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USNO Double Star Catalogs: Notes                                                                       
00000-1930 LTT 9831    Hipparcos astrometric solution assumed circular orbit (e = omega = 0)   HIP1997d
00002+0146 WEI  45     HWE 64 is certainly identical with Weisse 45 = ADS 17156. Howe misread  .       
                       the sign of the declination. This was already stated in Cin. Pub v 6,   .       
                       nos 748 and 749, and the mean of the two measures is given in the mean  .       
                       results, assigned to Weisse 45. Nevertheless the pair was given         .       
                       separately in the BDS and 12692 and taken over as ADS 17168. ADS 17156  .       
                       is misidentified. It is BD+00 5079 (9.1), 9.5, G0, with the position    .       
                       for 1900 (1950) as 23 55.1 (57.6) +01 13 (30).                          B__1950c
00003+1642 HJ  318     A component is PPM 116047. In Tycho catalog magnitude of A is 9.46; in  .       
                       Guide Star Catalogue B is GSC 1178 1031 with magnitude 12.77. Spectral  .       
                       types are K for A component, G5-K0 for B component. Annual proper       .       
                       motion for B: AR= -0.013" and DEC=-0.0005"                              FMR1999c
00006-5238 FIN 294     Spectrum: K1/2III+A/F.                                                  .       
00008+0630 GWP   2     XMI 101.                                                                Tob2012b
00011+6935 STTA253     B is BD+68 1417.                                                        .       
00011-2326 LDS2070     B is CD-24 17944.                                                       .       
00012-0005 TOK 359     Long-period SB.                                                         Tok2013b
00012-0312 LDS9082     Old LDS6082.                                                            .       
00013+6021 STTA254     A is the semiregular variable WZ Cas.                                   .       
00013+0742 DU    4     HJL 325.                                                                HJL1986 
00013-7012 GLI 290     B is CPD-70 3035.                                                       .       
00014+3937 HLD  60     See Baize & Petit (1989) catalog of doubles with variable component.    Baz1989d
                       Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and spectroscopic   .       
                       masses of 1.67 +/- 0.29, 1.79, and 1.65 Msun, respectively.             Mlk2012 
00016+6437 MLR  79     Misidentified by Muller as BD +63 2093.                                 .       
00016+3714 ES 2444     Aka ALI 472.                                                            .       
00018-0322 LDS9083     Old LDS6083.                                                            .       
00018-2548 B   630     Measures uncertain, too close.                                          .       
                       G266-029. Not resolved in our images                                    Oso2004 
                       HIP 146. See Allen et al. (2000) for information on metallicity,        AlC2000 
                       age, galactic orbital parameters, etc.                                  .       
00019-0952 LDS5157     NLTT 58812/58813                                                        Chm2004 
00020+4530 J   864     BRT 1164.                                                               .       
                       -22s and +2.4' from BD+44 4541.                                         J__1955 
                       AC: CPM pair.                                                           J__1955 
00022+5958 BU 1337     STI 1256.                                                               .       
00022+2705 BU  733     85 Peg. Spectral types and masses of primary and secondary assigned by  .       
                       ten Brummelaar et al., based on adaptive optics observations.           TtB2000 
                       AB: Additional notes may be found in Baize (1945).                      Baz1945b
                       AB: Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and             .       
                       spectroscopic masses 1.49 +/- 0.81, 1.58, and 1.56 Msun, respectively.  Mlk2012 
                       Soderhjelm notes poor Hipparcos solution.                               Sod1999 
                       A third star has been detected by infrared speckle interferometry.      Mcy1983 
                       HIP 171. See Allen et al. (2000) for information on metallicity,        AlC2000 
                       age, galactic orbital parameters, etc.                                  .       
                       AC and AD: Optical pairs, based on study of relative motion of the      .       
                       components using the method of apparent motion parameters.              Kiy2008 
                       AC and AD: Additional notes may be found in Burnham (1894).             Bu_1894 
                       AD: Rectilinear solution by Friedman et al. (2011).                     USN2011a
00023+1609 BPM   1     [PM2000]    1692 + [PM2000]    1685.                                    Gvr2010 
00023+0732 LDS9084     Old LDS6084.                                                            .       
00023-2943 B   631     zet Scl. The companion is very faint and not accurately measured. A     .       
                       is a spectroscopic binary.                                              .       
00024+1429 GWP   4     XMI 102.                                                                Tob2012b
00024+1047 BGH   1     AB,C: HJL 326.                                                          HJL1986 
                       AB,C: SHY 377. Bayesian analysis by Shaya & Olling (2011) indicates     Shy2011 
                       very high (near 100%) probability pair is physical.                     .       
00025-0826 LDS5255     NLTT 2/3                                                                Chm2004 
00026+6606 STF3053     B is BD+65@1988.                                                        .       
00026+1841 SHY 378     AB: HIP    201 + HIP    206.                                            .       
00028+1647 BPM   2     [PM2000]    2010 + [PM2000]    1993.                                    Gvr2010 
00028+0208 HJ  998     AC: Optical pair, based on study of relative motion of the components   .       
                       using the method of apparent motion parameters.                         Kiy2008 
                       AC: Rectilinear solution by Friedman et al. (2012).                     USN2012a
00031+0816 STF3054     B component is eclipsing binary of Algol-type, period 2.2604 d.         Zas2012 
00032+4508 HJ 1927     Unless the separation has decreased greatly, the measures given in the  .       
                       ADS would seme to refer to the nearby pair ADS 108.                     B__1963b
00032+3315 ES 2400     Pair long unconfirmed due to 1m error in published epoch-1900           .       
                       coordinates (thanks to Rafael Caballero, private communication)         .       
00034+1839 GWP   6     XMI 103.                                                                Tob2012b
00034-2430 LDS2076     NLTT 53/54                                                              Chm2004 
00037+1851 GWP   7     XMI 104.                                                                Tob2012b
00037+1134 BPM   3     [PM2000]    2710 + [PM2000]    2680.                                    Gvr2010 
00037-2824 CRZ   1     BDK   1. G 266-33 + 2MASS J00034227-2822410. Distance 39.5 +1.8/-1.6    .       
                       pc for primary, 26 +/- 3 pc for secondary. Estimated age of system      .       
                       0.9-1.4 Gyr. Mass of secondary estimated at 0.100-0.103 Msun.           Fah2010 
00038-1317 XMI   1     Rectilinear solution by Hurowitz et al. (2013).                         USN2013a
00042+6217 H 5  79     9 Cas.                                                                  .       
00042-1008 LDS3116     NLTT 86/84                                                              Chm2004 
00044+5804 OSO   1     G217-030. No common proper motion pairs, based on comparison with       .       
                       POSS2 red plates                                                        Oso2004 
00045+0045 GWP  10     XMI 106.                                                                Tob2012b
00045+1851 GWP   9     XMI 105.                                                                Tob2012b
00046+4206 CHR 122     B is a spectroscopic binary. Hence the system is quadruple.             .       
00046-4044 GKI   2     Ba,Bb. GJ 1001BC = LHS 102BC. Spectral types L4.5 and L4.5              Red2006b
00046-7745 LDS 832     Aka TVB  18.                                                            .       
00047+3416 STF3056     AB is an orbit pair, and D is an unresolved spectroscopic pair (P=68d)  Tok2019b
                       so this is a 2+2 hierarchical multiple. C is optical.                   .       
00049+5832 STF3057     Called a two-spectrum SB in the Bright Star Catalog Supplement.         .       
                       H 1  39.                                                                MEv2010 
00049-1320 GAL 295     Object #1 in Gallo's original list.                                     Gal1912a
00050+0835 GWP  11     XMI 107.                                                                Tob2012b
00051+6323 HJ 1933     STI 1265.                                                               .       
00052+4514 ES 9001     Previously known as ES 1293a.                                           .       
           BU 9001     Previously known as BU  997a.                                           .       
00053-0542 33 Psc      Hipparcos astrometric solution adopted some elements from the orbit of  HIP1997d
                       Harper (1926).                                                          Hrp1926 
00054+1620 STTA255     B is BD+15@4934.                                                        .       
00054-2559 LDS3119     NLTT 158/159                                                            Chm2004 
00055+3406 HU 1201     A possible close approach about 1980.                                   .       
                       AB: Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and             .       
                       spectroscopic masses 1.09 +/- 0.63, 2.52, and 1.10 Msun, respectively.  Mlk2012 
00056-0141 LDS3012     NLTT 176/175                                                            Chm2004 
00057+4549 STT 547     Premature orbits have been computed. Motion direct.                     .       
                       Both A and B have variable RV (ranges 45 and 25 km/s, respectively).    .       
                       Another star (9.9, 330") has common proper motion.                      .       
                       AB: Bolometric corrections and component masses determined from         .       
                       M-L relation. A family of possible orbits were determined by Kiyaeva    Kiy2001 
                       (2001) for the F component relative to AB pair (Note: only the          .       
                       shortest-period solution is presented in orbit catalog.)                .       
                       AB: NLTT 172/173                                                        Chm2004 
                       AD and AE: Optical pairs, based on study of relative motion of the      .       
                       components using the method of apparent motion parameters.              Kiy2008 
                       AF: HIP    473 + HIP    428.                                            .       
                       AC and AD: Rectilinear solution by Pavlovic et al. (2013).              Pal2013 
00057+4549 POP 217     AP: Rectilinear solution by Cvetkovic (2011).                           Cve2011d
00057+0626 BFR   1     NLTT 182 + 2MASS J00054171+0626300. Baron et al. (2015) estimate        .       
                       spectral types M4.5 +/- 0.5 and L0 +/- 1, distances 62 +38/-23 and      .       
                       69 +5/-22 pc, masses 0.157-0.181 and 0.079-0.085 Msun.                  BFr2015 
00059+1805 STF3060     AC: Optical pair, based on study of relative motion of the components   .       
                       using the method of apparent motion parameters.                         Kiy2008 
                       Aka J  3330.                                                            .       
           HD    108   Hutchings (1975 ApJ 200, 122) presented a preliminary orbit with a      .       
                       period of 4.6d, but subsequent  work has cast doubt on the reality of   .       
                       the orbit (Underhill 1994 ApJ 420, 869).                                Msn1998a
           LEP   1     AD: HJL1001.                                                            HJL1986 
                       AD: SHY 112. Bayesian analysis by Shaya & Olling (2011) indicates very  Shy2011 
                       high (near 100%) probability pair is physical.                          .       
                       AD: the visual binary at 573" is co-moving, same parallax. The D        .       
                       component is ~1.3m below the main sequence in the (K, V-K) color-       .       
                       magnitude diagram.                                                      Tok2012a
00063+5826 STF3062     One component, designated V640                                          .       
                       Cas, is variable, probably due to partial eclipses. P = 1.08 d.         .       
                       See Baize & Petit (1989) catalog of doubles with variable component.    Baz1989d
                       Secondary is SB, P=47.685d                                              Tok2014d
00063-4905 HDO 180     A is a spectroscopic binary.                                            .       
                       Primary is planet host star, P=339d. B comp is LHS 1021. Pair bound.    .       
                       Photometry suggests companion K8.5-M1.5 with mass 0.59 +/- 0.02 Msun.   Egn2007 
00064+4501 UC  320     Aka BVD 170.                                                            Skf2013 
00066+2901 STT 549     AB: Optical pair, based on study of relative motion of the components   .       
                       using the method of apparent motion parameters.                         Kiy2008 
           ENG   1     A,CD: Optical pair, based on study of relative motion of the            .       
                       components using the method of apparent motion parameters.              Kiy2008 
           LAF   1     CHARA Array Limb-darkened diameter of A :                               CIA2013c
                       R =  0.9172 +/- 0.0090 \rsun, L =   0.6078 +/-0.0090 \lsun,             .       
                       Teff = 5327 +/-  39 K, M = 0.889 \msun, Age = 9.6 Gyr.                  .       
           BU 1338     CD: J 866.                                                              .       
00066+1554 GWP  12     XMI 108.                                                                Tob2012b
                       Aka GRV1158 with quadrant flip.                                         .       
00067-0706 JNN  11     Estimated age 1000-10000 Myr; masses 0.35 +/- 0.09 and 0.21 +/- 0.05    .       
                       Msun; a ~5.6 au.                                                        Jnn2014 
00068-2106 RSS  41     CPD-21@1                                                                .       
00068-0853 BUG  15     Burgasser et al. (2012) determine that the pair comprised of LP 704-48  .       
                       and SDSS J000649.16-085246.3 share cpm, at a projected separation of    .       
                       820 +/- 120 au, based on a derived distance 30 +/- 3pc. Spectral type   .       
                       of the primary is M7. From near-IR spectroscopy they determine the      .       
                       secondary is SB, orbital period 147.6 +/- 1.5d, e = 0.10 +/- 0.07;      .       
                       spectral types of Ba and Bb are M8.5 +/- 0.5 and T5 +/- 1. Estimated    .       
                       ages of A and B are >8 and >3-4 Gyr; masses 0.092 Msun for A,           .       
                       0.082-0.083 and 0.049-0.064 Msun for the M8.5 and T5 stars.             Bug2012 
                       NLTT 251 + 2MASS J00064916-0852457. Baron et al. (2015) estimate        .       
                       spectral types M6.0 +/- 0.5 and M9.0 +/- 0.5, distances 25 +7/-11 and   .       
                       37 +5/-11 pc, masses 0.102-0.133 and 0.079-0.085 Msun.                  BFr2015 
00070+0303 GWP  14     XMI 109.                                                                Tob2012b
00071+6309 MLR 105     No significant movement since first resolution.                         Drd2009 
00073+2058 HDS  12     Rectilinear solution by Hartkopf & Mason (2013).                        Hrt2013b
00074-2936 LDS2088     NLTT 296/295                                                            Chm2004 
00076+4009 STF3064     Taken to be the same as H 4  69 (= H IV 69). With error of 1deg in      .       
                       declination it would be the same as STF 3064 rej.                       .       
                       BDS 8.                                                                  .       
                       Optical pair, based on study of relative motion of the components       .       
                       using the method of apparent motion parameters.                         Kiy2008 
                       Rectilinear solution by Hurowitz et al. (2013).                         USN2013a
00076-2718 LDS2089     NLTT 307/308                                                            Chm2004 
00077+6022 JNN 247     G 217-32. Estimated age 35-300 Myr; masses 0.17 +/- 0.07 and 0.12 +/-   .       
                       0.06 Msun; a ~9.8 au.                                                   Jnn2014 
00078+5723 HJ 3241     HJ 1935.                                                                .       
00079+0317 J   301     BAL 1606.                                                               .       
00079-2727 LDS   5     Also known as CHM   1. WDS designation in error, apparently due to      .       
                       confusion between CD-28 11 and CPD-28 11.                               .       
00079-3005 LDS2092     NLTT 319/320                                                            Chm2004 
00080+3123 STTA256     B is BD+30@3.                                                           .       
00081+3240 HJ  610     SEI   2.                                                                Nsn2017a
00082+6217 HJ 1936     Optical pair, since relative motion reflects the proper motion of       .       
                       component A relative to B to high accuracy.                             Kiy2012 
00082+5933 STI   8     AB: 00083+5934SMA   3                                                   .       
00082+0937 LDS9085     Old LDS6085.                                                            .       
00083+1329 GWP  17     XMI 110.                                                                Tob2012b
00084+2905 H 5  32     21 And = alp And = Alpheratz                                            .       
                       AB: H V 32. STFB 15. A is spectroscopic binary, P = 96.7d.              .       
                       AB: Optical pair, based on study of relative motion of the              .       
                       components using the method of apparent motion parameters.              Kiy2008 
           MKT  11     Aa,Ab: Separations and magnitude differences derived by model fitting   .       
                       to calibrated squared visibilities, using measurements with the Mark    .       
                       III interferometer. Spectroscopic and photometric data are combined     .       
                       with astrometry from the Mark III interferometer to derive orbital      .       
                       elements for the SB1 by Pan et al.                                      MkT1992a
                       Pourbaix gives combined solution for this resolved SB2, yielding        .       
                       orbital parallaxes and component masses.                                Pbx2000b
                       Hipparcos astrometric solution adopted some elements from the orbit of  HIP1997d
                       Pan et al. (1992).                                                      MkT1992a
                       Aa,Ab: Orbit determined by fitting revised Hipparcos intermediate       .       
                       astrometric data. Derived component masses are 4.05 +/- 0.50 and        .       
                       1.71 +/- 0.20 Msun.                                                     Ren2010 
                       Aa,Ab: Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and          .       
                       spectroscopic masses 5.19 +/- 0.18, 4.10, and 3.09 Msun, respectively.  Mlk2012 
                       Aa,Ab: Docobo et al. (2014) use the spectroscopic elements of Pourbaix  .       
                       (2000), together with speckle data and the Hipparcos parallax, to       Pbx2000b
                       derive the remaining orbital elements. The resulting masses are         .       
                       3.84 +/- 0.29 and 1.63 +/- 0.26 Msun.                                   Doc2014h
00085+3456 HDS  17     Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and spectroscopic   .       
                       masses of 2.78 +/- 0.89, 2.67, and 1.10 Msun, respectively.             Mlk2012 
                       A(B) Teff = 6100+/-50(5940+/-50) K, R = 1.93+/-0.20(1.83+/-0.20) \rsun, AlW2014b
                       L = 4.63+/-0.80(3.74+/-0.70) \lsun, M = 1.35(1.25) \msun.               .       
                       Sp = F8.5IV(G0IV).                                                      .       
00085-7134 HLN  18     Also known as TDS1309.                                                  .       
00085-0419 GWP  19     AB and BC were originally listed as the triple 00086-0418; now are      .       
                       merged with GWP 18 at the correct WDS designation.                      .       
00087+5006 ES  443     Identical to ES 744.                                                    .       
00088+8647 NLTT 324    Ren & Fu (2013) calculated an astrometric orbit, combining Hipparcos    .       
                       Intermediate Astrometric Data with spectroscopic elements by Latham     .       
                       et al. (2002). They derived component masses 1.06 and 0.59 Msun and an  Lat2002 
                       estimated semimajor axis of 7.00 mas.                                   Ren2013 
00088+0801 HDO   2     Optical pair, based on study of relative motion of the components       .       
                       using the method of apparent motion parameters.                         Kiy2008 
                       Rectilinear solution by Friedman et al. (2012).                         USN2012a
00089+3257 SEI   1     Neither component seen on POSS plate; may be flaws on AC Potsdam plate  .       
00089+2050 BEU   1     GJ 3010. Estimated age 30-300 Myr; masses 0.20 +/- 0.09 and 0.11 +/-    .       
                       0.06 Msun; a ~2.0 au.                                                   Jnn2014 
00090+2738 GIC   1     AB = G130-046/G130-045.                                                 .       
00090-5400 HDO 181     Spectroscopic binary.                                                   .       
                       Quoted errors in P and a are +116/-40y, +0".20/-0".06, respectively.    Ary2002b
00092+5909 AGC  15     bet Cas = 11 Cas = Caph                                                 .       
                       The primary is a Delta Scuti-type variable.                             .       
                       Spectroscopic binary, P = 27 d.                                         .       
                       AB: Optical pair, based on study of relative motion of the components   .       
                       using the method of apparent motion parameters.                         Kiy2008 
                       NPOI Limb-darkened diameter 2.103 +/- 0.015 mas, Sp = F2III,            NOI2018 
                       R = 3.79 +/- 0.04 \rsun, Teff = 6739 +/- 88 K, L = 26.8 +/- 1.4 \lsun,  .       
                       M = 2.02 +/- 0.03 \msun, Age = 1.00 +/- 0.05 Gyr.                       .       
00092-3035 LDS2093     NLTT 410/401                                                            Chm2004 
00093+7943 STF   2     Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and spectroscopic   .       
                       masses of 3.97 +/- 2.24, 3.22, and 2.02 Msun, respectively.             Mlk2012 
00093+5324 FYM   4     The EF pair reported by Fay (2013) is not seen in Aladin; probably an   FyM2013d
                       erroneous identification of their CG pair.                              .       
           BVD  11     CD: Originally listed as separate pair (00096+5325), aka FYM 4CD.       .       
00093+2517 GIC   2     LDS 859 = G130-048/G130-047.                                            .       
                       HIP 754. See Allen et al. (2000) for information on metallicity,        AlC2000 
                       age, galactic orbital parameters, etc.                                  .       
                       A companion is a close astrometric binary.                              HIP1997d
                       AB: Primary is SB2, P=463.250d                                          Tok2014d
                       Spectroscopic orbit P=463.44d and radial velocity of B consistent       Grf2015b
                       with physicality.                                                       .       
00094+6357 BUP   1     V641 Cas, a VV Cep-type system.                                         .       
00094+4819 LDS3128     NLTT 412/405                                                            Chm2004 
00094+1415 CHE   1     Due to poor published coordinates, identification with the coordinates  .       
                       in the WDS is uncertain. Chevalier's measure does not agree well with   Che1910 
                       others for this pair.                                                   Hrt2012b
00094-2759 BU  391     kap 1 Scl                                                               .       
00096+3826 PTT   1     This appears to be the same as ALI 473. PTT position 00 10.0 +38 23.    .       
00096+0148 GWP  22     XMI 113.                                                                Tob2012b
00096+1047 GWP  21     XMI 112.                                                                Tob2012b
00096+1052 GWP  20     XMI 111.                                                                Tob2012b
00097+3107 GIC   3     G130-050/G130-049.                                                      .       
                       NLTT 433/431                                                            Chm2004 
00100+4623 STF   3     A small star in field: 1831.33 133.0@ 4.57"; Possibly an illusion.      Bu_1906 
                       H 2  83.                                                                MEv2010 
                       Primary is V342 And, an Algol-type eclipsing binary, P = 2.63934d.      Zas2012 
00100+1109 STF   5     34 Psc.                                                                 .       
00101+5847 STI1287     SMA.                                                                    .       
                       Daley (Dal2002c) finds a large B-V for the secondary of 1.52.           .       
00101+3825 HDS  23     Da,Db: Cvetkovic et al. (2014) derive spectral types K3 and  K4,        .       
                       masses 0.79 and 0.72 Msun. Dynamical parallax is 11.42 +/- 0.70 mas.    Cve2014 
00103+7231 HJ 1941     See note to 00138+7233BUP   2.                                          .       
00104+5831 BU  253     Ba,Bb: Rectilinear solution by Rica & Zirm (2012).                      FMR2012i
00104+4952 ES 2576     B is BD+49@17.                                                          .       
00105+1716 ALP   1     2MASSI J0010325+171549                                                  .       
                       Physical companionship to this ultracool dwarf ruled out based on I-J   .       
                       color, using I-band photometry taken at WIYN in August 2002.            AlP2007 
00106-7313 I    43     There is a long gap (1931-1977) in the observations.                    .       
00107+5453 WOR  37     SX Cas, an eclipsing and spectroscopic binary, P = 36.6d.               .       
                       Spectral types A6shell and K3III.                                       .       
00108+5846 BU  485     Ca,Cb: Rectilinear solution by Rica & Zirm (2012).                      FMR2012i
00108-5729 HJ 3350     Primary is BL Phe, a Beta Lyr type eclipsing binary, P = 0.81035d.      Zas2012 
00109+4807 LEP   2     NI    1.                                                                .       
00109+1705 GWP  24     XMI 114.                                                                Tob2012b
00110+0058 SKF1821     Initial WDS designation (00110+0913) garbled - dec portion copied from  .       
00111+5755 HJ 1003     STI 1291.                                                               .       
00112+4933 ES 2577     B is BD+48@28.                                                          .       
00113+1435 LDS1072     NLTT 521/522                                                            Chm2004 
00113+0625 GWP  27     XMI 115.                                                                Tob2012b
00113-2045 LDS   1     G266-060. See Allen et al. (2000) for information on metallicity,       AlC2000 
                       age, galactic orbital parameters, etc.                                  .       
                       NLTT 525/526                                                            Chm2004 
00114+5850 SKW   1     Aa,Ab. Primary of the Herbig Ae/Be pair LkHa 198. A family of possible  SKW2005 
                       orbits are calculated, based on various choices for initial parameters  .       
                       (luminosities, component masses, etc.). Neither a" nor T0 was           .       
                       provided. a" was calculated from other published parameters and T0 was  .       
                       determined by trial and error with comparison to their Figure 3.        .       
00116-0305 STF   8     H 2  55.                                                                MEv2010 
00116-2748 LDS2099     kap 2 Scl                                                               .       
00117+0323 FMR  29     aka UC  332.                                                            .       
00121+5337 BU 1026     AB: Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and             .       
                       spectroscopic masses 6.13 +/- 1.26, 3.41, and 3.01 Msun, respectively.  Mlk2012 
           CHR   1     AC: Rapid motion, particularly in separation.                           .       
00121+3327 GII  13     Aka ITF  31.                                                            .       
00122+4647 A   802     Not seen 1950-1976. Possibly a whole revolution.                        .       
00125+1434 LN Peg      Hipparcos astrometric solution assumed circular orbit (e = omega = 0)   HIP1997d
00126+2143 LDS 861     NLTT 589/592                                                            Chm2004 
00126+1118 BPM   4     [PM2000]    8713 + [PM2000]    8668.                                    Gvr2010 
00130+0257 A  2001     Apparent motion in a highly-inclined orbit.                             .       
00132+1511 BUP   3     gam Peg = 88 Peg = Algenib                                              .       
                       Beta CMa variable and spectroscopic binary.                             .       
00132+0536 PLQ   3     Possibly same star as HDO   5 (Doolittle).                              .       
00132-1711 HJ 1944     B is BD-17@16.                                                          .       
00133+6919 KUI   1     AB: Nechville 6.                                                        .       
           JNN 248     BC: GJ 11 B. Estimated age 1000-10000 Myr; masses 0.38 +/- 0.10 and     .       
                       0.26 +/- 0.06 Msun; a ~17.2 au.                                         Jnn2014 
00134+3859 BRT2196     ALI 718, J 2709.                                                        .       
00134+3801 ES 2445     ALI 474.                                                                .       
00134+2659 STT   2     Hipparcos parallax of 0".00808 yields a mass sum of 1.9 Msun,           .       
                       slightly underestimated for a double star of spectral type F8V.         .       
                       Dynamic parallax is 0".0053, considerably different from the            .       
                       measured one.                                                           Sca2000b
                       AB: Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and             .       
                       spectroscopic masses 3.36 +/- 1.29, 4.23, and 1.10 Msun, respectively.  Mlk2012 
                       Star C (mag. 10.37, 18") is physical, according to Le Beau.             LBu1990c
00135-0009 HJ  618     BAL 641 = LDS   4.                                                      .       
00136+1356 LDS1073     LDS6086 = LDS9086.                                                      .       
00137+7702 MLR 283     Aka TDS1350.                                                            .       
00137+4934 STF   9     B is BD+48@42.                                                          .       
00137+1537 BPM   5     [PM2000]    9457 + [PM2000]    9535.                                    Gvr2010 
00138+7233 BUP   2     Misinterpretation of a note in Bu_1913 resulted in these three BUP      .       
                       components being associated with 00103+7231HJ 1941, when all three      .       
                       were actually measured relative to a planetary nebula (NGC 40) about    .       
                       3m following the HJ pair. Since one BUP component was also the primary  .       
                       of the MLR 282 triple system, the BUP component designations were       .       
                       changed to become part of the MLR multiple. The planetary nebula is     .       
                       now the D component in this system.                                     .       
00138+3612 BU 1341     AC: This is a measure of A and BD+35@27.                                .       
00138+0812 TOK 360     Likely triple system.                                                   Tok2013b
                       Primary is unresolved Hipparcos acceleration solution (G-code) binary.  Tok2014d
00138-7442 HJ 3353     Optical pair, based on study of relative motion of the components       .       
                       using the method of apparent motion parameters.                         Kiy2008 
                       Rectilinear solution by Hurowitz et al. (2013).                         USN2013a
00139+6323 BU 1309     AB: The star is 63@703-62@1909 in Vat. Astrog. Cat. (Van Biesbroeck).   VBs1954 
                       AD: D is 63@656-62@1910.                                                .       
00139+1518 LDS1074     NLTT 667/666                                                            Chm2004 
00139-0429 LDS9087     Old LDS6087.                                                            .       
00140+2837 BRT 117     MLB 554.                                                                .       
00140-1815 BFR   2     NLTT 687 + 2MASS J00135882-1816462. Baron et al. (2015) estimate        .       
                       spectral types M3.0 +/- 0.5 and L1.0 +/- 0.5, distances 42 +26/-16 and  .       
                       83 +7/-27 pc, masses 0.389-0.412 and 0.072-0.078 Msun.                  BFr2015 
00141+7601 STTA  1     B is BD+75@5.                                                           .       
00141+3957 ES 2544     ALI 1008.                                                               .       
00142-0712 MSH   1     Meshkat et al (2015) resolved a faint companion to HD 984. They derive  .       
                       a system age in the range 30-200 Myr. Teff for the primary is 6315 +/-  .       
                       89K; temperature for the secondary is 2777 +127/-130K or 2900 +/- 200K, .       
                       depending on adopted scale and synthetic spectra. Spectral types are    .       
                       F7V and M6.0 +/- 0.5. Primary mass is 1.20 +/- 0.06 Msun; secondary     .       
                       mass estimates range from 74 - 90 Mjup, depending on adopted models.    Msh2015 
00143-0535 OSO   2     G031-036. Not a common proper motion pair, based on comparison with     .       
                       POSS2 red plates                                                        Oso2004 
00144+3609 LDS3140     NLTT 703/704                                                            Chm2004 
00144+1643 BPM   6     [PM2000]    9941 + [PM2000]    9955.                                    Gvr2010 
00144-1424 GAL 296     Object #7 in Gallo's original list.                                     Gal1912a
00145-0747 BU  486     Irregular variable, AD Cet.                                             .       
00148-2859 RSS   1     This previously uncataloged double star was a Hipparcos double entry    .       
                       system.  The first measure is determined from the individual positions  .       
                       listed by Rousseau et al.                                               Rss1996 
00150+0849 STF  12     35 Psc. A is an Algol-type system, UU Psc, P = 0.84d. Also known as     .       
                       CHE   2.                                                                .       
                       HJL   2.                                                                HJL1986 
                       H 3  62.                                                                MEv2010 
00150-7251 BRG   1     The AstraLux PSF was strongly asymmetric for this target, hence in      .       
                       addition to the usual PSF fitting, we also performed a customized       .       
                       aperture photometry scheme in order to ensure that the PSF fitting did  .       
                       not provide a biased result (see paper for details). We adopt the       .       
                       aperture photometry values for the differential photometry, and let     .       
                       the errors be represented by the scatter between PSF fitting results    .       
                       and the aperture photometry. Note that the photometry values presented  Brg2010 
                       here should replace those in Bergfors et al. (2010).                    Jnn2012 
00152+5947 FYM 153     Purported AJ pair removed on request of author.                         FyM2014b
00152+3642 LDS3144     pa error = 359 deg.                                                     RAO2020b
00152+2722 J   868     Rectilinear solution by Rica (2014).                                    FMR2014f
                       Due to the very different parallax in Gaia DR2 for the two components   Cve2019b
                       the orbital solution of Novakovic (2007) is no longer plausible and the Nov2007b
                       linear solution is preferred. The orbit solution is retained in ORB6.   .       
00152+2717 KUI   2     A is a spectroscopic binary.                                            .       
00152+2722 J   868     Despite having an orbit, this pair determined to be optical.            FMR2014d
00152+2454 GIC   4     G130-059/G130-060.                                                      .       
00153+5304 GIC   5     G217-041/G217-040.                                                      .       
                       NLTT 739/738                                                            Chm2004 
00153+4412 A  1256     AB: Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and             .       
                       spectroscopic masses 6.79 +/- 3.58, 5.77, and 2.82 Msun, respectively.  Mlk2012 
                       Primary is the Algol-type eclipsing binary V348 And.                    Zas2009 
                       The A component is a close 27.7-d eclipsing pair, so the pair is at     Zas2019b
                       least triple. Based on proper motion C and D are likely optical.        .       
00153+1630 BPM   7     [PM2000]   10539 + [PM2000]   10566.                                    Gvr2010 
00153+0936 GWP  30     XMI 116.                                                                Tob2012b
00153-4006 WG    2     B is CPD-40@14.                                                         .       
00154-1134 GAL 297     00153-1133SLE 251. Object #9 in Gallo's original list.                  Gal1912a
00155-1608 HEI 299     L722-22. Astrometric binary now resolved.                               .       
                       Too poor astrometric orbit (Innes 1998) and too few resolved            Inn1988 
                       observations (cf. Heintz 1990) to give definite orbit. Present          Hei1990a
                       solution at least preferable to `X' HIP solution.                       .       
                       Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and spectroscopic   .       
                       masses of 0.17 +/- 0.02, 0.39, and 0.50 Msun, respectively.             Mlk2012 
00157+3516 ALP   2     2MASSW J0015447+351603                                                  .       
                       Physical companionship to this ultracool dwarf ruled out based on I-J   .       
                       color, using I-band photometry taken at WIYN in August 2002.            AlP2007 
00159-0853 SHY 381     HIP   1266 + HIP    118.                                                .       
00160+0415 NLS   1     Nielsen et al. (2012) discovered two low-mass companions to the young   .       
                       A0V star HD 1160. The B component is thought to be a brown dwarf,       .       
                       mass 33 +12/-9 Mjup. The C component is of spectral type M3.5 +/- 0.5,  .       
                       with estimated mass 0.22 +0.03/-0.04 Msun. The age of the system is     .       
                       roughly 50 +50/-40 Myr.                                                 Nls2012 
00161+0902 GWP  32     XMI 117.                                                                Tob2012b
00162+7657 STF  13     A premature orbit has been calculated.                                  .       
00162+1903 J   217     Measures scattered.                                                     .       
                       Additional notes may be found in Couteau (1952) and                     Cou1952a
                       Van Biesbroeck (1954).                                                  VBs1954 
00162-7951 GJ 3021     Combined solution, based on reduction of Hipparcos intermediate         .       
                       astrometric data together with spectroscopic elements from the Geneva   .       
                       Extrasolar Planet Search Programs home page.                            HaI2001 
           CVN  14     Companion is a probable mid-M dwarf.                                    Cvn2006 
                       Spectral type of B component M4V +/- 1.                                 Cvn2007 
                       A second candidate companion at 39" is noted in UCAC2 as having much    .       
                       different proper motion, so has been ruled out as a companion. The      .       
                       measured proper motion of the companion between the two SofI observing  .       
                       epochs is (+368 +/- 68 mas, -48 +/- 68 mas). IR spectroscopy suggests   .       
                       a spectral type of M4-M5V for the B component.                          Mug2007b
                       Co-moving with HIP 107705 at 3.5pc.                                     Shy2011 
00164+5722 TDS1375     Aa,Ab: formerly 00165+5722, WDS designation changed when merged with    .       
                       HJ 1011 into triple                                                     .       
00164+1950 LDS 863     AB: NLTT 803/804                                                        Chm2004 
00165-2805 LDS2107     NLTT 834/835                                                            Chm2004 
00167+3910 ES 1936     ALI 719.                                                                .       
00167+3638 STF  19     STT   3.                                                                .       
00167+3629 STT   4     Hipparcos parallax of 0".01115 yields a mass sum of 2.75 Msun           .       
                       with an uncertainty of 38% overestimated for a double star of           .       
                       spectral type G0. Dynamic parallax is 0".0108, agreeing well with       .       
                       the measured parallax.                                                  Sca2000b
                       Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and spectroscopic   .       
                       masses of 1.72 +/- 0.59, 2.35, and 1.05 Msun, respectively.             Mlk2012 
00169-5239 GC 333      Hipparcos astrometric solution adopted some elements from the orbit of  HIP1997d
                       Bopp et al. (1970).                                                     Evn1970 
00171+3841 CHR 123     theta And = 24 And                                                      .       
00171-1205 CBL 202     GWP  34.                                                                Tob2012b
00171-1406 GAL 298     Object #12 in Gallo's original list.                                    Gal1912a
00172-1921 LDS   9     B is BD-20@34.                                                          .       
00174+0853 A  1803     Too close 1932, 1946-47, 1965-72. Modern measures show a close          .       
                       approach about 1985. While both 18- and 36-year period orbits           .       
                       have been calculated for this pair, Griffin (Docobo, private            .       
                       communication) determined spectroscopically that the shorter-period     .       
                       high-eccentricity orbit is the correct one.                             .       
                       The measure reported for 1976.622 is spurious and has been deleted      .       
                       from the catalogs.                                                      McA1982b
                       Large and irregular residuals preclude the correction of an orbit.      Tok1985 
                       AB: Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and             .       
                       spectroscopic masses 0.02 +/- 0.02, 1.48, and 1.13 Msun, respectively.  Mlk2012 
           STF  22     AB,C: H 2  50.                                                          MEv2010 
00174+0221 STF  21     HJL   3.                                                                HJL1986 
00176+1300 HJ    3     HJL   4.                                                                HJL1986 
00176-1113 GAL 299     Object #13 in Gallo's original list.                                    Gal1912a
00177+5126 TRN   8     AO Cas.  Classification is from the UV tomographic analysis of          Bgn1991 
                       Bagnuolo & Gies (1991).                                                 Msn1998a
                       The image rotator was in an unknown state, so two possible theta        .       
                       values are listed for the 2001.7341 observation - one for zenith up     .       
                       and one for north up.                                                   Trn2008 
00178+1620 TOK 646     Primary is 39 Psc. B is likely physical, as it moves in the same        .       
                       direction as A in DSS2 image.                                           Tok2014d
00180+2057 LDS 864     NLTT 912/910                                                            Chm2004 
00180+0931 AG    1     HJL   5.                                                                HJL1986 
00182+7257 A   803     Quadrant uncertain.                                                     Wor1967b
00182+1209 GWP  38     XMI 118.                                                                Tob2012b
00183+1646 BPM   8     [PM2000]   12613 + [PM2000]   12602.                                    Gvr2010 
00184+4401 GRB  34     AB: Proper motion of A +2892 +412. Proper motion of B +2863 +336.       .       
                       Premature orbits have been calculated. RV of star A possibly variable.  .       
                       A component is eruptive variable GX And and B component is the          .       
                       eruptive variable GQ And and a SB.                                      .       
                       AB: NLTT 919/923                                                        Chm2004 
                       See Baize & Petit (1989) catalog of doubles with variable component.    Baz1989d
                       PTI Limb-darkened diameter = 1.014 +/- 0.05 mas,                        PTI2001 
                       R = 0.389 +/- 0.021 \rsun.                                              .       
                       VLTI Limb-darkened diameter  1.000 +/- 0.05 mas,                        LTI2003a
                       M = 0.414 +/- 0.021 \msun, R = 0.383 +/- 0.02  \rsun,                   .       
                       T = 3698 +/-  95 K.                                                     .       
                       CHARA Array Limb-darkened diameter of A : 0.988 +/- 0.016 mas           CIA2006 
                       R = 0.379 +/- 0.006 \rsun, Teff = 3730 +/-  49 K.                       .       
                       CHARA Array Limb-darkened diameter of A :                               CIA2012f
                       R =  0.3874 +/- 0.0023 \rsun, L =  0.02173 +/-0.00021 \lsun,            .       
                       Teff = 3563 +/-  11 K, M = 0.423 \msun.                                 .       
                       AC: Optical pair, based on study of relative motion of the components   .       
                       using the method of apparent motion parameters.                         Kiy2008 
00184+0344 HDO  12     AB: Appears to be same pair as HDO 13.                                  .       
00185-2757 HJ 1949     B is CD-28@75.                                                          .       
00187+4347 STT   5     26 And.                                                                 .       
00188+5923 HJ 1012     STI 1320.                                                               .       
00188-1217 GAL  15     Incorrectly entered in WDS as GAL   5.                                  .       
00188-1258 GIC   6     G158-057/G158-054.                                                      .       
00189+5923 HJ 1013     STI 1322.                                                               .       
00189-1135 GAL  16     Originally entered with incorrect RA, so also known as                  .       
                       10187-1239GAL 422                                                       .       
00190+4301 ES 1483     J 1359.                                                                 .       
00192+5942 KR    4     A is an irregular variable, V377 Cas.                                   .       
00192+4330 ES 1484     BRT 67. Djurkovic calls this ES 1484BC.                                 Dju1954c
00192+0827 GWP  39     XMI 119.                                                                Tob2012b
00194-0849 HJ 1953     iot Cet = 8 Cet.  Variable?                                             .       
                       NPOI Limb-darkened diameter  3.310 +/- 0.062 mas, Sp = K1III,           NOI2018 
                       R = 29.95+/- 0.725\rsun, Teff = 4645 +/- 73 K, L =376.8 +/-22.0 \lsun,  .       
                       M = 3.70 +/- 0.10 \msun, Age = 0.23 +/- 0.03 Gyr.                       .       
00196-2808 LDS  12     Proper motion -275 -1292.                                               .       
00197+6046 LDS9088     Old LDS6088.                                                            .       
00197+1951 GWP  40     XMI 120.                                                                Tob2012b
                       2MASS J00193931+1951050 and J00194303+1951117 are separated by only     .       
                       53", have very similar proper motions (e.g. Roser et al. 2010) and      XXX2010 
                       have similar estimated spectroscopic distances (23 and 21 pc,           .       
                       respectively) in Riaz et al. (2006), hence it is highly likely that     Ria2006 
                       they form a physical pair.                                              Jnn2012 
00197+0624 ZUC   5     Primary is white dwarf PG 0017+061 = PHL 790.                           Zuc1992 
00199+2633 CHE   4     Chevalier's measure was correct, but his published (dx,dy) predict      Che1908 
                       different (rho,theta) than published. This was apparently due to a      .       
                       typographic error in dy, which was printed as -0'.0317 rather than      .       
                       -0'.0617. There is also an apparent trigonometric error in his value    .       
                       for position angle. Chevalier gives a value for theta of 154.62 deg,    .       
                       but all later measures in the WDS give values of about 204.0 deg. It    .       
                       appears his value should be 360-154.62 = 205.38 deg instead.            Hrt2012b
00200+3814 S   384     AB: Optical pair, based on study of relative motion of the components   .       
                       using the method of apparent motion parameters.                         Kiy2008 
                       AB: H 5  85.                                                            MEv2010 
00201+4244 OSO   3     G171-050. AB is not a common proper motion pair, based on astrometry    .       
                       and color.                                                              Oso2004 
           LDS3151     AC: NLTT 1038/1036                                                      Chm2004 
00203-3246 B  1025     Considerable motion, but no measures for more than 30 years.            .       
00204+1757 OSO   4     G032-012. Not a common proper motion pair.                              Oso2004 
00206-2356 WSP  20     Planet-host star found to be close visual binary. Evans et al. (2016)   .       
                       find that the transiting hot Jupiter is probably orbiting the primary,  .       
                       and derive the following properties:                                    .       
                       A:      M = 1.089 +/- 0.047 Msun, R = 1.142 +/- 0.085 Rsun              .       
                       planet: M = 0.378 +/- 0.022 Mjup, R = 1.28  +/- 0.15  Rjup              EvD2016 
00206+1219 BU 1015     Hipparcos parallax of 0".00883 yields a mass sum of 2.87 Msun           .       
                       with an uncertainty of 75% slightly in excess for a binary of           .       
                       spectral type F5. The great uncertainty concerning the sum of           .       
                       masses is largely due to the consistent error in the measured           .       
                       parallax. The dynamical parallax is 0".0085, agreeing well with         .       
                       the observed parallax.                                                  Sca2000b
                       Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and spectroscopic   .       
                       masses of 2.44 +/- 1.04, 2.58, and 1.20 Msun, respectively.             Mlk2012 
00207+3159 CCA   1     WSP   1. WASP-1.  Duplicity discovered based on low-amplitude radial    .       
                       velocity variation. Spectral analysis plus transit light curves yields  .       
                       an orbital period of 2.520d. Given a spectral type for the primary of   .       
                       F7V, the planet has mass 0.80-0.98 +/- 0.11 Mjup and radius 1.33-2.53   .       
                       Rjup. Mass of the parent star is 1.06-1.39 Msun.                        CCA2007 
00207+0738 GWP  41     AB: XMI 121AB.                                                          Tob2012b
           GWP  42     AC: XMI 121AC.                                                          Tob2012b
00208+2737 CHE   7     MLB 674.  Also known as ROE 116.                                        .       
00210+6740 HJ 1018     STF 18.                                                                 Mlr1955c
00210+2647 CHE   9     Chevalier's measure was correct, but his published (dx,dy) predict      Che1908 
                       different (rho,theta) than published. This was apparently due to a      .       
                       typographic error in dx, which should be +0'.0708. Chevalier applied    .       
                       his declination offset from the plate center in the wrong direction,    .       
                       leading to an error of over 25' in the coordinates. The image for the   .       
                       pair at the corrected coordinates is elongated on the Aladin image;     .       
                       due to uncertain relative proper motion it's impossible to tell         .       
                       whether his rho and theta values are correct.                           Hrt2012b
00210-3219 BRT1578     A likely plate flaw.                                                    Grv2021b
00210-7429 OGL   1     SMC139.6.72    + SMC139.6.636                                           Pli2012 
00211+6443 TDS  13     According to Milburn this pair was originally "found by Aitken          Mlb1925 
                       (private letter) in looking for MLB 244". This note went unnoticed      A__1925D
                       until long after the Tycho designation had come into usage, however;    .       
                       although the historical measures have been added the original TDS       .       
                       designation has been retained.                                          .       
00212-4246 KO    1     A = LEHPM 494 (spec M6.0 +/0 1.0 V), B = DENIS-P J0021.0-4244 (spec     .       
                       M9.5 +/- 0.5 V). Data sources: UK Schmidt blue survey (1977.6), ESO     .       
                       Schmidt red (1984.8), DENIS I (1996.60), UK Schmidt red (1996.61), UK   .       
                       Schmidt near-IR (1999.6), 2MASS (1999.7). Mean separation (1974-1999)   .       
                       1.296 +/- 0.012 arcmin. The pair moved 5".7 over 22 years, 80 times     .       
                       the uncertainty in mean rho; concludes is CPM pair.                     Cab2007a
                       Additional 2003 measure from Spitzer Space Telescope.                   Cab2007b
00214+6700 STT   6     Orbit is very eccentric and very inclined. Scardia's geometrical        .       
                       elements do not differ much from those of Van Biesbroeck and Muller,    .       
                       but the orbit is more eccentric and has twice the period. An Hipparcos  .       
                       parallax of 0".00491 yields a mass sum of 6.6 Msun, overestimated for   .       
                       a binary system of spectral type B8.5V. The dynamical parallax is       .       
                       0".0054, in reasonable agreement with the measured one.                 Sca2000b
00214+2744 CHE  10     MLB 675.                                                                .       
00214-7355 OGL   2     SMC138.6.56    + SMC138.6.104                                           Pli2012 
00215-6744 HJ 3361     CD-68@10.                                                               .       
00215-7407 OGL   3     SMC138.8.18    + SMC138.6.78                                            Pli2012 
00216-7442 OGL   4     SMC139.8.20    + SMC139.8.81                                            Pli2012 
00217+1301 BPM   9     [PM2000]   14913 + [PM2000]   14833.                                    Gvr2010 
00218+6628 STT   7     CD: Previously listed incorrectly as AB,E, with quadrants flipped to    .       
                       275 deg.                                                                .       
00219+1706 BPM  10     [PM2000]   15011 + [PM2000]   15046.                                    Gvr2010 
00219-2300 HJ 1957     Designated as HJ 3429 in BDS.                                           Bu_1906 
00220+4913 BWL   3     AC and AD: Colors and/or astrometry are inconsistent with a late-type   .       
                       common proper motion companion based on visual inspection of the field  .       
                       from 2MASS, SDSS, DSS1, and/or DSS2. Primary is GJ 3030.                Bwl2015 
00220+4231 RAS  16     Poorly-studied silicon star with weak magnetic field.                   Ras2014 
00221+4822 J  9001     Was a measure of a new pair designated as J  2384.                      .       
00222-7439 OGL   5     SMC139.7.1570  + SMC139.7.1569                                          Pli2012 
00224+1329 STF  27     42 Psc.                                                                 .       
00225+4456 A   648     Measure very doubtful. Not seen double on two later nights.             B__1963b
00226+5033 KU   67     B is BD+49@62.                                                          .       
00226-3111 LDS  14     NLTT 1165/1164                                                          Chm2004 
00229+6214 ES  115     Primary is V745 Cas, a W UMa type eclipsing binary, P = 1.41057d.       Zas2012 
00229+5420 ES   42     ES 154.                                                                 .       
00229-1213 BUP   6     9 Cet.                                                                  .       
00230+6112 STI  43     HJ 1023.                                                                .       
00234+2624 CHE  17     AC: Chevalier's measure was correct, but his published (dx,dy) predict  Che1908 
                       different (rho,theta) than published. This was apparently due to a      .       
                       typographic error in dy, which should be -0'.2783.                      Hrt2012b
00234-0121 HJ 1961     J 1433.                                                                 .       
00235-0343 LDS3160     AB: NLTT 1213/1214                                                      Chm2004 
00236+0947 KUI   3     LDS3162                                                                 .       
00239+2930 STF  28     B is BD+28@55. The variable, double-lined spectroscopic binary          .       
                       BD+28@54 may belong to the system. This was previously reported as      .       
                       BD+28@49, but was corrected by Weis{2002, "F.G.W. Struve's              StF2002 
                       Double Stars (STF2000.0)"}                                              .       
                       SHY 383. Bayesian analysis by Shaya & Olling (2011) indicates very      Shy2011 
                       high (near 100%) probability pair is physical.                          .       
00240+3835 BUP   7     A is a Mira-type variable, R And.                                       .       
00240-0329 BU  488     Due to poor published coordinates, Chevalier's measure of this pair     Che1910 
                       was originally added to the WDS as a new discovery: 00245-0327 CHE 23   Hrt2012b
00240-7300 OGL   6     SMC136.8.38    + SMC136.8.178                                           Pli2012 
00241-7300 OGL   7     SMC136.8.41    + SMC136.8.408                                           Pli2012 
00242+1505 GWP  44     XMI 122.                                                                Tob2012b
00242-1305 VOU  83     Also single in 1958. Star confused with HU 4 (00246).                   VBs9999 
00242-7349 OGL   8     SMC138.6.4018  + SMC138.6.246                                           Pli2012 
00243+5201 HU  506     Aka V746 Cas.                                                           .       
                       A premature orbit has been computed.                                    .       
                       Single 1934, 1953. A is SB, P = 28d:.                                   .       
                       See Baize & Petit (1989) catalog of doubles with variable component.    Baz1989d
                       Additional notes may be found in van den Bos (1963).                    B__1963b
                       Also provide a solution to the usresolved ~25d companion.               Hmn2018 
00244+1322 BPM  11     [PM2000]   16681 + [PM2000]   16731.                                    Gvr2010 
00245-1217 GIC   7     LDS 3163 = G158-073/G158-074.                                           .       
                       NLTT 1262/1265                                                          Chm2004 
00247-2653 LEI   1     Paper includes orbit of BC pair and estimate of mass sum.               Lei2001a
                       HST WFPC2 photometry was also transformed to standard Johnson B and V   .       
                       and Cousins R and I filters, yielding the following magnitudes for the  .       
                       A, B, and C components:                                                 Lei2000 
                          ------ A -----  ------ B -----  ------ C -----  filt                 .       
                          17.17 +/- 0.05  20.57 +/- 0.07  21.48 +/- 0.11   B                   .       
                          15.35     0.04  18.68     0.06  19.07     0.07   V                   .       
                          13.63     0.04  16.30     0.05  16.65     0.05   R                   .       
                          11.66     0.04  14.01     0.05  14.43     0.05   I                   .       
                       Seifahrt et al. (2008) determine mass sum of BC pair to be 0.157 +/-    Sef2008 
                       0.009 Msun; mass of A 0.115 +/- 0.010 Msun. They find no sign of the    .       
                       fourth component reported by Henry et al. (1999).                       Hen1999 
                       Rajpurohit et al. (2012) derive Teff, log g, radius, luminosity, and    Raj2012 
                       spectral type for the components of LHS 1070 using various models.      .       
                       Mean values (assuming distance = 8.8pc) are:                            .       
                               Teff (K)   log g   radius (Rsun)   log(L/Lsun)   spec           .       
                           A:    2950      5.3       0.136           -2.92      M5.5           .       
                           B:    2400      5.5       0.102           -3.44      M9.5           .       
                           C:    2300      5.5       0.099           -3.55      L0             .       
                       Koehler et al. (2012) derive masses for the A, B, and C components of   .       
                       0.172+/-0.010, 0.077+/-0.005, and 0.071+/-0.004 Msun, respectively.     Koh2012 
                       VLTI Limb-darkened diameter  1.149 +/- 0.11 mas,                        LTI2003a
                       M = 0.631 +/- 0.031 \msun, R = 0.702 +/- 0.063 \rsun,                   .       
                       T = 3520 +/- 170 K.                                                     .       
00247-5359 HJ 3364     B is CPD-54@89.                                                         .       
                       Optical pair, based on study of relative motion of the components       .       
                       using the method of apparent motion parameters.                         Kiy2008 
                       Rectilinear solution by Friedman et al. (2012).                         USN2012a
00247-7240 OGL   9     SMC136.6.12    + SMC136.6.115                                           Pli2012 
00248+1925 BRT2296     J 2586.                                                                 .       
00249+1355 GWP  45     XMI 123. SLW  18.                                                       Tob2012b
00250+2726 CHE  24     There was a 1' error in Chevalier's determination of declination.       Che1908 
                       In addition, there was a trigonometric error in deriving theta; the     .       
                       correct value is 180deg - theta.                                        Hrt2012b
00250+0600 GWP  46     XMI 124.                                                                Tob2012b
00250-7244 OGL  10     SMC136.7.2977  + SMC136.7.2975                                          Pli2012 
00251+4803 CRZ   2     BDK   2. G 171-58 + 2MASS J00250365+4759191. Distance 42.2 +2.0/-1.8    .       
                       pc for primary, 31 +/- 6 pc for secondary. Estimated ages of            .       
                       components are discrepant: 1.8-3.5 Gyr for primary, versus 0.1-0.5 Gyr  .       
                       for secondary. The primary is a spectroscopic binary resolved by        Hip1997a
                       Hipparcos, the secondary a close (~10au) L4+L4 pair, resolved by Reid   Red2006b
                       (2006).                                                                 Fah2010 
           HDS  56     Aa,Ab: Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and          .       
                       spectroscopic masses 1.30 +/- 0.21, 1.85, and 1.10 Msun, respectively.  Mlk2012 
           RED  14     Ba,Bb: 2MASS J00250365+4759191. Spectral types L4 and L4                Red2006b
00251+1824 HJ  621     Rectilinear solution by Cvetkovic (2011).                               Cve2011c
00251-3646 BRG   2     Like BRG 1, this stellar binary also had an asymmetric PSF, and we      .       
                       therefore calculated the photometry in the same way as for that case.   .       
                       Note that the photometry values presented here should replace those in  Brg2010 
                       Bergfors et al. (2010).                                                 Jnn2012 
00251-7432 OGL  11     SMC139.2.27    + SMC139.3.744                                           Pli2012 
00253+3230 STF  29     SEI   4.                                                                Nsn2017a
00253-7446 OGL  12     SMC139.1.28    + SMC139.1.120                                           Pli2012 
00254+2036 A  2301     J 219.                                                                  .       
00254+0156 STT   8     44 Psc                                                                  .       
00254-7404 OGL  13     SMC138.2.19    + SMC138.7.4092                                          Pli2012 
00255-7334 OGL  14     SMC135.8.3096  + SMC135.8.3687                                          Pli2012 
00256+1536 LDS9089     Old LDS6089.                                                            .       
00256-1849 HJ 1964     SEE 8.                                                                  .       
00257-5050 HJ 3365     B is CD-51@102.                                                         .       
00259-0748 RIA   1     LHS 1074.                                                               .       
00260+0027 GRV 974     Aka SLW  21.                                                            .       
00260-0542 LDS3168     NLTT 1360/1359                                                          Chm2004 
00261-1037 GIC   8     LDS5273 = G158-077/G158-078.                                            .       
                       NLTT 1370/1374                                                          Chm2004 
00261-7057 OGL  15     SMC137.5.17    + SMC137.5.19                                            Pli2012 
00262-4217 alp Phe     Alden's astrometric solution uses values of P, T, e adopted from the    Ald1938a
                       spectroscopic orbit (Lunt 1924).                                        Lun1924b
00263-4218 CRU9004     alp Phe = Ankaa.                                                        .       
00266-1924 ARA 515     Aka ITF  33.                                                            .       
00267-7220 OGL  16     SMC140.1.3576  + SMC140.1.3730                                          Pli2012 
00268+0722 DOO  23     Doolittle calls this HDO 21, BDS 210. However, this seems to be a       Doo1915b
                       different pair.                                                         .       
00268-3220 LDS2121     LDS5274                                                                 .       
                       NLTT 1416/1412                                                          Chm2004 
00269-0531 SCJ   1     B is BD-06@72.                                                          .       
00269-7123 OGL  17     SMC137.8.790   + SMC137.8.846   + SMC137.8.1090                         Pli2012 
00269-8308 I   177     Spectrum of B is F.                                                     .       
00270+1705 BFR   3     HD 2292 + 2MASS J00265989+1704463. Baron et al. (2015) estimate         .       
                       spectral types G5 and M9 +/- 1, distances 42 +28/-14 and 65 +4/-20 pc,  .       
                       masses 1.05 -1.12 and 0.108-0.118 Msun.                                 BFr2015 
00270-7237 OGL  18     SMC136.3.1     + SMC136.6.2735                                          Pli2012 
00271-0628 LDS3169     NLTT 1426/1425                                                          Chm2004 
00272+4959 STF  30     B is BD+49@89.                                                          .       
00274+3054 HDS  62     Ren & Fu (2013) calculated an astrometric orbit, combining Hipparcos    Ren2013 
                       Intermediate Astrometric Data with spectroscopic elements by            .       
                       Griffin (1979).                                                         Grf1979c
00274+0124 GWP  51     XMI 125.                                                                Tob2012b
00276+5120 COU2252     Transcription error resulted in 10' error in WDS designation.           .       
                       00274+5130TDS1470                                                       .       
00276+1616 GWP  52     XMI 126.                                                                Tob2012b
00276-3157 I   438     BC: Rectilinear solution by Friedman et al. (2011).                     USN2011a
00276-7221 OGL  19     SMC140.1.4858  + SMC140.1.4878                                          Pli2012 
00277+0936 GIC   9     G001-005/G032-021.                                                      .       
00277-1625 YR    1     Ma,Mb = 1.362 +/- 0.033, 1.073 +/- 0.024 \msun.                         GmJ2022 
00277-7228 OGL  20     SMC136.4.4     + SMC136.4.17    + SMC136.4.36                           Pli2012 
00277-7300 OGL  21     SMC136.1.16    + SMC136.1.168                                           Pli2012 
00278+1803 BPM  12     [PM2000]   18879 + [PM2000]   18873.                                    Gvr2010 
00278-7251 OGL  22     SMC136.2.4     + SMC136.2.19    + SMC136.2.207                          Pli2012 
00279+2220 FRV   1     LP 345-25. Assuming a parallactic distance of 13.19 +/- 0.28 pc         .       
                       (Gatewood & Coban 2009), Konopacky et al. (2010) derive a system mass   Gat2009 
                       of 0.121 +/- 0.009 Msun.                                                Kon2010 
                       Dupuy et al. (2010) determine system mass 0.120 +0.008/-0.007 Msun;     .       
                       spectral types are  M7.5 +/- 1.0  and M8.0 +1.5/-1.0.                   LiM2010 
00280-2654 LDS2123     DEA  22.                                                                .       
00281-0001 HJ 1970     Designated as HJ 1972 in BDS.                                           Bu_1906 
00281-2512 B     5     AC = LDS2124                                                            .       
00281-7329 OGL  23     SMC135.1.4464  + SMC138.3.12                                            Pli2012 
00282-1030 GAL 300     Object #18 in Gallo's original list.                                    Gal1912a
00283+6344 HU 1007     A premature orbit has been calculated. Motion direct.                   B__1963b
00283+1131 BPM  13     [PM2000]   19197 + [PM2000]   19238.                                    Gvr2010 
00283-7339 OGL  24     SMC138.4.5573  + SMC138.4.5757                                          Pli2012 
00283-7427 OGL  25     SMC139.3.2443  + SMC139.3.2445                                          Pli2012 
00284-2020 B  1909     Difficult visual system, with two components remaining within 0".2      .       
                       of each other throughout the orbit.                                     .       
                       Two orbit solutions (van den Bos 1956, Soedehjelm 1999). High-          B__1956b
                       eccentricity, half-period solution fits equally well but gives          Sod1999 
                       too high mass-sum (with no third component allowed by q).               .       
                       1982.7657 autocorrelogram remeasured; new results listed in catalog.    McA1987b
                       Martin et al. (1998) derive component masses 1.563 +/- 0.177 and        .       
                       1.238 +/- 0.151 Msun.                                                   Mig1998 
                       Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and spectroscopic   .       
                       masses of 2.14 +/- 0.32, 2.15, and 1.05 Msun, respectively.             Mlk2012 
00287+5801 MLB 107     WDS changed from 00293+5800, BC pair merged with STI1355                .       
00287+1502 ALP   3     2MASSI J0028394+150141                                                  .       
                       Physical companionship to this ultracool dwarf ruled out based on I-J   .       
                       color, using I-band photometry taken at WIYN in August 2002.            AlP2007 
00288+5756 OSO   5     G217-052. No common proper motion pairs, based on comparison with       .       
                       POSS2 red plates.                                                       Oso2004 
00288+0251 HJ  623     C component is galaxy NGC 125.                                          .       
00289+5023 DAE   1     GJ 3036 = G172-001                                                      .       
                       Daemgen et al. derive a distance of 17.4 +/- 4.5 pc, a separation of    Dae2007 
                       7.4 +/- 2.2 au, and a predicted orbital period of 40 +19/-18 yr.        .       
                       Spectral types are M4.0 +/- 0.5 and M4.5 +/- 0.5; masses are 0.24       .       
                       +0.11/-0.07 and 0.19 +0.07/-0.05 Msub.                                  .       
00289+1835 BPM  14     [PM2000]   19589 + [PM2000]   19539.                                    Gvr2010 
00290-0933 GIC  10     G158-086/G158-087.                                                      .       
                       NLTT 1529/1530                                                          Chm2004 
00291+5752 MLB  39     STI 1359.                                                               .       
00291-0742 MLR   2     Speckle measures show rapid motion.                                     .       
00292+7646 HJ 1967     Aka PKO  19.                                                            .       
00293-0555 SHY 384     AB: HIP   2292 + HIP   2350.                                            .       
           RAO   1     BC: Exoplanet host star. Roberts et al. (2015) estimate the spectral    .       
                       types of B and C as G8V and M1V.                                        Rbr2015a
                       BC: The B component is of type G5V, with mass 0.87 +/- 0.03 Msun.       .       
                       Based on isochrone fitting, Wittrock et al. (2016) estimate the mass    .       
                       of the C component at 0.48 +/- 0.03 Msun, and type likely an M dwarf.   Wtt2016 
00293-7244 OGL  26     SMC136.2.2867  + SMC136.2.2890                                          Pli2012 
00295+1413 BPM  15     [PM2000]   20020 + [PM2000]   19943.                                    Gvr2010 
00296-2845 LDS2130     NLTT 1581/1580                                                          Chm2004 
00297+5548 MLB 150     STI1361.                                                                .       
00300-0357 HJ  322     12 Cet.                                                                 .       
00300-1058 GAL 301     Object #19 in Gallo's original list.                                    Gal1912a
00300-1657 CHM   2     NLTT  1595 +  1598.                                                     .       
00300-6023 JSP 855     00301-6027TDS1494                                                       .       
00300-7257 OGL  27     SMC136.1.2934  + SMC136.1.3498                                          Pli2012 
00301+2945 BU 1095     28 And. A is a Delta Scuti-type variable, GN And.                       .       
00301-3740 DAY   1     2MASS J0030-3739 + 2MASS J0030-3740. Dwarf / white dwarf binary.        .       
                       Spectral types M9+/-1 + DA, Teff 2000-2400 + 7600+/-175K, masses        .       
                       0.07-0.08 + 0.48-0.65 Msun. Minimum age of the system > 1.94 Gyr.       Day2008 
00302+5929 STI  79     Historical measures of STI1363 match STI  79 and have been included.    .       
00304-0947 CHE  27     This pair has opened considerably since its discovery (from 9".6 to     Che1910 
                       19"), due to the considerable proper motion of the primary. AC2000      .       
                       coordinates of both components from ~1901 are in good agreement with    .       
                       Chevalier measure, so identification with this pair appears probable.   Hrt2012b
00305-7237 OGL  28     SMC136.3.2481  + SMC136.3.2710                                          Pli2012 
00306+4919 OL   86     Aka TDS1492.                                                            .       
00306+1442 OSO   6     G032-026. Not a common proper motion pair, based on comparison with     .       
                       POSS2 red plates                                                        Oso2004 
00306-7358 OGL  29     SMC133.7.1599  + SMC138.1.5656                                          Pli2012 
00306-7242 OGL  30     SMC136.3.2599  + SMC136.2.3059                                          Pli2012 
00307+3208 STT  11     B is BD+31@66.                                                          .       
00307-1545 HJ 1979     J 1435.                                                                 .       
00310+3817 ALI 480     Also known as ES 2447.                                                  .       
00311+5648 ES    2     BDS 269 same star.                                                      .       
00311-7239 OGL  31     SMC131.6.14    + SMC131.6.859   + SMC136.4.2269                         Pli2012 
00312+0631 GWP  57     XMI 127.                                                                Tob2012b
00312-3041 LDS2132     NLTT 1669/1668                                                          Chm2004 
00312-6102 HJ 3372     CD-61@81.                                                               .       
00313-7311 OGL  32     SMC130.6.354   + SMC130.5.916                                           Pli2012 
00314+3335 HJ 5451     STTA  2. A is a spectroscopic binary. B is BD+32@81.                    .       
                       HJL1004.                                                                HJL1986 
00314+0158 LDS 865     Also known as GWP  59 or XMI 128.                                       Tob2012b
00314-1113 GAL 302     Object #21 in Gallo's original list.                                    Gal1912a
00314-4848 RST  11     lam 1 Phe. A is a spectroscopic binary.                                 .       
00315-6257 B     7     A: bet 1 Tuc. A is a spectroscopic binary.                              .       
           I   260     C: bet 2 Tuc                                                            .       
                       bet 1,2,3 Tuc form a sextuple system with cpm.                          .       
                       bet 3 Tuc (mag. 5.14, A2) is the close binary B     8.                  .       
           SHY 114     AE: HIP   2484 + HIP   2578.                                            .       
           SHY 114     AF: HIP   2484 + HIP   2729.                                            .       
           SHY 114     AG: HIP   2484 + HIP   1481.                                            .       
           SHY 113     FG: HIP   2729 + HIP   1481.                                            .       
           SHY 117     FH: HIP   2729 + HIP   1993.                                            .       
           SHY 117     FI: HIP   2729 + HIP   1910.                                            .       
           SHY 113     GH: HIP   1481 + HIP   1993.                                            .       
00316+1344 LDS9091     Old LDS6091.                                                            .       
00317+5057 LDS3175     Coordinate correction and estimate of secondary's proper motion by      .       
                       Caballero (2013, private comm.)                                         .       
00318+5431 STT  12     lam Cas = 14 Cas. A premature orbit has been computed.                  .       
                       Spectral types of primary and secondary assigned by ten Brummelaar et   .       
                       al., based on adaptive optics observations.                             TtB2000 
                       Corrections to Drummond et al. (2014) orbit: P=245.70 +/- 35.96y,       .       
                       T0=2025.54 +/- 4.65 (Drummond, private comm.)                                   
                       Uniform disk diameter  0.224 +/- 0.017 mas,                             .       
                       Limb darkened diameter 0.230 +/- 0.017 mas,                             .       
                       Teff = 12000+/-500 K based on LD although SED result (12800 +/- 500)    .       
                       thought to be more accurate due to poor binary flux correction.         .       
                       Radius is 2.31 +/- 0.20 \rsun.                                          CIA2019a
00319+3705 BRT2584     ALI 248.                                                                .       
00319-2750 LDS2134     NLTT 1711/1713                                                          Chm2004 
00319-7318 OGL  33     SMC130.6.16    + SMC130.6.13                                            Pli2012 
00320+1426 GRV 975     Aka SLW  29.                                                            .       
00321+6715 MCY   1     Aa,Ab: Discovery designation is per Todd Henry 03/02/98.                .       
                       K-band magnitudes of components 6.42 and 8.44, derived masses are       .       
                       0.377 +/= 0.030 and 0.138 +/- 0.007 Msun.                               Doc2008d
           VYS   2     AB: ADS 433, MLB 377. The primary is an astrometric binary, P=16y.      .       
                       Proper motion +1.723 -0.242. A premature orbit has been computed for    .       
                       the visible pair.                                                       .       
                       Also a flare star, V547 Cas.                                            .       
                       Woitas et al. (2003) give orbital solution and determination of         Woi2003 
                       dynamical masses for this low-mass M dwarf triple.                      .       
                       See Baize & Petit (1989) catalog of doubles with variable component.    Baz1989d
                       Solution includes mass determination.                                   Woi2003 
                       In the orbit catalog figure illustrating the Docobo et al. (2006)       Doc2006g
                       orbital solution, B is plotted relative to the center of mass. These    .       
                       adjusted measures were provided by Docobo (2007, private comm.) See     .       
                       also further analysis by Docobo et al. (2008), who derive a mass for    Doc2008d
                       the B component (K-band mag 7.88) of 0.177 +/- 0.014 Msun (see note to  .       
                       MCY 1 pair above for masses of Aa and Ab components.)                   .       
           GL 22       Ba,Bb: Andrade & Docobo detect a sinusoidal pattern in the motion of    .       
                       the B component, which they attribute to a possible 4th component of    .       
                       the system in a 15y orbit.  Masses under this scenerio are 0.162 +/-    .       
                       0.014 Msun for Ba and 0.0152 +/- 0.0053 Msun (16.0 +/- 5.6 Mjup) for    .       
                       Bb (assuming a circular solution) or 0.0147 +/- 0.0027 Msun (15.4 +/-   Ana2009 
                       2.8 Mjup) for Bb (assuming an elliptical solution). The Bb component    .       
                       may be either a giant planet or a brown dwarf.                          Ana2011 
00321+0155 GWP  60     XMI 129.                                                                Tob2012b
00321-0511 A   111     Elongations and quadrant of AB doubtful.                                B__1963b
                       AB: Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and             .       
                       spectroscopic masses 1.48 +/- 0.34, 1.75, and 0.85 Msun, respectively.  Mlk2012 
00321-1218 HDS  71     Cvetkovic et al. (2014) derive spectral types G2 and  G5, masses 1.11   .       
                       and 1.05 Msun. Dynamical parallax is 14.06 +/- 0.62 mas.                Cve2014 
00322-1050 LDS3176     NLTT 1727/1715                                                          Chm2004 
00322-7515 HJ 3374     B is CPD-75@48.                                                         .       
00323-6304 LDS9092     Old LDS6092.                                                            .       
00324+7335 LDS1509     NLTT 1681/1680.                                                         .       
00324+0657 MCA   1     51 Psc. A is a triple occultation system, and a resolved                .       
                       interferometric pair. B is BD+06@65.                                    .       
                       First detected as an occultation binary by Africano.                    Afr1976 
                       Mason et al. give Aa,Ab,B triple solution (double (Aa)-B in HIP).       Msn1997a
                       Orbit mostly dependent on Hershey pc obs; more IR speckle needed.       Hry1973 
                       The Aa,Ab components of ADS 449 apparently went through periastron      .       
                       some time during 1987-1990.                                             Hrt1992b
                       Aa,Ab: Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and          .       
                       spectroscopic masses 3.08 +/- 0.46, 3.66, and 2.40 Msun, respectively.  Mlk2012 
           STF  36     AB: H 4  70.                                                            MEv2010 
00325+0101 GWP  61     XMI 130. GRV1160.                                                       Tob2012b
00326+5513 RAS  17     SrCrEu star at about 36 pc. Secondary likely close to solar (G2-G5).    Ras2014 
00326+2018 HJ 1982     52 Psc.                                                                 .       
                       Optical pair, based on study of relative motion of the components       .       
                       using the method of apparent motion parameters.                         Kiy2008 
00327+7807 STF  34     HJL   6.                                                                HJL1986 
00327+2312 BU 1310     AC: Rectilinear solution by Friedman et al. (2012).                     USN2012a
00327+0732 GWP  62     XMI 131.                                                                Tob2012b
00327-6302 B     8     Aa,Ab: bet 3 Tuc. CPM with bet 1 and bet 2 Tuc = B     7.               .       
           SHY 116     AB: HIP   2578 + HIP   2729. B component = F component of 00315-6257.   .       
           SHY 116     AC: HIP   2578 + HIP   1993. C component = H component of 00315-6257.   .       
00328+2817 STT  14     A is a spectroscopic binary. Aka H N  76.                               .       
00329-7445 OGL  34     SMC134.1.90    + SMC134.8.2266                                          Pli2012 
00330+4442 LDS9093     Old LDS6093.                                                            .       
                       NLTT 1759/1762                                                          Chm2004 
00330+0850 J  2710     -9s, -5' from BD+08   69.  Declinaison augmentee de 2'.                 J__1955 
00330-7335 OGL  35     SMC130.8.5777  + SMC130.8.5810                                          Pli2012 
00331-7446 OGL  36     SMC134.1.223   + SMC134.1.542                                           Pli2012 
00332+1902 GWP  63     XMI 132.                                                                Tob2012b
00332-7114 OGL  37     SMC132.7.12    + SMC132.7.25                                            Pli2012 
00334+1418 LDS9094     Old LDS6094.                                                            .       
00334-7104 OGL  38     SMC132.6.11    + SMC132.6.191                                           Pli2012 
00334-7407 OGL  39     SMC133.8.4148  + SMC133.1.95                                            Pli2012 
00335+4006 HO    3     A premature orbit has been computed.                                    .       
                       Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and spectroscopic   .       
                       masses of 2.60 +/- 0.55, 2.07, and 1.10 Msun, respectively.             Mlk2012 
00336+1712 GWP  64     XMI 133.                                                                Tob2012b
00336-0811 LDS 5280    B component of 00339-0813 LDS5281 found to be the A component of        .       
                       LDS5280; pairs merged, with LDS5281 made AC pair (with quadrant flip).  .       
00337-3500 HJ 3375     HIP 2663. See Allen et al. (2000) for information on metallicity,       AlC2000 
                       age, galactic orbital parameters, etc.                                  .       
00339+1748 GWP  65     XMI 134.                                                                Tob2012b
00340-7056 OGL  40     SMC132.5.883   + SMC132.5.916                                           Pli2012 
00344-7252 OGL  41     SMC131.7.3527  + SMC131.7.4371                                          Pli2012 
00346+6254 BU  108     AB: B component is SB, P=156.430d                                       Tok2014d
00345-0433 STF  39     AB,C: H 4  76.                                                          MEv2010 
00346-7105 OGL  42     SMC132.6.1065  + SMC132.6.1159                                          Pli2012 
00349+2627 COU 548     Originally entered as AG   4.                                           .       
00350+5636 ES    3     BDS 326 identical.                                                      .       
00351+8337 MLR 481     00356+8338HDS  80                                                       .       
00351+0209 RST5182     J 3281.                                                                 .       
00352-0336 HO  212     13 Cet.                                                                 .       
                       Visual primary is 2.1d SB1 (#27 in Batten et al., 1989) and may be a    Bte1989 
                       Delta Scuti-type variable.                                              .       
                       See Baize & Petit (1989) catalog of doubles with variable component.    Baz1989d
                       1979.5326: This measure was incorrectly attributed to ADS 2200          McA1982d
           BU  490     AB,C: Optical pair, based on study of relative motion of the            .       
                       components using the method of apparent motion parameters.              Kiy2008 
00353-0942 CHE  28     J  1437 = 00358-0942CHE  28                                             .       
00356-7342 OGL  43     SMC133.4.124   + SMC133.4.3322                                          Pli2012 
00357+0233 LAW   7     LSPM J0035+0233 = NLTT 1930. Law et al (2008) derive a distance of      Law2008 
                       14.5 +6.3/-2.4 pc and a projected separation of 6.8 +3.1/-1.0 au.       .       
                       Estimated spectral types are M5 and M6.0.                               .       
00357-7055 OGL  44     SMC132.5.871   + SMC132.5.912   + SMC132.5.1085                         Pli2012 
00358+5241 GIC  11     G172-011/G217-059.                                                      .       
                       NLTT 1920/1921                                                          Chm2004 
00359-7429 OGL  45     SMC134.3.2988  + SMC134.3.3515                                          Pli2012 
00360+2959 STF  42     Hyperbolic orbit by Hopmann.                                            Hop1967 
                       sigma = areal constant in the true orbit = 0.1432 arcsec^2/yr           .       
                       q = periastron distance in the true orbit = 6".123                      .       
                       Hopmann made small but unspecified corrections to the node and          .       
                       inclination before computing residuals and ephemeris.                   Fin1970b
                       All hyperbolic orbits rejected from Fourth Orbit Catalog                Wor1983 
                       A is a spectroscopic binary.                                            .       
                       AC: Optical pair, based on study of relative motion of the components   .       
                       using the method of apparent motion parameters.                         Kiy2008 
00360+0514 GWP  66     XMI 135.                                                                Tob2012b
00360+1040 GWP  67     XMI 136.                                                                Tob2012b
00361+3858 J  2711     ALI 723.                                                                .       
00363-3818 RST5183     A is a close 4.8-d spectroscopic pair.                                  Tok2019a
00364-7313 OGL  46     SMC130.3.8754  + SMC130.3.8886                                          Pli2012 
00365-0639 LDS3183     NLTT 1976/1977                                                          Chm2004 
00365-7246 OGL  47     SMC131.2.1420  + SMC126.6.896                                           Pli2012 
00366-4908 LDS  21     A is a spectroscopic binary, P = 3.74d. B is CD-49@138.                 .       
                       SHY 118. Bayesian analysis by Shaya & Olling (2011) indicates very      Shy2011 
                       high (near 100%) probability pair is physical.                          .       
                       B component is SB, P=22d                                                Tok2006 
00366-7435 OGL  48     SMC134.2.2429  + SMC134.2.2618                                          Pli2012 
00367+1542 GWP  68     XMI 137.                                                                Tob2012b
00368+1605 KU   69     HJL   7.                                                                HJL1986 
00369+3343 H 5  17     pi And = 29 And.  H V 17. STTA  4.  BDS 263, HJ 1030 identical.         .       
                       A is a spectroscopic binary, P = 143.6d. B is BD +32@102.               .       
           MKT   1     Aa,Ab: Hummel et al. (1995) visual orbit is based on astrometry from    MkT1995 
                       the Mark III interferometer. Additional spectroscopic data yield        .       
                       masses, luminosities, radii, effective temperatures, and distance.      .       
                       Hipparcos astrometric solution adopted some elements from the orbit of  HIP1997d
                       Hummel et al. (1995).                                                   MkT1995 
                       Aa,Ab: Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and          .       
                       spectroscopic masses 11.98 +/- 2.06, 11.18, 4.79 Msun, respectively.    Mlk2012 
           RBR   3     Aa,Ac: PA for 2001.7424 observation is measured in zenith mode. If      .       
                       data collected in equatorial mode, PA = 97.6. Confirmation of the pair  .       
                       should establish the proper value for theta.                            Rbr2007 
00372+7149 HDS  86     1997.7289: Large change in separation seen since Hipparcos epoch.       Msn1999b
00373+5801 BU 1097     Spectrum composite; A2+K.                                               .       
00373-2446 BU  395     Pourbaix gives combined solution for this resolved SB2, yielding        .       
                       orbital parallaxes and component masses.                                Pbx2000b
                       HIP 2941. See Allen et al. (2000) for information on metallicity,       AlC2000 
                       age, galactic orbital parameters, etc.                                  .       
                       Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and spectroscopic   .       
                       masses of 1.79 +/- 0.29, 1.92, and 0.91 Msun, respectively.             Mlk2012 
                       YSC 170.                                                                .       
00374-2054 FAR  23     GJ 2010 = NLTT 2019. Primary is white dwarf WD 0034-211.                Far2006 
00374-3717 I   705     Many attempts, but only a few positive observations.                    .       
00374-3904 WHI   1     Other IDs uncertain; based on Simbad search using epoch-1950            .       
                       coordinates 003456-392028 from White et al. (1991).                     Whi1991 
00374-7243 OGL  49     SMC131.3.3943  + SMC131.3.4041                                          Pli2012 
00376+1257 GWP  69     XMI 138.                                                                Tob2012b
00376+1547 GWP  70     XMI 139.                                                                Tob2012b
00378-7246 OGL  50     SMC131.2.5591  + SMC131.2.6860                                          Pli2012 
00378-7413 OGL  51     SMC128.8.65    + SMC128.8.358                                           Pli2012 
00379+1404 GWP  71     XMI 140. GRV1161.                                                       Tob2012b
00379-7256 OGL  52     SMC131.1.6657  + SMC126.7.785                                           Pli2012 
00381-7127 OGL  53     SMC132.1.1336  + SMC132.1.1337                                          Pli2012 
00381-7345 OGL  54     SMC128.5.115   + SMC128.5.276   + SMC128.7.9551                         Pli2012 
00382+0322 J  1042     BAL 1609.                                                               .       
00383-7124 OGL  55     SMC132.1.1263  + SMC132.1.1284                                          Pli2012 
00384+0130 BAL 947     Probably ARG 47, BD+00@93.                                              .       
00385+4300 LDS5176     old LDS6095.                                                            .       
                       NLTT 2053/2057                                                          Chm2004 
00386+4738 OSO   7     G172-016. Common proper motion pair                                     Oso2004 
00386+1420 GWP  72     XMI 141.                                                                Tob2012b
00386-2118 LDS2140     NLTT 2075/2062                                                          Chm2004 
00386-3903 WHI   2     Other IDs uncertain; based on Simbad search using epoch-1950            .       
                       coordinates 003609-391934 from White et al. (1991), where pair is       Whi1991 
                       listed as possibly resolved.                                            .       
00387-7431 OGL  56     SMC129.7.14    + SMC129.7.603                                           Pli2012 
00388+3101 AG  430     B is BD+30@90.                                                          .       
                       Not confirmed using images from the Digitized Sky Surveys               Oso2004 
                       Optical pair, based on study of relative motion of the components       .       
                       using the method of apparent motion parameters.                         Kiy2008 
00388-2506 HJ 1991     B is CD-25@235.                                                         .       
00389-2536 HJ 1992     B is CD-26@195.                                                         .       
00389-7248 OGL  57     SMC126.7.3     + SMC126.7.86                                            Pli2012 
00391-7313 OGL  58     SMC125.6.23680 + SMC125.6.24279                                         Pli2012 
00392+1329 GWP  73     XMI 142.                                                                Tob2012b
00393+3052 BU  491     del And = 31 And                                                        .       
                       A is a long-period spectroscopic binary, P = 15000d (?).                .       
           BTM   1     Aa,Ab: Bottom et al. (2015) resolve the spectroscopic binary del And    .       
                       using the Palomar 5m and Stellar Double Coronograph. The physical       .       
                       separation is 11.55 +/- 0.13 au; the spectral type of the companion is  .       
                       estimated at K4 +/- 2.                                                  Btm2015 
                       Aa,Ab: Gontcharov & Kiyaeva (2002) orbit based on combination of        Gon2002b
                       ground-based catalogs with Hipparcos. They quote masses of 1.3+/-0.4    .       
                       and 1.3 Msun for the two components, and estimate their spectral types  .       
                       as K3III and white dwarf.                                               .       
                       Mk III Limb-darkened diameter  4.12 mas.                                MkT1991 
                       Mk III Limb darkened diameter  4.17  +/- 0.06  mas                      MkT2001 
                       Mk III Limb-darkened diameter  4.136 +/- 0.041 mas                      MkT2003 
                       NPOI Limb-darkened diameter    4.24  +/- 0.06  mas                      NOI2001b
00394+2115 STT 550     AB: Optical pair, based on study of relative motion of the components   .       
                       using the method of apparent motion parameters.                         Kiy2008 
           LUH   3     54 Psc. AC: Common proper motion for both components was determined     .       
                       through comparison of relative location with that obtained by 2MASS.    .       
                       The B component is determined to be a possible T dwarf (T7.5 +/- 0.5)   .       
                       based on mid-IR colors and magnitudes. Age is determined to be 7 +/-    .       
                       3 Gyr and mass of C component 0.051 +/- 0.014 Msun.                     Luh2007 
                       The T dwarf is referred to by Luhman et al. as the "B" component,       .       
                       either because the non-physical STT 550 was not considered, or the WDS  .       
                       was not consulted. In any event, this component referred to in the WDS  .       
                       hierarchy as "C" is sometimes called "B" in the literature.             .       
                       CHARA Array Limb-darkened diameter  0.790 +/- 0.027 mas,                CIA2008c
                       R =  0.947 +/- 0.032 \rsun.                                             .       
00395+6151 STI 110     00394+6158MLB 378                                                       .       
00395+6002 HJ 1042     STI 111.                                                                .       
00395+1454 GIC  12     AB: LDS 868 = G032-037/G032-038.                                        .       
                       NLTT 2126/2125                                                          Chm2004 
           JNN 249     Ba,Bb: G 32-37B. Estimated age 300-1000 Myr; masses 0.33 +/- 0.03 and   .       
                       0.19 +/- 0.01 Msun; a ~4.3 au.                                          Jnn2014 
00396+8445 HJ 1986     STTA  3. B is BD+83@11.                                                 .       
00398+6157 LAM   1     MLB 379. STI 114AC.                                                     .       
                       BDS notes AB measure 357deg, 69".87 - Burnham was unable to find any    .       
                       pair that matched this separation - perhaps typo for 6".98?             .       
           STI 113     BD: Previously 00399+6158STI 113AB.                                     .       
00398-1418 GAL 303     Object #23 in Gallo's original list.                                    Gal1912a
00399+2126 STF  46     55 Psc.                                                                 .       
00400+7652 STTA  5     B is BD+76@16.                                                          .       
00400+1336 BPM  16     [PM2000]   26418 + [PM2000]   26431.                                    Gvr2010 
00400+1016 PLQ   7     The A component has been resolved as a close spectroscopic binary.      Tok2020h
00400+0106 GWP  74     XMI 143.                                                                Tob2012b
00401+5014 V523 Cas    Multiple system including contact binary. Pribulla & Rucinski (2006)    Pbl2006 
                       estimate the mass of the contact pair at 1.130 Msun and the minimum     .       
                       mass of the wider component at 0.31 Msun.                               .       
00403+2403 BU 1348     AC : Carries BU 1348 from ADS (562), despite earlier discovery by STF.  .       
                       BC : AD equated with this component.                                    .       
                       BC: Rectilinear solution by Mason et al. (2012).                        WSI2012 
00403-0855 GAL 304     Object #24 in Gallo's original list.                                    Gal1912a
                       Also known as FAB   3.                                                  .       
00403-7241 OGL  59     SMC126.6.564   + SMC126.6.565                                           Pli2012 
00404+0722 OSO   8     G001-012. Not a common proper motion pair, based on comparison with     .       
                       POSS2 red plates                                                        Oso2004 
00405+5632 BU 1349     alp Cas = 18 Cas = Schedar                                              .       
                       Mk III Limb-darkened diameter  5.4   +/- 0.4   mas.                     MkT1989 
                       Mk III Limb-darkened diameter  5.64 mas.                                MkT1991 
                       Mk III Limb-darkened diameter  5.72  +/- 0.08  mas                              
                       Mk III Limb-darkened diameter  5.608 +/- 0.056 mas.                     MkT2003 
                       NPOI Limb-darkened diameter    5.60  +/- 0.06  mas,                     NOI1999 
                       R = 42.1 +/- 1.7 \rsun.                                                 .       
                       NPOI Limb-darkened diameter    5.65  +/- 0.08  mas.                     NOI2001b
                       NPOI Limb-darkened diameter    5.903 +/- 0.036 mas,                     .       
                       R =   45.03 (+1.57- 1.68)  \rsun,  Teff = 4476 +/-  15 K,               .       
                       L =  734.2 +/- 42.2 \lsun.                                              NOI2023 
           H 5  18     AD: H V 18. Also HJ 1993.                                               .       
                       AD: Optical pair, based on study of relative motion of the components   .       
                       using the method of apparent motion parameters.                         Kiy2008 
                       AD: Rectilinear solution by Hurowitz et al. (2013).                     USN2013a
00405-1631 BU  109     B is BD-17@108.                                                         .       
00405-4829 LDS9096     Old LDS6096.                                                            .       
00405-7321 OGL  60     SMC125.7.29221 + SMC125.7.29234                                         Pli2012 
00406-0023 ARG  48     BAL 646.                                                                .       
00406-1502 GAL 305     Object #26 in Gallo's original list.                                    Gal1912a
00407-0421 HJ  323     B is BD-05@100.                                                         .       
00408+1618 GWP  76     XMI 144.                                                                Tob2012b
00408-7125 OGL  61     SMC127.8.10    + SMC127.8.21                                            Pli2012 
00409+0810 GWP  77     XMI 145.                                                                Tob2012b
00409-7320 OGL  62     SMC125.7.29414 + SMC125.7.30547                                         Pli2012 
00410+3257 SEI   8     Listed in ADS as both #565 and #580 (00420+3304POT   8)                 .       
00414-7124 OGL  63     SMC127.8.1547  + SMC127.8.2057  + SMC127.8.2076                         Pli2012 
00415+5550 GIC  13     G218-007/G218-008 = GJ 1015AB.                                          .       
00416+2438 WRH  28     Hynek 1. Not certainly resolved by Wilson in 1949, but successfully     .       
                       resolved by McAlister in 1980.                                          .       
                       1983.9362: this (and presumably other) negative results may be due      .       
                       to a delta m between 1.5 and 3.                                         Bnu1984 
00416-0934 GRV1162     SLW  36.                                                                .       
00416-5621 RNR   1     2MASS J0041353-562112. Spectral types M6.5 +/- 1 and M9.0 +/- 1.        .       
                       Assuming age of ~10 Myr, component masses are ~30 and ~15 Mjup;         .       
                       distance 50 +21/-10 pc, orbital period 126 +86/-37y.                    Rnr2010 
00417-4729 LDS9097     Old LDS6097.                                                            .       
00417-7102 OGL  64     SMC127.6.1579  + SMC127.6.1681                                          Pli2012 
00418-5630 HJ 3387     xi Phe. Variable.                                                       .       
00419+1751 A  2303     J 585.                                                                  .       
00419+1341 JMS   1     BDK   3. NLTT 2274 + 2MASS J00415453+1341351. Distance 21 +/- 8 pc for  .       
                       the primary, 31 +/- 6 pc for the secondary. Estimated age of system     .       
                       4.5-8 Gyr. Mass of secondary estimated at 0.081-0.083 Msun.             Fah2010 
                       NLTT 2274 + 2MASS J00415453+1341351. Baron et al. (2015) estimate       .       
                       spectral types M4.0 +/- 0.5 and M9.5 +/- 0.5, distances 23 +14/-9 and   .       
                       40 +6/-12 pc, masses 0.207-0.272 and 0.076-0.083 Msun.                  BFr2015 
00420-7306 OGL  65     SMC125.5.32790 + SMC125.5.33233                                         Pli2012 
00422-7435 OGL  66     SMC129.2.448   + SMC129.2.992                                           Pli2012 
00424+1721 BPM  17     [PM2000]   27917 + [PM2000]   27832.                                    Gvr2010 
00424+0410 STT  18     AB: Visual orbit (Grade 4) gives too large mass sum of 52 Msun.         Tok2014d
00426-5407 HJ 3388     B is CPD-54@159.                                                        .       
00427-3828 HDO 182     lam 1 Scl                                                               .       
00427-6537 I   440     Probable rapid motion, as yet undefined by the measures.                .       
                       Derived orbital parallax 0".00685, mass sum 4.91 +/- 2.94 Msun          Lin2004a
00427-7409 OGL  67     SMC128.1.11    + SMC128.1.217                                           Pli2012 
00428+3533 TOK  10     FF And. Primary is 2.2d SB2. Estimated period of visual pair 4400y.     .       
                       G-solution in HIPPARCOS.                                                Tok2006 
                       This system is noted as being triple in Tokovinin et al. (2006),        Tok2006 
                       including a close spectroscopic binary pair with approximately 1.3 mas  .       
                       separation and a likely wider companion at 11" separation. Due to       .       
                       these separations however, it is counted as single for our purposes.    Jnn2012 
00429+2047 A  2205     A premature orbit has been calculated.                                  .       
00431+3913 MLB1054     ALI 727.                                                                .       
00431+0707 OSO   9     G001-013. Not a common proper motion pair, based on comparison with     .       
                       POSS2 red plates                                                        Oso2004 
00432+0128 GWP  80     XMI 146.                                                                Tob2012b
00432-2146 LDS1078     SLW  39.                                                                .       
00432-3759 UC  427     CPM candidate confirmed physical by photometry (2MASS and V mags).      Tok2013c
                       Spectral type of comoving secondary estimated as M0-1, mass 0.56 Msun.  Mug2014 
00434-0054 STF  53     AB: Optical pair, based on study of relative motion of the components   .       
                       using the method of apparent motion parameters.                         Kiy2008 
00434-5728 HJ 3391     eta Phe.                                                                .       
           MRN   1     Aa,Ab: Marion et al. (2014) estimate the companion as K1V, at about     .       
                       6.8au separation from the A0IV primary. They derive a minimum orbital   .       
                       period of ~9.5y, consistent with an astrometric companion reported by   .       
                       Makarov & Kaplan (2005). A followup K-band observation suggests         Mkr2005 
                       spectral type for the secondary of ~G5V.                                Mrn2014 
00435+3351 BUP 241     AB: B is BD+32@120.                                                     .       
           WEI  46     AC: Distances are 1321" and 1310".                                      .       
00436-2354 LDS2147     NLTT 2383/2381                                                          Chm2004 
00437+7211 OSO  10     G242-065. Neither is a common proper motion pair, based on comparison   .       
                       with POSS2 red plates                                                   Oso2004 
00439+0946 J  2712     Not found by Heintz at IDS position.                                    Hei1990b
00441+5655 MLR 625     Also known as TDS1589.                                                  .       
00441-7238 OGL  68     SMC126.3.2852  + SMC126.3.910                                           Pli2012 
00442+3122 GRV  40     Aka HJL1007                                                             .       
00442+4614 STF  52     Primary is eclipsing binary V355 And (period 4.7184 day).               Zas2010 
00443-7439 OGL  69     SMC129.2.3173  + SMC129.1.2349                                          Pli2012 
00444+3332 STF  54     STF  56.                                                                .       
                       SEI   9.                                                                Nsn2017a
00444+1235 HJ    6     AG 7.                                                                   .       
00445-1715 B  2513     Probably BD-18@118.                                                     .       
00445-3607 B   640     Primary is CR Scl, eclipsing binary of W UMa-type, period 0.246537d.    Zas2013 
00446+4341 LDS5177     old LDS6098.                                                            .       
00446+2007 GWP  84     XMI 147.                                                                Tob2012b
00446-1856 LDS3195     AC: NLTT 2439/2437                                                      Chm2004 
00447+4817 BU  231     omi Cas = 22 Cas                                                        .       
                       Primary is a spectroscopic binary, P = 1033:d.                          .       
           NOI   3     Aa,Ab: Hipparcos astrometric solution adopted some elements from the    HIP1997d
                       orbit of Abt & Levy (1978).                                             AbH1978 
                       Koubsky et al. (2010) combined solution uses NPOI astrometric data      NOI2010 
                       together with radial velocities from the Dominion Astrophysical and     .       
                       Ondrejov Observatories. The secondary appears to be of similar mass to  .       
                       the primary, although the magnitude difference is nearly 3 magnitudes.  .       
                       One possible explanation might be that the secondary is comprised of a  .       
                       close pair of similar stars, possible early A dwarfs.                   .       
                       Aa,Ab: Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and          .       
                       spectroscopic masses 6.12 +/- 2.94, 7.39, and 5.62 Msun, respectively.  Mlk2012 
00448+4202 LDS5178     old LDS6099.                                                            .       
00448+3940 ALI1011     MLB 810.                                                                .       
00450-7234 OGL  70     SMC126.4.9807  + SMC126.4.10299 + SMC126.4.10283                        Pli2012 
00451+0533 PLQ   8     BAL2993.                                                                .       
                       HJL   8.                                                                HJL1986 
00451-7310 OGL  71     SMC125.4.14538 + SMC125.4.14830                                         Pli2012 
00452+0015 LDS 836     AB: Primary is SB1, P=11.439d (Griffin 2002 Obs 121, 221).              Tok2014d
00453+1019 STF  58     B is BD+09@85.                                                          .       
00454+1422 LDS1079     G032-046. See Allen et al. (2000) for information on metallicity,       AlC2000 
                       age, galactic orbital parameters, etc.                                  .       
00454-7413 OGL  72     SMC128.1.8607  + SMC128.1.10178                                         Pli2012 
00455+1232 HJ    7     Rectilinear solution by Mason et al. (2012).                            WSI2012 
00455-1253 BUP   8     18 Cet.                                                                 .       
00456+3628 ALI  21     Astrographic Catalogue plate defect.                                    Grv2023b
00456-7115 OGL  73     SMC127.2.1735  + SMC127.1.582                                           Pli2012 
00456-7331 OGL  74     SMC125.1.37411 + SMC125.1.37410                                         Pli2012 
00457+7459 H N 122     A: 21 Cas = YZ Cas                                                      .       
                       A is an Algol-type eclipsing and spectroscopic binary, P = 4.47d.       .       
00457-1625 MLF   1     aka HO  624                                                             .       
00457-3510 LDS3191     LDS5294                                                                 .       
00457-7401 OGL  75     SMC128.2.9138  + SMC128.2.10100                                         Pli2012 
00458+5459 ARG   2     AB: Optical pair, based on study of relative motion of the components   .       
                       using the method of apparent motion parameters.                         Kiy2008 
00458-4733 HDO 183     AB: PMS star, X-ray source, rapid rotation, debris disk.                Tok2014d
00458-7242 OGL  76     SMC126.3.12924 + SMC126.3.13758                                         Pli2012 
00459+3347 LAW   8     LSPM J0045+3347 = NLTT 2511. Law et al (2008) derive a distance of      Law2008 
                       14.9 +7.0/-2.6 pc and a projected separation of 4.0 +2.1/-0.6 au.       .       
                       Estimated spectral types are M4.5 and M5.5.                             .       
00459-7359 OGL  77     SMC128.2.9204  + SMC128.2.11627                                         Pli2012 
00460+3626 HJ  627     ALI 22.                                                                 .       
00460-7108 OGL  78     SMC127.3.1324  + SMC127.2.2113                                          Pli2012 
00461-0539 LDS3199     NLTT 2540/2538                                                          Chm2004 
00462-2214 RST4155     Ma,Mb = 1.043 +/- 0.026, 0.990 +/- 0.024 \msun.                         GmJ2022 
00462-7250 OGL  79     SMC126.2.15522 + SMC126.2.15521                                         Pli2012 
00463+6517 HJ 1052     STI 124.                                                                .       
00463-0634 HDS 101     Cvetkovic et al. (2016) estimate spectral types F2 and F9, masses 1.56  .       
                       and 1.20 Msun. Dynamical parallax is 9.22 +/- 1.22 mas.                 Cve2016b
00464+3057 STFA  1     STTA  6. B is BD+30@114.                                                .       
                       H 5 123.                                                                MEv2010 
00464-7332 OGL  80     SMC103.5.132   + SMC103.5.864                                           Pli2012 
00466-7334 OGL  81     SMC103.5.4     + SMC103.5.25                                            Pli2012 
00467+1335 BPM  18     [PM2000]   30523 + [PM2000]   30577.                                    Gvr2010 
00467-0426 LDS9100     Old LDS6100.                                                            .       
                       NLTT 2582/2586                                                          Chm2004 
00467-7228 OGL  82     SMC101.6.16943 + SMC101.6.16996                                         Pli2012 
00468-5200 HJ 3398     B is CPD-52@91.                                                         .       
00469+0533 GWP  86     XMI 148.                                                                Tob2012b
00470+3848 ES  223     00471+3848ALI 729                                                       .       
00470-1152 CUD   1     AB: Component A is the central star of the planetary nebula NGC 246.    Skf2013 
                       Adam & Mugrauer (2014) estimate spectral type of B component as K2-K5,          
                       mass 0.85 Msun.                                                         Ada2014 
           ADA   1     AC: Adam & Mugrauer (2014) detect an additional companion to the white          
                       dwarf primary. Estimated spectral type is M5-M6, mass 0.1 Msun. All             
                       components share common proper motion.                                  Ada2014 
00471+3800 J  2713     ALI 485.                                                                .       
00471-7304 OGL  83     SMC100.6.7164  + SMC100.6.7261                                          Pli2012 
00473+2416 BUP   9     AB: zet And. A is an eclipsing and spectroscopic binary, P = 17.8d.     .       
                       Mk III Limb-darkened diameter  4.4   +/- 0.5   mas.                     MkT1989 
                       AC is probably optical.                                                 .       
                       Proper motion +758 -1146.                                               .       
00474+5106 H 5  82     H V 82. STTA  7. B is BD+50@142.                                        .       
00474+3314 BOW   1     Not found by Heintz at IDS position.                                    Hei1990b
00474+1730 BPM  20     [PM2000]   30911 + [PM2000]   30961.                                    Gvr2010 
00474+1726 BPM  19     [PM2000]   30878 + [PM2000]   30861.                                    Gvr2010 
00474-7345 OGL  84     SMC103.7.16909 + SMC128.5.14891                                         Pli2012 
00476+5533 TDS1614     WDS designation changed slightly when merged with STI1428 into triple   .       
00476-1812 LDS9101     Old LDS6101.                                                            .       
00477+1253 STTA  8     LDS2796. B is BD+12@90.                                                 .       
                       AB: HJL   9.                                                            HJL1986 
00479-2921 I   261     Rapid, but as yet undefined, motion.                                    .       
                       1989.9437: Having had only one other measure in the last 35 years,      .       
                       this pair needs further observation, especially since we appear to be   .       
                       near periastron at this epoch.                                          .       
00480+5127 STF  59     AB: H 1  40.                                                            MEv2010 
00481-7234 OGL  85     SMC101.7.31055 + SMC101.5.77                                            Pli2012 
00481-7348 OGL  86     SMC103.7.20241 + SMC103.7.6961  + SMC103.7.7536                         Pli2012 
00482+1737 GWP  87     XMI 149.                                                                Tob2012b
00482+1055 DAM 864     CD: GII 108.                                                            .       
00484+0517 HEI 202     The AB pair was seen on two photographic plates by Heintz, but the      .       
                       companion was not visible on 164 other plates, nor was it seen on       .       
                       repeated checks with a micrometer. The parallax plates also yield       .       
                       large residuals, leading Heintz to suspect variability.                 Hei1984i
                       CHARA Array Limb-darkened diameter of A :                               CIA2012f
                       R =  0.6954 +/- 0.0041 \rsun, L =  0.26073 +/-0.00263 \lsun,            .       
                       Teff = 4950 +/-  14 K, M = 0.753 \msun.                                 .       
00486-2357 LDS  27     NLTT 2704/2705                                                          Chm2004 
00487+4619 SMA  10     A 1-deg error in WDS designation, apparently a typo in transcribing     .       
                       coordinates from the original source.                                   .       
00487+1841 BU  495     Hipparcos parallax of 0".01628 yields a mass sum of 2.14 Msun           .       
                       with an uncertainty of 28%, agreeing well for a double star of          .       
                       spectral type G0. The dynamical parallax is 0".0149, in reasonable      .       
                       agreement with the measured one. Semi-major axis erroneously given      .       
                       as 0.317; a = 0.617 matches Scardia's figure, so is assumed to be       .       
                       the intended value.                                                     Sca2000b
                       Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and spectroscopic   .       
                       masses of 3.00 +/- 0.67, 2.30, and 1.05 Msun, respectively.             Mlk2012 
                       Quadruple system. The inner AB pair, BU 495, has an orbit with a 143.6  .       
                       +/- 4.0 yr period (Scardia et al. 2000). The CPM component C at 152"    Sca2000b
                       from AB was found by Tokovinin & Lepine (2012), who estimate the        Tok2012c
                       probability of it being physical as 0.99. The component C was resolved  .       
                       by Riddle et al. (2015) into a 0".67 pair Ca,Cb. The PM is too small    RAO2015 
                       to determine if the Ca and Cb share common PM, but the low density of   .       
                       background stars and the small separation imply that the pair Ca,Cb is  .       
                       physical.                                                               Rbr2015d
00487+0735 BUP  11     del Psc = 63 Psc                                                        .       
00489-7434 OGL  87     SMC104.8.5148  + SMC129.2.824                                           Pli2012 
00490+4435 MCT   2     Initially entered into WDS incorrectly as 00490+5535.                   .       
                       GJ 3058. Estimated age 50-150 Myr; masses 0.22 +/- 0.10 and 0.18 +/-    .       
                       0.08 Msun; a ~19.0 au.                                                  Jnn2014 
00490+1656 BUP  12     64 Psc. A is a spectroscopic binary.                                    .       
           64 Psc      Combined spectroscopic/interferometric solution by Boden et al. (1999)  Bod1999b
                       yields P=13.824621 days, T=JD 2450905.984.                              .       
                       Aa,Ab: Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and          .       
                       spectroscopic masses 2.51 +/- 5.01, 2.80, and 1.10 Msun, respectively.  Mlk2012 
00491+5749 STF  60     eta Cas = 24 Cas = Achird.                                              .       
                       Proper motion of A +1141 -572. PM of B = +1105 -493.                    .       
                       A has been reported to be a                                             Dob1927 
                       spectroscopic binary, but this is not confirmed. Doberck, Pavel, and    Pav1914 
                       Harshaw measure attributed to BC, then later to BE, was actually to     Hsw2004 
                       another faint star; confusion was due to the high proper motion of the  .       
                       B component and the long time span since the previous measurement.      .       
                       Proper Motion of E -003-001, F -010+000, G +009-005, H -006-001         .       
                       System has been discussed by van de Kamp & Flather.                     Kam1955 
                       AB: H 3   3.                                                            MEv2010 
                       AB: Additional notes may be found in Simonov (1937).                    Smw1937 
                       AB: Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and             .       
                       spectroscopic masses 1.58 +/- 0.85, 1.71, and 1.60 Msun, respectively.  Mlk2012 
                       AB: Raghavan et al. (2010) do not accept the astrometric sub-system as  Rag2010 
                       real.                                                                   Tok2014d
                       CHARA Array Limb-darkened diameter  1.623 +/- 0.004 mas,                CIA2012e
                       R =  1.039 +/- 0.004 \rsun, L =  1.252 +/-0.019 \lsun,                  .       
                       Teff = 6003 +/-  24 K, M = 0.972 +/- 0.012 \msun,                       .       
                       Age =  5.4 +/- 0.9 Gyr.                                                 .       
                       AD: Rectilinear solution by Hurowitz et al. (2013).                     USN2013a
00492+5720 A   921     Star C (mag. 14, 4.5") is probably physical.                            .       
00494-2313 PES   1     A : Teff = 5400 +/- 60 K, Age = 2.3 +/- 1.4 GYr, M = 0.856 +/- 0.014    Pes2019 
                           \msun, R = 0.769 +/- 0.016 \rsun.                                   .       
                       B : Teff = 1300 +/- 100K, R = 0.91 +/- 0.16 \rjup, M = 70.2 +/- 1.6     .       
                           \mjup.                                                              .       
00494-7401 OGL  88     SMC103.8.8139  + SMC103.8.8451                                          Pli2012 
00496-5410 HJ 3402     Optical pair, based on study of relative motion of the components       .       
                       using the method of apparent motion parameters.                         Kiy2008 
00497-1841 B  2067     Primary is Hipparcos acceleration solution (G-code) binary. Is the      .       
                       acceleration caused by the companion, or is it a triple?  Companion     .       
                       not measured by HIP, could cause false acceleration? 2MASS: another     .       
                       companion at 6.6", 276.2deg is listed, likely bogus.                    Tok2014d
00497-7336 OGL  89     SMC103.6.31460 + SMC103.6.31513                                         Pli2012 
00498+7027 ENG   2     Optical pair, based on study of relative motion of the components       .       
                       using the method of apparent motion parameters.                         Kiy2008 
00499+3027 STTA  9     B is BD+29@139.                                                         .       
00499+2743 STF  61     65 Psc = i Psc                                                          .       
                       H 2  84.                                                                MEv2010 
00500-0401 RST4158     J 1440.                                                                 J__1941a
00501+1606 GWP  88     XMI 150.                                                                Tob2012b
00502+1604 GWP  89     XMI 151.                                                                Tob2012b
00502-7147 OGL  90     SMC102.4.11    + SMC102.4.92                                            Pli2012 
00503+6235 MRI  32     FMR  35.                                                                .       
00503-7217 OGL  91     SMC101.4.18707 + SMC101.4.18866                                         Pli2012 
00504+5038 BU  232     See Baize & Petit (1989) catalog of doubles with variable component.    Baz1989d
                       AB: Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and             .       
                       spectroscopic masses 3.83 +/- 2.67, 2.70, and 1.20 Msun, respectively.  Mlk2012 
00505+7538 HJ 1997     B is BD+74@31.                                                          .       
00505+5930 LDS9102     Old LDS6102.                                                            .       
00505+2450 LDS3203     NLTT 2805/2804                                                          Chm2004 
00506-7328 RSS   2     This previously uncataloged double star was a Hipparcos double entry    .       
                       system.  The first measure is determined from the individual positions  .       
                       listed by Rousseau et al.                                               Rss1996 
00507+6415 MCA   2     A spectroscopic binary and resolved interferometric pair. Composite     .       
                       spectrum: B9.5V+G0III-IV.                                               .       
                       Combined spectroscopic/visual solution by Mason et al. (1997).          Msn1997b
                       Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and spectroscopic   .       
                       masses of 9.12 +/- 1.74, 8.22, and 2.40 Msun, respectively.             Mlk2012 
00508+5123 OSO  11     G172-024. Not a common proper motion pair, based on comparison with     .       
                       POSS2 red plates.                                                       Oso2004 
00508+3203 A   922     No observations 1932-69. Apparently has completed nearly a revolution.  .       
00509+1215 GWP  91     XMI 152.                                                                Tob2012b
00511+2231 AZC   7     BC measure of 00511+2236LDS3204 now with this pair and decoupled with   .       
                       the former LDS3204AB.                                                   .       
00511-7204 OGL  92     SMC102.2.129   + SMC102.2.1604                                          Pli2012 
00511-7226 DBR 213     DBR 214.                                                                .       
00512+2211 KU   70     motion direct.                                                          .       
00513+5840 GIC  14     G218-015/G218-016.                                                      .       
00513-7413 OGL  93     SMC104.3.46    + SMC104.3.1506                                          Pli2012 
00515+5630 DAL  11     RoboAO: 2 faint companions near B at 16.7" and 15.0", likely optical.   RAO2015 
                       Star in cluster IC 1590 (NGC 281 nebula)                                Tok2014d
                       Significantly different proper motion and parallax for components, so   Jao2017 
                       non physical.                                                                   
00515-7225 OGL  94     SMC101.3.29657 + SMC101.4.5258  + SMC101.3.30856                        Pli2012 
00516+4412 YR   19     Aa,B: These observations were previously presented in Horch et al       Hor2009 
                       (2009, 2010). The data presented here are the result of a reanalysis    Hor2010 
                       using a trinary fit to include the close component YR 123Aa,Ab,         .       
                       although the Aa,Ab component was not always of high enough quality to   .       
                       include. In the course of reanalyzing these observations, it was also   .       
                       noticed that the magnitude differences appearing in Horch et al (2011)  .       
                       for the two filters shown were reversed. The values here correct that   .       
                       error.                                                                  Hor2011b
00516+2237 A  1808     Orbits with periods around 110y and a ~0.13" have been computed.        .       
                       Motion direct.                                                          .       
                       Omega for Docobo (1988) solution corrected from 322.8 to 332.8          Doc1988b
                       degrees.                                                                Ruy1995 
                       Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and spectroscopic   .       
                       masses of 2.31 +/- 1.64, 5.27, and 2.88 Msun, respectively.             Mlk2012 
00516+0735 GWP  93     XMI 153.                                                                Tob2012b
00516-7354 OGL  95     SMC103.1.11891 + SMC103.1.11996                                         Pli2012 
00517-1600 GWP  94     ABL  82.                                                                Tob2012b
00519+3750 GIC  15     G132-035/G132-036.                                                      .       
00519-1553 GWP  95     ABL  83.                                                                Tob2012b
00519-5921 HJ 3404     LDS  28.                                                                .       
00520+3353 HJ  628     Possibly the same a STF  66 with an error of 2 deg in dec.              .       
00520+2035 GIC  16     G069-027/G069-029.                                                      .       
00521-1925 RSS  44     CPD-20@105                                                              .       
00522-2237 STN   3     AC: Optical pair, based on study of relative motion of the components   .       
                       using the method of apparent motion parameters.                         Kiy2008 
                       AC: Rectilinear solution by Hurowitz et al. (2013).                     USN2013a
00522-3534 BRT3373     A likely plate flaw.                                                    Grv2021b
00523-7224 DBR 236     DBR 237.                                                                .       
00523-7252 OGL  96     SMC100.4.53934 + SMC100.4.11604                                         Pli2012 
00523-7350 OGL  97     SMC103.2.6804  + SMC103.2.6864                                          Pli2012 
00524-6930 DUN   2     lam 1 Tuc. B is CPD-70@38.                                              .       
                       SHY 390. Bayesian analysis by Shaya & Olling (2011) indicates very      Shy2011 
                       high (near 100%) probability pair is physical.                          .       
                       Both A and B are above MS by 2 mag! The parallax can't be wrong.        Tok2014d
                       RMK   1. Rectilinear solution by Letchford et al. (2018).               LRR2018a
00527-2400 BU  734     A is a spectroscopic binary.                                            .       
00528+5638 BU    1     This is a trapezium system (Abt 1986) which lies at the center of the   AbH1986 
           ABH   5     cluster IC 1590 at a distance of 2.94 +/- 0.15 kpc (Guetter & Turner    .       
                       1997 AJ 113, 2116).  All four components were observed and appeared to  .       
                       be single.                                                              Msn1998a
           BU    1     AD: HJL  10.                                                            HJL1986 
00528+0111 LDS9104     Old LDS6104.                                                            .       
00528-7308 OGL  98     SMC100.3.19805 + SMC100.3.19803                                         Pli2012 
00529-0038 LDS  29     NLTT 2925/2926                                                          Chm2004 
00529-0856 LDS3208     NLTT 2931/2928                                                          Chm2004 
00531+6107 BU  497     A is a spectroscopic binary.                                            .       
00533+0405 A  2307     Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and spectroscopic   .       
                       masses of 7.12 +/- 2.18, 3.24, and 1.40 Msun, respectively.             Mlk2012 
00534-4114 CPO  24     LDS  30.                                                                .       
00535+2536 BRT 119     00535+2537POU  73                                                       .       
                       Primary an eclipsing binary of W UMa-type, period 0.345575 day.         Zas2013 
00535-0041 TOB 359     Pair found when 00536-0039HDO  38 misidentified.                        Dam2015c
00536-0039 HDO  38     Primary is galaxy LEDA 1137438.                                         .       
00537+1758 GWP  97     XMI 154.                                                                Tob2012b
00537-3722 BRT1581     A likely plate flaw.                                                    Grv2021b
00537-7236 OGL  99     SMC101.2.48111 + SMC105.6.27571                                         Pli2012 
00540-2503 HJ 3407     B is CD-25@344, spectrum F2V.                                           .       
00541+2615 LDS3210     NLTT 2989/2990                                                          Chm2004 
00542+5108 HU 1018     Rectilinear solution by Scardia et al. (2017).                          Sca2017c
00543-7358 OGL 100     SMC107.7.2     + SMC107.7.62                                            Pli2012 
00545+5619 CTT   2     B component is BD+55@196.                                               .       
00545-7230 OGL 101     SMC105.5.24224 + SMC105.5.24308 + SMC105.5.25393                        Pli2012 
00546+3910 STF  72     B is BD+38@139.                                                         .       
00546+1911 STT  20     66 Psc.                                                                 Wor1956b
                       AB: Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and             .       
                       spectroscopic masses 3.70 +/- 1.01, 4.39, and 2.57 Msun, respectively.  Mlk2012 
00547-6558 LDS9105     Old LDS6105.                                                            .       
00547-7129 OGL 102     SMC109.6.11    + SMC109.6.145                                           Pli2012 
00547-7229 OGL 103     SMC105.5.24345 + SMC105.5.160                                           Pli2012 
00548+0857 GWP 100     XMI 155.                                                                Tob2012b
00548-6727 GLI   7     B is CPD-68@33.                                                         .       
00548-7303 OGL 104     SMC106.5.28410 + SMC106.5.28476                                         Pli2012 
00548-7358 OGL 105     SMC107.7.205   + SMC107.7.460                                           Pli2012 
00549-3615 BRT1582     A likely plate flaw.                                                    Grv2021b
00550+5858 BU 1098     ups 1 Cas = 26 Cas                                                      .       
00550+2406 ENG   3     Optical pair, based on study of relative motion of the components       .       
                       using the method of apparent motion parameters.                         Kiy2008 
                       Rectilinear solution by Hurowitz et al. (2013).                         USN2013a
00550+2338 STF  73     36 And.                                     One component is            .       
                       variable. A combined photometric/polarimetric/speckle spectroscopic     .       
                       analysis of this system was made by Tamazian et al.                     Tam2000 
                       See Baize & Petit (1989) catalog of doubles with variable component.    Baz1989d
                       Subgiant stars, spectral types G6 and K6. Calculated mass sum is 1.86   .       
                       +/- 0.15 Msun, in reasonably agreement with these classifications.      Mut2010b
                       AB: Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and             .       
                       spectroscopic masses 1.86 +/- 0.14, 2.29, and 1.35 Msun, respectively.  Mlk2012 
           FOX 115     AB,C: Optical pair, based on study of relative motion of the            .       
                       components using the method of apparent motion parameters.              Kiy2008 
00552-4724 CD-48  216  HD 5388 was known to have a companion thought to be a planet candidate  .       
                       of minimium mass M sin i = 1.96 Mjup. Sahlmann et al. (2011) derive a   .       
                       combined astrometric/spectroscopic orbit, using values of P,e,T, and    .       
                       omega from the spectroscopic orbit of Santos et al. (2010 A&A 512,      .       
                       A47). They determine the orbit is nearly face-on, yielding an           .       
                       estimated mass for the companion of  69 +/- 20 Mjup. Thus it can no     .       
                       longer be considered a planet.                                          SaJ2011b
00552-7401 OGL 106     SMC107.7.14    + SMC107.7.241                                           Pli2012 
00553-7318 OGL 107     SMC106.6.7246  + SMC106.6.7641                                          Pli2012 
00554+4611 ES 1298     The angle for 1914 has been increased 100 degrees.                      .       
                       The 1914 Espin measure is probably in error by 100deg.                  Cou1955c
00554+1545 LDS2801     LDS3212.                                                                .       
00554+1253 GWP 103     XMI 156.                                                                Tob2012b
00556-4316 CBL 115     May be the omitted CPO  25.                                             .       
00557+5748 ES  405     Motion for component B relative to A reflects the proper motion of A    .       
                       to within the errors. Therefore, in spite of the fact the small proper  .       
                       motions of these two components are similar, we consider their          .       
                       physical relationship to be in doubt.                                   Kiy2012 
00557-7145 OGL 108     SMC109.8.11703 + SMC109.8.11918                                         Pli2012 
00558-1832 B   645     Probable rapid motion, but little observed.                             .       
00559+5937 STI 146     Rectilinear solution by Hurowitz et al. (2013).                         USN2013a
00560-7155 OGL 109     SMC108.5.26777 + SMC108.5.26787                                         Pli2012 
00561+5406 A  1259     Rectilinear solution by Rica & Zirm (2012).                             FMR2012i
00561-8237 WHI   3     Possibly resolved                                                       Whi1991 
00564+0548 GWP 105     XMI 157.                                                                Tob2012b
00565+5928 ES 1709     STI 95 is identical                                                     Hei1983a
00566+1040 STF  76     ET Psc, W Uma (EW) type eclipsing binary, P = 0.439298 d.               Zas2011 
00566-1614 HJ 2002     Evidently a mistake in position angle by Herschel (HJ).                 .       
00566-5633 LPO   1     Spectral type G5?                                                       .       
00567+6043 BU 1028     gam Cas = 27 Cas                                                        .       
                       A is nova-like variable. Photocentric motion of (probably) the Aa pair  .       
                       detected by Gontcharov et al.                                           Gon2001 
                       1975.636: Disk unresolved in H alpha emission and H beta.               Bla1977a
                       Very small relative motion of B despite the high proper motion of A     .       
                       reveals this as a common proper motion companion.                       .       
                       AD: The D component is the A component of 00568+6022.                   Mam2017 
00568+6022 BU 1099     Theta for 1979.7703 incorrectly given as 308.6 in McAlister & Hendry    McA1982d
                       (1982). Also, the measure for 1979.7730 was a spurious preliminary      .       
                       measure of the observation on 1979.7703, and has been deleted.          .       
                       The A component is the D component of 00567+6043.                       Mam2017 
           BAG  10     Aa,Ab: The primary is 4.24d SB2 (Young, Pub DAO Victoria 1, 287, 1921;  .       
                       F.C. Fekel, personal comm.). HR  266.                                   .       
                       Astrometric binary (P=4.85yr) discovered in residuals to speckle        .       
                       data for 83-year AB pair (Cole et al. 1992), as well as in residuals    CWA1992 
                       to SB orbit.                                                            .       
                       The Ab component is a 4.2d pair consisting of a B9V and A7V.            Tok2021b
00568+3830 HJ 1057     mu And = 37 And                                                         .       
                       AC: Optical pair, based on study of relative motion of the components   .       
                       using the method of apparent motion parameters.                         Kiy2008 
00568+1525 GWP 106     XMI 158.                                                                Tob2012b
00568-7210 OGL 110     SMC108.7.49889 + SMC108.7.49890                                         Pli2012 
00569+6152 HJ 1056     Aka STI 149.                                                            .       
00570+5729 ES   44     Not the same as 00591+5729STI1500                                       .       
00570-7315 OGL 111     SMC106.6.41340 + SMC106.6.16701 + SMC106.6.15030                        Pli2012 
00572+2325 FOX 116     eta And = 38 And. A is a spectroscopic binary, P = 115.7d.              .       
           MKT   2     Hummel et al. (1993) orbital elements were derived from Mark III        MkT1993b
                       interferometer astrometry. Combined with spectroscopy by Gordon (1946   .       
                       ApJ, 103, 13) to yield masses and distance.                             .       
                       Errors are given as "error ellipses"; these values are tabulated        .       
                       below. Columns include date (BY), major and minor axes of the ellipse   .       
                       (mas), and ellipse orientation (deg):                                   .       
                            1990.5359     0.57     0.04     107.1                              .       
                            1990.5687     0.12     0.02     105.8                              .       
                            1990.5742     0.17     0.02     105.2                              .       
                            1990.6125     0.43     0.05     102.7                              .       
                            1990.6262     0.12     0.03      98.5                              .       
                            1990.6426     0.09     0.02      96.9                              .       
                            1990.6563     0.08     0.02      93.3                              .       
                            1990.6591     0.06     0.01      85.7                              .       
                            1990.6646     0.24     0.02      81.0                              .       
                            1990.6673     0.06     0.02      82.2                              .       
                            1990.6728     0.09     0.03     100.6                              .       
                            1990.6837     0.61     0.09      78.9                              .       
                            1990.7056     0.08     0.02      92.4                              .       
                            1990.8233     0.08     0.02      98.0                              .       
                            1991.6037     0.22     0.04     105.1                              .       
                            1991.6557     0.10     0.02      88.5                              .       
                            1991.6584     0.12     0.03      98.1                              .       
                            1991.7077     0.10     0.03      96.5                              .       
                            1991.7104     0.08     0.02      99.7                              .       
                            1991.7132     0.05     0.01      84.4                              .       
                            1991.7460     0.08     0.02      84.3                              .       
                            1992.6413     0.19     0.03      85.5                              .       
                            1992.6441     0.56     0.05      96.3                              .       
                       Pourbaix gives combined solution for this resolved SB2, yielding        Pbx2000b
                       orbital parallaxes and component masses.                                .       
                       Aa,Ab: Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and          .       
                       spectroscopic masses 3.88 +/- 0.22, 5.02, and 2.63 Msun, respectively.  Mlk2012 
00573+6020 ARG   3     B is BD+59@149.                                                         .       
00573+2518 POU  79     LDS 871.                                                                .       
00573+1100 ITF  49     Aka ITF  94.                                                            .       
00574+2053 J  2587     BRT2300.                                                                .       
00576-7131 OGL 112     SMC109.3.163   + SMC109.3.288                                           Pli2012 
00577+0441 GWP 107     AB: XMI 159AB.                                                          Tob2012b
           GWP 108     AC: XMI 159AC.                                                          Tob2012b
00577-7326 OGL 113     SMC106.7.19223 + SMC106.7.12940                                         Pli2012 
00578-7346 OGL 114     SMC107.5.14324 + SMC107.5.14471                                         Pli2012 
00580-7306 OGL 115     SMC106.5.52673 + SMC106.5.51760                                         Pli2012 
00586+4709 BRT  73     The 1893 observation differs substantially from modern observations.    .       
                       Either the 1893 observation is erroneous (which we consider the most    .       
                       probable), or there exist perturbations in the system. The question of  .       
                       the physical relationship of this system remains open.                  Kiy2012 
00587-7144 OGL 116     SMC109.1.23    + SMC109.1.460                                           Pli2012 
00587-7207 OGL 117     SMC108.3.6583  + SMC108.3.6695                                          Pli2012 
00588+1044 GWP 109     XMI 160.                                                                Tob2012b
00588-7149 OGL 118     SMC109.1.85    + SMC109.1.231                                           Pli2012 
00589+3230 SEI  10     Neither component seen on POSS plate; may be flaws on AC Potsdam plate  .       
00589+0339 GWP 110     XMI 161.                                                                Tob2012b
00591+5824 STI1501     Rectilinear solution by Hurowitz et al. (2013).                         USN2013a
00591+5729 STI1500     Not the same as 00570+5729ES   44.                                      .       
00592-1211 LDS3217     NLTT 3252/3253                                                          Chm2004 
00593+0706 GWP 111     XMI 162.                                                                Tob2012b
00593-0040 A  1902     Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and spectroscopic   .       
                       masses of 3.23 +/- 0.70, 2.54, and 1.20 Msun, respectively.             Mlk2012 
00593-7142 OGL 119     SMC109.2.9765  + SMC109.1.13352                                         Pli2012 
00594+0047 STF  80     B is BD+00@158.                                                         .       
                       AB: Additional notes may be found in Holden (1972).                     Hln1972 
                       A: In addition to the linear solution for the resolved pair,            .       
                       astrometric orbits have been computed for an unseen close companion to  .       
                       A. Dommanget give two orbits calculated from perturbations seen to the  .       
                       rectilinear motion.                                                     Dom1969 
00595+3202 SEI  11     Neither component seen on POSS plate; may be flaws on AC Potsdam plate  .       
00596-0111 A  1903     AB: Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and             .       
                       spectroscopic masses 1.31 +/- 0.60, 2.11, and 0.95 Msun, respectively.  Mlk2012 
00596-7549 GLI   8     B is CPD-76@82, spectrum G0/2V.                                         .       
00598+0629 KUI   4     The primary is variable, WW Psc.                                        .       
00599-7146 OGL 120     SMC109.1.13337 + SMC113.6.34323                                         Pli2012 
00599-7208 OGL 121     SMC108.3.14363 + SMC108.3.15476                                         Pli2012 
00599-7410 OGL 122     SMC107.1.178   + SMC107.1.218                                           Pli2012 
01000+5702 MLR 626     Also known as TDS1710.                                                  .       
01000-7234 OGL 123     SMC105.4.9983  + SMC105.4.11297                                         Pli2012 
01001+4443 STF  79     164 And. Both A and B are spectroscopic binaries.                       .       
                       H N  45.                                                                MEv2010 
                       T0 converted from negative to positive by subtracting from P.           FMR2020c
01001+1246 GWP 113     XMI 164.                                                                Tob2012b
01001-7135 OGL 124     SMC109.2.10029 + SMC109.2.10470                                         Pli2012 
01002+5809 SKF  56BC   Aka MRI  25.                                                            .       
01005-1923 SHY 392     HIP   4702 + HIP   4833.                                                .       
01006+6027 BAG  36     Primary is the alpha2 CVn type variable V551 Cas.                       .       
01006-7343 OGL 125     SMC107.4.12713 + SMC107.3.646                                           Pli2012 
01007-7250 OGL 126     SMC105.2.10999 + SMC105.2.12098                                         Pli2012 
01007-7328 OGL 127     SMC106.2.10337 + SMC106.2.11173                                         Pli2012 
01008-7400 OGL 128     SMC107.2.7090  + SMC107.2.7244                                          Pli2012 
01010-7154 OGL 129     SMC108.4.34907 + SMC108.4.34906                                         Pli2012 
01011-7119 OGL 130     SMC114.5.140   + SMC114.5.363                                           Pli2012 
01012+3704 BRT2585     ALI 254.  Also known as TDS1720.                                        .       
01012-5610 HJ 3412     B is CPD-56@199.                                                        .       
01013+1745 GWP 116     XMI 165.                                                                Tob2012b
01014+3535 COU 854     Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and spectroscopic   .       
                       masses of 2.42 +/- 1.13, 2.60, and 1.10 Msun, respectively.             Mlk2012 
01014+1155 BU  867     Misidentified in BDS and ADS. Corrections by Baize and Couteau.         .       
                       A premature orbit has been calculated.                                  .       
01014-7120 OGL 131     SMC114.5.22    + SMC114.5.226                                           Pli2012 
01014-7210 OGL 132     SMC113.7.22785 + SMC113.7.22807                                         Pli2012 
01015+6922 A  2901     1984.9965: This autocorrelogram was remeasured; the new results are     .       
                       listed in catalog.                                                      .       
01015+1024 GWP 117     XMI 166.                                                                Tob2012b
01016+5339 HJ 2008     01015+5339SMA  11                                                       .       
01016-1630 LDS9107     Old LDS6107.                                                            .       
01017+4635 A   927     BRT  75                                                                 .       
01017+2518 HDS 134     Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and spectroscopic   .       
                       masses of 2.80 +/- 0.47, 2.33, and 2.40 Msun, respectively.             Mlk2012 
                       A: Teff = 5625+/-75 K, log g = 3.75+/-0.25, R = 2.75+/-0.30 \rsun,      AlW2014 
                          Mv = 2.99+/-0.30, M = 1.60+/-0.20 \msun, L = 15.84+/-1.60 \lsun      .       
                       B: Teff = 5575+/-75 K, log g = 3.75+/-0.25, R = 2.65+/-0.30 \rsun,      .       
                          Mv = 3.12+/-0.30, M = 1.46+/-0.20 \msun, L = 15.83+/-1.60 \lsun      .       
01018-0652 LDS  33     NLTT 3377/3378                                                          Chm2004 
01019+1405 GRV 984     Typo in original WDS designation - entered as 01010+1405.               .       
01020+0214 LDS3221     LDS5310.                                                                .       
01020-7201 OGL 133     SMC113.6.22750 + SMC108.3.39755                                         Pli2012 
01020-7304 OGL 134     SMC106.4.40341 + SMC111.5.15843                                         Pli2012 
01021-1516 LDS9108     Old LDS6108.                                                            .       
01023+8153 KNT   1     A is an Algol-type eclipsing binary, U Cep, P =19.3d.  There is         .       
                       circumstellar matter.                                                   .       
01023+1131 PLQ  11     LDS1085.                                                                .       
01023+0552 A  2003     Close, 0.2" or under. Position angles show large changes. A premature   .       
                       orbit has been computed.                                                .       
                       Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and spectroscopic   .       
                       masses of 2.79 +/- 1.16, 2.45, and 1.05 Msun, respectively.             Mlk2012 
01024+0504 HDS 135     Mean motion indicates P ~ 80 yr, rho decreasing.                        Msn1999b
                       AB: Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and             .       
                       spectroscopic masses 1.13 +/- 0.11, 1.39, and 1.35 Msun, respectively.  Mlk2012 
           WNO  50     AC: GJ 3071 + GJ 1027. CPM pair.                                        Mkr2008 
01025+0933 GWP 119     XMI 167.                                                                Tob2012b
01025-7353 OGL 135     SMC107.3.8839  + SMC112.6.180                                           Pli2012 
01026+6221 WNO  51     GJ 49 + GJ 51. CPM pair.                                                Mkr2008 
01027+0908 RAO  39     RoboAO finds 2 companions - Optical?  2MASS: B at 32.4" 145.3d, below   RAO2015 
                       the MS, optical? Tokovinin & Lepine (2012) miss AB but list an optical  Tok2012c
                       companion at 1733".                                                     Tok2014d
                       AB: A is SB2 with P = 26.2 days (Griffin & Suchkov 2003). The tertiary  Grf2003 
                       companion B at 2".8 did not move substantially in a year since its      .       
                       discovery by Riddle et al. (2015), but the PM of the main component A   RAO2015 
                       is small and the astrometry is not conclusive. B is located below the   .       
                       MS on the CMD, although still within the errors of its photometry.      .       
                       Considering the small field crowding, we count B as likely physical.    Rbr2015d
01028+3148 sig Psc     Combined spectroscopic/interferometric solution (Palomar Testbed        Knc2004 
                       Interferometer) by Konacki & Lane (2004), yielding distance = 112.9     .       
                       +/- 0.9 pc, masses 2.65 +/- 0.27 and 2.36 +/- 0.24 Msun, spectral       .       
                       types B9.5V, diameters 0.16 and 0.15 mas.                               .       
                       Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and spectroscopic   .       
                       masses of 8.19 +/- 0.87, 5.71, and 2.40 Msun, respectively.             Mlk2012 
01028+0049 LDS5311     Error in WDS designation - incorrect precession of Luyten coordinates?  Luy1984 
01029+5148 BU 1161     Rectilinear solution by Rica & Zirm (2012).                             FMR2012i
01029+4702 GIC  17     G172-034/G172-035. The A component is the variable star V359 And.       .       
                       NLTT 3437/3438                                                          Chm2004 
01029+4121 HJ 1064     39 And.                                                                 .       
01029+0753 OCC 480     eps Psc                                                                 .       
                       NPOI Limb-darkened diameter 1.74 +/- 0.10 mas,                          NOI1999 
                       R = 10.9 +/- 0.8 \rsun.                                                 .       
01030+4723 STT  21     A may be a spectroscopic binary.                                        .       
                       Measures attributed to this pair are actually of 01006+4719 = MAD   1.  Mad1856 
                       Error identified by Wilfried Knapp.                                     Bu_1883 
01030-0450 BUP  13     25 Cet.                                                                 .       
01031-7358 OGL 136     SMC112.7.5     + SMC112.7.92                                            Pli2012 
01032+7113 JNN 250     LHS 1182. Estimated age 1000-10000 Myr; masses 0.21 +/- 0.04 and 0.13   .       
                       +/- 0.02 Msun; a ~2.7 au.                                               Jnn2014 
01032+6032 MLB  43     This is a physical pair, with relative motion much smaller than the     .       
                       proper motions. Relative motion may be affected by a perturbation in    .       
                       the radial direction with a period of 25y.                              Kiy2012 
01032+2006 LDS 873     NLTT 3462/3463                                                          Chm2004 
01033-6006 HJ 3416     Spectrum F6/8III/IV.                                                    .       
01033-7123 OGL 137     SMC114.5.6465  + SMC114.6.10201                                         Pli2012 
01035+5019 STF  83     Optical pair, based on study of relative motion of the components       .       
                       using the method of apparent motion parameters.                         Kiy2008 
                       Rectilinear solution by Hurowitz et al. (2013).                         USN2013a
01035-0535 RST4162     J 1442.                                                                 .       
01036-5516 DLR   1     AB is a low-mass binary with masses 0.19 +/- 0.02 and 0.17 +/- 0.02     .       
                       Msun. At a distance of 47.2 +/- 3.1 pc the projected distance between   .       
                       the stars is 12au.  They are orbited by an L-type companion at 84au,    .       
                       which shares common proper motion.  The companion is either a 12-13     .       
                       Mjup planet (assuming an age of 20 Myr) or a 14-15 Mjup brown dwarf     .       
                       (for an age of 50 Myr).                                                 Dlr2013 
01036-7138 OGL 138     SMC114.7.13732 + SMC114.8.18665                                         Pli2012 
01037+4051 LDS3225     AB: Also known as GIC  18.                                              .       
                       BC: NLTT 3481/3482                                                      Chm2004 
                       BC: Aside from the companion seen in the AstraLux images, there is an   .       
                       additional possible wide companion at 26" separation, as noted in the   .       
                       WDS. The wide components have very similar proper motions (e.g. Roser   XXX2010 
                       et al. 2010), so actual companionship seems probable.                   Jnn2012 
           BWL   5     AD:  Colors and/or astrometry are inconsistent with a late-type common  .       
                       proper motion companion based on visual inspection of the field from    .       
                       2MASS, SDSS, DSS1, and/or DSS2. Primary is G 132-50.                    Bwl2015 
01037-3024 B   649     CI Scl, Algol-type eclipsing binary, P = 14.7104 d.                     Zas2011 
                       B is a close 14.7-d spectroscopic pair.                                 Tok2019a
01037-7138 OGL 139     SMC114.7.13496 + SMC114.7.13580                                         Pli2012 
01037-7158 OGL 140     SMC113.5.9293  + SMC113.5.9288                                          Pli2012 
01038+2232 J   874     J measures a pair 1912 - 1917: 345@, 3".                                .       
                       Measures and magnitude differences discordant.                          J__1949a
                       Companion has variable magnitude.                                       Cou1952a
01038+0122 STF  84     26 Cet.                                                                 .       
           STF  84     AB: H 4  83.                                                            MEv2010 
           BU 1355     AC: 1909 and 1921 measures disagree. BDS 494 same star.                 .       
01039-7255 SKF1068     OGL 141. SMC110.8.23710 + SMC110.8.23860                                Pli2012 
01040+3528 HO  213     A premature orbit has been calculated.                                  .       
01040-6409 B  1913     Spectrum composite: K0III/IV+A/F.                                       .       
01040-7134 OGL 142     SMC114.7.14379 + SMC114.6.11666                                         Pli2012 
01040-7401 OGL 143     SMC112.7.11    + SMC112.7.755                                           Pli2012 
01041+4408 UC  493     Not a CPM pair. The A component is a close double, leading to a         .       
                       spurious proper motion (Skiff, private comm.).                          .       
01042+2256 GIC  19     G069-044/G069-043.                                                      .       
                       NLTT 3529/3528                                                          Chm2004 
01044-0518 STF  85     Probably the same as STF 211 with a 1 hr error in RA.                   .       
01044-4703 UC  495     AB and BC are probably not CPM pairs. The proper motion of the B        .       
                       component was effected by a nearby bright star (Skiff, private comm.).  .       
01047+0401 GWP 126     XMI 168.                                                                Tob2012b
01047-3929 GJ 9037     Combined solution, based on reduction of Hipparcos intermediate         .       
                       astrometric data together with spectroscopic elements from the Geneva   .       
                       Extrasolar Planet Search Programs home page.                            HaI2001 
01048+0135 A  2310     Position angles vary widely. A premature orbit has been calculated.     .       
01048-0528 STF  86     AB: H 3  73.                                                            MEv2010 
01049+3649 A  1515     Periods from 86 to 419yr have been calculated. Possibly ambiguous case  .       
01050+2119 LDS3228     NLTT 3570.  White dwarf pair = WD 0102+21 = EGGR 462/463                Grn1986 
01050-7132 OGL 144     SMC114.3.186   + SMC114.3.569                                           Pli2012 
01051+3814 J  1804     ALI 488.                                                                .       
01051+1457 HJ 1068     72 Psc. A is a spectroscopic binary.                                    .       
01052+1250 HJ   10     Primary is eclipsing binary of Algol-type, period 1.62785 d.            Zas2012 
01053-7331 OGL 145     SMC111.8.20419 + SMC111.8.20441                                         Pli2012 
01055+8315 MLR 482     Also known as TDS  39.                                                  .       
01055+4928 ES 1206     1deg error in IDS led to similar error in WDS designation.              .       
01055+1523 STF  87     NLTT 3597/3598                                                          Chm2004 
                       The B component may be a spectroscopic pair.                            Tok2019b
01055-7215 OGL 146     SMC113.2.30    + SMC113.2.126                                           Pli2012 
01056+4927 OSO  12     G172-038. Neither is a common proper motion pair, based on color and    .       
                       comparison with POSS2 red plates                                        Oso2004 
01056-7342 OGL 147     SMC112.5.12714 + SMC112.5.12879                                         Pli2012 
01057+3304 MLB 444     Rectilinear solution by Cvetkovic et al. (2017).                        Cve2017 
01057+2128 STF  88     psi 1 Psc                                                               .       
                       AB: HJL  12.                                                            HJL1986 
                       AB: SHY 395. Bayesian analysis by Shaya & Olling (2011) indicates very  Shy2011 
                       high (near 100%) probability pair is physical.                          .       
                       AB: H 4   9.                                                            MEv2010 
           YR    6     Aa,Ab: Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and          .       
                       spectroscopic masses 4.29 +/- 0.78, 4.29, and 2.19 Msun, respectively.  Mlk2012 
01058+0455 STF  90     77 Psc. STTA 10. B is BD+04@176.                                        .       
                       AB: HJL  13.                                                            HJL1986 
                       AB: H 4  68.                                                            MEv2010 
01058-2618 HJ 2014     LDS  34. HIP 5140. See Allen et al. (2000) for information on           AlC2000 
                       metallicity, age, galactic orbital parameters, etc.                     .       
01058-5959 R     5     B is CPD-60@75.                                                         .       
01058-7150 OGL 148     SMC114.1.170   + SMC114.1.1973                                          Pli2012 
01060+6120 LDS3230     Old LDS6109. Due probably to a typo in the epoch-1900 IDS coordinates,  .       
                       LDS3230 was originally listed in the WDS as 00055+6119.                 .       
01060+2456 BRT 122     J 2708.                                                                 J__1955 
01060+1111 BPM  21     [PM2000]   41785 + [PM2000]   41845.                                    Gvr2010 
01061-4643 SLR   1     bet Phe. Variable?                                                      .       
                       Quoted errors in P and a are +/- 5.0y and +/- 0.016", respectively.     Ary2015b
01062+4508 BRT  76     Algol-type eclipsing binary, period 5.613460 d.                         Zas2019 
01062+3211 S   393     sig 2 Psc                                                               .       
                       AB: H 5  16.                                                            MEv2010 
01064+3230 LDS3231     Aka RAO 184.                                                            .       
01065+5325 ES  616     One degree error in WDS designation - should be +5425.                  .       
01065+0154 HDO  42     Doolittle may have measured a different pair (see ADS).                 A__1932a
01065-3055 LDS2167     NLTT 3662/3663                                                          Chm2004 
01065-3441 LDS9110     Old LDS6110.                                                            .       
01066+1353 SHY 396     HIP   5207 + HIP   4387.                                                .       
01069-1408 GAL 306     Object #34 in Gallo's original list.                                    Gal1912a
01071+1740 BPM  22     [PM2000]   42380 + [PM2000]   42414.                                    Gvr2010 
01072+5752 STI1537     Rectilinear solution by Hurowitz et al. (2013).                         USN2013a
01072+5330 H 4  66     H IV 66.                                                                .       
01072+3839 A  1516     AB: Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and             .       
                       spectroscopic masses 2.62 +/- 0.59, 2.89, and 1.10 Msun, respectively.  Mlk2012 
01072-0144 STF  91     B is 2mag above the MS in (K,V-K), on MS in (J,J-K). Wrong 2MASS ptm.   .       
                       The B component is possibly a SB.                                       Tok2014d
01072-7121 OGL 149     SMC114.4.6097  + SMC114.4.6144                                          Pli2012 
01073+0537 GWP 130     XMI 169.                                                                Tob2012b
01073-3452 COO   6     Rectilinear solution by Friedman et al. (2012).                         USN2012a
01073-7201 OGL 150     SMC113.3.21615 + SMC113.3.21614                                         Pli2012 
01074+0101 LDS5315     Error in WDS designation - incorrect precession of Luyten coordinates?  Luy1984 
01075+4116 RAO  40     Primary is SB, P=49.480d. Estim. mass of B 0.26 Msun.                   Tok2014d
                       Triple system with inner 74.1 day spectroscopic pair (Gorynya &         .       
                       Tokovinin 2014 MNRAS 441, 2316) and tertiary from Riddle et al. (2015)  RAO2015 
                       confirmed as physical by our photometry and astrometry. Observations    .       
                       demonstrate that photometry of B given in 2MASS is biased by proximity  .       
                       of bright primary, as in many other similar pairs. Their "unusual"      .       
                       colors derived from the 2MASS photometry are thus wrong.                Rbr2015d
01075+0244 GWP 131     XMI 170.                                                                Tob2012b
01075-4145 LDS9111     Old LDS6111.                                                            .       
01076+2257 LDS9112     AB: Old LDS6112.                                                        .       
                       NLTT 3723/3725                                                          Chm2004 
01078-4129 RST3352     ups Phe. Variable RV suspected. The lines are poor and show a scatter   .       
                       of 40km/s without apparent relation to the visual motion.               .       
                       Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and spectroscopic   .       
                       masses of 3.16 +/- 0.34, 2.78, and 2.09 Msun, respectively.             Mlk2012 
01079-7311 OGL 151     SMC111.3.12611 + SMC111.3.12798                                         Pli2012 
01080+3915 RAO  41     Primary is SB, P=1713d.                                                 Tok2014d
01083+5455 WCK   1     Aa,Ab: mu Cas = 30 Cas. Proper motion of A +3424 -1596 (FK5).           .       
                       Aa,Ab: Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and          .       
                       spectroscopic masses 0.01 +/- 0.01, 1.22, and 0.95 Msun, respectively.  Mlk2012 
                       Aa,Ab : 0.7400 +/- 0.0122, 0.1728 +/- 0.0035 \msun, respectively.       BdH2020 
                       Age estimated as 12.7 +/- 2.7 Gyr.                                              
           mu Cas      Aa,Ab: Astrometric orbit. Spectroscopic elements are somewhat           .       
                       different from those of Lippincott: P = 23.0, T = 1954.0, e = 0.30,     Lip1981 
                       omega = 178.0 (Worek & Beardsley 1977).                                 Bey1977 
                       See Baize & Petit (1989) catalog of doubles with variable component.    Baz1989d
                       The pair has now been resolved by infrared speckle interferometry.      Mcy1983 
                       Pierce & Lavery (1985), Karovska et al. (1986), Haywood et al. (1992),  Pie1985 
                       and McCarthy et al. (1993) all compare their observations with          Kar1986b
                       published orbits and discuss  luminosities and masses of components,    Hay1992 
                       helium abundances, etc.                                                 .       
                       Hipparcos astrometric solution adopts some elements from the orbit      HIP1997d
                       of Heintz & Cantor (1994).                                              Hei1994b
                       CHARA Array Limb-darkened diameter  0.973 +/- 0.009 mas,                CIA2008d
                       R =  0.791 +/- 0.008 \rsun, Teff = 5297 +/- 32,                         .       
                       L =  0.442 +/- 0.014 \lsun.                                             .       
                       CHARA Array Limb-darkened diameter  0.972 +/- 0.009 mas,                CIA2012e
                       R =  0.790 +/- 0.009 \rsun, L =  0.428 +/-0.007 \lsun,                  .       
                       Teff = 5264 +/-  32 K.                                                  .       
           STT 551     AB: Optical pair, based on study of relative motion of the              .       
                       components using the method of apparent motion parameters.              Kiy2008 
01083-3535 FAR   2     SKF 328. Primary is white dwarf WD 0106-358 = GD 683.                   Far2005b
01084+0539 BUP  15     80 Psc. B is BD+04@192.                                                 .       
           STT 552     AC: Optical pair, based on study of relative motion of the components   .       
                       using the method of apparent motion parameters.                         Kiy2008 
01084-5515 RST1205     zet Phe. Also known as Wurren.                                          Mam2017b
                       A is an Algol-type system, spectrum composite, P = 1.67d.               .       
                       Both B and C are probably physical.                                     .       
                       Ling (2004) gives a derived orbital parallax 0".01176 and a mass sum    Lin2004a
                       of 7.41 +/- 5.85 Msun                                                   .       
01085+6331 OSO  13     G243-062. Not a common proper motion pair, based on comparison with     .       
                       POSS2 red plates. PM of A = +1047 -91.                                  Oso2004 
01086+1652 GWP 135     XMI 171.                                                                Tob2012b
01086+1917 GWP 136     XMI 172.                                                                Tob2012b
01086-1011 BUP  16     eta Cet = 31 Cet. B is BD-10@239.                                       .       
01088+6145 ES 1945     Aka OL  113.                                                            .       
01088-7119 OGL 152     SMC119.5.5     + SMC119.6.162                                           Pli2012 
01089+4512 HJ 2018     AB,C : Same as STF  92.                                                 .       
01091-7225 OGL 153     SMC118.8.502   + SMC113.1.14118                                         Pli2012 
01092-7127 OGL 154     SMC119.6.1012  + SMC119.6.1006                                          Pli2012 
01093+6234 LDS5179     old LDS6113.                                                            .       
01094+3543 BUP9005     A component is NGC 404.                                                 Skf2013 
01094+2949 ALP   4     2MASSW J0109216+294925                                                  .       
                       Physical companionship to this ultracool dwarf ruled out based on I-J   .       
                       color, using I-band photometry taken at WIYN in August 2002.            AlP2007 
01094+0457 GWP 138     XMI 173.                                                                Tob2012b
01094-5636 HU 1342     Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and spectroscopic   .       
                       masses of 2.71 +/- 0.86, 2.48, and 1.27 Msun, respectively.             Mlk2012 
01095+4715 STT 515     phi And = 42 And. Measure of 1985.830 made by MAPPIT.                   Han1987 
                       Scardia et al. (2001) orbit considered preliminary.  The real period    Sca2001d
                       is probably long (>400 yr).  The Hipparcos parallax is 0".00443 +/-     .       
                       0.00080, giving a mass sum of 6.9 Msun, slightly in excess for a        .       
                       binary of spectral type B7Ve. The dynamical parallax is 0".0033, in     .       
                       reasonable agreement with the measured one but not acceptable as it     .       
                       leads to an exaggerated mass sum (16.8 Msun).                           .       
                       Calculated mass sum is 6.5  +/- 2.8 Msun, in reasonable agreement with  .       
                       spectral types B6IV and B9V, although mass is not well-constrained.     Mut2010b
01096+4635 ES 1300     Due to a typographical error in the ADS, the AE, AF, AG, AH, and AI     A__1932a
                       components of 01097+3537 were added as additional components to this    .       
                       pair (the AE and AI pairs as BAR  66, the others as ES 1300).           .       
01096+2802 BRT 123     OL  149.                                                                .       
01096-0507 LDS9114     Old LDS6114. LIT   3.                                                   .       
                       NLTT 3847/3849                                                          Chm2004 
01096-0711 HDS 151     This binary displays clear common proper motion, but the residual       .       
                       astrometry does not seem to follow a simple trajectory consistent with  .       
                       only orbital motion of the two visible components. In addition, the     .       
                       brightness difference is larger than the spectral type difference       .       
                       would imply at a common distance. This could indicate that the A        .       
                       component is itself an unresolved binary.                               Jnn2012 
01096-4616 GAA   5     AI Phe.                                                                 .       
                       Ma,Mb = 1.1941 +/- 0.0007, 1.2438 +/- 0.0007 \msun,                     GaA2019 
                       orbital parallax = 5.905 +/- 0.024 mas.                                 .       
01097+3537 BAR   1     bet And = 43 And = Mirach                                               .       
                       Also, see note to 01096+4635.                                           .       
01097+0856 GWP 139     XMI 174.                                                                Tob2012b
01098-2013 HJ 2023     Primary is CT Cet, a W UMa type eclipsing binary, P = 0.25649d.         Zas2012 
01099+1352 BPM  23     [PM2000]   44058 + [PM2000]   44035.                                    Gvr2010 
01100-7327 OGL 155     SMC111.2.5925  + SMC111.2.6033                                          Pli2012 
01101+5145 STT  23     AB: HJL  14.                                                            HJL1986 
01102+2447 POU 107     J 1805.                                                                 .       
01104-7352 OGL 156     SMC112.3.6394  + SMC117.6.1318                                          Pli2012 
01105+1326 BPM  24     [PM2000]   44379 + [PM2000]   44460.                                    Gvr2010 
01105+1019 GWP 143     XMI 175.                                                                Tob2012b
01107+8021 STF  89     B is BD+79@32.                                                          .       
01107-2800 SWR   1     CPM pair                                                                Skf2004 
01108+6747 HDS 155     A spectroscopic double lined orbit has been determined as well.         Grf2012d
                       Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and spectroscopic   .       
                       masses of 2.02 +/- 0.23, 2.18, and 2.52 Msun, respectively.             Mlk2012 
01108+5141 DOO   3     BDS 631.                                                                .       
01109+0934 HJ  634     Optical pair, based on study of relative motion of the components       .       
                       using the method of apparent motion parameters.                         Kiy2008 
01111+5509 STT 553     the Cas = 33 Cas. A is a spectroscopic binary,                          .       
                       Optical pair, based on study of relative motion of the components       .       
                       using the method of apparent motion parameters.                         Kiy2008 
01111+3125 STT  25     82 Psc = g Psc                                                          .       
01111-7228 SKF1069     OGL 157. SMC115.5.12    + SMC115.5.319                                  Pli2012 
01112+4113 A   655     Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and spectroscopic   .       
                       masses of 2.59 +/- 0.83, 2.76, and 0.95 Msun, respectively.             Mlk2012 
01112+3743 HO  215     45 And. Also single 1903, 1906 (Doolittle), 1907 (Aitken).              .       
                       A measure by Schembor (1925.60, 117.8@, 155.5", 6 - 6) belonged to      Sch1927a
                       01107+4256 ENG   4AB instead.                                           .       
                       Duplicity of A is questionable.                                         .       
01112+1634 GWP 144     XMI 176.                                                                Tob2012b
01114+1526 BEU   2     GJ 3076. WDS designation incorrected entered as 01224+1526.             .       
                       Estimated age 10-20 Myr; masses 0.10 +/- 0.03 and 0.04 +/- 0.01 Msun;   .       
                       a ~5.6 au.                                                              Jnn2014 
01114-7225 OGL 158     SMC118.8.10104 + SMC118.8.10016                                         Pli2012 
01114-7323 OGL 159     SMC116.7.144   + SMC116.7.143                                           Pli2012 
01116+0446 GWP 146     XMI 178.                                                                Tob2012b
01116+1404 GWP 145     XMI 177.                                                                Tob2012b
01117+1205 LDS3242     NLTT 3967/3952                                                          Chm2004 
01119+0455 GIC  20     G002-027/G070-044 = GJ 3077A+3078B.                                     .       
01120+0642 GWP 149     XMI 180.                                                                Tob2012b
01120+0955 GWP 148     XMI 179.                                                                Tob2012b
01120-7231 OGL 160     SMC115.5.9132  + SMC115.5.9369                                          Pli2012 
01121+6111 KR   10     AC: Doolittle's published position angle was 91.9deg, which does not    Doo1901 
                       match anything in the field. However, an obvious star is visible at     .       
                       the same separation but 90deg off his theta measure. It is assumed he   .       
                       made an error when rotating his micrometer.                             .       
           SMA9001     AD: Doolittle noted "a 13.5 mag. companion about 7" from A was          Doo1901 
                       suspected on two nights". It is assumed he saw the Smart companion.     Sma1932 
01121+4700 BU  236     Aka HJ 2024.                                                            .       
01121-7400 OGL 161     SMC117.7.58    + SMC117.3.98                                            Pli2012 
01125+0228 STT  27     35 Cet                                                                  .       
01126+1704 NAU   1     The primary is GU Psc, a likely member of the young AB Doradus Moving   .       
                       Group. Spectral types are M3 +/- 0.5 and T3.5 +/- 1. Age of the system  .       
                       is 100 +/- 30 Myr, distance 48 +/- 5 pc.                                Nau2014 
01129+3205 STF  98     B is BD+31@196a. The primary is a double-lined spectroscopic binary,    .       
                       P = 2.21d. B may also be an SB (Hube, PASP 93, 490; 1981).              .       
                       AB: H 4 120.                                                            MEv2010 
                       SEI  13.                                                                Nsn2017a
01130+3004 STT  26     A is a spectroscopic binary.                                            .       
01131+2942 A  1260     Angle increasing, with a probable close approach about 1950.            .       
01131+1141 HD  7275    Hipparcos astrometric solution assumed circular orbit (e = omega = 0)   HIP1997d
01131-7215 OGL 162     SMC118.2.51    + SMC118.2.127                                           Pli2012 
01132-7400 OGL 163     SMC117.7.3315  + SMC117.7.3338                                          Pli2012 
01133-0152 HIP   5697  The SB1 orbit suggests mass ratio q > 0.2 and axis 0".21. The companion .       
                       is probably just a bit too faint or too close to be resolved with NICI. Tok2012a
01134-3932 SHY 397     HIP   5709 + HIP   5490.                                                .       
01134-7251 OGL 164     SMC115.2.45    + SMC115.2.260                                           Pli2012 
01135-3821 BRG   4     The primary star in the system is a known eclipsing binary with a       .       
                       period of 0.4455 days (Parihar et al. 2009 MNRAS 395, 593). Since the   .       
                       angular separation is inside of our inner cut-off, we count the system  .       
                       as a binary here for the purpose of multiplicity statistics, although   .       
                       it is really a triple system. To estimate the mass of the primary for   .       
                       the purpose of deriving the mass ratio to the tertiary component        .       
                       detected in our images, we use the sum of the masses corresponding to   .       
                       individual spectral types M1 and M3 derived for the eclipsing binary.   Jnn2012 
                       ASAS J011328-3821.1, eclipsing binary of Algol-type, period 0.44559d.   Zas2016 
01136+2825 HJ  635     Previously erroneously listed as 01126+2825.  Also known as GRV  73.    .       
01137+2435 STF  99     phi Psc = 85 Psc. A is a spectroscopic binary.                          .       
01137+0735 STF 100     zet Psc = Revati.                                                       .       
                       Both A and B are spectroscopic and occultation binaries, B has P=9.08d. .       
                       AB: HJL  15.                                                            HJL1986 
                       AB: H 4   8.                                                            MEv2010 
           BU 1029     BC: Delta m given in ADS is greatly overestimated.                      Wor1967b
                       BC: Rectilinear solution by Rica & Zirm (2012).                         FMR2012i
01137-5040 HJ 3421     B is CD-51@312.                                                         .       
                       Optical pair, based on study of relative motion of the components       .       
                       using the method of apparent motion parameters.                         Kiy2008 
01139+1004 GWP 154     XMI 181.                                                                Tob2012b
01141+1698 87 Psc      Hipparcos astrometric solution adopted some elements from the orbit of  HIP1997d
                       Stickland & Weatherby (1984).                                           Stc1984 
01141+0634 LDS3248     LDS5323.                                                                .       
01142-4041 B  2554     Hipparcos suspected non-single.                                         .       
01144-0755 STFA  3     37 Cet = LDS3250. B is BD-08@215.                                       .       
                       NLTT 4123/4121                                                          Chm2004 
                       AB: GJ 9045 A+B. CPM pair.                                              Mkr2008 
                       AB: H 5  24.                                                            MEv2010 
01144-7319 OGL 165     SMC116.3.3     + SMC116.3.954   + SMC116.6.11112                        Pli2012 
01145-0503 ROL   1     Primary is exoplanet host, periods 1275d, 4046d.                        Tok2014d
           RGS   1     Aa,Ab: HD 7449 has a close massive planet (P = 1270.5 +5.92/-12.1d,     .       
                       a =  2.33 +0.01/-0.02 au, mass >1.09 +0.52/-0.19 Mjup) as well as a     .       
                       more distant stellar companion. The Ab component is likely an M4-M5     .       
                       dwarf. Rodigas et al. (2016) estimate P = 65.7 +227/-56y, a =  17.9     .       
                       +32/-12.9 au, i = 59.7 +20.1/-25.8 deg, mass = 0.23 +0.22/-0.05 Msun.   Rgs2016 
01146-7402 OGL 166     SMC117.7.3320  + SMC117.7.3907                                          Pli2012 
01148+6056 BU 1100     The quadrant interpretation by Zulevic is less likely.                  Zul1972a
                       Muller corrected an error in his elements (Ephem. Cat. 1964).           Mlr1955b
                       One component is a SB, P = 5.33d.                                       .       
                       Only elements P, T, and a have been amended by Starikova (1977) from    Sta1977a
                       the orbit of Zulevic (1972).                                            Zul1972a
01148+4309 LDS3251     NLTT 4129/4124                                                          Chm2004 
01148-0058 BUP  18     38 Cet.                                                                 .       
                       A is a blue supergiant with multiple pulsation periods.                 IAU2014e
                       AC: C component is galaxy NGC 442.                                      .       
01149+3236 SEI  14     None of the components seen on POSS plate; may be flaws on AC Potsdam   .       
                       plate. The current WDS companion at the position of Scheiner's triple   .       
                       is probably unrelated to anything seen on the plates.                   .       
                       AC: SEI  15.                                                            Nsn2017a
01152-3419 LDS 837     LDS5325.                                                                .       
01153+6040 LDS5180     old LDS6115.                                                            .       
01153+2234 J  3226     BRT2304. Barton lists theta as 226.9; probably typo for 266.9.          Brt1939b
01155+3745 SHY 121     HIP   5881 + HIP   6278.                                                .       
                       A: Ren & Fu (2013) calculated an astrometric orbit, combining           .       
                       Hipparcos Intermediate Astrometric Data with spectroscopic elements by  .       
                       Nidever et al. (2002). They derived component masses 0.95 and 0.28      Nid2002 
                       Msun and an estimated semimajor axis of 30.68 mas.                      Ren2013 
01155+0216 CHR 195     First detected as an occultation binary by Evn1983a.                    .       
01157+0241 GWP 157     XMI 182.                                                                Tob2012b
01157+0032 LDS5326     Error in WDS designation - incorrect precession of Luyten coordinates?  Luy1984 
01158+4702 LAW   9     LSPM J0115+4702S. Law et al (2008) derive a distance of 18.7 +9.3/-3.6  Law2008 
                       pc and a projected separation of 5.2 +2.9/-0.9 au. Estimated spectral   .       
                       types are M4.5 and M5.                                                  .       
                       In addition to the companion detected with AstraLux, it can be noted    .       
                       that 2MASS J01154885+4702259 has a very similar proper motion to the    .       
                       star J01155017+4702023 at just 27" separation (Roser et al. 2010),      XXX2010 
                       which is itself a close binary (Law et al. 2008). Thus, this is a very  Law2008 
                       likely quadruple system.                                                Jnn2012 
01158+0947 A  2102     Quadrant change. Not seen 1948 - 1954.                                  .       
01158-6853 HJ 3423     kap Tuc = LDS  42.                                                      .       
           I    27     HJ 3423 and I 27, separated by 320" are kap Tuc.                        Sca1981a
                       See Baize & Petit (1989) catalog of doubles with variable component.    Baz1989d
                       Mass = 1.35, 0.88, 0.86, 0.80 \msun for A, B, C, D, respectively.       Tok2020d
                       Teff = 6513, 5145, 5062, 4850 K for A, B, C, D, respectively.           .       
                       Physical quintuple the period of A,CD is suggested to be ~270 kyr.      .       
01158-7224 OGL 167     SMC118.1.5565  + SMC118.1.6020                                          Pli2012 
01160+5849 STI1550BC   Aka MRI  29.                                                            .       
01160+1534 GRV 986     SLW  58.                                                                .       
01162-7246 OGL 168     SMC115.2.6083  + SMC115.2.6082                                          Pli2012 
01163+1243 BPM  25     [PM2000]   47807 + [PM2000]   47744.                                    Gvr2010 
01163-2056 LDS  41     NLTT 4238/4239                                                          Chm2004 
01163-3217 LDS1091     LDS5327.                                                                .       
01166+7402 HJ 2028     STTA 13.                                                                .       
01166+1831 HDS 169     A: Ren & Fu (2013) calculated an astrometric orbit, combining           .       
                       Hipparcos Intermediate Astrometric Data with spectroscopic elements by  .       
                       Latham et al. (2002). They derived component masses 1.06 and 0.28 Msun  Lat2002 
                       and an estimated semimajor axis of 14.81 mas.                           Ren2013 
01166+1507 GWP 161     XMI 183.                                                                Tob2012b
01166-0230 BU 1358     39 Cet. A semiregular variable, AY Cet, and spectroscopic binary, P =   .       
                       56.8d. Radio flares and soft X-rays are observed, and a white-dwarf     .       
                       companion is revealed by IUE observations.                              .       
01167-7142 OGL 169     SMC124.7.387   + SMC124.7.163                                           Pli2012 
01168+2643 BRT3257     Originally published as BRT 124.                                        Brt1928 
01170-7311 OGL 170     SMC116.3.7036  + SMC116.3.7122                                          Pli2012 
01171+1739 BPM  26     [PM2000]   48328 + [PM2000]   48320.                                    Gvr2010 
01171-7355 OGL 171     SMC117.3.682   + SMC117.3.1102                                          Pli2012 
01172+0930 GWP 164     XMI 184.                                                                Tob2012b
01172+0201 HDO  45     Rectilinear solution by Mason et al. (2012).                            WSI2012 
01175+0131 GWP 165     XMI 185.                                                                Tob2012b
01176+4018 A  1521     Rapid change, but the measures are inadequate to define the motion.     .       
01177+2647 BRT3258     Originally published as BRT 125.                                        Brt1928 
01177-7150 OGL 172     SMC124.8.4147  + SMC124.8.4560  + SMC124.8.4191                         Pli2012 
01178+4945 HU  520     Quadrant indeterminate.                                                 .       
01178+4901 HJ 2033     Ea : Also known as STF 102 ET.                                          .       
01179-7314 OGL 173     SMC116.3.7181  + SMC116.3.7479                                          Pli2012 
01180+0037 GWP 167     XMI 186.                                                                Tob2012b
01181+4707 A   937     North preceding and slightly brighter of a finder pair. Narrow          .       
                       apparent orbit.                                                         B__1963b
01182+5742 STI1556     Rectilinear solution by Hurowitz et al. (2013).                         USN2013a
01182+1409 BPM  27     [PM2000]   48977 + [PM2000]   49004.                                    Gvr2010 
01182-7136 OGL 174     SMC124.7.4469  + SMC124.7.4898                                          Pli2012 
01184-2332 LDS2182     Appears to be same as SKF1373. Primary is B component of 01183-2330     .       
                       SKF1372; pair moved to become AC pair (with quadrant flip).             .       
01185+7323 A   814     Not separated about 1951 (Van Biesbroeck). Possible quadrant change.    VBs9999 
01186+3855 GIC  21     G132-069/G132-068.                                                      .       
                       NLTT 4342/4337                                                          Chm2004 
01186-2255 FAR  24     Primary is white dwarf WD 0116-231.                                     Far2006 
01187-0052 HJ 5453     LDS  43. HIP 6130. See Allen et al. (2000) for information on           AlC2000 
                       metallicity, age, galactic orbital parameters, etc.                     .       
                       AB: NLTT 4362/4361                                                      Chm2004 
           EGN   1     Aa,Ab pair bound. Colors of Ab component consistent with M2-M5 dwarf,   .       
                       with mass 0.24 +/- 0.01 Msun.  B component is K7 dwarf and shares       .       
                       CPM with A. C component is likely a background star.                    Egn2007 
01187-2249 HDO  47     Probably = HDO 48.                                                      .       
01188+3724 STF 108     The A component is a spectroscopic binary.                              .       
01188-5637 RST  29     Spectral type G5?                                                       .       
01191-7215 OGL 175     SMC123.7.2850  + SMC123.7.2849                                          Pli2012 
01192+5821 STI1560     B is BD+57@248.                                                         FMR9999 
01192-4338 B  1423     Zurlo et al. (2013) estimate the period of this system at ~300y, in an  .       
                       eccentric orbit with a semi-major axis of ~50au. The companion is       .       
                       likely a white dwarf.                                                   Zur2013 
01194+6418 MLB 186     TDS1841.                                                                .       
01194+1158 BPM  28     [PM2000]   49715 + [PM2000]   49656.                                    Gvr2010 
01194-7129 OGL 176     SMC124.3.274   + SMC124.3.22                                            Pli2012 
01194-7246 OGL 177     SMC120.7.5025  + SMC120.8.5604                                          Pli2012 
01194-7359 OGL 178     SMC122.7.221   + SMC122.7.232                                           Pli2012 
01195+5816 ES  408     CD component also known as STI1562                                      .       
01195+1850 GWP 169     XMI 187.                                                                Tob2012b
01195-7205 OGL 179     SMC123.6.2701  + SMC123.6.3359                                          Pli2012 
01196-0520 A   313     Only elements P and T have been amended by Starikova (1977) from the    Sta1977a
                       orbit of Heintz (1968).                                                 Hei1968a
                       Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and spectroscopic   .       
                       masses of 2.39 +/- 1.07, 2.59, and 1.10 Msun, respectively.             Mlk2012 
01197+1209 CHR 196     First detected as an occultation binary by Africano.                    Afr1975 
01197-7203 OGL 180     SMC123.6.2671  + SMC123.6.3140                                          Pli2012 
01198-0031 STF 113     42 Cet.                                                                 .       
                       AB: Absolute quadrant for 1998.657 determined by triple-correlation     .       
                       techniques.                                                             Pru2002b
                       A,BC. 1985.8430: This autocorrelogram was remeasured; the new results   .       
                       are listed in catalog.                                                  .       
                       Star A (mag. 6.3, G8III) is in slow direct motion at 1.6" separation.   .       
                       T incorrectly given as 1992.52 by Baize (1990); should be 1993.02       Baz1990a
                       (erratum noted in Inf. Circ. 111, 1990)                                 .       
           FIN 337     BC: 1982.7629, 1982.7657, 1983.7106: A mistake in reduction resulted in .       
                       90 degree errors for these three measures.                              McA1987b
                       BC: Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and             .       
                       spectroscopic masses 1.79 +/- 0.56, 3.32, and 1.20 Msun, respectively.  Mlk2012 
01198-7157 OGL 181     SMC123.5.2462  + SMC123.5.2499                                          Pli2012 
01199+0350 CHE  29     BAL2084.                                                                Hln1972 
01200+5747 STI1571     Aka LYS   5. Identity not recognized due to large pm affecting pa.      .       
                       Rectilinear solution by Hurowitz et al. (2013).                         USN2013a
01200-1549 HJ 2036     A is an SB. Binary or triple?                                           Tok2014d
01201+5814 H 3  23     H III 23. phi Cas = 34 Cas. A is a spectroscopic binary.                .       
                       A quintuple system. C has spectral type B5/6Ia/be.                      .       
01201+3900 GIC  22     G132-071/G132-072.                                                      .       
                       NLTT 4410/4412                                                          Chm2004 
01203-0933 LDS9116     Old LDS6116.                                                            .       
01203-4841 HJ 3428     B is CD-49@378.                                                         .       
01204+0937 GWP 171     XMI 188. BVD  15.                                                       Tob2012b
01205+0418 J  1807     BAL 2085.                                                               .       
01205-1957 TOK 203     Two astrometric orbits are derived by Goldin & Makarov (2006), the      Gln2006 
                       longest one has P = 8.93 yr, axis 55 mas, and e = 0.84.                 Tok2012a
                       Retrograde motion by 4deg since first resolution in 2011. Goldin &      .       
                       Makarov (2006) propose two orbits with periods ~9yr; semi-major axis    Gln2006 
                       should then be 0".15, so the system is near apastron.                   Tok2013b
01207+0333 GWP 172     XMI 189.                                                                Tob2012b
01207-7145 OGL 182     SMC124.1.101   + SMC124.1.545                                           Pli2012 
01208+1127 AG   17     LDS 878. B is BD+10@167.                                                .       
                       HJL  17.                                                                HJL1986 
01208+1035 PLQ  13     B is BD+09@153.                                                         .       
                       HJL  16.                                                                HJL1986 
01211+6439 S   397     35 Cas. STTA 15 = H 5  81.  B is BD+63@175.                             .       
                       Optical pair, based on study of relative motion of the components       .       
                       using the method of apparent motion parameters.                         Kiy2008 
01211+1540 J   227     B is variable                                                           Cou1952a
01211+0736 SLE 257     The primary is a W UMa system, AQ Psc.                                  .       
01211-0403 LDS3267     G 271-42.                                                               .       
01211-3508 LDS5330     Aka LDS9117 the old LDS6117.                                            .       
01211-7251 OGL 183     SMC120.2.15    + SMC120.2.163                                           Pli2012 
01211-7305 OGL 184     SMC121.5.2620  + SMC121.5.3200                                          Pli2012 
01212+5159 NLTT 4450   Ren & Fu (2013) calculated an astrometric orbit, combining Hipparcos    .       
                       Intermediate Astrometric Data with spectroscopic elements by Latham et  .       
                       al. (2002). They derived component masses 1.21 and 0.26 Msun and an     Lat2002 
                       estimated semimajor axis of 35.17 mas.                                  Ren2013 
01212+4108 LDS3266     NLTT 4468/4469                                                          Chm2004 
01213+1132 BU    4     See Baize & Petit (1989) catalog of doubles with variable component.    Baz1989d
                       The Hipparcos parallax (0".00616 +/- 0.00141) yields a mass sum of      Sca2001d
                       4.7 Msun, in excess for a binary of type F1III.                         .       
                       AB: Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and             .       
                       spectroscopic masses 9.73 +/- 6.50, 3.62, and 1.64 Msun, respectively.  Mlk2012 
01215-2908 RUC   1     BE Scl. Spectral type of resolved companion estimated at G5-8V.         Ruc2007 
01218-2408 SEE  13     Motion direct. A premature orbit has been computed.                     .       
01219-4003 WG    8     BRT 643.                                                                Brt1933 
01220+1848 GWP 175     XMI 190.                                                                Tob2012b
01220-6943 I   263     A premature orbit has been computed. Motion direct.                     .       
01221-2654 LDS2189     NLTT 4564/4566                                                          Chm2004 
01223+0331 DEA  38     NLTT 4558 + 2MASS J01221697+0331235. Baron et al. (2015) estimate       .       
                       spectral types G5 and L2 +/- 1, distances 58 +/-3 and 43 +13/-40 pc,    .       
                       masses 1.05 -1.12 and 0.071-0.076 Msun.                                 BFr2015 
01223-7332 OGL 185     SMC121.1.5     + SMC121.1.187                                           Pli2012 
01226+1200 GWP 178     XMI 191.                                                                Tob2012b
01227+1410 GWP 179     XMI 192.                                                                Tob2012b
01227+0032 LDS3270     Aka WNO  42.  G 70-55.                                                  .       
01227-7258 OGL 186     SMC120.1.13    + SMC120.1.32                                            Pli2012 
01228-2440 BWL  63     Bowler et al (2013) derive the following properties: age 120+/-10 Myr,  .       
                       distance 36+/-4 pc, masses 0.40+/-0.05 Msun and 12-14 or 23-27 Mjup.    Bwl2013 
01230-1258 GAL 307     LDS  46. Object #40 in Gallo's original list.                           Gal1912a
           KUI   6     BC: BC shares CPM with A.                                               B__1963b
01230-3035 LDS2190     According to Richard Jaworski the precise position he determine may be  Jaw2006 
                       correct if Luyten's original separation is off by an order of           .       
                       magnitude (i.e., 11.8" rather than 118").                               .       
01232+4905 KU    8     HU 524.                                                                 .       
01233+0152 LDS5332     CVR  26.                                                                .       
01233-0209 LDS3271     NLTT 4616/4615                                                          Chm2004 
01233-2105 LDS2191     NLTT 4626/4625                                                          Chm2004 
01233-7256 OGL 187     SMC120.1.3850  + SMC120.1.4139                                          Pli2012 
01234+5809 STF 115     First measured by F.W. Struve in 1836 at an angular separation of       Hrt1989 
                       0".68, this system had opened to 1".2 by 1910, then steadily closed     .       
                       to 0".35 at the time of the first speckle measurement in 1978.          .       
                       The pair reached an apparent minimum separation of 0".01 in the         .       
                       spring of 1984.                                                         .       
                       1983.7107  This autocorrelogram was remeasured; the new results are     .       
                       listed in the catalog.                                                  .       
                       AB: Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and             .       
                       spectroscopic masses 2.36 +/- 0.67, 2.80, and 1.20 Msun, respectively.  Mlk2012 
01235-7356 OGL 188     SMC122.3.2     + SMC122.3.173   + SMC122.5.71                           Pli2012 
01236+3415 CRJ   4     NLTT 4619. The A component is SB, P=83.9d. Primary is G8IV. The 0.3"    .       
                       companion is physically associated with primary, based on multi-epoch   .       
                       astrometry. The estimated spectral type of the companion ~M1V, its      .       
                       mass > 0.297 Msun.                                                      CrJ2013 
01236+0753 GWP 180     XMI 193.                                                                Tob2012b
01237+3743 CIA  15     47 And.                                                                 .       
                       Mass = 1.636 +/- 0.050, 1.587 +/- 0.049 \msun for A and B.              CIA2020a
                       Radius = 1.84 +/- 0.05, 1.66 +/- 0.12 \rsun for A and B.                .       
                       Teff = 7280 +/- 110, 7280 +/- 120 deg K for A and B.                    .       
                       Age = 1.0 Gyr, distance = 61.7 +/- 0.7 pc.                              .       
01237-6217 RST  31     Spectral type G0?                                                       .       
01239+0050 GWP 182     XMI 194.                                                                Tob2012b
01239-7228 OGL 189     SMC120.4.3345  + SMC120.4.3627                                          Pli2012 
01240-0800 HJ 1079     44 Cet. A is a Delta Scuti-type variable, AV Cet.                       .       
01240-0811 BU  505     the Cet = 45 Cet.                                                       .       
01240-2933 LDS2192     NLTT 4676/4656                                                          Chm2004 
01241-1244 GAL 308     Object #42 in Gallo's original list.                                    Gal1912a
01242+1254 HJ   13     C component is galaxy NGC 514.                                          .       
01243+0426 GWP 183     XMI 195.                                                                Tob2012b
01243-0655 BU 1163     The system is also detected as a spectroscopic binary.                  B__1951a
                       Only elements P, T, and a have been amended by Starikova (1978) from    Sta1978c
                       the orbit of van den Bos (1961).                                        B__1961e
                       This system underwent periastron in late 1988, an event now covered by  .       
                       speckle observations.                                                   Hrt1992b
                       A combined visual-spectroscopic orbit by Morbey (1975) gives almost     Mrb1975 
                       the same elements, but in the representation of position angles         Sod1999 
                       Soderhjelm's elements are preferable.                                   .       
                       Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and spectroscopic   .       
                       masses of 2.59 +/- 0.41, 2.74, and 1.30 Msun, respectively.             Mlk2012 
01245+3902 STTA 17     B is BD+38@256.                                                         .       
                       D is BD+38@253.                                                         .       
01245+1740 BPM  29     [PM2000]   52622 + [PM2000]   52637.                                    Gvr2010 
01245-2839 LDS2194     NLTT 4694/4695                                                          Chm2004 
01245-3356 JAO   1     Aa,Ab: GJ 2022 = G274-024                                               .       
                       Daemgen et al. derive a distance of 12.6 +/- 2.3 pc, a separation for   .       
                       the AC pair of 26.0 +/- 4.8 au, and a predicted orbital period of 330   .       
                       +95/-93 yr. Spectral types for both components are M5.0 +/- 0.5;        .       
                       masses are 0.14 +0.03/-0.02 and 0.13 +0.03/-0.02 Msun.                  Dae2007 
01246+5311 ES 2583     B is BD+52@332.                                                         .       
01247-7402 OGL 190     SMC122.2.45    + SMC122.2.104                                           Pli2012 
01248-2614 RST1218     LDS 3277.                                                               .       
                       NLTT 4714/4713                                                          Chm2004 
01250+1424 GWP 185     XMI 196.                                                                Tob2012b
01251+4537 A   939     Recent observations seem to rule out Muller's short-period              Mlr1955a
                       alternative.                                                            .       
                       Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and spectroscopic   .       
                       masses of 2.54 +/- 1.99, 3.23, and 1.45 Msun, respectively.             Mlk2012 
01252-0412 HJ  638     01252-0409BU 1361                                                       .       
                       J  1445.                                                                Nsn2016 
01252-7954 HJ 3443     B is CPD-80@23.                                                         .       
01253-5930 HJ 3435     B is CPD-60@111.                                                        .       
01254+0227 GWP 186     XMI 197.                                                                Tob2012b
01256+3133 STT  30     AC: HJL  18. Aka MAD   9.                                               HJL1986 
                       AC: SHY 402. Bayesian analysis by Shaya & Olling (2011) indicates very  Shy2011 
                       high (near 100%) probability pair is physical.                          .       
                       STTA 18.                                                                .       
                       B is above MS (wrong ptm), while A and C are on it. C is SB2,           HJL2012b
                       P=14.908d (Halbwachs et al. 2012)                                       Tok2014d
01256+2331 TOK  11     Primary is 5.4d SB1. Estimated period of visual pair 880y.              Tok2006 
01257+0258 J  1899     BC: Error in coordinates listed in Jonckheere (1941), star is at        J__1941a
                       1h 23.2m, not 0h 23.2m.  Star of mag 7.3 at 131" is BD+02  207.         J__1952 
01257+0107 GWP 188     XMI 199.                                                                Tob2012b
01257+0611 GWP 187     XMI 198.                                                                Tob2012b
01258+6014 BUP  19     del Cas = 37 Cas = Ruchbah. A spectroscopic and (perhaps) eclipsing     .       
                       binary.                                                                 .       
01259+6808 BU 1101     psi Cas = 36 Cas.                                                       .       
           H 5  83     H V 83, SHJ 18, STF 117. C is BD+67@124.                                .       
                       AC: Optical pair, based on study of relative motion of the components   .       
                       using the method of apparent motion parameters.                         Kiy2008 
01260+1450 BPM  30     [PM2000]   53515 + [PM2000]   53480.                                    Gvr2010 
01261+0925 GWP 189     XMI 200.                                                                Tob2012b
01261-2618 SWR   2     CPM pair                                                                Skf2004 
01262+3435 WSI  96     Provisionally designated WSI9101.                                       Tok2010 
                       The initial observations of WSI 96 by Mason et al. (2011) are           Msn2011d
                       considered spurous. The pair resolved by Roberts et al. (2015) using    .       
                       AO is believed to be a different pair, whose magnitude difference       .       
                       would have been beyond the dm limit of speckle. The original WSI 96     .       
                       designation was retained, however. Spectral types of the components     .       
                       are estimated as F7V and M2V, masses as 1.4 and 0.4 Msun.               Rbr2015b
01263+0711 LDS9118     Old LDS6118.                                                            .       
01263-0440 TOK 204     Possible physical companion at 24".4, 227deg in 2MASS.                  Tok2012a
                       Direct motion by 20deg since first resolution in 2011, at constant      .       
                       separation. Estimated period ~10yr. The small RV amplitude suggests an  .       
                       orbit in the plane of the sky.                                          Tok2013b
01264+5929 STI 213     STI1607.                                                                .       
01265+1812 HDS 187     Also a spectroscopic binary with P = 3087d which cannot be the visual   Grf2015b
                       pair.                                                                   .       
01267-7408 OGL 191     SMC122.1.1145  + SMC122.1.1144                                          Pli2012 
01269-5023 ART   1     Low-mass wide double, discovered on 2MASS and Digital Sky Survey        .       
                       frames. Artigau et al. determine sectral types M6.5V +/- 0.5 and M8V    Art2007 
                       +/- 0.5, distances 63 +/- 5 and 61 +/- 6 pc. Based on evolutionary      .       
                       models, the masses are 0.095 +/- 0.005 and 0.092 +/- 0.005 Msun for an  .       
                       age > 1Gyr, or 0.020 +/- 0.003 and 0.019 +/- 0.003 Msun for and age     .       
                       ~30Myr. The projected separation is ~5100 au.                           .       
01270+1500 GWP 190     XMI 201.                                                                Tob2012b
01270+1200 LDS3282     G002-038. See Allen et al. (2000) for information on metallicity,       AlC2000 
                       age, galactic orbital parameters, etc. Also known as LIT   5.           .       
                       NLTT 4817/4814                                                          Chm2004 
01270-0009 STF 125     Optical pair, based on study of relative motion of the components       .       
                       using the method of apparent motion parameters.                         Kiy2008 
01270-3058 RSS   3     This previously uncataloged double star was a Hipparcos double entry    .       
                       system.  The first measure is determined from the individual positions  .       
                       listed by Rousseau et al.                                               Rss1996 
                       SHY 403. Bayesian analysis by Shaya & Olling (2011) indicates very      Shy2011 
                       high (near 100%) probability pair is physical.                          .       
01270-3233 LDS2199     Some unconfirmed early observations. A is the semiregular variable      .       
                       R Scl.                                                                  .       
01270-7405 OGL 192     SMC122.2.1199  + SMC122.2.1250                                          Pli2012 
01271-5158 SHY 404     HIP   6772 + HIP   6804.                                                .       
01274-0204 J  1446     BAL 6.                                                                  .       
01274-2220 RST2261     CD-22@503.                                                              .       
01275+1546 BPM  31     [PM2000]   54366 + [PM2000]   54359.                                    Gvr2010 
01276+6429 TDS1882     CD: Originally 01276+6430 TDS1882; primary found to be C component of   .       
01276+0402 GWP 192     XMI 202.                                                                Tob2012b
01277+6321 STI 215     MLB 382.                                                                .       
01277+4524 BU  999     ome And = 48 And                                                        .       
                       This cannot be the close 254.9-d spectroscopic binary.                  Grf2011b
                       Although the pair has been repeatedly resolved with the CHARA Array     .       
                       with the Separated Fringe Packet technique, a full solution is not      CIA2010 
                       yet complete.                                                           .       
           CIA   4     Aa,Ab: Combined solution by Farrington et al. (2014) yields masses      .       
                       0.993 +/- 0.056 and 0.888 +/- 0.058 Msun, as well as an orbital         .       
                       parallax 39.12 +/- 1.97 mas (compared with the Hipparcos parallax of    .       
                       34.94 +/- 3.1 mas).                                                     CIA2014a
           BU   82     CD: There is a faint star between the AB and CD pairs. The change in    .       
                       AC is due to the proper motion of A. This is common to AB.              Bu_1894 
01277+1620 BPM  32     [PM2000]   54497 + [PM2000]   54549.                                    Gvr2010 
01277+0521 BU 1164     See Baize & Petit (1989) catalog of doubles with variable component.    Baz1989d
                       AB: Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and             .       
                       spectroscopic masses 2.51 +/- 0.76, 2.67, and 1.05 Msun, respectively.  Mlk2012 
01278+5928 STI1618     STI 217.                                                                .       
01281-5238 CVN   2     Both the B and C companions are probably background objects.            Cvn2005a
01282+1244 GWP 193     XMI 203.                                                                Tob2012b
01283+5329 STF 123     AB: Also known as HU 1651, but the 1911 Hussey measure has a quadrant   .       
                       flip and a large sep error.                                             Hu_1911 
01283+1731 GWP 194     XMI 204.                                                                Tob2012b
01283+1429 AG   18     B is BD+13@217.                                                         .       
01283-1615 LDS3284     NLTT 4889/4888                                                          Chm2004 
01284+0758 S   398     STTA 19. B is BD+07@214.                                                .       
                       HJL  19.                                                                HJL1986 
01284+0758             A hierarchical quadruple. AB is a wide binary with an estimated period  Tok2020h
                       of 300k years; the Ba,Bb pair has an estimated  period of about 200     .       
                       years and the close Ba1,2 pair has a spectroscopic orbit of 116d.       .       
01284-4319 gam Phe     Hipparcos astrometric solution adopted some elements from the orbit of  HIP1997d
                       Luyten (1936).                                                          Luy1936 
01287-4710 LDS  48     Aka UC  562.                                                            .       
01289+0633 PLQ  16     LDS3285.                                                                .       
01290+7412 HJ 2045     LDS1529.                                                                .       
                       A is above MS, B on the MS. A component possibly a close double         Mkr2005 
                       (Makarov & Kaplan 2005) but nothing on the close sub-system in SIMBAD.  Tok2014d
01291+2143 HO    9     BC: According to Griffin, the radial velocities of B and C differ by    Grf1987c
                       30km/sec. Either the pair is optical, or one component is a             .       
                       spectroscopic binary.                                                   .       
                       AB and AD: Optical pairs, based on study of relative motion of the      .       
                       components using the method of apparent motion parameters.              Kiy2008 
                       AD: Rectilinear solution by Hurowitz et al. (2013).                     USN2013a
01291+1040 GWP 195     XMI 205.                                                                Tob2012b
01292+4820 BWL   6     AC: Source appears spatially extended; probably a background galaxy.    .       
                       Primary is G 172-56.                                                    Bwl2015 
01295+6319 MLB 330     This pair was purged from an earlier edition of the WDS as it was not   .       
                       found by Heintz. It has apparently been located. It and the nearby      .       
                       MLB 329 are in NGC 559.                                                 Hei1985a
01295+3054 BUP  20     B is BD+30@229.                                                         .       
01296-2138 SEE  14     48 Cet.                                                                 .       
01297+4228 ZUC   6     SKF 314.                                                                .       
                       Primary is white dwarf WD 0126+422 = GD 13.                             Zuc1992 
01297+2250 A  1910     AB: Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and             .       
                       spectroscopic masses 6.11 +/- 1.86, 4.31, and 2.09 Msun, respectively.  Mlk2012 
01298+1014 CHR 197     First detected as an occultation binary by Africano.                    Afr1977b
01299+3100 ENG   6     B is BD+30@232.                                                         .       
01300-2231 I   445     A,BC = LDS  51.                                                         .       
01302+0609 STH   6     A: mu Psc = 98 Psc                                                      .       
01305-4242 I  1609     SY Phe, an Algol-type eclipsing binary, P = 5.27095d.                   Zas2012 
01306-4446 DHI   1     At a distance of 40 +/- 14pc, the projected physical separation is 130  .       
                       +/- 50au. Spectral types are M9.0 +/- 0.5 and L6 +/- 1. Dhital et al.   .       
                       conclude the pair is physical.                                          Dhi2011 
01307-1227 GAL 309     Object #45 in Gallo's original list.                                    Gal1912a
01309+5244 GIC  23     G173-002/G173-003.                                                      .       
                       NLTT 4991/4993                                                          Chm2004 
01312+7016 38 Cas      Hipparcos astrometric solution adopted some elements from the orbit of  HIP1997d
                       Wright & Pugh (1954).                                                   Wri1954 
01315+1521 BU  506     eta Psc = 99 Psc. A is a Beta CMi-type variable.                        Baz1964 
                       NPOI Limb-darkened diameter 2.64 +/- 0.11 mas,                          NOI1999 
                       R = 26. +/- 2. \rsun.                                                   .       
01316-1901 HJ 2052     B is BD-19@263. BDS 796, HJ 3373 same star.                             .       
01317+6103 STF 128     STI 227.                                                                .       
01317+1506 CHR 198     First detected as an occultation binary by Beavers.                     Bvr1977 
01319+1603 BF Psc      Ren & Fu (2013) calculated an astrometric orbit, combining Hipparcos    Ren2013 
                       Intermediate Astrometric Data with spectroscopic elements by            .       
                       Griffin (1975).                                                         Grf1975a
01319+1026 GWP 196     XMI 206.                                                                Tob2012b
01320-1604 GAL 310     Object #46 in Gallo's original list.                                    Gal1912a
01321+1657 STF 132     A is a spectroscopic binary, P = 36.6d.                                 .       
                       A: SB2. Combined orbit including RV data and Hipparcos Intermediate     .       
                       Astrometric data. Semimajor axis derived from photocentric a0 plus      .       
                       stellar evolutionary model. Derived properties for A and B:             .       
                       M/Msun = 1.14 + 1.02, L/Lsun = 5.40 + 1.41, dm = 1.46 mag,              .       
                       log age = 9.86.                                                         WaX2015b
                       Improved SB2 orbit for the unresolved pair.                             Kie2018 
                       A: Teff = 5367 +/- 166 K, B: Teff = 5150 +/- 228.                       .       
                       AB: H 4 130.                                                            MEv2010 
                       AB, AC, and AD: Optical pairs, based on study of relative motion of     .       
                       the components using the method of apparent motion parameters.          Kiy2008 
                       AC: Rectilinear solution by Hurowitz et al. (2013).                     USN2013a
01321+1434 BPM  33     [PM2000]   57016 + [PM2000]   57059.                                    Gvr2010 
01323-2633 ARG   4     B is CD-27@523.                                                         .       
01325+1645 BPMA  1     [PM2000]   57224 + [PM2000]   57397.                                    Gvr2010 
01325+1417 LDS1102     NLTT 5103/5102                                                          Chm2004 
01326-2745 LDS2206     NLTT 5136/5135                                                          Chm2004 
01326-4944 SHY 405     HIP   7189 + HIP   7086.                                                .       
01327+6336 EVS   9     Primary is the Cepheid V636 Cas.                                        Evs2016a
01327-0139 FIL   2     B is BD-02@235.                                                         .       
01328+3551 STF 133     Confusion between C and D in ADS. With quadrant for CD north preceding, .       
                       AC obviously has greater separation than AD.                            B__1962d
                       Identifications of several later AC and AD measures were switched to    .       
                       give motion consistent with earliest measures. Quadrants were flipped   .       
                       for CD measures, which now agree with AC and AD measures. AC has        .       
                       smaller separation than AD, and C is slightly brighter than D.          .       
           A  1911     Ea,Eb: Originally 01238+3553; found to be E component of 01328+3551.    .       
01329+1954 LDS3289     NLTT 5133/5127                                                          Chm2004 
01329+1200 GWP 197     XMI 207.                                                                Tob2012b
01329-3652 GC 1881     Hipparcos astrometric solution assumed circular orbit (e = omega = 0)   HIP1997d
01330+1027 GWP 198     XMI 208.                                                                Tob2012b
01331-0602 LDS3290     NLTT 5155/5154                                                          Chm2004 
01331-1951 LDS1103     NLTT 5163/5169                                                          Chm2004 
01332+6041 STF 131     Spectrum of B: B3IV.                                                    .       
01332+3231 SEI  17     Neither component seen on POSS plate; may be flaws on AC Potsdam plate  .       
01333-0014 UC  582     aka ITF  47.                                                            .       
01333-2411 LDS2209     NLTT 5178/5160                                                          Chm2004 
01335+6039 BUP  22     B is BD+59@273.                                                         .       
01337-1213 HWE   4     The linear formula by Job & Tamburini seems ruled out, as it makes      Job1969b
                       the current quadrant opposite to what is observed.                      .       
01338+0346 RBR  32     Suspected non-single.                                                   Hor2002b
01343-0827 A   314     Derived orbital parallax 0".00978, mass sum 4.14 +/- 2.34 Msun          Lin2004a
                       Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and spectroscopic   .       
                       masses of 2.85 +/- 0.99, 2.60, and 1.20 Msun, respectively.             Mlk2012 
01344+4844 ES 2587     G172-061. Not a common proper motion companion after comparison with    .       
                       POSS2 red plates                                                        Oso2004 
01344-1607 FAR  25     Primary is white dwarf WD 0131-163.                                     Far2006 
01345+1448 LDS9119     Old LDS6119.                                                            .       
01347+0720 GWP 199     XMI 209.                                                                Tob2012b
01348+2935 BRT   5     An Algol-type system, RS Tri.                                           .       
01349+1234 STF 136     AB: H 4 131.                                                            MEv2010 
01349-6909 GLI  12     B is CPD-69@74.                                                         .       
01350-2955 BU 1000     AB,C triple+var solution (AB in HIP).                                   Sod1999 
                       B is 0.47d eclipsing binary (= BB Scl).                                 .       
                       See Baize & Petit (1989) catalog of doubles with variable component.    Baz1989d
01352-1829 RSS  49     CPD-19@169                                                              .       
01354+6305 MLB 280     Also classified K1V.                                                    .       
01354+4123 ES 1494     Probably identical with ADS 1241 ( = ALD).                              .       
01356+6117 STI 237     This and STI 239 are members of the multiple system HJ 1083.            .       
01360+2646 BU  507     Morlet et al. note that this has similar position angle, separation,    .       
                       and delta-m as HDS 212. HDS 212 removed.                                Mor2000 
01360+0739 STF 138     D is BD+06@245.                                                         .       
                       AB: H N  92.                                                            MEv2010 
01361-2954 HJ 3447     tau Scl. Arend orbit rejected from Fourth Orbit Catalog                 Ard1968 
                       ("orbit completely faulty and irreparable")                             Wor1983 
01361-3718 HJ 3448     Spectral type of A may be K. B is CD-37@605.                            .       
01364+7909 STF 127     B is BD+78@50.                                                          .       
01364+3209 SEI  18     Neither component seen on POSS plate; may be flaws on AC Potsdam plate  .       
                       The faint pair now measured for the lost SEI  18 may be this new pair.  Dam2017a
01368+4124 BUP  23     ups And = 50 And = Titawin. A is a spectroscopic binary.                .       
                       AB: exoplanets with P=4.61d, 237.7d, 1302d, 3848d                       Tok2014d
           LWR   1     AD. Determined to be CPM pair from examination of POSS I and II plates  .       
                       (epochs 1953 and 1995), plus 2MASS. Conclude spectral type of           .       
                       companion M4.5V.                                                        Lwr2002 
                       AD: Raghavan et al. (2010) consider D physical, high PM (no PM given).  Rag2010 
                       CHARA Array Limb-darkened diameter  1.114 +/- 0.009 mas,                CIA2008c
                       R =  1.631 +/- 0.014 \rsun.                                             .       
           ups And     A: Combined solution, based on reduction of Hipparcos intermediate      .       
                       astrometric data together with spectroscopic elements from Butler       CPS1999b
                       et al. (1999).                                                          HaI2001 
           BUP  23     AB: Rectilinear solution by Rica et al. (2017).                         FMR2017b
01368+4124 STT 554     AC: Rectilinear solution by Rica et al. (2017).                         FMR2017b
01371+1209 VSC   1     = pi Psc = 102 Psc.                                                     .       
01372+1147 TOB9002     Measured as HJ   16 but actually an anonymous pair added here.          Tob2012b 
01373+1828 GWP 204     XMI 210.                                                                Tob2012b
01374+2510 G034-039    Boden et al. (2006) give combined spectroscopic/interferometric         Bod2006 
                       solution, including PTI observations. Derive distance of 42.23 +/-      .       
                       0.21 pc (pi = 23.68 +/- 0.12 mas), age 9.12 +/- 0.25 Gyr, with          .       
                       abundances near solar. The K0IV primary appears to have evolved off     .       
                       the MS and is traversing the Hertzsprung gap toward red giant phase.    .       
                       Masses are 1.072 +/- 0.014 and 0.8383 +/- 0.0081 Msun, luminosities     .       
                       2.451 +/- 0.041 and 0.424 +/- 0.023 Lsun, radii 2.048 +/- 0.081 and     .       
                       0.887 +/- 0.071 Rsun.                                                   .       
01374-8217 GLI  14     Spectrum G5III:+K1/2.                                                   .       
01375-1135 LDS9120     Old LDS6120.                                                            .       
01376+2233 STTA 20     B is BD+21@218.                                                         .       
                       Pair appears in an appendix list, not part of discoverer's regular      .       
                       numbering sequence.                                                     .       
01376+1727 GWP 205     XMI 211.                                                                Tob2012b
01376+0709 PLQ  19     HJL  21.                                                                HJL1986 
01376-0645 BRG   5     BC: Initially entered as WDS 01369-0648, the primary of BRG 5 was       .       
                       later found to be the B component of 01376-0645 CAB 3.                  .       
01376-0924 KUI   7     1982.7657: This autocorrelogram was remeasured; the new results are     .       
                       listed here.                                                            McA1987b
                       Combined spectroscopic/visual orbit, also yielding orbital parallax     .       
                       and component masses and absolute magnitudes.                           Tok1993 
                       Pourbaix gives combined solution for this resolved SB2, yielding        .       
                       orbital parallaxes and component masses.                                Pbx2000b
                       Martin et al. (1998) derive component masses 1.712 +/- 0.296 and        .       
                       1.140 +/- 0.226 Msun.                                                   Mig1998 
                       Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and spectroscopic   .       
                       masses of 2.51 +/- 0.43, 2.49, and 1.13 Msun, respectively.             Mlk2012 
01377+4825 HDS 215     Rectilinear solution by Hartkopf & Mason (2013).                        Hrt2013b
01377-5714 KRV  54     alp Eri = Achernar                                                      .       
                       Ma = 6.0 +/- 0.6, Mb = 2.0 +/- 0.1 \Msun, Ra = 8.14 +/- 0.26, Rb = 1.70 .       
                       +/- 0.08 \Rsun, Teff_a = 15539 +/- 438, Teff_b = 9064 +/- 624 K, La =   .       
                       3493 +/- 429, Lb = 17.5 +/- 5.1 \Lsun.                                  Krv2022 
01379-8259 TOK 426     HIP 7601 is a nearby (27pc) dwarf also known as GJ 67.1 or HR 512.      .       
                       According to Wichman et al. (2003 A&A, 400, 293), it is a young         .       
                       spectroscopic triple detected in X-rays (1RXS J013755.4-825838). GCS    .       
                       also recognized the star as SB2. Spectroscopic monitoring (Tokovinin,   .       
                       in preparation) shows that all three components are similar stars of    .       
                       approximately one solar mass. Here we resolved the outer subsystem AB   .       
                       and observed its fast motion. In fact it was already resolved at SOAR   .       
                       on 2011.036 at 221.0deg and 0".044, but this low-quality observation    .       
                       has not been published. The available data indicate that the period     .       
                       of AB is 1.35years; the pair completed nearly two revolutions since     .       
                       its first resolution in 2011.                                           Tok2015c
01380+4600 HJ 2063     Aka A   944AB,C.                                                        .       
01385+7302 HJ 2054     40 Cas.                                                                 .       
01386-4113 CPO 110     B is CD-41@445.                                                         .       
01387+0359 GWP 208     XMI 212.                                                                Tob2012b
01387-4515 HJ 3451     LDS  55.                                                                .       
01388-1758 LDS 838     LUY 726-8. L 726-8 = UV Cet. Both components are active flare stars     .       
                       According to Harrington & Behall the mass ratio is 0.487 +/- 0.011 and  .       
                       the individual masses are 0.115 (0.008) 0.109 (0.008) Msun for A & B,   .       
                       respectively.                                                           Hrr1973 
                       See Baize & Petit (1989) catalog of doubles with variable component.    Baz1989d
                       This pm star with flare characteristics is a difficult object.          VBs1954 
                       Magnitude uncertain due to flares.                                      USN1988b
                       AB: Kervella et al. (2016) derive a new orbit for GJ 65 and determine   .       
                       the following physical parameters:                                      .       
                          masses (Msun): A = 0.1225 +- 0.0043   B = 0.1195 +- 0.0043           .       
                          radii (Rsun):      0.165  +- 0.006        0.159  +- 0.006            .       
                          [Fe/H] (dex):     -0.03   +- 0.20        -0.12   +- 0.20             .       
                          log (cgs):         5.092  +- 0.015        5.113  +- 0.015            Krv2016 
                       Using the parallax from Gaia DR3 and the mass ratio from Worley,        Gai2018 
                       individual masses of Ma = 0.1191 +/- 0.0018 \msun and Mb = 0.1144 +/-   Wor1973b
                       0.0017 \msun are determined for these components.                       Msn2023 
01388-5327 DUN   4     While this pair appears to have common proper motion and parallax, a    .       
                       linear solution has been performed and identified therein as optical.   LRR2022c
01393+5257 STF 139     Neither AB, AC or BC are physically associated.                         Kiy2015c
01393+1638 BU    5     103 Psc.                                                                .       
01394-1748 HJ 2067     HJ 3380.                                                                .       
01397+4602 EGB   1     ES 553.                                                                 .       
01397-3728 HJ 3452     B is CD-38@572.                                                         .       
01398+1704 BPM  34     [PM2000]   61379 + [PM2000]   61385.                                    Gvr2010 
01398-5612 DUN   5     Some measures have been corrected by Andrew James (personal             .       
                       correspondance). Note that this is p Eri, not rho Eri                   .       
                       (03027-0741BU   11).                                                    .       
                       Measures of 1947.60 and 1947.84 made by triangulation of multiple       Der9999 
                       measures.                                                               .       
01399+1515 STF 142     B is BD+14@@251.                                                        .       
01400+2702 ALP   5     2MASSW J0140026+270150                                                  .       
                       Companion seen as elongated in I-band image taken at WIYN in August     .       
                       2002. Physical companionship to this ultracool dwarf ruled out.         AlP2007 
01400-1348 GAL 311     Object #48 in Gallo's original list.                                    Gal1912a
01402+7303 HJ 2055     AB: Rectilinear solution by Hurowitz et al. (2013).                     USN2013a
01404+3420 STF 143     AB: Optical pair, based on study of relative motion of the components   .       
                       using the method of apparent motion parameters.                         Kiy2008 
01405-0917 LDS9121     Old LDS6121.                                                            .       
01406+4035 BU 1362     tau And = 53 And. A is a spectroscopic binary. Variable?                .       
01409+6410 RAO  32     AC: C component = A component of WDS 01409+6409 TDS1951.                .       
01409+6409 TDS1951     Primary = C component of WDS 01409+6410.                                .       
01409+1117 A  2320     Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and spectroscopic   .       
                       masses of 1.33 +/- 0.76, 2.02, and 0.95 Msun, respectively.             Mlk2012 
01409+4952 HU  531     AB: Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and             .       
                       spectroscopic masses 1.66 +/- 0.98, 2.11, and 0.79 Msun, respectively.  Mlk2012 
01409+0138 A  2404     Quadrant uncertain.                                                     .       
01410-0524 TOK 228     Primary is EY Cet, variable of BY Dra type, X-ray source                Tok2014d
01412-6741 LDS  56     HIP 7869. See Allen et al. (2000) for information on metallicity,       AlC2000 
                       age, galactic orbital parameters, etc.                                  .       
01413+2545 STF 145     Period of AB estimated at 7300y.                                        Tok2006 
                       Primary is SB2, P=4.435d. Aa,Ab has suspected close tertiary because    .       
                       K1,K2 are var, e>0. B is SB1, P=1.435d.  RoboAO find a companion to B   .       
                       (98deg, 4.80", dI=7.2mag), but it is considered optical.                Tok2014d
01413+1246 GWP 214     XMI 213.                                                                Tob2012b
01413+1007 STF 146     B is BD+09@203.                                                         .       
                       HJL  22.                                                                HJL1986 
01414+3704 LDS3300     NLTT 5619/5621                                                          Chm2004 
01414-7909 HJ 3467     tau 1 Hyi                                                               .       
01417+0712 GWP 215     XMI 214.                                                                Tob2012b
01417-7616 JSP  25     Aka TDS1958.                                                            .       
01418+4237 MCY   2     An astrometric binary now resolved by infrared speckle interferometry.  .       
                       Discovery designation per Todd Henry 03/02/98.                          .       
                       Improved pc (Delta m > 6) orbit combining pg (Lippincott 1983) and      Lip1983 
                       Hipparcos obs. Scaling by the speckle IR (Henry 1993) gives orbit size  Hen1993 
                       and mass ratio.                                                         .       
                       Martin et al. (1998) derive component masses 0.795 +/- 0.159 and        .       
                       0.136 +/- 0.053 Msun.                                                   Mig1998 
                       The estimated magnitude difference in V (~6 mag) is too large for the   .       
                       companion to have been detected.                                        Hrt2009 
                       Mass of A(B) determined to be 0.95+/-0.11(0.254+/-0.019) \msun. Orbital .       
                       parallax 79.08 +/- 0.63 mas.                                            Trr2022 
01419-0907 GRV1170     Aka SLW  81.                                                            .       
01420+4252 ROE  64     HJL  23.                                                                HJL1986 
01423+5134 CUD   2     Component A is the central star of the planetary nebula NGC 650/1       Skf2013 
                       = Messier 76.                                                           .       
01424+2609 BRT3259     Originally published as BRT 126.                                        Brt1928 
01424-0645 A     1     A premature orbit has been computed.                                    .       
                       Omega corrected from 24.0 to 58.9, omega from 58.9 to 24.0              Ruy1995 
01425+5000 B  2550     BD+49 440 (8.5) and 441 (9.0) are together in a high power field. Both  .       
                       are close pairs; brighter star is deep orange, the fainter (ADS 1341,   .       
                       HU 1210) is white. At present the brighter star is the easier pair,     .       
                       but as its duplicity was missed by Hussey, Aitken, and van Biesbroeck,  .       
                       then they measured CD, it must have opened out more recently.           B__1963b
01425+2016 HJ 2071     A: 107 Psc.                                                             .       
                       AC: Optical pair, based on study of relative motion of the components   .       
                       using the method of apparent motion parameters.                         Kiy2008 
           107 Psc     Hipparcos astrometric solution assumed circular orbit (e = omega = 0)   HIP1997d
01426+6033 BU 1363     A 3588-d spectroscopic orbit has been found for the A component.        Grf2012d
                       The primary is the E component of 01426+6033.                           .       
01427+0637 J  1808     HJL  24.                                                                HJL1986 
01430+6402 STI 264     Component A is a pulsating star in the open cluster NGC 637. Since      .       
                       relative motions of all three components are small and in agreement     .       
                       with each other, we believe all three stars are members of the same     .       
                       cluster. It is not currently possible to determine whether of not they  .       
                       form a closed triple system.                                            Kiy2012 
01431+3426 COU 668     Aa,Ab: TDS1964.                                                         .       
01431+2101 JNN 251     Estimated age 300-1000 Myr; masses 0.30 +/- 0.06 and 0.15 +/- 0.03      .       
                       Msun; a ~4.8 au.                                                        Jnn2014 
01432+6056 MLR 106     AC: STI 271.                                                            .       
01433+6033 BU 1103     44 Cas. A is a spectroscopic binary.                                    .       
           FYM 160     AH: Fay (2013) notes an H component in their Figure 1, but does not     FyM2013d
                       include a measurement.                                                  .       
           ARN  32     AE: E component is primary of 01426+6033 BU 1363                        .       
01433-1736 HJ 3455     B is BD-18@292.                                                         .       
01434-0705 STF 150     B is BD-07@283.                                                         .       
01434-1127 GAL 312     Object #50 in Gallo's original list.                                    Gal1912a
01435+5318 HJ 2069     B is BD+52@417.                                                         .       
01435-1038 GAL 313     Object #51 in Gallo's original list.                                    Gal1912a
01436+2802 GIC  24     G072-028/G072-029.                                                      .       
                       NLTT 5738/5740                                                          Chm2004 
01437+5014 CIA   6     Phi Per. Be+sdO binary, resolved by the CHARA Array. The hot subdwarf   .       
                       companion is detected in near-IR; flux contribution 1.5% in H (dH=4.6)  .       
                       and restricted fits indicate flux contribution rises to 3.3% (dV~3.7)   .       
                       in visible.  Combined interferometric/spectroscopic orbital solution    .       
                       yields masses 9.6+/-0.3 and 1.2+/-0.2 Msun for the Be primary and       .       
                       subdwarf secondary, respectvely. The inferred distance (186+/-3pc),     .       
                       kinematical properties, and evolutionary state are consistent with      .       
                       membership of phi Per in the alpha Per cluster.                         CIA2015a
01437+0934 BU  509     Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and spectroscopic   .       
                       masses of 1.69 +/- 0.64, 1.83, and 0.85 Msun, respectively.             Mlk2012 
01438+1954 GWP 216     XMI 215.                                                                Tob2012b
01438+1206 HJ   18     Possibly BD+11@225. BDS 899, HJ 18. HJ position angle in 1820: 220@.    .       
                       Disagrees with 1912 - 1922: 143@.                                       .       
01441-1556 BUP  25     tau Cet = 52 Cet. Optical. Proper motion of A -1718 +856.               .       
01442-0813 LDS9122     Old LDS6122. Primary is QSO, Z=0.239.                                   .       
01443+6652 HAU  10     HJL  25.                                                                HJL1986 
01443+5732 BU  870     A premature orbit has been computed.                                    .       
                       Primary is eclipsing binary V773 Cas (period 2.58734 day).              Zas2010 
                       Light curve and radial velocity combined solution determined.           Zas2017 
           ARN  55     AD: HJL1011.                                                            HJL1986 
01443+0929 KPR   1     AC: Separation may be a factor of 10 too small.                         .       
           STF 155     AB: H 2  49.                                                            MEv2010 
01448+5708 B  2548     Rapid motion.                                                           .       
                       This close pair precedes BD+56 338 (ADS 1371, BU 453) by 12 sec of      .       
                       time and is 0.6' north of it. All measures given in Pub Yerkes O. IX,   .       
                       pt 1 and 2, by van Biesbroeck and myself, assigned to BU 453, are       .       
                       obviously of the new pair. My estimates of the difference in magnitude  .       
                       vary between 0.4 sf and 0.7 np, which seems rather large to be error    .       
                       of estimation, even in so close a pair.                                 B__1963b
01449+2005 109 Psc     Combined solution, based on reduction of Hipparcos intermediate         .       
                       astrometric data together with spectroscopic elements from Vogt et al.  CPS2000c
                       (2000).                                                                 HaI2001 
01449+1951 A  2322     EU Psc, Algol-type eclipsing binary,  per 1.69261 d.                    Zas2011 
                       Observed wrong star? van den Bos has 4 measures in 1962, and I have     B__1963b
                       positive measure in 1964.                                               Wor1967b
01450+6032 STI 281     AB: BKO1073AC.                                                          .       
           MRI  27     AC: BKO1073AB.                                                          .       
01450+5707 BU  453     Premature orbits have been calculated. Motion direct.                   Baz1972 
01450+2703 COU 750     Rapid motion.                                                           .       
01450-0104 LDS9123     Old LDS6123.                                                            .       
                       NLTT 5822/5818                                                          Chm2004 
01452+2317 GIC  25     G034-048/G034-049.                                                      .       
01454+0909 OCC9041     110 omi Psc = Torcular.                                                 .       
01454-3957 BRG   6     2MASS J01452133-3957204 has only been observed in one epoch, but the    .       
                       color and brightness of the detected companion are consistent with      .       
                       expectation, hence we count it as an unconfirmed binary.                Jnn2012 
01455-6035 JSP9001     Previously known as JSP  13a.                                           .       
01456+1148 GWP 217     XMI 216.                                                                Tob2012b
01456-0224 J  1448     BC. Gauchet (1926) measure originally listed as CD pair, with theta     Gau1926a
                       flipped by 180deg.                                                      .       
01456-2503 HJ 3461     eps Scl. A premature orbit has been computed.                           .       
01457+0834 BAG  38     Primary is the alpha2 CVn type variable UZ Psc.                         .       
01458+1200 BPM  35     [PM2000]   64864 + [PM2000]   64876.                                    Gvr2010 
01458+0043 GWP 219     XMI 217.                                                                Tob2012b
01459+7142 HJ 1090     01459+7142FOX 119CD. WDS designation for HJ 1090 changed from           .       
                       01461+7143 due to inclusion in multiple.                                .       
           HJ 1089     AB: Rectilinear solution by Mason et al. (2012).                        WSI2012 
01459-4357 HJ 3463     B is CD-44@509.                                                         .       
01460+8005 GW Cep      Multiple system including contact binary.                               Pbl2006 
01460+6113 STF 151     STF 151rej and Duner 1 are identical.                                   .       
01462+5326 HJ 2079     Confused with nearby 01463+5328 HJ 2080, as pairs are also of similar   .       
                       separation and position angle.                                          .       
01462+3343 HU  804     A premature orbit has been computed.                                    .       
01463+5328 HJ 2080     Confused with nearby 01462+5326 HJ 2079, as pairs are also of similar   .       
                       separation and position angle.                                          .       
01466+1639 GWP 221     XMI 218.                                                                Tob2012b
01467+0214 GWP 222     XMI 219.                                                                Tob2012b
01469+4234 DUP   1     Dupuy et al. (2015) resolved a low-luminosity T9/Y0 binary, using Keck  .       
                       laser guide star imaging. Masses are estimated as 4.6 +1.0/-1.1 and     .       
                       4.3 +1/0/-1.2 Mjup (for age of 1Gyr) or 16.9 +3.8/-4.0 and              .       
                       15.9 +3.5/-4.4 Mjup  (for age of 10Gyr).                                Dup2015 
01474+0355 HJ 2084     Aka STT  36.                                                            .       
01474-2157 GD 1400     Song et al. (2006) confirm common proper motion of this brown dwarf     Son2006 
                       and its planetary mass companion.                                       .       
01475-4955 RED  15     2MASS J01473282-4954478. Spectral types M8: and L2:                     Red2006b
01476+3453 CSW   1     AB: This star has a possible wide brown dwarf companion at 43"          Csw2008 
                       separation, according to Casewell et al. (2008).                        Jnn2012 
           KIR   6     BC: B component is an L0.5V brown dwarf. The spectrum of the secondary  .       
                       shows it to be a background M star.                                     Kir1999 
01477+6351 ENG   7     A is GJ 75 = V987 Cas. B is BD+63@241.                                  .       
                       AB: Rectilinear solution by Friedman et al. (2011).                     USN2011a
01477+1643 BPMA  2     [PM2000]   65958 + [PM2000]   65844.                                    Gvr2010 
01477-4358 I    52     Gomez et al. (2016) derive dynamical parallax and component masses:     .       
                       7.50 +/- 0.33 mas, 1.310 +/- 0.032 Msun, 1.128 +/- 0.027 Msun.          Doc2016i
                       A is a close 5.3-d spectroscopic pair.                                  Tok2019a
01478-8011 HJ 3474     tau 2 Hyi                                                               .       
01479+4440 A   949     BJN  26.                                                                .       
                       This measure was published as BRT 346. Note to BRT 346: This seems to   .       
                       be ADS 1412, although the magnitude difference is discordant.           .       
                       BD+44  369, with which ADS 1412 is identified, was not seen as double.  Brt1939a
01480+4353 ES 1498     BRT 325.                                                                Brt1930 
01481-2533 FAR  26     Primary is white dwarf WD 0145-257.                                     Far2006 
01483+1203 LDS1116     LDS3311.                                                                .       
                       NLTT 6012/6013                                                          Chm2004 
01483-4130 RGS   2     GJ 77. Rodigas et al. (2016) detect a companion to the old solar-type   .       
                       star HD 11112, and determine it is likely a gravitationally bound cool  .       
                       white dwarf. SED fits (pure-H and pure-He models) suggest a mass for    .       
                       the companion in the range 0.90-1.08 Msun, Teff 7300-9800K,             .       
                       log (L/Lsun) -3.69 - -3.36, and age 2.43-3.92 Gyr.                      Rgs2016b
01486+1618 BU  510     AC: H 5  92.                                                            MEv2010 
01486-0955 JNN  17     LP 708-465.                                                             .       
01487+7528 HJ 2075     LDS1540.                                                                .       
01487+3306 GIC  26     G072-038/G072-037.                                                      .       
                       NLTT 6030/6027                                                          Chm2004 
01487-2916 HJ 3466     B is CD-29@590.                                                         .       
01488-0125 STF 171     B is BD-02@300.                                                         .       
01489+1411 GWP 223     XMI 220.                                                                Tob2012b
01489-2053 ARA1256     Primary is TW Cet, a W UMa type eclipsing binary, P = 0.31685d.         Zas2012 
01489-3153 LDS3316     NLTT 6087/6088                                                          Chm2004 
01491+2956 2M 0149+29  2MASSW J0149090+295613. Astrometric orbit by Harris et al. (2015)       .       
                       yielded the following properties: spectral types M9.5+L4, absolute J    .       
                       mags 11.74+13.40, masses 0.084 +/- 0.008 and 0.069 +/- 0.010 Msun.      USN2015 
01491+0236 GWP 224     XMI 221.                                                                Tob2012b
01493+4754 CHR   4     Aa,Ab: Although this new component is indicated as Aa,Ab we have not    .       
                       firmly established whether it is associated with the A or B component   .       
                       of the wide pair.                                                       McA1987b
                       B is a spectroscopic binary. The system appears to be quintuple.        .       
           STF 162     AB: Rectilinear solutions by Zirm & Rica (2014)                         Zir2014b
                       and Genet et al. (2015).                                                GnR2015a
                       Despite the linear solution, proper motion and parallax favor a         Grv2020a
                       physical connection. Long period and/or high eccentricity possible.     .       
01493+1808 GWP 225     XMI 222.                                                                Tob2012b
01496+1741 GWP 226     XMI 223.                                                                Tob2012b
01496-1041 ENG   8     53 Cet = chi Cet. LDS2222.                                              .       
                       SHY   8. Bayesian analysis by Shaya & Olling (2011) indicates very      Shy2011 
                       high (near 100%) probability pair is physical.                          .       
01497-1414 HU  422     Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and spectroscopic   .       
                       masses of 1.42 +/- 0.46, 2.45, and 1.20 Msun, respectively.             Mlk2012 
01498-3824 GC 2219     Hipparcos astrometric solution assumed circular orbit (e = omega = 0)   HIP1997d
           HDO 186     Additional notes may be found in Herschel (1847).                       HJ_1847b
01499+8053 STT  34     Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and spectroscopic   .       
                       masses of 14.28 +/- 6.95, 4.72, and 2.24 Msun, respectively.            Mlk2012 
01499+1324 LDS1118     Also known as LDS6124 and LDS9124. Richard Jaworski first               Jaw2006 
                       recognized that these systems were the same.                            .       
01500-0408 A  2602     Gomez et al. (2016) derive dynamical parallax and component masses:     .       
                       15.65 +/- 1.62 mas, 0.748 +/- 0.037 Msun, 0.748 +/- 0.037 Msun.         Doc2016i
01501+3538 ALI  28     No stars seen at AC catalog locations - probably plate flaws.           .       
01501+2217 STF 174     1 Ari. Spectrum composite; K1III+A6V. Spectroscopic binary?             .       
                       H 1  73.                                                                MEv2010 
01502+1600 BPM  36     [PM2000]   67462 + [PM2000]   67449.                                    Gvr2010 
01503+1146 GWP 227     XMI 224.                                                                Tob2012b
01504+2942 MLB1059     Aka MLB 448.                                                            .       
01505-2042 ARA1257     A likely plate flaw.                                                    Grv2021a
01509+1626 BPM  37     [PM2000]   67854 + [PM2000]   67921.                                    Gvr2010 
01509+1031 GWP 228     XMI 225.                                                                Tob2012b
01510+2107 STF 175     AB: H 2  56.                                                            MEv2010 
01511+1135 BPM  38     [PM2000]   68017 + [PM2000]   67969.                                    Gvr2010 
01512+2439 HO  311     Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and spectroscopic   .       
                       masses of 4.19 +/- 1.30, 3.38, and 1.40 Msun, respectively.             Mlk2012 
01513+6451 STF 163     B is BD+64@244.                                                         .       
01513-3800 LDS9125     Old LDS6125.                                                            .       
01514+4329 HJ 2089     B is BD+42@388.                                                         .       
01515+0457 STF 177     Formerly, BD+04@320. Corrected by Weis.                                 StF2002 
01515-0744 HIP   8653  Small acceleration of 2 mas yr-2, possibly single.                      Tok2012a
01515-1020 BNU   1     Aa,Ab: zet Cet = 55 Cet = Baten Kaitos. A is a long-period              .       
                       spectroscopic binary, P = 1652d, and has been resolved by speckle       .       
                       interferometry. B is BD-11@360.                                         .       
01515-1858 LDS9126     Old LDS6126.                                                            .       
01516+1618 BPM  39     [PM2000]   68302 + [PM2000]   68249.                                    Gvr2010 
01518-5458 SHY 128     AC: HIP   8687 + HIP   7387.                                            .       
01519+6426 GIC  27     G244-037/G244-036 = GJ 3117A/3118B.                                     .       
01520+1049 STF 178     H 1  56.                                                                MEv2010 
                       Additional notes may be found in Couteau (1952).                        Cou1952a
01521+5430 SMA  24     Also known as STI1703.                                                  .       
01522+6627 STF 167     Optical pair, based on study of relative motion of the components       .       
                       using the method of apparent motion parameters.                         Kiy2008 
01522-5220 CVN   3     CPM pair. The spectral type of the B component is M9.5 +/- 1,           .       
                       Teff = 2100 +/- 200K; age ~30 Myr, mass 25 +/- 10 Mjup.                 Cvn2005a
01523-0620 LDS9127     Old LDS6127.                                                            .       
01525+1710 GWP 232     XMI 226.                                                                Tob2012b
01526+3127 HJ  645     SEI  20.                                                                Nsn2017a
01528+4016 MLB 999     BRT 2198.                                                               .       
01528+1544 BPM  40     [PM2000]   69032 + [PM2000]   69018.                                    Gvr2010 
01528+0117 GWP 233     XMI 227.                                                                Tob2012b
01530-2805 HJ 3472     SWR   3. CPM pair                                                       Skf2004 
01531+2935 BUP  27     alp Tri = 2 Tri = Mothallah. A is a spectroscopic binary, P = 1.77d.    .       
01532+3719 STF 179     H 1  89.                                                                MEv2010 
01533+4044 HJ 1094     55 And.                                                                 .       
01534+7003 STF 169     Primary is V776 Cas, a W UMa type eclipsing binary, P = 0.44042d.       Zas2012 
01535+1918 STF 180     gam Ari = 5 Ari = Mesarthim. According to R.G. Aitken, Robert Hooke     A__1935f
                       noted this as a double in 1664. Hooke wrote: "I took notice that it     Hoo1665 
                       consisted of two small stars very near together; a like instance to     .       
                       which I have not else met in all the heavens."                          HFC1928 
                       A is a variable of the Alpha CVn type.                                  .       
                       AB: H 3   9.                                                            MEv2010 
                       Uniform disk diameter  0.336 +/- 0.019 mas,                             .       
                       Limb darkened diameter 0.346 +/- 0.019 mas,                             .       
                       Teff = 11000 +/- 1100 K based on LDD.                                   .       
                       Radius is 1.97 +/- 0.12 \rsun.                                          CIA2019a
           BU  512     Primary is C component of STF 180. WDS designation changed from         .       
                       01538+1918 and components labelled CD.                                  .       
01536+6324 PTT   3     OL 114, STI 317 are identical.                                          .       
01536+0311 xi Psc      Hipparcos astrometric solution adopted some elements from the orbit of  HIP1997d
                       Griffin & Herbig (1981).                                                Grf1981b
01539+5611 RBR  33     Suspected non-single.                                                   Hor2002b
01541-7729 JSP  31     Apparent rapid retrograde motion, but measures sparse.                  .       
01543+6542 GIC  28     G244-042/G244-041.                                                      .       
01543-1543 GAL 314     Also known as LDS1120.                                                  .       
                       Object #55 in Gallo's original list.                                    Gal1912a
                       Optical pair, based on study of relative motion of the components       .       
                       using the method of apparent motion parameters.                         Kiy2008 
           CHM   3     AC. NLTT 6398 + 6395.                                                   .       
01544-2250 LDS3322     NLTT 6400/6399                                                          Chm2004 
01544-4230 phi Phe     Hipparcos astrometric solution assumed circular orbit (e = omega = 0)   HIP1997d
                       Chemically peculiar late-B star, initially thought to be a triple,      .       
                       with spectroscopic period 41.4d and astrometric period 878d. Using      .       
                       Coralie spectra from 2000-2010, Korhonen et al. (2013 A&A 553, A27)     .       
                       find a spectroscopic period of 1126d. Spectroscopic data by Pourbaix    .       
                       et al. (2013) exclude the 40d period, but are insufficient to refine    .       
                       the Korhonen solution. Their spectroscopic elements are combined        .       
                       with the Hipparcos astrometry to refine the initial astrometic orbit.   Pbx2013 
01546+2049 MKT   3     bet Ari = Sheratan. Astrometry from Mark III interferometer is combined .       
                       with spectroscopy (Tomkin & Tran 1987) by Pan et al. (1990) to          Tom1987b
                       determine orbital elements, masses, and distance. Masses agree well     MkT1990 
                       with empirical mass-luminosity relation.                                .       
                       Hipparcos astrometric solution adopted some elements from the orbit of  HIP1997d
                       Pan et al. (1990).                                                      MkT1990 
                       Martin et al. (1998) derive component masses 2.067 +/- 0.203 and        .       
                       1.281 +/- 0.178 Msun.                                                   Mig1998 
                       Pourbaix gives combined solution for this resolved SB2, yielding        .       
                       orbital parallaxes and component masses.                                Pbx2000b
                       Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and spectroscopic   .       
                       masses of 3.19 +/- 0.13, 3.51, and 1.82 Msun, respectively.             Mlk2012 
01549+1124 BPM  41     [PM2000]   70299 + [PM2000]   70233.                                    Gvr2010 
01551+2847 STF 183     According to Scardia et al. (2001), orbital elements are well defined;  Sca2001d
                       only the period is still rather uncertain. The Hipparcos parallax       .       
                       (0".00727 +/- 0.00189) gives a mass sum of 3.8 Msun +/- 82%, in excess  .       
                       for a binary of type F2. The dynamical parallax (0".0074) agrees well   .       
                       with the observed one.                                                  .       
                       AB: Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and             .       
                       spectroscopic masses 4.82 +/- 2.85, 3.45, and 1.35 Msun, respectively.  Mlk2012 
01551-1204 LDS9128     Old LDS6128.                                                            .       
01553-2134 DON  26     CD-22@641.                                                              .       
01554+0257 A  2407     A premature orbit has been computed.                                    .       
01555+7637 LDS1545     Aka LOC  67.                                                            .       
01556+0146 BU 1367     A 2408.                                                                 .       
                       Rectilinear solution by Rica & Zirm (2012).                             FMR2012i
01559+0151 STF 186     Spectroscopic binary?  Spectrum composite; F7V+G0V.                     .       
                       See Baize & Petit (1989) catalog of doubles with variable component.    Baz1989d
                       Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and spectroscopic   .       
                       masses of 2.22 +/- 1.22, 2.56, and 1.07 Msun, respectively.             Mlk2012 
01560+5728 STI1717     Apparently the same as MRI  41.                                         .       
01560+0529 GWP 236     XMI 228.                                                                Tob2012b
01560+0046 RST5186     BD+00@311a.                                                             .       
01560-5137 HJ 3473     chi Eri                                                                 .       
01561+6035 AG  301     HJL  26.                                                                HJL1986 
01561+3745 HJ 1097     ALI 494.                                                                .       
01562+3715 BU 1368     Bb: b is BD+36@349.                                                     .       
           STFA  4     56 And. B is BD+36@354.                                                 .       
01563+0829 GWP 237     AB: XMI 229AB.                                                          Tob2012b
           GWP 238     AC: XMI 229AC.                                                          Tob2012b
01564+3650 J  2719     ALI 259.                                                                .       
01568+3931 ALI1022     Not found by Heintz at IDS position.                                    Hei1990b
01568+3802 TOB9001     BC: A measure by Espin incorrectly attributed to this pair led to its   .       
                       earlier designation as 01569+3759ES  228CD.                             .       
01568+2303 BVD  21     RoboAO resolved the B component (201.1deg, 0.199", dI=1.61 mag) but     .       
                       the pair was not accepted as real.                                      Tok2014d
01570+3101 A   819     A premature orbit has been computed.                                    .       
                       AB: Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and             .       
                       spectroscopic masses 1.97 +/- 1.00, 2.49, and 1.20 Msun, respectively.  Mlk2012 
                       AB,C: HJL  27.                                                          HJL1986 
01571+1517 BPM  43     [PM2000]   71640 + [PM2000]   71653.                                    Gvr2010 
01571+1414 BPM  42     [PM2000]   71596 + [PM2000]   71608.                                    Gvr2010 
01572+1644 GWP 241     XMI 230.                                                                Tob2012b
01572-1015 GAL 315     LDS  60. Object #56 in Gallo's original list.                           Gal1912a
                       HIP 9094. See Allen et al. (2000) for information on metallicity,       AlC2000 
                       age, galactic orbital parameters, etc.                                  .       
                       NLTT 6529/6530                                                          Chm2004 
                       CHARA Array Limb-darkened diameter  0.611 +/- 0.081 mas,                CIA2008c
                       R =  2.18  +/- 0.29  \rsun.                                             .       
                       CHARA Array Limb-darkened diameter of A :                               CIA2013c
                       R =  2.1425 +/- 0.0687 \rsun, L =   2.6056 +/-0.1041 \lsun,             .       
                       Teff = 5013 +/-  62 K, M = 1.133 \msun, Age = 7.8 Gyr.                  .       
01575+5558 ES 1811     STI1732.                                                                .       
                       Vatican zone coordinates yield 1911.9, 295.2, 5.61, showing Espin's     .       
                       distance is too small and that there is no change so far.               VBs1954 
01576+4205 YSC 125     There is some evidence of a very faint third component in this system   .       
                       with separation of 0.45 arcsec.                                         Hor2011b
                       Improved SB2 orbit. A: Teff = 5789 +/- 21 K, B: Teff = 4544 +/- 164.    Kie2018 
           NLTT 6522   Orbit determined by fitting revised Hipparcos intermediate astrometric  .       
                       data. Derived component masses 0.99 +/- 0.11 and 0.75 +/- 0.05 Msun.    Ren2010 
01577-3625 LDS  62     LDS5359. TSN  72.                                                       .       
01579+2336 H 5  12     H V 12. STTA 21. 9 Ari = lam Ari. A is a Beta Lyrae-type and            .       
                       spectroscopic binary.  B is BD+22@289.                                  .       
                       AB: HJL  28.                                                            HJL1986 
01579+0924 GWP 243     XMI 231.                                                                Tob2012b
01579-2851 LDS  61     NLTT 6581/6583                                                          Chm2004 
01581+4123 S   404     Same as STF 190 rej, SHJ 404, H IV 104, H 4 104, H IV 128, H 4 128.     .       
                       AB: Optical pair, based on study of relative motion of the components   .       
                       using the method of apparent motion parameters.                         Kiy2008 
01583+0250 GWP 245     XMI 232.                                                                Tob2012b
01583-8218 I   311     Composite spectrum: G8/K0(V)+(G).                                       .       
01584+2547 A  2011     B is strongly above MS, very red in V-K (wrong 2MASS ptm?). Hipparcos   .       
                       does not resolve AB, but has X-solution and suspected non-single.       Tok2014d
01584-2304 LDS3330     NLTT 6605/6606                                                          Chm2004 
01585+3643 J  1809     ALI 262.                                                                .       
01586+3834 LPL   1     La Palombara et al. (2012) detect a companion to the hot subdwarf       .       
                       BD+37 442, using the XMM Newton satellite. The companion is thought to  .       
                       be a white dwarf or neutron star, likely powered by accretion from the  .       
                       wind of the primary.                                                    LPl2012 
01586-5332 HU 1557     Primary is CI Eri, an Algol-type eclipsing binary, P = 1.23819d.        Zas2012 
01588+1702 GWP 247     XMI 233.                                                                Tob2012b
01588-0949 J  1449     BD-10  410. Previously published declination corrected by +4'.          J__1949a
                       GAL 316. Object #57 in Gallo's original list.                           Gal1912a
01588-2212 HJ 2103     B is BD-22@329.                                                         .       
01588-6134 alf Hyi     Hipparcos astrometric solution assumed circular orbit (e = omega = 0)   HIP1997d
01589-5652 LDS  63     LDS6106 = LDS9106 (incorrectly listed in the WDS as 00593-5652).        .       
                       B is CPD-57@385 = CD-57@396.                                            .       
01590-1640 LDS9129     Old LDS6129.                                                            .       
01590-2255 H 2  58     H II 58. A is a W UMa-type system, AA Cet.                              .       
01591+3313 ENG   9     AB: Optical pair, based on study of relative motion of the components   .       
                       using the method of apparent motion parameters.                         Kiy2008 
                       AB: Rectilinear solution by Friedman et al. (2011).                     USN2011a
01591+1523 GWP 248     XMI 234.                                                                Tob2012b
01598+1543 BPM  44     [PM2000]   73241 + [PM2000]   73209.                                    Gvr2010 
02000+1334 LDS5181     old LDS6130.                                                            .       
02003-0138 BAL   9     J  3333.                                                                Nsn2016 
02004-0831 HJ 3476     AB: A is AR Cet, probably a semi-regular variable.                      .       
02005-0240 BRG   8     The companion to 2MASS J02002975-0239579 has yet to be tested for       .       
                       common proper motion, but since its color and brightness are            .       
                       consistent with expectation and its separation is small (~0.32"), it    .       
                       is counted as a physical companion here.                                Jnn2012 
02005-6246 HJ 3479     B is CPD-63@142.                                                        .       
02006+2753 J  3257     A is an Algol-type binary, X Tri, P = 0.97d.                            .       
02011+3518 STF 197     AB: Optical pair, based on study of relative motion of the components   .       
                       using the method of apparent motion parameters.                         Kiy2008 
02011-1741 LDS5362     NLTT 6759/6757                                                          Chm2004 
02012-0729 GWP 250     ABL   1.                                                                Tob2012b
02012-3000 CUS   1     Assuming a primary mass of 1.02 +/- 0.19 Msun, the derived flux ratio   .       
                       (~0.028 in H and K) gives a mass of ~0.5 Msun for the secondary.        Cus2012 
02013+1227 BPM  45     [PM2000]   74159 + [PM2000]   74128.                                    Gvr2010 
02013-0752 GWP 251     ABL   2.                                                                Tob2012b
02015+1830 BPM  46     [PM2000]   74328 + [PM2000]   74271.                                    Gvr2010 
02019+7332 JNN 252     GJ 3125. Estimated age 30-300 Myr; masses 0.12 +/- 0.07 and 0.06 +/-    .       
                       0.04 Msun; a ~5.0 au.                                                   Jnn2014 
02019+2415 POU 157     ID uncertain. Nothing at Pourteau's coordinates.                        Pou1933 
02020+7054 BU  513     48 Cas. A is a spectroscopic binary, same period as the visual pair.    .       
                       Suspected sub-periods of 39 yr (Baize) and 26 yr (Muller) are not       Baz1941b
                       confirmed by later measures.  The radial velocities of the primary may  Mlr1949c
                       show a trace of a period of about 4 yr (Heintz).                        Hei1981e
                       See Baize & Petit catalog of doubles with variable component.           Baz1989d
                       Masses and bolometric magnitudes are derived for the two components     .       
                       based on assumed spectral types and available parallaxes.               .       
                       1980.7205: This measure was incorrectly attributed to ADS 1958 in       .       
                       McAlister et al. (1983).                                                McA1983 
                       AB: Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and             .       
                       spectroscopic masses 2.96 +/- 0.42, 3.07, and 2.00 Msun, respectively.  Mlk2012 
02020+0246 STF 202     alp Psc = Alrescha. Both components are listed as Alpha CVn variables   .       
                       of small amplitude, and both may have variable RV.                      Sca1983f
                       See Baize & Petit catalog of doubles with variable component.           Baz1989d
                       Absolute quadrant for 1998.657 determined by triple-correlation         .       
                       techniques                                                              Pru2002b
                       Chevalier identified this star as alp Psc, but gave an incorrect        Che1911 
                       declination, leading to its initial designation as 02020+0320 CHE 32.   Hrt2012b
           PWL   1     AC: SHY 132. Bayesian analysis by Shaya & Olling (2011) indicates very  Shy2011 
                       high (near 100%) probability pair is physical.                          .       
           STF 202     AB: H 2  12.                                                            MEv2010 
02021+0355 OSV   1     LDS5363.                                                                .       
02021-1321 GAL 317     Object #59 in Gallo's original list.                                    Gal1912b
02022+7530 STF 185     Primary is V779 Cas, an Algol-type eclipsing binary, P = 6.35340d.      Zas2012 
02022-1441 GWP 253     ABL   4.                                                                Tob2012b
02022-1808 GWP 252     ABL   3.                                                                Tob2012b
02022-4550 SHY 410     HIP   9495 + HIP   9672.                                                .       
02022-6236 TOK  70     HIP 9499. A is SB, no orbit, dRV=70.7 (Nordstrom et al. 2004).          Nrd2004 
02023-2634 LDS  65     NLTT 6825/6826                                                          Chm2004 
02025-1410 GWP 254     ABL   5.                                                                Tob2012b
02026+5941 CIA  53     V780 Cas.                                                               .       
02026-1719 GWP 255     ABL   6.                                                                Tob2012b
02027-3019 HJ 3478     B is CD-30@717.                                                         .       
02030+3317 STF 201     eps Tri = 3 Tri                                                         .       
02031-0725 STF 209     B is BD-08@371.                                                         .       
02031-1229 GWP 256     ABL   7.                                                                Tob2012b
02032+5514 BLL   4     A is a semi-regular variable, XX Per. B is BD+54@445.                   .       
02034+3919 MLB  10     AB: Also known as SMA  27.                                              .       
02035+6408 HJ 1101     STI 337 (three Vat1926 measures from STI 337 merged 2008/06/25)         .       
02035+1744 BPM  47     [PM2000]   75525 + [PM2000]   75508.                                    Gvr2010 
02035-0455 TOK 873     also known as VSC   2.                                                  Hor2024 
02037+2556 STF 208     10 Ari. Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and         .       
                       spectroscopic masses 2.94 +/- 0.84, 2.35, and 1.29 Msun, respectively.  Mlk2012 
02038+7013 MLR 375     1983.0663: This autocorrelogram was remeasured; the new results are     .       
                       listed in the catalog.                                                  McA1987b
02038-0020 H 5 102     H V 102. 61 Cet. Spectrum composite; G5II-III+G5V.                      .       
02039+8221 HJ 2090     The measure in BDS by Cogshall belongs to some other pair.              Bu_1906 
                       1904.69, 243.9@, 3.52" (Van Biesbroeck).                                VBs1914 
02039+4220 STF 205     H III 5, SHJ 26. gam And = Almach. A quadruple system.                  .       
                       Star A (mag 2.3, K3II) forms with BC the pair STF 205, separation 10".  .       
                       Star B is SB, P = 2.67 d (Maestre & Wright, ApJ 131, 119, 1960).        .       
                       See discussion by Morgan et al. (1978).                                 BLM1978 
                       A,BC: H 3   5.                                                          MEv2010 
                       Mk III Limb-darkened diameter  7.84 mas.                                MkT1991 
                       Mk III Limb-darkened diameter  7.814 +/- 0.078 mas.                     MkT2003 
           STT  38     BC: See discussion by Morgan et al.                                     BLM1978 
                       BC: Poor agreement between two theta measures.                          Mlr1956d
                       BC: Additional notes may be found in Muller (1954).                     Mlr1954a
02039+1231 BPM  48     [PM2000]   75778 + [PM2000]   75779.                                    Gvr2010 
02039-4525 RST2272     Primary is SB2, P=0.851 y. Aa,Ab UR in speckle. Koen et al. (2002       .       
                       MNRAS 331, 45) find 311d photometric period.                            Tok2014d
02042+5257 HJ 2104     B is BD+52@501.                                                         .       
02042+4641 ADM   1     HTP  32. HAT-P-32. Primary is exoplanet host star.                      Adm2013 
02042-1039 GAL 318     Object #62 in Gallo's original list.                                    Gal1912b
02044+1230 CHE  36     CHE  37.                                                                .       
02046+2525 LTT 17328   Combined solution, based on reduction of Hipparcos intermediate         .       
                       astrometric data together with spectroscopic elements from the Geneva   .       
                       Extrasolar Planet Search Programs home page.                            HaI2001 
02046+1757 GWP 257     XMI 235.                                                                Tob2012b
02051+7717 SHJ  22     47 Cas.                                                                 .       
                       Optical pair, based on study of relative motion of the components       .       
                       using the method of apparent motion parameters.                         Kiy2008 
           47 Cas      Hipparcos astrometric solution assumed circular orbit (e = omega = 0)   HIP1997d
02051-1737 BEU   3     PM = +1318-174.                                                         .       
02053+2906 CHE  38     CD: Originally 02053+2907 CHE  38AB, until C component of 02053+2906    .       
                       found to be prmary of 02053+2907.                                       .       
           WAK  14     CE: Originally 02053+2907 WAK  14AC.                                    .       
02053-2803 LDS  67     NLTT 6979/6980                                                          Chm2004 
02054-5910 HJ 3481     B is CPD-59@185.                                                        .       
02055+7607 BU  785     49 Cas.                                                                 .       
02055+0056 LDS5365     Error in WDS designation - incorrect precession of Luyten coordinates?  Luy1984 
02056+1444 BPM  49     [PM2000]   76857 + [PM2000]   76899.                                    Gvr2010 
02057-2423 I   454     CPD-24@891. C is CPD-24@889.  AB,C = LDS  68.                           .       
                       AB,C: SHY 135. Bayesian analysis by Shaya & Olling (2011) indicates     Shy2011 
                       very high (near 100%) probability pair is physical.                     .       
           WSI   7     Aa,Ab: Tokovinin et al. (2014) derive a combined spectroscopic/         .       
                       interferometric orbit of the Aa,Ab pair, as well as a new orbit of the  .       
                       AB pair. Resulting component masses for Aa, Ab, B, and C are 0.74,      .       
                       0.72, 0.57, and 0.78 Msun, respectively.                                Tok2014b
02058+1241 CHE  42     There are no obvious errors in applying the offset from Chevalier's     Che1910 
                       plate center, but there are no appropriate pairs near his coordinates,  .       
                       nor at coordinates found by reversing the sign of either or both        .       
                       offsets. The pair is likely lost.                                       Hrt2012b
02062-1808 GWP 258     ABL   8.                                                                Tob2012b
02065+5703 BAR  23     J 880.                                                                  .       
02068+2542 HO  312     11 Ari.                                                                 .       
02069-1126 SLW  99     Aka ABL   9.                                                            .       
02070+4512 WOR   1     AB: Rectilinear solution by Hartkopf & Mason (2015).                    WSI2015 
           BKO  12     AC: Rectilinear solution by Hartkopf & Mason (2015).                    WSI2015 
           LMP  27     AD: Rectilinear solution by Hartkopf & Mason (2015).                    WSI2015 
                       There is an unresolved (P=897d) spectroscopic companion to A.           Tok2019b
02070-1017 GAL 319     Object #63 in Gallo's original list.                                    Gal1912b
02070-4406 JNN 149     2MASS J02070176-4406380 and J02070198-4406444 are separated by only 7"  .       
                       and have similar estimated spectroscopic distances (13 and 21 pc,       .       
                       respectively) in Riaz et al. (2006), hence it is likely that they form  Ria2006 
                       a physical pair.                                                        Jnn2012 
02074-5941 HJ 3484     B is CPD-60@183.                                                        .       
02076+1355 ZHN   2     BDK   4. G 73-26 + SDSS J020735.60+135556.3.   Distance 26 +/- 10 pc    .       
                       for primary, 35 +/- 5 pc for secondary. Estimated age of system 3-4     .       
                       Gyr. Mass of secondary estimated at 0.079-0.081 Msun.                   Fah2010 
02076-0037 LDS3346     NLTT 7066/7064                                                          Chm2004 
                       HJL  29.                                                                HJL1986 
02079+1343 GWP 259     XMI 236.                                                                Tob2012b
02080+2814 CHE  55     MLB 452.                                                                .       
02080-0951 GAL 320     Object #64 in Gallo's original list.                                    Gal1912b
                       Rectilinear solution by Hurowitz et al. (2013).                         USN2013a
02081+1336 FAR  27     SKF  23.  Primary is white dwarf WD 0205+133.                           Far2006 
02082+1509 LDS5183     old LDS6131.                                                            .       
02083+2543 ALP   6     2MASSW J0208183+254253                                                  .       
                       Further observations are required to determine the physical/optical     .       
                       nature of this triple.                                                  AlP2007 
02084+2819 KUI 118     G072-058. See Allen et al. (2000) for information on metallicity,       AlC2000 
                       age, galactic orbital parameters, etc.                                  .       
                       NLTT 7087/7088                                                          Chm2004 
02085-0641 HDS 285     Possible sub-diffraction-limited component, but the astrometry is not   .       
                       consistent between the two observations.                                Hor2011b
02087-0026 STF 218     Same as STF 220.                                                        .       
02087-1005 HU   16     HD 13191, W UMa-type eclipsing binary, period 0.31542 d.                Zas2018 
02089+4927 BWL   9     Colors and/or astrometry are inconsistent with a late-type common       .       
                       proper motion companion based on visual inspection of the field from    .       
                       2MASS, SDSS, DSS1, and/or DSS2. Primary is GJ 3136.                     Bwl2015 
02090+5745 STI1791     AB. WDS designation changed from 02099+5744 when it was determined      .       
                       that TDS2135 comprised the primary of this wider pair.                  .       
02091+5104 STF 213     C easily seen 8" north following. Magnitude about 10.5, not 12.5.       B__1963b
02091+4341 LDS3349     NLTT 7117/7118                                                          Chm2004 
02091+4048 STF 215     A is an eclipsing binary, BX And.                                       .       
02091+1511 GWP 260     XMI 237.                                                                Tob2012b
02093-1958 GWP 261     ABL  10.                                                                Tob2012b
02094+2556 H 6  69     H VI 69. 14 Ari. STTA 23.                                               .       
                       AC: HJL1012.                                                            HJL1986 
02094-1011 HJ 2116     Richard Jaworski, in analysis of SuperCOSMOS data, has determined that  Jaw2005 
                       component C is the galaxy NGC 833, D is the galaxy NGC 835, E is the    .       
                       galaxy NGC 838 and F is the galaxy NGC 839. Thus, in the pairing "CD"   .       
                       both components are galaxies and not stars.                             .       
02095+3459 MKT   4     bet Tri.                                                                .       
                       Hummel et al. (1995) visual orbit based on astrometry from Mark III     MkT1995 
                       interferometer. Additional spectroscopic data yield component masses,   .       
                       luminosities, radii, effective temperatures, and distance.              .       
                       Hipparcos astrometric solution adopted some elements from the orbit of  HIP1997d
                       Hummel et al. (1995).                                                   MkT1995 
                       Pourbaix gives combined solution for this resolved SB2, yielding        .       
                       orbital parallaxes and component masses.                                Pbx2000b
                       Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and spectroscopic   .       
                       masses of 4.11 +/- 0.18, 5.26, and 1.82 Msun, respectively.             Mlk2012 
02096+4251 ES   48     Optical pair, based on study of relative motion of the components       .       
                       using the method of apparent motion parameters.                         Kiy2008 
                       AB: Rectilinear solution by Hurowitz et al. (2013).                     USN2013a
02097+2021 STF 221     AB: H 3  68.                                                            MEv2010 
02097+0857 GWP 262     XMI 238.                                                                Tob2012b
02098-4052 TOK 427     HIP 10096 is SB2 according to GCS. The separation corresponds to a      .       
                       period of ~5yr.                                                         Tok2015c
02099+3449 HU 1034     Not seen 1948, 1951. No observations since that time.                   .       
02103+3322 STF 219     SEI  24.                                                                Nsn2017a
02104+3911 HJ 1109     C is a nebula.                                                          .       
02104-5049 ESG   1     Gl 86. Magnitudes are K magnitudes of Lagrange et al. (2006).           .       
                       Lagrange et al. (2006) give two possible orbital solutions, based on    Lgr2006 
                       different assumed masses (70 Mjup and 0.5 Msun) for the secondary.      .       
                       Semi-major axes converted from au (47.58 and 18.42 au, respectively)    .       
                       to arcseconds assuming an Hipparcos-based distance of 10.9 pc.          .       
                       JHK photometry of primary from 2MASS, that of secondary transformed     .       
                       from NACO to 2MASS filters.                                             .       
                       2001.7454: PA is measured in zenith mode. If data collected in          .       
                       equatorial mode, PA = 112.1.                                            Rbr2011d
                       Farihi et al. (2013) derive a mass of 0.59 +/- 0.01 Msun and            .       
                       Teff = 8180 +/- 120K for the white dwarf companion to GJ 86. Monte      .       
                       Carlo simulations yield the following orbital constraints:              .       
                       P = 120-481y, T0 = 1933-2067, e = 0.00-0.61, i = 114.7-122.6deg,        .       
                       a = 2.57-6.47" (27.8-69.8 au) Omega = 63.7-76.1deg, omega=0-358deg.     .       
                       The upper ranges of P and a are considered less likely.                 Far2013 
           GJ 86       A: Combined solution, based on reduction of Hipparcos intermediate      .       
                       astrometric data together with spectroscopic elements from Queloz       Que2000 
                       et al. (2000).                                                          HaI2001 
02106+1027 GWP 263     XMI 239.                                                                Tob2012b
02107-1507 FAR  28     Primary is white dwarf WD 0208-153.                                     Far2006 
02109+3902 STF 222     59 And.                                                                 .       
                       H 4 129.                                                                MEv2010 
02109+1341 STF 224     H N 105; BDS 1146 is identical.                                         .       
02110+0317 GWP 264     XMI 240.                                                                Tob2012b
02112+2604 BRT3260     Originally published as BRT 127.                                        Brt1928 
02113+4407 ES 2590     Rectilinear solution by Hartkopf & Mason (2015).                        WSI2015 
02114+1848 GWP 265     XMI 241.                                                                Tob2012b
02115+5739 BU  874     5 Per.                                                                  .       
02117-0531 GWP 266     ABL  11.                                                                Tob2012b
02117-1927 GWP 267     ABL  12.                                                                Tob2012b
02120+0422 SKF1518     A is also a double-lined binary (5.9d) so this is a physical triple.    Tok2019b
02122+4440 RUC   2     Aa,Ab. GZ And. Spectral type of Ab component estimated at M3-4V.        Ruc2007 
           HJ 2117     A is a W UMa-type binary, GZ And.                                       .       
                       Neither AC, BC or CD are physically associated.                         Kiy2015c
02123-0908 GWP 268     ABL  13.                                                                Tob2012b
02124+3018 STF 227     iot Tri = 6 Tri. A is a spectroscopic binary, P = 14.73d. B is also an  .       
                       SB, P = 2.24d. One component is variable: TZ Tri.                       .       
           TZ Tri      Koresko et al. (1998) PTI solution has period fixed at spectroscopic    Krs1998 
                       value of Kaye et al. (1995).                                            Eat1995b
           STF 227     H 2  34.                                                                MEv2010 
                       T0 converted from negative to positive by subtracting from P.           FMR2020c
02124+1249 LDS1126     NLTT 7300/7301                                                          Chm2004 
02124-0223 HDO  56     Not found. There must be a large error in the Hd place. Burnham         Bu_1909 
                       could not find it anywhere in the vicinity.                             .       
02124-0455 GWP 269     ABL  14.                                                                Tob2012b
02124-7023 R    15     HLN   3.  B is CPD-70@131.                                              .       
02125-0804 BRT 357     Also known as LDS3357.                                                  .       
02127+1614 GWP 270     XMI 242. SLW 100.                                                       Tob2012b
02128+7941 S   405     STTA 22. A is a Delta Scuti-type variable and spectroscopic             .       
                       binary, P = 4.12d. B is BD+78@71.                                       .       
                       AB: H 5  84.                                                            MEv2010 
02128+0309 GWP 271     XMI 243.                                                                Tob2012b
02128-0224 STF 231     66 Cet. B is BD-03@335.                                                 .       
                       Aka SHJ  29 = H 4  25.                                                  .       
                       AB: NLTT 7323/7321                                                      Chm2004 
                       HIP 10305. A is SB2, period 94.788d, resolved by speckle (TOK 39).      .       
                       A is evolved. B = HIP 10303.                                            Tok2011a
02129+5712 STTA 24     AB and AC: Optical pair, based on study of relative motion of the       .       
                       components using the method of apparent motion parameters.              Kiy2008 
                       AC: Rectilinear solution by Hurowitz et al. (2013).                     USN2013a
02129-0349 GWP 272     ABL  15.                                                                Tob2012b
02130+0851 MCA   5     xi 1 Cet = 65 Cet. Also a spectroscopic binary.                         .       
                       A 1985.8375 measure attributed to this pair by Mcalister actually       .       
                       actually belonged to 02157+2503COU  79.                                 McA1987b
                       Hipparcos astrometric solution adopted some elements from the orbit of  HIP1997d
                       Griffin & Herbig (1981).                                                Grf1981b
                 5     1985.8375: A measure at this date, belonging to 02157+2503 = COU  79,   .       
                       was erroneously attributed to MCA 5 in McAlister et al. (1987). This    McA1987b
                       measure has been moved to COU 79 and averaged with a re-reduced         .       
                       measure from these data published by Hartkopf et al. (1996).            Hrt1996a
02131+5805 SHY 145     AC: HIP  10332 + HIP  12685.                                            .       
02132+4414 CHR   5     60 And. A spectroscopic binary.                                         .       
                       The negative results obtained during 1976 - 1980 are apparently due to  .       
                       a large magnitude difference.                                           Hrt1984 
                       Ren & Fu (2013) calculated an astrometric orbit, combining Hipparcos    Ren2013 
                       Intermediate Astrometric Data with spectroscopic elements by            .       
                       Griffin & Herbig (1981).                                                Grf1981b
                       Mk III Limb-darkened diameter  2.907 +/- 0.048 mas.                     MkT2003 
02132+4030 SHY 136     AB: HIP  10339 + HIP  10321. B component is V450 And.                   .       
           HEL   5     Ba,Bb: V450 And. Helminiak et al. (2016) resolve this SB and BY Dra     .       
                       type variable, and derive a combined astrometric/spectroscopic orbit.   .       
                       The secondary is shown to be an M-type star, rather than brown dwarf.   .       
                       Resulting best-fit masses are 1.141 and 0.279 Msun (median values       .       
                       1.113 +/- 0.065 and 0.277 +/- 0.021 Msun), respectively. Best-fit       .       
                       parallax is 37.24 mas (median 37.34 +/- 0.55 mas).                      Hel2016 
02133+3649 JNN  18     Estimated age 30-300 Myr; masses 0.26 +/- 0.06 and 0.09 +/- 0.03 Msun;  .       
                       a ~2.8 au.                                                              Jnn2014 
02135+5926 STI 351     STI1807                                                                 .       
02135-0502 GWP 273     ABL  16.                                                                Tob2012b
02135-2546 HJ 2120     B is CD-26@800.                                                         .       
02136+5104 BAG   1     Aa,Ab: 6 Per. A is a long-period spectroscopic binary, now resolved by  .       
                       speckle interferometry.                                                 .       
                       SB1, P = 4.5 yr. Halbwachs (1981) predicts maximum separation 0".047.   HJL1981 
                       Hipparcos astrometric solution adopted some elements from the orbit of  HIP1997d
                       Christie (1936).                                                        Crs1936 
           STT 555     AB: Optical pair, based on study of relative motion of the              .       
                       components using the method of apparent motion parameters.              Kiy2008 
                       AB: Rectilinear solution by Hurowitz et al. (2013).                     USN2013a
02136-0945 GWP 274     ABL  17.                                                                Tob2012b
02137-0302 H 6 110     H VI 110. B is BD-03@341.                                               .       
02138-1933 RSS  54     CPD-20@248                                                              .       
02140+4729 STF 228     Spectral types and masses of components assigned by ten Brummelaar et   .       
                       al., based on adaptive optics observations.                             TtB2000 
                       Scardia says the quadrant unambiguous for their 2004 theta values of    .       
                       105.8; this does not agree with other determinations of magnitude       .       
                       difference, however.                                                    Sca2005a
                       Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and spectroscopic   .       
                       masses of 2.34 +/- 0.36, 2.52, and 2.47 Msun, respectively.             Mlk2012 
02140+1652 GWP 275     XMI 244.                                                                Tob2012b
02142+0555 GWP 276     XMI 245.                                                                Tob2012b
02142-1811 GWP 277     ABL  18.                                                                Tob2012b
02144+3454 HU  807     Motion in separation, with little angular change. Close 1950-1960.      .       
02144-1441 GWP 278     ABL  19.                                                                Tob2012b
02145+6631 MCA   6     55 Cas. Composite spectrum star: B9V + G0II-III, delta m = 0.2 mag      Bnu1984 
                       (Markowitz 1969)                                                        Mrz1969 
                       Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and spectroscopic   .       
                       masses of 3.70 +/- 1.31, 6.94, and 2.57 Msun, respectively.             Mlk2012 
02145+5912 STI1812     SMA  31.                                                                .       
02145-1103 LDS5373     SLW 102.                                                                .       
02146-0142 GWP 279     ABL  20.                                                                Tob2012b
02147+3024 STF 232     H 2  35.                                                                MEv2010 
02147+1657 GWP 280     XMI 246.                                                                Tob2012b
02149+5829 STF 230     B spectrum B9IV.                                                        .       
02149+1353 GWP 281     XMI 247.                                                                Tob2012b
02150+5903 MLR 447     Also known as TDS2174.                                                  .       
02152-3507 SHY 415     HIP  10483 + HIP  10385.                                                .       
02154+1126 GWP 282     XMI 248.                                                                Tob2012b
02155+5231 GC 2695     Hipparcos astrometric solution adopted some elements from the orbit of  HIP1997d
                       Griffin & Radford (1977).                                               Grf1977c
02155+1220 GWP 283     XMI 249.                                                                Tob2012b
02156+4223 GIC  29     G133-079/G134-019.                                                      .       
                       NLTT 7438/7440                                                          Chm2004 
02157+6740 ENG  10     B is BD+66@193.                                                         .       
                       Optical pair, based on study of relative motion of the components       .       
                       using the method of apparent motion parameters.                         Kiy2008 
           SHY  10     BC: HIP  10529 + HIP  11167.                                            .       
02157+2503 COU  79     21 Ari. Couteau & Morel (1982) computed masses disagree with spectral   Cou1982d
                       type. Authors suggest 3rd component (mass ~1 Msun) as possible          .       
                       explanation. 1985.8375: This measure was erroneously attributed to      .       
                       02130+0851 = MCA 5 by McAlister et al. (1987). The data were re-reduced McA1987b
                       by Hartkopf et al., giving similar results. The measure has now been    Hrt1996a
                       replaced by the mean of the two separate reduction results.             .       
                       1986.567: The separation of this partially resolved pair was            .       
                       calculated under the assumption of zero or otherwise known magnitude    .       
                       difference. Pair passed periastron earlier than predicted; now the      .       
                       orbit is definitive                                                     Tok1985 
                       Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and spectroscopic   .       
                       masses of 3.09 +/- 0.30, 3.04, and 1.17 Msun, respectively.             Mlk2012 
02157+1046 STF 237     AB: HJL  30.                                                            HJL1986 
02157-0217 GWP 285     ABL  21.                                                                Tob2012b
02157+1657 GWP 284     XMI 250.                                                                Tob2012b
02158-1814 HTG   1     Orbit poorly covered, period rather indeterminate.                      Hei1978c
                       Additional notes may be found in Burnham (1894).                        Bu_1894 
02159+1416 GWP 286     XMI 251.                                                                Tob2012b
02159+0638 A  2013     Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and spectroscopic   .       
                       masses of 1.60 +/- 0.37, 1.51, and 0.79 Msun, respectively.             Mlk2012 
02160-0929 BRG  10     This likely triple system has only been observed in one epoch, hence    .       
                       it remains unconfirmed. The brightnesses and colors of all components   .       
                       are however consistent with expectation for a physical triple.          Jnn2012 
02160-1626 GWP 287     ABL  22.                                                                Tob2012b
02161+1651 GWP 288     XMI 252.                                                                Tob2012b
02161+1630 BPM  50     [PM2000]   83035 + [PM2000]   83004.                                    Gvr2010 
02162-2302 I   457     ADS 1744a.                                                              .       
02163-0949 STF 242     AB: Optical pair, based on study of relative motion of the components   .       
                       using the method of apparent motion parameters.                         Kiy2008 
02164-0731 SLW 106     = GWP 289 = ABL  23.                                                    .       
02164-1233 SLW 105     = ABL  24.                                                              .       
02164-1632 GWP 290     ABL  25.                                                                Tob2012b
02165-2227 LDS3364     NLTT 7520/7519                                                          Chm2004 
02165-5131 DUN   6     phi Eri. B is CPD-52@284.                                               .       
           SHY 137     AC: HIP  10602 + HIP   9685.                                            .       
           SHY 137     AD: HIP  10602 + HIP   7699.                                            .       
           SHY 133     CD: HIP   9685 + HIP   7699.                                            .       
           SHY 143     CE: HIP   9685 + HIP  12225.                                            .       
           SHY 130     DF: HIP   7699 + HIP   6485.                                            .       
02167-0430 GWP 291     ABL  26.                                                                Tob2012b
02167-3100 LDS  71     NLTT 7535/7528                                                          Chm2004 
02167-6324 TOK  71     HIP 10621. NOMAD: PM(B)=(0,-30), PM(A)=(18,60).                         .       
                       D is HIP 10754.                                                         Tok2011a
02168+4346 GNS   1     Based on 2MASS and AstraLux images, Ginski et al. (2012) conclude the   .       
                       companion is a background object.                                       Gns2012 
02169+5703 STTA 25     B is BD+56@470.                                                         .       
02169+0448 GWP 292     XMI 253.                                                                Tob2012b
02169-2322 BRG  11     The companion to 2MASS J02165488-2322133 has not yet been confirmed to  .       
                       share a common proper motion, but the color and brightness of it are    .       
                       well consistent with a physical companion, hence it is counted as such  .       
                       in the statistics.                                                      Jnn2012 
02171+3413 DOR  66     del Tri = 8 Tri. A is a double-lined spectroscopic binary, P = 10.02d.  .       
                       Proper motion +1154 -245.                                               .       
           MKT   5     Aa,Ab: PM = +1154 -245. del Tri.                                        .       
                       Hummel et al. 1995) visual orbit based on astrometry from Mark III      MkT1995 
                       interferometer. Additional spectroscopic data yield component masses,   .       
                       luminosities, radii, effective temperatures, and distance.              .       
                       Hipparcos astrometric solution adopted some elements from the orbit of  HIP1997d
                       Hummel et al. (1995).                                                   MkT1995 
                       Pourbaix gives combined solution for this resolved SB2, yielding        .       
                       orbital parallaxes and component masses.                                Pbx2000b
                       Aa,Ab: Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and          .       
                       spectroscopic masses 1.57 +/- 3.14, 1.92, and 1.05 Msun, respectively.  Mlk2012 
02172+5838 YSC  87     Ba,Bb: Originally 02171+5839 YSC  87, but found to correspond to B      .       
                       component of 02172+5838.                                                .       
02172-2849 LDS3365     NLTT 7557/7558                                                          Chm2004 
02173+3351 VIG   1     Primary is gam Tri. The B and C components are background stars, the D  .       
                       component ambiguous.                                                    Vig2012 
02174+2845 STF 239     HJL  32.                                                                HJL1986 
                       Aka H 4  40 = SHJ  31.                                                  .       
02174+2708 GIC  30     AC: G035-037/G036-007.                                                  .       
02176+2214 STF 244     HJL  33.                                                                HJL1986 
02176-5400 RSS  55     CD-54@487                                                               .       
02178+5638 A  1272     V438 Per, a W UMa type eclipsing binary, P = 3.50939d.                  Zas2012 
02179+1941 TOK  72     HIP 10710. Primary is astrometric binary (Makarov & Kaplan 2005)        Mkr2005 
02179+1614 GWP 293     XMI 254.                                                                Tob2012b
02180+5616 UC   29     Primary appears to be a close pair.                                     Cbl2010c
02180+3116 A   959     Primary is eclipsing binary of W UMa type, period 0.31069d.             Zas2017b
02180+1958 GWP 294     XMI 255.                                                                Tob2012b
02180+0145 GC 2770     Hipparcos astrometric solution adopted some elements from the orbit of  HIP1997d
                       Harper (1935).                                                          Hrp1935 
                       Combined astrometric/spectroscopic orbit by Fekel et al. (2007). For    Fek2007 
                       primary, derive mass = 1.15 Msun, radius = 1.64 +/- 0.07 Rsun,          .       
                       Luminosity = 3.0 +/- 0.1 Lsun. Spectral types are G0IV and ~M0V.        .       
                       SB1. Combined orbit including RV data and Hipparcos Intermediate        .       
                       Astrometric data. Semimajor axis derived from photocentric a0 plus      .       
                       stellar evolutionary model. Derived properties for A and B:             .       
                       M/Msun = 1.20 + 0.53, L/Lsun = 2.76 + 0.04, dm = 4.60 mag,              .       
                       log age = 9.65.                                                         WaX2015b
02180-1229 LDS  73     NLTT 7592/7593                                                          Chm2004 
02181+5731 BU 1170     7 Per = chi Per                                                         .       
                       S   409 = H 6  19.                                                      .       
02182+5715 STI1836     BKO 165.                                                                .       
02182+3920 A   207     Scardia et al. (2001) orbit preliminary as all the orbital elements     Sca2001d
                       are still rather uncertain. Hipparcos parallax (0".01200 +/- 0.00311)   .       
                       seems to be overestimated and leads to a mass sum 0f 0.46 Msun,         .       
                       unacceptable for a system of type F5. Scardia (1982) classified the     Sca1982a
                       star as type F9. Dynamical parallax is 0".0065; the corresponding mass  .       
                       sum is 2.87 Msun.                                                       .       
02184+5758 STI1839     STI1844.                                                                .       
02184-0636 GWP 295     ABL  27.                                                                Tob2012b
02186+4017 STF 245     ALI1193.                                                                .       
           EGG   2     Aa,Ab: This system has spectral type F2 from SIMBAD and parallax of     .       
                       10.26 +/- 2.92 mas from van Leeuwen (2007). A previous orbit was        VlF2007 
                       calculated by Cvetkovic (2008) with period of 109 years and semimajor   Cve2008c
                       axis of 0.344 arcsec. However, our new observation shows that the       .       
                       system has a much shorter period and smaller semimajor axis. However,   .       
                       our orbit yields roughly the same total mass, with large uncertainty.   .       
                       The system appears to have executed nearly a full orbit since the       .       
                       first speckle observations taken of it in 1985 by McAlister et al.      .       
                       (1987). More data will be needed to confirm this orbital trajectory,    .       
                       but if correct, the smaller period makes the system much more           .       
                       attractive for future study.                                            Hor2015b
02186-2940 B    34     AV For, Algol-type eclipsing binary, P = 1.8797 d.                      Zas2011 
02187+3429 STF 246     H III 42, BDS 1165.                                                     .       
                       HJL  34.                                                                HJL1986 
                       H 3  42.                                                                MEv2010 
02187+0412 BU  437     Some observations erroneously ascribed to STF 247, even Struve's        .       
                       discovery, seems to belong to this pair, whose delta-m = 2 is less      .       
                       than Burnham's estimate.                                                Hei1992a
02188+5714 BKO 168     AC: Rectilinear solution by Hurowitz et al. (2013).                     USN2013a
02188+0840 GWP 296     XMI 256.                                                                Tob2012b
02188+1440 GWP 297     XMI 257.                                                                Tob2012b
02190+2839 HJ 1115     10 Tri.                                                                 .       
02191-0651 HJ  327     AC: The C component is the galaxy NGC 883.                              .       
02193-0259 JOY   1     Aa,Ab: The primary is omi Cet = VZ Cet = 68 Cet = Mira , prototype of   .       
                       the Mira-type variables. "Orbits" have been computed for the visual     .       
                       pair, but are most likely false. B has in the past been identified as a .       
                       Cepheid, VZ Cet; however, it appears that the component seen as         .       
                       variable is the Joy component, recently determined to be a White Dwarf. Skl2010 
                       Recent papers (in particular 1995 PhD thesis by Harold L. Chambers II)  .       
                       suggest that the visible companion is not the star itself, but the      .       
                       accretion disc around it (material captured from Mira's stellar wind).  .       
                       Rapid fluctuations of brightness are described by Warner (1972 MNRAS    .       
                       159, 95).                                                               .       
                       See Baize & Petit (1989) catalog of doubles with variable component.    Baz1989d
                       Aa,Ab: Pair seen but not measured.                                      Cou1958c
                       Aa,Ab: Additional notes may be found in Couteau (1963).                 Cou1963a
           H 6   1     H VI 1. C is BD-03@355.                                                 .       
02198-2352 HJ 2130     B is CD-24@1022.                                                        .       
02200-2213 BRT1373     CD-22@784.                                                              .       
02201-1703 GWP 298     ABL  28.                                                                Tob2012b
02204+2456 POU 175     Also known as KU    9.                                                  .       
02204+1617 BPM  51     [PM2000]   85486 + [PM2000]   85504.                                    Gvr2010 
02204+0135 GWP 299     XMI 258.                                                                Tob2012b
02205+1733 BPM  52     [PM2000]   85552 + [PM2000]   85616.                                    Gvr2010 
02209-0954 GWP 300     ABL  29.                                                                Tob2012b
02209-5632 RST  51     CD-57@470.                                                              .       
02210-1650 GWP 301     ABL  30.                                                                Tob2012b
02211+4246 STF 248     Pourbaix gives combined solution for this resolved SB2, yielding        .       
                       orbital parallaxes and component masses.                                Pbx2000b
                       Combined spectroscopic/visual solution, yielding masses, etc.           Trr1995a
                       Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and spectroscopic   .       
                       masses of 1.39 +/- 0.49, 1.78, and 0.85 Msun, respectively.             Mlk2012 
02212+5651 BU 1171     Not seen in 1951 with 82-inch (Van Biesbroeck).                         VBs9999 
02212+3653 GIC  31     AB,C: NLTT 7710/7708                                                    Chm2004 
02213-1057 HJ 3495     B is BD-11@445.                                                         .       
02215-1251 GWP 302     ABL  31.                                                                Tob2012b
02215-1354 GWP 303     ABL  32.                                                                Tob2012b
02216+2338 STF 254     POU 178.                                                                .       
02219+0824 GWP 304     XMI 259.                                                                Tob2012b
02220+0445 TOK 231     Primary is SB1, P= 79.700 d. Companion at 53" is possibly a white       Tok2012c
                       dwarf (Tokovinin & Lepine 2012)                                         Tok2014d
02220-0034 GWP 305     ABL  33.                                                                Tob2012b
02222-0348 GWP 306     ABL  34.                                                                Tob2012b
02224+5551 BU  875     9 Per. Variable, V474 Per.                                              .       
02225+2830 FAR  29     Primary is white dwarf WD 0219+282.                                     Far2006 
02225-0536 GWP 307     ABL  35.                                                                Tob2012b
02225-2349 LAF  27     TOK  40.                                                                .       
                       Astrometric binary with 26.5 yr orbit has massive secondary with q~1.   Tok2012a
                       Tokovinin (2013) derived a combined spectroscopic/interferometric       .       
                       solution, including echelle spectroscopy and speckle interferometry.    .       
                       The B component is a close binary (tentative period 3.7d); masses of A  .       
                       and Ba+Bb are nearly equal.                                             Tok2013a
                       Astrometric binary with large acceleration, where the massive           .       
                       companion B is in fact a close pair of M dwarfs.                        Tok2013b
           kap For     Gontcharov & Kiyaeva (2002) photocentric (astrometric) orbit based on   Gon2002a
                       combination of ground-based catalogs with Hipparcos.                    .       
02226+1531 LDS3375     G004-016. See Allen et al. (2000) for information on metallicity,       AlC2000 
                       age, galactic orbital parameters, etc.                                  .       
                       NLTT 7795/7794                                                          Chm2004 
02229+5835 BLL   7     A is the semi-regular variable, S Per.                                  .       
02229+4129 TRN  10     The image rotator was in an unknown state, so two possible theta        .       
                       values are listed for the 2001.7451 observation - one for zenith up     .       
                       and one for north up.                                                   Trn2008 
           HD  14633   Rodgers (1974 M.S. Thesis, Univ. Toronto) made a preliminary orbital    .       
                       analysis (P =15.3 d) but the variations appear to be more complicated   .       
                       than originally claimed (Bolton & Rodgers 1978 ApJ 222, 234).           Msn1998a
02229-1718 GWP 308     ABL  36.                                                                Tob2012b
02229-5106 EHR   1     CPM pair.                                                               Ehr2010 
02230+0443 GWP 309     XMI 260.                                                                Tob2012b
02231+7021 MLR 377     A premature orbit has been published.                                   .       
                       Omega corrected from 0.0 to 180.0 by Ruymaekers & Nys (1995)            Ruy1995 
02231+0246 GWP 310     XMI 261.                                                                Tob2012b
02232+6050 MZA  42     DN Cas.                                                                 .       
02232-2952 BU  738     T incorrectly listed as 1953.489 by Scardia et al. (1990); should be    Sca1990a
                       1953.849 (erratum noted in Inf. Circ. 112, 1990)                        Sca1990b
                       Parabolic orbit.                                                        Fin1969b
                       sigma = areal constant in the true orbit = 0.0199 arcsec^2/yr           .       
                       q = periastron distance in the true orbit = 0".4991                     .       
02233+2230 LDS3378     NLTT 7840/7842                                                          Chm2004 
02233+1525 AG   38     LDS 879. B is BD+14@387.                                                .       
                       AB: NLTT 7845/7843                                                      Chm2004 
                       AB: SHY 417. Bayesian  analysis by Shaya & Olling (2011) indicates      Shy2011 
                       very high (near 100%) probability pair is physical.                          .  
                       HIP 11137. See Allen et al. (2000) for information on metallicity,      AlC2000 
                       age, galactic orbital parameters, etc.                                  .       
                       AB: HJL  35.                                                            HJL1986 
02233+1452 GWP 311     XMI 262.                                                                Tob2012b
02236-1056 RST4203     Also known as OL  111.                                                  .       
02238+4920 STF 256     Also known as STF 243.                                                  .       
02239+5751 MLR 656     Also known as HDS 311.                                                  .       
02239+5522 BU 1373     The primary is the Cepheid variable V440 Per.                           Evs2016a
02239+3330 STF 258     Also known as STF 253.                                                  .       
02242+1016 CHR 199     First detected as an occultation binary by Evans.                       Evn1980 
02244-2253 LDS3382     NLTT 7922/7928                                                          Chm2004 
02245-0145 STF 265     HJL  36.                                                                HJL1986 
02246+5959 STF 255     STI 360.                                                                .       
02246+2537 ALP   7     2MASSI J0224367+253704                                                  .       
                       Further observations are required to determine the physical/optical     .       
                       nature of this pair.                                                    AlP2007 
02246-4050 GC 2912     Hipparcos astrometric solution adopted some elements from the orbit of  HIP1997d
                       Barker et al. (1967).                                                   Evn1967 
02247+4008 LDS3381     NLTT 7887/7890                                                          Chm2004 
02249+5153 ES  764     B is BD+51@567.                                                         .       
02249+3039 UC  733     AC: Candidate on Tokovinin list, now reconfirmed as CPM. The primary    .       
                       hosts an exoplanet.                                                     Tok2013c
02250-1501 GWP 312     ABL  37.                                                                Tob2012b
02252+1217 BRT1170     1deg error in WDS designation, apparently an error in transcribing      .       
                       coordinates from the original source.                                   .       
02253-0802 GWP 314     ABL  39.                                                                Tob2012b
02253-1242 GWP 313     ABL  38.                                                                Tob2012b
02255-1834 GWP 315     ABL  40.                                                                Tob2012b
02256+5017 BUP  31     65 And.                                                                 .       
02257+6133 STF 257     The primary is SB1 V559 Cas, P = 1.58 d.                                .       
                       See Baize & Petit (1989) catalog of doubles with variable component.    Baz1989d
02257+0846 GWP 316     XMI 263.                                                                Tob2012b
02257-2119 HJ 3500     HIP 11324. B = HIP 11323. Both components are below the MS, the true    .       
                       parallax should be 12.6 mas (as for the B-component in Hipparcos).      Tok2011a
02258-1038 HJ 2140     Identical with HJ 2134, 4 minutes west.                                 .       
02259+1747 JNN  19     LP 410-22.                                                              .       
02260+4228 LDS3383     Aka SLN  57.                                                            .       
02260-1520 H 3  80     H III 80. A is a variable of the Alpha CVn type, AB Cet, and a          .       
                       spectroscopic binary.                                                   .       
02262+3428 HDS 318     Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and spectroscopic   .       
                       masses of 1.48 +/- 0.19, 1.81, and 1.80 Msun, respectively.             Mlk2012 
                       The spectroscopic orbit of this pair has been computed.                 Grf2018e
                       Orbital parallax 21.02 +/- 1.5 mas. Mass-A is 0.99 +/- 0.15 \msun.      ATl2021 
                       Mass-B is 0.95 +/- 0.13 \msun.                                          .       
                       Mass-A is 1.08 +/- 0.07 and Mass-B is 0.96 +/- 0.06 \msun.              EEA2021 
02262-0833 GWP 318     ABL  42.                                                                Tob2012b
02262-1602 GWP 317     ABL  41.                                                                Tob2012b
02263+0618 VIG   2     The B component appears to be a faint background star.                  Vig2012 
02265+5417 STF 260     HJL  37.                                                                HJL1986 
02268+5853 HD  14947   Garmany & Stencel (1992 A&AS 94, 211) include this star in Per OB1.     Msn1998a
02268+1034 STTA 27     B is BD+09@322. A is VW Ari, a Delta Scuti-type variable.               .       
02269+3733 ADM   2     WSP  33. WASP-33. Primary is del Sct-type variable and exoplanet host.  Adm2013 
02270-0326 GWP 319     ABL  43.                                                                Tob2012b
02272+0309 GWP 320     XMI 264.                                                                Tob2012b
                       HIP 11417. SB, no orbit. NOMAD: PM(B)=(-12,-68), V=14.73.               Nrd2004 
                       Primary is SB2, P=5.997d, but the mass ratio is unknown.                Tok2014d
02273+5433 LAW  10     LSPM J0227+5432. Law et al (2008) derive a distance of 18.6 +9.5/-3.4   Law2008 
                       pc and a projected separation of 13.2 +7.2/-2.2 au. Estimated spectral  .       
                       types are M4.5 and M5.                                                  .       
02273-0304 GWP 321     ABL  44.                                                                Tob2012b
02274+3059 INN   1     Rotation periods 12.1d (AG Tri, 13.7d wrong) and 4.7d.                  Skf2013 
02274+1807 GWP 322     XMI 265.                                                                Tob2012b
02278+0426 A  2329     Using the Hipparcos parallax value of 60.22 +/- 1.75 mas, the orbital   .       
                       elements of Andrade (2007) yield a mass sum of 1.25 +/- 0.14 Msun.      Ana2007 
                       Masses of the two K7V components are estimated at 0.63 +/- 0.01 and     .       
                       0.62 +/- 0.01 Msun.                                                     .       
                       Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and spectroscopic   .       
                       masses of 1.37 +/- 0.12, 1.25, and 0.65 Msun, respectively.             Mlk2012 
02279+4710 BWL  10     AB: Primary is a probable member of the AB Dor moving group.            Bwl2015 
02280+0248 GWP 324     XMI 266.                                                                Tob2012b
02280-0520 GWP 323     ABL  45.                                                                Tob2012b
                       WDS designation corrupted at some point to 02280-0303. Corrected.       .       
02280-3349 SHY 140     HIP  11477 + HIP  11448.                                                .       
02281+3251 ES 2407     GCB 6.                                                                  .       
02282+5423 STF 267     B is BD+53@530.                                                         .       
02282+2952 STF 269     STT  41. May also be H 1  21.                                           .       
02284-0404 GWP 325     ABL  46.                                                                Tob2012b
02286+5521 ES  872     There is a difference of 18 degrees in the measured angles. The Espin   .       
                       measure appears correct.                                                Es_1910b
02286-0704 A   447     WSP  77.                                                                .       
02287+1850 GWP 326     XMI 267.                                                                Tob2012b
02287-3114 TOK  73     HIP 11537. The V-photometry is affected by small separation. B is red   .       
                       in the V-K color, variable? Astrometric binary in HIPPARCOS (Makarov    .       
                       and Kaplan), possibly new triple?                                       Mkr2005 
                       PMS star (Torres et al. 2006).                                          TrC2006 
                       SIMBAD: PMS star and X-ray source 1RXS J022843.6-311332.                Tok2011a
                       Companion is partially resolved in 2MASS images, for that reason the    .       
                       star is not found in the 2MASS point-source catalog. Pre-main-sequence  .       
                       star according to SIMBAD.                                               Tok2012a
                       A hierarchical quadruple. The resolved pair has an estimated period of  Tok2020h
                       3000 years while their are two closer spectroscopic components, one     .       
                       with a period of 22d while the other is 1146d.                          .       
02288+3215 WOR   2     Tamazian et al. derive a dynamical mass sum of 1.40 +/- 0.25 Msun       Tam2005 
                       and classify the stars as K6-7V and M0V. Absolute magnitudes of         .       
                       the two components are estimated at +8.0 and +8.6, leading to           .       
                       individual masses of 0.65 and 0.61 Msun, in good agreement with         .       
                       the dynamical mass sum.                                                 .       
                       Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and spectroscopic   .       
                       masses of 1.46 +/- 0.20, 1.25, and 0.55 Msun, respectively.             Mlk2012 
02288-0826 GWP 327     ABL  47.                                                                Tob2012b
02290-0302 GWP 328     ABL  48.                                                                Tob2012b
02291+6724 STF 262     iot Cas. The primary is an unresolved binary, also an Alpha CVn         .       
           CHR   6     type variable, P = 1.74 d, and an astrometric, spectroscopic, and       .       
                       spectrum variable (Rakos 1962; Klock, AJ 70, 176, 1965). The RV         Rak1962 
                       variation has not been confirmed.                                       .       
                       Heintz (1962) also detected this pair as a submotion to the visual      Hei1962 
                       orbit of the AB pair with a period of 52 years and an amplitude of      .       
                       0".11. Star C (mag. 8.4, dG4) is probably physical, but Hopmann         Hop1960b
                       (1960) computed a hyperbolic orbit for it, as there is some RV          .       
                       difference between C and A.   q = periastron distance in the true       .       
                       orbit = 6".7056. All hyperbolic orbits were rejected from the           .       
                       Fourth and subsequent orbit catalogs.                                   Wor1983 
                       Soderhjelm gives Aa,Ab,B,C quadruple solution (AB in HIP). High         Sod1999 
                       mass-sum, strangely well-behaved speckle obs at  Delta m=4?             .       
                       See Baize & Petit (1989) catalog of doubles with variable component.    Baz1989d
                       Drummond et al. (2003) give solution for Aa,Ab incorporating motion of  Dru2003 
                       the AB pair. The authors conclude that the motion of B relative to      .       
                       the CHR pair appears to be rectilinear. Masses of the CHR components    .       
                       are derived.                                                            .       
                       1985.8540: This autocorrelogram was remeasured; the new results are     .       
                       listed in the catalog.                                                  McA1987b
           STF 262     AB: H 1  34.  AC: H 3   4.                                              MEv2010 
                       AC: Hyperbolic orbit.                                                   Hop1960b
02291+2331 VBS   6     The inclination must be high.                                           .       
02294+5532 STF 268     A is a spectrum variable and shell star.                                .       
02296+6039 STF 263     A is a possible Beta Cep variable, V528 Cas.                            .       
02297-0030 GWP 329     ABL  49.                                                                Tob2012b
02297+0134 GWP 330     XMI 268.                                                                Tob2012b
02297-0955 GAL 321     Object #69 in Gallo's original list.                                    Gal1912b
02305+2514 STF 271     AB: H N  12.                                                            MEv2010 
02307-0407 GWP 331     ABL  50.                                                                Tob2012b
02308+5533 STF 270     AB: HJL  38.                                                            HJL1986 
                       Is there a wobble in the PA of AB?                                      Tok2014d
02309+0158 GWP 332     XMI 269.                                                                Tob2012b
02310+1358 GWP 333     XMI 270.                                                                Tob2012b
02310+0823 GIC  32     G004-024/G073-059.                                                      .       
02312+0811 LDS3396     Aka NSN 527.                                                            .       
02313-1310 GAL 322     Object #70 in Gallo's original list.                                    Gal1912b
02315+0106 SHY 422     BC: HIP  11736 + HIP  12728.                                            .       
02318+8916 STF  93     alp Umi = 1 UMi = Polaris. Cepheid variable and spectroscopic binary,   .       
                       P = 30y. A close companion has been suspected. The close pair,          .       
                       measured three time from 1937-1939 by R.H. Wilson using an eyepiece     WRH1941b
                       interferometer, was not seen again until Evans et al. (2006) resolved   Evs2006 
                       it with HST.  Wilson's measures agree with the combined astrometric/    .       
                       spectroscopic solution by Gerasimovic (1936), although both orbit and   Ger1936 
                       measures are called into dispute by the more recent orbit of Wielan et  Wln2000 
                       al. (2000), whose solution includes mass estimates, etc.                .       
                       NPOI Limb-darkened diameter 3.28 +/- 0.02 mas,                          NOI1999 
                       R = 46. +/- 3. \rsun.                                                   .       
                       An earlier orbit by Wyller (1957) was rejected from Fourth Orbit        Wye1957 
                       Catalog ("amplitude below noise level")                                 Wor1983 
                       Component B = BD+88@@@7. See discussion of this system by Roemer.       Re_1965 
                       While Hipparcos parallax of A 7.56 +/- 0.48 from the original mission   HIP1997a
                       and 7.54 +/- 0.011 mas from the re-reduction, the HST-FGS parallax of   VlF2007 
                       B = 6.26 +/- 0.24 mas implies that that A is high luminosity and        BdH2018 
                       pulsating in the second overtone if AB is physical, i.e., the distance  .       
                       to B is the same as A.                                                  .       
                       The C component was observed by Burnham in the late 19th century, then  Bu_1894 
                       not seen again until the early 21st century by Daley and Ashcroft.      Dal2006a
                       The extremely large magnitude makes the pair too close for most large   .       
                       astrometric surveys.                                                    .       
                       The D component has also been recently recovered in 2MASS data.         TMA2003 
                       According to Jim Daley, the R-I color for C is 0.56 and for D it is     .       
                       0.67. The V-I color for D is 1.08.                                      Dal2006b
                       AB: H 4   1.                                                            MEv2010 
02318-0021 GWP 334     ABL  51.                                                                Tob2012b
02319+5742 BU 1314     V425 Per. Variable in light and radial velocity.                        .       
02319+0108 LDS9132     Old LDS6132. Primary is confirmed quasar: Z = 1.26.                     .       
02320+1822 STF 273     H N 106.                                                                MEv2010 
02320-1955 BRT 297     LDS3400.                                                                .       
02321-1515 GWP 335     ABL  52.                                                                Tob2012b
                       sig Cet. B is BD-15@@447.                                               .       
                       SHY 141. Bayesian analysis by Shaya & Olling (2011) indicates very      Shy2011 
                       high (near 100%) probability pair is physical.                          .       
02322+5415 HJ 2142     Neither AB, AC or BC are physically associated.                         Kiy2015c
02323+4630 BRT 330     Since precise position has been corrected from previous precise         WSI2002 
                       position null detection not relevant.                                   .       
02324-1849 GWP 336     ABL  53.                                                                Tob2012b
02327+6127 STI 368     Both visual components were observed and appeared to be single.         Msn1998a
           MZA   8     EL and EM pairs were originally 02326+6128 MZA   8AB and AC, until      .       
                       match of E component of 02327+6127 to primary of 02326+6128 noticed.    .       
02327+0704 GWP 337     XMI 271.                                                                Tob2012b
02328+0021 GRV1174     SLW 119.                                                                .       
02328-3421 LDS9133     Old LDS6133.                                                            .       
02329+3433 GC 3048     Hipparcos astrometric solution assumed circular orbit (e = omega = 0)   HIP1997d
02329+1502 TOK  12     Estimated period of visual pair 160y.                                   Tok2006 
                       Primary is SB2, P=19.4161d (Katoh et al. 2013 AJ 145, 41)               Tok2014d
02330+4852 HJ 2144     B is BD+48@694.                                                         .       
02331-7738 BVD  25     B is CPD-78@59.                                                         .       
02332+7013 RBR  34     Suspected non-single.                                                   Hor2002b
02332-2207 DON  35     CD-22@863.                                                              .       
02333+5219 STT  42     Distance small, measures often discordant.                              .       
                       1982.7604: This autocorrelogram was remeasured; the new results are     .       
                       listed in catalog.                                                      McA1987b
                       AB: Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and             .       
                       spectroscopic masses 3.00 +/- 1.28, 4.13, and 2.19 Msun, respectively.  Mlk2012 
02333-1933 GWP 338     ABL  54.                                                                Tob2012b
02333-7554 HJ 3522     AB: Optical pair, based on study of relative motion of the components   .       
                       using the method of apparent motion parameters.                         Kiy2008 
02335+5732 HJ 2143     B is BD+56@657.                                                         .       
02338-2814 HJ 3506     ome For.                                                                .       
02340-1812 BRG  13     There is insufficient motion between the two epochs of observation of   .       
                       2MASS J02335984-1811525 to establish common proper motion of the        .       
                       binary, but the components are nearly equal brightness and color, and   .       
                       reside at a relatively small separation of ~0.85" hence it is almost    .       
                       certainly a physical pair.                                              Jnn2012 
02342+0916 GWP 339     XMI 272.                                                                Tob2012b
02342+0139 LDS9134     Old LDS6134.                                                            .       
02343+4017 AG   42     STF 275.                                                                .       
02344+3542 J  1810     ALI 35.                                                                 .       
02344+2040 A  2218     Identification error in ADS. Pair is BD+20 426, not BD+19 375.          Cou1970c
02344-4259 HJ 3510     Spectrum: G3/5III/IV.                                                   .       
02347-0752 BUP  32     77 Cet.                                                                 .       
02350-1522 GWP 340     ABL  55.                                                                Tob2012b
02351-1046 GAL 323     Object #71 in Gallo's original list. Aka J  1452.                       Gal1912b
02352+0407 TOK 649     Resolved using ANDICAM2. Primary SB?                                    Tok2014d
02353+4017 A  1818     Baize suspected another close pair in the region.                       .       
02353-0334 MUG   2     Followup spectroscopy confirmed the B component is a dwarf; estimated   Mug2005 
                       mass is 0.286 +- 0.017 Msun. Primary is planet host star. Colors of B   Egn2007 
                       component consistent with M1-M4 dwarf with mass 0.31 +/- 0.02 Msun.     Met2009 
                       HIP 12048. The B component estimated mass 0.29Msun.                     .       
                       2001.7454: PA is measured in zenith mode. If data collected in          .       
                       equatorial mode, PA = 183.7.                                            Rbr2011d
                       CHARA Array Limb-darkened diameter  0.490 +/- 0.049 mas.                CIA2009a
                       R =  2.05 +/- 0.21 \rsun, L =   2.3 +/-  0.1 \lsun,                     .       
                       Teff = 4982 +/- 254 K.                                                  .       
           79 Cet      A: Combined solution, based on reduction of Hipparcos intermediate      .       
                       astrometric data together with spectroscopic elements from Marcy et al. CPS2000b
02354-0228 GWP 341     ABL  56.                                                                Tob2012b
02355+5948 HIP  12062  Ren & Fu (2013) calculated an astrometric orbit, combining Hipparcos    .       
                       Intermediate Astrometric Data with spectroscopic elements by            .       
                       Latham et al. (2002). They derived component masses 0.96 and 0.45 Msun  Lat2002 
                       and an estimated semimajor axis of 35.47 mas.                           Ren2013 
02356+6106 RAO   7     Primary is close astrometric binary; also SB?                           Tok2014d
02356+3719 STF 279     AB: H N  47.                                                            .       
02358+3441 AG  304     15 Tri. B is BD+34@471.                                                 .       
02359+6338 CTT   3     The B component is BD+62@423.                                           .       
02359+1515 GWP 342     XMI 273.                                                                Tob2012b
02359+0536 STF 281     nu Cet = 78 Cet                                                         .       
                       The A component is a 714d spectroscopic binary. B is not a binary, so   .       
                       this is a physical triple.                                              Grf2015a
02359-2830 SWR   4     CPM pair                                                                Skf2004 
02360-0750 BUP  33     80 Cet.                                                                 .       
02360-1312 GWP 343     ABL  57.                                                                Tob2012b
02360-2331 GIZ   1     GJ 1048.  Discovered by Gizis et al. (2001) on 2MASS images. The A      Giz2001 
                       component is K2V; conclude secondary is L1, mass ~0.077 Msun.           .       
                       Seifahrt et al. (2004) combine 2MASS measure with earlier UK Schmidt    Sef2004 
                       near-IR southern survey data to show stars have similar proper motion,  .       
                       so are likely physical companions.                                      .       
02361+0653 GKI   1     AB: This object was misidentified as HD 61660 by McAlister (1978).      McA1978c
                       PTI Limb-darkened diameter = 0.941 +/- 0.07 mas,                        PTI2001 
                       R = 0.729 +/- 0.064 \rsun.                                              .       
                       VLTI Limb-darkened diameter  0.936 +/- 0.07 mas,                        LTI2003a
                       M = 0.790 +/- 0.039 \msun, R = 0.708 +/- 0.05  \rsun.                   .       
                       CHARA Array Limb-darkened diameter of A :                               CIA2012f
                       R =  0.7949 +/- 0.0062 \rsun, L =  0.26790 +/-0.00239 \lsun,            .       
                       Teff = 4662 +/-  17 K, M = 0.767 \msun.                                 .       
           PLQ  32     AC: GJ 105. Proper motion of A +1811 +1451 (FK5). Spectroscopic binary  .       
                       See Baize & Petit (1989) catalog of doubles with variable component.    Baz1989d
                       HIP 12114. See Allen et al. (2000) for information on metallicity,      AlC2000 
                       age, galactic orbital parameters, etc.                                  .       
02362-1656 GWP 344     ABL  58.                                                                Tob2012b
02363+4012 BAZ   2     V377 And, Algol-type eclipsing binary, period 4.0632 d.                 Zas2018 
02363-0500 GWP 345     ABL  59.                                                                Tob2012b
02363-6329 B  1435     Spectral type F6?                                                       .       
02366+1231 GWP 346     XMI 274.                                                                Tob2012b
02366+1227 MCA   7     31 Ari. This system has a small Delta m (~0.1 in the blue, 0.3 in the   .       
                       red) as determined from lunar occultation measures by Africano et al.   Afr1978 
                       Measures in 1982.7659, 1984.7046, and 1988.6544 were based on           Hrt1994 
                       reprocessing of archival video data.                                    Hrt2000a
                       Martin et al. (1998) derive component masses 11.001 +/- 1.969 and       .       
                       9.407 +/- 1.707 Msun.                                                   Mig1998 
                       Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and spectroscopic   .       
                       masses of 19.08 +/- 2.57, 2.95, and 1.13 Msun, respectively.            Mlk2012 
02368+1723 BPM  53     [PM2000]   95004 + [PM2000]   94927.                                    Gvr2010 
02368-1929 ARA 523     BRT1374.                                                                Brt1935b
02369+5953 STF 277     V791 Cas, a Beta Lyr type eclipsing binary, P = 2.88680d.               Zas2012 
02370+2439 STFA  5     30 Ari. STTA 29. A is 1.1d SB1; AB has estimated period of 34,000y.     Tok2006 
                       B is BD+24@375.                                                         .       
                       HJL  39.                                                                HJL1986 
                       SHY 142. Bayesian analysis by Shaya & Olling (2011) indicates very      Shy2011 
                       high (near 100%) probability pair is physical.                          .       
                       H 5  49.                                                                MEv2010 
                       Primary is SB2, P=1.109d. B is exoplanet host, P=335d. A is F6III, but  .       
                       on the MS.                                                              Tok2014d
           RAO   8     BC: Exoplanet host star. Roberts et al. (2015) estimate the spectral    .       
                       types of B and C as F8V and M1V.                                        Rbr2015a
02370-3435 MUG  12     Primary is GJ 9088 = lam 2 For. Spectral type of comoving secondary     .       
                       estimated as M5-6, confirmed by follow-up spectroscopy. Mass of         .       
                       secondary ~0.11 Msun.                                                   Mug2014 
02371+6232 MLR  31     No significant movement since first resolution.                         Drd2009 
02371+1740 GWP 347     XMI 275.                                                                Tob2012b
02371-0926 ITF  62     BD: Originally 02368-0926ITF  62.                                       .       
02371+0055 LDS5388     Error in WDS designation - incorrect precession of Luyten coordinates?  Luy1984 
02371-2951 LDS3405     NLTT 8520/8519                                                          Chm2004 
02374-5233 EHR   2     Primary is eta Hor. Physical/optical nature ambiguous.                  Ehr2010 
           TOK 186     Aa,Ab: The Marion et al. (2014) measure is in good agreement with the   Mrn2014 
                       Hartkopf et al. (2012) discovery observation, but hints at a            Tok2014a
                       significantly eccentric and/or inclined orbit. A face-on, circular      .       
                       orbit with a semimajor axis of 3.6au would have a period of ~3.7y,      .       
                       which is in line with the 3.0y astrometric period found by Goldin &     .       
                       Makarov (2007).                                                         Gln2007 
02376+2250 LDS1132     NLTT 8503/8502                                                          Chm2004 
02378+1737 BPM  54     [PM2000]   95638 + [PM2000]   95705.                                    Gvr2010 
02380+1418 GWP 348     XMI 276.                                                                Tob2012b
02381-0541 SLW 126     Aka ABL  60.                                                            .       
02382+4604 A  1278     A premature orbit has been computed.                                    .       
02382-1123 STF 288     H 3  79.                                                                MEv2010 
02383-3012 UC  766     CPM candidate confirmed physical by photometry (2MASS and V mags).      Tok2013c
02386+0327 KUI   9     HR 775 in Cetus. Some scatter in measured position angles.              .       
02387-5257 COO  14     Spectrum: F8IV/V + G/K.                                                 .       
           SHY 424     AC: HIP  12326 + HIP  12361.                                            .       
02388+3325 STF 285     H 1  21.                                                                MEv2010 
02389+1526 AG   43     HU 1043.                                                                .       
02389-5450 HJ 3520     B is CPD-55@444.                                                        .       
02390+6235 STTA 28     B is BD+61@445.                                                         .       
02390+1452 STF 287     H N 107.                                                                MEv2010 
02392-0016 GWP 350     ABL  62.                                                                Tob2012b
02392-0933 GWP 349     ABL  61.                                                                Tob2012b
02394-0318 GWP 351     ABL  63.                                                                Tob2012b
02396-1152 FIN 312     eps Cet = 83 Cet. Pourbaix gives combined solution for this resolved    .       
                       SB2, yielding orbital parallaxes and component masses.                  Pbx2000b
                       Arenou give combined solution of astrometric orbits and DSBs. Paper     .       
                       includes masses and distances.                                          Are2000 
                       Systematic errors are clearly present and the period remains in doubt.  Fin1954c
                       Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and spectroscopic   .       
                       masses of 1.68 +/- 0.35, 2.39, and 2.40 Msun, respectively.             Mlk2012 
                       Docobo & Andrade (2013) derive a dynamical parallax of 41.43 +/- 0.68   .       
                       mas and component masses 1.37 +/- 0.09 and 1.03 +/- 0.08 Msun. See      .       
                       paper for extensive notes on this system.                               Doc2013d
                       CHARA Array Limb-darkened diameter of A :  2.126 +/- 0.014 mas,         CIA2007 
                       R =  0.735 +/- 0.005 \rsun.                                             .       
02398-1522 GWP 352     ABL  64.                                                                Tob2012b
02398-3354 LDS3413     HIP 12411. See Allen et al. (2000) for information on metallicity,      AlC2000 
                       age, galactic orbital parameters, etc.                                  .       
02399+0009 A  1928     Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and spectroscopic   .       
                       masses of 2.83 +/- 0.56, 2.33, and 1.05 Msun, respectively.             Mlk2012 
02399-2429 TOK 205     A faint companion near the detection limit is found, our measures are   .       
                       uncertain. The estimated long period P ~ 100 yr suggests that the       .       
                       Hipparcosacceleration of 17 mas yr-2 is spurious.                       Tok2012a
                       The tentative resolution on 2011.84 at 78deg, 0".34, dK=3.8 is not      .       
                       confirmed here, with new good-quality images. The star has constant RV  .       
                       so could be single.                                                     Tok2013b
02401+1148 FAR  30     Primary is white dwarf WD 0237+115.                                     Far2006 
02401+0255 UC  771     CPM candidate confirmed physical by photometry (2MASS and V mags).      Tok2013c
02402+0436 HDS 347     Mean motion indicates P ~ 90 yr, rho increasing.                        Msn1999b
02404-1914 RST2285     Despite being nearby the WDSS pair 0240239-191332 appears unrelated.    .       
02405-1341 GAL 324     Object #74 in Gallo's original list.                                    Gal1912b
02406+3420 WNO  43     Aa,Ab: Identified as WNO  13 by Routley.                                USN1972 
           GIC  33     AB = G074-039/G074-040. AC = G074-039/G074-041.                         .       
                       AB: NLTT 8633/8634                                                      Chm2004 
02407+6117 STF 284     A is a Beta CMa-type variable, V482 Cas.                                .       
           CHR 208     Both visual components were observed: A was resolved (CHR 208Aa,Ab),    .       
                       B appeared to be single.  Gies & Bolton (1986) found a large scatter    Gie1986 
                       in radial velocities (but could not find a suitable period), and this   .       
                       suggests that at least one component may be a spectroscopic binary.     Msn1998a
02407+2704 STF 289     33 Ari. A spectroscopic binary.                                         .       
                       HJL  41.                                                                HJL1986 
                       H 4   5.                                                                MEv2010 
02407+2637 STT  43     Scardia et al. (2001) orbit considered preliminary because the arc of   Sca2001d
                       the observed orbit is only 90 degrees and is placed completely around   .       
                       aphelion. The Hipparcos parallax of 0".01385 +/-  0.00125 gives a mass  .       
                       sum of 3.1 Msun, an overestimate for a star of type F7V. The dynamical  .       
                       parallax of 0".0149 agrees well with the measured one.                  .       
02410+6539 STF 282     AB: HJL  40.                                                            HJL1986 
02410+3905 A  1820     AB: Optical pair, based on study of relative motion of the              .       
                       components using the method of apparent motion parameters.              Kiy2008 
02410-2506 LDS3414     NLTT 8688/8689                                                          Chm2004 
02412-0042 STF 295     84 Cet. A is a Delta Scuti-type variable.                               .       
                       CHARA Array Limb-darkened diameter of A :                               CIA2013c
                       R =  1.2080 +/- 0.0288 \rsun, L =   2.1332 +/-0.0825 \lsun,             .       
                       Teff = 6356 +/-  46 K, M = 1.168 \msun, Age = 2.1 Gyr.                  .       
02413+2659 L    55     Since precise position has been corrected from previous precise         WSI2013 
                       position null detection not relevant.                                   .       
02413-0432 BWL  12     Colors and/or astrometry are inconsistent with a late-type common       .       
                       proper motion companion based on visual inspection of the field from    .       
                       2MASS, SDSS, DSS1, and/or DSS2. Primary is G 75-35.                     Bwl2015 
02413-5725 BRG  14     2MASS J02411909-5725185 is yet to be confirmed as a common proper       .       
                       motion binary, but the color and brightness of the companion are well   .       
                       consistent with it being bound.                                         Jnn2012 
02414+3629 HJ  328     Aka ALI 269.                                                            .       
02415+4053 COU1511     Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and spectroscopic   .       
                       masses of 2.86 +/- 1.13, 2.54, and 1.05 Msun, respectively.             Mlk2012 
02415+1115 GWP 353     XMI 277.                                                                Tob2012b
02415-7128 B  1923     Actually a quadruple. Both A (1852d) and B (108d) are spectroscopic     Tok2022e
                       binaries.                                                               .       
02418-5300 JFF   1     Aka CAB   6.                                                            .       
02420+4248 HJ 1123     B is BD+42@588, spectrum B9IVp(Hg,Mn,Eu).                               .       
02420-1824 GWP 354     ABL  65.                                                                Tob2012b
02421+1351 LDS3416     NLTT 8720/8721                                                          Chm2004 
02421-0134 OL    9     Since precise position has been corrected from previous precise         WSI2004b
                       position null detection not relevant.                                   .       
                       Aka RST4211.                                                            .       
02422+4242 HJ 1124     Aka BKO 172.                                                            .       
02422+4012 MCA   8     12 Per. SB2 resolved by speckle interferometry by McAlister (1977).     McA1977 
                       Elements P = 331.0d, T, e, and longitude of periastron for McAlister    McA1978a
                       solution are from the spectroscopic orbit by Colacevich (1941).         Cla1941 
                       See Baize & Petit (1989) catalog of doubles with variable component.    Baz1989d
                       Hipparcos astrometric solution adopted some elements from the orbit of  HIP1997d
                       Colacevich (1941).                                                      .       
                       Martin et al. (1998) derive component masses 1.125 +/- 0.169 and        .       
                       1.389 +/- 0.193 Msun.                                                   Mig1998 
                       Pourbaix gives combined solution for this resolved SB2, yielding        .       
                       orbital parallaxes and component masses.                                Pbx2000b
                       Bagnuolo et al. (2006) solution combines speckle data with data from    Bgn2006 
                       the CHARA Array. Authors derive orbital parallax 41.19 +/- 0.21 mas,    .       
                       masses 1.382 +- 0.019 and 1.240 +- 0.017 Msun, and a magnitude          .       
                       difference 0.409 +/- 0.013 mags in K' (2136 nm). Values for omega and   .       
                       Omega are switched in their Table 3.                                    .       
                       Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and spectroscopic   .       
                       masses of 2.59 +/- 3.80, 2.58, and 1.07 Msun, respectively.             Mlk2012 
02422-2445 LDS3418     NLTT 8753/8759                                                          Chm2004 
02423+1639 BPM  55     [PM2000]   98625 + [PM2000]   98718.                                    Gvr2010 
02423+1415 GWP 355     XMI 278.                                                                Tob2012b
02424+3837 EVT   1     Aa,Ab: Exo-planet host                                                  Tok2014d
02424+2001 BLA   1     Aa,Ab: mu Ari = 34 Ari. Occultation binary, known to have variable      .       
                       radial velocity.                                                        Bag1984b
                       Aa,Ab: Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and          .       
                       spectroscopic masses 3.64 +/- 0.47, 5.77, and 2.24 Msun, respectively.  Mlk2012 
02424+0247 GWP 356     XMI 279.                                                                Tob2012b
02424-0214 LDS9135     Old LDS6135.                                                            .       
02424-1358 LDS3419     NLTT 8758/8757                                                          Chm2004 
02425+4016 STF 292     B is BD+39@611.                                                         .       
                       H 4  64.                                                                MEv2010 
02425+1045 CHR 200     First detected as an occultation binary by Blow et al.                  Blw1982a
02426-5048 iot Hor     Combined solution, based on reduction of Hipparcos intermediate         .       
                       astrometric data together with spectroscopic elements from Kurster      CPS2000e
                       et al. (2000).                                                          HaI2001 
           HD  17051   No comoving objects found within separation/magnitude range listed.     .       
                       However, Chauvin et al. (2006) note finding at least one faint          Cvn2006 
                       background object.                                                      .       
02426-7947 TOK 362     This 0.6" pair with dK=1.1 is obvious and should have been resolved     .       
                       both by visual observers and by Hipparcos, yet there are no             .       
                       indications of previous resolution in the literature. The declination   .       
                       of -79deg may have something to do with the missed companion, as the    .       
                       southern sky is less well surveyed for binaries.                        Tok2013b
02427+3932 J  2401     Jonckheere says is two faint condensations of a nebula. Galaxy           .      
                       UGC 2180.                                                               J__1962a
02427+1434 GWP 357     XMI 280.                                                                Tob2012b
02427-1513 GWP 358     ABL  67.                                                                Tob2012b
02428+4249 HJ 2155     B is BD+42@605.                                                         .       
02431+0330 GWP 359     AB: XMI 281AB.                                                          Tob2012b
           GWP 360     AC: XMI 281AC.                                                          Tob2012b
02433+1926 BAG  20     Hipparcos astrometric solution adopted some elements from the orbit of  HIP1997d
                       Griffin et al. (1985).                                                  Grf1985b
                       Hipparcos identified the pair as a candidate for Hyades membership.     HIP1998 
                       However, this is a Hyades non-member                                    Grf1988 
02433+1718 BPM  56     [PM2000]   99282 + [PM2000]   99285.                                    Gvr2010 
02433+0314 STF 299     gam Cet = 86 Cet = Kaffaljidhma. AC is a CPM pair, according to Alden.  Ald1924 
                       AB: Additional notes may be found in Muller (1946).                     Mlr1946a
02434-3756 TOK 187     Triple. The A-component is 0.955d SB2; the tertiary is resolved with    .       
                       speckle. As A is located some 1.7m above the main sequence, the object  .       
                       can be closer than indicated by the Hipparcos parallax of 24.6 mas.     Tok2012a
02434-6643 FIN 333     Probably an ambiguous case, although only one solution has been         .       
                       tested.                                                                 .       
                       More speckle obs needed to define orbit.                                .       
                       See Baize & Petit (1989) catalog of doubles with variable component.    Baz1989d
                       Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and spectroscopic   .       
                       masses of 14.55 +/- 4.04, 2.67, and 1.20 Msun, respectively.            Mlk2012 
02435+2742 35 Ari      Hipparcos astrometric solution adopted some elements from the orbit of  HIP1997d
                       Abt & Levy (1978).                                                      AbH1978 
02435+1611 BPM  57     [PM2000]   99396 + [PM2000]   99434.                                    Gvr2010 
02438-2754 BU  261     Aka HDO  59.                                                            .       
02440-0601 TOK  75     HIP 12764. A is SB, no orbit, dRV= 2.5). Contradictory photometry of    Nrd2004 
                       B, it is too close in 2MASS (5"). NOMAD: PM(B)=(-99,-71) V=7.79 (??)    .       
                       Considering the brightness of B and  N*=15, it is almost certainly      Tok2011a
                       physical. A new triple system. See Bonavita & Desidera (2007).          Bnv2007 
02442+4914 STF 296     the Per = 13 Per. A premature orbit has been computed.                  .       
                       See Baize & Petit (1989) catalog of doubles with variable component.    Baz1989d
                       Data appear equally well fit by rectilinear solution - see catalog.     .       
                       CHARA Array Limb-darkened diameter  1.103 +/- 0.009 mas,                CIA2012e
                       R =  1.319 +/- 0.011 \rsun, L =  2.235 +/-0.040 \lsun,                  .       
                       Teff = 6157 +/-  37 K, M = 1.138 +/- 0.010 \msun,                       .       
                       Age =  4.0 +/- 0.4 Gyr.                                                 .       
                       AC: Optical pair, based on study of relative motion of the components   .       
                       using the method of apparent motion parameters.                         Kiy2008 
                       AB: H 3  58.                                                            MEv2010 
                       AC and BC: Rectilinear solution by Hurowitz et al. (2013).              USN2013a
02442-2530 FIN 379     Aa,Ab: More than one revolution apparently has occurred.                .       
                       Aa,Ab: Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and          .       
                       spectroscopic masses 1.55 +/- 0.22, 2.20, and 1.02 Msun, respectively.  Mlk2012 
           BSO   1     HIP 12780. A is visual binary FIN 379, 0.1". B = HIP 12779.             Tok2011a
02443+5704 STF 293     AB: Additional notes may be found in van den Bos.                       B__1963b
02443+1600 GWP 361     XMI 282.                                                                Tob2012b
02445-1859 GWP 362     ABL  68.                                                                Tob2012b
02446+7912 BVD  26     Primary is V405 Cep.                                                    .       
02446+2928 STF 300     H 1  74.                                                                MEv2010 
02447+6128 KRV   3     Classical Cepheid DF Cas.                                               .       
02448+4231 LDS3424     NLTT 8830/8829                                                          Chm2004 
02448+1536 KIR   7     A close double dwarf pair,spectral types M5V and M5.5V.                 Kir1999 
02449+5456 ES   50     Initially assigned as TDS  94. Corrected 11/27/01.                      .       
02449+1007 TOK   1     Aa,Ab: mu Cet = 87 Cet. Considered somewhat uncertain by Tokovinin.     .       
                       Not resolved by McAlister on several occasions.                         .       
                       A preliminary spectroscopic orbit with a period of 1202 days has been   .       
                       published by Abt (1965).                                                AbH1965 
02449-1336 GWP 363     ABL  69.                                                                Tob2012b
02451-1834 tau 1 Eri   Despite a large acceleration of 26 mas yr-2, no RV variability was      .       
                       found in the GCS from two measures.                                     Tok2012a
02452-4344 CPO  29     LDS  78.                                                                .       
           BRG  15     Aa,Ab: 2MASS J02451431-4344102 is a member of an approximately equal-   .       
                       brightness binary with ~50" separation, in addition to being a close    .       
                       binary discovered with AstraLux.                                        Jnn2012 
02452-6700 GLI  18     Spectrum: F5/6III/IV.                                                   .       
02455-6342 HDO 306     gam Hor. A spectroscopic binary.                                        .       
02456-7114 HDS 357     Primary is CN Hyi, a W Uma type eclipsing binary, period 0.45611d.      Zas2012 
02457+4456 LDS5393     old LDS6136.                                                            .       
                       AB: NLTT 8869/8870                                                      Chm2004 
           GIC  34     AC = G078-004/G078-003 = GJ 3178A+3179B.                                .       
02457-3943 B  2077     Astrometric orbit for primary, P=2.303y (Golden & Makarov 2007). PM(A)  Gln2007 
                       moves almost towards B, so the increased separation is not reflex PM.   Tok2014d
02460-0457 BU   83     A premature orbit has been calculated.                                  .       
                       A: Dommanget (1972) astrometric orbit calculated from perturbations     Dom1972a
                       seen to rectilinear motion.                                             .       
02461+1250 GWP 364     XMI 283.                                                                Tob2012b
02462+0536 RAO   9     AB: Primary is HIP 12925. A 13.8m star at 221.7deg, 494.3" appears to   .       
                       share common proper motion, but the probability of physicality is only  .       
                       36%. It is likely this star is another member of the Tuc-Hor moving     .       
                       group.  HIP 12925 and 12862 also appear to be a co-moving pair.         Tok2013c
                       AB: The primary is a spectroscopic binary.                              Tok2014d
                       Quadruple system with 3-tier hierarchy: a close spectroscopic pair      .       
                       with yet unknown period, Robo-AO companion D at 1".89, and CPM          .       
                       companion C at 494" (Tokovinin & Lepine 2012). Yet another star,        Tok2012c
                       HIP 12862, at 0.9deg, also shares common PM and parallax. The stars     .       
                       are young and belong to the Tucana–Horlogium moving group (Zuckerman    .     
                       et al. 2011 ApJ 732, 61). Our photometry places D slightly above the    .       
                       MS. D was  independently discovered by Brandt et al. (2014) by high-    Bdt2014 
                       contrast imaging at Subaru. They measured it on 2012.0 at 252.9 deg     RAO2015 
                       and 1".893, in excellent agreement with Riddle et al. (2015).           Rbr2015d
           TOK 651     AC: Tuc-Hor moving group? Additional CPM companions at 725" and 1536".  Tok2014d
                       AD: Too wide to be a companion at 3271", but CPM, common parallax. F    .       
                       is a rapid rotator (Vsini=109km/s), on main sequence.                   .       
02462-0619 GWP 365     ABL  70.                                                                Tob2012b
02463+1427 GWP 366     XMI 284.                                                                Tob2012b
02464+0301 GWP 367     XMI 285.                                                                Tob2012b
02470-0952 A  2608     The northern pair, CD, is slightly fainter                              Hei1985a
02470-1320 RST3371     Variable: CU Eri.                                                       .       
02472+3611 ALI  38     No star seen at AC catalog location of the purported secondary          .       
                       - probably a plate flaw.                                                .       
02473+1812 BPM  58     [PM2000]  102021 + [PM2000]  102010.                                    Gvr2010 
02473+1803 GWP 368     XMI 286.                                                                Tob2012b
02473+1717 A  2222     CD: Aitken gives the magnitude of B as 13.8. I could not see it at all  .       
                       on the first two nights, glimpsed it on the fourth, and made a very     .       
                       uncertain measure on the third. Variable?                               B__1962d
02474-1733 GWP 369     ABL  71.                                                                Tob2012b
02475+1922 STF 305     A premature orbit has been computed.                                    .       
02476+5357 STF 301     A is a long-period spectroscopic binary, P = 675d.                      .       
02476+1014 HJ  655     Hipparcos identified the B component as a candidate for Hyades          HIP1998 
                       membership. However, re-reduction of the Hipparcos parallax places      VlF2007 
                       the B component elsewhere, so this is an optical pair.                  Grf2013c
02478-0411 GWP 370     ABL  72.                                                                Tob2012b
02479-0529 GWP 371     ABL  73.                                                                Tob2012b
02480-0108 GRV 993     SLW 134.                                                                .       
02480-0940 GAL 325     Object #76 in Gallo's original list.                                    Gal1912b
02480-2836 RED  20     One companion is ~10" from CD-29 1020 = 2MASS J02481094-2835382.  To    .       
                       the SW at a milar distance is 2MASS J02480263-2835465. There are no     .       
                       USNO-B1 proper motions for the fainter stars, but comparison of         .       
                       Digitized Sky Survey UKST and 2MASS images show little evidence of      .       
                       significant relative motion. IR colors are consistent with a K0/M3/M6   .       
                       triple at 60pc. System appears non-hierarchical, with projected         .       
                       separations of ~600au between each component.                           Red2007a
02481-1244 GAL 326     Object #77 in Gallo's original list.                                    Gal1912b
02482+2704 LDS1138     HIP 13081. See Allen et al. (2000) for information on metallicity,      AlC2000 
                       age, galactic orbital parameters, etc.                                  .       
           LDS1138     NLTT 8997/8996                                                          Chm2004 
02483+1532 BPM  59     [PM2000]  102707 + [PM2000]  102652.                                    Gvr2010 
02486+1344 GRV 146     NI    4.                                                                .       
                       Primary is BQ Ari, a W UMa type eclipsing binary, period 0.282335d.     Zas2011 
02487+3107 GJ 9102     1981.6875: HD 17433 was misidentified as Gliese 113 by Balega et al.    Bag1984b
                       (1984). It is uncertain whether this observation is of HD 17433 or of   .       
                       GJ 113 = HD 17382.                                                      .       
02488-0301 GWP 372     ABL  74.                                                                Tob2012b
02489+3823 ALD  10     First measure probably 90@ in error.                                    Ali1955 
02490-1029 BRG  16     The system is precisely at the 3 sigma threshold for statistically      .       
                       significant exclusion of the background star hypothesis. By chance,     .       
                       the AB astrometry is just below the criterion (2.7 sigma) and BC is     .       
                       just above (3.1 sigma), so in principle the BC pair is inconsistent     .       
                       with chance alignment, if the pair does share a common proper motion    .       
                       with  A. However, the proper motion of the system has of course been    .       
                       determined based on A, so until the AB physical connection has been     .       
                       demonstrated to the required accuracy, the 3.1 sigma confidence of the  .       
                       BC pair is irrelevant. Hence, we label the entire system as             .       
                       undetermined for now, although it is obviously very likely that the     .       
                       whole system is indeed bound.                                           Jnn2012 
02491-1712 GWP 373     ABL  75.                                                                Tob2012b
02491-3224 B  1031     bet For                                                                 .       
02493+1728 STF 311     pi Ari = 42 Ari. A is a spectroscopic and occultation binary.           .       
                       AB: H 1  64.                                                            MEv2010 
02493-1033 STF 315     Rectilinear solution by Hartkopf & Mason (2013).                        Hrt2013b
02494+4336 LDS3429     LDS9137. LDS6137.                                                       .       
                       NLTT 9035/9037                                                          Chm2004 
02495+5705 MCA   9     V480 Per.                                                               .       
02496-0932 GWP 374     ABL  76.                                                                Tob2012b
02497+1209 CHR 201     First detected as an occultation binary by Evn1983a.                    .       
02498-0220 GWP 376     ABL  78.                                                                Tob2012b
02498-0346 GWP 375     ABL  77.                                                                Tob2012b
02498-2015 HJ 3533     B is BD-20@523.                                                         .       
02498-2434 BU  877     gam 1 For. AB =? LDS  80. Separation and position angle (sf)            .       
                       agree, as does the DM number from LDS catalog. The quoted primary       .       
                       magnitude of the LDS pair is much fainter, however - possibly a poor    .       
                       measure of CB instead?                                                  .       
02499+0856 STF 313     B component is EE Cet, a W UMa type eclipsing binary, P = 0.37992d.     Zas2012 
02499-0206 GWP 377     ABL  79.                                                                Tob2012b
02500+2716 MCA  10     Aa,Ab: 41 Ari = Bharani. Aa is a spectroscopic binary and resolved      .       
                       interferometer pair.                                                    .       
           STT  47     AB: Optical pair, based on study of relative motion of the              .       
                       components using the method of apparent motion parameters.              Kiy2008 
           H 5 116     AC: H V 116.                                                            .       
                       AC: Optical pair, based on study of relative motion of the              .       
                       components using the method of apparent motion parameters.              Kiy2008 
           H 6   5     AD: H VI 5. D is BD+26@470.                                             .       
02501+1646 GWP 378     XMI 287.                                                                Tob2012b
02502+7255 HJ 2157     Also known as STF 298.                                                  .       
                       Primary is V793 Cas, an Algol-type eclipsing binary, period 1.652303d.  Zas2011 
02502+1343 SHY 426     HIP  13223 + HIP  13122.                                                .       
02502+0641 AG   55     AB,C: HJL  42.                                                          HJL1986 
02502-3551 HJ 3536     eta 2 For                                                               .       
02504+3551 LDS3430     Old LDS6138. LDS9138.                                                   .       
                       NLTT 9076/9097                                                          Chm2004 
02505+1113 BPM  60     [PM2000]  104291 + [PM2000]  104261.                                    Gvr2010 
02505-0414 GWP 379     ABL  80.                                                                Tob2012b
02506+3819 BUP  34     16 Per.                                                                 .       
02507+5554 STF 307     eta Per = 15 Per = Miram. A is a spectroscopic binary. B is BD+55@712.  .       
                       Mk III Limb-darkened diameter  5.381 +/- 0.055 mas.                     MkT2003 
                       NPOI Limb-darkened diameter    5.260 +/- 0.073 mas,                     .       
                       R =  173.10 (+9.69-10.80)  \rsun,  Teff = 4082 +/-  30 K,               .       
                       L = 7508.  +/- 864  \lsun.                                              NOI2023 
02507+1910 TOK  76     HIP 13269. The 2MASS PSC companion at 17.2" is likely an artifact (not  .       
                       detected in J and H bands). A is an astrometric binary.                 Tok2011a
02507+1601 BPM  61     [PM2000]  104457 + [PM2000]  104476.                                    Gvr2010 
02508-3956 SHY 427     AB: HIP  13271 + HIP  13499.                                            .       
02509+0331 PLQ  36     LDS3432.                                                                .       
02510+1317 GWP 381     XMI 289.                                                                Tob2012b
02510+1329 GWP 380     XMI 288.                                                                Tob2012b
02510-2100 SEE  20     tau 2 Eri = 2 Eri = Angetenar                                           .       
02511+6025 STF 306     Spectroscopic binary, also classified Oe5V and O7.5.                    .       
                       AC: See BDS 1430.                                                       .       
                       AG: G component = A component of 02512+6023.                            .       
           STI 398     EF: previously 02512+6025STI 298AB, merged with STF 206 system.         .       
                       fh: previously 02512+6025STI 298bc, merged with STF 206 system.         .       
02512+6023 D  9001     See BDS 1431.                                                           .       
02513+0303 HO  218     Position angle and distance changing rapidly but                        .       
                       period not established. Needs speckle.                                  .       
02514-1526 GWP 382     ABL  81.                                                                Tob2012b
02514-2139 DON  43     Gomez et al. (2016) derive dynamical parallax and component masses:     .       
                       8.24 +/- 0.22 mas, 1.110 +/- 0.014 Msun, 1.045 +/- 0.013 Msun.          Doc2016i
02516+6033 BU 1374     B component spectral type B0III                                         AbH2000 
                       CD: Also known as STI 400.                                              .       
02516+4803 HJ 2160     AB: Rectilinear solution by Cvetkovic et al. (2017).                    Cve2017 
02517+5921 GIC  35     G246-014/G246-013.                                                      .       
02518+5819 BLL   8     A is a spectroscopic binary. B is BD+57@652.                            .       
02518-2117 SEE  21     This very close visual system was discovered at a separation of 0".36   See1898b
                       and has closed steadily for over 90 years. It is unknown at this        .       
                       point whether the system is still approaching periastron or has         .       
                       begun to widen.                                                         Hrt1993 
02520-5347 BRT2020     CD-54@578.                                                              .       
02521+1536 GWP 383     XMI 290.                                                                Tob2012b
02521-6054 HJ 3540     CD-61@515.                                                              .       
02522+1520 BPM  62     [PM2000]  105424 + [PM2000]  105482.                                    Gvr2010 
02525+2505 LDS1140     NLTT 9175/9176                                                          Chm2004 
02525-1246 LWR   4     EP Eri                                                                  .       
02527-1105 GWP 384     ABL  84.                                                                Tob2012b
02529+5300 STF 314     AB,C: H 1  38.                                                          MEv2010 
02529+1040 AG   56     HD 17906, W UMa-type eclipsing binary, period 0.4238 d.                 Zas2018 
02531-1212 GAL 327     Object #78 in Gallo's original list.                                    Gal1912b
02532+4155 LDS9139     Old LDS6139.                                                            .       
02532-1007 GWP 385     ABL  85.                                                                Tob2012b
02533+2714 ALP   8     2MASSI J0253202+271333                                                  .       
                       Physical companionship to this ultracool dwarf ruled out based on I-J   .       
                       color, using I-band photometry taken at WIYN in August 2002.            AlP2007 
02536-0745 GWP 386     ABL  86.                                                                Tob2012b
02536-3826 TOK 652     Primary is psi For                                                      Tok2014d
02537+3820 BU  524     AB: 20 Per. Barnard gives this as 20 Per = BU 520.                      Bar1898b
                       Star A is a suspected variable of Delta Scuti type. A suspected         .       
                       spectroscopic 3.5 yr period is not confirmed (Scarfe & Fekel 1978).     Scf1978 
                       A measure on 1979.5326 was incorrectly attributed to ADS 2200 by        .       
                       McAlister & Hendry (1982); it actually belongs to ADS 490.              McA1982d
                       See Baize & Petit (1989) catalog of doubles with variable component.    Baz1989d
                       Aristidi et al. (1999) orbit includes mass determination.               Ari1999 
                       Docobo et al. (2001) orbit includes mass determination.                 Doc2001c
                       Calculated mass sum is 3.88 +/- 0.58 Msun, a bit high for a pair of     .       
                       mid-F dwarfs.                                                           Mut2010b
                       AB: Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and             .       
                       spectroscopic masses 3.88 +/- 0.60, 2.99, and 1.38 Msun, respectively.  Mlk2012 
           STF 318     AB,C: HJL  43.                                                          HJL1986 
                       AB,C: H 3  60.                                                          MEv2010 
02542+3644 ES 2555     ALI 274.                                                                .       
02542-1225 GWP 387     ABL  87.                                                                Tob2012b
02543+5246 LAB   1     Aa,Ab: tau Per = 18 Per. Spectrum composite; G4III+A4V. A is a          .       
                       long-period spectroscopic binary, resolved by speckle interferometry.   Lab1974 
                       Speckle observations have resolved the pair and invalidate an           .       
                       astrometric solution by Kamper (1969).                                  Kam1969a
                       van de Kamp & Andersen orbit rejected from Fourth Orbit Catalog         Kam1969a
                       ("amplitude below noise level")                                         Wor1983 
                       Time of 1989 mideclipse determined as JD = 2447542.31+/-0.01d.          DSH1991 
                       Eclipse duration is 2.09d. Inclination of orbit is 88.74deg.            .       
                       Time of 1989 mideclipse determined as JD = 2447542.34d. Their model     REG1992 
                       results give 16 \rsun, 2.4 \msun, Sp G8IIIa and Teff = 5160+/-150 for   .       
                       the primary and 2.2 \rsun, 1.8 \msun, Sp A3/4V and Teff = 8970+/-150    .       
                       for the secondary. The mass ratio is 1.1+/-0.2.                         .       
                       Time of 1989 mideclipse determined as JD = 2447542.302/-0.007d.         Smk1990 
                       Eclipse duration is 1.936+/-0.029d. P = 1515.869+/-0.059d.              .       
                       Time of 1984 mideclipse determined as JD = 2446026.48+/-0.05d.          XXX1986 
                       Eclipse duration is 2.3-3.1d.                                           .       
                       Zeta Aurigae-type binary.                                               .       
                       The elements P, T, e, and longitude of periastron for the McAlister     McA1981c
                       (1981) orbit are from the orbit by Colacevich (1941).                   Cla1941 
                       See Baize & Petit (1989) catalog of doubles with variable component.    Baz1989d
                       Hipparcos astrometric solution adopted some elements from the orbit of  HIP1997d
                       Demircan & Selam (1992).                                                Dmr1992 
                       The 52" distant, visual double BC may be physical.                      .       
02544+0946 HJ  658     HIP 13543. B is a known close binary A 2341 of 1.3" separation,         .       
                       partially resolved in the ANDICAM images in K and V bands.              Tok2011a
02544-0030 GWP 390     AB: ABL  88AB.                                                          Tob2012b
           GWP 391     AC: ABL  88AC.                                                          Tob2012b
02544+0635 GWP 388     XMI 291.                                                                Tob2012b
02544+1754 GWP 389     XMI 292.                                                                Tob2012b
02546+1306 BPM  63     [PM2000]  107057 + [PM2000]  107037.                                    Gvr2010 
02548+4332 HJ 2162     Star C is A of HJ 2163, BDS 1479.                                       .       
02548+2916 BRT 130     1deg error in WDS designation, apparently an error in transcribing      .       
                       coordinates from the original source. Appears to be the same as COU 677..       
02548-0640 GWP 393     ABL  89.                                                                Tob2012b
02548+1401 GWP 392     XMI 293.                                                                Tob2012b
02548-2754 HDO  58     Aka HDO  61.                                                            .       
02549+1913 GWP 394     XMI 294.                                                                Tob2012b
02549-0709 JNN  21     The primary is an SB2 binary with an 11.8 day period (Torres et al.     .       
                       2002 AJ, 123, 1701). Since the angular confirmed to share a common      .       
                       proper motion) for the purpose of multiplicity statistics, although it  .       
                       is really a triple system. To estimate the mass of the primary for the  .       
                       purpose of deriving the mass ratio to the tertiary component detected   .       
                       in our images, we adopt the mass ratio of 0.58 derived from the         .       
                       spectroscopic orbit and use the mass corresponding to an M3 spectral    .       
                       type for the primary.                                                   Jnn2012 
02550-1402 GAL 328     Object #81 in Gallo's original list.                                    Gal1912b
02552-0800 EGN   2     Pair likely unbound.                                                    Egn2007 
02552-4549 CPO 113     This is ESO 247-11, B is an interacting galaxies.                       Dam2010 
02553-0348 GWP 396     ABL  91.                                                                Tob2012b
02553-1209 GWP 395     ABL  90.                                                                Tob2012b
02555+0731 GWP 397     XMI 295.                                                                Tob2012b
02556+2652 STF 326     Parabolic orbit by Hopmann (1967).                                      Hop1967 
                       sigma = areal constant in the true orbit = 0.05215 arcsec^2/yr          .       
                       q = periastron distance in the true orbit = 2".827                      .       
                       Data appear equally well fit by rectilinear solution - see catalog.     .       
02556+1311 HU 1047     Close, position angles scattered. No positive observations since 1937.  .       
02557-1223 GAL 329     Object #82 in Gallo's original list.                                    Gal1912b
02558+3429 LDS9140     BC: Old LDS6140.                                                        .       
                       NLTT 9308/9312                                                          Chm2004 
02558+1909 A  2342     Closing in with little angular change.                                  .       
02558-1606 GWP 398     ABL  92.                                                                Tob2012b
02559+1455 BPMA  3     [PM2000]  107836 + [PM2000]  107938.                                    Gvr2010 
02559-1521 LDS3441     NLTT 9361/9360                                                          Chm2004 
02560+1221 GWP 399     XMI 296.                                                                Tob2012b
02561+2003 HER   6     AC: Additional notes may be found in Herbig (1962).                     Her1962 
           CVN   6     Ca,Cb: COR   1Aa,Ab previously cataloged is actually this pair.         .       
02562+2359 JNN 253     Estimated age 1000-10000 Myr; masses 0.07 +/- 0.02 and 0.07 +/- 0.01    .       
                       Msun; a ~0.4 au.                                                        Jnn2014 
02563+5852 STF 321     B is BD+58@531.                                                         .       
02563-1816 GWP 400     ABL  93.                                                                Tob2012b
02564+1534 BPM  64     [PM2000]  108162 + [PM2000]  108210.                                    Gvr2010 
02564-1722 LDS3442     NLTT 9390/9388                                                          Chm2004 
02565+6322 MLB 390     Also known as STI 405.                                                  .       
02565+5526 LDS5401     Duplicity first noted by Ross: Ross 364-5.                              Ros1926 
02567+4248 LDS9141     old LDS6141. A is possibly the same as A of LDS2815.                    .       
                       AB: NLTT 9354/9355                                                      Chm2004 
02570+1244 BPM  65     [PM2000]  108547 + [PM2000]  108528.                                    Gvr2010 
02571-1244 GWP 401     MBL   1.                                                                Tob2012b
02572+1157 GWP 402     XMI 297.                                                                Tob2012b
02572+0153 A  2413     Component variable?                                                     Hln1963 
                       See Baize & Petit (1989) catalog of doubles with variable component.    Baz1989d
                       According to Scardia et al. (2001), this orbit is now well defined and  Sca2001d
                       will certainly change little in the future; only the period is still    .       
                       slightly uncertain. The Hipparcos parallax is 0".02012 +/- 0.00150.     .       
                       This gives a mass sum of 2.1 Msun +/- 29%, agreeing very well with      .       
                       expected values for a system of type G0. Compared to the orbit          .       
                       calculated by Scardia in 1980, the total mass of the system, whose      Sca1980e
                       uncertainty was then 55%, is now much better defined. The dynamical     .       
                       parallax is 0".0193, well in agreement with the measured parallax.      .       
                       Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and spectroscopic   .       
                       masses of 1.64 +/- 0.52, 2.04, and 1.05 Msun, respectively.             Mlk2012 
02572-2458 BU  741     Rica (2012) derived a dynamical parallax of 45.0 mas (compared with     FMR2012g
                       44.51 +/- 2.09 mas from Hipparcos) and a mass sum (using the Hipparcos  .       
                       parallax) of 1.5 +/- 0.3 Msun.                                          .       
                       AB: Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and             .       
                       spectroscopic masses 1.46 +/- 0.44, 1.66, and 0.79 Msun, respectively.  Mlk2012 
02573+3156 DCH 116     21 Per.                                                                 .       
02578+4431 STF 328     Statistically the same parallax within the errors would indicate the    .       
                       components are physical.                                                .       
02579+6400 STI 409     PTT 7.                                                                  .       
02579+0025 STF 332     HJL  44.                                                                HJL1986 
02581+6912 STF 317     BDS mentions a third star 15 sec f at 102.4@.                           .       
02582+0310 GWP 403     XMI 298.                                                                Tob2012b
02583-0002 GWP 404     MBL   2.                                                                Tob2012b
02583-4018 PZ    2     the Eri = Acamar. A is a spectroscopic binary.                          .       
02584-0135 A   208     C is BD-02@528.                                                         .       
02585-1453 GWP 405     MBL   3.                                                                Tob2012b
02586+2408 BU 1173     Star C (mag. 13, 4.6") is probably physical.                            .       
02586+1741 HO  498     Last star in a row of four. STT 49 20' n, 1.9m f.                       Ho_1899a
02586+1302 GWP 406     XMI 299.                                                                Tob2012b
02586-1628 GWP 407     MBL   4.                                                                Tob2012b
02588+4322 LDS2816     B is BD+42@664.                                                         .       
02590-0746 GRV 996     SLW 141.                                                                .       
02592+2120 STF 333     eps Ari. Variable velocity suspected.                                   .       
                       Rica (2012) derived a mass sum (using the Hipparcos parallax 9.81 +/-   FMR2012g
                       0.79 mas) of 7.4 +/- 1.8 Msun.                                          .       
02594+6034 TRN  14     The image rotator was in an unknown state, so two possible theta        .       
                       values are listed for the 2001.7451 observation - one for zenith up     .       
                       and one for north up.                                                   Trn2008 
                       Position angle ambiguity solved by Jesus Maiz Apellaniz.                .       
02595+3916 BRT2202     ALI 763.                                                                .       
02596+3849 MLB1002     ALI 764.                                                                .       
02596+0508 BAL2603     J 1811.                                                                 .       
02596-1436 LDS3445     NLTT 9570/9569                                                          Chm2004 
02596-2516 LDS3446     zet For                                                                 .       
                       NLTT 9579/9563                                                          Chm2004 
02598+3856 LAW  11     LSPM J0259+3855 = NLTT 9527. Law et al (2008) derive a distance of      Law2008 
                       18.8 +9.3/-3.4 pc and a projected separation of 17.6 +9.4/-2.8 au.      .       
                       Estimated spectral types are M4.5 and M5.5.                             .       
03001+6244 STI 417     MLB 391.                                                                .       
03001+3911 ALI 765     A is the eclipsing binary ST Per.                                       .       
03001+1139 BPM  66     [PM2000]  110407 + [PM2000]  110416.                                    Gvr2010 
03002-1110 BRT2627     J 1454.                                                                 .       
03006+4753 A  1529     Round 1951 - 1954.                                                      .       
03007+5700 KR   15     Heintz gives the correct identification and position.                   Hei1983a
03008+1527 BPM  67     [PM2000]  110893 + [PM2000]  110922.                                    Gvr2010 
03009+5940 STTA 31     B is BD+59@581.                                                         .       
03009+5221 STF 331     Both components are spectroscopic binaries.                             .       
                       H 3  36.                                                                MEv2010 
03011+4453 HJ 2167     AB: HJL  45.                                                            HJL1986 
03012-1816 GWP 408     ABL  94.                                                                Tob2012b
03013+6035 MLR 108     V1018 Cas, an Algol-type eclipsing binary, period 4.12781d.             Zas2011 
03013-0636 GWP 409     ABL  95.                                                                Tob2012b
03014+1607 BPM  68     [PM2000]  111250 + [PM2000]  111338.                                    Gvr2010 
03014+0615 HDS 385     Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and spectroscopic   .       
                       masses of 1.20 +/- 0.32, 1.76, and 1.82 Msun, respectively.             Mlk2012 
                       Teff for A & B : 5670 +/- 100 and 5580 +/- 100 K                        Mda2018 
                       R    for A & B : 0.877+/-0.08 and 0.821+/-0.07 \rsun                    .       
                       L    for A & B : 0.71 +/-0.06 and 0.59 +/-0.09 \lsun                    .       
                       M    for A & B : 0.99 +/-0.19 and 0.96 +/-0.15 \msun                    .       
                       Age = 11.5 +/- 2 Gyr.                                                   .       
03014-1409 GWP 410     ABL  96.                                                                Tob2012b
03015+6029 ALV   1     RAFGL 4029 IRS 1. Massive YSO, member of cluster of IR sources.         Alv2004 
03015+3225 STF 336     SEI  26.                                                                Nsn2017a
03019-1633 RST2292     AB: LDS3448.                                                            .       
                       A : M = 0.257+/-0.014 \msun, R = 0.268+/-0.027 \rsun.                   WJG2019b
                       B : M = 0.215+/-0.014 \msun, R = 0.236+/-0.027 \rsun.                   WJG2019b
                       C : M = 0.161+/-0.014 \msun, R = 0.197 /-0.027 \rsun.                   WJG2019b
03021+0005 GAU   2     BAL 652.                                                                .       
03023+4124 STF 337     B is below MS in both (V,V-K) and (J,J-K) CMDs: wrong plx(B)=39.9mas!   .       
                       Wrong PM(B) in HIP?                                                     Tok2014d
03023+1820 A  2414     A premature orbit has been computed.                                    .       
03023+0405 alp Cet     Menkar                                                                  .       
                       1975.634: Disk possible marginally resolved (0".014 +/- 0".005) at 400  .       
                       and 425 nm.                                                             .       
                       1975.639: Disk possible marginally resolved at 460 nm.                  Bla1977a
03023-7154 FIN 360     the Hyi. Not seen for certain 1962-1969, and not observed since.        .       
                       Needs speckle.                                                          .       
03024+4204 BRT1135     LDS2824.                                                                .       
03025-1516 HJL1114     IR Eri. A combined interferometric/spectroscopic solution by            .       
                       Halbwachs et al. (2016) yields masses 0.982 +/- 0.010 and 0.8819 +/-    .       
                       0.0089 Msun.                                                            HJL2016 
03027-0741 BU   11     rho 2 Eri = 9 Eri. Note: this is not p Eridani (= 01398-5612DUN   5).   .       
03030-0205 STF 341     Primary is possible SB? On Keck RV program, but only small RV var.      Tok2014d
                       A 1136d spectroscopic solution for the B component has been found       Tok2019g
                       making this a triple system.                                            .       
03031-0049 GWP 413     ABL  97.                                                                Tob2012b
03032-0215 J  1455     BAL 21.                                                                 .       
03033-1848 GWP 414     ABL  98.                                                                Tob2012b
03034-0804 LDS5409     A possible wide companion to 2MASS J03032132-0805153 at 172" with       .       
                       similar proper motion is noted in WDS.                                  Jnn2012 
03035+2304 HDS 389     AB: Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and             .       
                       spectroscopic masses 1.50 +/- 0.27, 1.91, and 1.79 Msun, respectively.  Mlk2012 
                       Primary is SB, P(AB)=2152d=5.89y.  Metchev & Hillenbrand (2009)         Met2009 
                       resolve AB and list two faint optical(?) companions at 4", dK~5.        Tok2014d
                       Teff for A & B : 6140 +/- 100 and 5300 +/- 100 K                        Mda2018 
                       R    for A & B : 1.234+/-0.05 and 0.820+/-0.05 \rsun                    .       
                       L    for A & B : 1.94 +/-0.08 and 0.48 +/-0.10 \lsun                    .       
                       M    for A & B : 1.18 +/-0.22 and 0.84 +/-0.12 \msun                    .       
                       Age =  3.5 +/- 1.5 Gyr.                                                 .       
03036+3627 BUP  37     The COU 869Aa companion was suspected by Burnham.                       Bu_1913 
03036-1001 GWP 415     ABL  99.                                                                Tob2012b
03036-2536 BRG  17     One or both of the stars in this system must be highly variable. The    .       
                       magnitude differences between the primary and secondary vary from 5.14  .       
                       mag to 1.72 mag between different observations in Bergfors et al.       Brg2010 
                       (2010) and here. In contrast to the individual note on this system in   .       
                       Bergfors et al., we assume here that the designation LTT 1453 refers    .       
                       to the primary star.                                                    Jnn2012 
                       First noted as a likely binary by Makarov & Kaplan (2005), based on     Mkr2005 
                       significant differences between Hipparcos and Tycho proper motions,     .       
                       then later resolved as part of the Astralux Lucky imaging survey by     .       
                       Bergfors et al. (2010) and Janson et al. (2012). Their 2008 and 2010    Brg2010 
                       measures, together with measures from 2011 reveal a constant            Jnn2012 
                       separation but a P.A. changing by ~3 deg/yr.                            Bwl2015 
03038+0608 KPP3161     A : Teff =  6113 +/-   40 K, M = 1.06 +/- 0.06 \msun.                   XXX2020a
                       B : Teff = 18200 +/- 3000 K, M = 1.12 +/- 0.15 \msun.                   .       
03039+1514 BPM  69     [PM2000]  112964 + [PM2000]  112917.                                    Gvr2010 
03041+3509 POP  11     Popovic coordinate offset was apparently in error.                      Pop1969c
03042+6142 LDS9142     Old LDS6142.                                                            .       
03044+2118 JNN  23     The close (~0.40") companion to 2MASS J03042184+2118154 is counted as   .       
                       an unconfirmed binary companion, since it has not yet been tested for   .       
                       common proper motion.                                                   Jnn2012 
03045+3844 SMA  33     ALI 766.                                                                .       
03046-5119 DUN  10     B is CD-51@706.                                                         .       
                       SHY 433. Bayesian analysis by Shaya & Olling (2011) indicates very      Shy2011 
                       high (near 100%) probability pair is physical.                          .       
                       HIP 14307 and 14313 form a 38" pair belonging to the FG-67 sample.      .       
           TOK 428     AC: AC is not co-moving. C=HIP14257 has different parallax              Tok2014d
           TOK 428     Ba,Bb: The component B is resolved here at 0".19. The estimated         .       
                       period of Ba,Bb is ~25yr. No motion is seen in 2 months. The subsystem  .       
                       Ba,Bb is also manifested by asymmetric line profiles (Tokovinin, in     .       
                       preparation). The A component has never been observed at high angular   .       
                       resolution.                                                             Tok2015c
03047+6346 STF 335     B is BD+63@388.                                                         .       
03048+5330 WRH  29     Aa,Ab: gam Per = 23 Per. SB2. Spectrum composite: G8III+A2V.            WRH1955 
                       zeta Aurigae-type binary.                                               .       
                       1975.781: Uncertain angle readout                                       Bla1977a
                       Analyses of the spectroscopic/interferometric orbit are given by        McA1982a
                       McAlister (1982) and Popper & McAlister (1987). Elements P, T, e for    Ppp1987 
                       the McAlister (1982) orbit are from the spectroscopic orbit by          .       
                       McLaughlin (1948).                                                      MLa1948 
                       Hipparcos astrometric solution adopted some elements from the orbit of  HIP1997d
                       McAlister (1982).                                                       McA1982a
                       Pourbaix gives combined solution for this resolved SB2, yielding        Pbx2000b
                       orbital parallaxes and component masses.                                .       
                       1998.657: Absolute quadrant determined by triple-correlation technique  Pru2002b
                       The physical nature of visual companion B (57", mag. 11) is uncertain.  .       
                       Aa,Ab: Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical and spectroscopic masses   .       
                       5.80 +/- 88.31 and 4.72 Msun, respectively.                             Mlk2012 
                       NPOI Limb-darkened diameter  3.894 +/- 0.018 mas, Sp = G8III,           NOI2018 
                       R =31.21 +/- 1.195 \rsun, Teff = 4589 +/- 58 K, L =389.6 +/-35.5 \lsun, .       
                       M = 3.64 +/- 0.25 \msun, Age = 0.23 +/- 0.05 Gyr.                       .       
03048-0603 GWP 416     ABL 101.                                                                Tob2012b
03049+3446 HU  812     Hussey position angle 1902: 199.4@. Probably wrong quadrant.            Hu_1905a
                       HIP 14342. See Allen et al. (2000) for information on metallicity,      AlC2000 
                       age, galactic orbital parameters, etc.                                  .       
03052-0156 GWP 417     ABL 102.                                                                Tob2012b
03052-3725 BRG  18     This target, like BRG  23, gives conflicting information about whether  .       
                       the AB pair is physically bound. The brightness and color are fully     .       
                       consistent with B being an M3.5 companion to the M2.0 primary.          .       
                       Furthermore, the separation is only 0.2", and the whole field is        .       
                       otherwise empty. This indicates physical companionship. However, the    .       
                       deviation from the expectation of a background source is only 1.1       .       
                       sigma, and the companion has moved 3.6 times closer to the background   .       
                       expectation than its original position where the motion has a 14 sigma  .       
                       confidence. This, by contrast, suggests a chance alignment. Since the   .       
                       magnitude of motion is not inconsistent with what could be expected     .       
                       for orbital motion of a real physical pair, we keep it as binary in     .       
                       our analysis, but we note that further observations will be necessary   .       
                       in order to resolve this issue satisfactorily.                          Jnn2012 
03054+2515 STF 346     52 Ari. AB: Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and     .       
                       spectroscopic masses 9.10 +/- 6.84, 6.89, and 3.39 Msun, respectively.  Mlk2012 
03054-1432 GWP 418     ABL 103.                                                                Tob2012b
03055+0234 BAL1630     OL  183.                                                                .       
03056+1150 GIC  36     G005-013/G005-012.                                                      .       
03056-0238 GWP 419     ABL 104.                                                                Tob2012b
03058+3202 ES  326     BC: SEI  27.                                                            Nsn2017a
03059+1302 BPMA  4     [PM2000]  114294 + [PM2000]  114392.                                    Gvr2010 
03061+7925 STF 320     Spectroscopic binary? Spectrum composite; M1III+F7IV.                   .       
03063-1243 LDS3452     NLTT 9888/9881                                                          Chm2004 
03064+1545 ALP   9     2MASSW J0306268+154514                                                  .       
                       Physical companionship to this ultracool dwarf ruled out based on I-J   .       
                       color, using I-band photometry taken at WIYN in February 2003.          AlP2007 
03069+4022 A  1532     Also known as V568 Per.                                                 .       
                       A is a 1325d spectroscopic double which cannot be this pair.            Tok2019b
03071+3757 BRT2203     ALI 513.                                                                .       
03072-0520 GWP 423     ABL 105.                                                                Tob2012b
03073-1346 CRJ   7     Crepp et al. (2015) determine effective temperatures for the A and B    .       
                       components of 5680 +/- 40 and 978 +20/-43K. Spectral types are G3V and  .       
                       T5.5 +/- 1, masses 0.95 +/- 0.02 and >51.9 +3.6/-4.3 Mjup,              .       
                       ages 4.6-10 Gyr.                                                        CrJ2015 
03074+5831 RAFGL 437   Shows subarcsecond monopolar nebula extending towards SE at PA          .       
                       135 +/- 10deg.                                                          Alv2004 
03075-7859 HJ 3568     A is a spectroscopic binary.                                            .       
03076-4702 TOK 206     The companion with q = 0.29 is resolved with NICI but unresolved with   .       
                       speckle,  being too faint in the optical.                               Tok2012a
03077+3637 ENG  11     B is BD+36@631.                                                         .       
                       Optical pair, based on study of relative motion of the components       .       
                       using the method of apparent motion parameters.                         Kiy2008 
03078+2533 TOK 234     The B component was suspected of duplicity (0".253, 240.5deg,           .       
                       dI=2.7mag) by RoboAO, but the pair was not accepted as real             Tok2014d
03078+1223 BPM  70     [PM2000]  115596 + [PM2000]  115589.                                    Gvr2010 
03078-2750 VIG   3     Optical/physical nature of the faint companion is undefined.            Vig2012 
03079-2813 LDS  86     AB: NLTT 9987/9985                                                      Chm2004 
03080-0135 GWP 425     ABL 107.                                                                Tob2012b
03080-0537 GWP 424     ABL 106.                                                                Tob2012b
03082+4057 LAB   2     Aa,Ab: bet Per = 26 Per = Algol , prototype of the Algol-type binaries. .       
                       The eclipse phenomena, known since historical times (although the time  .       
                       of minimum brightness was first measured by Montanari on 8 Nov 1670)    .       
                       was first explained as an eclipsing binary by Goodericke as early as    .       
                       1782. According to R.G. Aitken, this was verified when it was noted as  A__1935f
                       the second spectroscopic binary based on photographic spectra           .       
                       obtained by Prof. H.C. Vogel at Potsdam in November, 1889. Belopolsky   .       
                       discovered a variation in the radial velocity with a period of order    .       
                       1.8 years, later resolved by Labeyrie and his speckle camera in 1973;   Lab1974 
                       the magnitude difference is about 2.5.                                  .       
                       The binary, a radio and X-ray source, is triple (and possibly           .       
                       quadruple, but the variation with the 32 yr period is more probably an  .       
                       apsidal rotation of the eclipsing pair).                                .       
                       The spectroscopic data were discussed by Hill et al. (1970, 1971).      HlG1970 
                       ADS lists several distant, faint, and probably optical companions.      HlG1971 
                       Elements P, T, e, and omega for Labeyrie et al. (1974) orbit adopted    Lab1974 
                       from the spectroscopic orbit of Hill et al. (1971).                     .       
                       Analysis of the spectroscopic/interferometric orbit is given by         .       
                       Bonneau (1979)                                                          Bnu1979 
                       See Baize & Petit (1989) catalog of doubles with variable component.    Baz1989d
                       Hipparcos astrometric solution adopts some elements from the orbits of  HIP1997d
                       Pan et al. (1993) and                                                   MkT1993a
                       Gatewood et al. (1995).                                                 Gat1995 
                       Peterson et al. (2011) orbits of both the outer (LAB   2Aa,Ab) and      Ptn2011 
                       inner (CSI   1Aa1,Aa2) are based on VLBI measures combined with         .       
                       speckle and radial velocity data. Assuming masses of the primary and    .       
                       secondary of 3.70 and 0.79 Msun, respectively, they derive a mass for   .       
                       the tertiary of 1.51 +/- 0.02 Msun.                                     .       
           BU  526     AB: Additional notes may be found in Burnham (1894).                    Bu_1894 
03084+4020 BRT2204     ALI 1031.                                                               .       
03084+2620 OSO  14     G037-026. Not a common proper motion pair, based on color               Oso2004 
03084-2410 LDS  87     NLTT 10008/10007                                                        Chm2004 
03084-7033 HLN  19     DAM 782.                                                                .       
03087+1736 COU2680     BD+17@499a.                                                             .       
03087-1432 GWP 426     ABL 108.                                                                Tob2012b
                       Not a double star, but an edge-on galaxy: USNO-B1.0 proper motion is    Skf2012 
                       spurious.                                                               .       
03088-0952 GWP 427     ABL 109.                                                                Tob2012b
03090+4415 STF 351     B is BD+43@637.                                                         .       
03090+1740 COU 358     BD+17 501a. Mistaken identification with BD+17 501 led to earlier       .       
                       incorrect WDS designation as 03088+1801.                                .       
03091+4937 BUP  38     iot Per. Proper motion of A +1263 -091.                                 .       
03092+0728 STFA  6     STTA 32. B is BD+06@487.                                                .       
03094-3004 LDS3460     NLTT 10074/10076                                                        Chm2004 
03095+4544 HDS 404     Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and spectroscopic   .       
                       masses of 0.90 +/- 0.09, 0.87, and 0.75 Msun, respectively.             Mlk2012 
03095+4451 ES 2596     kap Per = 27 Per = Misam. A is a spectroscopic binary.                  .       
03096+0512 A  2030     Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and spectroscopic   .       
                       masses of 1.41 +/- 0.32, 2.11, and 1.05 Msun, respectively.             Mlk2012 
03096-0054 CHE  75     Aka BAL 281.                                                            .       
03098-1238 GWP 428     ABL 110.                                                                Tob2012b
03099-0654 UX Eri      Multiple system including contact binary. Pribulla & Rucinski (2006)    Pbl2006 
                       estimate the mass of the contact pair at 1.901 Msun and the minimum     .       
                       mass of the wider component at 0.59 Msun.                               .       
03099-8332 HJ 3582     Spectral type of A : F2IIISrEuSi:  Estimated orbital period ~100,000y.  Soz2017 
03101+0210 RST5197     Aka TDS2463.                                                            .       
03101-6355 HJ 3559     B is CPD-64@231.                                                        .       
03104+0238 OL  177     Not found by Heintz at IDS position. Position corrected.                Hei1990b
03104-0004 GWP 429     ABL 111.                                                                Tob2012b
03105+5040 LDS9143     Old LDS6143.                                                            .       
03107+2226 LDS3461     NLTT 10112/10110                                                        Chm2004 
03107-4023 LDS9144     Old LDS6144.  Recognized to be the same as LDS5414 by John Greaves.     Grv2006c
03108+3724 LDS9145     Old LDS6145.                                                            .       
                       NLTT 10082/10091                                                        Chm2004 
03110+1648 SPF   1     L dwarf 2MASS J03105986+1648155 resolved into close components at L/T   .       
                       boundary. Approximate orbital period 72 +/- 4 years, distance 25 +/- 4  .       
                       pc, system mass ~30-60 Mjup. Spectral types of both components are      .       
                       estimated at L9 +/- 1.                                                  Spf2010 
03112+2225 H 5 117     Also known as STF 359.                                                  .       
                       AC: Rectilinear solution by Friedman et al. (2011).                     USN2011a
03113+3937 BLL  10     ome Per = 28 Per                                                        .       
03117+8128 STF 327     A is a spectroscopic binary.                                            .       
03118+3525 GIC  37     G095-014/G095-013.                                                      .       
03119+6131 HDS 407     A is also a 59d spectroscopic binary.                                   Tok2019b
03121-2859 HJ 3555     alp For = 12 Eri = Dalim. The magnitude of B is uncertain and has been  .       
                       suspected to vary. Another century is needed for apastron coverage.     .       
                       See Baize & Petit (1989) catalog of doubles with variable component.    Baz1989d
                       A is GJ 127. B is possible SB. Variability of RV(B) is based on         .       
                       historic RV (Eggen, van den Bos)                                        Tok2014d
03121-6420 HJ 3562     B is CPD -64@231.                                                       .       
03122+3713 STF 360     A premature orbit has been calculated. Data appear equally well fit by  .       
                       rectilinear solution - see rectilinear elements catalog.                .       
                       A is SB1, P=415d. B is possible long-period SB.                         Tok2014d
03123-2727 LDS  88     NLTT 10222/10227                                                        Chm2004 
03124-4425 JC    5     Ma,Mb = 1.365 +/- 0.031, 1.134 +/- 0.024 \msun.                         GmJ2022 
03124-1157 GWP 432     AB: ABL 112AB.                                                          Tob2012b
           GWP 433     AC: ABL 112AC.                                                          Tob2012b
03124-4425 JC    8     Variable RV of AB, not explained by the visual motion, has been         .       
                       reported (Eggen 1965), but Heintz's mass ratio does not support         Egg1965b
                       the presence of a fourth body.                                          Hei1979a
                       AB: Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and             .       
                       spectroscopic masses 2.59 +/- 0.73, 2.18, and 3.82 Msun, respectively.  Mlk2012 
           HJ 3556     AB,C: Star C (mag. 9.2, 3.5") is in slow retrograde motion.             .       
                       Heintz (1979) gives AB orbit, attempts AC orbit with P=987yr.           Hei1979a
                       The motion of AC is not directed away from PM(A), hence physical.       Tok2014d
03125-3449 LDS  89     LDS5418.                                                                .       
03127+7133 STT  50     A premature orbit has been calculated.                                  .       
                       Bespalov (1961) has a = 1".618, Finsen & Worley (1970) assume this      Bsp1961 
                       is a misprint.                                                          Fin1970b
03128+3720 WZ    6     ES 2556.                                                                .       
03128-0112 HJ  663     94 Cet.                                                                 .       
                       AB: B is PMS star and SB1 (P=2.026y). Planet (P= 1.2y=535.7d) around    .       
                       A. Is this true planet or Ba,Bb effect?                                 Tok2014d
                       CHARA Array Limb-darkened diameter  0.788 +/- 0.026 mas,                CIA2008c
                       R =  1.930 +/- 0.067 \rsun.                                             .       
           TOK 654     AF: CPM companion HD 20619 = GJ 135: 7.03V, G1.5, HD 20169 at 133'      .       
                       from AB (0.7 pc)                                                        Tok2014d
03130+3254 LDS9146     AB: Old LDS6146.                                                        .       
                       B is deeply below MS, blue in V-K and J-K. White dwarf?  WDS: too fast  .       
                       motion of AB, optical? Hyades cluster. CfA: RV var?                     Tok2014d
                       Hyades cluster. The 2MASS companion B can be physical.                  Tok2014d
                       Previous AD companion, TOK 655, is the same as the known AB pair. The   Dam2015d
                       Luyten measure was poor.                                                .       
03130-0343 GWP 434     ABL 113.                                                                Tob2012b
03132+1710 BPM  71     [PM2000]  119048 + [PM2000]  119061.                                    Gvr2010 
03134-0852 GWP 438     ABL 114.                                                                Tob2012b
03135+4417 ES  559     Also known as LDS9147, LDS6147, and LDS2836. These were all recognized  .       
                       by John Greaves (personal corres.) to be the same pair.                 .       
                       NLTT 10231/10232                                                        Chm2004 
03136+3909 STF 364     HJL  46.                                                                HJL1986 
03141+5934 TRN  15     CC Cas. Classification in Mason et al. (1998) is from the tomographic   Msn1998a
                       analysis of Hill et al. (1994 A&A 282, 455).                            .       
                       The image rotator was in an unknown state, so two possible theta        .       
                       values are listed for the 2001.7452 observation - one for zenith up     .       
                       and one for north up.                                                   Trn2008 
03141+0832 GIC  38     G079-015/G079-016.                                                      .       
03144-0227 GWP 440     ABL 115.                                                                Tob2012b
03146-0940 GWP 441     ABL 116.                                                                Tob2012b
03147-3533 GAA   4     TZ For, a detached eclipsing binary.  A combined spectroscopic/         .       
                       interferometric orbit by Gallenne et al. (2016) yields a semimajor      .       
                       axis of 0.5564 +/- 0.0001 au, distance 185.9 +/- 1.9 pc, and the        .       
                       following component parameters:                                         .       
                       mass (Msun):        2.057 +/- 0.001     1.958 +/- 0.001                 .       
                       radius (Rsun):      8.28  +/- 0.22      3.94  +/- 0.17                  .       
                       luminosity (Lsun):  1.57  +/- 0.02      1.36  +/- 0.03                  GaA2016 
03149-1400 HJ 3558     HJ 3551 is identical.                                                   .       
03150+0101 GIC  39     G077-035/G077-034. See Allen et al. (2000) for  information on          AlC2000 
                       metallicity, age, galactic orbital parameters, etc.                     .       
03151+1618 HU 1055     The companions C, D, and E, given in the ADS, do not exist. They        .       
                       should be under ADS 2426.                                               B__1963b
03154-6930 R    22     Also appears to be R    27.                                             .       
03158+5057 HU  544     A = V572 Per: eclipsing binary of Algol-type, period 1.21317 days.      Zas2015
03158-0849 SHY 154     HIP  15197 + HIP  15244. Primary is zet Eri = Zibal.                    .       
03160+4853 LDS9148     Old LDS6148.                                                            .       
                       NLTT 10355/10353                                                        Chm2004 
03160+3441 HO  503     A spectroscopic binary and ellipsoidal variable, V423 Per.              .       
03162+1302 BPMA  5     [PM2000]  120872 + [PM2000]  120882.                                    Gvr2010 
03165-0642 GWP 443     ABL 117.                                                                Tob2012b
03165-3541 SHY 439     AB: HIP  15239 + HIP  15432.                                            .       
           SHY 439     AC: HIP  15239 + HIP  15152.                                            .       
           SHY 439     AD: HIP  15239 + HIP  15933.                                            .       
           SHY 441     BC: HIP  15432 + HIP  15152.                                            .       
03166+4943 ES  463     Aka OL  150.                                                            .       
03166+3238 STF 370     According to Burling, the long unconfirmed system, 03064+3153HJ 5456,   .       
                       may also be this pair.                                                  Bur2005 
                       SEI  29.                                                                Nsn2017a
03167+4237 LDS9149     Old LDS6149.                                                            .       
03167+2639 TOR   4     Formerly known as PAN   1.                                              .       
03167-0332 TOK  78     HIP 15247. A is SB without orbit, dRV= 6.6.                             Nrd2004 
03168+7830 STF 345     Also known as STF 340.                                                  .       
03168+0501 A  2032     HIP 15253. See Allen et al. (2000) for information on metallicity,      AlC2000 
                       age, galactic orbital parameters, etc.                                  .       
03172+4522 PRV   2     GJ 3213. Pravdo et al. (2006) derive masses 0.370 +/- 0.034 and         .       
                       0.195 +/- 0.021 Msun.                                                   Prv2006 
03174+0739 BU 1039     Hyades vB 1. BU 1039AB, with rho = 2".2 and Delta m = 6.0 is outside    .       
                       the detection window.                                                   Msn1993a
                       AC: HJL  47.                                                            HJL1986 
                       AC: SHY 155. Bayesian analysis by Shaya & Olling (2011) indicates very  Shy2011 
                       high (near 100%) probability pair is physical.                          .       
03175+6540 STT  52     A premature orbit has been calculated.                                  .       
03175-0107 GWP 445     ABL 118.                                                                Tob2012b
03175-1222 J  1456     BRT2628.                                                                Brt1947 
03176-1412 GWP 446     ABL 119.                                                                Tob2012b
03177+6108 STI 441     03175+6108SMA  36                                                       .       
03177+3838 STT  53     Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and spectroscopic   .       
                       masses of 2.51 +/- 0.99, 2.40, and 1.05 Msun, respectively.             Mlk2012 
03178-7029 R    28     Aka RSS  62.                                                            .       
03180-6656 EHR   3     Physical/optical nature undefined.                                      Ehr2010 
03182-6230 BNU   2     Aa,Ab: zet 2 Ret. B has common proper motion, +1370 +660, and is        .       
                       CPD-63@217 = zet 1 Ret.                                                 .       
                       Aa,Ab: Likely a spurious pair. Last measured 1978 and unresolved by     .       
                       SOAR on 3 occasions 2008-2012.                                          Tok2010 
                       Aa,Ab is suspicious, 1 observation in WDS, not binary in Raghavan et    Rag2010 
                       al. (2010). Jones et al. (2002) do not detect SB with precise RV at     CPS2002b
                       the AAT.                                                                Tok2014d
           ALB   1     AB = LDS  92.  HIP 15371. See Allen et al. (2000) for information       AlC2000 
                       on metallicity, age, galactic orbital parameters, etc.                  .       
                       AB: SHY  16. Bayesian analysis by Shaya & Olling (2011) indicates very  Shy2011 
                       high (near 100%) probability pair is physical.                          .       
03184-0056 AC    2     95 Cet. According to Eggen this pair shares common proper motion with   Egg1960 
                       BD -01 474 at 11'.                                                      .       
                       See Baize & Petit (1989) catalog of doubles with variable component.    Baz1989d
03184-0708 LDS3473     HIP 15396. See Allen et al. (2000) for information on metallicity,      AlC2000 
                       age, galactic orbital parameters, etc.                                  .       
                       NLTT 10536/10548                                                        Chm2004 
03184-2231 SEE  23     15 Eri. CD-22@1146. Motion direct.                                      .       
                       Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and spectroscopic   .       
                       masses of 1.33 +/- 0.80, 3.35, and 1.20 Msun, respectively.             Mlk2012 
03185+4721 MET   1     V522 Per.                                                               Met2004a
03185+1511 LDS9150     Old LDS6150. HIP 15394. See Allen et al. (2000) for information on      AlC2000 
                       metallicity, age, galactic orbital parameters, etc.                     .       
03186+0827 LUH   6     AC: LSPM J0318+0827S + 2MASS J03184214+0828002.                         Luh2012b
03187+1527 LDS9151     Old LDS6151. SLE  41.                                                   .       
03187-1834 HJ 3565     A is a spectroscopic binary.                                            .       
03188-0028 ABT   3     BAL 656.                                                                .       
03188-0321 GWP 447     ABL 120.                                                                Tob2012b
03189-0101 BU 1177     Gomez et al. (2016) derive dynamical parallax and component masses:     .       
                       10.03 +/- 0.77 mas, 0.906 +/- 0.033 Msun, 0.886 +/- 0.032 Msun.         Doc2016i
03190-1549 GWP 448     ABL 121.                                                                Tob2012b
03192-5306 HJ 3571     CD-53@674.                                                              .       
03193-0232 GWP 449     ABL 122.                                                                Tob2012b
03194+6156 JNN 254     G 246-33. Estimated age 35-300 Myr; masses 0.29 +/- 0.11 and 0.17 +/-   .       
                       0.07 Msun; a ~10.8 au.                                                  Jnn2014 
03194+0322 STT 557     AB: kap 1 Cet = 96 Cet. Variable? A is a spectroscopic binary.          .       
                       B is BD+02@521.                                                         .       
03195-2145 JC    1     tau 4 Eri = 16 Eri. A is an irregular variable.                         .       
                       AC: Optical pair, based on study of relative motion of the components   .       
                       using the method of apparent motion parameters.                         Kiy2008 
                       AC: Rectilinear solution by Hurowitz et al. (2013).                     USN2013a
03199-0321 GWP 450     ABL 123.                                                                Tob2012b
03200+6539 BUP  43     Shell star. Light and spectrum variable, BK Cam. May also be a long-    .       
                       period spectroscopic binary.                                            .       
03200+3845 BRT2205     MLB 819. ALI 774.                                                       .       
03201-2851 LDS  93     van den Bergh reports a third star at 38@, 105.6".                      Bgh1958 
                       A is exoplanet host, P=592d. B = HIP 15526 hosts exoplanets with        .       
                       P=29.1d, 85.1d.                                                         Tok2014d
                       B is CD-29@1229.                                                        .       
                       NLTT 10636/10635                                                        Chm2004 
                       SHY 157. Bayesian analysis by Shaya & Olling (2011) indicates very      Shy2011 
                       high (near 100%) probability pair is physical.                          .       
03202-1457 LDS3479     NLTT 10629/10617                                                        Chm2004 
03202-1632 GWP 452     ABL 124.                                                                Tob2012b
03203+1944 STF 376     H 2  76.                                                                MEv2010 
03203+1625 SLE  42     Hipparcos suspected non-single.                                         .       
03206+0902 GIC  40     G079-029/G079-030 = GJ 9114AB.                                          .       
                       HIP 15572. See Allen et al. (2000) for information on metallicity,      AlC2000 
                       age, galactic orbital parameters, etc.                                  .       
                       Primary is SB1, P=321.6d                                                Tok2014d
03207+8459 STF 319     Schiller measures 1910.87,331.1@,42.32",7.7-9.2.                        Shr1913 
03207+1736 HJ 3245     See BDS for components.                                                 .       
03210-0054 LDS5420     LDS5420A was B component of 03211-0054ITF  55AB, LDS5420B was ITF 55C   .       
                       Pairs merged; ITF 55AB --> 03210-0054ITF 55AD (with quadrant flip),     .       
                       ITF 55AC --> 03210-0054ITF 55BD (also with quadrant flip).              .       
03211-2632 SWR   5     CPM pair                                                                Skf2004 
03212+2109 COU 259     tau 1 Ari = 61 Ari. A is an irregular variable.                         .       
03213+4302 A  1706     LDS2842.                                                                .       
03214+4320 VIG   4     Optical/physical nature of the faint companion is undefined.            Vig2012 
03216-0841 GWP 454     ABL 126.                                                                Tob2012b
03217+0845 STF 380     A premature orbit has been calculated.                                  .       
03219+4904 WEB   1     B is BD+48@892.                                                         .       
03220+1715 LDS3483     G006-003. See Allen et al. (2000) for information on metallicity,       AlC2000 
                       age, galactic orbital parameters, etc.                                  .       
                       NLTT 10701/10698                                                        Chm2004 
03220-1636 LDS3485     NLTT 10725/10724                                                        Chm2004 
03226-0210 GWP 456     ABL 127.                                                                Tob2012b
03226-3011 LDS3487     LDS5422.                                                                .       
                       NLTT 10762/10761                                                        Chm2004 
03227+1717 BPM  72     [PM2000]  124803 + [PM2000]  124860.                                    Gvr2010 
03227+1037 GIC  41     BC: 03328+1040 UC  997.                                                 .       
03228-0042 GWP 457     ABL 128.                                                                Tob2012b
03229+2949 STF 379     H III 91, BDS 1688.                                                     .       
                       H 3  91.                                                                MEv2010 
03230-0548 GWP 458     ABL 129.                                                                Tob2012b
03232+4554 LDS9152     Old LDS6152.  HD 20835. See Allen et al. (2000) for information on      AlC2000 
                       metallicity, age, galactic orbital parameters, etc.                     .       
03232-1404 GWP 459     ABL 130.                                                                Tob2012b
03233-0337 GWP 460     ABL 131.                                                                Tob2012b
03233-0748 BU  531     CHARA Array Limb-darkened diameter of A :                               CIA2013c
                       R =  2.4214 +/- 0.0764 \rsun, L =   4.0279 +/-0.1529 \lsun,             .       
                       Teff = 5261 +/-  65 K, M = 1.056 \msun, Age = 7.2 Gyr.                  .       
03233-5000 HJ 3573     LDS  94. A is CD-50@1015, B is CD-50@1014 (Roman).                      .       
03234-0710 GWP 461     ABL 132.                                                                Tob2012b
03234-1015 HJ 2188     STF 387.                                                                .       
03236+0453 BU 1178     A is a spectroscopic binary.                                            .       
                       Greenwich measure of 1921 erroneous. No certain change since 1890.      B__1963b
03236-4005 I   468     glimpsed?                                                               I__1948a
                       Soderhjelm (1999) gives possible orbit from two widely spaced visual    Sod1999 
                       observations + Hipparcos data.                                          .       
03236-8116 SHY 161     AC: HIP  15803 + HIP  17184.                                            .       
03237-0609 GWP 462     ABL 133.                                                                Tob2012b
03238+2432 LDS1144     NLTT 10780/10781                                                        Chm2004 
03240-0007 GRV 997     = GWP 464 = ABL 135.                                                    Tob2012b
03240-2613 HJ 3572     B is CD-26@1270.                                                        .       
                       SWR   6. CPM pair                                                       Skf2004 
03242+2347 LDS 884     AB,C: NLTT 10804/10808                                                  Chm2004 
03242-1048 GWP 463     ABL 134.                                                                Tob2012b
03243+4952 BUP  44     alp Per = 33 Per = Mirfak                                               .       
03244-1539 A  2909     There are many negative observations. Needs speckle.                    .       
                       HIP 15868. A is the close pair A 2909, 0.1". The 2MASS PSC companion    .       
                       at 17" is called C in the WDS.                                          Tok2011a
                       AB: Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and             .       
                       spectroscopic masses 0.62 +/- 0.11, 2.10, and 1.01 Msun, respectively.  Mlk2012 
                       CfA: SB? P=9115d? =25y?  UR at SOAR from 2008.6 to 2012.9, in           Mlr1955a
                       contradiction with orbit of Muller (1955).                              Tok2014d
                       A spurious orbit of this ghost pair has been computed which is          Doc2016d
                       contradicted by the many non-resolutions.                               Tok2019d
03245+4626 LDS9153     Old LDS6153.                                                            .       
03248-1533 GWP 466     ABL 136.                                                                Tob2012b
03249+1552 BPM  73     [PM2000]  126226 + [PM2000]  126261.                                    Gvr2010 
03249-0356 GWP 467     ABL 137.                                                                Tob2012b
03253+1158 BPM  74     [PM2000]  126464 + [PM2000]  126473.                                    Gvr2010 
03256-1855 GWP 468     ABL 138.                                                                Tob2012b
03257+0551 JNN 255     AB: GJ 3224. Estimated age 300-1000 Myr; masses 0.25 +/- 0.06 and 0.14  .       
                       +/- 0.01 Msun; a ~6.3 au.                                               Jnn2014 
                       AC: Estimated age 300-1000 Myr; masses 0.48 +/- 0.25 and 0.45 +/- 0.24  .       
                       Msun; a ~48.1 au.                                                       Jnn2014 
03259+4540 COU1682     TDS2544.                                                                .       
03261+1229 A   829     Probably ambiguous case, but only one solution has been tested.         .       
03262+2950 ALP  10     2MASSW J0326137+295015                                                  .       
                       Further observations are required to determine the physical/optical     .       
                       nature of this pair.                                                    AlP2007 
                       Astrometric orbit by Harris et al. (2015) yielded the following         .       
                       properties: spectral types L3.5+L7, absolute J mags 12.99+14.5,         .       
                       masses 0.061 +/- 0.010 and 0.044 +/- 0.008 Msun.                        USN2015 
03262-1817 GWP 469     ABL 139.                                                                Tob2012b
03263+1709 JNN 256     Estimated age 1000-10000 Myr; masses 0.24 +/- 0.03 and 0.16 +/- 0.03    .       
                       Msun; a ~20.6 au.                                                       Jnn2014 
03264+3520 HDS 430     Cvetkovic et al. (2016) estimate spectral types F7 and G8, masses 1.30  .       
                       and 0.97 Msun. Dynamical parallax is 15.60 +/- 0.44 mas.                Cve2016b
03265+5909 GIC  42     G246-036/G246-035.                                                      .       
03266+2843 CHR   9     Aa,Ab: This is UX Ari, an RS CVn type binary that is not eclipsing.     .       
                       Peterson et al. (2011) orbits of both the outer (CHR   9Aa,Ab) and      Ptn2011 
                       inner (CIA  10Aa1,Aa2) are based on VLBI measures combined with         .       
                       speckle and radial velocity data. Assuming masses of the primary and    .       
                       secondary of 1.10 and 0.95 Msun, respectively, they derive a mass for   .       
                       the tertiary of 0.75 +/- 0.01 Msun.                                     .       
           CIA  10     Aa1,Aa2: Orbit of Hummel et al. (2017) corrected for apparent 0.5d      Hmm2017b
                       error in T0 (2456238.134d changed to 2456237.634d). Also, they were     .       
                       unaware of the wide CPM companion, so erroneously refer to the close    .       
                       pair as Aa,Ab and the CHR pair as AB.                                   .       
                       Aa1,Aa2: Mass of Aa1 & Aa2 = 1.30(0.06) & 1.14(0.06) \msun.             Hmm2017b
                       Teff = 4560(100) & 5670(100) for Aa1 & Aa2. Diameters = 0.97(0.02) &    .       
                       0.35(0.02) mas. Orbital parallax = 19.20(0.28) mas.                     .       
           TOK  13     AB: AB is CPM, estimated period 20,000y. Primary is 6.4d SB2.           .       
                       The spectrum shows 3 components (Fekel, 1986 private communication),    .       
                       two of which are identified with the 6.44-day system described by       .       
                       Carlos & Popper (1971), while the third is possibly the component       Ppp1971 
                       listed here.                                                            .       
                       Evolved or bad 2MASS photometry.                                        Tok2006 
03266+1406 BPM  75     [PM2000]  127254 + [PM2000]  127284.                                    Gvr2010 
03269+1609 BPM  76     [PM2000]  127466 + [PM2000]  127423.                                    Gvr2010 
03269-2344 RSS   4     This previously uncataloged double star was a Hipparcos double entry    .       
                       system.  The first measure is determined from the individual positions  .       
                       listed by Rousseau et al.                                               Rss1996 
03271+1845 CHR  10     Resolution of an occultation binary.                                    .       
03272+0944 HDS 433     1975.629: Marginally resolved at 450 nm?                                Bla1977a
                       Hierarchical quadruple, including 51y, 145d, and 7.14d pairs            .       
                       (HDS 433AB; MKT 15Aa,Ab; and MKT 15Aa1,Aa2; respectively). The 7d pair  .       
                       is eclipsing.  Nemravova et al. (2016) combine spectroscopy,            Nem2016 
                       photometry, and interferometry to derive orbits of all three pairs,     .       
                       yielding the following component parameters:                            .       
                       Parameter       Aa1              Aa2               Ab                   .       
                       Mass (Msun)     2.252 +- 0.027   2.125 +- 0.027    3.89 +- 0.25         .       
                       Radius (Rsun)   1.700    0.035   1.618    0.039    2.81    0.28         .       
                       Teff (K)        10700    160     10480    130     14190    150          .       
                       Mbol (mag)      0.923    0.079   1.120    0.075   -1.14    0.22         .       
                       (Note: Nemravova et al. refer to the pairs as AC; AB; and Aa,Ab.        .       
                       However, the HDS pair was assigned components A and B at discovery.)    HIP1997a 
03276+5847 RAFGL 490   Extended emission seen in H-band, no subarcsecond structure resolved.   Alv2004 
03276+0954 J   305     May be the same as GJ 3226, which is not in the WDS. At the SIMBAD      Dam2017c
                       precise position of GJ 3226 a measure from Gaia-DR1 is 117.1 deg @      .       
                       1.530", quite close to the measures of J   305.                         .       
03278+5627 STI1984     The relative motion is small but fairly certain; it is smaller than     .       
                       the proper motions of both components. Therefore, although the          .       
                       component proper motions are of the same order, we consider this to be  .       
                       a physical pair.                                                        Kiy2012 
03278-2352 LDS3496     NLTT 11000/10999                                                        Chm2004 
03279+5625 MLB 116     Triple star with weak hierarchy. Motions of all components relative to  .       
                       each other are small. If we trust the relatively large pm for A from    .       
                       the WDS, the system is physically bound; however there is an            .       
                       appreciable discrepancy between this pm and the value given by          .       
                       Kharhenko & Rezer (2001, Kinemat. Fiz. Nebesn. Tel 17, 409). Therefore  .       
                       we are not yet able to determine with confidence whether or not the     .       
                       components are physically bound.                                        Kiy2012 
03279-1948 GC 4128     Hipparcos astrometric solution assumed circular orbit (e = omega = 0);  HIP1997d
                       Cluster Melotte 25 #EGG21.                                              .       
03280+2631 LDS1146     NLTT 10977/10976                                                        Chm2004 
03280+2028 STF 394     AB: H 3  77.                                                            MEv2010 
03282+5628 ES 1777     Relative and proper motions are of the same order, making it            .       
                       impossible to judge whether the pair is physically bound.               Kiy2012 
03282+0409 A  2417     BC is also known as V1221 Tau.                                          .       
03282-1335 GAL 330     Object #94 in Gallo's original list.                                    Gal1912b
03282-3551 I    58     chi 3 For                                                               .       

03284+2248 BAG   2     Aa,Ab: 66 Ari. A is a spectroscopic and occultation binary.             .       
                       Agreement is poor between this observation and the only other           .       
                       measurement, by Balega (1988, private communication).                   Hrt1992b
03284-1425 GWP 470     ABL 140.                                                                Tob2012b
03286-1537 LDS3498     NLTT 11020/11021                                                        Chm2004 
                       Also known as GJ 3228A, this star has a wide binary companion at 16"    VVO1991 
                       separation (e.g., Weis 1991).                                           Jnn2012 
03289+4039 ES 2598     LDS6169.                                                                .       
03289-2723 LDS9154     Old LDS6154.                                                            .       
                       LHS1549-50.                                                             .       
03291+5956 STF 385     CS Cam.                                                                 .       
03291+0118 MET   2     RX J0329.1+0118                                                         .       
03292-0226 GWP 471     ABL 141.                                                                Tob2012b
                       This is the galaxy LEDA 1092357.                                        Dam2017c
03294+4931 BU 1179     34 Per.                                                                 .       
                       Magnitude 11.6 of Burnham is underestimate; mine are similar to the     .       
                       photometric values of Kuiper (1.93)                                     Baz1954a
03294-2406 GAA  18     AK For                                                                  .       
03294-6256 HJ 3580     kap Ret. LDS 100.                                                       .       
03295-1558 GWP 472     ABL 142.                                                                Tob2012b
03296+2431 SAR   1     HBC 347 = V1224 Tau.                                                    .       
03297+5955 HLM   2     Aka HLM  42.                                                            .       
03297-0850 GAL 331     Object #95 in Gallo's original list.                                    Gal1912b
03298+8402 STF 343     STF 347.                                                                .       
                       AB: Optical pair, based on study of relative motion of the components   .       
                       using the method of apparent motion parameters.                         Kiy2008 
03300+5527 STF 390     Aka H N  66.                                                            .       
03301+1258 BPMA  6     [PM2000]  129571 + [PM2000]  129567.                                    Gvr2010 
03301-1019 GWP 473     ABL 143.                                                                Tob2012b
03302+7402 LDS1572     G221-010/G221-011.                                                      .       
                       NLTT 10954/10953                                                        Chm2004 
                       Aka GIC  43.                                                            .       
           FAR  31     NLTT 10954. Primary is white dwarf WD 0324+738.                         Far2006 
03304-1257 GWP 474     ABL 144.                                                                Tob2012b
03305+5418 LEP  15     NI    7.                                                                .       
03305+2006 STF 399     AB: H 4  89 (aka, H IV 89)                                              MEv2010 
                       A component SB1, P=32.5y. Is AB a real physical pair, or just two       .       
                       members of Hyades?                                                      Tok2014d
03307-1926 HDS 441     Cvetkovic et al. (2016) estimate spectral types G2 and G5, masses 1.11  .       
                       and 1.05 Msun. Dynamical parallax is 24.78 +/- 1.48 mas.                Cve2016b
03309+7041 JNN 257     LHS 1553. Estimated age 1000-10000 Myr; masses 0.31 +/- 0.03 and 0.17   .       
                       +/- 0.02 Msun; a ~7.9 au.                                               Jnn2014 
03309+1256 5 Tau       Hipparcos astrometric solution adopted some elements from the orbit of  HIP1997d
                       Harper (1924).                                                          Hrp1924 
03309-6200 TOK 190     The double-lined SB detected in GCS is resolved by speckle. Its         .       
                       estimated orbital period of 4 yr explains the acceleration.             Tok2012a
03311+2744 STFA  7     STTA 34. B is BD+27@513.                                                .       
                       HJL  49.                                                                HJL1986 
03311+1544 HDS 443     1997.7181  Large change in separation seen since Hipparcos epoch.       Msn1999b
03312+1947 STF 403     AB: H 1  55.                                                            MEv2010 
03313+6644 OSO  15     G246-038. Not a common proper motion pair, based on comparison with     .       
                       POSS2 red plates. PM = +1193 -1066.                                     Oso2004 
03313+2734 SHY 445     BC: HIP  16410 + HIP  16742.                                            .       
03313-5955 JSP  47     CD-60@724.                                                              .       
03314+5842 STI1991     STI1997.                                                                .       
03314+0131 HJ 2194     Rectilinear solution by Friedman et al. (2011).                         USN2011a
03316+4752 STT  56     Primary also is classified B8.5VeShell.                                 .       
03317+1331 BPM  77     [PM2000]  130670 + [PM2000]  130734.                                    Gvr2010 
03318+3803 ES 2458     ALI 517 is the same pair.                                               Hei1980a
03319+3536 ES 2559     BRT 3235.                                                               .       
03319-2537 VIG   5     The B component appears to be a faint background star.                  Vig2012 
03320+6735 STT  54     B is BD+67@@274.                                                        .       
03320+1820 LDS3501     NLTT 11140/11139                                                        Chm2004 
03320-0223 BRT 363     A likely plate flaw.                                                    Grv2021b
03321+4801 BAG  40     Primary is the rotationally variable star V396 Per.                     .       
03321+4340 COU1688     AB: A premature orbit has been calculated with very sparse data, since  .       
                       most of the observations are negative.                                  .       
                       AB: Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and             .       
                       spectroscopic masses 3.58 +/- 1.35, 2.16, and 0.95 Msun, respectively.  Mlk2012 
           LDS9155     AC: Old LDS6155. HIP 16467. See Allen et al. (2000) for information on  AlC2000 
                       metallicity, age, galactic orbital parameters, etc.                     .       
                       NLTT 11124/11125                                                        Chm2004 
03322+1133 AG   68     H IV 44. Also known as STF 409.                                         .       
                       H 4  44.                                                                MEv2010 
03323-0705 STF 411     B is BD-07@619 (Roman).                                                 .       
                       B component spectral type F9IV                                          AbH2000 
03326+2844 JNN  24     This is a close triple system discovered with AstraLux, where in        .       
                       particular the tertiary component is difficult to fit for. Since the    .       
                       relative positions of the BC pair components are therefore clearly      .       
                       dominated by noise scatter in both separation and position angle, we    .       
                       set the error of each epoch to the scatter among the data points and    .       
                       make no assessment of orbital motion for the BC pair (although by       .       
                       contrast, clear orbital motion is seen of the pair with respect to the  .       
                       A component).                                                           Jnn2012 
                       Estimated age 10-20 Myr; masses 0.07 +/- 0.01 and 0.04 +/- 0.01 Msun;   .       
                       a ~8.7 au.                                                              Jnn2014 
03327+3540 CHR 261     This object is a new addition to older Hyades member lists added by     .       
                       Schwan (1991 A&A, 243, 386), although Griffin (1992 private comm.)      .       
                       doubts that this object is actually a cluster member. While its status  .       
                       is not definitive, subsequent confirmation or suspected duplicity (by   .       
                       another technique) makes the discovery measurement somewhat more        .       
                       probable.                                                               Msn1993a
03327-0553 GWP 476     ABL 145.                                                                Tob2012b
03328-0247 GWP 477     ABL 146.                                                                Tob2012b
03329-0927 BLA   2     eps Eri = 18 Eri = Ran. Macintosh et al (2003) made a K-band search for MBA2003 
           MBA   1     extrasolar planets in the dust surrounding eps Eri, using Keck, NIRC2,  .       
                       and AO. The relative motions for these 10 objects between 2001 Dec and  .       
                       2002 Aug were all well below expected motions for true companions,      .       
                       leading to conclusion all these faint companions are background stars.  .       
03332+4615 ES  560     NLTT 11174/11176                                                        Chm2004 
03334+2322 STT  57     STTA 35 = S   429.                                                      .       
03335+5846 STF 396     B is BD+58@618. Spectrum of A: Am(A3/A7/F0).                            .       
03336-0735 GWP 478     ABL 147.                                                                Tob2012b
03336-1904 RSS  66     CPD-19@376                                                              .       
03337+5752 CHR 117     Cf orbit in McAlister et al. (1992).  High-space-velocity binary.       McA1992 
                       See Balega et al. (2001) for further discussion of Li abundance.        Bag2001 
                       Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and spectroscopic   .       
                       masses of 2.47 +/- 0.38, 3.40, and 1.13 Msun, respectively.             Mlk2012 
03339+3205 HJ  334     STT 540.                                                                .       
                       SEI  30.                                                                Nsn2017a
                       Rectilinear solution by Friedman et al. (2012).                         USN2012a
03339-3105 B    52     Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and spectroscopic   .       
                       masses of 2.62 +/- 1.43, 2.46, and 1.20 Msun, respectively.             Mlk2012 
03342+4837 BU  787     Burnham notes: "Hussey measures a third star, 175.8deg, 12.70arcsec     Hu_1903b
                       (1898.70) 1n. I could not see this on one night with the 40-inch, but   .       
                       measured 11m star in nearly the same direction, 175.6deg, 36.78arcsec   .       
                       (1899.13) 1n."                                                          Bu_1906 
                       C does not exist.                                                       B__1960b
                       AB: Rectilinear solution by Cvetkovic (2011).                           Cve2011c
                       Despite having an orbit, an optical pair based on parallax.             Mlk2022 
03342+4651 HDS 452     V578 Per, eclipsing binary of bet Lyr type, period 0.97077d.            Zas2016 
03343+6348 MLB 190     Also known as WFC  16.                                                  .       
03343+2625 OL  152     COU 687.                                                                .       
03344+2428 STF 412     7 Tau. Only P, T, and a were redetermined by Vlaicu & Vasile (1961);    Vla1965 
                       the remaining elements were from the orbit of Luyten (1934).            Luy1934c
                       See Baize & Petit (1989) catalog of doubles with variable component.    Baz1989d
                       AB: Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and             .       
                       spectroscopic masses 2.04 +/- 1.54, 4.91, and 2.09 Msun, respectively.  Mlk2012 
                       AB,C: H 4  88.                                                          MEv2010 
03344-1940 GWP 480     ABL 148.                                                                Tob2012b
03345+1948 STF 414     H III 78. STT  58.                                                      .       
                       H 3  78.                                                                MEv2010 
                       One or both components may be variable.                                 SHS2023f
03346-1613 GAL 332     Object #96 in Gallo's original list.                                    Gal1912b
03346-3104 LDS3508     NLTT 11300/11288                                                        Chm2004 
03348+2126 BRT3261     AB: Also known as TDS2588.                                              .       
                       AB: Additional notes may be found in Couteau (1952).                    Cou1952a
           J   932     AB,C: Additional notes may be found in Jonckheere (1949) and            J__1949b
                       Couteau (1952).                                                         Cou1952a
03349-1604 GAL 353     Object #97 in Gallo's original list. ARA  17.                           Gal1912b
03350+6002 STF 400     AB: Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and             .       
                       spectroscopic masses 2.96 +/- 1.62, 2.62, and 1.30 Msun, respectively.  Mlk2012 
03350+3201 STF 410     A is an ellipsoidal variable, IX Per.                                   .       
03351-2309 ARA1976     Rectilinear solution by Mason & Hartkopf (2016).                        Msn2016a
03352+0543 TOK 657     CPM, common parallax, both on MS.                                       Tok2014d
03353+1549 BPM  78     [PM2000]  133139 + [PM2000]  133157.                                    Gvr2010 
03354+3948 MLB1064     ALI 1035.                                                               .       
03355-3218 LDS3510     NLTT 11346/11349                                                        Chm2004 
03356+4253 LDS9156     Old LDS6156.                                                            .       
                       AD: NLTT 11280/11270                                                    Chm2004 
03357-1644 GWP 484     ABL 149.                                                                Tob2012b
03361-0320 J  1457     HD 22393.                                                               J__1941a
03362+4220 A  1535     Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and spectroscopic   .       
                       masses of 1.99 +/- 0.69, 2.06, and 0.95 Msun, respectively.             Mlk2012 
03368+2106 LDS3511     NLTT 11370/11371                                                        Chm2004 
03368+0035 STF 422     A premature orbit has been computed. The primary is a variable of the   .       
                       RS CVn type, V711 Tau., and also a spectroscopic binary, P = 2.8 d.     .       
                       See Baize & Petit (1989) catalog of doubles with variable component.    Baz1989d
                       H 3  45.                                                                MEv2010 
03369-4957 SEE  29     The astrometric orbit of the stars comprising the A component was       .       
                       generated by a fit to individual data points available in Hipparcos     .       
                       Intermediate Astrometry Data.                                           Mkr2007a
                       Primary is possible SB.                                                 Tok2014d
           TOK 207     Likely triple. The inner pair produces RV variability and acceleration, .       
                       the outer companion at 2".7 is discovered with NICI.                    Tok2012a
03370-2808 LDS 840     NLTT 11423/11421                                                        Chm2004 
03372+3710 BRT3236     ALI 283.                                                                .       
03373-8517 R    39     Also appears to be R    48.                                             .       
03374-8051 HJ 3607     B is CPD-81@89.                                                         .       
03375+3107 GC 4314     Hipparcos astrometric solution assumed circular orbit (e = omega = 0)   HIP1997d
03376+1751 LDS3512     NLTT 11415/11416                                                        Chm2004 
03376-0103 GWP 486     ABL 150.                                                                Tob2012b
03377+7235 HJ 2190     C component is galaxy NGC 1343.                                         .       
03377-0801 GWP 487     ABL 151.                                                                Tob2012b
03378+4046 COU1517     AB Per, an Algol-type eclipsing binary, P = 7.1601d.                    Zas2012 
03378+1526 HD  22522   This star was misidentified as BD+17 0593 = SAO 93525 in the first      .       
                       speckle catalog.                                                        McA1984b
03379+8017 MLR 456     Also known as TDS2606.                                                  .       
03379+1950 LDS3515     G006-022. See Allen et al. (2000) for information on metallicity,       AlC2000 
                       age, galactic orbital parameters, etc.                                  .       
                       NLTT 11424/11425                                                        Chm2004 
03381-1133 OL  151     Aka HEI 315.                                                            .       
03382-5947 DUN  14     B is CPD-60@261.                                                        .       
                       SHY 448. Bayesian analysis by Shaya & Olling (2011) indicates very      Shy2011 
                       high (near 100%) probability pair is physical.                          .       
03383+4448 S   430     STTA 37.  B is BD+44@759.                                               .       
                       AB: HJL  50.                                                            HJL1986 
03388+5055 ES  953     Appears to be the lost HJ 2197.                                         Dam2015b
03388-1607 LDS3517     NLTT 11485/11486                                                        Chm2004 
03390+4232 RAO  47     Triple system consisting of an astrometric binary with period of 3 yr   .       
                       (Goldin & Makarov 2007) and Robo-AO tertiary B at 1".76. Considering    Gln2007 
                       the fast PM(A), the fixed position of AB during 1 year would appear to  .       
                       confirm it as a physical binary. B is located well below the MS,        .       
                       although its photometry has a large uncertainty. If it is a physical    .       
                       component with unusual colors, the system merits further study.         Rbr2015d
03392+5632 JNN 258     G 175-2. Estimated age 1000-10000 Myr; masses 0.60 +/- 0.10 and 0.38    .       
                       +/- 0.03 Msun; a ~24.7 au.                                              Jnn2014 
03393+5632 JNN 258     Aa,Ab: Originally 03392+5632; merged with 03393+5632.                   .       
03395-1017 GWP 494     ABL 153.                                                                Tob2012b
03396+3747 GRV 185     Primary is V736 Per, Algol-type eclipsing binary, period 3.76674d.      Zas2013 
03396+2530 LDS9158     old LDS6158. This is the common proper motion pair Wolf 204,5.          .       
03396+1823 TOK  14     AB has estimated period 5000y; primary is 8.7d SB2.                     Tok2006 
           LDS9159     AC: Old LDS6159.                                                        .       
                       NLTT 11499/11500                                                        Chm2004 
           JAO   9     Ba,Bb: Referred to as G 006-026BC by Jao et al. (2016), but the C       Jao2016 
                       component is the Luyten companion. Combined astrometric/spectroscopic   .       
                       solution yields component masses 0.474 +/- 0.053 and 0.436 +/- 0.049    .       
                       Msun, plus an orbital parallax  of 26.34 +/- 0.2 mas. There is an       .       
                       error in their Table 3: a" = 0.0225 +/- 0.0008" (Jao, private comm.)    .       
03397-0331 GWP 495     ABL 155.                                                                Tob2012b
03397-1612 GWP 496     ABL 154.                                                                Tob2012b
03397-2727 LDS 841     NLTT 11538/11539                                                        Chm2004 
03398+3328 ES  327     Also known as GJ 9119 B, this star is a wide companion to GJ 9119 A at  .       
                       about 14" as noted in e.g. the WDS catalog. It is however single in     .       
                       the separation range covered by the AstraLux data.                      Jnn2012 
                       A is also a 183d spectroscopic binary.                                  Tok2019b
03398+0515 J  1812     BAL 2608.                                                               .       
03400+6352 STTA 36     A,BC: HJL  51.                                                          HJL1986 
                       A,BC: SHY 160. Bayesian analysis by Shaya & Olling (2011) indicates     Shy2011 
                       very high (near 100%) probability pair is physical.                     .       
03401+3407 STF 425     H 2  52.                                                                MEv2010 
                       The B component was resolved at Palomar (0.580"). Genet et al. (2013)   .       
                       detect a wobble in the motion of AB, with P~107y, alpha~0.18"           .       
                       suggesting M2~0.5 Msun                                                  Tok2014d
                       AB: known binary, which shows apparently a non-Keplerian motion. Rica   .       
                       Romero & Zirm (2014) proposed that the motion was caused by an unseen   FMR2014c
                       companion and calculated an astrometric orbit for it with P = 107 yr,   .       
                       eccentricity 0.61, and photocenter semimajor axis 0".179. Our           .       
                       observations were able to resolve the predicted subsystem Aa,Ab. For    .       
                       the time of our observations the orbit predicts a companion position    .       
                       angle of 43.3 deg, in excellent agreement with the position angle of    .       
                       44 +/- 1.3 deg measured here. The ratio of the predicted displacement   .       
                       to the measured separation of 0".50 is r = 0.32 = q/(1+q). Hence, the   .       
                       mass ratio q = 0.47 (the contribution of the light from Ab to the       .       
                       photo-center is neglected). The mass of Aa is estimated at 1.16 Msun    .       
                       from its absolute magnitude, leading to 0.54 Msun for Ab. The absolute  .       
                       magnitude of Ab corresponds to a smaller mass of 0.33 Msun. This        .       
                       discrepancy, if confirmed, can be explained by Ab being a close pair    .       
                       of M-dwarfs, as happens in other known multiple systems, e.g., in kap   Tok2013a
                       For (Tokovinin 2013).                                                   Rbr2015d
                       AB: Rectilinear solutions by Rica & Zirm (2014)                         FMR2014c
                       and Genet et al. (2015).                                                GnR2015a
03402-1936 GC 4392     Hipparcos astrometric solution assumed circular orbit (e = omega = 0)   HIP1997d
03403-0805 STF 433     B is BD-08@698.                                                         .       
03404-1502 GWP 497     ABL 156.                                                                Tob2012b
03405-1925 GWP 498     ABL 157.                                                                Tob2012b
03406+2846 STF 427     H N  23.                                                                MEv2010 
                       V1268 Tau, Algol-type eclipsing binary, P = 8.161235 d.                 Zas2011 
03407+0643 A  1934     Companion not seen in 1934.                                             .       
03409+1435 BPM  79     [PM2000]  137052 + [PM2000]  137046.                                    Gvr2010 
03409-1237 STF 436     B is BD-13@712.                                                         .       
                       Optical pair, based on study of relative motion of the components       .       
                       using the method of apparent motion parameters.                         Kiy2008 
03413+4554 BU 1181     Motion in separation. The period may be fairly short. Needs speckle.    .       
                       Additional notes may be found in van den Bos (1963).                    B__1963b
                       Known triple system. Inner binary has been known for over a century     Bu_1894d
                       (Burnham 1894); its first orbit was computed by Riddle et al. (2015).   RAO2015 
                       They also detected a third component C which was confirmed by           .       
                       examination of 2MASS images. The close binary is detectable in our Ks   .       
                       images, but the PSFs of the stars are overlapping and we are unable to  .       
                       make a consistent measurement with fitstars. We are able to extract     .       
                       the astrometry of the AC pair and consider it as likely physical.       Rbr2015d
03414-0934 GWP 501     ABL 159.                                                                Tob2012b
03414-1421 GWP 499     ABL 158.                                                                Tob2012b
03416+2655 LDS6095     Also known as GRV 187.                                                  .       
03418+6239 BLL  12     A is a semi-regular variable, U Cam. B is BD+62@594.                    .       
03418+5317 A   985     Primary is the eclipsing binary CV Cam, P = 0.97326 day.                Zas2010 
03419-5542 JNN  25     2MASS J03415581-5542287 and J03415608-5542408 are separated by only     .       
                       12" and have similar estimated spectroscopic distances (14 and 20 pc,   .       
                       respectively) in Riaz et al. (2006), hence it is likely that they form  Ria2006 
                       a physical pair. 2MASS J03415581-5542287 is a close (~0.61") binary in  .       
                       our data, so the system is likely triple in reality, although common    .       
                       proper motion of all components has yet to be proven.                   Jnn2012 
03422+6313 BD Cam      Hipparcos astrometric solution adopted some elements from the orbit of  HIP1997d
                       Griffin (1984).                                                         Grf1984c
03422+5436 HJ 2198     B is BD+54@704.                                                         .       
03423+3141 COU 691     A premature orbit has been computed.                                    .       
03424+3358 STF 431     40 Per = o Per. A spectroscopic binary. Spectrum of B: A1Vn.            .       
                       H 3  39.                                                                MEv2010 
03424-1200 GWP 503     ABL 160.                                                                Tob2012b
03424-8001 HJ 3612     Spectrum: G0/2III/IV. B is CPD-80@94.                                   .       
03425+3256 HJ  336     Also known as STF 432.                                                  .       
                       Rectilinear solution by Friedman et al. (2012).                         USN2012a
03425+1416 BPM  80     [PM2000]  138169 + [PM2000]  138144.                                    Gvr2010 
03425+1216 JNN  26     Since the two epochs of observation were acquired over a baseline of    .       
                       only a few months, there is not yet sufficient motion to confirm        .       
                       common proper motion of the companion that was detected with AstraLux.  .       
                       However, the separation between components is rather small (~0.86"),    .       
                       and the fact that the companion is clearly detected in z' but too       .       
                       faint in i' implies that it must be very red, as expected for a real    .       
                       companion. Hence, we count it as a binary system for statistical        .       
                       purposes.                                                               Jnn2012 
                       Primary is an active M4.0Ve star, age 60-300 Myr. Bowler et al (2015)   .       
                       confirm B is physically bound and detect slight orbital motion. The     .       
                       projected separation is 19.8 +/- 0.9 au. Spectral type of B is          .       
                       L0 +/- 1, mass 35 +/- 8 Mjup.                                           Bwl2015 
03425+0202 BAL1260     HJL  52.                                                                HJL1986 
03426+1718 GC 4435     Hipparcos astrometric solution assumed circular orbit (e = omega = 0)   HIP1997d
03426-2445 RST2317     TDS2636.                                                                .       
03427+1448 BPM  81     [PM2000]  138368 + [PM2000]  138396.                                    Gvr2010 
03427-2428 LDS3527     NLTT 11680/11682                                                        Chm2004 
03429+4747 BUP  46     del Per = 39 Per. A possible variable of the Alpha CVn type.            .       
03430+4554 JNN 259     NLTT 11633. Estimated age 1000-10000 Myr; masses 0.28 +/- 0.03 and      .       
                       0.20 +/- 0.04 Msun; a ~21.8 au.                                         Jnn2014 
03430+2515 LDS1148     NLTT 11651/11648.                                                       .       
03431+2541 STF 435     H 3  88.                                                                MEv2010 
03435+7247 LDS1579     Rectilinear solution by Hurowitz et al. (2013).                         USN2013a
03435-4549 PRB   1     Primary is WD 0341-45 = VY Hor, secondary (not found in Aladin) is      .       
                       BPM 31492. Possible CPM pair, according to Probst (1983).               Prb1983 
03438+4236 ENG  14     AB: Optical pair, based on study of relative motion of the components   .       
                       using the method of apparent motion parameters.                         Kiy2008 
03439+1640 GIC  44     AB = G006-029/G006-028 = GJ 9122AB.                                     .       
                       AB: NLTT 11693/11688                                                    Chm2004 
                       AB: SHY  17. Bayesian analysis by Shaya & Olling (2011) indicates very  Shy2011 
                       high (near 100%) probability pair is physical.                          .       
03439-7100 HJ 3603     B is CPD-71@@218.                                                       .       
03440+3822 STF 434     B is BD+37@@821.                                                        .       
03440-1836 GWP 505     ABL 161.                                                                Tob2012b
03441+3207 DCH   3     HMW 72. Monitored for photometric variability 1998-2003 by Cohen et     .       
                       al. (2004). Range of variability dI = 0.527 mag, no periodicity found.  CHW2004 
03442+3207 STF 437     H 3  37.                                                                MEv2010 
                       SEI  31.                                                                Nsn2017a
03442-6448 LDS 104     bet Ret. A is a spectroscopic binary. B has separation of 1480". B is   .       
                       CPD-65@272.                                                             .       
           bet Ret     Hipparcos astrometric solution adopted some elements from the orbit of  HIP1997d
                       Jones (1928).                                                           Jon1928a
03443+3217 BU  535     38 Per = omi Per = Atik. Ellipsoidal and spectroscopic binary.          .       
03443+3208 DCH   4     HMW 73. Monitored for photometric variability 1998-2003 by Cohen et     .       
                       al. (2004). Range of variability dI = 1.271 mag; multiple periods,      .       
                       average = 7.582d. Photometry may be contaminated by nearby star.        CHW2004 
03444+3210 DCH   5     HMW 10/78 = LLRL 10/45. Monitored for photometric variability           .       
                       1998-2003  by Cohen et al. (2004). Range of variability dI = 0.030 mag  .       
                       for A component, 4.816 mag for B. No periodicity found for either       .       
                       component. Photometry of B may be contaminated by nearby companion.     CHW2004 
03444+3207 DCH   7     HMW 136. Monitored for photometric variability 1998-2003 by Cohen et    .       
                       al. (2004). Range of variability dI = 0.789 mag, no periodicity found.  CHW2004 
03444+3206 DCH   6     HMW 39. Monitored for photometric variability 1998-2003 by Cohen et     .       
                       al. (2004). Range of variability dI = 0.251 mag; multiple periods,      .       
                       average = 9.667d.                                                       CHW2004 
03444+2812 A  1826     Not seen on three nights 1964-1982.                                     .       
03444+1637 BPM  82     [PM2000]  139475 + [PM2000]  139465.                                    Gvr2010 
03445+3212 DCH   8     HMW 13 = LLRL 12. Monitored for photometric variability 1998-2003 by    .       
                       Cohen et al. (2004). Range of variability dI = 0.048 mag, no            .       
                       periodicity found.                                                      CHW2004 
03445+3211 DCH  10     HMW 86. Monitored for photometric variability 1998-2003 by Cohen et     .       
                       al. (2004). Range of variability dI = 0.318 mag, no periodicity found.  CHW2004 
03445+3210 DCH   9     HMW 75 = LRLL 40. Monitored for photometric variability 1998-2003 by    .       
                       Cohen et al. (2004). Range of variability dI = 0.337 mag, nonperiodic.  CHW2004 
03445+3209 DCH  12     HMW 12 = LLRL 29. Monitored for photometric variability 1998-2003 by    .       
                       Cohen et al. (2004). Range of variability dI = 0.181 mag; multiple      .       
                       periods, average = 2.237d.                                              CHW2004 
03445+3208 DCH  13     HMW 42 = LRLL 86. Monitored for photometric variability 1998-2003 by    .       
                       Cohen et al. (2004). Range of variability dI = 0.097 mag; multiple      .       
                       periods, average = 6.532d.                                              CHW2004 
03445-1322 GAL 354     Object #99 in Gallo's original list.                                    Gal1912b
03446+3210 BU  880     AB: HMW 1 = LRLL 1. Monitored for photometric variability 1998-2003 by  .       
                       Cohen et al. (2004). Range of variability dI = 0.455 mag, no            .       
                       periodicity found.                                                      CHW2004 
                       SEI  32.                                                                Nsn2017a
           STF 439     AB,C: H 3  38.                                                          MEv2010 
03446+3209 DCH  11     AB: HMW 27/28 = LLRL 16/33. Monitored for photometric variability       .       
                       1998-2003 by Cohen et al. (2004). Range of variability dI = 0.097 mag   .       
                       for A, 1.462 mag for B. Multiple periods seen for A, average = 2.656d.  .       
                       Photometry of B may be contaminated by nearby companion.                CHW2004 
03446+3209 HER  20     CD: HM 107 = LLRL 165. Monitored for photometric variability 1998-2003  .       
                       by Cohen et al. (2004). Range of variability dI = 0.328 mag, no         .       
                       periodicity found. Photometry may be contaminated by nearby star.       CHW2004 
03446+3208 HER   7     Additional notes may be found in Herbig (1962).                         Her1962 
03446+3207 DCH  14     HMW 11 = LRLL 6. Monitored for photometric variability 1998-2003 by     .       
                       Cohen et al. (2004). Range of variability dI = 0.094 mag; multiple      .       
                       periods, average = 1.687d.                                              CHW2004 
03446+2754 STTA 38     Optical with BU 1041BC, which is BD+27@558, at 03 44.7 +27 55.          .       
                       AB: Optical pair, based on study of relative motion of the components   .       
                       using the method of apparent motion parameters.                         Kiy2008 
           BU 1041BC   The B component has both an astrometric and a spectroscopic orbit       Gln2007 
                       which are not associated with the optical BC pair.                      Grf2015c
03446-5416 HJ 3592     See claimed A was a close pair in 1897, but no trace of it was seen     See1898c
                       subsequently by van den Bos, Dawson, and Innes.                         Daw1918a
03447+3211 HER  21     HM 98 = LRLL 166. Monitored for photometric variability 1998-2003 by    .       
                       Cohen et al. (2004). Range of variability dI = 0.960 mag, no            .       
                       periodicity found. Photometry may be contaminated by nearby star.       CHW2004 
03447+3210 DCH  15     HMW 99 = LRLL 221. Monitored for photometric variability 1998-2003 by   .       
                       Cohen et al. (2004). Range of variability dI = 2.136 mag, no            .       
                       periodicity found.                                                      CHW2004 
03447+3209 DCH  16     HMW 14 = LRLL 9. Monitored for photometric variability 1998-2003 by     .       
                       Cohen et al. (2004). Range of variability dI = 0.109 mag; multiple      .       
                       periods, average = 2.539d.                                              CHW2004 
03447+3208 DCH  17     HMW 111 = LLRL 52. Monitored for photometric variability 1998-2003 by   .       
                       Cohen et al. (2004). Range of variability dI = 0.187 mag, no            .       
                       periodicity found. Photometry may be contaminated by nearby star.       CHW2004 
03447+2449 ITO   7     Pleiades HII 405.                                                       .       
03447+2414 LDS6103     A component is Pleiades star Melotte 22 HII 430.                        .       
03448+4602 BAG   8     Combined astrometric/spectroscopic solution by Balega et al. (2002),    Bag2002b
                       including determination of component masses.                            .       
                       The Balega (2002) orbit predicts a separation of 0.055" in mid-2006,    Bag2002b
                       opening rapidly to 0".197 in late 2007. Perhaps T0 is not quite         .       
                       correct?                                                                Hrt2009 
                       Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and spectroscopic   .       
                       masses of 1.54 +/- 0.13, 1.54, and 0.79 Msun, respectively.             Mlk2012 
                       A(B) Teff = 5350+/-50(4400+/-50) K, R = 0.95+/-0.06(0.58+/-0.06) \rsun, AlW2014c
                       L = 0.56+/-0.01(0.10+/-0.02) \lsun, M = 0.83+/-0.05(0.60+/-0.05) \msun. .       
03448+2417 HL    6     Primary is Pleiades star Celaeno = 16 Tau.                              .       
03448-7002 LFR   1     SHY 450. Bayesian analysis by Shaya & Olling (2011) indicates very      Shy2011 
                       high (near 100%) probability pair is physical.                          .       
03449+2407 HL    7     Primary is Pleiades star Electra = 17 Tau.                              .       
                       Uniform disk diameter  0.472 +/- 0.025 mas,                             .       
                       Limb darkened diameter 0.478 +/- 0.025 mas,                             .       
                       Teff = 14700 +/- 800 K based on LDD.                                    .       
                       Radius is 5.91 +/- 0.47 \rsun.                                          CIA2019a
03452+4235 ES 2601     nu Per = 41 Per                                                         .       
03452+2450 HL    8     Primary is Pleiades star 18 Tau.                                        .       
03452+2428 HJ 3251     Primary is Pleiades star Taygeta = 19 Tau = 19 Pleiadum.                .       
                       A is a spectroscopic and occultation binary.                            .       
03454+2402 HL   10     Primary is Pleiades star.                                               .       
03454-2752 BU 1003     A premature orbit has been computed. Motion direct and increasing as    .       
                       the pair closes in. However, there are no measures in the last twenty   .       
                       years.                                                                  .       
03457+2438 YAM   1     Pleiades cluster member. Primary is the BY Dra type variable V855 Tau.  Yam2013 
03457+0603 HJ 2204     29 Tau. A is a spectroscopic binary.                                    .       
03458+2422 HL   11     Primary is Pleiades star Maia = 20 Tau.                                 .       
03458+2309 STF 444     Spectroscopic binary, P = 7.15d.                                        .       
03459+2433 HL   12     Primary is Pleiades star Asterope = 21 Tau.                             .       
03459+2402 HL   13     Primary is Pleiades star.                                               .       
03460+7302 MLR 457     Same as HDS 476.                                                        .       
03460+2734 CTI7214     V1274 Tau.                                                              .       
03460+2432 HL   14     Primary is Pleiades star 22 Tau.                                        .       
03460+1721 BPM  83     [PM2000]  140561 + [PM2000]  140577.                                    Gvr2010 
03461-1522 GWP 508     ABL 163.                                                                Tob2012b
03461-1708 GWP 507     ABL 162.                                                                Tob2012b
03461-6405 HJ 3600     B is CPD-64@271.                                                        .       
03462+2434 POU 309     LDS6108.                                                                .       
                       Both components are Pleiades variables. A = Melotte 22 HII 879 = V813   .       
                       Tau, while B = Melotte 22 HII 883 = V789 Tau.                           .       
03462+1710 HJ 3252     This star has a possible wide companion at about 8" as noted in the     .       
                       WDS. It is however single in the separation range covered by the        .       
                       AstraLux data.                                                          Jnn2012 
03463+2411 BU  536     In the Pleiades. The motion so far is retrograde and rectilinear.       Hzg1958 
                       See Baize & Petit (1989) catalog of doubles with variable component.    Baz1989d
                       Both elliptical orbit and rectilinear trajectory were calculated by     .       
                       Popovic & Pavlovic (1995). See also rectilinear catalog.                Pop1995d
03463+2357 HL   15     Primary is Pleiades star 23 Tau = Merope.                               .       
03463-1235 GAL 355     Object #103 in Gallo's original list.                                   Gal1912b
03464+7523 STF 418     Same as PRZ   4. Coordinates of PRZ   4 correct and retained.           .       
03464+2435 ITO   8     AB: Pleiades HII 996.  Primary is the BY Dra-type variable V1045 Tau.   Ito2011 
           LDS6110     AC: Possibly common with LDS6108.                                       .       
03464+1143 LEP 119     LHS 1589 = NLTT 11793. Lepine et al. determine a photometric distance   Lep2007b
                       of 81 +/- 18 pc; masses are estimated at 0.25 and 0.20 Msun.            .       
03465+2508 ITO   9     Pleiades HII 1015.                                                      .       
03465+2426 ITO  10     Pleiades HII 1032.  Primary is V1171 Tau. Both companions are           .       
                       background stars.                                                       Yam2013 
03465+2415 CHR  12     Pleiades cluster member.                                                .       
                       1985.8488: This measure is from reanalysis of archival data.  Not       .       
                       listed as an SB by Abt et al. (1965), but it may show measurable        AbH1965b
                       velocity variation at some phases of a possibly eccentric orbit.        Msn1993b
                       Aa,Ab: Observed 20 times 1982-1998 and resolved 4 times 1983-1989,      .       
                       with separations decreasing from 0.236" to 0.160". Motion indicates a   .       
                       ~40-year period orbit.                                                  Hrt2009 
03466+2950 BRT 233     MLB 683.                                                                .       
03466+2458 MET  34     Pleiades cluster member. The companion is a background star.            Yam2013 
03466+2255 RDR   2     Primary is an F6 Pleiades member (HII 1132). Based on common motion     .       
                       over 4 years, Rodriguez et al. (2012) conclude the B component is       .       
                       either a companion to the primary or (less likely) a nearby comoving    .       
                       Pleiades member. Assuming they comprise a physical pair, the companion  .       
                       is a brown dwarf, with mass estimated at 0.06 +/- 0.01 Msun,            .       
                       temperature 2600 +/- 100K.                                              Rdr2012b
03467+2402 LDS6111     A component is a Pleiades variable = Melotte 22 HII 1124 = V814 Tau.    .       
03467-1231 GAL 356     Object #104 in Gallo's original list.                                   Gal1912b
03470+4126 STF 443     HIP 17666. See Allen et al. (2000) for information on metallicity,      AlC2000 
                       age, galactic orbital parameters, etc.                                  .       
                       AB: NLTT 11792/11791                                                    Chm2004 
                       Proper motion of A +596 -1249. Proper motion of B +594-1259. B is a     .       
                       single-lined spectroscopic binary, P = 48.65d. A common proper motion   .       
                       companion, G095-059, mag. 13.4, lies more than 2 degrees away.          .       
                       AC: Optical pair, based on study of relative motion of the components   .       
                       using the method of apparent motion parameters.                         Kiy2008 
                       AB: HJL  53.                                                            HJL1986 
03470+2431 CHR 124     Occultation binary. Has variable radial velocity. Pleiad.               .       
03471+2449 BU  537     Variable, V534 Tau.                                                     .       
03473+2424 BOV  18     Geissler et al (2012) conclude companion is an M8 brown dwarf, the      .       
                       first substellar companion discovered around a Pleiades star.  Mass     .       
                       estimates range from 0.052 to 0.063 Msun, depending on distance, etc.   Gei2012 
                       Pleiades cluster member. The companion shares common proper motion.     Yam2013 
03473+2348 HL   18     Primary is Pleiades star.                                               .       
03473+2344 HL   19     Primary is Pleiades star.                                               .       
           BOV  17     CF: 03471+2343BOV  17 = HL  19C, system merged.                         .       
03474+2435 HL   20     Primary is Pleiades star.                                               .       
03474+2355 STF 450     POU 311. Primary is Pleiades star.                                      .       
03474+2255 HD 23610    Hipparcos astrometric solution assumed circular orbit (e = omega = 0);  HIP1997d
                       Cluster Melotte 22 #1407.                                               .       
03475+2417 HL   22     Primary is Pleiades star.                                               .       
03475+2406 STFA  8     Primary is Pleiades star Alcyone = 25 Tau = eta Tau = V647 Tau.         .       
                       STTA 42.                                                                .       
                       A is an occultation and spectroscopic binary.                           .       
                       B, at 03 47.4 +24 07, is an occultation binary.                         .       
                       C is V647 Tau.                                                          .       
                       BC: HJL1029.                                                            HJL1986 
                       BD: HJL1028.                                                            HJL1986 
                       CD: HJL1027.                                                            HJL1986 
03476+2337 HL   24     Primary is Pleiades star.                                               .       
03478+3501 ES  235     Primary is eclipsing binary of Algol-type, period 1.92873d.             Zas2014 
03478+3212 HR 1164     Orbit determined by fitting revised Hipparcos intermediate astrometric  .       
                       data. Derived component masses 1.44 +/- 0.09 and 1.15 +/- 0.08 Msun.    Ren2010 
03479+3336 STF 448     HJ 5457. A is a spectroscopic binary. Also, one component is variable.  .       
03479+2555 BRT2520     Heintz finds no pair in the field, and believes identity with J 27      Hei1985a
                       (03470+2855) is possible.                                               .       
03479+2407 BU  538     AB. Identification of a 2000.8 measure by Lampens et al. (2007)         Lmp2007 
                       originally attributed to 03481+2409 COU  80 was corrected by the        .       
                       author; it actually was of this pair.                                   .       
03480+6840 KUI  13     See discussion by van de Kamp & Chao-Yuan Yang.                         Kam1967 
           WNO  16     AD: Optical pair, based on study of relative motion of the components   .       
                       using the method of apparent motion parameters.                         Kiy2008 
                       BD: Rectilinear solution by Hartkopf & Mason (2015).                    WSI2015 
03480+4032 TOK 240     Primary is an exoplanet host, P=1565d                                   Tok2014d
03480-7048 HJ 3606     B is CPD-71@223.                                                        .       
03481+2409 COU  80     Pleiad.                                                                 .       
                       Identification of a 2000.8 measure by Lampens et al. (2007) originally  Lmp2007 
                       attributed to this pair was corrected by the author; it actually was    .       
                       of 03479+2407 BU  538AB.                                                .       
03482+2419 CHR 155     Included in the Pleiades cluster survey of Abt et al. (1965), who did   AbH1965b
                       not detect variable RV. Pearce & Hill (1975 Pub DAO, 14, 319) did       .       
                       notice velocity variation at the 1% level, and Liu et al. (1997) found  Liu1997 
                       the system to be a SB2, although large velocity difference may imply a  .       
                       closer companion than this.                                             Msn1993b
03482+2219 EQ Tau      Multiple system including contact binary. Pribulla & Rucinski (2006)    Pbl2006 
                       estimate the mass of the contact pair at 1.752 Msun and the minimum     .       
                       mass of the wider component at 0.49 Msun.                               .       
03483+2325 HL   25     Pleiades H 722. Primary was misidentified as SAO 76125 in the first     .       
                       speckle catalogue.                                                      McA1984b
03483+1109 STF 452     30 Tau.                                                                 .       
                       H 3  66.                                                                MEv2010 
03483-0943 GWP 517     ABL 164.                                                                Tob2012b
03484+5202 HU  546     Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and spectroscopic   .       
                       masses of 1.17 +/- 0.43, 1.53, and 1.20 Msun, respectively.             Mlk2012 
03486+3039 SHY 453     HIP  17796 + HIP  18204.                                                .       
03486-3737 DUN  16     f Eri. One component is a possible Beta Lyrae-type system.              .       
03489+6445 STT  62     Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and spectroscopic   .       
                       masses of 1.82 +/- 0.52, 2.75, and 1.20 Msun, respectively.             Mlk2012 
03489+2351 HL   27     Primary is Pleiades star 26 Tau.                                        .       
03490+5120 LDS9160     Old LDS6160. NLTT 11871/11873.                                          .       
03491+4358 V376 Per    Hipparcos astrometric solution assumed circular orbit (e = omega = 0)   HIP1997d
03491+2347 TRR  16     V1282 Tau.                                                              .       
                       Ma,Mb = 0.978 +/- 0.024, 0.897 +/- 0.022 \msun. Orbital parallax is     .        
                       7.310 +/- 0.026 mas. Spectroscopic dm (518.7 nm) = 0.63.                Trr2020b
03492+3651 J  2721     BRT 2586. ALI 288.                                                      .       
03492+2408 CHR 125     Aa,Ab: Pleione, 28 Tau = BU Tau. Shell star and suspected long-period   .       
                       spectroscopic binary (Hoffleit 1982) . Pleiades cluster member.         Hof1982 
                       Frequently unresolved, probably due to large Delta m.                   Msn1993b
                       For their measure, Roberts et al. reports that the "The close           .       
                       proximity of the two star's PSFs prevented accurate measurement of the  .       
                       astrometry and photometry."                                             Rbr2007 
                       Aa,Ab: Observed 3 times 1987-1991 (all observations noted as weak),     Rbr2007 
                       then unresolved until a 2002 (0.24") measure at 900nm                   Hrt2009 
           RBR   4     AF: 2002.0924: PA is measured in zenith mode. If data collected in      .       
                       equatorial mode, PA = 119. Confirmation of the pair should establish    .       
                       the correct value for theta.                                            Rbr2007 
03492+2403 STF 453     Primary is Pleiades star Atlas = 27 Tau = Melotte 22 #2168              .       
                       Position angles scattered. Distances range from "single" to 0.6". Some  .       
                       question duplicity. A is a long-period spectroscopic binary.            .       
           MKT  12     Aa1,Aa2: Hipparcos astrometric solution assumed circular orbit (e =     .       
                       omega = 0).                                                             HIP1997d
                       Pan et al. (2004) orbit is based on Mark III and PTI measures. A        PTI2004 
                       distance to the Pleiades of 135 +/- 2 pc is determined. Masses for the  .       
                       components are calculated as 4.90 +/- 0.28 and 3.65 +/- 0.08 Msun.      .       
                       Zwahlen et al. (2004) orbit is based on published Mark III and PTI      Zwa2004 
                       measures, plus additional Mark III and NPOI astrometric data and        .       
                       ELODIE echelle spectra. This combined spectroscopic/interferometric     .       
                       solution yields masses of 4.74 +/- 0.25 and 3.42 +/- 0.25 Msun; the     .       
                       distance 132 +/- 4 pc found agrees with "traditional" Pleiades          .       
                       distances obtained through MS fitting techniques.                       .       
                       Aa1,Aa2: Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and        .       
                       spectroscopic masses 5.68 +/- 0.79, 6.68, and 3.31 Msun, respectively.  Mlk2012 
                       Uniform disk diameter  0.464 +/- 0.043 mas,                             .       
                       Limb darkened diameter 0.469 +/- 0.043 mas,                             .       
                       Teff = 13500 +/- 300 K based on LDD.                                    .       
                       Radius is 5.98 +/- 0.67 \rsun.                                          CIA2019a
03493+5707 S   436     STTA 39. B is BD+56@847.                                                .       
                       HJL1030.                                                                HJL1986 
03493-1656 GWP 519     ABL 165.                                                                Tob2012b
03494+5214 ES  770     B is BD+51@781.                                                         .       
03494+2423 STTA 40     AB: LDS6116. B is BD+23@560. A is Pleiades star and occultation double  .       
           HL   30     BC: Primary is Pleiades star.  Also known as STU   2BC.                 .       
           HL   30     BD: Also known as STU   2BD.                                            .       
03495+5239 STF 446     Also known as STF 454. Another classification: B0Ib. The primary is     .       
                       slightly variable; the system is a member of the cluster NGC 1444.1     .       
03495+1255 AG   74     Primary is V1128 Tau, a 10th magnitude W UMa type eclipsing binary,     .       
                       with period 0.3053725d.                                                 Zas2011 
03496+6318 CAR   1     Also known as MOAI 1.                                                   .       
                       1995.948: Theta corrected from published value of 213 deg (Aristidi,    .       
                       private communication)                                                  .       
                       Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and spectroscopic   .       
                       masses of 3.76 +/- 0.61, 3.36, and 1.82 Msun, respectively.             Mlk2012 
03496+3859 HU 1067     A RW Aur-type variable, XY Per. Both components may vary.               .       
                       dm estimates on a number of nights. quadrant reversed on 1936 Jan 17,   .       
                       indicating primary is responsible for variation. Beyer (AN 263, 71,     .       
                       1937) established the irregular character of the variation.             VBs1954 
03496-0220 YR   23     Triple. The RV amplitude of 9.5 km s-1 and double lines seen in GCS     .       
                       cannot be caused by the visual system YR 23 with estimated period of    .       
                       ~50 yr which could however be responsible for dmu.                      Tok2012a
                       The Hipparcos parallax, individual magnitudes and standard relations    Tok2018a
                       for main-sequence stars leads to masses of 1.14, 0.96 and 0.80 \msun    .       
                       for A and the unresolved Ba and Bb pair.                                .       
                       Ba,Bb is estimated to have a dM in V band of 1.2 and a maximum          .       
                       separation of 26 mas.                                                   .       
03497+2343 HL   32     Primary is Pleiades star.                                               .       
03497+2320 YAM   2     BC: Pleiades cluster member. The companion is a background star.        Yam2013 
                       Pair initially 03495+2323 YAM 2; merged with 03497+2320 LDS6118.        .       
03498+2421 HL   33     Primary is Pleiades star.                                               .       
03498+2342 ITO  11     Pleiades HII 2462.                                                      .       
03499+2313 ITO  12     Pleiades HII 2506.                                                      .       
           YAM   3     Pleiades cluster member. The companion is probably a background star.   Yam2013 
03500+2351 STT  64     A is a spectroscopic binary, P = 16.72d, spectrum B9.5VpSiSrCr. Pleiad  .       
03501+4458 CHR 126     A spectroscopic binary.                                                 .       
                       Hipparcos astrometric solution adopted some elements from the orbit of  HIP1997d
                       P'edoussaut et al. (1987).                                              Ped1987 
                       Ren & Fu (2013) calculated an astrometric orbit, combining Hipparcos    Ren2013 
                       Intermediate Astrometric Data with spectroscopic elements by            .       
                       Pedoussaut et al. (1987).                                               Ped1987 
03501+0637 TOK  80     HIP 17936. The magnitude difference in the 2MASS PSC dK=1.8 is          .       
                       suspect (5" separation), dK=3.4 is measured with ANDICAM.               Tok2011a
03502+3449 ES  277     AB: Rectilinear solution by Hartkopf & Mason (2015).                    WSI2015 
03502-1335 FAR  32     NLTT 11972. Primary is white dwarf WD 0347-137.                         Far2006 
03503+2535 STT  65     One star variable?                                                      Wor1967b
                       See Baize & Petit (1989) catalog of doubles with variable component.    Baz1989d
                       Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and spectroscopic   .       
                       masses of 4.15 +/- 0.39, 3.39, and 3.91 Msun, respectively.             Mlk2012 
03503-0131 SHY 164     AE: HIP  17950 + HIP  16933. E component = A component of 03379-0231.   .       
                       AB: Hipparcos identified the pair as a candidate for Hyades membership. HIP1998 
                       However, radial velocity classifies this as not a Hyades member.        Grf2013c
03504+7120 HJ 2200     gam Cam                                                                 .       
03505-1219 GAL 357     Object #105 in Gallo's original list.                                   Gal1912b
03506+2431 YAM   4     Pleiades cluster member. Primary is V1174 Tau.                          Yam2013 
03506-4234 EGN   3     Pair bound, with projected separation 73au. Mass of secondary           .       
                       0.15 +/- 0.01 Msun; spectral type M4-M6.                                Egn2007 
03507-1206 GAL 358     Object #106 in Gallo's original list.                                   Gal1912b
03508+4546 FMR  63     Typographical error in initial WDS designation (03508+4946)             .       
03510+1414 JLM   1     Erroneously labelled as JML 1; changed upon request of discoverer.      .       
03511+3548 BRT3238     ALI 51.                                                                 .       
03511+1551 BPM  84     [PM2000]  144054 + [PM2000]  144088.                                    Gvr2010 
03513+2621 A  1830     The few observations do not define the nature of the motion.            .       
03514+2538 HEI   9     Primary is eclipsing binary of Algol-type, period 1.26292 d.            Zas2012 
03514-1610 GWP 523     ABL 166.                                                                Tob2012b
03517+7030 HJ 1139     B is BD+70@263.                                                         .       
03517+2433 LDS5437     A component is a Pleiades variable = Melotte 22 HII 3096 = V1054 Tau.   .       
                       B component is flare star V383 Tau.                                     .       
03518+3453 ARN  58     Also known as GRV 196.                                                  .       
03518-0306 GWP 524     ABL 167.                                                                Tob2012b
03520+2440 BOV  27     AB: Assuming a Pleiades parallax of 7.43 +/- 0.17 mas (distance 134.6   .       
                       pc; Soderblom et al. 2005, AJ 129, 161), Schaefer et al. (2014) find a  .       
                       total mass of 1.42 +/- 0.10 Msun. The revised Hipparcos parallax of     .       
                       8.32 +/- 0.13 (120.2 pc; van Leeuwen 2009, A&A 497, 209) gives a total  .       
                       mass of 1.01 +/- 0.05 Msun, which is not consistent with the            .       
                       corresponding photometric masses of the components.                     Sfr2014 
03520+0632 KUI  15     31 Tau.                                                                 .       
                       AB: Additional notes may be found in Van Biesbroeck (1954) and          VBs1954 
                       Couteau (1955).                                                         Cou1955c
03525+3546 ES 2334     BRT 3239. ALI 52.                                                       .       
03525-0403 GWP 525     ABL 168.                                                                Tob2012b
03526-0829 RST4762     The few measures do not define the motion.                              .       
03527-0522 HJ  338     30 Eri.                                                                 .       
03529+3532 ES 2459     BRT 3240.                                                               .       
03529-0633 GWP 528     ABL 169.                                                                Tob2012b
03530+1158 BPM  85     [PM2000]  145369 + [PM2000]  145423.                                    Gvr2010 
03530-1332 GWP 529     ABL 170.                                                                Tob2012b
03534+1743 BPM  86     [PM2000]  145657 + [PM2000]  145663.                                    Gvr2010 
03535+3538 ES 2460     Identical to ALI 54 and BRT 3237                                        Hei1983a
03535+3307 RBR  36     Suspected non-single.                                                   Hor2002b
03535-1229 GAL 359     Object #107 in Gallo's original list.                                   Gal1912b
03535-1440 GWP 531     ABL 171.                                                                Tob2012b
03536+2718 OCC9003     The OCC2010 solution is ambiguous and one is arbitrarily "T" coded      .       
                       until the true solution is determined.                                  .       
03536+2146 OL  184     TDS2678. Appears to be the same as 03549+2148 OL  200. IDS notes that   .       
                       OL  200 is possibly identical to 03559+2146 HU  815, but they appear    .       
                       to be different pairs.                                                  .       
03537+5316 A  1293     Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and spectroscopic   .       
                       masses of 1.00 +/- 0.24, 1.94, and 1.05 Msun, respectively.             Mlk2012 
03539-1751 GWP 532     ABL 172.                                                                Tob2012b
03541+3153 STF 464     zet Per = 44 Per. A is a spectroscopic binary.                          .       
                       AD: H 6  96.                                                            MEv2010 
03543-0257 STF 470     32 Eri. A is a spectroscopic binary.                                    .       
                       AB: H 2  36.                                                            MEv2010 
03544+0116 TOK  81     RoboAO finds a companion to B (233deg, 3.05", dI=5.88mag), but it is    .       
                       thought to be optical.                                                  Tok2014d
03544-0649 A   461     Less than 0.1" in 1954 - 1961. It appears that a revolution has been    .       
                       completed.                                                              .       
03544-4021 FIN 344     Spectroscopic binary.                                                   .       
                       1989.9438: This is the first observation of this system since those of  .       
                       Finsen in the 1960's, and is considerably closer than any of his        .       
                       results.  It is known that in some instances Finsen's rho values        .       
                       appeared systematically larger than those of speckle; further           .       
                       observations of this system will determine whether such is again the    .       
                       case.                                                                   Hrt1993 
                       AB: Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and             .       
                       spectroscopic masses 4.24 +/- 0.59, 4.58, and 4.88 Msun, respectively.  Mlk2012 
03545+3203 LEI   6     Member of Taurus-Auriga molecular cloud.                                Dae2015 
03545+0510 STTA 41     A is a Delta Scuti-type variable, V479 Tau. B is BD+04@@600.            .       
                       A,BC(60") is probably physical.                                         .       
           A  1831     BC: Less than 0.1" in 1954 - 1955 with 82-inch.                         .       
                       A premature orbit has been computed. Motion direct.                     .       
                       See Baize & Petit (1989) catalog of doubles with variable component.    Baz1989d
03546+3519 HJ  669     AC: Rectilinear solution by Hartkopf & Mason (2015).                    WSI2015 
03546+2507 HAT   1     30' error in WDS designation.                                           .       
                       Member of Taurus-Auriga molecular cloud.                                Dae2015 
03546+2131 LDS1149     Old LDS6161. LDS9161.                                                   .       
03547+5200 TOR   5     Formerly known as PAN   2.                                              .       
03547+1529 BPM  87     [PM2000]  146665 + [PM2000]  146678.                                    Gvr2010 
03547-1811 GWP 533     ABL 173.                                                                Tob2012b
03548-3542 TOK  82     HIP 18305. NOMAD: PM(B)=(-89,+19), V=11.48(??).                         .       
                       PM(A)=(+108,+218).                                                      Tok2011a
03549-1426 GAL 360     Object #109 in Gallo's original list.                                   Gal1912b
03553-0237 BRT1928     BAL 25.                                                                 .       
03553-1921 GWP 534     ABL 174.                                                                Tob2012b
03554+3103 HO  325     A is a RW Aur-type variable, X Per, and also a long-period              .       
                       spectroscopic binary.                                                   .       
03557-2236 I   722     CD-22@1398.                                                             .       
03558+5225 TOR   6     Formerly known as PAN   3.                                              .       
03558+5224 STF 462     HJ 2206.                                                                .       
03561-4509 CPO 121     LDS 108.                                                                .       
03561-4746 HU 1361     HIP 18402. B is definitely physical, but it is too red in the           .       
                       (Kabs,V-K) CMD. Infrared companion? Nothing on B in SIMBAD.             Tok2011a
03562+5939 ENG  16     AB: Optical pair, based on study of relative motion of the components   .       
                       using the method of apparent motion parameters.                         Kiy2008 
           HDS 497     AD: CfA: P=12625d=34.6y? Abt & Willmarth (2006): RV=-22.18 const.       AbH2006 
03563-1935 GWP 535     ABL 175.                                                                Tob2012b
03564+4404 LDS5186     NLTT 12174/12173                                                        Chm2004 
03565-3642 BAS   2     This is the X Ray source EUVE J0356-36.6.                               .       
03566+6951 LDS1583     A is also a 1539d spectroscopic binary.                                 Tok2019b
03566+5042 S   440     43 Per. A is a spectroscopic binary. B is BD+50@861.                    .       
           CIA  16     Aa,Ab                                                                   .       
                       Mass = 1.434 +/- 0.014, 1.409 +/- 0.014 \msun for A and B.              CIA2020a
                       Radius = 1.67 +/- 0.06, 1.60 +/- 0.10 \rsun for A and B.                .       
                       Teff = 6790 +/- 120, 6770 +/-  90 deg K for A and B.                    .       
                       Age = 1.4 Gyr, distance = 38.7 +/- 0.2 pc.                              .       
                       AB: H 5  41.                                                            MEv2010 
03569+2005 OCC1090     OCC9087.                                                                .       
03571-0828 RST4764     Rapid retrograde motion.                                                .       
03572-0706 OSW   7     Typographical error in WDS - initially entered as 03572-0025, with dec  .       
                       portion copied from OSW 8.                                              .       
03573-1054 GWP 536     ABL 176.                                                                Tob2012b
03575-0110 BU  543     A premature orbit has been computed. A is a flare suspect.              .       
                       See Baize & Petit (1989) catalog of doubles with variable component.    Baz1989d
                       NLTT 12237/12236                                                        Chm2004 
03576+5712 ES 1820     Doubtful this system is physically bound, since relative motion is      .       
                       larger than pm of A.                                                    Kiy2012 
03578+4932 KU   82     B is BD+49@1068.                                                        .       
03579+5142 SCA 176     Scardia (2017) measured an 8" pair located near the close (0".4) pair   Sca2017b
           COU2358     COU2358. Proper motions for the COU pair and the primary of the SCA     Cou1988b
                       pair were similar, so they were merged into one multiple system, with   .       
                       an 18" pair added to link them. This wide pair was given the same SCA   .       
                       176 discoverer designation and assigned components AB. The components   .       
                       for the COU pair were changed to Aa,Ab, those of the 8" pair to BC.     .       
03579+4001 STF 471     eps Per = 45 Per. A is a Beta Lyrae-type binary.                        .       
                       AB: H 2  22.                                                            MEv2010 
03580-1331 HJ 3608     gam Eri = 34 Eri = Zaurak. Variable?                                    .       
                       The faint pair, presumeably the original system, was recovered in       Dal2009 
                       2009, which appears to have common proper motion. All subsequent        .       
                       measures of the HJ 3608 were of a more distant pair with linear         .       
                       motion relative to the primary, presumeably optical.                    .       
                       Mk III Limb-darkened diameter  9.332 +/- 0.173 mas.                     MkT2003 
03583+2757 ARG  58     AG 75.                                                                  .       
03583-1659 GWP 537     ABL 177.                                                                Tob2012b
03584+2538 LDS5459     Also known as LDS9162.                                                  .       
                       NLTT 12251/12250                                                        Chm2004 
03586-0239 BU 1042     B is BD-03@651.                                                         .       
03587+1646 LDS5462     GWP 538. Luyten's original 1960 measure listed theta = 144deg, 90deg    Luy1984 
                       different from the angle found by Bernal. Agreement on coordinates,     ABl2012a
                       separation, and magnitude difference led to the conclusion Luyten made  .       
                       a trigonometry error in his reduction.                                  .       
03590+3547 TRN  16     = ksi Per = Menkib.                                                     .       
                       The image rotator was in an unknown state, so two possible theta        .       
                       values are listed for the 2001.7342 observation - one for zenith up     .       
                       and one for north up.                                                   Trn2008 
                       Uniform disk diameter  0.216 +/- 0.016 mas,                             .       
                       Limb darkened diameter 0.245 +/- 0.010 mas,                             .       
                       Radius is 10.1 +/- 1.3 \rsun.                                           CIA2018e
03590+0947 HU   27     The value of omega for Ling's (2001) orbit was incorrectly given as     Lin2001b
                       263.1 in IAU Inf. Circ. 144.                                            .       
                       Ling (2004) derived an orbital parallax 0".01239 and a mass sum of      Lin2004a
                       1.94 +/- 0.82 Msun.                                                     .       
03590-0056 HEI 215     Hipparcos identified the pair as a candidate for Hyades membership.     HIP1998 
                       However, radial velocity classifies this as not a Hyades member.        Grf2013c
03591-0656 LDS3545     NLTT 12296/12294                                                        Chm2004 
03591-2312 FAR   3     FAR  33. Primary is white dwarf WD 0357-233.                            Far2005b
03592+8020 JNN  27     A companion to 2MASS J03591438+8020019 was detected on two separate     .       
                       occasions with AstraLux, in both cases the detection is rather          .       
                       tentative, but since it is detected twice with consistent properties    .       
                       we count it as a genuine detection. However, due to the poor quality    .       
                       of the fit and the fact that the two epochs of observation are only     .       
                       separated by 3 months, we do not try to acquire two epochs of           .       
                       astrometry, but merely quote the astrometry as the mean (and standard   .       
                       deviation) of the two epochs.                                           Jnn2012 
03593+5714 MZA  43     MY Cam.                                                                 .       
03596-1019 HU   29     Motion in a highly-inclined orbit.                                      .       
03597+4809 STT  68     A is an Algol-type binary, IQ Per. B is BD+47@921.                      .       
03597-1147 GWP 540     ABL 178.                                                                Tob2012b
03597-1301 GAL 361     Object #110 in Gallo's original list.                                   Gal1912b
03598+1133 STF 478     LDS5464.                                                                .       
03599+1325 LDS1150     Aka LDS5465.                                                            .       
04005+1935 KOH   1     Metchev & Hillenbrand say pair probably physical, based on proximity.   Met2004b
                       Member of Taurus-Auriga molecular cloud.                                Dae2015 
04005-4145 DON  58     B is above the MS in (V,V-K). Tuc-Hor moving group? (Kiss et al., 2011  .       
                       MNRAS 411, 117)                                                         Tok2014d
04005-5120 TOK  83     HIP 18713. NOMAD: PM(B)=(+44,+43). PM(A)=(+162,-39).                    Tok2011a
04007+2023 BD+19  641  Hyades vB 9                                                             .       
                       SB with P > 7 yr according to Griffin et al. (1988).                    Grf1988 
04008+1812 BUP  49     A is a spectroscopic binary. B is BD+17@664.                            .       
04008+0505 A  1937     Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and spectroscopic   .       
                       masses of 2.32 +/- 1.76, 2.84, and 2.00 Msun, respectively.             Mlk2012 
04009+2312 STF 479     H N 93.                                                                 .       
04009-1027 STF 487     B is BD-10@814.                                                         .       
04018+2303 LDS5476     Aka RAO 114.                                                            .       
04021-3429 BU 1004     HIP 18824. See Allen et al. (2000) for information on metallicity,      AlC2000 
           LDS3551     age, galactic orbital parameters, etc.                                  .       
           BU 1004     AC: Optical pair, based on study of relative motion of the components   .       
                       using the method of apparent motion parameters.                         Kiy2008 
           LDS3551     AD: Holberg et al. (2013): D at 64" is CPM, WD(DA9.9)                   Hbg2013 
04022+2808 STF 481     AD: Declination difference 11.18".                                      .       
                       AD: Component D is 04039+2808VBS   9.                                   .       
04024-2832 DAW  79     Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and spectroscopic   .       
                       masses of 2.29 +/- 0.72, 2.25, and 1.07 Msun, respectively.             Mlk2012 
04025+0638 HDS 510     Cvetkovic et al. (2016) estimate spectral types K2 and K3, masses 0.81  .       
                       and 0.79 Msun. Dynamical parallax is 13.24 +/- 0.28 mas.                Cve2016b
04025-6121 LDS 109     Jenkins et al. (2010 A&A 515, 17): RV(A) var with P>6.5yr, M2min=66     CPS2002b
                       Mjup. However, Jones et al. (2002) do not detect RV variation.          Tok2014d
04027+3210 HJ  670     SEI  34.                                                                Nsn2017a
04029+1228 BPM  88     [PM2000]  152895 + [PM2000]  152883.                                    Gvr2010 
04030-3322 BRT1587     A likely plate flaw.                                                    Grv2021b
04031-1149 GAL 362     Object #113a in Gallo's original list.                                  Gal1912b
04032+2553 DCH  45     HBC 356/357 = V1067 Tau.                                                .       
                       Member of Taurus-Auriga molecular cloud.                                Dae2015 
04033+3516 OSO  16     Not a common proper motion pair, based on comparison with POSS2 red     .       
                       plates. PM of A = +1732 -1356.                                          Oso2004 
04033+1820 BPM  89     [PM2000]  153212 + [PM2000]  153228.                                    Gvr2010 
04036-3611 WHI   5     Listed as possibly resolved by White et al. (1991).                     Whi1991 
04037-1545 A  2913     1989.9413: This system closed steadily from its discovery at 0".45 in   .       
                       1915 to 0".22 in 1959; this is the first observation in 30 years so it  .       
                       is unknown whether the pair has passed through periastron.              Hrt1993 
04038+3758 ES 2085     A is V380 Per.                                                          .       
04038-4429 LCL 120     AB: B is CD-44@1388.                                                    .       
                       AB: Additional notes may be found in Herschel (1847).                   HJ_1847a
           SHY 458     AC: HIP  18958 + HIP  18888.                                            .       
04039+2808 VBS   9     An Algol-type binary, RW Tau.                                           .       
                       This is the D component of 04022+2808.                                  .       
04040+3932 L    51     Not found in Heintz at IDS position.                                    Hei1987a
04042+2324 OSO  17     Not a common proper motion pair, based on comparison with POSS2 red     .       
                       plates                                                                  Oso2004 
                       Suspected non-single.                                                   Hor2002b
04043-1231 GAL 363     Object #116 in Gallo's original list.                                   Gal1912b
04044+2406 MCA  13     36 Tau. A is an occultation binary, first detected by Dunham et al.     Dnh1973 
                       Now resolved by speckle interferometry.                                 .       
                       Aa,Ab: Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and          .       
                       spectroscopic masses 16.02 +/- 8.21, 11.83, 2.92 Msun, respectively.    Mlk2012 
04044+2025 RED   1     1996.0656: RHy ID and coordinates from Reid (1992).                     Red1992 
                       LP ID from Luyten et al. (1981)                                         Luy1981 
                       Candidate Hyades member; Reid considers definite binary.                Red1997 
04045+1512 BPM  90     [PM2000]  154069 + [PM2000]  154068.                                    Gvr2010 
04046+5504 HO  221     Both A and B are above the MS. AC: reflex PM(A), likely optical.        Tok2014d
04047+2205 STT 558     AB: 37 Tau.                                                             .       
04047-0303 LDS3555     NLTT 12486/12488                                                        Chm2004 
04049-3527 CHR 224     AC. Surprisingly, no record of this wide companion to the 0".8 pair     .       
                       I 152 is listed in the WDS, despite 17 observations spanning 90+ years  .       
                       since Innes' discovery in 1896.  Misidentification appears ruled out,   I__1897b
                       since both the Innes pair and the new component are seen on two         .       
                       separate occasions.                                                     Hrt1996b
04050+3705 KU   83     AB: HJL  55.                                                            HJL1986 
04050-0600 BFR   4     BD-06 813 + 2MASS J04050209-0600409. Baron et al. (2015) estimate       .       
                       spectral types K0 and M6.5 +/- 1, distances 68 +/-10 and 86 +2/-37 pc,  .       
                       masses 0.925-1.014 and 0.096-0.114 Msun.                                BFr2015 
04053+2201 CHR 158     Aa,Ab: 39 Tau. Variable?                                                .       
                       Aa,Ab: Observed 7 times 1985-1998, then resolved at 0.22" in 1988       McA1993 
                       (note: "uncertain"), unresolved in 2002 (3.6m AO), and finally          Rbr2005 
                       resolved at 0".41 in late 2003                                          Hrt2009 
04056+1255 BPM  91     [PM2000]  154891 + [PM2000]  154924.                                    Gvr2010 
04057+2248 COU 151     Metchev & Hillenbrand say the AB pair is probably physical, based on    .       
                       proximity.                                                              Met2004b
04058+7117 LDS1589     NLTT 12426/12424                                                        Chm2004 
04059+3438 ES  238     A measure in 1946 gives distance as 7.2".                               .       
04063+3548 BRT3241     ALI 57.                                                                 .       
04063+1952 BAG   4     A preliminary circular orbit is determined                              Bag2001 
04064+4325 A  1710     Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and spectroscopic   .       
                       masses of 1.72 +/- 0.73, 2.49, and 0.95 Msun, respectively.             Mlk2012 
04065+1422 S   443     B is BD+13@643.                                                         .       
04066+2018 BNV   2     V1300 Tau. DAE 17. Member of Taurus-Auriga molecular cloud.             Dae2015 
                       Primary is F8-G1, mass = 1.14 +/- 0.05 Msun, age = 25 +25/-10 Myr,      .       
                       Teff = 5970-6100K. Secondary is M8-L1, mass = 32 +18/-14 Mjup,          .       
                       Teff = 2537 +95/-182K.                                                  Bnv2014 
04066-6019 R    40     B is CPD-60@292. Spectral type of B may be G8.                          .       
04067+1309 BPM  92     [PM2000]  155660 + [PM2000]  155680.                                    Gvr2010 
04067+0324 HJ 2221     A component: V = 11.8; B-V = +0.9; Spectral type: K-M.                  .       
                       B component: V = 13.5; B-V = +0.8; Spectral type: M                     FMR2000a
04068+5035 HU  547     Variable of unknown type.                                               .       
04069+3327 STT  71     A is an Algol-type eclipsing binary, AG Per, P = 2.03d.                 .       
04070-1000 SHY 165     AB: HIP  19206 + HIP  21489.                                            .       
           HDS 521     Aa,Ab: Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and          .       
                       spectroscopic masses 1.68 +/- 0.48, 2.13, and 1.96 Msun, respectively.  Mlk2012 
04070-2200 HU 1363     1994.8069: Quadrant determined by speckle imaging analysis.             Hor1996 
04072+2731 TOK 241     Makarov & Kaplan (2005) note as astrometric companion to A, but there   Mkr2005 
                       is RV data for A to support this astrometric sub-system.                Tok2014d
04073-2429 BEU   5     Rectilinear solution by Miles & Mason (2016) and                        Msn2016b
                       Mason et al. (2018). Despite linear solution, based on proper motion    Msn2018a
                       and parallax appears to be physical.                                    .       
04075-5234 TOK  15     Astrometric binary in Hipparcos catalog. Estimated period of visual     .       
                       pair 6y. Primary is 2.5d SB1. G-solution in HIPPARCOS.                  Tok2006 
                       Triple system, consisting of 2.5d SB and 0".1 tertiary companion        .       
                       discovered by Tokovinin (2006) and previously revealed by Hipparcos     Tok2006 
                       acceleration and RV trend. It is not resolved here; apparently it       .       
                       closed in.                                                              Tok2013b
04076+3804 STT 531     A: V491 Per. CPM with BD+37@882 (50 Per), 12' distant.                  Cou1955c
                       Premature orbits have been calculated. Motion retrograde.               .       
                       G039-001. See Allen et al. (2000) for information on metallicity,       AlC2000 
                       age, galactic orbital parameters, etc.                                  .       
           ALC   1     AE: Also known as BU  545CA.                                            .       
                       AE: SHY  19. Bayesian analysis by Shaya & Olling (2011) indicates very  Shy2011 
                       high (near 100%) probability pair is physical.                          .       
                       E: 50 Per = V582 Per.                                                   .       
                       See Baize & Petit (1989) catalog of doubles with variable component.    Baz1989d
04077+1510 STF 495     A is a Delta Scuti-type variable. A = Hyades vB 11, B = Hyades vB 12.   .       
                       AB pair, with rho = 3".8 is outside our detection window.               Msn1993a
04077+1413 LDS5187     old LDS6164.                                                            .       
04078+6220 ES 2603     SZ Cam                                                                  .       
           STF 485     The classification is from Chocol (1980 Bull. Astron. Inst. Czech. 31,  .       
           CHR 209     321).  The discovery of speckle companion CHR 209 Ea,Eb with a period   .       
           WSI  20     of some 60 y confirms the third body model advocated by  Mayer et al.   .       
           HZG   2     (1994 A&A 288, L13) based on the appearance of the spectrum and         .       
           HLM   3     variations in the time of light curve minimum (they suggest a third     .       
                       body period of 50.7 y).  Another light curve solution is given by       .       
                       Harries et al. (1998 MNRAS 295, 386).  The B component was also         .       
                       observed and appeared to be single. Classification of the B component   .       
                       is from the WDS.                                                        Msn1998a
                       This complex multiple system has had numerous identification errors     .       
                       due to various difficulties. The diagram of Lewis in his catalog of     L__1906b
                       the Struve pairs, which seemed a good first step, was hampered by the   .       
                       quadrant error of the pair he designated Ca. This quadrant error was    .       
                       repeated in the ADS, IDS, and in earlier editions of the WDS. In the    .       
                       ADS (where this pair is listed as #2984, but note that #2989 is part    .       
                       of this system, too) the errors multiplied. The pair Holmes AF (WDS     .       
                       designation HLM   3AF) is apparently the same as STF 485Ac. Inspection  .       
                       of scanned images of this region of the sky have allowed the            .       
                       Hertzsprung pairs (HZG   2) whose components are given within           .       
                       quotation marks in the ADS to be identified. Of the HZG pairs, the      .       
                       "CD" pairing is the same as STF 484AC and the "CE" pairing is the       .       
                       same as STF 484AB. The ADS note to the "AJ" pairing of HZG   2 is a     .       
                       typographical error. The correct position angle is 77 degrees, which    .       
                       corresponds to the AD (now AO) pair. Below outlines the changes from    .       
                       the WDS 2001.0 to the current version.                                  .       
                       ES 2603Aa ---> ES 2603AB                                                .       
                       STF 485Ab ---> STF 485AC                                                .       
                       STF 485Ac ---> STF 485AD                                                .       
                       STF 485AB ---> STF 485AE                                                .       
                       STF 485BE ---> STF 485EF                                                .       
                       STF 485   ---> STF 485EG (formerly STF 485B to STF 484A)                .       
                       STF 484AB ---> STF 484GH                                                .       
                       STF 484AC ---> STF 484GI                                                .       
                       STF 485Bb ---> STF 485EC                                                .       
                       HLM   3AF ---> STF 485AD                                                .       
                       STF 485AD ---> STF 485AO                                                .       
                       STF 485   ---> STF 485AL (formerly STF 485A to HLM   3A)                .       
                       HLM   3AB ---> HLM   3LM                                                .       
                       HZG   2AC ---> STF 484AI                                                .       
                       HZG   2AD ---> STF 484AG                                                .       
                       HZG   2AE ---> STF 484AH                                                .       
                       HZG   2AG ---> HZG   2AN                                                .       
                       HZG   2BC ---> STF 484EI                                                .       
                       HZG   2BE ---> STF 484EH                                                .       
                       HZG   2CD ---> STF 484GI                                                .       
                       HZG   2CE ---> STF 484HI                                                .       
                       HZG   2JK ---> HZG   2OP                                                .       
                       HZG   2   ---> HZG   2JK                                                .       
                       SLV   3   ---> STF 485AF                                                .       
                       CHR 209Ba ---> CHR 209Ea,Eb                                             .       
           CHR 209     Ea,Eb: The primary of this pair is the Beta Lyrae-type O9/B0 eclipsing  .       
                       system SZ Cam, with a period of 2.698d. The Gorda et al. (2007) orbit   Grd2007a
                       is based on changes in the period of SZ Cam to determine P, omega, e,   Grd2007b
                       and T, and speckle measures to derive i, Omega, and a. They derive a    .       
                       distance of 1125 +/- 135 pc, which exceeds by 30% the 800pc distance    .       
                       to the open cluster NGC 1502; they conclude that SZ Cam is not a        .       
                       member of the cluster. The mass of the eclipsing pair (Ea) is 28.5      .       
                       +/- 0.5 Msun, that of the third body (Eb) 23.4 +/- 2.4 Msun.            .       
                       Eb is also a close binary.                                              .       
           STF 484     GH: STI 492.                                                            .       
04079+1750 DAE  18     V1302 Tau. Member of Taurus-Auriga molecular cloud.                     Dae2015 
04080+4311 AG  308     B is BD+42@897.                                                         .       
04080+0119 HJ 2223     BAL 1262.                                                               .       
04082+1957 DAE  19     V1196 Tau.                                                              Dae2015 
04083+1327 BPM  93     [PM2000]  156773 + [PM2000]  156823.                                    Gvr2010 
04087+2553 OCC 777     Griffin (2013) notes that the magnitude and parallax of this pair       .       
                       suggest a star of luminosity class III, rather than the published       .       
                       spectral type of G8II. He derived a spectroscopic orbit of P=2224.4     .       
                       +/- 2.3 days, e=0.477 +/- 0.009.                                        Grf2013g
04088+1126 LDS5188     LDS5508.                                                                .       
04089+2911 BU 1232     Only elements P, T, and a in the Starikova (1980) orbit have been       Sta1980b
                       amended from the orbit of Muller (1978).                                Mlr1978a
                       Griffin et al. (1988) find this to be a SB but doubt its                Grf1988 
                       membership in the Hyades in spite of its inclusion by                   Sym1965 
                       Wayman et al. (1965).                                                   Msn1993a
                       Hipparcos identified the pair as a candidate for Hyades membership.     HIP1998 
                       However, this is a Hyades non-member                                    Grf1988 
04089+2306 STF 494     H N  17.                                                                MEv2010 
04090-5153 HJ 3625     B is CPD-52@499.                                                        .       
04091+2901 KOH   3     Young member of Taurus-Auriga molecular cloud.                          Dae2015 
04091+2839 HO  326     Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and spectroscopic   .       
                       masses of 9.61 +/- 4.45, 2.43, and 1.10 Msun, respectively.             Mlk2012 
04091-1624 SKF 950     GWP 556.                                                                Tob2012b
04092+2105 ALP  11     2MASSI J0409095+210439                                                  .       
                       Physical companionship of B component to this ultracool dwarf ruled     .       
                       out based on I-J color, using I-band photometry taken at WIYN in        .       
                       August 2002. C component seen as elongated; its physical companionship  .       
                       also ruled out.                                                         AlP2007 
04093+1835 LDS1154     NLTT 12637/12636                                                        Chm2004 
04093-0756 A   469     Only elements P and T in the Starikova (1984) orbit have been amended   Sta1984 
                       from the orbit of Baize (1981).                                         Baz1981b
                       Typographical error in semimajor axis for Brendley & Mason (2007)       USN2007b
                       orbit corrected from 2".435 to 0".2986.                                 .       
                       Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and spectroscopic   .       
                       masses of 8.49 +/- 6.33, 3.80, and 2.09 Msun, respectively.             Mlk2012 
04094+2328 POU 412     LDS5509.                                                                .       
04094+0546 LAW  12     LSPM J0409+0546 = NLTT 12648. Law et al (2008) derive a distance of     Law2008 
                       19.9 +9.1/-3.8 pc and a projected separation of 4.9 +2.7/-0.7 au.       .       
                       Estimated spectral types are M4.5 and secondary later than M6.          .       
04094-0125 BAL 290     J  3334.                                                                Nsn2016 
04095-0742 BRT 533     Not found by Heintz at IDS position.                                    Hei1990b
04095-1729 ENG  17     B is BD-17@806.                                                         .       
04096+3139 HO  327     AB: Optical pair, based on study of relative motion of the components   .       
                       using the method of apparent motion parameters.                         Kiy2008 
                       SEI  36.                                                                Nsn2017a
                       AB: Rectilinear solution by Hurowitz et al. (2013).                     USN2013a
04096-6023 R    41     B is CPD-60@297.                                                        .       
04096-8151 RST2345     A semi-regular variable, U Men. Hipparcos suspected non-single.         .       
04097+1154 BPM  94     [PM2000]  157774 + [PM2000]  157781.                                    Gvr2010 
04097+0006 GRV 207     HJL  56.                                                                HJL1986 
04099+2446 ITO  16     V1306 Tau. Young member of Taurus-Auriga molecular cloud.               Dae2015 
04100+8042 STF 460     Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and spectroscopic   .       
                       masses of 7.24 +/- 2.42, 5.27, and 4.54 Msun, respectively.             Mlk2012 
04100+0944 LDS1155     LIT  10.                                                                .       
04102-0217 FIL  10     BAL  27.                                                                .       
04105+5751 HDS 529     Pair originally X coded due to lack of resolution, however, elsewhere   Msn1999b
                       it is noted as a "very close double" so uncertain. Ambiguity from old   MCK1956 
                       reference recently found.                                               Dam2015a 
04107+3808 WNT   2     IRAS 04073+3800 = Parsamian 13. Weintraub (1992) suggests that both     Wnt1992 
                       the northern and southern components are double, with separations of    .       
                       about 5" and 8", respectively.                                          .       
04107-0452 A  2801     Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and spectroscopic   .       
                       masses of 1.83 +/- 0.33, 2.34, and 1.05 Msun, respectively.             Mlk2012 
                       Docobo et al. (2017) derive an orbital parallax of 16.18 +/- 0.23 mas   .       
                       and component masses 1.203 +/- 0.059 and 1.114 +/- 0.054 Msun. Age of   .       
                       of the system is estimated at 5 Gyr.                                    Doc2017d
04108-1252 PHB   1     LP 714-37                                                               .       
                       Phan-Bao et al. (2005) derive distance 18.1 +/- 2.2 pc, spectral types  PhB2005 
                       M5.5 and M7.5, masses 0.11 +/- 0.01 and 0.09 +/- 0.005 Msun.            .       
                       Phan-Bao et al. (2006) derive spectral types, absolute K-band mags,     PhB2006 
                       masses of components as follows:                                        .       
                       A   M5.5 +/- 0.5    9.11 +/- 0.25   0.11 +/- 0.01 Msun                  .       
                       B   M8.0 +/- 0.5   10.05 +/- 0.30   0.09 +/- 0.01 Msun                  .       
                       C   M8.5 +/- 0.5   10.35 +/- 0.30   0.08 +/- 0.01 Msun                  .       
04111-1826 UPT   1     No change in angle; distance decreased 2" in 70 years.                  B__1951a
04112+2630 STF 502     LDS5514 (both AB and BC).                                               .       
04112+1538 CHR 202     First detected as an occultation binary by Radick & Lien.               Rad1982a
04113+0531 ENG  18     45 Tau.  Hyades vB 14.  CPM companion with rho = 124".1 is outside      .       
                       detection window. An additional component was noted as spectroscopic    Grf1988 
                       by Griffin et al. (1988).                                               Msn1993a
04119+2338 CHR  14     Observed under poor seeing conditions. Griffin & Gunn (1981) found a    Grf1981d
                       2.4-day SB.                                                             Msn1993a
04120-0916 A   471     Motion increasing, but only three measures since 1933.                  .       
04123+6908 HJ 1141     A 13.3 magnitude star is 20" preceding.                                 .       
04125+3538 HJ  341     ALI 59. BU gives 1880 position +35 25.                                  .       
04125-3609 HJ 3628     B is CD-36@1632.                                                        .       
04128+1937 KOH   4     V1307 Tau. Member of Taurus-Auriga molecular cloud.                     Dae2015 
04130+5237 PRV   1     GJ 164. Discovered by Palomar 5m/STEPS astrometry and confirmed         .       
                       using HST/NICMOS, the combined solution by Pravdo et al. (2004)         .       
                       yielded an absolute parallax of 0".0820 +/- 0".008, spectral types of   .       
                       M4.5V and M6-8V and masses 0.170 +/- 0.015 and 0.095 +/- 0.015 Msun.    .       
                       Inclination = 57 +13/-17, omega = 133 +45/-20 deg.                      Prv2004 
                       Combined AO+STEPS analysis of this M dwarf binary yields a total mass   .       
                       0.343 +/- 0.026 Msun, individual masses 0.257 +/- 0.020 and 0.086 +/-   .       
                       0.007 Msun. Metallicity is at least solar.                              Mtc2009 
                       Inclination = 57 +13/-17, omega = 133 +45/-20 deg.                      .       
                       GJ 164 = LHS 1642. A known close binary system with a well-determined   .       
                       orbit (Pravdo et al. 2004; Martinache et al. 2009). Its separation is   Prv2004 
                       smaller than 100 mas at all times, and it therefore remains unresolved  Mtc2009 
                       by AstraLux. We do detect one other point source in the field of view,  .       
                       but it is a suspected background contaminant based on its blue color,   .       
                       with dz'= 5.8 +/- 0.1 mag and di' = 5.3 +/- 0.1 mag.                    Jnn2014 
04130-2832 HWE  10     Rectilinear solution by Hartkopf et al.  (2012).                        Hrt2012a
04132+5032 CHR  15     Ross 29.  Van Maanen (1941) suspected this star to be a binary, but     Maa1941 
                       these are the first measurements of a companion.                        McA1987b
04132+2258 HU  302     A premature orbit has been computed.                                    .       
04135+2816 KSA 102     Primary is variable star V1096 Tau.                                     .       
04135+1813 BPM  95     [PM2000]  160209 + [PM2000]  160214.                                    Gvr2010 
04135-2554 LDS3564     NLTT 12805/12807                                                        Chm2004 
04136+0743 A  1938     46 Tau. Hipparcos astrometric solution adopted some elements from the   HIP1997d
                       orbit of Heintz.                                                        Hei1984b
                       Combined spectroscopic/astrometric solution of SB1. Calculated masses   .       
                       1.38 +/- 0.26 and 0.82 +/- 0.21 Msun.                                   Mut2010b
                       Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and spectroscopic   .       
                       masses of 2.17 +/- 0.14, 2.77, and 2.55 Msun, respectively.             Mlk2012 
04139+0916 BU  547     47 Tau.                                                                 .       
                       Spectral types of primary and secondary assigned by ten Brummelaar et   .       
                       al., based on adaptive optics observations.                             TtB2000 
04140+8216 LUH   7     LHS 1643 + WISE J041328.73+821854.7. Companion is likely not physical,  .       
                       based on proper motion.                                                 Luh2012b
04140-1222 GAL 364     Object #120 in Gallo's original list.                                   Gal1914 
04141-3155 TS    1     The triply eclipsing TESS multiple TIC 168789840. Pair A has a period   TS_2021 
                       of 1.570d and masses of 1.25 +/- 0.05 and 0.56 +/- 0.04 \msun. Pair B   .       
                       has a period of 1.306d and masses of 1.30 +/- 0.08 and 0.66 +/- 0.03    .       
                       \msun. Pair C has a period of 8.217d and masses of 1.23 +/- 0.10 and    .       
                       0.59 +/- 0.07 \msun. The estimated period of AC is 3.7y and AC,B of 2   .       
                       kyr.                                                                    .       
04142+5149 HU  212AC   Also known as SCA 183.                                                  Sca2018b
04142+2813 GHE   1     Aa,Ab: V773 Tau.  Orbital elements and dynamical mass determinations    .       
                       were published by Tamazian et al. (2002).                               Tam2002 
                       Aa,Ab: The combined solution by Boden et al. (2012) yields a mass and   Bod2012 
                       luminosity for the Ab component of 2.35 +/- 0.67 Msun and 2.6 +/- 0.6   .       
                       Lsun. This mass is higher than expected, and suggests the Aa,Ab pair    .       
                       may instead be a multiple system.                                       .       
                       Young member of Taurus-Auriga molecular cloud.                          Dae2015 
04142-4608 RST2338     Half-period solution equally good, but gives large mass-sum.            .       
                       More speckle obs needed (the only existing one erroneous?).             .       
                       Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and spectroscopic   .       
                       masses of 1.72 +/- 0.26, 2.26, and 1.07 Msun, respectively.             Mlk2012 
                       Gomez et al. (2016) derive dynamical parallax and component masses:     .       
                       20.75 +/- 0.42 mas, 1.245 +/- 0.012 Msun, 0.954 +/- 0.009 Msun.         Doc2016i
04143-2742 SWR   7     CPM pair                                                                Skf2004 
04144+1523 BPM  96     [PM2000]  160726 + [PM2000]  160650.                                    Gvr2010 
04144-1015 STF 516     39 Eri.                                                                 .       
                       AB: H N  24.                                                            MEv2010 
04144-6228 HJ 3638     alp Ret. Possible spectroscopic binary.                                 .       
04145+2851 GRV 208     2MASS J04143060+2851298 and J04143109+2851518, both from the Riaz et    .       
                       al (2006) sample, are separated by only 23" and although the estimated  Ria2006 
                       spectroscopic distances of 55 and 72 pc are not fully equal, they are   .       
                       consistent to within the 37% error. In addition, they have very         .       
                       similar proper motions (e.g. Roser et al. 2010) and thus probably form  XXX2010 
                       a physical pair.                                                        Jnn2012 
04148+2813 GHE   2     FO Tau.  Orbital elements and dynamical mass determinations were        .       
                       published by Tamazian et al. (2002).                                    Tam2002 
                       M_Aa = 0.35 +0.06-0.05 \msun, M_Ab = 0.34 +/- 0.05 \msun.               Tof2024 
04148+2753 GHE   3     HBC 368 = V1098 Tau = LkCa 3. Torres et al. (2013) find that both       .       
                       components of this 0".5 pre-MS pair are spectroscopic binaries, with    .       
                       periods for Aa,Ab and Ba,Bb of 12.942 and 4.068d, respectively.         Trr2013 
04148+2648 DAE  21     CX Tau. Young member of Taurus-Auriga molecular cloud.                  Dae2015 
04148+2646 DAE  20     FP Tau. Young member of Taurus-Auriga molecular cloud.                  Dae2015 
04148-6212 HJ 3641     Optical pair, based on study of relative motion of the components       .       
                       using the method of apparent motion parameters.                         Kiy2008 
                       Rectilinear solution by Hurowitz et al. (2013).                         USN2013a
04149+5824 LDS9165     Old LDS6165.                                                            .       
04149+4825 STT  73     mu Per = 51 Per. A is a Beta Lyrae-type system.                         .       
                       The elements P, T, and e of Alden (1925) were adopted from the          Ald1925 
                       spectroscopic orbit of Cannon (Pub. DAO Ottawa 2, 365, 1915).           .       
           H 6  20     H VI 20. SHJ 364.                                                       .       
04152+5052 AG  309     B is BD+50@944.                                                         .       
04153+2044 KOH   6     Metchev & Hillenbrand say the pair is probably physical, based on       .       
                       proximity.                                                              Met2004b
                       V1199 Tau. Member of Taurus-Auriga molecular cloud.                     Dae2015 
04153-0739 STF 518     A: omi 2 Eri = 40 Eri = Keid                                            .       
                       LDS 114 = STFB 1. Proper motion of A -2224 -3423.                       .       
                       C is a flare star, DY Eri, and a strong X-ray source.                   .       
                       AE: Optical pair, based on study of relative motion of the components   .       
                       using the method of apparent motion parameters.                         Kiy2008 
                       BC: NLTT 12868/12869                                                    Chm2004 
                       BC at 83" is physical, and is a Delta Scuti star showing coronal X-ray  .       
                       emission.                                                               .       
                       See Baize & Petit (1989) catalog of doubles with variable component.    Baz1989d
                       HIP 19849. See Allen et al. (2000) for information on metallicity,      AlC2000 
                       age, galactic orbital parameters, etc.                                  .       
                       BC: Additional notes may be found in Worley (1956).                     Wor1956b
                       B: M = 0.575 +/- 0.018 \msun, C: M = 0.2041 +/- 0.0064.                 Msn2017d
                       P = 230.09 +/- 0.68 y.                                                  .       
                       VLTI uniform disk diameter of A:       1.405 +/- 0.038 mas,             LTI2009 
                       VLTI limb-darkened disk diameter of A: 1.437 +/- 0.039 mas,             .       
                       R = 0.770 +/- 0.021 \rsun, Teff = 5269 +/-  35 K,                       .       
                       M = 0.877 +/- 0.044 \msun.                                              .       
                       CHARA Array Limb-darkened diameter of A :                               CIA2012f
                       R =  0.8061 +/- 0.0036 \rsun, L =  0.40782 +/-0.00319 \lsun,            .       
                       Teff = 5143 +/-  14 K, M = 0.816 \msun.                                 .       
                       B: Teff = 17,200 +/- 110 K, log g = 7.957 +/- 0.020, R = 0.01308 +/-    BdH2017b
                       0.00020 \rsun, M = 0.565 +/- 0.031 \msun, l = 0.01349 +/- 0.00054       .       
                       \lsun. Inferred cooling age 122 Myr. Assuming a pre-WD progenitor of    .       
                       1.8 \msun with a lifetime of 1.7 Gyr gives a total system age of ~1.8   .       
                       Gyr. It has a thin outer hydrogen layer.                                .       
                       AD, AE: Rectilinear solutions by Friedman et al. (2011).                USN2011a
                       BD, BE: Rectilinear solutions by Mason & Hartkopf (2016).               Msn2016a
04155+0611 STTA 45     AB: H VI 98. A is V774 Tau. B is BD+05@613, and a suspected variable.   .       
                       AB: SHY  21. Bayesian analysis by Shaya & Olling (2011) indicates very  Shy2011 
                       high (near 100%) probability pair is physical.                          .       
                       AB: H 6  98.                                                            MEv2010 
                       Toyota et al. (2009) monitored the RV of both the A and B components    .       
                       every 1-2 months between 2003 Mar - 2007 Nov, using a high-dispersion   .       
                       echelle (precision ~10 m/s). Standard deviations of the RVs of both     .       
                       components are <40 m/s and velocities show no periodic variation.       .       
                       These results rejects the association of a planet of mass > 1.8 Mjup    .       
                       with either star.                                                       Toy2009 
04157+2049 TOK 659     Hyades, vB162.  primary is SB2, P=55.130d                               Tok2014d
                       The 55.1-day SB of Griffin & Gunn (1981) is outside our detection       Grf1981d
                       window.                                                                 Msn1993a
           RED   2     1996.1230: RHy ID and coordinates from Reid (1992).                     Red1992 
                       LP ID from Luyten et al. (1981).                                        Luy1981 
                       Candidate Hyades member; Reid considers definite binary.                Red1997 
04158+4524 STF 512     HJL  58.                                                                HJL1986 
04158+3100 KOH   7     V952 Per. Member of Taurus-Auriga molecular cloud.                      Dae2015 
04158+1524 BUP  51     A: 48 Tau = V1099 Tau                                                   .       
04159+3142 STT  77     AB: Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and             .       
                       spectroscopic masses 4.90 +/- 3.64, 2.97, and 1.10 Msun, respectively.  Mlk2012 
           STTA 43     AB,C: HJL  59.                                                          HJL1986 
04162+1648 RED   3     1995.8821: RHy ID and coordinates from Reid (1992).                     Red1992 
                       LP ID from Luyten et al. (1981).                                        Luy1981 
                       Candidate Hyades member; Reid considers possible binary.                Red1997 
04163+3644 YSC 128     Also a 7.3d spectroscopic binary.                                       Tok2019b
04163+0710 WSI 97      This is a single-lined nearby binary. Using the radial velocities       .       
                       measured by D. Latham (2012, private communication), we computed a      .       
                       combined orbit (the previous visual orbit reported by Riddle et al.     RAO2015 
                       (2015) had a wrong period). The inclination is close to 180deg and had  .       
                       to be fixed in order to match the RV amplitude.                         Tok2015c
04163-6057 GLE   1     Variable: TT Ret. A premature orbit has been computed.                  .       
                       See Baize & Petit (1989) catalog of doubles with variable component.    Baz1989d
04164+0710 WSI  97     Provisionally designated WSI9102.                                       Tok2010 
04165+0041 J  1458     BAL 971.                                                                .       
04165-5918 JSP  56     eps Ret                                                                 .       
                       The companion is a possible white dwarf.                                Cvn2006 
                       Companion confirmed as DA white dwarf.                                  Cvn2007 
                       Optical spectroscopy suggests the companion is a mid- to late-B         .       
                       (B3-B9) dwarf.                                                          Mug2007b
04166+2447 LDS1158     NLTT 12896/12897                                                        Chm2004 
04170+1941 HO  328     Only elements P and T in the Starikova (1980) orbit were amended from   Sta1980b
                       the orbit of Heintz (1978).                                             Hei1978a
                       Additional notes may be found in Van Biesbroeck (1954) and              VBs1954 
                       Couteau (1963).                                                         Cou1963a
                       Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and spectroscopic   .       
                       masses of 6.92 +/- 2.37, 2.74, and 1.20 Msun, respectively.             Mlk2012 
04171+6408 STF 503     BD is +63  489a.                                                        .       
04171+0409 BAL2119     J 1814.                                                                 .       
04173+4613 STTA 44     B is BD+45@904.                                                         .       
04173+2035 LDS5535     HJL1032.                                                                HJL1986 
04176+2833 SAR   2     HBC 371 = LkCa 5.                                                       .       
04176+1658 LDS3568     This cannot be the close 3079-d or 5.609-d spectroscopic binaries of    Grf2012b
                       Griffin. The 3079-d pair has an estimated separation of 0.06", but              
                       delta-mag may be considerable.                                                  
04176+1657 HD  27130   Hyades vB 22.  The 5.6-day SB of Griffin et al. (1985) is outside our   Grf1985b
                       detection window.                                                       Msn1993a
04177-6315 RMK   3     the Ret                                                                 .       
                       Rectilinear solution by Letchford et al. (2018).                        LRR2018a
04179+5847 STF 511     See Baize & Petit (1989) catalog of doubles with variable component.    Baz1989d
                       Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and spectroscopic   .       
                       masses of 2.60 +/- 1.54, 3.37, and 2.09 Msun, respectively.             Mlk2012 
04179-3348 I   270     ups 4 Eri = 41 Eri. Duplicity of AB doubtful.                           .       
                       A is a spectroscopic binary, and possible variable.                     .       
           HMM   2     Aa1,Aa2: close SB resolved by VLTI. A combined spectroscopic/           .       
                       interferometric orbit by Hummel et al. (2017) yields component masses   .       
                       3.17 +/- 0.07 and 3.07 +/- 0.07 Msun, luminosities 100.6 +/- 4.3 and    .       
                       87.4 +/- 3.3 Lsun, and an orbital parallax of 18.05 +/- 0.17 mas.       Hmm2017 
04180+1815 HD  27149   Hyades vB 23. The 75.6-day SB of Batten & Wallerstein (1973) is         Bte1973 
                       outside our detection window.                                           Msn1993a
04180-0031 SKF 848     Pair originally published as BVD 45, but with incorrect sign given to   Bvd2010b
                       declination. Pair later "rediscovered" and published with correct       .       
                       declination; this latter discoverer designation has been maintained.    .       
04181+0446 TOB9003     Measured as BAZ   3 = STF1063 but with an error of -3h in RA!           Tob2012c 
04181-1448 LDS9166     Old LDS6166.                                                            .       
                       NLTT 12975/12973                                                        Chm2004 
04182+5018 b Per       Hipparcos astrometric solution adopted some elements from the orbit of  HIP1997d
                       Hill et al. (1976).                                                     HlG1976 
04182+2248 STF 520     Measured separation too large, estimated at probably 0.30".             Cou1955c
                       Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and spectroscopic   .       
                       masses of 14.33 +/- 9.16, 3.42, and 1.20 Msun, respectively.            Mlk2012 
04183-3000 LDS3571     NLTT 12992/12990                                                        Chm2004 
04184+2135 MCA  14     51 Tau. Hyad (vB 24). B is BD+21@619. A is a long-period spectroscopic  .       
                       binary, resolved by speckle interferometry. Analysis of the             .       
                       spectroscopic/interferometric orbit is given by McAlister (1977).       McA1977 
                       1978.1490:  Theta was incorrectly given as 325.5 degrees                McA1980b
                       See Baize & Petit (1989) catalog of doubles with variable component.    Baz1989d
                       A new orbit with a period of 11.3 years was determined by Dombrowski    Dmb1991 
                       (1991).                                                                 Msn1993a
                       Torres et al. (1997) derive a combined spectroscopic/astrometric        Trr1997a
                       solution, yielding an orbital parallax 0.01792 /- 0.00058 and masses    .       
                       1.80 +/= 0.13 and 1.46 +/- 0.18 Msun.                                   .       
                       Hipparcos astrometric solution adopted some elements from the orbit of  HIP1997d
                       Deutsch & Lowen (1971).                                                 Deu1971 
                       Aa,Ab: Martin et al. (1998) derive component masses 1.756 +/- 0.343     .       
                       and 0.953 +/- 0.247 Msun.                                               Mig1998 
                       Pourbaix (2000) gives a combined solution for this resolved SB2,        Pbx2000b
                       yielding orbital parallaxes and component masses.                       .       
                       Aa,Ab: Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and          .       
                       spectroscopic masses 2.96 +/- 0.47, 2.99, and 1.45 Msun, respectively.  Mlk2012 
04184-2347 RST2344     BRT2832.                                                                Brt1947 
04185+2828 GHE   4     Aka V410 Tau.                                                           .       
04185+2817 HAT   4     AB: Additional notes may be found in Herbig (1962).                     Her1962 
04186+1606 BPM  97     [PM2000]  163490 + [PM2000]  163456.                                    Gvr2010 
04187+2819 SKW   2     V892 Tau.                                                               .       
                       Circumbinary disk approximately five times larger than the binary       .       
                       separation.                                                             Mnr2008 
                       Total mass estimated to be 6.0 +/- 0.2 \msun. Orbit is nearly coplanar  .       
                       with circumbinary disk. Mild inner and outer disk misalignment may be   .       
                       due to interaction with the eccentric binary.                           Lon2021 
04187+2819 SKN   1     Measure of 1990.725 made by the VLA at radio wavelengths.               Skn1993 
04187-5252 SHY 462     AB: HIP  20109 + HIP  20074.                                            .       
04188+2820 KSA 104     Primary is variable star V1023 Tau.                                     .       
04189+0146 STTA 49     B is BD+01@734.                                                         .       
04190-0725 STF 527     H 2  80.                                                                MEv2010 
04192+6135 STF 513     Same as STF 507.                                                        .       
04192+1100 BPM  98     [PM2000]  163846 + [PM2000]  163809.                                    Gvr2010 
04193-4416 HJ 3643     B is CD-44@1505.                                                        .       
04195+3800 HDS 552     Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and spectroscopic   .       
                       masses of 3.74 +/- 0.86, 2.77, and 1.45 Msun, respectively.             Mlk2012 
04195+2808 DAE  23     Member of Taurus-Auriga molecular cloud.                                Dae2015 
04196+3355 HJ  674     The discovery observation of 220 deg may be in error. The AC2000        .       
                       catalog include one measurement for 1924.381: 22.3 deg and 16.1".       .       
                       Proper motion of B is mu(AR) = +0.004+-0.007, mu(DEC) = -0.022+-0.002   FMR2000b
04196-2847 SHY 463     HIP  20184 + HIP  19926.                                                .       
04197+1416 GIC  45     G008-027/G008-026 = Melotte 25 VA 174 + 170.                            .       
04198+1538 BLM   1     gam Tau = 54 Tau = Prima Hyadum. SB resolved by speckle interferometry. .       
                       This object was misidentified as HR 1349 by McAlister (1978).           McA1978c
                       Observed under rather poor seeing conditions. Morgan et al. (1982)      BLM1982 
                       also report a large magnitude difference.                               Msn1993a
04199+3145 J   934     Jonckheere gives the 1950 position: 04 17.0 +31 43.                     J__1958 
                       Couteau corrects the position.                                          Cou1953a
04199+1631 STT  79     Hyad (vB 29). SB according to Griffin et al. (1988).                    Grf1988 
                       1978.6183: The date of this observation was given incorrectly as        .       
                       1977.6183 by McAlister & Fekel (1980).                                  McA1980b
                       Observed under poor seeing conditions.                                  Msn1993a
                       Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and spectroscopic   .       
                       masses of 2.57 +/- 1.41, 2.25, and 1.07 Msun, respectively.             Mlk2012 
04200+1402 BUP  53     57 Tau. A is a Delta Scuti-type variable, V483 Tau.                     .       
04201+1953 LDS1164     LDS9167 (old LDS6167).  NLTT 13024 = LP 414-169                         Chm2004 
                       NLTT 13024/13026                                                        Chm2004 
04202+3336 FAR   4     Primary is white dwarf WD 0416+334 = GD 60. Aka SKF 316.                Far2005b
04203+3150 HJ 5460     SEI  40.                                                                Nsn2017a
04203+1833 LDS5540     Companion at 264" agrees with Luyten's astrometry, but star at 307" is  Luy1984 
                       in much better magnitude and proper motion agreement. This pair added   .       
                       as AC pair, until proper identification can be determined.              .       
04204+3434 BU 1382     54 Per.                                                                 .       
04204+2721 SHJ  40     phi Tau = 52 Tau. STTA 48 = H 5  13. B is BD+26@712.                    .       
04205-0119 RST4769     Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and spectroscopic   .       
                       masses of 3.54 +/- 0.98, 3.17, and 2.00 Msun, respectively.             Mlk2012 
04206+2429 COU 704     Probably the A component of POU 442.                                    .       
04207+1514 JNN 261     LP 475-7. Estimated age 1000-10000 Myr; masses 0.45 +/- 0.04 and 0.21   .       
                       +/- 0.03 Msun; a ~7.4 au.                                               Jnn2014 
04208+3009 KOH   8     Member of Taurus-Auriga molecular cloud.                                Dae2015 
04209+1352 BAS   3     Hyad - Melotte 25 VA 201 = vB 34.                                       .       
                       The combined spectroscopic/interferometric solution by Konacki et al.   Knc2004 
                       (2004) uses data from the Palomar Testbed Interferometer and assumes    .       
                       the eccentricity = 0.0 and the K-band brightness ratio = 1.0. Results   .       
                       include P = 3.0591080 +/- 0.000011 d, T = 44497.185696 +/- 0.0026 MJD,  .       
                       derived masses 1.38 +/- 0.13 and 1.39 +/- 0.13 Msun, spectral types     .       
                       F6V, and diameters 0.25 mas.                                            .       
                       Aa,Ab is resolved with PTI, orbit (Konacki & Lane 2004). The B          Knc2004 
                       component is a white dwarf (Barstow et al. 2001), DA3.1; mass 0.98      Bas2001 
                       Msun.  Shaya & Olling (2011): co-moving HIP 1996 at 0.75pc, prob.       Shy2011 
                       0.96: another Hyades star?                                              Tok2014d
           HD  27483   Mel 25 VA 201: Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and  .       
                       spectroscopic masses 3.04 +/- 6.10, 2.70, and 3.17 Msun, respectively.  Mlk2012 
04209-1156 GAL 365     Object #125 in Gallo's original list.                                   Gal1914 
04210+5015 S   445     STTA 47. B is BD+49@1161.                                               .       
04211+5532 STTA 46     B is BD+55@869.                                                         .       
04215+1704 BPM  99     [PM2000]  165579 + [PM2000]  165489.                                    Gvr2010 
04215-2055 LDS9168     Old LDS6168.                                                            .       
                       AC: NLTT 13102/13095                                                    Chm2004 
                       AC: SHY 167. Bayesian analysis by Shaya & Olling (2011) indicates very  Shy2011 
                       high (near 100%) probability pair is physical.                          .       
04215-2544 BU  744     Star A is SB1, P = 4.0 d, tho this may be spurious,                     Wor1983 
                       See Baize & Petit (1989) catalog of doubles with variable component.    Baz1989d
                       AB: Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and             .       
                       spectroscopic masses 3.42 +/- 1.00, 2.96, and 1.35 Msun, respectively.  Mlk2012 
04216-1559 LDS9169     Old LDS6169.                                                            .       
                       NLTT 13109/13110                                                        Chm2004 
04217+1046 TOK  84     HIP 20366. Small PM(A)=(-31,-12). NOMAD: PM(B)=(+39,-63), V=13.95.      Tok2011a
04218+1949 KNT   2     LDS2228. The variable U Tau.                                            .       
04218+1929 SIG   1     LP 415-20 = Bryja 262.  Spectral types M7.0, M9.5. Probable Hyades      .       
                       member. Estimated orbital period 23 +7/-6 yrs.                          Sig2003 
                       Konopacky et al. (2010) derive a distance of 21. +/- 5. pc and a        .       
                       system mass of 0.09 +/- 0.06 Msun.                                      Kon2010 
04219+5749 BRG  34     XO-3. Bergfors et al. (2013) estimate spectral types F5V and G0-M2.5V.  Brg2013 
04219+1530 CHX   1     IRAM 04191+1522. Primary is a Class 0 protostar, resolved into 7.8"     .       
                       pair in 1.3mm continuum observations at Submillimeter Array (SMA).      ChX2012 
                       Chen et al. quote position angle as "SE/NW"; followup check on Aladin   .       
                       by cataloguer suggests angle approximately 290deg.                      .       
04220+2826 ISM   1     RY Tau, a T-Tauri star.                                                 .       
04220+2818 ITO  21     V987 Tau. Member of Taurus-Auriga molecular cloud.                      Dae2015 
04220+2658 SMN   9     FS Tau.                                                                 .       
                       Measure of 1989.5 made by triangulation of multiple measures and was    .       
                       in a red filter.                                                        .       
                       Tamazian et al. (2002) solution includes a mass determination based on  Tam2002 
                       an estimated distance.                                                  .       
                       AB: Additional notes may be found in Simon et al. (1992).               Smn1992 
04220+1932 GHE   6     Components A, Ba, and Bb of this system are also commonly designated    .       
                       as N, Sa, and Sb, respectively, due to the north-south orientation of   .       
                       the wider pair.                                                         .       
                       AB: Measure of 1982.5 made by the VLA at radio wavelengths.             Scw1984 
                       Measure of 1983.75 made by the VLA at radio wavelengths.                Scw1986 
                       Measures of Johnston et al. and Loinard et al. made by the VLA at       Jnt2003 
                       radio wavelengths.                                                      Loi2003 
                       AB: Rho and theta errors for Ghez et al. (1995), Furlan et al. (2003),  Ghe1995 
                       and Roddier et al. (2000) measures have been added/updated as noted by  Fun2003 
                       Koehler et al. (2008). Koehler et al. derive a preliminary orbit for    Rod2000 
                       the AB pair, yielding a system mass of 5.57 +0.11/-0.29 Msun.           Koh2008b
                       A,Ba: The 2000.886 Duchene et al. (2002) theta value was corrected by   Dch2002 
                       Duchene et al (2006). Also, the Duchene et al. (2006) theta value for   Dch2006 
                       2005.801 was changed by 90deg to correct for the orientation of the     .       
                       camera (Schaefer, priv. comm. cited by Koehler et al. 2008)             Koh2008b
           KRS   2     Ba,Bb: Tamazian derives a total system mass of 2.82 +/- 0.74 Msun,      Tam2005 
                       consistent with the IRC model of Koresko et al. (1997).                 Krs1997 
                       T Tau Sa-Sb orbit gives range 1991-2001 for T, 0.09-0.87 for e,         .       
                       11-60 for i. Values for P and a are lower limits.                       Sfr2006 
                       Duchene et al. (2006) derive masses for the Ba and Bb components of     Dch2006 
                       2.73 +/- 0.31 and 0.61 +/- 0.17 Msun, respectively.                     .       
                       Ba,Bb: The 2000.886 Duchene et al. (2002) theta value was corrected by  Dch2002 
                       Duchene et al (2006)                                                    Dch2006 
                       The 2002.829 Schaefer et al. (2006) measure is a reanalysis of data     Sfr2006 
                       from Beck et al. (2004).                                                Bck2004 
                       Koehler et al. (2008) derive a system mass of 2.96 +0.15/-0.24 Msun     Koh2008b
                       and individual masses of 2.13 +0.14/-0.20 and 0.83 +0.10/-0.11 Msun     .       
                       for the Ba and Bb components, respectively.                             .       
                       Ba,Bb: The Schaefer et al. (2014) orbit, combined with a VLBA parallax  .       
                       of 6.90 +/- 0.09 mas (147.6 +/- 0.6pc; Loinard et al. 2007, ApJ 671,    .       
                       546) yields a total mass for Ba+Bb of 2.70 +/- 0.22 Msun.               Sfr2014 
                       Ba,Bb: Csepany et al. (2015) generated new orbital parameters for T     .       
                       Tau N-S (KRS   2Ba,Bb), but their grid search yields a wide range of    .       
                       possible solutions (P 475-27000y, a 0.57-16.8", etc.)                   Cse2015b
                       Based on the new orbit and the Gaia parallax the masses of Ba(Bb) is    Sfr2020 
                       is 2.049(0.430) +/- 0.137(0.055) \msun. Using the slightly grater       .       
                       distance from the VLBA parallax the result is 2.268(0.476) +/-          .       
                       0.147(0.060) \msun. The brightnesa of Ba and Bb are both variable.      .       
04220+1405 HD  27628   Hyades vB 38 = V775 Tau. The 2.14-day SB of Abt (1961) is outside our   AbH1961 
                       detection window.                                                       Msn1993a
           BUP  54     60 Tau. A is a specroscopic binary and variable, V775 Tau.              .       
04221+2826 KSA 105     V1071 Tau = LkCa 21. Young member of Taurus-Auriga molecular cloud.     Dae2015 
04221-2849 BWL  15     Pair is a 0".7 equal-flux K7V2 binary. Torres et al. (2006 A&A 460,     .       
                       695) found strong Halpha emission and lithium absorption. Age is        .       
                       consistent with that of the Pleiades, so an age range of 50-200 Myr     .       
                       is adopted for this system.                                             Bwl2015 
04221+1934 KOH   9     Young member of Taurus-Auriga molecular cloud.                          Dae2015 
04224+1118 PAT   5     The 3-year SB of Griffin et al. (1988) is outside our detection         Grf1988 
                       window.                                                                 Msn1993a
                       The double-lined spectroscopic solution of this 1043.5-d pair           Grf2012b
                       determined by Griffin.                                                          
04226+2538 STF 528     chi Tau = 59 Tau                                                        .       
                       H 4  10.                                                                MEv2010 
                       The secondary is SB2 (F8+G6), with period 17.6 days for Ba,Bb; RV       .       
                       residuals indicate the presence of a more distant Bc companion. Based   .       
                       on spectroscopic observations obtained at CfA 1988-2004, Torres (2006)  .       
                       derived an orbit for Bab,Bc with period 9.447 +/- 0.017 yr. Mass for    .       
                       the A component is determined to be 2.60 +/- 0.5 Msun. Inclination      .       
                       angle for the Ba,Bb orbit is 53.5 +/- 0.5deg, yielding masses 1.19 and  .       
                       1.02 Msun for Ba and Bb. Bc appears to be over-massive; based on        .       
                       infrared excess this could be well explained as an equal-mass binary    .       
                       composed of late-type stars of masses ~0.70 Msun (spectral type ~K4).   .       
                       Total mass of B is 3.6 Msun.  Torres estimates the Bab,Bc semi-major    .       
                       axis at about 83.6 mas and the magnitude difference dV~3.3mag           .       
                       (dK~1.5mag), making the pair potentially resolvable by speckle          .       
                       interferometry.                                                         Trr2006b
04227+1503 STT  82     Hyades vB 40A. The primary is SB1, P = 4.00 d (Sanford 1921).           San1921 
                       Primary is SB2, P=4.0002d (Griffin 2012)                                Grf2012b
                       Also a wider companion (LDS 1166 AC, rho = 62", M = 17.8).              .       
                       The 255.5-year binary, ADS 3169 = STT 82 AB is outside our detection    .       
                       window, although part of a peak is seen at the edge of the window at    .       
                       the expected position angle, according to the orbit in the Worley &     .       
                       Heintz (1983) orbit catalog. A wider companion (LDS 1166AC, rho = 62",  Wor1983 
                       M = 17.8) and the 4d SB are also outside our detection window.          Msn1993a
                       A component of pair determined to be a 4.0-d spectroscopic binary.      Grf2012b
04228+1647 HD  27685   Hyades vB 39. Spectroscopic binary with P > 7 yr, according to Griffin  Grf1988 
                       et al. (1988).                                                          Msn1993a
04230+1732 CHR 262     del 1 Tau = 61 Tau = Secunda Hyadum. The primary is a long-period               
           BUP  55     spectroscopic and occultation binary.                                   .       
                       Mk III Limb-darkened diameter  2.338 +/- 0.033 mas.                     MkT2003 
                       CHARA Array Limb-darkened diameter  2.408 +/- 0.038 mas.                CIA2009a
                       R =  12.3 +/- 0.4 \rsun, Teff = 4826 +/- 51 K.                          .       
                       This system, first announced in Mason et al. but considered of          Msn1993a
                       uncertain veracity, has been included. While its status is not          .       
                       definitive, subsequent confirmation or suspected duplicity (by another  .       
                       technique) makes the discovery measurement somewhat more probable.      .       
                       1991.8995: This is a particularly unexpected result, given the four     .       
                       previous epochs at which our observations have shown no indications of  .       
                       duplicity.  All four of the earlier observations were reanalyzed using  .       
                       the same procedures employed here, but no additional supporting         .       
                       evidence of duplicity was found.  If this additional component is       .       
                       confirmed,  vB 41 will be the second K0 giant binary that has been      .       
                       resolved in the Hyades (HR 1411 being the other).  The common proper    .       
                       motion companion at a separation of 195".5 is far outside our window    .       
                       of observation, and the 530-day spectroscopic component of Griffin &    .       
                       Gunn (1977) would have an angular separation below the diffraction      Grf1977d
                       limit of the KPNO 4-m telescope.                                        Msn1993a
                       Aa,Ab : If real, this pair could be the 530.1-d spectroscopic binary    Grf2012b
                       of Griffin.                                                             .       
04231-0117 BU  402     Aka OL  201.                                                            .       
04232+7510 MLR 459     Also known as TDS 138.                                                  .       
04232-1135 GAL 366     Object #127 in Gallo's original list.                                   Gal1914 
04233+1123 STF 535     A premature orbit has been computed.                                    .       
                       Ruymaekers & Nys (1995) noted discrepancies in the orbit of Popovic     Ruy1995 
                       (1982), and calculated elements from their Thiele-Innes elements.       Pop1982a
04233-0500 HJ  342     Same as STF 539 and H IV 117.                                           .       
                       AB: H 4 117.                                                            MEv2010 
04233-2138 B  2571     CPD-21@545.                                                             .       
04234+1940 V988 Tau    Hyades vB 43. Hipparcos astrometric solution adopted some elements      HIP1997d
                       from the orbit of Griffin et al. (1985).                                Grf1985b
                       The 1.6-year SB of Griffin et al. is outside our detection window.      Msn1993a
04234+1647 HD  27749   Hyades vB 45.  The 8.418-day SB of Abt & Levy (1985) is outside our     AbH1985 
                       detection window.                                                       Msn1993a
04234+1546 TOK 876     V989 Tau.                                                               .       
04235+2059 CHR  16     An occultation binary, now resolved.                                    .       
04236+4226 STT  80     1977.7420: The date of this observation was given incorrectly as        .       
                       1978.7420 by McAlister & Fekel (1980).                                  McA1980b
04236+2503 MTZ   2     FU Tau                                                                  .       
04237+1538 MET   3     Metchev & Hillenbrand say the pair is probably optical, based on        .       
                       proximity.                                                              Met2004b
04238-0414 BUG   7     SDSS J042348.57-041403.5                                                .       
                       Estimated spectral types are L6.5 + T2, effective temperatures 1490     .       
                       +/- 100 and 1250 +/- 80 K. Masses are estimated at 0.039-0.062 and      .       
                       0.029-0.051 Msun, and the orbital period (assuming the semi-major axis  .       
                       = 1.26 * rho) is ~19yr.                                                 Bug2006a
04239+0928 HU  304     66 Tau.                                                                 .       
                       Spectral types and masses of components assigned by ten Brummelaar et   .       
                       al., based on adaptive optics observations.                             TtB2000 
                       Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and spectroscopic   .       
                       masses of 4.81 +/- 1.40, 6.11, and 4.43 Msun, respectively.             Mlk2012 
04239-1102 GAL 367     Object #128 in Gallo's original list.                                   Gal1914 
04240+2418 STF 534     62 Tau.                                                                 .       
                       AB: H 4 109.                                                            MEv2010 
04241+1727 BUP  56     del 2 Tau = 64 Tau. Hyades vB 47. A is spectroscopic binary.            .       
04242+1445 HDS 564     1991.8992: Noted as a possible spectroscopic binary by Griffin et al.   Grf1988 
                       (1988), it is uncertain whether the system we detect here is also       .       
                       producing the radial velocity variation.                                Msn1993a
                       Hipparcos identified the pair as a candidate for Hyades membership.     HIP1998 
                       The spectroscopic solution of this ~42000-d pair determined by Griffin, Grf2012b
                       its gamma velocity "removing any remaining doubt about the systems      Grf2013c
                       credentials as a Hyades member."                                        .       
04242-5704 RMK   4     Rectilinear solution by Letchford et al. (2018).                        LRR2018a
04244+3419 STF 533     AB: H 4  72.                                                            MEv2010 
                       Primary is V590 Per, a Beta Lyr type eclipsing binary, P = 5.6866d.     Zas2012 
04245+5051 TOK 245     AC: The physical nature of C is not certain: CPM, but the PM is small.  Tok2014d
           COU2459     AB: Rectilinear solution by Hartkopf & Mason (2013).                    Hrt2013b
04245+2244 BU 1235     Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and spectroscopic   .       
                       masses of 3.22 +/- 2.00, 2.88, and 1.35 Msun, respectively.             Mlk2012 
04245+1653 PAT   6     Noted as a possible spectroscopic binary by Griffin et al.              Grf1988 
                       (1988).                                                                 Msn1993a
                       Hyades vB 52. Mass of B 0.49 Msun (Metchev & Hillenbrand 2009).         Met2009 
04246+3358 STT  81     AB: 56 Per.                                                             .       
04247+0442 HJL1115     Hyades vB 140. The 156.4-day SB of Griffin et al. (1985) is outside     Grf1985b
                       our detection window.                                                   Msn1993a
                       A combined interferometric/spectroscopic solution by Halbwachs et al.   .       
                       (2016) yields masses 0.9808 +/- 0.0040 and 0.7269 +/- 0.0019 Msun.      HJL2016 
                       Mass = 0.9798 +/- 0.0019, 0.72697 +/- 0.00094 \msun for A and B.        HJL2020 
                       orbital parallax = 16.703 +/- 0.034 mas.                                .       
04247-0845 STF 544     Primary is SB1, P=1248d = 3.41y. RV(B)=var?                             Tok2014d
04247+0442 HJL1115     A combined interferometric/spectroscopic solution by Halbwachs et al.   .       
                       (2016) yields masses 0.9808 +/- 0.0040 and 0.7269 +/- 0.0019 Msun.      HJL2016 
04248+1552 PAT   7     SB with P > 7 yr according to                                           Grf1988 
                       Griffin et al. (1988).                                                  Msn1993a
                       The spectroscopic solution of this 5688-d pair determined by Griffin.   Grf2012b
04248-5037 RST1273     HIP 20606. Both components A,B are above the MS, young? B is too red in .       
                       the (Kabs,V-K) CMD, infrared companion? Planetary companion to A = HD   .       
                       28254 is detected with RV. No relevant references in SIMBAD.            Tok2011a
                       A is exoplanet host, P=1116d.  Roell et al. (2012 A&A 542, A92) list B  .       
                       as physical, confirmed by Naef et al. (2010 A&A 532, A15).              Tok2014d
04249-3445 I    59     AB: Optical pair, based on study of relative motion of the components   .       
                       using the method of apparent motion parameters.                         Kiy2008 
04251+8603 WFC  23     HJL  57.                                                                HJL1986 
04252+2545 TOK 247     Not Hyades member: different PM and RV. (Griffin 2013).                 Grf2013c
04252+1716 AST   4     V805 Tau.                                                               .       
                       The visual A consists of an M3.5V main sequence star (A) and an         .       
                       unresolved WD (D) with a period of 20.82d. B consists of a pair of      .       
                       unresolved M dwarfs with an orbital period of 0.75d. V band fits of the .       
                       masses of A, B and C are 0.46, 0.40 and 0.38 \msun, respectively. K     .       
                       band fits of the masses of A, B, C and D are 0.60, 0.46, 0.44 and 0.53, .       
                       respectively.                                                           AST2021 
04252-6415 HJ 3656     B is CPD-64@333.                                                        .       
04253-0932 GAL 368     Object #129 in Gallo's original list.                                   Gal1914 
04254+2218 STF 541     A: kap 1 Tau = 65 Tau = K Tau                                           .       
                       A,CD: H 6   8.                                                          MEv2010 
                       AB: HJL1034.                                                            HJL1986 
           STF 541     04253+2215STF 541CD and 04254+2218STFA  9AB were found to               .       
           STFA  9     be the same wide pair, so designations for these two                    .       
                       multiple systems were combined, as follows:                             .       
                       04253+2215STF 541AB   --> 04254+2218STF 541CD                           .       
                       04253+2215STF 541AB,C --> 04254+2218STF 541A,CD                         .       
                       04253+2215STF 541AB,D --> 04254+2218STF 541B,CD                         .       
                       04254+2218STFA  9AB   --> 04254+2218STF 541AB                           .       
                       04254+2218STFA  9Aa   --> 04254+2218STF 541AE                           .       
                       04254+2218STFA  9Bb   --> 04254+2218STF 541BF                           .       
                       A : kap 1 Tau = 65 Tau = K Tau. Occult. binary, Hyades member (vB 54)   .       
                       B : kap 2 Tau = 67 Tau. Delta Scuti variable, Hyades cluster member.    .       
                       CD : J 2722. This faint pair is between kap 1 and kap 2 Tau.            .       
                       Pairs STFA  9AB (rho = 339"), STFA  9Aa (rho = 141") and STFA  9Bb      .       
                       (rho = 107") are all far outside our detection window.                  Msn1993a
04255+1756 KUI  17     del 3 Tau = 68 Tau. A is spectroscopic binary and variable, V776 Tau.   .       
           H 6 101     H VI 101. There is a wide faint pair noticed by John Herschel, 320@     .       
                       Class VI.                                                               H__1867 
                       The B, C, D, and E components all fall outside our detection window.    Msn1993a
04256+1556 FIN 342     Aa,Ab: Hyad (vB 57). HR 1391 = 70 Tau.                                  .       
                       Combined spectroscopic/astrometric solution. Orbital parallax 0.02144   Trr1997b
                       +/- 0.00067, masses 1.363 +/= 0.073 and 1.253 +/- 0.075 Msun.           .       
                       Quadrant determinations made at several epochs by McAlister et al.      McA1988 
                       (1988) have shown that this system is best represented by an eccentric  .       
                       orbit of period 6.3 years, rather than a circular 13-year orbit.        .       
                       1977.7421  Theta was incorrectly given as 6.0 degrees by McAlister &    .       
                       Fekel 1980).                                                            McA1980b
                       This resolved spectroscopic binary (with P = 6.28 yr) is discussed by   McA1988 
                       McAlister et al. (1988) and by Dombrowski (1991).                       Dmb1991 
                       The published measure for 1988.6582 (McAlister et al. 1990) is          McA1990 
                       is spurious. The data leading to this measure are actually the same as  .       
                       those for HR 1331 (= McA 14) for the same epoch. These two stars were   .       
                       observed in immediate sequence but with different microscope            .       
                       objectives, and the final reductions calculated two results from the    .       
                       same data set, but with different scale factors; the HR 1331 measure    .       
                       for 1988.6582 is the correct one.  Reanalysis of the correct data for   .       
                       FIN 342 gives the 25 mas result shown here. Peterson (1992, private     .       
                       communication) pointed out the inconsistency of our originally          .       
                       published measure with respect to our previous orbital analysis of      .       
                       this Hyades binary (McAlister et al. 1988).                             Hrt1992b
                       Pourbaix gives combined solution for this resolved SB2, yielding        .       
                       orbital parallaxes and component masses.                                Pbx2000b
                       Aa,Ab : New spectroscopic solution determined by Griffin.               Grf2012b
                       Aa,Ab: Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and          .       
                       spectroscopic masses 2.50 +/- 0.47, 2.48, and 1.13 Msun, respectively.  Mlk2012 
04257+6340 HJL1033     SHY 464. Bayesian analysis by Shaya & Olling (2011) indicates very      Shy2011 
                       high (near 100%) probability pair is physical.                          .       
04257-0214 BU  403     Linear elements fit nicely at present, but this is a physical pair and  .       
                       an orbit can be computed at some future date.                           .       
                       Rectilinear solution by Hartkopf et al.  (2012).                        Hrt2012a
04258+1800 COU2682     Spectroscopic binary with P > 15 yr, according to Griffin et al.        Grf1988 
                       (1988).                                                                 Msn1993a
                       The spectroscopic solution of this 15650-d pair determined by Griffin.  Grf2012b
04258+1733 RED   4     1996.1449: RHy ID and coordinates from Reid (1992).                     Red1992 
                       Candidate Hyades member; Reid considers definite binary.                Red1997 
04259+1852 BU 1185     Hyad (vB 58).                                                           .       
                       See Baize & Petit (1989) catalog of doubles with variable component.    Baz1989d
                       1982.7579: This autocorrelogram was remeasured; the new results are     McA1987b
                       listed here.                                                            .       
                       The 27.67-year binary (see Dombrowski 1991) ADS 3210  was observed at   Dmb1991 
                       a time when atmospheric seeing was rated as poor.  Also noted as a SB   Grf1988 
                       in Griffin et al. (1988).                                               Msn1993a
                       Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and spectroscopic   .       
                       masses of 2.01 +/- 0.36, 2.00, and 0.98 Msun, respectively.             Mlk2012 
04260+4515 ES  567     B is BD+44@946.                                                         .       
                       Measures attributed to BC are all AC. Component designation changed.    .       
04261-1059 GAL 369     Object #130 in Gallo's original list.                                   Gal1914 
04262+3313 HJ  676     AC: SEI  44.                                                            Nsn2017a
04263+3443 HU  609     Only elements P and T have been amended from the orbit of               Sta1978c
                       Heintz (1967).                                                          Hei1967d
                       Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and spectroscopic   .       
                       masses of 12.01 +/- 10.65, 3.16, and 1.20 Msun, respectively.           Mlk2012 
                       A is also a 141d spectroscopic binary. B is a possible                  Tok2019b
                       spectroscopic binary (~1600d), too.                                     .       
04263+2249 BUP  58     ups Tau = 69 Tau. A is an occultation binary.                           .       
04263+2128 TOK  16     Hyades vB 62. Primary is 8.55d SB1 (Griffin & Gunn 1978); estimated     Grf1978b
                       period of visual pair 9300y. Unresolved by Patience et al.              Tok2006 
                       The SB  is outside our detection window.                                Msn1993a
04263+1538 HD  28052   Hyades vB 141. A CPM companion with rho = 134".4 is outside our         Msn1993a
                       detection window.  Also, noted as a 14.24-year SB by Abt (1965).        AbH1965 
04263+1537 BUP  59     71 Tau. A is a long-period spectroscopic binary,                        .       
                       P = 5200d, and occultation pair. V777 Tau.                              .       
                       Peirce noted a close companion to A component (1868.13, 70deg) which    .       
                       he said was "much closer than 80 Tau". His 1868.13 separation           .       
                       measure for 80 Tau (= 04301+1538 STF 554) was 0".75.                    Pei1882 
04263+1400 HJ 3256     LDS5558.                                                                .       
04264+2249 HD  28024   Hyades vB 60. A CPM companion with rho = 110".2 is outside our          .       
                       detection window.                                                       Msn1993a
04264+1651 HD  28068   Hyades vB 63. A spectroscopic binary B with P ~ 7 yr, according to      Grf1985b
                       Griffin et al. (1985).                                                  Msn1993a
04268+1525 LDS2236     LDS5559.                                                                .       
04268+1052 PAT   8     1991.8990: This K dwarf is noted as a binary with a period in excess    .       
                       of 16 years in Griffin et al. (1988), and it is likely that we have     Grf1988 
                       detected the spectroscopic companion.                                   Msn1993a
                       The spectroscopic solution of this 6950-d pair determined by Griffin.   Grf2012b
04268+0843 HJ  678     This is not BD+08  690, according to Heintz.                            Hei1992a
                       AB: Rectilinear solution by Friedman et al. (2012).                     USN2012a
04268-0143 UC 1168     Candidate on Tokovinin list, now reconfirmed as CPM.                    Tok2013c
                       AB is CPM according to Hartkopf et al. (2013).  A is on Keck RV         UC_2013b
                       program, RV trend.                                                      Tok2014d
04269+2607 LEI   2     Measure of 1987.8 made by triangulation of multiple measures and was    .       
                       in a red filter.                                                        .       
           SMN  10     Ca,Cb: Called FV Tau-c by Simon, therefore given component designation  .       
                       of Ca,Cb. Relationship to LEI  02 uncertain.                            Smn1992 
                       Measure of 1987.8 made by triangulation of multiple measures and was    .       
                       in a red filter.                                                        .       
                       aka COR   3Ca,Cb                                                        .       
                       FV Tau. Young member of Taurus-Auriga molecular cloud.                  Dae2015 
04270+1907 STF 546     HJL  60.                                                                HJL1986 
                       H 2  54.                                                                MEv2010 
04270-7238 B  2091     Composite spectrum: G8III+(A/F).                                        .       
04271+2542 THB   1     Preliminary orbital elements give total mass 2.8 +/- 1.5 Msun.          Thb1995b
                       Tamazian et al. (2002) solution includes mass determination based on    Tam2002 
                       estimated distance.                                                     .       
                       DF Tau orbit by Schaefer et al. (2006) gives range 1974-2022 for T,     Sfr2006 
                       0.05-0.76 for e. Values for P and a are lower limits.                   .       
                       Assuming a distance of 140 pc, Schaefer et al. (2014) derive a total    .       
                       mass 1.17 +/- 0.13 Msun. The orbital period of 43.7y closely matches    .       
                       the 44yr timescale of photometric variations; this is consistent with   .       
                       a suggestion by Lamzin et al. (2001 A&A 372, 922) that the variability  .       
                       is caused by the circumstellar accretion rate onto the primary being    .       
                       modulated by the orbital motion of the companion.                       Sfr2014 
04271+1812 STF 545     AB: H 4  74.                                                            MEv2010 
04275+1113 BU 1186     A is variable.                                                          .       
04275-1707 HU  440     Primary is HH Eri, eclipsing binary (Algol-type), P=8.5d.               Tok2014d
04275-2427 I   413     Baize (1993) value of omega incorrectly listed as 96.0, same as Omega.  Baz1993b
04276+1927 RED   5     1995.6986: RHy ID and coordinates from Reid (1992).                     Red1992 
                       LP ID from Luyten et al.(1981).                                         Luy1981 
                       Candidate Hyades member; Reid considers definite binary.                Red1997 
04277+2631 GIC  47     LDS1171.  G008-035/G039-014.                                            .       
                       NLTT 13302/13303                                                        Chm2004 
04278+1001 STF 549     AB: H 4  75.                                                            MEv2010 
04280+2137 BUP  60     A is a spectroscopic and occultation binary.                            .       
04281-1033 GAL 370     Object #131 in Gallo's original list.                                   Gal1914 
04282+5303 RUC   3     AO Cam. Spectral type of resolved companion later than M5V.             Ruc2007 
04282+0600 LDS9170     Old LDS6170.                                                            .       
04283-1400 GAL 371     Object #132 in Gallo's original list.                                   Gal1914 
04284+1622 RCH   2     Measure of 1998.921 made by triangulation of multiple measures.         Rch2002 
04284+1444 CIA  25     76 Tau.                                                                 .       
04284-0736 GRV1248     Both A and B have approximately the same radial velocity.               Grv2019b
04284-6543 HJ 3662     B is CPD-65@@345.                                                       .       
04285+1742 GUE   5     The spectroscopic solution of this 7022-d pair determined by Griffin.   Grf2012b
04285+1458 BPM 100     [PM2000]  170962 + [PM2000]  171001.                                    Gvr2010 
04285+0505 HJ 2233     BAL 2614.                                                               .       
04286+1944 HD  28291   Hyades vB 69.  The 41.66-day SB of Griffin et al. (1985) is outside     Grf1985b
                       our detection window.                                                   Msn1993a
04286+1911 BUP  61     eps Tau = 74 Tau = Ain                                                  .       
                       Mk III Limb-darkened diameter       2.67  +/- 0.04  mas.                MkT2001 
                       Mk III Limb-darkened diameter       2.671 +/- 0.032 mas.                MkT2003 
                       NPOI Limd-darkened diameter         2.41  +/- 0.11  mas.                NOI2001b
                       CHARA Array Limb-darkened diameter  2.734 +/- 0.031 mas.                CIA2009a
                       R =  13.4 +/- 0.2 \rsun, Teff = 4827 +/- 44 K.                          .       
                       NPOI Limb-darkened diameter  2.592 +/- 0.050 mas, Sp = G8III,           NOI2018 
                        R =12.53 +/- 0.28 \rsun, Teff = 4880 +/- 77 K, L = 80.3 +/- 4.4 \lsun, .       
                        M = 2.69 +/- 0.11 \msun, Age = 0.55 +/- 0.10 Gyr.                      .       
04287+2714 KON   2     Estimated masses 0.15 and 0.06 Msun. Primary spectral type M5.25        Kon2007b
04287+2613 HDS 576     Cvetkovic et al. (2014) derive spectral types M0 and  M0, masses 0.46   .       
                       and 0.46 Msun. Dynamical parallax is 25.86 +/- 0.27 mas.                Cve2014 
04287+1552 STFA 10     AB: the 2 Tau = 78 Tau = Chamukuy. Hyades vB 72 = HR 1412.              .       
                       Pair appears in an appendix list, not part of discoverer's regular      .       
                       numbering sequence. B is BD+15@631.                                     .       
                       Also variable, probably of  Delta Scuti type.                           .       
                       The 140.7-day SB of Ebbighausen (1959 Pub. DAO, 11, 235) is outside     .       
                       our detection window.                                                   Msn1993a
                       UBAD 2.1 relative astrometry measures computed. Table 1 mean positions  USN2022 
                       for 2017.0 and Table 2 mean dates computed as well when appropriate.    .       
           MKT  13     Aa,Ab: Data from lunar occultation, spectroscopy, and Mark III          .       
                       astrometry are combined by Torres et al. to generate orbital elements.  Trr1997c
                       Distance and component masses and absolute magnitudes are derived from  .       
                       these elements.                                                         .       
                       Period is fixed for the Armstrong et al. (2006) orbit. The resulting    MkT2006 
                       component masses are 2.15 +/- 0.12 Msun and 1.87 +/- 0.11 Msun.         .       
                       Aa,Ab: Orbit determined by fitting revised Hipparcos intermediate       .       
                       astrometric data. Derived component masses are 2.03 +/- 0.87 and        .       
                       1.78 +/- 0.76 Msun.                                                     Ren2010 
                       Aa,Ab: Combined spectroscopic/astrometric solution, using data from     .       
                       Mark III interferometer plus high-resolution spectroscopy from ELODIE,  .       
                       HERMES, and CfA. Torres et al. (2011) determine an orbital parallax of  Lmp2011 
                       20.90 +/- 0.14 mas and component masses 2.86 +/- 0.06 and 2.16 +/-      .       
                       0.02 Msun. Effective temperatures for both components are 7800 +/-      .       
                       170K, absolute magnitues are 0.33 +/- 0.03 and 1.44 +/- 0.03 mag.       .       
                       Aa,Ab: Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and          .       
                       spectroscopic masses 4.46 +/- 0.29, 3.81, and 2.00 Msun, respectively.  Mlk2012 
           MCA  15     Ba,Bb:The primary of 04286+1558 was found to be the B component of      .       
                       physical pair 04287+1552; systems were merged.                          .       
                       the 1 Tau = 77 Tau. Hyad (vB 71). Physical companion to the 2 Tau.      .       
                       A spectroscopic, occultation, and interferometric binary.               .       
                       First detected as an occultation binary by White.                       Wit1979 
                       1979.698, 1979.857:  possible third component                           Heg1983 
                       This is a long period interferometric companion in addition to the      .       
                       spectroscopic component suggested by Griffin & Gunn (1977) to have a    Grf1977d
                       period of about 16 years.  An estimate of Delta m = 0.76 was made by    Dmb1991 
                       Dombrowski (1991).                                                      Msn1993a
                       Masses and distance of the 2 Tau are derived from spectroscopic         .       
                       elements, adopting astrometric elements from Pan et al. (1992)          MkT1992e
                       Combined spectroscopic/astrometric solution by Torres et al. (1997).    Trr1997c
                       Distance (from relative proper motions and orbital parallax of the 2    .       
                       Tau) 47.6 +/- 1.9 pc, masses 2.91 +/= 0.88 and 1.31 +/- 0.14 Msun.      .       
                       CHARA Array Limb-darkened diameter of B  2.305 +/- 0.043 mas.           CIA2009a
                       R =  11.7 +/- 0.2 \rsun, Teff = 4811 +/- 50 K.                          .       
                       Ba,Bb : New spectroscopic solution determined by Griffin.               Grf2012b
                       Ba,Bb: Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical and spectroscopic masses   .       
                       4.14 +/- 0.35 and 2.88 Msun, respectively.                              Mlk2012 
           BPMA  7     BC: [PM2000]  171052 + [PM2000]  171309.                                Gvr2010 
04288+1617 BPMA  8     [PM2000]  171281 + [PM2000]  171421.                                    Gvr2010 
04289+3022 STF 548     AB: B=HIP 20907 is bluer than A, below the MS. A is 1.7mag above. But   .       
                       they are physical: CPM, parallax, same RV! Primary is SB1, P=460.7d.    Tok2001 
                       A,B have same RV (Tokovinin & Gornya 2001), both rotate fast            Tok2014d
04289-0236 BRT 366     A likely plate flaw.                                                    Grv2021b
04290+1610 HU 1080     Hyad (VB 75); RV possibly variable, as noted by Wilson (1948).          WOC1948 
                       The spectroscopic solution of this 14697-d pair determined by Griffin.  Grf2012b
                       B is also a close 21.3-d pair.                                                  
                       M_A = 1.341 +/- 0.025 \msun, M_Ba = 1.210 +/- 0.021 \msun, M_Bb =       Trr2019b
                       0.781 +/- 0.014 \msun. Orbital parallax = 21.75 +/- 0.11 mas.                   
04290+1338 SIG   2     LP 475-855. Spectral types M7.5, M9.5. Probable Hyades member.          .       
                       Estimated orbital period 86 +20/-19 yrs.                                Sig2003 
04292-1206 LDS3591     NLTT 13376/13372                                                        Chm2004 
04293+1733 HD  28394   Hyades vB 77.  The 238.9-day SB of Griffin et al. (1985) lies outside   Grf1985b
                       our detection window.                                                   Msn1993a
                       Hipparcos astrometric solution adopted some elements from the orbit of  HIP1997d
                       Griffin et al. (1985).                                                  Grf1985b
04293-3124 SIG   4     Aka 2MASS 0429-3123AB. Significant H\alpha emission. Appears to be      JLB2017 
                       young, but not a member of any known moving group or association.       .       
                       Parallax = 58.71 +/- 1.25 mas.                                          .       
04294+2701 KON   3     Estimated masses 0.1 and 0.06 Msun. Primary spectral type M6.0          Kon2007b
04294-3335 HJ 3652     Primary is CT Eri, a Beta Lyr type eclipsing binary, P = 0.63420d.      Zas2012 
04295+2617 SMN  11     Measure of 1990.25 made by triangulation of multiple measures and was   .       
                       in a red filter.                                                        .       
                       AB: Additional notes may be found in Simon et al. (1992).               Smn1992 
           WHT   2     AC: Primary is the Orion-type variable FW Tau. Multi-epoch astrometry   .       
                       by Kraus et al. (2014) confirm the AC pair is co-moving, and estimate   .       
                       mass of the companion at 10 +/- 4 Mjup for a system age of 1-5 Myr.     KsA2014 
           HER   8     AD: Additional notes may be found in Herbig (1962).                     Her1962 
04295+1752 BGH   2     LDS 2244. Variable, V921 Tau. B is +17@  734.                           .       
                       HJL1035.                                                                HJL1986 
04295+0025 BAL 972     RST 5206.                                                               .       
04296+0350 BAL2121     J 2725.                                                                 .       
04297+2633 HAT   6     AB: Additional notes may be found in Herbig (1962).                     Her1962 
                       DI Tau. Young member of Taurus-Auriga molecular cloud.                  Dae2015 
           ITO  13     BC: B component is the Orion-type variable DH Tau = HBC 38. Colors of   .       
                       both B and C are consistent with T Tauri stars. The B component has a   .       
                       lower effective temperature than A (2700-2800K, vs 3580K), and is       .       
                       redder. The stars are probably early and late M stars; mass of the      .       
                       companion is estimated at 30-50 Mjup.                                   Ito2005 
                       Kraus et al. (2014) estimate mass of the companion at 18 +/- 4 Mjup.    KsA2014 
04298-0949 LDS3592     NLTT 13393/13392                                                        Chm2004 
04299+2607 HER   9     Aka IQ Tau. Additional notes may be found in Herbig (1962).             Her1962 
04300+8320 HR 1304     Ren & Fu (2013) calculated an astrometric orbit, combining Hipparcos    Ren2013 
                       Intermediate Astrometric Data with spectroscopic elements by            .       
                       Prieur et al. (2006).                                                   Pru2006 
04300-6955 OGL 193     LMC157.7.150   + LMC157.7.333                                           Pli2012 
04301+1814 JOY   2     A RW Aur-type variable, UX Tau.                                         Her1962 
04301+1538 STF 554     80 Tau. Hyad. Star A is SB1, P = 30.5d                                  Hei1981e
                       Spectral types and masses of components assigned by ten Brummelaar et   .       
                       al., based on adaptive optics observations.                             TtB2000 
04301+1538 STF 554     The 1897 measure by Burnham was "... made under not the best            Bu_1900 
                       conditions ..." and "... is difficult to reconcile ...". Aitken did     .       
                       not include it in the ADS. It was, then, not in the IDS list of         A__1932a
                       measures transferred to Washington in 1964, so this measure was lost    IDS1963A
                       for many years and recently found by G. Torres, and the observation     Trr2019 
                       of this high eccentricity binary was made shortly after periastron      .       
                       passage, which resulted in the unexpected result.                       .       
                       Ma = 1.63 (+0.30 or -0.13) \msun, Mb = 1.11 (+0.21 or -0.14) \msun,     .       
                       orbital parallax = 20.984+/-0.060 mas.                                          
04302+3516 TTH   1     HBC 40 = LkHA 101. Herbig Ae/Be star imaged at multiple wavelengths     .       
                       shows evidence of a companion at ~180 mas to the East-Northeast of the  .       
                       primary. Derived physical parameters for A and B for three possible     .       
                       distances are:                                                          .       
                          160pc: L/Lsun =  1300 and  340   R/Rsun = 1.9 and 1.0                .       
                          340pc: L/Lsun =  5900 and 1500   R/Rsun = 4.1 and 2.1                .       
                          800pc: L/Lsun = 30000 and 8500   R/Rsun = 9.7 and 5.0                Tth2002 
04302-0303 PRB   2     Primary is WD 0427-03 = NLTT 13402, secondary is LP 655-33. Possible    .       
                       CPM pair, according to Probst (1983).                                   Prb1983 
04302-6753 TOK  85     HIP 20998. Not observed, but J-K=2.92 for B in the 2MASS PSC, hence     .       
                       optical.                                                                Tok2011a
04303+1950 PAT  10     Noted as a probable SB in                                               Grf1988 
                       Griffin et al. (1988).                                                  Msn1993a
                       Member of the Hyades (vB 81) and "probable SB" according to Griffin et  Grf1988 
                       al. (1988). This WDS pair PAT 10 was resolved by speckle.               Tok2012a
                       The spectroscopic solution of this 4023-d pair determined by Griffin.   Grf2012b
04306+1612 LDS2246     Hyades vB 82. A is possibly variable. B is BD+15@640.                   .       
                       The primary was noted as a possible occultation binary by Peterson      Pts1981a
                       et al. (1981).                                                          Msn1993a
                       HJL1036.                                                                HJL1986 
04306+1545 HD  28545   Hyades vB 182.  The 358.4-day SB of Griffin & Gunn (1981) is outside    Grf1981d
                       our detection window.                                                   Msn1993a
04306+1542 BUP  62     81 Tau = LDS2247. Hyades vB 83.  B is BD+15@638.                        .       
                       AB: HJL1037.                                                            HJL1986 
           ARN  36     The CPM B companion with rho = 161".8 is outside our detection window,  .       
                       as are C and D.                                                         Msn1993a
                       D component is primary of 04309+1547 TDS2876. Pair does not appear to    .      
                       be physical, so systems not merged.                                     .       
04306+1344 HD  28556   Hyades vB 84. A CPM companion with rho = 111".9 lies far outside our    .       
                       detection window with a large Delta m of 5.8.                           Msn1993a
04306+1343 BUP  63     83 Tau.                                                                 .       
04307+2601 SMN  12     Measure of 1990.77 made by triangulation of multiple measures and was   .       
                       in a red filter.                                                        Smn1992 
04307-1627 HJ 3653     B is BD-16@879.                                                         .       
04308+1609 PAT  11     Hyades. The 0".3 binary PAT 11 was not resolved by speckle. The GCS did .       
                       not detect RV variability despite large scatter of 4.8 km s-1 in their  .       
                       three measures.                                                         Tok2012a
04309+2442 SMN  13     ZZ Tau. Sfr2003 astrometry for 1995.081 and 1996.124 was based on       .       
                       interpolation of one-dimensional data by Simon.                         Smn1996a
                       The first ZZ Tau orbit by Schaefer et al. (2006) gives range 1994-1999  Sfr2006 
                       for T, 0.35-0.88 for e, 115-134 for i, 111-129 for Omega, 268-336 for   .       
                       omega.  Values of P and a are lower limits.  The second orbital         .       
                       solution includes a lunar occultation measure by Simon et al. (1995).   Smn1995 
                       Assuming a distance of 140 pc, Schaefer et al. (2014) derive a total    .       
                       mass of 0.83 +/- 0.16 Msun.                                             Sfr2014 
04309+1547 TDS2876     D component of 04306+1542. ARN  36AD does not appear to be physical,    .       
                       so systems not merged.                                                  .       
04309-0849 KO    2     CPM pair; A = LP 655-23 (spec early M), B = 2MASS J0430516-084901       .       
                       (M8.0V). Mean separation (1953-2000) 0.328 +/- 0.004 arcmin. Data       .       
                       sources: Palomar Sky Survey red (1953.2), UK Schmidt blue (1982.8), UK  .       
                       Schmidt red (1985.9), 2MASS (1998.7), DENIS I (1998.9), UK Schmidt      .       
                       near-IR (2000.0). Masses of components estimated at 0.26 +/- 0.04 and   .       
                       0.086 +/- 0.004 Msun.                                                   Cab2007b
                       A known component of the wide binary Konigstuhl 2AB with a separation   .       
                       of 20" (Caballero 2007), 2MASS J04305203-0849193 is single closer in,   Cab2007b
                       in the AstraLux images.                                                 Jnn2012 
04310+7724 MLR 461     Also known as TDS 142.                                                  .       
04310-6911 OGL 194     LMC156.6.7     + LMC156.6.6                                             Pli2012 
04311+0647 STT  84     HJL  61.                                                                HJL1986 
04311-4522 TOK 208     Possibly triple. The new companion at 1".6 should not produce RV        .       
                       variability by 3.8 km s-1.                                              Tok2012a
04312+5858 STI2051     A is an astrometric binary. B (mag. 12.44, 8", DC) is a white dwarf,    .       
                       in slow retrograde motion about the mass-center. A very large proper    .       
                       proper motion brought this pair close to a 13th magnitude star which    .       
                       was measured as the C component by Pauwels & Lampens.                   Pws1993 
                       Also known as HDS 584.                                                  .       
                       B: Teff = 7122 +/- 122 K, R = 0.0114 +/- 0.0004 \rsun, M = 0.675 +/-    BdH2017b
                       0.051 \msun.                                                            .       
                       AB: Rectilinear solutions by Cvetkovic (2015)                           Cve2015b
                       and Cvetkovic et al. (2016).                                            Cve2016 
                       Despite the linear solution, based on proper motion and parallax        .       
                       is physical.                                                            .       
04312+0621 LDS9171     Old LDS6171.                                                            .       
04313-6959 OGL 195     LMC157.7.2247  + LMC157.7.2249                                          Pli2012 
04314+4001 STF 552     H N  44.                                                                MEv2010 
04314-0934 GAL 372     Object #136 in Gallo's original list.                                   Gal1914 
04314-1339 STF 560     B is BD-13@905.                                                         .       
04315+1706 SAR   3     HBC 392 = V1074 Tau. SB2.                                               Sar1998 
                       Member of Taurus-Auriga molecular cloud.                                Dae2015 
04316+1743 HD  28634   This is a 2.31-year spectroscopic binary, according to Griffin et al.   Grf1985b
                       (1985).                                                                 Msn1993a
           vA 627      VVO 394. Hipparcos astrometric solution adopted some elements from the  HIP1997d
                       orbit of Griffin et al. (1985). Hyad.                                   Grf1985b
                       Perturbation orbit by McArthur et al. (2011) is based on HST FGS        AST2011 
                       astrometry, plus radial velocities from Griffin et al. (1985). Derived  Grf1985b
                       masses are 0.83 +/- 0.05 and 0.42 +/- 0.05 Msun.                        .       
04316-7037 OGL 196     LMC158.1.29    + LMC158.1.122                                           Pli2012 
04317+2330 POU 458     LDS 886 = LDS1173.                                                      .       
04317+1814 HER  10     AB: Additional notes may be found in Herbig (1962).                     Her1962 
                       XZ Tau.                                                                 .       
           GHE   9     Aa,Ab: Dodin et al. (2016) generated the following preliminary orbital  .       
                       elements: P = 155-256y, a = 27.2-37.2au, i <47deg, e = 0.29-0.64.       Dod2016 
                       Carrasco-Gonzalez et al. (2009) found a close companion to the Aa       CGo2009 
                       component at 7mm wavelength (~6deg, 0.09", dm 0.4 +/- 0.3 mag).         .       
                       However, subsequent observations by Forgan et al. (2014) and the ALMA   Fgn2014 
                       Partnership (2015) found no evidence of this additional component and   ALM2015 
                       concluded it was a false detection.                                     .       
04317+1538 WOR  16     The A component is a known Hyad.                                        .       
           LDS1174     The C component may or may not be a physical companion, possibly        .       
                       sharing CPM only as a member of the cluster.                            .       
04318+2424 CHN   3     Formerly known as LEI  15.                                              .       
04319-0851 HJ 2234     B is BD-09@917.                                                         .       
04320+5355 STF 550     1 Cam. A spectroscopic binary.                                          .       
                       AB: H N  67.                                                            MEv2010 
04320+1822 CHN   4     Formerly known as LEI  16.                                              .       
                       AB: Additional notes may be found in Herbig (1962).                     Her1962 
           HER  11     AD: Additional notes may be found in Herbig (1962).                     Her1962 
04320-6939 OGL 197     LMC157.5.2454  + LMC157.5.2477                                          Pli2012 
04322+3630 AG   80     ALI 293.                                                                .       
04322+1820 KSA 107     Primary is variable star V827 Tau.                                      .       
04322+1757 MSR   1     HBC 397 = V1075 Tau.                                                    Msr2005 
04323+2423 GHE  10     Aka V928 Tau.                                                           .       
04323+2422 KON   4     Estimated masses 0.07 and 0.06 Msun. Primary spectral type M6.5         Kon2007b
04323-6918 OGL 198     LMC156.7.3411  + LMC156.7.3620                                          Pli2012 
04324+0128 HDO 307     Aka BAL 1273.                                                           Hei1983a
04325+2420 HAT   7     A and B are FY Tau and FZ Tau.                                          .       
                       Additional notes may be found in Herbig (1962).                         Her1962 
04325+2044 RED   6     1996.0902  RHy ID and coordinates from Reid (1992).                     Red1992 
                       LP ID from Luyten et al. (1981).                                        Luy1981 
                       Candidate Hyades member; Reid considers possible binary.                Red1997 
04325+1732 LEI   3     Aa,Ab: GG Tau.                                                          .       
                       Tamazian (2002) solution includes mass determination based on an        Tam2002 
                       estimated distance.                                                     .       
                       Aa,Ab: Kohler (2011) derives orbits both coplanar and not coplanar      .       
                       with the disk; only his "most plausible" orbit is tabulated in the      .       
                       orbit catalog. Elements are as follows: P = 403 +67/-32 y, a = 0".429,  .       
                       i = 132.5 +1.0/-2.5 deg, Omega = 131 +13/-8 deg, e = 0.44 +0.02/-0.03,  .       
                       T = 2463400 +1470/-5420, omega = 19 +9/-10.                             Koh2011 
           CHN   5     AB: formerly known as LEI   3.                                          .       
           DIF   1     Ab1,Ab2: Di Folco et al. estimate spectral types for Ab1 and Ab2 of M2V .       
                       and M3.5V, respectively. Assuming the close pair is coplanar with the   .       
                       outer diskof the system, the stars were separated by 5.1au in Dec 2012. DiF2014 
04326+2628 GIC  48     LDS1176 = G008-040/G039-021.                                            .       
                       NLTT 13455/13456                                                        Chm2004 
                       HD 283702. See Allen et al. (2000) for information on metallicity,      AlC2000 
                       age, galactic orbital parameters, etc.                                  .       
04326-0313 H 6  64     H VI 64. Probably a variable of Delta Scuti type,                       .       
                       DZ Eri. B is BD-03@810.                                                 .       
04327+2553 GHE  11     Aa,Ab: Measure of 1990.77 made by triangulation of multiple measures    .       
                       and was in a red filter.                                                Smn1992 
           JOY   3     AB: A RW Aur-type variable, UZ Tau.                                     .       
                       Measure of 1990.77 made by triangulation of multiple measures and was   .       
                       in a red filter.                                                        Smn1992 
                       AB: Additional notes may be found in Herbig (1962).                     Her1962 
04327+1855 DAE  26     V1203 Tau. Member of Taurus-Auriga molecular cloud.                     Dae2015 
04327+1803 SAR   4     HBC 403 = V1076 Tau.                                                    .       
04328+1600 CHR 152     This is probably the spectroscopic system found by Griffin et al.       Grf1988 
                       (1988) to have a period in excess of 15 years.                          Msn1993a
                       The spectroscopic solution of this 9377-d pair determined by Griffin.   Grf2012b
04329+0007 LDS 121     BC: NLTT 13492/13491 = LSPM J0432+0006. Law et al (2008) derive a       Law2008 
                       distance of 16.5 +8.2/-2.7 pc and a projected separation of             .       
                       76.2 +38.7/-11.8 au. Estimated spectral types are M4.5 and M5.5.        .       
04330-3817 BU  747     RZ Cae, Algol-type eclipsing binary, P = 2.486955 d.                    Zas2011 
04331+2410 GHE  13     Ab1,Ab2: Second and third Schaefer et al. (2006) orbits for Elias 12    Sfr2006 
                       Na-Nb include a lunar occultation measure by Simon et al. (1995)        Smn1995 
                       Schaefer et al. (2012) derive spectral types, Teff, luminosities, and   .       
                       masses for the Aa, Ab1, and Ab2 components (assuming a distance of      .       
                       140pc for M and L) as follows:                                          .       
                          Aa:  K7       4060K  1.05 +/-0.20 Lsun  1.040+/-0.016 Msun (Mtotal)  .       
                          Ab1: M2       3560   0.447+/-0.058      0.564+/-0.018                .       
                          Ab2: M2-M2.5  3560   0.356+/-0.038      0.476+/-0.017                Sfr2012 
                       Aa,Ab: V807 Tau. Young member of Taurus-Auriga molecular cloud.         Dae2015 
           HAT   9     AB: Additional notes may be found in Herbig (1962).                     Her1962 
           GHE  12     Ba,Bb: GH Tau. Young member of Taurus-Auriga molecular cloud.           Dae2015 
04331-1208 STF 564     The pair GAL 145 is identical                                           Hei1983a
04331-4646 SKF1205     The pair also show matching radial velocities, but primary is a SB1.    TrC2006 
04332+2434 SAR   5     HBC 405 = V830 Tau.                                                     .       
04332-6829 OGL 199     LMC155.5.3403  + LMC155.6.576                                           Pli2012 
04333+6847 LDS9172     Old LDS6172.                                                            .       
04333+5921 TOR   7     Formerly known as PAN   4.                                              .       
04333+5248 MLR 695     Aa,Ab: Also known as HDS 591.                                           .       
           ES 2607     B is BD+52@844.                                                         .       
04333+2505 LDS5190     old LDS6173.                                                            .       
04334+4304 SHJ  44     57 Per. STTA 50 = H 6  99.                                              .       
04335+7232 HJ 2228     AB: A is a spectroscopic binary.                                        .       
                       Also an unresolved 4.194d spectroscopic binary.                         Mug2017b
           LDS1595     AC: Initially merged with AB under mistaken belief was same pair.       .       
04335+1801 STF 559     H N 132.                                                                MEv2010 
04336+2610 GHE  14     Aa,Ab: IS Tau. Young member of Taurus-Auriga molecular cloud.           Dae2015 
04336+2421 POU 460     AB: Haro 6-22. Both components variable (A: 13.9-15.5, B: 14.1-16.1)    .       
                       according to Wenzel (1957 Nach. astr. Zentralst. 11,28)                 Her1962 
                       A is GK Tau. B is GI Tau.                                               .       
04336-6249 HJ 3670     B is CPD-63@343.                                                        .       
04337+1824 DAE  27     V1323 Tau.                                                              Dae2015 
04337+1752 CHN   7     Formerly known as LEI  17.                                              .       
                       HN Tau. Young member of Taurus-Auriga molecular cloud.                  Dae2015 
04338+1451 CIA  51     rho Tau = 86 Tau.                                                       .       
                       Hipparcos astrometric solution assumes circular orbit (e = omega = 0);  HIP1997d
                       Hyades VA 725 = vB 95.  1.337-year SB according to Abt (1965).          AbH1965 
04339-0644 BU  881     46 Eri. A is variable EH Eri, P = 3.8d, small amplitude.                .       
04340+1510 CHR  17     This rapidly moving system within the wide binary ADS 3317 is probably  Grf1988 
                       the spectroscopic system with P ~13 yr found by Griffin et al. (1988).  Msn1993a
                       New spectroscopic solution determined by Griffin.                       Grf2012b
                       Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and spectroscopic   .       
                       masses of 1.27 +/- 0.34, 1.66, and 0.95 Msun, respectively.             Mlk2012 
04340-5503 B  2092     alp Dor. Hyad (vB 96).                                                  .       
                       High mass-sum, illustrative solution only, speckle/spectroscopic orbit  .       
                       needed, cf. Griffin et al. (1988).                                      Grf1988 
                       See Baize & Petit (1989) catalog of doubles with variable component.    Baz1989d
                       AB: Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and             .       
                       spectroscopic masses 5.51 +/- 1.51, 4.25, and 2.69 Msun, respectively.  Mlk2012 
           HJ 3668     AB,C: Optical pair, based on study of relative motion of the            .       
                       components using the method of apparent motion parameters.              Kiy2008 
04342+2612 SMN  14     Measure of 1990.77 made by triangulation of multiple measures and is    .       
                       in a red filter.                                                        Smn1992 
04343+1830 SAR   6     HBC 407 = V1077 Tau.                                                    .       
04344+6928 HJ 1145     Aka TDS2898.                                                            Skf2016a
04344+1630 OL  107     The ES pair formerly listed at 04350+1631 (= ADS 3313)                  .       
                       is identical to this pair.                                              Hei1980a
04345-6859 OGL 200     LMC156.4.9     + LMC156.4.130   + LMC155.1.775                          Pli2012 
04345-6958 OGL 201     LMC157.2.3089  + LMC157.2.3113                                          Pli2012 
04346-6948 OGL 202     LMC157.3.2891  + LMC157.3.2890                                          Pli2012 
04346-7015 OGL 203     LMC151.5.4     + LMC151.5.38    + LMC151.6.4891                         Pli2012 
04348+3206 SEI  49     Neither component seen on POSS plate; may be flaws on AC Potsdam plate  .       
04349-7651 HJ 3691     B is CPD-77@176.                                                        .       
04350-1246 GAL 373     Object #143 in Gallo's original list.                                   Gal1914 
04352+1822 SAR   7     TAP 51  = V1078 Tau.                                                    .       
04352-0944 STF 570     B is BD-10@958.                                                         .       
                       H 3 100.                                                                MEv2010 
04353+2254 KSA 108     Primary is variable star FF Tau.                                        .       
04353+2232 HER  23     HAT  11.                                                                .       
04354+1045 RED   7     Identification with GCS2 uncertain.                                     .       
                       1996.8130  RHy ID and coordinates from Reid (1992).                     Red1992 
                       LP ID from Luyten et al. (1981).                                        Luy1981 
                       Candidate Hyades member; Reid considers definite binary.                Red1997 
04356+2408 HRM   1     AB = DCH  56. IRAS 04325+2402.                                          .       
04356+1206 TOK  17     Hyades vA 771.                                                          .       
                       Primary is 1.9d SB2. Estimated period of visual pair 400y.              Tok2006 
04357+2411 CHN   8     Formerly known as LEI  19.                                              .       
04357+1953 L     4     First resolved by Lewis in 1902, this system was unconfirmed for        GrO1932A
                       several decades despite numerous attempts, notably those of Aitken      .       
                       with the 36inch between 1910 and 1922. In the ADS, Aitken concluded     A__1932b
                       "It is very doubtful whether the star is double". The system was        .       
                       subsequently removed from the WDS, until its resolution by Prieur et    .       
                       al. over 90 years after its discovery.                                  Pru2002b
04357+1010 CHR  18     Aa,Ab: 88 Tau. A is an Alpha CVn-type variable, and spectroscopic       .       
                       binary, now resolved by speckle interferometry.                         .       
                       B is BD+09@606.                                                         .       
                       1997.071: Absolute quadrant determined by triple-correlation            .       
                       techniques                                                              Pru2002b
           88 Tau      Lane et al. (2007) combine PHASES astrometry with speckle and radial    Lne2007 
                       velocity data to derive an orbit for the Aa,Ab components of the        .       
                       nearby sextuple 88 Tau, as well as the Aa1,Aa2 and Ab1,Ab2 subsystems.  .       
                       The parallax of the system is determined at 0".01973 +/- 0".00034,      .       
                       with semimajor axes for Aa,Ab; Aa1,Aa2; and Ab1,Ab2 of 12.17 +/- 0.17,  .       
                       0.0689 +/- 0.0012, and 0.0997 +/- 0.0021 au, respectively. Other        .       
                       derived quantities for the four components are as follows:              .       
                              Star     Mass (Msun)        M_K (mag)      Spec Type             .       
                              Aa1    2.06  +/- 0.11     0.69 +/- 0.26      A6m                 .       
                              Aa2    1.361 +/- 0.073    2.20 +/- 0.28      F5V                 .       
                              Ab1    1.069 +/- 0.069    2.31 +/- 0.27      G2-3:V              .       
                              Ab2    1.057 +/- 0.068    2.00 +/- 0.27      G2-3:V              .       
           SHJ  45     STTA 52.                                                                .       
                       AB: H 6  31.                                                            MEv2010 
04358-6655 OGL 204     LMC152.7.209   + LMC152.7.891                                           Pli2012 
04359+2352 KOH  15     V1324 Tau. Member of Taurus-Auriga molecular cloud.                     Dae2015 
04359+2254 LEI  21     Primary is V1025 Tau.                                                   .       
           HAT  12     C component is HP Tau.                                                  .       
04359+1631 BU  550     alp Tau = 87 Tau = Aldebaran. A is an unclassified variable.            .       
                       Mk III Limb-darkened diameter 21.21 mas.                                MkT1991 
                       Mk III Limb-darkened diameter 21.099 +/- 0.211 mas.                     MkT2003 
           STFB  2     AC: Optical pair, based on study of relative motion of the components   .       
                       using the method of apparent motion parameters.                         Kiy2008 
                       Incorrectly listed as STFA  2.                                          .       
           STFA  2     AC: H 6  66.                                                            MEv2010 
           STFB  2     AC: Rectilinear solution by Hurowitz et al. (2013).                     USN2013a
04359-0332 LDS9174     Old LDS6174.                                                            .       
04360-0337 STF 571     AB: H 3  95.                                                            MEv2010 
04361+5525 HIP  21433  Ren & Fu (2013) calculated an astrometric orbit, combining Hipparcos    .       
                       Intermediate Astrometric Data with spectroscopic elements by            .       
                       Tokovinin et al. (1994). They derived component masses 0.88 and 0.24    Tok1994c
                       Msun and an estimated semimajor axis of 28.68 mas.                      Ren2013 
04362+0814 A  1840     Observations suggest eccentricity >0.80 and period 150-200y.            Mlr1956a
                       Star C (mag. 9, 6") is probably physical.                               .       
04363+5502 RAO  35     Triple, consisting of a 2.6 day spectroscopic binary (Gorynya &         .       
                       Tokovinin 2014 MNRAS 441, 2316) and the Robo-AO and 2MASS companion at  .       
                       5".7. The field is crowded and PM(A) is small. Our photometry places B  .       
                       slightly above the MS. The star is young and active according to        .       
                       Guillout et al (2009 A&A 504, 829) and we retain B as likely physical.  Rbr2015d
04363+4722 S   451     STTA 51. B is BD+47@1012.                                               .       
04363-0321 BUP  64     nu Eri = 48 Eri. A is a Beta CMa-type variable.                         .       
04363-6655 OGL 205     LMC152.7.23    + LMC152.7.88                                            Pli2012 
04364+3413 HU  610     Only elements P, T, and a have been amended by Starikova (1978) from    Sta1978c
                       the orbit of Baize (1961).                                              Baz1961b
                       Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and spectroscopic   .       
                       masses of 1.70 +/- 1.07, 2.11, and 0.95 Msun, respectively.             Mlk2012 
04365-0559 LDS9175     Old LDS6175.                                                            .       
04365-0611 LDS 843     Aka LDS9175.                                                            .       
04366+1930 LDS3597     The primary is a BY Draconis-type variable.                             .       
04366+1845 RUC   4     RZ Tau. Spectral type of resolved companion M3-5V or possibly later.    Ruc2007 
04367+4116 58 Per      Wyller orbit rejected from Fourth Orbit Catalog                         Wye1957 
                       ("not confirmed by subsequent observations")                            Wor1983 
04367+4105 STF 563     H 3  65.                                                                MEv2010 
04367+1155 LDS1181     Hyades vB 210.                                                          .       
                       NLTT 13608/13606                                                        Chm2004 
04367-6733 OGL 206     LMC153.7.3072  + LMC153.7.3092                                          Pli2012 
04368+2708 GIC  49     LDS1180 = G008-044/G039-027 = GJ 171.2AB. A component is the variable   .       
                       V833 Tau = Melotte 25 301.                                              .       
                       NLTT 13601/13599                                                        Chm2004 
                       Hipparcos identified the pair as a candidate for Hyades membership.     HIP1998 
04368-6205 HJ 3679     A is a long-period variable, R Dor.                                     .       
04372+3108 KOH  16     V961 Tau. Member of Taurus-Auriga molecular cloud.                      Dae2015 
04372+1108 GIC  50     LDS1182 = G083-024/G083-023.                                            .       
04372-6658 OGL 207     LMC152.7.3126  + LMC152.7.3127                                          Pli2012 
04373+1748 BPM 101     [PM2000]  178584 + [PM2000]  178531.                                    Gvr2010 
04373-6853 OGL 208     LMC155.1.4867  + LMC155.1.5999                                          Pli2012 
04373-6905 OGL 209     LMC149.7.8     + LMC149.7.35    + LMC149.5.668                          Pli2012 
04374+0034 STTA 53     B is BD+00@801.                                                         .       
                       Pair appears in an appendix list, not part of the discoverer's          .       
                       regular numbering sequence.                                             .       
                       SHY 465. Bayesian analysis by Shaya & Olling (2011) indicates very      Shy2011 
                       high (near 100%) probability pair is physical.                          .       
04375+1509 CHR 153     1991.9021: Reprocessing of archival speckle data have confirmed this    .       
                       already strong detection and have shown a change in theta of 15 deg in  .       
                       2.7 yr. CHR 153 cannot be the 734.2-d spectroscopic system of Griffin   Grf2012b
                       et al. (1988). In the Hyades.                                           Msn1993a
                       The preliminary orbital solution is clearly in error as the visual      Ole2003b
                       companion was better fit by linear motion and it previously appeared in Hrt2012a
                       the linear catalog. However, with more observations an orbit solution   .       
                       was possible.                                                           Tok2021b
04376-0228 WAL  32     After analysis of proper motions, radial velocities, etc. conclude      .       
                       that A (= 51 Eri) and C (= GJ 330) comprise a wide physical binary and  .       
                       are members of the young bet Pic moving group. Distance is ~30pc and    .       
                       estimated orbital period is ~60,000y; pair form a very fragile system.  Fgl2006 
                       C component is GJ 3305; A and C are members of bet Pic moving group.    Zuc2001b
           BU   88     AB: Optical pair, based on study of relative motion of the components   .       
                       using the method of apparent motion parameters.                         Kiy2008 
           KAS   1     Ca,Cb: Better known as GJ 3305, this binary is part of the beta Pic     .       
                       moving group (Zuckerman et al. 2001), and is also bound to 51 Eri in a  Zuc2001b
                       wide orbit (Feigelson et al. 2006) with a projected separation of 66".  Fgl2006 
                       The binarity of GJ 3305 was first reported by Kasper et al. (2007),     Kas2007b
                       and has been observed with AstraLux on several occasions.               Jnn2012 
                       Ca,Cb: Montet et al (2015) derive a combined spectroscopic/astrometric  .       
                       orbital solution, yielding masses 0.67 +/- 0.05 and 0.44 +/- 0.05       .       
                       Msun, luminosities 0.112 +/- 0.007 and 0.043 +/- 0.005 Lsun, and an     .       
                       age of 37 +/- 9 Gyr.                                                    Mtt2015 
04379-6701 OGL 210     LMC152.2.1     + LMC152.2.31                                            Pli2012 
04379-6915 OGL 211     LMC149.7.39    + LMC149.7.80                                            Pli2012 
04380-1302 STF 576     B is BD-13@938.                                                         .       
04381+1457 LDS5582     LDS6138.                                                                .       
04382+2813 BEU   6     GJ 3304 = G039-029.  Daemgen et al. (2007) derive a distance of 14.5    Dae2007 
                       +/- 3.8 pc, a separation of 11.4 +/- 3.4 au, and a predicted orbital    .       
                       period of 76 +36/-35 yr. Spectral types are M4.0 +/- 0.5  and M4.5 +/-  .       
                       0.5; masses are 0.23 +0.10/-0.07 and 0.20 +0.07/-0.05 Msun.             .       
                       Estimated age 60-300 Myr; masses 0.28 +/- 0.06 and 0.19 +/- 0.05 Msun;  .       
                       a ~13.4 au.                                                             Jnn2014 
04382+1603 PAT  12     Aa,An. CPM companion (rho = 140".5) is outside our detection window.    Msn1993a
04382+1602 BUP  65     89 Tau.                                                                 .       
04382+1231 BUP  66     Hyades vB 104. 90 Tau. A is a spectroscopic binary.                     .       
                       Two CPM companions (rho = 44" and 120") fall outside detection window.  Msn1993a
           MRN   2     Aa,Ab: Marion et al. (2014) estimate the companion to this Hyades       .       
                       member as K4V.  Assuming a face-on, circular orbit with a semi-major    .       
                       axis of 11.1 mas (0.52 au), the minimum period would be ~84d.           Mrn2014 
04382-1315 TOK 660     Resolved using ANDICAM2. PM(A) is small, B is considered physical from  .       
                       photometry and low crowding                                             Tok2014d
04382-1418 KUI  18     53 Eri = Sceptrum.                                                      .       
04384+2611 ITO   6     AC: Itoh et al. (2008) estimate that if the AC pair is physical, the    .       
                       H-band magnitude of C suggests a mass of order 1 Mjup. Followup         .       
                       astrometry and spectroscopy is needed to confirm its companionship.     Ito2008b
04385+2656 STF 572     AB: One component is a spectroscopic binary.                            .       
04385+2611 SMN  15     Aka HV Tau.                                                             .       
04385+2611             Measure of 1990.77 made by triangulation of multiple measures           .       
                       and is in a red filter.                                                 Smn1992 
04385+1752 BPM 102     [PM2000]  179567 + [PM2000]  179474.                                    Gvr2010 
04386-0921 TOK 387     HIP 21265 is an X-ray source and an SB2 according to GCS (only one      .       
                       observation). It is resolved here at 56mas, which corresponds to a      .       
                       period of ~5yr.                                                         Tok2015c
04387-6822 OGL 212     LMC148.5.112   + LMC148.5.706                                           Pli2012 
04388+2147 JNN 262     G 8-48. Estimated age 300-1000 Myr; masses 0.12 +/- 0.04 and 0.10 +/-   .       
                       0.03 Msun; a ~21.9 au.                                                  Jnn2014 
04388-2702 TOK 661     CA: Resolved using ANDICAM2. Tuc-Hor moving group. PM(C) is small,      .       
                       physical from ptm only.                                                 Tok2014d
04388-7015 OGL 213     LMC151.4.44    + LMC151.4.45                                            Pli2012 
04389+1406 HD  29461   Hyades vB 106.  This is SB with P ~ 10 yr according to Griffin et al.   Grf1988 
                       (1988).                                                                 Msn1993a
04389+1406 MET  41     This optical companion cannot be 3760d spectroscopic binary of Griffin  Grf2012b
04389-1207 HDS 599     Cvetkovic et al. (2014) derive spectral types A1 and  F2, masses 2.28   .       
                       and 1.56 Msun. Dynamical parallax is 15.50 +/- 0.75 mas.                Cve2014 
04390+2149 LDS1183     NLTT 13673/13674                                                        Chm2004 
04391+0752 BUP  67     B is BD+07@680.                                                         .       
04392+2553 TER   1     IRAS 04361+2547.                                                        .       
04393+3331 JNN 263     Estimated age 1000-10000 Myr; masses 0.32 +/- 0.16 and 0.20 +/- 0.10    .       
                       Msun; a ~2.6 au.                                                        Jnn2014 
04393+2545 SMN  16     GN Tau.                                                                 .       
04393+2221 LKCA 15     Sallum et al. (2015) resolve three planetary companions to LkCa 15.     .       
                       Companion b has a best-fit orbital semi-major axis 14.7 +/- 2.1 au,     .       
                       that of companion c is 18.6 +2.5/-2.7 au. Companion d is only seen in   .       
                       the L' band, so less information can be gleaned.                        Sll2015b
04393+1555 STFA 11     A: sig 2 Tau = 92 Tau. A is a spectroscopic binary.                     .       
                       B: sig 1 Tau = 91 Tau. B is BD+15@665, SB and occultation binary.       .       
04394-6938 OGL 214     LMC150.4.33    + LMC150.4.139                                           Pli2012 
04395-1141 GAL 374     Object #147 in Gallo's original list.                                   Gal1914 
04395-4507 I  1489     Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and spectroscopic   .       
                       masses of 1.49 +/- 0.82, 1.60, and 0.79 Msun, respectively.             Mlk2012 
04396-2115 BU 1236     AC: SHY 467. Bayesian analysis by Shaya & Olling (2011) indicates very  Shy2011 
                       high (near 100%) probability pair is physical.                          .       
04397+0952 HDS 601     Also a 610d spectroscopic binary.                                       Tok2019b
           GIC  51     LDS1184.  AB = G083-028/G083-029 = GJ 9162AB.                           .       
04397-6722 OGL 215     LMC153.3.3746  + LMC153.3.4025                                          Pli2012 
04399+5305 BU 1043     3 Cam. A is an eclipsing binary of the W UMa-type.                      .       
04399+1940 RED   8     1996.0929  RHy ID and coordinates from Reid (1992). Candidate Hyades    Red1992 
                       member; Reid considers possible binary.                                 Red1997 
04399+1631 BU 1044     Measures made by CHARA/USNO in 1991, 1993, 1995, 1996 and 1998 of       .       
                       04404+1631 = CHR 154 were actually of this pair. Those measures have    .       
                       been included here.                                                     .       
04400+5328 BU 1295     2 Cam.                                                                  .       
                       The high-eccentricity solution for AB by Valbousquet (1980) is          Val1980b
                       questioned by Heintz (1962) on grounds of a mass discrepancy.           Hei1962 
                       The equinox-1900 position was incorrectly given as 04320+5310 in        .       
                       McAlister & Hendry (1982).                                              McA1982d
                       Argument of periastron flipped for Tok2021b orbit since WDS refers to   .
                       fainter star as primary.
           STF 566     A is the D component of 04404+5328.                                     .       
04400+3534 HJ  681     ALI 64.                                                                 .       
04400+2556 KON   5     Estimated masses 0.1 and 0.06 Msun. Primary spectral type M5.75         Kon2007b
04403-6924 OGL 216     LMC149.2.6     + LMC149.2.26                                            Pli2012 
04404+5328 D     4     AD: D component is primary of 04400+5328BU 1295AB. AD not physical, so  .       
                       systems not merged.                                                     .       
04404+1631 CHR 154     Measures made by CHARA/USNO in 1991, 1993, 1995, 1996 and 1998 were     .       
                       actually of 04399+1631 = BU 1044. Measures X coded here but retained    .       
                       to maintain original catalog pedigree.                                  .       
04404-1940 STN   9     54 Eri. A semiregular variable, DM Eri. No very positive observations   .       
                       as a visual double. Needs speckle.                                      .       
04404-2935 DAW  81     BC: Rectilinear solution by Hurowitz et al. (2013).                     USN2013a
04406-4152 HDO 190     AB: alp Cae. A is a Delta Scuti-type variable.                          .       
                       AB: Physical/optical nature undefined.                                  Ehr2010 
04407+2519 KON   6     Estimated masses 0.15 and 0.08 Msun. Primary spectral type M5.5         Kon2007b
04407-2812 TOK 209     Resolved with NICI, uncertain measure. Not resolved with speckle.       Tok2012a
                       Direct motion by 16deg since first resolution at Gemini on 2011.80;     .       
                       estimated period is 15 yr.                                              Tok2013b
04408-3951 RSS   5     This previously uncataloged double star was a Hipparcos double entry    .       
                       system.  The first measure is determined from the individual positions  .       
                       listed by Rousseau et al.                                               Rss1996 
04408-6741 OGL 217     LMC146.8.31    + LMC146.8.30                                            Pli2012 
04409+0058 STF 583     AB: H 2  81.                                                            MEv2010 
04410-6935 OGL 218     LMC150.4.7439  + LMC150.4.8170                                          Pli2012 
04413+3242 JNN 264     Estimated age 300-1000 Myr; masses 0.54 +/- 0.04 and 0.40 +/- 0.06      .       
                       Msun; a ~58.9 au.                                                       Jnn2014 
04414+2715 KOH  20     V1328 Tau.                                                              Dae2015 
04413+2054 LWR   5     V834 Tau                                                                .       
04415-4328 Anon        EQ 0439-4333. ID as EQ 0439-4333 is uncertain, as it was based on a     .       
                       Simbad search using epoch-1950 coordinates 043955-433318 from White et  Whi1991 
                       al. (1991).                                                             .       
04416-4302 WHI   6     Possibly resolved.                                                      Whi1991 
04417+2302 KSA  29     Primary is of spectral type M8.5 and shows evidence of a circumstellar  .       
                       disk and active accretion. The Ab companion is estimated as type        .       
                       M9.5-L0, mass 5-10 Mjup. Todorov et al. (2010) also resolved the B      .       
                       component into a 0.23" pair.                                            Tod2010 
04418+2658 KOH  21     Member of Taurus-Auriga molecular cloud.                                Dae2015 
04419-6714 OGL 219     LMC146.5.3639  + LMC146.5.3827                                          Pli2012 
04421+2523 LEI  24     V955 Tau.                                                               .       
           GHE  15     The measures and component designations of the Ba and Ca pair were      .       
                       assigned incorrectly and were correctly re-assigned 5/22/02. The        .       
                       designations LEI  24Ba <---> GHE  15Ca were flipped and the             .       
                       designation LEI  25Aa became LEI  24Aa.                                 .       
04422+3731 STF 577     CfA: SB? Not clear if it is A or B.                                     Tok2014d
04422+2257 MCA  16     Aa,Ab: tau Tau = 94 Tau. Occultation binary and short-period SB.        .       
                       Hough suspected duplicity due to a slow occultation. Finally resolved   .       
                       by McAlister in 1980.                                                   McA1983 
                       1983.9337, 1983.9391: Interferometric observations are incompatible     Jef1963 
                       with the large delta m reported by Jeffers et al. (1963).               Bnu1984 
                       Aa,Ab: Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and          .       
                       spectroscopic masses 12.44 +/- 4.14, 7.48, and 6.92 Msun, respectively. Mlk2012 
                       Uniform disk diameter  0.220 +/- 0.016 mas,                             .       
                       Limb darkened diameter 0.226 +/- 0.016 mas,                             .       
                       Teff = 18500 +/- 800 K based on LDD.                                    .       
                       Radius is 2.27 +/- 0.20 \rsun.                                          CIA2019a
           S   455     STTA 54 = H 6   7.                                                      .       
04422+0259 A  2424     Position angles uncertain.                                              .       
04423+8103 LDS1596     NLTT 13589/13587                                                        Chm2004 
04423+0932 TOB 369     Aka GWP 610.                                                            .       
04423-2943 LDS 126     NLTT 13802/13804                                                        Chm2004 
04423-6657 OGL 220     LMC145.7.3953  + LMC145.7.4003                                          Pli2012 
04426+2516 KSA 111     Primary is variable star DP Tau.                                        .       
04427-2147 LDS3608     NLTT 13805/13809                                                        Chm2004 
04428-7030 OGL 221     LMC144.7.6     + LMC144.7.441                                           Pli2012 
04429+1843 LDS2266     BC: HJL1038.                                                            HJL1986 
                       RV(A)=+14.5, not Hyades member! On Lick RV program.  B is SB2,          HJL2012b
                       P=56.445d (Halbwachs et al. 2012)                                       Tok2014d
04430+5712 A  1014     Only elements P, T, and a have been amended by Starikova (1978) from    Sta1978c
                       the orbit of Baize (1958).                                              Baz1958 
                       Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and spectroscopic   .       
                       masses of 1.27 +/- 0.48, 2.37, and 1.10 Msun, respectively.             Mlk2012 
04431+3356 HJ  348     Also known as STF 580.                                                  .       
04431-0725 A   476     KP Eri, Algol-type eclipsing binary, P = 7.447126 d.                    Zas2011 
04431-6844 OGL 222     LMC148.2.7773  + LMC148.2.7774  + LMC148.2.7791                         Pli2012 
04432-5436 TOK  87     HIP 21960.                                                              .       
04432-6723 OGL 223     LMC146.3.22    + LMC146.3.117                                           Pli2012 
04433+5931 A  1013     Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and spectroscopic   .       
                       masses of 5.20 +/- 2.40, 3.42, and 1.82 Msun, respectively.             Mlk2012 
04434+1558 BPM 103     [PM2000]  183754 + [PM2000]  183745.                                    Gvr2010 
04436-0848 STF 590     55 Eri. B is a Delta Scuti-type variable, DW Eri., BD-09@969. Spectral  .       
                       type F4IIIpSr. Both components are spectroscopic binaries.              .       
                       H 3  99.                                                                MEv2010 
04441+1739 LDS2268     NLTT 13828/13829.                                                       .       
04441+0205 HL    1     This is a measure of HL 04441+0204 and A 3006 04440+0204                .       
04442-6959 OGL 224     LMC143.8.7618  + LMC143.8.8368                                          Pli2012 
04443+2017 KOH  22     V1205 Tau.                                                              Dae2015 
04444+1952 KOH  23     V1333 Tau.                                                              Dae2015 
04444+1109 BUP  68     Hyades vB 111.  A may be variable. Two CPM companions with rho = 74".7  .       
                       and rho = 10".0, both outside our detection window.                     Msn1993a
04445+3953 COU1524     Primary is eclipsing binary V592 Per (period 0.71572 day).              Zas2010 
04448-6946 OGL 225     LMC143.6.9637  + LMC143.6.10050                                         Pli2012 
04449+2717 KOH  24     Member of Taurus-Auriga molecular cloud.                                Dae2015 
04449+1757 LDS2271     LDS5590.                                                                .       
04450+1605 BPM 104     [PM2000]  185037 + [PM2000]  185149.                                    Gvr2010 
04453-6943 OGL 226     LMC143.6.9561  + LMC143.6.9815                                          Pli2012 
04454+2955 NI   12     BVD  47.                                                                .       
04454+2421 POU 477     Also known as GRV 215.                                                  .       
04454-5949 FIN  89     A is the Mira-type variable, T Dor.                                     .       
04454-7006 OGL 227     LMC143.8.7703  + LMC143.8.7822                                          Pli2012 
04455-0512 HJ   27     B is BD-05@1021.                                                        .       
04455-2226 DON  77     CD-22@1801.                                                             .       
04455-7018 OGL 228     LMC144.3.38    + LMC144.3.177                                           Pli2012 
04458+3515 ES 2410     ALI 65.                                                                 .       
04459+1911 AG  311     B is BD+18@714.                                                         .       
04460+1616 BPM 105     [PM2000]  185978 + [PM2000]  185928.                                    Gvr2010 
04460+1142 BUP  69     A is possibly a spectroscopic binary.                                   .       
04464+4221 COU2031     1985.740:  The separation of this partially resolved pair was           .       
                       calculated under the assumption of zero or otherwise known magnitude    .       
                       difference.                                                             Tok1985 
                       Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and spectroscopic   .       
                       masses of 2.53 +/- 0.35, 2.85, and 1.05 Msun, respectively.             Mlk2012 
                       Combined spectroscopic/interferometric orbit. Resulting masses are      .       
                       1.75 +/- 0.08 and 1.32 +/- 0.08 Msun. Spectral types are estimated as   .       
                       G3IV and F6V.                                                           Doc2014i
04465+1528 HD  30246   Hyades vB 142.                                                          Grf1988 
                       Noted as a SB in Griffin et al. (1988).                                 Msn1993a
04465+1528 MET  42     This optical companion cannot be 989.8-d SB of Griffin.                 Grf2012b
04466+4002 BRT2206     ALI 1040.                                                               .       
04468+1745 PAT  15     This pair is noted as a slow spectroscopic binary in Griffin et al.     Grf1988 
                       (1988).                                                                 Msn1993a
04468+1744 LDS1187     LDS5601.                                                                .       
04468+0901 PAT  16     This pair is a spectroscopic binary with P ~ 7 yr according to Griffin  Grf1988 
                       et al. (1988).                                                          Msn1993a
                       Hyades. The 0".1 pair PAT 16 was not resolved with speckle; its         .       
                       estimated period is 7 yr.                                               Tok2012a
                       The spectroscopic solution of this 2446-d pair determined by Griffin.   Grf2012b
04468-2618 VIG   6     The B component appears to be a faint background star.                  Vig2012 
04469+1700 DAE  35     DQ Tau. Young member of Taurus-Auriga molecular cloud.                  Dae2015 
04469-1117 JNN  28     2MASS J04465175-1116476 has a companion that has not yet been tested    .       
                       for common proper motion. Since the brightness and color match          .       
                       expectations, the system counts as an unconfirmed binary.               Jnn2012 
04469-4630 LDS9177     Old LDS6177.                                                            .       
04469-6036 GAL   6     AL Dor.                                                                 .       
                       Ma,Mb = 1.1029 +/- 0.0004, 1.1018 +/- 0.0005 \msun,                     GaA2019 
                       orbital parallax = 15.200 +/- 0.056 mas.                                .       
           TOK 388     First resolution of HIP 22229 at 0".043, dI=1.2. The measure is         .       
                       uncertain, but the elongation is confirmed with 2-ms exposure and is    .       
                       not seen in other observed stars, so it is not caused by vibration.     .       
                       This is a triple system containing an eclipsing binary AL Dor           .       
                       (Algol-type) with an eccentric orbit (Bulut & Demirkan, 2007 MNRAS,     .       
                       378, 179). The separation implies an orbital period of the outer        .       
                       system ~5yr                                                             Tok2015c
04470-6954 OGL 229     LMC143.2.264   + LMC143.2.1526                                          Pli2012 
04472+2027 KU   85     Also known as STF 593.                                                  .       
04472+1332 LDS1188     LDS5603.                                                                .       
04472-1715 ARG  11     B is BD-17@951, spectrum G2/3V.                                         .       
04476+1816 PAT  17     This pair is a spectroscopic binary with P >5 yr according to Griffin   Grf1988 
                       et al. (1988).                                                          Msn1993a
                       The spectroscopic solution of this 4822-d pair determined by Griffin.   Grf2012b
04476-0534 GRE   1     IRAS 04451-0539 = PDS 11.                                               Gre1992 
04477+4014 A  1545     Primary is V593 Per, a Beta Lyr type eclipsing binary, P = 3.2437d.     Zas2012 
04477-6945 OGL 230     LMC143.3.10488 + LMC143.3.11560                                         Pli2012 
04478+3643 GAA   2     AW Per. This Cepheid is an SB with an orbital period of ~40 yr. First   .       
                       discovered by Miller & Preston (1964 PASP 76, 47), it took several      .       
                       years to derive the first orbit from radial velocity data (Evans 1989   .       
                       AJ 97, 1737). It is likely that this companion is itself a binary, as   .       
                       argued by Evans and by Evans et al. (2000 AJ 120, 407), because the     .       
                       magnitude difference between the Cepheid and its companion is not       .       
                       consistent with equal masses and predictions from evolutionary tracks.  .       
                       Unfortunately, Gallenne et al. (2015) note they did not have enough     .       
                       angular resolution and sensitivity to detect this third companion. The  .       
                       properties of the brightest companion were studied based on IUE         .       
                       spectra by Evans (1994 ApJ 436, 273; 1995 ApJ 445, 393), who found its  .       
                       spectral type to be B8.3V. This is in agreement with their detection    .       
                       with a flux ratio f = 1.22 +/- 0.30%, i.e., a spectral type in the      .       
                       range B6-B9V (using d = 853 pc from a P-L relation and K = 4.63 mag     .   
                       for the Cepheid). They estimate the companion mH = 9.6 +/- 0.3 mag      .     
                       (using for the Cepheid at theirgiven phase mH = 4.84 +/- 0.01 mag from  .     
                       Monson & Pierce (2011 ApJS 193, 12). Massa & Evans (2008 MNRAS 383,     .       
                       139) also determined the angular separation of the component for        .       
                       another epoch, which will allow an estimate all the orbital elements,   .       
                       (see also Gallenne et al. 2013 EAS Pub. Ser. 64, 197). Gallenne et al.  .       
                       (2015) derived a maximum sensitivity limit at 3sigma of 0.62%, i.e.,    .       
                       dmH> 5.5 mag, so can therefore exclude any additional components with   .     
                       a spectral type earlier than B9V.                                       GaA2015 
                       Spectroscopic binary orbit with P = 13954d determined.                  Grf2016c
04478+2925 CHN  10     Additional notes may be found in Herbig (1962).                         Her1962 
                       DS Tau. Young member of Taurus-Auriga molecular cloud.                  Dae2015 
04478-3043 LDS3620     NLTT 13968/13970                                                        Chm2004 
04479+2755 KOH  26     V1337 Tau. Member of Taurus-Auriga molecular cloud.                     Dae2015 
04479+1902 LDS3619     LDS5604.                                                                .       
04480+5645 BU 1387     4 Cam.                                                                  .       
04480+5307 STF 587     H 4  73.                                                                MEv2010 
04480-4154 TOK 490     AD: D component is the primary of 04490-4128 RST1285.                   .       
04481+7810 MLR 464     Also known as TDS 148.                                                  .       
04483-7036 OGL 231     LMC137.8.142   + LMC137.8.140                                           Pli2012 
04485+1056 HJ  684     CD: Also known as STF 601.                                              .       
04486+1748 STF 598     HJL  62.                                                                HJL1986 
04486-6648 OGL 232     LMC138.6.5554  + LMC138.6.5870                                          Pli2012 
04487+2106 HD 284787   Hyades vB 115.  This pair is a spectroscopic binary SB with P ~ 4 yr    Grf1988 
                       according to Griffin et al. (1988).                                     Msn1993a
04487-6830 OGL 233     LMC141.4.9     + LMC141.4.22                                            Pli2012 
04488+5308 STF 586     Same position, and in field of, STF 587.                                .       
04488-6124 JSP  60     AC, 180deg, 8" 14th mag noted.                                          Hln1966 
04488-6902 OGL 234     LMC142.4.13828 + LMC142.4.14777                                         Pli2012 
04489-6951 OGL 235     LMC136.7.1220  + LMC136.7.2869                                          Pli2012 
04491+1408 BPM 106     [PM2000]  189268 + [PM2000]  189301.                                    Gvr2010 
04491+0513 STTA 55     B is BD+04@755.                                                         .       
04492+2448 HD 283882   Hyades vB 117.  The 11.93-day SB of Griffin & Gunn (1978) is outside    Grf1978b
                       our detection window.                                                   Msn1993a
04492-3505 TOK 210     The companion is close to the detection limit, but it is considered to  .       
                       be real. The measurement is uncertain.                                  Tok2012a
                       Retrograde motion by 5deg since resolution on 2011.78; period is about  .       
                       20y. Measurements are uncertain because of large dm. The "blue" color   .       
                       of the companion is caused by measurement error.                        Tok2013b
04492-6736 OGL 236     LMC139.2.2     + LMC139.2.1                                             Pli2012 
04492-6901 OGL 237     LMC142.4.13837 + LMC142.4.14005                                         Pli2012 
04493+3235 CHR  19     A spectroscopic binary with P = 7.05d.                                  .       
                       Fekel et al. (2013) derive a new spectrosopic orbit with P=7.051d and   .       
                       e (adopted) = 0.0. Estimated masses are 1.95 and 1.2 Msun. Differences  .       
                       between early DAO and more recent data suggest the possibility of a     .       
                       3rd component in the system. It in uncertain whether this corresponds   .       
                       to the never-confirmed speckle companion, however.                      Fek2013a
04493+2934 RAS  18     Magnetic star; primary is A0 silicon star. Companions A8-F0.            Ras2014 
                       LSC  31. V473 Tau.                                                      .       
04494+4828 JNN 265     G 81-34. Estimated age 30-300 Myr; masses 0.27 +/- 0.14 and 0.18 +/-    .       
                       0.09 Msun; a ~13.5 au.                                                  Jnn2014 
04497+1554 HJ 3261     96 Tau. BU  551A,BC.                                                    .       
04498+0658 STT 560     pi 3 Ori = 1 Ori = Tabit. Obviously an optical pair. A spectroscopic    .       
                       binary and possibly a variable of Delta Scuti type.                     .       
                       CHARA Array Limb-darkened diameter  1.526 +/- 0.004 mas,                CIA2012e
                       R =  1.323 +/- 0.004 \rsun, L =  2.822 +/-0.030 \lsun,                  .       
                       Teff = 6516 +/-  19 K, M = 1.283 +/- 0.006 \msun,                       .       
                       Age =  1.3 +/- 0.2 Gyr.                                                 .       
                       Optical pair, based on study of relative motion of the components       .       
                       using the method of apparent motion parameters.                         Kiy2008 
04499+2230 LDS9178     Old LDS6178. G085-017. See Allen et al. (2000) for information on       AlC2000 
                       metallicity, age, galactic orbital parameters, etc.                     .       
                       NLTT 14005/13996                                                        Chm2004 
04500+2230 KOH  27     V1341 Tau. Member of Taurus-Auriga molecular cloud.                     Dae2015 
04501+6632 STF 584     May be H 2  92.                                                         Bu_1906 
04501-6635 OGL 238     LMC138.4.30    + LMC138.4.63                                            Pli2012 
04502-0413 SLW 172     GWP 619.                                                                Tob2012b
04502-3113 B  1474     Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and spectroscopic   .       
                       masses of 1.59 +/- 1.09, 1.93, and 0.91 Msun, respectively.             Mlk2012 
04503+0657 H 6  83     H VI 83.                                                                .       
04503-4119 HJ 3697     Optical pair, based on study of relative motion of the components       .       
                       using the method of apparent motion parameters.                         Kiy2008 
                       Rectilinear solution by Hurowitz et al. (2013).                         USN2013a
04503-6649 OGL 239     LMC138.3.160   + LMC138.3.161   + LMC138.3.468                          Pli2012 
04504+1712 HD  30676   Hyades vB 119                                                           Grf1988 
                       This pair is noted as a SB in Griffin et al. (1988).                    Msn1993a
04505+0103 A  2622     A premature orbit has been computed.                                    .       
04505-3834 GC 5916     Hipparcos astrometric solution assumed circular orbit (e = omega = 0)   HIP1997d
04506+1505 CHR  20     Hyad (vB 120). Preliminary circular orbit, speckle/spectroscopic        .       
                       orbit needed, cf. Griffin et al. (1988).                                Grf1988 
                       1991.9023: This may be the spectroscopic system found by Griffin et     .       
                       al., but more observations are needed to determine the orbital motion.  Msn1993a
                       New spectroscopic solution determined by Griffin.                       Grf2012b
                       This is a Hyades binary for which Griffin (2012) published an SB2       Grf2012b
                       orbit. We combined his RVs with the speckle data, resulting in a very   .       
                       accurate period. The combined orbit corresponds to a mass sum of 2.1    .       
                       Msun and an orbital parallax of 22mas, in good agreement with the HIP2  .       
                       parallax of 23.69 +/- 0.87mas.                                          Tok2015c
                       Orbital parallax is 21.30 +/- 0.75 mas. Mass of the primary is          .       
                       1.129 +/- 0.169 \msun. Mass of the secondary is 1.090 +/- 0.160 \msun.  Doc2018h
                       M1    = 1.065 +/- 0.018 \msun,   M2 = 1.008 +/- 0.016 \msun,            .       
                       R1    = 0.968 +/- 0.012 \rsun,   R2 = 0.878 +/- 0.013 \rsun,            .       
                       Teff1 = 5656  +/- 56 K,        Teff2 = 5489 +/- 60 K,                   .       
                       orbital parallax = 21.86 +/- 0.15 mas.                                  Trr2024 
04506-6711 OGL 240     LMC139.4.89    + LMC139.4.1334                                          Pli2012 
04507-4540 HJ 3699     old LDS6179.                                                            .       
04508+1613 HD  30738   Hyades vB 121                                                           .       
                       The 5.751-day SB of Griffin & Gunn (1978) is outside our detection      Grf1978b
                       window.                                                                 Msn1993a
04508-4013 I  1492     Variable, Y Cae.                                                        .       
04509+3746 TOK 249     Cmp? Crowded field (N*=81), small PM, hence B can be optical.           Tok2014d
04509-5328 DUN  18     iot Pic                                                                 .       
           SHY 172     AC: HIP  22531 + HIP  22562.                                            .       
           SHY 173     BC: HIP  22534 + HIP  22562.                                            .       
                       In addition to the three visual components, which are physical, the A   Tok2020h
                       component has two spectroscopic components with periods of 1.6d and     .       
                       1003d. The B component also has a spectroscopic component with a period .       
                       of 208d making this a physical sextuple. The AB visual pair has an      .       
                       estimated period of 6k yr and the wide AB,C pair has an estimated       .       
                       period of 600k years.                                                   .       
04511-2731 TOK  88     HIP 22538. The original Hipparcos gives parallax 13.9 mas. A is X-ray   .       
                       source 1RXS J045103.5-273115.                                           Tok2011a
04512+1104 BU  883     Hyad (vB 122).                                                          .       
                       Mass-sum calls for sp subsystem, but RV-ampl <1km/s according to        .       
                       Griffin et al. (1988).                                                  Grf1988 
                       AO photometric analysis by ten Brummelaar et al. (2000) includes mass   .       
                       determination.                                                          TtB2000 
                       AB: Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and             .       
                       spectroscopic masses 2.58 +/- 0.49, 2.36, and 2.24 Msun, respectively.  Mlk2012
                       Argument of periastron flipped for Sod1999 orbit since WDS refers to    .
                       fainter star as primary.
                       AB,C: Optical pair, based on study of relative motion of the            .       
                       components using the method of apparent motion parameters.              Kiy2008 
                       AB,C: Rectilinear solution by Hurowitz et al. (2013).                   USN2013a
04512-2213 BRT1378     CD-22@1851.                                                             .       
04512-6843 OGL 241     LMC134.7.16981 + LMC134.7.17012                                         Pli2012 
04513-3040 BRT2856     A likely plate flaw.                                                    Grv2021b
04513-6804 FIN 362     Only one observation, with many negative results. Duplicity             .       
                       questionable. Needs speckle.                                            .       
04514+1850 BUP  70     97 Tau = LDS1190. A is a Delta Scuti-type variable, V480 Tau.           .       
                       B is BD+18@742.                                                         .       
04515+5550 LDS5615     relative motion of AB is 0.1"/yr, too fast. optical?                    Tok2014d
04515-3454 FIN 320     Appears to have completed a revolution if the quadrants are correct.    .       
                       Period about 40y.                                                       .       
                       Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and spectroscopic   .       
                       masses of 4.50 +/- 1.29, 3.59, and 2.19 Msun, respectively.             Mlk2012 
                       Docobo & Andrade (2013) derive a dynamical parallax of 13.78 +/- 0.41   .       
                       mas and component masses 1.85 +/- 0.21 and 1.58 +/- 0.18 Msun. See      .       
                       paper for extensive notes on this system.                               Doc2013d
04515-6653 OGL 242     LMC138.3.7274  + LMC138.3.7555                                          Pli2012 
04515-6933 OGL 243     LMC136.5.13108 + LMC136.5.13830                                         Pli2012 
04516-6841 OGL 244     LMC134.7.20843 + LMC134.7.21738                                         Pli2012 
04518+3047 JOY   4     A is the RW Aur-type variable, UY Aur.                                  Her1962 
                       Hioki et al. (2007) calculate a period of 1640 +/- 90 yr and a total    Hio2007 
                       mass of 1.73 +/- 0.29 Msun.                                             .       
04518+1339 BU  552     Hyad (vB 124).                                                          Wor1963a
                       The primary is 143d SB (Griffin et al. 1985).                           Grf1985b
                       The spectroscopic system of Griffin et al. would be too close for us    .       
                       to resolve by speckle interferometry.                                   Msn1993a
                       A: Ren & Fu (2013) calculated an astrometric orbit, combining           .       
                       Hipparcos Intermediate Astrometric Data with spectroscopic elements by  .       
                       Turner et al. (1986). They derived component masses 1.42 and 0.55 Msun  TrD1986 
                       and an estimated semimajor axis of 15.67 mas.                           Ren2013 
                       AB: Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and             .       
                       spectroscopic masses 2.67 +/- 1.47, 2.30, and 1.00 Msun, respectively.  Mlk2012 
                       A faint component (about mag. 13, 45") is unobserved since 1906; its    .       
                       physical nature is unknown.                                             .       
04519-3414 BVD  48     AC: SHY 470. Bayesian analysis by Shaya & Olling (2011) indicates very  Shy2011 
                       high (near 100%) probability pair is physical.                          .       
04519-6058 JSP  62     CD-61@974.                                                              .       
04519-6635 OGL 245     LMC138.4.6967  + LMC138.4.6968                                          Pli2012 
04521-6706 OGL 246     LMC138.1.8041  + LMC138.1.8261                                          Pli2012 
04525-3631 LDS9180     Old LDS6180.                                                            .       
04526+4302 ES 1526     BC: BRT 111                                                             .       
04526-2646 LDS3625     NLTT 14126/14125                                                        Chm2004 
04527-2546 TOK 662     With plx(A), B is on the MS, likely physical.                           Tok2014d
04527-6936 OGL 247     LMC136.4.307   + LMC136.4.140                                           Pli2012 
04527-7043 OGL 248     LMC137.1.262   + LMC137.1.650                                           Pli2012 
04531-0117 S   457     B is BD-01@743.                                                         .       
04531-0853 BRT 369     A likely plate flaw.                                                    Grv2021b
04533+1401 BPM 107     [PM2000]  194282 + [PM2000]  194455.                                    Gvr2010 
04534-0925 RST4256     BRT 2834.                                                               .       
04535-5551 LDS 131     See note to 05287-6527 SHY  27AD.                                       .       
04537-4539 GRV1249     Both A and B have approximately the same radial velocity.               Grv2019b
04538-6831 OGL 249     LMC134.3.20577 + LMC134.3.20575                                         Pli2012 
04540-6943 OGL 250     LMC136.3.223   + LMC136.3.524                                           Pli2012 
04540-7022 OGL 251     LMC137.3.14145 + LMC137.3.18362                                         Pli2012 
04541+8125 MLR 490     Also known as TDS 152.                                                  .       
04541+6621 alp Cam     Fullerton (1990) presents high quality profiles that indicate the       Ful1990 
                       presence of line profile variations; his associated radial velocity     .       
                       measurements do not confirm any of the periods suggested by Zeinalov &  .       
                       Musaev (1986 SvAL 12, 125) and Musaev & Snezhko (1988 SvAL 14, 68).     Msn1998a
04542+4935 STF 603     AB: H N  77.                                                            MEv2010 
04543+0722 STF 612     HD 31208. See Allen et al. (2000) for information on metallicity,       AlC2000 
                       age, galactic orbital parameters, etc.                                  .       
                       AB: HJL  64.                                                            HJL1986 
04544-6720 OGL 252     LMC132.6.11391 + LMC132.6.12002                                         Pli2012 
04545-0314 RST5501     Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and spectroscopic   .       
                       masses of 3.79 +/- 1.45, 3.77, and 1.20 Msun, respectively.             Mlk2012 
04547+1221 TOK 251     A is exoplanet host, P=466d. RV(A)=+12.1, not Hyades                    Tok2014d
04547-0257 J  1348     GCB 7. BRT 370.                                                         .       
04548+1126 MCA  17     6 Ori.                                                                  .       
04549+1009 ENG  19     7 Ori = pi 1 Ori. B is BD+09@682.                                       .       
04549+0836 STT  90     V1834 Ori, Algol-type eclipsing binary, P = 1.51058 d.                  Zas2011 
04549-6934 OGL 253     LMC136.4.18656 + LMC136.4.18660                                         Pli2012 
04550+3411 HJ  351     AB: Rectilinear solution by Friedman et al. (2011).                     USN2011a
04551+5516 BU 1187     5 Cam.                                                                  .       
04551+3535 MLB 923     Not found by Heintz at IDS position.                                    Hei1985a
04551-6718 OGL 254     LMC132.4.88    + LMC132.4.1271                                          Pli2012 
04552+1827 DAE  39     V1349 Tau.                                                              Dae2015 
04552-6656 OGL 255     LMC131.7.14509 + LMC131.7.14673                                         Pli2012 
04552-6908 OGL 256     LMC135.3.30074 + LMC135.3.30071                                         Pli2012 
04552-7923 HJ 3733     B is CPD-79@163.                                                        .       
04554-7109 OGL 257     LMC130.7.31    + LMC130.7.349   + LMC130.7.1118                         Pli2012 
04555+1711 BPM 108     [PM2000]  197155 + [PM2000]  197180.                                    Gvr2010 
04556+3018 MSR   3     HBC 426 = V396 Aur.                                                     Msr2005 
04556+1653 HJ 3263     Rectilinear solutions by Cvetkovic (2015)                               Cve2015b
                       and Cvetkovic et al. (2016).                                            Cve2016 
04557+1742 DAE  40     V1350 Tau. Member of Taurus-Auriga molecular cloud.                     Dae2015 
04557-6637 OGL 258     LMC131.4.8     + LMC131.4.7                                             Pli2012 
04558+3033 BNS   1     HBC 78 = MWC 93 = AB Aur                                                .       
04558-3100 LDS3628     NLTT 14212/14213                                                        Chm2004 
04558-6741 OGL 259     LMC132.1.137   + LMC132.1.297                                           Pli2012 
04558-7056 OGL 260     LMC130.6.29    + LMC130.6.186                                           Pli2012 
04559+0440 LDS9181     Old LDS6181.                                                            .       
           EGN   4     Aa,Ab pair bound. Ab component is likely an early M dwarf with mass     .       
                       0.43 +/- 0.02 Msun                                                      Egn2007 
                       Aa,Ab: A is on Keck program, RV var.                                    Tok2014d
04560+3021 SFN   1     Aa,Ab: Steffen (2000, 2001) combined solutions each yield values for    Sfn2000 
                       the masses, as well as an orbital parallax.                             Sfn2001 
                       Simon et al. (2013) derive masses 0.86 +/- 0.11 and 0.55 +/- 0.05 Msun  .       
                       and distance 187.7 +/- 3.9 pc for this pre-MS binary.                   Smn2013 
           KSA  31     HBC 427 = V397 Aur.                                                     Msr2005 
04560-6938 OGL 261     LMC128.5.315   + LMC128.5.772                                           Pli2012 
04560-7040 OGL 262     LMC129.8.308   + LMC129.8.309                                           Pli2012 
04561-7116 OGL 263     LMC130.8.10926 + LMC130.8.11364                                         Pli2012 
04562+2554 GIC  52     G039-042/G039-041.                                                      .       
                       NLTT 14180/14179                                                        Chm2004 
04563+5206 STF 608     AB,C: HJL  65.                                                          HJL1986 
04563+2415 LDS6148     Also known as GRV 220.                                                  .       
04564+1331 BU  553     omi 2 Ori = 9 Ori                                                       .       
04564-0510 SHJ  48     62 Eri. B is BD-05@1093.                                                .       
                       AB: H 6 106.                                                            MEv2010 
04566+0422 TOB9004     Measured as BAL2622 but actually an anonymous pair added here.          Tob2012c 
04566-6629 DON  89     Variable.                                                               .       
04566-7027 OGL 264     LMC129.7.22    + LMC129.7.188                                           Pli2012 
04567+3917 HU 1091     V560 Aur, Algol-type eclipsing binary, P = 1.528311 d.                  Zas2011 
04567-7106 OGL 265     LMC130.7.12419 + LMC130.7.12474                                         Pli2012 
04568+1825 BPM 109     [PM2000]  199012 + [PM2000]  199066.                                    Gvr2010 
04569-6721 OGL 266     LMC132.3.14233 + LMC132.3.14300                                         Pli2012 
04570+1716 BPMA  9     [PM2000]  199271 + [PM2000]  199591.                                    Gvr2010 
04570+1517 MET   4     Metchev & Hillenbrand say the C component is probably optical, based    .       
                       on proximity.                                                           Met2004b
04572+3838 ES 2338     ALI 780.                                                                .       
04573+5345 D     5     7 Cam. A premature orbit has been computed for AB. The primary is SB1,  .       
                       P = 3.884 d (Lucy & Sweeney).                                           Lcy1971 
                       Drummond linear elements have been modified.                            Dru2014 
           STF 610     AB,C: Star C (mag. about 11.3, 26") may be physical.                    .       
           D     5     AB: Rectilinear solution by Drummond (2014).                            Dru2014 
04573+1524 HEI  38     KOH  36.                                                                .       
                       Young member of Taurus-Auriga molecular cloud.                          Dae2015 
04573-7055 OGL 267     LMC130.6.14234 + LMC130.6.16118                                         Pli2012 
04574+0100 A  2624     Aa,Ab : Hipparcos identified the pair as a candidate for Hyades         HIP1998 
                       membership. However, it is not.                                         Grf1988 
04574+0100 SHY 471     AB: HIP  23044 + HIP  23266. B component = A component of 05003+0100.   .       
04575-2358 LDS3630     NLTT 14263/14262                                                        Chm2004 
04576+1356 BPM 110     [PM2000]  200066 + [PM2000]  200068.                                    Gvr2010 
04576+0344 BAL2132     A likely plate flaw.                                                    Grv2021b
04576-0545 STF 624     B is BD-05@1103.                                                        .       
04576-6950 OGL 268     LMC128.6.11701 + LMC128.6.11986                                         Pli2012 
04578+2357 BU 1045     99 Tau.                                                                 .       
04580-2248 I   473     CD-22@1917.                                                             .       
04580-6735 OGL 269     LMC124.7.79    + LMC132.2.17928                                         Pli2012 
04581+0141 STF 622     A,BC: H 1  68.                                                          MEv2010 
04582+8015 OSO  18     GD 288. Not a common proper motion pair, based on comparison with       .       
                       POSS2 red plates                                                        Oso2004 
04582+2503 BU 1390     98 Tau. A is a spectroscopic binary.                                    .       
04582+1423 BPM 111     [PM2000]  201029 + [PM2000]  201109.                                    Gvr2010 
04584-6739 OGL 270     LMC124.8.20199 + LMC124.8.20752                                         Pli2012 
04585-2749 RST 117     CPD-28@715.                                                             .       
04585-6834 OGL 271     LMC126.6.46772 + LMC126.6.46857                                         Pli2012 
04587-7053 OGL 272     LMC130.3.25    + LMC130.3.4226                                          Pli2012 
04588-7027 OGL 273     LMC129.2.10    + LMC129.7.17168                                         Pli2012 
04589+6435 GNO   1     Distance is estimated at about 10.5 +/- 1.4 pc, giving a projected      .       
                       component separation of ~5 au. Estimated orbital period ~70 yr, for an  .       
                       assumed age of 1 Gyr.  Spectral types are estimates at T8.5 and T9;     .       
                       total system mass ~25 Mjup.                                             Gno2011 
04590+1433 SHJ  49     STTA 58 = H 5 113. B is BD+14@795. Probably same as BDS 2461, H V 57.   .       
                       AB: H 5  57.                                                            MEv2010 
04590-1623 BU  314     See Baize & Petit (1989) catalog of doubles with variable component.    Baz1989d
                       AB: Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and             .       
                       spectroscopic masses 1.87 +/- 0.28, 2.66, and 2.36 Msun, respectively.  Mlk2012 
                       AB,C: Optical pair, based on study of relative motion of the            .       
                       components using the method of apparent motion parameters.              Kiy2008 
                       AB,C: Rectilinear solution by Hurowitz et al. (2013).                   USN2013a
04591+6322 HU 1090     Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and spectroscopic   .       
                       masses of 12.31 +/- 4.18, 2.27, and 1.10 Msun, respectively.            Mlk2012 
04591+1123 BPM 112     [PM2000]  202364 + [PM2000]  202525.                                    Gvr2010 
04593+3753 STF 616     ome Aur = 4 Aur                                                         .       
                       AB: H 2  14.                                                            MEv2010 
04595-4927 HJ 3715     Primary is VW Pic, a W UMa type eclipsing binary, P = 0.42576d.         Zas2012 
04595-6802 OGL 274     LMC125.6.10758 + LMC125.6.10639                                         Pli2012 
04595-6958 OGL 275     LMC128.2.17    + LMC128.2.402                                           Pli2012 
04596+3135 HO  222     Hipparcos identified the pair as a candidate for Hyades membership.     HIP1998 
                       However, radial velocity classifies this as not a Hyades member.        Grf2013c
                       The colors from Tycho photometry are also not consistent with a         Fab2000a
                       physical pair.                                                          .       
04597+1555 BUP  73     Hyades vB 128                                                           .       
                       A CPM companion with rho = 106".4 is outside our detection window.      Msn1993a
04597-6940 OGL 276     LMC128.4.12    + LMC128.4.92                                            Pli2012 
04598-1016 63 Eri      Ren & Fu (2013) calculated an astrometric orbit, combining Hipparcos    Ren2013 
                       Intermediate Astrometric Data with spectroscopic elements by            .       
                       Vennes et al. (1998).                                                   Ven1998 
04599+5327 A  1303     A premature orbit has been computed.                                    .       
                       T corrected from 200.74 to 2000.74 by Ruymaekers & Nys (1995)           Ruy1995 
04599+0031 J    47     Despite having an orbit, an optical pair based on parallax and proper   Mlk2022 
                       motion.                                                                 Izm2019 
05001-6217 B  1942     Composite spectrum: G5/8III + F/G.                                      .       
05001-6953 OGL 277     LMC128.2.32346 + LMC128.2.32381                                         Pli2012 
05002+1811 GIC  53     LDS1198. G083-047/G083-048.                                             .       
05003+3924 CHR 159     5 Aur.                                                                  .       
05004+6925 STF 606     B is BD+69@289.                                                         .       
05005+0506 STT  93     Hyperbolic orbit by Janova (1966).                                      Jnv1966 
                       sigma = areal constant in the true orbit = 0.00576 arcsec^2/yr          .       
                       q = periastron distance in the true orbit = 0".366                      .       
05006+0337 STF 627     B is BD+03@736.                                                         .       
05007-0204 VIG   7     Optical/physical nature of the six faint companions (B-G) is undefined. Vig2012 
05007-6856 SKF1044     OGL 278. LMC126.1.9 + LMC126.1.100                                      Pli2012 
05008+3913 STF 621     Same as AG   83.                                                        .       
05008+3811 SEI  52     Secondary not seen on POSS plate; may be either variable star or flaw   .       
                       on AC Potsdam plate.                                                    .       
05009-7052 OGL 279     LMC130.4.19979 + LMC130.4.21083                                         Pli2012 
05010-0818 BRT 372     A likely plate flaw.                                                    Grv2021b
05010-6948 OGL 280     LMC128.3.14335 + LMC128.3.14552                                         Pli2012 
05012+3430 COU1229     Primary is V410 Aur, a W UMa type eclipsing binary, P = 0.36636d.       Zas2012 
05013+5015 STF 619     Rectilinear solution by Scardia et al. (2017).                          Sca2017c
                       Despite having an orbit, an optical pair based on parallax.             Mlk2022 
05015+3733 BRT2207     ALI 523.                                                                .       
05015-7107 OGL 281     LMC122.7.267   + LMC122.7.1784                                          Pli2012 
05016+6105 HU 1093     Primary is possible astrometric pair?                                   Tok2014d
05016-7056 OGL 282     LMC122.6.146   + LMC122.6.918                                           Pli2012 
05017+2640 A  1844     Masses and bolometric magnitudes are derived for the two components     Msn1999a
                       of this system by Maosn et al. (1999), based on assumed spectral types  .       
                       and available parallaxes.                                               .       
                       Visual separations systematically too small.                            .       
                       AB: Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and             .       
                       spectroscopic masses 1.83 +/- 0.31, 2.12, and 1.00 Msun, respectively.  Mlk2012 
           S   461     STTA 59 = STFA 12.                                                      .       
           BAG  21     Ca,Cb: SB2, P=186.28d                                                   Tok2014d
05017+2050 HU  445     Quadrant uncertain, Delta m at least 0.3.                               B__1963b
                       Only elements P and T have been amended by Starikova (1977) from the    Sta1977a
                       orbit of Baize (1957).                                                  Baz1957a
                       Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and spectroscopic   .       
                       masses of 0.15 +/- 0.04, 1.78, and 1.05 Msun, respectively.             Mlk2012 
05019-7638 RST2368     Rectilinear solution by Hartkopf et al.  (2012).                        Hrt2012a
05020+4349 BU  554     AB: eps Aur = 7 Aur = Almaaz. Strand orbit rejected from Fourth Orbit   Str1959 
                       Catalog ("amplitude below noise level")                                 Wor1983 
                       Mk III Limb-darkened diameter  2.17  +/- 0.03  mas.                     MkT2001 
                       Mk III Limb-darkened diameter  2.096 +/- 0.086 mas.                     MkT2003 
                       NPOI Limb-darkened diameter    2.28  +/- 0.09  mas.                     NOI2001b
                       NPOI Limb-darkened diameter  2.210 +/- 0.012 mas, Sp = A2I,             NOI2018 
                       Teff = 7977 +/-292 K, M = 2.16 +/- 0.39 \msun, Age = 0.62 +/- 0.22 Gyr. .       
           eps Aur     A is a enigmatic supergiant eclipsing system. Also a spectroscopic and  .       
                       eclipsing binary                                                        Fin1970b
                       Hipparcos astrometric solution adopted some elements from the orbit of  HIP1997d
                       Heintz & Cantor (1994).                                                 Hei1994b
05020+0137 STF 630     A,BC: H 3  52.                                                          MEv2010 
05021+6910 BU  313     The AB component, BU 313 AB, originally in the BDS and IDS, was         .       
                       removed by Worley following multiple unresolved observations. The new   .       
                       Hipparcos binary (AB), is almost certainly not the Burnham AB star,     .       
                       which was seen at 10", 250 deg, and had a Delta-M of 5.0.               .       
                       AC: Burnham (BDS) notes 1874 observation made with 6-in telescope but   .       
                       says no 10" companion was found during subsequent searches with either  .       
                       the 36-inch or 40-inch.                                                 Bu_1906 
05022+3116 RUC   5     V402 Aur. Spectral type of resolved companion later than M5V.           Ruc2007 
05023-1932 LPM 201     NLTT 14407/14408                                                        Chm2004 
05023-5605 LDS 135     B is CPD-56@767.                                                        .       
                       Primary is SB1; Jenkins et al. (2010 A&A 515, 17) estimate P(Aa,Ab)     .       
                       ~6.5y, M2min=55 Mjup.                                                   Tok2014d
05023-6821 OGL 283     LMC125.1.12039 + LMC125.1.12040                                         Pli2012 
05024+1628 BPM 113     [PM2000]  207217 + [PM2000]  207230.                                    Gvr2010 
05024-6454 GLI  32     B is CPD-65@416.                                                        .       
05025+4105 MKT   6     zet Aur = Saclateni. The first of the zeta Aurigae-type binaries (K4IB  .       
                       + B5V). This object was misidentified as rho Aur by McAlister (1978).   McA1978c
                       Hipparcos astrometric solution adopted some elements from the orbit of  HIP1997d
                       Wright (1970).                                                          Wri1970 
                       Bennett et al. (1996) orbit is combined solution, using astrometry      MkT1996 
                       from the Mark III interferometer, spectroscopy from HST Goddard High    .       
                       Resolution Spectrograph, and published photometry to determine masses,  .       
                       radii, etc. Positions of component stars on theoretical H-R diagram     .       
                       are compared to current evolutionary models.                            .       
                       Errors to individual measures are given as "error ellipses"; these      .       
                       values are tabulated below, together with filters used. The columns     .       
                       include date (BY), major and minor axes of the ellipse (in mas),        .       
                       ellipse orientation (deg), and filter effective wavelengths (nm):       .       
                            1989.7857   1.63    0.31    98.1   800,550,450                     .       
                            1989.7994   0.56    0.14    86.9   800,550,450                     .       
                            1989.8213   0.58    0.12    84.5   800,550,450                     .       
                            1989.8240   0.73    0.15    78.6   800,550,450                     .       
                            1989.8350   0.50    0.12    85.3   800,550,450                     .       
                            1989.9281   0.48    0.17    96.1   800,550,450                     .       
                            1989.9363   1.24    0.27    86.1   800,550,450                     .       
                            1990.7029   1.14    0.16   104.0   800,550,500                     .       
                            1990.8124   0.56    0.17    97.5   800,550,500                     .       
                            1990.8179   0.69    0.14    91.7   800,550,500                     .       
                            1991.7488   2.00    0.20   111.9   800,550,500                     .       
                            1991.7871   0.65    0.12    92.4   800,550,500                     .       
                            1991.8364   0.32    0.09    94.1   800,550,500                     .       
                            1991.9048   0.21    0.07    86.4   800,550,500                     .       
                            1992.0855   1.31    0.15    90.4   800,550,500                     .       
                            1992.0965   1.50    0.25    73.5   800,550,500                     .       
                            1992.7700   0.63    0.14    99.5   800,550,500                     .       
                            1992.7946   0.65    0.11    98.5   800,550,500                     .       
                            1992.7974   0.44    0.08   104.2   800,550,500                     .       
                            1992.8932   1.82    0.24   111.3   800,550,500                     .       
                            1992.9206   1.39    0.27    99.0   800,550,500                     .       
                            1992.9452   1.23   0.23    101.9   800,550,500                     .       
                       Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical and spectroscopic masses          .       
                       8.40 +/- 3.79 and 10.96 Msun, respectively.                             Mlk2012 
05025-2115 DON  91     Good period, indeterminate a/e/i, more obs needed!                      Hei1978c
                       See Baize & Petit (1989) catalog of doubles with variable component.    Baz1989d
05027-3309 HJ 3718     B is CD-33@2076.                                                        .       
05028-4909 RST 120     AB: Physical/optical nature undefined.  Primary is eta 1 Pic.           Ehr2010 
           EHR   6     AC: Physical/optical nature undefined.                                  Ehr2010 
05028-7020 OGL 284     LMC121.6.34935 + LMC121.6.34941                                         Pli2012 
05029+1433 BPM 114     [PM2000]  208075 + [PM2000]  208110.                                    Gvr2010 
05031+4933 BU  315     ID uncertain. Listed as BD+49 1288 in ADS, but no obvious 10" pair at   A__1932a
                       those coordinates. X-coded measures of a 45" pair refer to a wide       .       
                       companion to BD+49 1288.                                                .       
05031+2523 MSR   5     HBC 429 = V836 Tau.                                                     Msr2005 
                       Young member of Taurus-Auriga molecular cloud.                          Dae2015 
05031+2135 OCC 230     iot Tau.                                                                .       
05031-6944 OGL 285     LMC120.6.45262 + LMC120.6.45347                                         Pli2012 
05033+2125 LAW  13     Ba,Bb: LSPM J0503+2122 = NLTT 14406. Law et al (2008) derive a          Law2008 
                       distance of 13.7 +6.5/-2.5 pc and a projected separation of             .       
                       4.4 +2.3/-0.7 au. Estimated spectral types are M4.5 and M5.5.           .       
                       Ba,Bb: LP 359-186. Estimated age 1000-10000 Myr; masses 0.38 +/- 0.03   .       
                       and 0.16 +/- 0.01 Msun; a ~8.3 au.                                      Jnn2014 
05033-1722 B  2583     LPM 202. L 736-49.                                                      .       
05034+6027 S   459     bet Cam = 10 Cam. STTA 57 = H 6  36.                                    .       
05034-7104 OGL 286     LMC122.7.14740 + LMC122.7.14741                                         Pli2012 
05035+1449 BPM 115     [PM2000]  209034 + [PM2000]  208947.                                    Gvr2010 
05036+6305 STF 618     LDS 889. STTA 56. D is BD+62@721.                                       .       
                       AB: HJL  66.                                                            HJL1986 
05037-0232 J   307     Reality of BC is in doubt.                                              .       
05037-6834 OGL 287     LMC118.6.42400 + LMC118.6.42472                                         Pli2012 
05038+1457 BPM 116     [PM2000]  209491 + [PM2000]  209477.                                    Gvr2010 
05039-6738 OGL 288     LMC124.1.32825 + LMC124.1.32850                                         Pli2012 
05042-6956 OGL 289     LMC120.7.16863 + LMC120.7.18028                                         Pli2012 
05043+4013 ES 1718     Espin incorrectly identified this pair as BD+40 1144 in 1919, but       Es_1919 
                       corrected this to +40 1158 in 1925. Error in transcribing to catalog;   Es_1925a
                       WDS designation originally 05041+4023 = VIG   7, corrected when         .       
                       matched with 05043+4013TDS3056.                                         .       
05043+2319 J  1816     POU 523.                                                                .       
05043-6946 OGL 290     LMC120.6.17556 + LMC120.6.17583                                         Pli2012 
05044+6237 HU 1094     Stein measure 1901.3, 289@, 4.2", 9.5-9.9. For this position            A__1932a
                       Hussey finds no such pair.                                              Hu_1905b
05044-3529 JC    9     gam 1 Cae. The secondary is variable (IBVS 2736, 1985).                 .       
05044-6706 OGL 291     LMC115.8.111   + LMC115.8.177                                           Pli2012 
05045+1622 BPM 117     [PM2000]  210663 + [PM2000]  210510.                                    Gvr2010 
05045-2402 LDS3638     NLTT 14472/14466                                                        Chm2004 
05046+5852 STF 625     A,BC: H 2  53.                                                          MEv2010 
05047+7404 STT  89     Judged single by Hussey, Burnham, and Aitken, and not inserted in ADS.  .       
                       Rediscovered by Kuiper in 1935 (PASP 47, 230). Obvious in 1938.         Baz1942b
05047-0925 GAL 375     Object #161 in Gallo's original list.                                   Gal1914 
05047-2017 WHC   2     CPD-20@742.                                                             .       
05049+1520 BPMA 10     [PM2000]  211239 + [PM2000]  211233.                                    Gvr2010 
05050-6740 OGL 292     LMC116.8.65    + LMC116.8.164                                           Pli2012 
05051+0608 HD 32662    Hipparcos astrometric solution assumed circular orbit (e = omega = 0)   HIP1997d
05053+6923 HJ 2244     B is BD+69@295.                                                         .       
05054-6905 SKF1072     OGL 293. LMC119.5.40836 + LMC119.5.40603                                Pli2012 
05055-5728 SHY  22     HIP  23693 + HIP  23708.                                                .       
05056+2304 STT  97     See long note in BDS. Single in 1889.                                   Bu_1906 
                       Recovered in 1976 by McAlister.                                         McA1978b
                       Primary is V1154 Tau, an Algol-type eclipsing binary, period 1.76788d.  Zas2011 
05056-7056 OGL 294     LMC122.3.16    + LMC122.3.89                                            Pli2012 
05057+0628 PAT  18     This pair is a spectroscopic binary with P ~ 2 yr, according to         Grf1988 
                       Griffin et al. (1988).                                                  Msn1993a
                       The spectroscopic solution of this 631.08-d pair determined by          Grf2012b
                       appears to be a closer pair.                                                    
                       Hipparcos identified the pair as a candidate for Hyades membership.     HIP1998 
                       It appears to match on grounds of proper motion and photometry but      Grf1988 
                       still appears slightly off based on radial velocities.                  Grf2013c
05061+5858 STFA 13     A: 11 Cam. B: 12 Cam =  BD+58@805. B is a spectroscopic binary,         .       
                       P = 80.2d, spectrum K0III.                                              .       
05062-6247 TOK  91     HIP 23742. ANDICAM confirms the 2MASS PSC photometry of B in K-band.    .       
                       B is well below the MS in the CMDs.                                     Tok2011a
05063+3738 ES 2339     Aka BRT2587 and ALI 528.                                                .       
05063+3722 SEI  60     ALI 527.                                                                .       
05064-1649 GAL 376     Object #164 in Gallo's original list. Aka POC9001.                      Gal1914 
05064-6700 OGL 295     LMC115.7.14821 + LMC115.7.14818                                         Pli2012 
05065+5521 KRV  28     Classical Cepheid CK Cam.                                               .       
05066+0152 HJ 2250     Rectilinear solution by Hartkopf & Mason (2015).                        WSI2015 
05066-6830 OGL 296     LMC118.4.12    + LMC118.4.529                                           Pli2012 
05067+5136 BU 1046     9 Aur. A is a spectroscopic binary.                                     .       
           H 6  35     AC: H VI 35.                                                            .       
05067+3748 SEI  61     ALI 529.                                                                .       
05067+1427 GC 6239     Hipparcos astrometric solution assumed circular orbit (e = omega = 0)   HIP1997d
                       Spectroscopic solution to these astrometric pairs given by Griffin      Grf2013a
                       (2013). Periods match "tolerably well," other common elements less so.  .       
05067-6725 OGL 297     LMC116.6.12552 + LMC116.6.14377                                         Pli2012 
05068-0439 STF 642     66 Eri. A is a spectroscopic binary.                                    .       
05069-6718 OGL 298     LMC116.5.13203 + LMC116.5.16702                                         Pli2012 
05069-6728 OGL 299     LMC116.6.12514 + LMC116.6.14626                                         Pli2012 
05070+1650 HJ 3267     LDS1199. Possibly the same as STF 672.                                  .       
05070-3939 HJ 3725     B is CD-39@1789.                                                        .       
05071-7042 OGL 300     LMC121.1.12614 + LMC121.1.12789                                         Pli2012 
05074+2715 DOO  30     J 3259.                                                                 .       
05074+1839 A  3010     104 Tau.                                                                .       
                       Two orbit solutions (Eggen 1956). Observations of this close pair       Egg1956 
                       are so scattered that both orbits are highly conjectural.               .       
                       A measure on 1977.9196 was incorrectly attributed to ADS 3701 in        .       
                       McAlister & Hendry (1982); it actually belongs to ADS 4020.             McA1982b
                       Visual and speckle observations at 0".1 sep ruled out as spurious by    .       
                       constant RV (Duquennoy & Mayor 1991).                                   Duq1991 
                       Precise velocities are stable to better than 100 m/s over 388 days,     Nid2002 
                       so there are no "hot jupiters" and a 2-year period is excluded with     Tok2010b
                       high confidence.                                                        .       
                       104 Tau is a G4V dwarf at 16 pc resolved into equal components at 0.1"  .       
                       by R. Aitken in 1912. The WDS contains 16 resolutions of this pair.     A__1927a
                       Apart from Aitken himself, it has been resolved on multiple occasions   .       
                       by R.H. Wilson in 1934-1971, by W. Finsen (1953-1955) and by others,    WRH1941a
                       although in other instances those observers found it to be single.      Fin1953d
                       The measures suggest a near-circular orbit seen face-on with a semi-    .       
                       major axis on the order of 0.1" or 1.5 au. Assuming a mass sum of 2     .       
                       Msun, the orbital period should be around 1.3 yr; in fact, two orbits   .       
                       with periods 1.19 yr and 2.38 yr were published by Eggen (1956). This   Egg1956 
                       binary should be an easy target for speckle interferometry at 4-m       .       
                       telescopes. It was observed 10 times from 1976.9 to 1980.7 with         .       
                       speckle and, surprisingly, found unresolved on all occasions,           .       
                       excluding any short-period orbits. Later, however, two measures were    .       
                       made by the author at a 1-m telescope with a phase-grating              .       
                       interferometer. The first resolution in 1984.8 at 0.04" was tentative   Tok1985 
                       (below the diffraction limit), but the second in 1985.7 was secure,     Tok1988 
                       being an average of two observations. It was followed by the speckle    .       
                       resolution at 4-m telescope in 1988.17, after which the pair            Mca1993 
                       disappeared again. It was found unresolved in 2012.                     Tok2012b
                       The star is well studied. Two statistical surveys of binaries within    .       
                       25 pc consider it to be single (Duquennoy & Mayor 1991; Raghavan et     Duq1991 
                       al. 2010). Heintz & Borgman (1984) state that measures cannot be        Rag2010 
                       fitted by any orbit and conclude: "Although this alleged visual binary  Hei1984i
                       (ADS 3701) has three published orbits, it is probably spurious".        .       
                       Several independent RV studies have shown that this star is not a       .       
                       spectroscopic binary. Precise RVs measured by Nidever et al. (2002)     Nid2002 
                       are stable to better than 100 m s-1 over 388 days, excluding orbital    .       
                       periods from one to two years with high confidence. Data with lower     .       
                       precision show a constant RV of +21 km/s over many years (Duquennoy &   .       
                       Mayor 1991; Abt & Willmarth 2006; Raghavan et al. 2010). The star is    AbH2006 
                       located about 1m above the main sequence, supporting the thesis of an   .       
                       equal-component binary. If the orbit is seen face-on, the RV variation  .       
                       would be small, especially if the components are of equal brightness    .       
                       (blended lines move in opposite directions, the centroid stays          .       
                       constant). However, the lines in this star remain narrow and the        .       
                       speckle non-resolution during 3.8 yr firmly excludes a face-on orbit.   .       
                       Remember that 104 Tau is bright (no identification errors possible)     .       
                       and that the components are supposedly equally bright, hence easy to    .       
                       resolve by speckle. If this star is single (as everything seems to      .       
                       suggest), we cannot dismiss its multiple resolutions with micrometer,   .       
                       eyepiece interferometer, and speckle as spurious; occasional image      .       
                       doubling (or at least elongation) must be real.                         Tok2012b
                       Ghost binary.                                                           Tok2012b
                       Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and spectroscopic   .       
                       masses of 0.65 +/- 0.09, 2.12, and 1.02 Msun, respectively.             Mlk2012 
                       In the WDS summary line this carries an "X" code (non double), but      .       
                       still retains all the historical measures.                              .       
05074-6641 OGL 301     LMC115.4.42    + LMC115.4.508                                           Pli2012 
05076+1631 BPM 118     [PM2000]  215983 + [PM2000]  215874.                                    Gvr2010 
05076+0928 STT 561     AB: 16 Ori. A is a spectroscopic binary.                                .       
                       AB: Optical pair, based on study of relative motion of the components   .       
                       using the method of apparent motion parameters.                         Kiy2008 
                       AB: Rectilinear solution by Hurowitz et al. (2013).                     USN2013a
05076-7018 OGL 302     LMC121.3.45664 + LMC121.2.45533                                         Pli2012 
05076-8852 HJ 4047     1900: 06 56.4.                                                          .       
05078+3024 JOY   5     RW Aur, prototype of its class.                                         Her1962 
05078+1622 BPM 119     [PM2000]  216289 + [PM2000]  216084.                                    Gvr2010 
05078-0505 BUP  74     bet Eri = 67 Eri = Cursa. STF 647.                                      .       
05079+6849 HJ 1152     BDS 2479 has an error of 30', making it identical with HJ 1152          .       
                       (Van Biesbroeck).                                                       VBs1914 
05079+2142 S   466     105 Tau. B is BD+21@764. A is a spectroscopic and occultation binary.   .       
                       H 6 105.                                                                MEv2010 
05079+1519 BPM 120     [PM2000]  216579 + [PM2000]  216575.                                    Gvr2010 
05079+0830 STT  98     14 Ori. One component, probably the primary, is SB; the RV range in the .       
                       combined light is 22 km/s.                                              .       
                       According to Eggen, the system shares common proper motion with         Egg1963 
                       ADS 3712 = STF 643 (mags. 9.5-9.5, 3", K2), which is 6' distant.        .       
05080+3703 HJ 3265     AB: SEI  69.                                                            Nsn2017a
                       AC: SEI  70.                                                            Nsn2017a
05080-2648 MUG  13     Spectral type of comoving secondary estimated as M4-5, mass 0.17 Msun.  Mug2014 
05080-6934 OGL 303     LMC120.4.70309 + LMC120.4.70525                                         Pli2012 
05081+3701 COU1530     Also known as HDS 673.                                                  .       
05081+3658 HJ 3266     SEI  73.                                                                Nsn2017a
05081+3609 HJ  692     SEI  71.                                                                Nsn2017a
05081+2416 EDG   2     103 Tau. A is a spectroscopic and occultation binary.                   .       
           H 5 114     H V 114.                                                                .       
05083+7538 JNN 266     G 248-32. Estimated age 1000-10000 Myr; masses 0.21 +/- 0.04 and 0.15   .       
                       +/- 0.03 Msun; a ~3.1 au.                                               Jnn2014 
05080+2214 ARU   2     Mistakenly added to WDS as BD+22 0834; however, Argue et al. measure    Aru1984 
                       was of AGK3 +22 0834 = BD+22 1589 = 07085+2159 OCC 337.                 .       
05083-0840 STF 649     AB: H 4  43 = H N  46.                                                  MEv2010 
05084+5525 GC 6249     Hipparcos astrometric solution assumed circular orbit (e = omega = 0)   HIP1997d
05085+1418 LDS5662     LDS6166.                                                                .       
05085-1036 GAL 377     Object #165 in Gallo's original list.                                   Gal1914 
05085-4113 HJ 3728     NLTT 14574/14573                                                        Chm2004 
                       HIP 23926. B = HIP 23923. A is above the MS, evolved (despite sp. type  .       
                       G3V). The pair was observed with NICI in 2010. Both A and B have large  .       
                       PM, PM(A)=(-77,+284). The original Hipparcos parallax of B is 8.5mas,   .       
                       obviously wrong. IRAS source.                                           Tok2011a
                       Moutou et al. (2011 A&A 527, A63): exoplanet around A, P~2800d +drift   Tok2014d
05085-7058 OGL 304     LMC114.6.224   + LMC114.6.480                                           Pli2012 
05087+3703 SEI  78     ALI 302.                                                                .       
05087+1251 BPM 121     [PM2000]  218040 + [PM2000]  218004.                                    Gvr2010 
05087-6846 MLO  13     AC: Identification uncertain.                                           .       
05088-6800 OGL 305     LMC117.3.18237 + LMC117.3.18886                                         Pli2012 
05090+1238 BPM 122     [PM2000]  218603 + [PM2000]  218372.                                    Gvr2010 
05092-6701 OGL 306     LMC115.2.14607 + LMC115.2.14813                                         Pli2012 
05093+0950 BUP  75     13 Ori. Hyades vB 130.                                                  .       
                       Two CPM companions with rho = 88".6 and rho = 168".0, both outside      .       
                       our detection window.                                                   Msn1993a
05094-6857 OGL 307     LMC111.5.43680 + LMC111.5.44857                                         Pli2012 
05096+2947 STTA 61     HJL1040.                                                                HJL1986 
                       SHY 474. Bayesian analysis by Shaya & Olling (2011) indicates very      Shy2011 
                       high (near 100%) probability pair is physical.                          .       
                       AB: Primary is SB2, P=1469.4d (Halbwachs et al. 2012)                   HJL2012b
05097+1536 STT  99     15 Ori. Round (Hussey). May not be double.                              .       
05097-7009 OGL 308     LMC113.5.47798 + LMC113.5.47799                                         Pli2012 
05098+2802 BU 1047     BC: Van Biesbroeck in 1953 noted "no evidence of change in 65 years."   .       
                       However, the pair is now apparently in rapid motion in a highly-        .       
                       inclined orbit.                                                         Wor1967b
                       BC. The star was noted as a spectroscopic binary by Griffin et          Grf1988 
                       al. (1988).                                                             .       
                       Hipparcos identified the pair as a non-Hyades member, however, the      HIP1998 
                       results invesigating proper motion, photometry and radial velocity      Grf1988 
                       yield a more ambiguous finding. The jury is still out!                  Grf2013c
           STF 645     A,BC: HJL  67.                                                          HJL1986 
                       A,BC: H 3  90.                                                          MEv2010 
05099-6715 OGL 309     LMC116.4.13354 + LMC116.4.13836                                         Pli2012 
05100+4009 ES  169     Aka BRT 112.                                                            .       
05100+3754 SEI  81     ADS 3729a.                                                              .       
05100+1054 J   323     A is probably variable.                                                 J__1952 
05100-0704 STF 651     Optical pair, based on study of relative motion of the components       .       
                       using the method of apparent motion parameters.                         Kiy2008 
05100-6722 OGL 310     LMC108.6.14    + LMC116.3.15651                                         Pli2012 
05101+2733 BGH  21     NLTT 14576/14572                                                        Chm2004 
                       HJL1041.                                                                HJL1986 
                       SHY 175. Bayesian analysis by Shaya & Olling (2011) indicates very      Shy2011 
                       high (near 100%) probability pair is physical.                          .       
                       Secondary is SB1, P=2273.8d (Halbwachs et al. 2012)                     HJL2012b
05101-0204 BAL 296     1deg error in IDS led to similar error in WDS designation.              .       
05101-2341 WSI 121     Both 2MASS J05100427-2340407 and J05100488-2340148 are binaries in the  .       
                       AstraLux images, so since they are separated by only 27" on the sky     .       
                       and have very similar proper motions (e.g. Roser et al. 2010), this is  XXX2010 
                       likely a quadruple system in reality. Common proper motion remains to   .       
                       be confirmed for both of the close components.                          Jnn2012 
                       Aa,Ab: Rectilinear solution by Miles & Mason (2016) &                   Msn2016b
                       Mason et al. (2018).                                                    Msn2018a
05101-6929 OGL 311     LMC111.8.8839  + LMC119.8.34937                                         Pli2012 
05101-7008 OGL 312     LMC113.5.48001 + LMC113.5.48018                                         Pli2012 
05102+1400 S   468     Also known as STF 650.                                                  .       
05102+0439 GWP 650     This is also known as V1396 Ori (ZZ Cet type var).                      .       
05103+3718 STF 644     One component is a spectroscopic binary.                                .       
                       AB: H 1  45.                                                            MEv2010 
                       AB: Additional notes may be found in van den Bos (1963).                B__1963b
05103-0736 A   484     Position angles uncertain but near 130@-310@.                           .       
                       Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and spectroscopic   .       
                       masses of 1.20 +/- 0.18, 2.28, and 1.10 Msun, respectively.             Mlk2012 
05104+3741 SEI  84     Also known as ALI 531.                                                  .       
05105-1854 HJ 3727     CPD-19@760.                                                             .       
05108-6716 OGL 313     LMC108.5.27    + LMC108.5.171                                           Pli2012 
05108-6740 OGL 314     LMC108.8.34    + LMC108.8.462                                           Pli2012 
05111+3718 BLL  13     B is BD+37@1072.                                                        .       
05112-0833 RUC  18     Multiple system including contact binary ER Ori. Pribulla & Rucinski    .       
                       (2006) estimate the mass of the contact pair at 2.510 Msun and the      Pbl2006 
                       minimum mass of the wider component at 0.93 Msun.                       .       
05113-6707 OGL 315     LMC107.8.492   + LMC107.8.1389                                          Pli2012 
05114-0101 BAL 297     Duplicity suspected by Baillaud but no measure.                         Bal1944 
05115+5305 HJ 2251     HJ gives position angle as 319.9@.                                      .       
05115-5519 HJ 3738     B is CPD-55@759.                                                        .       
05115-6753 OGL 316     LMC109.5.9247  + LMC109.5.9566                                          Pli2012 
05117+0031 HU   33     One component is a spectroscopic binary. Variable, V1085 Ori.           .       
                       Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and spectroscopic   .       
                       masses of 5.26 +/- 4.75, 9.35, and 2.57 Msun, respectively.             Mlk2012 
05119+3544 HJ  358     SEI  92.                                                                Nsn2017a
05119-0907 BUP  76     B is BD-09@1093.                                                        .       
                       Optical pair, based on study of relative motion of the components       .       
                       using the method of apparent motion parameters.                         Kiy2008 
05119-4253 HJ 3734     LDS 137.                                                                .       
05119-6830 OGL 317     LMC110.5.14459 + LMC110.5.14649                                         Pli2012 
05120+0650 STTA 62     B is BD+06@865.                                                         .       
                       Pair appears in an appendix list, not part of the discoverer's regular  .       
                       numbering sequence.                                                     .       
05121-6511 TOK  92     HIP 24221.                                                              Tok2011a
                       A is SB without orbit, dRV=56.7                                         Nrd2004 
05123-1152 STF 655     iot Lep = 3 Lep                                                         .       
                       AB: H 3  67.                                                            MEv2010 
05123-6708 LDS 140     Aka MLO  15.                                                            .       
05126-1727 S   470     B is BD-17@1046.                                                        .       
05130+1242 BPM 123     [PM2000]  226150 + [PM2000]  226362.                                    Gvr2010 
05130-6941 OGL 318     LMC112.4.1006  + LMC112.4.1258                                          Pli2012 
05130-7028 JNN  32     There is a companion to 2MASS J05130132-7027418 in the AstraLux images  .       
                       which has a brightness and color that is consistent with a physical     .       
                       companion. It counts as an unconfirmed binary here, since it has not    .       
                       yet been tested for common proper motion.                               Jnn2012 
05131-5959 HJ 3743     Large parallax error in HIP! Primary is possible SB.                    Tok2014d
05133+0252 STF 654     rho Ori = 17 Ori. A is long-period spectroscopic binary, P = 1031.4d.   .       
                       A: Ren & Fu (2013) calculated an astrometric orbit, combining           Ren2013 
                       Hipparcos Intermediate Astrometric Data with spectroscopic elements by  .       
                       Bertiau (1957).                                                         BFC1957 
                       AB: H N  21.                                                            MEv2010 
05134+3829 CHR 256     mu Aur = 11 Aur. Hipparcos stochastic double solution.                  .       
05134+2411 POU 586     POU 588.                                                                .       
05134+0341 TOK 211     The 1".25 companion discovered with NICI is hardly the one that         .       
                       produced the acceleration of 17 mas yr-2.                               Tok2012a
05135+1608 BPM 124     [PM2000]  227301 + [PM2000]  227493.                                    Gvr2010 
05135+0158 STT 517     Star C (mag. 13, 7") may be physical.                                   .       
                       Trajectory appears quasi-linear.                                        Mlr1956a
05135-5534 HJ 3742     Optical pair, based on study of relative motion of the components       .       
                       using the method of apparent motion parameters.                         Kiy2008 
                       Rectilinear solution by Hurowitz et al. (2013).                         USN2013a
05136-7025 OGL 319     LMC113.3.8348  + LMC113.3.9695                                          Pli2012 
05137-0856 MLL   2     Aka BRT3264.                                                            .       
05138-1641 GAL 378     Object #171 in Gallo's original list.                                   Gal1914 
05139+3958 HU 1100     ES 280.                                                                 .       
                       J  3306.                                                                Nsn2016 
05139-5648 HJ 9001     Previously known as HJ 5450a.                                           .       
05140+5126 HU  821     See Baize & Petit (1989) catalog of doubles with variable component.    Baz1989d
05140-6827 OGL 320     LMC110.4.6684  + LMC110.4.7756                                          Pli2012 
05142+2535 BRT3263     Originally published as BRT 136.                                        Brt1928 
05142-6701 OGL 321     LMC107.2.166   + LMC107.2.193                                           Pli2012 
05143+6949 STF 638     H 2  92.                                                                MEv2010 
05143+1953 KIR   1     AB. Using data from 2MASS and IRTF, Kirkpatrick et al (2001) derive     Kir2001b
                       spectral types K4V and M6V, conclude is probably a physical pair with   .       
                       separation 225 au.                                                      .       
05143-1550 GJ 193      The acceleration is due to the 2.2 yr SB with estimated axis of 55 mas  .       
                       and q > 0.14. The companion is too faint and close to be resolved with  .       
                       NICI or speckle. The system is triple with a faint common-proper-motion .       
                       (CPM) companion at 14".6.                                               Tok2012a
                       Ren & Fu (2013) calculated an astrometric orbit, combining Hipparcos    .       
                       Intermediate Astrometric Data with spectroscopic elements by Nidever    .       
                       et al. (2002). They derived component masses 0.98 and 0.22 Msun and     Nid2002 
                       an estimated semimajor axis of 57.81 mas.                               Ren2013 
05143-1723 FEN   3     Aka OL  127.                                                            .       
05145+1707 BPM 125     [PM2000]  229086 + [PM2000]  229142.                                    Gvr2010 
05145-0812 STF 668     bet Ori = 19 Ori = Rigel. The companion is a spectroscopic binary and   .       
                       suspected visual double, although it remains unconfirmed. Magnitudes    .       
                       of B and C very uncertain. Changed from IDS values (10.4 for B, C, and  .       
                       BC). AD pair first mentioned by Mitchel in 1846 (Sidereal Messenger,    .       
                       May 1847) but no astrometry included.  See extensive notes by Burnham.  Bu_1906 
                       Intensity Interferometer Limb-darkened diameter 2.55 +/- 0.05 mas.      HBr1974 
                       NPOI Limb-darkened diameter  2.606 +/- 0.009 mas, Sp = B8I,             NOI2018 
                       R =74.1  +/- 6.7  \rsun, Teff = 10556 +/-133 K,                         .       
                       L = 61515 +/- 11486 \lsun.                                              .       
           bet Ori     1975.631: Possible binary (450 and 656 nm).                             Bla1977a
                       1975.636: Possible binary (400, 500, 600, and 750 nm).                  Bla1977a
           STF 668     A,BC: H 2  33.                                                          MEv2010 
05145-6957 HJ 3754     B is CPD-70@376.                                                        .       
05146+7628 HU 1097     B may be variable.                                                      .       
05147+3707 SEI 115     Primary not seen on POSS plate; may be flaw on AC Potsdam plate.        .       
05147-0704 STF 667     H 1  54.                                                                MEv2010 
05149+3309 HJ  694     Aka HJ  361.                                                            .       
05150+3813 BRT2208     ALI 788.                                                                .       
05150+0108 OL   95     The south following of two faint stars.                                 B__1963b
05151-3639 HJ 3740     B is CD-36@2133.                                                        .       
05152+0826 STF 664     Same as CHE  79. Verified by DAL04.                                     .       
05152-1404 LDS3648     Luyten gives a separation of 130", but this appears to be a             Luy1978 
                       typographical error; if identification is correct, rho ~13"; this       .       
                       secondary corresponds to a high proper motion CPM companion.            .       
05153+4710 A  1031     A 1998.8317 measure by Mason et al. (2001) was actually of STT 98.      Msn2001b
                       Also known as V390 Aur.                                                 .       
05154+3241 STF 653     14 Aur. A is the Delta Scuti-type variable KW Aur, and is also a        .       
                       spectroscopic binary.                                                   .       
                       AB: Optical pair, based on study of relative motion of the components   .       
                       using the method of apparent motion parameters.                         Kiy2008 
                       AC: SEI 124.                                                            Nsn2017a
                       AC: H 4  19.                                                            MEv2010 
05154-6700 OGL 322     LMC107.2.14205 + LMC107.3.195                                           Pli2012 
05155+2217 COU 158     108 Tau.                                                                .       
05155-7001 OGL 323     LMC112.1.64694 + LMC112.1.64780                                         Pli2012 
05156+7857 LDS1604     NLTT 14588/14589                                                        Chm2004 
05156-6139 JSP9002     Previously known as JSP  71a.                                           .       
05156-7049 OGL 324     LMC105.5.15    + LMC105.5.761                                           Pli2012 
05157+3738 SEI 126     AC: WLY  18AC.                                                          Nsn2017a
05157-4927 GC 6457     Hipparcos astrometric solution assumed circular orbit (e = omega = 0)   HIP1997d
05159+3425 ES  170     AB: SEI 130.                                                            Nsn2017a
05160-7002 OGL 325     LMC103.8.32853 + LMC103.8.32837                                         Pli2012 
05160-7214 JAO   3     Also known as LHS1749. Parallax = 46.08 +/- 1.40 mas.                   TSN2010 
05162-1121 CHR 225     It in uncertain whether the pair resolved here is the known G8III+A0V   .       
                       composite spectrum binary (Hoffleit & Warren 1991). The small apparent  Hof1991 
                       change in theta over the 4-year span between observations does not      .       
                       appear consistent with our estimated period of ~15 or so years;         .       
                       however, the magnitude difference between the components is small, so   .       
                       we are unable to rule out a 180 deg quadrant flip or perhaps an         .       
                       eccentric orbit.                                                        Hrt1996b
                       Docobo et al. (2014) use the spectroscopic elements of Carquillat &     .       
                       Prieur (2007), together with speckle data and the Hipparcos parallax,   Crq2007 
                       to derive the remaining orbital elements. The resulting masses are      .       
                       1.92 +/- 0.26 and 2.50 +/- 0.29 Msun.                                   Doc2014h
05163+3419 TRN  17     Aa,Ab is an AO artifact as per Turner and Roberts.                      Trn2010 
                       Aa,Ab: Additional notes may be found in Turner et al. (2008).           Trn2008 
           SEI 136     AB: AE Aur. Nova remnant, probably not double.                          .       
                       The companion indicated by the Potsdam Astrographic catalogue is non    .       
                       existing. There's the remark: Very doubtful.                            VBs1960 
05164-1531 GAL 172     J  1468.                                                                J__1962a
05164-7124 OGL 326     LMC106.5.13    + LMC106.5.66                                            Pli2012 
05165+3635 SEI 137     SEI 138.                                                                .       
05165-2106 DON  97     Variable dm?                                                            Hln1965 
05165-6947 OGL 327     LMC103.6.11600 + LMC103.6.11652                                         Pli2012 
05167+4600 ANJ   1     Aa,Ab: 13 Aur = alp Aur = Capella.  Composite spectrum; G5IIIe+G0III.   .       
                       aka "The Interferometrist's Friend."                                    .       
                       Separations from Anderson (1920) have been modified as described in     AnJ1920 
                       Merrill (1922).                                                         Mrr1922 
                       Measures of Kulagin made by a transit interferometer; quadrants were    .       
                       flipped for all his measures.                                           Kul1970 
                       See discussion in Labeyrie et al. (1974).                               Lab1974 
                       Combined spectroscopic/interferometric orbit by Heintz (1974):          Hei1974a
                       P = 104.0237 d, a = 0.0547", eccentricity neligibly small. Ascending    .       
                       node revised according to Heintz's astrometry                           .       
                       1969.1348: This position angle was incorrectly published as 303.0       .       
                       degrees in Balega & Tikhonov (1977).                                    Bag1977 
                       1978.915, 1978.929, 1979.082: Observations on these three dates         .       
                       overlap in two papers by Koechlin et al. (1979, 1983), with only        Koe1979 
                       slight changes.  Values from the later paper are given in the catalog.  Koe1983 
                       1984.9309, 1985.1062, 1985.1994: Estimates of the position angle and    .       
                       angular separation are deduced from the elongation of the central       .       
                       speckle peak in the autocorrelation.                                    Bnu1986 
                       Colors and spectral types determined by speckle photometry are          .       
                       given by Bagnuolo & Sowell (1988).                                      Bgn1988 
                       See Baize & Petit (1989) catalog of doubles with variable component.    Baz1989d
                       Observations by Hummel et al. (1994) were made through narrow band      MkT1994 
                       filters centered at 800, 550, and 450 nm. Colors were derived from all  .       
                       1988-1992 data, so are listed at the mean epoch of 1991.9.  This paper  .       
                       also includes a new orbit. Finally, errors are given as "error          .       
                       ellipses"; these values are tabulated below.  Columns include date      .       
                       (BY), major and minor axes of the ellipse (in mas), and ellipse         .       
                       orientation (in degrees).                                               .       
                            1988.7973     0.95     0.11      96.                               .       
                            1988.8000     0.42     0.03      93.3                              .       
                            1988.8028     0.22     0.03      85.7                              .       
                            1988.8055     0.15     0.02      88.2                              .       
                            1990.9411     0.09     0.02      86.6                              .       
                            1990.9548     0.13     0.05      88.6                              .       
                            1991.7159     0.73     0.08     124.1                              .       
                            1991.7214     0.37     0.06     179.6                              .       
                            1991.7241     0.23     0.05     156.5                              .       
                            1991.7871     0.07     0.01      93.7                              .       
                            1991.8364     0.07     0.02      91.6                              .       
                            1991.8665     0.04     0.01      94.5                              .       
                            1991.8857     0.06     0.02      88.4                              .       
                            1991.8939     0.10     0.05     149.3                              .       
                            1991.9021     0.16     0.05      77.9                              .       
                            1991.9733     0.10     0.03      87.6                              .       
                            1991.9870     0.09     0.02      77.5                              .       
                            1992.0006     0.50     0.07      83.0                              .       
                            1992.0417     0.24     0.05      73.4                              .       
                            1992.0445     0.09     0.02      83.8                              .       
                            1992.0691     0.25     0.05      74.6                              .       
                            1992.0855     0.22     0.02      93.5                              .       
                            1992.0965     0.10     0.02      78.5                              .       
                            1992.7399     0.33     0.05     111.1                              .       
                            1992.7426     0.42     0.04     118.5                              .       
                            1992.7454     0.21     0.06     110.6                              .       
                            1992.7481     0.40     0.09     121.2                              .       
                            1992.7508     0.62     0.08     121.3                              .       
                            1992.7536     0.71     0.16     103.9                              .       
                            1992.7563     0.76     0.12     121.9                              .       
                            1992.7755     0.05     0.01     105.9                              .       
                            1992.8357     0.19     0.02     118.1                              .       
                            1992.8658     0.09     0.04      78.1                              .       
                            1992.8658     0.14     0.04      91.8                              .       
                            1992.8686     0.09     0.02      69.5                              .       
                            1992.8686     0.14     0.07      92.9                              .       
                            1992.8823     0.07     0.02      88.8                              .       
                            1992.8932     0.11     0.02     116.4                              .       
                            1992.9206     0.43     0.07      98.8                              .       
                            1992.9452     0.15     0.03     113.0                              .       
                       Hipparcos astrometric solution adopted some elements from the orbit of  HIP1997d
                       Hummel et al. (1994).                                                   MkT1994 
                       Pourbaix gives combined solution for this resolved SB2, yielding        Pbx2000b
                       orbital parallaxes and component masses.                                .       
                       Branham (2008) derives combined interferometric/spectroscopic orbit,    Bnh2008 
                       using a semidefinite programming technique. The resulting masses are    .       
                       3.049 +/- 0.513 and 2.569 +/- 0.432 Msun; he also determines a value    .       
                       for the parallax of 74.85 +/- 1.53 mas.                                 .       
                       Aa,Ab: Following an extensive review of historical spectroscopic and    .       
                       astrometric measurements of Capella, Torres et al. (2009) derived a     Trr2009 
                       new combined-solution orbit, assuming a circular orbit. They determined .       
                       an orbital parallax of 76.67 +/- 0.17 mas (distance 13.042 +/-          .       
                       0.028 pc), an age of 540-590 Myr, and the following physical            .       
                       parameters for the two components:                                      .       
                       Mass (Msun):       2.466 +/- 0.018     2.443 +/- 0.013                  .       
                       Radius (Rsun):     11.87     0.56      8.75      0.32                   .       
                       Teff (K):          4920      70        5680      70                     .       
                       Luminosity (Lsun): 79.5      4.8       72.1      3.6                    .       
                       Mv (mag):          0.315     0.017     0.186     0.016                  .       
                       Aa,Ab: Weber & Strassmeier (2011) derived new spectroscopic elements,   WbS2011 
                       assuming the period determined by Torres et al. (2009). The new         Trr2009 
                       solution yielded masses of 2.573 +/- 0.009 and 2.488 +/- 0.008 Msun.    .       
                       Aa,Ab: A combined solution by Torres et al (2015) yields the following  Trr2015 
                       physical parameters for Aa and Ab:                                      .       
                           mass (Msun):       2.5687 +/- 0.0074     2.4828 +/- 0.0067          .       
                           Teff (K):          4970       50         5730       60              .       
                           Radius (Rsun):     11.98      0.57       8.83       0.33            .       
                           log g (cgs):       2.691      0.041      2.941      0.032           .       
                           Luminosity (Lsun): 78.7       4.2        72.7       3.6             .       
                           a(AU):                      0.74272 +/- 0.00069                     .       
                           Distance (pc):              13.159      0.015                       .       
                           Age (Myr):                  590-650                                 .       
                           [Fe/H}:                     -0.04       0.06                        .       
           HJ 2256     AF: H VI 30.                                                            .       
                       AF: Optical pair, based on study of relative motion of the components   .       
                       using the method of apparent motion parameters.                         Kiy2008 
           SHY  23     AM: HIP  24608 + HIP  26779.                                            .       
           SHY  23     AN: HIP  24608 + HIP  26801.                                            .       
                       MN is 05413+5329AB.                                                     Dam2017i
           ST    3     Capella HL, the distant (723") double companion to Capella with         .       
                       common proper motion. A premature orbit has been computed.              .       
                       Capella H is variable with a period of about 17.9d and an amplitude     Skf2019g
                       amplitude of about 0.03 magnitudes.                                     .       
           HJ 2256     AF: H 6  30.                                                            MEv2010 
05171-7128 OGL 328     LMC106.6.13434 + LMC106.6.13435                                         Pli2012 
05172+3747 HJ 3271     SEI 149.                                                                Nsn2017a
05172+3320 STF 666     H 2  48.                                                                MEv2010 
05173+5335 ES 2610     A is R Aur, variable 6.5-13.8. B is BD+53@880, F8V.                     .       
05174+3500 SEI 155     J   184.                                                                Nsn2016 
05175+2008 STF 674     A is the Algol-type binary CD Tau, eclipsing SB2, P = 3.44d.            .       
                       AB has estimated period of 11000y.  B has spectral type dK2.            Tok2006 
05175+0354 BAL2142AC   Optical/physical nature ascertained from Gaia DR2.                      FMR2019b
05175-3454 KIR  12     omi Col.                                                                .       
05175-7031 OGL 329     LMC104.7.15822 + LMC104.7.16197                                         Pli2012 
05176-0651 H 5  25     tau Ori = 20 Ori. H V 25.                                               .       
05176-1513 S   473     B is BD-15@1000.                                                        .       
05177-1809 SEE  49     See's 1897 angle should read 196.7.                                     B__1953a
05179+3724 SEI 162     The discrepant measure by Scheiner (1908) is apparently due to a        Sei1908 
                       typographical error in the AC Potsdam Astrographic Catalog, as the      .       
                       correct position of the secondary is off by exactly 24" in dec.         .       
                       Matches to other AC plates from 1929 and 1930 agree well with the       .       
                       Aladin image, as well as more recent observations.                      .       
05181-3402 TOK  61     Aa,Ab: Estimated masses 1.04 and 0.15 Msun; sep 43.6 au, period 260 y.  Tok2010c
           HJ 3745     HIP 24711. B = HIP 24712.                                               Tok2011a
05181-7654 TOK 663     Resolved using ANDICAM2. B is not in PPMX.                              Tok2014d
05182+3739 BU 9002     Previously known as BU 885 1/2.                                         .       
05182+3322 STT 103     16 Aur. A is a long-period spectroscopic binary. P = 434.8d.            .       
                       Hipparcos astrometric solution adopted some elements from the orbit of  HIP1997d
                       Christie (1936).                                                        Crs1936 
05182-6809 OGL 330     LMC102.7.16903 + LMC102.7.16902                                         Pli2012 
05183-7143 OGL 331     LMC106.7.13197 + LMC106.7.13239                                         Pli2012 
05184-3108 LDS3651     NLTT 14861/14860                                                        Chm2004 
05185+3800 SEI 171     ALI 536.                                                                .       
05185-6933 OGL 332     LMC103.5.107911+ LMC103.5.110011                                        Pli2012 
05186+4020 SMA  50     IDS and old-WDS location in error. Nothing at 05194+4020 (Heintz),      Hei1987a
                       but probably identical to a pair at this location.                      .       
                       SLE  64.                                                                .       
05187+3331 ES   59     A pair found many years ago with the 3in refractor. The distant double  .       
                       comes was found with the 13in reflector at the Oxford Univ. Obs. and    .       
                       the comes C with the 17 1/4. AB was measured by Burnham in 1882.        Es_1902a
05187+0359 STF 682     BAL 2143.                                                               .       
                       HIP 24774. The B-companion could possibly be a semi-resolved binary.    .       
05187-7122 OGL 333     LMC106.5.14568 + LMC106.5.14749                                         Pli2012 
05188+5250 STF 657     Same as STF 660.                                                        .       
05188-1808 SEE  50     A is a spectroscopic binary.                                            .       
05189-6810 OGL 334     LMC102.7.22886 + LMC102.7.22769                                         Pli2012 
05189-6948 OGL 335     LMC103.6.38675 + LMC103.3.2                                             Pli2012 
05189-6957 OGL 336     LMC103.7.31356 + LMC103.7.31945                                         Pli2012 
05190-2829 BUG   8     2MASS J05185995-2828372                                                 .       
                       Estimated spectral types are L6: + T4:, effective temperatures ~1600    .       
                       and ~1330 K. Masses are estimated at 0.042-0.077 and 0.031-0.074 Msun,  .       
                       and the orbital period (assuming the semi-major axis = 1.26 * rho) is   .       
                       ~10yr.                                                                  Bug2006a
05191+4006 STFB  3     lam Aur = 15 Aur                                                        .       
                       AC and AD: Optical pairs, based on study of relative motion of the      .       
                       components using the method of apparent motion parameters.              Kiy2008 
                       AD: H 5  22.                                                            MEv2010 
                       DE: H 5  88AC. = H V 88.                                                Dam2017i
                       AC: Rectilinear solution by Friedman et al. (2011).                     USN2011a
05191-6803 OGL 337     LMC102.3.50    + LMC102.3.51                                            Pli2012 
05192+3548 SEI 179     A is an irregular variable, V348 Aur.                                   .       
05192+2008 STF 680     Spectrum composite; G8II-III+G1IV-V (BSC).                              .       
05192+1212 BPM 126     [PM2000]  237882 + [PM2000]  238008.                                    Gvr2010 
05192-0304 A    53     HIP 24819. See Allen et al. (2000) for information on metallicity,      AlC2000 
                       age, galactic orbital parameters, etc.                                  .       
                       AB: NLTT 14867/14868                                                    Chm2004 
05192-1800 FEN   4     Aka ARA 331.                                                            .       
05193-1045 STF 688     BDS 2665, H III 94 same star. B is BD-10@1152.                          .       
                       H 3  94.                                                                MEv2010 
05193-1831 S   476     AB: B is BD-18@1056.                                                    .       
05193-2845 LDS3653     NLTT 14889/14887                                                        Chm2004 
05194+3359 HO   18     18 Aur.                                                                 .       
05196-0107 BAL 303     RST 4779.                                                               .       
05197+3614 WEI   8     AB: SEI 189.                                                            Nsn2017a
05197+3526 SEI 186     SEI 187.                                                                .       
05197+2511 STF 679     HJL  68.                                                                HJL1986 
05199-0723 JNN  34     2MASS J05195412-0723359 and J05195513-0723399, both from the Riaz et    .       
                       al. (2006) sample, are separated by only 16" and have comparable        Ria2006 
                       estimated distances (59 and 70 pc), as well as quite similar proper     XXX2010 
                       motions (e.g. Roser et al 2010), and thus likely form a physical pair.  Jnn2012 
05200+4546 GIC  54     G096-032/G096-031.                                                      .       
                       NLTT 14857/14855                                                        Chm2004 
05200-1550 KPP2710     Mass = 0.683+/-0.018 \msun for A; = 0.58+/-0.01 for B.                  Bnv2020 
                       Teff = 4750 +/- 65 K for A; = 11,000 +/- 500 for B.                     .       
05201+3236 SEI 194     J 1089.                                                                 .       
05201-7100 OGL 338     LMC105.3.5578  + LMC105.3.5594                                          Pli2012 
05202-6810 OGL 339     LMC102.2.30    + LMC102.2.37                                            Pli2012 
05203+2510 STF 683     Chevalier's measure was incorrectly identified as STF 694, so never     Che1910 
                       added to the WDS; correct ID was determined based on his coordinates.   Hrt2012b
05204-0802 STF 692     AB,C: H 4  87.                                                          MEv2010 
05206-1031 GAL 379     Object #176 in Gallo's original list.                                   Gal1914 
05206-7024 OGL 340     LMC104.3.8821  + LMC104.3.9924                                          Pli2012 
05207+5848 GIC  46     G191-030/G191-029 or GJ 3342A/3343B.  A 1hr typographical error in RA   .       
                       led to this pair being initially entered in the WDS as 04205+5852.      .       
                       LDS6183.                                                                .       
05207+3726 SEI 201     Fullerton et al. (1991) describe profile and radial velocity            Ful1991 
                       variations that suggest that this star is a short-period, radial        .       
                       pulsator.  Underhill (1995 PASP 107, 513) also discusses radial         .       
                       velocity measurements.                                                  Msn1998a
05209+2402 STF 686     POU 650.                                                                .       
05210+7113 HJ 1154     The ADS incorrectly added the CD component of 05061+5858 (STFA 13) as   A__1932a
                       an additional component of this pair.                                   .       
05213-6835 OGL 341     LMC101.3.42767 + LMC101.3.42931                                         Pli2012 
05217+3322 LDS6184     NLTT 14919/14920                                                        Chm2004 
05217+1854 KU   87     B is BD+18@832.                                                         .       
05217+1240 STT 105     Not seen since 1971. Needs speckle.                                     .       
                       Additional notes may be found in van den Bos (1963).                    B__1963b
05218+3231 HU  614     A is the Mira-type variable UV Aur.                                     .       
05218-2446 HJ 3752     Spectrum composite; G7II-III+A7IV-V.                                    .       
                       AC: Optical pair, based on study of relative motion of the components   .       
                       using the method of apparent motion parameters.                         Kiy2008 
05219+4203 AG  314     B is BD+41@1166.                                                        .       
05222+2008 J   144     OL  204.                                                                .       
05222+0524 STT 106     HJL  69.                                                                HJL1986 
05223-7109 OGL 342     LMC105.2.15955 + LMC105.2.16304                                         Pli2012 
05224-6934 OGL 343     LMC103.4.118812+ LMC103.4.118814                                        Pli2012 
05225+4621 ES 1231     AC: Rectilinear solution by Hurowitz et al. (2013).                     USN2013a
05225-7044 OGL 344     LMC105.4.45008 + LMC105.4.45010                                         Pli2012 
05226+7914 STF 634     STTA 60.  B is BD+79@168.                                               .       
                       AB: Optical pair, based on study of relative motion of the components   .       
                       using the method of apparent motion parameters.                         Kiy2008 
05226+0236 A  2641     Only elements P and T have been amended by Starikova (1978) from the    Sta1978c
                       orbit of Baize (1957).                                                  Baz1957b
                       Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and spectroscopic   .       
                       masses of 1.27 +/- 0.35, 1.39, and 0.95 Msun, respectively.             Mlk2012 
05228+4755 GIC  55     G096-035/G096-034. See Allen et al. (2000) for information on           AlC2000 
                       metallicity, age, galactic orbital parameters, etc.                     .       
                       NLTT 14943/14940                                                        Chm2004 
05228+3658 SEI 220     AB: SEI 221.                                                                    
05228+0333 STF 696     23 Ori. B is BD+03@872.                                                 .       
                       H 4  84.                                                                MEv2010 
05229-4219 TOK  93     HIP 25148. A is SB without orbit, dRV= 3.7                              Nrd2004 
                       and also an astrometric binary (Makarov & Kaplan 2005).                 Mkr2005 
                       The companion at 66 mas is at the diffraction limit, the NICI           .       
                       measurement is not accurate. The pair can be resolved by speckle.       Tok2012a
                       Aa,Ab: The tentative resolution at Gemini om 2011.70 is confirmed here, .       
                       with 25deg of direct motion.                                            Tok2013b
05229-7143 OGL 345     LMC165.7.83    + LMC165.7.149                                           Pli2012 
05230-0850 JNN  36     This star has been classified as a probable T Tau star in Alcala et     .       
                       al. (1996 A&AS 119, 7).                                                 Jnn2012 
05230-1613 GAL 380     Object #177 in Gallo's original list.                                   Gal1914 
05231+3110 STF 691     B is BD+31@947.                                                         .       
                       SEI 227.                                                                Nsn2017a
05231+0103 STF 700     H 1  75.                                                                MEv2010 
                       V1804 Ori, Algol-type eclipsing binary, P = 2.22878 d.                  Zas2011 
05232-2642 HIP  25180  Large RV amplitude (31.7 km s-1) hints at short orbital period, but     .       
                       only small dmu = 3 mas yr-1 is detected by Hipparcos. Triple?           Tok2012a
05232-3145 HJ 3757     Optical pair, based on study of relative motion of the components       .       
                       using the method of apparent motion parameters.                         Kiy2008 
                       Rectilinear solution by Hurowitz et al. (2013).                         USN2013a
05232-7112 OGL 346     LMC164.8.18917 + LMC164.8.18916                                         Pli2012 
05233+3445 SEI 229     FOX 140.                                                                .       
05233+3409 MLB1037     HJ  363.                                                                .       
05233-0825 STF 701     H 2 102.                                                                MEv2010 
05234-7128 OGL 347     LMC165.6.20315 + LMC165.6.20368                                         Pli2012 
05235+5733 BU 1393     16 Cam. A is a spectroscopic binary.                                    .       
05235+1602 STF 697     B is BD+15@804.                                                         .       
05237+6841 GIC  56     LDS5192. G248-038/G249-007.                                             .       
05237+3606 SEI 233     SEI 234.                                                                .       
05238-7018 OGL 348     LMC163.6.62323 + LMC163.6.62352                                         Pli2012 
05239+1743 BPM 127     [PM2000]  247544 + [PM2000]  247826.                                    Gvr2010 
05239-0052 WNC   2     A,BC: Primary is SB2, P=22.58d                                          Tok2014d
           A   847     BC: Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and             .       
                       spectroscopic masses 2.74 +/- 0.51, 2.47, and 1.13 Msun, respectively.  Mlk2012 
05239-6832 OGL 349     LMC160.6.38837 + LMC160.6.39333                                         Pli2012 
05240+3238 COU1090     Primary is V424 Aur, an Algol-type eclipsing binary, P = 1.8368d.       Zas2012 
05240-0940 GAL 381     Object #178 in Gallo's original list.                                   Gal1914 
05243+0222 STF 702     BDS 2709, H I 75 same star.                                             .       
05244+1723 S   478     111 Tau. A is a spectroscopic binary. B is BD+17@919.                   .       
                       Optical pair, based on study of relative motion of the components       .       
                       using the method of apparent motion parameters.                         Kiy2008 
           WNO  52     AC: HJL1043.                                                            HJL1986 
                       AC: GJ 202 + GJ 201. CPM pair.                                          Mkr2008 
                       AC: SHY  25. Bayesian analysis by Shaya & Olling (2011) indicates very  Shy2011 
                       high (near 100%) probability pair is physical.                          .       
           S   478     AB: H 5 110.                                                            MEv2010 
05245-0224 MCA  18     eta Ori = 28 Ori. Quintuple; primary is a double-lined spectroscopic    .       
                       triple with periods 7.99 d (Aa1,Aa2) and 9.2 yr (Aa,Ab). The close      .       
                       pair eclipses, and shows an 8-hour pulsation in one of the components.  .       
                       Aa is also eclipsing binary (period 7.9904 day).                        Zas2010 
                       Aa,Ab.  McAlister (1976) orbit uses the elements P, T, e, and the       McA1976 
                       longitude of  periastron for the 9-year orbit, from a spectroscopic     .       
                       orbit by Ziska & Beardsley (1981), and assumes the orbit is edge-on;    Bey1981 
                       semi-major axis and node are based on a single speckle observation.     .       
                       The ascending node has been reversed.                                   .       
                       The visual companions are star B (mag. 4.8, 1.5") in slow retrograde    .       
                       motion, and C (mag. 9.4, 115").                                         .       
                       See Baize & Petit (1989) catalog of doubles with variable component.    Baz1989d
                       1985.8542: This measurement of the Aab,c component of eta Ori,          .       
                       overlooked in the original analysis of this run, was discovered during  .       
                       preparation of a paper on absolute quadrant determinations by Bagnuolo  Bgn1992 
                       et al. (1992)                                                           Hrt1992b
                       Aa,Ab: Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and          .       
                       spectroscopic masses 25.82 +/- 24.95, 24.50, 22.65 Msun, respectively.  Mlk2012 
           DA    5     AB: Rectilinear solution by Hartkopf et al.  (2012).                    Hrt2012a
05245-0224 MCA 18      Aa,Ab has an SB1 orbit with P=9.44yr. The orbit given here uses only    .       
                       the speckle data, however.                                              Tok2015c
           H 6  67     H VI 67.                                                                .       
05246+0149 S   479     B is BD+01@1003.                                                        .       
05246-0535 SKF 248     There is a possible companion at 7.8" noted in the WDS, but inside the  .       
                       AstraLux field of view, the star appears single.                        Jnn2012 
05247+6323 STF 677     AB: CfA: RV var? Can be a sub-system in A or B.                         Tok2014d
                       Now a 3 tier quadruple system since we resolved the secondary           .       
                       component of the binary STF 677AB into a new 0".18 pair Ba,Bb and       .       
                       confirmed that the Robo-AO tertiary C at 7" is physical. We find C to   .       
                       be slightly below the MS, within errors. Although the relative motion   .       
                       of AC is fast, it is not directed away from PM(A) as would be the case  .       
                       for a distant background star; it is produced by the orbital motion of  .       
                       the inner binary AB. The presence of an inner subsystem in the binary   .       
                       AB was suspected previously from its variable RV (Nordstrom et al.      .       
                       2004). The estimated masses of Ba and Bb, 0.98 and 0.65 Msun,           Nrd2004 
                       respectively, remove the discrepancy between the mass sum of 3.05 Msun  .       
                       calculated for the AB system from its grade 4 orbit by Hartkopf et al.  Hrt2008 
                       (2008) and the expected mass sum. Although such discrepancies are not   .       
                       uncommon for low-quality orbits, in this case it serves as an indirect  .       
                       confirmation of Ba,Bb. Estimated period of Ba,Bb is ~20 yr.             Rbr2015d
05247+3723 BU  888     sig Aur = 21 Aur                                                        .       
05247+2009 J   145     OL  185.                                                                .       
05248-1642 GAL 382     Object #179 in Gallo's original list.                                   Gal1914 
05248-5219 I   345     the Pic. A is a spectroscopic binary.                                   .       
                       Quoted errors in P and a for the Argyle et al. (2002) solution are      Ary2002b
                       +259/-54y, +0".20/-0".01, respectively.                                 .       
                       1989.9388: This system has also decreased in separation steadily        .       
                       since the 1920's, and was last resolved visually in 1983.               Hrt1993 
05249+1658 BPM 128     [PM2000]  249674 + [PM2000]  249613.                                    Gvr2010 
05249-7105 OGL 350     LMC164.7.34239 + LMC164.7.34339                                         Pli2012 
05250-0249 H 6  68     H VI 68. B is BD-02@1238.                                               .       
05251+1212 BPM 129     [PM2000]  250160 + [PM2000]  250278.                                    Gvr2010 
05251+0621 BUP  78     gam Ori = 24 Ori = Bellatrix                                            .       
05251-6818 OGL 351     LMC159.8.17075 + LMC159.8.17418                                         Pli2012 
05251-6833 OGL 352     LMC160.6.45288 + LMC160.6.46200                                         Pli2012 
05252+3451 STF 698     Spectrum composite; K1pIII-IV+F6V. B is BD+34@1030.                     .       
                       Same as WZ    9. Verified by Daley.                                     Dal2001b
                       AB: H 4 101.                                                            MEv2010 
05252+3434 BU  191     AB: SEI 243.                                                            Nsn2017a
05252+0155 STF 708     H 1  52.                                                                MEv2010 
05252-1119 STF 710     B is BD-11@1168.                                                        .       
05255-0033 A   848     See Baize & Petit (1989) catalog of doubles with variable component.    Baz1989d
                       1977.9196: This measure was incorrectly attributed to ADS 3701 in       .       
                       McAlister & Hendry (1982), with an incorrect position angle.            McA1982b
05256+3803 STF 699     AB: SEI 244.                                                            Nsn2017a
05256+3652 SEI 246     Not found by Heintz at IDS position.                                    Hei1987a
                       Neither component seen on POSS plate; may be flaws on AC Potsdam plate  .       
05256-6005 HJ 3764     CD-60@1161.                                                             .       
05257-0909 DAE   2     NLTT 15049 = LP 717-36.  Daemgen et al. (2007) derive a distance of     Dae2007 
                       20.2 +/- 4.7 pc, a separation of 10.9 +/- 2.5 au, and a predicted       .       
                       orbital period of 58 +/- 21 yr. Spectral types are M3.5 +/- 0.5 and     .       
                       M4.0 +/- 0.5; masses are 0.36 +/- 0.09 and 0.28 +0.11/-0.08 Msun.       .       
                       Parallax = 49.07 +/- 1.40 mas. Possible member of the AB Dor moving     JLB2017 
                       group.                                                                  .       
05257-6931 OGL 353     LMC161.1.5     + LMC161.1.38                                            Pli2012 
                       Also known as SKF1046.                                                  .       
05257-7123 OGL 354     LMC165.5.38071 + LMC165.5.38133                                         Pli2012 
05258-7124 OGL 355     LMC165.5.16733 + LMC165.5.16837                                         Pli2012 
05258-7308 GLI  34     Incorrectly assigned precise coordinates of 04026-7109 GLI  25,         .       
                       leading to incorrect matches against 2MASS, UCAC4, etc.                 .       
05259+5033 LDS3656     NLTT 15008/15009                                                        Chm2004 
05260-0938 GAL 383     Object #182 in Gallo's original list.                                   Gal1914 
05260-1942 HJ 3759     B is BD-19@1172. Spectrum F5/7V.                                        .       
05260-6846 OGL 356     LMC160.2.87    + LMC160.2.86                                            Pli2012 
05262+3808 SEI 250     ALI 798.                                                                .       
05262-0223 TOB9005     Measured as DOO  33 but actually an anonymous pair added here.          Tob2012c
05263+2836 BAR  26     bet Tau = 112 Tau = gam Aur = Elnath                                    .       
05263-6754 OGL 357     LMC159.4.67    + LMC159.4.1007                                          Pli2012 
05264+1324 BPM 130     [PM2000]  253244 + [PM2000]  253203.                                    Gvr2010 
05264-1210 GAL 384     Object #183 in Gallo's original list.                                   Gal1914 
05264-4323 HJ 3763     B is CD-43@1846.                                                        .       
05264-7121 OGL 358     LMC165.4.21895 + LMC164.1.435                                           Pli2012 
05265+0256 STF 712     AB: H 1  53.                                                            MEv2010 
05266+3524 STF 705     SEI 257.                                                                Nsn2017a
05266+3138 SEI 259     Secondary not seen on POSS plate; may be either variable star or flaw   .       
                       on AC Potsdam plate. Damm (2016) misidentified SEI 259; that pair has   .       
                       been given the designation DAM1282.                                     Dam2016c
05266+0652 SHY 478     HIP  25453 + HIP  25483.                                                .       
05267+0045 LEO  57     BAL 981.                                                                .       
05267-6827 OGL 359     LMC160.4.4940  + LMC160.4.5097                                          Pli2012 
05268+3557 SEI 258     Secondary not seen on POSS plate; may be either variable star or flaw   .       
                       on AC Potsdam plate.                                                    .       
05268+0306 KNT   3     psi 2 Ori = 30 Ori. A is a variable, P = 2.52d.                         .       
                       a spectroscopic binary.                                                 .       
05268-6817 OGL 360     LMC159.1.14589 + LMC159.1.14662                                         Pli2012 
05269+3141 DAM1282     Misidentified by Damm (2016) as SEI 259.                                Dam2016c
05271+3410 BLL  14     A is a semiregular variable, S Aur.                                     .       
05271-6913 OGL 361     LMC161.3.12128 + LMC161.3.12137                                         Pli2012 
05272+1758 MCA  19     115 Tau. A is an occultation binary which has been resolved by          .       
                       speckle interferometry.                                                 .       
                       First detected as an occultation binary by Africano.                    Afr1978 
                       1982.7551: All archival data for this system were reprocessed using     .       
                       more powerful algorithms than earlier available, resulting in four new  .       
                       unresolved measures as well as the new 1991 measurement. In addition,   .       
                       new rho and theta values have been determined for the observations      McA1989 
                       originally published from 1986.9-1988.3 (McAlister et al. 1989),        McA1990 
                       1988.7-1989.2 (McAlister et al. 1990), and 1990.3--1990.8 (Hartkopf     Hrt1992b
                       et al. 1992).  A preliminary orbit gives a period  of ~15.3 years and   .       
                       a semi-major axis of 0".080.                                            Hrt1994 
                       1988.2518: This date was incorrectly given as 1988.2490 in McAlister    .       
                       et al. (1989).                                                          McA1989 
                       Aa,Ab: Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and          .       
                       spectroscopic masses 6.46 +/- 2.35, 8.01, and 4.79 Msun, respectively.  Mlk2012 
05273+3426 D     7     AB = 05275+3425 TOB  35                                                 .       
                       AB: SEI 263.                                                            Nsn2017a
                       CD: SEI 261.                                                            Nsn2017a
05274-6943 OGL 362     LMC162.3.103719+ LMC162.3.104199                                        Pli2012 
05275-6825 OGL 363     LMC160.4.32945 + LMC160.4.33386                                         Pli2012 
05275-6903 OGL 364     LMC161.4.20865 + LMC161.4.21143                                         Pli2012 
05275-6939 OGL 365     LMC162.4.41184 + LMC162.4.41229 + LMC161.2.25632                        Pli2012 
05276+3429 BUP  79     phi Aur = 24 Aur. D is BD+34@1049.                                      .       
05276+2156 HJ  365     114 Tau. A is an occultation binary.                                    .       
                       AC: H 5 115.                                                            MEv2010 
05276+1126 HER  12     Additional notes may be found in Herbig (1962).                         Her1962 
05276-2055 SEE  53     Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and spectroscopic   .       
                       masses of 3.60 +/- 2.71, 3.13, and 1.35 Msun, respectively.             Mlk2012 
05276-6120 JSP  79     CD-61@1111.                                                             .       
05276-6908 HJ 3771     Measure difficult because of nebula which involves principal star.      Daw1922 
05277-7022 OGL 366     LMC163.3.13645 + LMC163.3.27818                                         Pli2012 
05278+1707 BPM 131     [PM2000]  256139 + [PM2000]  255999.                                    Gvr2010 
05278-0400 A   319     Possible that two different pairs were measured in generating 1962.924  .       
                       mean, but pair faint for Washington, so scatter may result from that.   Wor1967b
                       Algol-type eclipsing binary, period 5.27357 d.                          Zas2019 
05278-1447 GAL 385     Object #185 in Gallo's original list.                                   Gal1914 
05278-7109 OGL 367     LMC164.2.6335  + LMC164.2.5522                                          Pli2012 
05279+3447 HDS 721     The classification is from Mammano et al. (1977 A&A 59, 9), and         .       
                       because the stars are are classified as B-type we have not included     .       
                       this system in our distributions for the O-stars.  Harries et al.       .       
                       (1998 MNRAS 295, 386) discuss the inner double-lined system and         .       
                       evidence of a near tertiary in a 294-day orbit.  The distant, fourth    .       
                       star was detected both by us (on the suggestion of B. Schaeffer) and    HIP1997a
                       Hipparcos.                                                              Msn1998a
                       Primary is IU Aur, a Beta Lyr type eclipsing binary, P = 1.81147d.      Zas2012 
05280+3346 S   483     AB: Optical pair, based on study of relative motion of the components   .       
                       using the method of apparent motion parameters.                         Kiy2008 
05281+4021 ES 2615     B is BD+40@1296.                                                        .       
05281+3519 SEI 266AE   A likely plate flaw.                                                    Grv2021b
05281+3425 STF 707     AE: SEI 270.                                                            Nsn2017a
05282+3349 ES  282     Not found by Heintz at old ES location (05296+3350).                    Hei1983a
                       Also known as TDS3205.                                                  .       
05282+0223 J    49     Too close 1951 with probable quadrant change (van Biesbroeck).          VBs1954 
05282-2046 BU  320     bet Lep = 9 Lep = Nihal                                                 .       
05283+0358 HJ 2266     BAL 2148.                                                               .       
05284+8605 STF 573     B is BD+85@71.                                                          .       
05284+3552 SEI 279     Primary not seen on POSS plate; may be flaw on AC Potsdam plate.        .       
05284+3549 SEI 273     B component spectral type A0:V:                                         AbH2000 
05284+3546 SEI 276     SEI 276AC incorrectly identified in WSI2008. This is actually the new   .       
                       pair WSI  40BD which is the same as ALI  74 with a quadrant flip.       .       
05284+3523 HJ 6999     SEI 271.                                                                Nsn2017a
05284+3447 SEI 272     MLB 1040.                                                               .       
05285-1131 GAL 386     Object #186 in Gallo's original list.                                   Gal1914 
05285-7104 OGL 368     LMC164.2.33139 + LMC164.2.33650                                         Pli2012 
05287-0823 HJ 2268     Same as STF 722.                                                        .       
05287-6527 RST 137     The primary is AB Dor, a rapidly rotating, spotted star which shows     .       
                       both X-ray flares and microwave emission.                               .       
           CLO  10     Aa,Ab: Close et al. discovered a companion to the A component at a      Clo2005 
                       separation of 0".156, which they refer to as the A and C components     .       
                       (the companion was labelled as C when detected as an astrometric        .       
                       reflex motion of AB Dor in observations by VLBI and Hipparcos).         .       
                       Based on the astrometric orbit and the AO resolution, the mass of the   .       
                       Ab companion is estimated at 0.090 +/- 0.005 Msun, just above the mass  .       
                       of a brown dwarf. AO spectroscopy yields a spectral type of M8 +/- 1.   .       
                       Mass of Aa & Ab = 0.90(0.08) & 0.090(0.008) \msun. Model comparison     Azu2017 
                       gives age of Aa & Ab = 40-50 Myr & 25-120 Myr.                                  
           SHY  27     AC: HIP  25647 + HIP  31878. C component = C component of 06225-6013    .       
                       and 06380-6132.                                                         .       
                       AD: HIP  25647 + HIP  22738. D component = A component of 04535-5551.   .       
                       AE: HIP  25647 + HIP  26373. E component = A component of 05369-4758    .       
                       = D component of 06225-6013.                                            .       
           CLO  10     Ba,Bb: Close et al. also resolved the B component into a 66mas pair.    Clo2005 
                       Spectral types of Ba and Bb are estimated by Janson et al. at M5 and    Jnn2007 
                       M5-6, masses at 0.13-0.2 and 0.11-0.18 Msun.                            .       
                       Aa is a rapidly-rotating spotted star (0.09 mag variability in V).      Boc2008 
                       Close et al. (2007) find spectral types for Aa, Ab, Ba, and Bb of K1,   Clo2007b
                       M5.5 +/- 1.0, M3.5 +/- 1.5, M4.5 +/- 1.5. Masses are 0.865 +/- 0.034,   .       
                       0.090 +/- 0.005, <0.25, <0.15 Msun; the system age is 75 +/- 25 Myr     .       
                       and the distance 14.9 +/- 0.1 pc.                                       .       
                       Ba,Bb: Wolter et al. (2014) made a multiwavelength study of AB Dor      .       
                       Ba,Bb. They derive effective temperatures 3260-3360 and 3200-3300K for  .       
                       Ba and Bb, respectively. Predicted system mass is 0.45-0.71 Msun,       .       
                       age 50-100 Myr.  (Ed note: Inclination for Wolter et al orbit (182deg)  WoU2014 
                       appears to be off by 90deg; changed to 92deg in orbit catalog)          .       
                       Ba,Bb: Azulay et al. (2015) derive an orbit for AB Dor B, yielding a    .       
                       parallax of 66.4 +/- 0.5 mas, as well as component masses for Ba and    .       
                       Bb of 0.28 +/- 0.05 and 0.25 +/- 0.05 Msun.                             Azu2015 
05289+1233 LDS6186     NLTT 15139/15142                                                        Chm2004 
           TOK  94     HIP 25662. Mini-cluster. A is SB and astrometric pair (Vogt et al.)     CPS2002 
                       P = 1427d, M2 = 0.18 Msun. The system is thus a new quadruple.          Tok2011a
                       AB: Primary is SB1O, P=1426.7d (Katoh et al. 2013 AJ 145, 41)           Tok2014d
05290+3629 SEI 292     No star matching the position of the purported primary is seen on POSS  .       
                       plates, although another star is found at ~127deg, 15" from the SEI     .       
                       secondary. It is uncertain whether this pair is the SEI pair, although  .       
                       none of the stars in the vicinity appear to have large proper motion.   .       
05290+1707 BPM 132     [PM2000]  258672 + [PM2000]  258702.                                    Gvr2010 
05290-0442 WEB   4     A is the Mira-type variable S Ori. B is -04@1144.                       .       
05290-2237 HDO  69     HDO  71.                                                                .       
05291+1152 BGR   1     GW Ori.                                                                 .       
05292-6749 OGL 369     LMC166.5.30    + LMC166.5.499                                           Pli2012 
05293+2509 STF 716     118 Tau.                                                                .       
                       AB: H 2  75.                                                            MEv2010 
05293-2517 WHI   7     Listed as possibly resolved by White et al. (1991).                     Whi1991 
05294+3126 SHY 481     AC: HIP  25711 + HIP  25614.                                            .       
05294+1152 HER   1     This is the T-Tauri variable V649 Ori = HBC 86.                         .       
                       1980.95: Marginal evidence for additional component with separation     .       
                       0".47, pos. angle 36 or 216 deg.                                        Bai1985b
05294-0716 H 5 101     H V 101.                                                                .       
05294-6849 OGL 370     LMC167.8.42748 + LMC167.8.42773                                         Pli2012 
05295+1257 JOY   8     Additional notes may be found in Herbig (1962).                         Her1962 
05296+3045 KU   88     B is BD+30@910.                                                         .       
05296+1534 LDS6187     NLTT 15154/15153                                                        Chm2004 
05296+0309 STF 721     A,BC: H 4  45.                                                          MEv2010 
05297+6355 MLR 128     Also known as TDS 174.                                                  .       
05297+3523 HU  217     A is the Beta Lyrae-type system, LY Aur, P = 4.00d.                     .       
                       The classification is from Drechsel et al. (1989 A&A 221, 49). Howarth  .       
                       et al. (1997 MNRAS 284, 265) give Delta m for both spectroscopic and    .       
                       astrometric components.                                                 Msn1998a
05297+3327 S   484     B is BD+33@1063.                                                        .       
05297-0106 STF 725     31 Ori. A is the variable CI Ori.                                       .       
05298+1825 HJ 3275     STTA 64.                                                                .       
05298-6904 OGL 371     LMC168.5.10887 + LMC168.5.10884                                         Pli2012 
05298-7154 OGL 372     LMC172.8.80    + LMC172.8.234                                           Pli2012 
05300+1214 HER  13     Additional notes may be found in Herbig (1962).                         Her1962 
05301+2933 STF 719     AC: H 4 110.                                                            MEv2010 
05301-3228 B  1946     Not seen for certain 1951-1967.                                         .       
05302+4145 A  1720     A measure by A 1907.8, 259@, 1.9".                                      .       
05302+2438 POU 688     Aka KPP 122.                                                            .       
05302-4705 HJ 3767     A,BC: Optical pair, based on study of relative motion of the            .       
                       components using the method of apparent motion parameters.              Kiy2008 
05303-0247 J     7     Magnitude of A noted as 9.7 in 1909 and 8.7 in 1910. Other variations   .       
                       observed since then.                                                    J__1952 
05303-2331 B  2587     Spectrum: Fm delta Del.                                                 .       
05303-5359 JNN  38     The AstraLux images resolve this system into a likely triple, where     .       
                       all components have brightnesses and colors consistent with a           .       
                       physically bound system. Since it has only been observed in one epoch,  .       
                       common proper motion has not yet been established.                      Jnn2012 
05303-6653 HJ 3779     AC: Whole in nebulous haze.                                             Hln1965 
05305+3239 ES  335     SEI 313.                                                                Nsn2017a
05307+5521 MLR 687     Also known as TDS 175.                                                  .       
05308+3950 STTA 63     B is BD+39@1321.                                                        .       
05308+0557 STF 728     32 Ori. The motion is still practically rectilinear, as represented     B__1956b
                       in formulae by van den Bos (1956) and Cester  (1964).                   Ces1964a
                       Uniform disk diameter  0.196 +/- 0.015 mas,                             .       
                       Limb darkened diameter 0.200 +/- 0.015 mas,                             .       
                       Teff = 15700 +/- 500 K based on SED.                                    .       
                       Radius is 2.33 +/- 0.25 \rsun.                                          CIA2019a
                       H 1  25.                                                                MEv2010 
                       Probably optical.                                                       B__1962d
05308-0022 A   852     Appears to be in rapid motion. This is the variable V1093 Ori.          .       
05308-0034 CBL 228     GWP 684.                                                                Tob2012b
05308-1251 BRT2644     RST 3426. BRT identifies this as BD-12@1187.                            .       
05310+0440 A  2646     AB: Rectilinear solution by Rica & Zirm (2012).                         FMR2012i
05311+4255 A  1721     Too close 1924-1931. This interval may mark a possible quadrant change  .       
05312+0318 STF 729     33 Ori = n 1 Ori. 1945.16 : Measure unpublished in orbit quotation.     .       
                       AB: H 1  22.                                                            MEv2010 
05312-7134 OGL 373     LMC172.6.6648  + LMC172.6.6645                                          Pli2012 
05314-0336 ENG  20     Proper motion of A +774 -2090. B is BD-03@1122, PM -013-041.            .       
05314-0724 TUV   1     Primary is an F5V W UMa eclipsing binary, while B is redder and about   .       
                       1 mag fainter. At the derived distance of 600-800 pc, the physical      .       
                       separation of A and B would be more than 1000 au. The authors conclude  .       
                       it is unlikely the stars are bound.                                     Tuv2008 
05314-7110 OGL 374     LMC171.7.13103 + LMC171.7.13105                                         Pli2012 
05315+5439 STF 711     AB: HJL  70.                                                            HJL1986 
05315-6749 OGL 375     LMC166.4.145   + LMC166.4.337                                           Pli2012 
05316-0953 LDS 145     LDS 844 = LDS6188.                                                      .       
05316-1512 GAL 387     Object #188 in Gallo's original list.                                   Gal1914 
05317+1720 BPM 133     [PM2000]  263884 + [PM2000]  263996.                                    Gvr2010 
05317+0006 TOK  96     HIP 25905.  A is SB without orbit.                                      Nrd2004 
05318-7128 OGL 376     LMC172.5.13529 + LMC172.5.13581                                         Pli2012 
05319+7548 LDS1612     BVD 302.                                                                .       
05319-7620 HJ 3795     gam Men                                                                 .       
05320+1118 V1410 Ori   Noted as possible binary (separation > 0".020) by Baines et al. (2006)  Bns2006 
05320-0018 HEI  42     del Ori = Mintaka. A is an Algol-type system, as well as a close        .       
                       visual binary.                                                          .       
                       Aa,Ab: Orbital elements are also given by Levato et al. (1988). This    Lev1988 
                       close visual pair has increased in separation from 0".20 to 0".29       .       
                       between 1979 and 1994. The spectral classification for the C component  Lev1991b
                       is from Morrell & Levato (1991).                                        Msn1998a
                       Aa spectral type O9.5II+B2V. Ab spectral type B0IV.                     Opl2023  
           STFA 14     C is a spectroscopic binary.                                            .       
                       Ca is spectral type B3V, Cb is spectral type A0V.                       Opl2023 
                       AC: H 5  10.                                                            MEv2010 
05321-0305 JNN  39     V1311 Ori.                                                              .       
                       2MASS J05320450-0305291 is identified as a beta Pic member in da Silva  .       
                       et al. (2009 A&A 508, 833). It is also known as V1311 Ori.              Jnn2012 
05321-0506 DOO  34     Doolittle identifies this as BDS 2801, but evidently it is a different  .       
                       pair.                                                                   Doo1923 
05321-1452 GAL 388     Object #190 in Gallo's original list.                                   Gal1914 
05322+1703 STF 730     A is a spectroscopic binary.                                            .       
                       H N 124.                                                                MEv2010 
05322-0431 RAS  19     Includes the rotationally variable star V1101 Ori. Companion estimated  .       
                       as close to G5V; mass of system perhaps 7 Msun.                         Ras2014 
05323+0217 A  2509     Not seen 1913-1936, when about 100@ of orbital motion took place.       .       
                       Rectilinear solution by Rica & Zirm (2012).                             FMR2012i
05324+0132 SKF1047     These two T Tauri stars are V1884 Ori + V1883 Ori.                      Skf2012 
05324-0624 ENG  21     B is BD-06@1211.                                                        .       
05324-1458 GAL 389     Object #191 in Gallo's original list.                                   Gal1914 
05326+1700 BPM 134     [PM2000]  265797 + [PM2000]  266129.                                    Gvr2010 
05327-0136 BU 1048     A is variable.                                                          .       
05327-1749 HJ 3766     alp Lep = 11 Lep = Arneb                                                .       
                       NPOI Limb-darkened diameter 1.77 +/- 0.09 mas,                          NOI1999 
                       R = 74.  +/- 22. \rsun.                                                 .       
05327-6758 OGL 377     LMC166.3.14    + LMC166.3.52                                            Pli2012 
05330-2415 DAW  85     Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and spectroscopic   .       
                       masses of 1.69 +/- 0.65, 1.66, and 0.79 Msun, respectively.             Mlk2012 
05330-6414 28 Dor      Hipparcos astrometric solution adopted some elements from the orbit of  HIP1997d
                       Lunt (1924).                                                            Lun1924 
                       Ren & Fu (2013) calculated an astrometric orbit, combining Hipparcos    Ren2013 
                       Intermediate Astrometric Data with spectroscopic elements by            .       
                       Lunt (1924).                                                            Lun1924 
05331+2002 A  2434     HIP 26018. See Allen et al. (2000) for information on metallicity,      AlC2000 
                       age, galactic orbital parameters, etc. Aka J  2606.                     .       
05331-0143 STF 734     H V 119.                                                                .       
                       AC: H 5 119.                                                            MEv2010 
05332+1557 TOK  97     HIP 26027. Two companions are seen in the ANDICAM images.               Tok2011a
05332-6501 TOK  98     HIP 26030.                                                              Tok2011a
05333+4449 AST   3     G 96-45 = GJ 1081.                                                      .       
05334+1220 GIC  59     G097-049/G097-048 = Ross 43.                                            .       
                       NLTT 15271/15272                                                        Chm2004 
05334-6847 OGL 378     LMC167.2.15319 + LMC167.2.15443                                         Pli2012 
05335-2420 HJ 3770     AB closed down from 12" in 1835 to 3.8" in 2MASS. Physical?             Tok2014d
05336-6956 OGL 379     LMC169.2.19326 + LMC169.2.19557                                         Pli2012 
05337+0157 LWR   6     V371 Ori                                                                .       
05340-6814 OGL 380     LMC166.1.16552 + LMC166.1.16697                                         Pli2012 
05341-0102 H 5 118     H V 118. Wendell noted a possible companion to the south of A in        .       
                       1869.08, although "separation doubtful".                                Wen1882 
05341-1422 HLD  76     There must be some error in my single night's distance of AB in 1958.   B__1963b
05342+1019 LDS6189     This is the common proper motion pair Ross 45.                          .       
05342-7120 OGL 381     LMC172.4.30962 + LMC172.4.31134                                         Pli2012 
05343+0346 STT 110     38 Ori                                                                  .       
05344+3549 AG   95     SEI 328.                                                                Nsn2017a
05344+0227 J  2002     BAL 1675.                                                               .       
05345+3727 SEI 330     The 05345+3727SEI 330 system is actually 2 close doubles (33" apart).   .       
                       Most of the confirming measures were of the other, previously           .       
                       uncataloged pair, 05345+3726SEI 332. Thanks to Ed Wiley for bringing    .       
                       this to our attention.                                                  .       
05346-0528 REP  51     V1438 Ori                                                               .       
05346-0543 JNN  40     V1000 Ori.                                                              .       
                       2MASS J05343767-0543044 has been classified as a likely member of the   Jnn2012 
                       ~1 Myr Orion OBIc/d association (Stassun et al. 1999 AJ 117, 2941).     .       
                       The companion that was detected with AstraLux has not yet been          .       
                       confirmed to share a common proper motion, but its brightness and       .       
                       color are consistent with what would be expected for a physical         .       
                       companion, hence it is counted as such in the statistical analysis.     Jnn2012 
05346-6836 OGL 382     LMC167.3.17320 + LMC167.3.18302                                         Pli2012 
05347-0520 REP  53     V1441 Ori = JW 63. Correia et al. (2014) derive the following           .       
                       properties: spectral types M0.5 +/- 0.5 and M3.0 +/- 1.0, Teff 3777     .       
                       +/- 72 and 3415 +/- 145K, radii 2.2 +/- 0.3 and 1.7 +/- 0.2 Rsun.       .       
                       Masses and ages are determined for several published PMS tracks.        Cor2013 
05347-0534 REP  55     V1118 Ori                                                               .       
05347-0545 SKF2420     MGM1241. IZ Ori.                                                        Kkl2016 
05347-6857 OGL 383     LMC167.1.20073 + LMC167.1.20205                                         Pli2012 
05348+0929 MCA  20     phi 1 Ori = 37 Ori. This speckle observation probably represents the    .       
                       known spectroscopic binary with P = 8.4y.                               .       
05348-0524 GET   1     V1454 Ori                                                               .       
05348-0525 REP  56     JW 81. Correia et al. (2014) derive the following properties:           .       
                       spectral types M1.0 +/- 0.5 and M3.5 +/- 1.0, Teff 3705 +/- 72 and      .       
                       3442 +/- 72K, radii 2.0 +/- 0.3 and 1.1 +/- 0.1 Rsun.                   .       
                       Masses and ages are determined for several published PMS tracks.        Cor2013 
05348-0536 MDF   5     V2034 Ori.                                                              .       
05348-0600 STF 745     H 3  13.                                                                Bu_1906 
05348-3240 JNN  41     All components of this triple system have colors and brightnesses       .       
                       consistent with expectation for physical companions. Common proper      .       
                       motion has however not yet been demonstrated.                           Jnn2012 
05349+0006 OL  178     Aka RST5217.                                                            .       
05349-0007 STF 741     H 3  76.                                                                MEv2010 
05349-0523 REP  60     V1458 Ori = JW 128. Correia et al. (2014) derive the following          .       
                       properties: spectral types M3.0 +/- 1.0 and M3.0 +/- 1.0, Teff 3415     .       
                       +/- 145 and 3415 +/- 145K, radii 2.4 +/- 0.2 and 2.2 +/- 0.2 Rsun.      .       
                       Masses and ages are determined for several published PMS tracks.        Cor2013 
05349-0530 REP  61     V1460 Ori                                                               .       
05350+1544 HEI  43     Heintz reports a third star at 283 deg, 40".                            Hei1980a
05350-0518 MDF   8     V2120 Ori.                                                              .       
05350-0522 MDF   2     V404 Ori.                                                               .       
05350-0524 GET   3     AB: JW 176. Correia et al. (2014) derive the following properties:      .       
                       spectral types M1.0 +/- 0.5 and M1.0 +/- 0.5, Teff 3705 +/- 72 and      .       
                       3705 +/- 72K, radii 2.9 +/- 0.2 and 3.2 +/- 0.5 Rsun.                   .       
                       Masses and ages are determined for several published PMS tracks.        Cor2013 
05350-0529 REP  66     V1320 Ori                                                               .       
05350-0600 STF 747     STFA 15. B is BD-06@1233.                                               .       
                       AB: H 3  14.                                                            MEv2010 
05351+2006 J  2606     Jonckheere unable to recover.                                           J__1962a
05351+0956 STF 738     lam Ori = Meissa                                                        .       
                       Both A and B components were observed and appeared to be single. The    .       
                       AB pair may not be physical (Lindroos). The photometry-based            Lnd1985 
                       classification of the C component is from Lindroos, who also gives a    .       
                       distance of 430 pc.                                                     Msn1998a
                       Classification of the B component is from Hoffleit & Warren (1991).     Hof1991 
                       AB: The image rotator was in an unknown state, so two possible theta    .       
                       values are listed for the 2001.7428 observation - one for zenith up     .       
                       and one for north up.                                                   Trn2008 
                       AB: H 2   9.                                                            MEv2010 
                       Uniform disk diameter  0.219 +/- 0.015 mas,                             .       
                       Limb darkened diameter 0.228 +/- 0.009 mas,                             .       
                       Teff = 36,000 +/- 900 K, Radius is 10.2 +/- 1.3 \rsun.                  CIA2018e
05351-0124 RAS  20     SrCrEu star; secondary probably early-K. System may belong to the       .       
                       Orion OB1 association.                                                  Ras2014 
05351-0508 JNN  42     V1321 Ori.                                                              .       
                       This star has been classified as a probable T Tau star in Alcala et     .       
                       al. (1996 A&AS 119, 7). It is also known as V1321 Ori.                  Jnn2012 
05351-0523 GET   4     AB: V1274 Ori = JW 248. Correia et al. (2014) resolved a close (0".14)  .       
                       faint (dm=3mag) companion to the primary, and derive the following      .       
                       properties for Aa and B: spectral types M1.0 +/- 0.5 and M7.5 +/- 1.5,  .       
                       Teff 3705 +/- 72 and 2795 +/- 295K, radii 3.5 +/- 0.4 and 2.4 +/- 0.8   .       
                       Rsun. Masses and ages are determined for several published PMS tracks.  Cor2013 
05351-0532 MGM1501     LM Ori.                                                                 Kkl2016 
05351-0534 SKF2257     MGM1454. V982 Ori.                                                      Kkl2016 
05351-0551 MGM1171     V2134 Ori.                                                              Kkl2016 
05352+1014 STT 111     The primary is a single-lined spectroscopic binary, P = 1857d.          .       
05352+0954 BYN   1     Separation and position angle calculated from tabulated RA and DEC of   .       
                       components. Quoted date and telescope aperture are rough means of all   ByN2007a
                       listed information in Barrado y Navascues et al. (2007).                ByN2007b
05352-0513 MGM2239     V2327 Ori.                                                              Kkl2016 
05352-0515 MGM2193     V2359 Ori.                                                              Kkl2016 
05352-0516 REP  72     Ba,Bb: V1492 Ori                                                        .       
05352-0517 REP  77     AB: V1329 Ori                                                           .       
           KOH  98     DE: V1327 Ori                                                           .       
05352-0521 REP  74     Ba,Bb: JW 391. Correia et al. (2014) derive the following properties:   .       
                       spectral types M0.0 +/- 0.5 and M7.0 +/- 1.0, Teff 3850 +/- 53 and      .       
                       2880 +/- 140K, radii 2.0 +/- 0.1 and 1.4 +/- 0.2 Rsun.                  .       
                       Masses and ages are determined for several published PMS tracks.        Cor2013 
05352-0522 GET  20     FG: V1496 Ori                                                           .       
05352-0523 GET   9     DE: V1487 Ori                                                           .       
           GET  25     NO: V1330 Ori                                                           .       
           PRS   8     PQ:SMN   3Da,Db                                                         .       
05352-0524 PRS   9     Aa,B:  Aka GET  28.                                                     Skf2016a
                              Aka PAD   1.                                                     Dam2017k
05352-0529 REP  76     V1495 Ori                                                               .       
05352-0534 MDF   4     V2265 Ori.                                                              .       
05352-0537 REP  79     V1500 Ori                                                               .       
05352-0538 REP  80     V409 Ori                                                                .       
05353-0515 REP  84     V1334 Ori                                                               .       
05353-0520 HJ 1157EF   Aka POP 205.                                                            .       
05353-0522 GET  45     NO: V1333 Ori                                                           .       
           PRS  18     Ka,Kb: DAE  13Oa,Ob                                                     .       
05353-0523 STF 748     A: the 1 Ori A = 41 Ori A = V1016 Ori                                   .       
                       B: the 1 Ori B = 41 Ori B = BM Ori                                      .       
                       C: the 1 Ori C = 41 Ori C                                               .       
                       D: the 1 Ori D = 41 Ori D                                               .       
                       Trapezium. the Ori A, B, and C were first noted as a triple by          G__1617 
                       Galileo on 4 February 1617. It was independently found as a triple in   .       
                       by Christian Huygens, who is often given credit for recognizing this    .       
                       multiple system. the Ori D was found by Abbe Jean Picard, as            A__1935f
                       documented by a manuscript drawing of 20 March 1673. The D component    .       
                       was independently found by Huygens in 1684.                             .       
                       A and B are both Algol-type systems, C is an RW Aur-type system.        .       
                       Common proper motion with the multiple system STF 16.                   .       
                       Stahl et al. (1996 A&A 312, 539) find that the H-alpha profiles of the  .       
                       C component vary with a 15.4-day cycle which they suggest is related    .       
                       to the star's rotational period; photospheric line radial velocity      .       
                       variations are small. All 4 of the Orion Trapezium stars were observed  .       
                       with the speckle camera (A = HD 37020; B =  HD 37021; C = HD 37022;     .       
                       D = HD 37023) and all appeared to be single. Classifications of the     .       
                       B and D components are from the WDS.  The spectral classification for   Lev1991b
                       the A component is from Morrell & Levato (1991).                        Msn1998a
                       AB: H 3   1.                                                            MEv2010 
                       AC: C component = D component of 05354-0525 STFA 17.                    .       
           WGT   1     Ca,Cb: The longer-period Kraus et al. (2007) solution gives a dynamic   .       
                       parallax 2.304 +/- 0.066 mas, the shorter-period solution gives 2.585   .       
                       +/- 0.074 mas. Mass sums are 47.8 +/- 4.2 and 44.8 +/- 3.9 Msun,        .       
                       respectively. Based on evolutionary models, spectral types for Ca and   .       
                       Cb are O5.5 and O9.5, masses are 34.0 and 15.5 Msun.                    Kss2007 
                       The Kraus et al. (2009) solution is based on VLTI data from 2007-2008,  .       
                       plus speckle (1997-2008) and radial valocity data. They derive a        .       
                       dynamic distance of 410 +/- 20pc and a system mass of 44 +/- 7 Msun.    Kss2009 
                       Ca,Cb: From their combined astrometric/spectroscopic solution, Balega   .       
                       et al. (2015) derive the following properties for the system:           .       
                          total mass (Msun): 45.5 +/- 10.0                                     .       
                          mass ratio:        0.36     0.05                                     .       
                          distance (pc):     414      7                                        .       
                          flux ratio:        0.30     0.05                                     .       
                       Resulting properties for the two components are:                        .       
                          mass (Msun):       33.5 +/- 5.2      12.0 +/- 3.0                    .       
                          log L:             5.21     0.01     4.70     0.15                   .       
                          Spectral types:    O6Vp              B0V                             .       
                          Teff               39000    1000     30000    1000                   .       
                          radii (Rsun):      8.91     0.50     8.24     0.50                   Bag2015 
           STF 748     CH: Additional notes may be found in Burnham (1894).                    Bu_1894 
           KSS   1     D component of ADS 4186 = the 1 Ori D                                   .       
05353-0523 PTR   1     Ab is a 4 solar mass PMS F star.                                        Gvt2018 
05353-0523 GVT   1     Be is a 4-6 solar mass B star.                                          Gvt2018 
05353-0523 GVT   1     Dc is a 5-7 solar mass B star.                                          Gvt2018 
05353-0523 DAE 130     Oa,Ob: The elongated shape of JW 519's primary suggests the primary to  .       
                       be binary itself. The photometry for JW 519, however, is based on the   .       
                       assumption of a single central object since separate components cannot  .       
                       be identified.                                                          Dae2012 
           GET  43     TU: the 1 Ori G                                                         .       
           REP 110     Xa,Xb: AF Ori                                                           .       
05353-0524 GET  38     FG: AC Ori                                                              .       
05353-0531 MDF   3     V2360 Ori.                                                              .       
05353-0533 REP  81     V1504 Ori                                                               .       
05354-0450 DA    4     AB + TOK 430Aa,Ab: This is HIP 26237, HD 37018, HR 1892, 42 Ori, a      .       
                       young star in Orion which has not been observed at high angular         .       
                       resolution so far, according to INT4 (Hartkopf et al. 2001). We         Hrt2001d
                       resolved the known binary DA 4AB and discovered the spectacular         .       
                       subsystem Aa,Ab at 0".16.                                               Tok2015c
05354-0509 KOH 101     V1344 Ori                                                               .       
05354-0510 MGM2300     V2377 Ori.                                                              Kkl2016 
05354-0515 MDF   7     V1281 Ori.                                                              .       
05354-0524 PRS  34     AB: V1524 Ori                                                           .       
           GET  56     CD: V494 Ori                                                            .       
           GET  57     GH: V1231 Ori                                                           .       
05354-0525 STFA 16     A: the 2 Ori A = 43 Ori. Spectroscopic binary, P = 21d.                 .       
                       B: the 2 Ori B = BD-05@ 1320.                                           .       
                       C component is primary of 05355-0525 S   490.                           .       
           STFA 17     AD: This is the the 1 / the 2 Ori system                                .       
                       D component = C component of 05353-0523 STF 748.                        .       
           CHR 249     The A component (CHR 249 Aa,Ab) was resolved on 3 occasions, but the    .       
                       distant STFA 17B component was observed to be single.  Hipparcos        HIP1997b
                       results confirm the Aa,Ab pair.  The spectral classification for        Lev1991b
                       the B component is from Morrell & Levato (1991).                        Msn1998a
                       Classification of the C component is from Hoffleit et al. (1983).       Hof1983 
05354-0527 REP  89     JW 709. Correia et al. (2014) derive the following properties:          .       
                       spectral types M0.5 +/- 0.5 and M0.5 +/- 0.5, Teff 3777 +/- 72 and      .       
                       3777 +/- 72K, radii 1.8 +/- 0.1 and 1.7 +/- 0.2 Rsun.                   .       
                       Masses and ages are determined for several published PMS tracks.        Cor2013 
05343-0530 DCH 112     WZ Ori                                                                  .       
05347-0523 DCH 102     IX Ori                                                                  .       
05350-0530 DCH 103     Ca,Cb: KZ Ori                                                           .       
05351-0518 DCH 104     V2144 Ori                                                               .       
05352-0522 DCH 106     Qa,Qb: V1487 Ori                                                        .       
05353-0518 DCH 109     Ca,Cb: V1509 Ori                                                        .       
05353-0523 DCH 110     Oa,Ob: MT Ori                                                           .       
05354-0525 GVT   2     Ac is a 8-12 solar mass companion.                                      Gvt2018 
05354-0525 GVT   2     Bb is a 1.6 +/- 0.7 solar mass companion.                               Gvt2018 
05354-0525 GVT   2     Cb is a 1.7 +/- 0.2 solar mass companion.                               Gvt2018 
05354-0527 DCH 111     Ca,Cb: V1523 Ori                                                        .       
05354-0532 REP  91     V1528 Ori                                                               .       
05354-0535 CHN  14     Also known as AG Ori. The secondary = V2378 Ori.                        .       
05354-0555 STF 752     iot Ori = 44 Ori = Hatysa. A is a spectroscopic binary, P = 29.1d.      .       
                       The classification is from Stickland et al. (1987).                     Stc1987 
           CHR 250     The A component was resolved (CHR 250 Aa,Ab); the B component was also  .       
                       observed but appeared to be single.                                     Msn1998a
                       Aa1 is spectral type O8.5III, Aa2 is B0.8III and Ab is B2IV.            Opl2023 
                       Classification of the B component is from Hoffleit & Warren (1991).     Hof1991 
           STF 752     AB: H 3  12.                                                            MEv2010 
05355-0422 STF 750     H 2  26.                                                                MEv2010 
05355-0459 MGM2472     V2475 Ori.                                                              Kkl2016 
05355-0504 SKF2481     MGM2398.                                                                Kkl2016 
05355-0505 MGM2367     V2502 Ori.                                                              Kkl2016 
05355-0509 KOH 104     V360 Ori                                                                .       
05355-0510 RBB   7     MGM2285. V419 Ori.                                                      Kkl2016 
05355-0515 DCH 113     V1432 Ori                                                               .       
05355-0516 PBS   2     NU Ori, not nu Ori.                                                     .       
           GVT   3     Ab is a 4 +/- 1 solar mass companion.                                   Gvt2018 
05355-0519 REP  96     JW 867. Correia et al. (2014) derive the following properties:          .       
                       spectral types M0.5 +/- 0.5 and M1.5 +/- 0.5, Teff 3777 +/- 72 and      .       
                       3632 +/- 72K, radii 2.2 +/- 0.1 and 2.2 +/- 0.1 Rsun.                   .       
                       Masses and ages are determined for several published PMS tracks.        Cor2013 
05355-0524 GET  60     V1288 Ori                                                               .       
05355-0525 S   490     Variable, V361 Ori. Primary is C component of 05354-0525 STFA 16AC      .       
05356+3801 AG   98     HDS 746.                                                                .       
05357-0451 HLD 173     45 Ori.                                                                 .       
05357-0528 KOH 105     AN Ori                                                                  .       
05358-0059 STF 751     B is BD-01@966.                                                         .       
05358-0529 HLB   1     T Ori.                                                                  .       
05359+3530 SHY 483     AB: HIP  26290 + HIP  26322.                                            .       
           SHY 476     BC: HIP  26322 + HIP  24934.                                            .       
05359-0538 DA    3     A is a spectroscopic binary and light variable.                         .       
05360+3614 SEI 349     Heintz equates this with ALI 308.                                       Hei1985a
05360-0616 JNN  43     V1178 Ori.                                                              .       
                       Also known as V1178 Ori, this star has been classified as a probable T  .       
                       Tau star in Alcala et al. (1996 A&AS 119, 7). It has a companion that   .       
                       is as of yet unconfirmed with regards to common proper motion, but      .       
                       since the brightness and color are well consistent with expectations    .       
                       for a real companion, system is counted as binary in the statistics.    Jnn2012 
05360-7136 OGL 384     LMC172.3.13633 + LMC172.3.13778                                         Pli2012 
05361-1302 LDS3666     NLTT 15358/15357                                                        Chm2004 
05362-0112 BUP  81     eps Ori = 46 Ori = Alnilam. Possibly variable.                          .       
05362-1349 WEI   9     B is BD-13@1193.                                                        .       
05362-2842 SHY 484     HIP  26309 + HIP  26453.                                                .       
05363-0018 RAS  21     Triple includes the alpha2 CVn type variable star V1130 Ori.  Spectral  .       
                       types of B estimates as A7; uncertainty in magnitude does not allow     .       
                       estimate of specral type for C. Member of Orion OB1 association.        Ras2014 
05364+3408 STF 737     B is BD+34@1106.                                                        .       
                       SEI 353.                                                                Nsn2017a
05364+2200 STF 742     A premature orbit has been computed.                                    .       
                       The node and longitude of periastron have been corrected.               .       
                       H 1  70.                                                                MEv2010 
05364-7056 OGL 385     LMC171.3.62055 + LMC171.3.62082                                         Pli2012 
05365+2556 CHR 203     First detected as an occultation binary by Schmidtke et al.             Smk1989 
05365+1120 TOK 255     V2689 Ori.                                                              .       
05365-0643 J   798     Center of nebula NGC 1999 = H IV 33. Couteau did not find the           J__1912d
                       Jonckheere AC component. The two components may in fact be the same.    Cou1960a
                       Same as COU2713.                                                        .       
                       The A component is the RW Aur-type variable V380 Ori.                   .       
05366-0604 STF 754     A is a spectroscopic binary.                                            .       
                       H 3  13.                                                                MEv2010 
05366-1029 GAL 390     Object #193 in Gallo's original list.                                   Gal1914 
05367-0634 SKF2301     MGM 845. V846 Ori.                                                      Kkl2016 
05367-6904 OGL 386     LMC175.5.5552  + LMC175.5.5551                                          Pli2012 
05367-6930 I  1151     An S Doradus-type variable, R127, in the LMC.                           .       
05368-1003 GAL 391     Object #194 in Gallo's original list.                                   Gal1914 
05369-4758 HDS 751     See notes to 05287-6527 SHY  27AE and 06225-6013 SHY  34AD.             Shy2011 
05370+2044 GJ 209      Combined solution, based on reduction of Hipparcos intermediate         .       
                       astrometric data together with spectroscopic elements from Vogt et al.  CPS2000c
                       (2000).                                                                 HaI2001 
05370-0137 HDO  76     According to Burnham (1906) original measure is labelled "doubtful".    Bu_1906 
05370-6851 OGL 387     LMC174.8.25249 + LMC174.8.25968                                         Pli2012 
05371+2655 BOW   4CD   Aka ITF   4.                                                            .       
05371-3932 YMG  11     AT Col.                                                                 .       
05372+7928 MLR 492     Also known as TDS 187.                                                  .       
05372+1014 BPM 135     [PM2000]  278391 + [PM2000]  278458.                                    Gvr2010 
05372-2424 B    84     HIP 26404. AB = B 84 = ADS 4227, 3". The pair is optical according to   .       
                       the CMDs (B is too red, above the MS). Small PM(A)=(+13,-14). However,  .       
                       the field is not crowded, N*=14, an optical companion at 3.5" is        .       
                       unlikely. Is B an IR companion? No relevant references in SIMBAD.       Tok2011a
05373+6409 HU 1107     19 Cam.                                                                 .       
05373-6857 OGL 388     LMC174.8.25010 + LMC174.8.31202                                         Pli2012 
05375+3147 WZ   10     SEI 356.                                                                Nsn2017a
05375-7138 OGL 389     LMC179.7.17322 + LMC179.7.17360                                         Pli2012 
05376+3705 RAO 499     V432 Aur.                                                               .       
05376+2659 ITF   3     Aka ITF  35.                                                            .       
05377+1618 BPM 136     [PM2000]  280129 + [PM2000]  280138.                                    Gvr2010 
05377-5330 HJ 3786     Spectrum of A is F/G.                                                   .       
05378-5434 HJ 3787     B is CPD-54@866.                                                        .       
05379+0058 STTA 65     Pair appears in an appendix list, not part of the discoverer's regular  .       
                       numbering sequence.                                                     .       
05380+1631 BPMA 11     [PM2000]  280939 + [PM2000]  280294.                                    Gvr2010 
05381-0011 STF 758     CD : Same as STF 765.                                                   .       
                       CD: H 3 111.                                                            MEv2010 
05382-0649 AUN   1     V1787 Ori.                                                              .       
05382-4606 HJ 3784     HIP 26501. See Allen et al. (2000) for information on metallicity,      AlC2000 
                       age, galactic orbital parameters, etc.                                  .       
05383-7135 OGL 390     LMC179.6.5087  + LMC179.6.5328                                          Pli2012 
05384+4301 A  1563     Less than 0.1" with 82-inch 1953, 1954.                                 .       
                       A premature orbit has been computed.                                    .       
05384+3401 SMR  56     Pair initially designated SMR 55 in error, designation already in use.  .       
05384+1124 BPM 137     [PM2000]  282231 + [PM2000]  282180.                                    Gvr2010 
05384-6951 OGL 391     LMC176.7.81530 + LMC176.7.81923                                         Pli2012 
05386+3030 BU 1240     26 Aur. Composite spectrum; B9.5V+F9III. Light variability suspected.   .       
                       See Baize & Petit (1989) catalog of doubles with variable component.    Baz1989d
                       Only elements P and T have been amended by Starikova (1977) from the    Sta1977a
                       orbit of Baize (1956).                                                  Baz1956 
                       Romero (2008) estimates masses of the A and B components as 2.1 +/-     FMR2008 
                       1.0 and 3.0 +/- 0.4 Msun, respectively; spectral types are G8III and    .       
                       A1IV or B9.5V.                                                          .       
                       AB: Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and             .       
                       spectroscopic masses 6.87 +/- 22.98, 5.45, and 4.82 Msun, respectively. Mlk2012 
           STF 753     Romero (2008) analyzes the optical/physical nature of the C component;  FMR2008 
                       the spectral is determined to be about A6V and it appears to be         .       
                       gravitationally bound to the AB pair, with an estimated orbital period  .       
                       of ~46,000 years.                                                       .       
                       AB,C: H 3  64.                                                          MEv2010 
           BU   90     Romero (2008) derives a proper motion for D (+0.4 +/- 2.1 mas/yr in     FMR2008 
                       RA, -12.6 +/- 1.6 mas/yr in Dec) based on that of the AB pair plus the  .       
                       relative motion of AB,D between the years 1856 and 2002. He also        .       
                       concludes that D is optical, with a spectral type estimated at K1III    .       
                       and distance of ~870pc (both determinations corrected for reddening).   .       
05386-0233 STF 761     AB: B is BD-02@1323.                                                    .       
                       Primary = F component of 05387-0236 STF3135AB,F.                        .       
                       BC: H 2  10.                                                            MEv2010 
05386-0244 PLT   1     A is TX Ori, B is TY Ori.                                               Plt1934 
05386-1655 UC 1338     CPM candidate confirmed physical by photometry (2MASS and V mags).      Tok2013c
05387-0236 STF3135     Rabe measures principal stars STF 761 and STF 762.                      Rab1923 
                       1914, 324@, 209.79". This new WDS entry created 02/18/98.               .       
                       Spectral types of primary and secondary assigned by ten Brummelaar et   TtB2000 
                       al., based on adaptive optics observations.                             .       
           BU 1032     sig Ori = 48 Ori. A is the variable V1030 Ori. This is the brightest    .       
                       pair in a trapezium system with at least five components, including     .       
                       components C (mag. 8.79, 11", A2V), D (mag. 6.62, 13", B2V), and the    .       
                       helium-rich star E, BD-02@1327. A has also been reported to be a short  .       
                       period SB2.                                                             .       
                       Heintz (1974) gives formulae for the motions AB,C and AB,D.             Hei1974b
                       The suspected small RV variation of AB was not confirmed in David       .       
                       Dunlap Obs. spectra.                                                    .       
                       See Baize & Petit (1989) catalog of doubles with variable component.    Baz1989d
                       The AB pair has decreased in position angle from 171 deg to 125 deg     .       
                       between 1975 and 1994.  Fullerton (1990) describes three spectral       Ful1990 
                       components in the He I 5876 A profile which suggests that one of the    .       
                       stars is a double-lined spectroscopic binary  (see Bolton, 1974 ApJ     .       
                       192, L7).  Classifications of the B, C, and D components are from       Hof1991 
                       Hoffleit & Warren (1991), while the classification for the E            Lev1991b
                       component is from Morrell & Levato (1991).                              Msn1998a
                       AB: Additional notes may be found in Worley (1956).                     Wor1956b
                       AB: Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and             .       
                       spectroscopic masses 27.34 +/- 40.70, 25.32, 21.87 Msun, respectively.  Mlk2012 
           sig Ori     Aa,Ab: Simon-Diaz et al. (2015) derive a new spectroscopic orbit for    .       
                       the primary (sig Ori Aa,Ab) as well as astrometry and photometry for    .       
                       the AB pair. New values for mass, log g, age, Teff, etc are derived     .       
                       for Aa, Ab, and B.                                                      SiD2015 
           NOI   6     Aa,Ab: Schaefer et al. (2016) resolved the primary of sig Ori A and     .       
                       derive a new combined solution, as well as a new orbit of the AB pair.  .       
                       Derived masses for Aa, Ab, and B are 16.99 +/- 0.20, 12.81 +/- 0.18,    .       
                       and 11.54 +/- 1.15 Msun, respectively. They also derive a parallax of   .       
                       2.5806 +/- 0.0088 mas, corresponding to distance 387.51 +/- 0.12 pc.    NOI2016b
                       Spectral type of Aa 09.5V, Ab B0.5V                                     Opl2023 
           STF 762     AB,C: H 2  11.                                                          MEv2010 
                       Sigma Ori E (V1030 Ori) has a strong magnetic field and a magnetosphere IAU2014a
                       with two clouds of plasma constrained by magnetic and centrifugal       .       
                       forces which co-rotate with the 1.19d period of the star which results  .       
                       in eclipse features.                                                    .       
                       Note that the C component was first resolved by Dawes while D and E     Da_1835 
                       were first resolved by Mayer. However, the discovery designation is     MyC1784 
                       maintained due to the long standing historical designations.            .       
           STF3135     AB,F: F component = primary of 05386-0233 STF 761.                      .       
           RAS  22     Ea,Eb: Helium star V1030 Ori, type B2; spectral type of Eb estimated    .       
                       as late-A.                                                              Ras2014 
           CAB  26     Ha,Hb: [W96] 4771-899 = Mayrit 528005                                   .       
           BOY  24     Ja,Jb: sig Ori IRS 1 = Mayrit 3020                                      Boy2009 
05387-6906 RMC 136     30 Dor cluster in Large Magellanic Cloud. Due to space limitations,     .       
                       component designations have been converted from the letter/number       .       
                       format (e.g., a1 or k10) adopted by Weigelt and collaborators to the    Wgt1985 
                       upper/lower case letter format (e.g., Aa or Kj) used in the WDS. The    Ner1988 
                       order of these components has not been changed, however. Of the 13      Peh1992 
                       companions discovered by Herschel, Dawes, and Innes, only the pair      .       
                       originally designated I  1152AB matches one of these close              .       
                       interferometric pairs with any certainty; it has been merged with       .       
                       RMC 136Aa,Ac. Component designations for the others were adjusted.              
                       Results are tabulated from the combined data set only. RMS errors from  .       
                       comparing data sets are 0".011 in separation, 1.6 deg in position       .       
                       angle, 0.28 in magnitude difference.                                    Peh1992 
05388+1548 BPM 138     [PM2000]  283526 + [PM2000]  283334.                                    Gvr2010 
05388-0242 CAB  28     V595 Ori.                                                               .       
05389+1651 BPMA 12     [PM2000]  283738 + [PM2000]  283905.                                    Gvr2010 
05389-0713 49 Ori      Hipparcos astrometric solution adopted some elements from the orbit of  HIP1997d
                       Abt (1965).                                                             AbH1965 
05389-1334 GAL 392     Hipparcos suspected non-single.                                         .       
                       Object #196 in Gallo's original list.                                   Gal1914 
05391+1747 BPM 139     [PM2000]  284438 + [PM2000]  284293.                                    Gvr2010 
05391-5008 HJ 3789     B is CD-50@1871.                                                        .       
05391-7100 OGL 392     LMC178.6.14067 + LMC178.6.15179                                         Pli2012 
05391-7149 OGL 393     LMC179.8.23263 + LMC179.8.23619                                         Pli2012 
05391-7157 OGL 394     LMC180.5.22705 + LMC180.5.23355                                         Pli2012 
05392+2317 STF 755     124 Tau. C is a spectroscopic binary.                                   .       
05393-6750 OGL 395     LMC173.4.13898 + LMC173.4.14451                                         Pli2012 
05394+1658 BPMA 13     [PM2000]  285302 + [PM2000]  285761.                                    Gvr2010 
05394+1649 BPMA 14     [PM2000]  285537 + [PM2000]  286099.                                    Gvr2010 
05394+1618 BPM 140     [PM2000]  285398 + [PM2000]  285298.                                    Gvr2010 
05394-7001 SKF1049     OGL 396. LMC176.1.34431 + LMC176.1.34425                                Pli2012 
05395+1644 BPMA 15     [PM2000]  285719 + [PM2000]  285027.                                    Gvr2010 
05395-0334 VIG   8     Optical/physical nature of the two faint companions is undefined.       Vig2012 
05396+1531 BPM 141     [PM2000]  286142 + [PM2000]  286564.                                    Gvr2010 
05396-3404 HDO 193     alp Col = Phact                                                         .       
05397-0259 CAB  48     V511 Ori.                                                               .       
05398+1537 BPM 142     [PM2000]  286537 + [PM2000]  286571.                                    Gvr2010 
05398-0241 CAB  32     V1147 Ori.                                                              .       
05398-6859 OGL 397     LMC175.4.34483 + LMC175.4.34571                                         Pli2012 
05399+5145 ES  893     SMA  57.                                                                .       
05399+1634 BPM 143     [PM2000]  286991 + [PM2000]  286795.                                    Gvr2010 
05400+1658 BPM 145     [PM2000]  287347 + [PM2000]  287190.                                    Gvr2010 
05400+1626 BPM 144     [PM2000]  287202 + [PM2000]  287554.                                    Gvr2010 
05401-7133 OGL 398     LMC179.6.15460 + LMC179.6.15507                                         Pli2012 
05402+1015 SHY 487     HIP  26680 + HIP  26646.                                                .       
05402-6912 OGL 399     LMC175.3.9920  + LMC175.3.9955                                          Pli2012 
05403+3757 SEI 367     ALI 546.                                                                .       
05403+1521 SHY  28     BC: HIP  26690 + HIP  26844.                                            .       
05403-7112 OGL 400     LMC178.1.26335 + LMC178.1.115                                           Pli2012 
05404+2448 WNO  45     Identified as WNO  16 in USN1976. Discovered by B.Y. Riepe              USN1976 
                       and also known as Riepe's double.                                       .       
                       GJ 1083 = G 100-28 = V780 Tau. Estimated age 1000-10000 Myr; masses     .       
                       0.20 +/- 0.04 and 0.13 +/- 0.02 Msun; a ~4.9 au.                        Jnn2014 
05404+1643 BPM 146     AB: [PM2000]  288389 + [PM2000]  288781.                                Gvr2010 
           BPM 147     BC: [PM2000]  288781 + [PM2000]  288600.                                Gvr2010 
05405-7027 OGL 401     LMC177.2.57937 + LMC177.2.58437                                         Pli2012 
05406+1638 BPM 148     [PM2000]  289234 + [PM2000]  289578.                                    Gvr2010 
05406-7151 OGL 402     LMC179.8.11252 + LMC179.8.11284                                         Pli2012 
05407+1704 BPMA 16     [PM2000]  289597 + [PM2000]  289795.                                    Gvr2010 
05407-0157 STF 774     AB: zet Ori = 50 Ori = Alnitak. A premature orbit has been computed.    .       
                       Spectral types of AB: O9.5Ibe and B0III.                                .       
                       Levato et al. (ApJS, 68, 319, 1988) and Fullerton (1990, PhD thesis,    Lev1988 
                       U. Toronto) report small RV variations (<35 km/sec), not confirmed.     Ful1990 
                       See Baize & Petit (1989) catalog of doubles with variable component.    Baz1989d
                       Spectral type of Aa O9.5Ib, spectral type of Ab B0.5IV                  Opl2023 
                       Both A and B components were observed and appeared to be single.        Msn1998a
                       Classification of the B component is from Hoffleit &  Warren (1991).    Hof1991 
                       AC: Star C (mag. about 9, 60") may be physical.                         .       
           NOI   1     Aa,Ab: Combined spectroscopic/astrometric solution, using NPOI          .       
                       interferometric measures with radial velocities from disentangled       .       
                       spectra to determine first dynamical mass for an O-type supergiant.     .       
                       Mass of the O9.5Ib primary is 24.8 +/- 5.6 Msun, that of the B0/1       .       
                       secondary is 16.4 +/- 4.9 Msun.                                         NOI2011 
                       Aa,Ab: Hummel et al. (2013) calculated a combined interferometric/      .       
                       spectroscopic orbit of zet Ori. Derived masses are 14.0 +/- 2.2 and     .       
                       7.4 +/- 1.1 Msun; orbital parallax is 3.4 +/- 0.2 mas, but as this is   .       
                       based on rather low velocity amplitudes, the photometric distance       .       
                       (2.6 +0.4/-0.3 mas) is considered more robust. Based on photometric     .       
                       distance, spectral types for Aa, Ab, and B are O9.5Iab, B1IV, and       .       
                       B0III, respectively. Masses for Aa and Ab are 33 +/- 10 and 14 +/- 3    .       
                       Msun, considerably larger than the dynamical values.                    Hmm2013 
                       Intensity Interferometer Limb-darkened diameter 0.48 +/- 0.04 mas.      HBr1974 
                       Uniform disk diameter  0.546 +/- 0.029 mas,                             .       
                       Limb darkened diameter 0.485 +/- 0.019 mas,                             .       
                       Radius is 21.5 +/- 5.4 \rsun.                                           CIA2018e
           STF 774     AC: H 4  21.                                                            MEv2010 
05408+1657 BPMA 17     [PM2000]  289777 + [PM2000]  290265.                                    Gvr2010 
05408+1539 BPM 149     [PM2000]  289939 + [PM2000]  289977.                                    Gvr2010 
05408-0806 CON  14     AB: MGM 369.                                                            Kkl2016 
05409+1625 BPM 150     [PM2000]  290186 + [PM2000]  289998.                                    Gvr2010 
05410+3106 J   937     Aka MNG   1.                                                            Dam2016a
05410+1620 BPM 151     [PM2000]  290443 + [PM2000]  290760.                                    Gvr2010 
05411+3550 ALV   2     SH 2-235 IRS 1. Luminous YSO in SH 2-235 molecular cloud.               Alv2004 
05411-7023 OGL 403     LMC177.3.13891 + LMC177.3.13893                                         Pli2012 
05412+1632 BPM 152     AB: [PM2000]  290981 + [PM2000]  291008.                                Gvr2010 
           BPM 153     AC: [PM2000]  290981 + [PM2000]  290861.                                Gvr2010 
           BPM 154     BC: [PM2000]  291008 + [PM2000]  290861.                                Gvr2010 
05412+1631 BPM 155     [PM2000]  291034 + [PM2000]  290895.                                    Gvr2010 
05413+5329 ENG  22     LDS 890.                                                                .       
                       AB: NLTT 15439/15446                                                    Chm2004 
                       AB: HJL  72.                                                            HJL1986 
                       AB: SHY  29. Bayesian analysis by Shaya & Olling (2011) indicates very  Shy2011 
                       high (near 100%) probability pair is physical.                          .       
                       AB: This is MN of 05167+4600.                                           Dam2017i
05413+2929 STF 764     A is a spectroscopic binary. B is BD+29@954.                            .       
                       Primary is eclipsing binary of Beta Lyr -type, period 0.674 d.          Zas2012 
                       H N  75.                                                                MEv2010 
05413+1706 BPMA 19     [PM2000]  291462 + [PM2000]  291073.                                    Gvr2010 
05413+1704 BPMA 18     [PM2000]  291452 + [PM2000]  291820.                                    Gvr2010 
05413+1632 BU 1007     126 Tau. The variable radial velocity indicates a spectroscopic         .       
                       subsystem; the RV range of the blended light is about 50 km/s.          .       
                       Single night's measure in 1960 apparently does not refer to this pair.  .       
                       Observed delta m definitely larger than given in ADS.                   Wor1967b
                       Spectral types of primary and secondary assigned by ten Brummelaar et   .       
                       al., based on adaptive optics observations.                             TtB2000 
                       See Baize & Petit (1989) catalog of doubles with variable component.    Baz1989d
                       Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and spectroscopic   .       
                       masses of 17.71 +/- 23.89, 9.78, and 6.41 Msun, respectively.           Mlk2012 
05413-2621 HJ 3788     B is CD-26@2394.                                                        .       
05414+1527 BPM 156     [PM2000]  291745 + [PM2000]  292018.                                    Gvr2010 
05415-0840 CON  16     AB: MGM 222.                                                            Kkl2016 
05416+1629 BPM 157     [PM2000]  292234 + [PM2000]  292274.                                    Gvr2010 
05416-7024 OGL 404     LMC177.3.26963 + LMC177.3.26962                                         Pli2012 
05416-7111 OGL 405     LMC178.1.32870 + LMC178.1.33290                                         Pli2012 
05417+1644 BPM 158     [PM2000]  292535 + [PM2000]  292075.                                    Gvr2010 
05417-0254 BU 1052     See Baize & Petit (1989) catalog of doubles with variable component.    Baz1989d
                       Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and spectroscopic   .       
                       masses of 4.67 +/- 2.70, 2.57, and 1.58 Msun, respectively.             Mlk2012 
05418+1541 BPM 159     [PM2000]  292945 + [PM2000]  292733.                                    Gvr2010 
05418-0155 ALV   3     NGC 2024 IRS 2.                                                         Alv2004 
05420+3401 SEI 374     Aka TOB  37.                                                            .       
05420+1640 BPM 160     [PM2000]  293486 + [PM2000]  293135.                                    Gvr2010 
05421+3245 HJ  369     Measure does not agree with HJ, but so identified by Doolittle.         Doo1923 
05421+1522 BPM 162     [PM2000]  293889 + [PM2000]  293594.                                    Gvr2010 
05421+1519 BPM 161     [PM2000]  293806 + [PM2000]  293833.                                    Gvr2010 
05422-7119 OGL 406     LMC179.4.27320 + LMC179.4.30768                                         Pli2012 
05423+3247 HJ  370     SEI 376.                                                                Nsn2017a
05423+1704 BPM 164     AB: [PM2000]  294490 + [PM2000]  294334.                                Gvr2010 
           BPM 165     AC: [PM2000]  294490 + [PM2000]  294161.                                Gvr2010 
           BPM 166     BC: [PM2000]  294334 + [PM2000]  294161.                                Gvr2010 
05423+1646 BPM 163     [PM2000]  294407 + [PM2000]  294228.                                    Gvr2010 
05423+1557 BPM 167     [PM2000]  294597 + [PM2000]  294432.                                    Gvr2010 
05424+7920 STF 695     AB: HJL  71.                                                            HJL1986 
05424+2051 OCC9039     OCC9108.                                                                .       
05424+1640 BPM 168     [PM2000]  294701 + [PM2000]  294561.                                    Gvr2010 
05425+4053 WEI  10     B is BD+40@1384.                                                        .       
05426-6810 OGL 407     LMC181.7.13965 + LMC181.7.14774 + LMC181.7.15836                        Pli2012 
05427+1705 BPMA 20     [PM2000]  295643 + [PM2000]  296373.                                    Gvr2010 
05427+1651 BPM 169     [PM2000]  295609 + [PM2000]  295407.                                    Gvr2010 
05427+1643 BPM 170     [PM2000]  295816 + [PM2000]  295876.                                    Gvr2010 
05427+0241 LDS6192     HIP 26907. See Allen et al. (2000) for information on metallicity,      AlC2000 
                       age, galactic orbital parameters, etc.                                  .       
05428+3322 STF 773     AC: DOO   8.                                                            .       
05428+1806 CHR 213     First detected as an occultation binary by Edwards et al.               Evn1980 
05428-7222 OGL 408     LMC180.1.10    + LMC180.1.12050                                         Pli2012 
05429+1650 BPM 171     [PM2000]  296510 + [PM2000]  296883.                                    Gvr2010 
05429+0001 STF 782     B is BD-00@1060.                                                        .       
05429-0648 A   494     Suspected RV variation not confirmed (Heintz 1981). The faint pair      Hei1981a
                       CD (mag. 10-13, 1.0") is 100" distant from AB.                          .       
                       AB: Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and             .       
                       spectroscopic masses 2.77 +/- 0.28, 2.78, and 1.30 Msun, respectively.  Mlk2012 
05431+3933 BRT2210     ALI 1059.                                                               .       
05431+1701 BPM 172     [PM2000]  296994 + [PM2000]  297084.                                    Gvr2010 
05431-3516 FAB  19     Originally inserted as a new solution to HDS 763, it now appears that   .       
                       both pairs are real.                                                    .       
                       AC: Rectilinear solution by Hurowitz et al. (2013).                     USN2013a
05432+1559 BPM 173     [PM2000]  297486 + [PM2000]  297074.                                    Gvr2010 
05435+1642 A  2436     Rectilinear solution by Rica & Zirm (2012).                             FMR2012i
05435+1526 BPM 174     AB: [PM2000]  298316 + [PM2000]  298293.                                Gvr2010 
           BPM 175     AC: [PM2000]  298316 + [PM2000]  298674.                                Gvr2010 
           BPM 176     BC: [PM2000]  298293 + [PM2000]  298674.                                Gvr2010 
05435-0753 A   495     Angle decreasing. No measures 1963-1988, during which period nearly     .       
                       two quadrants were described.                                           .       
05436+6633 HU 1109     A is reported to be variable, type unknown.                             .       
05436+1510 BPM 177     [PM2000]  298697 + [PM2000]  298487.                                    Gvr2010 
05436+1506 BPM 178     [PM2000]  298805 + [PM2000]  299090.                                    Gvr2010 
05436+1300 A   117     A 14.5 magnitude star is 26" from A in 191@.                            B__1963b
05438+1650 BPM 180     [PM2000]  299538 + [PM2000]  299218.                                    Gvr2010 
05438+1543 BPM 179     [PM2000]  299328 + [PM2000]  299117.                                    Gvr2010 
05438-6811 OGL 409     LMC181.2.42    + LMC181.2.240                                           Pli2012 
05439+1620 BPM 181     [PM2000]  299743 + [PM2000]  299422.                                    Gvr2010 
05439-6827 OGL 410     LMC182.5.20806 + LMC182.5.21242                                         Pli2012 
05440+1616 BPM 183     [PM2000]  300068 + [PM2000]  300159.                                    Gvr2010 
05440+1611 BPM 184     [PM2000]  300096 + [PM2000]  300502.                                    Gvr2010 
05440+1549 BPM 185     [PM2000]  300192 + [PM2000]  300353.                                    Gvr2010 
05440+1548 BPM 182     [PM2000]  300036 + [PM2000]  299690.                                    Gvr2010 
05441+1556 BPM 186     [PM2000]  300517 + [PM2000]  300475.                                    Gvr2010 
05441+0249 HJ 2277     BAL 1677.                                                               .       
05441-0229 A  2918     B is BD-02@1354.                                                        .       
05441-7116 OGL 411     LMC186.8.7     + LMC178.1.20316                                         Pli2012 
05441-7121 OGL 412     LMC179.4.38816 + LMC179.4.40244                                         Pli2012 
05442+1644 BPM 187     [PM2000]  300711 + [PM2000]  300977.                                    Gvr2010 
05442+1544 BPM 188     [PM2000]  300888 + [PM2000]  300602.                                    Gvr2010 
05443+1546 BPM 189     [PM2000]  301137 + [PM2000]  300719.                                    Gvr2010 
05444+1551 BPM 190     [PM2000]  301700 + [PM2000]  301872.                                    Gvr2010 
05444-0528 SHY 489     HIP  27069 + HIP  26588.                                                .       
05445-2227 H 6  40     AB: gam Lep = 13 Lep.H VI 40. LDS 148.                                  .       
                       AB: NLTT 15560/15558                                                    Chm2004 
                       AB: B = AK Lep.                                                         Tok2014d
           H 5  50     BC: H V 50. C is CPD-22@883.                                            .       
05446+6320 STI 579     Rectilinear solution by Hurowitz et al. (2013).                         USN2013a
05446+1607 BPM 195     [PM2000]  302614 + [PM2000]  302673.                                    Gvr2010 
05446+1545 BPM 191     [PM2000]  302270 + [PM2000]  302653.                                    Gvr2010 
05446+1536 BPM 192     [PM2000]  302289 + [PM2000]  302408.                                    Gvr2010 
05446+1532 BPM 193     [PM2000]  302321 + [PM2000]  302640.                                    Gvr2010 
05457-1447 A  3018     Rectilinear solution by Rica & Zirm (2012).                             FMR2012i
05460+3717 BLL  16     Rectilinear solution by Friedman et al. (2011).                         USN2011a
05466+0110 RAG   1     Primary is exoplanet host, P=14.3d, 2135d. Benedict et al. (2010)       AST2010 
                       astrom. orbit for planet c, 1.05mas axis.                               Tok2014d
                       CHARA Array Limb-darkened diameter  0.573 +/- 0.049 mas,                CIA2008c
                       R =  2.44  +/- 0.22  \rsun.                                             .       
05447+1607 BPM 196     [PM2000]  302752 + [PM2000]  302935.                                    Gvr2010 
05447+1546 BPM 194     [PM2000]  302592 + [PM2000]  302169.                                    Gvr2010 
05447+1538 BPM 197     [PM2000]  302856 + [PM2000]  302664.                                    Gvr2010 
05447+0350 STF 788     AB: H 2  61.                                                            MEv2010 
05447-4618 HJ 3797     B is CD-46@1983.                                                        .       
05448+1617 BPM 198     [PM2000]  302916 + [PM2000]  302938.                                    Gvr2010 
05448+1539 BPM 199     [PM2000]  302951 + [PM2000]  303127.                                    Gvr2010 
05449+1645 BPM 200     [PM2000]  303487 + [PM2000]  303652.                                    Gvr2010 
05450+1604 BPM 201     [PM2000]  303785 + [PM2000]  303699.                                    Gvr2010 
05451+1605 BPM 206     [PM2000]  304191 + [PM2000]  304389.                                    Gvr2010 
05451+1556 BPM 204     AB: [PM2000]  304185 + [PM2000]  304317.                                Gvr2010 
           BPM 205     BC: [PM2000]  304317 + [PM2000]  304322.                                Gvr2010 
05451+1532 BPM 202     [PM2000]  303972 + [PM2000]  304218.                                    Gvr2010 
05451+1144 BPM 203     [PM2000]  304093 + [PM2000]  304082.                                    Gvr2010 
05454+1123 BPM 207     [PM2000]  305302 + [PM2000]  305441.                                    Gvr2010 
05454-0037 HER  14     Additional notes may be found in Herbig (1962).                         Her1962 
05456-1503 ENG  23     B is BD-15@1153.                                                        .       
05457+1636 BPM 208     [PM2000]  306501 + [PM2000]  306641.                                    Gvr2010 
05457-6833 OGL 413     LMC182.3.133   + LMC182.3.280                                           Pli2012 
05459+2555 STT 116     DE: Also known as TAR   1.                                              .       
05460+1048 A  2711     May be a short period binary, but the few measures do not even permit   .       
                       certain determination of the direction of motion.                       .       
05460-0416 STF 790     Composite spectrum; K1III+G0IV.                                         .       
05460-3218 mu Col      Additional radial velocity measurements by Fullerton (1990)             Ful1990 
                       and Penny et al. (1993) confirm the lack of                             Pny1993 
                       variability.                                                            Msn1998a
05461-6920 OGL 414     LMC183.2.41    + LMC183.2.263                                           Pli2012 
05462-2100 BRT 302     ARA1281.                                                                .       
05462-7027 OGL 415     LMC185.7.75526 + LMC185.7.75527                                         Pli2012 
05463+3736 GCB  66     A is the short-period variable EU Tau.                                  .       
05464-6835 OGL 416     LMC182.3.18716 + LMC182.3.18717                                         Pli2012 
05465+7437 YSC 148     Docobo et al. (2014) use the spectroscopic elements of Latham et al.    .       
                       (2002), together with speckle data and the Hipparcos parallax, and      Lat2002 
                       derive possible solutions for both direct and retrograde motion. The    .       
                       resulting masses are 0.99 +/- 0.09 and 0.63 +/- 0.08 Msun.              Doc2014h
05465-6903 OGL 417     LMC183.4.105   + LMC183.4.1756                                          Pli2012 
05466+0110 GC 7226     Combined solution, based on reduction of Hipparcos intermediate         .       
                       astrometric data together with spectroscopic elements from the Geneva   .       
                       Extrasolar Planet Search Programs home page.                            HaI2001 
05467+4322 ES 1530     BRT 90.                                                                 .       
05467+0005 BU  559     This system, listed in the ADS as #4374 was purged from an earlier      .       
                       edition of the WDS probably as it was buried in reflection nebulae      .       
                       NGC 2068.                                                               .       
05468+3700 ALI 309     MLB 826.                                                                .       
05469+0931 J   251     HJL  73.                                                                HJL1986 
05470+1600 BPM 209     [PM2000]  310850 + [PM2000]  310780.                                    Gvr2010 
05471+0023 PAD  24     MGM3385.                                                                Kkl2016 
05471+0022 PAD  25     MGM3374.                                                                Kkl2016 
05472+2153 HU   39     Measures scattering around 45 degrees, with variation in distance       .       
                       evident. Motion in a highly-inclined orbit?                             .       
05472+1429 CHR 160     131 Tau.                                                                .       
05472-2430 HJ 3798     B is CD-24@3430.                                                        .       
05473+3222 J   902     This pair is 1.36s f and +30.7" nf of BD+32@1087.                       .       
05473-5104 LGR   1     Primary is bet Pic, secondary is probably a giant planet. Estimated     .       
                       mass of companion 9 +3/-2 Mjup, assuming a distance of 19.3 +/- 0.2pc   .       
                       and an age 12 +8/-4 Myr.                                                Lgr2009a
                       Planetary companion later confirmed, with multiple measurements.        .       
                       Member of the bet Pic moving group.                                     Zuc2001b
                       Assuming an age of 12 +8/-4 Myr (Bonnefoy et al. 2013 A&A 555, A107),   .       
                       Absil et al. (2013) estimate the mass of bet Pic b at 8.0 +3.2/-2.1     .       
                       Mjup. Using the revised age of 21 +/- 4 Myr by Binks & Jeffries (2014   .       
                       MNRAS 438, L11) leads to a mass of 10.6 +1.2/-1.8 Mjup.                 Abs2013 
                       Nielsen et al. (2014) find a semi-major axis of 9.1 +5/-0.5 au and a    .       
                       period of 21 +21/-2 y; the planet appears to have reached maximum       .       
                       elongation and is moving back toward the star, with minimum angular     .       
                       separation expected ~2018. The primary mass is 1.76 +0.18/-0.17 Msun.   Nls2014 
05473-6832 OGL 418     LMC182.3.18737 + LMC182.3.18800                                         Pli2012 
05473-7119 OGL 419     LMC187.5.29667 + LMC187.5.29853                                         Pli2012 
05474+2858 HJ  709     First distance probably in error (Doolittle).                           Doo1923 
                       Two faint stars measured near the position given for HJ 709, BDS 2951.  .       
                       Neither fits the earlier descriptions by Herschel, Burnham, and         .       
                       Doolittle, but these do not agree among themselves, either.             B__1962d
05474-1032 MCA  22     An eclipsing binary and spectroscopic triple, V1031 Ori, with the       .       
                       (presumably) wider pair now resolved by speckle interferometry.         .       
                       Zasche et al. (2014) derive a combined solution, including              .       
                       interferometry plus times-of-minimia variation in the eclipsing-binary  .       
                       primary.                                                                Zas2014b
05476+1736 BU 1401     Probably STF 767 rej.                                                   .       
05477+1354 HJ 3279     133 Tau.                                                                .       
05479+3510 HO   19     SEI 385.                                                                Nsn2017a
05479+2441 STTA 66     B is BD+24@965.                                                         .       
05479-6847 OGL 420     LMC189.7.12    + LMC189.7.52                                            Pli2012 
05480+0627 STF 795     52 Ori. One component is a spectroscopic binary.                        .       
                       H 1  20.                                                                MEv2010 
05482+0137 A  2657     Only elements P, T, and a have been amended by Starikova (1978) from    Sta1978c
                       the orbit of Baize (1961).                                              Baz1961b
                       Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and spectroscopic   .       
                       masses of 3.86 +/- 2.35, 4.13, and 1.45 Msun, respectively.             Mlk2012 
05483-6948 OGL 421     LMC184.3.24360 + LMC184.3.24357                                         Pli2012 
05483-7002 OGL 422     LMC184.1.30453 + LMC184.1.30754                                         Pli2012 
05484+2052 STT 118     A is a spectroscopic binary. A premature visual orbit has been          .       
                       computed.                                                               .       
05485+2118 GIC  60     G100-037/G100-038.                                                      .       
05485-7127 OGL 423     LMC187.4.56    + LMC187.4.1142                                          Pli2012 
05486-7013 OGL 424     LMC185.4.18027 + LMC185.4.18356                                         Pli2012 
05487+1549 BPM 210     [PM2000]  317297 + [PM2000]  317306.                                    Gvr2010 
05488+1254 BPM 211     [PM2000]  317402 + [PM2000]  316980.                                    Gvr2010 
05488-6552 HJ 3815     B is CPD-65@506.                                                        .       
05489+2101 BU   93     B is BD+20@1112.                                                        .       
05489-3910 WG   42     A likely plate flaw.                                                    Grv2021b
05489-7157 OGL 425     LMC188.4.9     + LMC188.4.10                                            Pli2012 
05490+6342 TDS 197     Rectilinear solution by Cvetkovic et al. (2019).                        Cve2019b
05490+3451 SEI 386     J 1114.                                                                 .       
05490+2434 MCA  23     132 Tau.                                                                .       
05490+0108 GRE   2     IRAS 05464+0106 = PDS 17.                                               Gre1992 
05490-1105 GAL 393     Object #205 in Gallo's original list.                                   Gal1914 
05490-7150 OGL 426     LMC187.1.114   + LMC187.1.697                                           Pli2012 
05491-6108 HJ 3810     B is CPD-61@532.                                                        .       
05492+3911 BU  192     tau Aur = 29 Aur                                                        .       
           H 5  21     H V 21.                                                                 .       
05492+2941 BRT2521     Rectilinear solutions by Cvetkovic (2015)                               Cve2015b
                       and Cvetkovic et al. (2016).                                            Cve2016 
05495+1239 BUP  84     134 Tau.                                                                .       
05495-7047 OGL 427     LMC186.4.38205 + LMC186.4.38233                                         Pli2012 
05495-7100 OGL 428     LMC186.3.12362 + LMC186.3.12420                                         Pli2012 
05495-7123 OGL 429     LMC187.4.309   + LMC187.4.264                                           Pli2012 
05496+2244 CHR 205     First detected as an occultation binary by Africano.                    Afr1975 
05496-1429 BU   94     BDS 3207 probably same star.                                            .       
05496-6836 OGL 430     LMC189.6.10983 + LMC189.6.10979                                         Pli2012 
05497-0427 SCJ   3     B is BD-04@1249.                                                        .       
05497-6843 OGL 431     LMC189.7.11539 + LMC189.7.11612                                         Pli2012 
05498+3258 S   500     B is BD+32@1099.                                                        .       
                       Although the field is crowded and the PM is small, it is CPM. With PM   .       
                       of 20 mas/yr it would move by 3.6" in 180yr since 1825.                 Tok2014d
05498-7225 TOK 431     First resolution, estimated period 12 yr.                               Tok2013b
05499+3147 STF 796     AB: H 1  67.                                                            MEv2010 
05499+2259 ARN  91     AC: Secondary of 05500+2258 ARN 91 found to be primary of 05499+2259    .       
                       POU 789. Pairs merged, with quadrant flip to ARN 91.                    .       
05500+2551 OL  165     Aka COU 765.                                                            .       
05502+2658 RUC  19     Primary is V781 Tau.                                                    .       
05503-6854 OGL 432     LMC189.8.10709 + LMC189.8.12244                                         Pli2012 
05505-5246 B  1493     Spectrum composite; K0-1III+A4V+A.                                      .       
05506+5655 H 4 125     H IV 125. 29 Cam.                                                       .       
05507-6838 OGL 433     LMC189.3.372   + LMC189.3.990                                           Pli2012 
05507-7159 OGL 434     LMC188.4.11434 + LMC188.4.11429                                         Pli2012 
05510+2758 BU 1054     136 Tau. A possible occultation binary. Misidentified by Burnham,       Bu_1894 
                       corrected by van den Bos.                                               B__1960b
05510-3546 WFC  31     bet Col = Wazn                                                          .       
05510-6954 HJ 3820     B is CPD-69@@535.                                                       .       
                       Optical pair, based on study of relative motion of the components       .       
                       using the method of apparent motion parameters.                         Kiy2008 
05514+3535 HJ  710     Points to a 14th magnitude star 30".                                    .       
05514+3207 ES  415     A is variable.                                                          .       
05514-1108 GAL 394     Object #206 in Gallo's original list.                                   Gal1914 
05515+3909 H 5  90     nu Aur = 32 Aur. H V 90.                                                .       
05515+1548 BPM 213     [PM2000]  328749 + [PM2000]  328867.                                    Gvr2010 
05515+1544 BPM 214     [PM2000]  328857 + [PM2000]  328714.                                    Gvr2010 
05515+1217 BPM 212     [PM2000]  328544 + [PM2000]  328831.                                    Gvr2010 
05516-6918 OGL 435     LMC190.2.201   + LMC190.2.474                                           Pli2012 
05517+3838 BRT2211     ALI 811.                                                                .       
05518-4434 BLR   1     DENIS J055146.0-443412.2. NTT/SofI IR spectro-imager observations by    .       
                       Billeres et al. (2005) resolved the first wide ultracool binary dwarf;  .       
                       spectral types are M8.5 + L0.                                           Blr2005 
05520-0715 J  1913     Previously published coordinates corrected by +3'. Pair is +5s, +4'     .       
                       from BU 95.                                                             J__1949a
05521-6922 OGL 436     LMC190.2.13    + LMC190.2.123                                           Pli2012 
05522+1658 BPM 215     [PM2000]  331791 + [PM2000]  331753.                                    Gvr2010 
05522+1542 BPM 216     [PM2000]  332058 + [PM2000]  332011.                                    Gvr2010 
05522-6826 OGL 437     LMC189.4.9311  + LMC189.4.10038                                         Pli2012 
05523+3235 SEI 414     Identification of SEI 414 is uncertain,but is appears to correspond to  .       
                       the A and C components of 05523+3235.                                   .       
05523+1509 BPM 217     AB: [PM2000]  332310 + [PM2000]  332065.                                Gvr2010 
           BPM 218     BC: [PM2000]  332065 + [PM2000]  331572.                                Gvr2010 
05523+1431 BPM 219     AB: [PM2000]  332440 + [PM2000]  331988.                                Gvr2010 
           BPM 220     AC: [PM2000]  332440 + [PM2000]  332891.                                Gvr2010 
05523+1253 COU2704     BD: Couteau erroneously calls this AD.                                  Cou1958c
05524+3752 SEI 402     ALI 549.                                                                .       
05524+3618 AG  101     SEI 409.                                                                Nsn2017b
05524+1711 BPM 221     [PM2000]  332860 + [PM2000]  332448.                                    Gvr2010 
05524+0151 BU 1404     56 Ori.                                                                 .       
05524-6940 OGL 438     LMC191.4.203   + LMC191.4.204                                           Pli2012 
05525+3235 SEI 424     AB: Appears to be the same pair as SEI 420.                             .       
05525+3233 SEI 421     SEI 423.                                                                Nsn2017b
05525+1548 BID   1     A is a Mira-type variable, Z Tau.                                       .       
05525-0217 HDS 787     Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and spectroscopic   .       
                       masses of 1.29 +/- 0.28, 2.19, and 1.20 Msun, respectively.             Mlk2012 
05526+1510 BPM 222     [PM2000]  333540 + [PM2000]  333628.                                    Gvr2010 
05526+1402 J   948     BRT 1185.                                                               .       
05526-3738 I    64     AB: Optical pair, based on study of relative motion of the components   .       
                       using the method of apparent motion parameters.                         Kiy2008 
05527+3731 ES 2341     ALI 550.                                                                .       
05528+3233 SEI 428     Hipparcos suspected non-single.                                         .       
05528+2946 STF 808     AC: HJL  74.                                                            HJL1986 
05529+3427 SHY 492     AC: HIP  27791 + HIP  28872.                                            .       
05530+3624 HJ 5540     ALI 312. SEI 427.                                                       .       
05531+4127 ARG  61     B is BD+41@1290.                                                        .       
05531+1501 BPM 223     [PM2000]  335794 + [PM2000]  336159.                                    Gvr2010 
05531-6845 OGL 439     LMC189.2.9876  + LMC189.2.10434                                         Pli2012 
05531-7125 OGL 440     LMC194.5.537   + LMC194.5.1400                                          Pli2012 
05532+1424 J   656     OL 153 and GCB 13 are the same as this star                             Hei1985a
05533+1611 BPM 224     [PM2000]  336700 + [PM2000]  336469.                                    Gvr2010 
05534-0333 A  2919     Change in angle for AB doubtful, but separation certainly smaller.      .       
                       Error or misprint of 10deg in my angle for 1960 appears probable.       B__1960a
                       Probably optical.                                                       B__1962d
                       A faint pair 10s p 3' s.                                                .       
                       The faint pair must be 10s following.                                   Dam2012 
05535+4434 ES 1379     Rectilinear solution by Cvetkovic et al. (2017).                        Cve2017 
05537+1245 BPM 225     [PM2000]  338633 + [PM2000]  339014.                                    Gvr2010 
05538-2218 BRT1382     CD-22@2561.                                                             .       
05539+1653 BPM 226     [PM2000]  339901 + [PM2000]  340312.                                    Gvr2010 
05540+1552 BPM 228     [PM2000]  340363 + [PM2000]  340293.                                    Gvr2010 
05540+1225 LDS 891     NLTT 15772/15768                                                        Chm2004 
05540+1146 BPM 227     [PM2000]  340157 + [PM2000]  340110.                                    Gvr2010 
05541+0140 RST5219     Pre-main sequence star HBC 515, located in the Orion L1622 cometary     .       
           HBC 515     cloud. The primary appears to be comprised of two ~equal brightness     .       
                       weakline T Tauri stars of spectral type K2V. The B component dominates  .       
                       the system at mid-infrared wavelengths, suggesting that it is a         .       
                       protostar still embedded in the nascent cloud of HBC 515.  The C and D  .       
                       components (L1622-6 and L1622-6N) are also T Tau stars and likely       .       
                       physically associated.                                                  Rep2010 
05542+1545 BPM 229     [PM2000]  341008 + [PM2000]  341038.                                    Gvr2010 
05542-2909 FIN 382     Angle decreasing.                                                       .       
05543+1555 BPM 230     [PM2000]  341566 + [PM2000]  342144.                                    Gvr2010 
05543+0143 CHN  19     HBC 190 = LkHa 336. Pre-main sequence stars in the Lynds 1622 star-     .       
                       forming cloud. Kun et al. (2008) derives effective temperatures, ages,  Kun2008 
                       and masses for both components based on model fitting and their         .       
                       visible and IR data, assuming a distance of 400pc.                      .       
05543-2553 I  1614     B is CD-25@2770.                                                        .       
05543-7128 OGL 441     LMC194.5.8083  + LMC194.4.81                                            Pli2012 
05544+3836 WEI  11     B is BD+38@1326.                                                        .       
05544+2017 KNG   1     chi 1 Ori                                                               .       
                       Combined astrometric/spectroscopic solution by Irwin et al. (1992)      Irw1992a
                       2002.161: This observation agrees with the orbit of Han & Gatewood      HaI2002 
                       (2002).                                                                 .       
                       Koenig et al. (2002) derive masses of 1.02+-0.08 and 0.15+-0.01 Msun.   Kng2002 
                       CHARA Array Limb-darkened diameter  1.051 +/- 0.009 mas,                CIA2012e
                       R =  0.979 +/- 0.009 \rsun, L =  1.081 +/-0.018 \lsun,                  .       
                       Teff = 5961 +/-  36 K, M = 1.029 +/- 0.029 \msun,                       .       
                       Age =  2.0 +/- 1.8 Gyr.                                                 .       
05544+0152 REP   6     L1622-10. Pre-main sequence stars in Lynds 1622 star-forming cloud.     .       
                       Kun et al. (2008) derives effective temperatures, ages, and masses for  Kun2008 
                       the A and B components based on model fitting and their visible and IR  .       
                       data, assuming a distance of 400pc.                                     .       
05544-7023 OGL 442     LMC192.3.122   + LMC192.3.1429                                          Pli2012 
05545-7044 OGL 443     LMC193.4.680   + LMC193.4.1614                                          Pli2012 
05546-7012 OGL 444     LMC192.4.133   + LMC192.4.1646                                          Pli2012 
05547+1351 S   502     STTA 68. B is BD+13@1027.                                               .       
                       Both components were observed and appeared to be single.                Msn1998a
05548+3612 SEI 435     Duplicity not apparent on POSS plate; one component may be either a     .       
                       variable star or a flaw on AC Potsdam plate.                            .       
                       A likely plate flaw.                                                    Grv2021b
05549+3836 COU2181     TDS3420.                                                                .       
05549+1359 BPM 232     [PM2000]  344577 + [PM2000]  344421.                                    Gvr2010 
05549+1345 BPM 231     [PM2000]  344453 + [PM2000]  344387.                                    Gvr2010 
05549+0702 STF 817     H 4  98.                                                                MEv2010 
05549-7528 TOK 102     HIP 27957. Several other components are seen in the ANDICAM field,      .       
                       N*=35.                                                                  Tok2011a
05550+1616 BPMA 21     AB: [PM2000]  344770 + [PM2000]  344112.                                Gvr2010 
           BPMA 22     BC: [PM2000]  344112 + [PM2000]  344444.                                Gvr2010 
05551+1203 BPM 233     [PM2000]  345570 + [PM2000]  345715.                                    Gvr2010 
05552+0724 KAR   1     alp Ori = 58 Ori = Betelgeuse. Irregular variable, spectrum             .       
                       M1-2Ia-Iab. Two close companions have been reported, detected by        .       
                       speckle interferometry.                                                 .       
                       Mk III Uniform-disk diameter 49.401 +/- 0.237 mas (800 nm).             MkT1991 
           H 6  39     H VI 39.                                                                .       
05553+1516 BPM 234     [PM2000]  346272 + [PM2000]  346598.                                    Gvr2010 
05553+1220 BPM 235     [PM2000]  346508 + [PM2000]  346532.                                    Gvr2010 
05556+5328 STT 120     B is BD+53@963.                                                         .       
05557-3806 SHY 493     HIP  28036 + HIP  26990.                                                .       
05558+4651 LDS3680     NLTT 15797/15796                                                        Chm2004 
05560+3949 ES 2153     ADS 4527a.                                                              .       
                       Aka HDS 799.                                                            Dam2016a
05561+1356 S   503     AB: B is BD+13@1037.                                                    .       
                       AB, AC, and AD: Optical pair, based on study of relative motion of the  .       
                       components using the method of apparent motion parameters.              Kiy2008 
                       AC: Additional notes may be found in Burnham (1894).                    Bu_1894 
05561+1302 BPM 236     [PM2000]  350375 + [PM2000]  351046.                                    Gvr2010 
05562+3143 HJ  714     SEI 444.                                                                Nsn2017b
05562+1755 BPM 237     [PM2000]  350997 + [PM2000]  351100.                                    Gvr2010 
05563+4353 ES 1531     AB: Barton identifies BRT 91 as same star.                              Brt1926b
05563+3140 HJ  715     SEI 445.                                                                Nsn2017b
05564+1634 BPM 238     [PM2000]  352134 + [PM2000]  351978.                                    Gvr2010 
05565-2631 B    94     1989.9362: This system was last resolved visually in 1978, and appears  .       
                       to be continuing to approach periastron.                                Hrt1993 
05566+1129 BPM 239     [PM2000]  353046 + [PM2000]  352711.                                    Gvr2010 
05566-7110 OGL 445     LMC193.2.5397  + LMC193.2.5487                                          Pli2012 
05567+1231 BPM 240     [PM2000]  353373 + [PM2000]  353196.                                    Gvr2010 
05567-7012 OGL 446     LMC199.5.36    + LMC199.5.193                                           Pli2012 
05568+1413 BPM 241     [PM2000]  354005 + [PM2000]  353928.                                    Gvr2010 
05569+3615 SEI 447     Secondary not seen on POSS plate; may be either variable star or flaw   .       
                       on AC Potsdam plate.                                                    .       
05569+2121 CHR 214     First detected as an occultation binary by Evans & Edwards.             Evn1983a
05569-1836 B  1953     J  1469. Identified by Jonckheere as BOS 1953 in his 1962 catalog.      J__1962a
05569-0700 HJ   33     AB: J  1915AC.                                                          .       
           AOT  24     AC: J  1915AB.                                                          .       
           AOT  24     BC: J  3228. J  1915BC.                                                 J__1962a
05570+1022 BPM 242     [PM2000]  355093 + [PM2000]  355331.                                    Gvr2010 
05570-7152 OGL 447     LMC194.1.135   + LMC194.1.687                                           Pli2012 
05571+1014 ARG  63     B is BD+10@939a.                                                        .       
05573+3601 HU 1235     Measure does not confirm apparent motion shown in IDS.                  Wor1967b
05573-2720 HJ 3818     Spectrum: G8/K0IIICNpv.                                                 .       
05574-6852 OGL 448     LMC196.1.80    + LMC196.1.833                                           Pli2012 
05575-3517 HJ 3819     gam Col.                                                                .       
05576-6831 OGL 449     LMC196.3.15    + LMC196.3.93                                            Pli2012 
05576-7004 OGL 450     LMC198.8.6317  + LMC198.8.6316                                          Pli2012 
05578-1413 GAL 395     Object #208 in Gallo's original list.                                   Gal1914 
05578-7125 OGL 451     LMC194.4.4587  + LMC194.4.4769                                          Pli2012 
05580-6835 OGL 452     LMC196.3.66    + LMC196.3.65                                            Pli2012 
05581-3548 RSS  94     HIP 28241. No V-photometry for B in either WDS or SIMBAD.               Tok2011a
           TOK 212     A triple system consisting of the 0".54 inner pair resolved with NICI   .       
                       and the physical companion B at 11".                                    Tok2012a
05581-7000 OGL 453     LMC198.8.5791  + LMC198.8.5806                                          Pli2012 
05581-7108 OGL 454     LMC200.7.2     + LMC200.7.32                                            Pli2012 
05584+0150 H 5 100     H V 100. 59 Ori. A Delta Scuti-type variable, V1004 Ori, and also a     .       
                       spectroscopic binary.                                                   .       
05584-0439 LDS3684     AD: NLTT 15871/15867                                                    Chm2004 
           A   322     Pair bound. Primary is G0. B component estimated mass 0.50 +/- 0.02     .       
                       Msun, spectral type M0-M2.                                              Egn2007 
05586+2133 BRT2336     J 2588.                                                                 .       
05586-7147 OGL 455     LMC194.1.3678  + LMC194.1.3680                                          Pli2012 
05587-0110 LDS5668     LDS6194.                                                                .       
05587-6856 OGL 456     LMC196.1.6419  + LMC196.1.6507                                          Pli2012 
05588+7134 STF 793     Rectilinear solution by Hartkopf & Mason (2015).                        WSI2015 
05588+2121 JNN 267     LHS 6097. Estimated age 1000-10000 Myr; masses 0.20 +/- 0.04 and 0.10   .       
                       +/- 0.01 Msun; a ~8.1 au.                                               Jnn2014 
05588+0033 KUI  22     60 Ori. A is a spectroscopic binary.                                    .       
05589+1735 BPM 243     [PM2000]  364266 + [PM2000]  364720.                                    Gvr2010 
05589+1248 STT 124     1980.1560: This measure was incorrectly attributed to STF 784 in        .       
                       McAlister et al. (1983).                                                McA1983 
05589-3422 GC 7577     Hipparcos astrometric solution assumed circular orbit (e = omega = 0)   HIP1997d
05590+1321 HJ 3280     Probably J  1916.                                                       Nsn2016 
05590-1729 LDS 150     LDS5193.                                                                .       
05590-7040 OGL 457     LMC199.8.4949  + LMC199.8.4969                                          Pli2012 
05592+7749 MLR 470     Also known as HDS 811.                                                  .       
05594-0642 HDS 826     YSC 187.                                                                .       
05595+5853 ES 9002     Previously known as ES   66a.                                           .       
05595+5417 ENG  24     33 Aur = del Aur                                                        .       
05595+4457 H 6  88     AB: bet Aur = 34 Aur = Menkalinan.  H VI 88. An Algol-type system,      .       
                       P = 3.96d. According to R.G. Aitken, this is the third binary           A__1935f
                       recognized by spectroscopic methods. It was identified as such by Miss  .       
                       Maury at the Harvard College Observatory in early 1890.                 .       
           KOE   1     Aa,Ab: Visual orbit by Hummel et al. (1995) based on astrometry from    MkT1995 
                       Mark III interferometer. Additional spectroscopic data yield component  .       
                       masses, luminosities, radii, effective temperatures, and distance.      .       
                       Pourbaix gives combined solution for this resolved SB2, yielding        .       
                       orbital parallaxes and component masses.                                Pbx2000b
                       Hipparcos astrometric solution adopted some elements from the orbit of  HIP1997d
                       Hummel et al. (1995).                                                   MkT1995 
                       Aa,Ab: Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and          .       
                       spectroscopic masses 4.70 +/- 9.41, 3.85, and 2.19 Msun, respectively.  Mlk2012 
05595+1522 HEI 112     BC: AB is 34 deg at 49", J 2735 is not AB and not in BD according to    .       
                       Heintz.                                                                 Hei1983a
05596+1130 BPM 244     [PM2000]  367567 + [PM2000]  367897.                                    Gvr2010 
05597+3713 STT 545     37 Aur = the Aur = Mahasim. A is a variable of the Alpha CVn type.      .       
                       AC: Optical pair, based on study of relative motion of the components   .       
                       using the method of apparent motion parameters.                         Kiy2008 
                       AC: H 5  89.  AD: H 6  34.                                              MEv2010 
                       AC: Rectilinear solution by Hurowitz et al. (2013).                     USN2013a
05599+5834 GIC  61     G192-011/G192-012 = GJ 3371A+3372B. The A component is the variable     .       
                       star EG Cam.                                                            .       
05599+1234 BPM 245     [PM2000]  368722 + [PM2000]  369058.                                    Gvr2010 
05599-3703 B  1044     HIP 28403.                                                              Tok2011a
06001+3756 BRT2212     ALI 558.                                                                .       
06001+1648 BPM 246     [PM2000]  369652 + [PM2000]  369271.                                    Gvr2010 
06002-1231 LDS3686     NLTT 15922/15921                                                        Chm2004 
06003+4436 BU 1055     Composite spectrum; K2III+K0III.                                        .       
           H 5  91     AC: H V 91. Incorrected identified as H 6  91 in BDS.  Error noted by   Bu_1906 
                       MacEvoy (2010).                                                         MEv2010 
06003-3102 HJ 3823     AB,C triple solution by Soderhjelm (1992), who notes the Hipparcos      Sod1999 
                       data are unuseable. Speckle observations needed to strengthen orbit.    .       
           TOK   9     CE: As suggested by Tokovinin et al. and after consultation with the    Tok2005 
                       author, the measure of Prieto was moved from AB to CE, as AB was        Pri1997a
                       unresolved at the time of the observation. This measure of CE predates  .       
                       the discovery by eight years.                                           .       
                       AC. 1997.0952: In this multiple system, our observation failed to       .       
                       detect the closer pair HU 1399 AB, where the secondary has magnitude    .       
                       9.2 and approximate separation 0".5.                                    Hor1997 
                       Tokovinin (2005) notes that a 1996 measure of the AB pair by Prieto     Tok2005 
                       (1997) may actually have been of CE, as AB was unresolvable at this     Pri1997a
                       epoch (250deg, 0".09).                                                  .       
06004-4401 JNN  46     The two components resolved by AstraLux have nearly equal brightnesses  .       
                       and colors. Hence, this counts as an unconfirmed binary, since the      .       
                       system has only been observed in one epoch so far.                      Jnn2012 
06004-6822 OGL 458     LMC204.5.13    + LMC204.5.31                                            Pli2012 
06005+3519 EVS  49     CO Aur                                                                  .       
06007+6809 LDS1201     NLTT 15858/15857                                                        Chm2004 
06007-1838 FEN   5     Aka J  3229.                                                            .       
06008-6937 OGL 459     LMC198.4.3862  + LMC198.4.4499                                          Pli2012 
06010+2734 SMK   1     Aa,Ab: Resolved by two occultation events at favorable aspects.         Smk1989 
06011+2320 H 4  48     H IV 48.                                                                .       
06014-0745 A   663     Aka OL  166.                                                            .       
06015+2308 SKF1612     RW Gem.                                                                 .       
06016-7228 OGL 460     LMC202.8.4625  + LMC202.8.4814                                          Pli2012 
06017+2224 CHR 161     Listed by Appleby (1980 JBAA, 139, 1139) as having anomalous behavior.  McA1993 
06018+1618 BPM 247     [PM2000]  376705 + [PM2000]  376243.                                    Gvr2010 
06018-1036 BU   16     3 Mon. A is a spectroscopic binary.                                     .       
06018-4110 HJ 3827     CPD-41@872.                                                             .       
06020+1358 BPM 248     [PM2000]  377571 + [PM2000]  377156.                                    Gvr2010 
06022-4401 TOK 104     HIP 28604. The B-companion could be a close binary (PSF fit).           .       
                       NOMAD: PM(B)=(+2,+10), V=14.30.                                         Tok2011a
06023-7157 OGL 461     LMC202.5.4896  + LMC202.5.5006  + LMC202.5.5007                         Pli2012 
06024+0939 A  2715     mu Ori = 61 Ori. Alden (1942) orbit is visual. P, T, e in Osvald's      Ald1942 
                       (1964) astrometric orbit are taken from a revised visual orbit by       Osv1964 
                       Alden (cf Osvald's paper); the revised a = 0.254". The different types  .       
                       of orbits cause the longitude of the node to be in opposite quadrants.  .       
                       Star A is an Alpha CVn variable and SB1, P = 4.45 d; star B is SB2,     .       
                       P = 4.78 d (F. Fekel 1980).                                             Fek1980b
                       See discussion by Morgan et al. (1978).                                 BLM1978 
                       See Baize & Petit (1989) catalog of doubles with variable component.    Baz1989d
                       Only elements P and T have been amended by Starikova (1977) from the    Sta1977a
                       orbit of Alden (1942).                                                  Ald1942 
                       Combined spectroscopic/astrometric solution by Fekel et al. (2002) for  Fek2002 
                       the wide pair of this quadruple system, plus spectroscopic orbits for   .       
                       both short-period pairs. The solution includes mass and distance        .       
                       determinations.                                                         .       
           mu Ori      Muterspaugh et al. (2008) combine PHASES astrometry with speckle and    Mut2008 
                       radial velocity data to derive an orbit for the AB pair of this         .       
                       quadruple system, as well as the Aa,Ab and Ba,Bb subsystems. Listed     .       
                       solution assumes L_Aa > L_Ab and L_Ba > L_Bb; other assumptions result  .       
                       in some changes of angular elements.  The parallax of the system is     .       
                       determined at 21.69 +/- 0.13 mas (distance 46.11 +/- 0.28 pc), with     .       
                       semimajor axes for AB; Aa,Ab; and Ba,Bb of 12.620 +/- 0.057, 0.07659    .       
                       +/- 0.00058, and 0.07780 +/- 0.00036 au, respectively. Other derived    .       
                       quantities for the four components are as follows:                      .       
                              Star     Mass (Msun)        M_K (mag)                            .       
                               Aa    2.38  +/- 0.11     1.03 +/- 0.26                          .       
                               Ab    0.652 +/- 0.097   >4.58                                   .       
                               Ba    1.389 +/- 0.019    1.72 +/- 0.26                          .       
                               Bb    1.356 +/- 0.019    2.02 +/- 0.26                          .       
06024-6902 OGL 462     LMC205.5.171   + LMC205.5.477                                           Pli2012 
06026+0014 J  1362     BAL 988.                                                                .       
                       J  2589.                                                                J__1962a
06026-0028 BAL 678     RST 4794.                                                               .       
06029+2553 A   120     Change doubtful.                                                        B__1963b
06030+0945 MLL  10     Probably identical with ADS 4627, J 1323.                               .       
06031+1248 BRT1193     B component spectral type F9V                                           AbH2000 
06032+5813 A  1315     A premature orbit has been computed.                                    .       
06032+3743 BRT2213     ALI 559.                                                                .       
06032+1922 LDS6195     See Allen et al. (2000) for information on metallicity, age, galactic   AlC2000 
                       orbital parameters, etc.                                                .       
                       AB: NLTT 15973/15974                                                    Chm2004 
                       HIP 28671. Close triple.                                                Tok2011a
06033-7045 OGL 463     LMC200.4.3454  + LMC200.4.3453                                          Pli2012 
06033-7122 OGL 464     LMC201.4.30    + LMC201.4.134                                           Pli2012 
06034+2738 STF 830     Neither AB or BC are physically associated.                             Kiy2015c
06034+1156 BPM 249     [PM2000]  382594 + [PM2000]  382195.                                    Gvr2010 
06035+1941 MCA  24     64 Ori. A spectroscopic binary and occultation triple, with the wider   .       
                       pair, presumably, now resolved. Fekel & Scarfe report periods of        .       
                       14.57d and 13.03y.                                                      Fek1986 
                       Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and spectroscopic   .       
                       masses of 8.90 +/- 3.35, 7.95, and 3.31 Msun, respectively.             Mlk2012 
06036+0419 STF 837     Identical with STF 833. BAL2649.                                        .       
06037+2741 HJ 5467     Doubtful this system is physically bound, since relative and proper     .       
                       motions are of the same order.                                          Kiy2012 
06038+1816 STF 835     Same as HDS 824.                                                        .       
06038-7055 OGL 465     LMC200.3.3701  + LMC200.3.3806                                          Pli2012 
06039-7047 OGL 466     LMC200.4.3466  + LMC200.4.3890                                          Pli2012 
06040+3138 A   214     AC: SEI 455.                                                            Nsn2017b
06040+2734 HAU  17     Optical pair, since relative motion is equal to the difference in       .       
                       proper motions of the components within the errors.                     Kiy2012 
06041+2316 KUI  23     1 Gem. Primary 9.6d SB1 (#377 in Batten et al., 1989), secondary spec   Bte1989 
                       type K1III (Strassmeier & Fekel 1990), and reported to be an            Fek1990 
                       occultation binary. Mass sum close to expected.                         .       
                       Evidently both visual components are giants with one, probably the      .       
                       later type component, double once more.                                 .       
                       Identification of the ascending node of the visual pair in the third    .       
                       quadrant is confused by the submotion and therefore not entirely        .       
                       certain.                                                                .       
06041-7155 OGL 467     LMC202.4.13    + LMC202.4.72                                            Pli2012 
06042-0643 CIA  55     V696 Mon.                                                               .       
06042-4109 HJ 3831     AC: Rectilinear solution by Hurowitz et al. (2013).                     USN2013a
06043-7021 OGL 468     LMC207.6.75    + LMC207.6.284                                           Pli2012 
06044+1731 BPM 250     [PM2000]  386053 + [PM2000]  386110.                                    Gvr2010 
06045+5134 STT 128     Possibly variable.                                                      .       
06045+4416 LEP  22     AB: HJL1044.                                                            HJL1986 
                       AB: A has planet 263d, 3.3 Mjup.                                        Tok2014d
           MUG  11     BC: Second-epoch observation of BC indicates the C component is         .       
                       co-moving; hence HD 40979 is a triple-star system, with the exoplanet   .       
                       host star being the primary. Assuming a system age of 1 Gyr, I-band     .       
                       magnitudes yield masses 0.833 +/- 0.011 and 0.380 +/- 0.025 Msun for    .       
                       B and C. Spectral types are estimated at K3 and M3, respectively.       Mug2007b
                       BC: NLTT 15983, X-ray source.  Detection limits for BC (Mugrauer et     .       
                       al. 2007) show BC is CPM.  Mugrauer measure I(B)=7.98, I(C)=11.3,       Mug2007b
                       estimate masses 0.83 and 0.38 for B,C.                                  Tok2014d
06046+3014 STF 834     B is BD+30@1097.                                                        .       
06046-6921 OGL 469     LMC205.2.218   + LMC205.2.553                                           Pli2012 
06047-4505 HJ 3834     HIP 28790. E is HIP 28764.                                              .       
                       AE: SHY 183. Bayesian analysis by Shaya & Olling (2011) indicates very  Shy2011 
                       high (near 100%) probability pair is physical.                          .       
06048-4828 DUN  23     See Baize & Petit (1989) catalog of doubles with variable component.    Baz1989d
                       A is V575 Pup, var. RS CVn type, X-ray source, young, possible SB. B    .       
                       suspected binary (0.035") in 2008 at SOAR, but not confirmed by         .       
                       further speckle data.  Castor moving group?                             Tok2014d
                       A is a close 2.5-d spectroscopic pair.                                  Tok2019a
06049-0521 BNW   4     Incorrectly identified as H 5 14 in BDS. Error noted by MacEvoy (2010). MEv2010 
06049-3434 BWL  20     AB: Deep AO imaging by Quantz et al. (2012 ApJ 754, 127) did not        .       
                       reveal any planetary companions down to dL'~11 at 0".5, corresponding   .       
                       to planetary masses near 1 Mjup. HiCIAO observations by Bowler et al.   .       
                       (2015) reached a sensitivity of dH=13.5 at 1" and identified a wide     .       
                       candidate companion at 7".1. Folowup astrometry at Keck showed it to    .       
                       be a background star. Primary is AP Col.                                Bwl2015 
06050+0410 66 Ori      Ren & Fu (2013) calculated an astrometric orbit, combining Hipparcos    Ren2013 
                       Intermediate Astrometric Data with spectroscopic elements by            .       
                       Griffin (2006).                                                         Grf2006 
06052-1419 STF 843     Position corrected.                                                     .       
06053+7400 STT 121     Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and spectroscopic   .       
                       masses of 2.15 +/- 1.21, 2.78, and 1.10 Msun, respectively.             Mlk2012 
06053-7056 OGL 470     LMC208.6.10    + LMC208.6.33                                            Pli2012 
06054+2459 BRT3266     Originally published as BRT 139.                                        Brt1928 
06054-6829 OGL 471     LMC204.4.7103  + LMC204.4.7242                                          Pli2012 
06055+1448 BPMA 23     [PM2000]  389828 + [PM2000]  390203.                                    Gvr2010 
06057-0637 BRT 375     Not found by Heintz at IDS position.                                    Hei1990b
06058+1237 BPM 251     [PM2000]  390772 + [PM2000]  390804.                                    Gvr2010 
06059+4815 ES 1234     The primary is a double-lined spectroscopic binary.                     .       
06061+3523 ENG  25     B is BD+35@1335.                                                        .       
                       Optical pair, based on study of relative motion of the components       .       
                       using the method of apparent motion parameters.                         Kiy2008 
06062+0629 STF 841     Rectilinear solution by Hartkopf & Mason (2015).                        WSI2015 
06063-2754 SKF 425     This star is likely a binary companion to the nearby K1-type star       .       
                       HD 41842 at 20" separation, as noted in the WDS.                        Jnn2012 
06064-1951 LDS3691     NLTT 16076/16077                                                        Chm2004 
06066+2620 EVS   4     Classical Cepheid AA Gem.                                               .       
06066+1310 BPMA 24     [PM2000]  393185 + [PM2000]  392334.                                    Gvr2010 
06066+0431 VBS  12     The primary is Ross 413.                                                .       
                       G106-025. See Allen et al. (2000) for information on metallicity,       AlC2000 
                       age, galactic orbital parameters, etc.                                  .       
06067+3611 ALI 317     No star seen at AC catalog location of the purported secondary          .       
                       - probably a plate flaw.                                                .       
06067-6933 OGL 472     LMC206.4.145   + LMC206.4.751                                           Pli2012 
06073-7242 OGL 473     LMC211.6.39    + LMC203.3.4778                                          Pli2012 
06074-0400 STF 850     Aka BRT 562.                                                            .       
06075-2244 DON1065     CD-22@2776.                                                             .       
06075-7033 OGL 474     LMC207.2.28    + LMC207.2.540                                           Pli2012 
06077-6925 OGL 475     LMC212.8.17    + LMC212.8.18                                            Pli2012 
06078-0623 PBS   4     The AD and AF pairs were erroneously given the discoverer designation,  .       
                       already assigned to another system.                                     .       
06079-4209 FIN  70     pi 2 Col. Position angle uncertain. Many attempts, but few              .       
                       successful observations. Needs speckle.                                 .       
06079-6937 OGL 476     LMC206.4.4928  + LMC206.4.4929                                          Pli2012 
06081-2525 B    99     Last position angle uncertain. Not resolved by Finsen in 1960-62.       .       
                       Motion retrograde.                                                      .       
06083+1400 STF 844     B is BD+14@1161.                                                        .       
           ARN  64     AC: C component = U component of 06085+1358.                            .       
06084+1141 BPM 252     [PM2000]  399162 + [PM2000]  399489.                                    Gvr2010 
06085+1358 STF 848     There has been considerable confusion in component identification for   .       
                       this complicated multiple. Components K, J, M, O, and Q were actually   .       
                       H, G, F, I, and J, respectively; pairs labelled PR, PS, PT, and PU      .       
                       were actually JR, RS, ST, and SU, respectively. Three CE measures       .       
                       actually were of JI, while one other was of DH. It is believed (but     .       
                       not guaranteed!) that components are now identified consistently.       .       
                       BD: Hipparcos suspected non-single.                                     .       
                       AB: H 1  57.                                                            MEv2010 
           JRN  23     SU: U component = C component of 06083+1400.                            .       
06086+0722 STF 852     BD+07@1145a.                                                            .       
06087+1724 STF 849     STF 828.                                                                .       
06089+2138 ALV   4     AFGL 5180 IRS 1. Near center of CO outflow; extensive nebulosity.       Alv2004 
06090+0230 STF 855     B is BD+02@1140.  Same as STF 858.                                      .       
06091+3116 HJ  379     SEI 456.                                                                Nsn2017b
06092+6424 MLB 259     Rectilinear solution by Pavlovic et al. (2013).                         Pal2013 
06093+2839 A   121     164" in 247@ from BD+28@1026.                                           .       
06093+2424 COU  85     Aka STJ  45. The COU pair was earlier and incorrectly associated with   .       
                       06093+2426 = STT 134.                                                   .       
06093-3550 WHH   1     Member of AB Dor group. Wahhaj et al. (2011) conclude the AB pair is    .       
                       physical, while the faint C component is a background object. The       .       
                       spectral type of B is L4 +/- 1, masses of A and B 0.4 +/- 0.05 Msun     .       
                       and 31 +/- 8 Mjup.                                                      Whh2011 
06095+2246 OL  206     BRT2344.                                                                .       
06095+1400 BPM 253     [PM2000]  402672 + [PM2000]  402676.                                    Gvr2010 
06096+0540 STF 859     B is BD+05@1116. Same as STF 863.                                       .       
                       AB: Optical pair, based on study of relative motion of the components   .       
                       using the method of apparent motion parameters.                         Kiy2008 
06097+4308 WEB   5     B is BD+43@1465.                                                        .       
06097+2307 BU 1241     3 Gem. B is variable.                                                   .       
06097-7046 OGL 477     LMC208.4.80    + LMC208.4.91                                            Pli2012 
06098+4632 BRT  92     The pair ES 1323 (= ADS 4740) is identical                              Hei1980a
06098-2246 RST3442     Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and spectroscopic   .       
                       masses of 3.13 +/- 0.32, 2.92, and 1.17 Msun, respectively.             Mlk2012 
06098-7130 OGL 478     LMC209.6.4465  + LMC209.6.4729                                          Pli2012 
06100+1431 BPM 254     [PM2000]  404386 + [PM2000]  404061.                                    Gvr2010 
06100-0420 A  3021     Evidently, the same as J  2015.                                         .       
06102+2423 POU1086     Aka POU1096.                                                            Bko2010b
06102-7057 OGL 479     LMC208.3.194   + LMC208.3.192                                           Pli2012 
06102-7445 EGN   5     Pair bound. B component is likely an M3.5-M6.5 dwarf with mass          .       
                       0.14 +/- 0.01 Msun.                                                     Egn2007 
                       Jones et al. (2002): no detection of SB                                 CPS2002b
06103+1554 H 6 114     H VI 114.                                                               .       
06104+2234 LAW  14     LSPM J0610+2234 = NLTT 16144. Law et al (2008) derive a distance of     Law2008 
                       17.0 +7.5/-2.9 pc and a projected separation of 4.6 +2.1/-0.8 au.       .       
                       Estimated spectral types are M5 and secondary later than M6.            .       
06104+1034 BRT3374     Unnumbered pair, following BRT1195 in Barton's list.                    Brt1935a
06105+2421 POU1098     AB: Aka POU1106.                                                        Bko2010b
           POU1099     AC: Aka POU1107.                                                        Bko2010b
06105+2300 BU 1058     4 Gem.                                                                  .       
06106-2152 NAJ   1     Secondary is brown dwarf.                                               .       
                       Pair is comprised of an M1 dwarf and a T dwarf.                         Kir1999 
06106-4701 GRV1250     Both A and B have approximately the same radial velocity.               Grv2019b
06107+3057 COU1102     KLT   2. KELT-2. Primary hosts a transiting hot Jupiter, P=4.11d.       .       
                       Beatty et al. (2012) determine the primary is a slightly evolved F7     .       
                       dwarf, the secondary a K2V. Masses are 1.314 +0.063/-0.060 and ~0.78    .       
                       Msun, radii 1.836 +0.066/-0.046 and ~0.70 Rsun. The orbital period is   .       
                       estimated at ~3500y.                                                    KLT2012 
06107-0951 STF 869     B is BD-09@1351, and is reported to be a variable of unknown type.      .       
06109+2037 J  1922     STF 864.                                                                .       
06109+1020 KAM   1     Ross 79.                                                                .       
                       Reported double by van de Kamp (1950 AJ 55, 160). Spectral type is      .       
                       given as M4 by Kuiper (1940 ApJ 92, 126). Pair difficult to measure     .       
                       with 12inch; delta m estimated at 3 mags. Motion questionable.          Wor1956b
06109+0621 J  2738     V2783 Ori. Primary is eclipsing binary of Algol-type, period 4.21618d.  Zas2014 
06109-0722 GCB  15     Listed in IDS at +07 degrees rather than -07, so not found by Heintz.   Hei1995 
                       Moved to correct location.                                                      
06111+1544 BPM 255     [PM2000]  408406 + [PM2000]  408514.                                    Gvr2010 
06111-5817 FIN  96     AO Pic, Algol-type eclipsing binary, P = 2.23415 d.                     Zas2011 
06113-0038 LDS6196     ALC   5. Incorrectly listed as 06113+0038.                              .       
06113-7302 SKF1074     OGL 480. LMC211.8.3926  + LMC211.1.10                                   Pli2012 
06115+5702 ARG  13     B is BD+57@944.                                                         .       
                       Additional notes may be found in Fox (1946).                            Fox1946 
06115-7049 OGL 481     LMC208.4.5070  + LMC208.4.5091                                          Pli2012 
06115-7214 JNN  48     Since the separation between the components of this system is very      .       
                       small (~0.16"), it is almost certainly a physical binary, although      .       
                       common proper motion has yet to be demonstrated.                        Jnn2012 
06116+4843 STF 845     41 Aur.                                                                 .       
                       H 3  82.                                                                MEv2010 
06116+2329 POU1127     Aka POU1136.                                                            .       
06116+0146 J  1924     BAL 1304.                                                               .       
06116-0410 GNO   3     Gellino et al. (2014) derive spectral types for this brown dwarf pair   .       
                       of L9 and T1.5; masses are 64.8 +/- 0.4 and 52.1 +/- 12.0 Mjup, and     .       
                       effective temperatures are 1300 +/- 26 and 1096 +/- 20K. Approximates   .       
                       ages for the two components are 1.5-4.0 and 1.0-2.0 Gyr.                Gno2014 
06116-7031 OGL 482     LMC214.7.10    + LMC214.7.67                                            Pli2012 
06117-0440 AC    3     A variable, V638 Mon.                                                   .       
06117-6909 OGL 483     LMC212.3.57    + LMC212.3.58                                            Pli2012 
06118-2030 RSS 102     CPD-20@1192                                                             .       
06118-6927 OGL 484     LMC212.1.8     + LMC212.1.31                                            Pli2012 
06119+1413 J  2016     xi Ori = 70 Ori. A is a spectroscopic binary, P = 45.1d.                .       
06120+1947 CHR 163     68 Ori. B is BD+19@1252.                                                .       
           H 6  72     H VI 72.                                                                .       
06122+0640 J  1925     Aka J  1927.                                                            .       
06122-3036 HUE   1     At an assumed distance of 31 +/- 6 pc, the projected separation is      .       
                       11 +/- 2 au. Spectral types are estimated as T5-7 for both components;  .       
                       estimated masses of each component are ~30Mjup (for an age of 1Gyr) or  .       
                       ~60Mjup (for an age of 5Gyr).                                           Hue2015 
06122-6532 DUN  26     B is CPD-65@566.                                                        .       
                       SHY 496. Bayesian analysis by Shaya & Olling (2011) indicates very      Shy2011 
                       high (near 100%) probability pair is physical.                          .       
           TOK 106     HIP 29444. B is HIP 29439.                                              .       
06123-7031 OGL 485     LMC214.7.4713  + LMC214.7.4718                                          Pli2012 
06124+2359 J  1102     Found to be single in 1958 and 1960 by Couteau. Probable positional     Cou1958c
                       error.                                                                  Cou1961a
06128-7023 OGL 486     LMC214.6.4957  + LMC214.6.5063                                          Pli2012 
06129+1759 SH 2-255    IRS 1 and IRS 3 are both in a cluster of IR sources.                    Alv2004 
06130-2203 BRT 304     CD-22@2857.                                                             .       
06131+4431 BRT 113     Single, distant companion.                                              Brt1938 
06132-2742 TSN   2     May be physically associated with the Brown Dwarf 2MASS                 TSN2014b
                       J06085283-2753583 separated by 3529" @ 78.0 degrees.                    .       
06134+0556 J   969     PAN   5.                                                                .       
06134-7017 OGL 487     LMC214.5.3916  + LMC214.5.4537                                          Pli2012 
06136+1505 BPM 256     [PM2000]  418424 + [PM2000]  418656.                                    Gvr2010 
06136-1527 GAL 396     Object #220 in Gallo's original list.                                   Gal1914 
06137-0019 BAL 686     HJL  75.                                                                HJL1986 
06137-2815 JNN  49     This binary consists of two components with almost equal brightnesses   .       
                       and colors. Although common proper motion has not yet been              .       
                       demonstrated, it thus counts as binary in the statistical analysis.     Jnn2012 
06138+3509 GCB  16     ALI  85.                                                                .       
06138-2352 JNN  50     The close binary pair resolved by AstraLux is likely itself a wide      .       
                       companion to the nearby G5-type star HD 43162 at 25" separation, as     .       
                       noted in the WDS. Hence the system is likely triple, although common    .       
                       proper motion has not yet been deomnstrated.                            Jnn2012 
06139-3030 HJ 3840     SWR   9.                                                                .       
06140+3726 BRT2214     ALI 563 is identical                                                    Hei1983a
06141+2359 STTA 70     Also known as FRK   5. B is BD+23@1258.                                 .       
06141+2129 BRT2347     J 2591.                                                                 .       
06141+0149 J  1821     RST 5222. BAL 1307.                                                     .       
06142+1124 BPM 257     [PM2000]  421303 + [PM2000]  421205.                                    Gvr2010 
06142-1436 LDS 847     NLTT 16269/16270                                                        Chm2004 
06142-7213 OGL 488     LMC210.2.3931  + LMC210.2.4978                                          Pli2012 
06143+1430 S   509     B is BD+14@1210.                                                        .       
06144+0052 BAL 992     J  1931.                                                                .       
06145+3824 AG  108     ALI 817.                                                                .       
06145+1754 KUI  24     A spectroscopic binary.                                                 .       
                       Additional notes may be found in Couteau (1955).                        Cou1955c
06145+1148 STTA 71     B is BD+11@1075.                                                        .       
06145-4521 CPO 133     B is CD-45@2390.                                                        .       
06146+0051 BAL 993     J  1932.                                                                .       
06147+1435 STF 877     B is a spectroscopic binary.                                            .       
06147+0714 J  1933     BRT2115. The 1901 Barton and Jonckheere measures were both generated    Brt1938 
                       from probably spurious data in the Astrographic Catalog.                J__1962a
06147-0427 A   505     Aitken's estimate of companion magnitude is of course much too faint.   B__1963b
06148+1909 HJ 2302     71 Ori.                                                                 .       
                       AB: Optical pair, based on study of relative motion of the components   .       
                       using the method of apparent motion parameters.                         Kiy2008 
06148+1232 BPM 258     [PM2000]  423906 + [PM2000]  424046.                                    Gvr2010 
06148-7020 OGL 489     LMC214.3.122   + LMC214.3.950                                           Pli2012 
06149+2230 BU 1008     eta Gem = 7 Gem = Propus. The primary is a semiregular variable,        .       
                       occultation binary, and SB1, P = 8.17 yr.                               MLa1944 
                       See Baize & Petit (1989) catalog of doubles with variable component.    Baz1989d
                       Mk III Limb-darkened diameter 11.789 +/- 0.118 mas.                     MkT2003 
                       Rectilinear solution by Scardia et al. (2018).                          Sca2018b
06149-0617 HJ  384     gam Mon = 5 Mon                                                         .       
                       NPOI Limb-darkened diameter  3.097 +/- 0.034 mas, Sp = K1III,           NOI2018 
                       R = 50.82 +/- 1.58 \rsun, Teff = 4810 +/- 66 K, L = 1247 +/- 96  \lsun, .       
                       M = 4.19 +/- 0.14 \msun, Age = 0.17 +/- 0.02 Gyr.                       .       
06150-7025 OGL 490     LMC214.3.59    + LMC214.3.277                                           Pli2012 
06150-7236 OGL 491     LMC211.4.3772  + LMC211.4.3798                                          Pli2012 
06151+1355 BPM 259     [PM2000]  425229 + [PM2000]  425385.                                    Gvr2010 
06152-7028 OGL 492     LMC214.2.11    + LMC214.2.253                                           Pli2012 
06154+1856 VAS   7     VSK   1.                                                                .       
06154+1614 BPM 260     [PM2000]  426446 + [PM2000]  426575.                                    Gvr2010 
06154-0902 A   668     Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and spectroscopic   .       
                       masses of 6.97 +/- 2.42, 4.79, and 3.09 Msun, respectively.             Mlk2012 
06155+1902 CXT   2     J  2740.                                                                .       
06155+1157 J  1363     BRT 1197.                                                               .       
06155+0232 BAL1687     Not found by Heintz at IDS position.                                    Hei1985a
06156+6609 STTA 69     BC is BD+66@436. MLR 316.                                               .       
06156+3609 STF 872     AB: HJL  76.                                                            HJL1986 
                       AB: RoboAO finds on 2013.62 Aa,Ab at 1.30", 204d, dI=5.1, rejected as   .       
                       uncertain.                                                              Tok2014d
06157+6000 BUP  86     40 Cam.                                                                 .       
06157+1316 BPM 261     [PM2000]  427745 + [PM2000]  427700.                                    Gvr2010 
06159+0110 RST5225     Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and spectroscopic   .       
                       masses of 4.62 +/- 0.81, 2.84, and 1.35 Msun, respectively.             Mlk2012 
06162-1321 BRG  22     In Bergfors et al. (2010), we detected a close binary companion to      Brg2010 
                       2MASS J06161032-1320422 at 190 mas separation. In a re-observation of   .       
                       the target from February 2010, there is no resolved companion detected  .       
                       but only a slightly extended primary PSF, hence the binary separation   .       
                       probably decreased in the meantime.                                     Jnn2012 
06163-5913 DUN  27     B is CPD-59@618.                                                        .       
                       AB: Optical pair, based on study of relative motion of the components   .       
                       using the method of apparent motion parameters.                         Kiy2008 
           LDS 157     AC: C=WD 0615-591, DB3.2 type.  Mass=0.61 Msun (Holberg et al. 2013)    Hbg2013 
06164+1216 KUI  26     74 Ori.                                                                 .       
06164-7036 OGL 493     LMC214.1.3275  + LMC214.1.3458                                          Pli2012 
06165+2318 J   341     A = EPIC 202073186, eclipsing binary of Algol-type, period 1.22483d.    Zas2015 
                       AC: Aka COU2715.                                                        .       
06167+3852 J   591     Single 1931 (Giacobini). Position may be erroneous.                     Gcb1934 
                       Aka BTG   1AC.                                                          .       
06168+3832 BRT2215     ALI 818.                                                                .       
06168-1359 GAL 397     Object #221 in Gallo's original list.                                   Gal1914 
06169+2414 POU1187     J 1936.                                                                 .       
06171+1551 H 5  23     H V 23. B is BD+15@1138.                                                .       
06171+0957 FIN 331     75 Ori.                                                                 .       
                       Aa,Ab: Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and          .       
                       spectroscopic masses 3.13 +/- 0.24, 3.73, and 2.09 Msun, respectively.  Mlk2012 
06171-2243 HJ 3845     Optical pair, based on study of relative motion of the components       .       
                       using the method of apparent motion parameters.                         Kiy2008 
                       Rectilinear solution by Friedman et al. (2012).                         USN2012a
06172+3312 COU1406     The variable VW Aur.                                                    .       
06172+1204 BPMA 25     [PM2000]  434066 + [PM2000]  433779.                                    Gvr2010 
06172-3715 EHR   8     Physical/optical nature ambiguous.                                      Ehr2010 
06173+3700 MLB1011     ALI 564.                                                                .       
06173+0506 ENG  26     AB: B is BD+05@1165.                                                    .       
           CAT   1     Aa,Ab. Catala et al. (2006) calculate masses 0.96 +/- 0.18 and 0.67     Cat2006 
                       +/- 0.04 Msun.                                                          .       
                       The 27 yr pair CAT 1 with computed visual (Hartkopf et al. 2012) and    Hrt2012a
                       SB orbits is responsible for dmu. Triple with the CPM companion         .       
                       LEP 24 AE at 103".                                                      Tok2012a
           PRV   3     Ea,Eb: GJ 231.1B. Pravdo et al. (2006) derive masses 0.25 +/- 0.6 and   .       
                       0.12 +/- 0.02 Msun.                                                     Prv2006 
                       Ea,Eb: NLTT 16333. Estimated age 1000-10000 Myr; masses 0.39 +/- 0.06   .       
                       and 0.15 +/- 0.02 Msun; a ~11.9 au.                                     Jnn2014 
06174+5725 TOK 259     Primary is SB2, P=958d (Griffin 2011).                                  Grf2011b
06175-1537 GAL 398     Object #223 in Gallo's original list.                                   Gal1914 
06178+2612 AG  322     B is BD+26@1167.                                                        .       
06179+0919 OPI   9     J 2419. KRU 2.                                                          .       
06180+2152 KRU   1     J  1938.                                                                .       
06181+1423 HO  229     J  2018.                                                                .       
06184+3633 CHE  81     AC: ALI 320.                                                            .       
06184+1256 BPM 262     [PM2000]  439525 + [PM2000]  439378.                                    Gvr2010 
06185+1611 BPM 263     [PM2000]  439937 + [PM2000]  440011.                                    Gvr2010 
06185+1610 BPM 264     [PM2000]  440156 + [PM2000]  440111.                                    Gvr2010 
06186+2151 HU  451     TDS3722.                                                                .       
06186-2922 I  1116     Spectrum: A2(m)A7/8-F2.                                                 .       
06187+0903 GC 8096     Hipparcos astrometric solution adopted some elements from the orbit of  HIP1997d
                       Griffin (1986).                                                         Grf1986b
06188-7052 OGL 494     LMC215.4.3953  + LMC215.4.3954                                          Pli2012 
06192+1448 HJ 3281     Woods measures this pair 1909.98, 262.4@, 5.72".                        Woo1913 
                       Another pair?                                                           .       
06192-5803 CVN  15     AB Pic. Spectral type for B component L1 +2/-1.                         Cvn2005c
06193-0250 OL   66     BRT 536.                                                                Brt1931 
06193-1232 HO  231     This pair was listed as HJ 3847, but with an error of two degrees in    .       
                       declination.                                                            .       
06193-2458 S   516     AB: B is CD-24@3914.                                                    .       
06194+2316 H 5  55     H V 55. There has been considerable confusion between this pair and     .       
                       06199+2316, with this being labelled the AC pair and the others         .       
                       additional components of this system.                                   .       
06194+1326 STTA 73     B is BD+13@1200, and is a spectroscopic binary. Pair appears in an      .       
                       appendix list, not part of discoverer's regular numbering sequence.     .       
06194+1219 BPM 266     [PM2000]  444117 + [PM2000]  443589.                                    Gvr2010 
06194+1159 BPM 265     [PM2000]  444041 + [PM2000]  443892.                                    Gvr2010 
06195+1220 STF 892     Rectilinear solution by Friedman et al. (2011).                         USN2011a
06196+5901 UZ Lyn      Hipparcos astrometric solution assumed circular orbit (e = omega = 0)   HIP1997d
06196+1219 BPM 267     [PM2000]  445356 + [PM2000]  445120.                                    Gvr2010 
06197-0749 CHR  22     7 Mon.                                                                  .       
06198-3930 HJ 3849     B is CD-39@2525.                                                        .       
06199+2316 BNW   3     See note to 06194+2316. B component is BD+23 1309.                      .       
06200+2826 BU  895     AB: Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and             .       
                       spectroscopic masses 4.90 +/- 11.16, 3.28, and 1.74 Msun, respectively. Mlk2012 
06200-1038 A  2925     Apparently a rapid binary. In the "red rectangle", a bi-polar nebula.   .       
                       See Meaburn et al. (1983) for a discussion of the observational         Mea1983 
                       history of this object.                                                 .       
06202-1044 TOK 108     HIP 30114.                                                              Tok2011a
06203-3004 SMY   1     zet CMa = 1 CMa = Furud. A is a long-period spectroscopic binary.       .       
                       P = 675d. B is CD-29@3008.                                              .       
06204+2940 BRT3273     Barton calls this RMK 4, and this is copied in ADS, But RMK 4 is        Brt1926a
                       properly CPD-57@659.                                                    Bu_1932A
06206+2511 STTA 74     B is BD+25@1222.                                                        .       
06206+2327 POU1237     J  1822.                                                                .       
06206+1803 STTA 75     B is BD+18@1179.                                                        .       
06208+1216 BPM 268     [PM2000]  450815 + [PM2000]  451412.                                    Gvr2010 
06208+0106 J  2019     BAL1310.                                                                .       
06212+2108 S   513     STTA 76.  BC: STT 137.                                                  .       
                       Jorissen's BF and BG pairs are S 513 BT and BS, respectively.           .       
06212-3507 SWR  10     CPM pair                                                                Skf2004 
06214+2203 L    58     Lewis measured an unidentified pair near this position: 1910.19,        GrO1932A
                       120.5@, 1.22", 9.0-9.5, n=1. ADS identifies this pair as JDS 1198 and   Bu_1932A
                       notes that Lewis' measure was not included in the Greenwich catalog.    .       
                       Aka L    37.                                                            .       
06214+0216 A  2667     One component variable?                                                 Mlr1956a
                       See Baize & Petit (1989) catalog of doubles with variable component.    Baz1989d
                       Algol-type eclipsing binary, period 5.5640 d.                           Zas2019 
                       No doubt about quadrant in these measures.                              VBs1954 
06214-1146 STF3116     A is a Cepheid, FR CMa.                                                 .       
06215+6224 STF 878     AB: Rectilinear solution by Friedman et al. (2012).                     USN2012a
06215+1618 LDS 894     NLTT 16409/16412                                                        Chm2004 
06215-1625 GAL 399     Object #227 in Gallo's original list.                                   Gal1914 
06220-0202 BAL 319     J 2741.                                                                 .       
06221+5922 CHR 128     4 Lyn.                                                                  .       
           WAL  45     AE: No good match to Wallenquist's estimated 0deg, 70" astrometry for   Wal1947 
                       this pair. Since he gives dm values for AB,C, AB,D, and AB,E, it is     .       
                       apparently not the AD pair at ~0deg, 100". Best guess is that there is  .       
                       a typographical error and he meant 30deg, 70", in reasonable agreement  .       
                       in astrometry and photometry with a pair at 31deg, 77".                 .       
06221+2645 DBR  22     DBR  90.                                                                .       
06221+2203 L    59     Aka J  1941.                                                            .       
06221-3326 del Col     Hipparcos astrometric solution adopted some elements from the orbit of  HIP1997d
                       Jones (1928).                                                           Jon1928b
06225-0259 HJ  387     J 1471.                                                                 .       
06225-3107 LDS5675     Aka LDS 159.                                                            Dam2016a
06225-6013 SHY  34     AB: HIP  30314 + HIP  31878. B component = C component of 05287-6527    .       
                       and 06380-6132.                                                         Shy2011 
                       AB: AB Dor moving group. A is PMS star.  Shaya & Olling (2011) list 5   Shy2011 
                       co-moving companions, 1 to 5.8pc separations.                           Tok2014d
                       AD: HIP  30314 + HIP  26373. D component = A component of 05369-4758    .       
                       = E component of 05287-6527.                                            .       
06226+2647 DBR  16     DBR  93.                                                                .       
06227+1314 BPM 269     [PM2000]  460119 + [PM2000]  459988.                                    Gvr2010 
06227-1757 BUP  88     bet CMa = 2 CMa = Mirzam. Prototype of its class of variable.           .       
                       Intensity Interferometer Limb-darkened diameter 0.52 +/- 0.03 mas.      HBr1974 
                       B is BD-17@1466.                                                        .       
06229+4517 LDS3698     NLTT 16424/16420                                                        Chm2004 
06229-3337 HIP  30338  Ren & Fu (2013) calculated an astrometric orbit, combining Hipparcos    Ren2013 
                       Intermediate Astrometric Data with spectroscopic elements by            .       
                       Udry et al. (1998).                                                     Udr1998 
06230+2231 BU 1059     mu Gem = 13 Gem = Tejat. A is an irregular variable.                    .       
                       Mk III Limb-darkened diameter 15.118 +/- 0.151 mas.                     MkT2003 
06233+2209 OL  207     TDS3789.                                                                .       
06233-2827 WFC  34     SWR  11.                                                                .       
06234+1432 J  1254     C is an Algol-type system, FI Ori.                                      .       
06234-0952 GAL 400     Object #232 in Gallo's original list.                                   Gal1914 
06234-2235 LDS 160     NLTT 16468/16466                                                        Chm2004 
06235+4717 ES 1236     V Aur. BD is +47@1291a.                                                 .       
06235-1246 GAL 401     Object #233 in Gallo's original list.                                   Gal1914 
06236+1205 BPM 270     [PM2000]  464759 + [PM2000]  464294.                                    Gvr2010 
06236+1147 BPM 271     [PM2000]  464830 + [PM2000]  464559.                                    Gvr2010 
06236-0938 JNN 270     Estimated age 1000-10000 Myr; masses 0.32 +/- 0.19 and 0.12 +/- 0.05    .       
                       Msun; a ~33.5 au.                                                       Jnn2014 
06237-7505 JNN  51     Although not yet confirmed to share a common proper motion, the         .       
                       companion to 2MASS J06234024-7504327 is both relatively close ~0.57"    .       
                       and has consistent brightness and color to what should be expected for  .       
                       a physical companion, and is catagorized as such.                       Jnn2012 
06238+0436 STF 900     eps Mon. A is a spectroscopic binary, P = 331d? B is BD+04@1237.        .       
                       AB: H 3  29.                                                            MEv2010 
06239+0111 BAL1313     J 1943.                                                                 .       
06240-2137 B  2110     CPD-21@1254.                                                            .       
06240-3642 DUN  28     AC : Identified as optical and linear soltion published.                LRR2022c
06240-5242 MAM   2     alp Car = Canopus.                                                      .       
                       Intensity Interferometer Limb-darkened diameter 6.6  +/- 0.8  mas.      HBr1974 
06241+2505 J  1942     J 2424 is identical                                                     Hei1983a
06243+6006 STF 887     STI 598.                                                                .       
06243+1322 BRT1201     C component spectral type A2Va                                          AbH2000 
           ABH  45     The measures previously listed as BD, BE, BF, and BG appear to have     AbH2000 
                       been actually measured from A. All were moved and new matches made.     .       
06244+1119 BPM 272     [PM2000]  469241 + [PM2000]  469171.                                    Gvr2010 
06244-1613 S   518     B is BD-16@1468.                                                        .       
                       H 4  80.                                                                MEv2010 
06247+5940 STTA 72     AC: H 6  23.                                                            MEv2010 
06247+2503 GC 8261     Hipparcos astrometric solution adopted some elements from the orbit of  HIP1997d
                       Griffin (1986).                                                         Grf1986a
06247+2107 J   688     A = EPIC 202093968, eclipsing binary of Algol-type, period 2.470 days.  Zas2015 
06247-0544 HJ   38     BDS gives 1900: 06h 17.9m, -05@40'.                                     Bu_1906 
06248+4405 GIC  57     G101-037/G101-032.  Transcription error led to this pair being entered  .       
                       in the WDS as 05249+4410. Giclas noted "These stars show very nearly    Gic1971 
                       the same proper motion. The separation is 1.2 degrees."                 .       
06248+0005 J  2427     BAL 1003.                                                               .       
06249+3150 AG  111     SEI 457.                                                                Nsn2017b
06249+1424 A  2722     A = HD 44905 = EPIC 202059360, eclipsing binary of Beta Lyrae type,     .      
                       period 3.674801 days.                                                   Zas2015 
06251+1614 BPM 274     [PM2000]  472953 + [PM2000]  472934.                                    Gvr2010 
06251+1534 BPM 273     [PM2000]  472815 + [PM2000]  472067.                                    Gvr2010 
06252+0705 EVS  11     Primary is the Cepheid T Mon.                                           Evs2016a
06253+0256 BAL1693     J 2743.                                                                 .       
06253+0130 FIN 343     Docobo & Andrade (2013) derive a dynamical parallax of 4.61 +/- 0.16    .       
                       mas and component masses 2.77 +/- 0.36 and 2.32 +/- 0.30 Msun. See      .       
                       paper for extensive notes on this system.                               Doc2013d
06254-1406 GAL 402     Object #236 in Gallo's original list.                                   Gal1914 
06255+2327 BAG   5     First detected as an occultation binary by Schmidtke & Africano.        Smk1984 
                       Also known as CHR  23.                                                  .       
                       Calculated mass sum is 2.53 +/- 1.3 Msun, not well-constrained due to   .       
                       the short fraction of the orbit covered.                                Mut2010b
06255+2320 MCA  26     An occultation and interferometric binary.                              .       
                       First detected as an occultation binary by Africano.                    Afr1975 
                       1979.7709: This negative result was incorrectly attributed to ADS 5103  .       
                       in McAlister & Hendry (1981).                                           McA1981b
06255+1213 BPM 275     [PM2000]  475095 + [PM2000]  475644.                                    Gvr2010 
06256+3648 BRT2588     ALI 322.                                                                .       
06257+1624 TOR   9     Formerly known as PAN   6.                                              .       
06258+3627 BRT3245     ALI 323. A is an irregular variable, KS Aur.                            .       
06259+5153 STF 896     B is BD+51@1189.                                                        .       
06259+1747 J   900     AB are lobes of the planetary nebula PN G194.2+02.5 = HD 45043.         Skf2013 
                       As A component is a PN, the quoted magnitude is integrated flux.        .       
06259+1640 BPMA 26     [PM2000]  477116 + [PM2000]  475748.                                    Gvr2010 
06259+0944 OPI  11     AC: Opik (1927) measure was originally entered in the WDS incorrectly   Opi1927 
                       as 40" rather than 4'. This resulted in an incorrect component match    .       
                       by Harshaw (2013).                                                      Hsw2013b
06260+2800 RUC   6     AH Aur. Spectral type of resolved companion M3-5V or possibly later.    Ruc2007 
06262+1845 BU 1191     A is a spectroscopic binary, P = 6.99d. It is also one of the           .       
                       brightest BY Dra-type variables known, OU Gem.                          B__1963b
06264-2908 COO 266     DAW 121.                                                                .       
06265+6557 MLB1066     LDS2521.                                                                .       
06265+2011 J  1823     SLE 744.                                                                .       
06265-0740 JNN  52     The motion in the 2MASS J06262932-0739540 system is not yet sufficient  .       
                       to determine whether the two components share a common proper motion,   .       
                       but since the separation is small (~0.47") and colors and brightnesses  .       
                       of the components are consistent with expectation, it is likely that    .       
                       they form a physical pair. The system counts as binary in the           .       
                       statistical analysis.                                                   Jnn2012 
06265-2649 HJ 3859     SWR  12.                                                                .       
06266+1531 STT 140     Same as CHE  82.                                                        .       
06266-2108 B  2113     CPD-21@1283.                                                            .       
06267-0731 STF 914     BDS 3401 probably same star. B is BD-07@1428.                           .       
                       H 3  43.                                                                MEv2010 
06268+5825 S   514     5 Lyn. A is a spectroscopic binary.                                     .       
                       Also known as STF 894 and H VI 102.                                     .       
                       AC: H 6 102.                                                            MEv2010 
06269+2951 HJ  388     Rectilinear solution by Friedman et al. (2011).                         USN2011a
06272-4302 GRV1251     Both A and B have approximately the same radial velocity.               Grv2019b
06273+1453 CHR 251     The classification is from Conti & Leep (1974).                         Cti1974 
                       The star was resolved in the single observation we made.                Msn1998a
06273+0532 SLE 285     There appears to be a ~36" error in the declination of the primary by   .       
                       Soulie (1983).                                                          Sle1983 
06274+0354 BAL2169     J 1947.                                                                 .       
06274+0211 BAL1694     J 1946.                                                                 .       
06274-2544 B   114     Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and spectroscopic   .       
                       masses of 1.50 +/- 0.27, 1.74, and 0.85 Msun, respectively.             Mlk2012 
                       Gomez et al. (2016) derive dynamical parallax and component masses:     .       
                       24.21 +/- 0.20 mas, 0.797 +/- 0.003 Msun, 0.752 +/- 0.003 Msun.         Doc2016i
06275+2432 AG  112     ADS notes that Anderson's 1913 distance measure (3".36) has been        A__1932b
                       rejected.                                                               AnR1913 
06275+1124 BPM 276     [PM2000]  486225 + [PM2000]  486846.                                    Gvr2010 
06276+1721 BPM 277     [PM2000]  486731 + [PM2000]  486189.                                    Gvr2010 
06276-1112 GAL 403     Object #237 in Gallo's original list.                                   Gal1914 
06276-2524 BRT2874     CPD-25@1447.                                                            .       
06277+2249 J  1092     AB: Rectilinear solution by Cvetkovic et al. (2018).                    Cve2018 
06277+0034 BAL1009     J 1948. J 1996.                                                         .       
06278+2047 SHJ  70     B is BD+20@1426.                                                        .       
                       AB: H 5  52.                                                            MEv2010 
06280-0446 BUP  89     10 Mon.                                                                 .       
                       AB: H 5  14.                                                            MEv2010 
06282+1712 BPM 278     [PM2000]  490130 + [PM2000]  490048.                                    Gvr2010 
06282+0516 STF 915     Variable, V648 Mon.                                                     .       
                       AB: H 2  89.                                                            MEv2010 
06283+3716 DBR 101     DBR 113.                                                                .       
06283-0111 JNN  53     The companion that was detected in the AstraLux images has not yet      .       
                       been confirmed as a physical companion through common proper motion.    .       
                       However, the two components have nearly equal brightness and colors,    .       
                       and a relatively small separation of ~1.4" hence it is very likely      .       
                       that it is a real physical binary, and it is counted as such here for   .       
                       statistical purposes.                                                   Jnn2012 
06283-1303 BNS   2     FS CMa = MWC 142                                                        .       
06284+3116 AG  113     HJL  77.                                                                HJL1986 
                       AB: SEI 459.                                                            Nsn2017b
06284-0428 J  1949     B is BD-04@1533.                                                        .       
06284-0647 J  1473     OL 139 is probably identical                                            Hei1983a
06286+3030 GAA   3     RT Aur. The binary nature of this short-period Cepheid is still         .       
                       uncertain, however Gallenne et al. (2015) believe they might have       .       
                       detected it  for the first time. See notes in that paper regarding      .       
                       previously published hints of binarity. Removing this possible          .       
                       companion from their interferometric data, they estimated the           .       
                       detection limit. They reached a minimum dynamic range of 0.47%,         .       
                       corresponding to dmH> 5.8 mag. This limit excludes the presence of      .     
                       any additional companion with a spectral type earlier than F0V.         GaA2015 
06286-7854 HJ 3888     B is CPD-78@233.                                                        .       
06287-0240 TOR  10     Formerly known as PAN   7.                                              .       
06287-3222 BU  753     Variable.                                                               .       
06288-0702 STF 919     bet Mon = 11 Mon. Found double by Benedetto Castelli on 30 January      .       
                       1617. A,B, and C are shell stars.                                       .       
                       AB: H 2  17.  BC: H 1  10.                                              MEv2010 
06289-1408 GAL 404     Object #239 in Gallo's original list.                                   Gal1914 
06290+8210 MLR 494     AB: Also known as TDS3864.                                              .       
06290+2013 BTZ   1     Aa,Ab: nu Gem = 18 Gem. Probably a spectroscopic binary, now resolved.  .       
                       1975.780: Oblate correlation peak, under very poor seeing.              Bla1977a
                       A negative result on 1979.7709, incorrectly attributed to ADS 5103 in   .       
                       McAlister & Hendry (1981), actually belongs to HR 2304.                 McA1981b
                       Aa,Ab: Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and          .       
                       spectroscopic masses 7.03 +/- 2.32, 8.95, and 4.79 Msun, respectively.  Mlk2012 
           BU 1192     Ba,Bb: Round 1955 (Van Biesbroeck and Finsen) but uncertain whether     VBs9999 
                       measures pertain to Ba,Bb or Aa,Ab.                                     Fin1956a
06291+4131 FAR   5     Primary is white dwarf WD 0625+415 = GD 74.                             Far2005b
06291-0311 TOR  11     Formerly known as PAN   8.                                              .       
06291-4022 DUN  29     B is CD-40@2487.                                                        .       
                       Identified as optical and linear solution also published.               LRR2022c
06292+0239 BAL1695     KUI.                                                                    .       
06293+3439 MLB1047     ES 2467 is identical                                                    Hei1980a
06293-0248 B  2601     Ross 614, aka GJ 234. Possibly first resolved by van den Bos.           B__1951a
                       Good resolved solution with the aid of scattered visual and IR speckle  .       
                       observations. Mass-ratio calculated from pc orbit size.                 .       
                       Star B is the flare star V577 Mon; star A is also suspected to flare.   .       
                       Lippincott (1955) orbit is based on the astrometric elements            Lip1955 
                       combined with Baade's observation of the companion in 1955.             .       
                       Combined solution from astrometry, spectroscopy, and parallax.          .       
                       See Baize & Petit (1989) catalog of doubles with variable component.    Baz1989d
                       1986.952: combination of NS and EW 1-D IR speckle data for 1986.952     Cpb1994 
                       1991.896: combination of data from 1991.894 and 1991.897                Cpb1994 
                       1992.143: combination of data from 1992.141 -- 1992.146                 Cpb1994 
                       Solution includes mass and orbital parallax determination.              Sgr2000 
                       AB: Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and             .       
                       spectroscopic masses 0.30 +/- 0.02, 0.27, and 0.41 Msun, respectively.  Mlk2012 
06296+7258 HJ 2309     See note in ADS.                                                        A__1932b
                       AC: Additional notes may be found in Heintz (1963).                     Hei1963b
06296-0231 TOR  12     Formerly known as PAN   9.                                              .       
06297-4649 LDS 163     TSN  76.                                                                .       
06298-5014 R    65     AB and CD form the multiple system DUN 30 (12").                        .       
                       Difficult a/e/i- correlation, more obs needed.                          .       
06299+0707 STT 142     The primary is a spectroscopic binary. The pair formerly listed as      .       
                       J 2004 appears to be identical, with distance doubled.                  .       
06300+1507 BPM 279     [PM2000]  499321 + [PM2000]  498872.                                    Gvr2010 
06300-1056 GAL 405     Object #241 in Gallo's original list.                                   Gal1914 
06300-1840 DE0630-18   DENIS J063001.4-184014. Primary is M8.5, secondary is probably a        .       
                       massive brown dwarf.                                                    SaJ2015 
06300-1924 WSI 123     Rectilinear solution by Miles & Mason (2016)                            Msn2016b
                       and Mason et al. (2018).                                                Msn2018a
06302+1807 BPM 280     [PM2000]  500040 + [PM2000]  500281.                                    Gvr2010 
06302+1116 BPM 281     [PM2000]  500138 + [PM2000]  500537.                                    Gvr2010 
06302-2228 BRT1388     CD-22@3140.                                                             .       
06303-5252 TOK 435     Aa,Ab: HIP 30995 is an SB2 according to GCS. The new companion at 0".2  .       
                       with dI = 4.1~mag is unlikely to correspond to the SB2, so the system   .       
                       is probably triple.                                                     Tok2015c
06305+2940 DAE   9     WSP  12. WASP-12. Bergfors et al (2013) estimate spectral types G0V     Brg2013 
                       and K0-M0V. WASP-12b is one of the largest and hottest transiting       .       
                       planets; period 1.09d. Bergfors 6 is a point source ~3 mags fainter,    .       
                       at a separation of 1". Based on color, the companion is an M0-M1 main-  .       
                       sequence star. Relative photometry suggests Bergfors 6 is ~50% closer   .       
                       to Earth than is WASP-12, and that their consistent radial velocities   .       
                       are coincidental. If Bergfors 6 is a binary M dwarf system near         .       
                       conjunction, however, it could lie at a similar distance to WASP-12     .       
                       and the system could be gravitationally bound.                          Csf2012 
           BEC   1     BC: Bechter et al. (2014) resolved the 1" companion to WASP 12 into 2   .       
                       ~equal magnitude stars, separated by 84 mas. Both components appear to  .       
                       be physically associated with the primary. Spectral types of B and C    .       
                       components M3V, masses 0.38 +/- 0.05 and 0.37 +/- 0.05 Msun.            Bec2014 
06305+0420 STF 920     AB: H 3  98.                                                            MEv2010 
06305-1457 HJ 3864     KL CMa, Algol-type eclipsing binary, P = 1.76222 d.                     Zas2011 
06306-0205 LDS5677     LDS6198.                                                                .       
06307+2025 JRN  29     AC = SLE 756.                                                           .       
06307-4649 CPO 137AB   A likely plate flaw.                                                    Grv2021b
06308+5810 STT 562     6 Lyn. B is BD+58@933.                                                  .       
                       Optical pair, based on study of relative motion of the components       .       
                       using the method of apparent motion parameters.                         Kiy2008 
                       CHARA Array Limb-darkened diameter  0.853 +/- 0.013 mas,                CIA2018c
                       R =  5.12 +/- 0.16 \rsun, L = 14.2 +/- 0.9 \lsun,                       .       
                       Teff = 4949 +/-  58 K.                                                  .       
06308+3811 COU1874     TDS3883.                                                                .       
06310+5351 STF 908     STI2145.                                                                .       
06310+5003 BWL  21     Colors and/or astrometry are inconsistent with a late-type common       .       
                       proper motion companion based on visual inspection of the field from    .       
                       2MASS, SDSS, DSS1, and/or DSS2. Primary is GJ 3395.                     Bwl2015 
06311+2143 WEI  12     BDS 3400 is the same star?                                              .       
06311-3817 SWR  13     CPM pair                                                                Skf2004 
06312+1656 STT 143     A is a spectroscopic binary.                                            .       
06312+1115 STF 921     B is BD+11@1205.                                                        .       
                       H N   2.                                                                MEv2010 
06312+0956 A  2816     Primary is V727 Mon, a Beta Lyr type eclipsing binary, P = 0.79848d.    Zas2012 
06312-1039 GAL 406     Object #245 in Gallo's original list.                                   Gal1914 
06314+1646 BPM 282     [PM2000]  504691 + [PM2000]  504499.                                    Gvr2010 
06314+0749 A  2817     B has a spectroscopic subcomponent with a period of 213d. The combined  Tok2020h
                       solution of AB yields masses of 1.12 and 1.46 \msun for A and B,        .       
                       respectively. The orbital parallax is 14.05 +/- 0.33 mas.               .       
06315+6244 STI 606     Aka ES 1890.                                                            .       
06315+0212 BAL1697     J 1952.                                                                 .       
06316+2343 POU1398     POU1400.                                                                .       
06317+0546 STF 926     AB: H 3  75.                                                            MEv2010 
06319+4542 ARG  14     Also known as WFC  36.                                                  .       
06319+0457 GAN   3     A is a Beta CMa-type variable.                                          .       
           SLE 293     AI: H 6  65.                                                            MEv2010 
06319+0039 GIC  62     G106-055/G108-010.                                                      .       
06319-0938 A   670     Rapid direct motion.                                                    .       
06319-2325 SEE  68     zet 1 CMa. A is a Beta CMa-type variable.                               .       
                       The A component is a Beta Cep pulsating star with a 0.21d period.       IAU2014d
06319-3245 JSP 105     CPD-32@1200.                                                            .       
06320+3432 GIC  63     AB = G103-036AB.                                                        .       
                       AB: NLTT 16624/16625                                                    Chm2004 
06320-5845 HJ 3874     mu Pic                                                                  .       
06321+0458 STF 927     AB: Incorrectly identified as H 2  37 in BDS. Error noted by MacEvoy.   MEv2010 
                       Algol-type eclipsing binary, P = 3.094 d.                               Zas2011 
06321-0006 GAU3871     RST 4811.                                                               .       
06322+0833 GCB  69     Not found by Heintz, who thinks in may be nearby J   692.               Hei1995 
06322+0639 EVS   5     Classical Cepheid CS Mon.                                               .       
06322+0450 TRN  20     The image rotator was in an unknown state, so two possible theta        .       
                       values are listed for the 2001.8661 observation - one for zenith up     .       
                       and one for north up.                                                   Trn2008 
06322-6519 HD 47121    Hipparcos astrometric solution assumed circular orbit (e = omega = 0)   HIP1997d
06323+1747 STF 924     BDS 3424 probably same star. Spectrum of B: F6IV/V.                     .       
                       The A component is an occultation double.                               .       
                       AB: H 4  28.                                                            MEv2010 
                       Toyota et al. (2009) monitored the RV of both the Aa and B components   .       
                       every 1-2 months between 2003 Mar - 2007 Nov, using a high-dispersion   .       
                       echelle (precision ~10 m/s).  The Aa component is a suggested SB        .       
                       (Wright et al. 2003 AJ 125, 359). Observed RVs varied betwwen -400 and  .       
                       +280 m/s, but showed no significant periodic variation. B exhibits      .       
                       rapid rotation, so RV could not be measured to high precision.          Toy2009 
06323+0543 J   661     Aka J  1957.                                                            J__1953b
06324+1627 BPM 283     [PM2000]  508893 + [PM2000]  508685.                                    Gvr2010 
06324+1312 AG  326     1894: No companion seen. 1903: Probably double but too close to         .       
                       measure. Heintz finds a faint companion at 4@, 12th mag., which does    Hei1967b
                       not fit the AG description.                                             .       
06324+0110 J  2022     RST 5235. BAL 1316. J 1955 has been abandoned.                          .       
06325+3227 RAO 500     WW Aur.                                                                 .       
06325+1720 VAS   8     VSK   2.                                                                .       
06325+1539 BPMA 27     [PM2000]  509309 + [PM2000]  510100.                                    Gvr2010 
06325-1946 B  1959     CPD-19@1324.                                                            .       
06327+2053 HJ 2320     H N 141.                                                                MEv2010 
06327+1716 VAS   9     VSK   3.                                                                .       
06328-1110 CHR 129     Hipparcos astrometric solution adopted some elements from the orbit of  HIP1997d
                       McClure (1983).                                                         Mcr1983 
06330+0851 SLE 534     The close pair 06328+0851 J  2745 was found to be part of this system,  .       
                       sharing a primary. It was moved to this more-correct WDS designation    .       
                       as the AD pair.                                                         .       
06332+2517 HJ  392     B is BD+25@1318.                                                        .       
06332+1719 ARN 103     H 5  71.                                                                MEv2010 
06332+0528 SLE 299     Pair bound. Primary is planet host star. Colors of B component          .       
                       consistent with late-K / early-M, mass 0.58 +/- 0.02 Msun               Egn2007 
06332-0724 BRT 379     J 1462.                                                                 .       
06333+2342 POU1427     GCB 72.                                                                 .       
06333+1226 GCB  70     J  2023.                                                                Nsn2016 
06333-1213 ALD  30     BRT 2652.                                                               .       
06335+4822 UC 1450     AB: CPM candidate does not pass photometry test; likely optical.        Tok2013c
                       AB: A is SB1, P=490.5d. UC_1450 colors do not match.                    Tok2014d
           RAO  80     Another triple where the inner SB with a period of 1.3 yr (D. Latham    .       
                       2012, private communication) has a tertiary companion discovered with   .       
                       Robo-AO and seen in an archival 2MASS image. This component is located  .       
                       above the MS, but its photometry has large errors. Its status remains   .       
                       indeterminate because the PM(A) is only 0".053/y and we do not have a   .       
                       sufficiently long time base. A wider pair (AB = UC 1450 at 53") was     .       
                       identified as a common PM pair (Hartkopf et al. 2013), however, the     UC_2013b
                       colors we find here implies it is optical. Crowding is moderate.        .       
                       Possibly the preferred motion of background stars accidentally matches  .       
                       the slow PM of A.                                                       Rbr2015d
06335+2444 POU1431     Aka POU1449.                                                            .       
06335+1658 VAS  10     VSK   4.                                                                .       
06336-1207 HU   43     Position and BD number corrected by Heintz.                             Hei1987a
06337+1534 BPM 284     [PM2000]  514202 + [PM2000]  513791.                                    Gvr2010 
06341+2207 S   524     AB: B is BD+22@1384.                                                    .       
                       AB: HJL  78.                                                            HJL1986 
                       AB: SHY 499. Bayesian analysis by Shaya & Olling (2011) indicates very  Shy2011 
                       high (near 100%) probability pair is physical.                          .       
                       AB: H 5 112.                                                            MEv2010 
06342+2133 J  1094     TDS3932.                                                                .       
06343+3805 STT 147     B is BD+38@1524.                                                        .       
06343-1229 GAL 407     Object #246 in Gallo's original list.                                   Gal1914 
06344+1445 STF 932     A premature orbit has been computed.                                    .       
06345+5521 BQ Lyn      Ren & Fu (2013) calculated an astrometric orbit, combining Hipparcos    Ren2013 
                       Intermediate Astrometric Data with spectroscopic elements by            .       
                       Griffin (2002).                                                         Grf2002c
06345+0420 BAL2672     The measure of Couteau probably has the quadrant reversed. It was       Cou1963a
                       entered as a new pair at Lick.                                          IDS1963A
                       Rectilinear solution by Hartkopf & Mason (2015).                        WSI2015 
06345-1115 HO  235     BRT3196.                                                                Brt1951 
06346+0821 SLE 538     AC: There is apparently a ~20" error in the declination of the C        .       
                       component in the Soulie (1986) measure.                                 Sle1986b
                       AD appears to be a measure of AB, with a ~40" error in the              .       
                       declination of the secondary by Soulie.                                 Sle1986b
06346+0413 LEN   1     AB: [LHR84] RAFGL 961 W/E. Luminous YSO in SW rim of Rosette nebula.    Alv2004 
06347-0836 A   508     Primary is V730 Mon, an eccentric Algol-type eclipsing binary, with     .       
                       period 1.57232d.                                                        Zas2011 
06348+0819 BRT2120     Also known as J   264.                                                  .       
06348+0734 STF 938     14 Mon.                                                                 .       
06348-0610 A   507     AB,C: This connects the pair to BD-06@1616.                             .       
06349+0926 SLE 539     Soulie's published coordinates appear to be in error.                   Sle1986b
06350+1520 EVS  12     Primary is the Cepheid W Gem.                                           Evs2016a
06352+0100 BAL1318     J 1961.                                                                 .       
06353+4746 JNN  54     2MASS J06351837+4745366 is an unconfirmed binary with regards to        .       
                       common proper motion. Since the brightness and color of the companion   .       
                       is consistent with expectation, we count it as binary in the            .       
                       statistical analysis.                                                   Jnn2012 
06353-0250 BAL  64     J 2609.                                                                 .       
06354-0403 JNN 271     Estimated age 1000-10000 Myr; masses 0.31 +/- 0.03 and 0.14 +/- 0.01    .       
                       Msun; a ~2.0 au.                                                        Jnn2014 
06356+1608 BPM 285     [PM2000]  522698 + [PM2000]  523043.                                    Gvr2010 
06356-6238 FIN  74     Finsen and van den Bos both noted 4 possible components on multiple     Fin1928b
                       nights. Their note: "The existence of the components A, B, and C was    B__1928c
                       at this stage regarded as certain, while D was strongly suspected. The  .       
                       interpretation of the earlier measures of duplicity presents some       .       
                       difficulties. It is possible that the nova was simply double at that    .       
                       time and that the triple or quadruple chacter developed later. An       .       
                       alternate explanation is that the observers were able to see more       .       
                       detail as they grew more accustomed to the densely nebulous region."    .       
                       A steady increase in the AB and AC distances were noted between 1928    B__1931a
                       and 1931.                                                               Fin1931 
                       Markedly nebulous in 1932; B and C well outside it but very faint. In   .       
                       1933 nebulous character of A almost unnoticeable; B very faint but      .       
                       still measurable; C almost a glimpse objects and measures hardly        .       
                       better than a guess.                                                    B__1933d
                       Nova Pictoris, RR Pic. Observations of the ejecta similar to those      .       
                       made by Kuiper for Nova Herculis (1934).                                Kui1935b
                       Not a double star.                                                      .       
06357-4129 I  9001     Previously known as I  1154 1/2.                                        .       
06358-1212 GAL 408     Object #249 in Gallo's original list.                                   Gal1914 
06359+0519 STF 939     B is BD+05@1317. Spectrum of A: B0.5III-IV.                             .       
06359-3605 SHY 185     AB: HIP  31509 + HIP  31547.                                            .       
           RST4816     Ba,Bb: Hipparcos parallax 25.39 +/- 0.43 mas; dynamical parallax 25.5   .       
                       mas, masses 1.08 and 0.80 Msun. The new orbit with 14 yr period is      .       
                       radically different from the 28.5 yr orbit of Cvetkovic (2008), but     Cve2008b
                       closer to the three solutions proposed by Branham (2009). A large part  Bnh2009 
                       of the orbit remains unobserved.                                        .       
06360+0359 BAL2674     BAL2675. It appears that Baillaud's 1910.16 theta value of 152 deg      Bal1944 
                       was erroneous and should have been 360-152 = 208 deg.                   .       
06360-2237 BRT1390     CD-22@3251.                                                             .       
06361+1541 BPMA 28     [PM2000]  525436 + [PM2000]  526168.                                    Gvr2010 
06361-2407 ARG  15     B is CD-24@4208.                                                        .       
06364+2717 STT 149     Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and spectroscopic   .       
                       masses of 1.71 +/- 0.49, 1.96, and 1.00 Msun, respectively.             Mlk2012 
06364-1840 SHJ  73     nu 1 CMa = 6 CMa. H IV 81. Composite spectrum; G8III+F3IV-V.            .       
                       B is BD-18@1478.                                                        .       
                       H 4  81.                                                                MEv2010 
06365+3827 BLL  17     A is the semiregular variable UU Aur.                                   .       
06365+0743 SHY 501     AC: HIP  31577 + HIP  30362. C component = A component of 06232+0854.   .       
06366+1755 BPM 288     [PM2000]  527780 + [PM2000]  527789.                                    Gvr2010 
06366+1628 BPM 286     [PM2000]  527469 + [PM2000]  527178.                                    Gvr2010 
06366+1439 BPM 287     [PM2000]  527745 + [PM2000]  527371.                                    Gvr2010 
06367-2237 H 2  60     H II 60.                                                                .       
                       Primary is HD 47247, an Algol-type eclipsing binary, P = 1.98571d.      Zas2012 
06368+4108 STF 933     H N  60.                                                                MEv2010 
06368+3654 ES  177     BC: Aka ALI 332.                                                        .       
06370-1919 FEN   7     Neither component seen on POSS plate; may be flaws on AC Hyderabad      .       
                       plate.                                                                  .       
06371+2444 POU1650     Position corrected.                                                     .       
06371+2421 POU1649     Position corrected.                                                     .       
06371+0304 EVS   6     Classical Cepheid CV Mon.                                               .       
06372+0452 BRT2121     BAL 2677.                                                               .       
06374+1618 BPM 289     [PM2000]  531542 + [PM2000]  531909.                                    Gvr2010 
06374+0608 SNA   3     Aa,Ab: The primary is the spectroscopic binary V640 Mon, aka            .       
                       Plaskett's star. Period ~14.4d (Linder et al. 2008, A&A 489, 713). It   .       
                       is the only O-type binary known with a magnetic star.                   Sna2014 
                       The classification is from Bagnuolo & Barry (1996).                     Bgn1992 
                       We took the mass ratio from Bagnuolo et al. (1992)                      Msn1998a
06375+1520 BPM 290     [PM2000]  532258 + [PM2000]  532613.                                    Gvr2010 
06375+0134 J  2610     BC: Also known as J  2746.                                              .       
06375-2303 BRT1391     ARA1656.                                                                .       
06376+1211 S   529     AB: B is BD+12@1221.                                                    .       
                       AB: Optical pair, based on study of relative motion of the components   .       
                       using the method of apparent motion parameters.                         Kiy2008 
06377+6129 STT 563     AB: 8 Lyn.                                                              .       
06377+1624 BUP  90     gam Gem = 24 Cen = Alhena. H V 71. Elements P, T, e, and the longitude  Bey1967 
                       of periastron are from a spectroscopic orbit. Beardsley's data are      .       
                       inconsistent; the values of a, i, and the node given here approximate   .       
                       his ABFG most closely.                                                  .       
                       See Baize & Petit (1989) catalog of doubles with variable component.    Baz1989d
           gam Gem     Aa,Ab: Combined astrometric/spectroscopic solution. Fekel & Tomkin      Kpr1987b
                       (1993) derive a spectroscopic period of 4614.0 +/- 0.7 days, as well    Fek1993 
                       as an approximate magnitude difference of 6.0 +/- 0.5 mag in V.         .       
                       An additional spectroscopic solution by Scholz et al. (1997) yielded a  Slz1997 
                       period of 4614.51 +/- 0.47; Lehmann et al. (2002) found a similar       Leh2002 
                       period and also looked for short-period variations.                     .       
           OCC 9011    Aa,Ab: Drummond (2014) resolves the Aa,Ab pair, previously detected     .       
                       only by occultation. Setting scale of the astrometric/spectroscopic     .       
                       orbit, and combining with the van Leeuwen (2007) Hipparcos parallax,    .       
                       he derives component masses 3.4 +/- 0.8 and 1.4 +/- 0.3 Msun.           Dru2014 
                       Intensity Interferometer Limb-darkened diameter 1.39 +/- 0.09 mas.      HBr1974 
06377+0903 SLE 553     SLE 764.                                                                .       
06377-4942 RST 205     Formerly at 06380-4941 with the unrelated DAM 422.                      .       
06378-7056 TOK 112     HIP 31692. NOMAD lists 5 components, but none fits the 2MASS PSC        .       
                       source at 15" which is optical anyway.                                  Tok2011a
06380-4941 DAM 422     The former AB, RST 205 is unrelated and now at 06377-4942.              .       
06380-6132 I     5     AB: A = AK Pic (BY-Dra type). AB Dor moving group.                      Tok2014d
           SHY  35     AC: HIP  31711 + HIP  31878. C component = C component of 05287-6527    .       
                       and 06225-6013.                                                         .       
                       AC: C is X-ray source.                                                  Tok2014d
                       AD: HIP  31711 + HIP  30314. D component = A component of 06225-6013.   .       
06381+5927 STF 923     STF 937.                                                                .       
06381+2220 GIC  64     G104-050/G109-016.                                                      .       
                       NLTT 16769/16768                                                        Chm2004 
06381+1752 BPM 291     [PM2000]  534960 + [PM2000]  535514.                                    Gvr2010 
06383+1828 CBL 128     TOK 260.                                                                .       
06383-0526 DAM1167     BRT 538.                                                                Brt1931 
06384+4848 LDS3714     G101-047. See Allen et al. (2000) for information on metallicity,       AlC2000 
                       age, galactic orbital parameters, etc.                                  .       
06384+2859 MCA  27     53 Aur. An occultation and interferometric binary.                      .       
                       Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and spectroscopic   .       
                       masses of 3.19 +/- 1.06, 4.40, and 2.57 Msun, respectively.             Mlk2012 
06384+1730 BPMA 29     [PM2000]  536898 + [PM2000]  535918.                                    Gvr2010 
06386+4020 FRK   6     AB and AC: Rectilinear solution by Hurowitz et al. (2013).              USN2013a
06386+0137 HD  47432   The star is a member of Mon OB2, according to Hill et al. (1986 PASP    .       
                       98, 1186).                                                              Msn1998a
06386-4813 DUN  31     B is CD-48@2416. A is variable.                                         .       
06387+4135 STF 941     AB: H 1  84.                                                            MEv2010 
06387-4504 HJ 3882     AC: Jacob also measured the distance to 06389-4503HJ 3883 (1847.10,     Jc_1849 
                       71.12 deg, 60" est. mags 8,10), but they are not physically related so  .       
                       are not merged.                                                         .       
06388-2255 BRT1392     CD-22@3315.                                                             .       
06388-4133 SWR  14     CPM pair                                                                Skf2004 
06393+4229 BUP  92     psi 3 Aur = 52 Aur                                                      .       
06393+4200 STT 150     Often too close to measure. Rapid binary.                               .       
                       At limit of 26inch; measure uncertain.                                  Wor1967b
06393+3135 S   528     A is an Algol-type system, AK Aur.                                      .       
06394-1401 GAL 409     Object #252 in Gallo's original list.                                   Gal1914 
06395+2436 TOK  19     Primary is 5.7d SB2.                                                    Tok2006 
06395-3240 BRT1597     Aka JSP 112.                                                            .       
06396+2816 STT 152     54 Aur. A is a spectroscopic binary.                                    .       
                       Primary is eclipsing binary of Algol-type, period 1.8797 d.             Zas2012 
06396-2342 FIN 321     Few measures, which leave the nature of the motion uncertain.           .       
06399-4305 HRG   4     Aka SKF1935.                                                            .       
06401-3919 HD  48149   The classification given in Mason et al. (1998) is from Conti &         Msn1998a
                       Alschuler (1971).                                                       Cti1971 
06402+1335 J  1365     J 1827.                                                                 .       
06404+1602 BPM 292     [PM2000]  546196 + [PM2000]  546701.                                    Gvr2010 
06405+1629 BPM 293     [PM2000]  547001 + [PM2000]  547404.                                    Gvr2010 
06405-0331 FAB   6     The astrometry catalogues are partly confused because the position for  .       
                       the star east has been linked with the star NE to produce a spurious    .       
                       large proper motion in Tycho-2. Curiously, AC2000 misses the star NE,   .       
                       which has caused the problem.                                           .       
06405-3912 LDS 170     UC 1467.                                                                UC_2013b
06406+0947 STF 951     The A component is an eccentric Algol-type binary, period 1.85142 day.  .       
                       (see 2009A&A...502..239Z). The B component is also an eclipsing         .       
                       binary, period unknown.                                                 Zas2011 
06406+0217 J  1967     BAL 1704.                                                               .       
06408-0040 J  2006     BAL 702.                                                                .       
06409+1547 BPM 294     [PM2000]  548668 + [PM2000]  548515.                                    Gvr2010 
06409+1344 BPM 295     [PM2000]  548798 + [PM2000]  549055.                                    Gvr2010 
06410+0954 STF 950     A is an irregular variable, S Mon.                                      .       
                       While not as complex as STF 484/485, a similar method clarified         .       
                       numerous ambiguities. CHR 168Aa,Ab; STF 950AB; AC; AD; AE; AF; AK; FG;  .       
                       and D    11Ea,Eb are all unchanged.                                     .       
                       STF 950AS   ---> STF 950AO                                              .       
                       D    11Eb   ---> D    11EH                                              .       
                       JRN  31Ec   ---> JRN  31EI                                              .       
                       JRN  31Ed   ---> JRN  31EJ                                              .       
                       STF 950FS   ---> STF 950FO                                              .       
                       STF 950GS   ---> STF 950GO                                              .       
                       STF 950     ---> STF 950AH (formerly STF 950A to D    11b)              .       
                       STF 950     ---> STF 950AM (formerly STF 950A to STF 952A)              .       
                       STF 952AB   ---> STF 952MN                                              .       
                       DOB   7AC   ---> STF 950MK                                              .       
                       DOB   7BC   ---> STF 950NK                                              .       
                       JRN  30CD   ---> STF 950KD                                              .       
                       JRN  30CE   ---> JRN  30KL                                              .       
                       Note that the WDS coordinate for STF 952 (as well as other              .       
                       associated pairs) has been changed to that of STF 950.                  .       
           CHR 168     A component is an irregular variable, S Mon. See Gies (1993) for        Gie1993 
                       classification of the speckle companion. The spectroscopic orbit and    .       
                       current periastron passage of Aa are discussed by Gies (1997).          Gie1997 
                       The B component was observed and appeared to be single.                 .       
                       Classifications of the B, C, D,and E components are from Hoffleit &     Hof1991 
                       Warren (1991), who list the E component as a close pair.                Msn1998a
                       Aa,Ab: Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and          .       
                       spectroscopic masses 3.58 +/- 1.59, 17.32, 38.90 Msun, respectively.    Mlk2012 
                       Distance to NGC 2264 is 719(+22-21) pc, yielding a mass sum of          MzA2019b
                       45.1(+3.6-3.3) \msun.                                                   .       
           STF 950     AC: H 3  46.                                                            MEv2010 
           JRN  31     AJ: Also known as SMR   9AR.                                            .       
           JRN  31     AI: Also known as SMR   9AS.                                            .       
           JRN  31     JI: Also known as SMR   9RS.                                            .       
           JRN  30     AL: Also known as SMR   9AQ.                                            .       
06410+0215 J   596     J 2007.                                                                 .       
06411+2348 POU1855     Algol-type eclipsing binary, period 4.88450 d.                          Zas2019 
06411+0111 HJ 2335     BAL 1323.                                                               .       
06412+1601 BPM 296     [PM2000]  550102 + [PM2000]  549799.                                    Gvr2010 
06412+0928 STF 954     Spectrum of B: B9V.                                                     .       
                       AB: H N 103.                                                            MEv2010 
           HER  15     GH: Primary of 06411+0928 found to be G component of 06412+0928;        .       
                       systems merged.  Additional notes may be found in Herbig (1962).        Her1962 
06412+0926 HER  16     Additional notes may be found in Herbig (1962).                         Her1962 
06412+0859 STF 953     H 3 114.                                                                MEv2010 
06412-0759 PRT9001     Previously known as PRT   1.                                            .       
06413+2812 HJ  397     25 Gem.                                                                 .       
06414+2336 POU1883     This is the same as FOX  11.                                            .       
06414+0944 STF3117     Primary is an EA type eclipsing binary, period unknown (see             .       
                       2009A&A...502..239Z).                                                   Zas2011 
06415+2436 POU1891     Also known as J  1968.                                                  .       
06415+0950 STF3118     BDS 3565 probably same star.                                            .       
06416+3556 HR 2452     Orbit determined by fitting revised Hipparcos intermediate astrometric  .       
                       data. Derived component masses 1.28 +/- 0.06 and 1.21 +/- 0.04 Msun.    Ren2010 
06416+1010 CHN  23     Additional notes may be found in Herbig (1962).                         Her1962 
06417+1145 BPM 297     [PM2000]  552581 + [PM2000]  552969.                                    Gvr2010 
06418+3041 A   218     Three possible orbit solutions by Heintz (1997).                        Hei1997 
                       Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and spectroscopic   .       
                       masses of 4.63 +/- 3.16, 2.46, and 1.20 Msun, respectively.             Mlk2012 
06419+1558 BPM 298     [PM2000]  553280 + [PM2000]  553142.                                    Gvr2010 
06421+0315 HO  237     Hough notes an additional companion S 13' and following 1m 3s           Ho_1890 
                       (corresponding to theta=130deg, rho=20.4'). This companion is the 6th   .       
                       magnitude star HD 48348.                                                .       
06422+1557 BPM 299     [PM2000]  554962 + [PM2000]  555283.                                    Gvr2010 
06422+1552 BPM 300     [PM2000]  555301 + [PM2000]  555715.                                    Gvr2010 
06422-0035 BAL 708     Aka BAL 710.                                                            .       
06423+1444 BPM 301     [PM2000]  555522 + [PM2000]  555397.                                    Gvr2010 
06423+1140 BPM 302     [PM2000]  555934 + [PM2000]  556124.                                    Gvr2010 
06423+0334 GIC  65     G108-021/G108-022 = GJ 3404A+3405B.                                     .       
06423-0048 J  2024     BAL 707. GAU.                                                           .       
06423-2250 BRT1393     CD-22@3396. TDS4047.                                                    .       
06424+1739 26 Gem      Hipparcos astrometric solution assumed circular orbit (e = omega = 0)   HIP1997d
06425+6612 MLR 318     A premature orbit has been calculated.                                  .       
                       omega corrected from 309.0 to 129.0 by Ruymaekers & Nys (1995)          Ruy1995 
06425+3902 ES 2097     The real ES 2097 is actually the known pair 06437+3911BRT2216.          Dam2015c
06425+2320 FOX 149     Aka POU1924 and POU1931.                                                .       
06425-2044 HDO  85     HDO  84                                                                 .       
06426+6102 LDS2522     LDS5194.                                                                .       
06426+3955 HDS 930     Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and spectroscopic   .       
                       masses of 1.22 +/- 0.40, 1.79, and 1.05 Msun, respectively.             Mlk2012 
06426+1651 BPMA 30     [PM2000]  557570 + [PM2000]  557964.                                    Gvr2010 
06426-0934 GAL 410     Object #254 in Gallo's original list.                                   Gal1914 
06426-1046 GAL 411     Object #255 in Gallo's original list.                                   Gal1914 
06427-1257 GAL 412     Object #256 in Gallo's original list.                                   Gal1914 
06427-2155 B  2121     CPD-21@1431.                                                            .       
06428+1458 BPM 304     [PM2000]  558619 + [PM2000]  558635.                                    Gvr2010 
06428+0953 BPM 303     [PM2000]  558110 + [PM2000]  558560.                                    Gvr2010 
06428-4051 I  9002     Previously known as I  1156 1/2.                                        .       
06428-5027 HJ 3889     B is CD-50@2356.                                                        .       
06429+1634 BPM 305     [PM2000]  558826 + [PM2000]  559260.                                    Gvr2010 
06429-5507 I   480     Aka R    68.                                                            .       
06431+1618 BPM 306     [PM2000]  560000 + [PM2000]  559460.                                    Gvr2010 
06435+0341 BAL2187     First valid measure is by Heintz. The measure by Baillaud may actually  Dam2016d
                       be 06321+0300BAL2176.                                                   .       
06437+3911 BRT2216     ALI 1078.                                                               .       
                       Aka ES 2097.                                                            Dam2015c
06438+0034 J  1970     BAL 1022.                                                               .       
06439+2512 BRT3277     Originally published as BRT 143.                                        Brt1928 
06439+2508 S   533     eps Gem = 27 Gem = Mebsuta. B is BD+25@1407.                            .       
                       H 6  73.                                                                MEv2010 
06439-5434 HDS 934     Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and spectroscopic   .       
                       masses of 2.33 +/- 0.86, 1.82, and 0.85 Msun, respectively.             Mlk2012 
06439-5435 WFC  41     SWR  15. CPM pair                                                       Skf2004 
06440+1314 LAM   3     30 Gem.                                                                 .       
06440+0729 J   666     There is a 14th magnitude star 8" np C.                                 .       
06440-0941 GAL 413     Object #257 in Gallo's original list.                                   Gal1914 
06441+0007 J  1972     BAL 1024.                                                               .       
06442+0057 BAL1332     A likely plate flaw.                                                    Grv2021a
06442-5442 DUN  34     B is CPD-54@1096.                                                       .       
06443+4037 STT 154     B is BD+40@1697.                                                        .       
06443-0124 BAL 334     Algol-type eclipsing binary, period 1.28758 d.                          Zas2019 
06445-3104 HDO 197     10 CMa. A is the variable FT CMa.                                       .       
06446-1516 GAL 414     Object #259 in Gallo's original list.                                   Gal1914 
06447-0002 BAL1027     BAL 1029.                                                               .       
06448+3249 LDS5681     NLTT 16919/16918                                                        Chm2004 
06448+1215 BPM 307     [PM2000]  569455 + [PM2000]  568924.                                    Gvr2010 
06448+1012 BPM 308     [PM2000]  569484 + [PM2000]  568894.                                    Gvr2010 
06448+0241 BAL1712     J 2752.                                                                 .       
06448+0019 GAU4234     BAL 1030.                                                               .       
06449-0027 BAL 717     No star at primary location - plate flaw or typo in AC catalog.         .       
06450+1543 BPM 310     [PM2000]  570597 + [PM2000]  570506.                                    Gvr2010 
06450+1211 BPM 309     [PM2000]  570370 + [PM2000]  570701.                                    Gvr2010 
06450+1107 BPM 312     [PM2000]  570896 + [PM2000]  571332.                                    Gvr2010 
06450+1045 A  2825     Rectilinear solution by Rica & Zirm (2012).                             FMR2012i
06450+1043 BPM 311     [PM2000]  570788 + [PM2000]  571133.                                    Gvr2010 
06450+0243 BAL1714     Appears to be the lost AG  120 with a 1d error in declination.          Dam2013 
06451-1643 AGC   1     AB: Sirius = alp CMa = 9 CMa.                                           .       
                       Bessel, in 1834, notes that the proper motion was variable and, in his  .       
                       letter to Humboldt, stated that "..Procyon and Sirius are genuine       .       
                       binary systems, each consisting of a visible and an invisible star."    .       
                       Not quite invisible, this large dm pair consisting of a main sequence   .       
                       A star and a white dwarf was first resolved by Alvan G. Clark on 31     .       
                       January 1862 in the process of of testing the 18.5" refractor. See      .       
                       notes by Burnham and Aitken.                                            Bu_1906 
                       The separation for the 1862.275 measurement by Lassell is reported as   Lsl1862 
                       4.92". This is clearly incorrect and not consistent with measurements   .       
                       by other observers. WDS catalogers assume an factor of 2 error and      .       
                       correct separation to 9.84".                                            .       
                       Otto Struve lists a measurement of Sirius in 1861.21. However, this     Stt1893a
                       predates the discovery of the companion Sirius B by A. Clark and his    .       
                       son on 1962 Jan 31 and the first formal measurement by G. P. Bond on    .       
                       1862 February 7. Comparing the uncorrected PA and separation in         .       
                       Struve's table in 1893 with the measurements published by Struve, we    Stt1864 
                       suspect that 1861.21 is a typo and should refer to the observation on   .       
                       1863-Mar-16.                                                            .       
                       Companion almost hidden behind secondary mirror diffraction ray from    .       
                       Sirius B was never observed at these position angles until the early    Sea1882 
                       20th century. We suspect that this is a clerical error and that the     .       
                       measurements pertain to another system.                                 .       
                       For the 1882.988 measurement the PA is listed as 41.6 deg and is        Bu_1883 
                       40.6 in another.                                                        Bu_1883b
                       Many of the recovery observations of Sirius B following the periastron  .       
                       passage after 1890 are doubtful. The recovery observations made by      See1896d
                       See, Douglass, and Cogshall at Lowell Observatory from 1896.668 to      Dgl1896 
                       1896.695 were taken in the morning shortly before sunrise when Sirius   Cog1896a
                       was low in the sky. See notes that the mean position angle of 220 deg   .       
                       at 5.10" is about 30 deg behind its predicted location and the sep      .       
                       sep is larger than expected based on previous orbit fit. Aitken and     A__1896d
                       Schaeberle reported measurements between 1896.814-1897.027 made from    Shb1897a
                       Lick Observatory at a significantly different mean position angle of    .       
                       189 deg and 3.7". Both Aitken and Schaeberle comment that neither of    .       
                       them saw a star at the position reported by Dr. See. Following the      .       
                       contradictory reports, Stimson J. Brown  published observations from    Brs1896 
                       his logbook that were taken earlier in March 1896 at the USNO. The      .       
                       position angle is similar to the values reported by Aitken, but the     .       
                       separation is about 1" larger. Brown notes that the observations were   .       
                       taken under challenging conditions and he did not have much confidence  .       
                       in their reliability. See later refuted his earlier measurements        See1897e
                       after unsuccessfully searching for the companion while observing from   .       
                       Mexico and then successfully detecting the companion at a pa of 175 deg .       
                       and 4.6" in September 1897 at Lowell. He writes, "The erroneous         .       
                       conclusion to which I was led last year seems to have arisen from a     .       
                       very unusual and entirely unexpected cause, of which we need not        .       
                       speak here..."  In hindsight, See also reported in that publication,    .       
                       two observations from April 1895 that he initially did not think were   .       
                       worthy of announcing. The difficulty in attempting to find Sirius B     .       
                       using the Lick Observatory 36 inch in February and March of 1896 was    .       
                       described by William J. Hussey.                                         Hu_1896 
                       See1900d and Brs1900b measures : "All of the observations have been     See1900d
                       thoroughly checked.  A number of errors were discovered in the earlier  Brs1900b
                       reductions and corrected.  These reductions have also been slighty      See1911 
                       changed by the adoption of a later and better determined value of a     Brs1911a
                       revolution of the micrometer screw.  This will account for small        .       
                       discrepanacies between the results published here and those previously  .       
                       published in the astronomical periodicals."                             .       
                       For the 1904.186 measuremment by T. Lewis, the title of the article,    L__1904 
                       text, and first page of the data table all refer to observations taken  .       
                       in 1904. Subsequent pages of the data table (including the page that    .       
                       Sirius is listed on) list an epoch of 1903. However, this is probably a .       
                       typo, so date corrected the date to be in 1904.                         .       
                       Sirius A.                                                               B__1959a
                       Hipparcos astrometric solution adopted some elements from the orbit of  HIP1997d
                       Gatewood & Gatewood (1978).                                             Gat1978 
                       AB: Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and             .       
                       spectroscopic masses 3.08 +/- 0.42, 2.46, and 2.19 Msun, respectively.  Mlk2012 
                       BC: Suspected by Fox in 1920, also reported by Innes, van den Bos, and  A__1932a
                       Finsen. Other observers fail to confirm duplicity of B. Single 1945,    B__1929a
                       1946, 1949, 1950. Recovered by Popovic in 1975 at approximately the     Fin1929a
                       the same position as the 1929 resolutions. If these are periodic, the   Pop1977b
                       next approximate time for resolution is 2020. Therefore, since we       .       
                       believe the detections of C to be real, but likely of a background      .       
                       optical interloper,  BC carries a "U" code and not an "X" code.         .       
                       However, very compelling argument that this is a chance allignment of   Lec2000 
                       a non-physical background star appearing close to Sirius AB is the      .       
                       1920-30 time period is now assumed.                                     .       
                       Time displacement residuals over a period of 6.8y are linear ruling     Ldb1973 
                       out a 6.4y perturbation with an amplitude of 0.14". There is no         .       
                       evidence of a close companion with this nature associated with Sirius.  .       
                       Otto Struve corrected his measurements for systematic errors by         Stt1893a
                       measuring artificial double stars. He provided both the original and    .       
                       corrected measures of the separation and position angle for the         .       
                       companion of Sirius. Aitken cautions that the variance of the angles    A__1935f
                       and distances compared with other observers is often larger for         .       
                       Struve's corrected values. However in the case of Struve's measurements .       
                       of the companion of Sirius, Bond et al. mean residuals in the position  BdH2017 
                       angle improved when using the corrected values, while the residuals in  .       
                       separation did not change significantly, so the corrected values are    .       
                       reported here.                                                          .       
                       For the photographic observations by Lindenblad, tables are given for   Ldb1970 
                       the raw individual measures, while only the mean measures are corrected Ldb1973 
                       for emulsion contraction. The average time span covered by these mean   .       
                       measures is ~ 70 nights, so we used Lindenblad's tabulated scale        BdH2017 
                       corrections to compute corrected separations and position angles for    .       
                       the individual measurements. We then took the mean for plates taken on  .       
                       the same night, reducing the number of individual measurements from 157 .       
                       down to 77 measurements on unique dates.                                .       
                       X coded van Albada (1962) measures corrected for emulsion contraction.  vAb1971 
                       Jasinta & Hidayat (1999) did not correct these epochs for emulsion      Jas1999b
                       contraction.                                                            .       
                       Measure of Anton corrected in a later publication.                      Ant2010 
                       Schroeder measure re-reducted and corrected in Bond Table 2.            Shd2000 
                       Sirius A mass is 2.063+/-0.023 \msun with an age of 242+/-5 Myr,        BdH2017 
                       a radius of 1.7144+/-0.0090 \rsun, luminosity of 24.74+/-0.70 \lsun,            
                       and Teff of 9845+/-64 K. Sirius B mass is 1.018+/-0.011 \msun,                  
                       an age of 224(+34-19) Myr, a radius of 0.008098+/-0.000046 \rsun,               
                       luminosity of  0.02448+/-0.00033 \lsun and Teff of 25,369+/-46 K.               
                       Intensity Interferometer Limb-darkened diameter 5.89 +/- 0.16 mas.      HBr1974 
                       Mk III Limb-darkened diameter  5.993 +/- 0.108 mas.                     MkT2003 
                       AD: Rectilinear solution by Mason & Hartkopf (2015).                    Msn2015a
           HL    3     AE: Rectilinear solution by Mason & Hartkopf (2015).                    Msn2015a
           BU 1411     AF: Rectilinear solution by Mason & Hartkopf (2015).                    Msn2015a
06451-2047 HDO  87     ARA 870.                                                                .       
06452-3512 RST5247     Spectrum: A2/3(m)F0-F2/3.                                               .       
06454-3148 EHR   9     All three components appear to be comoving.                             Ehr2010 
06455+2922 A   122     A premature orbit has been computed.                                    .       
06455+1618 BPM 313     [PM2000]  573589 + [PM2000]  572969.                                    Gvr2010 
06455+0424 J  2434     BAL 2700.                                                               .       
06455-3057 HJ 3891     This is the variable HP CMa.                                            .       
06456+5420 A  1735     Rapid retrograde motion, but few measures.                              .       
06456+1332 BPM 314     [PM2000]  574252 + [PM2000]  574343.                                    Gvr2010 
06456-0521 BRT 383     J  3337.                                                                Nsn2016 
06457-2041 HJ 2341     B is BD-20@1548.                                                        .       
06458+0230 V505 Mon    Ren & Fu (2013) calculated an astrometric orbit, combining Hipparcos    Ren2013 
                       Intermediate Astrometric Data with spectroscopic elements by            .       
                       Mayer et al. (2001).                                                    MyP1997 
06458-0225 BAL  75     J 1476.                                                                 .       
06460+1551 BPM 315     [PM2000]  576489 + [PM2000]  575939.                                    Gvr2010 
06461+3233 LDS6201     HIP 32423. See Allen et al. (2000) for information on metallicity,      AlC2000 
                       age, galactic orbital parameters, etc.                                  .       
                       NLTT 16948/16950                                                        Chm2004 
06461+1344 BPM 316     [PM2000]  576771 + [PM2000]  577056.                                    Gvr2010 
06461-0233 BAL  77     J 1477.                                                                 .       
06462+7934 LOU   1     CPM pair, discovered using data from 2MASS and WISE. Loutrel et al.     .       
                       (2011) determine a spectral type for the secondary of L9 +/- 1, with    .       
                       Teff 1360 +50/-80K and mass 0.064 +0.008/-0.019 Msun.                   Lou2011 
06462+5927 STF 948     12 Lyn. A premature orbit has been computed.                            .       
                       AB: H 1   6.  AC: H 3  22.                                              MEv2010 
06462+1438 BPM 317     [PM2000]  577722 + [PM2000]  577795.                                    Gvr2010 
06462+1259 J  2592     Same measure was published as J 2594.                                   .       
06462+0256 BAL2193     2013 measure seems to be of 06463+0311BAL2194.                          Smh2016 
06463+0811 J   268     J 2026.                                                                 .       
06465+3611 HJ 3284     Aka ALI 338.                                                            .       
06465+1359 BPM 318     [PM2000]  579367 + [PM2000]  579861.                                    Gvr2010 
06466+1550 BPM 319     [PM2000]  579684 + [PM2000]  579507.                                    Gvr2010 
06466-0231 BAL  78     J 1478.                                                                 .       
06467+4335 SHJ  75     56 Aur = psi 5 Aur. STTA 78 = H 5 107. B is BD+43@1596.                 .       
                       AB: Optical pair, based on study of relative motion of the components   .       
                       using the method of apparent motion parameters.                         Kiy2008 
06467+1407 BPM 320     [PM2000]  580730 + [PM2000]  581270.                                    Gvr2010 
06468+1300 J  2593     See JO 27, page 5. 1914.09, 150@, 2.5", 9.5-9.7.                        .       
                       Probably J  2437.                                                       Nsn2016 
06471+1526 BPM 321     [PM2000]  582804 + [PM2000]  583521.                                    Gvr2010 
06473+1027 BPM 322     [PM2000]  583917 + [PM2000]  583681.                                    Gvr2010 
06474+1812 STT 156     Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and spectroscopic   .       
                       masses of 8.51 +/- 3.94, 5.18, and 2.09 Msun, respectively.             Mlk2012 
06475-2834 RSS   6     This previously uncataloged double star was a Hipparcos double entry    .       
                       system.  The first measure is determined from the individual positions  .       
                       listed by Rousseau et al.                                               Rss1996 
06475-7651 HJ 3911     B is CPD-76@423.                                                        .       
06477+1347 BPM 323     [PM2000]  586279 + [PM2000]  585801.                                    Gvr2010 
06477+0827 J  2438     also known as HEI 707.                                                  .       
06478+1534 BPM 324     [PM2000]  586890 + [PM2000]  587433.                                    Gvr2010 
06478+0020 STT 157     Quadrant noted as definite on first and last night. Yet no change can   .       
                       have taken place since Rabe's and Baize's measures in 1938 and 1942.    VBs1954 
                       Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and spectroscopic   .       
                       masses of 14.45 +/- 8.14, 4.44, and 2.09 Msun, respectively.            Mlk2012 
06478-1143 STF 970     B is BD-11@1637.                                                        .       
06478-2210 HDO  90     Listed as a new double in 1881.20, but no measurement given.            HdO1882a
06479+0225 18 Mon      Hipparcos astrometric solution adopted some elements from the orbit of  HIP1997d
                       Griffin (1984).                                                         Grf1984d
06480-0045 GAU4355     BAL 723.                                                                .       
06481-0948 A  1056     A premature orbit has been computed.                                    .       
06482+5542 STF 958     A has variable proper motion. B is a spectroscopic binary.              .       
                       AB: H 2  72.                                                            MEv2010 
06482+1407 BPM 325     [PM2000]  589478 + [PM2000]  589667.                                    Gvr2010 
06482+0927 J  2435     Aka CMR   1.                                                            .       
06483+4105 H 2  71     Aka H 2  71 or H II 71. STF 961 rej. Durchmusterung number quoted by    Bu_1906 
                       Burnham (BD+41 1532) was incorrect, resulting in incorrect WDS          .       
                       coordinates.                                                            .       
06483+1408 BPM 327     [PM2000]  590067 + [PM2000]  590021.                                    Gvr2010 
06483+1154 BPM 326     [PM2000]  589702 + [PM2000]  589729.                                    Gvr2010 
06483-1520 STF 972     BC: Probable rapid motion, but few measures.                            .       
                       A,BC: Additional notes may be found in van den Bos (1963).              B__1963b
06484+1600 BPM 328     [PM2000]  590406 + [PM2000]  589973.                                    Gvr2010 
06485+1010 ARG  64     B is BD+10@1277.                                                        .       
06485-0018 GAU4375     BAL 725. J 2439.                                                        .       
06487+0737 A  2731     HIP 32650. See Allen et al. (2000) for information on metallicity,      AlC2000 
                       AB: Prieur et al. (2012) derive a dynamical parallax of 17.1 mas and    .       
                       (using their orbital elements and the revised Hipparcos parallax of     .       
                       van Leeuwen 2007 A&A 474, 653) a total mass 1.5 +/- 1.6 Msun.           Pru2012 
           LDS5686     age, galactic orbital parameters, etc.                                  .       
06489+1720 BPM 329     [PM2000]  593319 + [PM2000]  592831.                                    Gvr2010 
06490+1103 BPM 330     [PM2000]  594109 + [PM2000]  594430.                                    Gvr2010 
06490-1509 AC    4     A is a spectroscopic binary.                                            .       
06493-0216 FIN 322     Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and spectroscopic   .       
                       masses of 4.91 +/- 2.98, 4.84, and 3.31 Msun, respectively.             Mlk2012 
06494+3209 GIC  67     G103-063/G103-064.                                                      .       
                       NLTT 17022/17023                                                        Chm2004 
06494-0840 A  1058     Aa,Ab: TDS4173. Originally listed as AB pair. Wider pairs had been      .       
                       erroneously combined and called AB,C; these have been separated.        .       
06496+5302 STF 960     HJL  79.                                                                HJL1986 
06496+3508 KIR   2     BC: Using data from 2MASS and IRTF. Kirkpatrick et al. (2001) derive    Kir2001b
                       spectral types K5V and M4V, conclude is probably a physical pair with   .       
                       separation 200 au.                                                      .       
06497-7433 TOK 389     HIP 32735 has an acceleration detected in HIP2, but no RV data. The     .       
                       resolved 0".3 pair implies a period of ~80yr. The spectral type K0IV    .       
                       given in SIMBAD may be inaccurate because the luminosity and color of   .       
                       the components correspond to main sequence stars with masses of 1.0     .       
                       and 0.6 Msun.                                                           Tok2015c
06498+1612 J  2028     33 Gem. This is the variable OV Gem.                                    .       
06499-1651 GAL 415     Object #268 in Gallo's original list.                                   Gal1914 
06499-2806 HDS 947     AB and AC: The 0".2 pair HDS 947 had not been observed since its        .       
                       discovery by Hipparcos. Here it is revealed as a triple system with     .       
                       comparable separations between components.                              Tok2015c
06499-5037 tau Pup     Hipparcos astrometric solution adopts some elements from the orbits of  HIP1997d
                       Schroeder & Huensch (1992) and                                          SKP1992 
                       Wilson & Huffer (1918).                                                 WRE1918 
06499-5337 V415 Car    Hipparcos astrometric solution adopted some elements from the orbit of  HIP1997d
                       Jones (1928).                                                           Jon1928a
06500-4527 I   159     Variable.                                                               .       
06503+2409 COU 768     1984.9999: The published McAlister et al. (1987) measure contained a    McA1987b
                       10-degree typographical error in theta.                                 .       
                       Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and spectroscopic   .       
                       masses of 3.23 +/- 1.26, 2.49, and 1.20 Msun, respectively.             Mlk2012 
06503-0134 J  1366     BAL 347.                                                                .       
06504-3142 H 5 108     H V 108. B has variable radial velocity.                                .       
06505-1215 LDS6202     NLTT 17071/17070                                                        Chm2004 
06506+1242 BPMA 31     [PM2000]  603764 + [PM2000]  602411.                                    Gvr2010 
06506-0134 J  1367     BAL 348.                                                                .       
06507+2122 CHB   1     Aka AF Gem.                                                             .       
06508+4147 ENG  27     58 Aur = psi 7 Aur                                                      .       
06508+2927 HDS 949     QW Gem. Primary is eclipsing binary of W UMa type, period 0.35812d.     Zas2014 
06510-5614 HJ 3898     B is CPD-56@1180.                                                       .       
06514+1840 STF 976     B is BD+18@1372.                                                        .       
06515+5412 A  1573     Apparently in rapid motion.                                             .       
06515+1630 BPM 331     [PM2000]  608920 + [PM2000]  608973.                                    Gvr2010 
06515+0512 J  2011     Variable CG Mon. Red star.                                              J__1962a
06516+2320 J   911     POU2069.                                                                .       
06516+2146 BU 1193     36 Gem.                                                                 .       
06516-0121 BAL 349     Classical Cepheid SZ Mon.                                               .       
06516-0658 BNS   3     V743 Mon = MWC 158                                                      .       
06516-1445 BRT 566     Initially incorrectly designated BRT 556 in WDS.                        .       
06516-7708 HJ 3926     B is CPD-76@426.                                                        .       
06517-4418 LDS 173     B is CD-44@2973.                                                        .       
06518+1349 BPM 332     [PM2000]  610994 + [PM2000]  610760.                                    Gvr2010 
06520+0313 BWL  22     AF and AG: Colors and/or astrometry are inconsistent with a late-type   .       
                       common proper motion companion based on visual inspection of the field  .       
                       from 2MASS, SDSS, DSS1, and/or DSS2. Primary is G 108-36.               Bwl2015 
06521+0026 TDS 294     WDS designation changed from 06522+0024 to match designation for        .       
                       earlier-discovered BAL1050.                                             .       
06522-1448 BRT1854     A likely plate flaw.                                                    Grv2021b
06522-5631 GLI  50     B is CPD-56@1185. B is a Beta Lyrae-type system.                        .       
06523+1136 BPM 333     [PM2000]  613691 + [PM2000]  613573.                                    Gvr2010 
06526+0227 J  1975     BAL 1734.                                                               .       
06527+7812 LDS1639     NLTT 16995/16998                                                        Chm2004 
06528+3358 FOX 150     the Gem = 34 Gem. A is a spectroscopic binary.                          .       
06529+1420 BPM 334     [PM2000]  617193 + [PM2000]  617491.                                    Gvr2010 
06530+3852 STF 974     59 Aur. A is a Delta Scuti-type variable, OX Aur.                       .       
                       AB: H 4 102.                                                            MEv2010 
06530+1441 J  2444     J  2442.                                                                Hei1985a
06530-2657 SEE  71     A is variable.                                                          .       
06531+5927 STF 963     14 Lyn. AB: Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and     .       
                       spectroscopic masses 7.70 +/- 3.90, 4.86, and 4.43 Msun, respectively.  Mlk2012 
06532+3826 COU1877     60 Aur.                                                                 .       
06532-0013 J  1057     1896 measures of 2 additional companions are given in                   Bal1944 
                       Ann. de l'Observatoire de Besancon Vol. III.                            .       
06533-3147 BRT1599     A likely plate flaw.                                                    Grv2021b
06534+0132 BAL1355     J 2760.                                                                 .       
06534-5708 SWR  17     CPM pair                                                                Skf2004 
06535+5139 ES 2620     B is BD+51@1248.                                                        .       
06535+3951 A  3039     Not seen since discovery, possibly due to an incorrect right ascension  .       
06536-2049 BRT 306     CPD-20@1733.                                                            .       
06537+2333 DOO  37     This star is not HJ 401. See HJ 401 at 06540+2319 (Doolittle).          Doo1915b
06537+1412 BPM 335     [PM2000]  622295 + [PM2000]  622273.                                    Gvr2010 
06537-0232 BAL  90     BAL  89.                                                                .       
06537-1051 J  2447     RST3473.                                                                .       
06538-1401 GAL 416     Object #272 in Gallo's original list.                                   Gal1914 
06539+0144 J   354     BAL1356.                                                                .       
06539-0424 STF 985     B is BD-04@1713.                                                        .       
06540+2319 HJ  401     See star at 06537+2333, BD+23@1527. Doolittle identifies both stars.    Doo1915b
06540-1002 STF 988     B is BD-09@1714.                                                        .       
06541+6052 HEI 334     L1815-5 aka G250-029. Long-period astrometric binary now resolved. Very .       
                       sparse visual data. Fixed e, i, omega, Omega from Heintz (1990). Needs  Hei1990c
                       combined astrometric/visual/Hipparcos solution.                         .       
                       Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical and photometric masses of         .       
                       0.51 +/- 0.28 and 0.65 Msun, respectively.                              Mlk2012 
06541+0641 STTA 79     B is BD+06@1428.                                                        .       
                       Pair appears in an appendix list, not part of the discoverer's regular  .       
                       numbering sequence.                                                     .       
06541-1208 GAL 417     Object #273 in Gallo's original list.                                   Gal1914 
06542+6650 MLB1068     A faint star almost exactly between A and B.                            .       
06543+1238 BPM 336     [PM2000]  625524 + [PM2000]  625517.                                    Gvr2010 
06544-0139 FIL  16     BAL 356.                                                                .       
06545-2734 B   706     Parabolic orbit by Newburg (1966).                                      Nbg1966e
                       sigma = areal constant in the true orbit = 0.00318 arcsec^2/yr          .       
                       q = periastron distance in the true orbit = 0".1522                     .       
06546+1311 STF 982     38 Gem = e Gem. A is a Delta Scuti-type variable. A premature orbit     .       
                       has been computed for AB.                                               .       
                       Omega and omega in Hopmann's (1974) orbit have been flipped in orbit    Hop1974 
                       catalog to better match observations.                                   .       
                       See Baize & Petit (1989) catalog of doubles with variable component.    Baz1989d
                       AB: H 3  47.                                                            MEv2010 
06546+0114 J  1976     BAL 1359.                                                               .       
06548-7417 HJ 3927     B is CPD-74@423.                                                        .       
06550+1608 BPM 337     [PM2000]  629899 + [PM2000]  629855.                                    Gvr2010 
06550-0147 BAL 359     Secondary appears to be either a plate flaw or typo in the AC catalog.  .       
06550-2024 H 5  65     H V 65. 17 CMa. B is BD-20@1625.                                        .       
06551+3208 BUP  94     Nova Gem. No. 2, DN Gem.                                                .       
06551+1350 BPM 338     [PM2000]  630584 + [PM2000]  630414.                                    Gvr2010 
06552+0816 J  2034     Identification uncertain; may be same star as J 274.                    .       
06552+0056 J  2448     BAL 1361.                                                               .       
06553+3146 A   220     TDS 4292.                                                               .       
06553+0816 J   274     J 2033.                                                                 .       
06554+3511 BRT3246     ALI 99.                                                                 .       
06554-1217 GAL 274     06564-1218OL  116 (incorrectly precessed from Olivier's 1920            Ol_1927 
                       coordinates)                                                            .       
06555+3204 COU2705     or may be BD+24 1417 at 06503+2409.                                     Cou1979b
06555+3010 STF 981     Hopmann orbit rejected from Fourth Orbit Catalog                        Hop1971 
                       ("period over 4000 years")                                              Wor1983 
06555-0051 GAU4762     BAL 740.                                                                .       
06556+3510 HJ  407     Aka HU  833.                                                            .       
06556+0624 J  2001     Variable CL Mon. Red star.                                              J__1962a
06556-0929 STF 992     V880 Mon, W Uma (EW) type eclipsing binary, P = 0.372457 d.             Zas2011 
                       CPM.                                                                    B__1963b
06556-1013 GAL 275     Primary is V879 Mon, Algol-type eclipsing binary, period 2.18691d.      Zas2013 
06556-2008 H N 123     pi CMa = 19 CMa. Possibly variable.                                     .       
06558-1152 STF 993     B is BD-11@1695.                                                        .       
06559+3644 ES  174     BRT2589.                                                                Brt1942 
06559+0612 BRT2126     J 3247.                                                                 .       
06559-3147 JSP 125     A is a spectroscopic binary.                                            .       
06560-5536 HJ 3906     AB,C = SWR  19. CPM pair                                                Skf2004 
06561-1403 STF 997     mu CMa = 18 CMa                                                         .       
06562+4032 RBR  28     Primary has a slow PM of 0".037/y. The Riddle et al. (2015) companion   RAO2015 
                       at 5".6 is located below the MS and could be optical, despite moderate  .       
                       crowding. We discovered another similarly faint star at 1".9 which was  .       
                       not spotted in the Robo-AO i'-band image. Little can be said about its  .       
                       status. The main target itself is a close spectroscopic binary (D.      .       
                       Latham 2012, private communication) and an X-ray source.                Rbr2015d
06563-0115 HJ  745     BAL 363.                                                                .       
06564-3035 TDS4308     SWR  18. CPM pair                                                       Skf2004 
06565+4004 KUI  27     AB: NLTT 17176/17175                                                    Chm2004 
           SIN  24     AC: Optical pair, based on study of relative motion of the components   .       
                       using the method of apparent motion parameters.                         Kiy2008 
                       AC: Rectilinear solution by Hurowitz et al. (2013).                     USN2013a
06565+0628 J    41     BRT2127.                                                                Brt1938 
                       On the second night B was noted to be brighter than A, for the first    .       
                       time in 46 years of observations. Companion was always one magnitude    .       
                       fainter.                                                                J__1955 
06566+4632 STF 979     Primary is V462 Aur, a Beta Lyr type eclipsing binary, P = 1.75680d.    Zas2012 
06566+1113 BPM 339     [PM2000]  638741 + [PM2000]  639261.                                    Gvr2010 
06566-2239 S   541     B is BD-22@1610.                                                        .       
06567+1008 BPM 340     [PM2000]  639606 + [PM2000]  639278.                                    Gvr2010 
06567+0317 BAL2216     J 1978.                                                                 .       
06567+0315 J  1978     BAL 2216.                                                               .       
06567-0901 XMI  31     STF 999.                                                                .       
06567-6041 RED  21     M3.5 star is ~14" from K dwarf LTT 2697 = HIP 33392 = 2MASS             .       
                       J06564360-6041128. Comparison of Digitized Sky Survey UKST and 2MASS    .       
                       images suggest similar proper motions. Proper motion for LTT 2697 =     .       
                       +002-274, for companion +214-228 (but may be affected by proximity to   .       
                       brighter star). Spectroscopic distance ~58pc.                           Red2007a
06569+0413 BAL2715     J 1980.                                                                 .       
06570+2457 STF 991     CD : Also known as POU2154.                                             .       
06571-7202 HJ 3929     Aka LDS6203.                                                            .       
06572-3030 TOB   3     SWR  20.                                                                Skf2004 
06573+5825 STT 159     15 Lyn. G5III-IV spectrum. Period poorly determined from old vis obs.   .       
                       Spectral types and masses of components assigned by ten Brummelaar et   .       
                       al., based on adaptive optics observations.                             TtB2000 
                       AB: Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical and spectroscopic masses      .       
                       4.01 +/- 2.17 and 3.73 Msun, respectively.                              Mlk2012 
06573-3530 I    65     1997.1172: Despite nearly a century of visual observations and a grade  .       
                       1 orbit in the orbit catalog of Worley & Heintz (1983), this is         Wor1983 
                       apparently the first speckle measure of this system.                    Hor1997 
                       A few more speckle observations will strengthen orbit considerably.     .       
                       Martin et al. (1998) derive component masses 1.614 +/- 0.211 and        .       
                       1.256 +/- 0.195 Msun.                                                   Mig1998 
                       Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and spectroscopic   .       
                       masses of 2.53 +/- 0.16, 2.11, and 1.19 Msun, respectively.             Mlk2012 
06573-4929 RST5253     A premature orbit has been computed.                                    .       
06575-1253 BRT2656     RST 3476.                                                               .       
06575-1949 HDO  93     CPD-19@1581+2.                                                          .       
06576+0630 J  1981     Not found by Heintz.                                                    Hei1995 
06577+1722 BPM 341     [PM2000]  644902 + [PM2000]  644517.                                    Gvr2010 
06577-4118 I  1160     Primary is V358 Pup, an Algol-type eclipsing binary, P = 6.79393d.      Zas2012 
06579+6220 HEN   2     Delta-M is in K band.                                                   .       
                       LSPM J0657+6219 = GJ 3417. Law et al (2008) derive a distance of        Law2008 
                       11.4 +/-0.3 pc and a projected separation of 17.5 +0.5/-0.5 au.         .       
                       Estimated spectral types are M4.5 and M6.5.                             .       
                       GJ 3417 = LHS 1885. If taken at face value, the body of astrometric     .       
                       points that exists for this target does not make sense. Three epochs    .       
                       of astrometry exists: One from Henry et al. (1997) taken in 1996 (rho   Hen1997 
                       = 2.0" and theta = 220deg), one from Law et al. (2008) taken in 2005    Law2008 
                       (rho = 1.5" and theta = 320deg), and our data point taken in 2012 (rho  .       
                       = 1.4" and theta = 240deg). Given that background objects can be        .       
                       firmly excluded, this would imply an enormously fast orbital motion     .       
                       since the binary would move from 220deg to 320deg and then back to      .       
                       240deg within 16 years, which is impossible for such a low-mass binary  .       
                       with a ∼17 au semi-major axis. However, the astometry becomes entirely  .     
                       sensible in an orbital motion framework if we impose a 90deg phase      .       
                       shift on the Law et al. (2008) position angle such that it is 230deg    .       
                       instead, giving a continous motion of 20deg in 16 years. In Janson et   .       
                       al. (2012), we suggested an equal phase shift for similar reasons for   Jnn2012 
                       the Law et al (2008) data point in the 15553178+3512028 binary system.  Jnn2014 
                       Estimated age 60-300 Myr; masses 0.30 +/- 0.14 and 0.15 +/- 0.08 Msun;  .       
                       a ~16.5 au.                                                             Jnn2014 
06579+1430 BPM 342     [PM2000]  646412 + [PM2000]  646286.                                    Gvr2010 
06579+0545 J  2618     Also known as J  2615.                                                  .       
06579-4417 LPM 248     Proper motion -1129 -119.                                               .       
06580+0218 CHR  25     Algol-type eclipsing binary, P = 6.7664 d.                              Zas2011 
06581+1207 BPM 343     [PM2000]  647422 + [PM2000]  647050.                                    Gvr2010 
06581+1120 BPM 344     [PM2000]  647426 + [PM2000]  648090.                                    Gvr2010 
06583+1341 J  1058     TDS4336.                                                                .       
06584+1334 BPM 345     [PM2000]  649175 + [PM2000]  648571.                                    Gvr2010 
06584-0234 BAL 101     BRT 388.                                                                .       
06584-0438 A   326     Primary is V860 Mon, Algol-type eclipsing binary, period 2.516367d.     Zas2013 
06584-1038 GAL 418     Object #281 in Gallo's original list.                                   Gal1914 
06585+1740 BPM 346     [PM2000]  649668 + [PM2000]  649720.                                    Gvr2010 
06586+2339 POU2185     J 2767.                                                                 .       
06586+0641 J   278     ADS gives BD as +06@1463.                                               .       
06586-0016 RST5252     Measures formerly attributed to A 1737 apparently belong to this pair   Hei1987a
06586-2525 B   124     A is a spectroscopic binary.                                            .       
06586-2858 CPO   7     eps CMa = 21 CMa = Adhara                                               .       
                       Intensity Interferometer Limb-darkened diameter 0.80 +/- 0.05 mas.      HBr1974 
06587+1619 BPM 349     [PM2000]  650768 + [PM2000]  651202.                                    Gvr2010 
06587+1423 BPM 347     [PM2000]  650486 + [PM2000]  650701.                                    Gvr2010 
06587+1306 BPM 348     [PM2000]  650756 + [PM2000]  650991.                                    Gvr2010 
06587-2022 BRG  23     Out of the targets that have been classified as "undetermined" with     .       
                       respect to common proper motion, the 2MASS J06583980-2021526AB pair is  .       
                       one out of two that have reasonable (or even large) chances of being    .       
                       chance alignments rather than physical pairs. The fainter C and D       .       
                       candidates at larger separations reported in Bergfors et al. (2010)     Brg2010 
                       are clearly identified as background contaminants here, given both the  .       
                       colors and proper motions. However, the B component gives conflicting   .       
                       information. On the one hand, its brightness and color are fully        .       
                       consistent with it being an almost equal-mass companion to the          .       
                       primary, which would be a very unusual coincidence for a background     .       
                       object, especially at a separation of only 1.4". On the other hand,     .       
                       from an astrometric viewpoint, the B component is fully consistent      .       
                       with the expectation for a background object. The deviation from the    .       
                       background expectation is 0.4 sigma, and the B component has moved to   .       
                       a position that is 7.4 times closer to the background expectation than  .       
                       its first-epoch position, with confidence for the motion of 7.5 sigma.  .       
                       This is also unlikely to happen by chance, hence the evidence is        .       
                       divergent. Since the magnitude of motion is not inconsistent with what  .       
                       could be expected for orbital motion of a real physical pair, we keep   .       
                       it as binary in our analysis, but we note that further observations     .       
                       will be necessary in order to resolve this issue satisfactorily.        Jnn2012 
06588+2605 CHR 170     39 Gem.                                                                 .       
06588+1444 BPM 350     [PM2000]  651364 + [PM2000]  651338.                                    Gvr2010 
06588+1119 BPM 351     [PM2000]  651493 + [PM2000]  651751.                                    Gvr2010 
06590+1519 BPM 352     [PM2000]  652206 + [PM2000]  652515.                                    Gvr2010 
06591+0044 GAU4894     J 1983. BAL 1061.                                                       .       
06591-3711 HRG   7     Aka WFC  47.                                                            .       
06592-1347 GAL 284     LDS6204.                                                                .       
06593+4219 BAG  43     Primary is the alpha2 CVn type variable NY Aur.                         .       
06593-1610 GAL 419     Object #283 in Gallo's original list.                                   Gal1914 
06594+1421 BPM 353     [PM2000]  654449 + [PM2000]  654775.                                    Gvr2010 
06595+3706 ALI 574     AC: Due to a typographical error in an 1892 measure by Espin (theta     .       
                       220.9 rather than 120.9), this measure was erroneously identified as    .       
                       a new pair (ES 2621AH).                                                 Es_1901 
           BOT   6     AJ: Boettger originally assigned this pair to ALI 574AC, and it was     .       
                       catalogued with rho as 22.3424 rather than 223.424.  However, the       .       
                       wide pair is obvious.                                                   Bot1962 
06595+2555 MCA  28     40 Gem.                                                                 .       
06598+0037 GAU4919     J 1984. BAL 1065.                                                       .       
06599+0701 DOO  41     J 2620. One-degree error in WDS designation.                            .       
07001+7938 PRZ   6     AB: WFC  48.                                                            .       
07001+1259 BPM 354     [PM2000]  657977 + [PM2000]  658414.                                    Gvr2010 
07002+1505 BPM 355     [PM2000]  658613 + [PM2000]  658800.                                    Gvr2010 
07002-2243 S   543     B is BD-22@1642.                                                        .       
07002-3109 SHY 187     HIP  33705 + HIP  33691.                                                .       
07003+1639 BPM 356     [PM2000]  659139 + [PM2000]  658729.                                    Gvr2010 
07003-0522 HD  52265   GC 9220. Chauvin et al. (2006) note finding at least one faint          Cvn2006 
                       companion candidate within separation/magnitude range listed. However,  .       
                       further observations are required for verification                      .       
                       Combined solution, based on reduction of Hipparcos intermediate         .       
                       astrometric data together with spectroscopic elements from Butler       CPS2000d
                       et al. (2000).                                                          HaI2001 
07003-2207 FIN 334     A variable, FU CMa.                                                     .       
                       1989.9336: The system has opened slightly since the last speckle        .       
                       observation in 1989.3; unfortunately it was last observed in 1966 so    .       
                       it may be difficult to pin down the time of periastron passage.         Hrt1993 
                       Aa,Ab: Docobo & Andrade (2013) derive a dynamical parallax of 2.03 +/-  .       
                       0.25 mas and component masses 5.51 +/- 2.64 and 5.51 +/- 2.64 Msun      .       
                       (for spectral type B3V) or 1.01 +/- 0.25 mas, 6.62 +/- 3.28 and 6.62    .       
                       +/- 3.28 Msun (for B2IV). See paper for extensive notes on system.      Doc2013d
07004+1926 VKI  14     Aka OL  167.                                                            .       
07004+1227 BRT2285     Declination corrected by Heintz.                                        Hei1990b
07005-6052 HJ 3924     B is CPD-60@743.                                                        .       
07006+3157 RED  16     2MASS J07003664+3157266. Spectral types L3.5 and L6:                    Red2006b
07006+1243 STF1007     Also published as BU 99.                                                .       
                       CCD Image taken by Florentino Sanchez Bajo, and obtained with the 40cm  .       
                       reflector of the Observatory of Extremadura University, Badajoz, Spain  .       
07006-1915 HDO  95     Winlock AB listed at theta=138.8; changed to 180-138.8 = 41.2 based on  Win1882 
                       later observations.                                                     .       
                       "C about equally distant from A and B, and at about 2 1/2 times the     .       
                       distance of A and B from each other."                                   Win1882 
07007+4527 ES 1324     AB: BRT  95                                                             .       
07007+0012 J  1985     BAL 1068.                                                               .       
07008+3156 AG  129     SEI 467.                                                                Nsn2017b
07008+2716 BU 1022     AB: Rectilinear solution by Rica & Zirm (2012).                         FMR2012i
07008-0656 A   516     J 357.                                                                  .       
07009+7136 LDS1641     NLTT 17216/17217                                                        Chm2004 
07009+5651 KR   29     All measures attributed to AC pair were actually of BC pair.            .       
07012+3622 A  1957     TDS4387.                                                                .       
07012+1434 BPM 357     [PM2000]  663617 + [PM2000]  663302.                                    Gvr2010 
07012+1146 STT 163     A premature orbit has been calculated.                                  Mlr1950a
07013+5203 HJ 2354     ES 1078. Probably an error in HJ's angle (ADS).                         A__1932b
07013-5242 BRT2024     CD-52@1784.                                                             .       
07015+1630 BPM 358     [PM2000]  665473 + [PM2000]  665063.                                    Gvr2010 
07015-0307 A   518     AB. The classification listed in Mason et al. (1998) is from Conti et   Msn1998a
                       al. (1977).                                                             Cti1977 
           A   517     DH: 07014-0308 was found to be D component of 07015-0307; merged.       .       
07017+1301 BPM 359     [PM2000]  666419 + [PM2000]  665870.                                    Gvr2010 
07017-1100 GAL 287     Object #287 in Gallo's original list. GAL 420. J  2771.                 Gal1914 
07017-2756 B   126     sig CMa = 22 CMa = Unurgunite. An irregular variable.                   .       
07018-1118 HU  112     Includes GU CMa, a Beta Lyr type eclipsing binary, P = 1.61014d.        Zas2012 
07021+2148 CHR 215     First detected as an occultation binary by Evans & Edwards.             Evn1983a
                       V335 Gem. Primary is eclipsing binary of Algol-type, period 1.76782d.   Zas2014 
07021-0637 J   359     Declination was 15' in error, according to Heintz, which probably       Hei1985a
                       explains unresolved observation of van den Bos.                         B__1960b
07021-0953 GAL 421     Object #290 in Gallo's original list.                                   Gal1914 
07022-4900 HJ 3920     SWR  21.                                                                .       
07023+1235 HJ 3288     B is BD+12@1394.                                                        .       
07024+3639 BRT2590     ALI 340.                                                                .       
07025-1443 LDS 850     NLTT 17333/17335                                                        Chm2004 
07026+1558 A  2462     AB: Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and             .       
                       spectroscopic masses 0.87 +/- 0.33, 2.24, and 1.05 Msun, respectively.  Mlk2012 
07026+0250 J  1987     BAL 1760.                                                               .       
07026-2106 HJ 2358     Probably = HDO 94 = HDO 96.                                             .       
07028+0250 J  1988     BAL 1761.                                                               .       
07028-0716 RST4331     J 1464.                                                                 .       
07028-1642 WZ   11     GAL 292.                                                                .       
07031+3809 NLTT 17323  Ren & Fu (2013) calculated an astrometric orbit, combining Hipparcos    Ren2013 
                       Intermediate Astrometric Data with spectroscopic elements by            .       
                       Latham et al. (2002).                                                   Lat2002 
07031-0029 J  2450     BAL 762.                                                                .       
07032+3457 GII  82     Aa,Ab: GII  92Aa,Ab                                                     .       
07032+1016 BPMA 32     [PM2000]  673827 + [PM2000]  674654.                                    Gvr2010 
07033+1227 GIC  68     G110-031/G110-032.                                                      .       
                       NLTT 17343/17344                                                        Chm2004 
07034-2948 HJ 2361     B is CD-29@3827.                                                        .       
07036+3941 A  1959     Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and spectroscopic   .       
                       masses of 3.22 +/- 1.29, 1.60, and 0.55 Msun, respectively.             Mlk2012 
07037-5757 BRT2534     A likely plate flaw.                                                    Grv2021b
07038+6727 HD 51708    Hipparcos astrometric solution assumed circular orbit (e = omega = 0)   HIP1997d
07039+5242 BEU   8     LHS 224. Estimated age 1000-10000 Myr; masses 0.18 +/- 0.03 and 0.14    .       
                       +/- 0.01 Msun; a ~1.2 au.                                               Jnn2014 
07040+1416 BPM 360     [PM2000]  677579 + [PM2000]  677171.                                    Gvr2010 
07040-4337 DUN  38     A is a spectroscopic binary. B is CD-43@2907. AC = LDS 175.             .       
                       HIP 34065. See Allen et al. (2000) for information on metallicity,      AlC2000 
                       age, galactic orbital parameters, etc.                                  .       
                       AC: SHY  36. Bayesian analysis by Shaya & Olling (2011) indicates very  Shy2011 
                       high (near 100%) probability pair is physical.                          .       
           TOK 390     Ca,Cb: HIP 34052 = HD 53680 = HIP 34065C = GJ 264 is a spectroscopic    .       
                       and astrometric binary for which Sahlmann et al. (2011) give an orbit   SaJ2011 
                       with P=1688d = 4.62yr and an estimated semi-major axis of 0".15. There  .       
                       is also an astrometric orbit (Makarov et al. 2008) with P=4.11yr that   Mkr2008 
                       predicts theta = 327deg for the moment of our first observation. The    .       
                       binary is resolved at 0".23, dI = 4.4mag and shows some orbital         .       
                       motion. The binary makes a quadruple system together with components A  .       
                       and B (GJ 264.1 and 264) that form a 20".5 pair at 185" from C. The B   .       
                       component was also observed here and found unresolved.                  Tok2015c
                       Ca,Cb: Sahlmann (2011): orb. C: P=1688.6d e=0.475 K1=1.24               SaJ2011 
07041+7514 STF 973     AB: HJL  80.                                                            HJL1986 
           LDS1642     AC: Wrong C coordinates in Tokovinin & Lepine (2012).                   Tok2012c
07041+2034 SHJ  77     zet Gem = 43 Gem = Mekbuda. STTA 81 = H 6   9.                          .       
                       A is a Cepheid, and an occultation double.                              .       
07041+1544 BPM 361     [PM2000]  678170 + [PM2000]  677669.                                    Gvr2010 
07041+1406 BPM 362     [PM2000]  678323 + [PM2000]  678859.                                    Gvr2010 
07041-0038 RST4836     J 2775.                                                                 .       
07043+0129 STTA 82     B is BD+01@1663.                                                        .       
07043-0303 A   519     The A component is a spectroscopic binary, P = 5.72d. The RV range in   .       
                       the blended light is about 30 km/s.                                     .       
07043-5645 DSG  11     V386 Car.                                                               .       
07045-4232 DON 159     CPD-42@1197.                                                            .       
07046+2117 BRT2368BC   Aka SMA  71.                                                            .       
07049+2807 STF1012     HJL  81.                                                                HJL1986 
07051+1519 GII  93     Aa,Ab: Gili (2016) is uncertain whether the close pair is associated    .       
                       with the A or B component of HEI  49.                                   Gii2016 
07051+0124 NLTT 17385  Ren & Fu (2013) calculated an astrometric orbit, combining Hipparcos    .       
                       Intermediate Astrometric Data with spectroscopic elements by            .       
                       Latham et al. (2002). They derived component masses 1.16 and 0.70 Msun  Lat2002 
                       and an estimated semimajor axis of 22.71 mas.                           Ren2013 
07051-4711 RST 232     CPD-46@1205.                                                            .       
07055+2413 POU2411     Aka POU2388 and POU2416.                                                .       
07055+0522 J  2778     Aka AHD  36.                                                            .       
07056-2613 SKF1989     Equilateral trio found by Robert Douglas, reported via Steve Gottlieb   Skf2014 
                       ('amastro' mailing-list post 2013 Dec 31).                              .       
07056-7116 TOK 114     HIP 34212. A is SB without orbit (dRV= 4.3km/s), also astrometric       Nrd2004 
                       binary in Hipparcos.                                                    .       
                       A is possible SB, unresolved with NICI in Tokovinin (2012). B is not    Tok2012b
                       seen (outside field).                                                   Tok2014d
           HIP  34212  The image seems elongated at 45deg - partially resolved? A large RV     .       
                       amplitude and large acceleration hint at a short period.                Tok2013b
07057+5245 STF1009     AB: H 1  69.                                                            MEv2010 
07058+8337 LDS1640     NLTT 17187/17126                                                        Chm2004 
07058-1040 D    12     A is a Beta CMa-type variable, V569 Mon.                                .       
                       Spectrum; B0.5V+F5III.                                                  .       
07059-0101 CRJ   1     Primary is NLTT 17405. Crepp et al. (2012) derive spectral types F8V    .       
                       and K7-M0, masses 1.51 +0.20/-0.27 and 0.65 +/- 0.03 Msun.              CrJ2012 
07061-1257 HU   48     V388 CMa, Algol-type eclipsing binary, P = 2.98260 d.                   Zas2011 
07062+0425 J  2452     J 2608.                                                                 .       
07065-0134 BAL 399     B of BAL 399 is A of BAL 400.                                           .       
           BAL 397     B of BAL 397 is also B of BAL 400.                                      .       
07067-1118 BU  328     A is the Beta CMa-type variable, FN CMa.                                .       
                       1980.905: This observation was incorrectly attributed to ADS 5975 in    Sta1981b
                       Starikova & Tokovinin (1981) (noted in Tokovinin 1982)                  Tok1982b
07069+6233 STF1006     B is BD+62@904.                                                         .       
07069-4720 BRT 701     A likely plate flaw.                                                    Grv2021b
07070+0131 HEI 903     AB: This may actually be a measure of CD.                               Sca2022a
07071-5138 SWR  22     CPM pair                                                                Skf2004 
07073+1109 BPM 363     [PM2000]  692875 + [PM2000]  693183.                                    Gvr2010 
07074+2242 BLL  19     A is the Mira-type variable, R Gem.                                     .       
07074+0428 BRT2130     Aka BAL2733.                                                            .       
07075+2722 BRT 148     A likely plate flaw.                                                    Grv2021b
07075-0112 CHE  83     Star place uncertain; no BD star near.                                  .       
                       Pair not found in GSC.                                                  Bko2009d
07076-2616 BRT2885     CPD-26@1775.                                                            .       
07077+0845 J  3231     J  2779.                                                                Nsn2016 
07079+1053 AG  329     GI: Primary of 07078+1052 was found to be G component of 07079+1053;    .       
                       systems merged.                                                         .       
07079-1542 A  3043     Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and spectroscopic   .       
                       masses of 10.64 +/- 7.74, 5.08, and 2.75 Msun, respectively.            Mlk2012 
07080+1532 ENG  28     AB: NLTT 17446/17443                                                    Chm2004 
                       AB: HJL  82.                                                            HJL1986 
                       AB: SHY 189. Bayesian analysis by Shaya & Olling (2011) indicates very  Shy2011 
                       high (near 100%) probability pair is physical.                          .       
07080+1337 BPMA 33     [PM2000]  696183 + [PM2000]  694875.                                    Gvr2010 
07080+1109 BPM 364     [PM2000]  696016 + [PM2000]  696219.                                    Gvr2010 
07081-1036 J  2782     V931 Mon. Primary is eclipsing binary of Algol-type, period 1.9015d.    Zas2014 
07081-1155 SKF1303     Near match in radial velocities (+21 and +19 km/sec, resp).             Skf2012 
07082+2416 POU2473     AB: Position corrected by Gellera.                                      Gel1982 
           POU2474     AC: Position corrected by Gellera.                                      Gel1982 
07082+0323 HJ 2362     B is BD+03@1561.                                                        .       
07082-0958 EGN   6     Single epoch, so bound/unbound nature of pair unknown.                  Egn2007 
07083+2426 POU2475     Position corrected by Gellera.                                          Gel1982 
07083+1622 BPM 365     [PM2000]  697547 + [PM2000]  697498.                                    Gvr2010 
07084+1650 BPM 366     [PM2000]  697615 + [PM2000]  697946.                                    Gvr2010 
07084+1556 STT 165     45 Gem. B and C are optical.                                            .       
                       AB: Optical pair, based on study of relative motion of the components   .       
                       using the method of apparent motion parameters.                         Kiy2008 
07084-2624 BU 1412     del CMa = 25 CMa = Wezen                                                .       
07085+2459 STF1023     B is BD+25@1585.                                                        .       
07085+2159 OCC 337     AGK3 +22 834. The cross-identification was misread as BD+22 834, so     .       
                       the Argue et al. (1984) measure was erroneously added to the WDS as     .       
                       05083+2214 ARU   2.                                                     Aru1984 
07085-2010 HDO  98     Aka ARA 890.                                                            .       
07086+1230 BPM 367     [PM2000]  698852 + [PM2000]  698881.                                    Gvr2010 
07087+1044 BPMA 34     [PM2000]  698923 + [PM2000]  698438.                                    Gvr2010 
07087-7030 DUN  42     A: gam 2 Vol.                                                           .       
                       B: gam 1 Vol. B is a spectroscopic binary and is variable.              .       
07091-2655 B   710     CPD-26@1815.                                                            .       
07092+1903 CHR 216     First detected as an occultation binary by Africano.                    Afr1975 
07092-5622 DUN  40     B is CPD-56@1262.                                                       .       
                       Identified as optical and linear solution also published.               LRR2022c
07093+0326 BAL2250     Baillaud suspected A to be double.                                      Bal1944 
07093-1021 SNA   5     We resolved the long-period SB2 unveiled by Boyajian et al. (2007, ApJ  .       
                       664, 1121)                                                              Sna2014 
07093-1347 KRV   1     Classical Cepheid TV CMa.                                               .       
07093-4959 HJ 3935     B is CD-49@2647.                                                        .       
07094+1243 BPM 368     [PM2000]  701909 + [PM2000]  701957.                                    Gvr2010 
07095-0140 BKO 492     Anon. 1.                                                                Bko2009d
07095-2012 HDO 101     Aka ARA 894.                                                            .       
07096+2544 HO  519     A is a spectroscopic binary, P = 32.81d.                                .       
                       AB: Optical pair, based on study of relative motion of the components   .       
                       using the method of apparent motion parameters.                         Kiy2008 
07097+0029 J  2454     BAL 1083.                                                               .       
07097-0236 BKO 493     Anon. 2.                                                                Bko2009d
07097-2514 B  2136     A spectroscopic binary. One component variable?                         .       
07098-0231 BKO 494     Anon. 3.                                                                Bko2009d
07100+3832 GJ 268      Barry et al. (2012) combine ELODIE radial velocity data with IOTA       .       
                       interferometric measurements to derive a combined solution for this     .       
                       nearby pair. An orbital parallax of 0".15888 +/- 0".00072 is derived,   .       
                       yielding masses 0.22599 +/- 0.00065 and 0.19248 +/- 0.00056 Msun. The   .       
                       H-band flux ratio is 1.163 +/- 0.021 (or dH = 0.16).                    Sgr2012 
07100+2442 POU2513     BRT3280. BRT 149.                                                       .       
07100+1008 BRT1223     Probably J  3339.                                                       Nsn2016 
07100-0044 VAS  11     VSK   5.                                                                .       
07100-0201 BKO 495     Anon. 4.                                                                Bko2009d
07100-0236 BKO 496     Anon. 5.                                                                Bko2009d
07100-3639 JSP 140     Primary is V652 Pup, eclipsing binary of W UMa-type, period 0.371829d.  Zas2013 
07101+2115 GC 9462     Hipparcos astrometric solution adopted some elements from the orbit of  HIP1997d
                       Beavers & Salzer (1985).                                                Bvr1985 
07101+0454 BAL3006     J 2455.                                                                 .       
07102-0414 BUP  97     20 Mon.                                                                 .       
07102-1841 RST2456     HR 2705.                                                                .       
07103+3739 GIC  69     G087-028/G087-029 = GJ 3430A/3431B.                                     .       
07103-0052 VAS  12     VSK   6.                                                                .       
07104+3431 LDS3726     Luyten (1978) lists a position angle of 355deg. However, the only       Luy1978 
                       likely pair in the vicinity shows an angle of ~274deg. His value was    .       
                       changed to 275 with an N code, under the assumption there was a         .       
                       typographical error 1n his paper (perhaps he wrote 175 rather than      .       
                       275, then gave a quadrant flip?)                                        .       
07104+2421 OSO  19     G088-010. Not a common proper motion pair, based on color and           .       
                       comparison with POSS2 red plates.                                       Oso2004 
07104+0535 J  2787     Not found by Heintz.                                                    Hei1995 
07104-5536 RMK   5     Spectrum: G8/K0III+G/K.                                                 .       
                       SWR  23. CPM pair                                                       Skf2004 
                       Rectilinear solution by Letchford et al. (2018).                        LRR2018a
07105-0306 BAL 143     The C component appears to have been either a plate flaw or a           .       
                       typographical error in the catalog used by Baillaud.                    Bal1944 
                       AC: Pair not found in GSC.                                              Bko2009d
                       BC: Pair not found in GSC.                                              Bko2009d
           BKO 497     Anon. 6.                                                                Bko2009d
07106+1543 J   703     Rectilinear solution by Cvetkovic et al. (2015).                        Cve2015 
                       Rectilinear solution by Dugan et al. (2019).                            SHS2019b
                       Gaia parallax and proper motion indicate the pair is optical and the    Dbr2019c
                       orbit in ORB6 appears to be erroneous.                                  Cve2008d
07107+1051 BPM 369     [PM2000]  706894 + [PM2000]  706864.                                    Gvr2010 
07107-4116 RST2458     V362 Pup, Algol-type eclipsing binary, P = 9.26581 d.                   Zas2011 
07108+3642 BRT2591     ALI 344.                                                                .       
07108-0130 BKO 498     Anon. 7.                                                                Bko2009d
07108-0230 BKO 499     Anon. 8.                                                                Bko2009d
07108-0234 BKO 500     Anon. 9.                                                                Bko2009d
07109-0134 BKO 501     Anon. 10.                                                               Bko2009d
07109-0251 A   521     Aka TDS4555.                                                            .       
07110-0230 BKO 502     Anon. 11. Not BAL 146, as suggested by Berko.                           Bko2009d
07111+3015 BU 1009     tau Gem = 46 Gem. A is an irregular variable.                           .       
                       NPOI Limb-darkened diameter    2.346 +/- 0.069 mas,                     .       
                       R =   30.27 (+1.08- 1.09)  \rsun,  Teff = 4583 +/-  70 K,               .       
                       L =  364.7 +/-  14.4 \lsun.                                             NOI2023 
07111-0205 BKO 503     New pair mistaken for BAL 434 by Berko.                                 Bko2009d
07112+4330 MTG   1     AB: LSPM J0711+4329 = NLTT 17488. Law et al (2008) derive a distance    Law2008 
                       of 12.3 +5.6/-2.0 pc and a projected separation of 2.3 +1.1/-0.4 au.    .       
                       Estimated spectral types are M4.5 and M6.                               .       
                       Dupuy et al. (2010) determine system mass 0.194 +0.025/-0.021 Msun;     .       
                       spectral types are M6.5 +1.0/-0.5 and M6.5 +1.0/-0.5.                   LiM2010 
                       AC: Estimated age 1000-10000 Myr; masses 0.15 +/- 0.03 and 0.09 +/-     .       
                       0.01 Msun; a ~4.5 au.                                                   Jnn2014 
07112-0206 BKO 504     Anon. 12.                                                               Bko2009d
07112-0304 BAL 151     BRT 397.                                                                .       
07113+3307 SHY 190     HIP  34714 + HIP  34700.                                                .       
07113-0205 BKO 505     Anon. 13.                                                               Bko2009d
07113-0208 BAL 436     Anon. 14.                                                               Bko2009d
07113-0247 BAL 152     No star at primary location - plate flaw or typo in AC catalog.         .       
07114+5851 STI 637     STI2177                                                                 .       
07114-0025 A  1961     One component is a Delta Scuti-type variable.                           .       
07114-0130 BAL 437     The brighter component (even in the blue) is the red variable BW Mon.   Skf2010 
                       It was classified as spectral type M1 in the early Dearborn survey,     .       
                       but M5: by Jack MacConnell. The strong variability and very bright      .       
                       2MASS magnitudes suggest the latter is more nearly correct.             .       
07114-0138 BKO 506     Anon. 15.                                                               Bko2009d
07114-3906 FIN 377     Hipparcos suspected non-single.                                         .       
07115-0006 BKO 507     Anon. 16.                                                               Bko2009d
07115-0244 BKO 508     Anon. 18.                                                               Bko2009d
07117-0006 BKO 509     Anon. 19.                                                               Bko2009d
07117-0219 BKO 510     Anon. 20.                                                               Bko2009d
07117-0224 BKO 511     Anon. 17. Identification corrected by author (private comm.)            Bko2009d
07118+3517 BRT3247     ALI 104.                                                                .       
07118-0130 BKO 322     Anon. 21.                                                               Bko2009d
07119-0030 J    58     del Mon = 22 Mon                                                        .       
07119-0132 BKO 323     Anon. 22.                                                               Bko2009d
07119-0135 BKO 512     Anon. 23.                                                               Bko2009d
07120+2217 STF1035     HJL  83.                                                                HJL1986 
07120-3510 WSI 126     The two components of 2MASS J07115917-3510157 have nearly equal         .       
                       brightnesses and colors, hence it is very likely that they form a       .       
                       physical pair. They have yet to be demonstrated to share a common       .       
                       proper motion.                                                          Jnn2012 
07123+1211 BPM 370     [PM2000]  712648 + [PM2000]  712876.                                    Gvr2010 
07123-0526 BU  196     Primary is eclipsing binary of Algol-type, period 1.211458 day.         Zas2013 
07124-0139 BKO 324     Anon. 24.                                                               Bko2009d
07124-0307 BKO 513     Anon. 25.                                                               Bko2009d
07124-2158 BRT1399     CPD-21@1867.                                                            .       
07124-3633 BU  757     B may be variable.                                                      .       
07125-0146 BKO 514     Anon. 26.                                                               Bko2009d
07125-0228 BKO 515     Anon. 27.                                                               Bko2009d
07126-0041 STF1043     J 61.                                                                   .       
07128+2713 STF1037     Variable? See Baize & Petit catalog of doubles with variable component. Baz1989d
                       AB: Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and             .       
                       spectroscopic masses 2.77 +/- 0.77, 2.42, and 1.10 Msun, respectively.  Mlk2012 
           STT 166     AC: Optical pair, based on study of relative motion of the components   .       
                       using the method of apparent motion parameters.                         Kiy2008 
                       AC: Rectilinear solution by Hurowitz et al. (2013).                     USN2013a
07128+2121 STT 168     AB: H N  94.                                                            MEv2010 
07131-0256 BKO 516     Anon. 28.                                                               Bko2009d
07132-3058 HJ 3940     This is the variable HO CMa.                                            .       
07133-0150 BAL 452     Pair not found in GSC.                                                  Bko2009d
                       A likely plate flaw.                                                    Grv2021a
07134+1610 H 6  74     AB: H VI 74. 51 Gem. A is the semiregular variable variable BQ Gem.     .       
07135-4438 HJ 3943     A is a long-period variable.                                            .       
07137-2005 FOX9001     Previously known as FOX  12a.                                           .       
07138-0502 BRT 400     J 2626.                                                                 .       
07138-2254 HJ 3938     B is BD-22@1760.                                                        .       
07139-0645 BRT 401     Not found in Heintz at IDS position.                                    Hei1990b
07140-2610 BRT2886     A likely plate flaw.                                                    Grv2021b
07141+1304 BPM 371     [PM2000]  718812 + [PM2000]  718706.                                    Gvr2010 
07143-2621 FIN 323     27 CMa. B is an irregular variable, EW CMa.                             .       
07144+2443 VAS  13     VSK   7.                                                                .       
07146-0212 J  2792     BAL 163.                                                                .       
07146-1018 STF1052     B is BD-10@1935.                                                        .       
07147+2453 HO  343     52 Gem.                                                                 .       
07148+5233 STF1033     AB: H 1  76.                                                            MEv2010 
07148-1529 BU  575     AB. A premature orbit has been computed.                                .       
                       1997.1226: The magnitude difference of the system is listed in the WDS  .       
                       as 0.1. Our reduction does not give the same quadrant as the latest     .       
                       measure in the WDS.                                                     Hor1997 
07148-2101 HO  344     Includes MP CMa, an Algol-type eclipsing binary, P = 1.96326d.          Zas2012 
07150+0956 J  2457     J  2794.                                                                J__1962a
07151+5717 LDS2529     A is SB1, P=34.034d. RoboAO resolves AC at 0.24", 9d, dI=1.17. Still    .       
                       to be confirmed before accepting.                                       Tok2014d
07151+2553 BU 1023     BDS 3919; L 8 same star.                                                .       
07153+2036 GIC  70     LDS 898. G088-017/G088-018.                                             .       
07153+1849 CHR 217     First detected as an occultation binary by Africano.                    Afr1975 
07153-0010 BU 1268     24 Mon.  STT 169.                                                       .       
07154+1507 BPM 372     [PM2000]  722963 + [PM2000]  723173.                                    Gvr2010 
07154+1444 BPM 373     [PM2000]  723049 + [PM2000]  723124.                                    Gvr2010 
07156+0504 J  3101     BK CMi. No measure published by Jonckheere; coarse 1995 measure from    .       
                       GSC2.3 (Aladin).                                                        .       
07156+0503 DOM   2     Mistakenly observed for J  3101. Error reported by John Nanson (2016,   .       
                       private comm.)                                                          .       
07155-1106 J  2459     J  2800.                                                                .       
07156-6311 R    72     B is CPD-62@805.                                                        .       
07157+1537 BPM 374     AB: [PM2000]  724039 + [PM2000]  723705.                                Gvr2010 
           BPM 375     AC: [PM2000]  724039 + [PM2000]  724305.                                Gvr2010 
           BPM 376     CD: [PM2000]  724305 + [PM2000]  724546.                                Gvr2010 
07158-0048 XMI  54     ARN 104.                                                                .       
07160-2930 HJ 2370     B is CD-29@4143.                                                        .       
07161-0138 J  2802     BAL 459.                                                                .       
07162+1603 BPM 377     [PM2000]  725546 + [PM2000]  725765.                                    Gvr2010 
07163+2709 GJ 268.3    combined solution of astrometric orbits and DSBs. Paper includes        Are2000 
                       masses and distances.                                                   .       
07163-0635 CHE  84     Also known as AG  333.                                                  .       
07164+4738 STF1044     Also known as ARN  68.                                                  .       
07165-1559 ROE  28     BRT 567.                                                                Brt1932b
07166-2319 HJ 3945     B is CD-23@5192.                                                        .       
           SHY 508     BC: HIP  35213 + HIP  35578.                                            .       
07166-5100 HJ 3951     A is a semi-regular variable.                                           .       
07167+1623 BPM 378     [PM2000]  727247 + [PM2000]  726886.                                    Gvr2010 
07167+1502 BPM 379     [PM2000]  727304 + [PM2000]  727556.                                    Gvr2010 
07167+0312 BAL2261AC   Optical/physical nature ascertained from Gaia DR2.                      FMR2019b
07168+1331 BPM 380     [PM2000]  727457 + [PM2000]  727700.                                    Gvr2010 
07168+0059 A  2855     Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and spectroscopic   .       
                       masses of 2.08 +/- 0.35, 1.91, and 0.85 Msun, respectively.             Mlk2012 
07170-3054 BSO   2     B is CD-30@4233.                                                        .       
07171+2641 CHR 218     First detected as an occultation binary by Schmidtke et al.             Smk1989 
07171-1202 A  2123     AB: Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and             .       
                       spectroscopic masses 4.05 +/- 1.61, 2.32, and 1.20 Msun, respectively.  Mlk2012 
07171-1202 STF1064     C is a close 22.5-d spectroscopic pair.                                 Tok2019a
07171-3706 DUN  43     pi Pup. B is CD-36@3487.                                                .       
07172+3306 TOK 379     AB: The CPM nature of B is not certain (PM diff. with A), but accepted  Tok2014d
07172-2351 I   773     ADS 5960a.                                                              .       
07175+1646 BPM 381     [PM2000]  730232 + [PM2000]  730294.                                    Gvr2010 
07175+0048 SLE 301     The Soulie (1985) measure is possibly incorrect due to a 20" error in   .       
                       the measured declination of the secondary.                              Sle1985 
07175-4659 I     7     The 94-yr orbit by Heintz (1995) plus the HIP parallax gives            Hei1995 
                       impossibly small mass-sum. Probably both a and P are much larger (no    .       
                       orbit for another century), but motion should be followed.              .       
                       Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and spectroscopic   .       
                       masses of 0.43 +/- 0.23, 1.54, and 0.76 Msun, respectively.             Mlk2012 
07176+0918 STT 170     A premature orbit has been computed. Speckle would be useful as the     .       
                       pair closes in.                                                         .       
07176-0221 BAL 167     J 2806.                                                                 .       
07177+1327 BPM 382     [PM2000]  730634 + [PM2000]  730973.                                    Gvr2010 
07178+1553 BPM 383     [PM2000]  730919 + [PM2000]  730654.                                    Gvr2010 
07178+1131 BPM 384     [PM2000]  731123 + [PM2000]  731057.                                    Gvr2010 
07179-0221 BAL 168     J 2808.                                                                 .       
07180+4548 LDS3731     NLTT 17633 + 17637. Secondary is white dwarf WD 0714+458.               Far2005b
07181+1632 STF1061     lam Gem = 54 Gem. A is a spectroscopic and occultation binary, and may  .       
                       be variable.                                                            .       
                       CHARA Array Limb-darkened diameter  0.835 +/- 0.013 mas,                CIA2012e
                       R =  2.777 +/- 0.047 \rsun, L = 28.306 +/-0.648 \lsun,                  .       
                       Teff = 8007 +/-  77 K, M = 2.111 +/- 0.010 \msun,                       .       
                       Age =  0.8 +/- 0.0 Gyr.                                                 .       
07181+0421 STF1063     J 1992. BAL 2753. BAZ   3.                                              .       
                       BAZ   3 was misplaced in the WDS. The Tobal (2010) measures are of      Tob2012c
                       some unknown pair near the original location of BAZ   3 = 04181+0448.   .       
07181-1342 STF1069     B is BD-13@1925.                                                        .       
07182+4006 ES 1634     BRT  96                                                                 .       
07183-0317 RST4347     J 2463.                                                                 .       
07183-3644 JC   10     A is the variable NV Pup. Spectrum composite; B2V+B3IVne. B is NW Pup.  .       
07185-5721 RST 244     AB: B moves away from PM(A) at 17mas/yr for 34yr. Optical?              Tok2014d
           TOK 116     HIP 35374. Quadruple. Both A and B are close visual pairs.              Tok2011a
07187-2434 29 CMa      UW CMa.  The classification is from the UV tomographic analysis of      Bgn1994 
                       Bagnuolo et al. (1994).                                                 Msn1998a
07187-2457 FIN 313     A: 30 CMa = tau CMa. A is Beta Lyrae-type system, probably variable.    .       
                       See discussion of the system by Sana et al. 2014).                      Sna2014 
           HJ 3948     van Leewen & van Genderen (1997 A&A 327, 1070) and Stickland et al.     Stc1999 
                       (1999) argue that the brighter Aa component of the visual Aa,Ab binary  .       
                       is a triple system consisting of a close 1.28-day eclipsing system      .       
                       orbiting a distant O star (the spectroscopic binary with a period of    .       
                       154.9 d).  The visual Aa,Ab pair has slowly decreased in separation     .       
                       from 0".19 to 0".15 between 1977 and 1994.                              Msn1998a
                       Classification of the D component is from Hoffleit & Warren (1991).     Hof1991 
                       1996.155: Date from J. Christou (private communication).                .       
07188+0054 J  2465     BAL 1397.                                                               .       
07188-2003 ARA 575     HDO 103                                                                 .       
07188-2449 BRT2893     CPD-24@2221.                                                            .       
07190+1314 BRT1230     J 2466.                                                                 .       
07190-4934 SWR  24     CPM pair                                                                Skf2004 
07192+1548 BPM 385     [PM2000]  735557 + [PM2000]  735932.                                    Gvr2010 
07192-2457 B   133     Variable radial velocity.                                               .       
07193-2453 B   134     CPD-24@2250.                                                            .       
07194+1540 BPM 386     [PM2000]  736350 + [PM2000]  736218.                                    Gvr2010 
07195+3226 ES  341     SEI 477.                                                                Nsn2017b
07200-0847 BUG  17     WISE J072003.20-084651.2 is old, active M9.5 dwarf, distance 6.0 +/-    .       
                       1.0pc. Companion ~T5, rapidly rotating and magnetically active.         Bug2015 
                       Burgasser et al. (2015) derive spectral types M9.5 +/- 0.5 and          .       
                       T5.5 +/- 0.5. A best-fit orbit based onastrometry and spectroscopy      .       
                       yields estimated component masses of 0.081 +0.0029/-0.0016 and          .       
                       0.062 +0.009/-0.011 Msun. T0 was not provided and was determined by     Bug2015b
                       trial and error with comparison to their Figure 8.                      .       
                       Mass : A = 99 +/- 6 \MJup, B = 66 +/- 4 \MJup.                          Dup2019 
                       Teff : A = 2407 +/- 15 K, B = 1250 +/- 40 K.                            .       
07201+2159 STF1066     del Gem = 55 Gem = Wasat. CHE  85.                                      .       
                       Star A is an occultation double and SB1, P = 6.129 yr.                  .       
                       Hipparcos astrometric solution adopted some elements from the orbit of  HIP1997d
                       Abt (1965).                                                             AbH1965 
                       H 2  27.                                                                MEv2010 
07201-1435 BRT1871     A likely plate flaw.                                                    Grv2021b
07201-2153 I   391     D is CPD-21@2035.                                                       .       
07202+1539 BPM 387     [PM2000]  738931 + [PM2000]  738864.                                    Gvr2010 
07202-4411 WFC  53     SWR  25. CPM pair                                                       Skf2004 
07204-5219 RMK   6     Spectrum of B G0V:e.                                                    .       
                       B is X-ray source, chrom. active.  Ba is SB1, P=122.69d. Ba1 is SB1,    .       
                       P=10d (Saar et al. 1990 A&A 235, 291).                                  Tok2014d
                       AB: Rectilinear solution by Letchford et al. (2018).                    LRR2018a
07204-5618 VIG  10     The B, C, and D components all appear to be faint background stars.     Vig2012 
07207-5212 HJ 3958     B is CD-51@2444.                                                        .       
                       Measure of 1938.1 made by a transit interferometer.                     CpP1938c
07207-6205 JSP 158     Spectral type G0?                                                       .       
07208+6526 CHM   4     AB. NLTT 17675 + 17679.                                                 .       
           LDS1207     AC. HIP 35599. See Allen et al. (2000) for information on metallicity,  AlC2000 
                       age, galactic orbital parameters, etc.                                  .       
07208+3128 S   546     B is BD+31@1541.                                                        .       
07209-2658 SEE  76     A is a variable, HQ CMa.                                                .       
07209-4831 HJ 3956     V366 Pup, Algol-type eclipsing binary, P = 2.484026 d.                  Zas2011 
07210-2157 BRT 315     CPD-21@2062.                                                            .       
07211+6740 RED  22     M3 star is ~21" from K0 dwarf HD 56168 = HIP 35628 = 2MASS              .       
                       J07210672+6739425. The Hipparcos distance for the M dwarf 27pc, the     .       
                       very different proper motions suggest the stars appear unrelated.       Red2007a
           JNN  55     BC: In addition to the close binarity discovered in the AstraLux data,  .       
                       there is a star at 21" separation (HIP 35628), but due to its very      .       
                       different proper motion, it is likely physically unrelated to the       Red2007a
                       2MASS J07210894+6739590 system (Reid et al. 2007).                      Jnn2012 
07213+1602 BPM 388     [PM2000]  742163 + [PM2000]  742430.                                    Gvr2010 
07214+0305 J  1994     BAL 2270.                                                               .       
07214-4832 DUN  45     B is CD-48@2891.                                                        .       
07216-5521 R    75     AB = SWR  26. Eastern pair in 25" CPM trio                              Skf2004 
07217+7300 MLR 476     Also known as TDS4734.                                                  .       
07217-6157 BSO  16     A is the variable V389 Car. B is CPD-61@813.                            .       
07219+4614 ES 2624     B is BD+46@1254.                                                        .       
07219+2027 BU 1413     56 Gem. A is a suspected variable.                                      .       
07220+3646 BU  901     65 Aur.                                                                 .       
07220-0859 HD  57682   Additional radial velocity measurements by Penny et al (1993) confirm   Pny1993 
                       the lack of variability.                                                Msn1998a
07222-2412 HJ 9002     Previously known as HJ 5451a.                                           .       
07223+5954 STF1055     47 Cam.                                                                 .       
07223+5009 STF1065     20 Lyn. Spectroscopic binary.                                           .       
                       H N  61.                                                                MEv2010 
07223-3555 HJ 3957     A 4.6d spectroscopic solution for the A component has been found        Tok2018d
                       making this a triple system.                                            .       
07224+0854 GIC  72     AB = G089-013/G089-014.                                                 .       
           LDS2735     G089-014. See Allen et al. (2000) for information on metallicity,       AlC2000 
                       age, galactic orbital parameters, etc.                                  .       
                       BC : Also known as ALC   2.                                             .       
07225-0215 ROE  29     BAL 170.                                                                .       
07227-2109 HO  521     aka HO  627                                                             .       
07229+5517 STF1062     19 Lyn. Both components appear to be spectroscopic binaries.            .       
                       AB: H 3  83.                                                            MEv2010 
07229+3413 HJ  757     Aka POP 207.                                                            .       
07230+4500 SHY 510     BC: HIP  35799 + HIP  35341. C component = 64 Aur.                      .       
07230-2546 B   719     VY CMa. This multiple "star" is involved in nebulosity, shaped like     .       
                       the tail of a comet. All companions may be knots in the nebulosity,     .       
                       and all may seem variable.                                              .       
                       Adaptive optics imaging by Shenoy et al. (2013) in Ks, L', and M bands  .       
                       suggest the brightness of the "Southwest Clump" (~1.5" from central     .       
                       star) is almost entirely due to scattering from silicate dust grains.   .       
                       Lower mass limit for this feature is 5 x 10^-3 to 2.5 x 10^-2 Msun,     .       
                       depending on assumed gas-to-dust ratio. Presence of clump with no       .       
                       apparent counterpart on other side of star suggests ejection event.     SDP2013 
07231+7259 GIC  73     LDS5195. G251-032/G251-033.                                             .       
                       NLTT 17701/17707                                                        Chm2004 
07231-2532 RSS   7     This previously uncataloged double star was a Hipparcos double entry    .       
                       system.  The first measure is determined from the individual positions  .       
                       listed by Rousseau et al.                                               Rss1996 
07234+1237 BPM 389     [PM2000]  749038 + [PM2000]  748794.                                    Gvr2010 
07235-1318 BRT1874     Hipparcos suspected non-single.                                         .       
07237+2025 MET  50     Heinze et al. (2010) determine that both the B and C companions are     .       
                       background objects.                                                     Hze2010 
07240-0359 STF1084     H 4  95.                                                                MEv2010 
07241-2918 SMY   2     eta CMa = 31 CMa = Aludra. B is CD-29@4321.                             .       
07242+1428 J   396     J 2628.                                                                 .       
07242-0859 J  2815     J 2425.                                                                 .       
07242-2637 RST1345     CPD-26@2080.                                                            .       
07245+2330 POU2745     LDS 899. G088-026/G088-025 = NLTT 17816/17814                           Chm2004 
07245+0042 RST5262     Aka TDS4775.                                                            .       
07246+3749 STF1079     C of STF 1079 is A of BU 1414 (07244+3746).                             .       
07246+0841 SLE 567     There is an error in the published declination of Soulie's secondary.   Sle1986b
07247+1230 BPMA 35     [PM2000]  753090 + [PM2000]  753453.                                    Gvr2010 
07247-3149 DAW 129     A is a suspected variable.                                              .       
07250-2101 HJ 3964     Maybe cpm or maybe both components are just members of NGC 2384.        Dam2018d
07250-3821 LDS 180     B is CD-38@3367.                                                        .       
07251+0638 GIC  74     G089-017/G089-018.                                                      .       
07251-0050 BAL 807     J 2629.                                                                 .       
07251-2110 DAM1372AD   Maybe cpm but like 07250-2101 = HJ 3964, maybe these are other members  Dam2018d
                       of NGC 2384.                                                            .       
07252-0544 SCJ   5     B is BD-05@2105.                                                        .       
07253+5507 STI2187AB   Appears to be the same as HJ 2373.                                      Dam2016d
07253+0311 J  2474     BAL 2278.                                                               .       
07256+2030 STF1083     H 3  48.                                                                MEv2010 
07257+2748 OCC 132     NPOI Limb-darkened diameter  2.390 +/- 0.024 mas, Sp = G8III,           NOI2018 
                       R = 9.48 +/- 0.12 \rsun, Teff = 5072 +/- 68 K, L = 53.7 +/- 2.8 \lsun,  .       
                       M = 2.09 +/- 0.10 \msun, Age = 0.96 +/- 0.15 Gyr.                       .       
07257+0022 BAL1095     J 2630.                                                                 .       
07260+2205 AG  140     HO 628.                                                                 .       
07260+1406 STF1088     Same as STF1078. Herschel reports a closer (4") pair. Unconfirmed.      HJ_1836 
07260-0215 TOK 117     HIP 36071. The position measurement in the V-band is of low accuracy.   .       
                       The status of the B-companion remains uncertain.                        Tok2011a
                       A has small PM, crowded field, B can be optical.                        Tok2014d
07261-2515 EVS   3     Classical Cepheid SS CMa.                                               .       
07262+3749 ALI 834     Two recent observations show this object to be single.                  .       
                       Hipparcos suspected non-single.                                         .       
07264+6929 STF1059     AB = LDS1650.                                                           .       
07265+0923 J  1064     J  2631.                                                                .       
07267+7144 MLR 408     Also known as HDS1044.                                                  .       
07269+2015 CHR  26     61 Gem. An occultation and spectroscopic binary, now resolved.          .       
                       Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and spectroscopic   .       
                       masses of 2.90 +/- 1.65, 5.20, and 1.35 Msun, respectively.             Mlk2012 
07269-0932 RST4362     J 2819.                                                                 .       
07270+7901 MLR 495     Also known as HDS1046.                                                  .       
07270-3419 HJ 3969     LDS 182. B is CD-34@3610.                                               .       
                       See Allen et al. (2000) for information on metallicity, age, galactic   AlC2000 
                       orbital parameters, etc.                                                .       
                       HIP 36165. B = HIP 36160.                                               .       
                       A and B both show variable RV, and are possible SBs, but Aa,Ab is not   Tok2010d
                       resolved with NICI. A,B are below MS.                                   Tok2014d
07272+0817 BUP 101     bet CMi = 3 CMi = Gomeisa. A is a spectroscopic binary. Variable?       .       
           DAL  32FH   Identified as DAL  41 by author, but 06149-0617, too. Redesignated      Dal2008c
                       by author.                                                              Dal2014b
07273+1138 BPM 390     [PM2000]  760960 + [PM2000]  760940.                                    Gvr2010 
07273-1130 HJ  759     AC: 07273-1130 and 07276-1129 were found to share primaries. Systems    .       
                       were moved, using the more correct WDS designation.                     .       
07273-2355 ARA2050     Open (galactic) cluster Trumpler 7.                                     .       
           I   770     OW: Primary of 07274-2356 found to be O component of 07273-2355.        .       
           ARA2052     PX: Primary of 07274-2357 found to be P component of 07273-2355.        .       
07274+1519 STF1094     H N 108.                                                                MEv2010 
07275-2047 ARG  17     B is BD-20@1949.                                                        .       
07276-1830 S   550     B is BD-18@1847. Spectral type B8I.                                     .       
07277+2208 S   548     AC: H 5  66.                                                            MEv2010 
07277+2127 MCA  30     Aa,Ab: 63 Gem. A is an SB and occultation triple, with the wider pair,  .       
                       presumably, now resolved.                                               .       
                       First detected as an occultation binary by Eitter & Beavers             Bvr1977 
                       Mason et al. (1997) orbit gives good fit to speckle/Hipparcos, but      Msn1997a
                       implausibly large masses even for a multiple system.                    .       
                       HIP solution spurious. Fekel (1986 private communication) detected      .       
                       this system as a third component in the spectrum and made a             .       
                       preliminary estimate of the period of 760 days. A combined              .       
                       spectroscopic/speckle orbit was later undertaken in collaboration       .       
                       with Fekel. This solution includes a mass determination.                .       
                       Aa,Ab: Combined spectroscopic/astrometric solution, yielding masses     .       
                       2.583 +.- 0.059 and 1.030+/- 0.038 Msun for Aa and Ab, respectively,    .       
                       and a parallax of 30.22 +/- 0.26 mas.                                   Mut2010d
           63 Gem      Aa1,Aa2: Spectroscopic binary detected as submotion in orbit of Aa,Ab   .       
                       pair. Derived masses are 1.402 +/- 0.032 and 1.181 +/- 0.027 Msun       Mut2010d
           SHJ 368     AB: Aa component of this multiple system is a 1.9d SB2; estimated       .       
                       period of the AB pair is 26,000y; period of the AD pair ~760y.          Tok2006 
                       AB: H 5  53.                                                            MEv2010 
           HDS1050     AD not seen in the 2MASS K-band image, not confirmed with RoboAO.       Tok2014d
07279-1133 BU  332     Spectrum: G8Ib-II+B+B8V. Variable?                                      .       
07279-1853 RST2477     TDS4830.                                                                .       
07280+0657 BU   21     eta CMi = 5 CMi                                                         .       
07282+0856 LAM   4     gam CMi = 4 CMi. A is a spectroscopic binary.                           .       
07282+0035 BAL1098     J 1997.                                                                 .       
07282-2011 BHA   5     CPD-19@2220.                                                            .       
07283+1750 BPM 391     [PM2000]  763796 + [PM2000]  763844.                                    Gvr2010 
07286-2627 B  2628     Also known as WFC  55.                                                  .       
07287+2439 STTA 85     B is BD+24@1666.                                                        .       
07287+2151 OCC1064     Aka OCC9029.                                                            .       
07287-1349 STF1101     Aka ITF  79.                                                            .       
07288-4432 DON 186     CPD-44@1586.                                                            .       
07289+4811 KUI  30     A may be a long-period spectroscopic binary.                            .       
07289-3015 HDS1054     GJ 2060 = V372 Pup.  Daemgen et al. (2007) derive a distance of 15.8    Dae2007 
                       +/- 2.3 pc, a separation of 2.8 +/- 0.4 au, and a predicted orbital     .       
                       period of 6 +/- 1 y. Spectral types are M0.5 +/- 0.5 and M1.5 +/- 1.0;  .       
                       masses are 0.59 +/- 0.05 and 0.52 +/- 0.08 Msun.                        .       
07291+3147 A  2124     62 Gem = rho Gem. A is a spectroscopic binary.                          .       
                       G090-001. See Allen et al. (2000) for information on metallicity,       AlC2000 
                       CHARA Array Limb-darkened diameter  0.853 +/- 0.014 mas,                CIA2012e
                       R =  1.655 +/- 0.028 \rsun, L =  5.542 +/-0.089 \lsun,                  .       
                       Teff = 6899 +/-  63 K, M = 1.355 +/- 0.013 \msun,                       .       
                       Age =  2.1 +/- 0.2 Gyr.                                                 .       
           ALC   3     age, galactic orbital parameters, etc.                                  .       
                       AE: NLTT 17908/17907                                                    Chm2004 
                       AE: HJL1047.                                                            HJL1986 
                       AE: SHY  41. Bayesian analysis by Shaya & Olling (2011) indicates very  Shy2011 
                       high (near 100%) probability pair is physical.                          .       
07292+1424 BPM 392     [PM2000]  766616 + [PM2000]  766809.                                    Gvr2010 
07292+1421 STTA 86     B is BD+14@1676.                                                        .       
07292-4318 DUN  51     sig Pup. LDS 186. A is a spectroscopic binary.                          .       
           sig Pup     Hipparcos astrometric solution adopted some elements from the orbit of  HIP1997d
                       Wilson (1917).                                                          WRE1917 
07294-1500 STF1104     A premature orbit has been computed for AB.                             .       
                       AD: Optical pair, based on study of relative motion of the components   .       
                       using the method of apparent motion parameters.                         Kiy2008 
           TOK 391     Ca,Cb: This is another nearby multiple system. The main component HIP   .       
                       36395 is a visual binary with a known 728yr orbit, also measured here.  .       
                       The C component (NLTT 17952) at 20".4 is physical, and yet another CPM  .       
                       component F is found at 1072" (Tokovinin & Lepine 2012), while the WDS  Tok2012c
                       components D and E are optical. We observed C and resolved it at        .       
                       0".09. The orbital period of Ca,Cb is on the order of 6yr, estimated    .       
                       masses are 0.6 and 0.4 Msun. We also targeted F and did not resolve     .       
                       it. The magnitudes and colors of C and F are quite similar.             Tok2015c
           STF1104     AD: Rectilinear solution by Hurowitz et al. (2013).                     USN2013a
07294-7503 HJ 3991     B is CPD-74@444.                                                        .       
07295+3448 STT 172     BDS 4152, HJ 3295 same star.                                            .       
07295-3807 RSS 132     HIP 36414. A is an SB without orbit, dRV= 1.2*.                         Nrd2004 
07295-7323 RSS   8     This previously uncataloged double star was a Hipparcos double entry    .       
                       system.  The first measure is determined from the individual positions  .       
                       listed by Rousseau et al.                                               Rss1996 
07297-0242 BAL 173     BAL 172 is a close pair. B of BAL 173.                                  .       
07298+2755 MCA  31     65 Gem. A is a spectroscopic binary, now resolved by speckle            .       
                       interferometry.                                                         .       
                       1988.2520: The measurement resulting from the original analysis of      .       
                       this observation was rejected prior to publication.  Our reanalysis of  .       
                       the observation by new techniques yielded a quite good result however.  Hrt1992b
07299+4940 ENG  31     22 Lyn.                                                                 .       
07300-0446 J  1490     J 2827.                                                                 .       
07301-4509 CPO 159     CPD-44@1605.                                                            .       
07303-5657 FIN 105     Ma,Mb = 1.35  +/- 0.13 , 1.33  +/- 0.13  \msun.                         GmJ2022 
07304+1352 STF1102     AB: HJL  84.                                                            HJL1986 
                       AD: HJL1048.                                                            HJL1986 
                       AD: SHY 191. Bayesian analysis by Shaya & Olling (2011) indicates very  Shy2011 
                       high (near 100%) probability pair is physical.                          .       
                       AD: Halbwachs et al. (2012): SB1 orbit of D, P=2708.2d, e=0.716,        HJL2012b
                       K1=4.93, V0=-2.38 => M2min=0.27.  D co-moving with HIP 33818 at 6.0pc.  Tok2014d
                       BD: HJL1049.                                                            HJL1986 
           TOK 392     Da,Db: This is a quadruple system. The 7".7 AB pair (STF 1102) is       .       
                       HIP 36485, the CPM component D = HIP 36497 = HD 59450 is located at     .       
                       112" from it, while the WDS components C and E are optical. The         .       
                       physical nature of AD is established by common PM, distance, and RV.    .       
                       D is a known SB1 with P=2708d=7.4yr (Halbwachs et al. 2012, MNRAS 422,  .       
                       14) and an estimated semi-major axis of 93mas, also an acceleration     .       
                       binary. We resolved the Da,Db pair at 0".11, dI=2.6. The minimum mass   .       
                       of Db derived from its SB orbit is 0.27 Msun, while we estimate the     .       
                       masses of Da and Db as 1.05 and 0.6 Msun from their luminosity. A       .       
                       previous non-resolution of D is reported in INT4; it was also           RAO2015 
                       unresolved with Robo-AO (Riddle et al. 2015).                           Tok2015c
07305+0743 A  2869     Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and spectroscopic   .       
                       masses of 4.46 +/- 2.07, 4.05, and 1.82 Msun, respectively.             Mlk2012 
07307+4813 GIC  75     G107-069/G107-070 = GJ 275.2AB.                                         .       
                       Quadruple. The two close pairs are separated by 103". The G107-070      .       
                       orbit depends upon elongations of blended photographic images. While    .       
                       Harrington et al. (1981) do not determine a value for the semimajor     Hrr1981 
                       axis for the close pair, they do determine a period (0.94y), masses of  .       
                       individual components (0.17 and 0.08 Msun), and distance to the system  .       
                       (parallax = 0."0896). Application of Kepler's Law yields a = 0."054.    .       
                       This agrees well with the statement in Harrington et al. that "The      .       
                       mean separation of the double would be of order 0.05 arcseconds".       .       
           WNO  49     Ba,Bb: GL 275.2B.  White dwarf pair = EGGR 52AB.                        Grn1986 
07308+0418 BAL2771     Baillaud thought A had a closer companion. Not found by Heintz.         Hei1995 
07309+3034 DOM   1     C is BD+30@1520.                                                        .       
07309+2441 HJ  424     AC: POU2819.                                                            .       
                       AB: Rectilinear solution by Hurowitz et al. (2013).                     USN2013a
07309+0030 J  1998     BAL 1102. RST 5264.                                                     .       
07312+0210 TOK 393     HIP 36557 = HD 59688. According to observations by D. Latham (2012,     .       
                       private communication), this is a spectroscopic triple with an inner    .       
                       period of 70d (double-lined, also detected by GCS, mass ratio 0.7) and  .       
                       an outer period of 2007d or 5.5yr. The outer system is also detected    .       
                       by astrometric acceleration (Makarov & Kaplan 2005). We resolve it      Mkr2005 
                       here at 0".057, dI=2.0, dy=2.5 mag, and see the orbital motion. The     .       
                       estimated mass of Ab is 0.88 Msun. The semi-major axis of the 70-d      .       
                       inner binary Aa,Ab is 7mas, so accurate measurements of AB can detect   .       
                       the sub-motion to determine the orientation of the inner orbit.         Tok2015c
07312-1215 BRT2673     Error in transcribing to catalog - WDS designation should be -13 deg.   .       
07312-2110 BRT 317     CPD-20@2532.                                                            .       
07314+3528 HJ 3293     ALI 108.                                                                .       
07316+1521 BPM 393     [PM2000]  773583 + [PM2000]  773528.                                    Gvr2010 
07317-3553 JSP 167     A is a spectroscopic binary and ellipsoidal variable, PS Pup.           .       
                       BC is CPD-35@1289.                                                      .       
07318+1705 RBR  16     CHARA Array Limb-darkened diameter  1.106 +/- 0.011 mas,                CIA2008c
                       R = 11.62  +/- 0.34  \rsun.                                             .       
07319+3613 LDS6206     Ross 989, VYS 246. Component A is VV Lyn, so designated because of      .       
                       starspots, later also found to be a flare star. Spectrum of B dM4.5e.   .       
                       Period is about 16.3d with a amplitude of 0.06 mag. Component B is      Skf2019g
                       BL Lyn, period about 17.6d with an amplitude of 0.06 mag.               .       
                       AB: NLTT 17999/17998                                                    Chm2004 
07319+1237 BPM 394     AB: [PM2000]  774510 + [PM2000]  774601.                                Gvr2010 
07319-6142 TOK 364     First resolution; estimated period 85 yr.                               Tok2013b
07320+1816 LDS3746     NLTT 18016/18017                                                        Chm2004 
07320+1720 WOR  27     AB: Vyss 498. Incorrect coordinates in Worley (1962) led to this pair   Wor1962a
                       being also entered in the WDS as 17280+1734WOR  39.                     .       
07320-0841 STF1111     Spectrum composite; A+G.                                                .       
07321-0853 STF1112     H 4  26.                                                                MEv2010 
07321-5615 BRT2535     SWR  29.                                                                .       
07322+1446 BPM 395     [PM2000]  775343 + [PM2000]  775307.                                    Gvr2010 
07322+0407 J  2634     BAL2772.                                                                .       
07323-0431 J  2831     Not found by Heintz at IDS position.                                    Hei1990b
07325-3858 B  1550     Spectrum: A3/5mA7-F2.                                                   .       
07326-0250 BAL 176     J 2832.                                                                 .       
07326-1253 STF1115     B is BD-12@2017.                                                        .       
07327+1025 HJ   55     BC: incorrectly added as AC.                                            .       
07327+0540 ARG  67     B is BD-05@1702.                                                        .       
07328+2253 STF1108     Spectroscopic binary. Spectrum: K0II-III+F8V.                           .       
07328-0230 BAL 177     J 1494.                                                                 .       
07328-2048 RUC  20     Primary is TY Pup.                                                      .       
07330-2820 B  2631     The classification is from Garrison et al. (1977 ApJS 35, 111).         Msn1998a
07330-5510 HJ 3984     AC measure of 1938.1 made by a transit interferometer.                  CpP1938c
                       AC: Optical pair, based on study of relative motion of the components   .       
                       using the method of apparent motion parameters.                         Kiy2008 
07331-5756 LPO   9     Spectral type A2?                                                       .       
07332+1246 BPM 396     [PM2000]  777962 + [PM2000]  777988.                                    Gvr2010 
07335+3859 BRT2217     ALI 1083.                                                               .       
07335-3056 BRT3281     A likely plate flaw.                                                    Grv2021b
07336+3458 BRT3248     ALI 109.                                                                .       
07336+1550 MCA  32     68 Gem.                                                                 .       
07337-1509 A  3091     RST gives magnitudes as 9.2-9.6.                                        .       
07340-0142 J  1496     BAL 481.                                                                .       
07341-5050 HJ 3986     B is CD-50@2840.                                                        .       
07342-5045 BRT 713     CPD-50@1299.                                                            .       
07343+0322 J  2835     del 3 CMi = 9 CMi.  BAL2296.                                            .       
07343-2328 H N  19     A is a spectroscopic binary. Spectrum of B: F5/7V.                      .       
                       Toyota et al. (2009) monitored the RV of both the A and B components    .       
                       every 1-2 months between 2003 Mar - 2007 Nov, using a high-dispersion   .       
                       echelle (precision ~10 m/s). The A star showed large RV variation; the  .       
                       associated body is expected to be massive; however, orbital period is   .       
                       longer than their observational span, so orbital elements could not be  .       
                       determined. The B star exhibits rapid rotation, so RVs could not be     .       
                       measured to high precision.                                             Toy2009 
07345+1713 BPM 397     [PM2000]  781743 + [PM2000]  781683.                                    Gvr2010 
07345-1352 DOO  42     Slightly variable.                                                      .       
                       AD: Optical pair, based on study of relative motion of the components   .       
                       using the method of apparent motion parameters.                         Kiy2008 
                       AD: Rectilinear solution by Hurowitz et al. (2013).                     USN2013a
07345-5258 LTT 2891    Hipparcos astrometric solution assumed circular orbit (e = omega = 0)   HIP1997d
           TOK 118     HIP 36832. A is SB without orbit, dRV= 6.7.                             Nrd2004 
                       This is a new triple system. The A component is a PMS star in SIMBAD,   .       
                       chromospherically active, X-ray source. Both components are on the MS,  TrC2006 
                       however. See Torres et al. (2006). A is chromospherically active.       Tok2011a
                       A is SB and astrometric binary, P=0.761y, e=0.257, a=17.54mas =>        HIP1997d
                       M2=0.93) Aa,Ab should be double-lined and resolved by speckle, but      .       
                       unresolved at SOAR.                                                     Tok2014d
07346+3153 STF1110     alp Gem = 66 Gem = Castor. STFB  4. According to R.G. Aitken, this was  A__1935f
                       discovered in 1719 by Bradley and Pound. Mt. Wilson spectral types      Bdy1832A
                       A2,A2,M1. A and B are both SB1's with P = 9.21 d and 2.93 d.            Pnd1832A
                       Castor A is also reported to exhibit x-ray and radio emission.          .       
                       See Baize & Petit (1989) catalog of doubles with variable component.    Baz1989d
                       Star C (mag. 9.1, M1Ve) is the spectroscopic and detached eclipsing     .       
                       binary YY Gem (P = 0.81 d), 70" from the center of AB and in slow       .       
                       retrograde motion (cf., Heintz), so the object is sextuple.             Hei1960a
                       AB: H 2   1.                                                            MEv2010 
                       AB: Additional notes may be found in Fu et al. (1997)                   McA1997 
                       AB: Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and             .       
                       spectroscopic masses 5.43 +/- 0.97, 4.27, and 4.28 Msun, respectively.  Mlk2012 
                       Components Aa, Ab, Ba and Bb determined to have masses of 2.74+/-0.11,  Ana2015 
                       0.37+/-0.09, 2.26+/-0.10 and 0.53+/-0.09 \Msun, respectively.           .       
                       Aa,Ba MYSTIC uniform disk dia. = 1.271 +/- 0.012, 0.994 +/- 0.014 mas.  .       
                       Aa,Ba MIRC-X uniform disk dia. = 1.273 +/- 0.003, 1.005 +/- 0.008 mas.  .       
                       Aa,Ab masses = 2.371 +/- 0.015, 0.3859+/- 0.0018 \msun.                 .       
                       Ba,Bb masses = 1.789 +/- 0.016, 0.3865+/- 0.0020 \msun.                 CIA2022d
                       Many historic AB measures corrected and missing measures added.         CIA2022d
07348+1643 BPM 398     [PM2000]  782626 + [PM2000]  782652.                                    Gvr2010 
07349-2010 BRT 320     CPD-19@2360.                                                            .       
07351+3058 STT 175     AB: Using the Hipparcos parallax, the mass sum is found to be 3.00 +/-  .       
                       0.98 Msun; mass assumed equally divided between A and B components.     Mut2010d
           HR 2896     Ba,Bb:  Close pair seen as trend in solution of AB pair. Impossible to  .       
                       tell which component of AB pair contains the astrometric subsystem;     .       
                       selection of the secondary was arbitrary. Estimated masses are 1.3 and  .       
                       0.2 Msun. The low-mass companion is likely an M dwarf in either a       .       
                       nearly planar or anti-planar orbit to the wide binary.                  Mut2010d
07351-2830 GC 10171    Hipparcos astrometric solution assumed circular orbit (e = omega = 0)   HIP1997d
07354-0559 SCJ   6     B is BD-05@2176.                                                        .       
07354-2822 SHY 512     AD: HIP  36917 + HIP  36890.                                            .       
           HJ 3982     AB and BC: Additional notes may be found in Herschel (1847).            HJ_1847a
07354-7417 HJ 3997     A is a spectroscopic binary.                                            .       
07356+5212 MLR 670     Also known as HDS1073.                                                  .       
07357+4303 MAD   3     Called MA 2 in BDS and ADS. MA 2 is 05214-0653.                         .       
07359+2654 BUP 103     ups Gem = 69 Gem. Variable?                                             .       
07360+1735 BRT3282     A likely plate flaw.                                                    Grv2021b
07360-0147 BAL 484     J 1499.                                                                 .       
07361+3650 ES 2157     Van Biesbroeck 1944 measure is of BD+37 1743; he questions Espin's      VBs1954 
                       identification.                                                         .       
                       Quadrant uncertain. Espin's measures erroneous.                         B__1962d
07362+3250 UC 1599     CPM candidate confirmed physical by photometry (2MASS and V mags).      Tok2013c
07364+1530 BPM 399     [PM2000]  786846 + [PM2000]  786888.                                    Gvr2010 
07364+0705 HEN   3     Delta-M is in K band.                                                   .       
                       LSPM J0736+0704 = NLTT 18152. Law et al (2008) derive a distance of     Law2008 
                       7.3 +3.9/-1.3 pc and a projected separation of 6.5 +3.5/-1.1 au.        .       
                       Estimated spectral types are M4.5 and M5.                               .       
                       GJ 3454. Estimated age 1000-10000 Myr; masses 0.18 +/- 0.03 and 0.14    .       
                       +/- 0.01 Msun; a ~5.8 au.                                               Jnn2014 
07364-6152 RST3538     Includes V455 Car, an Algol-type eclipsing binary, P = 5.13298d.        Zas2012 
07365+8238 LDS1652     NLTT 17909/17910                                                        Chm2004 
07366-1429 STF1121     AB: B is BD-14@2021.                                                    .       
                       AB: H 2  63.                                                            MEv2010 
07368-1434 RAS  23     Giant silicon star, tpye B8; companion estimated as early-F.            Ras2014 
07368-1555 RST3530     Spectrum: Fm delta Del.                                                 .       
07370-2016 WHC   5     Aka ARA 969.                                                            .       
07371-0254 OL  155     Aka SLE 802.                                                            .       
07373-0407 BUP 104     25 Mon. A variable? C is BD-03@1978.                                    .       
07374+1215 HJ   60     Aka J  2483. Large position error for HJ identification.                .       
07374-3458 FIN 324     f Pup. It was resolved as 0.2" binary FIN 324AB in 1954.31 by Finsen    .       
                       (1956) using double-slit interferometer at the 0.7 m Innes refractor.   Fin1956a
                       The components were comparable in brightness with dm from 0.3 to 0.6.   .       
                       Finsen published 7 mean positions resulting from 25 nights (the last    .       
                       one in 1960.26). His measures show considerable scatter; the motion     .       
                       looks erratic rather than regular. Finsen could not resolve AB since    .       
                       1960.29, despite repeated attempts. However, on 1963.305 he found       .       
                       another companion C at 0.52" with dm =0.8. In fact W. van den Bos saw   Fin1964a
                       both companions earlier and measured AB and AC simultaneously in        .       
                       1956.2 and 1959.7 (van den Bos 1957, 1961). AC was measured later by    B__1957b
                       R.H. Wilson, Hipparcos, and various speckle interferometers. All        B__1961a
                       speckle observations show no trace of the subsystem AB, except the one  .       
                       on 1989.305 where B looks doubtful and much fainter than C (McAlister   McA1990 
                       1990). No trace of B was seen at SOAR in 2008-2011 (4 speckle runs).    .       
                       AC follows a Keplerian orbit with 81 yr period (Hartkopf et al. 2012)   Hrt2012a
                       which was slightly corrected here using the latest measure. This        .       
                       excludes confusion between the companions (i.e. B and C being the same  .       
                       star). Besides, both were measured concurrently by van den Bos.         .       
                       The companion B cannot be real. The closest separation of AC is 0.09"   .       
                       according to the orbit and excludes any sub-system with comparable      .       
                       separation because such a triple star would be dynamically unstable.    .       
                       The fact that the orbit of AC is known does not allow us to explain the .       
                       apparent non-hierarchical configuration by projection. If B were real,  .       
                       its orbital period would be on the order of 10 yr (scaling from the     .       
                       orbit of AC) and it would have shown up in our speckle data. Like 104   .       
                       Tau, we have here a binary which actually is not binary, but a ghost.   Tok2012b
                       AB,C: Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and           .       
                       spectroscopic masses 6.74 +/- 1.03, 4.81, and 3.09 Msun, respectively.  Mlk2012 
07375-0202 HO  244     There are two distant companions: 13 mag star P=195deg, dist 34";       .       
                       9 mag star P=109deg, distance 69".                                      Ho_1890 
07376-1426 S   557     B is BD-14@2052.                                                        .       
07378+1409 BPM 400     [PM2000]  790698 + [PM2000]  790531.                                    Gvr2010 
07378-0236 A   534     AB,C: Rectilinear solution by Hartkopf et al.  (2012).                  Hrt2012a
07379+7745 MLR 478     AB: Also known as TDS 388.                                              .       
07379+1637 BPM 401     [PM2000]  790950 + [PM2000]  791037.                                    Gvr2010 
07379-6026 HJ 3993     CD-60@1821.                                                             .       
07380+1802 BPM 402     [PM2000]  791141 + [PM2000]  790925.                                    Gvr2010 
07380-3208 B  1554     Additional companion seen which may be a ghost. The measures of         B__1956a
                       van den Bos and Finsen of this alleged companion are X coded.           Fin1951a
07382+1752 HJ 2404     A measure of A and BD+18@1692.                                          .       
           SLE 433     AE: Soulie (1986) measure in error, apparently due to typo in right     .       
                       ascension of secondary.                                                 Sle1986a
07383+4745 MET   6     Metchev & Hillenbrand say the pair is probably optical, based on        .       
                       proximity.                                                              Met2004b
07383-2522 B   731     Duplicity still not certain. Needs speckle.                             .       
                       PU Pup, an eclipsing binary of Beta Lyr-type, period 2.57895 day.       Zas2013 
                       Likely a spurious pair. Last measured 1966 and unresolved by SOAR on 5  .       
                       occasions 2009-2015.                                                    Tok2010
07383-2524 I   778     CPD-25@2621.                                                            .       
07384+3644 LMP   5     AC: Due to the large proper motion of the primary, a 1964 measure of    Pws1993 
                       the AB pair was incorrectly identified as a new component and labelled  .       
                       LMP   5AC.                                                              .       
07384-4743 HJ 3990     B is CD-47@3192.                                                        .       
07385+3503 BU  200     70 Gem. AC: H VI 70.                                                    .       
                       AB: H 6  70.                                                            MEv2010 
07385+2400 POU2850     A 2.4" possible companion to 2MASS J07382951+2400088 is noted in the    .       
                       WDS, but our AstraLux images show no such companion.                    Jnn2012 
07386-5438 UC 1601     CPM candidate does not pass photometry test; likely optical.            Tok2013c
07387-0127 HO  245     B component spectral type GIII                                          AbH2000 
                       AB: Additional notes may be found in Hough (1890).                      Ho_1890 
07388+4925 LAW  15     LSPM J0738+4925 = NLTT 18181. Law et al (2008) derive a distance of     Law2008 
                       19.5 +8.9/-3.7 pc and a projected separation of 4.9 +2.9/-0.6 au.       .       
                       Estimated spectral types are M4.5 and M5.                               .       
07388-0126 HO   35     Also known as RST4859.                                                  Dam2012 
07388-2648 H 3  27     H III 27. Both components suspected variables.                          .       
07389+4229 STTA 87     B is BD+42@1745.                                                        .       
07389+0421 BAL2781     J 2484.                                                                 .       
07389-2016 BU  201     Listed in the IDS notes as ARG 47a, but in the ADS as BU  201.          .       
07393+0514 SHB   1     alp CMi = 10 CMi = Procyon. Proper motion of A -710 -1023 (FK5).        .       
                       In 1868.17, Searle suspected seeing two faint companions on two         .       
                       nights, "one about 7" n, the other about as far f".                     Sea1882 
                       Strand (1951) orbit utilizes radial velocities.                         Str1951 
                       See Baize & Petit (1989) catalog of doubles with variable component.    Baz1989d
                       Hipparcos astrometric solution adopted some elements from the orbit of  HIP1997d
                       Irwin et al. (1992).                                                    Irw1992b
                       AB: Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and             .       
                       spectroscopic masses 2.03 +/- 0.05, 1.44, and 1.27 Msun, respectively.  Mlk2012 
                       Most likely age of system is 1.87+/-0.13 Gyr. Procyon B progenitor mass Lie2013 
                       is 2.59(+0.44)(-0.26) Msun.                                             .       
                       AB: Bond et al. (2015) position angles published for J2000 equinox;     BdH2015 
                       theta precessed back to epoch of observation.  Bond et al. derive       .       
                       masses 1.478 +/- 0.012 and 0.592 +/- 0.006 Msun.                        .       
                       B: Teff = 7740 +/- 50 K, R = 0.01232 +/- 0.00032 \rsun, M = 0.592 +/-   BdH2017b
                       0.006 \msun. Sp = DQZ.                                                  .       
                       Intensity Interferometer Limb-darkened diameter of A 5.50 +/- 0.17 mas. HBr1974 
                       Mk III Limb-darkened diameter  6.44  +/- 0.25  mas.                     MkT1988 
                       Mk III Limb-darkened diameter  5.46  +/- 0.08  mas.                     MkT2001 
                       Mk III Limb-darkened diameter  5.446 +/- 0.054 mas.                     MkT2003 
                       NPOI Limb-darkened diameter    5.43  +/- 0.07  mas.                     NOI2001b
                       Spectral type of secondary: DQZ6.5.                                     Hbg2013 
           LAM   6     AC: Optical pair, based on study of relative motion of the components   .       
                       using the method of apparent motion parameters.                         Kiy2008 
           DIC   1     AD: Optical pair, based on study of relative motion of the components   .       
                       using the method of apparent motion parameters.                         Kiy2008 
           D    29     AE: Additional notes may be found in Dembowski (1883).                  D__1883 
                       AE: Rectilinear solution by Mason & Hartkopf (2015).                    Msn2015a
           SLE 439     AF: Rectilinear solution by Mason & Hartkopf (2015).                    Msn2015a
           SMR  11     AG: Rectilinear solution by Mason & Hartkopf (2015).                    Msn2015a
07393-3826 B  1557     CPD-38@1481.                                                            .       
07397+1305 CRZ   3     LSPM J0739+1304 + 2MASSI J0739438+130507. Secondary is M8 brown dwarf.  Crz2007 
07397+0117 A  2532     Rapid motion.                                                           .       
07397-2250 BRT1426     CD-22@4893.                                                             .       
07397-3808 I   160     d 2 Pup                                                                 .       
07398+0516 BRD   2     The A component is the E of 07393+0514.                                 .       
07398-3235 HD  61827   LS 640. The classification is from Houk & Cowley (1975, Michigan        .       
                       Spectral Catalogue, vol. 1).                                            Msn1998a
07399-2231 BRT1428     CD-22@4899.                                                             .       
07400-0336 BGH   3     B is BD-03@2002.                                                        .       
                       NLTT 18257/18260                                                        Chm2004 
07400-2453 I   779     CPD-24@2670.                                                            .       
07401+0514 STF1126     One component is a spectroscopic binary.                                .       
                       AB: H 1  23.                                                            MEv2010 
07402-1724 VBS  41     AB. LUY 745-46A. Van Biesbroek (1974) gives average of 5 measures       VBs1974 
                       obtained over 4 years, notes "little change". It is assumed he was      .       
                       observing the A component of the 20" LUY6207 pair.                      .       
           LDS5693     AC. LUY 745-46A+B. Aka LUY6207.                                         Luy1950b
                       NLTT 18271/18270                                                        Chm2004 
07404-1806 SLE 820     TDS5044 (merged 2008/06/25)                                             .       
07405+4136 LDS6208     NLTT 18248/18247                                                        Chm2004 
07406+1213 BPM 403     [PM2000]  797667 + [PM2000]  797678.                                    Gvr2010 
07410+2148 VAS  14     VSK   8.                                                                .       
07411+1323 BPM 404     AB: [PM2000]  799003 + [PM2000]  798850.                                Gvr2010 
           BPM 405     AC: [PM2000]  799003 + [PM2000]  799074.                                Gvr2010 
           BPM 406     BC: [PM2000]  798850 + [PM2000]  799074.                                Gvr2010 
07414-8555 HJ 4086     B is CPD-85@138.                                                        .       
07415-4223 GRV1252     Both A and B have approximately the same radial velocity.               Grv2019b
07417+3726 STT 177     Both the Postmas (1963) and Couteau & Laques (1965) orbits depend       Pma1963 
                       on the isolated measures by van den Bos in 1962.                        Cou1965a
                       Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and spectroscopic   .       
                       masses of 6.29 +/- 5.43, 3.42, and 1.00 Msun, respectively.             Mlk2012 
07417+0942 STF1130     A premature orbit has been computed. Needs speckle.                     .       
07417+0319 J   283     Also known as DJU   9.                                                  .       
07418-7236 DUN  57     zet Vol                                                                 .       
07419+3709 BRT2218     ALI 582.                                                                .       
07419+1703 BPM 407     [PM2000]  800895 + [PM2000]  800833.                                    Gvr2010 
07419+0449 SLE 448     Aka BAL3007a.                                                           .       
07420+3655 ES 2158     AB: Also known as COU2072.                                              .       
                       BD+37 1757. A found to be double, mags become 11.1 and 11.4. There is   .       
                       no star in the position given in ADS.                                   VBs1954 
07421+0348 GIC  76     G050-002/G050-003.                                                      .       
07421-2407 CPD   4     B is CD-23@5971.                                                        .       
07422-0331 STF1132     B is BD-03@2018.                                                        .       
                       H 4  96.                                                                MEv2010 
07426-1824 JRN  35     AB and AC: SLE 827.                                                     .       
07427+3400 CIA  30     Ma,Mb = 1.629 +/- 0.023, 1.443 +/- 0.020 \msun.                         .       
                       Ra,Rb = 2.53 +/- 0.10, 1.51 +/- 0.06 \rsun.                             .       
                       Teff_a,Teff_b = 6390 +/- 180, 6610 +/- 230 K.                           .       
                       La,Lb = 9.6 +/- 1.3, 4.1 +/- 0.5 \lsun. distance = 64.4 +/- 0.3 pc.     CIA2022e
07427+1659 BPM 408     [PM2000]  802827 + [PM2000]  802979.                                    Gvr2010 
07427+0110 DOB   8     BAL 1411.                                                               .       
07429+6517 HU  843     Same as HEI 132, misidentified by Hussey                                Hei1985a
07430+5843 HJ 2405     24 Lyn.                                                                 .       
07430+5110 GIC  66     G193-059/G193-060. LDS6209. Typographical error led to this pair being  .       
                       originally entered in the WDS as 06432+5113.                            .       
07430+2327 BLL  22     A is the Mira-type variable, S Gem.                                     .       
07430-1704 HU  710     Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical and spectroscopic masses          .       
                       2.88 +/- 1.72 and 2.46 Msun, respectively.                              Mlk2012 
07430-4511 WSI  99     Provisionally designated WSI9104.                                       Tok2010 
07431+1638 BPM 409     [PM2000]  803873 + [PM2000]  803792.                                    Gvr2010 
07431+0011 B  2526     The bright component is B. Distance 0".12; occasionally the star image  .       
                       was not quite round, but too close to measure.                          Vou1947b
07433+2853 BLL  23     sig Gem = 75 Gem. A is a spectroscopic binary and variable.             .       
                       NPOI Limb-darkened diameter 2.31 +/- 0.05 mas,                          NOI1999 
                       R =  9.3 +/- 0.3 \rsun.                                                 .       
           CIA   7     Aa,Ab: Roettenbacher et al. (2015) resolve the RS CVn binary sig Gem    .       
                       and determined a combined spectroscopic/astrometric orbit. The orbital  .       
                       parallax is 25.8 +/- 0.4 mas (38.8 +/- 0.6pc), flux ratio in H is       .       
                       270 +/- 70, primary radius is 10.1 +/- 0.4 Rsun, primary luminosity     .       
                       39 +/- 2 Lsun, the system age 5 +/- 1 Gyr. Derived masses are           .       
                       1.28 +/- 0.07 and 0.73 +/- 0.03 Msun.                                   CIA2015b
                       NPOI Limb-darkened diameter    2.260 +/- 0.030 mas,                     .       
                       R =    8.96 (+/- 0.16   )  \rsun,  Teff = 4267 +/-  31 K,               .       
                       L =   33.2 +/-   0.8 \lsun.                                             NOI2023 
07435+0329 TOK 355     Aa,Ab: SB1, P=34.8y.                                                    Tok2014d
           STF1134     AB: HJL  85.                                                            HJL1986 
07435-2825 SEE  85     1 Pup.                                                                  .       
07437-0004 HJ 2413     G112-043/G112-044. See Allen et al. (2000) for information on           AlC2000 
                       metallicity, age, galactic orbital parameters, etc.                     .       
                       NLTT 18347/18346                                                        Chm2004 
07437-3706 JSP 179     CPD-36@1566.                                                            .       
07441+1713 BPM 410     [PM2000]  806370 + [PM2000]  806526.                                    Gvr2010 
07441-1656 HU  844     V611 Pup, Algol-type eclipsing binary, P = 6.3177 d.                    Zas2011 
07442-5027 DUN  55     B is CD-50@2948.                                                        .       
                       SHY 195. Bayesian analysis by Shaya & Olling (2011) indicates very      Shy2011 
                       high (near 100%) probability pair is physical.                          .       
07443-0040 BAL 825BC   Optical/physical nature ascertained from Gaia DR2.                      FMR2019b
07444+2424 STT 179     kap Gem = 77 Gem                                                        .       
                       NPOI Limb-darkened diameter  2.378 +/- 0.025 mas, Sp = G8III,           NOI2018 
                       R =11.00 +/- 0.16 \rsun, Teff = 5020 +/- 68 K, L = 69.3 +/- 3.7 \lsun,  .       
                       M = 2.58 +/- 0.09 \msun, Age = 0.58 +/- 0.08 Gyr.                       .       
07444+0358 J  1999     aka BAL2783.                                                            Dam2016b
07445-2350 BRT2917     CPD-23@2752.                                                            .       
07445-2351 ARA2067     This, and ARA 2068 may be more distant companions of I 780.             .       
07446+1707 BPM 411     [PM2000]  807720 + [PM2000]  807817.                                    Gvr2010 
07447+1231 BPM 412     [PM2000]  807903 + [PM2000]  808122.                                    Gvr2010 
07448-3344 STN9001     Previously known as STN  60 1/2.                                        .       
                       Rectilinear solution by Hartkopf et al.  (2012).                        Hrt2012a
                       Despite the linear solution, proper motion and parallax favor a         Grv2020a
                       physical connection. Long period and/or high eccentricity possible.     .       
07449+0349 BAL2784     J 2486. J 2000.                                                         .       
07451-4248 CPO 169     CPD-42@1599.                                                            .       
07453+2802 BU  580     bet Gem = 78 Gem = Pollux                                               .       
                       AB, AE, and AG: Optical pairs, based on study of relative motion of     .       
                       the components using the method of apparent motion parameters.          Kiy2008 
           H 6  42     AC: H VI 42.                                                            .       
                       AC: Optical pair, based on study of relative motion of the components   .       
                       using the method of apparent motion parameters.                         Kiy2008 
           STFB  5     F is BD+28@1465.                                                        .       
                       AF: Optical pair, based on study of relative motion of the components   .       
                       using the method of apparent motion parameters.                         Kiy2008 
           BU  580     AB, AE, AG: Rectilinear solutions by Hurowitz et al. (2013).            USN2013a
           H 6  42     AC: Rectilinear solution by Friedman et al. (2012).                     USN2012a
07453-3812 BRT1610     Also known as DAW 193.                                                  .       
07454+1739 BPM 413     [PM2000]  809466 + [PM2000]  809614.                                    Gvr2010 
07454+1657 BPM 414     [PM2000]  809532 + [PM2000]  809629.                                    Gvr2010 
07454+1540 BPM 415     [PM2000]  809579 + [PM2000]  809412.                                    Gvr2010 
07455-1441 STF1138     2 Pup. B is the eclipsing binary PV Pup, and is BD-14@2193.             Fen1929 
                       AB: H 4  91.                                                            MEv2010 
07456-3410 RAG   6     AB: B = GJ 288B, white dwarf, PM(B)=(-246,+1654) (Holberg et al 2002).  Hbg2013 
                       B is binary?                                                            Tok2014d
           TOK 193     Triple system at 15 pc. The inner astrometric pair with large dmu is    .       
                       resolved with speckle. It is accompanied by the white dwarf NLTT 18414  .       
                       = GJ 288B at 914".                                                      Tok2012a
                       Astrometric binary; dm 4.0 mag, period ~ 10y? Accelerated pm, SB        Tok2012b
07457-2147 ARA1397     A likely plate flaw.                                                    Grv2021a
07458+7749 STF1100     Schiller measures: 1911.50, 238.6@, 33.54", 8.8-10.5.                   Shr1913 
                       Identification uncertain.                                               .       
07459+6509 STF1122     BDS 4203, H V 135 same star.                                            .       
                       H 5 135.                                                                MEv2010 
07462-3053 I  1169     Spectrum: Fm Delta Del.                                                 .       
07462-5949 COO  58     B is CPD-59@898.                                                        .       
                       SWR  32. CPM pair                                                       Skf2004 
           SHY 194     AC: HIP  37918 + HIP  37563.                                            .       
           SHY 194     BC: HIP  37923 + HIP  37563.                                            .       
07463+5755 GIC  77     LDS2552. G193-064/G193-063.                                             .       
07465-2202 B  2153     CPD-21@2740.                                                            .       
07466+1102 OL   78     This pair is 13" preceding and 3' south of ADS 6358. Fainter and        .       
                       closer, not in the B.D. The only earlier measures are given in the      .       
                       ADS; all later measures assigned to it are of ADS 6358. No change in    .       
                       either pair.                                                            B__1963b
07466+0408 STF1137     H 2  39.                                                                MEv2010 
07467+2001 RED   9     2MASSW J0746425+200032                                                  .       
                       Reid (2001) 2000.287 data from HST WFPC2 . Paper includes mass and age  Red2001 
                       estimates, as well as discussion of L dwarf binary frequency and        .       
                       semimajor axis distribution.                                            .       
                       Bouy et al (2004) derive a combined spectroscopic/astrometric solution  Boy2004 
                       for this binary L dwarf. Quoted errors are as follows:                  .       
                       P: +2.475/-2.100y, a: +0".030/-0".023, i: +2.5/-3.4deg,                 .       
                       node: +9.9/-14.2deg, T: +0.14/-0.09y, e: +0.08/-0.09,                   .       
                       omega: +5.2/-5.9deg. Semi-major axis given as 2.53 +0.37/-0.28 au.      .       
                       Angular values in orbit catalog are based on the quoted distance of     .       
                       12.21 +/- 0.05 pc. The total derived mass is 0.146 +0.016/-0.006 Msun.  .       
                       HST spectra indicate spectral types L0 +/- 0.5 and L1.5 +/- 0.5; Bouy   .       
                       et al. determine age range 150-500 Myr, conclude secondary is brown     .       
                       dwarf with mass in range 0.060 - 0.072 Msun.                            .       
                       Gizis et al. (2006) believe both stars are probably older (>1 Gyr)      .       
                       than thought by Bouy et al., with masses about 0.080 and 0.075 Msun.    Giz2006 
                       Assuming a parallactic distance of 12.21 +/- 0.05 pc                    Dah2002 
                       (Dahn et al. 2002), Konopacky et al. (2010) derive a system mass of     .       
                       0.151 +/- 0.003 Msun.                                                   Kon2010 
                       Astrometric orbit by Harris et al. (2015) yielded the following         .       
                       properties: spectral types L0+L1.5, absolute J mags 11.85+12.21,        .       
                       masses 0.080 +/- 0.002 and 0.074 +/- 0.002 Msun.                        USN2015 
07468+0245 BAL2311     BAL1813.                                                                .       
07470+6403 STF1127     BDS 4378; H II 101 is probably same star.                               .       
07470+0001 STF1141     B is BD+00@2080.                                                        .       
07471-1933 DAW 182     CPD-19@2666.                                                            .       
07471-4130 DUN  56     Alternate spectral type: B1V. B is CD-41@3385.                          .       
07472-5905 R    79     B is CPD-58@993.                                                        .       
07473-0543 HJ   62     There is a faint star near B about half the distance of A.              .       
07475+7012 GJ 285.1    Arenou (2000) combined solution of astrometric orbits and DSBs. Paper   Are2000 
                       includes masses and distances.                                          .       
                       Improved SB2 orbit for the unresolved pair.                             Kie2018 
                       A: Teff = 5585 +/- 13 K, B: Teff = 4484 +/- 110.                        .       
           BAG  48     The Aa,Ab pair may be the 553d spectroscopic binary.                    Grf2017e
07475+3325 STF1135     pi Gem = 80 Gem. Variable?                                              .       
                       AB: H 4  53.                                                            MEv2010 
07476+1540 BPM 416     [PM2000]  815002 + [PM2000]  814995.                                    Gvr2010 
07478-1601 KNT   4     B is BD-15@2049.                                                        .       
07478-4418 BRT 716     CPD-43@1790.                                                            .       
07479-1212 STF1146     5 Pup.                                                                  .       
07479-2411 HJ 4003     ARA074.                                                                 .       
07480+6018 HU 1247     This system underwent periastron sooner than predicted by the orbit of  Baz1961b
                       Baize (1961).                                                           Hrt1992b
                       Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and spectroscopic   .       
                       masses of 1.88 +/- 0.15, 2.08, and 2.14 Msun, respectively.             Mlk2012 
                       SB1, P=7236d? = 19.8y?                                                  Tok2014d
07480+1327 BPM 417     [PM2000]  815774 + [PM2000]  815786.                                    Gvr2010 
07481+5013 NI   17     BVD  68.                                                                .       
07481+0525 STF1143     Some error in position. See note in BDS II.                             Bu_1906 
                       This may be STF1134AB with a larger error than is typical for a         .       
                       FGW Struve measure.                                                     .       
                       Alternatively, this may be the same as STF1141.                         StF2022 
07481-4812 SWR  34     CPM pair                                                                Skf2004 
07484+1820 STF1140     H 2  64.                                                                MEv2010 
07484+0434 BRT2135     BAL 2789.                                                               .       
07484-1922 OL    5     This is probably the same as OL 156.                                    .       
07486+2308 WRH  15     82 Gem. 1945.82 : System separated.                                     .       
                       The equinox-1900 position was incorrectly given as 07526+2323 in        McA1978b
                       McAlister (1978) and McAlister & Fekel (1980)                           McA1980b
07487-0030 HJ   63     BAL 828.                                                                .       
07488+2855 H 5  67     H V 67.                                                                 .       
07489-2458 HIP  38134  This metal-poor astrometric and SB is not resolved here.                Tok2013b
07489-2622 BRT2921     CPD-26@2613.                                                            .       
07490+2834 STF1144     AB: H 2  65.                                                            MEv2010 
                       Primary is eclipsing binary of Algol-type, 1.425 d.                     Zas2012 
07490+0040 STTA 88     B is BD+01@1912.                                                        .       
07490-2455 TOK 194     Astrometric binary; dm 1.7 mag, period ~ 2.4y Orbit (Goldin & Makarov   .       
                       2007)                                                                   Tok2012b
                       The period matches the astrometric orbit of Goldin & Makarov (2007.     Gln2007 
                       The mass sum in this pair composed of a giant primary and possibly an   .       
                       A-type secondary is 5.9 Msun. The measure on 2011.93 was ignored as     .       
                       spurious (it was affected by vibrations).                               Tok2015c
07491-5625 SEE  88     A is a spectroscopic binary.                                            .       
07492+3117 HJ  429     SEI 481.                                                                Nsn2017b
07492-4622 JC   11     B is CD-46@3462.                                                        .       
07492-6017 HJ 4012     Optical pair, based on study of relative motion of the components       .       
                       using the method of apparent motion parameters.                         Kiy2008 
           SHY 197     AC: HIP  38160 + HIP  37918. C component = A component of 07462-5949.   .       
           SHY 197     AD: HIP  38160 + HIP  37563. D component = C component of 07462-5949.   .       
07493+0839 GIC  78     G089-043/G089-042.                                                      .       
07493-2452 BU 1063     xi Pup = 7 Pup. A is a spectroscopic binary.                            .       
07494+1655 BPM 418     [PM2000]  819195 + [PM2000]  819247.                                    Gvr2010 
07494-2902 B  2638     CD-28@4920?                                                             .       
07495+4128 LDS 900     AB,C: NLTT 18475/18473                                                  Chm2004 
07497+1204 BPM 419     [PM2000]  819741 + [PM2000]  819782.                                    Gvr2010 
07497+1047 BPM 420     [PM2000]  819895 + [PM2000]  819740.                                    Gvr2010 
07498-2012 SEE  87     Both A and B are above MS. Wrong parallax?  B is optical, observed      .       
                       motion is opposite to the PM of A. Wrong colors.                        Tok2014d
07500+1203 BPM 421     [PM2000]  820582 + [PM2000]  820603.                                    Gvr2010 
07500+0241 J  2044     BAL 1822.                                                               .       
07501+0239 J  2046     BAL 1823.                                                               .       
07501-0053 SAN   1     Reported by Sanford & Nicholson in 1940. Star 17 Algiers 184.           San1940 
                       Also known as HDS1112.                                                  .       
07501-1756 ARA 199     A likely plate flaw.                                                    Grv2021b
07502+1333 GRV1253     Both A and B have approximately the same radial velocity.               Grv2019b
07502+1051 BPM 422     [PM2000]  820874 + [PM2000]  820708.                                    Gvr2010 
07502-0214 GCB  21     J 1502. BAL 491.                                                        .       
07503+0713 LDS3765     GJ 1102B.   White dwarf pair = WD 0747+07 = EGGR 426/427                Grn1986 
07506-3620 JSP 194     CPD-36@1702.                                                            .       
07507+0242 BAL1825     J 2047.                                                                 .       
07508+0317 A  2880     Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and spectroscopic   .       
                       masses of 1.70 +/- 0.37, 4.80, and 2.88 Msun, respectively.             Mlk2012 
07509+4428 JNN  59     There is a companion to 2MASS J07505369+4428181 which has a color and   .       
                       brightness that is consistent with what should be expected if it was    .       
                       physcially bound. Common proper motion has not yet been tested for the  .       
                       system.                                                                 Jnn2012 
07509+1203 BRT3375     Unnumbered pair, following BRT1240 in Barton's list.                    Brt1935a
07509+0446 BRT2136     Aka BAL3007b.                                                           .       
07510+4231 LDS 901     NLTT 18504/18506                                                        Chm2004 
07510+3137 STTA 89     Also known as FRK   7. B is BD+31@1677, spectrum A5.                    .       
                       HJL1050.                                                                HJL1986 
07510-2414 HDO 110     CD: J  1503.                                                            J__1962a
07513+1649 BPM 423     [PM2000]  823572 + [PM2000]  823801.                                    Gvr2010 
07517+1245 BPM 424     [PM2000]  824420 + [PM2000]  824507.                                    Gvr2010 
07517+0301 CUD   3     Component A is the central star of the planetary nebula PN G217.1+14.7  Skf2013 
                       = Abell 24.                                                             .       
07518-0252 BAL 189     BRT 413.                                                                Brt1931 
07518-1354 BU  101     9 Pup. Discussion of the RV's by Abt & Levy (1976).                     AbH1976 
                       Pourbaix gives combined solution for this resolved SB2, yielding        .       
                       orbital parallaxes and component masses.                                Pbx2000b
                       Hipparcos parallax 60.59 +/- 0.59 mas; dynamical parallax 59.8 mas,     .       
                       masses 1.16 and 0.86 Msun. This is a minor revision of the orbit by     .       
                       Pourbaix (2000) needed to reduce its large residual from our measure    Pbx2000b
                       in 2009. Radial velocities (RVs) from the above paper were included in  .       
                       the combined orbital solution, but make little influence on the final   .       
                       elements, which are primarily constrained by speckle interferometry.    .       
                       The orbit is now extremely well defined.                                Tok2012b
                       Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and spectroscopic   .       
                       masses of 1.90 +/- 0.09, 2.09, and 1.02 Msun, respectively.             Mlk2012 
07519+0001 LDS6210     NLTT 18545/18546                                                        Chm2004 
07519-2630 BRT9001     This pair not assigned a Barton number by him, hence the 9001 here.     Brt1951 
                       His cross-reference star, CPD-26@2690 = CD-26@5106, is single,          .       
                       however, the precise position identified pair seems to match Barton's   .       
                       description.                                                            .       
07520-0202 BAL 492     J 2856.                                                                 .       
07522-4035 TOK 195     Astrometric binary; dm 1.0 mag, period ~ 7.0y Orbit (Jancart et al.     Jnc2005 
                       2005), SB1                                                              Tok2012b
                       The bright star a Pup (HD 64440, HR 3080) is known as a spectroscopic   .       
                       binary. However, examination of the RV data reveals that the orbit by   .       
                       Parsons (1983 ApJS 53, 553) is only approximate. The binary is          .       
                       difficult to measure, always close to the diffraction limit and with    .       
                       dm~3. Instead of the spectroscopic period of 6.99yr, our orbit has      .       
                       P=7.4y and is still preliminary. More RV coverage is obviously needed.  Tok2015c
07523-2626 WSI  54     V402 Pup, ellipsoidal binary, period 1.01896 d.                         Zas2018 
07525+7753 LDS1659     NLTT 18453/18452                                                        Chm2004 
07525-1352 H 3  28     H III 28.  Hipparcos suspected non-single.                              .       
07526+1635 BPM 425     [PM2000]  826307 + [PM2000]  826550.                                    Gvr2010 
07526+1201 STF1153     Spectral classes may be F8, F5 (McCormick). B is BD+12@1699.            .       
07528+1850 OCC9016     The OCC2010 solution is ambiguous and two are arbitrarily "T" coded     .       
                       until the true solution is determined.                                  .       
07528-0526 FIN 325     See Baize & Petit (1989) catalog of doubles with variable component.    Baz1989d
                       Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and spectroscopic   .       
                       masses of 2.20 +/- 0.23, 2.18, and 1.35 Msun, respectively.             Mlk2012 
07529+6454 STF1136     STT 184.                                                                .       
07529-5838 RST4379     Spectral type A5?                                                       .       
07530+3138 SEI 483     KU, Bonn 3465.                                                          .       
07532-1248 J  2489     RST 3554. BRT 2616. BRT2689.                                            .       
07533+2528 HJ 5471     Herschel coordinates 07 42 59.2 NPD 64 06 50 (1830). He notes: "this    HJ_1870 
                       one and 5472 are in same field and nearly same parallel".               .       
07535+2917 ALP  12     2MASSI J0753321+291711                                                  .       
                       Physical companionship to this ultracool dwarf is ruled out based on    .       
                       I-J color, using I-band photometry taken at WIYN.                       AlP2007 
07535+2646 phi Gem     Hipparcos astrometric solution assumed circular orbit (e = omega = 0)   HIP1997d
07536+3036 BUP 108     Proper motion of A +719 -1832.                                          .       
                       We do not confirm it using our data and images from the Digitized Sky   .       
                       Surveys                                                                 Oso2004 
07537-6339 MUG   8     Based on astrometry, photometry and H- and K-band spectroscopy,         .       
                       Mugrauer et al. (2007) conclude that HD 65216 A and B comprise a        Mug2007 
                       physical pair. The projected separation is 253 au. The Ba and Bb        .       
                       (their B and C) components also appear to be co-moving. From narrow-    .       
                       band photometry of all components, conclude spectral type of Ba is      .       
                       M7-M8 and that of Bb is L2-L3; masses are 0.089 +/- 0.001 and 0.078     .       
                       +/- 0.001 Msun for Ba and Bb, assuming a system age of 5 Gyr. Orbital   .       
                       period of Ba,Bb estimated at 36y. Theta values estimated from their     .       
                       Figure 6.                                                               .       
                       Primary is planet host star. Two companions Ba and Bb bound to A        .       
                       component. Spectral types of Ba and Bb are M6.5-L0 and M7.5-L4,         .       
                       respectively.                                                           Egn2007 
                       AB: A is exoplanet host, P=613d, 5542d                                  Tok2014d
07538+2444 STF1156     Burnham says STF1156 and STF1163 (BDS 4335 and BDS 4352) are            Bu_1906 
                       the same star, but Weis ("F.G.W. Struve's Double Stars") indicates      StF2002 
                       separate pairs. WDS identification 07560+2440STF1163 changed to         .       
                       07538+2444STF1156 and 07560+2440STF1163.                                .       
07540+1711 BPM 426     [PM2000]  829481 + [PM2000]  829487.                                    Gvr2010 
07541-2413 ARA2083     ARA2082 and ARA2083 found to share same secondary; quadrant flipped     .       
                       for ARA2082 and systems merged, with ARA2082 as BC pair.                .       
07542+1135 BPM 427     [PM2000]  829865 + [PM2000]  830037.                                    Gvr2010 
07542+0429 J   803     J notes a second component at 100@, 11th magnitude.                     .       
07542-5834 HJ 4021     Optical pair, based on study of relative motion of the components       .       
                       using the method of apparent motion parameters.                         Kiy2008 
07544-1748 HJ 4015     B is BD-17@2221.                                                        .       
07545-0011 BAL1121     J  3284.                                                                Nsn2016 
07547+3806 TOK 665     Tokovinin & Lepine (2012): 3 CPM candidates at 802", 1665", 1612", all  .       
                       likely optical.                                                         Tok2014d
07548-1730 ARA 203     A likely plate flaw.                                                    Grv2021b
07549+1914 ENG  33     AB: Optical pair, based on study of relative motion of the components   .       
                       using the method of apparent motion parameters.                         Kiy2008 
                       AB and AC: Rectilinear solution by Hurowitz et al. (2013).              USN2013a
07549+1218 BPM 428     [PM2000]  831471 + [PM2000]  831462.                                    Gvr2010 
07549-2920 KUI  32     Also known as LHS1955. Parallax = 74.36 +/- 1.13 mas.                   TSN2010 
07552+1601 BPM 429     [PM2000]  832157 + [PM2000]  831932.                                    Gvr2010 
07554-5337 GLI  77     B is CPD-53@1479.                                                       .       
07557-0328 HJ   71     See note in BDS II.                                                     .       
07558+3530 HJ 3303     ALI 115.                                                                .       
07560+2440 STF1163     Burnham says STF1156 and STF1163 (BDS 4335 and BDS 4352) are            Bu_1906 
                       the same star, but Weis ("F.G.W. Struve's Double Stars") indicates      StF2002 
                       separate pairs. WDS identification 07560+2440STF1163 changed to         .       
                       07538+2444STF1156 and 07560+2440STF1163.                                .       
07560+2342 COU 929     Mason et al. (1997) orbit includes mass determination.                  Msn1997a
                       Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and spectroscopic   .       
                       masses of 1.82 +/- 0.22, 2.35, and 1.05 Msun, respectively.             Mlk2012 
07560+0448 BAL3008     Not found by Heintz at IDS position.                                    Hei1990b
07560-2313 DON 212     CD-22@5380.                                                             .       
07563-2221 SEE  90     CD-22@5387.                                                             .       
07568-6049 HJ 4027     In the cluster NGC 2516. Spectra B9IVp(Si) and B9.5IVp(SiII).           .       
                       Spectrum of C: A2IV.                                                    .       
07571+1800 BPM 430     [PM2000]  836184 + [PM2000]  836153.                                    Gvr2010 
07572+2342 HJ  433     Also reported as new by Gauchet and Doolittle.                          Gau1926a
07573+0108 STT 185     Perry (as cited by Gledhill) noted two faint companions with his        .       
                       18-inch reflector in 1881.16. The first was at ~170deg, separation      .       
                       25-30", the other at ~270deg, 30-35".                                   .       
                       Additional notes may be found in Schiaparelli (1888).                   Sp_1888 
                       Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and spectroscopic   .       
                       masses of 2.85 +/- 0.37, 2.86, and 1.13 Msun, respectively.             Mlk2012 
07573-0950 A  1578     Rectilinear solution by Rica & Zirm (2012).                             FMR2012i
07573-4407 SEE  92     A is variable.                                                          .       
07578-6018 LDS 198     A is a spectroscopic binary.                                            .       
           JSP 208     BC: CD-59@1774.                                                         .       
07581-2916 BRT2933     CPD-28@2627.                                                            .       
07582-4915 HRG 137     A is the Beta Lyrae-type system V Pup.                                  .       
07583+0213 SHJ  87     14 CMi.                                                                 .       
                       AB: Optical pair, based on study of relative motion of the components   .       
                       using the method of apparent motion parameters.                         Kiy2008 
                       AC: Optical pair, based on study of relative motion of the components   .       
                       using the method of apparent motion parameters.                         Kiy2008 
                       AB: H 6  84.                                                            MEv2010 
07584-0258 BRT 542     BAL 192.                                                                .       
07584-2908 EVS   7     Classical Cepheid AQ Pup.                                               .       
07584-4619 CPO 183     One of three Barton pairs he may have intended to label BRT 721.        Brt1933 
07584-6051 HJ 4031     Spectrum: B8.5IIIMnII and B9V.                                          .       
07587-4740 CPO 184     CPD-47@1729.                                                            .       
                       One of three Barton pairs he may have intended to label BRT 721.        Brt1933 
07590-4940 CPO 185     One of three Barton pairs he may have intended to label BRT 721.        Brt1933 
07590-6338 LDS 199     Separation 1050".                                                       .       
07591-0420 TOT   1     V769 Mon.                                                               .       
07592+3457 BRT3249     ALI 117.                                                                .       
07592-4959 DUN  59     B is CD-49@3244.                                                        .       
07592-5038 SWR  36     CPM pair                                                                Skf2004 
07593+6554 MLB 344     Also known as WFC  60.                                                  .       
07598-0847 GWP 957     ABL 179.                                                                Tob2012b
07598-1351 HLD  94     The 1985.12 measure by Heintz was listed as HJ   74 at it's             Hei1987a
                       previous incorrect southern declination. When given the correct         .       
                       hemisphere this is the closest pair which approximately fits, so the    .       
                       id on this measure is uncertain.                                        .       
07598-4718 I  1070     Primary is V410 Pup, a bet Lyr type eclipsing binary, period 0.87616d.  Zas2012 
07599-1030 FOX  63     Aka J  2861.                                                            Dam2012 
07599-1433 GWP 958     ABL 180.                                                                Tob2012b
07599-1448 BRT 571     TDS5429.                                                                .       
08001-0937 J  2862     RST 3562.                                                               .       
08003+1138 HJ   74     aka ROE  32. Friedrich Damm commented on the declination sign being     .       
                       wrong for the HJ pair. The 1825 coordinates, precessed to 2000          .       
                       match this pair, as does the second measure by John Herschel.           .       
08005+2900 OSO  20     G090-036. Common proper motion pair                                     Oso2004 
08005+0955 A  2954     Magnitude underestimated by Aitken; should be ~0.7 mag.                 Baz1951a
08007+1635 BPM 431     [PM2000]  843821 + [PM2000]  843697.                                    Gvr2010 
08008+1719 OCC9068     3 Cnc.                                                                  .       
08009+4452 ES 1325     aka 08017+4451TDS5455.                                                  .       
08009-0405 LDS6211     NLTT 18799/18798                                                        Chm2004 
08013-1407 BRT2700     A likely plate flaw.                                                    Grv2021b
08014-5431 DUN  60     One component is variable and a spectroscopic binary.                   .       
                       dRA = 1.83s.                                                            Dun1829 
08016-3430 JSP 216     CPD-34@1901.                                                            .       
08017+6019 MCA  33     53 Cam. A variable of the Alpha CVn type, AX Cam, and a spectroscopic   .       
                       binary now resolved by interferometry.                                  .       
                       Value of omega in Baize (1993) orbit incorrectly listed as 113.0, same  Baz1993b
                       as Omega (erratum noted in Inf. Circ. 121, 1994).                       Baz1993d
                       Combined spectroscopic/interferometric orbit by Balega et al. (2004),   Bag2004b
                       yielding mass sum 3.61 +/- 0.38 Msun. Spectral types are estimated as   .       
                       A2V and F0V.                                                            .       
                       Combined spectroscopic/interferometric orbit by Carrier et al. (2002),  CrF2002 
                       yielding a = 275.1 x 10^6 km, parallax 10.2 +/- 1.0 mas and mass sum    .       
                       1.49 +/- 0.66 Msun. Authors note that Scholz & Lehmann (1988)           Slz1988 
                       attempted to scale their spectroscopic solution using then-available    .       
                       speckle data, deriving masses for the components of 2.5 and 1.6 Msun,   .       
                       considerably larger than found here.                                    .       
                       Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and spectroscopic   .       
                       masses of 3.62 +/- 3.60, 3.94, and 2.09 Msun, respectively.             Mlk2012 
08017+2505 H 6  75     ome 2 Cnc = 4 Cnc.  H VI 75.                                            .       
08017+1521 BPM 432     [PM2000]  845760 + [PM2000]  845621.                                    Gvr2010 
08017-0836 A  1580     A is the Algol-type system V635 Mon.                                    .       
08018-3429 I   187     CD-34 4230, mag 11.7, is 46.5" S and a 13.0 is 20" preceding.           Daw1927a
08021+5437 STF1165     Same as STF1166.                                                        .       
08021-0049 BAL 845     J 3285.                                                                 .       
08021-1710 HDS1140     AB + TOK 394AC: This is the high-PM M-dwarf LP 784-12 (HIP 39293) at    .       
                       30pc. A new distant component C was found at 1".8 in addition to the    .       
                       known pair HDS 1140 which closed from 0".4 in 1991.25 to 0".33 now. It  .       
                       is confirmed as physical by its fixed position during one year, the     .       
                       quadrant of the triple was determined in run 5.                         Tok2015c
08024+0409 STF1175     A premature orbit has been computed. Data appear equally well fit by    .       
                       rectilinear solution - see linear elements catalog.                     .       
08024+0320 LDS5160     LDS5196.                                                                .       
08025+6305 SHJ  86     STTA 90. B is BD+63@750.                                                .       
08025-4440 I     8     QQ Pup.                                                                 .       
08025-5502 HJ 4044     B is CPD-54@1480.                                                       .       
08026+2028 DOO  47     Doolittle identifies this as BDS 4392, HJ 437 but it seems to be a      Doo1915b
                       different pair.                                                         .       
08026+1309 SLE 320     CD: SLE 456.                                                            .       
08027-2632 LDS 200     NLTT 18855/18856                                                        Chm2004 
08027-4119 HJ 4038     A component variable? B is CD-40@3775.                                  .       
08029+0419 BRT2140     BAL 2801.                                                               .       
08030-5720 SWR  38     CD-56@ 2090.                                                            .       
08031+1637 BPM 433     [PM2000]  848557 + [PM2000]  848413.                                    Gvr2010 
08031-0625 A  1581     A premature orbit has been computed.                                    .       
08031-3228 HJ 4035     B is CD-32@4768.                                                        .       
08032-3812 HJ 4039     V626 Pup, EA per 1.425902 d.                                            Zas2011 
08033+5251 HDS1149     An additional component at a distance of 40 mas from the secondary is   .       
                       suspected in the system. The magnitude difference is between 1.5 and    .       
                       2 mag.                                                                  Bag2004 
                       Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and spectroscopic   .       
                       masses of 1.42 +/- 0.46, 1.07, and 1.00 Msun, respectively.             Mlk2012 
08035+2748 ES 2628     chi Gem. See Espin.                                                     Es_1908a
08035+1211 HO  350     A=SB?  AB is seen in the 2MASS J,K-band images, but A seems saturated.  Tok2014d
08036-4000 zet Pup     = Naos. The distance estimate is from Reid & Howarth (1996 A&A 311,     .       
                       616). Van Rensbergen et al. (1996 A&A 305, 825)  discuss the star's     .       
                       trajectory and possible runaway status.                                 Msn1998a
08037-4634 HJ 4043     B is CD-46@3727.                                                        .       
08038-1055 J  2492     J 2863.                                                                 .       
08039-3133 LDS 201     AB: B is CD-31@5466.                                                    .       
                       AB: SHY 520. Bayesian analysis by Shaya & Olling (2011) indicates very  Shy2011 
                       high (near 100%) probability pair is physical.                          .       
                       AC: C is CPD-31@2104.                                                   .       
           B  2164     CD: TDS5491.                                                            .       
08040-5822 BRT3117     TDS5496.                                                                .       
08041+3302 STT 187     Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and spectroscopic   .       
                       masses of 2.79 +/- 1.42, 4.53, and 2.14 Msun, respectively.             Mlk2012 
08044+1217 BU  581     See Baize & Petit (1989) catalog of doubles with variable component.    Baz1989d
                       AB: Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and             .       
                       spectroscopic masses 1.96 +/- 0.38, 1.75, and 0.85 Msun, respectively.  Mlk2012 
                       Star C (mag. 10.5, 5") is in slow direct motion about AB.               .       
                       AB,C: Additional notes may be found in Burnham (1894).                  Bu_1894 
08047+2831 MLB 565     Faint pair, 32s p, 3' n of ADS 6557.                                    Baz1951a
08047-6250 DUN  62     A is the variable V375 Car.                                             .       
                       B is CPD-62@952.                                                        .       
08049-0223 GWP 968     ABL 181.                                                                Tob2012b
08049-2233 ARA1719     A likely plate flaw.                                                    Grv2021b
08050-3419 B  1579     Despite the linear solution, proper motion and parallax favor a         Grv2020a
                       physical connection. Long period and/or high eccentricity possible.     .       
08052-4525 JC   12     B is CD-45@3742.                                                        .       
08053-4626 CPO 192     TDS5515.                                                                .       
08055-6952 HJ 4055     SWR  39. CPM pair                                                       Skf2004 
08056+2830 MLB 566     The Barton pair formerly at 08049 is identical                          Hei1985a
08056+2732 STF1177     17 Cnc                                                                  .       
08056-6617 GLI  81     B is CPD-65@867.                                                        .       
08057+6823 STF1164     Optical pair, based on study of relative motion of the components       .       
                       using the method of apparent motion parameters.                         Kiy2008 
                       Rectilinear solution by Hurowitz et al. (2014).                         USN2014a
08059-2014 ALD  84     CPD-19@3088.                                                            .       
08061-0047 A  1971     A premature orbit has been computed.                                    Cou1953d
08062+0201 J   420     Appears to be in rapid retrograde motion.                               .       
                       Despite having an orbit, an optical pair based on parallax.             Mlk2022 
08063-4021 RSS   9     This previously uncataloged double star was a Hipparcos double entry    .       
                       system.  The first measure is determined from the individual positions  .       
                       listed by Rousseau et al.                                               Rss1996 
08068+3303 AG  147     SEI 487.                                                                Nsn2017b
08068-0900 GWP 972     ABL 182.                                                                Tob2012b
08069-1320 GWP 973     ABL 183.                                                                Tob2012b
08069-2707 DUN  61     B is CD-26@5531.                                                        .       
08069-6618 LUH   5     Primary is the DQ white dwarf WD 0806-661 = GJ 3483, mass 0.62 +/-      .       
                       0.03 Msun. Mass of companion estimated at ~7 Mjup, Teff ~300K.          Luh2011 
                       Companion Teff 300-345K, mass 6-9 Mjup, distance 19.2 +/- 0.6 pc.       Luh2012 
08071-2138 B  2168     CPD-21@3163.                                                            .       
08072+1615 BPM 434     [PM2000]  856195 + [PM2000]  856322.                                    Gvr2010 
08072+0723 AG  149     HJL  86.                                                                HJL1986 
08075+1318 BPM 435     [PM2000]  856648 + [PM2000]  856681.                                    Gvr2010 
08075-2418 RST5284     rho Pup = 15 Pup = Tureis. A is a Delta Scuti-type variable.            .       
08076-0814 GWP 976     ABL 184.                                                                Tob2012b
08079-0215 GWP 977     ABL 185.                                                                Tob2012b
08079-6837 RMK   7     eps Vol. A is a spectroscopic binary.                                   .       
08081+4916 HJ 2428     Rectilinear solution by Cvetkovic et al. (2018).                        Cve2018 
08081-2415 BRT1448     Aka ARA2099.                                                            .       
08082+7155 LDS1667     NLTT 18921/18913                                                        Chm2004 
08082+2106 COU  91     LDS 902.                                                                .       
                       NLTT 18979/18980                                                        Chm2004 
08082-2208 BU  334     Despite the linear solution, proper motion and parallax favor a         Grv2020a
                       physical connection. Long period and/or high eccentricity possible.     .       
08084-0005 GWP 979     ABL 186.                                                                Tob2012b
08085+5130 ES   70     27 Lyn.                                                                 .       
08086-0259 STF1190     zet Mon = 29 Mon. C is BD-02@2449.                                      .       
                       AB: H 4  97.                                                            MEv2010 
08087+5750 A  1075     Also known as HDS1161. These two pairs were recognized to be the same   .       
                       by Brian Skiff.                                                         Skf2004 
08089+2437 NLTT 18995  Ren & Fu (2013) calculated an astrometric orbit, combining Hipparcos    .       
                       Intermediate Astrometric Data with spectroscopic elements by            .       
                       Latham et al. (2002). They derived component masses 0.92 and 0.62 Msun  Lat2002 
                       and an estimated semimajor axis of 25.73 mas.                           Ren2013 
08089+1213 J   375     AB: Rectilinear solution by Cvetkovic et al. (2018).                    Cve2018 
08090+3249 BDT   2     Aa,Ab : Combined solution yield Ma = 0.72 +/- 0.04 \msun,               Miz2018 
                       Mb = 0.30 +/- 0.03, distance of 24.83 +/- 0.22 pc, Age = 42 +/- 6/5     .       
                       Myr, and Teff = 4100 +/- 200/400.                                       .       
           DYR   1     AB: VYS 250. A is a flare star, and B is a double-lined spectroscopic   .       
                       binary, P = 6.21d.                                                      .       
08090-6118 EHR  11     Companion appears to be a background star.                              Ehr2010 
08091-3719 BRT1615     CPD-36@1978.                                                            .       
08091-3931 GLI  80     B is CD-39@4038.                                                        .       
08092+1836 SLE 466     BC: Hipparcos suspected non-single.                                     .       
08094+3752 STF1184     B is BD+38@1869.                                                        .       
08095+3213 STF1187     Hopmann orbit rejected from Fourth Orbit Catalog                        Hop1971 
                       ("period over 4000 years")                                              Wor1983 
           CHR 190     Aa,Ab: Four observations 1991-1996, with separation decreasing from     .       
                       0.15" to 0.06"; next observed in 2004 at 0.16". Two possible orbits     .       
                       are suggested: a short-period (11.3y) solution predicts a separation    .       
                       of 0.074", while a long-period (28.8y) solution predicts 0.143".        Hrt2009 
08095-4720 DUN  65     A: gam 2 Vel. Spectrum WC8+O7.5e, probably the nearest Wolf Rayet.      .       
                       B: gam 1 Vel. CD-46@3846. Variable, spectrum B1IV.                      .       
                       AB: Both components are spectroscopic binaries.                         .       
                       The AB pair was formerly known as DUN  64.                              .       
           I  1175     DE: DE is I 1175 (= RST 4878) at 08 09.5 -47 25.                        .       
                       The Hipparcos distance suggests a position in front of the Vel OB2      .       
                       association (van der Hucht et al. 1997 NewA 2, 245; Schaerer et al.     .       
                       1997 ApJ 484, L153) at a distance of 258 +41/-31 pc; however, the       .       
                       Hipparcos distances for the B stars in Vel OB2 (Brandt et al. 1971 ApJ  .       
                       1623, L99) yield a comparable distance of 317 +/- 42 pc.  This is also  .       
                       consistent with the distance from the resolution of the binary by       .       
                       Hanbury Brown et al. (1970) of 350 +/- 50 pc.  Thus, we have chosen to  HBr1970 
                       keep gam 2 Vel as a member of Vel OB2. Classification is from van der   .       
                       Hucht et al. (1997).  The B component was also observed and appeared    .       
                       to be single. Classifications of the B, C, and D components are from    Msn1998a
                       Hoffleit & Warren (1991).                                               Hof1991 
           TOK   2     Aa: The primary is a close WR+O binary. Although the pair is            .       
                       unresolved, VLTI/AMBER observations on 2004.984 over baselines of       .       
                       46-85m and wavelength range 1950-2170 nm are fit by a binary model      .       
                       giving a separation of 3.65 +/- 0.06 mas, position angle 72.7 +/- 8.7   .       
                       deg, flux ratio 0.62 +/- 0.04 (dm 0.52 +/- 0.07 mag.                    MiF2007 
                       Intensity Interferometer Limb-darkened diameter 0.44 +/- 0.05 mas.      HBr1974 
08098-1658 A  3101     Spectrum: A3/5II/III.                                                   .       
08099-1923 ARA 632     A likely plate flaw.                                                    Grv2021a
08099-4911 SYO   3     Aka R    81.                                                            .       
08100-4241 CPO 195     CPD-42@2143.                                                            .       
08102+5548 SHY 524     AC: HIP  40006 + HIP  40536.                                            .       
08102+3527 WSI 100     Provisionally designated WSI9105.                                       Hrt2008 
           HJ 3308     AB: Rectilinear solution by Friedman et al. (2012).                     USN2012a
08102+3347 ANR   1     MLB 1049.                                                               .       
08102+2551 BUP 111     B is BD+26@1729.                                                        .       
08103-0607 GWP 984     ABL 187.                                                                Tob2012b
08104+0020 BAL1133     HJL  87.                                                                HJL1986 
08105+2530 BUP 112     psi Cnc = 14 Cnc.                                                       .       
                       AC: Optical pair, based on study of relative motion of the components   .       
                       using the method of apparent motion parameters.                         Kiy2008 
08106-1842 GWP 987     ABL 188.                                                                Tob2012b
08106-2024 ARA1030     Aka BRT1454.                                                            Dam2016b
08107-1348 LDS 204     18 Pup. NLTT 19073/19072                                                Chm2004 
                       AB: Both A and B possible SBs?                                          Tok2014d
08107-1751 GWP 989     ABL 189.                                                                Tob2012b
08110+7955 LDS1668     AB: NLTT 18931/18924                                                    Chm2004 
           OSO  21     G251-054. AD is not a proper motion companion                           Oso2004 
08113+0117 STF1198     B is BD+01@2018.                                                        .       
08113-1256 BU 1064     19 Pup. Not seen in 1936, 1939                                          B__1951a
08114-4259 HJ 4057     B is CD-42@3976.                                                        .       
08116+3227 CRJ   2     Aa,Ab: Primary is GJ 9256. Crepp et al. (2012) derive spectral types    .       
                       G4V and M5, masses 0.85 +0.04/-0.03 and 0.16 +/- 0.02 Msun.             CrJ2012 
           STT 564     AB and AC: Optical pairs, based on study of relative motion of the      .       
                       components using the method of apparent motion parameters.              Kiy2008 
08116-0014 GWP 993     ABL 190.                                                                Tob2012b
08116-3722 JSP 236     CPD-37@1984.                                                            .       
08117-0636 J  2054     LAC.                                                                    .       
08117-3209 B  2170     According to Brian Skiff, while the WDS has the correct position, this  .       
                       is not CD-31 5661 (a B giant), but instead is CPD-31 2177 an F/G pair.  .       
                       Appears to be an IDS error.                                             Skf2003 
08118-0717 GWP 994     ABL 191.                                                                Tob2012b
08118-3521 J  2301     Nova Puppis = PK 252-00.1 = CP Pup.                                     J__1962a
08121-1540 HJ 4050     B is BD-15@2309, spectrum A9/F0V.                                       .       
08122+1739 STF1196     zet Cnc = Tegmine. Reductions of measures in position angle             .       
                       untrustworthy because of confusion among the eithr position angles of   .       
                       minimum visibility. Distance too great for interferometer measures.     WRH1941a
                       AB: H 1  24.                                                            MEv2010 
                       AB: Additional notes may be found in Burnham (1894),                    Bu_1894 
                       Simonov (1937), and                                                     Smw1937 
                       Muller (1955).                                                          Mlr1955c
                       AB,C: H 3  19.                                                          MEv2010 
                       AB,C: 2-orbit AB,Cc quadruple solution (AB,C in HIP).                   Sod1999 
                       AC: Additional notes may be found in Vyssotsky (1936),                  Vys1936 
                       Simonov (1937), and                                                     Smw1937 
                       Simonov (1951).                                                          Smw1951
                       AB,D: D is BD+18@1870.                                                  .       
                       The system Cc has been resolved by infrared speckle interferometry.     Mcy1983 
                       Typographical error in the Mason et al. (2006) published elements:      WSI2006b
                       omega = 330.2 +/- 6.7, not 6.7 +/- 1.2.                                 .       
           zet 1 Cnc B This object was misidentified as HR 3210 by McAlister (1978).           McA1978c
08122-0150 J   421     The note in ADS says that the 1906 measures by Morgan, attributed to    A__1932a
                       HJ 778, may belong to this pair.                                        Mrg1907 
08124-0059 GWP 995     ABL 192.                                                                Tob2012b
08125-1502 GWP 996     ABL 193.                                                                Tob2012b
08125-4616 CHR 143     Aa,Ab: Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and          .       
                       spectroscopic masses 27.06 +/- 23.28, 9.94, 4.79 Msun, respectively.    Mlk2012 
08129+1044 BPM 436     [PM2000]  865688 + [PM2000]  865603.                                    Gvr2010 
08129-0733 LDS5175     LDS6213.                                                                .       
08130+5026 GRV1004     SLW 226.                                                                .       
08130-5402 HJ 4065     B is CPD-53@1569.                                                       .       
08131-3435 EVS  13     Primary is the Cepheid RS Pup.                                          Evs2016a
08132-1227 J  1510     BRT 2703.                                                               .       
08132-1354 HU  115     Present parallax value adopted instead of poor HIP-value.               Sod1999 
                       See Baize & Petit (1989) catalog of doubles with variable component.    Baz1989d
                       Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and spectroscopic   .       
                       masses of 1.46 +/- 0.62, 1.20, and 0.55 Msun, respectively.             Mlk2012 
08136+1527 CLZ  43     Aka FMR 204.                                                            .       
08136-0545 HJ 2435     AB: HDO 117                                                             .       
                       AB: H 2  87.                                                            MEv2010 
08136-3144 HDO 201     B is below MS, not CPM (NOMAD, WDS). C is below MS, optical.            Tok2014d
08136-4700 GLI  87     A is variable. B is CD-46@3928.                                         .       
08137+0407 ARG  68     A is +04 1934b while B is +04 1934a.                                    .       
08138-2206 LDS 207     CPD-21@3323.                                                            .       
                       NLTT 19163/19166                                                        Chm2004 
08138-3444 I   193     For the 1997.1201 measure a smaller annulus was used in the power       .       
                       spectrum fit due to the faintness of the source. As a consequence, the  .       
                       separation and position angle uncertainties may be larger than other    .       
                       measures.                                                               Hor1997 
08140-3619 DUN  67     Variable, OS Pup. B is CD-35@4360.                                      .       
                       320 Arg. dRA 1.2s, dDEC 1' 12.3". Four stars forming a parallelogram    .       
                       (with DUN 68, dRA 3.3s, dDEC 1' 41.0", mags 7,7).                       Dun1829 
08140-4021 HJ 4062     The primary is a long-period spectroscopic binary.                      .       
           h 2 Pup     Hipparcos astrometric solution adopted some elements from the orbit of  HIP1997d
                       Christie (1936).                                                        Crs1936 
08142+1741 H 6  78     AC: H VI 78.                                                            .       
           SKF1627     DE: Primary of 08140+1744 found to be D component of 08142+1741.        .       
08142-3208 HJ 4059     A is a spectroscopic binary.                                            .       
08143-3129 B  1592     Spectrum: A1/2III/IV.                                                   .       
08147-6616 HJ 4075     SWR  41. CPM pair                                                       Skf2004 
08149-0001 J    72     J  1511.                                                                J__1962a
08149+1058 BPM 437     [PM2000]  868831 + [PM2000]  868623.                                    Gvr2010 
08149-0120 J  2055     +1s, +1.5' from BD-00 1945. Companion variable.                         J__1955 
08153-1126 J  2875     BRT 2704.                                                               .       
08153-6255 RMK   8     Rectilinear solution by Letchford et al. (2018).                        LRR2018a
08155+0202 DOB   9     BAL 1840.                                                               .       
08155-3722 HJ 4063     B is CD-36@4387.                                                        .       
08156+1126 LEP  30     NI   18.                                                                .       
08157+0738 STF1209     B is BD+08@2015.                                                        .       
08158+0550 ADM   3     WSP  51. HTP  30. HAT-P-30. Primary is exoplanet host star.             Adm2013 
08159+5047 STF1199     Opik reverses quadrant.                                                 .       
08159-3056 BU  454     Spectrum composite; G5-8III+G:.                                         .       
08159-6252 HJ 4077     B is CPD-62@987.                                                        .       
08161+5706 ENG  34     AB: Optical pair, based on study of relative motion of the components   .       
                       using the method of apparent motion parameters.                         Kiy2008 
           GIC  79     AD: LDS2568.  AD = G194-017/G194-018.                                   .       
           ENG  34     AB: Rectilinear solution by Hurowitz et al. (2014).                     USN2014a
08161+1942 LDS3781     G040-014. See Allen et al. (2000) for information on metallicity,       AlC2000 
                       age, galactic orbital parameters, etc.                                  .       
                       NLTT 19210/19207                                                        Chm2004 
08161-2847 HLD  95     Spectrum: A2/3III/IV.                                                   .       
08164-0314 HWE  21     A 29d spectroscopic solution for the A component has been found making  Tok2019g
                       this a triple system.                                                   .       
08165+7930 STF1169     HJL  88.                                                                HJL1986 
                       AB: A is SB1, P=4.884d                                                  Tok2014d
08165+0911 BU 1065     bet Cnc = 17 Cnc. Burnham measured BD+09@1922 and BD+09@1926 with       A__1932a
                       respect to A. A may be variable.                                        .       
                       Mk III Limb-darkened diameter  5.20  +/- 0.07  mas                      MkT2001 
                       Mk III Limb-darkened diameter  5.238 +/- 0.069 mas.                     MkT2003 
                       NPOI Limb-darkened diameter    5.03  +/- 0.04  mas,                     NOI1999 
                       R = 48.  +/- 4.  \rsun.                                                 .       
                       NPOI Limb-darkened diameter    5.13  +/- 0.06  mas.                     NOI2001b
                       NPOI Limb-darkened diameter  5.167 +/- 0.035 mas, Sp = K4III,           NOI2018 
                       R = 51.66 +/- 0.98 \rsun, Teff = 4094 +/- 53 K,                         .       
                       L = 676.7 +/-41.4 \lsun, M = 1.75 +/- 0.11 \msun,                       .       
                       Age = 1.49 +/- 0.22 Gyr.                                                .       
08167+3216 ES  293     SEI 489.                                                                Nsn2017b
08167+0113 OL  179     Aka HEI 344.                                                            .       
08166-7914 HJ 4105     SWR  42.                                                                .       
08169+5503 LDS3780     BC: SLW 231.                                                            .       
08169+3331 SEI 490     None of the components seen on POSS plate; may be flaws on AC Potsdam   .       
                       plate.                                                                  .       
           SEI 491     AC. See note to SEI 490.                                                .       
08169-1457 BRT1901     A likely plate flaw.                                                    Grv2021b
08170+5911 STT 565     B is BD+59@1153.                                                        .       
08170+0001 CHM   5     NLTT 19241 + 19240.                                                     .       
08172+3515 BRT3250     ALI 120.                                                                .       
08173-0522 A   337     Only elements P and T have been amended from the orbit of               Sta1977a
                       Baize (1959).                                                           Baz1959 
08174-1125 BRT2708     J 1513.                                                                 .       
08175+3623 GRV 756     HJL  89.                                                                HJL1986 
08178+3738 BRT2219     ALI 587. Heintz describes this as identical to PTT  20.                 Hei1985a
08178-1927 LDS 211     = GWP1002 = ABL 194.                                                    Tob2012b
08178-6128 HRG  14     Aka HDS1179.                                                            .       
08179+0628 STF1213     BDS 4546, HJ 87 probably same star.                                     .       
08179-5910 HJ 4084     AB: Optical pair, based on study of relative motion of the components   .       
                       using the method of apparent motion parameters.                         Kiy2008 
                       AB: Rectilinear solution by Hurowitz et al. (2014).                     USN2014a
08180-0022 GAU  11     BAL 850.                                                                .       
08182-3722 HJ 4073     A is a spectroscopic binary.                                            .       
08183+3859 STF1211     AD: Optical pair, based on study of relative motion of the components   .       
                       using the method of apparent motion parameters.                         Kiy2008 
08184-0803 GWP1003     AB: ABL 195AB.                                                          Tob2012b
           GWP1004     AC: ABL 195AC.                                                          Tob2012b
08184-2017 HJ 2441     A component is close double of spectral types A5III+G0III,              .       
                       C component is also a close double of types A0-2III+K0III               AbH2000 
08185-0616 GWP1006     ABL 196.                                                                Tob2012b
08186-0554 GIC  71     G113-026/G113-027. LDS6214. A 1-hour error in transcribing coordinates  .       
                       led to an incorrect WDS designation for this system of 07185-0550.      .       
                       It is assumed that Giclas' original value for theta (28deg) was due to  .       
                       a math error, so it was corrected to 180-28=152deg.                     .       
                       NLTT 19298/19299                                                        Chm2004 
08186-4254 CPO 198     CPD-42@2341.                                                            .       
08187-2033 RSS 154     CPD-20@3578                                                             .       
08187-3407 RST2547     CPD-33@2077.                                                            .       
08188+6806 LDS2571     NLTT 19229/19230                                                        Chm2004 
08189-3142 PRO  51     Aka TDS5709.                                                            .       
08190+4927 HU 1124     AB: Rectilinear solution by Hurowitz et al. (2014).                     USN2014a
08190-7330 HJ 4095     AC = SWR  44. Brightest two stars in a 1' group.                        Skf2004 
08191+1607 BPM 438     [PM2000]  875251 + [PM2000]  875178.                                    Gvr2010 
08193+6230 OS UMa      Ren & Fu (2013) calculated an astrometric orbit, combining Hipparcos    Ren2013 
                       Intermediate Astrometric Data with spectroscopic elements by            .       
                       Carquillat et al. (1983).                                               Crq1983 
08193-0537 TOK 121     HIP 40765. Small PM(A)=(-1,+42). NOMAD: PM(B)=(+66,-16), V(B)=12.83.    .       
                       B can be optical (crowded field, N*=42).                                Tok2011a
08193-6748 LDS 215     Aka LDS6215.                                                            .       
08194-3807 JSP 260     CPD-37@2202.                                                            .       
08195+3503 STTA 91     B is BD+35@1801.                                                        .       
                       AB: Optical pair, based on study of relative motion of the components   .       
                       using the method of apparent motion parameters.                         Kiy2008 
08198-7131 BSO  17     A: kap 1 Vol. A is a spectroscopic binary.                              .       
                       B: kap 2 Vol                                                            .       
08199-2418 B   152     HDO 114.                                                                .       
08200-5740 CPO 200     B is CPD-57@1483.                                                       .       
08201+3834 GIC  80     G111-072/G111-071.                                                      .       
                       NLTT 19314/19311                                                        Chm2004 
08202-5642 SWR  43     CPM pair                                                                Skf2004 
08206-7729 I   799     the Cha                                                                 .       
08207-0001 SLW 241     ABL 197. GWP1007.                                                       Tob2012b
08211+6527 SHY 199     HIP  40918 + HIP  40882.                                                .       
                       AB: A is SB1, P=17.6y; suspected non-single star in Hipparcos           Tok2014d
08211+4725 STT 190     A,Ca: AB,Ca may be a quadruple system, as the proper motions are in     .       
                       fair agreement..                                                        .       
                       AB (mag. 8.6-12.0, 4") is HU 224, 39" distant.                          .       
                       AD: D is BD+47@1565.                                                    .       
           STT 190     AC: HJL  90.                                                            HJL1986 
08211+1552 BPM 439     [PM2000]  878193 + [PM2000]  878305.                                    Gvr2010 
08213+3419 LEP  31     NI   19.                                                                .       
           BVD 161     AD: X-ray aRX J0821.3+3418 and 2MASS at 5" from A, is it D?             Tok2014d
08213-0136 STF1216     Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and spectroscopic   .       
                       masses of 8.24 +/- 5.59, 4.58, and 2.09 Msun, respectively.             Mlk2012 
08214-3545 BRT1623     CPD-35@2261.                                                            .       
08214-3629 HJ 4085     A is a spectroscopic binary.                                            .       
08217+1717 PAR   1     A is the Mira-type variable V Cnc.                                      .       
08217+1048 BPM 440     [PM2000]  879031 + [PM2000]  878978.                                    Gvr2010 
08217-5841 LDS 216     LDS5695.                                                                .       
08221-7324 HJ 4103     eta Vol                                                                 .       
08223+1558 BPM 441     [PM2000]  879905 + [PM2000]  879851.                                    Gvr2010 
08223-3458 BRT1625     CPD-34@2328.                                                            .       
08225+2638 BUP9115     See note to 08231+2648 BUP 115.                                         .       
08225-2942 B  1600     Spectrum: Fm Delta Del.                                                 .       
08225-4829 I    67     B Vel                                                                   .       
08225-5931 HDS1190     = eps Car = Avior                                                       .       
08228-2621 B   767     Many negative or uncertain observations.                                .       
08228-5727 BRG  27     Aa,Ab: As noted in Bergfors et al (2010), this is a triple system with  Brg2010 
                       component B outside of 6". Hence, we do not include component B in      .       
                       Table 4, but we note that at 8.429+/-0.001" separation in 2008.88 and   .       
                       8.374+/-0.003" in 2010.09, there is statistically significant orbital   .       
                       motion also for this component.                                         Jnn2012 
08228-7626 HJ 4109     B is CPD-76@515.                                                        .       
08229-5207 SHY 525     HIP  41081 + HIP  40916.                                                .       
08231+2648 BUP 115     The IDS incorrectly associated this pair with BD+28 1598, rather than   .       
                       +27 1602. As a result, it was initially assumed to be a member of a     .       
                       quadruple system with two other pairs in the IDS. Eventually all were   .       
                       assigned the discoverer designation BUP 115 and component designations  .       
                       AB, AC, and CD. However, the two A components differ in precise         .       
                       position by some 12.8 arcminutes. They were later assigned different    .       
                       WDS designations but discoverer and component designations were not     .       
                       corrected. The AC and CD pairs have now been assigned the designation   .       
                       BUP9115, with component designations AB and BC.                         .       
08231-4912 DENIS-P...  DENIS-P J082303.1-491201 is an L1.5 dwarf at 20.77 +/- 0.08 pc.         .       
                       Observations with FORS2 on the VLT reveal an astrometric companion in   .       
                       an eccentric orbit with period 246.4 +/- 1.4 days.  Masses of the       .       
                       primary and secondary are estimated at 78.4 +/- 7.8 and 28.5 +/- 1.9    .       
                       Mjup for an age of 1 Gyr, or 70.2-82.8 and 26.7-29.4 Mjup for ages      .       
                       0.6-3 Gyr.                                                              SaJ2013 
                       Sahlmann et al. (2015) refine the orbit of this juvenile binary brown   .       
                       dwarf, deriving spectral types L1.5 +/- 0.6 and L5.5 +/- 1.1, Teff =    .       
                       2150 +/- 100 and 1670 +/ 140K, log (Lbol/Lsun) = -3.73 +/- 0.08 and     .       
                       -4.25 +/- 0.20, masses 0.028-0.063 and 0.018-0.045 Msun (mass ratio     .       
                       0.64-0.74), delta I = 2.3 +/- 1.2 mag. The distance is 20.7pc, the age  .       
                       estimated to be in the range 80-500 Myr.                                SaJ2015b
08234-1016 GWP1010     ABL 198.                                                                Tob2012b
08234-1115 J  2878     BRT 2709.                                                               .       
08234-2207 BRT1457     CPD-21@3515.                                                            .       
08234-2310 BRT1458     CD-22@6089.                                                             .       
08234-4248 HJ 4090     B is CD-42@4188.                                                        .       
08235+1434 LDS1210     NLTT 19425/19426                                                        Chm2004 
08236-1920 GWP1011     ABL 199.                                                                Tob2012b
08237-1150 GWP1012     ABL 200.                                                                Tob2012b
08237-2137 B  2654     J  1517.                                                                Nsn2016 
08237-5519 SHY 526     HIP  41147 + HIP  41579.                                                .       
08238+5725 STTA 92     B is BD+57@1136.                                                        .       
                       AB: HJL  91.                                                            HJL1986 
08239+1038 A  2961     21 Cnc.                                                                 .       
08240-1548 RST4396     A 25d spectroscopic solution for the A component has been found         Tok2019g
                       making this a triple system.                                            .       
08242-0150 GWP1014     ABL 201.                                                                Tob2012b
08243+4457 STF1217     LDS 904. B is BD+45@1575.                                               .       
                       NLTT 19431/19428                                                        Chm2004 
                       HJL  92.                                                                HJL1986 
08243-0424 GWP1015     ABL 202.                                                                Tob2012b
08244-0432 GWP1016     AC: ABL 203.                                                            Tob2012b
                       08243-0432 and 08244-0431 found to share primary. Systems merged.       .       
08244-4601 CPO 204     CPD-45@2479.                                                            .       
08245-3039 HJ 2446     B is CD-30@6203.                                                        .       
08246-0109 B  2527     FIN measures 1951-1959 distance less than 0.1".                         .       
                       AB pair bound; change in separation and angle consistent with orbital   .       
                       motion. B component likely M2-M5 dwarf with mass 0.24 +/- 0.01 Msun.    .       
                       C and D components likely unrelated.                                    Egn2007 
                       AB: Likely a spurious pair. Last measured 1961 and unresolved by SOAR   .       
                       on 3 occasions 2010-2013.                                               Tok2012d
                       AB: Tentative resolution by Finsen, 1 speckle measure at 0.040" in      .       
                       2001.08, unresolved by Hipparcos, 3 non-resolutions by SOAR 2010-2013.  .       
                       AB can be "ghost".                                                      Tok2014d
           EGN  27     AE: E companion was not detected by RoboAO in 2013.05, below limit.     Tok2014d
08246-0345 CHR 172     Aa,Ab. Abt & Biggs (1972) note variable RV.                             AbH1972 
                       Aa,Ab: Likely a spurious pair. Last measured 1988 and unresolved by     .       
                       SOAR on 3 occasions 2011-2013.                                          Tok2012d
           TOK  20     AB: GJ 306. AB has estimated period 23,000y; Close triple?              Tok2006 
                       AB: A is SB, P=1.563d.                                                  Tok2014d
08247+4200 S   565     STTA 93. B is BD+42@1860.                                               .       
08247-2849 RST1393     A is an Algol-type system, AW Pup.                                      .       
08248+2009 STT 191     B is BD+20@2078.                                                        .       
08248-0236 BRT 419     A likely plate flaw.                                                    Grv2021b
08249+1214 BPM 442     [PM2000]  883581 + [PM2000]  883518.                                    Gvr2010 
08249-4418 DAW 194     Turner (1979 A&A 76, 350) includes this star in the Vel OB1 group at a  .       
                       distance of 1.8 kpc. Photometric spectral classifications of the B and  .       
                       C components are from Lindroos (1985), who also finds a                 Lnd1985 
                       distance of 2.7 kpc.                                                    Msn1998a
08250+6725 LDS2574     B is BD+67@541.                                                         .       
08250-4246 CHR 226     Ba,Bb: This close companion to RST4888 has been observed on three       .       
                       occasions, but has shown little movement over a 1.6-year period. The    .       
                       1989 measurements of the Rossiter pair were originally published by     .       
                       McAlister et al. (1990) and Hartkopf et al. (1993). Following           McA1990 
                       discovery of the close pair in the 1990 data, these 1989 data were      Hrt1993 
                       rereduced, resulting in "preconfirmation" of the new component.         Hrt1996b
                       V438 Pup, Algol-type eclipsing binary, P = 4.9350 d.                    Zas2011 
                       The new pair was initially given component designations Aa,Ab, but      .       
                       it was uncertain which component of the Rossiter had been split.        .       
                       Tokovinin et al. (2015) have determined it was the B component, so the  Tok2015c
                       pair has been changed to Ba,Bb.                                         .       
08251+5603 STI2206     A likely plate flaw.                                                    Grv2021b
08251-4910 RST 321     Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and spectroscopic   .       
                       masses of 1.60 +/- 0.14, 1.77, and 0.85 Msun, respectively.             Mlk2012 
08252-2403 S   568     A is a spectroscopic binary.                                            .       
                       B is a K1III and is CD-23@7280.                                         .       
08253+1030 BPM 443     [PM2000]  884065 + [PM2000]  884231.                                    Gvr2010 
08254+7607 MLR 547     Aka TDS5815.                                                            .       
08254+3723 HU  856     Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and spectroscopic   .       
                       masses of 7.12 +/- 4.20, 3.34, and 1.20 Msun, respectively.             Mlk2012 
08255-5144 DUN  69     B is CD-51@3003.                                                        .       
08256-5332 BRT3286     CD-53@2275.                                                             .       
08258-4155 RST2553     TDS5818.                                                                .       
08259+0734 H 5 109     H V 109. HJ  785.                                                       .       
08260-4318 DON 249     CPD-42@2480.                                                            .       
08263-3904 HJ 4093     AB: A is the Algol-type system NO Pup.                                  .       
08264-0849 GWP1018     ABL 204.                                                                Tob2012b
08265+2754 S   566     22 Cnc = phi 1 Cnc                                                      .       
08265-0359 H 6 118     H VI 118. 2 Hya. Possible Delta Scuti-type variable.                    .       
                       BDS 4606 is the same star.                                              .       
08267+2432 STF1224     24 Cnc =  ups Cnc.                                                      .       
           STF1224     A,BC: H 2  41.                                                          MEv2010 
           A  1746     See Baize & Petit (1989) catalog of doubles with variable component.    Baz1989d
                       BC: Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and             .       
                       spectroscopic masses 3.54 +/- 0.80, 2.50, and 1.13 Msun, respectively.  Mlk2012 
08267-1910 FEN  14     B. J 2640.                                                              .       
08267-3155 PRO  59     CPD-31@2369.                                                            .       
08268+2656 STF1223     phi 2 Cnc. Both components suspected of variability.                    .       
                       H 2  40.                                                                MEv2010 
08268-2252 LDS 219     B is BD-22@2275.                                                        .       
                       NLTT 19552/19555                                                        Chm2004 
08268-3725 ARU   6     Typo in WDS designation - originally listed as 08228-3725.              .       
08270-5242 B  1606     Hipparcos parallax 18.50 +/- 0.44 mas. Dynamical parallax 17.5 mas,     .       
                       masses 1.61 and 1.28 Msun. The orbit by Finsen (1963) is revised here   Fin1963c
                       using the three available speckle measures, leading to a more accurate  .       
                       period and to the reduced orbit size. Systematic over-estimation of     .       
                       the separation by Finsen's visual interferometry is apparent.           Tok2012b
                       Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and spectroscopic   .       
                       masses of 2.96 +/- 0.45, 2.61, and 2.27 Msun, respectively.             Mlk2012 
08271+2844 FAR   6     SKF  26. Primary is white dwarf WD 0824+288.                            Far2005b
08271+0331 RUC  21     Primary is FG Hya.                                                      .       
08276+6235 HJ 3309     B is BD+63@799.                                                         .       
08276-2051 B  2179     An eclipsing binary, VV Pyx. Aka B  1100.                               .       
08277-0425 A   550     Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and spectroscopic   .       
                       masses of 3.92 +/- 1.07, 2.89, and 1.45 Msun, respectively.             Mlk2012 
08277-0934 GWP1021     ABL 206.                                                                Tob2012b
08280-0312 GWP1022     ABL 207.                                                                Tob2012b
08280-3507 FIN 314     A spectroscopic binary, probably due to motion in the visual pair.      .       
                       Primary is XY Pyx, a W Uma type eclipsing binary, period 0.92254d.      Zas2012 
                       Aa,Ab: Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and          .       
                       spectroscopic masses 10.61 +/- 4.80, 10.39, 6.92 Msun, respectively.    Mlk2012 
08281+3332 STT 193     SEI 499. Incorrectly referred to as STF 193 by Scheiner.                Nsn2017b
08282-3643 EGN   7     Single epoch, but the A and B components are likely unrelated. A and    .       
                       C are unbound.                                                          Egn2007 
08283+3338 SEI 500     Not found by Heintz at IDS position.                                    Hei1987a
08283-1736 GWP1023     ABL 208.                                                                Tob2012b
08283-4430 RSS 162     AC: Also known as HDS3409AC.                                            .       
08284+0026 LDS3793     Aka SLW 256.                                                            Dam2018l
08285-0231 A   551     A and B are SB's with P = 2.5 d and 6 d, respectively, and star C       .       
                       (mag. 10.49, 18") appears physical, so that the system is quintuple.    .       
                       Primary is eclipsing binary LO Hya (period 2.49956 day).                Zas2010 
                       AB,C = STF 1233.                                                        .       
                       See Baize & Petit (1989) catalog of doubles with variable component.    Baz1989d
                       AB: All speckle measures are discordant with the published orbit of     B__1953b
                       van den Bos (1953).                                                     Hrt1992b
08286+6602 JNN 273     Estimated age 300-1000 Myr; masses 0.15 +/- 0.02 and 0.11 +/- 0.01      .       
                       Msun; a ~4.9 au.                                                        Jnn2014 
08286+5439 MLR 672     Also known as TDS5857.                                                  .       
08287+1121 BRT2143     A likely plate flaw.                                                    Grv2021b
08289-4235 HJ 4102     B is CD-42@4287.                                                        .       
08290+4706 GRV1005     SLW 257.                                                                .       
08291+1010 BRT3376     Unnumbered pair, following BRT1250 in Barton's list.                    Brt1935a
                       A likely plate flaw.                                                    Grv2021b
08291-1219 GWP1025     ABL 209.                                                                Tob2012b
08291-3456 BRT1630     CPD-34@2548.                                                            .       
08291-4756 FIN 315     One component is a spectroscopic binary.                                .       
                       Aa,Ab: Docobo & Andrade (2013) derive a dynamical parallax of 3.88 +/-  .       
                       0.56 mas and component masses 6.08 +/- 3.43 and 5.45 +/- 3.08 Msun      .       
                       (for spectral type B1.5V) or 3.85 +/- 0.58 mas, 6.27 +/- 3.63 and 5.53  .       
                       +/- 3.20 Msun (for B2IV). See paper for extensive notes on system.      Doc2013d
08291-6152 TOK 122     HIP 41620. NOMAD: PM(B)=(-21,-3), V(B)=13.21. B is optical based on     .       
                       the CMDs. PM(A)=(-41,+14).                                              Tok2011a
08295-4443 DUN  70     One component is a spectroscopic binary.                                .       
08296+5203 SIN  39     AC: The companion noted by Sinachopoulos & Seggewiss (1990) at (104deg, Sin1990 
                       229") is not seen on Aladin plates. This star at (102deg, 266") agrees  .       
                       with their magnitude estimate and appears to be the most likely         .       
                       candidate for the C component.                                          .       
08296-1704 GWP1026     ABL 210.                                                                Tob2012b
08296-3836 I   394     IRAS 08277-3826 = PDS 31.                                               Gre1992 
08299+3123 STF1231     SEI 502.                                                                Nsn2017b
08299-0030 J  1523     BAL 852.                                                                .       
08300+2655 ALP  13     2MASSW J0829570+265510                                                  .       
                       Physical companionship to this ultracool dwarf ruled out based on i-z   .       
                       and z-J colors, using photometry from SDSS.                             AlP2007 
08301+0412 LDS5696     LDS6216.                                                                .       
08303+6253 LDS2282     LDS5197.                                                                .       
08303+6043 BU 1067     1 UMa = omi UMa = Muscida. A is variable.                               .       
08303+2214 HRO   1     Primary is K2-34, a relatively metal-rich F star. Companion is a hot    .       
                       Jupiter, mass 1.773 +/- 0.086 Mjup, radius 1.44 +/- 0.16 Rjup           Hro2016 
08303-2602 B   158     ADS 6847a.                                                              .       
                       Despite the linear solution, proper motion and parallax favor a         Grv2020a
                       physical connection. Long period and/or high eccentricity possible.     .       
08305+2818 HJ  788     B component is of spectral type K1III                                   AbH2000 
08306-4031 DUN  71     B is CD-40@4330.                                                        .       
08307-1610 GWP1027     ABL 211.                                                                Tob2012b
08307-4309 DON 256     CPD-42@2600.                                                            .       
08308+1243 BPMA 36     [PM2000]  891033 + [PM2000]  891175.                                    Gvr2010 
08310+4012 SKF 207     For astrometric analysis of 2MASS J08310177+4012115, we compare our     .       
                       AstraLux measurement with the data from the original discovery as       .       
                       listed in the WDS. Since there are no error bars quoted, it is          .       
                       difficult to formally establish physical companionship. However, even   .       
                       if we assume that the errors are +/-0.5" and +/-5deg, which should be   .       
                       very conservative, the background hypothesis can still be firmly        .       
                       excluded with ~5 sigma confidence. We therefore count it as a           .       
                       confirmed companion.                                                    Jnn2012 
08312-1100 GWP1029     ABL 212.                                                                Tob2012b
08313-0601 LDS 221     NLTT 19692/19697                                                        Chm2004 
08313-1938 J  1524     Aravamudan gives position 08267-1916 (1900).                            Ara1963 
08313-8441 HJ 4158     B is CPD-84@192.                                                        .       
08314+3156 STF1236     B is BD+32@1747.                                                        .       
                       Additional notes may be found in Lau (1908).                            Lau1908c
08314-3642 LDS 223     C is CPD-36@2622.                                                       .       
08314-3904 HJ 4107     A is a spectroscopic binary.                                            .       
08315-2541 I   805     AC Pyx, Algol-type eclipsing binary, P = 7.66793 d.                     Zas2011 
08316+3458 HU  716     Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and spectroscopic   .       
                       masses of 1.58 +/- 0.23, 1.77, and 0.95 Msun, respectively.             Mlk2012 
08316+1806 HJ 2452     the Cnc = 31 Cnc. Occultation double.                                   .       
                       AB: H 5  59.                                                            MEv2010 
08317+1924 LDS 905     AB: NLTT 19685/19684                                                    Chm2004 
                       CU Cnc and CV Cnc. This is a known quintuple system, as reported in,    .       
                       e.g Delfosse et al. (1999) and Beuzit et al. (2004). Four of the        Del1999a
                       components are resolved in two separate pairs (Aa,Ab and Ba,Bb) by      Beu2004 
                       AstraLux. The fifth component is unresolved in the images; this is an   .       
                       eclipsing binary companion to the Aa component.                         Jnn2014 
           BEU  12     Aa,Ab: Estimated age 30-300 Myr; masses 0.20 +/- 0.09 and 0.04 +/-      .       
                       0.03 Msun; a ~6.0 au.                                                   Jnn2014 
           DEL   1     Ba,Bb: Estimated age 30-300 Myr; masses 0.24 +/- 0.12 and 0.18 +/-      .       
                       0.09 Msun; a ~10.6 au.                                                  Jnn2014 
08317-0619 TOK  21     Additional faint companion seen; not detected in J band, so concluded   .       
                       was probably optical.                                                   Tok2006 
08318-0347 J   416     C was not seen in 1950                                                  VBs1954 
08319+5037 CRJ   3     Primary is NLTT 19673. Crepp et al. (2012) derive spectral types G1V    .       
                       and M3-M4, masses 1.04 +0.06/-0.05 and 0.31 +/- 0.03 Msun.              CrJ2012 
08319+3309 STF1238     SEI 503.                                                                Nsn2017b
08319-0300 GWP1032     ABL 213.                                                                Tob2012b
08320+1620 BPM 444     [PM2000]  892430 + [PM2000]  892422.                                    Gvr2010 
08322-1750 GWP1034     ABL 214.                                                                Tob2012b
08323+1520 BPM 445     [PM2000]  892771 + [PM2000]  892635.                                    Gvr2010 
08323-7656 TOK 123     HIP 41871. Astrometric binary in Hipparcos.                             .       
08324-0056 HJ   96     B is BD-00@2012.                                                        .       
                       AB: HJL  94.                                                            HJL1986 
                       AB: SHY 527. Bayesian analysis by Shaya & Olling (2011) indicates very  Shy2011 
                       high (near 100%) probability pair is physical.                          .       
                       AC: Rectilinear solution by Friedman et al. (2012).                     USN2012a
08326+0829 STF3119     Also known as STF3066.                                                  .       
08326-1502 B  2528     Likely a spurious pair. Last measured 1942 and unresolved by SOAR on 4  .       
                       occasions 2009-2013.                                                    Tok2010 
08327+2026 ZHN   3     Primary is eta Cas. First known wide pair comprised of an L dwarf and   .       
                       a giant.                                                                Zhn2010 
08327-5528 HDS1221     Aa = V470 Car, eclipsing binary of Algol-type, period 2.16178 days.     Zas2015
08329-0933 J  2642     RST 4407 = LDS 851.                                                     .       
08331-2436 BU  205     AB: Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and             .       
                       spectroscopic masses 2.73 +/- 0.84, 2.64, and 1.74 Msun, respectively.  Mlk2012 
08332+3326 STF1240     AB: SEI 504.                                                            Nsn2017b
08333-1204 GWP1039     ABL 215.                                                                Tob2012b
08336-0601 GWP1040     ABL 216.                                                                Tob2012b
08338+1104 BPM 446     [PM2000]  894559 + [PM2000]  894443.                                    Gvr2010 
08339-2842 COO 282     SWR  50.                                                                .       
08343-1216 GWP1043     ABL 217.                                                                Tob2012b
08344+1557 BPM 447     [PM2000]  895177 + [PM2000]  895164.                                    Gvr2010 
08344-4430 DON 263     CPD-44@2755.                                                            .       
08345-3236 FIN 335     Giant primary according to isochrone fit.                               .       
                       Hipparcos parallax 14.86 +/- 0.57 mas. Dynamical parallax 14.6 mas,     .       
                       masses 1.71 and 1.54 Msun.  We confirm and slightly correct the orbit   .       
                       by Soderhjelm (1999). The 17.35y period is very well defined now, but   Sod1999 
                       further coverage by speckle is still needed. The system is evolved,     .       
                       judging from its luminosity, estimated masses, and spectral type G5IV.  .       
                       The speckle dy is very consistent and preferred to dHp.                 Tok2012b
                       Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and spectroscopic   .       
                       masses of 2.24 +/- 0.65, 2.42, and 1.07 Msun, respectively.             Mlk2012 
                       Docobo & Andrade (2013) derive a dynamical parallax of 15.42 +/- 0.28   .       
                       mas and component masses 1.47 +/- 0.10 and 1.35 +/- 0.09 Msun (for      .       
                       spectral type G5V) or 16.24 +/- 0.39 mas, 1.26 +/- 0.11 and 1.15 +/-    .       
                       0.10 Msun (for G5IV). See paper for extensive notes on this system.     Doc2013d
08345-3737 I   195     Variable.                                                               .       
08348+1107 BPM 448     [PM2000]  895729 + [PM2000]  895613.                                    Gvr2010 
08354+6746 LDS2283     LDS5198.                                                                .       
08354+6616 STF1232     B is BD+66@559.                                                         .       
08356+3116 SEI 505     Neither component seen on POSS plate; may be flaws on AC Potsdam plate  .       
08356+1024 BPM 449     [PM2000]  896580 + [PM2000]  896563.                                    Gvr2010 
08356-0648 LDS3800     Aka GWP1046 and ABL 218.                                                Tob2012b
08358+0637 STF1245     GJ 9271. Visual pair has estimated period of 2500y.                     Tok2006 
                       AB: HJL  95.                                                            HJL1986 
                       HIP 42172. B = HIP 42173.                                               Tok2011a
                       AB: H 3  49.                                                            MEv2010 
                       AB: A is SB2, P=14.296d                                                 Tok2014d
08360+2050 BOV  29     Praesepe VL 184 = NGC 2632 BDA 1184                                     .       
                       SB1, P = 1:23 d                                                         Bov2001 
08360-1027 GWP1048     ABL 219.                                                                Tob2012b
08360-2211 B  2182     CPD-21@3748.                                                            .       
08360-5337 LPO  70     Spectrum: G2/5(III)+A.                                                  .       
08361-0334 LDS6217     A may be a close double, 50 deg., 2", mag. diff. 0.7.                   Luy1979 
                       NLTT 19864/19867                                                        Chm2004 
08362+1347 STTA 94     B is BD+14@1930.                                                        .       
08362+1344 BPM 450     [PM2000]  897256 + [PM2000]  897210.                                    Gvr2010 
08363+1933 BOV  30     Praesepe KW 533 = NGC 2632 BDA 533                                      .       
                       SB2, long period                                                        Bov2001 
08364+3703 SEI 506     Duplicity not apparent on POSS plate; one component may be either       .       
                       variable star or flaw on AC Potsdam plate.                              .       
08364-0306 RST4413     J 1528.                                                                 .       
08366-1540 GWP1049     ABL 220.                                                                Tob2012b
08367+1643 BPM 451     [PM2000]  897859 + [PM2000]  897884.                                    Gvr2010 
08368+7443 STT 192     A is a spectroscopic binary.                                            .       
                       Additional notes may be found in Baize (1939).                          Baz1939a
08369-1154 GWP1050     ABL 221.                                                                Tob2012b
08369-3050 I    68     Spectrum: A3mA7-F2/3.                                                   .       
08369-3135 JSP 285     same as TDS5983 with a quadrant flip.                                   Dam2018k
08369-7857 KOH  79     KOH  80.  EG Cha.  Wide pair is likely a chance alignment.              Bnk2006 
                       AB: Koehler & Petr-Gotzens (2002) calculate two possible orbital        Koh2002 
                       solutions. The short-period solution gives a semi-major axis of 15.5au  .       
                       and a mass sum of 2.1 Msun; the longer-period solution gives 37.6au     .       
                       and 2.3 Msun.                                                           .       
08372+2017 BOV  31     Praesepe KW 540 = NGC 2632 BDA 540                                      .       
                       SB1, P = 1149 d                                                         Bov2001 
08372-4147 CPO 218     TDS5986.                                                                .       
08374-0400 GWP1051     ABL 222.                                                                Tob2012b
08375-5336 HJ 4123     B is CPD-53@1782.                                                       .       
08377+1931 HJ  454     A is a Delta Scuti-type variable.                                       .       
08377+0542 BUP 118     del Hya = 4 Hya. A spectroscopic binary.                                .       
08378+1409 HLD  97     Position corrected by Heintz                                            Hei1983a
08379-0648 HJ   99     AB: Optical pair, based on study of relative motion of the components   .       
                       using the method of apparent motion parameters.                         Kiy2008 
                       AB: Rectilinear solution by Hurowitz et al. (2014).                     USN2014a
08379-2615 RST2571     eta Pyx                                                                 .       
           VIG  11     The C, E, and F components all appear to be faint background stars;     .       
                       the D component appears to be co-moving. The mass of D is estimated at  .       
                       0.07-0.11 Msun.                                                         Vig2012 
08380-0736 GWP1054     ABL 224.                                                                Tob2012b
08380-1750 GWP1053     ABL 223.                                                                Tob2012b
08380-2739 TOK 124     HIP 42344. The ANDICAM position in the V-band is not accurate. NOMAD:   .       
                       PM(B)=(0,+28), V=16.70, but B is definitely physical. PM(A)=(-147,+95)  Tok2011a
08381+1959 BOV  34     Praesepe KW 79 = NGC 2632 BDA 79                                        .       
                       Photometric binary                                                      Bov2001 
08382+1922 BOV  35     Praesepe KW 90 = NGC 2632 BDA 90                                        .       
                       Photometric binary                                                      Bov2001 
08382+1511 RDN   3     Radigan et al. (2013) determine that A and BC appear to share common    .       
                       proper motion and conclude all components are physically associated.    .       
                       Derived distance (spectroscopic parallax) is 49 +/- 12 pc. Derived NIR  .       
                       spectral types and masses (for ages 3 Gyr and 300 Myr) are:             .       
                       A  T3   +/- 1   0.060 +/- 0.009 Msun   0.020+/- 0.005 Msun              .       
                       B  T3   +/- 1   0.055 +/- 0.008        0.018+/- 0.005                   .       
                       C  T4.5 +/- 1   0.050 +/- 0.008        0.016+/- 0.004                   Rdn2013 
08386-0249 GWP1056     ABL 225.                                                                Tob2012b
08386-3505 JSP 286     Also known as RSS 167.                                                  .       
08388-1315 SHY 201     HIP  42401 + HIP  41662.                                                .       
08388-3352 B  1621     1995.1160: Quadrant determined by speckle imaging analysis.             Hor1996 
08388-7221 GLI  99     Aka TRR  12.                                                            Dam2018l
08389-1002 GWP1057     ABL 226.                                                                Tob2012b
08391+2000 HD  73430   Praesepe KW 143 = NGC 2632 BDA 143                                      .       
                       Praesepe cluster member and occultation binary. Peterson & White        Pts1984 
                       (1984) found a vector separation in April 1982 of 0".044, which should  .       
                       have been resolvable by us unless the system closed. They find          .       
                       magnitude differences (noted as unreliable) of 2.5 mag at 445 nm and    .       
                       0.35 mag at 750 nm, which if correct would not have prevented us from   .       
                       seeing the companion.  Incorrectly noted as HD 73460 in text, although  .       
                       the tabular information is correct.                                     Msn1993b
08391+1418 BPM 452     [PM2000]  900491 + [PM2000]  900455.                                    Gvr2010 
08391-2240 BU  208     CPD-22@3750. Newburg finds little evidence for the perturbation         Nbg1968b
                       suspected by Hirst (1943).                                              Hir1943d
                       AB: A is suspected SB, P=106d? (Abt & Willmarth 2006). Fuhrmann (2011   AbH2006 
                       MNRAS 411, 2311)says Aa,Ab has period few hundred days.                 Tok2014d
                       AC: Optical pair, based on study of relative motion of the components   .       
                       using the method of apparent motion parameters.                         Kiy2008 
08391-5557 HU 1443     A,BC is a triple system. We provide the first very tentative orbit for  .       
                       the outer binary, but note its large residuals from the recent          .       
                       measures of AB. Strictly speaking, the orbit should describe the        .       
                       motion of the center-of-gravity of BC around A, rather than the         .       
                       measures of AB. Such refinement was made for the orbit of A 2592 AB     .       
                       (17156-0949)}, but it is not warranted for this preliminary orbit.      Tok2015c
08391-7023 DON 271     the Vol                                                                 .       
           HJ 4134     AC: Optical pair, based on study of relative motion of the components   .       
                       using the method of apparent motion parameters.                         Kiy2008 
08392-0317 GWP1060     ABL 227.                                                                Tob2012b
08392-4025 B  1623     Eggen (1982) assigns this star to a group associated with the cluster   Egg1982 
                       IC 2395 at distance of 0.8 kpc.  The Hipparcos Catalogue contains a     HIP1997a
                       light curve with a period of 1.46 d.                                    Msn1998a
                       Includes NX Vel, an Algol-type eclipsing binary, P = 2.91992d.          Zas2012 
                       NX Vel is a quadruple system formed by the 0.65" pair, that contains    .       
                       an eclipsing pair (Otero 2003, IBVS 5480, 1; P~2.9d) and an SB (Sota    .       
                       et al. 2014, ApJS 211, 10; P=20.6d).                                    Sna2014 
08394-0935 RST4415     Algol-type eclipsing binary, P = 92.1711 d.                             Zas2011 
08394-3636 I   314     Only elements P, T, and a of Heintz (1968) were adjusted for            Hei1968a
                       Starikova (1981) solution.                                              Sta1981a
                       Hipparcos astrometric solution adopted some elements from the orbit of  HIP1997d
                       Heintz (1968).                                                          Hei1968a
                       Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and spectroscopic   .       
                       masses of 1.79 +/- 0.50, 2.01, and 1.51 Msun, respectively.             Mlk2012 
08395-2100 RST5506     CPD-20@3936.                                                            .       
08397+2005 COU  47     In Praesepe.                                                            .       
08397+0546 STF1255     AB: HJL  96.                                                            HJL1986 
                       AB: H 4  54.                                                            MEv2010 
08397-2934 HJ 4120     zet Pyx. B is CD-29@6545.                                               .       
08398+1131 ENG  36     AB: Rectilinear solution by Hurowitz et al. (2014).                     USN2014a
08399+1933 BU  584     In Praesepe.                                                            .       
                       DC: D is variable. Position (2000): 08 39.8 +19 32. In Praesepe.        .       
           S   571     STTA 95. C is a spectroscopic binary, and is +20@2153.                  .       
                       AC: HJL  97.                                                            HJL1986 
           CHR 156     Da: No published evidence of RV variation. Noted as occultation binary  .       
                       by Peterson & White (1984). Magnitude differences of 3.1 in blue and    Pts1984 
                       Magnitude differences of 3.1 in blue and 3.8 in red reported by         .       
                       Peterson et al. (1989) are consistent with our difficulty in detecting  Pts1989 
                       the faint secondary. Praesepe cluster member.                           Msn1993b
08400-5303 HJ 4126     A is a spectroscopic binary, and is variable.                           .       
08401+2000 ENG  37     A: 39 Cnc. A variable?                                                  .       
           CHR  28     B: 40 Cnc. Praesepe cluster member with excess luminosity. The          .       
                       1986.8922 measure is from reanalysis of archival data. Frequently       .       
                       unresolved, due to large delta m.                                       Msn1993b
08401-3518 RST4894     bet Pyx. A is a spectroscopic binary.                                   .       
08401-7218 GLI 100     Spectrum: G8/K0III+A.                                                   .       
08402+5147 OPI  16     AC: The C component is the primary of 08404+5145 ES  909AB.             .       
08404+5145 ES  909     The primary is also the C component of 08402+5147 OPI  16AC.            .       
08403+1947 BOV  41     Praesepe KW 275 = NGC 2632 BDA 275                                      .       
                       Photometric binary                                                      Bov2001 
08403+1921 CHR 130     Praesepe cluster member with anomalous occultation behavior (Appleby    .       
                       1980 JBAA, 139, 1139). The 1984.0607 and 1986 measure are from          .       
                       reanalysis of archival data. Peterson et al. (1989) measured            Pts1989 
                       magnitude differences of 1.9 in blue and red.                           Msn1993b
                       Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and spectroscopic   .       
                       masses of 13.18 +/- 7.09, 4.10, and 1.51 Msun, respectively.            Mlk2012 
08403-4358 CPO 222     CPD-43@2853.                                                            .       
08404+5145 ES  909     The primary is also the C component of 08402+5147 OPI  16AC.            .       
08404+1940 STF1254     Algol-type eclipsing binary,  per 7.2209 d.                             Zas2011 
                       Physical with BD+20@2158. A is a spectroscopic binary.                  .       
           BOV  42     Ba. Praesepe KW 287 = NGC 2632 BDA 287                                  .       
                       SB1, P = 7635 d                                                         Bov2001 
08404-0641 GWP1063     ABL 228.                                                                Tob2012b
08404-4223 DUN  72     B is CD-41@4370.                                                        .       
08405+2019 BOV  45     Praesepe KW 297 = NGC 2632 BDA 297                                      .       
                       SB1, long period                                                        Bov2001 
08405+1933 CIA  28     Aa,Ab : Mass of Aa determined to be 2.420 +/- 0.008 \msun.              .       
                       Aa,Ab : Mass of Ab determined to be 2.226 +/- 0.004 \msun.              .       
                       Distance 183.1 +/- 0.35 pc.                                             CIA2022c
           S   574     eps Cnc = 41 Cnc = Meleph, a spectroscopic binary. B is BD+20@2163.     .       
08405-2255 BRT1466     CD-22@6471.                                                             .       
08406-5946 JSP 295     A is a spectroscopic binary and variable, V343 Car.                     .       
08407+1940 Praesepe... Praesepe KW 322 = NGC 2632 BDA 322                                      .       
                       SB1, P > 10 000 d                                                       Bov2001 
08408+1940 BOV  47     Praesepe KW 334 = NGC 2632 BDA 334                                      .       
                       Photometric binary                                                      Bov2001 
08408-1334 BRT1906AB   A likely plate flaw.                                                    Grv2021b
08408-1605 GWP1065     ABL 229.                                                                Tob2012b
08408-4504 SNA   6     The primary is the high-mass X-ray binary LM Vel. This O8.5Ib-II(f)     .       
                       star presents RV variations (Barba et al. 2006, The Astronomer's        .       
                       Telegram 819, 1) and is an SB candidate. It has been suggested as the   .       
                       possible counterpart of the fast X-ray transient IGR J08408-4503        .       
                       (Masetti et al. 2006, The Astronomer's Telegram 819, 1).                Sna2014 
08409-1619 ALD  38     Aka OSO  22.                                                            Dam2018m
08411+1904 BOV  48     Praesepe KW 365 = NGC 2632 BDA 365                                      .       
                       Triple, A: SB1O, B: single                                              Bov2001 
08411-0430 GWP1066     ABL 230.                                                                Tob2012b
08412-3005 B  1105     Spectrum: B8/9II/III.                                                   .       
08413+7614 MLR 548     Also known as TDS6037.                                                  .       
08413+2029 BU  585     Spectroscopic binary. Praesepe cluster member.                          .       
                       1991.3184: Although the peak remains convincing, we  have been unable   .       
                       to confirm this measure, perhaps due to either a variable secondary or  .       
                       to the star closing within our resolution limit.                        Msn1993b
08413-1646 GWP1067     ABL 231.                                                                Tob2012b
08413-7858 BNK   3     AB: eta Cha. Likely a chance alignment object.                          Bnk2006 
           SHY 528     AC: HIP  42637 + HIP  42794.                                            .       
           BNK   7     CD: The primary of 08432-7904 BNK   7 was found to be the C component   .       
                       of 08413-7858 SHY 528AC. As the AC pair appears physical, the systems   .       
                       were merged.                                                            .       
                       CD: RS Cha. Likely a chance alignment object.                           Bnk2006 
08414+6426 LDS2288     LDS5199.                                                                .       
08414-1927 RSS 169     CPD-19@3721                                                             .       
08414-4732 RST 341     CPD-47@2539.                                                            .       
08414-5736 JNN  62     The two components of this system have nearly equal colors and          .       
                       brightnesses, hence they very likely form a physical pair, although     .       
                       they have not yet been tested for common proper motion.                 Jnn2012 
08415-2809 SEE 101     Aka B  2666.                                                            Dam2018k
08416-7904 BNK   4     EH Cha. Likely a chance alignment object.                               Bnk2006 
08417-1237 ALD  39     BRT 2711.                                                               .       
08417-1557 HJ 4124     9 Hya.                                                                  .       
08417-2018 J  2645     CPD-19@3728.                                                            .       
08418+1952 HD  73974   Praesepe KW 428 = NGC 2632 BDA 428                                      .       
                       Praesepe K0 giant and occultation binary.  Peterson & White (1984)      Pts1984 
                       found a projected separation in April 1982 of 0".018, which could lead  .       
                       to a true separation below our resolution limit.                        Msn1993b
08419+3546 SEI 508     Secondary not seen on POSS plate; may be either variable star or flaw   .       
                       on AC Potsdam plate.                                                    .       
08421-1552 GWP1068     ABL 232.                                                                Tob2012b
08421-4256 EGN   8     C and D components are both background stars.                           Egn2007 
08421-4543 DON 272     CPD-45@2858.                                                            .       
08421-5245 B  1624     Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and spectroscopic   .       
                       masses of 1.98 +/- 0.24, 1.96, and 0.98 Msun, respectively.             Mlk2012 
08421-6200 HRG  18     Spectral type F8?                                                       .       
08423-4806 RST5304     A variable, HX Vel.                                                     .       
08424-5307 BSO  18     A is a variable, HY Vel. B is CD-52@1605.                               .       
           B  1625     BC: Position 08 42.3 -53 06.                                            .       
08424-7904 BNK   5     EI Cha. Likely a chance alignment object.                               Bnk2006 
08425-0830 H 6 107     H VI 107. B is BD-08@2463.                                              .       
08427+0935 ST    8     KUI.                                                                    .       
           LUY6218     AB,C: SHY  48. Bayesian analysis by Shaya & Olling (2011) indicates     Shy2011 
                       very high (near 100%) probability pair is physical.                     .       
08428+3152 RAO 501     KX Cnc.                                                                 .       
08431+1926 BOV  53     Praesepe KW 495 = NGC 2632 BDA 495                                      .       
                       Triple, A: single, B: SB2                                               Bov2001 
08431-7905 BNK   6     EM Cha. Likely a chance alignment object.                               Bnk2006 
08433+2128 ENG  38     43 Cnc = gam Cnc = Asellus Borealis. A is a spectroscopic binary.       .       
                       B is BD+21@1897.                                                        .       
08433-3908 GC 12009    Hipparcos astrometric solution assumed circular orbit (e = omega = 0)   HIP1997d
08433-7905 BNK   8     ET Cha. Both companions are likely chance alignment objects.            Bnk2006 
08434-2743 TDS6057     SWR  53. CPM pair                                                       Skf2004 
08437-0031 GWP1070     ABL 233.                                                                Tob2012b
08437-0714 S   579     B is BD-06@2707.                                                        .       
                       AB: H 6  82.                                                            MEv2010 
08437-2316 BRT1468     CD-22@6539.                                                             .       
08438-1923 GWP1071     ABL 234.                                                                Tob2012b
08438-5038 BRT 743     CPD-50@1746.                                                            .       
08439+8614 STF1150     Distance uncertain.                                                     .       
08439+1902 BLL  26     A is an Algol-type system, S Cnc.                                       .       
08441-0412 A   552     Orbital motion. A difficult pair, < 0.1" in 1953, 1954.                 .       
08441-1506 GWP1072     ABL 235.                                                                Tob2012b
08442+0414 BAL2823     Measure by Sil1931 was incorrectly identified as 08465+0419STF1267.     Sil1931 
08443-1327 J  2062     BRT 2712.                                                               .       
08443-4544 DON 277     CPD-45@2933.                                                            .       
08443-7859 BNK   9     EN Cha. Wide companion is likely chance alignment.                      Bnk2006 
08444-5957 HJ 4139     B is CPD-59@1097.                                                       .       
08445+2827 STF1266     BDS 4792, H IV 118 same star.                                           .       
                       H 4 118.                                                                MEv2010 
08445+2012 SLE 339     Algol-type eclipsing binary, period 1.2065 d.                           Zas2019 
08445-6550 EHR  12     Physical/optical nature of AB and AC both undefined.                    Ehr2010 
           TOK 520     AD: D component is the primary of 08465-6605 RST 354.                   .       
08445-7850 BNK  10     EO Cha. Likely a chance alignment object.                               Bnk2006 
08446-3758 JSP 298     The B component is a likely cataclysmic variable and may be optical.    .       
08446-4541 DON 279     TDS6073 (merged 2008/06/25)                                             .       
08447+1809 TOK   3     Aa,Ab: del Cnc = 47 Cnc = Asellus Australis.                            .       
           HJ  457     AB: Optical pair, based on study of relative motion of the              .       
                       components using the method of apparent motion parameters.              Kiy2008 
08447-2126 HDS1260     AB + TOK 395: Like WDS 08021-1710, the late-type nearby binary HDS      .       
                       1260 was discovered by Hipparcos and is expected to move rapidly (HIP   .       
                       42910, BD-20 2665). It was targeted at SOAR for the first time. To our  .       
                       surprise, the object turned out to be a resolved triple, with the       .       
                       secondary being a 0".16 pair of equal stars. Hipparcos failed to        .       
                       recognize the triple nature of this star. The estimated period of BC    .       
                       is 15yr. The outer pair AB has closed from 0".8 to 0".5 and moved in    .       
                       position angle since its discovery. The separations between components  .       
                       are comparable, so this triple system may be interesting dynamically.   Tok2015c
08447-4117 I   815     CPD-40@2823.                                                            .       
08447-4238 CHR 238     Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and spectroscopic   .       
                       masses of 1.36 +/- 0.77, 1.84, and 0.85 Msun, respectively.             Mlk2012 
08447-5443 I    10     AB: del Vel = Alsephina.                                                .       
                       The close pair of Tango et al. (1979), originally thought to be a new   Tng1979 
                       close pair (and called TNG 1), was determined to be the Innes pair      .       
                       with a reflection around the E/W axis.  This problem was first noticed  .       
                       by Mike Kerr in a private communication to B. Mason.                    .       
                       Quoted errors in P and a are +14/-11y, +0".03/-0".01.                   Ary2002b
                       AB: Kervella et al. (2013) measured separations between the A and B     .       
                       components, then based on their orbit of AB derived apparent            .       
                       displacements of the center of light of the eclipsing Aa,Ab pair.       Krv2013 
           KEL   1     Aa,Ab: Eclipsing binary. Interferometric solution by Kellerer et al.    Kel2007 
                       (2007), using data from the VLTI/VINCI (K-band, 155m baseline) taken    .       
                       in April/May 2003. Semimajor axis given as (5.4 +/- 0.5) x 10^10 m,     .       
                       converted to mas using parallax of 40.90 mas. Aa and Ab are thought to  .       
                       be of spectral types A0V and A1V, but model fit yields stellar          .       
                       diameters of 6.0 +/- 0.5 and 3.3 +/- 0.6 Dsun, larger than would be     .       
                       expected for main-sequence stars. Authors also conclude that C and D    .       
                       components of the system are much further away than Aa+Ab+B, so are     .       
                       not physically associated with the close triple.                        .       
                       Aa,Ab: Properties of components Aa, Ab, and B are as follows:           .       
                       Spectral types: A2IV           A4V            F8V                       .       
                       M/Msun:         2.5  +/- 0.1   2.0  +/- 0.1   1.3  +/- 0.1              .       
                       L/Lsun:         59.2 +/- 2.0   20.0 +/- 0.7   3.1  +/- 0.2              .       
                       R/Rsun:         3.17 +/- 0.08  2.02 +/- 0.05  1.39 +/- 0.06             .       
                       Teff (K):       9000 +/- 400   8600 +/- 350   6350 +/- 350              Krv2009 
                       Aa,Ab: Masses 2.43 +/- 0.02 and 2.27 +/- 0.03 Msun, luminosities        .       
                       67. +/- 1. and 51. +/- 1. Lsun, parallax 39.8 +/- 0.4 mas               .       
                       Mass sum (Aa+Ab+B) = 6.15 +/- 0.23 Msun, assuming derived parallax.     Mrd2011 
           SHY  49     AF: HIP  42913 + HIP  43797.                                            .       
08448+5532 PIN   4     Primary is variable star LT UMa.                                        .       
08448-0110 GWP1075     ABL 236.                                                                Tob2012b
08449-4050 WG  111     BRT 744.                                                                Brt1933 
08449-4621 KRV  22     Classical Cepheid SX Vel.                                               .       
08452+4140 STF1263     B is BD+42@1923.                                                        .       
                       AB: Optical pair, based on study of relative motion of the components   .       
                       using the method of apparent motion parameters.                         Kiy2008 
08453-0018 HEI 147     Heintz believes Aitken and van den Bos may have observed this pair      .       
                       instead of +00@2380.                                                    Hei1983a
08453-0236 STF1270     HJL  98.                                                                HJL1986 
                       HIP 42951. Very small PM(A)=(+1,-9). B is considered physical based on  .       
                       the CMDs and its brightness.                                            Tok2011a
                       A = MX Hya, Algol-type, depth 0.5mag.  Rucinski (2002 PASP 114,         .       
                       1124) gives period of MX Hya 0.7960d. So far, no estimates of the mass  .       
                       ratio for Aa,Ab, no SB orbit. dHp=0.49mag.                              Tok2014d
08453-0432 GWP1076     ABL 237.                                                                Tob2012b
08454+6001 MLB 163     LDS1218.                                                                .       
08459-0032 GWP1078     ABL 238.                                                                Tob2012b
08460+6945 LDS1681     NLTT 20128/20129                                                        Chm2004 
08460+6445 VBS  42     Incorrectly identified as H 4  60 in BDS. Error noted by MacEvoy.       MEv2010 
08461+0748 J   735     B brighter than A in K, redder. A,B both on the MS. B could be SB2.     Tok2014d
08461-0230 ITF  83     Aka ITF  86.                                                            .       
08461-4653 CPO 232     CPD-46@2963.                                                            .       
08462+1915 STF1269     Chevalier's separation is actually 11".58 rather than 23".68. This      Che1908 
                       pair is identical with STF1269, but the incorrect published value for   .       
                       led to a match with a nearby pair which roughly agreed with the         .       
                       Chevalier measure, and its publication as 08467+1914 CHE 507. Measures  .       
                       have been merged.                                                       Hrt2012b
08464-0852 GWP1079     ABL 239.                                                                Tob2012b
08464-1333 RST5507     12 Hya. A is a spectroscopic binary.                                    .       
08464-1413 BRT2713     J 2887.                                                                 .       
08465+6437 LDS2292     LDS5200.                                                                .       
08466-4234 JC   13     Also classed B4V.                                                       .       
08467+2846 STF1268     iot Cnc. B is BD+29@1823, spectral type A3V.                            .       
                       HJL  99.                                                                HJL1986 
                       H 4  52.                                                                MEv2010 
08468+0625 SP    1     eps Hya = 11 Hya. Variable.                                             Dan1952 
                       The elements for AB are combined visual-spectroscopic.                  Hei1963c
                       A secondary radial velocity variation with a period of about 70d        .       
                       was suspected by Underhill (Pub. DAO Victoria 12, 161, 1963)            Fin1970b
                       See Baize & Petit (1989) catalog of doubles with variable component.    Baz1989d
           STF1273     C is SB1, P = 9.905 d.                                                  .       
                       AB,C triple solution ((AB)-C in HIP).                                   Sod1999 
                       Star D is in slow direct motion, hence quintuple.                       .       
08468-0219 GWP1080     AB: ABL 240AB.                                                          Tob2012b
           GWP1081     AC: ABL 240AC.                                                          Tob2012b
08469+4225 LDS3816     NLTT 20202/20201                                                        Chm2004 
08469+1753 CUD   4     Central star of the planetary Nebula Abell 30.                          .       
08469-2641 VSP   4     Aa,Ab  : Ab component identified with M = 25+/-5 \MJup, radius of       VSP2020b
                       2+/-0.5 \Rjup, spectral type M6-L2, and orbital period of 130 +/- 90y.  .       
           KOU  74     AB : Orbital period estimated as 8000 +/- 300 y.                        VSP2020b
                       Mass of A & B are 1.92 and 0.3 \msun.                                   Kou2005 
08470-3846 B  2186     The nf star of CD-38@4867.                                              .       
08471-0747 GWP1082     ABL 241.                                                                Tob2012b
08471-4032 WG  114     CPD-40@2867.                                                            .       
                       Possible typo in the AC catalog used to generate the WG measure. The    .       
                       AC2000 coordinates in Aladin agree with the WG measure, but the         .       
                       secondary coordinate and the actual star position are about 20" apart,  .       
                       due north-south of each other.                                          .       
08474-4143 CPO 233     CPD-41@2968.                                                            .       
08476+0001 STF1281     AB: Optical pair, based on study of relative motion of the components   .       
                       using the method of apparent motion parameters.                         Kiy2008 
           RST5306     The C component of 08476+0001. WDS designation changed from 08476+0005  .       
                       and this pair given component designations Ca,Cb.                       .       
08476-0721 GWP1085     ABL 242.                                                                Tob2012b
08476-1859 LDS 235     NLTT 20261/20260                                                        Chm2004 
08477-4144 MUG   6     Theta approximate ("east"). Based on relative motion between 1999       .       
                       2MASS data and two measures with NTT in 2002, Mugrauer et al. (2004)    Mug2004b
                       conclude the B component is a CPM companion to the planet host star     .       
                       HD 75289. Assuming distance of 28.94 +- 0.47pc, this corresponds to a   .       
                       separation of 621 au. Mass of B ~0.135 +- 0.003 Msun. Additional        .       
                       photometry and astrometry compiled from 2MASS catalog.                  .       
                       Exoplanet host, P=3.5d. Large motion (diff. with 2MASS). Optical?       .       
                       Roell et al. (2012 A&A 542, A92) consider B physical (no PM), as do     Rag2006 
                       Raghavan et al. (2006).                                                 Tok2014d
08479-7855 BNK  11     EQ Cha. Koehler & Petr-Gotzens (2002) suspected duplicity but were      Koh2002 
                       unable to split the pair.                                               .       
                       More commonly known as EQ Cha, this star appears single in the          .       
                       AstraLux images, but has most likely been partially resolved as close   .       
                       binary in previous imaging campaigns (Kohler & Petr-Gotzens 2002;       Koh2002 
                       Brandeker et al. 2006). With an angular separation as small as 40 mas   Bnk2006 
                       in 2003, it is fully plausible that the companion exists but was too    .       
                       close to be resolved by AstraLux in 2010.                               Jnn2012 
08480-3115 SHY 529     AC: HIP  43193 + HIP  43316.                                            .       
08481+1757 BPM 453     [PM2000]  909715 + [PM2000]  909682.                                    Gvr2010 
08481-0647 GWP1086     ABL 243.                                                                Tob2012b
08484+0550 AGC   3     rho Hya = 13 Hya. A is a spectroscopic binary, P = 8.2d.                .       
08485+1449 BPM 454     [PM2000]  910131 + [PM2000]  910071.                                    Gvr2010 
08486+0237 A  2551     Rapid motion. Quadrant ambiguity, but it appears that at least one      .       
                       revolution is complete.                                                 .       
08486-1353 JNN  64     B: LP 726-12.                                                           .       
                       Ba,Bb: 2MASS J08483696-1353087 and J08483645-1353083 are separated by   .       
                       only 7", the former is a close binary (as of yet unconfirmed by common  .       
                       proper motion) and the latter is single, so this is likely a triple     .       
                       system in reality.                                                      Jnn2012 
08487+0057 A  2552     Aitken's angles 1913-1935 should all be put in the third quadrant.      B__1963b
                       Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and spectroscopic   .       
                       masses of 2.29 +/- 0.91, 2.59, and 1.20 Msun, respectively.             Mlk2012 
08494-6216 HJ 4147     CD-61@2042.                                                             .       
08495-2054 J  1532     08496-2055ARA1061.  Hyderabad -21@ 8h 44m, Nos 43175-176.               .       
08497-0852 GWP1087     ABL 244.                                                                Tob2012b
08497-4249 RSS  10     This previously uncataloged double star was a Hipparcos double entry    .       
                       system.  The first measure is determined from the individual positions  .       
                       listed by Rousseau et al.                                               Rss1996 
08499+1450 STF1283     H 4 111.                                                                MEv2010 
08499-1928 GWP1089     ABL 245.                                                                Tob2012b
08500+1752 KU   33     B is an Algol-type eclipsing binary, period 5.22474 d.                  Zas2019 
08500+1155 BPM 455     [PM2000]  911727 + [PM2000]  911657.                                    Gvr2010 
08500-0322 GWP1090     ABL 246.                                                                Tob2012b
08502+1219 HJ 2469     Not found by Heintz at IDS position.                                    Hei1990b
08502-0214 J  2065     BAL 512.                                                                .       
08503+1057 SKF 363     Aa,Ab: NLTT 20346. Faherty et al. (2011) derive distance estimates for  Fah2011 
                       Aa and Ab of 28 +/- 5 and 33 +/- 5 pc, respectively, and estimate       .       
                       spectral types at M5 +/- 0.5 and M6 +/- 0.5.                            .       
           FAH   1     AB: Faherty et al. (2011) also determine a distance for RED 10 of 29    Fah2011 
                       +/- 7 pc; similar distance and proper motions indicate SKF 363 and      .       
                       RED 10 form a likely CPM pair at a distance of 248".                    .       
           RED  10     Ba,Bb: 2MASSs J0850359+105716                                           .       
                       Ba component is an L6V brown dwarf; LRIS spectrum shows that other      .       
                       component is a background M star.                                       Kir1999 
                       Reid et al (2002) observations from HST and WFPC2. Paper includes mass  Red2001 
                       and age estimates, as well as discussion of L dwarf binary frequency    .       
                       and semimajor axis distribution.                                        .       
                       Burgasser et al. (2011) derive spectral types of L7 and L6, masses      Bug2011 
                       0.06 +/- 0.02 and 0.05 +/- 0.02 Msun, effective temperatures            .       
                       1770 +/- 200 and 1400 +/- 170K.                                         .       
                       Ba,Bb: Assuming a parallactic distance of 38.1 +/- 7.3 pc               .       
                       (Vrba et al. 2004), Konopacky et al. (2010) derive a system mass of     Vrb2004 
                       0.2 +/- 0.2 Msun.                                                       Kon2010 
08503+0125 J    74     Pair measured in 1947 is indeed the BD+01 2181 observed previously.     .       
                       Pair is -42s, +4' from BD+02 2072. movement is perhaps rectilinear.     J__1949a
                       Rectilinear solution by Cvetkovic et al. (2017).                        Cve2017 
08503-0156 J  1350     BAL 513. J 2595.                                                        .       
08503-4349 CPO 236     CPD-43@3034.                                                            .       
08504+1123 HJ 2470     CHE 114. Chevalier pair originally copied to catalog with 10' error in  .       
                       declination (08504+1133).                                               .       
08504-0002 HJ 3314     HJL 100.                                                                HJL1986 
08504-0210 J  1533     BAL 514.                                                                .       
08504-0440 GWP1091     ABL 247.                                                                Tob2012b
08504-4205 SNA   7     The object is marginally resolved with rho~0.5mas, although with large  .       
                       relative uncertainty. Given the distance of 947pc (Sota et al. 2014,    .       
                       ApJS 211, 10) this pair probably  corresponds to the known SB2          .       
                       (P=33.1d, a1+a2 sin i = 0.6au; Thackeray et al. 1966, MNRAS 134, 97).   Sna2014 
                       The classification is from Thackeray (1966 MNRAS 134, 97).  The star    Egg1982 
                       is part of a group associated with the cluster IC 2395 (Eggen 1982)     Msn1998a
08505+2308 AG  157     At some time between 1961 (IDS) and the 1984 version of the WDS, the    .       
                       two Espin pairs 23505+5023ES  926AC and AD were erroneously also added  .       
                       to this system as 08505+2308ES 2630AC and AD. The reason is unknown.    Es_1910b
08505-3813 JSP 307     A is variable.                                                          .       
08506+1211 CHE 115     Based on a check of coordinates for other objects flagged as            .       
                       Durchmusterung stars, Chevalier's coordinates are very accurate for     Che1911
                       this plate. There are no obvious errors in applying the offset from     .       
                       the plate center, but there are no pairs at Chevalier’s coordinates,    .     
                       nor at coordinates found by reversing the sign of either or both        .       
                       offsets.  The pair is likely lost.                                      Hrt2012b
                       Coordinates found to be off in dec by ~9arcmin.                         .       
08506-4632 HDO 205     The classification is from Conti et al. (1977).  Part of an eclipse     Cti1977 
                       was observed by Balona & Laing (1986 MNRAS 223, 621); the orbital       .       
                       ephemeris is discussed by Mayer et al. (1997 A&A 320, 109).             Msn1998a
                       The primary is the variable star KX Vel.                                .       
08507+1800 A  2473     Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and spectroscopic   .       
                       masses of 72.60 +/- 61.48, 7.81, and 0.95 Msun, respectively.           Mlk2012 
08507+0752 VDK   3     A premature orbit has been computed.                                    Cou1953d
08508+1143 BPM 456     [PM2000]  912512 + [PM2000]  912473.                                    Gvr2010 
08509+1152 BPM 457     [PM2000]  912707 + [PM2000]  912762.                                    Gvr2010 
08510+3053 HJ  459     SEI 511.                                                                Nsn2017b
08510+1159 BPM 458     [PM2000]  912736 + [PM2000]  912621.                                    Gvr2010 
08510+1150 BPM 459     [PM2000]  912825 + [PM2000]  912775.                                    Gvr2010 
08510+1148 BPM 460     [PM2000]  912844 + [PM2000]  912913.                                    Gvr2010 
08510-0147 GWP1092     ABL 248.                                                                Tob2012b
08511+1146 BPM 462     [PM2000]  912881 + [PM2000]  912908.                                    Gvr2010 
08511+1145 BPM 463     [PM2000]  912886 + [PM2000]  912785.                                    Gvr2010 
08511-0056 GWP1093     ABL 249.                                                                Tob2012b
08512+1149 BPM 461     BD: [PM2000] 913012  + [PM2000]  912857.                                Gvr2010 
                       Secondary of 08510+1149 BPM 461 found to be secondary of 08512+1149     .       
                       CHE 118 AB. Systems merged, with quadrant flipped 180deg for BPM 461.   .       
08512-1448 GWP1094     ABL 250.                                                                Tob2012b
08513+1153 BPM 481     [PM2000]  913301 + [PM2000]  913350.                                    Gvr2010 
08513+1152 BPM 474     [PM2000]  913236 + [PM2000]  913266.                                    Gvr2010 
                       Primary is D component of 08513+1150 BPM 464BD.                         .       
08513+1151 BPM 467     BC: [PM2000]  913188 + [PM2000]  913213.                                Gvr2010 
           BPM 468     BD: [PM2000]  913188 + [PM2000]  913337.                                Gvr2010 
08513+1150 BPM 475     AB: [PM2000]  913241 + [PM2000]  913165.                                Gvr2010 
           BPM 476     AC: [PM2000]  913241 + [PM2000]  913284.                                Gvr2010 
           BPM 464     BD: [PM2000]  913165 + [PM2000]  913236.                                Gvr2010 
                       D component is primary of 08513+1152 BPM 474.                           .       
08513+1149 BKO  38     AB: B component is H component of 08514+1148 BPM 487BH.                 .       
           BPM 472     AC: [PM2000]  913227 + [PM2000]  913148.                                Gvr2010 
           BPM 473     AD: [PM2000]  913227 + [PM2000]  913158.                                Gvr2010 
           BPM 483     AE: [PM2000]  913227 + [PM2000]  913343.                                Gvr2010 
           BPM 484     AF: [PM2000]  913227 + [PM2000]  913366.                                Gvr2010 
           BPM 485     EF: [PM2000]  913343 + [PM2000]  913366.                                Gvr2010 
08513+1146 BPM 470     CE: [PM2000]  913215 + [PM2000]  913334.                                Gvr2010 
                       B component is G component of 08514+1146 BPM 466FG.                     .       
                       E component is C component of 08514+1148 BPM 490AC.                     .       
08513+1145 BPM 482     [PM2000]  913302 + [PM2000]  913225.                                    Gvr2010 
08513+1144 BPM 465     [PM2000]  913178 + [PM2000]  913328.                                    Gvr2010 
08513+1126 BPM 471     [PM2000]  913217 + [PM2000]  913042.                                    Gvr2010 
08514+1149 BPM 495     [PM2000]  913426 + [PM2000]  913355.                                    Gvr2010 
08514+1148 BPM 489     AB: [PM2000]  913415 + [PM2000]  913379.                                Gvr2010 
           BPM 490     AC: [PM2000]  913415 + [PM2000]  913334.                                Gvr2010 
                       C component is E component of 08513+1146 BPM 470CE.                     .       
           BPM 491     AD: [PM2000]  913415 + [PM2000]  913345.                                Gvr2010 
           BPM 492     AE: [PM2000]  913415 + [PM2000]  913346.                                Gvr2010 
                       E component is E component of 08515+1151 BPM 505AE.                     .       
           BPM 493     AF: [PM2000]  913415 + [PM2000]  913566.                                Gvr2010 
           BPM 494     AG: [PM2000]  913415 + [PM2000]  913565.                                Gvr2010 
                       G component is E component of 08515+1149 BPM 515BE.                     .       
           BPM 487     BH: [PM2000]  913379 + [PM2000]  913251.                                Gvr2010 
                       H component is B component of 08513+1149 BKO  38AB.                     .       
           BPM 469     HI: [PM2000]  913251 + [PM2000]  913194.                                Gvr2010 
08514+1146 BPM 477     AB: [PM2000]  913292 + [PM2000]  913250.                                Gvr2010 
           BPM 478     AC: [PM2000]  913292 + [PM2000]  913402.                                Gvr2010 
           BPM 479     AD: [PM2000]  913292 + [PM2000]  913277.                                Gvr2010 
           BPM 480     BE: [PM2000]  913250 + [PM2000]  913409.                                Gvr2010 
           BPM 488     CF: [PM2000]  913402 + [PM2000]  913326.                                Gvr2010 
           BPM 466     FG: [PM2000]  913326 + [PM2000]  913184.                                Gvr2010 
08515+1154 CHE 120     B component is H component of 08515+1152 BPM 501CH.                     .       
08515+1152 BPM 498     CE: [PM2000]  913490 + [PM2000]  913519.                                Gvr2010 
           BPM 499     CF: [PM2000]  913490 + [PM2000]  913553.                                Gvr2010 
           BPM 500     CG: [PM2000]  913490 + [PM2000]  913554.                                Gvr2010 
           BPM 501     CH: [PM2000]  913490 + [PM2000]  913458.                                Gvr2010 
                       H component is B component of 08515+1154 CHE 120.                       .       
           BPM 513     CI: [PM2000]  913490 + [PM2000]  913570.                                Gvr2010 
                       I component is B component of 08516+1152 CHE 123AB.                     .       
           BPM 517     EI: [PM2000]  913519 + [PM2000]  913593.                                Gvr2010 
           BPM 518     EJ: [PM2000]  913519 + [PM2000]  913609.                                Gvr2010 
                       J component is C component of 08516+1152 BKO  46AC.                     .       
           BPM 519     EK: [PM2000]  913519 + [PM2000]  913612.                                Gvr2010 
                       K component is J component of 08516+1152 BPM 520CJ.                     .       
           BPM 512     FG: [PM2000]  913553 + [PM2000]  913554.                                Gvr2010 
           BPM 514     FI: [PM2000]  913553 + [PM2000]  913570.                                Gvr2010 
           BPM 496     GH: [PM2000]  913554 + [PM2000]  913458.                                Gvr2010 
08515+1151 BPM 502     AB: [PM2000]  913499 + [PM2000]  913468.                                Gvr2010 
                       A component is D component of 08516+1152 BPM 506AD.                     .       
                       B component is E component of 08516+1152 BPM 521AE.                     .       
           BPM 503     AC: [PM2000]  913499 + [PM2000]  913471.                                Gvr2010 
           BPM 504     AD: [PM2000]  913499 + [PM2000]  913533.                                Gvr2010 
                       D component is F component of 08516+1152 BPM 522AF.                     .       
           BPM 505     AE: [PM2000]  913499 + [PM2000]  913346.                                Gvr2010 
                       E component is E component of 08514+1148 BPM 492AE.                     .       
           BPM 509     BD: [PM2000]  913468 + [PM2000]  913533.                                Gvr2010 
           BPM 486     BE: [PM2000]  913468 + [PM2000]  913346.                                Gvr2010 
           BPM 510     CD: [PM2000]  913471 + [PM2000]  913533.                                Gvr2010 
           BPM 508     DE: [PM2000]  913533 + [PM2000]  913346.                                Gvr2010 
           BPM 526     DF: [PM2000]  913533 + [PM2000]  913681.                                Gvr2010 
                       F component is I component of 08516+1152 CHE 124KI.                     .       
08515+1149 BPM 515     BE: [PM2000]  913582 + [PM2000]  913565.                                Gvr2010 
           BPM 516     BF: [PM2000]  913582 + [PM2000]  913601.                                Gvr2010 
                       E component is G component of 08514+1148 BPM 494AG.                     .       
08515+1148 BPM 497     [PM2000]  913486 + [PM2000]  913564.                                    Gvr2010 
08515+1146 BPM 511     [PM2000]  913542 + [PM2000]  913676.                                    Gvr2010 
08515+1135 BPM 507     [PM2000]  913518 + [PM2000]  913560.                                    Gvr2010 
08516+1154 BPM 523     AB: [PM2000]  913647 + [PM2000]  913504.                                Gvr2010 
           BPM 524     AC: [PM2000]  913647 + [PM2000]  913672.                                Gvr2010 
08516+1152 CHE 123     AB: B component is I component of 08515+1152 BPM 513CI.                 .       
           BKO  46     AC: C component is J component of 08515+1152 BPM 518EJ.                 .       
           BPM 506     AD: [PM2000]  913614 + [PM2000]  913499.                                Gvr2010 
                       D component is A component of 08515+1151 BPM 502AB.                     .       
           BPM 521     AE: [PM2000]  913614 + [PM2000]  913468.                                Gvr2010 
                       E component is B component of 08515+1151 BPM 502AB.                     .       
           BPM 522     AF: [PM2000]  913614 + [PM2000]  913787.                                Gvr2010 
           BPM 531     CH: [PM2000]  913609 + [PM2000]  913690.                                Gvr2010 
           BPM 527     CI: [PM2000]  913609 + [PM2000]  913681.                                Gvr2010 
           BPM 520     CJ: [PM2000]  913609 + [PM2000]  913612.                                Gvr2010 
                       J component is K component of 08515+1152 BPM 519EK.                      .      
           BPM 533     CK: [PM2000]  913609 + [PM2000]  913720.                                Gvr2010 
           BPM 534     CL: [PM2000]  913609 + [PM2000]  913724.                                Gvr2010 
           BPM 537     FG: [PM2000]  913787 + [PM2000]  913894.                                Gvr2010 
           BPM 528     HI: [PM2000]  913690 + [PM2000]  913681.                                Gvr2010 
           BPM 536     HL: [PM2000]  913690 + [PM2000]  913724.                                Gvr2010 
           BPM 535     IL: [PM2000]  913681 + [PM2000]  913724.                                Gvr2010 
           BPM 529     IM: [PM2000]  913681 + [PM2000]  913753.                                Gvr2010 
                       M component is C component of 08516+1147 BPM 532BC.                     .       
           CHE 124     KI: I component is F component of 08515+1151 BPM 526DF.                 .       
08516+1147 BPM 525     AB: [PM2000]  913651 + [PM2000]  913713.                                Gvr2010 
           BPM 532     BC: [PM2000]  913713 + [PM2000]  913753.                                Gvr2010 
                       C component is M component of 08516+1152 BPM 529IM.                     .       
08516+1137 BPM 530     [PM2000]  913687 + [PM2000]  913615.                                    Gvr2010 
08516-0711 BU  587     15 Hya. A is a spectroscopic binary, and one component is variable.     .       
           H 5 120     AC: H V 120.                                                            .       
08517+1144 BPM 538     [PM2000]  913812 + [PM2000]  913815.                                    Gvr2010 
08518+1150 BPM 539     CD: [PM2000]  913923 + [PM2000]  914017.                                Gvr2010 
           BPM 545     DE: [PM2000]  914017 + [PM2000]  913879.                                Gvr2010 
08518+1146 BPM 540     [PM2000]  913948 + [PM2000]  913834.                                    Gvr2010 
08519+6308 KR   32     Also known as LDS2294.                                                  .       
08519+1205 BPM 542     [PM2000]  913976 + [PM2000]  914014.                                    Gvr2010 
08519+1158 BPM 541     [PM2000]  913972 + [PM2000]  913843.                                    Gvr2010 
08519+1148 BPM 546     [PM2000]  914090 + [PM2000]  914091.                                    Gvr2010 
08519+1141 BPM 544     [PM2000]  914010 + [PM2000]  914054.                                    Gvr2010 
08519+1130 BPM 543     [PM2000]  914004 + [PM2000]  913999.                                    Gvr2010 
08520+2543 STTA 96     B is BD+26@1854.                                                        .       
08520+1156 BPM 547     [PM2000]  914173 + [PM2000]  914218.                                    Gvr2010 
08521-4751 BRT 754     CPD-47@2847.                                                            .       
08522+1144 BPM 548     [PM2000]  914371 + [PM2000]  914387.                                    Gvr2010 
08523+1143 BPM 549     [PM2000]  914522 + [PM2000]  914476.                                    Gvr2010 
08523+0804 TOK  22     Estimated period of visual pair 600y.                                   Tok2006 
                       A is SB1, P=10.25d, Griffin & Fuhrmann 2013 MNRAS, 430, 1390). B is     .       
                       SB2 (P~10d). Fuhrmann (2005 MNRAS, 361, 803) gave Mass(Aa)=0.96Msun,    .       
                       age 8.2Gyr, Ab is WD?  However, Griffin & Fuhrman said  P(Aa,Ab)=10d    .       
                       and tertiary. Ab not a WD. Tok2006: dK=(AB)=4.28 => Mass(Ba)=0.23       .       
08523-1837 GWP1095     ABL 251.                                                                Tob2012b
08523-1913 GWP1096     ABL 252.                                                                Tob2012b
08525+2816 HJ  460     53 Cnc. A is the variable BO Cnc.                                       .       
                       C component is A component of 08526+2820 LDS6219.                       .       
08525+1206 BPM 550     [PM2000]  914773 + [PM2000]  914798.                                    Gvr2010 
08526+3228 HU 1125     sig 1 Cnc = 51 Cnc. A spectroscopic binary.                             .       
           S   583     AC: H 6  86.                                                            MEv2010 
08526+2820 LDS6219     55 Cnc = Copernicus.  NLTT 20414/20418                                  Chm2004 
                       CHARA Array Limb-darkened diameter  0.854 +/- 0.024 mas,                CIA2008c
                       R =  1.150 +/- 0.035 \rsun.                                             .       
                       A component is C component of 08526+2816 HJ  460AC.                     .       
           55 Cnc      A: Combined solution, based on reduction of Hipparcos intermediate      .       
                       astrometric data together with spectroscopic elements from Butler       CPS1997a
                       et al. (1997).                                                          HaI2001 
08526+2527 BRT3289     Originally published as BRT 153.                                        Brt1928 
08526-3633 FIN 296     More than one revolution?                                               .       
08527+2231 LDS6220     NLTT 20426/20425                                                        Chm2004 
08530+1625 BPM 551     [PM2000]  915167 + [PM2000]  915161.                                    Gvr2010 
08530-0834 GWP1099     ABL 253.                                                                Tob2012b
08531+5457 A  1584     Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and spectroscopic   .       
                       masses of 2.07 +/- 0.60, 2.18, and 1.05 Msun, respectively.             Mlk2012 
08531+1320 BPM 552     [PM2000]  915268 + [PM2000]  915272.                                    Gvr2010 
08531-0437 LDS3828     NLTT 20452/20453                                                        Chm2004 
08531-5639 MWT   2     Mawet et al. (2015) find a companion to HR 3549at ~80au, and determine  .       
                       that the pair shares common proper motion. The companion has a mass     .       
                       roughly estimated at 15-80 Mjup.                                        Mwt2015 
08532-0732 GWP1100     ABL 254.                                                                Tob2012b
08533-0356 GWP1101     ABL 255.                                                                Tob2012b
08535-2249 DON 292     J  2066.                                                                J__1962a
08535-4603 CPO 241     CPD-45@3221.                                                            .       
08536+1210 GII  38     Ba,Bb: Probably the same as GII  79Ba,Bb. Gili (2016) lists two         .       
                       separate pairs of similar separation and position angle, and            .       
                       associates both with HEI 480. However, he gives a position and UCAC4    .       
                       designation for the 2011 measure which correspond to a 16th magnitude   .       
                       star about 34" east of the Heintz pair.                                 Gii2016 
08536-1722 TOK 666     Resolved with ANDICAM2. A has small PM. AB is considered physical on    .       
                       photometry only.                                                        Tok2014d
08538-0035 STF1292     BDS 4842, HDO 120.                                                      .       
                       HJL 101.                                                                HJL1986 
08538-4731 FIN 316     Low incl fixed at 15 deg, Omega=0 for Soderhjelm (1999) orbit.          Sod1999 
                       High mass-sum and q=1.5(0.3) corroborates secondary 9.1d SB2            Wor1983 
                       The primary is SB2, P = 9.07 d. 1912-13 (Lick Obs. Bul. 16, 137,        .       
                       1928); no later observations.                                           .       
                       Hipparcos astrometric solution adopted some elements from the orbit of  HIP1997d
                       Finsen (1973).                                                          Fin1973a
                       Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and spectroscopic   .       
                       masses of 4.25 +/- 0.50, 3.21, and 1.58 Msun, respectively.             Mlk2012 
08539+0149 A  2554     Very difficult object, even in good definition, due to magnitude        .       
                       difference. All 1936-1941 measures noted as very hard and uncertain.    .       
                       Aitken has two measures in 1913, a very uncertain one in 1923, and      .       
                       failed to see the companion in 1935.                                    B__1951a
08539-1308 ST    9     L 820-19 = LPM 299 = LDS3829.                                           .       
                       NLTT 20496/20497                                                        Chm2004 
08539-2026 RSS 178     CPD-19@3889                                                             .       
08539-6648 EGN   9     Single epoch, so bound/unbound nature of pair unknown. Primary is       .       
                       planet host star.                                                       Egn2007 
08540-0103 GWP1102     ABL 256.                                                                Tob2012b
08540-4229 FGS  24     The classification is from Garrison et al. (1977 ApJS 35, 111).         Msn1998a
08542+3035 STF1291     Mt. Wilson spectral types G7,K0.                                        .       
                       AB: H 1  30.                                                            MEv2010 
08542-1629 GWP1104     ABL 257.                                                                Tob2012b
08543-3653 BRT1641     SWR  55.                                                                .       
08544-0821 GWP1105     ABL 258.                                                                Tob2012b
08546+1219 CHE 134     A star of appropriate magnitude is seen at Chevalier's coordinates,     Che1911 
                       but with no companion. Reversing the sign of either or both offsets     .       
                       from the plate center yields no likely pairs, either. Perhaps the       .       
                       secondary measured by Chevalier was instead a plate flaw or other       .       
                       spot on the emulsion?                                                   Hrt2012b
08546-1925 GWP1107     ABL 259.                                                                Tob2012b
08548+4335 STF1289     H 1  85.                                                                MEv2010 
08548-1406 GWP1108     AB: ABL 260AB.                                                          Tob2012b
           GWP1109     AC: ABL 260AC.                                                          Tob2012b
08549+2612 A  2131     See Baize & Petit (1989) catalog of doubles with variable component.    Baz1989d
                       AB: Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and             .       
                       spectroscopic masses 2.43 +/- 0.47, 2.30, and 1.85 Msun, respectively.  Mlk2012 
           HO  357     AB,C: Optical pair, based on study of relative motion of the            .       
                       components using the method of apparent motion parameters.              Kiy2008 
                       AB,C: Rectilinear solution by Hurowitz et al. (2014).                   USN2014a
08550-1205 GWP1110     ABL 261.                                                                Tob2012b
08551-4736 SNA   8     Star is a member of the Vela OB1 association; at the distance of that   .       
                       association the projected separation of the new pair is 2.3au. The      .       
                       resolved companion may be the reported spectroscopic companion, if      .       
                       the spectroscopic period is greater than ~6 months.                     Sna2014 
                       LS 1204. Classification is from Garrison et al. (1977 ApJS 35, 111).    Msn1998a
08552+1612 BPM 553     [PM2000]  917386 + [PM2000]  917319.                                    Gvr2010 
08552-1814 S   585     B is BD-17@2692.                                                        .       
08553-1122 S   584     B is BD-10@2691.                                                        .       
08554+7048 STF1280     AB: LDS1684. Mt. Wilson spectral types M0, M0. Proper motion of         .       
                       A -1334 -362, B -1364 -407. C -008-020                                  .       
                       H N 144.                                                                Bu_1906 
08554-4653 RST 361     Includes OV Vel, a Beta Lyr type eclipsing binary, P = 2.09051d.        Zas2012 
08555-0758 STF1295     17 Hya. Both components are metallic-line stars.                        .       
                       H 2  77.                                                                MEv2010 
08555-2741 SEE 107     del Pyx                                                                 .       
08557-1531 GWP1113     ABL 262.                                                                Tob2012b
08558+6458 ARG  21     A is an Algol-type system, AC UMa.                                      .       
08559+4632 LDS 908     NLTT 20526/20527                                                        Chm2004 
08560-0724 GWP1115     ABL 263.                                                                Tob2012b
08562-5532 DUN  73     B is CPD-55@1852.                                                       .       
                       Identified as optical and linear solution also published.               LRR2022c
08563+1239 JNN 274     G 41-8. Estimated age 30-300 Myr; masses 0.13 +/- 0.08 and 0.11 +/-     .       
                       0.06 Msun; a ~27.0 au.                                                  Jnn2014 
08563-1908 BRT1471     J 2646.                                                                 .       
08563-5243 R    87     A is a spectroscopic binary.                                            .       
08564-0916 GWP1116     ABL 264.                                                                Tob2012b
08565+7058 HZG   7     Also known as LDS1685.                                                  .       
08567+1951 BLL  27     A is a semiregular variable, T Cnc.                                     .       
08568+2235 BOY   2     Aa,Ab: 2MASSI J0856479+223518                                           .       
                       Physical companionship to this ultracool dwarf ruled out based on i-z   .       
                       and z-J colors, using photometry from SDSS.                             AlP2007 
08568-1401 GWP1119     ABL 265.                                                                Tob2012b
08568-1726 ARG  72     AB: Despite the linear solution, proper motion and parallax favor a     Grv2020a
                       physical connection. Long period and/or high eccentricity possible.     .       
           SHY 533     BC: HIP  43920 + HIP  44657.                                            .       
08568-3205 HJ 4154     SWR  58. CPM pair                                                       Skf2004 
08570-0754 GWP1120     ABL 266.                                                                Tob2012b
08570-5914 DUN  74     A variable, V376 Car.                                                   .       
08571-2951 TOK  63     Aa,Ab: Estimated masses 0.64 and 0.59 Msun; sep 15.9 au, period 60 y.   Tok2010c
                       Ba,Bb: Estimated masses 0.55 and 0.24 Msun; sep 10.9 au, period 40 y.   Tok2010c
08572+1519 SHY 204     HIP  43970 + HIP  44001.                                                .       
08573-0948 GWP1121     ABL 267.                                                                Tob2012b
08575-5045 HD  76968   Turner (1979 A&A 76, 350) includes this star in a group with the        .       
                       Cepheid SW Vel which lies beyond Vel OB1 at a distance of 2.6 kpc.      Msn1998a
08579-4744 SNA   9     Aa,Ab: The separation changed from 1.5 to 4.1 mas over 5.6 months,      .       
                       indicating clear orbital motion. The system exhibits non-thermal X-ray  .       
                       emission (Benaglia et al. 2001, A&A 535, A53), possibly due to          .       
                       wind-wind collision in the binary system.                               Sna2014 
08580+3014 HO  252     61 Cnc. Rapid binary? Measures scattered and uncertain.                 Mlr1950a
                       The separation of this partially resolved pair for 1986.388 was         .       
                       calculated under the assumption of zero or otherwise known magnitude    .       
                       difference.                                                             Tok1985 
08580+2428 OSO  23     G009-036. Not a common proper motion pair                               Oso2004 
08581+1130 GIC  82     G046-012/G046-013.                                                      .       
08581-3852 RSS  11     This previously uncataloged double star was a Hipparcos double entry    .       
                       system.  The first measure is determined from the individual positions  .       
                       listed by Rousseau et al.                                               Rss1996 
08582+1945 LDS3836     LSPM J0858+1945 = EI Cnc. Law et al (2008) derive a distance of         Law2008 
                       5.23 +/-0.07 pc and a projected separation of 7.27 +0.11/-0.11 au.      .       
                       Estimated spectral types are M5.5 and M6.                               .       
                       LHS 2077. Estimated age 1000-10000 Myr; masses 0.13 +/- 0.03 and 0.11   .       
                       +/- 0.02 Msun; a ~9.6 au.                                               Jnn2014 
08584-1422 LDS3837     NLTT 20663/20660                                                        Chm2004 
08585+3548 COU1897     Semi-major axis value of 0".4 in Couteau (1999) appears to have been    Cou1999b
                       a typo. Changed to 0".14 in orbit catalog.                              .       
08585+1151 HJ  110     alp Cnc = 65 Cnc = Acubens. A is an occultation double.                 .       
08586+2711 ZHN   4     NLTT 20640 + 2MASS J08583693+2710518. Baron et al. (2015) estimate      .       
                       spectral types M4.0 +/- 0.5 and L0 +/- 1, distances 54 +32/-20 and      .       
                       48 +3/-14 pc, masses 0.207-0.272 and 0.074-0.081 Msun.                  BFr2015 
08588-5303 VSP  24     V524 Vel.                                                               .       
08589+0829 DEL   2     G 41-14.  A triple system with a close spectroscopic pair on a 7.6 day  .       
                       orbit, and one wider component which is reported at a separation of     .       
                       620 mas in Delfosse et al. (1999). Subsequently, an orbit has been      Del1999a
                       determined for the wider pair (Hartkopf et al. 2012), with a period of  Hrt2012a
                       5.66 years and a 424 mas angular semi-major axis. Using the estimated   .       
                       orbital elements to predict the location of the wider component in Jan  .       
                       2012 when the AstraLux image was taken, the predicted separation is     .       
                       ∼100 mas. This is in excellent agreement with what is seen in the       .     
                       AstraLux image, where the PSF is substantially extended, but not quite  .       
                       sufficiently to get a satisfactory binary fit.                          Jnn2014 
08589-4714 HJ 4161     A is a Delta Scuti-type variable, FZ Vel.                               .       
08590+0938 LDS3838     SLW 320.                                                                .       
08591+3155 TOK 522     AB is accepted as physical because of large PM(A) and low crowding      .       
08592+4803 HJ 2477     iot UMa = 9 UMa = Talitha. A is a Delta Scuti-type variable and SB1,    .       
                       P = 11.03y.                                                             .       
                       A,BC: STT 196. A premature orbit has been computed. Quadruple.          .       
                       A,BC: While the orbit may be good for ephemerides, system is unstable.  PkO2014
                       2009.822: Observation incorrectly attributed to 11491+1434 in           Rdr2015
                       Rodriguez et al. 2015 and assigned the discoverer designation           .      
                       RDR   3AE. Correction provided by G. Duchene (private comm.).           .      
           HU  628     See Baize & Petit (1989) catalog of doubles with variable component.    Baz1989d
                       2009.822: Observation incorrectly attributed to 11491+1434 in           Rdr2015
                       Rodriguez et al. 2015 and assigned the discoverer designation           .       
                       RDR   3Ea,Eb. Correction provided by G. Duchene (private comm).         .       
                       AC measures are X coded so they are omitted when fitting the orbit      .       
                       of HU  628A,BC but are not incorrect or bad measures                    .       
08593+2006 BRT2396     COU  48.                                                                .       
08594-5905 SHY 205     AC: HIP  44143 + HIP  48133. C component = A component of 09488-5237.   .       
08595+3225 SHJ 100     sig 3 Cnc = 64 Cnc. B is BD+32@1820.                                    .       
                       AB: H 6  87.                                                            MEv2010 
08595+2918 LAW  16     LSPM J0859+2918 = NLTT 20681. Law et al (2008) derive a distance of     Law2008 
                       21.5 +10.1/-4.0 pc and a projected separation of 16.1 +8.2/-2.7 au.     .       
                       Estimated spectral types are M4.5 and M5.                               .       
08596+0146 BAL1855     BAL2356a.                                                               .       
08597-2749 TOK  23     Estimated period of visual pair 680y.                                   Tok2006 
                       A is SB2E, P=3.199d.  Tokovinin et al. (2006): dK(AB)=6.93,             Tok2006 
                       dJ(AB)=7.29 ==> M(B)=0.08 V(B)~18.5                                     Tok2014d
08599+0143 BAL1856     Previously known as BAL2356b.                                           .       
08599-0135 HJ  111     HJL 102.                                                                HJL1986 
09001-1228 HU  225     AB: Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and             .       
                       spectroscopic masses 2.38 +/- 1.07, 2.57, and 1.13 Msun, respectively.  Mlk2012 
           WOR  36     A faint companion (mag. about 14, 5") found by Worley may be            .       
                       physical.                                                               .       
09002+4258 LDS3840     NLTT 20703/20706                                                        Chm2004 
09003+0332 HJ 2479     The proper motion study was:                                            .       
                       A component: mu(RA) = -0.006+-0.002 mu(DEC) = -0.005+-0.001,            .       
                       B component: mu(RA) =  0.000+-0.006   mu(DEC) = -0.005+-0.001           FMR1999h
09004-0809 OL  171     Aka BRT2287.                                                            Dam2018n
09005+7526 HJ 1162     Also a spectroscopic binary with P = 1324d which cannot be the visual   Grf2016a
                       pair.                                                                   .       
09005+3225 HU  718     A premature orbit has been computed.                                    .       
09005+0617 RAB   1     Rabe identifies this as BDS 4887? Looks like another pair.              Rab1923 
09006+4147 KUI  37     10 UMa. Hyad. Well observed RV variation in agreement with the visual   .       
                       orbit. Spectral types and masses of components assigned by ten          .       
                       Brummelaar et al., based on adaptive optics observations.               TtB2000 
                       Calculated mass sum is 2.44 +/- 0.12 Msun, consistent with spectral     .       
                       types F5V.                                                              Mut2010b
                       AB: Additional notes may be found in Duruy (1941),                      Dur1941 
                       Duruy (1942), and                                                       Dur1942b
                       Baize (1943).                                                           Baz1943a
                       AB: Martin et al. (1998) derive component masses 1.525 +/- 0.104 and    .       
                       0.920 +/- 0.080 Msun.                                                   Mig1998 
                       AB: Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and             .       
                       spectroscopic masses 2.37 +/- 0.33, 2.39, and 2.14 Msun, respectively.  Mlk2012 
                       AB: A typographical error in the Muterspaugh et al. (2010) orbit has    Mut2010b
                       been corrected; period is 7961.0d, not 7691.0d. Noticed by Rick Wasson  .       
                       (2016, private comm.)                                                   .       
           STT 566     AB,C: Optical pair, based on study of relative motion of the            .       
                       components using the method of apparent motion parameters.              Kiy2008 
                       AB,C: Rectilinear solution by Hurowitz et al. (2014).                   USN2014a
09008+0516 OSV   2     Ross 686,7.                                                             .       
09012+0245 STF1302     AC: Rectilinear solution by Hurowitz et al. (2014).                     USN2014a
09013+1516 STF1300     NLTT 20763/20764                                                        Chm2004 
09013-3855 I  1513     CPD-38@2898.                                                            .       
09014+3215 STF1298     66 Cnc.                                                                 .       
09015+3604 ALI 354     Bogus binary.                                                           .       
09018+2754 SHJ 101     67 Cnc. A is a spectroscopic binary. B is BD+28@1673.                   .       
                       H 6  41.                                                                MEv2010 
09024-6547 WFC  78     SWR  62. CPM pair                                                       Skf2004 
09024-6801 SWR  63     CPM pair                                                                Skf2004 
09026-5956 HJ 4170     SWR  61.                                                                .       
09032+4232 LDS3848     SLW 323.                                                                .       
09032-1740 S   588     B is BD-17@2726.                                                        .       
09032-6221 HJ 4175     Optical pair, based on study of relative motion of the components       .       
                       using the method of apparent motion parameters.                         Kiy2008 
                       AB: Rectilinear solution by Hurowitz et al. (2014).                     USN2014a
09035+3750 MUG   1     Metchev & Hillenbrand say pair probably physical, based on proximity.   Met2004b
                       Metchev & Hillenbrand (2009) estimate companion mass 0.49 Msun,         Met2009 
                       dK=2.10. Estimated V(B)=11.2, dV=4.0.                                   Tok2014d
09036+4709 A  1585     kap UMa = 12 UMa = Alkaphrah.                                           .       
                       Elongations and quadrant doubtful.                                      B__1963b
                       See Baize & Petit (1989) catalog of doubles with variable component.    Baz1989d
                       1975.950: This observation was made under very poor conditions and      .       
                       yielded a poor set of fringes.                                          BLM1978 
                       1981.350: This observation was incorrectly attributed to Fin 347 by     Tok1982a
                       Tokovinin (1982a) (noted in Tokovinin 1982b)                            Tok1982b
                       Calculated mass sum is 6.30 +/- 0.98 Msun, not well-constrained.        Mut2010b
                       Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and spectroscopic   .       
                       masses of 6.63 +/- 1.41, 9.53, and 2.19 Msun, respectively.             Mlk2012 
09036-2619 HJ 2482     SWR  60. CPM pair                                                       Skf2004 
09037+4531 COU2686     Also known as HDS1312. While the HDS measure predates that of Couteau,  Cou1994 
                       the Couteau publication predates that of Hipparcos.                     HIP1997a
09040+1349 FAR   7     SKF  29. Primary is white dwarf WD 0901+140.                            Far2005b
09040+0259 GRV1017     SLW 327.                                                                .       
09040-3204 PRO  80     SWR  64.                                                                .       
09042+6446 LDS2301     LDS5201.                                                                .       
09042+0301 GRV 775     HJL 103.                                                                HJL1986 
                       SHY 536. Bayesian analysis by Shaya & Olling (2011) indicates very      Shy2011 
                       high (near 100%) probability pair is physical.                          .       
09045-5740 RST 375     Spectral type G2?                                                       .       
09048+3759 LDS3851     NLTT 20894/20892                                                        Chm2004 
09050+2250 HDS1318     A is SB2, P=893.5d. B not seen in 2MASS K,J-band images, likely bogus.  Tok2014d
09050+1134 TOK 125     HIP 44579.                                                              .       
09050+1058 BPM 554     [PM2000]  925928 + [PM2000]  925978.                                    Gvr2010 
09053+3848 OSO  24     G115-049. Not a common proper motion pair, based on comparison with     .       
                       POSS2 red plates.                                                       Oso2004 
09055+0020 RST5313     Appears to be 5' error in 1855 declination of BD coordinates.           .       
                       Appears to be same as TDS6306; pairs merged.                            .       
09055-4919 JNN  65     This star has a probably brown dwarf companion, but since only one      .       
                       epoch of data exists, this is still unconfirmed.                        Jnn2012 
09056+5018 ES 2631     B is BD+50@1606.                                                        .       
09056-7433 SWR  66     CPM pair                                                                Skf2004 
09057-0816 FAL  26     A = RX Hya, eclipsing binary of Algol-type, period 2.28165 days.        Zas2015 
09061+3537 WLY   4     The pair ALI 355 is bogus and was a measure of a plate flaw.            .       
                       The WLY   4 pair was found while searching for the ALI pair.            .       
09063-5904 LTT 3359    Hipparcos astrometric solution assumed circular orbit (e = omega = 0)   HIP1997d
09066+0249 STF1309     HJL 104.                                                                HJL1986 
09067+2031 OSO  25     G009-047. Common proper motion pair                                     Oso2004 
09067-3334 EGN  10     Pair bound. B component colors consistent with it being an M1-M4 dwarf  .       
                       with mass 0.30 +/- 0.01 Msun.                                           Egn2007 
09071+3037 AG  162     BDS 4940, H N 30 is the same star.                                      .       
09074+2259 HO  644     AC: Physical pair according to Daley.                                   Dal2006a
           STF1311     AB: HJL 105.                                                            HJL1986 
                       AB: H 3  92.                                                            MEv2010 
09075-3445 HJ 4179     SWR  65. CPM pair                                                       Skf2004 
09076+0004 TOK 126     HIP 44777. X-ray source 1RXS J090732.0+000352.                          .       
09077+1040 CHR 257     kap Cnc = 76 Cnc. Hipparcos suspected non-single.                       .       
09077-4438 I   492     A Beta Cephei-type variable.                                            .       
09079-0708 TOK  64     Aa,Ab: Estimated masses 0.95 and 0.61 Msun; sep 29.3 au, period 130 y.  Tok2010c
           STF1316     HIP 44804. Close triple. Observed with NICI (Tokovinin et al. 2010).    Tok2010c
                       BC: Rectilinear solution by Friedman et al. (2012).                     USN2012a
09080-2552 I   491     kap Pyx                                                                 .       
09080-4326 SEE 109     lam Vel = Suhail. A is an irregular variable.                           .       
09080-5808 RST9001     Previously known as RST3624a.                                           .       
09080-6402 HJ 4185     B is CPD-63@1097.                                                       .       
                       SWR  67. Probably dwarfs, not giants (as per Houk). CPM pair            Skf2004 
09081+4510 HJ 1164     Noted as not having been observed in a long time, but this is an error. WSI2008 
                       That "105" note should have gone with 09147-0212BAL 517.                Dam2011 
09081-2204 HDO 121     Separation for 1870.18 >15"                                             Win1882 
09083+3641 BRT2220     ALI 591.                                                                .       
09083-3707 TOK 127     HIP 44851. NOMAD: PM(B)=(+102,+500) V=16.37 (??). B is physical,        .       
                       despite crowded field with N*=98. PM(A)=(-59,-3). PMS star, X-ray       .       
                       source RXS J090817.3-370649, variable CY Pyx.                           Tok2011a
09084+2732 STTA 97     B is BD+28@1698.                                                        .       
                       HJL 106.                                                                HJL1986 
                       SHY 207. Bayesian analysis by Shaya & Olling (2011) indicates very      Shy2011 
                       high (near 100%) probability pair is physical.                          .       
09085+2141 A  2134     Appears to be same pair as 09085+2142 TDS6348; systems merged.          .       
09086-2550 RST2610     Possibly triple: the known companion RST 2610 at 1".7 with estimated    .       
                       period 500 yr is unlikely to cause the RV variability and dmu.          Tok2012a
                       AB: A is suspected SB, no orbit.                                        Tok2014d
09086-3843 RST1416     CPD-38@3012.                                                            .       
09086-4841 LDS 251     B is CD-48@4456.                                                        .       
09087-0835 KUI  38     19 Hya. A is a spectroscopic binary.                                    .       
09087-2159 RSS 191     CPD-21@4113                                                             .       
09088+2638 STT 567     AB: 75 Cnc. A is a spectroscopic binary. B is BD+27@1716.               .       
                       AB: Optical pair, based on study of relative motion of the components   .       
                       using the method of apparent motion parameters.                         Kiy2008 
           75 Cnc      Combined spectroscopic/astrometric solution, based on high-resolution   .       
                       echelle spectra plus archival PTI visibility measurements.              .       
                       Derived masses 1.173 +/- 0.024 and 1.011 +/- 0.021 Msun,                .       
                       distance 31.246 +/- 0.051 pc.                                           Knc2010 
                       Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and spectroscopic   .       
                       masses of 2.13 +/- 4.27, 1.98, and 1.07 Msun, respectively.             Mlk2012 
09090+1728 ONL   1     OCC 238.                                                                .       
09091-1820 VIG  12     Optical/physical nature of the faint companion is undefined.            Vig2012 
09094+2203 WRH  16     xi Cnc = 77 Cnc. Uncertain binary, unresolved by speckle                .       
                       interferometry. A long-period spectroscopic binary.                     .       
09095+3854 OSO  26     G116-009. Common proper motion pair                                     Oso2004 
09097-4207 CPO  40     LDS 253.                                                                .       
09098+1134 CHR 131     Suspected occultation binary.                                           .       
09099-3022 H N  96     eps Pyx. A is a spectroscopic binary.                                   .       
09103+2200 WRH  17     79 Cnc. Less than 0.1" 1954 (Finsen); not resolved by speckle despite   Fin1954c
                       numerous attempts 1976-1983. Binary nature uncertain.                   .       
09104+6708 STF1306     sig 2 UMa = 13 UMa.                                                     .       
                       See Baize & Petit (1989) catalog of doubles with variable component.    Baz1989d
                       AB: H 3  54.                                                            MEv2010 
09109+6331 H 5  73     H V 73. tau UMa = 14 UMa. A is metallic-line star and long-period SB.   .       
                       A: Ren & Fu (2013) calculated an astrometric orbit, combining           Ren2013 
                       Hipparcos Intermediate Astrometric Data with spectroscopic elements by  .       
                       Bretz (1961).                                                           Brz1961 
                       AB: Optical pair, based on study of relative motion of the components   .       
                       using the method of apparent motion parameters.                         Kiy2008 
09109-4519 HJ 4186     LDS 255.                                                                .       
09110+6331 tau UMa     Hipparcos astrometric solution adopted some elements from the orbit of  HIP1997d
                       Bretz (1961).                                                           Brz1961 
09110-1929 I   824     Spectrum: Fm delta Del.                                                 .       
                       Ma,Mb = 1.83  +/- 0.16 , 1.79  +/- 0.15  \msun.                         GmJ2022 
09111+1757 BPM 555     [PM2000]  930950 + [PM2000]  930951.                                    Gvr2010 
09112+0128 GIC  83     G046-026/G046-027.                                                      .       
09115+2801 HJ  805     AB: HJL 107.                                                            HJL1986 
09117-4653 SEE 110     Algol-type eclipsing binary, P = 2.61362 d.                             Zas2011 
09118+1617 BPM 556     [PM2000]  931498 + [PM2000]  931492.                                    Gvr2010 
09119+1803 STT 568     AB: 80 Cnc.                                                             .       
           BUP 124     BC: C is +18@2136.                                                      .       
09122-2555 JNN 150     2MASS J09121259-2555025 has the alternative identifier CD-25 6962B in   .       
                       SIMBAD, implicitly implying companionship with the G2-type star         .       
                       CD-25 6962 at 14" separation. However, given the apparently very        .       
                       different proper motions of the components (e.g. Roser et al. 2010),    XXX2010 
                       we consider such a companionship questionable.                          Jnn2012 
09123+1500 FIN 347     Aa,Ab: pi 1 Cnc = 81 Cnc.                                               .       
                       1981.358: This observation was incorrectly attributed to ADS 7158 by    Tok1982a
                       Tokovinin (1982a) (noted in Tokovinin 1982b)                            Tok1982b
                       1983.9371, 1983.9372: Interferometric observations indicate that        Wor1983 
                       Finsen's 1965 orbit (see Worley & Heintz, 1983) must be revised.        Bnu1984 
                       1990.9166: Residuals (4.0 deg in theta, 0".007 in rho) to the orbit of  .       
                       Hartkopf (1989) are only fair, due to a combination of large zenith     Hrt1989 
                       distance and close angular separation at the time of this observation.  .       
                       A combined astrometric/spectroscopic orbital solution is given by       .       
                       Mason et al (1996).                                                     Msn1996a
                       Reversed Delta m and slightly larger parallax/smaller masses than in    Msn1996a
                       the speckle-spectroscopic study by Mason et al.(1996).                  .       
                       Pourbaix gives combined solution for this resolved SB2, yielding        .       
                       orbital parallaxes and component masses.                                Pbx2000b
                       Aa,Ab: Combined solution orbit. Mass_a = 0.983 +- 0.045 Msun,           .       
                       Mass_b = 0.903 +- 0.049 Msun, orbital parallax = 48.78 +- 2.36 mas.     Msn2012a
                       Aa,Ab: Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and          .       
                       spectroscopic masses 1.80 +/- 0.25, 1.86, and 0.91 Msun, respectively.  Mlk2012 
           BUP 125     AB: Due to the high proper motion of the A component, a later           .       
                       observation of this pair by Soulie was incorrectly entered as a new     Sle1986a
                       component, SLE 478AD.                                                   .       
           STT 569     AC: Optical pair, based on study of relative motion of the              .       
                       components using the method of apparent motion parameters.              Kiy2008 
           WIL   1     AE: CPM pair. Using data from 2MASS, Wilson et al. (2001) derive a      Wil2001 
                       spectral type of L8V and mass 40-74Mjup for the companion (called       .       
                       Gl 337C in that paper). They also note that the C and D components for  .       
                       the system appear to be background objects without CPM to the AB pair.  .       
           BUG  16     Ea,Eb: Burgasser et al (2005) resolved the E component (called Gl 337C  .       
                       in the paper) into a 0.53" pair of near-equal magnitude. At a distance  .       
                       to the system of 20.5 +/- 0.4pc, the close pair has a physical          .       
                       separation of 10.9 +/- 0.6 au. Period of the pair is estimated at       .       
                       140-180y. Primary is L8; secondary is possibly early- or mid-T dwarf.   Bug2005 
09124+2653 A  1977     1921-1922 elongation uncertain. Less than 0.1" in 1956.                 .       
09124-0707 GAA   7     KW Hya.                                                                 .       
                       Ma,Mb = 1.975  +/- 0.028 , 1.487  +/- 0.013  \msun,                     GaA2019 
                       orbital parallax = 11.462 +/- 0.074 mas.                                .       
09125+4912 MET  54     This cannot be the close 20.0-d spectroscopic binary.                   Grf2013f
09125-4337 FIN 317     Aa,Ab: FIN 317 is a close subsystem in the 2.9" AB pair HJ 4188. After  .       
                       discovery of Aa,Ab in 1951 at 0.116", Finsen (1951) was unable to       Fin1951b
                       resolve the star again on twelve occasions till 1968, except one other  .       
                       tentative measure in 1962. Yet the object was resolved by speckle in    Fin1964a
                       1989.94 at 0.144" and in 2006.18 at 0.123". Despite orbital period of   .       
                       ∼50 yr estimated from projected separation, the sub-system was not    .       
                       detected in 3 runs at SOAR (2009-2012), while the wider pair AB was     .       
                       measured. This may be yet another case of erratic measures and          .       
                       non-resolutions. Possibly another "ghost" which isn't a real binary,    Tok2012b
                       but not "X" coded yet.                                                  .       
09126+0915 HEI 483     This is apparently the same pair as HJ  121.                            .       
09128+6141 STF1315     B is BD+62@1055.                                                        .       
                       H N  79.                                                                MEv2010 
09128-4329 HU 1456     Primary is GG Vel, Algol-type eclipsing binary, period 1.475216d.       Zas2013 
09128-6055 HDO 207     AB: Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and             .       
                       spectroscopic masses 34.09 +/- 12.51, 5.38, 2.57 Msun, respectively.    Mlk2012 
09131+3633 ES 2106     BRT3251.                                                                Brt1951 
09131-4128 CPO  41     LDS 258. A is CPD-40@3274, B is CPD-40@3273.                            .       
09133+0540 WFC  81     HJL 108.                                                                HJL1986 
09136+4659 STF1318     A is SB2, P = 2536d. B is SB?                                           Tok2014d
09138+4313 BAG  45     Primary is the rotationally variable star EI Lyn.                       .       
09139+0252 H 6 108     B is BD+03 2171.                                                        .       
09142-5021 HJ 4192     B is CD-49@4232.                                                        .       
09143+6125 16 UMa      SB2. Combined orbit including RV data and Hipparcos Intermediate        .       
                       Astrometric data. Semimajor axis derived from photocentric a0 plus      .       
                       stellar evolutionary model. Derived properties for A and B:             .       
                       M/Msun = 1.12 + 0.61, L/Lsun = 2.71 + 0.09, dm = 3.70 mag,              .       
                       log age = 9.78.                                                         WaX2015b
                       Fekel et al. (2015) derive an astrometric orbit, with values of P, T,   .       
                       e, and omega adopted from their spectroscopic solution. The secondary   .       
                       is thought to be a mid- to late-K dwarf.                                Fek2015 
09143-0817 BU  908     B is BD-07@2762.                                                        .       
09144+5241 STF1321     Proper motion of A = -2530,-563; PM of B = -2559,-656 (UCAC2).          .       
                       B is BD+53@1321. A premature orbit has been computed. Both components   .       
                       are suspected spectroscopic binaries (Abt & Levy 1973).                 AbH1973 
                       AB: NLTT 21249/21251                                                    Chm2004 
                       CHARA Array Limb-darkened diameter of A,B:                              CIA2012f
                       R =  0.5773 +/- 0.0131, 0.5673 +/- 0.0137 \rsun,                        .       
                       L =  0.06974 +/- 0.00213, 0.06465 +/- 0.00194 \lsun,                    .       
                       Teff = 3907 +/- 35, 3867 +/- 37 K, M = 0.622, 0.600 \msun.              .       
                       Epoch-2000 coordinates of C component 0914355+524209; current AC        .       
                       separation ~2'.2 at 64deg. PM of D +035-003.                            .       
                       ORB6 inclination = 180deg - inc. to match WDS measures                  Pko2020 
09144+0219 HJ 2489     the Hya = 22 Hya. A is a SB.                                            .       
                       AB: Optical pair, based on study of relative motion of the components   .       
                       using the method of apparent motion parameters.                         Kiy2008 
                       AB: H 5  54.                                                            MEv2010 
                       B and C optical. No earlier measures of D.                              B__1963b
09149+0427 HEI 350     A long-period astrometric binary, now resolved.                         .       
09150+1253 HJ 2490     BDS 4982, HJ 2487 same star.                                            .       
09151-0825 GCB  22     BRT 427. J 3248.                                                        .       
09152+2323 BUP 127     AB: A is exoplanet host.                                                Tok2014d
           STT 570     AC: Optical pair, based on study of relative motion of the components   .       
                       using the method of apparent motion parameters.                         Kiy2008 
09152+1643 BPM 557     [PM2000]  934187 + [PM2000]  934230.                                    Gvr2010 
09156+0422 RED  17     2MASS J09153413+0422045. Confirmed as binary by Liu (private comm. to   .       
                       Reid et al). Spectral types L7 and L7                                   Red2006b
09156-1036 MTG   2     LHS 6167. Estimated age 30-300 Myr; masses 0.15 +/- 0.04 and 0.09 +/-   .       
                       0.03 Msun; a ~1.0 au.                                                   Jnn2014 
                       Also known as G 161-7 or LHS6167.                                       .       
                       Parallax = 134.9 +/- 12.1 mas.                                          UR_2016 
                       Parallax = 103.33 +/- 1.00 mas.                                         JLB2017 
09157-0114 STF1329     B is BD-00@2163.                                                        .       
09158-3725 SEE 111     A is a spectroscopic binary.                                            .       
09161-4454 DON 329     Variable.                                                               .       
09163+2730 SLE 484     No sign of Soulie (1986) pair. Measured pair is obvious double; error           
                       in Soulie (1986) coordinates?                                           Sle1986a
09167+1955 LDS5162     LDS5202.                                                                .       
                       NLTT 21351/21352                                                        Chm2004 
09167-0621 KUI  40     23 Hya. A is a long-period spectroscopic binary.                        .       
                       Hipparcos astrometric solution adopted some elements from the orbit of  HIP1997d
                       Jones (1928).                                                           Jon1928c
09167-2448 JNN  67     We resolve this star into a close binary (as yet unconfirmed through    .       
                       common proper motion). It was recently classified as a classical        .       
                       Cepheid based on light curve analysis (Christiansen et al. 2008 MNRAS   .       
                       385, 1749). We assume that this is a mis-classification, given that     .       
                       the unresolved spectral type is M0.5V.                                  Jnn2012 
09167-5501 BRT3291     CD-54@2689.                                                             .       
09168-1237 BRT2717     A likely plate flaw.                                                    Grv2021b
09168-2157 I   493     Too close, position angle uncertain.                                    .       
09169-0524 OSO  27     G161-009. Neither is a common proper motion pair, based on comparison   .       
                       with POSS2 red plates.                                                  Oso2004 
09171+0717 STTA 98     AB: Pair appears in an appendix list, not part of discoverer's regular  .       
                       numbering sequence.                                                     .       
09172-2249 J  1543     CD-22@7068.                                                             .       
09173-5305 KRV  24     Classical Cepheid DK Vel.                                               .       
09173-6841 FIN 363     Speckle observations needed to refine relative orbit.                   .       
                       AB: Hipparcos parallax 30.64 +/- 0.70 mas. Dynamical parallax 27.2 mas, .       
                       masses 1.63 and 1.37 Msun. FIN 363 has an unusually short period of     .       
                       only 3.44 yr. The Hipparcos photometry is doubtful because of close     .       
                       0.1" separation.                                                        Tok2012b
                       AB: Martin et al. (1998) derive component masses 3.661 +/- 0.338 and    .       
                       3.661 +/- 0.338 Msun.                                                   Mig1998 
                       AB: Docobo & Andrade (2013) derive a dynamical parallax of 29.71 +/-    .       
                       1.33 mas and component masses 1.43 +/- 0.25 and 1.06 +/- 0.20 Msun.     .       
                       See paper for extensive notes on this system.                           Doc2013d
09175+7715 KUI  39     Proper motion of A -1059 -020.                                          .       
                       Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and spectroscopic   .       
                       masses of 0.66 +/- 0.23, 1.17, and 0.65 Msun, respectively.             Mlk2012 
09176+3641 ES 1734     OL 109 is the same star, according to Barton.                           .       
09179+2834 STF3121     AB: Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and             .       
                       spectroscopic masses 1.39 +/- 0.75, 1.57, and 0.85 Msun, respectively.  Mlk2012 
09179+1130 HJ  128     A is a spectroscopic binary.                                            .       
09179-6948 RMK  10     Rectilinear solution by Letchford et al. (2018).                        LRR2018a
09180-5453 JNN  69     2MASS J09180165-5452332 has a close (~0.49") companion to which it is   .       
                       probably physically bound, although this still needs to be confirmed    .       
                       through common proper motion.                                           Jnn2012 
09182-0036 HJ  126     STF1337. Pettit refers to his 1915 observation as of HJ  126, but       Ptt1917 
                       gives the cryptic note "Hard to identify with H star 1820. P.A. too     .       
                       small, distance too great." It appears to be a measure of the HJ pair,  .       
                       but typographically mangled. Earlier catalogued as PTT  25.             .       
09184+3522 STF1333     Aka H 1  31.                                                            Bu_1906 
                       Additional notes may be found in Fatou (1941).                          Fat1941 
09184-2022 S   595     B is BD-19@2673.                                                        .       
09186+5231 HJ 2492     AB: B is the faint nebula NGC 2800.                                     .       
09186+2134 ALP  15     2MASSW J0918382+213406                                                  .       
                       Physical companionship of C component to this ultracool dwarf ruled     .       
                       out based on i-z and z-J colors, using photometry from SDSS. The B      .       
                       component was not detected by SDSS; followup observations are needed    .       
                       to determine its nature.                                                AlP2007 
09186+1953 SKF  31     FAR  55.                                                                .       
09188+3648 STF1334     38 Lyn. A is a spectroscopic binary.                                    .       
           CHR 173     Ba. Abt & Biggs (1972) note variable RV.                                AbH1972 
           STF1334     AB: H 1   9.                                                            MEv2010 
09188+2647 LDS6226     NLTT 21428/21426                                                        Chm2004 
09188-2250 DON1080     J 1544. ARA1764.                                                        .       
09190+1742 83 Cnc      Gontcharov & Kiyaeva (2002) photocentric (astrometric) orbit is based   Gon2002a
                       on a combination of ground-based catalogs with Hipparcos.               .       
09191-4128 CHR 239     Astrometric binary; dm 2.4 mag, period ~ 10y? Accelerated pm            Tok2012b
                       Omega for Tokovinin et al. (2014) orbit flipped by 180deg, at request   .       
                       of author.                                                              Tok2014a
09192+5824 LDS1226     NLTT 21416/21397                                                        Chm2004 
09193+5230 VBS  15     Identified as BDS 5000, HJ 2492 (Van Biesbroeck). May be another pair.  VBs9999 
09193+3831 GIC  84     G115-068/G115-069 = Melotte 25 EGG 33AB = GJ 1122AB.                    .       
09194-7739 KOH  83     Aa,Ab: Estimated masses 0.88 and 0.81 Msun; sep 6.8 au, period 14 y.    Tok2010c
                       Orbital parallax 14.90 +/- 0.37 mas.                                    Tok2020c
                       Mass of Aa, Ab = 1.12 +/- 0.04, 1.00 +/- 0.03 /msun.                    .       
           HJ 4214     Physical B component is also binary with spectroscopic P ~ 0.556d.      .       
                       HIP 45734. This is a PMS quadruple, both components are                 .       
                       slightly above the MS.                                                  Tok2011a
                       AB: B is X-ray source, SB2 (Desidera et al 2006 A&A 454,553)            Tok2014d
09196-3513 SWR  70     Giants, not dwarfs                                                      Skf2004 
09197+0444 LDS3876     SLW 348.                                                                .       
09198-1158 B  2529     26 Hya. 1936, 1938 position angles 139@-122@. Distance 3.0".            .       
                       Invisible 1948                                                          B__1951a
09200+0500 STF1343     HJL 109.                                                                HJL1986 
09200+0103 J  2501     Radio galaxy UGC 4956.                                                  J__1962a
09202+3518 RED  11     2MASSW J0920122+351742                                                  .       
                       2000.107: HST WFPC2 observations by Reid et al. (2001). Paper includes  Red2001 
                       mass and age estimates, as well as discussion of L dwarf binary         .       
                       frequency and semimajor axis distribution.                              .       
                       Assuming a spectrophotometric distance of 24.3 +/- 5.0 pc, Konopacky    .       
                       et al. (2010) derive a system mass of 0.11 +/- 0.11 Msun.               Kon2010 
09203-0817 GCB  24     J 2898.                                                                 .       
09205+0752 BRT2148     OL 172.                                                                 .       
09205-0933 SHJ 105     27 Hya. A is a spectroscopic binary. Spectrum composite: G8III-IV+F5V.  .       
                       AB: SHY 540. Bayesian analysis by Shaya & Olling (2011) indicates very  Shy2011 
                       high (near 100%) probability pair is physical.                          .       
                       AB: H 6  85.                                                            MEv2010 
                       Toyota et al. (2009) monitored the RV of the A component every 1-2      .       
                       months between 2003 Mar - 2007 Nov, using a high-dispersion echelle     .       
                       (precision ~10 m/s). The star exhibits a linear trend in RV, with a     .       
                       slope -30 m/s/y. Toyota et al. assert that these variations are due to  .       
                       an unseen companion. Assuming a circular orbit, period is estimated at  .       
                       3400d; if the mass of A is 2.32 Msun, the minimum mass ~10 Mjup.        Toy2009 
09207+5116 ARN  71     AD: HJL1055.                                                            HJL1986 
                       AD: SHY 208. Bayesian analysis by Shaya & Olling (2011) indicates very  Shy2011 
                       high (near 100%) probability pair is physical.                          .       
09210+3811 STF1338     AB: Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and             .       
                       spectroscopic masses 2.01 +/- 0.61, 2.59, and 2.58 Msun, respectively.  Mlk2012 
09210+3643 STF1339     H 1  31.                                                                MEv2010 
09210+3223 GIC  81     G047-035/G047-034. Typographical error led to this pair being           .       
                       originally entered in the WDS as 08211+3226.                            .       
09210-0100 FOX 161     J 1546. Bal 859.                                                        .       
09211+4155 LDS3878     NLTT 21509/21510                                                        Chm2004 
09213+3426 STT 571     40 Lyn                                                                  .       
           STF1342     BC: H 4  55 = SHJ 369.                                                  MEv2010 
09214+8123 STF1304     B is BD+81@288.                                                         .       
09214+0248 BAL2361     J 2497.                                                                 .       
09215-4528 HJ 9003     Previously known as HJ 5452a.                                           .       
09216-0243 FIL  21     BAL 202.                                                                .       
09218+4330 LAW  17     LSPM J0921+4330 = GJ 3554. Law et al (2008) derive a distance of        Law2008 
                       11.8 +5.6/-2.2 pc and a projected separation of 7.1 +3.7/-1.2 au.       .       
                       Estimated spectral types are M4.5 and M4.5.                             .       
                       GJ 3554. Estimated age 300-1000 Myr; masses 0.30 +/- 0.06 and 0.21 +/-  .       
                       0.04 Msun; a ~14.8 au.                                                  Jnn2014 
09219+1156 BPM 558     [PM2000]  939493 + [PM2000]  939496.                                    Gvr2010 
09223-3209 RSS 199     Primary is 12.9d SB1, Period of AB pair ~4700y.                         Tok2006 
09223-5428 SHY 541     AC: HIP  45952 + HIP  45937.                                            .       
           I  1107     AB: Rectilinear solution by Zirm (2013).                                Zir2013d
                       Despite the linear solution, proper motion and parallax favor a         Grv2020a
                       physical connection. Long period and/or high eccentricity possible.     .       
09223-5558 EVS  14     Primary is the Cepheid V Vel.                                           Evs2016a
09226+6251 MLB 203     HJL 110.                                                                HJL1986 
09228-0950 A  1342     A magnetic and variable star, KU Hya, , 3.41d, 0.05V, is in the system. Mlr1956a
                       See Baize & Petit (1989) catalog of doubles with variable component.    Baz1989d
                       Combined analysis using speckle, radial velocity, various magnetic      .       
                       field and polarization measurements.                                    Wad2000 
                       AB: Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and             .       
                       spectroscopic masses 5.13 +/- 1.94, 4.25, and 2.00 Msun, respectively.  Mlk2012 
09233+0330 STF1347     HJL 111.                                                                HJL1986 
09234-0503 GIC  85     G161-019/G161-020.                                                      .       
                       NLTT 21625/21628                                                        Chm2004 
09234-7753 HJ 4217     Agrees with Herschel's place but not his description.                   Daw1922 
                       High proper motion of A accounts for the discrepancy.                   .       
                       The companion is clearly UCAC4 061-008434 and not UCAC2 497073 (UCAC4   Whi2013 
                       061-008429) as suggested by SIMBAD.                                     .       
09236-5454 HJ 4207     B is CPD-54@2239.                                                       .       
09243-1601 LDS6227     NLTT 21682/21683                                                        Chm2004 
09243-3926 FIN 348     Hipparcos detects a magnitude difference, which reverses the quadrant   .       
                       of the prior measures, and indicates that nearly a revolution has been  .       
                       completed.                                                              .       
                       Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and spectroscopic   .       
                       masses of 4.29 +/- 0.76, 5.18, and 1.66 Msun, respectively.             Mlk2012 
09247+2611 BU  105     kap Leo = 1 Leo                                                         .       
                       kap Leo. Engelmann speaks of a 10" star in the direction 65deg. There   .       
                       is certainly no companion in this place, and no third star near in any  .       
                       direction.                                                              Bu_1894 
09249+5134 STT 200     A is a spectroscopic binary.                                            .       
09251+2933 BU 1423     AC. Burnham's measure, X coded now, was actually a measure from NGC     Dam2013 
                       2893 to BD+30 1873.                                                     .       
09252+4606 HDS1353     Cvetkovic et al. (2016) estimate spectral types K4 and M1, masses 0.72  .       
                       and 0.43 Msun. Dynamical parallax is 25.49 +/- 2.78 mas.                Cve2016b
09252+1602 FAR   8     SKF  32. Primary is white dwarf WD 0922+162.                            Far2005b
09253-4816 HJ 4209     B is CD-47@4921.                                                        .       
09254+1137 BPM 559     [PM2000]  942111 + [PM2000]  942115.                                    Gvr2010 
09255+0009 LDS5703     LDS6228. LHS 2140.                                                      .       
09256+6329 JNN 275     G 235-25. Estimated age 1000-10000 Myr; masses 0.21 +/- 0.04 and 0.13   .       
                       +/- 0.02 Msun; a ~2.4 au.                                               Jnn2014 
09256+5401 STF1346     AB: H 2  73.                                                            MEv2010 
09257+4626 LDS3889     NLTT 21701/21699                                                        Chm2004 
09257+3837 ES  298     Four-component system. The question of whether the CDB system is a      .       
                       hierarchical triple remains open.                                       Kiy2012 
09257-6958 HJ 4216     B is CPD-69@1061.                                                       .       
09260+2839 A   222     Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and spectroscopic   .       
                       masses of 1.59 +/- 0.66, 2.49, and 1.10 Msun, respectively.             Mlk2012 
09260-1535 CLZ  15     GWP1172.                                                                Tob2012b
09261+5344 A  1343     Rectilinear solution by Rica & Zirm (2012).                             FMR2012i
09263+5847 BUG   9     SDSS J092615.38+584720.9                                                .       
                       Estimated spectral types are T4: + T4:, effective temperatures ~1330    .       
                       and ~1330 K. Masses are estimated at 0.029-0.073 and 0.029-0.073 Msun,  .       
                       and the orbital period (assuming the semi-major axis = 1.26 * rho) is   .       
                       ~18yr.                                                                  Bug2006a
09265+7826 STF1326     SHY 542. Bayesian analysis by Shaya & Olling (2011) indicates very      Shy2011 
                       high (near 100%) probability pair is physical.                          .       
                       AB: CfA: A=SB?                                                          Tok2014d
09265-6618 RST 404     CD-65@769.                                                              .       
09266-3047 SWR  71     CPM pair                                                                Skf2004 
09272-0913 A  1588     29 Hya.                                                                 .       
09275+5338 LDS3893     SLW 356.                                                                .       
09275+3930 LEP  36     A is also a 8.5d spectroscopic binary.                                  Tok2019b
09275+1054 J   388     STF1354.                                                                .       
09275-5806 CHR 240     Astrometric binary; dm 0.3 mag, period ~ 4y? Accelerated pm.            Tok2012b
09276-0840 H 6 111     AB: H VI 111. alp Hya = 30 Hya = Alphard. B is BD-08@2681.              .       
                       Mk III Limb-darkened diameter  9.727 +/- 0.097 mas.                     MkT2003 
                       Primary unresolved in H alpha.                                          Bla1977a
09276-3500 B  2215     Last position angle uncertain. Needs speckle.                           .       
                       Hipparcos astrometric solution assumed circular orbit (e = omega = 0)   HIP1997d
                       Astrometric binary; dm 1.5 mag, period ~ 1.97y                          Tok2012b
09276-4311 SWR  73     A component is 0".6 CPM pair                                            Skf2004 
09278-0604 B  2530     There may have been a quadrant reversal about 1951. The 3-year          .       
                       spectroscopic motion does not seem to relate to the visual pair.        .       
                       Giant primary according to isochrone fit.                               Sod1999 
                       Single line SB, P = 2.5 y, also a known visual binary. Primary is G2V,  .       
                       so companion should likely be a cooler dwarf; this seems to be          .       
                       confirmed from magnitude differences observed at 750, 550, and 450nm.   Bag1984b
                       Pourbaix gives combined solution for this resolved SB2, yielding        .       
                       orbital parallaxes and component masses.                                Pbx2000b
                       Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and spectroscopic   .       
                       masses of 2.06 +/- 0.31, 2.44, and 1.00 Msun, respectively.             Mlk2012 
09281+1150 BPM 560     [PM2000]  944081 + [PM2000]  944114.                                    Gvr2010 
09283-7815 HJ 4226     B is CPD-77@520.                                                        .       
09285+0903 STF1356     ome Leo = 2 Leo.                                                        Mlr1956a
                       Chevalier identified this star as ome Leo, but gave incorrect           Che1911 
                       coordinates, leading to its initial designation as 09283+0903 CHE 137.  Hrt2012b
                       Giant primary according to isochrone fit.                               .       
                       1980.019: This observation of omega Leo by Weigelt (1983) was           Wgt1983 
                       incorrectly attributed to 09412+0954 = omi Leo in earlier editions      .       
                       of both the interferometric catalog and the WDS. As a result, omi Leo   .       
                       was incorrectly assigned the discoverer designation WGT   1.            .       
                       H 1  26.                                                                MEv2010 
                       Combined spectroscopic/astrometric solution of SB1. Calculated masses   .       
                       1.92 +/- 0.96 and 0.28 +/- 0.92 Msun; values are poorly constrained.    Mut2010b
                       Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and spectroscopic   .       
                       masses of 1.67 +/- 0.24, 2.14, and 1.27 Msun, respectively.             Mlk2012 
09285+0811 H 4  47     H IV 47. 3 Leo.                                                         .       
09285-2426 B   181     Not seen 1959-1962. May exhibit rapid retrograde motion.                .       
09286+1721 BPM 561     [PM2000]  944368 + [PM2000]  944357.                                    Gvr2010 
09287+7834 LDS1696     MLR 524.                                                                .       
09287+4536 S   598     41 Lyn = Intercrus. STTA 99. B is BD+46@1510.                           .       
09288-0722 GIC  87     G161-033/G161-034.                                                      .       
                       NLTT 21868/21870                                                        Chm2004 
09291-0246 HJ 1167     tau 1 Hya = 31 Hya. B is BD-02@2902.                                    .       
                       HJL 112.                                                                HJL1986 
                       H 6  71.                                                                MEv2010 
                       GJ 348. A is an X-ray source; also SB1, P=2815d=7.685y (Halbwachs et    HJL2012b
                       al. 2012)                                                               Tok2014d
09292+0024 BAL1151     J 3292.                                                                 .       
09293-0409 GIC  88     G161-036/G161-037.                                                      .       
                       NLTT 21891/21892                                                        Chm2004 
09293-4432 DUN  77     B is CD-43@5332.                                                        .       
                       AB: SHY 210. Bayesian analysis by Shaya & Olling (2011) indicates very  Shy2011 
                       high (near 100%) probability pair is physical.                          .       
           EGN  11     Ba,Bb: Single epoch, but likely bound. If so, colors indicate Bb        .       
                       component is M0-M3 dwarf with mass 0.43 +/- 0.01 Msun.                  Egn2007 
           DUN  77     sp, dDEC 24.65".                                                        Dun1829 
09297+0433 HJ  137     Also known as STF1361.                                                  .       
09298-6743 BRT1978     A likely plate flaw.                                                    Grv2021b
09299-3629 HDS1364     AB + TOK 440BC: HIP 46572 is called a  "high proper motion star" in     .       
                       SIMBAD, although its PM and RV are actually quite moderate. The binary  .       
                       AB has moved little in the 24 years since its resolution by Hipparcos.  .       
                       We discover the subsystem BC with an estimated period of ~100yr.        Tok2015c
09302+5339 TDS 538     Both A and B are eclipsing binaries.                                    Lhr2015 
09304-5822 RST 408     A is an irregular variable.                                             .       
09305+3822 LDS3899     NLTT 21915/21914                                                        Chm2004 
09306+1036 STF1360     AB: HJL 113.                                                            HJL1986 
09307+4502 FLA   1     Also known as ES 2632.                                                  .       
09307+3339 HJ 1166     7 LMi. STTA100 = H 5  69.                                               .       
09307-2724 SWR  75     CPM pair                                                                Skf2004 
09307-4028 COP   1     psi Vel. Identification of ascending node not quite certain.            .       
                       See Baize & Petit (1989) catalog of doubles with variable component.    Baz1989d
                       Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and spectroscopic   .       
                       masses of 3.70 +/- 0.50, 2.42, and 3.00 Msun, respectively.             Mlk2012 
09308-1623 LDS 272     GWP1189.                                                                Tob2012b
09308-3153 DUN  78     zet 1 Ant                                                               .       
09309+4441 STF1358     B is BD+45@1729.                                                        .       
09309+2658 LDS 909     AB: NLTT 21938/21941                                                    Chm2004 
09312+1407 BPMA 37     [PM2000]  946218 + [PM2000]  946038.                                    Gvr2010 
09313-1329 KUI  41     Ross 440. The primary is probably a flare star.                         .       
                       Pair often unresolved, so orbit probably eccentric with P<10y.          Kui1943 
                       See Baize & Petit (1989) catalog of doubles with variable component.    Baz1989d
                       Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and spectroscopic   .       
                       masses of 0.74 +/- 0.21, 0.80, and 0.30 Msun, respectively.             Mlk2012 
09314-0012 BVD  77     GWP1190.                                                                .       
09315+6304 STF1351     23 Uma. The primary is a Delta Scuti-type variable.                     .       
                       AB: H 4  29.                                                            MEv2010 
                       CHARA Array Limb-darkened diameter  1.133 +/- 0.009 mas,                CIA2012e
                       R =  2.902 +/- 0.026 \rsun, L = 15.086 +/-0.330 \lsun,                  .       
                       Teff = 6693 +/-  45 K, M = 1.824 +/- 0.016 \msun,                       .       
                       Age =  1.4 +/- 0.1 Gyr.                                                 .       
09317+3830 AG  168     BD+39@2255a.                                                            .       
09320+0943 SHJ 107     6 Leo. STTA101 = H 5  26. A is spectroscopic binary. B is BD+10@2015.   .       
09320-0111 CHR 174     tau 2 Hya = 32 Hya. A spectroscopic binary, now probably resolved.      .       
                       Abt & Biggs (1972) note variable RV.                                    AbH1972 
09320-6720 RSS  12     This previously uncataloged double star was a Hipparcos double entry    .       
                       system.  The first measure is determined from the individual positions  .       
                       listed by Rousseau et al.                                               Rss1996 
09321+3531 KU   97     AB: Same as KU  144.                                                    .       
09322-6247 FIN 140     A is a Mira-type variable, R Car.                                       .       
09327+3458 ES  299     Erroneously identified as +35 2017.                                     Dam2013 
                       BC also known as POP  56.                                               .       
09327+2659 LDS3903     NLTT 22012/22015                                                        Chm2004 
           LAF  38     Heinze et al. (2010) determine the C component is a background object.  Hze2010 
09327+0152 FIN 349     Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and spectroscopic   .       
                       masses of 3.59 +/- 1.32, 3.23, and 1.22 Msun, respectively.             Mlk2012 
                       Omega for Tokovinin et al. (2015) orbit flipped by 180deg, at request   .       
                       of author.                                                              Tok2015c
09327-2826 I  1616     B is CD-27@6693. B is variable.                                         .       
09328+0249 J  2498     Not found by Heintz at IDS position.                                    Hei1985a
09328-5706 SYO   1     Spectral type B6/7II/III.                                               .       
09329+5141 BU 1071     the UMa = 25 UMa. A is a spectroscopic binary.                          .       
                       CHARA Array Limb-darkened diameter  1.632 +/- 0.005 mas,                CIA2012e
                       R =  2.365 +/- 0.008 \rsun, L =  7.871 +/-0.158 \lsun,                  .       
                       Teff = 6300 +/-  33 K, M = 1.506 +/- 0.095 \msun,                       .       
                       Age =  2.4 +/- 0.7 Gyr.                                                 .       
                       NPOI Limb-darkened diameter  1.662 +/- 0.013 mas, Sp = F7V,             NOI2018 
                       R = 2.41 +/- 0.02 \rsun, Teff = 6256 +/- 82 K, L =  8.0 +/- 0.4 \lsun.  .       
                       HIP 46853. See Allen et al. (2000) for information on metallicity,      AlC2000 
                       age, galactic orbital parameters, etc.                                  .       
09331-3908 JC   21     B is CD-38@5675.                                                        .       
09333-3838 GLI 292     Also known as RSS 206. #110 in the original list of Gilliss.            .       
09334-0711 CBL 131     A: HR 3805. Ren & Fu (2013) calculated an astrometric orbit, combining  Ren2013 
                       Hipparcos Intermediate Astrometric Data with spectroscopic elements by  .       
                       Griffin (1981).                                                         Grf1981c
                       A: SB1. Combined orbit including RV data and Hipparcos Intermediate     .       
                       Astrometric data. Semimajor axis derived from photocentric a0 plus      .       
                       stellar evolutionary model. Derived properties for A and B:             .       
                       M/Msun = 1.51 + 0.50, L/Lsun = 63.57 + 0.04, dm = 8.00 mag,             .       
                       log age = 9.45.                                                         WaX2015b
09336-4945 DUN  79     B is CD-49@4504.                                                        .       
                       Identified as optical and linear solution also published.               LRR2022c
09337-4900 HJ 4220     1995.1024: Quadrant determined by speckle imaging analysis.             Hor1996 
09338-1020 WSI 142     AD: Originally assigned to A   131AC.                                   WSI2010 
                       Correct ID provided by Friedrich Damm.                                  Dam2012 
09339+1530 BPM 562     A is also a 3.1d spectroscopic binary.                                  Tok2019b
                       [PM2000]  948128 + [PM2000]  948150.                                    Gvr2010 
09341+3826 HJ 2499     ALI 845. Schembor measures 1926.28, 290.4@, 31.73".                     Sch1927b
                       1900: 09 28.2 +38 51.                                                   .       
09343+6648 STF1350     Neither AB, AC or BC are physically associated.                         Kiy2015c
09347-1236 STF1370     B is BD-11@2669.                                                        .       
09348-1208 GC 13236    Combined solution, based on reduction of Hipparcos intermediate         .       
                       astrometric data together with spectroscopic elements from the Geneva   .       
                       Extrasolar Planet Search Programs home page.                            HaI2001 
09348-3716 SWR  76     CPM pair                                                                Skf2004 
09349-6500 SHY 548     AC: HIP  47017 + HIP  47115.                                            .       
           SHY 546     AD: HIP  47017 + HIP  47351.                                            .       
           SHY 550     AE: HIP  47017 + HIP  47335.                                            .       
           SHY 548     CD: HIP  47115 + HIP  47351.                                            .       
           SHY 548     CE: HIP  47115 + HIP  47335.                                            .       
           SHY 543     CF: HIP  47115 + HIP  46460.                                            .       
09350-4339 DON 344     CPD-43@3821.                                                            .       
09352+1405 STTA102     B is BD+14@2114.                                                        .       
09353-1019 LDS6229     NLTT 22125/22121                                                        Chm2004 
                       B is BD-09@2878.                                                        .       
09354+3958 COU2084     A: DI Lyn. Aa is a 1.7d SB2.                                            .       
                       Aa is also eclipsing binary DI Lyn (period 1.68154 day).                Zas2010 
                       A is SB1, P=438d                                                        Tok2014d
           STF1369     AB: B component is 28d SB1. AB pair has an estimated period ~40,000y.   Tok2006 
                       SHY 542. Bayesian analysis by Shaya & Olling (2011) indicates very      Shy2011 
                       high (near 100%) probability pair is physical.                          .       
                       AB: H 4  30.                                                            MEv2010 
09356+1729 BPM 563     [PM2000]  949349 + [PM2000]  949420.                                    Gvr2010 
09356-1935 S   604     B is BD-18@2729.                                                        .       
09357+3549 HU 1128     11 LMi = SV LMi. Companion not seen 1941-1958 (82-inch).                VBs9999 
                       A is slightly variable, SV LMi, P = 18d, probably due to starspots.     B__1963b
                       CHARA Array Limb-darkened diameter  0.821 +/- 0.013 mas,                CIA2012e
                       R =  1.003 +/- 0.016 \rsun, L =  0.784 +/-0.007 \lsun,                  .       
                       Teff = 5434 +/-  45 K, M = 0.910 +/- 0.020 \msun,                       .       
                       Age = 10.6 +/- 2.2 Gyr.                                                 .       
09359+1423 H 5  58     H V 58. 7 Leo.                                                          .       
                       B is BD+15@2078.                                                        .       
09361+3733 SKF 254     SHY 211. Bayesian analysis by Shaya & Olling (2011) indicates very      Shy2011 
                       high (near 100%) probability pair is physical.                          .       
                       Also known as CAB   2.                                                  Cab2011 
                       B is also a 4.4d spectroscopic binary.                                  Tok2019b
09362+1436 ARN  72     HJL 114.                                                                HJL1986 
09364-4845 R   125     A is the variable IM Vel.                                               .       
09365+2820 ES  428     Beta Lyr (EB) type eclipsing binary, P = 0.379496 d.                    Zas2011 
09367-4145 BRT 765     CPD-41@3877.                                                            .       
09370-2610 WSI 127     The companion discovered with AstraLux is probably physical given the   .       
                       rather small separation (~0.39"), but so far only one epoch of imaging  .       
                       exists.                                                                 Jnn2012 
09371-1350 BRT1909     J 3311.                                                                 .       
09372-4316 EGN  12     Pair likely unbound.                                                    Egn2007 
09372-5340 SEE 115     1995.1024: The WDS Catalog lists equal magnitudes and nearly equal      .       
                       spectral types for this object. Our observations do not unambiguously   .       
                       determine the quadrant in this case, so we adopt the same quadrant as   .       
                       the most recent observation listed in the WDS.                          Hor1997 
                       1997.1229: The magnitude difference of the system is listed in the WDS  .       
                       as 0.0.  Our reduction does not give the same quadrant as the latest    .       
                       measure in the WDS.                                                     Hor1997 
09375-5000 HU 1465     HIP 47225. See Allen et al. (2000) for information on metallicity,      AlC2000 
                       age, galactic orbital parameters, etc.                                  .       
                       AB: A=SB? Jones et al. (2002) do not detect SB sub-system with precise  CPS2002b
                       RV.                                                                     Tok2014d
09376+6013 SHY 549     HIP  47231 + HIP  46170.                                                .       
09378-4031 CPO 267     CPD-39@3770.                                                            .       
09379+4554 A  1765     Incorrectly listed as A 1785 (Erratum noted in Inf. Circ 98, 1986)      Baz1985d
                       Incorrectly listed as ADS 7547 (Erratum noted in Inf. Circ 98, 1986)    Doc1985d
                       Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and spectroscopic   .       
                       masses of 5.33 +/- 2.42, 2.12, and 1.49 Msun, respectively.             Mlk2012 
09383+4827 OSO  28     G195-035. Not a common proper motion pair, based on comparison with     .       
                       POSS2 red plates.                                                       Oso2004 
09384+7242 FAR   9     Primary is white dwarf WD 0933+729.                                     Far2005b
09385-0256 TOK 128     HIP 47312. A is SB without orbit, dRV=18.7.                             Nrd2004 
                       A is SB1, P=33.222 d                                                    Tok2014d
09388+0242 J    78     Aka WAM   2.                                                            Dam2016b
                       Rectilinear solutions by Cvetkovic (2015)                               Cve2015b
                       and Cvetkovic et al. (2016).                                            Cve2016 
09389-2016 B   779     J 1554.                                                                 .       
09392+3014 LDS3909     SLW 375.                                                                .       
09392-0247 CUD   5     Component A is the central star of the planetary nebula PN G238.0+34.8  Skf2013 
                       = Abell 33.                                                             .       
09393+1319 TOK 270     Primary is SB2, P=25.614d, and occultation binary.                      Tok2014d
09394-5731 RST 419     Spectral type G8/K0II/III.                                              .       
09398-1034 CHR 175     1988.1677  Abt & Biggs (1972) note variable RV.                         AbH1972 
                       OW Hya, Algol-type eclipsing binary, P = 14.39303 d.                    Zas2011 
09398-4104 TDS6725     This star is listed as a Tycho double star in the WDS catalog, with a   .       
                       separation of 600 mas and equal brightness. However, it appears         .       
                       entirely single in our AstraLux data. Although we cannot strictly rule  .       
                       out that the companion is presently too close to be resolved with       .       
                       AstraLux (e.g. due to a close to edge-on orbit and unfortunate timing   .       
                       of the observation), we consider it relevant to regard the possible     .       
                       companion as unconfirmed at present.                                    Jnn2012 
09398-5008 RST4917     1995.1024: Quadrant determined by speckle imaging analysis.             Hor1996 
                       1997.1229: A smaller annulus was used in the power spectrum fit due to  .       
                       the faintness of the source. As a consequence, the separation and       .       
                       position angle uncertainties may be larger than other measures.         Hor1997 
09400+3520 SHY 212     HIP  47436 + HIP  47403.                                                .       
                       B = HIP 47403 at 494", same PM and parallax but different RV. Is B SB?  Tok2014d
09400+2222 LDS3912     NLTT 22295/22294                                                        Chm2004 
09400-1710 STN  19     Algol-type eclipsing binary, period 0.55925 d.                          Zas2019 
09404+5915 LDS1230     SLW 379.                                                                .       
09405+6832 HIP  47461  Ren & Fu (2013) calculated an astrometric orbit, combining Hipparcos    .       
                       Intermediate Astrometric Data with spectroscopic elements by            .       
                       Ginestet et al. (1991). They derived component masses 1.82 and 1.28     Gin1991 
                       Msun and an estimated semimajor axis of 16.44 mas.                      Ren2013 
09407+1500 BPMA 38     [PM2000]  952706 + [PM2000]  952794.                                    Gvr2010 
09407-0417 OSO  29     G161-059. Not a common proper motion pair, based on comparison with     .       
                       POSS2 red plates.                                                       Oso2004 
09407-5759 B   780     Variable RV. with a range of 40 km/s observed in 1912-13.               .       
                       Speckle observations needed to confirm orbit. Sp subsystem in sec?      .       
                       Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and spectroscopic   .       
                       masses of 5.83 +/- 0.53, 3.09, and 2.09 Msun, respectively.             Mlk2012 
09409-4913 R   128     B is CD-48@4895.                                                        .       
09412+0954 HMM   1     Aa,Ab: 4 Leo = omi Leo = Subra                                          .       
                       A 1980 observation of 09285+0903 = ome Leo by Weigelt (1983) was        Wgt1983 
                       incorrectly attributed to this star (= omi Leo) in earlier editions     .       
                       of the interferometric catalog and the WDS. This star was then          .       
                       mistakenly given the discoverer designation WGT   1 as a result.        .       
                       Hummel et al. (2001) include data from the Mark III, NPOI, and PTI      Hmm2001 
                       interferometers. Dates have been converted from Julian to Besselian;    .       
                       error ellipses have been converted into quoted rho and theta errors.    .       
                       The Mark III data were taken with baselines of 28.0 and 31.5 meters,    .       
                       using 500, 550, and 800nm filters. NPOI data were taken using three     .       
                       baselines from 19 to 38 meters and in 20 channels from 530 to 850nm.    .       
                       The paper also includes radial velocity data and a combined             .       
                       spectroscopic/astrometric orbital solution, yielding a distance and     .       
                       component luminosity and mass information as well.                      .       
                       P = 14.498064 +/- 0.000009 days, T = JD2450629.831 +/- 0.003;           .       
                       eccentricity assumed zero.                                              .       
                       Aa,Ab: Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical and spectroscopic          .       
                       masses 3.59 +/- 1.93 and 7.07 Msun, respectively.                       Mlk2012 
           ARI   1     Aa,Ac: Hummel (2003, private communication) says there was no sign of   .       
                       the ARI component in their Mark III and NPOI observations, which        Ari1999 
                       resolved the closer pair HMM   1Aa,Ab. See Hummel et al. (2001).        Hmm2001 
           H 6  76     AB: H VI 76. Optical pair, based on study of relative motion of the     .       
                       components using the method of apparent motion parameters.              Kiy2008 
09412-3822 SWR  77     CPM pair                                                                Skf2004 
09412-5349 KRV  23     Classical Cepheid CS Vel.                                               .       
09413+0256 HEI 752     TDS 547.                                                                .       
09416+1532 LDS3915     The primary is the variable DR Leo.                                     .       
09422-6655 HJ 4241     B is CPD-66@1039.                                                       .       
09424-0750 BRT 547     J 3232.                                                                 .       
09425-6229 JNN  70     The two components of this binary have almost equal brightnesses and    .       
                       colors, hence they are very likely to form a physical pair. Common      .       
                       proper motion has not yet been tested.                                  Jnn2012 
09427+7004 OSV   3     Also known as ODE   1 or LDS 911.                                       .       
                       NLTT 22340/22350                                                        Chm2004 
           LDS1698     BC: The C component is listed in the NLTT catalog as Grw+70:4337.       .       
                       However, no object is apparent on Aladin fields at the purported        .       
                       position.                                                               .       
09431-8120 R   133     LDS 286. B is CPD-80@388.                                               .       
09434+0858 HJ  820     STF3122.                                                                .       
09435-5114 B  1658     A is the variable IP Vel.                                               .       
09437+1401 BUP 128     psi Leo = 16 Leo                                                        .       
09438+5557 ES 1825     A is W UMa, prototype of its class.                                     .       
                       A is SB2E, P=0.334d. M1sin3i = 1.14, M2sin3i = 0.55, V0=-28.40          .       
                       (Pribulla 2007 AJ 133, 1977). Both A and B are 1.3mag above MS. Wrong   .       
                       parallax? Hip: code S, acceleration?                                    Tok2014d
09438+0429 J  2499     BAL 2838.                                                               .       
09442-2746 FIN 326     the Ant. Spectrum composite; A8V+F7II-III.                              .       
                       See Baize & Petit (1989) catalog of doubles with variable component.    Baz1989d
                       Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and spectroscopic   .       
                       masses of 6.27 +/- 1.23, 5.74, and 1.13 Msun, respectively.             Mlk2012 
                       Docobo & Andrade (2013) derive a dynamical parallax of 10.08 +/- 0.47   .       
                       mas and component masses 2.1 +/- 0.5 and 1.8 +/- 0.1 Msun. See paper    .       
                       for extensive notes on this system.                                     Doc2013d
09445+4830 HJ 2503     B is BD+49@1874.                                                        .       
09446+6459 CHR 176     Cvetkovic et al. (2016) estimate spectral types A4 and A4, masses 2.10  .       
                       and 2.10 Msun. Dynamical parallax is 9.61 +/- 0.08 mas.                 Cve2016b
09449-0745 J  3250     BRT 430.                                                                Brt1931 
09450-4929 DUN  80     AB: B is CD-48@4963.                                                    .       
09450-6719 WFC  88     SWR  78. CPM pair                                                       Skf2004 
09451-4502 CPO 271     Aka R   131.                                                            .       
09452+4109 SHY 551     AD: HIP  47851 + HIP  47399.                                            .       
09452+2327 LDS5705     LDS6230.                                                                .       
                       NLTT 22492.  White dwarf pair = WD 0942+24 = EGGR 533/534               Grn1986 
09452-6230 EVS  15     Primary is the Cepheid l Car.                                           Evs2016a
09453+0853 STF1379     Also known as CHE 141 and CHE 142.                                      .       
09455+4616 LDS3922     SLW 388.                                                                .       
09456+1242 BPM 564     [PM2000]  955909 + [PM2000]  955928.                                    Gvr2010 
09457+4104 A  2138     Aka BAR  37.                                                            .       
09459+6339 KUI  43     28 UMa. A is a spectroscopic binary.                                    .       
09459-2145 RSS 215     CPD-21@4482                                                             .       
09460-0306 B  2549     Spectral type F2. Found while measuring RST4440 nearby. As it was       .       
                       missed in the Lick Survey and also by Rossiter in 1939 and is now       .       
                       easier than Rossiter's pair, it must have opened out.                   B__1963b
09461-0425 JNN 276     LHS 2186. Estimated age 1000-10000 Myr; masses 0.24 +/- 0.07 and 0.20   .       
                       +/- 0.06 Msun; a ~18.9 au.                                              Jnn2014 
09461-2301 DON1086     CD-22@7568.                                                             .       
09464-4329 SWR  79     CPM pair                                                                Skf2004 
09465-0925 LDS3926     NLTT 22564/22562                                                        Chm2004 
09468+7603 Ross 434    GJ 366 = Ci 20,545                                                      .       
                       Alden orbit rejected from Fourth Orbit Catalog                          Ald1951 
                       ("not confirmed by subsequent observations")                            Wor1983 
09471-6504 RMK  11     ups Car                                                                 .       
                       Rectilinear solution by Letchford et al. (2018).                        LRR2018a
09474+1134 MCA  34     19 Leo. First detected as an occultation binary by Eitter & Beavers.    Bvr1974 
                       Mason et al. (1997) orbit includes mass determination.                  Msn1997a
                       1980.1538: Theta was incorrectly given as 206.6 degrees in McAlister    .       
                       et al. (1983).                                                          McA1983 
                       Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and spectroscopic   .       
                       masses of 3.57 +/- 0.49, 3.65, and 1.66 Msun, respectively.             Mlk2012 
09474-3953 WG  128     LDS 283.                                                                .       
09476+1126 R Leo       1976.397: Disk resolved (0".030 +/- 0.007 at 770 nm, 0".054 +/- 0.009   .       
                       at 750 nm, 0".049 +/- 0.009 at 730 nm, 0".032 +/- 0.005 at 540 nm).     Bla1977a
09477-2823 UC 1830     CPM candidate confirmed physical by photometry (2MASS and V mags).      Tok2013c
09477-3736 JSP 348     CPD-37@3758.                                                            .       
09478+4252 LDS3928     NLTT 22591/22590                                                        Chm2004 
09478-6507 HJ 4252     B is CPD-64@1087.                                                       .       
09481-2816 SEE 116     I  1131.                                                                .       
09482-1011 LDS 281     NLTT 22642/22643                                                        Chm2004 
09489+0858 TOK 130     HIP 48146.                                                              Tok2011a
09490+3405 STF1382     AB: Optical pair, based on study of relative motion of the components   .       
                       using the method of apparent motion parameters.                         Kiy2008 
09497-1217 FOX 162     Appears to be the same as the lost OL  212. Merged.                     .       
09498+2111 KUI  44     20 Leo. B is a Delta Scuti-type variable, DG Leo.                       Cou1955c
                       A is a double-lined spectroscopic binary, P=4.147d.                     .       
                       Radial velocity is variable, amplitude 30 km/sec (Plaskett). Two        .       
                       spectra are visible (Shajn & Albitzky)                                  Dan1952 
                       Lampens et al. derive effective temperatures for the Aa, Ab, and B      Lmp2008 
                       components of 7470+/-220, 7390+/-220, and 7590+/-220 K, respectively.   .       
                       Relative fluxes from these three late-A stars are similar: 32+/-2,      .       
                       31+/-2, and 37+/-2%.                                                    .       
                       Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and spectroscopic   .       
                       masses of 4.95 +/- 1.87, 4.29, and 1.82 Msun, respectively.             Mlk2012 
09498+1106 TOK  24     Visual pair has estimated period 130y; primary is 3.4d SB1.             Tok2006 
09500-4544 HJ 4254     B is CD-45@5471.                                                        .       
09502+0509 LDS3936     G043-007. See Allen et al. (2000) for information on metallicity,       AlC2000 
                       age, galactic orbital parameters, etc.                                  .       
09504-5011 HJ 4257     B is CD-49@4737.                                                        .       
09505+0421 LEP9001     AB: Primary is 4 Sex and is SB2.  B is accepted as real because of      .       
                       large PM and low crowding.                                              Tok2014d
09505-6058 BNS   5     V596 Car = Hen 3-331                                                    .       
09506+3950 UC  142     Secondary appears to be a close pair.                                   Cbl2010c
09508+1151 J   389     21 Leo.                                                                 .       
09508+0341 A  3081     Less than 0.1" in 1956. Not seen double since 1935.                     .       
09508+0118 LUH   8     AC: LHS 6176 + ULAS J095047.28+011734.3. Companion is likely physical,  .       
                       based on CPM. J and H photometry of C from UKIDSS Data Release 8.       Luh2012b
09509+1919 STTA103     AB: Pair appears in an appendix list, not part of discoverer's regular  .       
                       numbering sequence.                                                     .       
09509+1045 BPM 565     [PM2000]  959252 + [PM2000]  959285.                                    Gvr2010 
09510+5902 STT 521     ups UMa = 29 UMa. A is a Delta Scuti-type variable.                     .       
09511+3558 RED  13     Primary is NLTT 22741 = LP 261-75, secondary 2MASS J09510549+3558021.   .       
                       Distance to system 28.0 +/- 5pc, upper age limit about 2.2 Gyr. It is   .       
                       uncertain whether the pair is physically bound.                         Sef2005b
                       Reid et al. (2006) combine near-IR imaging with 2MASS data and optical  Red2006c
                       spectroscopy; conclude the stars form a CPM pair, with separation 450   .       
                       +/- 120au and a distance of 38 +/- 10pc. The primary (LP 261-75) is an  .       
                       M4.5 dwarf; spectral type of the secondary is L6, with mass perhaps     .       
                       ~0.02 Msun.                                                             .       
09512+3629 HO  369     AB: Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and             .       
                       spectroscopic masses 1.40 +/- 0.92, 2.79, and 1.35 Msun, respectively.  Mlk2012 
09513-4612 GC 13574    Hipparcos astrometric solution assumed circular orbit (e = omega = 0)   HIP1997d
09515+0830 OCC9038     OCC9150.                                                                .       
09516-5917 COO  94     Aka HRG  36.                                                            .       
09521+5404 STT 208     phi UMa = 30 UMa.                                                       .       
                       Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and spectroscopic   .       
                       masses of 14.53 +/- 5.60, 8.84, and 2.09 Msun, respectively.            Mlk2012 
09522+3930 MLB 842     BRT 2221. ALI 1087.                                                     .       
09522+0807 A  2762     Rectilinear solution by Hartkopf & Mason (2013).                        Hrt2013b
09522+0313 BAL2368     Optical pair, based on study of relative motion of the components       .       
                       using the method of apparent motion parameters.                         Kiy2008 
09524+4454 FAR  34     Primary is white dwarf WD 0949+451.                                     Far2006 
09525-0806 AC    5     gam Sex = 8 Sex.                                                        Mlr1956a
                       AB: Additional notes may be found in Fu et al. (1997)                   McA1997 
                       AB: Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and             .       
                       spectroscopic masses 6.37 +/- 2.00, 4.61, and 2.19 Msun, respectively.  Mlk2012 
           HJ 4256     AB,C: H N  49.                                                          MEv2010 
09527-7933 KOH  86     A is an unresolved close pair with a period of ~8y, and the secondary   .       
                       of this close pair is a yet closer pair ~2.4d. Parameters for the four  .       
                       four components are : Vmag,Kmag : Aa = 10.37,8.80; Ab = 11.53,9.96;     .       
                       Ac = 11.53, 9.96; B = 11.70,9.73. Masses : Aa = 1.30; Ab = 1.05;        .       
                       Ac = 1.05; B = 1.02 (all in \msun).                                     Tok2018f
09528+1821 ZUC   7     Primary is white dwarf PG 0950+185.                                     Zuc1992 
09530+1345 LIE   2     Primary is PG 0950+139, white dwarf central star of planetary nebula    .       
                       EGB 6.  Companion is M dwarf.                                           Lie2013b
09531-5501 R   137     B is CPD-54@2822.                                                       .       
09535+1657 CHR 219     First detected as an occultation binary by Evans et al.                 Evn1985 
09541+0457 S   605     9 Sex. B is BD+05@2247.                                                 .       
09546+4023 KLT   3     KELT-3. Primary hosts a transiting hot Jupiter.                         KLT2013 
09549-1750 FEN  16     J 2654.                                                                 .       
09551+2438 TOK 272     Primary is SBs, P=1385d                                                 Tok2014d
09551-6911 RMK  12     Rectilinear solution by Letchford et al. (2018).                        LRR2018a
09554+1007 STF1395     HJL 116.                                                                HJL1986 
09554-1335 LDS3943     NLTT 22946/22953                                                        Chm2004 
09564+1040 STF1396     AC. Schiaparelli's value for rho is apparently a typographical error,   Sp_1909 
                       as it is identical (3".778) to his AB measure. His C component may be   .       
                       a 13th magnitude star located 90 deg, 58" from AB, although the         .       
                       magnitude difference would appear to make the necessary quadrant flip   .       
                       unlikely.                                                               .       
09565+6932 LDS2581     NLTT 22918/22922                                                        Chm2004 
09568-5713 BRT2556     BRT3132.                                                                Brt1951 
09569-5434 I   396     phi Vel = phi Arg                                                       .       
09570+1946 STF1399     B is BD+20@2400.                                                        .       
                       NLTT 23007/23008                                                        Chm2004 
                       HJL 117.                                                                HJL1986 
09571-0121 A  1766     Primary is eclipsing binary of Algol-type, period 0.98705d.             Zas2014 
09573-2902 WHC  30     B is CD-28@7774.                                                        .       
09575+1030 BPM 566     [PM2000]  963205 + [PM2000]  963219.                                    Gvr2010 
09577+2010 UC 1852     CPM candidate confirmed physical by photometry (2MASS and V mags).      Tok2013c
09577-4825 HJ 4269     A is a spectroscopic binary.                                            .       
09579+0959 GIC  89     G042-027/G042-028.                                                      .       
09579-6045 FIN 152     Spectrum of B is A/F.                                                   .       
09581-0303 SLW 414     GWP1259.                                                                Tob2012b
09586+0422 ZUC   8     Primary is white dwarf PG 0956+045.                                     Zuc1992 
09586-2420 TOK 437     HIP 48906 is a double-lined binary according to the GCS, first          .       
                       resolved here at 64mas. The period should be ~20yr.                     Tok2015c
09587+1058 H 5  63     AB: H V 63.                                                             .       
09588+4309 GIC  90     AB,C = G116-071/G116-070.                                               .       
                       AB,C: NLTT 23070/23069                                                  Chm2004 
09589-3553 HJ 4271     eta Ant                                                                 .       
09590+0000 GRV1041     SLW 421.                                                                .       
09590-5358 BRT2044     Aka KPP 207.                                                            .       
09591+5316 A  1346     H 1  32.                                                                MEv2010 
09591-2326 BRT1481     CD-22@7789.                                                             .       
09593+4350 GIC  91     G116-072/G116-073 = GJ 3577A+3578B.                                     .       
                       NLTT 23087/23091                                                        Chm2004 
09594+3125 SEI 518     Neither component seen on POSS plate; may be flaws on AC Potsdam plate  .       
09594-2329 BRT1482     CD-22@7794.                                                             .       
09594-4457 HJ 4273     Equal double lines in the spectrum of A.                                .       
09598-2128 DON 376     CPD-20@4801.                                                            .       
09598-5916 HJ 4278     B is CPD-58@1765.                                                       .       
09599+1610 A  2482     Markowitz must have measured some other pair in 1951.                   Wor1967b
10000+2433 CHR 145     The primary is DH Leo, a RS CVn system, and spectroscopic binary with   .       
                       a period of 1.07d (Barden, AJ 89, 683, 1984). Barden observed three K   .       
                       stars in his spectra of this system. Fekel (1989, private comm.) has    .       
                       observed the third component of this system and finds no velocity       .       
                       changes in excess of +/- 2 km/sec from 12 spectra obtained since 1984.  .       
                       This new speckle component is thought to be this third spectroscopic    .       
                       component.                                                              McA1990 
10001-1521 GWP1267     ABL 271.                                                                Tob2012b
10002+0615 STF1401     HJL 118.                                                                HJL1986 
10004-0154 GWP1268     ABL 268.                                                                Tob2012b
10005-0250 GWP1269     ABL 269.                                                                Tob2012b
10007+3219 OSO  30     G118-030. Neither AD or AE is a common proper motion pair               Oso2004 
                       Proper motion of A = -1010,-661 (UCAC2).                                .       
10010+3155 RAG   7     GJ 376. Raghavan et al. (2010) consider B as possible eclipsing binary  Rag2010 
                       based on Gizis et al. (2000)                                            Giz2000 
                       CHARA Array Limb-darkened diameter  0.771 +/- 0.012 mas,                CIA2012e
                       R =  1.247 +/- 0.021 \rsun, L =  1.378 +/-0.027 \lsun,                  .       
                       Teff = 5612 +/-  52 K, M = 1.034 +/- 0.036 \msun,                       .       
                       Age =  8.5 +/- 1.8 Gyr.                                                 .       
10010-0651 GWP1270     ABL 270.                                                                Tob2012b
10011-4154 CPO 279     CPD-41@4230.                                                            .       
10012-2309 RSS 221     CD-22@7830                                                              .       
10012-5606 HDO 209     B is CPD-55@2795.                                                       .       
10013+3252 OSO  31     G117-063. Not a common proper motion pair, based on astrometry and      .       
                       color                                                                   Oso2004 
10015+1807 BPM 567     [PM2000]  965525 + [PM2000]  965511.                                    Gvr2010 
10016+5424 STI2239     MLB 125.                                                                .       
10017+1725 RUC   7     Elements from Hipparcos Intermediate Astrometric Data are combined      .       
                       with a light-travel time analysis of eclipse timings by Bakis et al.    Bks2005 
                       XY Leo. Spectral type of resolved companion estimated at K6V.           Ruc2007 
                       Multiple system including contact binary XY Leo. Pribulla & Rucinski    .       
                       (2006) estimate the mass of the contact pair at 1.378 Msun and the      Pbl2006 
                       minimum mass of the wider component at 1.00 Msun.                       .       
10019+1354 BPM 568     [PM2000]  965775 + [PM2000]  965789.                                    Gvr2010 
10019-0045 GWP1272     ABL 272.                                                                Tob2012b
10019-1438 GWP1271     ABL 273.                                                                Tob2012b
10019-2841 HJ 4277     B is CD-28@7839.                                                        .       
10021-5459 DUN  83     B is CPD-54@3041.                                                       .       
10022-1946 B   781     Primary is the eclipsing binary OZ Hya, P = 2.04876 day.                Zas2010 
10024-3547 BRT1656     TDS6979.                                                                .       
10025+1703 RUC  22     Primary is XZ Leo.                                                      .       
10025-2814 JNN  71     2MASS J10023100-2814280 has a relatively close (~0.56") companion       .       
                       which is probably real, although this has yet to be confirmed with a    .       
                       proper motion test.                                                     Jnn2012 
10027+1635 BPM 569     [PM2000]  966270 + [PM2000]  966274.                                    Gvr2010 
10028+1756 BPM 570     [PM2000]  966320 + [PM2000]  966383.                                    Gvr2010 
10028-0134 GWP1273     ABL 275.                                                                Tob2012b
10028-1248 GWP1274     ABL 279.                                                                Tob2012b
10029+6847 STF1400     Very similar in characteristics to STF 1398. Observers have confused    .       
                       them.                                                                   .       
                       Despite the linear solution, proper motion and parallax favor a         Grv2020a
                       physical connection. Long period and/or high eccentricity possible.     .       
           ODE   7     AC: C is found in 2MASS, matching color, physical?                      Tok2014d
10030+0207 GRV1042     SLW 427.                                                                .       
10030-5329 GRV1254     Both A and B have approximately the same radial velocity.               Grv2019b
10031-1837 GWP1276     ABL 281.                                                                Tob2012b
10032-0557 GWP1278     ABL 276.                                                                Tob2012b
10032-0658 GWP1277     ABL 277.                                                                Tob2012b
10032-1420 GWP1279     ABL 280.                                                                Tob2012b
10032-5203 HJ 4282     B is CD-51@4435.                                                        .       
10034+5732 A  1347     The scattered measures show evidence of rapid motion.                   .       
10034+0203 HJ 1174     BAL 1866.                                                               .       
10036-0852 GWP1280     ABL 278.                                                                Tob2012b
10036-2903 TOK 131     HIP 49285.                                                              Tok2011a
10039+0150 HJ 3320     BAL 1867.                                                               .       
10040-1806 SHJ 110     AC: H N  25.                                                            MEv2010 
10041-7604 HJ 4288     B IS CPD-75@634.                                                        .       
10042-0426 GWP1284     ABL 282.                                                                Tob2012b
10043-0142 STF1404     HJL 119.                                                                HJL1986 
10043-0458 GWP1285     ABL 283.                                                                Tob2012b
10043-2823 I   292     A premature orbit has been computed.                                    .       
                       The A component has a spectroscopic component with a period of 45d. It  Tok2020h
                       is thought that the B component also has a spectroscopic companion of   .       
                       unknown period.                                                         .       
10044+5023 REB   1     G196-003. Spectral types are M2.5 +/- 0.5 and L, masses 0.40 +/- 0.05   .       
                       Msun and 25 +25/-10 Mjup, respectively.                                 Reb1998 
                       Jameson et al.(2008) confirm the CPM nature of this pair.               Jms2008 
10044+3611 GRV1183     SLW 429.                                                                .       
10045-5840 MIF   1     MWC 198 = V640 Car. Primary is a B2e star with a complex circumstellar  .       
                       environment. Millour et al. (2009) resolve a close companion, and       .       
                       estimate the orbital period as 20-50y; polarisation suggests a high     .       
                       inclination, and there is also evidence suggesting high eccentricity.   MiF2009 
10046-3335 SEF   2     LHS 5166 + 2MASS J10043929-3335189. Distance to system 19.0 +/- 3.0pc,  .       
                       mass of L4 companion 0.070 +0.005/-0.015 Msun.                          Sef2005b
10050-5119 HU 1594     1995.1024: Quadrant determined by speckle imaging analysis.             Hor1996 
10052-2812 I   293     Rectilinear solution by Zirm (2013).                                    Zir2013d
10056+3105 STF1406     STT 211.                                                                .       
10056-8405 HJ 4310     AB + TOK 396Aa,Ab: HIP 49442 = HD 88948 is a nearby dwarf in the 3".9   .       
                       visual binary HJ 4310 AB. According to GCS, the RV of the main          .       
                       component A varies by 3.5km/s. Here it is resolved into a 0".18 Aa,Ab   .       
                       pair with an estimated orbital period of 25yr. No astrometric           .       
                       acceleration was detected, however. The visual secondary B was          .       
                       targeted separately and found unresolved.                               Tok2015c
                       AB: A is SB, no orbit.                                                  Tok2014d
10062+4105 TOK 535     A comp is SB2, P=2073d                                                  Tok2014d
10062-3514 SWR  83     CPM pair                                                                Skf2004 
10063+3457 DAM 647     C component identified with galaxy LEDA 2057027, and therefore not      Dam2019b
                       a double star.                                                          .       
10063-0626 GWP1289     ABL 286.                                                                Tob2012b
10063-1735 GWP1288     ABL 287.                                                                Tob2012b
10064-0046 GWP1290     ABL 284.                                                                Tob2012b
10066-0519 GWP1293     ABL 285.                                                                Tob2012b
10066-1919 TOK  66     Ba,Bb: Estimated masses 0.92 and 0.26 Msun; sep 12.6 au, period 40 y.   Tok2010c
10066-1926 GWP1292     ABL 288.                                                                Tob2012b
10067+1754 HDS1457     The primary is a bright G-type star, mass 1.12 +/- 0.09 Msun, radius    .       
                       1.55 +/- 0.02 Rsun, Teff 5770 +/- 80K. Hipparcos gives a parallax of    .       
                       13.59 +/- 1.58 mas (73.58 +/- 9.68pc). Ma et al. (2016) resolve two     MaB2016 
                       close companions, in addition to the HDS companion, and determine some  .       
                       orbital elements for all three pairs. The Ab companion is likely a      .       
                       giant planet or brown dwarf, depending on the inclination angle;        .       
                       mimimum mass is 12.4 +/- 0.7 Mjup. The Ac companion is likely a brown   .       
                       dwarf; minimum mass 57.7 +/- 3.7 Mjup. The closest companion appears    .       
                       to be new, so is given the designation MAB 2Aa,Ab. The Ac component     .       
                       has a separation similar to the unconfirmed companion measured by       .       
                       Balega et al. (2006) in 2001, so the BAG 23 designation is retained,    Bag2006b
                       although the component pair is changed to Aa,Ac to match that of Ma.    .       
10067-1234 GWP1294     ABL 292.                                                                Tob2012b
10067-7045 NZO  15     Not found by Heintz at IDS position. The spectral type of -70@964 is    Hei1987a
                       K1/2III/IV.                                                             .       
10068+0537 CHR  30     14 Sex.                                                                 .       
10069+3539 BRT2593     ALI 358.                                                                .       
10070-4026 KTK   1     Central star of the planetary nebula NGC 3132.                          .       
10070-7129 TOK 397     HIP 49546 is an astrometric binary of 1.5yr period (Goldin & Makarov    .       
                       2006) with variable RV. The period corresponds to a semi-major axis of  Gln2006 
                       25mas. The star is resolved here tentatively at 26mas. This resolution  .       
                       is below the diffraction limit and needs confirmation. The measured     .       
                       position angle of 346deg is close to 342deg predicted by the            .       
                       astrometric orbit.                                                      Tok2015c
10071-1119 GWP1295     ABL 291.                                                                Tob2012b
10072-2220 RST3679     CPD-21@4616.                                                            .       
10073+1646 WRH  18     eta Leo = 30 Leo. Occultation binary now confirmed by speckle.          .       
                       Additional notes may be found in Wilson (1941).                         WRH1941b
10075-3325 SWR  84     CPM pair                                                                Skf2004 
10075-5904 COO  97     B is CPD-58@1922.                                                       .       
10077-0644 GWP1297     ABL 289.                                                                Tob2012b
10077-0905 RST3681     TDS7042.                                                                .       
10077-0916 GWP1298     ABL 290.                                                                Tob2012b
10078+0715 HEI 755     Also known as TDS7045.                                                  .       
10079+1000 GAN   5     31 Leo.                                                                 .       
                       NPOI Limb-darkened diameter 3.33 +/- 0.04 mas,                          NOI1999 
                       R = 30.  +/- 2.  \rsun.                                                 .       
                       NPOI Limb-darkened diameter    3.476 +/- 0.048 mas,                     .       
                       R =   33.90 (+0.70- 0.71)  \rsun,  Teff = 4066 +/-  29 K,               .       
                       L =  283.3 +/-   9.0 \lsun.                                             NOI2023 
10079-1610 GWP1299     ABL 293.                                                                Tob2012b
10081-6405 RST 471     Aka HRG  48.                                                            .       
10083+3136 KUI  48     AB: Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and             .       
                       spectroscopic masses 2.77 +/- 0.22, 2.92, and 1.25 Msun, respectively.  Mlk2012 
                       AB Visual orbit, P=17.765y (Hartkopf et al. 1996). SB period 8.882yr    Hrt1996a
                       (Tremko et al. 2010 CoSka 40, 83)                                       Tok2014d
10084+6620 LDS1235     Primary is NLTT 23425. According to the LSPM, the secondary is          .       
                       NLTT 23425; however, no object is visible on Aladin images at its       .       
                       purported position.                                                     .       
10084+1158 STFB  6     alp Leo = 32 Leo = Regulus.  LDS 913.                                   .       
                       Intensity Interferometer Limb-darkened diameter 1.37 +/- 0.06 mas.      HBr1974 
                       CHARA Array major, minor axis diameter : 1.65, 1.25 +/- 0.02 mas,       CIA2005 
                       polar      radius = 3.14 +/- 0.06 \rsun, T = 15400 +/- 1400 K.          .       
                       equatorial radius = 4.16 +/- 0.08 \rsun, T = 10314 +/- 1000 K.          .       
                       mean T = 12901 +/- 500 K, M = 3.4 +/- 0.2 \msun, L = 347 +/- 36 \lsun.  .       
                       NPOI Limb-darkened diameter  1.664 +/- 0.037 mas, Sp = B6IV,            NOI2018 
                       R = 4.35 +/- 0.10 \rsun, Teff = 11668 +/-195 K,                         .       
                       L = 316.2 +/-16.7 \lsun, M = 3.57 +/- 0.04 \msun,                       .       
                       Age = 0.16 +/- 0.01 Gyr.                                                .       
                       AB: H 6  11.                                                            MEv2010 
10084-1945 BU  911     HIP 49668. See Allen et al. (2000) for information on metallicity,      AlC2000 
                       age, galactic orbital parameters, etc.                                  .       
                       AB  CfA: A=SB?                                                          Tok2014d
                       AC: Optical pair, based on study of relative motion of the components   .       
                       using the method of apparent motion parameters.                         Kiy2008 
10085+6826 ENG  41     B is BD+69@557.                                                         .       
10085+1712 BPMA 39     [PM2000]  969450 + [PM2000]  969537.                                    Gvr2010 
10086-0014 GWP1300     ABL 294.                                                                Tob2012b
10086-7500 SWR  86     Late-K/M giants, not G8 dwarfs. CPM pair                                Skf2004 
10087-0951 GWP1301     ABL 296.                                                                Tob2012b
10087-6549 HJ 4292     B IS CPD-65@1250.                                                       .       
10088+1401 BPMA 40     [PM2000]  969633 + [PM2000]  969471.                                    Gvr2010 
10090-0741 GWP1302     ABL 295.                                                                Tob2012b
10091-3448 HJ 4287     SWR  85.                                                                .       
10092+3320 GRV 812     HJL 120.                                                                HJL1986 
10093+2020 A  2145     Composite spectrum binary, classified G2III+A2V by Markowitz            .       
                       (1969 Dissertation, Ohio State Univ.), who quotes delta m = 1.1.        .       
                       It is not known which spectrum belongs to the visual primary.           .       
                       Only elements P and T have been amended by Starikova (1977) from the    Sta1977a
                       second orbit of Baize (1957).                                           Baz1957a
                       1983.9371, 1983.9372: Interferometric observations are in disaccord     Wor1983 
                       with the 1957 orbital elements of Baize (see Worley & Heintz 1983).     Bnu1984 
                       1984.1861, 1984.2814, 1985.2053: The speckle interferometric            .       
                       observations show that Finsen's orbit fails to describe the orbital     Fin1977a
                       motion of this system.                                                  Bnu1986 
                       See Baize & Petit (1989) catalog of doubles with variable component.    Baz1989d
                       Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and spectroscopic   .       
                       masses of 13.28 +/- 8.31, 6.98, and 3.29 Msun, respectively.            Mlk2012 
10095-6841 I    13     AB. 1997.1230: Our reduction does not give the quadrant unambiguously.  .       
                       We therefore adopt the quadrant consistent with the latest measure in   .       
                       the WDS.                                                                Hor1997 
10098-0502 GWP1304     ABL 297.                                                                Tob2012b
10098-6001 TDS7075     JAW  13.                                                                .       
10099+5420 MLB 126     STI2243.                                                                .       
10100+1623 A  2367     AB: HJL 122.                                                            HJL1986 
10100-1901 GWP1305     ABL 298.                                                                Tob2012b
10101-0157 HJ  153     ID uncertain, but appears to be most likely system in region            .       
10102-6505 BRT1983     TDS7077.                                                                .       
10103+3825 HDS1465     Only one HIP measure, presumably wrong. Component B in 2MASS at         .       
                       343.7d, 11.33", likely physical.                                        Tok2014d
10106-1221 BU  593     lam Hya = 41 Hya. A is a spectroscopic binary.                          .       
10106-1222 lam Hya     Hipparcos astrometric solution adopted some elements from the orbit of  HIP1997d
                       Jones (1928).                                                           Jon1928f
10110+7508 KUI  47     Not resolved in images.                                                 Oso2004 
                       Poorly determined (long) period, only periastron-part covered.          .       
10110-4814 BRT 775     CPD-47@3979.                                                            .       
10111-1031 GWP1308     ABL 301.                                                                Tob2012b
10112+7622 HJ 3319     LDS1708.                                                                .       
                       HJL 121.                                                                HJL1986 
10113+1001 BU 1425     Early component confusion. The 73" pair was apparently initially        .       
                       designated AB, but a note in the BDS indicated the pair "is not         Bu_1906 
                       BD+10 2119, but smaller stars 47s f 31 Leo". The pair was redesignated  .       
                       FG, and as a result the system has no AB pair. The E and F components   .       
                       are separated by ~34'.                                                  .       
10113-1949 GWP1309     ABL 302.                                                                Tob2012b
10114+4927 ENG  42     AB: Proper motion of A -1353 -501. Slightly variable.                   .       
                       Proper motion of B -008-012.                                            .       
                       AB: Optical pair, based on study of relative motion of the components   .       
                       using the method of apparent motion parameters.                         Kiy2008 
           BUP 130     BC: C is BD+50@1723. Proper motion of C is +013-021.                    .       
10114-0642 GWP1310     ABL 300.                                                                Tob2012b
10114-7428 TOK 132     HIP 49913.                                                              Tok2011a
10116+1321 HU  874     Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and spectroscopic   .       
                       masses of 2.39 +/- 0.53, 2.82, and 1.17 Msun, respectively.             Mlk2012 
                       Ma,Mb = 1.682 +/- 0.042, 1.381 +/- 0.032 \msun.                         GmJ2022 
10116-0447 GWP1311     ABL 299.                                                                Tob2012b
10120+2007 HJ  476     STT 212.                                                                .       
10120-0612 HO   44     Motion in a highly-inclined orbit.                                      .       
10120-2836 B   194     Although Hartkopf et al. (1993) predicted a time of periastron          Hrt1993 
                       around 1989.3, we find the time of periastron to be 2006.2. The         .       
                       discrepancy may be explained by three measures not published at the     .       
                       time of the 1993 paper.                                                 USN2002 
                       1990.3407: Periastron passage apparently occurred about the time of or  .       
                       shortly before our first speckle observation in 1989.3.                 McA1990 
                       Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and spectroscopic   .       
                       masses of 1.43 +/- 0.86, 4.91, and 2.19 Msun, respectively.             Mlk2012 
10121+2118 A  2146     Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and spectroscopic   .       
                       masses of 11.22 +/- 10.32, 3.02, and 1.10 Msun, respectively.           Mlk2012 
10122-4847 I  1196     Hipparcos suspected non-single.                                         .       
10126-3225 LDS 297     LDS5708.                                                                .       
10132-0848 LDS 296     NLTT 23709/23710. UC 1896.                                              Chm2004 
10134-1847 LDS3965     NLTT 23731/23733                                                        Chm2004 
10134-5054 HJ 4299     B is CD-50@4922.                                                        .       
10137-0723 TOK 133     HIP 50100. A is X-ray source 1RXS J101344.5-072301.                     Tok2011a
10140-1429 GWP1314     ABL 307.                                                                Tob2012b
10141-0401 GWP1316     ABL 304.                                                                Tob2012b
10142-0920 GWP1318     ABL 305.                                                                Tob2012b
10142-1615 GWP1317     ABL 308.                                                                Tob2012b
10142-7636 KOH  88     Due to an error in transcribing data from Kohler's paper, a measure of  Koh2001 
                       RST1521 was inadvertently attributed to this system and assigned the    .       
                       AB component designation, with this pair listed as the Aa,Ab pair.      .       
10143+2104 BWL  25     Makarov & Kaplan (2005) and Frankoswki et al. (2007 A&A 464, 377)       Mkr2005 
                       found evidence for a close astrometric companion based on differences   .       
                       between Hipparcos and Tycho-2 proper motions. Two epochs at Keck in     .       
                       Mar 2011 and Feb 2013 show substantial orbital motion. The system was   .       
                       unresolved by Subaru in Dec 2011, suggesting the secondary had moved    .       
                       too close to the primary to be resolved. System is a probable member    .       
                       of the Carina young moving group, with an age ~30 Myr. Primary is       .       
                       GJ 2079 = DK Leo.                                                       Bwl2015 
                       A is also a 73d spectroscopic binary.                                   Tok2019b
10143-5712 HLN  14     Also known as TDS7133.                                                  .       
10146-0147 GWP1324     ABL 303.                                                                Tob2012b
10149-0059 GWP1325     ABL 309.                                                                Tob2012b
10149-1328 GWP1327     ABL 313.                                                                Tob2012b
10151-6717 CPO  48     C is probably CPD-66@1208.                                              .       
10152+0134 BAL1872     BD +02 2309a.                                                           .       
10157-3317 HJ 4300     SWR  87. CPM pair                                                       Skf2004 
10157-5115 HD  89137   The classification is from Garrison et al. (1977 ApJS 35, 111).         Msn1998a
10158-0541 GWP1330     ABL 310.                                                                Tob2012b
10159-0613 GWP1332     ABL 311.                                                                Tob2012b
10160+1200 HJ  156     BC: Rectilinear solution by Hurowitz et al. (2014).                     USN2014a
10160-0816 GWP1334     ABL 312.                                                                Tob2012b
10161-2837 TOK 199     This is marked as an SB2 in the GCS, while Latham (2012, private        .       
                       communication) derived an orbital period of 916d, now independently     .       
                       confirmed by our orbit.                                                 Tok2015c
10161-5954 HU 1597     Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and spectroscopic   .       
                       masses of 3.77 +/- 0.39, 3.33, and 1.82 Msun, respectively.             Mlk2012 
10163-2859 I   851     Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and spectroscopic   .       
                       masses of 2.34 +/- 1.03, 3.12, and 1.30 Msun, respectively.             Mlk2012 
10165-0521 WSI 115     Aka FAR  10. Primary is white dwarf WD 1013-050.                        Far2005b
           FAR  10     AC: In this previously known system, 2MASS J10162867-0520320 is a       .       
                       spectroscopic binary of two M dwarf components, which is in turn a      .       
                       visual companion at 3.2" separation from a white dwarf (WD).            .       
                       Furthermore, the WD is itself a spectral binary, making the system      .       
                       quadruple, with a demonstrated physical companionship of all four       .       
                       components (Vennes et al. 1999 ApJ 523, 386). The 3.2" pairing is       .       
                       easily distinguished in the AstraLux image, but the spectroscopic       .       
                       pairs remain unresolved. Because the system must primordially have had  .       
                       a pre-WD primary much more massive than J10162867-0520320 (given that   .       
                       the main sequence lifetime of an M0 star is longer than the Hubble      .       
                       time), we do not count it as an M-star binary for any of our            .       
                       statistical purposes. The binary is listed as having confirmed proper   .       
                       motion in Table 4, this is based on the result in Vennes et al. and     .       
                       not our comparison with the astrometric point in the literature; since  .       
                       no error bars are listed for that point and since we only get rather    .       
                       marginally significant results if we assume reasonable errors of 0.1"   .       
                       and 1deg, we do not draw any new conclusions on the basis of such a     .       
                       comparison.                                                             Jnn2012 
10166+4117 SHY 552     HIP  50325 + HIP  50327.                                                .       
10167+5737 HJ 1176     AB: HJL 123.                                                            HJL1986 
10167+2325 STFA 18     zet Leo = 36 Leo = Adhafera. A spectroscopic binary.                    .       
                       B is BD+24@2207.                                                        .       
10169+2552 BUP 131     B is BD+26@2062.                                                        .       
10171+1309 JMS   2     2MASS J10170754+1308398 + 2MASS J10171515+1307419.                      Jms2008 
10171-4241 SWR  88     CPM pair                                                                Skf2004 
10171-6120 B  1673     Variable, V337 Car.                                                     .       
10172+2306 STT 523     39 Leo. Mt. Wilson spectral types are F1s and dM1.                      .       
10173-1140 GWP1337     ABL 314.                                                                Tob2012b
10174-5354 CVN  16     TWA 22. Chauvin et al. (2010) derive spectral types M6 +/- 1 for both   Cvn2010 
                       components. The semimajor axis was calculated from their value for a    .       
                       (1.77 +/- 0.04au) and distance of 17.5pc. Effective temperatures are    .       
                       2900 +/- 200 and 2900 +200/-100 K. The system mass is 220 +/- 21 Mjup.  .       
10176+2155 LDS3973     NLTT 23914/23917                                                        Chm2004 
10178+7104 STF1415     AC: HJL 124.                                                            HJL1986 
                       AB: H N 145.                                                            MEv2010 
10180+0721 FAR  11     AC: Primary is white dwarf WD 1015+076.                                 Far2005b
10182-5049 HU 1598     V340 Vel, Algol-type eclipsing binary, P = 3.55953 d.                   Zas2011 
10183-0326 RST4454     Two orbit solutions by Heintz (1997); neither clearly preferable.       Hei1997 
10183-1321 J  2900     BRT 2723.                                                               .       
10183-2029 LDS3975     The star is single in the AstraLux images, but has a known wide         .       
                       companion at 32" separation (WDS).                                      Jnn2012 
10185-1811 GWP1338     ABL 316.                                                                Tob2012b
10186-3546 UC 1910     CPM candidate confirmed physical by photometry (2MASS and V mags).      Tok2013c
                       Primary is X-ray source, PMS star; also SB2, P=11.410d. Not PMS, just   .       
                       fast rotator?                                                           Tok2014d
10187-1823 GWP1339     ABL 317.                                                                Tob2012b
10189+4403 ENG  43     B is BD+44@1975.                                                        .       
10190+1613 BPM 571     [PM2000]  975130 + [PM2000]  975121.                                    Gvr2010 
10191-6441 HJ 4306     1997.0902: The magnitude difference of the system is listed in the WDS  .       
                       as 0.1.  Our reduction does not give the same quadrant as the latest    .       
                       measure in the WDS.                                                     Hor1997 
10192-0502 GWP1341     ABL 318.                                                                Tob2012b
10193-0724 GWP1343     ABL 319.                                                                Tob2012b
10196+1952 Ci 20,574   = GJ 388 = AD Leo                                                       .       
                       Reuyl (1943) orbit rejected from Fourth Orbit Catalog                   Reu1943 
                       ("not confirmed by subsequent observations")                            Wor1983 
10196-5724 FIN 162     A is the Algol-type system HP Car.                                      .       
10197+1928 WNO  53     GJ 9324 + NLTT 23781. CPM pair.                                         Mkr2008 
                       B = NLTT 23781. Co-moving, not binary.                                  Tok2014d
10198-3036 RST2685     Corrected position and Durchmusterung number                            Hei1987a
10199+1217 FAR  12     Primary is white dwarf WD 1017+125.                                     Far2005b
10200+1950 STF1424     A: gam Leo = 41 Leo = Algieba                                           .       
                       Star C is flare star AD Leo = BD +20 2465, 5' distant, and not          Bag1984b
                       related to the pair AB. This companion has been detected only at        .       
                       7500 Angstroms, and is expected to have a very low mass.                .       
                       See Baize & Petit (1989) catalog of doubles with variable component.    Baz1989d
                       D is BD+20@2464.                                                        .       
                       AC: Optical pair, based on study of relative motion of the components   .       
                       using the method of apparent motion parameters.                         Kiy2008 
           BAG  32     Ca,Cb. 1981.2446: Flare star (M4.5Ve) known as having an unseen         .       
                       companion of P ~ 27 yr (Reuyl 1943). Companion has been detected only   Reu1943 
                       at 750 nm.  The companion is expected to have a very low mass.          Bag1984b
           STF1424     AB: H 1  28.                                                            MEv2010 
10201-0327 GWP1346     ABL 320.                                                                Tob2012b
10201-6135 HOA   1     GO Car.                                                                 Plt1934 
10204+6808 HJ 3324     Same as STF1418.                                                        .       
10205+0626 STF1426     AB,C: H 2  43.                                                          MEv2010 
                       AB,C: Also known as SCA 185.                                            Sca2018b
10206-1128 GWP1349     ABL 321.                                                                Tob2012b
10206-7109 GLI 293     Also known as HDS1486. #144 in the original list of Gilliss.            .       
10208-6732 HJ 4314     B is CPD-66@1232, spectrum B9/A0IV/V.                                   .       
10209-0641 OSO  32     G055-014. Neither is a common proper motion pair, based on astrometry   .       
                       and color                                                               Oso2004 
10209-1911 GWP1350     ABL 322.                                                                Tob2012b
10209-5603 RMK  13     A has a variable spectrum.                                              .       
10210-2844 RSS 233     HIP 50681. No V-band photometry in the WDS.                             Tok2011a
10212-0304 BUG  10     SDSS J102109.69-030420.1                                                .       
                       Estimated spectral types are T1 + T5, effective temperatures 1260 +/-   .       
                       210 and 1130 +/- 190 K.  Masses are estimated at 0.025-0.076 and        .       
                       0.021-0.074 Msun, and the orbital period (assuming the semi-major axis  .       
                       = 1.26 * rho) is ~50yr.                                                 Bug2006a
10213+7846 RAS  24     Peculiar SrCuEu star DI Dra.                                            Ras2014 
10215+7647 LDS1711     NLTT 24011/23991                                                        Chm2004 
10215-1621 LDS3984     NLTT 24117/24116                                                        Chm2004 
10215-2948 BRT2978     A likely plate flaw.                                                    Grv2021b
10217-0946 BU   25     A=SB1. CfA: prelim. orb. P=3056d=8.37y?                                 Tok2014d
                       Inner pair unresolved thusfar. Elements driven by spectroscopic orbit.  Tok2020i
10217-6920 RSS  13     This previously uncataloged double star was a Hipparcos double entry    .       
                       system.  The first measure is determined from the individual positions  .       
                       listed by Rousseau et al.                                               Rss1996 
                       Optical pair, based on study of relative motion of the components       .       
                       using the method of apparent motion parameters.                         Kiy2008 
10218+3555 LDS1240     NLTT 24113/24114                                                        Chm2004 
10218-0023 GWP1352     ABL 323.                                                                Tob2012b
10218-4430 LDS6232     B is CD-43@6191.                                                        .       
10219+3704 BFR   5     LSPM J1021+3704 + 2MASS J10215386+3704166. Baron et al. (2015)          .       
                       estimate spectral types M4.0 +/- 0.5 and L0 +/- 1, distances            .       
                       88 +39/-25 and 93 +13/-36 pc, masses 0.207-0.272 and 0.071-0.076 Msun.  BFr2015 
10221+1226 BU 1321     HU 876.                                                                 .       
10222+4114 WIL   2     Using data from 2MASS, Wilson et al. (2001) conclude AB is probably a   Wil2001 
           MUG   7     physical pair, based on proximity and magnitude (time baseline is       .       
                       insufficient to confirm). They derive spectral type of L0V and mass     .       
                       77-80 Mjup for the B component. Mugrauer et al. (2004) conclude that    Mug2004c
                       components C,D,E,F,G (their stars 1-5) are background stars, with E,    .       
                       F, and G (stars 3,4,5) showing a constant separation. The B component   .       
                       (star 6) shows common proper motion with planet host star HD 89744,     .       
                       confirming the Wilson et al. discovery.  The mass of B is estimated at  .       
                       about 0.074-0.080 Msun, making it either a heavy brown dwarf or very    .       
                       low-mass stellar companion. Additional information was compiled from    .       
                       the 2MASS catalog to supplement that in these two papers.               .       
           GJ 9326     Combined solution, based on reduction of Hipparcos intermediate         .       
                       astrometric data together with spectroscopic elements from Korzennik    CPS2000a
                       et al. (2000).                                                          HaI2001 
           WIL   2     No comoving objects found within separation/magnitude range listed.     .       
                       However, Chauvin et al. (2006) note finding at least one faint          Cvn2006 
                       background object.                                                      .       
                       AB: Primary is exoplanet host, P=256d. Chauvin et al. (2006) detect     Cvn2006 
                       only optical companions at VLT with coronagraphic mask. Roell et al.    .       
                       (2012 A&A 542, A92) list the companion B at 62" as physical.            Tok2014d
                       CHARA Array Limb-darkened diameter of A :                               CIA2018b
                       Age = 3.8 +/- 0.9 Gyr,   R = 0.556 +/- 0.032 mas,                       .       
                       R =  2.36   +/- 0.032  \rsun, L =  6.153   +/- 0.332  \lsun,            .       
                       Teff = 5927 +/- 185 K, M = 1.37 +/- 0.10 \msun.                         .       
           RBR  17     2002.0166: PA is measured in zenith mode. If data collected in          .       
                       equatorial mode, PA =  53.6. Confirmation of the pair should establish  .       
                       the correct theta value.                                                Rbr2011d
10223+4130 mu UMa      Ren & Fu (2013) calculated an astrometric orbit, combining Hipparcos    Ren2013 
                       Intermediate Astrometric Data with spectroscopic elements by            .       
                       Jackson et al. (1957).                                                  JES1957 
10223-1032 BD-09 3055  SB1. Curvature seen in proper motion components from Hipparcos data,    .       
                       although period was unknown. Combined spectroscopic/astrometric         .       
                       solution, based on echelle spectra and Hipparcos intermediate           .       
                       data (abscissa residuals).  Torres derives a parallax of 19.5 +/-       Trr2006a
                       1.8 mas (compared to Hipparcos value of 29.4 +/- 2.7 mas). An           .       
                       estimated primary mass of 0.73 +/- 0.05 Msunyield a mass of 0.88 +/-    .       
                       0.05 Msun for the secondary.                                            .       
           TOK 398     HIP 50796 is a single-lined and astrometric binary according to         .       
                       (Torres 2006), with period 570.98d (1.56yr), K1=20.76 km/s, e=0.611.    Trr2006a
                       The Hipparcos parallax corrected for binary motion is 20.6+/-1.9mas.    .       
                       The spectroscopic secondary companion is over-massive, most likely a    .       
                       close pair of M-dwarfs. If so, the new speckle companion at 1".66 with  .       
                       a period on the order of 500yr makes the system quadruple. The speckle  .       
                       companion might contribute to the IR excess found by Torres. The        .       
                       system is an X-ray source, and is possibly young.                       Tok2015c
10223-5945 HD  90087   LS 1518.                                                                .       
                       The classification is from Garrison et al. (1977 ApJS 35, 111).         Msn1998a
10224+1209 GIC  92     G043-045/G043-043.                                                      .       
                       NLTT 24159/24144                                                        Chm2004 
10224-2933 GC 14246    Hipparcos astrometric solution assumed circular orbit (e = omega = 0)   HIP1997d
10227+1521 STT 216     See Baize & Petit (1989) catalog of doubles with variable component.    Baz1989d
10228-1427 GWP1355     ABL 326.                                                                Tob2012b
10231-1525 GWP1356     ABL 327.                                                                Tob2012b
10232+0542 SHJ 115     Optical pair, based on study of relative motion of the components       .       
                       using the method of apparent motion parameters.                         Kiy2008 
                       H 5  64.                                                                MEv2010 
           TOK 200     The 1".1 speckle companion can explain dmu, but not the acceleration.   Tok2012a
10233-0203 GWP1357     ABL 324.                                                                Tob2012b
10233-1603 GWP1358     ABL 328.                                                                Tob2012b
10236-1721 GWP1359     ABL 329.                                                                Tob2012b
10236-4408 HJ 4315     B is CD-43@6220.                                                        .       
10237+0237 LAM   7     AB: B is BD+03@2357.                                                    .       
                       AB: Optical pair, based on study of relative motion of the components   .       
                       using the method of apparent motion parameters.                         Kiy2008 
10237-0221 GWP1360     ABL 325.                                                                Tob2012b
10238+1239 BPM 572     [PM2000]  977607 + [PM2000]  977554.                                    Gvr2010 
10238-4415 I   208     AB. 1997.1230: A smaller annulus was used in the power spectrum fit     .       
                       due to the faintness of the source. As a consequence, the separation    .       
                       and position angle uncertainties may be larger than other measures.     Hor1997 
10239-1934 GWP1361     ABL 330.                                                                Tob2012b
10241+6534 CIA  31     ET UMa.                                                                 .       
                       Ma,Mb = 2.779 +/- 0.153, 1.708 +/- 0.094 \msun.                         .       
                       Ra,Rb = 3.16 +/- 0.11, 1.73 +/- 0.06 \rsun.                             .       
                       Teff_a,Teff_b = 10260 +/- 100, 7860 +/- 140 K.                          .       
                       La,Lb = 101.0 +/- 8.0, 9.7 +/- 1.0 \lsun. distance = 101.1 +/- 2.0 pc.  CIA2022e
10244+3411 STTA104     B is BD+34@2122.                                                        .       
                       The primary is a semi-regular variable.                                 .       
10245+4008 ES 1542     BRT 106                                                                 .       
10246+0305 CHE 147     SLE 586.                                                                .       
10246-1906 HS Hya      Ren & Fu (2013) calculated an astrometric orbit, combining Hipparcos    .       
                       Intermediate Astrometric Data with spectroscopic elements by            .       
                       Torres et al. (1997). They derived component masses 1.39 and 0.61 Msun  Trr1997b
                       and an estimated semimajor axis of 8.48 mas.                            Ren2013 
10247-0612 GWP1362     ABL 332.                                                                Tob2012b
10247-1127 GWP1363     ABL 333.                                                                Tob2012b
10249-3818 GLI 294     Also known as RSS 236 and WFC 104. #145 in the original list of Gilliss..       
10250+2437 STF1429     A premature orbit has been computed.                                    .       
10251-0059 GWP1364     ABL 331.                                                                Tob2012b
10253-1250 GWP1366     ABL 334.                                                                Tob2012b
10254+1603 BPM 573     [PM2000]  978410 + [PM2000]  978438.                                    Gvr2010 
10254-1034 GWP1370     ABL 336.                                                                Tob2012b
10254-1826 GWP1369     ABL 338.                                                                Tob2012b
10256+0847 STF1431     H 1  29.                                                                MEv2010 
10257-0704 SCA  53     Spectrum: K5:IIIbFe-0.5.                                                .       
10258+0312 HJ 1177     BAL 2373.                                                               .       
10258-4757 SWR  91     CPM pair                                                                Skf2004 
10260+5237 STF1428     BDS 5386, H I 71 probably same star.                                    .       
                       H 1  71.                                                                MEv2010 
10262+0356 BU 1280     A is a Delta Scuti-type variable, RX Sex.                               .       
10263-5353 HJ 4319     Spectrum M2IabCN0.5, variable in light. B has a B-V color of 0.25;      .       
                       U-B = -0.67 (Humphreys et al., ApJ 172, 75, 1972)                       .       
10264+6246 LDS2583     SLW 472.                                                                .       
10264+1438 BPM 574     [PM2000]  978935 + [PM2000]  978948.                                    Gvr2010 
10264-0658 GWP1371     ABL 335.                                                                Tob2012b
10266-1728 GWP1373     ABL 337.                                                                Tob2012b
10269+1931 COU 292     1983.9557, 1983.9667: Measurements should be given low confidence.      Bag1985 
                       Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and spectroscopic   .       
                       masses of 3.26 +/- 1.05, 2.44, and 1.10 Msun, respectively.             Mlk2012 
10269+1713 STT 217     Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and spectroscopic   .       
                       masses of 2.38 +/- 1.55, 2.70, and 1.17 Msun, respectively.             Mlk2012 
10269-0703 GWP1374     ABL 339.                                                                Tob2012b
10270+2638 HIP  51157  Ren & Fu (2013) calculated an astrometric orbit, combining Hipparcos    .       
                       Intermediate Astrometric Data with spectroscopic elements by            .       
                       Griffin (1987). They derived component masses 0.86 and 0.30 Msun and    Grf1987b
                       an estimated semimajor axis of 76.15 mas.                               Ren2013 
10271-1756 GWP1375     ABL 340.                                                                Tob2012b
10271-6200 TDS7279     AB,C: SHY 555. Bayesian analysis by Shaya & Olling (2011) indicates     Shy2011 
                       very high (near 100%) probability pair is physical.                     .       
10276+0946 HJ  832     45 Leo. A is an Alpha CVn-type variable, CX Leo, and an SB.             .       
10277-0108 LDS3990     NLTT 24410/24411                                                        Chm2004 
10279+3642 HU  879     bet LMi = 31 LMi. G8III-IV.                                             .       
                       Combined visual-spectroscopic orbits by Heintz (1981,1982). Visual      Hei1981f
                       observations cover only a narrow apastron arc.                          Hei1982e
                       Only elements P and T have been amended by Starikova (1977) from the    Sta1977a
                       orbit of Baize (1950).                                                  Baz1950b
                       Gontcharov & Kiyaeva (2002) photocentric (astrometric) orbit is based   Gon2002a
                       on a combination of ground-based catalogs with Hipparcos.               .       
                       This object was misidentified as HO 879 in McAlister & Hendry (1982).   McA1982d
                       Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical and spectroscopic masses          .       
                       3.37 +/- 0.94 and 2.63 Msun, respectively.                              Mlk2012 
                       Combined solution leads to masses of 2.98 +/- 0.10 and 1.92 +/- 0.04    WaX2020 
                       \msun for A and B, respectively. Orbital parallax of 19.6 +/- 0.2 mas   .       
                       leads to luminosities of 50.7 +/- 1.8 and 9.1 +/- 4.1 \lsun for A and   .       
                       B, respectively.                                                        .       
10280+1950 STF1435     HJL 125.                                                                HJL1986 
10282-2548 FIN 308     AB: Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and             .       
                       spectroscopic masses 1.71 +/- 0.53, 2.23, and 0.98 Msun, respectively.  Mlk2012 
                       AB: Omega for Tokovinin et al. (2015) orbit flipped by 180deg, at       .       
                       request of author.                                                      Tok2015c
10283-0436 GWP1378     ABL 341.                                                                Tob2012b
10284-1517 GWP1380     ABL 343.                                                                Tob2012b
10286-1437 GWP1382     ABL 342.                                                                Tob2012b
10287+4558 A  1993     Derived orbital parallax 0".01274, mass sum 2.01 +/- 0.87 Msun          Lin2004a
10288+6300 OSO  33     G236-030. Not a common proper motion pair, based on comparison with     .       
                       POSS2 red plates.                                                       Oso2004 
10288-6235 DUN  85     B is CPD-61@1676.                                                       .       
                       Additional notes may be found in Dunlop (1829).                         Dun1829 
10289+3453 SHY 215     HIP  51312 + HIP  52140.                                                .       
10289-0300 FIL  25     BAL 211.                                                                .       
10290-1952 GWP1385     ABL 344.                                                                Tob2012b
10292-5737 KRV  30     Classical Cepheid UX Car.                                               .       
10294+1211 HDS1507     Cvetkovic et al. (2016) estimate spectral types F0 and F7, masses 1.66  .       
                       and 1.30 Msun. Dynamical parallax is 10.81 +/- 0.15 mas.                Cve2016b
10294+0346 SLE 494     Error in Soulie (1986) measure apparently due to typo in right          .       
                       ascension of primary.                                                   Sle1986a
10294-5034 B  1681     V349 Vel, Algol-type eclipsing binary, P = 3.02447 d.                   Zas2011 
10296+3757 HJ 2532     ALI 848.                                                                .       
                       AB: HJL 126.                                                            HJL1986 
10296-3036 H N  50     del Ant                                                                 .       
10297+8415 GC 14305    Hipparcos astrometric solution assumed circular orbit (e = omega = 0)   HIP1997d
10297-1327 GWP1387     ABL 347.                                                                Tob2012b
10299+2835 STTA105     B is BD+29@2056.                                                        .       
10299-0435 GWP1388     ABL 345.                                                                Tob2012b
10300-0413 LDS3994     NLTT 24512/24515                                                        Chm2004 
10301-4721 HJ 4324     SWR  92.                                                                Skf2004 
10302+5100 STT 219     BDS 5471, HJ 2535 probably same star. The Hipparcos secondary           .       
                       magnitude of 7.70 is very different than the visual mean of 11.2.       .       
10303-0818 GWP1389     ABL 346.                                                                Tob2012b
10306+5559 LDS2863     A: 36 UMa                                                               .       
                       B: BD+56@1458.                                                          .       
                       Components of these systems (AB and AC) all have common proper          Egg1950 
                       motion and common radial velocity.  Vyssotsky & Reuyl also claim that   Vys1942 
                       this system shares a common proper motion with BD+57 1266, an 8th       .       
                       magnitude star 4041" from A.                                            .       
                       CHARA Array Limb-darkened diameter  0.794 +/- 0.014 mas,                CIA2012e
                       R =  1.091 +/- 0.020 \rsun, L =  1.605 +/-0.042 \lsun,                  .       
                       Teff = 6233 +/-  68 K, M = 1.119 +/- 0.035 \msun,                       .       
                       Age =  1.5 +/- 1.4 Gyr.                                                 .       
                       AB: HJL 127.                                                            HJL1986 
                       AB: Raghavan et al. (2010) consider B component possible binary (RV     Rag2010 
                       variable)                                                               Tok2014d
10307-5429 HJ 4327     B is CPD-53@3900.                                                       .       
10307-6121 DUN  87     B is CPD-60@1944.                                                       .       
10310-0232 GWP1390     ABL 348.                                                                Tob2012b
10310-0738 STF1441     A is a spectroscopic binary. C is BD-06@3171.                           .       
10313-5153 HJ 4328     B is CD-51@4816.                                                        .       
10314-5343 HJ 4329     Optical pair, based on study of relative motion of the components       .       
                       using the method of apparent motion parameters.                         Kiy2008 
           LUH   9     AC: GJ 9332 + 2MASS J10313234-5338010.                                  .       
10315-0605 GWP1391     ABL 350.                                                                Tob2012b
10316+4316 SHY 557     HIP  51536 + HIP  51726.                                                .       
10316-0253 GWP1392     ABL 349.                                                                Tob2012b
10316-3956 HJ 4326     B is CD-39@6453.                                                        .       
10317-4429 B  1161     Measures uncertain, too close. Needs speckle.                           .       
10318-6356 HD  91452   The classification is from the LSC; however, Garrison et al. (1977      .       
                       ApJS 35, 111) assign a type B0 Ia.                                      Msn1998a
10319+3223 HJ  482     33 LMi.                                                                 .       
10319-8155 HJ 5444     B is CPD-81@448.                                                        .       
10320+3355 LDS1244     Discrepant Luyten measure appears to be due to a 1' error in dec of     Luy1969 
                       his secondary.                                                          .       
10320+2202 STF1442     STT 221.                                                                .       
10320-2021 B  2248     J 2655. BHA 13.                                                         .       
10320-4504 PZ    3     B is CD-44@6582.                                                        .       
10320-6019 JSP 906     Aka DAM 529.                                                            Skf2018e
10321+3240 SKF 317     SLW 487.                                                                .       
10321-7005 HJ 4335     A 2.2d spectroscopic solution for the A component has been found        Tok2019g
                       making this a triple system.                                            .       
10323-1827 GWP1395     ABL 352.                                                                Tob2012b
10325-7226 RSS  14     This previously uncataloged double star was a Hipparcos double entry    .       
                       system.  The first measure is determined from the individual positions  .       
                       listed by Rousseau et al.                                               Rss1996 
                       SHY 558. Bayesian analysis by Shaya & Olling (2011) indicates very      Shy2011 
                       high (near 100%) probability pair is physical.                          .       
10328+0918 WRH  19     rho Leo = 47 Leo. Possible spectroscopic binary.                        .       
                       Additional notes may be found in Wilson (1941).                         WRH1941b
                       A is a blue supergiant with multiple pulsation periods.                 IAU2014e
10329-4700 HJ 4330     AB: B is CD-46@6207.                                                    .       
           YSJ   1     Aa,Ab: 1995.1025: WDS Catalog lists a companion at 40".3 and position   .       
                       angle 163deg. The component listed here appears to be a new discovery.  .       
                       Our two observations of this object were forty minutes apart on         .       
                       February 7, 1995 (UT).                                                  Dns1997 
                       1997.1176  This is the first measure of this system since the           .       
                       discovery measures in 1995 of Dinescu et al. (1997) The difference in   Dns1997 
                       position angle from their last measure is 2.2 deg and the difference    .       
                       in separation is 0".020.                                                Hor1997 
10330+3033 LDS1246     NLTT 24638/24639                                                        Chm2004 
10332+4026 HJ 2534     A is a spectroscopic binary.                                            .       
                       Optical pair, based on study of relative motion of the components       .       
                       using the method of apparent motion parameters.                         Kiy2008 
                       AB: Rectilinear solution by Hurowitz et al. (2014).                     USN2014a
10332-5830 EVS  16     Primary is the Cepheid Y Car.                                           Evs2016a
10334+3410 LDS 916     NLTT 24653/24654                                                        Chm2004 
10335-4659 HJ 4332     B is CD-46@6218.                                                        .       
10336+1351 BPM 575     [PM2000]  982666 + [PM2000]  982677.                                    Gvr2010 
10339-1750 S   610     B is BD-17@3179.                                                        .       
                       Optical pair, based on study of relative motion of the components       .       
                       using the method of apparent motion parameters.                         Kiy2008 
10340+1631 BPM 576     [PM2000]  982873 + [PM2000]  982856.                                    Gvr2010 
10340-0423 GWP1397     ABL 353.                                                                Tob2012b
10340-2345 BU 1269     44 Hya.                                                                 .       
10341+1251 BPM 577     [PM2000]  982909 + [PM2000]  982959.                                    Gvr2010 
10343-1732 GWP1400     ABL 355.                                                                Tob2012b
10344+4041 LDS3998     SLW 495.                                                                .       
10345-0641 GWP1401     ABL 354.                                                                Tob2012b
10347-3524 HJ 4334     SWR  94. CPM pair                                                       Skf2004 
10349-0820 GWP1403     ABL 359.                                                                Tob2012b
10350+0839 STF1450     49 Leo. A is the Algol-type system TX Leo.                              .       
                       Individual J,H,K magnitudes are calculated from 2MASS combined          .       
                       magnitudes and AO-derived magnitude differences                         Rbr2005 
10351-5741 COO 107     Spectrum of B is A.                                                     .       
10352-4545 SWR  95     CPM pair                                                                Skf2004 
10352-4755 SWR  96     CPM pair                                                                Skf2004 
10353+4321 LDS4001     SLW 497.                                                                .       
10354+2616 STF1451     LDS1249.                                                                .       
                       AB: NLTT 24760/24757                                                    Chm2004 
10355-0234 GWP1404     ABL 356.                                                                Tob2012b
10356-0415 GWP1406     ABL 357.                                                                Tob2012b
10356-0508 GWP1405     ABL 358.                                                                Tob2012b
10359+6336 STF1444     Primary is GT UMa, an Algol-type eclipsing binary, P = 1.16471d.        Zas2012 
10360+0118 GRV1044     SLW 499.                                                                .       
10361+1137 BIG   1     B is BD+12@2234.                                                        .       
10361-2641 BU  411     See Baize & Petit (1989) catalog of doubles with variable component.    Baz1989d
                       Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and spectroscopic   .       
                       masses of 1.69 +/- 0.48, 2.42, and 1.17 Msun, respectively.             Mlk2012 
10363-1213 GWP1409     ABL 360.                                                                Tob2012b
10363-1621 BU 1075     phi 2 Hya                                                               .       
10363-6101 KRV  31     Classical Cepheid UV Car.                                               .       
10364-1223 GWP1410     ABL 361.                                                                Tob2012b
10365-1214 EHR  13     AB: Companion appears to be a background star.                          Ehr2010 
           KUI  51     AC: Optical pair, based on study of relative motion of the components   .       
                       using the method of apparent motion parameters.                         Kiy2008 
                       AC: Rectilinear solution by Friedman et al. (2011).                     USN2011a
10366+7849 HJ 5480     Discrepant observation by Pettit originally catalogued at PTT  26,      Ptt1917 
                       although he said it was of HJ 5480.                                     .       
10366-1246 GWP1411     ABL 362.                                                                Tob2012b
10366-2846 I   857     Rectilinear solution by Zirm (2013).                                    Zir2013d
10366-6448 CTI 389     V546 Car.                                                               .       
10367+1522 DAE   3     RBS 887                                                                 .       
                       Daemgen et al. (2007) derive distance of 19.6 +/- 4.6 pc, separations   .       
                       of 20.8 +/- 6.0 au (AB) and 3.7 +/- 1.1 au (BC), and predicted orbital  .       
                       periods of 157 +97/-93 yr (AB) and 16 +10/-9 yr (BC). Spectral types    .       
                       for the three components are M3.5 +/- 0.5, M4.5 +/- 0.5, and M4.5 +/-   .       
                       0.5; masses 0.29 +0.11/-0.08, 0.16 +0.05/-0.04, 0.16 +0.05/-0.0 Msun.   Dae2007 
                       2MASS J10364483+1521394 is a triple in the Ursa Major moving group,     .       
                       consisting of a low-mass M dwarf orbited by 2 less-massive companions.  .       
                       Calissendorff et al. (2017) derive orbits for the BC pair, as well as   .       
                       A,BC. The semimajor axis for BC is 161 +/- 2 AU; combined mass for the  .       
                       pair is 0.482 +/- 0.145 Msun. If the BC dynamical mass is constrained   .       
                       to this value, an orbital solution for A,BC yields a semimajor axis of  .       
                       38 +/- 4A U and a system mass of 1.00 +/- 0.03 Msun for the triple.     .       
                       The mass of A is 0.53 +/- 0.20 Msun, while B and C have similar masses  .       
                       of 0.24 +/- 0.07 Msun each.                                             Jnn2017b
10370-0850 TOK  44     Aa,Ab: Tokovinin et al. (2015) derive spectral types G0V and K5V for    .       
                       the Aa and Ab components; masses are 1.46 and 0.64 Msun. Aa is a 170d   .       
                       SB; Aa2 is possibly of type M3V.                                        Tok2015b
                       Aa,Ab: SB, P=7.603y.                                                    Tok2014d
           A   556     AB: Tokovinin et al. (2015) derives a spectral type K5V for the B               
                       component; mass is 0.64 Msun. Dynamical parallax is 27.4 +/- 0.6 mas.   Tok2015b
10370-1538 BRT 578     A likely plate flaw.                                                    Grv2021b
10372+8603 STF1410     AB: STT 214.                                                            .       
10373-4814 SEE 119     One component is SB, P = 10.21 d. (#623 in Batten et al., 1989).        Bte1989 
                       According to Evans (1969), this is the primary. Identification of       Evn1969 
                       the ascending node is based on this assumption.                         .       
                       The period adopted for the visual orbit utilizes RV and                 Fin1968b
                       interferometric observations.                                           .       
                       See also Evans (1969) for residuals, ephemeris,and full discussion of   Evn1969 
                       this interesting system.                                                Fin1970b
10373-5826 JSP 408     TDS7378.                                                                .       
10374+3133 LDS1251     NLTT 24861/24863                                                        Chm2004 
10374-5837 SNA  10     Aa,Ab: It is uncertain whether the 33mas companion corresponds to the   .       
                       SB reported by Sota et al. (2014, ApJS 211, 10). If it does, the        .       
                       orbital period is at least 5 years.                                     Sna2014 
           HJ 4338     Herschel says "A very neat double star involved in a nebula." There is  .       
                       perhaps a nebulouse patch running N and S, 5' x 1', but there is no     .       
                       nebula surrounding this pair as suggested by h. Many small stars near.  I__1916a
                       But what John Herschel was describing was the large (15' diam) object   .       
                       NGC 3324; Herschel used the pair as the reference position for the      .       
                       nebula. Innes was probably viewing at quite high magnification to       .       
                       measure the double, and so missed the nebula. The pair is in fact the   .       
                       principle source of fluorescing uv photons for the nebula!              Skf2014 
10375+3015 HJ  487     Aka SKF1845.                                                            .       
10376+3001 LDS1253     NLTT 24873/24875                                                        Chm2004 
10376-4556 CPO 296     CPD-45@4802.                                                            .       
10376-5744 JSP 410     TDS7381.                                                                .       
10377-7335 HJ 4344     Algol-type eclipsing binary, P = 2.45763 d.                             Zas2011 
                       B is CPD-72@998.                                                        .       
                       SWR  97. CPM pair                                                       Skf2004 
10379+3405 36 LMi      SB1. Combined orbit including RV data and Hipparcos Intermediate        .       
                       Astrometric data. Semimajor axis derived from photocentric a0 plus      .       
                       stellar evolutionary model. Derived properties for A and B:             .       
                       M/Msun = 4.94 + 1.42, L/Lsun = 1296.36 + 5.89, dm = 5.86 mag,           .       
                       log age = 8.10.                                                         WaX2015b
10381+4026 STT 223     Optical pair, based on study of relative motion of the components       .       
                       using the method of apparent motion parameters.                         Kiy2008 
10382-0620 GWP1414     ABL 363.                                                                Tob2012b
10382-0629 GWP1415     ABL 364.                                                                Tob2012b
10383+6007 STT 222     Primary is 2.8d SB1; AB is physical pair, estimated period 3600y.       Tok2006 
10385-1559 GWP1416     ABL 365.                                                                Tob2012b
10386-1653 phi 3 Hya   Hipparcos astrometric solution adopted some elements from the orbit of  HIP1997d
                       Christie (1936).                                                        Crs1936 
10386-4558 B  2715     CPD-45@4816.                                                            .       
10389+0721 J    79     Aitken incorrect; pair is BD+08 2387, not +08 2388.                     J__1949a
10390-0440 GWP1421     ABL 366.                                                                Tob2012b
10390-5849 GLI 152     B is CPD-58@2475.                                                       .       
10391+0726 J  1351     BRT 2603.                                                               .       
                       J  2656.                                                                J__1962a
10392-2551 TOK 135     HIP 52145. A is SB without orbit, dRV= 1.2.                             Nrd2004 
                       A new triple. There is also a bright companion C in the field.          Tok2011a
10395+3142 STF1458     HJL 128.                                                                HJL1986 
                       SEI 521.                                                                Nsn2017b
10397+0851 STT 224     AB: Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and             .       
                       spectroscopic masses 1.81 +/- 0.74, 2.61, and 1.20 Msun, respectively.  Mlk2012 
10398+4209 OSO  34     G146-056. Not a common proper motion pair, based on comparison with     .       
                       POSS2 red plates.                                                       Oso2004 
10401+1914 STT 225     AC: HJL 129.                                                            HJL1986 
10402-1622 LDS 311     B is BD-15@3101.                                                        .       
                       NLTT 25010/25005                                                        Chm2004 
10406-1523 GWP1430     ABL 369.                                                                Tob2012b
10406-5933 COO 110     B is CPD-58@2523.                                                       .       
10409-3545 B  2001     Spectrum composite; G8-K0III+F-G.                                       .       
10410-1225 GWP1432     ABL 368.                                                                Tob2012b
10412-0811 GWP1433     ABL 367.                                                                Tob2012b
10412-4403 DON 429     TDS7414.                                                                .       
10420+6506 GRV1046     SLW 510.                                                                .       
10422+3142 BLL  28     A is the semiregular variable RX LMi.                                   .       
10422-0357 GWP1435     ABL 371.                                                                Tob2012b
10423-1043 GWP1436     ABL 373.                                                                Tob2012b
10424-0114 GWP1437     ABL 370.                                                                Tob2012b
10424-6110 KRV  33     Classical Cepheid EY Car.                                               .       
10425-0358 GWP1438     ABL 372.                                                                Tob2012b
10425-3340 NHR   1     The source at 2.4" separation, first reported in Neuhauser et al.       Nhr2000 
                       (2000), is an already known background star (Lowrance et al. 2005), a   Lwr2005 
                       conclusion which we can confirm at ~28 sigma confidence.                Jnn2012 
10425-6158 HZG9001     FV Car.                                                                 Plt1934 
10426+0335 A  2768     See Baize & Petit (1989) catalog of doubles with variable component.    Baz1989d
                       This object was misidentified as ADS 7986 in McAlister & Hendry (1982)  McA1982d
                       Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and spectroscopic   .       
                       masses of 3.37 +/- 1.09, 2.80, and 1.13 Msun, respectively.             Mlk2012 
10426-1555 GWP1439     ABL 374.                                                                Tob2012b
10427-1826 GWP1440     ABL 377.                                                                Tob2012b
10428-0211 GC 14729    Combined solution, based on reduction of Hipparcos intermediate         .       
                       astrometric data together with spectroscopic elements from the Geneva   .       
                       Extrasolar Planet Search Programs home page.                            HaI2001 
10430+2620 BU  913     40 LMi.                                                                 .       
                       AB: Optical pair, based on study of relative motion of the components   .       
                       using the method of apparent motion parameters.                         Kiy2008 
10430-6424 the Car     Hipparcos astrometric solution assumed circular orbit (e = omega = 0)   HIP1997d
10432+2652 LDS1256     May be the same as the other lost pair 10451+2651 = LDS5717. When one   .       
                       is found they should be merged.                                         .       
10432+0440 A  2769     This pair is the C component of 10433+0445.                             .       
10432-1542 GWP1441     ABL 376.                                                                Tob2012b
10432-6110 SIN  55     BD: initially listed incorrectly as AD.                                 .       
10433+0445 STF1466     35 Sex. A is a spectroscopic binary.                                    .       
                       Spectrum composite; K3III+K0III.                                        .       
                       AB: H N  36.                                                            MEv2010 
10434-0352 J    89     Also appears to be the long lost pair HLD  11 = BDS 5534.               Dam2014 
10434-1706 BFR   6     2MASS J10432398-1706024 + 2MASS J10432513-1706065. Baron et al. (2015)  .       
                       estimate spectral types M4.0 +/- 0.5 and M9.0 +/- 0.5, distances        .       
                       42 +26/-16 and 75 +6/-23 pc, masses 0.207-0.272 and 0.079-0.085 Msun.   BFr2015 
10435+4612 SMA  75     B is BD+46@1658. B is a spectroscopic binary.                           .       
                       AB: NLTT 25147/25160                                                    Chm2004 
                       AB: HJL 130.                                                            HJL1986 
                       AB: SHY 216. Bayesian analysis by Shaya & Olling (2011) indicates very  Shy2011 
                       high (near 100%) probability pair is physical.                          .       
           MET   7     BE and BF: Primary of 10440+4612 MET   7AB and AC same as B component   .       
                       of 10435+4612 SMA  75AB; systems merged.                                .       
                       Based on proximity, Metchev & Hillenbrand (2004) say the BE pair is     Met2004b
                       probably physical.                                                      .       
10435-1852 GWP1442     ABL 378.                                                                Tob2012b
10438-0039 GWP1444     ABL 375.                                                                Tob2012b
10438-5933 CP-58 2611  Trumpler 14 FMM 20. This object is designated as Trumpler 14 20 in the  .       
                       list of Feinstein et al. (1973 A&AS 12, 331)  and as FMM 20 in Penny    Pny1993 
                       et al. (1993).                                                          Msn1998a
10438-5957 HJ 4355     B is CPD-59@2547.                                                       .       
10440-5932 CP-58 2620  Trumpler 14 FMM 8.  This object is designated as Trumpler 14 8 in the   .       
                       list of Feinstein et al. (1973 A&AS 12, 331) and as FMM 8 in Penny et   Pny1993 
                       al. (1993).                                                             Msn1998a
10440-5933 NEL   1     See discussion of the system by Sana et al. 2014).                      Sna2014 
           HJ 4356     Both A and B components were observed with the speckle camera and       Pny1993 
                       appeared to be single (Penny et al. 1993).                              Msn1998a
10440-5952 HJ 4357     V661 Car, Algol-type eclipsing binary, P = 23.944 d.                    Zas2011 
           SNA  13     Aa,Ab: Primary is V661 Car, a detached Algol-type eclipsing binary.     .       
                       The 20mas pair probably does not correspond to the 23.9d eclipsing      .       
                       binary (Otero 2006, Open European Journal on Variable Stars 45, 1),     .       
                       given the ~2.6kpc distance to the Cr228/Tr16 complex.                   Sna2014 
10441-1536 GWP1445     ABL 382.                                                                Tob2012b
10441-4005 HJ 4349     SWR  98. CPM pair                                                       Skf2004 
10441-5935 HJ 4360     Trumpler 16 MJ 238. Both A and B components were observed with the      .       
                       speckle camera and appeared to be single. Levato et al. (1991) derive   Lev1991a
                       a single-lined spectroscopic orbit for HD 93161 but they                .       
                       do not indicate which component is the binary.  Howarth et al. (1997    .       
                       MNRAS 284, 265) and Penny (1996) found large radial velocity changes    Pny1996b
                       in closely spaced IUE spectra, and Howarth et al. argue that both       .       
                       components are short-period binaries.                                   Msn1998a
                       A comp is SB, types O8V and O9V, period 8.566 +- 0.004d. Spectral type  .       
                       of B component is O6.5V(f) and presents radial velocity variations.     Naz2005 
                       The position angle has been flipped about the E/W axis for the HST      Nel2004 
                       observation.                                                            .       
                       The B component is noted as SB1 by Chini et al. (2012). Both A and B    Cii2012 
                       are bright enough for an interferometric analysis of the SAM data, but  .       
                       no companion was found.                                                 Sna2014 
           SNA  14     Ca,Cb: The C component was reported as SB1 by Chini et al. (2012).      Cii2012 
                       Further observations are desirable to confirm the reality of the tight  .       
                       Ca/Cb/Cc triple.                                                        Sna2014 
                       This star (component C of HD 93161) was observed with the speckle       .       
                       camera and appeared to be single.                                       Msn1998a
10442+6111 LDS2320     Pair at precise coordinates matches Luyten's rho/theta, as well as his  Luy1970 
                       BD+61 1312 cross reference, but apparently there was a typographical    .       
                       error of 2h in his published coordinates.                               .       
10442+2927 SLW 515     CVR 572.                                                                .       
10442-0732 GWP1446     ABL 380.                                                                Tob2012b
10442-3931 SWR  99     CPM pair                                                                Skf2004 
10443-1227 GWP1447     ABL 381.                                                                Tob2012b
10443-4515 CPO 301     B is CD-44@6765.                                                        .       
10443-7052 DUN  99     B is CPD-70@1185, spectrum A6IV.                                        .       
           CHR 227     Ba. Worley (private communication) noted that the systematic binary     .       
                       star surveys of Rossiter (1955) and van den Bos missed the              Rst1955 
                       declination band -73 to -70 deg. This probably explains why this        .       
                       half-arcsecond pair remained undiscovered until now.  CHR 227           .       
                       represents a new component to the wide (63") common proper motion pair  .       
                       HR 4211-12 = DUN 99 AB, discovered by J. Dunlap in 1826 (1829) and      Dun1829 
                       last observed nearly 80 years ago (Dawson 1918). A 10th magnitude C     Daw1918a
                       component also lies some 35" from A, discovered by John Herschel in     HJ_1847a
                       1835, but no closer components are known.                               Hrt1996b
10444-6000 DAW   8     Often classified O9 or 9.5. QZ Car. The bright star consists of two     .       
           HDS1534     eclipsing pairs, P = 20.73d and 6.00d.                                  .       
                       The classifications are from Morrison & Conti (1980), who describe      Cti1980 
                       this quadruple that consists of a pair of SB1 systems (the shorter      .       
                       period system is also eclipsing).  Their expressed hope that speckle    .       
                       interferometry might resolve the pair was not realized in our work,     .       
                       but the object remains an important target for high resolution work.    Msn1998a
           SNA  15     The primary is QZ Car, a semi-detached beta Lyr type eclipsing binary.  .       
                       A complex multiple system, with three visual companions. The central    .       
                       object is itself a quadruple, composed of a pair of SBs, Aa1,Aa2        .       
                       (O9.7I+B2V, P=20.7d) and Aa3,Aa4 (O8III+O9V, P=60d and eclipsing).      Sna2014 
10445-5734 HDS1535     Classical Cepheid VY Car.                                               .       
10445-5944 SEE 513     Noted by See but never added to WDS, this pair was confirmed by USNO    See1897l
                       UCAC1 astrometry. Discoverer designation and data added 12/09/2002.     .       
10446-5944 BSO   4     A is a spectroscopic binary. B is CPD-59@2584.                          .       
                       Primary is V560 Car, an ellipsoidal variable star and eclipsing SB2.    Sna2014 
10446-5945 HD  93205   Trumpler 16 MJ 340.  The classification is from the UV tomographic      .       
                       analysis of Penny (1996). The companion star, HD 93204 (BsO 4 B) was    Pny1996a
                       also observed and appeared to be single.                                Msn1998a
10447-6001 HJ 4363     B is CPD-59@2593.                                                       .       
10448-5934 SNA  18     A long-period binary, discussed in Sana et al. (2011). This pair is     Sna2011b
                       one of the tightest resolved binaries in our sample and a non-thermal   .       
                       radio emitter.                                                          Sna2014 
10449+3224 LDS1258     NLTT 25213/25215                                                        Chm2004 
10451+2651 LDS5717     May be the same as the other lost pair 10432+2652 = LDS1256. When one   .       
                       is found they should be merged.                                         .       
10451-0207 LDS4012     NLTT 25234/25233                                                        Chm2004 
10451-0735 GWP1450     ABL 379.                                                                Tob2012b
10451-1704 GWP1451     ABL 383.                                                                Tob2012b
10451-5941 B  2256     eta Car = Trumpler 16 MJ 480, an old nova in a nebula with nuclei.      .       
           I  1092     B and C involved in the nebulosity.                                     B__1951a
           WGT   2     One of these three components found by Weigelt is probably B  2256;     Wgt1986a
           DUN  98     however, it is not clear which one due to the lack of a continuous      .       
                       series of observations and orbital motion.                              .       
                       This famous luminous blue variable is not classified as an O star, but  .       
                       it is almost certainly a massive object. The inner structure of the     .       
                       ejecta of this star is described by Davidson et al (1997 AJ 113, 335).  .       
                       A preliminary set of orbital elements is given by Damineli et al.       .       
                       (1997 NewA 2, 107), who suggest a 5.5-yr orbit with a maximum angular   .       
                       separation of 0".004.  The central object appeared single in our        .       
                       observations. The H component (HDE 303308) was also observed and        .       
                       appeared to be single.                                                  Msn1998a
                       Powell also measured the distance to 10446-5944BSO   4 (1856.012,       Pwl1857 
                       229.57 deg, 294.77; 1860.297, 229.3 deg, 297.8"), but they are not      Pwl1864 
                       physically related so are not merged.                                   .       
                       Powell also measured the distance to 10441-5935HJ 4360C (1860.306,      Pwl1864 
                       312.6 deg, 571.1"), but they are not physically related so are not      .       
                       merged.                                                                 .       
10453-5945 COO 113     Primary is V731 Car, Algol-type eclipsing binary, period 2.29995d.      Zas2013 
                       B is CPD-59@2633.                                                       .       
10453-8028 I   294     del 1 Cha                                                               .       
10454+7550 HJ 5482     BDS 5530, HJ 3329 same star.                                            .       
10454+3831 CHR 191     1983.4277: The AB pair is a new component to the 0".7 pair HO 532.      .       
           HO  532     This new component was actually first resolved in 1983 (McAlister et    .       
                       al (1987), but it was believed at the time that the measurement was of  McA1987b
                       the known pair (the wide component laid outside the processor "window"  .       
                       of our old autocorrelator).  Reprocessing of our archival video data    .       
                       allowed us to resolve both components in the 1983 and 1984 data sets,   .       
                       although both early measurements of the AB pair are quite weak.         .       
10454-4342 HJ 4362     B is CD-43@6533.                                                        .       
10456+6250 STI 714     Rectilinear solution by Friedman et al. (2011).                         USN2011a
10457-1907 LDS4013     NLTT 25279/25280                                                        Chm2004 
10457-5924 HD  93403   The classification is from the UV tomographic analysis of               Pny1996a
                       Penny (1996).                                                           Msn1998a
10458-5929 HJ 4369     B is CPD-58@2685. A is an irregular variable, BO Car. B has a B-V       .       
                       color of 0.16; U-B = -0.21 (Humphreys et al., ApJ 172, 75, 1972)        .       
10459+3041 S   612     42 LMi. B is BD+31@2181.                                                .       
10460-1934 GWP1452     ABL 385.                                                                Tob2012b
10461-5657 HRG 133     B is CPD-56@3776.                                                       .       
10461-5934 HJ 4370     B is CPD-58@2689.                                                       .       
10463-1343 GWP1453     ABL 384.                                                                Tob2012b
10463-4128 TOK 137     HIP 52676. A is exoplanet host, P=13.2d, 46.0d                          Tok2014d
10463-6036 RST4463     A is a spectroscopic binary.                                            .       
10465-6416 FIN 364     AB: Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and             .       
                       spectroscopic masses 7.76 +/- 1.39, 5.61, and 3.71 Msun, respectively.  Mlk2012 
                       AB: Omega for Tokovinin et al. (2015) orbit flipped by 180deg, at       .       
                       request of author.                                                      Tok2015c
10466-5933 HJ 4371     B is CPD-58@2700.                                                       .       
10468-4925 R   155     mu Vel. A is a SB.                                                      .       
10470+1302 STF1472     STTA106.                                                                .       
10470-1241 GWP1454     ABL 390.                                                                Tob2012b
10472+7250 BUP9007     NGC 3348. For the record, measures are:                                 .       
                       10472+7250BUP9007      1888 2000    4  74  72  13.5  13.1 11.2  13.1            
                                         -024-005 +012+005               104710.03+725022.7            
                       10472+7250 1888.38      73.6         13.5                       0.3   1 Enh1906B
                       10472+7250 1910.12      67.8         13.5                       1.0   1 Bu_1913 
                       10472+7250 1999.168     72.8         13.29                      1.3   1 Skf2014b
                       10472+7250 2000.0       71.9         13.13           609  70    0.2   1 Skf2014b
10472+4027 LDS4016     AB: NLTT 25336/25338                                                    Chm2004 
10472-6006 COO 115     B is CPD-59@2700.                                                       .       
10474-1804 GWP1456     ABL 391.                                                                Tob2012b
10474-6555 R   157     Aka HDS1543.                                                            .       
10475-2221 SHY 218     AC: HIP  52787 + HIP  52776.                                            .       
10476+2008 LDS4018     NLTT 25362/25363                                                        Chm2004 
10476-0601 GWP1457     ABL 387.                                                                Tob2012b
10476-1516 STF1474     BC: H 2  74.                                                            MEv2010 
10476-1538 STF1473     B is BD-14@3187.                                                        .       
                       AB: SHY 562. Bayesian analysis by Shaya & Olling (2011) indicates very  Shy2011 
                       high (near 100%) probability pair is physical.                          .       
10477-0748 GWP1458     ABL 388.                                                                Tob2012b
10478-0337 GWP1459     ABL 386.                                                                Tob2012b
10481-0218 OCC1061     Sign error in published WDS designation.                                OCC2012b
10482-1702 GWP1461     ABL 397.                                                                Tob2012b
10482-3956 NHR   2     DENIS-P J104814-395606                                                  .       
                       Conclude secondary is background object.                                Nhr2002c
10483+1006 BPMA 41     AB: [PM2000]  990241 + [PM2000]  990072.                                Gvr2010 
           BPMA 42     BC: [PM2000]  990072 + [PM2000]  989991.                                Gvr2010 
10484+3734 HD  93521   The classification is from Hobbs et al. (1982 ApJ 263, 690). Fullerton  Ful1990 
                       (1990) and Howarth & Reid (1993 A&A 279, 148) describe the striking     .       
                       line profile variations in the spectra apparently due to nonradial      .       
                       pulsations.                                                             Msn1998a
10484-2014 LDS 315     NLTT 25404/25403                                                        Chm2004 
10485-1537 GWP1462     ABL 396.                                                                Tob2012b
10485-2223 RST2710     CPD-21@4800.                                                            .       
10488-0721 GWP1464     ABL 395.                                                                Tob2012b
10489-0102 GWP1465     ABL 393.                                                                Tob2012b
10490-4348 DAW  10     AB = SWR 100. CPM pair                                                  Skf2004 
10491-0058 BVD 147     = GWP1467 = ABL 392.                                                    Tob2012b
10491-0247 GWP1466     ABL 394.                                                                Tob2012b
10492-1823 GWP1468     ABL 398.                                                                Tob2012b
10493-0401 STF1476     40 Sex.                                                                 .       
10493-4652 BRT 790     CPD-46@4866.                                                            .       
10493-5319 LUH  16     WISE J104915.57-531906.1. Nearby (2.0 +/- 0.15pc) high-proper motion    .       
                       (-2759 +/- 6, +354 +/- 6mas/yr) star resolved as 1.5" (3au) binary by   .       
                       Gemini Multi-Object Spectrograph. Primary classified as L8 +/- 1,       .       
                       secondary as late-L/early-T.                                            Luh2013 
                       Based on several spectral indices, Burgasser et al. (2013) determine    .       
                       spectral types L7.5 and T0.5 +/- 1.                                     Bug2013 
                       Boffin et al. (2014) monitored LUH 16 over 2 months, and detected       .       
                       perturbation in the relative orbital motion which led them to suspect   .       
                       a substellar companion around one of the two components.                Bof2014 
                       Kniazev et al. (2013) obtained long-slit spectra and NIR images, and    .       
                       derive spectral types of L8 +/- 1 and T1.5 +/- 2.                       Kni2013 
                       Bedin et al. (2017) derive masses 32 +/- 11 and 27 +/- 10 Mjup for the  .       
                       components of this L7.5+T0.5 brown dwarf pair.                          Bdi2017 
                       Garcia et al. (2017) derive component masses 34.2 +/- 1.2 and           .       
                       27.9 +/- 1.0 Mjup.                                                      GEV2017 
                       Bedin et al. (2024) derive masses 35.4 +/- 0.2 and 29.4 +/- 0.2 Mjup    .       
                       for the components of this brown dwarf system. They also set limits for .       
                       a third body in the system.                                             Bdi2024 
10494+0439 GIC  93     G044-038/G044-037.                                                      .       
10496+1256 STF1477     HJL 131.                                                                HJL1986 
10496-3552 JC   22     B is CD-35@6767.                                                        .       
10498+3533 BEU  14     PM = -640-1018.                                                         .       
                       GJ 1138. This pair has been previously reported as a 300 mas binary     .       
                       (Beuzit et al. 2004). The fact that it looks single in our AstraLux     Beu2004 
                       images despite the excellent quality of those observations implies      .       
                       that it must have undergone substantial orbital motion, bringing it to  .       
                       a much smaller (<100 mas) projected separation in June of 2012.         Jnn2014 
10498-0854 J  2076     Pair is -28s, -1' from BD-08 3018                                       J__1949a
10499-0453 GWP1469     ABL 399.                                                                Tob2012b
10500-1225 GWP1470     ABL 401.                                                                Tob2012b
10503-0854 HJ  838     41 Sex. A is a spectroscopic binary. C is BD-08@3019.                   .       
10503-1625 GWP1471     ABL 402.                                                                Tob2012b
10504-1326 LDS4023     AC: NLTT 25480/25488                                                    Chm2004 
10504-1459 RST3714     FIN 310.                                                                .       
10505+5627 OSO  35     G196-047. Not a common proper motion pair, based on comparison with     .       
                       POSS2 red plates.                                                       Oso2004 
10506-0611 GWP1472     ABL 400.                                                                Tob2012b
10506-4112 CPO 306     Nys calls A CPD-40@4776, and B CPD-40@4775.                             .       
10509+0648 RAO 256     EE Leo.                                                                 .       
10510-5957 HJ 4378     B is CPD-59@2783.                                                       .       
10513+3607 BWL  26     Bowler et al. (2012) estimate the spectral type of the companion at     .       
                       M7 +/- 2. Age of the system is estimated as 25-300 Myr, distance        .       
                       22 +/- 3 pc, projected separation 4.4 +/- 0.6 au.  Masses of the        .       
                       primary and secondary are 0.25 +/- 0.5 Msun and 46 +/- 16 Mjup.         Bwl2012b
                       A comp is GJ 3629, spectral type M3.0Ve, mass 0.3-0.5 Msun. B is M7.5   .       
                       +/- 0.5, mass 41-94 Mjup. Orbital period is estimated at ~30 yr.        Bwl2015 
10514-1329 GWP1475     ABL 403.                                                                Tob2012b
10516-2115 BU 1428     A is the variable V Hya.                                                .       
10519-5859 SNA  20     This object is the O8.5 Iaf spectroscopic standard. The Sb2 status      .       
                       reported by Chini et al. (2012) may rather trace intrinsic variability  Cii2012 
                       due to the string winds of this Iaf supergiant.                         Sna2014 
10520+1606 A  2373     Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and spectroscopic   .       
                       masses of 29.48 +/- 39.87, 5.40, and 1.20 Msun, respectively.           Mlk2012 
10522+4423 DUP   2     Dupuy et al. (2015) resolved this L/T pair and determined it to be a    .       
                       J-band flux reversal binary. Parallax is 38.4 +/- 0.7 mas (distance     .       
                       26.1 +/- 0.5pc); spectral types are L6.5 +/- 1.5 and T1.5 +/- 1.0,      .       
                       masses 49 +/- 3 and 39 +/- 3 Mjup.                                      Dup2015b
10522+0728 STF1482     GIR   5 was incorrected listed as the AC pair at these coordinates.     .       
10524-1924 GWP1477     ABL 407.                                                                Tob2012b
10525+0730 GIR   5     Incorrected listed as the AC pair at the coordinates of STF1482.        .       
10526+0500 A  2773     HIP 53165. See Allen et al. (2000) for information on metallicity,      AlC2000 
                       age, galactic orbital parameters, etc.                                  .       
10526-1807 GWP1479     ABL 406.                                                                Tob2012b
10528-0516 GWP1481     ABL 404.                                                                Tob2012b
10529-1717 HDS1556     Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and spectroscopic   .       
                       masses of 1.26 +/- 0.96, 2.06, and 0.94 Msun, respectively.             Mlk2012 
10530+5742 A  1352     This cannot be the close 5.508-d spectroscopic binary.                  Grf2009c
                       NU UMa, Algol-type eclipsing binary, P = 5.50762 d.                     Zas2011 
10530+0458 TOK 438     Latham (2012, private communication) identified HIP  5212 = HD 94292    .       
                       as SB2 with a period of 8.3yr and a highly eccentric orbit. It is       .       
                       resolved here securely at 50mas.                                        Tok2015c
10531-0311 FIL  27     BAL 214.                                                                .       
10531-1439 GWP1484     ABL 405.                                                                Tob2012b
10531-2038 GJ 9336     Triple with inner SB1 of 6.8 days and outer SB system of estimated      .       
                       3.3 yr period which produces large acceleration. The estimated axis is  .       
                       40 mas, unresolved with speckle.                                        Tok2012a
10532-0905 LDS4030     NLTT 25623/25624                                                        Chm2004 
10532-1519 LDS4031     SKF   7.                                                                .       
10532-3006 SHY 563     HIP  53226 + HIP  53314.                                                .       
10533-1506 LDS4032     = GWP1486 = ABL 410.                                                    Tob2012b
10533-4316 CPO  53     BVD  87.                                                                .       
10533-6207 WFC 110     JAW  19.                                                                .       
10534-0215 S   617     BDS 5610 is probably identical (BDS). B is BD-01@2458.                  Bu_1906 
                       A is a spectroscopic binary.                                            .       
           GC 14969    Hipparcos astrometric solution adopted some elements from the orbit of  HIP1997d
                       Griffin (1980).                                                         Grf1980b
           S   617     HJL 132.                                                                HJL1986 
                       H 5  62.                                                                MEv2010 
10535-2008 BU 1429     b 2 Hya. A is a suspected variable star, CV 101166.                     .       
10535-5851 DUN 102     B is CPD-58@2830.                                                       .       
10536-1111 GWP1487     ABL 409.                                                                Tob2012b
10540-0747 GWP1489     ABL 408.                                                                Tob2012b
10540-1958 GWP1488     ABL 412.                                                                Tob2012b
10543-3325 PRO  96     SWR 102.                                                                .       
10546-1711 GWP1491     ABL 411.                                                                Tob2012b
10546-3845 HJ 4381     B is CD-38@6819.                                                        .       
10550-4215 SCO   1     KQ Vel.                                                                 .       
10554-1023 GWP1495     ABL 417.                                                                Tob2012b
10555-0055 GWP1498     ABL 413.                                                                Tob2012b
10555-0813 GWP1497     ABL 414.                                                                Tob2012b
10555-0917 GWP1496     ABL 416.                                                                Tob2012b
10556+2445 STF1487     54 Leo. B is a spectroscopic binary.                                    .       
                       Measure of 1927.33 made by triangulation of multiple measures.          .       
                       H 3  30.                                                                MEv2010 
10556-1246 GWP1499     ABL 418.                                                                Tob2012b
10557+4246 MTR   1     While the proper motion indicates the pair is optical, spectral typing  Mtr2013 
                       and the distance based on colors is consistent with a physical pair.    .       
                       The optical/physical status of the pair is not certain at this time.    .       
10557+0044 BU 1076     55 Leo. If T is reasonably accurate, the RV run of the primary in       .       
                       1919-30 would fit the visual motion with an ascending node in the third .       
                       quadrant.                                                               .       
10557-4625 CPO 309     CPD-45@5026.                                                            .       
10558-0841 GWP1500     ABL 415.                                                                Tob2012b
10559+2339 POU3092     LDS4038 = LDS6234.                                                      .       
10560-6024 HDS1561     This is the B[e] star GG Car, a supergiant with a rotating disk         IAU2014c
                       structure.                                                              .       
10560-7725 REP  15     Daemen et al derive component properties (units K,Lsun,Myr,Msun,Rsun):  .       
                       A: SpT = M1.5             Teff = 3630 +- 320        L = 0.50  +- 0.09   .       
                          Age =  1.6 +2.3/-0.8   M =    0.42 +0.21/-0.12   R = 1.79  +- 0.16   .       
                       B: SpT = M3               Teff = 3420 +- 250        L = 0.10  +- 0.02   .       
                          Age =  5.8 +10/-2.5    M =    0.29 +0.13/-0.12   R = 0.91  +- 0.07   Dae2013 
10561-2108 S   618     B is BD-20@3300.                                                        .       
10562+4802 ES 2636     B is BD+48@1901. One component is variable.                             .       
10564-5733 HJ 4387     B is CPD-56@4017.                                                       .       
10566+2620 BRT3296     Originally published as BRT 156.                                        Brt1928 
10566+1739 STF1490     BDS 5613 same star.                                                     .       
                       HJL 134.                                                                HJL1986 
                       STF1489.                                                                .       
10567-0542 GWP1501     ABL 420.                                                                Tob2012b
10568-3615 SWR 103     CPM pair                                                                Skf2004 
10570-0051 LDS6235     NLTT 25797/25799                                                        Chm2004 
                       HJL 135.                                                                HJL1986 
10570-7121 HJ 4392     B is CPD-70@1261.                                                       .       
                       SWR 104.                                                                .       
10571-0214 GWP1504     ABL 419.                                                                Tob2012b
10571-6840 RMU   1     AB: Companion is a probable giant planet, mass 5 +/- 2 Mjup, located    .       
                       55.7 +/- 2.5 au from its host star, HD 95086.                           Rmu2013b
                       Galicher et al. (2014) provide a revised L' magnitude difference for    .       
                       the Rameau et al. (2013b) measure of 1/11/2012, obtained by better      Rmu2013b
                       calibration and derivation of the neutral density filter throughput.    Glc2014 
           KOU   2     AC: C component is a background star.                                   Rmu2013a
10576-1735 GWP1507     ABL 425.                                                                Tob2012b
10576-1955 GWP1506     ABL 428.                                                                Tob2012b
10577+1031 BPM 578     [PM2000]  994707 + [PM2000]  994714.                                    Gvr2010 
10578-0107 GWP1509     ABL 421.                                                                Tob2012b
10578-0555 GWP1510     ABL 423.                                                                Tob2012b
10579-1756 GWP1511     ABL 426.                                                                Tob2012b
10581+0634 GIC  94     G045-024/G045-023.                                                      .       
10583-7717 GHE  33     Daemen et al derive component properties (units K,Lsun,Myr,Msun,Rsun):  .       
                       A: SpT = K1               Teff = 5080 +- 490        L = 1.6   +- 0.4    .       
                          Age = 10.  +12/-7      M =    1.4  +- 0.2        R = 1.65  +- 0.16   .       
                       B: SpT = M6               Teff = 2990 +- 320        L = 0.06  +- 0.01   .       
                          Age =  4.2 +5.8/-4.0   M =    0.10 +0.11/-0.07   R = 0.89  +- 0.09   Dae2013 
10585+1711 A  2375     Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and spectroscopic   .       
                       masses of 2.93 +/- 1.76, 2.09, and 0.95 Msun, respectively.             Mlk2012 
10585-1046 LDS4041     NLTT 25870/25869                                                        Chm2004 
                       B is also known as LP 731-76.                                           .       
                       Parallax of A component = 12.17 +/- 0.45 mas.                           .       
                       Parallax of B component = 73.22 +/- 1.69 mas.                           JLB2017 
10585-1450 GWP1513     ABL 424.                                                                Tob2012b
10585-1816 GWP1512     ABL 427.                                                                Tob2012b
10586+0908 STF1497     ARG  73.                                                                .       
10586-0234 GWP1514     ABL 422.                                                                Tob2012b
10590-1555 GWP1515     ABL 429.                                                                Tob2012b
10590-3607 SWR 105     CPM pair                                                                Skf2004 
10594-4308 HJ 4394     B is CD-42@6636.                                                        .       
10595+4026 47 UMa      = Chalawan. Combined solution, based on reduction of Hipparcos          .       
                       intermediate astrometric data together with spectroscopic elements from CPS1996b
                       Butler & Marcy (1996).                                                  HaI2001 
10596+2527 AG  342     NLTT 25925/25926                                                        Chm2004 
10596+1800 HDS1568     Cvetkovic et al. (2016) estimate spectral types K0 and K9, masses 0.90  .       
                       and 0.48 Msun. Dynamical parallax is 29.33 +/- 3.03 mas.                Cve2016b
10598+5854 STF1495     B is BD+59@1339.                                                        .       
                       H 5 111.                                                                MEv2010 
10599-4445 CPO 310     LDS 326.                                                                .       
11001-5149 VIG  13     The C and D components appear to be faint background stars; the         .       
                       optical/physical nature of the E component is undefined.                Vig2012 
11003+4255 KUI  53     A is also a spectroscopic binary with a period of 5244d which is not    Grf2014c
                       either of these visual pairs. With the proper motion similarity of      .       
                       the A and B components this could be a physical quadruple.              .       
                       AB: A is SB1, P=10.812y. CfA: P(Aa,Ab)=5241d = 14.35y                   Tok2014d
           LEP  38     AC: SHY 219. Bayesian analysis by Shaya & Olling (2011) indicates only  Shy2011 
                       ~50% probability pair is physical.                                      .       
11005+1131 BPMA 43     [PM2000]  995938 + [PM2000]  995834.                                    Gvr2010 
11006+3832 ES  304     ALI 1090 is not present                                                 Hei1983a
11006+0337 CHR  33     58 Leo. Also an occultation binary.                                     .       
11006-1819 HJ 1181     A is the semiregular variable R Crt. B is BD-17@3279.                   .       
11007+0606 BU  598     59 Leo.                                                                 .       
11007-5835 BRT3160     Aka JSP 447.                                                            .       
11009-4030 FIN 365     Hipparcos parallax 15.42 +/- 0.42 mas. Dynamical parallax 11.2 mas,     .       
                       masses 1.75 and 1.65 Msun. The latest measure contradicts the first     .       
                       orbit published in Hartkopf et al. (2012), which in fact predicts an    Hrt2012a
                       unrealistically small mass sum. We propose here an alternative orbit    .       
                       with retrograde motion which reproduces the non-resolutions by Finsen   Fin1966a
                       in 1963-1966 and corresponds to a reasonable mass sum. Double lines     .       
                       were noted by Nordstrom et al. (2004). The star appears to be evolved.  Nrd2004 
                       The Hipparcos parallax could be affected by the orbital motion          .       
                       unaccounted for in its data reduction.                                  Tok2012b
11013-7627 BRR   1     Daemen et al derive component properties (units K,Lsun,Myr,Msun,Rsun):  .       
                       A: SpT = M1.5 +- 1        Teff = 3630 +- 150        L = 0.20  +- 0.03   .       
                          Age =  4.4 +5.1/-1.6   M =    0.41 +0.10/-0.06   R = 1.14  +- 0.05   .       
                       B: SpT = M2               Teff = 3560 +- 180        L = 0.22  +- 0.03   .       
                          Age =  3.3 +3.5/-1.0   M =    0.37 +0.13/-0.07   R = 1.24  +- 0.06   Dae2013 
11020+1437 STF1502     HJL 136.                                                                HJL1986 
11020-7131 Hen 3-554   Noted as possible binary (separation > 0".020) by Baines et al. (2006)  Bns2006 
11021+1659 BPM 579     [PM2000]  996665 + [PM2000]  996649.                                    Gvr2010 
11021-1542 H 1  77     H I  77.                                                                .       
11022+0954 STF1503     A is the W UMa-type system AM Leo.                                      .       
11022+0945 HJ  172     HJL 137.                                                                HJL1986 
                       A small relative motion is obtained with uniform accuracy. There is no  .       
                       doubt the pair is physical.                                             Kiy2012 
11022-0335 BRT 548     J 2658.                                                                 .       
11023-6416 KRV  32     Classical Cepheid XY Car.                                               .       
11024-2650 B   208     Too close, with few measures. Needs speckle.                            .       
11026-2400 ALP  16     2MASSW J1102337-235945                                                  .       
                       Further observations are required to determine the physical/optical     .       
                       nature of this pair.                                                    AlP2007 
11026-7729 BRR   2     Daemen et al derive component properties (units K,Lsun,Myr,Msun,Rsun):  .       
                       A: SpT = M3               Teff = 3560 +- 270        L = 0.11  +- 0.03   .       
                          Age =  7.0 +8.0/-3.5   M =    0.37 +- 0.05       R = 0.90  +- 0.03   .       
                       B: SpT = M5               Teff = 3130 +- 270        L = 0.018 +- 0.003  .       
                          Age = 13.  +50/-7      M =    0.13 +0.08/-0.09   R = 0.44  +- 0.04   Dae2013 
11028-0920 LSC 139     AB Crt.                                                                 .       
11028-5944 JSP 455     The primary is variable.                                                .       
11029+3541 HO   47     A,BC: SCH   1.                                                          .       
11030-0323 LDS 330     NLTT 26095/26096                                                        Chm2004 
11031+3215 SEI 522     Neither component seen on POSS plate; may be flaws on AC Potsdam plate  .       
11033+3558 Lal 21185   GJ 411 = Ci 20,604                                                      .       
                       Lippincott (1960) orbit rejected from Fourth Orbit Catalog              Lip1960 
                       ("not confirmed by subsequent observations")                            Wor1983 
                       They investigated the entire 40y plate series on Lalande 21185 and      Hry1982b
                       suggested a companion of, at most, two Jupiter mass and a period of     .       
                       22 years. They state that the 8y period, seen in data prior to 1960,    .       
                       was not seen after that.                                                .       
11035+5432 A  1590     Heintz (1963) determined an orbit from combined visual, spectroscopic,  .       
                       and transit observations.                                               Hei1963a
11037+6145 BU 1077     alp UMa = 50 UMa = Dubhe.                                               .       
                       Soderhjelm (1999) orbit has low incl. fixed at 180 deg; observations    Sod1999 
                       are lacking near periastron. Pair has a giant primary according to      .       
                       isochrone fit.                                                          .       
                       Faint, distant pair at 385", 7.60V. Possible common proper motion       .       
                       with the SB HD 95638 at 280".                                           .       
                       See Baize & Petit (1989) catalog of doubles with variable component.    Baz1989d
                       photocentric (astrometric) orbit based on combination of ground-        Gon2002a
                       based catalogs with Hipparcos.                                          .       
                       Companion could not be seen any more the following years.               VBs1954 
                       Mk III Limb-darkened diameter  7.6   +/- 0.4   mas.                     MkT1988 
                       Mk III Limb-darkened diameter  7.11  +/- 0.10  mas.                     MkT2001 
                       Mk III Limb-darkened diameter  6.739 +/- 0.099 mas.                     MkT2003 
                       NPOI Limb-darkened diameter    6.91  +/- 0.08  mas.                     NOI2001b
                       NPOI Limb-darkened diameter  6.419 +/- 0.041 mas, Sp = G9III,           NOI2018 
                       R =17.03 +/- 0.13 \rsun, Teff = 5012 +/- 65 K, L = 165.1 +/- 8.3 \lsun, .       
                       M = 3.44 +/- 0.11 \msun, Age = 0.28 +/- 0.03 Gyr.                       .       
                       AB: Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical and spectroscopic masses      .       
                       5.56 +/- 0.80 and 2.75 Msun, respectively.                              Mlk2012 
                       Spectroscopic orbital elements have been determined.                    XXX2018e
11037+4420 HJ 2554     Optical pair, based on study of relative motion of the components       .       
                       using the method of apparent motion parameters.                         Kiy2008 
11037+3253 HJ  493     Position by Espin is 1 minute greater in right ascension than John      .       
                       Herschel's. Used Espin position.                                        .       
11037-5121 NSN 289     Ellipsoidal Variable LL Vel.                                            .       
11040+4321 FMR  14     SLW 561.                                                                .       
11042-7627 SDT   1     AB: Companion appears to be co-moving with primary CT Cha. Schmidt et   .       
                       al. (2008) estimate the spectral type of the secondary at M8-L0.; most  Sdt2008b
                       probable mass is 17 +/- 6 Mjup. C component is a background star.       .       
                       Daemen et al derive component properties (units K,Lsun,Myr,Msun,Rsun):  .       
                       A: SpT = K7               Teff = 4060 +- 180        L = 0.67  +- 0.15   .       
                          Age =  3.0 +3.0/-1.5   M =    0.78 +- 0.20       R = 1.66  +- 0.07   Dae2013 
11044-6118 PLT   2     EH Car.                                                                 Plt1934 
11045+3814 HO  377     51 UMa.                                                                 .       
           HZG   8     AC: HJL1060.                                                            HJL1986 
11047-0413 STF1506     A,BC: Star A (mag 7.64, 11", G5) is physical and in slow direct motion  .       
           A   676     BC: Incorrectly listed by Docobo (1984) as STF1514 (erratum noted in    Doc1984b
                       Inf. Circ. 93, 1984)                                                    .       
                       BC. Eggen's (1967) orbit for this pair of 11th magnitude M dwarfs       Egg1967 
                       predicts a separation of 0".20 and a position angle of 86deg at this    .       
                       epoch.  Our measurement is in poor agreement with this prediction.      Hrt1992b
                       BC: Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and             .       
                       spectroscopic masses 1.36 +/- 0.38, 1.19, and 0.91 Msun, respectively.  Mlk2012 
           LAF  43     Heinze et al. (2010) determine the E component is a background object.  Hze2010 
11049+0634 GIC  95     G045-031/G045-032.                                                      .       
11049-6103 DUN 105     The classification of the B component is from Lindroos (1985),          Lnd1985 
                       who finds a distance of 3.5 kpc.                                        Msn1998a
11050+0720 KUI  54     chi Leo = 63 Leo                                                        .       
11052-7711 LAF   3     Daemen et al derive component properties (units K,Lsun,Myr,Msun,Rsun):  .       
                       A: SpT = M4               Teff = 3270 +- 110        L = 0.10  +- 0.02   .       
                          Age =  4.2 +- 1.0      M =    0.22 +0.07/-0.05   R = 1.00  +- 0.03   .       
                       B: SpT = M3 +- 1          Teff = 3420 +- 150        L = 0.11  +- 0.02   .       
                          Age =  5.2 +5.0/-0.7   M =    0.30 +- 0.08       R = 0.95  +- 0.04   .       
                       The primary may be an SB2.                                              Dae2013 
11053+8102 GIC  96     LDS5203 = G253-042/G253-043.                                            .       
                       NLTT 26133/26138                                                        Chm2004 
11053-2718 FIN  47     chi 1 Hya.                                                              .       
                       Masses and bolometric magnitudes are derived for the two components of  Msn1999a
                       this system by Mason et al. (1999), based on assumed spectral types     .       
                       and available parallaxes.                                               .       
                       Hipparcos astrometric solution adopted some elements from the orbit of  HIP1997d
                       van den Bos (1957).                                                     B__1957a
                       A new orbital analysis of this system is in progress, some three        .       
                       decades after  van den Bos published his solution.                      Hrt1996b
                       AB: Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and             .       
                       spectroscopic masses 3.79 +/- 0.19, 2.70, and 1.41 Msun, respectively.  Mlk2012 
11055+4332 VBS  18     Proper motion -4405 +940. The companion is WX UMa.                      .       
                       NLTT 26245/26247                                                        Chm2004 
                       CHARA Array Limb-darkened diameter of A :                               CIA2012f
                       R =  0.3982 +/- 0.0091 \rsun, L =  0.02129 +/-0.00026 \lsun,            .       
                       Teff = 3497 +/-  39 K, M = 0.403 \msun.                                 .       
11056-1105 TOK 221     Astrometric binary; dm 5.4 mag, period ~ 30y Orbit (Gontcharov et al.   .       
                       2000)                                                                   Tok2012b
11057-7727 AHM   1     CHXR 15. Primary spectral type M5.25. Estimated mass ratio 0.64         Ahm2007 
                       Daemen et al derive component properties (units K,Lsun,Myr,Msun,Rsun):  .       
                       A: SpT = M5 +- 1          Teff = 3130 +- 140        L = 0.06  +- 0.01   .       
                          Age =  4.5 +2.5/-0.9   M =    0.16 +- 0.05       R = 0.87  +- 0.04   .       
                       B: SpT = M5               Teff = 3130 +- 170        L = 0.04  +- 0.01   .       
                          Age =  6.0 +6.0/-2.0   M =    0.14 +- 0.06       R = 0.71  +- 0.04   Dae2013 
11058+7440 MLR 423     Also known as TDS 616.                                                  .       
11059-3411 BRT1668     A likely plate flaw.                                                    Grv2021b
11061+7837 LDS1726     NLTT 26189/26190                                                        Chm2004 
11061+4253 GIC  97     AB: NLTT 26262/26264                                                    Chm2004 
11061+1325 BRT1271     Declination corrected by Heintz.                                        Hei1980a
11061+0702 STF1507     HJL 138.                                                                HJL1986 
                       H 2  78.                                                                MEv2010 
11063+3113 OSO  36     G120-015. AC is not a common proper motion pair, based on comparison    .       
                       with POSS2 red plates.                                                  Oso2004 
11065-1325 STF1509     B is BD-12@3347.                                                        .       
11065-5841 HDO 210     A is variable.                                                          .       
11065-7738 LUH  17     The primary is the young low-mass star CHXR 73 (mass ~0.35 Msun).       .       
                       Luhman et al. (2006) conclude that the companion is also a member of    .       
                       Chamaelon I, and a young pre-main sequence star, spectral type >M9.5,   .       
                       mass 0.012 +0.008/-0.005 Msun.                                          Luh2006c
                       Daemen et al derive component properties (units K,Lsun,Myr,Msun,Rsun):  .       
                       A: SpT = M2.5             Teff = 3490 +- 180        L = 0.09  +- 0.07   .       
                          Age =  8.  +70/-5      M =    0.32 +- 0.11       R = 0.83  +- 0.04   Dae2013 
11069+0157 BU  599     65 Leo.                                                                 .       
11069-4629 BRT 795     A likely plate flaw.                                                    Grv2021b
11072+5711 HJ 2556     Position correction by Heintz.                                          Hei1983a
11072+3204 SEI 523     ID uncertain - no sign of SEI pair, and ALADIN only indicates one       .       
                       Astrographic Catalog star in vicinity of Scheiner's coordinates.        .       
11072-5952 SNA  21     The new companion can hardly be the SB1 companion (P=5.5d) from         Stc2001 
                       Stickland & Lloyd (2001).                                               Sna2014 
                       The classification and SB1 orbit are from Garcia (1994 ApJ 436, 705).   Msn1998a
11073+2832 HJ 1185     C is a faint nebula (NGC 3527). Distance 259.4".                        .       
11073-4238 HJ 4409     The variable V815 Cen.                                                  .       
11073-7738 REP  17     DI Cha, a quadruple in a star-forming region in Chamaelon. Schmidt et   .       
                       al. (2013) resolve the primary into a 0.2" G2/M6 pair, with estimated   .       
                       orbital period of 130y. The B component is a 50mas pair of M5.5 +/-     .       
                       1.5 dwarfs, with estimated period 65y.                                  Sdt2013 
                       Daemen et al derive component properties (units K,Lsun,Myr,Msun,Rsun):  .       
                       A: SpT = G0               Teff = 6030 +- 290        L = 4.7   +- 1.0    .       
                          Age =  7.1 +3.0/-0.7   M =    1.7  +- 0.2        R = 2.00  +- 0.10   .       
                       B: SpT = M5               Teff = 3130 +- 290        L = 0.11  +- 0.02   .       
                          Age =  3.0 +3.0/-2.8   M =    0.18 +0.06/-0.08   R = 1.13  +- 0.11   Dae2013 
11074-1522 TOK 139     HIP 54366. A is SB1, P=1061d, N04: dRV= 1.6.                            Tok2014d
11074-4815 CPO 316     B is CD-47@6520.                                                        .       
11075-7651 REP  19     Aa,Ab: VV Cha. Imprecise coordinates led to REP 19 and KSA 42 being     .       
                       Daemen et al derive component properties (units K,Lsun,Myr,Msun,Rsun):  .       
                       Aa: SpT = M1.5            Teff = 3630 +- 180        L = 0.14  +- 0.03   .       
                           Age =  7.0 +9.0/-3.0  M =    0.40 +0.14/-0.06   R = 0.96  +- 0.05   .       
                       Ab: SpT = M3 +- 1         Teff = 3420 +- 150        L = 0.09  +- 0.02   .       
                           Age =  6.4 +4.7/-2.2  M =    0.29 +- 0.07       R = 0.87  +- 0.04   Dae2013 
           KSA  42     initially catalogued as separate pairs. Although REP 19 was added to    .       
                       the WDS before KSA 42, its WDS designation was less accurate, so was    .       
                       changed from 11072-7651.                                                .       
11076+2346 BRT3297     Originally published as BRT 159.                                        Brt1928 
11077+5958 PRB   3     Primary is WD 1104+60 = NLTT 26342, secondary is LP 93-311. Possible    .       
                       CPM pair, according to Probst (1983).                                   Prb1983 
11077-7734 AHM   2     Cha Ha 2. Primary spectral type M5.25. Estimated mass ratio 0.94        Ahm2007 
11079-7727 AGE   3     Daemen et al derive component properties (units K,Lsun,Myr,Msun,Rsun):  .       
                       A: SpT = K7               Teff = 4060 +- 290        L = 1.2   +- 0.3    .       
                          Age =  1.3 +2.5/-0.5   M =    0.75 +- 0.25       R = 2.21  +- 0.16   .       
                       B: SpT = M2.5             Teff = 3490 +- 110        L = 0.42  +- 0.09   .       
                          Age =  1.6 +- 0.4      M =    0.36 +- 0.04       R = 1.78  +- 0.06   .       
                       The B component may be an SB1.                                          Dae2013 
11080+4100 LDS4062     NLTT 26367/26368                                                        Chm2004 
11080-0509 LDS 852     LDS6239.                                                                .       
                       G163-51 / G163-50.  Secondary is white dwarf WD 1105-048.               Far2005b
11080-7739 GHE  34     The primary is Sz 22, embedded in a circumstellar disk or reflection    .       
                       nebula. Schmidt et al. (2014) resolve the A component into a 0.5"       .       
                       pair; the Ab component is a co-moving M4.5 +/- 1.5 dwarf.               Sdt2013 
           LAF   8     BC: Daemen et al. (2013) derive the following component properties      .       
                       (units are K,Lsun,Myr,Msun,Rsun):                                       .       
                       B: SpT = M0.5             Teff = 3780 +- 400        L = 0.50  +- 0.09   .       
                          Age =  2.0 +8/-1.1     M =    0.52 +0.38/-0.19   R = 0.47  +- 0.05   .       
                       C: SpT = M0.5             Teff = 3780 +- 400        L = 0.090 +- 0.006  .       
                          Age > 23.              M =    0.50 +- 0.2        R = 0.70  +- 0.07   Dae2013 
11080-7742 GHE  35     Daemen et al derive component properties (units K,Lsun,Myr,Msun,Rsun):  .       
                       A: SpT = K7               Teff = 4060 +- 460        L = 1.6   +- 0.3    .       
                          Age =  1.0 +3.0/-0.7   M =    0.75 +0.50/-0.35   R = 2.55  +- 0.29   .       
                       B: SpT = M0 +- 1.5        Teff = 3850 +- 290        L = 0.76  +- 0.10   .       
                          Age =  1.5 +2.5/-0.6   M =    0.57 +0.28/-0.19   R = 1.97  +- 0.15   .       
                       The primary may be an SB2.                                              Dae2013 
11083-7734 GHE  27     IRAS 11068-7717 = PDS 47 = Glass I.                                     Gre1992 
                       CHXR 32 is a triple system, consisting of a single G5 star with an      .       
                       edge-on disk, and a co-moving pair of M1/M3.5 dwarfs.                   Sdt2013 
                       Daemen et al derive component properties (units K,Lsun,Myr,Msun,Rsun):  .       
                       A: SpT < M3                                                             .       
                       B: SpT = M0.5             Teff = 3780 +- 210        L = 0.57  +- 0.13   .       
                          Age =  1.8 +2.2/-0.7   M =    0.52 +0.18/-0.14   R = 1.77  +- 0.10   Dae2013 
11084+0313 H 5  68     H V 68. B is BD+03@2462.                                                .       
11084-7742 NHR   6     Primary is Cha Halpha 5, a close (50mas) pair of M5-M7 dwarfs, with an  .       
                       estimated orbital period of 46y.                                        Sdt2013 
11085-2939 CVR1742     Aka TOI1027.                                                            .       
11087-2805 VSP  28     10 Crt.                                                                 .       
11087-5037 CPO 318     TDS7696.                                                                .       
11088+2610 LDS4064     AB: NLTT 26415/26414                                                    Chm2004 
11088+2440 A   677     67 Leo.                                                                 .       
11088-7519 KOH  89     PU Car.                                                                 .       
11092-1851 B  2007     Difficult pair; measures puzzling.                                      B__1963b
11092-3002 WBB   2     This previously known binary (e.g. Webb et al. 1999) is part of the     Wbb1999 
                       TW Hya association, and is also known as TWA 2.                         Jnn2012 
11092-7729 REP  20     Daemen et al derive component properties (units K,Lsun,Myr,Msun,Rsun):  .       
                       A: SpT = M2.5 +- 0.5      Teff = 3490 +-  70        L = 0.25  +- 0.05   .       
                          Age =  2.7 +0.7/-0.5   M =    0.36 +- 0.05       R = 1.37  +- 0.03   .       
                       B: SpT = M2 +- 0.5        Teff = 3560 +-  70        L = 0.20  +- 0.04   .       
                          Age =  4.0 +1.3/-1.0   M =    0.38 +- 0.05       R = 1.17  +- 0.02   .       
                       C: SpT = M2.5 +- 0.5      Teff = 3490 +-  70        L = 0.14  +- 0.03   .       
                          Age =  4.7 +2.3/-1.2   M =    0.34 +- 0.05       R = 1.04  +- 0.02   .       
                       The B component is an SB1.                                              Dae2013 
11093-7630 BRR   3     Daemen et al derive component properties (units K,Lsun,Myr,Msun,Rsun):  .       
                       Aa: SpT = M2 +- 1         Teff = 3560 +- 150        L = 0.36  +- 0.07   .       
                           Age =  2.0 +1.0/-0.5  M =    0.38 +0.10/-0.05   R = 1.57  +- 0.07   .       
                       Ab: SpT = M4              Teff = 3270 +- 110        L = 0.035 +- 0.007  .       
                           Age = 12.  +8.0/-5.5  M =    0.19 +0.14/-0.04   R = 0.59  +- 0.02   Dae2013 
11095+8306 STF1499     LDS1728.                                                                .       
                       HJL 139.                                                                HJL1986 
11095-2559 LDS4067     CPM. B is white dwarf WD1107-257                                        Tok2014d
11097-5850 KRV   2     Classical Cepheid ER Car.                                               .       
11098+6320 H 4 106     H IV 106. Also known as STF1513.                                        .       
11098-7637 GHE  28     Daemen et al derive component properties (units K,Lsun,Myr,Msun,Rsun):  .       
                       A: SpT = B9               Teff =10500                                   .       
                       B: SpT = M3.5 +- 0.5      Teff = 3340 +-  70        L = 0.11  +- 0.08   .       
                          Age =  4.5 +15/-1.9    M =    0.26 +- 0.07       R = 0.99  +- 0.02   Dae2013 
11098-7731 PSI   3     Perci et al. (2005) found [KG2001] 102 to consist of 4 components,      Psi2005 
                       all within a 2" region. The A component is determined to be             .       
                       substellar, with a mass of 33-55 Mjup at a distance of 160 pc. The C    .       
                       and D components are believed to be physical companions, but the B      .       
                       component, of spectral type K7V, is probably a background star at a     .       
                       distance of about 550 pc. Nearby star "Anon1" was also found to be      .       
                       double.                                                                 .       
11098-7738 GHE  29     Daemen et al derive component properties (units K,Lsun,Myr,Msun,Rsun):  .       
                       A: SpT = M1               Teff = 3710 +- 200        L = 0.81  +- 0.15   .       
                          Age =  1.1 +0.6/-0.3   M =    0.49 +- 0.12       R = 2.18  +- 0.12   .       
                       B: SpT = M5               Teff = 3130 +- 210        L = 0.10  +- 0.02   .       
                          Age =  3.3 +2.7/-2.9   M =    0.18 +0.05/-0.06   R = 1.08  +- 0.07   Dae2013 
11099+1456 BPMA 44     [PM2000] 1000317 + [PM2000] 1000217.                                    Gvr2010 
11099+1107 FYM  37     AB and AC were initially incorrectly assigned to 11091+1105 HJ 176.     FyM2014b
11099-7629 LAF  11     Daemen et al derive component properties (units K,Lsun,Myr,Msun,Rsun):  .       
                       Aa: SpT = M3.5            Teff = 3340 +- 290        L = 0.29  +- 0.06   .       
                           Age =  1.8 +1.2/-1.6  M =    0.30 +0.11/-0.10   R = 1.62  +- 0.13   .       
                       Ab: SpT = M7              Teff = 2880 +- 360        L = 0.05  +- 0.01   .       
                           Age =  4.0 +4.0/-3.9  M =    0.08 +0.12/-0.07   R = 0.91  +- 0.11   Dae2013 
11100+1237 LDS6240     NLTT 26471/26477                                                        Chm2004 
11100-7635 GVT   4     WW Cha.                                                                 .       
11103+3840 HJ 2561     A measure by Schembor (1926.08, 172.6@, 23.24") appears instead to be   Sch1927a
                       an additional measure of 11221+3705 STF1533A,BC.                        .       
11105-3732 REP  21     IRAS 11080-3715 = PDS 50 = TWA 3.                                       Gre1992 
                       This previously known binary (e.g. Brandeker et al. 2003) is part of    Bnk2003 
                       the TW Hya association, and is also known as TWA 3.                     Jnn2012 
                       Rectilinear solution by Miles & Mason (2016)                            Msn2016b
                       and Mason et al. (2018).                                                Msn2018a
11106-7733 GHE  36     Daemen et al derive component properties (units K,Lsun,Myr,Msun,Rsun):  .       
                       Aa: SpT = K5.5            Teff = 4210 +- 390        L = 0.72  +- 0.14   .       
                           Age =  4.5 +9.5/-3.1  M =    0.95 +0.20/-0.42   R = 1.60  +- 0.15   .       
                       Ab: SpT = K7              Teff = 4060 +- 210        L = 0.47  +- 0.09   .       
                           Age =  5.5 +6.5/-3.0  M =    0.80 +0.20/-0.22   R = 1.39  +- 0.07   .       
                       The pair is also an SB2.                                                Dae2013 
11107+3110 HJ 2562     A premature orbit has been calculated.                                  B__1963b
11107-6023 SNA  22     Aa,Ab: The central object was reported as possible SB1 (Thackeray et    .       
                       al. 1973, MmRAS 77, 199; Chini et al. 2012) but without more            Cii2012 
                       information on the spectroscopic period                                 .       
                       one cannot decide whether the spectroscopic and PIONIER companions      .       
                       are identical. The separation and magnitude difference make this a      .       
                       plausible option, however.                                              Sna2014 
11109-7646 AHM   3     Hn 13. Primary spectral type M5.75. Estimated mass ratio 0.95           Ahm2007 
11110+0625 OSO  37     G010-004. Not a common proper motion pair, based on comparison with     .       
                       POSS2 red plates.                                                       Oso2004 
11111+3027 STT 231     Mt. Wilson spectral types M1, M2, G5.                                   .       
                       AB: NLTT 26534/26531                                                    Chm2004 
                       Pair was listed, but in a "rejected" list, not part of discoverer's     .       
                       regular numbering sequence.                                             .       
                       AB Hyperbolic orbit by Hopmann (1960). e = 575.                         Hop1960b
                       sigma = areal constant in the true orbit = 3.75 arcsec^2/yr             .       
                       q = periastron distance in the true orbit = 33".73                      .       
                       All hyperbolic orbits rejected from Fourth Orbit Catalog                Wor1983 
                       AC: Optical pair, based on study of relative motion of the components   .       
                       using the method of apparent motion parameters.                         Kiy2008 
11113+6601 S   621     STTA107.                                                                .       
                       AB and AC: Optical pairs, based on study of relative motion of the      .       
                       components using the method of apparent motion parameters.              Kiy2008 
11114+4325 KUI  55     NLTT 26552/26553                                                        Chm2004 
11115+2518 LDS4071     NLTT 26562/26559                                                        Chm2004 
11115+1520 BPM 580     [PM2000] 1001018 + [PM2000] 1001022.                                    Gvr2010 
11116-1459 LTT 4120    Hipparcos astrometric solution assumed circular orbit (e = omega = 0)   HIP1997d
11117+3441 KZA  10     No object at precise coordinates of A component down to >20th mag,      .       
                       although Kazeza's AB and AC measures from that location do point to     .       
                       stars of appropriate magnitudes. Conclude A component is probably       .       
                       plate flaw. CB measure calculated from Kazeza's AB and AC measures.     Kza1984 
11118+4250 ENG  45     AB: NLTT 26576/26564                                                    Chm2004 
                       AB: HJL 140.                                                            HJL1986 
                       AB: SHY 221. Bayesian analysis by Shaya & Olling (2011) indicates very  Shy2011 
                       high (near 100%) probability pair is physical.                          .       
                       AB: A is possibly astrometric binary.                                   Tok2014d
11118-3045 BRT2985     SWR 108.                                                                .       
11118-6042 B  1182     The star belongs to a group behind Tr 18 (Vazquez & Feinstein 1990      .       
                       A&AS 86, 209) at a distance of 2.8 kpc; we designate this as "Tr 18B"   .       
                       in Table 1.                                                             Msn1998a
11118-7620 LAF  14     B is a background star unrelated to A, a young Cha I object.            Laf2008 
11119-7620 LAF  15     Daemen et al derive component properties (units K,Lsun,Myr,Msun,Rsun):  .       
                       A: SpT = M2.5             Teff = 3490 +- 110        L = 0.20  +- 0.04   .       
                          Age =  3.4 +1.2/-0.8   M =    0.34 +- 0.06       R = 1.22  +- 0.04   .       
                       B: SpT = M3.5             Teff = 3340 +- 110        L = 0.15  +- 0.03   .       
                          Age =  3.4 +1.2/-0.6   M =    0.27 +- 0.06       R = 1.15  +- 0.04   Dae2013 
11121-7126 B  2273     A may be variable.                                                      .       
11124-7637 REP  22     Daemen et al derive component properties (units K,Lsun,Myr,Msun,Rsun):  .       
                       A: SpT = K7 +- 3          Teff = 4060 +- 590        L = 0.76  +- 0.17   .       
                          Age =  2.5 +13/-1.7    M =    0.78 +- 0.40       R = 1.77  +- 0.26   .       
                       B: SpT = M2.5 +- 1.5      Teff = 3490 +- 220        L = 0.10  +- 0.02   .       
                          Age =  7.2 +12/-3.4    M =    0.32 +0.12/-0.09   R = 0.85  +- 0.05   Dae2013 
11125+3549 STTA108     AB and AC: Optical pairs, based on study of relative motion of the      .       
                       components using the method of apparent motion parameters.              Kiy2008 
                       Primary is MN UMa, variable of BY Dra type.                             Tok2014d
           KIR   3     AE. Data from 2MASS. Kirkpatrick et al. (2001) derive spectral types    Kir2001a
                       G0V and L4.5V, determine is physical pair, separation ~2000 au.         .       
           STTA108     BD: Distances are 2083.6" in 1825, 2094.6" in 1910. D is BD+36@2170.    .       
           BOY   5     Ea,Eb: Originally listed as separate pair WDS 11124+3548, before        .       
                       association with  WDS 11125+3549 recognized.                            .       
                       Dupuy et al. (2014) find a total mass 0.095 +/- 0.003 Msun (99 +/- 3    .       
                       Mjup), log age 8.87 +/- 0.08. Spectral types are L4.5 and L6.           Dup2014 
11125-1830 BU  220     psi Crt.                                                                .       
                       Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and spectroscopic   .       
                       masses of 10.78 +/- 6.79, 4.90, and 2.19 Msun, respectively.            Mlk2012 
11125-4905 CPO 319     CPD-48@3801.                                                            .       
11127-7722 WOI   1     Daemen et al derive component properties (units K,Lsun,Myr,Msun,Rsun):  .       
                       A: SpT = G8 +- 3          Teff = 5507 +- 440        L = 2.0   +- 0.4    .       
                          Age = 16.  +30/-10     M =    1.3  +- 0.2        R = 1.52  +- 0.12   .       
                       B: SpT = K7 +- 1.5        Teff = 4060 +- 310        L = 0.35  +- 0.08   .       
                          Age =  9.0 +16/-6.5    M =    0.80 +0.15/-0.3    R = 1.20  +- 0.09   Dae2013 
           LAF  16     AC: C is a background star unrelated to the close AB pair.              Laf2008 
11128+0453 J  1011     Despite having an orbit, an optical pair based on parallax and proper   Mlk2022 
                       motion.                                                                 Izm2019 
11128-6410 HJ 4415     Optical pair, based on study of relative motion of the components       .       
                       using the method of apparent motion parameters.                         Kiy2008 
11131+4011 HJ  494     Same as STF1515.                                                        .       
11135-5526 HJ 4417     B is CPD-54@4398.                                                       .       
11136+5525 A  1353     Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and spectroscopic   .       
                       masses of 2.68 +/- 1.12, 2.70, and 1.20 Msun, respectively.             Mlk2012 
11137+2506 SHY 567     HIP  54845 + HIP  54217.                                                .       
11137+2008 STF1517     Alternate spectral types G5III, G7IV. Slightly variable.                .       
                       See Baize & Petit (1989) catalog of doubles with variable component.    Baz1989d
                       Hopmann orbit rejected from Fourth Orbit Catalog                        Hop1970 
                       ("period over 4000 years")                                              Wor1983 
           BU 1431     AB,C: Optical pair, based on study of relative motion of the            .       
                       components using the method of apparent motion parameters.              Kiy2008 
11140-1904 LDS4073     NLTT 26694/26692                                                        Chm2004 
11141+2031 STT 573     AB: del Leo = 68 Leo = Zosma. Variable? Smyth's quoted separations for  Smy1844 
                       both AB and AC are differences in RA only.                              .       
11144-2245 LDS 341     NLTT 26721/26720                                                        Chm2004 
11144-7733 BRR   4     Daemen et al derive component properties (units K,Lsun,Myr,Msun,Rsun):  .       
                       A: SpT = M3.5             Teff = 3340 +- 110        L = 0.11  +- 0.02   .       
                          Age =  4.5 +2.0/-1.0   M =    0.26 +- 0.05       R = 0.99  +- 0.03   .       
                       B: SpT = M6.5             Teff = 2940 +- 200        L = 0.030 +- 0.006  .       
                          Age =  5.5 +4.5/-1.5   M =    0.08 +0.10/-0.05   R = 0.66  +- 0.04   Dae2013 
11145+1823 LDS4074     NLTT 26709/26710                                                        Chm2004 
11145+0516 STF1518     J 1012.                                                                 .       
11148+2257 POU3098     ELS 3 is identical                                                      Hei1983a
11148-7734 LAF  19     Daemen et al derive component properties (units K,Lsun,Myr,Msun,Rsun):  .       
                       A: SpT = M2 +- 1          Teff = 3560 +- 150        L = 0.19  +- 0.04   .       
                          Age =  4.0 +4.0/-1.3   M =    0.37 +0.10/-0.05   R = 1.15  +- 0.05   .       
                       B: SpT = M4               Teff = 3270 +- 150        L = 0.05  +- 0.01   .       
                          Age =  8.0 +7.0/-3.2   M =    0.20 +0.07/-0.05   R = 0.71  +- 0.03   Dae2013 
11150+1607 DEA  75     NLTT 26746 + 2MASS J11150150+1607026. Baron et al. (2015) estimate      .       
                       spectral types M4.0 +/- 0.5 and L5 +/- 1, distances 36 +22/-14 and      .       
                       37 +3/-35 pc, masses 0.207-0.272 and 0.056-0.073 Msun.                  BFr2015 
11150-5420 BRT2062     CD-53@3941.                                                             .       
11151+3735 CHR 192     1987.2666: CHR 192Aa,Ab is a new component to the 0".6 pair STT 232,    .       
           STT 232     discovered by Otto Struve in 1843. Reprocessing of archival data        .       
                       (whose 1987 and 1988 measurements for the wide pair were originally     .       
                       published in McAlister et al. 1989) has allowed us to confirm this      McA1989 
                       discovery and also to note that the system appears to be accelerating   .       
                       toward periastron.                                                      .       
11151-3929 SEE 128     Direct motion.                                                          .       
11151-6116 B  1184     AE and AF pairs erroneously designated I  1132.                         .       
11152+7329 STF1516     AB: Optical pair, based on study of relative motion of the components   .       
                       using the method of apparent motion parameters.                         Kiy2008 
           STT 539     AC: NLTT 26722/26719                                                    Chm2004 
           HDS1603     BD: BD+74  456a.                                                        .       
           STT 539     BC: Rectilinear solution by Friedman et al. (2012).                     USN2012a
11153-0132 LDS4076     NLTT 26765/26766                                                        Chm2004 
11154-1807 LDS 342     B is BD-17@3337.                                                        .       
11154-5249 HD 97961    Hipparcos astrometric solution assumed circular orbit (e = omega = 0)   HIP1997d
11157+4551 STTA109     B is BD+46@1707.                                                        .       
11157-1621 SHJ 372     B is BD-15@3226.                                                        .       
                       H N 104.                                                                MEv2010 
11159+1318 MCA  35     73 Leo. A spectroscopic binary now resolved by speckle interferometry.  .       
                       1985.1123, 1985.2053: This system has been observed at the limit of     .       
                       resolution of a 2-m telescope, so delta m is probably < 1.              Bnu1986 
                       Values of P, T, e, and omega for the Ren & Fu (2007) orbit are adopted  RSl2007 
                       from the orbit of Mason et al. (1997). Their derived masses for the     Msn1997b
                       primary and secondary are 1.81 +/- 0.49 and 1.54 +/- 0.42 Msun,         .       
                       respectively.  The authors note that these masses are less than the     .       
                       ones predicted by either the Mason et al. or Mante (2002) solutions,    Mnt2002a
                       but that their secondary mass is in reasonable agreement with the       .       
                       value expected for an F1 main-sequence star.                            .       
                       Martin et al. (1998) derive component masses 2.624 +/- 1.197 and        .       
                       2.315 +/- 1.075 Msun.                                                   Mig1998 
                       Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical and spectroscopic masses          .       
                       2.49 +/- 0.65 and 2.40 Msun, respectively.                              Mlk2012 
11159+0205 NLTT 26792  Ren & Fu (2013) calculated an astrometric orbit, combining Hipparcos    .       
                       Intermediate Astrometric Data with spectroscopic elements by            .       
                       Carney et al. (2001) They derived component masses 1.18 and 0.60 Msun   Crn2001 
                       and an estimated semimajor axis of 16.36 mas.                           Ren2013 
11161+5246 STF1520     HJL 142.                                                                HJL1986 
                       H N  68.                                                                MEv2010 
                       GJ 421.1                                                                Tok2014d
11165+6913 SHY 569     HIP  55076 + HIP  58483.                                                .       
11165+2627 BUP 137     B is BD+27@2000.                                                        .       
11166-5215 RST9002     Previously known as RST2737a.                                           .       
11167-0339 SHJ 121     74 Leo = phi Leo. B is BD-02@3314.                                      .       
                       Optical pair, based on study of relative motion of the components       .       
                       using the method of apparent motion parameters.                         Kiy2008 
                       H 6  79.                                                                MEv2010 
11170-0708 BU  600     A is an Alpha CVn-type variable, SV Crt., and a spectroscopic binary.   .       
                       AC: H N  26.                                                            MEv2010 
11172-0153 EPI   1     EPIC 201338508 = K2-5. Primary is host star to two planets; planet      .       
                       periods 5.73 and 10.93d, radii 1.92 Rearth, a 0.05 and 0.08 au.         Mtt2015b
11173-6749 DON 471     A is variable.                                                          .       
11175-5906 R   163     Spectrum B9.5/A0III.                                                    .       
11177-2705 RST1572     TDS7778.                                                                .       
11179-4034 I  1538     Measures uncertain.                                                     .       
11182+3132 STF1523     xi UMa = 53 UMa = Alula Australis. A is known to have an unseen         .       
                       companion, P = 1.83y. B is a spectroscopic binary. The first binary     .       
                       star orbit was computed by Savary, a "librarian-observer" at Paris      Sav1830 
                       Observatory giving courses in "social arithmetic," i.e., statistics.    .       
                       Spectral types and masses of components assigned by ten Brummelaar et   .       
                       al., based on adaptive optics observations.                             TtB2000 
                       Preliminary Keplerian AB 2-orbit model by Soderhjelm (1999) gives       Sod1999 
                       good solution (failure in HIP).                                         .       
                       Many-body perturbations observable but not yet studied. Cf. Aa,Bb       .       
                       analysis in Mason et al. (1995)                                         Msn1995 
                       Both orbits are visual and spectroscopic. The orbit of the visible      .       
                       AB pair includes the secular perturbations in inclination, node,        .       
                       longitude of periastron, and K. Star B is also SB1, P = 3.98 d.         .       
                       The short-period pair has been resolved by infrared speckle             .       
                       interferometry                                                          Mcy1983 
                       See Baize & Petit (1989) catalog of doubles with variable component.    Baz1989d
                       HR 4375 (A component of STF1523) was misidentified as HR 4374 (B        .       
                       component) in McAlister (1978).                                         McA1978c
                       An orbital analysis of xi UMa, including the AB pair, the astrometric   .       
                       companion, and the newly-discovered Bc companion, has been published    .       
                       by Mason et al. (1995).                                                 Msn1995 
                       AB: H 1   2.                                                            MEv2010 
           CHR 178     Bb. Abt & Biggs (1972) note variable RV.                                AbH1972 
                       Given the typical lack of accuracy associated with astrometric orbits   Tok2010b
                       it is possible that in the doubling of peaks CHR 178 is actually the    .       
                       known Aa,Ab observing when the faint Ab was flaring. In this            .       
                       interpretation, the second elongated observation of CHR 178 is assumed  .       
                       to be false.                                                            .       
           WTE   1     AD: Faint T8.5 brown dwarf companion at separation ~4000au exhibits     .       
                       common proper motion. IR luminosity and color suggest that mass of      .       
                       companion 14 and 38 Mjup for system ages 2 and 8 Gyr, respectively.     WtE2013 
11183+0746 HEG   1     This  is evidently a lensed quasar and not a double star, or at the     .       
                       very least with a Z of 1.7, is not a galactic double star.              .       
11184-7622 BRR   5     Daemen et al derive component properties (units K,Lsun,Myr,Msun,Rsun):  .       
                       A: SpT = M0 +- 1          Teff = 3850 +- 180        L = 0.44  +- 0.10   .       
                          Age =  3.0 +4.0/-1.4   M =    0.58 +0.20/-0.13   R = 1.50  +- 0.07   .       
                       B: SpT = M1               Teff = 3710 +- 110        L = 0.12  +- 0.02   .       
                          Age = 12.  +17/-7      M =    0.46 +0.10/-0.18   R = 0.83  +- 0.02   Dae2013 
11185+3306 STF1524     nu UMa = 54 UMa = Alula Borealis                                        .       
                       Mk III Limd-darkened diameter  4.71  +/- 0.07  mas.                     MkT2001 
                       Mk III Limb-darkened diameter  4.759 +/- 0.048 mas.                     MkT2003 
                       NPOI Limb-darkened diameter    4.76  +/- 0.07  mas.                     NOI2001b
                       NPOI Limb-darkened diameter  4.561 +/- 0.016 mas, Sp = K3III,           NOI2018 
                       R =60.00 +/- 1.27 \rsun, Teff = 4422 +/- 56 K, L = 1242  +/- 81  \lsun, .       
                       M = 3.82 +/- 0.23 \msun, Age = 0.20 +/- 0.03 Gyr.                       .       
                       H N  53.                                                                MEv2010 
11186-0504 BRT 433     A likely plate flaw.                                                    Grv2021b
11187+0250 STF1526     B is BD+03@2482.                                                        .       
                       Primary is eclipsing binary of Algol-type, period 9.1784 d.             Zas2012 
                       HJL 143.                                                                HJL1986 
11188-4812 RST4941     TDS7782.                                                                .       
11190+1416 STF1527     A premature orbit has been computed.                                    .       
                       See Baize & Petit (1989) catalog of doubles with variable component.    Baz1989d
                       H N 142.                                                                MEv2010 
                       Prieur et al. (2012) derive a dynamical parallax of 31.2 mas and        .       
                       (using their orbital elements and the revised Hipparcos parallax of     .       
                       van Leeuwen 2007 A&A 474, 653) a total mass 1.7 +/- 1.0 Msun.           Pru2012 
                       Hipparcos parallax 32.52 +/- 1.39 mas. Dynamical parallax 34.2 mas,     .       
                       masses 0.98 and 0.61 Msun. STF 1527 has a long orbital period of 415y,  .       
                       but it moved fast through the periastron in 2009-2012, allowing us to   .       
                       compute a better orbit.                                                 Tok2012b
                       Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and spectroscopic   .       
                       masses of 3.04 +/- 1.03, 2.06, and 1.07 Msun, respectively.             Mlk2012 
11191+3811 CHR 133     55 UMA. Primary is 2.6d SB1 (#669 in Batten et al., 1989).              Bte1989 
                       The speckle pair must be different, hence a triple.                     .       
                       Mass-sum in fair agreement with Liu et al. (1997)                       Liu1997 
                       Hipparcos astrometric solution adopted some elements from the orbit of  HIP1997d
                       McAlister et al.                                                        .       
                       Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and spectroscopic   .       
                       masses of 5.89 +/- 0.40, 4.71, and 2.09 Msun, respectively.             Mlk2012 
11192-1950 ARA 683     Primary is RV Crt, Algol-type eclipsing binary, period 1.170509d.       Zas2013 
11194-0139 STF1529     NLTT 26997/26995                                                        Chm2004 
11194-6435 LDS6242     A is CD-63@643.                                                         .       
11197-0125 LDS4083     NLTT 27027/27026                                                        Chm2004 
11200+6551 TAM   1     Primary is the nearby flar star Gl 424 = SZ UMa. The companion appears  .       
                       to be a M4.5 dwarf, with a mass of ~0.18Msun. Estimated orbital period  .       
                       of the system is about 2.5y.                                            Tam2008b
11204+0117 EPI   2     EPIC 201549860. Primary is candidate planet host star; planet period    .       
                       5.61d, radius 2.20 Rearth, a 0.06 au.                                   Mtt2015b
11205+0530 HJ 2566     G045-048. See Allen et al. (2000) for information on metallicity,       AlC2000 
                       age, galactic orbital parameters, etc.                                  .       
11206+0230 EPI   3     EPIC 201629650 = K2-13. Primary is planet host star; planet period      .       
                       39.91d, radius 1.89 Rearth, a 0.21 au.                                  Mtt2015b
11206-2718 BRT2986     CPD-26@4502.                                                            .       
11210-5429 I   879     pi Cen.                                                                 .       
                       The spectral lines are very poor; the RV range of 30km/s is probably    .       
                       mere scatter. A few more speckle obs needed to constrain eccentricity.  .       
                       1976.474: This system was observed within a few months of periastron.   BLM1978 
                       Hipparcos parallax 9.12 +/- 0.34 mas. Dynamical parallax 9.1 mas,       .       
                       masses 6.43 and 3.68 Msun.  The orbit by Mason et al. (1999) had to be  Msn1999a
                       revised using our measures near the periastron. The high eccentricity   .       
                       e = 0.853 is now well established.                                      Tok2012b
                       Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and spectroscopic   .       
                       masses of 15.29 +/- 3.02, 8.37, and 4.79 Msun, respectively.            Mlk2012 
11211-3531 I  1539     Position angle uncertain. Needs speckle.                                .       
11212+5807 GRV1193     SLW 589.                                                                .       
11213-3447 SWR 110     CPM pair                                                                Skf2004 
                       RXJ1121.3-3447 = TWA 13. TW Hya association. Both components are        .       
                       weak-lined T Tauri stars; spectral types are M1 + M2.                   Stz1999 
11214-2027 STN  22     LDS 348.                                                                .       
                       NLTT 27132/27131                                                        Chm2004 
11216+5111 LDS5204     LDS6243.                                                                .       
11218+2208 LDS4088     NLTT 27148/27149                                                        Chm2004 
11218-1313 FME   1     Dupuy et al. (2009) derive a system mass of 0.146 +/- 0.014 Msun, and   .       
                       component spectral types M8 +/- 0.5 and L7 +/- 1.                       Dup2009 
                       LHS 2397a. Assuming a parallactic distance of 14.3 +/- 0.4 pc           .       
                       (Monet et al. 1992), Konopacky et al. (2010) derive a system mass of    Dah1992 
                       0.144 +/- 0.013 Msun.                                                   Kon2010 
11219+0343 EPI   4     EPIC 201704541. Primary is eclipsing binary, period 0.411d.             SJR2016 
11221+3705 STF1533     B is BD+37@2177.                                                        .       
                       A,BC: HJL 144.                                                          HJL1986 
11221+0128 UC 2124     Also known as CBL 556.                                                  Skf2013 
11221-2447 GRE   3     Aa,Ab: IRAS 11195-2430 = PDS 54.                                        Gre1992 
           I   507     Variable TV Crt. Tokovinin (1999) gives three possible orbits which     Tok1999b
                       are consistent with visual and IR speckle observations, as well as      .       
                       radial velocity difference and Hipparcos parallax for stars of this     .       
                       type (K5V). Inclination is near 90 degrees, but eccentricity is not     .       
                       high, as predicted by Torres et al. (1995).                             Trr1995b
                       Star has large IR excess. A component is SB1 (P=262 days), while B      .       
                       component is SB2 (P=315 days).                                          Tok1999b
                       Torres et al. (1995) report radial velocity data and make some          .       
                       constraints on possible astrometric orbits.                             Trr1995b
                       See also HST observations and discussion of all components of this      .       
                       multiple system by Soderblom et al. (1998).                             Sdb1998 
           SHY 228     AC: HIP  55505 + HIP  58029.                                            .       
           BOD   1     Ba,Bb. Masses determined at 0.699+/-0.064 and 0.582+/-0.051 Msun by     Bod2005b
                       Boden et al. (2005).                                                    .       
11222-6119 VOU  47     Aka HRG  58.                                                            .       
11224-2713 LDS 350     NLTT 27188/27182                                                        Chm2004 
11225-1028 WHC   9     J 1574.                                                                 .       
11225-3054 HJ 4428     Herschel's measure moved to HJ 4430 following suggestion by Dawes.      I__1927a
11225-5322 BNS   6     Hen 3-644                                                               .       
11226-5134 LDS 351     B is CD-50@5949.                                                        .       
11230-3054 HJ 4430     Herschel's measure moved to HJ 4430 following suggestion by Dawes.      I__1927a
11231-1020 OL   12     Not found in 1939. Position may be in error                             B__1950c
11237-2831 ARG  25     B is CD-27@8061.                                                        .       
11238+4307 LDS4093     NLTT 27234/27231                                                        Chm2004 
11239+1032 STF1536     iot Leo = 78 Leo. Mt. Wilson spectral types F3s and F3s. A is a Delta   .       
                       Scuti-type variable. A small variation in the early RV's was not        .       
                       confirmed by fairly numerous subsequent observations. From the visual   .       
                       separations, Baize suggests a subsystem with P = 16 yr.                 Baz1980a
                       See Baize & Petit (1989) catalog of doubles with variable component.    Baz1989d
                       AB: Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and             .       
                       spectroscopic masses 2.67 +/- 1.45, 2.33, and 1.38 Msun, respectively.  Mlk2012 
11239-2319 RST2746     CD-22@8867.                                                             .       
11241+3808 RED  23     M4.5 star is ~7" from M8 dwarf 2MASS J11240487+3808054. Distance        .       
                       estimates for both ~19pc.                                               Red2007a
                       There is a possible brown dwarf companion to 2MASS J11240434+3808108    .       
                       at 8" separation noted by Reid et al. (2007), but it is single within   Red2007a
                       the AstraLux field of view.                                             Jnn2012 
11244+0620 HJ 2569     Position correction by Heintz.                                          Hei1983a
11245+6807 LDS1260     LDS 1731.                                                               .       
11245+3529 OSO  38     G147-050. Not a common proper motion pair, based on comparison with     .       
                       POSS2 red plates.                                                       Oso2004 
11246+5651 STI2270     Rectilinear solution by Hurowitz et al. (2014).                         USN2014a
11246+2331 LDS5205     LDS6244.                                                                .       
                       NLTT 27298/27299                                                        Chm2004 
11247-4718 WFC 113     SWR 111. CPM pair                                                       Skf2004 
11249-0205 EPI   5     EPIC 201324549. Primary is eclipsing binary candidate, period 2.519d.   SJR2016 
11249-1741 HJ  840     gam Crt = 15 Crt                                                        .       
11250-3200 CHR 242     Aa,Ab: The 0".1 pair CHR 242 has only 1 observation in the WDS,         .       
                       unresolved with speckle. Double lines were noted by the GCS. This star  .       
                       remains a mystery.                                                      Tok2012a
           UC 2133     AB: CPM candidate does not pass photometry test; likely optical.        Tok2013c
11250-5236 RST9003     Previously known as RST 541a. Also known as TDS7851.                    .       
11251-6044 KRV  37     Classical Cepheid AY Cen.                                               .       
11252+1608 HEI 156     There is a third star at 46 deg, 25"                                    Hei1983a
11253+3512 OSO  39     G147-054. Not a common proper motion pair, based on comparison with     .       
                       POSS2 red plates.                                                       Oso2004 
11254+7817 LDS 920     LDS1732.                                                                .       
                       NLTT 27306/27303                                                        Chm2004 
11256+1627 HJ 4433     81 Leo.                                                                 .       
                       AB: Optical pair, based on study of relative motion of the components   .       
                       using the method of apparent motion parameters.                         Kiy2008 
           SHY 224     AC: HIP  55765 + HIP  55262.                                            .       
           HJ 4433     H 5  61.                                                                MEv2010 
11257-4314 CPO 324     TDS7855.                                                                .       
11258-3852 OSO  40     Neither is a common proper motion pair, based on comparison with POSS2  .       
                       red plates.                                                             Oso2004 
11258-4410 JNN  75     2MASS J11254754-4410267 has a relatively close (~0.55") companion that  .       
                       is likely physically bound, but so far there is only a single epoch of  .       
                       data available.                                                         Jnn2012 
11259+6519 GIC  98     LDS2600. G236-068/G236-069.                                             .       
                       NLTT 27350/27352                                                        Chm2004 
11261+0114 EPI   6     EPIC 201546283. Primary is candidate planet host star; planet period    .       
                       6.77d, radius 5.77 Rearth, a 0.07 au.                                   Mtt2015b
11263+1839 ZUC   9     SKF  36.                                                                .       
                       Primary is white dwarf PG 1123+189.                                     Zuc1992 
11264+2047 LDS4098     NLTT 27376/27375                                                        Chm2004 
11268+5923 FOX 171     Position of ADS 8161, referred to BD+60@1328.                           .       
11268+0301 STF1540     83 Leo = LDS 921. B is BD+03@2503.                                      .       
                       Hopmann orbit rejected from Fourth Orbit Catalog                        Hop1960a
                       ("period over 4000 years")                                              Wor1983 
                       The C component (mag. 9.9, 90") is also probably physical.              Fin1970b
                       AB: HJL 145.                                                            HJL1986 
                       AB: H 4  13.                                                            MEv2010 
11268-5310 I   883     Spectrum composite; K0III+A2-3V.                                        .       
                       Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and spectroscopic   .       
                       masses of 3.12 +/- 1.21, 5.03, and 2.88 Msun, respectively.             Mlk2012 
11270-5451 HJ 4436     B is CPD-54@4542.                                                       .       
11272-1221 KUI  57     kap Crt = 16 Crt                                                        .       
11272-1539 HU  462     1997.1231: Our reduction does not give the quadrant unambiguously.  We  .       
                       therefore adopt the quadrant consistent with the latest measure in the  .       
                       WDS.                                                                    Hor1997 
                       Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and spectroscopic   .       
                       masses of 1.65 +/- 0.25, 1.85, and 0.91 Msun, respectively.             Mlk2012 
11272-1604 LDS4100     AB: NLTT 27425/27430                                                    Chm2004 
11274+2042 OSO  41     G120-050. Not a common proper motion pair, based on astrometry and      .       
                       color                                                                   Oso2004 
11277+4618 STF1541     HJL 146.                                                                HJL1986 
11279+0251 STFA 19     tau Leo = 84 Leo. STTA110. B is BD+03@2505.                             .       
                       AB: H 6  12.                                                            MEv2010 
11280-0155 STF3071     Primary is eclipsing binary of Beta Lyr -type, period 1.0143 d.         Zas2012 
11281-2003 TDS7871     RY Crt.                                                                 .       
11281-6125 COO 269     A is an Algol-type system, MN Cen.                                      .       
11282+3313 SEI 524     Neither component seen on POSS plate; may be flaws on AC Potsdam plate  .       
11285+0141 EPI   7     EPIC 201577035 = K2-10. Primary is planet host star; planet period      .       
                       19.31d, radius 3.92 Rearth, a 0.14 au.                                  Mtt2015b
11286-4240 BSO   6     A is a spectroscopic binary.                                            .       
11287+6433 GIC  99     LDS2601. G236-072/G236-073.                                             .       
                       NLTT 27479/27490                                                        Chm2004 
11287+3224 COU 781     TDS7880.                                                                .       
11291+3920 STF1543     57 UMa. A is a spectroscopic binary.                                    .       
                       AB: H 3  86.                                                            MEv2010 
11291-5848 COO 125     AC: Hipparcos suspected non-single.                                     .       
11292-1721 H 4 112     H IV 112. S 627.                                                        .       
11295+3004 TU UMa      Mass of A,B = 0.6 +/- 0.1. 1.98 +/- 0.33 /msun.                         Krv2019a
11296-2428 JC   16     HDO 129 = HDO 130.                                                      .       
11296-3133 BRT2987     LDS 853.                                                                .       
11301+2958 STTA111     LDS 5730. B is BD+30@2164. The primary is the eclipsing pair AW UMa,    .       
                       P = 0.44d.                                                              .       
                       NLTT 27565/27566                                                        Chm2004 
                       Pribulla & Rucinski (2006) estimate the mass of the contact pair at     Pbl2006 
                       1.933 Msun and the minimum mass of the wider component at 0.11 Msun.    .       
                       HJL 147.                                                                HJL1986 
11303+8102 STF1539     B is BD+81@370.                                                         .       
11304-6349 SNA  24     HD 100099 is a 21.6d SB2 (Sana et al. 2011)                             Sna2011a
                       LS 2364.                                                                .       
                       The classification is from Garrison et al. (1977 ApJS 35, 111).         Msn1998a
11308+4117 STT 234     One component is SB P = 7.40 d, and the lines of all three stars        .       
                       appear in the spectrum. The close pair is very probably the visual      .       
                       primary; the ascending node is identified on that assumption.           .       
11308-1046 LDS4108     GWP1596.                                                                .       
11308-5849 FIN 187     Spectrum of B: F.                                                       .       
11309-2012 B  2280     BHA 14.                                                                 .       
11313+5942 STF1544     B is a spectroscopic binary.                                            .       
                       STF1545.                                                                .       
                       H N  70.                                                                MEv2010 
11317+1422 WSI 101     HIP 56242. Provisionally designated WSI9107.                            Hrt2008 
                       Aa,Ab: 88 Leo. Aa,Ab could be a 'ghost' binary. Only 1 speckle res.     Tok2014d
           STF1547     AB: HJL 148.                                                            HJL1986 
                       88 Leo.                                                                 .       
                       AB: NLTT 27657/27656                                                    Chm2004 
                       AB: H 3  51.                                                            MEv2010 
                       AB: B= LTT 13146, X-ray source                                          Tok2014d
11318-2047 TOK 222     Astrometric binary; dm 4.9 mag, period ~ 200y?                          Tok2012b
11318-5927 HJ 4445     omi 1 Cen. A semiregular variable.                                      .       
11318-6701 GRV1255     Both A and B have approximately the same radial velocity.               Grv2019b
11319+6237 PTT  22     Also known as STI 730.                                                  .       
11319-3436 ZUC   1     Aa,Ab: Magnitudes in J,H,K by Konacki et al. (2007) based on 2MASS      Kon2007 
                       combined magnitudes plus their flux ratios.  They determine both        .       
                       components have spectral type M1.5 +/- 0.5; log (Temp) for both is      .       
                       3.56 +/- 0.01 K, intermediate between temperatures expected for dwarf   .       
                       and giant stars, thus appropriate for PMS stars. Log (Luminosity) for   .       
                       Aa and Ab are -0.80 +/- 0.08 and -0.84 +/- 0.08 Lsun, respectively.     .       
                       Aa,Ab: Schmidt et al. (2008) analyzed all available astrometry and      Sdt2008c
                       concluded TWA 5 exhibited orbital motion, refuting conjecture that      .       
                       companion was a background object.                                      .       
           LWR   2     This system has been identified as a member of the TW Hya association   .       
                       (Kastner et al. 1997 Science 277, 67) and is known as TWA 5. It         .       
                       contains a previously known brown dwarf TWA 5B, first suggested by      .       
                       Lowrance et al. (1999) and later confirmed by e.g. Brandeker et al.     Lwr1999 
                       (2003). The latter also reported the presence of a close companion      Bnk2003 
                       TWA 5Ab at 54 mas from the primary, independently detected by           .       
                       Macintosh et al. (2001). We detect TWA 5B in our AstraLux data, but     MBA2001 
                       not TWA 5Ab, which implies that the projected separation was probably   .       
                       smaller in 2010 than it was in 2000. The orbit of TWA 5Aa/Ab has been   .       
                       analyzed in detail by Konopacky et al. (2007). Using the orbital        Kon2007 
                       parameters that they determine, we deduce that at epoch 2010.11, the    .       
                       projected separation should be only about 18 mas, which is well         .       
                       consistent with our non-detection of TWA 5Ab. We use the best-fit       .       
                       total mass of 0.71Msun for TWA 5Aa/Ab from Konopacky et al.             Jnn2012 
                       Kohler et al. (2013) derive new orbits and masses for the young triple  .       
                       system TWA 5. System mass for the close pair ZUC 1Aa,Ab is 0.90 +/-     .       
                       0.1 Msun; system mass for the AB pair is 1.1 +/- 0.1 Msun.              Koh2013 
11320-5227 HJ 4446     B is CD-51@5787.                                                        .       
                       SWR 112. CPM pair                                                       Skf2004 
11321-6357 HJ 4447     B is CPD-63@1914.                                                       .       
11322+3615 HU 1134     Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical and spectroscopic masses          .       
                       8.46 +/- 4.04 and 2.63 Msun, respectively.                              Mlk2012 
11323+6105 STT 235     AB. 1979.0369: This measure was incorrectly attributed to ADS 8249 in   .       
                       McAlister & Hendry (1982).                                              McA1982d
                       AB: Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and             .       
                       spectroscopic masses 2.05 +/- 1.10, 2.34, and 1.10 Msun, respectively.  Mlk2012 
11323-0025 TOK 142     HIP 56282. NOMAD: PM(B)=(0,500), V(B)=16.83 (??). B is physical,        .       
                       PM(A)=(+43,-158). A is SB without orbit, dRV= 7.4.                      Nrd2004 
                       This is a new triple system.                                            Tok2011a
11323-2916 H 3  96     H III 96.                                                               .       
11323-3020 LPR   1     2MASS J11321831-3019518 + 2MASSJ 11321822-3018316. Primary TW Hydrae    .       
                       Association member TWA 30, companion is distant (~3400) M dwarf.        .       
                       Spectral types M5 and M4, distance 42 +/- 2 pc, age ~8 Myr.             Lpr2010 
11324+1212 BGH  35     HJL1064.                                                                HJL1986 
11325+5302 HJ 2574     C is a nebula, NGC 3718.                                                .       
11326+2419 STF1549     HJL 149.                                                                HJL1986 
11327+0513 GIC 100     LDS 922. G010-032/G010-031.                                             .       
11329+5525 A  1593     Primary is HR UMa, an Algol-type eclipsing binary, P = 0.73708d.        Zas2012 
11329-3613 I  1544     A is SB, no orbit                                                       Tok2014d
11330+1319 LDS4114     NLTT 27734/27737                                                        Chm2004 
11330-2327 HDO 130     This system, originally identified as HDO 130, is apparently not the    .       
                       system observed by Pei1882 in 1868. That measure was later attributed   .       
                       to 11296-2428JC   16, as was HDO 129.                                   .       
11330-3151 WSI 102     Aa,Ab: Provisionally designated WSI9108.                                Tok2010 
           HJ 4449     AB: xi Hya                                                              .       
11334+5948 LDS1262     NLTT 27746/27749                                                        Chm2004 
11336-4035 I    78     1997.1177: The magnitude difference is listed in the WDS as 0.0. Our    .       
                       reduction does not give the same quadrant as the latest measure in the  .       
                       WDS.                                                                    Hor1997 
11343-1531 TOK 143     HIP 56441. NOMAD: PM(B)=(-164,0), V(B)=15.71 (??).                      .       
                       PM(A)=(-92,+1).                                                         Tok2011a
11347+1648 STF1552     90 Leo. B is a spectroscopic binary.                                    Mlr1952a
                       AB: H 1  27.                                                            MEv2010 
11352-4722 RST 548     A is the semiregular variable V763 Cen.                                 .       
                       Sinachopoulos et al. (2007) noted an additional component at 131deg,    Sin2007 
                       9".2, dm 6.6mag, but felt it was probably an optical pair and not       .       
                       worth including as a new entry in the WDS (Gavras, private comm.).      .       
11354-3232 LTT 4290    Hipparcos astrometric solution assumed circular orbit (e = omega = 0)   HIP1997d
11358-6301 RST3746     lam Cen                                                                 .       
11360+7634 LDS1736     BVD 163.                                                                .       
11360-0231 EPI   8     EPIC 201295312. Primary is candidate planet host star; planet period    .       
                       5.66d, radius 2.16 Rearth, a 0.06 au.                                   Mtt2015b
11362+4843 FAR  35     Primary is white dwarf WD 1133+489.                                     Far2006 
11363+2747 STF1555     A is a SB. A premature visual orbit has been computed                   Wor1956b
                       Quadrant certain in 1951 and 1953. One star is possibly variable.       Baz1954a
                       Data appear equally well fit by rectilinear solution - see catalog.     .       
           HJ  503     AB,C: According to Le Beau, this pair is physical.                      LBu1990c
11366+5608 STF1553     LDS1265.                                                                .       
                       B is SB2, P=4.627y                                                      Tok2014d
11367+2128 STF1558     AB,C: HJL 150.                                                          HJL1986 
11367-0948 GWP1622     Aka tet Crc = 21 Crt.                                                   .       
11368-1221 BU  456     Prieur et al. (2012) derive a dynamical parallax of 18.6 mas and        .       
                       (using their orbital elements and the revised Hipparcos parallax of     .       
                       van Leeuwen 2007 A&A 474, 653) a total mass 1.1 +/- 0.7 Msun.           Pru2012 
11370-3858 DUN 113     B is CD-38@7231.                                                        .       
11371+6022 LDS2604     NLTT 27985/27990                                                        Chm2004 
11371-0054 EPI   9     EPIC 201403446. Primary is candidate planet host star; planet period    .       
                       19.15d, radius 2.04 Rearth, a 0.14 au.                                  Mtt2015b
11373-7554 pi Cha      Hipparcos astrometric solution assumed circular orbit (e = omega = 0)   HIP1997d
11374+4728 KU   39     A is a BY Dra-type variable, and also a spectroscopic binary. A         .       
                       premature visual orbit has been computed.                               .       
                       See Baize & Petit (1989) catalog of doubles with variable component.    Baz1989d
11378+4150 LDS5735     LDS6246.                                                                .       
                       NLTT 28037/28036                                                        Chm2004 
11378-4855 HJ 4459     B is CD-48@6669.                                                        .       
11378-6319 SNA  26     The primary is V1051 Cen, a detached Algol-type eclipsing binary. A     .       
                       known O+O SB2 (Gies et al. 2002; P~9.7d). Given the distance to the     Gie2002 
                       IC 2944 cluster, this additional component at 61mas is not the          .       
                       spectroscopic companion, thus making HD 101131 a hierarchical triple.   Sna2014 
11379+5037 GC 15947    Hipparcos astrometric solution adopted some elements from the orbit of  HIP1997d
                       Griffin & Griffin (1980).                                               Grf1980d
11380-0016 BAL1160     RST 5356.                                                               .       
11380-0136 LDS4125     NLTT 28053/28048                                                        Chm2004 
11383-6321 DBR 284     Aka V870 Cen.                                                           .       
11383-6322 I   422     Light and radial velocity variable.                                     .       
                       Primary is eclipsing variable V871 Cen (period 2.0842 day).             Zas2010 
                       This is another complicated multiple system with three visual pairs at  .       
                       0.36", 1.7", and 9.6". The AB pair further contains an eclipsing        .       
                       binary (Otero 2007, Open European Journal on Variable Stars 72, 1;      .       
                       P=2.08d) and a spectroscopic binary with a period of 2.8d (Sana et al.  Sna2011a
                       2011). This brings the number of stars with 10" to six. It is not       .       
                       currently possible to determine which component of the AB pair is the   .       
                       eclipsing one and which is the spectroscopic one.                       Sna2014 
11384+6112 LDS2605     SLW 621.                                                                .       
11384-6312 HD 101223   IC2944 Tha 49.  Additional similar radial velocities are reported by    Wes1965 
                       Thackeray & Wesselink (1965) and Humphreys (1973 A&AS 9, 85).           Msn1998a
11386+7511 MLR 425     Also known as TDS7973.                                                  .       
11387+4507 STF1561     AB: Secondary is 23.5d SB1; AB has estimated period of 2100y.           Tok2006 
                       AB: NLTT 28087/28086                                                    Chm2004 
                       AB: H 3  87.                                                            MEv2010 
                       AB: B is SB2, P=23.541d                                                 Tok2014d
                       AC and AE: Optical pairs, based on study of relative motion of the      .       
                       components using the method of apparent motion parameters.              Kiy2008 
                       AE, BC: Rectilinear solutions by Friedman et al. (2011).                USN2011a
                       BE: Rectilinear solution by Hurowitz et al. (2014).                     USN2014a
11387-1312 KUI  58     AB: iot Crt = 24 Crt                                                    .       
           UC 2181     AC: CPM candidate does not pass photometry test; likely optical.        Tok2013c
                       AC: The C CPM component at 93" is not on the MS, too "blue".            Tok2014d
11390+0406 GRV1059     SLW 624.                                                                .       
11390-0354 EPI  10     EPIC 201208431 = K2-4. Primary is planet host star; planet period       .       
                       10.00d, radius 2.37 Rearth, a 0.08 au.                                  Mtt2015b
11391+6630 LIE   1     HS 1136+6646 = WD 1136+667. The A component is a hot young DAO white    Lie2006 
                       dwarf plus K7V in a close detached binary. The wider companion is seen  .       
                       in SDSS and HST/STIS images, and is estimated to be of spectral type    .       
                       K4-5V. Similar proper motion of the close pair and the companion        .       
                       during the 3.84 years between images leads the authors to conclude the  .       
                       companion is probably physical.                                         .       
11391+1051 BPM 581     [PM2000] 1012822 + [PM2000] 1012809.                                    Gvr2010 
11391-6326 RSS 268     IC2944 Tha 53.  Additional similar radial velocities of the primary     Wes1965 
                       are reported by Thackeray & Wesselink (1965).                           Msn1998a
11394-3923 DSG  12     V829 Cen.                                                               .       
11395+2518 A   678     Slightly elongated, about 263deg, 0".2?                                 Baz1972 
11395-0014 SLN  21     This is from star "A" to QSO "B" so not a double star.                  Dam2020a
11395-0208 CBL 348     GWP1638.                                                                Tob2012b
11395-6524 B  1705     A spectroscopic binary.                                                 .       
                       GT Mus is one component of this quadruple. One component of the close   .       
                       visual pair is an SB, with P~61d, and also an RS CVn-type binary. The    .      
                       other is an EB with period ~2.75d.                                      Zas2009 
11396+3125 SEI 526     Primary not seen on POSS plate; may be either variable star or flaw on  .       
                       AC Potsdam plate.                                                       .       
11396+1900 STF1565     B is BD+19@2482.                                                        .       
                       HJL 151.                                                                HJL1986 
11396-2959 SWR 114     CPM pair                                                                Skf2004 
11398-6329 BSO   7     B is CPD-62@2205.                                                       .       
                       BSO   7B is the optical companion of HD 101436 (Lindroos 1985).         Lnd1985 
                       Both stars were observed and appeared to be single.                     Msn1998a
                       Additional diverse radial velocities for HD 101413 are reported by      Wes1965 
                       Thackeray & Wesselink (1965) and Conti et al. (1977).                   Cti1977 
           SNA  28     Ba,Bb: HD 101413 is a 3 to 6-month period SB2 (Sana et al. 2011), with  Sna2011a
                       the spectroscopic companion being a likely mid-B star. The 54mas        .       
                       companion is too far away and too bright to be associated with the      .       
                       spectroscopic companion.                                                Sna2014 
11399-2045 LDS4129     NLTT 28153/28155                                                        Chm2004 
11401-0326 GAU  13     Gauchet calls this HJ 186, but it seems to be another pair.             Gau1926a
11406-0824 TOK  25     A is SB1, P=4.406d                                                      Tok2014d
11406-6234 SNA  29     Aa,Ab: Given the brightness difference and the fact that the combined   .       
                       spectrum is an O9.2II star, both Aa And Ab are likely late O stars.     Sna2014 
11407+1745 BPM 582     [PM2000] 1013462 + [PM2000] 1013449.                                    Gvr2010 
11408-2056 LDS4134     NLTT 28216/28215                                                        Chm2004 
11410+0341 EPI  11     EPIC 201702477. Primary is candidate planet host star; planet period    .       
                       40.74d, radius 7.28 Rearth, a 0.22 au.                                  Mtt2015b
11410-6242 B   799     A is the Cepheid UZ Cen.                                                .       
11411+3412 STT 574     61 UMa.                                                                 .       
                       Rectilinear solution by Hurowitz et al. (2014).                         USN2014a
11412+3920 OSO  42     G176-046. AB is a common proper motion pair                             Oso2004 
           LDS4135     AC: NLTT 28236/28208                                                    Chm2004 
11414+5855 ES 2638     LDS2609. B is BD+59@1396.                                               .       
                       NLTT 28243/28242                                                        Chm2004 
                       HJL 152.                                                                HJL1986 
11416+3145 BNU   3     Aa,Ab: 62 UMa. B is BD+32@2178.                                         .       
                       This system is known to have a variable radial velocity.                Bnu1986 
                       Aa,Ab: Orbit determined by fitting revised Hipparcos intermediate       .       
                       astrometric data. Derived component masses are 1.31 +/- 0.16 and        .       
                       1.22 +/- 0.14 Msun.                                                     Ren2010 
                       Aa,Ab: Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and          .       
                       spectroscopic masses 2.56 +/- 0.30, 2.91, and 1.25 Msun, respectively.  Mlk2012 
           STT 575     AB: Optical pair, based on study of relative motion of the              .       
                       components using the method of apparent motion parameters.              Kiy2008 
                       AB: Rectilinear solution by Hurowitz et al. (2014).                     USN2014a
11417+0543 LDS5738     Aka LDS6247.                                                            .       
11421-2321 MUG  14     Primary is HATS-1. Spectral type of comoving secondary estimated as     .       
                       M0, mass 0.67 Msun.                                                     Mug2014 
11423+2302 LDS 926     NLTT 28297/28298                                                        Chm2004 
11426+0554 EPI  12     EPIC 201828749. Primary is candidate planet host star; planet period    .       
                       33.52d, radius 3.83 Rearth, a 0.19 au.                                  Mtt2015b
11428-3549 TOK 846     V752 Cen.                                                               .       
11431-3601 I  1546     Position angles uncertain, too close. Needs speckle.                    .       
11432-0330 BRT 435     J 3233.                                                                 .       
11434+2245 POU3110     Heintz believes HJ 2581 to be identical.                                Hei1983a
11435-5800 MUG   9     Based on astrometry, photometry and H- and K-band spectroscopy,         .       
                       Mugrauer et al. (2007) conclude that HD 101930 A and B comprise a       Mug2007 
                       physical pair. The projected separation is 2229 au, which means the     .       
                       planetary companion to the A component is well within the long-time     .       
                       stable region.                                                          .       
11436+0634 BU  793     AB: EPIC 201862715. Primary hosts an inflated hot Jupiter (WASP-85Ab),  .       
                       period 1.4786d.                                                         Mtt2015b
           WSP  85     AC: del Valle & Rica (2016) find the star 2MASS J11434596+0635056,      .       
                       spectral type M2.5V (based on multi-band photometry), appears to have   .       
                       distance and proper motion similar to WASP-85, and suggest that it      .       
                       could be a new physical companion.                                      DVG2016c
11437+1331 HJ 2583     B is BD+14@2427.                                                        .       
11438+4411 ES  123     B is also a 2.2d spectroscopic binary.                                  Tok2019b
11438+1831 BRT2412     HJL 154.                                                                HJL1986 
11441-5332 LDS 360     Typographical error in Luyten's quadrant ("sp")?                        Luy1941 
11441-0448 RST5524     Obviously in rapid motion, but the measures are insufficient to define  .       
                       the nature of the motion.                                               .       
                       Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and spectroscopic   .       
                       masses of 2.56 +/- 0.88, 2.89, and 1.25 Msun, respectively.             Mlk2012 
11443+4032 OSO  43     G122-043. Not a common proper motion pair, based on color and           .       
                       comparison with POSS2 red plates.                                       Oso2004 
11445-4539 BRT 803     A likely plate flaw.                                                    Grv2021b
11446-4925 RST9004     Originally published as RST3558a and previously listed in the WDS       .       
                       under duplicate designation RST3558.                                    .       
                       Assuming the revised Hipparcos parallax of 20.6 +/- 2.1 mas, Wollert    .       
                       et al. (2014) find the system mass is 2.6 +/- 0.8 Msun, the semi-major  .       
                       axis 14.9 +/- 1.6 au. Spectral types at K0 +/- 1 and K5 +/- 1. Some     .       
                       evidence is found for an unseen third component.                        Wol2014 
11448+1123 J  3234     HJL 155.                                                                HJL1986 
11452+1821 GIC 101     G057-017/G057-015.                                                      .       
11453+0816 VIG  14     Primary is xi Vir. The optical/physical nature of the faint companion   .       
                       is undefined.                                                           Vig2012 
11456-6644 HJ 4471     lam Mus                                                                 .       
           lam Mus     Hipparcos astrometric solution assumed circular orbit (e = omega = 0)   HIP1997d
11459+1122 J  1017     The measure in 1910 doubtful. No certain measures since.                .       
11460+3149 GIC 102     Primary is white dwarf WD 1143+321 = NLTT 28470.                        Far2005b
                       NLTT 28470/28469                                                        Chm2004 
11460+3015 LDS4143     NLTT 28476/28472                                                        Chm2004 
11465-7055 RSS  15     This previously uncataloged double star was a Hipparcos double entry    .       
                       system.  The first measure is determined from the individual positions  .       
                       listed by Rousseau et al. Also known as RSS 272.                        Rss1996 
11466+2231 KER   2     Aa,Ab: RED  12. 2MASSW J1146345+223053                                  .       
                       HST WFPC2 observations by Reid et al. (2001). Paper includes mass and   Red2001 
                       age estimates, as well as discussion of L dwarf binary frequency and    .       
                       semimajor axis distribution.                                            .       
           ALP  17     AB: Observed in I-band at WIYN in February 2003, but companion not      .       
                       detected. Ruled out as brown dwarf companion following further          .       
                       IRTF/NSFCam H- and methane-band photometry in April 2004.               AlP2007 
           KER   2     Primary is an L3V brown dwarf; LRIS spectrum shows other component is   .       
                       a background star of much earlier type.                                 Kir1999 
11467-4029 LDS6248     Proper motion -1545 +385.                                               .       
                       HIP 57443. See Allen et al. (2000) for information on metallicity,      AlC2000 
                       age, galactic orbital parameters, etc.                                  .       
                       A is exoplanet host, P=122d                                             Tok2014d
11475+7702 LDS1739     Primary is SB, P=33.776d                                                Tok2014d
11475+2002 SHJ 130     B is BD+20@2651.                                                        .       
11477+0016 LDS5207     LDS6249.                                                                .       
11478+1254 MET  57     Also known as GQ Leo.                                                   .       
                       Also a spectroscopic binary with uncertain period.                      Tok2019b
11479+0815 CHR 134     4 Vir.                                                                  .       
                       Aa,Ab: This pair was observed by CHARA 17 times 1987-1998 and resolved  McA1989 
                       once (1987.26, 0.259", note: "uncertain whether real"). Later resolved  WSI2007a
                       by the USNO 26in (2006.31, 0.40").                                      Hrt2009 
           RBR   2     AD: Individual J,H,K magnitudes are calculated from 2MASS combined      .       
                       magnitudes and AO-derived magnitude differences                         Rbr2005 
           SHJ 131     AB: H 6 113.                                                            MEv2010 
11480+2013 STFB  7     93 Leo = LDS4146. A is a spectroscopic binary and light variable,       .       
                       spectrum composite; A7V+G5III-IVe. B is BD+21@2357.                     .       
                       AB: HJL 156.                                                            HJL1986 
                       AB: H 6  80.                                                            MEv2010 
           MKT   7     Visual orbit by Hummel et al. (1995) based on astrometry from Mark III  MkT1995 
                       interferometer. Additional spectroscopic data yield component masses,   .       
                       luminosities, radii, effective temperatures, and distance.              .       
                       Pourbaix gives combined solution for this resolved SB2, yielding        Pbx2000b
                       orbital parallaxes and component masses.                                .       
                       Hipparcos astrometric solution adopted some elements from the orbit of  HIP1997d
                       Hummel et al. (1995).                                                   MkT1995 
                       Aa,Ab: Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and          .       
                       spectroscopic masses 3.97 +/- 0.25, 4.97, and 1.66 Msun, respectively.  Mlk2012 
11480-6607 GLI 168     LDS 367.                                                                .       
                       A 36d spectroscopic solution for the B component has been found         Tok2019g
                       making this a triple system.                                            .       
11484-1019 H 6 115     H VI 115. B is BD-09@3368.                                              .       
11486+1417 BU  603     See Baize & Petit (1989) catalog of doubles with variable component.    Baz1989d
                       Individual J,H,K magnitudes are calculated from 2MASS combined          .       
                       magnitudes and AO-derived magnitude differences                         Rbr2005 
11487-6134 R  9001     Previously known as R   176a.                                           .       
11489+1802 LDS5742     LDS6250.                                                                .       
11491+1434 BU  604     bet Leo = 94 Leo = Denebola. Possibly variable.                         .       
                       Intensity Interferometer Limb-darkened diameter 1.33 +/- 0.10 mas.      HBr1974 
                       NPOI Limb-darkened diameter    1.482 +/- 0.013 mas,                     .       
                       R =    1.75 (+/- 0.02   )  \rsun,  Teff = 8262 +/-  36 K,               .       
                       L =   12.9 +/-   0.1 \lsun.                                             NOI2023 
                       AC: Optical pair, based on study of relative motion of the components   .       
                       using the method of apparent motion parameters.                         Kiy2008 
                       AC: Rectilinear solution by Hurowitz et al. (2014).                     USN2014a
11495+1246 LDS4148     NLTT 28662/28663                                                        Chm2004 
11495-1937 LDS 368     11495-1936DAM  75AB. Other members of 11495-1936 moved to 11495-1937.   .       
11496+1641 BPM 583     [PM2000] 1017041 + [PM2000] 1017018.                                    Gvr2010 
11498+0557 LDS5743     LDS6251.                                                                .       
11498-3816 SWR 117     CPM pair                                                                Skf2004 
11500+3612 GRV 842     HJL 157.                                                                HJL1986 
11501+5024 LDS5208     LDS6252.                                                                .       
11502-4951 SWR 118     CPM pair                                                                Skf2004 
11503+3741 HJ  510     AB,C component = LDS5209.                                               .       
11503+2519 LDS 928     Also known as LDS6253. It was determined that these two pairs were the  .       
                       same. LDS 928 was at 11504+2519. The true position is closer to that    .       
                       of LDS6253, but it was given the discovery designation of the earlier   .       
                       Luyten number.                                                          .       
11504+2626 LDS 927     NLTT 28702/28701                                                        Chm2004 
11507+0146 STT 576     bet Vir = 5 Vir = Zavijava                                              .       
                       AB: Optical pair, based on study of relative motion of the components   .       
                       using the method of apparent motion parameters.                         Kiy2008 
                       AB: Rectilinear solution by Friedman et al. (2011).                     USN2011a
                       NPOI Limb-darkened diameter    1.768 +/- 0.070 mas,                     .       
                       R =    2.08 (+/- 0.08   )  \rsun,  Teff = 5456 +/- 108 K,               .       
                       L =    3.4 +/-   0.0 \lsun.                                             NOI2023 
11509-7411 BRR  15     Erroneously listed as BRR   5, a designation already in use.            .       
11510+0707 EPI  13     EPIC 201890494. Primary is eclipsing binary candidate, period 2.536d.   SJR2016 
11510-0520 MCA  36     A spectroscopic binary and suspected occultation binary now resolved    .       
                       by speckle interferometry.                                              .       
                       Hipparcos astrometric solution adopted some elements from the orbit of  HIP1997d
                       Ginestet et al. (1985).                                                 Gin1985 
                       The pair has been resolved 3 times 1980-1994, but unresolved ~35 times  HIP1997d
                       1980-1998. Published astrometric orbits give a period of ~1.3y and an   Jnc2005 
                       inclination near 90deg.                                                 Hrt2009 
                       Ren & Fu (2013) calculated an astrometric orbit, combining Hipparcos    Ren2013 
                       Intermediate Astrometric Data with spectroscopic elements by            .       
                       Imbert & Carquillat (2005).                                             Crq2005 
11512+3322 ARG 101     B is BD+34@2263.                                                        .       
11513+1255 LDS4150     NLTT 28770/28768                                                        Chm2004 
11515+5412 LDS1272     LDS1273. NLTT 28772/28771                                               Chm2004 
11517-3912 HDS1673     V572 Cen.                                                               .       
11518-0335 J  1581     Probably variable                                                       J__1962a
11518-0546 CHR  36     This is the variable TY Vir.                                            .       
11519+3307 LEP  46     A spectroscopic binary of indeterminate period.                         Tok2019b
11520+0850 STF1575     B is BD+09@2552.                                                        .       
                       HJL 158.                                                                HJL1986 
                       SHY 581. Bayesian analysis by Shaya & Olling (2011) indicates very      Shy2011 
                       high (near 100%) probability pair is physical.                          .       
                       H 4  49.                                                                MEv2010 
11520-0824 HJ  843     J 1580.                                                                 J__1949a
11520-4357 SEE 137     Actually triple. A is a close spectroscopic binary with a P ~ 892d.     Tok2022e
                       The period of AB is estimated as ~900y.                                 .       
11521+0936 GWP1692     BC: Initially added to WDS incorrectly as AC.                           .       
11523+3827 LDS4151     SLW 664.                                                                .       
11526-0306 EPI  14     EPIC 201257461. Primary thought to be a planet host star, with planet   .       
                       period 50.28d, radius 209.52 Rearth, a 0.30 au. Believed to be a        .       
                       false positive detection, however.                                      Mtt2015b
11528+1526 SHJ 132     AB: HJL 159.                                                            HJL1986 
                       AB: H 5  60.                                                            MEv2010 
11528-0112 EPI  15     EPIC 201384232 = K2-6. Primary is planet host star; planet period       .       
                       30.940d, radius 2.50 Rearth, a 0.19 au.                                 Mtt2015b
                       B component is the galaxy GAMA 31057.                                   .       
11529+3050 STF1576     HJL 160.                                                                HJL1986 
                       Additional notes may be found in Schmeidler (1940).                     Scd1940a
11529-3354 HJ 4478     bet Hya. A is an Alpha CVn-type variable.                               .       
11532-0722 LDS4154     NLTT 28863/28864                                                        Chm2004 
11532-1540 A  2579     Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and spectroscopic   .       
                       masses of 59.26 +/- 59.23, 4.05, and 1.45 Msun, respectively.           Mlk2012 
11533+8311 LDS1743     B is BD+83@342.                                                         .       
11534-2434 HJ 4479     LDS1274.                                                                .       
11535+0552 EPI  16     EPIC 201826968. Primary is eclipsing binary candidate, period 0.367d.   SJR2016 
11537+7345 BU  794     AB: Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and             .       
                       spectroscopic masses 2.31 +/- 1.25, 2.52, and 1.10 Msun, respectively.  Mlk2012 
11537+5032 JMS   3     2MASS J11533966+5032092 + 2MASS J11535018+5035593.                      Jms2008 
11538+5342 SHY 227     AB: HIP  58001 + HIP  61100. A component = gam UMa = Phecda.            .       
                       B component = GJ 1160 = A component of 12313+5507.                      .       
11541+7155 A    75     Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and spectroscopic   .       
                       masses of 1.98 +/- 0.64, 2.60, and 1.25 Msun, respectively.             Mlk2012 
11545+2154 UC 2230     CE: Not a CPM pair. The proper motion of the E component was incorrect  .       
                       (Skiff, private comm.)                                                  .       
11545+1925 STTA112     LDS 929. B is BD+20@2659.                                               .       
                       NLTT 28915/28923                                                        Chm2004 
                       AB: HJL 161.                                                            HJL1986 
                       AB: SHY 229. Bayesian analysis by Shaya & Olling (2011) indicates very  Shy2011 
                       high (near 100%) probability pair is physical.                          .       
11547-6622 SHY 230     HIP  58085 + HIP  58121.                                                .       
11550-6235 BSO  20     B is CPD-61@2779.                                                       .       
11551+4629 A  1777     65 UMa. The primary is the eclipsing binary DN UMa,                     .       
                       See Baize & Petit (1989) catalog of doubles with variable component.    Baz1989d
                       Discrepant 1995.3159 speckle measure found not due to a typographical   Hrt1997 
                       error in theta, following reexamination of original data by authors.    .       
                       Presumably there was an identification error while pointing telescope,  .       
                       although no probable match to known close pairs in the vicinity has     .       
                       been found.                                                             .       
           65 UMa      After subtracting out the effects of the 118y AB pair, Zasche et al.    .       
                       (2012) find a 640d variation, which they attribute to a closer Aa,Ab    .       
                       pair. The 1.7d eclipsing pair DN UMa, then, is assumed to be Aa1,Aa2.   .       
                       Their analysis determines a distance 234 +/- 29 pc to the system        .       
                       (compared with 212 +/- 30 pc from the revised Hipparcos reduction of    .       
                       van Leeuwen 2007), a and total mass of 8.25 +/- 1.85 Msun. Derived      vlF2007 
                       spectral types, masses, and radii of the components are as follows:     .       
                           Aa1   A7   1.74 +/- 0.06 Msun   1.86 +/- 0.08 Rsun                  .       
                           Aa2   A7   1.71     0.06        1.81     0.08                       .       
                           Ab    A1   2.4      0.4                                             .       
                           B          2.4      2.0                                             Zas2012b
           STF1579     STTA113 = STFA 20.                                                      .       
                       AB,C: H 1  72.                                                          MEv2010 
                       May be a physical septuple: the 1.7d eclipsing pair (2), the 640d       .       
                       spectroscopic component (+1), the 118y resolved pair A  1777 (+1)       .       
                       and the wider cpm pair (+1) STF1579AB,D. STF1579AB,C also has similar   .       
                       proper motion and may be physical and the D component has been split    .       
                       interferometrically (BAG  46Da,Db).                                     .       
11551+0313 HD103501    Hipparcos astrometric solution assumed circular orbit (e = omega = 0)   HIP1997d
11555+7229 MLR 426     Duplicity uncertain.                                                    .       
11557+1539 H 6  13     H VI 13. 95 Leo. All stars in the field are much more than 90" away.    .       
                       A is a spectroscopic binary.                                            .       
11558+1115 AG  434     No companion seen in 1893 and 1903.                                     IDS1963A
11560+3520 CHR 258     Hipparcos suspected non-single.                                         .       
                       Triple system. Spectroscopic orbits of the inner (23-d) and this        Grf2013f
                       more distant 4988-d pair have been determined. Remarkably close to      .       
                       the initial 15y estimate.                                               Msn1999b
11560+2159 STF1582     HJL 162.                                                                HJL1986 
11560-7701 TOK 145     HIP 58180. A X-ray source RX J1156.0-7700 with small PM(A)=(-45,+1).    .       
                       B at 13.4" is physical based on CMDs, but the field is crowded, N*=79.  Tok2011a
11561+4533 STF1581     A is a RR Lyrae-type variable. B also variable?                         .       
                       Magnitude underestimated in ADS                                         Baz1943b
11563-4546 LDS 373     B is CD-45@7400.                                                        .       
                       SWR 119. CPM pair                                                       Skf2004 
11566-0437 STF1584     B is BD-03@3206.                                                        .       
11567-3216 DUN 116     AB = LDS 374. B is CD-31@9364.                                          .       
                       AB = SWR 120. CPM pair                                                  Skf2004 
                       HIP 58240. B = HIP 58241. AB is known CPM pair DUN 116 at 19", 82deg.   .       
                       BC is a new close pair: 3.6" 116deg, dK=5.8, status unknown.            Tok2011a
11568+0521 CHR 220     First detected as an occultation binary by Evans et al.                 Evn1985 
11572+1351 BPM 584     [PM2000] 1020171 + [PM2000] 1020215.                                    Gvr2010 
11572-7922 HUE   3     Aa,Ab:  The primary is T Cha, a weak-lined T Tauri star (spectral type  .       
                       G8) surrounded by a cold disk. At a distance of 108 +/- 9pc, the        .       
                       companion detected by Huelamo et al. (2011) is located 6.7 +/- 1.0 au   .       
                       from the primary, well within the gap in that star's disk.              Hue2011 
           KST   1     AE: Based on optical and X-ray spectroscopy, Kastner et al. conclude    .       
                       2MASS J11550485-7919108 is a likely CPM companion to the pre-MS         .       
                       star/disk system T Cha, with spectral type M3.                          Kst2012 
11578+4518 A  1778     A may be variable.                                                      .       
11578-7121 HJ 4483     SWR 122. CPM pair                                                       Skf2004 
11580+6520 LDS2620     NLTT 29095/29094                                                        Chm2004 
11581-2930 LDS 375     NLTT 29109/29108                                                        Chm2004 
11582-1045 J  2084     RST 3765. BRT.                                                          .       
11582-1120 LDS4162     GWP1719.                                                                .       
11583+3338 LDS5210     LDS6254.                                                                .       
11585+3811 LDS5211     LDS6255.                                                                .       
11585-2350 RST3767     Ma,Mb = 0.864 +/- 0.031, 0.828 +/- 0.030 \msun.                         GmJ2022 
11585-4155 LDS6256     HIP 58401. See Allen et al. (2000) for information on metallicity,      AlC2000 
                       age, galactic orbital parameters, etc.                                  .       
11589-2555 I   510     Too close. Duplicity doubtful, and/or rapid motion. Needs speckle.      .       
11594-4219 HJ 4485     A is CPD-41@5660. B is CPD-41@5659.                                     .       
11596-7813 HJ 4486     eps Cha.                                                                .       
                       In eps Cha Association. 12001-7812 is also a member.                    .       
                       11596-7813C = 12001-7812A.                                              .       
11598-0315 CBL 365     GWP1724.                                                                Tob2012b
11599+1144 BPM 585     [PM2000] 1021250 + [PM2000] 1021230.                                    Gvr2010 
12001+7039 STT 242     C is BD+71@595 according to ADS, but A and C may be reversed.           .       
12001+4107 LDS5212     LDS6257.                                                                .       
12001-7812 FGL   2     DX Cha. Hen 3-741. Noted as possible binary (separation > 0".040) by    .       
                       Baines et al. (2006)                                                    Bns2006 
                       In eps Cha Association. 11596-7813 is also a member.                    .       
                       11596-7813C = 12001-7812A.                                              .       
                       B, C, D, and E components were resolved by Feigelson et al. (2003)      Fgl2003  
                       using Chandra ACIS-I (Advanced CCD Imaging Spectrometer Imager).        .       
                       Additional wide components G, H, I, J, and K, as well as closer F       .       
                       companion were resolved by Grady et al (2004) using data from HST/STIS  Gry2004 
                       and VLT/NACO. Their theta values for AD and AE appear to be in error;   .       
                       correct values are perhaps 180-71=109deg and 180-74=106deg?             .       
                       Grady et al. provided no relative astrometry for the H, I, J, and K     .       
                       companions. Coarse values were extracted by the cataloguer using        .       
                       Aladin, based on their Figure 4.                                        .       
12002+8700 STF1583     STT 238. B is BD+87@100.                                                .       
12002+3644 STTA114     B is BD+37@2239.                                                        .       
12003-3552 SWR 123     CPM pair                                                                Skf2004 
12005-0433 EGN  13     Pair bound. B component is likely an M2.5-M4.5 dwarf with mass 0.23     .       
                       +/- 0.01 Msun.                                                          Egn2007 
12006+6911 A  1088     Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and spectroscopic   .       
                       masses of 21.73 +/- 14.44, 4.11, and 1.35 Msun, respectively.           Mlk2012 
12007+2051 BDK   5     G 121-42 + 2MASS J12003292+2048513. Distance 30 +14/-7 pc for primary,  .       
                       26 +/- 3 pc for secondary. Estimated age of system 4-5 Gyr. Mass of     .       
                       secondary estimated at 0.085-0.103 Msun.                                Fah2010 
12007-1027 SCP   1     Schnupp et al. (2010) determine spectral types G8-K0IV and M4V, masses  .       
                       1.01 and 0.21 +0.03/-0.02 Msun for the two components.                  Scp2010 
12009+0637 pi Vir      Hipparcos astrometric solution adopted some elements from the orbit of  HIP1997d
                       Abt (1965).                                                             AbH1965 
12015-0023 STF1591     STTA115. B is BD+00@2877.                                               .       
12016+4731 KZA  24     30' error in WDS designation                                            .       
12016-6000 WFC 121     JAW  30.                                                                .       
12018-3439 I   215     A premature orbit has been computed. The motion is nearly rectilinear,  .       
                       but the sizable proper motion proves the physical nature.               .       
                       The position given by Bespalov is that of HLD 114.                      Bsp1961 
                       The primary is a double-lined SB, now SB3. Tokovinin et al. (2014)      .       
                       derived a solution (P=148.14d, e=0.430) and estimated the angular       .       
                       separation at 13 mas, meaning it should be resolvable by speckle on an  .       
                       8m telescope. They also revised the orbit of the AB pair. Estimated     .       
                       masses for Aa, Ab, and B are all similar: 1.15, 1.16, and 1.12 Msun.    Tok2015a
12019+0006 STTA116     B is BD+00@2881.                                                        .       
12019-4617 TDS8181     KZ Cen.                                                                 .       
12021+4303 FOR   1     67 UMa. A is a Delta Scuti-type variable, DP UMa.                       .       
                       Position of B (+43@2182): 12 02.5 +43 05.                               .       
12023-8538 HJ 4490     B is CPD-84@372.                                                        .       
12025+2145 HO  535     Despite the linear solution, proper motion and parallax favor a         Grv2020a
                       physical connection. Long period and/or high eccentricity possible.     .       
12025+1646 OSO  44     LHS2500. Not a common proper motion pair, based on astrometry and       .       
                       color.                                                                  Oso2004 
12027-1043 SHY 588     AC: HIP  58722 + HIP  58751.                                            .       
12028+4205 BFR   7     NLTT 29392 + 2MASS J12025009+4204531. Baron et al. (2015) estimate      .       
                       spectral types M6.0 +/- 0.5 and L0.0 +/- 0.5, distances 33 +2/-16 and   .       
                       38 +2/-11 pc, masses 0.102-0.133 and 0.074-0.081 Msun.                  BFr2015 
12028+2450 HDS1693     Suspected non-single.                                                   Hor2002b
12029+0004 GRV1068     Aka GWP1737.                                                            .       
12029-1908 B  2536     J 1602.                                                                 .       
12030-6319 CPO  55     the 1 Cru. A is a spectroscopic binary.                                 .       
12031+4719 OSO  45     G122-069. Not a common proper motion pair, based on astrometry and      .       
                       color.                                                                  Oso2004 
12033+2902 LDS1275     AB: NLTT 29413/29414                                                    Chm2004 
12036+7932 LDS1746     CBL 553. The pair was long lost, due to a 1deg error in the published   .       
                       declination, until its rediscovery by Caballero (2012).                 Cbl2012b
12036-3901 SEE 143     89 Cen.                                                                 .       
                       Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and spectroscopic   .       
                       masses of 2.31 +/- 1.26, 2.46, and 1.13 Msun, respectively.             Mlk2012 
12038-4407 HJ 4491     LDS 380. B is CD-43@7447.                                               .       
                       SHY 589. Bayesian analysis by Shaya & Olling (2011) indicates very      Shy2011 
                       high (near 100%) probability pair is physical.                          .       
12039+4257 LDS4174     NLTT 29456/29454                                                        Chm2004 
12040+0321 ENG  46     B is BD+04@2568.                                                        .       
                       Optical pair, based on study of relative motion of the components       .       
                       using the method of apparent motion parameters.                         Kiy2008 
12042+2407 A   682     A close approach took place from about 1960-1975.                       .       
12043+2128 STF1596     2 Com. A spectroscopic binary.                                          .       
                       H 2  47.                                                                MEv2010 
12047-0546 RST4492     A is the semiregular variable RX Vir.                                   .       
12048-4003 RST1641     CPD-39@5381.                                                            .       
12048-6200 DUN 117     B is CPD-61@2935.                                                       .       
12048-6704 DON1095     CD-66@1160.                                                             .       
12049+1729 LEP  49     NI   29.                                                                .       
12049+0910 STF1597     B is BD+09@2580.                                                        .       
12051+1933 GIC 103     LDS5748. G121-052/G121-053.                                             .       
                       NLTT 29534/29540                                                        Chm2004 
12051-6111 FIN 421     The composite spectrum is unlikely to refer to B.                       .       
12054-2636 RST2777     Motion direct, companion optical.                                       .       
                       HIP 58962. See Allen et al. (2000) for information on metallicity,      AlC2000 
           LDS 383     age, galactic orbital parameters, etc.                                  .       
                       AC: NLTT 29556/29553                                                    Chm2004 
12056+6848 STF1599     Djurkovic measured component Ee: 70@, 0.2", 8-8,                        .       
                       but van den Bos found this round in 1958.                               .       
12056+5659 A  1358     Aka HDS1700.                                                            .       
12058+5355 CBL  52     Also known as DAL  43.                                                  .       
12058-1853 WNO  54     GJ 9387 + NLTT 29580. CPM pair.                                         Mkr2008 
                       A spectroscopic binary of indeterminate period.                         Tok2019b
12058-6934 GS Mus      Harmanec (1987 Bull. Astron. Inst. Czech. 38, 283) gives a preliminary  .       
                       orbit with P = 1.74 d and K = 12.4 km/sec.  The same period and its     .       
                       double also appear in photometry (van Genderen et al. 1989 A&A 213,     .       
                       161), so the radial velocity variations may be related to pulsation     .       
                       instead of orbital motion.  The radial velocity variations are also     .       
                       discussed by Walborn et al. (1980 PASP 92, 284) and Levato et al.       Lev1988 
                       (1988).                                                                 Msn1998a
12059-4951 HJ 4494     CPD-49@4827.                                                            .       
                       AB = SWR 124. CPM pair.                                                 .       
                       Third component 24" N, CPD-49 4827, is not CPM                          Skf2004 
12060+6842 STF3123     AB: Additional notes may be found in Fu et al. (1997).                  McA1997 
                       Star C (mag. 15, 3") is probably physical.                              .       
                       AB: Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and             .       
                       spectroscopic masses 3.51 +/- 0.88, 3.36, and 1.17 Msun, respectively.  Mlk2012 
12060+2312 WSI 103     MS Com.                                                                 .       
12061+7022 A    76     LDS1748. B is BD+71@603.                                                .       
                       AB: HJL 163.                                                            HJL1986 
12061-3258 HJ 4495     HIP 59021. Both components A,B are above the MS by 1.5 mag. Wrong       Tok2011a
                       parallax? The photometric parallax would be ~40 mas. See Holmberg et    Nrd2009 
                       al. (2009) for improved distance. Planet host?                          Nid2002 
                       AB: B is SB2, P=148.26d. A is SB and possible astrometric binary,       Tok2010c
                       although not resolved with NICI (Tokovinin et al. 2010)                 Tok2014d
12062-2002 B  1714     A rapid binary, angles and period uncertain.                            .       
12063+5243 SKF2827     Superposed on west side of galaxy NGC 4102. Pair first noticed by       Skf2017f
                       Steve Gottlieb.                                                         .       
12064-1315 JNN  77     Due to the small separation (~0.42") of the companion detected in the   .       
                       AstraLux images, it is likely a physical companion, although common     .       
                       proper motion has not yet been tested.                                  Jnn2012 
                       Bowler et al. (2015) confirm the physical nature and detect orbital     .       
                       motion. Riaz et al. (2006 AJ 132, 866) identify the pair as             .       
                       chromospherically active.                                               Bwl2015 
12064-4858 BRT 805     CPD-48@4508.                                                            .       
12064-6543 FIN 367     Composite spectrum; G8-K0III+A3.                                        .       
                       Aa,Ab: Docobo & Andrade (2013) derive a dynamical parallax of 8.11 +/-  .       
                       0.42 mas and component masses 2.0 +/- 0.5 and 2.0 +/- 0.1 Msun. See     .       
                       paper for extensive notes on this system.                               Doc2013d
12066-3752 HJ 4500     B is CD-37@7665.                                                        .       
12067-6114 JAW  32     Also known as R    187.                                                 .       
12068+4450 FAR  13     BC: Primary is white dwarf WD 1204+450.                                 Far2005b
12069+7008 SKF 237     Aside from the spatially resolved companion, the primary in the 2MASS   .       
                       J1206557+700749 system is a known spectroscopic binary with a           .       
                       semi-major axis less than 0.03 au. This is well consistent with our     .       
                       AstraLux data, where the primary is significantly brighter than the     .       
                       secondary, despite having about equal spectral type. Hence, the system  .       
                       is a triple in reality.                                                 Jnn2012 
12069-6437 HJ 4501     eta Cru. A is a spectroscopic binary.                                   .       
12071+6905 STF1602     The A component is a spectroscopic triple, P = 3.87d and 6.5y.          .       
12073+4306 HJ 2596     Burnham measured a separation of 224.8" at approximately the same       Bu_1913 
                       position angle (239.3) on 1911.22 to NGC 4111 with the 40".             .       
12073-7338 NZO  27     Not found by Heintz at IDS position.                                    Hei1990b
12075+1302 LDS4179     HIP 59126. See Allen et al. (2000) for information on metallicity,      AlC2000 
                       age, galactic orbital parameters, etc.                                  .       
                       NLTT 29665/29661                                                        Chm2004 
12076-3933 CVN  12     Relative astrometry from Chauvin et al. (2004) was slightly modified    Cvn2004 
                       by Chauvin et al. (2005).                                               Cvn2005b
           SON   1     AC: C component is a field star.                                        Son2006 
12081+5528 STF1603     LDS1278. B is BD+56@1569.                                               .       
                       HJL 164.                                                                HJL1986 
                       H 4 108.                                                                MEv2010 
12082+3227 HJ  844     SEI 528.                                                                Nsn2017b
12084-5043 JC    2     A: del Cen. Both A and B are Be stars.                                  .       
                       B: CD-49 6813. B is the variable V863 Cen.                              .       
           MLD   1     Aa,Ab: A component was resolved in K-band using the A0-K0-G1 and        Mld2008 
                       E0-G0-H0 baselines with VLTI/AMBER. The magnitude difference in K was   .       
                       2.89 +/- 0.16 mag.                                                      .       
12088-4023 Anon        EQ 1206-4006                                                            .       
                       ID as EQ 1206-4006 uncertain; based on Simbad search using epoch-1950   .       
                       coordinates 120613-400627 from White et al. (1991).                     Whi1991 
12089+2147 LDS 930     G059-001. See Allen et al. (2000) for information on metallicity,       AlC2000 
                       age, galactic orbital parameters, etc.                                  .       
12091-7847 SHY 592     HIP  59243 + HIP  58490.                                                .       
12092+1450 TOK 148     HIP 59250.                                                              .       
12093-8459 R   188     Also appears to be R   182.                                             .       
12094-3409 RST2782     Spectrum: G5/6III/IV.                                                   .       
12094-5127 I  1218     AC = SWR 126. CPM pair                                                  Skf2004 
12094-6349 HRG  74     Pretty pair. Three distant companions.                                  I__1917a
12095+3838 MET   8     Metchev & Hillenbrand say the pair is probably optical, based on        .       
                       proximity.                                                              Met2004b
12095-1151 STF1604     AB: Mt. Wilson spectral types are G2 and K8. A is a spectroscopic       .       
                       binary, and slightly variable. Large relative proper motion, coupled    .       
                       with the fact that the C component is brighter than B, has led to some  .       
                       confusion in identification of components.                              .       
                       AB: NLTT 29769/29772                                                    Chm2004 
                       HIP 59272.                                                              Tok2011a
                       BC: Rectilinear solution by Friedman et al. (2012).                     USN2012a
12099-1004 LIM   2     2MASS J12095613-1004008. T dwarf, spectral types estimated by Liu et    LiM2010 
                       el. (2010) at T2.0 +/-  0.5 and T7.5 +/- 0.5. Photometric distance 21   .       
                       +/- 4 pc. Possible masses and effective temperatures are determined     .       
                       for a range of age estimates.                                           .       
12101+0526 TOK 282     AC: 12100+0527 TOK 282 and 12101+0526 WOR  22 found to share same       .       
                       primary; systems merged.                                                .       
12101-4334 CPO  56     B is CD-42@7455.                                                        .       
12102+1438 BPM 586     [PM2000] 1025354 + [PM2000] 1025384.                                    Gvr2010 
12103-0627 HJ 1213     LDS 387.                                                                .       
12105+1649 CHR 135     3 Com.                                                                  .       
12108+3953 STF1606     A: Preliminary orbit by van der Wiele (1974) calculated to fit          vdW1974 
                       perturbations seen to long-period orbit.                                .       
12110+8143 SHJ 136     BDS 6074, STTA117 = STTA118. B is BD+82@357.                            .       
12110+1704 BPM 587     [PM2000] 1025639 + [PM2000] 1025679.                                    Gvr2010 
12111-5302 HU 1604     Ma,Mb = 1.045 +/- 0.042, 0.978 +/- 0.039 \msun.                         GmJ2022 
12113+3316 HJ 2600     LDS 932.                                                                .       
12113-1958 LDS 390     NLTT 29876/29879                                                        Chm2004 
12114+4334 LDS4186     B is BD+44@2169.                                                        .       
                       A, B, and C are NLTT 29895, 29881, and 29896. B and C are below MS in   .       
                       (K,V-K) and to the left in (J,J-K). Sub-dwarfs?                         Tok2014d
12114-1647 S   634     A 211.6d spectroscopic solution for the A component has been found      Tok2019g
                       making this a triple system.                                            .       
12114-6057 RST4493     Spectral type B5?                                                       .       
12115+5325 STF1608     AB: LDS1284. Mt. Wilson spectral types are K2 and G9.                   .       
                       HJL 165.                                                                HJL1986 
           SHY 233     AC: HIP  59432 + HIP  60121.                                            .       
12118+2400 LDS6258     AB: SAND 26.                                                            .       
           LDS5749     AC: Assignment of LDS6258 and 5749 as AB and AC pairs is uncertain.     .       
12118+2319 GC 16657    Hipparcos astrometric solution adopted some elements from the orbit of  HIP1997d
                       Griffin (1985).  Cluster Melotte 111 #AV442.                            Grf1985a
12119+2552 4 Com       Hipparcos astrometric solution adopts some elements from the orbits of  HIP1997d
                       Harper (1930) and Harper (1930).                                        Hrp1930a
                       Cluster Melotte 111 #AV448.                                             Hrp1930b
                       Ren & Fu (2013) calculated an astrometric orbit, combining Hipparcos    Ren2013 
                       Intermediate Astrometric Data with spectroscopic elements by            .       
                       Harper (1930).                                                          Hrp1930a
12120+3850 LDS4188     SLW 693.                                                                .       
12121+2459 LAS   4     Lasgoity (2014) determines that the two components of the pair in the   .       
                       region of the Coma Berenice star cluster share common proper motion.    .       
                       He derives spectral types of M3.5V for both components, and estimates   .       
                       distance, mass, and radius for both stars.                              Las2014a
12123+5429 VYS   5     LDS5213.                                                                .       
                       NLTT 29950/29949                                                        Chm2004 
12123-0621 LDS4189     NLTT 29948/29967                                                        Chm2004 
12125+2509 LAS   5     Lasgoity (2014) determines that the two components of the pair in the   .       
                       region of the Coma Berenice star cluster share common proper motion.    .       
                       He derives spectral types of K0V and K3V for the two components, and    .       
                       estimates distance, mass, and radius for both stars.                    Las2014a
12125-0305 LPM 416     HIP 59532. See Allen et al. (2000) for information on metallicity,      AlC2000 
                       age, galactic orbital parameters, etc.                                  .       
                       No companions detected with NACO (Eggenberger et al. 2007).             Egn2007 
12127+1631 BPM 588     [PM2000] 1026292 + [PM2000] 1026283.                                    Gvr2010 
12128-7009 EVS  17     Primary is the Cepheid S Mus.                                           Evs2016a
           GAA  13     Aa,Ab : Cepheid with a period of 9.66d. Distance = 858 +/- 17 pc.       GaA2019b
                       M_Aa, M_Ab = 4.44 +/- 0.91, 3.98 +/- 0.21 /msun.                        .       
12129-4454 HJ 4507     B is CD-44@7860.                                                        .       
12130+2146 JNN 277     Estimated age 1000-10000 Myr; masses 0.24 +/- 0.08 and 0.12 +/- 0.03    .       
                       Msun; a ~4.7 au.                                                        Jnn2014 
12135-4847 CBL 142     AC: Secondary of 12135-4848 CBL 142 found to be primary of 12135-4847   .       
                       TDS8273; systems merged, with quadrant of CBL 142 flipped 180deg.       .       
12137-1123 JNN  78     LP 734-84.                                                              .       
                       A companion to 2MASS J12134173-1122405 is detected in the AstraLux      .       
                       images which has not yet been tested for common proper motion, but the  .       
                       color and brightness is consistent with the expectation for a           .       
                       physically bound companion.                                             Jnn2012 
12138+4643 A  1849     Rectilinear solution by Rica & Zirm (2012).                             FMR2012i
12140-4543 RMK  14     A is a spectroscopic binary.                                            .       
12141+3247 STF1615     B is a spectroscopic binary.                                            .       
                       AB: HJL 166.                                                            HJL1986 
12143+1149 HU 1137     A is a W UMa-type system, AH Vir.                                       .       
                       Pribulla & Rucinski (2006) estimate the mass of the contact pair at     Pbl2006 
                       1.900 Msun and the minimum mass of the wider component at 0.65 Msun.    .       
12143-0543 HJ  203     A is the Delta Scuti-type variable FG Vir.                              .       
12145+0847 STF1616     The declination differences between A and BD+09@2600 have been          .       
                       measured. See ADS.                                                      A__1932a
                       AC: HJL 167.                                                            HJL1986 
                       AB: H 4 114.                                                            MEv2010 
12148-5547 HJ 4508     B is CPD-55@4937.                                                       .       
           SHY 597     AC: HIP  59716 + HIP  59960.                                            .       
           SHY 582     AD: HIP  59716 + HIP  57950.                                            .       
12151-0715 STF1619     AB: NLTT 30106/30107                                                    Chm2004 
                       C is BD-06@3533.                                                        .       
                       A rectilinear solution to AB gives a poor fit, due to slight apparent   .       
                       curvature suggesting very long-period orbital motion.                   .       
                       AB: The AB pair is comprised of a K0V and a K1V star, at a distance of  .       
                       35.19 +/- 0.74pc. The C component is not a physical companion. Rica et  .       
                       al. (2017) derive a combined spectroscopic/astrometric orbit of AB,     .       
                       finding a period of 4800 years and a separation of 345au. The orbit is  .       
                       perturbed by a circumprimary planet of mass 9.6 Mjup, previously        .       
                       discovered through radial velocity variations (Mayor et al., 2011 A&A   .       
                       submitted, arXiv:1109.2497M)                                            FMR2017 
12152-1019 BUP 139     Proper motion of A +036 -1016.                                          .       
                       A: Hipparcos astrometric solution assumed circular orbit (e = omega     HIP1997d
                       = 0). Spectroscopic solution to this astrometric pair given by Griffin  Grf2013a
                       (2013). Periods match "tolerably well," other common elements less so.  .       
                       A: Ren & Fu (2013) calculated an astrometric orbit, combining           .       
                       Hipparcos Intermediate Astrometric Data with spectroscopic elements by  .       
                       Carney et al. (2001). They derived component masses 1.09 and 0.48 Msun  Crn2001 
                       and an estimated semimajor axis of 91.99 mas.                           Ren2013 
12154+5702 BLL  29     69 UMa = del UMa = Megrez. Smyth's quoted separation is difference in   Smy1844 
                       RA only.                                                                .       
12158-1733 RBR   5     = gam Crv = Gienah                                                      .       
                       Found to be a common proper motion companion.                           Jnn2011b
                       Intensity Interferometer Limb-darkened diameter 0.75 +/- 0.06 mas.      HBr1974 
12158-2321 BU  920     Bespalov orbit rejected from Fourth Orbit Catalog                       Bsp1961 
                       ("orbit completely faulty and irreparable")                             Wor1983 
                       Rica (2012) derived a dynamical parallax of 15.6 mas (compared with     FMR2012g
                       14.37 +/- 0.71 mas from Hipparcos) and a mass sum (using the Hipparcos  .       
                       parallax) of 3.60 +/- 0.93 Msun.                                        .       
12159-4417 SWR 128     CPM pair                                                                Skf2004 
12160+4807 HU  736     Value of Omega inadvertently copied as omega as well by Baize (1993).   Baz1993b
12160+0538 STF1621     Additional notes may be found in Baize (1948) and                       Baz1948b
                       Couteau (1955).                                                         Cou1955a
                       One component probably has variable RV (Wilson 1967, AJ, 72, 905).      .       
                       Indeterminate (long) period, useable a^3/P^2. Poor Hipparcos parallax.  Sod1999 
                       See Baize & Petit (1989) catalog of doubles with variable component.    Baz1989d
12161+4040 STF1622     2 CVn. A is a spectroscopic binary.                                     .       
                       H 3  85.                                                                MEv2010 
12162+8008 STF1625     B is BD+80@380.                                                         .       
12162+0443 STF1623     HJL 168.                                                                HJL1986 
12163+4057 FMR 103     BC: Primary of 12166+4058 FMR 103 found to be secondary of LDS4198;     .       
                       systems merged.                                                         .       
12165+3304 CHR  37     A Delta Scuti-type variable and long-period (1300d) SB.                 .       
                       Hipparcos astrometric solution adopted some elements from the orbit of  HIP1997d
                       Griffin (1984).                                                         Grf1984a
                       A spectroscopic orbit with a period of 1300 days was determined by      .       
                       Christie (1936 ApJ, 83, 433). The many negative results listed here     .       
                       may be due to a large or variable magnitude difference.                 .       
12166+1200 BPM 589     [PM2000] 1027880 + [PM2000] 1027935.                                    Gvr2010 
12166-6312 SHY 595     HIP  59865 + HIP  59913.                                                .       
12169+0258 LDS 935     LDS6259.                                                                .       
12169-2228 LDS 399     NLTT 30204/30203                                                        Chm2004 
12171-6542 SHY 596     HIP  59898 + HIP  60183.                                                .       
12176+3205 LDS1288     Also known as LDS6260.                                                  .       
                       NLTT 30242/30241                                                        Chm2004 
12176+1427 DEA  48     AB + TOK 399Aa,Ab: HIP 59933 has a variable RV according to GCS. The    .       
                       32mas separation corresponds to an orbital period of ~2yr. However,     .       
                       the separations in the y and I filters are somewhat discordant;         .       
                       further confirmation is needed.                                         Tok2015c
12177-6410 JNN  79     The two targets 2MASS J12173945-6409418 and J12174012-6409389 are       .       
                       physically bound, as shown by common proper motion analysis. However,   .       
                       this means that one of the targets likely has an error in the Riaz et   .       
                       al. (2006) spectral type determination, since J12174012-6409389 is      Ria2006 
                       classified as M2 but is fainter than J12174012-6409389, which is        .       
                       classified as M3.5. The fact that J12174012-6409389 is fainter holds    .       
                       true both in 2MASS and in the AstraLux images. Both components are      .       
                       resolved as close binaries with AstraLux, so we consider it a strong    .       
                       candidate for a quadruple system, with J12173945-6409418A as the        .       
                       primary. Concerning which spectral type determination is incorrect, we  .       
                       consider that it is more likely that J12174012-6409389 is mis-          .       
                       classified, as the flux ratio to the close companion is closer to       .       
                       unity than in the J12174012-6409389 case. We thus set the spectral      .       
                       type of J12174012-6409389A to M3+/-1, and determine the other spectral  .       
                       types on the basis of flux ratios. Component Bb is not visible in the   .       
                       i' data, but becomes visible in z' thanks to the higher Strehl ratio    .       
                       and intrinsic brightness of the component. A fifth object is visible    .       
                       in the field, but its color reveals it to be a likely background star.  Jnn2012 
12179+1627 LIM   4     Liu et al. (2012) derive near-IR spectral types of T9 +/- 0.5 and       .       
                       Y0 +/- 0.5. At a derived photometric distance of 10.5 +/- 1.7 pc, the   .       
                       two stars are separated by 8.0 +/- 1.3 au. Various evolutionary models  .       
                       yield masses of 11.5-14.4 Mjup for the primary, 5.5-8.3 Mjup for the    .       
                       secondary.                                                              LiM2012 
                       Based on resolved IR spectroscopy (0.9-2.5micron), Leggett et al.       .       
                       (2014) derive spectral types T8.5 and Y0-Y0.5 for this brown dwarf      .       
                       pair. Assuming an age range 4-8Gyr, they also estimate:                 .       
                           Teff   = 550-600          and 450K,                                 .       
                           mass   = 30+/-5           and 22+/-2 Mjup,                          .       
                           radius = 0.091 +/- 0.004  and 0.096 +/- 0.003 Rsun,                 .       
                           log g  = 5.0 +/- 0.1      and 4.8 +/- 0.1                           Leg2014 
12179-5559 BYV   1     Bailey et al. (2014) derive spectral types F5V and L2.5, and estimate   .       
                       masses (1.5 +/- 0.10 Msun, 11 +/- 2 Mjup) and luminosities (log L/Lsun  .       
                       = 0.75 +/- 0.06 and -3.64 +/- 0.08). Distance to the system is 92 +/-   .       
                       6 pc, age is 13 +/- 2 Myr.                                              ByV2014 
12180-1456 RST3783     Optical pair, based on study of relative motion of the components       .       
                       using the method of apparent motion parameters.                         Kiy2008 
                       Additional notes may be found in van den Bos (1963).                    B__1963b
                       Rectilinear solution by Hurowitz et al. (2014).                         USN2014a
12182+0515 HJ 2609     C is a nebula, HJ 1178.                                                 .       
12182-0357 STF1627     B is BD-03@3262.                                                        .       
                       H N  22.                                                                MEv2010 
12183-6317 HDS1734     SU Cru.                                                                 .       
12184-6400 HJ 4512     zet Cru                                                                 .       
12187+1148 STF1628     BDS 6116, HJ 1216 same star.                                            .       
12189-2130 LDS 403     NLTT 30297/30298                                                        Chm2004 
12190+0555 GIC 105     G012-032/G012-031.                                                      .       
                       NLTT 30312/30313                                                        Chm2004 
12190+0005 GRV1075     SLW 709.                                                                .       
12190-3318 HJ 4513     B is CD-32@8628.                                                        .       
12191+1036 BPM 590     [PM2000] 1028960 + [PM2000] 1028910.                                    Gvr2010 
12192-0319 TOK 283     Secondary appears to be a WD, mass estimated at 0.6 Msun.               Mug2014 
                       A is exoplanet host, P=48.05d.                                          Tok2014d
12194+1744 A  2059     Rectilinear solution by Rica & Zirm (2012).                             FMR2012i
12195+6232 BRT3377     A likely plate flaw.                                                    Grv2021b
12195+2809 LEP  53     HJL1068.                                                                HJL1986 
                       B is SB1, RV=+17.97. RV(A)=-9.80.                                       Tok2014d
12196-4642 SWR 130     CPM pair                                                                Skf2004 
12199-0040 MCA  37     eta Vir = 15 Vir = Zaniah. A spectroscopic and occultation binary now   .       
                       resolved by speckle interferometry.                                     .       
                       Observed parallax corroborates closely the orbital value given by       .       
                       Hartkopf et al. (1992). Primary is 72d SB2 (#718 in Batten et al.,      Hrt1992a
                       1989). This is not the SB2 because the observed angular separations     Bte1989 
                       are much larger than the 12 mas maximum predicted by Halbwachs (1981)   HJL1981 
                       from the spectroscopic elements. See discussion in Balega et al.        Bag1984b
                       (1984), who give preliminary orbital elements based entirely on         .       
                       speckle observations.                                                   .       
                       1985.2053, 1985.2491: These measures agree well with the preliminary    .       
                       orbit of Balega et al. (1984), who adopted a period of 13 years. The    .       
                       orbit proposed by Tokovinin (1984) with P = 9.8 years fails to fit the  Tok1984 
                       speckle observations.                                                   Bnu1986 
                       See Baize & Petit (1989) catalog of doubles with variable component.    Baz1989d
                       A new speckle/spectroscopic orbit of the early A type triple system     .       
                       eta Vir has been determined by Hartkopf et al. (1992).                  Hrt1992a
                       Martin et al. (1998) derive component masses 6.009 +/- 2.164 and        .       
                       0.673 +/- 0.800 Msun.                                                   Mig1998 
12201+1351 BU   27     A is variable.                                                          .       
12201-6132 TOB 148     Also known as JAW  34.                                                  .       
12202+3754 STF1632     A is a spectroscopic binary.                                            .       
                       HJL 169.                                                                HJL1986 
                       H N  52.                                                                MEv2010 
12203+2637 PIN   6     Primary is Melotte 111 AV 1113, a variable star.                        .       
12203+0319 BUP 141     16 Vir.                                                                 .       
12206-2213 BU 1245     zet Crv. HDO 132. A is a spectroscopic binary.                          .       
           BU  605     CD: Rectilinear solution by Rica & Zirm (2012).                         FMR2012i
12207+2703 STF1633     LDS1294.                                                                .       
                       H N  31.                                                                MEv2010 
12207+1748 HO   52     11 Com.                                                                 .       
                       CHARA Array Limb-darkened diameter 1.651 +/- 0.016 mas,                 CIA2014b
                       R = 15.781  +/- 0.3444 \rsun, T = 4705 +/-  24 K,                       .       
                       L = 109.51   +/- 4.3256 \lsun.                                          .       
12208+2546 HJ  517     Optical pair, based on study of relative motion of the components       .       
                       using the method of apparent motion parameters.                         Kiy2008 
12211+4927 FAR  36     Primary is white dwarf WD 1218+497.                                     Far2006 
12213-6217 EVS  18     Primary is the Cepheid T Cru.                                           Evs2016a
12214+1223 LDS1295     BC: LDS6261. Erroneously listed as AC pair.                             .       
12215+3038 GIC 106     LDS1296. G148-047/G148-048.                                             .       
                       NLTT 30450/30451                                                        Chm2004 
12215-2413 HWE  26     HDO 133                                                                 .       
12216-2716 B   227     Motion direct.                                                          .       
12219+2833 LDS1300     LDS5214.                                                                .       
12221-6731 HDO 215     zet 2 Mus                                                               .       
12222+7315 TOK  26     Visual pair has estimated period 6800y.                                 Tok2006 
                       A is SB2, P=5.415d. AB not confirmed by RoboAO, but B is seen on J and  .       
                       K frames, seems to be real.                                             Tok2014d
12222+5805 WNC   4     Aka Messier 40. Definitively non-physical.                              Nug2002 
12222-3453 SWR 132     CPM pair                                                                Skf2004 
12223+3644 DEA  78     NLTT 30510 + 2MASS J12221837+3643485. Baron et al. (2015) estimate      .       
                       spectral types M3 +/- 1 and L0, distances 45 +47/-23 and 70 +/-10 pc,   .       
                       masses 0.377-0.431 and 0.074-0.081 Msun.                                BFr2015 
12225+2551 SHJ 143     12 Com. A is a spectroscopic binary. Spectrum composite: G0III-IV+A3V   .       
                       AC: H 5 121.                                                            MEv2010 
           CIA  52     Aa,Ab : Mass of Aa = 2.64 +/- 0.07 /msun, Ab = 2.10 +/- 0.03 /msun.     CIA2023b
           SMR  57     Aka LAS   6. Lasgoity (2014) determines that the two components of the  .       
                       pair in the region of the Coma Berenice star cluster share common       .       
                       proper motion. He derives spectral types of F5V and K5V for the two     .       
                       components, and estimates distance, mass, and radius for both stars.    .       
                       The primary is the D component of 12225+2551ARN   6AD. These stars show .       
                       very different proper motions than any of the components of 12225+2551, .       
                       however, suggesting that ARN 6AD just an optical double linking the     .       
                       two systems.                                                            Las2014a
12225+0518 STF1636     17 Vir. B may be variable.                                              .       
                       H 4  50.                                                                MEv2010 
12226-4920 SEE 153     Aka FAL  38.                                                            .       
12228-0405 BWL  29     AC: Colors and/or astrometry are inconsistent with a late-type common   .       
                       proper motion companion based on visual inspection of the field from    .       
                       2MASS, SDSS, DSS1, and/or DSS2. Primary is G 13-33.                     Bwl2015 
12229+1725 GIC 107     LDS1301. G059-015AB.                                                    .       
12236-6138 EVS  19     Primary is the Cepheid R Cru.                                           Evs2016a
12240-6206 COO 137     Spectrum A0/2+K1/2III                                                   .       
12241+3827 KZA  30     RA cos(DEC) was in error by 1 arcmin in Kazeza measures.                KZA1984 
12242+6655 LDS2641     SLW 716.                                                                .       
12242+0558 STT 248     FK Vir                                                                  .       
12243+2606 YSC  97     13 Com = GN Com.                                                        .       
12244-5250 HJ 4520     B is CPD-52@5564.                                                       .       
12247+0225 AG  177     AB: HJL 170.                                                            HJL1986 
12248-2827 BRT2993     CPD-27@4502.                                                            .       
12249-5807 BSO   8     Spectrum F8/G2IV/V+A.                                                   .       
12250-0414 TOK 400     HIP 60574 is a spectroscopic triple with periods 14d and 22yr (Latham   .       
                       2012, private communication), also an acceleration binary. We resolved  .       
                       the outer pair at 0".22 separation, matching the spectroscopic period.  .       
                       The lines of the visual secondary Ab could potentially be detected in   .       
                       the spectrum by cross-correlation, leading eventually to a full 3-D     .       
                       orbit.                                                                  Tok2015c
12251+6025 GIC 108     LDS1306.  G197-057/G197-058.                                            .       
                       NLTT 30676/30680                                                        Chm2004 
12265+3858 LDS4208     NLTT 30746/30750                                                        Chm2004 
12266-6306 DUN 252     alp 1 Cru = Acrux. According to R.G. Aitken, this was discovered by     A__1935f
                       the Jesuit missionary, Father Fontenay, at the Cape of Good Hope, in    Fon1733 
                       1685, although the triple was first measured by Dunlop and called       Dun1829 
                       DUN 123AB and DUN 122AC. Spectroscopic binary. CPM with HR 4729 and     .       
                       HR 4731, so there are at least five components in the system.           .       
                       Hyperbolic orbit by Hopmann (1960).                                     Hop1960b
                       q = periastron distance in the true orbit = 0".916                      .       
                       Both A and B appear to be spectroscopic binaries with undetermined      Bte1967 
                       periods (see Batten 1967).                                              Fin1970b
12268-0536 A    78     Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and spectroscopic   .       
                       masses of 1.95 +/- 0.56, 2.88, and 1.25 Msun, respectively.             Mlk2012 
12269+2816 SMR  58     gam Com.                                                                .       
                       NPOI Limb-darkened diameter 2.179 +/- 0.057 mas, Sp = K1III,            NOI2018 
                       R =12.01 +/- 0.34 \rsun, Teff = 4660 +/- 84 K, L = 61.4 +/- 3.3 \lsun,  .       
                       M = 1.78 +/- 0.25 \msun, Age = 1.69 +/- 0.56 Gyr.                       .       
12269-3728 HJ 4510     B is CD-36@7850. BC: C is CPD-36@5498.                                  .       
12270-0332 HJ  210     LDS2880.                                                                .       
12272+2701 STF1643     A premature orbit has been computed. Omega and omega in Hopmann (1964)  Hop1964b
                       have been flipped in the orbit catalog to better match observations.    .       
                       Data appear equally well fit by rectilinear solution - see catalog.     .       
12272-1958 S   637     B is BD-19@3492.                                                        .       
12273-2026 I   513     PTT 23.                                                                 .       
12274+0723 STF1644     Optical pair with large relative motion, noted by Muller in his list    .       
                       of neglected pairs.                                                     Cou1953d
12274-2843 B   228     Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and spectroscopic   .       
                       masses of 1.91 +/- 3.62, 2.73, and 1.51 Msun, respectively.             Mlk2012 
12275-7705 RST1668     Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and spectroscopic   .       
                       masses of 1.26 +/- 0.25, 1.14, and 1.05 Msun, respectively.             Mlk2012 
12276+7525 LDS1751     NLTT 30801/30819                                                        Chm2004 
12278-1010 HDS1754     Primary is KP Vir, an Algol-type eclipsing binary, P = 2.27720d.        Zas2012 
12279+3110 LDS1310     LDS5215.                                                                .       
12280-5014 RIZ   3     sig Cen.                                                                .       
12281+4448 STF1645     Alternative spectra F5+K. (Mt. Wilson F8+G0). Statistically the same    .       
                       parallax within the errors would indicate the components are physical.  .       
12281-6002 HJ 4524     B is CPD-59@4236.                                                       .       
12283-6146 CPO  12     A,BC: A is SB, no orbit. AD can be physical. Moved by 1"in 40y (WDS),   .       
                       while the PM implied 6" motion.                                         Tok2014d
12284+1223 LDS1311     LIT  23. NLTT 30838/30837.                                              Chm2004 
12286+0433 TMA   1     Incorrectly identified as J  1022. Pairs are close, and have similar    .       
                       position angles (mod 180deg). However, the Jonckheere pair is closer,   .       
                       and all published measures indicated a small magnitude difference.      .       
                       This pair has been resolved by 2MASS, so added under that designation.  .       
12286+0431 J  1022     See note to TMA   1.                                                    .       
12287-7129 LDS 410     Proper motion -419 +1091.                                               .       
12288-1040 RST3792     LDS4217. NLTT 30870 = Ross 948 = GJ 3727.                               Chm2004 
12289+2555 STFA 21     AB: A is an Alpha CVn-type variable, AI Com.                            .       
                       B is a spectroscopic binary.                                            .       
           BU 1080     BC: Faint companion was suspected sf on both nights.                    B__1963b
12290+4144 BWL  31     AC: Colors and/or astrometry are inconsistent with a late-type common   .       
                       proper motion companion based on visual inspection of the field from    .       
                       2MASS, SDSS, DSS1, and/or DSS2. Primary is GJ 3729.                     Bwl2015 
12290+0826 WSI 113     GJ 469. Initally added to WDS as 12297-0320AST   4 with GJ 469.1.       .       
12297-0320 TOK  27     GJ 469.1.  Visual pair has estimated period 3400y.                      Tok2006 
                       A is SB1, P=25.939d                                                     Tok2014d
12298-0527 B  2737     LDS5216.                                                                .       
                       Also known as LHS2567/8. Parallax = 47.68 +/- 1.29 mas.                 TSN2010 
12299-1631 SHJ 145     7 Crv = del Crv = Algorab. B is BD-15@3481.                             .       
                       NLTT 30918/30916                                                        Chm2004 
                       A may be variable.                                                      .       
                       AB: H 4 105.                                                            MEv2010 
12300+5132 BUP 143     7 CVn = del CVn. C is BD+52@1630.                                       .       
12301-1324 BU   28     Wilson & Seabroke note seeing a distant (290".8) companion in 1874.26   WS_1877 
                       AB: Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and             .       
                       spectroscopic masses 1.80 +/- 0.97, 1.81, and 1.07 Msun, respectively.  Mlk2012 
12302-5336 RSS  16     This previously uncataloged double star was a Hipparcos double entry    .       
                       system.  The first measure is determined from the individual positions  .       
                       listed by Rousseau et al.                                               Rss1996 
12303+2157 HJL1069     Spectral type of comoving secondary estimated F6-G4, mass 1.02 Msun.    Mug2014 
12306+0943 STF1647     Hopmann (1964) orbit rejected from Fourth Orbit Catalog                 Hop1964b
                       ("period over 4000 years")                                              Wor1983 
12307+5352 ES  726     AB: Also known as STI2284.                                              .       
                       AB: Rectilinear solution by Hurowitz et al. (2014).                     USN2014a
12309+2555 LAS   7     Lasgoity (2014) determines that the two components of the pair in the   .       
                       region of the Coma Berenice star cluster share common proper motion.    .       
                       He derives spectral types of M3V for both components, and estimates     .       
                       distance, mass, and radius for both stars.                              Las2014a
12310-5312 HJ 4526     B is CPD-52@5648.                                                       .       
           B  2738     CD: Additional notes may be found in van den Bos (1930).                B__1930b
12311+6116 LDS1314     NLTT 30989/30986                                                        Chm2004 
12312+0120 SHJ 146     STTA119. B is BD+02@2551.                                               .       
12312-5707 DUN 124     gam Cru = Gacrux. A variable? B is CPD-56@5274, spectrum A3V.           .       
                       AB: Optical pair, based on study of relative motion of the components   .       
                       using the method of apparent motion parameters.                         Kiy2008 
12313+5507 BAG  50     GJ 1160. Primary is the variable NO UMa.                                Bag2013 
                       Arenou (2000) gives combined solution of astrometric orbits and DSBs.   Are2000 
                       Paper includes masses and distances.                                    .       
                       Schlieder et al. (2016) derive the following properties for A and B:    .       
                          spectral types  K2V   +/- 0.5     K6.5V +/- 0.5                      .       
                          masses (Msun)   0.83  +/- 0.03    0.65  +/- 0.02                     .       
                          Teff (K)        5020  +/- 50      4150  +/- 30                       .       
                          log (L/Lsun)    -0.48 +/- 0.03    -0.96 +/- 0.03.                    SJE2016 
                       Improved resolved SB2 orbit for this pair.                              Kie2018 
                       A: Teff = 5105 +/- 21 K, M = 0.834 +/- 0.017 \msun.                     .       
                       B: Teff = 4175 +/- 35 K, M = 0.640 +/- 0.011 \msun.                     .       
                       Orbital parallax = 38.82 +/- 0.23 mas.                                  .       
                       Age = 0.4 Gyr.                                                          .       
12314-5659 RST2802     P of AB estimated at 1.4 kyr. A is a close spectroscopic binary with    Tok2022e
                       P ~343d.                                                                .       
12316+3201 COU 966     Linear solution first suggested and alternative linear solution in      Cve2022 
12316+1631 BPM 591     [PM2000] 1034110 + [PM2000] 1034136.                                    Gvr2010 
12316-1104 STF1649     B is BD-10@3486. Mt. Wilson spectral types A3, F2.                      .       
12317+1208 SHY 607     HIP  61135 + HIP  61416.                                                .       
12317-5925 GAA  12     Classical Cepheid BG Cru = 35 Cru.                                      .       
12321+7449 STF1654     H N 118.                                                                MEv2010 
12323+2000 HU  571     Possible quadrant reversal about 1920-1930.                             .       
12323+1335 LDS1317     AC: NLTT 31039/31038                                                    Chm2004 
12324+1717 BPM 592     [PM2000] 1034422 + [PM2000] 1034445.                                    Gvr2010 
12324+1211 LDS 937     LDS1316.                                                                .       
                       NLTT 31034/31037                                                        Chm2004 
12325+2106 STF1652     Primary is KK Com, a Beta Lyr type eclipsing binary, P = 1.06788d.      Zas2012 
12328+4828 LDS4227     NLTT 31062/31063                                                        Chm2004 
12329+5448 A  1600     Primary is II UMa, a W UMa type eclipsing binary, P = 0.82522d.         Zas2012 
12333-2410 ARA2180     May be HJ 4527 = BDS 6203 with a quadrant flip.                         Dam2014f
12333-6330 KRV   8     Classical Cepheid VW Cru.                                               .       
12334+3202 STF1653     STF1655.                                                                .       
                       SEI 532.                                                                Nsn2017b
12335+0901 REU   1     Wolf 424 aka GJ 473 or LDS1320. One or both components may be a flare   .       
                       star.Proper motion -1777, +218.                                         .       
                       Two possible orbit solutions by Schultz et al. (1998).                  Scz1998b
                       Masses of 0.143 +/- 0.011 and 0.131 +/- 0.10 Msun derived by Torres et  Trr1999 
                       al. (1999) assuming a trig parallax of 0.233 +/- 0.004 arcsec.          .       
                       Heintz (1972) orbit utilizes elongations of blended photographic        Hei1972 
                       images.                                                                 .       
                       See Baize & Petit (1989) catalog of doubles with variable component.    Baz1989d
                       1990.04: Theta and rho values are averages of observations taken in     .       
                       the J, K, and L bands  (1250/380, 2200/480, and 3400/700 nm).           .       
                       Magnitude difference is that at K band.                                 Prr1992 
12336+3837 STF1656     B is BD+39@2534.                                                        .       
12336+0717 TOK 149     HIP 61298. Not observed, but B at 18.7" is bright and likely physical,  .       
                       considering that N*=12.                                                 Tok2011a
12337+4121 BNU   4     CHARA Array Limb-darkened diameter  1.238 +/- 0.030 mas,                CIA2012e
                       R =  1.123 +/- 0.028 \rsun, L =  1.151 +/-0.018 \lsun,                  .       
                       Teff = 5653 +/-  72 K, M = 0.852 +/- 0.023 \msun,                       .       
                       Age = 14.2 +/- 2.1 Gyr.                                                 .       
                       NPOI Limb-darkened diameter 1.133 +/- 0.034 mas, Sp = G0V,              NOI2018 
                       R = 1.03 +/- 0.03 \rsun, Teff = 5966 +/-117 K, L =  1.2 +/- 0.1 \lsun.  .       
12340+3458 LDS1323     NLTT 31128/31127                                                        Chm2004 
12342-3206 HJ 4528     Optical pair, based on study of relative motion of the components       .       
                       using the method of apparent motion parameters.                         Kiy2008 
                       Rectilinear solution by Friedman et al. (2012).                         USN2012a
12344+1517 OSO  46     G059-024. Neither is a common proper motion pair.                       Oso2004 
12345+1206 BPM 593     [PM2000] 1035249 + [PM2000] 1035290.                                    Gvr2010 
12346+3914 LDS4230     NLTT 31156/31154                                                        Chm2004 
12346-5752 R   202     TOB  92.                                                                .       
12347+2549 LAS   8     Lasgoity (2014) determines that the two components of the pair in the   .       
                       region of the Coma Berenice star cluster share common proper motion.    .       
                       He derives spectral types of K4V and M0V for the two components, and    .       
                       estimates distance, mass, and radius for both stars.                    Las2014a
12349+2238 WRH  12     23 Com. A spectroscopic binary.                                         .       
                       Additional notes may be found in Wilson (1941).                         WRH1941b
                       Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and spectroscopic   .       
                       masses of 8.26 +/- 4.61, 3.95, and 2.46 Msun, respectively.             Mlk2012 
12349-4538 ZUC   4AB   2MASS J12345629-4538075 is better known as TWA 16. The presence of a    .       
                       close companion to this star was noted in Zuckerman et al. (2001)       .       
                       which seems to be consistent with the companion that we detect.         .       
                       However, since no explicit astrometric information is given in          .       
                       Zuckerman et al. other than a rough estimation of the separation        Zuc2001b
                       (0.67"), it is not possible to test whether the companion shares a      .       
                       common proper motion with the primary at this point. The brightness     .       
                       and color are consistent with a physical companion, hence the system    .       
                       counts as binary in  the statistics.                                    Jnn2012 
12350-4717 HJ 4530     A,BC: Rectilinear solution by Friedman et al. (2012).                   USN2012a
12351+3104 LDS1325     NLTT 31191/31204                                                        Chm2004 
12351+2547 LAS   9     Lasgoity (2014) determines that the two components of the pair in the   .       
                       region of the Coma Berenice star cluster share common proper motion.    .       
                       He derives spectral types of K6V and K8V for the two components, and    .       
                       estimates distance, mass, and radius for both stars.                    Las2014a
12351+1823 STF1657     24 Com. B is a spectroscopic binary, spectrum A9Vm.                     .       
                       Measure of 1927.49 made by triangulation of multiple measures.          .       
                       H 4  27.                                                                MEv2010 
           CIA  32     Ma,Mb = 1.838 +/- 0.218, 1.541 +/- 0.184 \msun.                         .       
                       Ra,Rb = 2.28 +/- 0.06, 1.70 +/- 0.07 \rsun.                             .       
                       Teff_a,Teff_b = 7630 +/- 120, 7180 +/- 140 K.                           .       
                       La,Lb = 15.6 +/- 1.3, 7.2 +/- 0.9 \lsun. distance = 110.1 +/- 6.1 pc.   CIA2022e
12351+0727 STF1658     AC: Optical pair, based on study of relative motion of the components   .       
                       using the method of apparent motion parameters.                         Kiy2008 
12353+1318 LAW   1     Spectral types M5-M7 and M6-M7, masses 0.097-0.107 and 0.097-0.106      .       
                       Msun, distance 24.4 +/- 2.7 pc                                          Law2006 
                       The position angle for this system given in Law et al. (2006) is        Law2006 
                       actually 257.0deg, but since the components are fairly similar in       .       
                       brightness and there is a fake triplet effect, we assume that there     .       
                       can be a 180deg phase shift present in the Law et al. data (or          .       
                       alternatively in both of our epochs). The angular motion in our two     .       
                       AstraLux images is 1.8deg in about 0.5 years. If taken at face value,   .       
                       the Law et al. data point would imply 198.4deg angular motion in 4.5    .       
                       years, corresponding to 22deg per half-year, which is an order of       .       
                       magnitude too large. On the other hand, if we subtract 180deg from the  .       
                       Law et al. position angle to get 77.0deg, then the angular motion is    .       
                       2.0deg per half-year, which is perfectly consistent with our            .       
                       measurements. Hence, we adopt the latter value for our analysis.        Jnn2012 
12357-1650 FIN 368     Aa,Ab: Hipparcos parallax 13.56 +/- 0.76 mas. Dynamical parallax 13.3   .       
                       mas, masses 1.79 and 1.23 Msun.  Speckle measures of 1989-91 and        McA1990 
                       2009-11 repeat themselves, hinting at a 20 yr period. However, the      Tok2010 
                       measure by Mason et al. in 2006.2 does not fall on the same ellipse     Msn2009 
                       and had to be ignored. It could refer to another star, as FIN 368       .       
                       should have been unresolved at that time according to our preliminary   .       
                       orbit, which also matches the speckle non-resolution in 1976.3 and the  .       
                       non-resolutions in 1964-1966 by Finsen. An alternative orbit with P =   Fin1965a
                       10.13 yr and e = 0.9 can also be fitted to the data. The Hipparcos      .       
                       measure on 1991.25 contradicts speckle interferometry on 1991.39; it    HIP1997a
                       had to be ignored. Nordstrom et al. (1997) noted double lines           Nrd1997 
                       broadened by fast axial rotation of 100 km/s and 20 km/s. However,      .       
                       individual RVs measured by these authors during 1987-1991 (near the     .       
                       apastron) do not show any systematic behavior that could be related to  .       
                       the orbit. Continued speckle monitoring will be critical for            .       
                       confirming the orbit.                                                   .       
12358-5935 WFC 128     TOB  97.                                                                .       
12359-0125 BAL 872     RST4964.                                                                .       
12360-3952 HJ 4533     AC: Optical pair, based on study of relative motion of the components   .       
                       using the method of apparent motion parameters.                         Kiy2008 
12362-4650 RST5526     Motion retrograde.                                                      .       
12366+3001 BFR   8     LSPM J1236+3000 + 2MASS J12363647+3000315. Baron et al. (2015)          .       
                       estimate spectral types M6 +/- 1 and M9.0 +/- 1, distances 112 +6/-52   .       
                       and 126 +18/-44 pc, masses 0.102-0.133 and 0.079-0.085 Msun.            BFr2015 
12368+2014 AG  180     HDS1769.                                                                .       
12369+8922 HJ 3170     Aka SKF 987.                                                            .       
12371+1546 LDS1328     SLW 746.                                                                .       
12372+2112 STF1663     STT 252.                                                                .       
12372-6908 DON 541     alp Mus. Variable.                                                      .       
12373-1703 LDS 414     NLTT 31307/31301                                                        Chm2004 
12375-0334 TOK 150     HIP 61608. Not observed, the status of B at 5.5" is uncertain, could be .       
                       physical (it is close and bright, N*=11).                               Tok2011a
12382+6628 LDS2656     Apparently a 1' error in RA for Luyten's secondary led to incorrect     Luy1972 
                       rho and theta for the 1966 measure.                                     .       
12383-5807 HJ 4534     TOB 105. B is CPD-57@5606.                                              .       
12384-6255 COO 139     TOB 106.                                                                .       
12386-0041 FAR  37     Primary is white dwarf WD 1236-004.                                     Far2006 
12387-0422 S   639     B is BD-03@3330.                                                        .       
                       AB: H 5 129.                                                            MEv2010 
12387-0520 STF1665     LDS 415. NLTT 31380/31381                                               Chm2004 
12388-5113 TOK 151     HIP 61698.                                                              Tok2011a
12389+1348 HDS1772     KM Com.                                                                 .       
12390+1255 BPM 594     [PM2000] 1037092 + [PM2000] 1037097.                                    Gvr2010 
12391+2104 26 Com      Hipparcos astrometric solution adopted some elements from the orbit of  HIP1997d
                       Griffin (1981).                                                         Grf1981a
                       Ren & Fu (2013) calculated an astrometric orbit, combining Hipparcos    Ren2013 
                       Intermediate Astrometric Data with spectroscopic elements by            .       
                       Griffin (1981).                                                         Grf1981a
12391-0133 HJ 1220     LDS2886.                                                                .       
12391-5816 R   205     AB: TOB 108. B is CPD-57@5611.                                          .       
12392+1420 STF1666     Spectrum of A composite; A3+G.                                          .       
12392-0800 ENG  47     26 Vir = chi Vir. B is BD-07@3454.                                      .       
                       Spectrum of A: K2III-IIIbCN1.                                           .       
12392-4022 B  1215     Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and spectroscopic   .       
                       masses of 2.35 +/- 0.95, 2.18, and 0.98 Msun, respectively.             Mlk2012 
12394-5338 JNN  80     The two components of 2MASS J12392104-5337579 that were detected in     .       
                       the AstraLux images have almost equal brightnesses and color, hence     .       
                       they are very likely physically bound. Common proper motion has not     .       
                       yet been tested.                                                        Jnn2012 
12396+1956 BGH  40     AB: HJL1073.                                                            HJL1986 
12396-3717 DAW  63     Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and spectroscopic   .       
                       masses of 1.33 +/- 0.78, 1.60, and 0.76 Msun, respectively.             Mlk2012 
12398+1754 BPM 595     [PM2000] 1037411 + [PM2000] 1037399.                                    Gvr2010 
12399+7425 HJ 2619     HJ 1221.                                                                .       
12399-6631 KOU  13     FH Mus.                                                                 .       
12401+2049 OSO  47     G059-032. The AB pair is not a common proper motion pair, based on      .       
                       color, but the AC pair is. Astrometry for the wide pair is determined   .       
                       from Digital Sky Survey images                                          Oso2004 
12402-1150 LDS4241     NLTT 31463/31461                                                        Chm2004 
12406+1513 TDS8482     Aa,Ab: Initially added as 12405+1517 TDS8482, but was found to          .       
                       comprise the primary of 12406+1513 HJ  213. Systems merged.             .       
12408+7901 MLR 427     Also known as HDS1776.                                                  .       
12408+4031 LTT13601    Hipparcos astrometric solution assumed circular orbit (e = omega = 0)   HIP1997d
                       Spectroscopic solution to these astrometric pairs given by Griffin      Grf2013a
                       (2013). Periods match "tolerably well," other common elements less so.  .       
12409+2708 COU 596     Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and spectroscopic   .       
                       masses of 3.92 +/- 1.30, 3.19, and 1.20 Msun, respectively.             Mlk2012 
12409+0850 STF1668     H N 143.                                                                MEv2010 
12412-0127 BU  607     HDO 134. This is the F component of STF1670.                            .       
12413-1301 STF1669     58 Crv. Both A and B are spectroscopic binaries (A is SB1), with        .       
                       periods of 44.4 and 1.46d. Both may also be variable.                   .       
                       Period of AB estimated at 4500y, AC at 150,000y.                        Tok2006 
                       AB: H N  38.                                                            MEv2010 
                       The B component of STF1669 is the spectroscopic eclipsing binary VV     .       
                       Crv.  Fekel et al. (2013) derive an orbit based on light and velocity   .       
                       curves with P=3.1445d and e=0.0852. Both components are F5 dwarfs; V    .       
                       magnitudes are 6.099 and 7.536, and masses are 1.978 +/- 0.010 and      .       
                       1.513 +/- 0.008 Msun.                                                   Fek2013b
12415+2136 LDS4249     NLTT 31550/31551                                                        Chm2004 
12415-4858 HJ 4539     gam Cen. AB: Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and    .       
                       spectroscopic masses 7.30 +/- 3.94, 5.19, and 2.29 Msun, respectively.  Mlk2012 
           SHY 239     AD: HIP  61932 + HIP  61622. D component = tau Cen.                     .       
12416+4814 LDS4251     NLTT 31574/31576                                                        Chm2004 
12416+4105 LDS5757     LDS6262. NLTT 31567/31578                                               Chm2004 
12416+1026 H 6  81     H VI 81. 27 Vir. A is the Delta Scuti-type variable                     .       
                       GG Vir, and is also a spectroscopic binary.                             .       
           SHY 610     AC: HIP  61937 + HIP  62350.                                            .       
12417+5543 SHY  64     AB: HIP  61946 + HIP  61481.                                            .       
                       AC: HIP  61946 + HIP  59496.                                            .       
                       AD: HIP  61946 + HIP  65327.                                            .       
           SHY 236     AE: HIP  61946 + HIP  61100.                                            .       
                       BE: HIP  61481 + HIP  61100.                                            .       
12417+2614 LDS1331     LDS6263.                                                                .       
12417-0127 STF1670     gam Vir = 29 Vir = Porrima. According to R.G. Aitken, this was          A__1935f
                       discovered in 1718 by Bradley and Pound.                                .       
                       One component is a suspected variable.                                  .       
                       Measure of 1720.31 made by triangulation of multiple measures.          .       
                       Measure of 1927.31 made by triangulation of multiple measures.          .       
                       See Baize & Petit (1989) catalog of doubles with variable component.    Baz1989d
                       AB: H 3  18.                                                            MEv2010 
                       AB: Additional notes may be found in van de Kamp (1929).                Kam1929 
                       AB: Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and             .       
                       spectroscopic masses 2.69 +/- 0.06, 2.86, and 2.89 Msun, respectively.  Mlk2012 
                       AC: Additional notes may be found in Burnham (1894).                    Bu_1894 
                       AF: F component is primary of 12412-0127 BU  607. Pair not physical,    .       
                       so systems not merged.                                                  .       
12418+5645 BWL  33     AD: Colors and/or astrometry are inconsistent with a late-type common   .       
                       proper motion companion based on visual inspection of the field from    .       
                       2MASS, SDSS, DSS1, and/or DSS2.                                         Bwl2015 
12419+1014 VIG  15     Primary is rho Vir. The optical/physical nature of the faint companion  .       
                       is undefined.                                                           Vig2012 
12420+0648 BU  924     31 Vir.                                                                 .       
12420-2202 DON 547     CPD-21@5405.                                                            .       
12420-4113 CPO 351     CPD-40@5868.                                                            .       
12421-6924 EVS  20     Primary is the Cepheid R Mus.                                           Evs2016a
12422+2622 A  1851     Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and spectroscopic   .       
                       masses of 1.62 +/- 0.38, 1.55, and 0.71 Msun, respectively.             Mlk2012 
                       Mass-A is 0.64 +/- 0.02 and Mass-B is 0.53 +/- 0.04 \msun.              EEA2021 
12423+7510 LDS1755     ZUC  10. Primary is white dwarf PG 1240+754 = LB 261.                   Zuc1992 
                       NLTT 31644/31647                                                        Chm2004 
12423-6117 TDS8491     TOB 113.                                                                .       
12423-6300 HDS1780     Primary is DP Cru, a W UMa type eclipsing binary, P = 1.88468d.         Zas2012 
12424-6258 TOB 112     DE: B component of 12422-6258 TOB 112 was found to be the D component   .       
                       of 12424-6258 SIN  74AD. Systems merged.                                .       
12425+1311 LDS1333     NLTT 31615/31612                                                        Chm2004 
12427+3007 LDS1334     LDS6265.                                                                .       
12428+4154 BWL  34     Colors and/or astrometry are inconsistent with a late-type common       .       
                       proper motion companion based on visual inspection of the field from    .       
                       2MASS, SDSS, DSS1, and/or DSS2. Primary is LHS 2613.                    Bwl2015 
12429+0516 A  1602     Derived orbital parallax 0".01295, mass sum 2.28 +/- 1.10 Msun          Lin2004a
12429-0215 LDS2888     AC: NLTT 31636/31638                                                    Chm2004 
12430-0713 BRT 439     A likely plate flaw.                                                    Grv2021b
12431+6109 LDS2320     Originally listed as 10442+6111, based on Luyten's 1950 coordinates,    Luy1970 
                       but no pair is found at that location. However, a pair in excellent     .       
                       agreement with his measure is found at the location of his cross-       .       
                       reference catalog entry, BD+61 1312.  Apparently there was a 2h error   .       
                       in Luyten's 1950 coordinates. Given the size of the error, correction   .       
                       to the WDS designation was deemed appropriate.                          .       
12431+2117 LDS5758     LDS6266. G059-036. See Allen et al. (2000) for information on           AlC2000 
                       metallicity, age, galactic orbital parameters, etc.                     .       
12433+1734 BPM 596     [PM2000] 1038880 + [PM2000] 1038853.                                    Gvr2010 
12433-3341 I  1558     CPD-33@3294. Spectrum: G8IVCNIII.                                       .       
                       V1133 Cen, Algol-type eclipsing binary, P = 1.270335 d.                 Zas2011 
12436+6001 LAF  48     Heinze et al. (2010) determine the B component is a background object.  Hze2010 
12436-6116 TOB 115     Also known as JAW  35.                                                  .       
12438+0733 STF1674     Aka H N 143.                                                            Bu_1906 
12439+3421 GC 17317    Hipparcos astrometric solution assumed circular orbit (e = omega = 0)   HIP1997d
12440+0356 A  1603     B may be variable.                                                      .       
12441+3546 HO  256     Spectrum: A7/A8V/F2/3.                                                  .       
12442+5146 GC 17326    Hipparcos astrometric solution assumed circular orbit (e = omega = 0)   HIP1997d
12443-5553 R   206     B is CPD-55@5202.                                                       .       
12445+5841 LDS1335     NLTT 31745/31744                                                        Chm2004 
12445-0119 SKF  38     AB: Secondary is white dwarf PG 1241-010.                               Zuc1992 
12446-5717 FIN  65     AB: Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and             .       
                       spectroscopic masses 2.38 +/- 0.80, 2.86, and 2.34 Msun, respectively.  Mlk2012 
                       AB: Docobo & Andrade (2013) derive a dynamical parallax of 7.51 +/-     .       
                       0.37 mas and component masses 2.20 +/- 0.42 and 1.69 +/- 0.33 Msun      .       
                       (for spectral type A0V) or 7.84 +/- 0.40 mas, 1.97 +/- 0.39 and 1.45    .       
                       +/- 0.29 Msun (for A0IV). See paper for extensive notes on system.      Doc2013d
12448+6203 STI 749     MLB 411 is identical                                                    Hei1983a
12449-5245 HJ 4546     B is CPD-52@5846.                                                       .       
12452-5721 SHY  65     HIP  62229 + HIP  69570                                                 .       
12453-0353 STF1677     B is BD-03@3348.                                                        .       
                       H 3  53.                                                                MEv2010 
12454+1422 STF1678     STTA120 = STFA 22.  B is BD+15@2503.                                    .       
                       Optical pair, based on study of relative motion of the components       .       
                       using the method of apparent motion parameters.                         Kiy2008 
12456-6059 HJ 4547     iot Cru                                                                 .       
                       Optical pair, based on study of relative motion of the components       .       
                       using the method of apparent motion parameters.                         Kiy2008 
                       Rectilinear solution by Hurowitz et al. (2014).                         USN2014a
12457-1734 FEN  17     ARA 227. An error in transcribing coordinates into the IDS from the     .       
                       original source resulted in an incorrect WDS designation of 21462-1634  .       
                       for this pair, as well as it's "rediscovery" by Aravamudan.             Ara1963 
                       Astrographic Catalogue plate defect.                                    Grv2023b
12461+6320 LDS2658     NLTT 31833/31836                                                        Chm2004 
                       SLW 769.                                                                .       
12463-6806 R   207     bet Mus. A has variable radial velocity.                                .       
                       Rica (2012) derived a dynamical parallax of 11.3 mas (compared with     FMR2012g
                       10.48 +/- 0.65 mas from Hipparcos) and a mass sum (using the Hipparcos  .       
                       parallax) of 20.9 +/- 5.9 Msun.                                         .       
12464+0932 STT 577     33 Vir. B is BD+10@2467.                                                .       
                       Optical pair, based on study of relative motion of the components       .       
                       using the method of apparent motion parameters.                         Kiy2008 
12464-5629 HJ 4548     B is CPD-55@5216 and is a suspected variable.                           .       
12464-5907 KRV   7     Classical Cepheid X Cru.                                                .       
12467-1901 B  2540     Elongation and quadrant doubtful.                                       B__1963b
12470-0748 GC 17364    Hipparcos astrometric solution assumed circular orbit (e = omega = 0)   HIP1997d
12470-5547 R   208     AB: TOB 122.                                                            .       
12471+2237 SHY 612     HIP  62384 + HIP  62805.                                                .       
12472+3325 LDS5217     LDS6267.                                                                .       
12472+1442 GIC 109     G059-039/G061-017.                                                      .       
                       NLTT 31888/31890                                                        Chm2004 
12472+1157 BUP 145     34 Vir.                                                                 .       
12472-4105 WG  155     CPD-40@5908.                                                            .       
12477-5941 I   362     bet Cru = Mimosa. A is a Beta CMa-type variable.                        .       
                       Intensity Interferometer Limb-darkened diameter 0.722 +/- 0.023 mas.    HBr1974 
12478-0836 BRT 440     Aka SKF 226.                                                            .       
12481+1325 BPM 597     [PM2000] 1040797 + [PM2000] 1040792.                                    Gvr2010 
                       NLTT 31941/31940                                                        Chm2004 
12483+7714 MLR 428     Also known as TDS8530.                                                  .       
12485+8134 LDS1758     B is BD+82@376.                                                         .       
                       HJL 172.                                                                HJL1986 
12487+6019 SHY  66     AC: HIP  62512 + HIP  64532. C component = A component of 13136+5643.   .       
           SHY  66     AD: HIP  62512 + HIP  65327.                                            .       
12489+1206 LEP  59     AE: M4, spectroscopic distance 24pc. 75" from G5 dwarf HD 111398 =      .       
                       HIP 62536 = 2MASS J12485242+1205469. Hipparcos pm for the G dwarf is    .       
                       +235-140, consistent with the USNO-B1 pm for M dwarf of +234-119.       Red2007a
                       E: 2MASS J12485345+1204326 is a wide (76") common proper motion         .       
                       companion to HIP 62536 (Lepine & Bongiorno 2007), but is single in the  Lep2007 
                       AstraLux images.                                                        Jnn2012 
12491+4213 ES 2643     B is BD+43@2262.                                                        .       
12491-5125 RST5368     CPD-50@5488.                                                            .       
12492+8325 STF1694     B is +84@289 and is a spectroscopic binary, spectrum A0V+A2V.           .       
                       AB: H 4  15.                                                            MEv2010 
12492-0450 LDS5759     NLTT 31990/31992                                                        Chm2004 
12493+2733 CHR 179     30 Com. A is a spectroscopic binary, now probably resolved by speckle   .       
                       interferometry.                                                         .       
                       Abt & Biggs (1972) note variable RV.                                    AbH1972 
12496+2053 LDS5760     LDS6269.                                                                .       
12496+1035 BPM 598     [PM2000] 1041409 + [PM2000] 1041436.                                    Gvr2010 
12496+0349 STF1681     HJL 171.                                                                HJL1986 
12497+0111 ENG  50     B is BD+02@2584.                                                        .       
                       OSO  48AC & AD, formerly associated with this pair were imporperly      .       
                       assigned. They are at 13283-0222.                                       .       
12500+4708 GIC 110     LDS5761. G123-064/G198-080.                                             .       
                       NLTT 32044/32040                                                        Chm2004 
12501+5506 GJ 3753     GD 319. Infra-red excess indicates a red companion. Probst notes a      Prb1983 
                       private communication by Downes & Margon reporting a close companion,   .       
                       type dK, probably optical. McAlister et al. examined the relative       .       
                       proper motions and concurred that the pair is optical.                  McA1996b
                       Magnitude difference is based on images from 1988.1736 and 1993.2054.   .       
           FAR  14     AC: Primary is white dwarf WD 1247+553.                                 Far2005b
12501-4853 SWR 133     CPM pair                                                                Skf2004 
12505+4021 LDS4281     NLTT 32072/32078                                                        Chm2004 
12508+2926 LDS3063     LDS5218.                                                                .       
12509+0757 LDS4282     LIT  25.                                                                .       
12509-0428 LDS6270     NLTT 32082/32080                                                        Chm2004 
12512-4652 HJ 4552     B is CD-48@8210.                                                        .       
12514-1020 STF1682     B is BD-09@3568. One component variable?                                .       
12515+2207 LDS 940     LDS4285.                                                                .       
12516+2531 HJL1074     SHY 242. Bayesian analysis by Shaya & Olling (2011) indicates very      Shy2011 
                       high (near 100%) probability pair is physical.                          .       
12517-3328 I  1561     Spectrum: Fm delta Del.                                                 .       
12518+0005 TOK 671     AB: Resolved with ANDICAM2. AB may be optical, but appear to be         .       
                       co-moving.                                                              Tok2014d
12519+3447 HJ  523     HJL 174.                                                                HJL1986 
12519+1910 STF1685     AB: HJL 173.                                                            HJL1986 
                       AB: H 4  58.                                                            MEv2010 
12521-0539 TSN  87     Also known as GWP1870 with a quadrant flip.                             .       
12522+2247 GIC 111     LDS5219.  G059-042/G059-041.                                            .       
                       NLTT 32153/32146                                                        Chm2004 
12522+1704 STFA 23     32 Com. B is BD+17@2553.                                                .       
12525+3155 HJ  524     SEI 534.                                                                Nsn2017b
12527-5216 HDS1806     SWR 134. CPM pair                                                       Skf2004 
12528+3344 TOK 284     AC: The C component is the primary of 12534+3339 LDS1339. The LDS pair  .       
                       does not appear to be physical, so the systems were not merged.         .       
12528+1225 TOK 401     41 Vir.                                                                 .       
                       HIP 62933 (41 Vir) was observed on request by F. Fekel who studies its  .       
                       spectroscopic orbit. Apparently it is resolved for the first time.      Tok2015c
12529+7741 LDS1761     NLTT 32240/32174                                                        Chm2004 
12530+1502 STF1686     A 13.9d spectroscopic solution for the B component has been found       Tok2019g
                       making this a 2+2 quadruple system.                                     .       
12531+1936 TOK 152     HIP 62860. A is a ROSAT X-ray source.                                   Tok2011a
12532-0333 CHR  38     38 Vir.                                                                 .       
12533+2115 STF1687     35 Com. The trend in the RV's of star A suggests that the ascending     .       
                       node is in the third quadrant.                                          .       
                       AC: Star C (mag 9.75, 29", G3IV-V) is physical according to LeBeau,     LBu1990c
                       and in very slow direct motion.                                         .       
                       AC: HJL 175.                                                            HJL1986 
                       AC: H 5 130.                                                            MEv2010 
12533+1310 HU  894     Divide the separation given in the IDS by 10. There is no change since  .       
                       discovery.                                                              Wor1967b
12533-1831 RST2821     HIP 62882. See Allen et al. (2000) for information on metallicity,      AlC2000 
                       age, galactic orbital parameters, etc.                                  .       
12534+1758 HJ  218     SLE 906.                                                                .       
12536-0413 HR 4896     Ren & Fu (2013) calculated an astrometric orbit, combining Hipparcos    Ren2013 
                       Intermediate Astrometric Data with spectroscopic elements by            .       
                       Griffin (1983).                                                         Grf1983 
                       SB1. Combined orbit including RV data and Hipparcos Intermediate        .       
                       Astrometric data. Semimajor axis derived from photocentric a0 plus      .       
                       stellar evolutionary model. Derived properties for A and B:             .       
                       M/Msun = 1.62 + 0.39, L/Lsun = 26.66 + 0.02, dm = 7.81 mag,             .       
                       log age = 9.33.                                                         WaX2015b
12537-2724 TOK 153     HIP 62925. B is physical, itself possibly a close binary as hinted by   .       
                       the residuals of the PSF fit. Small PM(A)=(-33,-40).                    .       
                       NOMAD: PM(B)=(+194,+500), V(B)=16.74 (??)                               Tok2011a
12539+7440 STF1698     WFC 131.                                                                .       
12539-2918 STN  26     HDO 135                                                                 .       
12540+5558 BLM   2     eps UMa = 77 UMa = Alioth.                                              .       
                       An Alpha CVn-type variable and eclipsing system.                        .       
                       1975.383: Erroneously listed as HD 112815 in Morgan et al. (1978)       BLM1978 
                       notes.                                                                  .       
                       The Yale Bright Star Catalogue cites this star as a spectroscopic       Hof1982 
                       variable with periods of 4.15 years and 0.95 days; the object is also   .       
                       a photometric variable with period 5.09 days. This observation          .       
                       presumably resolved the longer period system.                           BLM1978 
                       NPOI Limb-darkened diameter    1.644 +/- 0.020 mas,                     .       
                       R =    4.29 (+0.19- 0.21)  \rsun,  Teff = 8908 +/-  54 K,               .       
                       L =  104.4 +/-   9.3 \lsun.                                             NOI2023 
12540-1802 S   643     B is BD-17@3725.                                                        .       
12541+5500 LDS3067     SLW 792.                                                                .       
12542+5250 BEM   2     Position corrected by Heintz.                                           Hei1983a
12543-1059 UC 2427     Also known as GWP1874 with a quadrant flip.                             .       
12543-1139 CHR 206     First detected as an occultation binary by Africano.                    Afr1975 
12544-5826 EVS  21     Primary is the Cepheid S Cru.                                           Evs2016a
12546-5711 DUN 126     A: mu 1 Cru                                                             .       
                       B: mu 2 Cru. B is variable, spectrum B5Vne.                             .       
                       Statistically the same parallax within the errors would indicate the    .       
                       components are physical.                                                .       
12547+2206 MET   9     Metchev & Hillenbrand say the pair is probably physical, based on       .       
                       proximity.                                                              Met2004b
12550+5810 STF1691     AB: HJL 176.                                                            HJL1986 
12550-8507 RST2819     iot Oct                                                                 .       
12553+0750 NLTT 32291  Ren & Fu (2013) calculated an astrometric orbit, combining Hipparcos    .       
                       Intermediate Astrometric Data with spectroscopic elements by            .       
                       Latham et al. (2002). They derived component masses 0.81 and 0.41 Msun  Lat2002 
                       and an estimated semimajor axis of 37.96 mas.                           Ren2013 
12554+6953 A  1092     Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and spectroscopic   .       
                       masses of 1.49 +/- 0.47, 1.92, and 0.95 Msun, respectively.             Mlk2012 
12556+0324 BUP 146     del Vir = 43 Vir = Minelauva.                                           .       
                       Smyth's quoted separation is difference in RA only.                     Smy1844 
12557+0620 LDS4295     SLW 796.                                                                .       
12559+1653 BPM 599     [PM2000] 1044021 + [PM2000] 1044047.                                    Gvr2010 
12559+0812 HJ  850     LDS 941.                                                                .       
12560+3819 STF1692     alp CVn = Cor Caroli. Both components are spectroscopic binaries.       .       
                       Prototype of the Alpha CVn-type variables. Spectrum F0V.                .       
                       NLTT 32338/32336                                                        Chm2004 
                       H 4  17.                                                                MEv2010 
12560+0757 KPP4336     The RS CVn type variable V430 Vir.                                      .       
12560-1257 SJM   1     Aa,Ab: Stone et al. (2016) resolve the primary of the late M dwarf      .       
                       VHS J125601.92-125723.9, whose 8" companion was found to be an L-type   .       
                       brown dwarf. (Gauza et al. 2015). Spectrophotometric distance           Gza2015 
                       estimates implied by the M7.5 spectral type of the primary yield a      .       
                       distance of 17.1 +/- 2.5 pc. Kinematics are consistent with membership  .       
                       in the AB Dor moving group. For an age ~300 Myr, the masses of these    .       
                       two near-equal magnitude M7.5 stars are each 64.6 +0.8/-0.2 Mjup, and   .       
                       the mass of the distant companion is 11.2 +9.7/-1.8 Msun.               SJM2016 
12560-5650 HDO 221     Classification of the B component is from Lindroos (1985), who finds a  Lnd1985 
                       distance of 2.5 kpc.                                                    Msn1998a
12562+0050 SKF 896     Also known as BAL1453.                                                  .       
12562-6127 ELP  32     FT Cru.                                                                 .       
12563+5406 STF1695     A spectroscopic binary, P = 5.13d.                                      .       
12563+3232 HIP  63144  Ren & Fu (2013) calculated an astrometric orbit, combining Hipparcos    Ren2013 
                       Intermediate Astrometric Data with spectroscopic elements by            .       
                       Griffin (2004).                                                         Grf2004 
12563-0452 STF1690     H 2  42.                                                                MEv2010 
                       Discordant 3rd exposure gives 148.9deg, 6.9".                           Brt1931 
12564-0057 STT 256     Rectilinear solution by Scardia et al. (2017).                          Sca2017c
12564-3007 HJ 4558     B is CD-29@10020.                                                       .       
12567+0701 STF1693     HJL 177.                                                                HJL1986 
12567-4741 I    83     1995.1028: Quadrant determined by speckle imaging analysis.             Hor1996 
12570-3330 TDS8609     V1141 Cen.                                                              .       
12571+2330 LDS 942     2MASS J12565215+2329501 and J12565272+2329506 constitute a known 8"     Red2007a
                       binary pair in the Reid et al. (2007) sample.                           Jnn2012 
12575+1842 BGH   5     LDS 943. HIP 63239. See Allen et al. (2000) for information on          AlC2000 
                       metallicity, age, galactic orbital parameters, etc.                     .       
                       NLTT 32427/32423                                                        Chm2004 
                       HJL 178.                                                                HJL1986 
12576+3514 LDS5764     LDS6271. Spectra dM1.5e and dM3.5e. Starspots exist on A, and it is     .       
                       also a flare star.                                                      .       
                       NLTT 32441/32438                                                        Chm2004 
12577+4628 LDS4301     NLTT 32443/32444                                                        Chm2004 
12577-2249 LDS4300     1deg error in IDS led to similar error in WDS designation.              .       
12578+3038 LDS1348     NLTT 32449/32447                                                        Chm2004 
12579+4948 HU  641     Apparent rapid motion. A premature orbit has been calculated.           .       
12582+4153 LDS5766     NLTT 32463/32464                                                        Chm2004 
12583+0537 LDS4302     Aka GWP1883.                                                            .       
12584+5822 HJ 2628     B is BD+59@1476.                                                        .       
12585+3817 STF1702     B is BD+39@2587.                                                        .       
                       HJL 179.                                                                HJL1986 
12585-4618 DON 568     CPD-45@6129.                                                            .       
12586+4013 RDN   2     2MASS J12583501+4013083 + 2MASS J12583798+4014017. Separation ~6700au,  .       
                       apparently widest very low mass binary found to date. Found in cross-   .       
                       match of SDSS and 2MASS catalogs. Distance 105 +/- 13 pc, masses (from  .       
                       evolutionary models) 0.105 +0.029/-0.017 and 0.091 +0.010/-0.007 Msun.  Rdn2009 
12590-0950 B  2541     HIP 63366. See Allen et al. (2000) for information on metallicity,      AlC2000 
                       age, galactic orbital parameters, etc.                                  .       
12595+4159 LTT13738    Hipparcos astrometric solution assumed circular orbit (e = omega = 0)   HIP1997d
12595+2814 WSI   1     Hipparcos suspected non-single.                                         .       
12595-4832 HJ 4562     B is CD-47@8001.                                                        .       
                       SWR 136. CPM pair                                                       Skf2004 
12596-1026 GWP1885     Aka GWP1886.                                                            .       
12597+1002 BFR   9     LSPM J1259+1001 + 2MASS J12594167+1001380. Baron et al. (2015)          .       
                       estimate spectral types M5 +/- 1 and L4.5 +/- 0.5, distances            .       
                       42 +44/-21 and 47 +5/-18 pc, masses 0.121-0.167 and 0.057-0.074 Msun.   BFr2015 
12597-0349 CHR  39     Aa,Ab. 44 Vir. Rapid binary.                                            .       
                       1991.3921: This interferometric system has now completed nearly 180deg  .       
                       of revolution since its discovery in 1984.  A preliminary               .       
                       determination of orbital elements yields a low-eccentricity orbit with  .       
                       a period of 15.7 years. Absolute quadrant determinations based on       .       
                       reanalysis of earlier speckle data have ruled out a possible short-     .       
                       period high-eccentricity orbit. A more complete orbital analysis is in  .       
                       progress.                                                               .       
                       Aa,Ab: Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and          .       
                       spectroscopic masses 3.41 +/- 0.75, 3.58, and 2.00 Msun, respectively.  Mlk2012 
           STF1704     AB: H 4  51.                                                            MEv2010 
12598+0431 LDS4304     Primary is white dwarf WD 1257+047 = GD 267.                            Far2005b
12598-5555 DUN 127     B is CPD-55@5317.                                                       .       
13002-2355 I  1225     Measures uncertain, too close. Needs speckle.                           .       
13003+3047 BU 1081     AB. 37 Com.                                                             .       
           HDS1823     Aa,Ab. 1996.4274: Very weak detection, possibly an artifact.            Msn1999b
13003-6413 RST5372     Spectrum: F3/6IV/V+A.                                                   .       
13004+3545 HU 1141     Variability has been reported.                                          .       
13005-0604 HJ 1224     Motion of pair represented by relative proper motion 0.104" in          .       
                       81.8deg.  Footnote in ADS should be deleted; measure of 1922 is by      .       
                       Gauchet, from his own plate, but that of 1893 was taken by him from     .       
                       the San Fernando Astrographic Catalogue.                                B__1951a
13006+5904 FAR  15     GRV1201.  Primary is white dwarf WD 1258+593 = GD 322.                  Far2005b
13006-0322 AGC   5     46 Vir.                                                                 .       
13007+5622 BU 1082     78 UMa.                                                                 Baz1939b
                       See Baize & Petit (1989) catalog of doubles with variable component.    Baz1989d
                       Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and spectroscopic   .       
                       masses of 2.69 +/- 0.73, 2.38, and 1.35 Msun, respectively.             Mlk2012 
13008+1423 STF1705     HJL 180.                                                                HJL1986 
13008+1223 GDM   1     AC: GJ 494 + ULAS J130041.72+122114.7. Primary is flare star DT Vir.    .       
                       Goldman et al. (2010 derive a spectral type T8.9 +0.2/-0.2 for this     .       
                       distant companion to Ross 458.                                          Gdm2010 
                       Based on colors and absolute magnitudes, Scholz et al. (2010) derive a  .       
                       spectral type T7.0 +/- 1.0 for the C component.                         Soz2010b
13014-2722 TOK 154     HIP 63559. A is SB without orbit, N04: dRV=17.0.                        Tok2011a
13015-5808 COO 146     Spectrum: A5/7+A1/2V.                                                   .       
13018+6337 LDS2662     M3.5 companion, distance just over 2' from F6 dwarf HD 113337 = HIP     .       
                       63584 = 2MASS J13014695+6336368. The pm for the M dwarf is -151+016,    .       
                       consistent with the brighter star pm of -171+025.  The spectroscopic    .       
                       distance for the fainter star is 36pc, compatible with the Hipparcos    .       
                       distance of 26.72 pc for HD 113337.                                     Red2007a
           JNN  83     Ba,Bb: 13015+6338 JNN  83 was found to be the B component of            .       
                       13018+6337 LDS2662AB; systems merged.                                   .       
13020+4241 JNN  84     The companion to 2MASS J13015919+4241160 is clearly inconsistent with   .       
                       a background contaminant, but the astrometry is also inconsistent with  .       
                       a simple orbital motion of B around A - for instance, the separation    .       
                       decreases from June 2008 to February 2009, but then increases again to  .       
                       June 2009. This could for instance imply that either A or B is a close  .       
                       unresolved binary, where the photo-center shifts on a shorter           .       
                       timescale than that of the AB orbit.                                    Jnn2012 
13020-0205 OSO  49     G014-024. Not a common proper motion pair, based on color and           .       
                       comparison with POSS2 red plates.                                       Oso2004 
13021+0717 STF1708     HJL 181.                                                                HJL1986 
13022+1058 BUP 147     eps Vir = 47 Vir = Vindemiatrix.                                        .       
13023-7133 del Mus     Hipparcos astrometric solution assumed circular orbit (e = omega = 0)   HIP1997d
13024-5201 JNN  85     Due to the very compact arrangement of the three components of 2MASS    .       
                       J13022691-5200507, it is highly probable that this is a physically      .       
                       bound triple system. Futhermore, the system is conspicuously close to   .       
                       the close binary J13025257-5201384 both on the sky and in distance (52  .       
                       versus 59 pc), hence this is a candidate quintuple system. Only one     .       
                       epoch of imaging exists, so common proper motion has not yet been       .       
                       demonstrated.                                                           Jnn2012 
13027-0159 HJ 1225     BAL 548.  Angular distance decrease 1.6" per century. Angular position  .       
                       decrease 1.8 degree per century. Minimal angular distance calculated,   .       
                       7.6" between 2600-2630 years.                                           FMR1999c
13029-6328 NZO  35     LDS 430.                                                                .       
13030+0018 GRV1083     Aka SLW 816.                                                            .       
13031+2358 LDS2896     LDS5220.                                                                .       
13031-7129 CHR 228     As was the case with CHR 227, this star falls within the declination    .       
                       band missed in the surveys of Rossiter (1955) and van den Bos (1957).   Rst1955 
                       If physical, this 0".56 pair would presumably have an extremely long    B__1957a
                       period, given the spectral type and large calculated distance of its    .       
                       primary.  The small change in theta seen over 2.75 years is consistent  .       
                       with this, implying a period of order 500 - 600 years.                  .       
                       The star is noted in Abt & Biggs (1972) as having variable radial       AbH1972 
                       velocity; Hoffleit & Warren (1991) also note photometric variability    Hof1991 
                       of amplitude ~0.2 mag, as well as variability in the line width of      .       
                       H-alpha emission.                                                       Hrt1996b
13033-5936 COO 147     Spectrum: F5IV/V+A/F.                                                   .       
13038+2135 LDS2897     NLTT 32753/32754                                                        Chm2004 
13038-0510 GC 17714    Hipparcos astrometric solution assumed circular orbit (e = omega = 0)   HIP1997d
           EVT   3     Primary is BY Dra type variable PX Vir.                                 EvT2012 
13038-2035 BU  341     Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and spectroscopic   .       
                       masses of 2.39 +/- 0.67, 2.41, and 1.10 Msun, respectively.             Mlk2012 
13039-0340 BU  929     48 Vir.                                                                 .       
13040+2414 ITF  18     Aka ITF  96.                                                            .       
13040-1738 BU  798     Closing. Earlier negative resuts are probably due to Burnham's          .       
                       misidentification.                                                      B__1963b
13046+3100 LDS1358     Aka SLN  75.                                                            .       
13046+1028 OSO  50     G060-060. Not a common proper motion pair, based on comparison with     .       
                       POSS2 red plates.                                                       Oso2004 
13047+1736 BPM 600     [PM2000] 1047714 + [PM2000] 1047703.                                    Gvr2010 
13050-4634 COO 148     SWR 137. CPM pair                                                       Skf2004 
13054-5735 I   914     Spectrum of secondary: A/F.                                             .       
13055+0911 LDS 944     Wolf 472,3.  Also known as GEL   1.                                     .       
13057+3548 TOK 805     14 CVn.                                                                 .       
13057-2541 LIM   1     Kelu 1. Estimated orbital period >40 yrs, inclination >81deg.           .       
                       Spectral types L2 +/- 1 and L3.5 +/- 1                                  Gno2006 
13058-3111 BRT2997     CD-30@10320?                                                            .       
13062+2902 BU 1083     BC: Only two attempts since 1901, in 1958, with negative results.       B__1960b
13064+7618 HJ 2644     B is BD+77@501.                                                         .       
13064+2217 WSI 104     aka MP Com.                                                             .       
13064+2109 CHR 150     Aa,Ab: 39 Com.                                                          .       
           COU  11     AB: Rectilinear solution by Hartkopf et al.  (2012).                    Hrt2012a
13065-6505 HD 113659   LS 2919.  The classification is from Houk & Cowley (1975 Michigan       .       
                       Spectral Catalogue, vol. 1).                                            Msn1998a
13066+2226 LDS2899     LDS4315.                                                                .       
13066-6434 I   916     Includes V948 Cen, an Algol-type eclipsing binary, P = 0.97508d.        Zas2012 
13067-2111 HJ 2637     B is BD-20@3775.                                                        .       
13069-3407 HIP  64006  Astrometric binary. Elongated? Separation ~0.025", period ~1yr?         .       
                       Accelerated pm.                                                         Tok2012b
13069-4954 DUN 128     xi 2 Cen. A is a spectroscopic binary.                                  .       
13072-5420 FIN  54     Includes V949 Cen, an Algol-type eclipsing binary, P = 3.78697d.        Zas2012 
13073+0035 STF1719     HIP 64030. HIP 63810 at 2551" is CPM, possibly forming a wide triple    .       
                       system with AB = STF 1719 at 7".                                        Tok2011a
                       AB: A is SB1, P=445.8d                                                  Tok2014d
13074-5952 R   213     Spectrum composite; B9IV+F8-G2.                                         .       
13075-6207 HJ 4568     B is CPD-61@3460.                                                       .       
13076+2629 BUP 148     B is BD+27@2217.                                                        .       
13077+2401 STT 259     B is BD+24@2540.                                                        .       
                       HJL 182.                                                                HJL1986 
                       SHY 245. Bayesian analysis by Shaya & Olling (2011) indicates very      Shy2011 
                       high (near 100%) probability pair is physical.                          .       
13081+2657 STT 260     Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and spectroscopic   .       
                       masses of 1.47 +/- 0.91, 2.41, and 1.07 Msun, respectively.             Mlk2012 
13081-6518 RMK  16     the Mus. Wolf-Rayet binary, second brightest in the sky.                .       
                       The classification is from Houk & Cowley (1975 Michigan Spectral        .       
                       Catalogue, vol. 1). Moffat & Seggewiss (1977 A&A 54, 607) found         .       
                       evidence of orbital motion in the WR star, but the O star appeared      .       
                       stationary. We found a possible binary companion at a separation of     .       
                       0".04 which needs confirmation, but if correct, this suggests that the  .       
                       system is triple, consisting of a WR SB1 plus a distant O star.  The    .       
                       visual B component was observed and appeared to be single.              Msn1998a
                       The primary is the WR+O spectroscopic binary theta Mus = WR 48. B is    .       
                       reported as SB by both Chini et al. (2012) and Sota et al.              Cii2012 
                       (2014, ApJS 211, 10).                                                   Sna2014 
13084+6236 MLB 412     Heintz corrects the declination.                                        Hei1983a
13084+3019 JNN  88     Aside from the binary companion detected in the AstraLux images, the    .       
                       star has a possible wide companion at 101", as noted in the WDS.        Jnn2012 
13084+1529 STF1722     STF1726.                                                                .       
13085+2249 POU3133     LDS2902.                                                                .       
13085-0241 S   647     Primary is HY Vir, eclipsing binary of Algol-type, period 2.7323 d.     Zas2012 
13085-8243 HJ 4565     Optical pair, based on study of relative motion of the components       .       
                       using the method of apparent motion parameters.                         Kiy2008 
13086+1710 BPMA 45     [PM2000] 1049381 + [PM2000] 1049350.                                    Gvr2010 
13089+0512 CRJ   5     White-dwarf companion to G5IV-V star HD 114714 found via Keck NIRC2     .       
                       imaging and RV monitoring. Multi-epoch observations indicate companion  .       
                       is physical. Absolute magnitude of companion Mj = 13.97 +/- 0.11 and    .       
                       colors are consistent with a T3 dwarf, but dynamical considerations     .       
                       preclude interfpretation of a substellar companion. Minimum mass of     .       
                       companion 0.260 +/- 0.010 Msun.                                         CrJ2013b
13090+3353 LDS4321     NLTT 33051/33036                                                        Chm2004 
13093+4649 COU2105     Appears to be a 10' error in the original 1855 BD declination -         .       
                       nothing  at purported coordinates.                                      .       
13095-1313 BRT2732     13 04.3 -12 47 (Mason) may be same star.                                .       
13097+2900 LDS1365     A: Also known as GJ 1167 A, this star has a wide companion at about     .       
                       190" according to the WDS.                                              Jnn2012 
13097-2212 TOK  28     Primary is 20d SB1; estimated period of AO pair is 23y. G-solution in   .       
                       HIPPARCOS.                                                              Tok2006 
                       Triple: the inner SB1 of 20.4 day period has tertiary companion TOK 28  .       
                       at 0".31 with mass ratio of 0.2 which produces the acceleration and     .       
                       dmu. This tertiary is too faint to be resolved in the optical.          Tok2012a
13098+6214 STTA121     Pair appears in an appendix list, not part of discoverer's regular      .       
                       numbering sequence.                                                     .       
13099+5504 GRV1155     Common proper motion white dwarf pair found in SDSS data.               .       
13099+3122 STF1727     HJL 183.                                                                HJL1986 
13099-0532 MCA  38     Aa,Ab: the Vir = 51 Vir. Also a long-period spectroscopic binary.       .       
                       1976.3669: Epoch incorrectly given as 1976.3699 in McAlister (1982)     McA1982b
                       Spectral types of primary and secondary assigned by ten Brummelaar et   .       
                       al., based on adaptive optics observations.                             TtB2000 
                       Individual J,H,K magnitudes are calculated from 2MASS combined          .       
                       magnitudes and AO-derived magnitude differences                         Rbr2005 
           STF1724     AB: H 3  50.                                                            .       
           H 6  43     AC: Incorrectly identified as H 3  50. Error noted by MacEvoy.          MEv2010 
13100+1732 STF1728     42 Com = alp Com = Diadem.                                              Baz1964 
                       AB: Additional notes may be found in Madler (1844).                     Mad1844 
                       AB.  A preliminary orbit for this edge-on pair indicates that one of    .       
                       the F5 V stars may partially eclipse the other in early 1990.           .       
                       Components reversed rel std sol's, e.g. in Hartkopf et al.              Hrt1989 
                       (1989). Their preliminary orbit for this edge-on pair indicated that    .       
                       one F5V star may have partially eclipsed the other in early 1990.       .       
                       See Baize & Petit (1989) catalog of doubles with variable component.    Baz1989d
                       1997.1179: The magnitude difference of the system is listed in the WDS  .       
                       as 0.0. Our reduction does not give the quadrant unambiguously, so we   .       
                       adopt the quadrant that gives a position angle consistent with          .       
                       previous measures in the WDS.                                           Hor1997 
                       Spectral types amd masses of components assigned by ten Brummelaar et   .       
                       al., based on adaptive optics observations.                             TtB2000 
                       Calculated mass sum is 2.45 +/- 0.18 Msun, reasonable for two F5        .       
                       dwarfs. Closest approach of about 0.32 mas is predicted around 2015     .       
                       Jan 24 (to within about a week), eclipse duration ~1.5 days.            Mut2010b
                       Muterspaugh et al. (2015) revised their orbit, following discovery of   Mut2015 
                       three old measures whose theta measures had incorrect quadrants, which  .       
                       had led to an incorrect prediction of the eclipse timing.               .       
13101+3830 STFA 24     17 CVn.                                                                 .       
           BU  608     BC: 15 CVn.                                                             .       
13102+7358 STT 262     B is BD+74@524.                                                         .       
13103+2423 LDS2904     LDS4322.                                                                .       
13103-3447 B  2015     Rapid direct motion.                                                    .       
13105+6118 LDS1367     Aka SLN  77.                                                            .       
13106+3356 ISO 13      RS CVn.                                                                 .       
13106-3128 RST1706     Hipparcos parallax 19.27 +/- 1.23 mas. Dynamical parallax 19.6 mas,     .       
                       masses 0.90 and 0.71 Msun. RST 1706 is an example of a neglected        .       
                       binary, discovered by R.A. Rossiter in 1934 but observed so rarely      Rst1955 
                       that only now, after a nearly full revolution, the first orbit could    .       
                       be proposed.                                                            Tok2012b
13109+2114 COU  96     This cannot be the close 437.7-d spectroscopic companion.               Grf2018b
13111+1220 OSO  51     G061-036. Neither is a common proper motion pair, based on astrometry   .       
                       and color                                                               Oso2004 
13112+3050 A  1359     The B component of this multiple is itself a close binary with a very   Grf2017a
                       short period of 3.34d.                                                  .       
13112-5739 JSP 573     Sinachopoulos (1988) apparently misidentified the Jessup pair; a        .       
                       nearby pair matching his measure has been given the component           .       
                       designations EF.                                                        .       
13112-4717 COO 151     Beta Lyr (EB) type eclipsing binary, P = 0.88693 d.                     Zas2011 
13114+0938 LDS5771     LDS6272. HIP 64345. See Allen et al. (2000) for information on          AlC2000 
                       metallicity, age, galactic orbital parameters, etc.                     .       
13115+2930 LDS1368     NLTT 33193/33185                                                        Chm2004 
13115-3508 HJ 4571     B is CD-34@8707.                                                        .       
13117-2633 FIN 305     Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and spectroscopic   .       
                       masses of 6.21 +/- 2.03, 3.60, and 1.82 Msun, respectively.             Mlk2012 
                       Docobo & Andrade (2013) derive a dynamical parallax of 9.71 +/- 0.45    .       
                       mas and component masses 1.76 +/- 0.32 and 1.67 +/- 0.30 Msun. See      .       
                       paper for extensive notes on this system.                               Doc2013d
13119+2753 STT 578     bet Com = 43 Com. Possibly a long-period spectroscopic binary.          .       
                       Optical pair, based on study of relative motion of the components       .       
                       using the method of apparent motion parameters.                         Kiy2008 
                       Rectilinear solution by Friedman et al. (2011).                         USN2011a
                       NPOI Limb-darkened diameter    0.887 +/- 0.171 mas,                     .       
                       R =    0.87 (+/- 0.17   )  \rsun,  Teff = 6612 +/- 637 K,               .       
                       L =    1.3 +/-   0.0 \lsun.                                             NOI2023 
13119+1823 LDS 947     LDS6412, also at this location, has been removed. It had one measure,   .       
                       which was the same as the 1936 measure of LDS 947 with a quadrant flip  .       
                       G061-038. See Allen et al. (2000) for information on metallicity,       AlC2000 
                       age, galactic orbital parameters, etc.                                  .       
13119-1816 LDS4324     NLTT 33206/33173                                                        Chm2004 
13119-2038 DON 588     CPD-19@5377.                                                            .       
13120+3205 STT 261     Scardia et al. say the quadrant is unambiguous for their 2004 theta     Sca2005a
                       value of 159.2; this does not agree with other determinations of        .       
                       magnitude difference, however.                                          .       
13121+2415 HDS1848     1997.4597  Very weak detection, possibly an artifact.                   Msn1999b
13121-1612 HJ 2645     53 Vir. AC: Not found in 1908.                                          Bu_1913 
13122+3214 JNN  90     Aa,Ab: 2MASS J13120525+3213332 and J13120689+3213179 constitute a       .       
                       known 26" binary pair in the Reid et al. (2007) sample, and in          Red2007a
                       addition, each of the components are discovered as close binaries in    .       
                       the AstraLux data. Hence, the system is a very likely quadruple         .       
                       system, although the close pair of J13120689+3213179 has yet to be      .       
                       formally confirmed as physically bound.                                 Jnn2012 
13123+1731 GC 17881    Combined solution, based on reduction of Hipparcos intermediate         .       
                       astrometric data together with spectroscopic elements from Marcy        CPS1999a
                       et al. (1999).                                                          HaI2001 
           PAT  47     Chauvin et al. (2006) note finding at least one faint companion         Cvn2006 
                       candidate within separation/magnitude range listed. However,            .       
                       further observations are required for verification                      .       
                       A is SB1, P=83.9d. "Exoplanet" with P=84d is actually a late-M dwarf?   .       
                       No transits.                                                            Tok2014d
13123-5803 JSP 918     Aka TDS8721.                                                            Dam2016b
13123-5955 SEE 170     The RV's of 1916 are quite uncertain. There may be a variation, and     .       
                       it may be related to the visual motion. The A component is also a       .       
                       Beta Lyrae-type system.                                                 .       
                       See Baize & Petit (1989) catalog of doubles with variable component.    Baz1989d
                       One component is V831 Cen, a beta Lyr system and also an SB with        .       
                       orbital period ~0.64d.                                                  Zas2009 
13124-4937 CPO 364     LDS 434. B is CD-48@8008.                                               .       
13125-3445 LDS 436     B is CD-34@8719.                                                        .       
                       SHY 615. Bayesian analysis by Shaya & Olling (2011) indicates very      Shy2011 
                       high (near 100%) probability pair is physical.                          .       
13126+5827 STF1732     AB: SHY 616. Bayesian analysis by Shaya & Olling (2011) indicates very  Shy2011 
                       high (near 100%) probability pair is physical.                          .       
13126-3207 SWR 138     CPM pair                                                                Skf2004 
13126-6034 WSI  75     Primary is V1266 Cen, eclipsing binary of Beta Lyr -type, period        .       
                       10.1572 d.                                                              Zas2012 
13127-1619 ALD  50     RST 3826.                                                               .       
13127-3152 MUG   3     AB are CPM. Followup spectroscopy confirmed the B component is a        .       
                       dwarf; estimated mass is 0.253 +- 0.011 Msun.                           Mug2005 
                       HIP 64459. B at 8" is MUG 3, physical. Confirmed by ANDICAM images.     Tok2011a
                       Exoplanet host, P=1135d                                                 Tok2014d
13129-5949 COO 152     LDS 435.                                                                .       
           HDS1850     Aa,Ab: Hipparcos parallax 23.72 +/- 0.60 mas. Dynamical parallax 23.6   .       
                       mas, masses 1.56 and 0.79 Msun. This is a chromospherically active G0V  .       
                       dwarf and a ROSAT X-ray source. There are at least four components in   .       
                       the system: Aa1,Aa2 is a double-lined spectroscopic and eclipsing       .       
                       binary with 4.2 d period, Aa,Ab is the pair considered here, and the    .       
                       visual companion B at 25.5" is physical. The orbits of Aa1,Aa2 and      .       
                       Aa,Ab may be co-planar.                                                 Tok2012b
                       Aa,Ab: GJ 2099. Aa is SB2E, P=4.233d                                    Tok2014d
13130-1223 LDS6274     NLTT 33271/33270                                                        Chm2004 
13131+1801 S   648     B is BD+18@2703.                                                        .       
                       This cannot be the close 401.5-d spectroscopic binary.                  Grf2014a
13132-0233 STF1731     AB: HJL 184.                                                            HJL1986 
           TOK  69     Aa,Ab: Estimated masses 1.09 and 0.71 Msun; sep 20.6 au, period 70 y.   Tok2010c
13132-0501 TOK 402     HIP 64499 has a variable RV, with a preliminary spectroscopic orbit     .       
                       of 17yr period (Latham 2012, private communication). It is resolved at  .       
                       0".1 and shows no motion in one month.                                  Tok2015c
13132-0742 LDS4326     NLTT 33282/33283                                                        Chm2004 
13133+3709 LDS4327     NLTT 33310/33311                                                        Chm2004 
13133+1621 DOC   1     Orbital parallax is 7.63 +/- 0.30 mas. Mass of the primary is           .       
                       1.240 +/- 0.224 \msun. Mass of the secondary is 1.134 +/- 0.183 \msun.  Doc2018h
13134-1850 SHJ 161     54 Vir. Both components are spectroscopic binaries. Primary is LM Vir,  .       
                       a W UMa eclipsing binary (period 0.9876 day). Aka H 2  45.              Zas2011 
                       Erroneously called SHJ 151 in BDS (#6422) and ADS (#8824).              MEv2010 
13134-5042 I  1227     Fairly rapid retrograde motion.                                         .       
13135+6717 STFA 25     AB: Spectrum K2III+K2III.                                               .       
                       Position of C: 13 13.0 +67 19.                                          .       
                       AB: HJL1076.                                                            HJL1986 
13136+5643 SHY 246     AE: HIP  64532 + HIP  65327.  E component = F component of 13239+5456   .       
                       and A component of 13234+5754.                                          .       
           SHY 246     AF: HIP  64532 + HIP  61100.  F component = G component of 13239+5456.  .       
13137+2949 HO   55     Frequent failure to see the companion is probably due to the large      .       
                       magnitude difference.                                                   .       
13139+1125 BPMA 46     [PM2000] 1051722 + [PM2000] 1051735.                                    Gvr2010 
13140+1409 BPM 601     [PM2000] 1051749 + [PM2000] 1051799.                                    Gvr2010 
13141+0619 LDS6275     GIC 104 = G062-019/G062-020. A typographical error led to this pair     .       
                       being originally entered in the WDS as 12141+0617GIC 104.               .       
13142+5841 LDS2672     NLTT 33377/33378                                                        Chm2004 
13143+1320 LAW   2     Distance 9.8 +/- 2.0 pc                                                 Law2006 
                       NLTT 3370. Schlieder et al. (2014) derive the following properties for  .       
                       the A and B components:                                                 .       
                          log (L/Lsun)         -2.64 +/- 0.06        -2.68 +/- 0.06            .       
                          Teff (K)             3200 +/- 500          3100 +/- 500              .       
                          Mass (Mjup)          97 +41/-48            91 +41/-44                SJE2014 
                       Recently, Schlieder et al. (2014) reported NLTT 33370 as a binary. In   SJE2014 
                       NACO images approximately coincident with the AstraLux images, the      .       
                       projected separation of the binary is ∼75 mas, which is consistent      .     
                       with the fact that the binary is unresolved in the AstraLux images.     Jnn2014 
                       Dupuy et al. (2016) derive an orbit for LSPM J1314+1320AB using         .       
                       astrometry from Keck/NIRC2 and the VLBA. Derived parameters for A and   .       
                       B are as follows:                                                       .       
                          Mass (Mjup)          92.8  +/- 0.6         91.7  +/- 1.0              .      
                          Age (Myr)            79.9  -2.7/+2.5       81.7  -3.3/+2.9            .      
                          Teff (K)             2954  +/- 3           2947  +/- 4                .      
                          Radius (Rjup)        1.831 +/- 0.018       1.808 +/- 0.018            .      
                          log(g) (cm/s^2)      4.836 +/- 0.010       4.842 +/- 0.011            .      
                          Li/Li_init           0.12  -0.05/+0.03     0.17  +/- 0.07             .      
                          Mbol (mag)           11.290 +/- 0.025      11.328 +/- 0.025           .      
                          log (Lbol/Lsun)      -2.616 +/- 0.010      -2.631 +/- 0.010           .      
                       Parallax is 57.975 +/- 0.045 mas, distance 17.249 +/- 0.013 pc, the     .       
                       integrated spectral type M7.0 +/- 0.2 (optical), M6 +/- 1 (near-IR).    Dup2016 
13143-5906 FIN 205     Unresolved at SOAR on 2013.13 (but in small field), remains             .       
                       unconfirmed.  A is possible SB.                                         Tok2014d
13144+2358 POU3134     LDS2907.                                                                .       
13145-2417 FIN 297     Inclination corrected from 65.6 to 66.6 by Ruymaekers & Nys (1995)      Ruy1995 
                       AB: Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and             .       
                       spectroscopic masses 0.94 +/- 0.48, 3.32, and 1.45 Msun, respectively.  Mlk2012 
13147-6335 MLO   3     Spectroscopic binary.                                                   .       
           WSI  58     Aa,Ab: One component of the 0.24" pair is a 13.6d SB1 (Sota et al.      .       
                       2014, ApJS 211, 10).                                                    Sna2014 
13149-1122 SHJ 162     AB: Optical pair, based on study of relative motion of the              .       
                       components using the method of apparent motion parameters.              Kiy2008 
13151+2725 B     1     LDS2908.                                                                .       
13151+2621 GIC 112     LDS1373.  G149-062/G149-061.                                            .       
13152-6754 DUN 131     eta Mus. The primary is a spectroscopic binary and a possible           .       
                       eclipsing system.                                                       .       
13153-0250 JNN  91     LP 617-21.                                                              .       
                       Due to the small separation of companion to 2MASS J13151846-0249516 it  .       
                       is very likely a physical binary, but common proper motion has not yet  .       
                       been tested for.                                                        Jnn2012 
13155-2650 BUG  14     Estimated spectral types are L3.5 +/- 2.5 and T7 +/- 0.6.  System age   .       
                       > 0.8-1.0 Gyr, estimated distance 19 +/- 3 pc.  Effective temperatures  .       
                       are 1760 +/- 70 and 790 +/- 70 K. For an age of 1 Gyr, masses are       .       
                       60 +/- 6 and 16 +/- 3 Mjup.                                             Bug2011b
13157+1154 AG  435     Single.                                                                 IDS1963A
13161-6235 HD 115071   V961 Cen. Hipparcos has shown this star to be an eclipsing binary with  HIP1997a
                       a period of 1.37d.  Both Penny (1996) and Howarth et al. (1997 MNRAS    Pny1996b
                       284, 265) found evidence of line-doubling.  Turner (1985 ApJ 292, 148)  .       
                       shows that this star appears close to and has a similar distance to     .       
                       the cluster Stock 16.                                                   Msn1998a
13163+1715 STF1733     BDS 6440, H 2  46.                                                      .       
13164+4202 HJ 1230     HJ observes HJ 1230: 1828 290@ 12" 11-11.                               .       
13164+2906 LDS6276     HZ 43.                                                                  McA1996b
                       The 1977.10 observation of this system published by McAlister in 1996   .       
                       was a re-reduction of archival USNO-NOFS data by V.V. Kallarakal.       .       
                       Evidently, the 1974.345 and 1975.415 data were also from this source,   .       
                       and were reduced and added by Worley.                                   Wor9999 
13166+1948 HDS1862     1988.1655: Unresolved upon initial inspection (McAlister 1993), a very  McA1993 
                       weak peak was later found which agreed well with the Hipparcos          .       
                       measurement.                                                            Msn1999b
           BGH  46     AB: HJL1077.                                                            HJL1986 
                       AB: SHY 617. Bayesian analysis by Shaya & Olling (2011) indicates very  Shy2011 
                       high (near 100%) probability pair is physical.                          .       
13168+0925 KUI  62     59 Vir.                                                                 .       
           GJ  504     Aa,Ab: Kuzuhara et al. (2013) image a cold Jovian exoplanet orbiting    .       
                       the solar-type star GJ 504. Distance to the system is 17.56 +/- 0.08    .       
                       pc. They derive masses 1.22 +/- 0.08 Msun and 4.0 +4.5/-1.0 Mjup for    .       
                       the star and planet. The effective temperatures are 6234 +/- 25 and     .       
                       510 +30/-20K, spectral types are G0V and late-T/early-Y.                Kuz2013 
13169+1701 BU  800     Hyperbolic orbit by Hopmann (1960).                                     Hop1960b
                       sigma = areal constant in the true orbit = 0.2700 arcsec^2/yr           .       
                       q = periastron distance in the true orbit = 5".0334                     .       
                       All hyperbolic orbits rejected from Fourth Orbit Catalog                Wor1983 
                       HIP 64797. See Allen et al. (2000) for information on metallicity,      AlC2000 
                       age, galactic orbital parameters, etc.                                  .       
                       AB: H 2  46.                                                            MEv2010 
                       AB: Additional notes may be found in Worley (1956).                     Wor1956b
                       AC: Optical pair, based on study of relative motion of the components   .       
                       using the method of apparent motion parameters.                         Kiy2008 
                       AC: Rectilinear solution by Friedman et al. (2011).                     USN2011a
13169-3436 I  1567     Also known as SEE 171.                                                  .       
                       Hipparcos parallax 23.18 +/- 1.10 mas. Dynamical parallax 22.7 mas,     .       
                       masses 0.96 and 0.84 Msun.  I 1567 has a well-established orbit by      .       
                       Heintz (1986) which is corrected here to better match the new speckle   Hei1986a
                       data. Heintz notes that this pair is a "puzzling case" because of some  .       
                       very discordant historical measures; these deviant points were ignored  .       
                       in the calculation.                                                     Tok2012b
                       Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and spectroscopic   .       
                       masses of 1.20 +/- 0.36, 1.81, and 0.95 Msun, respectively.             Mlk2012 
13170+3949 OSO  52     G164-061. Not a common proper motion pair, based on comparison with     .       
                       POSS2 red plates.                                                       Oso2004 
13174-2132 BU  222     HDO 136                                                                 .       
13175-0041 FIN 350     This binary is comprised of a pair of F0V stars of near-zero magnitude  .       
                       difference, so there is considerable uncertainty as to whether the      .       
                       orbit is of short-period/high-eccentricity (P~9yr, e~0.6) or long-      .       
                       period/low-eccentricity (P~18yr, e~0.0). The rms residuals to the       .       
                       speckle observations are slightly smaller for the long-period orbit,    .       
                       but mass sums (a^3/P^2) for the two orbits differ by just 2%,           .       
                       insufficient to rule out either solution on the basis of plausibility.  Hrt1994 
                       (Later speckle observations near periastron appeared to favor a short-  .       
                       period solution, but this is still uncertain.)                          .       
                       See Baize & Petit (1989) catalog of doubles with variable component.    Baz1989d
                       Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and spectroscopic   .       
                       masses of 3.39 +/- 0.31, 3.27, and 1.45 Msun, respectively.             Mlk2012 
13175-4033 I   425     Rectilinear solution by Hartkopf et al.  (2012).                        Hrt2012a
13178+4535 LDS4340     NLTT 33606/33599                                                        Chm2004 
13184-1819 H 6  90     61 Vir. H VI 90. Proper motion of A -1070 -1065.                        .       
                       B is BD-17@3815, proper motion -037 -010.                               .       
                       Smyth's quoted separation is difference in RA only.                     Smy1844 
                       Optical pair, based on study of relative motion of the components       .       
                       using the method of apparent motion parameters.                         Kiy2008 
13186-6229 SNA  33     This new pair cannot be the 15.1d binary reported by Sota et al.        .       
                       (2014, ApJS 211, 10); HD 115455 is therefore at least a hierarchical    .       
                       triple system.                                                          Sna2014 
13187-5816 GAA  25     V963 Cen                                                                .       
13189-2310 SMY   3     gam Hya = 46 Hya                                                        .       
13190-1514 LDS4343     NLTT 33649/33646                                                        Chm2004 
13193+1759 LDS4345     NLTT 33677/33673                                                        Chm2004 
13196+3507 HJ  529     AB: NLTT 33705/33706                                                    Chm2004 
13196+2422 LDS2913     NLTT 33701/33702                                                        Chm2004 
13198+4747 CHR 193     is also a spectroscopic binary with a P of 447d.                        Tok2019b
           HU  644     Beuzit et al. (2004) AO observations confirm speckle third component    Beu2004 
                       of Hartkopf et al. (1994). Mass sum and mass ratio (Heintz, 1969)       Hrt1994 
                       clearly requires the primary to be a closer binary.                     Hei1969c
                       Masses and bolometric magnitudes are derived for the two components     Msn1999a
                       of this system by Mason et al. (1999), based on assumed spectral types  .       
                       and available  parallaxes. The Hipparcos parallax appears suspect.      .       
                       See Baize & Petit (1989) catalog of doubles with variable component.    Baz1989d
           HU  644     AB: Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and             .       
                       spectroscopic masses 1.76 +/- 0.13, 1.11, and 0.85 Msun, respectively.  Mlk2012 
                       Aa,Ab: 1992.3126: This appears to be a new component to the 1".5 49-yr  .       
                       period pair of K/M dwarfs HU 644. This is the only one of the current   .       
                       crop of new interferometric binaries which has not yet been confirmed.  .       
13199-2748 B   247     Spectrum: Fm delta Del.                                                 .       
13199-6831 JNN  92     2MASS J13195689-6831142 has companion detected in the AstraLux images.  .       
                       Since the companion is relatively close (~0.88") and has a brightness   .       
                       and color that is consistent with expectation, it is probably a         .       
                       physical pair. Only one epoch of images exists so far.                  Jnn2012 
13203+1746 A  2166     Elongations doubtful, quadrant indeterminate.                           B__1963b
                       Primary is eclipsing binary KR Com (period 0.40796 day).                Zas2010 
                       Omega corrected from 0.0 to 180.0 by Ruymaekers & Nys (1995)            Ruy1995 
                       Zasche et al. (2010) derived a combined solution orbit, based on        Zas2010b
                       published astrometry plus minima timings of the close-contact           .       
                       binary KR Com, which comprises the primary of the Aitken pair.          .       
                       Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and spectroscopic   .       
                       masses of 7.10 +/- 3.80, 2.75, and 1.10 Msun, respectively.             Mlk2012 
13203-0140 LDS 437     AB: NLTT 33750/33731                                                    Chm2004 
13203-0224 LDS4347     NLTT 33739/33741                                                        Chm2004 
13207+0408 BDK   6     G 62-33 + 2MASS J13204427+0409045. Distance 30.5 +/0 1.0 pc for         .       
                       primary, 33 +/- 3 pc for secondary. Estimated age of system 3.3-5.1     .       
                       Gyr. Mass of secondary estimated at 0.079-0.081 Msun.                   Fah2010 
13208+3158 ES  308     SEI 535.                                                                Nsn2017b
13208+0956 BDK   7     G 63-23 + 2MASS J13204159+0957506. Distance 38.1 +2.6/-2.3 pc for       .       
                       primary, 36 +/- 3 pc for secondary. Estimated age of system 1.0-3 Gyr.  .       
                       Mass of secondary estimated at 0.083-0.093 Msun.                        Fah2010 
                       NLTT 33793 + 2MASS J13204159+0957506. Baron et al. (2015) estimate      .       
                       spectral types K5 and M8, distances 38.1 +2.6/-2.3 and 36 +/-3 pc,      .       
                       masses 0.724-0.782 and 0.087-0.096 Msun.                                BFr2015 
13209+4359 GC 18063    Hipparcos astrometric solution assumed circular orbit (e = omega = 0)   HIP1997d
13216-0926 BRT 447     It appears that a possible 0.3s error in the RA of the primary may be   .       
                       the cause of the incorrect 1895 measure.                                .       
13217+1542 FOX 177     HJL 185.                                                                HJL1986 
13218+1746 STF1737     BDS 6463, H IV 57.                                                      .       
                       H 4  57.                                                                MEv2010 
13218-1845 GC 18075    Hipparcos astrometric solution assumed circular orbit (e = omega = 0)   HIP1997d
13220+6748 GRV1087     SLW 862.                                                                .       
13224+7011 LDS1767     NLTT 33937/33932                                                        Chm2004 
13224+1603 BPM 602     [PM2000] 1055415 + [PM2000] 1055437.                                    Gvr2010 
13225-2257 ARG  26     B is BD-22@3573, spectrum G1/2V.                                        .       
           SHY 618     AC: HIP  65266 + HIP  64670.                                            .       
13226+2607 HO  259     AB: A is astrometric binary.                                            Tok2014d
13226-6059 FIN 208     Too close, measures uncertain. One component is the variable V790 Cen.  .       
13228+6442 LDS2674     NLTT 33948/33949                                                        Chm2004 
13228+4459 KZA  58     16' error in WDS designation.                                           .       
13228-1311 H 4 119     H IV 119. B is BD-12@3801. Also known as STF1736. A is a spectroscopic  .       
                       binary, called "mild Am" by Bidelman.                                   .       
13229+8932 HJ 3154     2000 position deduced from 1830: 22 47.4 +89 28.                        .       
13229-1236 LDS 440     Aka GWP1998.                                                            .       
13229-7209 B  1736     Spectroscopic binary.                                                   .       
13230+3141 LDS1386     NLTT 33927/33931                                                        Chm2004 
13233+0344 HDS1878     This is the pair BAL2857 only noted on a 1910 AC-plate.                 Dam2016c
13234+5754 SHY  67     AB: HIP  65327 + HIP  59496.                                            .       
13235+2914 HO  260     Undetermined (long) period in nearby K-dwarf pair.                      .       
                       Baize (1968) elements are provisory. Third body (P of order 30 yr)      .       
                       is suspected.                                                           Baz1968 
13235+1401 HJ  226     AB is galaxy NGC 5129.                                                  .       
13237+0243 STF1740     B is BD+03@2766.                                                        .       
                       HJL 186.                                                                HJL1986 
13237-0043 A  2489     A premature orbit has been computed.                                    .       
                       T has been revised to comply with recent quadrant determinations.       Zul1972a
13239+5456 STF1744     A is zet UMa = Mizar. B is 80 UMa = Alcor.                              .       
                       Split by Benedetto Castelli. After resolving AD in                      C__1616 
                       1617 he wrote to his friend, Galileo, to observe the pair, "It's one of C__1617 
                       the beautiful things in the sky and I don't believe that in our pursuit .       
                       one could desire better." Galileo measured it in early 1617. See the    G__1617 
                       excellent discussion of its discovery in Leos Ondra's July 2004 Sky &   .       
                       Telescope article, from which Galileo's measure was extracted. It was   .       
                       independently found double in 1650 by Jean Baptiste Riccioli in         Ric1651 
                       Bologna: "There appears to be one star in the middle of the Great       .       
                       Bear's tail, where there are actually two, as the telescope reveals."   .       
                       This was also the first to be observed photographically, by John A.     .       
                       Whipple with the Harvard 15inch on 27 April 1857. According to Aitken,  .       
                       this was the first observed photographically (G.P. Bond at Harvard      A__1935f
                       College Observatory in 1857 using an 8 second exposure on a collodion   BdG1858a
                       plate), and the first spectroscopic binary discovered (E.C. Pickering   Pck1890 
                       in 1889). A is a spectroscopic binary, P = 20.54d (first orbit 1901).   Vog1901 
                       B is also a spectroscopic binary (first orbits 1908), P  = 175.6d,      XXX1908a
                       spectrum A1m or A1/A2/A7. Also, common proper motion with 80 UMa        XXX1908b
                       80 UMa (Alcor) and other members of the Ursa Major stream.              .       
                       AC: SHY 247. Bayesian analysis by Shaya & Olling (2011) indicates very  Shy2011 
                       high (near 100%) probability pair is physical.                          .       
           PEA   1     Mistakenly given the discoverer designation 'MKT   8' in the WDS,       Pea1925 
                       but actually first resolved by Pease in 1925, six decades before the    .       
                       Mark III interferometer measures. This system has completed some 1,350  .       
                       revolutions since its first resolution, probably a record for any       .       
                       "visual" binary.                                                        .       
                       The orbit of Aa,Ab by Russell (1927) is combined interferometric/       Rus1927 
                       spectroscopic (double-lined spectrum). A small magnitude difference     .       
                       (which would probably place the ascending node in the second quadrant)  .       
                       is uncertain.                                                           .       
                       Star B (mag. 3.96, 15") is physical, and is itself a 175.55d SB1.       .       
                       Visual orbit by Hummel et al. (1995) is based on astrometry from the    MkT1995 
                       Mark III interferometer. Additional spectroscopic data yield component  .       
                       masses, luminosities, radii, effective temperatures, and distance.      .       
                       See Baize & Petit (1989) catalog of doubles with variable component.    Baz1989d
                       Pourbaix gives combined solution for this resolved SB2, yielding        .       
                       orbital parallaxes and component masses.                                Pbx2000b
           SMR  4      AD: This was the first component of Mizar split by Benedetto Castelli   C__1616 
                       in late 1616. It was called "Sidus Ludoviciana" (Ludwig's Star) by      XXX2004 
                       Johann Georg Liebnecht for the Landgrave Ludwig of Hessen-Darmstadt     .       
                       who thought he has discovered a planet. He was wrong.                   .       
           SHY 247     AE: HIP  65378 + HIP  64532.  E component = A component of 13136+5643   .       
                       = C component of 12487+6019.                                            .       
           SHY 247     AF: HIP  65378 + HIP  65327.  F component = D component of 12417+5543.  .       
           SHY 248     CE: HIP  65477 + HIP  64532.                                            .       
           SHY 248     CF: HIP  65477 + HIP  65327.                                            .       
           SHY 248     CG: HIP  65477 + HIP  61100.  G component = G component of 13136+5643.  .       
           SHY 248     CH: HIP  65477 + HIP  61481.                                            .       
           STF1744     AB: H 3   2.                                                            MEv2010 
13240-2055 BU  610     HDO 137. Spectrum: K1/2III/IV.                                          .       
13242-0159 GLP   9     B is BD-01@2813.                                                        .       
13244-0219 SKF 988     Variable IN Vir.                                                        .       
13245+1226 GC 18139    Hipparcos astrometric solution adopted some elements from the orbit of  HIP1997d
                       Griffin (1986).                                                         Grf1986c
13245-2837 BRT3000     Not found by Heintz at IDS position.                                    Hei1990b
                       A likely plate flaw.                                                    Grv2021b
13246-0510 66 Vir      Hipparcos astrometric solution assumed circular orbit (e = omega = 0)   HIP1997d
13246-5130 I  1231     Too close after 1927. Needs speckle.                                    .       
13246-5557 JNN 155     Secondary appears to be a brown dwarf; masses are estimated at 1.3      .       
                       Msun and 65 +35/-30 (based on intrinsic brightness) or 45 +/- 10 Mjup   .       
                       (based on temperature).                                                 Jnn2012b
13247+1755 BPM 603     [PM2000] 1056418 + [PM2000] 1056405.                                    Gvr2010 
13250+0146 GRV1088     SLW 868.                                                                .       
13251+2351 SHY 620     HIP  65466 + HIP  65508.                                                .       
13252-1110 BUP 150     alp Vir = 67 Vir = Spica. A is an Alpha CVn-type variable and           .       
                       spectroscopic binary, spectrum B1III-IV+B2V. According to R.G. Aitken,  A__1935f
                       this is the fourth binary recognized by spectroscopic methods. It was   .       
                       identified as such based on photographic spectra obtained by Prof.      .       
                       H.C. Vogel at Potsdam in early 1890. It has been resolved by intensity  .       
                       interferometry.                                                         .       
                       Intensity Interferometer Limb-darkened diameter 0.87 +/- 0.04 mas.      HBr1974 
                       AC. Smyth's quoted separation is difference in RA only.                 Smy1844 
13252-6429 HJ 4583     Optical pair, based on study of relative motion of the components       .       
                       using the method of apparent motion parameters.                         Kiy2008 
13253+7559 STT 267     Position angles scattered, mostly near 150@. Quadrant uncertain.        .       
                       Probably in rapid motion.                                               B__1963b
13253+4028 HJ 1231     This is a measure of A and BD+41@2392.                                  .       
13254-4300 DBR 179     Not a double star, but the Globular Cluster Sersic 13 in NGC 5128.      .       
13254-5947 WSI  76     A = V379 Cen, eclipsing binary of Algol-type, period 1.874696 days.     Zas2015 
13258+4430 A  1609     AB: Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and             .       
                       spectroscopic masses 2.47 +/- 0.63, 1.91, and 0.85 Msun, respectively.  Mlk2012 
13258-4815 JNN 156     V966 Cen. Secondary appears to be a brown dwarf; masses are estimated   .       
                       at 1.3 Msun and 55 +30/-20 (based on intrinsic brightness) or           .       
                       70 +35/-15 Mjup (based on temperature).                                 Jnn2012b
13258-7038 67 Mus      Ren & Fu (2013) calculated an astrometric orbit, combining Hipparcos    Ren2013 
                       Intermediate Astrometric Data with spectroscopic elements by            .       
                       Dworetsky (1982).                                                       Dwo1982 
13264+2334 LDS5779     NLTT 34105/34116                                                        Chm2004 
13264-4303 HJ 4587     SWR 140. CPM pair                                                       Skf2004 
13265+4233 ES 2645     B is BD+43@2334.                                                        .       
13267-2418 BGH   6     SHY 249. Bayesian analysis by Shaya & Olling (2011) indicates very      Shy2011 
                       high (near 100%) probability pair is physical.                          .       
13270-7710 GLI 291AB,C #190 in the original list of Gilliss.                                   .       
13271+6444 STTA123     LDS2675.                                                                .       
                       AB: HJL 188.                                                            HJL1986 
                       AB: SHY 622. Bayesian analysis by Shaya & Olling (2011) indicates very  Shy2011 
                       high (near 100%) probability pair is physical.                          .       
13271+3840 LDS4364     aka RAO 294.                                                            .       
13273-3111 DAE   4     GJ 3786 = LHS 2739                                                      .       
                       Daemgen et al. (2007) derive a distance of 30.2 +/- 7.7 pc, separation  Dae2007 
                       of 16.4 +/- 4.2 au, and a predicted orbital period of 108 +/- 43 yr.    .       
                       Spectral types for both stars are M3.5 +/- 0.5; masses are 0.33         .       
                       +0.10/-0.09 and 0.30 +0.11/-0.09 Msun.                                  .       
13274-2138 LDS6278     NLTT 34137/34150                                                        Chm2004 
13274-6152 B  2752     A is an Algol-type system, V380 Cen.                                    .       
13276+0655 HJ 1232     HJL 187.                                                                HJL1986 
13280-5806 R   217     Despite the linear solution, proper motion and parallax favor a         Grv2020a
                       physical connection. Long period and/or high eccentricity possible.     .       
13283-0222 B  2753     LDS5781 aka OSO  48AC.                                                  .       
                       NLTT 34200/34203                                                        Chm2004 
13284+1543 STT 266     Scardia et al. say the quadrant is unambiguous for their 2004 theta     Sca2005a
                       value of 178.1; this does not agree with other determinations of        .       
                       magnitude difference, however.                                          .       
13284+1347 STT 579     AB: 70 Vir. B is BD+14@2622.                                            .       
                       AB: Optical pair, based on study of relative motion of the components   .       
                       using the method of apparent motion parameters.                         Kiy2008 
           RBR  18     2001.0994: PA is measured in zenith mode. If data collected in          .       
                       equatorial mode, PA = 241.2. Confirmation of the pair should establish  .       
                       the correct theta value.                                                Rbr2011d
                       CHARA Array Limb-darkened diameter  1.009 +/- 0.024 mas,                CIA2008c
                       R =  1.968 +/- 0.047 \rsun.                                             .       
           70 Vir      A: Combined solution, based on reduction of Hipparcos intermediate      .       
                       astrometric data together with spectroscopic elements from Marcy &      CPS1996a
                       Butler (1996).                                                          HaI2001 
13285-4829 SWR 141     CPM pair                                                                Skf2004 
13286+4246 BRT 108     A likely plate flaw.                                                    Grv2021b
13288+5956 S   649     CA: HJL1079.                                                            HJL1986 
                       CA: SHY 623. Bayesian analysis by Shaya & Olling (2011) indicates very  Shy2011 
                       high (near 100%) probability pair is physical.                          .       
                       CA: H 6  22.                                                            MEv2010 
13289+2131 LDS 948     GIC 113. G149-090/G149-089 = NLTT 34235/34234.                          Chm2004 
13291-6441 GC 18206    Hipparcos astrometric solution assumed circular orbit (e = omega = 0)   HIP1997d
13291-6604 LDS 444     B is CPD-65@2344.                                                       .       
                       SHY 624. Bayesian analysis by Shaya & Olling (2011) indicates very      Shy2011 
                       high (near 100%) probability pair is physical.                          .       
13293+6452 LDS2321     NLTT 34300/34302                                                        Chm2004 
13295+5142 JNN  93     The B component seen in the AstraLux images appears to be a very close  .       
                       binary itself due to a PSF extension visible in five separate epochs.   .       
                       However, we count the system as a regular binary here since we do not   .       
                       get a converging fit for the closer pair.                               Jnn2012 
13297-2317 HO  381     A is a Mira-type variable, R Hya.                                       .       
                       A has a magnitude range of 3 to 11 with a period of 388.0 days.         .       
                       B has a B-V (U-B) color of 1.04 (0.97)                                  Egg1971 
13298+0106 J  2091     A is FO Vir, an eclipsing Beta Lyrae-type binary, period 0.77557d.      Zas2011 
13300-7634 RSS  18     This previously uncataloged double star was a Hipparcos double entry    .       
                       system.  The first measure is determined from the individual positions  .       
                       listed by Rousseau et al.                                               Rss1996 
13303-0834 LDS 448     Proper motion -1093 -419.                                               .       
                       Primary is white dwarf WD 1327-083.                                     Far2005b
13304+4010 LDS5782     LDS6279.                                                                .       
                       NLTT 34325/34326                                                        Chm2004 
13304-0628 STF1750     72 Vir. A is a spectroscopic binary.                                    .       
                       H N  27.                                                                MEv2010 
13304-1256 HJ 2656     Rectilinear solution by Hurowitz et al. (2014).                         USN2014a
13304-7851 HD 116852   The classification is from Morgan et al. (1955 ApJS 2, 41). Sembach &   .       
                       Savage (1994 ApJ 431, 201) suggest that the star lies at 1.3 kpc from   .       
                       the Galactic plane, so we have assigned it to the "runaway" category.   Msn1998a
13305+2231 SHY 626     HIP  65899 + HIP  65884.                                                .       
13305+0729 A  1789     Ma,Mb = 1.581 +/- 0.040, 1.503 +/- 0.036 \msun.                         GmJ2022 
13305-2339 HO  540     A is an Algol-type system, SS Hya.                                      .       
13306-4311 CPO 371     Nothing at this position, according to Heintz.                          Hei1987a
                       A likely plate flaw.                                                    Grv2021b
13309+2414 STT 268     AB: A is possible SB, no orbit.                                         Tok2014d
           H 5  70     AC: STTA124.                                                            .       
                       AC: H V 70. C is the variable FK Com.                                   .       
                       AC: Optical pair, based on study of relative motion of the components   .       
                       using the method of apparent motion parameters.                         Kiy2008 
13310+3626 HLM   5     Also known as STF1753.                                                  .       
13310-3924 SEE 179     See Baize & Petit (1989) catalog of doubles with variable component.    Baz1989d
                       Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical and spectroscopic masses          .       
                       15.46 +/- 7.56 and 8.91 Msun, respectively.                             Mlk2012 
13311+1216 UC 2550     TYC 895-616-1, W UMa-type eclipsing binary, period 0.21801 d.           Zas2018 
13316+5857 TOK 290     We count 2MASS J13313493+5857171 as single close in, although its PSF   .       
                       appears somewhat extended in the 2009.13 epoch. However, it is a        .       
                       likely companion to the nearby G2-star HD 117845 at 11" separation.     .       
                       HD 117845 has been included in the AstraLux field and appears to be     .       
                       itself a close binary with a ~0.5" separation.                          Jnn2012 
                       AB: A is SB, no SB orbit. X-ray source.                                 Tok2014d
13316-6135 HDS1894     Primary is Cepheid V659 Cen.                                            .       
                       Masses are 5.2 and 4.4 Msun. Estimated period = 3400y,                  .       
                       a = 500au = 0.67".                                                      Evs2013 
13317-0219 HDS1895     Horch et al (2012) generate two possible orbits, one based on only      Hor2012a
                       astrometry, the second "constrained" solution fixes P, T, e, and Omega  .       
                       to values determined in a spectroscopic orbit by Torres et al. (2002).  Trr2002 
                       Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and spectroscopic   .       
                       masses of 2.27 +/- 0.49, 1.75, and 0.88 Msun, respectively.             Mlk2012 
                       Ren & Fu (2013) calculated an astrometric orbit, combining Hipparcos    .       
                       Intermediate Astrometric Data with spectroscopic elements by            .       
                       Latham et al. (2002). They derived component masses 0.93 and 0.42 Msun  Lat2002 
                       and an estimated semimajor axis of 95.29 mas.                           Ren2013 
13320+3108 WOR  24     Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and spectroscopic   .       
                       masses of 1.37 +/- 0.39, 1.20, and 0.55 Msun, respectively.             Mlk2012 
13320-1844 B  2542     73 Vir.                                                                 .       
13320-6519 FIN 369     In rapid direct motion.                                                 .       
                       Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and spectroscopic   .       
                       masses of 3.13 +/- 0.94, 2.57, and 1.70 Msun, respectively.             Mlk2012 
                       Docobo & Andrade (2013) derive a dynamical parallax of 15.87 +/- 1.35   .       
                       mas and component masses 1.14 +/- 0.37 and 1.08 +/- 0.36 Msun. See      .       
                       paper for extensive notes on this system.                               Doc2013d
13321-1115 TOK 291     No previous indication of binarity was available for HIP 66018, apart   .       
                       from the CPM companion B at 84". We discovered another faint component  .       
                       Ab at 0".89, dI=4.6, likely to be physical (low background density).    .       
                       The B component  (V=14.8) was targeted, but its speckle signal was      .       
                       weak and no obvious close companions to B were found.                   Tok2015c
13321-2258 HJ 4593     B is BD-22@3617, spectrum F2IV.                                         .       
13321-6303 DUN 137     RMK  17. Rectilinear solution by Letchford et al. (2018).               LRR2018a
13322+0744 LDS3074     SLW 887.                                                                .       
13324+3649 STF1755     Spectroscopic binary. Spectral type of B: F5IV.                         .       
13324-1240 SHJ 165     B is BD-11@3537.                                                        .       
                       H 5 128.                                                                MEv2010 
13327+3100 LDS1392     NLTT 34410/34417                                                        Chm2004 
13328+1649 VYS   6     LDS4374. Both components are flare stars, VW Com.                       .       
13328-1746 HU  469     Includes LV Vir, a W UMa type eclipsing binary, P = 0.40943d.           Zas2012 
13329+4143 LDS4375     NLTT 34434/34433                                                        Chm2004 
13329+3454 STT 269     1986.397: The separation of this partially resolved pair was            .       
                       calculated under the assumption of zero or otherwise known magnitude    .       
                       difference.                                                             Tok1985 
                       AB: Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and             .       
                       spectroscopic masses 5.23 +/- 1.58, 3.13, and 2.06 Msun, respectively.  Mlk2012 
13329-1522 HJ 2658     75 Vir.                                                                 .       
13332-7734 HJ 4590     LDS 447. A is a variable, S Cha. B is CPD-76@769.                       .       
13333+2301 STF1756     HJL 189.                                                                HJL1986 
                       W UMa-type eclipsing binary, period 0.35253 d.                          Zas2018 
13337+4801 ODE  11     HJL1080.                                                                HJL1986 
13340-6403 KRV  35     Classical Cepheid VW Cen.                                               .       
13341+6746 STF1767     LDS1393.                                                                .       
                       NLTT 34535/34534                                                        Chm2004 
13343-0019 STF1757     AC: Optical pair, based on study of relative motion of the components   .       
                       using the method of apparent motion parameters.                         Kiy2008 
                       AC: Rectilinear solution by Hurowitz et al. (2014).                     USN2014a
13344+3847 HJ 1234     Optical pair, based on study of relative motion of the components       .       
                       using the method of apparent motion parameters.                         Kiy2008 
                       AB: Rectilinear solution by Hurowitz et al. (2014).                     USN2014a
13344-5931 TOK 403     HIP 66230 has a variable RV in GCS and an astrometric acceleration. We  .       
                       resolved it at 0".1, dI=2.5, estimated period ~10yr. The pair moved by  .       
                       4deg in one month.                                                      Tok2015c
13345-1326 S   650     B is BD-12@3842.                                                        .       
13346+1726 BPM 604     [PM2000] 1060833 + [PM2000] 1060846.                                    Gvr2010 
13347-0036 HNK   7     zet Vir = GJ 3792. Observations over 4.75 years indicate pair has       .       
                       common proper motion and shows clear evidence of orbital motion.        .       
                       Hinkley et al. (2010) constrain elements a > 24.9au, P > 124yr, and     Hnk2010 
                       e >0.16. Mass of the companion is estimated at 0.168 +0.012/-0.016      .       
                       Msun, suggesting a spectral type of M4V-M7V.                            .       
                       CHARA Array Limb-darkened diameter  0.852 +/- 0.009 mas,                CIA2012e
                       R =  2.079 +/- 0.025 \rsun, L = 17.885 +/-0.252 \lsun,                  .       
                       Teff = 8247 +/-  52 K, M = 1.940 +/- 0.006 \msun,                       .       
                       Age =  0.7 +/- 0.0 Gyr.                                                 .       
13347-1313 BU  932     y Vir. Variable?                                                        Mlr1956a
                       Only elements P, T, and a have been amended by Starikova (1980) from    Sta1980a
                       the orbit of Heintz (1969).                                             Hei1969a
                       See Baize & Petit (1989) catalog of doubles with variable component.    Baz1989d
                       Measures hard to reconcile. There has been practically no change in     .       
                       the last 10-12 years, yet the present position differs by some 290deg   .       
                       from Burnham's discovery position in 1879. Some of the measures are     .       
                       evidently spurious.                                                     VBs1954 
                       AB: Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and             .       
                       spectroscopic masses 13.50 +/- 8.22, 5.27, and 2.24 Msun, respectively. Mlk2012 
13347-6320 HDS1907     The classification is from Garrison et al. (1977 ApJS 35, 111).         Msn1998a
13348+3711 BH CVn      Close binary comprised of F2IV primary and K2IV secondary. Orbital      .       
                       elements are from Eker & Doherty (1987 MNRAS 228, 869) except for the   .       
                       ascending node. The Eker & Doherty inclination was corrected for CW     .       
                       rotation determined by Abbuhl et al. (2015)                             Abb2015 
13349+7430 LDS1775     B component is NLTT 34606.                                              .       
                       Possible common proper motion with BD+75@510, about 1900" distant.      .       
                       G255-038.  Besides the known companion at 14.275", Gliese & Jahreiss    GJ_1988 
                       list this star as a wide companion to G255-034, separated by 33'.       .       
                       However, the different Hipparcos distances to G255-038 and G255-034,    .       
                       and the different measurements of mu_delta, suggest that the two stars  .       
                       are not related.                                                        Oso2004 
           PRB   4     C, D, and E components are NLTT 34503, NLTT 33451, and WD 1337+70 =     .       
                       NLTT 34829, respectively. E is also the primary of 13388+7017 KUI 122.  .       
                       All are possible CPM pairs, according to Probst (1983).                 Prb1983 
13349+3746 DAE   5     CLS 73 = 2M1334                                                         .       
                       Daemgen et al. (2007) derive a distance of 35.8 +/- 9.4 pc, separation  Dae2007 
                       of 2.9 +/- 0.9 au, and predicted orbital period of 8 +/- 4 yr.          .       
                       Spectral types for both stars are M3.5 +/- 0.5; masses are 0.34         .       
                       +0.11/-0.10 and 0.30 0.10/-0.08 Msun.                                   .       
                       Although the close binarity of 2MASS J13345147+3746195 was reported in  .       
                       Daemgen et al (2007) and our AstraLux data have a similar sensitivity,  Dae2007 
                       the star appears single in our images. Since the separation was only    .       
                       82 mas in 2006, it has presumably moved inward since then.              Jnn2012 
13356+1012 HJ  228     B is BD+10@2566.                                                        .       
                       HJL 190.                                                                HJL1986 
13358-2807 TDS8890     Galaxy 6dFGS gJ133548.0-280642.                                         .       
13360+4829 FAR  38     GJ 2103. SKF 319.  Primary is white dwarf WD 1333+487.                  Far2006 
13360+0112 OSO  54     G062-052. Not a common proper motion pair, based on color and           .       
                       comparison with POSS2 red plates.                                       Oso2004 
13363+3514 KZA  71     WDS garbled (dec copied from KZA 70)                                    .       
13364+2156 LDS4381     NLTT 34611/34612                                                        Chm2004 
13366-6433 HDS1909     KN Cen.                                                                 .       
13367+3555 KZA  72     15' error in WDS designation                                            .       
13368-2630 H N  69     Spectral type of B: A7IV-V.                                             .       
13368-3224 I   221     Rectilinear solution by Zirm (2013).                                    Zir2013d
13370+0751 VBS  23     LDS3082 = LDS4382.                                                      .       
13371-1627 RST3845     Spectrum: F2/3III/IV.                                                   .       
13372+3005 STF1766     LDS1394.                                                                .       
                       HJL 191.                                                                HJL1986 
13372-2337 TOK 852     TV Hya.                                                                 .       
13372-6142 I   365     AB: Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and             .       
                       spectroscopic masses 3.39 +/- 1.84, 2.57, and 1.17 Msun, respectively.  Mlk2012 
                       A 8.1d spectroscopic solution for the A component has been found        Tok2019g
                       making this a triple system (C component is optical).                   .       
13372-8427 HJ 4585     B is CPD-83@531.                                                        .       
13374-1204 LDS4384     NLTT 34648/34647                                                        Chm2004 
13375+3618 STF1768     25 CVn. AB: Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and     .       
                       spectroscopic masses 4.61 +/- 2.52, 3.03, and 1.82 Msun, respectively.  Mlk2012 
13376-0752 STF1763     AB: H 1  80.                                                            MEv2010 
13377+5043 STF1770     Composite spectrum; M2II-III+F3III.                                     .       
13377+0223 STF1764     C and D components are A and B of STF 1765 rej. WAL  64CD measures      .       
                       moved, but systems not merged, as optical/physical nature of STF1764AC  .       
                       and WAL  64AD are unknown.                                              .       
13377-2337 RST2856     In rapid motion, but quadrant ambiguity makes interpretation uncertain  .       
                       Two orbit solutions bu Heintz (1967); neither is clearly preferable.    Hei1997 
13378+2819 HJ 3341     AC: Possible error in original reduction?                               .       
13379+4808 ES  608     At least one component is variable.                                     .       
13379+0221 STF1765     WAL  64CD. Systems not merged, as optical/physical nature of STF1764AC  .       
                       and WAL  64AD are unknown.                                              .       
13381+3910 STF1769     AB: A is SB1, P=11.589d                                                 Tok2014d
                       C is BD+39@2662.                                                        .       
                       AC: HJL 192.                                                            HJL1986 
                       AC: Additional notes may be found in Baize (1936).                      Baz1936c
           TOK  29     AE is CPM. Primary is 11.6d SB1. C component is known CPM; D component  .       
                       found in 2MASS, confirmed CPM by POSS (approximate 1950 measure: 9.3",  .       
                       230deg). A is triple, the whole system is quintuple. Metal-poor, high   .       
                       proper motion.                                                          Tok2006 
                       AE: A,C are on the MS, E below. E is optical or WD?                     Tok2014d
           STF1769     AB: Rectilinear solution by Hartkopf & Mason (2013).                    Hrt2013b
13382-2341 LDS4385     AB + TOK 404Aa,Ab:  HIP 66530 has a variable RV according to the GCS.   .       
                       It is resolved at 0".16 in the I band only, estimated period ~20yr.     .       
                       This is a triple system, considering the CPM companion B at 28".        Tok2015c
           TOK 404     Aa,Ab: SB, no orbit                                                     Tok2014d
13383-6416 HRG  88     Aka WFC 138.                                                            .       
13385-1042 J  3001     Galaxy PGC 48213 = MCG-02-35-011.                                       .       
13387+3823 COU1429     The KZA pairs are probably wider companions.                            .       
13388+1913 LDS4386     NLTT 34761/34772                                                        Chm2004 
13389+1807 BPM 605     [PM2000] 1062803 + [PM2000] 1062804.                                    Gvr2010 
13390-1052 LDS6280     Ross 479                                                                .       
13392-4900 HJ 4600     B is CD-48@8376.                                                        .       
13395+5255 VIG  16     Optical/physical nature of the faint companion is undefined.            Vig2012 
13396+1045 BU  612     Masses and bolometric magnitudes are derived for the two components     Msn1999a
                       of this system by Mason et al. (1999), based on assumed spectral types  .       
                       and available parallaxes.                                               .       
                       See Baize & Petit (1989) catalog of doubles with variable component.    Baz1989d
                       AB: Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and             .       
                       spectroscopic masses 3.41 +/- 0.36, 3.27, and 1.40 Msun, respectively.  Mlk2012 
13399-5328 RST5376     eps Cen                                                                 .       
                       Intensity Interferometer Limb-darkened diameter 0.48 +/- 0.03 mas.      HBr1974 
13400+3759 KZA  76     AC: Error in RA caused resulting incorrect measure by Kazeza.           KZA1984 
13403-5737 KRV  36     Classical Cepheid XX Cen.                                               .       
13404+5031 STF1774     GJ 521.2. A is X-ray source. Debris disk? In Duquennoy & Mayor (1991).  Duq1991 
13407+7651 HJ 2682     C is BD+77@518.                                                         .       
13407+5944 HJ 2673     B is BD+60@1481.                                                        .       
13407+1957 STF1772     1 Boo. B is a metallic-line star.                                       .       
13408-1748 SHY 630     HIP  66749 + HIP  66717.                                                .       
13401-6033 TOK 292     HIP 66676 (A) and HD 118735 (B, G6V, V=9.17) at 77" share common PM     .       
                       (although it is small, 58mas/y) which, together with photometry,        .       
                       indicates with high probability that it is a  physical pair AB          .       
                       (Tokovinin & Lepine 2012). We targeted the secondary component B and    Tok2015c
                       found it to be a resolved triple. The faint star C, at 0".92 from B,    .       
                       is itself a close 0".16 pair Ca,Cb.  Note that this is a region of the  .       
                       sky with very high stellar density, raising suspicion that the Ca,Cb    .       
                       pair might be a random background object. Re-observation of the triple  .       
                       in 2015  (to be published) shows, however, that it is physical because  .       
                       the center of C=(Ca,Cb) moves relative to B with a speed of 11mas/y     .       
                       (or 3km/s), compatible with the expected orbital motion of BC and much  .       
                       less than the system's PM of 58mas/y. The estimated period of Ca,Cb is  .       
                       ~30 years, the period of BC is ~300 years.                              Tok2015c
13408-2815 HO  382     AB: Rectilinear solution by Hurowitz et al. (2014).                     USN2014a
13412-3053 BGG   1     2MASS J13411160-30525049. Bardalez Gagliuffi et al. (2015) resolved     .       
                       this very low -mass binary, and derived spectral types L2.5 +/- 1.0     .       
                       and T6.0 +/- 1.0. Depending on age, this pair has a projected           .       
                       separation of 8.1 +/- 0.5 au and estimated orbital period of 63-85y.    .       
                       Mass estimates range from 0.052-0.075 Msun for the primary,             .       
                       0.022-0.061 for the secondary.                                          BGg2015 
13413+3422 SKF  41     AB: FAR  65.                                                            .       
13414-6152 JSP 591     Spectrum composite: K2/3III+B8/A0V.                                     .       
13417-7507 HJ 4598     Spectrum composite: A0V+G8/K0III.                                       .       
13422-1600 WSI 114     Also known as LHS2783 or GJ 3800.                                       .       
                       Parallax = 53.87 +/- 1.14 mas.                                          JLB2017 
                       Rectilinear solution by Miles & Mason (2016) &                          Msn2016b
                       Mason et al. (2018).                                                    Msn2018a
13422+1807 HJ  230     Rectilinear solution by Friedman et al. (2012).                         USN2012a
13427+3459 HR 5161     Ren & Fu (2013) calculated an astrometric orbit, combining Hipparcos    Ren2013 
                       Intermediate Astrometric Data with spectroscopic elements by            .       
                       Beavers & Griffin (1979).                                               Bvr1979c
13430-3011 DAW 166     Possibly variable?                                                      B__1931b
13431+0332 STF1777     84 Vir. A is a spectroscopic binary.                                    .       
                       H 2  44.                                                                MEv2010 
13433-2458 HJ 2671     B is CD-24@11047.                                                       .       
13434+1341 BPM 606     [PM2000] 1064873 + [PM2000] 1064881.                                    Gvr2010 
13434-0556 LDS6281     NLTT 35007/35006                                                        Chm2004 
13435-0416 STF1775     A is a spectroscopic binary.                                            .       
13440-5914 DUN 142     B is CPD-58@5094.                                                       .       
13441+1701 BPM 607     [PM2000] 1065196 + [PM2000] 1065149.                                    Gvr2010 
13443+6841 HJ 2685     Rectilinear solution by Hartkopf & Mason (2015).                        WSI2015 
13443-5101 VSP  40     V827 Cen.                                                               .       
13444+2536 LDS5791     LDS6283.                                                                .       
                       AB: NLTT 35070/35071                                                    Chm2004 
13446+5142 KUI  64     Ross 492.                                                               .       
13446-1652 LDS6284     NLTT 35064/35065                                                        Chm2004 
13448-1403 BRT2736     A likely plate flaw.                                                    Grv2021b
13450+0206 HDS1935     B is also a 41d spectroscopic binary.                                   Tok2019b
13451+2512 BRT3300     Originally published as BRT 164.                                        Brt1928 
13451+1747 BUP 153     AB: Proper motion of A = +455.7 -1832.9 (Tycho).                        .       
                       Proper motion of B +012-014.                                            .       
                       AC: Bu_1912 measures from 1875-1911 are Delta declination               .       
                       (i.e., north-south vector separations).                                 .       
                       Proper motion of C -001-001.                                            .       
13453+0903 BU  115     AB: B=SB? AC optical, shows reflex PM.                                  Tok2014d
13453-1031 S   652     AB: B is BD-09@3768.                                                    .       
                       Statistically the same parallax within the errors would indicate the    .       
                       components are physical.                                                .       
                       AB: Optical pair, based on study of relative motion of the components   .       
                       using the method of apparent motion parameters.                         Kiy2008 
                       AC: C is BD-09@3766.                                                    .       
13454-4234 TOK 157     HIP 67121. A is SB without orbit (dRV=14.8).                            Nrd2004 
13456+7614 KPP3904     Aka MFL 100.                                                            .       
13456-1546 HJ 2677     85 Vir. A is a spectroscopic binary and occultation triple.             .       
13459-1226 BU  935     86 Vir.                                                                 .       
           STF1780     AC: Additional notes may be found in Burnham (1894).                    Bu_1894 
13461+3131 LDS5222     LDS5792 = LDS6285.                                                      .       
                       NLTT 35170/35180                                                        Chm2004 
13461+0507 STF1781     One of the stars is probably variable.                                  Baz1972 
                       One component is a W UMa-type eclipsing binary.                         Wor1956b
                       See Baize & Petit (1989) catalog of doubles with variable component.    Baz1989d
                       One component is a W UMa-type eclipsing binary. A is the variable HT    .       
                       Vir. Errors for orbit of Alzner (2007) provided by author (private      Alz2007 
                       comm.) With the Hipparcos parallax of 15.39 +/- 2.72 mas, the Alzner    .       
                       solution yields a mass sum of 3.98Msun.                                 .       
13462+3054 PIN   8     Primary is a spectroscopic binary.                                      Pin2006 
13466+2826 KOP   1     Djurkovitz suspected the primary of being a close double. It looked     .       
                       single to me.                                                           B__1963b
                       Pair is +1m28s, +10' from BD+28 2257. Kopal (1939) believes motion is   Kop1939 
                       orbital, with period ~700y.                                             Cou1956 
13467-3636 POL   8     POL 2 1/2.                                                              .       
13467-5126 HDO 225     A is a long-period spectroscopic binary.                                .       
           M Cen       Hipparcos astrometric solution adopted some elements from the orbit of  HIP1997d
                       Jones (1928).                                                           Jon1928d
13470+3833 S   654     AB: STTA125. B is BD+39@2679.                                           .       
                       HJL 194.                                                                HJL1986 
           SHY 633     AC: HIP  67250 + HIP  67041.                                            .       
13470+0621 LDS3101     B is BD+07@2692.                                                        .       
                       HIP 67246. See Allen et al. (2000) for information on metallicity,      AlC2000 
                       age, galactic orbital parameters, etc.                                  .       
                       SHY 253. Bayesian analysis by Shaya & Olling (2011) indicates very      Shy2011 
                       high (near 100%) probability pair is physical.                          .       
13472-4640 HRG  91     Aka SKF 468.                                                            .       
13472-6235 COO 157     A semiregular variable, V766 Cen.                                       .       
           CSU   1     Aa,Ac: Chesneau et al. (2014) imaged a close companion to the           .       
                       supergiant V766 Cen, using VLTI/AMBER. Based on visual photometry,      .       
                       they estimate the orbital period at 1304 +/- 6d.                        Csu2014 
                       Wittkowski et al (2017) used VLTI/PIONIER for followup H-band imaging.  .       
                       At the 2014 epoch they believe the companion was behind the primary.    .       
                       They conclude the companion is most likely a cool giant or supergiant   .       
                       with a mass ~5 Msun.                                                    Wtk2017 
13473+1727 STT 270     tau Boo = 4 Boo. A is a Delta Scuti-type variable.                      .       
                       CHARA Array Limb-darkened diameter  0.786 +/- 0.016 mas,                CIA2008c
                       R =  1.331 +/- 0.027 \rsun.                                             .       
                       NPOI Limb-darkened diameter 0.822 +/- 0.049 mas, Sp = F7IV,             NOI2018 
                       R = 1.38 +/- 0.08 \rsun, Teff = 6556 +/-212 K, L =  3.2 +/- 0.2 \lsun.  .       
                       AB: Tau Boo. A hosts exolanet, P=3.31d                                  Tok2014d
13477-3226 COO 159     SWR 145. CPM pair                                                       Skf2004 
13478+0639 GIC 115     G065-004/G065-005.  The B component corresponds to the primary of       .       
                       LDS6286; systems merged, with LDS pair labelled BC pair. However, no    .       
                       obvious C component is found, so the BC pair is X-coded.                .       
13478+0112 BAL1459     RST 5529.                                                               .       
13479-6352 COO 158     Includes V979 Cen, a Beta Lyr type eclipsing binary, P = 2.56835d.      Zas2012 
13481-1345 DEA   1     LHS 2803. Deacon et al. (2012) derive Teff 2940 +/- 60 and 1100-120K    .       
                       for the primary and secondary, respectively. The primary is M4.5 +/-    .       
                       0.5, the seconary T5.5 +/- 0.5. Distance estimates are consistent with  .       
                       the pair being physical: 21 +/- 3pc for the primary, 24 +5/-4 pc for    .       
                       the secondary.                                                          Dea2012 
                       Wide M/T binary. Spectral types M4.5 +/- 0.5 and T5.5 +/- 1, masses     .       
                       0.18 +/- 0.02 and 0.04 +/- 0.01 Msun, age > 4.0 Gyr. Distances for the  .       
                       two components are consistent, at 21.5 +/- 2.1 and 20.0 +/- 2.0 pc.     Muz2012 
13481-5812 BRT3301     A likely plate flaw.                                                    Grv2021b
13482+2248 COU 401     Docobo et al. (2010) derive a dynamic parallax of 16.28 +/- 0.20 mas    Doc2010h
                       and a total mass of 1.53 +/- 0.07 Msun.  The dynamical and Hipparcos    .       
                       parallaxes are discrepant.                                              .       
13482-7739 NZO  42     Hipparcos acceleration double solution.                                 .       
13483-3653 RSS  19     This previously uncataloged double star was a Hipparcos double entry    .       
                       system.  The first measure is determined from the individual positions  .       
                       listed by Rousseau et al.                                               Rss1996 
13484+2337 LDS4410     GJ 1179A+B = NLTT 35290 + 35281. Secondary is white dwarf WD 1345+238.  Far2005b
13489-3542 HWE  94     HIP 67408. See Allen et al. (2000) for information on metallicity,      AlC2000 
                       age, galactic orbital parameters, etc.                                  .       
13490-2822 BU  413     A is a long-period variable, W Hya. B is CD-27@9430.                    .       
13490-6417 RST 659     13490-6417RST 659 Also knows as TDS8978. The identity of these two      .       
                       pairs determined by Skiff.                                              Skf2006 
13491+2659 STF1785     Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and spectroscopic   .       
                       masses of 1.43 +/- 0.39, 1.49, and 1.34 Msun, respectively.             Mlk2012 
13492+0746 LDS3107     No companion is seen on Aladin at Luyten's original theta value. It     Luy1975 
                       appears likely that his theta value was due to a trigonometry error,    .       
                       however, and that the correct value was 270-28 = 242deg rather than     .       
                       270+28 = 298deg. A star seen at that position angle and Luyten's        .       
                       separation agrees with his magnitude and has a proper motion in         .       
                       reasonable agreement, as well. Theta has been changed accordingly.      .       
13492-6206 DUN 143     Spectral types B2(II), K2/3II/III.                                      .       
13493-2135 LDS 459     NLTT 35336/35335                                                        Chm2004 
13493-4031 DUN 146     B is CD-39@8491.                                                        .       
                       Identified as optical and linear solution also published.               LRR2022c
13495-2621 TOK 405     HIP 67458 is a double-lined chromospherically active binary with        .       
                       orbital period of 7.2d (Latham, 2012, private communication). We found  .       
                       a faint tertiary companion at 0".73 with an estimated orbital period    .       
                       on the order of 100yr. The speckle survey of chromospherically active   .       
                       stars by Mason et al. (1998) did not detect this tertiary, lacking the  Msn1998b
                       dynamic range of HRCam.                                                 Tok2015c
13496+3459 STF1786     AB: Identical with BDS 6644, HJ 852.                                    .       
           SHY 634     BC: HIP  67476 + HIP  67446.                                            .       
13496+1302 SHY 635     HIP  67470 + HIP  67673.                                                .       
13496-4228 HDO 226     mu Cen. A is an irregular variable.                                     .       
13496-4722 DUN 144     SWR 146. CPM pair                                                       Skf2004 
13496-6818 JNN  95     Due to the compact configuration of the three components resolved by    .       
                       AstraLux, the probability is very high for this to constitute a         .       
                       physical triple system. Common proper motion has not yet been tested.   Jnn2012 
13498+3638 GC 18691    Hipparcos astrometric solution assumed circular orbit (e = omega = 0)   HIP1997d
13499-2811 RSS  20     This previously uncataloged double star was a Hipparcos double entry    .       
                       system.  The first measure is determined from the individual positions  .       
                       listed by Rousseau et al.                                               Rss1996 
13501+4749 HIP  67526  Candidate brown dwarf companion found in MARVELS RV survey; period      .       
                       90.27d. Teff 6004K, minimum mass 65.0 +/- 2.9 Mjup.  Lucky imaging and  .       
                       AO find no tertiary companion, ruling out any stars with mass greater   .       
                       than 0.2 Msun at separations larger than 40au.                          Jia2013 
13501-4451 UC 2623     AC: CPM candidate confirmed physical by photometry (2MASS and V mags).  Tok2013c
13503-2742 UC 2624     SKF1493.                                                                .       
13504+2117 S   656     STTA126 = H 6  89.  B is BD+21@2579.                                    .       
                       BDS 6648, H VI 15 probably same star. Called a spectroscopic binary in  .       
                       the BSC Supplement.                                                     .       
13505-0447 BRT 449     A likely plate flaw.                                                    Grv2021b
13505-5925 R   225     A variable?                                                             .       
13506-0608 BRT 450     A likely plate flaw.                                                    Grv2021b
13507-2140 LDS 461     NLTT 35412/35392                                                        Chm2004 
13510+6819 STTA127     LDS2329.                                                                .       
13510+2346 HJ 2688     Rectilinear solution by Friedman et al. (2012).                         USN2012a
13513+2442 HIP  67615  Ren & Fu (2013) calculated an astrometric orbit, combining Hipparcos    Ren2013 
                       Intermediate Astrometric Data with spectroscopic elements by            .       
                       Griffin (1982).                                                         Grf1982e
13513-2423 WSI  77     The 10.3 yr SB1 orbit by Abt & Willmarth (2006) matches the speckle     AbH2006 
                       pair WSI 77 and explains the large dmu.                                 Tok2012a
                       Astrometric binary. Hipparcos parallax 51.35 +/- 0.45 mas. Dynamical    .       
                       parallax 50.3 mas, masses 0.99 and 0.63 Msun. WSI 77 is a               .       
                       chromospherically active G5 dwarf within 20 pc from the Sun. According  .       
                       to Abt & Willmarth (2006), it is also a single-lined spectroscopic      AbH2006 
                       binary with 10.3 yr period. We used RVs from that work and the average  .       
                       RV from Nidever et al. (2002) together with four speckle points for     Nid2002 
                       the combined orbital solution presented. The spectroscopic elements     .       
                       are K1 = 6.06 +/- 0.25 km/s and V0 = 5.38 +/- 0.10 km/s, the rms        .       
                       residual in RV is 0.11 km/s. The node listed in Table 3 corresponds to  .       
                       the primary component, therefore Omega was chosen to describe the       .       
                       secondary’s relative motion. The pair was "caught" at close separation  .     
                       in 2012.                                                                Tok2012b
                       Omega for Tokovinin et al. (2012) orbit flipped by 180deg, at request   .       
                       of author.                                                              Tok2012b
13513-2734 LDS 855     NLTT 35441/35442                                                        Chm2004 
13514+6443 HJ 3342     10 Dra. A is an irregular variable, CU Dra.                             .       
                       NPOI Limb-darkened diameter 6.799 +/- 0.077 mas, Sp = M3III,            NOI2018 
                       R = 83.22 +/- 2.12 \rsun, Teff = 3584 +/- 35 K, L = 1031 +/- 70  \lsun, .       
                       M = 0.93 +/- 0.06 \msun, Age = 10.24 +/- 1.40 Gyr.                      .       
13514+3441 BU  613     C is BD+35@2495.                                                        .       
13515-4818 CPO  61     LDS 462. B is CD-47@8664.                                               .       
                       SHY 636. Bayesian analysis by Shaya & Olling (2011) indicates very      Shy2011 
                       high (near 100%) probability pair is physical.                          .       
13516-2945 LDS5797     Assuming the current identification is correct, it appears that the     .       
                       pair was originally tabulated at the position of the B component, but   .       
                       with magnitutes switched. Luyten's theta value has been flipped by 180  .       
                       deg and precise coordinates of the primary have been corrected. The     .       
                       11th magnitude component appears to be comprised of a ~4" pair.         .       
                       (WIH, May 2008)                                                         .       
13518+3143 LDS4415     NLTT 35491/35500                                                        Chm2004 
13518-3300 H 3 101     H III 101. 3 Cen.                                                       .       
13519-0341 TDS9005     AY Vir.                                                                 .       
13520-4752 HJ 4619     B is CD-47@8669.                                                        .       
13521-6653 DON 625     TDS9009.                                                                .       
13523-3047 SEE 189     V981 Cen.                                                               .       
13527-1843 WSI  78     DL Vir, Algol-type eclipsing binary, period 1.31549 d.                  Zas2018 
13529-6243 HD 120678   Hen 3-939.                                                              .       
                       The classification is from Garrison et al. (1977 ApJS 35, 111).         Msn1998a
13531+1251 HEI 524     The Durchmusterung identification is uncertain.                         .       
13532-3156 H N  51     4 Cen. A is a spectroscopic binary. B is CD-31@10727.                   .       
13535-3540 I  1618     AD: WDS has 1 measure in 1927. 2MASS: AD at 28.3" 152d. AD optical?     Tok2014d
           H 5 124     AE: H V 124.                                                            .       
13538+5210 JNN  96     The secondary detected in the AstraLux images is perhaps itself a       .       
                       close binary, as it appears extended in epochs 2008.64 and 2009.42.     .       
                       However, we count it as a single component of the system here.          Jnn2012 
13539+1008 BU  614     Same as STT 271.                                                        .       
                       Easier to see in 1964 than in 1962. Companion perhaps variable.         Cou1964 
13539-1440 RST3852     Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and spectroscopic   .       
                       masses of 2.88 +/- 1.13, 3.17, and 1.40 Msun, respectively.             Mlk2012 
13540-4708 HJ 4624     A is the variable V767 Cen.                                             .       
13540-7400 NZO  43     Spectrum composite: A3V+F8/G2III.                                       .       
13546+2429 BRT3302     Originally published as BRT 165.                                        Brt1928 
13546-3436 SEE 191     Rectilinear solution by Hurowitz et al. (2014).                         USN2014a
13546-5041 BSO   9     B is CD-50@8112.                                                        .       
                       SWR 148. CPM pair                                                       Skf2004 
13546-6654 DUN 145     B is CPD-66@2371.                                                       .       
13547+1824 eta Boo     Hipparcos astrometric solution adopted some elements from the orbit of  HIP1997d
                       Bertiau (1957).                                                         BFC1957 
                       Daniel & Burns orbit rejected from Fourth Orbit Catalog                 Dni1939 
                       ("amplitude below noise level")                                         Wor1983 
           SHJ 169     eta Boo = 8 Boo = Muphrid. A is a long-period spectroscopic binary.     .       
                       B is BD+19@2726.                                                        .       
                       Optical pair, based on study of relative motion of the components       .       
                       using the method of apparent motion parameters.                         Kiy2008 
                       H 6  95.                                                                MEv2010 
13550+8724 STF1887     Doolittle (1901) 1897 measure corrected by the author for refraction    .       
                       and precession. Epoch=1900.  Probably rectilinear motion.               Doo1901 
13550-0804 STF1788     AB: A is SB, no orbit. A is X-ray source.                               Tok2014d
                       Hopmann's (1970) B and F are interchanged, and his orientational        Hop1970 
                       elements contain additional computing errors.                           .       
           TOK 570     AE: AE can be optical (Pphys=0.24), but accepted because it is bright.  Tok2014d
13550-4235 I   401     Measures rather discordant.                                             .       
13557-0925 RAP  19     Aa,Ab: EPIC 212651213. The primary of J 1609 consists of two eclipsing  .       
                       binaries, resolved at a separation of ~90mas:                           .       
                       Aa1,Aa2: P =  5.08d, M = 0.94 +/- 0.06 and 0.89 +/- 0.05 Msun           .       
                       Ab1,Ab2: P = 13.19d, M = 1.09 +/- 0.07 and 0.64 +/- 0.03 Msun.          .       
                       Resolved pair has estimated period ~65y and separation of ~25au.        Rap2016 
           J  1609     AB: EPIC 212651213 + 212651234. The B component is single.              Rap2016 
13559-0945 TOK 158     HIP 68038.                                                              Tok2011a
13560-2532 H N  59     B is CD-24@11171.                                                       .       
13562+3627 SHY 641     AC: HIP  68069 + HIP  68576.                                            .       
13563+2409 LDS5799     LDS6287.                                                                .       
13563+0517 BU 1438     AB,C: The C "component" is the galaxy NGC 5363.                         .       
13564+1654 BPM 608     [PM2000] 1071043 + [PM2000] 1071058.                                    Gvr2010 
13569-7349 HJ 4621     B is CPD-73@1217.                                                       .       
13571-2731 I   234     A premature orbit has been computed.                                    .       
13573-5602 DUN 151     A is an irregular variable. B is CPD-55@5793.                           .       
                       Optical pair, based on study of relative motion of the components       .       
                       using the method of apparent motion parameters.                         Kiy2008 
                       Chauvin et al. (2006) note finding at least one faint companion         Cvn2006 
                       candidate within separation/magnitude range listed. However,            .       
                       further observations are required for verification                      .       
                       Additional notes may be found in van den Bos (1926).                    B__1928d
13574-6229 FIN 370     Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and spectroscopic   .       
                       masses of 2.48 +/- 0.38, 2.34, and 1.12 Msun, respectively.             Mlk2012 
13575-5743 DUN 150     A is variable.                                                          .       
13576-3139 SKF1963     Primary is the RS CVn-type binary V988 Cen.                             .       
13577+1744 LDS 951     LDS1400.                                                                .       
13577-1717 WHC  12     Wilson's 1882 distance for AC should read 31".42 (+ 1/2 rev.)           B__1950c
13579-5624 R   228     B is CPD-55@5797.                                                       .       
13583+0213 A  2167     Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and spectroscopic   .       
                       masses of 2.24 +/- 1.47, 2.57, and 1.05 Msun, respectively.             Mlk2012 
13583-2756 BRT3005     A likely plate flaw.                                                    Grv2021b
13583-7158 TRR  15     AC: Also known as SIN  84AC.                                            .       
13584-0140 RAO 502     BH Vir.                                                                 .       
13588+3140 JNN  97     LP 324-42.                                                              .       
13588+1434 BPM 609     [PM2000] 1072223 + [PM2000] 1072207.                                    Gvr2010 
13593-6228 JSP 603     V1202 Cen, Algol-type eclipsing binary, P = 15.5543 d.                  Zas2011 
13594+2515 LDS6288     NLTT 35918/35919                                                        Chm2004 
13597-5056 SWR 149     CPM pair                                                                Skf2004 
13598+5144 LDS1401     NLTT 35954/35953                                                        Chm2004 
13599+2810 HDS1964     CX CVn, Algol-type eclipsing binary, P = 6.563197 d.                    Zas2011 
13599+2520 BUP 156     Distances 1033.9" and 1035.6". B is BD+26@2517.                         .       
                       Secondary of BUP 156 is 14012+2522 A   569.                             .       
14000-4714 DAW 207     D: AA Cen                                                               .       
           HJ 4638     C: ZZ Cen. Both are variables of unknown type.                          .       
14004-2708 LDS4424     NLTT 35939/35937                                                        Chm2004 
14006+4741 LDS5803     AC: NLTT 36000/35991                                                    Chm2004 
14007+2404 BRT3304     POU 3156 is identical, and Barton's angle is corrected by Heintz.       Hei1983a
                       Originally published as BRT 166.                                        Brt1928 
14013+1218 GRV1256     Both A and B have approximately the same radial velocity.               Grv2019b
14013-4240 SWR 150     CPM pair                                                                Skf2004 
14014-3137 TOK 159     Aa,Ab: HIP 68507 is an acceleration binary with a variable RV resolved  .       
                       here at 0".06.  The period of Aa,Ab is on the order of 5yr. There is a  .       
                       faint physical companion B at 6".7 found in 2MASS (Tokovinin 2011).     Tok2011a
                       Another visual companion at 14", SEE 195, is optical, as revealed by    .       
                       its fast relative motion.                                               Tok2015c
                       Aa,Ab: SB, no orbit.                                                    Tok2014d
           SEE 195     AC: Linear configuration. A is SB without orbit (dRV= 5.4) and          Nrd2004 
                       astrometric binary (Hipparcos).                                         .       
14016+0133 SHJ 171     tau Vir = 93 Vir. A is a spectroscopic binary.                          .       
                       B is BD+02@2760.                                                        .       
                       AB: H 6  77.                                                            MEv2010 
14018-6119 LPO  44     Spectral type F0?                                                       .       
14019+1530 ALD 112     Worley measured this as ALD 118, but also identified it as Vys 149      Wor1962b
                       = ALD 112, which it matches. Measure moved here.                        .       
14021-4001 WG  172     SWR 151.                                                                .       
14022+1608 BPM 610     [PM2000] 1073886 + [PM2000] 1073930.                                    Gvr2010 
14022-0448 LDS4427     NLTT 36043/36042                                                        Chm2004 
14023-6652 LDS 468     A component appears double.                                             Dam2010 
14024+4620 SWI   1     LDS1403.                                                                .       
                       NLTT 36091/36092                                                        Chm2004 
14024-0311 LDS4429     NLTT 36057/36053                                                        Chm2004 
14029-3511 I  1574     Measures uncertain, too close.                                          .       
14031+1154 HJ 2699     BC: Rectilinear solution by Cvetkovic et al. (2015).                    Cve2015 
14035+1047 GJ  538     Hipparcos astrometric solution adopted some elements from the orbit of  HIP1997d
                       Kamper (1987).                                                          Kpr1987a
                       Combined astrometric/spectroscopic solution by Kamper (1987).           Kpr1987a
                       GJ 538. Martin et al. (1998) derive component masses 1.109 +/- 0.057    .       
                       and 0.548 +/- 0.033 Msun.                                               Mig1998 
14037+1914 LDS5806     LDS6289.                                                                .       
14037+0829 BU 1270     Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and spectroscopic   .       
                       masses of 2.36 +/- 0.53, 2.49, and 1.20 Msun, respectively.             Mlk2012 
14037+0243 AG  192     One component is variable.                                              .       
14038-6022 RBT   1     Aa,Ab: bet Cen = Hadar. Also, historically known as Agena. The IAU      .       
                       sanctioned official name is Hadar. Measure of 1995.035 made by MAPPIT.  Rbt1999 
                       Interferometric data from SUSI are combined with spectroscopic data to  .       
                       yield orbital parameters, masses, and distance.                         Dvs2005 
                       Aa,Ab: Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and          .       
                       spectroscopic masses 29.50 +/- 5.38, 23.82, 12.02 Msun, respectively.   Mlk2012 
           VOU  31     AB: Spectroscopic and interferometric measures indicate a multiple      .       
                       system.                                                                 .       
14039-6259 LDS 470     Aka VVV  17.                                                            .       
14040+1318 BPM 611     [PM2000] 1074837 + [PM2000] 1074832.                                    Gvr2010 
14040-1502 GWP2201     B is the pulsating ZZ Ceti type variable IU Vir.                        .       
14044+6423 NOI   4     HR 5291 = 11 alp Dra = Thuban.                                          .       
                       Hipparcos astrometric solution adopted some elements from the orbit of  HIP1997d
                       Elst & Nelles (1983).                                                   Est1983 
                       This pair is also a spectroscopic binary.                               Mug2017b
14046-3539 I   941     Many uncertain measures. It appears nearly a revolution has been        .       
                       completed.                                                              .       
14047+1345 BPM 612     [PM2000] 1075186 + [PM2000] 1075177.                                    Gvr2010 
14048+2549 BGH  50     HJL 196.                                                                HJL1986 
14048-3200 LPR   2     Looper et al. (2010) determine NIR spectral types T1+/-1 and T5+/-1.    .       
                       Distance is estimated at 23pc, separation ~3.9au, orbital period        .       
                       28-35y. Total masses, for ages 0.5, 1.0, and 5.0 Gyr, are 50, 70, and   .       
                       80 Mjup, respectively. Mass ratio is 0.80 +/- 0.9, Teff for A and B =   .       
                       1390 +/- 90 and 1180 +/- 90K. 2MASS component magnitudes are derived    .       
                       from their MKO component photometry and spectral type estimates, using  .       
                       transformations from Stephens & Leggett (2004 PASP 116, 9).             Lpr2008 
14050+0157 LDS5807     LDS6290.                                                                .       
14051+4913 BEM   7     T0 converted from negative to positive by subtracting from P.           Kiy2020 
14056-1804 S   659     B is BD-17@4003.                                                        .       
                       SHY 642. Bayesian analysis by Shaya & Olling (2011) indicates very      Shy2011 
                       high (near 100%) probability pair is physical.                          .       
14057+1537 BPM 613     [PM2000] 1075685 + [PM2000] 1075674.                                    Gvr2010 
14060-1304 HWE  30     Spectrum of A composite; F2, A3.                                        .       
14061-7259 GLI 199     Also known as R   240.                                                  .       
14064-5943 HD 122879   The classification is from the LSC; however, Garrison et al. (1977      .       
                       ApJS 35, 111) assign a type B0 Ia.                                      Msn1998a
14067-3622 DUN 253     the Cen = 5 Cen = Menkent. DUN 253AB was originally known as DUN 156.   .       
                       When the Dunlop pair was added to the IDS (after publication of the     .       
                       printed volume but before its transfer to USNO) an ordinal number       .       
                       following the last Dunlop listing was added, despite already being      .       
                       assigned. As it has been in use for almost half a century, it will not  .       
                       be changed.                                                             .       
14068+5946 LDS2700     B is BD+60@1512.                                                        .       
14069+1547 LAW  21     AB: SLW 965.                                                            .       
14071-6327 HJ 4642     AB: Spectrum composite; G0+A3.                                          .       
                       AD: Hipparcos suspected non-single.                                     .       
14072-5153 RST 681     CPD-51@6574.                                                            .       
14075-5742 HJ 4645     B is CPD-57@6501.                                                       .       
14076+5322 LDS2922     SLW 968.                                                                .       
14077-5341 DUN 155     B is CPD-53@5880.                                                       .       
                       Identified as optical and linear solution also published.               LRR2022c
14077-5738 R   238     First distance? B is CPD-57@6504.                                       .       
14077-6609 RSS  21     This previously uncataloged double star was a Hipparcos double entry    .       
                       system.  The first measure is determined from the individual positions  .       
                       listed by Rousseau et al.                                               Rss1996 
14081-1256 STF1802     A possible SB, no orbit. CfA has mention of RV variability, however.    Tok2014d
14082-4124 KSA 132     Primary is the T-Tauri type variable V1032 Cen = PDS 70. Companion is   .       
                       a background star.                                                      KsA2014 
14082-5019 CPO 382     CPD-49@6690.                                                            .       
14083+4927 H 6 112     H VI 112. 13 Boo. A is the variable CF Boo.                             .       
14083+3708 BFR  10     NLTT 36369 + 2MASS J14081969+3708255. Baron et al. (2015) estimate      .       
                       spectral types M4.0 +/- 0.5 and M7.5 +/- 0.5, distances 55 +33/-21      .       
                       and 84 +4/-29 pc, masses 0.207-0.272 and 0.087-0.096 Msun.              BFr2015 
14083+2112 STF1804     H N 115.                                                                MEv2010 
14087+3341 HU  742     A premature orbit has been computed.                                    Cou1956 
                       See Baize & Petit (1989) catalog of doubles with variable component.    Baz1989d
14088+7733 BNU   9     4 UMi. A spectroscopic binary, P = 605.8d, now resolved.                .       
                       Hipparcos astrometric solution adopted some elements from the orbit of  HIP1997d
                       Scarfe (1971).                                                          Scf1971 
                       1984.2791: Halbwachs (1981) predicts an angular separation of about     HJL1981 
                       0".03 and the system appears to be at the limit of resolution of the    .       
                       6-m telescope.                                                          Bnu1986 
                       Ren & Fu (2013) calculated an astrometric orbit, combining Hipparcos    Ren2013 
                       Intermediate Astrometric Data with spectroscopic elements by            .       
                       Scarfe (1971).                                                          Scf1971 
14089+7316 LDS1783     NLTT 36481/36478                                                        Chm2004 
14089-4328 SIN  88     BC: initially listed incorrectly as AC.                                 .       
14090-1020 CHR  40     96 Vir.                                                                 .       
14095+3549 HJ  540     HJL 197.                                                                HJL1986 
14096+7250 STF1822     Some measures previously listed under H V 178.                          .       
14096-5130 HJ 4651     A is a spectroscopic binary and may be variable. B is CD-50@8297.       .       
14097-3955 WG  176     SWR 153.                                                                .       
14098+0822 A  1098     BRT2157.                                                                Brt1938 
                       Rectilinear solution by Hartkopf & Mason (2015).                        WSI2015 
14102-2524 UC 2694     V353 Hya.                                                               .       
14103-4459 LDS 476     HIP 69220. See Allen et al. (2000) for information on metallicity,      AlC2000 
                       age, galactic orbital parameters, etc.                                  .       
                       AB: SHY 257. Bayesian analysis by Shaya & Olling (2011) indicates very  Shy2011 
                       high (near 100%) probability pair is physical.                          .       
14104+3932 SHY 644     AB: HIP  69227 + HIP  69166.                                            .       
           YSC 151     Aa,Ac: YSC 218Aa,Ac.                                                    .       
14104+2506 12 Boo      d Boo. SB2. Combined spectroscopic/interferometric solution by Boden    Bod2000 
                       et al. (2000), including mass determinations, and other analysis.       .       
                       P = 9.604565d +- 7.6e-6, T (MJD) = 51237.779. Orbital period was        .       
                       converted to hours in the orbit catalog to allow full precision in the  .       
                       available column width.                                                 .       
                       Combined astrometric/spectroscopic solution by Boden et al. (2005),     Bod2005a
                       including interferometry data from PTI and NPOI. Derive orbital         .       
                       parallax of 27.74 +- 0.05 mas, luminosities 7.76 +- 0.35 and 4.69 +-    .       
                       0.74 Lsun, and masses 1.4160 +-  0.0049 and 1.3740 +- 0.0045 Msun, as   .       
                       well as effective temperatures, radii, and other physical parameters.   .       
                       Combined spectroscopic/astrometric solution, based on high-resolution   .       
                       echelle spectra plus archival PTI visibility measurements.              .       
                       Derived masses 1.4109 +/- 0.0028 and 1.3677 +/-0.0028 Msun,             .       
                       distance 35.820 +/- 0.057 pc.                                           Knc2010 
                       Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and spectroscopic   .       
                       masses of 3.17 +/- 6.34, 3.14, and 1.10 Msun, respectively.             Mlk2012 
           ISO  14     AB is bogus, unresolved (2010.481, dm>5.22 @562nm, dm>5.46 @642nm) by   Hor2011 
                       Horch et al. (2011), also unconfirmed by RoboAO                         Tok2014d
14104+1116 GWP2257     CD: Incorrectly added as AC pair, but not physically associated with    .       
                       14104+1116 GWP2256AB. WDS designation maintained, but component         .       
                       designations updated.                                                   .       
14105-0240 HLD  17     BAL 230.                                                                .       
14107-4746 SKF1135     V759 Cen.                                                               .       
14107-6229 SNA  36     The 0.7mas companion marginally resolved by PIONIER may correspond to   .       
                       the P=60d SB1 reported by Gamen et al. (2008, RevMexAA 33, 54), which,  .       
                       assuming pi=0.5mas and M=20 Msun (Hohle et al. 2010, AN 331, 349), has  .       
                       a_app = 0.4mas.                                                         Sna2014 
14109+1513 SKF 343     HIP 69281. Aa,Ab is HDS 1989, 0.6".  It is not seen in the V-band       .       
                       images, too red and faint. Is this a visual multiple system with four   .       
                       components or a small cluster?                                          Tok2011a
14109+0653 GIC 116     G065-029/G065-030.                                                      .       
14110+5015 STF1814     NLTT 36518/36516                                                        Chm2004 
                       HJL 198.                                                                HJL1986 
14110+3152 GC 19140    Hipparcos astrometric solution assumed circular orbit (e = omega = 0)   HIP1997d
14110-0240 BU  803     BAL 231.                                                                .       
14113-0320 STF1807     BAL 232.                                                                .       
14122+6137 LDS2704     NLTT 36592/36597                                                        Chm2004 
14122+4411 STT 278     Only elements P and T have been amended by Starikova (1980) from the    Sta1980a
                       orbit of Heintz (1976).                                                 Hei1976 
                       Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and spectroscopic   .       
                       masses of 3.87 +/- 1.55, 2.93, and 1.45 Msun, respectively.             Mlk2012 
14123+0225 HJ 3343     A is the Alpha CVn-type variable CU Vir.                                .       
14124+2843 STF1812     AB,C: HJL 199.                                                          HJL1986 
14124+1335 HJ  234     LDS 952.                                                                .       
14125+1646 LDS1408     Recognized to be the same as LDS6291 by John Greaves.                   Grv2006b
14128-3522 SWR 155     CPM pair                                                                Skf2004 
14131+5520 STF1820     Two possible solutions by Kiyaeva et al. (1998), based on a 26-year     Kiy1998 
                       long series of photographic data from Pulkovo.                          .       
                       A component is SB1 (P=2.87 yr, e=0.75). Spectral types and              .       
                       magnitudes are estimated for all components of this triple system.      .       
                       A: Ren & Fu (2013) calculated an astrometric orbit, combining           .       
                       Hipparcos Intermediate Astrometric Data with spectroscopic elements by  .       
                       Kiyaeva et al. (1998). They derived component masses 0.84 and 0.52      Kiy1998 
                       Msun and an estimated semimajor axis of 57.65 mas.                      Ren2013 
14131-1056 HJ  541     Herschel coordinates 14 04+/- NPD 100 08 (1830). He notes: "very        .       
                       unequal, L. white, S. blueish".                                         .       
14133+1430 BPM 614     [PM2000] 1079457 + [PM2000] 1079464.                                    Gvr2010 
14133-0827 CHR 221     First detected as an occultation binary by Blow et al.                  Blw1982a
14134+0524 STF1813     H N  98.                                                                MEv2010 
14134-3043 LDS5811     BC = LDS5812BC.                                                         .       
14135+5147 STF1821     kap Boo = 17 Boo. A is a Delta Scuti-type system. B is a long-period    .       
                       spectroscopic binary with P = 1791.2d.                                  .       
                       The 6101- and 6675-yr period solutions for the AB pair by Kiyaeva       Kiy2006 
                       (2006) assumed total system masses of 4.2 and 3.6 Msun, respectively.   .       
                       P and T for the astrometric Ba,Bb solutions were adopted from the       .       
                       spectroscopic solution of Bakos (1986, AJ 91, 1416), as was the         .       
                       value of e (0.53) in the first solution.                                .       
                       H 3  11.                                                                MEv2010 
14138+3059 COU 606     Systemic mass is estimated at 1.8 +/- 0.5 Msun, assuming an Hipparcos   .       
                       parallax of 17.21 +/- 1.63 mas. The dynamical parallax of 18.3 mas      .       
                       lies within about 1 sigma of the Hipparcos value.                       Doc2008a
                       Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and spectroscopic   .       
                       masses of 2.20 +/- 0.71, 1.51, and 0.55 Msun, respectively.             Mlk2012 
14139+4620 RED  24     M2, spectroscopic distance 31pc. 83" from G0 dwarf HD 124694 = HIP      .       
                       69518 = 2MASS J14135135+4619304. Hipparcos distance of the brighter     .       
                       star is 26.2pc.                                                         Red2007a
                       2MASS J14134677+4618227 is possibly a wide companion to HIP 69518 at    Red2007a
                       83" (Reid et al 2007), but is single in the AstraLux field of view.     Jnn2012 
14141+1258 CHR  41     14 Boo. A spectroscopic binary with P = 726.6d.                         .       
14141-5029 BRT 825     CPD-49@6779.                                                            .       
14142+5915 STF1827     HJL 200.                                                                HJL1986 
14142+1805 TOK 723     While the visual pair may be a "ghost," it is also a 6d                 Tok2019b
                       spectroscopic binary.                                                   .       
14142-5111 CPO 383     CPD-50@6728.                                                            .       
14144-1521 LDS 483     AC: NLTT 36649/36641                                                    Chm2004 
14145-3910 HJ 4663     SWR 156. CPM pair                                                       Skf2004 
14146-6148 HDS1999     Primary is V997 Cen, a Beta Lyr type eclipsing binary, P = 2.4282d.     Zas2012 
14146-7605 HLN  32     Also known as R   242.                                                  .       
14148+1006 KUI  66     15 Boo.                                                                 .       
                       Duplicity uncertain. The companion, 3 mags fainter, was not seen on two .       
                       other good nights.                                                      WRH1954b
14148-1254 CHR 231     First detected as an occultation binary by Africano.                    Afr1978 
14150-0511 FAR  39     SKF  43.  Primary is white dwarf WD 1412-049.                           Far2006 
14150-5705 HDO 228     A is the variable V795 Cen.                                             .       
14150-6142 SNA  37     Aa,Ab: The new pair is marginally resolved at 1.5mas, and possibly      .       
                       corresponds to the newly-reported SB2 system (Sota at al. 2014, ApJS    .       
                       211, 10).                                                               Sna2014 
14152+2216 LDS 954     NLTT 36716/36714                                                        Chm2004 
14153+5232 SHY 645     HIP  69650 + HIP  69917.                                                .       
14153+0308 STF1819     Hopmann (1945) orbit is not seen but is quoted from Baize's             Hop1945 
                       catalog.                                                                Baz1950a
                       AB: Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and             .       
                       spectroscopic masses 1.92 +/- 1.08, 2.15, and 1.05 Msun, respectively.  Mlk2012 
           SHY 261     AC: HIP  69653 + HIP  70782.                                            .       
14154+2413 LDS4446     NLTT 36733/36730                                                        Chm2004 
14157+1911 HDS2003     = alp Boo = Arcturus. Proper motion of B -1093 -1999.                   .       
                       Duplicity questioned by Griffin and subsequently retracted by           Grf1998 
                       Soderhjelm & Mignard                                                    Sod1998 
                       1975.624: Disk not clearly resolved at 600 nm but resolved (0".018      .       
                       +/- 0".004) at 450 nm.                                                  Bla1977a
                       1975.634: Disk resolved (0".018 +/- 0".005) at 500 nm.                  Bla1977a
14158+1018 A  1101     AB: Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and             .       
                       spectroscopic masses 1.58 +/- 0.71, 1.74, and 0.85 Msun, respectively.  Mlk2012 
                       AB,C: Also known as SCA 186.                                            Sca2018b
14161+5643 STF1831     D. Arnold noted considerable overlap of measures for the two multiple   Arn2004a
                       systems STF1831 and 14157+5640STF1830, with STF1831CE = STF1830DA and   .       
                       STF1831EF = STF1830AB. They have therefore been combined into one WDS   .       
                       system, maintaining the WDS and most of the component designations for  .       
                       STF1831. Designation changes are as follows:                            .       
                          STF1830AB --> STF1830EF                                              .       
                          STF1830AC --> STF1830EG                                              .       
                          STF1830AD --> STF1830CE (with quadrant flip)                         .       
                          STF1831CE --> STF1830CE                                              .       
                          STF1831EF --> STF1830EF.                                             .       
                       Finally, the single measures of AD and CD were misidentified, so these  .       
                       measures were reassigned to the proper components.                      .       
14161+5010 BDK   8     G 200-28 + SDSS J141659.78+500626.4. Distance 45.1 +1.6/-1.5 pc for     .       
                       primary, 44 +/- 31 pc for secondary. Estimated age of system 7-12 Gyr.  .       
                       Mass of secondary estimated at 0.077-0.078 Msun.                        Fah2010 
14162+5122 STFA 26     21 Boo = iot Boo. STTA128. A is a spectroscopic binary and a Delta      .       
                       Scuti-type variable, P = 0.027d. B is BD+52@1785.                       .       
                       Struve suspected a close companion to A (1836.28, 149.9deg, 0".3)       StF1837 
                       as did Smyth (1838.19, 195.0deg, 0".5) but this supposed pair           Smy1844 
                       has never been confirmed with larger telescopes.                        .       
                       AB: H 5   9.                                                            MEv2010 
14162+3235 HZG  10     B is BD+33@2434.                                                        .       
14163+0605 STF1824     H N  99.                                                                MEv2010 
14164+4605 VIG  17     Optical/physical nature of the faint companion is undefined.            Vig2012 
                       lam Boo = 19 Boo = Xuange.                                              .       
14164+1348 SOZ   3     BNG   1. Physical separation 75 au at distance ~8pc. CPM pair.          Soz2010 
                       Burgasser et al. (2010) confirmed the companion as a T7.5 dwarf.        .       
                       Spectral model fits yield Teff = 650 +/- 60K and high surface gravity   .       
                       and/or subsolar metallicity.                                            Bug2010 
                       Very cool (d/sdL7 + T7.5p) common proper motion pair found by           .       
                       cross-matching UKIDSS against SDSS.                                     Bng2010 
14165+3334 HU 1266     Possibly an ambiguous case, although only one solution has been tested. .       
14165+2007 STF1825     A is X-ray source. B is possible astrometric pair (Gontcharov &         Gon2002a
                       Kiyaeva 2002)                                                           Tok2014d
14165-5718 BSO  10     AH: H is CPD-56@6216.                                                   .       
14166-5955 I   366     A is the Mira-type variable R Cen.                                      .       
14170+3143 DEL   5     LSPM J1417+3142 = NLTT 36838. Law et al (2008) derive a distance of     Law2008 
                       16.1 +3.4/-3.4 pc and a projected separation of 11.2 +2.4/-2.4 au.      .       
                       Estimated spectral types are M4.5 and M4.5.                             .       
                       GJ 3839. Estimated age 300-1000 Myr; masses 0.43 +/- 0.03 and 0.33 +/-  .       
                       0.03 Msun; a ~7.1 au.                                                   Jnn2014 
14170-3935 WG  179     SWR 157.                                                                .       
14171-4810 HJ 4666     B is CD-47@9026.                                                        .       
14172+6136 STI 763     LDS2709.                                                                .       
14174+3245 VYS  13     HDS2009.                                                                .       
14174+1330 LDS4452     SLW 989.                                                                .       
14178+4845 HJ 2710     C is BD+49@2286.                                                        .       
14179+1118 GIC 117     G065-042/G065-041.                                                      .       
14179-6803 RSS 324     DF Cir.                                                                 .       
14180+3531 A Boo       Hipparcos astrometric solution adopted some elements from the orbit of  HIP1997d
                       Scarfe & Alers (1975).                                                  Scf1975 
                       Ren & Fu (2013) calculated an astrometric orbit, combining Hipparcos    Ren2013 
                       Intermediate Astrometric Data with spectroscopic elements by            .       
                       Scarfe & Alers (1975).                                                  Scf1975 
14180-0733 BUP 157     Optical pair, based on study of relative motion of the components       .       
                       using the method of apparent motion parameters.                         Kiy2008 
14182-2731 HDS3407     AD : This pair missed on initial entry into WDS of HDS stars.           .       
                       Added 02/26/01.                                                         .       
14182-5130 HD 124979   LS 3219. The classification is from McConnell & Bidelman (1976).        Bid1976 
                       Tobin & Kilkenny (1981 MNRAS 194, 937) place the star at 0.7 kpc from   .       
                       the Galactic plane, so we have included it in the "runaway" group.      .       
                       Penny (1996) suggests that the star may be a double-lined binary which  Pny1996b
                       needs confirmation since there are only 2 other knowndouble-lined       .       
                       binaries among the runaway stars (both B-type systems; see Gies &       Gie1986 
                       Bolton 1986).                                                           Msn1998a
14185+1714 BPMA 47     [PM2000] 1082068 + [PM2000] 1081940.                                    Gvr2010 
14187+6915 LDS1788     NLTT 36996/37003                                                        Chm2004 
14188-6342 RSS  22     This previously uncataloged double star was a Hipparcos double entry    .       
                       system.  The first measure is determined from the individual positions  .       
                       listed by Rousseau et al.                                               Rss1996 
14189+7314 OSO  55     G239-012. Neither is a common proper motion pair, based on comparison   .       
                       with POSS2 red plates.                                                  Oso2004 
14189+5452 CHR 137     Docobo et al. (2010) derive a dynamic parallax of 9.49 +/- 0.20  mas    Doc2010h
                       and a total mass of 3.81 +/- 0.35 Msun.                                 .       
14189+1812 LDS 956     LDS1415.                                                                .       
                       NLTT 36923/36924                                                        Chm2004 
14190+0142 GRV1099     Aka SLW 991.                                                            .       
14190-0636 SHY  71     AC: HIP  69962 + HIP  69701.                                            .       
                       C component = iota Vir = 99 Vir.                                        .       
                       NPOI Limb-darkened diameter    1.222 +/- 0.061 mas,                     .       
                       R =    2.89 (+/- 0.15   )  \rsun,  Teff = 6055 +/- 151 K,               .       
                       L =   10.2 +/-   0.1 \lsun.                                             NOI2023 
14190-2549 BU 1246     Too faint, if real                                                      B__1951a
                       AC: Optical pair, based on study of relative motion of the components   .       
                       using the method of apparent motion parameters.                         Kiy2008 
                       AC: Rectilinear solution by Friedman et al. (2011).                     USN2011a
14191-1322 IOT   1     lam Vir = 100 Vir = Khambalia.                                          .       
                       Combined spectroscopic/interferometric solution by Zhao et al. (2007),  .       
                       including data from IOTA array. Derive masses 1.897 +/- 0.016           .       
                       and 1.721 +/- 0.023 Msun, luminosities 20.84 +/- 0.25 and 12.58 +/-     .       
                       0.16 Lsun, and distance 53.16 +/- 0.29 pc (pi = 18.81 +/- 0.10 mas).    Zha2007 
                       Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and spectroscopic   .       
                       masses of 4.50 +/- 0.22, 4.20, and 2.19 Msun, respectively.             Mlk2012 
                       aka OCC9018. The OCC2010 solution is ambiguous and one is arbitrarily   .       
                       "T" coded until the true solution is determined.                        .       
14192+4223 AG  193     HJL 201.                                                                HJL1986 
14192-3002 BRT3305     A likely plate flaw.                                                    Grv2021b
14193+2421 LDS 957     NLTT 36958/36967                                                        Chm2004 
14193+1300 ENG  51     18 Boo.                                                                 .       
14195-1343 BU  116     Despite the linear solution, proper motion and parallax favor a         Grv2020a
                       physical connection. Long period and/or high eccentricity possible.     .       
14195-6838 I   325     B is CPD-68@2106.                                                       .       
14196-0509 KUI  67     LDS5815.                                                                .       
                       BD-04 3665; CPM pair (0.66" in 261deg) with large parallax.             Kui1937a
14197-3651 BU 1110     V1002 Cen.                                                              .       
14198+1154 BPM 615     [PM2000] 1082740 + [PM2000] 1082764.                                    Gvr2010 
14199+6747 STF1840     AB: H N  71.                                                            MEv2010 
14201+3026 SHY 647     HIP  70051 + HIP  70609.                                                .       
14202-6105 SNA  38     Aa,Ab: Given the lack of information, one cannot decide whether the     .       
                       40mas companion is also the SB2 system reported by Sota et al. (2014,   .       
                       ApJS 211, 10).                                                          Sna2014 
           HD 125206   This "field" object may belong to the "CLUST 3" group of Mel'nik &      .       
                       Efremov (1995 SvAL 21, 10).                                             Msn1998a
14203+4830 STF1834     Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and spectroscopic   .       
                       masses of 2.78 +/- 1.56, 2.58, and 1.07 Msun, respectively.             Mlk2012 
14206-3753 GAA   9     Psi Cen.                                                                .       
                       Ma,Mb = 3.187  +/- 0.031 , 1.961  +/- 0.015  \msun,                     GaA2019 
                       orbital parallax = 13.049 +/- 0.063 mas.                                .       
                       Primary is an Algol-type eclipsing binary, period 38.81252              .       
                       days (see 2006A&A...456..651B).                                         Zas2011 
14209-1729 MUG  17     A is exoplanet host, P=4.15d, 502d, 3008d. Roell et al. (2012) list     Rol2012 
                       companion at 90", confirmed by Mugrauer (2009).                         Mug2009 
14211+5725 FAR  40     Primary is white dwarf WD 1419+576.                                     Far2006 
14212+4534 KOI-1408    Some weak evidence for a small-separation (<0".1) companion.            Hor2012b
14217+1334 BPM 616     [PM2000] 1083695 + [PM2000] 1083701.                                    Gvr2010 
14218+0355 BAL2861     A is the Mira-type variable AO Vir.                                     .       
14218-7634 GLI 201     Also known as TOB 323.                                                  .       
14225-2518 RST5534     Measures discordant by 90@ in 1951.                                     .       
14226+1159 FMR   2     BC: Companion of B is the star no. 0975-07459414 of USNO-A2.0 catalog.  FMR1999h
14226-0746 STF1833     AB: A=SB? (Desidera et al. 2006 A&A 454, 553)                           Tok2014d
14226-5828 DUN 159     A is a spectroscopic binary.                                            .       
14233+1318 LAW   3     Spectral types M5-M6.5 for both components, masses 0.108-0.122 and      .       
                       0.099-0.109 Msun, distance 33.1 +/- 3.4 pc                              Law2006 
14233+0114 PIN   2     LHS 2907 + WISE J142320.84+011638.0. Pinfield et al. (2012) discovered  .       
                       a T dwarf companion to BD+01 2920 through a search of the WISE first    .       
                       data release. Based on images from VISTA and UKIDSS, they determine     .       
                       the pair share common proper motion. Spectroscopy yields a spectral     .       
                       type of T8p for the companion.                                          Pin2012 
                       I-band FastCam lucky imaging of the primary in 2010 by Murray et al.    .       
                       (MNRAS 414, 575,  2011) shows no evidence of a close companion to the   .       
                       primary (down to 4-5 maggs at 1").                                      .       
14234+0827 STF1835     A,BC; Mt. Wilson spectral types A1n and F1s.                            .       
                       A,BC triple solution (double A-(BC) in HIP).                            Sod1999 
                       A,BC: H 2  38.                                                          MEv2010 
                       RV may be variable.                                                     .       
                       BC: Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and             .       
                       spectroscopic masses 2.47 +/- 0.42, 2.74, and 2.79 Msun, respectively.  Mlk2012 
14234-1717 LDS4461     NLTT 37151/37150                                                        Chm2004 
14234-2749 TOK 163     HIP 70330. A is SB without orbit (dRV=7.6).                             Nrd2004 
14237+6156 STF1845     Rectilinear solution by Friedman et al. (2011).                         USN2011a
14237-2622 B  2768     CPD-25 5414. van den Bos notes: "has a faint triple north following".   B__1930a
14238-1646 HJ 2713     LDS 487.                                                                .       
14240-1948 HJ 2714     Optical pair, based on study of relative motion of the components       .       
                       using the method of apparent motion parameters.                         Kiy2008 
14241+1115 STF1838     BDS 6833, H III 20 probably same star.                                  .       
                       HJL 202.                                                                HJL1986 
                       H 3  20.                                                                MEv2010 
14242+4338 LDS5816     LDS6293.                                                                .       
                       NLTT 37241/37240                                                        Chm2004 
14244-3535 UC 2752     Aka SKF1499.                                                            .       
14245+6015 LDS2710     NLTT 37282/37283                                                        Chm2004 
14246+4750 STF1843     AB: HJL 203.                                                            HJL1986 
14247+0917 ZUC  12     SKF  44.                                                                .       
                       Primary is white dwarf PG 1422+095 = GD 165 = CX Boo.                   Zuc1992 
                       SKF  44.                                                                .       
                       Primary is L4V brown dwarf; this is prototype of L-dwarf class.         Kir1999 
14248-0251 OSO  57     G124-035. Not a common proper motion pair, based on comparison with     .       
                       POSS2 red plates.                                                       Oso2004 
14252+5151 STT 580     the Boo = 23 Boo. A is a Delta Scuti-type variable. A = SB?             Tok2014d
                       CHARA Array Limb-darkened diameter  1.109 +/- 0.007 mas,                CIA2012e
                       R =  1.733 +/- 0.011 \rsun, L =  4.131 +/-0.096 \lsun,                  .       
                       Teff = 6265 +/-  41 K, M = 1.232 +/- 0.058 \msun,                       .       
                       Age =  4.2 +/- 0.8 Gyr.                                                 .       
                       NPOI Limb-darkened diameter    0.902 +/- 0.097 mas,                     .       
                       R =    1.40 (+/- 0.15   )  \rsun,  Teff = 6885 +/- 370 K,               .       
                       L =    4.0 +/-   0.0 \lsun.                                             NOI2023 
14253-1321 HJ  546     BDS 6823 same star.                                                     .       
14255-1958 BU  225     BC = HDO 138                                                            .       
           SHJ 179     AB: H N  80.                                                            MEv2010 
14257+2338 BU 1442     LDS 960. Proper motion of A = +792,-1114; PM of B = +794,-1119 (UCAC2)  .       
                       AB: SHY  73. Bayesian analysis by Shaya & Olling (2011) indicates very  Shy2011 
                       high (near 100%) probability pair is physical.                          .       
                       Epoch-2000 coordinates of F = 1425269+233745, current AF separation     .       
                       ~3'.9 at 280deg. Proper motion of C -005+000.                           .       
                       AC and AF: Optical pairs, based on study of relative motion of the      .       
                       components using the method of apparent motion parameters.              Kiy2008 
                       AD and AF are the same pair, so were merged. Abetti (1922) was          Abt1922 
                       apparently confused, due to the very large proper motion of A.          .       
14258+2217 HJ 2721     B is BD+22@2700.                                                        .       
14258-3305 PRO 113     Only one star seen; appears to be either a plate flaw or error in       .       
                       reduction of Perth source catalog.                                      PrO1913 
14259-2108 BHA  17     CPD-20@5922.                                                            .       
14259-3713 RST2904     Spectrum: A8/9II/III.                                                   .       
14260+4213 COU1757     Elements determined by Mante (1998) were also published by the same     Mnt1998b
                       author in Obs. Trav. SAF 52, 44, 2000.                                  .       
                       Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and spectroscopic   .       
                       masses of 2.03 +/- 0.76, 2.08, and 0.95 Msun, respectively.             Mlk2012 
14260+3422 GIC 118     AB = G178-026/G178-025.                                                 .       
14260+0714 STT 282     LDS 959.                                                                .       
14261-4513 DUN 160     tau 1 Lup. Variable. B is CD-44@9321.                                   .       
14262-0950 RST3878     TDS9203.                                                                .       
14262-4404 SWR 158     CPM pair                                                                Skf2004 
14262-4523 I   402     tau 2 Lup.                                                              .       
                       Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and spectroscopic   .       
                       masses of 2.67 +/- 0.76, 4.55, and 3.11 Msun, respectively.             Mlk2012 
14265+1557 CLO   1     Konopacky et al. (2010) derive a distance of 34 +/- 13 pc and a system  .       
                       mass of 0.11 +0.08/-0.11 Msun.                                          Kon2010 
14265+1459 LDS5818     LDS6294.                                                                .       
                       NLTT 37341/37342                                                        Chm2004 
14265-5034 CPO 388     CPD-50@6917.                                                            .       
14266+0208 HJ 1254     LDS5819.                                                                .       
                       HJL 204.                                                                HJL1986 
14267+1625 A  2069     See Baize & Petit (1989) catalog of doubles with variable component.    Baz1989d
                       Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and spectroscopic   .       
                       masses of 4.92 +/- 1.69, 2.50, and 1.10 Msun, respectively.             Mlk2012 
14268-0511 HWD   1     AC: Howard et al. (2010) determined that the extremely metal-rich A     .       
                       component is orbited by a massive planet (M sin 1 = 0.38 Mjup) in a     .       
                       3.41y, e=0.41 orbit. The C component is an M dwarf, with estimated      .       
                       mass 0.32 Msun and a projected separation of 33 AY                      Hwd2010 
                       AC: Ginski et al. estimate the mass of C at 0.307 +/- 0.033 Msun.       Gns2012 
14269-6630 RSS  23     This previously uncataloged double star was a Hipparcos double entry    .       
                       system.  The first measure is determined from the individual positions  .       
                       listed by Rousseau et al.                                               Rss1996 
14270-0308 LDS4466     LDS6295.                                                                .       
14275+7542 HJ 2733     5 UMi.                                                                  .       
14276+1343 BPM 617     [PM2000] 1086775 + [PM2000] 1086813.                                    Gvr2010 
14277+5347 GIC 119     G200-040/G200-039.                                                      .       
14278+0007 BAL1172     RST 5386.                                                               .       
14278-0140 BAL 555     J 2105.                                                                 .       
14279+2123 HO  543     HJL 205.                                                                HJL1986 
                       STF3085.                                                                .       
14279-0032 GIC 120     G124-043/G124-044.                                                      .       
14279-1806 FEN  20     J 2662.                                                                 .       
14280+3546 COU1266     AC: Aka DAM  80.                                                        .       
14282-0214 STF1846     phi Vir = 105 Vir. A may be a spectroscopic binary.                     .       
14282-2929 FIN 306     52 Hya.                                                                 .       
14283+6349 LDS2343     NLTT 37499/37498                                                        Chm2004 
14284-3922 HRG  95     This is the variable star V1005 Cen                                     .       
14286+2817 STF1850     B is BD+28@2331, and is a spectroscopic binary.                         .       
14287-1012 STF1847     B is BD-09@3946.                                                        .       
                       A measure of A and BD-09@3950: 1907.26, Delta (delta) 190.80".          .       
14288+5430 HJ 2725     AB,C: Rectilinear solution by Friedman et al. (2012).                   USN2012a
14291+6917 MLR 170     The scattered measures and quadrant ambiguity make determination of     .       
                       the direction of motion impossible.                                     .       
14293+0018 SHY 649     AB: HIP  70845 + HIP  70649.                                            .       
14294+8049 GC 19630    Hipparcos astrometric solution assumed circular orbit (e = omega = 0)   HIP1997d
14295+3612 HU 1268     A premature orbit has been computed.                                    .       
14295+1225 BPM 618     [PM2000] 1087737 + [PM2000] 1087751.                                    Gvr2010 
14295-3702 SEE 205     AB: Rectilinear solution by Hurowitz et al. (2014).                     USN2014a
14298+3510 ALI 128     No secondary seen. Apparently typo or plate flaw in AC catalog.         .       
14298+3445 LDS4470     SLW1001.                                                                .       
14300-5608 KOU  29     V853 Cen.                                                               .       
14301+4737 COU2387     Also known as HDS2046. This double was first resolved by Couteau, but   Cou1988b
                       placed in the WDS at the wrong coordinate and not matched with HDS2046  .       
14303-4931 HDO 232     A is a spectroscopic binary, spectrum composite; A1V+B.                 .       
                       Optical pair, based on study of relative motion of the components       .       
                       using the method of apparent motion parameters.                         Kiy2008 
14307+8308 LDS1800     Rectilinear solution by Cvetkovic et al. (2015).                        Cve2015 
14308+0446 BU 1443     See BDS 6932. Burnham could not find star measured by Madler. No star   Bu_1906 
                       in or near Madler place. B is BD+05@2885.                               .       
14308-0839 BUP 158     Proper motion -1272 -236.                                               .       
                       Rectilinear solution by Josties & Hartkopf (2017).                      Msn2017g
14308-5029 LDS 490     B is CD-49@8796.                                                        .       
14310+1120 BPM 619     [PM2000] 1088568 + [PM2000] 1088537.                                    Gvr2010 
14310-0548 RST4529     Two orbit solutions by Heintz (1981), but the long-period, circular     Hei1981a
                       orbit is ruled out by speckle observations.                             .       
                       Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and spectroscopic   .       
                       masses of 1.89 +/- 0.22, 1.91, and 0.95 Msun, respectively.             Mlk2012 
                       Orbital parallax 23.83 +/- 0.8 mas. Mass-A is 1.01 +/- 0.16 \msun.      ATl2021 
                       Mass-B is 0.90 +/- 0.14 \msun.                                          .       
                       Mass-A is 1.12 +/- 0.11 and Mass-B is 1.01 +/- 0.11 \msun.              EEA2021 
14310-3006 RSS 341     Y Cen.                                                                  .       
14312+3426 HU  904     Van Biesbroeck and Fox identify this pair as BD+35@2575, but Hussey     VBs1936 
                       says it is 5.59s following and 4' 46.4" north of that star.             Fox1925 
                       Aka TDS9227.                                                            Dam2018l
14313-1538 BU  117     AB = HDO 139                                                            .       
                       AB: A = SB? No orbit.                                                   Tok2014d
14317+0150 AG  195     Heintz believes HJ 5485 is identical; there is no pair in the place     Hei1983a
                       formerly assigned to Herschel's pair.                                   .       
14318+3022 HJ 2728     rho Boo = 25 Boo                                                        .       
                       Optical pair, based on study of relative motion of the components       .       
                       using the method of apparent motion parameters.                         Kiy2008 
14321+3818 BLM   3     Aa,Ab: gam Boo = 27 Boo = Seginus. A is a Delta Scuti-type system.      .       
                       1975.383: Photometric variable star of tentative period 0.29 day;       .       
                       also a member of a binary system with separation ~33".4 and delta m     .       
                       ~ 9.27. This observation apparently resolves the brighter primary into  .       
                       two stars.                                                              BLM1978 
                       NPOI Limb-darkened diameter    1.726 +/- 0.011 mas,                     .       
                       R =    4.65 (+/- 0.04   )  \rsun,  Teff = 6203 +/-  20 K,               .       
                       L =   28.9 +/-   0.4 \lsun.                                             NOI2023 
           BU  616     AB: Optical pair, based on study of relative motion of the              .       
                       components using the method of apparent motion parameters.              Kiy2008 
14321-2743 SKF1971     Primary is the eclipsing binary V356 Hya.                               Skf2013 
14323+8020 STTA130     B is BD+80@444.                                                         .       
14323+2641 A   570     See Baize & Petit (1989) catalog of doubles with variable component.    Baz1989d
                       Martin et al. (1998) derive component masses 1.892 +/- 0.410 and        .       
                       1.162 +/- 0.257 Msun.                                                   Mig1998 
                       Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and spectroscopic   .       
                       masses of 3.57 +/- 0.72, 3.29, and 1.74 Msun, respectively.             Mlk2012 
14324+3138 STF1855     Same as STF1856.                                                        .       
                       AB: HJL 206.                                                            HJL1986 
                       AB: SEI 536.                                                            Nsn2017b
14325+3442 HJ  554     AB: HJL 207.                                                            HJL1986 
14326-5027 RIZ  10     Sig Lup.                                                                .       
14326-5653 EVS  23     Primary is the Cepheid V Cen.                                           Evs2016a
14327-1246 GLP   3     B is BD-12@4080.                                                        .       
14329+4126 HJ 1255     B is BD+42@2510.                                                        .       
14330+0340 HD127742    Hipparcos astrometric solution assumed circular orbit (e = omega = 0)   HIP1997d
14331+5528 LEP  68     NI   33.                                                                .       
14331+2154 WOL   1     WSP  14.                                                                .       
14343+2424 STTA129     B is BD+25@2797.                                                        .       
                       H 6  52.                                                                MEv2010 
14345+0540 J  1122     A measure in 1952: 279.2@, 1.4". The 1957 measure may be inaccurate.    .       
14345-6317 HJ 4683     Spectrum of B: A8/F0.                                                   .       
14347+2945 STT 582     sig Boo = 28 Boo. Possibly variable.                                    .       
                       NPOI Limb-darkened diameter    0.714 +/- 0.205 mas,                     .       
                       R =    1.21 (+/- 0.35   )  \rsun,  Teff = 6922 +/- 994 K,               .       
                       L =    3.0 +/-   0.0 \lsun.                                             NOI2023 
14349+2510 LDS4481     NLTT 37790/37787                                                        Chm2004 
14350+0907 RUC   8     Multiple system including contact binary CK Boo. Pribulla & Rucinski    .       
                       (2006) estimate the mass of the contact pair at 2.012 Msun and the      Pbl2006 
                       minimum mass of the wider component at 1.50 Msun.                       .       
                       Spectral type of resolved companion estimated at M1V.                   Ruc2007 
14350-2336 LUH  10     2MASS J14345819-2335572 + 2MASS J14351087-2333025.                      Luh2012b
14351-6101 B  2338     A is the Cepheid TX Cen.                                                .       
14351-7619 GLI 206     Also known as R   247.                                                  .       
14352+2438 RAO 503     AD Boo.                                                                 .       
14354+2546 RAO 317     pa error = 355 deg.                                                     RAO2020b
14354-2954 LDS 492     NLTT 37783/37782                                                        Chm2004 
14358+0620 MAD   6     Not found by Burnham.                                                   Bu_1906 
                       The pair was later rediscovered by Soulie (2007) and coordinates        Sle2007 
                       verified in 2009 by colleague Florent Losse.                            .       
14359-6958 DON 664     CI Cir.                                                                 .       
14360+0945 HZE   1     GJ 3860 = HN Boo. Heinze et al. (2010) determine that the new companion .       
                       is a background object.                                                 Hze2010 
14363-4615 HDO 236     A is variable.                                                          .       
14365-0536 GWP2417     QX Vir.                                                                 .       
14369+4813 A   347     Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and spectroscopic   .       
                       masses of 3.19 +/- 1.18, 2.79, and 1.35 Msun, respectively.             Mlk2012 
14370-1218 GC 19695    Hipparcos astrometric solution assumed circular orbit (e = omega = 0)   HIP1997d
14372+5214 MLR 682     Also known as TDS 755.                                                  .       
14372-6201 EVS  24     Primary is the Cepheid V737 Cen.                                        Evs2016a
14373-4608 FIN 318     Aa,Ab: Docobo & Andrade (2013) derive a dynamical parallax of 5.32      .       
                       +/- 0.20 mas (based on their orbital elements and masses expected from  .       
                       spectral types) or 4.65 +/- 0.12 mas (based on their elements and       .       
                       masses given by Tokovinin 2008 MNRAS 389, 925). See paper for           .       
                       extensive notes on this system.                                         Doc2013d
14374+1102 AG  345     LDS 965.  HIP 71505. See Allen et al. (2000) for information on         AlC2000 
                       metallicity, age, galactic orbital parameters, etc.                     .       
14375+4743 TDS9251     Ca-Cb: Initially listed incorrectly as Aa,Ab.                           .       
14375+0217 CHR  42     Aa,Ab: Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and          .       
                       spectroscopic masses 2.28 +/- 0.81, 2.95, and 1.10 Msun, respectively.  Mlk2012 
14375-2941 WNO  19     B is CD-29@11196.                                                       .       
14376+3652 FAR  41     Primary is white dwarf WD 1435+370.                                     Far2006 
14377+1632 BPM 620     [PM2000] 1092020 + [PM2000] 1091979.                                    Gvr2010 
14378-6756 WFC 153     Rectilinear solution by Mason & Hartkopf (2014).                        Msn2014b
14379-4926 RIZ  11     Rho Lupi.                                                               .       
14380-5431 DUN 163     B is CPD-53@6038.                                                       .       
14382+1402 TOK 406     HIP 71572 is an acceleration binary without RV data. It is found to be  .       
                       a tight 90-mas pair with a small dm and an estimated period under 10yr  .       
                       (some motion is seen in one month). Very likely it can be studied as a  .       
                       double-lined SB.                                                        Tok2015c
14384+3632 ALI 367     Primary is eclipsing binary GK Boo (period 0.47777day).                 Zas2010 
14384-1940 HJ 2734     LDS4484.                                                                .       
14390+6417 KON   1     Koenig et al. (2005) calculate combined speckle/spectroscopic orbital   Kng2005 
                       solution and derive masses of 0.9 +/- 0.1 and 0.5 +/- 0.1 Msun for the  .       
                       primary and secondary, respectively. The primary is the young active    .       
                       variable EK Dra.                                                        .       
14395+5154 LDS4487     SLW1014.                                                                .       
14395-6812 MLO  58     The primary is slightly variable.                                       .       
14396-6050 RHD   1     alp Cen = LDS 494 = Rigel Kentaurus. C is Proxima Centauri = V645 Cen.  .       
                       According to R.G. Aitken, this was discovered by                        A__1935f
                       Father Richaud while observing a comet at Pondicherry, India, in        Rhd1729 
                       December 1689. P= 79.9y, a = 17.52", motion direct. Due to the          .       
                       proximity of the pair and the eccentricity of the system, the           .       
                       separation ranges from 2 to 22". AB is also known as Rigil Kentaurus.   .       
                       Henroteau notes that a first attempt to measure the relative positions  HFC1928 
                       of binary components was made by Father Louis Feuillee in 1709, when    Feu1714 
                       he estimated the position angle and distance for alp Cen.               .       
                       Proper motion -3642 +699. The distant companion, Proxima Centauri,      .       
                       distance 9000" was discovered by Innes. It is the flare star V645 Cen,  I__1905 
                       (mag. 10.7, 2.2 degrees distant, M5Ve). See Kamper & Wesselink (1978).  Kpr1978 
                       The secular changes of a, i, node, and longitude of periastron have     .       
                       been allowed for; quoted elements are for 2000.0.                       .       
                       The semi-major axis has been revised (Heintz 1982).                     Hei1982a
                       Difficult for Hipparcos with secondary (= HIP 71681) at edge of         Sod1999 
                       the sensitivity profile. Present parallax preferable to HIP value.      .       
                       Mass-ratio from Kamper & Wesselink.                                     .       
                       Pourbaix gives two combined solutions for this resolved SB2, each       Pbx2000b
                       yielding orbital parallaxes and component masses.                       Pbx2002 
                       AB: Additional notes may be found in van den Bos (1931).                B__1931b
                       AB: Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and             .       
                       spectroscopic masses 1.98 +/- 0.03, 2.04, and 1.79 Msun, respectively.  Mlk2012 
                       Powell also measured a more distant component (CPD-60 5485) which is    Pwl1864 
                       obviously non-physical (1860.312, 353.7 deg, 161.5").                   .       
                       VLTI Uniform disk diameter of A,B:                                      LTI2003b
                         =  8.314  +/- 0.016,  5.856  +/- 0.027 mas,                           .       
                       VLTI Limb-darkened diameter of A,B:                                     .       
                         =  8.511  +/- 0.020,  6.001  +/- 0.034 mas,                           .       
                       R =  1.224  +/- 0.003,  0.863  +/- 0.005  \rsun.                        .       
                       VLTI Limb-darkened diameter of Proxima (C) 1.044 +/- 0.08 mas,          LTI2003a
                       M = 0.123 +/- 0.006 \msun, R = 0.145 +/- 0.011 \rsun,                   .       
                       T = 3042 +/- 117 K.                                                     .       
                       VLTI uniform disk diameter of C:       0.990 +/- 0.050 mas,             LTI2009 
                       VLTI limb-darkened disk diameter of C: 1.011 +/- 0.052 mas,             .       
                       R = 0.141 +/- 0.007 \rsun, Teff = 3098 +/-  56 K,                       .       
                       M = 0.123 +/- 0.006 \msun.                                              .       
                       Teff-A = 5829 +/- 6, Teff-B = 5189 +/- 18 K.                            XXX2018a
                       Based on astroseismology, age is 5.9 to 7.3 Gyr.                        XXX2021a
                       Ma = 1.0788 +/- 0.0029 \msun, Mb = 0.9092 +/- 0.0025 \msun;             .       
                       Ra = 1.2175 +/- 0.0055 \rsun, Rb = 0.8591 +/- 0.0036 \rsun.             Ake2021 
           LDS 494     AC: alp Cen + Proxima Cen                                               .       
                       The Kervella et al. (2017) orbit is based on the following adopted      .       
                       physical parameters:                                                    .       
                       alp Cen A: M = 1.1055 +/- 0.0039 Msun  R = 1.2234 +/- 0.0053 Rsun       .       
                       alp Cen B:     0.9373     0.0033           0.8632     0.0037            .       
                       Proxima  :     0.1221     0.0022           0.1542     0.0045            Krv2017 
           SCZ   1     Ca,Cb: Proxima Centauri. Not a binary!                                  Tok2014d
                       Ca: Based on spectroscopic orbit of Proxima Cen b by Anglada-Escude et  .       
                       al. (2016 Nature 536, 438), Brown (2017) derives an estimate of 0.25    .       
                       for the eccentricity of the planetary companion.                        BnR2017 
           alp Cen     Beamin et al. (2017) searched for faint co-moving companions to the     .       
                       alpha Cen system, examining CCD tiles covering a ~19 deg^2 area and     .       
                       taken at multiple epochs between 2010.2 and 2015.5. No additional       .       
                       companions were detected down to limiting magnitudes Y=19.3 and J=19.   VVV2017b
14397+1827 ALP  18     2MASSW J1439409+182637                                                  .       
                       Physical companionship to this ultracool dwarf ruled out based on i-z   .       
                       and z-J colors, using photometry from SDSS.                             AlP2007 
14397-2643 BU  805     HIP 71682. Linear configuration, C is between AB.                       .       
                       AB: A possible astrometric pair (Makarov & Kaplan 2005). No SB orbit.   Mkr2005 
                       AC: SHY 262. Bayesian analysis by Shaya & Olling (2011) indicates very  Shy2011 
                       high (near 100%) probability pair is physical.                          .       
14400-2435 LDS6297     NLTT 38011/38013                                                        Chm2004 
14403+3027 HJL1088     SHY 655. Bayesian analysis by Shaya & Olling (2011) indicates very      Shy2011 
                       high (near 100%) probability pair is physical.                          .       
14403-4051 HNK   1     Aa,Ab: Member of Sco-Cen Association. Mass of Aa 3.41 +0.53/-0.75Msun;  .       
                       mass of Ab estimated at 146 +45/-32 Mjup (for age 10 Myr), or           .       
                       217 +67/-47 Mjup (for age 20 Myr).                                      Hnk2015 
14403-4548 SEE 209     The primary is slightly variable.                                       .       
                       IT Lup.                                                                 .       
14404+2159 MCA  40     A spectroscopic triple system, with periods 101.6 and 3320 days.        .       
                       The long-period pair has covered more than half its orbit; the orbit    .       
                       may be determinable.                                                    Bag1984a
                       Barlow & Scarfe (1991) give combined spectroscopic/speckle              Scf1991 
                       interferometric solution.                                               .       
                       1985.5226: This measure was found to give very large residuals to the   .       
                       orbit of Barlow & Scarfe (1991). Comments in our reduction log note     Scf1991 
                       the measure was marginal, and after reinspection we have determined     .       
                       this measure was spurious.                                              Hrt1992b
                       Martin et al. (1998) derive component masses 3.344 +/- 1.000 and        .       
                       3.289 +/- 0.988 Msun.                                                   Mig1998 
                       Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and spectroscopic   .       
                       masses of 6.55 +/- 1.65, 4.67, and 1.05 Msun, respectively.             Mlk2012 
14405-4240 HJ 4692     A,BC = SWR 159. CPM pair. B component is 0".5 pair                      Skf2004 
14405-5702 LDS 495     HIP 71735. See Allen et al. (2000) for information on metallicity,      AlC2000 
                       age, galactic orbital parameters, etc.                                  .       
14407+1625 STF1864     pi 1 Boo = 29 Boo A. B spectrum A6V.                                    .       
                       Both components are spectroscopic binaries.                             .       
                       Measure of 1927.36 made by triangulation of multiple measures.          .       
                       AB: H 3   8.                                                            MEv2010 
14410+5757 STF1872     LDS1417.                                                                .       
                       AB: NLTT 38127/38134                                                    Chm2004 
                       AB: HJL 208.                                                            HJL1986 
14411+1344 STF1865     zet Boo = 30 Boo.                                                       .       
                       Spectral types and masses of components assigned by ten Brummelaar et   .       
                       al., based on adaptive optics observations.                             TtB2000 
                       See Baize & Petit (1989) catalog of doubles with variable component.    Baz1989d
                       Errors for orbit of Alzner (2007) provided by author (private comm.)    Alz2007 
                       Hipparcos parallax yields a mass sum 7.95 Msun, rather high for a pair  .       
                       of A0V stars. Increasing parallax by 1 sigma (1.24mas) yields a more    .       
                       reasonable mass sum of 6.51 Msun, however.                              .       
                       Calculated mass sum is 122  +/- 275 Msun, unconstrained.                Mut2010b
                       AB: Additional notes may be found in Fu et al. (1997)                   McA1997 
                       AB: Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and             .       
                       spectroscopic masses 5.60 +/- 1.66, 5.20, and 4.48 Msun, respectively.  Mlk2012 
           H 6 104     H VI 104.                                                               .       
14414+1857 BFR  11     LSPM J1441+1856 + 2MASS J14412565+1856484. Baron et al. (2015)          .       
                       estimate spectral types M6 and L1 +/- 1, distances 56 +37/-10 and       .       
                       99 +10/-34 pc, masses 0.102-0.133 and 0.072-0.079 Msun.                 BFr2015 
14414-3548 TDS9269     V1063 Cen.                                                              .       
14415+2957 LDS6298     NLTT 38115/38116                                                        Chm2004 
14416-0946 SEF   1     G 124-62 + DENIS-P J144137.2-094558. CPM with the close L1+L1 pair      .       
                       MEL   8Ba,Bb. Distance to the system 34+/- 7 pc, age 500-850 Myr.       Sef2005a
                       Jameson et al.(2008) confirm the CPM nature of this pair.               Jms2008 
14417+0932 STF1866     Same as STF1868.                                                        .       
14417+0523 OL  160     Not found by Heintz.                                                    Hei1995 
14419-4723 HDO 238     alp Lup. Variable.                                                      .       
14420-3110 BRT3012     A likely plate flaw.                                                    Grv2021b
14421+6116 STF1878     A is the Delta Scuti-type variable DL Dra.                              .       
14424+6603 GKI   4     G239-025 = GJ 9492                                                      .       
                       Primary has spectral type M3.0, secondary late M. At distance of 9.9    .       
                       +/- 1.2 pc and assuming primary mass of 0.32 +/- 0.15 Msun, the pair    .       
                       has an estimated orbital period of 370 +/- 100y.                        Gki2004 
14425-6459 DUN 166     alp Cir. Probably variable.                                             .       
14426+1929 HU  575     Identification of the ascending node, based on a few Mt. Wilson         .       
                       spectra, is uncertain at this small difference in magnitude.            Mlr1952b
                       AB: Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and             .       
                       spectroscopic masses 0.99 +/- 0.19, 1.28, and 0.55 Msun, respectively.  Mlk2012 
14427-0558 STF1869     B is BD-05@3935.                                                        .       
14430+1310 KU   48     AB: HJL 209.                                                            HJL1986 
14431+1803 GIC 121     LDS5223. G135-087/G135-086.                                             .       
14432-4110 LDS 500     UC 2829. Identification of LDS pair is uncertain, however.              .       
14433+1708 BRT2419     Secondary is brighter than primary                                      Los2005 
14434+5155 SKF1640     A is SB2, P=6.459d                                                      Tok2014d
14435-6258 B  1759     C is variable.                                                          .       
14436-0415 JNN 100     The two components resolved by AstraLux have very similar brightnesses  .       
                       and colors, hence physical companionship is probable, although common   .       
                       proper motion has not yet been tested for.                              Jnn2012 
14437+6234 STI 773     The 1902 discovery observation is in error, due to an apparent          Vat1926 
                       typographical error in the original AC catalog entry for the            .       
                       declination of the B component.                                         .       
14439+4743 ES  962     MN Boo. Algol-type eclipsing binary, period 0.38769 d.                  Zas2019 
14441+6106 STF1882     AB: H 3  61.                                                            MEv2010 
14443-2701 B   276     ADS 9359a.                                                              .       
14446-2215 LDS4498     NLTT 38244/38248                                                        Chm2004 
14448+0742 STF1873     H 2  82.                                                                MEv2010 
14449-3423 JNN 157     Secondary appears to be a very low mass star just above the hydrogen-   .       
                       burning limit. Masses are estimated at 1.4 Msun and 95 +64/-40 (based   .       
                       on intrinsic brightness) or 45 +/- 15 Mjup (based on temperature).      Jnn2012b
14450+2704 STF1877     eps Boo = 36 Boo = Izar. B is a spectroscopic binary.                   .       
                       Scardia et al. say the quadrant is unambiguous for their 2004 theta     Sca2005a
                       value of 162.9. This may have been a typographical error on their       .       
                       part, as other observers find the secondary to be in the opposite       .       
                       quadrant and a large magnitude difference.                              .       
                       AB: H 1   1.                                                            MEv2010 
14452-4955 EGN  14     The AB pair bound. Primary is K3, B component probably M2.5-M5.5 with   .       
                       mass 0.18 +/- 0.03 Msun. The C and E components are background stars,   .       
                       but with only a single epoch the bound/unbound nature of the AD pair    .       
                       is unknown. The D component is a close binary                           Egn2007 
14452-5536 DUN 169     The primary is BU Cir, a Beta CMa-type variable. B is CPD-55 6152.      .       
14453-3609 I   528     Too close, measures uncertain.                                          .       
14455+4223 STT 285     A faint star (mag. 12.46, 50") has common proper motion                 Maa1938 
                       AB: Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and             .       
                       spectroscopic masses 2.59 +/- 0.86, 2.70, and 1.17 Msun, respectively.  Mlk2012 
14455-1311 LDS4501     NLTT 38285/38284                                                        Chm2004 
14457+6701 LDS2349     GIC 114. G239-027/G239-028. A typographical error led to the Giclas     .       
                       pair being originally entered in the WDS as 13463+6658.                 .       
                       NLTT 38380/38391                                                        Chm2004 
14459+2344 COU 100     Docobo et al. (2010) derive a dynamic parallax of 19.95 +/- 0.30 mas    Doc2010h
                       and a total mass of 1.52 +/- 0.09 Msun.                                 .       
14460+3329 FAR  42     Primary is white dwarf WD 1443+336.                                     Far2006 
14460-1528 HLD  20     5 Lib.                                                                  .       
14460-2527 H 3  97     H III 97. 54 Hya.                                                       .       
14462+0154 JNN   9     109 Vir.                                                                .       
14462-2111 FIN 309     Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and spectroscopic   .       
                       masses of 2.51 +/- 0.21, 2.38, and 1.02 Msun, respectively.             Mlk2012 
14463+0939 STF1879     Mason et al (1999) period should be 243, not 253 yrs (Alzner,           Msn1999a
                       private comm.)                                                          .       
                       AB: Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and             .       
                       spectroscopic masses 1.73 +/- 0.35, 2.10, and 1.00 Msun, respectively.  Mlk2012 
14464-3346 HDS2082     AB + TOK 407Ba,Bb: HIP 72235B is located at 9" from the primary star    .       
                       and shares its proper motion (AB = HDS 2082). Pre-discovery             .       
                       measurements of this Hipparcos pair were published by Wycoff et al.     .       
                       (2006 AJ 132, 50). The RV of A may be variable (Latham, 2012, private   .       
                       communication). The star B turns out to be a 0".4 binary Ba,Bb with     .       
                       masses of 0.70 and 0.17 Msun estimated from the luminosity. Its period  .       
                       is on the order of 100yr. The whole system could thus be quadruple.     Tok2015c
                       AB: Primary is SB?                                                      Tok2014d
14464-7847 HJ 4689     B is CPD-78@889.                                                        .       
14467-6128 EVS  25     Primary is the Cepheid BP Cir.                                          Evs2016a
14471-7329 HJ 4693     B is CPD-72@1571.                                                       .       
14473-5256 BRT2078     A likely plate flaw.                                                    Grv2021b
14475-0017 HD 130322   No comoving objects found within separation/magnitude range listed.     .       
                       However, Chauvin et al. (2006) note finding at least one faint          Cvn2006 
                       background object.                                                      .       
14477+2406 HO  263     Suspected double by Hough, but unconfirmed by many other observers;     Ho_1890 
                       duplicity still in doubt.                                               .       
14478+1037 BPM 621     [PM2000] 1097755 + [PM2000] 1097751.                                    Gvr2010 
14479-3325 HJ 2744     SWR 160.                                                                .       
14482-3647 HJ 4701     LDS 505.                                                                .       
14485+2445 COU 304     Primary is EM Boo, Algol-type eclipsing binary, period 2.446228d.       Zas2013 
14485-1720 BU  346     Primary is SB and astrometric binary, P=1724d                           Tok2014d
14489+0557 STF1883     See Baize & Petit (1989) catalog of doubles with variable component.    Baz1989d
                       Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and spectroscopic   .       
                       masses of 1.86 +/- 1.15, 2.41, and 1.17 Msun, respectively.             Mlk2012 
14492+1013 A  2983     Two orbit solutions by Eggen (1967). Long-period solution later ruled   Egg1967 
                       out by speckle observations.                                            .       
                       Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and spectroscopic   .       
                       masses of 1.58 +/- 0.89, 1.74, and 0.79 Msun, respectively.             Mlk2012 
                       Double lined spectroscopic binary whose orbit generates masses of       Grf2015c
                       0.308 +/- 0.012 and 0.306 +/- 0.011 Msun * sin^3 i.                     .       
                       Orbital parallax 21.81 +/- 0.8 mas. Total Mass is 1.61+/-0.26 \msun.    ATl2021 
14492-5924 FIN 298     Motion direct.                                                          .       
14493-1409 BU  106     mu Lib = 7 Lib                                                          .       
                       AC and AD: Optical pairs, based on study of relative motion of the      .       
                       components using the method of apparent motion parameters.              Kiy2008 
                       AE: There are two other faint stars in the directions of 74.7 and 56.5  .       
                       deg, respectively, a little farther than E.                             Bu_1894 
14493-2415 H 6 117     H VI 117.                                                               .       
14495+5122 STF1889     Both components are spectroscopic binaries.                             .       
                       A spectroscopic binary of indeterminate period.                         Tok2019b
                       AB: H N 116.                                                            MEv2010 
14496+2356 JMS   4     2MASS J14493784+2355378 + 2MASS J14493550+2357118.                      Jms2008 
14497+4843 STF1890     39 Boo. B is a spectroscopic binary. Spectral types F6V+F5V.            .       
                       H 2  79.                                                                MEv2010 
14497-2605 LDS 508     NLTT 38457/38454                                                        Chm2004 
14497-4300 CPO 402     B is CD-42@9693.                                                        .       
14503+8231 HZE   2     GJ 3876. Heinze et al. (2010) determine that the A and B components     .       
                       definitely comprise a CPM pair.                                         Hze2010 
14503+2355 POT   1     GJ 564. Both B and C components are determined to be young contracting  .       
                       brown dwarfs, spectral type dL2, with masses <0.075 and <0.065 Msun,    .       
                       respectively.                                                           Pot2002 
                       CHARA Array Limb-darkened diameter of A :                               CIA2013c
                       R =  1.1119 +/- 0.0229 \rsun, L =   1.2437 +/-0.0174 \lsun,             .       
                       Teff = 5787 +/-  57 K, M = 0.989 \msun, Age = 7.5 Gyr.                  .       
                       BC: Assuming an Hipparcos distance of 18.18 +/- 0.08 pc, Konopacky et   .       
                       al. (2010) derive a system mass of 0.109 +/- 0.002 Msun.                Kon2010 
                       BC: Dupuy & Liu (2011) derive a mass sum of 0.1095 +/- 0.0022 Msun,     .       
                       and a mass ratio of 0.948 +/- 0.005.                                    LiM2011 
                       BC: Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical and photometric spectroscopic .       
                       masses 0.11 +/- 0.01 and 0.38 Msun, respectively.                       Mlk2012 
                       BC: Dupuy et al. (2009) derive orbital parameters for the BC pair,      .       
                       which is comprised of a pair of L4 dwarfs. They determine a mass sum    .       
                       for the pair of 0.109 +/- 0.003 Msun.                                   Dup2009c
14504-6625 FIN 426     Spectrum: G8/K1(IV)+A/F.                                                .       
14505-6730 RSS 349     Classical Cepheid AV Cir.                                               .       
14505-7032 HJ 4697     B is CPD-70@1824.                                                       .       
14506-0001 STF1885     H 1  78.                                                                MEv2010 
14507+7409 BUP 159     bet UMi = 7 UMi = Kochab                                                .       
14509-0810 BRT 551     J 1612.                                                                 .       
14509-1603 SHJ 186     alp 2 Lib = 9 Lib = Zubenelgenubi. B is BD-15@3965. A is a              .       
                       spectroscopic binary.                                                   .       
           CAB   1     AD: HIP  72622 + HIP  71743.                                            Cab2010 
14510+6718 LDS2351     NLTT 38643/38642                                                        Chm2004 
14510+0943 STF1886     BDS 7052; MAD same star.                                                .       
14511+0557 WSP  40     HTP  27.                                                                .       
14511-3706 I   529     A premature orbit has been computed.                                    .       
14511-6153 JSP 640     CD-61@4558                                                              .       
14512+3107 BWL  39     AE: Colors and/or astrometry are inconsistent with a late-type common   .       
                       proper motion companion based on visual inspection of the field from    .       
                       2MASS, SDSS, DSS1, and/or DSS2. Primary is G 166-49.                    Bwl2015 
14513-1700 HU 1270     BC: North and fainter of a 30" pair; ADS is not clear on this point.    B__1949c
14514+1906 STF1888     xi Boo = 37 Boo = EO Boo.                                               .       
                       Three orbit solutions by Wielen (1962), only orbit #3 is now in the     Wln1962 
                       orbit catalog. The RV difference is small and renders identification    .       
                       of the ascending node uncertain.                                        .       
                       See Baize & Petit (1989) catalog of doubles with variable component.    Baz1989d
                       CHARA Array Limb-darkened diameter  1.196 +/- 0.014 mas,                CIA2012e
                       R =  0.863 +/- 0.011 \rsun, L =  0.645 +/-0.015 \lsun,                  .       
                       Teff = 5580 +/-  46 K.                                                  .       
                       AB: H 2  18.                                                            MEv2010 
                       AB: Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and             .       
                       spectroscopic masses 1.59 +/- 0.21, 1.60, and 1.56 Msun, respectively.  Mlk2012 
                       AD: Optical pair, based on study of relative motion of the components   .       
                       using the method of apparent motion parameters.                         Kiy2008 
                       AC: Rectilinear solution by Hurowitz et al. (2014).                     USN2014a
                       AD: Rectilinear solution by Friedman et al. (2011).                     USN2011a
14516-4335 FIN 319     omi Lup                                                                 .       
14517-3053 H N  48     B is CD-30@11767.                                                       .       
14517-7328 GLI 210     SWR 161. CPM pair                                                       Skf2004 
14519+5147 LDS4513     NLTT 38649/38650                                                        Chm2004 
14522+1638 FAR  16     Primary is white dwarf WD 1449+168.                                     Far2005b
14523-4455 DON 689     CPD-44@7016.                                                            .       
14524+1757 A  2071     EQ Boo, Algol-type eclipsing binary, P = 5.43536 d.                     Zas2011 
14525+1844 BU   31     HIP 72764.                                                              .       
                       AB: A or B are SB? Trapezium (2" and 8")?                               Tok2014d
14525+0007 GIC 122     G066-035/G066-036.                                                      .       
14526-1151 LDS 511     B is BD-11@3820.                                                        .       
14526-6349 HDS 2100    Primary is the Cepheid AX Cir. The wide HDS pair has a spectroscopic    .       
                       orbit, P=6532d, e=0.19 (Evans 2000 AJ 119, 3050).  Gallenne et al.      .       
                       resolved the primary into a 20mas pair, and find a minimum mass for     .       
                       Aa+Ab > 9.7 +/- 0.6 Msun.                                               GaA2014 
                       Masses are 5.2 and 5.0 Msun. Estimated period = 17.9y,                  .       
                       a = 14.8au = 0.03".                                                     Evs2013 
14527+0746 HLD 120     AB. Schlimmer (2008) published linear elements rather similar to those  Smr2008 
                       in the Rectilinear Elements Catalog: x = -1.1407, y  = -0.9315,         .       
                       To = 2229.42  +/- 1.74, sep=    1.473 +/- 0.2, PA =  309.24  +/- 0.5    .       
14533-5220 CPO 403     CPD-51@8545.                                                            .       
14534+1909 GC 20037    Hipparcos astrometric solution adopted some elements from the orbit of  HIP1997d
                       Beavers & Salzer (1983).                                                Bvr1983 
14534+1542 STT 288     CfA: A or B have variable RV?                                           Tok2014d
14535-4637 B  2774     A: S Lup                                                                .       
                       B: X Lup                                                                .       
14537+2321 COU 101     Rectilinear solution by Mason & Hartkopf (2016).                        Msn2016a
14540+2335 REU   2     Additional notes may be found in Wilson (1954) and Wilson (1955).       WRH1955 
14540-6333 RST9005     Previously known as RST 730a.                                           .       
14543+0312 BAL2401     May be the same as HJ 5491.                                             Dam2010 
14543-3737 CD-37 9777  Listed as possibly resolved by White et al. (1991), but no separation   Whi1991 
                       or position angle given.                                                .       
14544-3409 I   226     Wagner et al. (2016) imaged a Jovian exoplanet orbiting the primary at  .       
                       a distance of ~80au. They also resolved the Innes B component into a    .       
                       70mas pair, which they designate as B and C. However, the C component   .       
                       designation is already in use for Innes' 30" companion. Also, their B   .       
                       designation redefines B from the photocenter of the previously          .       
                       unresolved close stellar pair to one component of that pair. We have    .       
                       therefore designated the two stars as Ba and Bb, in keeping with our    .       
                       usual hierarchical designation scheme.                                  .       
                       Wagner et al. derive the following parameters for system components:    .       
                                          Aa        Ab             Ba         Bb               .       
                          --------------------------------------------------------             .       
                          Spectral type   A1V       T2–T4          G          K                .     
                          Mass (Msun)     1.82      4+/-1 Mjup     0.96       0.6              .       
                          Teff (K)        9300      850 +/- 50     5700       4400             WgK2016 
14545+1606 FRT   1     AB: The companion is of spectral type dM8.5.e. The measure was made in  .       
                       the infrared.                                                           .       
           MEL   2     GJ 569 Ba,Bb. Lane et al. (2001) paper also includes spectroscopic      Lne2001 
                       information and discussion of spectral type, masses, evolutionary       .       
                       state, etc.                                                             .       
                       Zapatero Osorio et al. (2004) give combined spectroscopic/astrometric   Oso2004b
                       solution, yielding masses 0.071 +/- 0.011 and 0.054 +/- 0.011 Msun.     .       
                       Total system mass is 0.125 +/- 0.007 Msun.                              Smn2006 
                       Incorrectly listed as MEL   1.                                          .       
                       Ba,Bb: GJ 569. Assuming an Hipparcos distance of 9.81 +/- 0.16 pc,      .       
                       Konopacky et al. (2010) derive a system mass of 0.126 +/- 0.007 Msun.   Kon2010 
                       Dupuy et al. (2010) determine system mass 0.140 +0.009/-0.008 Msun;     .       
                       spectral types are  M8.5 +/- 0.5 and M9.0 +/- 0.5.                      Dup2010b
14546-3318 BU  347     CPD-32@3746.                                                            .       
14550+4301 OSO  60     G178-056. Not a common proper motion pair, based on astrometry and      .       
                       color                                                                   Oso2004 
14551-0906 TOK 164     HIP 72998.                                                              Tok2011a
14557-3351 HO  390     Optical pair, based on study of relative motion of the components       .       
                       using the method of apparent motion parameters.                         Kiy2008 
                       Rectilinear solution by Hurowitz et al. (2014).                         USN2014a
14558+3939 A  1627     Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and spectroscopic   .       
                       masses of 1.37 +/- 0.49, 2.64, and 1.45 Msun, respectively.             Mlk2012 
14562+1745 HDS2108     AB: Cvetkovic et al. (2016) estimate spectral types K5 and K6, masses   .       
                       0.65 and 0.60 Msun. Dynamical parallax is 16.63 +/- 1.12 mas.           Cve2016b
           GII  61     AC: GII  85AC.                                                          .       
14565+5923 SHY 661     AC: HIP  73105 + HIP  73730.                                            .       
           SHY 661     CD: HIP  73730 + HIP  72389.                                            .       
14565+1755 LDS4516     Also known as LHS3001/2. Parallax = 56.41 +/- 0.95 mas.                 TSN2010 
14565-3438 B  2778     AB,C: Star C (approx. mag. 14, 6") is probably physical.                .       
           SEE 215     AB,D: CPD-34@6262.                                                      .       
14565-4753 HJ 4715     The primary is a spectroscopic binary.                                  .       
14566-1406 HJ  561     B is BD-13@4022.                                                        .       
14567-6247 FIN 372     the Cir. One component is variable.                                     .       
                       Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and spectroscopic   .       
                       masses of 39.70 +/- 16.09, 22.40, and 5.75 Msun, respectively.          Mlk2012 
14568+7454 S   666     8 UMi. B is BD+75@549.                                                  .       
14568+5235 LDS4517     Assuming the current identification is correct, it appears Luyten's     .       
                       separation should have been 230" rather than his published 330". The    .       
                       distance value has been adjusted accordingly. (WIH, May 2008)           .       
14568-7029 R   253     Also known as WFC 158.                                                  .       
14571+3529 HJ  243     Same as STT 290.                                                        .       
14574+8529 BU  353     AB: TDS9351.                                                            .       
           MLR 342     AC: 14574+8530PKO  12. LDS1808.                                         .       
                       AC: The discovery measure by Muller was corrected in one of his later   Mlr1973a
                       papers. Originally 15028+8532 MLR 342 until association with                    
                       14574+8529 noticed.                                                     Mlr1978b
14575+3124 HDS2112     Proper motion of B -695 -1160.                                          .       
14575-2125 H N  28     AB: LDS 514. B is BD-20@4123.                                           .       
                       AB: NLTT 38872/38871                                                    Chm2004 
                       Proper motion of A +1034.13 -1725.45, B +987.02 -1666.69.               .       
                       VLTI uniform disk diameter of A:       1.147 +/- 0.029 mas,             LTI2009 
                       VLTI limb-darkened disk diameter of A: 1.177 +/- 0.030 mas,             .       
                       R = 0.739 +/- 0.019 \rsun, Teff = 4597 +/- 101 K,                       .       
                       M = 0.802 +/- 0.040 \msun.                                              .       
                       B is a spectroscopic binary, P = 308d.                                  .       
                       Statistically different parallax for the components indicates they are  .       
                       non-physical.                                                           .       
                       Hipparcos triple solution together with A (= HIP 73184). P,T,e,         Duq1988 
                       omega, and q fixed from Duquennoy & Mayor (1988), cf orbit in           Prr1990 
                       Mariotti et al. (1990).  Poor Hipparcos solution.                       Sod1999 
                       Strand (1943) suspects a perturbation with P = 2.2y, a = 0".020,        Str1943 
                       and Omega = 30 deg.                                                     .       
                       Hyperbolic orbit by Hopmann (1967).                                     Hop1967 
                       sigma = areal constant in the true orbit = 2.540 arcsec^2/yr            .       
                       q = periastron distance in the true orbit = 20".388                     .       
                       All hyperbolic orbits rejected from Fourth Orbit Catalog                Wor1983 
                       Pourbaix gives combined solution for this resolved SB2, yielding        .       
                       orbital parallaxes and component masses.                                Pbx2000b
                       AF: Optical pair, based on study of relative motion of the components   .       
                       using the method of apparent motion parameters.                         Kiy2008 
                       Ba,Bb: Erroneously entered as BC, although C component is a very wide   .       
                       companion.                                                              .       
                       Ba,Bb: Combined solution (spectroscopic/visual/parallax) by Forveille   Frv1999 
                       at al. (1999) for this low-mass interferometric SB2. P = 308.884 +/-    .       
                       0.004 days, T0 = JD2450270.220 +/- 0.011. Accurate masses are           .       
                       determined for these  M dwarfs, as well as J, H, K, and L magnitudes.   .       
                       1987.455, 1987.756, 1988.312, 1988.499: Vector separations from the 1D  .       
                       data are combined to give 2D theta and rho values for these 4 dates.    Mar1990 
                       AC, AD, AE: Rectilinear solutions by Mason & Hartkopf (2016).           Msn2016a
                       AF: Rectilinear solution by Hurowitz et al. (2014).                     USN2014a
14575-2914 UC 2880     Spurious pair - primary has zero motion, and secondary is irresolved    Skf2013 
                       pair also with zero motion.                                             .       
14575-4515 BRT 836     A likely plate flaw.                                                    Grv2021b
14576+6556 RR UMi      Hipparcos astrometric solution adopted some elements from the orbit of  HIP1997d
                       Batten & Fletcher (1986).                                               Bte1986 
                       Ren & Fu (2013) calculated an astrometric orbit, combining Hipparcos    Ren2013 
                       Intermediate Astrometric Data with spectroscopic elements by Batten &   .       
                       Fletcher (1986).                                                        Bte1986 
14576-0010 H 6  51     1 Ser. H VI 51. Erroneously called 2 Ser.                               Bu_1875 
14579+2953 LDS5827     LDS6299.                                                                .       
                       NLTT 38930/38926                                                        Chm2004 
14580-6333 HJ 4714     B is CPD-63@3460, spectrum B8/A0III/IV.                                 .       
14581-4852 WSI  80     The 14.9 yr SB1 orbit is mentioned by Raghavan et al. (2010).           Rag2010 
14581-6317 LDS 856     The same as LDS6300. Determined by Richard Jaworski.                    .       
14582-3142 LDS5826     LDS6301.                                                                .       
14583+1702 BPM 622     [PM2000] 1103818 + [PM2000] 1103757.                                    Gvr2010 
14584+4403 STF1896     AB: Radial velocity variations, based on 10 years of monitoring,        .       
                       indicate the presence of a giant planet orbiting the B component, with  .       
                       P = 1544 +/- 34d, a = 2.62 +/- 0.04 au. M sin i = 1.49 +/- 0.09 Mjup.   .       
                       The primary is an SB in an eccentric orbit with period 25-30 y; mass    .       
                       of Ab 0.5-0.6 Msun. No companions were detected by AO imaging.          Des2011 
14585+1024 LIM   5     Liu et al. (2011) use IR imaging to determine the components are                
                       likely physical, and determine the distance to the system at 23.1 +/-           
                       2.4pc. The orbital period is estimated at 20-35y. Spectral type of the          
                       primary is T9.5, that of the secondary is >T10, and possibly the first          
                       member of spectral type Y. Mass estimates are strongly dependent on             
                       age: for ages < 0.5Gyr the masses are <9 and <4 Mjup; for ages >2 Gyr           
                       these increase to >20 and >10 Mjup.                                     LiM2011 
                       Liu et al. (2012) derive near-IR spectral types of T9 +/- 0.5 and Y0    .       
                       +/- 0.5. At a derived photometric distance of 31.9 +/- 2.5 pc, the      .       
                       two stars are separated by 3.5 +/- 0.3 au.                              LiM2012 
14585-2843 TOK  30     Visual pair has estimated period 175,000y; primary is 14d SB1.          Tok2006 
14585-4726 CPO  62     B is CD-46@9704.                                                        .       
14587-2739 BU  239     59 Hya. Alternative spectra:; A4V+A6V.                                  .       
                       1976.474: The observed separation is much larger than that derived      .       
                       from the elements given by Mourao (1965), which gives a period of       Mro1965b
                       339.3 yr. These elements yield a total mass of 13.65 Msun, which seems  .       
                       too large for a pair of A5 stars.                                       BLM1978 
14588+3551 COU1136     Docobo et al. (2010) derive a dynamic parallax of 8.68 +/- 0.50 mas     Doc2010h
                       and a total mass of 1.96 +/- 1.04 Msun.                                 .       
14589+2238 HU  906     TDS9356.                                                                .       
14589-1109 STF1894     18 Lib.                                                                 .       
                       AB: H 4  56.                                                            MEv2010 
14592+0649 HJ 1263     AC = LDS 971.                                                           .       
14592-4206 I  1260     kap Cen. A spectroscopic binary and variable star.                      .       
14592-4206 HDS2116     MAa,MAb=8.38  +/- 0.27 , 4.41  +/- 0.36  \msun.                         GmJ2022 
14593+4649 COU1760     One component is ET Boo, a beta Lyr eclipsing binary.                   Zas2009 
14594+1530 BPM 623     [PM2000] 1104464 + [PM2000] 1104440.                                    Gvr2010 
14595+4528 DAM  30     SHY 264. Bayesian analysis by Shaya & Olling (2011) indicates very      Shy2011 
                       high (near 100%) probability pair is physical.                          .       
14595+0851 DAY   2     LSPM J1459+0851 + ULAS J1459+0857. Primary is a cool hydrogen-rich      .       
                       white dwarf, mass 0.585 Msun. Secondary is a T dwarf (T4.5 +/- 0.5),    .       
                       distance 43-69pc, mass 0.060-0.075 Msun, depending on model.            Day2011 
14596+5352 SHJ 191     STTA132 = H N  63. B is BD+54@1724.                                     .       
14597+3506 HJ  562     Also known as STF1900.                                                  .       
14597-3718 BRT1691     A likely plate flaw.                                                    Grv2021b
14597-7831 HJ 4703     Primary is astrometric binary?                                          Tok2014d
14598-2201 Ci 18,1988  Alden (1938) orbit rejected from Fourth Orbit Catalog                   Ald1938b
                       ("not confirmed by subsequent observations")                            Wor1983 
14599+5352 LDS1419     Aka ARY 130.                                                            .       
15001-7332 CP-73 1409  HD 131664. Combined astrometric/spectroscopic solution, using           .       
                       spectroscopic elements (P,T,e,omega) from Minniti et al. (2009 ApJ      .       
                       693, 1424).                                                             SaJ2011 
15002-5856 HJ 4719     B is CPD-58@5778.                                                       .       
15003+0500 LDS5831     LDS6303.                                                                .       
15005+7146 9 UMi       Ren & Fu (2013) calculated an astrometric orbit, combining Hipparcos    .       
                       Intermediate Astrometric Data with spectroscopic elements by Latham et  .       
                       al. (2002). They derived component masses 1.17 and 0.14 Msun and an     Lat2002 
                       estimated semimajor axis of 38.27 mas.                                  Ren2013 
15006+4717 STT 291     STTA133. A is the Alpha CVn-type variable BX Boo.                       .       
                       H 5 122.                                                                MEv2010 
15006+0836 YSC   8     Orbital parallax 25.794 +/- 0.085 mas. Mass-A is 0.897 +/- 0.027 \msun. Mdz2021 
                       Mass-B is 0.857 +/- 0.026 \msun.                                        .       
15008+3508 TY Boo      Multiple system including contact binary. Pribulla & Rucinski (2006)    Pbl2006 
                       estimate the mass of the contact pair at 1.759 Msun and the minimum     .       
                       mass of the wider component at 0.47 Msun.                               .       
15008+2306 LDS4521     SLW1052.                                                                .       
15010+7303 TOK 806     TV UMi.                                                                 .       
15010+3123 STF1901     Burnham gives Delta(delta) from BD+31@2685. 1871.3, 112.3".             Bu_1913 
                       1907.2, 109.9". SEI 538.                                                .       
15010-0831 J  1586     del Lib = 19 Lib. A is an Algol-type system.                            .       
                       CD: Additional notes may be found in Jonckheere (1952).                 J__1952 
15010-3145 PRO 119     SWR 164.                                                                .       
15010-4300 B  1256     Includes IU Lup, an Algol-type eclipsing binary, P = 1.61907d.          Zas2012 
15011+2250 TVLM...     TVLM 513-46546. M8.5 dwarf, observed at 9 epochs between 2010 Mar 17    .       
                       and 2011 Aug 3 using NRAO VLBA. Pattern to residual motion is close to  .       
                       noise limit, and gives upper limits to any companion. Data exclude a    .       
                       phase space of companion masses and orbital periods ranging from        .       
                       3.8 Mjup (orbital radius ~0.05au, period 16 days) to 0.3 Mjup (orbital  .       
                       radius ~0.7au, period 710 days).                                        Frb2013 
15012-0406 A    14     Primary suspected of being elongated at ~140deg in 1946 (3 nights).     Baz1948c
15014+6012 GC 20233    Hipparcos astrometric solution assumed circular orbit (e = omega = 0)   HIP1997d
15016-4223 I  1263     Spectrum K0/2III+A3/5                                                   .       
15017-0707 GIC 123     G151-019/G151-021.                                                      .       
15019-0135 ART   2     Artigau et al. (2011) derive spectral types L4.5 +/- 0.5 and L5.5 +/-   .       
                       1.0. Distance for A is estimated at 31 +/- 5 or 44 +/- 7 pc, depending  .       
                       on whether it's a single object or an equal-luminosity binary.          .       
                       Distance for B is estimated at 56 +/- 8 pc. Total mass <0.12 Msun if    .       
                       double, <0.18 Msun if triple.                                           Art2011 
15022+3612 LDS4522     NLTT 39119/39117                                                        Chm2004 
15024-0708 BRT 552     SMH  23. Appears to have been a 1m error in Barton's published RA.      .       
15024-4723 BRT 843     CPD-46@7153.                                                            .       
15025+4745 H 6  53     This star was measured for H VI 53, which could not be identified.      .       
15027+1809 GIC 124     G136-051/G136-053.                                                      .       
15032+0740 HJ 1267     HJL 211.                                                                HJL1986 
15035-4035 I  1262     Ruymaekers & Nys (1995) noted discrepancies in the orbit of Erceg &     Ruy1995 
                       Olevic (1986), and calculated elements from the Thiele-Innes            Erc1986b
                       elements originally given.                                              .       
15036-2751 HJ 4727     SWR 165. CPM pair                                                       Skf2004 
                       HIP 73674. No new data for the 2MASS PSC companion C at 11.2", it is    .       
                       likely optical (crowded field, N*=38).                                  Tok2011a
15038+4739 STF1909     44 Boo.                                                                 .       
                       Spectral types and masses of components assigned by ten Brummelaar et   .       
                       al., based on adaptive optics observations.                             TtB2000 
                       A is SB1, P=75240d (Abt2006).                                           Tok2014d
                       B is a W UMa-type eclipsing binary.                                     .       
                       Star B is W UMa-type eclipsing SB2; P = 0.2678 d (Popper 1943;          Ppp1943 
                       Binnendijk 1955, AJ 60, 355). The RV of pair B differs by +30 km/s      .       
                       from that of star A, much more than the visual motion can effect, and   .       
                       thus does not represent the true mass-center velocity of B. The         .       
                       eclipsing period undergoes intrinsic changes considerably larger than   .       
                       a lighttime effect in the orbit AB. Attempts to identify the ascending  .       
                       node are thus unreliable: Time shifts of light minima suggest the       .       
                       first quadrant (Plaut), the RV difference the third quadrant (Heintz).  .       
                       The close approach in the visual orbit in recent years has prevented    .       
                       continued study of the eclipsing system.                                .       
                       See Baize & Petit (1989) catalog of doubles with variable component.    Baz1989d
                       1975.383: The visual binary has been observed here.                     BLM1978 
                       H 1  15.                                                                MEv2010 
                       Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and spectroscopic   .       
                       masses of 2.19 +/- 0.15, 2.02, and 1.83 Msun, respectively.             Mlk2012 
                       The B component is the W UMa type eclipsing binary i Boo.               Zas2009 
15041+1641 BPM 624     [PM2000] 1107378 + [PM2000] 1107320.                                    Gvr2010 
15041+0530 STF1904     H N  37.                                                                MEv2010 
15041-0653 HO  391     AC: Optical pair, based on study of relative motion of the components   .       
                       using the method of apparent motion parameters.                         Kiy2008 
                       AC: Rectilinear solution by Hurowitz et al. (2014).                     USN2014a
15041-2517 UC 2911     sig Lib = 20 Lib = Brachium                                             .       
15042-5120 B  1258     Spectrum A5/7III/IV                                                     .       
15043+2905 BU 1445     This may be HJ 564                                                      Bu_1906 
15044-4945 HJ 4726     Spectrum A3/5II/III                                                     .       
15045+3447 FAR  43     Primary is white dwarf WD 1502+349.                                     Far2006 
15045-1754 S   665     B is BD-17@4247.                                                        .       
                       Spectrum of A: K2IIICNIb/II, of B: K0III.                               .       
15047+6222 LDS1421     NLTT 39299/39301                                                        Chm2004 
15048+3443 CRB 107     BC: Originally 15048+3444 CRB 107, but found to share secondary with    .       
                       15048+3443 LDS4528. Systems merged, with quadrant flip.                 .       
15049-1835 LTT 6010    Hipparcos astrometric solution assumed circular orbit (e = omega = 0)   HIP1997d
15051-4703 HJ 4728     pi Lup. Both components are spectroscopic binaries.                     .       
15053-1936 RST3907     Spectrum Fm Delta Del.                                                  .       
15055-0701 TOK 587     AD: D component is the primary of 15041-0653 HO  391.                   .       
15058+6403 MCT   7     AB: A is G5V, UI Dra (RS CVn type), GJ 577.                             Tok2014d
           LWR  12     Ba,Bb: This pair was initially incorrectly listed as Aa,Ab.             .       
15063+5805 LDS2336     The previous WDS coordinate for this pair, 14063+5805, was in error.    .       
15068-1629 BUP 160     22 Lib.                                                                 .       
15072-2930 HNK   2     Member of Sco-Cen Association. Primary mass 1.72 +0.08/-0.11 Msun;      .       
                       secondary mass estimated for B and C at 21 +30/-5 and 22 +38/-6 Mjup    .       
                       (for age 10 Myr), or 50 +31/-33 and 54 +40/-30 Mjup (for age 20 Myr).   Hnk2015 
15073+2452 ENG  52     45 Boo.                                                                 .       
                       AB and AC: Optical pairs, based on study of relative motion of the      .       
                       components using the method of apparent motion parameters.              Kiy2008 
                       AC: Rectilinear solution by Hurowitz et al. (2014).                     USN2014a
15073+1827 A  2385     1986.384: Separation for this partially resolved pair was calculated    .       
                       under the assumption of zero or otherwise known magnitude difference.   Tok1985 
                       A "ghost" binary like A  3010.                                          Msn2023a
15074-7036 MLO  63     A likely plate flaw.                                                    Grv2021b
15076+5056 ES  774     Also known as BEM  15, although the astrographic data used to generate  .       
                       his 1930 measure (as well as the later WFC re-reduction) were in poor   .       
                       agreement with other measures of this pair.                             .       
15078+6307 STF1918     Primary is 2.4d eclipsing SB1; visual pair has estimated period of      .       
                       35,000y.                                                                Tok2006 
15078-7350 B  2028     Spectrum of B: A/F.                                                     .       
15079+8545 VVO   1     Also known as LDS1814.                                                  .       
15079+7612 MET  10     Aa,Ab: Metchev & Hillenbrand (2004) say the pair is probably physical,  Met2004b
                       based on proximity.                                                     .       
15080-4827 BRT 848     CPD-47@6912.                                                            .       
15080-4845 CPO 414     CPD-48@7127. Heintz was unable to find this pair.                       Hei1987a
15082+3958 RUC  23     Multiple system including contact binary TZ Boo.                        Pbl2006 
15083-5957 RSS  24     This previously uncataloged double star was a Hipparcos double entry    .       
                       system.  The first measure is determined from the individual positions  .       
                       listed by Rousseau et al.                                               Rss1996 
                       Optical pair, based on study of relative motion of the components       .       
                       using the method of apparent motion parameters.                         Kiy2008 
15084-5842 RSS  25     This previously uncataloged double star was a Hipparcos double entry    .       
                       system. The first measure is determined from the individual positions   .       
                       listed by Rousseau et al.                                               Rss1996 
15086+0052 J  1027     CD: J  1028.                                                            .       
15086-4819 HJ 4732     SWR 167.                                                                .       
15087-5140 BRT 849     CPD-51@7573.                                                            .       
15088-4517 SEE 219     AB: lam Lup.                                                            .       
                       Probably a spectroscopic subsystem, as the RV of the combined light     .       
                       shows a range of 50 km/s.                                               .       
                       1976.471: The observed separation is significantly different from the   B__1962c
                       value derived from van den Bos' (1962) preliminary elements.            BLM1978 
                       AB: Hipparcos parallax 4.20 +/- 0.66  mas. Dynamical parallax 6.3  mas, .       
                       masses 8.14 and 5.84 Msun.  lam Lup is a B3V binary belonging to the    .       
                       Sco-Cen association. A minor revision of the orbit by Docobo & Ling     Doc2007d
                       (2007) proposed here turns it into a definitive one, with both sides    .       
                       of the ellipse now covered by speckle measures and one full revolution  .       
                       observed. The Hipparcos parallax corresponds to an uncomfortably large  .       
                       mass sum. The true parallax should be around 6 mas, matching the        .       
                       distance to the association.                                            Tok2012b
15090-2144 HJ 2764     Statistically the same parallax within the errors would indicate the    .       
                       components are physical.                                                .       
15091+5904 SKF 365     2MASS J15090696+5904282 and J15090808+5904258 are separated by only 9"  .       
                       and have similar estimated spectroscopic distances (30 and 39 pc,       .       
                       respectively) in Riaz et al. (2006), hence it is likely that they form  Ria2006 
                       a physical pair.                                                        Jnn2012 
15092+3304 HJ  566     Also known as STF1913.                                                  .       
15096-6843 DON 714     T TrA. Uncertainly variable.                                            .       
15098-0445 OSO  61     G015-010. Not a common proper motion pair, based on comparison with     .       
                       POSS2 red plates.                                                       Oso2004 
           LDS 518     HIP 74199. See Allen et al. (2000) for information on metallicity,      AlC2000 
                       age, galactic orbital parameters, etc.                                  .       
15099+3859 STF1916     B is SB1, P=16.191d                                                     Tok2014d
15100+2807 A   690     Aka TDS 768.                                                            .       
15103-1616 BUP 161     LDS 519. A : Proper motion -1016 -3571, B: -016-018, D: -024-013        .       
                       HIP 74235. See Allen et al. (2000) for information on metallicity,      AlC2000 
                       age, galactic orbital parameters, etc.                                  .       
                       AC: LFT 1177/1178.                                                      Bgh1958 
                       AC: NLTT 39456/39457                                                    Chm2004 
                       Proper motion of C -1033 -3526.                                         .       
                       AC: SHY 268. Bayesian analysis by Shaya & Olling (2011) indicates very  Shy2011 
                       high (near 100%) probability pair is physical.                          .       
15103-4954 EGN  15     Aa,Ab: Single epoch, real?                                              .       
                       AB: Pair likely bound; colors of B consistent with M2.5-M5.5 dwarf      Egn2007 
15104-2827 HJ 4740     Herschel remarks "Excessively close, if double."                        WHC1890 
15106+3923 NI   34     Rectilinear solution by Hurowitz et al. (2014).                         USN2014a
15107-4344 CPO 415     B is CPD-43@9678, spectrum K0IV-V.                                      .       
                       SHY 269. Bayesian analysis by Shaya & Olling (2011) indicates very      Shy2011 
                       high (near 100%) probability pair is physical.                          .       
15108+4651 STF1920     HJL 212.                                                                HJL1986 
                       SHY 664. Bayesian analysis by Shaya & Olling (2011) indicates very      Shy2011 
                       high (near 100%) probability pair is physical.                          .       
15111+4424 SKF  10     Rectilinear solution by Friedman et al. (2011).                         USN2011a
15112+0608 BGG   2     SDSS J151114.66+060742.9. Bardalez Gagliuffi et al. (2015) resolved     .       
                       this very low-mass binary, and derived spectral types L5.5 +/- 1.0 and  .       
                       T5.0 +/- 0.5. Depending on age, this pair has a projected separation    .       
                       of 2.9 +/- 0.3 au and an estimated orbital period of 17-25y. Mass       .       
                       estimates range from 0.041-0.072 Msun for the primary, 0.026-0.065 for  .       
                       the secondary.                                                          BGg2015 
15112-5924 HRG 105     B is CPD-58@5840, spectrum A5V.                                         .       
15115-5443 RST2942     Composite-like spectrum: G8/K0III+F/G.                                  .       
15116-3208 HJ 2765     B is CD-31@11773.                                                       .       
15116-4517 DUN 178     AC : Identified as optical and linear solution also published.          LRR2022c
15117+1623 BPM 625     [PM2000] 1112160 + [PM2000] 1112208.                                    Gvr2010 
15117-0529 STF1914     B is BD-04@3827.                                                        .       
15118+6151 STF1927     A and B are both W UMa systems, BV and BW Dra, periods 0.29 and 0.35d.  .       
                       Spectra F9V, F8V and G3V and G0V.                                       .       
                       NLTT 39621/39620                                                        Chm2004 
                       AB: HJL 215.                                                            HJL1986 
15118+1013 DJU   3     Pair is -3s, +1' from BD+10 2804.                                       Cou1970c
15119-4844 DUN 177     A: kap 1 Lup                                                            .       
                       B: kap 2 Lup. B is CD-48@9705.                                          .       
15120+3840 STF1921     B is BD+39@2844.                                                        .       
15121+3419 ES 2417     Same as POP 209, which was co-discovered by Olevic.                     Ole1970b
15121+1859 COU 189     The variable FL Ser.                                                    .       
15122-1948 B  2351     iot 1 Lib = 24 Lib. Alternate spectrum of Aa: ApSi.                     .       
                       Double-lined spectrum, frequently blended. The second spectrum may      .       
                       belong, not to the visual companion, but to a third star, since the     .       
                       RV variation - if real - is faster and larger than the visual orbit     .       
                       with its low inclination could cause.                                   .       
                       This system has crude Delta m estimates from lunar occultation of       .       
                       about 1.3 magnitudes in both red and blue.                              Bvr1979b
                       Masses and bolometric magnitudes are derived for the two components     .       
                       of this system, based on assumed spectral types and available           .       
                       parallaxes.                                                             Msn1999a
                       See Baize & Petit (1989) catalog of doubles with variable component.    Baz1989d
                       Aa,Ab: Orbits of this system have been published by Heintz (1982)       Hei1982c
                       and later by Mason (1994, 1995); further analysis is in                 Msn1994 
                       progress.                                                               Msn1995b
                       Aa,Ab: Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and          .       
                       spectroscopic masses 6.20 +/- 0.56, 5.14, and 2.82 Msun, respectively.  Mlk2012 
           H 6  44     AB: H VI 44.                                                            .       
15123-5206 DUN 176     zet Lup. B is CD-51@8827.                                               .       
15125-3555 RSS 367     AB: A is possible astrometric and spectroscopic binary                  Tok2014d
           UC 2956     AC: CPM candidate confirmed physical by photometry (2MASS and V mags).  Tok2013c
15126+4544 MCT   8     GJ 3898. Estimated age 300-1000 Myr; masses 0.30 +/- 0.06 and 0.15 +/-  .       
                       0.03 Msun; a ~9.9 au.                                                   Jnn2014 
15127+1917 STF1919     LDS 973. STTA134.                                                       .       
                       NLTT 39601/39603                                                        Chm2004 
                       HJL 213.                                                                HJL1986 
                       H N  62.                                                                MEv2010 
15127-4758 CPO  64     B is CD-47@9781.                                                        .       
15128+2756 H 5 125     H V 125. STTA135. B is BD+28@2411.                                      .       
                       HJL 214.                                                                HJL1986 
                       SHY 668. Bayesian analysis by Shaya & Olling (2011) indicates very      Shy2011 
                       high (near 100%) probability pair is physical.                          .       
15129+3145 HJ  569     Erroneously designated as HJ  469 in BDS.                               Bu_1906 
15134+1959 COU  27     COU  27 and COU 102 are the same.                                       .       
15135-2519 23 Lib      Combined solution, based on reduction of Hipparcos intermediate         .       
                       astrometric data together with spectroscopic elements from Vogt et al.  CPS2000c
                       (2000).                                                                 HaI2001 
15135-7753 SWR 169     CPM pair                                                                Skf2004 
15136+3453 HO   60     Misidentified as HO 50 by Baize (1933) (erratum in Inf Circ 121, 1994)  Baz1993b
15138-0121 A   691     Close, rapidly moving, quadrant uncertain.                              .       
                       Proper motion of A -1266 -504.                                          .       
                       HIP 74537. See Allen et al. (2000) for information on metallicity,      AlC2000 
                       age, galactic orbital parameters, etc.                                  .       
15140+0651 HJ 1270     STF1922.                                                                .       
15140-4128 HJ 4748     B is CD-40@9410.                                                        .       
                       HIP 74549. See Allen et al. (2000) for information on metallicity,      AlC2000 
                       age, galactic orbital parameters, etc.                                  .       
15141+3147 STT 292     B is BD+32@2562.                                                        .       
15142-2559 SWR 170     CPM pair                                                                Skf2004 
15143-3613 GLP  10     B is CD-35@10137.                                                       .       
15143-4242 B  1273     CPD-42@6958.                                                            .       
15144+3301 OSO  62     G179-022. Not a common proper motion pair, based on comparison with     .       
                       POSS2 red plates.                                                       Oso2004 
15145-1826 SHJ 195     B is BD-17@4284.                                                        .       
                       H 5 131.                                                                MEv2010 
15148-0439 A    15     WHC 13.                                                                 .       
15152+0456 HDS2143     The composite spectrum of this pair is given in the SIMBAD database as  .       
                       a K0III, and we derive a magnitude difference of approximately 2.5,     .       
                       which is slightly higher at bluer wavelengths. This suggests that       .       
                       while the primary is evolved, the secondary is still near the main      .       
                       sequence, and so a study could be done along the lines of Davidson et   Hor2009b
                       al. (2009) to determine the age and individual masses of the two stars  .       
                       from the photometry through isochrone fitting. Also, the orbit we       .       
                       calculate has very high eccentricity, which helps explain why there     .       
                       were no successful observations of the pair in the late 1990s:          .       
                       periastron passage was in 1997, with predicted separation of 6 mas.     Hor2015b
15154-5544 HJ 4747     B is CPD-55@6450.                                                       .       
15155+3319 STFA 27     49 Boo = del Boo. STTA136. A is a spectroscopic binary.                 .       
                       Mk III Limb-darkened diameter  2.75  +/- 0.04  mas.                     MkT2001 
                       Mk III Limb-darkened diameter  2.764 +/- 0.030 mas.                     MkT2003 
                       NPOI Limb-darkened diameter    2.74  +/- 0.03  mas,                     NOI1999 
                       R = 10.5 +/- 0.2 \rsun.                                                 .       
                       NPOI Limb-darkened diameter    2.76  +/- 0.03  mas.                     NOI2001b
                       B is BD+33@2562.                                                        .       
                       HJL 216.                                                                HJL1986 
                       SHY 270. Bayesian analysis by Shaya & Olling (2011) indicates very      Shy2011 
                       high (near 100%) probability pair is physical.                          .       
                       H 6  16.                                                                MEv2010 
                       Toyota et al. (2009) monitored the RV of the A component every 1-2      .       
                       months between 2003 Mar - 2007 Nov, using a high-dispersion echelle     .       
                       (precision ~10 m/s). Standard deviation of radial velocities <40 m/s    .       
                       and velocities show no periodic variation. This result rejects the      .       
                       association of a planet of mass > 1.8 Mjup                              Toy2009 
15156+5527 WZ   13     STI 2320.                                                               .       
15157+3642 ALI 601     BRT2594.                                                                Brt1942 
15157-2736 BU  350     Ma,Mb = 1.98  +/- 0.11 , 1.39  +/- 0.01  \msun.                         GmJ2022 
15158+5056 STTA137     B is BD+51@1992.                                                        .       
15158-5701 HRG 108     Aka HDS2145.                                                            .       
15160+0048 AMM   6     V379 Ser, a BY Dra type variable star.                                  .       
15160-0454 STF3091     One component is probably variable; position angles have been           .       
                       reversed repeatedly.                                                    .       
                       See Baize & Petit (1989) catalog of doubles with variable component.    Baz1989d
                       AB: Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and             .       
                       spectroscopic masses 3.96 +/- 2.41, 2.43, and 1.10 Msun, respectively.  Mlk2012 
                       The former AB,C and AB,D are now 15177-0430HL 9003.                     Dam2014 
15169-6057 HDO 245     del Cir. A variable and spectroscopic binary.                           .       
                       Primary is eclipsing binary of Algol-type, period 3.90247d.             Zas2014 
                       This "field" object may belong to the "Pis 20" group of Mel'nik &       .       
                       Efremov (1995 SvAL 21, 10). The secondary classification is an          .       
                       estimate from Stickland et al. (1993).                                  Stc1993 
                       The Hipparcos Catalogue contains an eclipsing light curve.              HIP1997a
                       Classification of the B component of the optical pair is from Lindroos  Lnd1985 
                       (1985). Lindroos also finds a distance of 750 pc to this system.        Msn1998a
           SNA  39     Aab,c: The primary is del Cir, an ellipsoidal variable star. Penny et   .       
                       al. (2001) performed a tomographic decomposition and found del Cir to   Pny2001 
                       be a triple system, with an eclipsing inner Aa,Ab pair (3.9d, a sin i   .       
                       = 11.44 Rsun) and a RV-stable Ac component. Mayer et al. (2014)         MyP2014 
                       established the hierarchical nature of the system, obtaining a 1644d    .       
                       period for the outer system. PIONIER clearly resolved the outer system  .       
                       as a 3.78mas pair. We did not detect the dV=7.8 B companion of Mason    Msn1998a
                       et al. (1998), but it may be just below our detection limit.            Sna2014 
15171-5948 I  9003     Previously known as I  1074 1/2.                                        .       
15173+7113 H 5  86     H V 86.                                                                 .       
15175-5848 SML   1     bet Cir. Smith et al. (2015) find a distant common proper motion        .       
                       companion in the VISTA Variables in the Via Lactea survey. Spectral     .       
                       type of the companion (= VVV J151721.49-585131.5) is estimated at       .       
                       L1.0 +/- 0.5, mass at 0.056 +/- 0.007 Msun.                             SmL2015 
15177-0430 HL 9003     Formerly 15160-0454STF3091AB,C and AB,D.                                Dam2014 
15179-2323 I  1268     CD-22@10926.                                                            .       
15179-3029 HNK   3     Member of Sco-Cen Association. Primary mass 1.42 +0.04/-0.06 Msun;      .       
                       secondary mass estimated at 28 +37/-10 Mjup (for age 10 Myr), or        .       
                       65 +36/-25 Mjup (for age 20 Myr).                                       Hnk2015 
15179-7435 I   330     Composite-like spectrum: G8/K0(III)+A.                                  .       
15182+3139 U CrB       1983.3123: Lippincott's (1983) recent improved parallax of 0".0041      Lip1983b
                       practically rules out direct observation of the companion that is       .       
                       perturbing the orbital motion of this SB.                               Bag1984a
15183+2650 STF1932     There is evidence of light-variability in the system.                   .       
                       A subsystem of 30 to 50 yr period, formerly suspected from visual       .       
                       data, is not supported by the more recent observations.                 .       
                       See Baize & Petit (1989) catalog of doubles with variable component.    Baz1989d
                       Spectral types and masses of components assigned by ten Brummelaar et   TtB2000 
                       al., based on adaptive optics observations.                             .       
                       AB: Check astrometric orbit of Ba,Bb. Interferometric observations do   .       
                       not support 30-y or 50-y astrometric subsystem.                         Tok2014d
15183+1851 TOK 167     HIP 74888. The companion B is barely seen in the 30-s V-band image, it  .       
                       is physical. No references in SIMBAD.                                   Tok2011a
15184+2034 HR 5692     Combined solution of this red giant / white dwarf system, based on      .       
                       spectroscopy plus intermediate astrometric data from Hipparcos.         .       
                       Stefanik et al. (2011) derive a mass of 1.84 +/- 0.04 Msun for the red  Trr2011 
                       giant and 0.59 +/- 0.12 Msun for the WD (compared with 0.79 +/- 0.09    .       
                       Msun derived from IUE spectrum analysis). Effective temperatures are    .       
                       4960 +/- 100 and 30400 +/- 780 K.                                       .       
15185-4753 HJ 4753     mu Lup                                                                  .       
15187+1026 STF1931     C is slightly variable.                                                 .       
                       AB: HJL 218.                                                            HJL1986 
                       HIP 74930. B = HIP 74931.                                               Tok2011a
15187-0531 A    16AB,C Also known as PNC   1.                                                  Pnc2018 
15188-6030 I   370     This "field" object may belong to the "Pis 20" group of Mel'nik &       .       
           45 Cir      Efremov (1995 SvAL 21, 10). Classifications of the B and C components   .       
                       are from Lindroos (1985); the C component classification is             Lnd1985 
                       photometric.  Lindroos finds a distance of 1.0 kpc.                     Msn1998a
15189-6841 WFC 164     = gam TrA.                                                              .       
15190+2541 LDS6304     A is SB, no orbit.                                                      Tok2014d
15190+1537 BPMA 48     [PM2000] 1116755 + [PM2000] 1116759.                                    Gvr2010 
15192+1424 BPM 626     [PM2000] 1116852 + [PM2000] 1116817.                                    Gvr2010 
15193+0146 STF1930     5 Ser. AB: Mt. Wilson spectral types F5s, M0.                           Bu_1906 
                       CHARA Array Limb-darkened diameter  2.371 +/- 0.044 mas,                CIA2008c
                       R =  0.708 +/- 0.085 \rsun.                                             .       
                       CHARA Array Limb-darkened diameter of A :                               CIA2013c
                       R =  2.1427 +/- 0.0670 \rsun, L =   4.2283 +/-0.0624 \lsun,             .       
                       Teff = 5661 +/-  87 K, M = 1.217 \msun, Age = 5.3 Gyr.                  .       
                       CHARA Array Limb-darkened diameter 0.459 +/- 0.017 mas,                 CIA2014b
                       R =  0.8668 +/- 0.0324 \rsun, T = 5518 +/- 102 K,                       .       
                       L =   0.6256 +/- 0.0077 \lsun, M = 0.91 \msun.                          .       
                       AD: See BDS and ADS for rectangular measures.                           A__1932a
                       AB: H 3 106.                                                            MEv2010 
15194+4550 BU 1446     C component is galaxy NGC 5918.                                         .       
15194+4536 GIC 125     G179-026/G201-046.                                                      .       
15198-6630 KRV  52     Classical Cepheid R TrA.                                                .       
15199-7520 TOK 591     = NY Aps.                                                               .       
15200+3614 MUG  15     Primary is HAT-P-4. Spectral type of comoving secondary estimated as    .       
                       G2, confirmed by follow-up spectroscopy. Mass of secondary 1.08 Msun.   Mug2014 
15200-4423 BUG  12     Burgasser et al. used two epochs of 2MASS data, as well as data from    Bug2007 
                       SERC, ESO, AAO plates to derive proper motion, etc. Component J,H,Ks    .       
                       magnitudes are calculated from composite 2MASS photometry, plus images  .       
                       obtained at the IRTF. Spectral types are estimated at L1.4 and L4.5,    .       
                       distance  at 19 +/- 2 pc, and total mass 0.14-0.14 Msun.                .       
15201+2937 ENG  53     1 CrB = omi CrB                                                         .       
15202+7708 LDS1819     NLTT 40118/40114                                                        Chm2004 
15204+0015 GIC 126     LDS5836. G015-017/G015-018.                                             .       
                       HIP 75069. See Allen et al. (2000) for information on metallicity,      AlC2000 
                       age, galactic orbital parameters, etc.                                  .       
15206+5520 HJ 2779     STT 542.                                                                .       
15206+1523 HU 1160     A premature orbit has been computed.                                    .       
15208+3129 LEP  74     SHY 271. Bayesian analysis by Shaya & Olling (2011) indicates very      Shy2011 
                       high (near 100%) probability pair is physical.                          .       
                       B is AX CrB (BY-Dra type). Estimated period of AB is 12Myr. Too wide    .       
                       to be a binary?                                                         Tok2014d
15210+1721 BPM 627     AB: [PM2000] 1118031 + [PM2000] 1117980.                                Gvr2010 
           BPM 628     AC: [PM2000] 1118031 + [PM2000] 1117956.                                Gvr2010 
15210+0043 BU   32     6 Ser. Possibly variable.                                               Fat1941 
15210-1533 BU 1447     omi Lib = 29 Lib                                                        .       
15211+2534 GRV 903     SHY 272. Bayesian analysis by Shaya & Olling (2011) indicates very      Shy2011 
                       high (near 100%) probability pair is physical.                          .       
15212+2745 LDS4544     SLW1084.                                                                .       
15214+5312 GRV1209     SLW1085.                                                                .       
15218+1255 BPM 629     [PM2000] 1118561 + [PM2000] 1118459.                                    Gvr2010 
15218-0201 STF3092     HJL 219.                                                                HJL1986 
15218-1510 BU 1448     Based on MacEvoy's (2010) conclusion that BU 1448 and H 5 132 are the   MEv2010 
                       same pair, the 1783 measure of 15220-1505 H 5 132 was merged into this  .       
                       much more well-observed pair.                                           .       
15218-3616 SEE 229     phi 1 Lup                                                               .       
15219+2807 GIC 127     AB = G167-040/G167-039. The A component is Ross 1053.                   .       
15220-1505 H 5 132     H V 132. This is either BDS 7219 or 7223.                               .       
15222+4508 ES 2649     B is BD+45@2281.                                                        .       
                       HJL 220.                                                                HJL1986 
15226-4755 SLR  20     Motion retrograde.                                                      .       
15226-5910 COO 186     Optical pair, based on study of relative motion of the components       .       
                       using the method of apparent motion parameters.                         Kiy2008 
                       Rectilinear solution by Hurowitz et al. (2014).                         USN2014a
15227+1616 GWP2518     OU Ser.                                                                 .       
15227-4441 COP   2     eps Lup. A is a spectroscopic binary.                                   .       
15228+1016 BRT3378     Unnumbered pair, following BRT1282 in Barton's list.                    Brt1935a
15230-2326 DON 731     OL  188.                                                                .       
15232+3017 STF1937     eta CrB = 2 CrB.                                                        .       
                       See Baize & Petit (1989) catalog of doubles with variable component.    Baz1989d
                       Masses and bolometric magnitudes are derived for the two components of  .       
                       this system by Mason et al. (1999), based on assumed spectral types     Msn1999a
                       Spectral types and masses of components assigned by ten Brummelaar et   TtB2000 
                       al., based on adaptive optics observations.                             .       
                       and available parallaxes.                                               .       
                       Pourbaix gives combined solution for this resolved SB2, yielding        Pbx2000b
                       orbital parallaxes and component masses.                                .       
                       Combined spectroscopic/astrometric solution of SB2. Calculated masses   .       
                       1.243 +/- 0.054 and 1.100 +/- 0.039 Msun, distance 18.50 +/- 0.22 pc.   Mut2010b
                       AB: H 1  16.                                                            MEv2010 
                       AB: Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and             .       
                       spectroscopic masses 2.11 +/- 0.09, 2.24, and 2.14 Msun, respectively.  Mlk2012 
                       AB: SB2, P=41.628y                                                      Tok2014d
           KIR   4     AE. Data from 2MASS. Kirkpatrick et al. (2001) derive spectral types    Kir2001a
                       G1V+G3V and L8V, determine is a physical pair, separation ~3600 au.     .       
                       Find that WDS C and D components of system are not physical.            .       
           STF1937     AB,C: Rectilinear solution by Hurowitz et al. (2014).                   USN2014a
15232-0246 BAL 237     RST 4539.                                                               .       
15232-2601 HLD  24     SWR 173. CPM pair                                                       Skf2004 
15232-4445 RIZ  14     phi 2 Lup.                                                              .       
15233+3619 A  1367     AB,C: Wide companion appears to be plate flaw or reduction error in     .       
                       Astrographic Catalog.                                                   .       
15234-5919 HJ 4757     gam Cir. A premature orbit has been computed.                           .       
15236+4021 LDS4547     Typographical error of 3deg in WDS designation. BVD 239.                .       
15239+5610 VVO  14     A probable wide companion to this star at approximately 68" separation  .       
                       is noted in the WDS.                                                    Jnn2012 
15241-3302 HJ 4765     B is probably a Mira-type variable, GN Lup.                             .       
15241-7513 HJ 4751     SWR 172.                                                                .       
15242-1019 eps Lib     Hipparcos astrometric solution adopted some elements from the orbit of  HIP1997d
                       Jones (1931).                                                           JoR1931 
15243+6033 GC 20737    Hipparcos astrometric solution assumed circular orbit (e = omega = 0)   HIP1997d
                       Spectroscopic solution to these astrometric pairs given by Griffin      Grf2013a
                       (2013). Periods match "tolerably well," other common elements less so.  .       
15245+3723 CHR 181     Aa,Ab: mu 1 Boo = 51 Boo A = Alkalurops. SB, P=298.75d.                 .       
                       More speckle observations are needed to confirm preliminary orbit.      .       
                       Aa,Ab: Calculated mass sum is 3.24 +/- 0.23 Msun. Absorption lines too  .       
                       broad and blended for RV measurements.                                  Mut2010b
                       Aa,Ab: Orbital elements provided in Guerrero et al. (2021) match        Gur2021 
                       measures and previous orbits of STF1938Ba,Bb. The orbit is therefore    .       
                       attributed to STF1938Ba,Bb in ORB6.                                     .       
           STF1938     Ba,Bb: mu 2 Boo = 51 Boo B.                                             .       
                       See Baize & Petit (1989) catalog of doubles with variable component.    Baz1989d
           STFA 28     AB: HJL 221.                                                            HJL1986 
                       AB: H 6  17.  STF1938Ba,Bb: H 1  17.                                    MEv2010 
                       AB: SHY 275. Bayesian analysis by Shaya & Olling (2011) indicates very  .       
                       high (near 100%) probability pair is physical.                          Shy2011 
                       AB: Kiyaeva et al. (2014) find probably significant differences in the  .       
                       elemental abundances of the Aa,Ab and Ba,Bb subsystems, and suggest     .       
                       this quadruple is instead a close passage of two separate binaries.     Kiy2014 
15248-3943 RST1839     ups Lup                                                                 .       
15249+5858 BUP 162     iot Dra = 12 Dra = Edasich. B is BD+59@1655.                            .       
15249+1359 HJ  252     AB = LDS 975.                                                           .       
                       AC: Rectilinear solution by Hurowitz et al. (2014).                     USN2014a
15250-1837 HJ 1271     BDS 7250, HJ 4768 same star.                                            .       
15252-4713 RST 766     CPD-46@7410.                                                            .       
15253-3844 DUN 183     k Lup.                                                                  .       
15255+4557 GC 20750    Hipparcos astrometric solution assumed circular orbit (e = omega = 0)   HIP1997d
15263-4252 DUN 184     B is CD-42@10392.                                                       .       
                       The AC component is an error as per communication with the author and   Ary2011 
                       has been removed.                                                       .       
                       Identified as optical and linear solution also published.               LRR2022c
15265+4351 BU 1449     B is BD+44@2468.                                                        .       
15266-1706 HU  309     Spectrum: F3/5III/IV.                                                   .       
15266-3713 HRG 118     Aka TDS9516.                                                            .       
15267-5254 B  2354     Not found by Heintz at IDS position.                                    Hei1987a
15269+4610 KU   50     The pair L 13 formerly listed at 15280+4612 is identical                Hei1980a
15270+4128 SKF1924     BC: Originally 15273+4130 SKF1924, but primary is B component of        .       
                       15270+4128 LDS4554.                                                     .       
15273+1738 A  2074     Only elements P and T have been amended by Starikova (1980) from the    Sta1980b
                       orbit of Baize (1976).                                                  Baz1976 
15273+0942 A  1120     Only elements P, T, and a have been amended by Starikova (1978) from    Sta1978c
                       the orbit of Muller (1955).                                             Mlr1955a
                       Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and spectroscopic   .       
                       masses of 1.69 +/- 1.01, 2.56, and 1.05 Msun, respectively.             Mlk2012 
15277+4253 KU  108     LDS5837.                                                                .       
                       NLTT 40312/40309                                                        Chm2004 
                       HJL 223.                                                                HJL1986 
                       AB: A is SB1, P=16.55y.  B is SB1, P=17.430d                            Tok2014d
15278+2906 JEF   1     bet CrB = 3 CrB = Nusakan. A spectroscopic binary resolved visually,    .       
                       and avariable of Alpha CVn-type.                                        .       
                       1973.22, 1973.45: See discussion and orbital elements by Labeyrie et    .       
                       al. (1974).                                                             Lab1974 
                       1975.383, 1975.455: The observations presented here are of poor         .       
                       quality but the results are consistent with those of Labeyrie et al.    .       
                       and McAlister.                                                          BLM1978 
                       1980.4682: See preliminary elements and discussion in Balega et al.     .       
                       (1984).                                                                 Bag1984b
                       1983.3206: A peculiar SB with a 10.5-year period.                       Bag1984a
                       1984.1867 and other observations through 1985.2440: The speckle         .       
                       interferometric observations are in good agreement with both Balega et  Bag1984b
                       al. (1984) and Tokovinin (1984) orbits; radial velocity measurements    Tok1984 
                       are strongly needed to improve the spectroscopic orbit of this system.  Bnu1986 
                       Measure of 1988.256 made by MAPPIT.                                     Naj1989 
                       The speckle observations and derived masses leave no room for a         .       
                       conjectured third component, cf. Kamper et al. (1990).                  Kpr1990 
                       Hipparcos astrometric solution adopted some elements from the orbit of  HIP1997d
                       Kamper et al. (1990).                                                   .       
                       Based on combined observations from VLT/Naco and CHARA/FLOUR, Bruntt    .       
                       et al. (2010) derive the following parameters for the components of     Bnt2010 
                       bet CrB: radii 2.63 +/- 0.09 and 1.56 +/- 0.07 Rsun, spectral types A5  .       
                       and F2, luminosities 25.2 +/- 2.9 and 4.5 +/- 0.05 Lsun, Teff 7980 +/-  .       
                       180 and 6750 +/- 230K, masses 2.09 +/- 0.15 and 1.40 +/- 0.10 Msun.     .       
                       The age of the systems is estimated at 0.53 +/- 0.10 Gyr.               .       
                       Combined spectroscopic/astrometric solution of SB1. Radial velocities   .       
                       span nearly a century. Calculated masses 1.71 +/- 0.18 and 1.330 +/-    .       
                       0.074 Msun.                                                             Mut2010b
                       Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and spectroscopic   .       
                       masses of 3.08 +/- 0.24, 4.09, and 3.17 Msun, respectively.             Mlk2012 
15280+1442 STF1945     BC: HJL 222.                                                            HJL1986 
15282+0251 A  2175     Couteau assumption of a double occultation in 1936, giving a period     Cou1957b
                       of 34yr, is probably no longer tenable.                                 Fin1970b
                       Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and spectroscopic   .       
                       masses of 6.02 +/- 6.17, 3.77, and 1.82 Msun, respectively.             Mlk2012 
15282-0921 SHJ 202     LDS 531. BDS 7220, H V 27 same star. The primary is a spectroscopic     .       
                       binary of very high eccentricity, P = 889.6d.                           .       
                       AB: SHY  76. Bayesian analysis by Shaya & Olling (2011) indicates very  Shy2011 
                       high (near 100%) probability pair is physical.                          .       
                       C is BD-08@3984, and is optical. A 15.35mag. star at 20' shares common  .       
                       proper motion.                                                          .       
                       AB: H 5  27.                                                            MEv2010 
15282-3722 RST3920     The primary is the variable GO Lupi.                                    .       
15282-3411 SEE 235     Spectrum: G8/K0III/IV. Aka B  2785.                                     .       
15283-1643 OCC 953     = zet 1 Lib = 32 Lib.                                                   .       
15289+5727 GIC 128     LDS2722. D component = G224-069. Giclas says B component is not         .       
                       physical but D is CPM companion.                                        .       
           BU  945     AB: Optical pair, based on study of relative motion of the components   .       
                       using the method of apparent motion parameters.                         Kiy2008 
                       AD: NLTT 40385/40401                                                    Chm2004 
15289-3747 SWR 174     CPM pair                                                                Skf2004 
15290-2852 HJ 4774     HIP 75790.                                                              Tok2011a
15292+8027 STF1972     LDS1823. A is a spectroscopic binary. Composite spectrum:               .       
                       G0IV-V+G8IV-V. B is BD+80@481, and is also a spectroscopic binary.      .       
                       AB: NLTT 40576/40590                                                    Chm2004 
                       AB: HJL 224.                                                            HJL1986 
                       AB: H 4  90.                                                            MEv2010 
15292-3249 JSP 659     BRT1694.                                                                Brt1936a
15294+6712 STF1958     B is BD+67@899.                                                         .       
15294+1722 BPM 630     [PM2000] 1123830 + [PM2000] 1123850.                                    Gvr2010 
15294-2851 DAW 143     Includes IR Lib, a W UMa type eclipsing binary, P = 0.27437d.           Zas2012 
15295+0609 OSO  63     G015-023. Not a common proper motion pair, based on comparison with     .       
                       POSS2 red plates.                                                       Oso2004 
15296-1726 UC 3014     = 33 Lib = GZ Lib.                                                      .       
15297+4252 JNN 278     LHS 3075. Estimated age 1000-10000 Myr; masses 0.24 +/- 0.07 and 0.14   .       
                       +/- 0.04 Msun; a ~11.2 au.                                              Jnn2014 
15299+0552 GAU  14     Observed for HJ 2782, but evidently a different pair.                   .       
15299-6729 RSS  26     This previously uncataloged double star was a Hipparcos double entry    .       
                       system.  The first measure is determined from the individual positions  .       
                       listed by Rousseau et al.                                               Rss1996 
15301-0750 G152-031    Astrometric orbit by Harrington & Dahn (1988), but the true relative    Hrr1988 
                       semimajor axis of 0".071 is calculated. Aka GIC 129.                    .       
15303+2739 STF1951     HO  394.                                                                .       
15304+3935 LAW  23     AB: SLW1101.                                                            .       
15304-3352 SWR 175     CPM pair                                                                Skf2004 
15307+3810 HU 1163     Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and spectroscopic   .       
                       masses of 7.08 +/- 5.05, 3.33, and 0.95 Msun, respectively.             Mlk2012 
15307+0824 OSO  64     G015-024. Not a common proper motion pair                               Oso2004 
15307-5246 RSS  27     This previously uncataloged double star was a Hipparcos double entry    .       
                       system.  The first measure is determined from the individual positions  .       
                       listed by Rousseau et al.                                               Rss1996 
15308-6536 KRV  53     Classical Cepheid LR TrA.                                               .       
15309+5609 WNO  23     aka USN   1.                                                            .       
15309+1621 BPM 631     [PM2000] 1124936 + [PM2000] 1124883.                                    Gvr2010 
15312-1852 HO  393     Burnham connects A with BD+18@4083.                                     .       
15313-1259 DOO  59     AE: Fox in 1926 and van den Bos  in 1959 reverse the                    Fox1946 
                       quadrant.                                                               B__1961a
           BU   34     CD: Also known as AOT  62.                                              .       
15314+3637 HR 5769     Orbit determined by fitting revised Hipparcos intermediate astrometric  .       
                       data. Derived component masses 0.91 +/- 0.11 and 0.69 +/- 0.08 Msun.    Ren2010 
15314+1900 JNN 104     LP 442-66.                                                              .       
15315-7323 HJ 4764     kap 1 Aps. A is variable.                                               .       
15317+3903 KZA  96     15' error in WDS designation                                            .       
15317+0053 GC 20867    Hipparcos astrometric solution assumed circular orbit (e = omega = 0)   HIP1997d
                       Spectroscopic solution to these astrometric pairs given by Griffin      Grf2013a
                       (2013). Periods match "tolerably well," other common elements less so.  .       
15317-2010 S   672     A is a spectroscopic binary.                                            .       
15318+4704 GIC 130     LDS5840. G201-051/G201-050. A component is the variable star FN Boo.    .       
                       NLTT 40502/40494                                                        Chm2004 
15318+4054 A  1634     nu 2 Boo = 53 Boo. An example of adequate resolution provided only by   .       
                       speckle.                                                                .       
                       1921.400: This observation is highly uncertain.                         Mrr1922 
                       Omega for Baize (1985) solution corrected from 47.5 to 227.5            Baz1985b
                       degrees.                                                                Ruy1995 
                       1985.2002, 1985.2494: These two measurements are not precise because    .       
                       this interferometric binary is only marginally resolved with a 2-m      .       
                       telescope.  Estimates of rho and theta are deduced from the elongation  .       
                       of the central peak in the autocorrelation.                             Bnu1986 
                       AB: Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and             .       
                       spectroscopic masses 4.82 +/- 1.34, 6.07, and 1.82 Msun, respectively.  Mlk2012 
15318-0204 SHY 677     HIP  76046 + HIP  75923.                                                .       
15319+0940 SHY 679     AD: HIP  76051 + HIP  76700.                                            .       
15320+1322 LDS4557     NLTT 40483/40484                                                        Chm2004 
15320-1123 OSO  65     G152-035. Not a common proper motion pair                               Oso2004 
15325+0835 STTA140     B is BD+09@3061.                                                        .       
15325-5252 HJ 4778     B is CPD-52@8474.                                                       .       
                       V392 Nor, Algol-type eclipsing binary, P = 1.298207 d.                  Zas2011 
15325-7731 HJ 4760     Spectral types: B7(III)+B/A. B is CPD-77@1124.                          .       
15326+0832 GIC 131     G137-018/G137-017.                                                      .       
15328+1945 HU  577     Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and spectroscopic   .       
                       masses of 1.25 +/- 0.49, 2.40, and 1.20 Msun, respectively.             Mlk2012 
15329+3122 COU 610     the CrB = 4 CrB. Variable.                                              .       
15330-0111 SHY 678     HIP  76133 + HIP  77728. Primary is 11 Ser.                             .       
15331-5812 DUN 186     B is CPD-57@7083.                                                       .       
15332-2429 LAL 123     AB: S 673.                                                              .       
           CHR 232     Aa,Ab: Gomez et al. (2016) derive dynamical parallax and  component.            
                       masses: 10.01 +/- 0.15 mas, 1.741 +/- 0.012 Msun, 1.200 +/- 0.008 Msun  Doc2016i
15336-4732 DUN 187     CPD. B is CPD-47@7206.                                                  .       
15337+1223 BPM 632     [PM2000] 1127072 + [PM2000] 1126956.                                    Gvr2010 
15339+6354 STT 299     A is the Algol-type system TW Dra.                                      .       
15339-1700 HDS2185     Hipparcos parallax 25.85 +/- 0.94 mas. Dynamical parallax 29.9 mas,     .       
                       masses 0.90 and 0.72 Msun. HDS 2185 has its first 60 yr orbit           .       
                       determined here, with nearly half of it covered. The orbit is still     .       
                       preliminary. The speckle measure on 2001.56 was given a lower weight.   Tok2012b
15340+2057 LDS 976     NLTT 40568/40569                                                        Chm2004 
15340-2907 SWR 177     CPM pair                                                                Skf2004 
15342-1004 KPP3048     37 Lib.                                                                 .       
15343+1616 LIM   7     Liu et al. (2006) derive a mass ratio 0.80 +/- 0.05 and luminosity      .       
                       ratio 0.3 +/- 0.1 dex. Estimated distance is 36 pc, orbital period      .       
                       22-33y. Total mass (for ages 0.5, 1.0, and 5.0 Gyr) estimated at 60,    .       
                       85, and 145 Mjup, respectively. Spectral types are estimated as         .       
                       T1.5 +/- 0.5 and T5.5 +/- 0.5.                                          LiM2006 
15346+4454 HJ 2788     B is BD+45@2304.                                                        .       
15347+2655 COU 798     BG CrB.                                                                 .       
                       Docobo et al. (2010) derive a dynamic parallax of 6.51 +/- 0.40  mas    Doc2010h
                       and a total mass of 2.63 +/- 0.50 Msun.                                 .       
15347+2643 alp CrB     = Alphecca. Hipparcos astrometric solution adopted some elements from   HIP1997d
                       the orbit of Tomkin & Popper (1986).                                    Tom1986 
15348+2500 STT 297     Optical pair; apparent movement of companion 15"/century along          .       
                       position angle 333deg. Minimum separation of 0.8" in 1933.              Cou1958a
15348+1032 STF1954     del Ser = 13 Ser. A premature orbit has been computed.                  Fat1941 
                       The primary is a Delta Scuti-type variable.                             .       
                       Measure of 1927.40 made by triangulation of multiple measures.          Sha1929 
                       See Baize & Petit (1989) catalog of doubles with variable component.    Baz1989d
                       A very faint pair CD (mag. about 14 estimated by Burnham, 4") is 65"    .       
                       distant and may be physical.                                            .       
                       1995.556: Absolute quadrant determined by triple-correlation technique  Pru2002b
                       AB: H 1  42.                                                            MEv2010 
15348-2952 BUG   3     Liu et al (2008) estimate spectral types T5.0 +/- 0.5 and T5.5 +/- 0.5  LiM2008 
                       and effective temperatures 1028 +/- 17 and 978 +/- 17K. Orbital         .       
                       elements, determined using a Markov Monte Carlo technique, yield        .       
                       masses 0.0287 +/- 0.0016 and 0.0269 +/- 0.0016 Msun. Age of the system  .       
                       is estimated at 0.78 +/- 0.09 Gyr.                                      .       
                       Assuming a parallactic distance of 13.59 +/- 0.22 pc                    .       
                       (Tinney et al. 2003), Konopacky et al. (2010) derive a system mass of   Bug2003b
                       0.060 +/- 0.004 Msun.                                                   Kon2010 
15351+0045 HDS2189     OZ Ser.                                                                 .       
15351-4110 HJ 4786     gam Lup. Variable RV.                                                   .       
                       Heintz (1956) reports that this orbit is not well known.                Hei1956b
                       1976.471: Heintz (1956) reports that this orbit is not                  Hei1956b
                       well known.                                                             BLM1978 
                       Magnitudes changed to Hipparcos V magnitude on recommendation of Ross   Fab2000a
                       Gould.                                                                  Glr2022 
15354+1743 LDS 977     Ross 513.                                                               .       
                       NLTT 40631/40630                                                        Chm2004 
15355-1447 WRH  20     Aa,Ab: Uncertain duplicity.                                             .       
                       Aa,Ab Abnormal occultation reported in U.O.C. #95.                      WRH1941b
           GOL   1     AB: gam Lib = 38 Lib = Zubenelhakrabi                                   .       
15356-7454 HJ 4770     SWR 176.                                                                .       
15357-8012 HJ 4759     B is CPD-79@845.                                                        .       
                       Optical pair, based on study of relative motion of the components       .       
                       using the method of apparent motion parameters.                         Kiy2008 
15359+5111 GIC 132     G201-057/G201-056.                                                      .       
15359-4457 HJ 4788     A is a spectroscopic binary.                                            .       
15360+5438 CHR  47     Hipparcos Acceleration Double Solution.                                 .       
                       This system, first announced by McAlister and recalled in a later       McA1984b
                       McAlister paper after repeated attempts at confirmation, has been       McA1993 
                       restored. While perhaps still spurious, the subsequent confirmation or  .       
                       suspected duplicity (by another technique) makes the discovery          .       
                       measurement somewhat more probable.                                     .       
15360+3948 STT 298     AB: LDS 978.                                                            .       
                       AB: Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and             .       
                       spectroscopic masses 1.80 +/- 0.97, 1.76, and 0.79 Msun, respectively.  Mlk2012 
                       AB,C: HJL 225.                                                          HJL1986 
                       AB,C: SHY  77. Bayesian analysis by Shaya & Olling (2011) indicates     Shy2011 
                       very high (near 100%) probability pair is physical.                     .       
                       AB,D: D component is galaxy and possible quasar NGC 5966.               .       
                       AB,E: Additional notes may be found in Simonov (1937).                  Smw1937 
15360-4930 RST 780     A is the Mira-type variable R Nor.                                      .       
15360-5051 B  2359     CPD-50@8274.                                                            .       
15362-0623 TOK 301     HIP 76400 is identified by the GCS as an SB2 with a mass ratio q=0.93,  .       
                       but there is no spectroscopic orbit available. We resolved the 0".19    .       
                       pair with dI=3.9, indicating a mass ratio of ~0.5 and an orbital        .       
                       period of ~30yr. Very likely the resolved binary does not match the     .       
                       spectroscopic double-lined system. Considering the CPM component B at   .       
                       80" (Tokovinin & Lepine 2012), this system could be a quadruple with a  Tok2012c
                       3-tier "3+1" hierarchy.                                                 Tok2015c
                       Aa1,Aa2 has a period of 368d.                                           Tok2022e
15365+1607 UC 3033     18 Ser = Tau05 Ser.                                                     .       
15366+0915 STF1960     HJL 226.                                                                HJL1986 
15367-4208 HDS2196     AB, etc: HIP 76435 is a G5V star from the FG-67 sample. Its companion   .       
                       C (AC = FAL 78) at 13".5 is physical, while the Hipparcos companion B   .       
                       at 4".3 is not seen in the 2MASS images and has not been confirmed      .       
                       otherwise. We targeted C and resolved it into a close binary.           .       
                       Estimated masses of Ca and Cb are 0.70 and 0.66 Msun, period ~4yr.      Tok2015c
           HRG 119     AC: Aka FAL  78.                                                        .       
           SHY 277     AD: HIP  76435 + HIP  76650.                                            .       
15367-6619 DUN 188     eps TrA. B is CPD-65@3101.                                              .       
                       Optical pair, based on study of relative motion of the components       .       
                       using the method of apparent motion parameters.                         Kiy2008 
15368+3735 LDS4572     BK CrB.                                                                 .       
                       NLTT 40716/40719                                                        Chm2004 
15370+6426 HU 1168     Only elements P and T have been amended by Starikova (1980) from the    Sta1980a
                       orbit of Heintz (1976).                                                 Hei1976 
                       See Baize & Petit (1989) catalog of doubles with variable component.    Baz1989d
                       Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and spectroscopic   .       
                       masses of 1.17 +/- 0.58, 1.81, and 0.95 Msun, respectively.             Mlk2012 
15370-0041 HJ 1276     H 2  23.                                                                MEv2010 
15370-2808 I  1271     ups Lib = 39 Lib                                                        .       
15371+3748 JNN 105     = BL CrB. The star displays photometric variability at a 1.2 day period .       
                       (Norton et al. 2007 A&A 467, 785).                                      Jnn2012 
15371+2646 GII  40     AC: GII  84AC.                                                          .       
15372-2339 SEE 241     B 296. Misidentified by See.                                            See1898b
15374+1731 BPM 633     [PM2000] 1129829 + [PM2000] 1129734.                                    Gvr2010 
15375+1258 BPM 634     [PM2000] 1129908 + [PM2000] 1129894.                                    Gvr2010 
15378+0017 LDS4575     SLW1119.                                                                .       
15379+3006 STF1963     Mt. Wilson spectral types F5s and G1.                                   Fat1941 
                       AB: H 1  18.                                                            MEv2010 
15381+2929 RAO 506     RT CrB.                                                                 .       
15381-4234 HDO 250     ome Lup. Variable velocity.                                             .       
15382+3615 HU 1167AB   Masses and effective temperatures are determined for these four         .       
           STF1964CD   components of ADS 9731, based on dynamical parallax (assuming both      .       
                       pairs are at the same distance) and derived blackbody curves.           Dru1995 
                       AC: HJL 227.                                                            HJL1986 
                       AC: H 4  61.                                                            MEv2010 
15382-4133 HRG 120     Aka SKF1017.                                                            .       
15383-1734 TOK 168     HIP 76572.                                                              Tok2011a
15383-2901 SWR 179     CPM pair                                                                Skf2004 
15385-7055 MLO  67     SWR 178.                                                                .       
15386+3826 ALI 862     A likely plate flaw.                                                    Grv2021b
15387-0847 STF1962     178 Lib.  A is a spectroscopic binary. B is BD-08@4031.                 .       
                       HIP 76603. B = HIP 76602.                                               Tok2011a
                       H N  33.                                                                MEv2010 
                       Toyota et al. (2009) monitored the RV of both the A and B components    .       
                       every 1-2 months between 2003 Mar - 2007 Nov, using a high-dispersion   .       
                       echelle (precision ~10 m/s). The A component is a known SB1 (Tokovinin  .       
                       & Gornya 2001; P=844.74d). Toyota et al. derive orbital elements in     Tok2001 
                       reasonable agreement with the earlier solution. The standard deviation  .       
                       of radial velocities for the B component <40 m/s and velocities show    .       
                       no periodic variation. This result rejects the association of a planet  .       
                       of mass > 1.8 Mjup with this star.                                      Toy2009 
15287-2947 RIZ  16     = tau Lib = 40 Lib.                                                     .       
15387-7311 B  2787     Also known as R   261.                                                  .       
15389+5728 STTA141     AB: B is BD+57@1599.                                                    .       
15390-5742 NLS   2     Aa,Ab: The bet Pic moving group member V343 Nor was resolved by the     .       
                       Gemini Planet Imager into a close pair. Additional archival NaCo data   .       
                       and radial velocity measures allowed Nielsen et al. (2016) to derive a  .       
                       combined astrometric/spectoscopic orbit. Component masses are           .       
                       1.10 +/- 0.10 and 0.290 +/- 0.018 Msun.                                 Nls2016 
15390+2545 COU 612     Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and spectroscopic   .       
                       masses of 2.82 +/- 1.14, 2.51, and 0.95 Msun, respectively.             Mlk2012 
15391+1452 BPM 635     [PM2000] 1131197 + [PM2000] 1131292.                                    Gvr2010 
15394+3638 STF1965     A: zet 2 CrB = 7 CrB A. A is a spectroscopic triple, with periods of    .       
                       1.72 and 251d (Gordon & Mullis 1997 PASP 109, 221)                      .       
                       H 2   8.                                                                MEv2010 
                       B: zet 1 CrB = 7 CrB B. Shares common proper motion with A.             .       
15396+7959 STF1989     pi UMi.                                                                 Bu_1894 
                       Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and spectroscopic   .       
                       masses of 5.87 +/- 3.45, 3.45, and 1.35 Msun, respectively.             Mlk2012 
15398-3001 BRT3023     Not found by Heintz at IDS position.                                    Hei1990b
                       A likely plate flaw.                                                    Grv2021b
15399-1946 BU  122     HDO 140                                                                 .       
15400+4330 VBS  25     NLTT 40867/40868. Aka LDS5842.                                          Chm2004 
15402+1203 STT 300     A is a spectroscopic binary, spectrum G7.5IIIaCN-Fe0.5.                 .       
15402-5655 GC 21035    Hipparcos astrometric solution assumed circular orbit (e = omega = 0)   HIP1997d
15403+4351 GC 21088    Hipparcos astrometric solution assumed circular orbit (e = omega = 0)   HIP1997d
15404-5056 BRT 861     A likely plate flaw.                                                    Grv2021b
15404-7327 HDO 249     kap 2 Aps                                                               .       
15408+3853 LDS4582     NLTT 40899/40897                                                        Chm2004 
15408-3252 SHY 278     HIP  76793 + HIP  75753.                                                .       
15409+5253 FAR  17     SKF  47. Secondary is white dwarf PG 1539+530.                          Far2005b
15410-1449 HWE  37     See's 1898 measure is perhaps of ADS 9773, with a 10deg error in his    .       
                       angle.                                                                  B__1951a
                       P of AB estimated at 32 kyr. B is a spectroscopic binary with P ~ 209d. Tok2022e
15413+0350 BAL2870     Aka HDS2214.                                                            Skf2013 
                       Rectilinear solution by Hurowitz et al. (2014).                         USN2014a
15414+1350 WNO  10     LDS5843.                                                                .       
                       NLTT 40901/40902                                                        Chm2004 
15414-2910 RST1855     CPD-28@5170.                                                            .       
15415+3225 LDS4584     NLTT 40932/40930                                                        Chm2004 
15416+1940 HU  580     iot Ser = 21 Ser.                                                       .       
                       The centers of the broad, blended spectral lines of the visual pair     .       
                       show a fast variation (range about 65 km/s), and a weak redshifted      .       
                       component has been seen occasionally. The system is thus  triple.       .       
                       1973.22, 1973.45: These measurements agree with the published           B__1967b
                       orbit of van den Bos (1967)                                             Lab1974 
                       1986.388: Separation for this partially resolved pair was calculated    .       
                       under the assumption of zero or otherwise known magnitude difference.   .       
                       It is now possible to make the final choice between two orbits of van   .       
                       den Bos (1964) in favor of the circular orbit and to perform small but  B__1964b
                       necessary corrections to the orbit.                                     Tok1985 
                       AB: Martin et al. (1998) derive component masses 1.999 +/- 0.346 and    .       
                       1.984 +/- 0.344 Msun.                                                   Mig1998 
                       Calculated mass sum is 3.73 +/- 0.53 Msun, a bit low for a pair of      .       
                       early A stars.                                                          Mut2010b
15418-4225 CPO 440     B is CD-42@10665.                                                       .       
15419-1941 ENG  54     43 Lib = kap Lib. A has variable velocity. B is BD-19@4187.             .       
15419-3009 ARG  28     B is CD-29@11878.                                                       .       
15420+1118 BPM 636     [PM2000] 1133488 + [PM2000] 1133476.                                    Gvr2010 
15420+0027 A  2176     One component is SB1, P = 10.9 d. Only elements P, T, and a have been   Sta1978c
                       amended by Starikova (1978) from the orbit of Couteau (1960).           Cou1960c
                       1986.395: Separation for this partially resolved pair was calculated    .       
                       under the assumption of zero or otherwise known magnitude difference.   Tok1985 
15420-1108 STF1966     Apparently has wrong Hipparcos parallax, affected by both components.   Tok2014d
15421-6731 DON1114     CD-67@1794.                                                             .       
15423-5519 KRV  45     Classical Cepheid U Nor.                                                .       
15425-2030 ARA1111     A likely plate flaw.                                                    Grv2021a
15427+2618 STF1967     gam CrB = 8 CrB. A is a Delta Scuti-type variable.  The RV does not     .       
                       show a variation. A few discordant measurements seem to have been       .       
                       caused by scatter from the poor lines, and the double lines reported    .       
                       from three old Yerkes plates were also found probably spurious on       .       
                       remeasurement. See Baize & Petit catalog of doubles with variable       Baz1989d
                       component. Measure of 1989.388 made by MAPPIT. This measure had an      Han1989 
                       identification error, position error, or misprint in publication, which .       
                       has been corrected.                                                     .       
                       Spectral types and masses of components assigned by ten Brummelaar et   .       
                       al., based on adaptive optics observations.                             TtB2000 
                       Calculated mass sum is 3.73 +/- 0.37 Msun, a bit low for a pair of      .       
                       early A stars.                                                          Mut2010b
                       Additional notes may be found in Duner (1876).                          Du_1876 
                       Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and spectroscopic   .       
                       masses of 4.18 +/- 0.30, 4.34, and 4.57 Msun, respectively.             Mlk2012 
15427-3443 ISO   1     psi 2 Lup = 4 Lup. The pair is also a double-lined spectroscopic        .       
                       binary, P = 12.26d.                                                     .       
15428-1601 BU   35     AB: A=SB?  No SB orbit for Aa,Ab. Assume not SB, small RV variation.    Tok2014d
15430+2617 FLA   2     Also known as LDS4588.                                                  .       
15430-5807 DUN 190     Spectrum of B: B8/A0(III).                                              .       
15432+1340 BU  619     One component is a spectroscopic binary.                                .       
                       Rectilinear solution by Zirm & Rica (2014).                             Zir2014b
15433+4024 BVD 244     Aka CBL 494.                                                            .       
15435+1505 BPM 637     [PM2000] 1134776 + [PM2000] 1134682.                                    Gvr2010 
15435-5151 HJ 4794     B is CD-51@9412. Noted by Alden as an 8.58-day eclipsing binary.        Ald1935 
                       B is the Algol-type system HH Nor.                                      .       
15439+1700 BPM 638     [PM2000] 1135094 + [PM2000] 1135040.                                    Gvr2010 
15440+2220 COU 106     PS Ser, Algol-type eclipsing binary, P = 15.8861 d.                     Zas2011 
15440+0231 A  2230     A: 23 Ser = psi Ser. C is BD+02@2988. E is BD+02@2987.                  .       
                       CHARA Array Limb-darkened diameter of A :                               CIA2013c
                       R =  0.9410 +/- 0.0254 \rsun, L =   0.8340 +/-0.0201 \lsun,             .       
                       Teff = 5692 +/-  74 K, M = 1.014 \msun, Age = 2.1 Gyr.                  .       
15440-3906 SHY 684     AC: HIP  77051 + HIP  77015.                                            .       
           SHY 682     CD: HIP  77015 + HIP  76875.                                            .       
15441-3311 BRR  12     AB: KOH  47AB.                                                          .       
15442-5013 HJ 4797     Hipparcos acceleration double solution.                                 .       
15443+0626 HJ 1277     alp Ser = 24 Ser = Unukalhai. Variable?                                 .       
                       AB: Optical pair, based on study of relative motion of the components   .       
                       using the method of apparent motion parameters.                         Kiy2008 
15444+4223 GIC 134     G179-050/G179-049.                                                      .       
15445+4256 GIC 135     G179-051/G179-052.                                                      .       
                       NLTT 41108/41109                                                        Chm2004 
15447+1716 CHR  49     26 Ser = tau 8 Ser. A spectroscopic binary.                             .       
                       This system, first announced by McAlister and recalled in a later       McA1984b
                       McAlister paper after repeated attempts at confirmation, has been       McA1993 
                       restored. While perhaps still spurious, the subsequent confirmation or  .       
                       suspected duplicity (by another technique) makes the discovery          .       
                       measurement somewhat more probable.                                     .       
15451-2739 LDS4589     Primary is white dwarf WD 1542-275.                                     Far2005b
15451-3506 SEE 248     Hipparcos suspected non-single.                                         .       
15452-2239 SWR 181     CPM pair                                                                Skf2004 
15452-3819 LDS 539     Spectrum of B sdF5.                                                     .       
15453-5841 FIN 234     Spectrum composite: G5/8III+A3/7.                                       .       
15454-0123 STF1968     HJL 228.                                                                HJL1986 
15455-4702 BRT 868     Aka RST5590.                                                            .       
15456+4205 UC  212     V337 Boo.                                                               .       
15458-1657 TOK 169     HIP 77203.                                                              Tok2011a
15461+3914 OSO  66     G179-054. Not a common proper motion pair, based on astrometry and      .       
                       color                                                                   Oso2004 
15461-0148 ISO   2     25 Ser. A spectroscopic binary, P = 38.9d.                              .       
15462+1525 STF1970     bet Ser = 28 Ser                                                        .       
                       AB: H 4  36.                                                            MEv2010 
           SHJ 281     AD: HIP  77233 + HIP  77083.                                            .       
                       AD: D component is the primary of 15444+1518 ROE  75.                   .       
15462-2804 BU  620     The binary companion B discovered by S.W. Burnham in 1878 moved since   Bu_1879 
                       then by +6deg in angle, now at 0.63" separation. Considering this       .       
                       slow motion, the pair is likely much wider than it seems, being seen    .       
                       in projection. The sub-system CHR 50 Aa,Ab was discovered by speckle    .       
                       interferometry in 1983.42 at 0.20" (McAlister et al. 1987). A total of  Mca1987b
                       four measures are listed, the last one in 2006.19. Curiously, the wide  Msn2009 
                       pair AB was measured with speckle at 4-m telescopes several times (in   .       
                       1985.50, 1989.31, 1991.39) without resolving the sub-system. We         Mca1990 
                       measured the AB and found no trace of CHR 50 in three runs at SOAR in   Hrt1993 
                       2009-2012. The separation of CHR 50 implies an orbital period of 50     Tok2012b
                       yr. Yet the few speckle resolutions show a fast motion or a random      .       
                       scatter. If the sub-system CHR 50 were real, we would expect it to      .       
                       cause some wobble in the motion of AB, but no such signal is seen.      Tok2012b
           CHR  50     The measures show a large scatter and there are many observations of    Tok2010b
                       the wider AB without a measure of this close companion. The nature of   .       
                       the motion or even the reality of this pair is in question. A "ghost".  .       
15463-4703 BRT 870     Aka RST 798.                                                            .       
15464+3627 STF1973     B is BD+36@2644.                                                        .       
                       HJL 229.                                                                HJL1986 
                       SHY 685. Bayesian analysis by Shaya & Olling (2011) indicates very      Shy2011 
                       high (near 100%) probability pair is physical.                          .       
                       H N  32.                                                                MEv2010 
15465+0721 lam Ser     This object was misidentified as HR 5863 in McAlister (1978)            McA1978c
15467-3441 B   847     Measures uncertain; too close.                                          .       
15467-4314 I  1276     HIP 77282. See Allen et al. (2000) for information on metallicity,      AlC2000 
                       age, galactic orbital parameters, etc.                                  .       
                       G5V dwarf at 47 pc. The WDS notes its resolution in 1926 by Innes at    I__1948a
                       0.3" and the last measure in 1935. The separation corresponds to an     B__1947 
                       orbital period of 50 yr. Yet the system was not resolved by Hipparcos   .       
                       in 1991.25 and by speckle in 2001.56 and on SOAR on 4 occasions from    Tok2010 
                       2008-2016. Tok2010 et al. (2004) found only a marginal variability      .       
                       of RV during 8 yr. The binarity is thus questionable. Possibly a        Tok2012b
                       "ghost" binary, but not "X" coded yet.                                  Tok2014a
15475+0337 JMS   5     2MASS J15472723+0336361 + 2MASS J15470234+0338260.                      Jms2008 
15475-3755 SEE 249     LDS5845.                                                                .       
                       AB: GJ 599. B is WD NLTT 41169, mass 0.72 Msun, DA4.7 (Holberg et al.   Hbg2013 
                       2013).                                                                  Tok2014d
15476+8316 STF2002     B is BD+83@455.                                                         .       
15476+5523 BU  946     A is a spectroscopic binary.                                            .       
15479-6527 RMK  20     AB: Rectilinear solution by Letchford et al. (2018).                    LRR2018a
                       Despite the linear solution, proper motion and parallax favor a         Grv2020a
                       physical connection. Long period and/or high eccentricity possible.     .       
15481-3516 GHE  31     HN Lup.                                                                 .       
15482+7425 GJ 3922     Ren & Fu (2013) calculated an astrometric orbit, combining Hipparcos    .       
                       Intermediate Astrometric Data with spectroscopic elements by Griffin &  .       
                       Suchkov (2003). They derived component masses 0.72 and 0.51 Msun and    Grf2003 
                       an estimated semimajor axis of 29.83 mas.                               Ren2013 
15482+0134 EIS   1     V382 Ser = GJ 3917. Eisenbeiss et al. (2007) use archival data from     Eis2007 
                       POSS-I (1950) and UK Schmidt red and IR (1981, 1992), plus 2MASS, as    .       
                       well as followup H-band observation with the Omega-Cass IR camera at    .       
                       the 3.5m Calar Alto telescope; derive pm of secondary similar to that   .       
                       of primary. The orbital period is estimated at 7000y. Low-resolution    .       
                       optical spectroscopy yields spectral type M2.5-3.5V for the secondary;  .       
                       the derived distance is 24.4 +/- 4.2 pc.                                .       
15488+1751 LDS 979     NLTT 41254/41252                                                        Chm2004 
15489-3923 HRG 122     Aka SKF2022.                                                            .       
15492-3539 NHR   8     GQ Lup                                                                  .       
                       Primary is L1, age < 2 Myr. Radius of secondary may be ~2 Rjup and      .       
                       mass a few Jupiters.                                                    Nhr2005 
                       Mugrauer & Neuhauser (2005) reanalyze all relative astrometry and       Mug2005b
                       conclude that pair is CPM and likely bound.                             .       
                       Guenther et al. (2005) determine spectral type of secondary M9V - L4V,  Gue2005 
                       Teff 1600-2500K.                                                        .       
                       Aa,Ab: Primary is T-Tauri type variable GQ Lup. Kraus et al. (2014)     .       
                       estimate the mass of the companion at 31 +/- 3 Mjup.                    KsA2014 
15492-6707 DON 758     This is CD-66 1805.                                                     .       
15493+6032 HU  912     Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and spectroscopic   .       
                       masses of 2.30 +/- 0.72, 2.53, and 1.20 Msun, respectively.             Mlk2012 
15494-7937 HJ 4787     SWR 180. CPM pair                                                       Skf2004 
15495+2528 STF1977     Griffin & Duquennoy report that the primary is composed of a SpB1 plus  Grf1993 
                       a more distant companion. Thus the system is quadruple.                 .       
15496-0326 CHR 259     mu Ser = 32 Ser. Hipparcos acceleration double solution.                .       
15496-4958 EGN  16     Single epoch, so optical/physical nature of most of the components      .       
                       unknown; however, all are likely unbound given location of system in    .       
                       galactic plane.  Primary is planet host star.                           Egn2007 
15499+1512 BPM 639     [PM2000] 1140168 + [PM2000] 1140100.                                    Gvr2010 
15500-0355 FGL   3     AD: Discovered using Chandra ACIS-I (Advanced CCD Imaging Spectrometer  .       
                       Imager) by Feigelson et al. (2003). Masses of B, C, and D components    .       
                       estimated at 0.45, 0.22, and 1 Msun.                                    Fgl2003 
15500-4855 GC 21252    Hipparcos astrometric solution assumed circular orbit (e = omega = 0)   HIP1997d
15501+1134 BPM 640     [PM2000] 1140338 + [PM2000] 1140337.                                    Gvr2010 
15503+0212 SKF1311     Typographical error in initial WDS designation (15583+0212)             .       
                       Aka Ome Ser = 34 Ser.                                                   .       
15506-2043 RSS 387     CPD-20@6243                                                             .       
15511-4224 HJ 4811     SWR 183. CPM pair                                                       Skf2004 
15511-4956 RSS  28     This previously uncataloged double star was a Hipparcos double entry    .       
                       system.  The first measure is determined from the individual positions  .       
                       listed by Rousseau et al.                                               Rss1996 
15511-5503 DUN 193     A is a spectroscopic binary.                                            .       
                       Spectrum of B may be K.                                                 .       
                       V360 Nor.                                                               .       
15512+3539 BUP 163     kap CrB = 11 CrB                                                        .       
                       CHARA Array Limb-darkened diameter  1.456 +/- 0.020 mas,                CIA2018c
                       R =  4.77 +/- 0.07 \rsun, L = 11.6 +/- 0.3 \lsun,                       .       
                       Teff = 4870 +/-  47 K.                                                  .       
15513-0305 CHR  51     36 Ser.                                                                 .       
                       This peak was overlooked in the original analysis of our speckle data,  .       
                       but rediscovered during work on our quadrant determination paper.       Hrt1992b
                       Docobo et al. (2010) derive two possible orbits of this pair. The       Doc2010h
                       preferred orbit yields a dynamic parallax of 15.63 +/- 0.40 mas and a   .       
                       total mass of 3.82 +/- 0.21 Msun.                                       .       
15517-0559 A    21     AB: Rectilinear solution by Rica & Zirm (2012).                         FMR2012i
15519+1732 BPM 641     [PM2000] 1142011 + [PM2000] 1142098.                                    Gvr2010 
15520+5234 AG  199     B is BD+52@1912.                                                        .       
15520+4238 BAR  41     Identity of this system is uncertain. The Tycho measure supports        TYC2002 
                       identification of AB with 155200.97+423948.7. Aitken notes "Star C is   A__1932a
                       BD+43 2537 (8.2, G5)", which supports identification of C with          .       
                       155156.23+423905.8. However, Barnard gave magnitudes of AB as 15 and    Bar1932A
                       15.5, which appears to agree with an elongated Aladin image at          .       
                       155209.22+424127.5 rather than the Tycho pair.  CA would in this case   .       
                       be 45.4deg, 200.3", which could be explained by a typographical error   .       
                       in his value for rho. Unfortunately, Barnard's original publication     .       
                       for this measure is unknown.                                            .       
15521+2015 HJ 2794     AB = LDS 980.                                                           .       
15521+1052 BAG   7     Combined spectroscopic/astrometric solution by Tokovinin et al. (2000)  Tok2000b
                       Mass = 0.510  +/- 0.029 , 0.508 7 +/- 0.029   \msun for A and B.        HJL2020 
                       orbital parallax = 53.1   +/- 1.3   mas.                                .       
15522-2953 HO  397     A variable?                                                             .       
15523+3415 LDS5848     LDS6308.                                                                .       
                       NLTT 41408/41412                                                        Chm2004 
15523-1826 HD 141937   Chauvin et al. (2006) note finding at least one faint companion         Cvn2006 
                       candidate within separation/magnitude range listed. However,            .       
                       further observations are required for verification                      .       
15527+4227 chi Her     Hipparcos astrometric solution assumed circular orbit (e = omega = 0)   HIP1997d
15529+1526 MUG  21     Mugrauer & Ginski (2015) note that the B component is itself a close    .       
                       binary, with projected separation about 4.3 +/- 0.7 au. The orbital     .       
                       period is estimated as 8.5 +/- 2 yr, assuming a total system mass of    .       
                       1.12 Msun.                                                              Mug2015 
15531+3445 LDS6309     Ross 806.                                                               .       
                       NLTT 41446/41447                                                        Chm2004 
15531+1533 BUG  11     2MASS J15530228+1532369                                                 .       
                       Estimated spectral types are T6.5 + T7, effective temperatures ~980     .       
                       and ~890 K.  Masses are estimated at 0.019-0.065 and 0.016-0.061 Msun,  .       
                       and the orbital period (assuming the semi-major axis = 1.26 * rho) is   .       
                       ~45yr.                                                                  Bug2006a
15532+1312 STT 583     39 Ser.                                                                 .       
                       Optical pair, based on study of relative motion of the components       .       
                       using the method of apparent motion parameters.                         Kiy2008 
                       A: Ren & Fu (2013) calculated an astrometric orbit, combining           .       
                       Hipparcos Intermediate Astrometric Data with spectroscopic elements by  .       
                       Beavers & Salzer (1985). They derived component masses 1.00 and 0.14    Bvr1985 
                       Msun and an estimated semimajor axis of 31.31 mas.                      Ren2013 
                       Rectilinear solution by Hurowitz et al. (2014).                         USN2014a
15535-4216 CVN  54     NZ Lup.                                                                 .       
15536-2520 BU   36     2 Sco.                                                                  .       
15538-1644 OCC 985     tet Lib = 46 Lib.                                                       .       
15539+1518 BPM 642     [PM2000] 1143768 + [PM2000] 1143706.                                    Gvr2010 
15541+4427 LDS1428     SLW1146.                                                                .       
15542+1659 A  2080     Recent observations render the quadrant reversal assumed by Baize       Baz1956 
                       (1956) very unlikely.                                                   .       
15542-0945 OCC9008     The OCC2010 solution is ambiguous and two are arbitrarily "T" coded     .       
                       until the true solution is determined.                                  .       
15548-5020 DUN 195     B is CD-49@10123.                                                       .       
15548-5434 RST2984     A is the Cepheid SY Nor.                                                .       
15549-6045 SLR  11     Variable?                                                               .       
15550+1552 BPM 643     [PM2000] 1144734 + [PM2000] 1144810.                                    Gvr2010 
15550-1923 HU 1274     47 Lib. No duplicity seen 1923.5, 1924.5                                VBs1927a
                       A is a spectroscopic binary.                                            .       
15550-7646 NZO  61     SWR 184. CPM pair                                                       Skf2004 
15551+2529 BRT3309     Originally published as BRT 168.                                        Brt1928 
15551-6326 LDS 542     bet TrA                                                                 .       
15555+3512 MCT   9     GJ 3928 = G180-011 = LSPM J1555+3512.                                   .       
                       Daemgen et al. (2007) derive a distance of 12.6 +/- 3.6 pc, separation  Dae2007 
                       of 19.8 +/- 5.7 au, and predicted orbital period of 216 +101/-97 yr.    .       
                       Spectral types are M4.0 +/- 0.5 and M7.0 +/- 2.0; masses are 0.20       .       
                       +0.09/-0.06 and 0.08 +0.06/-0.03 Msun.                                  .       
                       Law et al (2008) derive a distance of 10.2 +5.6/-1.7 pc and a           Law2008 
                       projected separation of 15.7 +8.8/-2.5 au. Estimated spectral types     .       
                       are M4.5 and M6.5.                                                      .       
                       In addition to the astrometric points listed in Table 4, there is       .       
                       another data point from 2005 in Law et al. (2008). This point is        Law2008 
                       essentially at equal epoch to the Daemgen et al. (2007) point, but the  Dae2007 
                       position angle differs by 88deg in the two cases. While the Daemgen et  .       
                       al. data point is fully consistent with all other astrometric points    .       
                       of the target, the Law et al. point is fully inconsistent in this       .       
                       regard. The close to 90deg offset could imply some trivial              .       
                       trigonometric error in reduction. Here we simply exclude the point      .       
                       from our analysis.                                                      Jnn2012 
15555-2616 TOK 790     4 Sco.                                                                  .       
15555-6011 HJ 4813     Composite spectrum; G5II-III+A3.                                        .       
15557-2645 I   977     Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and spectroscopic   .       
                       masses of 1.91 +/- 0.69, 2.57, and 1.13 Msun, respectively.             Mlk2012 
15558+6127 GIC 136     LDS2362. G225-033/G225-034.                                             .       
15558+3757 H 6  94     H VI 94. lam CrB = 12 CrB                                               .       
15559-0210 STF1985     A premature orbit has been computed.                                    .       
                       H 2  85.                                                                MEv2010 
15564+1204 BPM 644     [PM2000] 1146035 + [PM2000] 1146115.                                    Gvr2010 
15565+5717 STF1996     AB: HJL 231.                                                            HJL1986 
15565+1540 STT 584     gam Ser = 41 Ser. Proper motion of A +312 -1281.                        .       
                       AB: Optical pair, based on study of relative motion of the components   .       
                       using the method of apparent motion parameters.                         Kiy2008 
                       AB: Rectilinear solution by Friedman et al. (2012).                     USN2012a
15565+0325 BAL2410     LDS 981.                                                                .       
15565-2348 KOH  60     V1144 Sco = ScoPMS 13.  Due to typographic error, WDS designation was   .       
                       initially listed as 15585-2348.                                         .       
15566-1450 VIG  18     Optical/physical nature of the faint companion is undefined.            Vig2012 
15567-1736 LDS4605     NLTT 41560/41561                                                        Chm2004 
15567-3426 COO 189     Spectrum of B may be K.                                                 .       
15567-4219 BIL   5     Hen 3-1119.  Noted as possible binary (separation > 0".040) by Baines   .       
                       et al. (2006)                                                           Bns2006 
                       Distance 145 +/- 15 pc, age 5 +8/-3 Myr. Spectral type of primary       .       
                       F6IIIe; Biller et al (2012) estimate masses at 2.2 +/- 0.3 and 0.1-0.4  .       
                       Msun. Their HKL magnitudes are derived from photometry by Malfait et    .       
                       al. (1998 A&A 331, 211), combined with their magnitude differences.     Bil2012 
15568+3530 HJ  577     HJL 230.                                                                HJL1986 
15569+3613 SPN   1     Found while searching for HJ  258. This matches the DM cross-id.        .       
                       The John Herschel pair is at 15569+3604."                               .       
15569+3604 HJ  258     Also known as GRV 916.                                                  .       
15569-2913 SEE 251     rho Sco = 5 Sco = Iklil                                                 .       
15569-3358 PZ    4     A: xi 1 Lup                                                             .       
                       B: xi 2 Lup                                                             .       
                       AB: SWR 188. CPM pair                                                   Skf2004 
15571-1602 HJ 1281     The primary is variable.                                                .       
                       Additional notes may be found in Burnham (1894).                        Bu_1894 
15572+0509 WLF   2     Wolf 781-782. UCAC2 proper motion of A +062,-1389; PM of B +052,-1389   .       
15572+0324 STF1987     H 3 103.                                                                MEv2010 
15575+3434 LDS 983     A is also a 322d spectroscopic binary.                                  Tok2019b
                       AB: NLTT 41631/41622                                                    Chm2004 
15576+2653 AGC   7     eps CrB = 13 CrB                                                        .       
                       NPOI Limb-darkened diameter 2.997 +/- 0.128 mas, Sp = K2III,            NOI2018 
                       R = 21.87 +/- 0.99 \rsun, Teff = 4408 +/-109 K,                         .       
                       L = 162.9 +/- 9.4 \lsun, M = 1.37 +/- 0.24 \msun,                       .       
                       Age = 3.24 +/- 1.81 Gyr.                                                .       
15578+5916 PIN  10     Secondary is M9V, pm -0.30 +/- 0.02, 0.21 +/- 0.01 arcsec/yr, distance  .       
                       34 +/- 2pc. Given the van Leeuwen (2007) proper motion (-0.296 +/-      VlF2007 
                       0.001, 0.203 +/- 0.002 arcsec/yr) and distance (31 +/- 1pc) for the     .       
                       primary, the pair is likely a true CPM system.  At a projected          .       
                       separation of 3800 au, the gravitational binding energy makes this one  .       
                       of the most fragile binaries known.                                     Thn2013 
15578-3612 SWR 189     CPM pair                                                                Skf2004 
15579-3158 HJ 4821     B is CD-31@12424.                                                       .       
                       SWR 190. CPM pair                                                       Skf2004 
15580-3144 HNK   4     Member of Sco-Cen Association. Primary mass 2.46 +0.31/-0.59 Msun;      .       
                       secondary mass estimated at 98 +42/-12 Mjup (for age 10 Myr), or        .       
                       152 +56/-28 Mjup (for age 20 Myr).                                      Hnk2015 
15583-0913 TSN  93     Same as GWP2566 with a quad flip.                                       .       
15585+5723 GIC 138     G225-039/G225-038.                                                      .       
15585-2124 HNK   5     Aa,Ab: Member of Sco-Cen Association. Mass of Aa 1.67 +0.07/-0.12Msun;  .       
                       mass of Ab estimated at 86 +12/-21 Mjup (for age 10 Myr), or            .       
                       124 +27/-24 Mjup (for age 20 Myr).                                      Hnk2015 
15586-4024 BRT 872     A likely plate flaw.                                                    Grv2021b
15587-3910 HJ 4822     SWR 191. CPM pair                                                       Skf2004 
15587-5404 I   553     Spectrum composite: G9/K0III+A2V.                                       .       
15588+5042 LDS1431     Matched with LDS5852 by BD number.                                      .       
15589+6132 FAR  44     Primary is white dwarf WD 1558+616.                                     Far2006 
15589+2147 STF1990     B is BD+22@2906.                                                        .       
                       BC: H 1  81.                                                            MEv2010 
15589-2607 BU  622     pi Sco = 6 Sco = Fang. A is a spectroscopic, occultation, and           .       
                       eclipsing binary, period 1.57d.                                         Zas2011 
15590+1820 SHY 691     HIP  78283 + HIP  78067.                                                .       
15590+1606 BPM 645     [PM2000] 1148315 + [PM2000] 1148233.                                    Gvr2010 
15591+3736 BFR  12     NLTT 41701 + 2MASS J15590740+3735275. Baron et al. (2015) estimate      .       
                       spectral types K2 and M8.0 +/- 0.5, distances 61 +61/-27 and            .       
                       89 +6/-29 pc, masses 0.872-0.941 and 0.084-0.090 Msun.                  BFr2015 
15591+0036 RAO 507     V335 Ser.                                                               .       
15591-1956 SHJ 213     B is BD-19@4274. B spectrum A8/9.                                       .       
15593+2752 TDS9712     AR CrB.                                                                 .       
15595+2555 JEF   2     The observation is doubtful. Others of same year do not suggest         .       
                       duplicity. This is the recurrent nova T CrB, with composite spectrum;   .       
                       sdBe+gM3+Q.                                                             .       
15598+4404 JNN 106     The primary is an M2.0 star exhibiting Halpha emission and saturated    .       
                       X-ray emission (Riaz et al. 2006, AJ 132, 866). B component is M8.0     .       
                       +/- 0.5, mass 43 +/- 9 Mjup.  Age of the system is perhaps 50-200 Myr.  Bwl2015 
15598+1723 STF1994     These are the CD components of STF1993 at 15598+1723.                   .       
           STF1993     AB: H 5 126.                                                            MEv2010 
16000-2025 HLD 125     AC = LDS 547 = LDS4617.                                                 .       
16000-2221 KSA 122     V1150 Sco.                                                              .       
16001+1317 GRV 919     HJL 232.                                                                HJL1986 
16001-3824 RMK  21     eta Lup                                                                 .       
16001-5355 LPO  54     TDS9722.                                                                .       
16003+1346 BPM 646     [PM2000] 1149477 + [PM2000] 1149501.                                    Gvr2010 
16003-1632 ENG  55     49 Lib. A is a long-period spectroscopic binary.                        .       
                       Optical pair, based on study of relative motion of the components       .       
                       using the method of apparent motion parameters.                         Kiy2008 
16003-2237 LAB   3     del Sco = 7 Sco = Dschubba. A spectroscopic triple and occultation      .       
                       quadruple.                                                              .       
                       Intensity Interferometer Limb-darkened diameter 0.46 +/- 0.04 mas.      HBr1974 
                       1973.22, 1973.45: The new component here appears to have a much longer  .       
                       period than the 20-day single-line SB reported by van Hoof et al.       .       
                       (1963 ApJ, 137, 824).                                                   Lab1974 
                       1981.4767 and other observations through 1981.4929: Companion           HBr1974 
                       discovered by intensity interferometry (Hanbury Brown et al. 1974).     .       
                       Delta m in the visible is about 2.                                      Bag1984b
                       1993.415: observations with MAPPIT on 3.9m AAT; maximum separation of   .       
                       apertures was 3.3m. Paper gives orbit.                                  Bed1993 
                       Miroshnichenko et al. (2001) give a combined spectroscopic/             Mko2001 
                       interferometric orbit, adopting P and e from Hartkopf et al. (1996).    Hrt1996a
                       Combined spectroscopic/astrometric solution. Tango et al. (2009)        Tng2009 
                       derive masses 15 +/- 7 and 8.0 +/- 2.6 Msun, based on their mass        .       
                       function and brightness ratio, together with the ZAMS model grid of     .       
                       Tout et al. (1996 MNRAS 281, 257). The resulting dynamical parallax of  .       
                       7.03 +/- 0.15 mas agrees well with the revised Hipparcos parallax of    .       
                       6.65 +/- 0.89 (van Leeuwen 2007, ASSL vol. 350).                        .       
                       Tycner et al. (2011) give a combined spectroscopic/astrometric          NOI2011b
                       solution, based on spectroscopicdata of Miroshnichenko et al. (2001),   Mko2001 
                       published astrometry, 2 measures obtained with the NPOI array in 2000,  .       
                       and 94 additional NPOI measures obtained over the years 2005-2010. The  .       
                       timing of periastron passage has been revised to UT 2011 Jul 6 +/- 2d.  .       
                       Expected minimum separation at closest approach is predicted to be      .       
                       6.14 +/- 0.07 mas (14 stellar radii).                                   .       
                       Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical and photometric masses of         .       
                       28.41 +/- 11.43 and 20.39 Msun, respectively.                           Mlk2012 
                       Che et al. (2012) derive an orbit of del Sco based on data from NPOI    .       
                       and CHARA Array. Total mass 28 +/- 11 Msun, with the large error bar    .       
                       resulting from uncertainty in parallax estimate. Individual masses      .       
                       estimated at 13.9 (from  photometry and spectroscopy) and ~6 Msun       .       
                       (based on mass ratio from RV measurements during periastron).           CIA2012c
                       The disk dissipates near apastron and then begins reforming as the      XXX2020d
                       companion approaches periastron. The V magnitude is variable over the   .       
                       orbit but it is unclear if this is due to the secondary or interaction  .       
                       between the primary and the disk.                                       .       
16004+1437 STF1995     Coordinate confusion between this pair and 16005+1439 LAU   2, perhaps  .       
                       due to switching of BD numbers. Although WDS designations suggest that  .       
                       STF1995 is the southern of the two pairs, it is actually the northern.  .       
16005+1439 LAU   2     See note for 16004+1437 STF1995.                                        .       
16005-3605 HWE  81     SWR 192. CPM pair                                                       Skf2004 
16008+3008 UC 3226     Algol-type eclipsing binary, period 0.29655 d.                          Zas2019 
16008+1602 BPM 647     [PM2000] 1149934 + [PM2000] 1149952.                                    Gvr2010 
16010+3318 S   676     rho CrB = 15 CrB                                                        .       
                       Optical pair, based on study of relative motion of the components       .       
                       using the method of apparent motion parameters.                         Kiy2008 
           rho CrB     Hipparcos astrometric solution assumed circular orbit (e = omega = 0)   HIP1997d
                       Astrometric orbit by Gatewood et al. (2001) determined be combining     Gat2001a
                       Hipparcos and Multichannel Astrometric Photometer data with the         .       
                       spectroscopic elements of Noyes et al. (1997 ApJ 483, L111). It is an   .       
                       alternate solution for this proposed planetary system.                  .       
           S   676     H 6  93.                                                                MEv2010 
16010+0147 LDS4619     The primary is Wolf 622.                                                .       
16011+2808 AG  349     Spectrum is A7 (Yale) or K (McCormick).                                 .       
16011+2610 H 5  75     H V 75.                                                                 .       
16011-2228 KOH  65     V1151 Sco.                                                              .       
16012-6347 EVS  26     Primary is the Cepheid S TrA.                                           Evs2016a
16013+0523 LDS4620     G016-025. See Allen et al. (2000) for information on metallicity,       AlC2000 
                       age, galactic orbital parameters, etc.                                  .       
16014+1307 BPM 648     [PM2000] 1150371 + [PM2000] 1150442.                                    Gvr2010 
16014-2241 MET  67     ScoPMS 21 = V1152 Sco.                                                  Msr2005 
16018+2519 WIS 300C    V505 Ser.                                                               .       
16019-2159 KOU  44     Followup imaging by Lafreniere et al. (2011) indicates that components  .       
                       share common proper motion. Spectral types are B9V and M8 +/- 1; mass   .       
                       of the secondary is estimated from models at 0.022 +/- 0.004 Msun.      Laf2011 
                       Lachapelle et al. (2015) derive the following properties:               .       
                         spectral types            | B9V            | M7    +/- 0.5            .       
                         Teff(K)                   | ~10,500        | 2700  +/- 100            .       
                         log(L/Lsun)               |                | -2.53 +/- 0.09           .       
                         Mass (Msun) (5 Myr)       | ~2.5           | 0.022 +/- 0.001          .       
                         Mass (Msun) (10 Myr)      | ~2.5           | 0.023 +/- 0.002          .       
                         Distance (pc)             | 156.7 +/- 13.0 |                          .       
                         Projected separation (AU) | 740   +/- 60   |                          Lch2015 
16019-2822 SEE 260     Primary is V1041 Sco, an Algol-type eclipsing binary, P = 2.18691d.     Zas2012 
16020-3732 KOU  45     LL Lup.                                                                 .       
16021-2943 HJ 4826     SWR 193.                                                                .       
16022-2240 GHE  18     V1154 Sco.                                                              .       
16024+0937 KU  109     B is BD+10@2944.                                                        .       
16029+1548 BPM 649     [PM2000] 1151707 + [PM2000] 1151680.                                    Gvr2010 
16029-2501 BU   38     HDO 141                                                                 .       
16032+4215 OSO  67     G180-024. Not a common proper motion pair, based on comparison with     .       
                       POSS2 red plates.                                                       Oso2004 
16033+3638 BAG  52     1983.3070: A dF9 + A0 SB with a 108d period.  A visual companion with   .       
                       delta m ~ 2 mag is suspected, but further confirmation is required.     Bag1984a
                       1984.2792: Halbwachs (1981) predicts angular separation of about 0".02  HJL1981 
                       Analysis of the interferometric measurements combined with the          .       
                       spectroscopic orbit shows that the interferometric binary is probably   .       
                       not the spectroscopic system.                                           Bnu1986 
16034-3829 I   555     AC = SWR 194. CPM pair. A component is 1" CPM pair                      Skf2004 
16035-5747 SEE 258     AB: iot 1 Nor.                                                          .       
                       1976.474: Visual observations of this system extend over more than two  .       
                       periods, but this separation is significantly different from that       B__1961b
                       derived from van den Bos' (1961) elements.                              BLM1978 
                       This star was misidentified as ADS 9870 = HD 143456 in the first        .       
                       speckle catalogue.                                                      McA1984b
                       1994.5216: Our measure is plotted with orbital data from the WDS        .       
                       catalogue in Figure 2.                                                  Hor1996 
                       AB: Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and             .       
                       spectroscopic masses 2.77 +/- 0.55, 2.71, and 1.82 Msun, respectively.  Mlk2012 
                       Ary2014b measure of new pair in the field of SEE 258 has been rejected  Ary2014b
                       by author in private communication on July 2, 2014.                     .       
                       AB,C triple solution (AB in HIP).                                       Sod1999 
16037-6030 RSS  29     This previously uncataloged double star was a Hipparcos double entry    .       
                       system. The first measure is determined from the individual positions   .       
                       listed by Rousseau et al.                                               Rss1996 
16038+0459 KUI  69     43 Ser.                                                                 .       
16040-2156 LDS 548     NLTT 41839/41840                                                        Chm2004 
                       V1044 Sco, Algol-type eclipsing binary, P = 0.914833 d.                 Zas2011 
16044-1122 STF1998     51 Lib = xi Sco. Quintuple.                                             .       
                       AB: Mt. Wilson spectral type F3s.                                       .       
                       Masses and bolometric magnitudes are derived for the two components     .       
                       of this system by Mason et al. (1999), based on assumed spectral types  Msn1999a
                       and available parallaxes.                                               .       
                       AB: H 1  33.  AC: H 2  20.                                              MEv2010 
                       AB,C triple solution by Soderhjelm (1999). (Failed HIP solution due to  Sod1999 
                       bad pointing with C comp at IFOV edge).                                 .       
                       Star C (mag. 7.30, 7", G1V) is in retrograde motion, and ADS 9910       .       
                       (mags. 7.4-8.0, 11", dG6) is 281" distant and shares proper motion.     .       
                       Appears to be a common proper motion pair associated with RST3949       Tok2010b
                       (16278-0822).                                                           .       
                       AC: Additional notes may be found in Fatou (1941).                      Fat1941 
                       Mass = 1.53, 1.53, 1.00 \msun for A, B, C, respectively.                Tok2020d
                       Teff = 6532, 6532, 5705 K for A, B, C, respectively.                    .       
                       Physical quintuple with 16044-1127STF1999AB with P ~ 300 kyr.           .       
16044-1127 STF1999     AB: B is BD-11@4058.                                                    .       
                       AB: H 2  21.                                                            MEv2010 
                       HIP 78738. B = HIP 78739.                                               Tok2011a
                       Mass = 0.97, 0.91 \msun A, B, respectively.                             Tok2020d
                       Teff = 5622, 5330 K for A, B, respectively.                             .       
                       Physical quintuple with 16044-1122STF1998ABC with P ~ 300 kyr.          .       
                       The period of AB is suggested to be ~4.5 kyr.                           .       
                       AD: D is AB of STF1998. AD also known as 16044-1122ABT  12AB,E.         .       
                       AD: D is SB1, P=44.699d                                                 Tok2014d
16044-5343 DUN 198     QY Nor.                                                                 .       
16045+3226 HJ  581     Also known as GYL  14.                                                  .       
16046-3752 HDO 253     Optical pair, based on study of relative motion of the components       .       
                       using the method of apparent motion parameters.                         Kiy2008 
                       AB: Rectilinear solution by Hurowitz et al. (2014).                     USN2014a
16048+7016 STTA143     B is BD+70@864.                                                         .       
16048+6003 STTA142     B is BD+60@1652.                                                        .       
16048+3910 WNO  47     NLTT 41938/41931                                                        Chm2004 
                       NI   35.                                                                .       
16049+4045 A  1641     Aka COU1275.                                                            .       
                       2014.513 non-detection at star previously identified as A  1641.        Gii2022 
16052-5355 KRV  12     Classical Cepheid RS Nor.                                               .       
16053-4931 CPO 454     V384 Nor, Algol-type eclipsing binary, P = 3.97413 d.                   Zas2011 
16054-1948 BU  947     A: bet 1 Sco = 8 Sco A = Acrab. Common proper motion with bet 2 Sco.    .       
                       Companion suspected sf on two nights.                                   B__1963b
           H 3   7     H III 7. C is bet 2 Sco and was found as a double in summer 1627 by     C__1627 
                       Benedetto Castelli. It also has a close interferometeric pair found by  .       
                       McAlister.                                                              McA1978b
           MCA  42     C: bet 2 Sco = 8 Sco C                                                  .       
                       Orbits for two component pairs AB and CE of this complex star system    .       
                       were calculated independently of one another by Seymour et al. (2002).  USN2002 
           bet Sco     Combined spectroscopic/astrometric solution for bet Sco by Holmgren et  Hol1997 
                       al. (1997) using lunar occultation data; they derive masses, radii,     .       
                       distance. There is a typographical error in their Table 4: the value    .       
                       of a" is 1.42 mas, not 1.42 arcsec.                                     .       
                       A complex, multi-body solution was not attempted.                       .       
16055+2955 GRV1217     SLW1162.                                                                .       
16055-6610 NZO  73     SWR 195.                                                                .       
16057+1332 BPM 650     [PM2000] 1154370 + [PM2000] 1154364.                                    Gvr2010 
16057-0617 FIN 384     Aa,Ab: A spectroscopic binary resolved by interferometry.               .       
                       1990.3494: Residuals from orbit of Baize (1992) are (-4.5deg, 0".003).  Baz1992c
                       Aa,Ab: Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and          .       
                       spectroscopic masses 9.73 +/- 3.12, 3.38, and 1.30 Msun, respectively.  Mlk2012 
           BU  948     AB: Additional notes may be found in Couteau (1956).                    Cou1956 
           SHY 696     AE: HIP  78849 + HIP  78822.                                            .       
           FIN 384     Aa,Ab: Docobo & Andrade (2013) derive a dynamical parallax of 10.43     .       
                       +/- 0.81 mas and component masses 1.74 +/- 0.53 and 1.74 +/- 0.53 Msun  .       
                       (for spectral type F3V) or 10.98 +/- 0.88 mas, 1.50 +/- 0.47 and 1.50   .       
                       +/- 0.47 Msun (for F2IV). See paper for extensive notes on system.      Doc2013d
16057-2027 GJ 610      Arenou (2000) gives combined solution of astrometric orbits and DSBs.   Are2000 
                       Paper includes masses and distances.                                    .       
16057-3252 SEE 264     Spectrum of C may be M.                                                 .       
16059+1041 HDS2273     Aa,Ab: 1991.3273: This observation confirms the Hipparcos solution at   .       
                       a similar epoch (1991.25). An elongated secondary peak yielded an       .       
                       inaccurate value for rho, however.                                      Msn1999b
                       1996.3240: Elongated secondary peak yielded inaccurate value for rho.   Msn1999b
16059-1819 BEJ   1     Bejar et al. (2008) discovered a companion to the Upper Sco brown       .       
                       dwarf UScoCTIO 108. Spectral types are M7 and M9.5, masses 60 +/- 20    .       
                       and 14 +2/-8 Mjup; the companion is near the deuterium-burning mass     .       
                       limit.                                                                  Bej2008 
16060+1319 STF2007     AB: B is BD+13@3063.                                                    .       
                       Statistically the same parallax within the errors would indicate the    .       
                       components are physical.                                                .       
16061-2336 RAS  25     Main component is He-weak B8V star from Upper Scorpius Association.     .       
                       Secondary is likely type F.                                             Ras2014 
16062-1935 KSA   1     Kraus et al. (2007) derive spectral types M5, M5.2, and M5 (all +/-     KsA2007b
                       0.5) for the Aa, Ab, and B components, respectively. Masses are 0.14,   .       
                       0.12, and 0.14 (all +/- 0.02) Msun. Projected separation of Aa,Ab is    .       
                       7.7 +/- 1.2 au, that of AB 1600 +/- 200 au. Conclude that Aa,Ab is a    .       
                       close binary with B a young, comoving member of the Upper Scorpius      .       
                       association.                                                            .       
16066-3648 the Lup     Hipparcos astrometric solution assumed circular orbit (e = omega = 0)   HIP1997d
16068-3357 SWR 197     CPM pair                                                                Skf2004 
16070-2743 RST1877     Carmona et al. (2007) reanalyzed the data obtained by Perez et al.      Crm2007 
                       (2004), resulting in a change in his position angle from 353 to 4deg.   Pez2004 
                       Muller et al. (2011) resolved the B component into a close pair, which  MuA2011 
                       they referred to as BC. However, the C component is a long-known        .       
                       distant member of the system, so the close pair has been renamed        Glp1892f
                       MUA 1 Ba,Bb.  They derive the following parameters for the close        .       
                       members of the system:                                                  .       
                       component:   A               Ba                 Bb                      .       
                       spec:       F0IIIe           K7V                M1V                     .       
                       L (Lsun)    12.7 +6.4/-3.7   0.50 +0.24/-0.20   0.41 +0.19/-0.16        .       
                       Teff (K)    7220 +/- 115     4000 +/- 250       3750 +/- 250            .       
                       M (Msun)    1.8 +0.2/-0.1    0.8 +/- 0.2        0.5 +/- 0.2             .       
                       R (Rsun)    2.3 +/- 0.5      1.5 +/- 0.7        1.5 +/- 0.7             .       
                       age (Myr)   9 +/- 2          4 +5/-2            3 +2/-1                 .       
16072-1424 LDS4631     NLTT 42002/42006                                                        Chm2004 
16072-1927 LAF 112     AC: Incorrectly added as 16072-1927 LAF 112AC.                          .       
16072-6008 HJ 4829     One component is probably variable. Spectrum A5/7V+(M1/2).              .       
16073-6255 EVS  27     Primary is the Cepheid U TrA.                                           Evs2016a
16076+2900 STF2011     Called Am by Bidelman.                                                  .       
16076-0239 STF2008     HJL 233.                                                                HJL1986 
16076-1245 BU   39     11 Sco.                                                                 .       
16079+1425 A  1798     1983.7151: This autocorrelogram was remeasured; the new results are     .       
                       listed here.                                                            .       
16080+4523 BU  355     Measures of a wider component by Lewis and Bowyer were incorrectly      L__1898a
                       attributed to this system and assigned the designation L   38AD. These  Bow1898 
                       measures were actually of 16089+4521STF2015AC.                          .       
16080-2738 GLP   6     B is CD-27@10794.                                                       .       
16081+1703 STF2010     kap Her = Marsic. B is BD+17@2965. Mt. Wilson spectral types G4 and K1. .       
                       AB: H 5   8.                                                            MEv2010 
16081+0049 OL  161     BAL 1469.                                                               .       
16081-1815 TOK 171     HIP 79048. The 2MASS companion at 10.3", 356deg is likely an artifact,  .       
                       in which case another companion at 7.6" in ANDICAM images is measured.  Tok2011a
16084-1308 GIC 139     G153-028AB.                                                             .       
                       NLTT 42059/42058                                                        Chm2004 
16085-1006 BU  949     Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and spectroscopic   .       
                       masses of 4.30 +/- 1.51, 2.70, and 1.13 Msun, respectively.             Mlk2012 
16086+4003 STF2014     AB: G. Struve's measures of separation in 1929, given as 1.5", need     .       
                       addition of half a revolution of screw. Corrected result is 8.21".      B__1963b
16086-3906 SEE 265     AB: A is the semiregular variable V856 Sco. There are indications of a  .       
                       14d spectroscopic companion. There is an extended circumstellar         .       
                       atmosphere, and C shares common proper motion and radial velocity.      .       
16088+4456 NOI   2     phi Her. Hipparcos astrometric solution adopts some elements from the   HIP1997d
                       orbit of Aikman (1976).                                                 Aik1976 
                       Combined spectroscopic/interferometric solution by Torres et al.        Trr2007 
                       (2007) , including NPOI observations from 1997-2005. Derive masses      .       
                       3.05 +/- 0.24 and 1.614 +/- 0.066 Msun, parallax 14.34 +/- 0.35 mas.    .       
                       Combined spectroscopic/interferometric solution by Zavala et al.        Zav2007 
                       (2007) , including NPOI observations from 1997-2005. Derive mass sum    .       
                       4.7 +/- 0.6 Msun, effective temperatures 11525 +/- 150 and 8000 +/-     .       
                       150 K for A and B, respectively.                                        .       
                       Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and spectroscopic   .       
                       masses of 3.38 +/- 0.29, 4.98, and 2.57 Msun, respectively.             Mlk2012 
16089+4521 STF2015     AC: Two measures of this pair by Lewis and Bowyer were incorrectly      L__1898a
                       attributed to WDS 16080+4523 and assigned the designation L   38AD.     Bow1898 
                       AB: H 1  37.                                                            MEv2010 
16089+1738 BPM 651     [PM2000] 1157437 + [PM2000] 1157419.                                    Gvr2010 
16090+5756 ES 2651     A is a spectroscopic binary.                                            .       
16090+3629 BU 1087     tau CrB = 16 CrB. A is a spectroscopic binary.                          .       
16090-1900 HNK   6     Aa,Ab: Member of Sco-Cen Association. Mass of Aa 2.48 +0.32/-0.58Msun;  .       
                       mass of Ab estimated at 135 +38/-33 Mjup (for age 10 Myr), or           .       
                       201 +56/-44 Mjup (for age 20 Myr).                                      Hnk2015 
16092-5603 RST1878     Spectrum composite; K0+A2.                                              .       
16092-7104 TOK 172     HIP 79143.                                                              Tok2011a
16093-2008 BIL   6     Biller et al. (2011) derive spectral types for the two components of    .       
                       M7 +/- 0.5 and M6 +/- 1.0; Teff = 2990 +/- 60 and 2850 +/- 170K.        .       
                       Assuming an age of 5 Myr, masses are 79 +/- 17 and 55 +/- 25 Mjup. If   .       
                       the system age is 10 Myr, these increase to 84 +/- 15 and 60 +/- 25     .       
                       Mjup. Component JHK magnitudes are derived from 2MASS magnitudes,       .       
                       combined with NIRC2 magnitude differences.                              Bil2011 
16095+2403 BRT3310     Originally published as BRT 169.                                        Brt1928 
16095+1513 BPM 652     [PM2000] 1157993 + [PM2000] 1158079.                                    Gvr2010 
16095-1711 TOK 173     HIP 79169. Another companion B at 5.42" 337deg, dK=5.41 is seen in the  .       
                       ANDICAM K- and V-band images. Crowded field, N*=40.                     Tok2011a
16095-2105 LAF 76      Aa,Ab: Lafreniere et al. (2008) obtained AO imaging and spectroscopy    Laf2008b
                       of the young star 1RXS J160929.1-210524 and its planetary-mass          .       
                       candidate companion. Spectral types of the primary and companion are    .       
                       K7V +/- 1 andf L4 +1/-2, masses are 0.85 +0.20/-0.10 Msun and 8 +4/-2   .       
                       Mjup. Projected separation is ~330 au, assuming a distance of 150pc.    .       
                       Aa,Ab: Primary is the pre-main sequence star 1RXS J160929.1-210524.     .       
                       Kraus et al. (2014) estimate mass of the companion at 10 +/- 2 Mjup.    KsA2014 
                       AB: Wu et al. (2015) estimate the B component has spectral type         .       
                       L2 +/- 1, Teff 2000 +/- 100K, and mass 0.012-0.015 Msun.                WuY2015b
16096-5210 RST 813     CPD-51@8974.                                                            .       
16097+6550 LDS2369     NLTT 42208/42209                                                        Chm2004 
16097-2754 GLP   4     B is CD-27@10816.                                                       .       
16100-6610 I   982     Includes EQ TrA, an Algol-type eclipsing binary, P = 2.70909d.          Zas2012 
16102-4008 I  1082     Measures uncertain, too close.                                          .       
16102-8414 HJ 4798     LDS 543.                                                                .       
16103+5945 LDS2370     BD+60@1658a.                                                            .       
16104+4349 14 Her      Combined solution, based on reduction of Hipparcos intermediate         .       
                       astrometric data together with spectroscopic elements from the Geneva   .       
                       Extrasolar Planet Search Programs home page.                            HaI2001 
16104+1720 ROE 140AB   = JRN  3 with quadrant flipped.                                         Dam2010 
16104+1530 BPM 653     [PM2000] 1158838 + [PM2000] 1158883.                                    Gvr2010 
16104-1904 KSA 133     Primary is the T-Tauri type variable ScoPMS 42b. Kraus et al. (2014)    .       
                       find the D, E, and F components to be background stars.                 KsA2014 
16105-0041 LSR 1610... LSR 1610-0400.  Dahn et al. (2008) derive an absolute parallax of       Dah2008 
                       31.02 +/- 0.26 mas and a proper motion of 1446.5 +/- 0.2 mas/yr in the  .       
                       direction 213.3+/- 0.1 deg. The absolute magnitude of the system is     .       
                       16.56 +/- 0.03 mag. LSR 1610-0040 (sd?M6pec) appears to be only mildly  .       
                       metal-poor; the companion must be a low-mass substellar brown dwarf.    .       
                       Koren et al. (2016) derive a parallax pf 30.73 +/- 0.34 mas; proper     .       
                       motion is -795.42 +/- 0.07 mas/yr in RA, -1208.40 +/- 0.9 mas/yr in     .       
                       DEC.  The systematic radial velocity is -98.3 +/- 0.3 km/sec.           Dah2016 
16105-1913 KSA  93     Primary is the pre-main sequence star [PBB2002] USco 161031.9-191305.   .       
                       Kraus et al. (2014) estimate mass of the companion at 70 +/- 10 Mjup.   KsA2014 
                       Lachapelle et al. (2015) derive the following properties for Aa,Ab,B:   .       
                         Spectral type        | K7         | ~M4            | M9    +/- 0.5    .       
                         Teff (K)             | ~4000      | 3200  +/- 300  | 2500  +/- 200    .       
                         log(L/Lsun)          | ...        | -1.48 +/- 0.11 | -2.13 +/- 0.12   .       
                         Mass (Msun) (5 Myr)  | ~0.77      | 0.12  +/- 0.02 | 0.032 +/- 0.004  .       
                         Mass (Msun) (10 Myr) | ~0.77      | 0.16  +/- 0.02 | 0.058 +/- 0.011  .       
                         Distance (pc)        | 145 +/- 14 | ...            | ...              .       
                         Proj. sep. (AU)      | ...        | 26    +/- 3    | 885   +/- 85     Lch2015 
16107-2252 BRT1496     CD-22@11390.                                                            .       
16109+1144 ZUC  13     SKF  50.                                                                .       
                       Primary is white dwarf PG 1608+118.                                     Zuc1992 
16111-0814 MTL   1     Mitchell ascribed to STF 2012 rej. B is BD-07@4220.                     Mtl1876 
16111-1905 MSR   7     HBC 630 = V1000 Sco.                                                    Msr2005 
16115+1507 A  1799     Rectilinear solution by Scardia et al. (2017).                          Sca2017c
16115+0943 FIN 354     Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and spectroscopic   .       
                       masses of 3.09 +/- 1.87, 3.48, and 1.58 Msun, respectively.             Mlk2012 
                       Docobo & Andrade (2013) derive a dynamical parallax of  5.45 +/- 0.28   .       
                       mas and component masses 2.31 +/- 0.46 and 2.15 +/- 0.43 Msun (for      .       
                       spectral type A7V) or 5.64 +/- 0.32 mas, 2.09 +/- 0.45 and 1.93 +/-     .       
                       0.43 Msun (for F0IV). See paper for extensive notes on this system.     Doc2013d
16116-1839 HER  25     Formerly known as CHN  25 and GHE  19.                                  .       
16118+4222 STF2024     H IV 115. Composite spectrum; K4II+F6-8V.                               .       
                       H 4 115.                                                                .       
16118+3626 WRH  21     A long-period spectroscopic binary.                                     .       
                       1983.3098: Very poor atmospheric conditions.                            Bag1984a
                       Torres (2007) incorporates Hipparcos intermediate data with             Trr2007b
                       spectroscopic results to derive orbit. P, e, omega, and T are adopted   .       
                       from the spectroscopic solution of Scarfe et al. (2007). Resulting      Scf2007 
                       masses are 1.38 +0.09/-0.03 and 1.36 +0.07/-0.02 Msun.                  .       
16120-1907 KOH  78     HBC 633 = V1001 Sco.                                                    Msr2005 
16120-1928 CHR 146     nu Sco = Jabbah. A is a spectroscopic and occultation binary.           .       
           H 5   6     H V 6. Shows two spectra, B8V+B9VpSi; the system is at least quintuple  .       
16121+1433 STF2017     B is BD+14@3011.                                                        .       
16121+1155 STF2016     H 2  86.                                                                MEv2010 
16122+0908 A  2782     CD: WAK  17.                                                            .       
16123-2825 HJ 4839     12 Sco.                                                                 .       
16124-4339 HJ 4837     B is CD-43@10607.                                                       .       
16128+3922 STF2028     Pair was listed, but in a "rejected" list, not part of discoverer's     .       
                       regular numbering sequence.                                             .       
16133+1332 STF2021     49 Ser                                                                  .       
                       See Baize & Petit (1989) catalog of doubles with variable component.    Baz1989d
                       Hopmann (1964) orbit rejected from Fourth Orbit Catalog                 Hop1964b
                       ("period over 4000 years")                                              Wor1983 
                       AB: NLTT 42273/42272                                                    Chm2004 
                       AC: Optical pair, based on study of relative motion of the              .       
                       components using the method of apparent motion parameters.              Kiy2008 
                       AB: H 1  82.                                                            MEv2010 
16134+2431 POU3216     Rectilinear solution by Friedman et al. (2011).                         USN2011a
16134-1806 CHR 233     First detected as an occultation binary by Africano.                    Afr1978 
16135-5438 HDO 254     kap Nor                                                                 .       
16137+4638 A  1642     Pair suspected of variability. The quadrant reversal assumed in         Dom1970 
                       Dommanget orbit did not take place.                                     .       
16138-5209 RST5594     CPD-51@9079.                                                            .       
16142-5047 TOK 409     HIP 79576 has a variable RV (GCS). The 79mas separation implies an      .       
                       orbital period of ~5yr. This is the high-PM star LTT 6467 with a low    .       
                       metallicity [Fe/H]=-0.78. Ivanov et al. (2013 A&A 560, 21) found no     .       
                       CPM companions.                                                         Tok2015c
16143-0342 BUP 164     del Oph = 1 Oph = Yed Prior                                             .       
                       NPOI Limb-darkened diameter   10.161 +/- 0.020 mas,                     .       
                       R =   53.50 (+1.38-1.46 )  \rsun,  Teff = 3735 +/-   5 K,               .       
                       L =  501.6 +/-  26.6 \lsun.                                             NOI2023 
16143-5005 HJ 4838     B is CD-49@10426.                                                       .       
16146-1832 HD 145997   A measure on 1980.7255 was incorrectly attributed to HR 6053 by         .       
                       McAlister et al. (1983); that measure, with a factor of two correction  McA1983 
                       in the separation, actually belongs to HR 6560.                         .       
16147+3352 STF2032     sig CrB = 17 CrB.                                                       .       
                       A is a Delta Scuti-type variable, TZ CrB, and double-lined              .       
                       spectroscopic binary, P = 1.14d. It exhibits atmospheric and coronal    .       
                       activity, and radio flares.                                             .       
                       Aa,Ab: Raghavan et al. orbit based on based on RV data plus long-       Rag2009 
                       baseline interferometry from CHARA Array. Adopted e=omega=0.0. Derive   .       
                       masses 1.137 +/- 0.037 and 1.090 +/- 0.036 Msun, radii 1.244 +/- 0.050  .       
                       and 1.244 +/- 0.050 Rsun.                                               .       
                       AB: H 1   3.                                                            MEv2010 
                       AB: Parabolic orbit.  sigma = areal constant in the true orbit =        Zag1936 
                       0.1226 arcsec^2/yr. q = periastron distance in the true orbit = 2".221  .       
                       See Baize & Petit (1989) catalog of doubles with variable component.    Baz1989d
                       AC: STT 538.                                                            .       
                       AD and BD: Optical pairs, based on study of relative motion of the      .       
                       components using the method of apparent motion parameters.              Kiy2008 
                       AD : the lost STT 305AD is also this pair.                              Dam2016b
                       AE: A distant star (L 1490-24, mag. about 12.5, 13') has common proper  .       
                       motion                                                                  Kam1939b
           YSC 152     Ea,Eb: astrom. orb. Hei1990d P=52yr e=0.36 a=111mas => q=0.26           Tok2014d
16148-2114 J  1590     SWR 198. CPM pair                                                       Skf2004 
16150+6040 LDS1434     NLTT 42399/42396                                                        Chm2004 
16150+1203 BPM 654     [PM2000] 1163547 + [PM2000] 1163484.                                    Gvr2010 
16151+1343 LDS4654     NLTT 42339/42341                                                        Chm2004 
16151-5622 EGN  17     Single epoch, but galactic coordinates (b=-4.0deg) suggest B, C, and D  .       
                       are all background stars. E and F are unbound.                          Egn2007 
16152-0046 HJ 1290     BAL3017.                                                                .       
                       Rectilinear solution by Friedman et al. (2012).                         USN2012a
16153+1435 BPM 655     [PM2000] 1163786 + [PM2000] 1163790.                                    Gvr2010 
16154-4916 BRT 882     CPD-48@8267.                                                            .       
16154-6341 R   274     del TrA. Innes doesn't see close pair, suggests Russell measure         I__1902b
                       should be ~140deg, ~30"                                                 R__1871 
16156-0822 BUP 165     18 Sco.                                                                 .       
16156-2243 GRE   4     IRAS 16126-2235 = PDS 82 = VV Sco.                                      Gre1992 
16156-5059 CPO 461     CPD-50@9115.                                                            .       
16156-6321 RST 822     Aka ALD  89.                                                            Dam2014 
16158+1348 BPM 656     [PM2000] 1164308 + [PM2000] 1164264.                                    Gvr2010 
16160+1126 ENG  56     15 Her                                                                  .       
16160+0721 STF2026     AB: Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and             .       
                       spectroscopic masses 1.22 +/- 0.24, 1.39, and 0.65 Msun, respectively.  Mlk2012 
16165-0659 RST3939     A is the Algol-type system SW Oph.                                      .       
16167+6714 ENG  57     B component is variable EW Dra.                                         .       
                       aka LDS2372 = SHY  80.                                                  .       
                       Bayesian analysis by Shaya & Olling (2011) indicates very               Shy2011 
                       high (near 100%) probability pair is physical.                          .       
16167+2909 SHJ 223     ups CrB = 18 CrB. Possible spectroscopic binary.                        .       
                       AB: H 5  37.                                                            MEv2010 
                       CD: Additional notes may be found in van den Bos (1963).                B__1963a
16171+5516 BLA   3     Also known as CR Dra.                                                   .       
                       Gl 616.2 = CR Dra. Tamazian et al. (2008) orbit yields a dynamical      Tam2008 
                       parallax for this flare star of 58.43 +/0 0.7 mas, as well as a system  .       
                       mass 1.76 +/- 0.13 Msun.                                                .       
                       Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and spectroscopic   .       
                       masses of 1.72 +/- 0.13, 1.09, and 0.47 Msun, respectively.             Mlk2012 
16172+3111 LDS6311     NLTT 42438/42437                                                        Chm2004 
16173-2437 WAJ   1     A is a spectroscopic binary with a period of 17.94d. B is an eclipsing  WaJ2018 
                       binary with a period of 4.54d. The catalog dm values are out of eclipse .       
                       values. Those during eclipse are 0.44+/-0.04 (J band) and 0.58+/-0.01   .       
                       Kp band.                                                                .       
16174-3449 HJ 4840     SWR 199. CPM pair                                                       Skf2004 
16175+7545 LDS1844     eta UMi = 21 UMi                                                        .       
16179-0724 A    23     STF3102.                                                                .       
16183-0442 BU 1452     eps Oph = 2 Oph = Yed Posterior                                         .       
16186-2518 LUH   2     DENIS-P J161833.2-251750                                                .       
                       Based on probability arguments, Luhman (2005) concludes this pair in    Luh2005 
                       the Upper Scorpius OB association is likely a physical binary system,   .       
                       with spectral types about M5 and masses ~0.15 Msun for each component.  .       
16188+6147 LDS2376     NLTT 42554/42555                                                        Chm2004 
16189+1803 BPM 657     [PM2000] 1167560 + [PM2000] 1167503.                                    Gvr2010 
16189-5754 EVS   1     Primary is Cepheid S Nor.                                               .       
                       Masses are 6.3 and 2.4 Msun. Estimated period = 8660y,                  .       
                       a = 790au = 0.87".                                                      Evs2013 
16193-4240 SEE 271     lam Nor. Direct motion. Half a revolution.                              .       
                       Primary not round.                                                      Hln1966 
16195+0314 ART   3     Artigau et al. (2011) derive spectral types T2.5 +/- 0.5 and T4.0 +/-   .       
                       0.5. Distance is estimated at 22 +/- 3 pc. Total mass <0.12 Msun.       Art2011 
16195-3054 BSO  12     AB + TOK 410Ba,Bb: HIP 79980 and HIP 79979 form a 23" CPM pair AB       .       
                       where the F6III primary is slightly evolved, while the G1/G2 secondary  .       
                       is closer to the main sequence, but still above it. The Hipparcos       .       
                       parallax of B, -4.7mas, is obviously wrong, so we assume the parallax   .       
                       of the primary, 20.7mas. The RV(B) is variable (GCS), and we resolve    .       
                       it into a 40mas pair with an estimated period on the order of 1yr. The  .       
                       pair moved by 10deg in a month. Binary motion is the likely cause of    .       
                       the incorrect Hipparcos parallax.                                       Tok2015c
16195-4004 OCC9213     Additional solutions of 131.6 deg, 7.2 mas & 259.3 deg, 7.2 mas.        OCC2020a
16197+4619 BU 1198     tau Her = 22 Her. A is a Beta CMa-type variable.                        Bu_1894 
16197-2146 BOY  23     DENIS-P J161939.8-214535                                                .       
16195-3054 TOK 410     Ba,Bb: SB?                                                              Tok2014d
16198+2647 A   225     Systemic mass is estimated at 2.6 +/- 1.3 Msun, assuming an Hipparcos   .       
                       parallax of 7.65 +/- 1.26 mas. According to Heintz (1982), the          Hei1982c
                       computed dynamical mass suggests an evolved pair.                       Doc2008a
                       Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and spectroscopic   .       
                       masses of 2.47 +/- 1.14, 2.36, and 0.95 Msun, respectively.             Mlk2012 
16198-5009 HJ 4841     gam 2 Nor                                                               .       
                       Optical pair, based on study of relative motion of the components       .       
                       using the method of apparent motion parameters.                         Kiy2008 
                       Rectilinear solution by Hurowitz et al. (2014).                         USN2014a
16199+2238 OSO  68     G168-042. Neither is a common proper motion pair, based on color and    .       
                       comparison with POSS2 red plates                                        Oso2004 
16201-2003 SHJ 225     H V 134. B is BD-19@4358.                                               .       
                       H 5 134.                                                                MEv2010 
16201-6958 DON 788     NO TrA, Algol-type eclipsing binary, P = 5.66215 d.                     Zas2011 
16202-3734 LDS6312     RSS 401. LDS 555                                                        .       
16203+3659 HIP  80042  Ren & Fu (2013) calculated an astrometric orbit, combining Hipparcos    Ren2013 
                       Intermediate Astrometric Data with spectroscopic elements by            .       
                       Carquillat & Ginestet (1996).                                           Crq1996 
16203+5111 OSO  69     G202-043. Neither is a common proper motion pair, based on comparison   .       
                       with POSS2 red plates.                                                  Oso2004 
16203-7842 BSO  22     del 1 Aps. An irregular variable. B is CPD-78@1093, spectrum K3III      .       
16204+5223 FAR  45     Primary is white dwarf WD 1619+525.                                     Far2006 
16204-0416 WIL   3     Gl 618.1                                                                .       
                       CPM pair; data from 2MASS. Wilson et al. (2001) derive spectral type    Wil2001 
                       of L2.5V and mass 60-70 Mjup for the companion.                         .       
16205-2007 B  1808     AB: Mt. Wilson spectral types B9,A0n.                                   .       
           SHJ 226     AB,C: H 4 124.                                                          MEv2010 
16206+4535 HDS2309     Cvetkovic et al. (2014) derive spectral types F2 and  K0, masses 1.56   .       
                       and 0.90 Msun. Dynamical parallax is 11.58 +/- 0.95 mas.                Cve2014 
16211+1131 BPM 658     [PM2000] 1169724 + [PM2000] 1169722.                                    Gvr2010 
16212+4118 FAR  46     Primary is white dwarf WD 1619+414.                                     Far2006 
16212+2259 HU  481     Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and spectroscopic   .       
                       masses of 2.03 +/- 0.64, 2.12, and 1.10 Msun, respectively.             Mlk2012 
16212-2536 BLM   4     A: sig Sco = 20 Sco = Alniyat. This system is comprised of a 33d SB     .       
                       components Aa1 and Aa2), with a third component (Ab) at 0.4" from the   .       
                       spectroscopic pair and a fourth component at about 20".  The primary    .       
                       is a beta Cep variable.                                                 .       
                       North et al. derive masses of 18.4 +/- 5.4 and 11.9 +/- 3.1 Msun for    Nor2007 
                       the two spectroscopic components; spectral types for the primary and    .       
                       secondary appear to be B1III and B1V, and the age is about 10Myr.       .       
                       1976.471: These measurements cannot be that of the SB system observed   .       
                       by Struve et al. (1961 ApJ, 133, 509) but probably relates to the more  .       
                       distant companion observed by Nather et al (1974) at a lunar            Chu1974 
                       occultation.  The system is also a photometric variable.                BLM1978 
           sig Sco     Aa1,Aa2: Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and        .       
                       spectroscopic masses 56.66 +/- 21.97, 15.64, 16.98 Msun, respectively.  Mlk2012 
           H 4 121     H IV 121.                                                               .       
16215-5306 RSS  30     This previously uncataloged double star was a Hipparcos double entry    .       
                       system. The first measure is determined from the individual positions   .       
                       listed by Rousseau et al.                                               Rss1996 
16216+1339 BPM 659     [PM2000] 1170287 + [PM2000] 1170334.                                    Gvr2010 
16218+0113 STF2041     STT 308.                                                                .       
16219+1909 SHJ 227     gam Her = 20 Her. A is a spectroscopic binary. B is BD+19@2085.         .       
                       STTA144 = H 5  19.                                                      .       
                       AB: Optical pair, based on study of relative motion of the components   .       
                       using the method of apparent motion parameters.                         Kiy2008 
16219+1327 GC 22009    Hipparcos astrometric solution adopted some elements from the orbit of  HIP1997d
                       Griffin (1978).                                                         Grf1978c
16219-2043 IRE  14     Primary is a T-Tauri type variable. Kraus et al. (2014) estimate the    .       
                       mass of the companion at 16 +/- 1 Mjup .                                KsA2014 
                       Lachapelle et al. (2015) derive the following properties:               .       
                         Spectral type             | K7    +/- 0.5  | M9    +/- 0.5            .       
                         Teff (K)                  | 4200  +/- 150  | 2300  +/- 100            .       
                         log(L/Lsun)               | -0.42 +/- 0.08 | -3.01 +/- 0.09           .       
                         Mass (Msun) (5 Myr)       | 0.9   +/- 0.1  | 0.015 +/- 0.001          .       
                         Mass (Msun) (10 Myr)      | 0.9   +/- 0.1  | 0.016 +/- 0.001          .       
                         Distance (pc)             | 145   +/- 14   | ...                      .       
                         Projected separation (AU) |                | 320   +/- 30             Lch2015 
16221+3054 CHR  53     xi CrB = 19 CrB                                                         .       
16221+1214 FAR  18     B = white dwarf WD1619+123, DA2.9, mass 0.55 Msun. Mass(A)=1.05         Hbg2013 
                       (Holberg et al. 2013)                                                   Tok2014d
16221+0102 LUH  11     GJ 3952 + 2MASS J16220644+0101156.                                      .       
16224+3348 STFA 29     A: nu 1 CrB = 20 CrB                                                    .       
                       B: nu 2 CrB = 21 CrB                                                    .       
           H 6  18     BD: H VI 18. Confusion in early component identification led to the BD  Nsn2015 
                       pair being mislabeled as BE.                                            .       
16224-2405 CLO   8     Oph 16222-2405                                                          .       
                       Spectral types M9 +/- 0.5 and M9.5 +/- 0.5, luminosities -2.77 +/-      .       
                       0.10 and -2.96 +/- 0.10 log Lsun, masses 17 +4/-5 and 14 +6/-5 Mjup,    .       
                       age 5 +/- 2 Myr. Conclude that form CPM pair and are currently bound,   .       
                       although may become unbound in the future.                              Clo2007 
                       From optical and near-IR spectroscopy derive spectral types  M7.25 +/-  .       
                       0.25 and M8.75 +/- 0.25, and estimate masses of 0.055 and 0.019 Msun.   .       
                       Conclude are not a planetary-mass binary.                               Luh2007b
16225-0415 BU 1453     B is BD-03@3930. Measured in connection with STF 3103rej.               .       
16225-4355 DUN 200     B is CD-43@10723.                                                       .       
                       Identified as optical and linear solution also published.               LRR2022c
16226+3819 PKO  15     Also known as COU1280.                                                  .       
16226+2624 BRT3311     Originally published as BRT 170.                                        Brt1928 
16229+3815 KU   53     HJL 235.                                                                HJL1986 
16229+3803 COU1281     Docobo et al. (2010) derive a dynamic parallax of 20.67 +/- 0.40 mas    Doc2010h
                       and a total mass of 1.60 +/- 0.10 Msun.                                 .       
16229+3220 H 5  38     H V 38. STTA145.                                                        .       
16229-1701 CHR  54     First detected as an occultation binary by Rad1982c.                    .       
                       Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and spectroscopic   .       
                       masses of 3.81 +/- 2.27, 3.07, and 1.45 Msun, respectively.             Mlk2012 
16231+3650 LDS4662     NLTT 42674/42677                                                        Chm2004 
16231+1350 STF2040     H 2  88.                                                                MEv2010 
16234+3844 LDS4664     NLTT 42686/42680                                                        Chm2004 
                       SLW1175.                                                                .       
16235-1309 HO  402     1m error in IDS led to similar error in WDS designation.                .       
16236-2402 CLO   9     Oph 16233-2402                                                          .       
                       Spectral types M5 +/- 3 and M5.5 +/- 3, luminosities -1.18 +/- 0.10     .       
                       and -1.47 +/- 0.10 log Lsun, masses ~100 and 73 Mjup, age ~1 Myr.       .       
                       Conclude they are member of the Ophiuchus cloud and form a CPM pair.    Clo2007 
16238+6142 CHR 138     The 3rd component cannot be associated with A for certain at this time  .       
16239-4637 RST 843     CPD-46@7946.                                                            .       
16240+6131 STT 312     eta Dra = 14 Dra = Athebyne. Both A and B are variable suspects.        .       
                       Mk III Limb-darkened diameter  3.68  +/- 0.05  mas.                     MkT2001 
                       Mk III Limb-darkened diameter  3.722 +/- 0.071 mas.                     MkT2003 
                       NPOI Limb-darkened diameter    3.34  +/- 0.07  mas.                     NOI2001b
                       NPOI Limb-darkened diameter 3.470 +/- 0.010 mas, Sp = G8III,            NOI2018 
                       R = 10.53 +/- 0.04 \rsun, Teff = 5060 +/- 64 K, L = 65.6 +/- 3.3 \lsun, .       
                       M = 2.45 +/- 0.10 \msun, Age = 0.65 +/- 0.10 Gyr.                       .       
16240+4822 BUP 168     Distance 1128.4".                                                       .       
           HEN   1     Discovery designation is per Todd Henry 03/02/98.                       .       
                       Hipparcos astrometric solution adopted some elements from the orbit of  HIP1997d
                       Marcy & Moore (1989).                                                   Mrc1989 
                       GJ 623. Martinache et al. derive dynamical masses of 0.371 +/- 0.015    Llo2007 
                       and 0.115 +/- 0.0023 Msun. Based on IR colors and velocities, they      .       
                       conclude that the pair is of low metallicity and probably old disk      .       
                       population. Models do not fit all the dtaa adequately, however.         .       
                       Aa,Ab: Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and          .       
                       spectroscopic masses 0.50 +/- 0.02, 0.58, and 0.40 Msun, respectively.  Mlk2012 
16240-3912 RAG   8     Also known as WGN   1.                                                  .       
                       GJ 620.1. Secondary is white dwarf WD 1620-391.                         Far2005b
                       A is exoplanet host, P=528d                                             Tok2014d
                       SHY  81. Bayesian analysis by Shaya & Olling (2011) indicates very      Shy2011 
                       high (near 100%) probability pair is physical.                          .       
16241+5835 STI2339     LDS2379.                                                                .       
16243-5921 SHY 284     AB: HIP  80365 + HIP  79958.                                            .       
16244+2140 OSO  70     G169-004. Not a common proper motion pair, based on comparison with     .       
                       POSS2 red plates.                                                       Oso2004 
16245-3734 B   868     Measures uncertain, too close.                                          .       
                       1991.3926: This system may have made a very close periastron passage    .       
                       between the times of our 1989.3 observation (rho = 0".039) and this     .       
                       one, although unfortunately the system was not observed in 1990.        .       
16247-2942 H N  39     A is possible SB and astrometric binary. Jones et al. (2002) do not     CPS2002b
                       detect SB with precise RV.                                              Tok2014d
16248+3925 HU 1276     Magnitude 13.0, assigned to companion in ADS, is much too faint.        B__1963b
16248+3217 FAR  47     Primary is white dwarf WD 1622+323.                                     Far2006 
16249+5218 LDS4670     NLTT 42778/42776                                                        Chm2004 
16249-3755 HJ 4852     Spectrum: A3/5II/III.                                                   .       
16249-5205 BRT 891     CPD-51@9487.                                                            .       
16250-2456 REP  35     Barsony et al. (2003) note additional 2MASS source at 10" separation.   Bny2003 
16252+1437 LDS4668     NLTT 42740/42738                                                        Chm2004 
16253-4909 CVN  27     Ba,Bb : Many early measures attributed to TOK  50Aa,Ab. Corrected       .       
                       here.                                                                   Tok2018h
16254+3724 CHR  55     25 Her. A component is a shell star. Strong a/e-correlation, more       .       
                       speckle observations are needed.                                        .       
                       Docobo et al. (2010) derive a dynamic parallax of 12.63 +/- 0.30 mas    Doc2010h
                       and a total mass of 3.87 +/- 0.71 Msun.                                 .       
16254+1402 BU  625     ome Her = 24 Her = Cujam. A is variable.                                .       
                       AC: Optical pair, based on study of relative motion of the components   .       
                       using the method of apparent motion parameters.                         Kiy2008 
                       AC: Additional notes may be found in van den Bos (1958).                B__1958 
                       AC: Rectilinear solution by Hurowitz et al. (2014).                     USN2014a
16255+7123 TOK 676     A is SB2, P=149.958d                                                    Tok2014d
16256-2327 H 2  19     H II 19. rho Oph = 5 Oph. Spectrum of D: B3/4V. Based on the long term  .       
                       double star measures, the Tycho-2 proper motion is not correct. The     VlF2007 
                       proper motion from the new Hipparcos reduction is given here.           .       
16257+2657 GIC 140     NLTT 42766/42773                                                        Chm2004 
16258+0542 STF2042     Rectilinear solution by Friedman et al. (2011).                         USN2011a
16260+1322 BRT1283     BRT1942.                                                                Brt1936b
16261-3459 HWE  83     HO  404.                                                                .       
16263+0211 LDS5851     AB: LDS6313.                                                            .       
           BAL1915     AC: Baillaud suspected both A and C to be closer pairs.                 .       
16264+5047 BEM9021     Rectilinear solution by Hartkopf & Mason (2015).                        WSI2015 
16264-2421 ZNN   1     Confusion between IR sources HBC 638 = DoAr 24 and HBC 639 = DoAr24E    .       
                       led to some of these measures being given the discoverer designation    .       
                       16253-2420GHE  22.  All measures have now been assigned to ZNN   1,     .       
                       however.                                                                .       
16265-2527 RAT   6     Primary is emission-line star ROXs 12 = WSB 32. Kraus et al. (2014)     .       
                       estimate mass of the companion at 16 +/- 4 Mjup.                        KsA2014 
16266-5158 RST 845     CPD-51@9530.                                                            .       
16267-2421 REP  40     Barsony et al. (2003) note additional 2MASS source at 9".3 separation.  Bny2003 
16268+1203 A  1859     Too close 1935 to 1945. Apparently a change of quadrant at this time.   .       
16268-1423 GIC 141     G153-051/G153-052.                                                      .       
16268-4803 I    93     Includes V374 Nor, a W UMa type eclipsing binary, P = 2.72950d.         Zas2012 
16269-2421 YLW   1     IR sources in rho Oph cloud. A component = GY 143,                      .       
                       B = GY 157 = VSSG 7, C = GY 171.                                        .       
           DCH  73     BD: Originally 16269-2420 DCH  73, but primary found to be B component  .       
                       of 16269-2421 YLW   1AB.                                                .       
           DCH  75     CE: Originally 16270-2422 DCH  75, but primary found to be C component  .       
                       of 16269-2421 YLW   1AC.                                                .       
16270-2436 YLW   4     IR sources in rho Oph cloud. A component = WL 14 = GY 172,              .       
                       B = WL 21 = GY 164, C = WL 22 = GY 174.                                 .       
16270-2446 HER  17     IR sources in rho Oph cloud. AB = HBC 262 = YLW   3AB.                  Her1962 
                       A component = GY 168 = SR 24N, B = GY 167 = SR 24S.                     .       
                       1949.: Noted as double, apparently seen on plate from Ross "Atlas of    .       
                       the Milky Way"                                                          .       
16270-5412 LDS 559     LDS5850.                                                                .       
16271+4255 BU  815     See ADS for rectangular measures.                                       A__1932a
16271-2426 YLW  10     AB: IR sources in rho Oph cloud. A component = GY 203.                  .       
           ALO   5     Ba,Bb: Originally 16273-2427ALO   5AB, but primary found to be B        .       
                       component of 16271-2426 YLW  10AB.                                      .       
                       BD: Originally 16273-2427ALO   5AB,C.                                   .       
16272-4733 HJ 4853     eps Nor. The primary is a spectroscopic binary. B is CD-47@10764.       .       
16272-6722 WFC 176     SWR 200. CPM pair                                                       Skf2004 
16273-2429 YLW  12     AB pair a.k.a. ALO   6.                                                 .       
16273-2439 YLW  11     AB: IR sources in rho Oph cloud. WL 20.                                 .       
                       WL 20E, WL 20W, and WL 20S are the A, B, and C components,              .       
           RES   1     respectively. Astrometry based on average of data taken through three   .       
           RIE   1     BC: filters: 7900+/-760, 10300+/-1010, 12500+/-1160nm. See Ressler et   Res2001 
                       al. (2001) for fluxes of all components at various wavelengths, as      .       
                       well as extensive discussion of system. Duplicity of WL 20 was          .       
                       discovered by Rieke et al (1989), although no astrometric measurements  Rie1989 
                       are listed in their paper.                                              .       
16273-2442 CST   8     AB: IR sources in rho Oph cloud.                                        .       
                       A component = V2247 Oph = SR 12 = HBC 263 = ROX 21.                     .       
                       1986.4: 0.45 - 0.18  flux ratio in J band, 1.00 - 0.35 in H band        Smn1987 
           ALO   7     AC: Kuzuhara et al. (2011) confirm that the C component is a member of  Kuz2011 
                       the rho Oph star-forming region and is physically associated with the   .       
                       AB pair. The mass of C is estimated at 14 +7/-8 Mjup.                   .       
16274-3729 B   872     Primary is eclipsing binary V1055 Sco (period 0.36367 day).             Zas2010 
16275-2427 YLW  17     IR sources in rho Oph cloud. A component = GY 273 = VSSG 18,            .       
                       B component = GY 279 = VSSG 17.                                         .       
16275-2431 DCH  77     Primary is young stellar object VSSG 25 = WL 13. The B component is a   .       
                       young brown dwarf, mass ~30 Mjup.                                       ShC2011 
16275-2427 SHC   1     AC: Primary is the young stellar object VSSG 18 = ISO-Oph 44. The       .       
                       companion shows IR excess, and is identified as a young low-mass        .       
                       companion candidate.                                                    ShC2011 
16275-2440 TER   2     Aa,Ab: IRAS 16244-2432. A.k.a. ALO  11.                                 .       
16277-6857 SWR 201     CPM pair                                                                Skf2004 
16278-0104 GIC 142     AB = G017-016/G017-015.                                                 .       
                       HIP 80630. See Allen et al. (2000) for information on metallicity,      AlC2000 
                       age, galactic orbital parameters, etc.                                  .       
16278-0822 RST3949     Aa,Ab: ups Oph = 3 Oph. A is a spectroscopic binary, P = 27.2d.         .       
                       Appears to be a common proper motion pair associated with STF1998       Tok2010b
                       (16044-1122).                                                           .       
           SHY 287     AB: HIP  80628 + HIP  78983.                                            .       
16280+1533 JNN 279     G 138-33. Estimated age 1000-10000 Myr; masses 0.45 +/- 0.13 and 0.23   .       
                       +/- 0.06 Msun; a ~13.6 au.                                              Jnn2014 
16280-6403 DUN 201     iot TrA. A is a spectroscopic binary.                                   .       
                       Optical pair, based on study of relative motion of the components       .       
                       using the method of apparent motion parameters.                         Kiy2008 
16281+1326 BPM 660     [PM2000] 1177313 + [PM2000] 1177384.                                    Gvr2010 
16283+4441 OSO  71     G180-058. Not a common proper motion pair                               Oso2004 
16283-1613 RST3950     Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and spectroscopic   .       
                       masses of 3.25 +/- 1.10, 2.60, and 1.20 Msun, respectively.             Mlk2012 
16284-6108 B  1812     Alternative spectra: F5+A2.                                             .       
16286+4153 bet Her     = Kornephoros. Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and  .       
                       spectroscopic masses of 14.65 +/- 4.09, 5.90, and 2.57 Msun,            Mlk2012 
                       respectively.                                                           .       
16288-0808 STF2048     B is a spectroscopic binary.                                            .       
16289+5636 ARG 102     B is BD+56@1894.                                                        .       
16289+1825 STF2052     AB: NLTT 42901/42900                                                    Chm2004 
                       AB: Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and             .       
                       spectroscopic masses 1.63 +/- 0.88, 1.67, and 0.79 Msun, respectively.  Mlk2012 
16291+0015 GRV 929     B component is +00 3532.                                                .       
16292+7805 FAR  48     Primary is white dwarf WD 1631+781.                                     Far2006 
                       Like 2MASS J10162867-0520320, this is a previously known system with a  .       
                       white dwarf component (Farihi et al. 2010). Hence, we do not include    Far2010 
                       this system in the binary fraction statistics.                          Jnn2012 
16292+3114 BRT3313     BRT2618. BD+31 2857.  DM number erroneously entered as BD+31 2837.      Brt1942 
16293-5133 SEE 279     SIN  92AB                                                               .       
           SIN  92     Corrected from 16254-5125 07/10/2002.                                   .       
16294+1036 STF2051     H 3 102.                                                                MEv2010 
16294-2626 GNT   1     alp Sco = 21 Sco = Antares. The primary is variable: irregular or       .       
                       semiregular with a trace of a 5.8 yr period.                            B__1953a
                       Mk III Limb-darkened diameter 39.759 +/- 0.399 mas.                     MkT2003 
                       Duplicity of Antares discovered by a lunar occultation observed at      .       
                       Vienna by Johann Tobias Burg 13 April 1819.                             Dnh2015 
                       Composite spectrum; M1.5Iab-Ib+B4Ve.                                    .       
                       Parabolic orbit by Hopmann (1957).                                      Hop1957b
                       sigma = areal constant in the true orbit = 0.04448 arcsec^2/yr          .       
                       q = periastron distance in the true orbit = 2".2055                     .       
                       See Baize & Petit (1989) catalog of doubles with variable component.    Baz1989d
16295-7142 SWR 202     CPM pair                                                                Skf2004 
16299+1107 BPM 661     [PM2000] 1179186 + [PM2000] 1179077.                                    Gvr2010 
16301+3353 HU 1173     Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and spectroscopic   .       
                       masses of 2.77 +/- 1.59, 3.32, and 0.95 Msun, respectively.             Mlk2012 
16302+2129 BLA   4     Aa,Ab: bet Her = 27 Her = Kornephoros. A is a long-period spectroscopic .       
                       binary, resolved by speckle interferometry.                             .       
                       A measure on 1980.4820 was incorrectly attributed to HR 6148 by         .       
                       1975.6273: SB, companion is red.                                        Bla1977a
                       McAlister et al. (1983); it actually belongs to HD 163640.              McA1983 
                       1983.3043: Only the asymmetry of the ACF peak indicate that the star    .       
                       is double.  The system has been resolved in the red (Blazit et al.      Bla1977a
                       1977) with the 200-inch telescope.                                      Bag1984a
                       Mk III Limb-darkened diameter  3.51  +/- 0.05  mas.                     MkT2001 
                       Mk III Limb-darkened diameter  3.462 +/- 0.035 mas.                     MkT2003 
                       NPOI Limb-darkened diameter    3.53  +/- 0.08  mas.                     NOI2001b
                       NPOI Limb-darkened diameter 3.472 +/- 0.008 mas, Sp = G5III,            NOI2018 
                       R = 15.92 +/- 0.40 \rsun, Teff = 5092 +/- 64 K,                         .       
                       L = 153.7 +/-10.8 \lsun, M = 2.91 +/- 0.11 \msun,                       .       
                       Age = 0.42 +/- 0.06 Gyr.                                                .       
                       Single line SB; all positive observations have been made in the red     .       
                       spectral range (wavelength > 6000 Angstroms) so delta m probably is >3  .       
                       in the visible.                                                         Bnu1986 
                       Hipparcos astrometric solution adopted some elements from the orbit of  HIP1997d
                       Plummer (1908).                                                         Plu1908 
                       P, T, and e adopted from 1908 spectroscopic orbit for Pan et al.        MkT1992e
                       (1992) combined solution.                                               .       
16303+1522 GIC 143     G138-035/G138-036. DUN 201                                              .       
           RAO 349     pa error = 356 deg.                                                     RAO2020b
16305-1433 STF3104     C component = A component of 16306-1432 LDS4673.                        .       
16306-1432 LDS4673     A component = C component of 16305-1433 STF3104.                        .       
16308-2820 HJ 4859     LDS 562.                                                                .       
                       SWR 203. CPM pair. Dwarfs, not giants                                   Skf2004 
16309+0159 STF2055     lam Oph = Marfik. RV possibly variable.                                 .       
                       See Baize & Petit (1989) catalog of doubles with variable component.    Baz1989d
                       Spectral types and masses of components assigned by ten Brummelaar et   TtB2000 
                       al. (2000) based on adaptive optics.                                    .       
                       AB: H 1  83.                                                            MEv2010 
                       AB: Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and             .       
                       spectroscopic masses 6.77 +/- 1.92, 4.88, and 4.48 Msun, respectively.  Mlk2012 
16310+2359 SHY 704     HIP  80886 + HIP  81875.                                                .       
16310-4629 HJ 4857     Spectrum of C may be M.                                                 .       
16311-1637 BU  626     phi Oph = 8 Oph                                                         .       
16311-2405 REP  41     A: HBC 644 = Haro 1-14c  PMS binary resolved by Keck Interferometer.    .       
                       The orbit is based on V^2 measurements obtained 2004-2007, plus radial  .       
                       velocity data from 2001-2007. The best-fit masses and distance from     .       
                       statistical analysis of the orbital solutions are 0.961 +0.265/-0.083   .       
                       and 0.326 +0.092/-0.023 Msun; 111 +19/-18 pc. A comparison with         .       
                       evolutionary tracks suggests an age of 3-4 Myr.                         Sfr2008 
                       A combined solution yielded masses 0.905 +/- 0.043 and 0.308 +/- 0.011  .       
                       Msun, plus a distance of 95.55 +/- 9 pc.                                LeB2014 
16312-2434 RAT  18     BC: Initially added as 16313-2433 RAT  18AB, but the primary is also    .       
                       the B component of 16312-2434 BOV  56.                                  .       
                       BC: Spectroscopy indicates the C component is a cool substellar object  .       
                       (M8-L0; Teff = 1800-2600K), not a background dwarf star, with spectral  .       
                       shape indicative of young, low surface gravity planet-mass companions.  .       
                       Currie et al. (2014) estimate the mass of the companion at 6-15 Mjup.   .       
                       They find some evidence of an additional companion at ~0.5" of roughly  .       
                       equal brightness, although preliminary analysis indicates it is a       .       
                       background object.                                                      Cre2014 
                       BC: Primary is the T-Tauri type variable ROXs 42B. Kraus et al. (2014)  .       
                       estimate the mass of the companion at 10 +/- 4 Mjup. The D component    .       
                       is a background star.                                                   KsA2014 
16313-2430 BRT3030     BOV  57.                                                                .       
16313-4757 CPO  68     LDS 561.                                                                .       
16314-6513 R   280     Also known as HDS2333.                                                  .       
16315+7237 HDS2334     CHARA Array Limb-darkened diameter  1.024 +/- 0.029 mas.                CIA2010c
                       R = 15.84 +/- 1.08 \rsun, L = 98.9 +/- 12.2 \lsun,                      .       
                       Teff = 4572 +/- 158 K.                                                  .       
16315+0818 SHJ 233     STTA146. B is BD+08@3216.  Also known as FRK   8. The equality of       .       
                       these two systems was noted by Arnold.                                  Arn2004a
                       HJL 237.                                                                HJL1986 
                       SHY 705. Bayesian analysis by Shaya & Olling (2011) indicates very      Shy2011 
                       high (near 100%) probability pair is physical.                          .       
16315-2425 REP  42     Barsony et al. (2003) note an additional faint 2MASS source at 7.33"    Bny2003 
                       from the A component.                                                   .       
                       IRAS 16284-2418 = PDS 85 = DoAr 43.                                     Gre1992 
16315-3901 HDS2335     Aka DSG  19.                                                            .       
16316+7056 CBL 159     AC: Originally 16317+7056 CBL 159, but B component was found to be      .       
                       primary of 16316+7056 TDS 819. Systems merged, with quadrant flip.      .       
16316+5746 YNG   1     ADS notes that Burnham measured position of Dreyer 6187                 Bu_1906 
                       from AB: 1910.34, 180.2deg, 207".1 (n=3).                               A__1932a
16316+2307 POU3231     Rectilinear solution by Friedman et al. (2011).                         USN2011a
16316+1917 STF2057     C is A of STF 2058.                                                     .       
                       AB: HJL 238.                                                            HJL1986 
16316+0526 STF2056     H 2  23.                                                                Bu_1906 
16318+4536 STF2063     H 4  62.                                                                MEv2010 
16318-0216 A   693     Only elements P, T, and a have been amended from the orbit of           Sta1978c
                       Heintz (1963).                                                          Hei1963a
                       Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and spectroscopic   .       
                       masses of 3.89 +/- 3.44, 2.97, and 1.20 Msun, respectively.             Mlk2012 
16319-2456 HDP   2     HCH   7.                                                                .       
16322-2440 BNY   3     A component = ROXs 47A.                                                 .       
16325-0834 OSO  72     G153-064. Not a common proper motion pair, based on comparison with     .       
                       POSS2 red plates.                                                       Oso2004 
16326+4007 STT 313     Called G5II comp? by Bidelman.                                          .       
16329+0315 GC 22255    Hipparcos astrometric solution adopted some elements from the orbit of  HIP1997d
                       Johnson & Mayor (1986). The use of the orbital elements derived by      Jhn1986 
                       Latham et al. (1992) produces a poorer fit.                             Lat1992 
           DSG   7     Horch et al. (2015) refer to the 280mas pair as AB; however, the B      .       
                       component has already been assigned to the wide CPM companion of        .       
                       Lepine (2007).  Since they refer to the 15mas as Aa,Ab the wide DSG     Lep2007 
                       pair is assigned components Aa and Ac.                                  .       
                       Aa,Ab: For the Horch et al. combined solution, spectroscopic elements   Lat2002 
                       are fixed to those of Latham et al. (2002). Assigned spectral types     .       
                       for Aa, Ab, and Ac are K1V, K6V, and M5V; derived masses for Aa and Ab  .       
                       are  0.77 and 0.64 Msun.                                                Hor2015 
                       Teff : A = 5252 K, B = 3400 K, C = 5500 K.                              Cab2018b
                       Mass (\msun) : Aa = 0.77, Ab = 0.64, Ac = 0.15, B = 0.40, C = 0.54.     .       
16329-4656 CPO 480     A is variable.                                                          .       
16331-6054 DUN 203     B is CPD-60@6558.                                                       .       
16335+4604 GRV1122     BVD 247. WDS designation of GRV pair changed to that of BVD pair, as    .       
                       it was in better agreement with the precise coordinates.                .       
16335+3030 BU  818     A is a spectroscopic binary.                                            .       
16339-4807 I  1588     Slightly variable. Central star of planetary nebula.                    .       
           SNA  40     Aa,Ab: This magnetic O star is resolved by PIONIER as an equal-         .       
                       brightness pair with rho=20.3mas. Adopting a parallax of 2.35 +/- 0.78  .       
                       mas (van Leeuwen 2007), it would correspond to a projected separation   VlF2007 
                       of 40au. While the object is flagged as SB in Simbad, a spectroscopic   .       
                       study by Naze et al. (2008, 2010) reported no evidence of binarity.     Naz2008 
                       The faint companion detected at 3.3" may correspond to the 2.9" B       Naz2010 
                       companion reported by Mason et al. (1998) if the latter is a high       Msn1998a
                       proper motion (possible foreground) object.                             Sna2014 
16341+4226 LAB   4     sig Her = 35 Her. Double-lined spectrum.                                .       
                       1972.28, 1973.45: Two of the three observations yielded fringes in the  .       
                       Fourier transform which were quite different; this is difficult to      .       
                       reconcile with the 50-yr period estimated from Kepler's law.            Lab1974 
                       This object was misidentified as tau Her by McAlister (1978). The       McA1978c
                       observation on 1976.2963 which was reported there as yielding a         .       
                       negative result does indeed show duplicity, as was correctly reported   .       
                       by McAlister later that year. The negative result reported in the       McA1978b
                       earlier paper for 1976.2991 is spurious.                                .       
                       1977.1781: This is a previously unpublished photographic measure.       .       
                       1977.3284: Theta incorrectly given as 5.7 deg by McAlister & Hendry     McA1982b
                       (1982); correct value published by McAlister et al. (1989)              McA1989 
                       1983.3098: Very poor atmospheric conditions.                            Bag1984a
                       Measure of 1988.258 made by MAPPIT.                                     Naj1989 
                       Martin et al. (1998) derive component masses 3.036 +/- 0.714 and        .       
                       1.498 +/- 0.519 Msun.                                                   Mig1998 
                       Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and spectroscopic   .       
                       masses of 6.05 +/- 1.14, 6.07, and 2.57 Msun, respectively.             Mlk2012 
16341-4403 SNA  41AB   The primary is mu Nor, a pulsating variable star.                       Sna2014 
16345+5709 LDS1436     NLTT 43148/43149                                                        Chm2004 
                       Primary is the eclipsing binary CM Dra, P = 1.26839 day.                Zas2010 
16348+0430 SKF  13     Aka BAL2878.                                                            .       
16348-0412 LMP  14     G017-025 = G153-067. We do not confirm the Lampens pair using our data  Pws1993 
                       and images from the Digitized Sky Surveys.  G017-027 is located at      .       
                       19.616' and PA=36.48 deg. Both G153-067 and G017-027 share a common     GJ_1988 
                       proper motion, according to Gliese & Jahreiss.                          Oso2004 
           GIC 144     AB = G017-025/G017-027 = GJ 629.2AB.                                    .       
                       A: Ren & Fu (2013) calculated an astrometric orbit, combining           Ren2013 
                       Hipparcos Intermediate Astrometric Data with spectroscopic elements by  .       
                       Latham et al. (2002).                                                   Lat2002 
16349-6810 HJ 4855     SWR 205. CPM pair                                                       Skf2004 
16352+3721 PAR   2     A is the Mira-type system W Her.                                        .       
16354+1703 WEB   6     A is a spectroscopic binary. B is BD+17@3054.                           .       
16354-5805 HU 1605     Spectrum of B may be M.                                                 .       
16355+5403 GRV1221     SLW1186.                                                                .       
16357+1442 BPM 662     [PM2000] 1185680 + [PM2000] 1185654.                                    Gvr2010 
16360-0025 TOK 175     HIP 81274. NOMAD: PM(B)=(-51,+56), V(B)=14.47. PM(A)=(-29,+49).         Tok2011a
16362+5255 STF2078     A: 17 Dra. Common proper motion with 16 Dra.                            .       
                       Aka H 1   4 = SHJ 236.                                                  .       
           STFA 30     C: 16 Dra                                                               .       
                       AC: STTA147.                                                            .       
16362+1526 BPM 663     [PM2000] 1186243 + [PM2000] 1186378.                                    Gvr2010 
16364+3057 PRB   5     Primary is NLTT 43194, secondary is WD 1637+33 = NLTT NLTT 43310.       .       
                       Possible CPM pair, according to Probst (1983).                          Prb1983 
16364-0219 BUP 171     CHARA Array Limb-darkened diameter of A :                               CIA2012f
                       R =  0.7591 +/- 0.0122 \rsun, L =  0.41945 +/-0.00422 \lsun,            .       
                       Teff = 5337 +/-  41 K, M = 0.821 \msun.                                 .       
16364-4252 SNA  42     The primary is V918 Sco, an ellipsoidal variable star. Object is a      .       
                       9.81d SB2 (Rauw et al. 2001, A&A 368, 212)                              Sna2014 
           HD 149404   The classification is from the UV tomographic analysis of               Pny1996a
                       Penny (1996).                                                           Msn1998a
16366+6948 BU  953     AB: Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and             .       
                       spectroscopic masses 1.79 +/- 1.93, 2.62, and 1.35 Msun, respectively.  Mlk2012 
           BU  953     AB,D: HJL1091. LDS1851.                                                 .       
           BAZ   7     Da,Db: Also known as HDS2348.                                           .       
16367+1225 BPM 664     [PM2000] 1186731 + [PM2000] 1186654.                                    Gvr2010 
16370+1213 BPM 665     [PM2000] 1187143 + [PM2000] 1187170.                                    Gvr2010 
16371+3119 OSO  73     G169-021. Not a common proper motion pair, based on color and           .       
                       comparison with POSS2 red plates.                                       Oso2004 
16372-1034 zet Oph     The line profile variations of this nonradial pulsator are most         .       
                       recently described in Kambe et al. (1997 ApJ 481, 406). Van Rensbergen  .       
                       et al. (1996 A&A 305, 825) discuss the runaway trajectory of the star.  Msn1998a
16372-4708 SNA  43     The 2.7" companion is undetected in H-band, indicating a strongly       .       
                       reddened, possibly background object.                                   Sna2014 
16374-5347 HJ 4863     SWR 208.                                                                .       
16374-6133 HJ 4862     B is a spectroscopic binary with P ~ 225d.                              Tok2022e
16375+1341 GIC 145     G138-046/G138-047.                                                      .       
16376-4053 EGN  18     All 5 companion candidates (B, C, D, E, F) are background stars.        Egn2007 
16378-6339 RST 866     Also known as TDT  11                                                   .       
16382+2244 POU3235     Rectilinear solution by Hurowitz et al. (2014).                         USN2014a
16384+7020 STF2099     LDS1852.                                                                .       
16384+3514 COU 985     A premature orbit has been computed.                                    .       
                       Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and spectroscopic   .       
                       masses of 5.46 +/- 4.84, 2.16, and 0.79 Msun, respectively.             Mlk2012 
16384-2514 HJ 1292     AB: Also a 12.5 at 129deg, 14.5" from B.                                B__1951a
16385+0640 RAO 354     pa error = 354 deg.                                                     RAO2020b
16385-5728 TOK  51     Aa,Ab: A = V841 Ara, var. BY-Dra type.                                  Tok2014d
           RST 869     AB: B is DOZ1, mass 0.65 Msun. Mass(A)=0.85 (Holberg et al. 2013)       Hbg2013 
16386+3820 STF2080     See ADS for rectangular measures.                                       .       
16387+4856 STF2082     42 Her.                                                                 .       
                       H 4  63.                                                                MEv2010 
16391+7256 LDS1853     NLTT 43405/43404.                                                       .       
16391+6042 STF2092     A is the Algol-type system WW Dra, P = 4.63d.                           .       
16391-3713 FIN 340     AB. 1991.3926: From its discovery in 1954 through the mid-1960's, this  .       
                       system closed from 0".14 to 0".10 and increased in theta from 147 deg   .       
                       to 172 deg.  It is impossible to determine from this single speckle     .       
                       measure whether the pair has gone through periastron and flipped        .       
                       quadrant, but this should become obvious within the next couple of      .       
                       observations.                                                           .       
                       AB: Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and             .       
                       spectroscopic masses 3.37 +/- 0.76, 4.60, and 2.40 Msun, respectively.  Mlk2012 
16391-5815 EGN  19     AB pair unbound. Single epoch, optical/physical nature of AC unknown.   Egn2007 
16394+4642 GIC 133     LDS6315. G202-066/G202-067. NLTT 43322/43323. A typographical error     .       
                       led to this pair being originally entered in the WDS as 15396+4637.     .       
16394-0306 BU  820     A 1923 measure by Gauchet was inadvertently attributed to 22390+1850    Gau1925 
                       and listed as new companion GAU 19AC. Error noted by Thorel (2012).     Thr2012 
16397-4921 HJ 4873     BD: Initially entered incorrectly as AD pair.                           .       
16397-5700 HJ 4866     A is the Algol-type system R Ara.                                       .       
16398+4226 LAW  26     AB: SLW1192.                                                            .       
16403-2354 HDS2365     Barsony et al. (2003) note additional 2MASS source at 13".1 separation  Bny2003 
           FGL   4     AC: Discovered using Chandra ACIS-I (Advanced CCD Imaging Spectrometer  .       
                       Imager) by Feigelson et al. (2003).                                     Fgl2003 
16406+0413 CHR  56     Aa,Ab: 37 Her. B is 36 Her, BD+04@3234.                                 .       
                       This system, first announced by McAlister and recalled in a later       McA1984b
                       McAlister paper after repeated attempts at confirmation, has been       McA1993 
                       restored. While perhaps still spurious, the subsequent confirmation or  .       
                       suspected duplicity (by another technique) makes the discovery          .       
                       measurement somewhat more probable.                                     .       
           STFA 31     STTA148.                                                                .       
                       AB: SHY 707. Bayesian analysis by Shaya & Olling (2011) indicates very  Shy2011 
                       high (near 100%) probability pair is physical.                          .       
                       AB: H 5  72.                                                            MEv2010 
16407+1044 BPMA 49     [PM2000] 1191425 + [PM2000] 1191452.                                    Gvr2010 
16407-0009 STF2076     AB: HJL 239.                                                            HJL1986 
16409+2157 HO  553     A is SB                                                                 Tok2014d
16409-4550 DON 806     CPD-45@8073.                                                            .       
16413+3136 STF2084     zet Her = 40 Her.                                                       .       
                       Mk III Limb-darkened diameter  2.33  +/- 0.05  mas.                     MkT2001 
                       Mk III Limb-darkened diameter  2.367 +/- 0.051 mas.                     MkT2003 
                       NPOI Limb-darkened diameter    2.49  +/- 0.09  mas.                     NOI2001b
                       Berman (1941) has discussed the RV's.                                   Ber1941 
                       A subsystem with a period of about 12 yr has repeatedly been            .       
                       suspected (cf Baize 1976), and the third component has now been         Baz1976 
                       detected by infrared speckle interferometry.                            Mcy1983 
                       No evidence in the speckle or Hipparcos data for the large-amplitude    .       
                       third-body orbit given by Baize.                                        .       
                       See Baize & Petit (1989) catalog of doubles with variable component.    Baz1989d
                       Giant primary according to isochrone fit.                               Sod1999 
                       H 1  36.                                                                MEv2010 
                       Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and spectroscopic   .       
                       masses of 2.44 +/- 1.31, 2.12, and 1.26 Msun, respectively.             Mlk2012 
16413-4846 MLO   8     AB: A is a spectroscopic binary.                                        .       
           SNA   1     Aa,Ab: The system includes the tightly-bound Aa1,Aa2 pair [primary      .       
                       O3V((f*))-3.5V((f+)), secondary O5.5-6V] with P=2.67d, i=49 +/- 5deg,   .       
                       e=0. The tertary Ab (spectral type O6.5-7V) orbits the inner pair with  .       
                       period 3000-5500d.                                                      Sbe2013 
                       Aa,Ab: Component masses are estimated at 62.2 +/- 10.0 Msun for Aa1,    .       
                       39.5 +/- 6.3 for Aa2, and 33 +/- 12 for Ab.                             Sna2013 
                       Aa,Ab: This is a hierarchical triple system known from spectroscopy     .       
                       (Mahy et al. 2012, A&A 540, A97). The outer pair (Aa,Ab) was first      .       
                       resolved in the course of the PIONIER survey (Sana et al. 2013). We     Sna2013 
                       clearly detect the known 1.6" AB pair, but other components of this     .       
                       system are outside our field of investigation.                          Sna2014 
           DUN 206     AC: C has variable velocity.                                            .       
                       The C component was observed and appeared to be single.                 Msn1998a
           SNA   1     Ca,Cb: PIONIER marginally resolved the Aa,Ab pair at 0.95mas. It        .       
                       probably corresponds to the 183d SB2 reported by Gamen et al. (2008,    .       
                       RevMexAA 33, 54), assuming pi=0.5mas and M = 20Msun (Hohle et al.       .       
                       2010, AN 331, 349).                                                     Sna2014 
16415-4359 PRB   6     Primary is GJ 634, secondary is WD 1626-41 = LTT 6576. Possible CPM     .       
                       pair, according to Probst (1983).                                       Prb1983 
16416+4428 L    14     Another measure: 1911.70, 119.1@, 19.96". Error in one of the           .       
                       distances?                                                              .       
16416+3053 GC 22471    Hipparcos astrometric solution assumed circular orbit (e = omega = 0)   HIP1997d
16416+2655 CHR  57     39 Her. A short-period (2.3d) double-lined spectroscopic binary.        .       
                       Hence a triple.                                                         .       
                       This system, first announced by McAlister and recalled in a later       McA1984b
                       McAlister paper after repeated attempts at confirmation, has been       McA1993 
                       restored. While perhaps still spurious, the subsequent confirmation or  .       
                       suspected duplicity (by another technique) makes the discovery          .       
                       measurement somewhat more probable.                                     .       
16416+1513 USN   2     LHS 3236 = WD1639+153 = NLTT 43383.                                     .       
                       Harris et al. (2013) derive a distance of 30.86 +/- 0.25pc (parallax    .       
                       31.67 +/- 0.25mas), which is larger than the spectroscopically-         .       
                       determined distance of 21-22pc and yields a nearly normal mass for      .       
                       this pair. LHS 3236 is a double-degenerate binary, which  eliminates    .       
                       the possibility of a substellar companion. Temperature of both          .       
                       components are 7700 +/- 60K. Astrometric analysis favors a DA+DA pair,  .       
                       with mass sum 1.84 +/- 0.03 Msun, while spectroscopic analysis          .       
                       suggests DA + DC, with a combined mass of 1.68 +/- 0.05 Msun. Age of    .       
                       the system is about 3.3 Gyr.                                            USN2013b
                       The Harris et al. orbit finds a photocentric semi-major axis of 4.37    .       
                       +/- 0.25 mas. Matches to 2008 and 2010 Keck AO observations yield       .       
                       dilution factors of 23.0 and 22.2, respectively. The mean of these two  .       
                       dilution factors gives the semimajor axis value of 98.76 +/- 5.65 mas   .       
                       listed in the Sixth Orbit Catalog.                                      .       
16417+3628 BU 1199     In globular cluster NGC 6205 = M13. Identification of pair uncertain.   .       
16419+1618 BPM 666     [PM2000] 1192855 + [PM2000] 1192899.                                    Gvr2010 
16419-1955 GC 22453    Hipparcos astrometric solution assumed circular orbit (e = omega = 0)   HIP1997d
16419-4723 COO 199     B is CD-47@10952.                                                       .       
16420+7353 MLR 198     Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and spectroscopic   .       
                       masses of 3.15 +/- 3.22, 3.47, and 2.09 Msun, respectively.             Mlk2012 
16425-3705 R   283     Premature orbits have been computed.                                    .       
16427+1336 STF2083     HJL 240.                                                                HJL1986 
                       A typographical error in van den Bergh (1958) resulted in a supposed    Bgh1958 
                       AC pair (103deg, 49") being added to the WDS.                           .       
16429+3855 STF2093     eta Her = 44 Her. Aa in direction of C and 2/3 the distance.            .       
                       NPOI Limb-darkened diameter 2.42 +/- 0.07 mas,                          NOI1999 
                       R =  8.9 +/- 0.3 \rsun.                                                 .       
                       Fainter than C.                                                         .       
                       Smyth suspected a close companion to A (1842.53, 150deg, 0".3) but      Smy1844 
                       this pair has never been confirmed by larger telescopes.                .       
16430-5611 COO 200     SWR 209. CPM pair                                                       Skf2004 
16431-7731 HJ 4858     bet Aps                                                                 .       
                       Optical pair, based on study of relative motion of the components       .       
                       using the method of apparent motion parameters.                         Kiy2008 
16434+1354 BPM 667     [PM2000] 1194757 + [PM2000] 1194704.                                    Gvr2010 
16435+2043 STTA149     B is BD+20@3324.                                                        .       
                       Pair appears in an appendix list, not part of discoverer's regular      .       
                       numbering sequence.                                                     .       
16436+0637 H 5 127     H V 127. B is BD+06@3281.                                               .       
16438-5330 FIN 251     Composite-like spectrum: B8/9(IV)+F/G.                                  .       
                       AB: 1990.3467, 1990.3495, 1991.3926: CHR 147 Aa,Ab, the close third     .       
                       component to this system discovered in 1989.3, was unfortunately not    .       
                       confirmed in these observations.                                        .       
16439+4329 D    15     Errors for orbit of Alzner (2007) provided by author (private comm.)    Alz2007 
                       With the Hipparcos parallax of 36.59 +/- 2.13 mas, the Alzner solution  .       
                       yields a mass sum of 1.31Msun, which matches well a pair of K5 main     .       
                       sequence stars.                                                         .       
                       Additional notes may be found in Duruy (1944) and                       Dur1944d
                       Worley (1956).                                                          Wor1956b
                       Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and spectroscopic   .       
                       masses of 1.27 +/- 0.16, 1.52, and 0.65 Msun, respectively.             Mlk2012 
16439+2638 BRT3315     Originally published as BRT 171.                                        Brt1928 
16439-0032 GLP  12     Proper motion according to Ebell possibly that of A?                    Ebl1895 
           J   448     AB: Additional notes may be found in Jonckheere (1949).                 J__1949b
16439-4107 CPO  70     B is CD-40@10649.                                                       .       
16440+4459 KZA 110     AC: Error in RA caused resulting incorrect measure by Kazeza.           KZA1984 
16444-4224 DUN 207     B is CD-42@11486.                                                       .       
16445+2348 AG  205     In BDS. Removed from ADS, reinserted into IDS, removed from WDS.        .       
                       Re-entered here. A is the planetary nebula NGC 6210.                    Skf2014b
                       For the record, measures are as follows:                                        
              16445+2348       1908.72     271.9     .     123.87                      1.0   6 Bu_1913 
              16445+2348       1992.70     271.6     .     123.52                      1.2   1 Skf2014b
              16445+2348       1998.8     :271.2     .    :123.38                      1.3   1 Skf2014b
              16445+2348       2000.0      271.5     .     123.67           609  70    0.2   1 Skf2014b
              16445+2348       2000.0      271.4     .     123.60           609  70    0.2   1 Skf2014b
              16445+2348       2003.194    271.5     .     123.61                      2.5   1 Skf2014b
              16445+2348       2010.5      271.3     .     123.43                      0.4   1 Skf2014b
16446+7145 MLR 182     Aa,Ab SB1, P=403.9d                                                     Tok2014d
           UC 3219     AB: Candidate on Tokovinin list, now reconfirmed as CPM.                Tok2013c
16447+0220 STF2088     BC: Also known as GRV 936.                                              .       
16447-4900 HJ 4882     CPD-48@8773. B is CPD-48@8774.                                          .       
16448+6647 AG  206     LDS2398.                                                                .       
16448-3912 DAW  71     CPD-38@6519.                                                            .       
16450+2928 COU 490     1983.3125: Very poor atmospheric conditions.                            Bag1984a
                       Systemic mass is estimated at 3.1 +/- 0.5 Msun, assuming a dynamical    .       
                       parallax of 6.94 +/- 0.10 mas. Couteau (1999) gives a spectral type of  Cou1999b
                       F5 for both components. However, 2MASS IR colors suggest a somewhat     .       
                       earlier spectral type F0-F2V. Adopting an F2V spectral type yields a    .       
                       rough spectroscopic parallax of 6.92 mas, in good agreement with the    .       
                       derived dynamical value.                                                Doc2008a
16450+0605 STT 585     41 Her. Alternate spectral type G3IV is more reasonable,                .       
                       considering the magnitude difference.                                   .       
                       B has variable radial velocity.                                         .       
                       AB: SHY 289. Bayesian analysis by Shaya & Olling (2011) indicates very  Shy2011 
                       high (near 100%) probability pair is physical.                          .       
                       AC: Optical pair, based on study of relative motion of the components   .       
                       using the method of apparent motion parameters.                         Kiy2008 
                       AB: HJL 241.                                                            HJL1986 
                       AC: Rectilinear solution by Hurowitz et al. (2014).                     USN2014a
16451+2821 STF2095     H 1  79.                                                                MEv2010 
16453+5647 MCA  44     A spectroscopic triple with the wider pair, presumably, now resolved    .       
                       by speckle interferometry.                                              .       
                       Hipparcos astrometric solution adopted some elements from the orbit of  HIP1997d
                       Abt (1965).                                                             AbH1965 
                       1983.3099: Elongated ACF peak suggests that the object may be double    .       
                       with theta ~ 104 deg, rho ~ 0".024.  HR 6237 is in fact a 1386-day SB.  Bag1984a
16454+5027 ES 2653     Also known as SLE  16.                                                  .       
16454-7150 B  2392     AB + TOK 411Aa,Ab: HIP 82032 is located in a crowded field, so the      .       
                       new faint Ab companion found here at 1".3 could be optical. The star    .       
                       was observed because of its suspected variable RV (GCS), but the newly  .       
                       found companion, even if physical, is too distant to explain this       .       
                       variability. Another visual companion B at 11".5 (AB = B 2392) is       .       
                       optical, as evidenced by its fast relative motion. The star is on the   .       
                       HARPS exo-planet program.                                               Tok2015c
16457+3000 STF2098     C is BD+30@2872.                                                        .       
16458+0835 SHJ 239     43 Her.                                                                 .       
                       AB: H 6 116.                                                            MEv2010 
16458+0103 J  1331     +17s, +2' from BD+01 3298.                                              J__1952 
16458-0046 A  1141     Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and spectroscopic   .       
                       masses of 3.86 +/- 1.83, 2.51, and 1.10 Msun, respectively.             Mlk2012 
                       Ma,Mb = 1.138 +/- 0.025, 1.116 +/- 0.024 \msun.                         GmJ2022 
16459-3205 PRO 136     SWR 211.                                                                .       
16460+8202 HDO 143     eps UMi = 22 UMi. A is an Algol-type system.                            .       
                       Duplicity suspected by Peirce in 1868.11 - this is probably not the     Pei1882 
                       wide pair identified as HDO 143.                                        .       
16461+5021 SKF 244     HD 234344 + 2MASS J16461148+5019456. Baron et al. (2015) estimate       .       
                       spectral types K7 and M7.5 +/- 0.5, distances 31.6 +/-0.9 and           .       
                       36 +14/-3 pc, masses 0.705-0.751 and 0.087-0.095 Msun.                  BFr2015 
16465+4759 ES 1089     AB: Rectilinear solution by Hurowitz et al. (2014).                     USN2014a
16465+1647 BPM 668     [PM2000] 1198515 + [PM2000] 1198531.                                    Gvr2010 
16466-4137 SNA  44     Aa,Ab: We resolve this SB2 system with rho=1.85mas. The object was      .       
                       reported by RV variable by Conti et al. (1977) and pre-publication OWN  Cti1977 
                       results indicate a 199d orbital period.                                 Sna2014 
16466-4705 B  1825     AB: Leep (1978 ApJ 225, 165) suggests that this star is a single-lined  .       
                       binary with a period of approximately 5 d.                              Msn1998a
16467-6707 HDO 257     Variable.                                                               .       
16469+0210 BAL1925     J 3295 is identical                                                     Hei1980a
16472+0204 STF2096     19 Oph. A is a spectroscopic binary.                                    .       
                       AB: H 4 123.                                                            MEv2010 
16472-3301 PRO 138     May be CD-32@12016.                                                     .       
16475+1329 BPM 669     [PM2000] 1199736 + [PM2000] 1199717.                                    Gvr2010 
16475-1945 LDS 571     NLTT 43547/43553                                                        Chm2004 
16475-4819 DUN 211     B is CD-48@11174.                                                       .       
16478+0515 BUP 174     45 Her. A is a spectroscopic binary, and is variable.                   .       
16479-4058 SIN  98     The BC and BD pairs were incorrectly identified as AC and AD.           .       
16482-3653 DUN 209     B is CD-36@10973.                                                       .       
16483-2845 HJ 4887     B is CD-28@12420.                                                       .       
16484+5903 PRB   7     Primary is GJ 1206 = WD 1647+59 = DN Dra = NLTT 43637, secondary is     .       
                       NLTT 43992. Possible CPM pair, according to Probst (1983).              Prb1983 
16485+5807 RAO 357     pa error = 356 deg.                                                     RAO2020b
16486+5508 STF2108     NLTT 43634/43633                                                        Chm2004 
16486+1353 BPM 670     [PM2000] 1201056 + [PM2000] 1201085.                                    Gvr2010 
16487-5526 DUN 210     B is CPD-55@7693.                                                       .       
16487-6902 WFC 179     alp TrA = Atria.                                                        .       
16489+5930 STT 316     B is BD+59@1762.                                                        .       
16489+2259 POU3246     Rectilinear solution by Friedman et al. (2011).                         USN2011a
16491+0609 FAR  49     Primary is white dwarf WD 1646+062.                                     Far2006 
16492+4559 BU  627     52 Her. Star A (mag 4.9, A3p) is an Alpha CVn-type variable, V637 Her.  Fat1941 
                       The magnitudes of B and C are quite uncertain.                          .       
                       See Baize & Petit (1989) catalog of doubles with variable component.    Baz1989d
16494-2354 LDS6316     NLTT 43594/43595                                                        Chm2004 
16496+4758 GRV1257     Both A and B have approximately the same radial velocity.               Grv2019b
16496+1316 STF2103     The AC and AD components which were with STF2113 are actually           .       
                       associated with this system.                                            .       
16498-5902 RST5067     eta Ara                                                                 .       
16499-6025 B  2393     Spectral type of A may be A.                                            .       
16500-4137 HD 151564   NGC 6231 #302. Classification is by Schild et al. (1969 ApJ 156, 609);  .       
                       however, Garrison et al. (1977 ApJS 35, 111) assign a type B0.5V.       Msn1998a
16501+0443 BUP 175     B is BD+04@3264.                                                        .       
16501-1526 TOK 176     HIP 82384. Small PM(A)=(-1,+26). NOMAD: PM(B)=(-6,-38). B remains of    .       
                       uncertain status.                                                       Tok2011a
16502+2219 OSO  74     G169-028. Neither is a common proper motion pair, based on comparison   .       
                       with POSS2 red plates.                                                  Oso2004 
16504-0147 OSO  75     G017-037. Not a common proper motion pair, based on astrometry and      .       
                       color.                                                                  Oso2004 
16506-5003 COO 201     Composite spectrum; A5III+F7III.                                        .       
16511+4631 LDS4699     NLTT 43702/43703                                                        Chm2004 
16512+3555 JNN 110     LP 276-29.                                                              .       
16512+1122 BPM 671     [PM2000] 1204376 + [PM2000] 1204449.                                    Gvr2010 
16514+0113 STT 315     21 Oph. Premature orbits have been calculated.                          .       
16518+2840 STF2107     AB: Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and             .       
                       spectroscopic masses 2.70 +/- 1.48, 2.16, and 1.35 Msun, respectively.  Mlk2012 
                       The faint star C (83") may be physical.                                 .       
16519-2120 RSS 419     CPD-21@6225                                                             .       
16519-3803 SHT  72AB   mu 1 Sco = Xamidimura.                                                  .       
           SKF2608AD   D component is mu 2 Sco.                                                .       
16523-3801 RIZ  19     mu 2 Sco = Pipirima                                                     .       
16528+5048 LDS 4700    Probable match to Luyten's pair gives theta value ~240 deg rather than  Luy1978 
                       than his value of 290. His value has been changed, on the assumption    .       
                       it was a typographical error.                                           .       
16528-4147 HD 152003   NGC 6231 #306. Constant radial velocity is also found by Levato et al.  Lev1988 
                       (1988).                                                                 Msn1998a
16530+4424 STT 317     AC: C is BD+44@2622.                                                    .       
16530+3142 BU 1454     53 Her.                                                                 .       
16532-4759 B  2398     Spectral type K?                                                        .       
16533+4725 CHR  58     CHARA Array Limb-darkened diameter  1.440 +/- 0.004 mas.                CIA2010c
                       R = 31.16 +/- 2.82 \rsun, L = 270.5 +/- 34.4 \lsun,                     .       
                       Teff = 4193 +/- 142 K.                                                  .       
                       This frequently unresolved double may be 2119d spectroscopic binary.    Grf2017e
16534-2025 WSI  86     Astrometric binary; dm 2.9 mag, period ~ 10y? Accelerated pm.           Tok2012b
16535-4207 SNA  48     The companion is marginally resolved at 0.77mas, but with large         .       
                       uncertainties. The object is reported as SB1 by Williams et al. (2013,  .       
                       AJ 145, 29), with P=13.8d, but Sota et al. (2014, ApJS 211, 10)         .       
                       obtained a different period. We therefore have to wait for              .       
                       clarification before one can decide if PIONIER resolved the             .       
                       spectroscopic companion or whether HD 152247 is a triple system.        Sna2014 
16535-6049 B  2396     Spectral type M?                                                        .       
16539-4153 SNA  49     The primary is V1292 Sco, a detached Algol-type eclipsing binary and    Sna2006 
                       SB2, with a period of 4.2d (Sana et al. 2006; Sana 2009). All of the    Sna2009 
                       resolved companions are too wide to be the spectroscopic companion.     Sna2014 
16540+1010 DCH 120     iot Oph = 25 Oph.                                                       .       
16540-4143 SNA  50     The primary is V1294 Sco, a detached Algol-type eclipsing binary and    Sna2008b
                       SB2, with a period of 5.8d (Sana et al. 2008).                          Sna2014 
           HD 152218   NGC 6231 #2.  The classification is from the UV tomographic analysis    Pny1993 
                       of Penny et al. (1993). A new orbit by Stickland et al. (1997) yields   Stc1997 
                       a period of 5.604 d.                                                    Msn1998a
16540-4148 B  1833     This O star is the F component of a multiple system. The A component    .       
           SEE 293     is HD 152234 which is a B0.5Ia star (Hoffleit & Warren 1991). The       Hof1991 
           SEE 294     AB system is a 0".5 binary which was observed and resolved 3 times.     Msn1998a
           SNA  51     Aa,Ab: HD 152234 is a 125d SB2 (Sana et al. 2012); the spectroscopic    Sna2012 
                       companion is marginally resolved in PIONIER observations with           .       
                       rho=0.9+/-1.9mas and dH=1.37.                                           Sna2014 
           SNA  51     Fa,Fb: We resolve for the first time this long-period SB2 discussed in  Sna2008a
                       Sana et al. (2008a, 2012)                                               Sna2014 
16540-4655 HJ 4890     B is CD-46@11089.                                                       .       
16541+0826 HEI 857     HDS2391. Erroneously indicated as a new double by Hipparcos.            .       
16541-4105 SNA  52     Aa,Ab: This is a 470d hierarchical triple system (Chini et al. 2012)    Cii2012 
                       that PIONIER resolves with a separation of 3mas. A combined             .       
                       spectroscopic/interferometric solution is presented in Nasseri et al.   .       
                       (2014, A&A in press.)                                                   Sna2014 
16541-4151 SEE 295     Aka ARY 122AB.                                                          Dam2017h
16541-4144 SEE 296     Primary is V1294 Sco, Algol-type eclipsing binary, period 5.604d.       Zas2013 
16542-4139 SNA  53     Aa,Ab: We resolve the long-period SB2 discussed in Sana et al. (2012).  Sna2012 
                       Four new faint wide companions are also detected in the NACO FOV.       Sna2014 
16542-4150 SEE 297     Light and velocity variable. Spectroscopic binary, P=5.97d.             .       
           CHR 252     Aa,Ab: Classification is from the UV tomographic analysis of Penny      Pny1996a
                       (1996).  The Aa,Ab pair was resolved in 2 of 4 observations.            Msn1998a
16542-4151 SNA  54     Ba,Bb: This is a known SB2 with a period of 5.7d (Sana et al. 2007).    Sna2007 
                       We are lacking PIONIER data on this system, but resolved a third        .       
                       component at 43mas.                                                     Sna2014 
           HD 152249   NGC 6231 #293. We found a possible binary companion at a separation of  .       
                       0".06 which needs confirmation.                                         Msn1998a
16543-4149 B  1834     CD: C is a Wolf-Rayet system, spectrum WC7+O5.                          .       
                       The classification is from Seggewiss (1974 A&A 31, 211).                Msn1998a
16543-4151 CPO 500     CPD-41@7737.                                                            .       
                       Aka ARY 122CD.                                                          Dam2017h
16545-4153 SEE 302     BRT 933.                                                                Brt1933 
16546-4125 HD 152333   NGC 6231 #325. The classification is from Schild et al. (1969 ApJ 156,  .       
                       609).                                                                   Msn1998a
16549-4031 HD 152405   NGC 6231 #326. Raboud (1996 A&A 315, 384) finds the star to be a        .       
                       radial velocity variable.                                               Msn1998a
16550+2544 STF2110     56 Her. A is a spectroscopic binary.                                    .       
16550-4109 I   576     Classification of the B component is by                                 Msn1998a
                       Lindroos (1985).                                                        Lnd1985 
                       The image rotator was in an unknown state, so two possible theta        .       
                       values are listed for the 2001.4030 observation - one for zenith up     .       
                       and one for north up.                                                   Trn2008 
16551-4205 HD 152424   Fullerton (1990) finds radial velocity variations that suggest an       Ful1990 
                       orbit with a period greater than a month. Levato et al. (1988) also     Lev1988 
                       find radial velocity  variations.                                       Msn1998a
16551-4459 CHR 253     This Of star is assigned to the field in the LSC, but Turner (1979 A&A  .       
                       76, 350) argues that it belongs to an anonymous OB association related  .       
                       to the Cepheid, KQ Sco.                                                 Msn1998a
16554+1826 BU  954     54 Her.                                                                 .       
16544-4150 SNA  55     Reported as a broad-line fast rotator with line profile variability     .       
                       (Sana at al. 2008b) and as SB2, we detected two visual companions at    Sna2008b
                       1.1 and 3.4". The 7.3" AB companion reported by Mason et al. (1998)     Msn1998a
                       may lie outside our FOV.  See further discussion by Sana et al. (2014)  Sna2014 
16545-4148 SNA  56     Aa,Ab: We resolve the 3700d SB2 discussed in Sana et al. (2008; 2012),  Sna2008a
                       and detect two additional wide companions in the NACO FOV.              Sna2014 
16549-4031 SNA  57     SB with orbital period 25.5d (Sota et al. 2014, ApJS 211, 10). While    .       
                       we are lacking PIONIER measurements, NACO/SAM resolved a third          .       
                       companion at 54mas.                                                     Sna2014 
16555-0820 KUI  75     Wolf 630.                                                               .       
                       A flare star, V1054 Oph. One of the shortest orbital period, for pairs  .       
                       resolved first by naked eye. The radial velocities indicate a third     .       
                       component. The intrinsically very faint star VB 8 (mag 17, 220") is     .       
                       also a member of the system. There is strong evidence that it is an     .       
                       astrometric binary. The pair is the large proper-motion star Wolf 630   .       
                       which forms a multiple system with the SB Wolf 629 (mag.11.7, 72",      .       
                       sdM4) and VBS 8 (mag. about 18, 221"), so  the whole system is probably .       
                       a septuple. There is strong evidence that VBS 8 is an astrometric       .       
                       binary. Eggen suggests that the group is part of a large moving         Egg1965b
                       cluster. He has observed an UV flare on Wolf 630.  According to         .       
                       Soderhjelm, the mass ratio and mass sum require the secondary to be a   Sod1999 
                       closer SB. Unuseable HIP solution.                                      .       
                       See Baize & Petit (1989) catalog of doubles with variable component.    Baz1989d
                       Combined solution from astrometry, spectroscopy, and parallax.          .       
                       Solution yields mass and orbital parallax determination.                Sgr2000 
                       Martin et al. (1998) derive component masses 0.327 +/- 0.045 and        .       
                       0.558 +/- 0.047 Msun.                                                   Mig1998 
                       KUI  75AB is also known as Gliese 644 (B is an SB1 star), component C   .       
                       is Gliese 643, also an SB1 star. Component F is VB 8 and is also known  .       
                       as Gliese 644C.                                                         Och2010 
                       Also known as GJ 644, this is a well-known and much studied triple      .       
                       system (e.g. Segransan et al. 2000), of which we resolve the wider AB   Sgr2000 
                       pair (the secondary is a spectroscopic binary with a 3 day period). In  .       
                       addition, there are two much wider components known to share a common   .       
                       proper motion with GJ 644, making the system a likely quintuple. Since  .       
                       there are so many existing astrometric points of the AB pair in the     .       
                       literature, we do not give an extensive list in Table 4, but rather     .       
                       refer the reader to Segransan et al., where there is a full orbital     .       
                       analysis of the close triple system.                                    Jnn2012 
                       Using the parallax from van Leeuwen and the mass ratio from Harris,     VlF2007 
                       Strand & Worley individual masses of Ma = 0.487 +/- 0.054 \msun and     Hrs1963 
                       Mb = 0.487 +/- 0.054 \msun are determined for these components.         Msn2023 
           LDS 573     AC: While VB 8 itself is single in the AstraLux sensitivity range, it   .       
                       is part of a higher-order multiple (at least triple, possibly           .       
                       quintuple) as a known 1500 au companion (C component) to GJ 644, which  Jnn2012 
                       was discussed in our Janson et al. (2012) study.                        Jnn2014 
           WNO  55     AF: GJ 644 A+C. CPM pair.                                               Mkr2008 
           SLE 687     AB,E: Rectilinear solution by Mason & Hartkopf (2016).                  Msn2016a
16555-2134 BU  241     Rectilinear solution by Rica & Zirm (2012).                             FMR2012i
16555-3929 SEE 308     CPD-39@7160.                                                            .       
16555-4522 I  1111     BRT 936.                                                                Brt1933 
16557+3511 RUC   9     Multiple system including contact binary V829 Her. Pribulla & Rucinski  .       
                       (2006) estimate the mass of the contact pair at 1.800 Msun and the      Pbl2006 
                       minimum mass of the wider component at 0.30 Msun.                       .       
                       Spectral type of resolved companion estimated at K1V.                   Ruc2007 
16560+6508 19 Dra      Hipparcos astrometric solution adopted some elements from the orbit of  HIP1997d
                       Abt & Levy (1976).                                                      AbH1976 
                       Ren & Fu (2013) calculated an astrometric orbit, combining Hipparcos    .       
                       Intermediate Astrometric Data with spectroscopic elements by Abt &      .       
                       Levy (1976). They derived component masses 1.18 and 0.42 Msun and an    AbH1976 
                       estimated semimajor axis of 21.19 mas.                                  Ren2013 
                       SB1. Combined orbit including RV data and Hipparcos Intermediate        .       
                       Astrometric data. Semimajor axis derived from photocentric a0 plus      .       
                       stellar evolutionary model. Derived properties for A and B:             .       
                       M/Msun = 1.04 + 0.37, L/Lsun = 2.02 + 0.02, dm = 5.01 mag,              .       
                       log age = 9.67.                                                         WaX2015b
16561-1401 LDS4703     NLTT 43811/43813                                                        Chm2004 
16563+7417 A  1144     Possible acceleration. Caused by inner subsystem?                       Tok2014d
16563-4030 HD 152622   NGC 6231 #333. The classification is from Garrison et al. (1977 ApJS    .       
                       35, 111).                                                               Msn1998a
16563-4040 HDS2394     AB: Fullerton (1990) discovered the short-period spectroscopic          Ful1990 
                       variation, and subsequently Wiemker (1992 MS Thesis, Georgia State      .       
                       Univ.) showed that the spectral variations are best explained by the    .       
                       superposition of a stronger stationary component and a moving           .       
                       component. Thus, the speckle resolution of this system (aka, CHR 210)   .       
                       makes clear that this is (at least) a triple consisting of a short-     .       
                       period SB1 and a distant O star.                                        Msn1998a
           SNA  60     Aa,Ab: Mason et al. (1998, 2009) reported a companion at 23mas, but     Msn1998a
                       with position angles differing by 180deg. Our NACO/SAM data confirm     Msn2009 
                       that the correct theta value is 307deg. A closer Aa,Ab companion is     .       
                       found in the PIONIER data, with rho=28.24mas; a third AC companion is   .       
                       detected by NACO at 1.5". The primary is also reported as a 3.9d SB1    Ful1990 
                       by Fullerton (1990).                                                    Sna2014 
           HDS 2394    AB + SNA  60Aa,Ab + SNA 60AC: HIP 82876 is a distant O7V star. The      .       
                       0".26 AB pair was measured among other neglected binaries. We found     .       
                       another faint companion C at 1".46. The star has an extensive           .       
                       literature, including multiplicity surveys with speckle interferometry  .       
                       and RV (Chini et al. 2012). Owing to the large distance, no detectable  Cii2012 
                       orbital motion is expected. Indeed, the AB pair was measured with       .       
                       HRCam in 2008.5 at the same position as it is now. Those observations   .       
                       in the y band did not detect the companion C owing to a lower           .       
                       signal-to-noise ratio.                                                  Tok2015c
16564+6502 STF2118     20 Dra. A premature orbit has been computed.                            .       
                       RV not variable. Some observations belonging to the neighboring SB      .       
                       19 Dra have been published under 20 Dra.                                .       
                       See Baize & Petit (1989) catalog of doubles with variable component.    Baz1989d
                       AB: H 1  19.                                                            MEv2010 
                       AB: Additional notes may be found in Burnham (1894).                    Bu_1894 
                       AB: Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and             .       
                       spectroscopic masses 2.18 +/- 1.20, 2.50, and 1.45 Msun, respectively.  Mlk2012 
16564-4104 CPO 501     Spectral type K?                                                        .       
16565+5558 LDS4710     NLTT 43902/43903                                                        Chm2004 
16566+5711 A  1143     AB: Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and             .       
                       spectroscopic masses 2.20 +/- 0.87, 2.16, and 1.05 Msun, respectively.  Mlk2012 
                       CD = BD +57 1717 (0.8") is 97" from AB and not associated with it       .       
                       as the proper motions differ.                                           .       
16566+4505 ES 2655     B is BD+45@2469.                                                        .       
16568-2309 BU 1117     24 Oph.                                                                 .       
                       1983.4282: The original McAlister et al. (1987) observation contained   McA1987b
                       a small typo.                                                           .       
16568-3906 DAM 350     AC: Aka GAT  20 with a quadrant flip.                                   .       
16569+2541 LDS 986     NLTT 43869/43868                                                        Chm2004 
16569-4031 CHR 254     Aa,Ab: Fullerton (1990) suggests the A component is a single-lined      Ful1990 
                       spectroscopic binary with a period of about 12 d and a semiamplitude    .       
                       of approximately 15 km/sec.                                             .       
                       Classifications of the B, C, and D components are from Lindroos (1985)  Lnd1985 
                       Lindroos finds a distance of 2.0 kpc.                                   Msn1998a
                       See discussion of system by Sana et al. 2014).                          Sna2014 
16569-6057 COO 203     SWR 212. CPM pair                                                       Skf2004 
16570+1556 ZUC  14     Primary is white dwarf PG 1654+160 = V824 Her.                          Zuc1992 
                       Also known as SKF  53.                                                  .       
16571+3908 TDT 156     Aa,Ab: WDS designation changed from 16571+3906 after TDT pair was       .       
                       determined to be primary of HJ 2802.                                    .       
16573+8651 STT 340     B is BD+86@263. Same as STF2248.                                        .       
                       AB: HJL 246.                                                            HJL1986 
16575+1508 BPM 672     [PM2000] 1212817 + [PM2000] 1212991.                                    Gvr2010 
16579+4722 A  1874     AB: Kiselev et al. derive a family of possible orbital solutions,       Kis2009b
                       based on a range of mass sums (0.93 to 1.53 Msun) and inclinations of   .       
                       the pair to the plane of the sky (-32 to +32deg).                       .       
           STFA 32     AC: HJL 242.                                                            HJL1986 
                       AC: Kiselev et al. derive a family of possible orbital solutions,       Rmn2009 
                       based on a range of inclinations of the pair to the plane of the sky    .       
                       (-38 to +38deg). The mass of the AB pair is here assumed to be 1.09     .       
                       Msun and that of the system 1.89 Msun.                                  .       
                       AC: SHY  84. Bayesian analysis by Shaya & Olling (2011) indicates very  Shy2011 
                       high (near 100%) probability pair is physical.                          .       
16579-3800 JSP 700     V883 Sco, Algol-type eclipsing binary, period 4.34118 d.                Zas2018 
16580+0547 GRV 942     HJL1092.                                                                HJL1986 
16582-2918 RST1919     CPD-29@4539.                                                            .       
16583-3337 I  1304     A is the Cepheid RV Sco. Also a spectrum variable.                      .       
16584+3943 COU1289     1986.395: The separation of this partially-resolved pair was            .       
                       calculated under the assumption of zero or otherwise known magnitude    .       
                       difference.                                                             Tok1985 
                       Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and spectroscopic   .       
                       masses of 2.52 +/- 0.99, 2.95, and 1.05 Msun, respectively.             Mlk2012 
16586+1527 TOK 177     HIP 83083.                                                              Tok2011a 
16587+7607 STF2134     Statistically the same parallax within the errors would indicate the    .       
                       components are physical.                                                .       
16589-3737 SEE 315     Also known as B   885. See's observation in 1897 is dubious.            .       
                       Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and spectroscopic   .       
                       masses of 3.78 +/- 1.45, 3.70, and 2.00 Msun, respectively.             Mlk2012 
16589-4015 SNA  61     Aa,Ab: The object is a 223d SB1 system. PIONIER observations reveal a   .       
                       marginal detection (2.5sigma) whose best fit corresponds to dH = 4.3    .       
                       +/- 1.8, rho~1.5mas. Both the large flux difference and separation are  .       
                       compatible with the properties of the spectroscopic companion.          Sna2014 
16591-4242 KSS   2     Primary is the Herbig B[e] star V921 Sco.                               Kss2012 
16592+2058 JNN 111     The star displays photometric variability at a 4.1 day period (Norton   .       
                       et al. 2007 A&A 467, 785).                                              Jnn2012 
16595+0942 BU 1298     AB: Burnham and van Biesbroeck estimate the following star 1.3 mag      .       
                       fainter; the components appear about equally bright to me. Variable?    B__1951a
15598+4404 JNN 106     SKF1643                                                                 .       
16599+0121 BAL1481     J 2111.                                                                 .       
16599-5920 HJ 4900     B is CPD-59@6877. A is slightly variable.                               .       
                       Optical pair, based on study of relative motion of the components       .       
                       using the method of apparent motion parameters.                         Kiy2008 
                       Rectilinear solution by Hurowitz et al. (2014).                         USN2014a
17002-2459 EHR  14     Aa and Ab appear to be comoving, but B component is a background star.  Ehr2010 
                       Primary is 26 Oph.                                                      .       
17003+3056 ISO   3     eps Her = 58 Her. Spectroscopic binary, P = 4.02d.                      .       
17003-7612 GLI 232     Spectrum of B: A8/F0.                                                   .       
17004-4839 SEE 316     Spectrum composite; G8-K0III+G.                                         .       
17005+0635 CHR  59     A spectroscopic binary.                                                 .       
17011+3016 FAR  19     Primary is white dwarf WD 1659+303.                                     Far2005b
17011-0413 ENG  59     30 Oph.                                                                 .       
17012-3812 SNA  62     A 22.4d SB1, the SB is probably too tight, so not resolved by PIONIER.  .       
                       Faint companions at 2.0" and 3.4" are deteced in the NACO FOV.          Sna2014 
17013-2808 B   326     Retrograde motion.                                                      .       
17014+3754 HJ  263     A pair of 12th magnitude stars in field.                                .       
17014+3329 BU 1542     Secondary is galaxy IC 4638.                                            .       
17016+1457 H 4 122     H IV 122. STF2115. A is the Alpha CVn-type variable V451 Her.           .       
17017-2542 HJ 1297     J 1734.                                                                 .       
17018+1746 BPM 673     [PM2000] 1218945 + [PM2000] 1219146.                                    Gvr2010 
17020+4507 GRV1224     SLW1202.                                                                .       
17020+0827 STF2114     A spectroscopic binary.                                                 .       
17021+0713 STF2113     The AC and AD components which were with this are actually associated   .       
                       with STF2103.                                                           .       
17022-2820 TDT 186     Claimed to be spurious and while the dm is very different, the relative Tok2018c
                       astrometry is close. Measures of TOK 728 were folded in with this pair. .       
17024-1154 STF3108     B is BD-11@4281.                                                        .       
                       Optical pair, based on study of relative motion of the components       .       
                       using the method of apparent motion parameters.                         Kiy2008 
17026-5504 HJ 4905     A is the semiregular variable T Ara. B is CPD-54@7976.                  .       
17031-5314 HDO 263     eps 2 Ara. Duplicity doubtful.                                          .       
           SKF 103     Identified as a double but not measured by Wegner.                      Wgn1973 
                       AC: GJ 2125. C is DA3.2, mass 0.65. Mass(A)=1.41 (Holberg et al. 2013)  Hbg2013 
17031-5833 I   997     Composite-like spectrum: A3/5V+K0III.                                   .       
17033+5935 STF2128     LDS1437. Mt. Wilson spectral types K5 and M0.                           .       
                       NLTT 44134/44135                                                        Chm2004 
                       HJL 243.                                                                HJL1986 
17036+6948 A  1146     Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and spectroscopic   .       
                       masses of 2.64 +/- 1.51, 2.42, and 1.20 Msun, respectively.             Mlk2012 
17038-3809 PBL   1     V923 Sco.                                                               .       
                       Orbital parallax = 16.018 +/- 0.009 mas, a = 63.941 +/- 0.041 \rsun.    .       
                       Ra = 2.0246 +/- 0.0026 \rsun, Ma =  1.4714 +/- 0.0014 \msun,            .       
                       La = 7.67 +/- 0.18 \lsun;                                               .       
                       Rb = 1.8496 +/- 0.0019 \rsun, Mb =  1.4186 +/- 0.0013 \msun,            .       
                       La = 5.72 +/- 0.14 \lsun.                                               Pbl2018 
17039+3212 DAE   6     NLTT 44114 = LP 331-57                                                  .       
                       Daemgen et al. (2007) derive a distance of 18.0 +/- 1.2 pc, separation  Dae2007 
                       of 20.3 +/- 1.4 au, and predicted orbital period of 143 yr. Spectral    .       
                       types are M2.0 +/- 0.5 and M4.0 +/- 0.5; masses are 0.46 +/-0.02 and    .       
                       0.22 +0.09/-0.06 Msun.                                                  .       
17039+1941 BU  822     AB: The Brt1939a measure was initially mis-identified with 17047+1936   .       
                       PRY   2AB - see note for 17047+1936PRY   2 AB.  The A component is a    .       
                       spectroscopic binary.                                                   .       
                       AC: See note for 17047+1936FOX 281 AC.                                  .       
17039-1956 RST3065     CPD-19@6092.                                                            .       
17039-3751 V884 Sco    This is a massive X-ray binary with a neutron star companion.  The      HIP1997a
                       ellipsoidal variation is portrayed in a recent Hipparcos light curve.   Msn1998a
17040-5105 DUN 212     B is CD-50@10977.                                                       .       
17044+1330 BPM 674     [PM2000] 1222616 + [PM2000] 1222740.                                    Gvr2010 
17046+3900 HJ 2804     AB: Rectilinear solutions by Cvetkovic (2015)                           Cve2015b
                       and Cvetkovic et al. (2016).                                            Cve2016 
17046-3800 B   890     CPD-37@6897.                                                            .       
17047+1936 PRY   2     AB: The measure was initially mis-identified with the 17039+1941        Fox1925 
                       BU  822AB pair. Due to their similarity in magnitudes, position angle   .       
                       and separation, there may still be some identification problems in      .       
                       measures of these two AB systems.                                       .       
           FOX 281     AC: The Fox, Worley, and Comellas measures were initially               Fox1925 
                       mis-identified with the 17039+1941BU  822AC pair.  This was probably    Wor1967a
                       due to the proximity of these two systems as well as the similarity of  Cll2003 
                       the AB pairs.  The C components of these two systems are also similar   .       
                       in magnitude and separation, although very different in position angle  .       
17048+4848 HR 6363     Hipparcos astrometric solution adopted some elements from the orbit of  HIP1997d
                       Griffin (1991).                                                         Grf1991 
                       Ren & Fu (2013) calculated an astrometric orbit, combining Hipparcos    Ren2013 
                       Intermediate Astrometric Data with spectroscopic elements by            .       
                       Griffin (1991).                                                         Grf1991 
17048+2805 STF2120     AB: H 3  89.                                                            MEv2010 
17048-3753 HJ 4915     Spectral type K?                                                        .       
17050-0504 LDS 585     LDS6317. AB: Wolf 531. B is BD-04@4226. Proper motion of A -920,-1138;  .       
                       PM of B -915,-1130 (UCAC2). Components of this system all have          .       
                       common proper motion and common radial velocity                         Egg1950 
                       HIP 83591. See Allen et al. (2000) for information on metallicity,      AlC2000 
                       age, galactic orbital parameters, etc.                                  .       
                       AB: SHY  85. Bayesian analysis by Shaya & Olling (2011) indicates very  Shy2011 
                       high (near 100%) probability pair is physical.                          .       
17050-5122 RST5596     CPD-51@10149.                                                           .       
17053+5428 STF2130     mu Dra = Alrakis.                                                       Fat1941 
                       Small motions with 3 or 6 yr periods in one of the components have      .       
                       been suspected, but from the positional and RV observations Heintz      .       
                       finds no evidence for them, and points out that the O-C residuals       .       
                       would be increased by the hypothetical body.                            .       
                       AB: H 2  13.                                                            MEv2010 
                       AB: Additional notes may be found in Simonov (1937).                    Smw1937 
                       AB: Prieur et al. (2012) derive a dynamical parallax of 36.3 mas and    .       
                       (using their orbital elements and the revised Hipparcos parallax of     .       
                       van Leeuwen 2007 A&A 474, 653) a total mass 2.8 +/- 0.5 Msun.           Pru2012 
                       AB: Low-grade SB orbit for Ba,Bb (P=2270d, K1=2.8km/s), needs           Pbx2004 
                       confirmation (SB9)                                                      Tok2014d
           BU 1088     AC: Star C (mag 13, 13.4" from the center of AB) is in slow retrograde  .       
                       motion; Cf. Heintz (1966). Mt. Wilson spectral types F5s.               Hei1966 
17054+1244 H 5 133     H V 133. 60 Her.                                                        .       
                       Optical pair, based on study of relative motion of the components       .       
                       using the method of apparent motion parameters.                         Kiy2008 
17054-3346 WNO   5     Spectral type of B may be M.                                            .       
                       AB + TOK 413Aa,Ab: The RV of HIP 83612 varies by 52km/s (GCS). It is    .       
                       a very close pair with an estimated period of ~1.5yr, and the measure   .       
                       near the diffraction limit derived from the elongated power spectrum    .       
                       is tentative. The Hipparcos parallax is likely biased by the binary.    .       
                       The visual component B = HIP 83609 (AB = WNO 5) at 25" is optical.      Tok2015c
                       AB: Rectilinear solution by Friedman et al. (2012).                     USN2012a
17055+4803 SDK   1     Aka SLN  83.                                                            .       
                       White dwarf pair = WD 1704+48 0942+24 = EGGR 576/577                    Grn1986 
17055+1033 BU  357     V2626 Oph, an Algol-type eclipsing binary, period 10.87424.             Zas2011 
17056-4106 HLN  41     CPD.                                                                    .       
17061+4329 WFC 186     Rectilinear solution by Friedman et al. (2012).                         USN2012a
17061-2635 EVS  29     Primary is the Cepheid BF Oph.                                          Evs2016a
17062+6438 GIC 146     LDS2730. G240-044/G240-045.                                             .       
17062+1809 GRV1259     Both A and B have approximately the same radial velocity.               Grv2019b
17064-6829 SWR 214     CPM pair                                                                Skf2004 
17065-0236 STF3110     Also known as BAL 572.                                                  .       
17065-3527 B   894     This "field" object may belong to the "CLUST 4 " groupof Mel'nik &      .       
                       Efremov (1995 SvAL 21, 10). An ellipsoidal variation is present in the  HIP1997a
                       Hipparcos data with an unusually long period of 16.11 d.                Msn1998a
           SNA  63     The primary is V1074 Sco, a pulsating variable star and 16.1d EB        .       
                       (Mason et al. 1998). We do not detect the 2.8" companion at dI=6.3mag,  Msn1998a
                       but do report a 6.7" companion at dKs = 5.9mag.                         Sna2014 
17066+1727 BAR  42     Also known as TDT 215.                                                  .       
17066+0039 BU  823     AB: Orbits of AB and Ba,Bb may be almost co-planar.                     Tok2014d
17067+0747 RAO 509     WZ Oph.                                                                 .       
17069+2254 KUI 123     Ross 862. Aka KUI  77.                                                  .       
17070+0648 STF2123     LDS 988.                                                                .       
                       HJL 244.                                                                HJL1986 
17073+6440 ALP  19     2MASSW J1707183+643933                                                  .       
                       Physical companionship to this ultracool dwarf ruled out based on I-J   .       
                       color, using I-band photometry taken at WIYN in August 2002.            AlP2007 
17074-0558 BUG   5     2MASS J17072343-0558249                                                 .       
                       Noted as binary by Burgasser et al. (2004).                             Bug2004 
                       Spectral types M9 and L3, masses 0.072-0.085 and 0.064-0.077 Msun       McE2006 
17074-3405 V455 Sco    Symbiotic star, spectral type M6.5. Fekel et al. (2008) orbit is a      Fek2008 
                       combined spectroscopic/spectropolarimetric solution. Estimated value    .       
                       for a" based on their a sin i, i, and estimated distance of 4.3 kpc.    .       
17075+3810 COU1291     Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and spectroscopic   .       
                       masses of 2.39 +/- 0.87, 2.43, and 0.95 Msun, respectively.             Mlk2012 
17075+3557 HJ  264     C component is A component of HU 1176.                                  .       
17077+0722 YSC  62     GJ 1210. Estimated age 1000-10000 Myr; masses 0.21 +/- 0.06 and 0.13    .       
                       +/- 0.03 Msun; a ~5.6 au.                                               Jnn2014 
17080+3556 HU 1176     Van de Kamp & Moore point out that Eggen's orbit yields a mass sum      Kam1966 
                       of 52.5, 'an impossible figure'.                                        Egg1945 
                       The speckle observations now resolve the former ambiguity.              .       
                       Hipparcos astrometric solution adopted some elements from the orbit of  HIP1997d
                       Hartkopf et al. (1989).                                                 Hrt1989 
                       Calculated mass sum is 3.32 +/- 0.39 Msun. Spectral types are early A   .       
                       or F, but spectral class has been reported as either dwarf or giant.    .       
                       This total mass is more consistent with dwarf stars.                    Mut2010b
                       AB: Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and             .       
                       spectroscopic masses 3.09 +/- 0.14, 3.33, and 1.82 Msun, respectively.  Mlk2012 
17081+3549 BU 1456     This is the same as BU 1455. AC and AD were previously listed as        .       
                       Aa and Ab, respectively, for that pair. Identical nature noted by       .       
                       Friedrich Damm.                                                         .       
17082-0105 A  1145     The primary is an SB; the observed RV range is 55 km/s.                 .       
                       Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and spectroscopic   .       
                       masses of 3.23 +/- 1.93, 3.64, and 3.48 Msun, respectively.             Mlk2012 
17082-3500 SNA  64     The object is a 28.6d SB1, but the SB is too tight, so not resolved by  .       
                       PIONIER.                                                                Sna2014 
           HD 154643   LS 3941. This "field" object may belong to the "CLUST 4 " group of      .       
                       Mel'nik & Efremov (1995 SvAL 21, 10).                                   .       
                       The classification is from Garrison et al. (1977 ApJS 35, 111).         Msn1998a
17084+1738 BPM 675     [PM2000] 1228900 + [PM2000] 1228757.                                    Gvr2010 
17085-3639 EGN  20     System is close to galactic plane, so found to have 12 companion        .       
                       candidates. The B component is physical, colors are compatible with an  .       
                       M1.5-M4.5 spectral type and mass 0.27 +/- 0.02 Msun.  The C component   .       
                       is unbound, and the F component is likely unrelated as well. Single     .       
                       epoch observations, so nature of D, G, H, I, J, K components unknown.   .       
                       Nature of E and M are also inconclusive.                                Egn2007 
17088+6543 STA   1     zet Dra = 22 Dra = Aldhibah. A premature orbit has been computed.       .       
                       Martin et al. (1998) derive component masses 5.940 +/- 1.134 and        .       
                       3.645 +/- 0.770 Msun.                                                   Mig1998 
                       Uniform disk diameter  0.474 +/- 0.026 mas,                             .       
                       Limb darkened diameter 0.488 +/- 0.026 mas,                             .       
                       Teff = 15000 +/- 800 K based on LDD.                                    .       
                       Radius is 6.19 +/- 0.49 \rsun.                                          CIA2019a
17088+0911 RAO 510     V2365 Oph.                                                              .       
17091-3753 B   896     CPD-37@6976.                                                            .       
17093+2244 OSO  76     G170-021. Not a common proper motion pair, based on comparison with     .       
                       POSS2 red plates.                                                       Oso2004 
17096+4047 MCA  45     The equinox-1900 position was incorrectly given as 17093+4054 by        .       
                       McAlister et al. (1983).                                                McA1983 
                       A: Ren & Fu (2013) calculated an astrometric orbit, combining           Ren2013 
                       Hipparcos Intermediate Astrometric Data with spectroscopic elements by  .       
                       Griffin (1978).                                                         Grf1978a
17097+3021 STF2131     B is BD+30@2938.                                                        .       
17097-5224 R   290     Rectilinear solution by Hurowitz et al. (2014).                         USN2014a
17097-5420 HJ 4917     Rectilinear solution by Friedman et al. (2012).                         USN2012a
17098+6821 LDS1438     NLTT 44344/44348                                                        Chm2004 
17098+0804 OSO  77     G139-016. None of the components share a common proper motion, based    .       
                       on color and comparison with POSS2 red plates                           Oso2004 
17098-1031 TOK 414     HIP 83962 = HR 6375 has a variable RV according to the GCS, while       .       
                       Gorynya (2013, private communication) detected double lines. It is      .       
                       resolved tentatively at 33mas with dy=1.8 mag (the 5-ms exposure makes  .       
                       it unlikely that the asymmetry is caused by vibrations). The            .       
                       separation corresponds to an orbital period on the order of 1yr, which  .       
                       could bias the Hipparcos parallax.  However, Eggleton & Tokovinin       .       
                       (2008 MNRAS 389, 869) consider the star as single. The new pair was     .       
                       not resolved in 2014.3, presumably it became closer.                    Tok2015c
17099-8219 HJ 4884     B is CPD-82@701.                                                        .       
17102+5430 STF2138     B is BD+54@1862.                                                        .       
                       HJL 245.                                                                HJL1986 
           SHY  89     AC: HIP  83988 + HIP  86141.                                            .       
           SHY  89     BC: HIP  83996 + HIP  86141.                                            .       
17104+2107 ALP  20     2MASSW J1710255+210715                                                  .       
                       Physical companionship to this ultracool dwarf ruled out based on i-z   .       
                       and z-J colors, using photometry from SDSS.                             AlP2007 
17104-1544 BU 1118     eta Oph = 35 Oph = Sabik.                                               .       
                       Smyth notes an additional wide companion (1833.61, 260.5deg, 269")      Smy1844 
                       Measure of 1989.388 made by MAPPIT. This measure had an identification  Han1989 
                       error, position error, or misprint in the publication, which has been   .       
                       corrected. Measure of 1990.37 also made by MAPPIT.                      Rbt1991 
                       Difficult a/e correlation, needs 20 more years of speckle observations  Sod1999 
                       Spectral types and masses of components assigned by ten Brummelaar      TtB2000 
                       et al.                                                                  .       
                       AB: Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and             .       
                       spectroscopic masses 7.05 +/- 0.51, 3.61, and 4.58 Msun, respectively.  Mlk2012 
17104-1611 FOX 198     Also known as ARA  86.                                                  .       
17106-1617 KNP   5     The binary at this position, formerly known as FOX 198, is actually of  Fox1915 
                       a different pair first resolved by Knipe. The FOX 198 pair, also known  Knp1965 
                       as ARA  86, is at 17104-1611.                                           .       
17107+1427 BPM 676     [PM2000] 1232570 + [PM2000] 1232441.                                    Gvr2010 
17107-4433 I  1312     Spectrum composite; G8-K0III+G.                                         .       
17108-6021 B  1846     Spectrum: G8/K0III+A/F.                                                 .       
17111+3501 LIM   6     Liu et al. (2012) derive near-IR spectral types of T8 +/- 0.5 and T9.5  .       
                       +/- 0.5. At a derived photometric distance of 19 +/- 3 pc, the two      .       
                       stars are separated by 15 +/- 2 au. Various evolutionary models yield   .       
                       masses of 19-23 Mjup for the primary, 8.1-10.7 Mjup for the secondary.  LiM2012 
17111+2414 SHY 713     HIP  84054 + HIP  84070. Primary is V620 Her.                           .       
17111+1739 BPM 677     [PM2000] 1233246 + [PM2000] 1233145.                                    Gvr2010 
17111-2723 REP  45     Inadvertently cataloged with the wrong precise coordinates.             .       
17111-2724 REP  46     Inadvertently cataloged with the wrong precise coordinates.             .       
17113+1246 JNN 152     2MASS J17111769+1245408 and J17111841+1245080, both from the Riaz et    Ria2006 
                       al. (2006) sample, are separated by only 34" and have comparable        .       
                       estimated distances (69 and 82 pc), as well as similar proper motions   XXX2010 
                       (e.g. Roser et al. 2010), and thus likely form a physical pair.         Jnn2012 
17113-5641 HD 154857   Chauvin et al. (2006) note finding at least one faint companion         Cvn2006 
                       candidate within separation/magnitude range listed. However,            .       
                       further observations are required for verification                      .       
17115-1630 HU  169     Additional notes may be found in Docobo (1998).                         Doc1998f
                       Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and spectroscopic   .       
                       masses of 2.86 +/- 1.84, 3.07, and 1.91 Msun, respectively.             Mlk2012 
17118+4029 RDN   1     Common proper motion pair G 203-50 + 2MASS J17114559+4028578.           .       
                       Spectral types M4.5 + L5, Teff 3114 +/- 115 and 1700 +210/-250 K,       .       
                       masses 0.146 +- 0.031 and 0.066 +0.008/-0.015 Msun.                     .       
                       Distance = 21.2 +/- 3.9 pc.                                             Rdn2008 
17118+2232 ALP  21     2MASSI J1711457+223204                                                  .       
                       Physical companionship to this ultracool dwarf ruled out based on I-J   .       
                       color, using I-band photometry taken at WIYN in August 2002.            AlP2007 
17119-0151 LPM 629     Poor Hipparcos solution.                                                Sod1999 
                       Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical and photometric masses of         .       
                       0.31 +/- 0.14 and 0.74 Msun, respectively.                              Mlk2012 
17120+3158 LOS   2     Discovered while observing GYL   5. A component is GSC 2595 1004,       .       
                       B = GSC 2595 956. B component magnitude estimated at 13.3.              .       
17121+4540 KUI  79     Proper motion of A +257 -1565.                                          .       
                       Poor Hipparcos solution.                                                Sod1999 
                       AB: Martin et al. (1998) derive component masses 0.379 +/- 0.035 and    .       
                       0.369 +/- 0.035 Msun.                                                   Mig1998 
                       AB: Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and             .       
                       spectroscopic masses 0.56 +/- 0.05, 0.68, and 0.65 Msun, respectively.  Mlk2012 
                       AB,C: Rectilinear solution by Mason & Hartkopf (2016).                  Msn2016a
17121+2114 STF2135     Despite having an orbit, an optical pair based on parallax and proper   Mlk2022 
                       motion.                                                                 Izm2019 
17125+6918 GC 23290    Hipparcos astrometric solution assumed circular orbit (e = omega = 0)   HIP1997d
                       Spectroscopic solution to these astrometric pairs given by Griffin      Grf2013a
                       (2013). Periods match "tolerably well," other common elements less so.  .       
17125+1035 B  2826     37 Oph.                                                                 .       
17129+4220 BUP 176     Proper motion of A -1015.19 -354.54. B: -004.6 -009.0                   .       
17129+2317 POU3263     Aka POU3259.                                                            .       
17129-0508 SCE   1     GJ 660.1 = GJ 9588.  Schneider et al. (2011) estimate spectral type of  .       
                       the secondary as M9 +/- 2. Projected separation is 120 +/- 9 au.        Sce2011 
                       Aganze et al (2016) derive spectral types M1 and d/sdM7 and effective   .       
                       temperatures 3800 and 2550 +80/-90 K.  Masses are 0.57 +/- 0.07 and     .       
                       0.084-0.091 Msun, radii 0.53 +/- 0.04 and 0.085 +/- 0.014 Rsun. The     .       
                       authors suggest the possibility that unusual spectral features of the   .       
                       B component may arise from contamination due to an additional           .       
                       unresolved companion.                                                   Bug2016 
17130-5836 HJ 4920     A is a spectroscopic binary, P = 2.88d.                                 .       
17131-2532 RST3076     Spectrum: B9/9.5IV/V.                                                   .       
17133-6712 DUN 214     B is CPD-67@3295.                                                       .       
                       AB: Rectilinear solution by Friedman et al. (2012).                     USN2012a
17133-7243 HJ 4914     Composite-like spectrum: G5III+A4/5V.                                   .       
17136+1716 A  2087     Ambiguous orbit?                                                        .       
17137-5425 R   294     SWR 216. CPM pair. B may be variable.                                   Skf2004 
17140+1621 HO  557     A is the W UMa-type system AK Her.                                      .       
17141+5608 STT 327     Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and spectroscopic   .       
                       masses of 1.77 +/- 0.57, 2.53, and 1.35 Msun, respectively.             Mlk2012 
17142+1911 BU 9029     These pairs are not associated with STF2139 as reported by Burnham.     Bu_1906 
17145-0202 BAL 573     J 2905.                                                                 .       
17145-3946 HJ 4926     A is the variable V915 Sco.                                             .       
17146+1423 STF2140     alp Her = Rasalgethi. Star A is an irregular variable, and B is an      .       
                       SB1, P = 51.58 d. Spectrum composite; G5III+F2V. Radial velocity        .       
                       measures by Smith (1988 private comm.) for alp Her A since 1984         .       
                       have shown an increase in velocity by about 11 km/sec during a          .       
                       three-year interval, then an apparent turnover in velocity during       .       
                       the fourth year. This suggests a component with a period of the         .       
                       order of a decade; it now appears that this system may have at least    .       
                       5 physical components. Measure of 1927.43 made by triangulation of      .       
                       multiple measures.                                                      .       
                       The 1779.66 measure by Herschel was corrected.                          H__1804 
                       Mk III Limb-darkened diameter 36.026 +/- 0.439 mas.                     MkT2003 
           CHR 139     Aa,Ab: A premature orbit has been computed.                             .       
                       See Baize & Petit (1989) catalog of doubles with variable component.    Baz1989d
                       Radial velocity measures by Smith (1988 private communication) for alp  .       
                       Her A since 1984 have shown an increase in velocity by about 11 km/sec  .       
                       during a three-year interval, then an apparent turnover in velocity     .       
                       during the fourth year.  This suggests a component with a period of     .       
                       the order of a decade; it now appears that this system may have at      .       
                       least five physical components.                                         .       
                       Aa,Ab:  Resolved 3 times 1986-1991 at separations 0.16-0.19"            .       
                       separations, but unresolved by Balega at the 6-m in 1997 and 10 times   Bag1999a
                       1985-1997 at 4m and 2.5m telescopes                                     Hrt2009 
           STF2140     AB: H 2   2.                                                            MEv2010 
17149-7442 SWR 215     CPM pair                                                                Skf2004 
17150+2450 BNU   5     Aa,Ab: del Her = 65 Her = Sarin. A is a spectroscopic binary.           .       
                       1983.3180: Measurements were made with the 20-power objective, hence    .       
                       the accuracy is low.                                                    Bag1984a
           STF3127     AB: Optical pair, based on study of relative motion of the              .       
                       components using the method of apparent motion parameters.              Kiy2008 
                       AB: H 5   1.                                                            MEv2010 
17152+3214 COU 805     TDT 292.                                                                .       
17153+2423 POU3269     Aka POU3268.                                                            .       
17153-2636 SHJ 243     36 Oph = A Oph. AB = HDO 144. Proper motion -480 -1142. A premature     .       
                       orbit has been computed. A may be a spectroscopic binary.               .       
                       Three orbit solutions by Irwin et al. (1996); the shortest-period       Irw1996 
                       orbit is marginally preferable.                                         .       
                       VLTI uniform disk diameter of A:       1.253 +/- 0.025 mas,             LTI2009 
                       VLTI limb-darkened disk diameter of A: 1.282 +/- 0.026 mas,             .       
                       R = 0.817 +/- 0.016 \rsun, Teff = 4843 +/- 134 K.                       .       
                       AC: NLTT 44415/44446                                                    Chm2004 
                       AC: SHY  87. Bayesian analysis by Shaya & Olling (2011) indicates very  Shy2011 
                       high (near 100%) probability pair is physical.                          .       
                       C component = CD-26 12036 (mag. 6.34, 700", K5V), proper motion         .       
                       -481 -1134. C has common proper motion.                                 .       
                       The original AC and BC components in the BDS and ADS were changed       .       
                       to AD and BD in the IDS to accommodate the discovery by Luyten          Luy1941 
                       (= LDS 588) assigned AC.  This component assignment has been            .       
                       maintained.  However, the BC measures from the BDS were erroneously     .       
                       assigned to the AD component in the IDS and two AC measures were        .       
                       assigned to the BD.  This has been corrected, as have errors made       .       
                       in the IDS in the measures of South and Jacob of the AD and BD          S__1826 
                       components. PM of D +003+026.                                           Jc_1848b
                       AD: Optical pair, based on study of relative motion of the components   .       
                       using the method of apparent motion parameters.                         Kiy2008 
                       AE: Rectilinear solution by Mason & Hartkopf (2016).                    Msn2016a
                       BD: Rectilinear solution by Friedman et al. (2011).                     USN2011a
17153-3333 SNA  65     Aa,Ab: The primary is the Be star V1075 Sco. The star was reported to   .       
                       be single in a RV study by Garmany et al. (1980, ApJ 242, 1063) but     .       
                       reported as SB2 by Chini et al. (2012). Since no period has been        Cii2012 
                       published so far, one cannot decide if the 24.8mas Aa,Ab companion is   .       
                       the spectroscopic one.                                                  Sna2014 
17155+1052 HDS2440     Cvetkovic et al. (2014) derive spectral types G4 and  G6, masses 1.07   .       
                       and 1.02 Msun. Dynamical parallax is 15.31 +/- 0.60 mas.                Cve2014 
17156-1018 BU  957     Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and spectroscopic   .       
                       masses of 3.37 +/- 1.47, 2.87, and 1.20 Msun, respectively.             Mlk2012 
17156-3836 FIN 355     Rapid motion.                                                           .       
                       New orbit based on few observations, mass-sum too small.                Sod1999 
                       Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and spectroscopic   .       
                       masses of 2.29 +/- 0.17, 2.22, and 2.12 Msun, respectively.             Mlk2012 
17157-0949 A  2592     AB: Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and             .       
                       spectroscopic masses 20.39 +/- 12.95, 4.49, 1.13 Msun, respectively.    Mlk2012 
                       AB + TOK  53Ba,Bb: This is the triple system HIP 84430. We computed     .       
                       the first orbit of the secondary subsystem Ba,Bb which was discovered   .       
                       at SOAR in 2009 and has just completed one full revolution since. Its   .       
                       separation is always close to the diffraction limit. Adopting a mass    .       
                       sum of 2.6 Msun for Ba,Bb, the resulting dynamical parallax is          .       
                       7.6+/-1.5mas, while the HIP2 parallax is 4.9+/-0.9mas. The latest       .       
                       orbit of the outer pair A 2592 AB published in Tokovinin et al. (2014)  Tok2014a
                       does not account for the fact that the speckle measurements at SOAR     .       
                       refer to A,Ba and not to AB. Here we give a more accurate solution      .       
                       that uses the positions of AB computed from the measures of A,Ba under  .       
                       the assumption that Ba and Bb have equal masses. After this correction  .       
                       and orbit adjustment, the weighted residuals are 4.3mas in separation   .       
                       and 1.3deg in angle. Interestingly, there were a considerable number    .       
                       of speckle-interferometry measures of this pair obtained in the 1980's  .       
                       and 1990's at 4-m telescopes, but none of them recognized the           .       
                       subsystem Ba,Bb, despite its small dm.                                  .       
                       Ignoring the multiplicity, the spectroscopic survey of Guillout et al.  .       
                       (2009 A&A 504, 829) determined a moderate axial rotation V sin i =      .       
                       10.8km/s and detected the lithium line of 52.8mA equivalent width       .       
                       which, together with the X-ray detection by ROSAT (RasTyc 1715-0948),   .       
                       normally indicates youth. These authors do not mention this star in     .       
                       particular, but discuss a group of active lithium-rich giants in their  .       
                       sample, to which this system apparently belongs. Even with the larger   .       
                       dynamical parallax (instead of the HIP2 parallax), all three resolved   .       
                       components of HIP 84430 are located above the main sequence in the      .       
                       color-magnitude diagram. This multiple system is peculiar and merits    .       
                       further study.                                                          Tok2015c
17159-6059 R   295     Also appears to be R   292.                                             .       
17161+2316 COU 315     Docobo et al. (2010) derive a dynamic parallax of 21.48 +/- 0.50 mas    Doc2010h
                       and a total mass of 1.60 +/- 0.12 Msun.                                 .       
17161-2556 RST3082     Spectrum: B9.5/A0IV/V.                                                  .       
17162+0211 CHR  61     This system, first announced by McAlister and recalled in a later       McA1984b
                       McAlister paper after repeated attempts at confirmation, has been       McA1993 
                       restored. While perhaps still spurious, the subsequent confirmation or  .       
                       suspected duplicity (by another technique) makes the discovery          .       
                       measurement somewhat more probable.                                     .       
17163-4220 I   408     A is variable.                                                          .       
17165+0413 LDS 989     Wolf 661-2.                                                             .       
17165+0113 HJ  854     A is the Algol-type system U Oph., spectrum composite;                  .       
                       B5Vnn+B5V.                                                              .       
17166+2635 WHC  15     Probable rapid motion in a highly-inclined orbit.                       Ho_1894b
                       CD: Ambiguous wording in the ADS resulted in this pair being            .       
                       incorrectly listed as AE or AB,E in the IDS and in earlier versions of  .       
                       the WDS.                                                                .       
17166+0440 LDS4734     A is Wolf 664.                                                          .       
17166+0325 SHY 715     AC: HIP  84515 + HIP  85911.                                            .       
17166-0027 A  2984     41 Oph. A premature orbit has been computed.                            Vou1951 
17167+1100 BPM 678     [PM2000] 1242397 + [PM2000] 1242317.                                    Gvr2010 
17169+8902 HJ 2985     lam UMi                                                                 .       
17171+1806 LDS4735     NLTT 44506/44505                                                        Chm2004 
17173+3306 STT 328     68 Her. A is the Beta Lyrae-type system u Her.                          .       
                       Composite spectrum, B1.5Vp+B5III.                                       .       
17173-3010 BU 1119     Spectroscopic binary.                                                   .       
17173-3533 HD 156134   Bochum 13 #2.                                                           Bid1976 
                       The classification is from McConnell & Bidelman (1976).                 Msn1998a
17173-4140 CPO  73     LDS 589.                                                                .       
17173-6016 B  1853     Spectrum: G8/K1III+A.                                                   .       
17174-6657 LDS 587     Primary is 1.7d eclipsing SB2 V824 Ara; visual pair has estimated       .       
                       period of 20,000y.                                                      Tok2006 
                       A component is 1.68d SB2, spectral types G5IV+K0IV/V. System is a       .       
                       member of the bet Pic moving group.                                     Zuc2001b
17175-2746 TRN  24     AB and AC: The image rotator was in an unknown state, so two possible   .       
                       theta values are listed for the 2001.4959 observation - one for         .       
                       zenith up and one for north up.                                         Trn2008 
           HD 156212   Levato et al. (1988) find the radial velocities to be "probably         Lev1988 
                       variable", but since the total range in 11 measurements is 33 km/sec    .       
                       we assign it to the "C" category.                                       Msn1998a
17177-2638 H 1  35     H I 35.                                                                 .       
17178+2844 S   686     B is BD+28@2714.                                                        .       
17179+3229 BU   45     SEI 541.                                                                Nsn2017b
17180-2417 H 3  25     omi Oph. H III 25.                                                      .       
17183+0459 SLE  19     Aka UC  226.                                                            .       
17184+3240 BU  628     A premature orbit has been computed.                                    .       
17184+0451 SCJ  14     B is BD+05@3367. Aka SLE  18.                                           .       
17185+5346 ES  776     Heintz confirms that the Furner measures listed in ADS belong to this   Hei1983a
                       system, so aka FUR   1.                                                 .       
17186+3229 L    15     Lewis mentions a pair 2' s: 1900.5, 028@, 5.55".                        L__1896a
                       Position of L 15 revised by Heintz.                                     Hei1987a
                       Observations attributed by Popovic & Pavlovic to new pair 17186+3225    Pop2001 
                       PAL   2 have been assigned to this pair. However, there is some         .       
                       uncertainty as to whether these two binaries are the same.              .       
17186-3223 PRO 154     CPD-32@4467.                                                            .       
17187+2146 STTA152     B is BD+21@3090.                                                        .       
17189-2400 H 6  54     H VI 54.                                                                .       
17190-2034 RSS 435     CPD-20@6531                                                             .       
17190-3459 MLO   4     Proper motion +1167 -169. Spectral type of C may be M.                  .       
                       Good double-solution instead of unuseable HIP-data.                     Sod1999 
                       Identification of ascending node is probable.                           .       
                       See Baize & Petit (1989) catalog of doubles with variable component.    Baz1989d
                       AB: Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and             .       
                       spectroscopic masses 1.07 +/- 0.61, 1.37, and 1.40 Msun, respectively.  Mlk2012 
                       Using the parallax from van Leeuwen and the mass ratio from Harris,     VlF2007 
                       Strand & Worley individual masses of Ma = 0.65 +/- 0.12 \msun and Mb =  Hrs1963 
                       0.448 +/- 0.085 \msun are determined for these components.              Msn2023 
17191-4638 BSO  13     Proper motion of A +1508,+109; PM of B +1417,+138 (UCAC2). Epoch-2000   .       
                       coords of C = 1718497-463819, current AC separation ~2'.4 at 265deg.    .       
                       Epoch-2000 coordinates of D = 1718551-463738, current AD separation     .       
                       ~1'.6 at 290deg.                                                        .       
                       41 Apri.                                                                .       
                       Four orbit solutions by Wielen (1962); only orbit #4 now in catalog.    Wln1962 
17193-5323 DUN 215     B is CPD-53@8531.                                                       .       
                       AC: Optical pair, based on study of relative motion of the components   .       
                       using the method of apparent motion parameters.                         Kiy2008 
17194-4413 HDO 269     Spectrum composite; B9.5V+A6III.                                        .       
17195-5004 FIN 356     Composite spectrum, F8III+B9V.                                          .       
17197-8520 UC 3324     This pair was included in a list of CPM pairs discovered through data   .       
                       mining the UCAC4 catalog. However, updated proper motions from UCAC5    UC_2013b
                       give very different values, suggesting the pair is optical.             UC_2015 
17198-3606 SNA  69     Aa,Ab: OWN indicates a 16.4d SB. SAM resolved it as a 185mas pair; a    .       
                       distant faint companion is also see in the NACO FOV.                    Sna2014 
17199+2629 OSV   5     Ross 867 = LDS 993. Both components are flare stars, V647 and V639 Her  .       
17200-0801 CHR 151     Aa,Ab: This newly-discovered pair was unresolved in our earlier survey  .       
                       for duplicity among high-velocity stars (Lu et al. 1987). Abt &         McA1987c
                       Biggs (1972) list a single radial velocity of -89.3 km/s for this       AbH1972 
                       object, published in 1950. Additional observations, both by speckle     .       
                       and by spectroscopy, are needed for confirmation of its duplicity and   .       
                       its high velocity.                                                      Hrt1992b
                       B is BD-07@4426.                                                        .       
17201+2513 BRT3317     Originally published as BRT 173.                                        Brt1928 
17204+2017 LEP  82     NI   37.                                                                .       
17207+3228 DOR   1     72 Her. Struve-Dorpat. Proper motion of A +137 -1041.                   .       
                       Variable. PM of E -016+041, F -052+021                                  .       
                       AB: Optical pair, based on study of relative motion of the components   .       
                       using the method of apparent motion parameters.                         Kiy2008 
17207-0706 A  2593     Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and spectroscopic   .       
                       masses of 0.93 +/- 0.32, 1.83, and 0.95 Msun, respectively.             Mlk2012 
           TOK 178     HIP 84866. AB is a visual binary A 953 with P=73.5y and a=0.262".       .       
17207-5625 FIN 255     AB. 1990.3497: This observation finally confirms the discovery of this  .       
                       system by Finsen, made in 1931!                                         .       
17208+0156 LDS6319     Wolf 672. Colors indicate white and red dwarf stars.                    .       
17208-0902 A    28     aka HO  631                                                             .       
17208-1251 SHJ 247     nu Ser = 53 Ser. B is BD-12@4724.                                       .       
                       H 5  29.                                                                MEv2010 
17208-3932 RST1951     TDT 315.                                                                .       
17209+2430 S   687     70 Her. A is a spectroscopic binary.                                    .       
17209-3604 SNA  70     The 45mas companion was resolved both by PIONIER and NACO/SAM. RV       .       
                       variability of 7 km/s is reported by Crampton (1972, MNRAS 158, 85)     Cii2012 
                       but not confirmed by Chini et al. (2012).                               Sna2014 
17210-2107 DON 832     xi Oph = 40 Oph                                                         .       
17211+0127 STF2150     AB: Rectilinear solution by Hartkopf & Mason (2015).                    WSI2015 
17213-5107 HD156643    Hipparcos astrometric solution assumed circular orbit (e = omega = 0)   HIP1997d
17214+4552 BRT 343     A likely plate flaw.                                                    Grv2021b
17214+2259 POU3288     Aka WRH   6.                                                            .       
17214-3707 BRT1714     CPD-36@7238.                                                            .       
17215+2845 CHR 194     Aa,Ab:. 1991.3247: A new close companion to the 0".7 pair KUI 80.       .       
                       The primary of this system is listed in the preliminary version of the  .       
                       fifth edition of the Bright Star Catalogue as a G0III SB.               Hof1991 
17215-4154 BRT 960     A likely plate flaw.                                                    Grv2021b
17215-5628 HJ 4939     B is CPD-56@8164.                                                       .       
17217+3958 MCA  47     Martin et al. (1998) derive component masses 1.150 +/- 0.229 and        .       
                       2.624 +/- 0.372 Msun.                                                   Mig1998 
           V819 Her    Ba,Bb: Period fixed from spectroscopic orbit by Scarfe et al. (1994).   Scf1994 
                       The visual secondary is a 2.2d eclipsing binary (V819 Her).             .       
                       Ba,Bb: Mass-sum in agreement with Scarfe et al. (1994).                 Sod1999 
                       Ba,Bb: Scarfe et al. (1994) give a combined spectroscopic/speckle       .       
                       solution, yielding distance, masses, etc.                               Scf1994 
                       Ba,Bb: Muterspaugh et al (2008) combine PHASES astrometry with speckle  .       
                       and radial velocity data to derive orbits for both the AB and Ba,Bb     .       
                       pairs of this triple. The parallax is determined at 14.57 +/- 0.19 mas  .       
                       (distance 68.65 +/- 0.87 pc). Masses of the A, Ba, and Bb components    .       
                       are 1.799 +/- 0.098, 1.469 +/- 0.040, and 1.090 +/- 0.030 Msun.         Mut2008 
                       Ba,Bb: O'Brien et al. (2011) derive an orbit for the B component via a  .       
                       chi-square fit to interferometric visibility measurements from          .       
                       observations of fringe packets at the CHARA Array. The mutual           .       
                       inclination compared with the AB orbit is 33.5 +/- 9.3deg. Combined     .       
                       with spectroscopy by Scarfe et al. (1994), they derive masses for A,    Scf1994 
                       Ba, and Bb of 2.566 +/- 274, 1.488 +/- 0.181, and 1.079 +/- 0.148 Msun, .       
                       respectively. Parallax is 14.5 +/- 0.2 mas, yielding a separation       .       
                       between Ba and Bb of 0.04573 +/- 0.00163 au. The age of the system is   .       
                       estimated at 1.9 +/- 1.1 Gyr.                                           CIA2011c
                       Zasche et al. (2014) derive a combined solution, including              .       
                       interferometry plus times-of-minimia variations in the Algol-type       .       
                       eclipsing-binary secondary.  They determine a distance of 68.8 +/-      .       
                       1.8pc and a mass for the secondary of 1.86 +/- 0.30 Msun.               Zas2014b
17221+2310 COU 415     Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and spectroscopic   .       
                       masses of 1.99 +/- 1.24, 2.24, and 1.20 Msun, respectively.             Mlk2012 
17221-7007 FIN 373     iot Aps                                                                 .       
                       Docobo & Andrade (2013) derive a dynamical parallax of 3.89 +/- 0.26    .       
                       mas and component masses 3.89 +/- 1.02 and 3.45 +/- 0.90 Msun. See      .       
                       paper for extensive notes on this system.                               Doc2013d
17222+1358 BPM 679     [PM2000] 1252669 + [PM2000] 1252688.                                    Gvr2010 
17222-5902 HJ 4934     B is CPD-58@7077.                                                       .       
                       SWR 217.                                                                Skf2004 
17224-3012 HO  413     Optical pair, based on study of relative motion of the components       .       
                       using the method of apparent motion parameters.                         Kiy2008 
                       Rectilinear solution by Friedman et al. (2012).                         USN2012a
17226-3555 GC 23463    Hipparcos astrometric solution assumed circular orbit (e = omega = 0)   HIP1997d
17228-4537 EVS  30     Primary is the Cepheid V636 Sco.                                        Evs2016a
17232-4937 SWR 218     CPM pair                                                                Skf2004 
17233-4728 HDO 271     iot Ara. A is variable.                                                 .       
17236+4256 HD157821    Hipparcos astrometric solution assumed circular orbit (e = omega = 0)   HIP1997d
17237+3709 MCA  48     Aa,Ab: rho Her. Suspected of variable velocity, and resolved by         .       
                       speckle interferometry.                                                 .       
           STF2161     AB: H 2   3.                                                            MEv2010 
17238+0219 BAL1936     J 3297.                                                                 .       
17239+3300 LDS5854     LDS6320.                                                                .       
17239-5154 HJ 4941     SWR 220.                                                                .       
17240+3835 HU 1179     1985.741: The residuals of these measurements (as well as those of      .       
                       McAlister) are irregular and do not permit the correction of an orbit.  Tok1985 
                       Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and spectroscopic   .       
                       masses of 3.81 +/- 1.50, 3.55, and 1.70 Msun, respectively.             Mlk2012 
17240-0921 RST3972     High mass-sum, sp duplicity?                                            Sod1999 
                       Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and spectroscopic   .       
                       masses of 2.80 +/- 0.64, 2.18, and 1.05 Msun, respectively.             Mlk2012 
                       Aa,Ab: Martin et al. (1998) derive component masses 1.791 +/- 0.499     .       
                       and 1.749 +/- 0.489 Msun.                                               Mig1998 
           TOK 179     HIP 85141. Aa,Ab = RST3972,                                             Tok2011a
17241-5716 BRT2823     SWR 219.                                                                .       
17243-3722 RST3091     Spectrum: B8/9III/IV.                                                   .       
17244-2248 HJ 4948     AC: HJ 4851.                                                            .       
17245-3032 HLD  28     SEE 325.                                                                .       
17246+3913 WSI   2     Aa,Ab: Hipparcos suspected non-single.                                  .       
           S   689     STTA153.                                                                .       
                       AB: B is BD+39@3124.                                                    .       
17246-4709 HJ 4944     B is CD-47@11509.                                                       .       
17247+3802 HSL   1     Aa,Ab. Masses of 0.887+/-0.030 and 0.788+/-0.021 are determined.        Hor2006d
                       Aa,Ab: Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and          .       
                       spectroscopic masses 2.37 +/- 0.30, 2.12, and 0.95 Msun, respectively.  Mlk2012 
                       Aa,Ab: For the Horch et al. (2015) combined solution, spectroscopic     .       
                       elements are fixed to those of Goldberg et al. (2002 AJ 124, 1132).     .       
                       Assigned spectral types for Aa, Ab, and Ac are G5V, G8V, and K6V;       .       
                       derived masses for Aa and Ab are 0.92 and 0.84 Msun.                    Hor2015 
17247-3412 HJ 4936     Primary is eclipsing binary of W UMa-type, period 2.359 day.            Zas2013 
           MZA  36     Aa,Ab: Pismis 24-1. Barr Dominguez et al (2013, A&A 557, A13) reported  .       
                       a 2.36d photometric period, indicating one of the components of this    .       
                       pair is an eclipsing binary.                                            Sna2014 
17248+3044 BU 1250     Despite having an orbit, an optical pair based on parallax.             Mlk2022 
17248-5913 WSI  87     Comparable separations of AB and AD suggest a possibly dynamically      Tok2010b
                       unstable configuration, which is very unlikely. Companion D cannot be   .       
                       a chance projection: it is too bright and would have been spotted       .       
                       before.                                                                 .       
17249+1806 BPMA 50     [PM2000] 1257922 + [PM2000] 1258132.                                    Gvr2010 
17249-4950 CPO 523     CPD-49@9962.                                                            .       
17250+0108 RST5431     BAL 1489.                                                               .       
17251+3444 HU  922     Aa,Ab: Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and          .       
                       spectroscopic masses 5.14 +/- 2.29, 1.89, and 1.05 Msun, respectively.  Mlk2012 
           SHY 719     AB: HIP  85238 + HIP  83811.  B component = A component of 17075+3557.  .       
17252+1355 BPM 680     [PM2000] 1258439 + [PM2000] 1258470.                                    Gvr2010 
17252-5621 BRT3318     A likely plate flaw.                                                    Grv2021b
17254-5233 LPO  62     SWR 221. CPM pair                                                       Skf2004 
17254-5623 HJ 4942     gam Ara                                                                 .       
17255+5130 HU  672     Includes GQ Dra, a Beta Lyr type eclipsing binary, P = 0.76590d.        Zas2012 
17259+1655 KUI  81     A is the irregular variable V640 Her.                                   .       
17259-4251 BRT 966     A likely plate flaw.                                                    Grv2021b
17260-0139 TOK 180     HIP 85307. A = HR 6489, F3V, PM(A)=(+61,+52). NOMAD: PM(B)=(-62,+75).   .       
                       The status of B is uncertain, it is not found in the WDS. A,B are ~1    .       
                       mag above the MS (true parallax ~25mas?). Nothing on B in SIMBAD.       .       
                       Crowded field, N*=73.                                                   Tok2011a
17260-0245 OSO  78     G019-025. AB is not a common proper motion pair, based on comparison    .       
                       with POSS2 red plates.                                                  Oso2004 
17260-5038 HDO 313     kap Ara                                                                 .       
17261+3550 ES 2228     BOW.                                                                    .       
17261-3718 RST3096     TDT 349.                                                                .       
17262+6311 HO   68     TDT 351.                                                                .       
17262+3604 GRV1230     SLW1210.                                                                .       
17262+2927 STF2165     Called a Delta Del-type star by Bidelman.                               .       
17263+0736 GC 23614    Hipparcos astrometric solution adopted some elements from the orbit of  HIP1997d
                       McLaughlin (1962).                                                      MLa1962 
17264+2245 RAO 371     pa error = 357 deg.                                                     RAO2020b
17264-4837 SHY 297     HIP  85342 + HIP  85326.                                                .       
                       AB + TOK 415Ba,Bb: HIP 85342 and HIP 85326 form a physical pair AB at   .       
                       127" separation (common PM, RV, and parallax). The B component = HIP    .       
                       85326 has a variable RV and an astrometric acceleration which could     .       
                       hardly be produced by the 1" speckle companion Bb found here, owing to  .       
                       its long estimated period of ~300yr. It seems that B is triple and the  .       
                       whole system is quadruple. This companion Bb was not detected in the    .       
                       previous speckle observations because it is red: dI = 2.4, dy = 4mag;   .       
                       its color matches a dwarf star at the same distance as the system.      .       
                       However, the field is crowded and the newly found companion could       .       
                       still be optical.                                                       Tok2015c
                       AB: Tokovinin & Lepine (2012) miss B, but list companion at 1373",      Tok2012c
                       likely optical.                                                         Tok2014d
17266-0505 MKT  14     Aa,Ab: 47 Oph. Preliminary elements determined by Hummel (1997), based  .       
                       on Mark III interferometric results.                                    MkT1997 
                       Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and spectroscopic   .       
                       masses of 2.59 +/- 0.21, 3.02, and 1.30 Msun, respectively.             Mlk2012 
                       Wang et al. (2015) derive a combined interferometric/spectroscopic      .       
                       orbit, including data from the Mark III and NPOI arrays. Derived        .       
                       physical parameters for the Aa and Ab components include luminosities   .       
                       7.80 +/- 0.36 and 3.41 +/- 0.25 Lsun, radii 2.06 +/- 0.07 and           .       
                       1.36 +/- 0.06 Rsun.                                                     WaX2015 
17266-3258 TOK 416     HIP 85360 is an acceleration and spectroscopic binary. Its preliminary  .       
                       spectroscopic period (Latham 2012, private communication) corresponds   .       
                       to a semi-major axis of 80mas. The star is chromospherically active     .       
                       and possibly young. The faint companion found here at 1".16 is most     .       
                       likely optical, as the field is extremely crowded. Re-observation       .       
                       within a year will resolve its status.                                  Tok2015c
17267+3105 LDS 995     B is BD+31@3025.                                                        .       
                       NLTT 44816/44814                                                        Chm2004 
                       HJL 247.                                                                HJL1986 
                       SHY 720. Bayesian analysis by Shaya & Olling (2011) indicates very      Shy2011 
                       high (near 100%) probability pair is physical.                          .       
17268-2620 BU  128     HDO 146                                                                 .       
17270+5718 ES 2658     STI 2351.                                                               .       
17271-3554 BRT1719     A likely plate flaw.                                                    Grv2021b
17272-6105 RSS 441     CD-60@6672                                                              .       
17273+1504 BPM 681     [PM2000] 1262856 + [PM2000] 1263009.                                    Gvr2010 
17275+0428 GRV 956     HJL 248.                                                                HJL1986 
17279+1123 STF2166     B is BD+11@3183.                                                        .       
17279-4702 RST5543     V750 Ara, a light and velocity variable.                                .       
17282+4301 OSO  79     G203-068. None is a common proper motion pair, based on comparison      .       
                       with POSS2 red plates.                                                  Oso2004 
17282+3949 BOY  10     Aa,Ab: 2MASSW J1728114+394859                                           .       
                       Aa,Ab: Burgasser et al. (2011) derive spectral types of L5 and L6.5,    Bug2011 
                       masses 0.075 +/- 0.007 and 0.066 +/- 0.008 Msun, and effective          .       
                       temperatures 1570 +/- 80 and 1340 +/- 70K.                              .       
                       Aa,Ab: Assuming a parallactic distance of 24.1 +/- 2.1 pc               .       
                       (Vrba et al. 2004), Konopacky et al. (2010) derive a system mass of     Vrb2004 
                       0.15 +0.25/-0.04 Msun.                                                  Kon2010 
           ALP  22     AB: Physical companionship to this ultracool dwarf ruled out based on   .       
                       I-J color, using I-band photometry taken at WIYN in August 2002.        AlP2007 
17283-2058 A  2244     Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and spectroscopic   .       
                       masses of 2.70 +/- 1.23, 2.64, and 1.20 Msun, respectively.             Mlk2012 
17286+1132 BPM 682     [PM2000] 1265621 + [PM2000] 1265681.                                    Gvr2010 
17287-2304 RST3103     CD-22@12047.                                                            .       
17290+5052 STF2180     H 1  66.                                                                MEv2010 
17290-4358 DUN 217     Spectrum of B: A2IV.                                                    .       
17290-5048 CPO 527     CPD-50@10113.                                                           .       
17292-0300 BRT 468     A likely plate flaw.                                                    Grv2021b
17292-3132 SNA  72     The primary is V1081 Sco, a detached Algol-type eclipsing binary        .       
                       showing apsidal motion (Otero 2005, IBVS 5631, 1), most probably        .       
                       because of this third component at 26.8mas. The object is reported as   .       
                       SB3 and we postulate our detection corresponds to the 3rd component.    Sna2014 
           HD 158186   The classification is from Garrison et al. (1977 ApJS 35, 111). An      .       
                       eclipsing light curve is presented in the Hipparcos Catalogue for a     HIP1997a
                       for a period of 8.77 d.                                                 Msn1998a
17293+2924 A   351     AB: Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and             .       
                       spectroscopic masses 1.06 +/- 0.24, 1.33, and 0.79 Msun, respectively.  Mlk2012 
           KUI  82     AB,C: Baize measures from 1937-1962 were corrected by the author for a  Baz1966b
                       scaling error. In this same paper Baize extracted three measures from   .       
                       A.C. data and also calculated a rectilinear fit to all measures.        .       
                       Statistically the same parallax within the errors would indicate the    .       
                       components are physical.                                                .       
                       AB,C: Optical pair, based on study of relative motion of the            .       
                       components using the method of apparent motion parameters.              Kiy2008 
17295+3456 STF2178     BDS 8092. H III 40 may be same star?                                    .       
17297+6351 LDS5227     LDS6321.  Also known as LEP  84.                                        .       
                       NLTT 44975/44960                                                        Chm2004 
                       HJL1095.                                                                HJL1986 
                       SHY 298. Bayesian analysis by Shaya & Olling (2011) indicates very      Shy2011 
                       high (near 100%) probability pair is physical.                          .       
17297+1629 BPM 683     [PM2000] 1268087 + [PM2000] 1267932.                                    Gvr2010 
17297-5519 BRT2581     A likely plate flaw.                                                    Grv2021b
17299+3035 SLE  29     SLE 29 and GRV 957 may be the same pair, but there appears to be a      .       
                       major typographical or reduction error by Soulie (1983).                Sle1983 
17300+3035 GRV 957     SLE 29 and GRV 957 may be the same pair, but there appears to be a      .       
                       major typographical or reduction error by Soulie (1983).                Sle1983 
17301-3343 HWE  39     A is a spectroscopic binary, P = 38.10d.                                .       
17304+5218 BU 1090     bet Dra = 23 dra = Rastaban                                             .       
                       Mk III Limb-darkened diameter  3.225 +/- 0.053 mas.                     MkT2003 
17304-0104 STF2173     The eccentricity, inclination, node, and longitude of the node are      Dnc1952 
                       taken from the orbit of Duncombe & Ashbrook (1952) by Wilson (1976).    WRH1976b
                       Pourbaix gives combined solution for this resolved SB2, yielding        Pbx2000b
                       orbital parallaxes and component masses.                                .       
                       Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and spectroscopic   .       
                       masses of 1.91 +/- 1.03, 2.05, and 0.95 Msun, respectively.             Mlk2012 
                       High-angular resolution measures only were coupled with radial          Btw1991 
                       velocities from Batten and Duquennoy, Mayor & Halbwachs, to arrive at   Duq1991b
                       a combined solution, resulting in additional orbital elements of K1 =   .       
                       5.00 +/- 0.11 km/s, K_2 = 5.40 +/- 0.11 km/s, \gamma = -77.197 +/-      .       
                       0.064 km/s, and individual masses of Ma = 1.018 +/- 0.048 \msun and     .       
                       Mb = 0.943 +/- 0.046 \msun for these components. In addition,           .       
                       an orbital parallax of 59.84 +/- $2.89 mas is determined.               Msn2023 
17306+1731 GC 23718    Hipparcos astrometric solution assumed circular orbit (e = omega = 0)   HIP1997d
17308+0349 A  2247     In 1923, 183@, 0.1". Quadrant doubtful.                                 .       
17308-3726 B   912     Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and spectroscopic   .       
                       masses of 4.35 +/- 1.71, 3.78, and 2.24 Msun, respectively.             Mlk2012 
17311-6041 EHR  15     Primary is del Ara. Physical/optical nature of AB,AC,AD all undefined.  Ehr2010 
           HJ 4951     AE: Optical pair, based on study of relative motion of the components   .       
                       using the method of apparent motion parameters.                         Kiy2008 
           del Ara     Hipparcos astrometric solution assumed circular orbit (e = omega = 0)   HIP1997d
17314+0243 A  2386     Hipparcos astrometric solution adopted some elements from the orbit of  HIP1997d
                       Lucke & Mayor (1982).                                                   Luk1982 
                       1978.6174: This epoch was incorrectly given as 1977.6174 by McAlister   .       
                       & Hendry (1981).                                                        McA1981b
17315-6026 I   600     Ruymaekers & Nys (1995) noted discrepancies in the orbit of Erceg &     Ruy1995 
                       Olevic (1988), and calculated elements from the Thiele-Innes            Erc1988 
                       elements originally given.                                              .       
17316+1654 BPM 684     [PM2000] 1272174 + [PM2000] 1271975.                                    Gvr2010 
17316-2616 CHR 229     Possible confirmation of this pair may be found in Hoffleit & Warren    Hof1991 
                       (1991), who note the following: "Duplicity reported from grazing        .       
                       occultation observations of 1991 Sep 15. Estimated magnitude of         .       
                       comparison 8.6, separation several tenths of an arcsecond in position   .       
                       angle 160 deg (all rough estimates)".                                   Hrt1996b
                       OCC 821.                                                                .       
17316-3018 I   105     SEE 330.                                                                .       
17316-3041 LDS 602     NLTT 44935/44933                                                        Chm2004 
17317+3019 STF2181     AB and AC: Optical pairs, based on study of relative motion of the      .       
                       components using the method of apparent motion parameters.              Kiy2008 
                       AB, AC: Rectilinear solutions by Hurowitz et al. (2014).                USN2014a
17317+1111 AG  354     HU 179.                                                                 .       
17318-4953 HJ 4955     alp Ara. A spectroscopic binary.                                        .       
17320+6808 BU 1458     27 Dra. A is a spectroscopic binary.                                    .       
17320+0249 STT 331     A: V2373 Oph, a Beta Lyrae eclipsing binary, period 1.08628d.           Zas2010 
           BU 1538     DE: This is a measure of a faint pair 1 minute preceding STT 331.       .       
17321+3106 LDS4750     NLTT 45001/45000                                                        Chm2004 
17321-2035 LDS5226     NLTT 44964/44965                                                        Chm2004 
17322+8635 DRS  59     del UMi = 23 UMi = Yildun                                               .       
17322+5511 STFA 35     A: 25 Dra = nu 2 Dra                                                    .       
                       B: 24 Dra = nu 1 Dra = BD+55@1944.                                      .       
                       AB: STTA156. Both components are spectroscopic binaries.                .       
                       HJL 249.                                                                HJL1986 
                       SHY 299. Bayesian analysis by Shaya & Olling (2011) indicates very      Shy2011 
                       high (near 100%) probability pair is physical.                          .       
                       H 5  11.                                                                MEv2010 
17322+1156 ISO   4     A spectroscopic binary, P = 6.8d.                                       .       
17324+2848 A   352     Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and spectroscopic   .       
                       masses of 2.72 +/- 0.80, 2.79, and 1.35 Msun, respectively.             Mlk2012 
17324-4638 HJ 4957     Nebulous looking star 10' np.                                           I__1909 
17325+1346 BPM 685     [PM2000] 1274391 + [PM2000] 1274440.                                    Gvr2010 
17325+1201 BPM 686     [PM2000] 1274449 + [PM2000] 1274756.                                    Gvr2010 
17326+3445 HU 1181     Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and spectroscopic   .       
                       masses of 1.79 +/- 0.33, 2.12, and 1.05 Msun, respectively.             Mlk2012 
17326-0901 LDS 605     Aka GWP2723.                                                            .       
17327+7414 29 Dra      Ren & Fu (2013) calculated an astrometric orbit, combining Hipparcos    Ren2013 
                       Intermediate Astrometric Data with spectroscopic elements by            .       
                       Fekel et al. (1993).                                                    Fek1993b
17331+0243 BAL1939     TOB 262.                                                                .       
17331-3035 CHM   6     NLTT 44988 + 44989.                                                     .       
17333+4634 ALP  23     2MASSW J1733189+463359                                                  .       
                       Physical companionship to this ultracool dwarf ruled out based on I-J   .       
                       color, using I-band photometry taken at WIYN in August 2002.            AlP2007 
17333+4037 LDS4753     NLTT 45053/45054                                                        Chm2004 
17334+7414 LDS1871     B is BD+74@718.                                                         .       
                       HJL 251.                                                                HJL1986 
17335+5734 MLR 571     1980.7255: This measure was incorrectly attributed to HR 6053 in        .       
                       McAlister et al. (1983), with an additional factor of two error in the  .       
                       separation.                                                             McA1983 
17335+1553 BPM 687     [PM2000] 1276763 + [PM2000] 1276893.                                    Gvr2010 
17336+1801 BPM 688     [PM2000] 1277005 + [PM2000] 1277076.                                    Gvr2010 
17336-3547 BRT1725     CPD-35@7036.                                                            .       
17336-3706 SEE 334     AB: lam Sco = 35 Sco = Shaula. Variable. Spectroscopic binary.          .       
           TNG   1     Aa,Ab: The combined solution orbit by Tango et al. (2006) determines    Tng2006 
                       component masses of 10.4 +/- 1.3 Msun and 8.1 +/- 1.0 Msun. There is    .       
                       also a pre-MS subcomponent to A with a mass of 1.8 +/- 0.2 Msun. The    .       
                       dynamical parallax is 112 +/- 5 mas, about a factor of two smaller      .       
                       than the Hipparcos value of 216 +/- 42. The dynamical value is much     .       
                       more accurate. Two components have calculated effective temperatures    .       
                       of 25000 +/- 1000 and 21000 +/- 1000 degrees Kelvin, respectively.      .       
                       Aa,Ab: Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and          .       
                       spectroscopic masses 77.47 +/- 30.56, 22.63, 10.96 Msun, respectively.  Mlk2012 
17337+1451 WSI   3     Hipparcos suspected non-single.                                         .       
17339+1655 LDT  14     V1274 Her.                                                              .       
17339+0806 SHY 726     HIP  85940 + HIP  85944.                                                .       
17341-0303 TOK 417     HIP 85963 has a variable RV and is an acceleration binary. The 91mas    .       
                       separation implies an orbital period of ~10yr; the estimated masses     .       
                       are 1.37 and 0.81 Msun. Despite extensive literature (51 references in  .       
                       SIMBAD), there is no published spectroscopic orbit, while several       .       
                       high-resolution spectroscopic studies addressed the abundance.          Tok2015c
17342-1910 B  1863     AB + TOK 418AC: B 1863 is a known close binary which has been           .       
                       unexpectedly found to be a triple. The new distant component C is       .       
                       detectable also in the y filter, but we measured only the inner binary  .       
                       in y. The star was observed at the Blanco telescope in 2008.5397, and   .       
                       the pair actually measured then was AC, at 133.8deg, 0".217, dy =3.7.   .       
                       The inner pair AB with a smaller dm was unresolved in 2008.5, while it  .       
                       is clearly resolved now. Owing to the large distance from the Sun, we   .       
                       expect only a slow motion, so even the inner pair observed since 1929   .       
                       may not yet be ready for computing its first orbit.                     Tok2015c
17342-5454 TOK 419     HIP 85969 has a variable RV according to the GCS and confirmed by       .       
                       Jones et al. (2002 MNRAS 337, 1170). The 0".55 separation implies a     .       
                       period on the order of 80yr. The star is on the exo-planet program at   .       
                       the Anglo-Australian Telescope.                                         Tok2015c
17343-1909 SS 73-90    Symbiotic star, spectral type M6. Fekel et al. (2008) orbit is a        Fek2008 
                       combined spectroscopic/spectropolarimetric solution. Estimated value    .       
                       for a" based on their a sin i, i, and estimated distance of 4.7 kpc.    .       
17344+2520 HJ 1300     AB: Rectilinear solution by Hartkopf & Mason (2015).                    WSI2015 
17344+1310 STF2184     AB: H 3  35.                                                            MEv2010 
17345+0335 BAL2443     J 3298.                                                                 .       
17346+2958 MAB   1     Primary is a slightly evolved subgiant, inferred mass 1.16 +/- 0.11     .       
                       Msun, and is a 9.009d SB. Minimum mass of close companion is 40.0 +/-   .       
                       2.5 Mjup. Distance is estimated at 218 +/- 14 pc. A wider possible      .       
                       companion was discoverd by AO imaging at 643mas, with dm 6.49mag in     .       
                       K-band. If physically associated, this companions would have an         .       
                       estimated mass of 0.13 Msun. Further pm data are needed to determine    .       
                       its physical or optical association with primary.                       MaB2013 
17346+0935 STFA 34     53 Oph = f Oph. STTA155. B is BD+09@3423.                               .       
                       AB: H 5  30.                                                            MEv2010 
17346-5256 CPO 533     B is CPD-52@10710.                                                      .       
17347-3235 HJ 4962     Central star of cluster NGC 6383, and spectroscopic binary, P = 3.37d   .       
           ISO   5     Our single observation appears to indicate a single star, so we cannot  .       
           HDS2480     confirm the reported ISO 5 Aa pair. Nor did we detect the new           .       
                       Hipparcos Aa,Ac pair, presumably due to the large magnitude difference  .       
                       (Delta Hp = 3.2).                                                       Msn1998a
                       Classifications of the Ab and Ac components are from Lindroos (1985).   Lnd1985 
                       Lindroos also notes a wider "X" component (V = 10.8, separation = 25",  .       
                       photometric classification = B5 IV) which he claims is physical.  This  .       
                       component is not mentioned in the WDS.  Lindroos finds a distance of    .       
                       1.8 kpc.                                                                .       
           SNA  73     Aa1,2: The primary is V1036 Sco, an ellipsoidal variable star. It is    .       
                       marginally resolved on two PIONIER observations with minimum            .       
                       separation rho>0.9mas on the first epoch and rho=10mas about one month  .       
                       later.  The known SB2 has an equal mass ration, P=3.36d, and a sin i =  .       
                       14 Rsun (Stickland et al. 1993; Linder et al. 2007, A&A 474, 193.       Stc1993 
                       Given a probably distance of ~1.5kpc, the expected separation of the    .       
                       spectroscopic pair is <0.2mas, so we probably detected a 3rd fainter    .       
                       component. Mason et al. (1998) reported three other companions at       Msn1998a
                       0.27", 0.74", and 5.4". We clearly detect the wider pairs, but not      .       
                       Aa,Ab. The Ab companion may be a spurious detection (possibly due to    .       
                       the 10mas Aa1,Aa2 pair), or possibly is too faint for AstraLux and      .       
                       NACO, implying dm > 5mag.                                               Sna2014 
17348+0601 STF2185     STTA154.                                                                .       
                       AC: Optical pair, based on study of relative motion of the components   .       
                       using the method of apparent motion parameters.                         Kiy2008 
                       BC: The 1912 observation was incorrectly attributed to a nonexistent    Dob1927 
                       AD component (apparently the result of an erroneous note in the ADS).   A__1932a
                       Error noted by Burley & Kidd.                                           GSU2002 
                       AB: HJL 250.                                                            HJL1986 
17348-1115 HJ 4964     B is BD-11@4410.                                                        .       
17349+1234 MCY   4     alp Oph = Rasalhague.                                                   .       
                       The companion has been detected by infrared speckle interferometry.     Mcy1983 
                       Kamper et al. derive a combined astrometric/spectroscopic solution.     Kpr1989 
                       Gatewood derives a weighted mean parallax of 68.12 +/- 0.75 mas from    Gat2005 
                       MAP and previous results. Masses resulting from solution are 2.842      .       
                       +/- 0.194 and 0.778 +/- 0.058 Msun; spectral types are A2V and K2V.     .       
                       This object was incorrectly identified as HD 159571 by Balega et al.    Bag1984b
                       1999: Boccaletti et al. (2001) theta was flipped from 116.3 to 63.7,    Boc2001 
                       as noted by Gatewood (2005).                                            Gat2005 
                       Intensity Interferometer Limb-darkened diameter 1.63 +/- 0.13 mas.      HBr1974 
                       NPOI Limb-darkened diameter 1.855 +/- 0.012 mas, Sp = A4-7III,          NOI2018 
                       R = 2.97 +/- 0.05 \rsun, Teff = 7627 +/- 98 K, L = 26.9 +/- 1.6 \lsun,  .       
                       M = 1.93 +/- 0.03 \msun, Age = 0.91 +/- 0.03 Gyr.                       .       
                       Orbital elements by Hinkley et al. (2011) gives a mass ratio of         Hnk2011 
                       2.76 +0.43/-0.27 and individual masses 2.40 +0.23/-0.37 and 0.85        .       
                       +0.06/-0.04 Msun, assuming a parallax of 69.1 mas.                      .       
17349-0044 BAL 891     J 2114.                                                                 .       
17350+6153 BU  962     26 Dra.                                                                 .       
                       Magnitude of B underestimated by Burnham.                               Baz1954a
                       A distant companion (mag. 9.95, 740") shares the large proper motion    .       
                       (Upgren 1962).                                                          VVO1962 
                       AB: Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and             .       
                       spectroscopic masses 1.77 +/- 0.95, 1.80, and 1.05 Msun, respectively.  Mlk2012 
                       AB: GJ 684. A is SB1, P=76.1y (Abt & Wilmarth 2006)                     AbH2006 
           LDS2736     AB,C: SHY  88. Bayesian analysis by Shaya & Olling (2011) indicates     Shy2011 
                       very high (near 100%) probability pair is physical.                     .       
                       AB,C: C is GJ 685.                                                      Tok2014d
           HZE   3     GJ 684. Heinze et al. (2010) determine that the new companion is a      .       
                       background object.                                                      Hze2010 
17352+2635 LAW   5     Spectral types M7-L3 and M8-L4, masses 0.077-0.086 and 0.066-0.082      .       
                       Msun, distance 10-12 pc                                                 Law2006 
17354+1322 A  1879     Rectilinear solutions by Rica & Zirm (2012)                             FMR2012i
                       and Scardia et al. (2017).                                              Sca2017c
17355+2311 RAO 511     LV Her.                                                                 .       
17357-6257 HJ 4956     SWR 225.                                                                .       
17358-3542 VOU  72     1.6' n, 1.5m f CPD-35 7046.                                             Vou1947a
17359-6427 SWR 226     Probably giants, not dwarfs                                             Skf2004 
17360+2100 STF2190     A is a spectroscopic binary.                                            .       
                       Herschel observed this pair and another nearby pair of similar rho and  HJ_1833c
                       theta and same primary and secondary magnitudes he designated HJ 2807.  .       
                       Offset from his STF2190 coordinates shows no bright star at location    .       
                       of HJ 2807, however. Burnham says HJ 2807 is "undoubtedly identical     Bu_1906 
                       with STF2190" (= BDS 8082). Herschel's 1830.47 measure was accordingly  .       
                       reassigned to STF2190. Gauchet disagrees with Burnham, but his          Gau1925 
                       separation does not agree with Herschel's and his coordinates precess   .       
                       to location of a 7th magnitude star (BD+20@3531) 1.5m east of           .       
                       Herschel's. Separation and magnitudes of this pair, designated          .       
                       GAU  21, agree with Gauchet's, although the quadrant is reversed.       .       
17360-2025 BHA  19     CPD-20@6597.                                                            .       
17362+5425 ES  637     B is BD+43@2775.                                                        .       
17362-3330 B   914     Spectral type may be M.                                                 .       
17362-5538 HJ 4959     B is CPD-55@8221.                                                       .       
17363-4357 BRT 983     A likely plate flaw.                                                    Grv2021b
17364+6820 CHR  62     Aa,Ab is also the astrometric binary Ci 18,2354 = GJ 687                .       
                       Lippincott orbit rejected from Fourth Orbit Catalog                     Lip1967 
                       ("object still suspected to be binary by some, but no even              Wor1983 
                       approximately reliable or complete elements yet available")             .       
           ENG  61     AB: B is BD+68@947. Proper motion of B = -868,-1270 (UCAC2)             .       
                       Proper motion of A = +013+084, C -008+005                               .       
                       AB: Optical pair, based on study of relative motion of the              .       
                       components using the method of apparent motion parameters.              Kiy2008 
17366+4827 COU1922     CHARA Array Limb-darkened diameter  1.515 +/- 0.010 mas.                CIA2010c
                       R = 17.65 +/- 0.42 \rsun, L = 114.4 +/-  9.5 \lsun,                     .       
                       Teff = 4493 +/-  98 K.                                                  .       
17366-4825 TDT 431     SWR 227.                                                                .       
17368+1147 BPM 689     [PM2000] 1285047 + [PM2000] 1285184.                                    Gvr2010 
17368-2057 HU  751     Direct motion.                                                          .       
                       1985.4843: autocorrelogram remeasured; new results listed here.         .       
17370+6845 FOX 203     ome Dra = 28 Dra. A is a spectroscopic binary.                          .       
           ome Dra     Combined spectroscopic/astrometric solution, based on high-resolution   .       
                       echelle spectra plus archival PTI visibility measurements.              .       
                       Derived masses 1.46 +/- 0.16 and 1.18 +/- 0.13 Msun,                    .       
                       distance 23.65 +/- 0.15 pc.                                             Knc2010 
                       Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and spectroscopic   .       
                       masses of 2.49 +/- 4.97, 2.59, and 1.25 Msun, respectively.             Mlk2012 
17372+2754 KUI  83     LDS 997.                                                                .       
                       Masses and bolometric magnitudes are derived for the two components     .       
                       of this system by Mason et al. (1999), based on assumed spectral types  Msn1999a
                       and available parallaxes.                                               .       
                       AB: Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and             .       
                       spectroscopic masses 1.07 +/- 0.37, 1.37, and 0.55 Msun, respectively.  Mlk2012 
                       AB,C triple solution.                                                   Sod1999 
17373+7105 LDS1872     NLTT 45240/45242                                                        Chm2004 
17373-4300 SEE 510     tet Sco = Sargas                                                        .       
                       The confirmation by Hipparcos may be due to taking as a first solution  .       
                       the measure by T.J.J. See. It is possible that a grid-step error is     See1896c
                       involved here and an NDAC solution of PA = 275, sep = 0.51", and        .       
                       dm = 3.2 seems better. However, this would seem to contradict See's     Jaw2006b
                       original estimate of the magnitude of B at 13. It is entirely possible  .       
                       that See's pair is spurious. Given the small dm and how obvious the     .       
                       Sco is, this could not possibly be, as has been suggested, HJ 4963.     .       
17374-4022 ARY 107     Author listed WDS position as 17373-4027, but corrected in private      Ary2014b
                       communication on July 2, 2014                                           .       
17375+2419 CHR  63     79 Her.                                                                 .       
                       Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and spectroscopic   .       
                       masses of 13.76 +/- 1.34, 3.71, and 2.09 Msun, respectively.            Mlk2012 
17375+2036 GAU  21     See note for 17360+2100STF2190.                                         .       
17376+1747 BPM 690     [PM2000] 1287091 + [PM2000] 1286976.                                    Gvr2010 
17376+1556 BPM 691     [PM2000] 1287158 + [PM2000] 1287331.                                    Gvr2010 
17376-1524 ISO   6     xi Ser = 55 Ser. Aa,Ab is a spectroscopic binary, P = 2.29d. The Isobe  Iso1990a
                       pair is not the spectroscopic binary.                                   .       
17376-4049 EVS  31     Primary is the Cepheid V950 Sco.                                        Evs2016a
17379+1836 Ci 18,2347  = GJ 686                                                                .       
                       Bieger orbit rejected from Fourth Orbit Catalog                         Bie1964 
                       ("not confirmed by subsequent observations")                            Wor1983 
17379-3752 I   247     A spectroscopic binary.                                                 .       
17380+5521 GRV1137     SLW1211.                                                                .       
17380+3330 JNN 115     The B component of the system appears to be a close binary itself in    .       
                       several different epochs of AstraLux imaging, but the suspected Ba/Bb   .       
                       pair is not sufficiently resolved to get a converging binary fit,       .       
                       hence we treat the AB system as a regular binary in this study.         Jnn2012 
17380-4837 CPO 542     Heintz reverses the quadrant.                                           Hei1987a
17382+0913 OSO  80     GD 211. Not a common proper motion pair, based on comparison with       .       
                       POSS2 red plates                                                        Oso2004 
17383+4500 ES 1257     Measures are very discordant, and indicate rapid movement.              Baz1940a
17384-0519 BAZ   8     Erroneously identified by me as new pair; it is in reality RST3983.     Baz1952d
17384-5956 HJ 4961     B is CPD-59@7089.                                                       .       
17385+4013 OSO  81     G204-020. Neither is a common proper motion pair, based on comparison   .       
                       with POSS2 red plates.                                                  Oso2004 
17386+7120 WOR   7     Optical pair, based on study of relative motion of the components       .       
                       using the method of apparent motion parameters.                         Kiy2008 
17386+5546 STF2199     A premature orbit has been calculated.                                  Dur1944d
17387+6114 HOM   1     Aa,Ab : A 3748-d spectroscopic orbit of this pair has been determined.  Grf2013f
17387+1840 SLO   1     Aka TDT 447.                                                            .       
17387+1834 OSO  82     G170-056. CD is not a common proper motion pair, based on color and     .       
                       comparison with POSS2 red plates                                        Oso2004 
17388+1643 BPM 692     [PM2000] 1290109 + [PM2000] 1290424.                                    Gvr2010 
17389+8403 STF2299     LDS1876. B is BD+84@397.                                                .       
17390+1320 GC 23923    Hipparcos astrometric solution assumed circular orbit (e = omega = 0)   HIP1997d
17391+0202 SHJ 251     Spectroscopic binary. Composite spectrum, K0III+F4IV.                   .       
                       AB: HJL1096.                                                            HJL1986 
17392-5112 HJ 4965     B is CD-51@11033.                                                       .       
17393+0333 GC 23929    Hipparcos astrometric solution assumed circular orbit (e = omega = 0)   HIP1997d
17394+0103 GIC 147     Ross 534 = LDS 998. G020-007AB.                                         .       
17395+4600 BLA   5     Aa,Ab: iot Her = 85 Her. A is a spectroscopic binary, now resolved by   .       
                       speckle interferometry.                                                 .       
17397+7256 H 1  41     H I 41.                                                                 .       
17398+0225 OSO  83     G020-008. Neither is a common proper motion pair, based on comparison   .       
                       with POSS2 red plates.                                                  Oso2004 
17398-0458 STF2191     B is BD-04@4324.                                                        .       
17400+4046 ES 9003     Previously known as ES 1556a.                                           .       
17400-0038 BU  631     Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and spectroscopic   .       
                       masses of 6.97 +/- 4.66, 4.77, and 2.82 Msun, respectively.             Mlk2012 
17401+2646 BRT3320     Originally published as BRT 176.                                        Brt1928 
17402+0909 STF2228     GRV 964.                                                                .       
17404+0544 VVO  16     Aka CBL 162.                                                            .       
17404-1319 HU  182     aka HO  633                                                             .       
17405-2045 DON 856     CPD-20@6623.                                                            .       
17407+3117 STTA157     B is BD+31@3077.                                                        .       
17407+1237 BPM 693     [PM2000] 1295265 + [PM2000] 1295297.                                    Gvr2010 
17408-3052 BSS   1     Primary is pulsar PSR J1740-3052; companion appears to be a             .       
                       main-sequence star.                                                     Bss2011 
17411+7225 GIC 148     LDS5225. G258-016/G258-017.                                             .       
                       RoboAO resolved Ba,Bb in 2013 at 0.26", but not accepted as real        Tok2014d
17411+2431 STF2194     Spectroscopic binary. Composite spectrum K0III+F4IV.                    .       
                       AB: HJL 252.                                                            HJL1986 
                       AB: H 3 104.                                                            MEv2010 
17412+4139 STF2203     BDS 8128, STTA158.                                                      .       
17417+2831 ROE 119     BRT 177.                                                                .       
17417-4604 SWR 228     CPM pair                                                                Skf2004 
17418+0458 BAL3011     Not found by Heintz at IDS position.                                    Hei1990b
                       A likely plate flaw.                                                    Grv2021a
17418-5402 HJ 4969     B is CPD-53@8734.                                                       .       
17419+7209 STF2241     psi 1 Dra = Dziban. LDS1874. B is BD+72@805.                            .       
                       CHARA Array Limb-darkened diameter  0.949 +/- 0.026 mas,                CIA2012e
                       R =  2.329 +/- 0.067 \rsun, L =  6.343 +/-0.153 \lsun,                  .       
                       Teff = 6014 +/-  90 K, M = 1.311 +/- 0.016 \msun,                       .       
                       Age =  3.8 +/- 0.1 Gyr.                                                 .       
                       A premature orbit has been computed.                                    .       
                       A family of possible orbital solutions are determined by Romanenko      Rmn1994 
                       (1994), with periods  ranging from 5,200 to 120,000 years, using the    .       
                       method of apparent motion parameters and incorporating parallax and     .       
                       radial velocity information.                                            .       
           STF2241     AB: H 4   7.                                                            MEv2010 
                       31 Dra. Toyota et al. (2009) monitored the RV of both the A and B       .       
                       components every 1-2 months between 2003 Mar - 2007 Nov, using a        .       
                       high-dispersion echelle (precision ~10 m/s). The A component exhibits   .       
                       a linear trend in RV, with a slope +220 m/s/y. Toyota et al. assert     .       
                       that these variations are due to an unseen companion. Assuming a        .       
                       circular orbit, period is estimated at 3200d; minimum mass of the       .       
                       unseen star ~50 Mjup. Standard deviation of radial velocities for the   .       
                       B component <40 m/s and velocities show no periodic variation. This     .       
                       result rejects the association of a planet of mass > 1.8 Mjup           Toy2009 
                       AC: Rectilinear solution by Hurowitz et al. (2014).                     USN2014a
17420+2127 STF2197     DRD   1 initially entered incorrectly as AC pair; later moved to new    .       
                       WDS designation 17421+2127.                                             .       
17421+2127 DRD   1     Initially entered incorrectly as AC pair in 17420+2127.                 .       
17421-5248 HRG 124     SWR 229. CPM pair                                                       Skf2004 
17422+3804 RBR  20     Triple system. The Riddle et al. (2015) companion at 2".2 is confirmed  RAO2015 
                       as physical by its fixed position and its location on the CMD. The      .        
                       main star is a double-lined spectroscopic binary with P = 6 yr (D.      .        
                       Latham 2012, private communication) and estimated semimajor axis of     .        
                       0".1. Our standard algorithm, fitstars, produced subpar results on      .        
                       this star and instead we used the deconvolution technique used in       .        
                       Riddle et al. (2015) to analyze this star. It is resolved here at       .        
                       0".07. The magnitude difference of Aa,Ab (dK = 2.43) matches the        .        
                       spectroscopic mass ratio of 0.52 and corresponds to the Ab mass of      .        
                       0.60 Msun. The orbital motion of Aa,Ab can be followed with AO and      .        
                       speckle interferometry.                                                 Rbr2015d 
17422-4838 TDT 468     Primary is D component of 17422-4839 ANT   3AD. AD does not appear to   .       
                       be a physcial pair, so the systems were not merged.                     .       
17422-4839 ANT   3     D component = 17422-4838 TDT 468.                                       .       
17424+6501 ES 1910     STI 828.                                                                .       
17425+2434 ENG  62     83 Her.                                                                 .       
17427-0255 BRT 469     A likely plate flaw.                                                    Grv2021b
17427-5740 RST5544     Spectral type of A may be G5.                                           .       
17428+1646 BPMA 51     [PM2000] 1301020 + [PM2000] 1301094.                                    Gvr2010 
17430+1213 BPM 694     [PM2000] 1301421 + [PM2000] 1301372.                                    Gvr2010 
17432+8526 LUH  12     G259-20 + 2MASS J17430860+8526594.                                      Luh2012b
17432-2956 ARG  30     B is CD-29@13894.                                                       .       
17433+5703 LDS1450     NLTT 45369/45370                                                        Chm2004 
17433+2137 DUQ   1     Aa,Ab: Martin et al. (1998) derive component masses 0.942 +/- 0.166     .       
                       and 0.337 +/- 0.072 Msun.                                               Mig1998 
17433+1751 BPM 696     [PM2000] 1302167 + [PM2000] 1302018.                                    Gvr2010 
17433+1441 BPM 695     [PM2000] 1302165 + [PM2000] 1302484.                                    Gvr2010 
17433-5743 I   377     A is the semiregular variable V Pav, P = 225d.                          .       
17434+3357 HO  560     AB: Rectilinear solution by Hurowitz et al. (2014).                     USN2014a
17434+1110 BPM 697     [PM2000] 1302568 + [PM2000] 1302697.                                    Gvr2010 
17436+5844 ALP  24     2MASSI J1743348+584411                                                  .       
                       Physical companionship to this ultracool dwarf ruled out based on I-J   .       
                       color, using I-band photometry taken at WIYN in August 2002.            AlP2007 
17441-5150 HD 160691   No comoving objects found within separation/magnitude range listed.     .       
                       However, Chauvin et al. (2006) note finding at least one faint          Cvn2006 
                       background object.                                                      .       
17443+1425 HJ 1303     A is the eclipsing binary V624 Her.                                     .       
17444+4027 ES 9004     Previously known as ES 1556b.                                           .       
17446+0235 STF2202     61 Oph. A is a spectroscopic binary. B is BD+02@3391.                   .       
                       AB: H 4  32.                                                            MEv2010 
17447-4244 FIN 341     Appears to be in rapid motion.                                          .       
17449-1839 A  2250     A is the semiregular variable SZ Sgr.                                   .       
17450-1646 VOU  42     Spectrum: Fm Delta Del.                                                 .       
17450-4511 HJ 4973     B is CD-45@11856.                                                       .       
17451-5408 R   303     SWR 230.                                                                .       
17453+1049 BPM 698     [PM2000] 1307466 + [PM2000] 1307473.                                    Gvr2010 
17456-2824 SHY 729     HIP  86919 + HIP  86672.                                                .       
17457+1743 STF2205     A premature orbit has been computed.                                    .       
17457-2900 Sgr A*      Semimajor axis in mpc was converted to arcseconds based on a quoted     Eck2002 
                       distance of 8 kpc.  Errors for Eck2002 orbits are as follows:           Sel2002 
                       Element       Sgr A* - S1       Sgr A* - S2          Sgr A* - S8        Sel2003 
                       ----------------------------------------------------------------------  .       
                       P (yr)        100. +184/-54     19.4   +7.4/-3.0     57.   +1060/-0     .       
                       a (mpc)       18.  +18./-8.     5.6    +0.7/-1.1     10.   +48./-0.     .       
                       a (arcsec)    0.46 +0.46/-0.21  0.14   +0.02/-0.03   0.26  +1.24/-0.00  .       
                       i (deg)       60.  +/-5.        70.    +6./-17.      0.    +/-70.       .       
                       Omega (deg)   -14. +7./-12.     23.    +27./-11.     -65.:              .       
                       T (by)        2097 +281/-96     2002.6 +6.8/-22.     2043  +1060/-0     .       
                       e             0.6  +/-0.3       0.8    +0.15/-0.40   0.95  +0./-0.12    .       
                       omega (deg)   190. +120/-10     190.   +/-10.        -55.  +32/-0       .       
                       ----------------------------------------------------------------------  .       
                       Note: This system has grown more complex as additional stars orbiting   .       
                       the Galactic Center have been observed. With the number of companions   .       
                       now exceeding 170, it has become increasingly difficult to maintain     .       
                       the usual WDS designation/component scheme. All WDS pairs were          .       
                       therefore copied to the WDSS (WDS supplemental catalog) in July 2017;   .       
                       henceforth the standard published designations for Sgr A* companions    .       
                       will be used for all components.                                        .       
17459+2153 STT 335     B is BD+21@3209.                                                        .       
17460+3919 STF2224     A is a spectroscopic binary. Composite spectrum, K3III+F7V.             .       
                       It is also variable, V826 Her.                                          .       
17461+0532 CHR 157     1991.3275  An 18.92d period orbit in Batten et al. (1989) apparently    Bte1989 
                       refers to a closer component.  Membership of this star in the cluster   .       
                       IC 4665 is in question: Abt et al. (1964) list it as a member,          AbH1964 
                       Sanders & van Altena (1972 A&A, 17, 193) as a non-member.               Msn1993b
17461-3204 LDS 611     B is CD-32@13297.                                                       .       
17462+1019 AG  356     Rectilinear solution by Friedman et al. (2012).                         USN2012a
17465+2743 TRN   2     Aa,Ab: Astrometric orbit, P=65yr, e=0.32 (Heintz 1994) implies          Hei1994a
                       a=0.265", does not fit the 1.4" companion of Turner (2001).             Trn2001 
                       Roberts et al. derive a spectral type for the secondary of M4V +/- 1.   .       
                       Using an estimated mass for the primary, they estimate the mass of the  .       
                       secondary as 0.32 Msun.                                                 Rbr2016a
                       Inclination of this orbit appears to be the same as that of the         XXX2017a
                       rotation axis of the primary.                                           .       
                       Mk III Limb-darkened diameter  1.953 +/- 0.039 mas.                     MkT2003 
                       NPOI Limb-darkened diameter 1.880 +/- 0.008 mas, Sp = G5IV,             NOI2018 
                       R = 1.64 +/- 0.01 \rsun, Teff = 5425 +/- 69 K, L =  2.1 +/- 0.1 \lsun,  .       
                       M = 1.09 +/- 0.01 \msun, Age = 7.68 +/- 0.13 Gyr.                       .       
           STF2220     A: mu Her = 86 Her is a large-amplitude astrometric binary, P = 65y.    .       
                       A,BC: LDS1002. HJL 253.                                                 HJL1986 
                       A,BC: H 4  41.                                                          MEv2010 
                       A,BC: Additional notes may be found in Baize (1964).                    Baz1964 
           AC    7     BC: Prieur et al. (2014) derive a dynamical parallax of 123.0 mas and   .       
                       a total mass of 0.82 +/- 0.07 Msun (based on the revised Hipparcos      VlF2007 
                       parallax of van Leeuwen 2007).                                          Pru2014 
17465-0305 BRT 471     Not found by Heintz at IDS position.                                    Hei1985a
                       A likely plate flaw.                                                    Grv2021b
17468+0534 A  1161     In IC 4665.                                                             .       
17469+3555 MLB 936     Not found by Heintz at IDS position.                                    Hei1990b
17471+4737 CHR  64     A spectroscopic binary, P = 2.8d. Hence triple.                         .       
17471+1742 STF2215     A spectroscopic binary. A premature visual orbit has been calculated.   .       
17475-0847 OSO  84     G020-015.                                                               .       
17476-2622 J  1732     CPD-26@5975.                                                            .       
17476-2750 LIC   1     Classical Cepheid X Sgr = 2 Sgr = 3 Sgr.                                .       
17476-4008 SEE 338     iot 1 Sco. A is a spectroscopic binary.                                 .       
17477+2748 GIC 149     G182-026/G182-027.                                                      .       
17477-8213 WJG   1     BC: Originally 17464-8212 WJG   1, but primary was found to be B        .       
                       component of 17477-8213 LDS 603.                                        .       
17478-2211 B   358     CPD-22@6444.                                                            .       
17480-5442 I   612     Primary is V537 Ara, Algol-type eclipsing binary, period 1.874351d.     Zas2013 
17482+1339 BPM 699     [PM2000] 1315705 + [PM2000] 1315640.                                    Gvr2010 
17483+1740 BPM 700     [PM2000] 1315759 + [PM2000] 1315895.                                    Gvr2010 
17483+1547 FOX 209     AC: Also known as J   753AC. Identical nature noted by Friedrich        .       
                       Damm.                                                                   .       
17483-3525 JSP 732     CPD-35@7269.                                                            .       
17489-2219 BRT1508     CD-22@12253.                                                            .       
17490+3704 COU1145     1981.333: This observation was incorrectly attributed to COU 1445 in    Tok1982a
                       Tokovinin (1982).                                                       Tok1982b
                       Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and spectroscopic   .       
                       masses of 1.84 +/- 0.14, 2.27, and 1.05 Msun, respectively.             Mlk2012 
17491+5047 CHR  65     Aa,Ab: 30 Dra.  Hipparcos Acceleration Double Solution.                 .       
                       This system, first announced by McAlister and recalled in a later       McA1984b
                       McAlister paper after repeated attempts at confirmation, has been       McA1993 
                       restored. While perhaps still spurious, the subsequent confirmation or  .       
                       suspected duplicity (by another technique) makes the discovery          .       
                       measurement somewhat more probable.                                     .       
17491+1151 BPM 701     [PM2000] 1318164 + [PM2000] 1318445.                                    Gvr2010 
17492-3618 JSP 734     CPD-36@7625.                                                            .       
17494+2651 BRT3322     Originally published as BRT 178.                                        Brt1928 
17496-2000 HJ 2810     AB: The CPD identifications of A and B are -19@6275 and -19@6274.       .       
                       AD: D component is planetary nebula NGC 6445.                           .       
17497-2100 BRT1509     A likely plate flaw.                                                    Grv2021b
17499-3703 SEE 340     G Sco = Fuyue                                                           .       
17499-7505 SWR 231     A component not CD-75 9877: +1m CD RA error, thus = CPD-75 1397         Skf2004 
17500-5428 BRT2096     A likely plate flaw.                                                    Grv2021b
17502+4424 SIG   3     2MASSW J1750129+442404.                                                 .       
                       Spectral types M7.5, M9.5. Estimated orbital period 36 +10/-9 yrs.      Sig2003 
                       Konopacky et al. (2010) derive a distance of 37.6 +/- 12.3 pc and a     .       
                       system mass of 0.20 +/- 0.12 Msun.                                      Kon2010 
17502-1339 LDS5856     NLTT 45517/45519                                                        Chm2004 
17502-4005 HDO 279     iot 2 Sco                                                               .       
17503+2517 STF2232     H 3  40.                                                                MEv2010 
17503+1737 BPM 702     [PM2000] 1321865 + [PM2000] 1321463.                                    Gvr2010 
17504+5414 OL   89     Aka TDS 888.                                                            .       
17504-3652 JSP 737     CPD-36@7660.                                                            .       
17505-0603 LAF  59     Due to the large number of components (exceeding the number of upper-   .       
                       case letters), a non-standard component designation was necessary,      .       
                       hence the pairings A,Ya; A,Yb; etc. For this pair, as well as LAF  62   .       
                       and LAF  71, the lower-case designations (such as Ya and Yb) do not     .       
                       refer to components of a close pair.                                    .       
17505-4655 CPO 556     SWR 232. CPM pair                                                       Skf2004 
17505-4817 HJ 4982     B is CD-48@12074.                                                       .       
17505-5337 HJ 4978     A is the Algol-type system V539 Ara.                                    .       
17506+0714 STT 337     Quadrant uncertain. Star approaching periastron.                        Baz1954a
                       In AJ 63, 68, 1958 I have given a mean of 5 measures of ADS 10828. The  B__1958 
                       first measure is not of this pair, but of the nearby pair ADS 10846.    .       
                       The result for 10828 should read: 1957.449, 22.7, 0.24, 8.4-8.7, n=3    B__1962a
                       A premature orbit has been computed.                                    .       
17506-4019 EGN  21     AB pair unbound, but bound/unbound nature of AC pair inconclusive.      .       
                       Primary is planet host star.                                            Egn2007 
           HD 162020   Chauvin et al. (2006) note finding at least one faint companion         Cvn2006 
                       candidate within separation/magnitude range listed. However, further    .       
                       observations are required for verification.                             .       
17507+0755 STF2230     B is BD+07@3483.                                                        .       
17507-3444 BRT1741     CPD-34@7161.                                                            .       
17509-3342 HDO 280     Classical Cepheid RY Sco.                                               .       
17510+5709 STI2360     LDS1455.                                                                .       
17515-7748 LDS 609     TSN 104.                                                                .       
17518-1336 HU  188     Spectrum: B9.5III/IV.                                                   .       
17520+1520 STT 338     L    16.                                                                .       
                       AB: Prieur et al. (2012) derive a dynamical parallax of  7.9 mas and    .       
                       (using their orbital elements and the revised Hipparcos parallax of     .       
                       van Leeuwen 2007 A&A 474, 653) a total mass 12. +/- 11. Msun.           Pru2012 
17520-0114 HR 6659     Ren & Fu (2013) calculated an astrometric orbit, combining Hipparcos    Ren2013 
                       Intermediate Astrometric Data with spectroscopic elements by            .       
                       Griffin (1980).                                                         Grf1980a
                       SB1. Combined orbit including RV data and Hipparcos Intermediate        .       
                       Astrometric data. Semimajor axis derived from photocentric a0 plus      .       
                       stellar evolutionary model. Derived properties for A and B:             .       
                       M/Msun = 1.66 + 0.41, L/Lsun = 42.50 + 0.03, dm = 7.88 mag,             .       
                       log age = 9.29.                                                         WaX2015b
17521+0107 S   694     STTA159. B is BD+01@3525.                                               .       
17523+4057 A   699     Also unresolved 1960.                                                   .       
17523+3624 OSO  85     G182-031. Not a common proper motion pair, based on comparison with     .       
                       POSS2 red plates.                                                       Oso2004 
17524+1733 BPM 703     [PM2000] 1327958 + [PM2000] 1327923.                                    Gvr2010 
17525+1530 WLY  17     AC: Previously known as FOX 209. That pair is actually at 17483+1547    .       
                       and the pair measured here is new. The correct identification was       .       
                       ascertained by Friedrich Damm.                                          .       
17526+2536 A   234     AB: Rectilinear solution by Rica & Zirm (2012).                         FMR2012i
17526+1154 BPM 704     [PM2000] 1328639 + [PM2000] 1328474.                                    Gvr2010 
17526-0609 EVS  32     Primary is the Cepheid Y Oph.                                           Evs2016a
17527+1459 BPM 705     [PM2000] 1328958 + [PM2000] 1328887.                                    Gvr2010 
17530+8354 STT 349     Heintz (1978) suspects the presence of an unresolved star.              Hei1978d
                       Unless motion takes place in a very short period these measures are     .       
                       unusually discordant.                                                   VBs1954 
17530+1521 OSO  86     G183-009. Neither is a common proper motion pair, based on comparison   .       
                       with POSS2 red plates.                                                  Oso2004 
17530-0755 STF3128     Separation 0.56" of my single night's measure in 1958 (Pub Yerkes Obs   B__1960b
                       IX, pt I, p 77) should read 0.22".                                      B__1963a
                       Semi-major axis incorrectly given as 0.935 by Popovic & Catovic (1989)  Pop1989b
                       should be 0.985 (erratum noted in Inf. Circ. 108, 1989)                 .       
                       HIP 87533. See Allen et al. (2000) for information on metallicity,      AlC2000 
                       age, galactic orbital parameters, etc.                                  .       
17532+3713 DAE  11     TrES-4.  Daemgen et al. (2009) estimate spectral types F8 and K5.5-M0,  .       
                       masses 1.18 and 0.59 Msun, and an orbital period of about 21000y.       Dae2009 
                       Bergfors et al. (2013) estimate spectral types F8V and K4.5-M1.5V.      Brg2013 
17533+4000 BU  130     90 Her.                                                                 .       
17533+2459 A   235     A 2007 measure was inadvertently confused with a measure for BU 435 in  .       
                       Mason et al. (2011); this measure has been corrected.                   Msn2011d
                       Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and spectroscopic   .       
                       masses of 1.88 +/- 0.44, 1.97, and 0.91 Msun, respectively.             Mlk2012 
17533-3444 BU 1123     A premature orbit has been computed.                                    .       
17533-3547 BRT3324     AB: Not found by Hinetz.                                                Hei1987a
                       A likely plate flaw.                                                    Grv2021b
           BRT3325     CD: CPD-35@7400. Not found by Heintz.                                   Hei1987a
                       A likely plate flaw.                                                    Grv2021b
17534+1058 STTA160     B is BD+10@3314.                                                        .       
17534-2639 HJ 4991     B is CD-26@12487.                                                       .       
17534-3454 SEE 342     Spectroscopic binary.                                                   .       
17535+5652 LDS1457     xi Dra = 32 Dra = Grumium                                               .       
17535-0355 TOK  54     Primary is V2610 Oph, eclipsing binary of W UMa -type, period           .       
                       0.42651 d.                                                              Zas2012 
17536-1726 HDO 147     BHA  59                                                                 .       
17536-3445 B   362     CPD-34@7283.                                                            .       
17537+1702 BPM 706     [PM2000] 1332137 + [PM2000] 1331879.                                    Gvr2010 
17538+1610 BPM 707     [PM2000] 1332342 + [PM2000] 1332598.                                    Gvr2010 
17539-3445 B  1871     One component is a Beta Lyrae-type system, V906 Sco.                    .       
17540+0303 OSO  87     G020-019. None is a common proper motion pair, based on comparison      .       
                       with POSS2 red plates.                                                  Oso2004 
17542+1240 BPM 708     [PM2000] 1333651 + [PM2000] 1333727.                                    Gvr2010 
17542+1108 FIN 381     Primary is 0.80d W UMa ecl. bin (V2388 Oph). Called a SB in the         .       
                       Bright Star Catalogue; this may be motion in the visual pair.           .       
                       Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and spectroscopic   .       
                       masses of 4.83 +/- 1.03, 3.32, and 1.20 Msun, respectively.             Mlk2012 
                       Docobo & Andrade (2013) derive a dynamical parallax of 13.45 +/- 0.38   .       
                       mas and component masses 1.76 +/- 0.22 and 1.38 +/- 0.18 Msun (based    .       
                       on photometry of Yakut et al. 2004 A&A 417, 725) or 13.82 +/- 0.39      .       
                       mas, 1.72 +/- 0.24 and 1.18 +/- 0.16 Msun (based on photometry of       .       
                       Rucinski et al. 2002 AJ 124, 1738). See paper for extensive notes on    .       
                       this system.                                                            Doc2013d
                       Zasche et al. (2014) derive a combined solution, including              .       
                       interferometry plus times-of-minimia variations in the primary. They    .       
                       determine a distance of 70.6 +/- 8.9pc and masses of 1.96 +/- 0.03 and  .       
                       0.54 +/- 0.06 Msun.                                                     Zas2014b
17547+2016 OSO  88     G183-011. Not a common proper motion pair, based on color and           .       
                       comparison with POSS2 red plates.                                       Oso2004 
17551+3745 OSO  89     G182-032. None is a common proper motion pair, based on comparison      .       
                       with POSS2 red plates.                                                  Oso2004 
17551+3134 AG  215     SEI 551.                                                                .       
17555+2250 GRV 970     DAL  25.                                                                .       
17555+1322 BPM 709     [PM2000] 1337739 + [PM2000] 1337455.                                    Gvr2010 
17557-1156 HJ 4997     LDS 617.                                                                .       
17557-2456 J  2194     May be CD-24@13632.                                                     .       
17557-3034 I  1011     Spectrum: B9.5II/III.                                                   .       
17558+3117 SEI 552     ES  342.                                                                .       
17559+3326 HO   72     BC: Rectilinear solution by Friedman et al. (2012).                     USN2012a
17559-7032 HJ 4976     B is CPD-70@2439.                                                       .       
17560-6632 HJ 4983     B is CPD-66@3163.                                                       .       
17561+2130 STT 339     CfA: A or B is SB?                                                      Tok2014d
17563+6237 STTA163     AB: Pair appears in an appendix list, not part of discoverer's regular  .       
                       numbering sequence.                                                     .       
                       AB: Optical pair, based on study of relative motion of the components   .       
                       using the method of apparent motion parameters.                         Kiy2008 
17563+0259 A  2189     Systemic mass is estimated at 4.1 +/- 0.5 Msun, assuming a dynamical    .       
                       parallax of 4.75 +/- 0.15 mas.  The Hipparcos parallax for this pair    .       
                       is poorly determined (3.67 +/- 1.12 mas)                                Doc2008a
                       Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and spectroscopic   .       
                       masses of 27.45 +/- 27.60, 6.25, and 2.09 Msun, respectively.           Mlk2012 
17563-1549 HJ 2814     B is BD-15@4723.                                                        .       
                       A 729d spectroscopic solution for the B component has been found        Tok2019g
                       making this at least a triple system.                                   .       
17563-3228 JSP 748     A is the eclipsing binary V453 Sco, P = 12.61d.                         .       
17564+1820 MCA  49     Aa,Ab: 1980.4820: This measure was incorrectly attributed to HR 6148    .       
                       by McAlister et al. (1983).                                             McA1983 
17565-3408 JSP 934     CPD-34@7399.                                                            .       
17566+5813 ES   20     A is the Mira-type variable T Dra, BD+58@1772a.                         .       
17566+5129 BU  633     gam Dra = 33 Dra = Eltanin = Etamin. A is variable.                     .       
                       Mk III Limb-darkened diameter 10.2   +/- 0.2   mas.                     MkT1989 
                       Mk III Limb-darkened diameter  9.860 +/- 0.128 mas.                     MkT2003 
                       AF. Smyth's quoted separation is difference in RA only.                 Smy1844 
17567-3255 BRT1743     Not found by Heintz at IDS position.                                    Hei1990b
                       A likely plate flaw.                                                    Grv2021b
17568+1736 BPM 710     [PM2000] 1341630 + [PM2000] 1341762.                                    Gvr2010 
17568+0459 V566 Oph    Multiple system including contact binary. Pribulla & Rucinski (2006)    Pbl2006 
                       estimate the mass of the contact pair at 1.828 Msun and the minimum     .       
                       mass of the wider component at 0.24 Msun.                               .       
17568-2036 J  1617     AB: ARA1132.                                                            .       
17568-3755 JSP 751     CPD-37@7662.                                                            .       
17569+1811 J  1352     Jonckheere notes ADS positions are 1970 and 1920. In his 1952 paper     .       
                       he uses 1950 ADS position and has a note "two couples?".  There is      .       
                       indeed a measure that indeed looks different:                           .       
                       1951.62, 39.9@, 3.33", 11.3-11.3.                                       J__1952 
                       Observations incompatible. Is there confusion between different pairs,  .       
                       as thought by Jonckheere (JO 35, p 53)?                                 Cou1952b
17569+0610 HD163642    Hipparcos astrometric solution assumed circular orbit (e = omega = 0)   HIP1997d
17569-1903 FEN  25     17570-1903ARA 718                                                       .       
17569-3445 JSP 935     Primary is V907 Sco, Algol-type eclipsing binary, period 3.776277d.     Zas2013 
                       Triple star. The orbital planes of the B9.5V eclipsing binary and the   .       
                       more distant companion (per= 99.3 d.) are not coplanar so the orbital   .       
                       plane of the eclipsing binary shows nodal regression with a period of   .       
                       68 years. For about one-third of this time, the close binary is         .       
                       eclipsing, the rest of the time the inclination is too small for        .       
                       eclipses to occur. The earliest observations of the system in the year  .       
                       1899 show eclipses; the eclipses stopped about 1918, started again      .       
                       about 1963, and stopped again in about 1986. Eclipses should start      .       
                       occurring once again in the year 2030+/-5. (Otero, 1999 AJ 117, 541L).  .       
17569-3514 BRT1744     CPD-35@7528.                                                            .       
17571+0004 STF2244     Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and spectroscopic   .       
                       masses of 8.83 +/- 5.28, 4.60, and 2.00 Msun, respectively.             Mlk2012 
17572+3541 HO   73     Also known as POP  10. HO   73 was at the location of BD+35 3111, the   .       
                       DM number to which it was assigned and then POP  10 was rediscovered.   .       
                       All measures have been assigned to HO   73AB and STF2256AC at the       .       
                       coordinates of POP  10.                                                 .       
           STF2256     AC: WAL  86CD. The pair 17574+3540 WAL  86AC is not physical, so the    .       
                       systems have not been merged.                                           .       
17572+2400 MCA  50     A close pair of solar-type stars, astrometric binary                    .       
                       Balega et al. (1984) derive probable period of 940 days                 Bag1984a
                       Culver et al. (1980 BAAS 12, 250) report this to be a spectroscopic     .       
                       binary with a period of 2.6 years.                                      Bla1987 
                       Determination of these two old measures resulted from new reduction     .       
                       techniques developed over the past year; these data were reanalysed     .       
                       for a joint spectroscopic/speckle analysis of this system.              Hrt1992b
                       All our CCD speckle data for this close system have been reprocessed    .       
                       and examined. In addition, we have listed 7 negative measures dating    .       
                       from observations made at the KPNO 2.1-m in the 1970's.                 .       
                       Hartkopf et al. (1994) derive a combined spectroscopic/interferometric  Hrt1994 
                       solution.                                                               .       
                       Hipparcos astrometric solution adopted some elements from the orbit of  HIP1997d
                       McAlister et al. (1995).                                                McA1995 
                       Pourbaix gives combined solution for this resolved SB2, yielding        Pbx2000b
                       orbital parallaxes and component masses.                                .       
                       Orbit determined by fitting revised Hipparcos intermediate astrometric  .       
                       data. Derived component masses 1.12 +/- 0.17 and 0.72 +/- 0.11 Msun.    Ren2010 
                       Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and spectroscopic   .       
                       masses of 2.29 +/- 0.27, 2.15, and 1.79 Msun, respectively.             Mlk2012 
                       Kiefer et al. (2016) generates a combined spectroscopic/astrometric     .       
                       orbit, yielding masses 1.132 +/- 0.014 and 0.7421 +/- 0.0073 Msun, and  .       
                       a parallax 36.35 +/- 0.20 mas.                                          Kie2016 
17573+1238 HD163750    Hipparcos astrometric solution assumed circular orbit (e = omega = 0)   HIP1997d
17573-5212 HJ 4994     B is CPD-52@10926.                                                      .       
17574+5111 ES   78     Fox also notes a 1" double (12 mag.) 23" from A in 199@.                Fox1915 
17574-3508 JSP 753     CPD-35@7547.                                                            .       
17575+1318 BPM 711     [PM2000] 1344016 + [PM2000] 1344347.                                    Gvr2010 
17575+1058 BU 1299     AB: Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and             .       
                       spectroscopic masses 9.51 +/- 8.13, 3.18, and 0.65 Msun, respectively.  Mlk2012 
17575-5740 HJ 4992     SWR 234. CPM pair                                                       Skf2004 
                       Despite the linear solution, proper motion and parallax favor a         Grv2020a
                       physical connection. Long period and/or high eccentricity possible.     .       
17578+4635 BDK   9     G 204-39 + SDSS J175805.46+463311.9. Distance 13.6 +/- 0.3 pc for       .       
                       primary, 12 +/- 2 pc for secondary. Estimated age of system 0.5-1.5     .       
                       Gyr. Mass of secondary estimated at 0.020-0.035 Msun.                   Fah2010 
17578+2751 ALL   2     HJL 254.                                                                HJL1986 
17578+1542 BPM 712     [PM2000] 1344986 + [PM2000] 1345358.                                    Gvr2010 
17578+0442 GJ 699      Ci 20,1069 = Barnard's Star                                             .       
                       PTI Limb-darkened diameter = 1.026 +/- 0.04 mas,                        PTI2001 
                       R = 0.201 +/- 0.008 \rsun.                                              .       
                       VLTI Limb-darkened diameter  1.004 +/- 0.04 mas,                        LTI2003a
                       M = 0.158 +/- 0.008 \msun, R = 0.196 +/- 0.008 \rsun,                   .       
                       T = 3163 +/-  65 K.                                                     .       
                       CHARA Array Limb-darkened diameter of A :                               CIA2012f
                       R =  0.1867 +/- 0.0012 \rsun, L =  0.00338 +/-0.00003 \lsun,            .       
                       Teff = 3224 +/-  10 K, M = 0.146 \msun.                                 .       
                       van de Kamp orbits rejected from Fourth Orbit Catalog                   Kam1969c
                       ("object still suspected to be binary by some, but no even              Wor1983 
                       approximately reliable or complete elements yet available")             .       
17579-0223 BRT 472     A likely plate flaw.                                                    Grv2021b
17579-1921 RST5097     CPD-19@6357.                                                            .       
17583-3810 I  9004     Previously known as I  1347 1/2.                                        .       
17584+1812 J  3268     Aka J  3236.                                                            .       
17584+0428 KUI  84     In the same field with Barnard's Star.                                  .       
                       P, T, and e have been taken by Gatewood (1973) from the astrometric     Gat1973 
                       solution. In the same field with Barnard's Star. Two astrometric        .       
                       mass-ratio determinations showed B to be twice as massive as A. This    .       
                       has been confirmed by Tokovinin, who finds B to be a SB, P = 34.5d.     Tok1994b
                       A measurement published by McAlister et al. (1987) dating from          McA1987b
                       1985.4872 was misidentified as being of KUI 84; the measurement was     .       
                       actually of KUI 89 (WDS 18594-1250). In addition, an observation of     .       
                       KUI 84 dating from 1988.6655 (theta = 270.6 deg, rho = 0".134) was      .       
                       published by McAlister et al. (1990). The data have been reprocessed,   McA1990 
                       and we now believe the 1988.6655 measurement was spurious.              Hrt1994 
                       Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and spectroscopic   .       
                       masses of 1.57 +/- 0.61, 1.41, and 0.58 Msun, respectively.             Mlk2012 
17584-1747 RST3140     TDT 605.                                                                .       
17586-1306 HU  190     HIP 88010. See Allen et al. (2000) for information on metallicity,      AlC2000 
                       age, galactic orbital parameters, etc.                                  .       
17587+1530 BPM 713     [PM2000] 1347830 + [PM2000] 1347917.                                    Gvr2010 
17587-0428 BRT 473     A likely plate flaw.                                                    Grv2021b
17587-2232 B   367     CPD-22@6498.                                                            .       
                       Additional notes may be found in van den Bos (1928)                     B__1928b
17588+1330 RUC  10     V508 Oph. Spectral type of resolved companion later than M5V.           Ruc2007 
17589-2850 B  2848     CPD-28@6088.                                                            .       
17589-3652 DUN 219     B is CD-36@12058.                                                       .       
                       AB: Rectilinear solution by Friedman et al. (2012).                     USN2012a
17590+3003 STF2259     H 4  42.                                                                MEv2010 
                       T0 converted from negative to positive by subtracting from P.           FMR2021a
17590+0259 BAL2462     J 2119. The close pair suspected by BAL is not confirmed.               Hei1985a
                       In Carte du Ciel, primary is listed as a double of 180deg, 0.9", mags   .       
                       9.9 and 11.4; but it appears single.                                    Cou1953d
17590+0202 STF2252     C is BD+02@3444.                                                        .       
17591-3015 PZ    6     A is variable.                                                          .       
17591-3559 JSP 758     CPD-35@7594.                                                            .       
17592+0304 BAL2464     J 2120.                                                                 .       
17592-3656 HJ 5000     A is the Algol-type system V1647 Sgr.                                   .       
17593-0651 STF2250     Same as STF2249.                                                        .       
17594+1151 BPM 714     [PM2000] 1350087 + [PM2000] 1350363.                                    Gvr2010 
17594-1724 RST3144     A is the Algol-type system WX Sgr.                                      .       
17595+1753 BPM 715     [PM2000] 1350465 + [PM2000] 1350660.                                    Gvr2010 
17595-3601 TRN  25     The image rotator was in an unknown state, so two possible theta        .       
                       values are listed for the 2001.4960 observation - one for zenith up     .       
                       and one for north up.                                                   Trn2008 
           HD 163758   MR 78. Leep (1978 ApJ 225, 165) also finds a constant radial velocity.  Msn1998a
17597+3624 OSO  91     G206-001. Neither is a common proper motion pair, based on comparison   .       
                       with POSS2 red plates.                                                  Oso2004 
18001+1517 BPM 716     [PM2000] 1352292 + [PM2000] 1352563.                                    Gvr2010 
18002+8000 STF2308     AB: LDS1882. HJL 257. Statistically the same parallax within the        HJL1986 
                       errors would indicate the components are physical.                      .       
                       Linear elements fit nicely at present, but this is a physical pair and  .       
                       an orbit can be computed at some future date.                           .       
                       AB: H 4  67.                                                            MEv2010 
                       AB: A,B are 2.6 mag above MS, both evolved, both SB systems. Orbital    .       
                       parallax 23.0+-2.2mas. Masses 1.39,1.30,1.32,1.20.                      Tok2014d
           BAG   6     A: 41 Dra. Spectroscopic binary, P = 1247.2d, with the highest known    .       
                       eccentricity to date, e = 0.975.                                        .       
                       Elements P, T, and e for the Balega et al. (1997) orbit were adopted    Bag1997a
                       from the spectroscopic orbit of Tokovinin (1995).                       Tok1995b
                       Combined spectroscopic/speckle solution by Tokovinin et al. (2003),     Tok2003 
                       deriving masses (1.28 +/- 0.15, 1.20 +/- 0.14 Msun) and orbital         .       
                       parallax (23.0 +/- 2.2 mas). Authors note earlier elements and discuss  .       
                       possibility of orbital evolution.                                       .       
                       Effective temperatures for the two components are 6370+/-20 and         .       
                       6410+/-20K, log g 4.05+/-0.10 and 4.20+/-0.10. Abundances for both      .       
                       components are very near solar.                                         Bag2005b
                       Aa,Ab: Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and          .       
                       spectroscopic masses 7.75 +/- 5.22, 3.34, and 2.24 Msun, respectively.  Mlk2012 
                       B: 40 Dra = BD+79@570. B is also a spectroscopic binary, P = 10.53d.    .       
18002+0851 STTA161     B is BD+08@3556.                                                        .       
18003+5251 STF2271     AB: B is SB2, P=18.888d                                                 Tok2014d
18003+2154 A  1374     Angle decreasing.                                                       .       
                       AB: Additional notes may be found in Baize (1945).                      Baz1945b
18003+0038 RAS  26     Peculiar SrCuEu star V2126 Oph, type A3. Companion likely               .       
                       late-G/early-K; orbital period perhaps 10y.                             Ras2014 
18005-3742 I   230     CPD-37@7765.                                                            .       
18006+2934 LDS6413     NLTT 45789/45791                                                        Chm2004 
18006+0256 BU 1124     67 Oph.                                                                 .       
           H 6   2     H VI 2. STTA162.                                                        .       
18007+0627 GRV1260     Both A and B have approximately the same radial velocity.               Grv2019b
18009+2633 STF2263     H 2  90.                                                                MEv2010 
18011+3558 POP 210     Codiscovered by Olevic.                                                 Ole1970b
18015+2136 STF2264     95 Her. B spectrum G8III.                                               .       
                       Measure of 1927.47 made by triangulation of multiple measures.          .       
                       H 3  26.                                                                MEv2010 
18015+0448 OSO  92     G140-031. Neither is a common proper motion pair, based on comparison   .       
                       with POSS2 red plates.                                                  Oso2004 
18015+0006 WTT   1     The primary is of type G5V, with mass 1.10 +/- 0.01 Msun. Based on      .       
                       isochrone fitting, Wittrock et al. (2016) estimate the mass of the      .       
                       secondary at 0.42 +/- 0.03 Msun, and type likely an M dwarf.            Wtt2016 
18015-3612 BRT1750     CPD-36@7919.                                                            .       
                       A likely plate flaw.                                                    Grv2021b
18015-3732 JSP 763     CPD-37@7798.                                                            .       
18017+3714 GCB  29     J 3212.  Also known as BRT2222.                                         .       
18018+0118 BU 1125     68 Oph. A spectroscopic binary.                                         .       
18019-1906 HD 164438   We found a possible binary companion at a separation of 0".05 which     .       
                       needs confirmation. The classification is from Garrison et al. (1977    .       
                       ApJS 35, 111).                                                          Msn1998a
18020-5329 BRT2097     A likely plate flaw.                                                    Grv2021b
18022-3616 BRT1751     CPD-36@7937.                                                            .       
18024+1758 BPM 717     [PM2000] 1359934 + [PM2000] 1359490.                                    Gvr2010 
18024-2302 SNA  77     Aa,Ab: HD 164492A is the center of a wide multiple system. We detected  .       
                       two additional faint companions at 3.1" and 6.5", and further resolved  .       
                       A into a 25mas pair with a rather faint companion (dH=3.2). The         Cti1977 
                       object was reported as RV variable by Conti et al. (1977) but this is   Cii2012 
                       not confirmed by Chini et al. (2012).                                   Sna2014 
18025+4414 BU 1127     A premature orbit has been computed.                                    .       
                       L 18 is probably the same star                                          VBs1960 
                       See Baize & Petit (1989) catalog of doubles with variable component.    Baz1989d
                       L    18.                                                                .       
18025+2619 HO  564     Burnham measured BD+26@3146, 26s preceding and 4' south of HO 564:      Bu_1913 
                       1905.8, 185.4@, 23.22", 8.3-11.5.                                       .       
                       AB: Optical pair, based on study of relative motion of the components   .       
                       using the method of apparent motion parameters.                         Kiy2008 
                       AC: Rectilinear solution by Hurowitz et al. (2014).                     USN2014b
18026+0429 LDS5859     LDS6323.                                                                .       
18028+7547 STF2302     STN  45 (with 1h error in RA).                                          .       
18028+0137 BU  635     C is BD+01@3566.                                                        .       
18029+5626 STF2278     STTA166.                                                                .       
                       AB: The BD numbers of A and B may be reversed. D is reversed.           .       
                       DS: Also known as ES 1745.                                              .       
18030-2243 RSS 468     CD-22@12473                                                             .       
18031+4828 STF2277     Mt. Wilson spectral type of B is G8.                                    .       
18031+1654 BPM 718     [PM2000] 1362136 + [PM2000] 1362258.                                    Gvr2010 
18031-0811 STF2262     tau Oph = 69 Oph. A is a SB. RV of the primary may be variable.         Wrz1959 
                       Primary giant according to isochrone fit.                               Sod1999 
                       See Baize & Petit (1989) catalog of doubles with variable component.    Baz1989d
                       AB: H 1  88.                                                            MEv2010 
18032-0543 HR 6940     Ren & Fu (2013) calculated an astrometric orbit, combining Hipparcos    Ren2013 
                       Intermediate Astrometric Data with spectroscopic elements by            .       
                       Scarfe et al. (1983).                                                   Scf1983 
18032+2522 STF2268     AC : 1909.56: Measure unpublished in orbit quotation.                   Dob1927 
                       Statistically the same parallax within the errors would indicate the    .       
                       components are physical.                                                .       
18032+0755 STTA164     B is BD+07@3536.                                                        .       
18032+0047 BAL1192     J 1371.                                                                 .       
18033+3921 STF2275     Not the same as L    19, though some measures were misidentified.       .       
18034+2324 POU3344     LDS1004.                                                                .       
18034+0825 GC 24579    Hipparcos astrometric solution assumed circular orbit (e = omega = 0)   HIP1997d
18035+4032 COU1785     Systemic mass is estimated at 3.0 +/- 0.6 Msun, assuming a dynamical    .       
                       parallax of 7.32 +/- 0.10 mas.  This is consistent with a pair of F5    .       
                       dwarfs. There is no Hipparcos parallax for this star.                   Doc2008a
18037-2423 SBE   1     Aa,Ab: Herschel 36 is a young massive system located at 1.3kpc in the   .       
                       Hourglass high-mass star-forming region in the central part of the M8   .       
                       nebula. The Ab component is comprised of two stars, spectral types O9V  .       
                       and B0.5V, in a close orbit with period 1.54d. The Aa component is of   .       
                       type O9.5V, and is the most luminous star of the system, dominating     .       
                       its ionizing flux. Aa and Ab are in an orbit with estimated period      .       
                       500d and projected semi-major axis 3.5mas. The minimum spectrosopic     .       
                       predicted mass of the Aa+Ab1+Ab2 system is 45,2 Msun. Arias et al.      .       
                       (2010, ApJ 710, L30) label the components A, B1, and B2 in their        .       
                       spectroscopic study of the system.                                      SBe2014 
18039+2639 HO  426     Optical pair, based on study of relative motion of the components       .       
                       using the method of apparent motion parameters.                         Kiy2008 
                       Rectilinear solution by Hurowitz et al. (2014).                         USN2014b
18039-2419 SNA  79     The faint but clear companion at 57mas is not the known SB2 system      .       
                       (P=3.8d, a sin i = 16Rsun), which is separated by 0.07mas assuming a    .       
                       distance of 1 kpc (Trepl et al. 2012, MNRAS 427, 1014). Moreover, the   .       
                       SB2 has nearly equal masses, while the resolved pair has dH=3.4,        .       
                       pointing to quite different masses. The object is also detected in X    .       
                       rays. Trepl et al. identified a soft X-ray excess and 10sec pulsation   .       
                       which they interpret as the signature of a neutron star in the system.  .       
                       Our detection is probably an active later-type object, which may        .       
                       provide an alternaitve explanation to the X-ray excess.                 Sna2014 
18039-2422 SNA  78     9 Sgr. The primary is an emmission-line star. PIONIER clearly resolves  .       
                       the long-period SB2 discussed by Rauw et al. (2012, A&A 542, A95) at a  .       
                       separation of ~5mas.                                                    Sna2014 
18040+3923 L    19     Not found by van den Bos in 1958. Not the same as STF2275, although     B__1960b
                       some measures were misidentified.                                       .       
18040-2529 HDO 148     EGB   6.                                                                .       
18042-2846 BRT3058     J 1644.                                                                 .       
18043+4206 COU1786     Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and spectroscopic   .       
                       masses of 2.80 +/- 1.44, 3.07, and 1.45 Msun, respectively.             Mlk2012 
18043-4019 WG  222     CPD-40@8381.                                                            .       
18044-2423 RBR   8     The X ray flux of the closer E and W companions indicate they are M and .       
                       K dwarfs, identifying them as young stars that are physical companions  .       
                       rather than field stars.                                                .       
18044+0337 A  2257     Systemic mass is estimated at 2.9 +/- 0.6 Msun, assuming a dynamical    .       
                       parallax of 4.73 +/- 0.20 mas.                                          Doc2008a
18044+0329 STF2266     AB: HJL 255.                                                            HJL1986 
18044-5953 RST5099     Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and spectroscopic   .       
                       masses of 3.92 +/- 2.31, 2.17, and 0.97 Msun, respectively.             Mlk2012 
18046+5053 STF2279     HJL 256.                                                                HJL1986 
18046-1702 HU  194     Spectrum: Fm Delta Del.                                                 .       
18047-5913 HJ 5006     LDS 622.                                                                .       
                       A is SB1, P=108.55d, incl. brown dwarf SB component: Tinney et al.      .       
                       (2001 ApJ, 551, 507)                                                    Tok2014d
18048+1253 BPM 719     [PM2000] 1368153 + [PM2000] 1368073.                                    Gvr2010 
18049+0311 BAL2471     J  3341.                                                                .       
18050-2935 BLM   5     Aa,Ab: gam 1 Sgr. A is the Cepheid W Sgr, spectrum also variable.       .       
                       It is a long-period spectroscopic binary and speckle/occultation pair   .       
                       1976.477: This measurement resolves the variable star.                  BLM1978 
                       Masses are 5.8 and 2.2 Msun. Estimated period = 173y, a = 63au = 0.15". Evs2013 
18051-4040 CPO 571     CPD-40@8400.                                                            .       
18053+8129 STF2326     B is BD+81@618.                                                         .       
                       Additional notes may be found in Dembowski (1883).                      D__1883 
18053+1400 BPM 720     [PM2000] 1369739 + [PM2000] 1369615.                                    Gvr2010 
18054+1527 BPM 721     [PM2000] 1370110 + [PM2000] 1369687.                                    Gvr2010 
18054-2140 TOK 365     The faint red companion at 6".6 is likely optical. This is a very       .       
                       crowded field in the direction of the Galactic center. We see another   .       
                       companion at 10".8, but only in the red channel.                        Tok2013b
18055+0230 STF2272     70 Oph = p Oph. A complicated multiple system with high proper motion,  .       
                       which has led to some confusion in component identification. A 1924     .       
                       measure by Burton supposedly of AW was not to the same W component as   Btn1929b
                       measured in earlier VW observations. The Burton secondary is now named  .       
                       Y. Similarly, See supposedly measured the BR pair; this pair is now     See1911 
                       labelled BZ.                                                            .       
                       A component is 70 Oph.                                                  .       
                       CHARA Array Limb-darkened diameter of A,B:                              CIA2012f
                       R =  0.8310 +/- 0.0044, 0.6697 +/- 0.0089 \rsun,                        .       
                       L =  0.53 +/- 0.02, 0.15 +/- 0.02 \lsun,                                .       
                       Teff = 5407 +/- 52, 4393 +/- 149 K, M = 0.846, 0.698 \msun.             .       
                       Spectral types K0V,K4V. Proper motions of A and B are (+276,-1092) and  .       
                       (+442,-1253), respectively. Proper motion of other components follow:   .       
                          C : -019-012     D : -002+002     R : -007-007                       .       
                          S : +005-004     T : +001-006     U : -013-010                       .       
                          V : +002-014     Y : -023-028     Z : -022+007                       .       
                       The existence of a third body, for which orbits have been computed, is  .       
                       now generally discounted as the strong photographic coverage fails to   .       
                       show any such variation. Batten & van Dessel (1976) discuss the radial  Bte1976 
                       velocities.                                                             .       
                       Pourbaix gives combined solution for this resolved SB2, yielding        .       
                       orbital parallaxes and component masses.                                Pbx2000b
                       1995.559: Absolute quadrant determined by triple-correlation technique  Pru2002b
                       AB: H 2   4.                                                            MEv2010 
                       AB: Additional notes may be found in Simonov (1937) and                 Smw1937 
                       Fatou (1941).                                                           Fat1941 
                       AB: Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and             .       
                       spectroscopic masses 1.60 +/- 0.22, 1.61, and 1.56 Msun, respectively.  Mlk2012 
                       AC, AD, AR, AS, AT, AU, AV: Optical pairs, based on study of relative   .       
                       motion of components using the method of apparent motion parameters.    Kiy2008 
                       From their combined speckle/spectroscopic solution, Eggenberger et al.  Egn2008 
                       (2008) derive masses 0.89 +/- 0.02 and 0.73 +/- 0.01 Msun and a         .       
                       parallax of 194.2 +/- 1.2 mas. Adopting both asteroseismic and          .       
                       non-asteroseismic observational constraints with several models, they   .       
                       derive an age of 6.2 +/- 1.0 Gyr, an initial helium mass fraction Y =   .       
                       0.266 +/- 0.015, and an initial metallicity (Z/X) = 0.0300 +/- 0.0025.  .       
                       AS: Additional notes may be found in Burnham (1894).                    Bu_1894 
                       AR, AT, AU, AV, BR: Rectilinear solutions by Hurowitz et al. (2014).    USN2014b
18057+1200 STF2276     A is a spectroscopic binary, and B is a variable of the Beta CrB-type.  .       
                       AB: H 3  56.                                                            MEv2010 
18057-3437 HJ 5012     B is CD-34@12450.                                                       .       
18058+2127 STT 341     Triple solution with C (HIP 88639). Primary is 0.88d RS CVn-type        .       
                       variable or eclipsing binary (V772 Her).                                Sod1999 
                       Combined visual-spectroscopic orbits by Heintz (1982); the lines were   Hei1982b
                       separated at periastron passage. Star A is an eclipsing SB1, P = 0.88d  Hei1982e
                       (Batten et al. 1979).                                                   Bte1979 
                       See Baize & Petit (1989) catalog of doubles with variable component.    Baz1989d
                       AB: Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and             .       
                       spectroscopic masses 2.47 +/- 0.51, 2.06, and 2.00 Msun, respectively.  Mlk2012 
                       AB: A is SB1E, P=0.870d. AB is SB2, P=20.081y                           Tok2014d
                       AB,C: C is SB2, P=25.763d                                               Tok2014d
18059-2134 ARA1507     Aka J  1736.                                                            .       
18060+0434 STTA165     B is BD+04@3594.                                                        .       
18060-0807 A  2595     A is SB, no SB orbit.                                                   Tok2014d
18060-1412 HD 165319   The classification and distance are from Crampton & Fisher (1974 Pub    .       
                       DAO 14, 283).                                                           Msn1998a
18060-2238 BRT1513     J 2099.                                                                 .       
18060-3018 BRT3059     A likely plate flaw.                                                    Grv2021b
18061+1257 BPM 722     [PM2000] 1372670 + [PM2000] 1372512.                                    Gvr2010 
18061-2412 SNA  81     Aa,Ab: We detect a third companion to this SB2 4.6d eclipsing binary    .       
                       system (Otero 2007, Open European Journal on Variable Stars 72, 1;      MyP2013 
                       Mayer et al. 2013).                                                     Sna2014 
18062+1427 BPM 723     [PM2000] 1373116 + [PM2000] 1372803.                                    Gvr2010 
18063+6543 LDS1461     NLTT 45993/45994                                                        Chm2004 
18063+3824 HU 1186     Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and spectroscopic   .       
                       masses of 2.00 +/- 0.69, 2.28, and 1.10 Msun, respectively.             Mlk2012 
18064-4145 HJ 5011     B is CD-41@12402.                                                       .       
18065+0920 HZG  12     B is BD+09@3560.                                                        .       
18066+4616 HD166067    Hipparcos astrometric solution assumed circular orbit (e = omega = 0)   HIP1997d
18067+1359 AG  358     AB = J    94.                                                           .       
18068+0853 BUP 179     Soulie (1984) misidentified Burnham's C component; this pair has been   Sle1984 
                       designated SLE 133AF. There is apparently an error in the declination   .       
                       of Soulie's D component.                                                .       
                       BG: This pair was erroneously identified as BC.                         .       
           GC 24683    Hipparcos astrometric solution assumed circular orbit (e = omega = 0)   HIP1997d
18068-4325 HJ 5014     Quoted errors in P and a for the Argyle et al. (2002) orbit are         Ary2002b
                       +170/-97y, +0".66/-0".41, respectively.                                 .       
                       Member of the bet Pic moving group.                                     Zuc2001b
18069+1712 BPM 724     [PM2000] 1375827 + [PM2000] 1375834.                                    Gvr2010 
18070+3034 AC   15     99 Her.                                                                 .       
                       Identification of the ascending node is not very certain.               Hei1972 
                       Kennedy et al. (2012) derive a system mass of 1.4 Msun, using the van   .       
                       Leeuwen(2008) distance 15.64pc. Using the spectroscopic mass function   VlF2008 
                       of Abt & Willmarth (2006), this yields component masses 0.94 and 0.46   AbH2006 
                       Msun for A and B, respectively.                                         Knd2012 
                       AB: Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and             .       
                       spectroscopic masses 1.73 +/- 0.23, 1.85, and 1.13 Msun, respectively.  Mlk2012 
18071+4943 STT 344     A is a spectroscopic binary.                                            .       
18071+3223 HJ 1314     SEI 557.                                                                Nsn2017b
18071-4949 I  1350     I 1350a.                                                                .       
18073+0934 STT 342     72 Oph. Spectroscopic binary.                                           .       
18074+1817 BPM 725     [PM2000] 1377794 + [PM2000] 1377731.                                    Gvr2010 
18074-3011 B  1350     Spectrum: B9.5/A0IV/V.                                                  .       
18074-4644 SHY 737     HIP  88782 + HIP  87887.                                                .       
18075+4552 KUI  85     Nova Herculis. Not a true visual double star, but the system contains   .       
                       the eclipsing binary DQ Her.                                            .       
18075+2846 STA   2     omi Her = 103 Her. A spectroscopic and interferometric binary.          .       
                       1981.373: Result needs further confirmation.                            Tok1980 
18075+1443 BPM 726     [PM2000] 1377872 + [PM2000] 1377790.                                    Gvr2010 
18078+2606 CHR  67     100 Her. One component is variable.                                     .       
           STF2280     AB: H 3  41.                                                            MEv2010 
18078+1304 H 5  74     H V 74.                                                                 .       
18079+0153 OSO  93     G020-024. AC, AD, and AE are not common proper motion pairs, based on   .       
                       color and/or comparison with POSS2 red plates                           Oso2004 
18079-2141 ARA1513     J  2195.                                                                .       
18080-1637 RST3996     There was a large change, angle decreasing, during the unobserved       .       
                       interval 1951-1990.                                                     .       
18081+3449 POP 211     Aka POP1223.                                                            Dam2016d 
                       Codiscovered by Popovic and Olevic.                                     Ole1970b
18081+1232 BPM 727     [PM2000] 1380283 + [PM2000] 1380212.                                    Gvr2010 
18081-2827 WRH  22     Removed from WDS as probably not real.                                  .       
18082+1059 BPM 728     [PM2000] 1380774 + [PM2000] 1381049.                                    Gvr2010 
18083+2941 LAF  60     Aa,Ab: YSC  65.                                                         .       
                       Aa,Ab & Aa,Ac may be the same.                                          .       
18088+2049 AGC   8     102 Her. A is a suspected spectroscopic binary.                         .       
18089+1802 BPM 729     [PM2000] 1383311 + [PM2000] 1383424.                                    Gvr2010 
18089-2528 WNO  21     One component is a Beta Lyrae-type system, V3792 Sgr.                   .       
18089-3313 BRT1758     A likely plate flaw.                                                    Grv2021b
18090+2851 BRT  33     A likely plate flaw.                                                    Grv2021b
18090+2409 TOK 318     A is possibly SB, no orbit.                                             Tok2014d
18090+1610 BPM 730     AB: [PM2000] 1383786 + [PM2000] 1384274.                                Gvr2010 
           BPM 731     BC: [PM2000] 1384274 + [PM2000] 1384683.                                Gvr2010 
18090-3617 SHY 738     AB: HIP  88920 + HIP  88351.                                            .       
18091+3101 BLL  31     A is the Mira-type system T Her. B is BD+31@3185.                       .       
18092+1458 BPM 732     [PM2000] 1384749 + [PM2000] 1384733.                                    Gvr2010 
18092-2211 RST3157     Poor fit for visual observations, speckle needed.                       .       
                       Soderhjelm notes poor Hipparcos solution.                               Sod1999 
                       Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and spectroscopic   .       
                       masses of 4.04 +/- 1.19, 1.48, and 0.73 Msun, respectively.             Mlk2012 
18093+1648 BPM 733     [PM2000] 1384997 + [PM2000] 1385231.                                    Gvr2010 
18093+1105 BPM 734     [PM2000] 1385001 + [PM2000] 1384518.                                    Gvr2010 
18093+0909 RUC  24     Primary is V839 Oph.                                                    .       
18093-2359 VSP  65     V3903 Sgr = 11 Sgr. The classification and orbit are from Niemela &     .       
                       Morrison (1988 PASP 100, 1436).                                         Msn1998a
18093-2607 B   379     HIP 88937. See Allen et al. (2000) for information on metallicity,      AlC2000 
                       age, galactic orbital parameters, etc.                                  .       
18096+3827 LUH  13     GJ 706 + WISE J180901.07+383805.4. Companion is likely not physical,    .       
                       based on proper motion.                                                 Luh2012b
18096+1255 BPM 736     [PM2000] 1386179 + [PM2000] 1386086.                                    Gvr2010 
18096+1106 BPM 735     [PM2000] 1386060 + [PM2000] 1386113.                                    Gvr2010 
18096+0400 STF2281     73 Oph. AB: H 1  87.                                                    MEv2010 
                       See Baize & Petit (1989) catalog of doubles with variable component.    Baz1989d
                       AB: Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and             .       
                       spectroscopic masses 3.21 +/- 1.75, 3.00, and 1.35 Msun, respectively.  Mlk2012 
18099+2128 LAW   6     Spectral types M5-M6 for both components, masses 0.124-0.109 and        .       
                       0.101-0.112 Msun, distance 41.8 +/- 4.4 pc                              Law2006 
18099+0307 YSC 132     Aa,Ab: For the Horch et al. (2015) combined solution, spectroscopic     .       
                       elements are fixed to those of Griffin (1999). Assigned spectral types  Grf1999d
                       for Aa and Ab are F7V and F7.5V; derived masses 1.26 and 1.23 Msun.     Hor2015 
                       Aa,Ab: SB2, P=199.55d                                                   Tok2014d
           BU  637     AB: A is a spectroscopic binary.                                        .       
                       HIP 89000. See Allen et al. (2000) for information on metallicity,      AlC2000 
                       age, galactic orbital parameters, etc.                                  .       
18100-4852 HJ 5017     B is CD-48@12312.                                                       .       
18101+1629 STF2289     A premature orbit has been computed.  The positional elements - not     .       
                       given by Hopmann - were reconstructed from his ephemeris.               Hop1964b
                       See Baize & Petit (1989) catalog of doubles with variable component.    Baz1989d
                       1995.553, 1998.657: Absolute quadrant determined by triple-correlation  .       
                       techniques.                                                             Pru2002b
18101-3044 BU  245     HDO 149                                                                 .       
18102+3402 STF2291     SEI 558.                                                                Nsn2017b
18102-7859 HJ 4988     SWR 236. CPM pair                                                       Skf2004 
18103+0235 BU  638     BC: No measures since 1929. Probably unchanged. IDS estimates for dm    .       
                       incorrect.                                                              Wor1967b
18105-2934 BRT3328     A likely plate flaw.                                                    Grv2021b
18106+1155 BPM 737     [PM2000] 1389911 + [PM2000] 1389794.                                    Gvr2010 
18106-1645 S   700     A 4th star "nearly south".                                              .       
                       Primary is eclipsing binary of Algol-type, ecc, period 7.8075 d.        Zas2012 
18107-4032 HJ 5025     B is CD-40@12231.                                                       .       
18111+3241 TOK 615     BC: UC 3529.                                                            .       
18112-1723 RST3161     Composite spectrum G5+A0.                                               .       
18112-1951 BU  132     Same as SEE 501. A third component is indicated by lunar occultation.   .       
18112-4557 HDO 286     eps Tel                                                                 .       
18114+3506 ALI 140     Also known as POP  78.                                                  .       
18115+1455 OSO  94     G140-044. Not a common proper motion pair, based on color and           .       
                       comparison with POSS2 red plates.                                       Oso2004 
18115+1307 BPM 738     [PM2000] 1393525 + [PM2000] 1393886.                                    Gvr2010 
18116+1126 BPM 739     [PM2000] 1394117 + [PM2000] 1393941.                                    Gvr2010 
18116-4035 WG  227     BRT1029.                                                                Brt1933 
18117-2342 HJ 5030     11 Sgr.                                                                 .       
18118+3327 B  2545     Called a spectroscopic binary. Variation undoubtedly due to motion in   .       
                       the visual orbit.                                                       .       
                       1979.360: Theta incorrectly given as 42.4 deg in McAlister & Hendry.    McA1982d
                       1980.4768: Rho incorrectly given as 0".091 in McAlister et al (1983)    McA1983 
                       AB: Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and             .       
                       spectroscopic masses 6.14 +/- 2.37, 7.96, and 2.00 Msun, respectively.  Mlk2012 
18118+1147 BPM 740     [PM2000] 1394874 + [PM2000] 1394617.                                    Gvr2010 
18118-1825 HJ 2820     Aka OL  163.                                                            .       
18120+4355 ES 1419     Rectilinear solution by Cvetkovic et al. (2019).                        Cve2019b
18120+2640 BRT3329     Originally published as BRT 180.                                        Brt1928 
18121+0207 BAL1957     J 1829.                                                                 .       
18122+0453 BAL2918     Another yet fainter pair os 1' NW of this.                              Hei1978b
18124+0524 OSO  95     G140-046. Not a common proper motion pair, based on color and           .       
                       comparison with POSS2 red plates.                                       Oso2004 
18125+1701 BPMA 52     [PM2000] 1397712 + [PM2000] 1398923.                                    Gvr2010 
18125-1852 VAT   2     J 1737.                                                                 .       
18126+4033 OSO  96     G204-049. Common proper motion pair.                                    Oso2004 
18126+3836 BU 1091     Prieur et al. (2012) derive a dynamical parallax of  6.0 mas and        .       
                       (using their orbital elements and the revised Hipparcos parallax of     .       
                       van Leeuwen 2007 A&A 474, 653) a total mass 2.2 +/- 0.9 Msun.           Pru2012 
18126+1107 BPM 741     [PM2000] 1398075 + [PM2000] 1397943.                                    Gvr2010 
18127+5446 MLR 585     GZ Dra - Algol-type eclipsing binary, P = 2.25335 d.                    Zas2011 
18128+1329 BPM 742     [PM2000] 1398813 + [PM2000] 1398870.                                    Gvr2010 
18128+1151 BPM 743     [PM2000] 1399144 + [PM2000] 1399290.                                    Gvr2010 
18128+0356 J  3270     Heintz equates this with BAL2482.                                       Hei1995 
18128-1618 HJ 2821     Spectrum: B5/7II/III.                                                   .       
18129-4959 HRG 128     B  2434.                                                                .       
18130+4251 ES  473     B is BD+42@3026.                                                        .       
18130+2815 H 5  93     H V 93. B is BD+28@2956.                                                .       
                       HJL 258.                                                                HJL1986 
                       SHY 739. Bayesian analysis by Shaya & Olling (2011) indicates very      Shy2011 
                       high (near 100%) probability pair is physical.                          .       
18130+1138 BPM 744     [PM2000] 1399708 + [PM2000] 1399455.                                    Gvr2010 
18130-2307 EVS  34     Primary is the Cepheid AP Sgr. 12 Sgr.                                  Evs2016a
18130-2704 J  2199     CPD-27@6260.                                                            .       
18131+2602 BWL  48     AD: Colors and/or astrometry are inconsistent with a late-type common   .       
                       proper motion companion based on visual inspection of the field from    .       
                       2MASS, SDSS, DSS1, and/or DSS2. Primary is GJ 4044.                     Bwl2015 
18131-2025 ARA1141     Aka J  1621.                                                            .       
18133-4410 BRT1031     CPD-44@9008.                                                            .       
18133-6513 NZO  89     SWR 238. CPM pair                                                       Skf2004 
18135-4230 BRT1033     A likely plate flaw.                                                    Grv2021b
18136+3249 GIC 150     G206-017/G206-018.                                                      .       
                       NLTT 46138/46139                                                        Chm2004 
                       NLTT 46138.  White dwarf pair = WD 1811+33 = EGGR 373/330               Grn1986 
18138+6235 ES 1836     LDS2408.  WDS designation for ES 1836 was incorrect, so designation     .       
                       for LDS pair was adopted.                                               .       
18138-1904 ARA 735     The primary is the planetary nebula NGC 6567.                           Skf2013 
18138-2104 H 5   7     H V 7. mu Sgr = 13 Sgr = Polis. A is an Algol-type system and           .       
                       occultation binary.                                                     .       
18139+6424 RDR   7     CHARA Array Limb-darkened diameter of A :                               CIA2013c
                       R =  1.7577 +/- 0.0225 \rsun, L =   4.1486 +/-0.0325 \lsun,             .       
                       Teff = 6221 +/-  39 K, M = 1.156 \msun, Age = 5.0 Gyr.                  .       
18140+2017 HO  268     "Always seen single Flower Obs."                                        Bu_1906 
18140-2052 J  1622     CPD-20@6887. ARA1142.                                                   .       
18140-5342 BRT2099     A likely plate flaw.                                                    Grv2021b
18141-1912 CHR 234     First detected as an occultation binary by Evans & Edwards              Evn1981 
18141-2201 BRT1520     CD-22@12732.                                                            .       
18142+6445 COM   4     B is BD+64@1251.                                                        .       
18143+1333 BPM 745     [PM2000] 1404868 + [PM2000] 1404985.                                    Gvr2010 
18143-4309 SHY 740     HIP  89373 + HIP  89274.                                                .       
18144+2127 HJ 2828     B is BD+21@3356.                                                        .       
                       HJL 259.                                                                HJL1986 
18145+1752 BPM 746     [PM2000] 1405737 + [PM2000] 1406209.                                    Gvr2010 
18145-6929 GLI 242     Also known as TOB 347.                                                  .       
18146-4625 CPO 578     SWR 239.                                                                .       
18146-4722 HJ 5031     B is CD-47@12140.                                                       .       
18147+5635 BU 1274     A is a spectroscopic binary.                                            .       
18147-1939 J  1623     CPD-19@6670.                                                            .       
18148-0441 HJ  856     B is BD-04@4423.                                                        .       
18148-5350 BRT2100     A likely plate flaw.                                                    Grv2021b
18150+3840 LDS4781     NLTT 46179/46180                                                        Chm2004 
18150+1338 BPM 747     [PM2000] 1407711 + [PM2000] 1408069.                                    Gvr2010 
18150-1955 HJ 2823     B is BD-19@4922.                                                        .       
18150-5018 I   429     Measures scattered, but probable rapid motion.                          .       
18151+1415 BPM 748     [PM2000] 1408129 + [PM2000] 1408042.                                    Gvr2010 
18151-5751 HJ 5029     A=SB? no SB orbit.                                                      Tok2014d
18152+1446 BPM 749     [PM2000] 1408559 + [PM2000] 1408870.                                    Gvr2010 
18152-2023 BU  286     16 Sgr. A is a spectroscopic binary.                                    .       
           CHR 255     Aa,Ab: Garmany et al. (1980 ApJ 242, 1063) observed a smoothly-varying  .       
                       velocity indicating that the A component is probably a single-lined     .       
                       binary with a period of 11 d.                                           .       
                       Lindroos (1985) provided the classification of the B component and      Lnd1985 
                       determines a distance of 1.2 kpc.                                       Msn1998a
           SNA  83     16 Sgr. SB. See discussion of system by Sana et al. 2014).              Sna2014 
18152-2044 SNA  82     Aa,Ab: 15 Sgr. The primary is a blue supergiant star. PIONIER resolved  .       
                       a close pair at ~3mas at three epochs, revealing evidence of orbital    .       
                       motion. This pair likely corresponds to the 668d SB1 obtained by OWN    .       
                       (Sota et al. 2014, ApJS 211, 10).                                       Sna2014 
18154+3836 MLB 852     Aka ALI 869.                                                            .       
18154-4851 HJ 5033     AD: Optical pair, based on study of relative motion of the components   .       
                       using the method of apparent motion parameters.                         Kiy2008 
18155+1825 BPM 750     [PM2000] 1409823 + [PM2000] 1409869.                                    Gvr2010 
18155-0220 LDS6324     NLTT 46171/46172                                                        Chm2004 
18155-1840 SEE 349     Component not seen in 1934 with 36-inch.                                Kui1961b
18156+1614 LDS1008     A possible wide companion to 2MASS J18153459+1614253 at 13" is noted    .       
                       in WDS. The star is however single within the AstraLux field of view.   Jnn2012 
18157-6233 B  1880     AB = SWR 240. CPM pair                                                  Skf2004 
18157-6303 HJ 5024     B is CPD-63@4344.                                                       .       
                       Optical pair, based on study of relative motion of the components       .       
                       using the method of apparent motion parameters.                         Kiy2008 
                       Rectilinear solution by Hurowitz et al. (2014).                         USN2014b
18158+4107 ES 1651     A is the Beta Lyrae-type system TZ Lyr, P = 0.52d.                      .       
18158+1516 BPM 751     [PM2000] 1411272 + [PM2000] 1411318.                                    Gvr2010 
18159-2716 J  2201     CPD-27@6313.                                                            .       
18159-4412 GC 24892    Hipparcos astrometric solution assumed circular orbit (e = omega = 0)   HIP1997d
18160-1006 HU   58     A    38 is identical                                                    Hei1978b
18160-5333 HJ 9004     Previously known as HJ 5453a.                                           .       
18162+0434 STTA167     B is BD+04@3677.                                                        .       
18163-2253 BRT1522     CD-22@12777.                                                            .       
18164+2912 OSO  97     G206-020. None is a common proper motion pair, based on comparison      .       
                       with POSS2 red plates.                                                  Oso2004 
18164+1201 BPM 752     [PM2000] 1413857 + [PM2000] 1414013.                                    Gvr2010 
18164-4638 SWR 241     CPM pair                                                                Skf2004 
18165+2324 BUP 180     BC: Determined to be the same as 18166+2327 POU3376 by Clif Ashcraft.   .       
18165-1652 HJ 2826     Also known as J  1625 or WHC  16.                                       .       
18165-2748 RST2043     CPD-27@6328.                                                            .       
18166-2033 MCA  51     17 Sgr.                                                                 .       
18168-1631 SNA  84     We detect three previously unreported distant companions in the NACO    .       
                       FOV, but lack PIONIER observations to investigate possible closer       .       
                       companions. The object was reported as SB1? by Abt et al. (1972), a     AbH1972b
                       fact not confirmed by Chini et al. (2012), who prefer a RV stable       Cii2012 
                       classification.                                                         Sna2014 
           HD 167633   LS 4864. Additional radial velocities are reported by Crampton &        .       
                       Fisher (1974 Pub DAO 14, 283).  The star appears within the boundaries  .       
                       and at the same distance of Ser OB1 in the LSC.                         Msn1998a
18170-1858 SNA  85     Aa,Ab: Both NACO/SAM and PIONIER resolved the A componnet as a 50mas    .       
                       pair, which probably corresponds to the 80mas pair detected through     Rad1980 
                       occultation (Radick & Lien 1980). The object may further be an SB1      .       
                       (Gamen et al. 2008, RevMexAA 33, 54)                                    Sna2014 
           HD 167659   Hilt 730. The 3 speckle observations all indicate a single star, so we  .       
                       cannot confirm the existence of a companion found by lunar occultation  Msn1998a
                       (Radick & Lien 1980).                                                   Rad1980 
18170-1933 B  2862     J 1626.                                                                 .       
18171+1706 BPM 753     [PM2000] 1416611 + [PM2000] 1416469.                                    Gvr2010 
18171-1700 WSI 143     AD: Originally assigned to HJ 2826.                                     WSI2010 
                       Correct ID provided by Friedrich Damm.                                  Dam2012 
18172+1517 BPM 754     [PM2000] 1417297 + [PM2000] 1417367.                                    Gvr2010 
18172+0735 J  2514     Pair is BD+07 3619.                                                     J__1948 
18174-1920 B  2863     CPD-19@6748.                                                            .       
18174-4929 HDS2586     SHY 743. Bayesian analysis by Shaya & Olling (2011) indicates very      Shy2011 
                       high (near 100%) probability pair is physical.                          .       
18175+1647 BPM 755     [PM2000] 1418633 + [PM2000] 1418360.                                    Gvr2010 
18175-1638 HJ 2829     Spectrum: B2/3II/III.                                                   .       
18175-1828 RST3170     The classification of the close spectroscopic pair is from Morrison &   Cti1978 
                       Conti (1978), and that of the B component of the optical pair is from   Lnd1985 
                       Lindroos (1985). Lindroos also gives a distance of 2.0 kpc.             Msn1998a
18176-3406 HJ 5036     A is the Algol-type system RS Sgr.                                      .       
18176-3646 BU  760     eta Sgr. A is an irregular variable.                                    .       
18177+4122 LDS4783     NLTT 46260/46265                                                        Chm2004 
18180+3846 GIC 151     G204-058/G204-057 = GJ 4048A/4049B. PM of A -330-1039, B -330-1039      .       
                       NLTT 46274/46272                                                        Chm2004 
18181+1559 BPM 757     [PM2000] 1421149 + [PM2000] 1421222.                                    Gvr2010 
18181+1454 BPM 756     [PM2000] 1421047 + [PM2000] 1421519.                                    Gvr2010 
18181-1215 TRN  27     MY Ser.                                                                 .       
           TRN  27     The image rotator was in an unknown state, so two possible theta        .       
                       values are listed for the 2001.7447 observation - one for zenith up     .       
                       and one for north up.                                                   Trn2008 
           HD 167971   Leitherer et al. (1987 A&A 185, 121) argue that this is a triple        .       
                       system consisting of a close eclipsing pair and a brighter, distant O   .       
                       star; the spectral classification presumably applies to the latter      .       
                       star.                                                                   Msn1998a
           DBK   1     Aa,Ab: System includes a 3.3d eclipsing binary, unresolved in the VLTI  .       
                       observations. De Becker et al. (2012) assume the components of the      .       
                       close pair are both O6.5V, and the wide component is O8I. V=7.35 for    .       
                       the system yields a distance of about 1.8 kpc, in good agreement with   .       
                       the 1.7 kpc distance determined by Reipurth (2008 Handbook of Star      .       
                       Forming Regions, vol 2, 590) for the NGC 6604 open cluster.  The Aa,Ab  .       
                       orbit is thought to be very eccentric.                                  DBk2012 
18186-1348 DCH  26     The AB pair is visible as SBA in spectroscopy, although no orbital      .       
                       motion is detected (Sana et al. 2009), inagreement with the large       Sna2009 
                       separation, hence very long period.  Five other faint companions are    .       
                       detected in the NACO FOV.                                               Sna2014 
18186+1538 BPMA 53     [PM2000] 1423159 + [PM2000] 1423708.                                    Gvr2010 
18187-1206 SNA  90     Aa,Ab: Object is a non-thermal radio emitter (DeBecker et al. 2004).    DBk2004 
                       PIONIER clearly resolved it into a tight pair (3.3mas) with almost      .       
                       equal brightness (dH=0.17 +/- 0.19).                                    Sna2014 
18187-1837 BU  639     There was a close approach around 1900.                                 .       
                       Large divergences in estimated distance due to considerable southern    .       
                       declination.                                                            Vou1951 
                       1994.5191: Quadrant determined by speckle imaging analysis              Hor1996 
18188+4510 WOL   2     WSP  58.                                                                .       
18188-3048 BRT3064     A likely plate flaw.                                                    Grv2021b
18189-1348 SNA  91     Aa,Ab: The A component is an O7V+O8V 912d SB (Sana et al. 2012) that    Sna2012 
                       we marginally resove with PIONIER at 6mas separation.                   Sna2014 
18189+3918 MLB1078     ES 2570.                                                                .       
18192+2427 105 Her     Ren & Fu (2013) calculated an astrometric orbit, combining Hipparcos    Ren2013 
                       Intermediate Astrometric Data with spectroscopic elements by            .       
                       Radford & Griffin (1977).                                               Grf1977b
18192+1116 BPM 758     [PM2000] 1426022 + [PM2000] 1425922.                                    Gvr2010 
18196+3915 MLB 754     Not found by Heintz at IDS position.                                    Hei1985a
18196-1944 WRH  30     SEE 501 is probably BU 132.                                             .       
18197+1016 HU  197     Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and spectroscopic   .       
                       masses of 1.20 +/- 0.69, 1.95, and 1.05 Msun, respectively.             Mlk2012 
18197-4542 CHR 148     HD 167954 is a SB, with P = 120d (Bopp et al. 1970 MNRAS, 147, 355).    .       
                       With rho = 0".031, the speckle pair is probably not the SB.             McA1990 
                       Hipparcos astrometric solution adopted some elements from the orbit of  HIP1997d
                       Bopp et al. (1970).                                                     Evn1970 
18198-0458 SCJ  16     A = QS Ser, false HIP variable (GCVS), artifact of scanning binary.     Tok2014d
18199+1524 BPM 759     [PM2000] 1429486 + [PM2000] 1429612.                                    Gvr2010 
18200+0212 BAL1964     A likely plate flaw.                                                    Grv2021a
18201+2532 STF2309     H 1  86.                                                                MEv2010 
18201-0936 GJ 4052     No comoving objects found within separation/magnitude range listed.     .       
                       However, Chauvin et al. (2006) note finding at least one faint          Cvn2006 
                       background object.                                                      .       
                       HD 168443. Combined astrometric/spectroscopic solution, using           .       
                       spectroscopic elements (P,T,e,omega) from Wright et al. (2009 ApJ 693,  .       
                       1084).                                                                  SaJ2011 
18202-3601 BRT1769     CPD-36@8160.                                                            .       
18204-1011 HER   2     A post-T Tauri star, FK Ser.                                            .       
18205-5107 BRT1043     SWR 242.                                                                .       
18205-5344 FIN 264     Spectrum: G0/5III+A7/F0.                                                .       
18206+1608 OSO  98     G184-004. Not a common proper motion pair, based on color and           .       
                       comparison with POSS2 red plates.                                       Oso2004 
18207+2530 BRT3330     Originally published as BRT 181.                                        Brt1928 
18208+7120 STT 353     phi Dra = 43 Dra. A premature orbit has been computed.                  D__1883 
                       Almost rectilinear relative motion, long period!                        Ole1975b
                       Period of A (SB1) is 127.99d.                                           XXX2016 
                       An Alpha CVn type variable.                                             .       
                       See Baize & Petit (1989) catalog of doubles with variable component.    Baz1989d
                       Also an unresolved 128.165d spectroscopic binary.                       Mug2017b
18208+2732 BU  640     Measure by Van Biesbroeck in 1932 is undoubtedly in error.              Baz1944a
                       CfA: A is SB, P=long. Triple or not? Makarov & Kaplan (2005): dmu=20.4  Mkr2005 
                       (HIP2:20.1), implies triple.                                            Tok2014d
18209+1153 BPM 760     [PM2000] 1434041 + [PM2000] 1433558.                                    Gvr2010 
18209+0323 HJ 5495     74 Oph.                                                                 .       
18210-0101 WOR  35     This is the nearby star G 21-10 = GJ 1226 = LHS 463 = LP 630-1.         .       
18210-1714 J  1627     J  1739.                                                                J__1962a
18210-2842 B  2864BC   A likely plate flaw.                                                    Grv2021b
18210-2950 SEE 350     del Sgr = 19 Sgr = Kaus Media                                           .       
18211+7244 LAB   5     Aa,Ab: chi Dra = 44 Dra. Astrometric, interferometric, and              .       
                       spectroscopic binary.  See discussion of the RV's by J. Vinter Hansen   .       
                       (Lick Obs. Bul. 19, 141, 1942).                                         .       
                       See discussion and orbital elements by Labeyrie et al. (1974).          Lab1974 
                       P, T, and e for Alden (1936) solution taken from spectroscopic orbit    Ald1936c
                       Speckle and spectroscopic orbit by Tomkin et al. (1987), used P,e       Tom1987 
                       fixed from spectroscopy. Positional elements disagree somewhat with     .       
                       those of the astrometric orbit (prior to resolution of the companion)   .       
                       by Breakiron & Gatewood (1974).                                         Brk1974 
                       See Baize & Petit (1989) catalog of doubles with variable component.    Baz1989d
                       Analyses of the spectroscopic/interferometric orbit are given by        McA1980b
                       McAlister (1980) and McA1980c and Tomkin et al. (1987).                 Tom1987 
                       Hipparcos astrometric solution adopted some elements from the orbit of  HIP1997d
                       Tomkin et al. (1987).                                                   Tom1987 
                       Pourbaix gives combined solution for this resolved SB2, yielding        Pbx2000b
                       orbital parallaxes and component masses.                                .       
                       The Farrington et al. (2010) orbit is based on speckle plus K'-band     CIA2010 
                       CHARA Array separated fringe packet observations. An orbital parallax   .       
                       of 123.4+/-1.9 mas is determined.  Based on the mass ratio              .       
                       determination of Nordstrom et al. (2004 A&A 418, 989), derived masses   .       
                       are 0.96+/-0.03 and 0.75+/-0.03 Msun, well below the expected masses    .       
                       for an F8IV-V and late-G/early-K dwarf pair. The aperture and method,   .       
                       8m and speckle, are set to give the resolution capability of this       .       
                       technique, which is less than classical interferometric methods.        .       
                       Aa,Ab: Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and          .       
                       spectroscopic masses 1.71 +/- 0.06, 2.07, and 1.13 Msun, respectively.  Mlk2012 
18211-1339 RST9006     Previously known as RST4585a.                                           .       
18212+5917 LDS2411     LDS5235.                                                                .       
18213-0254 STFB  8     eta Ser = 58 Ser                                                        .       
                       Optical pair, based on study of relative motion of the components       .       
                       using the method of apparent motion parameters.                         Kiy2008 
                       H 6  14.                                                                MEv2010 
18214+1259 BPMA 54     [PM2000] 1436289 + [PM2000] 1436037.                                    Gvr2010 
18214-1852 EVS  35     Primary is the Cepheid Y Sgr.                                           Evs2016a
18216+3842 LDS5861     LDS6327.                                                                .       
18216-2052 BRT1530     ARA1148.                                                                .       
18218+3038 L    21     Appears to be 10deg error in converting Lewis' NPD to Dec for IDS.      L__1900 
18218-1155 EGN  22     AB, AC, and AF pairs unbound; D, E, G, H, and R likely unrelated as     .       
                       well. Bound/unbound nature of other components is inconclusive.         .       
                       Primary is planet host star.                                            Egn2007 
18219+1631 BPM 761     [PM2000] 1438334 + [PM2000] 1437857.                                    Gvr2010 
18220+1621 BPM 762     [PM2000] 1438974 + [PM2000] 1438640.                                    Gvr2010 
18220+1348 BPM 763     [PM2000] 1439257 + [PM2000] 1439185.                                    Gvr2010 
18220-2233 J  2208     CPD-22@6959.                                                            .       
18221+5336 BEM  32     ES  649.                                                                .       
18222-5534 DUN 220     B is CPD-55@8630.                                                       .       
                       Primary is QW Tel, a W UMa type eclipsing binary, P = 0.411928d.        Zas2012 
18223+1713 BPMA 55     [PM2000] 1440461 + [PM2000] 1440291.                                    Gvr2010 
18223+1547 BPM 764     [PM2000] 1440458 + [PM2000] 1440241.                                    Gvr2010 
18223-1437 J   519     Additional companion at 222deg, 15", mag 14.5                           J__1946 
18223-2018 BHA  27     J  1628.                                                                Nsn2016 
18224+4545 A   700     Round 1951-1954. Possible quadrant change.                              .       
                       Increasing residuals since the orbital solution by Heintz (1998) led    Hei1998 
                       to the determination by Parent et al. (2017) that the relative motion   .       
                       of the pair was better represented by a rectilinear fit. Thus the pair  .       
                       appears to be an optical double rather than a physical binary.          CC_2017b
                       Rectilinear solution by Parent et al. (2017).                           CC_2017b
18226+0852 SLE 163     There is apparently a 7s typo in RA of primary by Soulie (1984).        Sle1984 
18228-1727 J  2210     This pair had the wrong coordinate. The correct coordinates were found  .       
                       by Brian Skiff (Lowell) and the pairs recovered in the 2MASS data.      Skf2004 
18228-1843 CHR 235     First detected as an occultation binary by Africano.                    Afr1978 
18229+1458 HU  581     Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and spectroscopic   .       
                       masses of 2.18 +/- 1.48, 2.25, and 1.05 Msun, respectively.             Mlk2012 
18229-1726 J  2209     This pair had the wrong coordinate. The correct coordinates were found  .       
                       by Brian Skiff (Lowell) and the pairs recovered in the 2MASS data.      Skf2004 
18231+1125 BPM 765     [PM2000] 1444071 + [PM2000] 1444438.                                    Gvr2010 
18231-6235 CPO  79     SWR 244.                                                                .       
18232-6130 GLE   2     xi Pav. A is a long-period spectroscopic binary.                        .       
                       Dynamical elements for Alden's orbit were obtained from a               Ald1946 
                       spectroscopic orbit. Alden's orbit was rejected from the Fourth         .       
                       Orbit Catalog ("amplitude below noise level")                           Wor1983 
18236-2610 HO  566     If the quadrants are correct, a revolution has been completed.          .       
18237+2146 STT 587     AB: 109 Her.                                                            .       
                       Mk III Limb-darkened diameter  4.8   +/- 0.4   mas.                     MkT1989 
18237-2209 BRT1534     J 2126.                                                                 .       
18237-5841 SWR 246     CD-58@ 7043. CPM pair                                                   Skf2004 
18238+5139 ES  187     AB: B is SB1, P=126.38d                                                 Tok2014d
18238+2808 GRV1261     Both A and B have approximately the same radial velocity.               Grv2019b
18239+5848 STF2323     39 Dra. STTA169 = STFA 36. A is a double-lined spectroscopic binary.    .       
                       C is a spectroscopic binary, P =2.71d.                                  .       
                       AC: HJL1098.                                                            HJL1986 
                       AB: H 1   7.                                                            MEv2010 
18240+3844 HO  432AB   This cannot be the close 2347.9-d spectroscopic binary, who postulated  Grf2010d
                       a dm of 6 and a separation of 6 mas.                                    .       
18240-3516 BRT1773     A likely plate flaw.                                                    Grv2021b
18241-1734 J  2127     Jonckheere gives angle as 40@ in his 1962 catalog.                      J__1962a
18242-3423 SEE 351     eps Sgr = 20 Sgr = Kaus Australis.  Infrared excess and probable        .       
                       circumstellar disk. Spectral peculiarities lead to classification       .       
                       problems. Alternative types B9IVp, A0II(shell)                          .       
                       Intensity Interferometer Limb-darkened diameter 1.44 +/- 0.06 mas.      HBr1974 
18243-0405 YSC  67     AB + TOK 420Aa,Ab: The neglected pair YSC 67 turned out to be a new     .       
                       triple. The outer 0".35 binary AB was known previously, now we detect   .       
                       elongation that implies an inner subsystem Aa,Ab. We compared with      .       
                       stars in the same area of the sky observed before and after to assure   .       
                       that the elongation is not of instrumental origin; it is seen in two    .       
                       filters.                                                                Tok2015c
18243-4407 DUN 221     B is CD-44@12570.                                                       .       
18244-2932 RSS  31     This previously uncataloged double star was a Hipparcos double entry    .       
                       system.  The first measure is determined from the individual positions  .       
                       listed by Rousseau et al.                                               Rss1996 
                       Statistically the same parallax within the errors would indicate the    .       
                       components are physical.                                                .       
                       Optical pair, based on study of relative motion of the components       .       
                       using the method of apparent motion parameters.                         Kiy2008 
18247-1648 KRV  49     Classical Cepheid XX Sgr.                                               .       
18250+2724 STF2315     A is a spectroscopic binary.                                            .       
                       AC: 1898 distance probably in error.                                    .       
18250-0135 AC   11     Spectrum composite; A9III+F6III.                                        Egg1947 
                       Additional notes may be found in Eggen (1947) and Voute (1951).         Vou1951 
                       Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and spectroscopic   .       
                       masses of 9.58 +/- 9.12, 4.69, and 1.45 Msun, respectively.             Mlk2012 
18251+3016 GIC 152     G206-030/G206-031.                                                      .       
                       NLTT 46462/46463                                                        Chm2004 
18251+1623 BPM 766     [PM2000] 1454337 + [PM2000] 1454586.                                    Gvr2010 
18251+1152 BPM 767     [PM2000] 1454346 + [PM2000] 1454212.                                    Gvr2010 
18251+0258 BAL1965     J 2579.                                                                 .       
18252+0720 LDS1011     LDS5236.                                                                .       
18253+4846 HU   66     Van Biesbroeck (1954) was unable to resolve this system in 1943,        .       
                       1944 or 1945 on the 82-inch telescope at the McDonald Observatory.      .       
                       However, since he resolved the system successfully in 1946 with the     .       
                       same telescope, and in 1940 with a smaller (40-inch) telescope, the     .       
                       non-resolution is probably due to bad seeing or ID error.               USN2002 
           STT 351     AC: Additional notes may be found in Muller (1955).                     Mlr1955c
18253+4653 BU  134     Also known as STT 543.                                                  .       
18253-3701 BRT1776     A likely plate flaw.                                                    Grv2021b
18254+1142 BPM 768     [PM2000] 1455453 + [PM2000] 1455388.                                    Gvr2010 
18254-1631 HU   64     Mt. Wilson spectral classes F5s and G0.                                 .       
18254-2033 JC    6     21 Sgr.                                                                 .       
18255-1241 RY Sct      This massive binary and its surrounding gas torus are described by      .       
                       Gehrz et al. (1995 ApJ 439, 417). A light curve from  Hipparcos is now  HIP1997a
                       available.  The system mass and the nature of the secondary are still   .       
                       controversial (Skulskii 1992 SvA 36, 411; Skulskii & West 1993 Astron.  .       
                       Rep. 37, 594; Golovatyi & Skul'skii 1992 SvA 36, 550).  We found a      .       
                       possible binary companion at a separation of 0".2 which needs           .       
                       confirmation.                                                           Msn1998a
18255-6301 ARY 108AC   Author listed the B component as a new component of 18231-6235 CPO 79.  Ary2014b
                       Corrected by USNO.                                                      .       
18255-6605 HJ 5039     B is CPD-66@3337.                                                       .       
18256+0802 STT 348     The zeta Aurigae-type binary V2291 Oph. Visual duplicity uncertain.     .       
18256-3628 OL   19     BRT1777.                                                                Brt1936a
18257+1339 BPM 769     [PM2000] 1457131 + [PM2000] 1456591.                                    Gvr2010 
18259+1458 CHR  70     This system, first announced by McAlister and recalled in a later       McA1984b
                       McAlister paper after repeated attempts at confirmation, has been       McA1993 
                       restored. While perhaps still spurious, the subsequent confirmation or  .       
                       suspected duplicity (by another technique) makes the discovery          .       
                       measurement somewhat more probable.                                     .       
18259+0541 J  2130     SLE 174.                                                                .       
18260+6534 UC 3580     42 Dra = Fafnir                                                         .       
                       CHARA Array Limb-darkened diameter  2.041 +/- 0.043 mas.                CIA2010c
                       R = 21.19 +/- 0.60 \rsun, L = 149.7 +/- 15.3 \lsun,                     .       
                       Teff = 4486 +/- 122 K.                                                  .       
                       NPOI Limb-darkened diameter 2.048 +/- 0.009 mas, Sp = K1III,            NOI2018 
                       R = 21.25 +/- 0.42 \rsun, Teff = 4714 +/-101 K,                         .       
                       L = 201.1 +/- 18.8 \lsun, M = 1.54 +/- 0.24 \msun,                      .       
                       Age = 1.93 +/- 0.91 Gyr.                                                .       
18260+2606 L    22     Appears to be a 10m error in Lewis' epoch-1900 coordinates.             L__1900 
18260-4541 LDS 638     TSN  95.                                                                .       
18261+0047 BU 1203     1980.4794  This measure was incorrectly attributed to ADS 11524 by      .       
                       McAlister et al. (1983).                                                McA1983 
18262+0847 LDS1012     LFT 1415/1416.                                                          Bgh1958 
                       HJL1099.                                                                HJL1986 
                       B is BD+08@3692.                                                        .       
                       Hipparcos stochastic double solution.                                   .       
                       A is SB1, P=293.35d (Halbwachs et al. 2012) and astrometric binary,     HJL2012b
                       P=0.827y (Goldin & Makarov 2007).                                       Gln2007 
                       SHY 306. Bayesian analysis by Shaya & Olling (2011) indicates very      Shy2011 
                       high (near 100%) probability pair is physical.                          .       
18262-1832 CHR 236     First detected as an occultation binary by Africano.                    Afr1978 
18263+1313 BPM 770     [PM2000] 1460131 + [PM2000] 1460594.                                    Gvr2010 
18264+4649 STT 352     B is BD+46@2489.                                                        .       
18264+1216 BPM 771     [PM2000] 1460407 + [PM2000] 1459847.                                    Gvr2010 
18265-0226 GRV1262     Both A and B have approximately the same radial velocity.               Grv2019b
18266+1147 BPM 772     [PM2000] 1461257 + [PM2000] 1460960.                                    Gvr2010 
18266+0627 GCB  31     BRT2838.                                                                Brt1947 
18267+2627 BU 1326     A is a spectroscopic binary.                                            .       
18267-3024 TOK 421     HIP 90397 is an acceleration binary with a variable RV (GCS), resolved  .       
                       here at 69mas (estimated period ~4yr). The star is targeted by          .       
                       exo-planet programs.                                                    Tok2015c
18268+0123 BAL1501     RST 5449.                                                               .       
18268-1814 FEN  30     DON 902.                                                                .       
18269+2950 HJ 1325     Rectilinear solution by Cvetkovic et al. (2017).                        Cve2017 
18269+1308 BPM 773     [PM2000] 1462688 + [PM2000] 1462619.                                    Gvr2010 
18271+2754 TDS 921     Appears to be the same star as L    23, based on coordinates and        .       
                       astrometry by Lewis (1911).                                             L__1911 
18272+1543 BPM 774     [PM2000] 1464147 + [PM2000] 1464406.                                    Gvr2010 
18272+1533 BPM 775     [PM2000] 1464561 + [PM2000] 1464426.                                    Gvr2010 
18272+0404 FAR  20     Primary is white dwarf WD 1824+040.                                     Far2005b
18272+0012 STF2316     59 Ser. A is a triple spectroscopic binary, and B may be an SB also.    .       
                       A is an irregular variable, d Ser.                                      .       
                       Aa,Ab: Examined for visual duplicity of its components, which are       .       
                       long-period SBs.                                                        WRH1952 
                       AB: H 1  12.                                                            MEv2010 
18273+0820 J  2911     TDT 882.                                                                .       
18273-2503 LDS 639     LDS 640.                                                                .       
                       NLTT 46491/46490                                                        Chm2004 
18274+1141 BPM 776     AB: [PM2000] 1465466 + [PM2000] 1465190.                                Gvr2010 
           BPM 777     BC: [PM2000] 1465190 + [PM2000] 1464574.                                Gvr2010 
18275-1522 J  1631     CD is probably AB of 18275-1524 with quadrant reversed.                 .       
18277-3207 I  1023     Measures uncertain, too close. Duplicity dubious, but needs speckle.    .       
18278+2442 STF2320     Eclipsing and spectroscopic multiple (periods 1.42001 & 2.08327 days).  Zas2010 
                       An updated orbit predicts that the two close pairs may be resolvable    .       
                       by interferometry, with predicted separations ~17mas and a magnitude    .       
                       difference of ~1.4mag.                                                  Zas2016b
18278-2949 GC 25175    Combined solution, based on reduction of Hipparcos intermediate         .       
                       astrometric data together with spectroscopic elements from the Geneva   .       
                       Extrasolar Planet Search Programs home page.                            HaI2001 
           RAG   2     Primary is exoplanet host, P=225.6d                                     Tok2014d
18279-1444 J  1651     Aka TDT 892.                                                            .       
18280+0612 CHR  71     Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and spectroscopic   .       
                       masses of 10.53 +/- 3.67, 5.69, and 3.20 Msun, respectively.            Mlk2012 
18280-2525 WFC 208     lam Sgr = Kaus Borealis.                                                .       
18281-2048 RSS  32     This previously uncataloged double star was a Hipparcos double entry    .       
                       system.  The first measure is determinedfrom the individual positions   .       
                       listed by Rousseau et al.                                               Rss1996 
18284-1527 FOX  82     May be component of multiple 18275-1524.                                .       
18285-1013 HJ 5497     Herschel coordinates 18 19, NPD 100 19 17 (1830). Colors orange and     .       
                       green. RA is described as "precarious".                                 .       
18286+0451 STTA168     B is BD+04@3759.                                                        .       
18287+0016 SHC   2     Primary is young stellar object [HMH2007] 20. The companion shows IR    .       
                       excess, and is identified as a young low-mass companion candidate.      ShC2011 
18288+0009 LI    1     Due to an error in cross-referencing, this pair was originally          .       
                       entered into the WDS as 18288-2715.                                     .       
18289+0019 SHC   6     Primary is young stellar object [HMH2007] 43. The companion shows IR    .       
                       excess, and is identified as a young low-mass companion candidate.      ShC2011 
18289+0020 SHC   3     Primary is young stellar object [HMH2007] 36. The companion is a young  .       
                       brown dwarf, mass ~80 Mjup.                                             ShC2011 
18289+0029 SHC   4     Primary is young stellar object [HMH2007] 37. The companion shows IR    .       
                       excess, and is identified as a young low-mass companion candidate.      ShC2011 
18289+0030 SHC   5     Primary is young stellar object [HMH2007] 40. The companion shows IR    .       
                       excess, and is identified as a young low-mass companion candidate.      ShC2011 
18290-2635 WNO   6     Variable? B is CD-26@13205.                                             .       
18290+0017 SHC   7     Primary is young stellar object [HMH2007] 48. The companion is a        .       
                       low-mass YSO.                                                           ShC2011 
18292+1142 TOK 321     Spectral type of comoving secondary estimated as M1, mass 0.52 Msun.    Mug2014 
                       AB: A is exoplanet host P=1145d                                         Tok2014d
                       AC: white dwarf candidate at 167", likely optical.                      Tok2012c
18293+1624 BPM 778     [PM2000] 1474812 + [PM2000] 1474553.                                    Gvr2010 
18293-3431 B  1364     CPD-34@7858.                                                            .       
18295-5053 CPO 586AB   A likely plate flaw.                                                    Grv2021b
18296+0034 SHC   8     Primary is young stellar object [HMH2007] 112. The companion shows IR   .       
                       excess, and is identified as a young low-mass companion candidate.      ShC2011 
18296+1639 BPM 780     [PM2000] 1476424 + [PM2000] 1476961.                                    Gvr2010 
18296+1553 BPM 779     [PM2000] 1476312 + [PM2000] 1476163.                                    Gvr2010 
18297+5740 LDS2414     LDS2743.                                                                .       
18298+1201 BPM 781     [PM2000] 1477006 + [PM2000] 1476757.                                    Gvr2010 
18298-4241 BRT1059     A likely plate flaw.                                                    Grv2021b
18299+2639 HD170737    Hipparcos astrometric solution adopted some elements from the orbit of  HIP1997d
                       Griffin (1980).                                                         Grf1980c
18299+1345 BPM 783     [PM2000] 1477579 + [PM2000] 1477791.                                    Gvr2010 
18299+1222 BPM 782     [PM2000] 1477520 + [PM2000] 1477271.                                    Gvr2010 
18300-1257 HU   69     Spectrum: B9.5II/III.                                                   .       
18301+1127 BPM 784     [PM2000] 1478740 + [PM2000] 1478561.                                    Gvr2010 
18301+0404 CHR  72     Aa,Ab: 1985.8424: This autocorrelogram was remeasured; the new results  .       
                       are listed here.                                                        .       
18305+1408 BPM 785     [PM2000] 1480330 + [PM2000] 1479915.                                    Gvr2010 
18306+2805 ES  476     MLB 649 is identical                                                    Hei1983a
18306+1337 BPM 786     [PM2000] 1481254 + [PM2000] 1480624.                                    Gvr2010 
18307+0431 STTA170     B is BD+04@3775.                                                        .       
                       Pair appears in an appendix list, not part of discoverer's regular      .       
                       numbering sequence.                                                     .       
18308+1803 BPMA 56     [PM2000] 1482352 + [PM2000] 1483143.                                    Gvr2010 
18308-1309 BRT2754     Aka J  1652.                                                            .       
18309+3840 STF2338     C is the semiregular variable KP Lyr.                                   .       
18310+0648 SLE 349     AC: The Soulie (1985) C component is not seen; possibly due to a 2s     .       
                       error in the published RA?                                              Sle1985 
18312+6526 KUI  86     A is a spectroscopic binary.                                            .       
18312+1311 STF2330     B is BD+13@3668.                                                        .       
18313-1306 EVS   8     Classical Cepheid X Sct.                                                .       
18313-4821 HJ 5046     SWR 247. CPM pair                                                       Skf2004 
18313-5532 HJ 5044     B is CPD-55@8709.                                                       .       
18314+0628 STF2329     Same as STF2331.                                                        .       
18314-1048 STF2325     H N  54.                                                                MEv2010 
18314-4322 CPO  81     AB = LDS 641.                                                           .       
18316+1204 BPM 787     [PM2000] 1486217 + [PM2000] 1486275.                                    Gvr2010 
18317+2310 HU  321     Mt. Wilson spectral type of B is G0.                                    .       
                       AB: Rectilinear solution by Friedman et al. (2012).                     USN2012a
18318+0641 J  1372     Appears to be the same as KRU   6.                                      Dam2010 
18319+0836 OSO  99     G141-015. Not a common proper motion pair, based on comparison with     .       
                       POSS2 red plates.                                                       Oso2004 
18319-1908 BU  966     Cluster M 25. A is the Cepheid U Sgr.                                   .       
                       Identifications on Hyd. ph. -19@, 18:28 are as follows:                 .       
                       A  51273   G  51291   P  51300                                          .       
                       B  51272   H  51271   Q  51299                                          .       
                       C  51297   J  51270   R  51274                                          .       
                       D  51298   K  51267   S  51263                                          .       
                       E  51266   L  51268   T  51292                                          .       
                       F  51265   M  51269   U  Close comp. to B.                              .       
                       The C of the BC pair is not the same as the C of the CD, CG, and CQ     .       
                       pairs. Therefore, it has been re-designated Ba,Bb. Aa, aB and aC are    .       
                       now designated AI, IB and IC. Bb is designated BQ (the identity of CQ   .       
                       and Bb was first noted by Dave Arnold).                                 .       
18320+2031 LAW  18     LSPM J1832+2030. Law et al (2008) derive a distance of 20.6 +9.6/-3.9   Law2008 
                       pc and a projected separation of 27.0 +14.6/-4.0 au. Estimated          .       
                       spectral types are M4.5 and M5.                                         .       
18323-1439 CHR  73     1989.3041: Due to typographical error, measurement was incorrectly      McA1990 
                       attributed to 18444+3937 = CHR 77 in McAlister et al. (1990).           Hrt1996b
18326-1542 RBR   9     2001.7364: PA is measured in zenith mode. If data collected in          .       
                       equatorial mode, PA = 218.1. Confirmation of the pair should establish  .       
                       the correct theta value.                                                Rbr2007 
18326-4936 RST9007     Previously known as RST2060a.                                           .       
18327+0504 BAL3014     Epoch-1900 coordinates not precessed in creating WDS designation.       .       
18329+6343 STF2357     Also known as STF2363.                                                  .       
18329+3850 STTA171     B is BD+38@3211.                                                        .       
18329+1418 BPM 788     [PM2000] 1492426 + [PM2000] 1492794.                                    Gvr2010 
18330+3136 STF2340     AB: SEI 565.                                                            Nsn2017b
18330+2420 POU3427     J 1886.                                                                 .       
18331-1042 HDS2632     The motion of AB is reflex of PM(A), crowded field N*=641, optical!     Tok2014d
18331-1918 J  2215     CPD-19@6927.                                                            .       
18332+4010 STT 356     AB: Optical pair, based on study of relative motion of the components   .       
                       using the method of apparent motion parameters.                         Kiy2008 
18333+3203 SLE 201     Nothing at Soulie (1984) published coordinates. A pair 25s east         .       
                       appears to be the most likely candidate.                                Sle1984 
18333+1437 BPM 789     [PM2000] 1494752 + [PM2000] 1494587.                                    Gvr2010 
18333+1309 OSO 100     G141-019. Not a common proper motion pair, based on comparison with     .       
                       POSS2 red plates.                                                       Oso2004 
18334+5842 ES  188     Primary is HI Dra, a W UMa type eclipsing binary, P = 0.59742d.         Zas2012 
18334+3727 ES 2481     Not found by Heintz at IDS position.                                    Hei1985a
18334-3004 I  1370     Variable companion?                                                     Jsp1964 
18334-3844 DUN 222     kap 2 Cra. B is CD-38@12896, kap 1 Cra.                                 .       
18335+2102 COU 204     Also known as TOR   4.  The similarity of these systems was first       .       
                       noted by Dave Arnold.                                                   .       
18335+0726 SCJ  18     B is BD+07@3740.                                                        .       
18338+7003 STF2370     HJL 260.                                                                HJL1986 
18338+1744 HU  322     Distance less than 0.1" in 1960.                                        .       
                       AB: Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and             .       
                       spectroscopic masses 10.48 +/- 51.06, 3.98, 1.17 Msun, respectively.    Mlk2012 
18339+5221 A  1377     Mt. Wilson spectral classes A is G5, C is B8n.                          .       
                       AB. This appears to be part of a triple system.  The elements given by  .       
                       Wilson (1950) and by Baize (1958) are different, possibly due to the    WRH1950b
                       long period of the system. This 1975.533 separation is less than that   Baz1958 
                       derived from either ephemeris but it and the position angle are closer  .       
                       to Baize's values.                                                      BLM1978 
                       2003.6: Differential astrometry by Lane & Muterspaugh (2004) was        Lne2004 
                       originally published as follows, but converted to BY, rho, and theta    .       
                       by WIH for inclusion in our catalogs:                                   .       
                              MJD            dRA (arcsec)           dDEC (arcsec)              .       
                          52862.30085   0.222109 +/- 0.000143  -0.119309 +/- 0.00000839        .       
                          52863.28229   0.222233 +/- 0.000143  -0.119302 +/- 0.0000155         .       
                          52864.31096   0.222134 +/- 0.000197  -0.119323 +/- 0.0000189         .       
                          52865.29921   0.221981 +/- 0.000155  -0.119361 +/- 0.0000148         .       
                       AB: Additional notes may be found in Wilson (1955).                     WRH1955 
18339+5144 ZUC  16     TOK  31.                                                                .       
                       GJ 719. Primary is 6d SB2; period of wide pair esimated at 3800y. The   .       
                       114-day astrometric orbit by HIPPARCOS is not supported by RV. This is  .       
                       a PMS spotted binary BY Dra.                                            Tok2006 
           BY Dra      Hipparcos astrometric solution assumed circular orbit (e = omega = 0)   HIP1997d
                       Combined spectroscopic/astrometric (Palomar Testbed Interferometer)     .       
                       solution by Boden & Lane (2001), including determination of distance,   Bod2001 
                       masses, luminosities, etc.                                              .       
                       Low-mass SB2. Helminiak et al. calculate a combined spectroscopic/      .       
                       astrometric orbit by combining precise RVs with archival astrometric    .       
                       data from the Palomar Testbed Interferometer. They derive masses 0.792  .       
                       +/- 0.026 and 0.697 +/- 0.023 Msun, radii 7.400 +/- 0.016 and 8.414     .       
                       +/- 0.016 Rsun, parallax 60.43 +/- 0.12 mas.  They conclude it is not   .       
                       a pre-main sequence system, despite its high orbital eccentricity       Hel2012 
                       Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and spectroscopic   .       
                       masses of 9.00 +/- 32.45, 1.36, and 0.62 Msun, respectively.            Mlk2012 
18342+0341 ABT9001     Previously known as ABT  13.                                            .       
18342-1741 ARA 284     A likely plate flaw.                                                    Grv2021b
18343+1841 MET  85     Also known as V889 Her.                                                 .       
18344+2615 BUP 183     D component = A component of 18352+2616 BUP 184.                        .       
18346+1739 BPM 791     [PM2000] 1501242 + [PM2000] 1501100.                                    Gvr2010 
18346+1134 BPM 790     [PM2000] 1501189 + [PM2000] 1501042.                                    Gvr2010 
18346-2734 I  1026     AB +  TOK 422Aa,Ab: HIP 91075 was noted as a double-lined binary by     .       
                       the GCS (one observation only). The separation of 86mas implies a       .       
                       period of ~10yr, while the double-lined observation matches the         .       
                       moderate magnitude difference (estimated masses 1.04 and 0.77 Msun.     .       
                       The star is an X-ray source, so a future combined orbit could           .       
                       determine masses for testing evolutionary models of young stars. The    .       
                       sky around the object is quite crowded; the 9" companion I 1026 is      .       
                       optical (it moves too fast).                                            Tok2015c
           I  1027     CD: CPD-27@6461.                                                        .       
18346-3753 JSP 780     CPD-37@8199.                                                            .       
18347-6557 I   634     Spectrum: G3/6III+(A).                                                  .       
18349-0043 RST5119     Primary is eclipsing binary of Algol-type, period 1.953876 day.         Zas2013 
18349-1442 STF2337     B is BD-14@5117. B spectrum B9/A0II/III.                                .       
18349-4801 HJ 5047     B is CD-48@12597.                                                       .       
18351+0003 RST5120     V413 Ser, Algol-type eclipsing binary, P = 2.25977 d.                   Zas2011 
18352+6342 STF2365     Primary is SB2, P=4.738y                                                Tok2014d
18352+2616 BUP 184     A component = D component of 18344+2615 BUP 183.                        .       
18352+1812 CHR  74     A well-known speckle binary whose first interferometric observations    .       
                       date from the CHARA speckle program in the mid-1980's, this object      .       
                       went unobserved from 1996 until the present work. The new data suggest  .       
                       that nearly half an orbit has been completed since the first speckle    .       
                       observation. The primary is probably close to an A0V star, and with a   .       
                       magnitude difference of perhaps 2-2.5, we estimate that the secondary   .       
                       is an F2V star. This would suggest a mass sum in the range 4-5 Msun,    .       
                       which is lower than what is implied by the value of P and a we derive,  .       
                       together with the Hipparcos parallax of 5.04 +/- 0.39 mas. We expect    .       
                       that the next decade will provide an opportunity to improve upon the    .       
                       orbit presented here since the separation will be above 0.1 arcsec and  .       
                       the position angle is expected to cover about 30deg. We encourage       .       
                       other observers to put this object back on their observing lists for    .       
                       the next few years.                                                     Hor2015b
18353+2842 OSO 101     G206-034. None of the components share a common proper motion, based    .       
                       on color and/or comparison with POSS2 red plates.                       Oso2004 
18354+0649 J   100     Van Biesbroeck calls this Toulouse +7@, 18h 28m                         VBs1954 
                       No. 300. Jonckheere gives BD+06@3866.                                   J__1910d
18354-2118 ARA1544     Aka J  1747.                                                            .       
18355+4546 LDS6329     NLTT 46716 + 46720.                                                     .       
                       Also known as GJ 720 A, this star has a wide companion with a           .       
                       demonstrated common proper motion at about 112" according to Lepine &   Lep2007 
                       Bongiorno (2007).                                                       Jnn2012 
18355+2336 STT 359     Spectrum composite; G9III+G7III.                                        .       
                       Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and spectroscopic   .       
                       masses of 4.80 +/- 1.54, 4.11, and 1.85 Msun, respectively.             Mlk2012 
18355+1005 BRT1945     J 2134; also J 2137. Jonckheere noted BRT1945 = J 2134 and suspected    J__1942d
                       J 2137 at 18356+1007 was probably the same star as well. Identity       .       
                       concluded after search of region, despite fair amount of discrepancy    .       
                       in some measures.                                                       .       
18356+0456 BU  643     A is the Alpha CVn-type variable FR Ser.                                .       
18358+2522 HDS2637     Fekel et al. (2013) derive a spectroscopic orbit for the primary, with  .       
                       P=14.685d and e=0.2495. Estimated masses are 2.5 and 2.35 Msun.         Fek2013a
18359+1659 STT 358     Alternative spectrum: G2V+G2V                                           .       
                       Identification of the ascending node is uncertain due to weak data.     Hei1954 
                       See Baize & Petit (1989) catalog of doubles with variable component.    Baz1989d
           RED  25     AB,E:  M3.5, 35" from G0/F8 binary HD 171746 = HIP 91159 = 2MASS        .       
                       J18355323+1658316. Proper motion for the brighter star +049-071.        .       
                       From measurements of DSS POSS and 2MASS plates Reid et al. derive a     .       
                       proper motion of +080-070 for the M dwarf. Trigonometric parallax       .       
                       for the G dwarf gives a distance ~34pc, significantly larger than       .       
                       the spectroscopic distance of 21pc for M star. It is uncertain          .       
                       whether the stars are associated.                                       Red2007a
                       AE: 2MASS J18355276+1659057 is possibly a wide companion to HIP 91159   Red2007a
                       at 35" separation, as noted in Reid et al. (2007).                      Jnn2012 
18360+2528 BRT3332     Same as BRT 132.                                                        Kpp2022b
18360+1144 STT 357     Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and spectroscopic   .       
                       masses of 8.78 +/- 7.73, 4.26, and 1.66 Msun, respectively.             Mlk2012 
18360+0452 J  2138     BAL2930.                                                                .       
18361+6405 MLB 214     Position corrected by Heintz.                                           Hei1983a
18362+6529 GC 25491    Hipparcos astrometric solution assumed circular orbit (e = omega = 0)   HIP1997d
18362-1053 EGN  23     System is only 21deg from galactic center, so 12 companion candidates   .       
                       were detected. The B, C, H, I, J, K, L, and M components are unbound;   .       
                       D is likely a background star as well. Single epoch, so the nature of   .       
                       E, F, and G are unknown.                                                Egn2007 
18362-1407 SNA  92     The object was clearly resolved with PIONIER as a 1.5mas pair. The      Cti1977 
                       possible RV variability reported by Conti et al. (1977) was not         Cii2012 
                       confirmed by Chini et al. (2012).                                       Sna2014 
18363+2143 COU 206     Docobo et al. (2010) derive a dynamic parallax of 3.15 +/- 0.30 mas     Doc2010h
                       and a total mass of 3.72 +/- 2.07 Msun. The mass is excessive for the   .       
                       spectral types.                                                         .       
18364-4952 CPO 592     CPD-49@10659.                                                           .       
18366+3328 STF2349     A is possibly a spectroscopic binary. Variable.                         .       
18367+3841 H 4  59     H IV 59. Also known as STF2354.                                         .       
18367+0640 CHR  76     A is a spectroscopic binary, now resolved by speckle.                   .       
           J    99     AB: Optical pair, based on study of relative motion of the              .       
                       components using the method of apparent motion parameters.              Kiy2008 
                       AB: Rectilinear solution by Hurowitz et al. (2014).                     USN2014b
18367-0811 KRV  21     Classical Cepheid EV Sct.                                               .       
18368+1151 L    39     The Sternberg measure evidently does not belong to this pair.           Srb1969 
18369+3846 H 5  39     AB: H V 39. alp Lyr = 3 Lyr = Vega                                      .       
                       Optical pair, based on study of relative motion of the components       .       
                       using the method of apparent motion parameters.                         Kiy2008 
           STFB  9     AE: Optical pair, based on study of relative motion of the components   .       
                       using the method of apparent motion parameters.                         Kiy2008 
           MET  11     Metchev & Hillenbrand say the F, G, H, I, J, and K components are all   Met2003 
                       probably optical companions of Vega. Physicality of the Ia,Ib and       .       
                       Ka,Kb pairs is unknown.                                                 .       
           MBA   2     Macintosh et al. (2003) made a K-band search for extrasolar planets in  MBA2003 
                       the dust surrounding Vega, using Keck, NIRC2, and AO. The relative      .       
                       motions for these 7 objects between 2002 Feb and 2002 Aug were all      .       
                       well below expected motions for true companions, leading to the         .       
                       conclusion that all these faint companions are background stars.        .       
                       Identities of the objects discovered by Metchev et al. and Macintosh    .       
                       et al. are as follows:                                                  .       
                           MET  11AF     = Met2003 object 1 = MBA2003 object 1                 .       
                           MET  11AG     = Met2003 object 2 = MBA2003 object 2                 .       
                           MET  11AH     = Met2003 object 3 = MBA2003 object 3                 .       
                           MET  11A,Ia   = Met2003 object 4                                    .       
                           MET  11A,Ib   = Met2003 object 5                                    .       
                           MET  11AJ     = Met2003 object 6 = MBA2003 object 7                 .       
                           MET  11A,Ka   = Met2003 object 7                                    .       
                           MET  11A,Kb   = Met2003 object 8                                    .       
                           MBA   2AL     =                    MBA2003 object 4                 .       
                           MBA   2AM     =                    MBA2003 object 5                 .       
                           MBA   2AN     =                    MBA2003 object 6                 .       
           H 5  39     AB: Rectilinear solution by Friedman et al. (2012).                     USN2012a
           STFB  9     AE: Rectilinear solution by Hurowitz et al. (2014).                     USN2014b
18369+1506 BPM 793     [PM2000] 1512466 + [PM2000] 1511835.                                    Gvr2010 
18369+1129 BPM 792     [PM2000] 1512306 + [PM2000] 1512288.                                    Gvr2010 
18370+3452 STF2352     AB: SEI 566.                                                            Nsn2017b
18372-0236 BAL 248     BRT1946.                                                                Brt1936b
18374-4704 HJ 5049     Optical pair, based on study of relative motion of the components       .       
                       using the method of apparent motion parameters.                         Kiy2008 
                       Rectilinear solution by Hurowitz et al. (2014).                         USN2014b
18378+1752 BPM 794     [PM2000] 1516606 + [PM2000] 1517111.                                    Gvr2010 
18379-0648 LDS5239     HIP 91360. See Allen et al. (2000) for information on metallicity,      AlC2000 
                       age, galactic orbital parameters, etc.                                  .       
18379-1111 BRT2755     J 2139.                                                                 .       
18380+1107 BPM 795     [PM2000] 1517796 + [PM2000] 1518152.                                    Gvr2010 
18380-0648 TOK  32     Allen et al. (2000) list a CPM companion at 37.1", confirmed as CPM     AlC2000 
                       and ptm by 2MASS. Primary is 21d SB1.                                   Tok2006 
18381+1245 BPM 796     [PM2000] 1517997 + [PM2000] 1517765.                                    Gvr2010 
18381+1229 BPM 797     [PM2000] 1518189 + [PM2000] 1518302.                                    Gvr2010 
18381-0822 KRV  51     Classical Cepheid Y Sct.                                                .       
18383-0236 BRT3333     Originally published as BRT1947.                                        Brt1936b
18384+6708 STF2384     Unobserved periastron can be covered by speckle in near future.         Sod1999 
                       AB: Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and             .       
                       spectroscopic masses 2.03 +/- 0.58, 2.10, and 0.95 Msun, respectively.  Mlk2012 
18384+0850 HU  198     Variable X Oph; it is the northern component that varies.               Baz1954a
                       The M5e star is the Mira-type variable X Oph, P = 334 d, and at         .       
                       minimum often fainter than the K1 star. Motion so far is rectilinear.   .       
                       Spectrum composite; K1III+M6IIIe.                                       .       
                       See Baize & Petit (1989) catalog of doubles with variable component.    Baz1989d
                       A measure on 1980.4794, incorrectly attributed to ADS 11524 by          .       
                       McAlister et al. (1983), actually belongs to ADS 11339.                 McA1983 
18384-0312 A    88     AB: Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and             .       
                       spectroscopic masses 2.42 +/- 0.32, 2.50, and 1.07 Msun, respectively.  Mlk2012 
                       A 4432-d spectroscopic orbit has been determined for this pair.         Grf2013e
18385+1107 BPM 798     [PM2000] 1520282 + [PM2000] 1520283.                                    Gvr2010 
18386+3046 STF2359     Kamper erroneously assigned the wide pairs to 18386+3043 = STF2358.     Kpr1992 
                       The C and D components are A and B of STF2358.                          .       
18386+3043 STF2358     The A and B components are also the C and D components of STF2359.      .       
18386+2422 POU3450     Secondary (from AC catalog) not seen in Aladin - probably plate flaw    .       
                       or typographic error.                                                   .       
18386+1632 HO   87     AB: Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and             .       
                       spectroscopic masses 4.52 +/- 2.14, 2.99, and 0.95 Msun, respectively.  Mlk2012 
18387+2858 L    53     Aka SLE 100.                                                            .       
18387+2847 L    25     L 25a.                                                                  .       
18387+2439 HJ 1332     B is BD+24@3479.                                                        .       
18387-4127 HJ 5052     SWR 249. CPM pair                                                       Skf2004 
18389+5221 STF2368     Mt. Wilson spectral classes A1n and G0.                                 .       
                       AB: H 2  31.                                                            MEv2010 
18389+1715 BPM 799     [PM2000] 1522179 + [PM2000] 1522332.                                    Gvr2010 
18390+0624 SLE 498     Typographical error (1 arcmin error in coordinates of B component) led  .       
                       to error in rho and theta by Soulie (1986).                             Sle1986a
18394+0111 BAL1503     J 2519.                                                                 .       
18395+3009 LDS4794     NLTT 46821/46824                                                        Chm2004 
18395+1225 BPM 800     [PM2000] 1524582 + [PM2000] 1524944.                                    Gvr2010 
18396-3207 PRO 208     SWR 250. CPM pair                                                       Skf2004 
18401+4100 SLE  93     There appears to be a ~90" error in the declination of the primary by   .       
                       Soulie (1983).                                                          Sle1983 
18404+0942 S   704     B is BD+09@3814.                                                        .       
18405+4906 COU2394     Aka TDT 988.                                                            Dam2018l
18405+1936 OSO 102     G184-017. Neither is a common proper motion pair, based on comparison   .       
                       with POSS2 red plates.                                                  Oso2004 
18406+0307 STF2361     B is BD+02@3649.                                                        .       
18408+1214 HJ 1334     Probably same as J 2142. Jonckheere gives BD as +12@3414; perhaps a     J__1942d
                       misprint for BD+12@3614.                                                .       
18409+6633 LDS2419     LDS5242. UC 3635.                                                       .       
18409+3132 HJ 1337     G206-038. See Allen et al. (2000) for information on metallicity,       AlC2000 
                       age, galactic orbital parameters, etc.                                  .       
                       NLTT 46857/46858                                                        Chm2004 
18411+2447 LDS6330     Aka POU3485.                                                            .       
                       GJ 1230. Estimated age 30-300 Myr; masses 0.40 +/- 0.18 and 0.12 +/-    .       
                       0.03 Msun; a ~40.0 au.                                                  Jnn2014 
18411+1035 BPMA 57     [PM2000] 1532102 + [PM2000] 1533512.                                    Gvr2010 
18412+1747 BPM 801     [PM2000] 1532364 + [PM2000] 1531960.                                    Gvr2010 
18412+1128 BPM 802     [PM2000] 1532425 + [PM2000] 1532577.                                    Gvr2010 
18413+3018 STF2367     Bidelman classifies AB as composite gK+A:.                              .       
                       Pourbaix gives combined solution for this resolved SB2, yielding        Pbx2000b
                       orbital parallaxes and component masses.                                .       
                       Only elements P and T have been amended by Starikova (1977) from the    Sta1977a
                       orbit of Baize (1950).                                                  Baz1950b
18413-0727 J  1748     Aka J  2918.                                                            .       
18414+7001 GNO   2     Distance is estimated at about 40.2 +/- 4.9 pc, giving a projected      .       
                       component separation of 2.8 +/- 0.7 au. Estimated orbital period is     .       
                       ~11 yr, for an assumed age of 1 Gyr. Masses are ~60Mjup for each of     .       
                       these T5 components.                                                    Gno2011 
18414+1133 BPM 803     [PM2000] 1533639 + [PM2000] 1533477.                                    Gvr2010 
18417+1029 BPM 804     [PM2000] 1534975 + [PM2000] 1535121.                                    Gvr2010 
18417-5514 SWR 251     Southern component not red?                                             Skf2004 
18418+3314 KU  119     SEI 569.                                                                Nsn2017b
18418+1033 BPM 805     [PM2000] 1535637 + [PM2000] 1535209.                                    Gvr2010 
18421+3445 B  2546     A is called a spectroscopic binary, but the variation is likely caused  .       
                       by motion in the close visual pair.                                     .       
                       B is BD+34@3286.                                                        .       
           STF2372     AB: H 4  94.                                                            MEv2010 
           STF2372     AB: SEI 571.                                                            Nsn2017b
18422-1022 J  2522     J 1655 is probably identical                                            Hei1985a
18423-0903 RST4594     A: del Sct = 2 Sct, prototype of the Delta Scuti variables.             .       
           H 5  36     AC: H V 36.                                                             .       
18424+7550 LDS1890     NLTT 46982/46986                                                        Chm2004 
18424-0520 KRV  20     Classical Cepheid CM Sct.                                               .       
18425+0334 J   464     AB pair not confirmed by Jonckheere (1962).                             J__1962a
18426+5532 ISO   7     46 Dra. A spectroscopic binary, P 9.87d. Abundance peculiarities.       .       
           H 6  37     H VI 37.                                                                .       
18426-0704 GC 25586    Hipparcos astrometric solution adopted some elements from the orbit of  HIP1997d
                       Griffin (1982).                                                         Grf1982b
18426-4740 HJ 5054     B is CD-47@12469.                                                       .       
18427+1354 JNN 280     There is a point source at 3.7" separation from GJ 4071. The system     .       
                       has only been observed in one epoch, but based on the colors of the     .       
                       candidate (dz' = 5.8 +/- 0.1 mag and di' = 5.7 +/- 0.1 mag), it counts  .       
                       as a probable background contaminant in our analysis.                   Jnn2014 
18428+5938 STF2398     AB: Mt. Wilson spectral classes M4 and M4. Proper motion -1298 +1879.   .       
                       B is variable. Also known as LDS1466.                                   .       
                       CHARA Array Limb-darkened diameter of A,B:                              CIA2012f
                       R =  0.3561 +/- 0.0039, 0.3232 +/- 0.0061 \rsun,                        .       
                       L =  0.01531 +/- 0.00018, 0.00871 +/- 0.00012 \lsun,                    .       
                       Teff = 3407 +/- 15, 3104 +/- 28 K, M = 0.318, 0.235 \msun.              .       
                       Optical pair.                                                           Doo1901 
                       Statistically the same parallax within the errors would indicate the    .       
                       components are physical.                                                .       
                       Parabolic orbit by Wieth-Knudsen (1953).                                Wie1953b
                       sigma = areal constant in the true orbit = 2.207 arcsec^2/yr            .       
                       q = periastron distance in the true orbit = 16".603                     .       
                       A short-period motion in one of the components has been suspected       .       
                       repeatedly, but photographic measures do not show it. (Heintz 1978)     Hei1978d
                       See Baize & Petit (1989) catalog of doubles with variable component.    Baz1989d
                       AC: Same as ADS 11632 AB.                                               .       
                       BC: Rectilinear solution by Friedman et al. (2012).                     USN2012a
18429+4456 STF2380     B is BD+44@2974.                                                        .       
18430-7126 HJ 5048     zet Pav                                                                 .       
                       Optical pair, based on study of relative motion of the components       .       
                       using the method of apparent motion parameters.                         Kiy2008 
18431+1318 BPM 806     [PM2000] 1542850 + [PM2000] 1543469.                                    Gvr2010 
18431+0742 LDS1013     B is BD+07@3814.                                                        .       
18432+1017 BPM 807     [PM2000] 1543666 + [PM2000] 1544209.                                    Gvr2010 
18433+3918 BLL  35     A spectroscopic binary. B is BD+39@3504.                                .       
18433+2506 POU3503     COU 509.                                                                .       
18434-5252 HJ 5055     SWR 252. CPM pair                                                       Skf2004 
                       Primary is QZ Tel, a W UMa type eclipsing binary, P = 1.03099d.         Zas2012 
18434-5546 HJ 5053     Also known as R   310.                                                  .       
           B   398     AB: Tokovinin & Lepine (2012) miss AC, but list 2 optical companions    Tok2012c
                       at 697" and 1340".                                                      Tok2014d
                       AB: Gomez et al. (2016) derive dynamical parallax and component masses  .       
                       for both short- and long-period solutions:                              .       
                       short: 16.93 +/- 0.41 mas, 1.126 +/- 0.013 Msun, 0.896 +/- 0.010 Msun.  .       
                       long:  14.33 +/- 0.47 mas, 1.219 +/- 0.019 Msun, 0.970 +/- 0.015 Msun.  Doc2016i
18435+1247 BPM 808     [PM2000] 1545429 + [PM2000] 1546011.                                    Gvr2010 
18435-0817 J   104     eps Sct                                                                 .       
18436+4237 ES  478     JKA   1. KIC 7090654/7090649.                                           .       
18436+1439 BPM 809     [PM2000] 1545884 + [PM2000] 1545616.                                    Gvr2010 
18436-5138 RST5451     A is variable. Spectral type A2/3III/IV.                                .       
18437+3141 A   253     Only elements P, T, and a have been amended by Starikova (1978) from    Sta1978c
                       the orbit of Muller (1956).                                             Mlr1956b
18438+1200 BPM 810     [PM2000] 1546793 + [PM2000] 1546974.                                    Gvr2010 
18438-3819 COO 227     11 Cra. Variable?                                                       .       
18439+1601 OSO 103     G184-020. None is a common proper motion pair                           Oso2004 
18439-0649 YSC 133     A first orbit for this system was reported recently in Tokovinin et     Tok2015c
                       al. (2015), but those authors assumed a quadrant flip of one data       .       
                       point taken by Horch et al. (2008). That was not an unreasonable        Hor2008 
                       assumption based on the relatively small magnitude difference, but the  .       
                       points presented here give support to an "alternate" orbit where no     .       
                       quadrant flips are needed and the period is about half of that derived  .       
                       in the earlier calculation. Given the revised Hipparcos parallax of     .       
                       13.55 +/- 0.43 mas, the new orbit gives a mass sum of 3.5 +/- 1.0Msun,  .       
                       which is somewhat high for a system of composite spectral type F7, but  .       
                       with substantial uncertainty at this stage. In contrast, the Tokovinin  .       
                       orbit gives a mass sum of about 1 Msun, which would seem to be too low  .       
                       by roughly the same amount.                                             Hor2015b
18440+1820 BPM 811     [PM2000] 1548500 + [PM2000] 1548937.                                    Gvr2010 
18440+0321 A  2388     Rectilinear solution by Rica & Zirm (2012).                             FMR2012i
18442+4321 DEA 409     JKA   2. KIC 7659402/7659417.                                           .       
18442+1030 BPM 812     AB: [PM2000] 1549644 + [PM2000] 1550217.                                Gvr2010 
           BPM 813     BC: [PM2000] 1550217 + [PM2000] 1550653.                                Gvr2010 
18443+3940 STF2382     A: eps 1 Lyr = 4 Lyr                                                    .       
                       AB: A premature orbit has been computed.                                .       
           STFA 37     AB,CD: See ADS for notes of components.                                 A__1932a
                       AB and CD form the physical quadruple eps Lyrae, separation             .       
                       208". The observed small RV variations in each pair are probably        .       
                       merely scatter due to the very poor lines.                              .       
                       BD: SHY 307. Bayesian analysis by Shaya & Olling (2011) indicates very  Shy2011 
                       high (near 100%) probability pair is physical.                          .       
           STF2383     C: eps 2 Lyr = 5 Lyr                                                    .       
           CHR  77     Ca: See note for 18323-1439 = CHR 73.                                   Hrt1996b
                       Ca is an Alpha CVn-type variable.                                       .       
                       The measures show a large scatter and there are many observations of    .       
                       the wider pair without a measure of this close companion. The nature    .       
                       of the motion or even the reality of this pair is in question.          Tok2010b
           STF2383     The longitude of periastron in the orbit of CD has been corrected.      Gzl1956a
           SHJ 277     EF, EG, etc.: A preliminary sketch of the motions of the SHJ group      .       
                       show the G component may be flying away in position angle ~190          Dal2002a
           STF2382     AB: H 2   5.  STF2383CD: H 2   6.                                       MEv2010 
18444+2003 GRV 238     B component is +19 3770.                                                .       
18444-4657 HU 1528     V359 Tel, Algol-type eclipsing binary, P = 19.2449 d.                   Zas2011 
18445+3400 STTA172     B is BD+33@3191.                                                        .       
18445+1913 J   466     TDT1030.                                                                .       
18446+1138 BPM 814     [PM2000] 1552151 + [PM2000] 1551797.                                    Gvr2010 
18448+3736 BU  968     A: zet 1 Lyr = 6 Lyr. A is a spectroscopic binary and variable.         .       
           STFA 38     D: zet 2 Lyr = 7 Lyr                                                    .       
                       AD: STTA173. According to Henroteau, the wide pair zet 1 + zet 2 Lyr    HFC1928 
                       was first by Bianchini in 1737.                                         Bia1737 
                       AD: SHY 308. Bayesian analysis by Shaya & Olling (2011) indicates very  Shy2011 
                       high (near 100%) probability pair is physical.                          .       
                       AD: H 5   2.                                                            MEv2010 
18448+1036 BPM 815     [PM2000] 1553946 + [PM2000] 1553909.                                    Gvr2010 
18448-3449 BRT1786     CPD-34@8050.                                                            .       
18448-5354 HRG 139     SWR 253.                                                                .       
18449+1606 HEI 173     A third star at 323 deg, 62"                                            Hei1983a
18450+1255 BPM 816     [PM2000] 1555247 + [PM2000] 1555413.                                    Gvr2010 
18451+4746 ES 1161     KIC 10514430 = KOI 263.                                                 .       
                       Also known as KOI1614.                                                  .       
18451+1415 BPM 817     [PM2000] 1556143 + [PM2000] 1556451.                                    Gvr2010 
18452+4227 KOI  10     AB: Adams et al. (2012) theta values corrected to 360-theta             Adm2012 
                       (reported by Dressing et al. (2014).                                    Dre2014 
18452+3819 STF2393     Also known as STF2387.                                                  .       
                       AB: H 3  81.                                                            MEv2010 
18452+3532 STF2386     B is BD+35@3350.                                                        .       
18453+1434 BPM 818     [PM2000] 1557759 + [PM2000] 1558675.                                    Gvr2010 
18453-1509 BRT 594     A likely plate flaw.                                                    Grv2021b
18453-2039 EVS  37     Primary is the Cepheid V350 Sgr.                                        Evs2016a
18454-6452 SKF 105     Member of the bet Pic moving group.                                     Zuc2001b
18454-5025 R   313     B is CD-50@12120.                                                       .       
18455+1024 BPMA 58     [PM2000] 1559344 + [PM2000] 1559289.                                    Gvr2010 
18455+0530 STF2375     This remarkable quadruple system is comprised of two close (0".14)      .       
                       pairs of similar position angle, discovered by Finsen with his          Fin1953c
                       eyepiece interferometer.  Our 1982 observations (McAlister et al.       McA1987b
                       1987) were made at lower magnification and included all four stars in   .       
                       the field. The resulting overlapping autocorrelation peaks precluded    .       
                       measurement of the Aab or Bab pairs directly, but did permit measures   .       
                       of the AB; Aa,Bb; and Ab,Ba configurations.  In later observations      .       
                       made at higher magnification we observed the A and B components         .       
                       separately, enabling measurement of Aa,Ab and Ba,Bb but not AB.         .       
                       Listed in the first speckle catalogue as STF 2375 AB,CD.                McA1984b
           FIN 332     Aa,Ab: Listed in the first speckle catalogue as Fin 332 AB.             McA1984b
           FIN 332     Ba,Bb: Listed in the first speckle catalogue as Fin 332 CD.             McA1984b
18456+1604 BPM 820     [PM2000] 1560170 + [PM2000] 1560342.                                    Gvr2010 
18456+1041 BPM 819     [PM2000] 1559506 + [PM2000] 1559263.                                    Gvr2010 
18457+2033 HJ 2839     110 Her.                                                                .       
                       CHARA Array Limb-darkened diameter  1.000 +/- 0.006 mas,                CIA2012e
                       R =  2.064 +/- 0.017 \rsun, L =  6.296 +/-0.136 \lsun,                  .       
                       Teff = 6376 +/-  39 K, M = 1.422 +/- 0.009 \msun,                       .       
                       Age =  2.6 +/- 0.1 Gyr.                                                 .       
                       NPOI Limb-darkened diameter    0.905 +/- 0.022 mas,                     .       
                       R =    1.88 (+/- 0.05   )  \rsun,  Teff = 6568 +/-  80 K,               .       
                       L =    6.0 +/-   0.0 \lsun.                                             NOI2023 
                       AC: Optical pair, based on study of relative motion of the components   .       
                       using the method of apparent motion parameters.                         Kiy2008 
                       AC: Rectilinear solution by Hurowitz et al. (2014).                     USN2014b
18457-1624 J  1656     J 1749.                                                                 .       
18458+4647 KOI1537     Primary is Kepler exoplanet host star.                                  Adm2013 
18458+3431 STF2390     H 2  67.                                                                MEv2010 
18460+1124 BPM 821     [PM2000] 1562588 + [PM2000] 1562091.                                    Gvr2010 
18460+2422 SLE 508     One degree error In Soulie (1986a) declination.                         Sle1986a
18461+2734 SLE 366     Apparently a typographical error in Soulie's RA for the secondary led   Sle1985 
                       to his discrepant measure.                                              .       
18462+1432 BPM 822     [PM2000] 1564514 + [PM2000] 1563801.                                    Gvr2010 
18462+1034 BPM 823     [PM2000] 1564654 + [PM2000] 1564191.                                    Gvr2010 
18462+1001 J  1215     Aka HEI 804.                                                            .       
18463+1030 BPM 824     [PM2000] 1565096 + [PM2000] 1565598.                                    Gvr2010 
18463-2224 SEE 360     28 Sgr.                                                                 .       
18463-7249 HIP  92103  The NICI images are of poor quality resulting in a shallow detection    .       
                       limit (at 0".2, dK < 3 and dH < 2).                                     Tok2012a
18464+3116 HJ 1345     Recognized to be the same as SLE 121 by Francisco Romero                FMR2006c
18464+1240 BPM 825     [PM2000] 1565889 + [PM2000] 1565812.                                    Gvr2010 
18464-3559 BRT1787     CPD-36@8476.                                                            .       
18465-0058 MCA  53     Aa,Ab: 5 Aql. A suspected spectroscopic binary, now resolved by         .       
                       speckle interferometry.                                                 .       
                       Aa,Ab: Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and          .       
                       spectroscopic masses 12.98 +/- 5.76, 5.05, and 2.09 Msun, respectively. Mlk2012 
           STF2379     AB: H 3  33.                                                            MEv2010 
18466+3821 HU 1191     Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and spectroscopic   .       
                       masses of 1.47 +/- 0.12, 1.69, and 0.88 Msun, respectively.             Mlk2012 
18467-0916 JNN 118     The primary star has two candidate companions in the field of view.     .       
                       The fainter candidate C is most likely a background star, since its     .       
                       color is entirely inconsistent with a late M-type star. The brighter    .       
                       candidate B is more uncertain. It's colors are fully consistent with    .       
                       the brightness contrast to the primary for a physical companion,        .       
                       implying a spectral type of M5. It is also visible in 2MASS (Skrutskie  .       
                       et al. 2006 AJ 131, 1163), which enables to perform a rough CPM test.   .       
                       The test indicates that B is inconsistent with a static background      .       
                       object, again implying physical companionship. However, the motion is   .       
                       also poorly consistent with orbitalmotion, with a sky-projected speed   .       
                       of order 2 au per year - highly unlikely for such a wide and low-mass   .       
                       binary. This implies either under-estimated uncertainties in the data,  .       
                       or an unusual astronomical coincidence. With the small separation and   .       
                       relatively high brightness difference of the candidate companion, it    .       
                       is just at the detection limit of 2MASS, and is only reliably           .       
                       detectable in K-band. Perhaps there is a systematic noise component     .       
                       beyond the quoted astrometric 2MASS error in this circumstance. If all  .       
                       the data are taken at face value, another possible interpretation is    .       
                       an unfortunate chance alignment with a local M-dwarf, which has a       .       
                       signficant proper motion of its own. In any case, due to all these      .       
                       uncertainties, we tentatively treat the pair as a candidate binary      .       
                       here, but emphasize that more data is needed to test physical           .       
                       companionship.                                                          Jnn2012 
18467-2930 TOK 366     Triple system. The wider C component is confirmed as CPM by 2MASS.      Tok2013b
                       AB: A is astrometric binary, P=20.828y (Makarov & Kaplan 2005)          Mkr2005 
18468+4224 KOI 2914    This system hosts a 2.0 Rearth planet with a 21.1 day period (Burke et  KOI2014a
                       al. 2014).                                                              Dre2014 
18468-1428 RST4596     Primary is possible SB, no orbit.                                       Tok2014d
18468-3636 NHR  10     AB: KOH 108.                                                            .       
18469+1105 BPM 826     [PM2000] 1569882 + [PM2000] 1569114.                                    Gvr2010 
18469-1222 BRT2757     Possibly BD-12@5164. J 2147.                                            .       
18470+1811 ENG  64     AB: 111 Her. BC: Hipparcos acceleration double solution.                .       
           SMA  80     Also known as ENG  64CD.                                                .       
           ABH 103     All ABH pairs were incorrectly identified with the C component rather   .       
                       than B. In addition, three early measures of BI were actually of the    .       
                       new pair, now labelled ENG  64DJ.                                       .       
18471+5523 SIG   5     Konopacky et al. (2010) derive a distance of 29.8 +/- 7.1 pc and a      .       
                       system mass of 0.18 +0.35/-0.13 Msun.                                   Kon2010 
18471+1328 BPM 827     [PM2000] 1572182 + [PM2000] 1572776.                                    Gvr2010 
18471-2331 LDS4798     NLTT 46980/46981                                                        Chm2004 
18472+1227 BPM 828     [PM2000] 1572338 + [PM2000] 1573212.                                    Gvr2010 
18472-0445 NOI   5     HR 7063 = bet Sct.                                                      .       
                       Hipparcos astrometric solution adopted some elements from the orbit of  HIP1997d
                       Young (1927).                                                           YRK1927 
                       Ren & Fu (2013) calculated an astrometric orbit, combining Hipparcos    Ren2013 
                       Intermediate Astrometric Data with spectroscopic elements by            .       
                       Young (1926).                                                           YRK1926 
                       NPOI Limb-darkened diameter    2.223 +/- 0.011 mas,                     .       
                       R =   49.26 (+3.24-3.72 )  \rsun,  Teff = 4951 +/-  25 K,               .       
                       L = 1315.  +/- 186.  \lsun.                                             NOI2023 
18473+0323 LDS5866     LDS6331.                                                                .       
18474+1122 BPMA 59     [PM2000] 1574643 + [PM2000] 1574494.                                    Gvr2010 
18474-2108 B  1889     Spectrum: B9.5II/III.                                                   .       
18475+4926 BU  971     The primary is a spectroscopic binary, and is also the semiregular      .       
                       variable S Sct.                                                         .       
                       Algol-type eclipsing binary, P = 4.243 d.                               Zas2011 
18476+4450 KOI  68     AB, AC, AD: Adams et al. (2012) theta values corrected to 360-theta     Adm2012 
                       (reported by Dressing et al. (2014).                                    Dre2014 
18476+2903 DAM 679     Typographic error in initial WDS designation (18376+2903)               .       
18476+2335 HJ 2841     POU3552.                                                                .       
18476+1234 BPM 829     [PM2000] 1575822 + [PM2000] 1575179.                                    Gvr2010 
18476+1121 BPM 830     [PM2000] 1576469 + [PM2000] 1576881.                                    Gvr2010 
18476-0156 LUQ   1     Primary is the Wolf-Rayet star WR 121a, in the W43 star-forming         .       
                       complex; this confirms  earlier spectroscopic suspicion of a companion  .       
                       star, as well as the colliding wind binary scenerio invoked to          .       
                       interpret X-ray emission.                                               Luq2011 
18476-0157 LUQ   2     Primary is an O star in the W43 star-forming complex; it appears to     .       
                       concide with the peak in non-thermal emission by the cluster.           Luq2011 
18477+3600 ALI 142     A is the RR Lyrae-type variable EZ Lyr.                                 .       
18477+1539 BPM 831     [PM2000] 1577255 + [PM2000] 1576842.                                    Gvr2010 
18478+1725 BPM 832     [PM2000] 1577924 + [PM2000] 1576931.                                    Gvr2010 
18479+1403 BPM 833     [PM2000] 1579102 + [PM2000] 1579251.                                    Gvr2010 
18479+1110 STTA174     B is BD+10@3660.                                                        .       
18481+1656 BPM 834     [PM2000] 1580332 + [PM2000] 1581229.                                    Gvr2010 
18481+1557 BPM 835     [PM2000] 1580795 + [PM2000] 1579735.                                    Gvr2010 
18481+1231 BPMA 60     [PM2000] 1580760 + [PM2000] 1582659.                                    Gvr2010 
18482+1039 STT 362     Also known as STT 546.                                                  .       
18483-1935 B  2461     J 1635, J 1750.                                                         .       
18483-2033 DON 924     CPD-20@7194.                                                            .       
18483-6856 JAO   8     The fainter source in the STIS UV data is the red dwarf primary; the    .       
                       brighter blue companion is a faint white dwarf with a mass >0.5Msun.    Jao2014b
                       Primary is SCR 1848-6855, a high-proper motion M5.0V dwarf at 24.6pc.   .       
                       Astrometric observations spanning 8.5 years reveal large photocentric   .       
                       perturbation due to an initially unseen companion. The pair was         .       
                       subsequently resolved by HST/STIS.                                      Jao2014b
18484+1542 BPMA 61     [PM2000] 1582816 + [PM2000] 1585071.                                    Gvr2010 
18485+4240 DEA 188     JKA   5. KIC 7092930/7092937.                                           .       
18485+1045 STF2396     AB, AC, and AD: Optical pairs, based on study of relative motion of     .       
                       the components using the method of apparent motion parameters.          Kiy2008 
18486+1344 BPM 836     [PM2000] 1584779 + [PM2000] 1584834.                                    Gvr2010 
18487+2053 RAS  27     Main component is poorly-studied silicon star, type A1; companion       .       
                       late-G/early-K.                                                         Ras2014 
18487+1803 BPM 840     [PM2000] 1585768 + [PM2000] 1586803.                                    Gvr2010 
18487+1426 BPM 838     AB: [PM2000] 1585727 + [PM2000] 1586604.                                Gvr2010 
           BPM 839     BC: [PM2000] 1586604 + [PM2000] 1585866.                                Gvr2010 
18487+1137 BPM 837     [PM2000] 1585336 + [PM2000] 1586244.                                    Gvr2010 
18487-0600 STF2391     AB: H 6  50.                                                            MEv2010 
18487-1702 J  2235     Spectrum: G6/8III/IV.                                                   .       
18487-4647 CPO  84     Aka TSN 119.                                                            .       
18488+3319 HJ 1349     Rectilinear solution by Friedman et al. (2012).                         USN2012a
18488-0120 BAL 585     J 1373.                                                                 .       
18489+1615 STF2400     AC: Mt. Wilson spectra are F5s for A and A4n for C.                     .       
                       AD: D not seen in 1901 and 1919.                                        .       
                       BC: Additional notes may be found in Burnham (1894).                    Bu_1894 
                       AB, AC: Rectilinear solutions by Cvetkovic (2015).                      Cve2015b
                       A,BC: Rectilinear solution by Cvetkovic et al. (2016).                  Cve2016 
18489+1219 BPM 841     [PM2000] 1587296 + [PM2000] 1587585.                                    Gvr2010 
18490-0828 STF2388     C component is of spectral type K0:III                                  AbH2000 
18491+1524 BPM 842     [PM2000] 1589068 + [PM2000] 1588083.                                    Gvr2010 
18492+2503 CHR  79     Hipparcos Suspected non-single.                                         .       
                       A spectroscopic binary, P = 13.08d. Hence triple.                       .       
                       This system, first announced by McAlister and recalled in a later       McA1984b
                       McAlister paper after repeated attempts at confirmation, has been       McA1993 
                       restored. While perhaps still spurious, the subsequent confirmation or  .       
                       suspected duplicity (by another technique) makes the discovery          .       
                       measurement somewhat more probable.                                     .       
18493+2606 BRT3334     Originally published as BRT 184.                                        Brt1928 
18493+1416 BPM 845     [PM2000] 1590859 + [PM2000] 1591945.                                    Gvr2010 
18493+1214 BPM 844     [PM2000] 1590851 + [PM2000] 1590883.                                    Gvr2010 
18493+1206 BPM 846     [PM2000] 1591164 + [PM2000] 1591513.                                    Gvr2010 
18493+1144 BPM 843     [PM2000] 1590805 + [PM2000] 1590470.                                    Gvr2010 
18494+5811 STI2392     MLB 76.                                                                 .       
18494+1400 BPM 847     [PM2000] 1591238 + [PM2000] 1591692.                                    Gvr2010 
18494+1252 BPM 848     [PM2000] 1591568 + [PM2000] 1591349.                                    Gvr2010 
18496+1621 BPM 849     [PM2000] 1593370 + [PM2000] 1592493.                                    Gvr2010 
18496+1313 SHY 309     HIP  92388 + HIP  92638.                                                .       
18497+1238 BPM 852     [PM2000] 1594564 + [PM2000] 1593619.                                    Gvr2010 
18497+1147 BPM 850     [PM2000] 1594069 + [PM2000] 1594283.                                    Gvr2010 
18497+1038 BPM 851     [PM2000] 1594230 + [PM2000] 1593700.                                    Gvr2010 
18497-0555 H 6  50     H VI 50. C is BD-06@4923.                                               .       
                       A is a long-period spectroscopic binary.                                .       
18497-2019 SEE 362     29 Sgr. Spectroscopic binary.                                           .       
18497-7300 R   314     A is a spectroscopic binary.                                            .       
18498+3249 H 5  40     A: nu 1 Lyr = 8 Lyr.  H V 40. A is a Beta Lyrae-type system.            .       
18498+1639 BPM 853     [PM2000] 1594694 + [PM2000] 1594986.                                    Gvr2010 
18499+3233 HO  440     A: nu 2 Lyr = 9 Lyr                                                     .       
18499+2806 OSO 104     G184-032. None is a common proper motion pair                           Oso2004 
                       The 2002 measure by Osorio was mistakenly added as a different pair,    Oso2004 
                       designated AC. Pairs have been merged.                                  .       
18500+2043 HU  328     A is the Algol-type system AD Her.                                      .       
18500+1733 BPM 855     [PM2000] 1596993 + [PM2000] 1596377.                                    Gvr2010 
18500+1519 YSC  12     Ren & Fu (2013) calculated an astrometric orbit, combining Hipparcos    .       
                       Intermediate Astrometric Data with spectroscopic elements by            .       
                       Nidever et al. (2002). They derived component masses 1.21 and 0.10      Nid2002 
                       Msun and an estimated semimajor axis of 34.92 mas.                      Ren2013 
                       HD 174457. Combined astrometric/spectroscopic solution, using           .       
                       spectroscopic elements (P,T,e,omega) from Nidever et al. (2002 ApJS     .       
                       141, 503).                                                              SaJ2011 
18500+1420 BPM 854     [PM2000] 1596486 + [PM2000] 1595844.                                    Gvr2010 
18501+3322 STFA 39     STTA175. A is 10 Lyr = Sheliak = bet Lyr, the prototype variable of     .       
                       its class. B is BD+33@3224.                                             .       
                       AB: H 5   3.                                                            MEv2010 
           CIA   3     Aa1,2: bet Lyr. Eclipsing binary (P=12.9d) resolved by CHARA Array      .       
                       (Zhao et al. 2008). Reductions by two techniques (MACIM and BSMEM) and  CIA2008b
                       a model fit listed in paper; MACIM and BSMEM results given in WDS and   .       
                       Interferometric Catalog. Three possible orbital solutions also given,   .       
                       adopting period and Tmin from Ak et al. (2007 A&A 463, 233) and e=0     .       
                       (Harmanec 2002 ANac 323, 87). These yield distance estimates ranging    .       
                       from 271 to 313 pc; masses for the gainer and donor are 12.76 +/- 0.27  .       
                       and 2.83 +/- 0.18 Msun, respectively.                                   .       
                       Aa1,2: Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical and spectroscopic masses   .       
                       19.84 +/- 11.13 and 15.84 Msun, respectively.                           Mlk2012 
                       In addition to the close pair there is also a hot spot with a size of   IAU2014b
                       22-33 solar radii. What is unknown is where the mass is lost and how    .       
                       much matter is in the jets.                                             .       
18501+2949 HJ 1352     J   109.                                                                .       
18501+1230 BPM 856     [PM2000] 1597921 + [PM2000] 1598622.                                    Gvr2010 
18502+1339 BPM 857     [PM2000] 1598720 + [PM2000] 1598294.                                    Gvr2010 
18502-3708 SWR 254     CPM pair                                                                Skf2004 
18503+1626 BPM 859     [PM2000] 1599627 + [PM2000] 1598472.                                    Gvr2010 
18503+1229 BPM 858     [PM2000] 1599448 + [PM2000] 1600027.                                    Gvr2010 
18503-0754 BU  969     S Scuti, variable 9.7-10.9, 148 days.                                   .       
18503-3736 SWR 255     CPM pair                                                                Skf2004 
18504+1554 BPM 860     [PM2000] 1600232 + [PM2000] 1600303.                                    Gvr2010 
18504+1336 BPM 861     [PM2000] 1600353 + [PM2000] 1599901.                                    Gvr2010 
18504+1241 J  469      Pair is +1m16s, -3" from BD+12 3661. In 1911 Jonckheere noted the       .       
                       companion was magnitude 10.0, and in 1915 14.0.                         Cou1955a
18504+1210 BPMA 62     [PM2000] 1600642 + [PM2000] 1600936.                                    Gvr2010 
18506+1525 BPM 862     [PM2000] 1601565 + [PM2000] 1600976.                                    Gvr2010 
18506+1458 BPM 863     [PM2000] 1601827 + [PM2000] 1600984.                                    Gvr2010 
18507+1233 BPM 864     [PM2000] 1602976 + [PM2000] 1603469.                                    Gvr2010 
18508+1301 BPM 865     [PM2000] 1603392 + [PM2000] 1602522.                                    Gvr2010 
18508+1059 STF2404     A spectroscopic binary. Composite spectrum, K5III+K3III.                .       
18508-2210 BU 1300     30 Sgr.                                                                 .       
18509+1751 BPM 867     [PM2000] 1604886 + [PM2000] 1604822.                                    Gvr2010 
18509+1109 BRT1312     Also known as COU  16.                                                  .       
18509+1107 BPM 866     [PM2000] 1604810 + [PM2000] 1605623.                                    Gvr2010 
18510+1505 BPMA 63     [PM2000] 1605089 + [PM2000] 1604284.                                    Gvr2010 
18510+1339 BPM 868     [PM2000] 1605715 + [PM2000] 1605908.                                    Gvr2010 
18510+1041 BPM 869     [PM2000] 1605785 + [PM2000] 1605090.                                    Gvr2010 
18510-2018 PLT   3     A is BB Sgr, B is V 4088 Sgr.                                           Plt1934 
                       Primary is a Cepheid variable.                                          Evs2016a
18511+1421 BPMA 64     [PM2000] 1605963 + [PM2000] 1603708.                                    Gvr2010 
18511-1421 RST4602     J 1659.                                                                 .       
18511-3142 BRT3077     A likely plate flaw.                                                    Grv2021b
18512+5923 STF2420     omi Dra = 47 Dra. A is a spectroscopic binary and also variable.        .       
                       AB: Optical pair, based on study of relative motion of the components   .       
                       using the method of apparent motion parameters.                         Kiy2008 
                       AB: H 4  20.                                                            MEv2010 
           omi Dra     Hipparcos astrometric solution adopted some elements from the orbit of  HIP1997d
                       Young (1920).                                                           YRK1920 
                       Ren & Fu (2013) calculated an astrometric orbit, combining Hipparcos    Ren2013 
                       Intermediate Astrometric Data with spectroscopic elements by            .       
                       Young (1920).                                                           YRK1920 
           CIA   8     Aa,Ab: Roettenbacher et al. (2015) resolve the RS CVn binary omi Dra    .       
                       and determined a combined spectroscopic/astrometric orbit. The orbital  .       
                       parallax is 9.36 +/- 0.10 mas (106.8 +/- 1.1pc), flux ratio in H is     .       
                       370 +/- 40, the system age 3.0 +/- 0.5 Gyr. Radii are 25.1 +/- 0.3 and  .       
                       1.0 +/- 0.1 Rsun, luminosities 220 +/- 30 and 1.3 +/- 0.2 Lsun.         .       
                       Derived masses are 1.35 +/- 0.05 and 0.99 +/- 0.02 Msun.                CIA2015c
18515+4340 UC 3697     JKA   9. KIC 7871438/7871442.                                           .       
18515+1700 BPMA 65     [PM2000] 1609645 + [PM2000] 1607904.                                    Gvr2010 
18515+1507 OL  105     Not found by Heintz at IDS position.                                    Hei1985a
18517+1600 BPM 870     [PM2000] 1611210 + [PM2000] 1610854.                                    Gvr2010 
18518-2141 DON 929     CPD-21@7088.                                                            .       
18519-5756 HJ 5065     B is CPD-58@7511.                                                       .       
18520+5951 STI 866     LDS2752.                                                                .       
18520+4243 LEH   1     Lehmann et al. (2016) find that KIC 7177553 is a quadruple system,      .       
                       consisting of two close binaries of nearly equal magnitude, separated   .       
                       by about 0.4". They estimate the distance to the quadruple as 406 +/-   .       
                       10 pc, giving a physical separation of the wide pair 167+/- 5 au and    .       
                       an orbital period >1000y.  One close pair is an eclipsing binary with   .       
                       orbital period 18.00d. The other pair is an SB with period 16.5d. All   .       
                       four stars are of similar mass and spectral type (main-sequence G).     Leh2016 
18520+1047 STF2408     Also known as GAN   6.                                                  .       
18520-5418 TOK 325     Triple system. The inner astrometric binary is resolved here; the CPM   Tok2012c
                       companion at 146 is found by Tokovinin & Lepine (2012).                 Tok2013b
18521+2431 COU 510     Previously classified as an Algol-type system, JZ Her, Petr Zasche      .       
                       (personal corres.) reports that Couteau must have confused it with      Cou1972a
                       the nearby HS Her. This pair is non-variable and is often used as a     .       
                       check star in variability analyses.                                     .       
18521+1635 BPM 871     [PM2000] 1615013 + [PM2000] 1614900.                                    Gvr2010 
18522+1409 BPM 872     [PM2000] 1615303 + [PM2000] 1616136.                                    Gvr2010 
18522+1203 BPM 873     [PM2000] 1615368 + [PM2000] 1615921.                                    Gvr2010 
18522-6211 HJ 5062     lam Pav. A is a Cepheid.                                                .       
18523+3926 WEI  33     B is BD+39@3557.                                                        .       
18523+2126 ISO   8     112 Her. A spectroscopic binary, P = 6.36d. The interferometric pair    .       
                       cannot be this object, so the system is triple.                         .       
18523+1432 STF2411     B spectrum F7V. It is called a spectroscopic binary.                    .       
18523+1357 BPM 874     [PM2000] 1616566 + [PM2000] 1617001.                                    Gvr2010 
18524+1445 BPMA 66     [PM2000] 1617269 + [PM2000] 1616881.                                    Gvr2010 
18525+1644 BPM 875     [PM2000] 1618619 + [PM2000] 1618464.                                    Gvr2010 
18526+1414 BPMA 67     [PM2000] 1619286 + [PM2000] 1619792.                                    Gvr2010 
18528+3125 A   257     Also a faint unequal pair about 28" from CD in 226@.                    .       
18528+1357 BPM 876     [PM2000] 1621241 + [PM2000] 1620626.                                    Gvr2010 
18528+1234 AG  365     B is BD+12@3695.                                                        .       
18528-1725 HU  257     Spectrum: Fm Delta Del.                                                 .       
18528-5057 HJ 5067     SWR 256.                                                                .       
18529-5708 LUH  14     LHS 3421 + 2MASS J18525777-5708141.                                     Luh2012b
18530+5816 ES 1746     MLR 359.                                                                .       
18530-0935 CHR  81     This system, first announced by McAlister and recalled in a later       McA1984b
                       McAlister paper after repeated attempts at confirmation, has been       McA1993 
                       restored. While perhaps still spurious, the subsequent confirmation or  .       
                       suspected duplicity (by another technique) makes the discovery          .       
                       measurement somewhat more probable.                                     .       
18531+7405 GC 26011    Hipparcos astrometric solution assumed circular orbit (e = omega = 0)   HIP1997d
18531+1412 BPM 877     [PM2000] 1623188 + [PM2000] 1622811.                                    Gvr2010 
18531-5011 MUG  10     Aa,Ab: PZ Tel. Companion shows common proper motion and detected        .       
                       orbital motion. Infrared magnitudes are consistent with companion       .       
                       being a brown dwarf of mass 28 +12/-4 Mjup and Teff = 2500-2700K.       Mug2010 
                       Biller et al. (2010) derive spectral types K0, M7 +/- 2, estimated      Bil2010 
                       masses 1.25 +0.05/-0.20 Msun and 36 +/- 6 Mjup. Age 12 +8/-4 Myr,       .       
                       distance 51.5 +/- 2.6 pc. Their JHK magnitudes are derived from 2MASS   TMA2003 
                       photometry, combined with their magnitude differences.                  .       
                       PZ Tel. Member of the bet Pic moving group.                             Zuc2001b
18533+1737 BPM 878     [PM2000] 1624711 + [PM2000] 1625113.                                    Gvr2010 
18533+1557 BPM 879     [PM2000] 1625218 + [PM2000] 1625017.                                    Gvr2010 
18534+2417 RAO 513     DI Her.                                                                 .       
18534+1851 LDS5867     LDS6332.                                                                .       
18535+7547 STF2452     233 Dra. A spectroscopic binary.                                        D__1883 
                       Aka H 2  31 = S   713.                                                  Bu_1906 
18535+0912 ROE 112     J 2930. Roe and Jonckheere measures of AB were earlier erroneously      Roe1918 
                       attributed to BC.                                                       J__1962a
18535-2030 DON 933     CPD-20@7296.                                                            .       
18536-1941 RST3203     Spectrum: A2/3II/III.                                                   .       
18537+4550 DEA 437     JKA  13. KIC 9326053/9326073.                                           .       
18537+3658 H 6   3     H VI 3. del 1 Lyr = 11 Lyr. A is a SB. B is BD+36@3308.                 .       
18537+1353 BPM 880     [PM2000] 1628451 + [PM2000] 1628755.                                    Gvr2010 
18537-0533 A    93     Wilson's value for omega was corrected by Muller.                       WRH1954c
18538+1756 BPM 881     [PM2000] 1628952 + [PM2000] 1628974.                                    Gvr2010 
18540+1516 L    40     Hipparcos acceleration double solution.                                 .       
                       J  2585.                                                                Nsn2016 
18541+1500 HD175292    Hipparcos astrometric solution assumed circular orbit (e = omega = 0)   HIP1997d
18541-5131 RST1008     V362 Tel, Algol-type eclipsing binary, P = 1.21125 d.                   Zas2011 
18541-5421 HJ 5068     LDS 656.                                                                .       
18542-2245 BU 1033     nu 1 Sgr = 32 Sgr = Ainalrami                                           .       
           nu Sgr      Henroteau notes that Ptolemy (Magna compositio. Venetiis 1515, lib      HFC1928 
                       VIII, cap 1) called the 14' pair nu 1 + nu 2 Sgr a double star.         .       
                       This is perhaps the earliest description of a double star.              .       
18543+4259 OSO 105     G205-042. Not a common proper motion pair, based on comparison with     .       
                       POSS2 red plates.                                                       Oso2004 
18543+1158 BPM 882     [PM2000] 1633715 + [PM2000] 1634697.                                    Gvr2010 
18545+4823 WOL   4     KOI1725.                                                                .       
18545+3654 ES 2028     del 2 Lyr = 12 Lyr. A is an unclassified variable.                      .       
18545+1149 BPM 883     [PM2000] 1634622 + [PM2000] 1634682.                                    Gvr2010 
18546+2754 BRT3335     ADS 11819a. Originally published as BRT 185.                            Brt1928 
18547+2239 BU  646     113 Her. The G-type component is a long-period spectroscopic binary.    .       
           MKT   9     Visual orbit by Hummel et al. (1995) based on astrometry from Mark III  MkT1995 
                       interferometer. Additional spectroscopic data yield component masses,   .       
                       luminosities, radii, effective temperatures, and distance.              .       
                       Hipparcos astrometric solution adopted some elements from the orbit of  HIP1997d
                       Hummel et al. (1995).                                                   MkT1995 
                       Aa,Ab: Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and          .       
                       spectroscopic masses 1.71 +/- 3.27, 5.64, and 4.08 Msun, respectively.  Mlk2012 
                       Aa,Ab: Ren & Fu (2013) calculated an astrometric orbit, combining       Ren2013 
                       Hipparcos Intermediate Astrometric Data with spectroscopic elements by  .       
                       Luyten (1936).                                                          Luy1936 
18547-1946 OL   80     DON 934. J 1752.                                                        .       
18549+4734 DEA 460     JKA  14. KIC 10388283/10388259.                                         .       
18549+3358 STT 525     A is a spectroscopic binary. C is BD+33@3256.                           .       
18549+1201 BPM 884     [PM2000] 1637865 + [PM2000] 1638783.                                    Gvr2010 
18549-2157 RSS 495     CD-22@13417                                                             .       
18550+4822 KOI2754     This system hosts a 0.7 Rearth planet candidate with a 1.3 day period   .       
                       (Burke et al. 2014). Our ARIES observations revealed a companion 2.11   KOI2014a
                       J mags and 1.65 Ks mags fainter than KOI2754 at a 0".763 separation.    .       
                       The predicted Kp mag of the companion star is Kp = 15.3 (dKp = 3.0)     .       
                       if the star is a dwarf and Kp = 15.2 (dKp = 2.9) if the star is a       .       
                       giant. The companion star was also detected in the WIYN speckle         .       
                       imaging acquired with DSSI. The companion is 3.12 mag. fainter than     .       
                       KOI2754 at 692 nm and 2.56 mags fainter at 880 nm. Assuming that the    .       
                       planet orbits the target star and that all of the light from the        .       
                       companion is captured in the Kepler aperture, then the planet radius    .       
                       should be increased by 3% to account for dilution. KOI2754 does not     .       
                       exhibit a significant source offset during transit.                     Dre2014 
18550+1136 BPM 886     [PM2000] 1638955 + [PM2000] 1638009.                                    Gvr2010 
18550+1119 BPM 885     [PM2000] 1638777 + [PM2000] 1638092.                                    Gvr2010 
18550-6356 NZO  93     Not found by Heintz at IDS position. Position since corrected.          Hei1990b
18551+4051 HEI  73     KIC 5598639. Primary is Algol-type elipsing binary, period 1.29755d.    Zas2017b
18551+1537 BPM 887     [PM2000] 1639912 + [PM2000] 1640333.                                    Gvr2010 
18551+1522 BPMA 68     [PM2000] 1639841 + [PM2000] 1637903.                                    Gvr2010 
18552+4409 GIC 153     G205-045/G205-044.                                                      .       
18553+1304 BPMA 69     [PM2000] 1641172 + [PM2000] 1641740.                                    Gvr2010 
18553-2341 B   412     Spectrum: B9.5III/IV.                                                   .       
18553-2618 BED   1     Aa,Ab: Measure of 1991.566 made by MAPPIT.                              Bed1994 
           SMY   4     AB: sig Sgr = 34 Sgr = Nunki. B is CD-26@13591.                         .       
18554+1331 BU  647     Also DU    2, BDS 8899. Identification, position corrected by Heintz.   Hei1983a
18554-4131 BRT1082     A likely plate flaw.                                                    Grv2021b
18555+1413 BPM 888     [PM2000] 1643332 + [PM2000] 1643189.                                    Gvr2010 
18555+0816 J  1191     BRT3336.                                                                .       
18556+1413 BPM 889     [PM2000] 1643867 + [PM2000] 1642939.                                    Gvr2010 
18557+1254 COG   1     CD: OL  189.                                                            .       
                       J   810.                                                                Nsn2016 
18557+1216 BPM 890     [PM2000] 1644364 + [PM2000] 1643759.                                    Gvr2010 
18558+1243 BPM 891     [PM2000] 1645258 + [PM2000] 1644843.                                    Gvr2010 
18558+0327 A  2192     Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and spectroscopic   .       
                       masses of 3.52 +/- 2.27, 3.68, and 1.82 Msun, respectively.             Mlk2012 
18559+2333 MET  87     V775 Her.                                                               .       
18559+1258 BPM 892     [PM2000] 1646011 + [PM2000] 1645924.                                    Gvr2010 
18559+0323 A  2193     Quadrants uncertain.                                                    .       
18560+4414 STT 365     AB: Duplicity doubtful, needs speckle.                                  .       
           STF3130     Lewis  measures a pair 1m following and 1' south:                       L__1897 
                       1897, 37@, 3.1", 10.0-11.0.                                             .       
18560+3347 STF2421     B is BD+33@3264.                                                        .       
18560+1147 BPM 893     [PM2000] 1646644 + [PM2000] 1647444.                                    Gvr2010 
18560-2503 B   413     A is a close 312-d spectroscopic pair.                                  Tok2019a
18561+1709 BPM 894     [PM2000] 1647451 + [PM2000] 1647696.                                    Gvr2010 
18562+0412 STF2417     A: the 1 Ser = 63 Ser A = Alya                                          .       
                       B: the 2 Ser = 63 Ser B = BD+04@3917.                                   .       
                       AC: C component = A component of 18566+0416 TOK 620.                    .       
                       BC: This system was analysed in detail by Teague, who determined the    Tea2001 
                       source of the errors in all three historical measures (Labitzke,        Lbz1929 
                       Przbyllok, and Kamper), which actually belong with the AC pair of this  Prz1926 
                       system.                                                                 Kpr1992 
                       BC: Optical pair, based on study of relative motion of the components   .       
                       using the method of apparent motion parameters.                         Kiy2008 
                       AB: H 4   6.                                                            MEv2010 
18562-5049 RST1011     Spectral type G8/K0 II/III.                                             .       
18563+5432 HDS2682     Aa is also a 8d spectroscopic binary (Aa1,Aa2).                         Tok2019b
                       AB = G229-018/G229-019. The B component is GJ 4091B.                    .       
18563+1435 BPM 896     [PM2000] 1648823 + [PM2000] 1649237.                                    Gvr2010 
18563+1344 BPM 895     [PM2000] 1648725 + [PM2000] 1648525.                                    Gvr2010 
18563-0425 LDS 659     HIP 92960. See Allen et al. (2000) for information on metallicity,      AlC2000 
                       age, galactic orbital parameters, etc.                                  .       
18564+4530 HJ 1356     AB: JKA  17. KIC 9139163/9139151.                                       .       
                       B is BD+45@2796.                                                        .       
                       HJL 261.                                                                HJL1986 
18564+1710 BPM 897     [PM2000] 1649308 + [PM2000] 1650135.                                    Gvr2010 
18564-4040 WG  238     CPD-40@8697. SWR 258.                                                   .       
                       CPM pair. ASAS J185622-4040.6 (spurious variable?)                      Skf2004 
18565-0511 BRT 485     LEO 43.                                                                 .       
18565-5313 SWR 257     CPM pair                                                                Skf2004 
18566+1545 BPM 898     [PM2000] 1650833 + [PM2000] 1651015.                                    Gvr2010 
18566+0416 TOK 620     A component = C component of 18562+0412 STF2417AC.                      .       
18567+5014 JNN 153     2MASS J18564143+5014071 and J18564286+5013483 are separated by only     .       
                       23" and have similar estimated spectroscopic distances (79 and 77 pc,   .       
                       respectively) in Riaz et al. (2006), as well as very similar proper     Ria2006 
                       motions (e.g. Roser et al. 2010), hence it is likely that they form a   XXX2010 
                       physical pair.                                                          Jnn2012 
18567+1657 BPM 899     [PM2000] 1651939 + [PM2000] 1652523.                                    Gvr2010 
18568+1733 BPM 901     [PM2000] 1652793 + [PM2000] 1653380.                                    Gvr2010 
18568+1505 BPM 900     [PM2000] 1652502 + [PM2000] 1651646.                                    Gvr2010 
18569+4048 KOI1962     Distance is 1101 +/- 629/294 pc. Ma (Mb) = 1.05 (1.02) +/- 0.1 \msun.   Hor2024 
18569+3112 ES 2422     A is the irregular variable OQ Lyr.                                     .       
18569+1546 L    42     Baize questions BD identification.  Heintz and Worley were unable to    Baz1944a
                       locate this pair. Identical to OL 180?                                  Hei1983a
18569-3320 GLP  15     B is CD-33@13738.                                                       .       
18570+3254 BU  648     Identification of the ascending node is somewhat uncertain.             Stk1939 
                       AB: Primary is SB1 and exoplanet host, P=1016d, in a 61y binary         Mut2010e
                       (Muterspaugh et al. 2010). Wobble 1016d, 0.24mas - planet? Astrometric  .       
                       orbit gives mass 1.5 Mjup if planet around B, 3 Mjup if around A.       Tok2014d
                       AB,C: Optical pair, based on study of relative motion of the            .       
                       components using the method of apparent motion parameters.              Kiy2008 
                       AB,C: Rectilinear solution by Hurowitz et al. (2014).                   USN2014b
18570+1752 BPM 902     [PM2000] 1653997 + [PM2000] 1654609.                                    Gvr2010 
18571+5143 SHY 749     HIP  93029 + HIP  92467.                                                .       
18572+3845 COU1611     TDT1145                                                                 .       
18573+6224 STF2440     Spectrum of A also called composite; G5IV+G8V.                          .       
18573+1800 BPMA 70     [PM2000] 1655946 + [PM2000] 1654297.                                    Gvr2010 
18573+1724 BPM 904     [PM2000] 1656031 + [PM2000] 1655503.                                    Gvr2010 
18573+1644 BPM 903     [PM2000] 1655854 + [PM2000] 1656255.                                    Gvr2010 
18574+2129 HU  329     Many negative results, but probably double.                             .       
18574+1517 BPM 905     [PM2000] 1657245 + [PM2000] 1657814.                                    Gvr2010 
18575+5814 STF2438     H 1  43.                                                                MEv2010 
                       Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and spectroscopic   .       
                       masses of 3.95 +/- 1.38, 3.19, and 2.19 Msun, respectively.             Mlk2012 
18575+1306 BPMA 71     [PM2000] 1657465 + [PM2000] 1659069.                                    Gvr2010 
18576+7250 OSO 106     G260-013. Not a common proper motion pair, based on comparison with     .       
                       POSS2 red plates.                                                       Oso2004 
18576+1420 BPM 906     AB: [PM2000] 1658704 + [PM2000] 1659034.                                Gvr2010 
           BPM 907     BC: [PM2000] 1659034 + [PM2000] 1658470.                                Gvr2010 
18577+1731 BPM 908     [PM2000] 1658828 + [PM2000] 1659154.                                    Gvr2010 
18577+1509 OL  180     Position and Durchmusterung correction by Heintz.                       Hei1980a
                       OL  191.                                                                .       
18577+1312 BPM 909     [PM2000] 1659281 + [PM2000] 1658736.                                    Gvr2010 
18577+0942 HJ 5505     B is BD+09@3942.                                                        .       
18578-3802 B   414     Spectral type K?                                                        .       
18579+4424 KOI 122     Adams et al. (2012) theta values corrected to 360-theta                 Adm2012 
                       (reported by Dressing et al. (2014).                                    Dre2014 
18579+4214 COU1795     TDT1149.                                                                .       
18579-2524 B  2871     Spectrum: F2/3III/IV.                                                   .       
18580+6159 ES 1843     Rectilinear solution by Cvetkovic et al. (2018).                        Cve2018 
18580+1543 BPM 910     [PM2000] 1661167 + [PM2000] 1660955.                                    Gvr2010 
18581+4711 AG  366     Astroseismology determines Mass and Radius for A(B) as 0.95+/-0.02      XXX2017b
                       (0.93+/-0.01) \msun and 0.93+/-0.01 (0.89+/-0.01) \rsun and an age of   .       
                       3.0+/-0.5 Gyrs for both stars.                                          .       
18581+3813 STF2427     B is BD+38@3377. BC is also known as ALI 875.                           .       
18582+1722 CHR  82     Aa,Ab is the Cepheid FF Aql. The system is also a long-spectroscopic    .       
                       binary, now resolved by speckle.                                        .       
18582+1644 BPM 911     [PM2000] 1662278 + [PM2000] 1661343.                                    Gvr2010 
18582-2025 HO  271     A is a double-lined spectroscopic binary.                               .       
                       Classification of the B component is from Lindroos (1985), who also     Lnd1985 
                       gives a distance of 1.9 kpc to the system.                              Msn1998a
18583+4857 GII  46     Gili (2016) described this pair as the B component of 18582+4858        .       
                       KOI 258, but the systems differ in position by over 1'.                 Gii2016 
18583+1705 BPM 912     [PM2000] 1663427 + [PM2000] 1663942.                                    Gvr2010 
18583+1654 BPMA 72     [PM2000] 1662798 + [PM2000] 1664716.                                    Gvr2010 
18584+4750 BD+47 2730  Spectroscopic orbit of 858.1d corresponds to this astrometric pair.     Grf2014d
18584+3625 STF2429     H 1  58.                                                                MEv2010 
18584+1459 BPM 913     [PM2000] 1663987 + [PM2000] 1664237.                                    Gvr2010 
18585+1429 BPM 914     [PM2000] 1664713 + [PM2000] 1664939.                                    Gvr2010 
18586+1703 BPMA 73     [PM2000] 1664953 + [PM2000] 1663498.                                    Gvr2010 
18586+1653 BPM 916     [PM2000] 1664901 + [PM2000] 1664659.                                    Gvr2010 
18586+1514 BPM 915     [PM2000] 1664752 + [PM2000] 1665020.                                    Gvr2010 
18588+4041 STF2431     BDS 8981, H IV 93 is identical. A spectroscopic binary.                 .       
                       H 4  93.                                                                .       
18588-0648 J   111     J 2684.                                                                 .       
18589+3241 AGC   9     gam Lyr = 14 Lyr = Sulafat. Variable? Also known as STT 544.            .       
                       AC. Smyth's quoted separation is difference in RA only.                 Smy1844 
18590+1542 BPM 917     [PM2000] 1667679 + [PM2000] 1667227.                                    Gvr2010 
18591+1338 STF2424     11 Aql.                                                                 .       
                       AB: Optical pair, based on study of relative motion of the components   .       
                       using the method of apparent motion parameters.                         Kiy2008 
                       AB: H 3  32.                                                            MEv2010 
18591-2609 B   415     J 1733.                                                                 .       
18594-1250 KUI  89     A light variable.                                                       Baz1954a
                       1985.4872: This measurement was incorrectly attributed to Kui 84        .       
                       (WDS 17584+0427) by McAlister et al. (1987).                            McA1987b
                       Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and spectroscopic   .       
                       masses of 4.80 +/- 1.84, 4.41, and 5.25 Msun, respectively.             Mlk2012 
18595+1631 BPM 918     [PM2000] 1670405 + [PM2000] 1670058.                                    Gvr2010 
18595+1420 BPMA 74     [PM2000] 1670255 + [PM2000] 1671086.                                    Gvr2010 
18596+1504 ENG  65     13 Aql = eps Aql. A is a spectroscopic binary.                          .       
                       Spectral type K1IIICN0.5Ba0.2.                                          .       
           eps Aql     Hipparcos astrometric solution adopted some elements from the orbit of  HIP1997d
                       Griffin (1982).                                                         Grf1982c
18596+1317 BPM 919     [PM2000] 1670767 + [PM2000] 1670975.                                    Gvr2010 
18597+1345 BPM 920     [PM2000] 1671285 + [PM2000] 1671690.                                    Gvr2010 
18597+1206 BPMA 75     [PM2000] 1671862 + [PM2000] 1670609.                                    Gvr2010 
18599+1937 L    43     Not found by Heintz at IDS position.                                    Hei1985a
                       Position in ADS and later WDS was erroneously given as 18597+1036,      .       
                       although pair also not seen at "correct" coordinates.                   .       
18599+1454 STF2428     AB: H 2  93.                                                            MEv2010 
19000+3916 MLB 859     Not found by Heintz at IDS position.                                    Hei1985a
19002+1353 BPM 921     [PM2000] 1674730 + [PM2000] 1675218.                                    Gvr2010 
19003+4835 DEA 191     JKA  19. KIC 11017620/11017626.                                         .       
19003+4625 KOI2706     The system hosts a 1.5 Rearth planet candidate with a 3.1 day orbit     .       
                       (Burke et al. 2014).  The estimated dilution correction for this        KOI2014a
                       system is a 0.2% increase in the radius of the planet candidate.        .       
                       KOI 2706 exhibits a 0".83 (3.7 sigma) source offset during transit.     Dre2014 
19003-0914 BRT 488     AB: J  2245AB.                                                          .       
19004+0552 LDS6333     Pair found using AGK3+5:2636 as starting point to reach the place.      .       
                       Here is a pair that is barely alike to NLTT data. May be a noticeable   .       
                       change. Nothing else around the zone.                                   Gel1987 
19005+1657 BPM 922     [PM2000] 1676683 + [PM2000] 1676889.                                    Gvr2010 
19006+4500 KOI2159     This system hosts one candidate planet with a period of 7.6 days and a   .      
                       radius of 1.1 Rearth (Batalha et al. 2013). The NASA Exoplanet Archive  KOI2013a
                       entry for KOI2159 also includes a 1 Rearth false positive at a period   .       
                       of 2.4 days. The estimated dilution correction due to the extra light   .       
                       from the companion is a 3% increase to the planet radius. KOI2159 does  .       
                       not display a significant source offset during transit.                 Dre2014 
19006-0807 STF2425     B is BD-08@4810.                                                        .       
19007+1431 BPM 923     [PM2000] 1677681 + [PM2000] 1677628.                                    Gvr2010 
19008+1118 BPM 924     [PM2000] 1678452 + [PM2000] 1678224.                                    Gvr2010 
19008-0027 HJ  874     Bloch measures 1923.7, 260@, 16.96", which actually belongs to          Blo1931 
                       19000+1253 STF2426AB.                                                   .       
19010+1507 BPM 925     [PM2000] 1679533 + [PM2000] 1679239.                                    Gvr2010 
19010-2439 COO 230     ADS 11921.                                                              .       
                       J  1599.                                                                Nsn2016 
19010-4455 CPO 605     A likely plate flaw.                                                    Grv2021b
19011-3657 JOY   7     A is the T-Tauri variable S CrA.                                        .       
19011-3704 BSO  14     B is CD-37@13017. Both components are spectroscopic binaries.           .       
                       SWR 259. CPM pair                                                       Skf2004 
19012+1253 J  1279     Not found in 1959 by Van Biesbroeck. He suggests it may be ADS 12017.   .       
                       Found by Heintz, who notes that the OL pair at 19 02.6 +12 56 is        Hei1987a
                       identical.                                                              .       
                       OL  192.                                                                .       
19012+0229 GC 26129    Hipparcos astrometric solution assumed circular orbit (e = omega = 0)   HIP1997d
19013+1758 BPM 926     [PM2000] 1681692 + [PM2000] 1682051.                                    Gvr2010 
19014+4656 HJ 1362     16 Lyr.                                                                 .       
19014-3548 BRT1794     CPD-35@8339.                                                            .       
                       A likely plate flaw.                                                    Grv2021b
19016+1429 BPM 927     [PM2000] 1683796 + [PM2000] 1682902.                                    Gvr2010 
19016-3653 B   957     C is the irregular variable TY CrA, resolved into a 0.3" pair           .       
           CVN  13     by Chauvin et al. (2003). The Ca component is also a close              .       
                       spectroscopic triple, including one eclipsing pair.                     Cvn2003b
19018+1638 BPM 930     [PM2000] 1685383 + [PM2000] 1686044.                                    Gvr2010 
19018+1554 BPM 928     [PM2000] 1685084 + [PM2000] 1684425.                                    Gvr2010 
19018+1253 BPM 929     [PM2000] 1685237 + [PM2000] 1684483.                                    Gvr2010 
19019+4138 KOI1613     Distance is 492.5 +/- 161.2/97.4 pc. Ma (Mb) = 1.19(0.87)+/-0.1 \msun.  Hor2024 
19019+1910 STF2437     Primary = E component of 19020+1907 ARN  18AE.                          .       
19019-2340 ARA2252     Aka WFC 286.                                                            .       
19019-3620 B   958     Spectral type M?                                                        .       
19019-3657 VSP   1     R CrA. HBC 288.                                                         .       
19020+1907 ARN  18     AE: E component = primary of 19019+1910 STF2437.                        .       
           HJ 2851     AB: Rectilinear solution by Hurowitz et al. (2014).                     USN2014b
19020+0846 BU  973     Van Biesbroeck notes that this group is misidentified in both BDS and   VBs1965 
                       ADS as BD+08@3945 rather than the correct BD+08@3948. The latter is     Bu_1906 
                       already identified with ADS 11954, J 533. It seems advisable to keep    A__1932a
                       the ADS number 11947.                                                   .       
                       Here AB is BU 973, STF 2435 = AC of J 533. AD = AB of J 533.  DC =      .       
                       Howe 45 is BC of J 533. AB is the C component of 19022+0845STF2436.     .       
           STF2435     C component = C component of 19022+0845 STF2436AC.                      .       
19022+1630 BPM 931     [PM2000] 1687652 + [PM2000] 1687123.                                    Gvr2010 
19022+0845 STF2436     B is BD+08@3949.                                                        .       
                       C component = 19020+0846 STF2435AC.                                     .       
19024+1535 BPM 932     [PM2000] 1688945 + [PM2000] 1689575.                                    Gvr2010 
19024+1332 BPM 933     [PM2000] 1689380 + [PM2000] 1689255.                                    Gvr2010 
19024-0536 PLT   4     A is FG Aql, B is FH Aql.                                               Plt1934 
19024-3656 REP   4     Erroneously listed as 04385+1611.                                       .       
19026+5719 STI2407     One deg error in WDS designation.                                       .       
19026+1611 BPM 934     [PM2000] 1690498 + [PM2000] 1689949.                                    Gvr2010 
19026-0621 A    42     CD same as J  2162.                                                     Dam2010 
19026-2953 HDO 150     zet Sgr = 38 Sgr = Ascella. Spectrum composite; A2III+A4IV.             .       
                       Masses and bolometric magnitudes are derived for the two components     .       
                       of this system by Mason et al. (1999), based on assumed spectral types  Msn1999a
                       and available parallaxes.                                               .       
                       AB: Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and             .       
                       spectroscopic masses 5.24 +/- 0.37, 3.45, and 2.46 Msun, respectively.  Mlk2012 
           H 5  78     AB,C: H V 78.                                                           .       
19027+4307 YSC  13     Slightly metal-poor F5 primary. Preliminary orbit gives a mass sum 5.8  .       
                       +/- 2.1 Msun; the magnitude difference suggests an F2 primary and F8    .       
                       secondary, but this would imply a mass sum ~3 Msun                      Hor2012b
19027+1650 BPM 935     [PM2000] 1691217 + [PM2000] 1691945.                                    Gvr2010 
19027-0027 J   475     This is the planetary nebula NGC 6741.                                  .       
19027-3606 HJ 5080     SWR 260.                                                                .       
19028+3123 STF2441     BDS 9008; H I 60 is probably same star.                                 .       
                       H 1  60.                                                                .       
19028+1417 BPM 936     [PM2000] 1691784 + [PM2000] 1692123.                                    Gvr2010 
19029+2429 POU3668     Also known as J  2935.                                                  .       
19029-0342 A  3105     14 Aql. Rapidly moving binary, position angles scattered.               WRH1955 
19029-4245 LDS 663     Also known as RSS 504.                                                  .       
19032+1717 BPM 939     [PM2000] 1694438 + [PM2000] 1693749.                                    Gvr2010 
19033+1702 BPM 940     [PM2000] 1695373 + [PM2000] 1695930.                                    Gvr2010 
19033+1701 BPM 937     AB: [PM2000] 1694906 + [PM2000] 1694269.                                Gvr2010 
           BPM 938     BC: [PM2000] 1694269 + [PM2000] 1693765.                                Gvr2010 
19033+1651 BPM 941     [PM2000] 1695391 + [PM2000] 1695341.                                    Gvr2010 
19034+1608 BPM 942     [PM2000] 1695695 + [PM2000] 1695015.                                    Gvr2010 
19035+2421 GEL   1     Measured due to misidentification with 19035+2422 POU3674.              .       
19035+1549 BPM 944     [PM2000] 1696619 + [PM2000] 1696194.                                    Gvr2010 
19035+1500 BPM 943     [PM2000] 1696277 + [PM2000] 1695902.                                    Gvr2010 
19035-6845 FIN 357     Martin et al. (1998) derive component masses 1.892 +/- 0.265 and        .       
                       1.647 +/- 0.246 Msun.                                                   Mig1998 
                       Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and spectroscopic   .       
                       masses of 3.21 +/- 0.54, 2.98, and 1.10 Msun, respectively.             Mlk2012 
                       Docobo & Andrade (2013) derive a dynamical parallax of 18.51 +/- 0.46   .       
                       mas and component masses 1.49 +/- 0.15 and 1.38 +/- 0.14 Msun           .       
                       (for spectral type F8V) or 19.69 +/- 0.52 mas, 1.25 +/- 0.13 and 1.14   .       
                       +/- 0.12 Msun (for G0IV). See paper for extensive notes on system.      Doc2013d
19036+3812 ES 2672     ALI 879.                                                                .       
19037+5727 ARG  33     A is the Algol-type system BH Dra.                                      .       
19037+3545 STF2448     H 1  59.                                                                MEv2010 
19037-2243 DON 945     A is the semiregular variable SU Sgr.                                   .       
19038+4941 DEA 453     JKA  21. KIC 11600772/11600744.                                         .       
19038+1651 BPM 945     [PM2000] 1698915 + [PM2000] 1699239.                                    Gvr2010 
19038-3451 BRT3338     A likely plate flaw.                                                    Grv2021b
19039+3409 BU 1285     A: Burnham noted "possibly a close pair" in 1892, but Aitken found      Bu_1906 
                       it single in 1899 using the 36-inch.                                    .       
19039+2642 A  2992     Only elements P, T, and a of the orbit of Dommanget (1978) were         Dom1978 
                       adjusted by Starikova (1981).                                           Sta1981a
19039+1623 BPM 947     [PM2000] 1699191 + [PM2000] 1699396.                                    Gvr2010 
19039+1527 BPM 946     [PM2000] 1699167 + [PM2000] 1698750.                                    Gvr2010 
19040+1813 BPM 948     [PM2000] 1699831 + [PM2000] 1699703.                                    Gvr2010 
19041+1106 AG  371     J 477.                                                                  .       
19042+3638 ADM   4     TrES-1. Primary is exoplanet host star.                                 Adm2013 
19042+2519 BRT 187     A likely plate flaw.                                                    Grv2021b
19042+1705 BPM 949     AB: [PM2000] 1701291 + [PM2000] 1700687.                                Gvr2010 
           BPM 950     BC: [PM2000] 1700687 + [PM2000] 1700757.                                Gvr2010 
19042-2254 H N 129     HDO 151.                                                                .       
19043+1725 BPM 951     [PM2000] 1701823 + [PM2000] 1701868.                                    Gvr2010 
19043-1128 HO   94     J 2251.                                                                 .       
19044+1328 BPM 952     [PM2000] 1702577 + [PM2000] 1703176.                                    Gvr2010 
19044-1553 UTR   1     A is V 727 Sgr, B is V 728 Sgr.                                         Plt1934 
19045+1809 BPM 953     [PM2000] 1703252 + [PM2000] 1703253.                                    Gvr2010 
19045+1104 BPM 954     [PM2000] 1703414 + [PM2000] 1703632.                                    Gvr2010 
19046+1819 BPMA 76     [PM2000] 1704418 + [PM2000] 1703420.                                    Gvr2010 
19046+1739 BPM 955     [PM2000] 1704325 + [PM2000] 1704815.                                    Gvr2010 
19046-3635 BRT1796     SWR 261. CPM pair. Dwarfs                                               Skf2004 
19047+1734 BPMA 77     [PM2000] 1705092 + [PM2000] 1705774.                                    Gvr2010 
19047+0756 SMA  83     J 2582.                                                                 .       
19047-2144 SEE 369     omi Sgr = 39 Sgr                                                        .       
19048+1551 BPM 956     [PM2000] 1705775 + [PM2000] 1705472.                                    Gvr2010 
19049+1552 BPM 957     [PM2000] 1706592 + [PM2000] 1706496.                                    Gvr2010 
19050-0402 SHJ 286     15 Aql. B is BD-04@4683.                                                .       
                       H 5  33.                                                                MEv2010 
19050-0709 STF2439     Primary is V1440 Aql, a Beta Lyr type eclipsing binary, P = 1.83672d.   Zas2012 
19051-4508 SKF1152     Initial WDS designation (19051-4935) garbled - dec copied from SKF1151  .       
19052+4955 ES 2673AB   This cannot be the close 674.7-d spectroscopic binary.                  Grf2009a
19053+2555 GJ 743.2    Combined solution, based on reduction of Hipparcos intermediate         .       
                       astrometric data together with spectroscopic elements from Vogt et al.  CPS2000c
                       (2000).                                                                 HaI2001 
           EGN  24     AB pair bound.  Primary is planet host star. Colors of B component      .       
                       consistent with M2-M5 dwarf, mass 0.23 +/- 0.01 Msun. A is a very       .       
                       evolved K0 subgiant.                                                    Egn2007 
                       CHARA Array Limb-darkened diameter  0.467 +/- 0.058 mas,                CIA2008c
                       R =  2.99  +/- 0.39  \rsun.                                             .       
19053+1811 BPM 958     [PM2000] 1709391 + [PM2000] 1709708.                                    Gvr2010 
19054+3803 AG  227     Despite having an orbit, an optical pair based on parallax.             Mlk2022 
19054+1820 BPMA 78     [PM2000] 1710040 + [PM2000] 1708036.                                    Gvr2010 
19054+1352 BU  287     zet Aql = 17 Aql. A is a spectroscopic binary.                          .       
                       CHARA Array Limb-darkened diameter  0.895 +/- 0.017 mas,                CIA2012e
                       R =  2.449 +/- 0.046 \rsun, L = 38.492 +/-0.627 \lsun,                  .       
                       Teff = 9205 +/-  95 K, M = 1.984 +/- 0.006 \msun,                       .       
                       Age =  0.8 +/- 0.0 Gyr.                                                 .       
                       AC. Smyth's quoted separation is difference in RA only.                 Smy1844 
19055+3352 HU  940     aka HO  635                                                             .       
                       Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and spectroscopic   .       
                       masses of 2.08 +/- 0.94, 2.25, and 1.10 Msun, respectively.             Mlk2012 
19056+1702 BPM 959     [PM2000] 1711312 + [PM2000] 1711110.                                    Gvr2010 
19056+1005 BRT3224     J 2164.                                                                 .       
19056-5347 HJ 5081     B is CPD-53@9461.                                                       .       
19057+6502 ES 1914     Position corrected by Heintz, who also notes that the pair J 1353 is    Hei1980a
                       identical.                                                              .       
19057+1659 BPM 961     [PM2000] 1711605 + [PM2000] 1711341.                                    Gvr2010 
19057+1136 BPM 960     [PM2000] 1711462 + [PM2000] 1711494.                                    Gvr2010 
19057-1540 HJ 5507     A is a spectroscopic binary. Variable?                                  .       
19058+5918 MLR 217     AB is STI 873, not in WDS because of questionable duplicity.            .       
19058+3831 STF2456     B is BD+38@3428. The 1888 AC measure was earlier erroneously also       StH1906A
                       attributed to BC.                                                       .       
           STH   5     BE: Incorrectly added as AD, in part due to reversed identifications    .       
                       of A and B by Struve. Companion designation changed to E, as existing   StH1901 
                       BD pair measured to different star.                                     .       
19058+0633 STF2446     Mt. Wilson spectral types F3s and G5.                                   .       
                       AB: HJL 262.                                                            HJL1986 
                       AB: H 3 108.                                                            MEv2010 
19059+4006 DEA 435     JKA  25. KIC 4995565/4995581.                                           .       
19059+3004 L    27     Possibly BD+29@3478 (9.3).                                              .       
19060+4549 STF2463     AC: In Cin. 5 a faint pair is noted: 1879.5, 300@, 18.4". See BDS       Bu_1906 
                       part II for a discussion of possible identifications.                   .       
19060+3553 H 5 103     H V 103.                                                                .       
19061+1732 BPM 962     [PM2000] 1714383 + [PM2000] 1714837.                                    Gvr2010 
19062+4926 DSG   2     Kepler 296 = KOI-1422. Derived properties for the A and B components    .       
                       are as follows:                                                         .       
                         Teff (K)       3740  +/- 130         3440  +/- 75                     .       
                         Radius (Rsun)  0.480 +0.066/-0.087   0.322 +0.060/-0.068              .       
                         Mass (Msun)    0.498 +0.067/-0.087   0.326 +0.070/-0.079              .       
                       Using statistical and analytical arguments, Barclay et al. (2015)       .       
                       conclude that the five transiting planets associated with this pair     .       
                       orbit the primary star. The two outer planets (Ae and Af) have radii    .       
                       of 1.53 +/- 0.26 and 1.80 +/- 0.31 Rearth, respectively, and receive    .       
                       incident stellar fluxes of 1.40 +/- 0.23 and 0.62 +/- 0.10 times that   .       
                       received from the Sun by the Earth; this level of irradiation places    .       
                       both planets within or close to the circumstellar habitable zone of     .       
                       their parent star.                                                      Bcy2015 
19062+3026 STF2454     A premature orbit has been computed for AB. Component A reported        .       
                       double by Dommanget, but observation unconfirmed by observers with      .       
                       larger instruments. However, A is a SB2, P = 27.25d. From the visual    .       
                       separations of AB, Baize suspects a third body with P = 35 yr.          .       
                       A component (suggested as possibly double by Dommanget) perfectly       .       
                       round on these 3 nights.                                                Baz1954a
                       Only elements P and T from the orbit of Baize (1976) have been          Baz1976 
                       amended by Starikova (1982).                                            Sta1982b
                       See Baize & Petit (1989) catalog of doubles with variable component.    Baz1989d
19062-0453 EHR  16     Primary is lam Aql. Companion appears to be a background star.          Ehr2010 
           JNN  10     The usual capital letter component designations (e.g., AB, AC, etc.)    .       
                       are insufficient to accommodate the very large number of companions     .       
                       discovered by Janson et al. (2011), so upper/lower case combinations    Jnn2011b
                       (A,Ca; A,Cb; etc.) were utilized. Since none of the JNN 10 companions   .       
                       appear to be physical, the lower case letters here are not meant to     .       
                       indicate any sort of hierarchical structure within this system.         .       
19064+1355 BPM 963     [PM2000] 1716011 + [PM2000] 1716217.                                    Gvr2010 
19064+1153 BRT1315     J 3326.                                                                 .       
19064+0814 BLL  36     A is the Mira-type variable R Aql.                                      .       
19064+0709 STF2449     H 3 109.                                                                MEv2010 
19064-1154 RST4028     HIP 93827. See Allen et al. (2000) for information on metallicity,      AlC2000 
                       age, galactic orbital parameters, etc.                                  .       
19064-3704 HJ 5084     gam Cra.                                                                .       
                       Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and spectroscopic   .       
                       masses of 2.38 +/- 0.65, 2.38, and 2.19 Msun, respectively.             Mlk2012 
                       Magnitudes changed to Hipparcos V magnitude on recommendation of Ross   Fab2000a
                       Gould.                                                                  Glr2022 
19065+1555 BPM 964     [PM2000] 1716453 + [PM2000] 1715741.                                    Gvr2010 
19066-0121 STF2447     Spectrum of B: A0VpSrCrSi.                                              .       
                       AB: H 4 127.                                                            MEv2010 
19067+1727 BPM 965     [PM2000] 1718118 + [PM2000] 1718187.                                    Gvr2010 
19067+1654 BPM 966     [PM2000] 1718155 + [PM2000] 1718163.                                    Gvr2010 
19068+6106 LDS2758     LDS5243.                                                                .       
19069+4137 COU2197     Measures scattered and impossible to interpret.                         .       
19069+2210 STF2455     Mt. Wilson spectral types F1s and B5.                                   .       
                       Relative motion is nearly rectilinear.                                  Fat1941 
                       AB: Optical pair, based on study of relative motion of the components   .       
                       using the method of apparent motion parameters.                         Kiy2008 
19069+1638 BPM 967     [PM2000] 1719528 + [PM2000] 1719355.                                    Gvr2010 
19069+0847 HJ 2854     FOX 237 is 4s faster and 1' north of HJ 2854.                           .       
           FOX 237     CD: FOX 237 is 4s faster and 1' north of HJ 2854.                       .       
19069-2740 tau Sgr     Hipparcos astrometric solution assumed circular orbit (e = omega = 0)   HIP1997d
19070+1104 HEI 568     18 Aql. This is the eclipsing and spectroscopic binary Y Aql,           .       
                       P = 1.30d. Hence a triple system.                                       .       
19072+4919 DAE  12     TrES-2 = KOI-1. Daemgen et al. (2009) estimate spectral types G0 and    .       
                       K4.5-K6, masses 1.05 and 0.67 Msun, and orbital period about 3900y.     Dae2009 
                       Bergfors et al. (2013) estimate spectral types G0V and K0-M0V.          Brg2013 
19072+2053 LDS1017     Ross 730,1.                                                             .       
19073+3606 STA   3     iot Lyr = 18 Lyr                                                        .       
19073+1742 BPM 968     [PM2000] 1722355 + [PM2000] 1722300.                                    Gvr2010 
19074+3230 STF2461     17 Lyr. Mt. Wilson spectral type A is A9n.                              .       
                       A is a spectroscopic binary.                                            .       
                       AC: Proper motion of C +1219,+1114. Mt. Wilson spectral type is M3.     .       
                       Proper motion A : +124+030, E : -004-006, G : -003+007, H : -017-013.   .       
                       AC: Optical pair, based on study of relative motion of the components   .       
                       using the method of apparent motion parameters.                         Kiy2008 
           KUI  90     Ca: Combined solution from astrometry, spectroscopy, and parallax by    .       
                       Segransan et al. (2000). Solution yields mass and orbital parallax      Sgr2000 
                       determination.                                                          .       
           STF2461     AB: H 2  68.                                                            MEv2010 
                       AC, CE: Rectilinear solutions by Friedman et al. (2012).                USN2012a
19074+1616 BPM 970     [PM2000] 1722846 + [PM2000] 1722676.                                    Gvr2010 
19074+1351 BPM 969     [PM2000] 1722601 + [PM2000] 1723017.                                    Gvr2010 
19075-1456 J  1646     J 2165.                                                                 .       
19075-2407 B   426     J  1600.                                                                J__1962a
19075-3622 B   963     C is CPD-36@8723.                                                       .       
19076+1648 BPM 971     [PM2000] 1724040 + [PM2000] 1723777.                                    Gvr2010 
19077+1538 BPM 972     [PM2000] 1724465 + [PM2000] 1724668.                                    Gvr2010 
19077+1447 BPM 973     [PM2000] 1724637 + [PM2000] 1725353.                                    Gvr2010 
19077-5515 RST1020     Not in Michigan Vol. XI.                                                .       
19078+3856 STF2469     A is a spectroscopic binary and Algol-type eclipsing binary, period     .       
                       1.5403d.                                                                Zas2010 
19079+4652 A   704     KOI  13AB = KIC 9941662.                                                Hor2011c
19079+3043 HLM  16     Originally in WDS as 19079+3039, the Holmes AB pair was determined to   .       
                       be the same as 19079+3043J  2945AB.                                     .       
                       19079+3039HLM  16AC renamed 19079+3043HLM  16AG, aka ABH 110AG.         .       
                       AB: Rectilinear solution by Hurowitz et al. (2014).                     USN2014b
19080+1745 BPMA 79     [PM2000] 1727055 + [PM2000] 1725133.                                    Gvr2010 
19080+1651 ISO   9     Aa,Ab is a spectroscopic binary, P = 22d. B is +16@3751.                .       
19080+1645 BPM 974     [PM2000] 1726469 + [PM2000] 1726319.                                    Gvr2010 
19080+1337 BPM 975     [PM2000] 1726786 + [PM2000] 1727065.                                    Gvr2010 
19081+2142 CHR  83     Discovered in a reanalysis of data for Bagnuolo et al. (1992), this     Bgn1992 
                       measure predates our "discovery" observation by more than one year.     Hrt1992b
19081+1630 BPM 977     [PM2000] 1727548 + [PM2000] 1727293.                                    Gvr2010 
19081+1259 BPM 976     [PM2000] 1727426 + [PM2000] 1727256.                                    Gvr2010 
19081-2650 S   711     B is CD-27@13592.                                                       .       
19082+1702 BPMA 80     [PM2000] 1728088 + [PM2000] 1727867.                                    Gvr2010 
19082+0118 EVS  39     Primary is the Cepheid TT Aql.                                          Evs2016a
19082-1409 BRT 596     A likely plate flaw.                                                    Grv2021b
19083+5520 D    19     AB: Elongated 1863-1870                                                 D__1906A
19083+2522 HD178593    Hipparcos astrometric solution assumed circular orbit (e = omega = 0)   HIP1997d
                       Spectroscopic solution to these astrometric pairs given by Griffin      Grf2013a
                       (2013). Periods match "tolerably well," other common elements less so.  .       
19083-0726 EVS  40     Primary is the Cepheid V496 Aql.                                        Evs2016a
19083-3121 PRO 221     A is the Algol-type system V526 Sgr.                                    .       
19085+0218 J  1281     Pair is +15s, -2' from BD+02 3791. At -29s, -3' from J 1281 is a faint  .       
                       pair: 1954.580, 4.1deg, 4.39", mags 12.2, 12.5.                         Cou1955a
19086+3755 STF2473     CD: DEA 107.                                                            .       
19087+5630 TDS 970     Aka MLR 577.                                                            Dam2015b
19087+1527 BPM 978     [PM2000] 1731194 + [PM2000] 1731688.                                    Gvr2010 
19087+1244 BPM 979     [PM2000] 1731528 + [PM2000] 1731534.                                    Gvr2010 
19087-0708 DAM  53     B is IO Aql.                                                            Plt1934 
           PLT   5     C is IP Aql.                                                            Plt1934 
19088+3446 STF2470     B is BD+34 3436. A is a spectroscopic binary.                           .       
19088+1433 BPM 980     [PM2000] 1731709 + [PM2000] 1731154.                                    Gvr2010 
19088+1304 OL   91     Not found by Heintz at IDS position.                                    Hei1990b
19089+3404 COU1462     More observations needed to define orbit.                               .       
                       Elements determined by Mante (1999) were also published by the same     Mnt1999b
                       author in Obs. Trav. SAF 52, 44, 2000.                                  .       
                       Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and spectroscopic   .       
                       masses of 1.51 +/- 0.20, 1.34, and 0.58 Msun, respectively.             Mlk2012 
19090+0604 LSC 129     19 Aql.                                                                 .       
19091+4502 ARG  83     AC pair originally listed as BC, but all measures were from A to AC.    .       
19091+3436 STF2474     B is BD+34 3438.                                                        .       
                       AB: NLTT 47474/47473                                                    Chm2004 
                       AB: B is exoplanet host, P=71.5d.                                       Tok2014d
           CHR  84     Aa,Ab: 1985.5232: This autocorrelogram was remeasured; the new results  .       
                       are listed here.                                                        .       
                       The paper by Tokovinin et al. (2000) also includes a combined           Tok2000a
                       spectroscopic/astrometric solution for orbital elements and masses.     .       
                       Aa,Ab: Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and          .       
                       spectroscopic masses 5.43 +/- 2.10, 2.39, and 1.02 Msun, respectively.  Mlk2012 
                       Aa,Ab: SB2, P=3.540y.                                                   Tok2014d
                       Combined solution by Farrington et al. (2014) yields masses 0.802 +/-   .       
                       0.055 and 0.622 +/- 0.053 Msun, as well as an orbital parallax 28.26    .       
                       +/- 1.70 mas.                                                           CIA2014a
19091+1325 BPM 981     [PM2000] 1733900 + [PM2000] 1733074.                                    Gvr2010 
19092+4649 DEA 477     JKA  28. KIC 9942242/9942231.                                           .       
19092+1301 BPM 982     [PM2000] 1734282 + [PM2000] 1734644.                                    Gvr2010 
19092+0325 STF2462     An incorrect DM designation in the BDS resulted in an imprecise WDS     .       
                       designation and later "rediscovery" of this system by Soulie (2006).    Sle2006b
                       The 19107+0326 SLE 932 pairs have been merged with the Struve system.   StF1837 
                       The A and B components were switched at some point post-IDS; all        .       
                       components have been corrected back to their original identifications.  .       
19093+3912 FMR 144     AB: JKA  29. KIC 4043389/4142913.                                       .       
19094+1550 BPM 985     [PM2000] 1735847 + [PM2000] 1735578.                                    Gvr2010 
19094+1336 BPM 986     [PM2000] 1735941 + [PM2000] 1735983.                                    Gvr2010 
19094+1305 BPM 984     [PM2000] 1735693 + [PM2000] 1736310.                                    Gvr2010 
19094+1300 BPM 983     [PM2000] 1735609 + [PM2000] 1736033.                                    Gvr2010 
19094-4939 HJ 5088     HJ 5088a.                                                               .       
19095+3839 KOI 118     Adams et al. (2012) theta values corrected to 360-theta                 Adm2012 
                       (reported by Dressing et al. (2014).                                    Dre2014 
19095+1925 HO  443     Also known as TDS 969.                                                  .       
19095+1552 BPM 988     [PM2000] 1736455 + [PM2000] 1736408.                                    Gvr2010 
19095+1511 J   480     BD+14 3806 (the A component) is at 251 deg, 62"                         Hei1983a
                       BC: Additional notes may be found in Jonckheere (1949).                 J__1949b
19095+1403 BPMA 81     [PM2000] 1736413 + [PM2000] 1734918.                                    Gvr2010 
19095+1341 BPM 987     [PM2000] 1736420 + [PM2000] 1735550.                                    Gvr2010 
19095-4934 HJ 9005     Previously known as HJ 5088d.                                           .       
19095-4937 HJ 9006     Previously known as HJ 5088b.                                           .       
19096+1321 BPM 989     [PM2000] 1736788 + [PM2000] 1736128.                                    Gvr2010 
19096-4940 HJ 9007     Previously known as HJ 5088c.                                           .       
19098+3849 ES 2035     The pair MLL 7 is identical                                             Hei1980a
19098+1315 BPM 990     [PM2000] 1738444 + [PM2000] 1738331.                                    Gvr2010 
19098-1948 B   427     A premature orbit has been computed. Voronov orbit rejected from        Vor1934 
                       Fourth Orbit Catalog ("probably not double")                            Wor1983 
                       Additional notes may be found in Wilson (1951).                         WRH1951 
19098-2101 FIN 311     pi Sgr = 41 Sgr = Albaldah                                              .       
19099+1610 BPM 991     [PM2000] 1738659 + [PM2000] 1737891.                                    Gvr2010 
19099+1511 BPM 992     [PM2000] 1739136 + [PM2000] 1738753.                                    Gvr2010 
19099+1323 BPMA 82     [PM2000] 1738693 + [PM2000] 1738578.                                    Gvr2010 
19099-6556 DON 948     CD-66@2279.                                                             .       
19099-6825 SHY 314     HIP  94150 + HIP  94154.                                                .       
19100+1237 BPM 993     [PM2000] 1739198 + [PM2000] 1739344.                                    Gvr2010 
19100+1232 KRV  26     Classical Cepheid V0916 Cyg.                                            .       
19101+1755 BPM 994     [PM2000] 1739811 + [PM2000] 1739029.                                    Gvr2010 
19101-2907 I  9005     Previously known as I  1136 1/2.                                        .       
19102+4657 KOI 959     Distance is 35.662 +/- 0.053 pc. Ma (Mb) = 0.24 (0.22) +/- 0.1 \msun.   Hor2024 
19102+0841 STF2468     HJL 263.                                                                HJL1986 
19104+4210 DEA 364     AC: JKA  31. KIC 6678383/6678367.                                       .       
19105+4612 DEA 398     JKA  32. KIC 9579208/9579191.                                           .       
19105+1556 BPM 995     [PM2000] 1742668 + [PM2000] 1742889.                                    Gvr2010 
19105-3000 UC 3830     CPM candidate confirmed physical by photometry (2MASS and V mags).      Tok2013c
19106+5429 A  1391     Prieur et al. (2014) derive a dynamical parallax of 6.2 mas and a       .       
                       total mass of 4.1 +/- 2.6 Msun (based on the revised Hipparcos          VlF2007 
                       parallax of van Leeuwen 2007).                                          Pru2014 
19106-4134 DEA   3     Published proper motion indicates all three are CPM, however, the       Dea2005 
                       values from UCAC4 presented here would indicate only BC is.             UC_2013a
19107+2114 BRT2452     J 3214.                                                                 .       
19107+1736 BPM 996     [PM2000] 1743664 + [PM2000] 1743756.                                    Gvr2010 
19108+4720 KOI  98     Kepler-14b is a hot Jupiter transiting one component of this close      .       
                       binary system.  The planet has an orbital period P = 6.7901230 +/-      .       
                       0.0000043d, a mass M = 8.40 +0.35/-0.34 Mjup, and a radius R = 1.136    .       
                       +0.073/-0.054 Rjup, yielding a density of 7.1 +/- 1.1 g/cc. It is one   .       
                       of the most massive transiting exoplanets yet discovered.               Lat2011 
19108+1318 BPM 997     [PM2000] 1744066 + [PM2000] 1743667.                                    Gvr2010 
19109+4414 DEA 313     JKA  33. KIC 8289464/8289460.                                           .       
19109+3018 JNN 121     The AstraLux images reveal 3 components in the 2MASS J19105480+3017476  .       
                       system. Due to their very compact configuration, the triple system is   .       
                       very likely physically bound. Only one epoch of imaging exists so far.  Jnn2012 
19110-0726 A    95     Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and spectroscopic   .       
                       masses of 6.01 +/- 4.00, 4.44, and 1.10 Msun, respectively.             Mlk2012 
19111+3847 STF2481     Mt. Wilson spectral type of A is G4.                                    .       
                       A,BC triple solution.                                                   Sod1999 
                       H 2  68                                                                 Bu_1906 
           SE    2     Mt. Wilson spectral type of BC is K0.                                   .       
                       SE 2 is the np component of STF 2481 (van den Bos).                     B__1925a
                       The pair BC is 4.5" Nf star A (mag. 8.4, G5) and is in slow             B__1960b
                       retrograde motion about it. The combined light of B and C is            .       
                       slightly brighter than that of A; thus the quadrant of A,BC             .       
                       (= STF 2481) is sometimes confused.                                     .       
                       BC: Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and             .       
                       spectroscopic masses 2.04 +/- 0.45, 2.02, and 0.95 Msun, respectively.  Mlk2012 
           TAR   4     DE: 3' south of ADS 12145. Heintz identifies this with HLM  17          Hei1990b
                       (aka ADS 12149).                                                        .       
19113+1317 BPM 998     [PM2000] 1746728 + [PM2000] 1746950.                                    Gvr2010 
19116-5642 HRG 130     Spectrum: G8/K0III+A/F.                                                 .       
19118+2615 STF2480     STF2495.                                                                .       
19118-5319 FIN  68     Rapid direct motion.                                                    .       
19120+5057 KOI 153     Adams et al. (2012) theta values corrected to 360-theta                 Adm2012 
                       (reported by Dressing et al. (2014).                                    Dre2014 
19121+4951 STF2486     Mt. Wilson spectral type is G3.                                         .       
19121+4619 RAO 514     FL Lyr.                                                                 .       
19121+0254 AST   1     Hipparcos astrometric solution assumed circular orbit (e = omega = 0)   HIP1997d
                       Papers by Franz et al. (1998) and Benedict et al. (2001) both include   AST1998 
                       orbital elements and detailed discussions of component masses, etc.     AST2001 
                       Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and spectroscopic   .       
                       masses of 0.57 +/- 0.31, 0.51, and 0.35 Msun, respectively.             Mlk2012 
19121+0237 BU 1204     Slightly variable. Alternate spectrum: B9eShell.                        .       
19121+0055 SCJ  19     B is BD+00@4131.                                                        .       
19124-3304 OL   22     Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and spectroscopic   .       
                       masses of 3.03 +/- 1.68, 2.44, and 1.07 Msun, respectively.             Mlk2012 
19124-5148 DUN 225     Spectrum of B: F6IV. B is CPD-52@11382                                  .       
                       Identified as optical and linear solution also published.               LRR2022c
19125+0306 J  2168     BAL 1978.                                                               .       
19125+2422 RAS  28     Includes the alpha2 CVn type variable star QW Vul.  Companion likely    .       
                       late-G.                                                                 Ras2014 
19125-0525 HIP  94370  Unresolved. Delta-mu and long-period SB, according to CfA.              Tok2013b
19126+6740 BUP 186     del Dra = 57 Dra = Altais                                               .       
                       Smyth's quoted separation is difference in RA only.                     Smy1844 
19126+5117 KOI2331     The system hosts a single 1.4 Rearth planet candidate with a 2.8 day    KOI2013a
                       period (Batalha et al. 2013).                                           Dre2014 
19126+1651 BU  139     AB: This object was misidentified as HD 179558 by McAlister et al.      McA1983 
                       V338 Sge, Algol-type eclipsing binary, P = 3.49784 d.                   Zas2011 
           STTA177     AC: Optical pair, based on study of relative motion of the components   .       
                       using the method of apparent motion parameters.                         Kiy2008 
           BU  139     AD/AE: Confusion in component designation, with the "D" component of    .       
                       the 29" AD pair not the same star as the "D" component of the 137" CD   .       
                       pair. The ADS identifies the two pairs as "Aa" and "CD", respectively.  A__1932a
                       The IDS changes "Aa" to "AP" (due to the lack of lower-case letters     IDS1963A
                       available on the IDS's computer punch cards). However, some measures    .       
                       of the pair are also listed erroneously as an additional pair in this   .       
                       system, identified as "AD". The two pairs were later recognized as      .       
                       being the same, and were merged under the "AD" designation in the WDS.  .       
                       The designation for 29" pair has been changed to "AE". Our thanks to    .       
                       Steve Smith (2014, private comm.) for pointing out the discrepancy.     .       
19126-2002 B   429     Measures uncertain, too close.                                          .       
19127+2435 A   264     Despite having an orbit, an optical pair based on parallax.             Mlk2022 
19127+2435 MAD   7     AC: Optical pair, based on study of relative motion of the components   .       
                       using the method of apparent motion parameters.                         Kiy2008 
                       AC: Rectilinear solution by Hurowitz et al. (2014).                     USN2014b
19127+0643 OSO 107     G022-019. AD, AE, AH, and AI are not common proper motion pairs, based  .       
                       on comparison with POSS2 red plates.                                    Oso2004 
19128+2957 BRT  37     19129+2957J  3300                                                       .       
19129+1528 J  2951     J 3274 is probably identical                                            Hei1983a
19129+1433 BPM 999     [PM2000] 1753880 + [PM2000] 1753476.                                    Gvr2010 
19130+4323 KOI1463     Primary is an eclipsing binary of Algol-type (detached).                .       
19130-0333 SCJ  20     B is BD-03@4511.                                                        .       
19130-3351 SCT   1     Aka ARY  77.                                                            .       
19131-7836 HJ 5073     B is CPD-78@1214.                                                       .       
19132+6312 AG  228     B is BD+62@1696.                                                        .       
19132+3908 HLM  19     ALI 884.                                                                .       
19133+0153 BAL1511     J 2169.                                                                 .       
19133-0036 OSO 108     G022-020. Not a common proper motion pair, based on comparison with     .       
                       POSS2 red plates                                                        Oso2004 
19133-0223 HJ  265     Herschel notes star is quadruple. A third companion is seen in the      .       
                       Carte du Ciel San Fernando results.                                     Gau1926a
19134-0246 J  1378     BAL 251.                                                                .       
19134-3215 PRO 223     A likely plate flaw.                                                    Grv2021b
19135+4321 KOI2722     This system contains four confirmed planets with radii of 1.4, 1.4,     .       
                       1.1, and 1.3 Rearth and one candidate planet with a radius of 1.3       KOI2014a
                       Rearth (Burke et al. 2014).                                             Dre2014 
19135+3902 SHJ 289     B is BD+38@3489.                                                        .       
                       H 5  42.                                                                MEv2010 
19135-1632 HJ 2856     Also known as J 1667.                                                   .       
19136+2012 HU  335     Very red; variable? Magnitude noted as 7.3 by Hussey, 8.0 by van        .       
                       Biesbroeck, 8.6 by van den Bos, 7.7 in 1953, 7.4 in 1954, 7.3 in 1966,  .       
                       and 8.3 in 1969. Listed as 7.95 in HD catalog.                          Baz1972 
19136-0824 J   535     J 2690.                                                                 .       
19137+2905 BRT 190     J 2956.                                                                 .       
19137+0218 HJ  879     21 Aql. A is the Alpha CVn-type variable V1288 Aql. Spectrum of B: F8V  .       
19138+4548 KOI2298     This system contains a 1 Rearth planet candidate with a 16.7 day orbit  .       
                       (Batalha et al. 2013). NEXSci also reports a 0.8 Rearth false positive  KOI2013a
                       with a 31.8 day period. We detected a companion 1.3 Ks mags fainter     .       
                       than KOI2298 at a distance of 1".47. The companion is expected to have  .       
                       Kp = 15.2 (dKp = 1.4), indicating that contamination may lead to a      .       
                       significant underestimate of the planet radius.  In the simple          .       
                       approximation that all light from the companion star is captured in     .       
                       the Kepler aperture, the radius estimate for the planet should be       .       
                       increased by 13% to account for the dilution if indeed the planet       .       
                       orbits the target star and the companion has Kp = 14.9. However, the    .       
                       companion may be the same object identified ~1" away from KOI2298 in a  .       
                       HIRES guider image. The estimated brightness contrast from the HIRES    .       
                       image is three mags, which implies companion is red enough that the     .       
                       dilution correction might be only a 3% change to the planet radius      Dre2014 
19138+3909 STF2487     eta Lyr = 20 Lyr = Aladfar. B is BD+38@3491. A is a spectroscopic       .       
                       binary.                                                                 .       
                       AB: H 4   2.                                                            MEv2010 
                       AB: SEI 581.                                                            Nsn2017b
19138+0632 BRT2180     J 2955.                                                                 .       
19139+5742 TOK 328     NPOI Limb-darkened diameter 1.630 +/- 0.028 mas, Sp = K2III,            NOI2018 
                       R = 8.87 +/- 0.17 \rsun, Teff = 4868 +/-124 K, L = 39.9 +/- 3.9 \lsun,  .       
                       M = 1.65 +/- 0.25 \msun, Age = 1.97 +/- 0.94 Gyr.                       .       
19139+2252 HJ 2859     AC: C component is primary of 19139+2250 HJ 2858.                       .       
19139+2250 HJ 2858     Primary is C component of 19139+2252 HJ 2859AC.                         .       
19139-4722 HJ 5092     B is CD-47@12795.                                                       .       
19140+3252 SEI 580     Secondary not seen in ALADIN image - possibly plate flaw                .       
19141+6707 HDS2722     Mean motion indicates P ~ 80 yr, rho decreasing.                        Msn1999b
19141+4057 KOI 283     Adams et al. (2012) theta values corrected to 360-theta                 Adm2012 
                       (reported by Dressing et al. (2014).                                    Dre2014 
19142+2308 STF2485     POU 3754.                                                               .       
19142+1445 BPM1001     [PM2000] 1758831 + [PM2000] 1758495.                                    Gvr2010 
19142+1418 BPM1000     [PM2000] 1758823 + [PM2000] 1758888.                                    Gvr2010 
19143+6754 STF2508     B is BD+67@1133.                                                        .       
19143+1904 STF2484     A premature orbit has been computed.                                    .       
                       The semi-major axis value of 2".041 in Hopmann (1973) is apparently a   Hop1973b
                       typo. The value was changed to 2".841 in the orbit catalog to better    .       
                       match the observations.                                                 .       
19143-0843 GC 26500    Hipparcos astrometric solution assumed circular orbit (e = omega = 0)   HIP1997d
19144+2026 BRT2453     Also known as J 2957.                                                   .       
19145+3434 STT 367     A,BC  HJL 264.                                                          HJL1986 
           HO  648     AD: Rectilinear solution by Hartkopf & Mason (2013).                    Hrt2013b
19146+6733 MLB 356     NSVS 1209822, W UMa-type eclipsing binary, period 0.43913 d.            Zas2018 
19146+3252 SEI 582     Secondary not seen in ALADIN image - possibly plate flaw                .       
19147+1918 LDS1020     Ross 733-4.                                                             .       
                       NLTT 47575/47576                                                        Chm2004 
           BWL  49     AC, AL, and AX: Colors and/or astrometry are inconsistent with a late-  .       
                       type common proper motion companion based on visual inspection of the   .       
                       field from 2MASS, SDSS, DSS1, and/or DSS2. Primary is GJ 9652.          Bwl2015 
19148+4950 UC 3864     JKA  39. KIC 11707001/11707004.                                         .       
19148+0100 J  1036     Aka TDT1315.                                                            .       
19149+0209 BAL1514     Ross 651.                                                               .       
19150+6354 MOT   1     B is BD+63@1502.                                                        .       
19150-1559 HWE  46     Primary is eclipsing binary of Beta Lyr -type, period 0.875 d.          Zas2012 
19153+1505 STTA178     B is BD+14@3845.                                                        .       
19155+2721 BRT3339     Originally published as BRT 191.                                        Brt1928 
19155+1713 BPM1003     [PM2000] 1763918 + [PM2000] 1763786.                                    Gvr2010 
19155+1510 BPM1002     [PM2000] 1763568 + [PM2000] 1763253.                                    Gvr2010 
19155-2515 B   430     psi Sgr = 42 Sgr. B is SB2, P = 10.78 d. Alternative spectra:           .       
                       F2:+F7III.                                                              .       
                       1982.5056: This autocorrelogram was remeasured; the new results are     .       
                       listed here.                                                            .       
                       Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and spectroscopic   .       
                       masses of 4.47 +/- 0.71, 3.83, and 4.22 Msun, respectively.             Mlk2012 
19156+3748 BRT2224     19157+3748ALI 618                                                       .       
19156-2411 HD 179949   Chauvin et al. (2006) note finding at least one faint companion         Cvn2006 
                       candidate within separation/magnitude range listed. However,            .       
                       further observations are required for verification                      .       
19158-4107 HIP  94668  Variable RB and large acceleration - close binary?                      Tok2013b
19159+2727 STT 371     A spectroscopic binary.                                                 .       
19159+2018 J  2959     Jonckheere gives BD as +20@4098, but position and magnitude agree with  J__1945 
                       BD+20@4090.                                                             .       
19160+1508 BPM1004     [PM2000] 1765754 + [PM2000] 1765647.                                    Gvr2010 
19160-0238 J  1380     BAL 252.                                                                .       
19161-2510 BRT3084AB   Aka J  1841.                                                            .       
19162+6333 MOT   2     B is BD+63@1506.                                                        .       
19162+2123 HJ 2862     1 Vul. A is a spectroscopic binary, P = 249.4d, and possibly variable.  .       
19162+1612 BPM1005     [PM2000] 1766442 + [PM2000] 1766083.                                    Gvr2010 
19163+4018 COU2280     TDT1335.                                                                .       
19164+3808 SHJ 292     the Lyr = 21 Lyr. B is BD+37@3399.                                      .       
                       AB: H 6  56.                                                            MEv2010 
                       NPOI Limb-darkened diameter    2.357 +/- 0.045 mas,                     .       
                       R =   60.31 (+1.92-1.99 )  \rsun,  Teff = 4523 +/-  44 K,               .       
                       L = 1374.  +/-  73.  \lsun.                                             NOI2023 
19164+1612 BPM1006     [PM2000] 1767230 + [PM2000] 1766880.                                    Gvr2010 
19164-2521 HJ 5101     B is CD-25@13879.                                                       .       
19165+3910 A   158     SEI 587.                                                                Nsn2017b
19166+1503 BPM1007     [PM2000] 1768050 + [PM2000] 1768125.                                    Gvr2010 
19167+3308 HO  102     STF2493.                                                                .       
19167-4553 RST4036     Strange (but useable) reference point for the Transit Data due to       .       
                       reversed signs for proper motions in the Hipparcos Input Catalog.       Sod1999 
                       Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and spectroscopic   .       
                       masses of 1.24 +/- 0.20, 1.14, and 0.60 Msun, respectively.             Mlk2012 
19168+6742 STF2514     D is BD+67@1142. Delta(RA) +104"; delta(DEC) -162".                     .       
19168+0141 BAL1515     J 2257.                                                                 .       
19169+1359 BPM1008     [PM2000] 1769464 + [PM2000] 1769180.                                    Gvr2010 
19169+0510 LDS6334     Proper motion of A -603 -1339.                                          .       
                       CHARA Array Limb-darkened diameter of A : 0.836 +/- 0.051 mas           CIA2006 
                       R = 0.526 +/- 0.032 \rsun, Teff = 3368 +/- 137 K.                       .       
19169-1058 BU  140     AB: Optical pair, based on study of relative motion of the components   .       
                       using the method of apparent motion parameters.                         Kiy2008 
19170+3332 ES  351     ES 2292.                                                                .       
19171+0920 STT 370     B is the Algol-type system V342 Aql.                                    .       
                       A 180.5-d spectroscopic orbit has been found for the A component.       Grf2012 
19172+1403 BPM1009     AB: [PM2000] 1770724 + [PM2000] 1770299.                                Gvr2010 
           BPM1010     BC: [PM2000] 1770299 + [PM2000] 1769858.                                Gvr2010 
19172+0143 B  2875     Nova Aquilae 1936. Undoubtedly of the same character as the other       .       
                       measures of such objects, and not a true double star.                   .       
19172-6640 GLE   3     Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and spectroscopic   .       
                       masses of 4.89 +/- 1.65, 4.28, and 3.40 Msun, respectively.             Mlk2012 
19173+2702 BRT3340     Originally published as BRT 192.                                        Brt1928 
19173-3331 VOU  14     SWR 262.                                                                .       
19174+2416 GCB  37     Position in error and found single                                      Hei1980a
19174+1640 BPM1011     [PM2000] 1771245 + [PM2000] 1770821.                                    Gvr2010 
19174+1253 BPM1012     [PM2000] 1771545 + [PM2000] 1771276.                                    Gvr2010 
19177+2302 BU  248     2 Vul. A is the Beta CMa-type variable ES Vul.                          .       
19177+1531 BPM1013     [PM2000] 1772762 + [PM2000] 1772823.                                    Gvr2010 
19177+0847 HJ 5509     Primary is eclipsing binary of W UMa-type, period 0.520681 day.         Zas2013 
19178+2411 GCB  73     Many measures of this pair erroneously assigned to GCB  37.             .       
19178-5007 RST1031     CPD-50@11025.                                                           .       
19179+2522 BUP 187     B is BD+25@3783.                                                        .       
                       Optical pair, based on study of relative motion of the components       .       
                       using the method of apparent motion parameters.                         Kiy2008 
19180+2012 COU 321     1986.394: Separation of this partially resolved pair was calculated     .       
                       under the assumption of zero or otherwise known magnitude difference.   Tok1985 
19180+1459 BPM1014     [PM2000] 1774045 + [PM2000] 1774336.                                    Gvr2010 
19181+1718 BPM1015     [PM2000] 1774148 + [PM2000] 1773980.                                    Gvr2010 
19181+0351 HEI 873     Aka BAL2507.                                                            Dam2016d
19181-1557 S   716     Appears to also be STN  46 (formerly at 19267-1557) with an RA error.   .       
19182+4928 DEA 408     JKA  45. KIC 11503111/11503101.                                         .       
19182-1852 H 5  77     H V 77.                                                                 .       
19182-3823 TOK  33     Confirmed by 2MASS, with consistent position as further evidence of     .       
                       physical nature. Primary is 2.5d SB. Estimated period of visual pair    .       
                       6600y.                                                                  Tok2006 
19183+1450 BPM1016     [PM2000] 1774996 + [PM2000] 1774899.                                    Gvr2010 
19185+0105 STF2492     23 Aql.                                                                 .       
                       AB: H 1  14.                                                            MEv2010 
19187+4042 KOI1677     KOI1677 hosts a 2.2 Rearth planet candidate with a 52.1 day orbit and   .       
                       a 0.8 Rearth candidate with a 8.5 day orbit (Batalha et al. 2013).      KOI2013a
                       Assuming that all of the flux from the target star and the companion    .       
                       is captured in the Kepler aperture and that the planet orbits the       .       
                       target star, the planet radius estimate should be increased by roughly  .       
                       2% to account for the contamination from the nearby star.               Dre2014 
19188+1937 AG  432     U Sge.                                                                  .       
19188+1736 HU  337     Not seen for certain after 1960, until 1987.                            .       
19188+1629 RAO  67     A is SB2, P=5.480d.                                                     Tok2014d
19188+0020 STFA 40     24 Aql. Alternate spectral type of A:                                   .       
                       K0IIIa:Ba0.3CH1.                                                        .       
19189+4952 ES 1095     AB: JKA  47. KIC 11709006/11709022.                                     .       
19189+1507 BPM1017     [PM2000] 1777397 + [PM2000] 1777772.                                    Gvr2010 
19189+1237 BPM1018     [PM2000] 1777497 + [PM2000] 1777524.                                    Gvr2010 
19190+4138 KOI3158     A,BC: Kepler-444 is a metal-poor triple system that hosts five          .       
                       sub-Earth-sized planets. The secondary is an SB2 consisting of two M    .       
                       dwarfs. Dupuy et al. (2016) determine an eccentric orbit of A,BC and    .       
                       derive mass ratios (M_B + M_C)/M_A = 0.71 and M_C/M_B = 0.86 +/- 0.03.  .       
                       Limits are determined for the BC orbit, with a <10mas. System mass is   .       
                       1.30 +/- 0.06 Msun.                                                     Dup2016b
19190+3916 STF2502     Primary is an eccentric Algol-type eclipsing binary, period 8.64731d.   Zas2010 
                       Also known as KOI3156.                                                  .       
19190-3317 TOK 624     AC: C component is the primary of 19209-3303 HJ 5107.                   .       
19192+4333 DEA 302     JKA  48. KIC 7816387/7816381.                                           .       
19192+4321 DEA 476     JKA  49. KIC 7676737/7676799.                                           .       
19192+2847 DOO  73     Not found by Van Biesbroeck and van den Bos. Object may be 3' south.    .       
19192+2844 VBS  28     This may be same as DOO 73, ADS 12308. No other pair nearby.            .       
19192+1519 BPM1019     [PM2000] 1778568 + [PM2000] 1778992.                                    Gvr2010 
19192+0401 HJ 2864     STF3124.                                                                .       
19194+1514 BPM1020     [PM2000] 1779043 + [PM2000] 1779116.                                    Gvr2010 
19196+5125 UC 3884     JKA  50. KIC 12507868/12507882.                                         .       
19196+3720 CIA   2     Combined solution yield Ma = 0.941 +/- 0.076 \msun,                     CIA2018d
                       Mb = 0.926 +/- 0.075 & orbital parallax of 41.1 +/- 0.8 mas.            .       
19197+1222 S   717     28 Aql. STTA179 = H 5  34.                                              .       
                       A is the Delta Scuti-type variable V1208 Aql.                           .       
19199+3532 STF2505     Spectrum composite; A0+K.                                               .       
19200+2756 EVS  41     Primary is the Cepheid V473 Lyr.                                        Evs2016a
19200+1510 BPM1021     [PM2000] 1781304 + [PM2000] 1781405.                                    Gvr2010 
19200+1439 BPM1022     [PM2000] 1781388 + [PM2000] 1781600.                                    Gvr2010 
19200+0535 STF2497     B is BD+05@4114.                                                        .       
19201+3752 ES 2489     A is the Mira-type variable U Lyr.                                      .       
19201+2639 STTA181     B is BD+26@3528.                                                        .       
                       A: Ren & Fu (2013) calculated an astrometric orbit, combining           .       
                       Hipparcos Intermediate Astrometric Data with spectroscopic elements by  .       
                       Griffin (1982). They derived component masses 1.45 and 1.19 Msun and    Grf1982a
                       an estimated semimajor axis of 12.85 mas.                               Ren2013 
19202+3441 POP 204     AKA WFC 220                                                             .       
19202+0403 STF2498AB   A is a close spectrscopic binary (1137.2-d) as is B (90.508-d).         Grf2010c
                       Their respective gamma velocities are consistent with them being        .       
                       physical but of extreme orbital period.                                 .       
19203+0056 BAL1202     J  1382.                                                                Nsn2016 
19204-1034 HU   72     A is variable.                                                          .       
19205+1519 BPM1023     [PM2000] 1782664 + [PM2000] 1782585.                                    Gvr2010 
19205-0525 ISO  10     Aa,Ab: 26 Aql. Aa,Ab is a spectroscopic binary, P = 266.5d.             .       
                       Hipparcos astrometric solution adopted some elements from the orbit of  HIP1997d
                       Franklin (1952).                                                        Frn1952 
                       The astrometric orbit is relative to the spectroscopic elements, not    .       
                       the speckle pair, which is not real.                                    .       
19206+3911 STF3131     SEI 590.                                                                Nsn2017b
19206-0645 HDS2735     AB + TOK 432AC: HIP 95068 is the neglected Hipparcos binary HDS 2735    .       
                       AB, a distant K-type giant. We did not resolve this 0".1 binary, which  .       
                       remains unconfirmed, but detected instead another faint star at 1".     .       
                       The stellar background is crowded, the PM is small, and the status of   .       
                       the new companion remains uncertain.                                    Tok2015c
19206-0740 LDS 678     A is a white dwarf. B is variable.                                      .       
                       AB: NLTT 47693/47691                                                    Chm2004 
                       AB: GJ 9653.                                                            Far2005b
19207+1425 STTA180     B is BD+14@3879.                                                        .       
19209-3303 HJ 5107     AB + TOK 433Aa,Ab: HIP 95106 and 95110 form the 13".7 pair HJ 5107 AB.  Tok2015c
                       The RV variability of A was suspected by the GCS, it is now resolved    .       
                       as a 0".27 binary with estimated period of ~35yr. The component B was   .       
                       also observed and found unresolved. It contains a spectroscopic pair,   Tok2018d
                       the whole system is quadruple.                                          Tok2015c
           TOK 433     Aa,Ab: Possible SB, no orbit.                                           Tok2014d
19209-5103 HJ 5104     B is CD-51@12042.                                                       .       
19212-1250 J  1672     Same as J  2693.                                                        .       
19213+5543 A  1395     Not seen since 1929.                                                    .       
19215+4231 JNN 122     The very close companion resolved by AstraLux is probably physically    .       
                       bound, but this has yet to be tested through proper motion analysis.    Jnn2012 
19215-0807 J  2265     J 2544 is identical.                                                    Hei1983a
19216+5223 BU 1129     Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and spectroscopic   .       
                       masses of 3.41 +/- 2.05, 3.61, and 1.89 Msun, respectively.             Mlk2012 
19216+4017 KOI 123     AC: Adams et al. (2012) theta values corrected to 360-theta             Adm2012 
                       (reported by Dressing et al. (2014).                                    Dre2014 
19216-1914 H 6 120     H VI 120.                                                               .       
19217+6956 ELD   1     Primary is NSV 11987 = DW Dra. The companion was seen during a visual   .       
                       check on the variable star by Elias & Locher; the relative astrometry   ElD1986 
                       and secondary magnitude are estimates (+/- 5deg, 0".5, 0.3mag).         .       
19217+2534 ES  483     A is the Algol-type system Z Vul.                                       .       
19217+0912 AG  229     B is BD+08@4056.                                                        .       
19217-1557 NOI   7     ups Sgr.                                                                .       
                       Massive interacting binary. Bonneau et al. (2011) orbit combines the    .       
                       spectroscopic elements of Koubsky et al. (2006 A&A 459, 849) with       .       
                       interferometric data by Netolicky et al. (2009 A&A 499, 827) and new    .       
                       CHARA array data.                                                       Bnu2011 
                       Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and spectroscopic   .       
                       masses of 10.60 +/- 7.39, 32.14, and 1.35 Msun, respectively.           Mlk2012 
19217-1715 HO  272     AB: Optical pair, based on study of relative motion of the components   .       
                       using the method of apparent motion parameters.                         Kiy2008 
                       AC: Nothing in the field appears to match Hough's measure.              Ho_1899a
                       AB: Rectilinear solution by Hurowitz et al. (2014).                     USN2014b
19218+7708 HDS2740     Rectilinear solutions by Cvetkovic (2015)                               Cve2015b
                       and Cvetkovic et al. (2016).                                            Cve2016b
19218+3959 DEA 404     JKA  54. KIC 4831350/4831378.                                           .       
19218+1737 BPM1024     [PM2000] 1785926 + [PM2000] 1785678.                                    Gvr2010 
19220+2512 RAS  29     Silicon star, type B9. B component estimated as F0-F2, C component as   .       
                       type K.                                                                 Ras2014 
19221-0444 STF2501     B is BD-05@4946.                                                        .       
19221-2931 SHY 753     HIP  95203 + HIP  95164.                                                .       
                       AB + TOK 423Aa,Ab: HIP 95203 is another acceleration binary with        .       
                       variable RV resolved here. The relatively large separation of 0".77     .       
                       corresponds to a period of ~180yr. The actual period can be as short    .       
                       as 60yr if the pair is seen now near its maximum separation (it would   .       
                       then have been closer at the time of the Hipparcos mission). Most       .       
                       likely, however, the faint visual companion found here and the          .       
                       spectroscopic/acceleration pair make a triple system. There is another  .       
                       companion HIP 95164 at 435". The status of this wide pair (is it a      .       
                       real binary or just two members of a moving group?) is not clear, but   .       
                       the association of those stars leaves no doubt (common RV, PM, and      .       
                       parallax).                                                              Tok2015c
19222+4808 KOI1316     Primary is Kepler exoplanet host star.                                  Adm2013 
19223+6118 MLB 173     FOX 85.                                                                 .       
19224+1459 J   822     Position corrected by Couteau. See measures of 19240+1507J  2964.       Cou1959a
                       Heintz confirms that these are different pairs.                         Hei1985a
19225+1610 BPM1025     [PM2000] 1787557 + [PM2000] 1787322.                                    Gvr2010 
19226+3709 ALI 389     A likely plate flaw.                                                    Grv2021a
19226-4428 DUN 226     bet 1 Sgr = Arkab Prior. B is CD-44@13278.                              .       
19228-3147 PRO 225     Secondary not seen; possibly plate flaw in Perth source catalog.        PrO1913 
19229-5425 LWR   3     eta Tel                                                                 .       
                       Probably a physical pair; spectral type M7-M8V, mass <50 Mjup,          .       
                       age < 30Myr for companion                                               Lwr2000 
                       Based on known proper motion of A component and very small change in    .       
                       separation between components over two years, conclude are likely       .       
                       physical pair.                                                          Gue2001 
                       Member of the bet Pic moving group.                                     Zuc2001b
           TOK 331     AC : Also known as CAB   9.                                             Cab2011 
19230+3925 GIC 156     G208-019/G208-020.                                                      .       
19232+1151 BPM1026     [PM2000] 1789274 + [PM2000] 1789251.                                    Gvr2010 
19234+2034 RAO  68     A is SB1 and asrometric binary (Makarov & Kaplan 2005), P=18.4y.        Mkr2005 
                       High-PM, metal-poor star.                                               Tok2014d
19235+2234 TDT1416     Assumed to be the once lost L    28 = BDS 9264.                         Dam2016d
19235-3432 COO 235     SWR 263. CPM pair                                                       Skf2004 
19235-6924 SHY 755     AC: HIP  95315 + HIP  95718.                                            .       
19236+3313 THA   1     Primary is Gl 758, a high-metallicity G9 dwarf atdistance of 15.5pc.    .       
                       The faint B component is found to share common proper motion. Mass of   .       
                       B is estimated to fall in range 10.3-34.3 Mjup, temperature 549-637K;   .       
                       spectral type T9. C component is considered candidate companion.        Tha2009 
                       Based on additional epoch astrometry, the C component appears to be a   .       
                       background star.                                                        Jnn2011 
                       AB: Nilsson et al. (2017) derive a spectral type for the secondary of   .       
                       T7.0 +/- 1. Teff = 741 +/- 25K; inferred mass is 40-50 Mjup.            Nln2017 
19238+3942 HJ 2870     AB: SEI 594.                                                            Nsn2017b
19238+3832 COU2201     Primary is an Algol-type eclipsing binary, orbital period 52.58 day.    Zas2011 
19239-2939 HJ 5110     SWR 264.                                                                .       
19240+2437 DOO9001     Aka TDS 988.                                                            .       
19240+1507 J  2964     J  3342.                                                                .       
                       Pair seen by Jonckheere sometimes confused with J 822, found at -1.6m   .       
                       and -7'. Did not see third companion noted by Jonckheere, which was     .       
                       apparently a diffuse star -0.5m from BD+14 3902.                        Cou1961a
19240-4557 I   116     Spectral type of C may be K.                                            .       
19241+1724 BPM1027     [PM2000] 1791664 + [PM2000] 1791770.                                    Gvr2010 
19243+2032 HDS2752     Mean motion indicates P ~ 80 yr, rho increasing.                        Msn1999b
19243+0305 HJ  885     J 2694. BAL 1983. J 1844.                                               .       
19244+1656 STFA 41     2 Sge. A spectroscopic binary.                                          .       
                       B is BD+16@3842. B is also a spectroscopic binary.                      .       
           HDS2753     Aa,Ab: Very weak detection in 1996.5425 (Hipparcos found dm geq 3.8)    Msn1999b
                       Fekel et al. (2013) derive a spectroscopic orbit for the primary, with  .       
                       P=7.392d and e=0.00613. Estimated masses are 2.08 and 1.67 Msun.        Fek2013a
19244-1400 LEO  44     J 1757. J 1674.                                                         .       
19246+5014 CH Cyg      Speckle interferometry can clarify the geometry of this symbiotic       .       
                       star: adopting a 5750-day period, eccentricity = 0, and distance of     .       
                       100 pc, and assuming the total mass of the system is small              .       
                       (Wallerstein, 1983 PASP, 95, 564), we obtain rho ~ 0".07. Joint         .       
                       speckle interferometric observations with Bonneau and Foy on the 6-m    .       
                       telescope in October 1981 also failed to disclose the companion.        Bag1984a
19248+0231 J  2965     BAL 1986.                                                               .       
19249+0150 H 6  47     H VI 47. B is BD+01@3987.                                               .       
19250+1157 STT 588     31 Aql.                                                                 .       
                       AB and AC: Optical pairs, based on study of relative motion of the      .       
                       components using the method of apparent motion parameters.              Kiy2008 
19251-2919 HJ 5113     Optical pair, based on study of relative motion of the components       .       
                       using the method of apparent motion parameters.                         Kiy2008 
19253-2431 FIN 327     chi 1 Sgr = 47 Sgr. We apparently view the pair at nearly 90 deg        .       
                       inclination, and since delta m for the components is near zero there is .       
                       considerable ambiguity between a high-eccentricity short-period orbit   .       
                       and a low-eccentricity long-period one.                                 .       
                       Orbital analysis included reanalysis of earlier CHARA speckle data in   .       
                       order to derive absolute quadrants and possibly resolve this period     .       
                       ambiguity.                                                              Hrt1993 
                       Alternate spectral classification: A3/5IV/V.                            .       
                       Hipparcos astrometric solution adopted some elements from the orbit of  HIP1997d
                       Finsen (1965).                                                          Fin1965b
                       Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and spectroscopic   .       
                       masses of 4.62 +/- 1.35, 4.51, and 1.00 Msun, respectively.             Mlk2012 
19254+2455 CHR  86     Aa,Ab: This system, first announced by McAlister and recalled in a      McA1984b
                       later McAlister paper after repeated attempts at confirmation, has      McA1993 
                       been restored. While perhaps still spurious, the subsequent             .       
                       confirmation or suspected duplicity (by another technique) makes the    .       
                       discovery measurement somewhat more probable.                           .       
           STT 589     AB: Optical pair, based on study of relative motion of the components   .       
                       using the method of apparent motion parameters.                         Kiy2008 
19254-6718 MLO  85     Hipparcos suspected non-single.                                         .       
19255+6820 LDS2436     LDS5244.                                                                .       
19255+1948 HJ 2871     4 Vul.                                                                  .       
                       AB: Optical pair, based on study of relative motion of the components   .       
                       using the method of apparent motion parameters.                         Kiy2008 
19255+0307 BNU   6     Aa,Ab: del Aql = 30 Aql. A is a spectroscopic binary, now resolved by   .       
                       speckle interferometry.                                                 .       
                       Hipparcos astrometric solution adopts some elements from the            HIP1997d
                       spectroscopic orbit of Kamper et al. (1989).                            Kpr1989 
                       The spectroscopic binary remains unresolved, BNU 6 is not real          Msn2023a
                       and the speckle measure from Bonneau & Foy 1980 is no good.             Bnu1980b
19256+0907 SOL   1     B is BD+08@4093.                                                        .       
19258-3006 I  1401     Spectrum: B9/9.5IV/V.                                                   .       
           WSI  91     Aa,Ab: The close WSI pair was initially given component designation     .       
                       Ba,Bb. However, Tokovinin et al. (2015) have determined that it was     Tok2015c
                       the A component that was split. Deisgnation has therefore been changed  .       
                       to Aa,Ab.                                                               .       
19260+3555 BU 1286     AB: SEI 600.                                                            Nsn2017b
19260+1533 A  1647     Bidelman classifies A as composite: gK+A.                               .       
19264+4928 YSC 134     Metal-poor SB2, spectroscopic orbit published by Tokovinin (1991).      Tok1991 
                       An astrometric orbit was deduced from Hipparcos data by Jancart et al.  Jnc2005 
                       (2005). The period derived for the visual orbit matches both the        .       
                       spectroscopic and astrometric solutions within the uncertainty, and     .       
                       other orbital parametrs are in reasonable agreement with the Tokovinin  .       
                       solution. The updated Hipparcos parallax (39.98 +/- 0.73 mas),          .       
                       combined with the orbit, yields a mass sum of 2.0 +/- 0.3 Msun. The     .       
                       composite spectral type is K3V; a magnitude difference of 0.8 mags      .       
                       makes the component spectral types roughly K1V + K4V, which suggests    .       
                       a mass sum of 1.2-1.5 Msun, accounting for the lower metallicity.       Hor2012b
                       For the Horch et al. (2015) combined solution, spectroscopic elements   .       
                       are fixed to those of Halbwachs et al. (2012).  Assigned spectral       HJL2012 
                       types are K2V and K4.5V; derived masses 0.74 and 0.68 Msun.             Hor2015 
                       Orbital parallax is 42.01 +/- 1.08 mas. Mass of the primary is          .       
                       0.695 +/- 0.066 \msun. Mass of the secondary is 0.621 +/- 0.058 \msun.  Doc2018h
19264+0149 H 6  48     H VI 48. B is BD+01@3996.                                               .       
19265+1953 STF2521     AB: H N  85.                                                            MEv2010 
19265+0020 BU 1469     nu Aql = 32 Aql. B is BD+00@4204.                                       .       
19266+3934 SEI 602     J 1157.                                                                 .       
19266+2719 STF2525     AB: CfA: RV of A or B can be variable                                   Tok2014d
19266+2530 STF2524     AB: H N 100.                                                            MEv2010 
                       AB: Additional notes may be found in Fatou (1941).                      Fat1941 
19268+5009 STTA182     B is BD+49@3011.                                                        .       
                       AD: Optical pair, based on study of relative motion of the components   .       
                       using the method of apparent motion parameters.                         Kiy2008 
19268+2110 STF2523     AB: H 3  57.                                                            MEv2010 
           KRU   8     J 2968. Probable light and velocity variations.                         .       
19268+1638 BPM1028     [PM2000] 1800161 + [PM2000] 1799927.                                    Gvr2010 
19269-5813 HJ 5108     CD-58@7433.                                                             .       
19277+3632 STF2534     H 2  69.                                                                MEv2010 
19277+1229 BPM1029     [PM2000] 1803202 + [PM2000] 1803245.                                    Gvr2010 
19277-1821 TOK 367     First resolution; estimated period 9yr.                                 Tok2013b
19278-5420 HJ 5114     AE. Herschel notes "some doubt".                                        .       
19279+7316 PAL   1     Aka WFC 221.                                                            .       
19282+1400 AG  381     100deg error in first published measure.                                .       
19282-1209 SCJ  22     Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and spectroscopic   .       
                       masses of 1.88 +/- 0.54, 1.89, and 0.91 Msun, respectively.             Mlk2012 
19284+0821 HD 183263   Chauvin et al. (2006) note finding at least one faint companion         Cvn2006 
                       candidate within separation/magnitude range listed. However,            .       
                       further observations are required for verification                      .       
           GNS   2     Proper motion analysis suggests both companions are background stars.   Gns2012 
19285+4156 KOI3117     This system hosts a 1.5 Rearth planet candidate with a 6.1 day period   KOI2014a
                       (Burke et al. 2014).                                                    Dre2014 
19285-2600 HJ 5119     SWR 266.                                                                .       
19286+3808 SEI 604     JKA  61. KIC 2992956/2992960.                                           .       
19287+3437 LTT15689    Hipparcos astrometric solution assumed circular orbit (e = omega = 0)   HIP1997d
                       Spectroscopic solution to these astrometric pairs given by Griffin      Grf2013a
                       (2013). Periods match "tolerably well," other common elements less so.  .       
19287+2440 STFA 42     8 Vul = alp Vul = Anser. B is BD+24@3761, spectrum K0III.               .       
19288+4203 KOI2838     This system hosts a 0.7 Rearth planet candidate with a 4.8 day period.  .       
                       The Kepler data also revealed a 7.7 day false positive (Burke et al.    KOI2014a
                       2014). We detected a companion 4.04 Ks mags fainter than KOI2838 at a   .       
                       distance of 1".75. The estimated Kp mag of the companion is Kp = 18.5   .       
                       (dKp = 5.0) and the approximate dilution correction is a 0.5% increase  .       
                       to the radius of the planet candidate. KOI 2838 does not display a      .       
                       significant source offset during transits.                              Dre2014 
19288+2653 BRT3342     Originally published as BRT 194.                                        Brt1928 
19289+3515 POP  34     AB: Rectilinear solution by Cvetkovic et al. (2015).                    Cve2015 
19289-4608 BRT1097     RST5605.                                                                .       
19290+4758 NRT   1     Primary is HAT-P-7 = Kepler-2, which hosts the 1.82 Mjup planet         .       
                       Hat-P-7b in a 2.2d orbit, with a=0.0386 au. Narita et al (2010)         Nrt2010 
                       estimate the spectral type of the B and C components at M9V-L0V and     .       
                       M5V-M6V, respectively, assuming they are both physical companions to    .       
                       HAT-P-7. However, they note that it is unlikely that both companions    .       
                       are physical, as the system would probably be unstable.                 .       
                       Narita et al. (2012) estimate spectral type of C component as M5.5V     .       
                       based on colors, and conclude the star shared common proper motion      .       
                       with HAT-P-7.                                                           Nrt2012 
19290-4952 SHY 319     HIP  95795 + HIP  96725.                                                .       
19291+4259 DEA 316     JKA  62. KIC 7364380/7364389.                                           .       
19291+3740 KOI 113     AC, AE: Adams et al. (2012) theta values corrected to 360-theta         Adm2012 
                       (reported by Dressing et al. (2014).                                    Dre2014 
19292+2917 MLB 652     Not found by Heintz at IDS position.                                    Hei1990b
19293+3024 RUC  25     A = V401 Cyg, eclipsing binary of W UMa type, period 0.582722 days.     Zas2015 
19293+2017 CIA  57     7 Vul.                                                                  .       
19293+0015 H 4  33     H IV 33. See note in BDS Vol II.                                        Bu_1906 
19293-0618 PLT   6     FZ Aql.                                                                 Plt1934 
19293-1742 HJ 5124     J 1384.                                                                 .       
19294+4740 KOI2961     This system hosts a single planet candidate with radius of 1.2 Rearth   .       
                       and an orbital period of 3.78 days (Burke et al. 2014). Our ARIES       KOI2014a
                       observations revealed a companion 6.94 Ks mags fainter than KOI2961 at  .       
                       distance of 1".95. The predicted Kp mag of the companion is Kp = 21.5   .       
                       (dKp = 8.9) and the estimated dilution correction is only 0.01% due to  .       
                       the large brightness contrast between KOI2961 and the companion.        Dre2014 
19294+1950 J  3241     Pair is BD+19 4040.                                                     Cou1955a
19294-0703 KUI  91     A is the Cepheid U Aql.                                                 .       
                       Aa,Ab: ISM   3. Ismailov made three observations of U Aql, but listed   Ism1992 
                       one observation as 19279+0659 and the others as 19279-0659. This        .       
                       typographical error led to the inclusion of 19279+0659ISM   3 in        .       
                       the WDS.                                                                .       
           TOK   4     Aa,Ab : Cepheid with a period of 7.02d. Distance = 592 +/- 19 pc.       GaA2019b
                       M_Aa, M_Ab = 6.2  +/- 0.8 , 2.2  +/- 0.2  /msun.                        .       
                       Masses are 5.7 and 2.3 Msun. Estimated period = 5.1y,                   .       
                       a = 5.9au = 0.01".                                                      Evs2013 
19295+3617 RUC  11     V2082 Cyg. Spectral type of resolved companion estimated at K2V.        Ruc2007 
19295+1241 BPM1030     [PM2000] 1810823 + [PM2000] 1810928.                                    Gvr2010 
19296+1224 A  1653     Prieur et al. (2014) derive a dynamical parallax of 3.3 mas and a       .       
                       total mass of 3.8 +/- 3.7 Msun (based on the original Hipparcos         HIP1997a
                       parallax) or 26 +/- 41 Msun (based on the revised Hipparcos parallax    VlF2007 
                       of van Leeuwen 2007).                                                   Pru2014 
19296+1200 BPM1031     [PM2000] 1811333 + [PM2000] 1811859.                                    Gvr2010 
19296-1239 HU   75     See Baize & Petit (1989) catalog of doubles with variable component.    Baz1989d
19297+0102 OSO 109     G092-006. AB, AC, AF, and AJ are not common proper motion pairs, based  .       
                       on astrometry and/or color                                              Oso2004 
19298+1236 BPMA 83     [PM2000] 1812289 + [PM2000] 1811725.                                    Gvr2010 
19298+1103 BPM1032     [PM2000] 1812029 + [PM2000] 1812133.                                    Gvr2010 
19298-6718 HJ 5109     B is CPD-67@3647.                                                       .       
19299-2659 H N 119     HDO 153.                                                                .       
19300+4920 KOI2771     This system was reported to have a 1.7 Rearth planet with a 0.8 day     .       
                       period, but this signal has been found to be a false positive           KOI2014a
                       (Burke et al. 2014).                                                    Dre2014 
19300+1148 BPM1033     [PM2000] 1813024 + [PM2000] 1812582.                                    Gvr2010 
19301+4743 DEA 475     JKA  64. KIC 10536753/10536761.                                         .       
19301+1142 BPM1034     [PM2000] 1813853 + [PM2000] 1813567.                                    Gvr2010 
19301+1117 GCB  41     Also known as J  2974, TOR  14, PAN  11.                                .       
19301-1518 J  1847     Spectrum: Fm Delta Del.                                                 .       
19302+5639 A   712     Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and spectroscopic   .       
                       masses of 9.74 +/- 6.20, 5.86, and 2.24 Msun, respectively.             Mlk2012 
19302+5525 ARG 104     B is BD+55@2212.                                                        .       
19302+1657 BPM1035     [PM2000] 1814163 + [PM2000] 1813717.                                    Gvr2010 
19302+1122 BPMA 84     [PM2000] 1814391 + [PM2000] 1812853.                                    Gvr2010 
19302+0254 STF2532     Bu_1932A and Ni_2003a BD measures originally assigned to BC.            .       
                       AB: H 5  31.                                                            MEv2010 
19303+1145 BPM1036     [PM2000] 1814746 + [PM2000] 1814383.                                    Gvr2010 
19304+1240 BPM1038     [PM2000] 1815404 + [PM2000] 1815631.                                    Gvr2010 
19304+1111 TOR  13     Formerly known as PAN  10.                                              .       
19304+1110 BPM1037     [PM2000] 1815401 + [PM2000] 1815873.                                    Gvr2010 
19305+1135 AG  384     B is BD+11@3864.                                                        .       
19306+1110 BPM1039     [PM2000] 1816847 + [PM2000] 1816218.                                    Gvr2010 
19307+2758 MCA  55     Aa,Ab: bet 1 Cyg = bet Cyg A = Albireo = 6 Cyg A. Resolved in 1976 by   .       
                       speckle interferometry and has also been seen visually.                 McA1982b
                       See the discussion of colors and magnitudes of this composite spectrum  .       
                       system by Bonneau & Foy (1980).                                         Bnu1980a
                       1977.4816: This object was incorrectly attributed to the system ADS     .       
                       12540 = STF  43 by McAlister (1979).                                    McA1979b
                       McAlister & Hendry (1982) also note a distant companion.                McA1982b
                       1983.4904: The distant companion reported by McAlister & Hendry (1982)  McA1982b
                       would be located beyond our 0".371 ACF window.                          Bag1984a
                       Spectral types of primary and secondary assigned by ten Brummelaar et   .       
                       al., based on adaptive optics observations.                             TtB2000 
                       1998.657: Absolute quadrant determined by triple-correlation technique  Pru2002b
                       Aa,Ac: Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical and spectroscopic masses   .       
                       50.66 +/- 15.18 and 22.40 Msun, respectively.                           Mlk2012 
                       Mk III Limb-darkened diameter  4.834 +/- 0.048 mas.                     MkT2003 
                       NPOI Limb-darkened diameter    4.904 +/- 0.035 mas,                     .       
                       R =   58.69 (+2.83-3.12 )  \rsun,  Teff = 4860 +/-  20 K,               .       
                       L = 1734.  +/- 174.  \lsun.                                             NOI2023 
           STFA 43     STTA183.                                                                .       
                       AB: B is BD+27@3411, spectrum B8V.                                      .       
                       The physicality of this wide pair has been discussed by Griffin.        Grf1999b
                       1995.559: Absolute quadrant determined by triple-correlation technique  Pru2002b
                       AB: H 5   5.                                                            MEv2010 
                       While A & B may share a common origin, it seems virtually certain that  Bst2018 
                       are not physically associated with each other. The parallax of A is     .       
                       9.95+/-0.60 mas while B is 8.38+/-0.17 mas.                             .       
           RBR  12     Ba,Bb: First resolved in 2002, after multiple non-detections, this is   Rbr2007 
                       now thought to be a measure of the known Aa,Ab pair MCA  55 with a much Rbr2013a
                       larger than expected position angle error.                              .       
19307+1237 BPM1041     [PM2000] 1817521 + [PM2000] 1817428.                                    Gvr2010 
19307+1157 BPM1040     [PM2000] 1817495 + [PM2000] 1817123.                                    Gvr2010 
19308+6337 HU  951     A premature orbit has been computed. Needs speckle.                     .       
19309+1208 BPM1044     [PM2000] 1818892 + [PM2000] 1818372.                                    Gvr2010 
19309+1205 BPM1042     [PM2000] 1818647 + [PM2000] 1818253.                                    Gvr2010 
19309+1201 BPM1043     [PM2000] 1818808 + [PM2000] 1818929.                                    Gvr2010 
19309+1137 OL   64     CD is 2' South.                                                         Hei1985a
19309-0631 HO  578     Optical pair, based on study of relative motion of the components       .       
                       using the method of apparent motion parameters.                         Kiy2008 
19310+3507 ES 2241     AB and BC: POP 95 AB and BC. WDS designation is considerably off,       .       
                       compared with precise coordinates.                                      .       
19310+1140 BPMA 85     [PM2000] 1819508 + [PM2000] 1817952.                                    Gvr2010 
19311+5835 MCA  56     Baize's (1989) value for omega was corrected from 0.0 to 180.0          Baz1989b
                       degrees by Ruymaekers & Nys (1995).                                     Ruy1995 
                       Spurious HIP solution for fast-moving 1.35 y pair. SB2 solution         .       
                       (#1162 in in Batten et al. 1989), speckle-spectroscopic orbit           Bte1989 
                       worthwile.                                                              Sod1999 
                       Pourbaix gives combined solution for this resolved SB2, yielding        Pbx2000b
                       orbital parallaxes and component masses.                                .       
                       Arenou (2000) gives combined solution of astrometric orbits and DSBs.   Are2000 
                       Paper includes masses and distances.                                    .       
                       The Farrington et al. (2010) orbit of this K2V + K4V? pair is based on  CIA2010 
                       spectroscopic, speckle, and K'-band CHARA Array separated fringe        .       
                       packet data. This orbit yields an orbital parallax of 59.2+/-2.04 mas   .       
                       and component masses of 0.82+/-0.09 and 0.77+/-0.09 Msun. The aperture  .       
                       and method, 8m and speckle, are set to give the resolution capability   .       
                       of this technique, which is less than classical interferometric         .       
                       methods.                                                                .       
                       Martin et al. (1998) derive component masses 1.217 +/- 0.172 and        .       
                       0.456 +/- 0.167 Msun.                                                   Mig1998 
                       Orbit determined by fitting revised Hipparcos intermediate astrometric  .       
                       data. Derived component masses 0.86 +/- 0.43 and 0.81 +/- 0.40 Msun.    Ren2010 
                       Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and spectroscopic   .       
                       masses of 1.59 +/- 0.07, 1.63, and 0.79 Msun, respectively.             Mlk2012 
                       Improved resolved SB2 orbit for this pair.                              Kie2018 
                       A: Teff = 5114 +/- 11 K, M = 0.833 +/- 0.031 \msun.                     .       
                       B: Teff = 4705 +/- 101 K, M = 0.812 +/- 0.030 \msun.                    .       
                       Orbital parallax = 56.10 +/- 0.81mas.                                   .       
                       Age = 2.2-7.9 Gyr.                                                      .       
19311+1204 BPM1045     [PM2000] 1819761 + [PM2000] 1819903.                                    Gvr2010 
19311-7348 GLI 295     This previously uncataloged double star was a Hipparcos double entry    .       
                       system.  The first measure is determined from the individual positions  .       
                       listed by Rousseau et al. Also known as RSS  33.                        Rss1996 
19312+6319 STF2549     STTA184.                                                                .       
19312+4338 A   595     A is the semiregular variable UV Cyg.                                   .       
19312+3607 GIC 158     G125-015/G125-014.                                                      .       
                       NLTT 47904/47903                                                        Chm2004 
                       While no candidates are visible in the AstraLux images, it is actually  .       
                       a triple system. G 125-15 itself is noted as a very close (<0.01 au)    .       
                       double-lined spectroscopic binary in Shkolnik et al. (2010 ApJ 716,     .       
                       1522). Additionally, there is a wide CPM companion at 46".              Jnn2014 
19312+1205 BPM1046     [PM2000] 1821052 + [PM2000] 1821056.                                    Gvr2010 
19313+4729 A   713     Primary is eclipsing binary V2083 Cyg (period 1.86749 day).             Zas2010 
                       Spectral types of the Aa and Ab stars are both about A7-A8. The mass    .       
                       and spectral type of the B component are uncertain; two reduction       .       
                       methods give discrepant results. Possible reasons include an incorrect  .       
                       Hipparcos parallax or duplicity of the companion.                       Zas2012c
19313-0207 D    20     A is the Algol-type system V822 Aql, P = 5.3d.                          .       
           STF2535     AC: Additional notes may be found in Burnham (1894).                    Bu_1894 
19314+1135 BPMA 86     [PM2000] 1822192 + [PM2000] 1820076.                                    Gvr2010 
19314+1036 BPM1047     [PM2000] 1822578 + [PM2000] 1823419.                                    Gvr2010 
19315-2053 HJ 2875     HJ 1403. HJ 1412.                                                       .       
19316+1747 STF2536     A premature orbit has been computed.                                    .       
19316+1337 BPM1049     [PM2000] 1824037 + [PM2000] 1824881.                                    Gvr2010 
19316+1249 BPM1048     [PM2000] 1823829 + [PM2000] 1824162.                                    Gvr2010 
19316+1204 BPM1050     AB: [PM2000] 1824111 + [PM2000] 1824879.                                Gvr2010 
           BPM1051     BC: [PM2000] 1824879 + [PM2000] 1824544.                                Gvr2010 
19317+5300 STF2542     AB: HLM  25.                                                            .       
19317+4836 KOI 124     Adams et al. (2012) theta values corrected to 360-theta                 Adm2012 
                       (reported by Dressing et al. (2014).                                    Dre2014 
19317+4506 BVD 267     JKA  65. KIC 8888543/8888573.                                           .       
19317+1300 BPM1052     [PM2000] 1824769 + [PM2000] 1824127.                                    Gvr2010 
19317+1038 BPM1053     [PM2000] 1824822 + [PM2000] 1824619.                                    Gvr2010 
19317+0848 BU 1470     Involved with a very faint nebula, HJ 2043.                             .       
19318+1244 BPMA 87     [PM2000] 1824949 + [PM2000] 1826976.                                    Gvr2010 
19318+1209 BPM1055     [PM2000] 1825562 + [PM2000] 1825777.                                    Gvr2010 
19318+1153 BPMA 88     AB: [PM2000] 1825589 + [PM2000] 1826582.                                Gvr2010 
           BPMA 89     AC: [PM2000] 1825589 + [PM2000] 1826993.                                Gvr2010 
           BPMA 90     BD: [PM2000] 1826582 + [PM2000] 1827191.                                Gvr2010 
           BPM1059     BC: [PM2000] 1826582 + [PM2000] 1826993.                                Gvr2010 
           BPMA 91     CD: [PM2000] 1826993 + [PM2000] 1827191.                                Gvr2010 
19318+1150 BPM1054     [PM2000] 1825094 + [PM2000] 1824821.                                    Gvr2010 
19318+1104 BPM1056     [PM2000] 1825566 + [PM2000] 1825101.                                    Gvr2010 
19319+1229 BPM1058     [PM2000] 1825830 + [PM2000] 1826607.                                    Gvr2010 
19319+1113 BPM1057     [PM2000] 1825809 + [PM2000] 1826576.                                    Gvr2010 
19320+1238 BPM1060     AB: [PM2000] 1826953 + [PM2000] 1826793.                                Gvr2010 
           BPM1061     AC: [PM2000] 1826953 + [PM2000] 1826942.                                Gvr2010 
19321+3221 HU  945     AC: SEI 618.                                                            Nsn2017b
19321+2816 STF2539     AC: H 2  99.                                                            MEv2010 
19321+2653 BRT3344     Originally published as BRT 195.                                        Brt1928 
19321+1204 BPM1062     AB: [PM2000] 1827238 + [PM2000] 1827503.                                Gvr2010 
           BPM1063     BC: [PM2000] 1827503 + [PM2000] 1827581.                                Gvr2010 
19321+1136 BPM1064     [PM2000] 1827494 + [PM2000] 1827935.                                    Gvr2010 
19322+1237 BPMA 93     [PM2000] 1828662 + [PM2000] 1829919.                                    Gvr2010 
19322+1202 BPM1065     [PM2000] 1828197 + [PM2000] 1828901.                                    Gvr2010 
19322+1148 BPM1066     [PM2000] 1828595 + [PM2000] 1829480.                                    Gvr2010 
19322+1146 BPMA 92     [PM2000] 1828537 + [PM2000] 1827948.                                    Gvr2010 
19322+0630 BU  650     E is BD+06@4177.                                                        .       
19323+1212 BRT1319     J 2550.                                                                 .       
19323+1201 BPM1067     [PM2000] 1828790 + [PM2000] 1829827.                                    Gvr2010 
19323+0132 BAL1521     Incorrectly listed as BD+11 3879 in the WDS, although the source of     .       
                       that attribution is unknown.                                            .       
19324+6940 STT 590     sig Dra = 61 Dra = Alsafi. Proper motion of A: +593-1738. B : -010-014. .       
                       Optical pair, based on study of relative motion of the components       .       
                       using the method of apparent motion parameters.                         Kiy2008 
                       CHARA Array Limb-darkened diameter  1.254 +/- 0.012 mas,                CIA2008d
                       R =  0.778 +/- 0.008 \rsun, Teff = 5299 +/- 32,                         .       
                       L =  0.428 +/- 0.013 \lsun.                                             .       
                       CHARA Array Limb-darkened diameter  1.254 +/- 0.012 mas,                CIA2012e
                       R =  0.776 +/- 0.008 \rsun, L =  0.410 +/-0.006 \lsun,                  .       
                       Teff = 5255 +/-  31 K.                                                  .       
19324+1147 BPM1068     AB: [PM2000] 1829523 + [PM2000] 1829115.                                Gvr2010 
           BPM1069     BC: [PM2000] 1829115 + [PM2000] 1829331.                                Gvr2010 
19324+1142 BPMA 94     [PM2000] 1830084 + [PM2000] 1828135.                                    Gvr2010 
19324+1033 BPM1070     [PM2000] 1829721 + [PM2000] 1830060.                                    Gvr2010 
19324+1026 BPM1071     [PM2000] 1829726 + [PM2000] 1829534.                                    Gvr2010 
19324-2244 DON 961     CD-22@14037.                                                            .       
19325+4056 KOI 555     Primary is Kepler exoplanet host star.                                  Adm2013 
19325+1146 BPM1074     [PM2000] 1830857 + [PM2000] 1830665.                                    Gvr2010 
19325+1110 TOR  15     Formerly known as PAN  12.                                              .       
19325+1036 BPM1072     AB: [PM2000] 1830345 + [PM2000] 1831165.                                Gvr2010 
           BPM1073     BC: [PM2000] 1831165 + [PM2000] 1830121.                                Gvr2010 
19326+1153 BPMA 95     [PM2000] 1831148 + [PM2000] 1833114.                                    Gvr2010 
19326+1143 BPMA 96     [PM2000] 1831455 + [PM2000] 1832847.                                    Gvr2010 
19327+1207 BPM1075     [PM2000] 1831930 + [PM2000] 1832682.                                    Gvr2010 
19327+1159 BPM1078     [PM2000] 1832573 + [PM2000] 1832479.                                    Gvr2010 
19327+1102 BPM1077     [PM2000] 1832501 + [PM2000] 1832358.                                    Gvr2010 
19327+1035 BPM1076     [PM2000] 1832027 + [PM2000] 1832447.                                    Gvr2010 
19328+3001 RAO 515     V885 Cyg.                                                               .       
19328+1219 BPM1079     [PM2000] 1832647 + [PM2000] 1832867.                                    Gvr2010 
19328+1138 BPMA 97     [PM2000] 1832820 + [PM2000] 1830918.                                    Gvr2010 
19329+3028 BKO 517     Anon. 29.                                                               Bko2009d
19329+1223 BPM1082     [PM2000] 1834138 + [PM2000] 1834697.                                    Gvr2010 
19329+1201 BPM1080     [PM2000] 1833742 + [PM2000] 1834648.                                    Gvr2010 
19329+1200 BPM1081     [PM2000] 1834124 + [PM2000] 1833975.                                    Gvr2010 
19329+1149 BPMA 98     [PM2000] 1833735 + [PM2000] 1831835.                                    Gvr2010 
19329-1735 FEN  35     A likely plate flaw.                                                    Grv2021b
19330+1307 BPM1084     [PM2000] 1835031 + [PM2000] 1834509.                                    Gvr2010 
19330+1144 BPMA 99     [PM2000] 1835062 + [PM2000] 1836500.                                    Gvr2010 
19330+1104 BPM1083     [PM2000] 1834841 + [PM2000] 1835945.                                    Gvr2010 
19331+1655 BPM1089     [PM2000] 1835632 + [PM2000] 1835981.                                    Gvr2010 
19331+1338 BPM1085     AB: [PM2000] 1835445 + [PM2000] 1836113.                                Gvr2010 
           BPM1086     BC: [PM2000] 1836113 + [PM2000] 1835389.                                Gvr2010 
19331+1155 BPM1088     [PM2000] 1835631 + [PM2000] 1834728.                                    Gvr2010 
19331+1150 BPM1087     [PM2000] 1835624 + [PM2000] 1836609.                                    Gvr2010 
19331+0725 BUP 192     AB: Also known as FOX 244.                                              .       
19331-4954 HJ 5125     B is CD-50@12544.                                                       .       
19332+6010 STFA 44     STTA186. B is BD+59@2059.                                               .       
19332+1808 BPM1090     [PM2000] 1836618 + [PM2000] 1836364.                                    Gvr2010 
19332+1241 BPMA100     [PM2000] 1836171 + [PM2000] 1838669.                                    Gvr2010 
19332+1130 BPMA101     [PM2000] 1836746 + [PM2000] 1836809.                                    Gvr2010 
19333+3329 HO  108     No measures 1907-1944, and then uncertain until 1955.                   .       
19333+3235 RAS  30     SrCuEu star, type A9; companion late K.                                 Ras2014 
19333+1248 BPM1094     [PM2000] 1837489 + [PM2000] 1837396.                                    Gvr2010 
19333+1207 BPM1093     [PM2000] 1837109 + [PM2000] 1837896.                                    Gvr2010 
19333+1039 BPM1091     [PM2000] 1836821 + [PM2000] 1836541.                                    Gvr2010 
19333+1026 BPM1092     [PM2000] 1836932 + [PM2000] 1837920.                                    Gvr2010 
19333-4706 RSS  34     This previously uncataloged double star was a Hipparcos double entry    .       
                       system.  The first measure is determined from the individual positions  .       
                       listed by Rousseau et al.                                               Rss1996 
19334+2403 POU3907     J  2977.                                                                .       
19334+1210 BPMA102     [PM2000] 1838182 + [PM2000] 1840014. 100deg error in theta.             Gvr2010 
19334+1106 BPM1095     [PM2000] 1838434 + [PM2000] 1838063.                                    Gvr2010 
19334+0227 BAL1998     J 1849.                                                                 .       
19335+4447 KOI1279     This system contains two short-period planet candidates with radii of   .       
                       1.6 and 0.9 Rearth (Borucki et al. 2011; Batalha et al. 2013). KOI1279  KOI2011 
                       does not exhibit a large source offset during transits, which supports  KOI2013a
                       the interpretation that the planet candidates orbit the target star.    Dre2014 
19335+3610 HJ 1414     The first Sei1908 measure at epoch 1895.5 is of a pair that does not    .       
                       exist.  The secondary component of this pair is a bogus AC2000.2        .       
                       position.  Sometimes these positions occur in the AC2000.2 catalog.     .       
                       SEI 630. SEI 631.                                                       Nsn2017b
19335+1814 HU  341     J 149.                                                                  .       
19335+1119 BPM1096     [PM2000] 1838656 + [PM2000] 1839614.                                    Gvr2010 
19335+1105 BPM1097     [PM2000] 1839143 + [PM2000] 1839863.                                    Gvr2010 
19336+2414 POU3911     J  2978.                                                                .       
19336+1211 BPM1099     [PM2000] 1839909 + [PM2000] 1839636.                                    Gvr2010 
19336+1205 BPMA103     [PM2000] 1839929 + [PM2000] 1840960.                                    Gvr2010 
19336+1028 BPM1098     [PM2000] 1839629 + [PM2000] 1839730.                                    Gvr2010 
19336+0346 TOK 903     V1294 Aql.                                                              .       
19336-0411 STF2537     B is BD-04@4842.                                                        .       
19337+5003 HJ 1418     B is BD+49@3045.                                                        .       
19337+2936 SLE 630     AC: There is a 10" error in the published declination of Soulie's C     .       
                       component.                                                              Sle1986b
19337+1441 BPM1101     [PM2000] 1840319 + [PM2000] 1840365.                                    Gvr2010 
19337+1207 BPMA105     AB: [PM2000] 1840506 + [PM2000] 1840587.                                Gvr2010 
           BPMA106     BC: [PM2000] 1840587 + [PM2000] 1839865.                                Gvr2010 
19337+1206 BPM1100     [PM2000] 1840269 + [PM2000] 1839931.                                    Gvr2010 
19337+1202 BPMA104     [PM2000] 1840247 + [PM2000] 1839435.                                    Gvr2010 
19337+1158 BPM1106     [PM2000] 1840429 + [PM2000] 1840623.                                    Gvr2010 
19337+1142 BPM1104     AB: [PM2000] 1840977 + [PM2000] 1840682.                                Gvr2010 
           BPM1105     BC: [PM2000] 1840682 + [PM2000] 1841765.                                Gvr2010 
19337+1137 BPM1107     [PM2000] 1841002 + [PM2000] 1840982.                                    Gvr2010 
19337+1108 BPM1102     AB: [PM2000] 1840414 + [PM2000] 1841400.                                Gvr2010 
           BPM1103     BC: [PM2000] 1841400 + [PM2000] 1841112.                                Gvr2010 
19338+3250 HJ 1413     SEI 634.                                                                Nsn2017b
19338+1247 BPM1109     [PM2000] 1841854 + [PM2000] 1841933.                                    Gvr2010 
19338+1244 BPMA107     [PM2000] 1841822 + [PM2000] 1841040.                                    Gvr2010 
19338+1207 BPMA108     [PM2000] 1842011 + [PM2000] 1842770.                                    Gvr2010 
19338+1157 BPM1108     [PM2000] 1841789 + [PM2000] 1842145.                                    Gvr2010 
19338-2024 HJ 2879     Measures uncertain.                                                     .       
19338-2703 HJ 2877     B is CD-27@14070.                                                       .       
19339+1205 BPM1110     [PM2000] 1842146 + [PM2000] 1841798.                                    Gvr2010 
19340+6017 STF2554     B is BD+59@2064.                                                        .       
19340+1030 BPM1111     [PM2000] 1843391 + [PM2000] 1843871.                                    Gvr2010 
19341+1736 BPM1115     [PM2000] 1844231 + [PM2000] 1845308.                                    Gvr2010 
19341+1635 BPM1112     [PM2000] 1843902 + [PM2000] 1843719.                                    Gvr2010 
19341+1205 BPM1114     [PM2000] 1844104 + [PM2000] 1843757.                                    Gvr2010 
19341+1201 BPM1113     [PM2000] 1844089 + [PM2000] 1844639.                                    Gvr2010 
19341+1136 BPMA109     AB: [PM2000] 1844452 + [PM2000] 1844989.                                Gvr2010 
           BPMA110     BC: [PM2000] 1844989 + [PM2000] 1842347.                                Gvr2010 
19341+0723 BU  653     38 Aql = mu Aql                                                         .       
                       NPOI Limb-darkened diameter    2.032 +/- 0.040 mas,                     .       
                       R =    7.43 (+/- 0.15   )  \rsun,  Teff = 4746 +/-  47 K,               .       
                       L =   25.2 +/-   0.2 \lsun.                                             NOI2023 
                       AB and AC: Optical pairs, based on study of relative motion of the      .       
                       components using the method of apparent motion parameters.              Kiy2008 
19342+1231 BPM1116     [PM2000] 1845174 + [PM2000] 1845605.                                    Gvr2010 
19343+1720 BPM1117     [PM2000] 1846155 + [PM2000] 1845891.                                    Gvr2010 
19343+1257 BPMA111     [PM2000] 1846402 + [PM2000] 1848092.                                    Gvr2010 
19344+1332 BPM1118     [PM2000] 1846826 + [PM2000] 1845740.                                    Gvr2010 
19344+1129 BPM1119     [PM2000] 1847284 + [PM2000] 1847037.                                    Gvr2010 
19345+1552 BPM1124     [PM2000] 1848073 + [PM2000] 1847123.                                    Gvr2010 
19345+1218 BPM1121     [PM2000] 1847559 + [PM2000] 1847323.                                    Gvr2010 
19345+1138 BPM1123     [PM2000] 1847774 + [PM2000] 1848407.                                    Gvr2010 
19345+1133 BPM1120     [PM2000] 1847460 + [PM2000] 1848250.                                    Gvr2010 
19345+1107 BPM1122     [PM2000] 1847649 + [PM2000] 1848467.                                    Gvr2010 
19345+0037 BAL1206     J 2552.                                                                 .       
19346+5039 DAL  20     AB: NI   39.                                                            .       
19346+3518 AG  232     SEI 639.                                                                Nsn2017b
19346+1946 BU 1130     9 Vul. Alternate spectrum: A0V+F8III.                                   .       
19346+1808 STT 375     Characterized as a constant velocity star with an orbital period of     Grf2010b
                       more than a thousand years.                                             .       
19346+1419 BPM1128     [PM2000] 1848400 + [PM2000] 1848826.                                    Gvr2010 
19346+1225 BPM1125     AB: [PM2000] 1848732 + [PM2000] 1848240.                                Gvr2010 
           BPM1126     BC: [PM2000] 1848240 + [PM2000] 1847422.                                Gvr2010 
19346+1110 BPM1127     [PM2000] 1848489 + [PM2000] 1848004.                                    Gvr2010 
19347+1259 BPM1131     [PM2000] 1849760 + [PM2000] 1850280.                                    Gvr2010 
19347+1243 BPM1132     [PM2000] 1849787 + [PM2000] 1850201.                                    Gvr2010 
19347+1134 BPM1129     [PM2000] 1849305 + [PM2000] 1849959.                                    Gvr2010 
19347+1118 BPM1130     [PM2000] 1849745 + [PM2000] 1849553.                                    Gvr2010 
19347+1115 BPMA112     [PM2000] 1849963 + [PM2000] 1848857.                                    Gvr2010 
19348+2928 WRH  32     9 Cyg. A long-period spectroscopic binary resolved by interferometry.   .       
                       Balega et al (2007) discuss orbital evolution of this pair to explain   Bag2007d
                       apparent mixing of the primary during its main-sequence evolution.      .       
                       Additional notes may be found in Wilson (1951) and                      WRH1951 
                       Wilson (1952).                                                          WRH1952 
                       Martin et al. (1998) derive component masses 3.344 +/- 1.165 and        .       
                       1.586 +/- 0.612 Msun.                                                   Mig1998 
19348+1629 BPMA115     [PM2000] 1850748 + [PM2000] 1851533.                                    Gvr2010 
19348+1549 BPM1134     [PM2000] 1850724 + [PM2000] 1851037.                                    Gvr2010 
19348+1313 BPMA114     [PM2000] 1850385 + [PM2000] 1850769.                                    Gvr2010 
19348+1233 BPM1133     [PM2000] 1850300 + [PM2000] 1849878.                                    Gvr2010 
19348+1228 BPMA116     [PM2000] 1851059 + [PM2000] 1849340.                                    Gvr2010 
19348+1142 BPMA113     [PM2000] 1850253 + [PM2000] 1848986.                                    Gvr2010 
19349+4154 KOI 270     Distance is 260.11 +/- 13.15 pc. Ma (Mb) = 0.84 (0.77) +/- 0.1 \msun.   Hor2024 
19349+3649 WTS   2     The primary is orbited by a close-in 1.12Mjup planet (P = 1.02d),       .       
                       discovered during the WFCAM Transit Survey.                             Bkb2014 
19349+1202 BPM1135     [PM2000] 1851237 + [PM2000] 1852178.                                    Gvr2010 
19349+1147 BPM1137     [PM2000] 1851305 + [PM2000] 1852027.                                    Gvr2010 
19349+1134 BPM1136     [PM2000] 1851239 + [PM2000] 1852197.                                    Gvr2010 
19349+1132 BPMA117     [PM2000] 1851497 + [PM2000] 1851437.                                    Gvr2010 
19350+2328 A   162     Only elements P, T, and a have been amended by Starikova (1982) from    Sta1982b
                       the orbit of Erceg (1975).                                              Erc1975 
                       Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and spectroscopic   .       
                       masses of 2.63 +/- 2.16, 3.21, and 2.24 Msun, respectively.             Mlk2012 
19350+1534 BPM1138     [PM2000] 1852284 + [PM2000] 1851898.                                    Gvr2010 
19350+1108 BPM1139     [PM2000] 1852647 + [PM2000] 1852780.                                    Gvr2010 
19351+5038 HU  679     Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and spectroscopic   .       
                       masses of 2.48 +/- 1.42, 2.35, and 1.10 Msun, respectively.             Mlk2012 
19351+1656 BPM1142     [PM2000] 1853512 + [PM2000] 1853407.                                    Gvr2010 
19351+1317 BPM1141     [PM2000] 1853394 + [PM2000] 1854389.                                    Gvr2010 
19351+1251 BPM1140     [PM2000] 1853138 + [PM2000] 1854176.                                    Gvr2010 
19351+1121 BPM1143     [PM2000] 1853687 + [PM2000] 1854074.                                    Gvr2010 
19364+5013 STT 591     AC: Rectilinear solution by Hurowitz et al. (2014).                     USN2014b
19366+2830 BRT  38     A likely plate flaw.                                                    Grv2021b
19385-2031 ARA1192     A likely plate flaw.                                                    Grv2021a
19423+1937 HJ 2891     Rectilinear solution by Hurowitz et al. (2014).                         USN2014b
19429+0115 HJ  895     AC: Rectilinear solution by Hurowitz et al. (2014).                     USN2014b
19464+3344 STF2580     AC: Rectilinear solution by Friedman et al. (2011).                     USN2011a
                       BC: Rectilinear solution by Hurowitz et al. (2014).                     USN2014b
           STF2576     FI: Rectilinear solution by Hurowitz et al. (2014).                     USN2014b
19496-2954 BRT3087     A likely plate flaw.                                                    Grv2021b
19500+0637 J  1336     AB: Rectilinear solutions by Cvetkovic (2015)                           Cve2015b
                       and Cvetkovic et al. (2016).                                            Cve2016 
19507-5912 I   121     Aa,Ab: Rectilinear solution by Zirm (2013).                             Zir2013d
19510+1025 J   124     AB: Rectilinear solution by Hurowitz et al. (2014).                     USN2014b
19532+2017 H 3 105     A component = C component of 19534+2020 GUI  28AC.                      .       
19352+1140 BPM1144     [PM2000] 1854270 + [PM2000] 1853601.                                    Gvr2010 
19352-2508 B   442     HIP 96333. See Allen et al. (2000) for information on metallicity,      AlC2000 
           LDS 682     age, galactic orbital parameters, etc.                                  .       
19353+1438 BPM1147     [PM2000] 1855514 + [PM2000] 1856084.                                    Gvr2010 
19353+1340 BPM1148     [PM2000] 1855728 + [PM2000] 1856466.                                    Gvr2010 
19353+1147 BPM1145     [PM2000] 1855273 + [PM2000] 1855112.                                    Gvr2010 
19353+1125 BPMA118     [PM2000] 1855302 + [PM2000] 1853700.                                    Gvr2010 
19353+1043 BPM1146     [PM2000] 1855283 + [PM2000] 1854876.                                    Gvr2010 
19534+2020 GUI  28     AC: C component = A component of 19532+2017 H 3 105.                    .       
19354+1151 BPMA119     [PM2000] 1855955 + [PM2000] 1854428.                                    Gvr2010 
19354+1120 BPMA120     [PM2000] 1856183 + [PM2000] 1857375.                                    Gvr2010 
19355+1311 BPM1151     [PM2000] 1857283 + [PM2000] 1857531.                                    Gvr2010 
19355+1255 BPM1156     AB: [PM2000] 1857557 + [PM2000] 1858058.                                Gvr2010 
           BPM1157     BC: [PM2000] 1858058 + [PM2000] 1858234.                                Gvr2010 
19355+1150 BPM1152     AB: [PM2000] 1857349 + [PM2000] 1858075.                                Gvr2010 
           BPM1153     BC: [PM2000] 1858075 + [PM2000] 1858800.                                Gvr2010 
           BPM1154     CD: [PM2000] 1858800 + [PM2000] 1857788.                                Gvr2010 
19355+1113 BPM1149     [PM2000] 1857013 + [PM2000] 1857322.                                    Gvr2010 
19355+1106 BPM1150     [PM2000] 1857095 + [PM2000] 1857535.                                    Gvr2010 
19356+1258 BPM1155     [PM2000] 1858256 + [PM2000] 1858453.                                    Gvr2010 
19356+0257 J  1677     BAL 2000.                                                               .       
19357+1334 BPM1160     [PM2000] 1859221 + [PM2000] 1860138.                                    Gvr2010 
19357+1251 BPM1158     [PM2000] 1858850 + [PM2000] 1858360.                                    Gvr2010 
19357+1154 BPM1159     [PM2000] 1858900 + [PM2000] 1857765.                                    Gvr2010 
19358+1647 BPM1164     AB: [PM2000] 1860090 + [PM2000] 1860759.                                Gvr2010 
           BPM1165     AC: [PM2000] 1860090 + [PM2000] 1859104.                                Gvr2010 
19358+1610 BPM1163     [PM2000] 1859847 + [PM2000] 1859336.                                    Gvr2010 
19358+1206 BPM1162     [PM2000] 1859756 + [PM2000] 1858604.                                    Gvr2010 
19358+1145 BPMA121     [PM2000] 1859621 + [PM2000] 1860423.                                    Gvr2010 
19358+1133 BPM1161     [PM2000] 1860410 + [PM2000] 1861072.                                    Gvr2010 
19359+5659 RAO  87     A is SB1, P=14.1y.                                                      Tok2014d
                       Triple. Its inner system has a preliminary spectroscopic period of 14   .        
                       yr and low amplitude (D. Latham 2012, private communication). Despite   .        
                       the estimated semimajor axis of 0".25, the spectroscopic secondary is   .        
                       too faint for direct resolution without a high-contrast coronagraph.    .        
                       The 2MASS companion at 10", noted first by Fuhrmann (2004 AN 325, 3),   .        
                       shares the large PM of A and is located on the MS.                      Rbr2015d 
19359+1251 BPM1169     [PM2000] 1861091 + [PM2000] 1860341.                                    Gvr2010 
19359+1248 BPM1170     [PM2000] 1860977 + [PM2000] 1861457.                                    Gvr2010 
19359+1235 BPM1168     [PM2000] 1861031 + [PM2000] 1860555.                                    Gvr2010 
19359+1150 BPM1166     AB: [PM2000] 1861353 + [PM2000] 1860399.                                Gvr2010 
           BPM1167     BC: [PM2000] 1860399 + [PM2000] 1859314.                                Gvr2010 
19360+2924 FYM  43     AE and AF were initially thought to be new pairs AM and AK. Also, his   FyM2014b
                       HJ pair is actually AJ.                                                 .       
19360+1243 BPM1172     AB: [PM2000] 1861961 + [PM2000] 1863020.                                Gvr2010 
           BPM1173     BC: [PM2000] 1863020 + [PM2000] 1863857.                                Gvr2010 
19360+1151 BPM1171     [PM2000] 1861887 + [PM2000] 1862789.                                    Gvr2010 
19360+0005 A  1188     HIP 96402. See Allen et al. (2000) for information on metallicity,      AlC2000 
                       age, galactic orbital parameters, etc.                                  .       
19360-6624 HJ 5123     B is CPD-66@3438.                                                       .       
19362+1700 BPM1175     [PM2000] 1864193 + [PM2000] 1865196.                                    Gvr2010 
19362+1636 BPM1174     [PM2000] 1863587 + [PM2000] 1862308.                                    Gvr2010 
19362+1312 BPMA122     [PM2000] 1864352 + [PM2000] 1865811.                                    Gvr2010 
19362+0600 STF2543     Mt. Wilson spectral types are G3 and gM0.                               .       
19362-1905 SEE 383     FOX 28.                                                                 .       
19363+3540 STT 377     AB,C: SEI 646. Incorrectly referred to as STF 377 by Scheiner.          Nsn2017b
19363+1430 TDT1576     The Tycho measure is erroneous, apparently due to problems in           .       
                       resolving this close triple.                                            .       
19363+1326 BPM1177     [PM2000] 1865360 + [PM2000] 1865658.                                    Gvr2010 
19363+1218 BPM1176     [PM2000] 1864585 + [PM2000] 1864818.                                    Gvr2010 
19364+5013 BU 1131     the Cyg = 13 Cyg. Young & Farnsworth suggested that a faint companion   YAS1924 
                       2' west was physical. Bidelman confirms that the spectral type, M2/3    Bid1980 
                       is consistent with this suggestion.                                     .       
                       CHARA Array Limb-darkened diameter  0.861 +/- 0.015 mas,                CIA2012e
                       R =  1.697 +/- 0.030 \rsun, L =  4.265 +/-0.090 \lsun,                  .       
                       Teff = 6381 +/-  65 K, M = 1.342 +/- 0.011 \msun,                       .       
                       Age =  2.8 +/- 0.2 Gyr.                                                 .       
           STT 591     AC: Optical pair, based on study of relative motion of the components   .       
                       using the method of apparent motion parameters.                         Kiy2008 
19364+5013 LDS5881     EF: Originally 19363+5012 LDS5881, but primary found to be E component  .       
                       of 19364+5013 SKF1976AE.                                                .       
19364+1621 BPM1179     [PM2000] 1865915 + [PM2000] 1865978.                                    Gvr2010 
19364+1554 H 5 104     H V 104.                                                                .       
19364+1336 BPM1178     [PM2000] 1865819 + [PM2000] 1865694.                                    Gvr2010 
19365+1539 BPM1180     [PM2000] 1866758 + [PM2000] 1866080.                                    Gvr2010 
19365+1526 BPM1183     [PM2000] 1867242 + [PM2000] 1867582.                                    Gvr2010 
19365+1356 BPM1181     AB: [PM2000] 1867176 + [PM2000] 1866880.                                Gvr2010 
           BPM1182     AC: [PM2000] 1867176 + [PM2000] 1868457.                                Gvr2010 
19365+1224 BPMA123     [PM2000] 1867046 + [PM2000] 1869844.                                    Gvr2010 
19366+2700 BRT3345     Originally published as BRT 196.                                        Brt1928 
19366+2020 EVS  46     U Vul                                                                   .       
19366+1626 BPM1186     [PM2000] 1868243 + [PM2000] 1867949.                                    Gvr2010 
19366+1306 BPM1185     [PM2000] 1868025 + [PM2000] 1867764.                                    Gvr2010 
19366+1208 BPM1184     [PM2000] 1867869 + [PM2000] 1867975.                                    Gvr2010 
19367+3052 BRT 267     SMA.                                                                    .       
19367+2627 BRT3346     Originally published as BRT 197.                                        Brt1928 
19367+1315 BPM1188     [PM2000] 1869256 + [PM2000] 1870404.                                    Gvr2010 
19367+1246 BPMA124     AB: [PM2000] 1869152 + [PM2000] 1869874.                                Gvr2010 
           BPM1187     BC: [PM2000] 1869874 + [PM2000] 1868916.                                Gvr2010 
19367+0357 BAL2518     A = V418 Aql, eclipsing binary of Algol-type, period 2.234904 days.     Zas2015 
19367-0117 J   118     iot Aql = 41 Aql                                                        .       
19367-2453 BU  654     52 Sgr. Variable?                                                       .       
19368+5012 BLL  40     A is the Mira-type variable R Cyg. May be the same as STT 591CD.        .       
                       B is BD+49@3065.                                                        .       
19368+1456 BPM1190     [PM2000] 1869969 + [PM2000] 1869161.                                    Gvr2010 
19368+1324 BPMA125     [PM2000] 1870185 + [PM2000] 1869502.                                    Gvr2010 
19368+1139 BPM1189     [PM2000] 1869598 + [PM2000] 1870220.                                    Gvr2010 
19369+1354 BPM1191     [PM2000] 1871160 + [PM2000] 1871395.                                    Gvr2010 
19369+1217 BPMA126     [PM2000] 1871030 + [PM2000] 1873288.                                    Gvr2010 
19369-2003 BHA  31     J 1763.                                                                 .       
19370+6350 STF2564     Mt. Wilson spectral types are F2s and A8n.                              .       
19370+5111 HJ 1426     10deg error in converting NPD to Dec for IDS.                           .       
19370+1455 BPM1194     [PM2000] 1871857 + [PM2000] 1872727.                                    Gvr2010 
19370+1243 BPM1196     [PM2000] 1872015 + [PM2000] 1871931.                                    Gvr2010 
19370+1221 BPM1193     [PM2000] 1871785 + [PM2000] 1871002.                                    Gvr2010 
19370+1212 BPM1195     [PM2000] 1871954 + [PM2000] 1872000.                                    Gvr2010 
19370+1203 BPM1192     [PM2000] 1871465 + [PM2000] 1870920.                                    Gvr2010 
19370+1135 BPM1197     [PM2000] 1872170 + [PM2000] 1873056.                                    Gvr2010 
19370+0911 J   171     The FYM 135AC pair was in error and has been deleted.                   FyM2014b
19371+1406 BPM1199     [PM2000] 1873051 + [PM2000] 1871985.                                    Gvr2010 
19371+1210 BPM1198     [PM2000] 1872467 + [PM2000] 1872877.                                    Gvr2010 
19371+0819 GUI  26     AD was incorrectly identified as the CD pair.                           .       
19371-1607 BRT 635     J  3343.                                                                Nsn2016 
19371-5134 CRI  23     White dwarf / red drwarf pair.                                          .       
                       The A component is SB2. Huelamo et al. (2009) find is also eclipsing.   Hue2009 
                       V magnitudes of Aa and Ab are 12.29 and 12.84, spectral types M1Ve and  .       
                       M2:Ve, masses 0.59 +/- 0.03 and 0.54 +/- 0.03 Msun; distance to the     .       
                       system is 42+/-3 pc. They also conclude AB pair is CPM and that the B   .       
                       component is a pure-helium DB white dwarf, mass 0.648 Msun, distance    .       
                       46pc. The age of the triple ~400 Myr.                                   .       
19372+2920 HJ 1423     The Wilson Aa,Ab, AE, AF, and AG components of 19448+2916 were          .       
                       previously assigned to this system, but this was a position error on    .       
                       Wilson's part, leading to the the pairs not being confirmed for many    WRH1950a
                       years. The wider components of Wilson were moved, but retained their    .       
                       historical component identifiers. The closer Aa,Ab pair had been        .       
                       independently discovered by Ismailov, so retained its ISM   4Aa,Ab      .       
                       designation. The problem was noted by Cliff Ashcraft and the correct    .       
                       system found by James Daley.                                            .       
           FYM  97     A star at ~80deg, 1' from the primary has been inadvertently measured   .       
                       under the assumption it was Wilson's AG pair, so has been given the     FyM2013c
                       designation FYM  97AG.                                                  .       
19372+2830 GNS   3     Ginski et al. (2012) conclude the companion is physical, and estimate   .       
                       the mass at 0.239 +/- 0.022 Msun.                                       Gns2012 
                       Ginski et al. (2016) resolved the B component into a ~100 mas pair of   .       
                       similar magnitude. Masses of Ba and Bb are estimated at 0.165 +/-       .       
                       0.008 and 0.154 +0.009/-0.008 Msun.                                     Gns2016 
                       CHARA Array Limb-darkened diameter  0.480 +/- 0.033 mas.                CIA2009a
                       R =  2.59 +/- 0.19 \rsun, L =   4.7 +/-  0.1 \lsun,                     .       
                       Teff = 5283 +/- 186 K.                                                  .       
19372+1812 BPMA127     [PM2000] 1873903 + [PM2000] 1875055.                                    Gvr2010 
19372+1546 BPM1202     [PM2000] 1874150 + [PM2000] 1873328.                                    Gvr2010 
19372+1201 BPM1201     [PM2000] 1873718 + [PM2000] 1873311.                                    Gvr2010 
19372+1149 BPM1200     [PM2000] 1873562 + [PM2000] 1873200.                                    Gvr2010 
19373+1628 H 6  26     H VI 26. STTA185. eps Sge = 4 Sge. B is BD+16@3919.                     .       
                       AD: Baranov (1909) measured new companions at (303deg, 29.2", V=7.8)    BnW1909 
                       and (343deg, 160.8", V=9.5), in addition to a measure of the AB pair.   .       
                       The wide pair was added to the WDS as H 2 26AD, but the 29" pair was    .       
                       apparently ignored. A check on Aladin shows no hint of either of the    .       
                       new companions. It appears that Baranov may have accidentally merged    .       
                       his measure of H 6 26 with measures of the nearby pair 19394+1634 =     .       
                       H N 84. His 29.2" measure agrees with other measures of that pair, and  .       
                       a star in the field of H N  84 (V=11.9) matches his wide pair.          .       
                       H 6 26AD has therefore been X-coded. Since the identification with      .       
                       H N 84 is likely but not definite (and since the 12th magnitude star    .       
                       near H N 84 appears to be a random field star), Baranov's measures      .       
                       have not been added.  Thanks to Steve Smith and John Nanson for         .       
                       alerting us to this discrepancy.                                        .       
19373+1349 BPM1203     [PM2000] 1874523 + [PM2000] 1874267.                                    Gvr2010 
19373+1255 BPM1204     [PM2000] 1874694 + [PM2000] 1873933.                                    Gvr2010 
19373+1155 BPMA128     [PM2000] 1874848 + [PM2000] 1876811.                                    Gvr2010 
19373+1108 BPM1205     [PM2000] 1874865 + [PM2000] 1874770.                                    Gvr2010 
19374+1532 BPM1207     [PM2000] 1875498 + [PM2000] 1876376.                                    Gvr2010 
19374+1239 BPM1206     [PM2000] 1875489 + [PM2000] 1874397.                                    Gvr2010 
19375+4619 PNT   1     Inadvertently observed for 19374+4619 HJ 1427AB, due to incorrect       .       
                       precise coordinates in the WDS.                                         Pnt2014a
19375+1451 BPM1208     [PM2000] 1876517 + [PM2000] 1876384.                                    Gvr2010 
19375+1236 BPM1209     [PM2000] 1876535 + [PM2000] 1875882.                                    Gvr2010 
19375+1158 BPM1211     [PM2000] 1876977 + [PM2000] 1876562.                                    Gvr2010 
19375+1126 BPM1210     [PM2000] 1876848 + [PM2000] 1877200.                                    Gvr2010 
19376+1357 BPM1213     [PM2000] 1878242 + [PM2000] 1878433.                                    Gvr2010 
19376+1330 BPM1212     [PM2000] 1877422 + [PM2000] 1876300.                                    Gvr2010 
19377+4645 DEA 389     JKA  69. KIC 9897318/9897328.                                           .       
19377+1422 BRT1321     J 2596.                                                                 .       
19377+1355 BPM1214     [PM2000] 1879059 + [PM2000] 1878837.                                    Gvr2010 
19377+1141 BPMA129     [PM2000] 1878929 + [PM2000] 1879716.                                    Gvr2010 
19377-0958 LV   21     BC: J 1679.                                                             .       
19378+3823 KOI 121     AC: Adams et al. (2012) theta values corrected to 360-theta.            Adm2012 
                       (reported by Dressing et al. (2014).                                    Dre2014 
19378+1314 BPMA130     [PM2000] 1880362 + [PM2000] 1881958.                                    Gvr2010 
19378+1225 BPM1216     [PM2000] 1879782 + [PM2000] 1880512.                                    Gvr2010 
19378+1149 BPM1215     [PM2000] 1879734 + [PM2000] 1879899.                                    Gvr2010 
19378+1102 BPM1217     AB: [PM2000] 1880095 + [PM2000] 1880247.                                Gvr2010 
           BPM1218     BC: [PM2000] 1881002 + [PM2000] 1880247.                                Gvr2010 
19379+4917 HJ 1428     Same as STF2559.                                                        .       
                       AB: 1951.524 : In Hipparcos Catalog, B component is HIP 96569: there    .       
                       is no such star in the position of HIP 96569 in DSS plates. So, the     .       
                       measurement of 1991 (realized from Hipparcos) and included in WDS       .       
                       database probably is not valid. B magnitude uncertain.                  .       
                       1991.521: proper motion of B is DEC 0"012+-0"004 and AR  0"014+-0"009.  .       
                       AC: 1991.521: Annual proper motion  of C is DEC -0"004 and AR -0"0010   .       
                       (in Tycho catalog: DEC -0"003 and AR -0"0004).                          .       
                       BD: 1951.524: WDS indicates data for C and D components.                .       
                       No star is near C coordinates. Realized measure for B and D components  .       
                       are very coincident with data for CD indicated in WDS. In WDS where     .       
                       say components CD, possibly it is BD.                                   FMR1999f
19379+1609 BPM1220     [PM2000] 1880565 + [PM2000] 1879112.                                    Gvr2010 
19379+1104 BPM1219     [PM2000] 1880605 + [PM2000] 1880949.                                    Gvr2010 
19380+3354 STT 379     Apparently an identification error dating back at least as far as the   .       
                       BDS led to an erroneous WDS designation. Burnham's 1880 coordinates     Bu_1906 
                       correspond to the star HIP 96576 = BD+33 3529. However, no pairs in     .       
                       the STT 379 system match other stars in that vicinity. The correct      .       
                       primary is instead HD 185582 = BD+33 3533. The WDS designation has not  .       
                       been changed, however, since the old ID has been in the literature for  .       
                       so long.                                                                .       
19380+3353 YSC 135     Pair may have a period of less than one year; [Fe/H] = -0.28, spectral  .       
                       type G5, parallax 31.29 +/- 0.47 mas.                                   Hor2012b
19380+1428 BPM1222     AB: [PM2000] 1881727 + [PM2000] 1881148.                                Gvr2010 
           BPM1223     AC: [PM2000] 1881727 + [PM2000] 1882783.                                Gvr2010 
           BPM1224     BD: [PM2000] 1881148 + [PM2000] 1881734.                                Gvr2010 
           BPM1225     CD: [PM2000] 1882783 + [PM2000] 1881734.                                Gvr2010 
19380+1402 BPMA131     [PM2000] 1882201 + [PM2000] 1880248.                                    Gvr2010 
19380+1242 BPM1226     [PM2000] 1881816 + [PM2000] 1881238.                                    Gvr2010 
19380+1220 BPM1221     [PM2000] 1881638 + [PM2000] 1880660.                                    Gvr2010 
19380+1131 BPM1227     [PM2000] 1882533 + [PM2000] 1882410.                                    Gvr2010 
19381+4409 DEA 421     JKA  70. KIC 8241074/8241071.                                           .       
19381+1623 BPM1228     [PM2000] 1883048 + [PM2000] 1883107.                                    Gvr2010 
19382+1300 BPM1230     [PM2000] 1883992 + [PM2000] 1882710.                                    Gvr2010 
19382+1255 BPM1229     [PM2000] 1883709 + [PM2000] 1882605.                                    Gvr2010 
19382+1141 BPM1231     [PM2000] 1884105 + [PM2000] 1883621.                                    Gvr2010 
19384+1236 BPM1232     [PM2000] 1885784 + [PM2000] 1886138.                                    Gvr2010 
19384+1225 BPM1233     [PM2000] 1885939 + [PM2000] 1886588.                                    Gvr2010 
19384+0022 WAK  22     NE of ADS 12708.                                                        .       
19385+3812 STN  47     Burnham could find no such pair in the vicinity.                        Bu_1906 
19385+1715 BU 1471     J 139.                                                                  .       
19385+1626 BPM1234     [PM2000] 1887456 + [PM2000] 1887085.                                    Gvr2010 
19386+2455 POU3973     POU3976.                                                                .       
           POU3974     POU3977.                                                                .       
19386+1428 BPM1236     [PM2000] 1888427 + [PM2000] 1889435.                                    Gvr2010 
19386+1130 BPM1235     [PM2000] 1888397 + [PM2000] 1889326.                                    Gvr2010 
19387+5458 CIA  13     V1143 Cyg.                                                              .       
                       Mass (\msun)   : A = 1.361 +/- 0.004; B = 1.332 +/- 0.004.              CIA2019c
                       Radius (\rsun) : A = 1.348 +/- 0.016; B = 1.322 +/- 0.016.              .       
                       Teff (deg K)   : A =  6620 +/- 190  ; B =  6570 +/- 220.                .       
                       Lum. (\lsun)   : A =  3.35 +/- 0.44 ; B =  3.13 +/- 0.50.               .       
                       Semimajor axis = 22.71 +/- 0.03 \rsun. parallax = 41.02 +/- 0.22 pc.    .       
19387+1552 BPMA132     [PM2000] 1889635 + [PM2000] 1889186.                                    Gvr2010 
19387+1534 BPM1238     [PM2000] 1889780 + [PM2000] 1889127.                                    Gvr2010 
19387+1042 BPM1237     [PM2000] 1889354 + [PM2000] 1889251.                                    Gvr2010 
19387-1009 STF2545     AB: H 1  13.                                                            MEv2010 
19388+1705 BPM1241     [PM2000] 1890365 + [PM2000] 1890596.                                    Gvr2010 
19388+1311 BPM1240     [PM2000] 1890102 + [PM2000] 1889346.                                    Gvr2010 
19388+1219 BPM1239     [PM2000] 1889925 + [PM2000] 1890382.                                    Gvr2010 
19389+5049 DEA 392     JKA  71. KIC 12214504/12214492.                                         .       
19389+3512 LDS6336     NLTT 48072/48073                                                        Chm2004 
19389+1626 OSO 110     G142-044. AC, AD, AE, AF, and AH are not common proper motion pairs,    .       
                       based on comparison with POSS2 red plates                               Oso2004 
19389+1610 BPM1246     [PM2000] 1891493 + [PM2000] 1892540.                                    Gvr2010 
19389+1601 BPM1242     [PM2000] 1891033 + [PM2000] 1891921.                                    Gvr2010 
19389+1250 BPM1244     AB: [PM2000] 1891430 + [PM2000] 1891174.                                Gvr2010 
           BPM1245     BC: [PM2000] 1891174 + [PM2000] 1889909.                                Gvr2010 
19389+1159 BPM1243     [PM2000] 1891081 + [PM2000] 1889913.                                    Gvr2010 
19389+0340 J  1853     Heintz states that this is probably 19384+0414J  1682.                  Hei1995 
19389-1020 STF2547     B is BD-10@5142.                                                        .       
19390+1708 BPM1248     [PM2000] 1892002 + [PM2000] 1891936.                                    Gvr2010 
19390+1152 BPM1249     [PM2000] 1892685 + [PM2000] 1891603.                                    Gvr2010 
19390+1138 BPM1247     [PM2000] 1891907 + [PM2000] 1892018.                                    Gvr2010 
19391+7625 MLR 224     Combined spectroscopic/interferometric orbit by Balega et al. (2007),   Bag2007 
                       yielding a distance of 32.23 +/- 0.52 pc, or an orbital parallax of     .       
                       31.0 +/- 0.5 mas.  Derived masses are 0.831 +/- 0.020 and 0.763 +/-     .       
                       0.019 Msun, luminosities 0.40 +/- 0.02 and 0.26 +/- 0.02 Lsun, and      .       
                       spectral types K1V and K3V.                                             .       
                       Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and spectroscopic   .       
                       masses of 1.24 +/- 0.07, 1.60, and 0.85 Msun, respectively.             Mlk2012 
                       Mass = 0.8216 +/- 0.0037, 0.7491  +/- 0.0022  \msun for A and B.        HJL2020 
                       orbital parallax = 31.26  +/- 0.11  mas.                                .       
19391+1345 BPM1250     [PM2000] 1893051 + [PM2000] 1893907.                                    Gvr2010 
19392+1349 BPM1251     [PM2000] 1894115 + [PM2000] 1894531.                                    Gvr2010 
19392+0524 HJ 2886     sig Aql = 44 Aql. A is a Beta Lyrae-type system, spectrum composite.    .       
                       Spectrum of B G8V.                                                      .       
19393+1340 BPM1253     [PM2000] 1895356 + [PM2000] 1895060.                                    Gvr2010 
19393+1306 BPM1252     [PM2000] 1894927 + [PM2000] 1895695.                                    Gvr2010 
19394+3009 MCA  57     phi Cyg = 12 Cyg. A double-lined spectroscopic binary now resolved by   .       
                       speckle interferometry.                                                 .       
                       Analysis of the spectroscopic/interferometric orbit is given by         .       
                       McAlister (1982).                                                       McA1982a
                       1980.7173: Theta and rho were incorrectly given as 77.1 degrees and     .       
                       0".036, respectively, by McAlister et al. (1983).                       McA1983 
                       P for Armstrong (1992) solution adopted from spectroscopic orbit of     MkT1992d
                       Rach & Herbig (1961). Spectroscopic orbit combined with astrometry      .       
                       from Mark III to derive distance, masses, absolute magnitudes.          .       
                       Data from the Mark III interferometer were combined by Armstrong et.    MkT1992c
                       with a reinterpretation of the Rach & Herbig spectroscopic solution to  Her1961 
                       determine distance, masses, and absolute magnitudes for this pair of    .       
                       giants. Evolutionary history is discussed. Errors for Mark III          .       
                       astrometry are given as "error ellipses"; these values are tabulated    .       
                       below. Columns include date (BY), major and minor axes of the ellipse   .       
                       (in mas), and ellipse orientation (in degrees).                         .       
                            1989.4053     3.6      0.14     100.5                              .       
                            1989.5312     4.8      0.76      81.6                              .       
                            1989.6022    10.8      0.64      81.3                              .       
                            1989.6050     5.8      0.43      77.1                              .       
                            1989.6160     1.04     0.16      74.8                              .       
                            1989.6242     1.15     0.117     75.5                              .       
                            1989.6351     1.58     0.159     75.2                              .       
                            1989.6812     0.45     0.049     92.3                              .       
                            1989.6867     2.65     0.31      84.5                              .       
                            1989.6894     1.47     0.137     85.7                              .       
                            1989.7031     5.5      0.6       85.0                              .       
                            1989.7852     6.1      0.44      76.8                              .       
                            1989.7962     4.8      0.35      70.9                              .       
                            1990.4758     2.3      0.19      85.5                              .       
                            1990.4839     1.68     0.39      91.1                              .       
                            1990.5111     0.135    0.041    112.4                              .       
                            1990.5139     0.181    0.046     94.8                              .       
                            1990.5167     0.40     0.114     93.3                              .       
                            1990.5195     0.29     0.079     86.9                              .       
                            1990.5304     0.109    0.040     87.6                              .       
                            1990.5359     0.116    0.038     89.2                              .       
                            1990.5388     0.55     0.067     76.1                              .       
                            1990.5687     0.25     0.055     85.7                              .       
                            1990.5714     0.141    0.042     84.1                              .       
                            1990.5741     0.28     0.069     93.8                              .       
                            1990.5768     0.178    0.061     96.5                              .       
                            1990.5822     0.29     0.064     97.0                              .       
                            1990.5931     2.2      0.36      95.3                              .       
                            1990.6099     0.63     0.116     69.5                              .       
                            1990.6260     0.40     0.091     93.0                              .       
                            1990.6343     0.96     0.121     82.1                              .       
                            1990.6371     1.17     0.23      76.7                              .       
                            1990.6452     0.158    0.028     80.3                              .       
                            1990.6535     0.42     0.034     75.3                              .       
                            1990.8255     1.03     0.079     72.4                              .       
                            1991.4696     0.71     0.120    100.4                              .       
                            1991.5490     0.25     0.044     80.6                              .       
                            1991.5870     0.23     0.051     95.8                              .       
                            1991.5898     0.25     0.038     91.9                              .       
                       Hipparcos astrometric solution adopted some elements from the orbit of  HIP1997d
                       Armstrong et al. (1992).                                                MkT1992c
                       Pourbaix gives combined solution for this resolved SB2, yielding        Pbx2000b
                       orbital parallaxes and component masses.                                .       
                       Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and spectroscopic   .       
                       masses of 7.49 +/- 0.77, 3.75, and 1.78 Msun, respectively.             Mlk2012 
19394+1634 H N  84     B is BD+16@3935.                                                        .       
                       BDS 9484, H 5 51 same star. A is a spectroscopic binary.                .       
19394+1340 BPM1254     [PM2000] 1896365 + [PM2000] 1897368.                                    Gvr2010 
19394+1201 BPM1255     AB: [PM2000] 1896841 + [PM2000] 1896870.                                Gvr2010 
           BPM1256     AC: [PM2000] 1896841 + [PM2000] 1896872.                                Gvr2010 
           BPM1257     BC: [PM2000] 1896870 + [PM2000] 1896872.                                Gvr2010 
19395+4647 KOI2803     This system hosts a 0.5 Rearth planet candidate with a 2.4 day period   KOI2014a
                       (Burke et al. 2014).                                                    Dre2014 
19395+4138 FOX  29     J  3216.                                                                Nsn2016 
19395+1306 BPM1258     [PM2000] 1896883 + [PM2000] 1897335.                                    Gvr2010 
19395+1124 BPM1261     [PM2000] 1897864 + [PM2000] 1898306.                                    Gvr2010 
19395+1040 BPM1260     [PM2000] 1897829 + [PM2000] 1897567.                                    Gvr2010 
19395+1034 BPM1259     [PM2000] 1897284 + [PM2000] 1896456.                                    Gvr2010 
19396+1800 BPM1263     [PM2000] 1898844 + [PM2000] 1898094.                                    Gvr2010 
19396+1605 BPM1262     [PM2000] 1898021 + [PM2000] 1897264.                                    Gvr2010 
19396+1132 BPMA133     [PM2000] 1897939 + [PM2000] 1897673.                                    Gvr2010 
19397+1542 BPM1264     [PM2000] 1899197 + [PM2000] 1899297.                                    Gvr2010 
19397+1305 BPM1265     [PM2000] 1899354 + [PM2000] 1898922.                                    Gvr2010 
19398+1945 HJ  894     J 1857.                                                                 .       
19398+1751 BPM1267     [PM2000] 1900830 + [PM2000] 1901586.                                    Gvr2010 
19398+1128 BPM1266     [PM2000] 1900471 + [PM2000] 1900953.                                    Gvr2010 
19398-2326 SEE 389     53 Sgr. Spectrum composite; B9.5V+A3IV.                                 .       
                       Baize's (1985) value for omega was corrected from 270.0 to 90.0         Baz1985b
                       90.0 degrees by Ruymaekers & Nys (1995).                                Ruy1995 
                       Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and spectroscopic   .       
                       masses of 2.88 +/- 1.02, 3.55, and 2.24 Msun, respectively.             Mlk2012 
19399+2402 FYM9002     Designated by author as FYM 204, homever 00129+6150 also designated by  FyM2014 
                       author as FYM 184. Redesignated.                                        FyM2014c
19399+1320 BPMA134     [PM2000] 1901913 + [PM2000] 1902242.                                    Gvr2010 
19399-1451 HO  109     BDS 9497. HDO 154 is probably identical.                                .       
19399-2204 I   656     Measures uncertain, too close. Another pair near this place: 64.7@,     .       
                       7.54". No magnitudes given.                                             .       
19399-3926 GAA  10     V4090 Sgr.                                                              .       
                       Ma,Mb = 2.15   +/- 0.07  , 1.11   +/- 0.02   \msun,                     GaA2019 
                       orbital parallax = 10.845 +/- 0.083 mas.                                .       
19400+1605 BPM1268     [PM2000] 1902278 + [PM2000] 1901032.                                    Gvr2010 
19400+1542 BPM1269     [PM2000] 1902603 + [PM2000] 1902219.                                    Gvr2010 
19400+1331 BPM1270     [PM2000] 1903005 + [PM2000] 1902156.                                    Gvr2010 
19401+3037 J   776     GCB 46.                                                                 J__1952 
19401+1801 J   121     alp Sge = 5 Sge = Sham                                                  .       
19401+1612 BPM1273     [PM2000] 1903951 + [PM2000] 1903338.                                    Gvr2010 
19401+1424 BPM1271     [PM2000] 1903680 + [PM2000] 1904784.                                    Gvr2010 
19401+1323 BPM1272     [PM2000] 1903854 + [PM2000] 1903826.                                    Gvr2010 
19401-0759 HIP  96754  This SB2 with mass ration 0.882 is apparently too close for resolution  .       
                       with NICI.                                                              Tok2013b
19402+6030 STF2573     B is BD+60@1992.                                                        .       
19402+1609 BPMA135     [PM2000] 1905115 + [PM2000] 1903853.                                    Gvr2010 
19402+1605 BPM1276     [PM2000] 1904943 + [PM2000] 1905379.                                    Gvr2010 
19402+1400 BPM1275     [PM2000] 1904680 + [PM2000] 1903673.                                    Gvr2010 
19402+1236 BPM1274     [PM2000] 1904646 + [PM2000] 1904611.                                    Gvr2010 
19403+1758 BPM1281     [PM2000] 1905528 + [PM2000] 1904159.                                    Gvr2010 
19403+1540 BPM1280     [PM2000] 1906222 + [PM2000] 1907344.                                    Gvr2010 
19403+1340 BPM1277     [PM2000] 1905296 + [PM2000] 1905179.                                    Gvr2010 
19403+1240 BPM1278     AB: [PM2000] 1905465 + [PM2000] 1906076.                                Gvr2010 
           BPM1279     BC: [PM2000] 1906076 + [PM2000] 1906320.                                Gvr2010 
19403+1224 BPM1282     [PM2000] 1906348 + [PM2000] 1905434.                                    Gvr2010 
19403-6959 NZO  98     Aka TDS1005.                                                            .       
19404+3441 ES 2242     Aka TDT1620.                                                            .       
19404+1613 BPM1287     [PM2000] 1907290 + [PM2000] 1906312.                                    Gvr2010 
19404+1527 BPM1285     [PM2000] 1907083 + [PM2000] 1906330.                                    Gvr2010 
19404+1404 BPM1288     [PM2000] 1907293 + [PM2000] 1906295.                                    Gvr2010 
19404+1341 BPM1284     [PM2000] 1906663 + [PM2000] 1907116.                                    Gvr2010 
19404+1303 BPM1283     [PM2000] 1906520 + [PM2000] 1905570.                                    Gvr2010 
19404+1106 BPM1286     [PM2000] 1907169 + [PM2000] 1905636.                                    Gvr2010 
19406+1737 BPM1289     [PM2000] 1908776 + [PM2000] 1907834.                                    Gvr2010 
19406+1504 BPM1297     [PM2000] 1909826 + [PM2000] 1909725.                                    Gvr2010 
19406+1355 BPM1290     AB: [PM2000] 1908990 + [PM2000] 1908938.                                Gvr2010 
           BPM1291     BC: [PM2000] 1908938 + [PM2000] 1909549.                                Gvr2010 
           BPM1292     BD: [PM2000] 1908938 + [PM2000] 1908580.                                Gvr2010 
           BPM1293     CD: [PM2000] 1909549 + [PM2000] 1908580.                                Gvr2010 
           BPM1294     DE: [PM2000] 1908580 + [PM2000] 1907481.                                Gvr2010 
19406+1325 BPM1295     AB: [PM2000] 1909319 + [PM2000] 1909601.                                Gvr2010 
           BPM1296     BD: [PM2000] 1909601 + [PM2000] 1910484.                                Gvr2010 
19407+4305 CHR 260     Hipparcos suspected non-single.                                         .       
19407+2343 STF2560     C is a spectroscopic binary.                                            .       
19407+1544 BPMA136     [PM2000] 1909931 + [PM2000] 1909790.                                    Gvr2010 
19407+1352 BPM1298     [PM2000] 1910783 + [PM2000] 1910915.                                    Gvr2010 
19407+1328 BPM1299     AB: [PM2000] 1910972 + [PM2000] 1909582.                                Gvr2010 
           BPM1300     AC: [PM2000] 1910972 + [PM2000] 1910384.                                Gvr2010 
19407-0037 CHR  88     45 Aql.                                                                 .       
                       Aa,Ab: Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and          .       
                       spectroscopic masses 1.88 +/- 0.45, 3.34, and 2.09 Msun, respectively.  Mlk2012 
19407-1618 HJ  599     54 Sgr = e 1 Sag. Variable, and A is an occultation double.             .       
19408+1802 BPM1303     [PM2000] 1911830 + [PM2000] 1910621.                                    Gvr2010 
19408+1325 BPM1301     [PM2000] 1911012 + [PM2000] 1911945.                                    Gvr2010 
19408+1319 BPM1302     [PM2000] 1911324 + [PM2000] 1912141.                                    Gvr2010 
19408+1226 BPM1304     [PM2000] 1911955 + [PM2000] 1910576.                                    Gvr2010 
19408+0913 GCB  45     J 1855.                                                                 .       
19409+5034 KOI 623     AB: JKA  72. KIC 12068975/12068971.                                     .       
19409+1818 BPM1305     [PM2000] 1912390 + [PM2000] 1911261.                                    Gvr2010 
19409+1521 BPM1307     [PM2000] 1913173 + [PM2000] 1913884.                                    Gvr2010 
19409+1442 BPM1308     [PM2000] 1913399 + [PM2000] 1914913.                                    Gvr2010 
19409+1217 BPM1306     [PM2000] 1912657 + [PM2000] 1913028.                                    Gvr2010 
19409-0152 TOK 424     HIP 96834 has a spectroscopic orbit with a period of 1yr and expected   .       
                       semi-major axis of 27mas (Latham 2012, private communication). We       .       
                       resolved this pair, although the measurement near the diffraction       .       
                       limit is uncertain. There are some unsolved questions, however. Why,    .       
                       despite the small magnitude difference dy = 1.2 mag, were double lines  .       
                       not seen? Why, despite the 1-yr period, was the Hipparcos parallax not  .       
                       strongly affected and the star appears to be on the main sequence?      Tok2015c
19410+3237 BLL  41     A is the semiregular variable TT Cyg.                                   .       
19411+1601 BPM1312     [PM2000] 1914844 + [PM2000] 1916003.                                    Gvr2010 
19411+1506 BPM1311     [PM2000] 1914833 + [PM2000] 1914377.                                    Gvr2010 
19411+1359 BPM1313     [PM2000] 1915385 + [PM2000] 1916848.                                    Gvr2010 
19411+1349 KUI  93     A is the Algol-type system QS Aql.                                      .       
                       1980.7256: This measure was incorrectly attributed to ADS 12973 by      .       
                       McAlister et al. (1983)                                                 McA1983 
                       Light curve and radial velocity combined solution determined.           Zas2017 
19411+1301 BPM1309     [PM2000] 1914768 + [PM2000] 1915494.                                    Gvr2010 
19411+1207 BPM1310     [PM2000] 1914779 + [PM2000] 1915678.                                    Gvr2010 
19412+1345 BPM1315     [PM2000] 1916483 + [PM2000] 1916167.                                    Gvr2010 
19412+1251 BPM1317     [PM2000] 1916987 + [PM2000] 1916093.                                    Gvr2010 
19412+1248 BPM1314     [PM2000] 1916411 + [PM2000] 1915456.                                    Gvr2010 
19412+1222 BPM1316     [PM2000] 1916586 + [PM2000] 1916630.                                    Gvr2010 
19413+1756 BPM1320     [PM2000] 1917464 + [PM2000] 1918244.                                    Gvr2010 
19413+1703 BPM1318     [PM2000] 1917200 + [PM2000] 1916920.                                    Gvr2010 
19413+1435 BPM1319     [PM2000] 1917363 + [PM2000] 1918671.                                    Gvr2010 
19413+1418 BPM1321     [PM2000] 1917892 + [PM2000] 1918626.                                    Gvr2010 
19413-0128 BAL 605     J 1683.                                                                 .       
19414+4851 KOI2813     This system hosts a 1.2 Rearth planet candidate with a 0.7 day period   .       
                       (Burke et al. 2014). We detected a companion 1.43 J mags and 1.82 Ks    KOI2014a
                       mags fainter than KOI2813 at a separation of 1".04. The predicted Kp    .       
                       mag of the companion is Kp = 14.8 (dKp = 1.3). In the simple            .       
                       approximation in which all of the light from the companion star is      .       
                       captured in the Kepler aperture and the companion orbits the target     .       
                       star, then the estimated planet radius should be increased by 15% to    .       
                       correct for the extra light in the aperture. KOI2813 does not exhibit   .       
                       a significant source offset during transit.                             Dre2014 
19415+3903 KOI2904     This system hosts a 1.2 Rearth planet with a 16.4 day period (Burke et  KOI2014a
                       al 2014). We detected a companion 2.74 J mags and 2.58 Ks mags fainter  .       
                       than KOI2904 at a separation of 0".68. Using the J-Ks to Kp-Ks color-   .       
                       color conversion from Howell et al. (2012), we predict that the Kp mag  KOI2012a
                       of the companion is Kp = 15.8 (dKp = 3.1) if the star is a dwarf or     .       
                       Kp = 15.9 (dKp = 3.2) if the star is a giant. KOI 2904 has also been    .       
                       observed with speckle imaging using DSSI on WIYN and the companion was  .       
                       detected with mag differences of 2.83 mag at 692 nm and 2.77 mag at     .       
                       880 nm. The estimated dilution correction for this system is 3%         .       
                       assuming that the planet orbits the target star and that all of the     .       
                       light from the companion is captured in the Kepler aperture. KOI2904    .       
                       does not display a significant source offset during transit.            Dre2014 
19415+1710 BPM1323     AB: [PM2000] 1919997 + [PM2000] 1919774.                                Gvr2010 
           BPM1324     BC: [PM2000] 1919774 + [PM2000] 1919188.                                Gvr2010 
19415+1224 BPM1325     [PM2000] 1920381 + [PM2000] 1920714.                                    Gvr2010 
19415+1123 BPM1322     [PM2000] 1919737 + [PM2000] 1919246.                                    Gvr2010 
19416+4259 KOI 266     This system contains a 1.6 Rearth planet candidate with a 25.3 day      .       
                       period and a second 1.8 Rearth planet candidate with a 47.7 day period  .       
                       (Burke et al. 2014). It was classified by Slawson et al. (2011) as a    KOI2014a
                       detached eclipsing binary with a period of 25.3 days, suggesting that   KOI2011a
                       the 1.6 Rearth planet candidate with the same period might not          .       
                       actually be a planet. Instead, the observed decrease in flux every      .       
                       25.3 days might be an eclipsing binary diluted by the light of a        .       
                       nearby star.                                                            Dre2014 
19416+1639 BPM1327     [PM2000] 1921007 + [PM2000] 1920802.                                    Gvr2010 
19416+1602 BPM1326     [PM2000] 1920985 + [PM2000] 1922164.                                    Gvr2010 
19416+1433 BPM1328     AB: [PM2000] 1921223 + [PM2000] 1919726.                                Gvr2010 
           BPM1329     AC: [PM2000] 1921223 + [PM2000] 1922428.                                Gvr2010 
19417+1727 BPM1331     [PM2000] 1923043 + [PM2000] 1923561.                                    Gvr2010 
19417+1505 BPMA137     [PM2000] 1923300 + [PM2000] 1926016.                                    Gvr2010 
19417+1136 BPM1330     [PM2000] 1922222 + [PM2000] 1922572.                                    Gvr2010 
19418+5032 STFA 46     STTA189.                                                                .       
                       AB: A is 16 Cyg. B is BD+50@2848. A premature orbit has been computed.  .       
                       Statistically the same parallax within the errors would indicate the    .       
                       components are physical.                                                .       
                       A family of possible orbital solutions are determined by Romanenko      Rmn1994 
                       (1994), with periods ranging from 124,000 to 451,000 years, using the   .       
                       method of apparent  motion parameters and incorporating parallax and    .       
                       radial velocity  information.                                           .       
                       Based on combined astrometry, velocity information, and Hipparcos       .       
                       parallax, Hauser & Marcy (1999) determine a family of possible orbits,  Mrc1999 
                       with periods ranging from 18,200 yr to 1.3 Myr, depending on the        .       
                       line-of-sight separation between the components. A second family of     .       
                       possible orbits are determined assuming the C component is physical     .       
                       with the system.                                                        .       
                       AB: HJL 266.                                                            HJL1986 
                       AB: SHY  95. Bayesian analysis by Shaya & Olling (2011) indicates very  Shy2011 
                       high (near 100%) probability pair is physical.                          .       
                       AB: H 5  46.                                                            MEv2010 
                       AB: Kiselev & Romanenko (2011) generate another set of possible         PkO2011 
                       solutions, based in part on photographic measures obtained at Pulkova   .       
                       Observatory from 1960 to 2007. Periods range from 209 - 290 centuries.  .       
                       Based on predicted mass sums from these various orbital elements, the   .       
                       135-century solution of Hauser & Marcy (1999) appears at present to     Mrc1999 
                       give the most realistic results.                                        .       
                       AB: B has a planet P=2.19y.                                             Tok2014d
                       Asteroseismology from the Kepler data yields for Component A:           KOI2015 
                       R = 1.229+/-0.008 Rsun, 1.08+/-0.02 Msun L = 1.55+/-0.07 Lsun,          .       
                       t = 7.07+/-0.26 Gyr, Z = 0.021+/-0.002 Yi = 0.25+/-0.01 and             .       
                       log g = 4.292+/-0.03.                        For Component B:           .       
                       R = 1.116+/-0.006 Rsun, 1.04+/-0.02 Msun L = 1.25+/-0.05 Lsun,          .       
                       t = 6.74+/-0.24 Gyr, Z = 0.022+/-0.003 Yi = 0.26+/-0.01 and             .       
                       log g = 4.359+/-0.02.                                                   .       
                       CHARA Array Limb-darkened diameter of B  0.426 +/- 0.056 mas,           CIA2008c
                       R =  0.98  +/- 0.13  \rsun.                                             .       
                       CHARA Array Limb-darkened diameter of A,B :                             CIA2013c
                       R =  1.2551 +/- 0.0261, 1.1689 +/- 0.0274 \rsun,                        .       
                       L =  1.5572 +/- 0.0179, 1.2768 +/- 0.0148 \lsun,                        .       
                       Teff = 5760 +/-  57, 5678 +/-  66 K, M = 1.032, 0.989 \msun,            .       
                       Age = 7.9, 8.9 Gyr.                                                     .       
                       Using inversion techniques, a mass of 0.98+/-0.02 Msun, radius of       Blg2016 
                       1.194+/-0.06 Rsun and age of 7.2+/-0.2 Gy for 16 Cyg A and for 16 Cyg B .       
                       0.945+/-0.015 Msun and 1.09+/-0.01 Rsun                                         
                       Astroseismology results for the masses 1.07 +/- 0.02, 1.05 +/- 0.02     XXX2020h
                       \msun for A, B, respectively, and an age of 6.88 +/- 0.12 Gyr for the   .       
                       system.                                                                 .       
19418+4252 KOI2516     The system hosts a 1.2 Rearth planet candidate with a 2.8 day orbit     KOI2013a
                       (Batalha et al. 2013).                                                  Dre2014 
19418+1808 BPM1332     [PM2000] 1923345 + [PM2000] 1922013.                                    Gvr2010 
19418+1626 BPM1333     [PM2000] 1923392 + [PM2000] 1923646.                                    Gvr2010 
19418+1456 BPM1334     [PM2000] 1923508 + [PM2000] 1925184.                                    Gvr2010 
19418+1409 BPMA138     AB: [PM2000] 1923536 + [PM2000] 1923988.                                Gvr2010 
           BPMA139     AC: [PM2000] 1923536 + [PM2000] 1922370.                                Gvr2010 
           BPMA140     BC: [PM2000] 1923988 + [PM2000] 1922370.                                Gvr2010 
19419+5031 16 Cyg B    Combined solution, based on reduction of Hipparcos intermediate         .       
                       astrometric data together with spectroscopic elements from Cochran      CPS1997a
                       et al. (1997).                                                          HaI2001 
19419+1507 BPM1335     [PM2000] 1924986 + [PM2000] 1924313.                                    Gvr2010 
19419+1420 BPM1336     [PM2000] 1925767 + [PM2000] 1926609.                                    Gvr2010 
19419-1117 RST4638     BRT 2764.                                                               .       
19420+5201 ES  794     B is BD+51@2662.                                                        .       
19420+4015 KUI  94     Apastron poorly covered. Malkov et al. derive dynamical, photometric,   .       
                       and spectroscopic masses of 3.42 +/- 1.86, 3.29, and 1.74 Msun,         .       
                       respectively.                                                           Mlk2012 
19420+1807 BPM1337     AB: [PM2000] 1926835 + [PM2000] 1925978.                                Gvr2010 
           BPM1338     BC: [PM2000] 1925978 + [PM2000] 1927618.                                Gvr2010 
19420+1710 BPMA141     [PM2000] 1925876 + [PM2000] 1924736.                                    Gvr2010 
19420+1409 BPM1340     [PM2000] 1926118 + [PM2000] 1925270.                                    Gvr2010 
19420+1330 BPM1339     [PM2000] 1926199 + [PM2000] 1926512.                                    Gvr2010 
19421+1731 BPM1347     [PM2000] 1927847 + [PM2000] 1929098.                                    Gvr2010 
19421+1408 BPM1344     AB: [PM2000] 1927719 + [PM2000] 1928033.                                Gvr2010 
           BPM1345     BC: [PM2000] 1928033 + [PM2000] 1928518.                                Gvr2010 
19421+1347 BPM1343     [PM2000] 1927532 + [PM2000] 1927131.                                    Gvr2010 
19421+1340 BPM1342     [PM2000] 1927331 + [PM2000] 1928662.                                    Gvr2010 
19421+1201 BPM1341     [PM2000] 1927203 + [PM2000] 1926235.                                    Gvr2010 
19422+1659 BPM1348     [PM2000] 1929484 + [PM2000] 1929324.                                    Gvr2010 
19422+1531 BPM1346     [PM2000] 1928389 + [PM2000] 1928098.                                    Gvr2010 
19422-1015 RST4639     TDT1656.                                                                .       
19423+1744 BPM1352     [PM2000] 1930524 + [PM2000] 1932041.                                    Gvr2010 
19423+1559 BPM1349     [PM2000] 1930010 + [PM2000] 1929961.                                    Gvr2010 
19423+1546 BPM1354     [PM2000] 1930844 + [PM2000] 1930338.                                    Gvr2010 
19423+1346 BPM1353     [PM2000] 1930584 + [PM2000] 1930361.                                    Gvr2010 
19423+1253 BPM1350     [PM2000] 1930081 + [PM2000] 1930140.                                    Gvr2010 
19423+1029 BPM1351     [PM2000] 1930124 + [PM2000] 1930819.                                    Gvr2010 
19424+1753 BPM1356     [PM2000] 1931281 + [PM2000] 1930731.                                    Gvr2010 
19424+1550 BPM1355     [PM2000] 1931052 + [PM2000] 1929391.                                    Gvr2010 
19424+1413 BPM1357     [PM2000] 1931352 + [PM2000] 1932904.                                    Gvr2010 
19424+1313 BPMA142     [PM2000] 1931279 + [PM2000] 1930226.                                    Gvr2010 
19425+3337 J   777     TDT1659.                                                                .       
19425+1823 BPM1360     [PM2000] 1932880 + [PM2000] 1932305.                                    Gvr2010 
19425+1813 BPM1359     [PM2000] 1932679 + [PM2000] 1934111.                                    Gvr2010 
19425+1726 STF2563     C is BD+17@4054a.                                                       .       
                       AB: HJL 265.                                                            HJL1986 
                       AB: H 1  65.                                                            MEv2010 
19425+1332 BPM1358     [PM2000] 1932497 + [PM2000] 1931158.                                    Gvr2010 
19425+1243 BPMA143     [PM2000] 1933088 + [PM2000] 1930040.                                    Gvr2010 
19425+0809 OSO 111     G092-023. Neither is a common proper motion pair, based on color        .       
                       and/or comparison with POSS2 red plates                                 Oso2004 
19425-1607 BU 1288     55 Sgr = e 2 Sgr                                                        .       
19426+4002 BUP 196     B is BD+39@3882.                                                        .       
19426+1710 BPM1363     [PM2000] 1934084 + [PM2000] 1933862.                                    Gvr2010 
19426+1350 BPM1364     [PM2000] 1934291 + [PM2000] 1934914.                                    Gvr2010 
19426+1243 BPM1365     [PM2000] 1934786 + [PM2000] 1933789.                                    Gvr2010 
19426+1235 BPM1361     [PM2000] 1933576 + [PM2000] 1934205.                                    Gvr2010 
19426+1150 STT 380     chi Aql = 47 Aql. A spectroscopic binary.                               .       
                       1998.657: Absolute quadrant determined by triple-correlation technique  Pru2002b
19426+1133 BPM1362     [PM2000] 1933886 + [PM2000] 1933148.                                    Gvr2010 
19427+1809 BPMA144     AB: [PM2000] 1935722 + [PM2000] 1931608.                                Gvr2010 
           BPMA145     BC: [PM2000] 1931608 + [PM2000] 1931524.                                Gvr2010 
19427+1719 BPMA146     [PM2000] 1935863 + [PM2000] 1938313.                                    Gvr2010 
19427+1718 BPM1366     [PM2000] 1935513 + [PM2000] 1935669.                                    Gvr2010 
19427+1633 BPM1368     [PM2000] 1935886 + [PM2000] 1936475.                                    Gvr2010 
19427+1242 BPM1367     [PM2000] 1935639 + [PM2000] 1936393.                                    Gvr2010 
19428+3741 STTA188     B is BD+37@3578.                                                        .       
                       There is a 13th mag star between A and B, 28.73" from A, 30.48" from B  .       
19428+1755 BPM1370     [PM2000] 1936744 + [PM2000] 1936815.                                    Gvr2010 
19428+1702 BPM1371     [PM2000] 1937083 + [PM2000] 1935558.                                    Gvr2010 
19428+1237 BPM1369     [PM2000] 1936427 + [PM2000] 1938191.                                    Gvr2010 
19428+0823 STF2562     AB: SHY 756. Bayesian analysis by Shaya & Olling (2011) indicates very  Shy2011 
                       high (near 100%) probability pair is physical.                          .       
19428-1614 ALD  75     LEO 45.                                                                 .       
19429+1728 BPM1372     [PM2000] 1938533 + [PM2000] 1936865.                                    Gvr2010 
19429-4406 BRG  28     A close companion to 2MASS J19425324-4406278 is detected which is       .       
                       counted as a physical companion for statistical purposes, although      .       
                       this has not yet been demonstrated through common proper motion.        Jnn2012 
19430+3433 SEI 663     H 3 110a.                                                               MEv2010 
19430+1753 BPM1375     [PM2000] 1938839 + [PM2000] 1939664.                                    Gvr2010 
19430+1722 BPM1373     AB: [PM2000] 1939526 + [PM2000] 1939513.                                Gvr2010 
           BPM1374     BC: [PM2000] 1939513 + [PM2000] 1938582.                                Gvr2010 
19431+1435 BPM1377     [PM2000] 1941162 + [PM2000] 1940714.                                    Gvr2010 
19431+1324 BPM1376     [PM2000] 1940211 + [PM2000] 1941390.                                    Gvr2010 
19431-0818 STFA 45     B is BD-08@5079.                                                        .       
                       AB: SHY 757. Bayesian analysis by Shaya & Olling (2011) indicates very  Shy2011 
                       high (near 100%) probability pair is physical.                          .       
           GC 27279    Hipparcos astrometric solution assumed circular orbit (e = omega = 0)   HIP1997d
19432+4929 DEA 391     JKA  73. KIC 11515925/11515931.                                         .       
19432+2701 BU 1132     The evidence suggests that there may be a question of identification.   .       
                       BD+26 3650 (5' s) is single (n=2)                                       Hei1963b
                       Pair probably incorrectly identified in ADS. Pair is BD+26 3651, not    .       
                       the single star BD+26 3650. Probably the negative observations of       .       
                       Van Biesbroeck and Voute were of the latter star.                       Cou1956 
19432+1559 BPM1378     [PM2000] 1941381 + [PM2000] 1940473.                                    Gvr2010 
19432+1402 BPMA147     [PM2000] 1941571 + [PM2000] 1944765.                                    Gvr2010 
19433+1648 BPMA148     [PM2000] 1943268 + [PM2000] 1945611.                                    Gvr2010 
19433+1638 BPM1381     [PM2000] 1943460 + [PM2000] 1943559.                                    Gvr2010 
19433+1507 BPM1380     [PM2000] 1943356 + [PM2000] 1942137.                                    Gvr2010 
19433+1452 BPM1382     AB: [PM2000] 1943825 + [PM2000] 1945268.                                Gvr2010 
           BPM1383     BC: [PM2000] 1945268 + [PM2000] 1944891.                                Gvr2010 
19434+3855 ES 1969     AC: SEI 672.                                                            Nsn2017b
19434+3158 AG  235     SEI 665.                                                                Nsn2017b
19434+1701 BPM1385     [PM2000] 1944353 + [PM2000] 1945737.                                    Gvr2010 
19434+1500 BPM1384     [PM2000] 1945067 + [PM2000] 1945278.                                    Gvr2010 
19434+1359 BPMA149     [PM2000] 1944225 + [PM2000] 1941724.                                    Gvr2010 
19434+0410 STT 381     Heintz believes this is identical with BAL2520.                         Hei1995 
19434-3722 BRG  29     Only one epoch of imaging exists for this binary system, hence common   .       
                       proper motion has not yet been confirmed. It is counted as an           .       
                       unconfirmed binary here.                                                Jnn2012 
19435+3450 AG  236     AB: SEI 667.                                                            Nsn2017b
19435+3433 SEI 669     B is BD+34@3684.                                                        .       
                       H 3 110b.                                                               MEv2010 
19435+1752 BPM1389     [PM2000] 1946042 + [PM2000] 1945522.                                    Gvr2010 
19435+1439 BPMA150     [PM2000] 1945210 + [PM2000] 1944677.                                    Gvr2010 
19435+1337 BPM1386     [PM2000] 1945303 + [PM2000] 1946333.                                    Gvr2010 
19435+1312 BPM1387     AB: [PM2000] 1945537 + [PM2000] 1945682.                                Gvr2010 
           BPM1388     BC: [PM2000] 1945682 + [PM2000] 1946222.                                Gvr2010 
19435+1200 BPM1390     [PM2000] 1946355 + [PM2000] 1947704.                                    Gvr2010 
19435+1140 BPM1391     [PM2000] 1946387 + [PM2000] 1945936.                                    Gvr2010 
19436+1608 BPM1394     [PM2000] 1947383 + [PM2000] 1946868.                                    Gvr2010 
19436+1544 BPM1395     [PM2000] 1947390 + [PM2000] 1947362.                                    Gvr2010 
19436+1204 BPM1392     AB: [PM2000] 1946420 + [PM2000] 1947271.                                Gvr2010 
           BPM1393     AC: [PM2000] 1946420 + [PM2000] 1947637.                                Gvr2010 
19436-0904 HO  579     Includes V1461 Aql, an Algol-type eclipsing binary, P = 1.76306d.       Zas2012 
19437+1737 BPM1396     [PM2000] 1948278 + [PM2000] 1948500.                                    Gvr2010 
19437+1611 BPMA152     [PM2000] 1948374 + [PM2000] 1945016.                                    Gvr2010 
19437+1210 BPMA151     AB: [PM2000] 1948028 + [PM2000] 1944249.                                Gvr2010 
           BPM1379     BC: [PM2000] 1944249 + [PM2000] 1943070.                                Gvr2010 
19437+1146 BPM1407     [PM2000] 1948787 + [PM2000] 1949496.                                    Gvr2010 
19437-2908 LDS 685     NLTT 48140/48142                                                        Chm2004 
19438+1542 BPM1400     [PM2000] 1949007 + [PM2000] 1947609.                                    Gvr2010 
19438+1539 BPM1408     [PM2000] 1949885 + [PM2000] 1950853.                                    Gvr2010 
19438+1502 BPM1404     [PM2000] 1949264 + [PM2000] 1948124.                                    Gvr2010 
19438+1450 BPM1409     [PM2000] 1950089 + [PM2000] 1950189.                                    Gvr2010 
19438+1440 BPM1401     AB: [PM2000] 1949239 + [PM2000] 1949481.                                Gvr2010 
           BPM1402     BC: [PM2000] 1949481 + [PM2000] 1949415.                                Gvr2010 
           BPM1403     CD: [PM2000] 1949415 + [PM2000] 1949409.                                Gvr2010 
19438+1426 BPM1405     [PM2000] 1949444 + [PM2000] 1949441.                                    Gvr2010 
19438+1310 BPM1397     AB: [PM2000] 1949553 + [PM2000] 1948529.                                Gvr2010 
           BPM1398     BC: [PM2000] 1948529 + [PM2000] 1947764.                                Gvr2010 
           BPM1399     BD: [PM2000] 1948529 + [PM2000] 1948211.                                Gvr2010 
19438+1213 BPM1406     [PM2000] 1949504 + [PM2000] 1950018.                                    Gvr2010 
19439+2708 BU  658     Spectrum composite;G4III+K3II. Bryant measures a star which may be the  Bry1900 
                       same with an error in angle: 1900.62, 349.4@, 0.3" (BDS 9567).          .       
                       1998.657: Absolute quadrant determined by triple-correlation technique  Pru2002b
                       Includes PS Vul, an Algol-type eclipsing binary, P = 3.8173d.           Zas2012 
19439+1514 BPMA153     [PM2000] 1950665 + [PM2000] 1948678.                                    Gvr2010 
19439-0034 RST5142     J  2557.                                                                Nsn2016 
19440+1422 BPM1410     [PM2000] 1952382 + [PM2000] 1953719.                                    Gvr2010 
19440+1406 BPMA154     [PM2000] 1951998 + [PM2000] 1956181.                                    Gvr2010 
19440+1222 HLM  27     Verhas (1993) and Sinachopoulos et al. (2007) mistakenly observed       Ver1993 
                       19441+1222STF2567 rather than this pair, due to coarse coordinates.     Sin2007 
19440-0443 LDS6337     NLTT 48160/48161                                                        Chm2004 
19441+1702 BPMA155     [PM2000] 1953751 + [PM2000] 1950321.                                    Gvr2010 
19441+1547 BPM1416     [PM2000] 1953779 + [PM2000] 1954740.                                    Gvr2010 
19441+1531 BPM1411     [PM2000] 1952847 + [PM2000] 1951868.                                    Gvr2010 
19441+1520 BPM1412     AB: [PM2000] 1953089 + [PM2000] 1952801.                                Gvr2010 
           BPM1413     BC: [PM2000] 1952801 + [PM2000] 1953317.                                Gvr2010 
19441+1433 BPM1415     [PM2000] 1953108 + [PM2000] 1952239.                                    Gvr2010 
19441+1222 STF2567     Same as STF2568.                                                        .       
                       AB: H 4 132.                                                            MEv2010 
19441+1116 BPM1414     [PM2000] 1953126 + [PM2000] 1954163.                                    Gvr2010 
19442+1706 BPMA156     [PM2000] 1955019 + [PM2000] 1956376.                                    Gvr2010 
19442+1632 BPM1417     [PM2000] 1954346 + [PM2000] 1955493.                                    Gvr2010 
19442+1408 BPM1419     [PM2000] 1954905 + [PM2000] 1955889.                                    Gvr2010 
19442+1334 BPM1418     [PM2000] 1954430 + [PM2000] 1954990.                                    Gvr2010 
19443+5547 HJ 1438     Discrepant 1917 Pettit observation was ealier catalogues as PTT  27,    Ptt1921 
                       although he said observation was of HJ 1438.                            .       
19443+2655 L    30     BRT 199.                                                                Brt1928 
19443+1732 BPM1426     [PM2000] 1956345 + [PM2000] 1955244.                                    Gvr2010 
19443+1707 BPM1421     [PM2000] 1955318 + [PM2000] 1955701.                                    Gvr2010 
19443+1623 BPM1424     [PM2000] 1955818 + [PM2000] 1956071.                                    Gvr2010 
19443+1615 BPM1425     [PM2000] 1955847 + [PM2000] 1955527.                                    Gvr2010 
19443+1540 BPM1422     [PM2000] 1955613 + [PM2000] 1955809.                                    Gvr2010 
19443+1434 BPM1420     [PM2000] 1955274 + [PM2000] 1955148.                                    Gvr2010 
19443+1421 BPMA157     [PM2000] 1955185 + [PM2000] 1957757.                                    Gvr2010 
19443+1113 BPM1423     [PM2000] 1955778 + [PM2000] 1955915.                                    Gvr2010 
19444+3859 ALI 899     BRT2226.                                                                Brt1938 
19444+1619 BPM1429     [PM2000] 1956993 + [PM2000] 1956929.                                    Gvr2010 
19444+1618 BPM1427     [PM2000] 1956565 + [PM2000] 1955704.                                    Gvr2010 
19444+1525 BPM1430     [PM2000] 1957389 + [PM2000] 1956845.                                    Gvr2010 
19444+1143 BPM1428     [PM2000] 1956851 + [PM2000] 1955636.                                    Gvr2010 
19445+1353 BPM1434     [PM2000] 1958207 + [PM2000] 1958675.                                    Gvr2010 
19445+1305 BPMA158     [PM2000] 1958416 + [PM2000] 1954806.                                    Gvr2010 
19446+1621 BPM1438     [PM2000] 1959894 + [PM2000] 1960733.                                    Gvr2010 
19446+1557 BPM1431     AB: [PM2000] 1958935 + [PM2000] 1958196.                                Gvr2010 
           BPM1432     BC: [PM2000] 1958196 + [PM2000] 1956912.                                Gvr2010 
19446+1547 BPM1435     [PM2000] 1959194 + [PM2000] 1958976.                                    Gvr2010 
19446+1522 BPMA159     [PM2000] 1959320 + [PM2000] 1960976.                                    Gvr2010 
19446+1509 BPM1433     [PM2000] 1958922 + [PM2000] 1959831.                                    Gvr2010 
19446+1502 BPMA160     [PM2000] 1959396 + [PM2000] 1958965.                                    Gvr2010 
19446+1359 BPMA161     [PM2000] 1959939 + [PM2000] 1957440.                                    Gvr2010 
19446+1352 BPM1436     [PM2000] 1959652 + [PM2000] 1959010.                                    Gvr2010 
19446+1250 BPM1437     [PM2000] 1959876 + [PM2000] 1959238.                                    Gvr2010 
19446+1253 J  1862     Several measures purportedly of this pair were actually of WOR9001,     .       
                       located about 3' NE.                                                    .       
19447+1434 BPM1443     [PM2000] 1961118 + [PM2000] 1960634.                                    Gvr2010 
19447+1322 BPM1441     [PM2000] 1960672 + [PM2000] 1960329.                                    Gvr2010 
19447+1304 BPM1440     [PM2000] 1960405 + [PM2000] 1961323.                                    Gvr2010 
19447+1258 BPM1442     [PM2000] 1960835 + [PM2000] 1961549.                                    Gvr2010 
19447+1204 BPMA162     [PM2000] 1960560 + [PM2000] 1957407.                                    Gvr2010 
19447+1158 BPM1439     [PM2000] 1960220 + [PM2000] 1959044.                                    Gvr2010 
19447+0233 J  2183     Aka J   489.                                                            Dam2016d
19448+2916 ISM   4     The Cepheid SU Cyg. This is also known as WRH  23Aa,Ab. The Wilson      .       
                       component were previously assigned to 19372+2920, but this was a        .       
                       position error on Wilson's part leading to the the pairs not being      WRH1950a
                       confirmed for many years. The wider components of Wilson will retain    .       
                       their historical, AE, AF, and AG component identifiers. The closer      .       
                       Aa,Ab pair will remain ISM   4. The problem was noted by Cliff          .       
                       Ashcraft and the correct system found by James Daley.                   .       
                       Masses are 4.7 and 3.2 Msun. Estimated period = 1.5y,                   .       
                       a = 2.6au = 0.003".                                                     Evs2013 
19448+1649 STF2569     H 2  32.                                                                MEv2010 
19448+1628 BPM1447     [PM2000] 1962507 + [PM2000] 1963715.                                    Gvr2010 
19448+1542 BPMA163     [PM2000] 1961418 + [PM2000] 1962436.                                    Gvr2010 
19448+1519 BPM1445     [PM2000] 1961884 + [PM2000] 1961399.                                    Gvr2010 
19448+1451 BPM1444     [PM2000] 1961840 + [PM2000] 1961794.                                    Gvr2010 
19448+1406 BPM1446     [PM2000] 1961998 + [PM2000] 1961947.                                    Gvr2010 
19448+1251 WOR9001     Several measures purportedly of J  1862 were actually of this pair.     .       
                       located about 3' NE of the Jonckheere pair.                             .       
19449+1740 BPMA165     [PM2000] 1963285 + [PM2000] 1962695.                                    Gvr2010 
19449+1607 BPM1451     [PM2000] 1963152 + [PM2000] 1963986.                                    Gvr2010 
19449+1411 BPM1450     [PM2000] 1963080 + [PM2000] 1962301.                                    Gvr2010 
19449+1320 BPMA164     [PM2000] 1962675 + [PM2000] 1963861.                                    Gvr2010 
19449+1315 BPM1449     [PM2000] 1963062 + [PM2000] 1964303.                                    Gvr2010 
19449+1225 BPM1452     [PM2000] 1963714 + [PM2000] 1964192.                                    Gvr2010 
19449+1150 BPM1448     [PM2000] 1962985 + [PM2000] 1963987.                                    Gvr2010 
19449+1047 STF2570     AB,C: H 1  91.                                                          MEv2010 
19449-2338 MTG   4     Also known as LP 869-26.                                                .       
                       Parallax = 67.87 +/- 1.10 mas.                                          JLB2017 
19450+4508 STF2579     del Cyg = 18 Cyg.                                                       .       
                       See Baize & Petit (1989) catalog of doubles with variable component.    Baz1989d
                       Uniform disk diameter  0.874 +/- 0.062 mas,                             .       
                       Limb darkened diameter 0.884 +/- 0.062 mas,                             .       
                       Teff = 12000 +/- 1400 K based on LDD.                                   .       
                       Radius is 4.81 +/- 0.36 \rsun.                                          CIA2019a
                       AB: H 1  94.                                                            MEv2010 
19450+1547 BPM1453     [PM2000] 1963817 + [PM2000] 1964221.                                    Gvr2010 
19450+1416 BPM1454     [PM2000] 1963846 + [PM2000] 1963265.                                    Gvr2010 
19450+1412 BPM1462     [PM2000] 1964608 + [PM2000] 1963492.                                    Gvr2010 
19450+1404 BPM1455     [PM2000] 1964328 + [PM2000] 1965951.                                    Gvr2010 
19450+1145 BPM1456     AB: [PM2000] 1964456 + [PM2000] 1965552.                                Gvr2010 
           BPM1457     BC: [PM2000] 1965552 + [PM2000] 1965760.                                Gvr2010 
19451+1705 BPM1458     [PM2000] 1965189 + [PM2000] 1966717.                                    Gvr2010 
19451+1630 BPM1466     [PM2000] 1966293 + [PM2000] 1967712.                                    Gvr2010 
19451+1543 BPM1467     [PM2000] 1966341 + [PM2000] 1966749.                                    Gvr2010 
19451+1533 BPM1459     AB: [PM2000] 1965372 + [PM2000] 1964484.                                Gvr2010 
           BPM1460     AC: [PM2000] 1965372 + [PM2000] 1964882.                                Gvr2010 
19451+1432 BPM1463     [PM2000] 1965961 + [PM2000] 1964870.                                    Gvr2010 
19451+1337 BPM1461     [PM2000] 1965391 + [PM2000] 1966608.                                    Gvr2010 
19451+1244 BPM1464     AB: [PM2000] 1966011 + [PM2000] 1965875.                                Gvr2010 
           BPM1465     AC: [PM2000] 1966011 + [PM2000] 1965784.                                Gvr2010 
19452+1437 BPMA166     [PM2000] 1966969 + [PM2000] 1963147.                                    Gvr2010 
19453+2023 J   817     Measures do not confirm movement seen in Toulouse observations in       .       
                       1949. Two pairs?                                                        J__1952 
19453+1726 BPM1469     [PM2000] 1968263 + [PM2000] 1968147.                                    Gvr2010 
19453+1629 BPMA167     [PM2000] 1968685 + [PM2000] 1967904.                                    Gvr2010 
19453+1248 BPM1470     [PM2000] 1968277 + [PM2000] 1968645.                                    Gvr2010 
19453+1217 BPM1468     [PM2000] 1967808 + [PM2000] 1969143.                                    Gvr2010 
19453-6823 HDS2806     AB + TOK 425Ba,Bb: We resolved the secondary component of HDS 2806 AB   .       
                       into a close pair Ba,Bb. This is a K3 dwarf within 50pc from the Sun.   .       
                       The pair Ba,Bb should be fast and turn around in about 10yrs.           Tok2015c
19454+1705 BPM1472     [PM2000] 1969121 + [PM2000] 1968557.                                    Gvr2010 
19454+1702 BPM1471     [PM2000] 1969100 + [PM2000] 1968684.                                    Gvr2010 
19454+1404 BPMA168     [PM2000] 1968972 + [PM2000] 1970175.                                    Gvr2010 
19454+1313 BPMA169     [PM2000] 1969471 + [PM2000] 1967414.                                    Gvr2010 
19455+1739 BPM1479     [PM2000] 1971291 + [PM2000] 1971365.                                    Gvr2010 
19455+1640 BPM1476     [PM2000] 1970668 + [PM2000] 1972004.                                    Gvr2010 
19455+1623 BPM1473     AB: [PM2000] 1970281 + [PM2000] 1969674.                                Gvr2010 
           BPM1474     AC: [PM2000] 1970281 + [PM2000] 1971325.                                Gvr2010 
19455+1455 BPM1478     [PM2000] 1971058 + [PM2000] 1970767.                                    Gvr2010 
19455+1414 BPM1477     [PM2000] 1970956 + [PM2000] 1971134.                                    Gvr2010 
19455+1309 BPM1475     [PM2000] 1970284 + [PM2000] 1970892.                                    Gvr2010 
19455-1133 BRT2766     J 1685.                                                                 .       
19456+1655 BPM1482     AB: [PM2000] 1972374 + [PM2000] 1972706.                                Gvr2010 
           BPM1483     BC: [PM2000] 1972706 + [PM2000] 1972788.                                Gvr2010 
19456+1543 BPM1485     [PM2000] 1972439 + [PM2000] 1970997.                                    Gvr2010 
19456+1523 BPM1480     [PM2000] 1971721 + [PM2000] 1971602.                                    Gvr2010 
19456+1341 BPM1481     [PM2000] 1972313 + [PM2000] 1971466.                                    Gvr2010 
19457+4749 CBL  79     JKA  77. KIC 10612448/10612424.                                         .       
19457+4230 ES 1563     Aka HJ 2898.                                                            .       
19457+3930 ARN 117     JKA  78. KIC 4484238/4386086.                                           .       
19457+3612 SEI 677     AC. Tertiary not seen on POSS plate; may be either variable star or     .       
                       flaw on AC Potsdam plate.                                               .       
19457+3605 STF2578     BDS 9591, H N  13 same star. B is BD+35@3787.                           .       
                       AB: SEI 676.                                                            Nsn2017b
19457+1550 BPM1488     [PM2000] 1973278 + [PM2000] 1974770.                                    Gvr2010 
19457+1455 BPM1486     [PM2000] 1972802 + [PM2000] 1973021.                                    Gvr2010 
19457+1449 BPM1484     [PM2000] 1972596 + [PM2000] 1973768.                                    Gvr2010 
19457+1406 BPM1487     [PM2000] 1973082 + [PM2000] 1973455.                                    Gvr2010 
19457+1339 BPM1489     [PM2000] 1973316 + [PM2000] 1973731.                                    Gvr2010 
19457+1329 BPM1490     [PM2000] 1973539 + [PM2000] 1973489.                                    Gvr2010 
19458+4622 ES 2674     ARG  86. Incorrectly listed in WDS as 19095+4103. Espin's 1908 measure  Es_1909a
                       was erroneously attributed to Argelander, leading to the ARG 86         .       
                       designation.                                                            .       
19458+2710 KUI  95     Indeterminate (long) period but useable a^3/P^2.                        .       
                       Missing in HIP because of poor Input Catalogue position.                Sod1999 
19458+1554 BPM1492     [PM2000] 1974374 + [PM2000] 1974587.                                    Gvr2010 
19458+1510 BPM1491     [PM2000] 1973827 + [PM2000] 1974341.                                    Gvr2010 
19458+1409 BPM1494     [PM2000] 1974694 + [PM2000] 1973860.                                    Gvr2010 
19458+1239 BPM1495     [PM2000] 1975046 + [PM2000] 1973863.                                    Gvr2010 
19458+1118 BPM1493     [PM2000] 1974448 + [PM2000] 1974600.                                    Gvr2010 
19459+3953 A  1404     AB: Too close 1935-1943. Measures uncertain 1943-1958.                  .       
                       AB,D: SEI 679.                                                          Nsn2017b
19459+3501 H 5 137     H V 137. STTA191. A has composite spectrum; K0II-III+A2V.               .       
                       B is BD+34@3702.                                                        .       
19459+1731 BPM1499     [PM2000] 1976084 + [PM2000] 1977467.                                    Gvr2010 
19459+1625 BPMA171     [PM2000] 1976135 + [PM2000] 1973645.                                    Gvr2010 
19459+1602 BPM1498     [PM2000] 1975573 + [PM2000] 1976937.                                    Gvr2010 
19459+1536 BPMA170     [PM2000] 1975783 + [PM2000] 1975106.                                    Gvr2010 
19459+1459 BPM1496     [PM2000] 1975238 + [PM2000] 1974495.                                    Gvr2010 
19459+1127 BPM1497     [PM2000] 1975478 + [PM2000] 1975507.                                    Gvr2010 
19460+1755 BPM1502     [PM2000] 1977376 + [PM2000] 1976725.                                    Gvr2010 
19460+1447 BPM1501     [PM2000] 1977012 + [PM2000] 1976877.                                    Gvr2010 
19460+1325 BPM1500     [PM2000] 1976651 + [PM2000] 1977886.                                    Gvr2010 
19460+0415 BU  468     B is a flare star, V1406 Aql.                                           .       
                       A is SB1, P=3990d.                                                      Tok2014d
19461+4458 ES   83     Fox notes a faint star in 193@, 15" from B and Roe notes another one    Fox1915 
                       65" preceding.                                                          Roe1918 
19461+1705 BPM1503     [PM2000] 1978024 + [PM2000] 1977733.                                    Gvr2010 
19461+1606 BPM1504     [PM2000] 1978454 + [PM2000] 1978611.                                    Gvr2010 
19461-1718 LDS4818     NLTT 48198/48193                                                        Chm2004 
19462+1704 BPM1505     AB: [PM2000] 1978880 + [PM2000] 1977685.                                Gvr2010 
           BPM1506     AC: [PM2000] 1978880 + [PM2000] 1978963.                                Gvr2010 
19462+1557 BPM1510     [PM2000] 1979198 + [PM2000] 1979886.                                    Gvr2010 
19462+1542 BPMA172     [PM2000] 1979371 + [PM2000] 1983217.                                    Gvr2010 
19462+1524 BPM1508     [PM2000] 1979071 + [PM2000] 1977604.                                    Gvr2010 
19462+1334 BPM1511     [PM2000] 1979320 + [PM2000] 1979241.                                    Gvr2010 
19462+1332 BPM1507     [PM2000] 1979043 + [PM2000] 1979069.                                    Gvr2010 
19462+1301 BPM1509     [PM2000] 1979136 + [PM2000] 1979109.                                    Gvr2010 
19463+2437 BKO 734     Aka SCA 202.                                                            .       
19463+1755 BPM1519     [PM2000] 1980963 + [PM2000] 1979924.                                    Gvr2010 
19463+1553 BPM1512     [PM2000] 1980153 + [PM2000] 1979972.                                    Gvr2010 
19463+1526 BPM1518     [PM2000] 1980933 + [PM2000] 1980238.                                    Gvr2010 
19463+1336 BPM1515     [PM2000] 1980719 + [PM2000] 1981181.                                    Gvr2010 
19463+1326 BPM1517     [PM2000] 1980879 + [PM2000] 1979324.                                    Gvr2010 
19463+1245 BPM1516     [PM2000] 1980867 + [PM2000] 1981664.                                    Gvr2010 
19463+1227 BPM1513     [PM2000] 1980236 + [PM2000] 1980992.                                    Gvr2010 
19463+1139 BPM1514     [PM2000] 1980705 + [PM2000] 1981320.                                    Gvr2010 
19463+1037 BUP 198     gam Aql = 50 Aql = Tarazed                                              .       
19463+1035 BU   55     J 123.                                                                  .       
19464+3344 STF2580     17 Cyg = chi Cyg. LDS1028. B is probably variable.                      .       
                       AB: NLTT 48226/48228                                                    Chm2004 
                       Common proper motion with STF 2576. Moved to same WDS coordinate to     .       
                       formalize the relationship 7 August 2008 at suggestion of Deepak        .       
                       Raghavan.                                                               .       
                       AB: HJL 267.                                                            HJL1986 
                       AB: H 4  11.                                                            MEv2010 
                       AC: Optical pair, based on study of relative motion of the components   .       
                       using the method of apparent motion parameters.                         Kiy2008 
           KPR   4     AD: Optical pair, based on study of relative motion of the components   .       
                       using the method of apparent motion parameters.                         Kiy2008 
                       AD: It is doubtful that the AD pair observed by 2MASS and later         .       
                       observers is the pair observed by Kamper (1992). Neither his "Af" (AD)  Kpr1992 
                       or "Ag" (AE) pairs seems to correspond to any pairs in the field,       .       
                       when proper motion of the stars is taken into account.                  .       
           WNO  56     AF is the same as LEP  93. All measures merged into a single system.    .       
                       GJ 9670 + LTT 15766. CPM pair.                                          Mkr2008 
                       AF: SHY  96. Bayesian analysis by Shaya & Olling (2011) indicates very  Shy2011 
                       high (near 100%) probability pair is physical.                          .       
           STF2576     FG: The longitude of periastron determined by Rabe (1948) has been      Rab1948a
                       reversed to represent the quadrant given by all recent observations.    .       
                       See Baize & Petit (1989) catalog of doubles with variable component.    Baz1989d
                       Aka H N 109 = SHJ 300.                                                  Bu_1906 
                       FG: Additional notes may be found in Fatou (1941) and                   Fat1941 
                       Duruy (1944).                                                           Dur1944d
                       FG: Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and             .       
                       spectroscopic masses 1.55 +/- 0.84, 1.54, and 0.76 Msun, respectively.  Mlk2012 
           TKA   1     FJ. Tel'nyuk-Adamchuk actually observed the FI pair, but due to the     TkA1966 
                       high proper motion of F and the long time since the previous FI         .       
                       measure, his measure was mistakenly assigned to a new component. The    .       
                       TKA designation has been maintained in order to avoid confusion,        .       
                       despite the fact that Tel'nyuk-Adamchuk never observed it.              .       
19464+3201 KAM   3     NLTT 48223/48224                                                        Chm2004 
                       Masses determined to be 0.49 \Msun and 0.40 \Msun.                      Kiy2015b
                       They also share common parallax: A(B) = 74.90+/-2.93(73.46+/-1.79)mas.  .       
19464+1643 BPM1522     [PM2000] 1981821 + [PM2000] 1982775.                                    Gvr2010 
19464+1615 BPM1524     [PM2000] 1981631 + [PM2000] 1980689.                                    Gvr2010 
19464+1533 BPM1525     [PM2000] 1982313 + [PM2000] 1983364.                                    Gvr2010 
19464+1433 BPM1523     [PM2000] 1981860 + [PM2000] 1983400.                                    Gvr2010 
19464+1403 BPM1520     AB: [PM2000] 1981229 + [PM2000] 1982197.                                Gvr2010 
           BPM1521     BC: [PM2000] 1982197 + [PM2000] 1982122.                                Gvr2010 
19465+1619 BPM1528     [PM2000] 1983568 + [PM2000] 1983424.                                    Gvr2010 
19465+1449 BPM1526     [PM2000] 1982518 + [PM2000] 1983285.                                    Gvr2010 
19465+1248 BPM1527     [PM2000] 1983124 + [PM2000] 1982761.                                    Gvr2010 
19465-0028 BAL 915     J 2559.                                                                 .       
19466+4650 KOI 720     This system has four confirmed planets with radii of 2.96, 2.81, 3.05,  KOI2011b
                       and 1.56 Rearth (Borucki et al. 2011; Rowe et al. 2014). We             KOI2014b
                       detected another star 3".86 from the target star and 5.13 Ks mags       .       
                       fainter. The maximum dilution correction is a 0.2% correction to the    .       
                       planet radii, unlikely to be significant given the large separation.    Dre2014 
19466+3253 S   726     STTA192 = H N 110.                                                      .       
19466+1732 BPM1531     [PM2000] 1984205 + [PM2000] 1985156.                                    Gvr2010 
19466+1711 BPM1532     [PM2000] 1984271 + [PM2000] 1985415.                                    Gvr2010 
19466+1321 BPM1530     [PM2000] 1984082 + [PM2000] 1984116.                                    Gvr2010 
19466+1253 BPM1529     [PM2000] 1983869 + [PM2000] 1983051.                                    Gvr2010 
19466+0703 TOK 368     First resolution; est. period 17y, but constant RV according to GCS.    Tok2013b
19467+4421 YSC 136     Slightly sub-solar metallicity ([Fe/H] = -0.11); mass ratio             .       
                       0.754 +/- 0.013; spectral type G0.                                      Hor2012b
19467+3143 HJ  898     Doolittle notes a 3rd star in the direction of B. 30" +/- distant,      Doo1932A
                       12th magnitude, 1919.8.                                                 .       
                       CPM of the components suggests that this pair could be physical;        .       
                       however, since the relative motion of the components is larger than     .       
                       their proper motion, the question of whether they are physically bound  .       
                       remains open.                                                           Kiy2012 
19467+1536 BPM1533     [PM2000] 1985202 + [PM2000] 1986174.                                    Gvr2010 
19467+1422 BPM1535     [PM2000] 1985646 + [PM2000] 1985487.                                    Gvr2010 
19467+1307 BPM1534     [PM2000] 1985377 + [PM2000] 1986136.                                    Gvr2010 
19468+4231 KOI2879     This system was reported to have a 1.4 Rearth planet with a 0.3 day     .       
                       period (Burke et al. 2014), but this signal has been found to be a      KOI2014a
                       false positive. Our ARIES observations revealed a companion 0.37 J      .       
                       mags and 0.27 Ks mags fainter than KOI 2879 at a distance of 0".423.    .       
                       Using the J-Ks to Kp-Ks color-color conversion from Howell et al.       .       
                       (2012), we predict that the Kp mag of the companion is Kp = 13.8        KOI2012a
                       (dKp = 1.1) if the star is a dwarf or Kp = 13.9 (dKp = 1.2) if the      .       
                       star is a giant. If any additional planet candidates are detected       .       
                       around KOI2879, their radii will need to be increased by roughly 17%    .       
                       to account for the additional light in the aperture.                    Dre2014 
19468+1422 BPM1536     [PM2000] 1986105 + [PM2000] 1986256.                                    Gvr2010 
19468+1339 BPM1537     [PM2000] 1986276 + [PM2000] 1984903.                                    Gvr2010 
19469+3204 BU  147     The relative motion derived from the Pulkovo series is small and has a  .       
                       large relative error. It remains an open question whether the system    .       
                       is physically bound.                                                    Kiy2012 
19469+1552 BPM1538     [PM2000] 1987298 + [PM2000] 1987396.                                    Gvr2010 
19469+1550 BPM1541     [PM2000] 1988058 + [PM2000] 1989090.                                    Gvr2010 
19469+1531 BPM1542     [PM2000] 1988436 + [PM2000] 1989298.                                    Gvr2010 
19469+1346 BPM1539     [PM2000] 1987419 + [PM2000] 1987038.                                    Gvr2010 
19469+1315 BPM1540     [PM2000] 1987929 + [PM2000] 1988717.                                    Gvr2010 
19470+3425 HD 187123   No comoving objects found within separation/magnitude range listed.     .       
                       However, Chauvin et al. (2006) note finding at least one faint          Cvn2006 
                       background object.                                                      .       
           GNS   4     AF: Ginski et al. (2012) conclude the D and F components are both       .       
                       background objects.                                                     Gns2012 
19470+1657 BPM1546     [PM2000] 1989512 + [PM2000] 1990517.                                    Gvr2010 
19470+1616 BPM1544     [PM2000] 1989123 + [PM2000] 1988954.                                    Gvr2010 
19470+1614 BPM1543     [PM2000] 1989007 + [PM2000] 1988396.                                    Gvr2010 
19470+1539 BPM1545     [PM2000] 1989466 + [PM2000] 1988054.                                    Gvr2010 
19471+5357 SMA  96     AC: Primary of 19485+5407 SMA  96 was found to be 19471+5357 TDT1744,   .       
                       but apparently the epoch-1930 coordinates from Smart (1932) were        Sma1932 
                       incorrectly precessed to J2000. The WDS designation has been changed    .       
                       to that of the TDT pair and the systems merged.                         .       
19471+1750 BPM1548     [PM2000] 1990164 + [PM2000] 1990589.                                    Gvr2010 
19471+1657 BPM1547     [PM2000] 1989861 + [PM2000] 1989348.                                    Gvr2010 
19471+1559 BPM1549     [PM2000] 1990369 + [PM2000] 1989661.                                    Gvr2010 
19471+1416 BPM1550     [PM2000] 1990767 + [PM2000] 1990302.                                    Gvr2010 
19472+3141 DAM 374     Observed with the Pulkovo 26-inch refractor starting in 1971. It is     .       
                       not currently possible to determine whether the system is physically    .       
                       bound based on comparison with the component proper motions.            Kiy2012 
19472+1610 BPM1553     [PM2000] 1992055 + [PM2000] 1993388.                                    Gvr2010 
19472+1544 BPM1552     [PM2000] 1991651 + [PM2000] 1992225.                                    Gvr2010 
19472+1321 BPM1554     [PM2000] 1992072 + [PM2000] 1991458.                                    Gvr2010 
19472+1032 BPM1551     [PM2000] 1991442 + [PM2000] 1991206.                                    Gvr2010 
19473+4806 KOI 174     Primary is Kepler exoplanet host star.                                  Adm2013 
19473+1805 BPM1558     [PM2000] 1993091 + [PM2000] 1993507.                                    Gvr2010 
19473+1653 BPM1557     [PM2000] 1992881 + [PM2000] 1991691.                                    Gvr2010 
19473+1613 BPM1556     [PM2000] 1992527 + [PM2000] 1993133.                                    Gvr2010 
19473+1529 BPM1559     [PM2000] 1993171 + [PM2000] 1994362.                                    Gvr2010 
19473+1514 BPM1555     [PM2000] 1992498 + [PM2000] 1993860.                                    Gvr2010 
19473+1304 BPM1560     [PM2000] 1993315 + [PM2000] 1994562.                                    Gvr2010 
19474+2542 BRT3349     Originally published as BRT 200.                                        Brt1928 
19474+1832 BLA   6     del Sge = 7 Sge.                                                        .       
                       Mk III Limb-darkened diameter  9.151 +/- 0.119 mas.                     MkT2003 
                       The composite spectrum offered unfilled hope of observable duplicity.   WRH1941b
                       Disk unresolved in 1975.629 but possible binary.                        Bla1977a
                       See Baize & Petit (1989) catalog of doubles with variable component.    Baz1989d
                       Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical and spectroscopic masses          .       
                       7.84 +/- 3.26 and 8.70 Msun, respectively.                              Mlk2012 
19474+1543 BPM1563     [PM2000] 1994762 + [PM2000] 1994702.                                    Gvr2010 
19474+1533 BPMA173     [PM2000] 1993506 + [PM2000] 1995428.                                    Gvr2010 
19474+1309 BPM1562     [PM2000] 1994075 + [PM2000] 1993862.                                    Gvr2010 
19474+1222 BPM1561     [PM2000] 1993771 + [PM2000] 1994792.                                    Gvr2010 
19475+4407 UC  246     JKA  81. KIC 8248671/8248626.                                           .       
19475+1707 BPMA174     [PM2000] 1995323 + [PM2000] 1996791.                                    Gvr2010 
19475+1620 BPM1564     [PM2000] 1995184 + [PM2000] 1996277.                                    Gvr2010 
19475+1543 BPM1566     [PM2000] 1995402 + [PM2000] 1996754.                                    Gvr2010 
19475+1522 BPM1567     AB: [PM2000] 1995501 + [PM2000] 1996167.                                Gvr2010 
           BPM1568     AC: [PM2000] 1995501 + [PM2000] 1995858.                                Gvr2010 
           BPM1569     BC: [PM2000] 1996167 + [PM2000] 1995858.                                Gvr2010 
           BPM1570     CD: [PM2000] 1995858 + [PM2000] 1997395.                                Gvr2010 
19475+1217 BPM1565     [PM2000] 1995304 + [PM2000] 1995998.                                    Gvr2010 
19476+1556 BPM1572     [PM2000] 1997134 + [PM2000] 1997565.                                    Gvr2010 
19476+1242 BPM1573     [PM2000] 1996715 + [PM2000] 1995045.                                    Gvr2010 
19476+1207 BPM1571     [PM2000] 1996948 + [PM2000] 1996556.                                    Gvr2010 
19476+0105 ENG  67     AB: Optical pair, based on study of relative motion of the components   .       
                       using the method of apparent motion parameters.                         Kiy2008 
           SHY 322     AD: HIP  97384 + HIP  95829. D component = A component of 19294+0032.   .       
19477+4451 COU2691     KOI 287AB = Kepler  8703887. Howell et al. (2011) quadrant ambiguous.   Hor2011c
19477+3957 SEI 683     AC: incorrectly called SEI 682AC.                                       Nsn2017b
19477+1802 BPMA175     [PM2000] 1997321 + [PM2000] 1998791.                                    Gvr2010 
19477+1716 BPM1578     [PM2000] 1998378 + [PM2000] 1997326.                                    Gvr2010 
19477+1625 BPM1577     [PM2000] 1998235 + [PM2000] 1997409.                                    Gvr2010 
19477+1604 BPM1576     [PM2000] 1997673 + [PM2000] 1998270.                                    Gvr2010 
19477+1308 BPM1574     [PM2000] 1997404 + [PM2000] 1997576.                                    Gvr2010 
19477+1248 BPM1575     [PM2000] 1997549 + [PM2000] 1996557.                                    Gvr2010 
19477+1125 BPMA176     [PM2000] 1997888 + [PM2000] 1995114.                                    Gvr2010 
19478+2334 POU4082     AC: J  3007.                                                            .       
19478+1658 BPMA177     [PM2000] 1998999 + [PM2000] 2000904.                                    Gvr2010 
19478+1515 BPM1580     AB: [PM2000] 1999347 + [PM2000] 1999330.                                Gvr2010 
           BPM1581     AC: [PM2000] 1999347 + [PM2000] 1998392.                                Gvr2010 
19478+1352 BPM1579     [PM2000] 1999524 + [PM2000] 1998071.                                    Gvr2010 
19478+1338 BPM1582     AB: [PM2000] 1999606 + [PM2000] 1999037.                                Gvr2010 
           BPM1583     AC: [PM2000] 1999606 + [PM2000] 1998471.                                Gvr2010 
           BPM1584     BC: [PM2000] 1999037 + [PM2000] 1998471.                                Gvr2010 
19479+1750 BPM1593     [PM2000] 2000273 + [PM2000] 2000112.                                    Gvr2010 
19479+1651 BPM1585     [PM2000] 1999756 + [PM2000] 2000716.                                    Gvr2010 
19479+1629 BPM1588     [PM2000] 1999995 + [PM2000] 2000222.                                    Gvr2010 
19479+1439 BPM1587     [PM2000] 1999773 + [PM2000] 1999230.                                    Gvr2010 
19479+1420 BPM1591     [PM2000] 2000187 + [PM2000] 2001600.                                    Gvr2010 
19479+1413 BPM1586     [PM2000] 1999758 + [PM2000] 2000449.                                    Gvr2010 
19479+1407 BPM1592     [PM2000] 2000236 + [PM2000] 1999708.                                    Gvr2010 
19479+1227 BPM1590     [PM2000] 2000149 + [PM2000] 1999760.                                    Gvr2010 
19479+1211 BPM1589     [PM2000] 2000100 + [PM2000] 1999778.                                    Gvr2010 
19479+1002 AG  391     B is BD+09@4262.                                                        .       
19480+5029 DEA 157     JKA  82. KIC 12024098/12024088.                                         .       
19480+2447 DOO  11     Also known as TDT1771.                                                  .       
19480+1758 BPM1599     [PM2000] 2001874 + [PM2000] 2001852.                                    Gvr2010 
19480+1656 BPM1594     [PM2000] 2001198 + [PM2000] 2002316.                                    Gvr2010 
19480+1621 BPM1600     AB: [PM2000] 2002087 + [PM2000] 2001528.                                Gvr2010 
           BPM1601     BC: [PM2000] 2001528 + [PM2000] 2003026.                                Gvr2010 
19480+1602 BPM1596     AB: [PM2000] 2001569 + [PM2000] 2002312.                                Gvr2010 
           BPM1597     BC: [PM2000] 2002312 + [PM2000] 2003681.                                Gvr2010 
19480+1532 BPM1598     [PM2000] 2001822 + [PM2000] 2002802.                                    Gvr2010 
19480+1218 BPM1602     [PM2000] 2001669 + [PM2000] 2003178.                                    Gvr2010 
19480+0423 J  2279     Identical with J  3006                                                  Hei1995 
19481+6438 J  1354     ID uncertain. Alternatively, may be same as ES  199.                    .       
19481+1803 BPM1603     [PM2000] 2002656 + [PM2000] 2003994.                                    Gvr2010 
19481+1642 BPM1595     [PM2000] 2002136 + [PM2000] 2000803.                                    Gvr2010 
19481+1556 BPMA178     [PM2000] 2003162 + [PM2000] 2001541.                                    Gvr2010 
19481+1554 BPM1605     [PM2000] 2003082 + [PM2000] 2003577.                                    Gvr2010 
19481+1551 BPM1604     [PM2000] 2002716 + [PM2000] 2001410.                                    Gvr2010 
19482+7016 STF2603     eps Dra = 63 Dra. A spectroscopic binary.                               D__1883 
                       H 1   8.                                                                MEv2010 
19482+1714 BPM1608     [PM2000] 2003505 + [PM2000] 2004189.                                    Gvr2010 
19482+1702 BPM1609     AB: [PM2000] 2003564 + [PM2000] 2004713.                                Gvr2010 
           BPM1610     BC: [PM2000] 2004713 + [PM2000] 2005721.                                Gvr2010 
19482+1650 BPM1606     AB: [PM2000] 2003321 + [PM2000] 2003800.                                Gvr2010 
           BPM1607     AC: [PM2000] 2003321 + [PM2000] 2004735.                                Gvr2010 
19482+1553 BPM1611     [PM2000] 2003939 + [PM2000] 2002610.                                    Gvr2010 
19482+1518 BPM1612     [PM2000] 2003998 + [PM2000] 2004969.                                    Gvr2010 
19482+1324 BPM1614     [PM2000] 2003761 + [PM2000] 2002205.                                    Gvr2010 
19482+0919 RUC  12     OO Aql. Spectral type of resolved companion later than M5V.             Ruc2007 
19483+1651 BPM1613     [PM2000] 2004554 + [PM2000] 2004856.                                    Gvr2010 
19483+1530 BPM1615     [PM2000] 2004826 + [PM2000] 2005784.                                    Gvr2010 
19483+1412 BPM1616     [PM2000] 2005243 + [PM2000] 2006105.                                    Gvr2010 
19484+1541 BPMA180     [PM2000] 2006588 + [PM2000] 2008415.                                    Gvr2010 
19484+1520 BPM1617     [PM2000] 2006406 + [PM2000] 2005667.                                    Gvr2010 
19484+1242 BPMA179     [PM2000] 2006206 + [PM2000] 2007242.                                    Gvr2010 
19485+2309 CHE 149     There was an error in Chevalier's coordinates due to incorrect          Che1908 
                       plate center coordinates. In addition, there was a trigonometric        .       
                       error in deriving theta; the correct value is 180deg - theta.           Hrt2012b
                       Berko's match to this pair was correct.                                 Bko2011c
19485+1958 J  1865     Also known as J  2281.                                                  .       
19485+1638 BPM1623     [PM2000] 2007806 + [PM2000] 2006813.                                    Gvr2010 
19485+1537 BPM1625     [PM2000] 2007058 + [PM2000] 2007556.                                    Gvr2010 
19485+1508 BPM1622     [PM2000] 2007642 + [PM2000] 2008724.                                    Gvr2010 
19485+1333 BPM1618     [PM2000] 2006912 + [PM2000] 2008352.                                    Gvr2010 
19485+1321 BPM1621     [PM2000] 2007122 + [PM2000] 2007870.                                    Gvr2010 
19485+1210 BPMA181     [PM2000] 2007726 + [PM2000] 2008985.                                    Gvr2010 
19486+3339 J   779     SMA  97.                                                                .       
19486+1617 BPM1624     [PM2000] 2007894 + [PM2000] 2008800.                                    Gvr2010 
19486+1602 BPM1627     [PM2000] 2008630 + [PM2000] 2009684.                                    Gvr2010 
19486+1539 BPM1619     AB: [PM2000] 2008070 + [PM2000] 2007042.                                Gvr2010 
           BPM1620     BC: [PM2000] 2007042 + [PM2000] 2006549.                                Gvr2010 
19486+1423 BPM1626     [PM2000] 2008384 + [PM2000] 2008794.                                    Gvr2010 
19487+3519 STT 387     Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and spectroscopic   .       
                       masses of 2.53 +/- 0.32, 2.74, and 1.17 Msun, respectively.             Mlk2012 
19487+2048 KU  124     B is BD+20@4283.                                                        .       
19487+1852 MCA  58     1998.657: Absolute quadrant determined by triple-correlation technique  Pru2002b
19487+1703 BPMA182     [PM2000] 2009285 + [PM2000] 2008636.                                    Gvr2010 
19487+1634 GRV 281     B component is +16 4009.                                                .       
19487+1537 BPM1628     AB: [PM2000] 2009652 + [PM2000] 2009552.                                Gvr2010 
           BPM1629     AC: [PM2000] 2009652 + [PM2000] 2010786.                                Gvr2010 
19487+1504 A  1658     Only elements P, T, and a of Couteau (1963) were adjusted in orbit      Cou1963c
                       by Starikova (1981).                                                    Sta1981a
                       Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and spectroscopic   .       
                       masses of 3.69 +/- 1.11, 3.16, and 1.20 Msun, respectively.             Mlk2012 
19487+1337 BPM1630     [PM2000] 2009970 + [PM2000] 2010307.                                    Gvr2010 
19487+1149 STF2583     pi Aql = 52 Aql                                                         .       
                       AB: Absolute quadrant determined in 1998.657 and 1998.660 by            .       
                       triple-correlation techniques.                                          Pru2002b
                       AB: H 1  92.                                                            MEv2010 
19488+1532 BPM1631     [PM2000] 2011025 + [PM2000] 2010182.                                    Gvr2010 
19489+1658 BPMA183     [PM2000] 2011894 + [PM2000] 2014738.                                    Gvr2010 
19489+1602 BPMA184     [PM2000] 2011995 + [PM2000] 2013456.                                    Gvr2010 
19489+1601 BPM1632     [PM2000] 2011927 + [PM2000] 2011572.                                    Gvr2010 
19489+1517 BPMA185     [PM2000] 2012417 + [PM2000] 2012372.                                    Gvr2010 
19490+4423 STF2588     A,BC: H 3 112.                                                          MEv2010 
19490+4413 DEA 479     JKA  84. KIC 8316361/8316388.                                           .       
19490+3731 ES 2499     ALI 633.                                                                .       
19490+3341 SEI 687     Also known as SMA  98.                                                  .       
                       B = HD 225944, eclipsing binary of W UMa type, period 0.3177 days.      Zas2015 
19490+2227 CHE 150     There was an error in Chevalier's coordinates due to incorrect          Che1908 
                       plate center coordinates. Berko's match to this pair was correct.       Bko2011c
                       See Hartkopf (2012).                                                    Hrt2012b
19490+1909 AGC  11     zet Sge = 8 Sge. A is a suspected spectroscopic binary.                 .       
                       Probably quadruple. The fast RV variation found at three                .       
                       spectrographs, and not explained by the visual motion, suggests a       .       
                       spectroscopic companion.                                                .       
                       AB. A measure on 1980.7256 was incorrectly attributed to ADS 12973 by   .       
                       McAlister et al. (1983); it actually belongs to HR 7486.                McA1983 
                       This is part of a triple system. Finsen's (1937) observations covered   Fin1937b
                       two periods and yield a separation close to this one.                   BLM1978 
                       Calculated mass sum is 2.23 +/- 0.35 Msun; this is lower than would be  .       
                       expected for early A stars, perhaps due to parallax error.              Mut2010b
                       AB: Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and             .       
                       spectroscopic masses 2.23 +/- 0.35, 4.39, and 2.19 Msun, respectively.  Mlk2012 
           STF2585     AB,C: H 2  30.                                                          MEv2010 
19490+1627 BPM1635     [PM2000] 2013007 + [PM2000] 2014246.                                    Gvr2010 
19490+1606 BPM1634     [PM2000] 2012591 + [PM2000] 2013649.                                    Gvr2010 
19490+1436 BPM1636     [PM2000] 2013014 + [PM2000] 2012283.                                    Gvr2010 
19490+1419 BPMA186     [PM2000] 2013128 + [PM2000] 2011268.                                    Gvr2010 
19490+1405 BPM1637     [PM2000] 2013339 + [PM2000] 2012882.                                    Gvr2010 
19490+1302 BPM1633     [PM2000] 2012491 + [PM2000] 2011868.                                    Gvr2010 
19490-2236 DON 969     CD-22@14256.                                                            .       
19491+2259 CHE 151     There was an error in Chevalier's coordinates due to incorrect          Che1908 
                       plate center coordinates. In addition, there was a trigonometric        .       
                       error in deriving theta; the correct value is 180deg - theta.           Hrt2012b
                       Berko's match to this pair was correct.                                 Bko2011c
19491+1720 BPM1638     [PM2000] 2014256 + [PM2000] 2014534.                                    Gvr2010 
19491+1426 BPM1639     AB: [PM2000] 2014612 + [PM2000] 2015530.                                Gvr2010 
           BPM1640     BC: [PM2000] 2015530 + [PM2000] 2016199.                                Gvr2010 
19491+1142 BPM1643     [PM2000] 2014628 + [PM2000] 2015174.                                    Gvr2010 
19491-6149 I   120     AB: Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and             .       
                       spectroscopic masses 1.74 +/- 0.62, 2.31, and 1.11 Msun, respectively.  Mlk2012 
19492+1711 BPM1642     [PM2000] 2015081 + [PM2000] 2016096.                                    Gvr2010 
19492+1543 BPM1641     [PM2000] 2015040 + [PM2000] 2015325.                                    Gvr2010 
19493+4135 LEP  94     NI   40. JKA  87. KIC 6225718/6225816.                                  .       
19493+4005 UC  247     JKA  86. KIC 4946401/4946433.                                           .       
19493+3441 BKO 518     Anon. 30.                                                               Bko2009d
19493+2202 CHE 152     There was an error in Chevalier's coordinates due to incorrect          Che1908 
                       plate center coordinates, as well as an additional 10' error in his     .       
                       declination, due to an error in applying the y offset. In addition,     .       
                       there was a trigonometric error in deriving theta; the correct value    Hrt2012b
                       is 180deg - theta.  Berko (2011) was unable to find a match.            Bko2011c
19493+1551 BPM1645     [PM2000] 2016467 + [PM2000] 2016737.                                    Gvr2010 
19493+1526 BPM1647     [PM2000] 2016617 + [PM2000] 2016229.                                    Gvr2010 
19493+1502 BPM1646     [PM2000] 2016517 + [PM2000] 2017361.                                    Gvr2010 
19493+1216 BPM1644     [PM2000] 2016117 + [PM2000] 2016371.                                    Gvr2010 
19493+0440 WOL   7     HTP  41.                                                                .       
19494+3446 BKO 519     Anon. 31.                                                               Bko2009d
19494+1740 BPM1650     [PM2000] 2017823 + [PM2000] 2017371.                                    Gvr2010 
19494+1517 BPM1648     [PM2000] 2017436 + [PM2000] 2016253.                                    Gvr2010 
19494+1328 BPM1649     [PM2000] 2017649 + [PM2000] 2018343.                                    Gvr2010 
19495+2334 BKO 984     Typographical error in WDS designation by Berko - should be +2234.      Bko2011c
19495+2234 CHE 153     There was an error in Chevalier's coordinates due to incorrect          Che1908 
                       plate center coordinates. In addition, there was a trigonometric        .       
                       error in deriving theta; the correct value is 180deg - theta.           Hrt2012b
                       Berko's match to this pair was correct.                                 Bko2011c
19495+2230 CHE 154     There was an error in Chevalier's coordinates due to incorrect          Che1908 
                       plate center coordinates. In addition, there was a trigonometric        .       
                       error in deriving theta; the correct value is 180deg - theta.           Hrt2012b
19495+1715 BPM1652     AB: [PM2000] 2018331 + [PM2000] 2018808.                                Gvr2010 
           BPM1653     AC: [PM2000] 2018331 + [PM2000] 2017873.                                Gvr2010 
           BPM1654     BC: [PM2000] 2018808 + [PM2000] 2017873.                                Gvr2010 
           BPM1655     BD: [PM2000] 2018808 + [PM2000] 2018377.                                Gvr2010 
19495+1434 BPM1651     [PM2000] 2018241 + [PM2000] 2018005.                                    Gvr2010 
19495+1140 BPMA187     [PM2000] 2018619 + [PM2000] 2017555.                                    Gvr2010 
19495+0634 TOR  16     Formerly known as PAN  13.                                              .       
19496+3950 KOI2971     This system contains a 0.8 Rearth planet candidate with a 6.1 day       .       
                       period and a second 1.1 Rearth planet candidate with a 31.9 day period  KOI2014a
                       (Burke et al. 2014).                                                    Dre2014 
19496+3939 HJ 2903     AB: SEI 691.                                                            Nsn2017b
19496+3448 SEI 690     Secondary not seen on POSS plate; may be either variable star or flaw   .       
                       on AC Potsdam plate.                                                    .       
19496+1700 BPM1658     [PM2000] 2020210 + [PM2000] 2019589.                                    Gvr2010 
19496+1514 BPM1656     [PM2000] 2019638 + [PM2000] 2019915.                                    Gvr2010 
19496+1253 BPM1657     [PM2000] 2019895 + [PM2000] 2020158.                                    Gvr2010 
19497+1720 BPM1660     [PM2000] 2020258 + [PM2000] 2019898.                                    Gvr2010 
19497+1714 BPM1661     [PM2000] 2020530 + [PM2000] 2019910.                                    Gvr2010 
19497+1554 BPMA188     [PM2000] 2020920 + [PM2000] 2019890.                                    Gvr2010 
19497+1549 BPM1659     [PM2000] 2020257 + [PM2000] 2019113.                                    Gvr2010 
19497+1523 BPM1662     [PM2000] 2020940 + [PM2000] 2021137.                                    Gvr2010 
19497+1147 BPM1663     [PM2000] 2021108 + [PM2000] 2020555.                                    Gvr2010 
19497-0226 J  2282     Not found by Heintz at IDS position.                                    Hei1990b
19498+2324 J   496     After correcting for the plate center and trigonometry errors, the      Che1908 
                       pair 19501+2325 CHE 155 was found to match J   496AB, as noted by       Bko2011c
                       Berko. Measures have been merged.                                       Hrt2012b
19498+2310 POU4111     After correcting for the plate center and trigonometry errors, the      Che1908 
                       pair 19501+2311 CHE 156 was found to match POU4111. Measures merged.    Bko2011c
                       Berko's match is actually a new pair.                                   Hrt2012b
19498+1802 BPM1664     [PM2000] 2021624 + [PM2000] 2021364.                                    Gvr2010 
19498+1741 BPM1665     [PM2000] 2021830 + [PM2000] 2020534.                                    Gvr2010 
19498+1737 BPM1666     [PM2000] 2022035 + [PM2000] 2022105.                                    Gvr2010 
19498+1540 BPMA189     [PM2000] 2021573 + [PM2000] 2019857.                                    Gvr2010 
19499+4107 KOI 126     AB, AD: Adams et al. (2012) theta values corrected to 360-theta         Adm2012 
                       (reported by Dressing et al. (2014).                                    Dre2014 
19499+1715 BPM1669     [PM2000] 2023213 + [PM2000] 2024429.                                    Gvr2010 
19499+1658 BPM1668     [PM2000] 2023040 + [PM2000] 2023625.                                    Gvr2010 
19499+1631 BPM1667     [PM2000] 2022608 + [PM2000] 2023162.                                    Gvr2010 
19499+1623 BPM1670     [PM2000] 2023473 + [PM2000] 2023047.                                    Gvr2010 
19499+1145 BPM1671     [PM2000] 2023596 + [PM2000] 2023016.                                    Gvr2010 
19500+3407 SEI 692     J 1068.                                                                 .       
19500+3235 JOD  18     LHS 3489. Estimated age 1000-10000 Myr; masses 0.34 +/- 0.03 and 0.19   .       
                       +/- 0.01 Msun; a ~3.8 au.                                               Jnn2014 
19500+1757 H 4  99     AB: H IV 99.                                                            .       
19500+1457 BPM1673     [PM2000] 2024667 + [PM2000] 2023729.                                    Gvr2010 
19500+1436 BPM1672     [PM2000] 2024258 + [PM2000] 2023621.                                    Gvr2010 
19501+4748 AG  240     JKA  89. KIC 10616138/10616124.                                         .       
19501+4401 DEA 120     JKA  90. KIC 8184081/8184075.                                           .       
19501+1712 BPM1675     [PM2000] 2025040 + [PM2000] 2024291.                                    Gvr2010 
19501+1418 BPM1674     [PM2000] 2024825 + [PM2000] 2024795.                                    Gvr2010 
19502+1617 BPM1678     [PM2000] 2026647 + [PM2000] 2025475.                                    Gvr2010 
19502+1559 BPM1677     [PM2000] 2026278 + [PM2000] 2025273.                                    Gvr2010 
19502+1455 BPM1676     [PM2000] 2026237 + [PM2000] 2025137.                                    Gvr2010 
19502+1226 BPM1679     [PM2000] 2026651 + [PM2000] 2026536.                                    Gvr2010 
19503+2240 BU  361     AB: ADS notes that 19506+2241CHE 157 is almost certainly the same pair  A__1932a
                       as BU  361AB. The Chevalier measure from 1907.69 was reassigned to      Che1908 
                       BU  361, as was a 1999.7813 measure from Mason et al.                   WSI2000b
19503+1641 BPM1685     [PM2000] 2027481 + [PM2000] 2028300.                                    Gvr2010 
19503+1629 BPM1683     [PM2000] 2027803 + [PM2000] 2029005.                                    Gvr2010 
19503+1527 BPM1682     [PM2000] 2027544 + [PM2000] 2027239.                                    Gvr2010 
19503+1346 BPM1684     [PM2000] 2027903 + [PM2000] 2027696.                                    Gvr2010 
19503+1148 BPM1680     AB: [PM2000] 2027078 + [PM2000] 2027989.                                Gvr2010 
           BPM1681     BC: [PM2000] 2027989 + [PM2000] 2027664.                                Gvr2010 
19503+0754 CHR  89     This is the variable V1339 Aql.                                         .       
19503+0713 A  2994     A,BC: J 1866.                                                           .       
19503+0645 TOR  17     Formerly known as PAN  14.                                              .       
19504+1708 BPM1687     [PM2000] 2028972 + [PM2000] 2028551.                                    Gvr2010 
19504+1637 BPM1686     [PM2000] 2028490 + [PM2000] 2027666.                                    Gvr2010 
19504+1626 BPM1688     [PM2000] 2029081 + [PM2000] 2028128.                                    Gvr2010 
19505+1625 BPM1690     [PM2000] 2030219 + [PM2000] 2029067.                                    Gvr2010 
19505+1553 BPM1689     [PM2000] 2030147 + [PM2000] 2029989.                                    Gvr2010 
19506+4036 RAO 517     V380 Cyg.                                                               .       
19506+4021 KOI2158     This system contains two planet candidates with periods of 4.6 and 6.7  .       
                       days and radii of 1.6 and 1.0 Rearth, respectively (Batalha et al.      .       
                       2013). KOI2158 does not exhibit a large source offset during the        KOI2013a
                       transits of either planet candidate.                                    Dre2014 
19506+3843 HJ  603     19 Cyg. A is the irregular variable V1509 Cyg. Berlin Obs. observes     StG1963 
                       Aa,Ab: 1922.7, 312@, 168.6". Ab: 1922.7, 323@, 103.5".                  .       
                       BE measures from Burnham and Pannunzio et al. were originally           Bu_1903 
                       designated BC, but the secondary was not the same object as measured    Bu_1913 
                       in the AC pair.                                                         Tor1992 
19506+3255 BLL  42     Chi Cyg. A is a Mira-type variable.                                     .       
                       Smyth published a measure for an additional 9th magnitude component     Smy1844 
                       (1835.67, 72.9deg, 25".7) and noted similar measures by Herschel        H__1906A
                       (1779, 24".8) and South & Herschel (1822.49, 63.3deg, 25".5). However,  SHJ1906A
                       ALADIN indicates nothing at the purported location of this object.      .       
                       These measures appear to have been assigned to 19464+3344 STF2580AB,    .       
                       instead.                                                                .       
19506+1704 BPM1692     [PM2000] 2030740 + [PM2000] 2030846.                                    Gvr2010 
19506+1703 BPM1694     [PM2000] 2031253 + [PM2000] 2031372.                                    Gvr2010 
19506+1635 BPM1693     [PM2000] 2031224 + [PM2000] 2031182.                                    Gvr2010 
19506+1221 BPM1691     [PM2000] 2030433 + [PM2000] 2029121.                                    Gvr2010 
19506-1917 HJ 2900     BDS 9702, HJ 1446 probably same star (van den Bos).                     B__1949c
19507+2309 BKO 991     Incorrectly identified by Berko as 19508+2310CHE 158.                   Bko2011c
19507+1752 BPM1696     [PM2000] 2031416 + [PM2000] 2031935.                                    Gvr2010 
19507+1743 BPM1698     [PM2000] 2031727 + [PM2000] 2032672.                                    Gvr2010 
19507+1715 BPM1695     [PM2000] 2032501 + [PM2000] 2033258.                                    Gvr2010 
19507+1607 BPM1701     [PM2000] 2032327 + [PM2000] 2033092.                                    Gvr2010 
19507+1533 BPM1700     [PM2000] 2032280 + [PM2000] 2032708.                                    Gvr2010 
19507+1530 BPM1699     [PM2000] 2031912 + [PM2000] 2031345.                                    Gvr2010 
19507+1515 BPM1697     [PM2000] 2031713 + [PM2000] 2031643.                                    Gvr2010 
19507-5912 SHY 759     AB: HIP  97646 + HIP  97581.                                            .       
           SHY 761     AC: HIP  97646 + HIP  98174.                                            .       
19508+3430 SEI 696     See note to 19509+3429 POP  13.                                         .       
           POP  13     AC: Anon. 32.                                                           Bko2009d
19508+2310 CHE 158     There was an error in Chevalier's coordinates due to incorrect          Che1908 
                       plate center coordinates. In addition, there was a trigonometric        .       
                       error in deriving theta; the correct value is 180deg - theta.           Hrt2012b
                       Berko's match to this pair was actually a new pair.                     Bko2011c
                       BKO 437.                                                                .       
19508+2235 BKO 994     Incorrectly identified by Berko as 19509+2235CHE 160.                   Bko2011c
19508+2234 CHE 159     There was an error in Chevalier's coordinates due to incorrect          Che1908 
                       plate center coordinates. In addition, there was a trigonometric        .       
                       error in deriving theta; the correct value is 180deg - theta.           Hrt2012b
                       Berko's match to this pair was actually a new pair.                     Bko2011c
19508+1750 BPMA190     [PM2000] 2033111 + [PM2000] 2034688.                                    Gvr2010 
19508+1543 BPM1702     AB: [PM2000] 2033146 + [PM2000] 2032146.                                Gvr2010 
           BPM1703     BC: [PM2000] 2032146 + [PM2000] 2031352.                                Gvr2010 
19508+1328 BPM1704     [PM2000] 2033642 + [PM2000] 2033308.                                    Gvr2010 
19508+1245 BPMA191     [PM2000] 2033144 + [PM2000] 2030743.                                    Gvr2010 
19508+0852 STFB 10     alp Aql = 53 Aql = Altair. B is BD+08@4232.                             .       
                       AB: Optical pair, based on study of relative motion of the components   .       
                       using the method of apparent motion parameters.                         Kiy2008 
                       AB: H 6  46.                                                            MEv2010 
19508-1046 HO  275     51 Aql.                                                                 .       
19509+4841 DEA 126     JKA  93. KIC 11098013/11098004.                                         .       
19509+3429 POP  13     AB was initially incorrectly associated with 19508+3430 SEI 696, with   .       
                       the Popovic AC measure thought to be a poor measure of SEI 696.         Pop1993 
19509+2235 CHE 160     There was an error in Chevalier's coordinates due to incorrect          Che1908 
                       plate center coordinates. In addition, there was a trigonometric        .       
                       error in deriving theta; the correct value is 180deg - theta.           Hrt2012b
                       Berko's match to this pair was actually a new pair.                     Bko2011c
                       BKO 990. BKO 990 was incorrectly identified by Berko as                 .       
                       19508+2234CHE 159.                                                      Bko2011c
19509+1446 BPM1707     [PM2000] 2034674 + [PM2000] 2034221.                                    Gvr2010 
19509+1116 BPM1705     [PM2000] 2033732 + [PM2000] 2033695.                                    Gvr2010 
19509+1035 BPM1706     [PM2000] 2034024 + [PM2000] 2035252.                                    Gvr2010 
19509-2638 B   452     Primary is eclipsing binary of Beta Lyr -type, period 1.17154 d.        Zas2012 
19510+7524 STF2617     B is BD+75@715.                                                         .       
19510+1649 BPM1709     AB: [PM2000] 2035349 + [PM2000] 2034564.                                Gvr2010 
           BPM1710     AC: [PM2000] 2035349 + [PM2000] 2036663.                                Gvr2010 
19510+1644 BPM1713     [PM2000] 2035749 + [PM2000] 2034269.                                    Gvr2010 
19510+1637 BPM1712     [PM2000] 2035681 + [PM2000] 2034958.                                    Gvr2010 
19510+1627 BPM1711     [PM2000] 2035507 + [PM2000] 2034642.                                    Gvr2010 
19510+1556 BPM1708     [PM2000] 2034797 + [PM2000] 2034828.                                    Gvr2010 
19510+1025 J   124     omi Aql = 54 Aql = O Aql                                                .       
19510-0252 TOK 213     NICI resolved the astrometric binary with variable RV. Triple system    .       
                       with a CPM companion at 83".                                            Tok2012a
                       Aa,Ab: Astrometric and SB1,P=14.4y                                      Tok2014d
19511+2323 CHE 161     There was an error in Chevalier's coordinates due to incorrect          Che1908 
                       plate center coordinates. In addition, there was a trigonometric        .       
                       error in deriving theta; the correct value is 180deg - theta.           Hrt2012b
                       Berko's match to this pair was correct.                                 Bko2011c
19511+2306 CHE 162     There was an error in Chevalier's coordinates due to incorrect          Che1908 
                       plate center coordinates. In addition, there was a trigonometric        .       
                       error in deriving theta; the correct value is 180deg - theta.           Hrt2012b
                       Berko's match was actually CHE 164.                                     Bko2011c
19511+2228 CHE 163     There was an error in Chevalier's coordinates due to incorrect          Che1908 
                       plate center coordinates. In addition, there was a trigonometric        .       
                       error in deriving theta; the correct value is 180deg - theta.           Hrt2012b
                       Berko's match is actually a new pair. However, his pair 19508+2227 =    Bko2011c
                       Anon 13 is actually CHE 163.                                            .       
19511+1717 BPMA193     [PM2000] 2036789 + [PM2000] 2039040.                                    Gvr2010 
19511+1628 BPM1714     [PM2000] 2036241 + [PM2000] 2035832.                                    Gvr2010 
19511+1441 BPM1715     [PM2000] 2036493 + [PM2000] 2036411.                                    Gvr2010 
19511+1140 BPMA192     [PM2000] 2036270 + [PM2000] 2034646.                                    Gvr2010 
19512+2306 CHE 164     There was an error in Chevalier's coordinates due to incorrect          Che1908 
                       plate center coordinates. In addition, there was a trigonometric        .       
                       error in deriving theta; the correct value is 180deg - theta.           Hrt2012b
                       Berko's match is actually CHE 162. His Anon 18Ax is part of this        Bko2011c
                       system.                                                                 .       
19512-7248 SHY 760     AD: HIP  97690 + HIP 100549.                                            .       
19513+2319 POU4120     There was an error in Chevalier's coordinates for 19516+2320 CHE 169,   Che1908 
                       due to incorrect plate center coordinates. After correcting for these   .       
                       errors, this pair was found to match POU4120, as noted by Berko.        Bko2011c
                       In addition, there was a trigonometric error in deriving theta; the     .       
                       correct value is 180deg - theta. Measures merged.                       Hrt2012b
19513+2309 CHE 165     There was an error in Chevalier's coordinates due to incorrect          Che1908 
                       plate center coordinates. In addition, there was a trigonometric        .       
                       error in deriving theta; the correct value is 180deg - theta.           Hrt2012b
                       Berko's match to this pair was actually a new pair.                     Bko2011c
19513+2308 CHE 166     AB: There was an error in Chevalier's coordinates due to incorrect      Che1908 
                       plate center coordinates. Berko's match to this pair was correct.       Bko2011c
                       AC: Berko's match is actually CHE 165.                                  Hrt2012b
           BKO 997     CD: Originally 19510+2308 BKO 997, but primary found to be the C        .       
                       component of 19513+2308 CHE 166AC.                                      .       
                       Incorrectly identified by Berko as 19513+2309CHE 165.                   Bko2011c
19513+2304 CHE 167     There was an error in Chevalier's coordinates due to incorrect          Che1908 
                       plate center coordinates. In addition, there was a trigonometric        .       
                       error in deriving theta; the correct value is 180deg - theta.           Hrt2012b
                       Berko's match is actually a new pair. However, his pair 19500+2304 =    Bko2011c
                       Anon 9 is actually CHE 167.                                             .       
19513+2222 BKO1005     Incorrectly identified by Berko as 19517+2223CHE 171.                   Bko2011c
19513+1638 BPM1718     [PM2000] 2038336 + [PM2000] 2036969.                                    Gvr2010 
19513+1631 BPM1716     AB: [PM2000] 2038207 + [PM2000] 2038105.                                Gvr2010 
           BPM1717     BC: [PM2000] 2038105 + [PM2000] 2037311.                                Gvr2010 
19513+1451 BPM1719     [PM2000] 2038924 + [PM2000] 2039987.                                    Gvr2010 
19514+3434 J  1161     Pair not found in GSC.                                                  Bko2009d
19514+2227 BKO1009     Incorrectly identified by Berko as 19511+2228CHE 163.                   Bko2011c
19514+1759 BPM1722     [PM2000] 2040136 + [PM2000] 2040751.                                    Gvr2010 
19514+1746 BPM1721     [PM2000] 2040089 + [PM2000] 2040162.                                    Gvr2010 
19514+1629 BPM1720     [PM2000] 2039557 + [PM2000] 2040049.                                    Gvr2010 
19514+1155 BPMA194     [PM2000] 2039580 + [PM2000] 2039263.                                    Gvr2010 
19514-0215 BAL 254     J 2560.                                                                 .       
19515+7607 LDS1920     NLTT 48431/48440.                                                       .       
19515+2728 EVS  43     Primary is the Cepheid SV Vul.                                          Evs2016a
19515+2240 CHE 168     There was an error in Chevalier's coordinates due to incorrect          Che1908 
                       plate center coordinates. In addition, there was a trigonometric        .       
                       error in deriving theta; the correct value is 180deg - theta.           Hrt2012b
                       Berko's match is actually CHE 174.                                      Bko2011c
19515+1809 BPMA195     [PM2000] 2041250 + [PM2000] 2043601.                                    Gvr2010 
19515+1723 BPM1726     [PM2000] 2041498 + [PM2000] 2040161.                                    Gvr2010 
19515+1632 BPM1723     [PM2000] 2040753 + [PM2000] 2041077.                                    Gvr2010 
19515+1520 BPM1725     [PM2000] 2041375 + [PM2000] 2042816.                                    Gvr2010 
19515+1250 BPM1724     [PM2000] 2041272 + [PM2000] 2042752.                                    Gvr2010 
19516+1712 BPM1728     [PM2000] 2042331 + [PM2000] 2040992.                                    Gvr2010 
19516+1647 BPM1727     [PM2000] 2041712 + [PM2000] 2041440.                                    Gvr2010 
19517+3404 HJ 1447     AB: SEI 704.                                                            Nsn2017b
19517+3108 ES  357     A spectroscopic binary.                                                 .       
19517+2257 CHE 170     There was an error in Chevalier's coordinates due to incorrect          Che1908 
                       plate center coordinates. Berko's match to this pair was correct.       Bko2011c
                       See Hartkopf (2012).                                                    Hrt2012b
19517+2240 BKO1015     Incorrectly identified by Berko as 19518+2240CHE 174.                   Bko2011c
19517+2239 BKO1015     AC: Originally 19517+2240 BKO1015, but primary found to match that of   .       
                       19517+2239 TDT1806.                                                     .       
                       Incorrectly identified by Berko as 19518+2240CHE 174.                   Bko2011c
19517+2223 CHE 171     There was an error in Chevalier's coordinates due to incorrect          Che1908 
                       plate center coordinates. In addition, there was a trigonometric        .       
                       error in deriving theta; the correct value is 180deg - theta.           Hrt2012b
                       Berko's match to this pair was actually a new pair.                     Bko2011c
19517+1758 BPM1731     [PM2000] 2043650 + [PM2000] 2042320.                                    Gvr2010 
19517+1626 BPM1729     [PM2000] 2042788 + [PM2000] 2041385.                                    Gvr2010 
19517+1209 BPM1730     [PM2000] 2043474 + [PM2000] 2044018.                                    Gvr2010 
19518+2344 CHE 172     There was an error in Chevalier's coordinates due to incorrect          Che1908 
                       plate center coordinates. In addition, there was a trigonometric        .       
                       error in deriving theta; the correct value is 180deg - theta.           Hrt2012b
19518+2303 CHE 173     Berko's match is actually CHE 175.                                      Bko2011c
                       See Hartkopf (2012).                                                    Hrt2012b
19518+2240 CHE 174     There was an error in Chevalier's coordinates due to incorrect          Che1908 
                       plate center coordinates. In addition, there was a trigonometric        .       
                       error in deriving theta; the correct value is 180deg - theta.           Hrt2012b
                       Berko's match to this pair was actually a new pair.                     Bko2011c
19518+1744 BPM1736     [PM2000] 2044900 + [PM2000] 2043861.                                    Gvr2010 
19518+1709 BPM1732     [PM2000] 2044107 + [PM2000] 2043060.                                    Gvr2010 
19518+1658 BPM1735     [PM2000] 2044858 + [PM2000] 2044356.                                    Gvr2010 
19518+1631 BPM1734     [PM2000] 2044309 + [PM2000] 2044090.                                    Gvr2010 
19518+1416 BPM1733     [PM2000] 2044301 + [PM2000] 2044754.                                    Gvr2010 
19518+0537 OSO 112     G023-014. Not a common proper motion pair, based on comparison with     .       
                       POSS2 red plates                                                        Oso2004 
19518+0204 BAL1533     J 1689.                                                                 .       
19519+1810 BPM1740     [PM2000] 2045761 + [PM2000] 2044872.                                    Gvr2010 
19519+1643 BPM1737     [PM2000] 2044914 + [PM2000] 2043888.                                    Gvr2010 
19519+1536 BPM1738     [PM2000] 2044928 + [PM2000] 2044169.                                    Gvr2010 
19519+1029 BPM1739     [PM2000] 2045664 + [PM2000] 2046704.                                    Gvr2010 
19520+3802 HJ 1448     HJL 268.                                                                HJL1986 
                       SEI 707.                                                                Nsn2017b
19520+1623 BPM1741     [PM2000] 2046117 + [PM2000] 2046563.                                    Gvr2010 
19520+1543 BPM1742     [PM2000] 2046293 + [PM2000] 2045791.                                    Gvr2010 
19520+1536 BPM1743     [PM2000] 2046492 + [PM2000] 2047260.                                    Gvr2010 
19520+1309 BPM1746     [PM2000] 2047161 + [PM2000] 2047361.                                    Gvr2010 
19521+2918 OSO 113     G125-039. AB, AC, AF, AH, AK, and AL are not common proper motion       .       
                       pairs, based on comparison with POSS2 red plates                        Oso2004 
19521+2806 RAG   3     Primary is exoplanet host, P=465d. Raghavan (2006) consider as CPM.     Rag2006 
                       However; he does not measure PM or parallax; only ptm evidence.         Tok2014d
19521+1655 BPM1747     [PM2000] 2047296 + [PM2000] 2048285.                                    Gvr2010 
19521+1612 BPM1748     [PM2000] 2047299 + [PM2000] 2045770.                                    Gvr2010 
19521+1546 BPM1749     [PM2000] 2047469 + [PM2000] 2046243.                                    Gvr2010 
19521+1509 BPM1744     AB: [PM2000] 2047284 + [PM2000] 2046768.                                Gvr2010 
           BPM1745     BC: [PM2000] 2046768 + [PM2000] 2045704.                                Gvr2010 
19521+1235 BPMA196     [PM2000] 2048309 + [PM2000] 2049449.                                    Gvr2010 
19522+2309 BKO1025     Incorrectly identified by Berko as 19523+2307CHE 175.                   Bko2011c
19522+6726 OSO 114     G260-036. Not a common proper motion pair, based on comparison with     .       
                       POSS2 red plates                                                        Oso2004 
19522+1715 BPM1756     AB: [PM2000] 2049253 + [PM2000] 2049852.                                Gvr2010 
           BPM1757     AC: [PM2000] 2049253 + [PM2000] 2048637.                                Gvr2010 
           BPM1758     BC: [PM2000] 2049852 + [PM2000] 2048637.                                Gvr2010 
19522+1703 BPM1750     [PM2000] 2048382 + [PM2000] 2049682.                                    Gvr2010 
19522+1616 BPM1754     [PM2000] 2048814 + [PM2000] 2047304.                                    Gvr2010 
19522+1547 BPM1752     [PM2000] 2048515 + [PM2000] 2048489.                                    Gvr2010 
19522+1519 BPM1751     [PM2000] 2048432 + [PM2000] 2049365.                                    Gvr2010 
19522+1511 BPM1755     [PM2000] 2049011 + [PM2000] 2049913.                                    Gvr2010 
19522+1452 BPM1753     [PM2000] 2048756 + [PM2000] 2047600.                                    Gvr2010 
19522+1153 BPM1762     [PM2000] 2049511 + [PM2000] 2050090.                                    Gvr2010 
19523+4545 KU  125     B is BD+45@2993.                                                        .       
19523+4445 KOI 137     AB, AD: Adams et al. (2012) theta values corrected to 360-theta         Adm2012 
                       (reported by Dressing et al. (2014).                                    Dre2014 
19523+2307 CHE 175     There was an error in Chevalier's coordinates due to incorrect          Che1908 
                       plate center coordinates. In addition, there was a trigonometric        .       
                       error in deriving theta; the correct value is 180deg - theta.           Hrt2012b
                       Berko's match to this pair was actually a new pair.                     Bko2011c
19523+2249 CHE 176     There was an error in Chevalier's coordinates due to incorrect          Che1908 
                       plate center coordinates. In addition, there was a trigonometric        .       
                       error in deriving theta; the correct value is 180deg - theta.           Hrt2012b
                       Berko's match to this pair was actually a new pair.                     Bko2011c
19523+1637 BPM1760     [PM2000] 2049691 + [PM2000] 2049238.                                    Gvr2010 
19523+1549 BPM1763     AB: [PM2000] 2050093 + [PM2000] 2049997.                                Gvr2010 
           BPM1764     AC: [PM2000] 2050093 + [PM2000] 2051395.                                Gvr2010 
19523+1514 BPM1759     [PM2000] 2049565 + [PM2000] 2049728.                                    Gvr2010 
19523+1417 BPM1761     [PM2000] 2049737 + [PM2000] 2049712.                                    Gvr2010 
19523+1021 STF2590     AB: Also called J 126. ab: A faint pair 6s p, 2' n of                   .       
                       STF 2590. ab renamed CD by USNO 06/29/99.                               .       
                       AB: H 2  28.                                                            MEv2010 
19524+4633 DEA 306     JKA  95. KIC 9788210/9788227.                                           .       
19524+2551 STT 388     Statistically the same parallax within the errors would indicate the    .       
                       components are physical.                                                .       
19524+1840 9 Sge       Aslanov et al. (1984 SvAL 10, 278), Underhill (1995 ApJS 100, 433),     .       
                       and especially Underhill & Matthews (1995 PASP 107, 513) discuss a      .       
                       possible 78d orbital period for this system.  Another period, 32.5d,    .       
                       was found in photometric and radial velocity measurements by Aslanov &  .       
                       Barannikov (1992 SvAL 18, 58).  However, because of the considerable    .       
                       scatter in the measurements plus  evidence for wind related line        .       
                       profile variations (Fullerton 1990), we tentatively place the star in   Ful1990 
                       the "SB1?" category.                                                    Msn1998a
19524+1722 BPM1767     [PM2000] 2051000 + [PM2000] 2050361.                                    Gvr2010 
19524+1702 BPM1766     [PM2000] 2050796 + [PM2000] 2051191.                                    Gvr2010 
19524+1548 BPM1765     [PM2000] 2050635 + [PM2000] 2051144.                                    Gvr2010 
19524+1246 BRT1329     J 2562.                                                                 .       
19525+2250 BKO1030     AB: Incorrectly identified by Berko as 19523+2249CHE 176.               Bko2011c
19525+2227 HO  580     A is a semiregular variable. Aka L    66.                               .       
19525+1612 BPM1768     [PM2000] 2052165 + [PM2000] 2052085.                                    Gvr2010 
19525+1551 BPM1769     [PM2000] 2052425 + [PM2000] 2051858.                                    Gvr2010 
19525+0100 EVS   2     1975.402: oblate correlation peak                                       Bla1977a
                       Primary is Cepheid eta Aql.                                             .       
                       Masses are 5.7 and 2.3 Msun. Estimated period = 866y,                   .       
                       a = 200au = 0.73".                                                      Evs2013 
                       NPOI Limb-darkened diameter 1.73 +/- 0.05 mas,                          NOI1999 
                       R = 66.  +/- 22. \rsun.                                                 .       
                       NPOI Limb-darkened diameter 1.69 +/- 0.04 mas.                          NOI2001a
                       NPOI Limb-darkened diameter 1.804 +/- 0.007 mas, Sp = G0III,            NOI2018 
                       Teff = 6329 +/-126 K, M = 4.24 +/- 0.58 \msun, Age = 0.15 +/- 0.05 Gyr. .       
19525+0039 STF2589     H 2  95.                                                                MEv2010 
19526+4039 KOI2939     KID 5473556 is an eclipsing binary with a single observed planetary     KOI2012b
                       transit (Welsh et al 2012) and is no longer listed in the KOI catalog.  Dre2014 
19526+1809 BPMA197     [PM2000] 2052974 + [PM2000] 2055546.                                    Gvr2010 
19526+1652 BPM1770     AB: [PM2000] 2053641 + [PM2000] 2054254.                                Gvr2010 
           BPM1771     BC: [PM2000] 2054254 + [PM2000] 2052895.                                Gvr2010 
19526+1539 BPMA198     [PM2000] 2053426 + [PM2000] 2051303.                                    Gvr2010 
19526-5458 DUN 227     B is CPD-55@9222.                                                       .       
19527+2336 CHE 177     There was an error in Chevalier's coordinates due to incorrect          Che1908 
                       plate center coordinates. In addition, there was a trigonometric        .       
                       error in deriving theta; the correct value is 180deg - theta.           Hrt2012b
                       Berko was unable to find a match to this pair.                          Bko2011c
19527+1848 J   151     J 1217.                                                                 .       
19527+1638 BPM1772     [PM2000] 2054272 + [PM2000] 2053470.                                    Gvr2010 
19527+1607 BPM1773     [PM2000] 2054329 + [PM2000] 2053976.                                    Gvr2010 
19527+1519 BPM1774     [PM2000] 2054371 + [PM2000] 2054914.                                    Gvr2010 
19527+1026 BPM1775     [PM2000] 2054880 + [PM2000] 2053802.                                    Gvr2010 
19528+6411 STF2604     H N 120.                                                                MEv2010 
19528+2246 CHE 178     There was an error in Chevalier's coordinates due to incorrect          Che1908 
                       plate center coordinates. In addition, there was a trigonometric        .       
                       error in deriving theta; the correct value is 180deg - theta.           Hrt2012b
                       Berko's match to this pair was correct.                                 Bko2011c
19528+1856 J  1177     TDT1825.                                                                .       
19528+1542 BPM1777     [PM2000] 2055503 + [PM2000] 2054602.                                    Gvr2010 
19528+1257 BPM1776     [PM2000] 2055493 + [PM2000] 2055245.                                    Gvr2010 
19529+4105 HD188307    Hipparcos astrometric solution assumed circular orbit (e = omega = 0)   HIP1997d
                       Spectroscopic solution to these astrometric pairs given by Griffin      Grf2013a
                       (2013). Periods match "tolerably well," other common elements less so.  .       
19529+3957 SWB   1     Primary is the eclipsing binary KIC 4862625 (P=20d), which hosts a      .       
                       transiting circumbinary planet (P = 138.317 +0.040/-0.027 d). Planet    .       
                       mass < 169 Mearth (0.531 Mjup), planetary system age ~2 Gyr. The B      .       
                       component is a close visual pair, separation <0.4"; radial velocities   .       
                       confirm AB as a bound pair. Component parameters, based on model        .       
                       fitting, are as follows:                                                .       
                       Aa = F dwarf, radius 1.734 +/- 0.044 Rsun, mass 1.528 +/- 0.087 Msun    .       
                       Ab = M dwarf, radius 0.378 +/- 0.023 Rsun, mass 0.408 +/- 0.024 Msun    .       
                       Ba = G2 dwarf, mass ~0.99 Msun                                          .       
                       Bb = M2 dwarf, mass ~0.51 Msun                                          Swb2013 
19529+1702 BPM1778     [PM2000] 2056548 + [PM2000] 2055915.                                    Gvr2010 
19529+1600 BPM1780     [PM2000] 2056997 + [PM2000] 2057151.                                    Gvr2010 
19529+1521 BPM1779     [PM2000] 2056628 + [PM2000] 2056911.                                    Gvr2010 
19529+1425 A  1660     The pair AB has not been seen since discovery.                          .       
19529+1239 BPMA199     [PM2000] 2056541 + [PM2000] 2055785.                                    Gvr2010 
19530+4736 KOI 251     AC: Adams et al. (2012) theta values corrected to 360-theta             Adm2012 
                       (reported by Dressing et al. (2014).                                    Dre2014 
19530+1425 BPM1781     [PM2000] 2057181 + [PM2000] 2057281.                                    Gvr2010 
19531+5430 STI2471     CD: Previously known as STI2471a.                                       .       
19531+1704 BPM1782     [PM2000] 2058476 + [PM2000] 2059570.                                    Gvr2010 
19531+1615 BPM1783     AB: [PM2000] 2059096 + [PM2000] 2058344.                                Gvr2010 
           BPM1784     BC: [PM2000] 2058344 + [PM2000] 2058659.                                Gvr2010 
19531-1436 CHR  90     This is a third component in the eclipsing (Algol-type) and             .       
                       spectroscopic binary V505 Sgr, P = 1.18d.                               .       
                       Cvetkovic et al. (2010) derive both short- and long-period solutions    Cve2010b
                       (29.14 and 94.24y, respectively). The 29y orbit does not agree with     .       
                       the light-time effect, so was rejected in favor of the 94y solution.    .       
                       Assuming a parallax of 8.40 +/- 0.57 (van Leeuwen 2007, A&A 474, 653),  .       
                       this solutuion yields a mass sum of 7.0 +/- 1.4 Msun.                   .       
19531-2528 B   454     Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and spectroscopic   .       
                       masses of 2.56 +/- 0.97, 2.48, and 1.10 Msun, respectively.             Mlk2012 
19532+2223 CHE 179     There was an error in Chevalier's coordinates due to incorrect          Che1908 
                       plate center coordinates. In addition, there was a trigonometric        .       
                       error in deriving theta; the correct value is 180deg - theta.           Hrt2012b
                       Berko's match to this pair was actually a new pair.                     Bko2011c
           BKO1035     BC and BD: Originally 19529+2221 BKO1035AB and AC, but primary found    .       
                       to be B component of 19532+2223 CHE 179.                                .       
                       BC: Incorrectly identified by Berko as 19532+2223 CHE 179AB.            Bko2011c
19532+2017 H 3 105     H III 105. STF2595 rej. There is a 10th magnitude star 37.0@ in 24.0".  .       
19532+1440 BPM1785     [PM2000] 2059559 + [PM2000] 2060328.                                    Gvr2010 
19532+1439 BPM1786     [PM2000] 2059648 + [PM2000] 2059009.                                    Gvr2010 
19532+1301 BPM1787     [PM2000] 2059831 + [PM2000] 2058481.                                    Gvr2010 
19533+4118 DEA 455     JKA  96. KIC 6067321/6067282.                                           .       
19533+1630 BPM1788     [PM2000] 2060590 + [PM2000] 2060997.                                    Gvr2010 
19533+0820 AG  241     TDT1826. An incorrect cross reference (BD+07 4270 rather than 4278)     .       
                       resulted in the AG pair being assigned incorrect coordinates and its    .       
                       later "rediscovery" as a Tycho pair. The merged pair was assigned the   TYC2002 
                       AG discovery designation (as this long preceded the TDT designation),   .       
                       but together with the correct WDS designation.                          .       
19534+6052 VAT   4     Aka ES 1797.                                                            .       
19534+4740 KOI 106     AB: Adams et al. (2012) theta values corrected to 360-theta             Adm2012 
                       (reported by Dressing et al. (2014).                                    Dre2014 
19534+2246 CHE 180     There was an error in Chevalier's coordinates due to incorrect          Che1908 
                       plate center coordinates. In addition, there was a trigonometric        .       
                       error in deriving theta; the correct value is 180deg - theta.           Hrt2012b
                       Berko's match to this pair was actually a new pair.                     Bko2011c
19534+2020 STFA 48     STTA193. B is BD+19@4196.                                               .       
           GUI  28     AC: The C component is 19532+2017H 3 105.                               .       
           STFA 48     AB: H 5 106.                                                            MEv2010 
19534+1637 BPM1789     [PM2000] 2061446 + [PM2000] 2062442.                                    Gvr2010 
19534-0600 STF2591     B is BD-06@5295.                                                        .       
19535+2405 DJU   4     13 Vul.                                                                 .       
                       Additional notes may be found in Muller (1955).                         Mlr1955c
19535+1846 MAA   2     Aka SKF1159. First noted by van Maanen.                                 Maa1935 
19535+1810 BPMA200     [PM2000] 2063230 + [PM2000] 2065902.                                    Gvr2010 
19535+1436 BPM1790     AB: [PM2000] 2063073 + [PM2000] 2062054.                                Gvr2010 
           BPM1791     BC: [PM2000] 2062054 + [PM2000] 2062687.                                Gvr2010 
19536+5943 STTA194     B is BD+59@2136. A is a spectroscopic binary.                           .       
19536+1204 BPM1792     [PM2000] 2063672 + [PM2000] 2062566.                                    Gvr2010 
19537+4504 KOI2421     The system hosts a 0.7 Rearth planet candidate with a 2.3 day orbit     .       
                       (Batalha et al. 2013). We detected two companions 0.42 and 2.62 Ks      KOI2013a
                       mags fainter than KOI 2421 at separations of 1".12 and 4".0,            .       
                       respectively. The closer companion is predicted to be Kp = 15.1 (dKp =  .       
                       0.7), the farther companion Kp = 17.8 (dKp = 3.5). Due to the similar   .       
                       brightness of the innermost companion and KOI2421, this system will     .       
                       require a significant dilution correction. If all light from the        .       
                       innermost companion is captured in the Kepler aperture and the planet   .       
                       orbits the target star, the planet radius measurement will need to be   .       
                       increased by 23% to account for dilution. KOI2421 does not exhibit a    .       
                       large source offset during transit, which lends support to the theory   .       
                       that the planet candidate orbits the target star, but the system        .       
                       should be inspected closely to confirm this.                            Dre2014 
19537+2242 BKO1041     Incorrectly identified by Berko as 19534+2246CHE 180.                   Bko2011c
19537+1502 BPM1794     AB: [PM2000] 2065309 + [PM2000] 2066070.                                Gvr2010 
           BPM1795     BC: [PM2000] 2066070 + [PM2000] 2065752.                                Gvr2010 
19537+1036 BPM1793     [PM2000] 2064957 + [PM2000] 2065589.                                    Gvr2010 
19538+2328 BKO1042     Incorrectly identified by Berko as 19540+2333CHE 182.                   Bko2011c
19538+2237 COU 825     There was an error in Chevalier's coordinates for 19541+2238 CHE 184,   Che1908 
                       due to incorrect plate center coordinates. After correcting for this    .       
                       error, the pair was found to match COU 825AC. In addition, there was    .       
                       a trigonometric error in deriving theta; the correct value is           .       
                       180deg - theta.  Measures have been merged.  Berko's match is actually  Bko2011c
                       a new pair.                                                             Hrt2012b
19538+1820 BPM1798     [PM2000] 2066004 + [PM2000] 2065357.                                    Gvr2010 
19538+1725 BPM1799     [PM2000] 2066009 + [PM2000] 2064812.                                    Gvr2010 
19538+1628 BPM1797     [PM2000] 2065652 + [PM2000] 2064970.                                    Gvr2010 
19538+1449 BPM1796     [PM2000] 2065744 + [PM2000] 2065516.                                    Gvr2010 
19539+4425 MCY   3     Aa,Ab: Discovery designation is per Todd Henry 03/02/98.                .       
                       Aa,Ab: LSPM J1953+4424 = GJ 1245. Law et al (2008) derive a distance    Law2008 
                       of 4.54 +0.02/-0.02 pc and a projected separation of                    .       
                       4.6 +0.05/-0.05 au. Estimated spectral types are M5 and M8.5.           .       
           GIC 159     AB = the red dwarf binary G208-044/G208-045 = GJ 1245AB = GIC 160.      .       
                       The A component is the variable star V1581 Cyg.                         .       
                       AB: NLTT 48414/48415                                                    Chm2004 
                       Both the A and B components are active M5 stars, and exhibit an         .       
                       average of 3.0 and 2.6 flares per day, respectively, based on Kepler    .       
                       short-cadence observations.                                             Lur2015 
19539+2317 CHE 181     There was an error in Chevalier's coordinates due to incorrect          Che1908 
                       plate center coordinates. In addition, there was a trigonometric        .       
                       error in deriving theta; the correct value is 180deg - theta.           Hrt2012b
                       Berko's match is actually a new pair. However, his pair 19536+2316 =    Bko2011c
                       Anon 52 is actually CHE 181.                                            .       
19539+1620 BPM1804     [PM2000] 2066826 + [PM2000] 2065990.                                    Gvr2010 
19539+1613 BPM1800     [PM2000] 2066653 + [PM2000] 2066409.                                    Gvr2010 
19540+2333 CHE 182     There was an error in Chevalier's coordinates due to incorrect          Che1908 
                       plate center coordinates. In addition, there was a trigonometric        .       
                       error in deriving theta; the correct value is 180deg - theta.           Hrt2012b
                       Berko's match to this pair was actually a new pair.                     Bko2011c
19540+2309 CHE 183     There was an error in Chevalier's coordinates due to incorrect          Che1908 
                       plate center coordinates. In addition, there was a trigonometric        .       
                       error in deriving theta; the correct value is 180deg - theta.           Hrt2012b
                       Berko's match to this pair was correct.                                 Bko2011c
19540+1847 J  3028     Center of a group of stars of magnitudes 14 to 16.                      J__1945 
19540+1741 BPM1801     AB: [PM2000] 2068113 + [PM2000] 2067893.                                Gvr2010 
           BPM1802     BC: [PM2000] 2067893+ [PM2000] 2066682 .                                Gvr2010 
19540+1726 BPMA201     [PM2000] 2068277 + [PM2000] 2070837.                                    Gvr2010 
19540+1635 BPMA202     [PM2000] 2068432 + [PM2000] 2066606.                                    Gvr2010 
19540+1346 BPM1803     [PM2000] 2067904 + [PM2000] 2066917.                                    Gvr2010 
19540-3051 BRT3088     A likely plate flaw.                                                    Grv2021b
19541+1614 BPM1805     AB: [PM2000] 2069006 + [PM2000] 2068605.                                Gvr2010 
           BPM1806     BC: [PM2000] 2068605 + [PM2000] 2068059.                                Gvr2010 
19541+1238 BPM1807     [PM2000] 2069401 + [PM2000] 2068852.                                    Gvr2010 
19541+0733 BRT2184     J 3026.                                                                 .       
19541-0834 HJ  900     56 Aql.                                                                 .       
19542+1755 BPM1808     [PM2000] 2069645 + [PM2000] 2069393.                                    Gvr2010 
19542+1305 BPM1810     [PM2000] 2070053 + [PM2000] 2070255.                                    Gvr2010 
19542+1207 BPM1809     [PM2000] 2069951 + [PM2000] 2069716.                                    Gvr2010 
19542+0828 SCA 163     ksi Aql = 59 Aql = Libertas.                                            .       
                       CHARA Array Limb-darkened diameter  1.726 +/- 0.008 mas.                CIA2009a
                       R = 10.45 +/- 0.18 \rsun, L =  49.7 +/-  0.9 \lsun,                     .       
                       Teff = 4742 +/-  26 K.                                                  .       
                       NPOI Limb-darkened diameter 1.658 +/- 0.025 mas, Sp = G8III,            NOI2018 
                       R = 10.03 +/- 0.22 \rsun, Teff = 5263 +/- 105 K,                        .       
                       L = 69.6 +/- 5.6 \lsun, M = 2.05 +/- 0.15 \msun,                        .       
                       Age = 0.98 +/- 0.18 Gyr.                                                .       
19542+0157 HZG  14     AB: B is BD+01@4135.                                                    .       
                       AB: HJL 269.                                                            HJL1986 
                       AB: SHY 323. Bayesian analysis by Shaya & Olling (2011) indicates very  Shy2011 
                       high (near 100%) probability pair is physical.                          .       
           ABT9002     Previously known as ABT  14.                                            .       
                       HIP 97940. See Allen et al. (2000) for information on metallicity,      AlC2000 
                       age, galactic orbital parameters, etc.                                  .       
19543+4437 KOI3111     This system hosts a 2.1 Rearth planet candidate with a 10.8 day period  .       
                       and a 1.5 Rearth planet candidate with a 4.3 day period (Burke et al.   KOI2014a
                       2014).                                                                  Dre2014 
19543+1746 BPM1811     [PM2000] 2070700 + [PM2000] 2071132.                                    Gvr2010 
19543+1745 BPMA203     [PM2000] 2071447 + [PM2000] 2068678.                                    Gvr2010 
19543+1719 BPM1815     [PM2000] 2071344 + [PM2000] 2071129.                                    Gvr2010 
19543+1713 COU 324     TDT1840.                                                                .       
19543+1630 BPM1814     [PM2000] 2071263 + [PM2000] 2070327.                                    Gvr2010 
19543+1500 BPM1812     [PM2000] 2070727 + [PM2000] 2071004.                                    Gvr2010 
19543+1452 BPM1813     [PM2000] 2070857 + [PM2000] 2070306.                                    Gvr2010 
19543-2356 ALP  33     AC: A is also a spectroscopic binary with a period of 46.8d so is a     Fek2017b
                       triple. The wider C companion shares common proper motion.              AlP2012 
           HJ 2094     AB: The B component is optical based on study of relative motion of     .       
                       the components using the method of apparent motion parameters.          Kiy2008 
19544+3918 HJ 2909     AD: SEI 720.                                                            Nsn2017b
19544+1741 BPM1817     [PM2000] 2072283 + [PM2000] 2072665.                                    Gvr2010 
19544+1508 BPM1816     [PM2000] 2071994 + [PM2000] 2072489.                                    Gvr2010 
19544+1428 BPM1818     [PM2000] 2072306 + [PM2000] 2071552.                                    Gvr2010 
19545+1624 BPM1821     [PM2000] 2073384 + [PM2000] 2074113.                                    Gvr2010 
19545+1455 BPM1820     [PM2000] 2073203 + [PM2000] 2074070.                                    Gvr2010 
19545+1454 BPM1819     [PM2000] 2072990 + [PM2000] 2072538.                                    Gvr2010 
19546+2529 BRT3350     Originally published as BRT 202.                                        Brt1928 
19546+1753 BPMA204     [PM2000] 2074210 + [PM2000] 2074900.                                    Gvr2010 
19546-0814 STF2594     57 Aql. STFA 47. B is BD-08@5155.                                       .       
                       Both components are spectroscopic binaries.                             .       
                       H 4  14.                                                                MEv2010 
19547+4348 KOI3214     AB:Distance is 471.3+/-95.3/67.9 pc. Ma (Mb) = 1.05(0.78)+/-0.1 \msun.  Hor2024 
19547+1714 BPM1823     [PM2000] 2074943 + [PM2000] 2073801.                                    Gvr2010 
19547+1436 BPM1822     [PM2000] 2074700 + [PM2000] 2074212.                                    Gvr2010 
19547+0708 BU  659     J   132.                                                                J__1955 
19548+3724 SMA 110     Also known as ALI 646.                                                  .       
                       Primary of SMA 110 is also primary of ES 2118. WDS designation of       .       
                       ES 2118 changed from 19552+3341;                                        .       
                       ES 2118 given component designations AB, SMA 110 = AC.                  .       
19548+2710 BRT 203     A likely plate flaw.                                                    Grv2021b
19548+1759 BPM1824     [PM2000] 2075749 + [PM2000] 2075223.                                    Gvr2010 
19548+1438 BPM1825     [PM2000] 2075983 + [PM2000] 2076047.                                    Gvr2010 
19548-0025 J  2698     Not found by Heintz.                                                    Hei1995 
19549+5049 HU  687     Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and spectroscopic   .       
                       masses of 2.34 +/- 1.68, 4.56, and 2.24 Msun, respectively.             Mlk2012 
19549+2513 A   275     POU4139. Recent measures are quite scattered.                           .       
19549+1319 BPMA205     AB: [PM2000] 2076502 + [PM2000] 2078249.                                Gvr2010 
           BPMA206     BC: [PM2000] 2078249 + [PM2000] 2078204.                                Gvr2010 
           BPMA207     CD: [PM2000] 2078204 + [PM2000] 2077209.                                Gvr2010 
19550+4152 HO  581     Noted as a spectroscopic binary by Griffin.                             Grf1977a
                       One star, probably the primary, is SB1, P = 155.0 d;                    Hei1981e
                       #1187 in Batten et al.                                                  Bte1989 
                       Muller (1953) corrected an error in the semi-major axis by              Mlr1953a
                       Van Biesbroeck.                                                         VBs1927b
                       Martin et al. (1998) derive component masses 1.304 +/- 0.187 and        .       
                       1.107 +/- 0.172 Msun.                                                   Mig1998 
                       Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and spectroscopic   .       
                       masses of 2.94 +/- 1.61, 2.07, and 0.88 Msun, respectively.             Mlk2012 
                       Astroseismic orbit analysis results in masses of 0.99 +/- 0.01 \msun    XXX2018c
                       for A. 0.767 +/- 0.006 \msun for Ba and 0.66 +/- 0.01 \msun for Bb.     .       
                       The orbital parallax is 21.9 +/- 0.2 mas.                                       
19550+1154 BPM1826     [PM2000] 2078014 + [PM2000] 2076911.                                    Gvr2010 
19551+2317 CHE 185     There was an error in Chevalier's coordinates due to incorrect          Che1908 
                       plate center coordinates. In addition, there was a reduction error in   .       
                       converting from (dx,dy) to (rho,theta).                                 Hrt2012b
                       Berko's match to this pair was correct.                                 Bko2011c
19551+1731 BPM1828     [PM2000] 2078540 + [PM2000] 2077770.                                    Gvr2010 
19551+1714 BPM1827     [PM2000] 2078388 + [PM2000] 2079334.                                    Gvr2010 
19552+2232 L    46     Not found by Heintz at IDS position.  It was rediscovered by Harshaw    Hei1990b
                       in 2004 somewhat off in position and about 2.5 magnitudes fainter than  Hsw2004 
                       listed by Lewis.                                                        L__1904 
19552+1823 BPM1830     [PM2000] 2079962 + [PM2000] 2079503.                                    Gvr2010 
19552+1602 BPM1829     [PM2000] 2079533 + [PM2000] 2080199.                                    Gvr2010 
19553+3741 SEI 729     SMA 111.                                                                .       
19553+3435 ES  200     SEI 727.                                                                Nsn2017b
19553+2959 HIP  98039  Ren & Fu (2013) calculated an astrometric orbit, combining Hipparcos    Ren2013 
                       Intermediate Astrometric Data with spectroscopic elements by            .       
                       Griffin (1979).                                                         Grf1979b
19553+2813 BRT 204     19554+2813BRT3351.                                                      .       
19553+1619 BPM1832     [PM2000] 2080904 + [PM2000] 2080259.                                    Gvr2010 
19553+1604 BPM1831     [PM2000] 2080223 + [PM2000] 2080120.                                    Gvr2010 
19553+0624 STT 532     bet Aql = 60 Aql = Alshain. A is variable.                              .       
                       AC: Optical pair, based on study of relative motion of the components   .       
                       using the method of apparent motion parameters.                         Kiy2008 
19553-0644 STF2597     Typo in publication of 1997.6001 measure; theta value corrected by      .       
                       author.                                                                 TtB2000 
19556+5226 STF2605     psi Cyg = 24 Cyg                                                        .       
                       AB: H 2  15.                                                            MEv2010 
19557+4024 HJ  604     B is BD+40@3949. See note in BDS.                                       Bu_1906 
19557+3443 HLM  33     AB: SEI 731.                                                            .       
                       AC: SEI 730.                                                            .       
                       Scheiner by mistake makes Dec (1900) +34d 37m.                          Es_1925a
19557+2439 HJ 1453     Not found in 1905 (Burnham).                                            Bu_1906 
19558+3803 SMA 112     Also known as ALI 648.                                                  .       
19558+1527 BPM1833     [PM2000] 2085595 + [PM2000] 2086046.                                    Gvr2010 
19558+1320 BPM1834     [PM2000] 2085597 + [PM2000] 2085253.                                    Gvr2010 
19559+2500 COU1037     Docobo et al. (2010) derive a dynamic parallax of 11.36 +/- 0.30  mas   Doc2010h
                       and a total mass of 1.73 +/- 0.39 Msun.                                 .       
19559+1723 BPMA208     AB: [PM2000] 2085728 + [PM2000] 2087915.                                Gvr2010 
           BPMA209     BC: [PM2000] 2087915 + [PM2000] 2089247.                                Gvr2010 
19559+1712 BPM1836     [PM2000] 2086312 + [PM2000] 2086821.                                    Gvr2010 
19559+1459 BPM1837     [PM2000] 2086324 + [PM2000] 2085986.                                    Gvr2010 
19559+1256 BPM1835     [PM2000] 2085795 + [PM2000] 2085940.                                    Gvr2010 
19559+1254 BPMA210     [PM2000] 2086409 + [PM2000] 2083932.                                    Gvr2010 
19559+1101 BPMA211     [PM2000] 2086233 + [PM2000] 2088528.                                    Gvr2010 
19560+2038 A  2790     CD follows AB by 20s and is 7' north.                                   .       
19560+1445 BPM1838     [PM2000] 2087246 + [PM2000] 2086547.                                    Gvr2010 
19561+1442 BPM1839     [PM2000] 2087654 + [PM2000] 2086919.                                    Gvr2010 
19561+0418 OSO 115     G092-039. Neither is a common proper motion pair, based on astrometry   .       
                       and color                                                               Oso2004 
19562+1659 BPMA212     [PM2000] 2088419 + [PM2000] 2086788.                                    Gvr2010 
19562+1419 BPM1840     [PM2000] 2088611 + [PM2000] 2088808.                                    Gvr2010 
19562-2206 BRT1556     CD-22@14366.                                                            .       
19563+3505 BU  980     eta Cyg = 21 Cyg                                                        .       
           HJ 1455     AD: Rectilinear solution by Friedman et al. (2012).                     USN2012a
19563+1718 BPM1842     [PM2000] 2089692 + [PM2000] 2090208.                                    Gvr2010 
19563+1636 BPMA213     [PM2000] 2089467 + [PM2000] 2087880.                                    Gvr2010 
19563+1353 BPM1841     [PM2000] 2089531 + [PM2000] 2089426.                                    Gvr2010 
19563-3137 HIP  98108  Acceleration and SB, unresolved here.                                   Tok2013b
19564+1750 BPMA214     [PM2000] 2090304 + [PM2000] 2091201.                                    Gvr2010 
19564+1705 BPMA215     [PM2000] 2090948 + [PM2000] 2089897.                                    Gvr2010 
19564+1639 BPM1843     [PM2000] 2090604 + [PM2000] 2090444.                                    Gvr2010 
19564+1533 BPM1844     [PM2000] 2090904 + [PM2000] 2091974.                                    Gvr2010 
19564+1452 BPM1845     [PM2000] 2090960 + [PM2000] 2091674.                                    Gvr2010 
19565+1613 BPMA216     [PM2000] 2091941 + [PM2000] 2094542.                                    Gvr2010 
19565+1311 BPM1846     [PM2000] 2091800 + [PM2000] 2091946.                                    Gvr2010 
19566+5910 GIC 161     LDS2784. G230-021/G230-020.                                             .       
                       NLTT 48502/48501                                                        Chm2004 
19566+4057 KOI 148     AB, AC, AE: Adams et al. (2012) theta values corrected to 360-theta     Adm2012 
                       (reported by Dressing et al. (2014).                                    Dre2014 
19567+6346 VAT   5     ES 1850.                                                                .       
19567+1751 BPM1847     [PM2000] 2093315 + [PM2000] 2093368.                                    Gvr2010 
19567+1721 BPM1848     [PM2000] 2093726 + [PM2000] 2093471.                                    Gvr2010 
19568+1737 BPM1850     [PM2000] 2094706 + [PM2000] 2095204.                                    Gvr2010 
19568+1436 BPM1849     [PM2000] 2094129 + [PM2000] 2094069.                                    Gvr2010 
19569+1722 BPM1854     [PM2000] 2095759 + [PM2000] 2096417.                                    Gvr2010 
19569+1627 BPM1851     [PM2000] 2094936 + [PM2000] 2095689.                                    Gvr2010 
19569+1451 BPM1853     [PM2000] 2095327 + [PM2000] 2095644.                                    Gvr2010 
19569+1331 BPM1852     [PM2000] 2095103 + [PM2000] 2095107.                                    Gvr2010 
19570+1747 BPMA217     [PM2000] 2096579 + [PM2000] 2096191.                                    Gvr2010 
19571+3105 AG  243     B is BD+30@3819.                                                        .       
19571+1809 BPM1855     [PM2000] 2096824 + [PM2000] 2095800.                                    Gvr2010 
19571+1643 BPMA218     [PM2000] 2097261 + [PM2000] 2097365.                                    Gvr2010 
19571-2834 LDS4823     NLTT 48456/48457                                                        Chm2004 
19572+4747 DEA 481     JKA  99. KIC 10622511/10557342.                                         .       
19572+4416 BLL  43     A is variable.                                                          .       
19572+4022 BU 1474     A is a spectroscopic binary. B is BD+39@3966.                           .       
19572+3646 SEI 743     B is BD+36@3782.                                                        .       
19573+4123 KOI 306     AB, AC: Adams et al. (2012) theta values corrected to 360-theta         Adm2012 
                       (reported by Dressing et al. (2014).                                    Dre2014 
19573+1729 BPMA219     [PM2000] 2099058 + [PM2000] 2102123.                                    Gvr2010 
19573+1713 BPM1858     [PM2000] 2099127 + [PM2000] 2098393.                                    Gvr2010 
19573+1614 BPM1860     [PM2000] 2099671 + [PM2000] 2100405.                                    Gvr2010 
19573+1609 BPM1859     [PM2000] 2099235 + [PM2000] 2098969.                                    Gvr2010 
19573+1508 BPM1862     [PM2000] 2099687 + [PM2000] 2100233.                                    Gvr2010 
19573+1500 BPM1856     [PM2000] 2098899 + [PM2000] 2098775.                                    Gvr2010 
19573+1459 BPM1857     [PM2000] 2099028 + [PM2000] 2099545.                                    Gvr2010 
19573+1319 BPM1861     [PM2000] 2099685 + [PM2000] 2099066.                                    Gvr2010 
19573+0513 A   604     Aitken (1937) put together into a single mean his measures in the       A__1937b
                       years 1931 and 1934, but these should be considered separately, as a    .       
                       reversal of quadrant may have taken place between. Period is probably   .       
                       of order 50y.                                                           Mlr1954a
                       Toledo's elements, residuals, and ephemeris are mutually                .       
                       inconsistent. The quoted elements have been reconstructed by Finsen     .       
                       to fit the published residuals.                                         Zae1963 
                       Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and spectroscopic   .       
                       masses of 3.13 +/- 2.53, 3.07, and 1.10 Msun, respectively.             Mlk2012 
19574+4507 CBL  80     JKA 100. KIC 8909853/8909876.                                           .       
19574+1428 BPM1863     [PM2000] 2100467 + [PM2000] 2101415.                                    Gvr2010 
19574+1419 BPM1864     [PM2000] 2100544 + [PM2000] 2100997.                                    Gvr2010 
19574+0128 J  1870     BAL 1537.                                                               .       
19575+1739 BPM1867     [PM2000] 2101373 + [PM2000] 2101206.                                    Gvr2010 
19575+1652 BPM1866     [PM2000] 2101180 + [PM2000] 2100444.                                    Gvr2010 
19575+1437 BPM1865     [PM2000] 2100884 + [PM2000] 2099792.                                    Gvr2010 
19576+4711 DEA 366     JKA 101. KIC 10164867/10164839.                                         .       
19576+4402 KOI  18     AD: Adams et al. (2012) theta values corrected to 360-theta             Adm2012 
                       (reported by Dressing et al. (2014).                                    Dre2014 
19576+3454 HLM  35     SEI 745.                                                                Nsn2017b
19576+1622 BPM1868     [PM2000] 2101789 + [PM2000] 2101312.                                    Gvr2010 
19576+1539 BPM1870     [PM2000] 2102163 + [PM2000] 2102102.                                    Gvr2010 
19576+1426 BPM1871     [PM2000] 2102641 + [PM2000] 2103428.                                    Gvr2010 
19576+1423 BPMA220     [PM2000] 2101979 + [PM2000] 2099608.                                    Gvr2010 
19576+1202 BPM1869     [PM2000] 2102028 + [PM2000] 2102842.                                    Gvr2010 
19576+0425 BAL2957     Not found at WDS coordinates                                            Hei1992a
19577+3755 HJ 1457     SEI 749.                                                                Nsn2017b
19577+1439 BPM1872     [PM2000] 2103413 + [PM2000] 2104341.                                    Gvr2010 
19578+1652 BPM1873     [PM2000] 2103994 + [PM2000] 2104510.                                    Gvr2010 
19578+1512 BPM1874     AB: [PM2000] 2104490 + [PM2000] 2105137.                                Gvr2010 
           BPM1875     AC: [PM2000] 2104490 + [PM2000] 2105602.                                Gvr2010 
19578+0335 J  2293     Probably BAL2526                                                        Hei1995 
19579+6258 HJ 2923     Single. Burnham measures a star in the field:                           Bu_1906 
                       1905.74, 246.5@, 29.89", 8.0-13.5.                                      .       
19579+4423 STT 393     B is BD+43@3429.                                                        .       
19579+4216 STT 392     A is a spectroscopic binary.                                            .       
19579+2715 AC   16     STTA195.                                                                .       
19579+1804 BPM1877     [PM2000] 2105098 + [PM2000] 2105541.                                    Gvr2010 
19579+1637 BPM1878     [PM2000] 2105365 + [PM2000] 2106475.                                    Gvr2010 
19579+1459 BPM1876     [PM2000] 2104829 + [PM2000] 2105130.                                    Gvr2010 
19579+1154 BPM1879     [PM2000] 2105428 + [PM2000] 2105834.                                    Gvr2010 
19580+1636 BPM1882     AB: [PM2000] 2106066 + [PM2000] 2107128.                                Gvr2010 
           BPM1883     BC: [PM2000] 2107128 + [PM2000] 2107599.                                Gvr2010 
19580+1614 BPM1880     [PM2000] 2105623 + [PM2000] 2106367.                                    Gvr2010 
19580+1442 BPM1881     [PM2000] 2106042 + [PM2000] 2105630.                                    Gvr2010 
19580+0456 A   606     See Baize & Petit (1989) catalog of doubles with variable component.    Baz1989d
                       Period incorrectly given as 125.49 (erratum in Inf. Circ. 93, 1984)     Baz1984b
19581+5355 ARG  35     B is BD+53@2331.                                                        .       
                       ES  131.                                                                .       
19581+1418 BPMA221     [PM2000] 2106958 + [PM2000] 2108130.                                    Gvr2010 
19581+0548 A   607     Not seen for certain after 1936. Needs speckle.                         .       
19582+1719 BPM1889     [PM2000] 2108390 + [PM2000] 2108427.                                    Gvr2010 
19582+1329 BPM1884     AB: [PM2000] 2107587 + [PM2000] 2108306.                                Gvr2010 
           BPM1885     AC: [PM2000] 2107587 + [PM2000] 2108263.                                Gvr2010 
           BPM1886     BC: [PM2000] 2108306 + [PM2000] 2108263.                                Gvr2010 
19582+1219 BPM1888     [PM2000] 2107620 + [PM2000] 2107240.                                    Gvr2010 
19582+1203 BPM1887     [PM2000] 2107968 + [PM2000] 2107540.                                    Gvr2010 
19583+3147 KU  126     B is BD+31@3863.                                                        .       
19583-0037 J  1386     BAL 918.                                                                .       
19583-1357 GRE   5     IRAS 19558-1405 = PDS 101 = BZ Sgr                                      Gre1992 
19583-1436 BRT 601     Brt2768.                                                                Brt1947 
19583-5154 DUN 229     B is CPD-52@11587.                                                      .       
                       Estimated P of AB ~ 400 kyr. B is a spectroscopic binary with P ~ 236d. Tok2022e
19584+3830 J  1070     Primary is eclipsing binary of Algol-type, period 2.6646 d.             Zas2012 
                       SEI 755.                                                                Nsn2017b
19584+3512 Cyg X-1     V1357 Cyg. This is a massive X-ray binary with a probable black hole    Gie1982 
                       companion (Gies & Bolton 1982).                                         Msn1998a
19584+1713 BPM1890     [PM2000] 2109490 + [PM2000] 2110522.                                    Gvr2010 
19584+1235 BPM1891     [PM2000] 2109630 + [PM2000] 2110281.                                    Gvr2010 
19584-5725 DAW  25     Spectrum: G3/5III/IV.                                                   .       
19585+3553 ROE 146     Also known as COU2209.                                                  .       
19585+1604 BPM1892     [PM2000] 2111146 + [PM2000] 2110924.                                    Gvr2010 
19585+1400 BPM1893     [PM2000] 2111156 + [PM2000] 2110347.                                    Gvr2010 
19586+4051 KOI2790     This system hosts a 0.9 Rearth planet candidate with a 14.0 day period  .       
                       (Burke et al. 2014). The approximate increase to the planet radius is   KOI2014a
                       17% assuming that all of the light from the companion is captured in    .       
                       the Kepler aperture and that the planet orbits the target star.         .       
                       KOI2790 does not exhibit a significant source offset during transit.    Dre2014 
19586+3711 COU2410     WDS incorrectly transcribed from paper - should have been +3811         .       
19586+1549 BPM1897     [PM2000] 2111847 + [PM2000] 2111671.                                    Gvr2010 
19586+1357 BPM1894     [PM2000] 2111640 + [PM2000] 2111286.                                    Gvr2010 
19586+1356 BPM1895     [PM2000] 2111505 + [PM2000] 2110518.                                    Gvr2010 
19586+1355 BPM1898     [PM2000] 2111883 + [PM2000] 2112449.                                    Gvr2010 
19586+1237 BPM1896     [PM2000] 2111733 + [PM2000] 2110594.                                    Gvr2010 
19587+1034 BPM1899     [PM2000] 2112842 + [PM2000] 2112743.                                    Gvr2010 
19588+4426 KOI 102     AB, AC: Adams et al. (2012) theta values corrected to 360-theta         Adm2012 
                       (reported by Dressing et al. (2014).                                    Dre2014 
19588+4337 KOI2984     This system hosts a 1.1 Rearth planet candidate with a 11.5 day orbit   KOI2014a
                       (Burke et al. 2014).                                                    Dre2014 
19589+1421 BPM1900     [PM2000] 2114305 + [PM2000] 2114887.                                    Gvr2010 
19589-1318 D    31     AC component a.k.a. BU 1476AC.                                          .       
19590+3539 SEI 759     HLM  36.                                                                .       
19590+1114 BPM1901     [PM2000] 2115322 + [PM2000] 2115349.                                    Gvr2010 
19591+3942 ES 1970     AB: SEI 768.                                                            Nsn2017b
19591+3532 MAD  11     AC: STF 762.                                                            Nsn2017b
19591+1758 BRT1331     J  2566.                                                                .       
19591+1450 BPM1902     [PM2000] 2116466 + [PM2000] 2115945.                                    Gvr2010 
19592+1606 BPM1907     [PM2000] 2117189 + [PM2000] 2117644.                                    Gvr2010 
19592+1604 BPM1906     [PM2000] 2117231 + [PM2000] 2117843.                                    Gvr2010 
19592+1419 BPM1903     [PM2000] 2116921 + [PM2000] 2116096.                                    Gvr2010 
19592+1350 BPM1904     AB: [PM2000] 2117182 + [PM2000] 2116519.                                Gvr2010 
           BPM1905     BC: [PM2000] 2116519 + [PM2000] 2117613.                                Gvr2010 
19592-2155 LDS 697     NLTT 48516/48515                                                        Chm2004 
19593+3219 HJ 1461     SEI 764.                                                                Nsn2017b
19593+1613 BPM1908     [PM2000] 2118033 + [PM2000] 2118321.                                    Gvr2010 
19594+2606 BRT3352     Originally published as BRT 205.                                        Brt1928 
19594+1809 BPM1909     [PM2000] 2118526 + [PM2000] 2118664.                                    Gvr2010 
19594+1351 BPM1910     [PM2000] 2118952 + [PM2000] 2119484.                                    Gvr2010 
19594+1214 BPMA222     [PM2000] 2118764 + [PM2000] 2118787.                                    Gvr2010 
19595+2443 BU  469     POU4167. ALADIN shows nothing at the expected coordinates of POU4179.   .       
                       Pouteau's astrometry and photometry for POU4167 and POU4179 are very    Pou1933 
                       similar and epoch-1900 coordinates differ only in one digit             .       
                       (195519.0+2427.1 versus 195559.0+2427.1) - conclude they are the same   .       
                       pair and coordinate difference is due to a typographical error.         .       
19595+1358 BPM1911     [PM2000] 2119417 + [PM2000] 2119886.                                    Gvr2010 
19596+2243 CUD   6     Component A is the central star of the planetary nebula NGC 6853        Skf2013 
                       = Messier 27 = Dumbbell Nebula.                                         .       
19596+1720 BPM1912     [PM2000] 2120578 + [PM2000] 2119878.                                    Gvr2010 
19596+1410 BPM1914     [PM2000] 2120691 + [PM2000] 2120230.                                    Gvr2010 
19596+1111 BPM1913     [PM2000] 2120687 + [PM2000] 2121501.                                    Gvr2010 
19597+2450 POU4170     POU4172.                                                                .       
19597+1610 BPM1917     [PM2000] 2121164 + [PM2000] 2121739.                                    Gvr2010 
19597+1400 BPM1915     [PM2000] 2121017 + [PM2000] 2120938.                                    Gvr2010 
19597+1355 BPM1916     [PM2000] 2121133 + [PM2000] 2121185.                                    Gvr2010 
19597-3517 ISO  11     the 1 Sgr. A spectroscopic binary, P = 2.10d.                           .       
                       The Isobe companion is a third star.                                    Iso1990a
19597-4030 HJ 5159     B is CD-40@13594.                                                       .       
19598+1553 BPMA223     [PM2000] 2122471 + [PM2000] 2122531.                                    Gvr2010 
19598+1425 BPM1918     [PM2000] 2122365 + [PM2000] 2122177.                                    Gvr2010 
19598-0957 HO  276     Not single, as previously thought.                                      .       
                       Pourbaix gives combined solution for this resolved SB2, yielding        .       
                       orbital parallaxes and component masses.                                Pbx2000b
                       Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and spectroscopic   .       
                       masses of 1.54 +/- 0.13, 2.00, and 1.10 Msun, respectively.             Mlk2012 
19599-3442 I  1410     A: the 2 Sgr                                                            .       
20000+1911 RUC  13     CW Sge. Spectral type of resolved companion estimated at G5V.           Ruc2007 
20000+1736 HO  638     Aka SMR   7.                                                            Cgl2024a
                       The unresolved measures were at the former position (20001+1737).       Gii2022 
20001+2410 POU4173/4   Aka POU4176/7.                                                          .       
                       Unresolved measures were at the old POU4176/7 position.                 Bko2010b
20001+1737 S   730     B is BD+17@4187.                                                        .       
                       A is variable.                                                          .       
20001+1731 H 4 100     AB: H IV 100. Also known as STF2608. B is BD+17@4184.                   .       
           BU 1477     13 Sge. A is the irregular variable VZ Sge.                             .       
20001+1313 BPMA224     [PM2000] 2124918 + [PM2000] 2124127.                                    Gvr2010 
20001+1245 BPM1919     [PM2000] 2124608 + [PM2000] 2124970.                                    Gvr2010 
20001+1111 HJ 1458     B is BD+10@4133.                                                        .       
20002+3625 STT 394     AB: SEI 778.                                                            Nsn2017b
20002+1454 BPM1920     AB: [PM2000] 2125495 + [PM2000] 2125884.                                Gvr2010 
20002-5522 I  1041     BC: Rapid direct motion.                                                .       
           B   459     BC: Gomez et al. (2016) derive dynamical parallax and  component        .       
                       masses: 15.36 +/- 0.24 mas, 0.655 +/- 0.005 Msun, 0.643 +/- 0.005 Msun  Doc2016i
20005+5921 JNN 124     Aside from the close companion detected in the AstraLux data, 2MASS     .       
                       J20003177+5921289 possibly has a wide companion at 14", as noted in     .       
                       the WDS.                                                                Jnn2012 
20005+1643 BPMA225     [PM2000] 2127672 + [PM2000] 2129933.                                    Gvr2010 
20006+1727 BPM1923     [PM2000] 2128515 + [PM2000] 2128537.                                    Gvr2010 
20006+1657 BPM1921     [PM2000] 2128288 + [PM2000] 2127828.                                    Gvr2010 
20006+1257 BPM1922     [PM2000] 2128371 + [PM2000] 2127737.                                    Gvr2010 
20006+1112 BPM1924     [PM2000] 2129073 + [PM2000] 2128893.                                    Gvr2010 
20006-0911 BRT 554     J  1872.                                                                .       
20007+3635 WEB   9     BC: SEI 783.                                                            Nsn2017b
20007+2243 BAK   1     CHARA Array Limb-darkened diameter  0.377 +/- 0.024 mas,                CIA2008c
                       R =  0.788 +/- 0.051 \rsun.                                             .       
                       CHARA Array Limb-darkened diameter 0.3848 +/- 0.0055 mas,               CIA2015d
                       L = 0.328 +/- 0.011 \lsun, R = 0.805 +/- 0.016 \rsun,                   .       
                       Teff = 4875 +/- 43 K, Rp = 1.216 +/- 0.024 \rjup,                       .       
                       M = 0.846 +/- 0.049 \msun, Mp = 1.162 +/- 0.058 \mjup                           
20008+4500 DEA 468     JKA 102. KIC 8845251/8845205.                                           .       
20010+3742 BU 1289     AC: SEI 787.                                                            Nsn2017b
20010+2956 L    32     Measures from Lewis were assigned to both this pair and                 L__1899a
                       19590+2953L    31 in the BDS and ADS. Published coordinates and         Bu_1906 
                       magnitudes are also similar, and only one pair is seen on POSS plates,  A__1932a
                       leading to the conclusion that these are the same system. The L 32      .       
                       designation was maintained, as its WDS designation was correct.         .       
20010+1751 BPM1925     [PM2000] 2131567 + [PM2000] 2131286.                                    Gvr2010 
20011+1551 BPM1928     [PM2000] 2132693 + [PM2000] 2133415.                                    Gvr2010 
20011+1550 BPM1927     [PM2000] 2132620 + [PM2000] 2132660.                                    Gvr2010 
20011+1253 BPM1926     [PM2000] 2132582 + [PM2000] 2132225.                                    Gvr2010 
20012+1642 BPM1929     [PM2000] 2133126 + [PM2000] 2133286.                                    Gvr2010 
20012+1530 BPMA226     [PM2000] 2133727 + [PM2000] 2135156.                                    Gvr2010 
20012-3835 HDO 294     A premature orbit has been computed.                                    .       
20013+1355 BPM1930     [PM2000] 2133981 + [PM2000] 2134651.                                    Gvr2010 
20014+5006 H 5  47     H V 47. STTA197. 26 Cyg.                                                .       
20014+1540 BPM1931     [PM2000] 2134829 + [PM2000] 2135352.                                    Gvr2010 
20014+1234 BPM1932     [PM2000] 2135308 + [PM2000] 2134282.                                    Gvr2010 
20014+1045 TOK  34     Aa,Ab: Close visual pair has estimated period of ~100y.                 .       
                       Primary is 4.5d SB1.                                                    Tok2006 
           STF2613     A premature orbit has been computed for AB. Period of 2350y.            Tok2006 
20014+0657 STF2612     B is BD+06@4402.                                                        .       
20015+6449 H 6  38     H VI 38. 64 Dra.                                                        .       
20015+4018 HJ 1468     SEI 796.                                                                Nsn2017b
20015+1556 BPMA227     [PM2000] 2135687 + [PM2000] 2136381.                                    Gvr2010 
20016+3417 SEI 793     Duplicity not apparent on POSS plate; one component may be either       .       
                       variable star or flaw on AC Potsdam plate.                              .       
20016+1144 BPM1933     [PM2000] 2136500 + [PM2000] 2136117.                                    Gvr2010 
20017+1759 BPM1934     [PM2000] 2137252 + [PM2000] 2136464.                                    Gvr2010 
20017+1746 BPM1935     [PM2000] 2137797 + [PM2000] 2138116.                                    Gvr2010 
20017+1328 BPMA228     [PM2000] 2137438 + [PM2000] 2138515.                                    Gvr2010 
20017-0012 H 1  93     H I 93.                                                                 .       
20018-0354 J   154     J 1693.                                                                 .       
20019+4052 STTA196     B is BD+40@3983.                                                        .       
20019+3139 AG  245     SEI 795.                                                                Nsn2017b
20019+1651 BPM1938     [PM2000] 2139179 + [PM2000] 2140282.                                    Gvr2010 
20019+1541 BPM1939     [PM2000] 2139324 + [PM2000] 2138901.                                    Gvr2010 
20019+1458 BPM1940     [PM2000] 2139387 + [PM2000] 2139936.                                    Gvr2010 
20019+1428 BPM1936     [PM2000] 2138827 + [PM2000] 2138074.                                    Gvr2010 
20019+1114 BPM1937     [PM2000] 2139165 + [PM2000] 2138770.                                    Gvr2010 
20020+2456 STT 395     16 Vul.                                                                 .       
                       Additional notes may be found in Fatou (1941).                          Fat1941 
20020+1707 BPM1941     [PM2000] 2139739 + [PM2000] 2139452.                                    Gvr2010 
20020+1702 BPM1942     [PM2000] 2140266 + [PM2000] 2139243.                                    Gvr2010 
20021+5439 MLR 580     EF: Originally 20025+5437 MLR 580, but the primary is the E component   .       
                       of 20021+5439 ENG  68CE.                                                .       
20021+1331 BPMA229     [PM2000] 2140807 + [PM2000] 2142019.                                    Gvr2010 
20021+1300 JNN 281     Estimated age 1000-10000 Myr; masses 0.41 +/- 0.11 and 0.22 +/- 0.06    .       
                       Msun; a ~4.3 au.                                                        Jnn2014 
20021+1253 BPM1944     [PM2000] 2140849 + [PM2000] 2140682.                                    Gvr2010 
20021+1103 BPM1943     [PM2000] 2140610 + [PM2000] 2140656.                                    Gvr2010 
20022+1543 BPM1945     [PM2000] 2141491 + [PM2000] 2142120.                                    Gvr2010 
20022+1537 BPMA230     [PM2000] 2141290 + [PM2000] 2142846.                                    Gvr2010 
20023+6438 STTA200     65 Dra. B is BD+64@1406.                                                .       
20023+4547 LDS6338     NLTT 48621/48622                                                        Chm2004 
20023+1317 BPM1946     [PM2000] 2142316 + [PM2000] 2142633.                                    Gvr2010 
20024+3519 ES  202     Listed in ADS as Aa'.                                                   .       
                       AB: SEI 808.                                                            Nsn2017d
                       AC: SEI 805.                                                            Nsn2017d
                       AD: SEI 806.                                                            Nsn2017d
                       AN: SEI 807.                                                            Nsn2017d
20024+1744 BPM1947     AB: [PM2000] 2143503 + [PM2000] 2143519.                                Gvr2010 
           BPM1948     BC: [PM2000] 2143519 + [PM2000] 2142464.                                Gvr2010 
20024+1609 BPM1949     AB: [PM2000] 2143229 + [PM2000] 2143605.                                Gvr2010 
           BPM1950     BC: [PM2000] 2143605 + [PM2000] 2143142.                                Gvr2010 
20025+3341 HO  117     AB: SEI 809.                                                            Nsn2017d
           BKO 520     AC: Anon. 33.                                                           Bko2009d
20025+1557 BPM1951     [PM2000] 2144066 + [PM2000] 2143786.                                    Gvr2010 
20025+0149 HJ 5510     A very similar pair is 6s following and of the same declination         Doo1915b
                       This is likely the new DAM 384.                                         .       
20026+3352 BKO 521     Anon. 34.                                                               Bko2009d
20026-6541 I  1409     Motion probably in brighter star.                                       Mlo1927A
20027+3355 BKO 522     Anon. 35.                                                               Bko2009d
20027+3349 BKO 523     Anon. 36.                                                               Bko2009d
20027+1439 BPM1952     [PM2000] 2146127 + [PM2000] 2146206.                                    Gvr2010 
20028+6752 LDS2447     rho Dra = 67 Dra                                                        .       
20028+3158 ES  359     Originally listed as WDS 20037+3145, due to an error in DM number. See  .       
                       note for WDS 20037+3145 SEI 827.                                        .       
20028+3142 ES  358     Aka HDS2858.                                                            Dam2012 
20028+1747 BPM1953     [PM2000] 2146475 + [PM2000] 2146201.                                    Gvr2010 
20029+1455 BPM1955     [PM2000] 2147769 + [PM2000] 2146986.                                    Gvr2010 
20029+1416 OSO 116     G023-023. None is a common proper motion pair, based on color and       .       
                       comparison with POSS2 red plates                                        Oso2004 
20029+1328 BPM1954     [PM2000] 2147064 + [PM2000] 2147698.                                    Gvr2010 
20029+1056 AG  397     B is BD+10@4155.                                                        .       
20029-2026 LDS 700     NLTT 48599/48600                                                        Chm2004 
20030+3416 BKO 524     Anon. 37.                                                               Bko2009d
20030+2818 BD+27 3593  Combined solution, based on reduction of Hipparcos intermediate         .       
                       astrometric data together with spectroscopic elements from the Geneva   .       
                       Extrasolar Planet Search Programs home page.                            HaI2001 
                       HD 190228. Combined astrometric/spectroscopic solution, using           .       
                       spectroscopic elements (P,T,e,omega) from Perrier et al. (2003 A&A      .       
                       410, 1039).                                                             SaJ2011 
20030+1328 BPM1956     [PM2000] 2147965 + [PM2000] 2148051.                                    Gvr2010 
20030+0544 V1295 Aql   MWC 325.  Noted as possible binary (separation > 0".020) by Baines et   .       
                       al. (2006)                                                              Bns2006 
20031+3421 BKO 525     Anon. 84.                                                               Bko2009d
20031+1656 BPM1957     [PM2000] 2148917 + [PM2000] 2149818.                                    Gvr2010 
20031+1221 BPM1958     [PM2000] 2148969 + [PM2000] 2149755.                                    Gvr2010 
20032+2456 L    33     BD may be +24@3987 if double star is real.                              .       
20032+1712 BPM1960     [PM2000] 2149905 + [PM2000] 2149749.                                    Gvr2010 
20032+1125 BPM1959     [PM2000] 2149861 + [PM2000] 2148931.                                    Gvr2010 
20032-2229 BRT1558     CD-22@14449.                                                            .       
20033+1736 BPM1962     [PM2000] 2150633 + [PM2000] 2150682.                                    Gvr2010 
20033+1354 BPM1961     [PM2000] 2150343 + [PM2000] 2150626.                                    Gvr2010 
20033+1347 BPM1963     [PM2000] 2151039 + [PM2000] 2151715.                                    Gvr2010 
20034+1631 BPM1964     [PM2000] 2151107 + [PM2000] 2151537.                                    Gvr2010 
20035+3837 COU2533     Also known as TDS1037.                                                  .       
20035+3601 MCA  59     The Aa,Ab pair has been resolved in only 4 of 11 observations, and      .       
           STF2624     the positions are discrepant (the large errors presumably result from   .       
                       a large magnitude difference).  The B and C components were also        .       
                       observed and appeared to be single.                                     Msn1998a
                       Classification of B and C components are from Hoffleit et al. (1983).   Hof1983 
                       Both A and B are SBs, and there is a small light variation.             .       
                       AB: H 1  96.                                                            MEv2010 
                       AD: SEI 826.                                                            Nsn2017d
20035+1408 BPM1965     [PM2000] 2151908 + [PM2000] 2152028.                                    Gvr2010 
20036+2954 LDS6339     HIP 98767. See Allen et al. (2000) for information on metallicity,      AlC2000 
                       age, galactic orbital parameters, etc.                                  .       
                       CHARA Array Limb-darkened diameter  0.698 +/- 0.019 mas,                CIA2008c
                       R =  1.200 +/- 0.033 \rsun.                                             .       
                       NLTT 48652/48646                                                        Chm2004 
20036+1634 BPM1966     [PM2000] 2153071 + [PM2000] 2152942.                                    Gvr2010 
20036-3315 OCC1105     Position angle ambiguous. Either the listed 290+/-10 or 235+/-10.       OCC2014d
20037+3820 HJ 1470     B is BD+37@3743.                                                        .       
                       SEI 831.                                                                Nsn2017d
20037+3626 SEI 830     The primary is an ellipsoidal variable, V1362 Cyg.                      .       
20037+3145 SEI 827     BD+31 3915. The Scheiner pair was originally listed as the AD pair of   .       
                       a multiple which included ES 359AB and BC. However, the Espin pair is   Es_1907a
                       actually BD+31 3905, but was incorrectly given the wrong DM number and  .       
                       coordinates. The Espin triple has been changed to WDS 20028+3158 and    .       
                       the Scheiner pair changed to a simple binary pair.                      .       
20038+1512 BPM1968     [PM2000] 2154916 + [PM2000] 2154870.                                    Gvr2010 
20038+1450 BPM1967     [PM2000] 2154631 + [PM2000] 2154546.                                    Gvr2010 
20039+4411 ES   85     HJ 1478.                                                                .       
                       BD+43 3470                                                              Doo1915a
20039+1746 BPM1969     [PM2000] 2155125 + [PM2000] 2154574.                                    Gvr2010 
20039+1604 BPMA231     [PM2000] 2155328 + [PM2000] 2157458.                                    Gvr2010 
20040+1704 BPM1970     [PM2000] 2155941 + [PM2000] 2155917.                                    Gvr2010 
20040-6541 I  1411     LDS 698.                                                                .       
20040-7847 HJ 5149     B is CPD-79@1051.                                                       .       
20041+5428 STI2497     MLR 581.                                                                .       
20041+3815 TOR  18     Formerly known as PAN  15.                                              .       
20041+1704 STT 592     15 Sge. B is BD+16@4117a.                                               .       
                       AB and AC: Optical pairs, based on study of relative motion of the      .       
                       components using the method of apparent motion parameters.              Kiy2008 
           LIM   3     Aa,Ab: GJ 779 = 15 Sge. Due to the high proper motion of the primary,   .       
                       Liu et al. (2002) determine that the faint companion shares common      LiM2002 
                       proper motion. Spectral type of the companion is estimated at L4.5 +/-  .       
                       1.5; assuming the two components are coeval, the inferred mass of the   .       
                       companion is 55-78 Mjup.                                                .       
                       Boccaletti et al (2003) derive spectral type for the companion of L4.5  Boc2003 
                       +/- 1.5 and a mass of 60-72 Mjup.                                       .       
           BUP 202     AD: Optical pair, based on study of relative motion of the components   .       
                       using the method of apparent motion parameters.                         Kiy2008 
           STT 592     AB, AC: Rectilinear solutions by Hurowitz et al. (2014).                USN2014b
           BUP 202     AD: Rectilinear solution by Friedman et al. (2011).                     USN2011a
20041+5428 STI2497     Rectilinear solution by Hurowitz et al. (2014).                         USN2014b
20041+1700 STF2622     PTT  28, formerly listed at 20051+1641 is in reality this object.       Hei1980a
                       AB: H 2  91.                                                            MEv2010 
20041-4547 CPO  87     B is CD-46@13365.                                                       .       
20042+3755 TOR  19     Formerly known as PAN  16.                                              .       
20042+1148 STF2620     Primary is the eclipsing binary V1470 Aql, P = 0.83499 day.             Zas2010 
20044+3820 TOR  20     Formerly known as PAN  17.                                              .       
20044+1742 BPM1971     [PM2000] 2158862 + [PM2000] 2159794.                                    Gvr2010 
20045+1638 BPM1972     AB: [PM2000] 2159565 + [PM2000] 2159415.                                Gvr2010 
           BPM1973     AC: [PM2000] 2159565 + [PM2000] 2159146.                                Gvr2010 
           BPM1974     AD: [PM2000] 2159565 + [PM2000] 2158789.                                Gvr2010 
20045+1254 BPM1975     [PM2000] 2160302 + [PM2000] 2159690.                                    Gvr2010 
20046+3213 HJ 1471     A is variable.                                                          .       
20046+1729 BPM1978     [PM2000] 2160685 + [PM2000] 2160495.                                    Gvr2010 
20046+1310 BPM1976     [PM2000] 2160414 + [PM2000] 2160684.                                    Gvr2010 
20046+1159 BPM1977     [PM2000] 2160422 + [PM2000] 2160714.                                    Gvr2010 
20047+2443 BRT3354     Aka J   504.                                                            Dam2013 
                       Originally published as BRT 209.                                        Brt1928 
20047+1238 BPM1979     [PM2000] 2161532 + [PM2000] 2161581.                                    Gvr2010 
20048+1554 STT 397     Optical pair, based on study of relative motion of the components       .       
                       using the method of apparent motion parameters.                         Kiy2008 
                       H 5 105.                                                                MEv2010 
20048+1346 BPM1980     [PM2000] 2162289 + [PM2000] 2162775.                                    Gvr2010 
20048+1240 BPM1981     [PM2000] 2162400 + [PM2000] 2161971.                                    Gvr2010 
20049+3431 BKO 526     Anon. 38.                                                               Bko2009d
20049+1258 BPM1982     [PM2000] 2163377 + [PM2000] 2163505.                                    Gvr2010 
20050+5426 MGN   1     Primary is the sdM1.5+WD SB1 Wolf 1130 = GJ 781. Companion is a T8      .       
                       subdwarf which shows common proper motion. Distance to the system is    .       
                       15.83 +/- 0.96 pc, metallicity [FE/H] = -0.64 +/- 0.17.                 MGN2013 
20050+1544 BPM1983     AB: [PM2000] 2163894 + [PM2000] 2164598.                                Gvr2010 
           BPM1984     BC: [PM2000] 2164598 + [PM2000] 2164634.                                Gvr2010 
20051+3021 ES  497     BRT 277.                                                                Brt1929b
20051+2629 DOO  77     Misdentification by Doolittle, plus misinterpretation of his note       Doo1915a
                       ("Identified by Burnham with BD+26 3785, but this star is not double.   .       
                       Near BD+26 3780.") led to identification of this pair with BD+26 3785   .       
                       and confusion with the similar pair 20054+2716HJ 1473.                  .       
20051+2039 BUP 203     A is the semiregular variable X Sge, P = 196d.                          .       
20051+1822 BPM1985     [PM2000] 2164770 + [PM2000] 2165133.                                    Gvr2010 
20051+1241 BPMA232     [PM2000] 2164926 + [PM2000] 2164997.                                    Gvr2010 
20051-1136 H 4   3     H IV 3.                                                                 .       
20052+3857 BU 1480     SEI 845.                                                                Nsn2017d
20052+1510 BPM1986     [PM2000] 2165082 + [PM2000] 2165200.                                    Gvr2010 
20052+1137 BPMA233     [PM2000] 2165463 + [PM2000] 2167166.                                    Gvr2010 
20053+1654 BPM1987     [PM2000] 2165845 + [PM2000] 2165583.                                    Gvr2010 
20053+1500 BPM1988     [PM2000] 2166204 + [PM2000] 2165684.                                    Gvr2010 
20054+5807 A   866     Aka ARG 106. B is BD+57@2131.                                           .       
                       Pair correctly identified by Marco Scardia.                             Sca2018d
20054+1530 BU   57     A is a spectroscopic binary.                                            .       
20054+1424 BPMA234     [PM2000] 2166851 + [PM2000] 2165507.                                    Gvr2010 
20055+5800 WSI 164     Pair assumed to be A   866 which is actually at 20054+5807.             Sca2018d
20056+1554 BPM1989     [PM2000] 2168608 + [PM2000] 2168707.                                    Gvr2010 
20057+5925 HJ 2934     This is a measure of BD+59@2175 with respect to A.                      .       
20057+3905 J  1072     SEI 855                                                                 Nsn2017d
20057+3536 SHJ 316     STTA199. Based on MacEvoy's (2010) conclusion that SHJ 316 and H 6  59  MEv2010 
                       were the same pair, the 1781 measure of 20097+3701 H 6  59 was merged   .       
                       this much more well-observed pair.                                      .       
20057+1719 BPM1991     [PM2000] 2169292 + [PM2000] 2170133.                                    Gvr2010 
20057+1617 BPM1992     [PM2000] 2169312 + [PM2000] 2170016.                                    Gvr2010 
20057+1548 BPM1990     [PM2000] 2168865 + [PM2000] 2168089.                                    Gvr2010 
20058+3605 SEI 853     ALI 169.                                                                .       
20058+2313 POU4212     LDS1032.                                                                .       
20058+1709 BPM1996     [PM2000] 2170013 + [PM2000] 2170325.                                    Gvr2010 
20058+1647 BPM1995     [PM2000] 2170011 + [PM2000] 2169623.                                    Gvr2010 
20058+1533 BPMA235     [PM2000] 2170149 + [PM2000] 2169943.                                    Gvr2010 
20058+1521 BPM1997     [PM2000] 2170045 + [PM2000] 2169500.                                    Gvr2010 
20058+1519 BPM1993     [PM2000] 2169933 + [PM2000] 2169728.                                    Gvr2010 
20058+1507 BPM1994     [PM2000] 2169976 + [PM2000] 2170120.                                    Gvr2010 
20058-1703 FEN  36     LEO 47. J 1697.                                                         .       
20059+3755 ES 2119     SEI 868.                                                                .       
20060+3547 BU  440     AB: A is a Wolf-Rayet binary, V1676 Cyg or WR 133, spectral types are   .       
           SHJ 314     WN5+O9.5I/III. The classification is from Wilson (1949).                WOC1949 
                       Spectroscopic Binary, P = 112.7d.                                       .       
                       Spectrum of B: B3V. Some components previously known as STF2630.        .       
                       Classification of the B, D, and F  components are from Hoffleit et al.  Hof1983 
                       (1983).                                                                 Msn1998a
                       STF2630.                                                                .       
           BU  429     AD: SEI 859.                                                            Nsn2017d
                       AD: H 3 113.                                                            MEv2010 
           DOO  78     FH: SEI 861.                                                            Nsn2017d
20060+3546 ES   25     AB: SEI 860.                                                            Nsn2017d
           SHJ 315     AD: SEI 863.                                                            Nsn2017d
                       AD: 20060+3545 TOB 166.                                                .        
           ES   25     AF: the F component is the A component of 20060+3547BU  440AB.          .       
           SEI 865     EG: Originally 20061+3546 SEI 865, but the B component found to be the  .       
                       E component of 20060+3546 WAL 127AE. Systems were merged, with a        .       
                       quadrant flip.                                                          .       
20062+5310 ENG  70     B is BD+52@2626.                                                        .       
20063+4427 TB    1     Aka KIC 8462852, Boyajian's Star or Tabby's Star.                       .       
20063+1550 BPM1998     [PM2000] 2173542 + [PM2000] 2172670.                                    Gvr2010 
20063+1549 BPMA236     [PM2000] 2174177 + [PM2000] 2175581.                                    Gvr2010 
20063+1403 BPMA237     [PM2000] 2174184 + [PM2000] 2174362.                                    Gvr2010 
20063+1229 BPM1999     [PM2000] 2173956 + [PM2000] 2174482.                                    Gvr2010 
20063+0639 J  1337     J 2569 identical. Corrected position by Heintz.                         Hei1987a
20063-4313 I   662     HIP 99029. See Allen et al. (2000) for information on metallicity,      AlC2000 
                       age, galactic orbital parameters, etc.                                  .       
20064+3558 BUP 204     27 Cyg. SEI 878 is identical.                                           .       
20064+1329 BPM2000     [PM2000] 2174396 + [PM2000] 2174568.                                    Gvr2010 
20065+3302 GYL  23     SEI 879. The discrepant Scheiner measure was due apparently to a 2s     Sei1908 
                       error in the Astrographic Catalog right ascension of the primary.       .       
20066+3544 RAO 518     V453 Cyg.                                                               .       
20066+1311 BPM2001     [PM2000] 2176133 + [PM2000] 2175639.                                    Gvr2010 
20066+1147 J   503     BRT1335.                                                                .       
20066+0735 STTA198     B is BD+07@4366.                                                        .       
20067+6214 TOR  22     Formerly known as PAN  19.                                              .       
20068+3203 SEI 881     HAU   6.                                                                .       
20068-1256 STF2625     H 3  63.                                                                MEv2010 
20068-4031 WG  250     Spectrum A7/8III/IV.                                                    .       
20068-5615 I  1412     LDS 702.                                                                .       
20069+1630 BPM2002     [PM2000] 2178259 + [PM2000] 2177364.                                    Gvr2010 
20069-0855 HDO 156     B is the Mira-type variable RY Cap.                                     .       
                       Winlock includes this star in a list of new doubles; no description     Win1882 
                       is given other than a date of 1868.62.                                  .       
20070+1803 BPM2003     [PM2000] 2178810 + [PM2000] 2178648.                                    Gvr2010 
20070+1647 BPM2004     [PM2000] 2179019 + [PM2000] 2178022.                                    Gvr2010 
20070+1430 BPM2005     [PM2000] 2179331 + [PM2000] 2179499.                                    Gvr2010 
20071+1247 BPM2006     [PM2000] 2179892 + [PM2000] 2180002.                                    Gvr2010 
20073+1718 BPM2008     [PM2000] 2181023 + [PM2000] 2181292.                                    Gvr2010 
20073+1605 STF2629     H 2  70.                                                                MEv2010 
20073+1418 BPM2010     [PM2000] 2181515 + [PM2000] 2181473.                                    Gvr2010 
20073+1354 BPM2009     [PM2000] 2181026 + [PM2000] 2181994.                                    Gvr2010 
20073+1331 BPM2011     [PM2000] 2181586 + [PM2000] 2180641.                                    Gvr2010 
20073+1236 BPM2007     [PM2000] 2180996 + [PM2000] 2181711.                                    Gvr2010 
20074+3819 POP 187     Aka POP 214.                                                            Dam2016d
20074+3751 POP 191     Aka POP 188.                                                            Skf2016e
20074+3543 STT 398     A is a spectroscopic binary.                                            .       
                       AB: The classification and orbit are from Burkholder et al. (1997 ApJ   .       
                       490, 328).                                                              Msn1998a
20074+1442 BPM2012     [PM2000] 2181875 + [PM2000] 2182120.                                    Gvr2010 
20074-2943 HJ 5168     B is CD-30@17665.                                                       .       
20075+3236 SEI 895     Neither component seen on POSS plate; may be flaws on AC Potsdam plate  .       
20075+3053 ES  360     Aka TDS1997.                                                            .       
20075+1522 BPMA238     [PM2000] 2182947 + [PM2000] 2184083.                                    Gvr2010 
20075-0037 H 4  34     H IV 34.                                                                .       
20076+3837 A  1416     Aka STH   8.                                                            Dam2016d
20076+1741 JEF   3     Recurrent nova WZ Sge. Also a W UMa variable.                           .       
20076+1700 BPMA239     [PM2000] 2183254 + [PM2000] 2183058.                                    Gvr2010 
20077+1459 BPM2013     [PM2000] 2184218 + [PM2000] 2184866.                                    Gvr2010 
20077+0446 STF2627     C is BD+04@4349.                                                        .       
20078+1800 BPM2015     [PM2000] 2185135 + [PM2000] 2186050.                                    Gvr2010 
20078+1548 BPM2014     [PM2000] 2184789 + [PM2000] 2185273.                                    Gvr2010 
20078+0924 STF2628     H 2  29.                                                                MEv2010 
                       Additional notes may be found in Fatou (1941).                          Fat1941 
                       B is SB2, P=23.844d                                                     Tok2014d
20079+3605 SEI 908     J 1162.                                                                 .       
20079+3111 WAK  16     SE of ADS 13406.                                                        .       
20080+3235 STF2633     AB: SEI 902.                                                            Nsn2017d
20080+1816 BPM2016     [PM2000] 2186666 + [PM2000] 2185982.                                    Gvr2010 
20080-0041 SHY 325     HIP  99171 + HIP  99100. Primary is 64 Aql.                             .       
20081+3241 SEI 906     Neither component seen on POSS plate; may be flaws on AC Potsdam plate  .       
20081-3929 RST2134     Gomez et al. (2016) derive dynamical parallax and component masses:     .       
                       7.35 +/- 0.33 mas, 0.993 +/- 0.021 Msun, 0.909 +/- 0.019 Msun.          Doc2016i
20082+1339 BPM2017     [PM2000] 2187618 + [PM2000] 2187742.                                    Gvr2010 
20083+1533 BPM2018     [PM2000] 2188723 + [PM2000] 2188172.                                    Gvr2010 
20084+3808 HJ  606     B is BD+37@3783.                                                        .       
20084+3528 ES  203     SEI 909.                                                                Nsn2017d
20084+1627 BPM2020     [PM2000] 2189479 + [PM2000] 2189621.                                    Gvr2010 
20084+1558 BPM2019     [PM2000] 2189115 + [PM2000] 2188480.                                    Gvr2010 
20084+1503 OSO 117     G143-033. None of the OSO components is a common proper motion pair,    .       
                       based on comparison with POSS2 red plates                               Oso2004 
20085+1806 BPM2021     [PM2000] 2190025 + [PM2000] 2190679.                                    Gvr2010 
20086+1307 BPM2022     [PM2000] 2190578 + [PM2000] 2190710.                                    Gvr2010 
20086-4618 CPO  88     B is CD-46@13400.                                                       .       
           UC 4100     BD: Originally 20087-4618 UC 4100, but primary was found to be B        .       
                       component of 20086-4618 CPO  88.                                        .       
20087+1603 BPM2023     [PM2000] 2191132 + [PM2000] 2190353.                                    Gvr2010 
20087+1223 J  1338     Pair measured in 1948 is indeed the same one measured in 1914. It is    .       
                       -17s, +0' from BD+11 4154.                                              J__1949a
                       Rectilinear solutions by Cvetkovic (2015)                               Cve2015b
                       and Cvetkovic et al. (2016).                                            Cve2016 
20088+1605 BPM2025     [PM2000] 2192282 + [PM2000] 2192439.                                    Gvr2010 
20088+1537 BPM2024     [PM2000] 2192024 + [PM2000] 2191750.                                    Gvr2010 
20088+1201 BPM2026     [PM2000] 2192296 + [PM2000] 2191695.                                    Gvr2010 
20089+7743 STF2675     kap Cep = 1 Cep                                                         .       
                       AB: H 3  70.                                                            MEv2010 
                       AB: Additional notes may be found in Dembowski (1883).                  D__1883 
20089+3450 SEI 918     Secondary not seen on Aladin images; typo or plate flaw in AC Catalog.  .       
20089+2520 AG  247     This is a distant companion. Original star single.                      .       
20089+1230 BPMA240     [PM2000] 2192722 + [PM2000] 2190971.                                    Gvr2010 
20089+1127 BPM2027     [PM2000] 2192644 + [PM2000] 2191882.                                    Gvr2010 
20089+1111 BPM2028     [PM2000] 2192677 + [PM2000] 2191969.                                    Gvr2010 
20090+4252 OSO 118     G125-064. Neither is a common proper motion pair, based on comparison   .       
                       with POSS2 red plates.                                                  Oso2004 
20090+3516 SEI 919     ALI   8.                                                                .       
20090+3258 SEI 916     Neither component seen on POSS plate; may be flaws on AC Potsdam plate  .       
                       A likely plate flaw.                                                    Grv2021b
20090+2718 BRT 210     Misidentified in ADS catalog.                                           .       
20090+1535 BPM2029     [PM2000] 2193402 + [PM2000] 2193844.                                    Gvr2010 
20090+1355 BPM2030     AB: [PM2000] 2193571 + [PM2000] 2193636.                                Gvr2010 
           BPM2031     AC: [PM2000] 2193571 + [PM2000] 2192886.                                Gvr2010 
           BPM2032     BC: [PM2000] 2193636 + [PM2000] 2192886.                                Gvr2010 
20090+0127 BAL1544     J 1698.                                                                 .       
20091+1638 BPM2034     [PM2000] 2194255 + [PM2000] 2194438.                                    Gvr2010 
20091+1117 BPM2033     [PM2000] 2194221 + [PM2000] 2194724.                                    Gvr2010 
20091-2613 MET  88     All seven faint companions appear to be background stars.               .       
           VIG  19                                                                             Vig2012 
20092-4105 GRV1264     Both A and B have approximately the same radial velocity.               Grv2019b
                       Also known asKPP3108.                                                   .       
20093+1549 BPM2035     [PM2000] 2195432 + [PM2000] 2195376.                                    Gvr2010 
20093-1925 HU   80     SEE 406.                                                                .       
20094+3651 BNW   2     28 Cyg = V1624 Cyg.                                                     .       
20094+3630 SEI 928     D is BD+36@3905.                                                        .       
           ABH 131     AF: BKO  96AO.                                                          .       
20094+3309 GIC 162     G125-066/G125-065.                                                      .       
                       NLTT 48819/48820                                                        Chm2004 
20094+3244 SEI 925     Secondary not seen on POSS plate; may be flaw on AC Potsdam plate.      .       
20094+1613 BPM2036     [PM2000] 2196152 + [PM2000] 2196147.                                    Gvr2010 
20095+4752 BLL  45     A is the irregular variable SV Cyg. B is BD+47@3034.                    .       
20096+1648 STF2634     Mt. Wilson spectral type of B is K5.                                    .       
                       Aka H 2  70 = S   734.                                                  Bu_1906 
20096+1540 BPM2037     [PM2000] 2197958 + [PM2000] 2197337.                                    Gvr2010 
20096-8248 SHY 766     HIP  99318 + HIP  96923.                                                .       
20097+3240 SEI 933     Neither component seen on POSS plate; may be flaws on AC Potsdam plate  .       
                       A likely plate flaw.                                                    Grv2021b
20097-2216 BRT1561     CD-22@14512.                                                            .       
20097-4522 RSS  35     This previously uncataloged double star was a Hipparcos double entry    .       
                       system.  The first measure is determined from the individual positions  .       
                       listed by Rousseau et al.                                               Rss1996 
                       Optical pair, based on study of relative motion of the components       .       
                       using the method of apparent motion parameters.                         Kiy2008 
20098+3130 SEI 932     Neither component seen on POSS plate; may be flaws on AC Potsdam plate  .       
20098+1215 TOR  21     Formerly known as PAN  18.                                              .       
20099+2055 STF2637     the Sge = 17 Sge. STTA201 = STFA 49. B is BD+20@4455.                   .       
                       AC: Optical pair, based on study of relative motion of the components   .       
                       using the method of apparent motion parameters.                         Kiy2008 
                       BC: Mt. Wilson spectral type of B is G3, C is K1.                       .       
                       AB: HJL 272.                                                            HJL1986 
                       AB: H 3  24.                                                            MEv2010 
20100+7711 PLT   8     SZ Cep.                                                                 Plt1934 
20100+1457 BPM2039     [PM2000] 2200353 + [PM2000] 2200006.                                    Gvr2010 
20100+1216 BPM2038     [PM2000] 2200118 + [PM2000] 2199900.                                    Gvr2010 
20100+1021 A  1199     A is the Algol-type system V346 Aql.                                    .       
20100-2802 BRG  30     Given the relatively small separation (~0.62") and the similar          .       
                       brightnesses of the two components in the 2MASS J20100002-2801410       .       
                       system, it is likely that they form a physical pair. However, only one  .       
                       epoch of imaging exists at this point.                                  Jnn2012 
20102+4357 STT 400     Pourbaix gives combined solution for this resolved SB2, yielding        Pbx2000b
                       orbital parallaxes and component masses.                                .       
                       Eccentricity incorrectly given as 0.468 by Heintz (1985); correct       Hei1985d
                       value 0.486 (Erratum noted in Inf. Circ. 98, 1986)                      .       
                       Incorrect value of omega given by Burnham (1898); corrected by          Bu_1898 
                       Doberck (1898)                                                          Dob1898c
                       Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and spectroscopic   .       
                       masses of 1.67 +/- 0.26, 2.08, and 0.98 Msun, respectively.             Mlk2012 
20102+3644 ES   87     SEI 940.                                                                Nsn2017d
20102+1723 BPM2040     AB: [PM2000] 2201513 + [PM2000] 2202022.                                Gvr2010 
           BPM2041     BC: [PM2000] 2202022 + [PM2000] 2202081.                                Gvr2010 
           BPM2042     CD: [PM2000] 2202081 + [PM2000] 2202900.                                Gvr2010 
20102+1646 BPMA241     [PM2000] 2201645 + [PM2000] 2201527.                                    Gvr2010 
20103-2147 PRB   8     Primary is WD 2007-21 = GJ 781.3 = NLTT 48815, secondary is NLTT        .       
                       48706. Possible CPM pair, according to Probst (1983).                   Prb1983 
20104+3644 SEI 946     AC. Very faint object seen on POSS plate near purported position of C   .       
                       component; uncertain whether Scheiner's tertiary is a variable star or  .       
                       a flaw on AC Potsdam plate.                                             .       
                       C may be at 292 deg & 15.1" with a 120 deg error by Scheiner.           Dam2011 
                       The alternate measure for AC by Scheiner matches 20105+3614 = SEI 947.  Smr2022 
20105+4923 ES 1099     Appears to be the same as FOX  34.                                      Dam2013 
20105+3614 SEI 947     This pair matches the alternate measure of 20104+3644AC by Scheiner.    Smr2022 
20105+3225 SEI 943     Secondary not seen on POSS plate; may be flaw on AC Potsdam plate.      .       
20105+2920 BRT  46     W Uma (EW) type eclipsing binary, P = 0.63757 d.                        Zas2011 
20106+3751 SEI 949     SLE 951.                                                                .       
20106+3338 S   738     B is BD+33@3780.                                                        .       
20106+1701 BPM2043     [PM2000] 2204551 + [PM2000] 2204361.                                    Gvr2010 
20106+0632 LUH  15     LSPM J2010+0632 + 2MASS J20103539+0634367.                              Luh2012b
20107+3703 STT 399     AB: SEI 955.                                                            Nsn2017d
20107+1750 BPM2044     [PM2000] 2204621 + [PM2000] 2204839.                                    Gvr2010 
20108+3320 SEI 952     Precise coordinates are of object observed by Heintz, who notes that    Hei1985a
                       nothing was seen at IDS position. Identification with the SEI pair is   .       
                       uncertain.                                                              .       
20108+2358 OSO 119     Not a common proper motion pair, based on comparison with POSS2 red     .       
                       plates                                                                  Oso2004 
20108+1614 BKO 527     Anon. 39.                                                               Bko2009d
20108+1541 BPM2045     [PM2000] 2205696 + [PM2000] 2205391.                                    Gvr2010 
20110+5717 ARG  36     HJL 273.                                                                HJL1986 
20111+4131 HJ 1491     20102+4130WFC 229.                                                      .       
                       Pair is BD+41 3634 and is about 1.5mag brighter than stated.            Brt1939a
20111+1611 GIC 163     Aa = G143-034/G143-035 = GJ 783.2AB.                                    .       
                       Aa,Ab: NLTT 48851/48854                                                 Chm2004 
           HZG  15     AD: Rectilinear solution by Friedman et al. (2011).                     USN2011a
20111-1252 HO  119     J 2299.                                                                 .       
20111-5731 HDO 295     Spectroscopic triple.                                                   .       
20112-3606 HJ 5173     Proper motion +465 -1581.                                               .       
                       HIP 99461. See Allen et al. (2000) for information on metallicity,      AlC2000 
                       age, galactic orbital parameters, etc.                                  .       
20113+3550 HJ 1489     AD: SEI 967.                                                            Nsn2017d
20113+1209 BPM2046     [PM2000] 2208957 + [PM2000] 2208828.                                    Gvr2010 
20113-0008 S   735     B is BD-00@3935.                                                        .       
                       H 5 136.  H 6  27.                                                      MEv2010 
20113-0049 ISO  12     the Aql = 65 Aql. A is a spectroscopic binary, P = 17.12d.              .       
                       The Aa,Ab pair cannot be this object.                                   .       
           BU 1540     AB: Incorrectly identified as H 6  27 in BDS. Error noted by MacEvoy.   MEv2010 
           MKT  10     the Aql.                                                                .       
                       Visual orbit by Hummel et al. (1995) based on astrometry from Mark III  MkT1995 
                       interferometer. Additional spectroscopic data yield component masses,   .       
                       luminosities, radii, effective temperatures, and distance.              .       
                       Pourbaix gives combined solution for this resolved SB2, yielding        Pbx2000b
                       orbital parallaxes and component masses.                                .       
                       Hipparcos astrometric solution adopted some elements from the orbit of  HIP1997d
                       Hummel et al. (1995).                                                   MkT1995 
                       Aa,Ab: Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and          .       
                       spectroscopic masses 10.09 +/- 0.66, 9.08, and 2.88 Msun, respectively. Mlk2012 
                       Ma,Mb = 3.564 +/- 0.049, 2.739 +/- 0.037 \msun.                         .       
                       Ra,Rb = 4.76 +/- 0.14, 2.34 +/- 0.07 \rsun.                             .       
                       Teff_a,Teff_b = 10300 +/- 200, 10230 +/- 220 K.                         .       
                       La,Lb = 229.8 +/- 22.5, 54.0 +/- 5.8 \lsun. distance = 76.3 +/- 0.3 pc. CIA2022e
20114+3552 HJ 1490     SEI 969.                                                                .       
20114+1102 BPM2047     [PM2000] 2209600 + [PM2000] 2210110.                                    Gvr2010 
20115+3539 SEI 968     HLM  37.  BRT3253.                                                      Brt1951 
                       SEI 970.                                                                Nsn2017d
20115+1524 BPM2048     [PM2000] 2209955 + [PM2000] 2209806.                                    Gvr2010 
20116+6205 LDS2791     Primary is 68 Dra, X-ray source, SB. Rapid rotator?                     Tok2014d
20116+3853 A  1418     SEI 981.                                                                Nsn2017d
20116+1417 BPM2050     [PM2000] 2210831 + [PM2000] 2211559.                                    Gvr2010 
20116+1336 BPM2049     [PM2000] 2210557 + [PM2000] 2210979.                                    Gvr2010 
20117+1221 BPM2051     AB: [PM2000] 2211498 + [PM2000] 2211470.                                Gvr2010 
           BPM2052     BC: [PM2000] 2211470 + [PM2000] 2211313.                                Gvr2010 
20118+7614 MLR 232     No significant movement since first resolution.                         Drd2009 
20118+1117 BPM2053     [PM2000] 2212269 + [PM2000] 2212364.                                    Gvr2010 
20118-1205 H 6  92     H VI 92. B is BD-12@5662.                                               .       
20119+6431 STF2660     LDS2448. B is BD+64@1424.                                               .       
20119+3612 BLL  46     A is the irregular variable V1042 Cyg.                                  .       
20119+3551 SEI 983     J  1164.                                                                Nsn2016 
20119+3510 SEI 988     J 127.                                                                  .       
20119+2351 POU4262     J 1768.                                                                 .       
20119+2020 HRL   1     A is the Mira-type variable FG Sge.                                     .       
20120+3429 HO  121     AB,C: SEI 986.                                                          Nsn2017d
20120+3227 SEI 984     Not found by Heintz at IDS position.                                    Hei1990b
20120-0039 J   548     Aka J  2402.                                                            .       
20120+2350 POU4263     J 1769.                                                                 .       
20121+4618 OSO 120     G209-020. Neither AB nor AD is a common proper motion pair, based on    .       
                       comparison with POSS2 red plates                                        Oso2004 
20122+3827 STT 401     H N  86.                                                                MEv2010 
20122+3810 SEI 998     J 1166.                                                                 .       
20122+1712 BPM2054     [PM2000] 2214471 + [PM2000] 2214253.                                    Gvr2010 
20122+1534 BKO 528     Anon. 40.                                                               Bko2009d
20122+0255 BAL2019     J 1387.                                                                 .       
20123+3205 STF2649     B is BD+31@3989.                                                        .       
                       AB: SEI 993.                                                            Nsn2017d
20123+1650 BPM2056     [PM2000] 2215567 + [PM2000] 2215701.                                    Gvr2010 
20123+1525 BPM2055     [PM2000] 2215401 + [PM2000] 2215107.                                    Gvr2010 
20124+2224 GRV 322     AC: Also known as GRV 321AB.                                            .       
20124-1237 BUP 206     xi 2 Cap = xi Cap = 2 Cap                                               .       
           TDT2085     AC: SHY 326. Bayesian analysis by Shaya & Olling (2011) indicates very  Shy2011 
                       high (near 100%) probability pair is physical.                          .       
20124-2237 RST3250     CD-22@14551.                                                            .       
20125+1634 BPM2057     [PM2000] 2216856 + [PM2000] 2216408.                                    Gvr2010 
20126+4016 HD 192281   Barannikov (1993 SvAL 19, 420) suggests a possible low-amplitude orbit  .       
                       with a period of 5.5d, but we have placed the star in the "C" category  Gie1986 
                       based on the constancy found by Gies & Bolton (1986).                   Msn1998a
20126+2529 BRT3355     Originally published as BRT 211.                                        Brt1928 
20126+1616 CHE  67     Error in transcribing original 1910 coordinates led to this system      .       
                       being listed in WDS as 02136+1626.                                      .       
           BKO 529     Anon. 41.                                                               Bko2009d
20126+1553 BKO 530     Anon. 42.                                                               Bko2009d
20126+0052 STF2644     H 2  96.                                                                MEv2010 
20127+1514 BPM2058     [PM2000] 2217990 + [PM2000] 2218378.                                    Gvr2010 
20128+2725 MLB 706     One of a group of faint stars = BD+27 3650.                             Mlb1932 
20128+2312 POU4276     LDS1034.                                                                .       
20129+3429 AG  250     SEI1009.                                                                Nsn2017d
20129+1548 CHE 201     AB: Same as 20128+1548SMA 113                                           .       
           CHE 202EF   Aka BKO 531 or Anon. 43.                                                Bko2009d
20129+1246 BPM2059     [PM2000] 2219265 + [PM2000] 2218952.                                    Gvr2010 
20130+1624 BPM2061     [PM2000] 2220054 + [PM2000] 2219442.                                    Gvr2010 
20130+1211 BPM2060     [PM2000] 2220051 + [PM2000] 2219881.                                    Gvr2010 
20130+1029 J   549     J 176.                                                                  .       
20131+3411 STT 203     B is BD+33@3809.                                                        .       
20131+1713 BPM2062     [PM2000] 2220519 + [PM2000] 2221274.                                    Gvr2010 
20131-1111 BRT2771     Aka J  2304.                                                            .       
20132+1541 BKO 532     Anon. 44.                                                               Bko2009d
20133+1529 BKO 533     Anon. 45.                                                               Bko2009d
20134+3844 BLL  47     A is the semiregular variable RS Cyg.                                   .       
                       B is BD+38@3956.                                                        .       
20134+1536 BKO 534     Anon. 46.                                                               Bko2009d
20134-1526 KUI  96     B has negative V-K but J-K=0.69. Is B a white dwarf?                    Tok2014d
20134-4612 CD-4613445  HD 191760. Combined astrometric/spectroscopic solution, using           .       
                       spectroscopic elements (P,T,e,omega) from Jenkins et al. (2009 MNRAS    .       
                       398, 911).                                                              SaJ2011 
20136+5307 STF2658     Mt. Wilson spectral type of A is F4s, of B K2.                          .       
                       AB: H N  72.                                                            MEv2010 
                       AC: Optical pair, based on study of relative motion of the components   .       
                       using the method of apparent motion parameters.                         Kiy2008 
                       BC: Rectilinear solution by Friedman et al. (2012).                     USN2012a
20136+4644 WRH  33     Aa,Ab: 31 Cyg = omi 1 Cyg. A spectroscopic, eclipsing, astrometric,     .       
                       interferometric binary. A is the zeta Aurigae-type binary V695 Cyg.     .       
                       It is spectrum K4Ib+B3-4.                                               .       
                       Aa,Ab: Star D noted as single. See Wilson (1950) for extensive notes    .       
                       on comparison of measures with orbits, mass estimates, etc.             WRH1950a
                       Aa,Ab: Reality of these measures would seem more questionable than      .       
                       those published in 1950.                                                WRH1951 
                       Aa,Ab: Attempted to observe visually this 10yr binary which passed      .       
                       eclipse late in 1951.                                                   WRH1954b
                       Aa,Ab: Correction for magnitude difference should increase this         .       
                       estimated separation.                                                   WRH1955 
                       Aa,Ab seen single in 1953, resolved once again by McAlister in 1980.    McA1983 
                       1983.4905: Our ACFs do not resolve the system with much confidence      .       
                       (theta ~168 deg, rho ~0".029).                                          Bag1984a
                       Hipparcos astrometric solution adopted some elements from the orbit of  HIP1997d
                       Wright (1970).                                                          Wri1970 
                       Mk III Limb-darkened diameter  4.47  +/- 0.06  mas.                     MkT2001 
                       Mk III Limb-darkened diameter  4.362 +/- 0.044 mas.                     MkT2003 
                       NPOI Limb-darkened diameter    4.49  +/- 0.06  mas.                     NOI2001b
           GUI  30     D: 30 Cyg.                                                              .       
           STFA 50     STTA204.                                                                .       
                       AC: H 6  10.                                                            MEv2010 
20136+1537 BKO 535     Anon. 47.                                                               Bko2009d
20136+1205 BPM2063     [PM2000] 2224188 + [PM2000] 2224790.                                    Gvr2010 
20136-1521 HJ 5511     Originally assigned to KUI  96.                                         WSI2011b
                       Correct ID provided by Friedrich Damm.                                  Dam2013 
20136-3827 GC 28055    Hipparcos astrometric solution assumed circular orbit (e = omega = 0)   HIP1997d
20137+4050 DOO  13     A  1385.                                                                .       
20137+1609 SHY 768     AC: HIP  99689 + HIP 100451. C component = B component of 20222+1623.   .       
20138+2021 HJ 2941     HJL 274.                                                                HJL1986 
20138+1609 BKO 536     Anon. 48.                                                               Bko2009d
20138+1450 BKO 537     Anon. 49.                                                               Bko2009d
20138+1342 BPM2064     [PM2000] 2225094 + [PM2000] 2224508.                                    Gvr2010 
20139+2358 POU4290     Also known as NYS   6.                                                  .       
20139+1806 BPMA242     [PM2000] 2225750 + [PM2000] 2225233.                                    Gvr2010 
20139+1751 BPM2067     [PM2000] 2225937 + [PM2000] 2225475.                                    Gvr2010 
20139+1611 BPM2065     AB: [PM2000] 2225681 + [PM2000] 2225995.                                Gvr2010 
           BPM2066     BC: [PM2000] 2225995 + [PM2000] 2225512.                                Gvr2010 
20139+0641 GIC 164     G024-010/G024-009 = GJ 784.2AB.                                         .       
20140+5557 TOK   5     1984.778: This object, first resolved here, was suspected to be an      .       
                       astrometric binary with period about 11 years and semiamplitude about   .       
                       0".1 by A.A. Voltchkov.  The observed orbital motion is not             .       
                       incompatible with the astrometric data.                                 Tok1985 
20140-0052 BU 1485     A,BC: Optical pair, based on study of relative motion of the            .       
                       components using the method of apparent motion parameters.              Kiy2008 
           J   551     BC: Not seen after 1916.                                                .       
           BU 1485     BC,D: Additional notes may be found in Jonckheere (1949).               J__1949b
           GC 28080    Combined solution, based on reduction of Hipparcos intermediate         .       
                       astrometric data together with spectroscopic elements from Vogt et al.  CPS2000c
                       (2000).                                                                 HaI2001 
           BU 1485     No comoving objects found within separation/magnitude range listed.     .       
                       However, Chauvin et al. (2006) note finding at least one faint          Cvn2006 
                       background object.                                                      .       
20140-1640 HIP  99708  No RV data, the acceleration could be spurious. Elongated image?        Tok2013b
20141+2213 STF2655     AB: H N  55.                                                            MEv2010 
20141+1553 BPM2068     [PM2000] 2227104 + [PM2000] 2227074.                                    Gvr2010 
20141+1222 BPM2069     [PM2000] 2227475 + [PM2000] 2227524.                                    Gvr2010 
20142+3522 ES  204     Optical pair, based on study of relative motion of the components       .       
                       using the method of apparent motion parameters.                         Kiy2008 
                       SEI1032.                                                                Nsn2017d
20142+1508 BKO 538     Anon. 50.                                                               Bko2009d
20142+1202 HJ 1494     Obvious discrepancy in separation between Doolittle and WFC measures    Doo1915a
                       versus those of other observers suggest they did not observe the        WFC1998 
                       Herschel pair. Precise coordinates are those of the 9" pair; no 3"      .       
                       pair is found in the vicinity of Burnham's coordinates.                 .       
20142+0635 S   740     B is BD+06@4479.  Also known as LDS1036.                                .       
                       HJL 275.                                                                HJL1986 
                       SHY 770. Bayesian analysis by Shaya & Olling (2011) indicates very      Shy2011 
                       high (near 100%) probability pair is physical.                          .       
           TOK 627     AC: C and D components comprise 20156+0615 HJL 277.                     .       
20143+4648 ES   27     Also known as WFC 230.                                                  .       
20143+1648 BPM2070     [PM2000] 2228160 + [PM2000] 2227349.                                    Gvr2010 
20143+1507 BKO 539     Anon. 51.                                                               Bko2009d
20144+3822 SEI1038     J 1230. Probably J 1167. See ADS.                                       A__1932a
20144+1608 BKO 540     Anon. 52.                                                               Bko2009d
20144+1505 BKO 541     Anon. 53.                                                               Bko2009d
20144+1242 BPM2071     [PM2000] 2229049 + [PM2000] 2228314.                                    Gvr2010 
20145+3648 ENG  72     29 Cyg. A Delta Scuti-type variable, V1644 Cyg.                         .       
20145+3640 RJJ   1     Aa,Ab: Primary is Wolf-Rayet WR 137, distance 1300pc. First resolved    .       
                       with IOTA array by Rajagopal (2010), later confirmed with  CHARA Array  RjJ2010 
                       by Richardson et al. (2016). Richardson et al. infer the following      .       
                       stellar parameters for the WR star and its close companion:             .       
                          Spectral types:    WC7pd                 O9 V                        .       
                          T* (K)             60000 +/- 5000        32000 +/- 2000              .       
                          log L (Lsun)       5.22  +/-0.05         4.75  +/- 0.05              .     
                          R* (Rsun)          3.8   +/- 1           7.7   +/- 1                 CIA2016b
20145+1555 BKO 542     Anon. 54.                                                               Bko2009d
20145+1502 TOB 309     Anon. 55.                                                               Bko2009d
20145+1418 BPM2072     [PM2000] 2229844 + [PM2000] 2229727.                                    Gvr2010 
20148+1439 BPM2074     [PM2000] 2231769 + [PM2000] 2231916.                                    Gvr2010 
20148+1214 BPM2073     [PM2000] 2231608 + [PM2000] 2230912.                                    Gvr2010 
20149+1808 BPM2075     [PM2000] 2232092 + [PM2000] 2232962.                                    Gvr2010 
20149-5659 RMK  25     Rectilinear solution by Letchford et al. (2018).                        LRR2018a
20150+3500 ES  205     SEI 1042. J 128.                                                        .       
20150+1239 BPM2076     [PM2000] 2233220 + [PM2000] 2232453.                                    Gvr2010 
20150+0835 J   552     HJL 276.                                                                HJL1986 
20151+4118 A   387     A 7" faint pair is in the field about 22" from A in 220@.               A__1932a
20151+3742 COU2416     Systemic mass is estimated at 2.8 +/- 0.7 Msun, assuming a dynamical    .       
                       parallax of 10.69 +/- 0.30 mas.                                         Doc2008a
20151+1552 BKO 543     Anon. 56.                                                               Bko2009d
20151+1450 BPM2077     [PM2000] 2233525 + [PM2000] 2233870.                                    Gvr2010 
20152+5409 HO  455     Hough's (1894) original component designations were altered by the      Ho_1894b
                       time the ADS was published; his A,B,C,D, and E components are now       A__1932a
                       designated A,E,D,B, and C.                                              .       
20152-0330 STF2654     B is BD-03@4824.                                                        .       
                       Additional notes may be found in Muller (1950).                         Mlr1950b
20153+2536 BU  983     The primary may be a long-period spectroscopic binary.                  .       
20153+1807 BPM2079     [PM2000] 2234918 + [PM2000] 2234586.                                    Gvr2010 
20153+1145 BPM2078     [PM2000] 2234765 + [PM2000] 2234892.                                    Gvr2010 
20154+6412 SHY 772     AD: HIP  99832 + HIP  98613.                                            .       
           MLR  60     AB: Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and             .       
                       spectroscopic masses 1.60 +/- 0.87, 2.37, and 0.95 Msun, respectively.  Mlk2012 
20154+4743 omi2 Cyg    Hipparcos astrometric solution adopted some elements from the orbit of  HIP1997d
                       Wright (1970).                                                          Wri1970 
                       Ren & Fu (2013) calculated an astrometric orbit, combining Hipparcos    Ren2013 
                       Intermediate Astrometric Data with spectroscopic elements by            .       
                       Griffin (2008).                                                         Grf2008 
20155+4743 S   743     32 Cyg = omi 2 Cyg = the 2 Cyg. A is the zeta Aurigae-type binary V1488 .       
                       Cyg. With a period of 1148d this cannot be this pair. B is BD+47@3060.  .       
                       H 6  33.                                                                MEv2010 
20155+1455 BKO 544     Anon. 57.                                                               Bko2009d
20155+1452 BKO 545     Anon. 58.                                                               Bko2009d
20156+3910 SEI1046     J 1148. ES 2048.                                                        .       
20156+1958 ROE 101     AB: HJL 278.                                                            HJL1986 
20156+1527 BKO 546     Anon. 59.                                                               Bko2009d
20157+4339 A  2095     Variability of one component has been suspected.                        .       
                       Ling (2004) derived an orbital parallax 0".01636                        Lin2004a
                       AB,C: Also known as SCA 182.                                            Sca2018b
20157+1534 BKO 547     Anon. 60.                                                               Bko2009d
20157+1509 BKO 548     Anon. 61.                                                               Bko2009d
20157+1508 BKO 549     Anon. 62.                                                               Bko2009d
20157+1457 BKO 550     Anon. 63.                                                               Bko2009d
20157+1003 J   135     J 175. J 2190. OL  193.                                                 .       
20158+5230 STT 404     ADS 13616a.                                                             .       
20158+2749 CHR  94     23 Vul.                                                                 .       
                       Aa,Ab: 1991.893: These two observations confirm the discovery           .       
                       measurement of this close component, made in 1985, and indicate         McA1987b
                       considerable motion during this interval.                               Hrt1994 
                       Aa,Ab: Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and          .       
                       spectroscopic masses 2.39 +/- 0.73, 6.47, and 2.40 Msun, respectively.  Mlk2012 
20158+1628 BPM2080     [PM2000] 2237900 + [PM2000] 2238465.                                    Gvr2010 
20158+1536 BKO 551     Anon. 64.                                                               Bko2009d
20158+1510 BKO 552     Anon. 65.                                                               Bko2009d
20159+1505 BKO 553     Anon. 66.                                                               Bko2009d
20159+1457 BKO 554     Anon. 67.                                                               Bko2009d
20160+1819 BPMA243     [PM2000] 2239594 + [PM2000] 2238354.                                    Gvr2010 
20160+1510 BKO 555     Anon. 68.                                                               Bko2009d
20161+3854 CHR  95     Hipparcos Acceleration Double Solution.                                 .       
                       This system, first announced by McAlister and recalled in a later       McA1984b
                       McAlister paper after repeated attempts at confirmation, has been       McA1993 
                       restored. While perhaps still spurious, the subsequent confirmation or  .       
                       suspected duplicity (by another technique) makes the discovery          .       
                       measurement somewhat more probable.                                     .       
20161+1553 BKO 556     Anon. 69.                                                               Bko2009d
20161+1552 BKO 557     Anon. 70.                                                               Bko2009d
20163+1407 BPM2082     [PM2000] 2241196 + [PM2000] 2241835.                                    Gvr2010 
20163+1353 BPM2081     [PM2000] 2241007 + [PM2000] 2241190.                                    Gvr2010 
20163+1343 BPM2083     [PM2000] 2241217 + [PM2000] 2241516.                                    Gvr2010 
20164-1220 BU  294     3 Cap.                                                                  .       
20165+4339 ES 1439     FOX 40.                                                                 .       
20165+3739 BU  442     R is BD+37@3859.                                                        .       
           SLE 982     AL:  Soulie (2006) measure corrected for an apparent 30" error in       Sle2006b
                       declination of L component.                                             .       
                       AQ: Additional notes may be found in Doolittle (1901).                  Doo1901 
                       Confusion is component designations: BO was initially listed as BD,     .       
                       BD as BW, and CD as CW.                                                 .       
20165+3739 BU  442     Confusion is component designations: BO was initially listed as BD,     .       
                       BD as BW, and CD as CW.                                                 .       
                       AB: SEI1055.                                                            Nsn2017d
           SLE 982     AL:  Soulie (2006) measure corrected for an apparent 30" error in       Sle2006b
                       declination of L component.                                             .       
           BU  442     AP: SEI1052.                                                            Nsn2017d
                       AQ: Additional notes may be found in Doolittle (1901).                  Doo1901 
                       AR: SEI1053.                                                            Nsn2017d
                       BC: SEI1054.                                                            Nsn2017d
                       BD: SEI1057.                                                            Nsn2017d
                       BT: SEI1058.                                                            Nsn2017d
                       BU: SEI1056.                                                            Nsn2017d
20165+1602 BKO 558     Anon. 71.                                                               Bko2009d
20165+1601 BKO 559     Anon. 72.                                                               Bko2009d
20165-7011 HEI 274     CD given, not in CPD.                                                   Hei1985a
20166+1431 BPM2085     [PM2000] 2243469 + [PM2000] 2242918.                                    Gvr2010 
20166+1138 BPM2084     [PM2000] 2243057 + [PM2000] 2242845.                                    Gvr2010 
20166+0405 J  1641     BAL 2530.                                                               .       
20166-0712 JNN 125     Due to the very small separation of the detected companion to 2MASS     .       
                       J20163382-0711456, this is likely to be a physical binary, although a   .       
                       second epoch to confirm common proper motion has not been acquired.     Jnn2012 
20167+2932 OSO 121     G186-018. Neither AB nor AC is a common proper motion pair              Oso2004 
20167+2425 BRT3356     POU4333. Originally published as BRT 212.                               Brt1928 
20167+1925 GCB  52     Heintz confirm J  3069 as identical, and corrects both positions.       Hei1983a
20167+1459 BPM2086     [PM2000] 2243647 + [PM2000] 2243201.                                    Gvr2010 
20168+4158 ES 1568     A is a W UMa-type system, V1191 Cyg.                                    .       
20168+3943 STF2663     AB: SEI1062.                                                            Nsn2017d
                       WDS 20167+3938 = HO  590AB and AC were incorrectly merged with this     .       
                       system and designated as the CD and CE pairs.                           .       
20168+3633 KRV  10     Classical Cepheid V1046 Cyg.                                            .       
20168-0329 TOK 337     AC: C is white dwarf candidate (Tokovinin & Lepine (2012))              Tok2012c
20169+5017 ENG  73     AB, AC, and AE: Optical pairs, based on study of relative motion of     .       
                       the components using the method of apparent motion parameters.          Kiy2008 
                       A: Hipparcos astrometric solution assumed circular orbit (e=omega=0).   HIP1997d
                       A: Ren & Fu (2013) calculated an astrometric orbit, combining           .       
                       Hipparcos Intermediate Astrometric Data with spectroscopic elements by  .       
                       Griffin (2002). They derived component masses 0.90 and 0.74 Msun and    Grf2002a
                       an estimated semimajor axis of 38.89 mas.                               Ren2013 
                       AB: A is SB1 (CfA: P=418.6d=1.146yr) and astrometric binary (Ren & Fu   Ren2013 
                       2013). B is SB1, P=3.616d                                               Tok2014d
           GIC 155     AF: G230-032/G230-031. A typographical error led to this pair being     .       
                       originally entered in the WDS as 19168+5014.                            .       
           BUP 243     DF: Originally listed in the WDS erroneously as DH.                     .       
20169+3307 OSO 122     G210-012. Neither AC nor AD is a common proper motion pair, based on    .       
                       comparison with POSS2 red plates                                        Oso2004 
20170+3725 CIA   9     Aa1,Aa2: Primary is Wolf-Rayet WR 138, distance 1380pc. Resolved with   .       
                       CHARA Array by Richardson et al. (2016), who infer the following        .       
                       stellar parameters for the WR star and its close companion:             .       
                          Spectral type      WN5o                  O9 V                        .       
                          T* (kK)            56000 +/- 5000        31000 +/- 2000              .       
                          log L (Lsun)       5.35  +/- 0.05        4.82  +/- 0.05              .     
                          R* (Rsun)          4.8   +/- 2           8.9   +/- 2                 CIA2016b
20170+3153 SEI1061     Heintz identifies this with ES 2432.                                    Hei1995 
20170+1716 OSO 123     G143-043. None is a common proper motion pair, based on comparison      .       
                       with POSS2 red plates.                                                  Oso2004 
20171+1641 BPM2087     [PM2000] 2246373 + [PM2000] 2246561.                                    Gvr2010 
20171+1434 BPMA244     [PM2000] 2246248 + [PM2000] 2248348.                                    Gvr2010 
20172+1553 BKO 560     Anon. 73.                                                               Bko2009d
20172+1446 BPM2088     [PM2000] 2246994 + [PM2000] 2246829.                                    Gvr2010 
20173+3420 SEI1064     B is BD+33@3839.                                                        .       
20173+2604 BRT3357     Originally published as BRT 213.                                        Brt1928 
20174+1430 BPM2089     [PM2000] 2248646 + [PM2000] 2248440.                                    Gvr2010 
20175+3205 SEI1065     BRT 278.                                                                Brt1929b
                       J  1169.                                                                Nsn2016 
20176+3835 ALI 927     Aka MLB 952.                                                            .       
20176+1224 BPM2090     [PM2000] 2249560 + [PM2000] 2249051.                                    Gvr2010 
20176-1230 WZ   15     Aa,Ab: Previously known as HDS2895Aa,Ab. The Wirtz measure which had    Wz_1912 
                       been assigned to Aa,Ab belongs here.                                    .       
           BU  295     A: alp 1 Cap = 5 Cap, a spectroscopic binary. Wilson measured a star    .       
                       nearby: 1882.62, 96.3@, 8.32", 9.0-9.5. Not found by Burnham in 1902.   .       
           HJ  607     Also known as DA   16EF (as part of the system HJ  608 = ADS 13645).    .       
20177+1755 J  1340     Published in JO XXIV, 21 as J 1370. Jonckheere calls it 1340 in his     J__1941a
                       1962 catalogue.  Thorel (private comm.) says J 1370 is a novae,         J__1962a
                       however.                                                                .       
20177+1739 BPMA245     [PM2000] 2250029 + [PM2000] 2249323.                                    Gvr2010 
20177+1504 BPM2091     [PM2000] 2250170 + [PM2000] 2250690.                                    Gvr2010 
20177+1429 BPM2092     [PM2000] 2250573 + [PM2000] 2250205.                                    Gvr2010 
20178+3956 HJ 2951     AB: SEI1074.                                                            Nsn2017d
20178+3802 P Cyg       1975.636: Disk unresolved in H alpha emission but resolved (0".020      .       
                       +/- 0".008) in H beta emission.                                         Bla1977a
                       1976.402: Disk resolved (0".022 +/- 0".006) in H beta emission.         Bla1977a
20178+1417 BPM2093     AB: [PM2000] 2251022 + [PM2000] 2251813.                                Gvr2010 
           BPM2094     BC: [PM2000] 2251813 + [PM2000] 2251414.                                Gvr2010 
20179+1520 SMA 116     It was initially thought that SMA 116 = CHE 290, but SMA 116 has been   .       
                       assigned to another, more likely pair.                                  .       
20179+0040 BAL1214     J  3207.                                                                .       
20180+3613 SEI1073     J  1147.                                                                .       
20180+3311 HO  592     BAR  54.                                                                .       
20180+1325 BPM2095     [PM2000] 2252360 + [PM2000] 2252349.                                    Gvr2010 
20181+4122 ES 1674     The listed spectral type for this system is B0, however, colors from    .       
                       Daley suggest a very red primary with a closely matching secondary.     Dal2007 
                       V-I for primary (secondary) is 1.72(1.71).                              .       
20181+4044 CHR  96     Aa,Ab: 1985.8396, 1988.6630, 1989.7061: These new observations were     .       
                       found from reprocessing unpublished archival data. We are currently     McA1993 
                       undertaking a duplicity survey of all bright (V<8) galactic O stars;    .       
                       this is one of four new binaries found by us so far in this survey.     McA1987a
                       This system is also a known spectroscopic binary, and we are            .       
                       reanalyzing archival radial velocity data in an attempt to derive       .       
                       masses via a combined interferometric/spectroscopic orbit (see Gies et  Gie1993 
                       al. 1993 for a similar combined solution of the O star 15 Mon).         .       
                       The estimated period of the speckle binary orbit (CHR 96 Aa) is 31 y.   .       
                       The orbit quality rating in Table 1 is our own.  The system is          .       
                       currently unresolved with the Mt. Wilson Hooker telescope, but we       .       
                       continue to observe this target.  The brighter star of the speckle      .       
                       pair is also a 311-day, single-lined spectroscopic binary (McKibben et  Bgn1998 
                       al. 1998).  The classifications of the C and D components are from      Hof1991 
                       Hoffleit & Warren (1991).                                               Msn1998a
                       Cluster/Main-Sequence fitting determines a cluster distance of          Rbr2010b
                       741 +/- 36 pc.                                                          .       
           CHR  96     ten Brummelaar et al. (2011) use a combination of spectroscopic and     CIA2011b
           CIA   6     astrometric data, including speckle and CHARA Array long-baseline       .       
                       interferometry, to derive orbits for both the Aa,Ab and Ab1,Ab2 pairs.  .       
                       Masses for Aa, Ab1, and Ab2 are 21, 23, and 9 Msun, respectively,       .       
                       effective temperatures are 33, 32.5, and 20 kK.                         .       
                       Distance to Collinder 419 is 1006(+37-34) pc, yielding a mass sum of    MzA2019b
                       76.1(+9.9-7.4) \msun.                                                   .       
20181+1605 BKO 561     Anon. 74.                                                               Bko2009d
20181+1555 J   553     Also known as CHE 288.                                                  .       
20181+1519 CHE 290     It was initially thought that SMA 116 = CHE 290, but SMA 116 has been   .       
                       assigned to another, more likely pair.                                  .       
20181+1452 BPM2096     [PM2000] 2253046 + [PM2000] 2253052.                                    Gvr2010 
20181-1233 HJ  608     A: alp 2 Cap = 6 Cap = Algedi                                           .       
                       Aka H 6   4 = SHJ 319.                                                  Bu_1906 
           STFA 51AE   E component is A of 20176-1230 but non-physical, so not merged.         .       
20182+2319 POU4348     AB: Rectilinear solution by Friedman et al. (2011).                     USN2011a
20182+1504 BPM2097     [PM2000] 2253336 + [PM2000] 2253310.                                    Gvr2010 
20183+3825 ES 2049     OL  181.                                                                .       
20183+2539 BU  985     A is a spectroscopic binary.                                            .       
20183+1508 BPM2098     [PM2000] 2254089 + [PM2000] 2254981.                                    Gvr2010 
20184+5524 STF2671     AB: H 1  95.                                                            MEv2010 
                       Both A and B are spectroscopic binaries.                                .       
20184+1719 BPM2099     [PM2000] 2254727 + [PM2000] 2255457.                                    Gvr2010 
20185+6313 HJ 2958     STI 963.                                                                .       
20185+1519 BPM2100     [PM2000] 2255235 + [PM2000] 2255961.                                    Gvr2010 
20185+0626 J  2191     J 3219.                                                                 .       
20186+4136 ES 1675     Not found by Heintz.                                                    Hei1995 
                       Aka TDT2156.                                                            Dam2013 
20186+1711 BPM2101     [PM2000] 2256011 + [PM2000] 2255598.                                    Gvr2010 
20186+1600 BPM2102     [PM2000] 2256240 + [PM2000] 2256598.                                    Gvr2010 
20188+5212 ES 2692     B is BD+51@2832.                                                        .       
20188+3620 SEI1077     A is the Beta Lyrae-type system V382 Cyg.                               .       
20188+3507 A   286     AB: Rectilinear solution by Rica & Zirm (2012).                         FMR2012i
20189+3817 A  1425     AB: The classification is from Conti et al. (1977) and refers to the    Cti1977 
                       combined AB pair.                                                       Msn1998a
20189+3635 BKO 562     Anon. 75.                                                               Bko2009d
20190+1540 BPM2103     [PM2000] 2258256 + [PM2000] 2258261.                                    Gvr2010 
20190+1530 BKO 563     Anon. 76.                                                               Bko2009d
20190+1526 BPM2104     [PM2000] 2258557 + [PM2000] 2257972.                                    Gvr2010 
20191+1647 BPM2105     [PM2000] 2259092 + [PM2000] 2258511.                                    Gvr2010 
20191-1947 BHA  38     CPD-20@7832.                                                            .       
20192+3235 KLT  21     A has a hot jupiter with P ~ 3.613d and a radius of 1.586(0.040) \rJup  KLT2018 
                       A properties: Teff = 7598 +/- 83 K, M = 2.458 +/- 0.029 \msun,          .       
                       R = 1.638 +/- 0.034 \rsun.                                              .       
                       Projected separation of AB, AC, BC = 523(62), 504(60), 22.9(7.1) au.    .       
                       Mass of B,C = 0.13(0.02), 0.11(0.01) \msun.                             .       
20192+1753 BPM2106     [PM2000] 2259658 + [PM2000] 2259767.                                    Gvr2010 
20192+1517 BPM2107     [PM2000] 2259927 + [PM2000] 2259448.                                    Gvr2010 
20193+3641 BKO 564     Anon. 77.                                                               Bko2009d
20193+3635 AG  253     AB: SEI1082.                                                            Nsn2017d
20193+1705 BPM2109     [PM2000] 2260163 + [PM2000] 2259940.                                    Gvr2010 
20193+1619 BPM2108     [PM2000] 2260136 + [PM2000] 2259430.                                    Gvr2010 
20194+5607 STF2669     B is BD+55@2372.                                                        .       
20194+3644 BKO 565     Anon. 78.                                                               Bko2009d
20194+1507 BPM2110     [PM2000] 2260873 + [PM2000] 2260336.                                    Gvr2010 
20194+1422 STF2665     A, HD 193349/50, is a 1071 d spectroscopic binary whose secondary may   REG2018 
                       be a former binary who is now merged.                                   .       
20194-1907 H 5  87     H V 87. SHJ 380. sig Cap = 7 Cap. B is BD-19@5777.                      .       
20195+1223 BPM2111     [PM2000] 2261276 + [PM2000] 2260645.                                    Gvr2010 
20196+6215 GUL   2     Also an unresolved 5.298d spectroscopic binary.                         Mug2017b
20196+4754 BLL  49     A is the Mira-type variable U Cyg. B is BD+47@3078.                     .       
20196+3820 A  1426     A is the Algol-type system V478 Cyg.                                    .       
20196+1502 BPM2112     [PM2000] 2262181 + [PM2000] 2262893.                                    Gvr2010 
20197+4108 STTA205     B is BD+40@4120.                                                        .       
20197+1507 BPM2113     [PM2000] 2262593 + [PM2000] 2262628.                                    Gvr2010 
20197+1333 BPM2114     [PM2000] 2262698 + [PM2000] 2262468.                                    Gvr2010 
20197-2138 BRT1562     CD-22@14621.                                                            .       
20198+4522 STT 406     Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and spectroscopic   .       
                       masses of 2.33 +/- 1.30, 2.47, and 1.35 Msun, respectively.             Mlk2012 
20199+3933 HO  593     Also known as SEI1086.                                                  .       
20199-0215 STF2661     B is BD-02@5239.                                                        .       
20200+1412 BPM2115     [PM2000] 2264323 + [PM2000] 2264225.                                    Gvr2010 
20201+3700 SEI1087     AC: Also known as ALI 422.                                              .       
20201+3357 RAO 519     MY Cyg.                                                                 .       
20201+2338 HD193554    Hipparcos astrometric solution assumed circular orbit (e = omega = 0)   HIP1997d
                       Spectroscopic solution to these astrometric pairs given by Griffin      Grf2013a
                       (2013). Periods match "tolerably well," other common elements less so.  .       
20202+1734 BPM2116     [PM2000] 2265784 + [PM2000] 2266248.                                    Gvr2010 
20202-1046 J  1389     J 1771.                                                                 .       
20202-2908 GLP  18     B is CD-29@16976.                                                       .       
20203+3924 A  1427     Spectral types and masses of components assigned by ten Brummelaar et   .       
                       al., based on adaptive optics observations.                             TtB2000 
20203+3919 BKO 566     Anon. 79.                                                               Bko2009d
20203+1525 BPM2117     [PM2000] 2265937 + [PM2000] 2266480.                                    Gvr2010 
20203+1350 BPM2118     [PM2000] 2266391 + [PM2000] 2266776.                                    Gvr2010 
20203+1036 TOR  23     Formerly known as PAN  20.                                              .       
20204+1447 BPM2119     [PM2000] 2266622 + [PM2000] 2266983.                                    Gvr2010 
20204+1427 BPM2120     [PM2000] 2266848 + [PM2000] 2267027.                                    Gvr2010 
20205+4351 IOT   2     Aa,Ab: Monnier et al (2011) derive a distance of 1.67 +/- 0.03 kpc;     .       
                       masses for the WR and O star are 14.9 +/ 0.5 and 35.9 +/- 1.3 \msun,    .       
                       respectively.                                                           CIA2011d
                       Aa,Ab: Thomas et al. (2021) derive a distance of 1.518 +/- 0.021 kpc;   .       
                       masses for the WR and O star of 10.31 +/- 0.45 & 29.27 +/- 1.14 \msun;  .       
                       and semi-axis major of 13.55 +/- 0.21 AU.                               CIA2021a
20205+4351 BU 1207     Spectrum: WC6/7+O5/6; classification from Smith (1968 MNRAS 138, 109).  Msn1998a
                       Variable, V1687 Cyg = WR 140. Large IR variations associated with       .       
                       circumstellar dust shell.                                               .       
                       May be a long-period spectroscopic binary.                              .       
                       AB and TRN  29AC: The image rotator was in an unknown state, so no      .       
                       theta values were determined for the 2001.7447 observations.            Trn2008 
                       Dust forms near periastron and quickly dissipates. Polarization appears IAU2014b
                       related to the dust formation.                                          .       
20205-2912 HJ 5188     B is BD-29@16981.                                                       .       
20206+3917 BKO 567     Anon. 80.                                                               Bko2009d
20206+3726 SEI1093     No Astrographic Catalog objects near Scheiner's coordinates and         Sei1908 
                       no obvious binary in field - typo in original catalog?                  .       
20206+1519 BPM2122     [PM2000] 2267984 + [PM2000] 2268719.                                    Gvr2010 
20206+1254 BPM2121     [PM2000] 2267950 + [PM2000] 2267350.                                    Gvr2010 
20206-5844 HJ 5185     Optical pair, based on study of relative motion of the components       .       
                       using the method of apparent motion parameters.                         Kiy2008 
20207-1246 LAM   5     nu Cap = 8 Cap = Alshat                                                 .       
20208+3922 BKO 568     Anon. 81.                                                               Bko2009d
20209+1604 BPM2123     [PM2000] 2269461 + [PM2000] 2269687.                                    Gvr2010 
20210+4437 A   725     Erratum to Ling (1989) orbit noted in IAU Circ 113, 1991: Omega = 50.2  Lin1989a
20210+1033 TOR  24     Formerly known as PAN  21.                                              .       
20210+1028 J   838     Pair is 4s after BD+10 4257.                                            J__1948 
                       Linear solution first suggested and alternative linear solution in      Cve2022 
                       Despite having an orbit, an optical pair based on parallax and proper   Mlk2022 
                       motion.                                                                 Ole2002b
20210-1447 BLA   7     Aa,Ab: bet 1 Cap = Dabih. A is an occultation and interferometric       .       
                       binary, and is physical with the multiple system STFA 52 at 205".       .       
                       First detected as an occultation binary by Evans & Fekel (1979),        Evn1979 
                       who derive an orbit based upon spectroscopic, occultation, and          .       
                       interferometric observations.                                           .       
                       Period and eccentricity for Mason et al. (1994) orbit adopted from      Msn1994 
                       Evans & Fekel (1979); other elements generated from occultation and     .       
                       speckle data.                                                           .       
                       Hipparcos astrometric solution adopted some elements from the orbit of  HIP1997d
                       Evans & Fekel (1979).                                                   .       
                       Alden (1936) orbit adopted P, T, and e from the spectroscopic orbit     Ald1936b
                       of Spencer Jones (Ann. Cape Obs. 10, pt. 8, 76, 1928)                   .       
                       Alden orbit rejected from Fourth Orbit Catalog                          Wor1983 
                       ("object still suspected to be binary by some, but no even              .       
                       approximately reliable or complete elements yet available")             .       
           STFA 52     AB: H 6  28.                                                            MEv2010 
                       A: bet 1 Cap = 9 Cap                                                    .       
                       B: bet 2 Cap                                                            .       
           HJ 2948     AD: mistakenly listed as BD pair.                                       .       
           BAR  12     Ba,Bb: Physical with bet Cap. A is an 8.7d SB and may eclipse; it is    .       
                       also an occultation double.                                             .       
                       Ba,Bb: Additional notes may be found in Barnard (1898).                 Bar1898b
20212+1553 BPM2124     [PM2000] 2271412 + [PM2000] 2271833.                                    Gvr2010 
20212-0158 BRT 499     A likely plate flaw.                                                    Grv2021b
20213+3758 LDS1040     AC: Originally 20214+3758 LDS1040; found to share primary with          .       
                       20213+3758 SEI1098, so systems merged.                                  .       
20213+0250 HLD 158     Misidentified in IDS as BD+02 4138 rather than +02 4139. Position and   .       
                       proper motion corrected.                                                .       
                       Pair called "too close" by van den Bos in 7 nights in 1961 and 1962.    Wor1967b
                       Confirms comment by Couteau that BD+02 4138 7s s is single.             Mrl1968a
                       Meas attributed to ADS 13738 = BD+02 4138 appear to match this pair.    Mrl1970d
                       This is BD+02 4139, observed my Morel (1968). Coordinates are those     .       
                       given by Aitken for ADS 13738 = HLD 158 = BD+02 4138 -7s, which was     .       
                       found to be single. Probably ADS 13738 = BD+02 4139.                    Cou1970c
20214+3656 BLL  50     A is the irregular variable BI Cyg. B is BD+36@4028.                    .       
20215+1511 BPM2125     [PM2000] 2272762 + [PM2000] 2272661.                                    Gvr2010 
20216+1930 COU 327     Measures by ISM are anomalous. A preliminary visual orbit gives:        Ism1992 
                       P =35y, a = 0.16", motion direct.                                       .       
                       One component is a spectroscopic binary, P = 70.53d.                    .       
                       Systemic mass is estimated at 3.0 +/- 0.7 Msun, assuming an estimated   .       
                       parallax of 8 +/- 2 mas.                                                Doc2008a
20216+1556 BPM2127     [PM2000] 2273651 + [PM2000] 2273461.                                    Gvr2010 
20216+1546 BPM2126     [PM2000] 2273365 + [PM2000] 2273135.                                    Gvr2010 
20216-5449 COO 239     A is SB, no orbit.                                                      Tok2014d
20218+1729 BPM2128     [PM2000] 2274797 + [PM2000] 2274310.                                    Gvr2010 
20218-3654 HJ 5189     AB period estimated at 25 kyr. A is a spectroscopic binary P ~ 791d.    Tok2022e
20219+1504 BPM2129     [PM2000] 2274995 + [PM2000] 2275260.                                    Gvr2010 
20220-1854 DON1119     BHA 39.                                                                 .       
20221+4548 HR 7798     Ren & Fu (2013) calculated an astrometric orbit, combining Hipparcos    Ren2013 
                       Intermediate Astrometric Data with spectroscopic elements by            .       
                       Griffin & Eitter (2000).                                                Grf2000 
20221+1501 BPM2130     [PM2000] 2276024 + [PM2000] 2275965.                                    Gvr2010 
20221+1117 BPM2131     [PM2000] 2276098 + [PM2000] 2276075.                                    Gvr2010 
20222+4015 BU  665     gam Cyg = 37 Cyg = Sadr                                                 .       
20222+2116 BRT2470     Not found by Heintz at IDS position.                                    Hei1990b
20222-1647 H N 138     BDS 10151 same star.                                                    .       
20223+4748 HJ 1510     E is A of HJ 1511. Opik also measures a wide pair 5'in 90@ from AD:     Opi1927 
                       230@ +/-, 35" +/-, 9.1-10.6.                                            .       
20223+3326 OSO 124     G210-016. None is a common proper motion pair, based on comparison      .       
                       with POSS2 red plates.                                                  Oso2004 
20224+2006 BUP9009     Primary is variable NT Del, central star of planetary nebula NGC 6905.  .       
20224+1745 BPM2132     [PM2000] 2277987 + [PM2000] 2277362.                                    Gvr2010 
20224-1841 B   479     SEE.                                                                    .       
20224-2014 ARG  38     CPD-20@7864.                                                            .       
20225-4203 HJ 5190     kap 1 Sgr                                                               .       
                       AC: Optical pair, based on study of relative motion of the components   .       
                       using the method of apparent motion parameters.                         Kiy2008 
20226+1529 BPM2133     [PM2000] 2278642 + [PM2000] 2278714.                                    Gvr2010 
20226-1223 H N 127     See BDS Vol. II for note.                                               .       
20227+6224 STI 973     Aka TDT2217.                                                            Dam2013 
20227+1406 BPM2134     [PM2000] 2279324 + [PM2000] 2278861.                                    Gvr2010 
20228+1156 BPM2135     [PM2000] 2279726 + [PM2000] 2279390.                                    Gvr2010 
20229+4259 HO  128     B is called variable in the Bright Star Catalogue. This is doubtful.    .       
           STTA207     Statistically the same parallax within the errors would indicate the    .       
                       components are physical.                                                .       
20229+3856 SEI1106     A likely plate flaw.                                                    Grv2021b
20229+2707 ARN  50     AD: HJL 279.                                                            HJL1986 
20229+1728 BPMA246     [PM2000] 2280409 + [PM2000] 2279731.                                    Gvr2010 
20230+3913 STTA206     B is BD+38@4050.                                                        .       
20230+1533 BPM2136     [PM2000] 2280889 + [PM2000] 2280389.                                    Gvr2010 
20231+5745 STI2523     LDS1472.                                                                .       
20231+5504 OL   74     Although listed as a measure of OL   77 by Olivier (1920), neither      Ol_1920a
                       the coordinates nor the measure agreed with that pair, so it has been   .       
                       assigned a new designation. Previously listed in the WDS as OL   80.    .       
                       Although this measure (40.7deg, 3.79") could conceivably be a measure   .       
                       of OL   80 with a 100deg theta error (expected values are about         .       
                       140deg, 3.5"), the near-zero magnitude difference does not agree with   .       
                       the ~2 magnitude estimates for OL   80. Finally, the coordinates of     .       
                       OL   80 are 18547-1946, making such a misidentification implausible.    .       
20231+4047 J   787     CD. This pair was previously known as BU 1487CD, however Burnham        Bu_1913 
                       actually measured STTA207CD at 20229+4259.                              .       
20231+2052 A   288     Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and spectroscopic   .       
                       masses of 5.25 +/- 4.58, 4.10, and 1.35 Msun, respectively.             Mlk2012 
20231+1508 BPM2137     [PM2000] 2281737 + [PM2000] 2281548.                                    Gvr2010 
20232+3542 HJ 1506     AB: SEI1108.                                                            Nsn2017d
20233+6710 LAW  19     LSPM J2023+6710 = NLTT 49224. Law et al (2008) derive a distance of     Law2008 
                       13.6 +5.9/-2.5 pc and a projected separation of 12.8 +6.5/-2.6 au.      .       
                       Estimated spectral types are M5 and M5.                                 .       
20233+1515 BPM2138     AB: [PM2000] 2282543 + [PM2000] 2282550.                                Gvr2010 
           BPM2139     AC: [PM2000] 2282543 + [PM2000] 2282527.                                Gvr2010 
           BPM2140     BD: [PM2000] 2282550 + [PM2000] 2282126.                                Gvr2010 
20234+3053 ARG  91     B is BD+30@4010a.                                                       .       
20236+1421 BPM2141     [PM2000] 2284047 + [PM2000] 2284166.                                    Gvr2010 
20237+3729 CIA  20     V2119 Cyg.                                                              .       
20238+3830 BUP 209     A is the irregular variable V1322 Cyg. C is BD+38@4062.                 .       
20239+4655 PLT   9     ZZ Cyg.                                                                 Plt1934 
20239+1107 BPM2142     [PM2000] 2286055 + [PM2000] 2286221.                                    Gvr2010 
20239-4225 BU  763     kap 2 Sgr                                                               .       
20240+1443 BPM2143     [PM2000] 2286627 + [PM2000] 2286267.                                    Gvr2010 
20241+2453 POU4448     POU4450.                                                                .       
20242+3516 ES 2303     Aka POP 202.                                                            Dam2013 
20243+1617 BPM2144     [PM2000] 2287920 + [PM2000] 2288313.                                    Gvr2010 
20244+2417 COU 125     1998.65: Absolute quadrant determined by triple-correlation techniques  Pru2002b
20245+0916 HJ 2959     J 1881.                                                                 .       
20246+4842 ES 2694     Hipparcos suspected non-single.                                         .       
20246+1459 BPM2145     [PM2000] 2289896 + [PM2000] 2290028.                                    Gvr2010 
20246+0531 BU  664     H. Struve notes a 12th magnitude star at 9.2@, 20".                     .       
20246+0104 STF2677     Aka H 5  35. BDS 10170.                                                 Bu_1906 
20247+1747 BPMA247     [PM2000] 2290330 + [PM2000] 2291140.                                    Gvr2010 
20247+1438 HJ 1507     This is identical with BDS 10185, HJ 1508. Pair is 14s p and 7' n of    .       
                       BD+14 4285.                                                             Doo1915a
20248+8636 LDS1935     NLTT 49600/49597.                                                       .       
20248+4009 HO  278     BD+39 4172. Pair was first taken to be a new pair, as Hough (hence      .       
                       Burnham in BDS) identified discovery as BD+39 4186, a star of about     .       
                       the same mag about 1m f and 15' n of double. The doubtless accounts     .       
                       for Doolittle's failure to secure measures in 1905.                     A__1914d
20248+2503 OSO 125     G186-026.                                                               .       
20249+1309 J   841     Not seen by any observer other than Jonckheere since discovery.         J__1912g
20250+1443 BPM2147     [PM2000] 2291857 + [PM2000] 2292356.                                    Gvr2010 
20250+1108 BPM2146     [PM2000] 2291671 + [PM2000] 2292066.                                    Gvr2010 
20251+5936 A   730     Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and spectroscopic   .       
                       masses of 6.38 +/- 3.96, 4.95, and 2.19 Msun, respectively.             Mlk2012 
20252+1416 BPM2148     [PM2000] 2292741 + [PM2000] 2293159.                                    Gvr2010 
20253+1609 BPM2150     [PM2000] 2293480 + [PM2000] 2292923.                                    Gvr2010 
20253+1420 BPM2149     [PM2000] 2293274 + [PM2000] 2293173.                                    Gvr2010 
20254+4014 MLR   1     Muller suggests the observation attributed by Aitken in 1906 to HO 278  .       
                       (34s p and 4' s) actually is of this pair.                              Baz1954a
20254-2840 CHR  97     Also a spectroscopic binary with P = 377.6d (Bopp et al. (1970 MNRAS,   .       
                       147, 355). The correspondence of this component with the spectroscopic  .       
                       system can only be established by further observation.                  .       
                       1983.4258: This autocorrelogram was remeasured; the new results are     .       
                       listed here.                                                            .       
20255+5434 GIC 157     G230-039/G230-038. LDS6341. A typographical error led to this pair      .       
                       being originally entered in the WDS as 19252+5430.                      .       
20255+1555 BPM2152     [PM2000] 2294827 + [PM2000] 2294524.                                    Gvr2010 
20255+1431 BPM2151     [PM2000] 2294520 + [PM2000] 2294256.                                    Gvr2010 
20256+2723 J  2310     A is the Algol-type system BE Vul.                                      .       
20256+2642 BU 1488     B is BD+26@3898.                                                        .       
20256-5644 HJ 5193     alp Pav = Peacock. A is a spectroscopic binary.                         .       
                       Intensity Interferometer Limb-darkened diameter 0.80 +/- 0.05 mas.      HBr1974 
20257+4004 TOR  25     Formerly known as PAN  22.                                              .       
20257+2258 BRT2474     Not found by Heintz.                                                    Hei1995 
20257+1510 BPM2153     [PM2000] 2295705 + [PM2000] 2296242.                                    Gvr2010 
20257+0304 BAL2024     Due to a typographical error, this pair was previously listed as        .       
                       22058+0313.                                                             .       
20259+3914 SEI1122     SEI1124.                                                                Nsn2017d
20259+1549 BPM2154     [PM2000] 2297041 + [PM2000] 2296791.                                    Gvr2010 
20260+3414 COU1953     TDT2267.                                                                .       
20260+1257 BPM2155     [PM2000] 2297163 + [PM2000] 2297560.                                    Gvr2010 
20260+1102 BPM2156     AB: [PM2000] 2297545 + [PM2000] 2297853.                                Gvr2010 
           BPM2157     BC: [PM2000] 2297853 + [PM2000] 2298536.                                Gvr2010 
20261+2910 MLB 479     Heintz believes HJ 1512 is probably identical.                          Hei1985a
20262+1721 BPM2158     [PM2000] 2298374 + [PM2000] 2297717.                                    Gvr2010 
20262-6551 B   989     The middle of three stars, all given in the Draper Catalog but only     .       
                       one in the CPD; the preceding also G0, the following and brighter K2.   B__1928b
20263+3728 AG  255     SEI1126.                                                                Nsn2017d
20264+5638 STF2687     H N  89.                                                                MEv2010 
                       A spectroscopic binary. B is BD+56@2422.                                .       
20264+5402 FRK   9     B is BD+53@2404.                                                        .       
20264+1103 BPM2159     AB: [PM2000] 2299757 + [PM2000] 2299966.                                Gvr2010 
           BPM2160     AC: [PM2000] 2299757 + [PM2000] 2299958.                                Gvr2010 
20266+1148 BPM2161     [PM2000] 2300858 + [PM2000] 2300664.                                    Gvr2010 
20266-3955 SCT   2     B is CD-40@13861.                                                       .       
20267+1431 BPM2162     [PM2000] 2301154 + [PM2000] 2300920.                                    Gvr2010 
20268-0225 BRT 500     A likely plate flaw.                                                    Grv2021b
20269+1747 BPM2163     [PM2000] 2301992 + [PM2000] 2302355.                                    Gvr2010 
20269+1727 BPM2164     [PM2000] 2302089 + [PM2000] 2302325.                                    Gvr2010 
20270+1736 BPM2167     [PM2000] 2302950 + [PM2000] 2302653.                                    Gvr2010 
20270+1541 BPM2165     [PM2000] 2302579 + [PM2000] 2302562.                                    Gvr2010 
20270+1312 BPM2166     [PM2000] 2302677 + [PM2000] 2302801.                                    Gvr2010 
20271+1549 BPM2168     [PM2000] 2303338 + [PM2000] 2303898.                                    Gvr2010 
20272+1306 BPM2169     [PM2000] 2303974 + [PM2000] 2303799.                                    Gvr2010 
20273-1813 CHR 184     Aa,Ab: pi Cap = 10 Cap. The suspected radial velocity variation may     .       
                       well be explained by the close pair.                                    .       
                       Abt & Biggs (1972) note variable RV.                                    AbH1972 
20275-0206 S   749     AB: B is BD-02@5282.                                                    .       
                       AB: HJL 280.                                                            HJL1986 
                       AB: SHY 331. Bayesian analysis by Shaya & Olling (2011) indicates very  Shy2011 
                       high (near 100%) probability pair is physical.                          .       
                       This cannot be the close 160.8-d spectroscopic binary.                  Grf2014b
                       AB: A is SB2, P=160.83d (Halbwachs et al. 2012)                         HJL2012b
                       AC: H 5  35.                                                            MEv2010 
20275-0734 LDS5906     LDS6342.                                                                .       
20277+3605 ES 2193     AD: SEI1128.                                                            Nsn2017d
20277+0803 HJ 2966     Aka J  1298.                                                            Dam2013 
20278+0311 HJ  917     BAL2026.                                                                .       
20279+3047 RAO 520     V442 Cyg.                                                               .       
20279+1515 BPMA248     [PM2000] 2307738 + [PM2000] 2307024.                                    Gvr2010 
20279+0958 AG  256     1s f and 7' n of BD-07 5308.                                            Doo1915a
20280+1624 BPM2170     [PM2000] 2308128 + [PM2000] 2307893.                                    Gvr2010 
20280-0009 SHY 333     BC: HIP 100940 + HIP 101852.                                            .       
20280-4237 RSS  36     This previously uncataloged double star was a Hipparcos double entry    .       
                       system.  The first measure is determined from the individual positions  .       
                       listed by Rousseau et al.                                               Rss1996 
                       SHY 776. Bayesian analysis by Shaya & Olling (2011) indicates very      Shy2011 
                       high (near 100%) probability pair is physical.                          .       
20281+0140 BAL1560     J 1774.                                                                 .       
20282+8125 BUP 211     75 Dra.                                                                 .       
20283+1846 HO  131     HIP 100970. See Allen et al. (2000) for information on metallicity,     AlC2000 
                       age, galactic orbital parameters, etc.                                  .       
                       AC: Optical pair, based on study of relative motion of the components   .       
                       using the method of apparent motion parameters.                         Kiy2008 
                       AB: Primary is exoplanet host, P=18.2d, and acceleration binary in HIP  Tok2014d
           GC 28482    A: Combined solution, based on reduction of Hipparcos intermediate      .       
                       astrometric data together with spectroscopic elements from Fischer      CPS1999c
                       et al. (1999).                                                          HaI2001 
20284+5430 STF2693     B is BD+54@2357.                                                        .       
20284+3007 OL   75     Aka TDT2310.                                                            .       
20284+0746 BRT2186     Aka J  1299.                                                            Dam2013 
                       J  3345. Damm match to J  1299 believed incorrect.                      Nsn2016 
20284-0321 RST4667     68 Aql.                                                                 .       
20284-1309 STF2683     B is BD-13@5678.                                                        .       
20285+1110 BPM2171     [PM2000] 2310876 + [PM2000] 2311010.                                    Gvr2010 
20286+5039 HJ 1524     HJL 281.                                                                HJL1986 
20286+0351 HJ 2967     BAL 2534.                                                               .       
20288+3810 ES  206     SEI1131.                                                                Nsn2017d
20289-0652 HJ  918     J  1391. HDO 158.                                                       .       
20289-1749 SHJ 323     rho Cap = 11 Cap.                                                       .       
                       Dob1927 DE measure earlier also erroneously attributed to BC.           .       
                       AB: H 2  51.  AD: H 6  29.                                              MEv2010 
                       AB: Quadrant determined in 1994.5246 by speckle imaging analysis.       Hor1996 
                       AD: H 6  29 = SHJ 322. AB: SHJ 323 = H 2  51.                           Dam2011 
20290+0710 A   610     Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and spectroscopic   .       
                       masses of 1.72 +/- 1.14, 2.01, and 1.05 Msun, respectively.             Mlk2012 
20291+1622 BPM2172     [PM2000] 2313773 + [PM2000] 2313902.                                    Gvr2010 
20291+0325 HJ 2968     BAL 2535.                                                               .       
20292+1735 BPMA249     [PM2000] 2314520 + [PM2000] 2315236.                                    Gvr2010 
20293+3731 WEI  35     AB: SEI1133.                                                            Nsn2017d
                       CD: SEI1135.                                                            Nsn2017d
20293+2700 DOO  93     AC: 9s p and 3' n of BD+26 3912. Many other faint stars. One was        .       
                       measured 6s p, which may be the HJ pair.                                Doo1915a
20293+1155 BPM2173     [PM2000] 2314838 + [PM2000] 2314955.                                    Gvr2010 
20294+4011 ALV   6     RAFGL 2591. Massive YSO associated with optical/near-IR nebula.         Alv2004 
20294+3447 GCB  53     ADP   7. ADP measures corrected from 27deg to 360-27=333deg.            .       
20294+1617 BPM2174     [PM2000] 2315826 + [PM2000] 2315584.                                    Gvr2010 
20294+0330 HJ 2970     BAL 2536.                                                               .       
20295+8105 STT 593     AB: 74 Dra. LDS1932. A spectroscopic binary. B is BD+80@662.            .       
                       AB: HJL 283.                                                            HJL1986 
                       AB: SHY 777. Bayesian analysis by Shaya & Olling (2011) indicates very  Shy2011 
                       high (near 100%) probability pair is physical.                          .       
20295+5604 KUI  97     B probably variable, according to Couteau. Not see by me 1940, 1941,    .       
                       1942, nor by Muller in 1953 with the 36inch at Lick, or by Couteau in   .       
                       1957 at Nice.                                                           Baz1972 
20295+1512 BPM2175     [PM2000] 2316202 + [PM2000] 2316059.                                    Gvr2010 
20296+6300 the Cep     Hipparcos astrometric solution adopted some elements from the orbit of  HIP1997d
                       Abt (1961).                                                             AbH1961 
20296-0650 DOO  85     J  1393.                                                                .       
20296-4609 I  1422     Measures uncertain, too close. Needs speckle.                           .       
20297+3808 STF2691     SEI1138.                                                                Nsn2017d
20297-2719 COO 240     WHC  20.                                                                .       
20298+1154 J  1243     Not found in this position by Heintz.                                   Hei1987a
20298+0941 AST   2     AB: GJ 791.2 = HU Del. HST Fine Guidance Sensor data were used by       .       
                       Benedict et al. (2000) to derive perturbation orbital parameters,       AST2000 
                       distance, component masses, and absolute magnitudes for this nearby     .       
                       low-mass binary. Published measures are of the primary relative to the  .       
                       barycenter. The authors calculate a true semi-major axis of 108.8       .       
                       +/- 0.7 mas, while Harrington (1971) calculates a value of 0".10.       Hrr1971 
                       Harrington determined a delta-m in excess of 3, in agreement with the   .       
                       HST measures.                                                           .       
                       See Baize & Petit (1989) catalog of doubles with variable component.    Baz1989d
                       As the measures relative to the barycenter were cataloged as measures   AST2000 
                       of AB, the first measure of AB was cataloged as JNN 282. The pair is    Jnn2014 
                       a simple binary. Identity first suggested by Knapp.                     Kpp2019n
                       Estimated age 30-300 Myr; masses 0.19+/-0.08 and 0.05+/-0.03 Msun       Jnn2014 
                       a ~1.4au.                                                               .       
20299+4022 HJ 1525     There is no star in the vicinity at all corresponding to O. Stone 50.   Doo1915a
                       AB: SEI1139.                                                            Nsn2017d
20299+2624 S   750     B is BD+25@4260.                                                        .       
20299-1835 SHJ 324     12 Cap = omi Cap. B is BD-19@5830.                                      .       
                       H 4  71.                                                                MEv2010 
20300+0023 JNN 283     Estimated age 1000-10000 Myr; masses 0.28 +/- 0.07 and 0.16 +/- 0.03    .       
                       Msun; a ~6.7 au.                                                        Jnn2014 
20301+4857 BU  669     ome 1 Cyg = 45 Cyg = V2014 Cyg                                          .       
20301+4007 ES  245     SEI1140.                                                                Nsn2017d
20301+1103 BPM2176     [PM2000] 2319298 + [PM2000] 2318980.                                    Gvr2010 
20301+0730 LDS4846     Aka GWP2962.                                                            Dam2016d
20302+2651 BUP 213     AE: Distance 1324.4".                                                   .       
20302+1925 S   752     C: Bidelman says a 1958 plate "shows very strong reversal at H-alpha".  .       
20303+1054 BU   63     1 Del.                                                                  .       
20306+4419 HD 195592   The star is close to and probably associated with WR 140.               Msn1998a
20306+2158 BRT2478     J 2597.                                                                 .       
20307+4137 CAN   1     [MT91] 5. Primary is an O6 star in the Cygnus OB2 Association.          .       
                       Caballero-Nieves et al. (2014) find some suggestion that the primary    .       
                       may itself have a close companion.                                      CaN2014 
20307+3521 HJ 1526     A,BC: SEI1143.                                                          Nsn2017d
20307+1718 BPM2178     [PM2000] 2322413 + [PM2000] 2321986.                                    Gvr2010 
20307+1233 BPM2177     [PM2000] 2322349 + [PM2000] 2322075.                                    Gvr2010 
20308+1347 STF2688     Same as STF2689.                                                        .       
20308+1059 BPM2179     [PM2000] 2322753 + [PM2000] 2322972.                                    Gvr2010 
20308-1258 BRT2773     A likely plate flaw.                                                    Grv2021b
20309+4913 S   755     AB: H 4  23.                                                            MEv2010 
                       B is BD+48@3146.                                                        .       
20309+1126 LAU   4     BRT1344. Barton derived his measurement from a Toulouse plate observed  Brt1935a
                       as part of the Astrographic Catalogue project.  However, his secondary  .       
                       was apparently either a plate flaw measured as a star, a reduction      .       
                       error, or a typographical error in the preparation of the catalogue.    .       
                       Thanks to John Nanson (2014, private comm.) for alerting us to this     .       
                       missing measurement.                                                    .       
20309+0626 DAE  10     WSP   2.                                                                .       
20310+3656 AC   18     44 Cyg.                                                                 .       
20310+2054 GCB  55     J 3090 is identical                                                     Hei1983a
                       Also appears to be the same as GCB  56 with a typo in that separation.  Dam2013 
20310+1402 BPM2180     [PM2000] 2323697 + [PM2000] 2323379.                                    Gvr2010 
20311+5814 LDS1474     LDS4849.                                                                .       
20311+3935 LDS6414     NLTT 49394/49393                                                        Chm2004 
20311+3847 SEI1150     LDS1043.                                                                .       
20311+3333 COU1962     More speckle obs needed to cover the orbit.                             .       
                       Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and spectroscopic   .       
                       masses of 1.03 +/- 0.31, 1.82, and 0.85 Msun, respectively.             Mlk2012 
20311+1600 BPM2181     [PM2000] 2324585 + [PM2000] 2325030.                                    Gvr2010 
20311+1548 A  1675     A measure on 1980.7257, incorrectly attributed to ADS 13944 by          .       
                       McAlister et al. (1983), actually  belongs to ADS 14761.                McA1983 
                       1980.4771: Theta was incorrectly given as 313.7 degrees                 McA1983 
                       1980.7257: This measure was incorrectly attributed to HR 8059           McA1983 
                       1986.578: Separation for this partially resolved pair was calculated    .       
                       under the assumption of zero or otherwise known magnitude difference.   Tok1985 
                       Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and spectroscopic   .       
                       masses of 5.97 +/- 2.33, 4.29, and 2.09 Msun, respectively.             Mlk2012 
20312+5653 RAO  22     Acceleration binary (Makarov & Kaplan 2005) first resolved by Riddle    Mkr2005 
                       et al. (2015). The position angle in this paper measured on 2013.8367   RAO2015 
                       differs by 27° from the 2012.7592 measurement. That is not the only     .      
                       discrepancy between the two data sets. The photometry with P3K shows    .       
                       large magnitude differences (dJ = 2.5 and dK = 2.3), while Robo-AO      .       
                       detected a binary of equal brightness. The separation between the two   .       
                       components is fairly small and in the P3K data, the companion lies on   .       
                       the Airy ring of the primary, which could increase the errors. The      .       
                       primary is a high PM star, the pair AB is most likely a physical        .       
                       binary. Additional observations are needed to understand this system.   Rbr2015d
20312+1116 STF2690     A,BC: H 3  16.                                                          MEv2010 
           DA    1     BC: STT 407.                                                            .       
                       BC: Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical and photometric masses of     .       
                       0.20 +/- 0.38 and 2.46 Msun, respectively.                              Mlk2012 
20312+0513 AG  257     Primary is eclipsing binary MR Del (period 0.52169 day).                Zas2010 
20313+4913 S   756     ome 2 Cyg = 46 Cyg                                                      .       
20314+3833 JNN 284     LHS 3559. Estimated age 1000-10000 Myr; masses 0.21 +/- 0.04 and 0.13   .       
                       +/- 0.02 Msun; a ~1.8 au.                                               Jnn2014 
20314+2421 POU4563     J  3315.                                                                .       
20314+2054 J   844     Heintz says GCB 54 and J 844 are identical, with erroneous position     Hei1983a
                       and angle by Jonckheere. Designation J 844 retained, based on earlier   .       
                       discovery.                                                              .       
                       Same as GCB  57.                                                        Dam2013 
20317+3831 ES  246     AB: SEI1153.                                                            Nsn2017d
                       AC: SEI1154.                                                            Nsn2017d
20315+3347 LAF  62     Due to the large number of components (exceeding the number of upper-   .       
                       case letters), a non-standard component designation was necessary,      .       
                       hence the pairings A,Za; A,Zb; etc. For this pair, as well as LAF  59   .       
                       and LAF  71, the lower-case designations (such as Za and Zb) do not     .       
                       refer to components of a close pair.                                    .       
20317+2055 J  3222     Same as GCB  58.                                                        Dam2013 
20317+1124 BPM2182     [PM2000] 2327286 + [PM2000] 2326847.                                    Gvr2010 
20319+1758 BPM2183     [PM2000] 2328243 + [PM2000] 2328848.                                    Gvr2010 
20319-4054 I  1627     AC: Optical pair, based on study of relative motion of the components   .       
                       using the method of apparent motion parameters.                         Kiy2008 
                       AC: Rectilinear solution by Hurowitz et al. (2014).                     USN2014b
20319+3920 HJ 1531     SEI1155.                                                                Nsn2017d
20320+2548 STF2695     Absolute quadrant determined in 1998.657 and 1998.660 by                .       
                       triple-correlation techniques.                                          Pru2002b
                       Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical and photometric masses of         .       
                       4.21 +/- 1.25 and 3.12 Msun, respectively.                              Mlk2012 
20321+2051 GCB  57     Same as J  3222?                                                        .       
20322+1754 GWP2966     Incorrectly added as 20322+1759 due to typo in coordinates.             .       
20322-2209 HJ 2973     B is BD-22@5458.                                                        .       
20322-4521 RST5470     The close pair may be in rapid motion.                                  .       
20324+4118 HER   3     Measures disagree.                                                      .       
                       Includes V729 Cyg, a Beta Lyr type eclipsing binary, P = 6.59787d.      Zas2012 
                       Schulte 5 = V729 Cyg was first resolved by Herbig (1967). The primary   Her1967 
                       is a short-period eclipsing binary, consisting of two luminous evolved  .       
                       stars.                                                                  CaN2014 
20324-0951 BU  668     CHARA Array Limb-darkened diameter of A :                               CIA2013c
                       R =  1.8673 +/- 0.0833 \rsun, L =   2.7046 +/-0.0466 \lsun,             .       
                       Teff = 5421 +/- 118 K, M = 1.097 \msun, Age = 8.2 Gyr.                  .       
20325-1637 SEE 512     Docobo et al. (2010) derive a dynamic parallax of 10.54 +/- 0.30 mas    Doc2010h
                       and a total mass of 3.08 +/- 0.29 Msun.                                 .       
                       Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and spectroscopic   .       
                       masses of 3.93 +/- 0.91, 2.54, and 3.69 Msun, respectively.             Mlk2012 
20325-2142 SEE 420     CD-22@14788. A is the Mira-type system RU Cap.                          .       
20327+4114 CAN   5     Primary is [MT91] 304 = VI Cyg 12, an early B-type hypergiant in the    .       
                       Cygnus OB2 Association. Ambiguity in the position of the secondary      .       
                       along one FGS coordinate leads to two possible position angles for the  .       
                       measure.                                                                CaN2014 
20327+2903 ARY  27     BC and BD: Originally 20328+2903 ARY  27AB and AC, but primary found    .       
                       to be B component of 20327+2903 ARY  47.                                .       
20327+1932 OSO 126     G144-009. None is a common proper motion pair, based on comparison      .       
                       with POSS2 red plates.                                                  Oso2004 
20327+1151 BPM2184     [PM2000] 2332308 + [PM2000] 2331994.                                    Gvr2010 
20327-8155 HJ 5175     AB and AC: Additional notes may be found in van den Bos (1956).         B__1956a
20328+3954 ES 1680     BC: 20327+3995ES 1977.                                                  .       
20329+4636 KRV  41     Classical Cepheid SZ Cyg.                                               .       
20329+4154 BLA   8     Hipparcos astrometric solution adopted some elements from the orbit of  HIP1997d
                       Duquennoy & Mayor (1991).                                               Duq1991 
                       Combined spectroscopic/interferometric orbit by Torres et al. (2002),   Trr2002 
                       including visibility data from the Palomar Testbed Interferometer.      .       
                       Additional elements for this metal-poor binary are:                     .       
                          gamma    = -5.841          0.037   km/sec                            .       
                          KA       = 28.926          0.046   km/sec                            .       
                          KB       = 36.72           0.21    km/sec                            .       
                          dm       = 1.056           0.013   mag (K band)                      .       
                                     1.154           0.065   mag (H band)                      .       
                          parallax = 46.08           0.27    mas                               .       
                          masses   = 0.844           0.018   Msun                              .       
                                     0.6650          0.0079  Msun                              .       
                       Orbit determined by fitting revised Hipparcos intermediate astrometric  .       
                       data. Derived component masses 0.84 +/- 0.05 and 0.67 +/- 0.04 Msun.    Ren2010 
                       Improved resolved SB2 orbit for this pair.                              Kie2018 
                       A: Teff = 5296 +/- 19 K, M = 0.8420 +/- 0.0014 \msun.                   .       
                       B: Teff = 4360 +/- 87 K, M = 0.66201 +/- 0.00076 \msun.                 .       
                       Orbital parallax = 46.131 +/- 0.084 mas.                                .       
                       Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and spectroscopic   .       
                       masses of 1.58 +/- 0.05, 1.73, and 0.88 Msun, respectively.             Mlk2012 
20329+1357 BU  670     AB: Additional notes may be found in Voute (1951).                      Vou1951 
           L    35     CD: Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and             .       
                       spectroscopic masses 2.20 +/- 1.00, 1.66, and 0.85 Msun, respectively.  Mlk2012 
20332+4122 CAN   6     Primary is [MT91] 429 = V2186 Cyg, a short-period eclipsing binary in   .       
                       the Cygnus OB2 Association.                                             Can2014 
20332+4028 HJ  609     B is BD+39 4236.                                                        .       
20332+1659 BPM2185     [PM2000] 2334751 + [PM2000] 2335156.                                    Gvr2010 
20333+3323 HJ 1535     AB: A is SB1 (CfA: P=1342d = 3.67y) and astrometric binary (Goldin &    Gln2007 
                       Makarov 2007, P=1437d)                                                  Tok2014d
                       AC and AD: Optical pairs, based on study of relative motion of the      .       
                       components using the method of apparent motion parameters.              Kiy2008 
                       A new 2+2 quadruple system. The outer 17" binary HJ 1535 AB has been    .        
                       known since 1828 (Herschel 1831). If B were a background star, the PM   HJ_1831  
                       of A, 0".208/y, would have moved it by 38" in 185 yr. The pair AB is    .        
                       therefore undoubtedly physical. The discrepant PM of B reported in      .        
                       the WDS could be caused by the subsystem Ba,Bb discovered here. The A   .        
                       component has an astrometric subsystem Aa,Ab with P = 3.9 yr (Goldin    .        
                       & Makarov 2007), confirmed spectroscopically by D. Latham. The B        Gln2007  
                       component was tentatively resolved by Robo-AO, but was thought to be    .        
                       too uncertain to publish in Riddle et al. (2015). Now Ba,Bb is          RAO2015  
                       clearly resolved at 0".17. Its estimated period is ~30 yr. The field    .        
                       is extremely crowded and another faint star E is detected at 12".1      .        
                       from A by both Robo-AO and PALM-3000. Comparison with 2MASS shows       .        
                       relative motion opposite to PM(A), so AE is optical.                    Rbr2015d 
           RBR  30     Ba,Bb: incorrectly labelled RBR 29 in Table 1 of Roberts et al.         Rbr2015d 
           HJ 1535     AC: Rectilinear solution by Hurowitz et al. (2014).                     USN2014b
20333-8058 HJ 5182     B is CPD-81@900.                                                        .       
20334+1544 BPM2186     [PM2000] 2336060 + [PM2000] 2336338.                                    Gvr2010 
20335-1333 OCC1089     OCC9193.                                                                .       
20337+4123 CAN   8     Primary is a double-lined SB in the Cygnus OB2 Association.             CaN2014 
20337+2322 JNN 285     G 186-29. Estimated age 1000-10000 Myr; masses 0.46 +/- 0.13 and 0.28   .       
                       +/- 0.09 Msun; a ~20.1 au.                                              Jnn2014 
20337+1222 BPM2187     [PM2000] 2337288 + [PM2000] 2336741.                                    Gvr2010 
20338+3336 HJ 1538     SEI1167.                                                                Nsn2017d
20338+1704 BPM2188     [PM2000] 2337689 + [PM2000] 2337140.                                    Gvr2010 
20339+4642 BU 1489     B is +46@2978.                                                          .       
20339+3515 WRH  34     AB: 47 Cyg.                                                             .       
                       Absolute quadrant determined in 1998.657 by triple-correlation          .       
                       techniques                                                              Pru2002b
                       NPOI Limb-darkened diameter 4.472 +/- 0.017 mas, Sp = K4I,              NOI2018 
                       Teff = 3671 +/-304 K,                         M = 4.49 +/- 0.66 \msun,  .       
                       Age = 0.15 +/- 0.06 Gyr.                                                .       
20339+1032 BPM2189     [PM2000] 2338021 + [PM2000] 2337651.                                    Gvr2010 
20339-2710 CBL 178     A 355d spectroscopic solution for the A component has been found        Tok2019g
                       making this a triple system.                                            .       
20340+4118 CAN  10     [MT91] 696. Primary is an O9.5 eclipsing, double-lined SB in the        .       
                       Cygnus OB2 Association. Ambiguity in the position of the secondary      .       
                       along one FGS coordinate leads to two possible position angles for the  .       
                       measure.                                                                CaN2014 
20340+1659 BPM2190     [PM2000] 2338597 + [PM2000] 2338116.                                    Gvr2010 
20340+0433 A  2282     Not seen for certain since 1946.                                        .       
20341+2814 L    48     AB: BRT  49                                                             .       
20342-0045 BAL 613     J 1708.                                                                 .       
20342-2024 BHA  40     CPD-20@7956.                                                            .       
20345+3759 BKO 569     Anon. 82.                                                               Bko2009d
20345+1735 BPM2191     [PM2000] 2341006 + [PM2000] 2340720.                                    Gvr2010 
20345+1036 BPM2192     [PM2000] 2341239 + [PM2000] 2341085.                                    Gvr2010 
20346+3334 GRV 356     AC: Also known as GRV 355AB.                                            .       
20346+2914 J   565     Pair observed in 1947 is indeed the same BD+28 3797 observed in 1911.   .       
                       Pair is +3s, -5' from BD+28 3796.                                       J__1948 
20346+1423 BPM2194     [PM2000] 2341642 + [PM2000] 2342038.                                    Gvr2010 
20346+1255 BPM2193     [PM2000] 2341441 + [PM2000] 2340925.                                    Gvr2010 
20346-2219 LDS4850     NLTT 49474/49477                                                        Chm2004 
20347+3230 STF2700     Spectrum of B: F2IV-V.                                                  .       
20348+1644 BPM2195     AB: [PM2000] 2342658 + [PM2000] 2342333.                                Gvr2010 
           BPM2196     BC: [PM2000] 2342333 + [PM2000] 2342607.                                Gvr2010 
20349+4651 STTA208     B is BD+46@2982.                                                        .       
                       Pair appears in an appendix list, not part of discoverer's regular      .       
                       numbering sequence.                                                     .       
20350+3757 BKO 570     Anon. 83.                                                               Bko2009d
20350+3419 J   791     AC: SEI1175.                                                            Nsn2017d
20350+3323 HJ 1543     SEI1174.                                                                Nsn2017d
20350+2754 FOX  95     BRT 50.                                                                 .       
20351+5624 HJ 1551     Burnham switched his observations of this 40" pair and the nearby 20"   .       
                       pair 20352+5622 HJ 1552. His coordinates agree with the relative        .       
                       locations of these two pairs, however.                                  Bu_1906 
20351+1439 BPM2197     AB: [PM2000] 2343723 + [PM2000] 2343678.                                Gvr2010 
           BPM2198     BC: [PM2000] 2343678 + [PM2000] 2343784.                                Gvr2010 
20351-6042 RST4670     CD-61@6424.                                                             .       
20352+5622 HJ 1552     Burnham switched his observations of this 20" pair and the nearby 40"   .       
                       pair 20351+5624 HJ 1551. His coordinates agree with the relative        .       
                       locations of these two pairs, however.                                  Bu_1906 
20352+1803 BPM2200     [PM2000] 2344368 + [PM2000] 2344014.                                    Gvr2010 
20352+1659 BPM2199     [PM2000] 2344120 + [PM2000] 2343961.                                    Gvr2010 
20352+0608 HWE  98     Optical pair, based on study of relative motion of the components       .       
                       using the method of apparent motion parameters.                         Kiy2008 
20353+1440 DRS  32     Zet Del. De Rosa et al (2014) derive a system age of 525 +/- 125 Myr.   .       
                       The B component is estimated as L5 +/- 2, with mass 55 +/- 10 Mjup.     DRs2014b
20354+6454 GIC 165     B is a double-lined spectroscopic binary.                               .       
                       AG = G262-021/G262-022. None of the OSO components are proper motion    .       
                       companions                                                              Oso2004 
20356+1315 BPM2201     [PM2000] 2345880 + [PM2000] 2345942.                                    Gvr2010 
20357+3901 SEI1185     Neither component seen on POSS plate; may be flaws on AC Potsdam plate  .       
                       A likely plate flaw.                                                    Grv2021b
20357+2741 BRT3359     Originally published as BRT 214.                                        Brt1928 
20359+3615 GII  52     Gili (2016) associates this triple with 20359+3617 TDT2405, but the     .       
                       systems differ in position by 1.7'. GII  52Aa,Ab = GII  69 = GII  98.   Gii2016 
20361+3852 SEI1189     Duplicity not apparent on POSS plate; one component may be either       .       
                       variable star or flaw on AC Potsdam plate.                              .       
                       A likely plate flaw.                                                    Grv2021b
20362+1311 BPM2202     [PM2000] 2348831 + [PM2000] 2349269.                                    Gvr2010 
20363+1328 BPM2203     AB: [PM2000] 2348914 + [PM2000] 2348707.                                Gvr2010 
           BPM2204     AC: [PM2000] 2348914 + [PM2000] 2348886.                                Gvr2010 
20364+1651 BPM2205     [PM2000] 2349398 + [PM2000] 2349432.                                    Gvr2010 
20364+1339 BPM2206     [PM2000] 2349548 + [PM2000] 2349717.                                    Gvr2010 
20365-0311 TOR  26     Formerly known as PAN  23.                                              .       
20366+6226 H 4  78     H IV 78. Same as STF2712.                                               .       
20366+3825 HJ 1548     SEI1191.                                                                Nsn2017d
20366+1553 BPM2207     [PM2000] 2350503 + [PM2000] 2350667.                                    Gvr2010 
20366+0123 HJ 5513     Herschel coordinates 20 27 NPD 89 12 (1830). He notes: "Curiously       HJ_1870 
                       quadruple; four small stars alternately 15m and 18m, and very close;    .       
                       in a line very nearly coincident with the parallel."                    .       
20366-7104 DUN 231     B is CPD-71@2562.                                                       .       
20368+3157 J   568     BRT 282.                                                                Brt1929b
20368+1444 STF2703     AB: H 4  92.                                                            MEv2010 
20369+2538 BRT3360     Originally published as BRT 215.                                        Brt1928 
20369-1244 STF2699     BDS 10334, H N 134 and BDS 10348, WEI  36 same as this star.            .       
20370+0452 SMA 118     BAL 2969.                                                               .       
20371+6122 SHY 780     HIP 101719 + HIP 102727.                                                .       
20371+1738 BPM2208     [PM2000] 2352538 + [PM2000] 2352821.                                    Gvr2010 
20372+1224 BPM2209     [PM2000] 2352819 + [PM2000] 2352639.                                    Gvr2010 
20372+1143 BPM2210     [PM2000] 2353126 + [PM2000] 2352937.                                    Gvr2010 
20372+0135 J  2574     BAL 1565.                                                               .       
20372-0225 BRT 503     A likely plate flaw.                                                    Grv2021b
20372-4445 TOK 369     First resolution; estimated period 70yr, constant RV. This binary was   .       
                       not resolved by speckle interferometry, possible because the companion  .       
                       is too faint in the visible. It is an X-ray source and a "PMS" star     .       
                       according to SIMBAD.                                                    Tok2013b
20373+2157 MCT  11     Initially catalogued in error as 20273+2157.                            .       
20374+7536 HEI   7     The primary is the class W eclipsing SB VW Cep, P = 0.278 d. The        .       
                       light amplitude is 0.5 mag. and the light curve is variable.            .       
                       The Hershey (1975) orbit is astrometric; only the value of the          Hry1975 
                       semi-major axis was computed after the companion was resolved. The      .       
                       ascending node is tentatively identified from what appears to be a      .       
                       lighttime effect superimposed on intrinsic period changes in the        .       
                       eclipsing pair.                                                         .       
                       See Baize & Petit (1989) catalog of doubles with variable component.    Baz1989d
                       BD+74@889, (mag. 7.9, G5) one degree distant, shares common proper      .       
                       motion and radial velocity.                                             .       
                       Pribulla & Rucinski (2006) estimate the mass of the contact pair at     Pbl2006 
                       1.781 Msun and the minimum mass of the wider component at 0.42 Msun.    .       
20374+1735 BPM2211     [PM2000] 2353944 + [PM2000] 2353484.                                    Gvr2010 
20374+1626 BPM2212     [PM2000] 2354073 + [PM2000] 2353760.                                    Gvr2010 
20374-0254 TOR  27     Formerly known as PAN  24.                                              .       
20374-4202 CPO  89     LDS 716.                                                                .       
20375+3134 STFA 53     B is BD+31@4160.                                                        .       
20375+1557 BPM2214     [PM2000] 2354200 + [PM2000] 2354541.                                    Gvr2010 
20375+1436 BU  151     bet Del = 6 Del = Rotanev.                                              Mlr1955c
                       1975.545, 1975.956: The elements quoted by Finsen (1938) and            Fin1938a
                       Couteau (1962) each give theta and rho greater than those               Cou1962e
                       observed.                                                               BLM1978 
                       Primary is a giant, according to isochrone fit.                         Sod1999 
                       Two AO photometric analyses by ten Brummelaar et al. both include       TtB1996b
                       mass determination and spectral typing.                                 TtB2000 
           HJ 5545     AB,C: Optical pair, based on study of relative motion of the            .       
                       components using the method of apparent motion parameters.              Kiy2008 
           STF2704     AB,D: Optical pair, based on study of relative motion of the            .       
                       components using the method of apparent motion parameters.              Kiy2008 
                       AB,D: H 4  35.                                                          MEv2010 
           HJ 5545     AB,C: Rectilinear solution by Hurowitz et al. (2014).                   USN2014b
           STF2704     AB,D: Rectilinear solution by Friedman et al. (2012).                   USN2012a
20375+1130 BPM2213     [PM2000] 2354156 + [PM2000] 2353691.                                    Gvr2010 
20375-0303 J  1775     Barton listed at this position, from the San Fernando astrographic      .       
                       catalog, a triple star which does not resemble the one observed.        J__1941d
20375-2817 BRT3093     A likely plate flaw.                                                    Grv2021b
20376-4717 HJ 5209     alp Ind. Spectrum K0IIICNIII-IV.                                        .       
                       AB: Optical pair, based on study of relative motion of the components   .       
                       using the method of apparent motion parameters.                         Kiy2008 
20377+3322 STF2705     Spectrum: K0IIb/IIIBa0.2.                                               .       
20377+1736 BPM2215     [PM2000] 2355077 + [PM2000] 2355402.                                    Gvr2010 
20377+0152 J  3255     Aka J  1776.                                                            Dam2016d
20378+3224 ARY  48     HJL 284.                                                                HJL1986 
20378-2451 BRT3094     A likely plate flaw.                                                    Grv2021b
20379+5144 OSO 128     G230-044. Neither is a common proper motion pair, based on comparison   .       
                       with POSS2 red plates.                                                  Oso2004 
20379+2522 POU4757     A is a Beta Lyrae-type system..                                         .       
20379-6038 MUG   4     AB are CPM. Followup spectroscopy confirmed the B component is          .       
                       a dwarf; estimated mass is 0.363 +- 0.018 Msun.                         Mug2005 
                       AB pair bound. Primary is G3, and is planet host star.                  Egn2007 
                       AB: A is exoplanet host, P=1316d                                        Tok2014d
           EGN  25     Ba,Bb pair bound; spectral types estimated as M1.5-M4.5 and M2.5-M5.5   .       
                       dwarfs, masses 0.29 +/- 0.02 and 0.19 +/- 0.02 Msun.                    Egn2007 
20380+3806 SEI1197     Neither component seen on POSS plate; may be flaws on AC Potsdam plate  .       
20381+3601 HJ 1553     SEI1200.                                                                Nsn2017d
20383+4804 ES   89     H 4  24.                                                                MEv2010 
20383+3814 SEI1202     Primary not seen on POSS plate; may be either variable star or flaw on  .       
                       AC Potsdam plate.                                                       .       
20383+1623 BPM2216     [PM2000] 2357756 + [PM2000] 2357789.                                    Gvr2010 
20383-0106 BU  672     71 Aql. A is a long-period spectroscopic binary.                        .       
20384-2100 RST9008     Previously known as RST5551a.                                           .       
                       Measures uncertain, needs speckle.                                      .       
20386+1000 BRT2187     J 3100.                                                                 .       
20387+3838 STF2708     AB and AC: Optical pairs, based on study of relative motion of the      .       
                       components using the method of apparent motion parameters.              Kiy2008 
                       AB: H N  87.                                                            MEv2010 
20388+0202 HJ  920     BAL 1566.                                                               .       
20390+1400 BPM2217     [PM2000] 2360815 + [PM2000] 2360528.                                    Gvr2010 
20390-3445 BRT1811     A likely plate flaw.                                                    Grv2021b
20391+3103 J  1238     BRT 284.                                                                Brt1929b
20391+1550 BU  288     AE: Kuiper (1961) lists the measure as AC, but notes "This is, of       .       
                       course, not the companion C measured by Burnham as given in the ADS,    .       
                       but, like D, a fainter and closer companion not previously seen.        Kui1961b
20391+1526 BPM2219     [PM2000] 2361308 + [PM2000] 2361380.                                    Gvr2010 
20391+1243 BPM2218     [PM2000] 2361255 + [PM2000] 2360960.                                    Gvr2010 
20391+1005 STT 533     kap Del = 7 Del. AC = LDS1044.                                          .       
                       AB: Optical pair, based on study of relative motion of the components   .       
                       using the method of apparent motion parameters.                         Kiy2008 
                       AC: SHY 334. Bayesian analysis by Shaya & Olling (2011) indicates very  Shy2011 
                       high (near 100%) probability pair is physical.                          .       
           kap Del     Gontcharov & Kiyaeva (2010 detect variation in Hipparcos data which     .       
                       they conclude is due to an unseen companion, orbiting the primary with  .       
                       a period of 45 +/- 5 years. The companion is >4 mag fainter than the    .       
                       primary; spectral type estimated as WD or RD, mass 0.4 +/- 0.3 Msun.    Gon2010 
20392-0609 RAS  31     Silicon star, type A0; companion close to F0.                           Ras2014 
20393-1457 HU  200     tau 2 Cap = 14 Cap.                                                     .       
20394+0029 HJ 2984     1 Aqr.                                                                  .       
20395+1812 BPM2220     [PM2000] 2362752 + [PM2000] 2362234.                                    Gvr2010 
20396+2018 WFC 257     HJL 285.                                                                HJL1986 
20396+1555 WCK   2     Aa,Ab: alp Del = 9 Del = Sualocin. Spectroscopic binary now resolved by .       
                       interferometry.                                                         .       
                       Uniform disk diameter  0.407 +/- 0.022 mas,                             .       
                       Limb darkened diameter 0.420 +/- 0.022 mas,                             .       
                       Teff = 13300 +/- 1300 K based on LDD.                                   .       
                       Radius is 3.02 +/- 0.19 \rsun.                                          CIA2019a
                       Aa,Ab: Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and          .       
                       spectroscopic masses 6.43 +/- 3.52, 4.55, and 2.82 Msun, respectively.  Mlk2012 
20396+1120 BPM2221     [PM2000] 2363164 + [PM2000] 2362824.                                    Gvr2010 
20396+0458 KUI  99     For initial attempt I recorded 1950,497, 44.2deg, 0.31, dm 1.0 for a    .       
                       star 2 arcmin south of this pair. Such star was not found on later      .       
                       occasions when, however, the seeing was less satisfactory.              WRH1951 
           BAG  14     Visual primary is 920d SB2 (#1253 in Batten et al. 1989). There is      Bte1989 
                       some spectroscopic evidence for a third star.                           .       
                       Malogolovets et al. (2007) derive spectral types for Aa, Ab, and B of   Mlg2007 
                       K5, K9, and K8, respectively. Mass of Aa+Ab is 1.28 +/- 0.15 Msun,      .       
                       entire triple has mass 1.69 +/- 0.27 Msun. The system is weakly         .       
                       hierarchical.                                                           .       
20399+1115 ENG  75     AB: Components share CPM. Spectral type of B component M1V +/- 1.       Cvn2007 
                       CHARA Array Limb-darkened diameter  0.494 +/- 0.046 mas,                CIA2008c
                       R =  1.79  +/- 0.17  \rsun.                                             .       
           CVN  17     Aa,Ab: Companion is a probable late-K dwarf.                            Cvn2006 
                       Chauvin et al. (2011) make a combined astrometric/RV study of the       .       
                       expoplanet host binary HD 196885, and derive a mass function for the    .       
                       planet (M_Aa1 sin i) = 2.98 +/- 0.05 Mjup and a mass for the stellar    .       
                       companion M_Ab = 0.45 +/- 0.01 Msun. (Note: their paper refers to the   .       
                       700mas pair as AB and the planet as Ab)                                 Cvn2011 
20400+1749 BPM2222     [PM2000] 2365017 + [PM2000] 2364633.                                    Gvr2010 
20401-2411 HJ 5212     Spectrum: G6/8IIICNIV.                                                  .       
20402+1248 BPM2223     [PM2000] 2365687 + [PM2000] 2365276.                                    Gvr2010 
20402+1126 BPM2224     [PM2000] 2365763 + [PM2000] 2365528.                                    Gvr2010 
20403+6030 TOK 679     Estimated mass(B)=0.34. DSS2 indicates that B is physical.              Tok2014d
20403+5413 OSO 129     G230-045. None is a common proper motion pair, based on comparison      .       
                       with POSS2 red plates.                                                  Oso2004 
20403-4956 KRW   2     Based on a comparison of images spanning 23 years, Krawczenko (2014)    .       
                       determined that this pair shares common proper motion. From colors,     .       
                       spectral types for the primary and secondary appear to be about K0 and  .       
                       G8V, repectively; distances are 640 and 870 pc, masses about 0.79 and   .       
                       0.81 Msun.                                                              Krw2014a
20404-3251 SHY 781     HIP 102021 + HIP 101693.                                                .       
20406+2948 HO  137     A is a spectroscopic binary.                                            .       
20406+1559 BPM2225     [PM2000] 2367645 + [PM2000] 2367729.                                    Gvr2010 
20406+1539 HDS2947     New observations of this object indicate that the orbit is eccentric,   .       
                       and that we observed the system near periastron (and below the          .       
                       diffraction limit of the DCT). The orbital elements obtained confirm    .       
                       that picture, yielding a total mass of 3.4 +/- 0.5 Msun. The composite  .       
                       spectral type is F5 and the system has a magnitude difference of about  .       
                       1, so that we might suggest that the individual spectral types are F4   .       
                       and F9. If so, then the total mass would be on the order of 2.5 Msun,   .       
                       which is about 2 sigma lower than the value implied by the current      .       
                       orbital elements and the parallax of 13.96 +/- 0.55 mas. However,       .       
                       because there is only one point near periastron at the moment, the      .       
                       orbital elements will of course be modified with time.                  Hor2015b
20406-2639 CHR 186     Reported by Andersen et al. (1985 AAA 59, 15) as SB2, with 13 RVs       Bvr1986 
                       measured by Beavers & Eitter (1986).                                    McA1993 
20408+1956 LDS1045     AC: NLTT 49682/49681                                                    Chm2004 
20408+1733 BPM2226     [PM2000] 2368241 + [PM2000] 2367862.                                    Gvr2010 
20410+3905 MCA  62     Also a spectroscopic binary.                                            .       
20410+3218 BNU   7     Aa,Ab: 49 Cyg. B is a spectroscopic binary.                             .       
           STF2716     AB: H 2  98.                                                            MEv2010 
20412+0338 BAL2543     J 1777.                                                                 .       
20412-1320 WSI 163     Optical/physical nature ascertained from Gaia DR2.                      FMR2019b
20413+1327 BPM2227     AB: [PM2000] 2370282 + [PM2000] 2370311.                                Gvr2010 
           BPM2228     BC: [PM2000] 2370311 + [PM2000] 2370671.                                Gvr2010 
20413+1111 BPM2229     [PM2000] 2370391 + [PM2000] 2370466.                                    Gvr2010 
20414+4517 H N  73     alp Cyg = 50 Cyg = Deneb                                                .       
20414-0835 HDO 159     BD-09@5552 at 20 37.0 -09 00 has a companion 1895: 238.8@, 7.65",       .       
                       mags 9.3-11.6.                                                          .       
20414-1352 BRT2776     A likely plate flaw.                                                    Grv2021b
20415-2012 ARA1213     A likely plate flaw.                                                    Grv2021b
20416+5730 OSO 130     G230-047. AC is not a common proper motion pair                         Oso2004 
20416+3637 SEI1218     20416+3637ALI 423                                                       .       
20417+1716 BPM2230     [PM2000] 2372161 + [PM2000] 2372227.                                    Gvr2010 
20417-7521 DUN 232     mu 2 Oct                                                                .       
                       A is exoplanet host P=4100d                                             Tok2014d
20418+1404 J  2575     Jonckheere unable to recover                                            J__1962a
20418-1057 HIP 102130  Unresolved. SB according to both GCS and CfA.                           Tok2013b
20420+1212 BPM2231     [PM2000] 2373040 + [PM2000] 2372773.                                    Gvr2010 
20421+1341 BPM2232     [PM2000] 2373427 + [PM2000] 2373357.                                    Gvr2010 
20422+5020 BU  675     51 Cyg.                                                                 .       
20423+4549 STT 411     AB: Optical pair, based on study of relative motion of the components   .       
                       using the method of apparent motion parameters.                         Kiy2008 
20424+5611 VKI  47     Wolf 1082.                                                              .       
20424+1117 OSO 131     G144-028. None is a common proper motion pair, based on comparison      .       
                       with POSS2 red plates.                                                  Oso2004 
20424-3031 H N 101     B is CD-30@18114.                                                       .       
20425+4916 ARG  39     AB: ES   92.                                                            .       
20425+2310 LDS6416     NLTT 49744/49741                                                        Chm2004 
20427+2355 POU4907     AB: Original Pouteau theta value (136.1deg) appears to have been in     Pou1933 
                       error. His actual value was probably 360-136.1 = 223.9deg.              .       
20427+1440 BPM2233     [PM2000] 2376049 + [PM2000] 2375997.                                    Gvr2010 
20428+1244 BPM2234     [PM2000] 2376292 + [PM2000] 2376109.                                    Gvr2010 
20429+1152 BPM2235     [PM2000] 2376640 + [PM2000] 2376989.                                    Gvr2010 
20429-1856 WOR  41     Worley (1989) measures were originally listed as confirmations of       Wor1989 
                       Kuiper's 1943 observation of 20429-1857 KUI 100AB. However, the A comp  Kui1943 
                       of KUI 100 has very high proper motion; separation and angle in 1978    .       
                       would be very different. We assume that Worley measured this pair near  .       
                       KUI 100; the separation and angle agree, but Worley's magnitude         .       
                       difference estimates are rather different.                              .       
20429-1857 KUI 100     See note to 20429-1856 WOR  41.                                         .       
20430+1734 BPM2236     [PM2000] 2377293 + [PM2000] 2377091.                                    Gvr2010 
20431+3645 SEI1227     B is BD+36@4205.                                                        .       
20431+1705 BLL  51     A is the variable S Del. B is BD+16@4350.                               .       
20432+5707 V379 Cep    Harmanec et al. find spectroscopic and photometric evidence to suggest  Hmn2007 
                       V379 Cep is a quadruple system comprised of two close binaries.         .       
                       Components Aa+Ab orbit with a period of 99.76d and i=90deg, and have    .       
                       masses of 10.56 and 6.09 Msun. Components Ba+Bb orbit in 158.71d, and   .       
                       have a combined mass of about 11Msun. A+B orbit with an estimated       .       
                       period of 7878d, and assuming a distance of ~500pc may reach a          .       
                       separation of roughly 50mas. Angular separations of the close pairs     .       
                       are each in the 1-2 mas range.                                          .       
20432-2049 CHR 222     First detected as an occultation binary by Evans.                       Evn1971 
20433+5521 LLO   1     GJ 802.  Using dH and 2MASS H magnitude, plus a parallax of 64.5 +- 2   .       
                       mas, Lloyd et al. (2006) derive absolute H magnitudes of 8.11 +/- 0.07  Llo2006 
                       and 12.79 +/- 0.3 mag for the two components.  They also derive an      .       
                       orbit using this resolved measure with STEPS astrometric observations.  .       
                       This orbit yields dynamical masses of 0.175 +/- 0.021 and 0.064 +/-     .       
                       0.032 Msun for A and B, respectively.                                   .       
                       Ireland et al. (2008) combine spectroscopic data with aperture-masking  Ire2008 
                       observations, plus earlier astrometry by Pravdo et al. (2005; measures  Prv2005 
                       extracted from their figures) for orbital solutions of this young       .       
                       triple. The inner Aa,Ab pair are equal-mass stars in an orbit of        .       
                       period 0.795 days and an inclination in the range 74-83deg, which may   .       
                       indicate coplanarity with the wider orbit. The total mass of the inner  .       
                       pair is 0.280 +/- 0.010 Msun, that of the B component is 0.063 +/-      .       
                       0.005 Msun. Absolute magnitudes are determined for all components in    .       
                       the J-, H-, and K-bands. Data are compared with evolutionary models.    .       
                       GJ 802. This is a well-studied close triple system (e.g. Ireland et     Ire2008 
                       al. 2008). It consists of a spectroscopic pair with a period of only    .       
                       19 h, and a brown dwarf at a separation of ∼90 mas. Both are too close  .     
                       to be resolved with AstraLux, and there are no other candidates in the  .       
                       field of view.                                                          Jnn2014 
20433+4456 ES 2699     B is BD+44@3552.                                                        .       
20434+3535 ISM   5     The Cepheid X Cyg.                                                      .       
20435+1504 CIA  11     del Del.                                                                .       
                       CHARA Array Limb-darkened diameter of A,B:                              CIA2018a
                         =   0.500 +/- 0.014,  0.507 +/- 0.014 mas,                            .       
                       R =   3.43  +/- 0.11 ,  3.48  +/- 0.11 \rsun,                           .       
                       L =  32.4   +/- 4.2  , 28.8   +/- 3.4  \lsun,                           .       
                       M =   1.78  +/- 0.07 ,  1.62  +/- 0.07 \msun,                           .       
                       Teff = 7440 +/- 210  , 7110   +/- 180 K.                                .       
                       Orbital parallax = 15.72 +/- 0.22 mas.                                  .       
20436+4514 CBL  85     NI   41.                                                                .       
20437+1635 BPM2237     [PM2000] 2379651 + [PM2000] 2380014.                                    Gvr2010 
20438+1330 BPM2238     [PM2000] 2380121 + [PM2000] 2380344.                                    Gvr2010 
20439+3119 ES  366     According to Vyssotsky & Mateer, ES 366 is probably BD+30@4155.         Vys1952 
                       Aka HDS2950.                                                            Dam2013 
                       A is also a 21d spectroscopic binary.                                   Tok2019b
20439+1113 BPM2239     [PM2000] 2380769 + [PM2000] 2381099.                                    Gvr2010 
20440+1225 HJ 1566     C component is galaxy = UGC 11620 = LEDA 65281.                         Dam2010 
20440-3147 JSP 816     Not in Michigan Vol. XI.                                                .       
20442+2154 OSO 132     G144-033.  Not a common proper motion pair, based on comparison with    .       
                       POSS2 red plates.                                                       Oso2004 
20442+1731 BPM2241     [PM2000] 2381821 + [PM2000] 2381675.                                    Gvr2010 
20442+1209 BPM2240     [PM2000] 2381758 + [PM2000] 2381888.                                    Gvr2010 
20443+1101 BPM2242     [PM2000] 2382256 + [PM2000] 2382347.                                    Gvr2010 
20444+1500 BPM2243     [PM2000] 2382565 + [PM2000] 2382639.                                    Gvr2010 
20445+1415 BPM2244     [PM2000] 2382992 + [PM2000] 2382792.                                    Gvr2010 
20446+4041 HJ 1574     HJ 1573 and HJ 1574 are obvious on ALADIN, forming roughly 10" and 8"   .       
                       pairs are roughly Herschel's position angles. Burnham's observation of  Bu_1906 
                       HJ 1574 appears discrepant.                                             .       
20446+4040 HJ 1573     Burnham (BDS, part II) notes that HJ 1573 and 1574 form "a double-      Bu_1906 
                       double star; a curious object".                                         .       
20446+1642 BPM2246     AB: [PM2000] 2383150 + [PM2000] 2383263.                                Gvr2010 
           BPM2247     AC: [PM2000] 2383150 + [PM2000] 2383211.                                Gvr2010 
20446+1635 BPM2248     AB: [PM2000] 2383182 + [PM2000] 2383659.                                Gvr2010 
           BPM2249     AC: [PM2000] 2383182 + [PM2000] 2383425.                                Gvr2010 
           BPM2250     BC: [PM2000] 2383659 + [PM2000] 2383425.                                Gvr2010 
20446+1605 BPM2245     [PM2000] 2383050 + [PM2000] 2382885.                                    Gvr2010 
20446+1154 BPM2251     [PM2000] 2383255 + [PM2000] 2383542.                                    Gvr2010 
20447+2032 BRT2484     J  3347.                                                                Nsn2016 
20448+3022 AG  410     HJL 286.                                                                HJL1986 
20448+2500 BRT3361     Originally published as BRT 216.                                        Brt1928 
20448+1730 BPM2252     [PM2000] 2384052 + [PM2000] 2383917.                                    Gvr2010 
20448+1512 BPM2253     [PM2000] 2384091 + [PM2000] 2383815.                                    Gvr2010 
20449+1219 B  2910     Aa,Ab: Needs speckle confirmation. One component possibly variable.     .       
20450+1244 D    32     CD: Measures listed as new CE pair were all actually of DC.             .       
20450-0140 LDS 722     NLTT 49821/49819                                                        Chm2004 
20452+1108 BPM2254     [PM2000] 2385504 + [PM2000] 2385162.                                    Gvr2010 
20452-3057 FAL  70     Upon discovery of the wide COM pair TOK 340AC by Tokovinin & Lepine,    Tok2012c
           JSP 817     the C component was found to be the primary of 20447-3102 JSP 817.      .       
                       The WDS designation of the JSP pair was changed to deflect its          .       
                       membership in this CPM multiple.                                        .       
20452-3120 LDS 720     AB: Distance 4600". A is the BY Dra-type variable AU Mic, also nearby   .       
                       star Gliese 803. High common proper motion pair.                        .       
                       AB: SHY  99. Bayesian analysis by Shaya & Olling (2011) indicates very  Shy2011 
                       high (near 100%) probability pair is physical.                          .       
                       BC: Due to its large distance from A, the WDS designation for BC was    .       
                       originally 20419-3226.  Also known as BRT1812 or HDS2953 and as nearby  .       
                       star Gliese 799 AB. Discovered by Barton in 1913 but later incorrectly  Brt1936a
                       called Luyten by Voute, the BC pair became known as LDS 720 despite     Vou1947a
                       having never been observed by Luyten. See also the following note for   .       
                       20452-3122WOR  40.                                                      .       
                       GJ 799. Member of the bet Pic moving group.                             Zuc2001b
                       BC: Premature orbits have been computed. A flare star, AT Mic, sharing  .       
                       common proper motion with -32@16135 at 34@, 77.5'.                      .       
                       Measure of 1927.70 made by triangulation of multiple measures.          .       
                       Measure of 1928.57 made by triangulation of multiple measures.          .       
                       Star A (mag 8.6, M0Ve) 1.3 deg distant; position 204509.5-312027        .       
                       (2000) shares the large proper motion. Star C is the flare star         .       
                       AT Mic.                                                                 .       
                       See Baize & Petit (1989) catalog of doubles with variable component.    Baz1989d
20452-3122 WOR  40     Located ~80" south of LDS 720A, this pair has been inadvertently        .       
                       observed as LDS 720BC (located ~80' south of A) on numerous occasions.  .       
                       Preliminary orbital analysis of LDS 720BC showed discrepancy in         .       
                       orbital motion beginning with Worley measure of 1978, hence the WOR     .       
                       designation.                                                            .       
20453+6150 BU 1493     eta Cep = 3 Cep.                                                        .       
                       NPOI Limb-darkened diameter    2.518 +/- 0.009 mas,                     .       
                       R =    3.86 (+/- 0.02   )  \rsun,  Teff = 5000 +/-   9 K,               .       
                       L =    8.4 +/-   0.0 \lsun.                                             NOI2023 
                       Optical pair, based on study of relative motion of the components       .       
                       using the method of apparent motion parameters.                         Kiy2008 
                       Rectilinear solution by Hurowitz et al. (2014).                         USN2014b
20453-0239 BRT 506     A likely plate flaw.                                                    Grv2021b
20454+5906 ES 2700     STI 2552.                                                               .       
20454+5735 ENG  76     AB: A is an SB. B is BD+57@2241.                                        .       
                       Optical pair, based on study of relative motion of the components       .       
                       using the method of apparent motion parameters.                         Kiy2008 
           CIA   1     Aa,Ab: Farrington et al. (2010) present two possible orbits for this    CIA2010 
                       F8IV-V + F9IV-V pair. One is based on speckle plus K'-band CHARA Array  .       
                       separated fringe packet observations, the other is a combined solution  .       
                       including spectroscopic data.  The resulting orbital parallax is        .       
                       39.8+/-4.8 mas, the masses 1.071+/-0.037 and 1.047+/-0.037 Msun.        .       
                       The aperture and method, 8m and speckle, are set to give the            .       
                       resolution capability of this technique, which is less than classical   .       
                       interferometric methods.                                                .       
                       Aa,Ab: Orbit determined by fitting revised Hipparcos intermediate       .       
                       astrometric data. Derived component masses are 0.47 +/- 0.22 and        .       
                       0.45 +/- 0.21 Msun.                                                     Ren2010 
                       Aa,Ab: Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and          .       
                       spectroscopic masses 2.72 +/- 0.16, 2.39, and 2.38 Msun, respectively.  Mlk2012 
           ENG  76     AB: Rectilinear solution by Hurowitz et al. (2014).                     USN2014b
20454+4023 OSO 133     G210-033.  None is a common proper motion pair, based on comparison     .       
                       with POSS2 red plates.                                                  Oso2004 
20456+3043 STF2726     52 Cyg.                                                                 .       
                       H 2  25.                                                                MEv2010 
20456+2553 J  1074     Precise coordinates have been corrected, following an examination of    .       
                       this system by Nanson & Knapp (2017).                                   Nsn2017e
20456-0853 HDO 160     J 1778.                                                                 .       
20457+1537 BPM2255     [PM2000] 2387348 + [PM2000] 2387644.                                    Gvr2010 
20457+1017 OSO 134     G025-001.  Not a common proper motion pair, based on comparison with    .       
                       POSS2 red plates.                                                       Oso2004 
20458+1405 BPM2256     [PM2000] 2387581 + [PM2000] 2387513.                                    Gvr2010 
20459+4448 ES 2701     B is BD+44@3570.                                                        .       
20461+4452 ES   30     A is the semiregular variable RR Cyg. BD+44@3571a.                      .       
20461-2516 EHR  17     Primary is psi Cap. Companion appears to be a background star.          Ehr2010 
20462+3358 CHR 100     eps Cyg = 53 Cyg = Aljanah. A spectroscopic binary.                     .       
                       van Maanan notes a common high-proper motion companion located 1'.3     Maa1934 
                       west and 0'.1 south of eps Cyg. The companion (photographic magnitude   .       
                       ~14.8) was found on two plates taken with the Mt. Wilson 60inch over    .       
                       an interval of 12 years.                                                .       
                       1991.8987: This finally confirms the discovery observation of this      .       
                       component, made in 1983 (McAlister et al 1987). A number of unresolved  McA1987b
                       observations of this very close system, dating from 1979 to 1981, were  .       
                       published by Hartkopf & McAlister (1984).                               Hrt1984 
                       A single lined spectroscopic binary with a period of 55 yr yields an    Grf1994a
                       estimated semi-major axis of 1.05", so the companion has only escaped   .       
                       visual resolution only due to its faintness. MK III measures of the     MkT2003 
                       diameter and no loss of coherence rules out companions with dm < 5.7.   .       
                       It is possible that CHR 100 is an artifact caused by wave-front         Tok2010b
                       distortions in the dome. The star was likely observed near the zenith   .       
                       and the separation of the putative companion is close to the first      .       
                       diffraction ring, as typical for such artifacts.                        .       
                       Mk III Limb-darkened diameter  4.62 mas.                                MkT1991 
                       Mk III Limb-darkened diameter  4.612 +/- 0.046 mas.                     MkT2003 
           STT 594     AB: Optical pair, based on study of relative motion of the              .       
                       components using the method of apparent motion parameters.              Kiy2008 
                       AB: Rectilinear solution by Friedman et al. (2012).                     USN2012a
20462+1554 STF2725     AB: H 2  66.                                                            MEv2010 
                       A premature orbit has been computed.                                    .       
20463+2740 BRT3362     Originally published as BRT 218.                                        Brt1928 
20463+1624 BPM2257     [PM2000] 2389395 + [PM2000] 2389229.                                    Gvr2010 
20465+2403 POU4975     Aka POU4989.                                                            Dam2016d
20465+1439 BPM2259     [PM2000] 2390103 + [PM2000] 2389732.                                    Gvr2010 
20465+1429 BPM2260     [PM2000] 2390184 + [PM2000] 2390538.                                    Gvr2010 
20465+1131 BPM2258     [PM2000] 2389941 + [PM2000] 2390160.                                    Gvr2010 
20465-2652 HJ 5220     B is CD-27@15024.                                                       .       
20466+5951 MLR 236     G230-049.  Not resolved in our images                                   Oso2004 
20466+4632 KUI 101     Elongation suspected by Hough in 1885.                                  .       
20466+1616 BPM2261     [PM2000] 2390546 + [PM2000] 2390422.                                    Gvr2010 
20466+1532 J  3110     Aka OL  219.                                                            Dam2013 
20467+2044 HJ 2999     Erroneously designated as HJ 2899 in BDS.                               Bu_1906 
20467+1607 STF2727     gam Del. A premature orbit has been computed. 1865.74 observation of    Tal1868 
                       Talmadge lists 16.537 in the Table for the separation but 11.536 in     .       
                       the notes. The 11.536 value is included.                                .       
                       NLTT 49870/49868                                                        Chm2004 
                       H 3  10.                                                                MEv2010 
                       Toyota et al. (2009) monitored the RV of both the A and B components    .       
                       every 1-2 months between 2003 Mar - 2007 Nov, using a high-dispersion   .       
                       echelle (precision ~10 m/s).   Standard deviations of the RVs of both   .       
                       components are <40 m/s and velocities show no periodic variation.       .       
                       These results rejects the association of a planet of mass > 1.8 Mjup    .       
                       with either star.                                                       Toy2009 
           FYM  18     The purported AC pair was in error and has been deleted.                FyM2014b
20467+1523 BPM2263     [PM2000] 2390967 + [PM2000] 2390725.                                    Gvr2010 
20467+1343 BPM2262     [PM2000] 2390840 + [PM2000] 2390664.                                    Gvr2010 
20468+1602 BPM2264     [PM2000] 2391076 + [PM2000] 2390777.                                    Gvr2010 
20468+0733 GAA   8     NN Del.                                                                 .       
                       Ma,Mb = 1.4445 +/- 0.0029, 1.3266 +/- 0.0021 \msun,                     GaA2019 
                       orbital parallax =  5.953 +/- 0.023 mas.                                .       
20469+3252 ARG  93     B is BD+32@3936a.                                                       .       
20471+1257 BPM2265     [PM2000] 2392193 + [PM2000] 2392270.                                    Gvr2010 
20472+3422 BU  677     A is the irregular variable T Cyg.                                      .       
20473-0408 LDS4858     NLTT 49881/49880                                                        Chm2004 
20474+3629 MCA  63     Aa,Ab: lam Cyg = 54 Cyg. A is a spectroscopic binary, which has now     .       
                       been resolved by interferometry into a close and rapidly moving pair.   .       
                       1986.567: The separation of this partially resolved pair was            .       
                       calculated under the assumption of zero or otherwise known magnitude    .       
                       difference.                                                             Tok1985 
           STT 413     Only elements P and T have been amended by Starikova (1982) from the    Sta1982b
                       orbit of Baize (1983).                                                  Baz1983a
                       See Baize & Petit (1989) catalog of doubles with variable component.    Baz1989d
           S   765     AC: H 6  32.                                                            MEv2010 
20474+2808 BRT3363     Originally published as BRT 219.                                        Brt1928 
20477+1519 BPM2266     [PM2000] 2394416 + [PM2000] 2393992.                                    Gvr2010 
20478+4750 ES  810     A is a spectroscopic binary.                                            .       
20478+2519 POU4996     DH: Originally 20476+2518 POU4996, but primary found to be D component  .       
                       of 20478+2519 BUP 218AD.                                                .       
                       DH: DAM 514DH.                                                          .       
20478+1109 BPM2267     [PM2000] 2394709 + [PM2000] 2394870.                                    Gvr2010 
20478+0600 BU   65     13 Del. Variable.                                                       .       
                       This system has an estimated delta m of 3.6 magnitudes; the secondary   .       
                       probably lies just outside the observed window in the CFHT observation  .       
                       of 1985.521.                                                            .       
20478-3636 LWR  17     BO Mic                                                                  .       
20480+3917 A  1434     One component is the Beta Lyrae-type system V367 Cyg, P = 18.6d.        .       
                       Variability of both components suspected.                               .       
                       This observation was listed in Blazit et al. (1977) under its correct   Bla1977a
                       GC number, but misidentified as ADS 14394.                              .       
                       AB,C: Additional notes may be found in Aitken (1932).                   A__1932a
20480+1816 BPM2268     [PM2000] 2395534 + [PM2000] 2395797.                                    Gvr2010 
20481+2727 BU   66     Includes V402 Vul, a Beta Lyr type eclipsing binary, P = 1.49938d.      Zas2012 
20481+1601 BPM2269     [PM2000] 2395849 + [PM2000] 2395614.                                    Gvr2010 
20482+3326 ES 2377     ES 2377a. See note for 20487+3334ES 9006.                               .       
20482+2622 COU 827     Aka TDT2548.                                                            .       
20484+4002 SEI1255     AB: Also known as J  1237AB.                                            .       
20484+1134 BPM2270     [PM2000] 2396972 + [PM2000] 2396824.                                    Gvr2010 
20484+0426 AG  267     HJL 287.                                                                HJL1986 
20484-1812 S   763     AB: H N  10.                                                            MEv2010 
                       B is BD-18@5778.                                                        .       
                       CD: ARA 501.                                                            .       
20485+1628 BPM2271     [PM2000] 2397156 + [PM2000] 2397510.                                    Gvr2010 
20485+1545 BPM2272     [PM2000] 2397328 + [PM2000] 2397127.                                    Gvr2010 
20485-4359 DON 992     iot Mic                                                                 .       
20486+1223 BPM2273     [PM2000] 2397439 + [PM2000] 2397606.                                    Gvr2010 
20487+5155 STF2732     H 2 100.                                                                MEv2010 
20487+3334 ES 9006     This pair was not given a designation in Es_1930, but followed ES 2377  .       
                       in Espin's list of measures. As a result, it was erroneously listed     Es_1930 
                       as ES 2377AC. Also, ES 2377 was incorrectly assigned this pair's WDS    .       
                       designation.                                                            .       
20488+3426 SEI1256     V2247 Cyg. Primary is eclipsing binary of Algol-type, period 1.25486d.  Zas2014 
20488+1943 JNN 286     G 144-39. Estimated age 1000-10000 Myr; masses 0.50 +/- 0.07 and 0.24   .       
                       +/- 0.05 Msun; a ~7.4 au.                                               Jnn2014 
20488+1106 BPM2274     [PM2000] 2398470 + [PM2000] 2398468.                                    Gvr2010 
20488+0512 OSO 135     C is not a common proper motion companion to A                          Oso2004 
20489+4607 HJ 1581     55 Cyg. Variable.                                                       .       
20489+1558 BPM2275     [PM2000] 2398740 + [PM2000] 2398905.                                    Gvr2010 
20489-6847 SHY 782     HIP 102725 + HIP 103917.                                                .       
20491+3640 SEI1260     ALI 428.                                                                .       
20493+5845 STTA211     B is BD+58@2176.                                                        .       
                       Optical pair, based on study of relative motion of the components       .       
                       using the method of apparent motion parameters.                         Kiy2008 
20493+3923 ALI 952     BC: Originally 20492+3917 ALI 952AB, but primary found to be B          .       
                       component of 20493+3923 SEI1263AB.                                      .       
                       Hipparcos suspected non-single.                                         .       
           DAM  26     BD: Originally 20492+3917 DAM  26AC.                                    .       
20493+3314 ES   31     A is a semiregular variable.                                            .       
20493+0156 OSO 136     G025-005. Not a common proper motion pair, based on color and           .       
                       comparison with POSS2 red plates.                                       Oso2004 
20493-1945 ALP  25     2MASSW J2049197-194432                                                  .       
                       Physical companionship to this ultracool dwarf ruled out based on I-J   .       
                       color, using I-band photometry taken at WIYN in August 2002.            AlP2007 
20494+1124 J   194     Triple solution together with C (HIP 102784), which is clearly          .       
                       optical with a faulty HIP position.                                     Sod1999 
                       See Baize & Petit (1989) catalog of doubles with variable component.    Baz1989d
                       AB: Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and             .       
                       spectroscopic masses 1.09 +/- 0.67, 1.42, and 0.65 Msun, respectively.  Mlk2012 
20495+1106 BPM2276     [PM2000] 2400680 + [PM2000] 2400282.                                    Gvr2010 
20496+5008 ES   94     Spectrum of B: F8V.                                                     .       
20496+1233 BU 1495     15 Del.                                                                 .       
20497+2825 MLB 534     Aka  J  2323.                                                           Dam2013 
20497+1331 BPM2277     [PM2000] 2401465 + [PM2000] 2401398.                                    Gvr2010 
20498-2829 LDS 725     NLTT 49943/49942                                                        Chm2004 
20499+3531 SEI1266     ALI 208.                                                                .       
20500+0533 STTA210     B is BD+04@4556.                                                        .       
20500-1154 BRG  31     2MASS J20500010-1154092 has a close companion detected with AstraLux,   .       
                       but it has not yet been confirmed through common proper motion.         .       
                       However, since the separation is quite small (~0.47") and the           .       
                       brightness and color of the companion is consistent with expectations,  .       
                       the system counts as binary for statistical purposes.                   Jnn2012 
20500-3347 HJ 5224     alp Mic                                                                 .       
20501+4404 STT 595     AB: 56 Cyg.                                                             .       
                       AB: Optical pair, based on study of relative motion of the components   .       
                       using the method of apparent motion parameters.                         Kiy2008 
                       AB: Rectilinear solution by Hurowitz et al. (2014).                     USN2014b
20501+1556 BPM2278     [PM2000] 2402829 + [PM2000] 2402581.                                    Gvr2010 
20501-2722 HJ 5226     B is CD-27@15066.                                                       .       
20503+1317 BPM2279     [PM2000] 2403584 + [PM2000] 2403791.                                    Gvr2010 
20504+1459 BPM2280     [PM2000] 2403969 + [PM2000] 2404177.                                    Gvr2010 
20506+1601 BPM2281     [PM2000] 2404763 + [PM2000] 2404604.                                    Gvr2010 
20507+1959 ROE  16     J 1141.                                                                 .       
20507-3116 B   997     Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and spectroscopic   .       
                       masses of 1.39 +/- 0.85, 2.28, and 1.10 Msun, respectively.             Mlk2012 
20509+1544 BPM2282     [PM2000] 2405705 + [PM2000] 2405767.                                    Gvr2010 
20510+3915 SEI1279     ALI 953.                                                                .       
20510+3717 SEI1277     ALI 430.                                                                .       
20511+3837 SEI1281     ID uncertain - no sign of SEI pair, and ALADIN only indicates one       .       
                       Astrographic Catalog star in vicinity of Scheiner's coordinates.        Sei1908 
20511+0526 GCB  59     Aka BAL3016.                                                            .       
20511-0135 LDS 727     NLTT 50000/49999                                                        Chm2004 
20514+1619 BPM2283     [PM2000] 2407606 + [PM2000] 2407437.                                    Gvr2010 
20514-0538 STF2729     4 Aqr. Alternative spectra F5V+F7V.                                     .       
                       See Baize & Petit (1989) catalog of doubles with variable component.    Baz1989d
                       AB: H 1  44.  AC: H 6  58.                                              MEv2010 
                       AB: Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and             .       
                       spectroscopic masses 3.78 +/- 2.08, 2.50, and 1.27 Msun, respectively.  Mlk2012 
20516-6226 RMK  26     Rectilinear solution by Letchford et al. (2018).                        LRR2018a
20517-4054 HJ 5228     B is CD-41@14265.                                                       .       
20519-1631 HJ 3001     Aka HJ 1590.                                                            Dam2013 
20520+1422 BRT1956     J 1891.                                                                 .       
20521+4438 HER  18     Additional notes may be found in Herbig (1962).                         Her1962 
20521+3439 RAO 521     Y Cyg.                                                                  .       
                       The classification is from Burkholder et al. (1997 ApJ 490, 328). This  .       
                       eclipsing binary is one of two known double-lined spectroscopic         .       
                       binaries which are a runaway objects based on a  large absolute value   Gie1986 
                       of systemic velocity (Gies & Bolton 1986).                              Msn1998a
20522-1904 I   667     See listed this pair twice, as SEE 431 and SEE 432, both misidentified. .       
                       Gogshall gave the correct BD identification, but with an erroneous      .       
                       position; see BDS 10561. Innes rediscovered the pair independently as   .       
                       I 667. See's angle for SEE 432 requires a correction of +16.9deg.       .       
                       This correction, the result of an erroneous position of the micrometer  .       
                       on the telescope, which remained unnoticed because See omitted the      .       
                       usual precaution of a determination of the parallel, must be applied    .       
                       to all measures made at the Lowell Observatory during the period        .       
                       1897.758 to 1897.793.                                                   B__1950c
20522-7519 HJ 5214     B is CPD-75@1660.                                                       .       
20523+1144 BPM2284     [PM2000] 2410767 + [PM2000] 2410355.                                    Gvr2010 
20523-0030 BAL 927     J 1712.                                                                 .       
20524+3724 SEI1287     No Astrographic Catalog objects near Scheiner's coordinates and         Sei1908 
                       no obvious binary in field - typo in original catalog?                  .       
20524+2008 HO  144     Rapid change. Distance < 0.1" 1933-1941. Quadrant uncertain.            .       
20524+1353 BPM2285     [PM2000] 2411079 + [PM2000] 2411467.                                    Gvr2010 
20526-1609 SPF   2     Stumpf et al. (2011) estimate the period at 21 +/- 1 yr and the system  Spf2011 
                       mass at > 78 Mjup.  Near-IR colors suggest spectral types T1 +1/-4 and  .       
                       T2.5 +/- 1.                                                             .       
                       SDSS J205235.31-160929.8. Bardalez Gagliuffi et al. (2015) derive a     .       
                       preliminary orbit for this very low-mass binary, deriving a system      .       
                       mass of 0.0823 +0.0037/-0.0027 Msun and spectral types L6.0 +/- 2.0     .       
                       and T2.0 +/- 0.05. (Note: the quoted 2453654.31 Julian date for tau_0   .       
                       does not appear to correspond to the best-fit T0. To was adjusted to    .       
                       2455054.31 for the orbit catalog figure.)                               BGg2015 
20527+4607 A   750     Only elements P and T of Muller (1955) were adjusted in computing       Mlr1955b
                       the solution of Starikova (1981).                                       Sta1981a
                       Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and spectroscopic   .       
                       masses of 2.02 +/- 0.42, 1.76, and 0.91 Msun, respectively.             Mlk2012 
20527+0720 STF2733     B is BD+06@4675.                                                        .       
20527-0859 MCA  64     mu Aqr = 6 Aqr. A long-period spectroscopic binary, P = 1782d, now      .       
                       resolved by speckle interferometry.                                     .       
20528+3925 SEI1290     ALI1149.                                                                .       
20529+0529 GCB  60     J  3208.                                                                .       
20531-1134 CHR 101     This system, first announced by McAlister and recalled in a later       McA1984b
                       McAlister paper after repeated attempts at confirmation, has been       McA1993 
                       restored. While perhaps still spurious, the subsequent confirmation or  .       
                       suspected duplicity (by another technique) makes the discovery          .       
                       measurement somewhat more probable.                                     .       
20532-0221 JNN 126     LP 636-19.                                                              .       
                       The M3.0 equal-flux binary was first resolved by Janson et al. (2012),  Jnn2012 
                       and has seen significant orbital motion. Its parallactic distance of    .       
                       37.9 +/- 5.7 pc (Shkolnik et al. 2012 ApJ 758, 56) implies a physical   .       
                       separation of ~3-5 au. The expected orbital period is 10-20y.           Bwl2015 
20533+6209 BUP 219     AB: Optical pair, based on study of relative motion of the components   .       
                       using the method of apparent motion parameters.                         Kiy2008 
                       AB: Rectilinear solution by Hurowitz et al. (2014).                     USN2014b
20534+3220 ES 2380     Aka BRT 285.                                                            .       
20534+1742 BPM2286     [PM2000] 2414347 + [PM2000] 2414479.                                    Gvr2010 
20534-0227 BRT 509     BAL 259.                                                                .       
20534-4923 SHY 784     HIP 103107 + HIP 103139.                                                .       
20537+5918 A   751     Theta and rho for 1979.7699 were incorrectly given as 178.6 degrees     .       
                       and 0".106, respectively, by McAlister & Hendry (1982).                 McA1982d
                       Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and spectroscopic   .       
                       masses of 2.91 +/- 0.58, 3.41, and 2.69 Msun, respectively.             Mlk2012 
20537+2803 HJ 1589     Doolittle measure 1915.55: 2.3@, 6.65", 10.0-10.1 was assigned to       Doo1923 
                       20535+2751 MLB 572.                                                     .       
20538+3723 SEI1299     AB: ALI 675.                                                            .       
           SEI1301     AC: No star seen on Aladin at AC2000 coordinates of primary. Published  .       
                       measure corresponds to difference between nonexistent primary and real  .       
                       B component. Thus the AC measure appears to be another AB measure but   .       
                       with an error in the coordinates of the A component.                    .       
20538+3702 SEI1300     J 1075.                                                                 .       
20538+1451 BPM2287     [PM2000] 2415723 + [PM2000] 2415593.                                    Gvr2010 
20539+1700 BPM2288     [PM2000] 2416138 + [PM2000] 2415981.                                    Gvr2010 
20539-5535 B   505     Measures uncertain, too close. Needs speckle.                           .       
20541+4507 STT 422     Morlet et al. note that this has similar position angle, separation,    Mor2000 
                       and delta-m as HDS2979. HDS2979 removed.                                .       
20542+1619 BPM2289     [PM2000] 2416997 + [PM2000] 2417339.                                    Gvr2010 
20542-2730 B   509     AC: Also known as TDT2618. The identical nature of these first          .       
                       noted by Francisco Manuel Rica Romero.                                  FMR2001 
20543+2405 POU5056     30m error in transcribing epoch-1900 RA led to the incorrect WDS        .       
                       designation 20242+2401.                                                 .       
           POU5057     30m error in transcribing epoch-1900 RA led to the incorrect WDS        .       
                       designation 20242+2401.                                                 .       
20545+1054 BPM2290     [PM2000] 2417909 + [PM2000] 2417853.                                    Gvr2010 
20548+1403 BPM2291     [PM2000] 2419129 + [PM2000] 2419226.                                    Gvr2010 
20548-5827 B  2487     bet Ind                                                                 .       
20549+1236 BPM2292     [PM2000] 2419307 + [PM2000] 2419442.                                    Gvr2010 
20550+3929 SEI1311     ALI1150.                                                                .       
20550+2805 BU  367     AB: Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and             .       
                       spectroscopic masses 1.62 +/- 0.40, 2.21, and 1.02 Msun, respectively.  Mlk2012 
20550+1423 BPM2294     [PM2000] 2419657 + [PM2000] 2419593.                                    Gvr2010 
20550+1259 BPM2293     [PM2000] 2419506 + [PM2000] 2419671.                                    Gvr2010 
20551-5207 I    18     The known 3".9 pair I 18 with estimated period ~1700 yr cannot explain  .       
                       the acceleration.                                                       Tok2012a
                       CPM. Is the acceleration caused by this binary or sub-system?           Tok2014d
20552+3755 SEI1312     ALI 677.                                                                .       
20553+4218 OSO 137     G212-007. AB, AC, AD, AF and AG are not common proper motion pairs,     .       
                       based on comparison with POSS2 red plates                               Oso2004 
20553+1236 BPM2295     [PM2000] 2420673 + [PM2000] 2420662.                                    Gvr2010 
20554+1442 BPM2296     [PM2000] 2420873 + [PM2000] 2420634.                                    Gvr2010 
20555-1400 LDS6418     Proper motion +1413 -459. Possible companion 2",                        .       
                       16th magnitude.                                                         .       
                       Both components show false companions due to differential refraction    Skf2013 
                       in SDSS u-band images; but both stars are single at the resolution of   .       
                       the other SDSS images (well under 2" separation).                       .       
20556+3912 SEI1319     Primary not seen on POSS plate; may be either variable star or flaw on  .       
                       AC Potsdam plate.                                                       .       
20556+2845 BRT  53     Not found by Heintz at IDS position.                                    Hei1990b
                       A likely plate flaw.                                                    Grv2021b
20556+1744 BPM2297     [PM2000] 2421454 + [PM2000] 2421562.                                    Gvr2010 
20556+1234 HJ 1592     16 Del = chi Del. A is a spectroscopic binary.                          .       
20557+0432 STF2735     H 1  61.                                                                MEv2010 
20558-1707 JAY   1     Upon discovery of the wide COM pair TOK 343AC by Tokovinin & Lepine,    Tok2012c
           JAY   2     the C component was found to be the primary of 20560-1711 JAY 2. The    .       
                       WDS designation of the JAY pair was changed to deflect its membership   .       
                       in this CPM multiple.                                                   .       
           TOK 343     AC : Also known as CAB  10.                                             .       
                       Member of the bet Pic moving group.                                     Zuc2001b
20559-5555 HJ 5232     B is CPD-56@9562.                                                       .       
20560+0837 J  1346     J 1355.                                                                 .       
20561+3731 SEI1322     ID uncertain - no sign of SEI pair, and ALADIN only indicates one       Sei1908 
                       Astrographic Catalog star in vicinity of Scheiner's coordinates. Also   .       
                       not found by Heintz at IDS position.                                    Hei1985a
20564+5044 BU 1137     A is a spectroscopic binary.                                            .       
20565+3048 LDS2935     Aka KPP3421.                                                            .       
20565-0134 HJ  927     B is BD-02@5407.                                                        .       
20566+4455 TRN  30     The image rotator was in an unknown state, so two possible theta        .       
                       values are listed for the 2001.7338 observation - one for zenith up     .       
                       and one for north up.                                                   Trn2008 
20567+5656 A   755     Possible quadrant change.                                               .       
20567+1818 BPM2298     [PM2000] 2425028 + [PM2000] 2424959.                                    Gvr2010 
20567+1300 STF2736     HJ 1593 identified with this. Also, see Heintz.                         Hei1985a
20568+4254 ENG  77     AB and AC: Optical pairs, based on study of relative motion of the      .       
                       components using the method of apparent motion parameters.              Kiy2008 
20568-0449 LDS6420     NLTT 50192/50189                                                        Chm2004 
                       This star has a wide companion at about 14" as noted in e.g. the WDS    .       
                       catalog. It is however single in the separation range covered by the    .       
                       AstraLux data.                                                          Jnn2012 
20569-0942 BU 1034     7 Aqr.                                                                  .       
20570+2340 A   175     aka HO  639                                                             .       
20571+1131 BPM2299     [PM2000] 2426496 + [PM2000] 2426811.                                    Gvr2010 
20571+0128 J  2332     BAL 1576.                                                               .       
20572+4110 HDS2986     System looks triple; 1989.7114 measurement concerns the close binary.   Msn1999b
20573+1515 BPM2300     [PM2000] 2426904 + [PM2000] 2426494.                                    Gvr2010 
20573+1434 BPM2301     [PM2000] 2426917 + [PM2000] 2427177.                                    Gvr2010 
20575-3435 BRT1816     A likely plate flaw.                                                    Grv2021b
20577+5849 YSC 117     Da,Db: Originally 20572+5849YSC 117, but found to be D component of     .       
                       20577+5849ARN  34AD.                                                    .       
20577+2624 RAO  24     A new 0".6 binary detected by Robo-AO. It was targeted because of its   .        
                       variable velocity (Nordstrom et al. 2004) and astrometric               Nrd2004  
                       acceleration (Makarov & Kaplan 2005). The binary is confirmed here,     Mkr2005  
                       helped by the large PM of the primary. Our photometry places B above    .        
                       the MS. According to Guillout et al. (2009 A&A 504, 829), the target    .        
                       is young, so its companion could indeed be a PMS star. The object was   .        
                       already targeted by Metchev & Hillenbrand (2009) in their survey of     Met2009  
                       young stars, but the binary was not detected. After learning of our     .        
                       discovery, Metchev was able to extract a measurement of the star from   .        
                       the archival data (S. Metchev 2015, private communication).             Rbr2015d 
20579-3339 RED  26     M3, spectroscopic distance 73pc. 19" south of G1 dwarf HD 199410 =      .       
                       HIP 103481 = 2MASS J20575667-3338566. Proper motion for the G dwarf     .       
                       +057-079, appears to be minimal relative proper motion. Further         .       
                       observations are required to confirm whether the two stars form a       .       
                       wide binary system.                                                     Red2007a
20580+3713 J  1076     SEI 1337.                                                               .       
20580+1426 BPM2302     [PM2000] 2429096 + [PM2000] 2429082.                                    Gvr2010 
20582+1756 BPM2303     [PM2000] 2429755 + [PM2000] 2430103.                                    Gvr2010 
20582+0356 WSI  39     Aka BAL2551.                                                            .       
20583+4428 GC 29274    Hipparcos astrometric solution adopted some elements from the orbit of  HIP1997d
                       Radford & Griffin (1975).                                               Grf1975b
20583+3904 SEI1340     ALI 956.                                                                .       
20583+1542 JNN 154     2MASS J20581756+1541315 and J20581836+1541211, both from the Riaz et    Ria2006 
                       al. (2006) sample, are separated by only 10" and have comparable        .       
                       estimated distances (144 and 119 pc) as well as similar proper motions  XXX2010 
                       (e.g. Roser et al. 2010) and thus likely form a physical pair.          Jnn2012 
20584+1050 ENG  78     A is 18 Del = Musica, B is BD+10@4426. BD measures from Burnham,        Bu_1913 
                       WFC, Sturdy, and 2MASS were earlier                                     WFC1998 
                       erroneously labelled as being of the                                    Stu1994 
                       BC pair                                                                 TMA2003 
                       CHARA Array Limb-darkened diameter  1.111 +/- 0.028 mas.                CIA2009a
                       R =  9.00 +/- 0.31 \rsun, L =  47.6 +/-  1.8 \lsun,                     .       
                       Teff = 5054 +/-  81 K.                                                  .       
           MUG  16     AE: Spectral type of comoving E comp estimated M4-5, mass 0.19 Msun.    Mug2014 
20585+5028 STF2741     AB: H 1  97.                                                            MEv2010 
20585+1239 BPM2304     [PM2000] 2430706 + [PM2000] 2430642.                                    Gvr2010 
20587+3725 SEI1343     Secondary not seen on POSS plate at published coordinates; later        .       
                       matches assume there was a 2s error in published RA of the secondary.   .       
20587-7025 HJ 5231     A is the Algol-type system KZ Pav.                                      .       
                       Spectrum composite; F2+A2.                                              .       
20588+1701 BPM2305     [PM2000] 2431836 + [PM2000] 2431563.                                    Gvr2010 
20589+1741 BRT2487     J 2335. J notes that these are two different pairs.                     .       
20591+0418 STF2737     eps Equ = 1 Equ. Primary is 2.03d SB1.                                  Tok2006 
                       AC: Star C (mag. 7.3, dF4) is in slow retrograde motion at 10".         .       
                       Period of AC estimated at 5200y.                                        Tok2006 
                       AB,C: Hyperbolic orbit by Zeller (1965). Ephemeris covers 1831-2042.    Zel1965 
                       sigma = areal constant in the true orbit = 0.1952 arcsec^2/yr           .       
                       q = periastron distance in the true orbit = 10".78                      .       
                       AB,C: HJL 288.                                                          HJL1986 
                       BC: H 3  21.                                                            MEv2010 
                       AB: Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and             .       
                       spectroscopic masses 4.17 +/- 2.42, 2.73, and 1.33 Msun, respectively.  Mlk2012 
20591-1313 HU   83     Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and spectroscopic   .       
                       masses of 6.80 +/- 7.32, 3.36, and 1.45 Msun, respectively.             Mlk2012 
20592+3718 ALI 434     AC2000 position of secondary shows no star on Aladin images. Appears    .       
                       to be error in AC coordinates of secondary. Possibly an error in the    .       
                       reduction of the secondary measure. The companion at 45" appears to be  .       
                       the most likely intended companion.                                     .       
20592+1513 BPM2306     [PM2000] 2432866 + [PM2000] 2432830.                                    Gvr2010 
20592+1132 JCT   4     HJL 289.                                                                HJL1986 
20593+5303 JNN 287     Estimated age 1000-10000 Myr; masses 0.54 +/- 0.05 and 0.28 +/- 0.03    .       
                       Msun; a ~22.8 au.                                                       Jnn2014 
20594+1614 BPM2307     [PM2000] 2433655 + [PM2000] 2433548.                                    Gvr2010 
20596+3558 SEI1355     J 1151.                                                                 .       
20598+4731 MCA  65     59 Cyg. A is an irregular variable, V832 Cyg, and an interferometric    .       
                       binary. B is BD+46@3134.                                                .       
           STF2743     AB: H 4  22.                                                            MEv2010 
                       AD: A 71" measure by Guillaume (1931) was incorrectly assigned to AD,   Gui1931 
                       resulting in later measures of that wide pair being similarly labelled  .       
                       as AD measures. These pairs have now been assigned to STF2743AE. A      .       
                       "rediscovery" of the 39" AD pair by Fay (2013) was incorrectly given    FyM2013d
                       the designation FYM 99AE. This measure has been merged with AD.         .       
20598+3126 GYL  44     B is BD+30@4272.                                                        .       
20598+1649 STTA213     B is BD+16@4426.                                                        .       
                       Pair appears in an appendix list, not part of discoverer's regular      .       
                       numbering sequence.                                                     .       
20598+1455 BPM2308     [PM2000] 2434777 + [PM2000] 2434672.                                    Gvr2010 
20598-2028 TOK 370     First resolution of the close pair with acceleration. No RV data. This  .       
                       is an X-ray source.                                                     Tok2013b
20599+4016 COU2431     Aa: First resolution of primary, which was a known SB (period 112d).    .       
                       Metallicity estimates range from -0.78 to -0.14.                        Hor2012b
           LSC   1     Aa1,2: Docobo et al. (2014) use the spectroscopic elements of Goldberg  .       
                       et al. (2002 AJ 124, 1132), together with speckle data and Hipparcos    .       
                       parallax, to derive the remaining orbital elements. The resulting       .       
                       masses are 1.05 +/- 0.05 and 0.89 +/- 0.05 Msun.                        Doc2014h
                       Aa1,2: SB2, P=112.56d                                                   Tok2014d
           LEP  98     AD: SHY 337. Bayesian analysis by Shaya & Olling (2011) indicates very  Shy2011 
                       high (near 100%) probability pair is physical.                          .       
           SEI1363     CR: Also known as BUP 221CR or LDS2480.                                 .       
           NLTT 50309  Combined spectroscopic/astrometric solution, based on high-resolution   .       
                       echelle spectra plus archival PTI visibility measurements.              .       
                       Derived masses 1.1861 +/- 0.0057 and 0.9407 +/- 0.0049 Msun,            .       
                       distance 40.571 +/- 0.052 pc.                                           Knc2010 
                       Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and spectroscopic   .       
                       masses 2.18 +/- 0.15, 2.37, and 1.10 Msun, respectively.                Mlk2012 
           HDS2989     Da,Db: Previously known as 20582+4011 HDS2989AB, but found to be the D  .       
                       component of the CPM pair LEP  98.                                      .       
                       Da,Db: Rectilinear solution by Hartkopf & Mason (2013).                 Hrt2013b
21000+4004 KUI 103     V1396 Cyg.                                                              .       
                       Astrometric orbit by Lippincott (1975), with only the semi-major axis   Lip1975 
                       derived from visual separations. The longitude of periastron has been   .       
                       reversed to correspond to the visual position angles.                   Lip1975 
                       An observation by Tokovinin (1982) - 1981.370, 48.1 degrees, 0".377 -   Tok1982a
                       was reduced improperly, so has been removed.                            Tok1982b
                       Visual primary is a BY Dra-type variable, and 3.3d SB2 (#1280 in        .       
                       Batten et al., 1989).                                                   Bte1989 
                       Pourbaix gives combined solution for this resolved SB2, yielding        Pbx2000b
                       orbital parallaxes and component masses.                                .       
                       See Baize & Petit (1989) catalog of doubles with variable component.    Baz1989d
                       GJ 815. In addition to the component that we resolve with AstraLux,     .       
                       which was previously known and has been studied over a long timescale   .       
                       (e.g. Lippincott 1975), the primary component of the resolved pair is   Lip1975 
                       a 3.3 day spectroscopic binary (Pourbaix 2000). Estimated age 30-300    .       
                       Myr; masses 0.58 +/- 0.05 and 0.26 +/- 0.09 Msun; a ~10.5 au.           Jnn2014 
21001+2555 GRV 401     BC: Also known as GRV 402AB.                                            .       
21001+0731 KUI 102     Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and spectroscopic   .       
                       masses of 3.08 +/- 0.94, 3.20, and 1.40 Msun, respectively.             Mlk2012 
21003+3543 SEI1361     SEI1362.                                                                .       
21004+3426 FAR   1     SKF 321. Primary is DB white dwarf GD 392. Comparison of POSS I and II  .       
                       plates indicate FAR 1 comprises a common proper motion pair             .       
                       (pm 0.17+/-0.01 "/yr at 44+/-5 deg). Spectroscopy and multi-color       .       
                       photometry indicate companion is a DC white dwarf. Assuming a log g     .       
                       value for the primary of 8.0, distance is about 57.8 pc, masses ~0.59   .       
                       and 0.153 Msun, and T_eff 11,625 and 3,509K.                            Far2004 
                       Primary is white dwarf WD 2058+342 = GD 392.                            Far2005b
21005+1920 BU 1497     B is BD+18@4674.                                                        .       
21006+5432 HJ 1606     Also known as VBS  33.                                                  .       
           HJ 1605     Original C component of HJ 1605 = HJ 1606A.                             .       
                       WDS designation of HJ 1605 changed from 21003+5430,                     .       
                       HJ 1605AC --> HJ 1605AD, HJ 1605AB --> HJ 1605DE                        .       
21006+1449 BPM2309     [PM2000] 2437142 + [PM2000] 2437114.                                    Gvr2010 
21007+3353 BUP 222     G211-005. None of the OSO components are common proper motion           .       
                       companions, based on comparison with POSS2 red plates. Also, the B      .       
                       component is not confirmed using their data and images from the         .       
                       Digitized Sky Survey.                                                   Oso2004 
                       AC: Optical pair, based on study of relative motion of the components   .       
                       using the method of apparent motion parameters.                         Kiy2008 
           OSO 138     Further analysis shows that Osorio et al. did not take into account     .       
                       the very high proper motion of the A component. Their AF pair           .       
                       corresponds to Burnham's AB, while their AG pair is the same as Opik's  Bu_1913 
                       AD. (note added 10/2004)                                                Opi1927 
21007+2844 BRT  54     ADS 14537, MLB 486 is the same star.                                    .       
21008+4635 BU  156     Also known as HDS2994.                                                  .       
21008+3940 SEI1364     ALI 1152.                                                               .       
21009+5929 MLR 241     No significant movement since first resolution.                         Drd2009 
21009+3224 TDT2694     Two possibilities for TDT2694 have been measured. Neither matches the   Cve2019b
                       morphologically matches the discovery measure. The position of their    .       
                       target (1) matches that of the discovery measure, and the magnitude     .       
                       agrees with that of Tycho2 for the primary so it is folded. Target (2)  .       
                       which is folded but "X" coded is off slightly but matches better in     .       
                       magnitude difference.                                                   .       
21009+1552 BPM2310     [PM2000] 2437811 + [PM2000] 2437977.                                    Gvr2010 
21011+3315 JNN 288     BC: Originally 21013+3314 JNN 288, but found to be B component of       .       
                       21011+3315 LDS1049.                                                     .       
21011-4426 HJ 5238     B is CD-44@14241.                                                       .       
21012+4609 STT 426     60 Cyg. A is probably a spectroscopic binary, and is the variable       .       
                       V1931 Cyg.                                                              .       
21012-3511 TOK 344     A is astrometric and SB, no SB orbit. Tokovinin & Lepine (2012): B is   Tok2012c
                       white dwarf candidate.                                                  Tok2014d
21013+3554 SEI1368     ALI 210. Ali observation in 1933 indicates a large change. Proper       Ali1955 
                       motion or error in one measure?                                         .       
21013+3314 JNN 288     G 187-14. Estimated age 1000-10000 Myr; masses 0.24 +/- 0.08 and 0.18   .       
                       +/- 0.06 Msun; a ~2.4 au.                                               Jnn2014 
21013-3215 RST5475     gam Mic                                                                 .       
21014+2043 JNN 289     LHS 3610. Estimated age 1000-10000 Myr; masses 0.25 +/- 0.04 and 0.13   .       
                       +/- 0.02 Msun; a ~8.9 au.                                               Jnn2014 
21017+1652 BPM2311     AB: [PM2000] 2440174 + [PM2000] 2440516.                                Gvr2010 
           BPM2312     BC: [PM2000] 2440516 + [PM2000] 2440753.                                Gvr2010 
21018-1440 BRT2778     A likely plate flaw.                                                    Grv2021b
21019+2340 COU 128     This object was misidentified as HR 8059 by McAlister & Fekel (1980).   McA1980b
21022+1426 A  1688     Close, rapidly moving binary. Too close at times and quadrant always    .       
                       uncertain.                                                              .       
21022-3128 LDS 731     LDS5916.                                                                .       
21022-4300 DUN 236     B is CD-43@14327.                                                       .       
21022-4300             A is ~1090d spectroscopic binary (G3IV+K0IV), B is a K0III.             Tok2023b
                       SHY 788. Bayesian analysis by Shaya & Olling (2011) indicates very      Shy2011 
                       high (near 100%) probability pair is physical.                          .       
21023+3931 H 4 113     H IV 113. B is BD+38@4320. Also known as STF2748.                       .       
           SMY   6     AD: Based on his magnitude estimates, the 1875 Ward measure attributed  Wrd1876 
                       to EH was more likely AD.                                               .       
           WRD   4     AG: Ward's 1875 EG measure doesn't correspond to any likely companion,  .       
                       but given his magnitudes, the measure was probably between A and a      .       
                       companion now labelled as G. The old EG pair has been removed. The      .       
                       WRD 4ED should more appropriately have been designated SMY 6ED, but     .       
                       will not be changed, in order to minimize confusion.                    .       
21024+3739 STF2747     NLTT 50404/50405                                                        Chm2004 
21024+2748 TOK 345     A is ER Vul, W UMa-type eclipsing, X-ray source, SB2E, P=0.698d. Third  .       
                       body around ER Vul is suggested from (O-C) period, ~30yr?               Tok2014d
21025+1606 BPM2313     [PM2000] 2442264 + [PM2000] 2442031.                                    Gvr2010 
21028+4551 BU 1138     Called a spectroscopic binary in BSC. This may be due to motion in the  .       
                       close visual pair.                                                      .       
                       AB: Additional notes may be found in Muller (1955).                     Mlr1955c
                       AC: Optical pair, based on study of relative motion of the components   .       
                       using the method of apparent motion parameters.                         Kiy2008 
           KUI 104     CD: C is at 21 02.6 +45 53. CE is optical.                              .       
           BU 1138     AB: Rectilinear solution by Friedman et al. (2011).                     USN2011b
                       CE: Rectilinear solution by Friedman et al. (2011).                     USN2011a
21028+3534 SEI1375     Coordinate confusion led to mislabelling of some components. The BTG 6  .       
                       AD pair was actually BD, the BTG 6 AE pair was actually BC.             .       
21029+1708 BPMA250     [PM2000] 2443474 + [PM2000] 2443895.                                    Gvr2010 
21030+1529 BPM2314     [PM2000] 2443644 + [PM2000] 2443653.                                    Gvr2010 
21031+2929 OSO 139     G187-018. AC and AD are not common proper motion pairs, based on        .       
                       comparison with POSS2 red plates                                        Oso2004 
21031+1434 A  1689     OL 131 is identical                                                     Hei1980a
21031+0132 STF2744     A premature orbit has been computed.                                    .       
21032+1305 SLE 513     Error in Soulie (1986) measure due to typo in coordinates of primary .  Sle1986a
21032+3645 SEI1380     AB = 21028+3645 HLM  38AB.                                              .       
           WAL 134     AC; WDS designation changed from 21028+3645 due to merger of SEI1380    .       
                       and HLM  38.                                                            .       
21032+1305 SLE 513     Large change in separation over 21 years                                Los2005 
21033+1259 HJ  272     Rabe measure: 1913.76, 259.6, 25.92", 9-10 later associated with        Rab1923 
                       21023+3931 H 4 113AC.                                                   .       
21034+1508 BPM2315     [PM2000] 2444745 + [PM2000] 2444538.                                    Gvr2010 
21035+5925 MLR 243     Algol-type eclipsing binary, P = 9.9634 d.                              Zas2011 
21035+2400 HO  281     A is the irregular variable DY Vul.                                     .       
21036+5358 ES 2704     B is BD+53@2541.                                                        .       
21037-0258 J  1717     J  1780.                                                                .       
21038-4041 RSS  37     This previously uncataloged double star was a Hipparcos double entry    .       
                       system. The first measure is determined from the individual positions   .       
                       listed by Rousseau et al.                                               Rss1996 
21039+4138 STTA214     AB: HJL1104.                                                            HJL1986 
21041+4225 GII  54     SCA 179.                                                                .       
21041+0359 TOK 371     First resolution; estimated period 10yr. Pair is on the Keck exoplanet  .       
                       search program.                                                         Tok2013b
21041+0300 WSI   6     AB: The 1yr SB with large acceleration has been resolved with speckle.  .       
                       However, we cannot exclude that it is a triple system.                  Tok2012a
                       Horch et al. (2012) confirm that the known double is comprised of at    .       
                       least one additional star. Object is a known SB, with period 378 days   .       
                       (Latham et al. 1992). Metal-poor ([Fe/H] = -1.01). The wider AB pair    Lat1992 
                       has an estimated orbital period of 20 years; Jancart et al. (2005)      Jnc2005 
                       confirm the spectroscopic period with their astrometric orbit of the    .       
                       inner pair.                                                             Hor2012b
           DSG   6     Aa,Ab: For the Horch et al. (2015) combined solution, spectroscopic     .       
                       elements are fixed to those of Latham et al. (1992). Assigned spectral  Lat1992 
                       types for Aa, Ab, and B are F9V, G9V, and K0V; derived masses for Aa    .       
                       and Ab are 1.12 and 0.82 Msun.                                          Hor2015 
21041-0549 MCA  66     Aa,Ab: 12 Aqr.                                                          .       
                       A measure on 1980.7257 was incorrectly attributed to HR 8059 by         .       
                       McAlister et al. (1983); it actually belongs to ADS 13944.              McA1983 
21042+3542 SEI1387     ALI 213.                                                                .       
21042+1558 BPM2316     [PM2000] 2446963 + [PM2000] 2446899.                                    Gvr2010 
21044+4646 DAL  49     Pair mistakenly observed by Daley (2002) for 21046+4627 BRT1140.        Dal2002b
21044+1625 BPM2317     [PM2000] 2447442 + [PM2000] 2447410.                                    Gvr2010 
21044-1951 FIN 328     eta Cap = 22 Cap.                                                       .       
                       Spectral types and masses of components assigned by ten Brummelaar et   .       
                       al., based on adaptive optics observations.                             TtB2000 
                       Ruymaekers & Nys (1955) noted discrepancies in the orbit of Zulevic     Ruy1995 
                       (1993), so calculated orbital elements from the Thiele-Innes elements   Zul1993b
                       originally given.                                                       .       
                       This system has a Delta m of about 1.7 +/- 0.7 magnitudes, as           .       
                       determined from lunar occultation measures (Evans & Edwards 1983).      Evn1983a
                       Masses and bolometric magnitudes are derived for the two components     .       
                       of this system, based on assumed spectral types and available           .       
                       parallaxes.                                                             Msn1999a
                       Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and spectroscopic   .       
                       masses of 2.91 +/- 1.61, 3.24, and 3.25 Msun, respectively.             Mlk2012 
                       Docobo & Andrade (2013) derive a dynamical parallax of 19.49 +/- 0.29   .       
                       mas and component masses 2.03 +/- 0.12 and 1.21 +/- 0.07 Msun (for      .       
                       spectral type A5V) or 20.46 +/- 0.32 mas, 1.75 +/- 0.11 and 1.05 +/-    .       
                       0.06 Msun (for A3IV). See paper for extensive notes on this system.     Doc2013d
21045+2350 POU5130     Aka POU5124.                                                            .       
21045+0746 BU  269     H 1  62.                                                                MEv2010 
                       BU 835. H I 62 probably same star with an error of 10@ in declination.  .       
21045-4615 TOK  35     Period of visual pair ~85,000y.                                         Tok2006 
                       A is SB2, P=19.698d                                                     Tok2014d
21046+3345 CXT   1     ROE  53 or J 3123.                                                      .       
21046+1400 BPM2318     [PM2000] 2447922 + [PM2000] 2448172.                                    Gvr2010 
21046+0530 BUP 223     3 Equ.                                                                  .       
21047+1152 MLR 541     Also known as HEI 405.                                                  .       
21047+0332 SE    3     Aa,Ab: This is called AD in the Greenwich Observations. The measures    L__1895a
                       are probably of BC.                                                     .       
21048+3545 SEI1392     J 1153.                                                                 .       
21048+3531 S   773     B is BD+34@4265.                                                        .       
21048+1506 BPM2319     [PM2000] 2448398 + [PM2000] 2448470.                                    Gvr2010 
21049+1549 BPM2320     [PM2000] 2448685 + [PM2000] 2448769.                                    Gvr2010 
21050+1243 STF2750     A,BC: HJL 290.                                                          HJL1986 
21053+0704 ENG  80     AB: Optical pair, based on study of relative motion of the components   .       
                       using the method of apparent motion parameters.                         Kiy2008 
21054+1139 BPM2321     [PM2000] 2449963 + [PM2000] 2449716.                                    Gvr2010 
21054+0557 BUP 224     4 Equ.                                                                  .       
                       Rectilinear solution by Hurowitz et al. (2014).                         USN2014b
21056+1443 TDT2738     CD: Originally 21056+1442 TDT2738, but primary found to be C component  .       
                       of 21056+1443 HEI  78AC.                                                .       
21056+1133 BPM2323     [PM2000] 2450497 + [PM2000] 2450364.                                    Gvr2010 
21056+1113 BPM2322     [PM2000] 2450385 + [PM2000] 2450183.                                    Gvr2010 
21058+1432 LDS1050     AC: NLTT 50497/50489                                                    Chm2004 
21059+0803 OSO 140     G025-017. Not a common proper motion pair, based on color               Oso2004 
21060+1443 BPM2324     [PM2000] 2451551 + [PM2000] 2451691.                                    Gvr2010 
21061+0217 RST5476     BAL 1578.                                                               .       
                       Algol-type eclipsing binary, period 0.59338 d.                          Zas2019 
21063+1824 BPM2326     [PM2000] 2452405 + [PM2000] 2452242.                                    Gvr2010 
21063+1233 BPM2325     [PM2000] 2452281 + [PM2000] 2452299.                                    Gvr2010 
21064-4123 SEE 437     eta Mic.                                                                .       
21064+1336 SLE 523     Soulie (1986) measure in error, apparently due to typo in coordinates   .       
                       of secondary.                                                           Sle1986a
21065+2655 COU 527     There is another pair in the field: 1905.93, 285.6@, 79.24".            .       
21066+4739 ES   32     63 Cyg.                                                                 .       
21066+3623 SEI1405     ALI 214.                                                                .       
21067+3715 SEI1406     J 1079.                                                                 .       
21069+3845 STF2758     61 Cyg. According to R.G. Aitken, this was discovered in 1753 by        A__1935f
                       Bradley. Premature orbits have been computed for AB. This is an         Bdy1832A
                       example of a binary known by its common parallax and proper motion      .       
                       rather than the orbital motion, which has completed approximately       .       
                       one-sixth of an orbit in the past 200 years. The extremely large        .       
                       proper motion of this pair has led to some confusion in identification  .       
                       of others stars measured relative to the primary. Precise epoch-2000    .       
                       coordinates and UCAC2 catalog cross-identifications are listed below:   .       
                           A = UCAC2 50084730 = 2106539+384457  pm = +5328 +3258               .       
                           B = UCAC2 50084732 = 2106552+384431  pm = +5267 +3143               .       
                           C = UCAC2 45407969 = 2106142+383502       +007+006                  .       
                           D = UCAC2 45407870 = 2105597+384133       +002-006                  .       
                           E = UCAC2 45408060 = 2106306+384532       +012-007                  .       
                           F = UCAC2 45408067 = 2106322+384246       +019-002                  .       
                           G = UCAC2 45408111 = 2106413+384325       +000-002                  .       
                           H = UCAC2 45408157 = 2106502+384551       -004-006                  .       
                       The Aa pair was renamed AF. The G and H components were both initially  .       
                       believed to be the C component. B is BD+38@4344.                        .       
                       AB: Statistically the same parallax within the errors would indicate    .       
                       the components are physical.                                            .       
                       AB: H 4  18.                                                            MEv2010 
                       An estimated mass has been used by Josties (1981) to compute the        Jti1981 
                       otherwise nearly indeterminate orbit; thus the orbit should not be      .       
                       used to compute the mass. The RV difference from which the ascending    .       
                       node is inferred is quite small. Various small variations, formerly     .       
                       suspected in the period range of about 5-10 years, are absent in the    .       
                       strong photographic coverage of the last decades.                       .       
                       See Baize & Petit (1989) catalog of doubles with variable component.    Baz1989d
                       Resulting component masses are 0.74 +/- 0.13 and 0.46 +/- 0.07 Msun.    PkO2006b
                       HIP 104214. See Allen et al. (2000) for information on metallicity,     AlC2000 
                       age, galactic orbital parameters, etc.                                  .       
                       CHARA Array Limb-darkened diameter of A,B:                              CIA2008e
                       1.775 +/- 0.013, 1.581 +/- 0.022 mas.                                   .       
                       R =  0.665 +/- 0.005, 0.595 +/- 0.008 \rsun,                            .       
                       L =  0.153 +/- 0.010, 0.085 +/- 0.007 \lsun,                            .       
                       Teff = 4400 +/- 100, 4040 +/- 80 K.                                     .       
                       AB: NLTT 50559/50560                                                    Chm2004 
                       BC: Optical pair, based on study of relative motion of the components   .       
                       using the method of apparent motion parameters.                         Kiy2008 
                       Inclination of orbit flipped by 180 deg in accordance with available    Pko2017b
                       data by cataloger.                                                      .       
                       Analysis of long term photometric variability of both components        PkO2018a
                       reliable photometric variability with periods of about 15 years and     .       
                       variation of 0.05(0.02) magnitudes for both components as well as a     .       
                       9 year variation for B.                                                 .       
                       Total system mass is 1.132 +/0 0.032 /msun.                             Izm2024 
           HZE   4     Heinze et al. (2010) determine that the J, K, and L components are all  .       
                       background objects.                                                     Hze2010 
           STF2758     AC, AE, AF, AG, AH: Rectilinear solutions by Mason & Hartkopf (2016).   Msn2016a
           SMR   1     AI: Rectilinear solution by Mason & Hartkopf (2016).                    Msn2016a
           SMR  40     AO, AP: Rectilinear solutions by Mason & Hartkopf (2016).               Msn2016a
           STF2758     BC: Rectilinear solution by Mason & Hartkopf (2016).                    Msn2016a
           FYM 106     BN: Rectilinear solution by Mason & Hartkopf (2016).                    Msn2016a
21070+1500 BPM2327     [PM2000] 2454037 + [PM2000] 2453969.                                    Gvr2010 
21071+1558 BPM2328     [PM2000] 2454427 + [PM2000] 2454414.                                    Gvr2010 
21071+1042 J  2576     Not found by Heintz at IDS position.                                    Hei1990b
21071-2500 SEE 439     24 Cap.                                                                 .       
21072+3657 SEI1407     ALI 438.                                                                .       
21072-1355 BU  157     AC: Optical pair, based on study of relative motion of the components   .       
                       using the method of apparent motion parameters.                         Kiy2008 
21073-0021 BAL 930     J 3209.                                                                 .       
21073-5702 HDS3009     This is the C component of 21078-5702.                                  Dam2015b
21074-0814 BU  368     Baize (1985) value of omega corrected from 12.0 to 192.0 degrees by     Baz1985b
                       Ruymaekers & Nys (1985).                                                Ruy1995 
                       AB: Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and             .       
                       spectroscopic masses 3.23 +/- 1.27, 3.31, and 2.24 Msun, respectively.  Mlk2012 
21075+3831 SEI1408     ALI 961.                                                                .       
21075-3842 WG  266     CPD-39@8869.                                                            .       
21076+1442 BPM2329     [PM2000] 2455520 + [PM2000] 2455335.                                    Gvr2010 
21078+3834 BRT2233     ALI 962.                                                                .       
21078+3421 FYM 125     The JK pair was initially listed incorrectly as a new JN pair.          FyM2014b
21078+1345 BPM2330     [PM2000] 2456137 + [PM2000] 2455874.                                    Gvr2010 
21078-5702 HJ 5243     B is CPD-57@9794.                                                       .       
                       The C component is 21073-5702HDS3009.                                   Dam2015b
21079+3324 TRN  31     The image rotator was in an unknown state, so two possible theta        .       
                       values are listed for the 2001.7367 observation - one for zenith up     .       
                       and one for north up. However, the 2MASS measure effectively rules      .       
                       out one option.                                                         Trn2008 
           HD 201345   Aslanov et al. (1984 SvAL 10, 278) discuss the radial velocities and    .       
                       the possibility of a low-mass companion.                                Msn1998a
21079+1229 BPM2331     [PM2000] 2456493 + [PM2000] 2456492.                                    Gvr2010 
21080-0104 J  1402     BAL 618.                                                                .       
21082+3628 SEI1410     Primary is V2483 Cyg, eclipsing binary of Beta Lyr -type, period        .       
                       112.4 d.                                                                Zas2012 
21083+2437 SLE 531     Ten arcminute error in declination of primary.                          Sle1986a
21083+3816 SEI1411     ALI 679.                                                                .       
21083+1757 BPM2332     [PM2000] 2457297 + [PM2000] 2457104.                                    Gvr2010 
21085+3614 SEI1412     ALI 216.                                                                .       
21086+3012 STF2762     A is probably an Alpha CVn-type variable, V389 Cyg. There also may be   .       
                       a long-period spectroscopic binary in the system.                       .       
                       AB: H 2  97.                                                            MEv2010 
21086-2112 HJ 3009     chi Cap = 25 Cap                                                        .       
                       HJ 1617.                                                                .       
           VIG  20     The E and F components appear to be co-moving with the primary; the     .       
                       masses of E and F are estimated at 0.09-0.13 and 0.09-0.14 Msun,        .       
                       respectively. Optical/physical nature of the G component is undefined.  Vig2012 
21087+7342 OSO 141     G261-038 . Not a common proper motion pair, based on comparison with    .       
                       POSS2 red plates.                                                       Oso2004 
21087+1145 BPM2333     [PM2000] 2458372 + [PM2000] 2458147.                                    Gvr2010 
21088+1113 BPM2334     [PM2000] 2458615 + [PM2000] 2458474.                                    Gvr2010 
21089+2417 OSO 142     G187-024. Neither is a common proper motion pair, based on comparison   .       
                       with POSS2 red plates.                                                  Oso2004 
21090+0410 HJ 5515     Nothing in the vicinity matches Herschel's theta value. However, if     .       
                       either he meant the separation was 15" or his theta has a 90deg error,  .       
                       this pair appears to be the most likely match.                          .       
21091+3844 S   779     B is BD+38@4363.                                                        .       
21092-0814 JNN 128     The binary 2MASS J21091375-0814041 is as of yet uncomfirmed with        .       
                       regards to common proper motion, but the components have similar        .       
                       colors and brightnesses, and a relatively small separation of ~0.97"    .       
                       hence the pair is probably physically bound, and counts as such in the  .       
                       statistical analysis.                                                   Jnn2012 
21094-7310 I   379     Measures uncertain, too close. Duplicity doubtful. Needs speckle.       .       
                       Hipparcos stochastic double solution.                                   .       
                       AB: Additional notes may be found in Finsen (1951).                     Fin1951a
                       AB: A is SB and astrometric binary, P=6.65y (Goldin & Makarov 2006).    Gln2006 
                       Resolved at 0.14".                                                      Tok2014d
21096-1622 HJ 1612     J 1783.                                                                 .       
21097+1434 OL  132     Scardia et al. (2013) note that the ID is uncertain for their 2011      .       
                       measure.                                                                Sca2013c
21098+4001 GRV 429     AC: Also known as GRV 430AB.                                            .       
21098+2915 DU    3     Aka WFC 234. DM number incorrectly listed as BD+28 4015 in BDS.         .       
21098-1834 HJ 3010     B is BD-19@6033.                                                        .       
21098-5155 RST1084     CD-52@9770.                                                             .       
21099+1648 BPM2335     [PM2000] 2461379 + [PM2000] 2461405.                                    Gvr2010 
21101+1311 BPM2336     [PM2000] 2461843 + [PM2000] 2461635.                                    Gvr2010 
21101-4851 HJ 5247     B is CD-49@13357.                                                       .       
21102+2045 RAO  25     Pair has a variable RV (Nordstrom et al. 2004), so the 3".3 companion   Nrd2004  
                       B discovered by Robo-AO makes it a triple system (estimated period of   .        
                       AB is 2000 yr, too long to cause the RV variation). We found the B      .        
                       component to be on the [Fe/H] = -0.5 isochrone, in agreement with       .        
                       [Fe/H] = -0.54 measured for A (Reddy et al. 2003 MNRAS 340, 304).       Rbr2015d 
21103+1008 KNT   5     A: gam Equ = 5 Equ. A is an Alpha CVn-type variable. There apparently   .       
                       is a long-period spectroscopic binary present.                          .       
           BU   71     AC: Optical pair, based on study of relative motion of the components   .       
                       using the method of apparent motion parameters.                         Kiy2008 
                       AC: Rectilinear solution by Hurowitz et al. (2014).                     USN2014b
21103-0016 LDS4866     NLTT 50691/50692                                                        Chm2004 
21104-0042 BAL 620     J 2338.                                                                 .       
21105+4742 BU  159     AE: Leavenworth refers to a 14th magnitude star in 337.0".              Lv_1930 
                       Kuiper's 1934 measure was initially added incorrectly as an additional  Kui1961b
                       component, designated KUI 105AF, although he identified his measure     .       
                       with the Leavenworth pair.                                              .       
21105+2227 STF2769     B is BD+21@4485.                                                        .       
                       One component is a spectroscopic binary.                                .       
           SHY 793     BC: HIP 104536 + HIP 102981.                                            .       
           STF2769     H N   8.                                                                MEv2010 
21106+3737 HU 1310     Pair certainly identical to ADS 14717 = ES 253, but measures are        .       
                       discordant (Espin's rho in 1905.75 and his theta in 1923.75). One star  .       
                       may be variable.                                                        Baz1948d
21106+1307 BPM2338     [PM2000] 2463302 + [PM2000] 2463345.                                    Gvr2010 
21106+1126 BPM2337     [PM2000] 2463104 + [PM2000] 2463308.                                    Gvr2010 
21109+4658 GIC 166     AB: G212-026/G212-027.                                                  .       
                       NLTT 50746/50747                                                        Chm2004 
21109+4658 JNN 290     BC and BD: G 212-27. Both of the point sources in the AstraLux field    .       
                       of view are consistent with static background objects that do not       .       
                       share a common proper motion with the primary star, hence they are      .       
                       contaminants rather than physical companions. Their colors (dz' = 4.0   .       
                       +/- 0.3 mag and di' = 3.3 +/- 0.5 mag for the closer point source and   .       
                       dz' = 4.8 +/- 0.3 mag and di' = 4.3 +/- 0.1 mag for the farther one)    .       
                       verify this conclusion.                                                 Jnn2014 
21109+2925 BAG  29     Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and spectroscopic   .       
                       masses of 1.26 +/- 0.32, 1.20, and 0.47 Msun, respectively.             Mlk2012 
21110+2642 BRT3364     Originally published as BRT 221.                                        Brt1928 
21110+1113 BPM2339     [PM2000] 2464166 + [PM2000] 2464300.                                    Gvr2010 
21110+0933 STF2765     AB: H 1  63.                                                            MEv2010 
21111+3618 HO  283     Aa,Ab: The primary was suspected to be a close pair by Hough in 1884,   Ho_1890 
                       but it it was not confirmed later by Hough, Burnham, or                 Bu_1906 
                       Worley.                                                                 Wor1967a
21112+3855 ES 1991     Not found by Heintz at IDS position.                                    Hei1987a
21112+3332 VKI  48     Ross 825.                                                               .       
21112-0100 LDS4867     NLTT 50718/50720                                                        Chm2004 
21114+7140 OSO 143     G262-035. Not a common proper motion pair, based on comparison with     .       
                       POSS2 red plates.                                                       Oso2004 
21114-5220 HU 1626     Primary is eclipsing binary BR Ind (period 0.89277 day).                Zas2010 
                       Light curve and radial velocity combined solution determined.           Zas2017 
21115+3033 ALD   5     J  3224.                                                                .       
                       Olivier's angle of 1915, given in ADS, is 90deg too small.              B__1962d
21115-1132 VOU  30     RST 4076.                                                               .       
21117+3818 SMA 136     ALI 683. BRT 2234.                                                      .       
21117+3621 TOB 213     BC: Originally 21117+3619 TOB 213, but secondary was found to be same   .       
                       as that of 21117+3621 SEI1439. Systems merged, with quadrant flipped    .       
                       for TOB pair.                                                           .       
21117+1821 LDS1051     LDS5246.                                                                .       
                       NLTT 50751/50759                                                        Chm2004 
21117+1350 BPM2340     [PM2000] 2465837 + [PM2000] 2466174.                                    Gvr2010 
21118+5959 MCA  67     Aa,Ab: 1983.4341, 1983.7100, 1984.7118:  These three autocorrelograms   .       
                       were remeasured; the new results are listed.                            McA1987b
                       Aa,Ab: Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and          .       
                       spectroscopic masses 02.07 +/- 52.22, 27.33, 25.11 Msun, respectively.  Mlk2012 
21120+2410 STT 430     HIP 104660. See Allen et al. (2000) for information on metallicity,     AlC2000 
                       age, galactic orbital parameters, etc.                                  .       
21121+4543 ES 9005     Previously known as BU  160. Espin refers to it as a faint              Es_1914 
                       star following BU 160.                                                  .       
21121+1607 BPM2341     [PM2000] 2466649 + [PM2000] 2466492.                                    Gvr2010 
21122+5854 ARG 107     B is BD+58@2236.                                                        .       
21122+3828 SMA 137     ALI 964.                                                                .       
21123+1105 BPMA251     [PM2000] 2467284 + [PM2000] 2466736.                                    Gvr2010 
21123-0142 BAL 263     LYS  37AB. Designation match was originally missed because BAL 264      .       
                       measure was incorrectly attributed to BAL 263.                          .       
21124+1432 HJ 1619     HJ 1620.                                                                .       
21124-1500 H 1  47     H I 47.                                                                 .       
                       Hopmann orbit rejected from Fourth Orbit Catalog ("P over 4000 years")  Wor1983 
                       Apparent typographical error in Hopmann value for semi-major axis       Hop1974 
                       (5".909); value of 15".909 appears better. Still unable to match his    .       
                       orbit with data, however, despite various quadrant flips of angles,     .       
                       et cetera. A least-squares fit for remaining elements using data        .       
                       available to Hopmann and fixing P, T, and e at his published values     .       
                       yields a = 10".03, i = 101.0, Omega = 312.0, and omega = 343.4          .       
                       This is much better fit by linear solution. Orbit still in 6th Catalog, .       
                       but default solution now linear and orbit is rejected. Proper motion    .       
                       of A and B very different.                                              .       
21125+1727 BPMA252     [PM2000] 2467718 + [PM2000] 2467798.                                    Gvr2010 
21126+1706 BPM2342     [PM2000] 2467848 + [PM2000] 2467725.                                    Gvr2010 
21127+3807 GUR  12     Incorrectly identified as ES 257 by Guerrero et al.(2014)               Gur2014 
21127-0045 J  1403     BAL 622. RST 5159.                                                      .       
21128+3907 SEI1447     ALI 965.                                                                .       
21128+3014 BAS   7     Aa,Ab: This is likely the 17.8-yr spectroscopic binary of Griffin &     .       
                       & Keenan                                                                Grf1992b
21129+3014 BUP 227     zet Cyg = 64 Cyg. A is a spectroscopic binary. The Bright Star          .       
                       Catalogue lists the spectral type as G8III-IIIaBa0.6.                   .       
                       Mk III Limb-darkened diameter  2.821 +/- 0.028 mas.                     MkT2003 
21131+1028 BU 1501     J 177.                                                                  .       
21133+4655 A   884     Rectilinear solution by Rica & Zirm (2012).                             FMR2012i
21134+2813 BRT3365     Originally published as BRT 223.                                        Brt1928 
21135+1559 HU  767     1979.7700: This measure is an average of a power spectrum and an        .       
                       autocorrelogram measure, listed separately by McAlister & Hendry.       McA1982d
                       1980.7257  This measure was incorrectly attributed to ADS 13944 by      .       
                       McAlister et al. (1983).                                                McA1983 
                       Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and spectroscopic   .       
                       masses of 3.96 +/- 0.66, 3.40, and 1.82 Msun, respectively.             Mlk2012 
21135+0713 BU  270     Star C (mag. about 12, 32") may be physical. Star D (BD+06 4777, 3')    .       
                       probably is not physical.                                               .       
21135-0905 BRT 515     J  3348.                                                                J__1962a
21136+1315 BPM2343     AB: [PM2000] 2470222 + [PM2000] 2470354.                                Gvr2010 
           BPM2344     BC: [PM2000] 2470354 + [PM2000] 2470555.                                Gvr2010 
21137+6424 H 1  48     H I 48.                                                                 Mlr1950b
                       Only elements P and T have been amended by Starikova (1977) from the    Sta1977a
                       orbit of Baize (1950).                                                  Baz1950b
                       Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and spectroscopic   .       
                       masses of 3.85 +/- 0.55, 2.04, and 2.52 Msun, respectively.             Mlk2012 
21137+3602 SEI1455     J 1329.                                                                 .       
21137+2510 POU5273     Many published measures, previously assigned to POU5269, are            Dam2016d
                       re-assigned here with a quad flip.                                      .       
21137+1115 BPM2345     [PM2000] 2470413 + [PM2000] 2470438.                                    Gvr2010 
21139+1140 BPM2346     [PM2000] 2471075 + [PM2000] 2471020.                                    Gvr2010 
21140+6606 MLB 221     Also known as WFC 236.                                                  .       
21140+3755 SEI1457     ALI 685. SMA.                                                           .       
21140+1305 BPM2347     [PM2000] 2471285 + [PM2000] 2471380.                                    Gvr2010 
21140+1219 BPM2348     [PM2000] 2471301 + [PM2000] 2471385.                                    Gvr2010 
21141+1741 BPM2349     [PM2000] 2471552 + [PM2000] 2471686.                                    Gvr2010 
21141-5428 LDS 735     TSN  38.                                                                .       
21142+1135 BPM2350     [PM2000] 2471654 + [PM2000] 2471705.                                    Gvr2010 
21143+3418 STTA216     B is BD+33@4205.                                                        .       
                       Pair appears in an appendix list, not part of the discoverer's regular  .       
                       numbering sequence.                                                     .       
21143+3332 ES 2316     A 1998.8 measure by Lampens et al. (2007) was erroneously attributed    Lmp2007 
                       to this pair and has been withdrawn by the author.                      .       
21143+1145 BPM2351     [PM2000] 2471993 + [PM2000] 2471708.                                    Gvr2010 
21143-3835 HJ 5253     AC: The C component was found to have a spectroscopic companion with a  Tok2020h
                       period of 11d. The close AB pair, estimated period 1.3k yr, may be      .       
                       responsible for proper motion differences, and this may be a physical   .       
                       quadruple.                                                              .       
21144+3803 SEI1461     ALI 686. SMA.                                                           .       
21145+1000 STT 535     del Equ = 7 Equ.                                                        .       
                       Spectral types and masses of components assigned by ten Brummelaar et   .       
                       al., based on adaptive optics observations.                             TtB2000 
                       This is an example of a system whose earlier long period, low-          .       
                       eccentricity orbit has been supplanted by a high-eccentricity orbit     .       
                       of half P due to correct quadrant determination.                        .       
                       The motion causes double spectral lines over part of the orbit, but     .       
                       the components are indistinguishable in the spectrum as well as         .       
                       visually. The RV curve gives the elements T, e, and the longitude of    .       
                       periastron somewhat in variance with those of the visual orbit; cf.     .       
                       Dworetsky et al. (1971).                                                Dwo1971 
                       Pourbaix gives combined solution for this resolved SB2, yielding        Pbx2000b
                       orbital parallaxes and component masses.                                .       
                       Arenou (2000) gives combined solution of astrometric orbits and DSBs.   Are2000 
                       Paper includes masses and distances.                                    .       
                       Muterspaugh et al. (2008) combine PHASES astrometry with speckle and    Mut2008 
                       radial velocity data to derive an orbit for this nearby pair. The       .       
                       derived parallax is 54.41 +/- 0.14 mas (distance 18.379 +/- 0.048 pc).  .       
                       Masses of A and B components are nearly identical, at 1.192 +/- 0.012   .       
                       and 1.187 +/- 0.012 Msun.                                               .       
                       AB: Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and             .       
                       spectroscopic masses 2.43 +/- 0.34, 2.45, and 2.33 Msun, respectively.  Mlk2012 
           STF2777     AB,C: Optical pair, based on study of relative motion of the            .       
                       components using the method of apparent motion parameters.              Kiy2008 
                       AB,C: H 4  37.                                                          MEv2010 
21146-2849 LDS4872     NLTT 50827/50824                                                        Chm2004 
21146-4337 CPO 621     A likely plate flaw.                                                    Grv2021b
21147-0050 A   883     AB: Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and             .       
                       spectroscopic masses 21.20 +/- 18.02, 6.44, 2.19 Msun, respectively.    Mlk2012 
           STF2775     AB,C: Star C (mag. 10.52, 21") is probably physical.                    .       
                       Egbert observed a wide new pair (1879.656, 59.9deg, 99".40, mags 9.0    Egb1879 
                       and 9.5), but listed only a coarse epoch-1880 RA and no other           .       
                       identifier other than his initials. Since his RA matched that of        .       
                       STF2775, the pair was catalogued as STF2775PQ. There appears to be      .       
                       nothing in the field of STF2775 which matches this pair, however, so    .       
                       it has been removed from the WDS.                                       .       
21148+3803 AGC  13     tau Cyg = 65 Cyg.A is a Delta Scuti-type variable.                      .       
                       Spectral types and masses of components assigned by ten Brummelaar et   .       
                       al., based on adaptive optics observations.                             TtB2000 
                       Identification of the ascending node is probable although small         .       
                       variations of non-orbital origin superimpose on the RV. A is a Delta    .       
                       Scuti-type variable. A faint star listed as component F is physical;    .       
                       linear formula given by Heintz.                                         .       
                       See Baize & Petit (1989) catalog of doubles with variable component.    Baz1989d
                       NPOI Limb-darkened diameter    2.169 +/- 0.028 mas,                     .       
                       R =    4.70 (+/- 0.07   )  \rsun,  Teff = 4771 +/-  31 K,               .       
                       L =   10.3 +/-   0.2 \lsun.                                             NOI2023 
                       AC and AB,D: Optical pair, based on study of relative motion of the     .       
                       components using the method of apparent motion parameters.              Kiy2008 
                       AB: The Soderhjelm (1999) orbit predicts a separation of 0.734", but    Sod1999 
                       the magnitude difference (published value 2.7mag) may have been too     .       
                       great.                                                                  Hrt2009 
                       Calculated mass sum is 2.63 +/- 0.12 Msun. There is some indication of  .       
                       a substellar companion orbiting one of the two stars, but this is       .       
                       uncertain. This solution uses only a single Keplerian model.            Mut2010b
                       AC: Rectilinear solution by Hurowitz et al. (2014).                     USN2014b
21148-1713 RST3279     Position angles discordant, no doubt due to the large magnitude         .       
                       difference and closeness of the pair.                                   .       
21148-2555 HJ 3014     Spectrum: A3/5mA5-F3/5.                                                 .       
21149+3037 BRT 287     Also known as J  3225.                                                  .       
21150+1750 BPM2352     [PM2000] 2473568 + [PM2000] 2473840.                                    Gvr2010 
21150-2047 HD 202206   GC 29701. Combined solution, based on reduction of Hipparcos            .       
                       intermediate astrometric data together with spectroscopic elements      .       
                       from the Geneva Extrasolar Planet Search Programs home page.            HaI2001 
                       No comoving objects found within separation/magnitude range listed.     .       
                       However, Chauvin et al. (2006) note finding at least one faint          .       
                       background object.                                                      Cvn2006 
                       HD 202206 is a nearly face-on binary orbitted by a brown dwarf.         .       
                       Benedict & Harrison (2017) determine astrometric solutions for AB and   .       
                       AB,c based on HST Fine Guidance Sensor astrometry and published radial  .       
                       velocities. The resulting period ratio (P_c/P_B = 4.92 +/- 0.01)        .       
                       supports past assertions that the system architecture requires a 5:1    .       
                       mean motion resonance. They derive a parallax 21.96 +/- 0.12mas and     .       
                       masses 0.089 +0.007/-0.006 Msun for B and 17.9 +2.9/-1.8 Mjup for c.    AST2017 
21154-1021 STF2776     B is BD-10@5631.                                                        .       
                       BC: H 1  46.                                                            MEv2010 
21156+7836 STF2796     B is BD+77@812.                                                         .       
                       H 4 103.                                                                MEv2010 
21157+3235 HJ 1628     GYL  50. Goyal identified his pair as BD+31@4102, but his epoch-1900    Gyl1966 
                       coordinates precess to the location of BD+32@4102. No 16" pair is       .       
                       found in the vicinity of BD+31@4102, and AC2000 notes no "plate flaws"  WFC1998 
                       mistaken for stars on the Potsdam plates used to generate Goyal's       .       
                       measure. His value of theta may be reconciled with the position angle   .       
                       of HJ 1628 by assuming he swapped the dx and dy measures between the    .       
                       two Potsdam coordinates.                                                .       
21158+1745 LDS1052     This star possibly has a wide companion at about 9" as noted in e.g.    .       
                       the WDS catalog. It is however single in the separation range covered   .       
                       by the AstraLux data.                                                   Jnn2012 
21158+0515 WRH  35     alp Equ = 8 Equ = Kitalpha                                              .       
                       A measure on 1980.4853 was incorrectly attributed to HR 8131 in         .       
                       McAlister et al. (1983); it actually belongs to ADS 14893.              McA1983 
                       The equinox-1900 coordinates of this star are incorrectly given as      .       
                       21158+0430 in the first speckle catalogue.                              McA1984b
                       P = 98.800 d, adopted from Rosvick & Scarfe (1991); T = 2447592.1 for   Scf1991b
                       combined spectroscopic/astrometric orbit by Armstrong et al. (1992).    MkT1992b
                       Quoted errors in T and omega are +3.6/-10.1d and +14/-37deg,            .       
                       respectively. Errors to Mark III astrometry are given as "error         .       
                       ellipses" ; these values are tabulated below, together with filters     .       
                       used.  Columns include date (BY), major and minor axes of the ellipse   .       
                       (mas), ellipse orientation (deg), filter effective wavelength (nm):     .       
                            1989.4493     1.94     0.081     90.9     800,550,450              .       
                            1989.4628     0.45     0.049    104.5     800,550,450              .       
                            1989.4712     1.23     0.095     90.8     800,550,450              .       
                            1989.4766     3.19     0.16      94.7     800,550,450              .       
                            1989.5177     3.84     0.57      80.6     800,550,450              .       
                            1989.5313     3.69     2.24     114.8     800,550,450              .       
                            1989.6021     2.51     0.48     106.5     800,550,450              .       
                            1989.6050     1.39     0.36      88.9     800,550,450              .       
                            1989.6159     0.99     0.18      88.6     800,550                  .       
                            1989.6349     0.45     0.22      78.1     800,550                  .       
                            1989.6430     1.13     0.22     108.2     800,550,450              .       
                            1989.6540     2.86     0.10      99.4     800,550                  .       
                            1989.7060     2.06     0.24      85.5     800,550,450              .       
                            1989.7854     4.10     1.65      74.4     800,550,450              .       
                            1989.7934     3.04     0.63      75.4     800,550,450              .       
                            1989.7961     1.39     0.38      77.9     800,550,450              .       
                            1989.8373     0.94     0.091     69.9     800,550                  .       
                            1989.8482     0.73     0.085     76.1     800,550,450              .       
                            1990.4840     1.35     0.22     103.7     800,550,500              .       
                            1990.4896     4.72     0.74      93.2     800,550,500              .       
                            1990.5743     0.15     0.042     86.4     800,550,500              .       
                            1990.5770     0.33     0.080     88.8     800,550,500              .       
                            1990.5824     0.26     0.059     94.9     800,550,500              .       
                            1990.6536     0.19     0.041     82.4     800,550,500              .       
                            1990.6616     0.41     0.079     86.3     800,550,500              .       
                            1990.6644     0.29     0.054     85.8     800,550,500              .       
                            1990.6698     0.20     0.050     96.2     800,550,500              .       
                            1990.6727     0.66     0.086     81.4     800,550,500              .       
                            1990.7054     0.34     0.081     81.4     800,550,500              .       
                       Pourbaix gives combined solution for this resolved SB2, yielding        Pbx2000b
                       orbital parallaxes and component masses.                                .       
                       Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and spectroscopic   .       
                       masses of 4.68 +/- 0.20, 5.08, and 3.52 Msun, respectively.             Mlk2012 
                       Mass = 2.20   +/- 0.16  , 1.883   +/- 0.083   \msun for A and B.        HJL2020 
                       orbital parallax = 18.11  +/- 0.24  mas.                                .       
21158-5316 FIN 329     Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and spectroscopic   .       
                       masses of 05.99 +/- 37.68, 3.70, and 1.88 Msun, respectively.           Mlk2012 
                       Docobo & Andrade (2013) derive a dynamical parallax of 8.36 +/- 0.17    .       
                       mas and component masses 2.32 +/- 0.18 and 2.09 +/- 0.16 Msun (for      .       
                       spectral type A2.5V) or 8.74 +/- 0.17 mas, 2.04 +/- 0.15 and 1.82 +/-   .       
                       0.14 Msun (for A6IV). See paper for extensive notes on this system.     Doc2013d
21159+2858 HDS3025     A is also a 52d spectroscopic binary.                                   Tok2019b
21160+1639 BPM2353     [PM2000] 2475843 + [PM2000] 2475787.                                    Gvr2010 
21161+2951 LDS1053     NLTT 50902/50901                                                        Chm2004 
                       Luyten measure flipped around the E/W line: pa 282 -> 258.              Luy1969 
21162+1629 BPM2354     [PM2000] 2476243 + [PM2000] 2476288.                                    Gvr2010 
21163+4414 HIP 105017  Ren & Fu (2013) calculated an astrometric orbit, combining Hipparcos    Ren2013 
                       Intermediate Astrometric Data with spectroscopic elements by            .       
                       Griffin (2000).                                                         Grf2000b
21163-0913 D    24     IW Aqr = 14 Aqr                                                         .       
21165+3959 SEI1484     J 1152.                                                                 .       
21165-3431 BRT1818     A likely plate flaw.                                                    Grv2021b
21167-0739 STF2781     H I 90, BDS 10874 probably same star.                                   .       
                       H 1  90.                                                                MEv2010 
21169+3001 MLB 538     MLB 716 may be same star.                                               Hei1978b
21170+4020 SEI1487     V2486 Cyg, Algol-type eclipsing binary, P = 1.27268 d.                  Zas2011 
21171+4001 A  1441     AB: Rectilinear solution by Rica & Zirm (2012).                         FMR2012i
21172-0414 BU  161     B is BD-04@5403.                                                        .       
21173+5837 BU 1140     A is a spectroscopic triple system, with a period of 5.4d, which may    .       
                       constitute an eclipsing system, and a long period of 225d.              .       
21174+2053 KUI 106     G 145-31. Estimated age 1000-10000 Myr; masses 0.21 +/- 0.08 and 0.15   .       
                       +/- 0.05 Msun; a ~93.9 au.                                              Jnn2014 
21175+7658 LDS1948     HJL 291.                                                                HJL1986 
21175+1221 HJ  279     C is probably BD+11@4531.                                               .       
21176+2556 SLE 380     Soulie (1985) measure in error, apparently due to typo in right         .       
                       ascension of secondary.                                                 Sle1985 
21176+2841 MLB 489     BRT 55 is identical                                                     Hei1983a
21176+1711 BPM2356     [PM2000] 2479523 + [PM2000] 2479772.                                    Gvr2010 
21176+1614 BPM2355     [PM2000] 2479500 + [PM2000] 2479720.                                    Gvr2010 
21177+2449 POU5319     AC appears to be the same pair as POU5320, with a quadrant flip.        .       
21179+3454 STT 433     AB: ups Cyg = 66 Cyg. Burnham refers to a star twice the distance of C  Bu_1906 
                       in 60@. A Variable?                                                     .       
                       BC: Hipparcos acceleration double solution.                             .       
21180-2203 RSS 558     CD-22@15309                                                             .       
21181-2931 LDS 738     A is PMS star and X-ray source.                                         Tok2014d
21182+3035 HO  154     Includes V2150 Cyg, a W UMa type eclipsing binary, P = 0.59186d.        Zas2012 
21182+1807 BPMA253     [PM2000] 2480776 + [PM2000] 2480163.                                    Gvr2010 
21183+4244 HJ 1634     B is BD+42@4052.                                                        .       
                       STF2782.                                                                .       
21184+3943 SEI1497     ALI 1156.                                                               .       
21184+3749 SEI1495     ALI 687. SMA.                                                           .       
21185+4357 TRN  32     68 Cyg = V1809 Cyg.                                                     .       
                       Reports of small radial velocity variability (Alduseva et al. 1982      .       
                       SvAL 8, 386; Hanni & Pelt 1988 Tartu Astrof. Obs. Teated 89, 200;       .       
                       Zeinalov et al. 1987 SvAL 13, 90; Musaev & Snezhko 1988 SvAL 14, 68)    .       
                       probably reflect the presence of line profile variations (Fullerton     Ful1990 
                       1990).                                                                  Msn1998a
21185+1541 BPMA254     [PM2000] 2481450 + [PM2000] 2481288.                                    Gvr2010 
21185+0236 OSO 144     G093-001. Not a common proper motion pair, based on comparison with     .       
                       POSS2 red plates.                                                       Oso2004 
21186+6235 BU 1502     alp Cep = 5 Cep = Alderamin. Variable?                                  .       
                       NPOI Limb-darkened diameter    1.677 +/- 0.007 mas,                     .       
                       R =    2.71 (+/- 0.01   )  \rsun,  Teff = 7151 +/-  15 K,               .       
                       L =   17.3 +/-   0.1 \lsun.                                             NOI2023 
21186+1134 BU  163     A is a double-lined spectroscopic binary, period 4.0d.                  .       
                       1986.395, 1986.565: The separation of this difficult partially          .       
                       resolved pair was calculated under the assumption that delta V = 1.2    .       
                       magnitude, but the large number of measurements makes the result        .       
                       reliable.  The strange character of the observed motion (Tokovinin,     .       
                       1986 Astron. Circ. No. 1415) is confirmed.                              Tok1985 
                       Spectral types and masses of components assigned by ten Brummelaar et   .       
                       al., based on adaptive optics observations.                             TtB2000 
                       Mass-sum in good agreement with the complete speckle/spectroscopic      Fek1997 
                       analysis by Fekel et al. (1997).                                        Sod1999 
                       AB: Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and             .       
                       spectroscopic masses 2.44 +/- 1.33, 2.19, and 1.99 Msun, respectively.  Mlk2012 
21187+1417 J  1785     Heintz believes BRT1351 is identical.                                   Hei1985a
21188+0245 BAL2051     Aka OL  220.                                                            .       
21188-0847 BU 1503     AC (137.4" @ 99deg): C is the galaxy NGC 7051.                          Dam2010 
21190+3945 STT 434     AB: H 4  39.                                                            MEv2010 
21190+2614 MET  92     Metchev & Hillenbrand (2009) find 5 optical companions within 12" and   Met2009 
                       a physical brown dwarf companion at 11.9", 109d, dK=9.58. Estimated     .       
                       mass of B 0.02 Msun.                                                    Tok2014d
21190-6013 R   328     B is CPD-60@7460.                                                       .       
21191+3954 SEI1502     ALI 1157.                                                               .       
21191+1244 BPM2357     [PM2000] 2482869 + [PM2000] 2482944.                                    Gvr2010 
21193+5837 BAG   9     Aa,Ab: This companion could be the blue component of the VV Cep system  .       
                       M1Ib ep + B2V (Cowley, 1969 PASP, 81, 297).                             Bag1984b
21193+1640 BPM2358     [PM2000] 2483419 + [PM2000] 2483504.                                    Gvr2010 
21194+3814 HO  286     Often seen single. Rapid binary, distances small and quadrants          .       
                       uncertain. One component is a Cepheid, V1334 Cyg.                       .       
           CIA   5     Aa,Ab: Gallenne et al. (2013) resolved the primary into an 8,as pair,   .       
                       and derived a combined spectroscopic/interferometric orbit. Spectral    .       
                       type of the companion is earlier than B5.5V.                            CIA2013a
                       Masses are 4.9 and 4.0 Msun. Estimated period = 5.3y,                   .       
                       a = 6.3au = 0.01".                                                      Evs2013 
                       Limb darkened diameter of Cepheid = 0.524 +/- 0.039 mas.                .       
                       Limb darkened diameter of Cepheid = 40.6 +/- 3.0 \rsun.                 .       
                       Mass of A,B = 4.288 +/- 0.133, 4.040 +/- 0.048 \msun.                   .       
                       Mass of secondary = 4.288 +/- 0.133 \msun.                              GaA2018 
                       Mass of A,B = 4.6 +/- 0.7. 3.80 +/- 0.57 /msun.                         Krv2019a
21196+3948 SEI1503     ALI 1158.                                                               .       
21196+1153 BPM2359     [PM2000] 2483964 + [PM2000] 2484103.                                    Gvr2010 
21197+5303 S   786     STTA217. B is BD+52@2911.                                               .       
21198+0026 WAA  50     SLW1237.                                                                .       
21198-2621 BU  271     A is a spectroscopic binary.                                            .       
21199+5841 HLM  39     STI 2565.                                                               .       
21199+3948 SEI1507     ALI 1159.                                                               .       
21199-5327 HJ 5258     the Ind                                                                 .       
           MRN   3     Aa,Ab:  Marion et al. (2014) estimate the companion as A5V. Since       .       
                       Lagrange et al. (2009) have shown the star to have a constant radial    Lgr2009c
                       velocity, the odds for a face-on orbit are high.  Assuming a circular   .       
                       orbit, the period would be ~1.3y.                                       Mrn2014 
21200+5436 SKF1978     Originally listed as SKF 250, a discoverer designation already in use,  .       
                       so DD was changed to next available value.                              .       
21200+3854 SEI1505     ALI 968.                                                                .       
21200-6018 HJ 5256     B is CPD-60@7465. Spectral types F8? F2?                                .       
21203-1048 HU   86     A is an Algol-type binary, RY Aqr.                                      .       
21205+4528 KRV   9     Classical Cepheid V0532 Cyg.                                            .       
21205+1415 BPM2360     [PM2000] 2485989 + [PM2000] 2485929.                                    Gvr2010 
21206+1537 AG  416     B is BD+15@4392.                                                        .       
21208-5302 SHY 340     AC: HIP 105388 + HIP 105404. C component = BS Ind.                      .       
21209+1140 BPM2361     [PM2000] 2486701 + [PM2000] 2486892.                                    Gvr2010 
21209-0136 RST5161     J 1722.                                                                 .       
21209-0302 JNN 130     LP 697-26.                                                              .       
                       2MASS J21205172-0301545 has a companion with brightness and color that  .       
                       is consistent with expectation, but no common proper motion test has    .       
                       yet been done.                                                          Jnn2012 
21210+0217 HEI 408     AB: TDT2913.                                                            .       
                       AC: (273@, 54.5") may be BAL 1586. A close pair reported Walker was     Wak1966 
                       not seen by Heintz.                                                     Hei1987a
21210-5229 CVN  66     BS Ind.                                                                 .       
21212+0001 BAL 931     Baillaud appears to have made an error in reducing 1896 AC data.        Bal1944 
21212-2744 HDS3040     LSC  97.                                                                .       
21213+1724 BPM2362     [PM2000] 2487714 + [PM2000] 2487808.                                    Gvr2010 
21214+1020 A   617     Both spectra are visible.                                               .       
                       For the visual pair West (1976) computed the elements P, T, e, and      Wst1976 
                       longitude of periastron also from the RV's (orbit 3); tentative         .       
                       elements a, i, and the node were added by Heintz in order to have a     .       
                       complete listing in the Fourth Orbit Catalog. Since the components are  .       
                       visually indistinguishable, the quadrant of the ascending node (but     .       
                       not the longitude of periastron) is arbitrary; with the node chosen as  .       
                       listed, the close pair would be the eastern component when the visual   .       
                       pair is at maximum separation.                                          .       
                       The pair was long assumed to have a 12 yr period.                       .       
                       1980.4853  This measure was incorrectly identified with HR 8131 =       .       
                       alp Equ in McAlister et al. (1983).                                     McA1983 
                       The component with the slightly weaker lines is an SB1, P = 2.24 d.     .       
                       (#1297 in Batten et al., 1989).                                         Bte1989 
                       Hipparcos astrometric solution adopted some elements from the orbit of  HIP1997d
                       West & McAlister (1981).                                                Wst1981 
                       Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and spectroscopic   .       
                       masses of 2.60 +/- 0.44, 2.43, and 1.13 Msun, respectively.             Mlk2012 
21214-0310 RUC  14     HV Aqr. Spectral type of resolved companion estimated at K2-3V.         Ruc2007 
21214-1219 HJ  280     B is BD-12@5971.                                                        .       
21214-6655 HJ 5255     A 4.6d spectroscopic solution for the A component has been found        Tok2018d
                       making this a triple system, quadruple is Ba,Bb is physical.            .       
21215+1122 BPM2363     [PM2000] 2487987 + [PM2000] 2487954.                                    Gvr2010 
21216-1825 ARA 502     aka J  1405. Jonckheere gives the location as "+40s, -1' de la          Skf2009 
                       BD-19 6082".  If you take a sign error in the RA offset (i.e. 40s west  .       
                       of the BD star rather than east), you land dead on WDS 21216-1825 =     .       
                       ARA 502 with which it matches.                                          .       
21217+1731 BPM2364     [PM2000] 2488508 + [PM2000] 2488731.                                    Gvr2010 
21218+3230 HLM  40     Also appears to be POP1232CD which is not related to 21208+3227.        .       
                       WDS position of HLM  40 far off and is corrected here.                  .       
21218+0202 STF2787     B is BD+01@4465a.                                                       .       
21220+2727 OSO 145     G187-040. Not a common proper motion pair, based on color and           .       
                       comparison with POSS2 red plates.                                       Oso2004 
21220-2224 HJ 5265     CD-22@15347.                                                            .       
21221+1948 STFB 11     1 Peg. STTA218. B is a spectroscopic binary, P = 1111d, and is          .       
                       BD+19@4690. Spectrum K0V.                                               .       
                       Mk III Limb-darkened diameter  4.7   +/- 0.4   mas.                     MkT1989 
                       NPOI Limb-darkened diameter 2.315 +/- 0.023 mas, Sp = K1III,            NOI2018 
                       R = 11.89 +/- 0.15 \rsun, Teff = 4725 +/- 64 K, L = 63.5 +/- 3.3 \lsun, .       
                       M = 1.60 +/- 0.18 \msun, Age = 2.04 +/- 0.54 Gyr.                       .       
                       AB: H 5  20.                                                            MEv2010 
21222+1725 BPM2365     [PM2000] 2489519 + [PM2000] 2489474.                                    Gvr2010 
21223+5734 POP1233     AC: HJL1107.                                                            HJL1986 
21223+1111 BRT1355     J 2577.                                                                 .       
21223-1455 BU 1262     H N 139.                                                                .       
21224+5218 ES 2708     B is BD+51@3051.                                                        .       
21225+1207 BPM2366     [PM2000] 2490242 + [PM2000] 2490400.                                    Gvr2010 
21226-5547 HU 1536     A is SB, no orbit. No acceleration in the HIP1, only HIP2.              Tok2014d
21227+2737 LSC 130     35 Vul.                                                                 .       
21227+1101 BPM2367     [PM2000] 2490630 + [PM2000] 2490551.                                    Gvr2010 
21229+2639 BRT3366     Originally published as BRT 224.                                        Brt1928 
21229+0649 HJ 3023     bet Equ = 10 Equ. A is a spectroscopic binary.                          .       
21229+0644 ALD  76     BRT 2191.                                                               .       
21231+4831 HDS3045     Primary is V2154 Cyg, an Algol-type eclipsing binary, period 2.63064d.  Zas2011 
21232-8703 I   337     Combined solution.                                                      Tok2018d
21234+1543 BPM2368     [PM2000] 2492166 + [PM2000] 2491909.                                    Gvr2010 
21236+1030 BRT1356     J 1787.                                                                 .       
21237+0422 STF2791     J  1244.                                                                J__1962a
21238+3721 STFA 55     B is BD+36@4537.                                                        .       
                       Toyota et al. (2009) monitored the RV of the A component every 1-2      .       
                       months between 2003 Mar - 2007 Nov, using a high-dispersion echelle     .       
                       (precision ~10 m/s). The star shows a large RV variation; a Keplerian   .       
                       fit gives a period of 863.8d and an eccentricity of 0.20, which may be  .       
                       induced by a companion of mass ~8.1 Mjup, by stellar rotation or by     .       
                       non-radial pulsation.                                                   Toy2009 
21238-0635 S   788     B is BD-07@5550.                                                        .       
                       Optical pair, based on study of relative motion of the components       .       
                       using the method of apparent motion parameters.                         Kiy2008 
21241+2519 BU  447     A is a spectroscopic binary.                                            .       
21242+1504 BPM2369     [PM2000] 2493806 + [PM2000] 2493594.                                    Gvr2010 
21242-1253 HJ 5517     18 Aqr.                                                                 .       
21244+1425 BPM2370     [PM2000] 2494287 + [PM2000] 2494124.                                    Gvr2010 
21244-1248 BU  272     BRT2783.                                                                Brt1947 
21244-4100 BU  766     the 2 Mic                                                               .       
21247-6814 GC 29928    Hipparcos astrometric solution assumes circular orbit (e = omega = 0).  HIP1997d
21249+4919 ES 2710     Spectral type B9pSi:Cr:Sr:. Variable, V1934 Cyg.                        .       
21250-5004 BRT1118     A likely plate flaw.                                                    Grv2021b
21251+1740 BPM2371     [PM2000] 2495561 + [PM2000] 2495394.                                    Gvr2010 
21251+0923 STF2793     AB,C: According to Le Beau, this pair is physical.                      LBu1990c
21251+0157 BAL1588     Secondary not visible in Aladin; probably plate flaw or typographical   .       
                       error in AC Catalog.                                                    .       
21252+1742 BPM2372     [PM2000] 2495861 + [PM2000] 2495959.                                    Gvr2010 
21254+1428 BPM2373     [PM2000] 2496287 + [PM2000] 2496260.                                    Gvr2010 
21254+1121 A   887     AB: Closed in in the last 30 years. Needs speckle.                      .       
                       AC: Based on inspection of the field, the Aitken measure apparently     A__1932a
                       had a typographical error in theta - 112.4 should be 312.4.             .       
                       AB: Rectilinear solution by Rica & Zirm (2012).                         FMR2012i
21255+0203 A  2289     Little observed in recent years despite considerable orbital motion.    .       
21257+1140 BPM2374     [PM2000] 2496973 + [PM2000] 2497086.                                    Gvr2010 
21258+3640 S   790     69 Cyg.                                                                 .       
                       AC: H 5  44.                                                            MEv2010 
21258+3329 GYL  56     Hipparcos stochastic double solution.                                   .       
21260+4144 BLL  54     B is BD+41@4133.                                                        .       
21264-2025 HWE  56     AC = HDO 165                                                            .       
21265+5245 BU  369     There is a 14th mag star a little farther than the companion measured,  .       
                       in the direction 336deg.                                                Bu_1894 
21266+1611 BPM2375     [PM2000] 2498708 + [PM2000] 2498833.                                    Gvr2010 
21266-4604 HJ 5267     AD = LDS 742.                                                           .       
                       A: Unresolved. Variable RV. The companion HJ 5267 at 5" is listed in    .       
                       the WDS with one measurement and is not seen here. It should be         .       
                       considered spurious.                                                    Tok2013b
                       AB: A is SB, no orbit. AB unresolved  with NICI in Tokovinin et al.     Tok2012a
                       (2012), the companion at 5" is not seen.                                Tok2014d
21267+1341 STF2797     B is a Beta Lyrae-type system. A is the variable KP Peg.                .       
21267+0527 OSO 146     G025-029. Neither is a common proper motion pair, based on color or     .       
                       comparison with POSS2 red plates                                        Oso2004 
21267-2225 SEE 446     zet Cap = 34 Cap. CD-22@15388. A is a spectroscopic binary.             .       
21268+3732 COU1821     TDT2972.                                                                .       
21270+7339 ZUC  15     Primary is white dwarf WD 2126+734 = GJ 828.5 = G261-43. The companion  .       
                       appears to also be a white dwarf, of temperature ~5000K.                Zuc1997 
21271+3402 ES 2262     Aka TDS1129.                                                            Dam2016d
21271+2405 POU5372     Aka COU 133.                                                            Dam2013 
21271-6239 CTI9698     V400 Pav.                                                               .       
21272+1408 BPM2376     [PM2000] 2499912 + [PM2000] 2499781.                                    Gvr2010 
21274-0701 HDS3053     Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and spectroscopic   .       
                       masses of 2.27 +/- 1.37, 2.18, and 2.01 Msun, respectively.             Mlk2012 
                       Combined solution.                                                      Tok2018d
21278+6659 DCH 115     7 Cep.                                                                  .       
21278+3715 SEI1518     ALI 442.                                                                .       
21281-4427 CPO 622     CPD-44@10026.                                                           .       
21282+1440 BPM2377     [PM2000] 2501916 + [PM2000] 2502158.                                    Gvr2010 
21282-1906 HJ 3029     Primary is eclipsing binary of W UMa -type, period 0.4733 d.            Zas2012 
21282-2144 EGN  26     Single epoch; bound/unbound nature of pair unknown.                     Egn2007 
21282-5510 R   331     CPD-55@9593.                                                            .       
21285+3636 ES 2127     ALI 443.                                                                .       
21285-0210 BRT 516     BAL 265.                                                                .       
21285-1751 LDS 744     NLTT 51319/51320                                                        Chm2004 
21287+7034 LAB   6     Aa,Ab: bet Cep = 8 Cep = Alfirk. The third component was discovered     .       
                       recently by speckle interferometry.                                     .       
                       1971.48: Estimated delta m ~ 3 - 4.  Attempts by Couteau (1973 private  .       
                       communication) to observe the companion visually were unsuccessful,     .       
                       supporting this large magnitude difference. Some anisotropic features   .       
                       in the Fourier transform may indicate other companions or               .       
                       circumstellar matter.                                                   Lab1974 
                       1975.545, 1975.956: This is the primary of the system bet Cep and is    .       
                       believed to be a binary of period ~50 yr. There is also evidence of     .       
                       radial velocity variations. Labeyrie et al (1974) noted anisotropic     Lab1974 
                       features in the power spectrum which might indicate other companions,   .       
                       but such features were not observed in the power spectrum derived from  .       
                       these observations.                                                     BLM1978 
                       Aa,Ab: Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and          .       
                       spectroscopic masses 9.98 +/- 3.28, 12.04, 12.02 Msun, respectively.    Mlk2012 
                       Uniform disk diameter  0.274 +/- 0.016 mas,                             .       
                       Limb darkened diameter 0.280 +/- 0.016 mas,                             .       
                       Teff = 29500 +/- 2500 K based on LDD.                                   .       
                       Radius is 7.22 +/- 0.42 \rsun.                                          CIA2019a
           STF2806     AB: H 3   6.                                                            MEv2010 
                       AB: Additional notes may be found in Dembowski (1883).                  D__1883 
21287+1627 BPM2378     [PM2000] 2502826 + [PM2000] 2502886.                                    Gvr2010 
21288+6537 OSO 147     G264-006. None is a common proper motion pair, based on comparison      .       
                       with POSS2 red plates.                                                  Oso2004 
21289+1105 STF2799     STF2911.                                                                .       
21290+5844 HDS3058     Aa,Ab: Classification is from Garmany & Stencel (1992 A&AS 94, 211).    HIP1997a
                       The Hipparcos results confirm the CHR 211Aa,Ab pair.                    Msn1998a
                       1994.7001: Very weak detection, possibly an artifact.                   Msn1999b
21290+2211 HJ 1647     AC: Rectilinear solution by Hurowitz et al. (2014).                     USN2014b
21291+3102 BRT 288     ES 2441 is identical                                                    Hei1983a
21291+1211 BAR  56     G126-002. See Allen et al. (2000) for information on metallicity,       AlC2000 
                       age, galactic orbital parameters, etc.                                  .       
                       AC: Additional notes may be found in van den Bos (1963).                B__1963a
21293+1611 BPM2379     [PM2000] 2503886 + [PM2000] 2504152.                                    Gvr2010 
21295+3728 SEI1519     ALI 692.                                                                .       
21296+1340 BPM2380     [PM2000] 2504557 + [PM2000] 2504574.                                    Gvr2010 
21297-6016 R   332     CD-60@7720.                                                             .       
21299+5256 STF2803     B is BD+52@2951.                                                        .       
21299+2338 BU  685     2 Peg.                                                                  .       
                       Mk III Limb-darkened diameter  4.521 +/- 0.047 mas.                     MkT2003 
21299-0220 JNN 131     The close companion to 2MASS J21295166-0220070 has consistent           .       
                       brightness and color with the expectation for a physical companion.     .       
                       Only one epoch of images exists, hence common proper motion has yet to  .       
                       be confirmed.                                                           Jnn2012 
21301+1629 BPM2381     [PM2000] 2505701 + [PM2000] 2505863.                                    Gvr2010 
21301+1514 J   198     The 1958 Van Biesbroeck measure is inconsistent with other measures.    VBs1960 
21303-7200 HEI 595     TDT3001.                                                                .       
21304+1508 BPM2382     [PM2000] 2506419 + [PM2000] 2506318.                                    Gvr2010 
21305+3701 SEI1521     J  1155.                                                                .       
21305-0707 LDS6355     Wolf 921                                                                .       
21306+4852 OSO 148     G232-018. Neither is a common proper motion pair, based on comparison   .       
                       with POSS2 red plates.                                                  Oso2004 
21306+1140 BPM2383     [PM2000] 2506817 + [PM2000] 2506871.                                    Gvr2010 
21308+4827 A   770     Also a spectroscopic binary of indeterminate period.                    Tok2019b
                       Espin calls this HJ 1657, BDS 11057.                                    Es_1932B
21308-2204 OL   76     CD-22@15423.                                                            .       
21309+1427 BPM2384     [PM2000] 2507331 + [PM2000] 2507309.                                    Gvr2010 
21310-4822 HJ 5273     LDS 746.                                                                .       
21312+8652 STF2858     LDS1957.                                                                .       
                       HJL 297.                                                                HJL1986 
21313-0947 BLA   9     Wolf 922. Proper motion +1170 -060.                                     .       
                       Combined solution by Segransan et al. (2000) from astrometry,           Sgr2000 
                       spectroscopy, and parallax. Solution yields mass and orbital parallax   .       
                       determination.                                                          .       
                       Possible tertiary companion mentioned in Henry et al. (1999) is here    Hen1999 
                       retracted.                                                              TSN2015 
21314+1414 BPM2386     [PM2000] 2508247 + [PM2000] 2508486.                                    Gvr2010 
21314+1302 BPM2385     [PM2000] 2508225 + [PM2000] 2508285.                                    Gvr2010 
21314-2217 HJ 3030     CD-22@15433.                                                            .       
21315+1744 BPM2387     [PM2000] 2508419 + [PM2000] 2508303.                                    Gvr2010 
21316-0534 H 5  76     H V 76. bet Aqr = 22 Aqr = Sadalsuud                                    .       
                       Common proper motion pair with 22058-0019 = alp Aqr.                    Skf2013 
21317-1330 SCJ  29     B is BD-14@6050.                                                        .       
21318-0155 LDS6356     G026-008. See Allen et al. (2000) for information on metallicity,       AlC2000 
                       age, galactic orbital parameters, etc.                                  .       
                       NLTT 51459/51458                                                        Chm2004 
21318-4701 RST3287     Not in Michigan Pub. Vol. XI.                                           .       
21319+7034 H 5  28     H V 28.                                                                 .       
21321+1740 BPM2388     [PM2000] 2509576 + [PM2000] 2509430.                                    Gvr2010 
21322+3341 ES 2383     Identical with ES 2384                                                  Hei1995 
21322+1731 BPM2389     [PM2000] 2509800 + [PM2000] 2509636.                                    Gvr2010 
21322+1342 SIG   6     2MASS J21321145+1341584.                                                .       
                       Derived spectral types L5 +/- 0.5 and L7.5 +/- 0.5, luminosities 6.3    .       
                       +/- 1.9 and 3.0 +/- 1.0 (units 10-5 Lsun). Distance 28 +/- 4 pc         Sig2007 
21322+0013 KUI 107     LDS 749. Red and white dwarfs. The primary is a double-lined            .       
                       spectroscopic binary, P = 3.76d. G026-009.  Known proper motion         .       
                       companion (G026-010, V=14.58) at 2.2' and PA=29 deg. According to       AlC2000 
                       Allen et al., there is a brighter companion at 0.7"                     Oso2004 
21322-3357 B  1009     6 PsA.                                                                  .       
21324+1553 BPM2390     [PM2000] 2510128 + [PM2000] 2510260.                                    Gvr2010 
21324+1054 LDS4894     aka KPP3371.                                                            .       
21324-2058 LDS6354     CPD-21@7952.  Also known as RSS 562.                                    .       
                       NLTT 51476/51475                                                        Chm2004 
                       SHY 342. Bayesian analysis by Shaya & Olling (2011) indicates very      Shy2011 
                       high (near 100%) probability pair is physical.                          .       
21325+4436 POP 136     BC: The BC component of this group is the small planetary nebula        Skf2009 
                       IC 5117 = HD 205211.                                                    .       
21325-2631 RST1093     Spectral type M?                                                        .       
21326+1121 J  1788     Not found by Heintz at IDS position.                                    Hei1990b
21327+3948 HO  604     Variable of unknown class.                                              .       
21329+4959 CHR 102     A spectroscopic binary.                                                 .       
                       Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and spectroscopic   .       
                       masses of 6.12 +/- 1.01, 5.92, and 2.24 Msun, respectively.             Mlk2012 
21330+2408 OSO 149     G126-008. Neither AB nor AC is a common proper motion pair, based       .       
                       on color and comparison with POSS2 red plates                           Oso2004 
21330+2043 STF2804     Mt. Wilson spectral types F5s and F8.                                   .       
21331+7059 MLB 367     Not found by Heintz at IDS position.                                    Hei1987a
21331+3938 MLB 899     As ascertained by Skiff, the MLB 899 pair is actual the "hourglass-     Skf2007 
                       shaped" double planetary nebula first noted by Humason.                 Hum1921 
21332+6410 MLB 223     Aka TDT3027.                                                            .       
21334+3058 KU  132     AB: HJL 292.                                                            HJL1986 
21337+1554 BPM2391     [PM2000] 2512487 + [PM2000] 2512392.                                    Gvr2010 
21338+0147 BLZ   1     LDS5247.                                                                .       
21339+5045 HDS3070     Includes V2165 Cyg, an Algol-type eclipsing binary, P = 1.962385d.      Zas2012 
21339+1625 BPM2392     [PM2000] 2512801 + [PM2000] 2512746.                                    Gvr2010 
21341+0651 REE   1     PG 2131+066 = IR Peg. White dwarf plus early M main-sequence star.      .       
                       Distance estimated from photometry and seismology as 632 +150/-111 pc.  Ree2000 
21342-0327 BU  165     HDO 166. Included in list of new doubles (discovery date 1868.62) by    .       
                       Pei1882; no description given.                                          .       
21344+6644 STFA 57     B is BD+66@1416.                                                        .       
21344+5349 GIC 167     G232-020/G232-021.                                                      .       
21344+1816 BPM2393     [PM2000] 2513723 + [PM2000] 2513818.                                    Gvr2010 
21345+0930 STF3112     HJL 293. STT 528.                                                       HJL1986 
21346+1551 BPM2394     [PM2000] 2514076 + [PM2000] 2514061.                                    Gvr2010 
21348+3304 GYL  61     Goyal's coordinates match this pair, but his original measure does      Gyl1966 
                       not match anything in the field. Perhaps 182deg was erroneously         .       
                       written as 82deg before a quadrant flip?                                .       
21348+3204 LSL   1     Some component designations corrected or changed Dec 2004:              .       
                       Aa pair --> AD                                                          .       
                       Ab pair --> BF                                                          .       
                       CD pair --> CG                                                          .       
                       Also 11" companion noted in BDS added as AE pair.                       Bu_1906 
21349-4948 HIP 106560  Unresolved. Astrometric and SB with high proper motion and low          .       
                       metallicity.                                                            Tok2013b
21351+1433 BPM2395     [PM2000] 2514918 + [PM2000] 2514984.                                    Gvr2010 
21352+4634 LDS4898     aka RAO 463.                                                            .       
21352-3033 HJ 5280     Spectral type M?                                                        .       
21353+4612 TOR  28     Formerly known as PAN  25.                                              .       
21353+2812 CHR 103     A spectroscopic binary, P = 12.2d. Hence triple.                        .       
                       This system, first announced by McAlister and recalled in a later       McA1984b
                       McAlister paper after repeated attempts at confirmation, has been       McA1993 
                       restored. While perhaps still spurious, the subsequent confirmation or  .       
                       suspected duplicity (by another technique) makes the discovery          .       
                       measurement somewhat more probable.                                     .       
21354+3837 ES 1995     Not found by Heintz.                                                    Hei1995 
21354-5523 HJ 5276     CD-55@8863.                                                             .       
21355+2427 HU  371     Possibly triple; Dominion Astrophysical Observatory spectra showed      .       
                       a double spectrum.                                                      .       
                       Only elements P and T have been amended by Starikova (1977) from the    Sta1977a
                       orbit of Baize (1961).                                                  Baz1961a
                       Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and spectroscopic   .       
                       masses of 4.87 +/- 3.02, 6.02, and 2.00 Msun, respectively.             Mlk2012 
21355-1846 I   380     HU  965.                                                                .       
21356+1731 BPM2398     [PM2000] 2515757 + [PM2000] 2515954.                                    Gvr2010 
21356+1448 BPM2396     AB: [PM2000] 2515709 + [PM2000] 2515636.                                Gvr2010 
           BPM2397     BC: [PM2000] 2515636 + [PM2000] 2515401.                                Gvr2010 
21359+2622 HJ 1661     B is BD+25@4575a.                                                       .       
21359+1723 BPM2399     [PM2000] 2516368 + [PM2000] 2516253.                                    Gvr2010 
21359+0041 HJ 3039     AB: HJL 294.                                                            HJL1986 
21360+5728 STF2813     Also known as HJ 1672.                                                  .       
21363+2917 BRT  56     MLB 490 is identical                                                    Hei1980a
21365+1511 BPM2400     [PM2000] 2517297 + [PM2000] 2517260.                                    Gvr2010 
21366+3928 VYS  10     AC+39 60670. VYS 836.                                                   .       
21369+4025 74 Cyg      Hipparcos astrometric solution assumes circular orbit (e = omega = 0).  HIP1997d
21369-0841 JNN 132     Due to the small separation (~0.24") of the companion detected in the   .       
                       AstraLux images, physical companionship is very likely, although only   .       
                       one epoch of images exists so far.                                      Jnn2012 
21370-0617 RST4696     J 3302.                                                                 .       
21370-3553 CBL 184     SHY 798. Bayesian analysis by Shaya & Olling (2011) indicates very      Shy2011 
                       high (near 100%) probability pair is physical.                          .       
21371-1928 H 6   6     H VI 6. eps Cap = 39 Cap. A is a Cepheid and shell star. It is also an  .       
                       occultation double. B is BD-20@6253.                                    .       
21372+2511 POU5436     Aka POU5432.                                                            .       
21373+5900 HJ 1677     Same as BDS 11149.                                                      .       
                       KR   54.                                                                .       
21374-6811 DON1012     Spectrum: G5/8(V)+(F).                                                  .       
21375-1618 HJ 5284     B is BD-16@5898.                                                        .       
21376+0643 STT 443     H 2  62.                                                                MEv2010 
21376+0137 JNN 291     2MASS J21374019+0137137. This newly discovered binary candidate is a    .       
                       probable member of the bet Pic moving group according to the Schlieder  .       
                       et al. (2012 AJ 144, 109) study. Its relatively small projected         .       
                       separation of ∼4.5 au implies that its orbit could be dynamically       .     
                       constrained in a reasonable timeframe, which makes it a potential       .       
                       benchmark binary in the future. Estimated age 10-20 Myr; masses 0.11    .       
                       +/- 0.04 and 0.05 +/- 0.02 Msun; a ~5.2 au.                             Jnn2014 
21376-0023 STF2809     H 4  38.                                                                MEv2010 
           FYM9001AC   Designated by author as FYM 184, homever 00345+5513CD and DE also       FyM2014 
                       designated by author as FYM 184. Redesignated.                          FyM2014c
21376-0744 HJ 1662     LDS 750.                                                                .       
21376-2026 YSC 119     BQ Cap. Primary is Beta Lyr type eclipsing binary, period 1.47409d.     Zas2017b
21377+0637 STFA 56     3 Peg. STTA219. A is an occultation double. B is BD+05@4829.            .       
                       AB: HJL 295.                                                            HJL1986 
                       AB: H 5  98.                                                            MEv2010 
21378-0751 MCA  68     xi Aqr = 23 Aqr. A long-period spectroscopic binary now resolved by     .       
                       speckle interferometry. Also an occultation pair.                       .       
                       This object was misidentified as HR 8265                                McA1978c
           xi Aqr      Gontcharov & Kiyaeva (2002) photocentric (astrometric) orbit is based   Gon2002a
                       on a combination of ground-based catalogs with Hipparcos.               .       
21379+2743 MLB1093     AB: COU 13.                                                             .       
           HDS3080     Aa,Ab: CC 1299                                                          .       
                       Marginal detection of 14th mag secondary, but mass-sum too large and    .       
                       more GB obs needed to define orbit. (HIP solution is slit-error).       Sod1999 
                       McCarthy (1983) says he resolved this pair using IR speckle             Mcy1983 
                       interferometry at 2.2 and 3.4 microns, but does not include any values  .       
                       for rho or theta.                                                       .       
21380+4829 ES  102     Includes V2169 Cyg, a Beta Lyr type eclipsing binary, P = 1.23372d.     Zas2012 
21381+4616 TOR  29     Formerly known as PAN  26.                                              .       
21382-8435 TDT3070     This may be the lost pair R   334 with an unusually large error by      Dam2013 
                       Russell.                                                                .       
21384+5658 LEE   1     AB: Classification is from Garmany & Stencel (1992 A&AS 94, 211).       Msn1998a
21384+2953 MLB 491     BRT 289.                                                                Brt1929b
21385+0546 HJ  941     4 Peg.                                                                  .       
21387+2530 CHR 104     This system, first announced by McAlister and recalled in a later       McA1984b
                       McAlister paper after repeated attempts at confirmation, has been       McA1993 
                       restored. While perhaps still spurious, the subsequent confirmation or  .       
                       suspected duplicity (by another technique) makes the discovery          .       
                       measurement somewhat more probable.                                     .       
21388-0121 BAL 624     J 3278.                                                                 .       
21390+5729 BU 1143     The classification and orbit of the primary are from Burkholder et al.  .       
           STF2816     (1997 ApJ 490, 328).  Stickland (1995) found that the spectral line     Stc1995 
           GUI  36     variations result from one close binary (with weak secondary lines)     .       
           FLE   3     and a stationary component, a conclusion later confirmed by Burkholder  .       
                       et al.  The speckle resolution of the system (CHR 212Aa,Ab) clearly     .       
                       supports the view that this is an SB2 plus a distant O star companion.  .       
                       The C and D components were also observed and appeared to be single.    Msn1998a
                       Classifications of the C and D components are from Hoffleit & Warren    .       
                       (1991).                                                                 Hof1991 
           STF2816     AC: H 3  71.                                                            MEv2010 
21391+4421 HJ 1673     Also known as HJ 1679 and TDT3082.                                      Dam2010 
21391-1221 VBS  34     RST 5555. A difficult pair. For AB,C see note by van den Bos.           B__1960b
21392+4311 GIC 168     G212-052/G212-051.                                                      .       
21393+6017 OSO 150     G231-052. Not a common proper motion pair, based on comparison with     .       
                       POSS2 red plates.                                                       Oso2004 
21393+2043 STT 445     One component may be variable.                                          .       
21395+4144 STT 447     AC and AE identified with H 3 110a and H 3 110b. BDS 11145.             Bu_1906 
           ABH 148     AG was incorrectly identified as the EG pair.                           .       
21395+3009 A   772     Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and spectroscopic   .       
                       masses of 3.37 +/- 2.56, 3.29, and 1.82 Msun, respectively.             Mlk2012 
21395-0003 BU 1212     24 Aqr.                                                                 .       
                       One component is SB; the RV range in the combined light is 45 km/s.     .       
                       Branham (2005) uses this system illustrate a method for calculating     Bnh2005 
                       orbital elements. His elements are not included in the catalog, as      .       
                       he considers them only an example.                                      .       
                       Combined spectroscopic/visual solution by Branham (2007). Additional    Bnh2007 
                       elements: V0 = -13.339 +/- 0.010 km/sec, K1 = -6.921 +/- 0.022 km/sec,  .       
                       K2 = -9.061 +/- 0.020 km/sec, parallax = 0".014 +/- 0".008,             .       
                       fractional mass = 0.433 +/- 0.002.                                      .       
                       AB,C: Optical pair, based on study of relative motion of the            .       
                       components using the method of apparent motion parameters.              Kiy2008 
                       AB,C: Rectilinear solution by Hurowitz et al. (2014).                   USN2014b
21395-1913 HJ 3043     B is BD-19@6143.                                                        .       
21396+4712 HJ 1676     Magnitude of A is from Tycho Catalog; magnitude of B is from the Guide  .       
                       Star Catalog, but Romero previously calibrated GSC magnitude to         FMR1999g
                       standard photometry.                                                    .       
21396+0215 BUP 229     25 Aqr.                                                                 .       
21399+2737 HDS3083     Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and spectroscopic   .       
                       masses of 0.92 +/- 0.21, 0.86, and 0.75 Msun, respectively.             Mlk2012 
21399+0623 OSO 151     G093-027. AB comprise a common proper motion pair, but AC do not.       .       
                       According to Carney et al., AB is a visual binary, but nothing is       Crn1994 
                       found in either SIMBAD or the archives.                                 Oso2004 
21399-0842 RST4091     J 1407.                                                                 .       
21400+5407 GIC 169     Ross 200                                                                .       
21400+0911 CHR 105     Lacy & Popper (1984) discovered a previously unknown companion to the   Ppp1984 
                       eclipsing binary EE Peg through its effects on radial velocity and      .       
                       times of primary eclipse.  Their third component, with a period of      .       
                       1464 days and a mass ratio of roughly 5 - 12, would be expected to      .       
                       exhibit a separation from the primary of ~0".03. It thus seems likely   .       
                       that the object listed here is yet another long-period member of this   .       
                       system.                                                                 .       
21401+2632 BRT3367     Originally published as BRT 226.                                        Brt1928 
21401-1640 gam Cap     Hipparcos astrometric solution assumes circular orbit (e = omega = 0).  HIP1997d
                       = Nashira                                                               .       
21401-1757 LDS6357     NLTT 51781/51782                                                        Chm2004 
21402+4316 AC   20     A: 75 Cyg                                                               .       
21402+3703 SEI1531     J 1146.                                                                 .       
21404+5735 STF2819     HJL 296.                                                                HJL1986 
                       H 3  72.                                                                MEv2010 
21405+1625 CLO   2     2MASSW J2140293+162518                                                  .       
                       Aa,Ab: Konopacky et al. (2010) derive a distance of 25 +/- 10 pc and a  .       
                       system mass of 0.10 +/- 0.08 Msun.                                      Kon2010 
           ALP  26     Physical companionship to this ultracool dwarf ruled out based on I-J   .       
                       color, using I-band photometry taken at WIYN in August 2002.            AlP2007 
21406+5419 ES   35     A is the semiregular variable RU Cyg.                                   .       
21412-0729 OSO 152     G026-022. Not a common proper motion pair                               Oso2004 
21414+1245 BPM2401     [PM2000] 2525223 + [PM2000] 2525353.                                    Gvr2010 
21415+8555 TDT3110     See note for 21452+8554 A   775.                                        .       
21415+5035 COU2444     COU2547.                                                                .       
21415+3817 SEI1532     Neither component seen on POSS plate; may be flaws on AC Potsdam plate  .       
                       A likely plate flaw.                                                    Grv2021b
21415-7723 BLM   6     Astrometric orbit by Alden (1939) used P, T, e taken from the           Ald1939b
                       spectroscopic orbit by Colacevich (1935). Not reinvestigated since.     Cla1935 
                       Speckle companion not real.                                             .       
                       nu Oct.                                                                 .       
21416+4048 S   796     76 Cyg. A is a spectroscopic binary. B is BD+40@4610.                   .       
                       AB: H 5  43.                                                            MEv2010 
21417+1735 OSO 153     G126-024. Not a common proper motion pair, based on color and           .       
                       comparison with POSS2 red plates.                                       Oso2004 
21417+0625 HU  278     Purported FYM 56AD pair removed on request of author.                   FyM2014b
21417-0036 J  1409     BAL 625.                                                                .       
21418+1151 BPM2402     [PM2000] 2525829 + [PM2000] 2525828.                                    Gvr2010 
21418+0145 HJ 3049     Rectilinear solution by Hurowitz et al. (2014).                         USN2014b
21420+1856 LBU   2     Aa,Ab: A 1999 measure of 21426+1900 HO  165 by Mason et al. was         WSI2000b
                       erroneously listed under this pair.                                             
           STF2818     Lewis measure erroneously listed as 21426+1900L    50AC, companion      L__1899a
                       to HO  165.                                                             .       
21420-2316 SEE 454     41 Cap.                                                                 .       
21421+3602 ALI 220     No star at AC2000 position of companion - possible plate flaw or        .       
                       reduction error.                                                        .       
21421+1328 LDS4904     LDS4855.                                                                .       
                       NLTT 51877/51874                                                        Chm2004 
21422+3100 OSO 154     G188-020. None is a common proper motion pair, based on comparison      .       
                       with POSS2 red plates.                                                  Oso2004 
21422+3008 MLB 575     Heintz described MLB's                                                  Hei1985a
                       confused description.                                                   Mlb1929 
21422-1221 J  1410     BRT 2784.                                                               .       
21423+0555 HU  280     Distance in measure given by ADS for 1908.2 (6n, Bry) needs correction. .       
                       It represents two annual means: 0.18" in 1907 and 0.30" in 1908; the    .       
                       latter includes values 0.52", 0.19", 0.18", the first of which must be  .       
                       rejected, the observer having even noted in addition "not separated".   .       
                       The same kind of error exists for some other objects on the same night  .       
                       (BU 151 and HU 371, for example).                                       Mlr1954a
                       Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and spectroscopic   .       
                       masses of 2.51 +/- 1.89, 3.75, and 1.82 Msun, respectively.             Mlk2012 
21424+4105 KUI 108     77 Cyg.                                                                 .       
                       One component is an SB1, P = 1.73 d.                                    .       
                       The system may be physically related to 21426+4103BU 688 according to   Egg1965b
                       Eggen, and thus quintuple.                                              .       
21424+1750 HU  373     BU  691.  The two single star detections of Couteau and van den Bos     .       
                       may be of the incorrectly identified primary, BD+17 4629.               .       
21425+1526 BPM2403     [PM2000] 2526981 + [PM2000] 2527063.                                    Gvr2010 
21425-3756 HJ 5288     B is CD-38@14687.                                                       .       
21426+4103 BU  688     See KUI 108 note (21424+4105).                                          .       
                       Only elements P and T have been amended by Starikova (1984) from the    Sta1984 
                       orbit of Baize (1981).                                                  Baz1981a
                       AB: Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and             .       
                       spectroscopic masses 8.73 +/- 5.21, 3.07, and 1.35 Msun, respectively.  Mlk2012 
21426+1900 HO  165     An 1899 measure by Lewis was erroneously listed as the AC components    L__1899a
                       under the designation L    50. It actually was a measure of STF2818.    .       
                       A 1999 measure by Mason et al. was erroneously listed under the pair    WSI2000b
                       21420+1856LBU   2Aa,Ab, the A component of STF2818.                     .       
21429+2152 HJ 1683     AC: Rectilinear solution by Hurowitz et al. (2014).                     USN2014b
21429+1537 BPM2404     [PM2000] 2527540 + [PM2000] 2527452.                                    Gvr2010 
21430-2025 SEE 456     HU  967.                                                                .       
21431+1338 HJ 1682     Rectilinear solution by Hurowitz et al. (2014).                         USN2014b
21432+3801 BLL  55     A is the semiregular variable RV Cyg.                                   .       
21434+3817 S   799     79 Cyg.                                                                 .       
                       AB: H 6  57.                                                            MEv2010 
21434+1432 BPM2405     [PM2000] 2528288 + [PM2000] 2528171.                                    Gvr2010 
21435+5847 BU  690     mu Cep = Erakis = Herschel's Garnet Star. A is a semiregular variable.  .       
                       Mk III Uniform-disk  diameter 17.7   +/- 0.3   mas.                     MkT1989 
                       Mk III Limb-darkened diameter 20.584 +/- 0.480 mas.                     MkT2003 
21435+2721 A   299     The DE and DF pairs were incorrectly listed as AE and AF in the IDS.    .       
                       See the ADS for 1875 and 1910 rectangular measures of AD and DE.        .       
           OSO 155     DG: G188-022. Common proper motion pair.                                Oso2004 
                       Previously entered in WDS as 21440+2723, before primary was identified  .       
                       as the D component of the A 299 multiple.                               .       
21437+0030 CHE 315     There was an error in Chevalier's printed declination, but the offset   Che1909 
                       from his plate center gives coordinates of a pair which agrees with     .       
                       his measures.                                                           Hrt2012b
21439+2751 HO  166     Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and spectroscopic   .       
                       masses of 3.70 +/- 1.25, 2.79, and 1.17 Msun, respectively.             Mlk2012 
21440+1705 LDS6358     NLTT 51967/51965                                                        Chm2004 
21440-5720 JC   25     AB: B is CPD-57@9941. Spectral type F6/8IV/V.                           .       
                       AB: SHY 344. Bayesian analysis by Shaya & Olling (2011) indicates very  Shy2011 
                       high (near 100%) probability pair is physical.                          .       
21441+2845 STF2822     mu Cyg. The A component is a double-lined spectroscopic binary.         .       
                       AB: H III 15. D is the principal component of ES 521.                   .       
                       AC and AD: Optical pairs, based on study of relative motion of the      .       
                       components using the method of apparent motion parameters.              Kiy2008 
                       AB: H 3  15.                                                            MEv2010 
           ES  521     DE: D is SB2                                                            Tok2014d
           FYM  25     DG pair initially listed incorrected as DH.                             FyM2014b
           STF2822     AC: Rectilinear solution by Friedman et al. (2011).                     USN2011a
21441+0709 STTA222     B is BD+06@4891.                                                        .       
21441-2200 DON1017     CD-22@15541.                                                            .       
21442+0953 S   798     eps Peg = 8 Peg = Enif. STTA223 = H 6 103.                              .       
                       The primary is variable.                                                .       
21443+4234 OSO 156     G212-055. Neither is a common proper motion pair, based on comparison   .       
                       with POSS2 red plates.                                                  Oso2004 
21443-2348 LDS6360     NLTT 51951/51952                                                        Chm2004 
21444+0008 CHE 316     Also known as DUF   3.                                                  .       
21445+1446 LUH   4     GJ 9751 = HN Peg                                                        .       
                       CHARA Array Limb-darkened diameter of A :                               CIA2013c
                       R =  1.0189 +/- 0.0291 \rsun, L =   1.0992 +/-0.0190 \lsun,             .       
                       Teff = 5860 +/-  83 K, M = 0.975 \msun, Age = 5.8 Gyr.                  .       
                       Common proper motion for both components was determined through         .       
                       comparison of relative location with that obtained by 2MASS. The B      .       
                       component is determined to be a possible T dwarf (T2.5 +/- 0.5) based   .       
                       on mid-IR colors and magnitudes. Age is determined as 0.3 +/- 0.2 Gyr   .       
                       and mass of secondary 0.021 +/- 0.009 Msun.                             Luh2007 
21446+2539 BU  989     AB: kap Peg = 10 Peg.                                                   .       
           kap Peg     Double lines have been observed in the spectrum of A.                   Tok2006 
                       The SB1 with P = 5.97 d (#1329 in Batten et al., 1989) is believed to   Bte1989 
                       to be the visual component B, and a set of double lines is observed     .       
                       which is ascribed to star A (Beardsley & King 1976).                    Bey1976 
                       See Baize & Petit (1989) catalog of doubles with variable component.    Baz1989d
                       Combined solution by Muterspaugh et al. (2006), using PHASES            Mut2006 
                       differential astrometry, iodine cell radial velocities, and published   .       
                       visual and speckle data. Mass of A is 1.549 +/- 0.050 Msun. Center of   .       
                       light motion of Ba,Bb pair is seen, allowing determination of masses    .       
                       for both components: 1.662 +/- 0.064 and 0.814 +/- 0.046 Msun.          .       
                       Semimajor axis and error in catalog derived from their values of a      .       
                       (AU) and parallax, plus errors in those quantities. No sign of          .       
                       purported spectroscopic companion to A component. Original tabulated    .       
                       data are listed below, including date (MJD), dRA and dDEC (mas),        .       
                       errors in dRA and dDEC (microarcsec):                                   .       
                       52591.15558   139.4192   -68.9527     337.2   144.9                     .       
                       52809.42172   176.3305   -52.8124     313.0   223.8                     .       
                       52834.42590   178.7642   -49.5003     142.0   142.0                     .       
                       52836.47700   178.2380   -48.6352     377.6   146.9                     .       
                       52862.26351   179.1262   -46.6494     142.0   142.0                     .       
                       52864.43495   180.0359   -45.8604     142.0   142.0                     .       
                       52865.25769   180.3088   -45.0103     142.0   142.0                     .       
                       52868.42699   179.3844   -45.8741     142.0   142.0                     .       
                       52891.30945   180.2407   -42.5429     142.0   142.0                     .       
                       52893.35153   180.8695   -42.7435     312.8   142.0                     .       
                       52894.33761   181.2314   -42.0489     142.0   142.0                     .       
                       52895.31028   181.5086   -41.4518     142.0   142.0                     .       
                       52896.29061   180.7701   -41.3602     142.0   142.0                     .       
                       52897.28730   180.3950   -41.7411     142.0   142.0                     .       
                       52915.28300   180.4724   -39.4518     142.0   142.0                     .       
                       52916.29333   179.8880   -39.7969     329.0   142.3                     .       
                       52918.11818   181.2814   -38.7883     482.5   330.8                     .       
                       52919.28864   181.3653   -38.3103     142.0   142.0                     .       
                       52920.12057   180.8864   -38.2854     661.1   422.9                     .       
                       52929.26987   181.2990   -38.0007     197.9   142.4                     .       
                       52930.25991   181.2730   -37.3111     287.3   142.6                     .       
                       52950.22128   179.7824   -34.3888     839.4   174.7                     .       
                       52952.20159   180.7612   -35.0063     510.9   145.2                     .       
                       52983.12402   179.3421   -30.6844     354.1   144.9                     .       
                       53130.50643   168.6227    -9.8442     467.3   362.7                     .       
                       53145.46573   168.9574    -7.4882    1766.2  1329.6                     .       
                       53152.47072   166.1418    -4.9533     142.0   142.0                     .       
                       53168.42321   164.7537    -3.8669     533.3   376.6                     .       
                       53172.46749   162.4907    -2.9062     142.0   142.0                     .       
                       53173.44399   162.7425    -3.3484     142.0   142.0                     .       
                       53181.41157   162.9387    -0.9785     142.0   142.0                     .       
                       53182.40964   162.5248    -0.6694     142.0   142.0                     .       
                       53186.41943   161.7325    -0.6729     142.0   142.0                     .       
                       53187.40125   162.1831    -0.1186     142.0   142.0                     .       
                       53197.36300   159.6357     0.5078     142.0   142.0                     .       
                       53198.39162   160.0532     1.0905     142.0   142.0                     .       
                       53199.40299   160.6171     1.6181     172.7   147.8                     .       
                       53200.41220   159.4821     1.7555     389.4   251.1                     .       
                       53207.41109   157.6318     2.4027     142.0   142.0                     .       
                       53208.36518   157.5593     2.1577     233.8   165.6                     .       
                       53215.32511   156.9988     3.2377     142.0   142.0                     .       
                       53221.38836   156.3834     3.9629     142.0   142.0                     .       
                       53228.29947   155.6012     5.6284     142.0   142.0                     .       
                       53229.29186   156.0978     6.1869     142.0   142.0                     .       
                       53233.24062   154.8590     5.5446     664.9   474.4                     .       
                       53234.26794   154.9441     6.3985     142.0   142.0                     .       
                       53235.27795   155.2394     7.0247     142.0   142.0                     .       
                       53236.24000   154.6541     7.2600     142.0   142.0                     .       
                       53249.22289   151.8710     8.8380     142.0   142.0                     .       
                       53270.22848   148.9036    11.8975     243.7   158.7                     .       
                       53285.23449   145.3500    13.9405     142.0   142.0                     .       
                       53313.10718   142.2377    18.5964     142.0   142.0                     .       
                       AB: Martin et al. (1998) derive component masses 1.561 +/- 0.197 and    .       
                       2.602 +/- 0.284 Msun.                                                   Mig1998 
                       Muterspaugh et al. (2008) combine PHASES astrometry with speckle and    Mut2008 
                       radial velocity data to derive orbits for both the AB and Ba,Bb pairs   .       
                       of this triple. The parallax is determined at 28.93 +/- 0.18 mas        .       
                       (distance 34.57 +/- 0.21 pc). Masses of the A, Ba, and Bb components    .       
                       are 1.533 +/- 0.050, 1.646 +/- 0.074, and 0.825 +/- 0.059 Msun.         .       
           STF2824     AB,C (separation 14") has estimated 6200y period.                       Tok2006 
                       AB,C: H N  43.                                                          MEv2010 
                       AB,C: Additional notes may be found in Burnham (1894).                  Bu_1894 
21447+3332 GIC 170     G213-012/G213-013.                                                      .       
21449+6228 TRN  33     AC: The image rotator was in an unknown state, so two possible theta    .       
                       values are listed for the 2001.7364 observation - one for zenith up     .       
                       and one for north up.                                                   Trn2008 
21449-3302 I  1051     iot PsA = 9 PsA. A is a spectroscopic binary. Some doubt as to the      .       
                       reality of the companion.                                               .       
21452+8554 A   775     There is uncertainty due to the high declination, but A   775 appears   .       
                       to be the same pair as 21416+8555 LDS1959. Systems merged. The pair     .       
                       21415+8555 TDT3110 has similar separation, but a much different         .       
                       position angle.                                                         .       
21456+2709 MLB1050     J  2357.                                                                .       
21458+1545 STTA224     B is BD+15@4492.                                                        .       
                       Pair appears in an appendix list, not part of the discoverer's regular  .       
                       numbering sequence.                                                     .       
21459+1153 A  1223     AB: Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and             .       
                       spectroscopic masses 2.65 +/- 1.92, 2.54, and 1.05 Msun, respectively.  Mlk2012 
21459-8247 R   334     This may be the new pair TDT3070 with an unusually large error by       Dam2013 
                       Russell.                                                                .       
21461+2855 BRT  58     J 2598.                                                                 .       
21465+0635 UC 4556     aka ITF  69.                                                            .       
21466-5742 FIN 283     Soderhjelm feels that there is a probable secondary sub-system. Speckle Sod1999 
                       and spectroscopic observations needed.                                  .       
                       Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and spectroscopic   .       
                       masses of 1.42 +/- 0.77, 1.27, and 0.60 Msun, respectively.             Mlk2012 
21467-0010 BNG   2     Burningham et al. (2009) determine that ULAS J214638.83-001038.7 is a   Bng2009 
                       CPM companion to the high proper motion M4 dwarf Wolf 940. Spectral     .       
                       type of the companion is T8.5 +/- 0.5. Given the distance to Wolf 940   .       
                       = 12.50 +0.75/-0.67 pc, the 32" angular separation corresponds to a     .       
                       projected separation of 400 +/- 22 au. Mass of the companion is 20-32   .       
                       Mjup, Teff 570 +/- 25K, radius 0.094 +/- 0.004 Rsun. Observations       .       
                       using Keck laser guide star AO indicated no evidence of any close       .       
                       companion to the T8 companion. JHK photometry of the primary is from    .       
                       2MASS.                                                                  TMA2003 
21468+4919 MIU   3     pi 2 Cyg = 81 Cyg. Spectroscopic binary, P = 72d.                       .       
21470-1608 HJ 3056     del Cap = 49 Cap = Deneb Algedi. A is an Algol-type eclipsing binary,   .       
                       and is also an occultation double.                                      .       
21472+5310 GIC 171     G232-035/G232-034.                                                      .       
21472+2648 HJ  943     Not found by Heintz.                                                    Hei1995 
21475+1352 BPM2406     [PM2000] 2534610 + [PM2000] 2534626.                                    Gvr2010 
21476+1116 BPM2407     [PM2000] 2534858 + [PM2000] 2534908.                                    Gvr2010 
21477+5942 HD 207538   The classification given in Mason et al. (1998) is from Conti et al.    Msn1998a
                       (1977).                                                                 Cti1977 
21477-1813 CHR 223     First detected as an occultation binary by Evans et al.                 Evn1985 
21477-3054 FIN 330     the PsA = 10 PsA                                                        .       
                       AB: Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and             .       
                       spectroscopic masses 5.52 +/- 1.62, 5.30, and 2.09 Msun, respectively.  Mlk2012 
                       AB: Docobo & Andrade (2013) derive a dynamical parallax of 11.17 +/-    .       
                       0.41 mas and component masses 2.32 +/- 0.33 and 2.32 +/- 0.33 Msun.     .       
                       See paper for extensive notes on this system.                           Doc2013d
21477-7759 LDS6362     Spectrum M?                                                             .       
21479+3306 OSO 157     G214-001. Based on astrometry and color, AB comprises the only common   .       
                       proper motion pair in this system                                       Oso2004 
21479+1824 BPM2409     [PM2000] 2535246 + [PM2000] 2535118.                                    Gvr2010 
21479+1136 BPM2408     [PM2000] 2535182 + [PM2000] 2535291.                                    Gvr2010 
21479-7414 HJ 5287     WFC 237.                                                                .       
21480-4736 LDS 755     Bresciano (2012) noted a factor of 10 error noted in Luyten's (1941)    Luy1941 
                       published separation.                                                   Bsc2012 
21483+0518 BRT2294     BAL 2982.                                                               .       
21483-3742 B   538     All plates overexposed.                                                 Vou1947a
21483-4718 BSO  15     B is CD-47@13929.                                                       .       
                       Optical pair, based on study of relative motion of the components       .       
                       using the method of apparent motion parameters.                         Kiy2008 
21484-5446 RST1109     A is the Beta Lyrae-type variable RU Ind.                               .       
21485+6137 D    33     Aka MLB 176 and FOX 99. Identity with Milburn pair first noted by Clif  .       
                       Ashcraft.                                                               .       
21491+6648 STF2836     A is a spectroscopic binary, P = 2.73d.                                 .       
21492+2256 LDS4910     LDS4911.                                                                .       
21492+0543 GIC 172     G093-040/G093-041 = GJ 838.1AB.                                         .       
21492-4133 WTR   1     Rectilinear solution by Miles & Mason (2016)                            Msn2016b
                       and Mason et al. (2018).                                                Msn2018a
21494+3045 STF2829     B is BD+30@4538.                                                        .       
21494-4759 SKF1175     The photometry implies a red companion. This wide companion cannot      .       
                       explain the acceleration.                                               Tok2013b
                       A is possibly an astrometric binary (Makarov & Kaplan 2005).            Mkr2005 
                       The estimated period of the visual pair is about 4k yr. However, the A  Tok2020h
                       component also has a close spectroscopic companion with P ~470d.        .       
21495+5834 STI2588     STI 2588a.                                                              .       
21495-3749 LDS5927     LDS6363.                                                                .       
21496-0208 BAL 266     J  3349.                                                                Nsn2016 
21499-2509 B   540     Measures uncertain, too close. Needs speckle.                           .       
21500-2127 LDS4913     NLTT 52199/52196                                                        Chm2004 
21500-6319 RST9009     Previously known as RST1110a.                                           .       
21501+1717 COU  14     13 Peg. A possible Delta Scuti-type variable. According to Tamazian     .       
                       et al. secondary is a T Tauri-type variable.                            Tam1999 
                       Calculated mass sum is 2.65 +/- 0.21 Msun.  Spectral classification is  .       
                       a pair of early F giant or subgiant stars, but this mass sum is more    .       
                       consistent with dwarfs.                                                 Mut2010b
                       Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and spectroscopic   .       
                       masses of 2.56 +/- 0.14, 2.19, and 1.51 Msun, respectively.             Mlk2012 
21501-3837 TOK  36     Confirmed as physical pair by 2nd epoch observation and J-K color.      .       
                       Primary is 4.9d SB. Estimated period of visual pair 900 y.              Tok2006 
21502+7146 A  1225     Aitken could not find the pair described as HJ 3067,                    .       
                       allegedly occupying this position.                                      .       
21503-7521 FAH   2     A : Teff = 2118 +/- 62, M = 72 +/- 12 \mjup, R = 1.03 +/- 0.06 \rjup.   Fah2020 
                       B : Teff =  719 +/- 61, M = 34 +/- 22 \mjup, R = 0.95 +/- 0.16 \rjup.   .       
21506+6024 STI1059     One deg error in WDS designation.                                       .       
21506+2216 HO  467     Despite having an orbit, an optical pair based on parallax.             Mlk2022 
21509-4052 CRU   2     AB = LDS 757.                                                           .       
21509-8243 HJ 5278     lam Oct = 10 Oph                                                        .       
21510+2911 A   889     Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and spectroscopic   .       
                       masses of 2.04 +/- 0.47, 1.76, and 0.85 Msun, respectively.             Mlk2012 
21511+6650 HU  972     Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and spectroscopic   .       
                       masses of 7.17 +/- 3.71, 2.43, and 1.19 Msun, respectively.             Mlk2012 
21512+0321 J  1724     BAL 2059.                                                               .       
21515+1806 GIC 173     G126-039.                                                               .       
21516+6545 STF2843     AB: Absolute quadrant determined by triple-correlation techniques       Pru2002b
21516+1950 HJ  947     AB: H N  74.                                                            MEv2010 
21518+6453 STF2844     Also known as STI1054.                                                  .       
21519+4221 HO  172     AD: See ADS for rectangular measures.                                   .       
                       AD: Optical pair, based on study of relative motion of the components   .       
                       using the method of apparent motion parameters.                         Kiy2008 
21520+5548 STF2840     A is a spectroscopic binary. B is BD+55@2638.                           .       
                       Spectrum A1pSi.                                                         .       
                       AB: H 4  79.                                                            MEv2010 
21520+3653 TDT3202     AC: Originally 21520+3652 TDT3202, but share common primary with        .       
                       21520+3653J  3149, so systems merged.                                   .       
21521+0739 OSO 158     G093-047. Neither is a common proper motion pair, based on color and    .       
                       comparison with POSS2 red plates                                        Oso2004 
21522+3252 ES 2321     Aka DOO  88.                                                            .       
21524+0938 RED  18     2MASS J21522609+0937575. Spectral types L6: and L6:                     Red2006b
21524+0623 SKF1871     Typographical error in initial WDS designation (21524+0829).            .       
21526+3841 MLB 991     ALI 981.                                                                .       
21527+1650 BPM2410     [PM2000] 2542347 + [PM2000] 2542248.                                    Gvr2010 
21529-7454 HJ 5295     B is CPD-75@1735.                                                       .       
21530+2939 BRT  59     This is the same as MLB 494.                                            .       
21531+6806 STTA226     BD. Pair initially listed as AD in WDS, but no star of appropriate      .       
                       magnitude at quoted separation and angle from A. GSC2.3 N1G0000360      .       
                       appears to be reasonable match in rho and theta (measured from B) and   .       
                       magnitude, however.                                                     .       
21532+4324 GRV 517     B component is +42 4236.                                                .       
21532+3205 ES 2322     Espin (1928) gives a measure of the pair now designated DE, with the    Es_1928 
                       note "Forms distant comes to B.D. +31 4569, which star has at P. 80deg  .       
                       an 11.5 nearer, with a 14 mag. S.F." The note is perhaps garbled, as    .       
                       there is no obvious companion in this system at an angle of 80deg. The  .       
                       value "11.5" was taken as a separation, but is perhaps more likely a    .       
                       magnitude. If Espin meant to quote a position angle of 50deg rather     .       
                       than 80deg, the 11.5 and 14. mag stars may refer to the pair now        .       
                       designated BC.                                                          .       
21534-1411 RST4092     Spectrum: Fm Delta Del.                                                 .       
21535+5417 BU  841     Perhaps HJ 3066.                                                        .       
21536+3551 OSO 159     G188-029. Neither is a common proper motion pair, based on comparison   .       
                       with POSS2 red plates.                                                  Oso2004 
21536-1019 FIN 358     Also an occultation double.                                             .       
                       Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and spectroscopic   .       
                       masses of 15.09 +/- 14.75, 8.38, and 2.57 Msun, respectively.           Mlk2012 
21538+6237 S   800     A is the Beta Lyrae-type system EM Cep, P = 0.81d.                      .       
                       Spectrum B0.5V+b1Ve. B is BD+61@2217, spectrum B1III/V.                 .       
21538-2000 BU  168     A,BC: Aka HDO 168.                                                      .       
           HU  380     BC: A premature orbit has been computed.                                .       
21539+2821 GC 30661    Hipparcos astrometric solution assumes circular orbit (e = omega = 0).  HIP1997d
21540-8036 HJ 5289     B is CPD-81@978.                                                        .       
21541+1346 BPM2411     [PM2000] 2544365 + [PM2000] 2544356.                                    Gvr2010 
21541-0117 FAR  50     GJ 4236 = NLTT 52377. Primary is white dwarf WD 2151-015.               Far2006 
21541-1710 HIP 108095  NICI images contain a hint of faint companion at ~280deg, 0".12, not    .       
                       accepted as real.                                                       Tok2012a
21542+0459 OSO 160     G018-005. Neither is a common proper motion pair, based on color or     .       
                       comparison with POSS2 red plates                                        Oso2004 
21543+1943 STF2841     A,BC: H N  14.                                                          MEv2010 
21543-3957 HJ 5299     B is CD-40@14544.                                                       .       
21544+1427 BPM2412     [PM2000] 2544898 + [PM2000] 2545037.                                    Gvr2010 
21546-0318 STF2838     Optical pair, based on study of relative motion of the components       .       
                       using the method of apparent motion parameters.                         Kiy2008 
                       AB: Rectilinear solution by Hurowitz et al. (2014).                     USN2014b
21549+6159 OSO 161     G264-015. None is a common proper motion pair, based on comparison      .       
                       with POSS2 red plates.                                                  Oso2004 
21550-1158 HJ  616     Also known as STF2839.                                                  .       
21552-6153 HDO 296     AB: Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and             .       
                       spectroscopic masses 2.69 +/- 0.39, 2.32, and 1.64 Msun, respectively.  Mlk2012 
           SHY 348     AD: HIP 108195 + HIP 107947.                                            .       
                       Also known as CAB   7.                                                  Cab2011 
           SHY 348     AE: HIP 108195 + HIP 107345.                                            .       
           SHY 347     DE: HIP 107947 + HIP 107345.                                            .       
21553+3239 OSO 162     G188-030. Neither is a common proper motion pair, based on comparison   .       
                       with POSS2 red plates.                                                  Oso2004 
21554+5938 JNN 292     Estimated age 30-300 Myr; masses 0.14 +/- 0.07 and 0.09 +/- 0.05 Msun;  .       
                       a ~2.7 au.                                                              Jnn2014 
21554+5608 OSO 163     G232-040. Neither is a common proper motion pair.                       Oso2004 
21555+2942 HO  609     Pair is much fainter than given in the ADS; hence the discordant        .       
                       separations. Three faint stars are in the field, two south following,   .       
                       one north preceding.                                                    B__1963a
21555+1053 BU   75     AB: Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and             .       
                       spectroscopic masses 1.87 +/- 0.60, 2.05, and 0.95 Msun, respectively.  Mlk2012 
21556+3849 A  1449     Baize (1982) orbit rejected from Fourth Orbit Catalog                   Baz1982 
                       ("rescinded by author; omitted from publication")                       Wor1983 
21556+3505 SEI1544     Hipparcos suspected non-single.                                         .       
21557+1752 BPM2413     [PM2000] 2546920 + [PM2000] 2546869.                                    Gvr2010 
21558+3716 HO  174     Schembor measures a companion he calls C. 1925.57, 109.5@, 89.74".      Sch1927b
                       CD: Also known as ALI 445.                                              .       
21559+3141 ES 2360     BRT 290.                                                                Brt1929b
                       The primary is a spectroscopic binary, P = 6.48d.                       .       
                       Despite having an orbit, an optical pair based on parallax.             Mlk2022 
21560-4234 HJ 5303     B is CD-43@14793.                                                       .       
21563+7321 MLB 427     LDS1963.                                                                .       
21563+1604 BPM2414     [PM2000] 2547721 + [PM2000] 2547747.                                    Gvr2010 
21564+3156 HJ 1707     B is a spectroscopic binary, P = 15.95d.                                .       
21565-4102 HJ 5305     A is CPD-41@9730, and B is CPD-41@9729.                                 .       
21567+6338 WRH  36     zeta Aurigae-type binary VV Cep. Visual duplicity uncertain.            .       
                       Spectrum of the eclipsing pair composite; M21aep+B8Ve.                  .       
                       Fredrick orbit rejected from Fourth Orbit Catalog                       Frd1960 
                       ("amplitude below noise level")                                         Wor1983 
21567+1607 STT 455     Mt. Wilson spectral classes are F5 and G5.                              .       
21567+1335 BPM2415     [PM2000] 2548460 + [PM2000] 2548269.                                    Gvr2010 
21568+3125 BRT 291     Not found by Heintz.                                                    Hei1995 
                       A likely plate flaw.                                                    Grv2021b
21575+2856 LEP 104     NI   42.                                                                .       
21575+0409 STTA225     B is BD+03@4639.                                                        .       
21576+1157 STTA227     B is BD+11@4701.                                                        .       
21577+1629 BPM2416     [PM2000] 2549795 + [PM2000] 2549712.                                    Gvr2010 
21577-5059 LDS 765     LDS5938.                                                                .       
21578-1507 HJ 3071     H N 131.                                                                .       
21579+6101 MLR  17     Primary is the Cepheid IR Cep.                                          Evs2016a
21579-4327 LDS 766     Spectrum of A is DA. Spectrum of B M?                                   .       
21579-5500 FIN 307     del Ind.                                                                .       
                       Finsen called attention to quasi-periodic residuals in position         .       
                       angle which neither of the alternative orbits explains.                 .       
                       Illustrative solutions with useable astrometric mass-ratios. Short-P    .       
                       solution marginally better, but indeterminate with strong element-      .       
                       correlations. Probably giant primary, more speckle-data needed.         Sod1999 
                       Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and spectroscopic   .       
                       masses of 5.24 +/- 0.83, 3.26, and 1.58 Msun, respectively.             Mlk2012 
                       Docobo & Andrade (2013) derive a dynamical parallax of 22.71 +/- 0.69   .       
                       mas and component masses 1.78 +/- 0.21 and 1.33 +/- 0.16 Msun. See      .       
                       paper for extensive notes on this system.                               Doc2013d
21580+0556 STF2848     H 3  74.                                                                MEv2010 
21581+1541 BPM2417     [PM2000] 2550355 + [PM2000] 2550535.                                    Gvr2010 
21582+8252 STF2873     LDS1965.  B is BD+82@674.                                               .       
                       B comp is 1.2d eclipsing SB2 V376 Cep. Estimated period of AB 7300y.    Tok2006 
                       AB: HJL 298.                                                            HJL1986 
                       AB: A is SB1 (CfA: P=8165d = 22.35y), astrometric binary (Gorshamov et  PkO2006b
                       al. 2006, P=23y), and X-ray source. B is SB2E, P=1.152d                 Tok2014d
                       Aa,Ab : M_Aa = 1.10 +/- 0.07 \msun, M_Ab = 0.59 +/- 0.07 \msun.         PkO2024 
21582-2315 LDS4928     NLTT 52553/52552                                                        Chm2004 
21584+4423 LYS  11     The pair previously listed as 22003+4423SMA 156 was found to be this    .       
                       pair as well. It is actually identified as SMA 143 in the original      Sma1931 
                       publication. The null detection of SMA 156 was therefore, at the        ACA2007 
                       wrong location. Solution to the quandry determined by Wayne Osborn.     .       
21584-1834 SEE 463     Misidentified in BDS as BD-19@6197.                                     .       
21585+0347 RAO  73     A is SB1, P=7.184y                                                      Tok2014d
                       A single-lined AB with P = 7.18 yr (Nidever et al. 2002) and a large    Nid2002  
                       PM of 0".28/y. The distant component B at 12".3 is confirmed as         .        
                       physical by 2MASS, Robo-AO, and this work. It is located slightly       .        
                       below the MS, just like HIP 104514B. The object is also metal-          .        
                       deficient relative to the Sun, [Fe/H] = (Zielke 1970 A&A 6, 206).       Rbr2015d 
21585-5901 kap 1 Ind   Hipparcos astrometric solution assumes circular orbit (e = omega = 0).  HIP1997d
21586+0601 SHJ 336     B is BD+05@4913.                                                        .       
21589-0422 LDS4931     NLTT 52596/52593                                                        Chm2004 
21589-1115 HJ 3075     J 1412.                                                                 .       
21589-3227 LDS4929     Also known as LHS3739/8. Parallax = 50.92 +/- 0.77 mas.                 TSN2010 
21592+7311 BU 1509     16 Cep.                                                                 .       
21592+4102 OSO 164     G214-005. None is a common proper motion pair, based on comparison      .       
                       with POSS2 red plates.                                                  Oso2004 
21592-3556 LDS 768     LDS5940.                                                                .       
21593-3110 BRT3104     A likely plate flaw.                                                    Grv2021b
21594-1012 LEO  51     J 2362.                                                                 .       
21595+0617 HJ 3079     AG  279.                                                                .       
21597+4907 HU  774     Ambiguous case, although only one solution has been tested.             .       
                       Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and spectroscopic   .       
                       masses of 9.18 +/- 5.22, 5.27, and 2.24 Msun, respectively.             Mlk2012 
21598+2356 STF2850     A is an irregular variable.                                             .       
21599+5928 STI1078     SMA 155.                                                                .       
22000-3039 BUG   6     DENIS J220002.05-303832.9                                               .       
                       Serendipitously discovered with SpeX near-IR imager/spectrograph.       .       
                       Spectral types M9 + L0, masses 0.072-0.085 and 0.069-0.083 Msun.        Bug2006b
22001+2909 BRT  60     The pair MLB 496 is identical                                           Hei1980a
22002+0822 OSO 165     G018-012. Not a common proper motion pair, based on color               Oso2004 
22003-0724 LDS4935     NLTT 52648/52649                                                        Chm2004 
22007-5002 I  1450     Heintz (1984) value of omega was corrected from 313.5 to 133.5          Hei1984a
                       degrees by Ruymaekers & Nys (1985).                                     Ruy1995 
                       Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and spectroscopic   .       
                       masses of 8.36 +/- 8.51, 1.75, and 1.05 Msun, respectively.             Mlk2012 
                       Gomez et al. (2016) derive dynamical parallax and component masses:     .       
                       14.88 +/- 0.61 mas, 0.825 +/- 0.016 Msun, 0.778 +/- 0.015 Msun.         Doc2016i
22008-2827 BU  276     eta PsA = 12 PsA. Bidelman calls A a spectroscopic binary, and says a   .       
                       1972 plate shows a fairly strong H-alpha self-reversal.                 .       
22010+1626 BPM2418     [PM2000] 2554557 + [PM2000] 2554441.                                    Gvr2010 
22010+1116 BPM2419     [PM2000] 2554645 + [PM2000] 2554572.                                    Gvr2010 
22011+3915 A  1451     Usually too close for visual measures. Needs speckle.                   .       
                       AB,C: Possibly a 30" error in the declination of the secondary led to   Sei1908 
                       the erroneous 1894 Scheiner (1908) and WFC measures.                    WFC1998 
22011+1307 HJ  289     20 Peg.                                                                 .       
22013+4621 HJ 1714     B is BD+45@3762.                                                        .       
22015+0310 J  1726     BAL 2060.                                                               .       
22015-1537 HWE  59     The fainter star is apparently BD-16@5997.                              .       
22016+4921 ES  831     AD: Rectilinear solution by Hartkopf & Mason (2015).                    WSI2015 
                       AE: Rectilinear solution by Hurowitz et al. (2014).                     USN2014b
22017-0925 JNN 135     The two components of the 2MASS J22014336-0925139 system that have      .       
                       been resolved with AstraLux have very similar brightnesses and colors,  .       
                       and it is therefore likely that they form a physical binary pair.       .       
                       Common proper motion has not yet been demonstrated.                     Jnn2012 
22017-1200 STF2851     Spectrum: G8/K0III/IV. B is BD-12@6153.                                 .       
22018-0952 RST4095     Position angles discordant in 1950. 220@, 5 nights.                     .       
22019+5506 HJ 1718     AB: HJ 1719 = STI2607. Burnham's note for HJ 1719 quotes Herschel as    Bu_1906 
                       mentioning "a third star 12m from B, 4arcsec; also a fourth." Burnham   .       
                       also says "The other stars referred to are 12.5m, 268.2deg:             .       
                       15.9arcsec; and 12.0m, 145.4deg: 30.9arcsec." These appear to match     .       
                       the BC, AC, and AE pairs in the HJ 1718 mutiple system. We therefore    .       
                       conclude that HJ 1719AB and HJ 1718AB are the same pair.                .       
22019+1407 BPM2420     [PM2000] 2555948 + [PM2000] 2555937.                                    Gvr2010 
22019+0446 STTA228     AC: Optical pair, based on study of relative motion of the components   .       
                       using the method of apparent motion parameters.                         Kiy2008 
22021+5800 TRN  34     14 Cep = LZ Cep.                                                        .       
                       The image rotator was in an unknown state, so two possible theta        .       
                       values are listed for the 2001.7341 observation - one for zenith up     .       
                       and one for north up.                                                   Trn2008 
                       The classification is from Conti & Alschuler (1971). Radial velocity    Cti1971 
                       and light curve solutions are given by Harries et al. (1998 MNRAS 295,  .       
                       386).                                                                   Msn1998a
22024-1658 S   802     29 Aqr. A is the Beta Lyrae-type system DX Aqr.                         .       
                       A orange, B white. The spectral type A2 given in the ADS must be the    .       
                       companion's.                                                            B__1963a
22025-7719 SHY 786     BC: HIP 108799 + HIP 103587.                                            .       
22027+1110 BPM2421     [PM2000] 2557008 + [PM2000] 2557200.                                    Gvr2010 
22028+1207 GIC 174     G018-017/G018-018.                                                      .       
                       NLTT 52768/52770                                                        Chm2004 
22029+4439 BU  694     A is variable, V1942 Cyg.                                               .       
22029+1547 HDS3129     Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and spectroscopic   .       
                       masses of 1.67 +/- 0.75, 2.80, and 1.25 Msun, respectively.             Mlk2012 
22029+1511 BPM2422     [PM2000] 2557327 + [PM2000] 2557452.                                    Gvr2010 
22031-7607 HJ 5306     A is a spectroscopic binary.                                            .       
22032+5937 WNO  48     BC: Identified as WNO  18 in USN1976.                                   .       
22032+0157 ARG  96     BAL 1594.                                                               .       
                       HJL 299.                                                                HJL1986 
22032-0113 OSO 166     G027-008.                                                               .       
           LDS4938     AB: NLTT 52787/52786                                                    Chm2004 
22033+5944 STI1083     Also known as SMA 160.                                                  .       
22033-4816 CPO  90     Aka SKF1179.                                                            Dam2015b
22034+3634 DAM 662     Identified by Damm as ALI 450, but apparently a different system.       Dam2013 
22034-5647 VLK   1     Ba,Bb: eps Ind. Cardoso et al. (2009) derive a system mass of           .       
                       0.116 +/- 0.001 Msun = 121 +/- 1 Mjup for this pair of T dwarfs.        Mcg2009 
                       VLTI uniform disk diameter of A:       1.834 +/- 0.016 mas,             LTI2009 
                       VLTI limb-darkened disk diameter of A: 1.881 +/- 0.017 mas,             .       
                       R = 0.732 +/- 0.006 \rsun, Teff = 4568 +/-  59 K,                       .       
                       M = 0.762 +/- 0.038 \msun.                                              .       
                       Mass for Ba & Bb : 75.0 +/- 0.82 and 70.1 +/- 0.68 \mjup.               Die2018 
                       Teff for Ba & Bb : 1320 and 910 K.                                      .       
                       The orbital parallax is 276.88 +/- 0.81 mas.                            .       
22035+4841 ES  530     Includes V394 Lac, a Beta Lyr type eclipsing binary, P = 1.65000d.      Zas2012 
22035+0340 JNN 293     Estimated age 1000-10000 Myr; masses 0.24 +/- 0.10 and 0.13 +/- 0.04    .       
                       Msun; a ~6.8 au.                                                        Jnn2014 
22036+1108 BPM2423     [PM2000] 2558304 + [PM2000] 2558485.                                    Gvr2010 
22037+0318 HJ  952     BAL 2062.                                                               .       
22038+6438 MCA  69     xi Cep = 17 Cep = Kurhah                                                .       
                       Aa,Ab is an astrometric binary and SB2, with elements by Vickers &      Scf1976 
                       Combined solution by Farrington et al. (2014) yields masses 1.045 +/-   .       
                       0.032 and 0.409 +/- 0.066 Msun, as well as an orbital parallax 38.11    .       
                       +/- 2.82 mas.                                                           CIA2014a
           STF2863     Scarfe (1976). The McAlister (1980) orbit is from speckle               McA1980a
           xi Cep      interferometry, and in good agreement with the spectroscopic result.    .       
                       Mt. Wilson spectrum of B F8s. Spectrum of A: A3m.                       .       
                       Pourbaix gives combined solution for this resolved SB2, yielding        Pbx2000b
                       orbital parallaxes and component masses.                                .       
           STF2863     AB: H 2  16.                                                            MEv2010 
22039+5949 STT 461     15 Cep.  STTA229.                                                       .       
                       EF: F is BD+59@2463.                                                    .       
                       E comp is V442 Cep, a Beta Lyr type eclipsing binary, P = 2.12919d.     Zas2012 
22039+2406 J  1246AB   POU5624.                                                                .       
22039-2451 LDS6378     AC: 22039-2451 found to be same system as 22038-2450. LDS4939AB merged  .       
                       with LDS6378AC, LDS4939AC changed to AD.                                .       
22041+7328 MLR 255     No significant movement since first resolution.                         Drd2009 
22042+3804 FYM 296     Aka CVE  13.                                                            .       
22042+3507 SEI1554     A is the Mira-type variable RT Peg.                                     .       
22043+2401 J  1224     BC : assumed to be equivalent with the former GCB  63.                  Cgl2024a
                       First known suggestion of this identity was Berko.                      Bko2010b
22043+1720 BPM2424     [PM2000] 2559313 + [PM2000] 2559495.                                    Gvr2010 
22044+2500 POU5629     LDS1488.                                                                .       
22045+2915 GRV 539     AC: Also known as GRV 538AB.                                            .       
22045+1551 BU  696     AC and AE: Optical pairs, based on study of relative motion of the      .       
                       components using the method of apparent motion parameters.              Kiy2008 
                       CE: The previous AD pair was determined to actually be CE by Arnold.    Arn2008a
22046+3854 SEI1556     ALI 983.                                                                .       
22046+1122 OSO 167     G018-021. Not a common proper motion pair, based on comparison with     .       
                       POSS2 red plates.                                                       Oso2004 
22048+3637 ALI 450     No star seen at AC catalog location of the purported secondary          .       
                       - probably a plate flaw. Triple identified by Damm as matching ALI 450  Dam2013 
                       moved to 22034+3634.                                                    .       
22049+2158 GAU  18     Measured for HJ 3089 which Gauchet could not find.                      Gau1926a
22050+1223 BPM2425     [PM2000] 2560281 + [PM2000] 2560265.                                    Gvr2010 
22050+1130 HJ  290      Erroneously merged with 22050+1128HJ  291. Corrected.                  Cur2018 
22050+0838 OSO 168     G018-024. AB is not a common proper motion pair, based on comparison    .       
                       with POSS2 red plates.                                                  Oso2004 
           LDS4942     See Allen et al. (2000) for information on metallicity, age,            AlC2000 
                       galactic orbital parameters, etc.                                       .       
22051+6217 BU  697     19 Cep.                                                                 .       
           TRN  35     AD and AE: The image rotator was in an unknown state, so two possible   .       
                       theta values are listed for the 2001.7367 observation - one for         .       
                       zenith up and one for north up.                                         Trn2008 
22052+5502 STI2612     Primary appears to be typos or plate flaw in AC catalog.                .       
22052+4403 HJ 1723     AB: Also known as LYS  19 and FAL  73.                                  .       
22053-0125 STF2855     B is BD-02@5688.                                                        .       
22056+3620 TOB 224     Two 2010 measures of SEI1558 by Azcona et al. (2011) were actually of   .       
                       this pair.                                                              SDA2011 
22057+1223 HIP 109067  NLTT 52896. The 4.6 yr SB1 with estimated q > 0.23 and axis 53 mas is   .       
                       below the NICI detection limit. This is a sub-dwarf with large PM,      .       
                       below the main sequence.                                                Tok2012a
22058+3618 SEI1558     Secondary not seen on Aladin; apparently either a typographical error           
                       or a plate flaw in the AC Catalog.                                      .       
22058+3059 ES 2361     SMA.                                                                    .       
22058+0452 STF2856     BDS 11412 probably same star with error in position.                    .       
                       WHC  25.                                                                .       
22058-0019 BUP 232     alp Aqr = 34 Aqr = Sadalmelik                                           .       
                       Mk III Limb-darkened diameter  3.20  +/- 0.05  mas.                     MkT2001 
                       Mk III Limb-darkened diameter  3.237 +/- 0.057 mas.                     MkT2003 
                       NPOI Limb-darkened diameter    3.08  +/- 0.03  mas,                     NOI1999 
                       R = 77.  +/- 15. \rsun.                                                 .       
                       NPOI Limb-darkened diameter    3.11  +/- 0.04  mas.                     NOI2001b
                       Common proper motion pair with 21316-0534 = bet Aqr.                    Skf2013 
22059+4135 ES 1586     Aka DOO  90.                                                            Dam2016b
22059+3330 PLT   7     A is RZ Peg, B is RY Peg.                                               Plt1934 
22059-1155 WNO  57     GJ 4254 + LP 759-25. CPM pair.                                          Mkr2008 
22061+4159 A   407     An 11th magnitude star at 058@, 13".                                    .       
22061+1623 BPM2426     [PM2000] 2561783 + [PM2000] 2561926.                                    Gvr2010 
22061-0521 TOK 373     SB with preliminary 13y period (CfA) and expected semi-major axis of    .       
                       0".19 is tentatively resolved here for the first time at 0".07 and      .       
                       dK=1.7. Strangely, it was not resolved previously be speckle or AO.     .       
                       This is the young BY Dra variable NT Aqr and an X-ray source.           Tok2013b
22064-2047 CLO   3     Assuming a parallactic distance of 26.67 +/- 2.63 pc (Costa et al.      Jao2006 
                       2006), Konopacky et al. (2010) derive system mass 0.16 +/- 0.05 Msun.   Kon2010 
                       Dupuy et al. (2009) also reprocessed the HST/WFPC2 data originally      .       
                       published by Bouy et al. (2003), as well as the Gemini/Hokupa'a data    Boy2003 
                       originally published by Close et al. (2002). From their orbital         Clo2002a
                       solution they derive a total system mass of 0.15 +0.05/-0.03 Msun.      .       
                       Spectral types appear to be M8.0 +/- 0.5 for both components. Distance  .       
                       is estimated at 26.7 +2.6/-2.1 pc.                                      Dup2009b
22066+1416 HEI 293     TDT3346.                                                                .       
22067-4913 RSS 566     Also known as ENO   7.                                                  .       
22068+7058 HJ 3096     LDS1968.                                                                .       
22068+1444 BPM2427     [PM2000] 2562714 + [PM2000] 2562648.                                    Gvr2010 
22069+6405 WYL   1     Not found by Heintz at 22093+6401. This has been equated with TDT3347.  Hei1987a
22069+4752 ES 2715     B is BD+47@3694.                                                        .       
22069+1807 BPM2429     [PM2000] 2562935 + [PM2000] 2563110.                                    Gvr2010 
22069+1313 BPM2428     [PM2000] 2562917 + [PM2000] 2562751.                                    Gvr2010 
22070+5930 OSO 169     G232-056. None is a common proper motion pair, based on comparison      .       
                       with POSS2 red plates.                                                  Oso2004 
22070+2521 STT 596     iot Peg = 24 Peg. The primary is a spectroscopic binary.                .       
                       Optical pair, based on study of relative motion of the components       .       
                       using the method of apparent motion parameters.                         Kiy2008 
           PTI   1     SB2. Combined solution by Boden et al. (1999), including visibilities   Bod1999a
                       from the Palomar Testbed Interferometer, plus spectroscopy. Authors     .       
                       give two very similar solutions, made using two data sets. Values were  .       
                       averaged in the orbit catalog.                                          .       
                       See also discussion of iot Peg system by Morel et al. (2000).           Mrl2000 
                       Combined spectroscopic/astrometric solution, based on high-resolution   .       
                       echelle spectra plus archival PTI visibility measurements.              .       
                       Derived masses 1.33249 +/- 0.00086 and 0.83050 +/-0.00055 Msun,         .       
                       distance 11.534 +/- 0.019 pc.                                           Knc2010 
                       Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and spectroscopic   .       
                       masses of 2.27 +/- 4.55, 2.36, and 1.20 Msun, respectively.             Mlk2012 
22071-5908 HJ 5316     Spectrum: G8/K1V+F/G.                                                   .       
                       A=SB? No SB orbit. B at 3.3" is above MS, suspicious ptm in 2MASS.      Tok2014d
22072+3555 SEI1559     ALI 223. GYL  94.                                                       .       
22075+3841 MLB 792     J 3158.                                                                 .       
22075+2538 A   308     Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and spectroscopic   .       
                       masses of 3.93 +/- 2.45, 3.66, and 2.09 Msun, respectively.             Mlk2012 
22077+0913 HJ 3090     J  1792. Not found by Heintz at IDS position.                           Hei1990b
22082+2921 ALP  27     2MASSW J2208136+292121                                                  .       
                       Physical companionship to this ultracool dwarf ruled out based on I-J   .       
                       color, using I-band photometry taken at WIYN in August 2002.            AlP2007 
22082+1645 BPM2430     [PM2000] 2564634 + [PM2000] 2564663.                                    Gvr2010 
22082-4658 RST5483     alp Gru = Alnair. Not seen by Holden on four nights 1963-1969.          .       
                       Intensity Interferometer Limb-darkened diameter 1.02 +/- 0.07 mas.      HBr1974 
22083+4913 ES  685     Primary is V401 Lac, an Algol-type eclipsing binary, P = 1.95012d.      Zas2012 
22083+2409 HDS3145     Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and spectroscopic   .       
                       masses of 2.58 +/- 0.33, 2.86, and 1.00 Msun, respectively.             Mlk2012 
22084-3259 VSP  56     Mu PsA = 14 PsA.                                                        .       
22086+5917 STF2872     A,BC: H 4 126.                                                          MEv2010 
22088-2546 SEE 469     Previously known as HDS3147. Pair included in the BDS but               Bu_1906 
                       removed from the ADS and IDS. It matches the HDS observation            A__1932a
                       quite well.                                                             IDS1963A 
22089+1539 BPM2431     [PM2000] 2565599 + [PM2000] 2565465.                                    Gvr2010 
22091-1831 BU  170     The wide pair in the field nf is HJ 3092.                               Bu_1906 
22092+3310 BU 1511     pi 1 Peg = 27 Peg                                                       .       
22093+6401 FOX  44     Aka TDT3369.                                                            .       
22093+4451 HJ 1735     Primary is V402 Lac, an eccentric Algol-type eclipsing binary, period   .       
                       3.78202d. B is BD+44@4060.                                              Zas2011 
22093+1142 OSO 170     G126-056. Not a common proper motion pair, based on comparison with     .       
                       POSS2 red plates.                                                       Oso2004 
22093-0755 KUI 111     LDS4947. NLTT 53061/53062                                               Chm2004 
22093-1859 HU  284     This is identical with HU, BDS 11518.                                   Doo1915a
22094+1730 BPM2432     [PM2000] 2566327 + [PM2000] 2566245.                                    Gvr2010 
22095+0542 HWE  61     BDS 11521. BU 842.                                                      .       
22095-0733 GJ 9769     Combined solution, based on reduction of Hipparcos intermediate         .       
                       astrometric data together with spectroscopic elements from Marcy        CPS1999a
                       et al. (1999).                                                          HaI2001 
22095-1827 HJ 3092     B is BD-19@6231, spectrum A8/F0V.                                       .       
22100+1346 OL  222     OL  194.                                                                .       
22102+6811 MLB 370     MLR 104.                                                                .       
22102+0612 VSP  57     ten Peg = 26 Peg.                                                       .       
22102+0255 HJ  957     Aka BAL2063.                                                            .       
22103+0137 HJ 5526     BAL 1597.                                                               .       
22104+1925 BRT2527     J  2364.                                                                J__1962a
22104-0108 J  1727     BAL 628.                                                                .       
22104-5158 TOK 216     Possibly triple. The 1".4 companion found with NICI cannot explain the  .       
                       RV variability and acceleration.                                        Tok2012a
22105+1228 BPM2433     [PM2000] 2567677 + [PM2000] 2567773.                                    Gvr2010 
22106+7008 STF2883     HJL 301.                                                                HJL1986 
                       H N 121.                                                                MEv2010 
22107+3322 GYL  73     TOB 226. No sign of a 5.9" pair, although AC2000 shows coordinates      .       
                       corresponding to this value. Apparently this is due to an error in the  .       
                       catalog coordinate, as the true declination of the B component is ~15"  .       
                       due north of the AC2000 coordinates for B.                              .       
22108+2151 J  2365     BRT 2528.                                                               .       
22109+5757 BU  436     Hough suspected a close companion, not confirmed.                       .       
22111+1624 BPM2434     [PM2000] 2568540 + [PM2000] 2568461.                                    Gvr2010 
22112+5049 HJ 1741     AB: Optical pair, based on study of relative motion of the components   .       
                       using the method of apparent motion parameters.                         Kiy2008 
22115+5925 CIA  45     lam Cep.                                                                .       
                       Radial velocities are also discussed by Gies & Bolton (1986) and        Gie1986 
                       Underhill (1995 ApJS 100, 433).                                         Msn1998a
22115+1806 CHR 119     Ross 270, G126-62.                                                      .       
           OSO 171     G126-062. Not a common proper motion pair, based on comparison with     .       
                       POSS2 red plates.                                                       Oso2004 
22115+1731 HD210647    Hipparcos astrometric solution adopted some elements from the orbit of  HIP1997d
                       Griffin (1984).                                                         Grf1984b
22115-0114 BAL 629     Also known as STF2871.                                                  .       
22116+2716 HO  289     CD of ADS should probably read BD.                                      .       
22116+1803 OSO 172     G126-063. Neither is a common proper motion pair, based on comparison   .       
                       with POSS2 red plates.                                                  Oso2004 
22116-3428 CHR 230     Aa,Ab: This new component to the visual pair Bu 769 has moved through   .       
                       more than 4 deg in about 10 months, implying a period of order 60 - 70  .       
                       years. The wide pair has shown essentially no change since its          Bu_1887 
                       discovery by Burnham in 1879, on the other hand.                        Hrt1996b
22117+0612 OSO 173     G018-035. AC is not a common proper motion pair, based on comparison    .       
                       with POSS2 red plates.                                                  Oso2004 
22117-5850 HJ 5317     B is CPD-59@7774.                                                       .       
22118+5944 STF2880     STT 466.                                                                .       
                       H 1  49.                                                                MEv2010 
22118+5650 GIC 176     The C component is G233-002.                                            .       
22119+6342 STI1097     Appears to be identical with 22122+6344 BU 1512. measures merged.       .       
                       Farman notes a 13th magnitude star in 355@.                             Frm1907 
22120+3739 STF2876     Same as STF2864.                                                        .       
22121+1245 BPM2435     [PM2000] 2569827 + [PM2000] 2569969.                                    Gvr2010 
22122+5909 MLR 439     No significant movement since first resolution.                         Drd2009 
22125+1749 BPMA255     [PM2000] 2570388 + [PM2000] 2570558.                                    Gvr2010 
22126+5253 ES  146     Identical with ROE 93. Heintz confirms the BD identity.                 Hei1983a
                       A measure 1902.89 is contained in a letter from Espin to Roe. The       Es_1903 
                       measure in BDS evidently belongs to another pair.                       .       
22129+7318 STF2893     Spectrum composite; K0II-III+A3V.                                       .       
                       H 4  82.                                                                MEv2010 
22129+4555 BUR   1     Measured by Burling (2005) on DSS plate and incorrectly identified as   Bur2005 
                       HJ 1723.                                                                .       
22130-4733 CPO 630     LDS 775.                                                                .       
22132+2148 HJ  958     HJL 302.                                                                HJL1986 
22132-1111 BU 1215     EPIC 206135267. Primary is eclipsing binary, period 2.533d.             SJR2016 
22133+2352 HJ 1744     POU 5668.                                                               .       
22137+5636 SMA 162     Also known as STI2651.                                                  .       
22138+2445 POU5671     J   2705.                                                               .       
22138-0627 LDS4949     NLTT 53254/53255                                                        Chm2004 
22139+3943 MCA  70     A is a spectroscopic binary. Uncertain whether MCA pair is the same.    .       
22139+1519 BPM2436     [PM2000] 2572221 + [PM2000] 2572211.                                    Gvr2010 
22143+1711 STF2877     AB: An optical pair. Measures of the BD                                 WFC1998 
                       pair from Urban et al., Burnham, Abetti,                                Bu_1913 
                       Opik, and 2MASS were originally                                         Abt1922 
                       erroneously labelled as measures of the                                 Opi1932 
                       BC pair.                                                                TMA2003 
22143-1109 BRT2792     J 3239.                                                                 .       
22143-2104 H N  56     41 Aqr. Spectrum composite; K0III+F2V.                                  .       
22144-0845 OSO 174     LHS 3780. Not a common proper motion pair, based on comparison with     .       
                       POSS2 red plates.                                                       Oso2004 
22146+1728 BPM2437     [PM2000] 2573096 + [PM2000] 2573005.                                    Gvr2010 
22147+1249 BPM2438     [PM2000] 2573244 + [PM2000] 2573421.                                    Gvr2010 
22150+5703 ENG  84     23 Cep = eps Cep. A is a Delta Scuti-type variable.                     .       
                       B is BD+56@2744.                                                        .       
                       AB: Optical pair, based on study of relative motion of the components   .       
                       using the method of apparent motion parameters.                         Kiy2008 
           MWT   1     Aa,Ab: Candidate close companion to eps Cep is estimated to be of       .       
                       spectral type K8-M2, mass ~0.5 Msun, radius ~0.7 Rsun, temperature 3    .       
                       650K, age ~600 Myr. Distance from the primary >= 8.6au.                 Mwt2011 
22151+3500 RAO 476     pa error = 348 deg.                                                     RAO2020b
22152-0535 A  2599     The close pair previously cataloged as MSN   1 was an error. This was   .       
                       verified by the null detection of Hartkopf et al. and reinspection of   Hrt2009 
                       the original data.                                                      Msn1996b
22154+5104 ES 1113     Also known as WFC 239.                                                  .       
22155+3450 ES  214     Also known as J  3317.                                                  .       
22156+3811 ES 2530     Also known as ALI 700.                                                  .       
22156-4121 CHR 187     Abt & Biggs (1972) note variable RV.                                    AbH1972 
22157-1809 LDS4950     NLTT 53321/53320                                                        Chm2004 
22158+4354 POP  23     Erroneously listed as companions to 22156+4352COU1981 = BD+43 4164      Pal2005c
                       rather than +43 4165.                                                   .       
22159+5440 BU  377     AB: Optical pair, based on study of relative motion of the components   .       
                       using the method of apparent motion parameters.                         Kiy2008 
                       AQ = BU  377Ab.                                                         .       
           GIC 177     AT = G232-061/G232-062 = GJ 4268A+4269B.                                .       
           BU  377     AC, AD: Rectilinear solutions by Friedman et al. (2011).                USN2011a
22159+3125 BU  477     HJL 303.                                                                HJL1986 
22161+3521 J  1211     Van Biesbroeck corrects the position by reference to BD+34@4642.        VBs1954 
22161-0705 HDS3158     Cvetkovic et al. (2014) derive spectral types G4 and  K3, masses 1.07   .       
                       and 0.79 Msun. Dynamical parallax is 17.56 +/- 0.44 mas.                Cve2014 
                       A 111.1d spectroscopic solution for the B component has been found      Tok2018d
                       making this a triple system.                                            .       
                       Synthetic Spectrum gives Bt mags of 12.19 & 14.02 for Ba,Bb and 11.12   Mda2019 
                       and 12.67 for Vt. The solution for the three components A, Ba and Bb    .       
                       Teff = 5836 +/- 80, 5115 +/- 80, and 4500 +/- 80, degrees Kelvin,       .       
                       R = 1.09 +/- 0.039, 0.596 +/- 0.05, and 0.49 +/- 0.06, \rsun,           .       
                       L = 1.24 +/- 0.10, 0.22 +/- 0.09, and 0.09 +/- 0.05, \lsun,             .       
                       M = 1.05 +/- 0.16, 0.83 +/- 0.16, and 0.67 +/- 0.16, \msun.             .       
22162+4229 COU1830     TDT3433.                                                                .       
22162+1145 BPM2439     [PM2000] 2575225 + [PM2000] 2575139.                                    Gvr2010 
22163+1736 BPM2440     [PM2000] 2575257 + [PM2000] 2575213.                                    Gvr2010 
22164+7321 LDS1975     NLTT 53440/53441.                                                       .       
22165+3708 SEI1561     ID uncertain - no sign of SEI pair, and ALADIN only indicates one       .       
                       Astrographic Catalog star in vicinity of Scheiner's coordinates.        .       
22166+0147 HJ 3102     BAL 1598.                                                               .       
22166-5543 SYO   2     LDS 781. B is CPD-56@9854.                                              .       
22168+1746 BPM2441     [PM2000] 2575955 + [PM2000] 2575968.                                    Gvr2010 
22169+1258 HJ  293     Also known as STF2888.                                                  .       
22172+1725 BRT1358     J  3350.                                                                Nsn2016 
22173-0042 STF2887     HJL 304.                                                                HJL1986 
22173-0847 LDS 782     AB: NLTT 53397/53398                                                    Chm2004 
                       This system counts as single in our statistics, even though it appears  .       
                       to be a triple system in reality. The reason for this is that the A     .       
                       component was the AstraLux target, and the BC pair at ~7.8" is outside  .       
                       of the completeness cut-off at 6". Since the BC pair is visible in the  .       
                       AstraLux images, we can nonetheless analyze it astrometrically. This    .       
                       pair was first reported by Beuzit et al. (2004) with rho = 0.978" and   .       
                       theta = 305.8deg. There are no error bars quoted, but if we assume      .       
                       that the quoted precision in decimal places corresponds to measurement  .       
                       precision, and adopt errors of 5 mas and 0.5deg, which should be        .       
                       conservative in that circumstance, we find that common proper motion    .       
                       can be confirmed at a 76 sigma confidence level. Hence, physical        .       
                       companionship can be confidently inferred, even if the errors should    .       
                       be substantially larger than what we have assumed.                      Jnn2012 
22174+1309 BPM2442     [PM2000] 2576735 + [PM2000] 2576704.                                    Gvr2010 
22174-0102 BAL 631     The secondary in the original measure appears to be either a            .       
                       typographical error or a plate flaw.                                    .       
22175+2335 GIC 179     G127-013/G127-014.                                                      .       
22175-2342 HJ 5324     LDS4954.                                                                .       
                       NLTT 53404/53403                                                        Chm2004 
                       WHC  27.                                                                .       
22180-6249 I    20     Ling (2004) derived an orbital parallax 0".00741 and a  mass sum of     Lin2004a
                       3.68 +/- 5.03 Msun.                                                     .       
22181+1126 BPM2443     [PM2000] 2577549 + [PM2000] 2577478.                                    Gvr2010 
22181-0014 CHR 107     This system, first announced by McAlister and recalled in a later       McA1984b
                       McAlister paper after repeated attempts at confirmation, has been       McA1993 
                       restored. While perhaps still spurious, the subsequent confirmation or  .       
                       suspected duplicity (by another technique) makes the discovery          .       
                       measurement somewhat more probable.                                     .       
22182+1414 BPM2444     [PM2000] 2577654 + [PM2000] 2577722.                                    Gvr2010 
22182-6300 LTT18565    Hipparcos astrometric solution assumes circular orbit (e = omega = 0).  HIP1997d
22185+6313 STF2896     B is BD+62@2060.                                                        .       
22186+0827 OSO 175     G018-039. Not a common proper motion pair, based on color and           .       
                       comparison with POSS2 red plates.                                       Oso2004 
22186-6014 alp Tuc     Elements P, T, e in the astrometric solution of Alden (1939) were       Ald1939a
                       taken from the spectroscopic orbit by Spencer Jones.                    .       
                       Hipparcos astrometric solution adopted some elements from the orbit of  HIP1997d
                       Alden (1939).                                                           Ald1939a
22187-4954 I   303     AB: Optical pair, based on study of relative motion of the components   .       
                       using the method of apparent motion parameters.                         Kiy2008 
                       AB: Rectilinear solution by Hurowitz et al. (2014).                     USN2014b
22189+3746 STF2894     AB: HJL 305.                                                            HJL1986 
                       AB: H 3  17.                                                            MEv2010 
22191+5607 A  1461     One component is the Beta Lyrae-type system GP Cep.                     .       
22193+6319 WGT   4     Only quadrants were listed in the paper; position angles were           .       
                       estimated from their figure.                                            .       
                       Components D, E, F, and G are IR point-like sources near the massive    .       
                       protostellar object S140 IRS1.                                          Wgt2002a
           BEI   2     A: SH 2-140 IRS 1. Includes monopolar nebula that extends towards the   .       
                       SE at a PA ~150 +/- 15deg.                                              Alv2004 
22193+0800 J   179     OL  147.                                                                .       
22193-1047 STF2892     Probably a misprint in BDS Vol II: AD should read AB.                   .       
22195-6048 HJ 5323     B is CPD-61@6639.                                                       .       
                       Spectrum of system: K1/2III F2/3(IV).                                   .       
22199+0526 OSO 176     G018-040. Not a common proper motion pair, based on astrometry and      .       
                       color.                                                                  Oso2004 
22199-3642 HJ 5326     SWR 268. CPM pair                                                       Skf2004 
22202-1307 EPI  17     EPIC 206061524. Planet Hunter Object of Interest (PHOI-5b), period      .       
                       5.8797 +0.0018/-0.0015d.                                                SJR2016 
22204+4625 RAO  74     A is also a 765d spectroscopic binary.                                  Tok2019b
22204+0520 CBL 540     Aka CRB  19.                                                            .       
22204-0847 LDS2941     LDS5248.                                                                .       
22205+0547 HJ  962     30 Peg.                                                                 .       
22205-0041 SLP   1     Primary is the white dwarf PHL 5038; a model fit to its spectrum        .       
                       yields Teff = 8000 +/- 100K and log g = 8.2 +/0 0.2, implying a mass    .       
                       of 0.72 +/- 0.15 Msun and a distance of 64 +/- 10 pc.  The B            .       
                       component is likely a brown dwarf, spectral type L8-L9.                 SlP2009 
22206+5349 BU  379     Bidelman classifies AB as composite gK+ early A.                        .       
22207+2457 STF2895     CD: Also known as POU5695.                                              .       
22210+4632 HJ 1755     2 Lac. A is a spectroscopic binary.                                     .       
22211+5428 ES 2718     B is BD+53@2854.                                                        .       
22211+3744 BRT2235     Aka ES 2531.                                                            .       
22211+3544 ES 2389     J  3318.                                                                .       
22213+5109 VBS  36     Van Biesbroeck called this HJ 1757, BDS 11679, but it looks like        VBs1914 
                       another pair.                                                           .       
22213+2820 HO  615     32 Peg.                                                                 .       
22214+6828 OSO 177     G241-004. None is a common proper motion pair, based on comparison      .       
                       with POSS2 red plates.                                                  Oso2004 
22216+1207 BPM2445     [PM2000] 2581835 + [PM2000] 2581704.                                    Gvr2010 
22217-0123 HJ 3106     gam Aqr = 48 Aqr = Sadachbia. A is a spectroscopic binary.              .       
                       Optical pair, based on study of relative motion of the components       .       
                       using the method of apparent motion parameters.                         Kiy2008 
                       Rectilinear solution by Hurowitz et al. (2014).                         USN2014b
22220-3431 SHY 805     AB: HIP 110419 + HIP 110433.                                            .       
           SHY 802     BC: HIP 110433 + HIP 109306.                                            .       
22225+3021 HO  474     CD measure of Bu_1906 was erroneously also labelled as BD.              .       
22226+1829 BPM2446     [PM2000] 2583171 + [PM2000] 2583192.                                    Gvr2010 
22226+0956 STTA231     B is BD+09@5031.                                                        .       
                       PU Peg, Beta Lyr (EB) type eclipsing binary, P = 0.862011 d.            Zas2011 
22227+2849 KU   64     CD: J 1796.                                                             .       
22227+1457 BPM2447     [PM2000] 2583245 + [PM2000] 2583248.                                    Gvr2010 
22227-4152 DON1030     Spectrum K1/2III/IV.                                                    .       
22227-4557 I   135     pi 1 Gru = 161 Gru. A is an irregular variable.                         .       
22229+1619 BB Peg      Multiple system including contact binary. Pribulla & Rucinski (2006)    Pbl2006 
                       estimate the mass of the contact pair at 1.951 Msun and the minimum     .       
                       mass of the wider component at 0.19 Msun.                               .       
22230+5533 BAR  58     D is the Mira-type variable SU Lac.                                     .       
22231-4556 I   382     pi 2 Gru                                                                .       
22231-6509 HJ 5327     B is CPD-65@4028.                                                       .       
22233+3642 ES 2070     Aka J  3319.                                                            Dam2013 
22234+3912 HJ 1759     ALI 987.                                                                .       
22234+3228 WOR  11     Also known as GJ 856, this is a well studied binary with several        .       
                       astrometric data points over a long baseline. In Table 4, we present    .       
                       the AstraLux data as well as one example data point from literature,    .       
                       and otherwise refer to Seymour et al. (2002) for more information on    USN2002 
                       the astrometric data and a preliminary orbit fit. Lopez-Santiago et al  .       
                       (2006 ApJ 643, 1160) classify the system as a member of subgroup B4,    .       
                       with an estimated age of ~100 Myr.                                      Jnn2012 
22236+5431 ES 1021     STI2741.                                                                .       
22236+5214 CHR 108     bet Lac = 3 Lac                                                         .       
                       NPOI Limb-darkened diameter 1.92 +/- 0.02 mas,                          NOI1999 
                       R = 10.7 +/- 0.3 \rsun.                                                 .       
                       NPOI Limb-darkened diameter 1.909 +/- 0.011 mas.                        NOI2001a
                       NPOI Limb-darkened diameter 1.957 +/- 0.037 mas, Sp = G8III,            NOI2018 
                       R = 10.96 +/- 0.23 \rsun, Teff = 4803 +/- 75 K, L = 57.7 +/- 3.0 \lsun, .       
                       M = 0.97 +/- 0.21 \msun, Age = 6.76 +/- 3.59 Gyr.                       .       
22236+4521 STF2902     AB: H N  64.                                                            MEv2010 
22237+2051 STF2900     33 Peg.                                                                 .       
                       STTA233. STFB 12.                                                       .       
                       AB: Additional notes may be found in Couteau (1955).                    Cou1955c
                       AC: Optical pair, based on study of relative motion of the components   .       
                       using the method of apparent motion parameters.                         Kiy2008 
                       AC: H 5  99.                                                            MEv2010 
           COU 139     CD: This may be the pair observed by Kuiper in 1934 and "suspected of   Kui1961b
                       being a very close, equal pair of 0".1". Star was not retained in the   .       
                       lists of Kuiper, nor in the IDS.                                        Cou1967a
           STF2900     AB: Rectilinear solution by Hartkopf & Mason (2013).                    Hrt2013b
22237-7248 HJ 5325     B is CPD-73@2252.                                                       .       
22240+0612 TOK 350     Triple system consisting of a close binary Aa,Ab with a separation of   .        
                       0".09 detected by Riddle et al. (2015) and a CPM companion with a       RAO2015  
                       separation of 171". The Aa,Ab system is unresolved in the Ks images,    .        
                       but elongated in the J images. We were unable to extract astrometry     .        
                       from the data. The separation has decreased since it was discovered     .        
                       in 2012; Tokovinin et al. (2014) resolved it with visible speckle       Tok2014a 
                       interferometry at the 4.1 m SOAR telescope on 2013.73 at 41 mas.        Rbr2015d 
22241-0450 BU  172     51 Aqr.                                                                 .       
                       AB: Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and             .       
                       spectroscopic masses 5.81 +/- 1.40, 4.96, and 2.24 Msun, respectively.  Mlk2012 
                       1976.6164: This epoch was incorrectly given as 1976.6146                McA1982b
                       AB,C: H 5  95.                                                          MEv2010 
22242+3831 BRT2236     ALI 988.                                                                .       
22243-0138 GIC 180     LDS5249.  G027-026/G027-025.                                            .       
                       NLTT 53754/53752                                                        Chm2004 
22246+1359 BPM2448     [PM2000] 2585544 + [PM2000] 2585676.                                    Gvr2010 
22246-4127 JC   19     B is CD-42@15902.                                                       .       
22246-7215 FIN 285     nu Ind. Measures uncertain, too close. Proper motion +1326 -690.        .       
                       Needs speckle to elicit the nature of the motion.                       .       
22247-0159 ALP  28     2MASSW J2224438-015852                                                  .       
                       Physical companionship to this ultracool dwarf ruled out based on I-J   .       
                       color, using I-band photometry taken at WIYN in August 2002.            AlP2007 
22248+2409 HJ 1763     52.5s p and 3' n of BD+23 4532.                                         Doo1915a
22257+1641 BPM2449     [PM2000] 2586892 + [PM2000] 2586810.                                    Gvr2010 
22259-7501 DUN 238     AB + KO    5AC + TOK 434Ba,Bb: HIP 110712 and 110719 form the 20".6     .       
                       pair DUN 238 AB. We observed both components. The A component has a     .       
                       variable RV according to the GCS, but not confirmed by Jones et al.     .       
                       (2002); it was unresolved. The newly found pair Ba,Bb has a period on   CPS2002b
                       the order of 10yr. Considering the distant companion                    Cab2012 
                       C found by Caballero (2012), the system contains at least 4 stars.      Tok2015c
22262+3606 BRT3254     ALI 230.                                                                .       
22262-6157 HJ 5331     B is CPD-62@6336.                                                       .       
22263-1839 BHA  52     CPD-19@8232.                                                            .       
22264+5714 STI2778     22265+5714SMA 164                                                       .       
22264+5534 HJ 1767     STI 2777.                                                               .       
22266+0424 BU  290     34 Peg.                                                                 .       
                       This cannot be the close 931.3-d spectroscopic binary.                  Grf2010a
                       AB: A = 34 Peg is SB1, P=913.3d=2.55y (Griffin 2010). Also astrometric  Grf2010a
                       orbit, P=2.404y (Goldin & Makarov 2007).                                Gln2007 
22266-1645 SHJ 345     53 Aqr.                                                                 .       
                       AB: H N  41.                                                            MEv2010 
22267+1458 BPM2450     [PM2000] 2588140 + [PM2000] 2587991.                                    Gvr2010 
22268-5446 RST1132     CD-55@9094.                                                             .       
22269+2653 COU 539     This cannot be the close 6.5-d spectroscopic binary.                    Grf2011 
22269-1152 LDS2943     NLTT 53864/53865                                                        Chm2004 
22272-0146 STF2904     BAL 269.                                                                .       
22273-6458 CHR 188     del Tuc                                                                 .       
22274+4749 HJ 1768     B is BD+47@3801.                                                        .       
22274+3949 CHR 109     This system, first announced by McAlister and recalled in a later       McA1984b
                       McAlister paper after repeated attempts at confirmation, has been       McA1993 
                       restored. While perhaps still spurious, the subsequent confirmation or  .       
                       suspected duplicity (by another technique) makes the discovery          .       
                       measurement somewhat more probable.                                     .       
22274-3411 LDS 785     Spectra DA and M?.                                                      .       
22274-5800 I   137     DK Tuc, Algol-type eclipsing binary, P = 5.33793 d.                     Zas2011 
22275-2630 LDS3388     DEA  24.                                                                .       
22275-7743 MUG  18     Exoplanet host, P=2.24d. Companion listed by Roell et al. (2012) is     Rol2012 
                       confirmed by Mugrauer & Neuhauser (2009).                               Mug2009 
22276+5730 HJ 1771     STI 2784.                                                               .       
22279+0442 ENG  85     35 Peg.                                                                 .       
22279-0517 OSO 178     G027-029.                                                               .       
22280+5742 KR   60     B is the flare star DO Cep, which is fairly active with flares of small .       
                       to moderate amplitudes.                                                 .       
                       See Baize & Petit (1989) catalog of doubles with variable component.    Baz1989d
                       AC, AE, AF, and AI: Optical pair, based on study of relative motion of  .       
                       the components using the method of apparent motion parameters.          Kiy2008 
                       AB: Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and             .       
                       spectroscopic masses 0.43 +/- 0.06, 0.42, and 0.56 Msun, respectively.  Mlk2012 
           HZE   5     Heinze et al. (2010) determine the K component is a background object.  Hze2010 
           FYM 118     The EQ pair was initially listed incorrectly as CQ.  The CD pair was    .       
                       initially listed incorrectly as a new CT pair.                          FyM2014b
           KR   60     AD, AG: Rectilinear solutions by Mason & Hartkopf (2016).               Msn2016a
                       AF: Rectilinear solution by Hurowitz et al. (2014).                     USN2014b
           HEL   4     AJ: Rectilinear solution by Mason & Hartkopf (2016).                    Msn2016a
           FYM 118     AM, AO, AS: Rectilinear solutions by Mason & Hartkopf (2016).           Msn2016a
                       CE: Despite having an orbit, an optical pair based on parallax.         Mlk2022 
22284-2553 LDS2944     NLTT 53929/53928                                                        Chm2004 
22285+5110 OSO 179     G215-047. None is a common proper motion pair, based on comparison      .       
                       with POSS2 red plates.                                                  Oso2004 
22286-6729 VIG  21     Optical/physical nature of the faint companion is undefined.            Vig2012 
22287+3514 POP  99     Possibly an identification problem with the Orlov et al. 2009 measure.  Orl2012 
22287+1333 BPM2451     [PM2000] 2590474 + [PM2000] 2590573.                                    Gvr2010 
22287-3908 SEE 473     nu Gru                                                                  .       
22288-0001 STF2909     A: zet 2 Aqr = 55 Aqr A                                                 .       
                       B: zet 1 Aqr = 55 Aqr B                                                 .       
                       AB: LDS4971.                                                            .       
           EBE   1     The close pair has been resolved by infrared speckle interferometry     .       
                       (McCarthy 1983). Suspected variability of one of the components is      Mcy1983 
                       unconfirmed. Aa,Ab also known as TOK 201.                               .       
                       See Baize & Petit (1989) catalog of doubles with variable component.    Baz1989d
                       A perturbation of the AB orbit (period ~25y) was first noted by Strand  Str1942 
                       (1942). The mass of the third star was subsequently estimated at 0.22   .       
                       Msun by Harrington (1968) and 0.4 Msun by Heintz (1984). Based on       Hrr1968 
                       parallax observations, Franz (1958) associated this third star with     Hei1984c
                       the B component, while Heintz favored the A component. Ebersberger &    Fnz1958 
                       Weigelt (1979) found a close visual companion to the A component,       Ebe1979 
                       while McCarthy et al. (1982) discovered a companion to B in the near    Mcy1982b
                       infrared. Scardia et al (2010) find the astrometry of the McCarthy      Sca2010c
                       companion to be in good agreement with predictions of the perturbation  .       
                       orbit, so assume this orbit is associated with B.                       .       
                       H 2   7.                                                                MEv2010 
22290-0956 STF2907     B is BD-10@5924.                                                        .       
22291+1212 BPM2452     [PM2000] 2590844 + [PM2000] 2590968.                                    Gvr2010 
22291-3658 RSS  38     This previously uncataloged double star was a Hipparcos double entry    .       
                       system.  The first measure is determined from the individual positions  .       
                       listed by Rousseau et al.                                               Rss1996 
22292+5825 BU  702     A: del Cep = 27 Cep. Prototype of the Cepheid variables, P = 5.36d.     .       
                       A: Gallene et al. (2016) searched for close companions to del Cep,      .       
                       using the CHARA Array. H-band magnitude limits for separation regimes   .       
                       r < 25 mas, 25 < r < 50 mas, and 50 < r < 100 mas of 6.17, 5.63, and    .       
                       5.26 mags correspond to spectral type limits for possible companions    .       
                       of F0V, A1V, and B9V, respectively,                                     CIA2016a
                       NPOI Limb-darkened diameter 1.52 +/- 0.02 mas,                          NOI1999 
                       R = 51.  +/- 9.  \rsun.                                                 .       
                       NPOI Limb-darkened diameter 1.520 +/- 0.014 mas.                        NOI2001a
           STFA 58     STTA235. C is variable and a spectroscopic binary.                      .       
                       AC: H 5   4.                                                            MEv2010 
                       C: Benedict et al. (2002) used the HST FGS3 to derive parallaxes for    .       
                       del Cep (3.66 +/- 0.15 mas) and its 40" companion HD 213307 = STFA 58C  .       
                       (3.65 +/- 0.15 mas). Residuals to the data for the C component showed   .       
                       long-term and non-linear trends, which they used to derive a            .       
                       preliminary perturbation orbit with period 390d and a = 2.0 mas.        AST2002b
                       In addition to detecting the unresolved spectroscopic companion with    .       
                       P = 2202 +/- 6d a parallax of 4.09 +/- 0.16 is determined for the       .       
                       system from Hipparcos Intermediate Data.                                IRA2015 
                       Masses are 5.2 and 4. Msun. Estimated period = 345,000y,                .       
                       a = 10,000au = 38.6".                                                   Evs2013 
22292+5451 MLR 613     Aa,Ab: TDT3541.                                                         .       
22293-4330 I  1054     del 1 Gru. Variable?                                                    .       
22294-2840 SEE 474     AB: Duplicity doubtful, but should be tested by speckle.  Hipparcos     .       
                       suspected non-single.                                                   .       
22295+4742 MCA  71     5 Lac. A long-period (P = 41.95y) SB now resolved by interferometry.    .       
                       NPOI Limb-darkened diameter 5.881 +/- 0.022 mas, Sp = K4I,              NOI2018 
                       R = 319.2 +/- 29.3 \rsun, Teff = 3713 +/- 56 K,                         .       
                       L = 17473 +/- 3344 \lsun, M = 5.11 +/- 0.18 \msun,                      .       
                       Age = 0.11 +/- 0.01 Gyr.                                                .       
22296+3623 BRT3255     ALI 233.                                                                .       
22296+0538 BU  844     BC: J 917.                                                              J__1957 
22298-4345 DUN 239     del 2 Gru. A is an irregular variable. B is CD-44@14934.                .       
22299+5225 LEO  53     AB: Spectral type of B at Mt. Wilson is F5.                             .       
22299+3912 MLB 905     ALI 991.                                                                .       
22300+4851 JNN 294     Estimated age 30-300 Myr; masses 0.44 +/- 0.20 and 0.25 +/- 0.13 Msun;  .       
                       a ~42.7 au.                                                             Jnn2014 
22300+3234 CHR 110     38 Peg.                                                                 .       
                       This system, first announced by McAlister and recalled in a later       McA1984b
                       McAlister paper after repeated attempts at confirmation, has been       McA1993 
                       restored. While perhaps still spurious, the subsequent confirmed or     .       
                       suspected duplicity (by another technique) makes the discovery          .       
                       measurement somewhat more probable.                                     .       
22300+0426 STF2912     The primary is a single-lined spectroscopic binary, P = 372.4 d.        .       
                       Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and spectroscopic   .       
                       masses of 3.33 +/- 0.95, 3.00, and 1.35 Msun, respectively.             Mlk2012 
22301+4921 FRK  11     A is an eclipsing binary, V350 Lac. B is optical.                       .       
22302+2228 HU  388     Double never clearly resolved.                                          WRH1954b
                       BD +21 4772 , 4' distant, may have common proper motion (Eggen 1965).   Egg1965 
22303+5714 STT 473     Spectroscopic binary.                                                   .       
22303+0047 RST5485     Position corrected by Heintz.                                           Hei1980a
22305+2232 VOU  38     Many negative results make interpretation uncertain.                    .       
22305-0807 STF2913     H 2  59.                                                                MEv2010 
22308+5637 DOO  17     The distance to 22308+5630DOO  18 is 370.6 @ 351.5".                    Fox1925 
22308+5630 STI2805     AC: Also known as DOO  18AC.                                            .       
22308+4007 A  1467     Rectilinear solution by Rica & Zirm (2012).                             FMR2012i
22308+1629 BPM2453     [PM2000] 2592687 + [PM2000] 2592741.                                    Gvr2010 
22310-4926 HDO 299     AB: Primary is exoplanet host, P=951d. Roell et al.(2012 A&A 542, A92)  .       
                       list C at 96" as physical. Aladin: color DSS2 confirms CPM?             Tok2014d
                       B and D are not co-moving with A, but AC is CM pair.                    .       
           MUG   5     Followup spectroscopy confirmed the C component is a dwarf; estimated   .       
                       mass is 0.146 +- 0.005 Msun.                                            Mug2005 
           HDO 299     AB: Rectilinear solution by Hurowitz et al. (2014).                     USN2014b
22311+4509 LEP 108     NI   45.                                                                .       
22313+5017 BU  703     alp Lac = 7 Lac.                                                        .       
                       Optical pair, based on study of relative motion of the components       .       
                       using the method of apparent motion parameters.                         Kiy2008 
                       Rectilinear solution by Hurowitz et al. (2014).                         USN2014b
22313-0633 CHR 111     Pourbaix gives combined solution for this resolved SB2, yielding        Pbx2000b
                       orbital parallaxes and component masses.                                .       
                       Hipparcos astrometric solution assumes circular orbit (e = omega = 0).  HIP1997d
                       Proper quadrants determined by occultation (D. Herald, private comm.)   .       
                       Orbit determined by fitting revised Hipparcos intermediate astrometric  .       
                       data. Derived component masses 1.07 +/- 0.06 and 1.00 +/- 0.06 Msun.    Ren2010 
                       Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and spectroscopic   .       
                       masses of 2.02 +/- 0.13, 1.98, and 1.13 Msun, respectively.             Mlk2012 
22314-0925 GIC 181     AB = G156-012/G156-013.                                                 .       
                       AB: NLTT 54059/54058                                                    Chm2004 
22315-3221 EHR  18     Primary is bet PsA = 17 PsA. B component is background star.            Ehr2010 
           PZ    7     AC: C is CD-32@17127.                                                   .       
22317+5711 SMA 166     STI 2808.                                                               .       
22317-1054 58 Aqr      Hipparcos astrometric solution assumes circular orbit (e = omega = 0).  HIP1997d
22318+2953 MLB 582     J 2372.                                                                 .       
22320+6311 MLR  18     Aa,Ab: TDT3573.                                                         .       
22320+2847 BRT 228     Probably J  2371.                                                       Nsn2016 
22321-4244 I  1455     Appears to be in rapid retrograde motion.                               .       
22324+6015 HJ 1782     AC: Also known as 22326+6014BU 1514AC.                                  .       
22324+1606 BPM2454     [PM2000] 2594481 + [PM2000] 2594442.                                    Gvr2010 
22324-1056 STF2914     Aa,Ab: BDS has this examined by several apertures (6-40") from          Bu_1906 
                       1875-1904. Never resolved. According to Burnham: "It is therefore       .       
                       certain that the H companion does not exist."                           .       
22325+6229 HJ 1784     STI 1113.                                                               .       
22326+4307 ES  539     SMA 168.                                                                .       
22326+0725 STF2915     A has been connected with BD+06@5033.                                   .       
                       Statistically the same parallax within the errors would indicate the    .       
                       components are physical.                                                .       
           SHY 353     BC: HIP 111276 + HIP 110341.                                            .       
22328+4857 ES  540     Aka OL  176.                                                            Dam2018l
22328+1024 OSO 180     G018-055. Not a common proper motion pair                               Oso2004 
22328-0557 OSO 181     G027-033. Not a common proper motion pair, based on color               Oso2004 
22329+5348 KUI 112     Proper motion +1361 +105.  The identification of this pair with the     .       
                       star at the quoted precise coordinates is uncertain.                    .       
                       Aa,Ab: Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and          .       
                       spectroscopic masses 0.65 +/- 0.34, 1.18, and 0.65 Msun, respectively.  Mlk2012 
22329+4923 HU 1320     Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and spectroscopic   .       
                       masses of 1.98 +/- 0.69, 2.65, and 1.25 Msun, respectively.             Mlk2012 
22329+0219 LDS4976     Noticeable difference of AB from NLTT data.                             Gel1987 
22330+6955 STF2924     Giant (A9 III) classification probably wrong.                           .       
                       AB: Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and             .       
                       spectroscopic masses 4.28 +/- 0.89, 2.72, and 1.79 Msun, respectively.  Mlk2012 
22332+1732 OL  223     a.k.a. COU 332. In his 1968 observation Couteau notes "This is          Cou1970a
                       probably the star observed by Olivier in 1927 but not found at the      Ol_1928 
                       approximate position in the Index Catalog."                             IDS1963A
22332-0046 J   291     J 1728.                                                                 .       
22333-3844 SEE 475     Probably not double. However, should be checked with speckle.           .       
22333-6049 MLO   7     G8/K0II+F/G.                                                            .       
22334+1249 BPM2456     [PM2000] 2595677 + [PM2000] 2595703.                                    Gvr2010 
22334+1122 BPM2455     [PM2000] 2595578 + [PM2000] 2595624.                                    Gvr2010 
22334-0937 MCT  13     GJ 4282 = Steph 2018                                                    .       
                       Daemgen et al. (2007) derive a distance of 26.7 +/- 4.1 pc, separation  Dae2007 
                       of 41.9 +/- 6.4 au, and a predicted orbital period of 382 +89/-90 yr.   .       
                       Spectral types for both stars are M3.0 +/- 0.5; masses for both are     .       
                       0.42 +0.05/-0.06 Msun.                                                  .       
22338+0352 GRV 587     B component is +03 4726.                                                .       
22339+1537 BPM2457     [PM2000] 2596171 + [PM2000] 2596113.                                    Gvr2010 
22340-0134 BU 1515     60 Aqr.                                                                 .       
22341+3920 BAG  47     Primary is the alpha2 CVn type variable V362 Lac.                       .       
22343-3759 UC 4769     SKF1510.                                                                .       
22345+1358 J   292     TDT3598.                                                                .       
22347+4042 ALR   2     Allers et al. (2009) Estimate distance at 325 +72/-50 pc, giving a      .       
                       projected separation of 51 +11/-8 au. Based on composite optical and    .       
                       near-IR spectroscopy, spectral type for both components is M6.          .       
                       Individual masses for both components, based on an age of ~1 Myr, are   .       
                       estimated at 0.10 +0.075/-0.04 Msun.                                    Alr2009 
22347-0336 GAA  24     LL Aqr                                                                  .       
22350-1229 GIC 182     G156-022/G156-023.                                                      .       
22354+3249 ES 2270     Aka COU 736.                                                            .       
22355+0234 HLD  51     A has been connected with BD+01@4632.                                   .       
22357+5652 HJ 1791     AB: HJL 306.                                                            HJL1986 
22357+5312 A  1470     1985.8481: Autocorrelogram was remeasured; new results in catalog       .       
                       Tokovinin gives combined spectroscopic/visual orbit, also yielding      .       
                       orbital parallax and component masses and absolute magnitudes.          Tok1993 
                       Pourbaix gives combined solution for this resolved SB2, yielding        Pbx2000b
                       orbital parallaxes and component masses.                                .       
                       Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and spectroscopic   .       
                       masses of 1.95 +/- 0.40, 1.85, and 1.26 Msun, respectively.             Mlk2012 
                       For the Horch et al. (2015) combined solution, the spectroscopic        .       
                       elements are fixed to those of Pourbaix (2000). Assigned spectral       Pbx2000b
                       types are G2V and G3V; derived masses 1.00 and 0.97 Msun.               Hor2015 
22357+1705 BPM2458     [PM2000] 2598252 + [PM2000] 2598177.                                    Gvr2010 
22357-2808 SHY 352     AB: HIP 111520 + HIP 110084.                                            .       
22359+3938 CHR 112     8 Lac. A shows variable velocity, possibly due to motion in the Aa,Ab   .       
                       system. Shell star.                                                     .       
           STF2922     AB: H 4  86.                                                            MEv2010 
22359-2056 H 5  96     H V 96. B is BD-21@6253.                                                .       
                       HJ 3122.                                                                .       
                       Place by description. Harding has no star corresponding.                H__1867 
22361+7253 BU 1092     AB: LDS1995.                                                            .       
                       Autocorrelogram for 1984.7042 observation was remeasured; new results   .       
                       are given in the catalog.                                               .       
                       AB,D: HJL 307.                                                          HJL1986 
                       AB,D: SHY 810. Bayesian analysis by Shaya & Olling (2011) indicates     Shy2011 
                       very high (near 100%) probability pair is physical.                     .       
                       H 5  94.                                                                .       
           HJ 3133     AB,C: Rectilinear solution by Hurowitz et al. (2014).                   USN2014b
22361+6053 MLB  97     Also known as STI6328.                                                  .       
22362+0010 STF2921     BAL 936.                                                                .       
22366-3140 DUN 241     B is CD-32@17162.                                                       .       
                       Identified as optical and linear solution also published.               LRR2022c
22368+1551 HEI  85     BD+15 4680, formerly assigned to HJ  1790, now assigned here.           Hei1980a
22368+1550 HJ 1790     Much fainter than advertised. BD+15 4680 belongs with HEI   85          Hei1980a
22370+3716 J  2706     ALI 457. J 3176.                                                        .       
22370-4035 BU  771     sig 2 Gru                                                               .       
           SHY 811     AC: HIP 111643 + HIP 111594.                                            .       
22375+3923 HDS3211     A is also a 6177d spectroscopic binary.                                 Tok2019b
                       Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and spectroscopic   .       
                       masses of 0.95 +/- 0.10, 1.19, and 1.00 Msun, respectively.             Mlk2012 
           KIR   5     AC: Data from 2MASS. Kirkpatrick et al. (2001) derive spectral types    Kir2001b
                       M0V+M0V and M9.5V, conclude the C component is a CPM pair with          .       
                       separation 635 au.                                                      .       
22375-6706 SHY 356     AC: HIP 111686 + HIP 111566.                                            .       
22376-2805 LDS 789     B is CD-28@17852.                                                       .       
22378-0414 HJ 5529     kap Aqr = 63 Aqr = Situla                                               .       
                       The pair observed by Burnham and others is not the Herschel pair, but   .       
                       was incorrectly assigned to that designation. According to Burnham,     .       
                       "No other measures. At one time Herschel suspected a very small         .       
                       companion (= H 5529) but this has never been seen since, and certainly  .       
                       does not exist."                                                        Bu_1913 
22380+7305 LDS1996     NLTT 54455/54454.                                                       .       
22381+2601 OSO 182     GD 239. Not a common proper motion pair, based on comparison with       .       
                       POSS2 red plates                                                        Oso2004 
22383+4511 CHR 114     Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and spectroscopic   .       
                       masses of 11.95 +/- 2.82, 5.02, and 4.04 Msun, respectively.            Mlk2012 
22384-0754 A  2695     One component is variable.                                              .       
                       Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical and spectroscopic masses          .       
                       1.83 +/- 1.07 and 4.47 Msun, respectively.                              Mlk2012 
22385+1559 BPM2459     [PM2000] 2601424 + [PM2000] 2601331.                                    Gvr2010 
22385+0218 HO  479     See Baize & Petit (1989) catalog of doubles with variable component.    Baz1989d
22385-1519 BLA  10     L 789-6. GJ 866. One of the nearest stars, proper motion +2340 +2270.   .       
                       Leinert et al. (1990) derive a combined spectroscopic/interferometric/  Lei1990 
                       photometric solution, yielding masses and temperatures, etc.            .       
                        Adopted magnitude differences are as follows:                          .       
                            0.20 +/- 0.13 mag    845 nm                                        .       
                            0.63 +/- 0.08 mag   1250 nm                                        .       
                            0.63 +/- 0.06 mag   1650 nm                                        .       
                            0.63 +/- 0.06 mag   2250 nm                                        .       
                            0.63 +/- 0.10 mag   3800 nm                                        .       
                            0.55 +/- 0.36 mag   4800 nm                                        .       
                       Very low mass triple. AC pair is 3.8-day SB orbiting B component.       .       
                       Combined spectroscopic/interferometric/parallax orbit given for AC,B    .       
                       by Delfosse et al. (1999). Resulting masses are placed on M-L diagram.  Del1999b
                       Combined solution from astrometry, spectroscopy, and parallax derived   .       
                       by Segransan et al. (2000). Solution yields mass and orbital parallax   Sgr2000 
                       determination.                                                          .       
22386+5648 HJ 1796     Rectilinear solution by Friedman et al. (2012).                         USN2012a
22388+4419 HO  295     Slight variability is reported.                                         .       
                       Visual sec. is 552d SB2.                                                Duq1987 
                       See Baize & Petit (1989) catalog of doubles with variable component.    Baz1989d
                       AB: Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and             .       
                       spectroscopic masses 2.26 +/- 0.16, 2.14, and 1.07 Msun, respectively.  Mlk2012 
                       AB: For the Horch et al. (2015) combined solution, the spectroscopic    Hor2015 
                       elements are fixed to those of Duquennoy (1987).                        Duq1987 
           BAG  15     Ba,Bb: There is some confusion in the literature as to whether the      .       
                       close Balega pair is Aa,Ab or Ba,Bb. However, Duquennoy (1987) says     Duq1987 
                       the secondary is a 552d SB2 and Horch et al. (2015) have clearly        Hor2015 
                       resolved the fainter star into a close pair and derive an orbit using   .       
                       the Duquennoy SB elements. The components of the close pair have        .       
                       therefore been changed to Ba,Bb accordingly.                            .       
                       Ba,Bb: For the Horch et al. (2015) combined solution, all elements are  .       
                       calculated from the speckle data, but a double-lined orbit exists due   .       
                       to Duquennoy (1987). This orbit has similar elements to the orbit here  Duq1987 
                       except for the time of periastron passage.  Assigned spectral types     .       
                       for A, Ba, and Bb are F9V, G5V, and K1V; derived masses are 1.12, 0.92  .       
                       and 0.77 Msun.                                                          Hor2015 
22388-2037 HJ 3126     LDS4984.  A is a BY Dra-type variable, and B is a flare star. The A     .       
                       component is FK Aqr, a 4.1d SB2. The HJ pair has an estimated period of Tok2006 
                       2800y. The B component is a 1.8d SB1. The companion to B may be a Brown DCL2014 
                       Dwarf.                                                                  .       
22389+3010 CHE 331     Chevalier made an error in applying the RA offset.                      Che1908 
                       See Hartkopf (2012).                                                    Hrt2012b
22389+1931 KUI 113     40 Peg.                                                                 .       
22389-3527 BRT1826     Spectrum: K1/2III/IV.                                                   .       
22390+1850 HU  392     A 1923 measure of 16394-0306 BU 820 by Gauchet was inadvertently        Gau1925 
                       attributed to 22390+1850 and listed as new companion GAU 19AC. Error    .       
                       noted by Thorel (2012).                                                 Thr2012 
22390+1037 BRT3369     Originally published as BRT1959.                                        Brt1936b
                       J  3351.                                                                Nsn2016 
22391+3723 STT 475     A is a spectroscopic binary.                                            .       
22392+2014 HU  393     Last position given in IDS appears to be in error. Angular motion has   .       
                       actually been some 10deg less than indicated.                           Wor1967b
22393+3903 S   813     10 Lac.                                                                 .       
           TRN  36     AC: The image rotator was in an unknown state, so two possible theta    .       
                       values are listed for the 2001.7339 observation - one for zenith up     .       
                       and one for north up.                                                   Trn2008 
           S   813     AB: H 5  97.                                                            MEv2010 
                       Uniform disk diameter  0.11  +/- 0.02  mas,                             .       
                       Limb darkened diameter 0.121 +/- 0.005 mas,                             .       
                       Teff = 40,000 +/- 1300 K, Radius is 6.7 +/- 1.4 \rsun.                  CIA2018e
22396+3736 HO  187     Spectrum G3Ib-IICN-1CH2Fe-1 in Bright Star Catalogue.                   .       
22396+1121 OSO 183     G067-009. Not a common proper motion pair, based on comparison with     .       
                       POSS2 red plates.                                                       Oso2004 
           LEP 110AD   Aka CRB  21.                                                            .       
22397-2820 H 6 119     AB: H VI 119 = DUN 242.                                                 .       
                       HJ 5356  H N 117. Star seen (by HJ) as close double (distance 2")       .       
                       and registered as No. 5356: pos 59.2deg, dist. 2", mags 8 and 10,       .       
                       with this description: "Elegant; has a * 6m, 2.5s p, and about          .       
                       100" n, which with this constitutes the coarse double star D 242.       H__1867 
22399+6143 OSO 184     G233-026. Neither is a common proper motion pair.                       Oso2004 
22402+3732 HO  188     Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and spectroscopic   .       
                       masses of 4.13 +/- 2.71, 2.83, and 1.10 Msun, respectively.             Mlk2012 
22405-5750 HJ 5354     B is CPD-58@7983.                                                       .       
22407+2959 STF3134     Chevalier made a reduction error in converting from (dx,dy) to          Che1908 
                       (rho,theta).                                                            Hrt2012b
22407+1547 BPM2460     [PM2000] 2604048 + [PM2000] 2604027.                                    Gvr2010 
22408-0333 KUI 114     Long-period (circular) orbit preferred, but strangely low mass-sum,     .       
                       probably still underestimated a.                                        Sod1999 
                       Occultations indicate a third body?                                     Grf1987 
                       Equinox-1900 position was incorrectly given as 22356+0404               McA1978b
                       Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and spectroscopic   .       
                       masses of 0.80 +/- 0.22, 2.16, and 1.17 Msun, respectively.             Mlk2012 
22409+1433 HO  296     Primary giant according to isochrone fit.                               .       
                       Combined spectroscopic/astrometric solution of SB2. Calculated masses   .       
                       1.075 +/- 0.058 and 1.171 +/- 0.047 Msun, distance 34.43 +/- 0.34 pc.   Mut2010b
                       AB: Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and             .       
                       spectroscopic masses 2.17 +/- 0.33, 2.47, and 0.97 Msun, respectively.  Mlk2012 
22412+7546 LDS2000     LDS2001.                                                                .       
22412+1155 BPM2461     [PM2000] 2604556 + [PM2000] 2604626.                                    Gvr2010 
22413-1045 LDS6386     NLTT 54554/54555                                                        Chm2004 
22414+5626 KRV  43     Classical Cepheid RR Lac.                                               .       
22415+4014 S   815     A is the Beta CMa-type variable DD Lac.                                 .       
                       H 6 121.                                                                MEv2010 
22415+3256 J  2376     AB: Rectilinear solution by Cvetkovic et al. (2019).                    Cve2019b
22415+1050 BU 1516     zet Peg = 42 Peg = Homam                                                .       
22417+3059 CHE 368     Chevalier made a trigonometric error in deriving theta; the correct     Che1908 
                       value is 180deg - theta.                                                Hrt2012b
22418+3041 CHE 370     AC: Chevalier made a reduction error in converting from (dx,dy) to      Che1908 
                       (rho,theta).                                                            Hrt2012b
22419+2126 STF2934     One component has an unseen companion with P = 82y. It is not known     .       
                       with which component the probable subsystem is associated; thus,        .       
                       assignment to A is arbitrary.                                           .       
22420+1513 HU  781     V415 Peg, Algol-type eclipsing binary, P = 11.4456 d.                   Zas2011 
22424+5436 HJ 3138     STI 2845.                                                               .       
22424+3025 CHE 380     Possibly an error in transcribing or in precessing to generate WDS      .       
                       designation? The pair was at the location predicted by precessing       Hrt2012b
                       Chevalier's coordinates.                                                Che1908 
22425+4110 COU2710     AC: No closer pair seen.                                                B__1963b
                       AC: A was single in 1957, and not seen double by Heintz, who concluded  Cou1958a
                       who concluded that Espin measured another star (GCB 64). Hence the      Hei1983a
                       pair ES 1699 probably does not exist.                                   .       
22426-4713 COO 252     A is variable.                                                          .       
                       AB: Primary is possible astrometric pair.  Jones et al. (2002)          CPS2002b
                       do not detect SB with precise RV                                        Tok2014d
22428+1100 STF2933     J  3352.                                                                Nsn2016 
22428-5751 HJ 5357     Spectral type of A may be K0.                                           .       
22430+3013 BLA  11     Aa,Ab: eta Peg = 44 Peg = Matar. Spectroscopic binary resolved by       .       
                       speckle interferometry. Spectrum of Aa,Ab is composite; G2II-III+F0IV.  .       
                       Hence a quadruple system.                                               .       
                       The elements P, T, e in the astrometric solution by van de Kamp &       .       
                       Damkoehler (1957) have been taken from the spectroscopic orbit by       Kam1957 
                       Crawford. The astrometric amplitude is marginal and not certainly real  .       
                       See Baize & Petit (1989) catalog of doubles with variable component.    Baz1989d
                       Hipparcos astrometric solution adopted some elements from the orbit of  HIP1997d
                       Crawford (1901).                                                        Crw1901 
                       Aa,Ab: Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical and spectroscopic masses   .       
                       5.17 +/- 0.72 and 3.35 Msun, respectively.                              Mlk2012 
                       Aa,Ab: Ren & Fu (2013) calculated an astrometric orbit, combining       Ren2013 
                       Hipparcos Intermediate Astrometric Data with spectroscopic elements by  .       
                       Massarotti et al. (2008).                                               Msr2008 
                       NPOI Limb-darkened diameter 3.471 +/- 0.027 mas, Sp = G2III,            NOI2018 
                       R = 24.51 +/- 1.16 \rsun, Teff = 4970 +/- 65 K,                         .       
                       L = 330.8 +/- 35.0 \lsun, M = 3.51 +/- 0.13 \msun,                      .       
                       Age = 0.27 +/- 0.03 Gyr.                                                .       
           BU 1144     The pair BC (mags. 10.1-10.1, 0.3") is 91" distant and probably         .       
                       physical; B is BD+29@4740.                                              .       
                       Aka H 6  21 = S   816.                                                  .       
22431+4710 STT 476     B has been called a spectroscopic binary. No positive speckle results.  .       
                       A,BC: Additional notes may be found in Markowitz (1956).                Mrz1956 
22431+3149 CHE 338     Due to a typographical error in Che1911, the WDS designation for this   .       
                       pair was originally listed as 20401+3149.                               .       
22431+1714 BPM2462     [PM2000] 2606650 + [PM2000] 2606719.                                    Gvr2010 
22431-0819 STF2935     AB: H 1  50 = H N 133.                                                  MEv2010 
                       Aka H N 128 = SHJ 349.                                                  Dam2011 
22432-0326 RST4710     J 1415.                                                                 .       
22433+4222 PAR   3     A is the Mira-type variable R Lac.                                      .       
22434+6744 HJ 1807     AB: HJL 308.                                                            HJL1986 
22435+3645 ALI 460     J 2405.                                                                 .       
22435-4125 I  1457     rho Gru                                                                 .       
22436+3811 ES 1997     J 3177.                                                                 .       
22438+1750 J   209     Pair is indeed BD+17 4798, but brighter than 9.5 magnitude listed in    .       
                       that catalog.                                                           J__1949a
22439-2846 BRT3106     A likely plate flaw.                                                    Grv2021b
22441+4149 STT 479     13 Lac.                                                                 .       
                       H N  42.                                                                MEv2010 
22441+3928 STF2942     A spectroscopic binary. Spectrum composite; K5III+K2III.                .       
                       AB: STT 478.                                                            .       
22441+1405 BPM2463     [PM2000] 2607642 + [PM2000] 2607682.                                    Gvr2010 
22441+1120 BPM2464     [PM2000] 2607673 + [PM2000] 2607764.                                    Gvr2010 
22442+2937 CHE 406     Originally listed with incorrect DM designation BD+28 4444, leading to  .       
                       poor WDS coordinates.                                                   .       
22444+1419 LDS1063     NLTT 54708/54709                                                        Chm2004 
22447-6007 HJ 5358     B is CPD-60@7595.                                                       .       
22448-0359 HJ 5359     B is BD-04@5748. Also known as STF2937.                                 .       
22449-0221 OSO 185     G027-045. Not a common proper motion pair, based on comparison with     .       
                       POSS2 red plates.                                                       Oso2004 
22449-0654 CHR 207     First detected as an occultation binary by Edwards et al.               Evn1980 
22450+6808 STT 529     A is the Algol-type system ZZ Cep (B7+F0V). B is A2p. C is A5V.         .       
22450-3314 LDS 793     Also known as LP 984-91 and LP 984-92. Part of Beta Pic Moving Group.   .       
                       Parallax of A component = 42.84 +/- 3.61 mas.                           VlF1997 
                       Parallax of B component = 47.84 +/- 2.34 mas.                           JLB2017 
22451-0240 A  2696     See Baize & Petit (1989) catalog of doubles with variable component.    Baz1989d
22452-4535 SHY 814     HIP 112330 + HIP 112337.                                                .       
22453-0939 STF2939     H 3  69.                                                                MEv2010 
22455+1112 SHY 358     AD: HIP 112354 + HIP 112222.                                            .       
22456+4524 LDS4995     AB: NLTT 54776/54777                                                    Chm2004 
22456-7952 HJ 5353     TOB 351.                                                                .       
22457+4112 LEP 111     NI   46.                                                                .       
22458+3006 CHE 421     This pair was not found at Chevalier's predicted location, nor was any  Che1908 
                       likely pair seen at other locations resulting from transposing x and y  .       
                       offsets from the plate center, or possibly sign errors in x and/or y.   .       
                       It remains the only one of his doubles from this paper not recovered.   Hrt2012b
22458+2940 CHE 423     Chevalier made  a reduction error in converting from (dx,dy) to         Che1908 
                       (rho,theta).                                                            Hrt2012b
22459+3252 CHE 425     Chevalier noted a large magnitude difference for this pair (5 mags).    Che1911 
                       The bright primary has a large proper motion along approximately the    .       
                       same direction as the position angle. The elongated image seen in       .       
                       Aladin suggests that the pair has closed in separation and the          .       
                       secondary is currently lost in the primary’s glare.                     Hrt2012b
22461+6518 BLL  57     B is BD+64@1711.                                                        .       
22461+5804 STT 480     B is BD+57@2602.                                                        .       
22462+8138 LDS2009     NLTT 54931/54942.                                                       .       
22467+3226 CHE 430     The double measured by Berko (2010) is about 3' from Chevalier's        Che1911 
                       coordinates, but appears to be the correct pair.                        Bko2010b
                       See Hartkopf (2012).                                                    Hrt2012b
22467+1210 HJ  301     xi Peg = 46 Peg, high-PM star.. Mt. Wilson spectral classes F3s, dM0.   .       
                       CHARA Array Limb-darkened diameter  1.091 +/- 0.008 mas,                CIA2012e
                       R =  1.912 +/- 0.016 \rsun, L =  4.722 +/-0.087 \lsun,                  .       
                       Teff = 6167 +/-  36 K, M = 1.192 +/- 0.011 \msun,                       .       
                       Age =  4.8 +/- 0.2 Gyr.                                                 .       
                       AB: NLTT 54819/54820                                                    Chm2004 
                       AC: Rectilinear solution by Friedman et al. (2011).                     USN2011a
22467-4656 HJ 5362     A is a spectroscopic binary.                                            .       
22468+4420 HER   5     A,BC: The flare star EV Lac.                                            .       
22468+1901 LEP 112     NI   47.                                                                .       
22469+5805 HJ 1810     DH Cep. The classification of the primary is from the UV tomographic    Pny1997 
                       analysis of Penny et al. (1997).                                        Msn1998a
22470+4446 A   189     Mt. Wilson spectral classes B8, B9.                                     .       
22471+1447 GRV 605     B component is +14 4870.                                                .       
22473+2507 J  1357     POU 5750.                                                               .       
22473-1609 HU  291     A=SB1, P=420d.                                                          Tok2014d
22474+1559 BPM2465     [PM2000] 2611249 + [PM2000] 2611308.                                    Gvr2010 
22474+0322 FAR  21     Primary is white dwarf WD 2244+031.                                     Far2005b
                       Originally listed as 22470+0325 with incorrect coordinates.             .       
22476-2310 SHY 815     AC: HIP 112537 + HIP 111596.                                            .       
22477-1403 STF2943     AB: tau 1 Aqr = 69 Aqr. A is a spectroscopic binary.                    .       
                       Optical pair, based on study of relative motion of the components       .       
                       using the method of apparent motion parameters.                         Kiy2008 
           GUI  38     AC: Aitken notes that Guillaume gives another measure to this system,   A__1932a
                       but neither the pair nor the original reference is found. The measure   Gui1932A
                       is assumed to be an error.                                              .       
           STF2943     AB: H 5  80.                                                            MEv2010 
22478+6614 MLR  85     No significant movement since first resolution.                         Drd2009 
                       Assumed to be equivalent with the former DJU   8.                       Cgl2024a
22478-0414 STF2944     STFB 13.                                                                .       
                       AB: NLTT 54867/54868                                                    Chm2004 
                       Both A and C are classed at Mt. Wilson as G2.                           .       
                       AC and BC: Optical pairs, based on study of relative motion of the      .       
                       components using the method of apparent motion parameters.              Kiy2008 
                       AB: H 2  57.                                                            MEv2010 
22479+1259 HU  985     BU 1037.                                                                .       
                       Pair has other discoverer's names and numbers in the literature due to  .       
                       duplicate discovery.                                                    .       
22479+0336 UC  278     Aka CBL 191.                                                            .       
22479-5705 B  2059     Retrograde motion.                                                      .       
22481-1430 LIG   1     Ligi et al. (2018) determine the following parameters for               .       
                       EPIC 206011496A:                                                        .       
                       R:    0.92 +/- 0.2 Rsun                                                 .       
                       age:  77.91 +1.11/-0.46 Myr (young)    2.42 +3.76/-1.47 Gyr (old)       .       
                       mass: 0.995 +/- 0.056 Msun  (young)    0.974 +/- 0.044 Msun (old)       Lig2018 
22481-2422 WSI 138     First associated with the C component of 22577-2937, the pair was       Msn2018a
                       closely examined and found single and an optical alignment has been     Mam2013 
                       ruled out as well. The working assumption is that the pointing was      Tok2015c
                       incorrect and an unknown pair was measured.                             .       
                       The non-detections listed with this pair apply to the original          .       
                       identification of LP 876-10.                                            .       
22484-2206 LEO  54     CD-22@16058.                                                            .       
22489+1307 HJ 1811     HJL 309.                                                                HJL1986 
22489+0137 HJ  970     BAL 1599.                                                               .       
22489-2850 LDS4999     NLTT 54912/54933                                                        Chm2004 
                       A also known as LTT 9210, B as LP 932-83.                               .       
                       Parallax of A component = 24.91 +/- 2.19 mas.                           VlF1997 
                       Parallax of B component = 29.79 +/- 2.09 mas.                           JLB2017 
22490+6834 STF2947     Mt. Wilson spectral classes F5s and F4s.                                .       
                       AB: H 1  51.                                                            MEv2010 
22490-0320 LDS5000     NLTT 54927/54930                                                        Chm2004 
22494-1045 EPI  18     EPIC 206152015. Primary is eclipsing binary candidate, period 0.809d.   SJR2016 
22494-8457 GLI 277     Also known as TOB 354.                                                  .       
22496-1336 H 6  97     H VI 97. tau 2 Aqr = 71 Aqr. Variable?  B is BD-14@6351.                .       
22497+6612 SHY 359     HIP 112724 + HIP 112324.                                                .       
22498+1210 GIC 183     LDS1065. G067-024/G067-025.                                             .       
                       NLTT 54980/54983                                                        Chm2004 
22498-1104 BU 1219     AC: AC is actually a measure from the Nebula h 2180 to a star. Kept X   Dam2013 
                       X coded.                                                                .       
22499+8807 LDS2019     Aka WIS 372.                                                            .       
22499+4620 HJ 1816     LDS5982.                                                                .       
22499+0044 ALR   1     Allers et al. derive spectral types L3 +/- 0.5 and L5 +/- 1 for the     Alr2010 
                       primary and secondary, respectively; age of the system is roughly       .       
                       100 Myr. Based on luminosities and age, masses are expected to be       .       
                       roughly 0.029 +/- 0.006 and 0.021 +0.006/-0.009 Msun. Distance is       .       
                       about 56 +/- 16pc, and the orbital period is estimated at ~400 years.   .       
22500+5716 TOR  30     Formerly known as PAN  27.                                              .       
22500-3248 HDO 301     Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and spectroscopic   .       
                       masses of 3.67 +/- 1.11, 3.00, and 2.74 Msun, respectively.             Mlk2012 
22504+4157 HDS3244     A 0.9 arcsecond binary was published in 1985 and given the designation  McA1987a
                       CHR 115. This pair was subsequently deemed spurious after numerous      .       
                       failed confirmations. Reinspection of the 1985 data, post Hipparcos,    McA1993 
                       yielded a weak measure in good agreement with the Hipparcos             .       
                       observation and subsequent speckle observations (see Mason et al.       Msn1999b
                       1999). This binary was incorrectly still listed as CHR 115 in Mason     Msn1997c
                       et al. (1997), however.                                                 .       
                       Primary is V360 Lac, Beta Lyr-type eclipsing binary, period 10.075d.    Zas2013 
22504-1744 DON1038     Gomez et al. (2016) derive dynamical parallax and component masses:     .       
                       16.10 +/- 0.89 mas, 0.644 +/- 0.017 Msun, 0.644 +/- 0.017 Msun.         Doc2016i
22505+5728 STI2873     STI2874???   The original STI2874 measure was likely of a plate flaw    .       
                       and it was not found in GSC.                                            Bko2009d
22506-5630 HJ 5364     LDS 796.                                                                .       
22507+5535 ES 1031     VBS suspects a misprint in Espin discovery measure:                     VBs1954 
                       1910.74, 251.7@, 2.12".                                                 Es_1911 
22507+5107 HLD  54     On all 4 nights north following component looked the fainter to me.     B__1963b
22512+5712 HJ 1824     B is BD+56@2881.                                                        .       
22514+6142 STF2950     Spectrum composite; G8III-IV+G2IV.                                      .       
22514+2623 HO  482     AB: Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and             .       
                       spectroscopic masses 2.72 +/- 1.72, 3.57, and 1.51 Msun, respectively.  Mlk2012 
                       AB: Prieur et al. (2014) derive a dynamical parallax of 6.5 mas and a   .       
                       total mass of 3.6 +/- 2.9 Msun (based on the original Hipparcos         HIP1997a
                       parallax) or 2.7 +/- 1.4 Msun (based on the revised Hipparcos parallax  VlF2007 
                       of van Leeuwen 2007).                                                   Pru2014 
22516-1104 GIC 184     Aa,Ab = LDS2958 = G156-054/G156-053.                                    .       
           LDS 423     AB = LDS6387.                                                           .       
22518+4119 HJ 1823     STTA237.                                                                .       
22518+3943 HO  298     Companion not seen 1944-1946, 1969.                                     .       
22519+5304 HJ 3150     B is BD+52@3314. Also known as STF2951.                                 .       
22519-1016 LDS5009     FAR  22. Secondary is white dwarf WD 2249-105.                          Far2005b
22520+5743 A   632     Giant (K5III) classification probably wrong.                            .       
                       Possible triple?                                                        Dom1953b
                       Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical and spectroscopic masses          .       
                       1.69 +/- 0.47 and 2.34 Msun, respectively.                              Mlk2012 
22520+4319 BU  451     15 Lac.                                                                 .       
22521-1257 HU   93     A is the Beta Lyrae-type system SU Aqr.                                 .       
                       Principal component is variable star SU Aqr; it was discovered as       .       
                       such by Miss Leavitt (Harv. Circ. 142, 2, 1908) but character of        .       
                       light curve is still somewhat doubtful.                                 VBs1927a
22522+3845 RAO 522     V364 Lac.                                                               .       
22522+3527 BRG  35     HAT-P-8. Bergfors et al. (2013) estimate spectral types F5-F8V and      .       
                       M1-M3.5V.                                                               Brg2013 
           BEC   2     BC: Bechter et al. (2014) resolved the 1" companion to HAT-P-8 into 2   .       
                       stars, separated by 65 mas. Both components appear to be physically     .       
                       associated with the primary. Spectral types of the B and C components   .       
                       are ~M5V and ~M6V; masses are 0.22 +/- 0.03 and 0.18 +/- 0.02 Msun.     Bec2014 
22522-1730 RED  12     2MASS J22521073-1730134                                                 .       
                       A component spectral type probably L6 +/- 1, B component T2/T3; masses  .       
                       are about 0.07 and 0.06 Msun. Estimated distance is 13.6 pc.            Red2006a
22524+0950 EHR  19     Primary is sig Peg A. Called an SB in the Bright Star Catalogue.        .       
                       B and C components are background stars.                                Ehr2010 
22524-2142 BU  177     HDO 173                                                                 .       
22525+5717 TOR  31     Formerly known as PAN  28.                                              .       
22525-3253 HJ 5367     gam PsA = 22 PsA. Variable? The historical data favor the Hipparcos     .       
                       magnitude over that of Tycho.                                           .       
22525-4247 HJ 5366     B is CD-43@15179.                                                       .       
22525-8814 R   337     Also known as R   338 and TOB 355.                                      .       
22526-0735 SAO   1     Lam Aqr.                                                                .       
           lam Aqr     1975.802: Probably unresolved (poor seeing).                            Bla1977a
22527+6759 STTA238     AB: HJL 310.                                                            HJL1986 
                       AB: SHY 819. Bayesian analysis by Shaya & Olling (2011) indicates very  Shy2011 
                       high (near 100%) probability pair is physical.                          .       
                       AB: H 6 100.                                                            MEv2010 
22527+6055 STF2953     MLR 511 misidentified and identical                                     Hei1987a
                       Primary is V453 Cep, an Algol-type eclipsing binary, P = 1.18475d.      Zas2012 
22527+3459 CRB  12     Due to typographical error, entered in WDS as 20527+3459.               .       
22528+2926 COU2711     AB: AGK2+29 2849. BD+28 4475. Pair not in IDS or Carte de Ciel.         .       
                       Proper motion of primary should allow determination in a few years of   .       
                       whether the pair is physical.                                           Cou1972a
22530+3140 HJ  972     Rectilinear solution by Friedman et al. (2012).                         USN2012a
22533+6209 ES  142     A is the Beta Lyrae-type system IL Cep.                                 .       
22533-1416 Gl 876      IL Aqr = Ross 780 = BD-15 6290. Star+planet pair. P, T, e, and          .       
                       omega in Benedict et al. (2002) solution are constrained by RV          AST2002 
                       measurements; other elements from HST FGS data. Derived parallax =      .       
                       214.6 +/- 0.2 mas. Assuming mass of primary is 0.32 Msun, the planet    .       
                       mass = 1.89 +/- 0.34 Mjup.                                              .       
22535-1137 MCA  73     74 Aqr. A spectroscopic, occultation, and interferometric system. The   .       
                       interferometric pair is not the spectroscopic pair, so the system is    .       
                       at least triple.                                                        Msn1997a
                       1977.4874: Theta incorrectly given as 92.8 degrees                      McA1979b
                       First detected as an occultation binary by Blow et al.                  Blw1982a
                       Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and spectroscopic   .       
                       masses of 23.11 +/- 7.09, 6.98, and 3.09 Msun, respectively.            Mlk2012 
22535-3054 LDS2960     NLTT 55142/55140                                                        Chm2004 
22536+3756 RUC  15     Multiple system including contact binary SW Lac. Pribulla & Rucinski    .       
                       (2006) estimate the mass of the contact pair at 2.196 Msun and the      Pbl2006 
                       minimum masses of the wider components at 1.89 and 0.54 Msun.           .       
                       Spectral type of resolved companion estimated at K9-M0V.                Ruc2007 
22536+1647 BPM2466     [PM2000] 2617719 + [PM2000] 2617755.                                    Gvr2010 
22537+4445 BU  382     The RV of the primary is probably variable; identification of the       .       
                       ascending node from observations near periastron is thus tentative.     Mlr1954b
                       The visual primary is a 24d single-lined spectroscopic binary (#1406    Bte1989 
                       in Batten et al., 1989).                                                Sod1999 
22541+3527 HJ  973     ALI 10.                                                                 .       
22541-1152 HJ 3151     J 1418.                                                                 .       
22542-1323 LDS2962     LDS5987.                                                                .       
22544+5538 HJ 1830     The 1917.81 Vatican Observatory measure of AC was originally            Vat1926 
                       attributed to DC.                                                       .       
22545+1517 LAU   5     AB,C: LDS 5016.                                                         .       
22548+1511 STF2954     Delta from A to BD+14@4889 is 70.1". The motion seems to belong to B.   .       
22549+2415 GRV 620     This star has a probable wide companion at about 73" as noted in the    .       
                       WDS. It is however single in the separation range covered by the        .       
                       AstraLux data.                                                          Jnn2012 
22549-0922 HJ 3152     A is the irregular variable TT Aqr. Pair not found by Burnham.          Bu_1879 
22550+5132 HU  785     A premature orbit has been computed.                                    .       
                       Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and spectroscopic   .       
                       masses of 8.68 +/- 8.02, 3.01, and 1.35 Msun, respectively.             Mlk2012 
22552-0459 BU  178     See Baize & Petit (1989) catalog of doubles with variable component.    Baz1989d
22553-4828 I    22     AB: Direct motion, with nearly a complete revolution.                   B__1956a
                       AB,CD: SHY 362. Bayesian  analysis by Shaya & Olling (2011) indicates   Shy2011 
                       very high (near 100%) probability pair is physical.                     .       
           B  2506     CD: Direct motion.                                                      .       
22553-5713 RED  19     Spectral type L6 +/- 1, distance 10.8 +/- 3.0 pc                        Red2008a
22555+3640 ES 2721     ALI 466.                                                                .       
22557+3621 HJ  975     STTA239.  B is BD+35@4916.                                              .       
22557-3023 LDS5017     NLTT 55271/55272                                                        Chm2004 
22557-3119 HUE   2     Companion detected in Ks band at 1.3", and marginally detected in H     .       
                       band. If bound, the companion candidate would be at a distance of       .       
                       13pc; spectral types estimated at T8 and T9.5.                          Hue2015 
22558-0749 GIC 185     G156-065/G156-064 = GJ 9803AB.                                          .       
                       HIP 113231. See Allen et al. (2000) for information on metallicity,     AlC2000 
                       age, galactic orbital parameters, etc.                                  .       
                       NLTT 55287/55288                                                        Chm2004 
                       B is WD, DA7.4, mass 0.52 Msun (Holberg et al. 2013)                    Hbg2013 
22559-3232 HWE  91     del PsA = 23 PsA.  BU  772.                                             .       
22562+7250 STT 484     AB,C same as STF2966.                                                   .       
           S   820     AB,D: BDS 11988 same star.                                              .       
           STF2965     DE : This is also known as BU 1520. BU  1520DE is ADS 16393.            .       
                       STF2965 is ADS 16384. These are the same system.                        .       
22564+4136 STF2960     STTA240. A is the Beta Cep-type variable EN Lac.                        .       
                       AB: H 4  85.                                                            MEv2010 
22564+1727 STF2957     HIP 113280. See Allen et al. (2000) for information on metallicity,     AlC2000 
                       age, galactic orbital parameters, etc.                                  .       
                       AB: NLTT 55326/55327                                                    Chm2004 
22565+6252 STF2961     One component is the Beta Cep-type variable KZ Cep.                     .       
22567+7830 STF2971     LDS2016.                                                                .       
22570+2441 COU 542     Aa,Ab is also an SB, P = 118.48d.                                       .       
                       Aa,Ab: Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and          .       
                       spectroscopic masses 4.31 +/- 1.46, 2.15, and 0.85 Msun, respectively.  Mlk2012 
22570+1318 BPM2467     [PM2000] 2621102 + [PM2000] 2621111.                                    Gvr2010 
22570-0030 J  1419     BAL 634.                                                                .       
22571-0315 STF2959     AB: Optical pair, based on study of relative motion of the components   .       
                       using the method of apparent motion parameters.                         Kiy2008 
                       AB: H N  15.                                                            MEv2010 
22574+1827 BPM2468     [PM2000] 2621541 + [PM2000] 2621534.                                    Gvr2010 
22575+5421 VBS  37     Also known as HJ 3157, BDS 12087.                                       .       
22575+2046 RBR  21     51 Peg = Helvetios.                                                     .       
                       2001.7340: PA is measured in zenith mode. If data collected in          .       
                       equatorial mode, PA = 244.9. Confirmation of the pair should establish  .       
                       the correct theta value.                                                Rbr2011d
                       Based on van Leeuwen (2007) parallax, the candidate companion           VlF2007 
                       would have a separation of 45 au. Due to its relatively high proper     .       
                       motion, as additional observation will be able to determine whether     .       
                       the star shares common proper motion or is a background star.           Rbr2011d
                       CHARA Array Limb-darkened diameter  0.748 +/- 0.027 mas,                CIA2008c
                       R =  1.266 +/- 0.046 \rsun.                                             .       
                       CHARA Array Limb-darkened diameter of A :                               CIA2013c
                       R =  1.1501 +/- 0.0195 \rsun, L =   1.2962 +/-0.0156 \lsun,             .       
                       Teff = 5750 +/-  46 K, M = 1.064 \msun, Age = 5.6 Gyr.                  .       
22577-2937 KAL   1     Aa,Ab: Primary is alp PsA = Fomalhaut. Ab component is an exoplanet     .       
                       ~119 au from the star and ~18 au from the inner edge of the dust belt   .       
                       surrounding the star. Orbital motion is detected by HST observations    .       
                       separated by 1.73 years; the planet's mass if thought to be <3 Mjup.    Kal2008 
                       Intensity Interferometer Limb-darkened diameter 2.10 +/- 0.14 mas.      HBr1974 
           SHY 106     AB: HIP 113368 + HIP 113283                                             .       
                       The pair may have first been noted as a cpm pair by Luyten.             Luy1938 
                       VLTI uniform disk diameter of B:       0.750 +/- 0.066 mas,             LTI2009 
                       VLTI limb-darkened disk diameter of B: 0.769 +/- 0.067 mas,             .       
                       R = 0.629 +/- 0.051 \rsun, Teff = 4711 +/- 134 K,                       .       
                       M = 0.505 +/- 0.025 \msun.                                              .       
           MAM   1AC   Full precision on relative position: PA = 337.9005206265515 and Sep =   Mam2013b
                       20410.120108318326" based on UCAC4 ICRS positions undated from the      Mam2013 
                       published value.                                                        .       
                       Parallax of A component = 129.81 +/- 0.47 mas.                          VlF1997 
                       Parallax of C component = 129.57 +/- 0.31 mas.                          XXX2016b
                       Parallax of C component = 132.07 +/- 1.19 mas.                          JLB2017 
22578+3840 HJ 1832     HJL 311.                                                                HJL1986 
22578-0222 LDS5028     NLTT 55402/55403                                                        Chm2004 
22578-2606 HJ 5371     LDS5027.                                                                .       
                       NLTT 55389/55388                                                        Chm2004 
22578-3312 RSS  39     This previously uncataloged double star was a Hipparcos double entry    .       
                       system.  The first measure is determined from the individual positions  .       
                       listed by Rousseau et al.                                               Rss1996 
                       SHY 822. Bayesian analysis by Shaya & Olling (2011) indicates very      Shy2011 
                       high (near 100%) probability pair is physical.                          .       
           SHY 823     AC: HIP 113381 + HIP 113532.                                            .       
22579+1337 HU  989     Magnitude difference for this easy pair much less than given by Hussey  B__1963a
22583+5831 MLB  99     STI2914.                                                                .       
22583+3717 J  3185     ALI 467.                                                                .       
22583-0224 CHR 116     An occultation binary.                                                  .       
                       CHARA Array Limb-darkened diameter  0.704 +/- 0.013 mas.                CIA2009a
                       R =  1.50 +/- 0.03 \rsun, L =   1.2 +/-  0.0 \lsun,                     .       
                       Teff = 4895 +/-  57 K.                                                  .       
22583-6111 HJ 5370     B is CPD-61@6702. Spectral type of A may be F8.                         .       
22586+1203 STTA241     B is BD+11@4911.                                                        .       
                       HJL 312.                                                                HJL1986 
22586+1122 BPM2469     [PM2000] 2622659 + [PM2000] 2622680.                                    Gvr2010 
22586+0921 STT 536     One component is variable or eclipsing.                                 Bu_1894 
                       Most speckle observations appear to be in `wrong' quadrant.             .       
                       See Baize & Petit (1989) catalog of doubles with variable component.    Baz1989d
                       AB: Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and             .       
                       spectroscopic masses 2.19 +/- 0.31, 2.23, and 1.97 Msun, respectively.  Mlk2012 
22586-4531 HU 1335     Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and spectroscopic   .       
                       masses of 1.81 +/- 0.56, 1.98, and 0.98 Msun, respectively.             Mlk2012 
22587+6305 HDS3271     NY Cep, eclipsing binary of Algol-type, period 15.2756d.                Zas2016 
22587-2914 LDS5030     NLTT 55437/55435                                                        Chm2004 
22589+6902 GIC 186     G241-033/G241-032.                                                      .       
22590-0813 STF2962     Guillaume measures 1922.58, 223.8@, 14.3".  Archer believed the 1959    Gui1931 
                       observation was of AB,C component of ADS 16418 = STN 58. However, the   Arc1960 
                       Stone pair was determined to actually be ADS 16208 = STF2935AB.         Stn1878 
22591+1600 BPM2470     [PM2000] 2623184 + [PM2000] 2623078.                                    Gvr2010 
22592+1144 STT 483     52 Peg. Alternative spectrum: A8V+F6V.                                  .       
                       Period error +27.8/-22.7y. The Hipparcos parallax (12.26 +/- 0.94 mas)  .       
                       plus these elements yields a mass sum of 3.07; given the errors in      .       
                       parallax and period, however, the mass sum could be well over 4. The    .       
                       primary is spectral type A8V; the secondary may be a main-sequence F    .       
                       star. (Element errors and additional information from Alzner (private   .       
                       communication).                                                         Alz2007 
                       Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and spectroscopic   .       
                       masses of 4.84 +/- 1.37, 3.14, and 1.89 Msun, respectively.             Mlk2012 
22592-0052 JMS   6     AB: 2MASS J22590929-0051556 + 2MASS J22591388-0051581.                  .       
                       The C component is 2MASS J22590491-0052407.                             Jms2008 
22592-1034 AOT 120     WDS designation corrupted - should be 22592-0830                        .       
22592-1736 LEO  30     The 1923 measure by Przbyllok belongs to another pair.                  .       
22593+1212 OSO 186     G067-038. Not a common proper motion pair, based on comparison with     .       
                       POSS2 red plates.                                                       Oso2004 
22593+0807 BFR  13     HD 217246 + 2MASS J22591631+0806556. Baron et al. (2015) estimate       .       
                       spectral types G5 and M6.5 +/- 0.5, distances 68 +70/-32 and            .       
                       121 +20/-51 pc, masses 0.821-0.930 and 0.096-0.113 Msun.                BFr2015 
22595+1825 BPM2471     [PM2000] 2623619 + [PM2000] 2623629.                                    Gvr2010 
22595+0058 BAR  18     2 Psc.                                                                  .       
22596-0702 DEA   2     A,BC: The primary is a late-K star, while the secondary is a pair of    .       
                       M4.5 +/- 0.5 dwarfs, separated by 1-2" in SDSS images.                  Dea2013 
22597+7539 OSO 187     G242-019. Not a common proper motion pair, based on comparison with     .       
                       POSS2 red plates.                                                       Oso2004 
22597+2553 MLB 727     Not found by Heintz at IDS position.                                    Hei1990b
22597-0422 STF2964     H N  90.                                                                MEv2010 
22598-1624 TOK 374     First resolution at 0".21 is secure and hints at a 30y period, but the  .       
                       preliminary SB orbit from CfA has a 9y period and corresponds to a      .       
                       0".09 semimajor axis.                                                   Tok2013b
22599+1822 BPM2472     [PM2000] 2623960 + [PM2000] 2623968.                                    Gvr2010 
23003+6755 GIC 187     G241-034/G241-035.                                                      .       
23004+0353 J  1797     BAL 2575.                                                               .       
23005-2619 RST1154     AB: B is PMS star. Member of AB Dor moving group (see Lopez-Santiago    .       
                       et al. 2006 ApJ, 643, 1160)                                             Tok2014d
           SHY 364     AC: HIP 113597 + HIP 113579.                                            .       
           CVN  67     CD: Originally 23003-2609 CVN  67, but primary was found to be the C    .       
                       component of 23005-2619 SHY 364AC.                                      .       
                       This is the more massive component of the WDS 23005-2619 system.        Skf2013 
23005-3345 B   582     A = TZ PsA, var. RS CVn type. Strassmeier (1993 A&AS 100, 173) gives    .       
                       P=1.642d.                                                               Tok2014d
23006-0704 RST4712     The B component is an unresolved composite spectrum binary harbouring   .       
                       the close hot white dwarf WD 2253-073. Spectral types of A, Ba, and Bb  .       
                       are G3V, K0V, and DA1.4, respectively; masses are 0.96, 0.79, and       .       
                       0.58 +/- 0.02 Msun; Teff 5670, 5236, and 37200 +/- 300K.                Hbg2014 
23006-2358 LDS5035     NLTT 9310 + NLTT 9315. CPM pair.                                        Mkr2008 
23008+7453 HJ 3162     H N  35.                                                                MEv2010 
23009-2216 BU  179     CD-22@16154.                                                            .       
23005-2619 SHY 364     The more massive component of this multiple system is 23003-2609.       Skf2013 
23010+2646 STF2969     V416 Peg - Algol-type eclipsing binary, P = 1.424797 d.                 Zas2011 
23015+1658 BPMA256     [PM2000] 2625556 + [PM2000] 2625433.                                    Gvr2010 
23015+1202 BPM2473     [PM2000] 2625580 + [PM2000] 2625480.                                    Gvr2010 
23016+6912 OL  224     Also known as MLB 435.                                                  .       
23018-0351 GC 32089    Hipparcos astrometric solution assumes circular orbit (e = omega = 0).  HIP1997d
23019+4220 BLA  12     Aa,Ab: omi And = 1 And. Spectrum composite: B6IIIpe+A2p.                .       
                       There appear to be both short and long period light variations.         .       
                       Zhuchkov et al. (2010) generated a new orbital solution based on        Zhu2010 
                       published astrometry and new spectroscopic data.                        .       
           WRH  37     AB: P = 68.6y, a = 0.277", motion retrograde. B has been reported       .       
                       to be a double-lined spectroscopic binary, P = 33.01d.                  .       
                       Orbital elements by Olevic & Cvetkovic (2006) for SB:                   Ole2006a
                       P = 33.01 +/- 0.02 d, Tper = 2446925.3 +/- 0.2, e = 0.24 +/- 0.01,      .       
                       omega = 226.2 +/- 2.3deg, a sin i = 0.161 +/- 0.003 and                 .       
                       0.211 +/- 0.002 au, M sin3i  = 3.74 +/- 0.05 and 2.86 +/- 0.05 Msun.    .       
                       This component was first reported in McAlister & Hendry (1982) for      McA1982b
                       1976.61, after which earlier French data were reprocessed to yield the  .       
                       1975 measures.                                                          .       
                       Zhuchkov et al. (2010) generated a new orbital solution based on        Zhu2010 
                       published astrometry, new 6m speckle data, and new radial velocities.   .       
                       LSC 104.                                                                .       
23020+4800 A   194     Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and spectroscopic   .       
                       masses of 4.24 +/- 2.37, 3.50, and 2.24 Msun, respectively.             Mlk2012 
23020-2151 B  1018     HDO 174                                                                 .       
23021+1026 J   294     J 1731.                                                                 .       
23023-6418 DUN 244     B is CPD-64@4310.                                                       .       
23024-1119 STF2970     H N 135.                                                                MEv2010 
23026+4946 ES 1185     LDS5999.                                                                .       
23026+4245 BU 1147     2 And. The RV of the primary is probably variable.                      .       
                       Observations seem to confirm suspicion of van den Bos that the B        .       
                       component is variable.                                                  Baz1972 
                       See Baize & Petit (1989) catalog of doubles with variable component.    Baz1989d
                       The equinox-1900 position was incorrectly given as 22590+4213 in        .       
                       McAlister & Hendry (1982).                                              McA1982b
                       AB: Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and             .       
                       spectroscopic masses 4.49 +/- 1.11, 5.85, and 2.00 Msun, respectively.  Mlk2012 
                       The physical nature of star C (mag. about 13, 90") unknown.             .       
23028+5718 HJ 1843     STI 2929.                                                               .       
23028+4404 STF2973     A variable, LN And.                                                     .       
23032+1558 BPM2474     [PM2000] 2627151 + [PM2000] 2627137.                                    Gvr2010 
23034+6027 STT 486     A is a spectroscopic binary. B is BD+59@2630.                           .       
23035-3445 pi PsA      Hipparcos astrometric solution adopted some elements from the orbit of  HIP1997d
                       Bopp et al. (1970).                                                     Evn1970 
23036-5618 HJ 5379     B is CPD-56@9990.                                                       .       
23037+5119 DBR  40     DBR  45.                                                                .       
23038+2805 HJ 1842     bet Peg = 53 Peg = Scheat. A is an irregular variable, spectrum         .       
                       M2.5II-III.                                                             .       
                       AB and AC: Optical pairs, based on study of relative motion of the      .       
                       components using the method of apparent motion parameters.              Kiy2008 
                       AB: Rectilinear solution by Hurowitz et al. (2014).                     USN2014b
23039+5123 DBR  44     DBR  54.                                                                .       
23039+0056 J  1798     BAL 1247.                                                               .       
23040-0233 OSO 188     G028-031. Not a common proper motion pair, based on color and           .       
                       comparison with POSS2 red plates.                                       Oso2004 
23042+5121 DBR  52     DBR  76.                                                                .       
23045+5126 DBR  53     DBR  65.                                                                .       
23045+5125 DBR  46     DBR  66.                                                                .       
23045+3123 ES  396     BRT 293.                                                                Brt1929b
23046-2611 B   587     Measures uncertain, too close. Needs speckle.                           .       
23047+2355 POU5775     J 1898.                                                                 .       
23049+1539 WRH   2     BRT 1363 is probably identical.                                         Hei1983a
23051+5118 HJ 1846     Secondary is about 0.09 mag brighter than primary                       Los2005 
23052+6323 KR   62     The B component is V711 Cep, an Algol-type eclipsing binary with        .       
                       period 1.30436d.                                                        Zas2011 
23052-0742 A   417     83 Aqr. Alternative spectral type: F2IV+F0V.                            .       
                       1977.9134: Rho was incorrectly given as 0".211                          McA1982b
                       AB: Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and             .       
                       spectroscopic masses 4.62 +/- 0.55, 2.86, and 1.79 Msun, respectively.  Mlk2012 
23054+5825 HJ 1847     Also known as STI2935.                                                  .       
23054+5453 HJ 3172     STI2934.                                                                .       
23054-0911 LDS2965     NLTT 55790/55791                                                        Chm2004 
23056-3006 LDS6003     Not a double star. This is the galaxy LEDA 719617.                      Grv2020g
23060+1323 BPM2475     [PM2000] 2629594 + [PM2000] 2629619.                                    Gvr2010 
23061+6356 LAF  71     Due to the large number of components (exceeding the number of upper-   .       
                       case letters), a non-standard component designation was necessary,      .       
                       hence the pairings A,Za; A,Zb; etc. For this pair, as well as LAF  59   .       
                       and LAF  62, the lower-case designations (such as Za and Zb) do not     .       
                       refer to components of a close pair.                                    .       
23064+1235 GIC 188     AB = G029-001/G067-047.                                                 .       
                       AB: NLTT 55834/55835                                                    Chm2004 
           HDS3291     In addition to the previously known binary companion seen in the        .       
                       AstraLux images, 2MASS J23062378+1236269 is also a spectroscopic        .       
                       binary with a semi-major axis smaller than 0.31 au (Shkolnik et al.     .       
                       2010 ApJ 716, 1522), and has the additional wide companion 2MASS        .       
                       J23062530+1236570 (also in the sample, a single star in the AstraLux    .       
                       images) at 37.6" with confirmed proper motion (Lepine & Bongiorno       Lep2007 
                       2007), hence the system is likely quadruple in reality.                 Jnn2012 
23064-2152 HJ 3166     CD-22@16189.                                                            .       
23065+4655 STTA242     B is BD+46@3933.                                                        .       
23067+3302 STF2975     Statistically the same parallax within the errors would indicate the    .       
                       components are physical.                                                .       
23067-0412 HJ  978     Also known as CHE 435.                                                  .       
23068+1448 BPM2476     [PM2000] 2630304 + [PM2000] 2630364.                                    Gvr2010 
23069-4331 JC   20     the Gru. Spectrum F5m delta Del.                                        .       
                       AB: Additional notes may be found in van den Bos (1956).                B__1956a
                       AC: SHY 366. Bayesian analysis by Shaya & Olling (2011) indicates very  Shy2011 
                       high (near 100%) probability pair is physical.                          .       
23071-2310 LDS5047     NLTT 55857/55860                                                        Chm2004 
23072-5041 DUN 246     B is CD-51@13470.                                                       .       
                       A comp is possible astrometric pair; however, no SB orbit for A. No     .       
                       acceleration in original HIP.                                           Tok2014d
23073-3216 PRO 238     B companion is a non-existing star but is scattered light from a        .       
                       nearby bright star.                                                     .       
23075+3250 STF2978     H N  11.                                                                MEv2010 
23075+2108 LWR  19     V342 Peg.  Based on the proper motion of A and change in relative       .       
                       position, Close et al. (2010) conclude B and C are background objects.  Clo2010 
                       AD: Found in SDSS data. Position angle estimated by catalog editor      .       
                       based on Aladin image.                                                  .       
           MAR   1     The Ab, Ac, and Ad components are Jovian-mass planets in orbit around   .       
                       HR 8799. Projected separations are 68, 38, and 24 au; orbital periods   .       
                       (assuming pole-view circular orbits) are estimated at 460, 190, and     .       
                       100 years.  Masses are 5-11, 7-13, and 7-13 Mjup, respectively.         Mar2008 
                       The Aa, Ab, Ac, and Ad components all appear to be co-moving.           Vig2012 
                       CHARA Array Limb-darkened diameter  0.342 +/- 0.008 mas.                CIA2012d
                       R = 1.44 +/- 0.06 \rsun, Teff = 7193 +/- 87K, L = 5.05 +/- 0.29 \lsun.  .       
23077+4623 HJ 1849     4 And.                                                                  .       
23077+0636 STF2976     AB: HJL 313.                                                            HJL1986 
23078+6338 HU  994     Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and spectroscopic   .       
                       masses of 98.34 +/- 19.03, 12.26, and 6.92 Msun, respectively.          Mlk2012 
23078-2042 HJ 3169     Durchmusterung identification not certain.                              .       
                       Aka ARA1595.                                                            .       
23079+7523 STT 489     pi Cep = 33 Cep. Visual primary (G2 III) is 557d SB1 (#1425 in Batten   Bte1989 
                       n et al.). A spectroscopic orbit was published by Scarfe et al.         Scf1983 
                       AB: Additional notes may be found in Dembowski (1883) and               D__1883 
                       Muller (1950).                                                          Mlr1950b
           pi Cep      Aa,Ab: Astrometric orbit by Gatewood et al. (2001) found by combining   Gat2001b
                       Hipparcos and Multichannel Astrometric Photometer data with the         .       
                       spectroscopic elements of Scarfe et al. (1983). The photographic        Scf1983 
                       semimajor axis estimated at 39.0 +/- 3.9 mas. Masses are determined     .       
                       for all three components of this triple.                                .       
                       This object was misidentified as HR 8815 by McAlister (1978).           McA1978c
                       Aa,Ab: Ren & Fu (2013) calculated an astrometric orbit, combining       Ren2013 
                       Hipparcos Intermediate Astrometric Data with spectroscopic elements by  .       
                       Scarfe et al. (1983).                                                   Scf1983 
23079-5938 NZO 104     Spectral type G0?                                                       .       
23080+4151 OSO 189     G190-010. Not a common proper motion pair, based on comparison with     .       
                       POSS2 red plates.                                                       Oso2004 
23082+4038 COU1344     TDT3897.                                                                .       
23083+0439 GIC 189     G029-006/G029-007.                                                      .       
23083-1525 TSN 207     HK Aqr.                                                                 .       
23086-6352 B   590     No certain elongation.                                                  B__1951a
23087+0208 5 Psc       Hipparcos astrometric solution assumes circular orbit (e = omega = 0).  HIP1997d
23088+1058 A  1238     AB: Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and             .       
                       spectroscopic masses 4.89 +/- 1.95, 2.96, and 1.17 Msun, respectively.  Mlk2012 
                       AB: Prieur et al. (2014) derive a dynamical parallax of 9.8 mas and a   .       
                       total mass of 3.7 +/- 1.7 Msun (based on the original Hipparcos         HIP1997a
                       parallax) or 5.0 +/- 1.9 Msun (based on the revised Hipparcos parallax  VlF2007 
                       of van Leeuwen 2007).                                                   Pru2014 
23091-0233 HIP 114313  SB1 with P = 3.1 yr, estimated q > 0.15. The orbital axis is 31 mas,    .       
                       too close for NICI. Large acceleration.                                 Tok2012a
23092-0719 STF2980     H N  88.                                                                MEv2010 
23093+4939 HDS3296     1996.5352: Very weak detection, possibly an artifact.                   Msn1999b
23093-8224 HJ 5378     B is CPD-83@745.                                                        .       
23094+1350 BPM2477     [PM2000] 2632370 + [PM2000] 2632371.                                    Gvr2010 
23094+0701 OSO 190     G028-042. Not a common proper motion pair, based on comparison with     .       
                       POSS2 red plates.                                                       Oso2004 
23095+0841 STF2982     57 Peg. A is an irregular variable, GZ Peg. Spectrum composite;         .       
                       M4IIIs+A2V.                                                             .       
                       AB: H N  16.                                                            MEv2010 
23096+0045 GAU  20     ZoSe 13964-13965. Proper motion -210 -1270.                             .       
                       We do not confirm it using our data and images from the Digitized Sky   .       
                       Surveys                                                                 Oso2004 
23097+5920 KUI 115     2 Cas.                                                                  .       
           S   823     AC: H 6  55.                                                            Dam2011 
23099-2057 LDS5052     NLTT 55994/55997                                                        Chm2004 
23099-2227 RST3320     89 Aqr.                                                                 .       
                       Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and spectroscopic   .       
                       masses of 7.05 +/- 2.92, 5.61, and 3.35 Msun, respectively.             Mlk2012 
23100+4758 STF2985     B is BD+47@4058.   AB has a period of ~6300y.                           Tok2006 
                       HJL 314.                                                                HJL1986 
                       AB: B is KZ And, var. of BY Dra type.  B is SB2, P=3.033d               Tok2014d
23100+3651 S   825     STTA243. B is BD+36@5011.                                               .       
23100+1426 STF2986     LDS1066.                                                                .       
                       Significantly different proper motion and parallax for components, so   Jao2017 
                       non physical.                                                                   
                       A comp is SB1, P=3.632d (Griffin, 2001 Obs 121, 221)                    Tok2014d
23104+4901 STF2987     NLTT 56040/56041                                                        Chm2004 
23104-4515 iot Gru     Hipparcos astrometric solution adopted some elements from the orbit of  HIP1997d
                       Jones (1928).                                                           Jon1928e
                       Ren & Fu (2013) calculated an astrometric orbit, combining Hipparcos    Ren2013 
                       Intermediate Astrometric Data with spectroscopic elements by            .       
                       Pourbaix et al. (2004).                                                 Pbx2004 
23105+1502 BPM2478     [PM2000] 2633240 + [PM2000] 2633157.                                    Gvr2010 
23106-0550 LDS2970     NLTT 56037/56038                                                        Chm2004 
23108+6315 MLR 181     Aka MLR  71.                                                            .       
23110+6555 AG  290     B is BD+65@1855.                                                        .       
23111+5304 HD 218915   Aslanov et al. (1984 SvAL 10, 278) discuss the radial velocities and    .       
                       the possibility of a low-mass companion.  We found a possible binary    .       
                       companion at a separation of 0".08 which needs confirmation.            Msn1998a
23112+0500 HJ  980BC   Aka BAL2988.                                                            .       
23114+3924 MLB1102     ALI 1003.                                                               .       
23114+3813 HO  197     Star C (BD +37 4784, mag. 9, 40") may be physical.                      .       
                       AB: Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and             .       
                       spectroscopic masses 11.98 +/- 6.99, 3.26, and 1.20 Msun, respectively. Mlk2012 
23114-4259 B   594     A premature orbit has been calculated. Needs speckle.                   .       
                       Likely a spurious pair. Last measured 1963 and unresolved by SOAR on 3  .       
                       occasions 2008-2012.                                                    Tok2010 
23116+3654 RUC  26     Multiple system including contact binary AB And. Pribulla & Rucinski    .       
                       (2006) estimate the mass of the contact pair at 1.656 Msun and the      Pbl2006 
                       minimum mass of the wider component at 0.40 Msun.                       .       
23118+2651 BUP 234     60 Peg.                                                                 .       
23121+4517 BU 1528     See star at 23108+4531. Burnham thinks this star more likely to be      Bu_1913 
                       HJ 1853.                                                                .       
23121+2656 LEP 113     AC: As noted in Lepine & Bongiorno (2007), 2MASS J23120603+2655579      Lep2007 
                       forms a probable wide (14") pair with HIP 114543, which is itself a 1"  .       
                       binary. Hence, with the additional component seen in the AstraLux       .       
                       images, the system is likely quadruple.                                 Jnn2012 
23126+0241 A  2298     Pourbaix gives combined solution for this resolved SB2, yielding        Pbx2000b
                       orbital parallaxes and component masses.                                .       
                       AB: Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and             .       
                       spectroscopic masses 3.43 +/- 0.64, 2.39, and 0.95 Msun, respectively.  Mlk2012 
23128+1526 BPM2479     [PM2000] 2635121 + [PM2000] 2635106.                                    Gvr2010 
23128-5240 TOK 682     2MASS has 3 point sources within 10" of A.                              Tok2014d
23129+1233 HJ 3176     BDS 12223, HJ 3177 same star.                                           .       
23131+4000 STF2992     Same as STF2994.                                                        .       
                       AB: HJL 315.                                                            HJL1986 
23133+5710 STT 599     A is variable. Proper motion +2075 +296.                                .       
                       B is BD+56@2967. Proper motion of B +009 +006.                          .       
                       CHARA Array Limb-darkened diameter of A :                               CIA2012f
                       R =  0.7784 +/- 0.0053 \rsun, L =  0.26499 +/-0.00152 \lsun,            .       
                       Teff = 4699 +/-  16 K, M = 0.763 \msun.                                 .       
                       Optical pair, based on study of relative motion of the components       .       
                       using the method of apparent motion parameters.                         Kiy2008 
23133+2205 STF2990AB   Despite the linear solution, proper motion and parallax favor a         Grv2020a
                       physical connection. Long period and/or high eccentricity possible.     .       
23134+0241 SCA 144     AB: Eclipsing binary of Algol-type, SZ Psc.                             .       
           TOK  37     AC has estimated period 50,000y; Evolved primary is 4d eclipsing SB2.   .       
                       G-solution in Hipparcos. The K1III subgiant primary likely transfers    .       
                       mass to the MS secondary. Kalimeris et al. (A&A 293, 371, 1995) find    .       
                       period changes, apparently explained by the mass transfer and magnetic  .       
                       fields. Any potential tertiary period should be longer than 56y.        Tok2006 
23137+0212 STT 491     ADS notes that the A component (= STT 491 rej) was excluded as single   A__1932a
                       in the 2nd edition of the Pulkova Catalog.                              Stt1878 
23141-0855 STF2993     LDS 802.                                                                .       
                       AB: NLTT 56207/56208                                                    Chm2004 
                       B component is 7.1d SB1; period of AB estimated at 18,000y.             Tok2006 
                       B possibly close pair, sep 0.053"?                                      Tok2014d
           S   826     AC and BC: Optical pairs, based on study of relative motion of the      .       
                       components using the method of apparent motion parameters.              Kiy2008 
23142-1938 LDS5060     NLTT 56210/56211                                                        Chm2004 
23144+2946 ARN  26     AC: C component = primary of 23144+2943 HJ 1858.                        .       
23144+2943 HJ 1858     Primary = C component of 23144+2946 ARN  26AC.                          .       
23146+2555 COU 335     TDT3949.                                                                .       
23147-1041 BU  715     The Cincinnati observers in 1877 measured the large star as a close     .       
                       pair, 1.5deg, :0".32. This was carefully looked for in the 36inch and   .       
                       there was no trace of any elongation at any time.                       Bu_1894 
23149+4320 MRZ   2     Aka HDS3309.                                                            .       
23150-6334 LDS 803     Spectral type K0?                                                       .       
23151+8327 STF3003     B is BD+82@712.                                                         .       
23152+6027 DOO  21     STI 1158. The fainter component is a Wolf-Rayet star.                   .       
23154+5937 STI9964     Erroneously identified as STI2964. This pair retained.                  Skf2017o
23154+5936 STI2964     Erroneously identified and here corrected.                              Skf2017o
23156+5829 MLR 365     Not the same as the nearby and similar J   860.                         Dam2013 
23156+5756 J   860     Not the same as the nearby and similar MLR 365.                         Dam2013 
23157+0118 CHR 141     Suspected occultation binary.                                           .       
                       It has been speculated that the 468d companion is not the speckle       Grf2014d
                       companion. Only measured once.                                          .       
23157-1221 LDS2977     NLTT 56270/56279                                                        Chm2004 
23159-0905 STFB 14     91 Aqr = psi 1 Aqr.  LDS 805.                                           .       
                       NPOI Limb-darkened diameter 2.220 +/- 0.031 mas, Sp = K1III,            NOI2018 
                       R = 10.96 +/- 0.21 \rsun, Teff = 4730 +/- 68 K, L = 54.3 +/- 3.1 \lsun, .       
                       M = 1.38 +/- 0.29 \msun, Age = 2.98 +/- 1.63 Gyr.                       .       
                       Burnham and Aitken both labelled this pair STFB 12; corrected by Weis   Bu_1906 
                       ("F.G.W. Struve's Double Stars").                                       A__1932a
                       A,BC: NLTT 56282/56278                                                  Chm2004 
           STFB 12     A,BC: H 4  12.                                                          MEv2010 
           BU 1220     AD: Optical pair, based on study of relative motion of the components   .       
                       using the method of apparent motion parameters.                         Kiy2008 
                       BC: A pair in motion in a high-inclination orbit.                       Wor1967b
                       AD: Rectilinear solution by Hurowitz et al. (2014).                     USN2014b
23160-3309 B   596     Spectrum: Fm delta Del.                                                 .       
23161+4801 ES  694     ES 1186.                                                                .       
23162-2823 LDS5062     NLTT 56294/56292                                                        Chm2004 
23162-5947 TOK 217     Tentatively resolved on 2011.85 at 147deg, 0".10, dK=2.5, but not       .       
                       confirmed here. As the RV is variable, we suppose the pair was          .       
                       actually resolved last year but has closed in.                          Tok2013b
23163+1324 BRT1366     Aka ITF  92.                                                            .       
23164+6407 BU  992     A premature orbit has been computed.                                    .       
23164+3739 ES 2537     J 3189.                                                                 .       
23165+6158 HDS3314     1991.9043: This observation confirms the Hipparcos solution at a        .       
                       similar epoch (1991.25). An elongated secondary peak yielded an         .       
                       inaccurate value for rho, however.                                      Msn1999b
23166-0135 STF2995     LDS 808.                                                                .       
23166-0558 OCC 731     BRT 561.                                                                Brt1931 
23167+3441 HDS3315     Cvetkovic et al. (2014) derive spectral types K1 and  K2, masses 0.85   .       
                       and 0.81 Msun. Dynamical parallax is 10.98 +/- 1.07 mas.                Cve2014 
23167+1937 HDS3316     Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and spectroscopic   .       
                       masses of 0.78 +/- 0.19, 1.09, and 0.95 Msun, respectively.             Mlk2012 
23167-3635 HDS3317     A single star reported double due to a grid-step error according to     .       
                       Fabricius.                                                              Fab2000b
23170-6200 EHR  20     Companion appears to be a background star.                              Ehr2010 
23171+3144 OSO 191     G128-043. None is a common proper motion pair, based on comparison      .       
                       with POSS2 red plates.                                                  Oso2004 
23171-1349 BU  182     Van Biesbroeck (1961) reports a companion with cpm (mag. 17, 15").      VBs1961 
                       AB: Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and             .       
                       spectroscopic masses 2.21 +/- 0.99, 1.83, and 1.29 Msun, respectively.  Mlk2012 
           LDS6393     G273-001. AB component not resolved in our data                         Oso2004 
                       HIP 114962. See Allen et al. (2000) for information on metallicity,     AlC2000 
                       age, galactic orbital parameters, etc.                                  .       
           BU  182     AB,C: Rectilinear solution by Mason & Hartkopf (2016).                  Msn2016a
23173-6655 LDS 807     B is CPD-67@3959.                                                       .       
                       HIP 114980. See Allen et al. (2000) for information on metallicity,     AlC2000 
                       age, galactic orbital parameters, etc.                                  .       
                       SHY 368. Bayesian analysis by Shaya & Olling (2011) indicates very      Shy2011 
                       high (near 100%) probability pair is physical.                          .       
23174+3813 HDS3319     Due to the large proper motion of the secondary, the 1929 measure was   .       
                       initially ascribed to a supposed AC pair in this system.                .       
                       AB: Rectilinear solution by Hartkopf & Mason (2016).                    Hrt2016a
23174-5814 GAT  31     This is the C component of the wide CPM pair 23537-6557 = SHY 108AC     .       
23176+1818 HU  400     Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and spectroscopic   .       
                       masses of 5.46 +/- 2.34, 3.74, and 1.45 Msun, respectively.             Mlk2012 
23176-0131 BU   79     HIP 115012. See Allen et al. (2000) for information on metallicity,     AlC2000 
                       age, galactic orbital parameters, etc.                                  .       
23177+4901 BU  717     8 And.                                                                  .       
23179-1112 LTT 9469    Hipparcos astrometric solution assuming circular orbit (e = omega = 0)  HIP1997d
23180+4006 MLB 505     ALI1185.                                                                .       
23180+3132 OSO 192     G128-045. Not a common proper motion pair, based on comparison with     .       
                       POSS2 red plates.                                                       Oso2004 
23180+0904 OSO 193     G029-020. Not a common proper motion pair, based on color and           .       
                       comparison with POSS2 red plates.                                       Oso2004 
23180-6100 DUN 247     B is CPD-61@6734. B spectral type A5/7V.                                .       
                       Statistically the same parallax within the errors would indicate the    .       
                       components are physical.                                                .       
23181+6017 STI1165     B is called BD+59@2698 by Bacchus.                                      .       
23181-0721 LDS2978     LDS6023.                                                                .       
23184-0015 GRV1144     Aka GWP3273.                                                            .       
23184-0600 BRT 524     A likely plate flaw.                                                    Grv2021b
23185+7014 LDS2034     NLTT 56462/56463.                                                       .       
23185-0916 LDS 810     NLTT 56435/56436.                                                       Chm2004 
23186+6807 STF3001     omi Cep = 34 Cep. A premature orbit has been computed.                  .       
                       See Baize & Petit (1989) catalog of doubles with variable component.    Baz1989d
                       System mass 3.65 +-0.60 Msun. G8III spectral type of primary            .       
                       confirmed.                                                              Doc2003d
23186-5818 HJ 5392     B is CPD-58@8063.                                                       .       
                       Optical pair, based on study of relative motion of the components       .       
                       using the method of apparent motion parameters.                         Kiy2008 
                       A 7.9d spectroscopic solution for the A component has been found        Tok2018d
                       making this binary since component B is non-physical.                   .       
23187+1324 HJ 1866     34s f and 1' s of BD+12 4966.                                           Doo1915a
23188+0510 STF2999     AB: H 6  61.                                                            MEv2010 
23189+0524 BU   80     Lewis and Leavenworth measures attributed to CE actually were of a new  L__1902a
                       pair, designated CF.                                                    Lv_1930 
                       AB: The Heintz (1996) orbit predicts a separation of 0.374"; however,   Hei1996c
                       the secondary may have been too faint for the CHARA camera.             Hrt2009 
                       AB: Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and             .       
                       spectroscopic masses 1.44 +/- 0.44, 1.71, and 0.85 Msun, respectively.  Mlk2012 
                       AE: Optical pair, based on study of relative motion of the components   .       
                       using the method of apparent motion parameters.                         Kiy2008 
                       AE: Rectilinear solution by Hurowitz et al. (2014).                     USN2014b
23190-0937 HO  199     psi 3 Aqr = 95 Aqr                                                      .       
23191+4855 ES 2725     B is BD+48@3994.                                                        .       
23191-1328 MCA  74     94 Aqr. A is a long-period spectroscopic binary now resolved by         .       
                       speckle interferometry.                                                 .       
                       Soderhjelm give triple solution with B (HIP 115125) instead of poor     Sod1999 
                       Hipparcos solution. The primary is overmassive, probably sp. bin.,      .       
                       cf. analysis of the spectroscopic/interferometric orbit by McAlister    .       
                       & Hendry (1982)                                                         McA1982c
                       Analysis of this observation by the techniques in use in 1985 was       .       
                       unable to yield a useable result.                                       Hrt1992b
                       1977.6350: This epoch was incorrectly given as 1977.6359.               McA1982b
                       Aa,Ab: Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and          .       
                       spectroscopic masses 1.55 +/- 0.87, 1.98, and 1.20 Msun, respectively.  Mlk2012 
           STF2998     AB: H 3  34.                                                            MEv2010 
23193+4343 SMA 188     J 2381.                                                                 .       
23194+7900 LDS2035     AB: Also known as MLR 271.                                              .       
23194-0507 HJ 5394     96 Aqr. This cannot be the close 21.24-d spectroscopic binary.          Grf2009b
                       NLTT 56477/56476                                                        Chm2004 
23195+1325 HJ  308     15s f and 1' s of HJ  307.                                              Doo1915a
23195+1326 HJ  309     9s f and 3' s of HJ 307.                                                Doo1915a
23196+0322 SCA 152     We do not confirm it using our data and images from the Digitized Sky   .       
                       Surveys                                                                 Oso2004 
23197+4823 STTA244     B is BD+47@4111.                                                        .       
23198+1741 RBR  54     Suspected non-single.                                                   Hor2002b
23205+3037 GIC 190     G128-049/G128-050. The A component is Ross 243.                         .       
                       NLTT 56545/56551                                                        Chm2004 
23205+1259 LDS5070     NLTT 56546/56548                                                        Chm2004 
23208+0227 STF3002     Despite the linear solution, proper motion and parallax favor a         Grv2020a
                       physical connection. Long period and/or high eccentricity possible.     .       
23208-5018 RST5560     Spectrum F5m Delta Del.                                                 .       
                       A is a close 3.4-d spectroscopic pair.                                  Tok2019a
23209+3811 ENG  86     12 And.                                                                 .       
23209+1643 HEI  88     Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and spectroscopic   .       
                       masses of 1.93 +/- 0.65, 2.10, and 1.13 Msun, respectively.             Mlk2012 
23210-0148 DAE   7     NLTT 56566 LP 642-48                                                    .       
                       Daemgen et al. (2007) derive a distance of 22.6 +/- 6.7 pc, separation  Dae2007 
                       of 2.2 +/- 0.7 au, and predicted orbital period of 6 +/- 3 yr.          .       
                       Spectral types for both stars are M4.0 +/- 0.5; masses are              .       
                       0.25 +0.18/-0.11 and 0.21 +0.17/-0.09 Msun.                             .       
                       Although the close binarity of 2MASS J23205766-0147373 was reported in  .       
                       Daemgen et al (2007) and our AstraLux data have a similar sensitivity,  Dae2007 
                       the star appears single in our images. Since the separation was only    .       
                       99 mas in 2005, it has presumably moved inward since then.              Jnn2012 
23212+6737 OSO 194     G241-052. Not a common proper motion pair, based on comparison with     .       
                       POSS2 red plates.                                                       Oso2004 
23213+6926 LDS5078     Primary is white dwarf WD 2319+691  = GD 559.                           Far2005b
23214+0351 BAL2579     A likely plate flaw.                                                    Grv2021b
23215+3730 ES 2540     J 2407, ALI 469.                                                        .       
23217+0853 HJ 3185     Primary is galaxy NGC 7634.                                             .       
23218-1217 HU   95     Combined magnitude from HD. Some visual observers report the pair       .       
                       to be brighter.                                                         .       
23219+3149 BU  718     64 Peg. A is a spectroscopic binary, perhaps as a consequence of        .       
                       motion in the visual pair.                                              .       
                       AB: Rectilinear solution by Rica & Zirm (2012).                         FMR2012i
23221+6120 B  2907     AC: The very faint companion C may have been a ghost, though it looked  .       
                       real on all three nights.                                               B__1963b
23224-4636 CPO 637     LDS 812.                                                                .       
23226+1706 BPM2480     [PM2000] 2643200 + [PM2000] 2643193.                                    Gvr2010 
23227+6050 STI1171     SMA 189.                                                                .       
23227-1502 HU  295     97 Aqr.                                                                 .       
                       Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and spectroscopic   .       
                       masses of 4.54 +/- 0.93, 3.73, and 1.82 Msun, respectively.             Mlk2012 
23228+2208 GIC 191     G068-012/G068-007.                                                      .       
23228+2034 STF3007     AB: NLTT 56671/56672                                                    Chm2004 
                       AC: Optical pair, based on study of relative motion of the components   .       
                       using the method of apparent motion parameters.                         Kiy2008 
23231+1219 HO  300     Removed from WDS as probably not real.                                  .       
23232+1226 BU 1529     CD: This measure is from the galaxy NGC 7671 near BU 1529 to            Dam2013 
                       BD+11 5002. Redesignated from AC (which was wrong) to CD and X coded.   .       
                       The measure of AC here is not this CD pairing.                          FyM2013 
23235+4548 STF3010     AB: NLTT 56707/56708                                                    Chm2004 
                       AB: HJL 316.                                                            HJL1986 
23237-1430 HJ 5397     B is BD-15@6411.                                                        .       
23238-0828 STF3008     An optical pair. A pair was measured by Harvard Observatory near        Pei1882 
                       ADS 16725: 1867.92, 194.4@, 34.09".                                     .       
                       H N 112.                                                                MEv2010 
23239-1747 TOK 218     dmu is explained by the newly resolved 0".5 pair. Triple, with          .       
                       companion at 13".8 in 2MASS. This companion is measured with NICI as    .       
                       well at the same position, its colors matching a low-mass dwarf.        .       
                       Considering the low density of background stars, the companion is       .       
                       physical, although we cannot confirm it as CPM owing to the small PM    .       
                       of the main target.                                                     Tok2012a
23239-5349 DUN 249     B is CPD-54@10280.                                                      .       
23241-2146 I  1058     Reality of companion doubtful.                                          .       
23244+1429 BU  719     There is an error in the declination in the original catalogue. The     .       
                       correct place is 231822+1349. HO 301 is identical with this pair.       Bu_1894 
                       A is a close 17.5-d spectroscopic pair.                                 Tok2019a
23244-0827 HDO9001     This is the pair described in the STF3008 note recovered.               Dam2010 
23246+4139 CHE 452     There are no obvious errors by Chevalier in applying the offset from    Che1911 
                       his plate center, but there are no pairs at Chevalier’s coordinates,    .     
                       nor coordinates found by reversing the sign of either or both offsets.  Hrt2012b
23246+0617 HJ 3190     13s f and 6' n of BD+05 5165.                                           Doo1915a
23248+6217 H 6  24     AB: H VI 24. 4 Cas.                                                     .       
                       CD: STI1174.                                                            .       
23249+6137 STI1176     According to ADS, Stein also notes a close component (1905.79,          A__1932a
                       91.9deg, 1".2, magnitudes 10.5, 11.3)                                   .       
23249+4149 CHE 454     AC: A 10' error (23249+4139) in copying declination to catalog led      .       
                       to assigning a different designation to this companion of CHE 453.      .       
23250+2709 KPP3395     Reported by author that this is a bogus binary.                         Kpp2019p
23256+3326 AG  292     BDS: 11713, AG 282.                                                     .       
23259+4232 HJ 1877     C component is planetary nebula NGC 7662, "Copeland's Blue Snowball".   .       
23263+3311 OSO 195     Known companion (= 23263+3311LDS1067)                                   AlC2000 
                       at 4.33'                                                                Oso2004 
           LDS1067     G128-064. See Allen et al. (2000) for information on metallicity,       AlC2000 
                       age, galactic orbital parameters, etc.                                  .       
                       AB: NLTT 56856/56847                                                    Chm2004 
23263+2752 JNN 139     A very close (~0.15") companion is detected, which is most likely       .       
                       physically bound, although this has yet to be confirmed with common     .       
                       proper motion.                                                          Jnn2012 
23263+0527 SCA 158     Aka BAL2991.                                                            .       
23265+6038 OSO 196     G217-008. None is a common proper motion pair, based on comparison      .       
                       with POSS2 red plates.                                                  Oso2004 
23266+5709 LEO  31     STI 2980.                                                               .       
23266+4520 GIC 192     The pair HJ 1867 were improperly precessed before, so observers may     .       
                       have been looking in the wrong patch of sky. Component A of this        .       
                       optical triple has a very high proper motion. The proper motion of      .       
                       component B is quite small. The proper motion of component C is         .       
                       unknown. At some point during the 20th century, the B and C components  .       
                       were in approximately the same position, which probably contributed to  .       
                       the lack of early epoch AC measures. It is possible that some of the    .       
                       early AB measures may have actually been measures of A,BC. A detailed   .       
                       analysis of this system is in Bur2003. AB = G216-044/G216-043.          .       
                       AB: Optical pair, based on study of relative motion of the components   .       
                       using the method of apparent motion parameters.                         Kiy2008 
                       AC: NLTT 56881/56879                                                    Chm2004 
           YR   17     Aa,Ab: Rectilinear solution by Hartkopf & Mason (2013).                 Hrt2013b
23266+4520 GIC 192     AB: Rectilinear solution by Hurowitz et al. (2014).                     USN2014b
23266-5243 EHR  21     omi Gru. Pair appears to be comoving.                                   Ehr2010 
                       WDS designation initially corrupted to 23255-6243.                      .       
23269+0115 S   830     8 Psc = kap Psc. Spectrum A0pCrSi:Sr:.                                  .       
                       AB: H 6  62.                                                            MEv2010 
23270-0024 GRV1154     GRV1245.                                                                .       
23272-5017 DUN 250     B is CD-50@13978.                                                       .       
                       Identified as optical and linear solution also published.               LRR2022c
23274+6027 SMA 198     A is an irregular variable.                                             .       
23274+5016 OSO 197     G216-045. AF comprise the only common proper motion pair in this        .       
                       multiple system                                                         Oso2004 
23274+1623 BPMA257     [PM2000] 2647015 + [PM2000] 2647110.                                    Gvr2010 
23274-1736 HJ 3194     Aka ARA 511.                                                            .       
23278+0451 DEA  65     NLTT 56936 + 2MASS J23274947+0450583. Primary is VZ Psc. Baron et al.   .       
                       (2015) estimate spectral types K2+K5 and M9 +/- 0.5, distances          .       
                       64 +/-9 and 57 +3/-17 pc, masses 1.46 +/-0.09 and 0.079-0.085 Msun.     BFr2015 
23281-0228 CBL 194     AC: Originally 23281-0227 CBL 194, but secondary found to be primary    .       
                       of 23281-0228 RST4724. Systems merged, with quadrant flip.              .       
23283+0604 H 5  48     H V 48. B is BD+05@5174.                                                .       
23284+1432 BPM2481     [PM2000] 2647834 + [PM2000] 2647948.                                    Gvr2010 
23286+1301 BPM2482     [PM2000] 2647997 + [PM2000] 2647988.                                    Gvr2010 
23287+1157 A  1239     CHE, ADS 16834 is identical to A 1239 with a mistake in position.       .       
23287+0703 CRB  22     BC: Originally listed as separate pair 23288+0703, before its           .       
                       affiliation with CBL 549 was noted.                                     .       
23289+1741 BPM2484     [PM2000] 2648224 + [PM2000] 2648201.                                    Gvr2010 
23289+1720 HJ  311     AC: The C component is n the galaxy NGC 7681.                           Dam2013 
23289+1626 BPM2483     [PM2000] 2648199 + [PM2000] 2648240.                                    Gvr2010 
23294+4128 GIC 193     G190-028/G190-027 =  GJ 4337A+4338B                                     .       
23297+5457 STI2987     V357 Cas. Primary is Beta Lyr type eclipsing binary, period1.58867d.    Zas2017b
23299-5213 BRT2104     CD-52@10438.                                                            .       
                       A likely plate flaw.                                                    Grv2021b
23300+5833 STT 496     AC: BDS 12349. A is the Algol-type system AR Cas.                       .       
           DA    2     CD: Additional notes may be found in Worley (1967).                     Wor1967b
23300-5419 HJ 5401     B is CPD-55@10034.                                                      .       
23301+3557 J  3197     ALI 238.                                                                .       
23304+3050 BU 1266     Triple-lined; both visual components are double-lined spectroscopic     .       
                       binaries, P = 1.92 and 13.04d resp. Suspected light variation of the    .       
                       system is unconfirmed.                                                  .       
           STF3018     Fekel (1986 private communication) reports that he has now detected     .       
                       four components in the spectrum of this star.                           .       
                       See Baize & Petit (1989) catalog of doubles with variable component.    Baz1989d
23305-2231 ARA2289     AC: Also known as AOT 123.                                              .       
23306+1432 BPM2485     [PM2000] 2649501 + [PM2000] 2649488.                                    Gvr2010 
23307+0515 STF3019     H N 137.                                                                MEv2010 
23309+5825 STF3022     AB: H 4  65.                                                            MEv2010 
                       AB: Additional notes may be found in Burnham (1894).                    Bu_1894 
23309+2747 LDS5097     NLTT 57090/57088                                                        Chm2004 
23309-5807 SHY 833     AC: HIP 116056 + HIP 116387.                                            .       
23310-6905 HJ 5402     B is CPD-69@3324.                                                       .       
                       Primary is PMS star, X-ray source.                                      Tok2014d
23311+0841 GIC 194     G029-039/G029-040.                                                      .       
23313+5225 STT 498     Aa,Ab: The Guillaume 1913 measure is supposed to refer to this object.  Gui1932A
23313+3914 WIS 387     = 14 And = Veritate.                                                    .       
                       CHARA Array Limb-darkened diameter  1.336 +/- 0.009 mas.                CIA2009a
                       R = 11.38 +/- 0.26 \rsun, L =  63.3 +/-  1.8 \lsun,                     .       
                       Teff = 4826 +/-  40 K.                                                  .       
23315-0405 KO    3     Triple, with wide pair a CPM pair. The primary is an F8 dwarf, the BC   .       
                       pair (CLO   4BC) comprised of an M8.0V+L3.0V. Data sources: Palomar     .       
                       Sky Survey red (1951.9), UK Schmidt blue (1982.8), UK Schmidt red       .       
                       (1988.8), UK Schmidt near-IR (1994.5), 2MASS (1998.8), DENIS I          .       
                       (1999.8).  Mean separation of wide pair (1951-1999) 7.530 +/- 0.007     .       
                       arcmin. Masses of the three components estimated at 1.02 +0.07/-0.06,   .       
                       0.088 +/- 0.002, and 0.072 +/- 0.001 Msun, respectively                 Cab2007b
23315-2857 B   602     Measures uncertain, too close. Needs speckle.                           .       
23317+1956 WIR   1     This is the flare star EQ Peg. Component B is suspected to be the       .       
                       source of the flares, although both components may be flare stars.      .       
                       See Baize & Petit (1989) catalog of doubles with variable component.    Baz1989d
                       AB: Additional notes may be found in Wilson (1954).                     WRH1954a
           LMP  24     AC: Rectilinear solution by Mason & Hartkopf (2016).                    Msn2016a
23317-0245 LWR  20     AF Psc                                                                  .       
                       There is a possible companion at 19" noted in Lowrance et al. (2005),   Lwr2005 
                       but it has not been checked for common proper motion.                   Jnn2012 
23319+5401 ES  109     A and B are 1mag below MS in (J,J-K). Parallax <16mas or subdwarfs?     Tok2014d
23320+4349 STF3024     H 2  94.                                                                MEv2010 
                       Primary is V389 And, an Algol-type eclipsing binary, P = 25.77827d.     Zas2012 
23322+1458 HDS3353     DI Peg.                                                                 .       
23322+0705 HU  298     Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and spectroscopic   .       
                       masses of 2.47 +/- 0.60, 2.85, and 1.13 Msun, respectively.             Mlk2012 
23323+5111 OL   84     Aka TDT4088.                                                            .       
23324-2155 LDS5098     NLTT 57164/57165                                                        Chm2004 
23325+2200 HLM  41     Aka GRV 670.                                                            Dam2010 
23328+2205 ELS   6     Aka DAM 252                                                             .       
23328-1645 VOU  28     BC: The 1962 measure by van den Bos may not refer to this pair.         B__1963b
23328-1651 LDS 816     See BC (VOU 28) at 23328-1645                                           Kui1943 
                       A,BC: NLTT 57183/57180                                                  Chm2004 
           SHY 110     AE: HIP 116215 + HIP 116003.                                            .       
23331+4556 OSO 198     G216-052. Neither AB nor AD is a common proper motion pair, based on    .       
                       comparison with POSS2 red plates                                        Oso2004 
23331-2127 HDO 177     BD-22@6147?                                                             .       
23332+5724 STT 499     A,BC: HJL 317.                                                          HJL1986 
23333-2055 B  1900     101 Aqr.                                                                .       
23334+4251 HDS3356     Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and spectroscopic   .       
                       masses of 1.84 +/- 0.20, 1.83, and 1.05 Msun, respectively.             Mlk2012 
23334-1240 LDS2989     NLTT 57205/57204                                                        Chm2004 
23336+6028 STFA 60     AB: Pair appears in an appendix list, not part of the discoverer's      .       
                       regular numbering sequence.                                             .       
23336+3234 OSO 199     G128-077. AB is a common proper motion pair, but AC is not, based on    .       
                       astrometry and color                                                    Oso2004 
23336+1749 LOS   1     Discovered while observing HO  655. A component is GSC 1723 2167.       .       
                       Magnitude of B estimated at 11.5.                                       .       
           HO  655     AC: Optical pair, based on study of relative motion of the components   .       
                       using the method of apparent motion parameters.                         Kiy2008 
23339-3340 SEE 491     Jessup claims A is double, but gives no data.                           Jsp1964 
23340+3120 BU  720     Variable?                                                               Egg1947 
                       Only elements P and T have been amended by Starikova (1982) from the    Sta1982b
                       orbit of Baize (1976).                                                  Baz1976 
                       Elements published for this long-period system differ: Costa (1966      .       
                       Urania, Barcelona 51, 73) quotes P = 198.6 yr, while Tel'nyuk-Adamchuk  TkA1966 
                       gives P = 425 yr. The observed theta and rho for 1975.953 are in        .       
                       reasonable agreement with either uncertain orbit.                       BLM1978 
                       See Baize & Petit (1989) catalog of doubles with variable component.    Baz1989d
23340+0334 BAL2581     2001 speckle measure actually a new pair, 23344+0331 = WSI 155.         WSI2015 
23341+5947 HJ 1892     KR   65.                                                                .       
23341-3511 BRT3371     A likely plate flaw.                                                    Grv2021b
23342+0218 A  2499     Companion only seen in 1911, and not in 1921, 1933, and 1934.           .       
23344+2739 LDS1069     This star has a possible wide companion at about 63" as noted in the    .       
                       WDS. It is however single in the separation range covered by the        .       
                       AstraLux data.                                                          Jnn2012 
23344+0331 WSI 155     2001 speckle measure of 23340+0334 = BAL2581 is actually this new pair. WSI2015 
23346-1647 LDS2990     NLTT 57262/57259                                                        Chm2004 
23347+3748 YSC 139     Data at hand suggest that this F8 pair with small magnitude difference  .       
                       is viewed nearly edge-on. The mass implied by the spectral type is      .       
                       perhaps 2-2.5 Msun, if the system were to have solar metallicity,       .       
                       again lower than that implied by the orbital elements. The metallicity  .       
                       of the system is -0.31 according to the Geneva-Copenhagen Catalog       .       
                       (Nordstrom et al. 2004), which would tend to lower the mass at a given  Nrd2004 
                       spectral type, thus making the discrepancy worse. Nonetheless, given    .       
                       the large uncertainty in dynamical mass, it is no worse than a 2 sigma  .       
                       difference at this point. The mass ratio in the Geneva-Copenhagen       .       
                       catalog is 0.9, so this at least is consistent with the small           .       
                       magnitude difference obtained from speckle measures.                    Hor2015b
                       Orbit determined by fitting revised Hipparcos intermediate astrometric  .       
                       data. Derived component masses 1.64 +/- 0.29 and 0.90 +/- 0.15 Msun.    Ren2010 
                       Unclear if the SB2 orbit presented here is for this pair on another     Kie2018 
                       unresolved component.                                                   .       
                       A: Teff = 6227 +/- 68 K, B: Teff = 5915 +/- 10.                                 
23349+1124 BPM2486     [PM2000] 2652674 + [PM2000] 2652662.                                    Gvr2010 
23350+3302 OSO 200     G128-080. Not a common proper motion pair, based on color and           .       
                       comparison with POSS2 red plates.                                       Oso2004 
23350+0136 MEL   9     GJ 900                                                                  .       
                       Malogolovets et al. (2007) combine all data to derive I-, K-, and       Mlg2007b
                       H-band absolute magnitudes for all three components, as well as         .       
                       spectral types and masses:                                              .       
                               I  +/-     K  +/-    H   +/-   spec   mass (Msun)               .       
                         A:  6.66 0.08  4.84 0.08  5.11 0.08  K5-K7  0.64 - 0.67               .       
                         B:  9.15 0.11  6.76 0.20  6.85 0.09  M3-M4  0.28 - 0.34               .       
                         C: 10.08 0.26  7.39 0.31  7.54 0.15  M5-M6  0.16 - 0.24               .       
                       BC probably form inner short-period (~20y) pair moving with A around    .       
                       mass center; A,BC period ~80y. Observed configuration may be due to     .       
                       relative tilts of orbital planes. 2MASS images show faint objects ~12"  .       
                       northeast and 15" south of primary; stars are probably late M dwarfs    .       
                       and possibly members of the GJ 900 system.                              .       
23351-4237 B   603     iot Phe. A variable of the Alpha CVn-type, spectrum A2VpSrCrEu.         .       
           SHY 834     AC: HIP 116389 + HIP 116370.                                            .       
23352+1240 BPM2487     [PM2000] 2652884 + [PM2000] 2652864.                                    Gvr2010 
23352-1135 BU   81     Spectrum: Fm Delta Del.                                                 .       
23352-6441 HJ 5403     B is CPD-65@4149.                                                       .       
23355+3101 LDS6405     HIP 116421. See Allen et al. (2000) for information on metallicity,     AlC2000 
                       age, galactic orbital parameters, etc.                                  .       
23355+0850 BRT3372     J 2408.                                                                 .       
23356+1524 BPM2488     [PM2000] 2653195 + [PM2000] 2653232.                                    Gvr2010 
23356+0823 VIG  22     The B component appears to be a faint background star.                  Vig2012 
23357+3425 ES 2273     ES 2397.                                                                .       
23357-2729 SEE 492     Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and spectroscopic   .       
                       masses of 2.03 +/- 0.32, 2.10, and 1.07 Msun, respectively.             Mlk2012 
23358+0027 OSO 201     G029-050.                                                               .       
23358-5832 RST5174     CD-59@8165.                                                             .       
23359+1440 GRV1246     SLW1327.                                                                .       
23361-3237 B   604     CM Scl, Algol-type eclipsing binary, P = 10.28857 d.                    Zas2011 
23363-0707 BU  721     Elongations real, but too slight for reliable angles.                   B__1959a
23364+0206 THP   1     16 Psc                                                                  .       
                       SB, period 45d, according to Cayrel de Strobel (1974 A&A 37, 179).      .       
                       Observed during occultation by asteroid 7 Iris. Separation and          .       
                       position angle for 2006.342 constrained to two possibilities, under     .       
                       assumption asteroid has circular silhouette.                            Thp2006 
23366+5958 OSO 202     G241-060. None is a common proper motion pair, based on comparison      .       
                       with POSS2 red plates.                                                  Oso2004 
23370+0630 BRT2195     J 1730.                                                                 .       
23371+3927 A  1492     Closely sf BD+38@5037.                                                  .       
23373-2056 RSS 580     CPD-21@8282                                                             .       
23375+4426 STT 500     A premature orbit has been computed.                                    .       
23375-4021 WG  289     BRT1133.                                                                Brt1933 
23376+5516 STI3010     SMA 202.                                                                .       
23376+4627 STT 600     lam And = 16 And. A is a spectroscopic binary and light variable.       .       
                       NPOI Limb-darkened diameter    2.772 +/- 0.012 mas,                     .       
                       R =    7.72 (+/- 0.04   )  \rsun,  Teff = 4532 +/-  10 K,               .       
                       L =   22.7 +/-   0.1 \lsun.                                             NOI2023 
23376+1236 HJ  315     HJL 318.                                                                HJL1986 
23377+1650 ENG  87     74 Peg. A is a spectroscopic binary.                                    .       
23377-1304 HJ  316     Aka H N  35 = BDS 12465.                                                Bu_1906 
           BU 1530     CD: This measure is from the galaxy NGC 7723 near BU 1530 to a nearby   Dam2013 
                       star. Redesignated from AC (which was wrong) to CD and X coded.         .       
23379+1824 KUI 117     75 Peg. A is a spectroscopic binary.                                    .       
23382+5514 A  1493     A premature orbit has been computed.                                    .       
                       Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and spectroscopic   .       
                       masses of 3.23 +/- 2.09, 3.30, and 2.24 Msun, respectively.             Mlk2012 
23386+1124 BPM2489     [PM2000] 2655505 + [PM2000] 2655562.                                    Gvr2010 
23387+1544 BPM2490     [PM2000] 2655551 + [PM2000] 2655564.                                    Gvr2010 
23388+4424 D    26     V392 And, Algol-type eclipsing binary, P = 4.046275 d.                  Zas2011 
23388-2816 B   608     Direct motion? Measures uncertain, too close. Needs speckle.            .       
23389+2101 LDS5108     NLTT 57506/57507                                                        Chm2004 
23389-0310 BRT 525     Aka J  3354.                                                            Dam2016d
23389-4537 SHY 836     HIP 116602 + HIP 116699.                                                .       
23390+3932 MLB 911     ALI 1004.                                                               .       
23392-1831 BHA  55     J 1425.                                                                 .       
23393+7738 NHR   9     = Gam Cep = Errai.                                                      .       
                       Neuhauser et al. (2007)resolved the wide pair of the gam Cep triple     .       
                       system using the Subaru AO system. Their combined solution yielded      .       
                       masses for Aa and B of 1.40 +/- 0.12 and 0.409 +/- 0.018 Msun, plus a   .       
                       mass function for the planetary companion (M_Ab sin i) of 1.60 +/-      .       
                       0.13 Mjup. Physical separation for the AB pair is 20.18 +/- 0.66 au.    Nhr2007 
                       NPOI Limb-darkened diameter 3.24 +/- 0.03 mas,                          NOI1999 
                       R = 4.79 +/- 0.06 \rsun.                                                .       
                       CHARA Array Limb-darkened diameter  3.302 +/- 0.029 mas.                CIA2009a
                       R =  5.01 +/- 0.05 \rsun, L =  11.4 +/-  0.0 \lsun,                     .       
                       Teff = 4744 +/-  21 K.                                                  .       
                       NPOI Limb-darkened diameter 3.254 +/- 0.020 mas, Sp = K1III,            NOI2018 
                       R = 4.93 +/- 0.04 \rsun, Teff = 4792 +/- 62 K, L = 11.6 +/- 0.6 \lsun,  .       
                       M = 1.41 +/- 0.08 \msun, Age = 3.25 +/- 0.63 Gyr.                       .       
23393+4543 CHR 149     1986.8914: This "prediscovery" confirmation was found by reexamination  .       
                       of archival data.                                                       McA1990 
                       Balega et al. (2004) notes that it is the B component of A   643, not   Bag2004 
                       the A component, which is comprised of the CHR 149 pair. The component  .       
                       designation has been changed from Aa,Ab to Ba,Bb accordingly.           .       
                       Zhuchkov et al. (2008) give combined spectroscopic/astrometric orbits   Zhu2008 
                       for both wide and close pair.  Spectral types for A, Ba, and Bb are     .       
                       determined as G0III, F3III, and sdO-BVIII, respectively.  Magnitudes    .       
                       (assuming an integrated system magnitude of 7.63) are 8.53 +/- 0.03,    .       
                       8.66 +/- 0.04, and 9.51 +/- 0.05, while indiviual masses are estimated  .       
                       at 1.3 +/- 0.3, 1.3 +/- 0.3, and 0.7 +/- 0.4 Msun.                      .       
23395+6658 HJ 1897     Proper motion from Greenwich possibly reversed.                         .       
23395-4638 DUN 251     the Phe                                                                 .       
                       RMK  27. Rectilinear solution by Letchford et al. (2018).               LRR2018a
                       Despite the linear solution, proper motion and parallax favor a         Grv2020a
                       physical connection. Long period and/or high eccentricity possible.     .       
23397+1153 BPM2491     [PM2000] 2656281 + [PM2000] 2656234.                                    Gvr2010 
23397+0331 BAL2069     HJL 319.                                                                HJL1986 
23398-0420 HWE  99     B is BD-05@6031.                                                        .       
23399+6419 ES  149     AB: HJL 320.                                                            HJL1986 
23399+5517 STI3015     SMA 203.                                                                .       
23399+0538 BUP 240     iot Psc = 17 Psc.                                                       .       
                       AB: Rectilinear solution by Friedman et al. (2011).                     USN2011a
23400+5446 STI3016     Also known as SMA 204.                                                  .       
23404+4420 HJ 1898     kap And = 19 And.                                                       .       
           CSN   1     Aa,Ab: Carson et al. (2012) discovered a "super Jupiter" orbiting kap   .       
                       And. Spectral types are B9IV and L2-L8, masses 2.4-2.5 Msun and 12.8    .       
                       +2.0/-1.0 Mjup, assuming a system age 30 +20/-10 Myr (Marois et al.     .       
                       2010 Nature 468, 1080).                                                 Csn2013 
                       Aa,Ab: Hinkley et al. (2013) derive a spectral type L1 +/- 1, Teff =    .       
                       2040 +/- 60K, mass 50 +16/-13 Mjup, and age 220 +/- 100 Myr for the Ab  .       
                       companion of the B9IV star kap And. The primary has a mass of 2.8       .       
                       +0.1/-0.2 Msun, Teff 11361 +/- 66K, radius 2.29 +/- 0.06 Rsun, age      .       
                       the same as that of Ab. Results are based on spectroscopy obtained      .       
                       using a high-contrast imaging platform. They also conclude that the B   .       
                       and C stars in this system are not comoving with the A component.       Hnk2013 
                       Aa,Ab: Bonnefoy et al. (2014) derive spectral types B9IVn and M9-L3:,   .       
                       plus log luminosities 1.83 +/- 0.04and -3.76 +/- 0.06. The mass of the  .       
                       primary is estimated at 2.6 +/- 0.2 Msun; the secondary is 0.013        .       
                       +0.022/-0.001 Msun for a "hot-start" evolutionary model, >0.011 Msun    .       
                       for a "warm-start" model.                                               Bnf2014 
23406+5513 HJ 1899     BDS 12513, HJ 1901 same star.                                           .       
23407-0023 STF3030     H N  91.                                                                MEv2010 
23409+2022 HO  303     Hough notes that STT 503 follows 1m13s and 3' S.                        Ho_1890 
                       AC: The C component measured by Burnham may be one of two stars in the  Bu_1913 
                       field. However, neither is in very good agreement with his measure,     .       
                       even after accounting for changes due to proper motion.                 .       
23411+4613 MLR   4     Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and spectroscopic   .       
                       masses of 2.16 +/- 0.28, 2.61, and 1.13 Msun, respectively.             Mlk2012 
23412+7409 HJ 1905     AB: Rectilinear solution by Hurowitz et al. (2014).                     USN2014b
23412+1647 GRV 683     HJL 322.                                                                HJL1986 
23412+0616 STF3031     B is BD+05@5208.                                                        .       
                       HJL 321.                                                                HJL1986 
                       H N 136.                                                                MEv2010 
23413+4954 ES 2732     Also known as ES 2731.                                                  .       
23414+5925 OSO 203     G241-064. None is a common proper motion pair, based on comparison      .       
                       with POSS2 red plates.                                                  Oso2004 
23414-3205 LDS2992     NLTT 57627/57628                                                        Chm2004 
23415+5955 FOX  50AB   2MASS images seem to indicate this is a close 2" pair, but not          Skf2018f
                       measured yet.                                                           .       
23418-1749 HJ 5413     104 Aqr. A spectroscopic binary. B is BD-18@6359.                       .       
23419-0559 LDS5112     NLTT 57682/57675                                                        Chm2004 
                       AB: Primary is exoplanet host, P=572d. A=SB?                            Tok2014d
           GC 32912    A: Combined solution, based on reduction of Hipparcos intermediate      .       
                       astrometric data together with spectroscopic elements from Vogt et al.  CPS2000c
                       (2000).                                                                 HaI2001 
23424+4956 HJ 1903     Herschel's 1828 measure than with Espin's in 1912.                      Es_1914 
23424-1357 LDS2995     NLTT 57711/57710                                                        Chm2004 
23427-1433 BU  279     ome 2 Aqr = 105 Aqr. A is a spectroscopic binary.                       .       
                       Uniform disk diameter  0.338 +/- 0.018 mas,                             .       
                       Limb darkened diameter 0.348 +/- 0.018 mas,                             .       
                       Teff = 11000 +/- 1300 K based on LDD.                                   .       
                       Radius is 1.82 +/- 0.10 \rsun.                                          CIA2019a
23430-2407 LDS 823     Proper motion +1270 -2200.                                              .       
                       NLTT 57749/57756                                                        Chm2004 
23431+1150 A  1242     A premature orbit has been computed.                                    Baz1944a
23432+5455 ES 1048     DE: Also known as STI3022.                                              .       
23432-0837 FOX 276     J 1426.                                                                 .       
23433-7049 HJ 5415     Optical pair, based on study of relative motion of the components       .       
                       using the method of apparent motion parameters.                         Kiy2008 
23434+0532 J   299     Jonckheere unable to recover.                                           J__1962a
23438-1517 HEG   2     R Aqr. Binary system consists of a Mira-type and a white dwarf          .       
                       companion, estimated P=44yr (Willson, L.A., Garnavich, P., & Mattei,    .       
                       J.A. 1981 IBVS 1961, 1). Hollis et al. (1997) give preliminary orbital  HJM1997 
                       elements for the AB pair: P=44y, e=0.8, T=JD2442100.0, i=70deg,         .       
                       Omega~90deg, omega = +/-90dega = 2.54e14cm for system mass 2.5 Msun,    .       
                       2.69e14cm for 3.0Msun.                                                  .       
23439+3232 LDS1070     Listed as double in ApJ 112, 214. L 1512-34a.                           .       
                       AB: Secondary is white dwarf WD 2341+322.                               Far2005b
23440+2922 AGC  14     78 Peg.                                                                 .       
23441+6147 STI1204     A is a semiregular variable, PZ Cas. B is a Cepheid.                    .       
                       Also known as MLR 515.                                                  .       
23441-0254 BRT 526     A likely plate flaw.                                                    Grv2021b
23442+4923 LDS5116     NLTT 57825/57826                                                        Chm2004 
23444-1802 FEN  43     A likely plate flaw.                                                    Grv2021b
23445+4623 STF3034     Primary is V395 And, eclipsing binary of W UMa -type, period 0.6847 d.  Zas2012 
23448+5627 BAR  64     BC: STI3024                                                             .       
23449+4831 ES  549     AB: Later measures were incorrectly added as the new pair ABH 179AD,    .       
                       due to the high proper motion of the primary and the long timespan      .       
                       between observations.                                                   .       
23449+1543 BPM2492     [PM2000] 2660049 + [PM2000] 2660092.                                    Gvr2010 
23450+3020 OSO 204     G130-007. Not a common proper motion pair, based on comparison with     .       
                       POSS2 red plates.                                                       Oso2004 
23451+1459 JNN 140     G 68-39.                                                                .       
                       Due to the compact configuration of the three components resolved by    .       
                       AstraLux, this is almost certainly a physically bound triple system.    .       
                       Only one epoch of images exist so far, hence common proper motion has   .       
                       not yet been demonstrated.                                              Jnn2012 
23454+1547 BPM2493     [PM2000] 2660398 + [PM2000] 2660323.                                    Gvr2010 
23456+1309 HJL1116     A combined interferometric/spectroscopic solution by Halbwachs et al.   .       
                       (2016) yields masses 1.686 +/- 0.021 and 1.390 +/- 0.034 Msun.          HJL2016 
                       Mass = 1.647  +/- 0.022 , 1.316   +/- 0.034   \msun for A and B.        HJL2020 
                       orbital parallax =  8.551 +/- 0.080 mas.                                .       
23459+1941 GRV 691     HJL 323.                                                                HJL1986 
23460+4625 MCA  75     psi And = 20 And. R.H. Wilson reported a wide, faint companion.         WRH1950a
                       H. McAlister resolved the primary into a triple system.                 McA1978b
                       Aac: It is not established whether this third component belongs to Aa   .       
                       or Ab.                                                                  .       
                       Based on mean motion of Aa,Ac a period of ~300 years is postulated.     Tok2010b
                       Based on the separation of Aa,Ab relative to this dynamic stability     .       
                       is questioned, however Aa,Ab has only been measured four times while    .       
                       Aa,Ac has been measured 39. Is Aa,Ab of a larger delta-m and if not     .       
                       why is it so infrequently measured. Could it be spurious?               .       
23460-1841 H 2  24     H II 24. 107 Aqr = i 2 Aqr. Alternative spectrum: F2III+F2V.            .       
23461+6028 STF3037     E is BD+59@2769a.                                                       .       
23461+5040 STTA248     B is BD+49@4216.                                                        .       
23462+6240 STF3038     The John Herschel measure identified with this pair may go with         HJ_1831 
                       23463+6201STI1209 which it fits a little better. The measure is "T"     .       
                       coded with both systems.                                                .       
23462+3515 OSO 205     G130-010. Not a common proper motion pair, based on comparison with     .       
                       POSS2 red plates.                                                       Oso2004 
23463+6201 STI1209     The John Herschel measure identified with this pair may go with         HJ_1831 
                       23462+6240STF3038, which Herschel identified the measure with. It       .       
                       fits better here.                                                       .       
23464+1324 BPM2495     [PM2000] 2661188 + [PM2000] 2661265.                                    Gvr2010 
23464+1243 BPM2494     [PM2000] 2661128 + [PM2000] 2661130.                                    Gvr2010 
23464-2302 TOK 375     First resolution at 0".15; estimated period 12 y.                       Tok2013b
23465+1724 BPM2496     [PM2000] 2661247 + [PM2000] 2661243.                                    Gvr2010 
23465-4135 TOK 922     SX Phe.                                                                 .       
23465-7159 HJ 5419     B is CPD-72@2782.                                                       .       
23466-0900 TOK 220     Resolved on 2011.85 and found here at nearly the same position,         .       
                       despite estimated period of 20yr. Seen in projection?                   Tok2013b
23467+6236 VBS  40     STI 1212.                                                               .       
23469+2825 STF3039     AB: H 4 107.                                                            MEv2010 
23471-1921 DON1053     BHA 56.                                                                 .       
23472-2624 LDS5121     NLTT 57957/57958                                                        Chm2004 
23474-2217 I   696     CD-22@16450.                                                            .       
23475+2535 BU  727     In my Tenth Catalogue where this pair originally appeared, the printed  .       
                       distance should be multiplied by two.                                   Bu_1894 
23476+4650 BU  995     A is a spectroscopic binary. One component is variable.                 .       
23476-6031 COO 261     RMK  28. Rectilinear solution by Letchford et al. (2018).               LRR2018a
23479+1703 STF3041     STTA249.                                                                .       
23479+0624 GIC 195     G030-015/G029-067. The B component is variable star DO Psc.             .       
23479-0246 S   835     20 Psc.                                                                 .       
23484-2141 ARA1950     Possibly = HDO 179, suspected binary of Win1882.                        .       
23485+2539 DSG   8     For the Horch et al. (2015) combined solution, spectroscopic elements   .       
                       are fixed to those of Griffin (2007). Assigned spectral types are       Grf2007 
                       F5V and F5.5V; derived masses 1.40 and 1.37 Msun.                       Hor2015 
23487+6453 STT 507     STTA250.                                                                .       
23488+6213 STT 508     6 Cas. The variable V566 Cas.                                           .       
                       Aitken notes that Guillaume gives his 1923 measure without              Gui1932A
                       identification and that the other Guillaume measure goes with           A__1932a
                       STT 508AC. The pair was assigned the designation GUI 39, but nothing    .       
                       matching his separation and angle can be found in the vicinity of STT   .       
                       508. The GUI 39 designation has therefore been removed, under the       .       
                       assumption that Guillaume's measure was of STT 508 but there was some   .       
                       typographical error in his original reference. This assumption is       .       
                       supported by the fact that his angle of 19.5 could instead be 195, in   .       
                       good agreement with contemporaneous measures of the Struve AB pair, as  .       
                       well as the match of his wider pair with the Struve AC pair.            .       
23489-2509 SHY 839     HIP 117454 + HIP 117720.                                                .       
23489-2808 BU 1013     del Scl                                                                 .       
23492+0459 TOK 376     First resolution at 0".20, dK=3.2.                                      Tok2013b
23496+6052 STI1222     B is BD+60@2625a.                                                       .       
23496-2212 B   619     CD-22@16466.                                                            .       
23498+2741 A   424     Only elements P, T, and a have been amended from the orbit of           Sta1978c
                       Morel (1969).                                                           Mrl1969c
                       Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and spectroscopic   .       
                       masses of 7.21 +/- 3.53, 5.19, and 1.40 Msun, respectively.             Mlk2012 
23500+4829 OSO 206     G171-023. Not a common proper motion pair, based on comparison with     .       
                       POSS2 red plates.                                                       Oso2004 
23500+0843 OSO 207     G029-071. Not a common proper motion pair                               Oso2004 
23505+0807 CHE 505     Chevalier gave an incorrect Durchmusterung number for this pair,        Che1910 
                       leading to incorrect coordinates being added to the WDS.                Hrt2012b
23506+5412 SHY 840     AC: HIP 117573 + HIP 117733.                                            .       
23506+4705 A   793     Often too close. Possible quadrant reversal about 1925.                 .       
23506-5142 SLR  14     High but rather imprecise mass-sum.                                     Sod1999 
                       Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and spectroscopic   .       
                       masses of 2.28 +/- 0.37, 1.92, and 0.95 Msun, respectively.             Mlk2012 
23509+4730 A   794     A is the semiregular variable TZ And.                                   .       
23509-7954 UC 5034     CPM candidate confirmed physical by photometry (2MASS and V mags).      Tok2013c
                       Primary is SB2                                                          Tok2014d
                       A is a close 4.4-d spectroscopic pair.                                  Tok2019a
23511+0214 HIP 117607  Ren & Fu (2013) calculated an astrometric orbit, combining Hipparcos    Ren2013 
                       Intermediate Astrometric Data with spectroscopic elements by            .       
                       Udry et al. (1998).                                                     Udr1998 
23512+5123 ALD   7     Not found by Heintz at IDS position.                                    Hei1990b
23513+1757 J   627     Aka COU  72.                                                            Dam2010 
23514+2344 BWL  61     AE:  Source appears spatially extended; probably a background galaxy.   .       
                       Primary is G 68-46.                                                     Bwl2015 
23515+2501 POU5863     J  1799.                                                                .       
23516+3844 ES 2541     ALI1006.                                                                .       
23516+3127 BWL   1     AB: Bowler et al. (2012) determined this pair shares CPM. At a          Bwl2012a
                       photometric distance of 50 +/- 10 pc, the projected separation is 119   .       
                       +/- 24 au. Spectral types are M2.0 +/- 0.5 and L0 +2/-1, masses 0.45    .       
                       +/- 0.05 Msun and 32 +/- 6 Mjup. Additional JHK photometry of both      .       
                       components was derived via synthetic photometry from spectrum           .       
                       (calibrated to 2MASS), combined with NIRC2 differential photometry.     TMA2003 
                       AB: A comp is active M2.0 star. B is L0-L3, mass 32 +/- 3 Mjup.         Bwl2015 
23516+2502 POU5865     J  1800. Same as POU5866.                                               .       
23516+0841 CHE 506     Chevalier gave an incorrect Durchmusterung number for this pair,        Che1910 
                       leading to incorrect coordinates being added to the WDS.                Hrt2012b
23518+1614 BPM2497     [PM2000] 2665067 + [PM2000] 2665069.                                    Gvr2010 
23518-0637 A  2700     Masses and bolometric magnitudes are derived for the two components     .       
                       of this system by Mason et al. (1999), based on assumed spectral types  Msn1999a
                       and available parallaxes.                                               .       
                       See Baize & Petit (1989) catalog of doubles with variable component.    Baz1989d
                       Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and spectroscopic   .       
                       masses of 1.82 +/- 0.51, 1.91, and 1.17 Msun, respectively.             Mlk2012 
23520+1252 A  1247     Linear solution first suggested and alternative linear solution in      Cve2022 
23522+6427 MLB 236     Aka STI1226.                                                            .       
23524+7533 BU  996     A is a spectroscopic binary.                                            .       
23525-0924 OSO 208     G273-152. Common proper motion pair.                                    Oso2004 
23527+6042 BU 1153     D component is primary of 23531+6042 STT 511.                           .       
23527+2259 BU  859     The primary is the Zeta Aur binary V413 And. With a period of 50.1d     .       
                       this cannot be the apparently common proper motion binary BU  859.      .       
                       The spectral type of the primary is G7III+F2IIIm.                       .       
23527-0328 LDS3001     NLTT 58251/58250                                                        Chm2004 
23527-4254 I   144     DP Gru, Algol-type eclipsing binary, period 3.80343 d.                  Zas2018 
23528+5548 HJ 1914     STI3050.                                                                .       
23529-0309 FIN 359     24 Psc.                                                                 .       
                       Mason et al. (1997) orbit includes mass determination.                  Msn1997a
                       Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and spectroscopic   .       
                       masses of 2.87 +/- 0.56, 2.69, and 2.75 Msun, respectively.             Mlk2012 
23530+4121 ARG 108     B is BD+40@5169.                                                        .       
23530+1155 STF3044     A purported FYM 5AC pair has been removed on request of the author.     FyM2014b
23532-0830 LDS3003     NLTT 58273/58274                                                        Chm2004 
23536+5131 STTA251     AB: Pair appears in an appendix list, not part of the discoverer's      .       
                       regular numbering sequence.                                             .       
23537-0140 HJ 3223     B is BD-02@6055.                                                        .       
23537-4926 I  1476     Measures uncertain, too close.                                          .       
23537-6557 HJ 5428     Pair bound. Near-IR colors indicate B component has a K9.5-M2.5         .       
                       spectral type and a mass of 0.53 +/- 0.01 Msun.                         Egn2007 
           SHY 108     AC: HIP 117815 + HIP 114996. C component is gam Tuc.                    .       
                       The C component is the much closer double 23174-5814 = GAT  31.         .       
23538-3729 LDS 825     LDS6407.                                                                .       
23540+6522 LDS5135     Aka SLN 101.                                                            .       
23541+3917 HO  205     V413 And. Primary is eclipsing binary of Algol-type, period 53.1d.      Zas2017b
23541-3317 LDS 826     AB: Primary is white dwarf WD 2351-335.                                 Far2005b
           SOZ   2     AC: CPM companion to red dwarf / white dwarf pair LHS 4039 / 4040 is    .       
                       an M8.5 dwarf; estimated distance 19.5 pc.                              Soz2004 
23542+3739 OL    7     ES 2004.                                                                .       
23544-2703 LAL 192     phi Scl, a spectroscopic binary. Originally known as DUN 253 in         Dun1829 
                       Dunlop's original list and the ADS, the discovery designation of this   A__1932a
                       was changed at Lick for an unknown reason.                              IDS1963A
23545+2938 LEP 115     NI   50.                                                                .       
23549+2929 STTA252     B is BD+28@4667.                                                        .       
23553+5144 ES 2735     AC: Measures in 1911 by Espin, and in 1919 by Olivier, disagree, as     Es_1912 
                       noted by Aitken. The Olivier measure was later assigned to              Ol_1920a
                       23562+5138 ALD 123.                                                     A__1932a
23554-5845 HJ 5432     B is CPD-59@7939.                                                       .       
23555+1755 BFR  14     TYC 1725 00344 1 + 2MASS J2355345 +175404. Baron et al. (2015)          .       
                       estimate spectral types G5III and M9.0 +/- 0.5, distances 40 +28/-15    .       
                       and 103 +10/-37 pc, masses 1.91 +/-0.11 and 0.079-0.085 Msun.           BFr2015 
23555-7749 JSP 854     aka TDT4274.                                                            Dam2016f
23556+0042 LEP 116     NI   51.                                                                .       
23558+1718 BPM2498     [PM2000] 2667910 + [PM2000] 2667843.                                    Gvr2010 
23561+2520 A   426     Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and spectroscopic   .       
                       masses of 2.14 +/- 1.55, 2.44, and 1.05 Msun, respectively.             Mlk2012 
23562+5946 OSO 209     G217-024. Neither is a common proper motion pair, based on comparison   .       
                       with POSS2 red plates.                                                  Oso2004 
           LEP 117     AD: CPM pair. D component is white dwarf candidate.                     Tok2014d
23564-0930 STF3046     AB: NLTT 58475/58476                                                    Chm2004 
23564-0930 STF3046AB   Despite the linear solution, proper motion and parallax favor a         Grv2020a
                       physical connection. Long period and/or high eccentricity possible.     .       
23565-0035 HJ  994     Aka WEI  44.                                                            .       
23566+1855 BRT2518     Aka J  3355.                                                            Dam2016d
23566-5018 TOK 377     First resolution; estimated period 75 yr.                               Tok2013b
23568+0444 A  2100     This system has a Delta m of 0.9 +/- 0.4 in the blue, as determined     .       
                       from lunar occultation measures by Africano (1975).                     Afr1975 
                       Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and spectroscopic   .       
                       masses of 3.41 +/- 0.66, 3.38, and 1.45 Msun, respectively.             Mlk2012 
23568-4304 CPO 101     LDS 829.                                                                .       
23570+2305 GIC 196     G129-045/G129-046.                                                      .       
23570-2836 LDS2065     NLTT 58501/58508                                                        Chm2004 
23571+5542 CIA  12     V1022 Cas.                                                              CIA2019b
                       A: M = 1.626+/-0.005 \msun, R = 2.65+/-0.21 \rsun, Teff = 6450+/-120 K, CIA2018c
                       B:   = 1.608+/-0.005          = 2.47+/-0.23               6590+/-110    .       
                       orbital parallax = 63.98+/-0.26 pc.                                     .       
23571-0147 BRT 528     A likely plate flaw.                                                    Grv2021b
23572-1631 LDS 831     NLTT 58517/58518                                                        Chm2004 
23573+6102 STT 512     CD: Also recorded as D 28, BDS 12659 and TDS1229.                       .       
23573-1259 LDS 830     NLTT 58528/58527                                                        Chm2004 
23575+1131 BPMA258     [PM2000] 2669134 + [PM2000] 2669021.                                    Gvr2010 
23576+6243 KRV  34     Classical Cepheid DD Cas.                                               .       
23576-6418 EHR  22     Primary is eta Tuc.                                                     Ehr2010 
                       Ba,Bb: Physical/optical nature unknown.                                 .       
23578+2508 MCA  76     psi Peg = 84 Peg                                                        .       
23579+1557 RUC  16     U Peg. Spectral type of resolved companion later than M5V.              Ruc2007 
23579-1700 LDS5143     NLTT 58570/58571                                                        Chm2004 
23581+6112 LEO  55     Both components are Classical Cepheids: CE Cas A and CE Cas B.          .       
23581+2840 HJ  995     Decided change; probably the measures of HO in 1893 belong to this.     Doo1915a
                       Rectilinear solution by Cvetkovic (2011).                               Cve2011c
23581+2420 STF3048     AB: NLTT 58582/58579                                                    Chm2004 
                       AB: HJL 324.                                                            HJL1986 
           GIC 197     DE: NLTT 58602/58601                                                    Chm2004 
23582-1725 DAE   8     NLTT 58589 = LP 746-40                                                  .       
                       Daemgen et al. (2007) derive a distance of 26.1 +/- 2.0 pc, separation  Dae2007 
                       of 49.7 +/- 3.8 au, and predicted orbital period of 477+/- 58 yr.       .       
                       Spectral types are M2.0 +/- 0.5 and M2.0 +/- 0.5; masses for both are   .       
                       0.45 +/- 0.05 Msun.                                                     .       
23582-2756 HJ 3228     LDS2067.                                                                .       
23582-5712 GC 33239    Hipparcos astrometric solution assumes circular orbit (e = omega = 0).  HIP1997d
23584+5123 ES   37     R Cas                                                                   .       
23586-1408 RST4136     AB: Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and             .       
                       spectroscopic masses 4.86 +/- 1.99, 3.15, and 1.35 Msun, respectively.  Mlk2012 
23587+4644 BAG  34     is also a spectroscopic binary with a P of 873d.                        Tok2019b
23587-0333 BU  730     27 Psc                                                                  .       
23588+3345 RAO  77     Triple system. The inner SB has P = 25.4 days (Latham et al. 2002),     Lat2002  
                       the Robo-AO companion at 5" is seen at a constant position despite      .        
                       PM(A) = 0".3/y, while its color places it on the MS.                    Rbr2015d 
23588+3156 RAO  76     A is SB and astrometric binary.                                         Tok2014d
                       Previously thought to be a binary, but our observations reveal that     .        
                       it is actually a triple system. The outer component B at 4".8 was       .        
                       discovered by Robo-AO and confirmed by the 2MASS image and by the new   .        
                       data presented here. It is located near the low end of the MS. The      .        
                       main star with astrometric acceleration (Makarov & Kaplan 2005) is      Mkr2005  
                       now resolved at 0".4, corresponding to an orbital period of ~100 yr.    .        
                       The new component Ab is too faint for its detection in the i' band      .        
                       with Robo-AO.                                                           Rbr2015d 
           RBR  55     Aa,Ab: incorrectly labelled RBR 30 in Table 1 of Roberts et al.         Rbr2015d 
23590+5545 STF3049     AB: sig Cas = 8 Cas                                                     .       
                       AB: H 1   5.                                                            MEv2010 
23592+4112 HO  207     Aka COU 1500.                                                           .       
           HJL1113     AC: SHY 376. Bayesian analysis by Shaya & Olling (2011) indicates very  Shy2011 
                       high (near 100%) probability pair is physical.                          .       
23595+3343 STF3050     AB: H N  58.                                                            MEv2010 
                       AB: Additional notes may be found in Couteau (1952).                    Cou1952a
23597-3500 B  2511     BC: WSP   8.                                                            .       
23598+1744 BPM2499     [PM2000] 2670806 + [PM2000] 2670809.                                    Gvr2010