 7438/7440                                                          Chm2004 
02157+6740 ENG  10     B is BD+66@193.                                                         .       
                       Optical pair, based on study of relative motion of the components       .       
                       using the method of apparent motion parameters.                         Kiy2008 
           SHY  10     BC: HIP  10529 + HIP  11167.                                            .       
02157+2503 COU  79     21 Ari. Couteau & Morel (1982) computed masses disagree with spectral   Cou1982d
                       type. Authors suggest 3rd component (mass ~1 Msun) as possible          .       
                       explanation. 1985.8375: This measure was erroneously attributed to      .       
                       02130+0851 = MCA 5 by McAlister et al. (1987). The data were re-reduced McA1987b
                       by Hartkopf et al., giving similar results. The measure has now been    Hrt1996a
                       replaced by the mean of the two separate reduction results.             .       
                       1986.567: The separation of this partially resolved pair was            .       
                       calculated under the assumption of zero or otherwise known magnitude    .       
                       difference. Pair passed periastron earlier than predicted; now the      .       
                       orbit is definitive                                                     Tok1985 
                       Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and spectroscopic   .       
                       masses of 3.09 +/- 0.30, 3.04, and 1.17 Msun, respectively.             Mlk2012 
02157+1046 STF 237     AB: HJL  30.                                                            HJL1986 
02157-0217 GWP 285     ABL  21.                                                                Tob2012b
02157+1657 GWP 284     XMI 250.                                                                Tob2012b
02158-1814 HTG   1     Orbit poorly covered, period rather indeterminate.                      Hei1978c
                       Additional notes may be found in Burnham (1894).                        Bu_1894 
02159+1416 GWP 286     XMI 251.                                                                Tob2012b
02159+0638 A  2013     Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and spectroscopic   .       
                       masses of 1.60 +/- 0.37, 1.51, and 0.79 Msun, respectively.             Mlk2012 
02160-0929 BRG  10     This likely triple system has only been observed in one epoch, hence    .       
                       it remains unconfirmed. The brightnesses and colors of all components   .       
                       are however consistent with expectation for a physical triple.          Jnn2012 
02160-1626 GWP 287     ABL  22.                                                                Tob2012b
02161+1651 GWP 288     XMI 252.                                                                Tob2012b
02161+1630 BPM  50     [PM2000]   83035 + [PM2000]   83004.                                    Gvr2010 
02162-2302 I   457     ADS 1744a.                                                              .       
02163-0949 STF 242     AB: Optical pair, based on study of relative motion of the components   .       
                       using the method of apparent motion parameters.                         Kiy2008 
02164-0731 SLW 106     = GWP 289 = ABL  23.                                                    .       
02164-1233 SLW 105     = ABL  24.                                                              .       
02164-1632 GWP 290     ABL  25.                                                                Tob2012b
02165-2227 LDS3364     NLTT 7520/7519                                                          Chm2004 
02165-5131 DUN   6     phi Eri. B is CPD-52@284.                                               .       
           SHY 137     AC: HIP  10602 + HIP   9685.                                            .       
           SHY 137     AD: HIP  10602 + HIP   7699.                                            .       
           SHY 133     CD: HIP   9685 + HIP   7699.                                            .       
           SHY 143     CE: HIP   9685 + HIP  12225.                                            .       
           SHY 130     DF: HIP   7699 + HIP   6485.                                            .       
02167-0430 GWP 291     ABL  26.                                                                Tob2012b
02167-3100 LDS  71     NLTT 7535/7528                                                          Chm2004 
02167-6324 TOK  71     HIP 10621. NOMAD: PM(B)=(0,-30), PM(A)=(18,60).                         .       
                       D is HIP 10754.                                                         Tok2011a
02168+4346 GNS   1     Based on 2MASS and AstraLux images, Ginski et al. (2012) conclude the   .       
                       companion is a background object.                                       Gns2012 
02169+5703 STTA 25     B is BD+56@470.                                                         .       
02169+0448 GWP 292     XMI 253.                                                                Tob2012b
02169-2322 BRG  11     The companion to 2MASS J02165488-2322133 has not yet been confirmed to  .       
                       share a common proper motion, but the color and brightness of it are    .       
                       well consistent with a physical companion, hence it is counted as such  .       
                       in the statistics.                                                      Jnn2012 
02171+3413 DOR  66     del Tri = 8 Tri. A is a double-lined spectroscopic binary, P = 10.02d.  .       
                       Proper motion +1154 -245.                                               .       
           MKT   5     Aa,Ab: PM = +1154 -245. del Tri.                                        .       
                       Hummel et al. 1995) visual orbit based on astrometry from Mark III      MkT1995 
                       interferometer. Additional spectroscopic data yield component masses,   .       
                       luminosities, radii, effective temperatures, and distance.              .       
                       Hipparcos astrometric solution adopted some elements from the orbit of  HIP1997d
                       Hummel et al. (1995).                                                   MkT1995 
                       Pourbaix gives combined solution for this resolved SB2, yielding        .       
                       orbital parallaxes and component masses.                                Pbx2000b
                       Aa,Ab: Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and          .       
                       spectroscopic masses 1.57 +/- 3.14, 1.92, and 1.05 Msun, respectively.  Mlk2012 
02172+5838 YSC  87     Ba,Bb: Originally 02171+5839 YSC  87, but found to correspond to B      .       
                       component of 02172+5838.                                                .       
02172-2849 LDS3365     NLTT 7557/7558                                                          Chm2004 
02173+3351 VIG   1     Primary is gam Tri. The B and C components are background stars, the D  .       
                       component ambiguous.                                                    Vig2012 
02174+2845 STF 239     HJL  32.                                                                HJL1986 
                       Aka H 4  40 = SHJ  31.                                                  .       
02174+2708 GIC  30     AC: G035-037/G036-007.                                                  .       
02176+2214 STF 244     HJL  33.                                                                HJL1986 
02176-5400 RSS  55     CD-54@487                                                               .       
02178+5638 A  1272     V438 Per, a W UMa type eclipsing binary, P = 3.50939d.                  Zas2012 
02179+1941 TOK  72     HIP 10710. Primary is astrometric binary (Makarov & Kaplan 2005)        Mkr2005 
02179+1614 GWP 293     XMI 254.                                                                Tob2012b
02180+5616 UC   29     Primary appears to be a close pair.                                     Cbl2010c
02180+3116 A   959     Primary is eclipsing binary of W UMa type, period 0.31069d.             Zas2017b
02180+1958 GWP 294     XMI 255.                                                                Tob2012b
02180+0145 GC 2770     Hipparcos astrometric solution adopted some elements from the orbit of  HIP1997d
                       Harper (1935).                                                          Hrp1935 
                       Combined astrometric/spectroscopic orbit by Fekel et al. (2007). For    Fek2007 
                       primary, derive mass = 1.15 Msun, radius = 1.64 +/- 0.07 Rsun,          .       
                       Luminosity = 3.0 +/- 0.1 Lsun. Spectral types are G0IV and ~M0V.        .       
                       SB1. Combined orbit including RV data and Hipparcos Intermediate        .       
                       Astrometric data. Semimajor axis derived from photocentric a0 plus      .       
                       stellar evolutionary model. Derived properties for A and B:             .       
                       M/Msun = 1.20 + 0.53, L/Lsun = 2.76 + 0.04, dm = 4.60 mag,              .       
                       log age = 9.65.                                                         WaX2015b
02180-1229 LDS  73     NLTT 7592/7593                                                          Chm2004 
02181+5731 BU 1170     7 Per = chi Per                                                         .       
                       S   409 = H 6  19.                                                      .       
02182+5715 STI1836     BKO 165.                                                                .       
02182+3920 A   207     Scardia et al. (2001) orbit preliminary as all the orbital elements     Sca2001d
                       are still rather uncertain. Hipparcos parallax (0".01200 +/- 0.00311)   .       
                       seems to be overestimated and leads to a mass sum 0f 0.46 Msun,         .       
                       unacceptable for a system of type F5. Scardia (1982) classified the     Sca1982a
                       star as type F9. Dynamical parallax is 0".0065; the corresponding mass  .       
                       sum is 2.87 Msun.                                                       .       
02184+5758 STI1839     STI1844.                                                                .       
02184-0636 GWP 295     ABL  27.                                                                Tob2012b
02186+4017 STF 245     ALI1193.                                                                .       
           EGG   2     Aa,Ab: This system has spectral type F2 from SIMBAD and parallax of     .       
                       10.26 +/- 2.92 mas from van Leeuwen (2007). A previous orbit was        VlF2007 
                       calculated by Cvetkovic (2008) with period of 109 years and semimajor   Cve2008c
                       axis of 0.344 arcsec. However, our new observation shows that the       .       
                       system has a much shorter period and smaller semimajor axis. However,   .       
                       our orbit yields roughly the same total mass, with large uncertainty.   .       
                       The system appears to have executed nearly a full orbit since the       .       
                       first speckle observations taken of it in 1985 by McAlister et al.      .       
                       (1987). More data will be needed to confirm this orbital trajectory,    .       
                       but if correct, the smaller period makes the system much more           .       
                       attractive for future study.                                            Hor2015b
02186-2940 B    34     AV For, Algol-type eclipsing binary, P = 1.8797 d.                      Zas2011 
02187+3429 STF 246     H III 42, BDS 1165.                                                     .       
                       HJL  34.                                                                HJL1986 
                       H 3  42.                                                                MEv2010 
02187+0412 BU  437     Some observations erroneously ascribed to STF 247, even Struve's        .       
                       discovery, seems to belong to this pair, whose delta-m = 2 is less      .       
                       than Burnham's estimate.                                                Hei1992a
02188+5714 BKO 168     AC: Rectilinear solution by Hurowitz et al. (2013).                     USN2013a
02188+0840 GWP 296     XMI 256.                                                                Tob2012b
02188+1440 GWP 297     XMI 257.                                                                Tob2012b
02190+2839 HJ 1115     10 Tri.                                                                 .       
02191-0651 HJ  327     AC: The C component is the galaxy NGC 883.                              .       
02193-0259 JOY   1     Aa,Ab: The primary is omi Cet = VZ Cet = 68 Cet = Mira , prototype of   .       
                       the Mira-type variables. "Orbits" have been computed for the visual     .       
                       pair, but are most likely false. B has in the past been identified as a .       
                       Cepheid, VZ Cet; however, it appears that the component seen as         .       
                       variable is the Joy component, recently determined to be a White Dwarf. Skl2010 
                       Recent papers (in particular 1995 PhD thesis by Harold L. Chambers II)  .       
                       suggest that the visible companion is not the star itself, but the      .       
                       accretion disc around it (material captured from Mira's stellar wind).  .       
                       Rapid fluctuations of brightness are described by Warner (1972 MNRAS    .       
                       159, 95).                                                               .       
                       See Baize & Petit (1989) catalog of doubles with variable component.    Baz1989d
                       Aa,Ab: Pair seen but not measured.                                      Cou1958c
                       Aa,Ab: Additional notes may be found in Couteau (1963).                 Cou1963a
           H 6   1     H VI 1. C is BD-03@355.                                                 .       
02198-2352 HJ 2130     B is CD-24@1022.                                                        .       
02200-2213 BRT1373     CD-22@784.                                                              .       
02201-1703 GWP 298     ABL  28.                                                                Tob2012b
02204+2456 POU 175     Also known as KU    9.                                                  .       
02204+1617 BPM  51     [PM2000]   85486 + [PM2000]   85504.                                    Gvr2010 
02204+0135 GWP 299     XMI 258.                                                                Tob2012b
02205+1733 BPM  52     [PM2000]   85552 + [PM2000]   85616.                                    Gvr2010 
02209-0954 GWP 300     ABL  29.                                                                Tob2012b
02209-5632 RST  51     CD-57@470.                                                              .       
02210-1650 GWP 301     ABL  30.                                                                Tob2012b
02211+4246 STF 248     Pourbaix gives combined solution for this resolved SB2, yielding        .       
                       orbital parallaxes and component masses.                                Pbx2000b
                       Combined spectroscopic/visual solution, yielding masses, etc.           Trr1995a
                       Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and spectroscopic   .       
                       masses of 1.39 +/- 0.49, 1.78, and 0.85 Msun, respectively.             Mlk2012 
02212+5651 BU 1171     Not seen in 1951 with 82-inch (Van Biesbroeck).                         VBs9999 
02212+3653 GIC  31     AB,C: NLTT 7710/7708                                                    Chm2004 
02213-1057 HJ 3495     B is BD-11@445.                                                         .       
02215-1251 GWP 302     ABL  31.                                                                Tob2012b
02215-1354 GWP 303     ABL  32.                                                                Tob2012b
02216+2338 STF 254     POU 178.                                                                .       
02219+0824 GWP 304     XMI 259.                                                                Tob2012b
02220+0445 TOK 231     Primary is SB1, P= 79.700 d. Companion at 53" is possibly a white       Tok2012c
                       dwarf (Tokovinin & Lepine 2012)                                         Tok2014d
02220-0034 GWP 305     ABL  33.                                                                Tob2012b
02222-0348 GWP 306     ABL  34.                                                                Tob2012b
02224+5551 BU  875     9 Per. Variable, V474 Per.                                              .       
02225+2830 FAR  29     Primary is white dwarf WD 0219+282.                                     Far2006 
02225-0536 GWP 307     ABL  35.                                                                Tob2012b
02225-2349 LAF  27     TOK  40.                                                                .       
                       Astrometric binary with 26.5 yr orbit has massive secondary with q~1.   Tok2012a
                       Tokovinin (2013) derived a combined spectroscopic/interferometric       .       
                       solution, including echelle spectroscopy and speckle interferometry.    .       
                       The B component is a close binary (tentative period 3.7d); masses of A  .       
                       and Ba+Bb are nearly equal.                                             Tok2013a
                       Astrometric binary with large acceleration, where the massive           .       
                       companion B is in fact a close pair of M dwarfs.                        Tok2013b
           kap For     Gontcharov & Kiyaeva (2002) photocentric (astrometric) orbit based on   Gon2002a
                       combination of ground-based catalogs with Hipparcos.                    .       
02226+1531 LDS3375     G004-016. See Allen et al. (2000) for information on metallicity,       AlC2000 
                       age, galactic orbital parameters, etc.                                  .       
                       NLTT 7795/7794                                                          Chm2004 
02229+5835 BLL   7     A is the semi-regular variable, S Per.                                  .       
02229+4129 TRN  10     The image rotator was in an unknown state, so two possible theta        .       
                       values are listed for the 2001.7451 observation - one for zenith up     .       
                       and one for north up.                                                   Trn2008 
           HD  14633   Rodgers (1974 M.S. Thesis, Univ. Toronto) made a preliminary orbital    .       
                       analysis (P =15.3 d) but the variations appear to be more complicated   .       
                       than originally claimed (Bolton & Rodgers 1978 ApJ 222, 234).           Msn1998a
02229-1718 GWP 308     ABL  36.                                                                Tob2012b
02229-5106 EHR   1     CPM pair.                                                               Ehr2010 
02230+0443 GWP 309     XMI 260.                                                                Tob2012b
02231+7021 MLR 377     A premature orbit has been published.                                   .       
                       Omega corrected from 0.0 to 180.0 by Ruymaekers & Nys (1995)            Ruy1995 
02231+0246 GWP 310     XMI 261.                                                                Tob2012b
02232+6050 MZA  42     DN Cas.                                                                 .       
02232-2952 BU  738     T incorrectly listed as 1953.489 by Scardia et al. (1990); should be    Sca1990a
                       1953.849 (erratum noted in Inf. Circ. 112, 1990)                        Sca1990b
                       Parabolic orbit.                                                        Fin1969b
                       sigma = areal constant in the true orbit = 0.0199 arcsec^2/yr           .       
                       q = periastron distance in the true orbit = 0".4991                     .       
02233+2230 LDS3378     NLTT 7840/7842                                                          Chm2004 
02233+1525 AG   38     LDS 879. B is BD+14@387.                                                .       
                       AB: NLTT 7845/7843                                                      Chm2004 
                       AB: SHY 417. Bayesian  analysis by Shaya & Olling (2011) indicates      Shy2011 
                       very high (near 100%) probability pair is physical.                          .  
                       HIP 11137. See Allen et al. (2000) for information on metallicity,      AlC2000 
                       age, galactic orbital parameters, etc.                                  .       
                       AB: HJL  35.                                                            HJL1986 
02233+1452 GWP 311     XMI 262.                                                                Tob2012b
02236-1056 RST4203     Also known as OL  111.                                                  .       
02238+4920 STF 256     Also known as STF 243.                                                  .       
02239+5751 MLR 656     Also known as HDS 311.                                                  .       
02239+5522 BU 1373     The primary is the Cepheid variable V440 Per.                           Evs2016a
02239+3330 STF 258     Also known as STF 253.                                                  .       
02242+1016 CHR 199     First detected as an occultation binary by Evans.                       Evn1980 
02244-2253 LDS3382     NLTT 7922/7928                                                          Chm2004 
02245-0145 STF 265     HJL  36.                                                                HJL1986 
02246+5959 STF 255     STI 360.                                                                .       
02246+2537 ALP   7     2MASSI J0224367+253704                                                  .       
                       Further observations are required to determine the physical/optical     .       
                       nature of this pair.                                                    AlP2007 
02246-4050 GC 2912     Hipparcos astrometric solution adopted some elements from the orbit of  HIP1997d
                       Barker et al. (1967).                                                   Evn1967 
02247+4008 LDS3381     NLTT 7887/7890                                                          Chm2004 
02249+5153 ES  764     B is BD+51@567.                                                         .       
02249+3039 UC  733     AC: Candidate on Tokovinin list, now reconfirmed as CPM. The primary    .       
                       hosts an exoplanet.                                                     Tok2013c
02250-1501 GWP 312     ABL  37.                                                                Tob2012b
02252+1217 BRT1170     1deg error in WDS designation, apparently an error in transcribing      .       
                       coordinates from the original source.                                   .       
02253-0802 GWP 314     ABL  39.                                                                Tob2012b
02253-1242 GWP 313     ABL  38.                                                                Tob2012b
02255-1834 GWP 315     ABL  40.                                                                Tob2012b
02256+5017 BUP  31     65 And.                                                                 .       
02257+6133 STF 257     The primary is SB1 V559 Cas, P = 1.58 d.                                .       
                       See Baize & Petit (1989) catalog of doubles with variable component.    Baz1989d
02257+0846 GWP 316     XMI 263.                                                                Tob2012b
02257-2119 HJ 3500     HIP 11324. B = HIP 11323. Both components are below the MS, the true    .       
                       parallax should be 12.6 mas (as for the B-component in Hipparcos).      Tok2011a
02258-1038 HJ 2140     Identical with HJ 2134, 4 minutes west.                                 .       
02259+1747 JNN  19     LP 410-22.                                                              .       
02260+4228 LDS3383     Aka SLN  57.                                                            .       
02260-1520 H 3  80     H III 80. A is a variable of the Alpha CVn type, AB Cet, and a          .       
                       spectroscopic binary.                                                   .       
02262+3428 HDS 318     Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and spectroscopic   .       
                       masses of 1.48 +/- 0.19, 1.81, and 1.80 Msun, respectively.             Mlk2012 
                       The spectroscopic orbit of this pair has been computed.                 Grf2018e
                       Orbital parallax 21.02 +/- 1.5 mas. Mass-A is 0.99 +/- 0.15 \msun.      ATl2021 
                       Mass-B is 0.95 +/- 0.13 \msun.                                          .       
                       Mass-A is 1.08 +/- 0.07 and Mass-B is 0.96 +/- 0.06 \msun.              EEA2021 
02262-0833 GWP 318     ABL  42.                                                                Tob2012b
02262-1602 GWP 317     ABL  41.                                                                Tob2012b
02263+0618 VIG   2     The B component appears to be a faint background star.                  Vig2012 
02265+5417 STF 260     HJL  37.                                                                HJL1986 
02268+5853 HD  14947   Garmany & Stencel (1992 A&AS 94, 211) include this star in Per OB1.     Msn1998a
02268+1034 STTA 27     B is BD+09@322. A is VW Ari, a Delta Scuti-type variable.               .       
02269+3733 ADM   2     WSP  33. WASP-33. Primary is del Sct-type variable and exoplanet host.  Adm2013 
02270-0326 GWP 319     ABL  43.                                                                Tob2012b
02272+0309 GWP 320     XMI 264.                                                                Tob2012b
                       HIP 11417. SB, no orbit. NOMAD: PM(B)=(-12,-68), V=14.73.               Nrd2004 
                       Primary is SB2, P=5.997d, but the mass ratio is unknown.                Tok2014d
02273+5433 LAW  10     LSPM J0227+5432. Law et al (2008) derive a distance of 18.6 +9.5/-3.4   Law2008 
                       pc and a projected separation of 13.2 +7.2/-2.2 au. Estimated spectral  .       
                       types are M4.5 and M5.                                                  .       
02273-0304 GWP 321     ABL  44.                                                                Tob2012b
02274+3059 INN   1     Rotation periods 12.1d (AG Tri, 13.7d wrong) and 4.7d.                  Skf2013 
02274+1807 GWP 322     XMI 265.                                                                Tob2012b
02278+0426 A  2329     Using the Hipparcos parallax value of 60.22 +/- 1.75 mas, the orbital   .       
                       elements of Andrade (2007) yield a mass sum of 1.25 +/- 0.14 Msun.      Ana2007 
                       Masses of the two K7V components are estimated at 0.63 +/- 0.01 and     .       
                       0.62 +/- 0.01 Msun.                                                     .       
                       Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and spectroscopic   .       
                       masses of 1.37 +/- 0.12, 1.25, and 0.65 Msun, respectively.             Mlk2012 
02279+4710 BWL  10     AB: Primary is a probable member of the AB Dor moving group.            Bwl2015 
02280+0248 GWP 324     XMI 266.                                                                Tob2012b
02280-0520 GWP 323     ABL  45.                                                                Tob2012b
                       WDS designation corrupted at some point to 02280-0303. Corrected.       .       
02280-3349 SHY 140     HIP  11477 + HIP  11448.                                                .       
02281+3251 ES 2407     GCB 6.                                                                  .       
02282+5423 STF 267     B is BD+53@530.                                                         .       
02282+2952 STF 269     STT  41. May also be H 1  21.                                           .       
02284-0404 GWP 325     ABL  46.                                                                Tob2012b
02286+5521 ES  872     There is a difference of 18 degrees in the measured angles. The Espin   .       
                       measure appears correct.                                                Es_1910b
02286-0704 A   447     WSP  77.                                                                .       
02287+1850 GWP 326     XMI 267.                                                                Tob2012b
02287-3114 TOK  73     HIP 11537. The V-photometry is affected by small separation. B is red   .       
                       in the V-K color, variable? Astrometric binary in HIPPARCOS (Makarov    .       
                       and Kaplan), possibly new triple?                                       Mkr2005 
                       PMS star (Torres et al. 2006).                                          TrC2006 
                       SIMBAD: PMS star and X-ray source 1RXS J022843.6-311332.                Tok2011a
                       Companion is partially resolved in 2MASS images, for that reason the    .       
                       star is not found in the 2MASS point-source catalog. Pre-main-sequence  .       
                       star according to SIMBAD.                                               Tok2012a
                       A hierarchical quadruple. The resolved pair has an estimated period of  Tok2020h
                       3000 years while their are two closer spectroscopic components, one     .       
                       with a period of 22d while the other is 1146d.                          .       
02288+3215 WOR   2     Tamazian et al. derive a dynamical mass sum of 1.40 +/- 0.25 Msun       Tam2005 
                       and classify the stars as K6-7V and M0V. Absolute magnitudes of         .       
                       the two components are estimated at +8.0 and +8.6, leading to           .       
                       individual masses of 0.65 and 0.61 Msun, in good agreement with         .       
                       the dynamical mass sum.                                                 .       
                       Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and spectroscopic   .       
                       masses of 1.46 +/- 0.20, 1.25, and 0.55 Msun, respectively.             Mlk2012 
02288-0826 GWP 327     ABL  47.                                                                Tob2012b
02290-0302 GWP 328     ABL  48.                                                                Tob2012b
02291+6724 STF 262     iot Cas. The primary is an unresolved binary, also an Alpha CVn         .       
           CHR   6     type variable, P = 1.74 d, and an astrometric, spectroscopic, and       .       
                       spectrum variable (Rakos 1962; Klock, AJ 70, 176, 1965). The RV         Rak1962 
                       variation has not been confirmed.                                       .       
                       Heintz (1962) also detected this pair as a submotion to the visual      Hei1962 
                       orbit of the AB pair with a period of 52 years and an amplitude of      .       
                       0".11. Star C (mag. 8.4, dG4) is probably physical, but Hopmann         Hop1960b
                       (1960) computed a hyperbolic orbit for it, as there is some RV          .       
                       difference between C and A.   q = periastron distance in the true       .       
                       orbit = 6".7056. All hyperbolic orbits were rejected from the           .       
                       Fourth and subsequent orbit catalogs.                                   Wor1983 
                       Soderhjelm gives Aa,Ab,B,C quadruple solution (AB in HIP). High         Sod1999 
                       mass-sum, strangely well-behaved speckle obs at  Delta m=4?             .       
                       See Baize & Petit (1989) catalog of doubles with variable component.    Baz1989d
                       Drummond et al. (2003) give solution for Aa,Ab incorporating motion of  Dru2003 
                       the AB pair. The authors conclude that the motion of B relative to      .       
                       the CHR pair appears to be rectilinear. Masses of the CHR components    .       
                       are derived.                                                            .       
                       1985.8540: This autocorrelogram was remeasured; the new results are     .       
                       listed in the catalog.                                                  McA1987b
           STF 262     AB: H 1  34.  AC: H 3   4.                                              MEv2010 
                       AC: Hyperbolic orbit.                                                   Hop1960b
02291+2331 VBS   6     The inclination must be high.                                           .       
02294+5532 STF 268     A is a spectrum variable and shell star.                                .       
02296+6039 STF 263     A is a possible Beta Cep variable, V528 Cas.                            .       
02297-0030 GWP 329     ABL  49.                                                                Tob2012b
02297+0134 GWP 330     XMI 268.                                                                Tob2012b
02297-0955 GAL 321     Object #69 in Gallo's original list.                                    Gal1912b
02305+2514 STF 271     AB: H N  12.                                                            MEv2010 
02307-0407 GWP 331     ABL  50.                                                                Tob2012b
02308+5533 STF 270     AB: HJL  38.                                                            HJL1986 
                       Is there a wobble in the PA of AB?                                      Tok2014d
02309+0158 GWP 332     XMI 269.                                                                Tob2012b
02310+1358 GWP 333     XMI 270.                                                                Tob2012b
02310+0823 GIC  32     G004-024/G073-059.                                                      .       
02312+0811 LDS3396     Aka NSN 527.                                                            .       
02313-1310 GAL 322     Object #70 in Gallo's original list.                                    Gal1912b
02315+0106 SHY 422     BC: HIP  11736 + HIP  12728.                                            .       
02318+8916 STF  93     alp Umi = 1 UMi = Polaris. Cepheid variable and spectroscopic binary,   .       
                       P = 30y. A close companion has been suspected. The close pair,          .       
                       measured three time from 1937-1939 by R.H. Wilson using an eyepiece     WRH1941b
                       interferometer, was not seen again until Evans et al. (2006) resolved   Evs2006 
                       it with HST.  Wilson's measures agree with the combined astrometric/    .       
                       spectroscopic solution by Gerasimovic (1936), although both orbit and   Ger1936 
                       measures are called into dispute by the more recent orbit of Wielan et  Wln2000 
                       al. (2000), whose solution includes mass estimates, etc.                .       
                       NPOI Limb-darkened diameter 3.28 +/- 0.02 mas,                          NOI1999 
                       R = 46. +/- 3. \rsun.                                                   .       
                       An earlier orbit by Wyller (1957) was rejected from Fourth Orbit        Wye1957 
                       Catalog ("amplitude below noise level")                                 Wor1983 
                       Component B = BD+88@@@7. See discussion of this system by Roemer.       Re_1965 
                       While Hipparcos parallax of A 7.56 +/- 0.48 from the original mission   HIP1997a
                       and 7.54 +/- 0.011 mas from the re-reduction, the HST-FGS parallax of   VlF2007 
                       B = 6.26 +/- 0.24 mas implies that that A is high luminosity and        BdH2018 
                       pulsating in the second overtone if AB is physical, i.e., the distance  .       
                       to B is the same as A.                                                  .       
                       The C component was observed by Burnham in the late 19th century, then  Bu_1894 
                       not seen again until the early 21st century by Daley and Ashcroft.      Dal2006a
                       The extremely large magnitude makes the pair too close for most large   .       
                       astrometric surveys.                                                    .       
                       The D component has also been recently recovered in 2MASS data.         TMA2003 
                       According to Jim Daley, the R-I color for C is 0.56 and for D it is     .       
                       0.67. The V-I color for D is 1.08.                                      Dal2006b
                       Published measures precessed to J2000 are here "X" coded. Measures      CIA2024c
                       precessed back to date of observation to maintain consistency with      .       
                       other cataloged measures.                                               .       
                       Mean diameter of the primary is 3.143 +/- 0.027 mas. At the Gaia        .       
                       distance of 136.90 +/- 0.34 pc this corresponds to 46.27 +/- 0.42 \rsun .       
                       and the mass of the Cepheid is 5.13 +/- 0.28 \msun.
                       AB: H 4   1.                                                            MEv2010 
02318-0021 GWP 334     ABL  51.                                                                Tob2012b
02319+5742 BU 1314     V425 Per. Variable in light and radial velocity.                        .       
02319+0108 LDS9132     Old LDS6132. Primary is confirmed quasar: Z = 1.26.                     .       
02320+1822 STF 273     H N 106.                                                                MEv2010 
02320-1955 BRT 297     LDS3400.                                                                .       
02321-1515 GWP 335     ABL  52.                                                                Tob2012b
                       sig Cet. B is BD-15@@447.                                               .       
                       SHY 141. Bayesian analysis by Shaya & Olling (2011) indicates very      Shy2011 
                       high (near 100%) probability pair is physical.                          .       
02322+5415 HJ 2142     Neither AB, AC or BC are physically associated.                         Kiy2015c
02323+4630 BRT 330     Since precise position has been corrected from previous precise         WSI2002 
                       position null detection not relevant.                                   .       
02324-1849 GWP 336     ABL  53.                                                                Tob2012b
02327+6127 STI 368     Both visual components were observed and appeared to be single.         Msn1998a
           MZA   8     EL and EM pairs were originally 02326+6128 MZA   8AB and AC, until      .       
                       match of E component of 02327+6127 to primary of 02326+6128 noticed.    .       
02327+0704 GWP 337     XMI 271.                                                                Tob2012b
02328+0021 GRV1174     SLW 119.                                                                .       
02328-3421 LDS9133     Old LDS6133.                                                            .       
02329+3433 GC 3048     Hipparcos astrometric solution assumed circular orbit (e = omega = 0)   HIP1997d
02329+1502 TOK  12     Estimated period of visual pair 160y.                                   Tok2006 
                       Primary is SB2, P=19.4161d (Katoh et al. 2013 AJ 145, 41)               Tok2014d
02330+4852 HJ 2144     B is BD+48@694.                                                         .       
02331-7738 BVD  25     B is CPD-78@59.                                                         .       
02332+7013 RBR  34     Suspected non-single.                                                   Hor2002b
02332-2207 DON  35     CD-22@863.                                                              .       
02333+5219 STT  42     Distance small, measures often discordant.                              .       
                       1982.7604: This autocorrelogram was remeasured; the new results are     .       
                       listed in catalog.                                                      McA1987b
                       AB: Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and             .       
                       spectroscopic masses 3.00 +/- 1.28, 4.13, and 2.19 Msun, respectively.  Mlk2012 
02333-1933 GWP 338     ABL  54.                                                                Tob2012b
02333-7554 HJ 3522     AB: Optical pair, based on study of relative motion of the components   .       
                       using the method of apparent motion parameters.                         Kiy2008 
02335+5732 HJ 2143     B is BD+56@657.                                                         .       
02338-2814 HJ 3506     ome For.                                                                .       
02340-1812 BRG  13     There is insufficient motion between the two epochs of observation of   .       
                       2MASS J02335984-1811525 to establish common proper motion of the        .       
                       binary, but the components are nearly equal brightness and color, and   .       
                       reside at a relatively small separation of ~0.85" hence it is almost    .       
                       certainly a physical pair.                                              Jnn2012 
02342+0916 GWP 339     XMI 272.                                                                Tob2012b
02342+0139 LDS9134     Old LDS6134.                                                            .       
02343+4017 AG   42     STF 275.                                                                .       
02344+3542 J  1810     ALI 35.                                                                 .       
02344+2040 A  2218     Identification error in ADS. Pair is BD+20 426, not BD+19 375.          Cou1970c
02344-4259 HJ 3510     Spectrum: G3/5III/IV.                                                   .       
02347-0752 BUP  32     77 Cet.                                                                 .       
02350-1522 GWP 340     ABL  55.                                                                Tob2012b
02351-1046 GAL 323     Object #71 in Gallo's original list. Aka J  1452.                       Gal1912b
02352+0407 TOK 649     Resolved using ANDICAM2. Primary SB?                                    Tok2014d
02353+4017 A  1818     Baize suspected another close pair in the region.                       .       
02353-0334 MUG   2     Followup spectroscopy confirmed the B component is a dwarf; estimated   Mug2005 
                       mass is 0.286 +- 0.017 Msun. Primary is planet host star. Colors of B   Egn2007 
                       component consistent with M1-M4 dwarf with mass 0.31 +/- 0.02 Msun.     Met2009 
                       HIP 12048. The B component estimated mass 0.29Msun.                     .       
                       2001.7454: PA is measured in zenith mode. If data collected in          .       
                       equatorial mode, PA = 183.7.                                            Rbr2011d
                       CHARA Array Limb-darkened diameter  0.490 +/- 0.049 mas.                CIA2009a
                       R =  2.05 +/- 0.21 \rsun, L =   2.3 +/-  0.1 \lsun,                     .       
                       Teff = 4982 +/- 254 K.                                                  .       
           79 Cet      A: Combined solution, based on reduction of Hipparcos intermediate      .       
                       astrometric data together with spectroscopic elements from Marcy et al. CPS2000b
02354-0228 GWP 341     ABL  56.                                                                Tob2012b
02355+5948 HIP  12062  Ren & Fu (2013) calculated an astrometric orbit, combining Hipparcos    .       
                       Intermediate Astrometric Data with spectroscopic elements by            .       
                       Latham et al. (2002). They derived component masses 0.96 and 0.45 Msun  Lat2002 
                       and an estimated semimajor axis of 35.47 mas.                           Ren2013 
02356+6106 RAO   7     Primary is close astrometric binary; also SB?                           Tok2014d
02356+3719 STF 279     AB: H N  47.                                                            .       
02358+3441 AG  304     15 Tri. B is BD+34@471.                                                 .       
02359+6338 CTT   3     The B component is BD+62@423.                                           .       
02359+1515 GWP 342     XMI 273.                                                                Tob2012b
02359+0536 STF 281     nu Cet = 78 Cet                                                         .       
                       The A component is a 714d spectroscopic binary. B is not a binary, so   .       
                       this is a physical triple.                                              Grf2015a
02359-2830 SWR   4     CPM pair                                                                Skf2004 
02360-0750 BUP  33     80 Cet.                                                                 .       
02360-1312 GWP 343     ABL  57.                                                                Tob2012b
02360-2331 GIZ   1     GJ 1048.  Discovered by Gizis et al. (2001) on 2MASS images. The A      Giz2001 
                       component is K2V; conclude secondary is L1, mass ~0.077 Msun.           .       
                       Seifahrt et al. (2004) combine 2MASS measure with earlier UK Schmidt    Sef2004 
                       near-IR southern survey data to show stars have similar proper motion,  .       
                       so are likely physical companions.                                      .       
02361+0653 GKI   1     AB: This object was misidentified as HD 61660 by McAlister (1978).      McA1978c
                       PTI Limb-darkened diameter = 0.941 +/- 0.07 mas,                        PTI2001 
                       R = 0.729 +/- 0.064 \rsun.                                              .       
                       VLTI Limb-darkened diameter  0.936 +/- 0.07 mas,                        LTI2003a
                       M = 0.790 +/- 0.039 \msun, R = 0.708 +/- 0.05  \rsun.                   .       
                       CHARA Array Limb-darkened diameter of A :                               CIA2012f
                       R =  0.7949 +/- 0.0062 \rsun, L =  0.26790 +/-0.00239 \lsun,            .       
                       Teff = 4662 +/-  17 K, M = 0.767 \msun.                                 .       
           PLQ  32     AC: GJ 105. Proper motion of A +1811 +1451 (FK5). Spectroscopic binary  .       
                       See Baize & Petit (1989) catalog of doubles with variable component.    Baz1989d
                       HIP 12114. See Allen et al. (2000) for information on metallicity,      AlC2000 
                       age, galactic orbital parameters, etc.                                  .       
02362-1656 GWP 344     ABL  58.                                                                Tob2012b
02363+4012 BAZ   2     V377 And, Algol-type eclipsing binary, period 4.0632 d.                 Zas2018 
02363-0500 GWP 345     ABL  59.                                                                Tob2012b
02363-6329 B  1435     Spectral type F6?                                                       .       
02366+1231 GWP 346     XMI 274.                                                                Tob2012b
02366+1227 MCA   7     31 Ari. This system has a small Delta m (~0.1 in the blue, 0.3 in the   .       
                       red) as determined from lunar occultation measures by Africano et al.   Afr1978 
                       Measures in 1982.7659, 1984.7046, and 1988.6544 were based on           Hrt1994 
                       reprocessing of archival video data.                                    Hrt2000a
                       Martin et al. (1998) derive component masses 11.001 +/- 1.969 and       .       
                       9.407 +/- 1.707 Msun.                                                   Mig1998 
                       Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and spectroscopic   .       
                       masses of 19.08 +/- 2.57, 2.95, and 1.13 Msun, respectively.            Mlk2012 
02368+1723 BPM  53     [PM2000]   95004 + [PM2000]   94927.                                    Gvr2010 
02368-1929 ARA 523     BRT1374.                                                                Brt1935b
02369+5953 STF 277     V791 Cas, a Beta Lyr type eclipsing binary, P = 2.88680d.               Zas2012 
02370+2439 STFA  5     30 Ari. STTA 29. A is 1.1d SB1; AB has estimated period of 34,000y.     Tok2006 
                       B is BD+24@375.                                                         .       
                       HJL  39.                                                                HJL1986 
                       SHY 142. Bayesian analysis by Shaya & Olling (2011) indicates very      Shy2011 
                       high (near 100%) probability pair is physical.                          .       
                       H 5  49.                                                                MEv2010 
                       Primary is SB2, P=1.109d. B is exoplanet host, P=335d. A is F6III, but  .       
                       on the MS.                                                              Tok2014d
           RAO   8     BC: Exoplanet host star. Roberts et al. (2015) estimate the spectral    .       
                       types of B and C as F8V and M1V.                                        Rbr2015a
02370-3435 MUG  12     Primary is GJ 9088 = lam 2 For. Spectral type of comoving secondary     .       
                       estimated as M5-6, confirmed by follow-up spectroscopy. Mass of         .       
                       secondary ~0.11 Msun.                                                   Mug2014 
02371+6232 MLR  31     No significant movement since first resolution.                         Drd2009 
02371+1740 GWP 347     XMI 275.                                                                Tob2012b
02371-0926 ITF  62     BD: Originally 02368-0926ITF  62.                                       .       
02371+0055 LDS5388     Error in WDS designation - incorrect precession of Luyten coordinates?  Luy1984 
02371-2951 LDS3405     NLTT 8520/8519                                                          Chm2004 
02374-5233 EHR   2     Primary is eta Hor. Physical/optical nature ambiguous.                  Ehr2010 
           TOK 186     Aa,Ab: The Marion et al. (2014) measure is in good agreement with the   Mrn2014 
                       Hartkopf et al. (2012) discovery observation, but hints at a            Tok2014a
                       significantly eccentric and/or inclined orbit. A face-on, circular      .       
                       orbit with a semimajor axis of 3.6au would have a period of ~3.7y,      .       
                       which is in line with the 3.0y astrometric period found by Goldin &     .       
                       Makarov (2007).                                                         Gln2007 
02376+2250 LDS1132     NLTT 8503/8502                                                          Chm2004 
02378+1737 BPM  54     [PM2000]   95638 + [PM2000]   95705.                                    Gvr2010 
02380+1418 GWP 348     XMI 276.                                                                Tob2012b
02381-0541 SLW 126     Aka ABL  60.                                                            .       
02382+4604 A  1278     A premature orbit has been computed.                                    .       
02382-1123 STF 288     H 3  79.                                                                MEv2010 
02383-3012 UC  766     CPM candidate confirmed physical by photometry (2MASS and V mags).      Tok2013c
02386+0327 KUI   9     HR 775 in Cetus. Some scatter in measured position angles.              .       
02387-5257 COO  14     Spectrum: F8IV/V + G/K.                                                 .       
           SHY 424     AC: HIP  12326 + HIP  12361.                                            .       
02388+3325 STF 285     H 1  21.                                                                MEv2010 
02389+1526 AG   43     HU 1043.                                                                .       
02389-5450 HJ 3520     B is CPD-55@444.                                                        .       
02390+6235 STTA 28     B is BD+61@445.                                                         .       
02390+1452 STF 287     H N 107.                                                                MEv2010 
02392-0016 GWP 350     ABL  62.                                                                Tob2012b
02392-0933 GWP 349     ABL  61.                                                                Tob2012b
02394-0318 GWP 351     ABL  63.                                                                Tob2012b
02396-1152 FIN 312     eps Cet = 83 Cet. Pourbaix gives combined solution for this resolved    .       
                       SB2, yielding orbital parallaxes and component masses.                  Pbx2000b
                       Arenou give combined solution of astrometric orbits and DSBs. Paper     .       
                       includes masses and distances.                                          Are2000 
                       Systematic errors are clearly present and the period remains in doubt.  Fin1954c
                       Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and spectroscopic   .       
                       masses of 1.68 +/- 0.35, 2.39, and 2.40 Msun, respectively.             Mlk2012 
                       Docobo & Andrade (2013) derive a dynamical parallax of 41.43 +/- 0.68   .       
                       mas and component masses 1.37 +/- 0.09 and 1.03 +/- 0.08 Msun. See      .       
                       paper for extensive notes on this system.                               Doc2013d
                       CHARA Array Limb-darkened diameter of A :  2.126 +/- 0.014 mas,         CIA2007 
                       R =  0.735 +/- 0.005 \rsun.                                             .       
02398-1522 GWP 352     ABL  64.                                                                Tob2012b
02398-3354 LDS3413     HIP 12411. See Allen et al. (2000) for information on metallicity,      AlC2000 
                       age, galactic orbital parameters, etc.                                  .       
02399+0009 A  1928     Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and spectroscopic   .       
                       masses of 2.83 +/- 0.56, 2.33, and 1.05 Msun, respectively.             Mlk2012 
02399-2429 TOK 205     A faint companion near the detection limit is found, our measures are   .       
                       uncertain. The estimated long period P ~ 100 yr suggests that the       .       
                       Hipparcosacceleration of 17 mas yr-2 is spurious.                       Tok2012a
                       The tentative resolution on 2011.84 at 78deg, 0".34, dK=3.8 is not      .       
                       confirmed here, with new good-quality images. The star has constant RV  .       
                       so could be single.                                                     Tok2013b
02401+1148 FAR  30     Primary is white dwarf WD 0237+115.                                     Far2006 
02401+0255 UC  771     CPM candidate confirmed physical by photometry (2MASS and V mags).      Tok2013c
02402+0436 HDS 347     Mean motion indicates P ~ 90 yr, rho increasing.                        Msn1999b
02404-1914 RST2285     Despite being nearby the WDSS pair 0240239-191332 appears unrelated.    .       
02405-1341 GAL 324     Object #74 in Gallo's original list.                                    Gal1912b
02406+3420 WNO  43     Aa,Ab: Identified as WNO  13 by Routley.                                USN1972 
           GIC  33     AB = G074-039/G074-040. AC = G074-039/G074-041.                         .       
                       AB: NLTT 8633/8634                                                      Chm2004 
02407+6117 STF 284     A is a Beta CMa-type variable, V482 Cas.                                .       
           CHR 208     Both visual components were observed: A was resolved (CHR 208Aa,Ab),    .       
                       B appeared to be single.  Gies & Bolton (1986) found a large scatter    Gie1986 
                       in radial velocities (but could not find a suitable period), and this   .       
                       suggests that at least one component may be a spectroscopic binary.     Msn1998a
02407+2704 STF 289     33 Ari. A spectroscopic binary.                                         .       
                       HJL  41.                                                                HJL1986 
                       H 4   5.                                                                MEv2010 
02407+2637 STT  43     Scardia et al. (2001) orbit considered preliminary because the arc of   Sca2001d
                       the observed orbit is only 90 degrees and is placed completely around   .       
                       aphelion. The Hipparcos parallax of 0".01385 +/-  0.00125 gives a mass  .       
                       sum of 3.1 Msun, an overestimate for a star of type F7V. The dynamical  .       
                       parallax of 0".0149 agrees well with the measured one.                  .       
02410+6539 STF 282     AB: HJL  40.                                                            HJL1986 
02410+3905 A  1820     AB: Optical pair, based on study of relative motion of the              .       
                       components using the method of apparent motion parameters.              Kiy2008 
02410-2506 LDS3414     NLTT 8688/8689                                                          Chm2004 
02412-0042 STF 295     84 Cet. A is a Delta Scuti-type variable.                               .       
                       CHARA Array Limb-darkened diameter of A :                               CIA2013c
                       R =  1.2080 +/- 0.0288 \rsun, L =   2.1332 +/-0.0825 \lsun,             .       
                       Teff = 6356 +/-  46 K, M = 1.168 \msun, Age = 2.1 Gyr.                  .       
02413+2659 L    55     Since precise position has been corrected from previous precise         WSI2013 
                       position null detection not relevant.                                   .       
02413-0432 BWL  12     Colors and/or astrometry are inconsistent with a late-type common       .       
                       proper motion companion based on visual inspection of the field from    .       
                       2MASS, SDSS, DSS1, and/or DSS2. Primary is G 75-35.                     Bwl2015 
02413-5725 BRG  14     2MASS J02411909-5725185 is yet to be confirmed as a common proper       .       
                       motion binary, but the color and brightness of the companion are well   .       
                       consistent with it being bound.                                         Jnn2012 
02414+3629 HJ  328     Aka ALI 269.                                                            .       
02415+4053 COU1511     Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and spectroscopic   .       
                       masses of 2.86 +/- 1.13, 2.54, and 1.05 Msun, respectively.             Mlk2012 
02415+1115 GWP 353     XMI 277.                                                                Tob2012b
02415-7128 B  1923     Actually a quadruple. Both A (1852d) and B (108d) are spectroscopic     Tok2022e
                       binaries.                                                               .       
02418-5300 JFF   1     Aka CAB   6.                                                            .       
02420+4248 HJ 1123     B is BD+42@588, spectrum B9IVp(Hg,Mn,Eu).                               .       
02420-1824 GWP 354     ABL  65.                                                                Tob2012b
02421+1351 LDS3416     NLTT 8720/8721                                                          Chm2004 
02421-0134 OL    9     Since precise position has been corrected from previous precise         WSI2004b
                       position null detection not relevant.                                   .       
                       Aka RST4211.                                                            .       
02422+4242 HJ 1124     Aka BKO 172.                                                            .       
02422+4012 MCA   8     12 Per. SB2 resolved by speckle interferometry by McAlister (1977).     McA1977 
                       Elements P = 331.0d, T, e, and longitude of periastron for McAlister    McA1978a
                       solution are from the spectroscopic orbit by Colacevich (1941).         Cla1941 
                       See Baize & Petit (1989) catalog of doubles with variable component.    Baz1989d
                       Hipparcos astrometric solution adopted some elements from the orbit of  HIP1997d
                       Colacevich (1941).                                                      .       
                       Martin et al. (1998) derive component masses 1.125 +/- 0.169 and        .       
                       1.389 +/- 0.193 Msun.                                                   Mig1998 
                       Pourbaix gives combined solution for this resolved SB2, yielding        .       
                       orbital parallaxes and component masses.                                Pbx2000b
                       Bagnuolo et al. (2006) solution combines speckle data with data from    Bgn2006 
                       the CHARA Array. Authors derive orbital parallax 41.19 +/- 0.21 mas,    .       
                       masses 1.382 +- 0.019 and 1.240 +- 0.017 Msun, and a magnitude          .       
                       difference 0.409 +/- 0.013 mags in K' (2136 nm). Values for omega and   .       
                       Omega are switched in their Table 3.                                    .       
                       Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and spectroscopic   .       
                       masses of 2.59 +/- 3.80, 2.58, and 1.07 Msun, respectively.             Mlk2012 
02422-2445 LDS3418     NLTT 8753/8759                                                          Chm2004 
02423+1639 BPM  55     [PM2000]   98625 + [PM2000]   98718.                                    Gvr2010 
02423+1415 GWP 355     XMI 278.                                                                Tob2012b
02424+3837 EVT   1     Aa,Ab: Exo-planet host                                                  Tok2014d
02424+2001 BLA   1     Aa,Ab: mu Ari = 34 Ari. Occultation binary, known to have variable      .       
                       radial velocity.                                                        Bag1984b
                       Aa,Ab: Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and          .       
                       spectroscopic masses 3.64 +/- 0.47, 5.77, and 2.24 Msun, respectively.  Mlk2012 
02424+0247 GWP 356     XMI 279.                                                                Tob2012b
02424-0214 LDS9135     Old LDS6135.                                                            .       
02424-1358 LDS3419     NLTT 8758/8757                                                          Chm2004 
02425+4016 STF 292     B is BD+39@611.                                                         .       
                       H 4  64.                                                                MEv2010 
02425+1045 CHR 200     First detected as an occultation binary by Blow et al.                  Blw1982a
02426-5048 iot Hor     Combined solution, based on reduction of Hipparcos intermediate         .       
                       astrometric data together with spectroscopic elements from Kurster      CPS2000e
                       et al. (2000).                                                          HaI2001 
           HD  17051   No comoving objects found within separation/magnitude range listed.     .       
                       However, Chauvin et al. (2006) note finding at least one faint          Cvn2006 
                       background object.                                                      .       
02426-7947 TOK 362     This 0.6" pair with dK=1.1 is obvious and should have been resolved     .       
                       both by visual observers and by Hipparcos, yet there are no             .       
                       indications of previous resolution in the literature. The declination   .       
                       of -79deg may have something to do with the missed companion, as the    .       
                       southern sky is less well surveyed for binaries.                        Tok2013b
02427+3932 J  2401     Jonckheere says is two faint condensations of a nebula. Galaxy           .      
                       UGC 2180.                                                               J__1962a
02427+1434 GWP 357     XMI 280.                                                                Tob2012b
02427-1513 GWP 358     ABL  67.                                                                Tob2012b
02428+4249 HJ 2155     B is BD+42@605.                                                         .       
02431+0330 GWP 359     AB: XMI 281AB.                                                          Tob2012b
           GWP 360     AC: XMI 281AC.                                                          Tob2012b
02433+1926 BAG  20     Hipparcos astrometric solution adopted some elements from the orbit of  HIP1997d
                       Griffin et al. (1985).                                                  Grf1985b
                       Hipparcos identified the pair as a candidate for Hyades membership.     HIP1998 
                       However, this is a Hyades non-member                                    Grf1988 
02433+1718 BPM  56     [PM2000]   99282 + [PM2000]   99285.                                    Gvr2010 
02433+0314 STF 299     gam Cet = 86 Cet = Kaffaljidhma. AC is a CPM pair, according to Alden.  Ald1924 
                       AB: Additional notes may be found in Muller (1946).                     Mlr1946a
02434-3756 TOK 187     Triple. The A-component is 0.955d SB2; the tertiary is resolved with    .       
                       speckle. As A is located some 1.7m above the main sequence, the object  .       
                       can be closer than indicated by the Hipparcos parallax of 24.6 mas.     Tok2012a
02434-6643 FIN 333     Probably an ambiguous case, although only one solution has been         .       
                       tested.                                                                 .       
                       More speckle obs needed to define orbit.                                .       
                       See Baize & Petit (1989) catalog of doubles with variable component.    Baz1989d
                       Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and spectroscopic   .       
                       masses of 14.55 +/- 4.04, 2.67, and 1.20 Msun, respectively.            Mlk2012 
02435+2742 35 Ari      Hipparcos astrometric solution adopted some elements from the orbit of  HIP1997d
                       Abt & Levy (1978).                                                      AbH1978 
02435+1611 BPM  57     [PM2000]   99396 + [PM2000]   99434.                                    Gvr2010 
02438-2754 BU  261     Aka HDO  59.                                                            .       
02440-0601 TOK  75     HIP 12764. A is SB, no orbit, dRV= 2.5). Contradictory photometry of    Nrd2004 
                       B, it is too close in 2MASS (5"). NOMAD: PM(B)=(-99,-71) V=7.79 (??)    .       
                       Considering the brightness of B and  N*=15, it is almost certainly      Tok2011a
                       physical. A new triple system. See Bonavita & Desidera (2007).          Bnv2007 
02442+4914 STF 296     the Per = 13 Per. A premature orbit has been computed.                  .       
                       See Baize & Petit (1989) catalog of doubles with variable component.    Baz1989d
                       Data appear equally well fit by rectilinear solution - see catalog.     .       
                       CHARA Array Limb-darkened diameter  1.103 +/- 0.009 mas,                CIA2012e
                       R =  1.319 +/- 0.011 \rsun, L =  2.235 +/-0.040 \lsun,                  .       
                       Teff = 6157 +/-  37 K, M = 1.138 +/- 0.010 \msun,                       .       
                       Age =  4.0 +/- 0.4 Gyr.                                                 .       
                       AC: Optical pair, based on study of relative motion of the components   .       
                       using the method of apparent motion parameters.                         Kiy2008 
                       AB: H 3  58.                                                            MEv2010 
                       AC and BC: Rectilinear solution by Hurowitz et al. (2013).              USN2013a
02442-2530 FIN 379     Aa,Ab: More than one revolution apparently has occurred.                .       
                       Aa,Ab: Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and          .       
                       spectroscopic masses 1.55 +/- 0.22, 2.20, and 1.02 Msun, respectively.  Mlk2012 
           BSO   1     HIP 12780. A is visual binary FIN 379, 0.1". B = HIP 12779.             Tok2011a
02443+5704 STF 293     AB: Additional notes may be found in van den Bos.                       B__1963b
02443+1600 GWP 361     XMI 282.                                                                Tob2012b
02445-1859 GWP 362     ABL  68.                                                                Tob2012b
02446+7912 BVD  26     Primary is V405 Cep.                                                    .       
02446+2928 STF 300     H 1  74.                                                                MEv2010 
02447+6128 KRV   3     Classical Cepheid DF Cas.                                               .       
02448+4231 LDS3424     NLTT 8830/8829                                                          Chm2004 
02448+1536 KIR   7     A close double dwarf pair,spectral types M5V and M5.5V.                 Kir1999 
02449+5456 ES   50     Initially assigned as TDS  94. Corrected 11/27/01.                      .       
02449+1007 TOK   1     Aa,Ab: mu Cet = 87 Cet. Considered somewhat uncertain by Tokovinin.     .       
                       Not resolved by McAlister on several occasions.                         .       
                       A preliminary spectroscopic orbit with a period of 1202 days has been   .       
                       published by Abt (1965).                                                AbH1965 
02449-1336 GWP 363     ABL  69.                                                                Tob2012b
02451-1834 tau 1 Eri   Despite a large acceleration of 26 mas yr-2, no RV variability was      .       
                       found in the GCS from two measures.                                     Tok2012a
02452-4344 CPO  29     LDS  78.                                                                .       
           BRG  15     Aa,Ab: 2MASS J02451431-4344102 is a member of an approximately equal-   .       
                       brightness binary with ~50" separation, in addition to being a close    .       
                       binary discovered with AstraLux.                                        Jnn2012 
02452-6700 GLI  18     Spectrum: F5/6III/IV.                                                   .       
02455-6342 HDO 306     gam Hor. A spectroscopic binary.                                        .       
02456-7114 HDS 357     Primary is CN Hyi, a W Uma type eclipsing binary, period 0.45611d.      Zas2012 
02457+4456 LDS5393     old LDS6136.                                                            .       
                       AB: NLTT 8869/8870                                                      Chm2004 
           GIC  34     AC = G078-004/G078-003 = GJ 3178A+3179B.                                .       
02457-3943 B  2077     Astrometric orbit for primary, P=2.303y (Golden & Makarov 2007). PM(A)  Gln2007 
                       moves almost towards B, so the increased separation is not reflex PM.   Tok2014d
02460-0457 BU   83     A premature orbit has been calculated.                                  .       
                       A: Dommanget (1972) astrometric orbit calculated from perturbations     Dom1972a
                       seen to rectilinear motion.                                             .       
02461+1250 GWP 364     XMI 283.                                                                Tob2012b
02462+0536 RAO   9     AB: Primary is HIP 12925. A 13.8m star at 221.7deg, 494.3" appears to   .       
                       share common proper motion, but the probability of physicality is only  .       
                       36%. It is likely this star is another member of the Tuc-Hor moving     .       
                       group.  HIP 12925 and 12862 also appear to be a co-moving pair.         Tok2013c
                       AB: The primary is a spectroscopic binary.                              Tok2014d
                       Quadruple system with 3-tier hierarchy: a close spectroscopic pair      .       
                       with yet unknown period, Robo-AO companion D at 1".89, and CPM          .       
                       companion C at 494" (Tokovinin & Lepine 2012). Yet another star,        Tok2012c
                       HIP 12862, at 0.9deg, also shares common PM and parallax. The stars     .       
                       are young and belong to the Tucana–Horlogium moving group (Zuckerman    .     
                       et al. 2011 ApJ 732, 61). Our photometry places D slightly above the    .       
                       MS. D was  independently discovered by Brandt et al. (2014) by high-    Bdt2014 
                       contrast imaging at Subaru. They measured it on 2012.0 at 252.9 deg     RAO2015 
                       and 1".893, in excellent agreement with Riddle et al. (2015).           Rbr2015d
           TOK 651     AC: Tuc-Hor moving group? Additional CPM companions at 725" and 1536".  Tok2014d
                       AD: Too wide to be a companion at 3271", but CPM, common parallax. F    .       
                       is a rapid rotator (Vsini=109km/s), on main sequence.                   .       
02462-0619 GWP 365     ABL  70.                                                                Tob2012b
02463+1427 GWP 366     XMI 284.                                                                Tob2012b
02464+0301 GWP 367     XMI 285.                                                                Tob2012b
02470-0952 A  2608     The northern pair, CD, is slightly fainter                              Hei1985a
02470-1320 RST3371     Variable: CU Eri.                                                       .       
02472+3611 ALI  38     No star seen at AC catalog location of the purported secondary          .       
                       - probably a plate flaw.                                                .       
02473+1812 BPM  58     [PM2000]  102021 + [PM2000]  102010.                                    Gvr2010 
02473+1803 GWP 368     XMI 286.                                                                Tob2012b
02473+1717 A  2222     CD: Aitken gives the magnitude of B as 13.8. I could not see it at all  .       
                       on the first two nights, glimpsed it on the fourth, and made a very     .       
                       uncertain measure on the third. Variable?                               B__1962d
02474-1733 GWP 369     ABL  71.                                                                Tob2012b
02475+1922 STF 305     A premature orbit has been computed.                                    .       
02476+5357 STF 301     A is a long-period spectroscopic binary, P = 675d.                      .       
02476+1014 HJ  655     Hipparcos identified the B component as a candidate for Hyades          HIP1998 
                       membership. However, re-reduction of the Hipparcos parallax places      VlF2007 
                       the B component elsewhere, so this is an optical pair.                  Grf2013c
02478-0411 GWP 370     ABL  72.                                                                Tob2012b
02479-0529 GWP 371     ABL  73.                                                                Tob2012b
02480-0108 GRV 993     SLW 134.                                                                .       
02480-0940 GAL 325     Object #76 in Gallo's original list.                                    Gal1912b
02480-2836 RED  20     One companion is ~10" from CD-29 1020 = 2MASS J02481094-2835382.  To    .       
                       the SW at a milar distance is 2MASS J02480263-2835465. There are no     .       
                       USNO-B1 proper motions for the fainter stars, but comparison of         .       
                       Digitized Sky Survey UKST and 2MASS images show little evidence of      .       
                       significant relative motion. IR colors are consistent with a K0/M3/M6   .       
                       triple at 60pc. System appears non-hierarchical, with projected         .       
                       separations of ~600au between each component.                           Red2007a
02481-1244 GAL 326     Object #77 in Gallo's original list.                                    Gal1912b
02482+2704 LDS1138     HIP 13081. See Allen et al. (2000) for information on metallicity,      AlC2000 
                       age, galactic orbital parameters, etc.                                  .       
           LDS1138     NLTT 8997/8996                                                          Chm2004 
02483+1532 BPM  59     [PM2000]  102707 + [PM2000]  102652.                                    Gvr2010 
02486+1344 GRV 146     NI    4.                                                                .       
                       Primary is BQ Ari, a W UMa type eclipsing binary, period 0.282335d.     Zas2011 
02487+3107 GJ 9102     1981.6875: HD 17433 was misidentified as Gliese 113 by Balega et al.    Bag1984b
                       (1984). It is uncertain whether this observation is of HD 17433 or of   .       
                       GJ 113 = HD 17382.                                                      .       
02488-0301 GWP 372     ABL  74.                                                                Tob2012b
02489+3823 ALD  10     First measure probably 90@ in error.                                    Ali1955 
02490-1029 BRG  16     The system is precisely at the 3 sigma threshold for statistically      .       
                       significant exclusion of the background star hypothesis. By chance,     .       
                       the AB astrometry is just below the criterion (2.7 sigma) and BC is     .       
                       just above (3.1 sigma), so in principle the BC pair is inconsistent     .       
                       with chance alignment, if the pair does share a common proper motion    .       
                       with  A. However, the proper motion of the system has of course been    .       
                       determined based on A, so until the AB physical connection has been     .       
                       demonstrated to the required accuracy, the 3.1 sigma confidence of the  .       
                       BC pair is irrelevant. Hence, we label the entire system as             .       
                       undetermined for now, although it is obviously very likely that the     .       
                       whole system is indeed bound.                                           Jnn2012 
02490-1432 KPP2871     Aka TOI 1201.                                                           .       
02491-1712 GWP 373     ABL  75.                                                                Tob2012b
02491-3224 B  1031     bet For                                                                 .       
02493+1728 STF 311     pi Ari = 42 Ari. A is a spectroscopic and occultation binary.           .       
                       AB: H 1  64.                                                            MEv2010 
02493-1033 STF 315     Rectilinear solution by Hartkopf & Mason (2013), however, the close     Hrt2013b
                       parallax and proper motion argues for an orbital solution.              Izm2019 

02494+4336 LDS3429     LDS9137. LDS6137.                                                       .       
                       NLTT 9035/9037                                                          Chm2004 
02495+5705 MCA   9     V480 Per.                                                               .       
02496-0932 GWP 374     ABL  76.                                                                Tob2012b
02497+1209 CHR 201     First detected as an occultation binary by Evn1983a.                    .       
02498-0220 GWP 376     ABL  78.                                                                Tob2012b
02498-0346 GWP 375     ABL  77.                                                                Tob2012b
02498-2015 HJ 3533     B is BD-20@523.                                                         .       
02498-2434 BU  877     gam 1 For. AB =? LDS  80. Separation and position angle (sf)            .       
                       agree, as does the DM number from LDS catalog. The quoted primary       .       
                       magnitude of the LDS pair is much fainter, however - possibly a poor    .       
                       measure of CB instead?                                                  .       
02499+0856 STF 313     B component is EE Cet, a W UMa type eclipsing binary, P = 0.37992d.     Zas2012 
02499-0206 GWP 377     ABL  79.                                                                Tob2012b
02500+2716 MCA  10     Aa,Ab: 41 Ari = Bharani. Aa is a spectroscopic binary and resolved      .       
                       interferometer pair.                                                    .       
           STT  47     AB: Optical pair, based on study of relative motion of the              .       
                       components using the method of apparent motion parameters.              Kiy2008 
           H 5 116     AC: H V 116.                                                            .       
                       AC: Optical pair, based on study of relative motion of the              .       
                       components using the method of apparent motion parameters.              Kiy2008 
           H 6   5     AD: H VI 5. D is BD+26@470.                                             .       
02501+1646 GWP 378     XMI 287.                                                                Tob2012b
02502+7255 HJ 2157     Also known as STF 298.                                                  .       
                       Primary is V793 Cas, an Algol-type eclipsing binary, period 1.652303d.  Zas2011 
02502+1343 SHY 426     HIP  13223 + HIP  13122.                                                .       
02502+0641 AG   55     AB,C: HJL  42.                                                          HJL1986 
02502-3551 HJ 3536     eta 2 For                                                               .       
02504+3551 LDS3430     Old LDS6138. LDS9138.                                                   .       
                       NLTT 9076/9097                                                          Chm2004 
02505+1113 BPM  60     [PM2000]  104291 + [PM2000]  104261.                                    Gvr2010 
02505-0414 GWP 379     ABL  80.                                                                Tob2012b
02506+3819 BUP  34     16 Per.                                                                 .       
02507+5554 STF 307     eta Per = 15 Per = Miram. A is a spectroscopic binary. B is BD+55@712.  .       
                       Mk III Limb-darkened diameter  5.381 +/- 0.055 mas.                     MkT2003 
                       NPOI Limb-darkened diameter    5.260 +/- 0.073 mas,                     .       
                       R =  173.10 (+9.69-10.80)  \rsun,  Teff = 4082 +/-  30 K,               .       
                       L = 7508.  +/- 864  \lsun.                                              NOI2023 
02507+1910 TOK  76     HIP 13269. The 2MASS PSC companion at 17.2" is likely an artifact (not  .       
                       detected in J and H bands). A is an astrometric binary.                 Tok2011a
02507+1601 BPM  61     [PM2000]  104457 + [PM2000]  104476.                                    Gvr2010 
02508-3956 SHY 427     AB: HIP  13271 + HIP  13499.                                            .       
02509+0331 PLQ  36     LDS3432.                                                                .       
02510+1317 GWP 381     XMI 289.                                                                Tob2012b
02510+1329 GWP 380     XMI 288.                                                                Tob2012b
02510-2100 SEE  20     tau 2 Eri = 2 Eri = Angetenar                                           .       
02511+6025 STF 306     Spectroscopic binary, also classified Oe5V and O7.5.                    .       
                       AC: See BDS 1430.                                                       .       
                       AG: G component = A component of 02512+6023.                            .       
           STI 398     EF: previously 02512+6025STI 298AB, merged with STF 206 system.         .       
                       fh: previously 02512+6025STI 298bc, merged with STF 206 system.         .       
02512+6023 D  9001     See BDS 1431.                                                           .       
02513+0303 HO  218     Position angle and distance changing rapidly but                        .       
                       period not established. Needs speckle.                                  .       
02514-1526 GWP 382     ABL  81.                                                                Tob2012b
02514-2139 DON  43     Gomez et al. (2016) derive dynamical parallax and component masses:     .       
                       8.24 +/- 0.22 mas, 1.110 +/- 0.014 Msun, 1.045 +/- 0.013 Msun.          Doc2016i
02516+6033 BU 1374     B component spectral type B0III                                         AbH2000 
                       CD: Also known as STI 400.                                              .       
02516+4803 HJ 2160     AB: Rectilinear solution by Cvetkovic et al. (2017).                    Cve2017 
02517+5921 GIC  35     G246-014/G246-013.                                                      .       
02518+5819 BLL   8     A is a spectroscopic binary. B is BD+57@652.                            .       
02518-2117 SEE  21     This very close visual system was discovered at a separation of 0".36   See1898b
                       and has closed steadily for over 90 years. It is unknown at this        .       
                       point whether the system is still approaching periastron or has         .       
                       begun to widen.                                                         Hrt1993 
02520-5347 BRT2020     CD-54@578.                                                              .       
02521+1536 GWP 383     XMI 290.                                                                Tob2012b
02521-6054 HJ 3540     CD-61@515.                                                              .       
02522+1520 BPM  62     [PM2000]  105424 + [PM2000]  105482.                                    Gvr2010 
02525+2505 LDS1140     NLTT 9175/9176                                                          Chm2004 
02525-1246 LWR   4     EP Eri                                                                  .       
02527-1105 GWP 384     ABL  84.                                                                Tob2012b
02529+5300 STF 314     AB,C: H 1  38.                                                          MEv2010 
02529+1040 AG   56     HD 17906, W UMa-type eclipsing binary, period 0.4238 d.                 Zas2018 
02531-1212 GAL 327     Object #78 in Gallo's original list.                                    Gal1912b
02532+4155 LDS9139     Old LDS6139.                                                            .       
02532-1007 GWP 385     ABL  85.                                                                Tob2012b
02533+2714 ALP   8     2MASSI J0253202+271333                                                  .       
                       Physical companionship to this ultracool dwarf ruled out based on I-J   .       
                       color, using I-band photometry taken at WIYN in August 2002.            AlP2007 
02536-0745 GWP 386     ABL  86.                                                                Tob2012b
02536-3826 TOK 652     Primary is psi For                                                      Tok2014d
02537+3820 BU  524     AB: 20 Per. Barnard gives this as 20 Per = BU 520.                      Bar1898b
                       Star A is a suspected variable of Delta Scuti type. A suspected         .       
                       spectroscopic 3.5 yr period is not confirmed (Scarfe & Fekel 1978).     Scf1978 
                       A measure on 1979.5326 was incorrectly attributed to ADS 2200 by        .       
                       McAlister & Hendry (1982); it actually belongs to ADS 490.              McA1982d
                       See Baize & Petit (1989) catalog of doubles with variable component.    Baz1989d
                       Aristidi et al. (1999) orbit includes mass determination.               Ari1999 
                       Docobo et al. (2001) orbit includes mass determination.                 Doc2001c
                       Calculated mass sum is 3.88 +/- 0.58 Msun, a bit high for a pair of     .       
                       mid-F dwarfs.                                                           Mut2010b
                       AB: Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and             .       
                       spectroscopic masses 3.88 +/- 0.60, 2.99, and 1.38 Msun, respectively.  Mlk2012 
           STF 318     AB,C: HJL  43.                                                          HJL1986 
                       AB,C: H 3  60.                                                          MEv2010 
02542+3644 ES 2555     ALI 274.                                                                .       
02542-1225 GWP 387     ABL  87.                                                                Tob2012b
02543+5246 LAB   1     Aa,Ab: tau Per = 18 Per. Spectrum composite; G4III+A4V. A is a          .       
                       long-period spectroscopic binary, resolved by speckle interferometry.   Lab1974 
                       Speckle observations have resolved the pair and invalidate an           .       
                       astrometric solution by Kamper (1969).                                  Kam1969a
                       van de Kamp & Andersen orbit rejected from Fourth Orbit Catalog         Kam1969a
                       ("amplitude below noise level")                                         Wor1983 
                       Time of 1989 mideclipse determined as JD = 2447542.31+/-0.01d.          DSH1991 
                       Eclipse duration is 2.09d. Inclination of orbit is 88.74deg.            .       
                       Time of 1989 mideclipse determined as JD = 2447542.34d. Their model     REG1992 
                       results give 16 \rsun, 2.4 \msun, Sp G8IIIa and Teff = 5160+/-150 for   .       
                       the primary and 2.2 \rsun, 1.8 \msun, Sp A3/4V and Teff = 8970+/-150    .       
                       for the secondary. The mass ratio is 1.1+/-0.2.                         .       
                       Time of 1989 mideclipse determined as JD = 2447542.302/-0.007d.         Smk1990 
                       Eclipse duration is 1.936+/-0.029d. P = 1515.869+/-0.059d.              .       
                       Time of 1984 mideclipse determined as JD = 2446026.48+/-0.05d.          XXX1986 
                       Eclipse duration is 2.3-3.1d.                                           .       
                       Zeta Aurigae-type binary.                                               .       
                       The elements P, T, e, and longitude of periastron for the McAlister     McA1981c
                       (1981) orbit are from the orbit by Colacevich (1941).                   Cla1941 
                       See Baize & Petit (1989) catalog of doubles with variable component.    Baz1989d
                       Hipparcos astrometric solution adopted some elements from the orbit of  HIP1997d
                       Demircan & Selam (1992).                                                Dmr1992 
                       The 52" distant, visual double BC may be physical.                      .       
02544+0946 HJ  658     HIP 13543. B is a known close binary A 2341 of 1.3" separation,         .       
                       partially resolved in the ANDICAM images in K and V bands.              Tok2011a
02544-0030 GWP 390     AB: ABL  88AB.                                                          Tob2012b
           GWP 391     AC: ABL  88AC.                                                          Tob2012b
02544+0635 GWP 388     XMI 291.                                                                Tob2012b
02544+1754 GWP 389     XMI 292.                                                                Tob2012b
02546+1306 BPM  63     [PM2000]  107057 + [PM2000]  107037.                                    Gvr2010 
02548+4332 HJ 2162     Star C is A of HJ 2163, BDS 1479.                                       .       
02548+2916 BRT 130     1deg error in WDS designation, apparently an error in transcribing      .       
                       coordinates from the original source. Appears to be the same as COU 677..       
02548-0640 GWP 393     ABL  89.                                                                Tob2012b
02548+1401 GWP 392     XMI 293.                                                                Tob2012b
02548-2754 HDO  58     Aka HDO  61.                                                            .       
02549+1913 GWP 394     XMI 294.                                                                Tob2012b
02549-0709 JNN  21     The primary is an SB2 binary with an 11.8 day period (Torres et al.     .       
                       2002 AJ, 123, 1701). Since the angular confirmed to share a common      .       
                       proper motion) for the purpose of multiplicity statistics, although it  .       
                       is really a triple system. To estimate the mass of the primary for the  .       
                       purpose of deriving the mass ratio to the tertiary component detected   .       
                       in our images, we adopt the mass ratio of 0.58 derived from the         .       
                       spectroscopic orbit and use the mass corresponding to an M3 spectral    .       
                       type for the primary.                                                   Jnn2012 
02550-1402 GAL 328     Object #81 in Gallo's original list.                                    Gal1912b
02552-0800 EGN   2     Pair likely unbound.                                                    Egn2007 
02552-4549 CPO 113     This is ESO 247-11, B is an interacting galaxies.                       Dam2010 
02553-0348 GWP 396     ABL  91.                                                                Tob2012b
02553-1209 GWP 395     ABL  90.                                                                Tob2012b
02555+0731 GWP 397     XMI 295.                                                                Tob2012b
02556+2652 STF 326     Parabolic orbit by Hopmann (1967).                                      Hop1967 
                       sigma = areal constant in the true orbit = 0.05215 arcsec^2/yr          .       
                       q = periastron distance in the true orbit = 2".827                      .       
                       Data appear equally well fit by rectilinear solution - see catalog.     .       
02556+1311 HU 1047     Close, position angles scattered. No positive observations since 1937.  .       
02557-1223 GAL 329     Object #82 in Gallo's original list.                                    Gal1912b
02558+3429 LDS9140     BC: Old LDS6140.                                                        .       
                       NLTT 9308/9312                                                          Chm2004 
02558+1909 A  2342     Closing in with little angular change.                                  .       
02558-1606 GWP 398     ABL  92.                                                                Tob2012b
02559+1455 BPMA  3     [PM2000]  107836 + [PM2000]  107938.                                    Gvr2010 
02559-1521 LDS3441     NLTT 9361/9360                                                          Chm2004 
02560+1221 GWP 399     XMI 296.                                                                Tob2012b
02561+2003 HER   6     AC: Additional notes may be found in Herbig (1962).                     Her1962 
           CVN   6     Ca,Cb: COR   1Aa,Ab previously cataloged is actually this pair.         .       
02562+2359 JNN 253     Estimated age 1000-10000 Myr; masses 0.07 +/- 0.02 and 0.07 +/- 0.01    .       
                       Msun; a ~0.4 au.                                                        Jnn2014 
02563+5852 STF 321     B is BD+58@531.                                                         .       
02563-1816 GWP 400     ABL  93.                                                                Tob2012b
02564+1534 BPM  64     [PM2000]  108162 + [PM2000]  108210.                                    Gvr2010 
02564-1722 LDS3442     NLTT 9390/9388                                                          Chm2004 
02565+6322 MLB 390     Also known as STI 405.                                                  .       
02565+5526 LDS5401     Duplicity first noted by Ross: Ross 364-5.                              Ros1926 
02567+4248 LDS9141     old LDS6141. A is possibly the same as A of LDS2815.                    .       
                       AB: NLTT 9354/9355                                                      Chm2004 
02570+1244 BPM  65     [PM2000]  108547 + [PM2000]  108528.                                    Gvr2010 
02571-1244 GWP 401     MBL   1.                                                                Tob2012b
02572+1157 GWP 402     XMI 297.                                                                Tob2012b
02572+0153 A  2413     Component variable?                                                     Hln1963 
                       See Baize & Petit (1989) catalog of doubles with variable component.    Baz1989d
                       According to Scardia et al. (2001), this orbit is now well defined and  Sca2001d
                       will certainly change little in the future; only the period is still    .       
                       slightly uncertain. The Hipparcos parallax is 0".02012 +/- 0.00150.     .       
                       This gives a mass sum of 2.1 Msun +/- 29%, agreeing very well with      .       
                       expected values for a system of type G0. Compared to the orbit          .       
                       calculated by Scardia in 1980, the total mass of the system, whose      Sca1980e
                       uncertainty was then 55%, is now much better defined. The dynamical     .       
                       parallax is 0".0193, well in agreement with the measured parallax.      .       
                       Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and spectroscopic   .       
                       masses of 1.64 +/- 0.52, 2.04, and 1.05 Msun, respectively.             Mlk2012 
02572-2458 BU  741     Rica (2012) derived a dynamical parallax of 45.0 mas (compared with     FMR2012g
                       44.51 +/- 2.09 mas from Hipparcos) and a mass sum (using the Hipparcos  .       
                       parallax) of 1.5 +/- 0.3 Msun.                                          .       
                       AB: Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and             .       
                       spectroscopic masses 1.46 +/- 0.44, 1.66, and 0.79 Msun, respectively.  Mlk2012 
02573+3156 DCH 116     21 Per.                                                                 .       
02578+4431 STF 328     Statistically the same parallax within the errors would indicate the    .       
                       components are physical.                                                .       
02579+6400 STI 409     PTT 7.                                                                  .       
02579+0025 STF 332     HJL  44.                                                                HJL1986 
02581+6912 STF 317     BDS mentions a third star 15 sec f at 102.4@.                           .       
02582+0310 GWP 403     XMI 298.                                                                Tob2012b
02583-0002 GWP 404     MBL   2.                                                                Tob2012b
02583-4018 PZ    2     the Eri = Acamar. A is a spectroscopic binary.                          .       
02584-0135 A   208     C is BD-02@528.                                                         .       
02585-1453 GWP 405     MBL   3.                                                                Tob2012b
02586+2408 BU 1173     Star C (mag. 13, 4.6") is probably physical.                            .       
02586+1741 HO  498     Last star in a row of four. STT 49 20' n, 1.9m f.                       Ho_1899a
02586+1302 GWP 406     XMI 299.                                                                Tob2012b
02586-1628 GWP 407     MBL   4.                                                                Tob2012b
02588+4322 LDS2816     B is BD+42@664.                                                         .       
02590-0746 GRV 996     SLW 141.                                                                .       
02592+2120 STF 333     eps Ari. Variable velocity suspected.                                   .       
                       Rica (2012) derived a mass sum (using the Hipparcos parallax 9.81 +/-   FMR2012g
                       0.79 mas) of 7.4 +/- 1.8 Msun.                                          .       
02594+6034 TRN  14     The image rotator was in an unknown state, so two possible theta        .       
                       values are listed for the 2001.7451 observation - one for zenith up     .       
                       and one for north up.                                                   Trn2008 
                       Position angle ambiguity solved by Jesus Maiz Apellaniz.                .       
02595+3916 BRT2202     ALI 763.                                                                .       
02596+3849 MLB1002     ALI 764.                                                                .       
02596+0508 BAL2603     J 1811.                                                                 .       
02596-1436 LDS3445     NLTT 9570/9569                                                          Chm2004 
02596-2516 LDS3446     zet For                                                                 .       
                       NLTT 9579/9563                                                          Chm2004 
02598+3856 LAW  11     LSPM J0259+3855 = NLTT 9527. Law et al (2008) derive a distance of      Law2008 
                       18.8 +9.3/-3.4 pc and a projected separation of 17.6 +9.4/-2.8 au.      .       
                       Estimated spectral types are M4.5 and M5.5.                             .       
03001+6244 STI 417     MLB 391.                                                                .       
03001+3911 ALI 765     A is the eclipsing binary ST Per.                                       .       
03001+1139 BPM  66     [PM2000]  110407 + [PM2000]  110416.                                    Gvr2010 
03002-1110 BRT2627     J 1454.                                                                 .       
03006+4753 A  1529     Round 1951 - 1954.                                                      .       
03007+5700 KR   15     Heintz gives the correct identification and position.                   Hei1983a
03008+1527 BPM  67     [PM2000]  110893 + [PM2000]  110922.                                    Gvr2010 
03009+5940 STTA 31     B is BD+59@581.                                                         .       
03009+5221 STF 331     Both components are spectroscopic binaries.                             .       
                       H 3  36.                                                                MEv2010 
03011+4453 HJ 2167     AB: HJL  45.                                                            HJL1986 
03012-1816 GWP 408     ABL  94.                                                                Tob2012b
03013+6035 MLR 108     V1018 Cas, an Algol-type eclipsing binary, period 4.12781d.             Zas2011 
03013-0636 GWP 409     ABL  95.                                                                Tob2012b
03014+1607 BPM  68     [PM2000]  111250 + [PM2000]  111338.                                    Gvr2010 
03014+0615 HDS 385     Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and spectroscopic   .       
                       masses of 1.20 +/- 0.32, 1.76, and 1.82 Msun, respectively.             Mlk2012 
                       Teff for A & B : 5670 +/- 100 and 5580 +/- 100 K                        Mda2018 
                       R    for A & B : 0.877+/-0.08 and 0.821+/-0.07 \rsun                    .       
                       L    for A & B : 0.71 +/-0.06 and 0.59 +/-0.09 \lsun                    .       
                       M    for A & B : 0.99 +/-0.19 and 0.96 +/-0.15 \msun                    .       
                       Age = 11.5 +/- 2 Gyr.                                                   .       
03014-1409 GWP 410     ABL  96.                                                                Tob2012b
03015+6029 ALV   1     RAFGL 4029 IRS 1. Massive YSO, member of cluster of IR sources.         Alv2004 
03015+3225 STF 336     SEI  26.                                                                Nsn2017a
03019-1633 RST2292     AB: LDS3448.                                                            .       
                       A : M = 0.257+/-0.014 \msun, R = 0.268+/-0.027 \rsun.                   WJG2019b
                       B : M = 0.215+/-0.014 \msun, R = 0.236+/-0.027 \rsun.                   WJG2019b
                       C : M = 0.161+/-0.014 \msun, R = 0.197 /-0.027 \rsun.                   WJG2019b
03021+0005 GAU   2     BAL 652.                                                                .       
03023+4124 STF 337     B is below MS in both (V,V-K) and (J,J-K) CMDs: wrong plx(B)=39.9mas!   .       
                       Wrong PM(B) in HIP?                                                     Tok2014d
03023+1820 A  2414     A premature orbit has been computed.                                    .       
03023+0405 alp Cet     Menkar                                                                  .       
                       1975.634: Disk possible marginally resolved (0".014 +/- 0".005) at 400  .       
                       and 425 nm.                                                             .       
                       1975.639: Disk possible marginally resolved at 460 nm.                  Bla1977a
03023-7154 FIN 360     the Hyi. Not seen for certain 1962-1969, and not observed since.        .       
                       Needs speckle.                                                          .       
03024+4204 BRT1135     LDS2824.                                                                .       
03025-1516 HJL1114     IR Eri. A combined interferometric/spectroscopic solution by            .       
                       Halbwachs et al. (2016) yields masses 0.982 +/- 0.010 and 0.8819 +/-    .       
                       0.0089 Msun.                                                            HJL2016 
03027-0741 BU   11     rho 2 Eri = 9 Eri. Note: this is not p Eridani (= 01398-5612DUN   5).   .       
03030-0205 STF 341     Primary is possible SB? On Keck RV program, but only small RV var.      Tok2014d
                       A 1136d spectroscopic solution for the B component has been found       Tok2019g
                       making this a triple system.                                            .       
03031-0049 GWP 413     ABL  97.                                                                Tob2012b
03032-0215 J  1455     BAL 21.                                                                 .       
03033-1848 GWP 414     ABL  98.                                                                Tob2012b
03034-0804 LDS5409     A possible wide companion to 2MASS J03032132-0805153 at 172" with       .       
                       similar proper motion is noted in WDS.                                  Jnn2012 
03035+2304 HDS 389     AB: Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and             .       
                       spectroscopic masses 1.50 +/- 0.27, 1.91, and 1.79 Msun, respectively.  Mlk2012 
                       Primary is SB, P(AB)=2152d=5.89y.  Metchev & Hillenbrand (2009)         Met2009 
                       resolve AB and list two faint optical(?) companions at 4", dK~5.        Tok2014d
                       Teff for A & B : 6140 +/- 100 and 5300 +/- 100 K                        Mda2018 
                       R    for A & B : 1.234+/-0.05 and 0.820+/-0.05 \rsun                    .       
                       L    for A & B : 1.94 +/-0.08 and 0.48 +/-0.10 \lsun                    .       
                       M    for A & B : 1.18 +/-0.22 and 0.84 +/-0.12 \msun                    .       
                       Age =  3.5 +/- 1.5 Gyr.                                                 .       
03036+3627 BUP  37     The COU 869Aa companion was suspected by Burnham.                       Bu_1913 
03036-1001 GWP 415     ABL  99.                                                                Tob2012b
03036-2536 BRG  17     One or both of the stars in this system must be highly variable. The    .       
                       magnitude differences between the primary and secondary vary from 5.14  .       
                       mag to 1.72 mag between different observations in Bergfors et al.       Brg2010 
                       (2010) and here. In contrast to the individual note on this system in   .       
                       Bergfors et al., we assume here that the designation LTT 1453 refers    .       
                       to the primary star.                                                    Jnn2012 
                       First noted as a likely binary by Makarov & Kaplan (2005), based on     Mkr2005 
                       significant differences between Hipparcos and Tycho proper motions,     .       
                       then later resolved as part of the Astralux Lucky imaging survey by     .       
                       Bergfors et al. (2010) and Janson et al. (2012). Their 2008 and 2010    Brg2010 
                       measures, together with measures from 2011 reveal a constant            Jnn2012 
                       separation but a P.A. changing by ~3 deg/yr.                            Bwl2015 
03038+0608 KPP3161     A : Teff =  6113 +/-   40 K, M = 1.06 +/- 0.06 \msun.                   XXX2020a
                       B : Teff = 18200 +/- 3000 K, M = 1.12 +/- 0.15 \msun.                   .       
03039+1514 BPM  69     [PM2000]  112964 + [PM2000]  112917.                                    Gvr2010 
03041+3509 POP  11     Popovic coordinate offset was apparently in error.                      Pop1969c
03042+6142 LDS9142     Old LDS6142.                                                            .       
03044+2118 JNN  23     The close (~0.40") companion to 2MASS J03042184+2118154 is counted as   .       
                       an unconfirmed binary companion, since it has not yet been tested for   .       
                       common proper motion.                                                   Jnn2012 
03045+3844 SMA  33     ALI 766.                                                                .       
03046-5119 DUN  10     B is CD-51@706.                                                         .       
                       SHY 433. Bayesian analysis by Shaya & Olling (2011) indicates very      Shy2011 
                       high (near 100%) probability pair is physical.                          .       
                       HIP 14307 and 14313 form a 38" pair belonging to the FG-67 sample.      .       
           TOK 428     AC: AC is not co-moving. C=HIP14257 has different parallax              Tok2014d
           TOK 428     Ba,Bb: The component B is resolved here at 0".19. The estimated         .       
                       period of Ba,Bb is ~25yr. No motion is seen in 2 months. The subsystem  .       
                       Ba,Bb is also manifested by asymmetric line profiles (Tokovinin, in     .       
                       preparation). The A component has never been observed at high angular   .       
                       resolution.                                                             Tok2015c
03047+6346 STF 335     B is BD+63@388.                                                         .       
03048+5330 WRH  29     Aa,Ab: gam Per = 23 Per. SB2. Spectrum composite: G8III+A2V.            WRH1955 
                       zeta Aurigae-type binary.                                               .       
                       1975.781: Uncertain angle readout                                       Bla1977a
                       Analyses of the spectroscopic/interferometric orbit are given by        McA1982a
                       McAlister (1982) and Popper & McAlister (1987). Elements P, T, e for    Ppp1987 
                       the McAlister (1982) orbit are from the spectroscopic orbit by          .       
                       McLaughlin (1948).                                                      MLa1948 
                       Hipparcos astrometric solution adopted some elements from the orbit of  HIP1997d
                       McAlister (1982).                                                       McA1982a
                       Pourbaix gives combined solution for this resolved SB2, yielding        Pbx2000b
                       orbital parallaxes and component masses.                                .       
                       1998.657: Absolute quadrant determined by triple-correlation technique  Pru2002b
                       The physical nature of visual companion B (57", mag. 11) is uncertain.  .       
                       Aa,Ab: Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical and spectroscopic masses   .       
                       5.80 +/- 88.31 and 4.72 Msun, respectively.                             Mlk2012 
                       NPOI Limb-darkened diameter  3.894 +/- 0.018 mas, Sp = G8III,           NOI2018 
                       R =31.21 +/- 1.195 \rsun, Teff = 4589 +/- 58 K, L =389.6 +/-35.5 \lsun, .       
                       M = 3.64 +/- 0.25 \msun, Age = 0.23 +/- 0.05 Gyr.                       .       
03048-0603 GWP 416     ABL 101.                                                                Tob2012b
03049+3446 HU  812     Hussey position angle 1902: 199.4@. Probably wrong quadrant.            Hu_1905a
                       HIP 14342. See Allen et al. (2000) for information on metallicity,      AlC2000 
                       age, galactic orbital parameters, etc.                                  .       
03052-0156 GWP 417     ABL 102.                                                                Tob2012b
03052-3725 BRG  18     This target, like BRG  23, gives conflicting information about whether  .       
                       the AB pair is physically bound. The brightness and color are fully     .       
                       consistent with B being an M3.5 companion to the M2.0 primary.          .       
                       Furthermore, the separation is only 0.2", and the whole field is        .       
                       otherwise empty. This indicates physical companionship. However, the    .       
                       deviation from the expectation of a background source is only 1.1       .       
                       sigma, and the companion has moved 3.6 times closer to the background   .       
                       expectation than its original position where the motion has a 14 sigma  .       
                       confidence. This, by contrast, suggests a chance alignment. Since the   .       
                       magnitude of motion is not inconsistent with what could be expected     .       
                       for orbital motion of a real physical pair, we keep it as binary in     .       
                       our analysis, but we note that further observations will be necessary   .       
                       in order to resolve this issue satisfactorily.                          Jnn2012 
03054+2515 STF 346     52 Ari. AB: Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and     .       
                       spectroscopic masses 9.10 +/- 6.84, 6.89, and 3.39 Msun, respectively.  Mlk2012 
03054-1432 GWP 418     ABL 103.                                                                Tob2012b
03055+0234 BAL1630     OL  183.                                                                .       
03056+1150 GIC  36     G005-013/G005-012.                                                      .       
03056-0238 GWP 419     ABL 104.                                                                Tob2012b
03058+3202 ES  326     BC: SEI  27.                                                            Nsn2017a
03059+1302 BPMA  4     [PM2000]  114294 + [PM2000]  114392.                                    Gvr2010 
03061+7925 STF 320     Spectroscopic binary? Spectrum composite; M1III+F7IV.                   .       
03063-1243 LDS3452     NLTT 9888/9881                                                          Chm2004 
03064+1545 ALP   9     2MASSW J0306268+154514                                                  .       
                       Physical companionship to this ultracool dwarf ruled out based on I-J   .       
                       color, using I-band photometry taken at WIYN in February 2003.          AlP2007 
03069+4022 A  1532     Also known as V568 Per.                                                 .       
                       A is a 1325d spectroscopic double which cannot be this pair.            Tok2019b
03071+3757 BRT2203     ALI 513.                                                                .       
03072-0520 GWP 423     ABL 105.                                                                Tob2012b
03073-1346 CRJ   7     Crepp et al. (2015) determine effective temperatures for the A and B    .       
                       components of 5680 +/- 40 and 978 +20/-43K. Spectral types are G3V and  .       
                       T5.5 +/- 1, masses 0.95 +/- 0.02 and >51.9 +3.6/-4.3 Mjup,              .       
                       ages 4.6-10 Gyr.                                                        CrJ2015 
03074+5831 RAFGL 437   Shows subarcsecond monopolar nebula extending towards SE at PA          .       
                       135 +/- 10deg.                                                          Alv2004 
03075-7859 HJ 3568     A is a spectroscopic binary.                                            .       
03076-4702 TOK 206     The companion with q = 0.29 is resolved with NICI but unresolved with   .       
                       speckle,  being too faint in the optical.                               Tok2012a
03077+3637 ENG  11     B is BD+36@631.                                                         .       
                       Optical pair, based on study of relative motion of the components       .       
                       using the method of apparent motion parameters.                         Kiy2008 
03078+2533 TOK 234     The B component was suspected of duplicity (0".253, 240.5deg,           .       
                       dI=2.7mag) by RoboAO, but the pair was not accepted as real             Tok2014d
03078+1223 BPM  70     [PM2000]  115596 + [PM2000]  115589.                                    Gvr2010 
03078-2750 VIG   3     Optical/physical nature of the faint companion is undefined.            Vig2012 
03079-2813 LDS  86     AB: NLTT 9987/9985                                                      Chm2004 
03080-0135 GWP 425     ABL 107.                                                                Tob2012b
03080-0537 GWP 424     ABL 106.                                                                Tob2012b
03082+4057 LAB   2     Aa,Ab: bet Per = 26 Per = Algol , prototype of the Algol-type binaries. .       
                       The eclipse phenomena, known since historical times (although the time  .       
                       of minimum brightness was first measured by Montanari on 8 Nov 1670)    .       
                       was first explained as an eclipsing binary by Goodericke as early as    .       
                       1782. According to R.G. Aitken, this was verified when it was noted as  A__1935f
                       the second spectroscopic binary based on photographic spectra           .       
                       obtained by Prof. H.C. Vogel at Potsdam in November, 1889. Belopolsky   .       
                       discovered a variation in the radial velocity with a period of order    .       
                       1.8 years, later resolved by Labeyrie and his speckle camera in 1973;   Lab1974 
                       the magnitude difference is about 2.5.                                  .       
                       The binary, a radio and X-ray source, is triple (and possibly           .       
                       quadruple, but the variation with the 32 yr period is more probably an  .       
                       apsidal rotation of the eclipsing pair).                                .       
                       The spectroscopic data were discussed by Hill et al. (1970, 1971).      HlG1970 
                       ADS lists several distant, faint, and probably optical companions.      HlG1971 
                       Elements P, T, e, and omega for Labeyrie et al. (1974) orbit adopted    Lab1974 
                       from the spectroscopic orbit of Hill et al. (1971).                     .       
                       Analysis of the spectroscopic/interferometric orbit is given by         .       
                       Bonneau (1979)                                                          Bnu1979 
                       See Baize & Petit (1989) catalog of doubles with variable component.    Baz1989d
                       Hipparcos astrometric solution adopts some elements from the orbits of  HIP1997d
                       Pan et al. (1993) and                                                   MkT1993a
                       Gatewood et al. (1995).                                                 Gat1995 
                       Peterson et al. (2011) orbits of both the outer (LAB   2Aa,Ab) and      Ptn2011 
                       inner (CSI   1Aa1,Aa2) are based on VLBI measures combined with         .       
                       speckle and radial velocity data. Assuming masses of the primary and    .       
                       secondary of 3.70 and 0.79 Msun, respectively, they derive a mass for   .       
                       the tertiary of 1.51 +/- 0.02 Msun.                                     .       
           BU  526     AB: Additional notes may be found in Burnham (1894).                    Bu_1894 
03084+4020 BRT2204     ALI 1031.                                                               .       
03084+2620 OSO  14     G037-026. Not a common proper motion pair, based on color               Oso2004 
03084-2410 LDS  87     NLTT 10008/10007                                                        Chm2004 
03084-7033 HLN  19     DAM 782.                                                                .       
03087+1736 COU2680     BD+17@499a.                                                             .       
03087-1432 GWP 426     ABL 108.                                                                Tob2012b
                       Not a double star, but an edge-on galaxy: USNO-B1.0 proper motion is    Skf2012 
                       spurious.                                                               .       
03088-0952 GWP 427     ABL 109.                                                                Tob2012b
03090+4415 STF 351     B is BD+43@637.                                                         .       
03090+1740 COU 358     BD+17 501a. Mistaken identification with BD+17 501 led to earlier       .       
                       incorrect WDS designation as 03088+1801.                                .       
03091+4937 BUP  38     iot Per. Proper motion of A +1263 -091.                                 .       
03092+0728 STFA  6     STTA 32. B is BD+06@487.                                                .       
03094-3004 LDS3460     NLTT 10074/10076                                                        Chm2004 
03095+4544 HDS 404     Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and spectroscopic   .       
                       masses of 0.90 +/- 0.09, 0.87, and 0.75 Msun, respectively.             Mlk2012 
03095+4451 ES 2596     kap Per = 27 Per = Misam. A is a spectroscopic binary.                  .       
03096+0512 A  2030     Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and spectroscopic   .       
                       masses of 1.41 +/- 0.32, 2.11, and 1.05 Msun, respectively.             Mlk2012 
03096-0054 CHE  75     Aka BAL 281.                                                            .       
03098-1238 GWP 428     ABL 110.                                                                Tob2012b
03099-0654 UX Eri      Multiple system including contact binary. Pribulla & Rucinski (2006)    Pbl2006 
                       estimate the mass of the contact pair at 1.901 Msun and the minimum     .       
                       mass of the wider component at 0.59 Msun.                               .       
03099-8332 HJ 3582     Spectral type of A : F2IIISrEuSi:  Estimated orbital period ~100,000y.  Soz2017 
03101+0210 RST5197     Aka TDS2463.                                                            .       
03101-6355 HJ 3559     B is CPD-64@231.                                                        .       
03104+0238 OL  177     Not found by Heintz at IDS position. Position corrected.                Hei1990b
03104-0004 GWP 429     ABL 111.                                                                Tob2012b
03105+5040 LDS9143     Old LDS6143.                                                            .       
03107+2226 LDS3461     NLTT 10112/10110                                                        Chm2004 
03107-4023 LDS9144     Old LDS6144.  Recognized to be the same as LDS5414 by John Greaves.     Grv2006c
03108+3724 LDS9145     Old LDS6145.                                                            .       
                       NLTT 10082/10091                                                        Chm2004 
03110+1648 SPF   1     L dwarf 2MASS J03105986+1648155 resolved into close components at L/T   .       
                       boundary. Approximate orbital period 72 +/- 4 years, distance 25 +/- 4  .       
                       pc, system mass ~30-60 Mjup. Spectral types of both components are      .       
                       estimated at L9 +/- 1.                                                  Spf2010 
03112+2225 H 5 117     Also known as STF 359.                                                  .       
                       AC: Rectilinear solution by Friedman et al. (2011).                     USN2011a
03113+3937 BLL  10     ome Per = 28 Per                                                        .       
03117+8128 STF 327     A is a spectroscopic binary.                                            .       
03118+3525 GIC  37     G095-014/G095-013.                                                      .       
03119+6131 HDS 407     A is also a 59d spectroscopic binary.                                   Tok2019b
03121-2859 HJ 3555     alp For = 12 Eri = Dalim. The magnitude of B is uncertain and has been  .       
                       suspected to vary. Another century is needed for apastron coverage.     .       
                       See Baize & Petit (1989) catalog of doubles with variable component.    Baz1989d
                       A is GJ 127. B is possible SB. Variability of RV(B) is based on         .       
                       historic RV (Eggen, van den Bos)                                        Tok2014d
03121-6420 HJ 3562     B is CPD -64@231.                                                       .       
03122+3713 STF 360     A premature orbit has been calculated. Data appear equally well fit by  .       
                       rectilinear solution - see rectilinear elements catalog.                .       
                       A is SB1, P=415d. B is possible long-period SB.                         Tok2014d
03123-2727 LDS  88     NLTT 10222/10227                                                        Chm2004 
03124-4425 JC    5     Ma,Mb = 1.365 +/- 0.031, 1.134 +/- 0.024 \msun.                         GmJ2022 
03124-1157 GWP 432     AB: ABL 112AB.                                                          Tob2012b
           GWP 433     AC: ABL 112AC.                                                          Tob2012b
03124-4425 JC    8     Variable RV of AB, not explained by the visual motion, has been         .       
                       reported (Eggen 1965), but Heintz's mass ratio does not support         Egg1965b
                       the presence of a fourth body.                                          Hei1979a
                       AB: Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and             .       
                       spectroscopic masses 2.59 +/- 0.73, 2.18, and 3.82 Msun, respectively.  Mlk2012 
           HJ 3556     AB,C: Star C (mag. 9.2, 3.5") is in slow retrograde motion.             .       
                       Heintz (1979) gives AB orbit, attempts AC orbit with P=987yr.           Hei1979a
                       The motion of AC is not directed away from PM(A), hence physical.       Tok2014d
03125-3449 LDS  89     LDS5418.                                                                .       
03127+7133 STT  50     A premature orbit has been calculated.                                  .       
                       Bespalov (1961) has a = 1".618, Finsen & Worley (1970) assume this      Bsp1961 
                       is a misprint.                                                          Fin1970b
03128+3720 WZ    6     ES 2556.                                                                .       
03128-0112 HJ  663     94 Cet.                                                                 .       
                       AB: B is PMS star and SB1 (P=2.026y). Planet (P= 1.2y=535.7d) around    .       
                       A. Is this true planet or Ba,Bb effect?                                 Tok2014d
                       CHARA Array Limb-darkened diameter  0.788 +/- 0.026 mas,                CIA2008c
                       R =  1.930 +/- 0.067 \rsun.                                             .       
           TOK 654     AF: CPM companion HD 20619 = GJ 135: 7.03V, G1.5, HD 20169 at 133'      .       
                       from AB (0.7 pc)                                                        Tok2014d
03130+3254 LDS9146     AB: Old LDS6146.                                                        .       
                       B is deeply below MS, blue in V-K and J-K. White dwarf?  WDS: too fast  .       
                       motion of AB, optical? Hyades cluster. CfA: RV var?                     Tok2014d
                       Hyades cluster. The 2MASS companion B can be physical.                  Tok2014d
                       Previous AD companion, TOK 655, is the same as the known AB pair. The   Dam2015d
                       Luyten measure was poor.                                                .       
03130-0343 GWP 434     ABL 113.                                                                Tob2012b
03132+1710 BPM  71     [PM2000]  119048 + [PM2000]  119061.                                    Gvr2010 
03134-0852 GWP 438     ABL 114.                                                                Tob2012b
03135+4417 ES  559     Also known as LDS9147, LDS6147, and LDS2836. These were all recognized  .       
                       by John Greaves (personal corres.) to be the same pair.                 .       
                       NLTT 10231/10232                                                        Chm2004 
03136+3909 STF 364     HJL  46.                                                                HJL1986 
03141+5934 TRN  15     CC Cas. Classification in Mason et al. (1998) is from the tomographic   Msn1998a
                       analysis of Hill et al. (1994 A&A 282, 455).                            .       
                       The image rotator was in an unknown state, so two possible theta        .       
                       values are listed for the 2001.7452 observation - one for zenith up     .       
                       and one for north up.                                                   Trn2008 
03141+0832 GIC  38     G079-015/G079-016.                                                      .       
03144-0227 GWP 440     ABL 115.                                                                Tob2012b
03146-0940 GWP 441     ABL 116.                                                                Tob2012b
03147-3533 GAA   4     TZ For, a detached eclipsing binary.  A combined spectroscopic/         .       
                       interferometric orbit by Gallenne et al. (2016) yields a semimajor      .       
                       axis of 0.5564 +/- 0.0001 au, distance 185.9 +/- 1.9 pc, and the        .       
                       following component parameters:                                         .       
                       mass (Msun):        2.057 +/- 0.001     1.958 +/- 0.001                 .       
                       radius (Rsun):      8.28  +/- 0.22      3.94  +/- 0.17                  .       
                       luminosity (Lsun):  1.57  +/- 0.02      1.36  +/- 0.03                  GaA2016 
03149-1400 HJ 3558     HJ 3551 is identical.                                                   .       
03150+0101 GIC  39     G077-035/G077-034. See Allen et al. (2000) for  information on          AlC2000 
                       metallicity, age, galactic orbital parameters, etc.                     .       
03151+1618 HU 1055     The companions C, D, and E, given in the ADS, do not exist. They        .       
                       should be under ADS 2426.                                               B__1963b
03154-6930 R    22     Also appears to be R    27.                                             .       
03158+5057 HU  544     A = V572 Per: eclipsing binary of Algol-type, period 1.21317 days.      Zas2015
03158-0849 SHY 154     HIP  15197 + HIP  15244. Primary is zet Eri = Zibal.                    .       
03160+4853 LDS9148     Old LDS6148.                                                            .       
                       NLTT 10355/10353                                                        Chm2004 
03160+3441 HO  503     A spectroscopic binary and ellipsoidal variable, V423 Per.              .       
03162+1302 BPMA  5     [PM2000]  120872 + [PM2000]  120882.                                    Gvr2010 
03165-0642 GWP 443     ABL 117.                                                                Tob2012b
03165-3541 SHY 439     AB: HIP  15239 + HIP  15432.                                            .       
           SHY 439     AC: HIP  15239 + HIP  15152.                                            .       
           SHY 439     AD: HIP  15239 + HIP  15933.                                            .       
           SHY 441     BC: HIP  15432 + HIP  15152.                                            .       
03166+4943 ES  463     Aka OL  150.                                                            .       
03166+3238 STF 370     According to Burling, the long unconfirmed system, 03064+3153HJ 5456,   .       
                       may also be this pair.                                                  Bur2005 
                       SEI  29.                                                                Nsn2017a
03167+4237 LDS9149     Old LDS6149.                                                            .       
03167+2639 TOR   4     Formerly known as PAN   1.                                              .       
03167-0332 TOK  78     HIP 15247. A is SB without orbit, dRV= 6.6.                             Nrd2004 
03168+7830 STF 345     Also known as STF 340.                                                  .       
03168+0501 A  2032     HIP 15253. See Allen et al. (2000) for information on metallicity,      AlC2000 
                       age, galactic orbital parameters, etc.                                  .       
03172+4522 PRV   2     GJ 3213. Pravdo et al. (2006) derive masses 0.370 +/- 0.034 and         .       
                       0.195 +/- 0.021 Msun.                                                   Prv2006 
03174+0739 BU 1039     Hyades vB 1. BU 1039AB, with rho = 2".2 and Delta m = 6.0 is outside    .       
                       the detection window.                                                   Msn1993a
                       AC: HJL  47.                                                            HJL1986 
                       AC: SHY 155. Bayesian analysis by Shaya & Olling (2011) indicates very  Shy2011 
                       high (near 100%) probability pair is physical.                          .       
03175+6540 STT  52     A premature orbit has been calculated.                                  .       
03175-0107 GWP 445     ABL 118.                                                                Tob2012b
03175-1222 J  1456     BRT2628.                                                                Brt1947 
03176-1412 GWP 446     ABL 119.                                                                Tob2012b
03177+6108 STI 441     03175+6108SMA  36                                                       .       
03177+3838 STT  53     Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and spectroscopic   .       
                       masses of 2.51 +/- 0.99, 2.40, and 1.05 Msun, respectively.             Mlk2012 
03178-7029 R    28     Aka RSS  62.                                                            .       
03180-6656 EHR   3     Physical/optical nature undefined.                                      Ehr2010 
03182-6230 BNU   2     Aa,Ab: zet 2 Ret. B has common proper motion, +1370 +660, and is        .       
                       CPD-63@217 = zet 1 Ret.                                                 .       
                       Aa,Ab: Likely a spurious pair. Last measured 1978 and unresolved by     .       
                       SOAR on 3 occasions 2008-2012.                                          Tok2010 
                       Aa,Ab is suspicious, 1 observation in WDS, not binary in Raghavan et    Rag2010 
                       al. (2010). Jones et al. (2002) do not detect SB with precise RV at     CPS2002b
                       the AAT.                                                                Tok2014d
           ALB   1     AB = LDS  92.  HIP 15371. See Allen et al. (2000) for information       AlC2000 
                       on metallicity, age, galactic orbital parameters, etc.                  .       
                       AB: SHY  16. Bayesian analysis by Shaya & Olling (2011) indicates very  Shy2011 
                       high (near 100%) probability pair is physical.                          .       
03184-0056 AC    2     95 Cet. According to Eggen this pair shares common proper motion with   Egg1960 
                       BD -01 474 at 11'.                                                      .       
                       See Baize & Petit (1989) catalog of doubles with variable component.    Baz1989d
03184-0708 LDS3473     HIP 15396. See Allen et al. (2000) for information on metallicity,      AlC2000 
                       age, galactic orbital parameters, etc.                                  .       
                       NLTT 10536/10548                                                        Chm2004 
03184-2231 SEE  23     15 Eri. CD-22@1146. Motion direct.                                      .       
                       Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and spectroscopic   .       
                       masses of 1.33 +/- 0.80, 3.35, and 1.20 Msun, respectively.             Mlk2012 
03185+4721 MET   1     V522 Per.                                                               Met2004a
03185+1511 LDS9150     Old LDS6150. HIP 15394. See Allen et al. (2000) for information on      AlC2000 
                       metallicity, age, galactic orbital parameters, etc.                     .       
03186+0827 LUH   6     AC: LSPM J0318+0827S + 2MASS J03184214+0828002.                         Luh2012b
03187+1527 LDS9151     Old LDS6151. SLE  41.                                                   .       
03187-1834 HJ 3565     A is a spectroscopic binary.                                            .       
03188-0028 ABT   3     BAL 656.                                                                .       
03188-0321 GWP 447     ABL 120.                                                                Tob2012b
03189-0101 BU 1177     Gomez et al. (2016) derive dynamical parallax and component masses:     .       
                       10.03 +/- 0.77 mas, 0.906 +/- 0.033 Msun, 0.886 +/- 0.032 Msun.         Doc2016i
03190-1549 GWP 448     ABL 121.                                                                Tob2012b
03192-5306 HJ 3571     CD-53@674.                                                              .       
03193-0232 GWP 449     ABL 122.                                                                Tob2012b
03194+6156 JNN 254     G 246-33. Estimated age 35-300 Myr; masses 0.29 +/- 0.11 and 0.17 +/-   .       
                       0.07 Msun; a ~10.8 au.                                                  Jnn2014 
03194+0322 STT 557     AB: kap 1 Cet = 96 Cet. Variable? A is a spectroscopic binary.          .       
                       B is BD+02@521.                                                         .       
03195-2145 JC    1     tau 4 Eri = 16 Eri. A is an irregular variable.                         .       
                       AC: Optical pair, based on study of relative motion of the components   .       
                       using the method of apparent motion parameters.                         Kiy2008 
                       AC: Rectilinear solution by Hurowitz et al. (2013).                     USN2013a
03199-0321 GWP 450     ABL 123.                                                                Tob2012b
03200+6539 BUP  43     Shell star. Light and spectrum variable, BK Cam. May also be a long-    .       
                       period spectroscopic binary.                                            .       
03200+3845 BRT2205     MLB 819. ALI 774.                                                       .       
03201-2851 LDS  93     van den Bergh reports a third star at 38@, 105.6".                      Bgh1958 
                       A is exoplanet host, P=592d. B = HIP 15526 hosts exoplanets with        .       
                       P=29.1d, 85.1d.                                                         Tok2014d
                       B is CD-29@1229.                                                        .       
                       NLTT 10636/10635                                                        Chm2004 
                       SHY 157. Bayesian analysis by Shaya & Olling (2011) indicates very      Shy2011 
                       high (near 100%) probability pair is physical.                          .       
03202-1457 LDS3479     NLTT 10629/10617                                                        Chm2004 
03202-1632 GWP 452     ABL 124.                                                                Tob2012b
03203+1944 STF 376     H 2  76.                                                                MEv2010 
03203+1625 SLE  42     Hipparcos suspected non-single.                                         .       
03206+0902 GIC  40     G079-029/G079-030 = GJ 9114AB.                                          .       
                       HIP 15572. See Allen et al. (2000) for information on metallicity,      AlC2000 
                       age, galactic orbital parameters, etc.                                  .       
                       Primary is SB1, P=321.6d                                                Tok2014d
03207+8459 STF 319     Schiller measures 1910.87,331.1@,42.32",7.7-9.2.                        Shr1913 
03207+1736 HJ 3245     See BDS for components.                                                 .       
03210-0054 LDS5420     LDS5420A was B component of 03211-0054ITF  55AB, LDS5420B was ITF 55C   .       
                       Pairs merged; ITF 55AB --> 03210-0054ITF 55AD (with quadrant flip),     .       
                       ITF 55AC --> 03210-0054ITF 55BD (also with quadrant flip).              .       
03211-2632 SWR   5     CPM pair                                                                Skf2004 
03212+2109 COU 259     tau 1 Ari = 61 Ari. A is an irregular variable.                         .       
03213+4302 A  1706     LDS2842.                                                                .       
03214+4320 VIG   4     Optical/physical nature of the faint companion is undefined.            Vig2012 
03216-0841 GWP 454     ABL 126.                                                                Tob2012b
03217+0845 STF 380     A premature orbit has been calculated.                                  .       
03219+4904 WEB   1     B is BD+48@892.                                                         .       
03220+1715 LDS3483     G006-003. See Allen et al. (2000) for information on metallicity,       AlC2000 
                       age, galactic orbital parameters, etc.                                  .       
                       NLTT 10701/10698                                                        Chm2004 
03220-1636 LDS3485     NLTT 10725/10724                                                        Chm2004 
03226-0210 GWP 456     ABL 127.                                                                Tob2012b
03226-3011 LDS3487     LDS5422.                                                                .       
                       NLTT 10762/10761                                                        Chm2004 
03227+1717 BPM  72     [PM2000]  124803 + [PM2000]  124860.                                    Gvr2010 
03227+1037 GIC  41     BC: 03328+1040 UC  997.                                                 .       
03228-0042 GWP 457     ABL 128.                                                                Tob2012b
03229+2949 STF 379     H III 91, BDS 1688.                                                     .       
                       H 3  91.                                                                MEv2010 
03230-0548 GWP 458     ABL 129.                                                                Tob2012b
03232+4554 LDS9152     Old LDS6152.  HD 20835. See Allen et al. (2000) for information on      AlC2000 
                       metallicity, age, galactic orbital parameters, etc.                     .       
03232-1404 GWP 459     ABL 130.                                                                Tob2012b
03233-0337 GWP 460     ABL 131.                                                                Tob2012b
03233-0748 BU  531     CHARA Array Limb-darkened diameter of A :                               CIA2013c
                       R =  2.4214 +/- 0.0764 \rsun, L =   4.0279 +/-0.1529 \lsun,             .       
                       Teff = 5261 +/-  65 K, M = 1.056 \msun, Age = 7.2 Gyr.                  .       
03233-5000 HJ 3573     LDS  94. A is CD-50@1015, B is CD-50@1014 (Roman).                      .       
03234-0710 GWP 461     ABL 132.                                                                Tob2012b
03234-1015 HJ 2188     STF 387.                                                                .       
03236+0453 BU 1178     A is a spectroscopic binary.                                            .       
                       Greenwich measure of 1921 erroneous. No certain change since 1890.      B__1963b
03236-4005 I   468     glimpsed?                                                               I__1948a
                       Soderhjelm (1999) gives possible orbit from two widely spaced visual    Sod1999 
                       observations + Hipparcos data.                                          .       
03236-8116 SHY 161     AC: HIP  15803 + HIP  17184.                                            .       
03237-0609 GWP 462     ABL 133.                                                                Tob2012b
03238+2432 LDS1144     NLTT 10780/10781                                                        Chm2004 
03240-0007 GRV 997     = GWP 464 = ABL 135.                                                    Tob2012b
03240-2613 HJ 3572     B is CD-26@1270.                                                        .       
                       SWR   6. CPM pair                                                       Skf2004 
03242+2347 LDS 884     AB,C: NLTT 10804/10808                                                  Chm2004 
03242-1048 GWP 463     ABL 134.                                                                Tob2012b
03243+4952 BUP  44     alp Per = 33 Per = Mirfak                                               .       
03244-1539 A  2909     There are many negative observations. Needs speckle.                    .       
                       HIP 15868. A is the close pair A 2909, 0.1". The 2MASS PSC companion    .       
                       at 17" is called C in the WDS.                                          Tok2011a
                       AB: Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and             .       
                       spectroscopic masses 0.62 +/- 0.11, 2.10, and 1.01 Msun, respectively.  Mlk2012 
                       CfA: SB? P=9115d? =25y?  UR at SOAR from 2008.6 to 2012.9, in           Mlr1955a
                       contradiction with orbit of Muller (1955).                              Tok2014d
                       A spurious orbit of this ghost pair has been computed which is          Doc2016d
                       contradicted by the many non-resolutions.                               Tok2019d
03245+4626 LDS9153     Old LDS6153.                                                            .       
03248-1533 GWP 466     ABL 136.                                                                Tob2012b
03249+1552 BPM  73     [PM2000]  126226 + [PM2000]  126261.                                    Gvr2010 
03249-0356 GWP 467     ABL 137.                                                                Tob2012b
03253+1158 BPM  74     [PM2000]  126464 + [PM2000]  126473.                                    Gvr2010 
03256-1855 GWP 468     ABL 138.                                                                Tob2012b
03257+0551 JNN 255     AB: GJ 3224. Estimated age 300-1000 Myr; masses 0.25 +/- 0.06 and 0.14  .       
                       +/- 0.01 Msun; a ~6.3 au.                                               Jnn2014 
                       AC: Estimated age 300-1000 Myr; masses 0.48 +/- 0.25 and 0.45 +/- 0.24  .       
                       Msun; a ~48.1 au.                                                       Jnn2014 
03259+4540 COU1682     TDS2544.                                                                .       
03261+1229 A   829     Probably ambiguous case, but only one solution has been tested.         .       
03262+2950 ALP  10     2MASSW J0326137+295015                                                  .       
                       Further observations are required to determine the physical/optical     .       
                       nature of this pair.                                                    AlP2007 
                       Astrometric orbit by Harris et al. (2015) yielded the following         .       
                       properties: spectral types L3.5+L7, absolute J mags 12.99+14.5,         .       
                       masses 0.061 +/- 0.010 and 0.044 +/- 0.008 Msun.                        USN2015 
03262-1817 GWP 469     ABL 139.                                                                Tob2012b
03263+1709 JNN 256     Estimated age 1000-10000 Myr; masses 0.24 +/- 0.03 and 0.16 +/- 0.03    .       
                       Msun; a ~20.6 au.                                                       Jnn2014 
03264+3520 HDS 430     Cvetkovic et al. (2016) estimate spectral types F7 and G8, masses 1.30  .       
                       and 0.97 Msun. Dynamical parallax is 15.60 +/- 0.44 mas.                Cve2016b
03265+5909 GIC  42     G246-036/G246-035.                                                      .       
03266+2843 CHR   9     Aa,Ab: This is UX Ari, an RS CVn type binary that is not eclipsing.     .       
                       Peterson et al. (2011) orbits of both the outer (CHR   9Aa,Ab) and      Ptn2011 
                       inner (CIA  10Aa1,Aa2) are based on VLBI measures combined with         .       
                       speckle and radial velocity data. Assuming masses of the primary and    .       
                       secondary of 1.10 and 0.95 Msun, respectively, they derive a mass for   .       
                       the tertiary of 0.75 +/- 0.01 Msun.                                     .       
           CIA  10     Aa1,Aa2: Orbit of Hummel et al. (2017) corrected for apparent 0.5d      Hmm2017b
                       error in T0 (2456238.134d changed to 2456237.634d). Also, they were     .       
                       unaware of the wide CPM companion, so erroneously refer to the close    .       
                       pair as Aa,Ab and the CHR pair as AB.                                   .       
                       Aa1,Aa2: Mass of Aa1 & Aa2 = 1.30(0.06) & 1.14(0.06) \msun.             Hmm2017b
                       Teff = 4560(100) & 5670(100) for Aa1 & Aa2. Diameters = 0.97(0.02) &    .       
                       0.35(0.02) mas. Orbital parallax = 19.20(0.28) mas.                     .       
           TOK  13     AB: AB is CPM, estimated period 20,000y. Primary is 6.4d SB2.           .       
                       The spectrum shows 3 components (Fekel, 1986 private communication),    .       
                       two of which are identified with the 6.44-day system described by       .       
                       Carlos & Popper (1971), while the third is possibly the component       Ppp1971 
                       listed here.                                                            .       
                       Evolved or bad 2MASS photometry.                                        Tok2006 
03266+1406 BPM  75     [PM2000]  127254 + [PM2000]  127284.                                    Gvr2010 
03269+1609 BPM  76     [PM2000]  127466 + [PM2000]  127423.                                    Gvr2010 
03269-2344 RSS   4     This previously uncataloged double star was a Hipparcos double entry    .       
                       system.  The first measure is determined from the individual positions  .       
                       listed by Rousseau et al.                                               Rss1996 
03271+1845 CHR  10     Resolution of an occultation binary.                                    .       
03272+0944 HDS 433     1975.629: Marginally resolved at 450 nm?                                Bla1977a
                       Hierarchical quadruple, including 51y, 145d, and 7.14d pairs            .       
                       (HDS 433AB; MKT 15Aa,Ab; and MKT 15Aa1,Aa2; respectively). The 7d pair  .       
                       is eclipsing.  Nemravova et al. (2016) combine spectroscopy,            Nem2016 
                       photometry, and interferometry to derive orbits of all three pairs,     .       
                       yielding the following component parameters:                            .       
                       Parameter       Aa1              Aa2               Ab                   .       
                       Mass (Msun)     2.252 +- 0.027   2.125 +- 0.027    3.89 +- 0.25         .       
                       Radius (Rsun)   1.700    0.035   1.618    0.039    2.81    0.28         .       
                       Teff (K)        10700    160     10480    130     14190    150          .       
                       Mbol (mag)      0.923    0.079   1.120    0.075   -1.14    0.22         .       
                       (Note: Nemravova et al. refer to the pairs as AC; AB; and Aa,Ab.        .       
                       However, the HDS pair was assigned components A and B at discovery.)    HIP1997a 
03276+5847 RAFGL 490   Extended emission seen in H-band, no subarcsecond structure resolved.   Alv2004 
03276+0954 J   305     May be the same as GJ 3226, which is not in the WDS. At the SIMBAD      Dam2017c
                       precise position of GJ 3226 a measure from Gaia-DR1 is 117.1 deg @      .       
                       1.530", quite close to the measures of J   305.                         .       
03278+5627 STI1984     The relative motion is small but fairly certain; it is smaller than     .       
                       the proper motions of both components. Therefore, although the          .       
                       component proper motions are of the same order, we consider this to be  .       
                       a physical pair.                                                        Kiy2012 
03278-2352 LDS3496     NLTT 11000/10999                                                        Chm2004 
03279+5625 MLB 116     Triple star with weak hierarchy. Motions of all components relative to  .       
                       each other are small. If we trust the relatively large pm for A from    .       
                       the WDS, the system is physically bound; however there is an            .       
                       appreciable discrepancy between this pm and the value given by          .       
                       Kharhenko & Rezer (2001, Kinemat. Fiz. Nebesn. Tel 17, 409). Therefore  .       
                       we are not yet able to determine with confidence whether or not the     .       
                       components are physically bound.                                        Kiy2012 
03279-1948 GC 4128     Hipparcos astrometric solution assumed circular orbit (e = omega = 0);  HIP1997d
                       Cluster Melotte 25 #EGG21.                                              .       
03280+2631 LDS1146     NLTT 10977/10976                                                        Chm2004 
03280+2028 STF 394     AB: H 3  77.                                                            MEv2010 
03282+5628 ES 1777     Relative and proper motions are of the same order, making it            .       
                       impossible to judge whether the pair is physically bound.               Kiy2012 
03282+0409 A  2417     BC is also known as V1221 Tau.                                          .       
03282-1335 GAL 330     Object #94 in Gallo's original list.                                    Gal1912b
03282-3551 I    58     chi 3 For                                                               .       

03284+2248 BAG   2     Aa,Ab: 66 Ari. A is a spectroscopic and occultation binary.             .       
                       Agreement is poor between this observation and the only other           .       
                       measurement, by Balega (1988, private communication).                   Hrt1992b
03284-1425 GWP 470     ABL 140.                                                                Tob2012b
03286-1537 LDS3498     NLTT 11020/11021                                                        Chm2004 
                       Also known as GJ 3228A, this star has a wide binary companion at 16"    VVO1991 
                       separation (e.g., Weis 1991).                                           Jnn2012 
03289+4039 ES 2598     LDS6169.                                                                .       
03289-2723 LDS9154     Old LDS6154.                                                            .       
                       LHS1549-50.                                                             .       
03291+5956 STF 385     CS Cam.                                                                 .       
03291+0118 MET   2     RX J0329.1+0118                                                         .       
03292-0226 GWP 471     ABL 141.                                                                Tob2012b
                       This is the galaxy LEDA 1092357.                                        Dam2017c
03294+4931 BU 1179     34 Per.                                                                 .       
                       Magnitude 11.6 of Burnham is underestimate; mine are similar to the     .       
                       photometric values of Kuiper (1.93)                                     Baz1954a
03294-2406 GAA  18     AK For                                                                  .       
03294-6256 HJ 3580     kap Ret. LDS 100.                                                       .       
03295-1558 GWP 472     ABL 142.                                                                Tob2012b
03296+2431 SAR   1     HBC 347 = V1224 Tau.                                                    .       
03297+5955 HLM   2     Aka HLM  42.                                                            .       
03297-0850 GAL 331     Object #95 in Gallo's original list.                                    Gal1912b
03298+8402 STF 343     STF 347.                                                                .       
                       AB: Optical pair, based on study of relative motion of the components   .       
                       using the method of apparent motion parameters.                         Kiy2008 
03300+5527 STF 390     Aka H N  66.                                                            .       
03301+1258 BPMA  6     [PM2000]  129571 + [PM2000]  129567.                                    Gvr2010 
03301-1019 GWP 473     ABL 143.                                                                Tob2012b
03302+7402 LDS1572     G221-010/G221-011.                                                      .       
                       NLTT 10954/10953                                                        Chm2004 
                       Aka GIC  43.                                                            .       
           FAR  31     NLTT 10954. Primary is white dwarf WD 0324+738.                         Far2006 
03304-1257 GWP 474     ABL 144.                                                                Tob2012b
03305+5418 LEP  15     NI    7.                                                                .       
03305+2006 STF 399     AB: H 4  89 (aka, H IV 89)                                              MEv2010 
                       A component SB1, P=32.5y. Is AB a real physical pair, or just two       .       
                       members of Hyades?                                                      Tok2014d
03307-1926 HDS 441     Cvetkovic et al. (2016) estimate spectral types G2 and G5, masses 1.11  .       
                       and 1.05 Msun. Dynamical parallax is 24.78 +/- 1.48 mas.                Cve2016b
03309+7041 JNN 257     LHS 1553. Estimated age 1000-10000 Myr; masses 0.31 +/- 0.03 and 0.17   .       
                       +/- 0.02 Msun; a ~7.9 au.                                               Jnn2014 
03309+1256 5 Tau       Hipparcos astrometric solution adopted some elements from the orbit of  HIP1997d
                       Harper (1924).                                                          Hrp1924 
03309-6200 TOK 190     The double-lined SB detected in GCS is resolved by speckle. Its         .       
                       estimated orbital period of 4 yr explains the acceleration.             Tok2012a
03311+2744 STFA  7     STTA 34. B is BD+27@513.                                                .       
                       HJL  49.                                                                HJL1986 
03311+1544 HDS 443     1997.7181  Large change in separation seen since Hipparcos epoch.       Msn1999b
03312+1947 STF 403     AB: H 1  55.                                                            MEv2010 
03313+6644 OSO  15     G246-038. Not a common proper motion pair, based on comparison with     .       
                       POSS2 red plates. PM = +1193 -1066.                                     Oso2004 
03313+2734 SHY 445     BC: HIP  16410 + HIP  16742.                                            .       
03313-5955 JSP  47     CD-60@724.                                                              .       
03314+5842 STI1991     STI1997.                                                                .       
03314+0131 HJ 2194     Rectilinear solution by Friedman et al. (2011).                         USN2011a
03316+4752 STT  56     Primary also is classified B8.5VeShell.                                 .       
03317+1331 BPM  77     [PM2000]  130670 + [PM2000]  130734.                                    Gvr2010 
03318+3803 ES 2458     ALI 517 is the same pair.                                               Hei1980a
03319+3536 ES 2559     BRT 3235.                                                               .       
03319-2537 VIG   5     The B component appears to be a faint background star.                  Vig2012 
03320+6735 STT  54     B is BD+67@@274.                                                        .       
03320+1820 LDS3501     NLTT 11140/11139                                                        Chm2004 
03320-0223 BRT 363     A likely plate flaw.                                                    Grv2021b
03321+4801 BAG  40     Primary is the rotationally variable star V396 Per.                     .       
03321+4340 COU1688     AB: A premature orbit has been calculated with very sparse data, since  .       
                       most of the observations are negative.                                  .       
                       AB: Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and             .       
                       spectroscopic masses 3.58 +/- 1.35, 2.16, and 0.95 Msun, respectively.  Mlk2012 
           LDS9155     AC: Old LDS6155. HIP 16467. See Allen et al. (2000) for information on  AlC2000 
                       metallicity, age, galactic orbital parameters, etc.                     .       
                       NLTT 11124/11125                                                        Chm2004 
03322+1133 AG   68     H IV 44. Also known as STF 409.                                         .       
                       H 4  44.                                                                MEv2010 
03323-0705 STF 411     B is BD-07@619 (Roman).                                                 .       
                       B component spectral type F9IV                                          AbH2000 
03326+2844 JNN  24     This is a close triple system discovered with AstraLux, where in        .       
                       particular the tertiary component is difficult to fit for. Since the    .       
                       relative positions of the BC pair components are therefore clearly      .       
                       dominated by noise scatter in both separation and position angle, we    .       
                       set the error of each epoch to the scatter among the data points and    .       
                       make no assessment of orbital motion for the BC pair (although by       .       
                       contrast, clear orbital motion is seen of the pair with respect to the  .       
                       A component).                                                           Jnn2012 
                       Estimated age 10-20 Myr; masses 0.07 +/- 0.01 and 0.04 +/- 0.01 Msun;   .       
                       a ~8.7 au.                                                              Jnn2014 
03327+3540 CHR 261     This object is a new addition to older Hyades member lists added by     .       
                       Schwan (1991 A&A, 243, 386), although Griffin (1992 private comm.)      .       
                       doubts that this object is actually a cluster member. While its status  .       
                       is not definitive, subsequent confirmation or suspected duplicity (by   .       
                       another technique) makes the discovery measurement somewhat more        .       
                       probable.                                                               Msn1993a
03327-0553 GWP 476     ABL 145.                                                                Tob2012b
03328-0247 GWP 477     ABL 146.                                                                Tob2012b
03329-0927 BLA   2     eps Eri = 18 Eri = Ran. Macintosh et al (2003) made a K-band search for MBA2003 
           MBA   1     extrasolar planets in the dust surrounding eps Eri, using Keck, NIRC2,  .       
                       and AO. The relative motions for these 10 objects between 2001 Dec and  .       
                       2002 Aug were all well below expected motions for true companions,      .       
                       leading to conclusion all these faint companions are background stars.  .       
03332+4615 ES  560     NLTT 11174/11176                                                        Chm2004 
03334+2322 STT  57     STTA 35 = S   429.                                                      .       
03335+5846 STF 396     B is BD+58@618. Spectrum of A: Am(A3/A7/F0).                            .       
03336-0735 GWP 478     ABL 147.                                                                Tob2012b
03336-1904 RSS  66     CPD-19@376                                                              .       
03337+5752 CHR 117     Cf orbit in McAlister et al. (1992).  High-space-velocity binary.       McA1992 
                       See Balega et al. (2001) for further discussion of Li abundance.        Bag2001 
                       Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and spectroscopic   .       
                       masses of 2.47 +/- 0.38, 3.40, and 1.13 Msun, respectively.             Mlk2012 
03339+3205 HJ  334     STT 540.                                                                .       
                       SEI  30.                                                                Nsn2017a
                       Rectilinear solution by Friedman et al. (2012).                         USN2012a
03339-3105 B    52     Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and spectroscopic   .       
                       masses of 2.62 +/- 1.43, 2.46, and 1.20 Msun, respectively.             Mlk2012 
03342+4837 BU  787     Burnham notes: "Hussey measures a third star, 175.8deg, 12.70arcsec     Hu_1903b
                       (1898.70) 1n. I could not see this on one night with the 40-inch, but   .       
                       measured 11m star in nearly the same direction, 175.6deg, 36.78arcsec   .       
                       (1899.13) 1n."                                                          Bu_1906 
                       C does not exist.                                                       B__1960b
                       AB: Rectilinear solution by Cvetkovic (2011).                           Cve2011c
                       Despite having an orbit, an optical pair based on parallax an proper    Izm2019 
                       motion.                                                                 Mlk2022 
03342+4651 HDS 452     V578 Per, eclipsing binary of bet Lyr type, period 0.97077d.            Zas2016 
03343+6348 MLB 190     Also known as WFC  16.                                                  .       
03343+2625 OL  152     COU 687.                                                                .       
03344+2428 STF 412     7 Tau. Only P, T, and a were redetermined by Vlaicu & Vasile (1961);    Vla1965 
                       the remaining elements were from the orbit of Luyten (1934).            Luy1934c
                       See Baize & Petit (1989) catalog of doubles with variable component.    Baz1989d
                       AB: Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and             .       
                       spectroscopic masses 2.04 +/- 1.54, 4.91, and 2.09 Msun, respectively.  Mlk2012 
                       AB,C: H 4  88.                                                          MEv2010 
03344-1940 GWP 480     ABL 148.                                                                Tob2012b
03345+1948 STF 414     H III 78. STT  58.                                                      .       
                       H 3  78.                                                                MEv2010 
                       One or both components may be variable.                                 SHS2023f
03346-1613 GAL 332     Object #96 in Gallo's original list.                                    Gal1912b
03346-3104 LDS3508     NLTT 11300/11288                                                        Chm2004 
03348+2126 BRT3261     AB: Also known as TDS2588.                                              .       
                       AB: Additional notes may be found in Couteau (1952).                    Cou1952a
           J   932     AB,C: Additional notes may be found in Jonckheere (1949) and            J__1949b
                       Couteau (1952).                                                         Cou1952a
03349-1604 GAL 353     Object #97 in Gallo's original list. ARA  17.                           Gal1912b
03350+6002 STF 400     AB: Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and             .       
                       spectroscopic masses 2.96 +/- 1.62, 2.62, and 1.30 Msun, respectively.  Mlk2012 
03350+3201 STF 410     A is an ellipsoidal variable, IX Per.                                   .       
03351-2309 ARA1976     Rectilinear solution by Mason & Hartkopf (2016).                        Msn2016a
03352+0543 TOK 657     CPM, common parallax, both on MS.                                       Tok2014d
03353+1549 BPM  78     [PM2000]  133139 + [PM2000]  133157.                                    Gvr2010 
03354+3948 MLB1064     ALI 1035.                                                               .       
03355-3218 LDS3510     NLTT 11346/11349                                                        Chm2004 
03356+4253 LDS9156     Old LDS6156.                                                            .       
                       AD: NLTT 11280/11270                                                    Chm2004 
03357-1644 GWP 484     ABL 149.                                                                Tob2012b
03361-0320 J  1457     HD 22393.                                                               J__1941a
03362+4220 A  1535     Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and spectroscopic   .       
                       masses of 1.99 +/- 0.69, 2.06, and 0.95 Msun, respectively.             Mlk2012 
03368+2106 LDS3511     NLTT 11370/11371                                                        Chm2004 
03368+0035 STF 422     A premature orbit has been computed. The primary is a variable of the   .       
                       RS CVn type, V711 Tau., and also a spectroscopic binary, P = 2.8 d.     .       
                       See Baize & Petit (1989) catalog of doubles with variable component.    Baz1989d
                       H 3  45.                                                                MEv2010 
03369-4957 SEE  29     The astrometric orbit of the stars comprising the A component was       .       
                       generated by a fit to individual data points available in Hipparcos     .       
                       Intermediate Astrometry Data.                                           Mkr2007a
                       Primary is possible SB.                                                 Tok2014d
           TOK 207     Likely triple. The inner pair produces RV variability and acceleration, .       
                       the outer companion at 2".7 is discovered with NICI.                    Tok2012a
03370-2808 LDS 840     NLTT 11423/11421                                                        Chm2004 
03372+3710 BRT3236     ALI 283.                                                                .       
03373-8517 R    39     Also appears to be R    48.                                             .       
03374-8051 HJ 3607     B is CPD-81@89.                                                         .       
03375+3107 GC 4314     Hipparcos astrometric solution assumed circular orbit (e = omega = 0)   HIP1997d
03376+1751 LDS3512     NLTT 11415/11416                                                        Chm2004 
03376-0103 GWP 486     ABL 150.                                                                Tob2012b
03377+7235 HJ 2190     C component is galaxy NGC 1343.                                         .       
03377-0801 GWP 487     ABL 151.                                                                Tob2012b
03378+4046 COU1517     AB Per, an Algol-type eclipsing binary, P = 7.1601d.                    Zas2012 
03378+1526 HD  22522   This star was misidentified as BD+17 0593 = SAO 93525 in the first      .       
                       speckle catalog.                                                        McA1984b
03379+8017 MLR 456     Also known as TDS2606.                                                  .       
03379+1950 LDS3515     G006-022. See Allen et al. (2000) for information on metallicity,       AlC2000 
                       age, galactic orbital parameters, etc.                                  .       
                       NLTT 11424/11425                                                        Chm2004 
03381-1133 OL  151     Aka HEI 315.                                                            .       
03382-5947 DUN  14     B is CPD-60@261.                                                        .       
                       SHY 448. Bayesian analysis by Shaya & Olling (2011) indicates very      Shy2011 
                       high (near 100%) probability pair is physical.                          .       
03383+4448 S   430     STTA 37.  B is BD+44@759.                                               .       
                       AB: HJL  50.                                                            HJL1986 
03388+5055 ES  953     Appears to be the lost HJ 2197.                                         Dam2015b
03388-1607 LDS3517     NLTT 11485/11486                                                        Chm2004 
03390+4232 RAO  47     Triple system consisting of an astrometric binary with period of 3 yr   .       
                       (Goldin & Makarov 2007) and Robo-AO tertiary B at 1".76. Considering    Gln2007 
                       the fast PM(A), the fixed position of AB during 1 year would appear to  .       
                       confirm it as a physical binary. B is located well below the MS,        .       
                       although its photometry has a large uncertainty. If it is a physical    .       
                       component with unusual colors, the system merits further study.         Rbr2015d
03392+5632 JNN 258     G 175-2. Estimated age 1000-10000 Myr; masses 0.60 +/- 0.10 and 0.38    .       
                       +/- 0.03 Msun; a ~24.7 au.                                              Jnn2014 
03393+5632 JNN 258     Aa,Ab: Originally 03392+5632; merged with 03393+5632.                   .       
03395-1017 GWP 494     ABL 153.                                                                Tob2012b
03396+3747 GRV 185     Primary is V736 Per, Algol-type eclipsing binary, period 3.76674d.      Zas2013 
03396+2530 LDS9158     old LDS6158. This is the common proper motion pair Wolf 204,5.          .       
03396+1823 TOK  14     AB has estimated period 5000y; primary is 8.7d SB2.                     Tok2006 
           LDS9159     AC: Old LDS6159.                                                        .       
                       NLTT 11499/11500                                                        Chm2004 
           JAO   9     Ba,Bb: Referred to as G 006-026BC by Jao et al. (2016), but the C       Jao2016 
                       component is the Luyten companion. Combined astrometric/spectroscopic   .       
                       solution yields component masses 0.474 +/- 0.053 and 0.436 +/- 0.049    .       
                       Msun, plus an orbital parallax  of 26.34 +/- 0.2 mas. There is an       .       
                       error in their Table 3: a" = 0.0225 +/- 0.0008" (Jao, private comm.)    .       
03397-0331 GWP 495     ABL 155.                                                                Tob2012b
03397-1612 GWP 496     ABL 154.                                                                Tob2012b
03397-2727 LDS 841     NLTT 11538/11539                                                        Chm2004 
03398+3328 ES  327     Also known as GJ 9119 B, this star is a wide companion to GJ 9119 A at  .       
                       about 14" as noted in e.g. the WDS catalog. It is however single in     .       
                       the separation range covered by the AstraLux data.                      Jnn2012 
                       A is also a 183d spectroscopic binary.                                  Tok2019b
03398+0515 J  1812     BAL 2608.                                                               .       
03400+6352 STTA 36     A,BC: HJL  51.                                                          HJL1986 
                       A,BC: SHY 160. Bayesian analysis by Shaya & Olling (2011) indicates     Shy2011 
                       very high (near 100%) probability pair is physical.                     .       
03401+3407 STF 425     H 2  52.                                                                MEv2010 
                       The B component was resolved at Palomar (0.580"). Genet et al. (2013)   .       
                       detect a wobble in the motion of AB, with P~107y, alpha~0.18"           .       
                       suggesting M2~0.5 Msun                                                  Tok2014d
                       AB: known binary, which shows apparently a non-Keplerian motion. Rica   .       
                       Romero & Zirm (2014) proposed that the motion was caused by an unseen   FMR2014c
                       companion and calculated an astrometric orbit for it with P = 107 yr,   .       
                       eccentricity 0.61, and photocenter semimajor axis 0".179. Our           .       
                       observations were able to resolve the predicted subsystem Aa,Ab. For    .       
                       the time of our observations the orbit predicts a companion position    .       
                       angle of 43.3 deg, in excellent agreement with the position angle of    .       
                       44 +/- 1.3 deg measured here. The ratio of the predicted displacement   .       
                       to the measured separation of 0".50 is r = 0.32 = q/(1+q). Hence, the   .       
                       mass ratio q = 0.47 (the contribution of the light from Ab to the       .       
                       photo-center is neglected). The mass of Aa is estimated at 1.16 Msun    .       
                       from its absolute magnitude, leading to 0.54 Msun for Ab. The absolute  .       
                       magnitude of Ab corresponds to a smaller mass of 0.33 Msun. This        .       
                       discrepancy, if confirmed, can be explained by Ab being a close pair    .       
                       of M-dwarfs, as happens in other known multiple systems, e.g., in kap   Tok2013a
                       For (Tokovinin 2013).                                                   Rbr2015d
                       AB: Rectilinear solutions by Rica & Zirm (2014)                         FMR2014c
                       and Genet et al. (2015).                                                GnR2015a
03402-1936 GC 4392     Hipparcos astrometric solution assumed circular orbit (e = omega = 0)   HIP1997d
03403-0805 STF 433     B is BD-08@698.                                                         .       
03404-1502 GWP 497     ABL 156.                                                                Tob2012b
03405-1925 GWP 498     ABL 157.                                                                Tob2012b
03406+2846 STF 427     H N  23.                                                                MEv2010 
                       V1268 Tau, Algol-type eclipsing binary, P = 8.161235 d.                 Zas2011 
03407+0643 A  1934     Companion not seen in 1934.                                             .       
03409+1435 BPM  79     [PM2000]  137052 + [PM2000]  137046.                                    Gvr2010 
03409-1237 STF 436     B is BD-13@712.                                                         .       
                       Optical pair, based on study of relative motion of the components       .       
                       using the method of apparent motion parameters.                         Kiy2008 
03413+4554 BU 1181     Motion in separation. The period may be fairly short. Needs speckle.    .       
                       Additional notes may be found in van den Bos (1963).                    B__1963b
                       Known triple system. Inner binary has been known for over a century     Bu_1894d
                       (Burnham 1894); its first orbit was computed by Riddle et al. (2015).   RAO2015 
                       They also detected a third component C which was confirmed by           .       
                       examination of 2MASS images. The close binary is detectable in our Ks   .       
                       images, but the PSFs of the stars are overlapping and we are unable to  .       
                       make a consistent measurement with fitstars. We are able to extract     .       
                       the astrometry of the AC pair and consider it as likely physical.       Rbr2015d
03414-0934 GWP 501     ABL 159.                                                                Tob2012b
03414-1421 GWP 499     ABL 158.                                                                Tob2012b
03416+2655 LDS6095     Also known as GRV 187.                                                  .       
03418+6239 BLL  12     A is a semi-regular variable, U Cam. B is BD+62@594.                    .       
03418+5317 A   985     Primary is the eclipsing binary CV Cam, P = 0.97326 day.                Zas2010 
03419-5542 JNN  25     2MASS J03415581-5542287 and J03415608-5542408 are separated by only     .       
                       12" and have similar estimated spectroscopic distances (14 and 20 pc,   .       
                       respectively) in Riaz et al. (2006), hence it is likely that they form  Ria2006 
                       a physical pair. 2MASS J03415581-5542287 is a close (~0.61") binary in  .       
                       our data, so the system is likely triple in reality, although common    .       
                       proper motion of all components has yet to be proven.                   Jnn2012 
03422+6313 BD Cam      Hipparcos astrometric solution adopted some elements from the orbit of  HIP1997d
                       Griffin (1984).                                                         Grf1984c
03422+5436 HJ 2198     B is BD+54@704.                                                         .       
03423+3141 COU 691     A premature orbit has been computed.                                    .       
03424+3358 STF 431     40 Per = o Per. A spectroscopic binary. Spectrum of B: A1Vn.            .       
                       H 3  39.                                                                MEv2010 
03424-1200 GWP 503     ABL 160.                                                                Tob2012b
03424-8001 HJ 3612     Spectrum: G0/2III/IV. B is CPD-80@94.                                   .       
03425+3256 HJ  336     Also known as STF 432.                                                  .       
                       Rectilinear solution by Friedman et al. (2012).                         USN2012a
03425+1416 BPM  80     [PM2000]  138169 + [PM2000]  138144.                                    Gvr2010 
03425+1216 JNN  26     Since the two epochs of observation were acquired over a baseline of    .       
                       only a few months, there is not yet sufficient motion to confirm        .       
                       common proper motion of the companion that was detected with AstraLux.  .       
                       However, the separation between components is rather small (~0.86"),    .       
                       and the fact that the companion is clearly detected in z' but too       .       
                       faint in i' implies that it must be very red, as expected for a real    .       
                       companion. Hence, we count it as a binary system for statistical        .       
                       purposes.                                                               Jnn2012 
                       Primary is an active M4.0Ve star, age 60-300 Myr. Bowler et al (2015)   .       
                       confirm B is physically bound and detect slight orbital motion. The     .       
                       projected separation is 19.8 +/- 0.9 au. Spectral type of B is          .       
                       L0 +/- 1, mass 35 +/- 8 Mjup.                                           Bwl2015 
03425+0202 BAL1260     HJL  52.                                                                HJL1986 
03426+1718 GC 4435     Hipparcos astrometric solution assumed circular orbit (e = omega = 0)   HIP1997d
03426-2445 RST2317     TDS2636.                                                                .       
03427+1448 BPM  81     [PM2000]  138368 + [PM2000]  138396.                                    Gvr2010 
03427-2428 LDS3527     NLTT 11680/11682                                                        Chm2004 
03429+4747 BUP  46     del Per = 39 Per. A possible variable of the Alpha CVn type.            .       
03430+4554 JNN 259     NLTT 11633. Estimated age 1000-10000 Myr; masses 0.28 +/- 0.03 and      .       
                       0.20 +/- 0.04 Msun; a ~21.8 au.                                         Jnn2014 
03430+2515 LDS1148     NLTT 11651/11648.                                                       .       
03431+2541 STF 435     H 3  88.                                                                MEv2010 
03435+7247 LDS1579     Rectilinear solution by Hurowitz et al. (2013).                         USN2013a
03435-4549 PRB   1     Primary is WD 0341-45 = VY Hor, secondary (not found in Aladin) is      .       
                       BPM 31492. Possible CPM pair, according to Probst (1983).               Prb1983 
03438+4236 ENG  14     AB: Optical pair, based on study of relative motion of the components   .       
                       using the method of apparent motion parameters.                         Kiy2008 
03439+1640 GIC  44     AB = G006-029/G006-028 = GJ 9122AB.                                     .       
                       AB: NLTT 11693/11688                                                    Chm2004 
                       AB: SHY  17. Bayesian analysis by Shaya & Olling (2011) indicates very  Shy2011 
                       high (near 100%) probability pair is physical.                          .       
03439-7100 HJ 3603     B is CPD-71@@218.                                                       .       
03440+3822 STF 434     B is BD+37@@821.                                                        .       
03440-1836 GWP 505     ABL 161.                                                                Tob2012b
03441+3207 DCH   3     HMW 72. Monitored for photometric variability 1998-2003 by Cohen et     .       
                       al. (2004). Range of variability dI = 0.527 mag, no periodicity found.  CHW2004 
03442+3207 STF 437     H 3  37.                                                                MEv2010 
                       SEI  31.                                                                Nsn2017a
03442-6448 LDS 104     bet Ret. A is a spectroscopic binary. B has separation of 1480". B is   .       
                       CPD-65@272.                                                             .       
           bet Ret     Hipparcos astrometric solution adopted some elements from the orbit of  HIP1997d
                       Jones (1928).                                                           Jon1928a
03443+3217 BU  535     38 Per = omi Per = Atik. Ellipsoidal and spectroscopic binary.          .       
03443+3208 DCH   4     HMW 73. Monitored for photometric variability 1998-2003 by Cohen et     .       
                       al. (2004). Range of variability dI = 1.271 mag; multiple periods,      .       
                       average = 7.582d. Photometry may be contaminated by nearby star.        CHW2004 
03444+3210 DCH   5     HMW 10/78 = LLRL 10/45. Monitored for photometric variability           .       
                       1998-2003  by Cohen et al. (2004). Range of variability dI = 0.030 mag  .       
                       for A component, 4.816 mag for B. No periodicity found for either       .       
                       component. Photometry of B may be contaminated by nearby companion.     CHW2004 
03444+3207 DCH   7     HMW 136. Monitored for photometric variability 1998-2003 by Cohen et    .       
                       al. (2004). Range of variability dI = 0.789 mag, no periodicity found.  CHW2004 
03444+3206 DCH   6     HMW 39. Monitored for photometric variability 1998-2003 by Cohen et     .       
                       al. (2004). Range of variability dI = 0.251 mag; multiple periods,      .       
                       average = 9.667d.                                                       CHW2004 
03444+2812 A  1826     Not seen on three nights 1964-1982.                                     .       
03444+1637 BPM  82     [PM2000]  139475 + [PM2000]  139465.                                    Gvr2010 
03445+3212 DCH   8     HMW 13 = LLRL 12. Monitored for photometric variability 1998-2003 by    .       
                       Cohen et al. (2004). Range of variability dI = 0.048 mag, no            .       
                       periodicity found.                                                      CHW2004 
03445+3211 DCH  10     HMW 86. Monitored for photometric variability 1998-2003 by Cohen et     .       
                       al. (2004). Range of variability dI = 0.318 mag, no periodicity found.  CHW2004 
03445+3210 DCH   9     HMW 75 = LRLL 40. Monitored for photometric variability 1998-2003 by    .       
                       Cohen et al. (2004). Range of variability dI = 0.337 mag, nonperiodic.  CHW2004 
03445+3209 DCH  12     HMW 12 = LLRL 29. Monitored for photometric variability 1998-2003 by    .       
                       Cohen et al. (2004). Range of variability dI = 0.181 mag; multiple      .       
                       periods, average = 2.237d.                                              CHW2004 
03445+3208 DCH  13     HMW 42 = LRLL 86. Monitored for photometric variability 1998-2003 by    .       
                       Cohen et al. (2004). Range of variability dI = 0.097 mag; multiple      .       
                       periods, average = 6.532d.                                              CHW2004 
03445-1322 GAL 354     Object #99 in Gallo's original list.                                    Gal1912b
03446+3210 BU  880     AB: HMW 1 = LRLL 1. Monitored for photometric variability 1998-2003 by  .       
                       Cohen et al. (2004). Range of variability dI = 0.455 mag, no            .       
                       periodicity found.                                                      CHW2004 
                       SEI  32.                                                                Nsn2017a
           STF 439     AB,C: H 3  38.                                                          MEv2010 
03446+3209 DCH  11     AB: HMW 27/28 = LLRL 16/33. Monitored for photometric variability       .       
                       1998-2003 by Cohen et al. (2004). Range of variability dI = 0.097 mag   .       
                       for A, 1.462 mag for B. Multiple periods seen for A, average = 2.656d.  .       
                       Photometry of B may be contaminated by nearby companion.                CHW2004 
03446+3209 HER  20     CD: HM 107 = LLRL 165. Monitored for photometric variability 1998-2003  .       
                       by Cohen et al. (2004). Range of variability dI = 0.328 mag, no         .       
                       periodicity found. Photometry may be contaminated by nearby star.       CHW2004 
03446+3208 HER   7     Additional notes may be found in Herbig (1962).                         Her1962 
03446+3207 DCH  14     HMW 11 = LRLL 6. Monitored for photometric variability 1998-2003 by     .       
                       Cohen et al. (2004). Range of variability dI = 0.094 mag; multiple      .       
                       periods, average = 1.687d.                                              CHW2004 
03446+2754 STTA 38     Optical with BU 1041BC, which is BD+27@558, at 03 44.7 +27 55.          .       
                       AB: Optical pair, based on study of relative motion of the components   .       
                       using the method of apparent motion parameters.                         Kiy2008 
           BU 1041BC   The B component has both an astrometric and a spectroscopic orbit       Gln2007 
                       which are not associated with the optical BC pair.                      Grf2015c
03446-5416 HJ 3592     See claimed A was a close pair in 1897, but no trace of it was seen     See1898c
                       subsequently by van den Bos, Dawson, and Innes.                         Daw1918a
03447+3211 HER  21     HM 98 = LRLL 166. Monitored for photometric variability 1998-2003 by    .       
                       Cohen et al. (2004). Range of variability dI = 0.960 mag, no            .       
                       periodicity found. Photometry may be contaminated by nearby star.       CHW2004 
03447+3210 DCH  15     HMW 99 = LRLL 221. Monitored for photometric variability 1998-2003 by   .       
                       Cohen et al. (2004). Range of variability dI = 2.136 mag, no            .       
                       periodicity found.                                                      CHW2004 
03447+3209 DCH  16     HMW 14 = LRLL 9. Monitored for photometric variability 1998-2003 by     .       
                       Cohen et al. (2004). Range of variability dI = 0.109 mag; multiple      .       
                       periods, average = 2.539d.                                              CHW2004 
03447+3208 DCH  17     HMW 111 = LLRL 52. Monitored for photometric variability 1998-2003 by   .       
                       Cohen et al. (2004). Range of variability dI = 0.187 mag, no            .       
                       periodicity found. Photometry may be contaminated by nearby star.       CHW2004 
03447+2449 ITO   7     Pleiades HII 405.                                                       .       
03447+2414 LDS6103     A component is Pleiades star Melotte 22 HII 430.                        .       
03448+4602 BAG   8     Combined astrometric/spectroscopic solution by Balega et al. (2002),    Bag2002b
                       including determination of component masses.                            .       
                       The Balega (2002) orbit predicts a separation of 0.055" in mid-2006,    Bag2002b
                       opening rapidly to 0".197 in late 2007. Perhaps T0 is not quite         .       
                       correct?                                                                Hrt2009 
                       Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and spectroscopic   .       
                       masses of 1.54 +/- 0.13, 1.54, and 0.79 Msun, respectively.             Mlk2012 
                       A(B) Teff = 5350+/-50(4400+/-50) K, R = 0.95+/-0.06(0.58+/-0.06) \rsun, AlW2014c
                       L = 0.56+/-0.01(0.10+/-0.02) \lsun, M = 0.83+/-0.05(0.60+/-0.05) \msun. .       
03448+2417 HL    6     Primary is Pleiades star Celaeno = 16 Tau.                              .       
03448-7002 LFR   1     SHY 450. Bayesian analysis by Shaya & Olling (2011) indicates very      Shy2011 
                       high (near 100%) probability pair is physical.                          .       
03449+2407 HL    7     Primary is Pleiades star Electra = 17 Tau.                              .       
                       Uniform disk diameter  0.472 +/- 0.025 mas,                             .       
                       Limb darkened diameter 0.478 +/- 0.025 mas,                             .       
                       Teff = 14700 +/- 800 K based on LDD.                                    .       
                       Radius is 5.91 +/- 0.47 \rsun.                                          CIA2019a
03452+4235 ES 2601     nu Per = 41 Per                                                         .       
03452+2450 HL    8     Primary is Pleiades star 18 Tau.                                        .       
03452+2428 HJ 3251     Primary is Pleiades star Taygeta = 19 Tau = 19 Pleiadum.                .       
                       A is a spectroscopic and occultation binary.                            .       
03454+2402 HL   10     Primary is Pleiades star.                                               .       
03454-2752 BU 1003     A premature orbit has been computed. Motion direct and increasing as    .       
                       the pair closes in. However, there are no measures in the last twenty   .       
                       years.                                                                  .       
03457+2438 YAM   1     Pleiades cluster member. Primary is the BY Dra type variable V855 Tau.  Yam2013 
03457+0603 HJ 2204     29 Tau. A is a spectroscopic binary.                                    .       
03458+2422 HL   11     Primary is Pleiades star Maia = 20 Tau.                                 .       
03458+2309 STF 444     Spectroscopic binary, P = 7.15d.                                        .       
03459+2433 HL   12     Primary is Pleiades star Asterope = 21 Tau.                             .       
03459+2402 HL   13     Primary is Pleiades star.                                               .       
03460+7302 MLR 457     Same as HDS 476.                                                        .       
03460+2734 CTI7214     V1274 Tau.                                                              .       
03460+2432 HL   14     Primary is Pleiades star 22 Tau.                                        .       
03460+1721 BPM  83     [PM2000]  140561 + [PM2000]  140577.                                    Gvr2010 
03461-1522 GWP 508     ABL 163.                                                                Tob2012b
03461-1708 GWP 507     ABL 162.                                                                Tob2012b
03461-6405 HJ 3600     B is CPD-64@271.                                                        .       
03462+2434 POU 309     LDS6108.                                                                .       
                       Both components are Pleiades variables. A = Melotte 22 HII 879 = V813   .       
                       Tau, while B = Melotte 22 HII 883 = V789 Tau.                           .       
03462+1710 HJ 3252     This star has a possible wide companion at about 8" as noted in the     .       
                       WDS. It is however single in the separation range covered by the        .       
                       AstraLux data.                                                          Jnn2012 
03463+2411 BU  536     In the Pleiades. The motion so far is retrograde and rectilinear.       Hzg1958 
                       See Baize & Petit (1989) catalog of doubles with variable component.    Baz1989d
                       Both elliptical orbit and rectilinear trajectory were calculated by     .       
                       Popovic & Pavlovic (1995). See also rectilinear catalog.                Pop1995d
03463+2357 HL   15     Primary is Pleiades star 23 Tau = Merope.                               .       
03463-1235 GAL 355     Object #103 in Gallo's original list.                                   Gal1912b
03464+7523 STF 418     Same as PRZ   4. Coordinates of PRZ   4 correct and retained.           .       
03464+2435 ITO   8     AB: Pleiades HII 996.  Primary is the BY Dra-type variable V1045 Tau.   Ito2011 
           LDS6110     AC: Possibly common with LDS6108.                                       .       
03464+1143 LEP 119     LHS 1589 = NLTT 11793. Lepine et al. determine a photometric distance   Lep2007b
                       of 81 +/- 18 pc; masses are estimated at 0.25 and 0.20 Msun.            .       
03465+2508 ITO   9     Pleiades HII 1015.                                                      .       
03465+2426 ITO  10     Pleiades HII 1032.  Primary is V1171 Tau. Both companions are           .       
                       background stars.                                                       Yam2013 
03465+2415 CHR  12     Pleiades cluster member.                                                .       
                       1985.8488: This measure is from reanalysis of archival data.  Not       .       
                       listed as an SB by Abt et al. (1965), but it may show measurable        AbH1965b
                       velocity variation at some phases of a possibly eccentric orbit.        Msn1993b
                       Aa,Ab: Observed 20 times 1982-1998 and resolved 4 times 1983-1989,      .       
                       with separations decreasing from 0.236" to 0.160". Motion indicates a   .       
                       ~40-year period orbit.                                                  Hrt2009 
03466+2950 BRT 233     MLB 683.                                                                .       
03466+2458 MET  34     Pleiades cluster member. The companion is a background star.            Yam2013 
03466+2255 RDR   2     Primary is an F6 Pleiades member (HII 1132). Based on common motion     .       
                       over 4 years, Rodriguez et al. (2012) conclude the B component is       .       
                       either a companion to the primary or (less likely) a nearby comoving    .       
                       Pleiades member. Assuming they comprise a physical pair, the companion  .       
                       is a brown dwarf, with mass estimated at 0.06 +/- 0.01 Msun,            .       
                       temperature 2600 +/- 100K.                                              Rdr2012b
03467+2402 LDS6111     A component is a Pleiades variable = Melotte 22 HII 1124 = V814 Tau.    .       
03467-1231 GAL 356     Object #104 in Gallo's original list.                                   Gal1912b
03470+4126 STF 443     HIP 17666. See Allen et al. (2000) for information on metallicity,      AlC2000 
                       age, galactic orbital parameters, etc.                                  .       
                       AB: NLTT 11792/11791                                                    Chm2004 
                       Proper motion of A +596 -1249. Proper motion of B +594-1259. B is a     .       
                       single-lined spectroscopic binary, P = 48.65d. A common proper motion   .       
                       companion, G095-059, mag. 13.4, lies more than 2 degrees away.          .       
                       AC: Optical pair, based on study of relative motion of the components   .       
                       using the method of apparent motion parameters.                         Kiy2008 
                       AB: HJL  53.                                                            HJL1986 
03470+2431 CHR 124     Occultation binary. Has variable radial velocity. Pleiad.               .       
03471+2449 BU  537     Variable, V534 Tau.                                                     .       
03473+2424 BOV  18     Geissler et al (2012) conclude companion is an M8 brown dwarf, the      .       
                       first substellar companion discovered around a Pleiades star.  Mass     .       
                       estimates range from 0.052 to 0.063 Msun, depending on distance, etc.   Gei2012 
                       Pleiades cluster member. The companion shares common proper motion.     Yam2013 
03473+2348 HL   18     Primary is Pleiades star.                                               .       
03473+2344 HL   19     Primary is Pleiades star.                                               .       
           BOV  17     CF: 03471+2343BOV  17 = HL  19C, system merged.                         .       
03474+2435 HL   20     Primary is Pleiades star.                                               .       
03474+2355 STF 450     POU 311. Primary is Pleiades star.                                      .       
03474+2255 HD 23610    Hipparcos astrometric solution assumed circular orbit (e = omega = 0);  HIP1997d
                       Cluster Melotte 22 #1407.                                               .       
03475+2417 HL   22     Primary is Pleiades star.                                               .       
03475+2406 STFA  8     Primary is Pleiades star Alcyone = 25 Tau = eta Tau = V647 Tau.         .       
                       STTA 42.                                                                .       
                       A is an occultation and spectroscopic binary.                           .       
                       B, at 03 47.4 +24 07, is an occultation binary.                         .       
                       C is V647 Tau.                                                          .       
                       BC: HJL1029.                                                            HJL1986 
                       BD: HJL1028.                                                            HJL1986 
                       CD: HJL1027.                                                            HJL1986 
03476+2337 HL   24     Primary is Pleiades star.                                               .       
03478+3501 ES  235     Primary is eclipsing binary of Algol-type, period 1.92873d.             Zas2014 
03478+3212 HR 1164     Orbit determined by fitting revised Hipparcos intermediate astrometric  .       
                       data. Derived component masses 1.44 +/- 0.09 and 1.15 +/- 0.08 Msun.    Ren2010 
03479+3336 STF 448     HJ 5457. A is a spectroscopic binary. Also, one component is variable.  .       
03479+2555 BRT2520     Heintz finds no pair in the field, and believes identity with J 27      Hei1985a
                       (03470+2855) is possible.                                               .       
03479+2407 BU  538     AB. Identification of a 2000.8 measure by Lampens et al. (2007)         Lmp2007 
                       originally attributed to 03481+2409 COU  80 was corrected by the        .       
                       author; it actually was of this pair.                                   .       
03480+6840 KUI  13     See discussion by van de Kamp & Chao-Yuan Yang.                         Kam1967 
           WNO  16     AD: Optical pair, based on study of relative motion of the components   .       
                       using the method of apparent motion parameters.                         Kiy2008 
                       BD: Rectilinear solution by Hartkopf & Mason (2015).                    WSI2015 
03480+4032 TOK 240     Primary is an exoplanet host, P=1565d                                   Tok2014d
03480-7048 HJ 3606     B is CPD-71@223.                                                        .       
03481+2409 COU  80     Pleiad.                                                                 .       
                       Identification of a 2000.8 measure by Lampens et al. (2007) originally  Lmp2007 
                       attributed to this pair was corrected by the author; it actually was    .       
                       of 03479+2407 BU  538AB.                                                .       
03482+2419 CHR 155     Included in the Pleiades cluster survey of Abt et al. (1965), who did   AbH1965b
                       not detect variable RV. Pearce & Hill (1975 Pub DAO, 14, 319) did       .       
                       notice velocity variation at the 1% level, and Liu et al. (1997) found  Liu1997 
                       the system to be a SB2, although large velocity difference may imply a  .       
                       closer companion than this.                                             Msn1993b
03482+2219 EQ Tau      Multiple system including contact binary. Pribulla & Rucinski (2006)    Pbl2006 
                       estimate the mass of the contact pair at 1.752 Msun and the minimum     .       
                       mass of the wider component at 0.49 Msun.                               .       
03483+2325 HL   25     Pleiades H 722. Primary was misidentified as SAO 76125 in the first     .       
                       speckle catalogue.                                                      McA1984b
03483+1109 STF 452     30 Tau.                                                                 .       
                       H 3  66.                                                                MEv2010 
03483-0943 GWP 517     ABL 164.                                                                Tob2012b
03484+5202 HU  546     Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and spectroscopic   .       
                       masses of 1.17 +/- 0.43, 1.53, and 1.20 Msun, respectively.             Mlk2012 
03486+3039 SHY 453     HIP  17796 + HIP  18204.                                                .       
03486-3737 DUN  16     f Eri. One component is a possible Beta Lyrae-type system.              .       
03489+6445 STT  62     Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and spectroscopic   .       
                       masses of 1.82 +/- 0.52, 2.75, and 1.20 Msun, respectively.             Mlk2012 
03489+2351 HL   27     Primary is Pleiades star 26 Tau.                                        .       
03490+5120 LDS9160     Old LDS6160. NLTT 11871/11873.                                          .       
03491+4358 V376 Per    Hipparcos astrometric solution assumed circular orbit (e = omega = 0)   HIP1997d
03491+2347 TRR  16     V1282 Tau.                                                              .       
                       Ma,Mb = 0.978 +/- 0.024, 0.897 +/- 0.022 \msun. Orbital parallax is     .        
                       7.310 +/- 0.026 mas. Spectroscopic dm (518.7 nm) = 0.63.                Trr2020b
03492+3651 J  2721     BRT 2586. ALI 288.                                                      .       
03492+2408 CHR 125     Aa,Ab: Pleione, 28 Tau = BU Tau. Shell star and suspected long-period   .       
                       spectroscopic binary (Hoffleit 1982) . Pleiades cluster member.         Hof1982 
                       Frequently unresolved, probably due to large Delta m.                   Msn1993b
                       For their measure, Roberts et al. reports that the "The close           .       
                       proximity of the two star's PSFs prevented accurate measurement of the  .       
                       astrometry and photometry."                                             Rbr2007 
                       Aa,Ab: Observed 3 times 1987-1991 (all observations noted as weak),     Rbr2007 
                       then unresolved until a 2002 (0.24") measure at 900nm                   Hrt2009 
           RBR   4     AF: 2002.0924: PA is measured in zenith mode. If data collected in      .       
                       equatorial mode, PA = 119. Confirmation of the pair should establish    .       
                       the correct value for theta.                                            Rbr2007 
03492+2403 STF 453     Primary is Pleiades star Atlas = 27 Tau = Melotte 22 #2168              .       
                       Position angles scattered. Distances range from "single" to 0.6". Some  .       
                       question duplicity. A is a long-period spectroscopic binary.            .       
           MKT  12     Aa1,Aa2: Hipparcos astrometric solution assumed circular orbit (e =     .       
                       omega = 0).                                                             HIP1997d
                       Pan et al. (2004) orbit is based on Mark III and PTI measures. A        PTI2004 
                       distance to the Pleiades of 135 +/- 2 pc is determined. Masses for the  .       
                       components are calculated as 4.90 +/- 0.28 and 3.65 +/- 0.08 Msun.      .       
                       Zwahlen et al. (2004) orbit is based on published Mark III and PTI      Zwa2004 
                       measures, plus additional Mark III and NPOI astrometric data and        .       
                       ELODIE echelle spectra. This combined spectroscopic/interferometric     .       
                       solution yields masses of 4.74 +/- 0.25 and 3.42 +/- 0.25 Msun; the     .       
                       distance 132 +/- 4 pc found agrees with "traditional" Pleiades          .       
                       distances obtained through MS fitting techniques.                       .       
                       Aa1,Aa2: Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and        .       
                       spectroscopic masses 5.68 +/- 0.79, 6.68, and 3.31 Msun, respectively.  Mlk2012 
                       Uniform disk diameter  0.464 +/- 0.043 mas,                             .       
                       Limb darkened diameter 0.469 +/- 0.043 mas,                             .       
                       Teff = 13500 +/- 300 K based on LDD.                                    .       
                       Radius is 5.98 +/- 0.67 \rsun.                                          CIA2019a
03493+5707 S   436     STTA 39. B is BD+56@847.                                                .       
                       HJL1030.                                                                HJL1986 
03493-1656 GWP 519     ABL 165.                                                                Tob2012b
03494+5214 ES  770     B is BD+51@781.                                                         .       
03494+2423 STTA 40     AB: LDS6116. B is BD+23@560. A is Pleiades star and occultation double  .       
           HL   30     BC: Primary is Pleiades star.  Also known as STU   2BC.                 .       
           HL   30     BD: Also known as STU   2BD.                                            .       
03495+5239 STF 446     Also known as STF 454. Another classification: B0Ib. The primary is     .       
                       slightly variable; the system is a member of the cluster NGC 1444.1     .       
03495+1255 AG   74     Primary is V1128 Tau, a 10th magnitude W UMa type eclipsing binary,     .       
                       with period 0.3053725d.                                                 Zas2011 
03496+6318 CAR   1     Also known as MOAI 1.                                                   .       
                       1995.948: Theta corrected from published value of 213 deg (Aristidi,    .       
                       private communication)                                                  .       
                       Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and spectroscopic   .       
                       masses of 3.76 +/- 0.61, 3.36, and 1.82 Msun, respectively.             Mlk2012 
03496+3859 HU 1067     A RW Aur-type variable, XY Per. Both components may vary.               .       
                       dm estimates on a number of nights. quadrant reversed on 1936 Jan 17,   .       
                       indicating primary is responsible for variation. Beyer (AN 263, 71,     .       
                       1937) established the irregular character of the variation.             VBs1954 
03496-0220 YR   23     Triple. The RV amplitude of 9.5 km s-1 and double lines seen in GCS     .       
                       cannot be caused by the visual system YR 23 with estimated period of    .       
                       ~50 yr which could however be responsible for dmu.                      Tok2012a
                       The Hipparcos parallax, individual magnitudes and standard relations    Tok2018a
                       for main-sequence stars leads to masses of 1.14, 0.96 and 0.80 \msun    .       
                       for A and the unresolved Ba and Bb pair.                                .       
                       Ba,Bb is estimated to have a dM in V band of 1.2 and a maximum          .       
                       separation of 26 mas.                                                   .       
03497+2343 HL   32     Primary is Pleiades star.                                               .       
03497+2320 YAM   2     BC: Pleiades cluster member. The companion is a background star.        Yam2013 
                       Pair initially 03495+2323 YAM 2; merged with 03497+2320 LDS6118.        .       
03498+2421 HL   33     Primary is Pleiades star.                                               .       
03498+2342 ITO  11     Pleiades HII 2462.                                                      .       
03499+2313 ITO  12     Pleiades HII 2506.                                                      .       
           YAM   3     Pleiades cluster member. The companion is probably a background star.   Yam2013 
03500+2351 STT  64     A is a spectroscopic binary, P = 16.72d, spectrum B9.5VpSiSrCr. Pleiad  .       
03501+4458 CHR 126     A spectroscopic binary.                                                 .       
                       Hipparcos astrometric solution adopted some elements from the orbit of  HIP1997d
                       P'edoussaut et al. (1987).                                              Ped1987 
                       Ren & Fu (2013) calculated an astrometric orbit, combining Hipparcos    Ren2013 
                       Intermediate Astrometric Data with spectroscopic elements by            .       
                       Pedoussaut et al. (1987).                                               Ped1987 
03501+0637 TOK  80     HIP 17936. The magnitude difference in the 2MASS PSC dK=1.8 is          .       
                       suspect (5" separation), dK=3.4 is measured with ANDICAM.               Tok2011a
03502+3449 ES  277     AB: Rectilinear solution by Hartkopf & Mason (2015).                    WSI2015 
03502-1335 FAR  32     NLTT 11972. Primary is white dwarf WD 0347-137.                         Far2006 
03503+2535 STT  65     One star variable?                                                      Wor1967b
                       See Baize & Petit (1989) catalog of doubles with variable component.    Baz1989d
                       Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and spectroscopic   .       
                       masses of 4.15 +/- 0.39, 3.39, and 3.91 Msun, respectively.             Mlk2012 
03503-0131 SHY 164     AE: HIP  17950 + HIP  16933. E component = A component of 03379-0231.   .       
                       AB: Hipparcos identified the pair as a candidate for Hyades membership. HIP1998 
                       However, radial velocity classifies this as not a Hyades member.        Grf2013c
03504+7120 HJ 2200     gam Cam                                                                 .       
03505-1219 GAL 357     Object #105 in Gallo's original list.                                   Gal1912b
03506+2431 YAM   4     Pleiades cluster member. Primary is V1174 Tau.                          Yam2013 
03506-4234 EGN   3     Pair bound, with projected separation 73au. Mass of secondary           .       
                       0.15 +/- 0.01 Msun; spectral type M4-M6.                                Egn2007 
03507-1206 GAL 358     Object #106 in Gallo's original list.                                   Gal1912b
03508+4546 FMR  63     Typographical error in initial WDS designation (03508+4946)             .       
03510+1414 JLM   1     Erroneously labelled as JML 1; changed upon request of discoverer.      .       
03511+3548 BRT3238     ALI 51.                                                                 .       
03511+1551 BPM  84     [PM2000]  144054 + [PM2000]  144088.                                    Gvr2010 
03513+2621 A  1830     The few observations do not define the nature of the motion.            .       
03514+2538 HEI   9     Primary is eclipsing binary of Algol-type, period 1.26292 d.            Zas2012 
03514-1610 GWP 523     ABL 166.                                                                Tob2012b
03517+7030 HJ 1139     B is BD+70@263.                                                         .       
03517+2433 LDS5437     A component is a Pleiades variable = Melotte 22 HII 3096 = V1054 Tau.   .       
                       B component is flare star V383 Tau.                                     .       
03518+3453 ARN  58     Also known as GRV 196.                                                  .       
03518-0306 GWP 524     ABL 167.                                                                Tob2012b
03520+2440 BOV  27     AB: Assuming a Pleiades parallax of 7.43 +/- 0.17 mas (distance 134.6   .       
                       pc; Soderblom et al. 2005, AJ 129, 161), Schaefer et al. (2014) find a  .       
                       total mass of 1.42 +/- 0.10 Msun. The revised Hipparcos parallax of     .       
                       8.32 +/- 0.13 (120.2 pc; van Leeuwen 2009, A&A 497, 209) gives a total  .       
                       mass of 1.01 +/- 0.05 Msun, which is not consistent with the            .       
                       corresponding photometric masses of the components.                     Sfr2014 
03520+0632 KUI  15     31 Tau.                                                                 .       
                       AB: Additional notes may be found in Van Biesbroeck (1954) and          VBs1954 
                       Couteau (1955).                                                         Cou1955c
03525+3546 ES 2334     BRT 3239. ALI 52.                                                       .       
03525-0403 GWP 525     ABL 168.                                                                Tob2012b
03526-0829 RST4762     The few measures do not define the motion.                              .       
03527-0522 HJ  338     30 Eri.                                                                 .       
03529+3532 ES 2459     BRT 3240.                                                               .       
03529-0633 GWP 528     ABL 169.                                                                Tob2012b
03530+1158 BPM  85     [PM2000]  145369 + [PM2000]  145423.                                    Gvr2010 
03530-1332 GWP 529     ABL 170.                                                                Tob2012b
03534+1743 BPM  86     [PM2000]  145657 + [PM2000]  145663.                                    Gvr2010 
03535+3538 ES 2460     Identical to ALI 54 and BRT 3237                                        Hei1983a
03535+3307 RBR  36     Suspected non-single.                                                   Hor2002b
03535-1229 GAL 359     Object #107 in Gallo's original list.                                   Gal1912b
03535-1440 GWP 531     ABL 171.                                                                Tob2012b
03536+2718 OCC9003     The OCC2010 solution is ambiguous and one is arbitrarily "T" coded      .       
                       until the true solution is determined.                                  .       
03536+2146 OL  184     TDS2678. Appears to be the same as 03549+2148 OL  200. IDS notes that   .       
                       OL  200 is possibly identical to 03559+2146 HU  815, but they appear    .       
                       to be different pairs.                                                  .       
03537+5316 A  1293     Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and spectroscopic   .       
                       masses of 1.00 +/- 0.24, 1.94, and 1.05 Msun, respectively.             Mlk2012 
03539-1751 GWP 532     ABL 172.                                                                Tob2012b
03541+3153 STF 464     zet Per = 44 Per. A is a spectroscopic binary.                          .       
                       AD: H 6  96.                                                            MEv2010 
03543-0257 STF 470     32 Eri. A is a spectroscopic binary.                                    .       
                       AB: H 2  36.                                                            MEv2010 
03544+0116 TOK  81     RoboAO finds a companion to B (233deg, 3.05", dI=5.88mag), but it is    .       
                       thought to be optical.                                                  Tok2014d
03544-0649 A   461     Less than 0.1" in 1954 - 1961. It appears that a revolution has been    .       
                       completed.                                                              .       
03544-4021 FIN 344     Spectroscopic binary.                                                   .       
                       1989.9438: This is the first observation of this system since those of  .       
                       Finsen in the 1960's, and is considerably closer than any of his        .       
                       results.  It is known that in some instances Finsen's rho values        .       
                       appeared systematically larger than those of speckle; further           .       
                       observations of this system will determine whether such is again the    .       
                       case.                                                                   Hrt1993 
                       AB: Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and             .       
                       spectroscopic masses 4.24 +/- 0.59, 4.58, and 4.88 Msun, respectively.  Mlk2012 
03545+3203 LEI   6     Member of Taurus-Auriga molecular cloud.                                Dae2015 
03545+0510 STTA 41     A is a Delta Scuti-type variable, V479 Tau. B is BD+04@@600.            .       
                       A,BC(60") is probably physical.                                         .       
           A  1831     BC: Less than 0.1" in 1954 - 1955 with 82-inch.                         .       
                       A premature orbit has been computed. Motion direct.                     .       
                       See Baize & Petit (1989) catalog of doubles with variable component.    Baz1989d
03546+3519 HJ  669     AC: Rectilinear solution by Hartkopf & Mason (2015).                    WSI2015 
03546+2507 HAT   1     30' error in WDS designation.                                           .       
                       Member of Taurus-Auriga molecular cloud.                                Dae2015 
03546+2131 LDS1149     Old LDS6161. LDS9161.                                                   .       
03547+5200 TOR   5     Formerly known as PAN   2.                                              .       
03547+1529 BPM  87     [PM2000]  146665 + [PM2000]  146678.                                    Gvr2010 
03547-1811 GWP 533     ABL 173.                                                                Tob2012b
03548-3542 TOK  82     HIP 18305. NOMAD: PM(B)=(-89,+19), V=11.48(??).                         .       
                       PM(A)=(+108,+218).                                                      Tok2011a
03549-1426 GAL 360     Object #109 in Gallo's original list.                                   Gal1912b
03553-0237 BRT1928     BAL 25.                                                                 .       
03553-1921 GWP 534     ABL 174.                                                                Tob2012b
03554+3103 HO  325     A is a RW Aur-type variable, X Per, and also a long-period              .       
                       spectroscopic binary.                                                   .       
03557-2236 I   722     CD-22@1398.                                                             .       
03558+5225 TOR   6     Formerly known as PAN   3.                                              .       
03558+5224 STF 462     HJ 2206.                                                                .       
03561-4509 CPO 121     LDS 108.                                                                .       
03561-4746 HU 1361     HIP 18402. B is definitely physical, but it is too red in the           .       
                       (Kabs,V-K) CMD. Infrared companion? Nothing on B in SIMBAD.             Tok2011a
03562+5939 ENG  16     AB: Optical pair, based on study of relative motion of the components   .       
                       using the method of apparent motion parameters.                         Kiy2008 
           HDS 497     AD: CfA: P=12625d=34.6y? Abt & Willmarth (2006): RV=-22.18 const.       AbH2006 
03563-1935 GWP 535     ABL 175.                                                                Tob2012b
03564+4404 LDS5186     NLTT 12174/12173                                                        Chm2004 
03565-3642 BAS   2     This is the X Ray source EUVE J0356-36.6.                               .       
03566+6951 LDS1583     A is also a 1539d spectroscopic binary.                                 Tok2019b
03566+5042 S   440     43 Per. A is a spectroscopic binary. B is BD+50@861.                    .       
           CIA  16     Aa,Ab                                                                   .       
                       Mass = 1.434 +/- 0.014, 1.409 +/- 0.014 \msun for A and B.              CIA2020a
                       Radius = 1.67 +/- 0.06, 1.60 +/- 0.10 \rsun for A and B.                .       
                       Teff = 6790 +/- 120, 6770 +/-  90 deg K for A and B.                    .       
                       Age = 1.4 Gyr, distance = 38.7 +/- 0.2 pc.                              .       
                       AB: H 5  41.                                                            MEv2010 
03569+2005 OCC1090     OCC9087.                                                                .       
03571-0828 RST4764     Rapid retrograde motion.                                                .       
03572-0706 OSW   7     Typographical error in WDS - initially entered as 03572-0025, with dec  .       
                       portion copied from OSW 8.                                              .       
03573-1054 GWP 536     ABL 176.                                                                Tob2012b
03575-0110 BU  543     A premature orbit has been computed. A is a flare suspect.              .       
                       See Baize & Petit (1989) catalog of doubles with variable component.    Baz1989d
                       NLTT 12237/12236                                                        Chm2004 
03576+5712 ES 1820     Doubtful this system is physically bound, since relative motion is      .       
                       larger than pm of A.                                                    Kiy2012 
03578+4932 KU   82     B is BD+49@1068.                                                        .       
03579+5142 SCA 176     Scardia (2017) measured an 8" pair located near the close (0".4) pair   Sca2017b
           COU2358     COU2358. Proper motions for the COU pair and the primary of the SCA     Cou1988b
                       pair were similar, so they were merged into one multiple system, with   .       
                       an 18" pair added to link them. This wide pair was given the same SCA   .       
                       176 discoverer designation and assigned components AB. The components   .       
                       for the COU pair were changed to Aa,Ab, those of the 8" pair to BC.     .       
03579+4001 STF 471     eps Per = 45 Per. A is a Beta Lyrae-type binary.                        .       
                       AB: H 2  22.                                                            MEv2010 
03580-1331 HJ 3608     gam Eri = 34 Eri = Zaurak. Variable?                                    .       
                       The faint pair, presumeably the original system, was recovered in       Dal2009 
                       2009, which appears to have common proper motion. All subsequent        .       
                       measures of the HJ 3608 were of a more distant pair with linear         .       
                       motion relative to the primary, presumeably optical.                    .       
                       Mk III Limb-darkened diameter  9.332 +/- 0.173 mas.                     MkT2003 
03583+2757 ARG  58     AG 75.                                                                  .       
03583-1659 GWP 537     ABL 177.                                                                Tob2012b
03584+2538 LDS5459     Also known as LDS9162.                                                  .       
                       NLTT 12251/12250                                                        Chm2004 
03586-0239 BU 1042     B is BD-03@651.                                                         .       
03587+1646 LDS5462     GWP 538. Luyten's original 1960 measure listed theta = 144deg, 90deg    Luy1984 
                       different from the angle found by Bernal. Agreement on coordinates,     ABl2012a
                       separation, and magnitude difference led to the conclusion Luyten made  .       
                       a trigonometry error in his reduction.                                  .       
03590+3547 TRN  16     = ksi Per = Menkib.                                                     .       
                       The image rotator was in an unknown state, so two possible theta        .       
                       values are listed for the 2001.7342 observation - one for zenith up     .       
                       and one for north up.                                                   Trn2008 
                       Uniform disk diameter  0.216 +/- 0.016 mas,                             .       
                       Limb darkened diameter 0.245 +/- 0.010 mas,                             .       
                       Radius is 10.1 +/- 1.3 \rsun.                                           CIA2018e
03590+0947 HU   27     The value of omega for Ling's (2001) orbit was incorrectly given as     Lin2001b
                       263.1 in IAU Inf. Circ. 144.                                            .       
                       Ling (2004) derived an orbital parallax 0".01239 and a mass sum of      Lin2004a
                       1.94 +/- 0.82 Msun.                                                     .       
03590-0056 HEI 215     Hipparcos identified the pair as a candidate for Hyades membership.     HIP1998 
                       However, radial velocity classifies this as not a Hyades member.        Grf2013c
03591-0656 LDS3545     NLTT 12296/12294                                                        Chm2004 
03591-2312 FAR   3     FAR  33. Primary is white dwarf WD 0357-233.                            Far2005b
03592+8020 JNN  27     A companion to 2MASS J03591438+8020019 was detected on two separate     .       
                       occasions with AstraLux, in both cases the detection is rather          .       
                       tentative, but since it is detected twice with consistent properties    .       
                       we count it as a genuine detection. However, due to the poor quality    .       
                       of the fit and the fact that the two epochs of observation are only     .       
                       separated by 3 months, we do not try to acquire two epochs of           .       
                       astrometry, but merely quote the astrometry as the mean (and standard   .       
                       deviation) of the two epochs.                                           Jnn2012 
03593+5714 MZA  43     MY Cam.                                                                 .       
03596-1019 HU   29     Motion in a highly-inclined orbit.                                      .       
03597+4809 STT  68     A is an Algol-type binary, IQ Per. B is BD+47@921.                      .       
03597-1147 GWP 540     ABL 178.                                                                Tob2012b
03597-1301 GAL 361     Object #110 in Gallo's original list.                                   Gal1912b
03598+1133 STF 478     LDS5464.                                                                .       
03599+1325 LDS1150     Aka LDS5465.                                                            .       
04005+1935 KOH   1     Metchev & Hillenbrand say pair probably physical, based on proximity.   Met2004b
                       Member of Taurus-Auriga molecular cloud.                                Dae2015 
04005-4145 DON  58     B is above the MS in (V,V-K). Tuc-Hor moving group? (Kiss et al., 2011  .       
                       MNRAS 411, 117)                                                         Tok2014d
04005-5120 TOK  83     HIP 18713. NOMAD: PM(B)=(+44,+43). PM(A)=(+162,-39).                    Tok2011a
04007+2023 BD+19  641  Hyades vB 9                                                             .       
                       SB with P > 7 yr according to Griffin et al. (1988).                    Grf1988 
04008+1812 BUP  49     A is a spectroscopic binary. B is BD+17@664.                            .       
04008+0505 A  1937     Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and spectroscopic   .       
                       masses of 2.32 +/- 1.76, 2.84, and 2.00 Msun, respectively.             Mlk2012 
04009+2312 STF 479     H N 93.                                                                 .       
04009-1027 STF 487     B is BD-10@814.                                                         .       
04018+2303 LDS5476     Aka RAO 114.                                                            .       
04021-3429 BU 1004     HIP 18824. See Allen et al. (2000) for information on metallicity,      AlC2000 
           LDS3551     age, galactic orbital parameters, etc.                                  .       
           BU 1004     AC: Optical pair, based on study of relative motion of the components   .       
                       using the method of apparent motion parameters.                         Kiy2008 
           LDS3551     AD: Holberg et al. (2013): D at 64" is CPM, WD(DA9.9)                   Hbg2013 
04022+2808 STF 481     AD: Declination difference 11.18".                                      .       
                       AD: Component D is 04039+2808VBS   9.                                   .       
04024-2832 DAW  79     Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and spectroscopic   .       
                       masses of 2.29 +/- 0.72, 2.25, and 1.07 Msun, respectively.             Mlk2012 
04025+0638 HDS 510     Cvetkovic et al. (2016) estimate spectral types K2 and K3, masses 0.81  .       
                       and 0.79 Msun. Dynamical parallax is 13.24 +/- 0.28 mas.                Cve2016b
04025-6121 LDS 109     Jenkins et al. (2010 A&A 515, 17): RV(A) var with P>6.5yr, M2min=66     CPS2002b
                       Mjup. However, Jones et al. (2002) do not detect RV variation.          Tok2014d
04027+3210 HJ  670     SEI  34.                                                                Nsn2017a
04029+1228 BPM  88     [PM2000]  152895 + [PM2000]  152883.                                    Gvr2010 
04030-3322 BRT1587     A likely plate flaw.                                                    Grv2021b
04031-1149 GAL 362     Object #113a in Gallo's original list.                                  Gal1912b
04032+2553 DCH  45     HBC 356/357 = V1067 Tau.                                                .       
                       Member of Taurus-Auriga molecular cloud.                                Dae2015 
04033+3516 OSO  16     Not a common proper motion pair, based on comparison with POSS2 red     .       
                       plates. PM of A = +1732 -1356.                                          Oso2004 
04033+1820 BPM  89     [PM2000]  153212 + [PM2000]  153228.                                    Gvr2010 
04036-3611 WHI   5     Listed as possibly resolved by White et al. (1991).                     Whi1991 
04037-1545 A  2913     1989.9413: This system closed steadily from its discovery at 0".45 in   .       
                       1915 to 0".22 in 1959; this is the first observation in 30 years so it  .       
                       is unknown whether the pair has passed through periastron.              Hrt1993 
04038+3758 ES 2085     A is V380 Per.                                                          .       
04038-4429 LCL 120     AB: B is CD-44@1388.                                                    .       
                       AB: Additional notes may be found in Herschel (1847).                   HJ_1847a
           SHY 458     AC: HIP  18958 + HIP  18888.                                            .       
04039+2808 VBS   9     An Algol-type binary, RW Tau.                                           .       
                       This is the D component of 04022+2808.                                  .       
04040+3932 L    51     Not found in Heintz at IDS position.                                    Hei1987a
04042+2324 OSO  17     Not a common proper motion pair, based on comparison with POSS2 red     .       
                       plates                                                                  Oso2004 
                       Suspected non-single.                                                   Hor2002b
04043-1231 GAL 363     Object #116 in Gallo's original list.                                   Gal1912b
04044+2406 MCA  13     36 Tau. A is an occultation binary, first detected by Dunham et al.     Dnh1973 
                       Now resolved by speckle interferometry.                                 .       
                       Aa,Ab: Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and          .       
                       spectroscopic masses 16.02 +/- 8.21, 11.83, 2.92 Msun, respectively.    Mlk2012 
04044+2025 RED   1     1996.0656: RHy ID and coordinates from Reid (1992).                     Red1992 
                       LP ID from Luyten et al. (1981)                                         Luy1981 
                       Candidate Hyades member; Reid considers definite binary.                Red1997 
04045+1512 BPM  90     [PM2000]  154069 + [PM2000]  154068.                                    Gvr2010 
04046+5504 HO  221     Both A and B are above the MS. AC: reflex PM(A), likely optical.        Tok2014d
04047+2205 STT 558     AB: 37 Tau.                                                             .       
04047-0303 LDS3555     NLTT 12486/12488                                                        Chm2004 
04049-3527 CHR 224     AC. Surprisingly, no record of this wide companion to the 0".8 pair     .       
                       I 152 is listed in the WDS, despite 17 observations spanning 90+ years  .       
                       since Innes' discovery in 1896.  Misidentification appears ruled out,   I__1897b
                       since both the Innes pair and the new component are seen on two         .       
                       separate occasions.                                                     Hrt1996b
04050+3705 KU   83     AB: HJL  55.                                                            HJL1986 
04050-0600 BFR   4     BD-06 813 + 2MASS J04050209-0600409. Baron et al. (2015) estimate       .       
                       spectral types K0 and M6.5 +/- 1, distances 68 +/-10 and 86 +2/-37 pc,  .       
                       masses 0.925-1.014 and 0.096-0.114 Msun.                                BFr2015 
04053+2201 CHR 158     Aa,Ab: 39 Tau. Variable?                                                .       
                       Aa,Ab: Observed 7 times 1985-1998, then resolved at 0.22" in 1988       McA1993 
                       (note: "uncertain"), unresolved in 2002 (3.6m AO), and finally          Rbr2005 
                       resolved at 0".41 in late 2003                                          Hrt2009 
04056+1255 BPM  91     [PM2000]  154891 + [PM2000]  154924.                                    Gvr2010 
04057+2248 COU 151     Metchev & Hillenbrand say the AB pair is probably physical, based on    .       
                       proximity.                                                              Met2004b
04058+7117 LDS1589     NLTT 12426/12424                                                        Chm2004 
04059+3438 ES  238     A measure in 1946 gives distance as 7.2".                               .       
04063+3548 BRT3241     ALI 57.                                                                 .       
04063+1952 BAG   4     A preliminary circular orbit is determined                              Bag2001 
04064+4325 A  1710     Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and spectroscopic   .       
                       masses of 1.72 +/- 0.73, 2.49, and 0.95 Msun, respectively.             Mlk2012 
04065+1422 S   443     B is BD+13@643.                                                         .       
04066+2018 BNV   2     V1300 Tau. DAE 17. Member of Taurus-Auriga molecular cloud.             Dae2015 
                       Primary is F8-G1, mass = 1.14 +/- 0.05 Msun, age = 25 +25/-10 Myr,      .       
                       Teff = 5970-6100K. Secondary is M8-L1, mass = 32 +18/-14 Mjup,          .       
                       Teff = 2537 +95/-182K.                                                  Bnv2014 
04066-6019 R    40     B is CPD-60@292. Spectral type of B may be G8.                          .       
04067+1309 BPM  92     [PM2000]  155660 + [PM2000]  155680.                                    Gvr2010 
04067+0324 HJ 2221     A component: V = 11.8; B-V = +0.9; Spectral type: K-M.                  .       
                       B component: V = 13.5; B-V = +0.8; Spectral type: M                     FMR2000a
04068+5035 HU  547     Variable of unknown type.                                               .       
04069+3327 STT  71     A is an Algol-type eclipsing binary, AG Per, P = 2.03d.                 .       
04070-1000 SHY 165     AB: HIP  19206 + HIP  21489.                                            .       
           HDS 521     Aa,Ab: Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and          .       
                       spectroscopic masses 1.68 +/- 0.48, 2.13, and 1.96 Msun, respectively.  Mlk2012 
04070-2200 HU 1363     1994.8069: Quadrant determined by speckle imaging analysis.             Hor1996 
04072+2731 TOK 241     Makarov & Kaplan (2005) note as astrometric companion to A, but there   Mkr2005 
                       is RV data for A to support this astrometric sub-system.                Tok2014d
04073-2429 BEU   5     Rectilinear solution by Miles & Mason (2016) and                        Msn2016b
                       Mason et al. (2018). Despite linear solution, based on proper motion    Msn2018a
                       and parallax appears to be physical.                                    .       
04075-5234 TOK  15     Astrometric binary in Hipparcos catalog. Estimated period of visual     .       
                       pair 6y. Primary is 2.5d SB1. G-solution in HIPPARCOS.                  Tok2006 
                       Triple system, consisting of 2.5d SB and 0".1 tertiary companion        .       
                       discovered by Tokovinin (2006) and previously revealed by Hipparcos     Tok2006 
                       acceleration and RV trend. It is not resolved here; apparently it       .       
                       closed in.                                                              Tok2013b
04076+3804 STT 531     A: V491 Per. CPM with BD+37@882 (50 Per), 12' distant.                  Cou1955c
                       Premature orbits have been calculated. Motion retrograde.               .       
                       G039-001. See Allen et al. (2000) for information on metallicity,       AlC2000 
                       age, galactic orbital parameters, etc.                                  .       
           ALC   1     AE: Also known as BU  545CA.                                            .       
                       AE: SHY  19. Bayesian analysis by Shaya & Olling (2011) indicates very  Shy2011 
                       high (near 100%) probability pair is physical.                          .       
                       E: 50 Per = V582 Per.                                                   .       
                       See Baize & Petit (1989) catalog of doubles with variable component.    Baz1989d
04077+1510 STF 495     A is a Delta Scuti-type variable. A = Hyades vB 11, B = Hyades vB 12.   .       
                       AB pair, with rho = 3".8 is outside our detection window.               Msn1993a
04077+1413 LDS5187     old LDS6164.                                                            .       
04078+6220 ES 2603     SZ Cam                                                                  .       
           STF 485     The classification is from Chocol (1980 Bull. Astron. Inst. Czech. 31,  .       
           CHR 209     321).  The discovery of speckle companion CHR 209 Ea,Eb with a period   .       
           WSI  20     of some 60 y confirms the third body model advocated by  Mayer et al.   .       
           HZG   2     (1994 A&A 288, L13) based on the appearance of the spectrum and         .       
           HLM   3     variations in the time of light curve minimum (they suggest a third     .       
                       body period of 50.7 y).  Another light curve solution is given by       .       
                       Harries et al. (1998 MNRAS 295, 386).  The B component was also         .       
                       observed and appeared to be single. Classification of the B component   .       
                       is from the WDS.                                                        Msn1998a
                       This complex multiple system has had numerous identification errors     .       
                       due to various difficulties. The diagram of Lewis in his catalog of     L__1906b
                       the Struve pairs, which seemed a good first step, was hampered by the   .       
                       quadrant error of the pair he designated Ca. This quadrant error was    .       
                       repeated in the ADS, IDS, and in earlier editions of the WDS. In the    .       
                       ADS (where this pair is listed as #2984, but note that #2989 is part    .       
                       of this system, too) the errors multiplied. The pair Holmes AF (WDS     .       
                       designation HLM   3AF) is apparently the same as STF 485Ac. Inspection  .       
                       of scanned images of this region of the sky have allowed the            .       
                       Hertzsprung pairs (HZG   2) whose components are given within           .       
                       quotation marks in the ADS to be identified. Of the HZG pairs, the      .       
                       "CD" pairing is the same as STF 484AC and the "CE" pairing is the       .       
                       same as STF 484AB. The ADS note to the "AJ" pairing of HZG   2 is a     .       
                       typographical error. The correct position angle is 77 degrees, which    .       
                       corresponds to the AD (now AO) pair. Below outlines the changes from    .       
                       the WDS 2001.0 to the current version.                                  .       
                       ES 2603Aa ---> ES 2603AB                                                .       
                       STF 485Ab ---> STF 485AC                                                .       
                       STF 485Ac ---> STF 485AD                                                .       
                       STF 485AB ---> STF 485AE                                                .       
                       STF 485BE ---> STF 485EF                                                .       
                       STF 485   ---> STF 485EG (formerly STF 485B to STF 484A)                .       
                       STF 484AB ---> STF 484GH                                                .       
                       STF 484AC ---> STF 484GI                                                .       
                       STF 485Bb ---> STF 485EC                                                .       
                       HLM   3AF ---> STF 485AD                                                .       
                       STF 485AD ---> STF 485AO                                                .       
                       STF 485   ---> STF 485AL (formerly STF 485A to HLM   3A)                .       
                       HLM   3AB ---> HLM   3LM                                                .       
                       HZG   2AC ---> STF 484AI                                                .       
                       HZG   2AD ---> STF 484AG                                                .       
                       HZG   2AE ---> STF 484AH                                                .       
                       HZG   2AG ---> HZG   2AN                                                .       
                       HZG   2BC ---> STF 484EI                                                .       
                       HZG   2BE ---> STF 484EH                                                .       
                       HZG   2CD ---> STF 484GI                                                .       
                       HZG   2CE ---> STF 484HI                                                .       
                       HZG   2JK ---> HZG   2OP                                                .       
                       HZG   2   ---> HZG   2JK                                                .       
                       SLV   3   ---> STF 485AF                                                .       
                       CHR 209Ba ---> CHR 209Ea,Eb                                             .       
           CHR 209     Ea,Eb: The primary of this pair is the Beta Lyrae-type O9/B0 eclipsing  .       
                       system SZ Cam, with a period of 2.698d. The Gorda et al. (2007) orbit   Grd2007a
                       is based on changes in the period of SZ Cam to determine P, omega, e,   Grd2007b
                       and T, and speckle measures to derive i, Omega, and a. They derive a    .       
                       distance of 1125 +/- 135 pc, which exceeds by 30% the 800pc distance    .       
                       to the open cluster NGC 1502; they conclude that SZ Cam is not a        .       
                       member of the cluster. The mass of the eclipsing pair (Ea) is 28.5      .       
                       +/- 0.5 Msun, that of the third body (Eb) 23.4 +/- 2.4 Msun.            .       
                       Eb is also a close binary.                                              .       
           STF 484     GH: STI 492.                                                            .       
04079+1750 DAE  18     V1302 Tau. Member of Taurus-Auriga molecular cloud.                     Dae2015 
04080+4311 AG  308     B is BD+42@897.                                                         .       
04080+0119 HJ 2223     BAL 1262.                                                               .       
04082+1957 DAE  19     V1196 Tau.                                                              Dae2015 
04083+1327 BPM  93     [PM2000]  156773 + [PM2000]  156823.                                    Gvr2010 
04087+2553 OCC 777     Griffin (2013) notes that the magnitude and parallax of this pair       .       
                       suggest a star of luminosity class III, rather than the published       .       
                       spectral type of G8II. He derived a spectroscopic orbit of P=2224.4     .       
                       +/- 2.3 days, e=0.477 +/- 0.009.                                        Grf2013g
04088+1126 LDS5188     LDS5508.                                                                .       
04089+2911 BU 1232     Only elements P, T, and a in the Starikova (1980) orbit have been       Sta1980b
                       amended from the orbit of Muller (1978).                                Mlr1978a
                       Griffin et al. (1988) find this to be a SB but doubt its                Grf1988 
                       membership in the Hyades in spite of its inclusion by                   Sym1965 
                       Wayman et al. (1965).                                                   Msn1993a
                       Hipparcos identified the pair as a candidate for Hyades membership.     HIP1998 
                       However, this is a Hyades non-member                                    Grf1988 
04089+2306 STF 494     H N  17.                                                                MEv2010 
04090-5153 HJ 3625     B is CPD-52@499.                                                        .       
04091+2901 KOH   3     Young member of Taurus-Auriga molecular cloud.                          Dae2015 
04091+2839 HO  326     Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and spectroscopic   .       
                       masses of 9.61 +/- 4.45, 2.43, and 1.10 Msun, respectively.             Mlk2012 
04091-1624 SKF 950     GWP 556.                                                                Tob2012b
04092+2105 ALP  11     2MASSI J0409095+210439                                                  .       
                       Physical companionship of B component to this ultracool dwarf ruled     .       
                       out based on I-J color, using I-band photometry taken at WIYN in        .       
                       August 2002. C component seen as elongated; its physical companionship  .       
                       also ruled out.                                                         AlP2007 
04093+1835 LDS1154     NLTT 12637/12636                                                        Chm2004 
04093-0756 A   469     Only elements P and T in the Starikova (1984) orbit have been amended   Sta1984 
                       from the orbit of Baize (1981).                                         Baz1981b
                       Typographical error in semimajor axis for Brendley & Mason (2007)       USN2007b
                       orbit corrected from 2".435 to 0".2986.                                 .       
                       Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and spectroscopic   .       
                       masses of 8.49 +/- 6.33, 3.80, and 2.09 Msun, respectively.             Mlk2012 
04094+2328 POU 412     LDS5509.                                                                .       
04094+0546 LAW  12     LSPM J0409+0546 = NLTT 12648. Law et al (2008) derive a distance of     Law2008 
                       19.9 +9.1/-3.8 pc and a projected separation of 4.9 +2.7/-0.7 au.       .       
                       Estimated spectral types are M4.5 and secondary later than M6.          .       
04094-0125 BAL 290     J  3334.                                                                Nsn2016 
04095-0742 BRT 533     Not found by Heintz at IDS position.                                    Hei1990b
04095-1729 ENG  17     B is BD-17@806.                                                         .       
04096+3139 HO  327     AB: Optical pair, based on study of relative motion of the components   .       
                       using the method of apparent motion parameters.                         Kiy2008 
                       SEI  36.                                                                Nsn2017a
                       AB: Rectilinear solution by Hurowitz et al. (2013).                     USN2013a
04096-6023 R    41     B is CPD-60@297.                                                        .       
04096-8151 RST2345     A semi-regular variable, U Men. Hipparcos suspected non-single.         .       
04097+1154 BPM  94     [PM2000]  157774 + [PM2000]  157781.                                    Gvr2010 
04097+0006 GRV 207     HJL  56.                                                                HJL1986 
04099+2446 ITO  16     V1306 Tau. Young member of Taurus-Auriga molecular cloud.               Dae2015 
04100+8042 STF 460     Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and spectroscopic   .       
                       masses of 7.24 +/- 2.42, 5.27, and 4.54 Msun, respectively.             Mlk2012 
04100+0944 LDS1155     LIT  10.                                                                .       
04102-0217 FIL  10     BAL  27.                                                                .       
04105+5751 HDS 529     Pair originally X coded due to lack of resolution, however, elsewhere   Msn1999b
                       it is noted as a "very close double" so uncertain. Ambiguity from old   MCK1956 
                       reference recently found.                                               Dam2015a 
04107+3808 WNT   2     IRAS 04073+3800 = Parsamian 13. Weintraub (1992) suggests that both     Wnt1992 
                       the northern and southern components are double, with separations of    .       
                       about 5" and 8", respectively.                                          .       
04107-0452 A  2801     Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and spectroscopic   .       
                       masses of 1.83 +/- 0.33, 2.34, and 1.05 Msun, respectively.             Mlk2012 
                       Docobo et al. (2017) derive an orbital parallax of 16.18 +/- 0.23 mas   .       
                       and component masses 1.203 +/- 0.059 and 1.114 +/- 0.054 Msun. Age of   .       
                       of the system is estimated at 5 Gyr.                                    Doc2017d
04108-1252 PHB   1     LP 714-37                                                               .       
                       Phan-Bao et al. (2005) derive distance 18.1 +/- 2.2 pc, spectral types  PhB2005 
                       M5.5 and M7.5, masses 0.11 +/- 0.01 and 0.09 +/- 0.005 Msun.            .       
                       Phan-Bao et al. (2006) derive spectral types, absolute K-band mags,     PhB2006 
                       masses of components as follows:                                        .       
                       A   M5.5 +/- 0.5    9.11 +/- 0.25   0.11 +/- 0.01 Msun                  .       
                       B   M8.0 +/- 0.5   10.05 +/- 0.30   0.09 +/- 0.01 Msun                  .       
                       C   M8.5 +/- 0.5   10.35 +/- 0.30   0.08 +/- 0.01 Msun                  .       
04111-1826 UPT   1     No change in angle; distance decreased 2" in 70 years.                  B__1951a
04112+2630 STF 502     LDS5514 (both AB and BC).                                               .       
04112+1538 CHR 202     First detected as an occultation binary by Radick & Lien.               Rad1982a
04113+0531 ENG  18     45 Tau.  Hyades vB 14.  CPM companion with rho = 124".1 is outside      .       
                       detection window. An additional component was noted as spectroscopic    Grf1988 
                       by Griffin et al. (1988).                                               Msn1993a
04119+2338 CHR  14     Observed under poor seeing conditions. Griffin & Gunn (1981) found a    Grf1981d
                       2.4-day SB.                                                             Msn1993a
04120-0916 A   471     Motion increasing, but only three measures since 1933.                  .       
04123+6908 HJ 1141     A 13.3 magnitude star is 20" preceding.                                 .       
04125+3538 HJ  341     ALI 59. BU gives 1880 position +35 25.                                  .       
04125-3609 HJ 3628     B is CD-36@1632.                                                        .       
04128+1937 KOH   4     V1307 Tau. Member of Taurus-Auriga molecular cloud.                     Dae2015 
04130+5237 PRV   1     GJ 164. Discovered by Palomar 5m/STEPS astrometry and confirmed         .       
                       using HST/NICMOS, the combined solution by Pravdo et al. (2004)         .       
                       yielded an absolute parallax of 0".0820 +/- 0".008, spectral types of   .       
                       M4.5V and M6-8V and masses 0.170 +/- 0.015 and 0.095 +/- 0.015 Msun.    .       
                       Inclination = 57 +13/-17, omega = 133 +45/-20 deg.                      Prv2004 
                       Combined AO+STEPS analysis of this M dwarf binary yields a total mass   .       
                       0.343 +/- 0.026 Msun, individual masses 0.257 +/- 0.020 and 0.086 +/-   .       
                       0.007 Msun. Metallicity is at least solar.                              Mtc2009 
                       Inclination = 57 +13/-17, omega = 133 +45/-20 deg.                      .       
                       GJ 164 = LHS 1642. A known close binary system with a well-determined   .       
                       orbit (Pravdo et al. 2004; Martinache et al. 2009). Its separation is   Prv2004 
                       smaller than 100 mas at all times, and it therefore remains unresolved  Mtc2009 
                       by AstraLux. We do detect one other point source in the field of view,  .       
                       but it is a suspected background contaminant based on its blue color,   .       
                       with dz'= 5.8 +/- 0.1 mag and di' = 5.3 +/- 0.1 mag.                    Jnn2014 
04130-2832 HWE  10     Rectilinear solution by Hartkopf et al.  (2012).                        Hrt2012a
04132+5032 CHR  15     Ross 29.  Van Maanen (1941) suspected this star to be a binary, but     Maa1941 
                       these are the first measurements of a companion.                        McA1987b
04132+2258 HU  302     A premature orbit has been computed.                                    .       
04135+2816 KSA 102     Primary is variable star V1096 Tau.                                     .       
04135+1813 BPM  95     [PM2000]  160209 + [PM2000]  160214.                                    Gvr2010 
04135-2554 LDS3564     NLTT 12805/12807                                                        Chm2004 
04136+0743 A  1938     46 Tau. Hipparcos astrometric solution adopted some elements from the   HIP1997d
                       orbit of Heintz.                                                        Hei1984b
                       Combined spectroscopic/astrometric solution of SB1. Calculated masses   .       
                       1.38 +/- 0.26 and 0.82 +/- 0.21 Msun.                                   Mut2010b
                       Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and spectroscopic   .       
                       masses of 2.17 +/- 0.14, 2.77, and 2.55 Msun, respectively.             Mlk2012 
04139+0916 BU  547     47 Tau.                                                                 .       
                       Spectral types of primary and secondary assigned by ten Brummelaar et   .       
                       al., based on adaptive optics observations.                             TtB2000 
04140+8216 LUH   7     LHS 1643 + WISE J041328.73+821854.7. Companion is likely not physical,  .       
                       based on proper motion.                                                 Luh2012b
04140-1222 GAL 364     Object #120 in Gallo's original list.                                   Gal1914 
04141-3155 TS    1     The triply eclipsing TESS multiple TIC 168789840. Pair A has a period   TS_2021 
                       of 1.570d and masses of 1.25 +/- 0.05 and 0.56 +/- 0.04 \msun. Pair B   .       
                       has a period of 1.306d and masses of 1.30 +/- 0.08 and 0.66 +/- 0.03    .       
                       \msun. Pair C has a period of 8.217d and masses of 1.23 +/- 0.10 and    .       
                       0.59 +/- 0.07 \msun. The estimated period of AC is 3.7y and AC,B of 2   .       
                       kyr.                                                                    .       
04142+5149 HU  212AC   Also known as SCA 183.                                                  Sca2018b
04142+2813 GHE   1     Aa,Ab: V773 Tau.  Orbital elements and dynamical mass determinations    .       
                       were published by Tamazian et al. (2002).                               Tam2002 
                       Aa,Ab: The combined solution by Boden et al. (2012) yields a mass and   Bod2012 
                       luminosity for the Ab component of 2.35 +/- 0.67 Msun and 2.6 +/- 0.6   .       
                       Lsun. This mass is higher than expected, and suggests the Aa,Ab pair    .       
                       may instead be a multiple system.                                       .       
                       Young member of Taurus-Auriga molecular cloud.                          Dae2015 
04142-4608 RST2338     Half-period solution equally good, but gives large mass-sum.            .       
                       More speckle obs needed (the only existing one erroneous?).             .       
                       Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and spectroscopic   .       
                       masses of 1.72 +/- 0.26, 2.26, and 1.07 Msun, respectively.             Mlk2012 
                       Gomez et al. (2016) derive dynamical parallax and component masses:     .       
                       20.75 +/- 0.42 mas, 1.245 +/- 0.012 Msun, 0.954 +/- 0.009 Msun.         Doc2016i
04143-2742 SWR   7     CPM pair                                                                Skf2004 
04144+1523 BPM  96     [PM2000]  160726 + [PM2000]  160650.                                    Gvr2010 
04144-1015 STF 516     39 Eri.                                                                 .       
                       AB: H N  24.                                                            MEv2010 
04144-6228 HJ 3638     alp Ret. Possible spectroscopic binary.                                 .       
04145+2851 GRV 208     2MASS J04143060+2851298 and J04143109+2851518, both from the Riaz et    .       
                       al (2006) sample, are separated by only 23" and although the estimated  Ria2006 
                       spectroscopic distances of 55 and 72 pc are not fully equal, they are   .       
                       consistent to within the 37% error. In addition, they have very         .       
                       similar proper motions (e.g. Roser et al. 2010) and thus probably form  XXX2010 
                       a physical pair.                                                        Jnn2012 
04148+2813 GHE   2     FO Tau.  Orbital elements and dynamical mass determinations were        .       
                       published by Tamazian et al. (2002).                                    Tam2002 
                       M_Aa = 0.35 +0.06-0.05 \msun, M_Ab = 0.34 +/- 0.05 \msun.               Tof2024 
04148+2753 GHE   3     HBC 368 = V1098 Tau = LkCa 3. Torres et al. (2013) find that both       .       
                       components of this 0".5 pre-MS pair are spectroscopic binaries, with    .       
                       periods for Aa,Ab and Ba,Bb of 12.942 and 4.068d, respectively.         Trr2013 
04148+2648 DAE  21     CX Tau. Young member of Taurus-Auriga molecular cloud.                  Dae2015 
04148+2646 DAE  20     FP Tau. Young member of Taurus-Auriga molecular cloud.                  Dae2015 
04148-6212 HJ 3641     Optical pair, based on study of relative motion of the components       .       
                       using the method of apparent motion parameters.                         Kiy2008 
                       Rectilinear solution by Hurowitz et al. (2013).                         USN2013a
04149+5824 LDS9165     Old LDS6165.                                                            .       
04149+4825 STT  73     mu Per = 51 Per. A is a Beta Lyrae-type system.                         .       
                       The elements P, T, and e of Alden (1925) were adopted from the          Ald1925 
                       spectroscopic orbit of Cannon (Pub. DAO Ottawa 2, 365, 1915).           .       
           H 6  20     H VI 20. SHJ 364.                                                       .       
04152+5052 AG  309     B is BD+50@944.                                                         .       
04153+2044 KOH   6     Metchev & Hillenbrand say the pair is probably physical, based on       .       
                       proximity.                                                              Met2004b
                       V1199 Tau. Member of Taurus-Auriga molecular cloud.                     Dae2015 
04153-0739 STF 518     A: omi 2 Eri = 40 Eri = Keid                                            .       
                       LDS 114 = STFB 1. Proper motion of A -2224 -3423.                       .       
                       C is a flare star, DY Eri, and a strong X-ray source.                   .       
                       AE: Optical pair, based on study of relative motion of the components   .       
                       using the method of apparent motion parameters.                         Kiy2008 
                       BC: NLTT 12868/12869                                                    Chm2004 
                       BC at 83" is physical, and is a Delta Scuti star showing coronal X-ray  .       
                       emission.                                                               .       
                       See Baize & Petit (1989) catalog of doubles with variable component.    Baz1989d
                       HIP 19849. See Allen et al. (2000) for information on metallicity,      AlC2000 
                       age, galactic orbital parameters, etc.                                  .       
                       BC: Additional notes may be found in Worley (1956).                     Wor1956b
                       B: M = 0.575 +/- 0.018 \msun, C: M = 0.2041 +/- 0.0064.                 Msn2017d
                       P = 230.09 +/- 0.68 y.                                                  .       
                       VLTI uniform disk diameter of A:       1.405 +/- 0.038 mas,             LTI2009 
                       VLTI limb-darkened disk diameter of A: 1.437 +/- 0.039 mas,             .       
                       R = 0.770 +/- 0.021 \rsun, Teff = 5269 +/-  35 K,                       .       
                       M = 0.877 +/- 0.044 \msun.                                              .       
                       CHARA Array Limb-darkened diameter of A :                               CIA2012f
                       R =  0.8061 +/- 0.0036 \rsun, L =  0.40782 +/-0.00319 \lsun,            .       
                       Teff = 5143 +/-  14 K, M = 0.816 \msun.                                 .       
                       B: Teff = 17,200 +/- 110 K, log g = 7.957 +/- 0.020, R = 0.01308 +/-    BdH2017b
                       0.00020 \rsun, M = 0.565 +/- 0.031 \msun, l = 0.01349 +/- 0.00054       .       
                       \lsun. Inferred cooling age 122 Myr. Assuming a pre-WD progenitor of    .       
                       1.8 \msun with a lifetime of 1.7 Gyr gives a total system age of ~1.8   .       
                       Gyr. It has a thin outer hydrogen layer.                                .       
                       AD, AE: Rectilinear solutions by Friedman et al. (2011).                USN2011a
                       BD, BE: Rectilinear solutions by Mason & Hartkopf (2016).               Msn2016a
04155+0611 STTA 45     AB: H VI 98. A is V774 Tau. B is BD+05@613, and a suspected variable.   .       
                       AB: SHY  21. Bayesian analysis by Shaya & Olling (2011) indicates very  Shy2011 
                       high (near 100%) probability pair is physical.                          .       
                       AB: H 6  98.                                                            MEv2010 
                       Toyota et al. (2009) monitored the RV of both the A and B components    .       
                       every 1-2 months between 2003 Mar - 2007 Nov, using a high-dispersion   .       
                       echelle (precision ~10 m/s). Standard deviations of the RVs of both     .       
                       components are <40 m/s and velocities show no periodic variation.       .       
                       These results rejects the association of a planet of mass > 1.8 Mjup    .       
                       with either star.                                                       Toy2009 
04157+2049 CIA  62     Aa,Ab : M_Aa = 1.0714+/- 0.0038\msun, M_Ab = 0.9682 +/- 0.0031 \msun,   .       
                       pi_orb = 20.411 +/- 0.026 mas, A_dia = 0.186 mas, B_dia = 0.163 mas.    CIA2024d
           TOK 659     Hyades, vB162.  primary is SB2, P=55.130d                               Tok2014d
                       The 55.1-day SB of Griffin & Gunn (1981) is outside our detection       Grf1981d
                       window.                                                                 Msn1993a
           RED   2     1996.1230: RHy ID and coordinates from Reid (1992).                     Red1992 
                       LP ID from Luyten et al. (1981).                                        Luy1981 
                       Candidate Hyades member; Reid considers definite binary.                Red1997 
04158+4524 STF 512     HJL  58.                                                                HJL1986 
04158+3100 KOH   7     V952 Per. Member of Taurus-Auriga molecular cloud.                      Dae2015 
04158+1524 BUP  51     A: 48 Tau = V1099 Tau                                                   .       
04159+3142 STT  77     AB: Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and             .       
                       spectroscopic masses 4.90 +/- 3.64, 2.97, and 1.10 Msun, respectively.  Mlk2012 
           STTA 43     AB,C: HJL  59.                                                          HJL1986 
04162+1648 RED   3     1995.8821: RHy ID and coordinates from Reid (1992).                     Red1992 
                       LP ID from Luyten et al. (1981).                                        Luy1981 
                       Candidate Hyades member; Reid considers possible binary.                Red1997 
04163+3644 YSC 128     Also a 7.3d spectroscopic binary.                                       Tok2019b
04163+0710 WSI 97      This is a single-lined nearby binary. Using the radial velocities       .       
                       measured by D. Latham (2012, private communication), we computed a      .       
                       combined orbit (the previous visual orbit reported by Riddle et al.     RAO2015 
                       (2015) had a wrong period). The inclination is close to 180deg and had  .       
                       to be fixed in order to match the RV amplitude.                         Tok2015c
04163-6057 GLE   1     Variable: TT Ret. A premature orbit has been computed.                  .       
                       See Baize & Petit (1989) catalog of doubles with variable component.    Baz1989d
04164+0710 WSI  97     Provisionally designated WSI9102.                                       Tok2010 
04165+0041 J  1458     BAL 971.                                                                .       
04165-5918 JSP  56     eps Ret                                                                 .       
                       The companion is a possible white dwarf.                                Cvn2006 
                       Companion confirmed as DA white dwarf.                                  Cvn2007 
                       Optical spectroscopy suggests the companion is a mid- to late-B         .       
                       (B3-B9) dwarf.                                                          Mug2007b
04166+2447 LDS1158     NLTT 12896/12897                                                        Chm2004 
04170+1941 HO  328     Only elements P and T in the Starikova (1980) orbit were amended from   Sta1980b
                       the orbit of Heintz (1978).                                             Hei1978a
                       Additional notes may be found in Van Biesbroeck (1954) and              VBs1954 
                       Couteau (1963).                                                         Cou1963a
                       Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and spectroscopic   .       
                       masses of 6.92 +/- 2.37, 2.74, and 1.20 Msun, respectively.             Mlk2012 
04171+6408 STF 503     BD is +63  489a.                                                        .       
04171+0409 BAL2119     J 1814.                                                                 .       
04173+4613 STTA 44     B is BD+45@904.                                                         .       
04173+2035 LDS5535     HJL1032.                                                                HJL1986 
04176+2833 SAR   2     HBC 371 = LkCa 5.                                                       .       
04176+1658 LDS3568     This cannot be the close 3079-d or 5.609-d spectroscopic binaries of    Grf2012b
                       Griffin. The 3079-d pair has an estimated separation of 0.06", but              
                       delta-mag may be considerable.                                                  
04176+1657 HD  27130   Hyades vB 22.  The 5.6-day SB of Griffin et al. (1985) is outside our   Grf1985b
                       detection window.                                                       Msn1993a
04177-6315 RMK   3     the Ret                                                                 .       
                       Rectilinear solution by Letchford et al. (2018).                        LRR2018a
04179+5847 STF 511     See Baize & Petit (1989) catalog of doubles with variable component.    Baz1989d
                       Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and spectroscopic   .       
                       masses of 2.60 +/- 1.54, 3.37, and 2.09 Msun, respectively.             Mlk2012 
04179-3348 I   270     ups 4 Eri = 41 Eri. Duplicity of AB doubtful.                           .       
                       A is a spectroscopic binary, and possible variable.                     .       
           HMM   2     Aa1,Aa2: close SB resolved by VLTI. A combined spectroscopic/           .       
                       interferometric orbit by Hummel et al. (2017) yields component masses   .       
                       3.17 +/- 0.07 and 3.07 +/- 0.07 Msun, luminosities 100.6 +/- 4.3 and    .       
                       87.4 +/- 3.3 Lsun, and an orbital parallax of 18.05 +/- 0.17 mas.       Hmm2017 
04180+1815 CIA  63     V1232 Tau.                                                              .       
                       M_A = 1.1028 +/- 0.0011 \msun, M_B = 1.01736 +/- 0.00091 \msun,         .       
                       pi_orb = 21.4783 +/- 0.0078 mas, A_dia = 0.199 mas, B_dia = 0.179 mas.  CIA2024d
                       Hyades vB 23. The 75.6-day SB of Batten & Wallerstein (1973) is         Bte1973 
                       outside our detection window.                                           Msn1993a
04180-0031 SKF 848     Pair originally published as BVD 45, but with incorrect sign given to   Bvd2010b
                       declination. Pair later "rediscovered" and published with correct       .       
                       declination; this latter discoverer designation has been maintained.    .       
04181+0446 TOB9003     Measured as BAZ   3 = STF1063 but with an error of -3h in RA!           Tob2012c 
04181-1448 LDS9166     Old LDS6166.                                                            .       
                       NLTT 12975/12973                                                        Chm2004 
04182+5018 b Per       Hipparcos astrometric solution adopted some elements from the orbit of  HIP1997d
                       Hill et al. (1976).                                                     HlG1976 
04182+2248 STF 520     Measured separation too large, estimated at probably 0.30".             Cou1955c
                       Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and spectroscopic   .       
                       masses of 14.33 +/- 9.16, 3.42, and 1.20 Msun, respectively.            Mlk2012 
04183-3000 LDS3571     NLTT 12992/12990                                                        Chm2004 
04184+2135 MCA  14     51 Tau. Hyad (vB 24). B is BD+21@619. A is a long-period spectroscopic  .       
                       binary, resolved by speckle interferometry. Analysis of the             .       
                       spectroscopic/interferometric orbit is given by McAlister (1977).       McA1977 
                       1978.1490:  Theta was incorrectly given as 325.5 degrees                McA1980b
                       See Baize & Petit (1989) catalog of doubles with variable component.    Baz1989d
                       A new orbit with a period of 11.3 years was determined by Dombrowski    Dmb1991 
                       (1991).                                                                 Msn1993a
                       Torres et al. (1997) derive a combined spectroscopic/astrometric        Trr1997a
                       solution, yielding an orbital parallax 0.01792 /- 0.00058 and masses    .       
                       1.80 +/= 0.13 and 1.46 +/- 0.18 Msun.                                   .       
                       Hipparcos astrometric solution adopted some elements from the orbit of  HIP1997d
                       Deutsch & Lowen (1971).                                                 Deu1971 
                       Aa,Ab: Martin et al. (1998) derive component masses 1.756 +/- 0.343     .       
                       and 0.953 +/- 0.247 Msun.                                               Mig1998 
                       Pourbaix (2000) gives a combined solution for this resolved SB2,        Pbx2000b
                       yielding orbital parallaxes and component masses.                       .       
                       Aa,Ab: Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and          .       
                       spectroscopic masses 2.96 +/- 0.47, 2.99, and 1.45 Msun, respectively.  Mlk2012 
04184-2347 RST2344     BRT2832.                                                                Brt1947 
04185+2828 GHE   4     Aka V410 Tau.                                                           .       
04185+2817 HAT   4     AB: Additional notes may be found in Herbig (1962).                     Her1962 
04186+1606 BPM  97     [PM2000]  163490 + [PM2000]  163456.                                    Gvr2010 
04187+2819 SKW   2     V892 Tau.                                                               .       
                       Circumbinary disk approximately five times larger than the binary       .       
                       separation.                                                             Mnr2008 
                       Total mass estimated to be 6.0 +/- 0.2 \msun. Orbit is nearly coplanar  .       
                       with circumbinary disk. Mild inner and outer disk misalignment may be   .       
                       due to interaction with the eccentric binary.                           Lon2021 
04187+2819 SKN   1     Measure of 1990.725 made by the VLA at radio wavelengths.               Skn1993 
04187-5252 SHY 462     AB: HIP  20109 + HIP  20074.                                            .       
04188+2820 KSA 104     Primary is variable star V1023 Tau.                                     .       
04189+0146 STTA 49     B is BD+01@734.                                                         .       
04190-0725 STF 527     H 2  80.                                                                MEv2010 
04192+6135 STF 513     Same as STF 507.                                                        .       
04192+1100 BPM  98     [PM2000]  163846 + [PM2000]  163809.                                    Gvr2010 
04193-4416 HJ 3643     B is CD-44@1505.                                                        .       
04195+3800 HDS 552     Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and spectroscopic   .       
                       masses of 3.74 +/- 0.86, 2.77, and 1.45 Msun, respectively.             Mlk2012 
04195+2808 DAE  23     Member of Taurus-Auriga molecular cloud.                                Dae2015 
04196+3355 HJ  674     The discovery observation of 220 deg may be in error. The AC2000        .       
                       catalog include one measurement for 1924.381: 22.3 deg and 16.1".       .       
                       Proper motion of B is mu(AR) = +0.004+-0.007, mu(DEC) = -0.022+-0.002   FMR2000b
04196-2847 SHY 463     HIP  20184 + HIP  19926.                                                .       
04197+1416 GIC  45     G008-027/G008-026 = Melotte 25 VA 174 + 170.                            .       
04198+1538 BLM   1     gam Tau = 54 Tau = Prima Hyadum. SB resolved by speckle interferometry. .       
                       This object was misidentified as HR 1349 by McAlister (1978).           McA1978c
                       Observed under rather poor seeing conditions. Morgan et al. (1982)      BLM1982 
                       also report a large magnitude difference.                               Msn1993a
04199+3145 J   934     Jonckheere gives the 1950 position: 04 17.0 +31 43.                     J__1958 
                       Couteau corrects the position.                                          Cou1953a
04199+1631 STT  79     Hyad (vB 29). SB according to Griffin et al. (1988).                    Grf1988 
                       1978.6183: The date of this observation was given incorrectly as        .       
                       1977.6183 by McAlister & Fekel (1980).                                  McA1980b
                       Observed under poor seeing conditions.                                  Msn1993a
                       Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and spectroscopic   .       
                       masses of 2.57 +/- 1.41, 2.25, and 1.07 Msun, respectively.             Mlk2012 
04200+1402 BUP  53     57 Tau. A is a Delta Scuti-type variable, V483 Tau.                     .       
04201+1953 LDS1164     LDS9167 (old LDS6167).  NLTT 13024 = LP 414-169                         Chm2004 
                       NLTT 13024/13026                                                        Chm2004 
04202+3336 FAR   4     Primary is white dwarf WD 0416+334 = GD 60. Aka SKF 316.                Far2005b
04203+3150 HJ 5460     SEI  40.                                                                Nsn2017a
04203+1833 LDS5540     Companion at 264" agrees with Luyten's astrometry, but star at 307" is  Luy1984 
                       in much better magnitude and proper motion agreement. This pair added   .       
                       as AC pair, until proper identification can be determined.              .       
04204+3434 BU 1382     54 Per.                                                                 .       
04204+2721 SHJ  40     phi Tau = 52 Tau. STTA 48 = H 5  13. B is BD+26@712.                    .       
04205-0119 RST4769     Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and spectroscopic   .       
                       masses of 3.54 +/- 0.98, 3.17, and 2.00 Msun, respectively.             Mlk2012 
04206+2429 COU 704     Probably the A component of POU 442.                                    .       
04207+1514 JNN 261     LP 475-7. Estimated age 1000-10000 Myr; masses 0.45 +/- 0.04 and 0.21   .       
                       +/- 0.03 Msun; a ~7.4 au.                                               Jnn2014 
04208+3009 KOH   8     Member of Taurus-Auriga molecular cloud.                                Dae2015 
04209+1352 CIA  60     Hyad - Melotte 25 VA 201 = vB 34.                                       .       
                       Aa,Ab : M_Aa = 1.363 +/- 0.010 \msun, M_Ab = 1.3323 +/- 0.0099 \msun,   .       
                       pi_orb = 21.174 +/- 0.073 mas, A_dia = 0.265 mas, B_dia = 0.257 mas.    CIA2024d
                       The combined spectroscopic/interferometric solution by Konacki et al.   Knc2004 
                       (2004) uses data from the Palomar Testbed Interferometer and assumes    .       
                       the eccentricity = 0.0 and the K-band brightness ratio = 1.0. Results   .       
                       include P = 3.0591080 +/- 0.000011 d, T = 44497.185696 +/- 0.0026 MJD,  .       
                       derived masses 1.38 +/- 0.13 and 1.39 +/- 0.13 Msun, spectral types     .       
                       F6V, and diameters 0.25 mas.                                            .       
                       Aa,Ab is resolved with PTI, orbit (Konacki & Lane 2004). The B          Knc2004 
                       component is a white dwarf (Barstow et al. 2001), DA3.1; mass 0.98      Bas2001 
                       Msun.  Shaya & Olling (2011): co-moving HIP 1996 at 0.75pc, prob.       Shy2011 
                       0.96: another Hyades star?                                              Tok2014d
           HD  27483   Mel 25 VA 201: Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and  .       
                       spectroscopic masses 3.04 +/- 6.10, 2.70, and 3.17 Msun, respectively.  Mlk2012 
04209-1156 GAL 365     Object #125 in Gallo's original list.                                   Gal1914 
04210+5015 S   445     STTA 47. B is BD+49@1161.                                               .       
04211+5532 STTA 46     B is BD+55@869.                                                         .       
04215+1704 BPM  99     [PM2000]  165579 + [PM2000]  165489.                                    Gvr2010 
04215-2055 LDS9168     Old LDS6168.                                                            .       
                       AC: NLTT 13102/13095                                                    Chm2004 
                       AC: SHY 167. Bayesian analysis by Shaya & Olling (2011) indicates very  Shy2011 
                       high (near 100%) probability pair is physical.                          .       
04215-2544 BU  744     Star A is SB1, P = 4.0 d, tho this may be spurious,                     Wor1983 
                       See Baize & Petit (1989) catalog of doubles with variable component.    Baz1989d
                       AB: Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and             .       
                       spectroscopic masses 3.42 +/- 1.00, 2.96, and 1.35 Msun, respectively.  Mlk2012 
04216-1559 LDS9169     Old LDS6169.                                                            .       
                       NLTT 13109/13110                                                        Chm2004 
04217+1046 TOK  84     HIP 20366. Small PM(A)=(-31,-12). NOMAD: PM(B)=(+39,-63), V=13.95.      Tok2011a
04218+1949 KNT   2     LDS2228. The variable U Tau.                                            .       
04218+1929 SIG   1     LP 415-20 = Bryja 262.  Spectral types M7.0, M9.5. Probable Hyades      .       
                       member. Estimated orbital period 23 +7/-6 yrs.                          Sig2003 
                       Konopacky et al. (2010) derive a distance of 21. +/- 5. pc and a        .       
                       system mass of 0.09 +/- 0.06 Msun.                                      Kon2010 
04219+5749 BRG  34     XO-3. Bergfors et al. (2013) estimate spectral types F5V and G0-M2.5V.  Brg2013 
04219+1530 CHX   1     IRAM 04191+1522. Primary is a Class 0 protostar, resolved into 7.8"     .       
                       pair in 1.3mm continuum observations at Submillimeter Array (SMA).      ChX2012 
                       Chen et al. quote position angle as "SE/NW"; followup check on Aladin   .       
                       by cataloguer suggests angle approximately 290deg.                      .       
04220+2826 ISM   1     RY Tau, a T-Tauri star.                                                 .       
04220+2818 ITO  21     V987 Tau. Member of Taurus-Auriga molecular cloud.                      Dae2015 
04220+2658 SMN   9     FS Tau.                                                                 .       
                       Measure of 1989.5 made by triangulation of multiple measures and was    .       
                       in a red filter.                                                        .       
                       Tamazian et al. (2002) solution includes a mass determination based on  Tam2002 
                       an estimated distance.                                                  .       
                       AB: Additional notes may be found in Simon et al. (1992).               Smn1992 
04220+1932 GHE   6     Components A, Ba, and Bb of this system are also commonly designated    .       
                       as N, Sa, and Sb, respectively, due to the north-south orientation of   .       
                       the wider pair.                                                         .       
                       AB: Measure of 1982.5 made by the VLA at radio wavelengths.             Scw1984 
                       Measure of 1983.75 made by the VLA at radio wavelengths.                Scw1986 
                       Measures of Johnston et al. and Loinard et al. made by the VLA at       Jnt2003 
                       radio wavelengths.                                                      Loi2003 
                       AB: Rho and theta errors for Ghez et al. (1995), Furlan et al. (2003),  Ghe1995 
                       and Roddier et al. (2000) measures have been added/updated as noted by  Fun2003 
                       Koehler et al. (2008). Koehler et al. derive a preliminary orbit for    Rod2000 
                       the AB pair, yielding a system mass of 5.57 +0.11/-0.29 Msun.           Koh2008b
                       A,Ba: The 2000.886 Duchene et al. (2002) theta value was corrected by   Dch2002 
                       Duchene et al (2006). Also, the Duchene et al. (2006) theta value for   Dch2006 
                       2005.801 was changed by 90deg to correct for the orientation of the     .       
                       camera (Schaefer, priv. comm. cited by Koehler et al. 2008)             Koh2008b
           KRS   2     Ba,Bb: Tamazian derives a total system mass of 2.82 +/- 0.74 Msun,      Tam2005 
                       consistent with the IRC model of Koresko et al. (1997).                 Krs1997 
                       T Tau Sa-Sb orbit gives range 1991-2001 for T, 0.09-0.87 for e,         .       
                       11-60 for i. Values for P and a are lower limits.                       Sfr2006 
                       Duchene et al. (2006) derive masses for the Ba and Bb components of     Dch2006 
                       2.73 +/- 0.31 and 0.61 +/- 0.17 Msun, respectively.                     .       
                       Ba,Bb: The 2000.886 Duchene et al. (2002) theta value was corrected by  Dch2002 
                       Duchene et al (2006)                                                    Dch2006 
                       The 2002.829 Schaefer et al. (2006) measure is a reanalysis of data     Sfr2006 
                       from Beck et al. (2004).                                                Bck2004 
                       Koehler et al. (2008) derive a system mass of 2.96 +0.15/-0.24 Msun     Koh2008b
                       and individual masses of 2.13 +0.14/-0.20 and 0.83 +0.10/-0.11 Msun     .       
                       for the Ba and Bb components, respectively.                             .       
                       Ba,Bb: The Schaefer et al. (2014) orbit, combined with a VLBA parallax  .       
                       of 6.90 +/- 0.09 mas (147.6 +/- 0.6pc; Loinard et al. 2007, ApJ 671,    .       
                       546) yields a total mass for Ba+Bb of 2.70 +/- 0.22 Msun.               Sfr2014 
                       Ba,Bb: Csepany et al. (2015) generated new orbital parameters for T     .       
                       Tau N-S (KRS   2Ba,Bb), but their grid search yields a wide range of    .       
                       possible solutions (P 475-27000y, a 0.57-16.8", etc.)                   Cse2015b
                       Based on the new orbit and the Gaia parallax the masses of Ba(Bb) is    Sfr2020 
                       is 2.049(0.430) +/- 0.137(0.055) \msun. Using the slightly grater       .       
                       distance from the VLBA parallax the result is 2.268(0.476) +/-          .       
                       0.147(0.060) \msun. The brightnesa of Ba and Bb are both variable.      .       
04220+1405 HD  27628   Hyades vB 38 = V775 Tau. The 2.14-day SB of Abt (1961) is outside our   AbH1961 
                       detection window.                                                       Msn1993a
           BUP  54     60 Tau. A is a specroscopic binary and variable, V775 Tau.              .       
04221+2826 KSA 105     V1071 Tau = LkCa 21. Young member of Taurus-Auriga molecular cloud.     Dae2015 
04221-2849 BWL  15     Pair is a 0".7 equal-flux K7V2 binary. Torres et al. (2006 A&A 460,     .       
                       695) found strong Halpha emission and lithium absorption. Age is        .       
                       consistent with that of the Pleiades, so an age range of 50-200 Myr     .       
                       is adopted for this system.                                             Bwl2015 
04221+1934 KOH   9     Young member of Taurus-Auriga molecular cloud.                          Dae2015 
04224+1118 PAT   5     The 3-year SB of Griffin et al. (1988) is outside our detection         Grf1988 
                       window.                                                                 Msn1993a
                       The double-lined spectroscopic solution of this 1043.5-d pair           Grf2012b
                       determined by Griffin.                                                          
04226+2538 STF 528     chi Tau = 59 Tau                                                        .       
                       H 4  10.                                                                MEv2010 
                       The secondary is SB2 (F8+G6), with period 17.6 days for Ba,Bb; RV       .       
                       residuals indicate the presence of a more distant Bc companion. Based   .       
                       on spectroscopic observations obtained at CfA 1988-2004, Torres (2006)  .       
                       derived an orbit for Bab,Bc with period 9.447 +/- 0.017 yr. Mass for    .       
                       the A component is determined to be 2.60 +/- 0.5 Msun. Inclination      .       
                       angle for the Ba,Bb orbit is 53.5 +/- 0.5deg, yielding masses 1.19 and  .       
                       1.02 Msun for Ba and Bb. Bc appears to be over-massive; based on        .       
                       infrared excess this could be well explained as an equal-mass binary    .       
                       composed of late-type stars of masses ~0.70 Msun (spectral type ~K4).   .       
                       Total mass of B is 3.6 Msun.  Torres estimates the Bab,Bc semi-major    .       
                       axis at about 83.6 mas and the magnitude difference dV~3.3mag           .       
                       (dK~1.5mag), making the pair potentially resolvable by speckle          .       
                       interferometry.                                                         Trr2006b
04227+1503 STT  82     Hyades vB 40A. The primary is SB1, P = 4.00 d (Sanford 1921).           San1921 
                       Primary is SB2, P=4.0002d (Griffin 2012)                                Grf2012b
                       Also a wider companion (LDS 1166 AC, rho = 62", M = 17.8).              .       
                       The 255.5-year binary, ADS 3169 = STT 82 AB is outside our detection    .       
                       window, although part of a peak is seen at the edge of the window at    .       
                       the expected position angle, according to the orbit in the Worley &     .       
                       Heintz (1983) orbit catalog. A wider companion (LDS 1166AC, rho = 62",  Wor1983 
                       M = 17.8) and the 4d SB are also outside our detection window.          Msn1993a
                       A component of pair determined to be a 4.0-d spectroscopic binary.      Grf2012b
04228+1647 HD  27685   Hyades vB 39. Spectroscopic binary with P > 7 yr, according to Griffin  Grf1988 
                       et al. (1988).                                                          Msn1993a
04230+1732 CHR 262     del 1 Tau = 61 Tau = Secunda Hyadum. The primary is a long-period               
           BUP  55     spectroscopic and occultation binary.                                   .       
                       Mk III Limb-darkened diameter  2.338 +/- 0.033 mas.                     MkT2003 
                       CHARA Array Limb-darkened diameter  2.408 +/- 0.038 mas.                CIA2009a
                       R =  12.3 +/- 0.4 \rsun, Teff = 4826 +/- 51 K.                          .       
                       This system, first announced in Mason et al. but considered of          Msn1993a
                       uncertain veracity, has been included. While its status is not          .       
                       definitive, subsequent confirmation or suspected duplicity (by another  .       
                       technique) makes the discovery measurement somewhat more probable.      .       
                       1991.8995: This is a particularly unexpected result, given the four     .       
                       previous epochs at which our observations have shown no indications of  .       
                       duplicity.  All four of the earlier observations were reanalyzed using  .       
                       the same procedures employed here, but no additional supporting         .       
                       evidence of duplicity was found.  If this additional component is       .       
                       confirmed,  vB 41 will be the second K0 giant binary that has been      .       
                       resolved in the Hyades (HR 1411 being the other).  The common proper    .       
                       motion companion at a separation of 195".5 is far outside our window    .       
                       of observation, and the 530-day spectroscopic component of Griffin &    .       
                       Gunn (1977) would have an angular separation below the diffraction      Grf1977d
                       limit of the KPNO 4-m telescope.                                        Msn1993a
                       Aa,Ab : If real, this pair could be the 530.1-d spectroscopic binary    Grf2012b
                       of Griffin.                                                             .       
04231-0117 BU  402     Aka OL  201.                                                            .       
04232+7510 MLR 459     Also known as TDS 138.                                                  .       
04232-1135 GAL 366     Object #127 in Gallo's original list.                                   Gal1914 
04233+1123 STF 535     A premature orbit has been computed.                                    .       
                       Ruymaekers & Nys (1995) noted discrepancies in the orbit of Popovic     Ruy1995 
                       (1982), and calculated elements from their Thiele-Innes elements.       Pop1982a
04233-0500 HJ  342     Same as STF 539 and H IV 117.                                           .       
                       AB: H 4 117.                                                            MEv2010 
04233-2138 B  2571     CPD-21@545.                                                             .       
04234+1940 V988 Tau    Hyades vB 43. Hipparcos astrometric solution adopted some elements      HIP1997d
                       from the orbit of Griffin et al. (1985).                                Grf1985b
                       The 1.6-year SB of Griffin et al. is outside our detection window.      Msn1993a
04234+1647 HD  27749   Hyades vB 45.  The 8.418-day SB of Abt & Levy (1985) is outside our     AbH1985 
                       detection window.                                                       Msn1993a
04234+1546 TOK 876     V989 Tau.                                                               .       
04235+2059 CHR  16     An occultation binary, now resolved.                                    .       
04236+4226 STT  80     1977.7420: The date of this observation was given incorrectly as        .       
                       1978.7420 by McAlister & Fekel (1980).                                  McA1980b
04236+2503 MTZ   2     FU Tau                                                                  .       
04237+1538 MET   3     Metchev & Hillenbrand say the pair is probably optical, based on        .       
                       proximity.                                                              Met2004b
04238-0414 BUG   7     SDSS J042348.57-041403.5                                                .       
                       Estimated spectral types are L6.5 + T2, effective temperatures 1490     .       
                       +/- 100 and 1250 +/- 80 K. Masses are estimated at 0.039-0.062 and      .       
                       0.029-0.051 Msun, and the orbital period (assuming the semi-major axis  .       
                       = 1.26 * rho) is ~19yr.                                                 Bug2006a
04239+0928 HU  304     66 Tau.                                                                 .       
                       Spectral types and masses of components assigned by ten Brummelaar et   .       
                       al., based on adaptive optics observations.                             TtB2000 
                       Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and spectroscopic   .       
                       masses of 4.81 +/- 1.40, 6.11, and 4.43 Msun, respectively.             Mlk2012 
04239-1102 GAL 367     Object #128 in Gallo's original list.                                   Gal1914 
04240+2418 STF 534     62 Tau.                                                                 .       
                       AB: H 4 109.                                                            MEv2010 
04241+1727 BUP  56     del 2 Tau = 64 Tau. Hyades vB 47. A is spectroscopic binary.            .       
04242+1445 HDS 564     1991.8992: Noted as a possible spectroscopic binary by Griffin et al.   Grf1988 
                       (1988), it is uncertain whether the system we detect here is also       .       
                       producing the radial velocity variation.                                Msn1993a
                       Hipparcos identified the pair as a candidate for Hyades membership.     HIP1998 
                       The spectroscopic solution of this ~42000-d pair determined by Griffin, Grf2012b
                       its gamma velocity "removing any remaining doubt about the systems      Grf2013c
                       credentials as a Hyades member."                                        .       
04242-5704 RMK   4     Rectilinear solution by Letchford et al. (2018), however, common        .       
                       parallax and proper motion argues for their orbital solution.           LRR2018a
04244+3419 STF 533     AB: H 4  72.                                                            MEv2010 
                       Primary is V590 Per, a Beta Lyr type eclipsing binary, P = 5.6866d.     Zas2012 
04245+5051 TOK 245     AC: The physical nature of C is not certain: CPM, but the PM is small.  Tok2014d
           COU2459     AB: Rectilinear solution by Hartkopf & Mason (2013).                    Hrt2013b
04245+2244 BU 1235     Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and spectroscopic   .       
                       masses of 3.22 +/- 2.00, 2.88, and 1.35 Msun, respectively.             Mlk2012 
04245+1653 PAT   6     Noted as a possible spectroscopic binary by Griffin et al.              Grf1988 
                       (1988).                                                                 Msn1993a
                       Hyades vB 52. Mass of B 0.49 Msun (Metchev & Hillenbrand 2009).         Met2009 
04246+3358 STT  81     AB: 56 Per.                                                             .       
04247+0442 HJL1115     Hyades vB 140. The 156.4-day SB of Griffin et al. (1985) is outside     Grf1985b
                       our detection window.                                                   Msn1993a
                       A combined interferometric/spectroscopic solution by Halbwachs et al.   .       
                       (2016) yields masses 0.9808 +/- 0.0040 and 0.7269 +/- 0.0019 Msun.      HJL2016 
                       Mass = 0.9798 +/- 0.0019, 0.72697 +/- 0.00094 \msun for A and B.        HJL2020 
                       orbital parallax = 16.703 +/- 0.034 mas.                                .       
04247-0845 STF 544     Primary is SB1, P=1248d = 3.41y. RV(B)=var?                             Tok2014d
04247+0442 HJL1115     A combined interferometric/spectroscopic solution by Halbwachs et al.   .       
                       (2016) yields masses 0.9808 +/- 0.0040 and 0.7269 +/- 0.0019 Msun.      HJL2016 
04248+1552 PAT   7     SB with P > 7 yr according to                                           Grf1988 
                       Griffin et al. (1988).                                                  Msn1993a
                       The spectroscopic solution of this 5688-d pair determined by Griffin.   Grf2012b
04248-5037 RST1273     HIP 20606. Both components A,B are above the MS, young? B is too red in .       
                       the (Kabs,V-K) CMD, infrared companion? Planetary companion to A = HD   .       
                       28254 is detected with RV. No relevant references in SIMBAD.            Tok2011a
                       A is exoplanet host, P=1116d.  Roell et al. (2012 A&A 542, A92) list B  .       
                       as physical, confirmed by Naef et al. (2010 A&A 532, A15).              Tok2014d
04249-3445 I    59     AB: Optical pair, based on study of relative motion of the components   .       
                       using the method of apparent motion parameters.                         Kiy2008 
04251+8603 WFC  23     HJL  57.                                                                HJL1986 
04252+2545 TOK 247     Not Hyades member: different PM and RV. (Griffin 2013).                 Grf2013c
04252+1716 AST   4     V805 Tau.                                                               .       
                       The visual A consists of an M3.5V main sequence star (A) and an         .       
                       unresolved WD (D) with a period of 20.82d. B consists of a pair of      .       
                       unresolved M dwarfs with an orbital period of 0.75d. V band fits of the .       
                       masses of A, B and C are 0.46, 0.40 and 0.38 \msun, respectively. K     .       
                       band fits of the masses of A, B, C and D are 0.60, 0.46, 0.44 and 0.53, .       
                       respectively.                                                           AST2021 
04252-6415 HJ 3656     B is CPD-64@333.                                                        .       
04253-0932 GAL 368     Object #129 in Gallo's original list.                                   Gal1914 
04254+2218 STF 541     A: kap 1 Tau = 65 Tau = K Tau                                           .       
                       A,CD: H 6   8.                                                          MEv2010 
                       AB: HJL1034.                                                            HJL1986 
           STF 541     04253+2215STF 541CD and 04254+2218STFA  9AB were found to               .       
           STFA  9     be the same wide pair, so designations for these two                    .       
                       multiple systems were combined, as follows:                             .       
                       04253+2215STF 541AB   --> 04254+2218STF 541CD                           .       
                       04253+2215STF 541AB,C --> 04254+2218STF 541A,CD                         .       
                       04253+2215STF 541AB,D --> 04254+2218STF 541B,CD                         .       
                       04254+2218STFA  9AB   --> 04254+2218STF 541AB                           .       
                       04254+2218STFA  9Aa   --> 04254+2218STF 541AE                           .       
                       04254+2218STFA  9Bb   --> 04254+2218STF 541BF                           .       
                       A : kap 1 Tau = 65 Tau = K Tau. Occult. binary, Hyades member (vB 54)   .       
                       B : kap 2 Tau = 67 Tau. Delta Scuti variable, Hyades cluster member.    .       
                       CD : J 2722. This faint pair is between kap 1 and kap 2 Tau.            .       
                       Pairs STFA  9AB (rho = 339"), STFA  9Aa (rho = 141") and STFA  9Bb      .       
                       (rho = 107") are all far outside our detection window.                  Msn1993a
04255+1756 KUI  17     del 3 Tau = 68 Tau. A is spectroscopic binary and variable, V776 Tau.   .       
           H 6 101     H VI 101. There is a wide faint pair noticed by John Herschel, 320@     .       
                       Class VI.                                                               H__1867 
                       The B, C, D, and E components all fall outside our detection window.    Msn1993a
04256+1556 FIN 342     Aa,Ab: Hyad (vB 57). HR 1391 = 70 Tau.                                  .       
                       Combined spectroscopic/astrometric solution. Orbital parallax 0.02144   Trr1997b
                       +/- 0.00067, masses 1.363 +/= 0.073 and 1.253 +/- 0.075 Msun.           .       
                       Quadrant determinations made at several epochs by McAlister et al.      McA1988 
                       (1988) have shown that this system is best represented by an eccentric  .       
                       orbit of period 6.3 years, rather than a circular 13-year orbit.        .       
                       1977.7421  Theta was incorrectly given as 6.0 degrees by McAlister &    .       
                       Fekel 1980).                                                            McA1980b
                       This resolved spectroscopic binary (with P = 6.28 yr) is discussed by   McA1988 
                       McAlister et al. (1988) and by Dombrowski (1991).                       Dmb1991 
                       The published measure for 1988.6582 (McAlister et al. 1990) is          McA1990 
                       is spurious. The data leading to this measure are actually the same as  .       
                       those for HR 1331 (= McA 14) for the same epoch. These two stars were   .       
                       observed in immediate sequence but with different microscope            .       
                       objectives, and the final reductions calculated two results from the    .       
                       same data set, but with different scale factors; the HR 1331 measure    .       
                       for 1988.6582 is the correct one.  Reanalysis of the correct data for   .       
                       FIN 342 gives the 25 mas result shown here. Peterson (1992, private     .       
                       communication) pointed out the inconsistency of our originally          .       
                       published measure with respect to our previous orbital analysis of      .       
                       this Hyades binary (McAlister et al. 1988).                             Hrt1992b
                       Pourbaix gives combined solution for this resolved SB2, yielding        .       
                       orbital parallaxes and component masses.                                Pbx2000b
                       Aa,Ab : New spectroscopic solution determined by Griffin.               Grf2012b
                       Aa,Ab: Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and          .       
                       spectroscopic masses 2.50 +/- 0.47, 2.48, and 1.13 Msun, respectively.  Mlk2012 
04257+6340 HJL1033     SHY 464. Bayesian analysis by Shaya & Olling (2011) indicates very      Shy2011 
                       high (near 100%) probability pair is physical.                          .       
04257-0214 BU  403     Linear elements fit nicely at present, but this is a physical pair and  .       
                       an orbit can be computed at some future date.                           .       
                       Rectilinear solution by Hartkopf et al.  (2012).                        Hrt2012a
04258+1800 COU2682     Spectroscopic binary with P > 15 yr, according to Griffin et al.        Grf1988 
                       (1988).                                                                 Msn1993a
                       The spectroscopic solution of this 15650-d pair determined by Griffin.  Grf2012b
04258+1733 RED   4     1996.1449: RHy ID and coordinates from Reid (1992).                     Red1992 
                       Candidate Hyades member; Reid considers definite binary.                Red1997 
04259+1852 BU 1185     Hyad (vB 58).                                                           .       
                       See Baize & Petit (1989) catalog of doubles with variable component.    Baz1989d
                       1982.7579: This autocorrelogram was remeasured; the new results are     McA1987b
                       listed here.                                                            .       
                       The 27.67-year binary (see Dombrowski 1991) ADS 3210  was observed at   Dmb1991 
                       a time when atmospheric seeing was rated as poor.  Also noted as a SB   Grf1988 
                       in Griffin et al. (1988).                                               Msn1993a
                       Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and spectroscopic   .       
                       masses of 2.01 +/- 0.36, 2.00, and 0.98 Msun, respectively.             Mlk2012 
04260+4515 ES  567     B is BD+44@946.                                                         .       
                       Measures attributed to BC are all AC. Component designation changed.    .       
04261-1059 GAL 369     Object #130 in Gallo's original list.                                   Gal1914 
04262+3313 HJ  676     AC: SEI  44.                                                            Nsn2017a
04263+3443 HU  609     Only elements P and T have been amended from the orbit of               Sta1978c
                       Heintz (1967).                                                          Hei1967d
                       Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and spectroscopic   .       
                       masses of 12.01 +/- 10.65, 3.16, and 1.20 Msun, respectively.           Mlk2012 
                       A is also a 141d spectroscopic binary. B is a possible                  Tok2019b
                       spectroscopic binary (~1600d), too.                                     .       
04263+2249 BUP  58     ups Tau = 69 Tau. A is an occultation binary.                           .       
04263+2128 TOK  16     Hyades vB 62. Primary is 8.55d SB1 (Griffin & Gunn 1978); estimated     Grf1978b
                       period of visual pair 9300y. Unresolved by Patience et al.              Tok2006 
                       The SB  is outside our detection window.                                Msn1993a
04263+1538 HD  28052   Hyades vB 141. A CPM companion with rho = 134".4 is outside our         Msn1993a
                       detection window.  Also, noted as a 14.24-year SB by Abt (1965).        AbH1965 
04263+1537 BUP  59     71 Tau. A is a long-period spectroscopic binary,                        .       
                       P = 5200d, and occultation pair. V777 Tau.                              .       
                       Peirce noted a close companion to A component (1868.13, 70deg) which    .       
                       he said was "much closer than 80 Tau". His 1868.13 separation           .       
                       measure for 80 Tau (= 04301+1538 STF 554) was 0".75.                    Pei1882 
04263+1400 HJ 3256     LDS5558.                                                                .       
04264+2249 HD  28024   Hyades vB 60. A CPM companion with rho = 110".2 is outside our          .       
                       detection window.                                                       Msn1993a
04264+1651 HD  28068   Hyades vB 63. A spectroscopic binary B with P ~ 7 yr, according to      Grf1985b
                       Griffin et al. (1985).                                                  Msn1993a
04268+1525 LDS2236     LDS5559.                                                                .       
04268+1052 PAT   8     1991.8990: This K dwarf is noted as a binary with a period in excess    .       
                       of 16 years in Griffin et al. (1988), and it is likely that we have     Grf1988 
                       detected the spectroscopic companion.                                   Msn1993a
                       The spectroscopic solution of this 6950-d pair determined by Griffin.   Grf2012b
04268+0843 HJ  678     This is not BD+08  690, according to Heintz.                            Hei1992a
                       AB: Rectilinear solution by Friedman et al. (2012).                     USN2012a
04268-0143 UC 1168     Candidate on Tokovinin list, now reconfirmed as CPM.                    Tok2013c
                       AB is CPM according to Hartkopf et al. (2013).  A is on Keck RV         UC_2013b
                       program, RV trend.                                                      Tok2014d
04269+2607 LEI   2     Measure of 1987.8 made by triangulation of multiple measures and was    .       
                       in a red filter.                                                        .       
           SMN  10     Ca,Cb: Called FV Tau-c by Simon, therefore given component designation  .       
                       of Ca,Cb. Relationship to LEI  02 uncertain.                            Smn1992 
                       Measure of 1987.8 made by triangulation of multiple measures and was    .       
                       in a red filter.                                                        .       
                       aka COR   3Ca,Cb                                                        .       
                       FV Tau. Young member of Taurus-Auriga molecular cloud.                  Dae2015 
04270+1907 STF 546     HJL  60.                                                                HJL1986 
                       H 2  54.                                                                MEv2010 
04270-7238 B  2091     Composite spectrum: G8III+(A/F).                                        .       
04271+2542 THB   1     Preliminary orbital elements give total mass 2.8 +/- 1.5 Msun.          Thb1995b
                       Tamazian et al. (2002) solution includes mass determination based on    Tam2002 
                       estimated distance.                                                     .       
                       DF Tau orbit by Schaefer et al. (2006) gives range 1974-2022 for T,     Sfr2006 
                       0.05-0.76 for e. Values for P and a are lower limits.                   .       
                       Assuming a distance of 140 pc, Schaefer et al. (2014) derive a total    .       
                       mass 1.17 +/- 0.13 Msun. The orbital period of 43.7y closely matches    .       
                       the 44yr timescale of photometric variations; this is consistent with   .       
                       a suggestion by Lamzin et al. (2001 A&A 372, 922) that the variability  .       
                       is caused by the circumstellar accretion rate onto the primary being    .       
                       modulated by the orbital motion of the companion.                       Sfr2014 
04271+1812 STF 545     AB: H 4  74.                                                            MEv2010 
04275+1113 BU 1186     A is variable.                                                          .       
04275-1707 HU  440     Primary is HH Eri, eclipsing binary (Algol-type), P=8.5d.               Tok2014d
04275-2427 I   413     Baize (1993) value of omega incorrectly listed as 96.0, same as Omega.  Baz1993b
04276+1927 RED   5     1995.6986: RHy ID and coordinates from Reid (1992).                     Red1992 
                       LP ID from Luyten et al.(1981).                                         Luy1981 
                       Candidate Hyades member; Reid considers definite binary.                Red1997 
04277+2631 GIC  47     LDS1171.  G008-035/G039-014.                                            .       
                       NLTT 13302/13303                                                        Chm2004 
04278+1001 STF 549     AB: H 4  75.                                                            MEv2010 
04280+2137 BUP  60     A is a spectroscopic and occultation binary.                            .       
04281-1033 GAL 370     Object #131 in Gallo's original list.                                   Gal1914 
04282+5303 RUC   3     AO Cam. Spectral type of resolved companion later than M5V.             Ruc2007 
04282+0600 LDS9170     Old LDS6170.                                                            .       
04283-1400 GAL 371     Object #132 in Gallo's original list.                                   Gal1914 
04284+1622 RCH   2     Measure of 1998.921 made by triangulation of multiple measures.         Rch2002 
04284+1444 CIA  25     76 Tau.                                                                 .       
04284-0736 GRV1248     Both A and B have approximately the same radial velocity.               Grv2019b
04284-6543 HJ 3662     B is CPD-65@@345.                                                       .       
04285+1742 GUE   5     The spectroscopic solution of this 7022-d pair determined by Griffin.   Grf2012b
04285+1458 BPM 100     [PM2000]  170962 + [PM2000]  171001.                                    Gvr2010 
04285+0505 HJ 2233     BAL 2614.                                                               .       
04286+1944 HD  28291   Hyades vB 69.  The 41.66-day SB of Griffin et al. (1985) is outside     Grf1985b
                       our detection window.                                                   Msn1993a
04286+1911 BUP  61     eps Tau = 74 Tau = Ain                                                  .       
                       Mk III Limb-darkened diameter       2.67  +/- 0.04  mas.                MkT2001 
                       Mk III Limb-darkened diameter       2.671 +/- 0.032 mas.                MkT2003 
                       NPOI Limd-darkened diameter         2.41  +/- 0.11  mas.                NOI2001b
                       CHARA Array Limb-darkened diameter  2.734 +/- 0.031 mas.                CIA2009a
                       R =  13.4 +/- 0.2 \rsun, Teff = 4827 +/- 44 K.                          .       
                       NPOI Limb-darkened diameter  2.592 +/- 0.050 mas, Sp = G8III,           NOI2018 
                        R =12.53 +/- 0.28 \rsun, Teff = 4880 +/- 77 K, L = 80.3 +/- 4.4 \lsun, .       
                        M = 2.69 +/- 0.11 \msun, Age = 0.55 +/- 0.10 Gyr.                      .       
04287+2714 KON   2     Estimated masses 0.15 and 0.06 Msun. Primary spectral type M5.25        Kon2007b
04287+2613 HDS 576     Cvetkovic et al. (2014) derive spectral types M0 and  M0, masses 0.46   .       
                       and 0.46 Msun. Dynamical parallax is 25.86 +/- 0.27 mas.                Cve2014 
04287+1552 STFA 10     AB: the 2 Tau = 78 Tau = Chamukuy. Hyades vB 72 = HR 1412.              .       
                       Pair appears in an appendix list, not part of discoverer's regular      .       
                       numbering sequence. B is BD+15@631.                                     .       
                       Also variable, probably of  Delta Scuti type.                           .       
                       The 140.7-day SB of Ebbighausen (1959 Pub. DAO, 11, 235) is outside     .       
                       our detection window.                                                   Msn1993a
                       UBAD 2.1 relative astrometry measures computed. Table 1 mean positions  USN2022 
                       for 2017.0 and Table 2 mean dates computed as well when appropriate.    .       
           MKT  13     Aa,Ab: Data from lunar occultation, spectroscopy, and Mark III          .       
                       astrometry are combined by Torres et al. to generate orbital elements.  Trr1997c
                       Distance and component masses and absolute magnitudes are derived from  .       
                       these elements.                                                         .       
                       Period is fixed for the Armstrong et al. (2006) orbit. The resulting    MkT2006 
                       component masses are 2.15 +/- 0.12 Msun and 1.87 +/- 0.11 Msun.         .       
                       Aa,Ab: Orbit determined by fitting revised Hipparcos intermediate       .       
                       astrometric data. Derived component masses are 2.03 +/- 0.87 and        .       
                       1.78 +/- 0.76 Msun.                                                     Ren2010 
                       Aa,Ab: Combined spectroscopic/astrometric solution, using data from     .       
                       Mark III interferometer plus high-resolution spectroscopy from ELODIE,  .       
                       HERMES, and CfA. Torres et al. (2011) determine an orbital parallax of  Lmp2011 
                       20.90 +/- 0.14 mas and component masses 2.86 +/- 0.06 and 2.16 +/-      .       
                       0.02 Msun. Effective temperatures for both components are 7800 +/-      .       
                       170K, absolute magnitues are 0.33 +/- 0.03 and 1.44 +/- 0.03 mag.       .       
                       Aa,Ab: Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and          .       
                       spectroscopic masses 4.46 +/- 0.29, 3.81, and 2.00 Msun, respectively.  Mlk2012 
           MCA  15     Ba,Bb:The primary of 04286+1558 was found to be the B component of      .       
                       physical pair 04287+1552; systems were merged.                          .       
                       the 1 Tau = 77 Tau. Hyad (vB 71). Physical companion to the 2 Tau.      .       
                       A spectroscopic, occultation, and interferometric binary.               .       
                       First detected as an occultation binary by White.                       Wit1979 
                       1979.698, 1979.857:  possible third component                           Heg1983 
                       This is a long period interferometric companion in addition to the      .       
                       spectroscopic component suggested by Griffin & Gunn (1977) to have a    Grf1977d
                       period of about 16 years.  An estimate of Delta m = 0.76 was made by    Dmb1991 
                       Dombrowski (1991).                                                      Msn1993a
                       Masses and distance of the 2 Tau are derived from spectroscopic         .       
                       elements, adopting astrometric elements from Pan et al. (1992)          MkT1992e
                       Combined spectroscopic/astrometric solution by Torres et al. (1997).    Trr1997c
                       Distance (from relative proper motions and orbital parallax of the 2    .       
                       Tau) 47.6 +/- 1.9 pc, masses 2.91 +/= 0.88 and 1.31 +/- 0.14 Msun.      .       
                       CHARA Array Limb-darkened diameter of B  2.305 +/- 0.043 mas.           CIA2009a
                       R =  11.7 +/- 0.2 \rsun, Teff = 4811 +/- 50 K.                          .       
                       Ba,Bb : New spectroscopic solution determined by Griffin.               Grf2012b
                       Ba,Bb: Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical and spectroscopic masses   .       
                       4.14 +/- 0.35 and 2.88 Msun, respectively.                              Mlk2012 
           BPMA  7     BC: [PM2000]  171052 + [PM2000]  171309.                                Gvr2010 
04288+1617 BPMA  8     [PM2000]  171281 + [PM2000]  171421.                                    Gvr2010 
04289+3022 STF 548     AB: B=HIP 20907 is bluer than A, below the MS. A is 1.7mag above. But   .       
                       they are physical: CPM, parallax, same RV! Primary is SB1, P=460.7d.    Tok2001 
                       A,B have same RV (Tokovinin & Gornya 2001), both rotate fast            Tok2014d
04289-0236 BRT 366     A likely plate flaw.                                                    Grv2021b
04290+1610 HU 1080     Hyad (VB 75); RV possibly variable, as noted by Wilson (1948).          WOC1948 
                       The spectroscopic solution of this 14697-d pair determined by Griffin.  Grf2012b
                       B is also a close 21.3-d pair.                                                  
                       M_A = 1.341 +/- 0.025 \msun, M_Ba = 1.210 +/- 0.021 \msun, M_Bb =       Trr2019b
                       0.781 +/- 0.014 \msun. Orbital parallax = 21.75 +/- 0.11 mas.                   
04290+1338 SIG   2     LP 475-855. Spectral types M7.5, M9.5. Probable Hyades member.          .       
                       Estimated orbital period 86 +20/-19 yrs.                                Sig2003 
04292-1206 LDS3591     NLTT 13376/13372                                                        Chm2004 
04293+1733 HD  28394   Hyades vB 77.  The 238.9-day SB of Griffin et al. (1985) lies outside   Grf1985b
                       our detection window.                                                   Msn1993a
                       Hipparcos astrometric solution adopted some elements from the orbit of  HIP1997d
                       Griffin et al. (1985).                                                  Grf1985b
04293-3124 SIG   4     Aka 2MASS 0429-3123AB. Significant H\alpha emission. Appears to be      JLB2017 
                       young, but not a member of any known moving group or association.       .       
                       Parallax = 58.71 +/- 1.25 mas.                                          .       
04294+2701 KON   3     Estimated masses 0.1 and 0.06 Msun. Primary spectral type M6.0          Kon2007b
04294-3335 HJ 3652     Primary is CT Eri, a Beta Lyr type eclipsing binary, P = 0.63420d.      Zas2012 
04295+2617 SMN  11     Measure of 1990.25 made by triangulation of multiple measures and was   .       
                       in a red filter.                                                        .       
                       AB: Additional notes may be found in Simon et al. (1992).               Smn1992 
           WHT   2     AC: Primary is the Orion-type variable FW Tau. Multi-epoch astrometry   .       
                       by Kraus et al. (2014) confirm the AC pair is co-moving, and estimate   .       
                       mass of the companion at 10 +/- 4 Mjup for a system age of 1-5 Myr.     KsA2014 
           HER   8     AD: Additional notes may be found in Herbig (1962).                     Her1962 
04295+1752 BGH   2     LDS 2244. Variable, V921 Tau. B is +17@  734.                           .       
                       HJL1035.                                                                HJL1986 
04295+0025 BAL 972     RST 5206.                                                               .       
04296+0350 BAL2121     J 2725.                                                                 .       
04297+2633 HAT   6     AB: Additional notes may be found in Herbig (1962).                     Her1962 
                       DI Tau. Young member of Taurus-Auriga molecular cloud.                  Dae2015 
           ITO  13     BC: B component is the Orion-type variable DH Tau = HBC 38. Colors of   .       
                       both B and C are consistent with T Tauri stars. The B component has a   .       
                       lower effective temperature than A (2700-2800K, vs 3580K), and is       .       
                       redder. The stars are probably early and late M stars; mass of the      .       
                       companion is estimated at 30-50 Mjup.                                   Ito2005 
                       Kraus et al. (2014) estimate mass of the companion at 18 +/- 4 Mjup.    KsA2014 
04298-0949 LDS3592     NLTT 13393/13392                                                        Chm2004 
04299+2607 HER   9     Aka IQ Tau. Additional notes may be found in Herbig (1962).             Her1962 
04300+8320 HR 1304     Ren & Fu (2013) calculated an astrometric orbit, combining Hipparcos    Ren2013 
                       Intermediate Astrometric Data with spectroscopic elements by            .       
                       Prieur et al. (2006).                                                   Pru2006 
04300-6955 OGL 193     LMC157.7.150   + LMC157.7.333                                           Pli2012 
04301+1814 JOY   2     A RW Aur-type variable, UX Tau.                                         Her1962 
04301+1538 STF 554     80 Tau. Hyad. Star A is SB1, P = 30.5d                                  Hei1981e
                       Spectral types and masses of components assigned by ten Brummelaar et   .       
                       al., based on adaptive optics observations.                             TtB2000 
04301+1538 STF 554     The 1897 measure by Burnham was "... made under not the best            Bu_1900 
                       conditions ..." and "... is difficult to reconcile ...". Aitken did     .       
                       not include it in the ADS. It was, then, not in the IDS list of         A__1932a
                       measures transferred to Washington in 1964, so this measure was lost    IDS1963A
                       for many years and recently found by G. Torres, and the observation     Trr2019 
                       of this high eccentricity binary was made shortly after periastron      .       
                       passage, which resulted in the unexpected result.                       .       
                       Ma = 1.63 (+0.30 or -0.13) \msun, Mb = 1.11 (+0.21 or -0.14) \msun,     .       
                       orbital parallax = 20.984+/-0.060 mas.                                          
04302+3516 TTH   1     HBC 40 = LkHA 101. Herbig Ae/Be star imaged at multiple wavelengths     .       
                       shows evidence of a companion at ~180 mas to the East-Northeast of the  .       
                       primary. Derived physical parameters for A and B for three possible     .       
                       distances are:                                                          .       
                          160pc: L/Lsun =  1300 and  340   R/Rsun = 1.9 and 1.0                .       
                          340pc: L/Lsun =  5900 and 1500   R/Rsun = 4.1 and 2.1                .       
                          800pc: L/Lsun = 30000 and 8500   R/Rsun = 9.7 and 5.0                Tth2002 
04302-0303 PRB   2     Primary is WD 0427-03 = NLTT 13402, secondary is LP 655-33. Possible    .       
                       CPM pair, according to Probst (1983).                                   Prb1983 
04302-6753 TOK  85     HIP 20998. Not observed, but J-K=2.92 for B in the 2MASS PSC, hence     .       
                       optical.                                                                Tok2011a
04303+1950 PAT  10     Noted as a probable SB in                                               Grf1988 
                       Griffin et al. (1988).                                                  Msn1993a
                       Member of the Hyades (vB 81) and "probable SB" according to Griffin et  Grf1988 
                       al. (1988). This WDS pair PAT 10 was resolved by speckle.               Tok2012a
                       The spectroscopic solution of this 4023-d pair determined by Griffin.   Grf2012b
04306+1612 LDS2246     Hyades vB 82. A is possibly variable. B is BD+15@640.                   .       
                       The primary was noted as a possible occultation binary by Peterson      Pts1981a
                       et al. (1981).                                                          Msn1993a
                       HJL1036.                                                                HJL1986 
04306+1545 HD  28545   Hyades vB 182.  The 358.4-day SB of Griffin & Gunn (1981) is outside    Grf1981d
                       our detection window.                                                   Msn1993a
04306+1542 BUP  62     81 Tau = LDS2247. Hyades vB 83.  B is BD+15@638.                        .       
                       AB: HJL1037.                                                            HJL1986 
           ARN  36     The CPM B companion with rho = 161".8 is outside our detection window,  .       
                       as are C and D.                                                         Msn1993a
           CIA  65     Ca,Cb : M_Ca = 0.9717+/- 0.0056\msun, M_Cb = 0.6859 +/- 0.0028 \msun,   .       
                       pi_orb = 20.318 +/- 0.042 mas, A_dia = 0.159 mas, B_dia = 0.118 mas.    CIA2024d
                       D component is primary of 04309+1547 TDS2876. Pair does not appear to    .      
                       be physical, so systems not merged.                                     .       
04306+1344 HD  28556   Hyades vB 84. A CPM companion with rho = 111".9 lies far outside our    .       
                       detection window with a large Delta m of 5.8.                           Msn1993a
04306+1343 BUP  63     83 Tau.                                                                 .       
04307+2601 SMN  12     Measure of 1990.77 made by triangulation of multiple measures and was   .       
                       in a red filter.                                                        Smn1992 
04307-1627 HJ 3653     B is BD-16@879.                                                         .       
04308+1609 PAT  11     Hyades. The 0".3 binary PAT 11 was not resolved by speckle. The GCS did .       
                       not detect RV variability despite large scatter of 4.8 km s-1 in their  .       
                       three measures.                                                         Tok2012a
04309+2442 SMN  13     ZZ Tau. Sfr2003 astrometry for 1995.081 and 1996.124 was based on       .       
                       interpolation of one-dimensional data by Simon.                         Smn1996a
                       The first ZZ Tau orbit by Schaefer et al. (2006) gives range 1994-1999  Sfr2006 
                       for T, 0.35-0.88 for e, 115-134 for i, 111-129 for Omega, 268-336 for   .       
                       omega.  Values of P and a are lower limits.  The second orbital         .       
                       solution includes a lunar occultation measure by Simon et al. (1995).   Smn1995 
                       Assuming a distance of 140 pc, Schaefer et al. (2014) derive a total    .       
                       mass of 0.83 +/- 0.16 Msun.                                             Sfr2014 
04309+1547 TDS2876     D component of 04306+1542. ARN  36AD does not appear to be physical,    .       
                       so systems not merged.                                                  .       
04309-0849 KO    2     CPM pair; A = LP 655-23 (spec early M), B = 2MASS J0430516-084901       .       
                       (M8.0V). Mean separation (1953-2000) 0.328 +/- 0.004 arcmin. Data       .       
                       sources: Palomar Sky Survey red (1953.2), UK Schmidt blue (1982.8), UK  .       
                       Schmidt red (1985.9), 2MASS (1998.7), DENIS I (1998.9), UK Schmidt      .       
                       near-IR (2000.0). Masses of components estimated at 0.26 +/- 0.04 and   .       
                       0.086 +/- 0.004 Msun.                                                   Cab2007b
                       A known component of the wide binary Konigstuhl 2AB with a separation   .       
                       of 20" (Caballero 2007), 2MASS J04305203-0849193 is single closer in,   Cab2007b
                       in the AstraLux images.                                                 Jnn2012 
04310+7724 MLR 461     Also known as TDS 142.                                                  .       
04310-6911 OGL 194     LMC156.6.7     + LMC156.6.6                                             Pli2012 
04311+0647 STT  84     HJL  61.                                                                HJL1986 
04311-4522 TOK 208     Possibly triple. The new companion at 1".6 should not produce RV        .       
                       variability by 3.8 km s-1.                                              Tok2012a
04312+5858 STI2051     A is an astrometric binary. B (mag. 12.44, 8", DC) is a white dwarf,    .       
                       in slow retrograde motion about the mass-center. A very large proper    .       
                       proper motion brought this pair close to a 13th magnitude star which    .       
                       was measured as the C component by Pauwels & Lampens.                   Pws1993 
                       Also known as HDS 584.                                                  .       
                       B: Teff = 7122 +/- 122 K, R = 0.0114 +/- 0.0004 \rsun, M = 0.675 +/-    BdH2017b
                       0.051 \msun.                                                            .       
                       AB: Rectilinear solutions by Cvetkovic (2015)                           Cve2015b
                       and Cvetkovic et al. (2016).                                            Cve2016 
                       Despite the linear solution, based on proper motion and parallax        .       
                       is physical.                                                            .       
04312+0621 LDS9171     Old LDS6171.                                                            .       
04313-6959 OGL 195     LMC157.7.2247  + LMC157.7.2249                                          Pli2012 
04314+4001 STF 552     H N  44.                                                                MEv2010 
04314-0934 GAL 372     Object #136 in Gallo's original list.                                   Gal1914 
04314-1339 STF 560     B is BD-13@905.                                                         .       
04315+1706 SAR   3     HBC 392 = V1074 Tau. SB2.                                               Sar1998 
                       Member of Taurus-Auriga molecular cloud.                                Dae2015 
04316+1743 HD  28634   This is a 2.31-year spectroscopic binary, according to Griffin et al.   Grf1985b
                       (1985).                                                                 Msn1993a
           vA 627      VVO 394. Hipparcos astrometric solution adopted some elements from the  HIP1997d
                       orbit of Griffin et al. (1985). Hyad.                                   Grf1985b
                       Perturbation orbit by McArthur et al. (2011) is based on HST FGS        AST2011 
                       astrometry, plus radial velocities from Griffin et al. (1985). Derived  Grf1985b
                       masses are 0.83 +/- 0.05 and 0.42 +/- 0.05 Msun.                        .       
04316-7037 OGL 196     LMC158.1.29    + LMC158.1.122                                           Pli2012 
04317+2330 POU 458     LDS 886 = LDS1173.                                                      .       
04317+1814 HER  10     AB: Additional notes may be found in Herbig (1962).                     Her1962 
                       XZ Tau.                                                                 .       
           GHE   9     Aa,Ab: Dodin et al. (2016) generated the following preliminary orbital  .       
                       elements: P = 155-256y, a = 27.2-37.2au, i <47deg, e = 0.29-0.64.       Dod2016 
                       Carrasco-Gonzalez et al. (2009) found a close companion to the Aa       CGo2009 
                       component at 7mm wavelength (~6deg, 0.09", dm 0.4 +/- 0.3 mag).         .       
                       However, subsequent observations by Forgan et al. (2014) and the ALMA   Fgn2014 
                       Partnership (2015) found no evidence of this additional component and   ALM2015 
                       concluded it was a false detection.                                     .       
04317+1538 WOR  16     The A component is a known Hyad.                                        .       
           LDS1174     The C component may or may not be a physical companion, possibly        .       
                       sharing CPM only as a member of the cluster.                            .       
04318+2424 CHN   3     Formerly known as LEI  15.                                              .       
04319-0851 HJ 2234     B is BD-09@917.                                                         .       
04320+5355 STF 550     1 Cam. A spectroscopic binary.                                          .       
                       AB: H N  67.                                                            MEv2010 
04320+1822 CHN   4     Formerly known as LEI  16.                                              .       
                       AB: Additional notes may be found in Herbig (1962).                     Her1962 
           HER  11     AD: Additional notes may be found in Herbig (1962).                     Her1962 
04320-6939 OGL 197     LMC157.5.2454  + LMC157.5.2477                                          Pli2012 
04322+3630 AG   80     ALI 293.                                                                .       
04322+1820 KSA 107     Primary is variable star V827 Tau.                                      .       
04322+1757 MSR   1     HBC 397 = V1075 Tau.                                                    Msr2005 
04323+2423 GHE  10     Aka V928 Tau.                                                           .       
04323+2422 KON   4     Estimated masses 0.07 and 0.06 Msun. Primary spectral type M6.5         Kon2007b
04323-6918 OGL 198     LMC156.7.3411  + LMC156.7.3620                                          Pli2012 
04324+0128 HDO 307     Aka BAL 1273.                                                           Hei1983a
04325+2420 HAT   7     A and B are FY Tau and FZ Tau.                                          .       
                       Additional notes may be found in Herbig (1962).                         Her1962 
04325+2044 RED   6     1996.0902  RHy ID and coordinates from Reid (1992).                     Red1992 
                       LP ID from Luyten et al. (1981).                                        Luy1981 
                       Candidate Hyades member; Reid considers possible binary.                Red1997 
04325+1732 LEI   3     Aa,Ab: GG Tau.                                                          .       
                       Tamazian (2002) solution includes mass determination based on an        Tam2002 
                       estimated distance.                                                     .       
                       Aa,Ab: Kohler (2011) derives orbits both coplanar and not coplanar      .       
                       with the disk; only his "most plausible" orbit is tabulated in the      .       
                       orbit catalog. Elements are as follows: P = 403 +67/-32 y, a = 0".429,  .       
                       i = 132.5 +1.0/-2.5 deg, Omega = 131 +13/-8 deg, e = 0.44 +0.02/-0.03,  .       
                       T = 2463400 +1470/-5420, omega = 19 +9/-10.                             Koh2011 
           CHN   5     AB: formerly known as LEI   3.                                          .       
           DIF   1     Ab1,Ab2: Di Folco et al. estimate spectral types for Ab1 and Ab2 of M2V .       
                       and M3.5V, respectively. Assuming the close pair is coplanar with the   .       
                       outer diskof the system, the stars were separated by 5.1au in Dec 2012. DiF2014 
04326+2628 GIC  48     LDS1176 = G008-040/G039-021.                                            .       
                       NLTT 13455/13456                                                        Chm2004 
                       HD 283702. See Allen et al. (2000) for information on metallicity,      AlC2000 
                       age, galactic orbital parameters, etc.                                  .       
04326-0313 H 6  64     H VI 64. Probably a variable of Delta Scuti type,                       .       
                       DZ Eri. B is BD-03@810.                                                 .       
04327+2553 GHE  11     Aa,Ab: Measure of 1990.77 made by triangulation of multiple measures    .       
                       and was in a red filter.                                                Smn1992 
           JOY   3     AB: A RW Aur-type variable, UZ Tau.                                     .       
                       Measure of 1990.77 made by triangulation of multiple measures and was   .       
                       in a red filter.                                                        Smn1992 
                       AB: Additional notes may be found in Herbig (1962).                     Her1962 
04327+1855 DAE  26     V1203 Tau. Member of Taurus-Auriga molecular cloud.                     Dae2015 
04327+1803 SAR   4     HBC 403 = V1076 Tau.                                                    .       
04328+1600 CHR 152     This is probably the spectroscopic system found by Griffin et al.       Grf1988 
                       (1988) to have a period in excess of 15 years.                          Msn1993a
                       The spectroscopic solution of this 9377-d pair determined by Griffin.   Grf2012b
04329+0007 LDS 121     BC: NLTT 13492/13491 = LSPM J0432+0006. Law et al (2008) derive a       Law2008 
                       distance of 16.5 +8.2/-2.7 pc and a projected separation of             .       
                       76.2 +38.7/-11.8 au. Estimated spectral types are M4.5 and M5.5.        .       
04330-3817 BU  747     RZ Cae, Algol-type eclipsing binary, P = 2.486955 d.                    Zas2011 
04331+2410 GHE  13     Ab1,Ab2: Second and third Schaefer et al. (2006) orbits for Elias 12    Sfr2006 
                       Na-Nb include a lunar occultation measure by Simon et al. (1995)        Smn1995 
                       Schaefer et al. (2012) derive spectral types, Teff, luminosities, and   .       
                       masses for the Aa, Ab1, and Ab2 components (assuming a distance of      .       
                       140pc for M and L) as follows:                                          .       
                          Aa:  K7       4060K  1.05 +/-0.20 Lsun  1.040+/-0.016 Msun (Mtotal)  .       
                          Ab1: M2       3560   0.447+/-0.058      0.564+/-0.018                .       
                          Ab2: M2-M2.5  3560   0.356+/-0.038      0.476+/-0.017                Sfr2012 
                       Aa,Ab: V807 Tau. Young member of Taurus-Auriga molecular cloud.         Dae2015 
           HAT   9     AB: Additional notes may be found in Herbig (1962).                     Her1962 
           GHE  12     Ba,Bb: GH Tau. Young member of Taurus-Auriga molecular cloud.           Dae2015 
04331-1208 STF 564     The pair GAL 145 is identical                                           Hei1983a
04331-4646 SKF1205     The pair also show matching radial velocities, but primary is a SB1.    TrC2006 
04332+2434 SAR   5     HBC 405 = V830 Tau.                                                     .       
04332-6829 OGL 199     LMC155.5.3403  + LMC155.6.576                                           Pli2012 
04333+6847 LDS9172     Old LDS6172.                                                            .       
04333+5921 TOR   7     Formerly known as PAN   4.                                              .       
04333+5248 MLR 695     Aa,Ab: Also known as HDS 591.                                           .       
           ES 2607     B is BD+52@844.                                                         .       
04333+2505 LDS5190     old LDS6173.                                                            .       
04334+4304 SHJ  44     57 Per. STTA 50 = H 6  99.                                              .       
04335+7232 HJ 2228     AB: A is a spectroscopic binary.                                        .       
                       Also an unresolved 4.194d spectroscopic binary.                         Mug2017b
           LDS1595     AC: Initially merged with AB under mistaken belief was same pair.       .       
04335+1801 STF 559     H N 132.                                                                MEv2010 
04336+2610 GHE  14     Aa,Ab: IS Tau. Young member of Taurus-Auriga molecular cloud.           Dae2015 
04336+2421 POU 460     AB: Haro 6-22. Both components variable (A: 13.9-15.5, B: 14.1-16.1)    .       
                       according to Wenzel (1957 Nach. astr. Zentralst. 11,28)                 Her1962 
                       A is GK Tau. B is GI Tau.                                               .       
04336-6249 HJ 3670     B is CPD-63@343.                                                        .       
04337+1824 DAE  27     V1323 Tau.                                                              Dae2015 
04337+1752 CHN   7     Formerly known as LEI  17.                                              .       
                       HN Tau. Young member of Taurus-Auriga molecular cloud.                  Dae2015 
04338+1451 CIA  51     rho Tau = 86 Tau.                                                       .       
                       Hipparcos astrometric solution assumes circular orbit (e = omega = 0);  HIP1997d
                       Hyades VA 725 = vB 95.  1.337-year SB according to Abt (1965).          AbH1965 
04339-0644 BU  881     46 Eri. A is variable EH Eri, P = 3.8d, small amplitude.                .       
04340+1510 CHR  17     This rapidly moving system within the wide binary ADS 3317 is probably  Grf1988 
                       the spectroscopic system with P ~13 yr found by Griffin et al. (1988).  Msn1993a
                       New spectroscopic solution determined by Griffin.                       Grf2012b
                       Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and spectroscopic   .       
                       masses of 1.27 +/- 0.34, 1.66, and 0.95 Msun, respectively.             Mlk2012 
04340-5503 B  2092     alp Dor. Hyad (vB 96).                                                  .       
                       High mass-sum, illustrative solution only, speckle/spectroscopic orbit  .       
                       needed, cf. Griffin et al. (1988).                                      Grf1988 
                       See Baize & Petit (1989) catalog of doubles with variable component.    Baz1989d
                       AB: Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and             .       
                       spectroscopic masses 5.51 +/- 1.51, 4.25, and 2.69 Msun, respectively.  Mlk2012 
           HJ 3668     AB,C: Optical pair, based on study of relative motion of the            .       
                       components using the method of apparent motion parameters.              Kiy2008 
04342+2612 SMN  14     Measure of 1990.77 made by triangulation of multiple measures and is    .       
                       in a red filter.                                                        Smn1992 
04343+1830 SAR   6     HBC 407 = V1077 Tau.                                                    .       
04344+6928 HJ 1145     Aka TDS2898.                                                            Skf2016a
04344+1630 OL  107     The ES pair formerly listed at 04350+1631 (= ADS 3313)                  .       
                       is identical to this pair.                                              Hei1980a
04345-6859 OGL 200     LMC156.4.9     + LMC156.4.130   + LMC155.1.775                          Pli2012 
04345-6958 OGL 201     LMC157.2.3089  + LMC157.2.3113                                          Pli2012 
04346-6948 OGL 202     LMC157.3.2891  + LMC157.3.2890                                          Pli2012 
04346-7015 OGL 203     LMC151.5.4     + LMC151.5.38    + LMC151.6.4891                         Pli2012 
04348+3206 SEI  49     Neither component seen on POSS plate; may be flaws on AC Potsdam plate  .       
04349-7651 HJ 3691     B is CPD-77@176.                                                        .       
04350-1246 GAL 373     Object #143 in Gallo's original list.                                   Gal1914 
04352+1822 SAR   7     TAP 51  = V1078 Tau.                                                    .       
04352-0944 STF 570     B is BD-10@958.                                                         .       
                       H 3 100.                                                                MEv2010 
04353+2254 KSA 108     Primary is variable star FF Tau.                                        .       
04353+2232 HER  23     HAT  11.                                                                .       
04354+1045 RED   7     Identification with GCS2 uncertain.                                     .       
                       1996.8130  RHy ID and coordinates from Reid (1992).                     Red1992 
                       LP ID from Luyten et al. (1981).                                        Luy1981 
                       Candidate Hyades member; Reid considers definite binary.                Red1997 
04356+2408 HRM   1     AB = DCH  56. IRAS 04325+2402.                                          .       
04356+1206 TOK  17     Hyades vA 771.                                                          .       
                       Primary is 1.9d SB2. Estimated period of visual pair 400y.              Tok2006 
04357+2411 CHN   8     Formerly known as LEI  19.                                              .       
04357+1953 L     4     First resolved by Lewis in 1902, this system was unconfirmed for        GrO1932A
                       several decades despite numerous attempts, notably those of Aitken      .       
                       with the 36inch between 1910 and 1922. In the ADS, Aitken concluded     A__1932b
                       "It is very doubtful whether the star is double". The system was        .       
                       subsequently removed from the WDS, until its resolution by Prieur et    .       
                       al. over 90 years after its discovery.                                  Pru2002b
04357+1010 CHR  18     Aa,Ab: 88 Tau. A is an Alpha CVn-type variable, and spectroscopic       .       
                       binary, now resolved by speckle interferometry.                         .       
                       B is BD+09@606.                                                         .       
                       1997.071: Absolute quadrant determined by triple-correlation            .       
                       techniques                                                              Pru2002b
           88 Tau      Lane et al. (2007) combine PHASES astrometry with speckle and radial    Lne2007 
                       velocity data to derive an orbit for the Aa,Ab components of the        .       
                       nearby sextuple 88 Tau, as well as the Aa1,Aa2 and Ab1,Ab2 subsystems.  .       
                       The parallax of the system is determined at 0".01973 +/- 0".00034,      .       
                       with semimajor axes for Aa,Ab; Aa1,Aa2; and Ab1,Ab2 of 12.17 +/- 0.17,  .       
                       0.0689 +/- 0.0012, and 0.0997 +/- 0.0021 au, respectively. Other        .       
                       derived quantities for the four components are as follows:              .       
                              Star     Mass (Msun)        M_K (mag)      Spec Type             .       
                              Aa1    2.06  +/- 0.11     0.69 +/- 0.26      A6m                 .       
                              Aa2    1.361 +/- 0.073    2.20 +/- 0.28      F5V                 .       
                              Ab1    1.069 +/- 0.069    2.31 +/- 0.27      G2-3:V              .       
                              Ab2    1.057 +/- 0.068    2.00 +/- 0.27      G2-3:V              .       
           SHJ  45     STTA 52.                                                                .       
                       AB: H 6  31.                                                            MEv2010 
04358-6655 OGL 204     LMC152.7.209   + LMC152.7.891                                           Pli2012 
04359+2352 KOH  15     V1324 Tau. Member of Taurus-Auriga molecular cloud.                     Dae2015 
04359+2254 LEI  21     Primary is V1025 Tau.                                                   .       
           HAT  12     C component is HP Tau.                                                  .       
04359+1631 BU  550     alp Tau = 87 Tau = Aldebaran. A is an unclassified variable.            .       
                       Mk III Limb-darkened diameter 21.21 mas.                                MkT1991 
                       Mk III Limb-darkened diameter 21.099 +/- 0.211 mas.                     MkT2003 
           STFB  2     AC: Optical pair, based on study of relative motion of the components   .       
                       using the method of apparent motion parameters.                         Kiy2008 
                       Incorrectly listed as STFA  2.                                          .       
           STFA  2     AC: H 6  66.                                                            MEv2010 
           STFB  2     AC: Rectilinear solution by Hurowitz et al. (2013).                     USN2013a
04359-0332 LDS9174     Old LDS6174.                                                            .       
04360-0337 STF 571     AB: H 3  95.                                                            MEv2010 
04361+5525 HIP  21433  Ren & Fu (2013) calculated an astrometric orbit, combining Hipparcos    .       
                       Intermediate Astrometric Data with spectroscopic elements by            .       
                       Tokovinin et al. (1994). They derived component masses 0.88 and 0.24    Tok1994c
                       Msun and an estimated semimajor axis of 28.68 mas.                      Ren2013 
04362+0814 A  1840     Observations suggest eccentricity >0.80 and period 150-200y.            Mlr1956a
                       Star C (mag. 9, 6") is probably physical.                               .       
04363+5502 RAO  35     Triple, consisting of a 2.6 day spectroscopic binary (Gorynya &         .       
                       Tokovinin 2014 MNRAS 441, 2316) and the Robo-AO and 2MASS companion at  .       
                       5".7. The field is crowded and PM(A) is small. Our photometry places B  .       
                       slightly above the MS. The star is young and active according to        .       
                       Guillout et al (2009 A&A 504, 829) and we retain B as likely physical.  Rbr2015d
04363+4722 S   451     STTA 51. B is BD+47@1012.                                               .       
04363-0321 BUP  64     nu Eri = 48 Eri. A is a Beta CMa-type variable.                         .       
04363-6655 OGL 205     LMC152.7.23    + LMC152.7.88                                            Pli2012 
04364+3413 HU  610     Only elements P, T, and a have been amended by Starikova (1978) from    Sta1978c
                       the orbit of Baize (1961).                                              Baz1961b
                       Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and spectroscopic   .       
                       masses of 1.70 +/- 1.07, 2.11, and 0.95 Msun, respectively.             Mlk2012 
04365-0559 LDS9175     Old LDS6175.                                                            .       
04365-0611 LDS 843     Aka LDS9175.                                                            .       
04366+1930 LDS3597     The primary is a BY Draconis-type variable.                             .       
04366+1845 RUC   4     RZ Tau. Spectral type of resolved companion M3-5V or possibly later.    Ruc2007 
04367+4116 58 Per      Wyller orbit rejected from Fourth Orbit Catalog                         Wye1957 
                       ("not confirmed by subsequent observations")                            Wor1983 
04367+4105 STF 563     H 3  65.                                                                MEv2010 
04367+1155 LDS1181     Hyades vB 210.                                                          .       
                       NLTT 13608/13606                                                        Chm2004 
04367-6733 OGL 206     LMC153.7.3072  + LMC153.7.3092                                          Pli2012 
04368+2708 GIC  49     LDS1180 = G008-044/G039-027 = GJ 171.2AB. A component is the variable   .       
                       V833 Tau = Melotte 25 301.                                              .       
                       NLTT 13601/13599                                                        Chm2004 
                       Hipparcos identified the pair as a candidate for Hyades membership.     HIP1998 
04368-6205 HJ 3679     A is a long-period variable, R Dor.                                     .       
04372+3108 KOH  16     V961 Tau. Member of Taurus-Auriga molecular cloud.                      Dae2015 
04372+1108 GIC  50     LDS1182 = G083-024/G083-023.                                            .       
04372-6658 OGL 207     LMC152.7.3126  + LMC152.7.3127                                          Pli2012 
04373+1748 BPM 101     [PM2000]  178584 + [PM2000]  178531.                                    Gvr2010 
04373-6853 OGL 208     LMC155.1.4867  + LMC155.1.5999                                          Pli2012 
04373-6905 OGL 209     LMC149.7.8     + LMC149.7.35    + LMC149.5.668                          Pli2012 
04374+0034 STTA 53     B is BD+00@801.                                                         .       
                       Pair appears in an appendix list, not part of the discoverer's          .       
                       regular numbering sequence.                                             .       
                       SHY 465. Bayesian analysis by Shaya & Olling (2011) indicates very      Shy2011 
                       high (near 100%) probability pair is physical.                          .       
04375+1509 CHR 153     1991.9021: Reprocessing of archival speckle data have confirmed this    .       
                       already strong detection and have shown a change in theta of 15 deg in  .       
                       2.7 yr. CHR 153 cannot be the 734.2-d spectroscopic system of Griffin   Grf2012b
                       et al. (1988). In the Hyades.                                           Msn1993a
                       The preliminary orbital solution is clearly in error as the visual      Ole2003b
                       companion was better fit by linear motion and it previously appeared in Hrt2012a
                       the linear catalog. However, with more observations an orbit solution   .       
                       was possible.                                                           Tok2021b
04376-0228 WAL  32     After analysis of proper motions, radial velocities, etc. conclude      .       
                       that A (= 51 Eri) and C (= GJ 330) comprise a wide physical binary and  .       
                       are members of the young bet Pic moving group. Distance is ~30pc and    .       
                       estimated orbital period is ~60,000y; pair form a very fragile system.  Fgl2006 
                       C component is GJ 3305; A and C are members of bet Pic moving group.    Zuc2001b
           BU   88     AB: Optical pair, based on study of relative motion of the components   .       
                       using the method of apparent motion parameters.                         Kiy2008 
           KAS   1     Ca,Cb: Better known as GJ 3305, this binary is part of the beta Pic     .       
                       moving group (Zuckerman et al. 2001), and is also bound to 51 Eri in a  Zuc2001b
                       wide orbit (Feigelson et al. 2006) with a projected separation of 66".  Fgl2006 
                       The binarity of GJ 3305 was first reported by Kasper et al. (2007),     Kas2007b
                       and has been observed with AstraLux on several occasions.               Jnn2012 
                       Ca,Cb: Montet et al (2015) derive a combined spectroscopic/astrometric  .       
                       orbital solution, yielding masses 0.67 +/- 0.05 and 0.44 +/- 0.05       .       
                       Msun, luminosities 0.112 +/- 0.007 and 0.043 +/- 0.005 Lsun, and an     .       
                       age of 37 +/- 9 Gyr.                                                    Mtt2015 
04379-6701 OGL 210     LMC152.2.1     + LMC152.2.31                                            Pli2012 
04379-6915 OGL 211     LMC149.7.39    + LMC149.7.80                                            Pli2012 
04380-1302 STF 576     B is BD-13@938.                                                         .       
04381+1457 LDS5582     LDS6138.                                                                .       
04382+2813 BEU   6     GJ 3304 = G039-029.  Daemgen et al. (2007) derive a distance of 14.5    Dae2007 
                       +/- 3.8 pc, a separation of 11.4 +/- 3.4 au, and a predicted orbital    .       
                       period of 76 +36/-35 yr. Spectral types are M4.0 +/- 0.5  and M4.5 +/-  .       
                       0.5; masses are 0.23 +0.10/-0.07 and 0.20 +0.07/-0.05 Msun.             .       
                       Estimated age 60-300 Myr; masses 0.28 +/- 0.06 and 0.19 +/- 0.05 Msun;  .       
                       a ~13.4 au.                                                             Jnn2014 
04382+1603 PAT  12     Aa,An. CPM companion (rho = 140".5) is outside our detection window.    Msn1993a
04382+1602 BUP  65     89 Tau.                                                                 .       
04382+1231 BUP  66     Hyades vB 104. 90 Tau. A is a spectroscopic binary.                     .       
                       Two CPM companions (rho = 44" and 120") fall outside detection window.  Msn1993a
           MRN   2     Aa,Ab: Marion et al. (2014) estimate the companion to this Hyades       .       
                       member as K4V.  Assuming a face-on, circular orbit with a semi-major    .       
                       axis of 11.1 mas (0.52 au), the minimum period would be ~84d.           Mrn2014 
04382-1315 TOK 660     Resolved using ANDICAM2. PM(A) is small, B is considered physical from  .       
                       photometry and low crowding                                             Tok2014d
04382-1418 KUI  18     53 Eri = Sceptrum.                                                      .       
04384+2611 ITO   6     AC: Itoh et al. (2008) estimate that if the AC pair is physical, the    .       
                       H-band magnitude of C suggests a mass of order 1 Mjup. Followup         .       
                       astrometry and spectroscopy is needed to confirm its companionship.     Ito2008b
04385+2656 STF 572     AB: One component is a spectroscopic binary.                            .       
                       Has an orbital solution and while proper motion is close, parallax      Izm2019 
                       indicates it is non-physical.                                           .       
04385+2611 SMN  15     Aka HV Tau.                                                             .       
04385+2611             Measure of 1990.77 made by triangulation of multiple measures           .       
                       and is in a red filter.                                                 Smn1992 
04385+1752 BPM 102     [PM2000]  179567 + [PM2000]  179474.                                    Gvr2010 
04386-0921 TOK 387     HIP 21265 is an X-ray source and an SB2 according to GCS (only one      .       
                       observation). It is resolved here at 56mas, which corresponds to a      .       
                       period of ~5yr.                                                         Tok2015c
04387-6822 OGL 212     LMC148.5.112   + LMC148.5.706                                           Pli2012 
04388+2147 JNN 262     G 8-48. Estimated age 300-1000 Myr; masses 0.12 +/- 0.04 and 0.10 +/-   .       
                       0.03 Msun; a ~21.9 au.                                                  Jnn2014 
04388-2702 TOK 661     CA: Resolved using ANDICAM2. Tuc-Hor moving group. PM(C) is small,      .       
                       physical from ptm only.                                                 Tok2014d
04388-7015 OGL 213     LMC151.4.44    + LMC151.4.45                                            Pli2012 
04389+1406 HD  29461   Hyades vB 106.  This is SB with P ~ 10 yr according to Griffin et al.   Grf1988 
                       (1988).                                                                 Msn1993a
04389+1406 MET  41     This optical companion cannot be 3760d spectroscopic binary of Griffin  Grf2012b
04389-1207 HDS 599     Cvetkovic et al. (2014) derive spectral types A1 and  F2, masses 2.28   .       
                       and 1.56 Msun. Dynamical parallax is 15.50 +/- 0.75 mas.                Cve2014 
04390+2149 LDS1183     NLTT 13673/13674                                                        Chm2004 
04391+0752 BUP  67     B is BD+07@680.                                                         .       
04392+2553 TER   1     IRAS 04361+2547.                                                        .       
04393+3331 JNN 263     Estimated age 1000-10000 Myr; masses 0.32 +/- 0.16 and 0.20 +/- 0.10    .       
                       Msun; a ~2.6 au.                                                        Jnn2014 
04393+2545 SMN  16     GN Tau.                                                                 .       
04393+2221 LKCA 15     Sallum et al. (2015) resolve three planetary companions to LkCa 15.     .       
                       Companion b has a best-fit orbital semi-major axis 14.7 +/- 2.1 au,     .       
                       that of companion c is 18.6 +2.5/-2.7 au. Companion d is only seen in   .       
                       the L' band, so less information can be gleaned.                        Sll2015b
04393+1555 STFA 11     A: sig 2 Tau = 92 Tau. A is a spectroscopic binary.                     .       
                       B: sig 1 Tau = 91 Tau. B is BD+15@665, SB and occultation binary.       .       
04394-6938 OGL 214     LMC150.4.33    + LMC150.4.139                                           Pli2012 
04395-1141 GAL 374     Object #147 in Gallo's original list.                                   Gal1914 
04395-4507 I  1489     Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and spectroscopic   .       
                       masses of 1.49 +/- 0.82, 1.60, and 0.79 Msun, respectively.             Mlk2012 
04396-2115 BU 1236     AC: SHY 467. Bayesian analysis by Shaya & Olling (2011) indicates very  Shy2011 
                       high (near 100%) probability pair is physical.                          .       
04397+0952 HDS 601     Also a 610d spectroscopic binary.                                       Tok2019b
           GIC  51     LDS1184.  AB = G083-028/G083-029 = GJ 9162AB.                           .       
04397-6722 OGL 215     LMC153.3.3746  + LMC153.3.4025                                          Pli2012 
04399+5305 BU 1043     3 Cam. A is an eclipsing binary of the W UMa-type.                      .       
04399+1940 RED   8     1996.0929  RHy ID and coordinates from Reid (1992). Candidate Hyades    Red1992 
                       member; Reid considers possible binary.                                 Red1997 
04399+1631 BU 1044     Measures made by CHARA/USNO in 1991, 1993, 1995, 1996 and 1998 of       .       
                       04404+1631 = CHR 154 were actually of this pair. Those measures have    .       
                       been included here.                                                     .       
04400+5328 BU 1295     2 Cam.                                                                  .       
                       The high-eccentricity solution for AB by Valbousquet (1980) is          Val1980b
                       questioned by Heintz (1962) on grounds of a mass discrepancy.           Hei1962 
                       The equinox-1900 position was incorrectly given as 04320+5310 in        .       
                       McAlister & Hendry (1982).                                              McA1982d
                       Argument of periastron flipped for Tok2021b orbit since WDS refers to   .
                       fainter star as primary.
           STF 566     A is the D component of 04404+5328.                                     .       
04400+3534 HJ  681     ALI 64.                                                                 .       
04400+2556 KON   5     Estimated masses 0.1 and 0.06 Msun. Primary spectral type M5.75         Kon2007b
04403-6924 OGL 216     LMC149.2.6     + LMC149.2.26                                            Pli2012 
04404+5328 D     4     AD: D component is primary of 04400+5328BU 1295AB. AD not physical, so  .       
                       systems not merged.                                                     .       
04404+1631 CHR 154     Measures made by CHARA/USNO in 1991, 1993, 1995, 1996 and 1998 were     .       
                       actually of 04399+1631 = BU 1044. Measures X coded here but retained    .       
                       to maintain original catalog pedigree.                                  .       
04404-1940 STN   9     54 Eri. A semiregular variable, DM Eri. No very positive observations   .       
                       as a visual double. Needs speckle.                                      .       
04404-2935 DAW  81     BC: Rectilinear solution by Hurowitz et al. (2013).                     USN2013a
04406-4152 HDO 190     AB: alp Cae. A is a Delta Scuti-type variable.                          .       
                       AB: Physical/optical nature undefined.                                  Ehr2010 
04407+2519 KON   6     Estimated masses 0.15 and 0.08 Msun. Primary spectral type M5.5         Kon2007b
04407-2812 TOK 209     Resolved with NICI, uncertain measure. Not resolved with speckle.       Tok2012a
                       Direct motion by 16deg since first resolution at Gemini on 2011.80;     .       
                       estimated period is 15 yr.                                              Tok2013b
04408-3951 RSS   5     This previously uncataloged double star was a Hipparcos double entry    .       
                       system.  The first measure is determined from the individual positions  .       
                       listed by Rousseau et al.                                               Rss1996 
04408-6741 OGL 217     LMC146.8.31    + LMC146.8.30                                            Pli2012 
04409+0058 STF 583     AB: H 2  81.                                                            MEv2010 
04410-6935 OGL 218     LMC150.4.7439  + LMC150.4.8170                                          Pli2012 
04413+3242 JNN 264     Estimated age 300-1000 Myr; masses 0.54 +/- 0.04 and 0.40 +/- 0.06      .       
                       Msun; a ~58.9 au.                                                       Jnn2014 
04414+2715 KOH  20     V1328 Tau.                                                              Dae2015 
04413+2054 LWR   5     V834 Tau                                                                .       
04415-4328 Anon        EQ 0439-4333. ID as EQ 0439-4333 is uncertain, as it was based on a     .       
                       Simbad search using epoch-1950 coordinates 043955-433318 from White et  Whi1991 
                       al. (1991).                                                             .       
04416-4302 WHI   6     Possibly resolved.                                                      Whi1991 
04417+2302 KSA  29     Primary is of spectral type M8.5 and shows evidence of a circumstellar  .       
                       disk and active accretion. The Ab companion is estimated as type        .       
                       M9.5-L0, mass 5-10 Mjup. Todorov et al. (2010) also resolved the B      .       
                       component into a 0.23" pair.                                            Tod2010 
04418+2658 KOH  21     Member of Taurus-Auriga molecular cloud.                                Dae2015 
04419-6714 OGL 219     LMC146.5.3639  + LMC146.5.3827                                          Pli2012 
04421+2523 LEI  24     V955 Tau.                                                               .       
           GHE  15     The measures and component designations of the Ba and Ca pair were      .       
                       assigned incorrectly and were correctly re-assigned 5/22/02. The        .       
                       designations LEI  24Ba <---> GHE  15Ca were flipped and the             .       
                       designation LEI  25Aa became LEI  24Aa.                                 .       
04422+3731 STF 577     CfA: SB? Not clear if it is A or B.                                     Tok2014d
04422+2257 MCA  16     Aa,Ab: tau Tau = 94 Tau. Occultation binary and short-period SB.        .       
                       Hough suspected duplicity due to a slow occultation. Finally resolved   .       
                       by McAlister in 1980.                                                   McA1983 
                       1983.9337, 1983.9391: Interferometric observations are incompatible     Jef1963 
                       with the large delta m reported by Jeffers et al. (1963).               Bnu1984 
                       Aa,Ab: Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and          .       
                       spectroscopic masses 12.44 +/- 4.14, 7.48, and 6.92 Msun, respectively. Mlk2012 
                       Uniform disk diameter  0.220 +/- 0.016 mas,                             .       
                       Limb darkened diameter 0.226 +/- 0.016 mas,                             .       
                       Teff = 18500 +/- 800 K based on LDD.                                    .       
                       Radius is 2.27 +/- 0.20 \rsun.                                          CIA2019a
           S   455     STTA 54 = H 6   7.                                                      .       
04422+0259 A  2424     Position angles uncertain.                                              .       
04423+8103 LDS1596     NLTT 13589/13587                                                        Chm2004 
04423+0932 TOB 369     Aka GWP 610.                                                            .       
04423-2943 LDS 126     NLTT 13802/13804                                                        Chm2004 
04423-6657 OGL 220     LMC145.7.3953  + LMC145.7.4003                                          Pli2012 
04426+2516 KSA 111     Primary is variable star DP Tau.                                        .       
04427-2147 LDS3608     NLTT 13805/13809                                                        Chm2004 
04428-7030 OGL 221     LMC144.7.6     + LMC144.7.441                                           Pli2012 
04429+1843 LDS2266     BC: HJL1038.                                                            HJL1986 
                       RV(A)=+14.5, not Hyades member! On Lick RV program.  B is SB2,          HJL2012b
                       P=56.445d (Halbwachs et al. 2012)                                       Tok2014d
04430+5712 A  1014     Only elements P, T, and a have been amended by Starikova (1978) from    Sta1978c
                       the orbit of Baize (1958).                                              Baz1958 
                       Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and spectroscopic   .       
                       masses of 1.27 +/- 0.48, 2.37, and 1.10 Msun, respectively.             Mlk2012 
04431+3356 HJ  348     Also known as STF 580.                                                  .       
04431-0725 A   476     KP Eri, Algol-type eclipsing binary, P = 7.447126 d.                    Zas2011 
04431-6844 OGL 222     LMC148.2.7773  + LMC148.2.7774  + LMC148.2.7791                         Pli2012 
04432-5436 TOK  87     HIP 21960.                                                              .       
04432-6723 OGL 223     LMC146.3.22    + LMC146.3.117                                           Pli2012 
04433+5931 A  1013     Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and spectroscopic   .       
                       masses of 5.20 +/- 2.40, 3.42, and 1.82 Msun, respectively.             Mlk2012 
04434+1558 BPM 103     [PM2000]  183754 + [PM2000]  183745.                                    Gvr2010 
04436-0848 STF 590     55 Eri. B is a Delta Scuti-type variable, DW Eri., BD-09@969. Spectral  .       
                       type F4IIIpSr. Both components are spectroscopic binaries.              .       
                       H 3  99.                                                                MEv2010 
04441+1739 LDS2268     NLTT 13828/13829.                                                       .       
04441+0205 HL    1     This is a measure of HL 04441+0204 and A 3006 04440+0204                .       
04442-6959 OGL 224     LMC143.8.7618  + LMC143.8.8368                                          Pli2012 
04443+2017 KOH  22     V1205 Tau.                                                              Dae2015 
04444+1952 KOH  23     V1333 Tau.                                                              Dae2015 
04444+1109 BUP  68     Hyades vB 111.  A may be variable. Two CPM companions with rho = 74".7  .       
                       and rho = 10".0, both outside our detection window.                     Msn1993a
04445+3953 COU1524     Primary is eclipsing binary V592 Per (period 0.71572 day).              Zas2010 
04448-6946 OGL 225     LMC143.6.9637  + LMC143.6.10050                                         Pli2012 
04449+2717 KOH  24     Member of Taurus-Auriga molecular cloud.                                Dae2015 
04449+1757 LDS2271     LDS5590.                                                                .       
04450+1605 BPM 104     [PM2000]  185037 + [PM2000]  185149.                                    Gvr2010 
04453-6943 OGL 226     LMC143.6.9561  + LMC143.6.9815                                          Pli2012 
04454+2955 NI   12     BVD  47.                                                                .       
04454+2421 POU 477     Also known as GRV 215.                                                  .       
04454-5949 FIN  89     A is the Mira-type variable, T Dor.                                     .       
04454-7006 OGL 227     LMC143.8.7703  + LMC143.8.7822                                          Pli2012 
04455-0512 HJ   27     B is BD-05@1021.                                                        .       
04455-2226 DON  77     CD-22@1801.                                                             .       
04455-7018 OGL 228     LMC144.3.38    + LMC144.3.177                                           Pli2012 
04458+3515 ES 2410     ALI 65.                                                                 .       
04459+1911 AG  311     B is BD+18@714.                                                         .       
04460+1616 BPM 105     [PM2000]  185978 + [PM2000]  185928.                                    Gvr2010 
04460+1142 BUP  69     A is possibly a spectroscopic binary.                                   .       
04464+4221 COU2031     1985.740:  The separation of this partially resolved pair was           .       
                       calculated under the assumption of zero or otherwise known magnitude    .       
                       difference.                                                             Tok1985 
                       Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and spectroscopic   .       
                       masses of 2.53 +/- 0.35, 2.85, and 1.05 Msun, respectively.             Mlk2012 
                       Combined spectroscopic/interferometric orbit. Resulting masses are      .       
                       1.75 +/- 0.08 and 1.32 +/- 0.08 Msun. Spectral types are estimated as   .       
                       G3IV and F6V.                                                           Doc2014i
04465+1528 HD  30246   Hyades vB 142.                                                          Grf1988 
                       Noted as a SB in Griffin et al. (1988).                                 Msn1993a
04465+1528 MET  42     This optical companion cannot be 989.8-d SB of Griffin.                 Grf2012b
04466+4002 BRT2206     ALI 1040.                                                               .       
04468+1745 PAT  15     This pair is noted as a slow spectroscopic binary in Griffin et al.     Grf1988 
                       (1988).                                                                 Msn1993a
04468+1744 LDS1187     LDS5601.                                                                .       
04468+0901 PAT  16     This pair is a spectroscopic binary with P ~ 7 yr according to Griffin  Grf1988 
                       et al. (1988).                                                          Msn1993a
                       Hyades. The 0".1 pair PAT 16 was not resolved with speckle; its         .       
                       estimated period is 7 yr.                                               Tok2012a
                       The spectroscopic solution of this 2446-d pair determined by Griffin.   Grf2012b
04468-2618 VIG   6     The B component appears to be a faint background star.                  Vig2012 
04469+1700 DAE  35     DQ Tau. Young member of Taurus-Auriga molecular cloud.                  Dae2015 
04469-1117 JNN  28     2MASS J04465175-1116476 has a companion that has not yet been tested    .       
                       for common proper motion. Since the brightness and color match          .       
                       expectations, the system counts as an unconfirmed binary.               Jnn2012 
04469-4630 LDS9177     Old LDS6177.                                                            .       
04469-6036 GAL   6     AL Dor.                                                                 .       
                       Ma,Mb = 1.1029 +/- 0.0004, 1.1018 +/- 0.0005 \msun,                     GaA2019 
                       orbital parallax = 15.200 +/- 0.056 mas.                                .       
           TOK 388     First resolution of HIP 22229 at 0".043, dI=1.2. The measure is         .       
                       uncertain, but the elongation is confirmed with 2-ms exposure and is    .       
                       not seen in other observed stars, so it is not caused by vibration.     .       
                       This is a triple system containing an eclipsing binary AL Dor           .       
                       (Algol-type) with an eccentric orbit (Bulut & Demirkan, 2007 MNRAS,     .       
                       378, 179). The separation implies an orbital period of the outer        .       
                       system ~5yr                                                             Tok2015c
04470-6954 OGL 229     LMC143.2.264   + LMC143.2.1526                                          Pli2012 
04472+2027 KU   85     Also known as STF 593.                                                  .       
04472+1332 LDS1188     LDS5603.                                                                .       
04472-1715 ARG  11     B is BD-17@951, spectrum G2/3V.                                         .       
04476+1816 PAT  17     This pair is a spectroscopic binary with P >5 yr according to Griffin   Grf1988 
                       et al. (1988).                                                          Msn1993a
                       The spectroscopic solution of this 4822-d pair determined by Griffin.   Grf2012b
04476-0534 GRE   1     IRAS 04451-0539 = PDS 11.                                               Gre1992 
04477+4014 A  1545     Primary is V593 Per, a Beta Lyr type eclipsing binary, P = 3.2437d.     Zas2012 
04477-6945 OGL 230     LMC143.3.10488 + LMC143.3.11560                                         Pli2012 
04478+3643 GAA   2     AW Per. This Cepheid is an SB with an orbital period of ~40 yr. First   .       
                       discovered by Miller & Preston (1964 PASP 76, 47), it took several      .       
                       years to derive the first orbit from radial velocity data (Evans 1989   .       
                       AJ 97, 1737). It is likely that this companion is itself a binary, as   .       
                       argued by Evans and by Evans et al. (2000 AJ 120, 407), because the     .       
                       magnitude difference between the Cepheid and its companion is not       .       
                       consistent with equal masses and predictions from evolutionary tracks.  .       
                       Unfortunately, Gallenne et al. (2015) note they did not have enough     .       
                       angular resolution and sensitivity to detect this third companion. The  .       
                       properties of the brightest companion were studied based on IUE         .       
                       spectra by Evans (1994 ApJ 436, 273; 1995 ApJ 445, 393), who found its  .       
                       spectral type to be B8.3V. This is in agreement with their detection    .       
                       with a flux ratio f = 1.22 +/- 0.30%, i.e., a spectral type in the      .       
                       range B6-B9V (using d = 853 pc from a P-L relation and K = 4.63 mag     .   
                       for the Cepheid). They estimate the companion mH = 9.6 +/- 0.3 mag      .     
                       (using for the Cepheid at theirgiven phase mH = 4.84 +/- 0.01 mag from  .     
                       Monson & Pierce (2011 ApJS 193, 12). Massa & Evans (2008 MNRAS 383,     .       
                       139) also determined the angular separation of the component for        .       
                       another epoch, which will allow an estimate all the orbital elements,   .       
                       (see also Gallenne et al. 2013 EAS Pub. Ser. 64, 197). Gallenne et al.  .       
                       (2015) derived a maximum sensitivity limit at 3sigma of 0.62%, i.e.,    .       
                       dmH> 5.5 mag, so can therefore exclude any additional components with   .     
                       a spectral type earlier than B9V.                                       GaA2015 
                       Spectroscopic binary orbit with P = 13954d determined.                  Grf2016c
04478+3643             M_Aa = 6.79 +/- 0.85 \msun, M_Ab = 8.79 +/- 0.50 \msun, Uniform         .       
                       disk diameter = 0.559 +/- 0.051 mas in H Band. Based on Gaia DR3        .       
                       parallax = 58.9 +/- 5.6 \rsun.                                          CIA2024e
04478+2925 CHN  10     Additional notes may be found in Herbig (1962).                         Her1962 
                       DS Tau. Young member of Taurus-Auriga molecular cloud.                  Dae2015 
04478-3043 LDS3620     NLTT 13968/13970                                                        Chm2004 
04479+2755 KOH  26     V1337 Tau. Member of Taurus-Auriga molecular cloud.                     Dae2015 
04479+1902 LDS3619     LDS5604.                                                                .       
04480+5645 BU 1387     4 Cam.                                                                  .       
04480+5307 STF 587     H 4  73.                                                                MEv2010 
04480-4154 TOK 490     AD: D component is the primary of 04490-4128 RST1285.                   .       
04481+7810 MLR 464     Also known as TDS 148.                                                  .       
04483-7036 OGL 231     LMC137.8.142   + LMC137.8.140                                           Pli2012 
04485+1056 HJ  684     CD: Also known as STF 601.                                              .       
04486+1748 STF 598     HJL  62.                                                                HJL1986 
04486-6648 OGL 232     LMC138.6.5554  + LMC138.6.5870                                          Pli2012 
04487+2106 HD 284787   Hyades vB 115.  This pair is a spectroscopic binary SB with P ~ 4 yr    Grf1988 
                       according to Griffin et al. (1988).                                     Msn1993a
04487-6830 OGL 233     LMC141.4.9     + LMC141.4.22                                            Pli2012 
04488+5308 STF 586     Same position, and in field of, STF 587.                                .       
04488-6124 JSP  60     AC, 180deg, 8" 14th mag noted.                                          Hln1966 
04488-6902 OGL 234     LMC142.4.13828 + LMC142.4.14777                                         Pli2012 
04489-6951 OGL 235     LMC136.7.1220  + LMC136.7.2869                                          Pli2012 
04491+1408 BPM 106     [PM2000]  189268 + [PM2000]  189301.                                    Gvr2010 
04491+0513 STTA 55     B is BD+04@755.                                                         .       
04492+2448 HD 283882   Hyades vB 117.  The 11.93-day SB of Griffin & Gunn (1978) is outside    Grf1978b
                       our detection window.                                                   Msn1993a
           CIA  61     Aa,Ab : M_Aa = 0.8252+/- 0.0029\msun, M_Ab = 0.7816 +/- 0.0025 \msun,   .       
                       pi_orb = 20.174 +/- 0.072 mas, A_dia = 0.134 mas, B_dia = 0.127 mas.    CIA2024d
04492-3505 TOK 210     The companion is close to the detection limit, but it is considered to  .       
                       be real. The measurement is uncertain.                                  Tok2012a
                       Retrograde motion by 5deg since resolution on 2011.78; period is about  .       
                       20y. Measurements are uncertain because of large dm. The "blue" color   .       
                       of the companion is caused by measurement error.                        Tok2013b
04492-6736 OGL 236     LMC139.2.2     + LMC139.2.1                                             Pli2012 
04492-6901 OGL 237     LMC142.4.13837 + LMC142.4.14005                                         Pli2012 
04493+3235 CHR  19     A spectroscopic binary with P = 7.05d.                                  .       
                       Fekel et al. (2013) derive a new spectrosopic orbit with P=7.051d and   .       
                       e (adopted) = 0.0. Estimated masses are 1.95 and 1.2 Msun. Differences  .       
                       between early DAO and more recent data suggest the possibility of a     .       
                       3rd component in the system. It in uncertain whether this corresponds   .       
                       to the never-confirmed speckle companion, however.                      Fek2013a
04493+2934 RAS  18     Magnetic star; primary is A0 silicon star. Companions A8-F0.            Ras2014 
                       LSC  31. V473 Tau.                                                      .       
04494+4828 JNN 265     G 81-34. Estimated age 30-300 Myr; masses 0.27 +/- 0.14 and 0.18 +/-    .       
                       0.09 Msun; a ~13.5 au.                                                  Jnn2014 
04497+1554 HJ 3261     96 Tau. BU  551A,BC.                                                    .       
04498+0658 STT 560     pi 3 Ori = 1 Ori = Tabit. Obviously an optical pair. A spectroscopic    .       
                       binary and possibly a variable of Delta Scuti type.                     .       
                       CHARA Array Limb-darkened diameter  1.526 +/- 0.004 mas,                CIA2012e
                       R =  1.323 +/- 0.004 \rsun, L =  2.822 +/-0.030 \lsun,                  .       
                       Teff = 6516 +/-  19 K, M = 1.283 +/- 0.006 \msun,                       .       
                       Age =  1.3 +/- 0.2 Gyr.                                                 .       
                       Optical pair, based on study of relative motion of the components       .       
                       using the method of apparent motion parameters.                         Kiy2008 
04499+2230 LDS9178     Old LDS6178. G085-017. See Allen et al. (2000) for information on       AlC2000 
                       metallicity, age, galactic orbital parameters, etc.                     .       
                       NLTT 14005/13996                                                        Chm2004 
04500+2230 KOH  27     V1341 Tau. Member of Taurus-Auriga molecular cloud.                     Dae2015 
04501+6632 STF 584     May be H 2  92.                                                         Bu_1906 
04501-6635 OGL 238     LMC138.4.30    + LMC138.4.63                                            Pli2012 
04502-0413 SLW 172     GWP 619.                                                                Tob2012b
04502-3113 B  1474     Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and spectroscopic   .       
                       masses of 1.59 +/- 1.09, 1.93, and 0.91 Msun, respectively.             Mlk2012 
04503+0657 H 6  83     H VI 83.                                                                .       
04503-4119 HJ 3697     Optical pair, based on study of relative motion of the components       .       
                       using the method of apparent motion parameters.                         Kiy2008 
                       Rectilinear solution by Hurowitz et al. (2013).                         USN2013a
04503-6649 OGL 239     LMC138.3.160   + LMC138.3.161   + LMC138.3.468                          Pli2012 
04504+1712 HD  30676   Hyades vB 119                                                           Grf1988 
                       This pair is noted as a SB in Griffin et al. (1988).                    Msn1993a
04504+1712 CIA  64     M_A = 1.262 +/- 0.042 \msun, M_B = 0.822 +/- 0.016 \msun,               .       
                       pi_orb = 23.16 +/- 0.22 mas, A_dia = 0.156 mas, B_dia = 0.126 mas.      CIA2024d
04505+0103 A  2622     A premature orbit has been computed.                                    .       
04505-3834 GC 5916     Hipparcos astrometric solution assumed circular orbit (e = omega = 0)   HIP1997d
04506+1505 CHR  20     Hyad (vB 120). Preliminary circular orbit, speckle/spectroscopic        .       
                       orbit needed, cf. Griffin et al. (1988).                                Grf1988 
                       1991.9023: This may be the spectroscopic system found by Griffin et     .       
                       al., but more observations are needed to determine the orbital motion.  Msn1993a
                       New spectroscopic solution determined by Griffin.                       Grf2012b
                       This is a Hyades binary for which Griffin (2012) published an SB2       Grf2012b
                       orbit. We combined his RVs with the speckle data, resulting in a very   .       
                       accurate period. The combined orbit corresponds to a mass sum of 2.1    .       
                       Msun and an orbital parallax of 22mas, in good agreement with the HIP2  .       
                       parallax of 23.69 +/- 0.87mas.                                          Tok2015c
                       Orbital parallax is 21.30 +/- 0.75 mas. Mass of the primary is          .       
                       1.129 +/- 0.169 \msun. Mass of the secondary is 1.090 +/- 0.160 \msun.  Doc2018h
                       M1    = 1.065 +/- 0.018 \msun,   M2 = 1.008 +/- 0.016 \msun,            .       
                       R1    = 0.968 +/- 0.012 \rsun,   R2 = 0.878 +/- 0.013 \rsun,            .       
                       Teff1 = 5656  +/- 56 K,        Teff2 = 5489 +/- 60 K,                   .       
                       orbital parallax = 21.86 +/- 0.15 mas.                                  Trr2024 
04506-6711 OGL 240     LMC139.4.89    + LMC139.4.1334                                          Pli2012 
04507-4540 HJ 3699     old LDS6179.                                                            .       
04508+1613 HD  30738   Hyades vB 121                                                           .       
                       The 5.751-day SB of Griffin & Gunn (1978) is outside our detection      Grf1978b
                       window.                                                                 Msn1993a
04508-4013 I  1492     Variable, Y Cae.                                                        .       
04509+3746 TOK 249     Cmp? Crowded field (N*=81), small PM, hence B can be optical.           Tok2014d
04509-5328 DUN  18     iot Pic                                                                 .       
           SHY 172     AC: HIP  22531 + HIP  22562.                                            .       
           SHY 173     BC: HIP  22534 + HIP  22562.                                            .       
                       In addition to the three visual components, which are physical, the A   Tok2020h
                       component has two spectroscopic components with periods of 1.6d and     .       
                       1003d. The B component also has a spectroscopic component with a period .       
                       of 208d making this a physical sextuple. The AB visual pair has an      .       
                       estimated period of 6k yr and the wide AB,C pair has an estimated       .       
                       period of 600k years.                                                   .       
04511-2731 TOK  88     HIP 22538. The original Hipparcos gives parallax 13.9 mas. A is X-ray   .       
                       source 1RXS J045103.5-273115.                                           Tok2011a
04512+1104 BU  883     Hyad (vB 122).                                                          .       
                       Mass-sum calls for sp subsystem, but RV-ampl <1km/s according to        .       
                       Griffin et al. (1988).                                                  Grf1988 
                       AO photometric analysis by ten Brummelaar et al. (2000) includes mass   .       
                       determination.                                                          TtB2000 
                       AB: Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and             .       
                       spectroscopic masses 2.58 +/- 0.49, 2.36, and 2.24 Msun, respectively.  Mlk2012
                       Argument of periastron flipped for Sod1999 orbit since WDS refers to    .
                       fainter star as primary.
                       AB,C: Optical pair, based on study of relative motion of the            .       
                       components using the method of apparent motion parameters.              Kiy2008 
                       AB,C: Rectilinear solution by Hurowitz et al. (2013).                   USN2013a
04512-2213 BRT1378     CD-22@1851.                                                             .       
04512-6843 OGL 241     LMC134.7.16981 + LMC134.7.17012                                         Pli2012 
04513-3040 BRT2856     A likely plate flaw.                                                    Grv2021b
04513-6804 FIN 362     Only one observation, with many negative results. Duplicity             .       
                       questionable. Needs speckle.                                            .       
04514+1850 BUP  70     97 Tau = LDS1190. A is a Delta Scuti-type variable, V480 Tau.           .       
                       B is BD+18@742.                                                         .       
04515+5550 LDS5615     relative motion of AB is 0.1"/yr, too fast. optical?                    Tok2014d
04515-3454 FIN 320     Appears to have completed a revolution if the quadrants are correct.    .       
                       Period about 40y.                                                       .       
                       Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and spectroscopic   .       
                       masses of 4.50 +/- 1.29, 3.59, and 2.19 Msun, respectively.             Mlk2012 
                       Docobo & Andrade (2013) derive a dynamical parallax of 13.78 +/- 0.41   .       
                       mas and component masses 1.85 +/- 0.21 and 1.58 +/- 0.18 Msun. See      .       
                       paper for extensive notes on this system.                               Doc2013d
04515-6653 OGL 242     LMC138.3.7274  + LMC138.3.7555                                          Pli2012 
04515-6933 OGL 243     LMC136.5.13108 + LMC136.5.13830                                         Pli2012 
04516-6841 OGL 244     LMC134.7.20843 + LMC134.7.21738                                         Pli2012 
04518+3047 JOY   4     A is the RW Aur-type variable, UY Aur.                                  Her1962 
                       Hioki et al. (2007) calculate a period of 1640 +/- 90 yr and a total    Hio2007 
                       mass of 1.73 +/- 0.29 Msun.                                             .       
04518+1339 BU  552     Hyad (vB 124).                                                          Wor1963a
                       The primary is 143d SB (Griffin et al. 1985).                           Grf1985b
                       The spectroscopic system of Griffin et al. would be too close for us    .       
                       to resolve by speckle interferometry.                                   Msn1993a
                       A: Ren & Fu (2013) calculated an astrometric orbit, combining           .       
                       Hipparcos Intermediate Astrometric Data with spectroscopic elements by  .       
                       Turner et al. (1986). They derived component masses 1.42 and 0.55 Msun  TrD1986 
                       and an estimated semimajor axis of 15.67 mas.                           Ren2013 
                       AB: Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and             .       
                       spectroscopic masses 2.67 +/- 1.47, 2.30, and 1.00 Msun, respectively.  Mlk2012 
                       A faint component (about mag. 13, 45") is unobserved since 1906; its    .       
                       physical nature is unknown.                                             .       
04519-3414 BVD  48     AC: SHY 470. Bayesian analysis by Shaya & Olling (2011) indicates very  Shy2011 
                       high (near 100%) probability pair is physical.                          .       
04519-6058 JSP  62     CD-61@974.                                                              .       
04519-6635 OGL 245     LMC138.4.6967  + LMC138.4.6968                                          Pli2012 
04521-6706 OGL 246     LMC138.1.8041  + LMC138.1.8261                                          Pli2012 
04525-3631 LDS9180     Old LDS6180.                                                            .       
04526+4302 ES 1526     BC: BRT 111                                                             .       
04526-2646 LDS3625     NLTT 14126/14125                                                        Chm2004 
04527-2546 TOK 662     With plx(A), B is on the MS, likely physical.                           Tok2014d
04527-6936 OGL 247     LMC136.4.307   + LMC136.4.140                                           Pli2012 
04527-7043 OGL 248     LMC137.1.262   + LMC137.1.650                                           Pli2012 
04531-0117 S   457     B is BD-01@743.                                                         .       
04531-0853 BRT 369     A likely plate flaw.                                                    Grv2021b
04533+1401 BPM 107     [PM2000]  194282 + [PM2000]  194455.                                    Gvr2010 
04534-0925 RST4256     BRT 2834.                                                               .       
04535-5551 LDS 131     See note to 05287-6527 SHY  27AD.                                       .       
04537-4539 GRV1249     Both A and B have approximately the same radial velocity.               Grv2019b
04538-6831 OGL 249     LMC134.3.20577 + LMC134.3.20575                                         Pli2012 
04540-6943 OGL 250     LMC136.3.223   + LMC136.3.524                                           Pli2012 
04540-7022 OGL 251     LMC137.3.14145 + LMC137.3.18362                                         Pli2012 
04541+8125 MLR 490     Also known as TDS 152.                                                  .       
04541+6621 alp Cam     Fullerton (1990) presents high quality profiles that indicate the       Ful1990 
                       presence of line profile variations; his associated radial velocity     .       
                       measurements do not confirm any of the periods suggested by Zeinalov &  .       
                       Musaev (1986 SvAL 12, 125) and Musaev & Snezhko (1988 SvAL 14, 68).     Msn1998a
04542+4935 STF 603     AB: H N  77.                                                            MEv2010 
04543+0722 STF 612     HD 31208. See Allen et al. (2000) for information on metallicity,       AlC2000 
                       age, galactic orbital parameters, etc.                                  .       
                       AB: HJL  64.                                                            HJL1986 
04544-6720 OGL 252     LMC132.6.11391 + LMC132.6.12002                                         Pli2012 
04545-0314 RST5501     Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and spectroscopic   .       
                       masses of 3.79 +/- 1.45, 3.77, and 1.20 Msun, respectively.             Mlk2012 
04547+1221 TOK 251     A is exoplanet host, P=466d. RV(A)=+12.1, not Hyades                    Tok2014d
04547-0257 J  1348     GCB 7. BRT 370.                                                         .       
04548+1126 MCA  17     6 Ori.                                                                  .       
04549+1009 ENG  19     7 Ori = pi 1 Ori. B is BD+09@682.                                       .       
04549+0836 STT  90     V1834 Ori, Algol-type eclipsing binary, P = 1.51058 d.                  Zas2011 
04549-6934 OGL 253     LMC136.4.18656 + LMC136.4.18660                                         Pli2012 
04550+3411 HJ  351     AB: Rectilinear solution by Friedman et al. (2011).                     USN2011a
04551+5516 BU 1187     5 Cam.                                                                  .       
04551+3535 MLB 923     Not found by Heintz at IDS position.                                    Hei1985a
04551-6718 OGL 254     LMC132.4.88    + LMC132.4.1271                                          Pli2012 
04552+1827 DAE  39     V1349 Tau.                                                              Dae2015 
04552-6656 OGL 255     LMC131.7.14509 + LMC131.7.14673                                         Pli2012 
04552-6908 OGL 256     LMC135.3.30074 + LMC135.3.30071                                         Pli2012 
04552-7923 HJ 3733     B is CPD-79@163.                                                        .       
04554-7109 OGL 257     LMC130.7.31    + LMC130.7.349   + LMC130.7.1118                         Pli2012 
04555+1711 BPM 108     [PM2000]  197155 + [PM2000]  197180.                                    Gvr2010 
04556+3018 MSR   3     HBC 426 = V396 Aur.                                                     Msr2005 
04556+1653 HJ 3263     Rectilinear solutions by Cvetkovic (2015)                               Cve2015b
                       and Cvetkovic et al. (2016).                                            Cve2016 
04557+1742 DAE  40     V1350 Tau. Member of Taurus-Auriga molecular cloud.                     Dae2015 
04557-6637 OGL 258     LMC131.4.8     + LMC131.4.7                                             Pli2012 
04558+3033 BNS   1     HBC 78 = MWC 93 = AB Aur                                                .       
04558-3100 LDS3628     NLTT 14212/14213                                                        Chm2004 
04558-6741 OGL 259     LMC132.1.137   + LMC132.1.297                                           Pli2012 
04558-7056 OGL 260     LMC130.6.29    + LMC130.6.186                                           Pli2012 
04559+0440 LDS9181     Old LDS6181.                                                            .       
           EGN   4     Aa,Ab pair bound. Ab component is likely an early M dwarf with mass     .       
                       0.43 +/- 0.02 Msun                                                      Egn2007 
                       Aa,Ab: A is on Keck program, RV var.                                    Tok2014d
04560+3021 SFN   1     Aa,Ab: Steffen (2000, 2001) combined solutions each yield values for    Sfn2000 
                       the masses, as well as an orbital parallax.                             Sfn2001 
                       Simon et al. (2013) derive masses 0.86 +/- 0.11 and 0.55 +/- 0.05 Msun  .       
                       and distance 187.7 +/- 3.9 pc for this pre-MS binary.                   Smn2013 
           KSA  31     HBC 427 = V397 Aur.                                                     Msr2005 
04560-6938 OGL 261     LMC128.5.315   + LMC128.5.772                                           Pli2012 
04560-7040 OGL 262     LMC129.8.308   + LMC129.8.309                                           Pli2012 
04561-7116 OGL 263     LMC130.8.10926 + LMC130.8.11364                                         Pli2012 
04562+2554 GIC  52     G039-042/G039-041.                                                      .       
                       NLTT 14180/14179                                                        Chm2004 
04563+5206 STF 608     AB,C: HJL  65.                                                          HJL1986 
04563+2415 LDS6148     Also known as GRV 220.                                                  .       
04564+1331 BU  553     omi 2 Ori = 9 Ori                                                       .       
04564-0510 SHJ  48     62 Eri. B is BD-05@1093.                                                .       
                       AB: H 6 106.                                                            MEv2010 
04566+0422 TOB9004     Measured as BAL2622 but actually an anonymous pair added here.          Tob2012c 
04566-6629 DON  89     Variable.                                                               .       
04566-7027 OGL 264     LMC129.7.22    + LMC129.7.188                                           Pli2012 
04567+3917 HU 1091     V560 Aur, Algol-type eclipsing binary, P = 1.528311 d.                  Zas2011 
04567-7106 OGL 265     LMC130.7.12419 + LMC130.7.12474                                         Pli2012 
04568+1825 BPM 109     [PM2000]  199012 + [PM2000]  199066.                                    Gvr2010 
04569-6721 OGL 266     LMC132.3.14233 + LMC132.3.14300                                         Pli2012 
04570+1716 BPMA  9     [PM2000]  199271 + [PM2000]  199591.                                    Gvr2010 
04570+1517 MET   4     Metchev & Hillenbrand say the C component is probably optical, based    .       
                       on proximity.                                                           Met2004b
04572+3838 ES 2338     ALI 780.                                                                .       
04573+5345 D     5     7 Cam. A premature orbit has been computed for AB. The primary is SB1,  .       
                       P = 3.884 d (Lucy & Sweeney).                                           Lcy1971 
                       Drummond linear elements have been modified.                            Dru2014 
           STF 610     AB,C: Star C (mag. about 11.3, 26") may be physical.                    .       
           D     5     AB: Rectilinear solution by Drummond (2014).                            Dru2014 
04573+1524 HEI  38     KOH  36.                                                                .       
                       Young member of Taurus-Auriga molecular cloud.                          Dae2015 
04573-7055 OGL 267     LMC130.6.14234 + LMC130.6.16118                                         Pli2012 
04574+0100 A  2624     Aa,Ab : Hipparcos identified the pair as a candidate for Hyades         HIP1998 
                       membership. However, it is not.                                         Grf1988 
04574+0100 SHY 471     AB: HIP  23044 + HIP  23266. B component = A component of 05003+0100.   .       
04575-2358 LDS3630     NLTT 14263/14262                                                        Chm2004 
04576+1356 BPM 110     [PM2000]  200066 + [PM2000]  200068.                                    Gvr2010 
04576+0344 BAL2132     A likely plate flaw.                                                    Grv2021b
04576-0545 STF 624     B is BD-05@1103.                                                        .       
04576-6950 OGL 268     LMC128.6.11701 + LMC128.6.11986                                         Pli2012 
04578+2357 BU 1045     99 Tau.                                                                 .       
04580-2248 I   473     CD-22@1917.                                                             .       
04580-6735 OGL 269     LMC124.7.79    + LMC132.2.17928                                         Pli2012 
04581+0141 STF 622     A,BC: H 1  68.                                                          MEv2010 
04582+8015 OSO  18     GD 288. Not a common proper motion pair, based on comparison with       .       
                       POSS2 red plates                                                        Oso2004 
04582+2503 BU 1390     98 Tau. A is a spectroscopic binary.                                    .       
04582+1423 BPM 111     [PM2000]  201029 + [PM2000]  201109.                                    Gvr2010 
04583+0027 FR   11     V1198 Ori.                                                              .       
04584-6739 OGL 270     LMC124.8.20199 + LMC124.8.20752                                         Pli2012 
04585-2749 RST 117     CPD-28@715.                                                             .       
04585-6834 OGL 271     LMC126.6.46772 + LMC126.6.46857                                         Pli2012 
04587-7053 OGL 272     LMC130.3.25    + LMC130.3.4226                                          Pli2012 
04588-7027 OGL 273     LMC129.2.10    + LMC129.7.17168                                         Pli2012 
04589+6435 GNO   1     Distance is estimated at about 10.5 +/- 1.4 pc, giving a projected      .       
                       component separation of ~5 au. Estimated orbital period ~70 yr, for an  .       
                       assumed age of 1 Gyr.  Spectral types are estimates at T8.5 and T9;     .       
                       total system mass ~25 Mjup.                                             Gno2011 
04590+1433 SHJ  49     STTA 58 = H 5 113. B is BD+14@795. Probably same as BDS 2461, H V 57.   .       
                       AB: H 5  57.                                                            MEv2010 
04590-1623 BU  314     See Baize & Petit (1989) catalog of doubles with variable component.    Baz1989d
                       AB: Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and             .       
                       spectroscopic masses 1.87 +/- 0.28, 2.66, and 2.36 Msun, respectively.  Mlk2012 
                       AB,C: Optical pair, based on study of relative motion of the            .       
                       components using the method of apparent motion parameters.              Kiy2008 
                       AB,C: Rectilinear solution by Hurowitz et al. (2013).                   USN2013a
04591+6322 HU 1090     Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and spectroscopic   .       
                       masses of 12.31 +/- 4.18, 2.27, and 1.10 Msun, respectively.            Mlk2012 
04591+1123 BPM 112     [PM2000]  202364 + [PM2000]  202525.                                    Gvr2010 
04593+3753 STF 616     ome Aur = 4 Aur                                                         .       
                       AB: H 2  14.                                                            MEv2010 
04595-4927 HJ 3715     Primary is VW Pic, a W UMa type eclipsing binary, P = 0.42576d.         Zas2012 
04595-6802 OGL 274     LMC125.6.10758 + LMC125.6.10639                                         Pli2012 
04595-6958 OGL 275     LMC128.2.17    + LMC128.2.402                                           Pli2012 
04596+3135 HO  222     Hipparcos identified the pair as a candidate for Hyades membership.     HIP1998 
                       However, radial velocity classifies this as not a Hyades member.        Grf2013c
                       The colors from Tycho photometry are also not consistent with a         Fab2000a
                       physical pair.                                                          .       
04597+1555 BUP  73     Hyades vB 128                                                           .       
                       A CPM companion with rho = 106".4 is outside our detection window.      Msn1993a
04597-6940 OGL 276     LMC128.4.12    + LMC128.4.92                                            Pli2012 
04598-1016 63 Eri      Ren & Fu (2013) calculated an astrometric orbit, combining Hipparcos    Ren2013 
                       Intermediate Astrometric Data with spectroscopic elements by            .       
                       Vennes et al. (1998).                                                   Ven1998 
04599+5327 A  1303     A premature orbit has been computed.                                    .       
                       T corrected from 200.74 to 2000.74 by Ruymaekers & Nys (1995)           Ruy1995 
04599+0031 J    47     Despite having an orbit, an optical pair based on parallax and proper   Mlk2022 
                       motion.                                                                 Izm2019 
05001-6217 B  1942     Composite spectrum: G5/8III + F/G.                                      .       
05001-6953 OGL 277     LMC128.2.32346 + LMC128.2.32381                                         Pli2012 
05002+1811 GIC  53     LDS1198. G083-047/G083-048.                                             .       
05003+3924 CHR 159     5 Aur.                                                                  .       
05004+6925 STF 606     B is BD+69@289.                                                         .       
05005+0506 STT  93     Hyperbolic orbit by Janova (1966).                                      Jnv1966 
                       sigma = areal constant in the true orbit = 0.00576 arcsec^2/yr          .       
                       q = periastron distance in the true orbit = 0".366                      .       
05006+0337 STF 627     B is BD+03@736.                                                         .       
05007-0204 VIG   7     Optical/physical nature of the six faint companions (B-G) is undefined. Vig2012 
05007-6856 SKF1044     OGL 278. LMC126.1.9 + LMC126.1.100                                      Pli2012 
05008+3913 STF 621     Same as AG   83.                                                        .       
05008+3811 SEI  52     Secondary not seen on POSS plate; may be either variable star or flaw   .       
                       on AC Potsdam plate.                                                    .       
05009-7052 OGL 279     LMC130.4.19979 + LMC130.4.21083                                         Pli2012 
05010-0818 BRT 372     A likely plate flaw.                                                    Grv2021b
05010-6948 OGL 280     LMC128.3.14335 + LMC128.3.14552                                         Pli2012 
05012+3430 COU1229     Primary is V410 Aur, a W UMa type eclipsing binary, P = 0.36636d.       Zas2012 
05013+5015 STF 619     Rectilinear solution by Scardia et al. (2017).                          Sca2017c
                       Very different proper motion. Despite having an orbit,                  Kis2009 
                       an optical pair based on parallax.                                      Mlk2022 
05015+3733 BRT2207     ALI 523.                                                                .       
05015-7107 OGL 281     LMC122.7.267   + LMC122.7.1784                                          Pli2012 
05016+6105 HU 1093     Primary is possible astrometric pair?                                   Tok2014d
05016-7056 OGL 282     LMC122.6.146   + LMC122.6.918                                           Pli2012 
05017+2640 A  1844     Masses and bolometric magnitudes are derived for the two components     Msn1999a
                       of this system by Maosn et al. (1999), based on assumed spectral types  .       
                       and available parallaxes.                                               .       
                       Visual separations systematically too small.                            .       
                       AB: Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and             .       
                       spectroscopic masses 1.83 +/- 0.31, 2.12, and 1.00 Msun, respectively.  Mlk2012 
           S   461     STTA 59 = STFA 12.                                                      .       
           BAG  21     Ca,Cb: SB2, P=186.28d                                                   Tok2014d
05017+2050 HU  445     Quadrant uncertain, Delta m at least 0.3.                               B__1963b
                       Only elements P and T have been amended by Starikova (1977) from the    Sta1977a
                       orbit of Baize (1957).                                                  Baz1957a
                       Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and spectroscopic   .       
                       masses of 0.15 +/- 0.04, 1.78, and 1.05 Msun, respectively.             Mlk2012 
05019-7638 RST2368     Rectilinear solution by Hartkopf et al.  (2012).                        Hrt2012a
05020+4349 BU  554     AB: eps Aur = 7 Aur = Almaaz. Strand orbit rejected from Fourth Orbit   Str1959 
                       Catalog ("amplitude below noise level")                                 Wor1983 
                       Mk III Limb-darkened diameter  2.17  +/- 0.03  mas.                     MkT2001 
                       Mk III Limb-darkened diameter  2.096 +/- 0.086 mas.                     MkT2003 
                       NPOI Limb-darkened diameter    2.28  +/- 0.09  mas.                     NOI2001b
                       NPOI Limb-darkened diameter  2.210 +/- 0.012 mas, Sp = A2I,             NOI2018 
                       Teff = 7977 +/-292 K, M = 2.16 +/- 0.39 \msun, Age = 0.62 +/- 0.22 Gyr. .       
           eps Aur     A is a enigmatic supergiant eclipsing system. Also a spectroscopic and  .       
                       eclipsing binary                                                        Fin1970b
                       Hipparcos astrometric solution adopted some elements from the orbit of  HIP1997d
                       Heintz & Cantor (1994).                                                 Hei1994b
05020+0137 STF 630     A,BC: H 3  52.                                                          MEv2010 
05021+6910 BU  313     The AB component, BU 313 AB, originally in the BDS and IDS, was         .       
                       removed by Worley following multiple unresolved observations. The new   .       
                       Hipparcos binary (AB), is almost certainly not the Burnham AB star,     .       
                       which was seen at 10", 250 deg, and had a Delta-M of 5.0.               .       
                       AC: Burnham (BDS) notes 1874 observation made with 6-in telescope but   .       
                       says no 10" companion was found during subsequent searches with either  .       
                       the 36-inch or 40-inch.                                                 Bu_1906 
05022+3116 RUC   5     V402 Aur. Spectral type of resolved companion later than M5V.           Ruc2007 
05023-1932 LPM 201     NLTT 14407/14408                                                        Chm2004 
05023-5605 LDS 135     B is CPD-56@767.                                                        .       
                       Primary is SB1; Jenkins et al. (2010 A&A 515, 17) estimate P(Aa,Ab)     .       
                       ~6.5y, M2min=55 Mjup.                                                   Tok2014d
05023-6821 OGL 283     LMC125.1.12039 + LMC125.1.12040                                         Pli2012 
05024+1628 BPM 113     [PM2000]  207217 + [PM2000]  207230.                                    Gvr2010 
05024-6454 GLI  32     B is CPD-65@416.                                                        .       
05025+4105 MKT   6     zet Aur = Saclateni. The first of the zeta Aurigae-type binaries (K4IB  .       
                       + B5V). This object was misidentified as rho Aur by McAlister (1978).   McA1978c
                       Hipparcos astrometric solution adopted some elements from the orbit of  HIP1997d
                       Wright (1970).                                                          Wri1970 
                       Bennett et al. (1996) orbit is combined solution, using astrometry      MkT1996 
                       from the Mark III interferometer, spectroscopy from HST Goddard High    .       
                       Resolution Spectrograph, and published photometry to determine masses,  .       
                       radii, etc. Positions of component stars on theoretical H-R diagram     .       
                       are compared to current evolutionary models.                            .       
                       Errors to individual measures are given as "error ellipses"; these      .       
                       values are tabulated below, together with filters used. The columns     .       
                       include date (BY), major and minor axes of the ellipse (in mas),        .       
                       ellipse orientation (deg), and filter effective wavelengths (nm):       .       
                            1989.7857   1.63    0.31    98.1   800,550,450                     .       
                            1989.7994   0.56    0.14    86.9   800,550,450                     .       
                            1989.8213   0.58    0.12    84.5   800,550,450                     .       
                            1989.8240   0.73    0.15    78.6   800,550,450                     .       
                            1989.8350   0.50    0.12    85.3   800,550,450                     .       
                            1989.9281   0.48    0.17    96.1   800,550,450                     .       
                            1989.9363   1.24    0.27    86.1   800,550,450                     .       
                            1990.7029   1.14    0.16   104.0   800,550,500                     .       
                            1990.8124   0.56    0.17    97.5   800,550,500                     .       
                            1990.8179   0.69    0.14    91.7   800,550,500                     .       
                            1991.7488   2.00    0.20   111.9   800,550,500                     .       
                            1991.7871   0.65    0.12    92.4   800,550,500                     .       
                            1991.8364   0.32    0.09    94.1   800,550,500                     .       
                            1991.9048   0.21    0.07    86.4   800,550,500                     .       
                            1992.0855   1.31    0.15    90.4   800,550,500                     .       
                            1992.0965   1.50    0.25    73.5   800,550,500                     .       
                            1992.7700   0.63    0.14    99.5   800,550,500                     .       
                            1992.7946   0.65    0.11    98.5   800,550,500                     .       
                            1992.7974   0.44    0.08   104.2   800,550,500                     .       
                            1992.8932   1.82    0.24   111.3   800,550,500                     .       
                            1992.9206   1.39    0.27    99.0   800,550,500                     .       
                            1992.9452   1.23   0.23    101.9   800,550,500                     .       
                       Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical and spectroscopic masses          .       
                       8.40 +/- 3.79 and 10.96 Msun, respectively.                             Mlk2012 
05025-2115 DON  91     Good period, indeterminate a/e/i, more obs needed!                      Hei1978c
                       See Baize & Petit (1989) catalog of doubles with variable component.    Baz1989d
05027-3309 HJ 3718     B is CD-33@2076.                                                        .       
05028-4909 RST 120     AB: Physical/optical nature undefined.  Primary is eta 1 Pic.           Ehr2010 
           EHR   6     AC: Physical/optical nature undefined.                                  Ehr2010 
05028-7020 OGL 284     LMC121.6.34935 + LMC121.6.34941                                         Pli2012 
05029+1433 BPM 114     [PM2000]  208075 + [PM2000]  208110.                                    Gvr2010 
05031+4933 BU  315     ID uncertain. Listed as BD+49 1288 in ADS, but no obvious 10" pair at   A__1932a
                       those coordinates. X-coded measures of a 45" pair refer to a wide       .       
                       companion to BD+49 1288.                                                .       
05031+2523 MSR   5     HBC 429 = V836 Tau.                                                     Msr2005 
                       Young member of Taurus-Auriga molecular cloud.                          Dae2015 
05031+2135 OCC 230     iot Tau.                                                                .       
05031-6944 OGL 285     LMC120.6.45262 + LMC120.6.45347                                         Pli2012 
05033+2125 LAW  13     Ba,Bb: LSPM J0503+2122 = NLTT 14406. Law et al (2008) derive a          Law2008 
                       distance of 13.7 +6.5/-2.5 pc and a projected separation of             .       
                       4.4 +2.3/-0.7 au. Estimated spectral types are M4.5 and M5.5.           .       
                       Ba,Bb: LP 359-186. Estimated age 1000-10000 Myr; masses 0.38 +/- 0.03   .       
                       and 0.16 +/- 0.01 Msun; a ~8.3 au.                                      Jnn2014 
05033-1722 B  2583     LPM 202. L 736-49.                                                      .       
05034+6027 S   459     bet Cam = 10 Cam. STTA 57 = H 6  36.                                    .       
05034-7104 OGL 286     LMC122.7.14740 + LMC122.7.14741                                         Pli2012 
05035+1449 BPM 115     [PM2000]  209034 + [PM2000]  208947.                                    Gvr2010 
05036+6305 STF 618     LDS 889. STTA 56. D is BD+62@721.                                       .       
                       AB: HJL  66.                                                            HJL1986 
05037-0232 J   307     Reality of BC is in doubt.                                              .       
05037-6834 OGL 287     LMC118.6.42400 + LMC118.6.42472                                         Pli2012 
05038+1457 BPM 116     [PM2000]  209491 + [PM2000]  209477.                                    Gvr2010 
05039-6738 OGL 288     LMC124.1.32825 + LMC124.1.32850                                         Pli2012 
05042-6956 OGL 289     LMC120.7.16863 + LMC120.7.18028                                         Pli2012 
05043+4013 ES 1718     Espin incorrectly identified this pair as BD+40 1144 in 1919, but       Es_1919 
                       corrected this to +40 1158 in 1925. Error in transcribing to catalog;   Es_1925a
                       WDS designation originally 05041+4023 = VIG   7, corrected when         .       
                       matched with 05043+4013TDS3056.                                         .       
05043+2319 J  1816     POU 523.                                                                .       
05043-6946 OGL 290     LMC120.6.17556 + LMC120.6.17583                                         Pli2012 
05044+6237 HU 1094     Stein measure 1901.3, 289@, 4.2", 9.5-9.9. For this position            A__1932a
                       Hussey finds no such pair.                                              Hu_1905b
05044-3529 JC    9     gam 1 Cae. The secondary is variable (IBVS 2736, 1985).                 .       
05044-6706 OGL 291     LMC115.8.111   + LMC115.8.177                                           Pli2012 
05045+1622 BPM 117     [PM2000]  210663 + [PM2000]  210510.                                    Gvr2010 
05045-2402 LDS3638     NLTT 14472/14466                                                        Chm2004 
05046+5852 STF 625     A,BC: H 2  53.                                                          MEv2010 
05047+7404 STT  89     Judged single by Hussey, Burnham, and Aitken, and not inserted in ADS.  .       
                       Rediscovered by Kuiper in 1935 (PASP 47, 230). Obvious in 1938.         Baz1942b
05047-0925 GAL 375     Object #161 in Gallo's original list.                                   Gal1914 
05047-2017 WHC   2     CPD-20@742.                                                             .       
05049+1520 BPMA 10     [PM2000]  211239 + [PM2000]  211233.                                    Gvr2010 
05050-6740 OGL 292     LMC116.8.65    + LMC116.8.164                                           Pli2012 
05051+0608 HD 32662    Hipparcos astrometric solution assumed circular orbit (e = omega = 0)   HIP1997d
05053+6923 HJ 2244     B is BD+69@295.                                                         .       
05054-6905 SKF1072     OGL 293. LMC119.5.40836 + LMC119.5.40603                                Pli2012 
05055-5728 SHY  22     HIP  23693 + HIP  23708.                                                .       
05056+2304 STT  97     See long note in BDS. Single in 1889.                                   Bu_1906 
                       Recovered in 1976 by McAlister.                                         McA1978b
                       Primary is V1154 Tau, an Algol-type eclipsing binary, period 1.76788d.  Zas2011 
05056-7056 OGL 294     LMC122.3.16    + LMC122.3.89                                            Pli2012 
05057+0628 PAT  18     This pair is a spectroscopic binary with P ~ 2 yr, according to         Grf1988 
                       Griffin et al. (1988).                                                  Msn1993a
                       The spectroscopic solution of this 631.08-d pair determined by          Grf2012b
                       appears to be a closer pair.                                                    
                       Hipparcos identified the pair as a candidate for Hyades membership.     HIP1998 
                       It appears to match on grounds of proper motion and photometry but      Grf1988 
                       still appears slightly off based on radial velocities.                  Grf2013c
05061+5858 STFA 13     A: 11 Cam. B: 12 Cam =  BD+58@805. B is a spectroscopic binary,         .       
                       P = 80.2d, spectrum K0III.                                              .       
05062-6247 TOK  91     HIP 23742. ANDICAM confirms the 2MASS PSC photometry of B in K-band.    .       
                       B is well below the MS in the CMDs.                                     Tok2011a
05063+3738 ES 2339     Aka BRT2587 and ALI 528.                                                .       
05063+3722 SEI  60     ALI 527.                                                                .       
05064-1649 GAL 376     Object #164 in Gallo's original list. Aka POC9001.                      Gal1914 
05064-6700 OGL 295     LMC115.7.14821 + LMC115.7.14818                                         Pli2012 
05065+5521 KRV  28     Classical Cepheid CK Cam.                                               .       
05066+0152 HJ 2250     Rectilinear solution by Hartkopf & Mason (2015).                        WSI2015 
05066-6830 OGL 296     LMC118.4.12    + LMC118.4.529                                           Pli2012 
05067+5136 BU 1046     9 Aur. A is a spectroscopic binary.                                     .       
           H 6  35     AC: H VI 35.                                                            .       
05067+3748 SEI  61     ALI 529.                                                                .       
05067+1427 GC 6239     Hipparcos astrometric solution assumed circular orbit (e = omega = 0)   HIP1997d
                       Spectroscopic solution to these astrometric pairs given by Griffin      Grf2013a
                       (2013). Periods match "tolerably well," other common elements less so.  .       
05067-6725 OGL 297     LMC116.6.12552 + LMC116.6.14377                                         Pli2012 
05068-0439 STF 642     66 Eri. A is a spectroscopic binary.                                    .       
05069-6718 OGL 298     LMC116.5.13203 + LMC116.5.16702                                         Pli2012 
05069-6728 OGL 299     LMC116.6.12514 + LMC116.6.14626                                         Pli2012 
05070+1650 HJ 3267     LDS1199. Possibly the same as STF 672.                                  .       
05070-3939 HJ 3725     B is CD-39@1789.                                                        .       
05071-7042 OGL 300     LMC121.1.12614 + LMC121.1.12789                                         Pli2012 
05074+2715 DOO  30     J 3259.                                                                 .       
05074+1839 A  3010     104 Tau.                                                                .       
                       Two orbit solutions (Eggen 1956). Observations of this close pair       Egg1956 
                       are so scattered that both orbits are highly conjectural.               .       
                       A measure on 1977.9196 was incorrectly attributed to ADS 3701 in        .       
                       McAlister & Hendry (1982); it actually belongs to ADS 4020.             McA1982b
                       Visual and speckle observations at 0".1 sep ruled out as spurious by    .       
                       constant RV (Duquennoy & Mayor 1991).                                   Duq1991 
                       Precise velocities are stable to better than 100 m/s over 388 days,     Nid2002 
                       so there are no "hot jupiters" and a 2-year period is excluded with     Tok2010b
                       high confidence.                                                        .       
                       104 Tau is a G4V dwarf at 16 pc resolved into equal components at 0.1"  .       
                       by R. Aitken in 1912. The WDS contains 16 resolutions of this pair.     A__1927a
                       Apart from Aitken himself, it has been resolved on multiple occasions   .       
                       by R.H. Wilson in 1934-1971, by W. Finsen (1953-1955) and by others,    WRH1941a
                       although in other instances those observers found it to be single.      Fin1953d
                       The measures suggest a near-circular orbit seen face-on with a semi-    .       
                       major axis on the order of 0.1" or 1.5 au. Assuming a mass sum of 2     .       
                       Msun, the orbital period should be around 1.3 yr; in fact, two orbits   .       
                       with periods 1.19 yr and 2.38 yr were published by Eggen (1956). This   Egg1956 
                       binary should be an easy target for speckle interferometry at 4-m       .       
                       telescopes. It was observed 10 times from 1976.9 to 1980.7 with         .       
                       speckle and, surprisingly, found unresolved on all occasions,           .       
                       excluding any short-period orbits. Later, however, two measures were    .       
                       made by the author at a 1-m telescope with a phase-grating              .       
                       interferometer. The first resolution in 1984.8 at 0.04" was tentative   Tok1985 
                       (below the diffraction limit), but the second in 1985.7 was secure,     Tok1988 
                       being an average of two observations. It was followed by the speckle    .       
                       resolution at 4-m telescope in 1988.17, after which the pair            Mca1993 
                       disappeared again. It was found unresolved in 2012.                     Tok2012b
                       The star is well studied. Two statistical surveys of binaries within    .       
                       25 pc consider it to be single (Duquennoy & Mayor 1991; Raghavan et     Duq1991 
                       al. 2010). Heintz & Borgman (1984) state that measures cannot be        Rag2010 
                       fitted by any orbit and conclude: "Although this alleged visual binary  Hei1984i
                       (ADS 3701) has three published orbits, it is probably spurious".        .       
                       Several independent RV studies have shown that this star is not a       .       
                       spectroscopic binary. Precise RVs measured by Nidever et al. (2002)     Nid2002 
                       are stable to better than 100 m s-1 over 388 days, excluding orbital    .       
                       periods from one to two years with high confidence. Data with lower     .       
                       precision show a constant RV of +21 km/s over many years (Duquennoy &   .       
                       Mayor 1991; Abt & Willmarth 2006; Raghavan et al. 2010). The star is    AbH2006 
                       located about 1m above the main sequence, supporting the thesis of an   .       
                       equal-component binary. If the orbit is seen face-on, the RV variation  .       
                       would be small, especially if the components are of equal brightness    .       
                       (blended lines move in opposite directions, the centroid stays          .       
                       constant). However, the lines in this star remain narrow and the        .       
                       speckle non-resolution during 3.8 yr firmly excludes a face-on orbit.   .       
                       Remember that 104 Tau is bright (no identification errors possible)     .       
                       and that the components are supposedly equally bright, hence easy to    .       
                       resolve by speckle. If this star is single (as everything seems to      .       
                       suggest), we cannot dismiss its multiple resolutions with micrometer,   .       
                       eyepiece interferometer, and speckle as spurious; occasional image      .       
                       doubling (or at least elongation) must be real.                         Tok2012b
                       Ghost binary.                                                           Tok2012b
                       Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and spectroscopic   .       
                       masses of 0.65 +/- 0.09, 2.12, and 1.02 Msun, respectively.             Mlk2012 
                       In the WDS summary line this carries an "X" code (non double), but      .       
                       still retains all the historical measures.                              .       
05074-6641 OGL 301     LMC115.4.42    + LMC115.4.508                                           Pli2012 
05076+1631 BPM 118     [PM2000]  215983 + [PM2000]  215874.                                    Gvr2010 
05076+0928 STT 561     AB: 16 Ori. A is a spectroscopic binary.                                .       
                       AB: Optical pair, based on study of relative motion of the components   .       
                       using the method of apparent motion parameters.                         Kiy2008 
                       AB: Rectilinear solution by Hurowitz et al. (2013).                     USN2013a
05076-7018 OGL 302     LMC121.3.45664 + LMC121.2.45533                                         Pli2012 
05076-8852 HJ 4047     1900: 06 56.4.                                                          .       
05078+3024 JOY   5     RW Aur, prototype of its class.                                         Her1962 
05078+1622 BPM 119     [PM2000]  216289 + [PM2000]  216084.                                    Gvr2010 
05078-0505 BUP  74     bet Eri = 67 Eri = Cursa. STF 647.                                      .       
05079+6849 HJ 1152     BDS 2479 has an error of 30', making it identical with HJ 1152          .       
                       (Van Biesbroeck).                                                       VBs1914 
05079+2142 S   466     105 Tau. B is BD+21@764. A is a spectroscopic and occultation binary.   .       
                       H 6 105.                                                                MEv2010 
05079+1519 BPM 120     [PM2000]  216579 + [PM2000]  216575.                                    Gvr2010 
05079+0830 STT  98     14 Ori. One component, probably the primary, is SB; the RV range in the .       
                       combined light is 22 km/s.                                              .       
                       According to Eggen, the system shares common proper motion with         Egg1963 
                       ADS 3712 = STF 643 (mags. 9.5-9.5, 3", K2), which is 6' distant.        .       
05080+3703 HJ 3265     AB: SEI  69.                                                            Nsn2017a
                       AC: SEI  70.                                                            Nsn2017a
05080-2648 MUG  13     Spectral type of comoving secondary estimated as M4-5, mass 0.17 Msun.  Mug2014 
05080-6934 OGL 303     LMC120.4.70309 + LMC120.4.70525                                         Pli2012 
05081+3701 COU1530     Also known as HDS 673.                                                  .       
05081+3658 HJ 3266     SEI  73.                                                                Nsn2017a
05081+3609 HJ  692     SEI  71.                                                                Nsn2017a
05081+2416 EDG   2     103 Tau. A is a spectroscopic and occultation binary.                   .       
           H 5 114     H V 114.                                                                .       
05083+7538 JNN 266     G 248-32. Estimated age 1000-10000 Myr; masses 0.21 +/- 0.04 and 0.15   .       
                       +/- 0.03 Msun; a ~3.1 au.                                               Jnn2014 
05080+2214 ARU   2     Mistakenly added to WDS as BD+22 0834; however, Argue et al. measure    Aru1984 
                       was of AGK3 +22 0834 = BD+22 1589 = 07085+2159 OCC 337.                 .       
05083-0840 STF 649     AB: H 4  43 = H N  46.                                                  MEv2010 
05084+5525 GC 6249     Hipparcos astrometric solution assumed circular orbit (e = omega = 0)   HIP1997d
05085+1418 LDS5662     LDS6166.                                                                .       
05085-1036 GAL 377     Object #165 in Gallo's original list.                                   Gal1914 
05085-4113 HJ 3728     NLTT 14574/14573                                                        Chm2004 
                       HIP 23926. B = HIP 23923. A is above the MS, evolved (despite sp. type  .       
                       G3V). The pair was observed with NICI in 2010. Both A and B have large  .       
                       PM, PM(A)=(-77,+284). The original Hipparcos parallax of B is 8.5mas,   .       
                       obviously wrong. IRAS source.                                           Tok2011a
                       Moutou et al. (2011 A&A 527, A63): exoplanet around A, P~2800d +drift   Tok2014d
05085-7058 OGL 304     LMC114.6.224   + LMC114.6.480                                           Pli2012 
05087+3703 SEI  78     ALI 302.                                                                .       
05087+1251 BPM 121     [PM2000]  218040 + [PM2000]  218004.                                    Gvr2010 
05087-6846 MLO  13     AC: Identification uncertain.                                           .       
05088-6800 OGL 305     LMC117.3.18237 + LMC117.3.18886                                         Pli2012 
05090+1238 BPM 122     [PM2000]  218603 + [PM2000]  218372.                                    Gvr2010 
05092-6701 OGL 306     LMC115.2.14607 + LMC115.2.14813                                         Pli2012 
05093+0950 BUP  75     13 Ori. Hyades vB 130.                                                  .       
                       Two CPM companions with rho = 88".6 and rho = 168".0, both outside      .       
                       our detection window.                                                   Msn1993a
05094-6857 OGL 307     LMC111.5.43680 + LMC111.5.44857                                         Pli2012 
05096+2947 STTA 61     HJL1040.                                                                HJL1986 
                       SHY 474. Bayesian analysis by Shaya & Olling (2011) indicates very      Shy2011 
                       high (near 100%) probability pair is physical.                          .       
                       AB: Primary is SB2, P=1469.4d (Halbwachs et al. 2012)                   HJL2012b
05097+1536 STT  99     15 Ori. Round (Hussey). May not be double.                              .       
05097-7009 OGL 308     LMC113.5.47798 + LMC113.5.47799                                         Pli2012 
05098+2802 BU 1047     BC: Van Biesbroeck in 1953 noted "no evidence of change in 65 years."   .       
                       However, the pair is now apparently in rapid motion in a highly-        .       
                       inclined orbit.                                                         Wor1967b
                       BC. The star was noted as a spectroscopic binary by Griffin et          Grf1988 
                       al. (1988).                                                             .       
                       Hipparcos identified the pair as a non-Hyades member, however, the      HIP1998 
                       results invesigating proper motion, photometry and radial velocity      Grf1988 
                       yield a more ambiguous finding. The jury is still out!                  Grf2013c
           STF 645     A,BC: HJL  67.                                                          HJL1986 
                       A,BC: H 3  90.                                                          MEv2010 
05099-6715 OGL 309     LMC116.4.13354 + LMC116.4.13836                                         Pli2012 
05100+4009 ES  169     Aka BRT 112.                                                            .       
05100+3754 SEI  81     ADS 3729a.                                                              .       
05100+1054 J   323     A is probably variable.                                                 J__1952 
05100-0704 STF 651     Optical pair, based on study of relative motion of the components       .       
                       using the method of apparent motion parameters.                         Kiy2008 
05100-6722 OGL 310     LMC108.6.14    + LMC116.3.15651                                         Pli2012 
05101+2733 BGH  21     NLTT 14576/14572                                                        Chm2004 
                       HJL1041.                                                                HJL1986 
                       SHY 175. Bayesian analysis by Shaya & Olling (2011) indicates very      Shy2011 
                       high (near 100%) probability pair is physical.                          .       
                       Secondary is SB1, P=2273.8d (Halbwachs et al. 2012)                     HJL2012b
05101-0204 BAL 296     1deg error in IDS led to similar error in WDS designation.              .       
05101-2341 WSI 121     Both 2MASS J05100427-2340407 and J05100488-2340148 are binaries in the  .       
                       AstraLux images, so since they are separated by only 27" on the sky     .       
                       and have very similar proper motions (e.g. Roser et al. 2010), this is  XXX2010 
                       likely a quadruple system in reality. Common proper motion remains to   .       
                       be confirmed for both of the close components.                          Jnn2012 
                       Aa,Ab: Rectilinear solution by Miles & Mason (2016) &                   Msn2016b
                       Mason et al. (2018).                                                    Msn2018a
05101-6929 OGL 311     LMC111.8.8839  + LMC119.8.34937                                         Pli2012 
05101-7008 OGL 312     LMC113.5.48001 + LMC113.5.48018                                         Pli2012 
05102+1400 S   468     Also known as STF 650.                                                  .       
05102+0439 GWP 650     This is also known as V1396 Ori (ZZ Cet type var).                      .       
05103+3718 STF 644     One component is a spectroscopic binary.                                .       
                       AB: H 1  45.                                                            MEv2010 
                       AB: Additional notes may be found in van den Bos (1963).                B__1963b
05103-0736 A   484     Position angles uncertain but near 130@-310@.                           .       
                       Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and spectroscopic   .       
                       masses of 1.20 +/- 0.18, 2.28, and 1.10 Msun, respectively.             Mlk2012 
05104+3741 SEI  84     Also known as ALI 531.                                                  .       
05105-1854 HJ 3727     CPD-19@760.                                                             .       
05108-6716 OGL 313     LMC108.5.27    + LMC108.5.171                                           Pli2012 
05108-6740 OGL 314     LMC108.8.34    + LMC108.8.462                                           Pli2012 
05111+3718 BLL  13     B is BD+37@1072.                                                        .       
05112-0833 RUC  18     Multiple system including contact binary ER Ori. Pribulla & Rucinski    .       
                       (2006) estimate the mass of the contact pair at 2.510 Msun and the      Pbl2006 
                       minimum mass of the wider component at 0.93 Msun.                       .       
05113-6707 OGL 315     LMC107.8.492   + LMC107.8.1389                                          Pli2012 
05114-0101 BAL 297     Duplicity suspected by Baillaud but no measure.                         Bal1944 
05115+5305 HJ 2251     HJ gives position angle as 319.9@.                                      .       
05115-5519 HJ 3738     B is CPD-55@759.                                                        .       
05115-6753 OGL 316     LMC109.5.9247  + LMC109.5.9566                                          Pli2012 
05117+0031 HU   33     One component is a spectroscopic binary. Variable, V1085 Ori.           .       
                       Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and spectroscopic   .       
                       masses of 5.26 +/- 4.75, 9.35, and 2.57 Msun, respectively.             Mlk2012 
05119+3544 HJ  358     SEI  92.                                                                Nsn2017a
05119-0907 BUP  76     B is BD-09@1093.                                                        .       
                       Optical pair, based on study of relative motion of the components       .       
                       using the method of apparent motion parameters.                         Kiy2008 
05119-4253 HJ 3734     LDS 137.                                                                .       
05119-6830 OGL 317     LMC110.5.14459 + LMC110.5.14649                                         Pli2012 
05120+0650 STTA 62     B is BD+06@865.                                                         .       
                       Pair appears in an appendix list, not part of the discoverer's regular  .       
                       numbering sequence.                                                     .       
05121-6511 TOK  92     HIP 24221.                                                              Tok2011a
                       A is SB without orbit, dRV=56.7                                         Nrd2004 
05123-1152 STF 655     iot Lep = 3 Lep                                                         .       
                       AB: H 3  67.                                                            MEv2010 
05123-6708 LDS 140     Aka MLO  15.                                                            .       
05126-1727 S   470     B is BD-17@1046.                                                        .       
05130+1242 BPM 123     [PM2000]  226150 + [PM2000]  226362.                                    Gvr2010 
05130-6941 OGL 318     LMC112.4.1006  + LMC112.4.1258                                          Pli2012 
05130-7028 JNN  32     There is a companion to 2MASS J05130132-7027418 in the AstraLux images  .       
                       which has a brightness and color that is consistent with a physical     .       
                       companion. It counts as an unconfirmed binary here, since it has not    .       
                       yet been tested for common proper motion.                               Jnn2012 
05131-5959 HJ 3743     Large parallax error in HIP! Primary is possible SB.                    Tok2014d
05133+0252 STF 654     rho Ori = 17 Ori. A is long-period spectroscopic binary, P = 1031.4d.   .       
                       A: Ren & Fu (2013) calculated an astrometric orbit, combining           Ren2013 
                       Hipparcos Intermediate Astrometric Data with spectroscopic elements by  .       
                       Bertiau (1957).                                                         BFC1957 
                       AB: H N  21.                                                            MEv2010 
05134+3829 CHR 256     mu Aur = 11 Aur. Hipparcos stochastic double solution.                  .       
05134+2411 POU 586     POU 588.                                                                .       
05134+0341 TOK 211     The 1".25 companion discovered with NICI is hardly the one that         .       
                       produced the acceleration of 17 mas yr-2.                               Tok2012a
05135+1608 BPM 124     [PM2000]  227301 + [PM2000]  227493.                                    Gvr2010 
05135+0158 STT 517     Star C (mag. 13, 7") may be physical.                                   .       
                       Trajectory appears quasi-linear.                                        Mlr1956a
05135-5534 HJ 3742     Optical pair, based on study of relative motion of the components       .       
                       using the method of apparent motion parameters.                         Kiy2008 
                       Rectilinear solution by Hurowitz et al. (2013).                         USN2013a
05136-7025 OGL 319     LMC113.3.8348  + LMC113.3.9695                                          Pli2012 
05137-0856 MLL   2     Aka BRT3264.                                                            .       
05138-1641 GAL 378     Object #171 in Gallo's original list.                                   Gal1914 
05139+3958 HU 1100     ES 280.                                                                 .       
                       J  3306.                                                                Nsn2016 
05139-5648 HJ 9001     Previously known as HJ 5450a.                                           .       
05140+5126 HU  821     See Baize & Petit (1989) catalog of doubles with variable component.    Baz1989d
05140-6827 OGL 320     LMC110.4.6684  + LMC110.4.7756                                          Pli2012 
05142+2535 BRT3263     Originally published as BRT 136.                                        Brt1928 
05142-6701 OGL 321     LMC107.2.166   + LMC107.2.193                                           Pli2012 
05143+6949 STF 638     H 2  92.                                                                MEv2010 
05143+1953 KIR   1     AB. Using data from 2MASS and IRTF, Kirkpatrick et al (2001) derive     Kir2001b
                       spectral types K4V and M6V, conclude is probably a physical pair with   .       
                       separation 225 au.                                                      .       
05143-1550 GJ 193      The acceleration is due to the 2.2 yr SB with estimated axis of 55 mas  .       
                       and q > 0.14. The companion is too faint and close to be resolved with  .       
                       NICI or speckle. The system is triple with a faint common-proper-motion .       
                       (CPM) companion at 14".6.                                               Tok2012a
                       Ren & Fu (2013) calculated an astrometric orbit, combining Hipparcos    .       
                       Intermediate Astrometric Data with spectroscopic elements by Nidever    .       
                       et al. (2002). They derived component masses 0.98 and 0.22 Msun and     Nid2002 
                       an estimated semimajor axis of 57.81 mas.                               Ren2013 
05143-1723 FEN   3     Aka OL  127.                                                            .       
05145+1707 BPM 125     [PM2000]  229086 + [PM2000]  229142.                                    Gvr2010 
05145-0812 STF 668     bet Ori = 19 Ori = Rigel. The companion is a spectroscopic binary and   .       
                       suspected visual double, although it remains unconfirmed. Magnitudes    .       
                       of B and C very uncertain. Changed from IDS values (10.4 for B, C, and  .       
                       BC). AD pair first mentioned by Mitchel in 1846 (Sidereal Messenger,    .       
                       May 1847) but no astrometry included.  See extensive notes by Burnham.  Bu_1906 
                       Intensity Interferometer Limb-darkened diameter 2.55 +/- 0.05 mas.      HBr1974 
                       NPOI Limb-darkened diameter  2.606 +/- 0.009 mas, Sp = B8I,             NOI2018 
                       R =74.1  +/- 6.7  \rsun, Teff = 10556 +/-133 K,                         .       
                       L = 61515 +/- 11486 \lsun.                                              .       
           bet Ori     1975.631: Possible binary (450 and 656 nm).                             Bla1977a
                       1975.636: Possible binary (400, 500, 600, and 750 nm).                  Bla1977a
           STF 668     A,BC: H 2  33.                                                          MEv2010 
05145-6957 HJ 3754     B is CPD-70@376.                                                        .       
05146+7628 HU 1097     B may be variable.                                                      .       
05147+3707 SEI 115     Primary not seen on POSS plate; may be flaw on AC Potsdam plate.        .       
05147-0704 STF 667     H 1  54.                                                                MEv2010 
05149+3309 HJ  694     Aka HJ  361.                                                            .       
05150+3813 BRT2208     ALI 788.                                                                .       
05150+0108 OL   95     The south following of two faint stars.                                 B__1963b
05151-3639 HJ 3740     B is CD-36@2133.                                                        .       
05152+0826 STF 664     Same as CHE  79. Verified by DAL04.                                     .       
05152-1404 LDS3648     Luyten gives a separation of 130", but this appears to be a             Luy1978 
                       typographical error; if identification is correct, rho ~13"; this       .       
                       secondary corresponds to a high proper motion CPM companion.            .       
05153+4710 A  1031     A 1998.8317 measure by Mason et al. (2001) was actually of STT 98.      Msn2001b
                       Also known as V390 Aur.                                                 .       
05154+3241 STF 653     14 Aur. A is the Delta Scuti-type variable KW Aur, and is also a        .       
                       spectroscopic binary.                                                   .       
                       AB: Optical pair, based on study of relative motion of the components   .       
                       using the method of apparent motion parameters.                         Kiy2008 
                       AC: SEI 124.                                                            Nsn2017a
                       AC: H 4  19.                                                            MEv2010 
05154-6700 OGL 322     LMC107.2.14205 + LMC107.3.195                                           Pli2012 
05155+2217 COU 158     108 Tau.                                                                .       
05155-7001 OGL 323     LMC112.1.64694 + LMC112.1.64780                                         Pli2012 
05156+7857 LDS1604     NLTT 14588/14589                                                        Chm2004 
05156-6139 JSP9002     Previously known as JSP  71a.                                           .       
05156-7049 OGL 324     LMC105.5.15    + LMC105.5.761                                           Pli2012 
05157+3738 SEI 126     AC: WLY  18AC.                                                          Nsn2017a
05157-4927 GC 6457     Hipparcos astrometric solution assumed circular orbit (e = omega = 0)   HIP1997d
05159+3425 ES  170     AB: SEI 130.                                                            Nsn2017a
05160-7002 OGL 325     LMC103.8.32853 + LMC103.8.32837                                         Pli2012 
05160-7214 JAO   3     Also known as LHS1749. Parallax = 46.08 +/- 1.40 mas.                   TSN2010 
05162-1121 CHR 225     It in uncertain whether the pair resolved here is the known G8III+A0V   .       
                       composite spectrum binary (Hoffleit & Warren 1991). The small apparent  Hof1991 
                       change in theta over the 4-year span between observations does not      .       
                       appear consistent with our estimated period of ~15 or so years;         .       
                       however, the magnitude difference between the components is small, so   .       
                       we are unable to rule out a 180 deg quadrant flip or perhaps an         .       
                       eccentric orbit.                                                        Hrt1996b
                       Docobo et al. (2014) use the spectroscopic elements of Carquillat &     .       
                       Prieur (2007), together with speckle data and the Hipparcos parallax,   Crq2007 
                       to derive the remaining orbital elements. The resulting masses are      .       
                       1.92 +/- 0.26 and 2.50 +/- 0.29 Msun.                                   Doc2014h
05163+3419 TRN  17     Aa,Ab is an AO artifact as per Turner and Roberts.                      Trn2010 
                       Aa,Ab: Additional notes may be found in Turner et al. (2008).           Trn2008 
           SEI 136     AB: AE Aur. Nova remnant, probably not double.                          .       
                       The companion indicated by the Potsdam Astrographic catalogue is non    .       
                       existing. There's the remark: Very doubtful.                            VBs1960 
05164-1531 GAL 172     J  1468.                                                                J__1962a
05164-7124 OGL 326     LMC106.5.13    + LMC106.5.66                                            Pli2012 
05165+3635 SEI 137     SEI 138.                                                                .       
05165-2106 DON  97     Variable dm?                                                            Hln1965 
05165-6947 OGL 327     LMC103.6.11600 + LMC103.6.11652                                         Pli2012 
05167+4600 ANJ   1     Aa,Ab: 13 Aur = alp Aur = Capella.  Composite spectrum; G5IIIe+G0III.   .       
                       aka "The Interferometrist's Friend."                                    .       
                       Separations from Anderson (1920) have been modified as described in     AnJ1920 
                       Merrill (1922).                                                         Mrr1922 
                       Measures of Kulagin made by a transit interferometer; quadrants were    .       
                       flipped for all his measures.                                           Kul1970 
                       See discussion in Labeyrie et al. (1974).                               Lab1974 
                       Combined spectroscopic/interferometric orbit by Heintz (1974):          Hei1974a
                       P = 104.0237 d, a = 0.0547", eccentricity neligibly small. Ascending    .       
                       node revised according to Heintz's astrometry                           .       
                       1969.1348: This position angle was incorrectly published as 303.0       .       
                       degrees in Balega & Tikhonov (1977).                                    Bag1977 
                       1978.915, 1978.929, 1979.082: Observations on these three dates         .       
                       overlap in two papers by Koechlin et al. (1979, 1983), with only        Koe1979 
                       slight changes.  Values from the later paper are given in the catalog.  Koe1983 
                       1984.9309, 1985.1062, 1985.1994: Estimates of the position angle and    .       
                       angular separation are deduced from the elongation of the central       .       
                       speckle peak in the autocorrelation.                                    Bnu1986 
                       Colors and spectral types determined by speckle photometry are          .       
                       given by Bagnuolo & Sowell (1988).                                      Bgn1988 
                       See Baize & Petit (1989) catalog of doubles with variable component.    Baz1989d
                       Observations by Hummel et al. (1994) were made through narrow band      MkT1994 
                       filters centered at 800, 550, and 450 nm. Colors were derived from all  .       
                       1988-1992 data, so are listed at the mean epoch of 1991.9.  This paper  .       
                       also includes a new orbit. Finally, errors are given as "error          .       
                       ellipses"; these values are tabulated below.  Columns include date      .       
                       (BY), major and minor axes of the ellipse (in mas), and ellipse         .       
                       orientation (in degrees).                                               .       
                            1988.7973     0.95     0.11      96.                               .       
                            1988.8000     0.42     0.03      93.3                              .       
                            1988.8028     0.22     0.03      85.7                              .       
                            1988.8055     0.15     0.02      88.2                              .       
                            1990.9411     0.09     0.02      86.6                              .       
                            1990.9548     0.13     0.05      88.6                              .       
                            1991.7159     0.73     0.08     124.1                              .       
                            1991.7214     0.37     0.06     179.6                              .       
                            1991.7241     0.23     0.05     156.5                              .       
                            1991.7871     0.07     0.01      93.7                              .       
                            1991.8364     0.07     0.02      91.6                              .       
                            1991.8665     0.04     0.01      94.5                              .       
                            1991.8857     0.06     0.02      88.4                              .       
                            1991.8939     0.10     0.05     149.3                              .       
                            1991.9021     0.16     0.05      77.9                              .       
                            1991.9733     0.10     0.03      87.6                              .       
                            1991.9870     0.09     0.02      77.5                              .       
                            1992.0006     0.50     0.07      83.0                              .       
                            1992.0417     0.24     0.05      73.4                              .       
                            1992.0445     0.09     0.02      83.8                              .       
                            1992.0691     0.25     0.05      74.6                              .       
                            1992.0855     0.22     0.02      93.5                              .       
                            1992.0965     0.10     0.02      78.5                              .       
                            1992.7399     0.33     0.05     111.1                              .       
                            1992.7426     0.42     0.04     118.5                              .       
                            1992.7454     0.21     0.06     110.6                              .       
                            1992.7481     0.40     0.09     121.2                              .       
                            1992.7508     0.62     0.08     121.3                              .       
                            1992.7536     0.71     0.16     103.9                              .       
                            1992.7563     0.76     0.12     121.9                              .       
                            1992.7755     0.05     0.01     105.9                              .       
                            1992.8357     0.19     0.02     118.1                              .       
                            1992.8658     0.09     0.04      78.1                              .       
                            1992.8658     0.14     0.04      91.8                              .       
                            1992.8686     0.09     0.02      69.5                              .       
                            1992.8686     0.14     0.07      92.9                              .       
                            1992.8823     0.07     0.02      88.8                              .       
                            1992.8932     0.11     0.02     116.4                              .       
                            1992.9206     0.43     0.07      98.8                              .       
                            1992.9452     0.15     0.03     113.0                              .       
                       Hipparcos astrometric solution adopted some elements from the orbit of  HIP1997d
                       Hummel et al. (1994).                                                   MkT1994 
                       Pourbaix gives combined solution for this resolved SB2, yielding        Pbx2000b
                       orbital parallaxes and component masses.                                .       
                       Branham (2008) derives combined interferometric/spectroscopic orbit,    Bnh2008 
                       using a semidefinite programming technique. The resulting masses are    .       
                       3.049 +/- 0.513 and 2.569 +/- 0.432 Msun; he also determines a value    .       
                       for the parallax of 74.85 +/- 1.53 mas.                                 .       
                       Aa,Ab: Following an extensive review of historical spectroscopic and    .       
                       astrometric measurements of Capella, Torres et al. (2009) derived a     Trr2009 
                       new combined-solution orbit, assuming a circular orbit. They determined .       
                       an orbital parallax of 76.67 +/- 0.17 mas (distance 13.042 +/-          .       
                       0.028 pc), an age of 540-590 Myr, and the following physical            .       
                       parameters for the two components:                                      .       
                       Mass (Msun):       2.466 +/- 0.018     2.443 +/- 0.013                  .       
                       Radius (Rsun):     11.87     0.56      8.75      0.32                   .       
                       Teff (K):          4920      70        5680      70                     .       
                       Luminosity (Lsun): 79.5      4.8       72.1      3.6                    .       
                       Mv (mag):          0.315     0.017     0.186     0.016                  .       
                       Aa,Ab: Weber & Strassmeier (2011) derived new spectroscopic elements,   WbS2011 
                       assuming the period determined by Torres et al. (2009). The new         Trr2009 
                       solution yielded masses of 2.573 +/- 0.009 and 2.488 +/- 0.008 Msun.    .       
                       Aa,Ab: A combined solution by Torres et al (2015) yields the following  Trr2015 
                       physical parameters for Aa and Ab:                                      .       
                           mass (Msun):       2.5687 +/- 0.0074     2.4828 +/- 0.0067          .       
                           Teff (K):          4970       50         5730       60              .       
                           Radius (Rsun):     11.98      0.57       8.83       0.33            .       
                           log g (cgs):       2.691      0.041      2.941      0.032           .       
                           Luminosity (Lsun): 78.7       4.2        72.7       3.6             .       
                           a(AU):                      0.74272 +/- 0.00069                     .       
                           Distance (pc):              13.159      0.015                       .       
                           Age (Myr):                  590-650                                 .       
                           [Fe/H}:                     -0.04       0.06                        .       
           HJ 2256     AF: H VI 30.                                                            .       
                       AF: Optical pair, based on study of relative motion of the components   .       
                       using the method of apparent motion parameters.                         Kiy2008 
           SHY  23     AM: HIP  24608 + HIP  26779.                                            .       
           SHY  23     AN: HIP  24608 + HIP  26801.                                            .       
                       MN is 05413+5329AB.                                                     Dam2017i
           ST    3     Capella HL, the distant (723") double companion to Capella with         .       
                       common proper motion. A premature orbit has been computed.              .       
                       Capella H is variable with a period of about 17.9d and an amplitude     Skf2019g
                       amplitude of about 0.03 magnitudes.                                     .       
           HJ 2256     AF: H 6  30.                                                            MEv2010 
05171-7128 OGL 328     LMC106.6.13434 + LMC106.6.13435                                         Pli2012 
05172+3747 HJ 3271     SEI 149.                                                                Nsn2017a
05172+3320 STF 666     H 2  48.                                                                MEv2010 
05173+5335 ES 2610     A is R Aur, variable 6.5-13.8. B is BD+53@880, F8V.                     .       
05174+3500 SEI 155     J   184.                                                                Nsn2016 
05175+2008 STF 674     A is the Algol-type binary CD Tau, eclipsing SB2, P = 3.44d.            .       
                       AB has estimated period of 11000y.  B has spectral type dK2.            Tok2006 
05175+0354 BAL2142AC   Optical/physical nature ascertained from Gaia DR2.                      FMR2019b
05175-3454 KIR  12     omi Col.                                                                .       
05175-7031 OGL 329     LMC104.7.15822 + LMC104.7.16197                                         Pli2012 
05176-0651 H 5  25     tau Ori = 20 Ori. H V 25.                                               .       
05176-1513 S   473     B is BD-15@1000.                                                        .       
05177-1809 SEE  49     See's 1897 angle should read 196.7.                                     B__1953a
05179+3724 SEI 162     The discrepant measure by Scheiner (1908) is apparently due to a        Sei1908 
                       typographical error in the AC Potsdam Astrographic Catalog, as the      .       
                       correct position of the secondary is off by exactly 24" in dec.         .       
                       Matches to other AC plates from 1929 and 1930 agree well with the       .       
                       Aladin image, as well as more recent observations.                      .       
05181-3402 TOK  61     Aa,Ab: Estimated masses 1.04 and 0.15 Msun; sep 43.6 au, period 260 y.  Tok2010c
           HJ 3745     HIP 24711. B = HIP 24712.                                               Tok2011a
05181-7654 TOK 663     Resolved using ANDICAM2. B is not in PPMX.                              Tok2014d
05182+3739 BU 9002     Previously known as BU 885 1/2.                                         .       
05182+3322 STT 103     16 Aur. A is a long-period spectroscopic binary. P = 434.8d.            .       
                       Hipparcos astrometric solution adopted some elements from the orbit of  HIP1997d
                       Christie (1936).                                                        Crs1936 
05182-6809 OGL 330     LMC102.7.16903 + LMC102.7.16902                                         Pli2012 
05183-7143 OGL 331     LMC106.7.13197 + LMC106.7.13239                                         Pli2012 
05184-3108 LDS3651     NLTT 14861/14860                                                        Chm2004 
05185+3800 SEI 171     ALI 536.                                                                .       
05185-6933 OGL 332     LMC103.5.107911+ LMC103.5.110011                                        Pli2012 
05186+4020 SMA  50     IDS and old-WDS location in error. Nothing at 05194+4020 (Heintz),      Hei1987a
                       but probably identical to a pair at this location.                      .       
                       SLE  64.                                                                .       
05187+3331 ES   59     A pair found many years ago with the 3in refractor. The distant double  .       
                       comes was found with the 13in reflector at the Oxford Univ. Obs. and    .       
                       the comes C with the 17 1/4. AB was measured by Burnham in 1882.        Es_1902a
05187+0359 STF 682     BAL 2143.                                                               .       
                       HIP 24774. The B-companion could possibly be a semi-resolved binary.    .       
05187-7122 OGL 333     LMC106.5.14568 + LMC106.5.14749                                         Pli2012 
05188+5250 STF 657     Same as STF 660.                                                        .       
05188-1808 SEE  50     A is a spectroscopic binary.                                            .       
05189-6810 OGL 334     LMC102.7.22886 + LMC102.7.22769                                         Pli2012 
05189-6948 OGL 335     LMC103.6.38675 + LMC103.3.2                                             Pli2012 
05189-6957 OGL 336     LMC103.7.31356 + LMC103.7.31945                                         Pli2012 
05190-2829 BUG   8     2MASS J05185995-2828372                                                 .       
                       Estimated spectral types are L6: + T4:, effective temperatures ~1600    .       
                       and ~1330 K. Masses are estimated at 0.042-0.077 and 0.031-0.074 Msun,  .       
                       and the orbital period (assuming the semi-major axis = 1.26 * rho) is   .       
                       ~10yr.                                                                  Bug2006a
05191+4006 STFB  3     lam Aur = 15 Aur                                                        .       
                       AC and AD: Optical pairs, based on study of relative motion of the      .       
                       components using the method of apparent motion parameters.              Kiy2008 
                       AD: H 5  22.                                                            MEv2010 
                       DE: H 5  88AC. = H V 88.                                                Dam2017i
                       AC: Rectilinear solution by Friedman et al. (2011).                     USN2011a
05191-6803 OGL 337     LMC102.3.50    + LMC102.3.51                                            Pli2012 
05192+3548 SEI 179     A is an irregular variable, V348 Aur.                                   .       
05192+2008 STF 680     Spectrum composite; G8II-III+G1IV-V (BSC).                              .       
05192+1212 BPM 126     [PM2000]  237882 + [PM2000]  238008.                                    Gvr2010 
05192-0304 A    53     HIP 24819. See Allen et al. (2000) for information on metallicity,      AlC2000 
                       age, galactic orbital parameters, etc.                                  .       
                       AB: NLTT 14867/14868                                                    Chm2004 
05192-1800 FEN   4     Aka ARA 331.                                                            .       
05193-1045 STF 688     BDS 2665, H III 94 same star. B is BD-10@1152.                          .       
                       H 3  94.                                                                MEv2010 
05193-1831 S   476     AB: B is BD-18@1056.                                                    .       
05193-2845 LDS3653     NLTT 14889/14887                                                        Chm2004 
05194+3359 HO   18     18 Aur.                                                                 .       
05196-0107 BAL 303     RST 4779.                                                               .       
05197+3614 WEI   8     AB: SEI 189.                                                            Nsn2017a
05197+3526 SEI 186     SEI 187.                                                                .       
05197+2511 STF 679     HJL  68.                                                                HJL1986 
05199-0723 JNN  34     2MASS J05195412-0723359 and J05195513-0723399, both from the Riaz et    .       
                       al. (2006) sample, are separated by only 16" and have comparable        Ria2006 
                       estimated distances (59 and 70 pc), as well as quite similar proper     XXX2010 
                       motions (e.g. Roser et al 2010), and thus likely form a physical pair.  Jnn2012 
05200+4546 GIC  54     G096-032/G096-031.                                                      .       
                       NLTT 14857/14855                                                        Chm2004 
05200-1550 KPP2710     Mass = 0.683+/-0.018 \msun for A; = 0.58+/-0.01 for B.                  Bnv2020 
                       Teff = 4750 +/- 65 K for A; = 11,000 +/- 500 for B.                     .       
05201+3236 SEI 194     J 1089.                                                                 .       
05201-7100 OGL 338     LMC105.3.5578  + LMC105.3.5594                                          Pli2012 
05202-6810 OGL 339     LMC102.2.30    + LMC102.2.37                                            Pli2012 
05203+2510 STF 683     Chevalier's measure was incorrectly identified as STF 694, so never     Che1910 
                       added to the WDS; correct ID was determined based on his coordinates.   Hrt2012b
05204-0802 STF 692     AB,C: H 4  87.                                                          MEv2010 
05206-1031 GAL 379     Object #176 in Gallo's original list.                                   Gal1914 
05206-7024 OGL 340     LMC104.3.8821  + LMC104.3.9924                                          Pli2012 
05207+5848 GIC  46     G191-030/G191-029 or GJ 3342A/3343B.  A 1hr typographical error in RA   .       
                       led to this pair being initially entered in the WDS as 04205+5852.      .       
                       LDS6183.                                                                .       
05207+3726 SEI 201     Fullerton et al. (1991) describe profile and radial velocity            Ful1991 
                       variations that suggest that this star is a short-period, radial        .       
                       pulsator.  Underhill (1995 PASP 107, 513) also discusses radial         .       
                       velocity measurements.                                                  Msn1998a
05209+2402 STF 686     POU 650.                                                                .       
05210+7113 HJ 1154     The ADS incorrectly added the CD component of 05061+5858 (STFA 13) as   A__1932a
                       an additional component of this pair.                                   .       
05213-6835 OGL 341     LMC101.3.42767 + LMC101.3.42931                                         Pli2012 
05217+3322 LDS6184     NLTT 14919/14920                                                        Chm2004 
05217+1854 KU   87     B is BD+18@832.                                                         .       
05217+1240 STT 105     Not seen since 1971. Needs speckle.                                     .       
                       Additional notes may be found in van den Bos (1963).                    B__1963b
05218+3231 HU  614     A is the Mira-type variable UV Aur.                                     .       
05218-2446 HJ 3752     Spectrum composite; G7II-III+A7IV-V.                                    .       
                       AC: Optical pair, based on study of relative motion of the components   .       
                       using the method of apparent motion parameters.                         Kiy2008 
05219+4203 AG  314     B is BD+41@1166.                                                        .       
05222+2008 J   144     OL  204.                                                                .       
05222+0524 STT 106     HJL  69.                                                                HJL1986 
05223-7109 OGL 342     LMC105.2.15955 + LMC105.2.16304                                         Pli2012 
05224-6934 OGL 343     LMC103.4.118812+ LMC103.4.118814                                        Pli2012 
05225+4621 ES 1231     AC: Rectilinear solution by Hurowitz et al. (2013).                     USN2013a
05225-7044 OGL 344     LMC105.4.45008 + LMC105.4.45010                                         Pli2012 
05226+7914 STF 634     STTA 60.  B is BD+79@168.                                               .       
                       AB: Optical pair, based on study of relative motion of the components   .       
                       using the method of apparent motion parameters.                         Kiy2008 
05226+0236 A  2641     Only elements P and T have been amended by Starikova (1978) from the    Sta1978c
                       orbit of Baize (1957).                                                  Baz1957b
                       Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and spectroscopic   .       
                       masses of 1.27 +/- 0.35, 1.39, and 0.95 Msun, respectively.             Mlk2012 
05228+4755 GIC  55     G096-035/G096-034. See Allen et al. (2000) for information on           AlC2000 
                       metallicity, age, galactic orbital parameters, etc.                     .       
                       NLTT 14943/14940                                                        Chm2004 
05228+3658 SEI 220     AB: SEI 221.                                                                    
05228+0333 STF 696     23 Ori. B is BD+03@872.                                                 .       
                       H 4  84.                                                                MEv2010 
05229-4219 TOK  93     HIP 25148. A is SB without orbit, dRV= 3.7                              Nrd2004 
                       and also an astrometric binary (Makarov & Kaplan 2005).                 Mkr2005 
                       The companion at 66 mas is at the diffraction limit, the NICI           .       
                       measurement is not accurate. The pair can be resolved by speckle.       Tok2012a
                       Aa,Ab: The tentative resolution at Gemini om 2011.70 is confirmed here, .       
                       with 25deg of direct motion.                                            Tok2013b
05229-7143 OGL 345     LMC165.7.83    + LMC165.7.149                                           Pli2012 
05230-0850 JNN  36     This star has been classified as a probable T Tau star in Alcala et     .       
                       al. (1996 A&AS 119, 7).                                                 Jnn2012 
05230-1613 GAL 380     Object #177 in Gallo's original list.                                   Gal1914 
05231+3110 STF 691     B is BD+31@947.                                                         .       
                       SEI 227.                                                                Nsn2017a
05231+0103 STF 700     H 1  75.                                                                MEv2010 
                       V1804 Ori, Algol-type eclipsing binary, P = 2.22878 d.                  Zas2011 
05232-2642 HIP  25180  Large RV amplitude (31.7 km s-1) hints at short orbital period, but     .       
                       only small dmu = 3 mas yr-1 is detected by Hipparcos. Triple?           Tok2012a
05232-3145 HJ 3757     Optical pair, based on study of relative motion of the components       .       
                       using the method of apparent motion parameters.                         Kiy2008 
                       Rectilinear solution by Hurowitz et al. (2013).                         USN2013a
05232-7112 OGL 346     LMC164.8.18917 + LMC164.8.18916                                         Pli2012 
05233+3445 SEI 229     FOX 140.                                                                .       
05233+3409 MLB1037     HJ  363.                                                                .       
05233-0825 STF 701     H 2 102.                                                                MEv2010 
05234-7128 OGL 347     LMC165.6.20315 + LMC165.6.20368                                         Pli2012 
05235+5733 BU 1393     16 Cam. A is a spectroscopic binary.                                    .       
05235+1602 STF 697     B is BD+15@804.                                                         .       
05237+6841 GIC  56     LDS5192. G248-038/G249-007.                                             .       
05237+3606 SEI 233     SEI 234.                                                                .       
05238-7018 OGL 348     LMC163.6.62323 + LMC163.6.62352                                         Pli2012 
05239+1743 BPM 127     [PM2000]  247544 + [PM2000]  247826.                                    Gvr2010 
05239-0052 WNC   2     A,BC: Primary is SB2, P=22.58d                                          Tok2014d
           A   847     BC: Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and             .       
                       spectroscopic masses 2.74 +/- 0.51, 2.47, and 1.13 Msun, respectively.  Mlk2012 
05239-6832 OGL 349     LMC160.6.38837 + LMC160.6.39333                                         Pli2012 
05240+3238 COU1090     Primary is V424 Aur, an Algol-type eclipsing binary, P = 1.8368d.       Zas2012 
05240-0940 GAL 381     Object #178 in Gallo's original list.                                   Gal1914 
05243+0222 STF 702     BDS 2709, H I 75 same star.                                             .       
05244+1723 S   478     111 Tau. A is a spectroscopic binary. B is BD+17@919.                   .       
                       Optical pair, based on study of relative motion of the components       .       
                       using the method of apparent motion parameters.                         Kiy2008 
           WNO  52     AC: HJL1043.                                                            HJL1986 
                       AC: GJ 202 + GJ 201. CPM pair.                                          Mkr2008 
                       AC: SHY  25. Bayesian analysis by Shaya & Olling (2011) indicates very  Shy2011 
                       high (near 100%) probability pair is physical.                          .       
           S   478     AB: H 5 110.                                                            MEv2010 
05245-0224 MCA  18     eta Ori = 28 Ori. Quintuple; primary is a double-lined spectroscopic    .       
                       triple with periods 7.99 d (Aa1,Aa2) and 9.2 yr (Aa,Ab). The close      .       
                       pair eclipses, and shows an 8-hour pulsation in one of the components.  .       
                       Aa is also eclipsing binary (period 7.9904 day).                        Zas2010 
                       Aa,Ab.  McAlister (1976) orbit uses the elements P, T, e, and the       McA1976 
                       longitude of  periastron for the 9-year orbit, from a spectroscopic     .       
                       orbit by Ziska & Beardsley (1981), and assumes the orbit is edge-on;    Bey1981 
                       semi-major axis and node are based on a single speckle observation.     .       
                       The ascending node has been reversed.                                   .       
                       The visual companions are star B (mag. 4.8, 1.5") in slow retrograde    .       
                       motion, and C (mag. 9.4, 115").                                         .       
                       See Baize & Petit (1989) catalog of doubles with variable component.    Baz1989d
                       1985.8542: This measurement of the Aab,c component of eta Ori,          .       
                       overlooked in the original analysis of this run, was discovered during  .       
                       preparation of a paper on absolute quadrant determinations by Bagnuolo  Bgn1992 
                       et al. (1992)                                                           Hrt1992b
                       Aa,Ab: Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and          .       
                       spectroscopic masses 25.82 +/- 24.95, 24.50, 22.65 Msun, respectively.  Mlk2012 
           DA    5     AB: Rectilinear solution by Hartkopf et al.  (2012).                    Hrt2012a
05245-0224 MCA 18      Aa,Ab has an SB1 orbit with P=9.44yr. The orbit given here uses only    .       
                       the speckle data, however.                                              Tok2015c
           H 6  67     H VI 67.                                                                .       
05246+0149 S   479     B is BD+01@1003.                                                        .       
05246-0535 SKF 248     There is a possible companion at 7.8" noted in the WDS, but inside the  .       
                       AstraLux field of view, the star appears single.                        Jnn2012 
05247+6323 STF 677     AB: CfA: RV var? Can be a sub-system in A or B.                         Tok2014d
                       Now a 3 tier quadruple system since we resolved the secondary           .       
                       component of the binary STF 677AB into a new 0".18 pair Ba,Bb and       .       
                       confirmed that the Robo-AO tertiary C at 7" is physical. We find C to   .       
                       be slightly below the MS, within errors. Although the relative motion   .       
                       of AC is fast, it is not directed away from PM(A) as would be the case  .       
                       for a distant background star; it is produced by the orbital motion of  .       
                       the inner binary AB. The presence of an inner subsystem in the binary   .       
                       AB was suspected previously from its variable RV (Nordstrom et al.      .       
                       2004). The estimated masses of Ba and Bb, 0.98 and 0.65 Msun,           Nrd2004 
                       respectively, remove the discrepancy between the mass sum of 3.05 Msun  .       
                       calculated for the AB system from its grade 4 orbit by Hartkopf et al.  Hrt2008 
                       (2008) and the expected mass sum. Although such discrepancies are not   .       
                       uncommon for low-quality orbits, in this case it serves as an indirect  .       
                       confirmation of Ba,Bb. Estimated period of Ba,Bb is ~20 yr.             Rbr2015d
05247+3723 BU  888     sig Aur = 21 Aur                                                        .       
05247+2009 J   145     OL  185.                                                                .       
05248-1642 GAL 382     Object #179 in Gallo's original list.                                   Gal1914 
05248-5219 I   345     the Pic. A is a spectroscopic binary.                                   .       
                       Quoted errors in P and a for the Argyle et al. (2002) solution are      Ary2002b
                       +259/-54y, +0".20/-0".01, respectively.                                 .       
                       1989.9388: This system has also decreased in separation steadily        .       
                       since the 1920's, and was last resolved visually in 1983.               Hrt1993 
05249+1658 BPM 128     [PM2000]  249674 + [PM2000]  249613.                                    Gvr2010 
05249-7105 OGL 350     LMC164.7.34239 + LMC164.7.34339                                         Pli2012 
05250-0249 H 6  68     H VI 68. B is BD-02@1238.                                               .       
05251+1212 BPM 129     [PM2000]  250160 + [PM2000]  250278.                                    Gvr2010 
05251+0621 BUP  78     gam Ori = 24 Ori = Bellatrix                                            .       
05251-6818 OGL 351     LMC159.8.17075 + LMC159.8.17418                                         Pli2012 
05251-6833 OGL 352     LMC160.6.45288 + LMC160.6.46200                                         Pli2012 
05252+3451 STF 698     Spectrum composite; K1pIII-IV+F6V. B is BD+34@1030.                     .       
                       Same as WZ    9. Verified by Daley.                                     Dal2001b
                       AB: H 4 101.                                                            MEv2010 
05252+3434 BU  191     AB: SEI 243.                                                            Nsn2017a
05252+0155 STF 708     H 1  52.                                                                MEv2010 
05252-1119 STF 710     B is BD-11@1168.                                                        .       
05255-0033 A   848     See Baize & Petit (1989) catalog of doubles with variable component.    Baz1989d
                       1977.9196: This measure was incorrectly attributed to ADS 3701 in       .       
                       McAlister & Hendry (1982), with an incorrect position angle.            McA1982b
05256+3803 STF 699     AB: SEI 244.                                                            Nsn2017a
05256+3652 SEI 246     Not found by Heintz at IDS position.                                    Hei1987a
                       Neither component seen on POSS plate; may be flaws on AC Potsdam plate  .       
05256-6005 HJ 3764     CD-60@1161.                                                             .       
05257-0909 DAE   2     NLTT 15049 = LP 717-36.  Daemgen et al. (2007) derive a distance of     Dae2007 
                       20.2 +/- 4.7 pc, a separation of 10.9 +/- 2.5 au, and a predicted       .       
                       orbital period of 58 +/- 21 yr. Spectral types are M3.5 +/- 0.5 and     .       
                       M4.0 +/- 0.5; masses are 0.36 +/- 0.09 and 0.28 +0.11/-0.08 Msun.       .       
                       Parallax = 49.07 +/- 1.40 mas. Possible member of the AB Dor moving     JLB2017 
                       group.                                                                  .       
05257-6931 OGL 353     LMC161.1.5     + LMC161.1.38                                            Pli2012 
                       Also known as SKF1046.                                                  .       
05257-7123 OGL 354     LMC165.5.38071 + LMC165.5.38133                                         Pli2012 
05258-7124 OGL 355     LMC165.5.16733 + LMC165.5.16837                                         Pli2012 
05258-7308 GLI  34     Incorrectly assigned precise coordinates of 04026-7109 GLI  25,         .       
                       leading to incorrect matches against 2MASS, UCAC4, etc.                 .       
05259+5033 LDS3656     NLTT 15008/15009                                                        Chm2004 
05260-0938 GAL 383     Object #182 in Gallo's original list.                                   Gal1914 
05260-1942 HJ 3759     B is BD-19@1172. Spectrum F5/7V.                                        .       
05260-6846 OGL 356     LMC160.2.87    + LMC160.2.86                                            Pli2012 
05262+3808 SEI 250     ALI 798.                                                                .       
05262-0223 TOB9005     Measured as DOO  33 but actually an anonymous pair added here.          Tob2012c
05263+2836 BAR  26     bet Tau = 112 Tau = gam Aur = Elnath                                    .       
05263-6754 OGL 357     LMC159.4.67    + LMC159.4.1007                                          Pli2012 
05264+1324 BPM 130     [PM2000]  253244 + [PM2000]  253203.                                    Gvr2010 
05264-1210 GAL 384     Object #183 in Gallo's original list.                                   Gal1914 
05264-4323 HJ 3763     B is CD-43@1846.                                                        .       
05264-7121 OGL 358     LMC165.4.21895 + LMC164.1.435                                           Pli2012 
05265+0256 STF 712     AB: H 1  53.                                                            MEv2010 
05266+3524 STF 705     SEI 257.                                                                Nsn2017a
05266+3138 SEI 259     Secondary not seen on POSS plate; may be either variable star or flaw   .       
                       on AC Potsdam plate. Damm (2016) misidentified SEI 259; that pair has   .       
                       been given the designation DAM1282.                                     Dam2016c
05266+0652 SHY 478     HIP  25453 + HIP  25483.                                                .       
05267+0045 LEO  57     BAL 981.                                                                .       
05267-6827 OGL 359     LMC160.4.4940  + LMC160.4.5097                                          Pli2012 
05268+3557 SEI 258     Secondary not seen on POSS plate; may be either variable star or flaw   .       
                       on AC Potsdam plate.                                                    .       
05268+0306 KNT   3     psi 2 Ori = 30 Ori. A is a variable, P = 2.52d.                         .       
                       a spectroscopic binary.                                                 .       
05268-6817 OGL 360     LMC159.1.14589 + LMC159.1.14662                                         Pli2012 
05269+3141 DAM1282     Misidentified by Damm (2016) as SEI 259.                                Dam2016c
05271+3410 BLL  14     A is a semiregular variable, S Aur.                                     .       
05271-6913 OGL 361     LMC161.3.12128 + LMC161.3.12137                                         Pli2012 
05272+1758 MCA  19     115 Tau. A is an occultation binary which has been resolved by          .       
                       speckle interferometry.                                                 .       
                       First detected as an occultation binary by Africano.                    Afr1978 
                       1982.7551: All archival data for this system were reprocessed using     .       
                       more powerful algorithms than earlier available, resulting in four new  .       
                       unresolved measures as well as the new 1991 measurement. In addition,   .       
                       new rho and theta values have been determined for the observations      McA1989 
                       originally published from 1986.9-1988.3 (McAlister et al. 1989),        McA1990 
                       1988.7-1989.2 (McAlister et al. 1990), and 1990.3--1990.8 (Hartkopf     Hrt1992b
                       et al. 1992).  A preliminary orbit gives a period  of ~15.3 years and   .       
                       a semi-major axis of 0".080.                                            Hrt1994 
                       1988.2518: This date was incorrectly given as 1988.2490 in McAlister    .       
                       et al. (1989).                                                          McA1989 
                       Aa,Ab: Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and          .       
                       spectroscopic masses 6.46 +/- 2.35, 8.01, and 4.79 Msun, respectively.  Mlk2012 
05273+3426 D     7     AB = 05275+3425 TOB  35                                                 .       
                       AB: SEI 263.                                                            Nsn2017a
                       CD: SEI 261.                                                            Nsn2017a
05274-6943 OGL 362     LMC162.3.103719+ LMC162.3.104199                                        Pli2012 
05275-6825 OGL 363     LMC160.4.32945 + LMC160.4.33386                                         Pli2012 
05275-6903 OGL 364     LMC161.4.20865 + LMC161.4.21143                                         Pli2012 
05275-6939 OGL 365     LMC162.4.41184 + LMC162.4.41229 + LMC161.2.25632                        Pli2012 
05276+3429 BUP  79     phi Aur = 24 Aur. D is BD+34@1049.                                      .       
05276+2156 HJ  365     114 Tau. A is an occultation binary.                                    .       
                       AC: H 5 115.                                                            MEv2010 
05276+1126 HER  12     Additional notes may be found in Herbig (1962).                         Her1962 
05276-2055 SEE  53     Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and spectroscopic   .       
                       masses of 3.60 +/- 2.71, 3.13, and 1.35 Msun, respectively.             Mlk2012 
05276-6120 JSP  79     CD-61@1111.                                                             .       
05276-6908 HJ 3771     Measure difficult because of nebula which involves principal star.      Daw1922 
05277-7022 OGL 366     LMC163.3.13645 + LMC163.3.27818                                         Pli2012 
05278+1707 BPM 131     [PM2000]  256139 + [PM2000]  255999.                                    Gvr2010 
05278-0400 A   319     Possible that two different pairs were measured in generating 1962.924  .       
                       mean, but pair faint for Washington, so scatter may result from that.   Wor1967b
                       Algol-type eclipsing binary, period 5.27357 d.                          Zas2019 
05278-1447 GAL 385     Object #185 in Gallo's original list.                                   Gal1914 
05278-7109 OGL 367     LMC164.2.6335  + LMC164.2.5522                                          Pli2012 
05279+3447 HDS 721     The classification is from Mammano et al. (1977 A&A 59, 9), and         .       
                       because the stars are are classified as B-type we have not included     .       
                       this system in our distributions for the O-stars.  Harries et al.       .       
                       (1998 MNRAS 295, 386) discuss the inner double-lined system and         .       
                       evidence of a near tertiary in a 294-day orbit.  The distant, fourth    .       
                       star was detected both by us (on the suggestion of B. Schaeffer) and    HIP1997a
                       Hipparcos.                                                              Msn1998a
                       Primary is IU Aur, a Beta Lyr type eclipsing binary, P = 1.81147d.      Zas2012 
05280+3346 S   483     AB: Optical pair, based on study of relative motion of the components   .       
                       using the method of apparent motion parameters.                         Kiy2008 
05281+4021 ES 2615     B is BD+40@1296.                                                        .       
05281+3519 SEI 266AE   A likely plate flaw.                                                    Grv2021b
05281+3425 STF 707     AE: SEI 270.                                                            Nsn2017a
05282+3349 ES  282     Not found by Heintz at old ES location (05296+3350).                    Hei1983a
                       Also known as TDS3205.                                                  .       
05282+0223 J    49     Too close 1951 with probable quadrant change (van Biesbroeck).          VBs1954 
05282-2046 BU  320     bet Lep = 9 Lep = Nihal                                                 .       
05283+0358 HJ 2266     BAL 2148.                                                               .       
05284+8605 STF 573     B is BD+85@71.                                                          .       
05284+3552 SEI 279     Primary not seen on POSS plate; may be flaw on AC Potsdam plate.        .       
05284+3549 SEI 273     B component spectral type A0:V:                                         AbH2000 
05284+3546 SEI 276     SEI 276AC incorrectly identified in WSI2008. This is actually the new   .       
                       pair WSI  40BD which is the same as ALI  74 with a quadrant flip.       .       
05284+3523 HJ 6999     SEI 271.                                                                Nsn2017a
05284+3447 SEI 272     MLB 1040.                                                               .       
05285-1131 GAL 386     Object #186 in Gallo's original list.                                   Gal1914 
05285-7104 OGL 368     LMC164.2.33139 + LMC164.2.33650                                         Pli2012 
05287-0823 HJ 2268     Same as STF 722.                                                        .       
05287-6527 RST 137     The primary is AB Dor, a rapidly rotating, spotted star which shows     .       
                       both X-ray flares and microwave emission.                               .       
           CLO  10     Aa,Ab: Close et al. discovered a companion to the A component at a      Clo2005 
                       separation of 0".156, which they refer to as the A and C components     .       
                       (the companion was labelled as C when detected as an astrometric        .       
                       reflex motion of AB Dor in observations by VLBI and Hipparcos).         .       
                       Based on the astrometric orbit and the AO resolution, the mass of the   .       
                       Ab companion is estimated at 0.090 +/- 0.005 Msun, just above the mass  .       
                       of a brown dwarf. AO spectroscopy yields a spectral type of M8 +/- 1.   .       
                       Mass of Aa & Ab = 0.90(0.08) & 0.090(0.008) \msun. Model comparison     Azu2017 
                       gives age of Aa & Ab = 40-50 Myr & 25-120 Myr.                                  
           SHY  27     AC: HIP  25647 + HIP  31878. C component = C component of 06225-6013    .       
                       and 06380-6132.                                                         .       
                       AD: HIP  25647 + HIP  22738. D component = A component of 04535-5551.   .       
                       AE: HIP  25647 + HIP  26373. E component = A component of 05369-4758    .       
                       = D component of 06225-6013.                                            .       
           CLO  10     Ba,Bb: Close et al. also resolved the B component into a 66mas pair.    Clo2005 
                       Spectral types of Ba and Bb are estimated by Janson et al. at M5 and    Jnn2007 
                       M5-6, masses at 0.13-0.2 and 0.11-0.18 Msun.                            .       
                       Aa is a rapidly-rotating spotted star (0.09 mag variability in V).      Boc2008 
                       Close et al. (2007) find spectral types for Aa, Ab, Ba, and Bb of K1,   Clo2007b
                       M5.5 +/- 1.0, M3.5 +/- 1.5, M4.5 +/- 1.5. Masses are 0.865 +/- 0.034,   .       
                       0.090 +/- 0.005, <0.25, <0.15 Msun; the system age is 75 +/- 25 Myr     .       
                       and the distance 14.9 +/- 0.1 pc.                                       .       
                       Ba,Bb: Wolter et al. (2014) made a multiwavelength study of AB Dor      .       
                       Ba,Bb. They derive effective temperatures 3260-3360 and 3200-3300K for  .       
                       Ba and Bb, respectively. Predicted system mass is 0.45-0.71 Msun,       .       
                       age 50-100 Myr.  (Ed note: Inclination for Wolter et al orbit (182deg)  WoU2014 
                       appears to be off by 90deg; changed to 92deg in orbit catalog)          .       
                       Ba,Bb: Azulay et al. (2015) derive an orbit for AB Dor B, yielding a    .       
                       parallax of 66.4 +/- 0.5 mas, as well as component masses for Ba and    .       
                       Bb of 0.28 +/- 0.05 and 0.25 +/- 0.05 Msun.                             Azu2015 
05289+1233 LDS6186     NLTT 15139/15142                                                        Chm2004 
           TOK  94     HIP 25662. Mini-cluster. A is SB and astrometric pair (Vogt et al.)     CPS2002 
                       P = 1427d, M2 = 0.18 Msun. The system is thus a new quadruple.          Tok2011a
                       AB: Primary is SB1O, P=1426.7d (Katoh et al. 2013 AJ 145, 41)           Tok2014d
05290+3629 SEI 292     No star matching the position of the purported primary is seen on POSS  .       
                       plates, although another star is found at ~127deg, 15" from the SEI     .       
                       secondary. It is uncertain whether this pair is the SEI pair, although  .       
                       none of the stars in the vicinity appear to have large proper motion.   .       
05290+1707 BPM 132     [PM2000]  258672 + [PM2000]  258702.                                    Gvr2010 
05290-0442 WEB   4     A is the Mira-type variable S Ori. B is -04@1144.                       .       
05290-2237 HDO  69     HDO  71.                                                                .       
05291+1152 BGR   1     GW Ori.                                                                 .       
05292-6749 OGL 369     LMC166.5.30    + LMC166.5.499                                           Pli2012 
05293+2509 STF 716     118 Tau.                                                                .       
                       AB: H 2  75.                                                            MEv2010 
05293-2517 WHI   7     Listed as possibly resolved by White et al. (1991).                     Whi1991 
05294+3126 SHY 481     AC: HIP  25711 + HIP  25614.                                            .       
05294+1152 HER   1     This is the T-Tauri variable V649 Ori = HBC 86.                         .       
                       1980.95: Marginal evidence for additional component with separation     .       
                       0".47, pos. angle 36 or 216 deg.                                        Bai1985b
05294-0716 H 5 101     H V 101.                                                                .       
05294-6849 OGL 370     LMC167.8.42748 + LMC167.8.42773                                         Pli2012 
05295+1257 JOY   8     Additional notes may be found in Herbig (1962).                         Her1962 
05296+3045 KU   88     B is BD+30@910.                                                         .       
05296+1534 LDS6187     NLTT 15154/15153                                                        Chm2004 
05296+0309 STF 721     A,BC: H 4  45.                                                          MEv2010 
05297+6355 MLR 128     Also known as TDS 174.                                                  .       
05297+3523 HU  217     A is the Beta Lyrae-type system, LY Aur, P = 4.00d.                     .       
                       The classification is from Drechsel et al. (1989 A&A 221, 49). Howarth  .       
                       et al. (1997 MNRAS 284, 265) give Delta m for both spectroscopic and    .       
                       astrometric components.                                                 Msn1998a
05297+3327 S   484     B is BD+33@1063.                                                        .       
05297-0106 STF 725     31 Ori. A is the variable CI Ori.                                       .       
05298+1825 HJ 3275     STTA 64.                                                                .       
05298-6904 OGL 371     LMC168.5.10887 + LMC168.5.10884                                         Pli2012 
05298-7154 OGL 372     LMC172.8.80    + LMC172.8.234                                           Pli2012 
05300+1214 HER  13     Additional notes may be found in Herbig (1962).                         Her1962 
05301+2933 STF 719     AC: H 4 110.                                                            MEv2010 
05301-3228 B  1946     Not seen for certain 1951-1967.                                         .       
05302+4145 A  1720     A measure by A 1907.8, 259@, 1.9".                                      .       
05302+2438 POU 688     Aka KPP 122.                                                            .       
05302-4705 HJ 3767     A,BC: Optical pair, based on study of relative motion of the            .       
                       components using the method of apparent motion parameters.              Kiy2008 
05303-0247 J     7     Magnitude of A noted as 9.7 in 1909 and 8.7 in 1910. Other variations   .       
                       observed since then.                                                    J__1952 
05303-2331 B  2587     Spectrum: Fm delta Del.                                                 .       
05303-5359 JNN  38     The AstraLux images resolve this system into a likely triple, where     .       
                       all components have brightnesses and colors consistent with a           .       
                       physically bound system. Since it has only been observed in one epoch,  .       
                       common proper motion has not yet been established.                      Jnn2012 
05303-6653 HJ 3779     AC: Whole in nebulous haze.                                             Hln1965 
05305+3239 ES  335     SEI 313.                                                                Nsn2017a
05307+5521 MLR 687     Also known as TDS 175.                                                  .       
05308+3950 STTA 63     B is BD+39@1321.                                                        .       
05308+0557 STF 728     32 Ori. The motion is still practically rectilinear, as represented     B__1956b
                       in formulae by van den Bos (1956) and Cester  (1964).                   Ces1964a
                       Uniform disk diameter  0.196 +/- 0.015 mas,                             .       
                       Limb darkened diameter 0.200 +/- 0.015 mas,                             .       
                       Teff = 15700 +/- 500 K based on SED.                                    .       
                       Radius is 2.33 +/- 0.25 \rsun.                                          CIA2019a
                       H 1  25.                                                                MEv2010 
                       Probably optical.                                                       B__1962d
05308-0022 A   852     Appears to be in rapid motion. This is the variable V1093 Ori.          .       
05308-0034 CBL 228     GWP 684.                                                                Tob2012b
05308-1251 BRT2644     RST 3426. BRT identifies this as BD-12@1187.                            .       
05310+0440 A  2646     AB: Rectilinear solution by Rica & Zirm (2012).                         FMR2012i
05311+4255 A  1721     Too close 1924-1931. This interval may mark a possible quadrant change  .       
05312+0318 STF 729     33 Ori = n 1 Ori. 1945.16 : Measure unpublished in orbit quotation.     .       
                       AB: H 1  22.                                                            MEv2010 
05312-7134 OGL 373     LMC172.6.6648  + LMC172.6.6645                                          Pli2012 
05314-0336 ENG  20     Proper motion of A +774 -2090. B is BD-03@1122, PM -013-041.            .       
05314-0724 TUV   1     Primary is an F5V W UMa eclipsing binary, while B is redder and about   .       
                       1 mag fainter. At the derived distance of 600-800 pc, the physical      .       
                       separation of A and B would be more than 1000 au. The authors conclude  .       
                       it is unlikely the stars are bound.                                     Tuv2008 
05314-7110 OGL 374     LMC171.7.13103 + LMC171.7.13105                                         Pli2012 
05315+5439 STF 711     AB: HJL  70.                                                            HJL1986 
05315-6749 OGL 375     LMC166.4.145   + LMC166.4.337                                           Pli2012 
05316-0953 LDS 145     LDS 844 = LDS6188.                                                      .       
05316-1512 GAL 387     Object #188 in Gallo's original list.                                   Gal1914 
05317+1720 BPM 133     [PM2000]  263884 + [PM2000]  263996.                                    Gvr2010 
05317+0006 TOK  96     HIP 25905.  A is SB without orbit.                                      Nrd2004 
05318-7128 OGL 376     LMC172.5.13529 + LMC172.5.13581                                         Pli2012 
05319+7548 LDS1612     BVD 302.                                                                .       
05319-7620 HJ 3795     gam Men                                                                 .       
05320+1118 V1410 Ori   Noted as possible binary (separation > 0".020) by Baines et al. (2006)  Bns2006 
05320-0018 HEI  42     del Ori = Mintaka. A is an Algol-type system, as well as a close        .       
                       visual binary.                                                          .       
                       Aa,Ab: Orbital elements are also given by Levato et al. (1988). This    Lev1988 
                       close visual pair has increased in separation from 0".20 to 0".29       .       
                       between 1979 and 1994. The spectral classification for the C component  Lev1991b
                       is from Morrell & Levato (1991).                                        Msn1998a
                       Aa spectral type O9.5II+B2V. Ab spectral type B0IV.                     Opl2023  
           STFA 14     C is a spectroscopic binary.                                            .       
                       Ca is spectral type B3V, Cb is spectral type A0V.                       Opl2023 
                       AC: H 5  10.                                                            MEv2010 
05321-0305 JNN  39     V1311 Ori.                                                              .       
                       2MASS J05320450-0305291 is identified as a beta Pic member in da Silva  .       
                       et al. (2009 A&A 508, 833). It is also known as V1311 Ori.              Jnn2012 
05321-0506 DOO  34     Doolittle identifies this as BDS 2801, but evidently it is a different  .       
                       pair.                                                                   Doo1923 
05321-1452 GAL 388     Object #190 in Gallo's original list.                                   Gal1914 
05322+1703 STF 730     A is a spectroscopic binary.                                            .       
                       H N 124.                                                                MEv2010 
05322-0431 RAS  19     Includes the rotationally variable star V1101 Ori. Companion estimated  .       
                       as close to G5V; mass of system perhaps 7 Msun.                         Ras2014 
05323+0217 A  2509     Not seen 1913-1936, when about 100@ of orbital motion took place.       .       
                       Rectilinear solution by Rica & Zirm (2012).                             FMR2012i
05324+0132 SKF1047     These two T Tauri stars are V1884 Ori + V1883 Ori.                      Skf2012 
05324-0624 ENG  21     B is BD-06@1211.                                                        .       
05324-1458 GAL 389     Object #191 in Gallo's original list.                                   Gal1914 
05326+1700 BPM 134     [PM2000]  265797 + [PM2000]  266129.                                    Gvr2010 
05327-0136 BU 1048     A is variable.                                                          .       
05327-1749 HJ 3766     alp Lep = 11 Lep = Arneb                                                .       
                       NPOI Limb-darkened diameter 1.77 +/- 0.09 mas,                          NOI1999 
                       R = 74.  +/- 22. \rsun.                                                 .       
05327-6758 OGL 377     LMC166.3.14    + LMC166.3.52                                            Pli2012 
05330-2415 DAW  85     Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and spectroscopic   .       
                       masses of 1.69 +/- 0.65, 1.66, and 0.79 Msun, respectively.             Mlk2012 
05330-6414 28 Dor      Hipparcos astrometric solution adopted some elements from the orbit of  HIP1997d
                       Lunt (1924).                                                            Lun1924 
                       Ren & Fu (2013) calculated an astrometric orbit, combining Hipparcos    Ren2013 
                       Intermediate Astrometric Data with spectroscopic elements by            .       
                       Lunt (1924).                                                            Lun1924 
05331+2002 A  2434     HIP 26018. See Allen et al. (2000) for information on metallicity,      AlC2000 
                       age, galactic orbital parameters, etc. Aka J  2606.                     .       
05331-0143 STF 734     H V 119.                                                                .       
                       AC: H 5 119.                                                            MEv2010 
05332+1557 TOK  97     HIP 26027. Two companions are seen in the ANDICAM images.               Tok2011a
05332-6501 TOK  98     HIP 26030.                                                              Tok2011a
05333+4449 AST   3     G 96-45 = GJ 1081.                                                      .       
05334+1220 GIC  59     G097-049/G097-048 = Ross 43.                                            .       
                       NLTT 15271/15272                                                        Chm2004 
05334-6847 OGL 378     LMC167.2.15319 + LMC167.2.15443                                         Pli2012 
05335-2420 HJ 3770     AB closed down from 12" in 1835 to 3.8" in 2MASS. Physical?             Tok2014d
05336-6956 OGL 379     LMC169.2.19326 + LMC169.2.19557                                         Pli2012 
05337+0157 LWR   6     V371 Ori                                                                .       
05340-6814 OGL 380     LMC166.1.16552 + LMC166.1.16697                                         Pli2012 
05341-0102 H 5 118     H V 118. Wendell noted a possible companion to the south of A in        .       
                       1869.08, although "separation doubtful".                                Wen1882 
05341-1422 HLD  76     There must be some error in my single night's distance of AB in 1958.   B__1963b
05342+1019 LDS6189     This is the common proper motion pair Ross 45.                          .       
05342-7120 OGL 381     LMC172.4.30962 + LMC172.4.31134                                         Pli2012 
05343+0346 STT 110     38 Ori                                                                  .       
05344+3549 AG   95     SEI 328.                                                                Nsn2017a
05344+0227 J  2002     BAL 1675.                                                               .       
05345+3727 SEI 330     The 05345+3727SEI 330 system is actually 2 close doubles (33" apart).   .       
                       Most of the confirming measures were of the other, previously           .       
                       uncataloged pair, 05345+3726SEI 332. Thanks to Ed Wiley for bringing    .       
                       this to our attention.                                                  .       
05346-0528 REP  51     V1438 Ori                                                               .       
05346-0543 JNN  40     V1000 Ori.                                                              .       
                       2MASS J05343767-0543044 has been classified as a likely member of the   Jnn2012 
                       ~1 Myr Orion OBIc/d association (Stassun et al. 1999 AJ 117, 2941).     .       
                       The companion that was detected with AstraLux has not yet been          .       
                       confirmed to share a common proper motion, but its brightness and       .       
                       color are consistent with what would be expected for a physical         .       
                       companion, hence it is counted as such in the statistical analysis.     Jnn2012 
05346-6836 OGL 382     LMC167.3.17320 + LMC167.3.18302                                         Pli2012 
05347-0520 REP  53     V1441 Ori = JW 63. Correia et al. (2014) derive the following           .       
                       properties: spectral types M0.5 +/- 0.5 and M3.0 +/- 1.0, Teff 3777     .       
                       +/- 72 and 3415 +/- 145K, radii 2.2 +/- 0.3 and 1.7 +/- 0.2 Rsun.       .       
                       Masses and ages are determined for several published PMS tracks.        Cor2013 
05347-0534 REP  55     V1118 Ori                                                               .       
05347-0545 SKF2420     MGM1241. IZ Ori.                                                        Kkl2016 
05347-6857 OGL 383     LMC167.1.20073 + LMC167.1.20205                                         Pli2012 
05348+0929 MCA  20     phi 1 Ori = 37 Ori. This speckle observation probably represents the    .       
                       known spectroscopic binary with P = 8.4y.                               .       
05348-0524 GET   1     V1454 Ori                                                               .       
05348-0525 REP  56     JW 81. Correia et al. (2014) derive the following properties:           .       
                       spectral types M1.0 +/- 0.5 and M3.5 +/- 1.0, Teff 3705 +/- 72 and      .       
                       3442 +/- 72K, radii 2.0 +/- 0.3 and 1.1 +/- 0.1 Rsun.                   .       
                       Masses and ages are determined for several published PMS tracks.        Cor2013 
05348-0536 MDF   5     V2034 Ori.                                                              .       
05348-0600 STF 745     H 3  13.                                                                Bu_1906 
05348-3240 JNN  41     All components of this triple system have colors and brightnesses       .       
                       consistent with expectation for physical companions. Common proper      .       
                       motion has however not yet been demonstrated.                           Jnn2012 
05349+0006 OL  178     Aka RST5217.                                                            .       
05349-0007 STF 741     H 3  76.                                                                MEv2010 
05349-0523 REP  60     V1458 Ori = JW 128. Correia et al. (2014) derive the following          .       
                       properties: spectral types M3.0 +/- 1.0 and M3.0 +/- 1.0, Teff 3415     .       
                       +/- 145 and 3415 +/- 145K, radii 2.4 +/- 0.2 and 2.2 +/- 0.2 Rsun.      .       
                       Masses and ages are determined for several published PMS tracks.        Cor2013 
05349-0530 REP  61     V1460 Ori                                                               .       
05350+1544 HEI  43     Heintz reports a third star at 283 deg, 40".                            Hei1980a
05350-0518 MDF   8     V2120 Ori.                                                              .       
05350-0522 MDF   2     V404 Ori.                                                               .       
05350-0524 GET   3     AB: JW 176. Correia et al. (2014) derive the following properties:      .       
                       spectral types M1.0 +/- 0.5 and M1.0 +/- 0.5, Teff 3705 +/- 72 and      .       
                       3705 +/- 72K, radii 2.9 +/- 0.2 and 3.2 +/- 0.5 Rsun.                   .       
                       Masses and ages are determined for several published PMS tracks.        Cor2013 
05350-0529 REP  66     V1320 Ori                                                               .       
05350-0600 STF 747     STFA 15. B is BD-06@1233.                                               .       
                       AB: H 3  14.                                                            MEv2010 
05351+2006 J  2606     Jonckheere unable to recover.                                           J__1962a
05351+0956 STF 738     lam Ori = Meissa                                                        .       
                       Both A and B components were observed and appeared to be single. The    .       
                       AB pair may not be physical (Lindroos). The photometry-based            Lnd1985 
                       classification of the C component is from Lindroos, who also gives a    .       
                       distance of 430 pc.                                                     Msn1998a
                       Classification of the B component is from Hoffleit & Warren (1991).     Hof1991 
                       AB: The image rotator was in an unknown state, so two possible theta    .       
                       values are listed for the 2001.7428 observation - one for zenith up     .       
                       and one for north up.                                                   Trn2008 
                       AB: H 2   9.                                                            MEv2010 
                       Uniform disk diameter  0.219 +/- 0.015 mas,                             .       
                       Limb darkened diameter 0.228 +/- 0.009 mas,                             .       
                       Teff = 36,000 +/- 900 K, Radius is 10.2 +/- 1.3 \rsun.                  CIA2018e
05351-0124 RAS  20     SrCrEu star; secondary probably early-K. System may belong to the       .       
                       Orion OB1 association.                                                  Ras2014 
05351-0508 JNN  42     V1321 Ori.                                                              .       
                       This star has been classified as a probable T Tau star in Alcala et     .       
                       al. (1996 A&AS 119, 7). It is also known as V1321 Ori.                  Jnn2012 
05351-0523 GET   4     AB: V1274 Ori = JW 248. Correia et al. (2014) resolved a close (0".14)  .       
                       faint (dm=3mag) companion to the primary, and derive the following      .       
                       properties for Aa and B: spectral types M1.0 +/- 0.5 and M7.5 +/- 1.5,  .       
                       Teff 3705 +/- 72 and 2795 +/- 295K, radii 3.5 +/- 0.4 and 2.4 +/- 0.8   .       
                       Rsun. Masses and ages are determined for several published PMS tracks.  Cor2013 
05351-0532 MGM1501     LM Ori.                                                                 Kkl2016 
05351-0534 SKF2257     MGM1454. V982 Ori.                                                      Kkl2016 
05351-0551 MGM1171     V2134 Ori.                                                              Kkl2016 
05352+1014 STT 111     The primary is a single-lined spectroscopic binary, P = 1857d.          .       
05352+0954 BYN   1     Separation and position angle calculated from tabulated RA and DEC of   .       
                       components. Quoted date and telescope aperture are rough means of all   ByN2007a
                       listed information in Barrado y Navascues et al. (2007).                ByN2007b
05352-0513 MGM2239     V2327 Ori.                                                              Kkl2016 
05352-0515 MGM2193     V2359 Ori.                                                              Kkl2016 
05352-0516 REP  72     Ba,Bb: V1492 Ori                                                        .       
05352-0517 REP  77     AB: V1329 Ori                                                           .       
           KOH  98     DE: V1327 Ori                                                           .       
05352-0521 REP  74     Ba,Bb: JW 391. Correia et al. (2014) derive the following properties:   .       
                       spectral types M0.0 +/- 0.5 and M7.0 +/- 1.0, Teff 3850 +/- 53 and      .       
                       2880 +/- 140K, radii 2.0 +/- 0.1 and 1.4 +/- 0.2 Rsun.                  .       
                       Masses and ages are determined for several published PMS tracks.        Cor2013 
05352-0522 GET  20     FG: V1496 Ori                                                           .       
05352-0523 GET   9     DE: V1487 Ori                                                           .       
           GET  25     NO: V1330 Ori                                                           .       
           PRS   8     PQ:SMN   3Da,Db                                                         .       
05352-0524 PRS   9     Aa,B:  Aka GET  28.                                                     Skf2016a
                              Aka PAD   1.                                                     Dam2017k
05352-0529 REP  76     V1495 Ori                                                               .       
05352-0534 MDF   4     V2265 Ori.                                                              .       
05352-0537 REP  79     V1500 Ori                                                               .       
05352-0538 REP  80     V409 Ori                                                                .       
05353-0515 REP  84     V1334 Ori                                                               .       
05353-0520 HJ 1157EF   Aka POP 205.                                                            .       
05353-0522 GET  45     NO: V1333 Ori                                                           .       
           PRS  18     Ka,Kb: DAE  13Oa,Ob                                                     .       
05353-0523 STF 748     A: the 1 Ori A = 41 Ori A = V1016 Ori                                   .       
                       B: the 1 Ori B = 41 Ori B = BM Ori                                      .       
                       C: the 1 Ori C = 41 Ori C                                               .       
                       D: the 1 Ori D = 41 Ori D                                               .       
                       Trapezium. the Ori A, B, and C were first noted as a triple by          G__1617 
                       Galileo on 4 February 1617. It was independently found as a triple in   .       
                       by Christian Huygens, who is often given credit for recognizing this    .       
                       multiple system. the Ori D was found by Abbe Jean Picard, as            A__1935f
                       documented by a manuscript drawing of 20 March 1673. The D component    .       
                       was independently found by Huygens in 1684.                             .       
                       A and B are both Algol-type systems, C is an RW Aur-type system.        .       
                       Common proper motion with the multiple system STF 16.                   .       
                       Stahl et al. (1996 A&A 312, 539) find that the H-alpha profiles of the  .       
                       C component vary with a 15.4-day cycle which they suggest is related    .       
                       to the star's rotational period; photospheric line radial velocity      .       
                       variations are small. All 4 of the Orion Trapezium stars were observed  .       
                       with the speckle camera (A = HD 37020; B =  HD 37021; C = HD 37022;     .       
                       D = HD 37023) and all appeared to be single. Classifications of the     .       
                       B and D components are from the WDS.  The spectral classification for   Lev1991b
                       the A component is from Morrell & Levato (1991).                        Msn1998a
                       AB: H 3   1.                                                            MEv2010 
                       AC: C component = D component of 05354-0525 STFA 17.                    .       
           WGT   1     Ca,Cb: The longer-period Kraus et al. (2007) solution gives a dynamic   .       
                       parallax 2.304 +/- 0.066 mas, the shorter-period solution gives 2.585   .       
                       +/- 0.074 mas. Mass sums are 47.8 +/- 4.2 and 44.8 +/- 3.9 Msun,        .       
                       respectively. Based on evolutionary models, spectral types for Ca and   .       
                       Cb are O5.5 and O9.5, masses are 34.0 and 15.5 Msun.                    Kss2007 
                       The Kraus et al. (2009) solution is based on VLTI data from 2007-2008,  .       
                       plus speckle (1997-2008) and radial valocity data. They derive a        .       
                       dynamic distance of 410 +/- 20pc and a system mass of 44 +/- 7 Msun.    Kss2009 
                       Ca,Cb: From their combined astrometric/spectroscopic solution, Balega   .       
                       et al. (2015) derive the following properties for the system:           .       
                          total mass (Msun): 45.5 +/- 10.0                                     .       
                          mass ratio:        0.36     0.05                                     .       
                          distance (pc):     414      7                                        .       
                          flux ratio:        0.30     0.05                                     .       
                       Resulting properties for the two components are:                        .       
                          mass (Msun):       33.5 +/- 5.2      12.0 +/- 3.0                    .       
                          log L:             5.21     0.01     4.70     0.15                   .       
                          Spectral types:    O6Vp              B0V                             .       
                          Teff               39000    1000     30000    1000                   .       
                          radii (Rsun):      8.91     0.50     8.24     0.50                   Bag2015 
           STF 748     CH: Additional notes may be found in Burnham (1894).                    Bu_1894 
           KSS   1     D component of ADS 4186 = the 1 Ori D                                   .       
                       AC: Probably first resolved by Giovanni Battista Hodierna.              JGP2024 
                       CD: Probably first resolved by Giovanni Battista Hodierna.              JGP2024 
           PTR   1     Ab is a 4 solar mass PMS F star.                                        Gvt2018 
           GVT   1     Be is a 4-6 solar mass B star.                                          Gvt2018 
           GVT   1     Dc is a 5-7 solar mass B star.                                          Gvt2018 
           DAE 130     Oa,Ob: The elongated shape of JW 519's primary suggests the primary to  .       
                       be binary itself. The photometry for JW 519, however, is based on the   .       
                       assumption of a single central object since separate components cannot  .       
                       be identified.                                                          Dae2012 
           GET  43     TU: the 1 Ori G                                                         .       
           REP 110     Xa,Xb: AF Ori                                                           .       
05353-0524 GET  38     FG: AC Ori                                                              .       
05353-0531 MDF   3     V2360 Ori.                                                              .       
05353-0533 REP  81     V1504 Ori                                                               .       
05354-0450 DA    4     AB + TOK 430Aa,Ab: This is HIP 26237, HD 37018, HR 1892, 42 Ori, a      .       
                       young star in Orion which has not been observed at high angular         .       
                       resolution so far, according to INT4 (Hartkopf et al. 2001). We         Hrt2001d
                       resolved the known binary DA 4AB and discovered the spectacular         .       
                       subsystem Aa,Ab at 0".16.                                               Tok2015c
05354-0509 KOH 101     V1344 Ori                                                               .       
05354-0510 MGM2300     V2377 Ori.                                                              Kkl2016 
05354-0515 MDF   7     V1281 Ori.                                                              .       
05354-0524 PRS  34     AB: V1524 Ori                                                           .       
           GET  56     CD: V494 Ori                                                            .       
           GET  57     GH: V1231 Ori                                                           .       
05354-0525 STFA 16     A: the 2 Ori A = 43 Ori. Spectroscopic binary, P = 21d.                 .       
                       B: the 2 Ori B = BD-05@ 1320.                                           .       
                       C component is primary of 05355-0525 S   490.                           .       
           STFA 17     AD: This is the the 1 / the 2 Ori system                                .       
                       D component = C component of 05353-0523 STF 748.                        .       
           CHR 249     The A component (CHR 249 Aa,Ab) was resolved on 3 occasions, but the    .       
                       distant STFA 17B component was observed to be single.  Hipparcos        HIP1997b
                       results confirm the Aa,Ab pair.  The spectral classification for        Lev1991b
                       the B component is from Morrell & Levato (1991).                        Msn1998a
                       Classification of the C component is from Hoffleit et al. (1983).       Hof1983 
05354-0527 REP  89     JW 709. Correia et al. (2014) derive the following properties:          .       
                       spectral types M0.5 +/- 0.5 and M0.5 +/- 0.5, Teff 3777 +/- 72 and      .       
                       3777 +/- 72K, radii 1.8 +/- 0.1 and 1.7 +/- 0.2 Rsun.                   .       
                       Masses and ages are determined for several published PMS tracks.        Cor2013 
05343-0530 DCH 112     WZ Ori                                                                  .       
05347-0523 DCH 102     IX Ori                                                                  .       
05350-0530 DCH 103     Ca,Cb: KZ Ori                                                           .       
05351-0518 DCH 104     V2144 Ori                                                               .       
05352-0522 DCH 106     Qa,Qb: V1487 Ori                                                        .       
05353-0518 DCH 109     Ca,Cb: V1509 Ori                                                        .       
05353-0523 DCH 110     Oa,Ob: MT Ori                                                           .       
05354-0525 GVT   2     Ac is a 8-12 solar mass companion.                                      Gvt2018 
05354-0525 GVT   2     Bb is a 1.6 +/- 0.7 solar mass companion.                               Gvt2018 
05354-0525 GVT   2     Cb is a 1.7 +/- 0.2 solar mass companion.                               Gvt2018 
05354-0527 DCH 111     Ca,Cb: V1523 Ori                                                        .       
05354-0532 REP  91     V1528 Ori                                                               .       
05354-0535 CHN  14     Also known as AG Ori. The secondary = V2378 Ori.                        .       
05354-0555 STF 752     iot Ori = 44 Ori = Hatysa. A is a spectroscopic binary, P = 29.1d.      .       
                       The classification is from Stickland et al. (1987).                     Stc1987 
           CHR 250     The A component was resolved (CHR 250 Aa,Ab); the B component was also  .       
                       observed but appeared to be single.                                     Msn1998a
                       Aa1 is spectral type O8.5III, Aa2 is B0.8III and Ab is B2IV.            Opl2023 
                       Classification of the B component is from Hoffleit & Warren (1991).     Hof1991 
           STF 752     AB: H 3  12.                                                            MEv2010 
05355-0422 STF 750     H 2  26.                                                                MEv2010 
05355-0459 MGM2472     V2475 Ori.                                                              Kkl2016 
05355-0504 SKF2481     MGM2398.                                                                Kkl2016 
05355-0505 MGM2367     V2502 Ori.                                                              Kkl2016 
05355-0509 KOH 104     V360 Ori                                                                .       
05355-0510 RBB   7     MGM2285. V419 Ori.                                                      Kkl2016 
05355-0515 DCH 113     V1432 Ori                                                               .       
05355-0516 PBS   2     NU Ori, not nu Ori.                                                     .       
           GVT   3     Ab is a 4 +/- 1 solar mass companion.                                   Gvt2018 
05355-0519 REP  96     JW 867. Correia et al. (2014) derive the following properties:          .       
                       spectral types M0.5 +/- 0.5 and M1.5 +/- 0.5, Teff 3777 +/- 72 and      .       
                       3632 +/- 72K, radii 2.2 +/- 0.1 and 2.2 +/- 0.1 Rsun.                   .       
                       Masses and ages are determined for several published PMS tracks.        Cor2013 
05355-0524 GET  60     V1288 Ori                                                               .       
05355-0525 S   490     Variable, V361 Ori. Primary is C component of 05354-0525 STFA 16AC      .       
05356+3801 AG   98     HDS 746.                                                                .       
05357-0451 HLD 173     45 Ori.                                                                 .       
05357-0528 KOH 105     AN Ori                                                                  .       
05358-0059 STF 751     B is BD-01@966.                                                         .       
05358-0529 HLB   1     T Ori.                                                                  .       
05359+3530 SHY 483     AB: HIP  26290 + HIP  26322.                                            .       
           SHY 476     BC: HIP  26322 + HIP  24934.                                            .       
05359-0538 DA    3     A is a spectroscopic binary and light variable.                         .       
05360+3614 SEI 349     Heintz equates this with ALI 308.                                       Hei1985a
05360-0616 JNN  43     V1178 Ori.                                                              .       
                       Also known as V1178 Ori, this star has been classified as a probable T  .       
                       Tau star in Alcala et al. (1996 A&AS 119, 7). It has a companion that   .       
                       is as of yet unconfirmed with regards to common proper motion, but      .       
                       since the brightness and color are well consistent with expectations    .       
                       for a real companion, system is counted as binary in the statistics.    Jnn2012 
05360-7136 OGL 384     LMC172.3.13633 + LMC172.3.13778                                         Pli2012 
05361-1302 LDS3666     NLTT 15358/15357                                                        Chm2004 
05362-0112 BUP  81     eps Ori = 46 Ori = Alnilam. Possibly variable.                          .       
05362-1349 WEI   9     B is BD-13@1193.                                                        .       
05362-2842 SHY 484     HIP  26309 + HIP  26453.                                                .       
05363-0018 RAS  21     Triple includes the alpha2 CVn type variable star V1130 Ori.  Spectral  .       
                       types of B estimates as A7; uncertainty in magnitude does not allow     .       
                       estimate of specral type for C. Member of Orion OB1 association.        Ras2014 
05364+3408 STF 737     B is BD+34@1106.                                                        .       
                       SEI 353.                                                                Nsn2017a
05364+2200 STF 742     A premature orbit has been computed.                                    .       
                       The node and longitude of periastron have been corrected.               .       
                       H 1  70.                                                                MEv2010 
05364-7056 OGL 385     LMC171.3.62055 + LMC171.3.62082                                         Pli2012 
05365+2556 CHR 203     First detected as an occultation binary by Schmidtke et al.             Smk1989 
05365+1120 TOK 255     V2689 Ori.                                                              .       
05365-0643 J   798     Center of nebula NGC 1999 = H IV 33. Couteau did not find the           J__1912d
                       Jonckheere AC component. The two components may in fact be the same.    Cou1960a
                       Same as COU2713.                                                        .       
                       The A component is the RW Aur-type variable V380 Ori.                   .       
05366-0604 STF 754     A is a spectroscopic binary.                                            .       
                       H 3  13.                                                                MEv2010 
05366-1029 GAL 390     Object #193 in Gallo's original list.                                   Gal1914 
05367-0634 SKF2301     MGM 845. V846 Ori.                                                      Kkl2016 
05367-6904 OGL 386     LMC175.5.5552  + LMC175.5.5551                                          Pli2012 
05367-6930 I  1151     An S Doradus-type variable, R127, in the LMC.                           .       
05368-1003 GAL 391     Object #194 in Gallo's original list.                                   Gal1914 
05369-4758 HDS 751     See notes to 05287-6527 SHY  27AE and 06225-6013 SHY  34AD.             Shy2011 
05370+2044 GJ 209      Combined solution, based on reduction of Hipparcos intermediate         .       
                       astrometric data together with spectroscopic elements from Vogt et al.  CPS2000c
                       (2000).                                                                 HaI2001 
05370-0137 HDO  76     According to Burnham (1906) original measure is labelled "doubtful".    Bu_1906 
05370-6851 OGL 387     LMC174.8.25249 + LMC174.8.25968                                         Pli2012 
05371+2655 BOW   4CD   Aka ITF   4.                                                            .       
05371-3932 YMG  11     AT Col.                                                                 .       
05372+7928 MLR 492     Also known as TDS 187.                                                  .       
05372+1014 BPM 135     [PM2000]  278391 + [PM2000]  278458.                                    Gvr2010 
05372-2424 B    84     HIP 26404. AB = B 84 = ADS 4227, 3". The pair is optical according to   .       
                       the CMDs (B is too red, above the MS). Small PM(A)=(+13,-14). However,  .       
                       the field is not crowded, N*=14, an optical companion at 3.5" is        .       
                       unlikely. Is B an IR companion? No relevant references in SIMBAD.       Tok2011a
05373+6409 HU 1107     19 Cam.                                                                 .       
05373-6857 OGL 388     LMC174.8.25010 + LMC174.8.31202                                         Pli2012 
05375+3147 WZ   10     SEI 356.                                                                Nsn2017a
05375-7138 OGL 389     LMC179.7.17322 + LMC179.7.17360                                         Pli2012 
05376+3705 RAO 499     V432 Aur.                                                               .       
05376+2659 ITF   3     Aka ITF  35.                                                            .       
05377+1618 BPM 136     [PM2000]  280129 + [PM2000]  280138.                                    Gvr2010 
05377-5330 HJ 3786     Spectrum of A is F/G.                                                   .       
05378-5434 HJ 3787     B is CPD-54@866.                                                        .       
05379+0058 STTA 65     Pair appears in an appendix list, not part of the discoverer's regular  .       
                       numbering sequence.                                                     .       
05380+1631 BPMA 11     [PM2000]  280939 + [PM2000]  280294.                                    Gvr2010 
05381-0011 STF 758     CD : Same as STF 765.                                                   .       
                       CD: H 3 111.                                                            MEv2010 
05382-0649 AUN   1     V1787 Ori.                                                              .       
05382-4606 HJ 3784     HIP 26501. See Allen et al. (2000) for information on metallicity,      AlC2000 
                       age, galactic orbital parameters, etc.                                  .       
05383-7135 OGL 390     LMC179.6.5087  + LMC179.6.5328                                          Pli2012 
05384+4301 A  1563     Less than 0.1" with 82-inch 1953, 1954.                                 .       
                       A premature orbit has been computed.                                    .       
05384+3401 SMR  56     Pair initially designated SMR 55 in error, designation already in use.  .       
05384+1124 BPM 137     [PM2000]  282231 + [PM2000]  282180.                                    Gvr2010 
05384-6951 OGL 391     LMC176.7.81530 + LMC176.7.81923                                         Pli2012 
05386+3030 BU 1240     26 Aur. Composite spectrum; B9.5V+F9III. Light variability suspected.   .       
                       See Baize & Petit (1989) catalog of doubles with variable component.    Baz1989d
                       Only elements P and T have been amended by Starikova (1977) from the    Sta1977a
                       orbit of Baize (1956).                                                  Baz1956 
                       Romero (2008) estimates masses of the A and B components as 2.1 +/-     FMR2008 
                       1.0 and 3.0 +/- 0.4 Msun, respectively; spectral types are G8III and    .       
                       A1IV or B9.5V.                                                          .       
                       AB: Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and             .       
                       spectroscopic masses 6.87 +/- 22.98, 5.45, and 4.82 Msun, respectively. Mlk2012 
           STF 753     Romero (2008) analyzes the optical/physical nature of the C component;  FMR2008 
                       the spectral is determined to be about A6V and it appears to be         .       
                       gravitationally bound to the AB pair, with an estimated orbital period  .       
                       of ~46,000 years.                                                       .       
                       AB,C: H 3  64.                                                          MEv2010 
           BU   90     Romero (2008) derives a proper motion for D (+0.4 +/- 2.1 mas/yr in     FMR2008 
                       RA, -12.6 +/- 1.6 mas/yr in Dec) based on that of the AB pair plus the  .       
                       relative motion of AB,D between the years 1856 and 2002. He also        .       
                       concludes that D is optical, with a spectral type estimated at K1III    .       
                       and distance of ~870pc (both determinations corrected for reddening).   .       
05386-0233 STF 761     AB: B is BD-02@1323.                                                    .       
                       Primary = F component of 05387-0236 STF3135AB,F.                        .       
                       BC: H 2  10.                                                            MEv2010 
05386-0244 PLT   1     A is TX Ori, B is TY Ori.                                               Plt1934 
05386-1655 UC 1338     CPM candidate confirmed physical by photometry (2MASS and V mags).      Tok2013c
05387-0236 STF3135     Rabe measures principal stars STF 761 and STF 762.                      Rab1923 
                       1914, 324@, 209.79". This new WDS entry created 02/18/98.               .       
                       Spectral types of primary and secondary assigned by ten Brummelaar et   TtB2000 
                       al., based on adaptive optics observations.                             .       
           BU 1032     sig Ori = 48 Ori. A is the variable V1030 Ori. This is the brightest    .       
                       pair in a trapezium system with at least five components, including     .       
                       components C (mag. 8.79, 11", A2V), D (mag. 6.62, 13", B2V), and the    .       
                       helium-rich star E, BD-02@1327. A has also been reported to be a short  .       
                       period SB2.                                                             .       
                       Heintz (1974) gives formulae for the motions AB,C and AB,D.             Hei1974b
                       The suspected small RV variation of AB was not confirmed in David       .       
                       Dunlap Obs. spectra.                                                    .       
                       See Baize & Petit (1989) catalog of doubles with variable component.    Baz1989d
                       The AB pair has decreased in position angle from 171 deg to 125 deg     .       
                       between 1975 and 1994.  Fullerton (1990) describes three spectral       Ful1990 
                       components in the He I 5876 A profile which suggests that one of the    .       
                       stars is a double-lined spectroscopic binary  (see Bolton, 1974 ApJ     .       
                       192, L7).  Classifications of the B, C, and D components are from       Hof1991 
                       Hoffleit & Warren (1991), while the classification for the E            Lev1991b
                       component is from Morrell & Levato (1991).                              Msn1998a
                       AB: Additional notes may be found in Worley (1956).                     Wor1956b
                       AB: Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and             .       
                       spectroscopic masses 27.34 +/- 40.70, 25.32, 21.87 Msun, respectively.  Mlk2012 
           sig Ori     Aa,Ab: Simon-Diaz et al. (2015) derive a new spectroscopic orbit for    .       
                       the primary (sig Ori Aa,Ab) as well as astrometry and photometry for    .       
                       the AB pair. New values for mass, log g, age, Teff, etc are derived     .       
                       for Aa, Ab, and B.                                                      SiD2015 
           NOI   6     Aa,Ab: Schaefer et al. (2016) resolved the primary of sig Ori A and     .       
                       derive a new combined solution, as well as a new orbit of the AB pair.  .       
                       Derived masses for Aa, Ab, and B are 16.99 +/- 0.20, 12.81 +/- 0.18,    .       
                       and 11.54 +/- 1.15 Msun, respectively. They also derive a parallax of   .       
                       2.5806 +/- 0.0088 mas, corresponding to distance 387.51 +/- 0.12 pc.    NOI2016b
                       Spectral type of Aa 09.5V, Ab B0.5V                                     Opl2023 
           STF 762     AB,C: H 2  11.                                                          MEv2010 
                       Sigma Ori E (V1030 Ori) has a strong magnetic field and a magnetosphere IAU2014a
                       with two clouds of plasma constrained by magnetic and centrifugal       .       
                       forces which co-rotate with the 1.19d period of the star which results  .       
                       in eclipse features.                                                    .       
                       Note that the C component was first resolved by Dawes while D and E     Da_1835 
                       were first resolved by Mayer. However, the discovery designation is     MyC1784 
                       maintained due to the long standing historical designations.            .       
           STF3135     AB,F: F component = primary of 05386-0233 STF 761.                      .       
           RAS  22     Ea,Eb: Helium star V1030 Ori, type B2; spectral type of Eb estimated    .       
                       as late-A.                                                              Ras2014 
           CAB  26     Ha,Hb: [W96] 4771-899 = Mayrit 528005                                   .       
           BOY  24     Ja,Jb: sig Ori IRS 1 = Mayrit 3020                                      Boy2009 
05387-6906 RMC 136     30 Dor cluster in Large Magellanic Cloud. Due to space limitations,     .       
                       component designations have been converted from the letter/number       .       
                       format (e.g., a1 or k10) adopted by Weigelt and collaborators to the    Wgt1985 
                       upper/lower case letter format (e.g., Aa or Kj) used in the WDS. The    Ner1988 
                       order of these components has not been changed, however. Of the 13      Peh1992 
                       companions discovered by Herschel, Dawes, and Innes, only the pair      .       
                       originally designated I  1152AB matches one of these close              .       
                       interferometric pairs with any certainty; it has been merged with       .       
                       RMC 136Aa,Ac. Component designations for the others were adjusted.              
                       Results are tabulated from the combined data set only. RMS errors from  .       
                       comparing data sets are 0".011 in separation, 1.6 deg in position       .       
                       angle, 0.28 in magnitude difference.                                    Peh1992 
05388+1548 BPM 138     [PM2000]  283526 + [PM2000]  283334.                                    Gvr2010 
05388-0242 CAB  28     V595 Ori.                                                               .       
05389+1651 BPMA 12     [PM2000]  283738 + [PM2000]  283905.                                    Gvr2010 
05389-0713 49 Ori      Hipparcos astrometric solution adopted some elements from the orbit of  HIP1997d
                       Abt (1965).                                                             AbH1965 
05389-1334 GAL 392     Hipparcos suspected non-single.                                         .       
                       Object #196 in Gallo's original list.                                   Gal1914 
05391+1747 BPM 139     [PM2000]  284438 + [PM2000]  284293.                                    Gvr2010 
05391-5008 HJ 3789     B is CD-50@1871.                                                        .       
05391-7100 OGL 392     LMC178.6.14067 + LMC178.6.15179                                         Pli2012 
05391-7149 OGL 393     LMC179.8.23263 + LMC179.8.23619                                         Pli2012 
05391-7157 OGL 394     LMC180.5.22705 + LMC180.5.23355                                         Pli2012 
05392+2317 STF 755     124 Tau. C is a spectroscopic binary.                                   .       
05393-6750 OGL 395     LMC173.4.13898 + LMC173.4.14451                                         Pli2012 
05394+1658 BPMA 13     [PM2000]  285302 + [PM2000]  285761.                                    Gvr2010 
05394+1649 BPMA 14     [PM2000]  285537 + [PM2000]  286099.                                    Gvr2010 
05394+1618 BPM 140     [PM2000]  285398 + [PM2000]  285298.                                    Gvr2010 
05394-7001 SKF1049     OGL 396. LMC176.1.34431 + LMC176.1.34425                                Pli2012 
05395+1644 BPMA 15     [PM2000]  285719 + [PM2000]  285027.                                    Gvr2010 
05395-0334 VIG   8     Optical/physical nature of the two faint companions is undefined.       Vig2012 
05396+1531 BPM 141     [PM2000]  286142 + [PM2000]  286564.                                    Gvr2010 
05396-3404 HDO 193     alp Col = Phact                                                         .       
05397-0259 CAB  48     V511 Ori.                                                               .       
05398+1537 BPM 142     [PM2000]  286537 + [PM2000]  286571.                                    Gvr2010 
05398-0241 CAB  32     V1147 Ori.                                                              .       
05398-6859 OGL 397     LMC175.4.34483 + LMC175.4.34571                                         Pli2012 
05399+5145 ES  893     SMA  57.                                                                .       
05399+1634 BPM 143     [PM2000]  286991 + [PM2000]  286795.                                    Gvr2010 
05400+1658 BPM 145     [PM2000]  287347 + [PM2000]  287190.                                    Gvr2010 
05400+1626 BPM 144     [PM2000]  287202 + [PM2000]  287554.                                    Gvr2010 
05401-7133 OGL 398     LMC179.6.15460 + LMC179.6.15507                                         Pli2012 
05402+1015 SHY 487     HIP  26680 + HIP  26646.                                                .       
05402-6912 OGL 399     LMC175.3.9920  + LMC175.3.9955                                          Pli2012 
05403+3757 SEI 367     ALI 546.                                                                .       
05403+1521 SHY  28     BC: HIP  26690 + HIP  26844.                                            .       
05403-7112 OGL 400     LMC178.1.26335 + LMC178.1.115                                           Pli2012 
05404+2448 WNO  45     Identified as WNO  16 in USN1976. Discovered by B.Y. Riepe              USN1976 
                       and also known as Riepe's double.                                       .       
                       GJ 1083 = G 100-28 = V780 Tau. Estimated age 1000-10000 Myr; masses     .       
                       0.20 +/- 0.04 and 0.13 +/- 0.02 Msun; a ~4.9 au.                        Jnn2014 
05404+1643 BPM 146     AB: [PM2000]  288389 + [PM2000]  288781.                                Gvr2010 
           BPM 147     BC: [PM2000]  288781 + [PM2000]  288600.                                Gvr2010 
05405-7027 OGL 401     LMC177.2.57937 + LMC177.2.58437                                         Pli2012 
05406+1638 BPM 148     [PM2000]  289234 + [PM2000]  289578.                                    Gvr2010 
05406-7151 OGL 402     LMC179.8.11252 + LMC179.8.11284                                         Pli2012 
05407+1704 BPMA 16     [PM2000]  289597 + [PM2000]  289795.                                    Gvr2010 
05407-0157 STF 774     AB: zet Ori = 50 Ori = Alnitak. A premature orbit has been computed.    .       
                       Spectral types of AB: O9.5Ibe and B0III.                                .       
                       Levato et al. (ApJS, 68, 319, 1988) and Fullerton (1990, PhD thesis,    Lev1988 
                       U. Toronto) report small RV variations (<35 km/sec), not confirmed.     Ful1990 
                       See Baize & Petit (1989) catalog of doubles with variable component.    Baz1989d
                       Spectral type of Aa O9.5Ib, spectral type of Ab B0.5IV                  Opl2023 
                       Both A and B components were observed and appeared to be single.        Msn1998a
                       Classification of the B component is from Hoffleit &  Warren (1991).    Hof1991 
                       AC: Star C (mag. about 9, 60") may be physical.                         .       
           NOI   1     Aa,Ab: Combined spectroscopic/astrometric solution, using NPOI          .       
                       interferometric measures with radial velocities from disentangled       .       
                       spectra to determine first dynamical mass for an O-type supergiant.     .       
                       Mass of the O9.5Ib primary is 24.8 +/- 5.6 Msun, that of the B0/1       .       
                       secondary is 16.4 +/- 4.9 Msun.                                         NOI2011 
                       Aa,Ab: Hummel et al. (2013) calculated a combined interferometric/      .       
                       spectroscopic orbit of zet Ori. Derived masses are 14.0 +/- 2.2 and     .       
                       7.4 +/- 1.1 Msun; orbital parallax is 3.4 +/- 0.2 mas, but as this is   .       
                       based on rather low velocity amplitudes, the photometric distance       .       
                       (2.6 +0.4/-0.3 mas) is considered more robust. Based on photometric     .       
                       distance, spectral types for Aa, Ab, and B are O9.5Iab, B1IV, and       .       
                       B0III, respectively. Masses for Aa and Ab are 33 +/- 10 and 14 +/- 3    .       
                       Msun, considerably larger than the dynamical values.                    Hmm2013 
                       Intensity Interferometer Limb-darkened diameter 0.48 +/- 0.04 mas.      HBr1974 
                       Uniform disk diameter  0.546 +/- 0.029 mas,                             .       
                       Limb darkened diameter 0.485 +/- 0.019 mas,                             .       
                       Radius is 21.5 +/- 5.4 \rsun.                                           CIA2018e
           STF 774     AC: H 4  21.                                                            MEv2010 
05408+1657 BPMA 17     [PM2000]  289777 + [PM2000]  290265.                                    Gvr2010 
05408+1539 BPM 149     [PM2000]  289939 + [PM2000]  289977.                                    Gvr2010 
05408-0806 CON  14     AB: MGM 369.                                                            Kkl2016 
05409+1625 BPM 150     [PM2000]  290186 + [PM2000]  289998.                                    Gvr2010 
05410+3106 J   937     Aka MNG   1.                                                            Dam2016a
05410+1620 BPM 151     [PM2000]  290443 + [PM2000]  290760.                                    Gvr2010 
05411+3550 ALV   2     SH 2-235 IRS 1. Luminous YSO in SH 2-235 molecular cloud.               Alv2004 
05411-7023 OGL 403     LMC177.3.13891 + LMC177.3.13893                                         Pli2012 
05412+1632 BPM 152     AB: [PM2000]  290981 + [PM2000]  291008.                                Gvr2010 
           BPM 153     AC: [PM2000]  290981 + [PM2000]  290861.                                Gvr2010 
           BPM 154     BC: [PM2000]  291008 + [PM2000]  290861.                                Gvr2010 
05412+1631 BPM 155     [PM2000]  291034 + [PM2000]  290895.                                    Gvr2010 
05413+5329 ENG  22     LDS 890.                                                                .       
                       AB: NLTT 15439/15446                                                    Chm2004 
                       AB: HJL  72.                                                            HJL1986 
                       AB: SHY  29. Bayesian analysis by Shaya & Olling (2011) indicates very  Shy2011 
                       high (near 100%) probability pair is physical.                          .       
                       AB: This is MN of 05167+4600.                                           Dam2017i
05413+2929 STF 764     A is a spectroscopic binary. B is BD+29@954.                            .       
                       Primary is eclipsing binary of Beta Lyr -type, period 0.674 d.          Zas2012 
                       H N  75.                                                                MEv2010 
05413+1706 BPMA 19     [PM2000]  291462 + [PM2000]  291073.                                    Gvr2010 
05413+1704 BPMA 18     [PM2000]  291452 + [PM2000]  291820.                                    Gvr2010 
05413+1632 BU 1007     126 Tau. The variable radial velocity indicates a spectroscopic         .       
                       subsystem; the RV range of the blended light is about 50 km/s.          .       
                       Single night's measure in 1960 apparently does not refer to this pair.  .       
                       Observed delta m definitely larger than given in ADS.                   Wor1967b
                       Spectral types of primary and secondary assigned by ten Brummelaar et   .       
                       al., based on adaptive optics observations.                             TtB2000 
                       See Baize & Petit (1989) catalog of doubles with variable component.    Baz1989d
                       Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and spectroscopic   .       
                       masses of 17.71 +/- 23.89, 9.78, and 6.41 Msun, respectively.           Mlk2012 
05413-2621 HJ 3788     B is CD-26@2394.                                                        .       
05414+1527 BPM 156     [PM2000]  291745 + [PM2000]  292018.                                    Gvr2010 
05415-0840 CON  16     AB: MGM 222.                                                            Kkl2016 
05416+1629 BPM 157     [PM2000]  292234 + [PM2000]  292274.                                    Gvr2010 
05416-7024 OGL 404     LMC177.3.26963 + LMC177.3.26962                                         Pli2012 
05416-7111 OGL 405     LMC178.1.32870 + LMC178.1.33290                                         Pli2012 
05417+1644 BPM 158     [PM2000]  292535 + [PM2000]  292075.                                    Gvr2010 
05417-0254 BU 1052     See Baize & Petit (1989) catalog of doubles with variable component.    Baz1989d
                       Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and spectroscopic   .       
                       masses of 4.67 +/- 2.70, 2.57, and 1.58 Msun, respectively.             Mlk2012 
05418+1541 BPM 159     [PM2000]  292945 + [PM2000]  292733.                                    Gvr2010 
05418-0155 ALV   3     NGC 2024 IRS 2.                                                         Alv2004 
05420+3401 SEI 374     Aka TOB  37.                                                            .       
05420+1640 BPM 160     [PM2000]  293486 + [PM2000]  293135.                                    Gvr2010 
05421+3245 HJ  369     Measure does not agree with HJ, but so identified by Doolittle.         Doo1923 
05421+1522 BPM 162     [PM2000]  293889 + [PM2000]  293594.                                    Gvr2010 
05421+1519 BPM 161     [PM2000]  293806 + [PM2000]  293833.                                    Gvr2010 
05422-7119 OGL 406     LMC179.4.27320 + LMC179.4.30768                                         Pli2012 
05423+3247 HJ  370     SEI 376.                                                                Nsn2017a
05423+1704 BPM 164     AB: [PM2000]  294490 + [PM2000]  294334.                                Gvr2010 
           BPM 165     AC: [PM2000]  294490 + [PM2000]  294161.                                Gvr2010 
           BPM 166     BC: [PM2000]  294334 + [PM2000]  294161.                                Gvr2010 
05423+1646 BPM 163     [PM2000]  294407 + [PM2000]  294228.                                    Gvr2010 
05423+1557 BPM 167     [PM2000]  294597 + [PM2000]  294432.                                    Gvr2010 
05424+7920 STF 695     AB: HJL  71.                                                            HJL1986 
05424+2051 OCC9039     OCC9108.                                                                .       
05424+1640 BPM 168     [PM2000]  294701 + [PM2000]  294561.                                    Gvr2010 
05425+4053 WEI  10     B is BD+40@1384.                                                        .       
05426-6810 OGL 407     LMC181.7.13965 + LMC181.7.14774 + LMC181.7.15836                        Pli2012 
05427+1705 BPMA 20     [PM2000]  295643 + [PM2000]  296373.                                    Gvr2010 
05427+1651 BPM 169     [PM2000]  295609 + [PM2000]  295407.                                    Gvr2010 
05427+1643 BPM 170     [PM2000]  295816 + [PM2000]  295876.                                    Gvr2010 
05427+0241 LDS6192     HIP 26907. See Allen et al. (2000) for information on metallicity,      AlC2000 
                       age, galactic orbital parameters, etc.                                  .       
05428+3322 STF 773     AC: DOO   8.                                                            .       
05428+1806 CHR 213     First detected as an occultation binary by Edwards et al.               Evn1980 
05428-7222 OGL 408     LMC180.1.10    + LMC180.1.12050                                         Pli2012 
05429+1650 BPM 171     [PM2000]  296510 + [PM2000]  296883.                                    Gvr2010 
05429+0001 STF 782     B is BD-00@1060.                                                        .       
05429-0648 A   494     Suspected RV variation not confirmed (Heintz 1981). The faint pair      Hei1981a
                       CD (mag. 10-13, 1.0") is 100" distant from AB.                          .       
                       AB: Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and             .       
                       spectroscopic masses 2.77 +/- 0.28, 2.78, and 1.30 Msun, respectively.  Mlk2012 
05431+3933 BRT2210     ALI 1059.                                                               .       
05431+1701 BPM 172     [PM2000]  296994 + [PM2000]  297084.                                    Gvr2010 
05431-3516 FAB  19     Originally inserted as a new solution to HDS 763, it now appears that   .       
                       both pairs are real.                                                    .       
                       AC: Rectilinear solution by Hurowitz et al. (2013).                     USN2013a
05432+1559 BPM 173     [PM2000]  297486 + [PM2000]  297074.                                    Gvr2010 
05435+1642 A  2436     Rectilinear solution by Rica & Zirm (2012).                             FMR2012i
05435+1526 BPM 174     AB: [PM2000]  298316 + [PM2000]  298293.                                Gvr2010 
           BPM 175     AC: [PM2000]  298316 + [PM2000]  298674.                                Gvr2010 
           BPM 176     BC: [PM2000]  298293 + [PM2000]  298674.                                Gvr2010 
05435-0753 A   495     Angle decreasing. No measures 1963-1988, during which period nearly     .       
                       two quadrants were described.                                           .       
05436+6633 HU 1109     A is reported to be variable, type unknown.                             .       
05436+1510 BPM 177     [PM2000]  298697 + [PM2000]  298487.                                    Gvr2010 
05436+1506 BPM 178     [PM2000]  298805 + [PM2000]  299090.                                    Gvr2010 
05436+1300 A   117     A 14.5 magnitude star is 26" from A in 191@.                            B__1963b
05438+1650 BPM 180     [PM2000]  299538 + [PM2000]  299218.                                    Gvr2010 
05438+1543 BPM 179     [PM2000]  299328 + [PM2000]  299117.                                    Gvr2010 
05438-6811 OGL 409     LMC181.2.42    + LMC181.2.240                                           Pli2012 
05439+1620 BPM 181     [PM2000]  299743 + [PM2000]  299422.                                    Gvr2010 
05439-6827 OGL 410     LMC182.5.20806 + LMC182.5.21242                                         Pli2012 
05440+1616 BPM 183     [PM2000]  300068 + [PM2000]  300159.                                    Gvr2010 
05440+1611 BPM 184     [PM2000]  300096 + [PM2000]  300502.                                    Gvr2010 
05440+1549 BPM 185     [PM2000]  300192 + [PM2000]  300353.                                    Gvr2010 
05440+1548 BPM 182     [PM2000]  300036 + [PM2000]  299690.                                    Gvr2010 
05441+1556 BPM 186     [PM2000]  300517 + [PM2000]  300475.                                    Gvr2010 
05441+0249 HJ 2277     BAL 1677.                                                               .       
05441-0229 A  2918     B is BD-02@1354.                                                        .       
05441-7116 OGL 411     LMC186.8.7     + LMC178.1.20316                                         Pli2012 
05441-7121 OGL 412     LMC179.4.38816 + LMC179.4.40244                                         Pli2012 
05442+1644 BPM 187     [PM2000]  300711 + [PM2000]  300977.                                    Gvr2010 
05442+1544 BPM 188     [PM2000]  300888 + [PM2000]  300602.                                    Gvr2010 
05443+1546 BPM 189     [PM2000]  301137 + [PM2000]  300719.                                    Gvr2010 
05444+1551 BPM 190     [PM2000]  301700 + [PM2000]  301872.                                    Gvr2010 
05444-0528 SHY 489     HIP  27069 + HIP  26588.                                                .       
05445-2227 H 6  40     AB: gam Lep = 13 Lep.H VI 40. LDS 148.                                  .       
                       AB: NLTT 15560/15558                                                    Chm2004 
                       AB: B = AK Lep.                                                         Tok2014d
           H 5  50     BC: H V 50. C is CPD-22@883.                                            .       
05446+6320 STI 579     Rectilinear solution by Hurowitz et al. (2013).                         USN2013a
05446+1607 BPM 195     [PM2000]  302614 + [PM2000]  302673.                                    Gvr2010 
05446+1545 BPM 191     [PM2000]  302270 + [PM2000]  302653.                                    Gvr2010 
05446+1536 BPM 192     [PM2000]  302289 + [PM2000]  302408.                                    Gvr2010 
05446+1532 BPM 193     [PM2000]  302321 + [PM2000]  302640.                                    Gvr2010 
05457-1447 A  3018     Rectilinear solution by Rica & Zirm (2012).                             FMR2012i
05460+3717 BLL  16     Rectilinear solution by Friedman et al. (2011).                         USN2011a
05466+0110 RAG   1     Primary is exoplanet host, P=14.3d, 2135d. Benedict et al. (2010)       AST2010 
                       astrom. orbit for planet c, 1.05mas axis.                               Tok2014d
                       CHARA Array Limb-darkened diameter  0.573 +/- 0.049 mas,                CIA2008c
                       R =  2.44  +/- 0.22  \rsun.                                             .       
05447+1607 BPM 196     [PM2000]  302752 + [PM2000]  302935.                                    Gvr2010 
05447+1546 BPM 194     [PM2000]  302592 + [PM2000]  302169.                                    Gvr2010 
05447+1538 BPM 197     [PM2000]  302856 + [PM2000]  302664.                                    Gvr2010 
05447+0350 STF 788     AB: H 2  61.                                                            MEv2010 
05447-4618 HJ 3797     B is CD-46@1983.                                                        .       
05448+1617 BPM 198     [PM2000]  302916 + [PM2000]  302938.                                    Gvr2010 
05448+1539 BPM 199     [PM2000]  302951 + [PM2000]  303127.                                    Gvr2010 
05449+1645 BPM 200     [PM2000]  303487 + [PM2000]  303652.                                    Gvr2010 
05450+1604 BPM 201     [PM2000]  303785 + [PM2000]  303699.                                    Gvr2010 
05451+1605 BPM 206     [PM2000]  304191 + [PM2000]  304389.                                    Gvr2010 
05451+1556 BPM 204     AB: [PM2000]  304185 + [PM2000]  304317.                                Gvr2010 
           BPM 205     BC: [PM2000]  304317 + [PM2000]  304322.                                Gvr2010 
05451+1532 BPM 202     [PM2000]  303972 + [PM2000]  304218.                                    Gvr2010 
05451+1144 BPM 203     [PM2000]  304093 + [PM2000]  304082.                                    Gvr2010 
05454+1123 BPM 207     [PM2000]  305302 + [PM2000]  305441.                                    Gvr2010 
05454-0037 HER  14     Additional notes may be found in Herbig (1962).                         Her1962 
05456-1503 ENG  23     B is BD-15@1153.                                                        .       
05457+1636 BPM 208     [PM2000]  306501 + [PM2000]  306641.                                    Gvr2010 
05457-6833 OGL 413     LMC182.3.133   + LMC182.3.280                                           Pli2012 
05459+2555 STT 116     DE: Also known as TAR   1.                                              .       
05460+1048 A  2711     May be a short period binary, but the few measures do not even permit   .       
                       certain determination of the direction of motion.                       .       
05460-0416 STF 790     Composite spectrum; K1III+G0IV.                                         .       
05460-3218 mu Col      Additional radial velocity measurements by Fullerton (1990)             Ful1990 
                       and Penny et al. (1993) confirm the lack of                             Pny1993 
                       variability.                                                            Msn1998a
05461-6920 OGL 414     LMC183.2.41    + LMC183.2.263                                           Pli2012 
05462-2100 BRT 302     ARA1281.                                                                .       
05462-7027 OGL 415     LMC185.7.75526 + LMC185.7.75527                                         Pli2012 
05463+3736 GCB  66     A is the short-period variable EU Tau.                                  .       
05464-6835 OGL 416     LMC182.3.18716 + LMC182.3.18717                                         Pli2012 
05465+7437 YSC 148     Docobo et al. (2014) use the spectroscopic elements of Latham et al.    .       
                       (2002), together with speckle data and the Hipparcos parallax, and      Lat2002 
                       derive possible solutions for both direct and retrograde motion. The    .       
                       resulting masses are 0.99 +/- 0.09 and 0.63 +/- 0.08 Msun.              Doc2014h
05465-6903 OGL 417     LMC183.4.105   + LMC183.4.1756                                          Pli2012 
05466+0110 GC 7226     Combined solution, based on reduction of Hipparcos intermediate         .       
                       astrometric data together with spectroscopic elements from the Geneva   .       
                       Extrasolar Planet Search Programs home page.                            HaI2001 
05467+4322 ES 1530     BRT 90.                                                                 .       
05467+0005 BU  559     This system, listed in the ADS as #4374 was purged from an earlier      .       
                       edition of the WDS probably as it was buried in reflection nebulae      .       
                       NGC 2068.                                                               .       
05468+3700 ALI 309     MLB 826.                                                                .       
05469+0931 J   251     HJL  73.                                                                HJL1986 
05470+1600 BPM 209     [PM2000]  310850 + [PM2000]  310780.                                    Gvr2010 
05471+0023 PAD  24     MGM3385.                                                                Kkl2016 
05471+0022 PAD  25     MGM3374.                                                                Kkl2016 
05472+2153 HU   39     Measures scattering around 45 degrees, with variation in distance       .       
                       evident. Motion in a highly-inclined orbit?                             .       
05472+1429 CHR 160     131 Tau.                                                                .       
05472-2430 HJ 3798     B is CD-24@3430.                                                        .       
05473+3222 J   902     This pair is 1.36s f and +30.7" nf of BD+32@1087.                       .       
05473-5104 LGR   1     Primary is bet Pic, secondary is probably a giant planet. Estimated     .       
                       mass of companion 9 +3/-2 Mjup, assuming a distance of 19.3 +/- 0.2pc   .       
                       and an age 12 +8/-4 Myr.                                                Lgr2009a
                       Planetary companion later confirmed, with multiple measurements.        .       
                       Member of the bet Pic moving group.                                     Zuc2001b
                       Assuming an age of 12 +8/-4 Myr (Bonnefoy et al. 2013 A&A 555, A107),   .       
                       Absil et al. (2013) estimate the mass of bet Pic b at 8.0 +3.2/-2.1     .       
                       Mjup. Using the revised age of 21 +/- 4 Myr by Binks & Jeffries (2014   .       
                       MNRAS 438, L11) leads to a mass of 10.6 +1.2/-1.8 Mjup.                 Abs2013 
                       Nielsen et al. (2014) find a semi-major axis of 9.1 +5/-0.5 au and a    .       
                       period of 21 +21/-2 y; the planet appears to have reached maximum       .       
                       elongation and is moving back toward the star, with minimum angular     .       
                       separation expected ~2018. The primary mass is 1.76 +0.18/-0.17 Msun.   Nls2014 
05473-6832 OGL 418     LMC182.3.18737 + LMC182.3.18800                                         Pli2012 
05473-7119 OGL 419     LMC187.5.29667 + LMC187.5.29853                                         Pli2012 
05474+2858 HJ  709     First distance probably in error (Doolittle).                           Doo1923 
                       Two faint stars measured near the position given for HJ 709, BDS 2951.  .       
                       Neither fits the earlier descriptions by Herschel, Burnham, and         .       
                       Doolittle, but these do not agree among themselves, either.             B__1962d
05474-1032 MCA  22     An eclipsing binary and spectroscopic triple, V1031 Ori, with the       .       
                       (presumably) wider pair now resolved by speckle interferometry.         .       
                       Zasche et al. (2014) derive a combined solution, including              .       
                       interferometry plus times-of-minimia variation in the eclipsing-binary  .       
                       primary.                                                                Zas2014b
05476+1736 BU 1401     Probably STF 767 rej.                                                   .       
05477+1354 HJ 3279     133 Tau.                                                                .       
05479+3510 HO   19     SEI 385.                                                                Nsn2017a
05479+2441 STTA 66     B is BD+24@965.                                                         .       
05479-6847 OGL 420     LMC189.7.12    + LMC189.7.52                                            Pli2012 
05480+0627 STF 795     52 Ori. One component is a spectroscopic binary.                        .       
                       H 1  20.                                                                MEv2010 
05482+0137 A  2657     Only elements P, T, and a have been amended by Starikova (1978) from    Sta1978c
                       the orbit of Baize (1961).                                              Baz1961b
                       Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and spectroscopic   .       
                       masses of 3.86 +/- 2.35, 4.13, and 1.45 Msun, respectively.             Mlk2012 
05483-6948 OGL 421     LMC184.3.24360 + LMC184.3.24357                                         Pli2012 
05483-7002 OGL 422     LMC184.1.30453 + LMC184.1.30754                                         Pli2012 
05484+2052 STT 118     A is a spectroscopic binary. A premature visual orbit has been          .       
                       computed.                                                               .       
05485+2118 GIC  60     G100-037/G100-038.                                                      .       
05485-7127 OGL 423     LMC187.4.56    + LMC187.4.1142                                          Pli2012 
05486-7013 OGL 424     LMC185.4.18027 + LMC185.4.18356                                         Pli2012 
05487+1549 BPM 210     [PM2000]  317297 + [PM2000]  317306.                                    Gvr2010 
05488+1254 BPM 211     [PM2000]  317402 + [PM2000]  316980.                                    Gvr2010 
05488-6552 HJ 3815     B is CPD-65@506.                                                        .       
05489+2101 BU   93     B is BD+20@1112.                                                        .       
05489-3910 WG   42     A likely plate flaw.                                                    Grv2021b
05489-7157 OGL 425     LMC188.4.9     + LMC188.4.10                                            Pli2012 
05490+6342 TDS 197     Rectilinear solution by Cvetkovic et al. (2019).                        Cve2019b
05490+3451 SEI 386     J 1114.                                                                 .       
05490+2434 MCA  23     132 Tau.                                                                .       
05490+0108 GRE   2     IRAS 05464+0106 = PDS 17.                                               Gre1992 
05490-1105 GAL 393     Object #205 in Gallo's original list.                                   Gal1914 
05490-7150 OGL 426     LMC187.1.114   + LMC187.1.697                                           Pli2012 
05491-6108 HJ 3810     B is CPD-61@532.                                                        .       
05492+3911 BU  192     tau Aur = 29 Aur                                                        .       
           H 5  21     H V 21.                                                                 .       
05492+2941 BRT2521     Rectilinear solutions by Cvetkovic (2015)                               Cve2015b
                       and Cvetkovic et al. (2016).                                            Cve2016 
05495+1239 BUP  84     134 Tau.                                                                .       
05495-7047 OGL 427     LMC186.4.38205 + LMC186.4.38233                                         Pli2012 
05495-7100 OGL 428     LMC186.3.12362 + LMC186.3.12420                                         Pli2012 
05495-7123 OGL 429     LMC187.4.309   + LMC187.4.264                                           Pli2012 
05496+2244 CHR 205     First detected as an occultation binary by Africano.                    Afr1975 
05496-1429 BU   94     BDS 3207 probably same star.                                            .       
05496-6836 OGL 430     LMC189.6.10983 + LMC189.6.10979                                         Pli2012 
05497-0427 SCJ   3     B is BD-04@1249.                                                        .       
05497-6843 OGL 431     LMC189.7.11539 + LMC189.7.11612                                         Pli2012 
05498+3258 S   500     B is BD+32@1099.                                                        .       
                       Although the field is crowded and the PM is small, it is CPM. With PM   .       
                       of 20 mas/yr it would move by 3.6" in 180yr since 1825.                 Tok2014d
05498-7225 TOK 431     First resolution, estimated period 12 yr.                               Tok2013b
05499+3147 STF 796     AB: H 1  67.                                                            MEv2010 
05499+2259 ARN  91     AC: Secondary of 05500+2258 ARN 91 found to be primary of 05499+2259    .       
                       POU 789. Pairs merged, with quadrant flip to ARN 91.                    .       
05500+2551 OL  165     Aka COU 765.                                                            .       
05502+2658 RUC  19     Primary is V781 Tau.                                                    .       
05503-6854 OGL 432     LMC189.8.10709 + LMC189.8.12244                                         Pli2012 
05505-5246 B  1493     Spectrum composite; K0-1III+A4V+A.                                      .       
05506+5655 H 4 125     H IV 125. 29 Cam.                                                       .       
05507-6838 OGL 433     LMC189.3.372   + LMC189.3.990                                           Pli2012 
05507-7159 OGL 434     LMC188.4.11434 + LMC188.4.11429                                         Pli2012 
05510+2758 BU 1054     136 Tau. A possible occultation binary. Misidentified by Burnham,       Bu_1894 
                       corrected by van den Bos.                                               B__1960b
05510-3546 WFC  31     bet Col = Wazn                                                          .       
05510-6954 HJ 3820     B is CPD-69@@535.                                                       .       
                       Optical pair, based on study of relative motion of the components       .       
                       using the method of apparent motion parameters.                         Kiy2008 
05514+3535 HJ  710     Points to a 14th magnitude star 30".                                    .       
05514+3207 ES  415     A is variable.                                                          .       
05514-1108 GAL 394     Object #206 in Gallo's original list.                                   Gal1914 
05515+3909 H 5  90     nu Aur = 32 Aur. H V 90.                                                .       
05515+1548 BPM 213     [PM2000]  328749 + [PM2000]  328867.                                    Gvr2010 
05515+1544 BPM 214     [PM2000]  328857 + [PM2000]  328714.                                    Gvr2010 
05515+1217 BPM 212     [PM2000]  328544 + [PM2000]  328831.                                    Gvr2010 
05516-6918 OGL 435     LMC190.2.201   + LMC190.2.474                                           Pli2012 
05517+3838 BRT2211     ALI 811.                                                                .       
05518-4434 BLR   1     DENIS J055146.0-443412.2. NTT/SofI IR spectro-imager observations by    .       
                       Billeres et al. (2005) resolved the first wide ultracool binary dwarf;  .       
                       spectral types are M8.5 + L0.                                           Blr2005 
05520-0715 J  1913     Previously published coordinates corrected by +3'. Pair is +5s, +4'     .       
                       from BU 95.                                                             J__1949a
05521-6922 OGL 436     LMC190.2.13    + LMC190.2.123                                           Pli2012 
05522+1658 BPM 215     [PM2000]  331791 + [PM2000]  331753.                                    Gvr2010 
05522+1542 BPM 216     [PM2000]  332058 + [PM2000]  332011.                                    Gvr2010 
05522-6826 OGL 437     LMC189.4.9311  + LMC189.4.10038                                         Pli2012 
05523+3235 SEI 414     Identification of SEI 414 is uncertain,but is appears to correspond to  .       
                       the A and C components of 05523+3235.                                   .       
05523+1509 BPM 217     AB: [PM2000]  332310 + [PM2000]  332065.                                Gvr2010 
           BPM 218     BC: [PM2000]  332065 + [PM2000]  331572.                                Gvr2010 
05523+1431 BPM 219     AB: [PM2000]  332440 + [PM2000]  331988.                                Gvr2010 
           BPM 220     AC: [PM2000]  332440 + [PM2000]  332891.                                Gvr2010 
05523+1253 COU2704     BD: Couteau erroneously calls this AD.                                  Cou1958c
05524+3752 SEI 402     ALI 549.                                                                .       
05524+3618 AG  101     SEI 409.                                                                Nsn2017b
05524+1711 BPM 221     [PM2000]  332860 + [PM2000]  332448.                                    Gvr2010 
05524+0151 BU 1404     56 Ori.                                                                 .       
05524-6940 OGL 438     LMC191.4.203   + LMC191.4.204                                           Pli2012 
05525+3235 SEI 424     AB: Appears to be the same pair as SEI 420.                             .       
05525+3233 SEI 421     SEI 423.                                                                Nsn2017b
05525+1548 BID   1     A is a Mira-type variable, Z Tau.                                       .       
05525-0217 HDS 787     Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and spectroscopic   .       
                       masses of 1.29 +/- 0.28, 2.19, and 1.20 Msun, respectively.             Mlk2012 
05526+1510 BPM 222     [PM2000]  333540 + [PM2000]  333628.                                    Gvr2010 
05526+1402 J   948     BRT 1185.                                                               .       
05526-3738 I    64     AB: Optical pair, based on study of relative motion of the components   .       
                       using the method of apparent motion parameters.                         Kiy2008 
05527+3731 ES 2341     ALI 550.                                                                .       
05528+3233 SEI 428     Hipparcos suspected non-single.                                         .       
05528+2946 STF 808     AC: HJL  74.                                                            HJL1986 
05529+3427 SHY 492     AC: HIP  27791 + HIP  28872.                                            .       
05530+3624 HJ 5540     ALI 312. SEI 427.                                                       .       
05531+4127 ARG  61     B is BD+41@1290.                                                        .       
05531+1501 BPM 223     [PM2000]  335794 + [PM2000]  336159.                                    Gvr2010 
05531-6845 OGL 439     LMC189.2.9876  + LMC189.2.10434                                         Pli2012 
05531-7125 OGL 440     LMC194.5.537   + LMC194.5.1400                                          Pli2012 
05532+1424 J   656     OL 153 and GCB 13 are the same as this star                             Hei1985a
05533+1611 BPM 224     [PM2000]  336700 + [PM2000]  336469.                                    Gvr2010 
05534-0333 A  2919     Change in angle for AB doubtful, but separation certainly smaller.      .       
                       Error or misprint of 10deg in my angle for 1960 appears probable.       B__1960a
                       Probably optical.                                                       B__1962d
                       A faint pair 10s p 3' s.                                                .       
                       The faint pair must be 10s following.                                   Dam2012 
05535+4434 ES 1379     Rectilinear solution by Cvetkovic et al. (2017).                        Cve2017 
05537+1245 BPM 225     [PM2000]  338633 + [PM2000]  339014.                                    Gvr2010 
05538-2218 BRT1382     CD-22@2561.                                                             .       
05539+1653 BPM 226     [PM2000]  339901 + [PM2000]  340312.                                    Gvr2010 
05540+1552 BPM 228     [PM2000]  340363 + [PM2000]  340293.                                    Gvr2010 
05540+1225 LDS 891     NLTT 15772/15768                                                        Chm2004 
05540+1146 BPM 227     [PM2000]  340157 + [PM2000]  340110.                                    Gvr2010 
05541+0140 RST5219     Pre-main sequence star HBC 515, located in the Orion L1622 cometary     .       
           HBC 515     cloud. The primary appears to be comprised of two ~equal brightness     .       
                       weakline T Tauri stars of spectral type K2V. The B component dominates  .       
                       the system at mid-infrared wavelengths, suggesting that it is a         .       
                       protostar still embedded in the nascent cloud of HBC 515.  The C and D  .       
                       components (L1622-6 and L1622-6N) are also T Tau stars and likely       .       
                       physically associated.                                                  Rep2010 
05542+1545 BPM 229     [PM2000]  341008 + [PM2000]  341038.                                    Gvr2010 
05542-2909 FIN 382     Angle decreasing.                                                       .       
05543+1555 BPM 230     [PM2000]  341566 + [PM2000]  342144.                                    Gvr2010 
05543+0143 CHN  19     HBC 190 = LkHa 336. Pre-main sequence stars in the Lynds 1622 star-     .       
                       forming cloud. Kun et al. (2008) derives effective temperatures, ages,  Kun2008 
                       and masses for both components based on model fitting and their         .       
                       visible and IR data, assuming a distance of 400pc.                      .       
05543-2553 I  1614     B is CD-25@2770.                                                        .       
05543-7128 OGL 441     LMC194.5.8083  + LMC194.4.81                                            Pli2012 
05544+3836 WEI  11     B is BD+38@1326.                                                        .       
05544+2017 KNG   1     chi 1 Ori                                                               .       
                       Combined astrometric/spectroscopic solution by Irwin et al. (1992)      Irw1992a
                       2002.161: This observation agrees with the orbit of Han & Gatewood      HaI2002 
                       (2002).                                                                 .       
                       Koenig et al. (2002) derive masses of 1.02+-0.08 and 0.15+-0.01 Msun.   Kng2002 
                       CHARA Array Limb-darkened diameter  1.051 +/- 0.009 mas,                CIA2012e
                       R =  0.979 +/- 0.009 \rsun, L =  1.081 +/-0.018 \lsun,                  .       
                       Teff = 5961 +/-  36 K, M = 1.029 +/- 0.029 \msun,                       .       
                       Age =  2.0 +/- 1.8 Gyr.                                                 .       
05544+0152 REP   6     L1622-10. Pre-main sequence stars in Lynds 1622 star-forming cloud.     .       
                       Kun et al. (2008) derives effective temperatures, ages, and masses for  Kun2008 
                       the A and B components based on model fitting and their visible and IR  .       
                       data, assuming a distance of 400pc.                                     .       
05544-7023 OGL 442     LMC192.3.122   + LMC192.3.1429                                          Pli2012 
05545-7044 OGL 443     LMC193.4.680   + LMC193.4.1614                                          Pli2012 
05546-7012 OGL 444     LMC192.4.133   + LMC192.4.1646                                          Pli2012 
05547+1351 S   502     STTA 68. B is BD+13@1027.                                               .       
                       Both components were observed and appeared to be single.                Msn1998a
05548+3612 SEI 435     Duplicity not apparent on POSS plate; one component may be either a     .       
                       variable star or a flaw on AC Potsdam plate.                            .       
                       A likely plate flaw.                                                    Grv2021b
05549+3836 COU2181     TDS3420.                                                                .       
05549+1359 BPM 232     [PM2000]  344577 + [PM2000]  344421.                                    Gvr2010 
05549+1345 BPM 231     [PM2000]  344453 + [PM2000]  344387.                                    Gvr2010 
05549+0702 STF 817     H 4  98.                                                                MEv2010 
05549-7528 TOK 102     HIP 27957. Several other components are seen in the ANDICAM field,      .       
                       N*=35.                                                                  Tok2011a
05550+1616 BPMA 21     AB: [PM2000]  344770 + [PM2000]  344112.                                Gvr2010 
           BPMA 22     BC: [PM2000]  344112 + [PM2000]  344444.                                Gvr2010 
05551+1203 BPM 233     [PM2000]  345570 + [PM2000]  345715.                                    Gvr2010 
05552+0724 KAR   1     alp Ori = 58 Ori = Betelgeuse. Irregular variable, spectrum             .       
                       M1-2Ia-Iab. Two close companions have been reported, detected by        .       
                       speckle interferometry.                                                 .       
                       Mk III Uniform-disk diameter 49.401 +/- 0.237 mas (800 nm).             MkT1991 
           H 6  39     H VI 39.                                                                .       
05553+1516 BPM 234     [PM2000]  346272 + [PM2000]  346598.                                    Gvr2010 
05553+1220 BPM 235     [PM2000]  346508 + [PM2000]  346532.                                    Gvr2010 
05556+5328 STT 120     B is BD+53@963.                                                         .       
05557-3806 SHY 493     HIP  28036 + HIP  26990.                                                .       
05558+4651 LDS3680     NLTT 15797/15796                                                        Chm2004 
05560+3949 ES 2153     ADS 4527a.                                                              .       
                       Aka HDS 799.                                                            Dam2016a
05561+1356 S   503     AB: B is BD+13@1037.                                                    .       
                       AB, AC, and AD: Optical pair, based on study of relative motion of the  .       
                       components using the method of apparent motion parameters.              Kiy2008 
                       AC: Additional notes may be found in Burnham (1894).                    Bu_1894 
05561+1302 BPM 236     [PM2000]  350375 + [PM2000]  351046.                                    Gvr2010 
05562+3143 HJ  714     SEI 444.                                                                Nsn2017b
05562+1755 BPM 237     [PM2000]  350997 + [PM2000]  351100.                                    Gvr2010 
05563+4353 ES 1531     AB: Barton identifies BRT 91 as same star.                              Brt1926b
05563+3140 HJ  715     SEI 445.                                                                Nsn2017b
05564+1634 BPM 238     [PM2000]  352134 + [PM2000]  351978.                                    Gvr2010 
05565-2631 B    94     1989.9362: This system was last resolved visually in 1978, and appears  .       
                       to be continuing to approach periastron.                                Hrt1993 
05566+1129 BPM 239     [PM2000]  353046 + [PM2000]  352711.                                    Gvr2010 
05566-7110 OGL 445     LMC193.2.5397  + LMC193.2.5487                                          Pli2012 
05567+1231 BPM 240     [PM2000]  353373 + [PM2000]  353196.                                    Gvr2010 
05567-7012 OGL 446     LMC199.5.36    + LMC199.5.193                                           Pli2012 
05568+1413 BPM 241     [PM2000]  354005 + [PM2000]  353928.                                    Gvr2010 
05569+3615 SEI 447     Secondary not seen on POSS plate; may be either variable star or flaw   .       
                       on AC Potsdam plate.                                                    .       
05569+2121 CHR 214     First detected as an occultation binary by Evans & Edwards.             Evn1983a
05569-1836 B  1953     J  1469. Identified by Jonckheere as BOS 1953 in his 1962 catalog.      J__1962a
05569-0700 HJ   33     AB: J  1915AC.                                                          .       
           AOT  24     AC: J  1915AB.                                                          .       
           AOT  24     BC: J  3228. J  1915BC.                                                 J__1962a
05570+1022 BPM 242     [PM2000]  355093 + [PM2000]  355331.                                    Gvr2010 
05570-7152 OGL 447     LMC194.1.135   + LMC194.1.687                                           Pli2012 
05571+1014 ARG  63     B is BD+10@939a.                                                        .       
05573+3601 HU 1235     Measure does not confirm apparent motion shown in IDS.                  Wor1967b
05573-2720 HJ 3818     Spectrum: G8/K0IIICNpv.                                                 .       
05574-6852 OGL 448     LMC196.1.80    + LMC196.1.833                                           Pli2012 
05575-3517 HJ 3819     gam Col.                                                                .       
05576-6831 OGL 449     LMC196.3.15    + LMC196.3.93                                            Pli2012 
05576-7004 OGL 450     LMC198.8.6317  + LMC198.8.6316                                          Pli2012 
05578-1413 GAL 395     Object #208 in Gallo's original list.                                   Gal1914 
05578-7125 OGL 451     LMC194.4.4587  + LMC194.4.4769                                          Pli2012 
05580-6835 OGL 452     LMC196.3.66    + LMC196.3.65                                            Pli2012 
05581-3548 RSS  94     HIP 28241. No V-photometry for B in either WDS or SIMBAD.               Tok2011a
           TOK 212     A triple system consisting of the 0".54 inner pair resolved with NICI   .       
                       and the physical companion B at 11".                                    Tok2012a
05581-7000 OGL 453     LMC198.8.5791  + LMC198.8.5806                                          Pli2012 
05581-7108 OGL 454     LMC200.7.2     + LMC200.7.32                                            Pli2012 
05584+0150 H 5 100     H V 100. 59 Ori. A Delta Scuti-type variable, V1004 Ori, and also a     .       
                       spectroscopic binary.                                                   .       
05584-0439 LDS3684     AD: NLTT 15871/15867                                                    Chm2004 
           A   322     Pair bound. Primary is G0. B component estimated mass 0.50 +/- 0.02     .       
                       Msun, spectral type M0-M2.                                              Egn2007 
05586+2133 BRT2336     J 2588.                                                                 .       
05586-7147 OGL 455     LMC194.1.3678  + LMC194.1.3680                                          Pli2012 
05587-0110 LDS5668     LDS6194.                                                                .       
05587-6856 OGL 456     LMC196.1.6419  + LMC196.1.6507                                          Pli2012 
05588+7134 STF 793     Rectilinear solution by Hartkopf & Mason (2015).                        WSI2015 
05588+2121 JNN 267     LHS 6097. Estimated age 1000-10000 Myr; masses 0.20 +/- 0.04 and 0.10   .       
                       +/- 0.01 Msun; a ~8.1 au.                                               Jnn2014 
05588+0033 KUI  22     60 Ori. A is a spectroscopic binary.                                    .       
05589+1735 BPM 243     [PM2000]  364266 + [PM2000]  364720.                                    Gvr2010 
05589+1248 STT 124     1980.1560: This measure was incorrectly attributed to STF 784 in        .       
                       McAlister et al. (1983).                                                McA1983 
05589-3422 GC 7577     Hipparcos astrometric solution assumed circular orbit (e = omega = 0)   HIP1997d
05590+1321 HJ 3280     Probably J  1916.                                                       Nsn2016 
05590-1729 LDS 150     LDS5193.                                                                .       
05590-7040 OGL 457     LMC199.8.4949  + LMC199.8.4969                                          Pli2012 
05592+7749 MLR 470     Also known as HDS 811.                                                  .       
05594-0642 HDS 826     YSC 187.                                                                .       
05595+5853 ES 9002     Previously known as ES   66a.                                           .       
05595+5417 ENG  24     33 Aur = del Aur                                                        .       
05595+4457 H 6  88     AB: bet Aur = 34 Aur = Menkalinan.  H VI 88. An Algol-type system,      .       
                       P = 3.96d. According to R.G. Aitken, this is the third binary           A__1935f
                       recognized by spectroscopic methods. It was identified as such by Miss  .       
                       Maury at the Harvard College Observatory in early 1890.                 .       
           KOE   1     Aa,Ab: Visual orbit by Hummel et al. (1995) based on astrometry from    MkT1995 
                       Mark III interferometer. Additional spectroscopic data yield component  .       
                       masses, luminosities, radii, effective temperatures, and distance.      .       
                       Pourbaix gives combined solution for this resolved SB2, yielding        .       
                       orbital parallaxes and component masses.                                Pbx2000b
                       Hipparcos astrometric solution adopted some elements from the orbit of  HIP1997d
                       Hummel et al. (1995).                                                   MkT1995 
                       Aa,Ab: Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and          .       
                       spectroscopic masses 4.70 +/- 9.41, 3.85, and 2.19 Msun, respectively.  Mlk2012 
05595+1522 HEI 112     BC: AB is 34 deg at 49", J 2735 is not AB and not in BD according to    .       
                       Heintz.                                                                 Hei1983a
05596+1130 BPM 244     [PM2000]  367567 + [PM2000]  367897.                                    Gvr2010 
05597+3713 STT 545     37 Aur = the Aur = Mahasim. A is a variable of the Alpha CVn type.      .       
                       AC: Optical pair, based on study of relative motion of the components   .       
                       using the method of apparent motion parameters.                         Kiy2008 
                       AC: H 5  89.  AD: H 6  34.                                              MEv2010 
                       AC: Rectilinear solution by Hurowitz et al. (2013).                     USN2013a
05599+5834 GIC  61     G192-011/G192-012 = GJ 3371A+3372B. The A component is the variable     .       
                       star EG Cam.                                                            .       
05599+1234 BPM 245     [PM2000]  368722 + [PM2000]  369058.                                    Gvr2010 
05599-3703 B  1044     HIP 28403.                                                              Tok2011a
06001+3756 BRT2212     ALI 558.                                                                .       
06001+1648 BPM 246     [PM2000]  369652 + [PM2000]  369271.                                    Gvr2010 
06002-1231 LDS3686     NLTT 15922/15921                                                        Chm2004 
06003+4436 BU 1055     Composite spectrum; K2III+K0III.                                        .       
           H 5  91     AC: H V 91. Incorrected identified as H 6  91 in BDS.  Error noted by   Bu_1906 
                       MacEvoy (2010).                                                         MEv2010 
06003-3102 HJ 3823     AB,C triple solution by Soderhjelm (1992), who notes the Hipparcos      Sod1999 
                       data are unuseable. Speckle observations needed to strengthen orbit.    .       
           TOK   9     CE: As suggested by Tokovinin et al. and after consultation with the    Tok2005 
                       author, the measure of Prieto was moved from AB to CE, as AB was        Pri1997a
                       unresolved at the time of the observation. This measure of CE predates  .       
                       the discovery by eight years.                                           .       
                       AC. 1997.0952: In this multiple system, our observation failed to       .       
                       detect the closer pair HU 1399 AB, where the secondary has magnitude    .       
                       9.2 and approximate separation 0".5.                                    Hor1997 
                       Tokovinin (2005) notes that a 1996 measure of the AB pair by Prieto     Tok2005 
                       (1997) may actually have been of CE, as AB was unresolvable at this     Pri1997a
                       epoch (250deg, 0".09).                                                  .       
06004-4401 JNN  46     The two components resolved by AstraLux have nearly equal brightnesses  .       
                       and colors. Hence, this counts as an unconfirmed binary, since the      .       
                       system has only been observed in one epoch so far.                      Jnn2012 
06004-6822 OGL 458     LMC204.5.13    + LMC204.5.31                                            Pli2012 
06005+3519 EVS  49     CO Aur                                                                  .       
06007+6809 LDS1201     NLTT 15858/15857                                                        Chm2004 
06007-1838 FEN   5     Aka J  3229.                                                            .       
06008-6937 OGL 459     LMC198.4.3862  + LMC198.4.4499                                          Pli2012 
06010+2734 SMK   1     Aa,Ab: Resolved by two occultation events at favorable aspects.         Smk1989 
06011+2320 H 4  48     H IV 48.                                                                .       
06014-0745 A   663     Aka OL  166.                                                            .       
06015+2308 SKF1612     RW Gem.                                                                 .       
06016-7228 OGL 460     LMC202.8.4625  + LMC202.8.4814                                          Pli2012 
06017+2224 CHR 161     Listed by Appleby (1980 JBAA, 139, 1139) as having anomalous behavior.  McA1993 
06018+1618 BPM 247     [PM2000]  376705 + [PM2000]  376243.                                    Gvr2010 
06018-1036 BU   16     3 Mon. A is a spectroscopic binary.                                     .       
06018-4110 HJ 3827     CPD-41@872.                                                             .       
06020+1358 BPM 248     [PM2000]  377571 + [PM2000]  377156.                                    Gvr2010 
06022-4401 TOK 104     HIP 28604. The B-companion could be a close binary (PSF fit).           .       
                       NOMAD: PM(B)=(+2,+10), V=14.30.                                         Tok2011a
06023-7157 OGL 461     LMC202.5.4896  + LMC202.5.5006  + LMC202.5.5007                         Pli2012 
06024+0939 A  2715     mu Ori = 61 Ori. Alden (1942) orbit is visual. P, T, e in Osvald's      Ald1942 
                       (1964) astrometric orbit are taken from a revised visual orbit by       Osv1964 
                       Alden (cf Osvald's paper); the revised a = 0.254". The different types  .       
                       of orbits cause the longitude of the node to be in opposite quadrants.  .       
                       Star A is an Alpha CVn variable and SB1, P = 4.45 d; star B is SB2,     .       
                       P = 4.78 d (F. Fekel 1980).                                             Fek1980b
                       See discussion by Morgan et al. (1978).                                 BLM1978 
                       See Baize & Petit (1989) catalog of doubles with variable component.    Baz1989d
                       Only elements P and T have been amended by Starikova (1977) from the    Sta1977a
                       orbit of Alden (1942).                                                  Ald1942 
                       Combined spectroscopic/astrometric solution by Fekel et al. (2002) for  Fek2002 
                       the wide pair of this quadruple system, plus spectroscopic orbits for   .       
                       both short-period pairs. The solution includes mass and distance        .       
                       determinations.                                                         .       
           mu Ori      Muterspaugh et al. (2008) combine PHASES astrometry with speckle and    Mut2008 
                       radial velocity data to derive an orbit for the AB pair of this         .       
                       quadruple system, as well as the Aa,Ab and Ba,Bb subsystems. Listed     .       
                       solution assumes L_Aa > L_Ab and L_Ba > L_Bb; other assumptions result  .       
                       in some changes of angular elements.  The parallax of the system is     .       
                       determined at 21.69 +/- 0.13 mas (distance 46.11 +/- 0.28 pc), with     .       
                       semimajor axes for AB; Aa,Ab; and Ba,Bb of 12.620 +/- 0.057, 0.07659    .       
                       +/- 0.00058, and 0.07780 +/- 0.00036 au, respectively. Other derived    .       
                       quantities for the four components are as follows:                      .       
                              Star     Mass (Msun)        M_K (mag)                            .       
                               Aa    2.38  +/- 0.11     1.03 +/- 0.26                          .       
                               Ab    0.652 +/- 0.097   >4.58                                   .       
                               Ba    1.389 +/- 0.019    1.72 +/- 0.26                          .       
                               Bb    1.356 +/- 0.019    2.02 +/- 0.26                          .       
06024-6902 OGL 462     LMC205.5.171   + LMC205.5.477                                           Pli2012 
06026+0014 J  1362     BAL 988.                                                                .       
                       J  2589.                                                                J__1962a
06026-0028 BAL 678     RST 4794.                                                               .       
06029+2553 A   120     Change doubtful.                                                        B__1963b
06030+0945 MLL  10     Probably identical with ADS 4627, J 1323.                               .       
06031+1248 BRT1193     B component spectral type F9V                                           AbH2000 
06032+5813 A  1315     A premature orbit has been computed.                                    .       
06032+3743 BRT2213     ALI 559.                                                                .       
06032+1922 LDS6195     See Allen et al. (2000) for information on metallicity, age, galactic   AlC2000 
                       orbital parameters, etc.                                                .       
                       AB: NLTT 15973/15974                                                    Chm2004 
                       HIP 28671. Close triple.                                                Tok2011a
06033-7045 OGL 463     LMC200.4.3454  + LMC200.4.3453                                          Pli2012 
06033-7122 OGL 464     LMC201.4.30    + LMC201.4.134                                           Pli2012 
06034+2738 STF 830     Neither AB or BC are physically associated.                             Kiy2015c
06034+1156 BPM 249     [PM2000]  382594 + [PM2000]  382195.                                    Gvr2010 
06035+1941 MCA  24     64 Ori. A spectroscopic binary and occultation triple, with the wider   .       
                       pair, presumably, now resolved. Fekel & Scarfe report periods of        .       
                       14.57d and 13.03y.                                                      Fek1986 
                       Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and spectroscopic   .       
                       masses of 8.90 +/- 3.35, 7.95, and 3.31 Msun, respectively.             Mlk2012 
06036+0419 STF 837     Identical with STF 833. BAL2649.                                        .       
06037+2741 HJ 5467     Doubtful this system is physically bound, since relative and proper     .       
                       motions are of the same order.                                          Kiy2012 
06038+1816 STF 835     Same as HDS 824.                                                        .       
06038-7055 OGL 465     LMC200.3.3701  + LMC200.3.3806                                          Pli2012 
06039-7047 OGL 466     LMC200.4.3466  + LMC200.4.3890                                          Pli2012 
06040+3138 A   214     AC: SEI 455.                                                            Nsn2017b
06040+2734 HAU  17     Optical pair, since relative motion is equal to the difference in       .       
                       proper motions of the components within the errors.                     Kiy2012 
06041+2316 KUI  23     1 Gem. Primary 9.6d SB1 (#377 in Batten et al., 1989), secondary spec   Bte1989 
                       type K1III (Strassmeier & Fekel 1990), and reported to be an            Fek1990 
                       occultation binary. Mass sum close to expected.                         .       
                       Evidently both visual components are giants with one, probably the      .       
                       later type component, double once more.                                 .       
                       Identification of the ascending node of the visual pair in the third    .       
                       quadrant is confused by the submotion and therefore not entirely        .       
                       certain.                                                                .       
06041-7155 OGL 467     LMC202.4.13    + LMC202.4.72                                            Pli2012 
06042-0643 CIA  55     V696 Mon.                                                               .       
06042-4109 HJ 3831     AC: Rectilinear solution by Hurowitz et al. (2013).                     USN2013a
06043-7021 OGL 468     LMC207.6.75    + LMC207.6.284                                           Pli2012 
06044+1731 BPM 250     [PM2000]  386053 + [PM2000]  386110.                                    Gvr2010 
06045+5134 STT 128     Possibly variable.                                                      .       
06045+4416 LEP  22     AB: HJL1044.                                                            HJL1986 
                       AB: A has planet 263d, 3.3 Mjup.                                        Tok2014d
           MUG  11     BC: Second-epoch observation of BC indicates the C component is         .       
                       co-moving; hence HD 40979 is a triple-star system, with the exoplanet   .       
                       host star being the primary. Assuming a system age of 1 Gyr, I-band     .       
                       magnitudes yield masses 0.833 +/- 0.011 and 0.380 +/- 0.025 Msun for    .       
                       B and C. Spectral types are estimated at K3 and M3, respectively.       Mug2007b
                       BC: NLTT 15983, X-ray source.  Detection limits for BC (Mugrauer et     .       
                       al. 2007) show BC is CPM.  Mugrauer measure I(B)=7.98, I(C)=11.3,       Mug2007b
                       estimate masses 0.83 and 0.38 for B,C.                                  Tok2014d
06046+3014 STF 834     B is BD+30@1097.                                                        .       
06046-6921 OGL 469     LMC205.2.218   + LMC205.2.553                                           Pli2012 
06047-4505 HJ 3834     HIP 28790. E is HIP 28764.                                              .       
                       AE: SHY 183. Bayesian analysis by Shaya & Olling (2011) indicates very  Shy2011 
                       high (near 100%) probability pair is physical.                          .       
06048-4828 DUN  23     See Baize & Petit (1989) catalog of doubles with variable component.    Baz1989d
                       A is V575 Pup, var. RS CVn type, X-ray source, young, possible SB. B    .       
                       suspected binary (0.035") in 2008 at SOAR, but not confirmed by         .       
                       further speckle data.  Castor moving group?                             Tok2014d
                       A is a close 2.5-d spectroscopic pair.                                  Tok2019a
06049-0521 BNW   4     Incorrectly identified as H 5 14 in BDS. Error noted by MacEvoy (2010). MEv2010 
06049-3434 BWL  20     AB: Deep AO imaging by Quantz et al. (2012 ApJ 754, 127) did not        .       
                       reveal any planetary companions down to dL'~11 at 0".5, corresponding   .       
                       to planetary masses near 1 Mjup. HiCIAO observations by Bowler et al.   .       
                       (2015) reached a sensitivity of dH=13.5 at 1" and identified a wide     .       
                       candidate companion at 7".1. Folowup astrometry at Keck showed it to    .       
                       be a background star. Primary is AP Col.                                Bwl2015 
06050+0410 66 Ori      Ren & Fu (2013) calculated an astrometric orbit, combining Hipparcos    Ren2013 
                       Intermediate Astrometric Data with spectroscopic elements by            .       
                       Griffin (2006).                                                         Grf2006 
06052-1419 STF 843     Position corrected.                                                     .       
06053+7400 STT 121     Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and spectroscopic   .       
                       masses of 2.15 +/- 1.21, 2.78, and 1.10 Msun, respectively.             Mlk2012 
06053-7056 OGL 470     LMC208.6.10    + LMC208.6.33                                            Pli2012 
06054+2459 BRT3266     Originally published as BRT 139.                                        Brt1928 
06054-6829 OGL 471     LMC204.4.7103  + LMC204.4.7242                                          Pli2012 
06055+1448 BPMA 23     [PM2000]  389828 + [PM2000]  390203.                                    Gvr2010 
06057-0637 BRT 375     Not found by Heintz at IDS position.                                    Hei1990b
06058+1237 BPM 251     [PM2000]  390772 + [PM2000]  390804.                                    Gvr2010 
06059+4815 ES 1234     The primary is a double-lined spectroscopic binary.                     .       
06061+3523 ENG  25     B is BD+35@1335.                                                        .       
                       Optical pair, based on study of relative motion of the components       .       
                       using the method of apparent motion parameters.                         Kiy2008 
06062+0629 STF 841     Rectilinear solution by Hartkopf & Mason (2015).                        WSI2015 
06063-2754 SKF 425     This star is likely a binary companion to the nearby K1-type star       .       
                       HD 41842 at 20" separation, as noted in the WDS.                        Jnn2012 
06064-1951 LDS3691     NLTT 16076/16077                                                        Chm2004 
06066+2620 EVS   4     Classical Cepheid AA Gem.                                               .       
06066+1310 BPMA 24     [PM2000]  393185 + [PM2000]  392334.                                    Gvr2010 
06066+0431 VBS  12     The primary is Ross 413.                                                .       
                       G106-025. See Allen et al. (2000) for information on metallicity,       AlC2000 
                       age, galactic orbital parameters, etc.                                  .       
06067+3611 ALI 317     No star seen at AC catalog location of the purported secondary          .       
                       - probably a plate flaw.                                                .       
06067-6933 OGL 472     LMC206.4.145   + LMC206.4.751                                           Pli2012 
06073-7242 OGL 473     LMC211.6.39    + LMC203.3.4778                                          Pli2012 
06074-0400 STF 850     Aka BRT 562.                                                            .       
06075-2244 DON1065     CD-22@2776.                                                             .       
06075-7033 OGL 474     LMC207.2.28    + LMC207.2.540                                           Pli2012 
06077-6925 OGL 475     LMC212.8.17    + LMC212.8.18                                            Pli2012 
06078-0623 PBS   4     The AD and AF pairs were erroneously given the discoverer designation,  .       
                       already assigned to another system.                                     .       
06079-4209 FIN  70     pi 2 Col. Position angle uncertain. Many attempts, but few              .       
                       successful observations. Needs speckle.                                 .       
06079-6937 OGL 476     LMC206.4.4928  + LMC206.4.4929                                          Pli2012 
06081-2525 B    99     Last position angle uncertain. Not resolved by Finsen in 1960-62.       .       
                       Motion retrograde.                                                      .       
06083+1400 STF 844     B is BD+14@1161.                                                        .       
           ARN  64     AC: C component = U component of 06085+1358.                            .       
06084+1141 BPM 252     [PM2000]  399162 + [PM2000]  399489.                                    Gvr2010 
06085+1358 STF 848     There has been considerable confusion in component identification for   .       
                       this complicated multiple. Components K, J, M, O, and Q were actually   .       
                       H, G, F, I, and J, respectively; pairs labelled PR, PS, PT, and PU      .       
                       were actually JR, RS, ST, and SU, respectively. Three CE measures       .       
                       actually were of JI, while one other was of DH. It is believed (but     .       
                       not guaranteed!) that components are now identified consistently.       .       
                       BD: Hipparcos suspected non-single.                                     .       
                       AB: H 1  57.                                                            MEv2010 
           JRN  23     SU: U component = C component of 06083+1400.                            .       
06086+0722 STF 852     BD+07@1145a.                                                            .       
06087+1724 STF 849     STF 828.                                                                .       
06089+2138 ALV   4     AFGL 5180 IRS 1. Near center of CO outflow; extensive nebulosity.       Alv2004 
06090+0230 STF 855     B is BD+02@1140.  Same as STF 858.                                      .       
06091+3116 HJ  379     SEI 456.                                                                Nsn2017b
06092+6424 MLB 259     Rectilinear solution by Pavlovic et al. (2013).                         Pal2013 
06093+2839 A   121     164" in 247@ from BD+28@1026.                                           .       
06093+2424 COU  85     Aka STJ  45. The COU pair was earlier and incorrectly associated with   .       
                       06093+2426 = STT 134.                                                   .       
06093-3550 WHH   1     Member of AB Dor group. Wahhaj et al. (2011) conclude the AB pair is    .       
                       physical, while the faint C component is a background object. The       .       
                       spectral type of B is L4 +/- 1, masses of A and B 0.4 +/- 0.05 Msun     .       
                       and 31 +/- 8 Mjup.                                                      Whh2011 
06095+2246 OL  206     BRT2344.                                                                .       
06095+1400 BPM 253     [PM2000]  402672 + [PM2000]  402676.                                    Gvr2010 
06096+0540 STF 859     B is BD+05@1116. Same as STF 863.                                       .       
                       AB: Optical pair, based on study of relative motion of the components   .       
                       using the method of apparent motion parameters.                         Kiy2008 
06097+4308 WEB   5     B is BD+43@1465.                                                        .       
06097+2307 BU 1241     3 Gem. B is variable.                                                   .       
06097-7046 OGL 477     LMC208.4.80    + LMC208.4.91                                            Pli2012 
06098+4632 BRT  92     The pair ES 1323 (= ADS 4740) is identical                              Hei1980a
06098-2246 RST3442     Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and spectroscopic   .       
                       masses of 3.13 +/- 0.32, 2.92, and 1.17 Msun, respectively.             Mlk2012 
06098-7130 OGL 478     LMC209.6.4465  + LMC209.6.4729                                          Pli2012 
06100+1431 BPM 254     [PM2000]  404386 + [PM2000]  404061.                                    Gvr2010 
06100-0420 A  3021     Evidently, the same as J  2015.                                         .       
06102+2423 POU1086     Aka POU1096.                                                            Bko2010b
06102-7057 OGL 479     LMC208.3.194   + LMC208.3.192                                           Pli2012 
06102-7445 EGN   5     Pair bound. B component is likely an M3.5-M6.5 dwarf with mass          .       
                       0.14 +/- 0.01 Msun.                                                     Egn2007 
                       Jones et al. (2002): no detection of SB                                 CPS2002b
06103+1554 H 6 114     H VI 114.                                                               .       
06104+2234 LAW  14     LSPM J0610+2234 = NLTT 16144. Law et al (2008) derive a distance of     Law2008 
                       17.0 +7.5/-2.9 pc and a projected separation of 4.6 +2.1/-0.8 au.       .       
                       Estimated spectral types are M5 and secondary later than M6.            .       
06104+1034 BRT3374     Unnumbered pair, following BRT1195 in Barton's list.                    Brt1935a
06105+2421 POU1098     AB: Aka POU1106.                                                        Bko2010b
           POU1099     AC: Aka POU1107.                                                        Bko2010b
06105+2300 BU 1058     4 Gem.                                                                  .       
06106-2152 NAJ   1     Secondary is brown dwarf.                                               .       
                       Pair is comprised of an M1 dwarf and a T dwarf.                         Kir1999 
06106-4701 GRV1250     Both A and B have approximately the same radial velocity.               Grv2019b
06107+3057 COU1102     KLT   2. KELT-2. Primary hosts a transiting hot Jupiter, P=4.11d.       .       
                       Beatty et al. (2012) determine the primary is a slightly evolved F7     .       
                       dwarf, the secondary a K2V. Masses are 1.314 +0.063/-0.060 and ~0.78    .       
                       Msun, radii 1.836 +0.066/-0.046 and ~0.70 Rsun. The orbital period is   .       
                       estimated at ~3500y.                                                    KLT2012 
06107-0951 STF 869     B is BD-09@1351, and is reported to be a variable of unknown type.      .       
06109+2037 J  1922     STF 864.                                                                .       
06109+1020 KAM   1     Ross 79.                                                                .       
                       Reported double by van de Kamp (1950 AJ 55, 160). Spectral type is      .       
                       given as M4 by Kuiper (1940 ApJ 92, 126). Pair difficult to measure     .       
                       with 12inch; delta m estimated at 3 mags. Motion questionable.          Wor1956b
06109+0621 J  2738     V2783 Ori. Primary is eclipsing binary of Algol-type, period 4.21618d.  Zas2014 
06109-0722 GCB  15     Listed in IDS at +07 degrees rather than -07, so not found by Heintz.   Hei1995 
                       Moved to correct location.                                                      
06111+1544 BPM 255     [PM2000]  408406 + [PM2000]  408514.                                    Gvr2010 
06111-5817 FIN  96     AO Pic, Algol-type eclipsing binary, P = 2.23415 d.                     Zas2011 
06113-0038 LDS6196     ALC   5. Incorrectly listed as 06113+0038.                              .       
06113-7302 SKF1074     OGL 480. LMC211.8.3926  + LMC211.1.10                                   Pli2012 
06115+5702 ARG  13     B is BD+57@944.                                                         .       
                       Additional notes may be found in Fox (1946).                            Fox1946 
06115-7049 OGL 481     LMC208.4.5070  + LMC208.4.5091                                          Pli2012 
06115-7214 JNN  48     Since the separation between the components of this system is very      .       
                       small (~0.16"), it is almost certainly a physical binary, although      .       
                       common proper motion has yet to be demonstrated.                        Jnn2012 
06116+4843 STF 845     41 Aur.                                                                 .       
                       H 3  82.                                                                MEv2010 
06116+2329 POU1127     Aka POU1136.                                                            .       
06116+0146 J  1924     BAL 1304.                                                               .       
06116-0410 GNO   3     Gellino et al. (2014) derive spectral types for this brown dwarf pair   .       
                       of L9 and T1.5; masses are 64.8 +/- 0.4 and 52.1 +/- 12.0 Mjup, and     .       
                       effective temperatures are 1300 +/- 26 and 1096 +/- 20K. Approximates   .       
                       ages for the two components are 1.5-4.0 and 1.0-2.0 Gyr.                Gno2014 
06116-7031 OGL 482     LMC214.7.10    + LMC214.7.67                                            Pli2012 
06117-0440 AC    3     A variable, V638 Mon.                                                   .       
06117-6909 OGL 483     LMC212.3.57    + LMC212.3.58                                            Pli2012 
06118-2030 RSS 102     CPD-20@1192                                                             .       
06118-6927 OGL 484     LMC212.1.8     + LMC212.1.31                                            Pli2012 
06119+1413 J  2016     xi Ori = 70 Ori. A is a spectroscopic binary, P = 45.1d.                .       
06120+1947 CHR 163     68 Ori. B is BD+19@1252.                                                .       
           H 6  72     H VI 72.                                                                .       
06122+0640 J  1925     Aka J  1927.                                                            .       
06122-3036 HUE   1     At an assumed distance of 31 +/- 6 pc, the projected separation is      .       
                       11 +/- 2 au. Spectral types are estimated as T5-7 for both components;  .       
                       estimated masses of each component are ~30Mjup (for an age of 1Gyr) or  .       
                       ~60Mjup (for an age of 5Gyr).                                           Hue2015 
06122-6532 DUN  26     B is CPD-65@566.                                                        .       
                       SHY 496. Bayesian analysis by Shaya & Olling (2011) indicates very      Shy2011 
                       high (near 100%) probability pair is physical.                          .       
           TOK 106     HIP 29444. B is HIP 29439.                                              .       
06123-7031 OGL 485     LMC214.7.4713  + LMC214.7.4718                                          Pli2012 
06124+2359 J  1102     Found to be single in 1958 and 1960 by Couteau. Probable positional     Cou1958c
                       error.                                                                  Cou1961a
06128-7023 OGL 486     LMC214.6.4957  + LMC214.6.5063                                          Pli2012 
06129+1759 SH 2-255    IRS 1 and IRS 3 are both in a cluster of IR sources.                    Alv2004 
06130-2203 BRT 304     CD-22@2857.                                                             .       
06131+4431 BRT 113     Single, distant companion.                                              Brt1938 
06132-2742 TSN   2     May be physically associated with the Brown Dwarf 2MASS                 TSN2014b
                       J06085283-2753583 separated by 3529" @ 78.0 degrees.                    .       
06134+0556 J   969     PAN   5.                                                                .       
06134-7017 OGL 487     LMC214.5.3916  + LMC214.5.4537                                          Pli2012 
06136+1505 BPM 256     [PM2000]  418424 + [PM2000]  418656.                                    Gvr2010 
06136-1527 GAL 396     Object #220 in Gallo's original list.                                   Gal1914 
06137-0019 BAL 686     HJL  75.                                                                HJL1986 
06137-2815 JNN  49     This binary consists of two components with almost equal brightnesses   .       
                       and colors. Although common proper motion has not yet been              .       
                       demonstrated, it thus counts as binary in the statistical analysis.     Jnn2012 
06138+3509 GCB  16     ALI  85.                                                                .       
06138-2352 JNN  50     The close binary pair resolved by AstraLux is likely itself a wide      .       
                       companion to the nearby G5-type star HD 43162 at 25" separation, as     .       
                       noted in the WDS. Hence the system is likely triple, although common    .       
                       proper motion has not yet been deomnstrated.                            Jnn2012 
06139-3030 HJ 3840     SWR   9.                                                                .       
06140+3726 BRT2214     ALI 563 is identical                                                    Hei1983a
06141+2359 STTA 70     Also known as FRK   5. B is BD+23@1258.                                 .       
06141+2129 BRT2347     J 2591.                                                                 .       
06141+0149 J  1821     RST 5222. BAL 1307.                                                     .       
06142+1124 BPM 257     [PM2000]  421303 + [PM2000]  421205.                                    Gvr2010 
06142-1436 LDS 847     NLTT 16269/16270                                                        Chm2004 
06142-7213 OGL 488     LMC210.2.3931  + LMC210.2.4978                                          Pli2012 
06143+1430 S   509     B is BD+14@1210.                                                        .       
06144+0052 BAL 992     J  1931.                                                                .       
06145+3824 AG  108     ALI 817.                                                                .       
06145+1754 KUI  24     A spectroscopic binary.                                                 .       
                       Additional notes may be found in Couteau (1955).                        Cou1955c
06145+1148 STTA 71     B is BD+11@1075.                                                        .       
06145-4521 CPO 133     B is CD-45@2390.                                                        .       
06146+0051 BAL 993     J  1932.                                                                .       
06147+1435 STF 877     B is a spectroscopic binary.                                            .       
06147+0714 J  1933     BRT2115. The 1901 Barton and Jonckheere measures were both generated    Brt1938 
                       from probably spurious data in the Astrographic Catalog.                J__1962a
06147-0427 A   505     Aitken's estimate of companion magnitude is of course much too faint.   B__1963b
06148+1909 HJ 2302     71 Ori.                                                                 .       
                       AB: Optical pair, based on study of relative motion of the components   .       
                       using the method of apparent motion parameters.                         Kiy2008 
06148+1232 BPM 258     [PM2000]  423906 + [PM2000]  424046.                                    Gvr2010 
06148-7020 OGL 489     LMC214.3.122   + LMC214.3.950                                           Pli2012 
06149+2230 BU 1008     eta Gem = 7 Gem = Propus. The primary is a semiregular variable,        .       
                       occultation binary, and SB1, P = 8.17 yr.                               MLa1944 
                       See Baize & Petit (1989) catalog of doubles with variable component.    Baz1989d
                       Mk III Limb-darkened diameter 11.789 +/- 0.118 mas.                     MkT2003 
                       Rectilinear solution by Scardia et al. (2018).                          Sca2018b
06149-0617 HJ  384     gam Mon = 5 Mon                                                         .       
                       NPOI Limb-darkened diameter  3.097 +/- 0.034 mas, Sp = K1III,           NOI2018 
                       R = 50.82 +/- 1.58 \rsun, Teff = 4810 +/- 66 K, L = 1247 +/- 96  \lsun, .       
                       M = 4.19 +/- 0.14 \msun, Age = 0.17 +/- 0.02 Gyr.                       .       
06150-7025 OGL 490     LMC214.3.59    + LMC214.3.277                                           Pli2012 
06150-7236 OGL 491     LMC211.4.3772  + LMC211.4.3798                                          Pli2012 
06151+1355 BPM 259     [PM2000]  425229 + [PM2000]  425385.                                    Gvr2010 
06152-7028 OGL 492     LMC214.2.11    + LMC214.2.253                                           Pli2012 
06154+1856 VAS   7     VSK   1.                                                                .       
06154+1614 BPM 260     [PM2000]  426446 + [PM2000]  426575.                                    Gvr2010 